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1.Dale S.Beach:

This articles tells that Performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of the individual
with respect to his or her performance on the job and his or her potential for development.
2. Randall S.Schedule:

Performance appraisal is formal structure system of measuring and evaluating an

employee’s job related behaviour and outcomes to discover and why the employee is present by
performing on the job and how the employee can perform more effectively in the future.
3. Dale Yoder:
Performance appraisal includes all formal procedures used to evaluated personalities
and contributions and potentials of group members in a working organization.
4. Hedge and borman (1995):

To manage any business there must be a key component known as performance

appraisal. It allows a company to measure what are the risks a company must deal, to check
whether the resource are being utilized and how well it has travelled along its pathway that was
5. Komminis and emmanuel (2007):

Performance appraisal considers promotions and pay for performance as one of the most
effective ways of rewarding and motivating employees.
6. Jonget (2009):
The use of performance appraisals toidentify employee strengths & weakness is
considered as an effective way of motivating employees through supervisors support.
7. Maslow’s (1943):

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs pyramid stated that a person cannot proceed & develop
without being valued and supported.
8. Develand and Murphy (1992):

The observed generally that managers often allow the appraisal process to be influenced
by non-performance issues.
9. Ani (1997):

Skill and motivation is the essence of productivity and labour welfare. Hence, it is the
task of top management to co-ordinate the efforts of managers to improve productivity.
10. Taylor (1998):

Performance appraisal said that a bad appraisal conducted is worse than no appraisal
conducted at all in terms of its adverse effect on motivation, commitment, trust, between
managers and employees and job satisfaction.

It states that appraisals have been completed in a haphazard way with poor feedback on
11. Shelley (1999):

Performance appraisal as the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information

about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring
and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the
employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does.
12. Brumbach (1988):

Performance refers to both behaviours and results. Behaviours derive from the
performer, and convert performance from thought to action. Behaviours are not just the
instruments for results, they are also outcomes in their own right the product of mental and
physical effort applied to tasks and can be judged apart from results.
13. Osabiya Babatunde Joseph (2014):
Effectiveness of performance appraisal as a tool to measure employee productivity in
14. Patrick Kampkotter (2016):
The article focus on the effect on performance appraisals on employees overall job
satisfaction. The appraisals are differentiated that are linked to monetary outcomes, such as
bonus and promotions, and appraisals that have no monetary consequencies.
15. Mishra (2012):

This is consistent with the reviewed literature, which underscores that 360 degree
appraisal helps to assess an employee performance from different angles and therefore effective
of the employees actual performance.
16. Huber (2006):
Performance appraisal process uses methods to provide employees with the
information necessary to decide whether they are meeting the expectation or they can improve
their performance.

17. Alford and beatty:

This article tells that It is the evaluation or appraisal of the relative worth to the
company of a man's service on the job".
18. Stonich (1984):

This articles tells that performance measurement in an organization should be in tune

with its structure and culture. Since the nature of the enterprises in which each industry is
engaged varies, its organizational type, business policy, internal and external environment are
also usually different. The purpose of this study is to conduct a direct comparative analysis of
performance appraisal system in the service and manufacturing industries.
19. Williams (1989):

This article reviews that there is a relationship between organizational characteristics

and the uses of a performance appraisal system.
20. McKellin (1993):

In practice performance appraisal systems cover a wide range of these aspects, and rarely
have exactly the same nature and functions. In order to integrate findings in the area.

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