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Welfare Myth Buster



Welfare Myth Buster

Welfare refers to the government subsidies or assistance given to the people with income

which falls below the federal poverty line. It is temporary assistance to the citizens whose

income has been verified and confirmed to fall below the next income level and thus calling for

the aid to meet their basic needs (Sleeman, 2018). Some of the programs which fall under the

welfare in the United States include housing assistance, Medicaid, Supplementary Nutrition

Assistance Programs, Supplementary Security Programs, among others. To bust the myth which

has been held towards the welfare spending by the government from those who hold that the

expenditure is unrealistic or undeserving. The national statistics on the demographic

characteristics in the United States and particularly on the poverty is worth considering before

making judgments on whether welfare spending is deserving or otherwise

In 2016 for instance, the United States government through TANF assisted about 23%of

low-income families. The assistance offered may have been insignificant owing to its coverage

but was of much importance to the needy families (Sleeman, 2018). In 2018, the United States

federal government reported that the number of people living below the poverty line was 13.1%,

which demonstrates the need for the government to increases resources channeled towards this

welfare course (Sleeman, 2018). This, therefore, beats the myths which have, for a long time,

been labeled towards this welfare course, which was heightened during Ronald Reagan's reign in

the 1970s. Reagan viewed TANF as an avenue for some individuals to benefit themselves, but

the statistics hold the statistics on the poverty level illustrates the existing need and thus

discrediting such myths (Lens, 2002).

United States food security, as well as health, has increased over time owing to the

existence of programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The United

States federal Government in 2017 indicated 11.8% of the United States household were food

insecure a figure which significantly dropped to 11.1% in 2018 owing to the welfare course

(Sleeman, 2018). These statistics, therefore, put the authorities on notice since, despite the strides

that the country has made in matters development; there is still a challenge in food security.

Consequently, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is justified to fight and eradicate

the causes of the extreme suffering of the United States due to food insecurity and malnutrition.

Aged, disabled, and sick populations are a very challenging population to cater to, and in

some cases, the caregivers of these people undergo a tough time. Some of these individuals are

homeless, and there is a need for the government to ensure that they live a dignified life. As of

2018, people who are 60 years of age are about 20%, which demands a budgetary consideration

to them since, at this age, the individuals are less active and are prone to various health

challenges. Through Supplemental Security Program, about eight million people received $551

a month in 2018 to cater to their food and medication, the most significant percentage of the

beneficiaries of this program being the blind(Sleeman, 2018).

Under the Housing Assistance program, the government has offered subsidized houses to

about 2.2 million renters where they are required to use not more than 30% of their income to

pay rent. Therefore this makes it easy for low-income earners to afford homes. This alleviates

reduces homelessness as most low-income earners could afford to rent apartments. Furthermore,

the statistics in which the welfare resources have been used demonstrate the deserving need for

such actions since the spending is driven by the need that is supported by statics. However, the

view by various individuals that too many people depend on Government aid is misinformed

because they do not see that they also rely on the assistance which is given by the federal

government to their respective states.

While other myth might hold that immigrants who form part of the recipients of the

welfare, primarily Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, are ignorant of the fact that most

of these immigrants are forced by different factors, including insecurity and unfavorable living

standards, condemning and viewing them as just interested in these benefits (Faricy & Ellis,

2014). Homeland Security’s statistics indicate that about 1% of undocumented individuals are

benefiting from welfare support and therefore reducing such myths to sentiments of people who

are living in denial.

The bottom line is that despite the 61% of United States residence who do not see the

essence of welfare spending, most of the individuals who hold such a belief are beneficiaries of

government services (Faricy & Ellis, 2014). Besides, for one to be eligible for the aids, the

primary requirement is that one must be living below the poverty line. Moreover, thorough

scrutiny will be undertaken before enrolment with strict and mandatory adherence to set laws,

which, if broken, will lead to disqualification. What have been angering United States’ citizens is

that most undocumented immigrants are benefiting from welfare, but this has been discredited

since the only undocumented immigrants who are the beneficiaries are the exceptional cases

where such individuals live with eligible United States citizens.



Lens, V. (2002). Public voices and public policy: Changing the societal discourse on welfare. J.

Soc. & Soc. Health, 29, 137.

Faricy, C., & Ellis, C. (2014). Public attitudes toward social spending in the United States: The

differences between direct spending and tax expenditures. Political Behavior, 36(1), 53-76.

Sleeman, J. F. (2018). The welfare state: Its aims, benefits and costs. Routledge.

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