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The True Causes of Cancer

By Angela Logomasini

Environmental activists have long claimed improve quality of life to pay for unproductive
that man-made chemicals are causing rampant regulations.
cancer rates that could be addressed only by
government regulation. Accordingly, lawmak- True Causes of Cancer
ers have passed laws directing government
agencies to study environmental causes of In their landmark 1981 study of the is-
cancer, estimate the number of lives allegedly sue, Richard Doll and Richard Peto set out to
lost, and devise regulations to reduce death determine the causes of preventable cancer in
rates. However, lawmakers should be aware of the United States.1 According to Doll and Peto,
some key problems with how this system has pollution accounts for 2 percent of all cancer
worked in practice. First, the claim that chemi- cases, and geophysical factors account for an-
cal pollution is a major cancer cause is wrong. other 3 percent (see figure 1). They do note that
Second, agencies have relied on faulty scientific 80 percent to 90 percent of cancers are caused
methods that grossly overestimate potential by “environmental factors.” Although activists
cancer deaths from chemicals and potential
1. Richard Doll and Richard Peto, “The Causes of Can-
lives saved by regulation. As a result, regulatory
cer: Quantitative Estimates of Avoidable Risks of Cancer
policy tends to divert billions of dollars from in the United States Today,” Journal of the National Can-
other life-saving uses or from other efforts to cer Institute 66, no. 6 (1981): 1191–308.

202-331-1010 • • Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Environmental Source

Figure 1. Causes of U.S. Cancer-Related Deaths underline the importance of diet by

pointing out that the quarter of the
Other population eating the fewest fruits
Pollution and vegetables had double the cancer
Geophysical factors
incidence than those eating the most.
Alcohol Diet Finally, they conclude: “There is no
Occupational factors
convincing evidence that synthetic
Reproductive chemical pollutants are important as
and sexual behavior a cause of human cancer.”3

Infections The Dose Equals the Poison

Before government officials, both

domestic and international, advocate
or issue regulations, they need to jus-
tify the regulations on the basis of
public health benefits. Accordingly,
Source: Doll and Peto, “The Causes of Cancer.”
regulators and scientists at interna-
tional organizations have developed
various tests to assess risks. Although
often trump this figure as evidence that indus- those tests have a tremendous effect on which
trial society is causing cancer, Doll and Peto chemicals are chosen to be regulated and to
explained that environmental factors are sim- what degree, there are serious problems with
ply factors other than genetics—not pollution the methodologies and the claims that research-
alone. Environmental factors include smoking, ers make about their findings.
diet, occupational exposure to chemicals, and During much of history, scientists contended,
geophysical factors. Geophysical factors in- “the dose makes the poison.” Indeed, at small
clude naturally occurring radiation, man-made levels, substances can be helpful or benign, but
radiation, medical drugs and medical radiation, at high levels, they can sicken or kill. But in the
and pollution. Tobacco use accounts for about later part of the 20th century, regulators, many
30 percent of all annual cancer deaths. Dietary in the environmental community, and a few
choices account for 35 percent of annual cancer scientists abandoned that idea. They contended
deaths. that many chemicals can have adverse effects at
Bruce Ames and Lois Swirsky Gold have any level and that risks increase linearly with
come to similar conclusions, noting that smok- any dose above zero. On the basis of those as-
ing causes about a third of all cancers.2 They sumptions, regulatory policy around the world
has focused on ways to regulate chemicals to re-
2. Bruce N. Ames and Lois Swirsky Gold, “Envi- duce exposure to as close to zero as possible. But
ronmental Pollution, Pesticides, and the Prevention of many scientists question whether such linearity
Cancer: Misconceptions,” FASEB Journal 11, no. 13
(1997): 1041–52,
AmesGold.pdf. 3. Ibid., 1041.

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Chemical Risk

even exists. They contend that the old way of fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection
thinking was correct: many chemicals are safe Agency (EPA) proposed a rule that would
under a given threshold or exposure level, with have applied threshold assumptions in
each chemical having its own threshold: 1998. When the EPA reversed its position,
• Scientist Philip Abelson notes that the “error a federal court vacated the rule because
in this approach is becoming increasingly the EPA did not use the best peer-reviewed
apparent through experiments that pro- science as required by the Safe Drinking
duce data that do not fit the linear model.” Water Act.8
Indeed, he argues, “Pharmacologists have
long stated that it is the dose that makes the Mice, Men, and Carcinogens
• Others note that the low-dose linearity When environmentalists and government
model ignores the fact that the human body agencies label chemicals as carcinogens, they
may create defense mechanisms against often point to rodent tests. However, the tests
chemicals when we are exposed to them at have been proven seriously flawed. They entail
low doses, which means low-level exposures administering massive amounts of chemicals to
might help us fight off cancer and other ill- rodents bred to be highly susceptible to cancer.
nesses. Scientist Jay Lehr notes that studies Then researchers extrapolate the possible ef-
have found cases in which people exposed fects of such chemicals on humans, who may be
to low-levels of radiation actually experi- exposed to small amounts of the same chemical
enced less incidence of leukemia than the over their lifetimes.
general population, whereas highly exposed First, we should ask, “Are the impacts on
individuals experienced elevated rates of rodents relevant to humans?” Doll and Peto
leukemia.5 note that some chemicals found to be carcino-
• Another study found that increasing levels genic in humans have not produced cancerous
of low-level radon exposure are linked to tumors in rodent experiments. In fact, for many
decreasing cancer rates.6 years, cigarette smoke failed to produce malig-
• Increasingly, the idea that all chemicals are nant tumors in laboratory animals even though
unsafe at any level is losing credibility.7 In tobacco is perhaps the leading cause of cancer
in the United States. These discordant effects of
4. Philip Abelson, “Radon Today: The Role of Flimflam chemicals in animals and humans underline the
in Public Policy,” Regulation 14, no. 4 (1991): 97.
difficulty of relying on animal results to esti-
5. Jay Lehr, “Good News about Radon: The Linear
Nonthreshold Model Is Wrong,” Environmental Educa-
mate human risks.9
tion Enterprises, Ostrander, OH, May 1996, http://www. Second, researchers question whether the extremely high doses administered in the lab
6. Bernard L. Cohen, “Test of the Linear–No Thresh-
old Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis for Inhaled Ra-
don Decay Products,” Health Physics 68, no. 2 (1995): What Risk? ed. Roger Bate (Boston: Butterworth Heine-
157–74. mann, 1997), 3–36.

7. For a discussion of thresholds, see James D. Wilson, 8. See the policy brief titled “Safe Drinking Water
“Thresholds for Carcinogens: A Review of the Relevant Overview.”
Science and Its Implications for Regulatory Policy,” in 9. Doll and Peto, “The Causes of Cancer,” 1192–308.

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The Environmental Source

are relevant even to low-level exposures in the of 826 volatile chemicals in roasted coffee.
real world. Ames and Gold demonstrate why Although only 21 of those chemicals have
we need not be concerned about low-level ex- been put through laboratory risk assess-
posure to “rodent carcinogens.”10 Ames and ments, all but 5 were found to be carcino-
Gold found that such chemicals pose no more genic in laboratory rat tests. A cup of coffee
risk than that posed by the many natural, un- contains at least 10 milligrams of “carcino-
regulated substances that are common and ac- genic” chemicals.15
cepted parts of a healthy diet: • Carcinogens that cause cancer in rodent
• Although 212 of 350 of the synthetic chem- studies exist in apples, bananas, carrots,
icals examined by various agencies were celery, coffee, lettuce, orange juice, peas,
found to be carcinogenic at the massive potatoes, and tomatoes at levels thousands
doses given to rodents, 37 out of 77 of the of times greater than exposures found in
natural substances tested were also found drinking water.16
carcinogenic in rodent studies employing There is neither convincing evidence nor
the same methodology.11 solid biological theory to support the conten-
• We safely consume thousands of natural tion that low-level, environmental exposure
chemicals every day at much higher levels to natural or human-made chemicals is a sig-
than chemicals that have been labeled car- nificant cause of human cancers. Regulation of
cinogens because they caused cancer when environmental exposures to chemicals can be
administered in massive doses to rodents. expected to have no discernible effect on human
For example, humans consume thousands of health. The open question is how much money
natural pesticides, which plants naturally pro- and effort are to be spent on those efforts and
duce as a biological defense mechanism.12 how many lives will be lost as regulation im-
• Ames and Gold estimate that 99.99 percent pedes life-saving technology.
(by weight) of the pesticides humans con-
sume are natural pesticides.13 What about Cancer Clusters?
• The average intake of natural carcinogens
found in plant foods is about 1,500 milli- In recent years, Hollywood produced two
grams per person each day, while the aver- major motion pictures—A Civil Action and
age intake of human-made pesticides is 0.09 Erin Brockovich—on the alleged effects of
milligrams per day.14 chemicals on various communities. In both
• The commonness of exposures to chemi- cases, tort lawyers claimed that drinking wa-
cals is demonstrated by the identification ter contaminated by industrial facilities caused
health-related problems in nearby areas.
10. Bruce N. Ames and Lois Swirsky Gold, “Too Many
Rodent Carcinogens: Mitogenesis Increases Mutagen- 15. Ibid.
esis,” Science 249, no. 4976 (August 31, 1990): 1487.
16. See Appendix A of National Research Council, Com-
11. Ibid. mittee on Comparative Toxicology of Naturally Occur-
12. Ibid. ring Carcinogens, Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in
the Human Diet: A Comparison of Naturally Occurring
13. Ibid. and Synthetic Substances (Washington DC: National
14. Ibid. Academies Press, 1996).

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Chemical Risk

Such cases raise public awareness about pect.19 In 1990, Gough analyzed the findings
cancer clusters—geographic areas where can- of the landmark Doll and Peto study on the
cer rates exceed (or appear to exceed) that of causes of cancer along with cancer risks esti-
the general population. But despite the ability mated in EPA’s report Unfinished Business.20
of trial lawyers to win such cases, it is nearly Gough came to conclusions similar to those of
impossible to pin down the causes of such clus- Doll and Peto. He noted that between 2 percent
ters. In 1990, the Centers for Disease Control and 3 percent of all cancers could be associated
and Prevention reported on 22 years of studies with environmental pollution. Determining
that covered clusters in 29 states and 5 foreign such numbers helps us understand exactly what
countries. They could not establish a clear cause the EPA can expect to accomplish when regu-
for any cluster.17 lating pollutants for the purposes of reducing
Part of the problem is that many clusters oc- cancer. Gough notes that the EPA action could
cur by mere chance. Raymond R. Neutra of the address only a very small percentage of cancers:
California Department of Health Services finds If the EPA risk assessment techniques were ac-
that we can expect 4,930 such random cancer curate and all identified carcinogens amenable
clusters to exist in any given decade in United to EPA regulations were completely controlled
States.18 Cancer cluster surveillance systems about 6,400 cancer deaths annually (about 1.3
also mistakenly focus on low-level exposure to percent of the annual total of 485,000 cancer
chemicals in the environment when such risks deaths when Gough did the analysis) would be
may be impossible to detect. prevented. When cancer risks are estimated us-
ing a method like that employed by the Food
How Many Cancers Can and Drug Administration, the number of can-
EPA Regulate Away? cers that can be regulated is smaller—about
1,400 (about 0.25 percent).21
Some of the EPA’s proposed regulations
promise to save thousands from dying of can- Key Experts
cer. When the promises of all of the hundreds
of proposed regulations are added together, Michael Gough,
the lives claimed to be saved likely would total Angela Logomasini, Director of Risk and
in the millions. But compared with the actual Environmental Policy, Competitive Enterprise
number of deaths and likely causes, do those Institute,
claims hold water?
Scientist Michael Gough demonstrates that 19. Michael Gough, “How Much Cancer Can EPA
we should consider such EPA claims as sus- Regulate Away?” Risk Analysis 10, no. 1 (1990): 1–6.
See also Michael Gough, “Estimating Cancer Mortality,”
17. Glyn G. Caldwell, “Twenty-Two Years of Cancer Environmental Science and Technology 23, no. 8, (1989):
Cluster Investigations at the Centers for Disease Con- 925–30.
trol,” American Journal of Epidemiology 132, suppl. 1 20. EPA, Unfinished Business: A Comparative Assess-
(1999): S43–47. ment of Environmental Problems—Overview Report
18. Lori M. Kase, “Why Community Cancer Clusters Are (Washington, DC: EPA, 1987).
Often Ignored,” Scientific American 275, no. 3 (1996): 21. Gough, “How Much Cancer Can EPA Regulate
85–86. Away?” See also Gough, “Estimating Cancer Mortality.”

202-331-1010 • • Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Environmental Source

Recommended Reading Doll, Richard, and Richard Peto. 1981. “The

Causes and Prevention of Cancer: Quan-
American Council on Science and Health. 1995. titative Estimate of Avoidable Risks of
Update: Is There a Cancer Epidemic in the Cancer in the United States Today.” Journal
United States? New York: American Coun- of the National Cancer Institute 66, no. 6,
cil on Science and Health. 1191–308.
Ames, Bruce N., and Lois Swirsky Gold. 1997. Gough, Michael. 1990. “How Much Cancer
“Environmental Pollution, Pesticides, and Can EPA Regulate Away?” Risk Analysis
Prevention of Cancer: Misconceptions.” 10, no. 1: 1–6.
FASEB Journal 11, no. 13: 1041–52. http:// ———. 1999. “Cancer Testing.” Technology 6: 23–42.

Updated 2008.

Competitive Enterprise Institute • • 202-331-1010

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