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Premarital sex is when two people begin to engage in a sexual intercourse before marriage.

Intercourse should only do with your partners. However, nowadays premarital sex becomes an integral
part of the norms. Many young adults are living with this engaging in sexual activity before marriage.
Having sex before marriage can lead to HIV because it is an immoral act and more people are involved
with this action. In this essay we will see all the information about premarital sex, its bad effects in
humans (virus, diseases and illness) and why it is disapproved by most cultures and religions in the
world. In the past few decades, numbers of adolescents and youth in the country have experienced
premarital sexual relations or intercourse.

The Catholic Church firmly believed that sex acts should be done by the married ones. Sex is a sacred
action since it is made or declared holy, dedicated or devoted exclusively to a person who has that worth
of respect and admiration. Sexual Intercourse is done by married couple- man and women because sex
acts is done with commitment. Today, teenagers are getting involved in this situation for the reason that
they feel unappreciated and incomplete so they are more likely to seek for sexual activity. Having sexual
acts with your partners can become more satisfying since you know each other’s likes, dislikes, habits
and preferences. In addition, having sex with your love ones can lower blood pressure, reduced stress,
improved physical fitness, and has a better immune system, greater intimacy and lower rate of divorce.

Premarital sex can lead in various Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). One example of STD is
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Marriage could also be a factor in having HIV, late marriage after
sexual initiation leads to a long period of premarital sex that can lead into a STD specifically HIV.
Unprotected sex has a high chance to have HIV since it is usually done without contraceptive. Teenagers
are more often to have HIV because they don’t use any contraceptive. Furthermore, 23% or 2 out of 10
Filipinos Youth both male and female are already experienced premarital sex. On the other hand women
with a longer duration of sexual intercourse before marriage have a possibility of having HIV. Numerous
times of premarital sex were more likely to report multiple sexual partners that tend to have high odds of

Sexual Intercourse before marriage is an immoral act, it is said to be a sexual activity practiced by people
before they are married. Historically, premarital sex was considered moral issues which was taboo in
many cultures and considered a sin, however during the 1960s premarital sex become more widely
accepted, especially in Western countries. During the period of 1950s, it was the norm in Western
countries for men and women to marry at the age of 21 and 22. That time there were no further
discussions that one who had sex would not marry. The word “Premarital sex” was used rather than
fornication, which had negative connotations and was closely related to the in virginity and maidenhood,
which is sexual abstinence before and until marriage.

As a young Filipino I truly believed that each individual whether youth or adolescents should not engage
in premarital sex because if true love exists between partners sexual satisfaction can wait until marriage.
Premarital sex shouldn’t done, sex intercourse is sacred and holy to the person who has worthy respect.
It is also not accepted when we talks about the religion. Saving ourselves from sexual activity before
getting into marriage is the most significant thing that we can share to our spouse. “Human love is
affection, good-will, finding joy in their happiness and promoting the happiness of others. But it is clear,
that when a person loves another purely for sexual desires, none of these factors enter into the love.”-
Immanuel Kant.

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