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This chapter discusses the research method used in the present study

which comprises place and time of the research, research model, population

and sample, data collection, research variables, research instrument and data


A. Location and Time of Research

1. Place of the Research

The research was conducted to the eleventh Grade of Social

Program of MA Negeri 2 Tangerang and MA Negeri 5 Tangerang

in academic year of 2019/20120. The selection of the research place

relate to the purpose of the research. First, it is to improve and

increase the learning achievement of writing skill of the students

through vocabulary and grammar mastery. Second, the writer’s

personal reason, that the he has been familiar with the situation and

condition of the school. Third, by having access and aids from the

school, it is hoped it would give easy to the writer in term of time

management in running the research.

2. Time of the Research

Based on the time and learning activities that take place, then the

plan research was conducted from January to April 2020.

3. Schedule of the Research

The information of schedule of the research can be seen in the

following table.

No Activities of Study
January February March April

1 Developing research proposal √

2 Field observation √

3 Arranging Instrument √

4 Collecting Data √

5 Analyzing Data √

6 Reporting √

7 Revising Report √

8 Finalizing Report √

B. Method of Research

The method applied is descriptive survey methodology. Descriptive

survey is method which uses some sample from a number of populations.

The research uses questionnaire as a mean of collecting data. (Ridwan,

2009: 65). This study emphasize on the effect of vocabulary and grammar

mastery altogether towards students’ writing skills in narrative text. It

means there are two independent variables and one dependent variable,

variable X1 as the first independent variable (vocabulary mastery) and

variable X2 as the second independent variable (grammar mastery) which

have interconnected and influenced the variable Y as the dependent


variable (students’ writing skill in narrative text). The method use is

descriptive survey with multiple correlation technique.

Therefore, this research will be seen clearly throughout the research design

in the following figure.



Figure 3.1 Research paradigm

Note :

X1 = Independent variable a symbol of vocabulary mastery

X2 = Independent variable a symbol of grammar mastery

Y = Dependent variable a symbol of English narrative writing skill

C. Population and Sample

1. The Population

To find the source of the data in this research is needed judgment

so that the source of the data can really give the relevant data with the

research problem. The source of the data that become the subject of this

research namely population.


According to Sugiyono (2008:17) population is an area of

generalization which comprises subject that has quality and certain

characteristic determined to be analyzed and then made a conclusion

by researcher. Furthermore, Fraenkel and Norman (2003: 9697) find

out that population is the larger group to which one hopes to apply the

result. In other words, it is the group of interest to the researcher, the

group to whom the researcher would like to generalize the result of the


The population in this research is the students of MA Negeri 2

Tangerang and MA Negeri 5 Tangerang. The total numbers of MA

Negeri 2 Tangerang students are 830 students and The total numbers

of MA Negeri 2 Tangerang students are 310. The writer takes the

eleventh grade for the population with the assumption that the students

had learned English for a year at the eleventh grade. The writer

assumes that the students had learned more vocabularies that can help

them to comprehend and write English text. Moreover, based on the

English curriculum 2013 for Senior High School, one of the

competencies that must be achieved by the eleventh grade students is

to be able to write narrative text in written form. (Model Sylabus). The

writer also supposes that they have learned more about tenses, word

formation and another grammar.


The population of the research are the students of eleventh grade of

MA Negeri 2 Tangerang and MA Negeri 5 Tangerang consist of 400

students in academic year of 2019/2020.

2. Sample

To get the representative sample for this research process, the

writer uses the technique of Simple Random Sampling. Fraenkel and

Norman (2003: 97) stated that sampling refers to the process of

selecting individuals. Sample in a research study refer to any group on

which information is obtained. The sampling technique used for this

survey research is a cluster-simple random sampling – it means taking

a sample in cluster, random, and in a simple way. It is done because of

the wide area and a great deal of population. According to Sevilla

(2006: 167-168), the cluster-simple random sampling is used in which

related to a geographic location of respondents where they are in one

school selected randomly as a cluster and regarded that they have an

equal position for relevant characteristics towards examined variables.

Furthermore, Roscoe, in Sugiyono (2013: 74) stated that”

inmultivariate research, total respondent is at least ten times of total

variable”. According to Arikunto (2006: 134) states, “when the subject

is less than 100, it is better all to be as sample”. Therefore it is called

population research. Furthermore, when the subject is large enough the

research sample could be 10% - 15% - 20% - 25% or more. Based on


the theory, the writer takes 25% from eleventh grade of students of

MA Negeri 2 Tangerang and MA Negeri 5 Tangerang at the second

semester academic year of 2019/2020.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The technique used for collecting the data in this research was by

giving students some instruments. The research tried to get the factual data

by providing test.

The first independent variable is vocabulary mastery (X1), the research

give 30 multiple choice questions. They have to answer the questions by

crossing a, b, c, or d each correct answer has one score while the incorrect

answer is zero score.

The second independent variable is grammar mastery (X2) the instrument

used to measure students grammar mastery is also multiple choice

questions were also designed based on the grammar material they learn in

the eleventh grade.

The third is dependent variable, it is observed and measured to determine

its correlation to the two independent variables. The dependent variable of

this research is students’ writing skill in narrative text that is symbolized

by (Y). The data is obtained by giving the instruction to write a simple

narrative text.

E. Research Variable

1. Variable X1 (the vocabulary mastery)

a. Conceptual Definition

Mastery can be definition as the ability to understand and apply in a

concrete form. Understanding in this matter is related to the theory or the

existing rules, while applying can be understood as a manifestation of the

theory to tangible form. Thus, vocabulary mastery is the knowing a word

entails having mastery over various kind of lexical knowledge one must

know more than meaning to master a word, however a person must be

able to perceive and produce in verbal or written words. The words must

also be used accurately in terms of grammatical constrains.

b. Operational Definition

Vocabulary mastery is a score of ability of understanding words of

foreign knowledge such as the meaning of words, the grammatical of the

word, and other things related to vocabulary knowledge. To obtain

students’ data in vocabulary, a vocabulary test as instruments has been

developed into the objective test in the form of multiple choice questions

consisting 30 items with 4 options (a, b, c, and d). The objective test is a

sub-set of test with multiple choices given (option a, b, c and d). it means

one correct answer, while the others are to be the distracters. The score

follow the rules of multiple choices scoring system by Marsudi JS. In this

instrument the writer selects some words list stated in English curriculum

and the textbook used to teach in the class and which consist of

functions, synonym, and definition.

2. Variable X2 (Students’ Grammar Mastery)

a. Conceptual definition

Grammar mastery is the ability to arrange the sentence in good

composition. It is conducted with the rules of English grammar.

b. Operational Definition

Grammar mastery is the score of achievement of the grammar test

given to respondent as the sample of the research. The instruments has

been developed into the objective test in the form of multiple choice

questions consisting 30 item with 4 options (a, b, c and d). The

objective test is sub-set of test with multiple choices given (option a, b,

c, and d). It means one correct answer, while the others are to be

distracters. The score follow the rules of multiple choices scoring

system by Marsudi J.S. as shown in the table below:

Table 3.4 : Multiple choice scoring table

Lt 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

1 93 96 97 97 98 98 98 98 98
2 87 91 93 95 96 96 97 97 97
3 80 87 90 92 93 94 95 96 96
4 73 82 87 89 91 92 93 94 95
5 67 78 83 87 89 90 92 3 93
6 60 73 80 84 87 89 90 91 92
7 53 69 77 81 84 87 88 90 91

8 47 64 73 79 82 85 87 88 89
9 40 60 70 76 80 83 85 87 88
10 33 55 67 73 79 81 83 85 87
11 27 51 63 71 76 79 82 84 85
12 20 47 60 68 73 77 80 82 84
13 13 42 57 65 71 75 78 81 83
14 7 38 53 63 69 73 77 79 81
15 0 33 50 60 67 71 75 78 80
16 29 47 57 64 70 73 76 79
17 25 43 55 62 68 72 75 77
18 21 40 52 60 66 70 73 76
19 17 37 49 58 64 68 72 75
20 13 33 47 56 62 67 70 73
21 9 30 44 53 60 65 69 72
22 5 27 41 51 58 63 67 71
23 0 24 39 49 56 62 66 69
24 21 36 47 54 60 64 68
25 18 33 44 52 58 63 67
26 15 31 42 51 57 61 65
27 21 28 40 49 55 60 64
28 9 25 38 47 53 68 63
29 6 23 36 45 52 57 61
30 3 20 34 43 50 55 60
31 17 32 41 48 54 59
32 15 30 39 47 52 57

3. Dependent variable or variable Y (students’ skill in narrative text)

a. Conceptional Definition

Writing skill is the ability to compose text in good grammar and

the right choice of words. Writing a narrative text is how to deliver

message to reader by using symbol of letter and good arrangement, a

good text should contain correct vocabulary and grammar.

b. Operational Definition

Students skill of narrative text is the score obtained from the

respondent task the sample research. The score is taken from the writing

test given to the respondent. These score show the ability in writing,

research gave instruction to compose English narrative text with free

idea about someone, something, and place.

F. Research Instruments

The instruments of this research are vocabulary test, grammar test and

writing English narrative test. Those instruments are used for collecting

the research data. The research data are the students’ scores. Vocabulary

test is conducted to measure the students’ vocabulary mastery and

grammar test to measure the students’ grammar mastery. Meanwhile, the

writing test is given to measure their competence in writing English

narrative text.

Vocabulary and grammar test are in the form 30 multiple choice

questions. Each correct answer of each question will have one score and

incorrect is zero score. The range of score is 0 until 100. It also adapted

from some related source in order questions are well organized. The

guideline and indicators of variable of the research can be clearly seen in

the following table.

Table 3.5 the lettuce of Vocabulary Test

No Basic Competence Indicators Questions Total

1 Word Class Student is able to use 23, 24, 25

the knowledge of word

2 Word Families Students are able to 22,

a. Prefixes find the correct words
b. Suffixes which relate to 26, 27, 28

prefixes and
understand the use of 29, 30
them in context.

Student is able to find

the correct words
which related to
suffixes and
understand the use of
them in context.

3 Collocations Students able to 7, 9 10, 11

choose the
a. Phrasal verb grammatical pattern
which are related to
b. Idioms phrasal verb.
Student is able to
choose the
grammatical pattern
which are related to
phrasal idioms

4 Synonym and Student is able to find 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8

the words which have
Antonym the similar meaning.
Student is able to find
the words which have
the opposite meaning.

5 Lexical Student is able to 12, 13, 14,

choose and
Content words differentiate the lexical 15, 16, 17,
and content words.
18, 19, 20
Student is able to use
knowledge of literature 21.
and content areas to
understand unknown

Table. 3.6
Table Lettuce of Grammar Test
No Basic Competence Indicators Questions Total
1 Students is able to Student is able to identify 20, 26, 23 3
comprehend using of “to be” and using appropriate “to be
and modals and modals”

2. Student is able to apply verb Student is able to identify 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10

the verb (nominal and 22, 27, 28, 29,

verbal) 30

3 Student is able to comprehend Student is able to identify 11, 12, 13, 14, 5
parts of grammar the appropriate sentence 16.

4 Student is able to comprehend Student is able to identify 5 1

passive sentence the passive form

5 Student is able to comprehend Student is able to identify 21, 23 2

basic structure for clause and recognize clause
functions as an objective
clause in a sentence, that,
who, whom, etc.

6 Student is able to comprehend Student is able to identify 4, 15, 18, 19, 5

simple sentences and complex and recognize simple 24
sentences complex sentence in

7 Student is able to comprehend Student is able to identify 8, 10, 17, 25 4

tense based on time signal the time signal

In writing test, the writer instructs student to compose the English

narrative text. The scoring is subjective and based on some aspects which

are content, grammar, dictation (vocabulary), and mechanic of writing.

The instruction is stated please choose one of the three topic below, they

describe someone, something, or place by writing down it on a paper.

G. Instrument Calibration

a. Validity test for vocabulary and grammar Mastery

1. Validity Test

Since the data of vocabulary and grammar mastery is dichotomist,

so the validity for both instruments is measured by using point

biseral technique, and the formula is stated as follow:


r pbis = 𝑋 𝑖−𝑋𝑟

which means :

rbis = coefficient correlation of point bi-serial

Mp = the average score for those who got the correct answer

Mt = the average of total score

St = standard of deviation of total score

P = level of difficulty q = 1 – p

The try out this instrument is conducted to non-sample of 30

populations. To make the instrument valid, all the invalid items are revised

and replaced by another items and re-tried out, until all the items are

sentenced valid ( see appendix). Therefore, these instruments can be used

as the tool of measurement in this research.

2. Reliability Test

The reability test for vocabulary and grammar mastery is

conducted by Alpha-Cronbach as illustrated in the following:

𝑘 ∑ 𝑆𝑡 2
r11 = {1 − }
𝑘−1 𝑆𝑡 2

Which means:

r11 = Reliability of instrument


k = Total of valid items

∑ 𝑆𝑡 2 = Total of item variance

𝑆𝑡 2 = Total of variance

If the coefficient of vocabulary and grammar mastery instrument

reliability is bigger than 0,7 it means that this instrument is fairly reliable.

b. Narrative Text writing skill

1. Validity test

Kind validity measured in this research is a validity internal

consistency by using Pearson Product Moment. The result gained through

the measurement then is compared to rtable of product moment. If the

robserved is bigger than rtable, hence the item of instrument is sentenced valid,

or vice versa. The validity data is presented after all the measurement is

done completely.

For the instrument of narrative writing skills, since they are not

dichotomy, so the data would be nonparametric. Thus, the validity test is

done by using correlation of product moment, which the formula is

presented as follow:

𝑁 ∑ 𝑋𝑌− (∑ 𝑋) (∑ 𝑌)
√{𝑁 ∑ 𝑋 2− (∑ 𝑋)2 } {𝑁 ∑ 𝑌 2− (∑ 𝑌)2 }

which means :

r = coefficient Correlation of X and Y


X = Total score (for independent variables)

Y = total score (for dependent variable)

n = total of respondents

The try out is conducted to the 36 member of the population but

non sample. After having the try out, then revision is to be conducted. To

make the instruments valid, all the invalid items were revised and

replaced by another items and re-tried out, until all the items are

sentenced valid. Therefore, the instruments could be used as the tools of

measurement in this research.

2. Reliability Test

The reliability test for the descriptive text writing skill is conducted

by way of Alpha-Cronbach. According to Djali (2000: 145) is fully

presented as usual by using Alpha-Cronbach as ilustrated in the

following :

𝑘 ∑𝑆𝑡 2
r 11 = {1 − }
𝑘−1 𝑆𝑡 1

which means :

r11 = reliability of instrument

k = total of valid items

∑𝑆𝑡 2 = total of item variance

𝑆𝑡 2 = total of variance

If the coefficient of narrative text writing skill instrument reliability is

bigger than 0.7, it means that this instrument is fairly reliable.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Descriptive analysis

The descriptive analysis is done by presenting the data in the form

of frequency distribution table, polygon graphic, and also histogram

for each research variable. Furthermore, for each group of data will be

processed and analyzed about the size of: mean, median, mode,

standard of deviation, skewness and also kurtosis. For the descriptive

data processing, the tabulation is performed by SPSS version 20.0 for

Window, with the manual formula presented as follow:

a. Mean = 2

and ∑ 𝑋 = frequencytotal score

n = total sample

b. Mode = b l p (𝑏1+𝑏2)

and b = the border of interval class and the most frequency

p = the swap of interval class

b1 = frequency of mode class – frequency of previous interval



b2 = frequency of mode class-frequency of upcoming interval


c. Median = b + p ( )

and b = the under limit, where the median lies

n = total data sample

F = total of all frequencies before median class

f = frequency of median class

∑𝑓𝑑2 − (𝑓𝑑)2
d. Standard of deviation = √ 𝑛

and ∑fd = frequency total score multiplied by the total interval


∑fd2 = frequency total score multiplied by total interval


n = total sample

2. Prerequisite Test for data analysis

The prerequisite test are done to find out whether the collected data

is worthy enough to be analyzed later on by using statistical tool. The

prerequisite tests are normality test and linearity test. For the research,

the prerequisite tests are performed by using SPSS version 20.0


a. Normality Test

The normalty test is done by using Lilliefors test with criteria if

the score of Lobserved < Ltable, it meansthat the data comes from

normal population, or vice versa. The score of Lobserved is gained

through Kolmogorov Smirnov analysis by using SPSS 20.0”

(Abdullah, Suparman: 2014: 50). The data distribution normal

when the score sigKS > 0,05.

b. Linearity Test

The test of linearity for regression line for this research is done by

using F test (Sudjana, 1996: 327), which the formula is stated as


𝑆 2𝑇𝐶 𝑘−2
F = 2 = 𝐽𝐾(𝐸)

(JKTC = JKres – JKE, is called the sum of mismatch squares

2 (∑𝑦𝑖)2
JK(E) = ∑k {∑𝑦 𝑡 − } = is called the sum of falacy squares,

While k is re-grouping for x data.

Jkrea = ∑ Y11 – JK(bla) – JK (α) is called the sum of residual


∑𝑥1 ∑𝑦1
JK(blα) = b {∑𝑥1𝑌1 − }, is called the sum of regression

squares n

∑ 𝑦𝑜 2
JK(α) = , is called also the sum of regression squares (a).

The score of Fobserved is then compare to the score of Ftable with α =

5%. The criteria for linearity test is if Fobserved > Ftable, it means that

the regression line is linear.

3. Testing Hypothesis

After the entire prerequisite test fulfilled, which means that the data

need advanced processing, the following step would be the test for

each hypothesis. This test is done by using multiple correlation

technique. This test is done to find out the effects among variables,

namely: reading interest, perception on learning styles and reading

comprehension whether partially or collectively. This test is performed

by using SPSS version 20.0 for Window.

Overall, to test the hypothesis, we can see through the tables as


Table 3.7: Anova Table (F)

Source of df Sum of Mean of Fo F1

Variance (SV) Squares Squares
Total n Y2 - - -

Regression 1 SSReg(a) MSReg(a)

Regression (b/a) 1 SSReg(b/a) MSReg(b/a) MSReg b/a F 1

Residual n-2 SSRes MSRes MSRes ,dk1,dk2


Table 3.8: Coefficient Table (t)

Unstandardized coefficient Standardized Coefficient
Model Standard Sig.
(consonant) a 0
X1 a1
X2 a2
a. Dependent variable

I. Statistical Hypothesis
The hypothesis for this research are stated as follows:
1. Hypothesis 1

H0 : β1 = β2 = 0 there are no effect of vocabulary and grammar

Mastery altogether toward students’ writing skill in
narrative text.

H1 : β1≠0, β2≠0 there are effects of vocabulary and grammar mastery

altogether toward students’ writing skills in
narrative text.
2. Hypothesis 2

H0 : β1 = 0 there is no effect of vocabulary mastery towards

students’ writing skill in narrative text.

H1 : β1 ≠ 0 there is an effect of vocabulary mastery towards

students’ writing skill in narrative text.

3. Hypothesis 3

H0 : β2 ≠ 0 there is no effect of grammar mastery toward students’

writing skills in recount text.

H1 : β2 ≠ 0 there is an effect of grammar mastery toward students’

writing skill in narrative text.

Which means:

β1 = variable coefficient for vocabulary mastery

β2 = variable coefficient for grammar mastery


β1, 2 = variable coefficient regression vocabulary and grammar

mastery altogether towards student’s writing skills in

narrative text.

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