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Dynamical resonances and the topology of the multiphoton adiabatic passage

S. Guérin,* L. P. Yatsenko,† and H. R. Jauslin
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Université de Bourgogne, CNRS, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon, France
共Received 19 October 2000; published 12 February 2001兲
We analyze adiabatic transfer processes in two-level systems driven by bichromatic delayed laser pulses. We
show that the robust transfer of atomic population and the exchange of momentum with the laser fields can be
understood on the basis of topological properties of dressed energy surfaces that are determined by dynamical
resonances. The analysis shows a topological quantization of the multiple absorption and emission of photons.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.63.031403 PACS number共s兲: 42.50.Hz, 32.80.Bx, 32.80.Wr

I. INTRODUCTION of an iteration of contact transformations 共which are the

quantum equivalent of Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser transfor-
Adiabatic passage techniques provide a robust method to mations 关15兴兲 and specific unitary transformations that are
control atomic and molecular processes by interaction with adapted to the dynamics of the resonances. One of the main
laser pulses. Different versions have been proposed and re- results is that, for processes based on adiabatic following on
alized experimentally 关1–7兴. The main effect that can be the energy surfaces, the perturbative corrections provided by
achieved is the complete transfer of atomic population to a the contact transformations are irrelevant, in the sense that
selected excited state. Another effect is, e.g., the control of the end effect of the transfer does not depend on them. Our
momentum transfer from the laser fields to an atomic beam, approach can be used to select and optimize the transfer of
leading to a deflection of the beam 关8–12兴. The phenomenol- population and of momentum by the suitable choice of the
ogy of single- and two-photon adiabatic passage is a fairly delay between the pulses and the peak amplitudes of the two
well understood field. However, this is not so for multipho- lasers.
ton processes. In this paper we consider these processes with
pulse-shaped bichromatic fields in two-level systems. The
models are analyzed in terms of dressed states, which are the II. EFFECTIVE DRESSED HAMILTONIAN
eigenstates of the coupled atom-plus-field system. The theo- We consider the Hamiltonian
retical analysis of these processes indicates that the main
conceptual ingredients are the adiabatic following of dressed
states and connectivity properties of the paths linking initial
and target states. These processes are robust because they do
not depend on the precise shapes of the laser pulses or on
H共 ␻ t⫹ ␪ 兲 ⫽H0 ⫺d• 冋兺 2


ei ␣ i 共 t 兲 cos共 ␻ i t⫹ ␪ i 兲 , 共1兲

precise tuning of laser frequencies.

The goal of the present paper is twofold. First we show in
the context of a concrete example that under adiabatic con- where H0 is the Hamiltonian of the free two-level system of
ditions the dynamics of the process can be described com- energies E 1 ⬍E 2 . The states 兵 兩 1 典 , 兩 2 典 其 span the Hilbert space
pletely by the topology of dressed-state energy surfaces. This H⫽C2 on which H0 and the dipole moment operator d act.
topological aspect is the key to the robustness of the process. The total electric field, containing two carrier frequencies
The second goal is to show that the topology of these sur- ␻ ⫽( ␻ 1 , ␻ 2 ), is characterized by unit vectors e j , smooth
faces is completely determined by the resonances of the sys- pulsed-shaped envelope functions of time ␣ (t)
tem. These resonances can be of two kinds: 共i兲 zeroth-order ⫽ 关 ␣ 1 (t), ␣ 2 (t) 兴 , and the initial phases ␪ ⫽( ␪ 1 , ␪ 2 ). The
resonances, which arise when a laser frequency 共or an integer interaction is thus characterized by the time-dependent Rabi
combination of frequencies兲 is equal to a Bohr frequency of frequencies ⍀ j (t)⫽⫺ 具 1 兩 d•e j 兩 2 典 ␣ j (t)/ប, j⫽1,2. We con-
the atom. This type of resonance has an effect for arbitrarily sider solutions 兩 ␾ (t) 典 of the time-dependent Schrödinger
weak-field amplitudes, provided that the time of interaction equation with the initial condition 兩 ␾ (⫺⬁) 典 ⫽ 兩 1 典 . Both fre-
is long enough; 共ii兲 dynamical or nonlinear resonances that quencies are different and off-resonant, as depicted in Fig. 1:
are induced by the field, and appear only when the fields ⌬ i ⬅(E 2 ⫺E 1 )/ប⫺ ␻ i , i⫽1,2. We introduce the relevant
becomes stronger than some well-defined thresholds 共see, beat frequency ␦ ⬅ ␻ 1 ⫺ ␻ 2 ⫽⌬ 2 ⫺⌬ 1 . In the following, we
e.g., 关13兴兲. The effect of nonlinear resonances, which cannot will consider for simplicity the case ⌬ 1 ⫽⫺⌬ 2 so that
be treated by simple perturbation expansions, is analyzed ␦ ⫽⫺2⌬ 1 . We study a strong-field regime in the sense that
with the general method developed in 关14兴. It consists of a the nonperturbative regime 兩 ␦ 兩 ⱗmaxt兵兩⍀ j(t)兩其Ⰶ(E2⫺E1)/ប,
combination of perturbative techniques formulated in terms j⫽1,2 is considered. Since for frozen field amplitudes the
Hamiltonian 共1兲 is periodic with two frequencies, it is natural
to introduce the strong-field dressed Hamiltonian 共the so-
*Email address: called Floquet or quasienergy Hamiltonian兲 关16–18兴, which

Permanent address: Institute of Physics, National Academy of we formulate in a way that derives naturally from the theory
Sciences of Ukraine, prospekt Nauky, 46, Kiev-22, 03650, Ukraine. of quantized dressed states in a cavity 关19–21兴:

1050-2947/2001/63共3兲/031403共4兲/$15.00 63 031403-1 ©2001 The American Physical Society



FIG. 1. Diagram of linkage patterns between two atomic states.

⳵ ⳵
K⫽⫺iប ␻ 1 ⫺iប ␻ 2 ⫹H共 ␪ 兲 . 共2兲
⳵␪1 ⳵␪2
FIG. 2. Quasienergy surfaces 共in units of ␦ ) as functions of ⍀ 1
The Floquet Hamiltonian allows us to take into account the and ⍀ 2 for ␦ ⫽⫺2⌬ 1 ⫽2⌬ 2 . Three different paths 关denoted 共a兲, 共b兲,
photon exchanges between the atom and the laser fields. It is and 共c兲兴 depending on the temporal evolution of the pulses are
formally constructed on the initial phases ␪ of the fields that depicted.
are treated as dynamical variables acting on L
⫽L2 (d ␪ 1 /2␲ ) 丢 L2 (d ␪ 2 /2␲ ) where each L2 (d ␪ i /2␲ ) is the and 共iii兲 the application of adiabatic principles to determine
Hilbert space of 2 ␲ -periodic functions of the angle ␪ i . The the dynamics of processes in view of the topology of the
quasienergy operator 共2兲 acts thus on the enlarged space K surfaces.
⫽H 丢 L. The eigenelements of K can be calculated numeri-
cally in a truncated Fourier decomposition for each fre-
quency. In the regime considered here the Floquet Hamil- III. QUASIENERGY SURFACE TOPOLOGY
tonian 共2兲 can be approximated, after a rotating wave For frozen values of the two fields ⍀ 1 and ⍀ 2 , we calcu-
0 0
transformation 关 10 e i␪ 1 兴 K 关 10 e ⫺i␪ 1 兴 , by an effective dressed late dressed states and dressed energies by diagonalizing
Hamiltonian given by 关11兴 Keff . The eigenelements can be labeled with two indices:
one, denoted n, refers to the levels of the atom, and another

Keff⫽⫺iប ␦ ⫹
ប 0
⳵␪ 2 ⍀1 冋 ⍀1
2⌬ 1

ប⍀ 2 0
2 e i␪ 冋 e ⫺i␪
册 , 共3兲
one denoted k, to the relative photon numbers. The index k
stands for the number of ␻ 1 photons absorbed and the num-
ber of ␻ 2 photons emitted. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors
have the following property of periodicity: ␭ n;k,⫺k ⫽␭ n;0,0
with ␪ ⬅ ␪ 1 ⫺ ␪ 2 . This effective model is valid only if the two ⫹kប ␦ and thus 兩 n;k,⫺k 典 eff⫽ 兩 n;0,0典 effexp(ik␪). The
frequencies ␻ 1 and ␻ 2 are not equal. The derivative term eigenelements appear as two families, each of which consists
represents the relative number of photon pairs, one ␻ 1 pho- of an infinite set of eigenvalues with equal spacing ប ␦ . The
ton minus one ␻ 2 photon. Thus the absorption of one ‘‘ef- eigenstates of Keff 兩 1;k,⫺k 典 eff and 兩 2;k,⫺k 典 eff can thus be
fective photon’’ of frequency ␦ in the effective model 共3兲 labeled by 兩 1;k,⫺k 典 and 兩 2;⫺1⫹k,⫺k 典 , k苸Z in the origi-
corresponds in the complete model 共2兲 to the absorption of nal basis of Eq. 共2兲.
one photon of frequency ␻ 1 and the emission of one photon In Fig. 2, we display quasienergy surfaces, calculated nu-
of frequency ␻ 2 . If the two laser fields are counterpropagat- merically, as functions of the scaled Rabi frequencies ⍀ 1 / ␦
ing perpendicularly to the atomic beam, this double photon and ⍀ 2 / ␦ . Together with the adiabatic analysis, the topology
exchange results in a net transfer of momentum to the atom of these surfaces gives insight into the various atomic popu-
of ប( ␻ 1 ⫹ ␻ 2 )/c, which manifests as a deflection of the lation and photon transfers that can be produced by choosing
beam. The second term of the effective Hamiltonian 共3兲 is appropriately the temporal evolution of the pulses. We start
the usual rotating wave approximation 共RWA兲 Hamiltonian with the dressed state 兩 1;0,0典 , i.e., the lowest atomic state
共associated with the ␻ 1 field兲, with eigenvalues 2␭ ⫾ 0
⫽ប⌬ 1 with zero ␻ 1 and ␻ 2 photons. Its energy is shown as the
⫾ប 冑(⌬ 1 ) ⫹(⍀ 1 ) . The third term can be viewed as a per-
2 2
starting point of various paths. Since the envelopes of the
turbation of this usual RWA Hamiltonian. pulses vary slowly, the adiabatic theorem implies that the
Our method to analyze the dynamics globally consists of solution of the time-dependent dressed Schrödinger equation
共i兲 the calculation of the dressed eigenenergy surfaces of the follows the instantaneous dressed eigenvectors continuously
effective quasienergy operator as a function of the two Rabi connected to the initial state. This describes accurately the
frequencies ⍀ 1 and ⍀ 2 , 共ii兲 the analysis of their topology, dynamics if the time dependence of the envelopes is slow


enough according to the Landau-Zener analysis. If two 共un-

coupled兲 eigenvalues cross, the adiabatic analysis shows that
the dynamics follows the crossing. We define the transfer
state as the dressed eigenvector that is adiabatically fol-
lowed, i.e., on which the dressed population resides during
the dynamics. The knowledge of the topology of the quasien-
ergy surfaces gives the adiabatic connectivity between the
initial and target dressed states. There are two infinite fami-
lies of quasienergy surfaces that are constructed by the trans-
lations by ប ␦ k, k苸Z of two surfaces. Any two neighboring
surfaces have points of contact that are conical intersections.
In the present model all the points of intersection are located
either at the line ⍀ 1 ⫽0 or at the line ⍀ 2 ⫽0, corresponding
to the situations where only one of the laser fields is inter-
FIG. 3. 共a兲 Rabi frequencies 共in units of ␦ ) from squared trig
acting with the atom. This has the crucial consequence that
function envelopes. 共b兲 Quasienergy curves 共in units of ␦ ), corre-
the adiabatic following across these intersections can be
sponding to the path b of Fig. 2 (⍀ max⫽1.5␦ ) from formula 共4兲
done in a robust way, by making sure that the second field is
共dotted lines兲 and the exact numerical result 共full line兲. The arrow
not active when the amplitude of the first one goes across the indicates the adiabatic path 共big line兲.
intersection. This is the mechanism that allows a robust con-
trolled adiabatic passage from one dressed state surface to true crossing兲 and becomes effective when field 2 is on 共left
the next. Besides these true crossings, the quasienergy sur- avoided crossing兲. The second dynamical resonance occurs
faces display avoided crossings. These true crossing and symmetrically from a dynamical Stark shift due to field 2
avoided crossings are associated with dynamical resonances, that makes the eigenvalues resonant with field 1.
as we will show below. If the peak amplitudes are taken even larger, such that two
We consider the action of two smooth pulses, associated dynamical resonances are crossed 共corresponding to the true
with Rabi frequencies ⍀ 1 (t) and ⍀ 2 (t), which act on the crossings when ⍀ 1 rises with ⍀ 2 ⫽0 and when ⍀ 2 decreases
two-level atom with a time delay ␶ . A sequence of such with ⍀ 1 ⫽0), the final state is 兩 1;2,⫺2 典 , i.e., there is no
pulses corresponds to a closed loop in the parameter plane atomic population transfer but an absorption of two ␻ 2 pho-
⍀ 1 and ⍀ 2 . Figure 2 shows three examples of adiabatic tons and an emission of two ␻ 1 photons. This kind of pro-
paths depending on the peak amplitudes of the Rabi frequen- cess can be generalized to paths yielding the connectivity of
cies and leading to three different final atomic population the transfer state to 兩 1;k,⫺k 典 , i.e., the emission of k ␻ 1
and photon transfers. Each of the two black curves 共labeled a photons and the absorption of k ␻ 2 photons (k positive for
and b兲 correspond to a sequence of two smooth pulses of pulse 1 before pulse 2 and negative for pulse 2 before pulse
equal length T and equal peak Rabi frequencies ⍀ max , sepa- 1兲, with no atomic population transfer. This result is shown
rated by a delay such that the pulse 1 is switched on before in Fig. 4 where we have diagrammed the final average effec-
the pulse 2. For curve 共a兲, the shifts of the eigenvalues are tive number of exchanged photons k as a function of the peak
smaller than the energy of the first intersections. As a con- Rabi frequencies, calculated numerically by solving the
sequence, the path stays on a single surface, and at the end dressed time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The dips are
the system returns to the initial state, without any final trans- due to nonadiabatic Landau-Zener transitions when the pulse
fer of photons or of the atomic population. overlapping is in the neighborhood of the intersections. With
Curve 共b兲 corresponds to shifts that are larger than the a configuration of counterpropagating laser fields, perpen-
first intersections. The crossing of the first intersection as ⍀ 1 dicular to the atomic beam, this translates into the possibility
increases with ⍀ 2 ⫽0 brings the dressed system into the first of deflection of the beam by the transfer of a momentum
upper quasienergy surface. Turning on and increasing the kប( ␻ 1 ⫹ ␻ 2 )/c.
amplitude ⍀ 2 共while ⍀ 1 decreases兲 moves the path across
this surface. When the second field ⍀ 2 decreases, the curve
crosses an intersection 共with ⍀ 1 ⫽0) that brings the system
to the third level surface, on which the curve stays until the
end of the pulse ⍀ 2 . The transfer state is finally connected to
state 兩 1;1,⫺1 典 : there is no transfer of atomic population, but
one ␻ 2 photon has been absorbed and one ␻ 1 photon has
been emitted at the end of the process. This path has been
redrawn as a function of time in Fig. 3共b兲 关using truncated
sin2 envelopes of length T⫽100/␦ and delayed by ␶ ⫽T/3,
shown on Fig. 3共a兲兴. Each of the two dynamical resonances FIG. 4. Comparison of the number k of effective photons emit-
is crossed twice; each appears as one true crossing and one ted at the end of the process 关Eq. 共5兲兴 共dashed line兲 with the average
avoided crossing. They can be described as follows: the field number of effective photons from the exact numerical result 共full
1 dynamically shifts the eigenvalues that become resonant line兲. The plateaus labeled 共a兲 and 共b兲 refer to the two paths of Fig.
with field 2. This resonance is mute when field 2 is off 共left 2 for pulse length T⫽100/␦ and delay ␶ ⫽T/3.


Inspection of the surface topology shows the possibility of explicit expression for the dressed energy surfaces:

冋 册
a pulse sequence leading to atomic population transfer in this
system. As illustrated by the path 共c兲 in Fig. 2, this process ␭ ⫾,k ⌬ 1 1 共 ␧ 2⍀ 1␭ ⫺
0 2

requires two pulses of different peak amplitude. The first ⫽ ⫹k ␦ ⫿ 共 冑A⫺ ␦ 兲 2 ⫹ 共4兲
ប 2 4 ប A
resonance is crossed by the raising pulse 1 共with ⍀ 2 ⫽0).
The second pulse is chosen with a smaller peak amplitude in
order to avoid the passage through the resonance that would with A⫽ 兵 关 (⌬ 1 ) 2 ⫹(⍀ 1 ) 2 兴 1/2⫺ ␦ 其 2 ⫹4(␧␭ ⫺
/ប) 2 and 2␧
lead the system to the third level surface. In this way we ⫽⫺⍀ 2 / 冑(⌬ 1 ) ⫹(⍀ 1 ) . Figure 3共b兲 displays these eigen-
2 2

obtain a path that ends at 兩 2;0,⫺1 典 : the atomic population is values which are in close agreement with the exact eigenval-
completely transferred to the excited level, accompanied ues calculated numerically. Figure 3 shows that the formula
with absorption of one ␻ 2 photon. This can also be general- 共4兲 determines the qualitative feature of the spectrum and
ized for upper and lower paths: the connectivity leads to especially the connectivity. This systematic method can also
兩 2;⫺1⫹k,⫺k 典 , with k positive 共pulse 1 before smaller be applied to treat the next dynamical resonances occurring
pulse-2 amplitude兲 or negative or zero integer 共pulse 2 before for higher field amplitudes.
smaller pulse-1 amplitude兲. Since the connectivity of the transfer state to 兩 1;k,⫺k 典 is
The topology of the quasienergy surfaces thus shows based on the crossings, we can determine analytically the
which appropriate delays and peak amplitudes induce desired final number of effective photons k as a function of the peak
atomic population and photon transfers. In the adiabatic re- Rabi frequencies ⍀ max /␦ 共taken equal兲 in the purely adia-
gime, these loops can be classified into topologically in- batic regime:
equivalent classes. If the evolution is adiabatic, all paths of a
given class lead to the same end effect. This property under- k⫽ 关 integer part of 冑共 ⍀ max / ␦ 兲 2 ⫹ 共 ⌬ 1 / ␦ 兲 2 兴 . 共5兲
lies the robustness of the process.
The explicit consideration of the small perturbative cor- It predicts the adiabatic plateaux of Fig. 4. They can be
rections from the full model 共2兲 does not change the topol- interpreted as a topological quantization of the number of
ogy of the surfaces in the sense that the conical intersections exchanged photons.
are not removed but only slightly shifted. In conclusion, we remark that the tools presented in this
paper can be applied to a large variety of systems and control

With the technique combining the rotating wave transfor- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

mations 共RWT兲 and contact transformations developed in
关14兴, one can treat accurately the dynamical resonances. If We acknowledge support by INTAS 99-00019. L.Y.
we take into account the first two dynamical resonances, that thanks l’Université de Bourgogne for the invitation during
are associated with the path 共b兲, one obtains the following which this work was accomplished.

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