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CHAPTER 1: THE HUMAN BODY: AN ORIENTATION - cells that have the same basic parts and

have certain functions that are common

to all cells
- structural units of all living things
- human body consists of 50-100 trillion  NUCLEUS
cells - usually located near the center of the cell
- encloses the cytoplasm and form the
 1600s
- a semifluid that surrounds the nucleus
- Robert Hooke was looking through a
crude microscope at a plant tissue called
- He saw some cube-like structures that
reminded him of long rows of monk’s  NUCLEUS
rooms (cells), so he named these - the control center of the cell
structures “cells” - from the word nucle = kernel
- The living cells were dead, only the plant - most often oval or spherical, its shape
walls remained. usually conforms to the shape of the cell
 CELL THEORY (cell research since the 1800s) - blueprint containing all the instructions
1) A cell is the basic structural and functional needed for building the body
unit of living organisms. - has genes that carry instructions for
- When defining cell properties, we are building proteins
defining properties of life. - necessary for cell reproduction
- The cell contains all the parts necessary - a cell that lost its nucleus is destined to
for survival. self-destruct
- Loss of cell homeostasis underlies
virtually every disease.
2) The activity of an organism depends on the
collective activities of its cells.
3) Principle of Complementarity
- The activities of cells are dictated by their
structure (anatomy), which determines
function (physiology).
4) Continuity of life has a cellular basis.

- Cells are primarily made up of 4 elements: 3 RECOGNIZABLE REGIONS/STRUCTURES OF A

C, O, H, N – and other much smaller NUCLEUS
- Cells are made up of 60% water. - aka nuclear boundary
- the double membrane barrier of the
ANATOMY OF A GENERALIZED CELL - between the 2 membranes is a fuid filled
”moat” or space
- at some points, the 2 layers fuse marieb rani na rule hahahha ang uban guro na books
generating openings called nuclear pores mugamit ug cell membrane)
- like other cellular membranes, it allows
some substances to pass through freely
because of its relatively large pores  THE FLUID MOSAIC MODEL
- encloses a jelly-like fluid called - the structure of the plasma membrane
nucleoplasm where other nuclear consists of 2 phospholipid (fat) layers
elements are suspended arranged “tail to tail”, with cholesterol
and floating proteins scattered among
- nucleoli for plural - some phospholipids have sugar groups
- small, dark-staining, round bodies attached to them, forming glycolipids
- where ribosomes are assembled - the proteins, some of which are free to
move, and bob in the lipid layer, form a
 CHROMATIN constantly changing pattern or mosaic
- carefully wound DNA around proteins
*Phospholipids are polar molecules. The charged end
histones forming a loose network of
interacts with water, the fatty acid chains do not. This
“beads on a string”
- scattered throughout the nucleus polarity makes phospholipids a good foundation for
- when cell division happens, the chromatin cell membranes.
threads coil and condense to form dens,
rodlike bodies called chromosomes*
- * chromo (colored) + soma (body) - The phospholipid bilayer forms the basic ”fabric” of
the membrane.

- The polar “heads” of the lollipop shaped

phospholipid moleculels are hydrophilic (“water
loving”) and are attracted to water, which are the
main component of intracellular and extracellular
fluids, and so lie on both the inner and outer surfaces
of the membrane.

- The nonpolar fatty acid “tails” are hydrophobic

(“water fearing”) avoid water and line up in the
center (interior) of the membrane. This makes the
plasma membrane impermeable to most water-
soluble molecules.

- The self-orienting property of the phospholipids

allows biological membranes to reseal themselves
quickly when torn. The cholesterol helps both
 PLASMA MEMBRANE stabilize the membrane and keep it flexible.
- fragile, transparent barrier that contains
cell contents and separates them from
the surrounding environment - The proteins scattered in the lipid bilayer
are responsible for most of the
*Cell membrane and cytoplasmic membrane are specialized functions of the membrane.
sometimes used instead but because nearly all Some of which are enzymes.
cellular organelles are composed of membranes, - Many of the proteins protruding from the
plasma membrane will be used to refer to the cell’s cell exterior are receptors for hormones
surface or outer limiting membrane (sooooo sa or other chemical messengers or are
binding sites for anchoring the cell to
fibers or to other structures inside or
outside the cell.
- Most proteins that span the membrane
are involved in transport.

ex. Some cluster together to form protein channels

(tiny pores) through which water and small water-
soluble molecules or ions can move. Others act as as
carriers that bind to a substance and move through it
through the membrane.

- Branching sugar groups are attached to

most of the proteins abutting the
extracellular space. Such “sugar proteins”
are called glycoproteins.
- Because of these, the cell surface is a
fuzzy, sticky, sugar-rich area called the
- These glycoproteins determine our blood MAIN TYPES OF JUNCTIONS
type, act as receptors that certain
bacteria, viruses, or toxins can bind to,  TIGHT JUNCTIONS
and play a role in cell-to-cell recognition - impermeable junctions that encircle the
and interactions. cells and bind them together into
- Definite changes in these glycoproteins leakproof sheets
occur in cells that are being transformed - adjacent plasma membranes fuse
into cancer cells. together tightly like a zipper and prevent
substances from passing through the
*The cells can be thought of as “sugar coated”. extracellular space between cells
- in the small intestine, these junctions
prevent digestive enzymes from seeping
CELL MEMBRANE JUNCTIONS into the bloodstream
- anchoring junctions scattered like rivets
 Glycoproteins in the glycoalyx act as an along the sides of adjacent cells
adhesive or cellular glue. - prevent cells subjected to mechanical
 Wavy contours of the membranes of adjacent stress (heart and muscle cells) from being
cells fit together in a tongue-and-groove pulled apart
fashion. - these junctions are button-like
 Special cell membrane junctions are formed. thickenings of adjacent plasma
These junctions vary structurally depending membranes 9plaques) that are connected
on their roles. by fine protein filaments
- thicker protein filaments extend from the
plaques inside thee cells to the plaques
on the cells’opposite sides, forming an
internal system of strong “guy wires”
- aka communicating junctions
- main function is to allow communication
- commonly found in the heart and - specialized cell compartments that are
between embryonic cells the metabolic machinery of the cell
- neighboring cells are connected by hollow - each organelle is specialized to carry out a
cylinders composed of proteins specific function for the cell as a whole
(connexons) that span the entire width of - many are bounded by a membrane
the abutting membranes (which are similar to the plasma membrane*
therefore called transmembrane - *these membrane boundaries allow
proteins) organelles to maintain an internal
- chemical molecules (nutrients or ions) can environment quite different from the
pass directly through the water-filled surrounding cytosol
connexon channels from one cell to - *this compartmentalization is crucial to
another their ability to perform their specialized


- cellular material found outside the
nucleus and inside the plasma membrane
- site of most cellular activities
- “factory floor” of the cell



- semitransparent fluid that suspends other
- water is mainly dissolved in the cytosol, MITOCHONDRIA
along with other nutrients, and other - depicted as tiny, lozenge-like or sausage
solutes shaped organelles
 INCLUSIONS - they lengthen and change shape almost
- chemical substances that may or may not continuously in living cells
be present depending on the specific cell - mitochondrial wall consists of a double
type membrane, equal to 2 plasma
- most are stored nutrients or cell products membranes placed side by side
floating in the cytosol - the outer membrane is smooth and
- include the water droplets common in fat featureless, while the inner membrane
cells, glycogen granules abundant in liver has shelflike protrusions called cristae
and muscle cells, pigments such as - enzymes dissolved in the fluid within th
melanin in skin and hair cells, mucus and mitochondria, as well as membranes
other secretory products, and various enzymes that form part of the cristae
kinds of crystals membranes, carry out the reactions in
- can be thought of as the cellular “pantry” which oxygen is used to break down
where items are kept in hand until foods
needed - as the foods are broken down, energy is
ORGANELLES released-------much of this energy escapes
as heat, but some is captured and used to
 ORGANELLES form ATP molecules
- “little organs”
-because the mitochondria supply most f - can be thought of as the cell’s membrane
of this ATP, they are the “powerhouses of factory
the cell” - the proteins made on its ribosomes
- metabolically “busy” cells, such as liver migrate into the rough ER tunnels, where
and muscle cells, use huge amounts of they fold into their functional three-
ATP and have hundreds of mitochondria dimensional shapes
which replicate themselves by pinching in - these proteins are dispatched to other
half areas of the cell in small “sacs” of
- cells that are inactive, like the unfertilized membrane called transport vesicles that
egg, have fewer carry substances around the cell
 ATP - abundant in cells that synthesize and
- provides the energy for all cellular work secrete proteins
- every living cell requires a constant supply
ex. Pancreatic cells produce digestive enzymes to be
of ATP for its many activities
delivered to the small intestine. That enzymes that
catalyse the synthesis of membrane lipids reside on
the external (cytoplasmic) face of the rough ER, where
- tiny, bilobed, dark bodies made of
the needed block are readily available.
proteins and one variety of RNA called
ribosomal RNA
- are the actual sites of protein synthesis in
the cell
- ribosomes that float freely in the
cytoplasm manufacture proteins that
function inside the cell, while others
attach to membranes such as the rough
ER, which produces proteins that function
outside the cell


ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - communicates with the rough ER, but
- aka ER plays no role in protein synthesis because
- system of fluid-filled tunnels (or canals) it lacks ribosomes
that coil and twist through the cytoplasm - functions in lipid metabolism (cholesterol
- continuous with the nuclear envelop and and fat synthesis and breakdown) and
accounts for about half of a cell’s detoxification of drugs and pesticides
membranes - liver cells are full of smooth ER
- serves as mini circulatory system for the - body cells that produce steroid-based
cell because it provides a network of hormones (male testes - testosterone)
channels for carrying substances
(primarily proteins) from one part of the
cell to another GOLGI APPARATUS
- a particular cell may have both rough and - stack of flattened membranous sacs that
smooth ER, depending on its specific are associated with swarms of tiny
functions vesicles
 ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - generally found close to the ER
- studded with ribosomes - principal “traffic director” for cellular
- essentially all of the building materials of proteins
cellular membranes are formed either in - major function is to modify, package, and
it or on it ship proteins (sent by the rough ER via
transport vesicles) in specific ways, - abundant in WBC called phagocytes, cells
depending on their final destination that dispose of bacteria and cell debris
- all protein leaving the Golgi apparatus - enzymes that they contain are formed by
accumulate in sacs called Golgi vesicles ribosomes on rough ER, packaged by
Golgi apparatus
- as proteins “tagged” for export
accumulate in the Golgi apparatus, the
sacs swell - The lysosomal membrane is ordinarily quite stable,
- their swollen ends, filled with protein, but becomes fragile when the cell is injured or
pinch off and form secretory vesicles deprived of oxygen and when excessive amounts of
which travel to the plasma membrane Vitamin A are present. When lysosomes rupture, the
- when the vesicles reach the plasma cell self-digests.
membrane they fuse with it, the
membrane ruptures, and the contents of PEROXISOMES
the sac are ejected outside of the cell - membranous sacs containing powerful
- mucus and digestive enzymes by oxidase enzymes that use molecular
pancreatic cells are packaged this way oxygen (O2) to detoxify harmful or
poisonous substances, like alcohol and
- the Golgi apparatus also pinches off sacs formaldehyde
containing proteins and phospholipids - “disarm” dangerous free radicals
destined for a “home” in the plasma - convert free radicals to hydrogen
membrane or other cellular membranes peroxide (H2O2), indicated in their
- also packages hydrolytic enzymes into naming (peroxisomes = peroxide bodies)
membrane-bound organelles called - catalase converts excess hydrogen
lysosomes that remain in the cell peroxide to water
- numerous in liver and kidney cells, which
are active in detoxification
- look like lysosomes but do not arise by
budding from Golgi apparatus
- replicate by pinching themselves like
mitochondria, but most bud directly from
- ER
- are highly reactive chemicals with
unpaired electrons that damage the
structure of proteins and nucleic acids
- normal by products of cellular
metabolism, but could have devastating
effects if allowed to accumulate

- appear in different sizes - elaborate network of proteins structures
- membranous “bags” containing powerful extending through the cytoplasm
digestive enzymes - act as the cell’s “bones and muscles” by
- these enzymes are capable of digesting furnishing an internal framework that
worn-out or non-usable cell structures determines the cell’s shape
and most foreign substances that enter - supports other organelles
the cell - provides machinery for intracellular
- function as cellular “stomachs” transport and various types of cellular
-made of microfilaments, intermediate  CILIA
filaments, microtubules - “eyelashes”
 MICROFILAMENTS - whiplike cellular extensions thatmove
- actin and myosin substances along the cell surface
- involved in cell motility and producing
ex. Mucus is carried up and away from the lungs by
changes in cell shape
“crowd surfing” on the ciliated cells lining the
(You could say that cells move when they get their respiratory system
act(in) together. Gikan ni sa book HAHAHAHAHA)
- when cilia appear, many of them project
 INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS from the exposed cell surface
- strong, stable, ropelike - when a cell is about to make up cilia, its
- made up of fibrous subunits centrioles multiply, then line up beneath
- help form desmosomes, and provide the plasma membrane at the free cell
internal guy wires to resist pulling forces surface
on the cell - microtubules then begin to “sprout” from
 MICROTUBULES the centrioles and put pressure on the
- tubelike membrane, forming the projections
- made up of repeating subunits of the  FLAGELLA
protein tubulin - projections formed by the centrioles are
- determine the overall shape of a cell and substantially longer
distribution of organelles
- important during cell division ex. Sperm, which has a single propulsive flagellum
called its tail.

- Cilia propel substances across a cell’s

surface, while flagellum propels the cell

- “little shaggy hairs”
- tiny, fingerlike extensions of the plasma
membrane that project from a cell’s
- increase the cell’s surface area
tremendously and so are usually found on
the surface of cells active in absorption
(intestinal and kidney tubule cells)
- collectively called centrosome
- have core of actin filament that extend
- lie close to the nucleus
into the internal cytoskeleton of the cell
- rod-shaped bodies that lie at right angles
and stiffen the microvilli
to each other
- “alcoves” projecting off one cell surface
- internally made up of a pinwheel array of
and do not involve microtubules
nine triplets of fine microtubules
- major function is to generate
microtubules and directing the formation
of the mitotic spindle during cell division



- elongated
- has cable-like fibers that it secretes
- abundant rough ER and large Golgi
apparatus to make and secrete protein
building blocks of these fibers
- red blood cell
- carries oxygen in the blood
- biconcave disc provides extra surface are
for the uptake of oxygen and streamlines
the cell so it flows easily through the
- so much oxygen-carrying pigement is
present that all other organs have been
shed to make room


- hexagonal shape is exactly like a “cell” in
a honeycomb
- allows epithelial cells to pack together in
- has abundant intermediate filaments and
desmosomes that resist tearing when the
epithelium is rubbed or pulled



- elongated and filled with contractile
filaments, so they can shorten forcefully
and move the bones, pump blood, or
change the size of internal organs to
move substances around the body

- huge spherical shape
- produced by a large lipid droplet in its



- extends long pseudopods (“false feet”) to
crawl through tissue and reach infection
- lysosomes within the cell digest the
infectious micoorgansims that it “eats”



- neuron
- has long processes (extensions) for
receiving messages and transmitting
them to other structures in the body
- processes are covered with an extensive
plasma membrane, and plentiful rough ER
that synthesizes membrane componens
and signalling molecules called


- female
- largest cell in the body
- contains several copies of organelles for
distribution to the daughter cells that
arise when the fertilized egg becomes an
embryo - Each of the cell’s internal parts is
 SPERM designed to perform a specific function
- long and streamlined for the cell
- built for swimming to the egg for
- flagellum acts as a motile whip to propel
the sperm

- Selective permeability is typical only of health,

 SOLUTION unharmed cells. When a cell dies or is badly damaged,
- an example of which is the fluid its plasma membrane can no longer be selective and
environment on both sides of the plasma becomes permeable to nearly everything. When
membrane someone is burned, precious fluids, proteins, and ions
- a homogenous mixture of two or more “weep” (leak out) from the dead and damaged cells at
components the burn site.
- the substance present in the largest
amount is called the solvent (dissolving
- water is the chief solvent of the body
- components or substances present in  PASSIVE TRANSPORT
smaller are called solutes - substances are transported across the
- solutes are so tiny that the molecules membrane without any energy input from
cannot be seen the cell

- process by which elements and ions move
away from areas where they are more
- nucleoplasm and cytosol
- solution containing small amounts of
- all molecules possess kinetic energy, and
gases (O2 and CO2), nutrients, and salts
as the molecules move about randomly at
dissolved in water
high speeds, they collide and change
direction with each collision
- molecules move down their
 EXTRACELLULAR FLUID OR INTERSTITIAL concentration gradient (spread out)
FLUID - because the driving force (source of
- fluid that continuously bathes the exterior energy) is the kinetic energy of molecules,
of our cells the speed of diffusion is affected by the
- can be thought of as a rich, nutritious, size of molecules and temperature (the
and rather unusual “soup” smaller and warmer, the faster)
- contains nutrients (amino acids, sugars, - the hydrophobic core of the plasma
fatty acids, vitamins), regulatory membrane is a physical barrier to
substances such as hormones and diffusion
neurotransmitters, salts, and waste - molecules will diffuse through the plasma
products membrane if any of the following are
 Molecules are small enough to
 SELECTIVE PERMEABILITY pass through the membrane’s
- means that a barrier allows some pores (channels by membrane
substances to pass through it while proteins).
excluding others  The molecules are lipid-soluble.
- allows nutrients to enter the cell but  The molecules are assisted by a
keeps many unnecessary substances out membrane carrier.
- allows valuable cell proteins and other - unassisted diffusion of solutes though the
substances kept within the cell, and plasma membrane is called simple
wastes are allowed to pass out of it diffusion
- solubles transported this way are lipid- - substances that pass into and out of the
soluble (fats, fat-soluble vitamins, oxygen, cells by diffusion save the cell a great deal
carbon dioxide) of energy

- process by which water and solutes are
forced through a membrane (or capillary
wall) by fluid, or hydrostatic pressure
- hydrostatic pressure is usually exerted by
- the gradient is a pressure gradient that
pushes solute-containing fluid (filtrate)
from the higher-pressure area through
the filter to the lower pressure area
- filtration is not very selective
- only blood cells and protein molecules
too large to pass through the membrane
pores are held back
- diffusion of water through a selectively ex. Kidneys, water and small solutes filter out of the
permeable membrane capillaries into the kidney tubules because the blood
- because water is highly polar, it is pressure in the capillaries is greater than the fluid
repelled by the (non-polar) lipid core of presseure in the tubules. Part of the filtrate formed in
the plasma membrane this way eventually forms urine.
- water can easily pass through special
pores called aquaporins (“water pores)
made by proteins in the membrane
- osmosis happens all the time as water  ACTIVE PROCESSES
moves down its concentration gradient - the cell provides the metabolic energy
- occurs quickly (ATP) that drives the transport process
- anyone admininstering an IV solution - process that uses ATP to move substances
must use the correct solution to protect across the membrane
the patient’s cells from life-threatening - substances moved actively are usually
dehydration or rupture unable to pass in the desired direction by
- provides passage for certain needed - they may be too large to pass through the
substances (glucose) that are both lipid- membrane channels, the membrane may
insoluble and too large to pass through lack special protein carriers for transport,
the membrane pores, or charged (as in they may not be able to dissolve in the fat
the case of chloride ions passing through core, or they may have to move “uphill”
a membrane protein channel) against their concentration gradients
- follows the law of diffusion – substances
move down their concentration gradient ACTIVE TRANSPORT
- a protein membrane protein channel is - active transport sometimes called solute
used, or a membrane protein that acts as pumping
a carrier is needed to move glucose and - similar to facilitated diffusion where both
certain other solutes passively across the processes require protein carriers that
membrane into the cell interact specifically and reversibly with
the substances to be transported across - involves help from ATP to fuse or
the membrane separate membrane vesicles and the cell
- uses ATP to energize protein carriers membrane
called solute pumps - moves substances into or out of cells “in
- amino acids, some sugars, and most ions bulk” without their crossing the plasma
are transported by solute pumps, and in membrane directly
most cases these substances these  EXOCYTOSIS
substances move against concentration - “out of the cell”
(or electrical) gradients - mechanism that cells use to actively
 SODIUM-POTASSIUM (Na+ -K+) PUMP secrete hormones, mucus, and other cell
- alternately carries sodium ions (NA+) out products or to eject certain cellular
of and potassium ions (K+) into the cell wastes
- necessary for normal transmission of - the product to be released is first
nerve impulses “packaged” (typically by the Golgi
- there more sodium ions outside the cells apparatus) into a secretory vesicle
than inside, so those inside tend to - this vesicle migrate to the plasma
remain in the cell unless the cell uses ATP membrane, fuses with it, and then
to “pump” them out ruptures, spilling its continents out of the
- ATP is split into ATP and Pi (inorganic cell
phosphate), the phosphate is attached to - involves a “docking” process in which
the sodium-potassium pump through docking proteins on the vesicles recognize
phosphorylation plasma membrane and bind with them
- there are more potassium ions inside cells - binding causes the membranes to “cork-
than in the extracellular fluid, and screw” together and fuse
potassium ions that leak out of cells must
be actively pumped back inside
- because each of the pumps in the plasma
membrane transports only specific
substances, active transport provides a
way for the cell to be very selective in
cases where substances cannot pass by

with lysosome and its content are
digested (by lysosomal enzymes)
- sometimes, the vesicle travels to the
opposite side of the cell and releases its
contents by exocytosis there
- “cell eating”
- happens when engulfed substances are
relatively large particles (bacteria or dead
body cells), and the cell separates them
from the external environment by
- certain WBC such as the macrophage, act
as scavenger cells that protect the body
by ingesting bacteria and foreign debris
- protective mechanism
- “cell drinking”
- the cell “gulps” droplets of extracellular
- the plasma membrane indents to form a
tiny pit, or “cup”, and then its edges fuse
around the droplet of extracellular fluid
containing dissolved proteins or fats
- routine activity of most cells unlike
- important for cells that function in
- main cellular mechanism for taking up
specific target molecules
- receptor proteins on the plasma
membrane bind exclusively with certain
- both receptors and high concentration of
the attached target molecules are
internalized in a vesicle are dealt with
various ways (shown in the picture)
- specific substances taken in through this
process include enzymes, some
 ENDOCYTOSIS hormones, cholesterol, and iron
- “into the cell” - flu viruses exploit this route to enter and
- includes those ATP-requiring processes attack our cells
that take up, or engulf, extracellular
substances by enclosing them in a vesicle
- once the vesicle is formed, it detaches
from the plasma membrane and moves to
the cytoplasm, where it typically fuses
- Nucleotides join in a complementary
way: Adenine (A) and Thymine (T),
Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C)
- The order of the nucleotides on the
template determines the order on the
new strand.


- The end result is 2 DNA molecules that

are identical to the original DNA helix,
each consisting of one old and one newly
assembled nucleotide strand.



- series of changes a cell goes through from
the time it is formed until it divides


- aka metabolic phase
- the cell grows and carries on its usual
metabolic activities
- longer phase of the cell cycle
- where the cell reproduces itself


- The function of cell division is to produce

more cells for growth and repair
- important event that always precedes cell
- the DNA molecule is exactly duplicated
- occurs toward the end of interphase
- The process begins as the DNA helix
“unzips”, separating into 2 nucleotide
- Each nucleotide serves as a template, or a
set of instructions, for building a new CONCEPT LINK
nucleotide strand.
- DNA is composed of: nucleotides, each
consisting of a deoxyribose sugar, a
phosphate group, and a nitrogen-
containing base. It is a double helix, a mosomes again) begin to move slowly apart,
ladder-like molecule coiled into a spiral drawn toward opposite ends of the cell
staircase. The upright parts of the DNA - The chromosomes seem to be pulled by their
“ladder” or backbone are alternating half-centromeres, with their “arms” dangling
phosphate and sugar units, while the behind them
rungs of the ladde are pairs of nitrogen- - ensures that each daughter cell gets one
containing bases. copy of every chromosome
- over when the chromosomes stop moving
(wa koy sure if apil jud ni pero ako nalang giapil para
- prophase in reverse
- chromosomes at opposite ends of the cell
EVENTS OF CELL DIVISION uncoil to become threadlike chromatin again
 MITOSIS - spindle breaks down and disappears
- process of dividing a nucleus into 2 daughter - nuclear envelope forms around each
nuclei with exactly the same genes as the chromatin mass
”mother”nucleus - nucleoli appear in each of the daughter
- occurs after DNA replication nuclei
- same in all animal cells
- typically lasts about 2 hours  CYTOKINESIS
- Centriole replication is deferred until late - division of cytoplasm
interphase of the next cell cycle - usually begins during late anaphase and
completes during telophase
STAGES: - contractile ring made of microfilaments
 PROPHASE forms a cleavage furrow over the midline of
- chromatin threads coil and shorten the spindle and squeezes/pinches the original
- chromosome is made up of 2 identical cytoplasmic mass into 2 parts
strands called sister chromatids held together - at the end of cell division, 2 daughter cells
by a centromere exist, each smaller with less cytoplasm than
- centrioles separate from each other and the mother cell had but is still genetically
begin to move toward opposite sides of cell, identical to the mother cell
directing the assembly of mitotic spindle - daughter cells grow and carry out normal cell
between them as they move activities (interphase) until it is their turn to
- by the end, nuclear envelope and nucleoli divide
have broken down and temporarily
disappeared and the chromosomes have
attached randomly to the spindle fibers by  Binucleate (2 nuclei) or multinucleate cells -
their centromeres formed when cytoplasm is not divided during
mitosis and cytokinesis
 METAPHASE - fairly common in liver and in formation of
- chromosomes line up at the metaphase skeletal muscle
plate (center of the spindle midway between
the centrioles)

- centromeres that have held the chromatids
together split
- chromatids (now called chro-
3 Varieties of RNA:
 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
- helps form the ribosomes
 Messenger RNA (mRNA)
- long, single nucleotide strands that resemble
half of a DNA molecule
- carry the “message” containing instructions
for protein synthesis from the DNA (gene) in
the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm
 Transfer RNA (tRNA)
- small, cloverleaf-shaped molecules that
escort amino acids to the ribosome

The Process of Protein Synthesis

2 Major Phases:

- involves the transfer of information from the
 Fibrous (structural) proteins - major building sequence of bases in a DNA gene into the
materials for cells complementary sequence of mRNA by an
 Globular(functional) proteins - perform enzyme
functional roles - DNA is the template for transcription, and
- ex.: enzymes (catalysts that speed up mRNA is the product
chemical reaction) - Triplet (three-base sequence specifying a
particular amino acid); Codons (corresponding
Gene: The Blueprint for Protein Structure three-base sequences on mRNA)
- DNA segment that carries the information - the language of nucleic acids (base sequence)
for building one protein is“translated” into the language of proteins
- DNA’s information is encoded in the (amino acid sequence)
sequence - occurs in the cytoplasm and involves three
of bases. Each sequence of three bases (a major varieties of RNA
calls for a particular amino acid (building Steps of Protein Synthesis:
blocks of proteins) 1. Transcription
- ex.: a DNA base sequence of AAA specifies
phenylalanine, and CCT calls for glycine 2. Once the mRNA attaches to the ribosome,
- a single gene contains an estimated 300 to tRNA transfers/delivers amino acids to the
3,000 base pairs in sequence ribosome, where they are linked together by
peptide bonds (formed by dehydration synthesis)
The Role of RNA in the exact sequence specified by the gene (and
- decodes DNA and carries instructions for
building proteins to the ribosomes 3. tRNAs have to recognize the mRNA codons to
- differs from DNA in being single-stranded, “double check” that the amino acid they are
in having ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose, toting will be added in the correct order. They can
and in having a uracil (U) base instead of do this because they have a special three-base
thymine (T) sequence called an anticodon on their “head”
that can temporarily bind to the complementary amino acid, and a hydroxyl group (OH) is removed
codons. from the other.

4. The ribosome moves the mRNA strand along, BODY TISSUES

bringing the next codon into position to be read  TISSUES
by another tRNA. As amino acids are brought to - groups of cells that are similar in structure
their proper positions along the length of mRNA, and function
they are joined together with peptide bonds - 4 primary tissue types: Epithelial (covering),
catalyzed by the large ribosomal subunit. Connective (support), Nervous (control), &
Muscle (movement)
5. As each amino acid is added to the chain, its - organized into organs
tRNA is released and moves away from the ribo - its arrangement determines each organ’s
some to pick up another amino acid. When the structure function
last codon (the termination, or “stop,” codon) is
read, the protein is released. 4 Primary Tissue Types:


- “epithe” = laid on, covering
- lining, covering, and glandular tissue of the
- covering and lining epithelium covers all free
body surfaces, both inside and out, and
contains versatile cells
- nearly all substances that the body gives off
or receives must pass through it
- functions: protection, absorption, filtration,
and secretion
- the epithelium of the skin protects against
bacterial and chemical damage
- epithelium lining the respiratory tract has
cilia, which sweep dust and other debris away
from the lungs
- Epithelium specialized to absorb substances
lines some digestive system organs such as the
stomach and small intestine, which absorb
food nutrients into the body
- In the kidneys, it both absorbs and filters
- Glandular epithelium forms various glands in
the body. Secretion is a specialty of the glands,
which produce such substances as sweat, oil,
digestive enzymes, and mucus

Hallmarks of Epithelium
Remember: The joining of amino acids by the  Except for glandular epithelium, epithelial
ribosome into peptide bonds is the result of cells fit closely together to form continuous
dehydration synthesis reactions. To make room for sheets. Neighboring cells are bound
the new peptide bond, water (H2O) must be together at many points by specialized cell
removed. A hydrogen atom is removed from one junctions, including desmosomes and tight
 The classifications byNumber of Layers
the shape of its cells are
the squamous cells (flattened like fish scales
One layer; More than one
(“squam” = scale)), cuboidal cells (cube-
Cell shape layer; stratified
simple cells (like columns)
shaped) and columnar epithelial
tissues tissues

Squamous Diffusion and Protection

Secretion in
Cuboidal Secretion & Protection;
absorption; these tissue
Columnar ciliated types types are rare in
propel humans
ctive cells
Transitional No simple Protection;
transitional stretching to
epithelium accommodate
exists distension of

 The membranes always have one free

(unattached) surface or edge. This apical
surface is exposed to the body’s exterior or
to the cavity of an internal organ. The
exposed surfaces of some epithelia are slick
and smooth, but others exhibit cell surface
modifications, such as microvilli or cilia.
 The anchored (basal) surface of epithelium
rests on a basement membrane, a
structure-less material secreted by both the  SIMPLE EPITHELIA
epithelial cells and the connective tissue - absorption, secretion, filtration
cells deep to the epithelium. It’s the “glue” - very thin; not for protection
holding the epithelium in place.
 Epithelial tissues are avascular (have no  Simple Squamous Epithelium
blood supply of their own) and depend on - single layer of thin squamous cells
diffusion from the capillaries in the under- resting on a basement membrane
lying connective tissue for food and oxygen. - cells fit closely together
 If well nourished, epithelial cells regenerate - usually forms membranes where filtration or
themselves easily. exchange of substances by rapid diffusion
Classification of Epithelia - found in the air sacs of the lungs (called
 The classifications by cell arrangement alveoli), where oxygen and carbon dioxide are
(layers) are simple epithelium (one layer of exchanged
cells) and stratified epithelium (more than - forms the walls of capillaries, where
one cell layer) nutrients and gases pass between the blood in
the capillaries and the interstitial fluid
- forms serous membranes, or serosae, the
slick membranes that line the ventral body
cavity and cover the organs in that cavity

 Simple Columnar Epithelium

- single layer of tall cells that fit closely
- seen in goblet cells which produce a
lubricating mucus
- lines the entire length of the digestive tract
the stomach to the anus
- Epithelial membranes that line body cavities
open to the body exterior are called mucosae
or mucous membranes

 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

- one layer of cuboidal cells resting on a
basement membrane
- common in glands and their associated small
tubes called ducts (ex.: salivary glands and
- forms the walls of the kidney tubules and
covers the surface of the ovaries

 Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

- all cells rest on a basement membrane
- some of its cells are shorter than others, and - found in sites that receive a good deal of
their nuclei appear at different heights above abuse or friction, such as the surface of the
the basement membrane skin, the mouth, and the esophagus
- gives the false (pseudo) impression that it is
- mainly functions in absorption & secretion
- a ciliated variety (called pseudostratified
ciliated columnar epithelium) lines most of the
respiratory tract
- the mucus produced by goblet cells acts as a
“sticky trap” to catch dust & other debris, and
the cilia propel the mucus upward and away
from lungs

 Stratified Cuboidal and Stratified Columnar

- Stratified cuboidal epithelium typi-
cally has just two cell layers with (at least) the
surface cells being cuboidal in shape
- The surface cells of stratified columnar
epithelium are columnar cells, but its basal
cells vary in size and shape
- both are fairly rare in the body
- found mainly in the ducts of large glands

 Transitional Epithelium
- highly modified, stratified squamous
 STRATIFIED EPITHELIA epithelium that forms the lining of the urinary
- consists of 2 or more cell layers bladder, the ureters, and part of the urethra
- function primarily in protection (all of these organs are subject to considerable
 Stratified Squamous Epithelium - cells of the basal layer are
- most common stratified epithelium cuboidal/columnar; those at the free surface
- usually consists of many cell layers vary in appearance
- cells at the free edge are squamous cells, - when the organ is not stretched, the
whereas those close to the basement membrane is many-layered, and the
membrane are cuboidal or columnar superficial cells are rounded and domelike
- when the organ is distended with urine, the - secretions (all hormones) diffuse directly
epithelium thins like a rubber band being into the blood vessels that weave through
stretched, and the surface cells flatten and the glands
become squamouslike - Ex.: thyroid, adrenals, and pituitary
- has the ability to slide past one another and
change their shape which allows the ureter  Exocrine glands
wall to stretch as a greater volume of urine - retain their ducts
flows through it - secretions exit through the ducts to the
- allows more urine to be stored in the bladder epithelial surface
- include the sweat and oil glands, liver, and
- both internal and external

- connects body parts
- found everywhere in the body
- most abundant and widely distributed of the
tissue types
- primarily involved in protecting, supporting, and
binding together other body tissues
- The major differences of its types reflect
specific cell types, fiber types, and the number of
fibers in the matrix.

Hallmarks of Connective Tissue:

 Variations in blood supply

- Most connective tissues are well
vascularized (have a good blood supply)
except for tendons & ligaments, and
cartilages are avascular
- heal very slowly when injured
- gland consists of one or more cells that make  Extracellular matrix
and secrete a particular product (secretion) - nonliving substance found outside the cells
which typically contains protein molecules in an - distinguishes connective tissue from other
aqueous fluid types
- secretion also indicates an active process in - The matrix (produced by the connective
which the glandular cells obtain needed tissue cells and then secreted to their
materials from the blood & use them to make exterior) has two main elements, a
their products, which they then discharge structureless ground substance
through exocytosis and fibers
- Ground substance → composed largely of
2 Major Types of Glands: water plus some cell adhesion proteins
 Endocrine glands (allows connective tissue cells to attach
- lose their ducts; thus they are themselves to the matrix fibers) and large,
often called ductless glands charged polysaccharide molecules (trap
water as they intertwine and if abundant,
can cause the matrix to vary from fluid to - found in structures with elasticity,
gel-like, firming its consistency) like the external ear
- Fibers → include collagen (white) fibers
distinguished by their high tensile strength;  DENSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE
elastic (yellow) fibers, which have the - also called dense fibrous tissue
ability to stretch and recoil; and reticular - collagen fibers are the main matrix element
fibers, which are fine collagen fibers that - fibroblasts (fiber-forming cells) found
form the internal “skeleton” of soft organs between collagen fibers
such as the spleen - forms strong, ropelike structures like
- Monomers → building of fibers that are tendons (attach skeletal muscles to bones)
made by the connective tissue cells and and ligaments (connect bones together at
secreted into the ground substance in the joints & are more stretchy and contain more
extracellular space, where they join elastic fiber than tendons)
together to form the various fiber types

Types of Connective Tissue  LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE

 BONE - softer and have more cells and fewer fibers
- sometimes called osseous tissue than other types except blood
- composed of osteocytes (bone cells) sitting
in cavities called lacunae (pits), surrounded by
layers of a very hard matrix that contains
calcium salts in addition to large numbers of - 3 main types:
collagen fibers  Areolar Connective Tissue
- protect and support other body organs - most widely distributed connective
tissue variety in the body
 CARTILAGE - soft, pliable, “cobwebby” tissue that
- less hard and more flexible than bone cushions and protects the body organs
- major cell type is chondrocytes (cartilage it wraps
cells) - functions as a universal packing tissue
- found in only a few places in the body and connective tissue “glue” since it
- Types of cartilage: helps to hold the internal organs
 Hyaline cartilage together and in their proper positions
- most widespread & has abundant - lamina propria → soft layer of areolar
collagen fibers hidden by a rubbery connective tissue that underlies all
matrix with a glassy (hyalin = glass), mucous membrane
blue-white appearance - its fluid matrix contains all types of
- forms the trachea, or windpipe, fibers which form a loose network &
attaches the ribs to the breastbone, appears to be empty space (areola =
and covers bone ends at joints small open space)
- makes up most of the skeleton of a - provides a reservoir of water and salts
fetus but is replaced by bone after for the surrounding tissues
baby is born except for the epiphyseal, - where all body cells obtain their
or growth plates in long bones, which nutrients from and release their wastes
allow the bones to grow in length - soaks up excess fluid when a body
 Fibrocartilage region is inflamed and the area swells,
- highly compressible; forms the a condition called edema
cushionlike disks between the - contains many types of phagocytes
verterbrae of the spinal column
 Elastic cartilage  Adipose Connective Tissue
- commonly called “fat“ - packaged by connective tissue sheets into
- adipose (fat) cells predominate organs called skeletal muscles, which are
- A glistening droplet of oil occupies attached to the skeleton
most of a fat cell’s volume and - can be controlled voluntarily
compresses the nucleus, displacing it - when they contract, they pull on bones or
to one side skin, resulting in gross body movements or
- forms the subcutaneous tissue changes in our facial expressions
beneath the skin, where it insulates the - cells are long, cylindrical, and
body and protects it from bumps and multinucleate, and have obvious striations
extremes of both heat and cold (stripes)
- protects some organs individually— - often called muscle fibers since they are
the kidneys are surrounded by a elongated to provide a long axis for
capsule of fat, and adipose tissue contraction
cushions the eyeballs in their sockets
- fat “depots” in the body, such as in
the hips, breasts, and belly, where fat
is stored and available for fuel if

 Reticular Connective Tissue

- consists of a delicate network of
interwoven reticular fibers associated
with reticular cells, which resemble
- forms the stroma (“bed” or “mattress”),
or internal framework of an organ and
can support many free blood cells,
(lymphocytes) in lymphoid organs such as
lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone
- “cellular bleachers” where other cells
can observe their surroundings

- vascular tissue
 Cardiac Muscle
- consists of blood cells surrounded by blood
- found only in the heart wall
plasma (nonliving, fluid matrix)
- as it contracts, the heart acts as a pump to
- its fibers are soluble proteins that become
propel blood through the blood vessels
visible only during blood clotting
- also has striations, but cardiac cells have
- transport vehicle for the cardiovascular
only a single nucleus and are relatively
branching cells that fit tightly together (like
clasped fingers) at junctions called
- highly specialized to contract or shorten, which
intercalated discs (contain gap junctions
generates the force required to produce movement
that allow ions to pass freely from cell to
- 3 types:
 Skeletal Muscle
- This ties the cardiac cells into a functional
syncytium (syn = together, cyt = cell),
resulting in rapid conduction of the
electrical signal to contract across the heart
- under involuntary control

- neurons → receive and conduct electrochemical
impulses from one part of the body
to another
 Smooth Muscle → 2 major functional characteristics:
- no visible striations irritability & conductivity
- cells have a single nucleus & are tapered at → has a unique structure; cytoplasm is
both ends drawn out into long processes
- found in the walls of hollow organs such as (extensions), as long as 3 feet or more
the stomach, uterus, and blood vessels in the leg, which allows a single
- the cavity of an organ constricts when neuron to conduct an impulse to
smooth muscle contracts, or dilates when distant body locations
smooth muscle relaxes, so that substances - neuroglia → insulate, support, and protect the
are mixed and/or propelled delicate neurons in the structures
through the organ along a specific pathway of the nervous system—the brain,
- contracts much more slowly than spinal cord, and nerves
the other two muscle types, and these
contractions tend to last longer
- ex.: Peristalsis → a wavelike motion that
keeps food moving through the small
- Ex. of body defenses exerted at the tissue level
are intact physical barriers such as the skin and
mucous membranes, cilia, and the strong acid
produced by stomach glands
- Inflammation → a general (nonspecific) body
response that attempts to
prevent further injury
- Immune response → extremely specific and
mounts a vigorous attack
against recognized
invaders, including bacteria,
viruses, and toxins

2 Major Ways of Tissue Repair:

 REGENERATION- replacement of destroyed

tissue by the same kind of
 FIBROSIS - involves repair by dense (fibrous)
connective tissue, that is, by the
formation of scar tissue

- Which method of tissue repair occurs depends on (1)

the type of tissue damaged and (2) the severity of
the injury
- incisions heal more successfully than ragged tears of
- Epithelial tissues (skin epidermis and mucous
membranes) & Fibrous connective tissues and
bones regenerate beautifully
- Skeletal muscle regenerates poorly, and cardiac
muscle and nervous tissue within the brain and
spinal cord are replaced largely by scar tissue

Steps of Tissue Repair:

1. Inflammation sets the stage
- Injured tissue cells and others release
inflammatory chemicals that make the capillaries
very permeable
- fluid rich in clotting proteins and
other substances to seep into the injured area
from the bloodstream
- leaked clotting proteins construct a clot, which
“plugs the hole” to stop blood loss and hold the
edges of the wound together
- injured area becomes walled off, preventing
bacteria or other harmful substances from
spreading to surrounding tissues
- where the clot is exposed to air, it
quickly dries and hardens, forming a scab

2. Granulation tissue forms

- Granulation tissue → delicate pink tissue
composed largely of new capillaries that grow
into the damaged area from undamaged blood
vessels nearby
→ fragile and bleed freely, as when
a scab is picked away from a skin wound
→ also contains phagocytes, which eventually
dispose of the blood clot, and connective
tissue cells (fibroblasts), which produce the
building blocks of collagen fibers (scar tissue)
to permanently bridge the gap

3. Regeneration and fibrosis effect perma-

nent repair
- As the surface epithelium begins to
regenerate, it makes its way between the
granulation tissue and the scab
- The scab soon detaches, and the final result
is a fully regenerated surface epithelium that
covers an underlying area of fibrosis (the scar)
- The scar is either invisible or visible as a thin
white line, depending on the severity of the

Homesostatic Imbalance
- lacks flexibility
- unable to perform the normal functions of
the tissue it replaces
- may severely hamper the the functioning of
the organ where it forms
- permanent tightening of the skin affecting
the underlying tendons or muscles
- develop during the healing process as
inelastic fibrous tissue replaces the normal
elastic connective tissues
- because fibrous tissue resists stretching,
movement of the affected area may be limited

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