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Introduction to linguistics

Dosen Pengampu : Erfansyah, M. Hum

SRI YULIANA : 17220130

VERAWATI : 17220286




Phonology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic organization of sounds in

languages. It has traditionally focused largely on the study of the systems of phonemes in particular
languages (and therefore used to be also called phonemics, phonematics), but it may also cover any
linguistic analysis either at a level beneath the word (including syllable, onset and rime, articulatory
gestures, articulatory features, mora, etc.) or at all levels of language where sound is considered
linguistic meaning.


Phonological is the science of Treasury sounds (phonemes) language and distribution. Phonological
interpreted as a study of the language learn about the sounds language produced by the tool said
humans. Origin said font (which means the sound) and LOGI (which means science). Phonological
consists of 2 (two) part, the phonetic and phonemics. Phonology different with phonetic. Phonetic
learn how sounds phonemes a language realized or pronounced. Phonetic also learn how to work
human organs, especially related to use and pronounciation languages. In other words, phonetic is
part of phonological to learn how to produce the sound of language or how a sound language
produced by the tool said humans. Meanwhile, phonemics is part of phonological studying the
sound of speech according to function as a distinguishing the meaning. Existing 3 (three) important
element when organs said human produce sound or phenemes, namely: air – as a conductor sound,
articulator – part tool said moving, articulation (also known articulator passive) – the tool said the
point touch articulator. There are some other terms related to phonology, among others: fona,
phonemes, vocals, and consonants. Fona is the sound of speech that neutral or still not proven to
distinguish the meaning, while phonemes is a unit of the sound of speech smallest distinguish the
Variation phonemes because environmental influence entered called allophone. Images or symbol
phoneme called the letter, so phonemes different letters. This variation consists of : vocals,
consonants, diphthong (vocals double), and cluster (consonant cluster). Vocals are phonemes
generated by moving the air out without obstacles. In the language, especially Indonesian, there are
vowels. Vowels are letters can stand single and produce the sound of his own. Vowels are often
called the letter of life. Consonants are phonemes generated by moving the air out with obstacles. In
this case, which is a barrier is inhibition of air out by movement or change position articulator. There
is also the term letters consonants, the letters can’t stand the single and requires the existence of
vowels to produce the sound. Font consonants consists of: bed, C, D, F, G, H, a, K, L, am, N, P, verse,
R, ‘s, T, V, w, X, Y, AND z. font consonants are often referred to as the letter to die.


There are many tools of human articulation and each of them has a different position and function in
generating the sounds of language. However, there is an Element that is not categorized as a human
articulation, but has a very important role in generating the sound. The Element is air and is the
primary source of energy to produce sound. Vowel or consonant sounds is the sounds of language by
tools of human articulation. All vowels are voiced sound, consonant has a voiced sound and voiceless
sound is related With condition of the vocal cords (glottis) tightly closed when air out through it,
then it Will apply the vibration of the vocal cords and the resulting sound is the voice sounds.
Conversely, if the vocal cords were stretched or open when the air through it, the vibration of the
vocal cords do not apply, the resulting sound is voiceless sounds.


Suggestion to the student to be more rigorous in understanding the phonetic Anda field of study.
Because the phonetic is not only learn about the various sounds, but also learn about the lack of
launching its means student can also learn about the human deficiencies in speaking. The student
can distinguish the type and can apply it.


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