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Slang Language in Song Lyric

Used by “Exclusive”


Language is a tool for communication between fellow beings, especially humans, without
language there will be no human race like today. Language is also a way that people use to express
thoughts oral and written. Oral language is a combination of sounds used to express thought.The
sounds used to express thought are grouped in spoken words. A spoken word may be a single
sound or a group of sounds. Written language is composed of written words, so combined as to
express thought.The sole purpose of language is to express thought.

In Languages there are many different terms that distinguish the type of language and
vocabulary outside the main standard, namely informal language, because of social differences
and geographical location, one type of language is slang. Abdul Chaer and Leoni Agustina (1995:
82) states language variations can be distinguished based on speakers and their use. According to
the speaker, that means who uses the language, where they live, how their social position is in the
community, what their sex is, and when the language is used. Based on its use, it means what
language is used for what, in what field, what paths and tools, and how the situation is formal.

Slang is a very informal type of vocabulary that is usually used in conversations by people
who know each other well (Swan 2005: 526). Slang is used by certain groups of people to use
different languages than usual. Slang is also commonly used by certain social groups so they don't
understand what is being said.
In the use of slang there is a shortening or changes in sound, and meaning in order to
facilitate those who obtain from certain groups. Words and phrases in slang maybe new, but they
can also be an extension of the meaning of the word (Adolof 2014: 4). Some slang words are
considered inappropriate because they conflict with sex, resistance, conflict, and drugs. The
language is used as an indicator for one's social status. English slang can also be different
depending on the race.

The use of slang can also be found in song and film lyrics. Especially, songs that highlight
the social and cultural side of one's identity. Meanwhile, there are several types of music, one of
which is "Rap".Unlike the general English songs, the lyrics of Rap music’s mostly have vulgar
meaning which is defenetely different from other usual English songs. However, there are more
less similarities and differences among them. Like the Exclusive songs that tell human activity,
loves has plagued, and sneaky lyrics. In those Exclusive songs the sentences structure and the
choice of word not only push forward imaginative quality but follows the reality of life. This rap
music mostly uses non-standard English which tends to be vulgar, lazy pronounciation and it is
often said as bad, incorrect and poor English. Mostly some of the words in the lyric are slang words

Rap is a type of music originating from America, especially black people, black people
use Rap music for self-expression, through rap music they can express that black people are the
same as other residents in America. According to Feagin and Vera, 2001;Rose,1994 noted ,rap
music has both overt and covert political dimensions: raps poetic voices is deeply political in
content and spirit, but iys hidden struggle that of access to public space and communitiy resources
and the interpretation of black expression constitutes rap hidden politic.

The writter chooses Exclusive songs, because Exclusive songs have many slang that can
be analyzed. According to Abadi (2009, p.17), there are 4 characteristics of slang languages such
as creativity, brashness, freshness, and onomatopoeic. Such characteristics of slang can be found
in Exclusive songs. Exclusive song lyrics mostly use slang words. Usually uneducated people,
such as homeless and criminal offenders usually use it. Slang should not be said at schools, holy
places, court offices, and other official places. In this paper, the author tries to identify the
characteristics of slang and dominant slang used in Exclusive songs.
There are at least two reasons why the writer wants to analyze the slang in Exclusive songs.
Firts, the writer wants to know the characteristics of slang in Exclusive songs, because Exclusive
used many kind of slang which have contrast meaning from real life. Second, the writer wants to
see the common slang in Exclusive’s song.

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