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Give an example of a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty at work or in
2. Describe a time when you led by example.
3. Tell me about a specific instance when you came up with an innovative solution to a
challenge your company/class/organization was facing. What was the challenge? What role
did the others play?
4. Tell me about a specific instance where you felt that you made an impact at work or on
other people's lives.
5. Give an example of a time when you had to motivate a team or team mate in a challenging
work/school environment.

1. During my internship at Daniel O. Mercado Medical Center in which I assigned in PhilHealth Claims
Department, I was put in a special assignment. It appeared that the other department was backed up
on finding the records of the lists of patients. My supervisor told me that I have to find the documents
before the month was up. The moment she put me on the task, I got straight to it. Even though I
wasn’t getting paid overtime because my internship did not allow it, despite this, I knew there was a
task that needed to be completed and I was willing to do what it took to get it done. After all of that
hard work, I ended up surpassing my goal.
2. During our business class, we split into groups by our professor to create our own product concept
on how to sell and implement it. I was the one who made an action plan to have each other person
cover a specific area so that no customer would be an oversight. As the result, we ended up an
increase sales but unfortunately we are not the best among our groups at least we gave our best.
3. Most of our groups are stressing and challenging to finish our thesis. We need to take a long time
before we pass to our professors. As long as we challenge, we coordinate each other in order to
surpass our goals. Even we have a lack of sleep, we continue to work until it is finish. As the result,
our hardworks are worth it and we made it from the start.
4. Since I work my internship, I met my co-workers and my supervisor. They treat me as part of their
family and we shared our differences. Even I challenge my duties, they are here to help me and I’m
enjoying to work with them. I learn that it is important to build a sense of community and connection.
5. That was a time when we are struggling in making a thesis and we need to finish it on deadline.
We all work together as soon as we achieve it. I simply listen and support to their ideas as well as we
create a brialliant ideas. I encourage them also to believe themselves and to realize that they have a
greater potential within.

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