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Course : Masters in Corporate Communication

Assignment : 1


Corporate + Communication = Corporate Communication
So, to understand the concept of Corporate Communication, we
first need to know what do the two terms mean separately.

 Corporate : The Oxford as well as the Cambridge defines

the term as, ‘Relating to a large company or group’. So, we
infer that a corporate entity is one which has a large setup
and works particularly to earn profit.
 Communication : This is a comprehensive term and it can
basically be understood as transfer of information through
verbal, written, symbolic or combination of all the three
forms of expression.

As we combine both the terms we infer the meaning to be, ‘the

transfer of information that takes place within a large company
maybe, with the employees working over there and/or to the
stakeholders at large.’

That’s it...

So, this was the meaning part of the matter in concern.

Corporate Communication as described by various people.
 The integrated approach to all communication produced by an
organization, directed at all relevant targeted groups. Each item of
communication must convey and emphasize the corporate identity.

- Ed Blauw
 Corporate Communication is the total communication activity generated
by a company to achieve its planned objective.

- Peter Jackson
 Corporate Communication is a long-term strategic initiative usually
created within a company to communicate its brand core message.

- Fernandez
 Corporate Communication must fulfil three key responsibilities :
 Aiding the management of change.
 Helping to define a corporation’s role in society.
 Assisting the creation of corporate vision and responsibility.

- Dolphin

Inferring from the above definitions, Corporate Communication in a

sentence would mean, how an organization positions itself to its
internal and external stakeholders.

This will dovetail to identifying and reaching out to the key

stakeholders of the company; informing them about what the
company does and stands for. In achieving that, it constantly maps
perceptions to ensure that a company can communicate its point of
view both pro-actively and in a critical situation.

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