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User Registration 
1st Stage: Facebook Registration and Registration Page 
- A new user should be able to login using Facebook 
- Or, a new user can complete a form to register 
Here is the details and notes for each Steps found in the R
​ egistration Page 
Step 1 
- This step will determine the 'Interested In' in 'Main Profile' (the box section at the 
very top with blue background). You can check again the Main Profile page design. 
- A user can select multiple interest by clicking the icons (unlimited interests), and this 
information will be used for Advanced Search.  
Step 2 
- Upload files for the Host profile checkbox in Step 2, should be mandatory for the 
first file and the second file is optional whenever a user selects the Host checkbox. 
- As for the Company checkbox, it's just to insert a number and it's optional even a 
user select the Company checkbox. 
- So in general, this is the step where a user can activate their profile page.  
- The Main profile and the Seller profile will be activated by default. 
- The unchecked profile will be hidden. 
Step 3 and Step 6 
- Upload ID for verification (Step 3) and Upload Avatar for verification (Step 6). 
- I hope it can be done by AJAX? or whatever you think can work even tho it's not with 
AJAX. Cos the most important thing, the file is uploaded either for ID scanned card 
and the avatar.   



Step 4 
- Enter the details is obligated, and the inputted information will take part in 
Advanced Search.  
- Enter sponsor (if any). If entered sponsor username is wrong, the new user will be 
warned. A user can edit the sponsor’s username in Setting page later on with the 
same rule as the functionality of Sponsorship of Registration Page in Step 4. 
Step 5 
- Enter email and password is obligated. 
Add 'back to top' button because the page is too long 
After a user completed the registration forms, the user needs to verify membership by 
clicking the verification link sent by email and then the user will be directed to ​My Profile > 
Main Profile​ page. 
After admin approval, the other profile tabs will be shown and accessible according to what 
the user selected on the registration.  

2nd Stage: Admin Verification 

After registered, new user will need admin approval to unlock more features which is 
the ability to access profile pages. So the admin should check: 
1. Email and telephone number for verification 
2. Uploaded document (ID Card) to confirm identity in Step 3  
3. Uploaded document (ID Card) to confirm Host profile location in Step 2   
4. Registered company number (optional) to confirm Company profile in Step 2 



Deal Button 
Check the Deal Button modal boxes h
​ ere 
The step flows between the modal boxes in Deal Button functionality are: 
1. ​A user can click 'Propose a DEAL' button to start proposing deal and there will be modal 
box as shown in: n ​ ew-deal.jpg 
The characters entered for the 'More Detail' should be maximumly 500 characters. 
​ . Another user receives a DEAL proposal and his/ her profile page will display: 'You have a 
new DEAL​'​ ​button and when he/ she clicks it, then a modal box will show: ​receive-deal.jpg​ ​
and can decide to accept or not accepting.  
- The user will see a notification on 'My Activity' also to 'Messaging System' so they 
will be able to come back at anytime (by clicking a link) if they want to decide later.  
- If the user wants to decide later, the DEAL-offer should have expiration date, for 
instance within 48 hours. After that, the un-decided DEAL-offer will be expired and 
both parties (user who offered a DEAL and user who missed the DEAL) will get 
notification on 'My Activity' also to 'Messaging System' saying that the DEAL-offer is 
- The user who offered a DEAL will get this notification:  
"Your proposed DEAL is expired. You can now propose a new DEAL" 
- The user who missed the DEAL will get this notification: 
"You missed a proposed DEAL. The DEAL offer by (i.e. Rebecca) is expired. Your 
response to a DEAL offer will affect your response rating. Build trust and good 
professional profile with better response next time!"  
- The user who missed the DEAL will have less rating for his/ her timely response. 
3. A user can possibly receive multiple DEALS at once, or while he/ she is away, the DEALS 
can be left un-checked or un-opened. So if that's the case the user will see a list of DEALS as 
shown here: n​ ew-multiple-deals.jpg 


- The user can select one of the DEALs and after ONE of the list is checked, it will be 
automatically deleted and the user can select the next DEAL on the list to check 
again until the list check is complete. 
4. If a user who receives 'DEAL-offer' rejects a DEAL, then after clicking the 'Decline', he/ she 
can see modal box as shown in: ​reject-deal.jpg 
- The user who proposed the DEAL will see the notification of rejected deal in My 
Activity as well as Message System.  
- The user can propose another new DEAL in another 24 hours.  
- Also I need to add a note that a user can only send a DEAL to the same person for 
every 24 hours, if he/ she needs. It is to avoid the spamming.  
5. A user who proposed a DEAL will receive notification in his/ her message page if either 
the DEAL is accepted or rejected and do follow up actions needed. 
- The total number of rejected deals will be shown on User Records stat under the 
user's avatar  
6. If a proposed DEAL is rejected, the user can still propose another Deal for at least 48 
hours later and this information will be included in the notification message.  
7. When DEAL is accepted: 
- The user or project owner who offered the Deal will be a new contact. 
- Both persons or users can send each other message about the project or to 
organize a meeting that has to be confirmed by both sides with the address etc. 
They can prepare appointment in the agenda and exchange whatever they want. 
(Part 2 MKP Project) 





Main Menu Navigation 

- Homepage will have two different types: 
a. Homepage for non registered users / public (Part 1) 
- Slider section 
- Homepage tagline 
- Paragraph text content 
- Interests In (consist of several graphics) ~ this part is related to the 
User Interest in Registration Page and User info in the Main Profile. 
- World Map ~ this part is related to the World Map functionality (Front 
End Part 1 ~ Back End Part 2) 
b. Homepage for registered users. (Front End Part 1 ~ Back End Part 2) 
- Tab Groups (check the PSD file for different content tab content): 
1. Contest 
2. Best Projects 
3. Best Profiles 
4. Best Companies 
5. Best Locations   
- Past winners 
- Accomodations (with browse more dropdown) 
- Success Stories (with browse more dropdown) 
- Latest Jobs & Missions (with browse more dropdown) 

My Activity (Part 2) 

1. User can add meeting location with other user or member (for meeting another 
user), in other words the location link can be shared.  
2. User can add the date of meeting, and other personal notes. 
3. Both users have to confirm the meeting in the agenda. 


My Profile 
It will display the user profile tabs menu under the main navigation menu. A user can 
select multiple profile tabs and each profile tab has different layout  

My Projects (Part 2) 

1. User can create a new project and see all of their project. 
2. User can tag or invite another user 

World Map (Part 2) 

- For global network search with advanced search filter. 
- Allows users to place a location or point of interest on a Google map together with 
relevant information for this location such as description, images, video, searchable 
markers, and full address including zip code. 

My Key People 
1. Contacts can ONLY be added or accepted after a project owner proposed a Deal and 
approved by the contacted user. This type of contact list can be accessed via sub 
menu labeled as ‘Key People’   
2. It will have a sub menu called: My Key List​. It will show notification by orange dots.​ 
3. A user can delete/ report/ block people from the ‘My Key People’ lists (Key People 
and Key List) 

- It will display user messages. It will show notification by orange dots. 
- Check the layout for the Messaging System h
​ ere​. 
- A user can select several contacts to send message. See a sample of layout ​here 

- A user can edit the basic profile as shown in Registration page. 
- Some more basic functionalities for User Settings.  


Users Interaction 
1. Key People - this will be a list of users that are added after a user propose a Deal 
(using Deal button). Users in this Key People will be more like co workers, with 
professional interaction. The user can also receive notification from users in the Key 
2. Key List - this will be a list of users that are added as Key List contact. It works like 
favorite profile bookmarks. The Key List will be useful if a user is planning to contact 
people in the Key List in the future, or to share the Key List (bookmarked profiles) to 
another user.  
3. Follow (a user) - following another user as in to receive notification of activities. 

User Profile  
User will select one of the 10 custom User Profiles, and each of them has different layout. 
Click each of the these followings User Profiles to get more details:: 
1. Main Profile 
2. Musician/ singer Profile 
3. Actor/ director Profile 
4. Model/ dancer Profile 
5. Creator/ designer Profile 
6. Writer/ screenwriter Profile 
7. Freelancer Profile 
8. Property Profile 
9. Company Profile 
10. Seller Profile 

User Avatar  
- This section will show user's picture 
​- ​To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

User Records 
​This section​ (under avatar) will display statistic of several components  ​


- ​Profile Views​​  ​
​- ​Followers 
​- ​Recommendations​ ~ it will display the number statistic which is clickable and it will be 
directed to a page with list of people who have recommended the user in project. (Part 2) 
​- ​Projects done (Part 2) 
​- ​Sponsorship​s​ (Part 2) 
​- ​Key People​ 

Visiting user 
Visiting user can: 
1. Rate a user when they have worked together on a project (Part 2) 
2. Follow a user 
3. Report a user 
- The function is to block a user profile.  
4. Add to Key List (red button with plus) 
5. Propose a DEAL 
6. Share a Profile 
a. The function is to share a user profile to another user and to share to social 
b. It has a drop down menu that display: 
i. social media buttons 
ii. share a user by message. Check the ​instruction to share the profile​. 

Projects and Jobs & Missions  

- The title text for the 'Projects', and 'Jobs & Missions' should be blue, to indicate that 
they are clickable link. 
- The user can edit the content by clicking the title, it will display a modal box that 
shows the entire content, and a user can add or delete and edit the content. While a 
visiting user can only see the entire content. See the​ ​More Works (in Actor/ Director 
Profile) section​ ​for similar way to edit the content. 
- If a user clicks each project/ job & mission in this section, it will go directly specific to 
the the project/ job & mission detail and a user can edit it. While a visiting user can 
only see without able to edit. See the​ ​More Works (in Actor/ Director Profile) section 
for similar way to see the photo/ video detail. 

Portfolio Section 
- This section is located in portfolio section with grey background and blue circle 
button (with plus mark) at the bottom of the main content. 
- This section will feature at least recent upload of 10 media files. 
- Each user profile will have this section but the allowed file format types to upload to 
the media files for each user profile may different to one another.  
- The order of  
The steps of editing Portfolio section are as followings: 
1. A user clicks the blue circle button (with plus mark) as seen in this picture: 
2. A user will see a page where there are more media files (more than 10 media files 
works if there is any) and can add another media files by clicking the blue square 
box with plus button. To upload the media files it will depend on the file format. See 
picture: ​singer-musician-more-media.jpg 
3. A user will see a modal box as shown in picture:  ​
a. more-media-add-mp3.jpg​ > If a user clicked the ‘Add MP3’ square box with 
plus button. The user can start to upload an album cover for the mp3, 
upload mp3 file, add music title, and its description. 
b. more-media-add-pic.jpg​ > If a user clicked the ‘Add Picture’ square box with 
plus button. The user can start to upload a picture file, add the picture title, 
and its description. 
c. more-media-add-video.jpg​ > If a user clicked the ‘Add Video’ square box 
with plus button. The user can upload a video file or embed a youtube video, 
add the video title, and its description. 
4. A visiting user can click the uploaded media file to zoom or to play them in a modal 
box and a user can see and edit each of them by clicking the pen icon as shown in 
a. MP3 media file preview > m ​ ore-media-mp3-preview.jpg 
Edit MP3 media file > ​more-media-edit-mp3.jpg 
b. Picture media file preview > ​more-media-pic-preview.jpg 
Edit Picture media file > m
​ ore-media-edit-pic.jpg 
c. Video media file preview > ​more-media-video-preview.jpg 
Edit Video media file > ​more-media-edit-video.jpg 

Search Form 
General Search 
The General Search System will have Search by Location also Search by categories (main 
categories & subcategories)  
1. Location; it will be general location which is search by country, city, zip codes 
(manually typed/ inputted).  
2. Categories;  
a. Subcategories; in search field, it will be ‘Categories’ with drop down 
b. Main categories; they are will be the source data for the correlated 
categories. They are not displayed in search field. 
They are: 
Sub-Categories  Main Categories  Example of Keyword Search 
(display: Categories)  (not displayed) 

Projects  All projects  music 

Profiles  All profiles  actor 

Jobs  Projects  nanny 

Missions  Projects  1 day waiterss  

Freelancer  Freelancer Profile  make up artist 

Host  Property Profile  miami 

Property  Property Profile  Warehouse to rent 

Seller  Seller Profile  cars 

Company  Company Profile  Blue water solutions 

Agency  Company Profile  model 

Restaurants  Company Profile  chinese 

Shops  Company Profile  "paradise" carephonehous 

Events  Projects  charity 

Trips  Projects  Thailand 





Advanced Search 
1. Physical criterias  
○ Eyes colour 
○ Hair colour 
○ Hair type 
○ min height/max height 
○ min weight/max weight, 
2. Ethnic background/ ethnicity 
3. Nationality 
4. Range of age 
5. Gender (male/ female) 
6. Matching interests 
○ same keyword between user who searches and users being searched in Main 
Profile​ ‘Interested in’ ​section (blue background box area) 
7. Best match 
○ Same keyword between user who searches and users being searched in 
Main Profile ‘​ Basic Info’​ section (under ‘About Me’ section) 
8. Location (depending on your answers to the 1/ point 
○ In your old website, you have three option search fields for Location: 
i. Postcode 
ii. Range 
iii. Country 
○ (depending on your answers to the 1/ point) >> I am not sure about
this note tho :D, but why not create this Location part in Advanced
search to not depending on the Location of the General Search? 
- Keyword Search will show after the user gets the Advanced Search result 


Back end administration can: 
1. Verify new user registration. If a new user has not been verified: 
a. User can modify profile 
b. User’s profile can't be seen in public 
c. User can't access search functionality 
d. User can't visit other user profile 
e. User can't send any Deal proposal 
2. Edit Public Homepage Settings 
a. Slider 
b. Teaser Text 
c. Logo Design and Web Tagline 
3. Edit Homepage content (for Registered User) 
4. Ban personal links, email or contact number that the users are trying to put on their 
profile or in profile detail description. So they need to maximize the use of website’s 



Main Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Main Profile Layout  
- Check the Main Profile Layout h
​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with ​World Map​ in ​Main 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
​Looking for, Interested in, Matching Profile Interest  ​
- This section will show keywords for the advanced search. These keywords are 
included when a user complete the Registration Page in Step 1 
- ​To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

About Me 
- This section text is limited to 1000 characters. To edit the content, a user needs to 
click the pen icon. 
- It has Basic Infos section, that has many keyword fields for advanced search 
World Map (Personal Map) 
- Each option can have multiple markers.  
- Multiple markers for each option is limited around 10-30 markers.  
Photos & Videos 
- The title text for the 'Photos', and 'Videos' should be blue, to indicate that they are 
clickable link. 
- The user can edit the content by clicking the title, it will display a modal box that 
shows the entire content, and a user can add or delete and edit the content. While a 

visiting user can only see the entire content. See the​ ​More Works (in Actor/ Director 
Profile) section​ ​for similar way to edit the content. 
- If a user clicks each photo/ video in this section, it will go directly specific to the the 
photo/ video detail and a user can edit it. While a visiting user can only see without 
able to edit. See the​ ​More Works (in Actor/ Director Profile) section​ f​ or similar way to 
see the photo/ video detail. 

Musician/ Singer Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Musician/ Singer Profile Layout  
- Check the Musician/ Singer Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Musician/ Singer Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Music List in ​Musician/ 
Singer Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
​Genres, Instruments, Influences, & Equipments: 
- This section will show detailed infos of singer's or musician's.  
- The blue text will be use for advanced search. 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

- This section text is limited to 1000 characters. To edit the content, a user needs to 
click the pen icon. 

Music List: 
- Music List box features 13 musics. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window for more 
musics content (if there's any). The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the 
content, but the visiting user can only listen the musics content. 
- Check the live functionality of the Music List (next to More Album) in the ​demosite 

More Albums: 
- More Albums box is actually consist of group list/ album of past projects/ work. Each 
album can consist of several number mp3 files. 

- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 

- More Albums box features 4 latest album in vertical order. 
- Check the live functionality of the More Album (next to Music List) in the ​demosite 
tho this is not complete yet. 
The steps of editing More Albums section are as followings: 
1. A user clicks the 'More Albums' blue text​ 
2. A user will see a page where there are more albums (more than 4 albums if there is 
any) and can add an album by clicking the blue square box with plus button. See 
picture: ​more-album.jpg 
3. A user will see a modal box as shown in picture: ​add-album.jpg​​ and can start to 
upload album cover, add album title, album released year and its description. 
4. A user or visiting user can click one of the album in 'More Albums' singer-musician 
profile page as well as in 'More Albums'​ page and see the album detail.  
5. The album detail is as shown as in this picture: ​add-music-to-album​.jpg​ 
6. A user can edit the album detail by clicking the edit pen next to the album cover 
and can start to change the album cover, ​edit album title, album released year and 
its description.​ See picture: ​edit-album.jpg​ ​

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the Music List and More Album sections, there is an area where the user can 
upload/ embed videos, pictures and mp3 files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload/ 
embed a video, a picture or mp3 file. T ​ o upload 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Grid style layout order. 


Actor/ Director Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Actor/ Director Profile Layout  
- Check the Actor/ Director Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Actor/ Director Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Work) in A
​ ctor/ Director Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
Language & Skills: 
- This section will show keywords for the advanced search 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

About Me 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters. To edit the content, a user needs to 
click the pen icon. 
● It has Experiences section, to list experience of job roles in movies/ film industry, by 
year order.  

More Works: 
- More Works box is actually consist of group list of past projects/ work. Each work 
can consist of uploaded pictures, videos, and mp3 files. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- More Works box features 4 latest works in horizontal order. 
- Check the live functionality of the More Work (under the About Me) in the ​demosite 
tho this is not complete yet. 


The steps of editing More Works section are as followings: 
5. A user clicks the 'More Works' blue text​ 
6. A user will see a page where there are more works (more than 4 works if there is 
any) and can add a work by clicking the blue square box with plus button. See 
picture: ​more-work.jpg 
7. A user will see a modal box as shown in picture: ​add-work.jpg​​ and can start to 
upload a work cover, add work title, work finieshed year and its description. 
8. A user or visiting user can click one of the work in 'More Works' actor-director profile 
page as well as in 'More Works'​ page and see the work detail.  
9. The work detail is as shown as in this picture: ​add-file-to-a-work​.jpg​ 
10. A user can edit the work detail by clicking the edit pen next to the work cover and 
can start to change the work cover, ​edit work title, work finished year and its 
description. See picture: ​edit-work.jpg​​. 
11. A user or visiting user can click the content of each 'Work', it could be image, video 
or mp3 file and the modal box will show the better view of the image as in 
view-jpg-file-on-click.jpg​ and the they can also listen to the mp3 file or video as in 
12. A user can edit the file detail by clicking the edit pen in the file preview or thumbnail 
image in more work group. and can start to ​change work cover, ​edit work title, work 
finished year and its description.​ See picture: ​edit-file.jpg​ 

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Works sections, there is an area where the user can upload/ 
embed videos, pictures and mp3 files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload/ 
embed a video, a picture or mp3 file. S ​ ee the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Masonry style layout order. 

Model/ Dancer Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Model/ Dancer Profile Layout  
- Check the Model/ Dancer Profile Layout h
​ ere 
- Check the demosite for Model/ Dancer Profile h ​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Work) in M
​ odel/ Dancer Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
- This section will show types of modelling fields for the advanced search. The blue 
text indicates that searchable job field types.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

About Me 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
● This section will show list of measurement requirements of a model user for the 
advanced search, The blue text indicates that searchable measurement. 
● Each measurement will have fixed unit option:  
○ length: cm or ft and in  
○ weight: kg or lbs  
○ dress: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL 
● Other measurement components can be inputted manually, either it's just text or 
numeral value.  ​
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

More Works: 
- More Works box is actually consist of group list of past projects/ work. Each work 
can consist of uploaded pictures of work cover as well as videos, and mp3 files. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- More Works box features 4 latest works in horizontal order. 
- Check the live functionality of the More Work (under the About Me) in the ​demosite 
tho this is not complete yet. 
- The steps of editing More Works section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Works sections, there is an area where the user can upload/ 
embed videos, pictures and mp3 files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload/ 
embed a video, a picture or mp3 file. S ​ ee the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Masonry style layout order. 

Creator/ Designer Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Creator/ Designer Profile Layout  
- Check the Creator/ Designer Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Creator/ Designer Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Work) in C
​ reator/ Designer Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
- This section will show different type of fields for the advanced search. The blue text 
indicates that the type of fields are searchable. 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
- This section will show keynumbers for the advanced search, especially for service 
rate range. The blue text indicates that they are searchable price range. 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

About Me 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 


More Works: 
- More Works box is actually consist of group list of past projects/ work. Each work 
can consist of uploaded pictures, videos, and pdf files. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- More Works box features 4 latest works in horizontal order. 
- The steps of editing More Works section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Works sections, there is an area where the user can upload/ 
embed videos, pictures and pdf files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload/ 
embed a video, a picture or pdf files. ​See the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Grid style layout order. 

Writer/ Screenwriter Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Writer/ Screenwriter Profile Layout  
- Check the Writer/ Screenwriter Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Writer/ Screenwriter Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Work) in W
​ riter/ Screenwriter Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
Languages Available, Categories, Types: 
- These information are included in one box with blue background and will be used 
for advanced search. The blue text indicates that the type of fields are searchable. 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
About Me 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

More Works: 
- More Works box is actually consist of group list of past projects/ work. Each work 
can consist of uploaded pictures, book cover images, and pdf files. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- More Works box features 4 latest works in horizontal order, only the file format to 
upload is limited to image files and PDF files. ​See the steps to upload the files h
​ ere​. 
- The steps of editing More Works section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  


Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Works sections, there is an area where the user can upload 
pictures and pdf files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload a 
picture or pdf files. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Grid style layout order. 

Freelancer Profile ​(Back to Profile list)
Freelancer Profile Layout  
- Check the Freelancer Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Freelancer Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Work) in F
​ reelancer Profile 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's first name (uppercase), and age or freelancer’s year of starting job also 
total number of years (in brackets) 
2. User's profession/ job 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
- This section will show types of job fields for the advanced search. The blue text 
indicates that searchable job field types. 
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

- This section will show keynumbers for the advanced search, especially for service 
rate range. The blue text indicates that searchable price range.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
About Me 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
More Works: 
- More Works box is actually consist of group list of past projects/ work. Each work 
can consist of uploaded pictures, videos, and mp3 files. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- More Works box features 4 latest works in horizontal order, only the file format to 
upload is limited to image files and PDF files. ​See the steps to upload the files h
​ ere​. 
- The steps of editing More Works section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Works sections, there is an area where the user can upload 
pictures, upload/ embed videos and mp3 files as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload a 
picture or pdf files. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Masonry style layout order. 


Property Profile ​(Back to Profile list)
Property Profile Layout  
- Check the Property Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Property Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (More 
Places) in ​Property Profile 
Check Us on Airbnb  
- Please show this option in the back end for a user to add 'Airbnb' profile URL.  
- Hide the button when the user doesn't include the Airbnb profile URL. 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's property name (uppercase), and age or property’s year of establishment 
also total number of years (in brackets) 
2. P
​ roperty​ text in blue is there by default (can’t be modified by the user) 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
Types, Facilities, Prices: 
- These information are included in one box with blue background and will be used 
for advanced search. The blue text indicates that the type of fields are searchable. 
- Types section will show types of property for the advanced search.  
- Facilities section will show types of facilities for the advanced search. 
- Prices section will show keynumbers for the advanced search, especially for service 
rate range.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

About the Property 

● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 

More Places: 
- More Places box is actually consist of group list of existing offered places. Each 
created place can consist of several number of uploaded pictures of places as 
well as videos 
- A user can select one picture as featured place image cover. 
- More Places box features 4 latest places in horizontal order. 
- The steps of editing More Places section are actually similar to ​‘More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the More Places section, there is an area where the user can upload pictures, 
and upload/ embed videos as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload a 
picture or upload/ embed a video. S ​ ee the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Grid style layout order. 

Company Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Company Profile Layout  
- Check the Company Profile Layout ​here 
- Check the demosite for Company Profile h​ ere 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (See 
More section) in C
​ ompany Profile 
Find Us on Facebook 
- Please show this option in the back end for a user to add 'Facebook Fanspage' 
profile URL.  
- Hide the button when the user doesn't include the Facebook Fanspage profile URL. 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's company name (uppercase), and age or company’s year of establishment 
also total number of years (in brackets) 
2. Type of company where the text in blue. 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
Address, Phone, Website, Email: 
- This section will show detailed infos of Company profile.
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
About Us 
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 


See More: 
- See More section is actually consist of group list of previous projects. Each project 
can consist of several number of uploaded pictures as well as videos 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- ‘See More’ section features 4 latest places in horizontal order. 
- The steps of editing See More section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in Actor/ 
Director Profile​.  

Portfolio Section: 
- Under the See More, there is an area where the user can upload pictures, and 
upload/ embed videos as part of the portfolio. It’s in grey box. 
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window to upload a 
picture or upload/ embed a video. S ​ ee the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the content, but the visiting user 
can only see the content. 
- It’s using Masonry style layout order. 


Seller Profile ​(Back to Profile list)

Seller Profile Layout  
- Check the Seller Profile Layout h ​ ere 
- Check the demosite for Seller Profile ​here 
- The Projects box should be in the same top alignment with Portfolio section (Items 
List section) in ​Seller S
​ eller Profile 
Find Us on Ebay 
- Please show this option in the back end for a user to add 'Ebay' profile URL.  
- Hide the button when the user doesn't include the Ebay profile URL. 
User Profile Introduction 
- This section will show: 
1. User's (seller) name (uppercase), and age. 
2. S
​ eller​ text in blue is there by default (can’t be modified by the user) 
3. User's hometown and country. 
4. User's short description or tagline.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
- This section will show keynumbers for the advanced search, especially for item 
prices range. The blue text indicates that searchable price range.  
- To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 
● The section is there without any title.  
● This section text is limited to 1000 characters.  
● To edit the content, a user needs to click the pen icon. 


More Items: 
- More Items section is actually consist of group list of previous projects or the 
making of an Item. Each project can consist of several number of uploaded pictures 
as well as videos. 
- A user can select one picture as featured project image cover. 
- ‘More Items’ section features 4 latest places in horizontal order. 
- The steps of editing ‘More Items’ section are actually similar to ‘​ More Works’ in 
Actor/ Director Profile​.  
Items Box List Section: 
- Sell items pictures can only be viewed online (on the website) by the visiting users 
and download of those files is disabled.  
- Each item can have tags, which are: type of item's category (clickable to be directed 
in category page) and Item's name with price in the second line.  
- If blue circle with plus button is clicked, it will show a modal box window for more of 
items content (if there's any). S
​ ee the steps to upload the files ​here​. 
- The user can edit (upload, remove, change order) the uploaded files in Items box, , 
but the visiting user can only see the content. 
- It’s using Grid style layout order. 

List of Dropdown needed for User Profiles 

- These dropdowns will contain group datas for Advanced Search.  
- These dropdowns needs to be predefined.  
User Profiles  Dropdown Options  Data Source 

Main Profile  Languages: (see the list i   

have sent you) 

  -Ethnicity    ● Aboriginal/ Torres Strait 

● Asian 
● Black 
● East Indian 
● Latino/ Hispanic 
● Maori 
● Middle East 
● Native American 

● Pacific Islander 
● White/ Caucasian  
● Other 


  Physical Criterias (inclued   

hair lenght) 

  Star signs   ● Capricorn 

● Pisces 
● Aquarius 
● Aries 
● Taurus 
● Gemini 
● Cancer 
● Leo 
● Virgo 
● Libra 
● Scorpio 
● Sagitarius 

  Looking For?   

Musician - Singer  Genres   


Actor - Director  Special Skils


  Languages: see the list i have   

sent you 

Model - Dancer  Measurements   



  Hair Length   

  Dress Size: see the list i have   

sent you 

Creator - Designer  Fields   


Writer -  -Languages   
Screenwriter  -Categories 
- Types 

Freelancer  Fields   

Property - Host  - Facilities   

- Types 

Company  - Fields (need to do a list)   



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