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A Study on Fee Report System Based On This system is specially designed foe fee

Java report of a college, administration

department. It makes easier and faster to
Archana Verma search any information regarding to student.
Dept. of CSIT Keyword: - Admin login, Accountant login,
BBAU, Tikermafi, Amethi Add accountant, Add student, View student
Abstract: - The fee report application is a Student fee report system is able to
desktop system which having capability to managing the data of each and every
storage the data of student’s fee and student; payment etc. fee report system
management records. Through this system helps us in managing tremendously efficient
we can check the fee status of students that way. This fee report system work in efficient
how much is remaining and how much is manner. We have two components in this
paid. It also cover all over fee status as well project. First is admin and second is
as student details as total fee, paid fee, due accountant. Admin play a role as a
fee and also provide personal detail like maintainer of fee detail of student and
their name, father name , course, contact accountant able to edit their personal details
number, Email address , city, state and and can view the fee details.
country. It provides facilities in school,
colleges and institute where students are Whenever any students registered to them in
enrolled. system provide a username and password.
When student login to the system with the
In this system there are also some correct username and password then they
features are provide as first add student access the next page, in this page they can
through which we can add new student in select two options are view details and
college or institute and there is second update details.
features like access student through which
we can view the student detail or we can get Student only can update their personal
the information regarding to student and details but cannot update their fee detail and
third is Edit student by which we can student can view their fee detail.
manipulate the information of student if This is helpful because the paper work is
there is correction is needed. There is reducing and we can storage the information
password features is also available through more efficiently and secure. It can be easily
which we can secure information of system operate with the minimum experiences. It
and we can also access this system safely. provides facility to save the time and energy
Though which no one can disturb relevant of admin.
information of the system.
Functions of fee report:-

 The user interface should be always

completely menu driven and easy to operate
for operator.
 The user should not be any difficulties
during operating in options field
 Response of the system should be faster for
operator or user.
 It also provides view, add, and delete
features for better fee management system.

Scope of fee report system

 This system is specifically design for an

individual school, college and institute.
 We cannot easily insert a new student
without permission of admin.
 This is desktop based system.
 To manage the fee there is limited

Significance of fee report system

Fees report system is still continuing to be a

trend in the education fields. Managing the
fees is positively one of the most hectic and
time consuming things to do. But fees report
system has definitely cut down the efforts to
zero and the people who are using it on a
regular basis can depose for the unlimited
benefits it has to provide. Most of the
institutes are now bringing this system in

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