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Drug Name Dosage & Route Action Indication Adverse Effects Contraindication Nursing Responsibility

Adult/Child: IV 2–5 CV: Hypotension, ectopic
DOPAMINE Naturally occurring To correct hemodynamic Pheochromocytoma; Assessment & Drug Effects
mcg/kg/min increased beats, tachycardia, anginal
HYDROCHLORIDE neurotransmitter and imbalance in shock syndrome tachyarrhythmias or
gradually up to 20–50 pain, palpitation,
(doe'pa-meen) immediate precursor of due to MI (cardiogenic ventricular fibrillation. Safe
mcg/kg/min if vasoconstriction (indicated by • Monitor blood pressure, pulse,
norepinephrine. Major shock), trauma, endotoxic use during pregnancy
necessary disproportionate rise in peripheral pulses, and urinary output
cardiovascular effects septicemia (septic shock), (category C), lactation, or
Dopastat, Intropin, diastolic pressure), cold at intervals prescribed by physician.
produced by direct action on open heart surgery, and CHF. children is not established.
Revimine Renal Failure extremities; less frequent: Precise measurements are essential
alpha- and beta-adrenergic
Adult: IV 2–5 aberrant conduction, for accurate titration of dosage.
receptors and on specific
mcg/kg/min bradycardia, widening of
Classifications: dopaminergic receptors in
QRS complex, elevated blood • Report the following indicators
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS mesenteric and renal vascular promptly to physician for use in
pressure. GI: Nausea,
SYSTEM AGENT; beds. decreasing or temporarily
vomiting. CNS: Headache.
ALPHA- AND BETA- suspending dose: Reduced urine
Skin: Necrosis, tissue
ADRENERGIC AGONIST flow rate in absence of hypotension;
sloughing with extravasation,
(SYMPATHOMIMETIC) gangrene, piloerection. ascending tachycardia;
Other: Azotemia, dyspnea, dysrhythmias; disproportionate rise
dilated pupils (high doses). in diastolic pressure (marked
decrease in pulse pressure); signs of
peripheral ischemia (pallor,
cyanosis, mottling, coldness,
complaints of tenderness, pain,
numbness, or burning sensation).
• Monitor therapeutic effectiveness.
In addition to improvement in vital
signs and urine flow, other indices
of adequate dosage and perfusion of
vital organs include loss of pallor,
increase in toe temperature,
adequacy of nail bed capillary
filling, and reversal of confusion or
comatose state.

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