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I. Crow ley

University of Maine

Orono, Maine






Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by

in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.












THE results of comparative philology are now so generally incorporated

into our modern classical grammars, lexicons, and text-books, that even a
knowledge of Sanskrit, if it be accurate so far as it goes, is of great
service to the classical teacher in making his instruction interesting and
effective. As independent disciplines, moreover, Sanskrit and comparative
philology, and the literatures and religions of India, are constantly gaining
in importance, so that, for example, Sanskrit is now taught at all but one of
the twenty universities of the German Empire.
The design of this work, then, is twofold. In the first place, it is to

serve as an introduction to these subjects for the students of our colleges

and universities. The excellent Chrestomathy of BOEHTLINGK has no
vocabulary and few persons can be expected to buy the costly dictionaiy

of WILLIAMS or that of BOEHTLINGK AND ROTH, at the outset, when the} 7

are uncertain whether Sanskrit will be of sufficient interest or use to them

to warrant their continuing its study. What the beginner needs is an
elementary work comprehending both text and vocabulary in a single
volume. And accordingly, this Reader is meant to furnish ample material
for about fifty weeks' reading, in a course of three hours a week, and,
with the text, the appropriate lexical apparatus. The Reader is made as
a companion- volume to WHITNEY'S Sanskrit Grammar, and these two books
supply all that is needed for the first year's study.
This Reader is designed, in the second place, to render a knowledge of
Sanskrit accessible to the classical teachers of high-schools, academies, and
colleges. These teachers, if they pursue this study at all, usually do so
without the aid of an instructor. And it is especially the requirements of
unaided private study that I have taken constant pains to meet. I state this
fact thus explicitly, because, both here at Cambridge, and during my con-
nection with the Johns Hopkins University (where the plan for this work
was formed) numerous inquiries for such a book have been addressed to me

by persons very remote from any of the higher institutions of learning.

If, incidentally, this work should help to correct some of the false
notions which are prevalent respecting the relations of Sanskrit to other
languages of the Indo-European family, and to save the literature from
undue depreciation and from exaggerated praise, it will have served a
worthy object.
So cumbrous or so meagre have been hitherto the appliances for acquiring
even a moderate knowledge of Sanskrit, that classical students, when seeking
such knowledge as an auxiliary to their special work, have found the labor
discouragingl}' great. These students unquestionably have a legitimate and
sufficient reason for undertaking Sanskrit, and I venture to hope that the
difficulties of the beginning (see p. xv) have been so materially lessened

that they will now find even a modicum of Sanskrit well worth the trouble of

In making my selections 1 from the various Sanskrit writings, I have had

two practical aims in view first, to provide abundant material for thorough

drill in the language of the classical period and, secondly, to furnish a


brief introduction to the works of the Vedic period, Mantra, Brahmana,

and Sutra. Accordingly I have not sought to give any thing new, but
rather that which is best suited for beginners. The easy Nala is the
Xenophon's Anabasis of Sanskrit students, and quotations from it appear
very often in the grammars. And the first five chapters here given form a

complete story. For an elementary reader, the Hitopadea is unrivalled,

and to leave it out would have been an inexcusable omission, unless, indeed,
its place were taken by the Panchatantra. From this latter work I attempted
to prepare some selections but the text is in so unsatisfactory a condition,

that I relinquished the plan. And so, although the Hitopadega has been
printed very often, I have given a considerable part of it here, choosing the
fables on the ground of their intrinsic excellence and their interest as
originals of well-known occidental stories. For similar reasons the six
tales from the Katha-sarit-sagara were selected. On account of their easy
styleand simple narrative, they furnish admirable matter for exercise in rapid
reading. The selections from " Manu" are so made as to illustrate some of
the most important and interesting matters of Hindu custom and belief. 4

Among the Vedic hymns (or Mantra-material) are, first, some of the
easiest ;
then some taken on account of their poetic 6 or dramatic 7 merit, or
These include 68 pages of classical San- which was appealed to as scriptural author-
skrit and 37 pages of Vedic Sanskrit. ity for the practice of widow-burning. Com-
2 Nineteen fables
there are forty-three pare also the notes on 28 28 57 3 and 65 9 ff.,
, ,

in all. with those on 65 6 91 16 , and 97 2 respec-


8 See the introductions to the fables in tively.

the Notes. Such are selections xxxi. (Rigveda i.l),
Compare the table of contents. The xxxiii., xxxviii., xxxix., xli., xlv.,xlvi., andlix.
text-selections are intended to be 6 the best,
mutually Selection xxxii. is

illustrative as far as may be. Thus the 7

Selections xxxv., xxxvii., and Ivi. are in
passage 64 ff. is given for its interesting dramatic form (see WHITNEY, page xviii).
bearing on Rigveda x.18.7 (86 ), the verse and are among the most difficult.

their ethical interest and finally some taken because of their historical im-

portance. For the most part, a repetition of the hymns given by DELBRUECK
and by BOEHTLINGK in their Chrestomathies has been avoided. The
Brahmana pieces are chosen in such a way as to show the relation of this
kind of literature to the hymns or Mantras. 3 The selections from the
Grihya-sutras are the two most interesting chapters of Indian private
antiquities, the wedding and the burial service. These texts are, to a
certain extent, rubrics, and prescribe that numerous specified stanzas of
the Rigveda be repeated at these ceremonials. Care has therefore been
taken that all the stanzas here cited by their first words should be given
in full among the selections from the hymns. 4

Concerning the text, little need be said. It would have been either
folly or idle pretense to make elaborate text-studies for the short extracts
of which the Reader is composed. I have accordingly contented myself,
in the main, with reprinting the text of the best editions. Misprints have
of course been corrected, and I have endeavored to make the orthography
conformable to the best standard 6 and consistent throughout. 7 Of some
slight emendations, will be made in the Notes.
due mention For the Nala,
I BUEHLER in his Third Book of Sanskrit 8 ; for
followed the edition of
the Hitopadega, the text of BOEHTLINGK in the second edition of his
Chrestomathy, and MUELLER for the Katha-sarit-sagara, BROCKIIAUS
; ;

and for Manu," LOISELEUR DESLONGCHAMPS. I regret that the results
of the studies of BUEHLER, BURNELL, HOPKINS, and JOLLY on the text of
" Manu" are not
yet available.

Such are the Varuna-hymns, from Rigveda x. 9, 14, 16, 17, 18, 53, 154,
xliii.-xlv. and 155 (selections xlix.ff.), and i. 97 (selec-
Such are the hymns for the dead and tion xxxiv.). This last hymn is mere trash,
the wedding-hymn likewise selection xxxvii., and would not have been included among

and selection xxxvi. (which contains the the texts, had not A9walayana (at iv.6.18)
Savitri). Selection Ixii. is the Maitrayani prescribed that it be used as a burial-hymn ;

version of the Hiranya-garbha hymn, Eig- but I could not allow room for the " Sun-

veda x. 121, and given partly in order that

is hymns" (sauryani) and the "Blessings"
those who possess copies of the Rigveda (svasty-ayanani), which are also mentioned
may study the two versions comparatively, at iv.6.18.
See A. WEBER, Indische Studien, ii. 151.
Thus the Brahmana selections Ixvi.,

Especially in the use of anusvara and of

and Ixxii. stand in connection
Ixvii., Ixviii.,
with the Mantra selections Ivi., xlvii., Ixii., the nasal mutes, of b and of 5. I have

and xlvi. respectively. written ccb. where WHITNEY (see 227)

4 The
stanzas required for the wedding writes ch.
ceremonial are given in selections Iviii., Ivii., 7
But some of the interesting orthograph-
and lv. From this the student will see why ical peculiarities of the Maitrayani Sanhita
there are some selections consisting of only I have allowed to stand,
one or two stanzas. The burial-stanzas are 8
See the " Brief List," page xvii.

It is a pleasant duty to acknowledge my thanks to BOEHTLINGK, who, in

a way no less generous than unexpected, volunteered to look over all the

proofs of the classical part of the text. For the well-established and well-
edited Vedic texts, such help was of course not needed.
For the Rigveda, AUFRECHT'S second edition was made the standard.
For the selections from the Maitrayanl Sanhita, I am indebted to the kind-
ness of its editor, Dr. LEOPOLD VON SCHBOEDER, of Dorpat.
The extracts
from the Brahmanas naturally follow the editions of WEBER and AUFRECHT.
The chapters from Acwalayana are a reprint from STENZLER'S edition, witt
some unimportant t} pographical licenses.

The vocabulary, it is almost needless to say, is based on the great Lex-

icon of BOEHTLINGK AND ROTH. I should of course deviate from it only
with the utmost circumspection ; but I trust that I have not followed it


As for the extent of the vocabulary, it is designed to be complete for

the text given in the Reader, and also, it may be added, for the text in the
Appendix to the Grammar.
mention here several matters touching the general plan of
It is proper to
the vocabulary. mere list of the actually occurring Sanskrit
It is not a
words with their English equivalents. So far as possible, it aims to do with
thoroughness two things :

First, as regards the forms, To enable the student to trace every word
back to its root, by giving references to WHITNEY'S chapters (xvi. and
xvii.) on word- formation, and by giving the root itself, and, in the case of
secondary and tertiary derivatives, the intermediate forms, even when these
do not occur in the text at all. Thus, for the complete explanation of
mithyopacara (p. 217), are given, first, mithya, then the older form thereof,
mithuya, then the adjective mlthu from which the adverb is derived, and
finally the root mith, although neither the adverbs nor the adjective nor
an}- verbal form of the root occurs in the text. In like manner, car + upa
is given solely on account of upacara.
Secondly, as regards the meanings, To enable the student to trace every
signification back to the radical idea, b}* giving not only the meaning

required for translating a particular passage, but also, if this is a secondary

or tertiary or later meaning, the intermediate meanings, and in their logical
order of development. Thus the only meanings of the word pada, as it

He gave them to me in manuscript,

1 attention drawn to the peculiar form and
before he himself began printing. accent of the adverb and will find the ex-
By looking out the reference to 1112e planation thereof,
(under mithu), the student will have his

leg,' in ten passages, and

' '
occurs in the text of this Reader, are foot' or
'verse of a three- versed stanza,' in one passage (60 ). The history and
uses of the word may be clearly understood from BOEHTLINGK AND ROTH.
' '
The original meaning foot
was extended to that of '

leg ; then specialized

to the meaning ' limb of a quadruped ;
then generalized to the meaning
'quarter' (as, conversely, the English word quarter is specialized to the
meaning 'fourth part of a quadruped, including a leg,' e.g., in quarter of
beef} once more it is specialized to the meaning quarter of a four- versed

stanza,' i.e. verse '

and then, at last, the use of the word is illogically

extended, and it is made to denote a verse of even a three- versed stanza.

To have given the meanings foot, leg, verse,' in three words, and perhaps

in the order verse, leg, foot,' would have sufficed, it is true, for the purpose

of making a translation but such translation demands of the student onl}'


the most thoughtless and mechanical labor. On the other hand, by in-
dicating briefly the development and connection of meanings, the attention
of the student is directed to the processes which are constantly going on
in the life and growth of language and thus, although Sanskrit is a dead

language, the study of Sanskrit may be made a study of life and growth.
The illustration of the transitions of meaning by analogies from the
English and other familiar tongues would, it seemed to me, greatly increase
the interest and usefulness of the vocabulary. And so, considerable space
has been devoted to this matter. Thus under vyama (p. 254, top) a ,

stretch-out,' i.e. a fathom,'

are adduced the closely parallel English fathom,
from Anglo-Saxon /ceSm, the extended arms,' and also opyvid and French

toise, both meaning fathom,' and of common origin respectively with 6/>eyw

and Latin tendere, stretch.' 1 '

In a book intended partly for persons whose chief interest in Sanskrit

is from the side of its relations to the classical languages and to our mother-

tongue, etymological comparisons are plainly called for. Accordingly, the

kindred words from the Greek, Latin, Anglo-Saxon, and English have been
given, and
alwa}*s along with their meanings. It is hoped that these com-

parisons, presenting, as they do, many familiar words with which the learner
can associate what is new and strange, will prove a useful aid to the mem-
Et} mology is a subject in which there is large room for reasonable

For otherparallels, compare, for exam- to find how these words are parallel in

pie, abharana, barhis, bhavana, vanga, specialization and metaphor. On this sub-
varna. Sometimes the understanding of ject in general, compare CURTIUS, Grund-
the parallelism depends on a knowledge ziige pp. 111-116, and BRINKMANN, Die

of the etymology of an English word thus ; Metaphern, Bonn, 1878.

under root nud + vi, are adduced the Eng- 2 To
give them without their meanings
lish di-vert, dis-port, and s-port, and a refer- and without showing the connection of
ence to SKEAT'S dictionary or to WEBSTER'S ideas is, for an elementary book, a useless
may be necessary for the student, in order task.

difference of opinion on matters of detail, and on such matters well-recognized

authorities often disagree. I have tried to use the standard works of refer-
ence in the light of the best and latest etymological criticism at my command,
and to distinguish with care between what is certain and what is mere conjec-
ture. In the revision of the greater part of my manuscript for the press, I
had the benefit of KLUGE'S valuable dictionary. His acceptance of the cur-
rent comparisons has often given me assurance, and his sober judgment has
often confirmed me in scepticism or silence on doubtful points. In the
numerous cases where the undoubtedly allied words are too many to be
given in full, I have usually selected those forms which were the simplest
or the most interesting, or those whose kinship was clearest. 2
These comparisons include only genuinely cognate words, as distinguished
from borrowed words the latter have as a rule been excluded, or, if given,

have been characterized as borrowings. 3 Thus eras, Latin sen-ex, and

English sen-green are given on page 266, all as genuine cognates of sana;
the words senate, senator, senatorial, senescent, senile, senility, senior, sire,
sir, seigniorage, are not mentioned, because they are not genuine

English cognates, but only more or less ancient borrowings or more or less
direct derivatives from the Latin. So under the root srp (p. 276) are given
Latin serpens and reptilis, and it would be superfluous to add the borrowed
English serpent and reptile.
The accents of all words have been regularly marked in the headings of
the articles, so far as the accents are known from the occurrence of the
words in any accentuated texts of the literature. But in addition to these

words, the verb-forms immediately following the root have been uniformly
accented, according to the rules, except in a few doubtful cases and a ;

number of compounds occurring on the pages of Nala have been accented,

Entitled Etymologisches Worterbuch der For these accents I have relied on
deutschen Sprache. Strassburg, Karl J. BOEHTLINGK'S Sanskrit-Wdrterbuch in Kiirz-
Triibner. 1883. Royal 8. Price 10 Mark erer Fassung as far as it has appeared, i.e.
50 Pfennige. to the end of bh, and for the rest of the
2 Thus under sana
(p. 266) might have alphabet, on the great thesaurus of BOEHT-
been given, in addition to Latin senex, the LINGK AND ROTH. There are many words
words senior, senectus, senilis, senesco, senator, accented in more than one way (e.g., rajya,
senatus, etc. but these are readily suggested rajyk, rajya, asana, asana, daridra, dar-

by senex. idra, daiva, daiva, bhuti, bhuti, vrsti,

8 Thus the sene-schal such have generally
interesting compound vfsti, vend, v6nu) ;

is added under sana, not as a genuine Eng- been left unmarked ;

but of a few common
lish cognate, but as a borrowing through words like manu, dvipad, pati, papa, and
the French from Continental Germanic, mati, the prevailing accent is given, espe-
where its first member is indeed a genuine cially, if (as in the case of bhrti or patrl)
cognate. the other accent is rare, or (as in the case
4 2
Compare note ,
above. of gtiska) not authenticated.

according to the rules, in order to make more tangible the difference between
homonymous determinatives and possessives.
What form should be given to the headings of articles is often a question.
For denominative verbs, I have chosen the stem-form (e.g., mantraya rather
than mantray) to this is prefixed the root-sign (V), merely in order to

catch the eye the sign must not be understood as meaning that such stems

are in any wise co-ordinate with roots. The stems of the perfect active
participle and of the primar}' comparatives are given as ending in vans and
yans, but without any implication that these are theoretically better than the
weaker forms. Roots with medial or final ar or r are given in the latter
form, and so are the stems in ar or r.
The synopses of conjugational forms which follow each verbal root are
based on the collections, still in manuscript, made by Professor WHITNEY. 3
These were placed at my disposal by him with the greatest kindness. They
include all the verb-forms cited by the St. Petersburg Lexicon and BOEHT-
LINGK'S Abridgment, as occurring in the actual literature, besides very
extensive gleanings made independently by Professor WHITNEY from texts
4 5
represented in the Lexicon, and from others published since its completion,
or even not yet published. 6 In the description and classification of the forms,
I have followed WHITNEY. It often happens that there are several forms in
actual use for the same tense ;
in such cases, the commonest one has been
given, or else the one prescribed by the Hindu Root-book (dhatu-patha) or ,

sometimes more than one form. Although in the case of many roots the
uorist is confined almost exclusively to the Vedic language, I have neverthe-
less given the aorist in such cases in order to fill out the conjugational
scheme, since this seemed desirable from a pedagogical point of view. For
pedagogical reasons, also, the secondary conjugations have been for the
most part omitted. Many roots which are conjugated regularly in only one
voice show forms of the other voice in the Epos, especially where the metre
demands them. It is very difficult to say just how far such forms should
be included, and my course in accepting or rejecting them has been, I fear,
not wholly consistent.

The Notes, which form the third part of this work, will be issued as soon
as is It is designed that they shall be as brief as possible, but
shall render ample assistance in the interpretation of difficult passages and

Compare bhimaparakrama and bhima- * For
example, the C/atapatha and Aita-
parakrama, p. 206. reya Brahmanas.
2 5
See WHITNEY, 107 and 108, and com- Especially GARBE'S edition of Apastam-
pare 370. ba's Qrauta Sutra, and VON SCHROEDEK'S
See Proceedings of the American Oriental Maitrayani.
6 The
Society for May, 1882, p. xiii. Jaiminiya Brahmana.
the explanation of allusions to the antiquities of India. The plan includes
also concise literary introductions to the various selections.

An open acknowledgment of my thanks is due to the printers of the

vocabulary, Messrs. J. S. GUSHING & Co. They have performed their part
with such intelligence, accuracy, and skill as to merit most cordial
In conclusion, I desire to make public expression of my gratitude to my
honored teacher, Professor WILLIAM D WIGHT WHITNEY, for his constant
interest in this undertaking and for his generous aid. I can only hope
that the book may do something to further the cause in which he has labored

long and devotedly, and that it ma} help to enlarge the scope of classical

teaching, to quicken the interest in the history of our mother-tongue, and to

make Sanskrit study among us increasingly fruitful.
C. R. L.
December, 1883.


THE references to Whitney's Sanskrit Grammar which are given in Parts II. and
III. of this book are, I believe, absolutely correct throughout for the first edition
of the Grammar. The second edition of the Grammar did not appear until after the

plates for Parts II. and III. of the Reader were made. The section-numbers of
the second edition of the Grammar (see Whitney's Preface thereto) are substantially

unchanged from those of the first; but there are some slight alterations, notably
in the sequencefrom 98 to 108, and again in the sequence from 708 to 713
(whereby the references to the section on the important verb cru are thrown out
of gear). Occasionally, too, a statement has been taken from one section and put
into another and more appropriate section: thus the euphonic treatment of bhos
has been shifted from 176a to 174b. Moreover, the subsections are much
more thoroughly marked (with a, b, c, etc.) in the second edition. Users of the
second or third edition of the Grammar will often have to make a slight allowance
for these changes, seeking, for example, 844 8 under 844a, 371 12 under 371k, and
the like. It seemed hardly worth while to alter the plates to suit these changes ;

a little practical common

sense will usually offset the apparent inaccuracy. Men-
tion of these matters has already been made by me below, in the Postscript, p. 405;
but as it seems usually to be overlooked there, I have thought it well to repeat the
mention in this more conspicuous place. C R L
JUNE, 1903.

Introductory suggestions
Brief list of books for students of Sanskrit ..... xv


A. From the Maha-bharata.

I. The story of Nala and Damayanti ....... 1

B. From the Hitopadec,a.

II. Preface and introduction 16


The old tiger and the traveller
The deer and the crow, and the jackal
The blind vulture, the birdlings, and the cat
...... 20
VI. The ass, the dog, and the thief 30
VII. The lion, the mouse, and the cat 31
VIII. The crows and the serpent 31
IX. The lion, the old hare, and the well 32
X. The birds and the apes 33
XI. The ass in the tiger-skin 34
XII. The elephant, the hares, and the moon 35
XIII. The blue jackal 36
XIV. The two geese and the tortoise 37
XV. The three fishes 38
XVI. The herons, the serpent, and the ichneumons . . .39
XVII. The hermit, and the mouse that was changed to a tiger . . .40
XVIII. The heron, the fishes, and the crab 41
XIX. The Brahman and his jar 42
XX. The Brahman with the goat, and the three rogues . . . .43
XXI. The Brahman and his faithful ichneumon 44

C. From the Katha-sarit-sagara.

XXII. King Putraka and the seven-league boots 45

XXIII. Story of Mousey, the thrifty merchant
XXIV. King Qibi, the falcon, and the dove
XXV. Story of Ahalya
....... 46
XXVI. The king who didn't know his Sanskrit grammar .

XXVII. The pathetic history of the stories

XXVIII. D. From the Manava-dharmac.astra.*


F. From the Maitrayanl.

LXIL Hiranya-garbha. The god Ka or Who 91
LXIII. Legend of
LXIV. Legend
LXV. The
Yama and Yami. The creation
of the winged mountains
potency of the sacrifice
of night . . .92

G. Other Brahmana-pieces.

LXVI. Legend of Agni the oblation-bearer, and of the fish

LXVII. Legend of Indra and the Maruts, and Vritra
LXVIII. Legend of Indra and the god Ka or Who
..... 93
LXIX. The two kinds of deities, the gods and the Brahmans
... 94
Truth, untruth, and silence 95
LXXI. How the gods got immortality and how Death got his share . . 95
LXXII. Legend of Indra and Namuchi 97

LXXIIL Nirukta on KV. i.32.10, selection xxxii 97

H. From the Grihya-sutras.

LXXTV. Wedding-customs and the wedding-service 98

LXXV. The customs and ritual of cremation and burial . . 101


Vocabulary Ill
Explanations and abbreviations 289
List of abbreviations . , 293


Notes .... c ..... .


IT is chiefly at the beginning that the difficulties of Sanskrit present them-

selves. The variety of forms, the strange alphabet, the peculiarities of word and
sentence combination, all these simultaneously confront the student at the very

outset. Accordingly, the plan followed with my classes, and for which provision
is here made, is to distribute these difficulties over the first few weeks of the
course. The common paradigms of nouns and verbs should first be learned. These
are given Grammar in transliteration. The reading of the first four pages
by the
of the N"ala in Roman letters should then be taken up. The Reader gives these in
transliteration on an inset conveniently facing the same text in nagarl letters. The
student may thus become familiar with the form and sound of the vocables, without

being embarrassed by the alphabet and the running together of the words. Next,
the same familiar text should be read aloud over and over again in nagarl letters.

I am convinced that the easiest way to master the alphabet is to read frequently

in it words which one already knows. The next step will be the reading of

pages five to nine without the help of a transliteration, but with the aid given

by the typographical separation of the words, which has been carried out so far as
is though in violation of Indian usage. Finally, from this point on,
the reading may be continued without other help for the difficulties of euphonic
and graphic combination than is offered by the notes.
After finishing the Nala, the student should take up the Hitopade9a. Selec-

tions xvii., xx., and xi. are very easy andgood to begin with. The remaining

short ones from vi. to xxi. may then follow in order and finally the long selections

ii. to v.

It is recommended that the student use the stories from the Katha-sarit-sagara
for exercise in rapid reading, as soon as he has acquired a f ah vocabulary from what
" "
precedes. The passages from Manu may be read as they stand.
Of the Vedic selections, the easiest are numbers xxxi. (Rigveda i. 1), xxxiii.,
xxxviii., xxxix., xli., xlv., xlvi., and lix. ;
and it is advisable to read these first
and in the order here mentioned. Selection xxxii., as being one of poetic merit and
not over-hard, may next be taken up, and after it, the Varuna-hymns, selections
xliii.-xliv. ;
then the hymns in dramatic form, selections xxxv., xxxvii.,, and Ivi

After these, selections xxxvi., xl., xlii., xlvii., xlviii., liv., and Ixii. may be rapidly
read. There will then remain the selections for the burial-service, xlix.-liii., ML,
lx., Ixi., and xxxiv., and those for the wedding, Iviii., Ivii., and Iv. These may
properly be read last, in order that they may be fresh in the mind when reading the

Sutras, where constant reference is made to them.

The Brahmana pieces may be read in the order in which they are printed but ;

selections Ixvi., Ixvii., Ixviii., and Ixxii. ought not to be taken up, unless selections
Ivi., xlvii., Ixii., and xlvi. have previously been studied.
It is very undesirable to attempt to read the Sutra chapters until one is familiar

with the burial and wedding stanzas just mentioned. It is advisable to write out a
translation of these chapters, and to insert therein each mantra in its proper place,

writing out the original of the mantra in full, and its translation, the latter also in

metre, if possible.
Since the synopses following each verbal root in the vocabulary represent the

great mass of all the forms in actual use (rather than those simply prescribed by the
grammarians), and so correspond to the "principal parts" of the Latin and Greek
verbs, the student should make it his duty to learn the synopsis for each root when
he first meets verbal forms of that root in the text.
Attention is called to the explanations and abbreviations (pages 289-294)}
these should be looked over carefully before using the vocabulary.

THIS has a purely practical aim, and is restricted to a few of the
more important and useful books and to such as are neither rare nor
out of print. It includes (a) a grammar, (6) readers, (c) dictionaries,
for the study (e) of the Rigveda and its litera-
(d) classical works, books
ture, and (/) of the Atharvaveda, and last (g) some books on antiquities
and the history of the literature and the religions of India.

1. Whitney, William Dwight. A Sanskrit Grammar, including both the classical

language, and the older dialects, of Veda and Brahmana. Leipzig, Breitkopf
and Hartel. London, Trubner & Co. 1879. 8. Price (bound in cloth)
12 shillings.
Thismay be had in Boston of Ginn and Company. The work exists also in a German
translation, which may be had of the Leipzig publishers.

2. Biihler, Georg. Third Book of Sanskrit. With a glossary by Vishnu P.

Shastri Pandit. Second edition. Bombay. 1877. 12. 128 pages of text
and 97 of glossary. Price 9 annas.
This book can be procured from Trubner & Co. in London (price 3 shillings). It contains
the entire Story of Nala (26 chapters), Da^aratha's Death (Ramayana, ii. <>3-64), and four
stories from the Panchatantra. For beginners, the typography proves troublesome and the
glossary too meagre but the little volume is inexpensive and contains excellent material for

easy and rapid reading, and so is highly to be recommended to those who have finished the
classical part of this Reader and wish to continue their Sanskrit. For such students the glos-
sary would be quite sufficient.

3. Bohtlingk, Otto. Sanskrit-Chrestomathie. Zweite, ganzlich umgearbeitete

Auflage. St. Petersburg. 1877. Large 8. 372 pages. Price 4 Mark
80 Pfennigs.
This work and the two following are publications of the Russian Imperial Academy, and
should be ordered through the Academy's agent, Leopold Voss, of Leipzig. The volume contains
selections from the Veda (Mantra, Brahmana, and Sutra), from the Maha-bharata, Ramayana,
Vishnu-purana, Katha-sarit-sagara, Hitopade(;a, "Manu's Laws," and Panini's Grammar, and
from various other books a rich collection of proverbs the Vedanta-sara, a philosophical
; ;

treatise, in text and translation and the entire drama, Ratnavali. The Vedic hymns are all

translated in the volume mentioned below, no. 15 and the notes show where many of the

other selections may be found translated. Like all publications of the Academy, this is sold
at an extremely low price. Since the book has no vocabulary, the student will at this point
need to get a dictionary.

Hence the prices are included. Both the Mark The books
1 cent. will cost the American purchaser
and the shilling may be reckoned as a quarter of a somewhat more or according to his
less facilities for
dollar. The prices given with the titles are pub- obtaining foreign books.
lishers' prices. To these prices, except when given - With perhaps one exception, no. 18, which can,
in dollars, should be added the duty, which is 25 per however, be had of second-hand dealers.

4. Bohtlingk, Otto. Sanskrit- Wb'rterbuch in kurzerer Fassung. St. Petersburg.

1879-. 4.
Tobe ordered through Voss (see above). Parts I. to IV. have appeared, and reach to the
end of bh they cover 1167 pages, i.e. nigh two-thirds of the whole, and cost 34 Mark 80

Pfennige. The rest may be expected in the course of 1885. The manuscript is ready as
far as varna. The work is an abridgment of the following.

5. Bohtlingk, Otto, and Rudolph Roth. Sanskrit-Worterbuch. St. Petersburg.

1855-1875. Seven volumes. 4. Price 177 Mark 90 Pfennige.
To be ordered through Voss (see above). This work, which is often called the "St. Peters-
burg Lexicon," is by far the most important production of Sanskrit scholarship. To such as
wish to make any special study of the language and literature, it is absolutely indispensable.

6. Williams, Monier. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, etymologically and philo-

with special reference to Greek, Latin, Gothic, German,
logically arranged,
Anglo-Saxon, and other cognate Indo-European languages. London and
New York, Macmillan and Co. 1872. 4. 1186 pages. Price 94 shillings
6d. in England, or $24 in the United States.
is the only dictionary of Sanskrit into English which approaches completeness.
This It is
in one compact and handy volume and is very convenient for reading works of the classical
period. Unfortunately, the common meanings of a word are not distinguished from those
which are seldom or never found. All Sanskrit words are given in transliteration, and the
roots and more important words in ndgarl letters also.

7. Williams, Monier. drama in seven acts, by Kalidasa.

S'akuntala, a Sanskrit
Second edition. London and New York, Macmillan and Co. 1876. 8.
339 pages. Price 21 shillings in England, or $5.25 in the U.S.
This gives English translations of all the metrical passages, explanatory notes, and
the Sanskritization of the Prakrit passages, and all on the same page with the text of this,
the most famous of the plays.

8. Kielhorn, Franz, and Georg Buhler. Panchatantra. Edited with notes.

Bombay. 1868. 8.
The work constitutes numbers IV., III., and I. of the "Bombay Sanskrit Series." Number
IV. (comprehending book I.) appeared in a second edition in 1873. The book may be had of
Triibner & Co., London. The price of the entire work is 8 shillings but the first book may

be had separately for 3 shillings. The Panchatantra is easy and entertaining reading. It has
been admirably translated into German by Benfey Pantschatantra. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus.

1859. 2
8 '. Price 24 Mark. The translation is accompanied by a very valuable history
of fable-literature.

9. Delbriick, Berthold. Vedische Chrestomathie. Mit Anmerkungen und Glos-

sar. Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses. 1874. 8. Price 3 Mark.
This contains 47 hymns from the Rigveda. Of these, only five are repeated in this Reader.
Both text and glossary are in transliteration. On account of the small price of the book, its
mention may prove useful to such as do not wish to buy the two complete editions following
(numbers 11 and 12).

10. Windisch, Ernst. Zwolf Hymnen des Rigveda. Mit Sayana's Commentar.
Text. Worterbuch zu Sayana. Appendices. Leipzig, S. Hirzel. 1883. 8.
Price 5 Mark.
This gives the text, and the comment of the great scholiast, both in ndgarl letters. The
text is printed with the genuine accentuation (as in this Reader). The book serves a useful
purpose as introduction to the native Hindu or traditional exegesis of the Veda. The vocabu-
lary does not cover the hymns themselves but ;

the little book mentioned below, no. 15.


11. Aufrecht, Theodor. Die Hymnen des Rigveda. Herausgegeben. Zweite

Auflage. Bonn, Adolph Marcus. 1877. 2 volumes. 8. Price 20 Mark.
The entire sanhita text is given in transliteration, and extracts from the pada text at the
foot of each page. The exceedingly valuable appendix contains lists of the poets, divinities,
and metres, and a complete table of first lines of every stanza, with references to the concord-
ant texts of other Vedas.

12. Miiller, F. Max. The Hymns of the Rigveda, in the Samhita and Pada texts,

reprinted from the editio princeps. Second edition. London, Triibner &
Co. 1877. 2 volumes. 8. Price 32 shillings.
This edition gives the two texts complete on parallel pages and in nayarl letters. The
names of the poets, divinities, and metres are given at the beginning of each hymn.

13. Grassmann, Hermann. Wdrterbuch zum Rig-veda. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus.

1873 [-1875]. 8. Price 30 Mark.
This is not only a dictionary, but also a complete concordance to the Rigveda. It is a work
of wonderful industry, method, clearness, and accuracy. Aside from the St. Petersburg Lexi-
con, this dictionary stands next in importance, for Vedic students, after the Vedic text itself.

14. Grassmann, Hermann. Rig-veda. Uebersetzt und mit kritischen und erlau-
ternden Anmerkungen versehen. Leipzig, F. A. Brockhaus. 1876. 1877.
2 volumes. 8. Price 24 Mark.
This translation is entirely in metre, except for a few corrupt or difficult hymns. The
student can almost invariably see just what word Grassmann intended as the rendering of any
given word of the text. This work is especially useful as giving a convenient general view
of the contents of the Rigveda, and as enabling the student to grasp easily many matters
touching the metres, the arrangement, and the textual condition of the original.

15. Geldner, Karl, und Adolf Kagi. Siebenzig Lieder des Rigveda. Uebersetzt.
Mit Beitragen von R. Roth. Tubingen. H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung.
1875. 12. Price 3 Mark.
Thirty-six of the seventy hymns of which this book gives metrical translations were
later incorporated by Bohtlingk into his Chrestomathy (no. 3, above).

16. Aufrecht, Theodor. Das Aitareya Brahmana. Mit Ausziigen aus dem Com-
mentare von Sayanacarya und anderen Beilagen herausgegeben. Bonn,
Adolph Marcus. 1879. 8. Price 11 Mark.
This Brahmana belongs to the Rigveda. The text is in transliteration. The translation of
Haug (London, Triibner & Co. 1863) would be of help but it is inaccurate and hard to get.

A good many passages are translated in volumes I., II., and V. of Muir (below, no. 26). Using
these as an introduction, and the St. Petersburg Lexicon for help in hard places, an advanced
student can make good progress with this text.

17. Stenzler, Adolf Friedrich. Indische Hausregeln. Sanskrit und deutsch heraus-
gegeben. A9valayana. Erstes Heft. Text. Leipzig. 1864. 8. Price

2 Mark. Zweites Heft. Uebersetzung. 1865. Price 3 Mark.

Published by the German Oriental Society, in volumes III. and IV. of the Abhandlungen
fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes. To be ordered through the Society's agent, F. A. Brockhaus,
In Leipzig. These are the Grihya-sutras belonging to the Rigveda.

18. Roth, R., und Whitney, "W. D. Atharva Veda Sanhita. Herausgegeben.
Erster Band. Text. Berlin, Ferd. Diimmler. 1856. Royal 8. Price 28 Mark
50 Pfennige.
is the most important and interesting of the Vedas,
This after the Rik. It is full of magic
incantations and other products of curious superstitions.

19. Oarbe, Richard. Vaitana Sutra. The Ritual of the Atharvaveda. Edited with
critical notes and indices. London, Triibner & Co. 1878. 8. Price 5 shillings.

20. Garbe, Richard. Vaitana Sutra. Das Ritual des Atharvaveda. Aus dem San-
skrit iibersetzt und mit Auinerkungen versehen. London, Triibner & Co.
1878. 8. Price 5 shillings.
Since this is the only Qrauta-sutra published with translation, and since it is to be had
easily and cheaply, it is recommended as an introduction to the works of this class.

21. Weber, Albrecht. The history of Indian Literature. Translated from the
second German edition by John Mann and Theodor Zachariae. Second
edition. London, Triibner & Co. 1878. 8. Price 10 shillings 6 pence.
This a systematic treatise covering both the Vedic and the classical Sanskrit literature.
It gives abundant and practical bibliographical information. As a guide and as a work of
reference it is of the utmost value.

22. Zimmer, Heinrich. Altindisches Leben. Die Cultur der vedischen Arier.
Nach den Samhita dargestellt. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung. 1879.
8. Price 10 Mark.
Under the different categories geography, climate, minerals, plants, animals, agricul-
ture, commerce, dress, food, amusements, family relations, art, etc. the Vedic texts touching
these subjects are discussed, and the results deducible from them are put together in a very
readable and pleasant way.

23. Kagi, Adolf. Der Rigveda. Die alteste Literatur der Inder. Zweite, umgear-
beitete und erweiterte, mit vollstandigem Sach- und Wortregister versehene
Auflage. Leipzig, Otto Schulze. 1881. 12. Price 4 Mark.
This contains an account of the Vedic writings in general, descriptions of the gods in
language agreeing closely with the actual words of the original as cited in the notes, and
sketches of some of the more important phases of Vedic life and thought. The numerous notes
are highly useful as a guide to the already extensive literature of these subjects, and point out
many interesting parallels of custom, belief, and expression to be found in biblical and classi-
cal antiquity.

24. Earth, Auguste. The religions of India. Authorized translation by Rev. J.

Wood. London, Triibner & Co. 1882. 8. Price 16 shillings.
The subject is treated in five chapters corresponding to the five grand phases of religious
development in India the Vedic religion Brahmanism (ritual, philosophic speculation, de-
: ;

cline) ;Buddhism Jainism and Hinduism (the sects and their great deities, Vishnuism
; ;
and 9ivaism, reforming sects, cultus). The copious references to the literature of the sub-
jects in hand add greatly to the value of the work.

25. Oldenberg, Hermann. Buddha; his life, his doctrine, his order. Translated
from the German by William Hoey. London, Williams and Norgate. 1882.
8. Price 18 shillings.
Oldenberg has recently finished editing (in five volumes) the Yinaya Pitakam, one of the
most important among the Buddhist sacred books. He has a wide and deep knowledge of the
original Pali sources, and in his use of them he is guided by rare critical acumen and good
common-sense. His account of Buddha's life, doctrine, and order contains the best results of
his studies and they are presented in an extremely attractive form.

26. Muir, John. Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people
of India, their religions and institutions. Collected, translated, and illus-

trated. London, Triibner & Co. 1872-1874. 5 volumes. 8.

The four volumes have appeared in a second edition, and the second volume in a
third edition.The third volume costs 1(5 shillings. The price of each of the others is 21 shil-
lings. The volume discusses the origin of caste. The fifth is devoted to the cosmogony,
mythology, religious ideas, life, and manners of the Indians in the Vedic age.


Transliterated Text of Sanskrit Reader.

[Page 1.]
atha nalopakhyanam.
brhadagva uvaca.
asid raja, nalo nama, virasenasuto ball,
upapanno gunair istai, rupavan, agvakovidah.
6 atisthan manujendranam murdhni devapatir yatlia,
upary upari sarvesam aditya iva tejasa ;

brahmanyo, vedavic, churo, niaadhesu mahipatih,

aksapriyah, satyavadi, mahan aksauhinipatih ;

ipsito naranarinam, udarah, samyatendriyah,

10 raksita, dhanvinam gresthah, saksad iva manuh svayam.
tathaivasid vidarbhesu bhimo, bhlmaparakramah,
^urah, sarvagunair yuktah, prajakamah, sa caprajah.
sa prajarthe param yatnam akarot, susamahitah.
tarn abhyagacchad brahmarsir, damano nama, bharata.
15 tarn ssrbhimah, prajakamas, toaayam asa, dharmavit,
mahisya saha, rajendra, satkarena, suvarcasam.
tasmai prasanno damanah sabharyaya varam dadau,

[Page 3.]
tato 'ntariksago vacam vyajahara nalam tada:
hantavyo 'ami na te, raj an; karisyami tava priyam;
damayantisakage tvam kathayisyami, naiaadha,
yatha tvad anyam puruaam na sa mansyati KarM cit.
5 evam uktas tato hansam utaasarja mahipatih.
te tu hansah samutpatya vidarbhan agamans tatah.

vidarbhanagaiim gatva, damayantyas tadantike

nipetua te garutmantah, sa dadarca ca tan ganan.
sa, tan adbhutarupan vai drstva, sakhiganavrta,
10 hrata grabitum khagamans tvaramanopacakrame.
atha hansa visasrpuh aarvatah pramadavane.
ekaika^as tada kanyas tan hansan samupadravan.
damayanti tu yam hansam samupadhavad antike,
sa,manuslih giraih krtva, damayantim athabravit:
15 damayanti, nalo nama, nisadhesu mahipatih,
agvinoh sadrgo rape ; na samas tasya manuaah.

tasya vai yadi bharya tvam bhavetha, varavarnini,

saphalam te bhavej janma, rupam cedam, suinadhyame,
vayaih hi devagandharvamanasoragaraksasan
20 drstavanto; na casmabhir dratapurvas tathavidhah.
tvam capi ratnam narinam, naresu ca nalo varah ;

vigistaya vigistena samgamo gunavan bhavet.

evam ukta tu hansena damayanti, vigam pate.
[Page 2.]
kanyaratnam, kumarang ca trin udaran, mahayagah,
damayantim, damam, dantam, damanam ca suvarcasam,
upapannan gunaih sarvair, bhiman, bhimaparakraman.
damayanti tu rupena, tejasa, yagasa, griya,
5 saubhagyena ca, lok|u yagah prapa, sumadhyama.
atha tarn, vayasi prapte, dasinarii samalamkrtam
gatam, gatari? sakhinam ca, paryupasac, chaclm iva.
tatra sma raj ate bhaimi, sarvabharanabhusita,
-^akhimadhye, 'navadyangi, vidyut saudamani yatha,
10 ativa rupasampanna, grir ivayatalocana.
na devesu, na yaksesu, tadrg rupavati kva cit,

manusesv api canyesu, drstapdrvatha va grata,

cittapramatbini bala devanam api sundari.

nalag ca naragardulo, lokesv apratimo bhuvi,

15 kandarpa iva rupena murtimau. abhavat svayam.
tasyah samipe tu nalam pracagansuh kutuhalat,
naisadhasya samipe tu damayantim punah punah.
tayor adrstakamo 'bhiic chrnvatoh satatam gunan ;

anyonyam kaunteya, sa vyavardhata hrcchayah.

20 agaknuvan nalah kamam tada dharayitum hrda,
antahpurasamipasthe vana aste raho gatah.
sa dadarga tato hansan jatarupapariskrtan ;

vane vicar atam tesam ekam jagraka paksinam.

[Page 4.]
abravit tatra tarn hansam : tvam apy evam nale vada.

tathety uktvandajah kanyam vidarbhasya, vigam pate,

punar agamya nisadhan, nale sarvam nyavedayat.
iti nalopakhyane prathamah sargah.
6 brhadagva uvaca.
damayanti chrutva vaco hansasya, bharata,
tu, tac
tatah prabhrti na svastha nalam prati babhuva sa.

tatag cintapara, dma, vivarnavadana, krga,

_ babhuva damayanti tu, nihgvasaparama tada.
10 urdhvadrstir, dhyanapara, babhuvonmattadargana,
panduvarna ksanenatha, hrcchayavistacetana.
na gayyasanabhogesu ratim vindati karhi cit.
na naktam, na diva gete, ha heti rudati punah.
tato vidarbhapataye damayantyah sakhijanah
16 nyavedayat tam asvastham damayantim naregvare.
tac chrutva nrpatir bhimo damayantisakhiganat,
cintayam asa tat karyam sumahat svam siitam prati.
sa samiksya mahipalahsvam sutam praptayauvanam,
apagyad atmana karyam damayantyah svayamvaram.
20 sa samnimantrayam asa mahipalan vigam patih:
anubhuyatam ayam, virah, svayamvara iti, prabho.


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t I rfiTt f^^^Tt 1
II <=!<$ <w
<$"R <=!<$)

i irat s^ft


10 HNl^HlfM ^r^:


fkt ^^ ^ft^ "^ "finrRTf?! ft^t ftg: i


*> ^ra ^RHV IrM^lfiWR ^R: I

: I

i i
tttl^rn I
gT^rf TTRH I



: I
n^*nrl I : qi^qn I


: i

irf^Rr: i ^^f^r^ *fNft: in^t ^MiMif<ri: i


: I


I ?TfT:

I Ht: I


: I

<?t% f%\ f^f^^T^ ^ I rT-

<l=hiW ^?f^ iTO^t
^ift? rf^T


: I



10 VR ^f^qi^i^qi: ^raWsisjiTl ^' I HKt

^rr: i rt



"ft?: i ^nr:

: I


: I ^{W Sf

TTRT gfit ?nt


^Tl fi^rfa nwn^ ^ft^T ferr: i

frlfrt I

f?T H'tllHi-ri

*i**Tnfi5rt 1 1

I ^?f 5tir^i*ii< sl TTT w: I

ff ^
15 *fi^TT ^3R: I ^ ^fi I ^^"Ri ^T iSMl*^ I


90 "R I Ht ^^5 I UTOft WW 5TO I rflTt "^^t

it ^ft^T ^T^ VrHH I


WTrf g





I rTWt *TR!OT$y*.i^i i* mgj*HitiX<u

iVTfi RT *R Uf



I HrT^f

"ferfT* I

10 i^<rrn i Ni^ii! i

TR ^T *i^Ml I S I

: I

15 ril^H K^t^: i ^t wr^nir i f^ftrfw

rt^icfti^ fH

^PJf ^ I B ^TPTt t^fift^T ^

: I ^TW S?



: I cT^T

WIT nwr

10 <=i^i*( 'i^ii I rf^TT ^T B W^ HrT* I



20 ^ fT^T TTO ^T ig<!9itlU II




rT^W "^Tftj ^TT

10 f^RH^? Htiwnw

ff TTfl I

f?Tf?T II





t ftfiTT



: 11


* II


ff "R^^T ^t IR^^rt II

20 fir wfe^rnn ^r sftr

11*1 c

TTi^T ^RT^l ^T'RTlJ II

^ ^TTfTT JTrTT"2rTOt


f^^trRRt rfTfa ^fti^T BTFrf^T



20 f<^X' iftsttf i ** ^t Sft ^T ^PH F^nT^Trf* II



: II



rT^T WRf
15 rTTft ^W rp

: H



t ff

: ftenrr s%fw ^t s^^g^n^^ jfnm: 11

f*RT 4HrMi^<lRpn ^rr rt iTHi^^rfini u

**HT rl^HK i^l Pc^U^H rfKt ^ft: I



15 ^T ^n wWR ^T^5 rMHn II



s^rftwf ^^^fe ^rrftf^ro: u

20 ->

5 rf r^T +Tk<;iii*M*ri



IB n 11^11*11



f^^rrf^fif Wnrf: ^Tt: tift^Tt SVRrt II

Sf ^J^"c|^T ^ ^Trf^fft ^*i^0 rTR. I

TTR: v^iif "^TRR: 11

: U

: *r i=nTT ^R: C*

^fif II

^$ cfiTt



: II


^. f ^S. > A * ^^S

L: H

fn^ ftrwr




ITft faftj

20 wtftnr* i




: u

10 rfRTji ^fiTT^rft?^ r*^<*i u



15 irf?f^f

fft R!llHf*ri4

rft ^T ift




"^ftft (\*4*T|t



'TO ^W ^RiT ^fff


it^fir^ TJTOT

is ^j i TI v M^J \'


20 Wi IWRrfTt rt

rft ^ret


ifa Js
! H

^: ITR



fH<ii"<i iSHirn^-5! ^^R^ 'TrTT


ii sfir ^rmfwrnt S^HWIW: \\



: ii M ii n ^rarr i u

C\ N


?TRT ^fir ^t^nr wot

ins 11

10 i<i^HmnMH ***M <ii!sHnil

i ^rr 11 s^ 11

15 fRT w


t^tnftu <=IHLM H

: \

^rer ^ wr^nor* ^WT: n




10 T?^ f?rft HfW ^rr JT^% ^rr *wrfN?t 119011




fv lltftH


10 ^RR xiinK ^ *iHK

swr: Frrr: fli u^mn: \\$<3\\

15 ^M<<=lt ^Mii*n 5^ US til

ITRTT ^rshlHF?fT ^Rt wf^ W*rfff I

R oil










sft f^wt i^i ftm ^rfir ^H: u

j^^rr ^fir ft^srr^ gr^R ^ft?j^ TTR. H


ftrwi ^rfrr woz* \

err a s n ii^wr 911

*]f WTWHTRrt II ^ II

TT UrftrT

fi^St HT^t ^R^f ^jWiPctmn n 6 n






10 ^ 3

IT^T ^ 5rni IR8o||

V*faj ff

n^ft^^ TraTTfirrsi^nnt. i




5 Hr*ilfa *|%l^lrHrql P^ "^TFT H

ni *n,<uir^j|rr


? ^n a


>a 'v


11 8H


ii ii


20 "2TRT TRT W ^RH 3TRR "^ ^rr^n^ II bll

: I

I fit if


: \\

: ITRT *? ifHt


rffltfa H TJ5WI


f^f^vr Trf?r: u 80 11

3 fas^r j
Tinii<*t jrf?r: 11

nfir: n


nfif : n 88 n



10 JS ^^ft nf?f: II 8 II

: n ^9 n

H^nifiir "^ %TT^ n^nrr ^ifw*^ Jrfif n



^ <u in
^<!ii^u^WM "^ M^I w^s;f?f n MM n

n 11

H *!<?qn! n

10 in

T ^ II
^f II

vrfwt ^RT: i

15 vrfwt


: u

) ^^: farRTsJT R ^fem U




Rt H=iHirt:

ii M ii

: n 11
70 VEDA.


3 ^HSifii! u "sff
^ ^rrft

"^^IT ^^HrHdMr*! II ^ II

fulfll!] Freret ^5| ^q rffT^ I


3 n

J iftfT



-^_^5 - - -

I b II

c^^J f;lf ftf
VEDA. 71




^ RT 5TT rf

II <* II

ft TOT% ^fff

srntarr r^Rt ^n 11511

ii 8 ii


72 VEDA.

5 iPqi -qiU II bll

r: ii en


ii ^ ii

9 ii

n mi


20 fi^rt
VEDA. 73


: *W)dbi: *nTRIT


^r *T5fiTt liinL ^R HfT TR^TT fhjTTO II ^ II

iii f%\ ?r
^sn i

fft^t ^ ^r"^ H?II

10 ^rrftr ^ ^rrf^: ^t
^ffw: ^*t ^rfw wjat ^
irfrt ^

f? ^ ^t imn
FTT "^

u $ 11

t II b II
74 VEDA.

5? irnrt


U ^TrR ^




15 4:
VEDA. 75


f flrTT TT

sfirf *rsn?T ^T!!^ TT Wrfa t^TO^t ^: n ^


THRTT vR^ra 1

: II ^ II

10 <iy|w^ll *i^<mi rr irfT: II M II


rTf rTT IT


15 irfn

n ^ n


76 VEDA.

r fftr^ ii
? ii





^rf w^rtftr

n sn


: n ^ n

: n *u

: n n



7R ^tlH^ ^3TT |^t f^WT ft?

TT^T ti\9 n
YEDA. 77


ft? ^i? a ^ ii

^ ft J
B^ ftTT
: ii M ii



triLii l'MTWr:


78 VEDA.

irftr ^^ ^TS? f^ firet 5rfM*i ii * ii



t ftro ^R


10 vhr rtei ^rfrr ft f^r



15 WW' y<lli| ? H T fT II
3 II


20 : *n gtr
VEDA. 79

w*(Vrtl II


iret nfft ^TR

11 s n

sft ITT ^^it

^?T *l ^iU^f ^TT U


HTT'fi? ^ ^T^IT ^^j: ^Rf ^^^t JTT
^prf ^RT "sp^ ^JTIT^: fl^^K 1PTOT ' II M II

f^I "5RT f^IT

80 VEDA.


5 ^: ^W hTrTT ITrfW


n ^ ii



u 8n
VEDA. 81


t if??f
n Qn





82 VEDA.


i W

>H nbn





: H ^^ H
VEDA. 83






t^ TRrff

_ i^T
Cv ftnri:
_v3_ ^f^Ri:
_ tiwr^
_ _ _
^n: IRII


15 ^vfa H ftr ^f WTHt S-OT w ftmu

84 VEDA.

<M*Hfod ^imi 3SRTJH ^ vff ii


: II <* II

i*i i ^n n^rrTT u ^ 11

Tr*1irHI ^Tt ^ *T*Si TjftRt* "^ ^WTI

: II

10 ^r^t m^r^r^n it rhi^r rt W ^tf^^RH it w ^rPI:

: u M a

15 ri^g^i Ww jsi<u ^

u $u

II til

20 ^OTTCTrraJ n ff? TJffftr ?t

VEDA. 85








^ *rtr:
86 VEDA.




^ "^^ ^T ^Trf^t



^PTTO iT ?BT ^T W: HW ^TRT: II?!!


3^-41 <ft^5 ^VHT TT!K^ n 8 ii



cl II b II

VEDA. 87

r^fi-T? ^RT 5^HT f^rr ^T



t PMriil




^ fwt
ii M n

88 VEDA.

Uti II til


fir %w n e 11

LV. RIGVEDA X. 40. 10.


ftnr ^ft ^^fhrrNpsr "^rr Tr^fTt ITT



VEDA. 89


WnT ri*N*lul H

_ N

LVIII. RIGVEDA X. 85. ae, 24-se, 32-33, 27, 43-47.

I? fT v3 _ _ _ _


ijji^ T: ^T ^FH^?T IRM II

T t^T H lffTT


*WF*ITOI ^T^T^W f^r ^trfR n 99 n


: inrt
90 VEDA.

4 fr

11 11




: 11 <\ \\

^rrw ^

4 ff

TO ^ n? 11 11

ni T ^rn *FMM*HMT ^r( II MU

VEDA. 91

T fsiifT

i^T WWt




ratfTnt ii 8H

11 M 11


^EchffiT ^^: ^ ^RT W ^Hlfif IIMH


92 VEDA.

tnrr Cs


^ter irf^r: ^N ^ft:


n s 11


i ?r rr ^n inWinR i rtr
iJ^M^rrH d c(l ^PRflffff
| I

rhr: ^^R^H^RI i ?rrf:


m: i

I W MilMM^IUrt
rtff ftr

f 71 I 3f IJ^T ^flF
^ iftFWT


I if" "4l

^m^T ^IM^Iri I

10 3 i

ff ^


i H fn^iNH i Ft si?:

i ?r

FT nHiH ^f?f n^u^rw finrr fti^r wfiTfT ^r-

i i

f? I
rfF^f^H H^sM R ^TF "^^f 1^ Ft



i w^fir i rt f^^Ti ^H^I i





S^fflfrf I
K^n^%xr ^m^trt I rTWt



t ivr




Cs C\

"^T ^




f^wtfir i *rf l^Ttfif a s

ff T^T^T*15) <l -=1 WRTtJt S^rf T^fh I



^f5 ^t S^^^KHMI^I^M! s*t


rii*inn*iM(VX II 8 II W TvqfM r^fWt I


r** I ?f?T ^ Hc||*riHHM(\fl II Mil TT


^fi? ^ ^far ^ uiHifn

I ^ ? rPR TT ^i? ^V: I rT^t

II b II *f T
^T'JfTT ^TF^* *j
20 ^rr ^n?n nfci'iin^^ ^t TT^T *rprf nf^nftfff i ^ ft

^fff I

f^ HT f^rar




10 ^i ftrt^fJr i


fw ftR Cs


15 ^ Id T1M 1*1 M N^J^lV^THl Mirqt?q I KHU*I

: i


*' I

i H <f


Trffffis'rii i




II Mil

rrNt ^rT IT-

n i

: i i

*TT r* 5RT


MdHi<<ii) Sffcrfrre ^rRrrf: II

^TrTT ^Tff^T ^TT




ifirt R^rrrf RTTTW: ^=11^1 n

Wffft * RftlTfTrT:
20 I \


Rt f^ft?
100 SUTRA.

: 11

irfT IT

inr rrr 1^1 11^9 n

lH ^

131 ifN

rf* U^Tt IR^TT

^fif ^T:

SUTRA. 101

4HJftiT Hl lib II


Tftt ^Mrt^rH i^l l^iHH<iRin 1*11

HI ^t*f *TOT


f f^ftj ^f^^FT^TFTT "^T


^ i

10 ?T Hl

w \**\



1^1 ^H^Jl S*iirqi


102 SUTRA.

^fa ft ^
l fn^nfn ^ I I

10 rr rnr^T ^iwit 1^1 IR n


SUTRA. 103

*TT f^f

5 fij
*HJ|fU*uft ^f^T^ cJl^l^ M l^fri 1^1 II
9 II

10 131

: 1^1 4'iHi>n
M I rf
^TRT^TT^R^ Wf Sf?

coln^nVf?T f f^^R^ ^ I I

15 ^llH+ll^ HH ^l^|cfc||*| ^ft M I ^ 1

fliHI *!'

104 SUTRA.


: I


n M a

20 ^TT :
shMl^r IT Wf c^H 1^1 r *^-

rr f^:

1 H
SUTRA. 105

V ^

^ff ^VrTT



106 SUTRA.



[.For Explanations and Abbreviations, see pages 289-294.]

[111] [agni

1 a, pron. root, see idam and 502. a-ksata, a.

unhurt, uninjured; unbroken-,
2 a negative prefix, see an.
as m. pi. unbroken or unhusked grains,

anga, m. (that which one gets, i.e.) one's esp. of barley,

portion ;
and so, generalized, portion, part. aksata-kesara, a. having an uninjured
[Vlag, 'get.']
angii, m. juicy internodium
or shoot of the aksata-deha, a. having an unhurt or

Soma-plant and so, shooting ray (of

; perfect body,
aksan [431], n. eye. [cf. uir-unr-a, 'have
' ' ' '
a. rich in beams, radiant as eye Lat.
ahQumant, ; seen,' dty, ; eyes
otrcre, *bic-je, ;

m. the sun, 16*. [angii, 1235b.] oc-ulus, 'eye'; the kinship of AS. edge,
a n s a , m. shoulder, [perhaps, the strong Eng. eye, remains to be proved cf. Viks.] :

Lat. um-erus, aksa-priya, a. beloved of the dice, i.e.

(part), Vam, 1197a: cf. 3>/j.-os,
Goth, amsa, 'shoulder.'] lucky at gaming.
a-kasmat, adv. without any "wherefore "; a-ksama, a. not equal to a thing ; unable,
without apparent cause unexpectedly ; ;
w. inf.

accidentally. a-ksaya, a. imperishable.

akasmad-agantu, m. an accidental ar- aksayatva,n. imperishability, [aksaya.]
rival, a chance comer. a-ksara, a. imperishable; as n. word;
a-kara, m. the sound or letter a. [Whit- syllable; the sacred syllable, om, GO 14 ;

ney, 18.] sound, letter, 61 .

a-karana, n. lack of cause; -am, adv. aksara-nyasa, m. the commitment to

causelessly. letters, the writing.

a-kirti,/. non-fame, disgrace. a-ksara, a. not pungent.

akirti-kara, a. causing disgrace, dis- aksaralavana, n. that which is not pun-
graceful. gent and not salt, [alavana 1253b.]

a-krta, a. not done; uncooked. a. eating that which

aktii, m. I. ointment; 2. light, beam isnot pungent and not salt, abstaining
of light; -3. night, [for 2, cf. cutris, from seasoned and salted food, [agin.]
beam.'] aksi [431], n. eye; see aksan.
a- kriyamana ,
a. not being accomplished. aksauhini,/ a complete army.

[Vlkr, 'do,' 770c.] aksauhinl-pati, m. master of an army;

a-krura, a. not harsh. general.
1 aksa, n. for aksan at end ofcpds
[1315a]. a-khila, a. without a gap, entire all. ;

2 aksa, m. a die for playing, [named, a - g a d a a. not having disease, well, healthy, ,

perhaps, from its 'eyes' (1 aksa) or whole wholesome as m. medicine.

; ;

spots.'] a gar a, m. n. house,
aksa, m. axle. [cf. &tav, Lat. axis, AS. agni, m. fire; esp. a sacred fire; the god
eax, Eng. axe (i.e. 'axle'), and axle.'] of fire, Agni, mediator between men and
agnikunda] [112]

gods, messenger who carries the sacrifice

3, cf . oyxos, Lat. uncus, AS. ongel, ' hook ;

to them, protector from the terrors and cf. Eng. angle, not a borrowed word.]
spirits of darkness, and keeper of house V ankhaya (ankhayati [1056, 1067]).
and hearth, [perhaps, the quickly mov-
hook on, grapple, [from anka,
ing or agile one,' V aj, 1158 : cf Lat. ignis,
despite the aspiration.]
fire/ agilis,
agile '; akin, poss., is + pari, clasp, embrace.
flashing light.'] ang. move, in derivs.

agni-kunda, n. round hole hi the ground a n g a asseverative particle, yad anga,

, just
for the sacred fire. when ;
te anga, they only.

agni-vela,^ fire-hour, time for kindling anga, n. limb, member; by synecdoche,

the sacred fire ;
afternoon. body, person, form. [Vang: for mg, cf.

agni-hotra, n. fire-sacrifice (a burnt- angiili, angiistha.]

offering of fresh milk). angana ,
n. court, [orig., perhaps,
agnihotra-havani, /. fire-sacrifice way,' ^ang.]
ladle. ang ana, f. a (fair) form, i.e. a woman,
agny-adh6ya, n. placing or setting up [anga.]
of the sacred fire, [acct, 1272.] angara, m. coal.
agr a, n. 1. front ; agre, in front, before, angiras,7n. 1. orig., probably, messenger ;

in presence of, w. gen.; 2. beginning; esp.messenger between gods and men 6^ ;

agre, in the beginning, in the first place, eminence, Agni; 2. as pi. Angirases, a

first; 3. tip, end. [perhaps, 'that name applied by the Hindus to a certain race
which goes before, leader,' V aj : cf .
&yu, among their forefathers (perhaps because

'lead,' ffTpar-rryos, 'army-leader.'] their intercourse with the gods was con-
agratas, adv. in front [1098c 3 ]; before ceived as very intimate), these forefathers
(one's self) ; w. kr, place in front, cause being regarded as half divine 3. as s. ;

to lead, [agra, 1098b.] the (mythical) ancestor of the Angirases.

agrya, a. foremost, best, [agra, 1212c.] angiili, f. finger. [Vang, 1191: for mg,
agha, a. distressful, harmful as n. harm, ;
cf. anga.]
trouble, evil; sin; sorrow, [like anhii, angustha, m. thumb, mg, cf. anga.]
narrow,' and anhas,
distress,' from V ac or a no (acati, aiicati akna, ancita ;

v- angh or anh,
straiten : cf .
dis- -acya). bend. [cf. anka and vbl anc.]
' '
tress ; &yx.a>, Lat. ango,
strangle ; AS. + a. bend.
ange, anxious,' Ger. enge, narrow,' Angst,
a -car a, a. not moving; as subst. plant (as
distinguished from animals).
distress : for connection of mgs, cf Eng. .

to narrow and to distress.']
a-cala, a. immovable; as m. mountain.
V a
agha y (aghayati). harm; plan mis- a-cit, a. not knowing; unwise; foolish.
[agha, 1059b.] a-citti, f. unwisdom; folly.

a-ghoracaksus, a. not evil-eyed. a-citva, grd. without piling. [Vlci.]

d-ghnya, m. bull (the animal that is a-cintya, a. incomprehensible.
hard to overcome,' or more exactly, ' not accha, vbl prefix, to, unto; hither; w. VV
be slain').
to 2 nag, ya, vah, vrt often accha, 248a. ;

& g h n y a f. cow. [formed as a pendant

, V aj fajati, -te). drive. [orig. 'put in
' ' '
to aghnya.] motion Lat. ago, lead, drive
: cf .
; &y<a,

anka, m. 1. the bend at the groin made 'lead': also agra, ajira, aji.]

by taking a sitting position, lap; 2. the + ud, drive out.

bend just above the hip (where babes, sit- a j a m. he-goat, [prob. the agile one,' ,

ting astride, are carried by Hindu women

V aj cf af, goat.'] : .

see aroha) 3. hook; 4. (like Eng. a-jara, a. not aging; ageless.


pot-hook) mark, sign. [Vane: for 1, cf. aj aramaravat, adv. as if ageless and
v, 'bend in arm or wall or shore'; for immortal, [ajara-amara, 1107, 1257.]
[113] [atra

a-jasra, a. not dying out; perpetual anda-ja, a. egg-born; as m. bird.

(of fire). V at (atati, -te; atita). wander about, [cf.

aja,/. she-goat, [see aja.] Vat.]

a-jata, a. unborn. a-tandrita, a. unwearied.
ajina, m. goat-skin; pelt, [aja: cf .
alyls, atas, adv. 1. (as abl. ofpron. root a [1098],
goat-skin, Aegis,' w. aff ,
goat.'] and synonymous w. asmat) from it; .so 22 9 ,

ajira, a. agile, swift. [Vaj, 1188e: cf. sc. pankat ato nya, other than it, 68 12

Lat. agilis,

agile.'] -2. from this (place), 83 15 -3. from this ;

21 16
V ajiraya (ajirayate). be swift; press (time), 96 ; cf. iirdhvam; then, 40 -4. ;

swiftly onward, [ajira, 1059b.] from 35 10 therefore, 27 3 etc.;

this (cause), ; ,

a-jna, a. not knowing, ignorant; foolish; w. correl. yatas, 36 8 hence and so, 39 4 ; ; ,

as m. fool. 42 21 ; so then, 73 12 [pron. root a, 502.] .

a -j L at a ,
a. unknown. [Vjna : cf &-yv<aros,
dti, adv. across, beyond, past, over, as vbl
Lat. i-gnotus, Eng. un-couth, unknown.'] prefix; in cpds, to excess, excessive, see
ajnata-kulagila, a. whose family and 1289b ; as prep, beyond, over. [cf K-n, .

character are unknown. '
further, besides Lat. et, ' besides, and.']

a-jnatva, grd. without knowing. atikrama, m. act of overstepping or over-

a-jnana, n. ignorance; -at and -atas, coming. [Vkram + ati.]

out of ignorance. atithi, m. guest, ['wanderer,' Vat.]
V anc, see Vac. ati-durvrtta, a. excessively wicked.

anc, as vbl at end of cpds [see 407-9], ati-dura, a. very far or distant; as n.

turning, directed
ud-anc, ; e.g. directed great distance.
upward. [for ing, cf. Eng. -ward (in ati-bhara, m. excessive burden.
to-ward, etc.), which is akin w. Vvrt, ati-laulya, n. excessive greediness.
turn.'] ati-vrsti,yi excessive rain.

V arij or aj (anakti, ankte; anaiija, anaje a-tisthant, a. not standing; restless.

[788]; anjit; akta; aktva; -anjya, -ajya). [Vstha.]
1. smear; anoint; 2. adorn, [cf. aktu: ati-samcaya,m. excessive accumulation.
cf Lat. ungo,
anoint.'] ati-samnidhana, n. excessive nearness.
+ a , anoint. atlndriya, a. transcending the senses ;
+vi , 1. anoint ;
2. adorn and ; so, bring n. soul, spirit, [ati + indriya, 1310a.]
to notice ; vyakta : adorned, fair ;
mani- ativa, adv. exceedingly; very, [ati + iva.]
fest ;
caws, make clear or manifest. a-tyajya, a. not to be abandoned.

+ sam ,
1. anoint; 2. adorn; 3. unite aty-ugra, a. extraordinary. ['exces-
by anointing, 89 ; 4. generalized, unite sively strong.']
with, take to one's self (e.g. food), 88 .
atyugra-punyapapa, a. extraordinar-
an j all, two hollowed and open
m. the ily good and bad as n. pi. extraordinarily ;

hands placed side by side the hands so good and bad deeds. ;

placed and raised to the forehead, i.e. a atra (atra, 248a), adv. 1. (asloc.ofpron.

gesture of reverent salutation; a double root a [1099 4 ], and synonymous w. asmin)

handful (as measure). 10 in this case, 31 5 ;
substantively : in it, 97 ;

aiijas, adv. quickly, suddenly, [prob. adv. in that case, 18 n

on this point, 29 2 ; ;

ace. or instr. of an obsolete subst. anjas, adjectiv ely : w. antare: in this interim,
a slippery way or a gliding motion,' V anj .] meantime, 24
19 45 2 50 22 55 4 on this
, , , ;

V at (atati, -te atisyati; atita atitva). ; ; occasion, at this juncture, 19 n ;

wander about, [cf. Vat.] sarasi, in this pool ;
2. in this or that
at an I, f. the notched end of a bow. (place); here, 25
; there, 33
, 89*; in
a t a v I / forest, [perhaps, roaming-place,'
that world (opp. to 'in this world'),
Vat.] 87 !' 7 9

-3. in that (time), then, 56.
anda, n. egg. [pron. root a, 502.]
atri] [114]

Atri, m. Atri, name of a famous Rishi. asav aliam. I am so-and-so, 61 14

60 21 ;

atha (atha, 248a), adv. expresses a sequence, 103 5 ; follows at a distance word to the

temporal or resultant : then so so then ;

; ;
which it
refers, thus emphasizing it, 23

accordingly; thereupon; 1. temporal: [see 501 and 503.]

e.g. ati drava,
atha upehi, run past, and aditi, a. without bond or limit; infinite; as
then go unto ,
83 18 in apodosis after f. infinity, the endless heaven, 79
infin- ;

yada, 84
5 6 7
96 22 ;
2. resultant: e.g. ma-

ity, personified as a goddess, Aditi, 75


rudbhih sakhyam te astu, atha jayasi, [apparently a -f *diti, acct, 1304a 2 :

make friends with the Maruts, and then 'bond,' would be a reg. deriv. of \/3da,
(if thou dost) thou
shalt conquer, 82 2 N. ; 'bind,' but does not occur as such,
3. very frequent as a simple continuative :
although there is a word diti, q.v., of
now; so; then; usually at beginning of sen- quite different rug and origin.]
tence (e.g. 20 1 ) or cloka (e.g. 2 6 ); sometimes a -din a, a. not depressed.
within the cloka (e.g.
3 14 ); exceptionally at adinatman, a. with cheerful spirit, un-
the end, 13 9 ;
at beginning of section or book, daunted, [atman.]
now, 98
16 here beginneth (cf. Hi), I 1
; ;
a-durmangala,/. -I, a. bringing no bad
sometimes much attenuated in meaning ; often luck. [for declension, cf. sumangala,
almost equivalent to a capital letter, to mark -gali, and 355b.]
the beginning of a new clause, e.g. 94 18 ;
con- a-dfsta, a. unseen, unnoticed. [Vdrg.]
necting parts of sentence, 4 4. pleonas- adrsta-kama, m. love for one not yet
13 9 mere 19
tically w. tatas, ; verse-filler, 10 ;
5. 16
atho, i.e. atha u, and also, 90 ; 6. a-deva, m. non-god, who is no god. [1288a

serving as a point d'appui for an enclitic, adbhis, see 393.

which may thus precede its word : e.g. devo, adbhuta, a. wonderful; as n. wonder,
tha va yaksas, a god or a Yaksha, instead [despite anatidbhuta, prob. from at(i)-
18 so 2 12 ; in this use, transcending what has existed/

of devo, yakso va, 8 ; bhuta,

va atha va
que atque cf.
: :
cf. :
27 21 ; 1310a : cf. ambara.]
va; 7. atha va, or rather, 26 7 N. [pron. adbhuta-rupa, a. having wonderful
root a, 1101, 502; later form of adha beauty.
(which is more common in the Veda) : cf. adya, adv. to-day; adya nii, in this night
(just past), 61
Lat. at, then, further, but.'] now; adya yavat, until ;

V ad (atti; atsyati; attum). eat; consume, now adya^arabhya, from now on.
; [per-

[cf .
8eo, Lat. edo, AS. etan, Eng. eat : cf .
haps from *a-dyavi, on this day,' 1122f,

anna.] see dyu : cf Lat. ho-die,

ad, vbl. eating, consuming, in cpds. a-dravya, n. non-thing, unworthy object.
a d a a. , eating, in cpds. [vf ad.] adri, m. rock; stone; esp. Soma-stone (for

a-danstrin, a. without tusks or large bruising the Soma) ; missile stone.

teeth. adrivant, a. having or armed with the
a-datta, a. not given. hurling-stone.
a-dantajata, a. not having teethed, adha (adha, 248a), Vedic adv. expressing a
['not having grown teeth,' for a-jata- sequence : then, so, 79 so then, 89 18 ; ;

danta.] adha yad, just then when, 76 ; (then,
adds [501], pron. yon, yonder, that, that i.e. besides, i.e.) and, 77
, 78 6 [1104
8 . :

there, in opposition to the one here or just cf. atha.]

mentioned.- e.g. asau, 22 7 , that one (the a-dhanya, a. not rich; poor.
traveller last mentioned at 20 19 ) so 31 10 ; ;
adhama [525], a. lowest; worst, [cf. adhas
asav amutra, asmin, that one in ayam and 474 : cf Lat. infimus,
that world, this one in this, 103 7 that one ;
adhara [525], a. lower, [cf. adhas and
(correl. ya), 7 , 37
n as Lat. inferus, 'lower'; Eng. under.']
474: cf.
designation of per- ;

sons not to be named, so-and-so, N. or M. ; a-dharma, m. unrighteousness.

[115] [anamayitnu

adhah-gayin, a. lying low, i.e. sleeping V an (aniti [631]; ana; anisus ; anisyati ;

on the ground. anita; anitum; -anya). breathe, blow;

ad has, adv. below; down. live, [cf anila, &ve/*os,
. Lat. anima, cur- '

' '
adhastat, adv. below; as prep., iv.
gen. rent of air ; Goth, an-an, breathe.']
[1130], under, [adhas, HOOb.j + p r a breathe. ,

ad hi, adv. over, besides, in addition, 96 ; 16

ana, pron. stem, see iclam.
as prep, above, over, on; w. instr. (of snii an-agha, a. faultless.
u an a (I v ah [404], m. bull,
only), over, 79 ; w. abl. from, out
away ['cart-drawing/
7 13 n anas + vah.]
of, 103*; w. loc.: over, 90 ; on, 70 ,92 .

adhika, a. (like Eng. over in adj. uses) ad- an-adhigata, a. un-studied.

ditional ; surpassing the usual measure, an-anusthana, n. non-observance, neg-
superior, extraordinary; as n. surplus, lect.

[adhi, 1222a.] an-antara, 1. a. having no interval;

adhika-rupavant, a. surpassingly or immediately adjoining; -am, ado. imme-

most beautiful. diately afterwards, afterwards thereupon ; ;

adhikanuraga, m. superior affection or 2. as n. non-interval, in sam-.

most affection, [anuraga.] an-amiva, a. without sickness or trouble,
adhikara, m. authority; office; duties of well ;
as n. weal, [amiva, 1304a.]
office. [\f
1 kr + adhi, put over or in an-arghya, a. not to be priced, priceless.
office.'] anarghyatva, n. pricelessness. [1239.]
adhij ya, a. having the bow-string up or on, an-artha, m. non-advantage; disadvan-
i.e. strung. [2jya, 1305.] tage.
adhi -pa, m. lord; ruler, ['over-keeper,' anala, m. fire.

1289a 354.] : cf.

an-avadya, a. not un-praiseworthy ;

adhi-pati, m. over-lord; sovereign. blameless, faultless.

[1289a.] anavadyanga,_/. -I, a. having a faultless
adhi-pa [352], m. lord, ['over-keeper,' body, [anga.]
1289a.] an-aveksa, a. without any looking
adhisthana, standing-place; (of the n. around -am, adv. without looking around,

soul) a dwelling-place or manifestation. [aveksa.]

[\lstha + adhi.] an-aveksamana, a. not looking around.
adhuna, adv. now. [V Iks + ava.]
adho-nivita, a. having the sacred cord an-agru,a. without tears, [agru, 1304a.]
(worn) low. [adhas.] a-nasta, a. not lost. [\/lnag.]
adhyayana, n. reading; study, esp. of the
anasta-pagu, a. who loses nothing from
Veda. [Vi + adhi, 1150. la.] his herd. [prop.

having a not lost herd.']

adhyaya, m. reading; study, esp. of the anas, n. cart for heavy burden, [cf. Lat.
Veda; (like Eng. lesson), lectio, chapter, onus, 'burden.']
66 16 58 15
, ,
etc. [\|
i + adhi, 1 148. 2.] an-agata, a. not arrived; not (yet) come,
adhvara, m. religious or liturgical ser- impending, future, [\lgarn. + a.]
vice ; sacrifice, esp. Soma-sacrifice. anagatavant, a. having to do with the
V adhvarya (adhvaryati). perform sac- future. [1233.]
rifice, [adhvara, 1059d.] anagata-vidhatr, m. arranger for the

adhvaryii, m. priest, who did the actual Forethought, name of a fish.

future ;

work of the sacrifice, and appears in the aii-agas, a. without sin. [acct, 1304a ].
oldest period as companion of the hotr an-adhrsyd, a. un-approachable. [acct,
see rtvij. [V adhvarya, 1178h.] 1285.]
an, before consonants a, negative prefix. an-amayA, a. without disease, healthy;
[1121a; acct, 1288a, 1304a: cf. w-, a-, as n. health.
Lat. in-, Eng. un-.] an-amayitnii, a. not sickening; healing.
anayudha] [116]

an-ayudha, a. weaponless; defenceless. anurodha, m. regard. [V 1 rudh + anu.]

[ayudha, 1304a.] anurodhin, a. having (some) regard for.

an-aruhya, yrd. without going into [V 1 rudh + anu.]

( danger) .
[V ruh + a.] an-ulbana, a. not lumpy; smooth or per-
anil a, m. wind.
[Van, 1189.] fect (of a weft). [1288a

a-nivigamana, a. not going to rest. anuvrtti, f. sequence, and so, continu-

[acct, 1283.] ance. [V vrt + anu.]
a-nivegana, a. having no resting-place, anu-vrata, a. acting according to the
unsettled, [nivegana, 1304a.] will or command (of another), obedient;

an-ista, a. undesired; disagreeable; un- devoted to, w. ace. [272], 6 16

100 4 .
[1310a :

approved, unlawful. [V 1 is.] cf. apavrata.]

anista-cintana, n. the thinking about anugaya, m. repentance, [perhaps 'that
something unlawful. which lies down after one or follows one
an-istva,<7rJ. without sacrificing. [Vyaj.] to his bed': Vgi +anu.]
anika, n. face; 1.
2. Jig. appearance; anusthana, n. devotion to, observance.
3. of a hatchet (face, i.e.), sharp edge; [V stha + anu.]
4. front, and so, by synecdoche, troop. anustheya, yrdv. to be accomplished,
[so Lat. acies has mgs 3 and 4.] [see Vstha + anu, and 963a.]
a-nitijna, a. not knowing discreet con- anusarana, n. a going after, a searching.
duct, [V sr + anu.]
anu, prep, after, along, toward; w. ace. anustarana, a. strewing over, covering
along or over ; after, i.e. according to. over; f. anustaranl (sc. go), a cow,

anugati,/. a going after. [V gam + anu.] slaughtered at the funeral ceremony, and
an u car a, going after; as m. attendant;
a. the pieces of which are used for covering
companion. [\l car + anu.] over the corpse, limb by limb. [V str +
anu- jivin, a. living upon, dependent; as anu.]
m. a dependent. [V jiv + anu.] a n u can a, see 807 and 784.
anu-tta, ppl. see VI da + anu. an-rta, a. untrue; anrta, n. untruth;
a-nutta, a. un-moved, i.e. invincible. wrong, [rta, 1288a.]
[Vnud.] an-eka, a. not one, i.e. more than one;
anuttama, most highest; best, most
a. many.
excellent; supreme. [lit. 'most best,' anekadha, adv. many times. [1104.]
formal superl. to anuttara, which is itself anekagas, adv. in large numbers. [1106.]
logically a superl.] a-nedya, a. not to be blamed; blame-
an-uttara, a. not having a superior, i.e. less, [acct, 1285a.]
best, [for mg, cf. nihgreyasa.] an-enas, a. free from guilt. [enas,
an-udita, a. not arisen. [Vi + ud.] 1304a.]
an-udyoga, an-omkrta, a. not having om uttered, i.e.
m. non-exertion,

anunaya, m. conciliation. [Vni + anu.] unaccompanied by om. [see omkrta.]

an-upakarin, a. not doing or unable to ant a, m. 1. vicinity, proximity; 2.
do a friendly service. border; limit; end. [see anti: cf. Eng.
anu-purva, following the one preced-
a. end.~\

ing, one after another -am, adv. in regular ; antah-pura, n. inner stronghold or
order. [1310a.] citadel; inner apartment of the royal
anumati,/. approbation; favor (of gods citadel, gynaeceum, harem, 2 [antar, .

to the pious) personified, Grace.

; [Vman 1289a.]
+ anu.] dntaka, m. ender (death). [anta,
anumana, n. the forming of a conception. 1222a.]
[V 1 ma + anu, conceive.'] as
anta-kara, a. end-making; m. de-
anur a ga, m. affection. [Vraj+anu.] stroyer.
[117] [anvita

.4 u tarn a, a. nearest, very near; as m. in- antima, a. last. [anti, 474: for mg
timate, companion, [see anta, mg 1, and (' endmost "? ),
cf. anta 2, and antya.]
474 cf Lat. intumus, inmost.']
: . ante-vasfn, m. pupil, [lit. 'abiding in
antar, adv. inward, inwardly, within; the vicinity,' 1250c.]

prep.,w. loc. : between, among, within ; antya, a. being at the end, last; lowest;
along with, 78 cf. Mi, gam, dha. [cf. ;
of lowest caste, [anta.]
Lat. inter, 'between.'] antya-jati, a. having lowest birth.
1 antara, a. very near, only in V. and B. antyajatita,yi condition of having low-
[see anta, mg 1, and 474.] est birth. [1237.]
2 antara, a. inner; asthe interior, n. 1. antya-stri, f. woman of lowest caste.
middle ; jala^antare, in the middle of the a iid. ha, a. blind; blinding (of darkness).
water = in the water, 50 7 ; vana^antara- and has, n. darkness, [cf. andha.]
samcarin, wandering in the forest, 49 ; anna, n. food ; esp. rice, usually boiled, the
2. interval see atra; 3. distance be- chief food of the Hindus; grain. [Vad,
tween two things; the difference, 29 ;
1177a: cf. eJSap, Lat. esca, *ed-ca, 'food';
' '
4. difference, at end of cpds [1302c5]: ador, spelt ; AS. dta, Eng. oat.~\

-antara, that which has a difference anna-pragana, n. rice-feeding, the first

of i.e. another
-, -,
33 l 38 12 23 , 43 6 -5. ,
; feeding of an infant with rice.
u anna-rasa, n. food and drink.
occasion, juncture, 19 [antar: cf. .
inwards, guts.']
annavant, a. provided with food,
antar-atman, m. the in(-dwelling) soul; [anna.]
heart. [1289.] any a [523], pron. a. another, other, else;
antari-ksa, the atmosphere, see 92 9 N.
n. anyac ca, and another thing, i.e. again,

[' lying
or situate in the middle between see ca 3 other than, different from, w. abl.,

heaven and earth antar + ksa for mg, : : 34 ,

24 19 68 12 104 u otiose, 2 12 yad an-
, , ; ;

yat kim cana, whatever else, 9

cf. rb fj.effrjyv, as used of the aerial space anya ;

traversed by Iris.] or eka anya, the one the other, 90 13 ,

antariksa-ga, a. moving in the air as 29 8 [cf. evioi, 'some'; Goth. an-\>ar, ;


m. bird, [for mg, cf. khaga.] 'other,' Eng. other,.]

antariksa-loka, m. atmosphere-world anyatama, a. one of several, some one.
[1280b] the atmosphere, regarded as a
; [anya, 525 .]
separate world. any at as, adv. from another direction
antar-gata, a. gone within, i.e. being [1098b], otherwise; elsewhere [1098c ],

within ;
hidden. to another place, [anya.]
antardhana, n. abiding; disappearance; any at ha, adv. otherwise, 18 ; w. bhu,
w. disappear. [V 1 dha + antar, q.v.]
i, become otherwise, suffer change, 17 ;
a n t a r - 1 a j j a , /. inward shame. [1289. ] otherwise than ,it really is, falsely, 35 20 ;
antar-vedi, a. situate within the sacri- otherwise (i.e.
if not), 48 .
ficial bed ; -di, adv. within the sacrificial anya-hrada, m. another pool.

spot. [1310a.] anye-dyus, adv. on the next day.

anti, adv. opposite, in front, before; near. ['altero die': 1250c.]
[see anta cf avrl, opposite,' &vra, face
: .
' '

anyonya, pron. a. one the other, for

to face'; Lat. ante, 'before'; antlcus, any 6 'nya [175a], the first part being a
'former, ancient'; AS. and-swaru, Eng. crystallized nom. s. m. [1314c] ;
w. value of

an-swer.] anyonyam prati hrcchaya = anyas-

1 antika, n. neighborhood or presence; ya^anyam prati h., love of one towards
used like
samipa, q.v. [anti.] the other, 2 .
[see paraspara.]
2 antika, for anta at end of cpds, 1222, an vane [409c], a. directed after, following
1307 ; grahana^antika, having acquisition after, being behind, [ami + anc.]
as its conclusion. anvita, see Vi + anu.
ap] [118]

ap [393], f. plurale tantum. water; waters. a -par a, a. boundless, [para: acct, 1304a.]
[unrelated to Lat. aqua, 'water/ Goth. dpi, indecl. unto, close upon or on; 1.
ahva, stream.'] prep, to, w. Vgam; 2. adv. (thereto, be-
apa , prep, away, forth, off ; opp. of lipa, sides, i.e.) further, also; connecting clauses
' 23
see VV i, kr. [cf .
air6, Lat. a&, '
from ; (63 )
or words (65 11 ) ; connecting sentences,
Eng. off", of.] api ca, and besides, 29 9, see ca 3 api ;

apakara, m. injury. [Vlkr + apa.] api, both and, 54 % ca api, ;

12 5
apakarin, a. injuring, [do.] and, 5 26 ; ca, capi, both
, and
apacara, m. going off; absence. [Vcar also, 12
;,' caiva, capi, 65
; capi,
+ apa.] ca, 3 , 16"; capi, ca,
ca, 16 ,
d-patighni, a. f. not husband-slaying. 60 10 ; na , na_api % neither ,
nor ,

9 9 na na v-
[402 :
acct, 1288a.] ; , capi, 22 ; na na , , api
apatya, n. offspring; child; young (of ca, neither ,
nor ,
nor also ,
2 ; ,

animals), [apa, 'off,' 1245b.] va, va^api, either ,

or ,
or even ,

a -pad [391], a. footless. [cf. &iro5-es, 62 2 3. also, too, immediately following


'halt': 1304a.] emphasized word, 6
the II 3 21 18 24 21 , , , ;

a p ab hr a st a , fallen off ; deviating ( from

. mam api, me too, 41 20 4. even, imme- ;

good grammar) ; provincial. [Vbhrang + diately following the emphasized word, and
apa.] often marking a circumstance under which a
ap a ra [525], pron. a. hinder, opp. o/purva ; thing is true where this is not to be expected :

13 18
following a former one (purva), 86 13 ; e.g. 2 ,
28 7 -
33 19 ; tatha^api, so even, i.e.

later westerly, opp. to purva nevertheless, 21

; cf. pranc ; ; concessively, although,
a following one, i.e. an other aparaih ca, ; 29 \ 21", 61 1 '
w. na, not even, 19 15 ;
and another thing, and further, see ca 3 ; indefinites, kada cid api na, not ever at
apari [cf. 355b], f. pi. the future all, 31 w 32 s -5. but, immediately follow-
, ;

(days), the future, [lit. 'remoter,' fr. apa, ing a new subject, after change of subject,
474.] 6 15 ,

28 21 , 32 22 , 41 -6. at least, .;
a-paranmukha, a. not having an averted 28 9 '
; 7. converts an interr. into an indef.
not turning the back, 5 19 17 n
face, i.e. .
[507]; so ka, , etc.; katham, 51 *.

a-parajita, a. unconquered; w. dig, the [cf .
M, '
on, upon ; perhaps Lat. op-, ob-,
northeast quarter, 99 23 N. [Vji.] 'unto, on.']
aparadha, m. sin. [s radh apa.] a-pidayant, a. non-oppressing. [Vpid.]
a-parijata, a. not completely grown (of a-purv4, a. having no predecessor; un-
an embryo), i.e. prematurely born, still- precedented ; incomparable. [purva :

born, [see pari-jata and ref.] acct, 1304a.]

a-pariniya, grd. without any leading apeksa,/ regard; expectation. [Viks +
around. [VnL] apa.]
a-parimita, a. unmeasured, unlimited. a-praja, a. having no offspring, childless,

[v/lma.] [praja, 367b.]

apa-vrata, a. disobedient; stubborn. a-prajnata, a. undistinguished or not
['away from command,' 1310a: cf. dnu- clearly to be known. [Vjna.]
vrata.] a-pratarkya, a.un-imaginable.
apas, see ap. a-pratima, a. without match or equal;
apas ,
n. work, [perhaps from V *ap, ' reach, unequalled, [pratima, 367b.]
take hold of see Vap: cf. Lat. opus, a -prat it a, a. not gone against; not with-
work.'] stood; invincible. [Vi + prati.]
a pay a, m. a going away; what takes one a-pratta, a. not given (in marriage).
from the mark (cf. upaya) danger [Vlda + pra, 1087e.] ; ;

disadvantage diminution. [Vi + apa, a-prayucchant, a. not heedless; watch-


1148. la : for mg, cf. Eng. untoward.] ful. [V2 yu + pra, q.v.]
[119] [amimarisya

a-priya, a. not dear; disliked; disagree- abhi-giras, a. having the head towards,
able. w. ace. [1305.]
apsaras,yi one of a class of semi-divine a-bhita, a. fearless; -vat [1107], fear-
beings, wires of the Gandharvas ;
an Ap- lessly,
saras, 67 N. [1151. 2d.] abhipsu, a. desirous of obtaining, w. ace.
a-buddhimant, a. unwise; foolish. [s/ap + abhi, 1178f, 1038.]
abda, m. lit. water-giving; (then, perhaps, abhy-adhika, a. additional; more,
rainy season, and so) year, [ap + da, but abhy-antara, a. situated in the inside
w. irreg. acct, 1269 for rag, see varsa.] :
[1310a]; as n. interior ;

a-bhaksya, a. not to be eaten; as n. abhy-atma, a. directed towards one's

that which ought not to be eaten. self [1310a] ; -am, adv. towards one's
a-bhaya, a. dangerless as n. safety; ;
self [ISlOd].

feeling of safety; superl. greatest safety. abhyasa, m. study. [V 2 as + abhi, q.v.]

[bhaya: acct, 1304a 2 .] abhra, n. rain-cloud, [cf. o/j.Bpos, 'rain';
a-bhava, m. non-existence; absence; lack. Lat. imber, '
rain : cf . ambhas and ambu,
a-bhavin, a. not about to be, not destined

to be. abhravakagika, a. (having, i.e.) afford-

abhi, adv. to, unto; against; frequent as ing an opportunity for the rain, exposing
vbl prefix ; as prep, unto, w. ace. [cf a/*4>/, . one's self to the rain, [abhra + avakaga,
around ;
Lat. ambi-, amb-, '
on both sides, 1307.]
AS. ymbe, Ger. um, '
; V am (amiti [634] ; ame; amayati). press
for mg, cf. abhitas.] on violently; harm; cans. [1041 ], harm;
abhijna, a. knowing, acquainted with. be sick. [cf. ansa.]
+ abhi, 333.]
[Vjfia a ma, pron. this; he. [503*: cf. ama.l
abhitas, adv. on both sides; on all sides, a-mantii, a. without intention, [mantu:
101 ;
around ;
near, [abhi.] 1304a.]
abhidroha, m. offense. [Vdruh + abhi.] a-mara, a. deathless; immortal; as m. an
abhidha,/. name cf. akhya. [V 1 dha + immortal, a god; -vat [1107], adv.
; like a

[mara: 1304a end.]

abhi, q.v.] god.
abhidhana, n. name; designation, [do.] amarottama, a. chief of gods. [uttama.J
abhidhyana, n. the thinking upon. amaropama, a. like a god. [upama,
[Vdhya + abhi.] 367b.]
abhinivega, m. inclination towards. a-martya, a. immortal,
[Vvig + abhi-ni.] a-marsa, m. non-endurance; impatience;
abhibhasin, a. addressing. [\fbhas + anger.
abhi, 1183 .] a-mahatman, a. not high-minded,
abhibhuti,/. superiority; as a. [1157.2], a ma, adv. athome, chez soi; ama kr, keep
superior. [V bhu + abhi.] by one. [ama, 1112a and e.]
abhibhuty-ojas, a. having superior amatya, m. inmate of the same house,

might. relative, [ama, 1245b.]

abhimati,/! hostile plot; concrete, plot- a-maya,,/! no guile; sincerity,
ter, foe. [Vman + abhi, 1157. Id : a ama-vasa, m. a dwelling (of the moon)
irreg.'] at home (i.e. with the sun).
abhi-mukha, a. having the face towards ; amavasya, a. of amavasa ; f. -a, w. or
facing ;
turned towards. [1305.] without ratri, the night of amavasa, i.e.

abhivada, m. salutation; at 60 22 , signifi- night of new moon. [1212d4.]

cation. [Vvad + abhi.] a-mithuna, a. not forming pairs (of both
abhivadana, n. salutation, [do.] sexes).
abhivadin, a. signifying, [do.] a-mimansya, a. not to be called in

abhivadya, grdv. to be saluted, [do.] question.

amiva] [120]

am iv,a, n., but generally -a, f. plague, dis- a -rap as, a. without infirmity; whole,
tress ;
as m. tormenting spirit. [V am.] [rapaa, 1304a.]
amlva-catana, /. -I, a. driving away aram, adv. so as to fit or suit, ready, at

disease. [1271.] hand, enough; w. kr, make ready, serve,

amiva-han [402], a. slaying the torment- 79 2 w. gam, attend upon. [adv. ace. of

ing spirits. ara, Vr, lllld: cf. alam.j

a mil, pron. root, see adas. [503 2 .] a-rati, f. non-favor; malignity; personi-
a m u t a s adv. from there, opp. of itas
, ; fied, pi., malign hags,
[acct, 1288a.]
there, [amu.] arf [343d], a. 1. eager, esp. in one's re-

amiitra, adv. there; in the other world, lations to the gods, and so, pious; 2.

opp. of iha or asnxin (loke). [amii.] greedy; 3. hostile; as m. enemy. [\/r,

' '

amuya, adv. so. [amii, 1112a, e end.] go for : cf arya.]


a-mfta, a. immortal; as subst. an immor- a-riata, a. unharmed. [Vris: acct, 1284.]

tal; as n. immortality; the drink of im- aristatati, f. unharmedness, health,
mortality, apfrpoffia. ['not dead,' mrta, [ariata, 1238.]
ruddy; as m. Aruna, name of a
1284a : cf &-fj.&poTos,
immortal.'] aruna, a.

teacher, 95
amrtatva, n. immortality, [amrta.] .
[cf. aruaa.]
ambara, n. garment; sky. [prob. 'cover- a-rundhatf,/ Arundhati, name of the
ing, envelope,' Vlvr + anu, for an(u)- faint star Alkor in Ursa Major, conceived
vara: cf. adbhuta.] as consort of the Seven Rishis. [ V rudh,
ambu, n. water, [see abhra.] 691 acct, 1283a.] :

ambu-ja, a. water-born; as n. lotus. aruaa,/. arual, a. ruddy, [see 362b : cf.

ambhas, n. water, [see abhra.] aruna.]

ay a, a. subst. going, a going. [Vi, 1148. lab.] are, word of address. Ah! [voc. of ari,

ay ana, a going; place of going, way;

n. 1135c : cf. re.]

course; esp. course (of the sun from one a-roga, a. not having disease, diseaseless.
solstice to the other), i.e. half-year. [Vi, arka, m. the sun. [<Jrc, 21(3.1.]
1150. la.] argha, m. worth, price. [\/arh.]
ay as, n. metal; iron. [cf. Old Lat. ais, arghya, a. of price or that may be priced,
' '
gen. ais-is, Lat. aes, metal, bronze ; AS. [argha, 1212.]
dr, 'bronze/ Eng. ore; perhaps AS. tsern, \1arc, see Vrc.
iren, Eng. iron, f errum, f erreus.'] arcis, n. flame. [Vrc, 1153.]
ayasmaya, a. iron,
[see maya.] V arj ,
see V2rj.

a-yiij, a. not paired; in uneven numbers, arjana, n. acquisition. [V2rj, 'get.']

[cf. S-fv|, 'unyoked.'] arjuna, a. silver-white. [V3rj, q.v.]
a-yuj a, a. not paired, uneven, &-vyos,
[cf. art ha, m. 1. aim, object, purpose, er-
'unpaired'; also vya t> &Cvya, the game rand, sake; artham and arthe [1302c4],
even or odd.'] for the sake of, on account of, for, esp.

a-yuddha, n. no fight. [1288a.] frequent at end of cpds ; 2. (object, i.e.)

a-yoddhf.m. non-fighter, coward. [1288a .] thing, matter, affair, cause, business ; 3.

ara, m. spoke, [vfr, caus. 'fit in.'] (object, advantage, profit (w. instr.),

arana, a. distant, strange. wealth, property; 4. aim, intent, mean-

arani , f. piece of wood for kindling fire ing, 59 ['that which one goes for,' Vr,

by attrition. 1163.]
aranya, n. wilderness, forest, ['strange artha-tattva, n. true state of the mat-
land,' fr. arana.] ter or case.

aranya-rajya, n. forest-sovereignty. \f art hay a (arthayate, -ti). seek for an

aranya-vasin, a. dwelling in the forest. object, [artha, 1067.]
aranyani, / wilderness, [aranya, cf. a bhi, ask, entreat.
1223b.] + p r a desire, sue for.
[121] [avasana

artha rj ana, n. acquisition of an object, alpagas, adv. to a small degree, [alpa.]

[arjana.] V av (avati ; ava; avit; avisyati; uta;
art hin, a. having an object, desiring, -avya). 1. set a-going; 2. further,
seeking; (begging, i.e.) needy, [artha.] favor, wish well ;
3. refresh ; 4. have
arthya, a. wealthy, [artha.] pleasure in (ace.), [cf. Lat. avere, 'have
ardha, a. half; as m. the half. pleasure in,' ave, hail.']
ardharca, m. half-stanza, [ardha + rca.] + pra, show forth favor ; then, be atten-
ardhika, a. amounting to half, [ardha.] tive or heedful (as, conversely, in Eng. at-

arpana, n. the sending, consignment, en- tention Aas come to mean act of kindness

trusting, [caus. of Vr.] or courtesy').

arbuda, n. a hundred millions. ava, vU prefix, down; off.

arbuda-gikhara, m. Million-peaks, avaka, grassy f. swamp-plant, Blyxa

name of a mountain. octandra Richard.
arya, a. faithful; attached, kindly, 79 .
avakaga, m. 1. open place; 2. (place,

[' going eagerly to,' Vr : cf. arya.] and so) opportunity. [Vka ava.] t-

arya man [426a], m. bosom-friend, esp. a avajna, f. contempt. [Vjfia I- ava : for

bridegroom's friend, irapavvfj.<t>ios ; Arya- mg, cf .

man, name of an Aditya (invoked at the avatar a, m. descent, esp. of supernatural
wedding, and often with play upon the beings to the earth ; an epiphany in- ;

mg of the word), [arya.]

appellative carnation, Anglo-Indian avatar. [Vtr +
arvak-kalika, a. belonging to hither ava.]
or nearer time, posterior ; -ta, f. posteri- avatta, see 1087e.

ority,[arvanc (1249a) + kala, 1222c2.] avadana, n. cutting off. [V2da + ava.]

arvanc [409a], a. directed hitherwards; a-vadya, a. un-praiseworthy ; as n. imper-
w. kr, bring hither w. nud, thrust hither,
; fection. [1285.]
i.e. downwards. V avadhiraya (avadhlrayati). despise;

V arh (arhati, -te; arhayati). deserve; reject.

have a right to w. inf., be able w. inf.,
; ; a-vadhya, a. not to be harmed, inviola-
as a weak imperative, 7 17 caus. give a ; ble, [vadhya, 1285.]
right to, present with. avadhya-bhava, m. inviolability, 35 .

arha, a.
deserving; worthy; [Varh.] fit.
avanata-kaya, a. with bent down body,
a-laksana, a. without any characteristic 34 17 [Vnam.] .

mark without special mark, i.e. plain, avamana, m. contempt; self-contempt,


unornamented. [laksana.] 50 u [Vman + ava for mg, cf. avajna.] . :

a-laksita, a. unnoticed. [Vlaksaya.] avalambitavya, grdv. to be held on to.

a-labhamana, a. not catching. [V lamb + ava.]
a 1 a m adv. enough sometimes equiv, to an a-vaga, a. not willing or submissive; un-
, ;

adj., adequate, fitting, ready; w. instr. controlled, [vaga: acct, 1288a .]
enough with, have done with ;
w. Rr,
avagyam, adv. necessarily, surely, [fr.
make ready, adorn
sv-alamkrta, well ; an unused adj. a-vaya, 'unyielding.']
adorned; sam-alamkrta, well (samz'ntens., avas, n. furtherance ; grace. [\/av.]
1077b) adorned, [later form of aram.] avas, adv. downwards; w. abl. [1128], down
a-lavana, a. not salt. from. [cf. ava.]
a-lasa, a. not lively; without energy; ava s a ,
n. refreshment, nourishment. [V av,
slothful; tired. mg3.]
a-lobha, m. non-greed; absence of cu- avasara, m. occasion. [Vsr + ava: for
pidity. mg, cf. Lat. casus, ' occasion,' w. cadcre,
alpa, a. small. fall,' and Ger. Fall, case, instance,' w. '

alpa-dhi, a. small-minded, of small in- fallen, 'fall.']

telligence. avasana, n. place of rest. [^Jsa + ava.]
avastha] [122]

avastha, f. state, condition. [V stha - 1

a-gaknuvant, a. not being able. [Vgak.]

ava t for mg, cf. Lat. status w. stare.'] a-gakya, a. impossible.
a-vahant, a. not flowing, standing. a-ganka, a. without hesitation, [ganka:
[V vah, mg 4.] cf. aviganka.]
a-vacya, a. not to be spoken to. agana, n. food. [V2ag.]
4 vane [409a], a. directed downwards; ace. a-guci, a. impure.
s. n. avak, adv. downwards, in depth. a.
a-gabha, disagreeable.
avi, m. sheep; as f. ewe. [cf. 6is, *uFis, a-geva, a. not dear; hostile. [geva:
' '
Lat. ovis, sheep ; Eng. ewe.'} acct, 1288a,]
a-vicchindant, a. not severing. [Vchid.] a-gesa, a. without remainder,
entire; -tas,
a-vicchinna, a. not severed, continuous, adv. entirely, without exception.

[do.] a g man, TO. 1. stone; 2. thunderbolt;

a-vijnaya,gfrc?. without discerning. [Vjna.] 3. vault of heaven, 79 9 [cf. aK^iav, .

' '
a-vijneya, a. unknowable, [do.] anvil, thunderbolt ; kinship w. Eng.
a-vidasin, a. not drying up, perennial. hammer uncertain.]
[Vdas.] agmanvant, a. stony,
a-vidvans, a. unwise; as TO. fool, [acct, agru, n. tear.

1288a.] agva , ; agva, f. mare, steed, [cf .
a-vidhava, f. not widow, [vidhava: TTTTTOS-, dialectic IKKOS, Lat. equus, Old Saxon

acct, 1288a 4.] ehu, AS. eh, eoh,


a-vidhanatas, adv. not according to agva-kovida, a. well skilled in horses.

regulation. agva-medha, TO. horse-sacrifice.

a-vipluta, a. not dishonored; unsullied. agvin, horsed; as dual m. the A9vins,

[Vplu + vi, q.v.] gods of the morning light, 85 N. [agva.]
a-viveka, a. without discrimination. agvya, a. consisting of horses of a horse, ;


avivekata,/ lack of judgment.[1237.] [agva : cf. 'hnrios, of a horse.']

a-viganka, a. without hesitation, unhesi- ast [483

num. eight, [cf. OKT<!>, Lat.
[viganka, 334 , 1304a.] octo, AS. eahta, Eng. eight.]
a s t a md, a. eighth, 8
a-visaya, m. a non-province; something [asta, 487 .]
out of one's line or that one has no busi- asta-vidha, a. of eight sorts; eight-fold,
ness to do unlawful thing.; [vidha, 1302c 5.]
a-vrka, a. not harmful; -am, adv. harm- astanga, n. eight members. [anga,
lessly, lovingly, [vfka acct, 1288a *.] :
aveksa, a looking around. + astanga-pata, TO. a fall on eight mem-
/. [Viks
ava, 1149 .] bers/ on hands, knees, feet, breast,

a-vyakta, a. not manifest; as TO. The and face, i.e. a most profound obeisance.
All-soul, 67". [Vanj.] asti,/^ attainment. [Vlag.]
a-vyaya, imperishable; not subject to
a. V las (asti [636]; asa). -1. be, exist; be
change; unbroken. [1288a.] present or on hand; take place, happen;
V lag, orig. ang (agn6ti, agnute ; ananca, asti, asit, there is, there was, very frequent
anag [788 ] ; asta ; asti ; at beg. of stories ; 2. be, w. predicate pos-
reach ; attain ; obtain, get. [cf iroS-Tji/e/c- . sessive gen., i.e. belong to; asti mama,
' '
reaching to the feet ; tfy-ryK-a, car- I have ;
observe that Skt. has no verb for
ried': see also the closely related V2nag.] '
have ;
3. most frequent as simple copula ;

+ upa, attain to. further, w. ppls: prapto 'si, art thou e.g.
1 '
2ag (agnati; aga; agit; agisyati; agi- come, didst thou come, 9 hantavyo smi, ;

ta; agitum ; agitva -agya). partake of

; ;
occidendus sum, 3 2 ; gepano 'smi, I have
7 4
taste ; [a specialization of V 1 ag
eat. : sworn, 97 redundantly [303b end] e.g.

cf. &K-O\OS, 'bit': for mg, cf. bhaks.] tatha^anusthite sati, it being thus per-
+ pra, partake of; cas. feed. formed, 35"; so 37
39 16 M ,
; prahrstah
[123] [ahata
san, being pleased, 48 ;
4. w. advs : a sura, 1. a. spiritual (used of the gods,
tusnim asit, kept silent; evam astu, so and designating esp. the difference be-
be it ;
w. pradus, see s.v. ; 5. become, tween celestial and mundane existence) ;

96 19 2. as m. a spirit of life, a god; asura

[w. as-ti, s-anti, is, are,' cf .
' 6
Doric adeva, spirit that is no god, demon, 82
is, exists,' fieri, tv-ri, *'ivTi, are,' ;

Lat. es-t, s-unt, AS. is, #is-t, s-ind,
is, are,' 3. later, demon (45 ), enemy of the

Eng. cognate are a-m, ar-t, are.]

is ; gods, an Asura, a not-god (as if the word
\1 2 as ;
asa asisyati asta;
(asyati, -te ; ;
were a-sura whence, by popular ety-
asitum asitva -asya). throw, cast,
; ; mology, the pendant sura, 'god'), [asu-
ra, 1226 (cf. 1188f), and as-u fr. VI as,
shoot throw aside, [cf asf, the bran-

' '
dished sword j Lat. ensis,
sword ; dlea, 1178b.]
*aslea, 'die,' like Ger. Wiirfel, 'die,' fr. asurya, a. godlike; as n. pi. godhead.
werfen, throw.'] [asura, 1212d4.]
+ vy-ati, throw over, cross. V asuya (asuyati). be impatient,
+ abhi, throw (one's self) upon, direct asuya,/. impatience. [Vasuya, 1149 .]
(one's attention) to, study, [for rag, cf. asrj [432], n. blood, 24 22 .
[cf. Cyprian tap,

irpoaf^eiv without rbv vovv.~\ blood.']

+ ni, throw down; deposit; commit. a sail, see 501 and adas.
+ pari-ni, throw down over, stretch asta, n. home; astam, w. i, gam, ya, go
over. home esp. of the sun [see 1092b], set.

+ nis, throw out; root out; destroy. [prob. V 1 as : for mg, cf bhavana.] .

+ vi, 1. cast asunder; cast or throw asta-mauna, a. having thrown aside or

away ;
2. break in pieces, 70 14 . abandoned silence. [V2as.]
+ s a m cast or put together. , a,sii,f. being. [Vlas.]
a-samhradayant, a. not causing to asthan [431], n. bone. [cf. oareov, Lat
rattle, [Vhrad.] stem ossi-, *osti-, nom. os,

a-satyasamdha, a. unfaithful, treach- a-sthavara, a. not standing,
erous. asthi, see asthan.
a-sant, a. non-existing; as n. non-exist- a-sprgant, a. not touching. [Vsprg.]
ence. as ma [494], prow. stem, we, us. [cf. rjfj.f'is,

a-sapinda, a. related more distantly than Lesbian &, 'we.']

in the sixth generation, see sapinda. as mad, as stem in cpds [494], our; as pi.

a-samartha, a. unable. majestaticus, my.

a-sampatti,/. non-success. asmaka, a. of us; our. [asma, 516 .]
a-sambaddha, a. un-connected, in-coher- a-svapant, a. not sleeping. [Vsvap.]
ent, w. same fig. mg as in
Eng. [s/bandh.] a-svastha, a. not well, ill; not self-con-
a-sambandha, a. not having relation- tained, not master of one's self.

ship. a-sveda, a. free from sweat.

a-sambhavya, a. unsupposable, impos- V ah (attha, aha, ahathus, -tus, ahus
sible. [801a]). say; call; ahus, they say. [cf.
' '
a -sail a, a. impatient. Lat. aio, say,' ad-ag-ium, saw, proverb,'
asu, m. vital spirit; vigorous life. [VI as.] nego, say no.']
a-sutfp, a. insatiable. [1288a .] + pra, declare to be.

asu-tfp, a. life-robbing, [vbl of V2trp.] 1 aha, assev. particle, certainly, of course;

asu-nlti, f. the leading or continuing of namely, [pron. root a: cf. 1104 3 end.]
life (in the other world); spirit-life; spirit- 2 aha, for ahan [1209a, 1315a.] in cpds.

world, [acct, 1274.] a-hata, not beaten;

a. 2. (since 1.

a-sunva, a. not pressing (Soma), i.e. Hindu washermen wet the clothes and
indifferent to the gods, godless. [see pound them with stones) unwashed, of a
1148. 3b and 716.] garment, i.e. new. [Vhan.]
ahan] [124]

ahan, ahar, ahas [430a], n. day (as opp. akarsikakhya, a. having the name
to night), e.g. 92 day. ;
akarsika. [akhya.]
a ham [491], pron. I. [cf. ly&, Lat. ego, akara, m. make ; shape ; appearance.
AS. Eng. /: see 491 and ma etc.]
ic, [V 1 kr + a : cf akrti.]

ahar, see ahan. akaravant, a. like the Eng. shapely.

ahar-niga, n. day and night, wx^rifj-fpov ; [akara.]
-am, adv. constantly, [niqa :
1253b.] akaga, m Veda, m.; later, n. free or open
ahaly a, / Ahalya, Gautama's wife. space; sky. [prop, 'outlook, clearness,'
ahas, see ahan. Vkag + a.]
a-hasta, a. handless. [hasta, 1304a.] akula, a. 1. bestrewn, covered, filled;

ahaha, excl. ofjoy or sorrow. [1135a.] 2. fig. confused agitated. [V3kr + a,


a-harya, a. not liable to be stolen. q.v.]

aharyatva, n. non-liability to be stolen. V akulaya (akulayati). confuse; aku-
[1239.] lita, at one's wit's end. [akula.]
a hi, m. serpent; esp. the dragon of the sky, ak ut a, n. intention. [Vku + a.]
often identified w. the demon Vritra. [see akrti, f. make ; shape ; appearance.
under agha : cf ex is > I>at. anguis, ' ser-
[V 1 kr + a, 1157. Id : cf.
; fjx f ^ vs> ^a *'
eel.'] akhu, m. mold-warp ; mouse, ['burrower,'
a-hinsa,/. Vkha + a, 1178a end.]
non-injuring (any creature).
ahi-gopa akhya, f. name; at end ofcpds, having
[352], a. having the dragon as
their keeper. [1302 *.] as name. [Vkhya + a.]
ahivat, adv. as a dragon. [1107.] akhyana, n. tale. [Vkhya + a, 1150.]
ahi-hatya, n. the slaying of the dragon; agantavya, grdv. seeVgam T a.
the (victorious) fight with the dragon, agantu, m. arrival; and so, as in Eng.,

[acct, 1272a, 1213c.] person arriving. [V gam + a, 1161.]

a-hrnana, a. not being angry. [V2hr.] a g a a n a n. a coming hither w. punar, m , ;

aho, excl. of astonishment, pleasant or un- a returning. [V gam + a.]

pleasant. [1135a euphony, 138f.]
: a gas, n. sin. [orig., perhaps, 'a slip,'
' '
aho-ratra, n. day and night, vu V afij : cf .
&yos, guilt : different is ayos,
[ahas + ratri, 1253b : see ratra.]
a. glowing, beaming. [V2ghr, aghrni,
'glow/ -fa, 1158.]
a, adv. 1. hither, unto, as prefix w. verbs angirasa, a. descended from Angiras.
of motion ; 2. conjunctively, thereto, be- [angiras, 1208a.]
sides ca ; a, both 5
and, 85 ; 3. as- acamana, n. the rmsing of the mouth.

severatively, (up to, i.e.) quite, entirely, [V cam -f a.]

73 *; 4. as prep., w. abl.: hither from, acamaniya, m. dish for use in rinsing
all the way from ;
ana* then [293c], all the the mouth, [acamana, 1215.]
way to, until, 49 13 , 64", 103 M 105 6 106 2 , , ;
a car a, m. walk and conversation; conduct;
as far as, 105 10 [cf Lat. a, from,' which
. .
usage observance. [V car + a.]

is not akin w. ab, 'from.'] a car y a, m. teacher, esp. of the Veda.

akara, m. 1. accumulation, abundance ; [perhaps,
the man of observances,' fr.

2. mine. [V3kr + a, q.v.] acara, 1212d 4.]

V akarnaya (akarnayati ;
akarnita ; ajar as am, adv. to old age. [from the
akarnya). listen; give ear to; hear, phrase a jaras-am.]
[denom. fr. the possessive adj. *akarna, ajarasaya, adv. to old age. [dat. (1113)
having the ear to, i.e. listening.'] formed fr. the preceding, as if that were
akarsaka, a. attractive; f. -ika ace. of ajarasa.]

[1222d], Pleasanton, as name of a town. aji, m. race; contest; battle. [Vaj, 1155.
[Vkrs + a.] cf. ay-wv, 'contest.']
[125] [Vap

&j n a , /. order ;
command. [V jna + a.] adara, m. respect, notice, care. [V2dr +
ajya, n. clarified butter (for anointing, a, 'regard.']
etc.); cf. ghrta. [Vanj fa, see 100
: a cl ah an a, n. burning-place, place of cre-
for mg, cf Eng. noun smear, ointment,'
mation. [V dah + a.]
and verb smear.] ad ana, n. receiving. [Vlda + a, 'take,'

ajya-gesa, m. n. rest of the clarified 1150.]

butter, adi, m. 1. in-ception, beginning, 60 ;

ajyahuti,/. oblation of clarified butter. adim adatte, he makes a beginning; adav

[ahuti.] eva, just before, just now; 2. esp. at end
anjana, n. ointment. [Vanj + a: cf. Lat. of adj. cpds [see 1302c 1] :
-adi, having
ointment.'] as the beginning, i.e. and so forth ;

adhya, a. wealthy; rich, [perhaps fr. or, the qualified omitted, andnoun being
arthya.] the adj. cpd being used as subst., and
at, adv. thereupon; ad Id, then indeed. so forth. [undoubtedly f r. V 1 da + a,
[lit. 'from that,' abl. of a, 1114a.] 'take,' 'a taking hold of, i.e.
atithya, n. hospitality, [atithi, 'guest,' 1155. 2e: for mg, cf. Lat. in-cipere, Ger.

1211.] an-fangen, take hold of, begin.']

at ma atman in cpds, 1249a
, for adika, equiv. to adi in 2
. use 2. [1222, 1307.]
atmaka, for atman in mg 4 at end of cpds ad it y a, m. 1. son of Aditi, name ap-

[1222, 1307]; e.g. mara^atmaka,

murder- plied to the gods of the heavenly light,
natured, murderous, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, etc. 2. Adit- ;

atman, m. 1. breath; 2. spirit; soul ya, name of the sun-god, son of Aditi ;

84 8 N.), as principle of life and feeling;

(cf. the sun. [aditi, 1211.]
3. self very often so used as a simple
ad in, a. eating, devouring.
[Vad, 1183 .]
reflexive pron. [514] e.g., myself,
36 16 ; ; adevana, n. gambling-place, 98
[VI diy

15 19 '
thyself, 26 himself, 4
in genitive: ; play,' + a.]
his, 17
; her, 46
5 one's own, 21 18 , 58 22
; ; adya, a. first; equiv. to adi in use 2. [adi,
4. nature, character, peculiarity; esp. 1211.]
at end of cpds, see atmaka ;
5. the adhipatya, n. sovereignty, [adhipati,
soul KO.T Qoxfy, the soul of the uni- 1211 end.]
verse, 66 .
[cf. a.vT/j.j)v, 'breath'; ar/j.6s, adhrsya, grdv. to be ventured against;
' ' '
AS. breath approachable. [Vdhrs + a, 963d.]
vapor ; wj>m, seftm, for :

mg, cf. irvtvfia and Lat. anima, 'breath, adheya, n. a placing, esp. of the sacred
spirit.'] fire. [V 1 dha + a,
put,' 1213c.]
atma-paksa, m. one's own party. adhvaryava, n. service of sacrificing

atma-prabha, a. having his or their priest, [adhvaryii, 1208c.]

own splendor, [prabha, 354.] anaduha, a. of a bull, taurine. [anaduh,
atma-bhava, m. the coming into exist- weak form of anadvah, 404 ; 1208a.]
ence of one's self. anana, n. mouth; face. [prop, 'the
atma-mansa, n. one's own flesh. breather,' Van: cf. fyea-, 'face,' in irpoff-

atmavat, adv. as one's self, [atma, i.e. i)vi)s and air-rivfjs,

with face turned to-

atman :
1107.] wards,'
with face averted
: for mg, cf .

atma-gakti, /. one's own power. nay an a.]

atma-gonita, n. one's own blood. V ap apat apsyati apta
(apn6ti; apa ; ; ; ;

atma-samdeha, m. danger of one's self, aptnm ; aptva

-apya apyate ipsati
; ; ;

personal risk. [1030]; apayati). reach; win; get;

atma-hita, n. one's own welfare. bring upon one's self; apta: 1. having

atmaupamya, likeness to one's self, n. reached extending over

and so, ade- ;

i.e. a putting one's self in another's place. quate, suitable, fit; 2. having reached,
[aupamya.J i.e. being near or intimate, and so, as m.,
apana] [126]

a friend; Ipsita, whom or what one ayasa, a. metallic, of iron; as n. metal,

desires to obtain, sought for, desired. iron, [ayas, 1208a.]
[prob. for a-ap, 108g, see apas: cf. tfirtos, ay am a, m. like Eng. extent, i.e.
approachable, friendly ; Lat. ap-iscor, [Vyam + a, 'extend.']
'reach/ ap-ere, 'seize, fasten'; airrta (Va< ayu, a. active, lively. [Vi, 1178a: prob.
for air), 'fasten.'] akin are ^vs, tty'v-s, tvs,
active, doughty,
abhi, reach to a thing, attain; desid. mighty,' -, 'strongly,' e5, generalized,
strive to win ;
cans, cause to reach the 'well': for mg of ayii, cf. the phrase
mark, i.e. carry out fully, 96 n .
full of go."]
+ a v a come upon, fall
in with ; obtain, ayudha, n. weapon. [Vyudh + a.]
acquire ;
take upon one's self ;
incur. ayusmant, a. having life or vitality;
+ pra, reach; arrive; come upon; catch; long-lived; old. [ayus, 1235a.]
win, obtain, get ; incur; prapta: reached, ayus, n. (activity, liveliness, and so) life;
found, caught, obtained reached, arrived, ; vitality ; personified as a genius, Ayus, 85 ;
having come cans, cause to arrive at,
; period or duration of life ; long life ; (like
bring to, 53"; prapamya, to be brought Eng. life, i.e.) living creatures. [Vi, 1154,
to, 53 . cf .
ay-ll : cf .
al-wv, Lat. ae-vu-m, AS. sew,
+ vi, reach through, pervade, 66 9 .
life-time, time ; AS. dwa, d, Eng. aye,
' '

apana, m. market. [Vpan + a.] ever ; AS. sef-re, Eng. ev-er.~]

apad , f. misfortune, [lit.
a getting into aranyaka, a. pertaining to the wilder-

(trouble), V pad + a: for specialization of ness; as n. forest-treatise (to be read in

mg, cf arti, and Eng. ac-cident, lit. a hap-
. the solitude of the wilderness Whitney,
pening' (of trouble).] p. xvi.). [aranya, 1222e.]
apas, see ap. aradhana, n. the gratifying, propitiation,

api, m. friend, ['one who has reached or service. [V radh + a, caus.]

stands near another' (cf. apta), Vap: cf. arogya, n. lit. diseaseless-ness, i.e. health,
tfirtos, s.v. ap.] [aroga.]
apta-daksina,a. having or accompanied aroha, m. the swelling hips or buttocks of

by suitable presents, 2
[daksina, 334 .] a woman, [prop.
the seat on which a

abdika, a. annual; -abclika, -ennial, child is carried astride by its mother,

lasting years, [abda.] Vmh + a, 'get upon, take one's seat

abharana, ornament (jewels, etc.).

n. upon : see anka and cf the
. words of an
[' what
is worn,' V bhr + a for mg, cf : .
ogress, MBh., aruha mama Qronim, nes-
garment,' w. <pfpw, and Ger. Tracht, yami tvam vihayasa,
' '

<t>apos, get upon my hip,

dress,' w. tragen, ' wear.'] I will carry thee through the air.']
am a, a. raw. [cf. wfj.6s, 'raw'; Lat. am- arta, a. visited, esp. by trouble afflicted; ;

drus, 'bitter.'] stricken; distressed. [Vr + a, q.v. for :

amay a,m. injury; disease, [caus. of v'am.] mg, cf American slang phrase gone for.]

amayitnu, a. sickening, [caus. of Vain, arti,^ a visitation (of evil), i.e. trouble,
1196b.] misfortune, see 93 N. [Vr + a: for mg.
amisa, n. flesh, [cf. ama and amis.] cf. arta and apad.]
amisagin, a. flesh-eating. [ain.] ardra, a. wet.

amis, n. raw flesh flesh, ; [cf ama.]. ardra-vasas, a. having wet garments.
ara6da, a. gladdening; arya, a. belonging to the faithful, i.e., as
as m. fragrance.
[s mud + a.] m., man of one's own tribe, an Aryan, as

ayatana, n. foot-hold; resting-place; esp. designation of a man of the Vedic Indian

place of the sacred fire, fire-place. [Vyat tribes as aay. Aryan noble reverend ; ; ;

+.] (used in respectful address), [arya, 1208f :

ayata-locana, a. having long eyes. cf . Avestan airya,
New Persian,
[Vyam + a.] Iran, 'Persia'; Hdt. vii. 62, o M^Soi &co-
[127] [Vi

\eovro W\ai 'Aptoi; Keltic nom. m'w, ace. remain ; continue, 64 u ;

3. w. ppl.
en'nn, name of Ireland ; Eng. Ir-ish : cf .
[1075c], continue (doing anything), keep
32 u 18 ' '

ari, arya.] on, -

[cf .
TJO--TOI, sits ;
Lat. anus,

alasya, n. sloth, [alasa.] *ds-nu-s,

seat, buttocks ;
Old Lat. asa,

alasya-vacana, n. sloth-dictum, as Lat. dra, family-seat, hearth, altar.']

designation for the ignava ratio or fatal- + adhi ,
take one's place in, i.e. visit, 49 16 ;
ist's argument. get into (shoes), i.e. put on, 45 .

alapa, m. talk; conversation. [Vlap + a.] + upa, by (in sign of readiness

sit to

alokana, the beholding. n. [Vlok + a.] serve), wait upon (a command), 92 4 ;

ava, pron. stem, 491. by (expectantly), sit waiting for, 91 .

avis, adv. forth to sight, in view; w. kr, + pary-upa, sit around, surround, 2 .

make visible. [1078.] a sana, n. sitting, 4 ;
seat. [Vas.]
a vft,/. a turning, [\fvrt-fa.] asara, m. (like Eng. colloq. a pour, i.e.)

aga, TO. food. [ V 2 ag, eat.'] pouring rain. [Vsr +a, 'run.']
a gay a, m. lying-place; abode. [Vgi + a.] a sura, a. demonic; as m. demon, [asura,
a 9 a 8 f. wish, hope, [gans + a .]
, 1208f.]
aga,/. hope, [younger form of agas.] as6cana, n. cavity (into which one pours).
aga,y. region; quarter (of the sky), [spe- [Vsic +a.]
cialized from 'place, objective point, that asecanavantfCf. having a cavity, hollow,
which one reaches,' V 1 ag, reach.'] [asecana.]
agavant, a. hopeful, [aga.] ahati,/. blow. [V ban + a, 1157 J
and Id.]
agin, a. eating, in cpds. [\[2ag, 1183 .] a hands, a. swelling, fermenting, foaming.
agis [392], f. wish or prayer, esp. for good. ahavana, n. oblation. [Vhu + a.]
+ a, 639, 225 2 cf. pragis.]
[v/gas :
ahavaniya, a. of or for the oblation; ?r.

aglr-vada, m. expression of a (good) agni, oblation-fire ;

as m., without agni,
wish, i.e. a benediction, [agis, cf. 392.] oblation-fire
(the one that receives the
a g I r v a d a bhidhanavant, containing a
a. 2
oblation), see 102 N. [ahavana, 1215.]
designation of a benediction. [agir- ahara, m. the taking to one's self (of
vada + abhidhana, 1233.] food), eating; what one takes, i.e. food.
a g u a. swift.
, [cf .
swift ;
Lat. [Vhr + a.]
oc-ior, swifter.'] ahara-dana, n. giving of food.
agcarya, n. wonder; prodigy. ahara-parityaga, m. relinquishment
a gram a, m. 1. (place of self-castiga- of food.
tion, i.e.) hermitage; 2. stadium in a aharadi, n. food and so forth. [adi,
Brahman's religious life (of which there 1302cl.]
are four : that of the student or brahma- ahararthin, a. seeking food, [arthin.]
carin, that of the householder or grha- ahitagni, having a set or established

stha, that of the hermit or vanaprastha, fire ;

as m. one who is keeping alive a
and that of the beggar or bhiksu), see 1 dha + a,
sacred fire, [ahita, set \f :

65 S N. [Vgram + a.] 1299a.]

agraya, m. that on which anything leans ahuti,/. oblation, offering (used both of
or rests support refuge
; protection the act and of the thing offered) cf. the
; ; ; ;

authority. [V ri + a.] later word homa. [\f

hu + a w. -huti, cf : .

agray a-bhuta, having become a pro-

a. X'u-ffi-s, a pouring.']
tection, i.e., as m., protector. [1273c.] ahvana, n. call ;
invitation. [Vhu or
as , ofjoy or of displeasure, ah
excl. ! hva + a.]
V as (aste [628], aslna [619 s ]; asam cakre;
asista asisy ate asita asitum ; asitva ;
; ; ; i, pron. root, see idam ana" 502 3 .

-asya). 1. sit; seat one's self; settle V i (eti [612]; iyaya, iyiis [783b ]; esyati;
down, 93
-2. abide; dwell, 85 ; stay; itd; eturn itva -itya).;
1. go; go ;
Vi] [128]

to or towards ; come ; enter ; 2. move dead; 2. come out, stick out, be prom-
on, 88 ; pass; 3. go to, i.e. attain (a inent.
thing or condition) ; iyase [1021 ], goest + prati, go against, withstand; go back
hither and thither, 90 15 ; -Imahe [1021 2 ], 16
to; recognize, 98 ; pratita, recognized,
(like Ger. an-gehen) we approach with approved.
prayers, beseech, [w. i-mas, cf .
f-/, Lat. + vi, go asunder; separate; disperse, 83
we go ;
Goth, i-ddja, AS. code, spread one's self over, i.e. pervade, 72

'went'; radically akin, perhaps, is AS. vita, at beg. of cpds, having departed ,

i.e. free from

gdn (stem gd for *ga-i, ga- being the in- .

separable prefix), Eng. go, Ger. gehen : see + s am, come together ; assemble.
also ayii, ayus.] iccha,y; wish; desire; inclination. [VI is,
+ ati, go beyond or past or over; over- 'seek': cf. AS. iesce, 'an asking.']
whelm; transcend; leave behind, get rid ij, vbl. sacrificing, in rtv-ij. [Vyaj, 252.]
of, 68 ; escape. ijy ,,_/! sacrifice. [Vyaj, 252.]
+ adhi, come upon, notice; take notice, itara [523], pron. a. other; the other;
87 18 middle adhite [612 note], go over
; another other than, i.e. different from, ;

for one's self, repeat, learn, read ; ppl. w. abl. [pron. root i, 502 3 : cf. Lat. iterum,
adhita : w. act. mg, learn-ed, 18 6 ; w. pass,another time.'] '

mg, learnt, 21 ; cans, adhyapayati it as, adv. 1. used like the abl. of a pron.
2 18
[1042e], cause to learn, teach. [1098c ], 24 ; -2. from this (place),
+ upa^adh.i, in upadhyaya. from here; here; from this (world), 5 8 ;

+ a n u go along or after accompany

, ; ;
and there
itas tatas, here 3. from this ;

ppl. anvita, accompanied by, endowed or (time), now, 41 .
[pron. root i, 502 3 .]
filled or connected with. iti, adv. see 1102a. 1. in this way, thus;
sam-anu, the same. so; iti deva akurvan, thus the gods did,
+ an tar, go within; retire, withdraw. 96 9 ;
used w. all kinds of quotations
+ a p a go off slink away.
, ;
made verbis ipsissimis tatha^ity uktva, :

+ abhi, go unto; become embodied in. " 2

upon saying Yes," 4 ; sa prstavan kau
+ ava, approach. yuvam iti, he asked, "Who are ye," 45 5 ;

+ a come near or
, unto or hither ; w. evam astu tau dhavitau, with the

the adv. punar, go back. words, "So be it," the two ran off, 45 16 ;

+ abhy-a, approach, go near. so EV., 85 12 so MS., 92 15 ; ity akarnya,


+ u p a_a come unto. , on hearing (so, i.e.) the preceding clokas,

s am-a come near to together
, ;
as- 17 16
; cf. 18 ;
2a. designating something
semble. as that which was, or under the circumstances
+ ud, go up, rise (of the sun). might have been said or thought or intended
+ ttpa, go unto; fall of; to the lot or known, sometimes (46 1S
) preceding it, but

ppl. upeta, gone unto, attended by, pro- usually following it :

martavyam iti, at the

thought, "I must die," 29

vided with. ; gardabho
+ sam-upa, come hither. 'yam iti jnatva, recognizing (the fact),
" This
+ n i go into or in cf. nyaya.
, ;
is an ass," 34 20 2b. interr. in ;

+ para, go away or forth; depart. place of the exact quotation : In'm iti ; alleg-

+ anu-para, go forth along (a path). ing or intending what, under what pretext,
+ vi-para, go away separately. with what intention, 30 4 41 5 2c. used , ;

+ pari, circumambulate; walk round in givingan authority: iti dharana, so (is)

(the fire). the rule, 62 "; ity eke, so some folks
+ pra, 1. go forward or onward, 83 n ; (say), 101
2d. used in citing a Vedic

esp. go forth out of this world, and so (like verse by its first word (60 13 ) or words (98 20 ,

Eng. depart), die ; pretya, after dying, i.e. etc. ) ; 2e. at the end of a section or book
in the other world (opp. of iha) preta, ; (cf. atha), here endeth, 4 ; 2f. w. verbs
[129] [iras

of naming, considering, etc., the predicate, idanim, adv. now. [pron. root i, 1103b.]
marked by iti, is nom., sometimes ace. V idh or indh (inddhe [694]; idhd [783b] ;

both constructions at 61 22 ; damayanti^iti aindhista ; indhisyati iddha ; -idhya). ;

vigruta, known as or named
3 '
D.," 6 ;
kindle, [cf .
burn ;
Lat. aed-e-s,
3. used to include under one head or as 'fire-place, hearth, dwelling' (cf. stove and
in a list several separate objects, 2 1 7
100 8 ,
Ger. Stube, ' room ') ; aestus, *aid-tu-s,
105 7 ;
4. evam
superfluously added, 61
; AS. ad,
funeral pile

; dst, Eng.
iti doubled, 60 "; -5. iti =
ha iti, 12 8
, oast,
kiln for drying hops or malt.']
61 18 [pron. root i, 1102a: cf. Lat. iti-
. + sam, kindle, trans, and intrans.

dem, 'just so.'] idhma, m. fuel, [v/idh, 1166: for mg, cf.

itihasa, m. story, legend. [agglomera- Eng. kindlings.]

tion of iti ha asa, thus, indeed, it was
idhma-citi, /. fuel-pile.
1314b.] V in (in-6-ti, prop. i-n6-ti [713]). drive;
ittha (V. only) and ittham, adv. in this force ;
in enas. [cf V inv.]

way ; so ; kim ta ittha, how does this indra, m. Indra, name of a Vedic god; in
happen thee ? 73 8 .
[adverbs made from the later language, the best of its kind,

the ace. sing, neut., i-d, of the pron. root chief, prince, [none of the numerous
i, see 1101 cf. Lat. : itd and item, 'so.'] proposed derivations is satisfactory.]
ity-adi, end of possessive adj. cpds used
at indra-purogama, a. having Indra as
" "
substantively, that which has as its leader, preceded by Indra. [1302c2.]
" "
beginning, i.e. and so forth, [see indra-loka, m. Indra's world, heaven.
1302c 1 end.] indra-gatru, a. having Indra as his
id, V. pel. just; exactly; even; emphasizing conqueror. [1302.]
the preceding word and to be rendered by indra-sena, f. Indra's missile weapon;
laying emphasis on that word. [ace. of personified as his bride, RV. x. 102.2;
pron. root i, lllla: cf. Lat. i-d, 'it.'] hence, name of a woman, see 16
n N. m. ;

1 id am [501-2 forms made from four -a, name of a man, formed as a mere pen-
stems, a and ana, i and ima, those from a dant to the fern, [indra + 1 sena.]
being often unaccented, see 74 9 N.], pron. indragni, m. Indra and Agni. [indra +
this, this here, rJSe, e.g. 20 9 , 86 10
87 8
; agni :
acct, 1255b.]
contrasted w. asau, ' that one,' 103 7 ;
asmin indra-brhaspati, m. Indra and Brihas-
loke, in this world, 66 without loke and ; pati. [acct, 1255a.]
contrasted w. amutra, 103 8 ; iclam vic,vam indrayudha, n. Indra's weapon, the
bhuvanam, this whole world, 85 12 ; idam rainbow, [ayudha. ]
sarvam, this entire (world), 63 so 66 19 indriya, to Indra; as ; ;
a. belonging n.
so idam, rb irav, 56 15> n iyam prthivi, 1. the quality pertaining especially
; to
10 18 6
this earth, 10 ; iyam alone, this earth, Indra, great might, power, 73
i.e. 97 ; ,

93 1 >
; refers very often, like rdde, to some- one of a man's powers, i.e.
2. in general,

thing following (just as etad and TO.VTO. to a sense or organ of sense, [indra, 1214b.]
something preceding), e.g. 13 , 26 , 45
7 u , V indh, see idh.
51 6 ; occasionally refers to something imme- V inv (invati). drive; send, [secondary
diately preceding, e.g. 10", 24 74 12 , 79*; ,
root from i, 749b, 716 cf. in.] :

joined w. pronouns : ko yam ayati, who ima, pron. stem, see idam.

comes here ? 27 12 ;
yo yam drc,yate, iyacciram, adv. so long, [iyant (1249a)
which seen here, is 46 17 mam imam, me
; + ciram.]
here, 76 nom. to be rendered here is or
iyant [451], a. so great; so much. [fr.
are, 56
4 21 imau vatas, blow hither,
, ; pron. root i, 502.]
90 12 .
[cf. Lat. i-d, Goth, i-ta, Ger. es,
it.'] iras, n. ill-will; anger; assumed as basis of
2 idam, adv. now, 86 19 ;
here, 80 , 96
. 'the
following denom. [V r, go for
in hos-
[lllla: cf. 502.] tile sense cf Lat. Ira, anger.']
: .

Virasya] [130]

V irasya (irasyati). be evil disposed. ista-labha, m. acquisition of a desirable

[iras, 1058.] object. [1 ista.]

irasya, /. ill-will ;
wrath. [Virasya, ista-purtd, n. what is offered (to the
1149 6 irsya.]
: cf. gods) and bestowed (upon them), i.e. what
frina, n. a run or runlet; gulch; gullied a man offers to the gods for his benefit
and so desert land. [Vr, 1177b: for mg, after death, and so, by metonymy, such fruit
cf Provincial
brook.'] Eng. run,
of these offerings as can come to him,
iva, end. as; like;
pel. 2. used to
1. 83 13 N. [2 ista, 247, 1253b.]
modify a strong expression, in a manner ; isti, f. sacrifice (simple offering of but-
so to speak, 56 16 ; as it were, I 10 ; perhaps; ter, fruit, etc.), 101 6 [Vyaj, 252, .

almost, 34 13 ;
3. sometimes (like eva), 1157. la.]

just, quite ;
nacirad iva, right soon, iha, adv. here, opp.
of atra (87 ) and
[pron. root i, 1102b.] amutra (64 ) ; hither, 9
here on earth,

V lis (icchati [753]; iy6sa, isiis [783b] ; id has, 27 2 ; opp. o/pretya (Vi), 59 2 58 ";

aisit ; esisyati ; ista ; estum ; -isya). in this book, 17 ;
w. loc.
[cf. 1099*], iha
seek ; desire ; esp. w. inf. [981 3 ] ; pass, be samaye, in this case, 41 ,
42 15 .
desired; be approved or recognized, and root i, llOOa.]
so pass for, 59 ; ista, desired, i.e. desir-
able, 1 *.
[radical mg, go, go for,' V 2 is
being merely a causative of V 1 is : cf .

iptpos, *tfj./j.epos,
desire ;
w. iccha, '
desire,' V Iks (iksate ;
rksam cakre ;
aiksista ;

cf. AS. *dsce, 'petition,' whence dscian, iksisyate ;

iksita ;
iksitum ;
iksitva ;

Ger. (h)eischen, Eng. ask: icchati for *is- -iksya ; Iksyate). look; look at; see;
skati, cf. Vvanch.] behold, [desid. of V*a, see,' contained in
+ anu, seek after. ak-san, 'eye,' etc., 108g: see aksan.]
+ abhi, seek for; ppl. abhista, desired, + a p a look off to (like Ger. es absehen

dear, 21 . auf ) ; regard expect. ;

V 2 is (isayati [1042a 2 ]; also isyati [761c] ; + ava, look after; look after one's self,

iyesa, isus [783b] ; isita ; isayitum ; i.e. look behind or around.

-isya). send; set in swift motion; im- + upa ,
w. two mgs, like Eng. overlook :

pel, 74 .
[caus. of V 1 is, q-v.] look over, i.e. inspect; and
1. 2. (more

+ pra, 1. presayati: send forth; send, commonly) look beyond, i.e. neglect.
e.g. 9 10 ; 2. pr6syati : drive forth, impel ; + nis, look out or after; contemplate.
start up (e.g. game) ; praisam [970a] + pari, look about one; investigate;
aicchan, sought to start up, 93 and so
3. presyati: call upon or summon (tech- + vi, look; look on; viksita, beheld.
nical term used of the chief priest's calling + s am, look upon; behold; perceive,
upon another to begin a text or action), iksaka, m. beholder; spectator. [Viks,
103 6 .
is,/, refreshment; strength; vigor; w. urj, iksana, n. a look; glance. [Viks.]
drink and food, like Ger. Kraft und Saft. V inkh (inkhati, -te ; inkhayati, -te
is A, 1. m. = is [399]; 2. as a. vigorous, [1041
move unsteadily.
fruitful. + pr a, rock or pitch onward.
Isu, m. f. arrow. [V2is, 'send': cf. 16s, V id (lie, ilise, itte [628, 630] ; perf. ile ;
*la6s, arrow.'] ilita). supplicate ;
call upon ; praise.
1 ista, see V 1 is, desire.' [Whitney, 54.]
2 ista, 1. offered; 2. as n. offering, idya, grdv. to be praised. [Vid, 963 and
sacrifice, holy work. [Vyaj, 252.] d :
pronounced ilia, Whitney, 54.]
istaka, f. brick used in the sacred fire- idfa, a. of this sort; such. [502 end,
pile. [2 ista.] and 518.]
[131] [ujjayini

Ip sit a, a. desired to be obtained ;
desired, soon; pragrhya [see 1122a 138c] when ,

[desid. of Vap, 1030.] combined with atha (90 16 ), lipa (78 u ), ma

9 9
im, end. 1. as ace. s. of pron. root i, him, (87 ) for 83 and 84", see notes ; -3. in

her, it ; him, 79 ;
2. indef., ya im, classical Skt. only w. (atha, kim, and) na,
quicunque, RV. x. 125. 4 ; 3. ka im, who and not, 2 1
27 n .

pray? 77 ; 4. to avoid hiatus: between u-kara, m. the sound u. [Whitney, 18.]
atha and enam, 84 5 '
[see lllla and ukta, see Vvac.
502 end.] ukti, f. expression; declaration, 53 16 .

V ir (irte [628]; irna; irayati, -te; irita). [Vvac, 1157. la.]

set one's self in motion; cans, set in uktha, n. utterance, esp. of devotion;
motion ; cause to go forth, bring i.e. : 1. praise ; hymn of praise invocation. ;

into existence; 2. utter (a sound), 14 23 .

[Vvac, 1163a.]
[near akin w. V r.] uktha-vardhana, a. strengthening,^,
+ ud, rise up; cans, rouse; send out; refreshing or delighting one's self with
utter ; announce, 53 .
hymns of praise, [acct, 1271.]
+ sam-ud, cans, utter, declare. V uks [252] or vaks (uksati, -te ; atiksit;
+ pra, cans, drive or steer onward (ship). uksisyati; uksita ; -liksya). sprinkle;
+ s am, cans, bring together, i.e. into shape besprinkle ; drop, intrans., 75
[secondary .

or being; create, 75 6 ; samerire", estab- form (108g end) of V *uj or ug: cf. vy-pos,
lished (as an ordinance), instituerunt, 88 N. 'wet'; Lat. uvens (*ugvens) caelum, 'the
' '
Irsya, f. ill-will; envy; jealousy, [con- dropping sky ;
w. uksan, besprinkler,
girs-an and
tracted fr. irasya, q.v. : cf .
impregnator, bull,' cf . Goth, auhsa, bull,'

giras.] Eng. ox, and for mg, Vvrs.]

V ig (ige [628]; igisyati). own, be master + pra , sprinkle before one by way of
of, w. gen. [cf . AS. dg-an,
possess,' Eng. consecration.
' '
owe, possess (so Shakespere often), ugra, a.
mighty; exceedingly strong; ter-
'possess another's property, be in debt'; [Vvaj, 252, 1188; see 6jas.]
thence the participial adj. dgen, Eng. adj. ugra-gasana, a. having a terrible way
proprius ;
thence the denom. dgnian, of ruling ;
as m. a, strict ruler. [1298a.]
Eng. verb own; further, to ah, preterito- V uc (licyati [only w. preps] ;
uv6ca [783b],
present of dgan, is formed a secondary ucivans [803]; ucita). be pleased; be
past tense, dhte, 'possessed,' Eng. ought, wonted ucitd 1. with which one is

'possessed' (so Spenser), 'was under obli- pleased ; proper ; suitable ; 2. accus-
gation.'] tomed.
iga, 7?i. master; lord, [Vig.] ucca, a. lofty; uccais, adv. [1112c], high;
igvara m. master lord
, prince ; ; ;
rich of sound, loud. [fr. ucca, adv. instr.
man, 22 [Vig, 1171a.] .
(1112e) of lidanc.]
Vis (Isate ise; isita). hasten from, flee
u c c a y a m. heap, , pile, collection. [V 1 ci +
[if not desid. of Vi
before, w. abl. ud, heap up.']
end), perhaps akin w. VI is, orig. 'go.'] u c car a, m. evacuation ; excrement. [Vcar
+ ud.]
uccavaca, a. high and low; various;
u ,
Vedic end. copula. 1. and ; also ; fur- diverse, [ud + ca w. ava + ca, 1314b.]
ther; used in one (oftenest the latter) of two ucchista, ppl. left; as n. leavings, esp.
douses or sentences containing things alike of a sacrifice or of food. [V gis + ud.]
or slightly contrasted (e.g. 78 u 79 9 ), esp. in
ucchedin, a. destroying. [Vchid + ud.] ,

anaphora (e.g. 79 5 90 9 )
now, straight- ujjayini, /. Oujein, name of a city,
, ;

way, w. verbs present and past and w. im- Ptolemy's 'O^vrj. [fern, of ujjayin, 'vic-
10 3
peratives or imperative subjunctives, 71 torious,' Vji + ud, 1183 of like mg are ,

85 15 85 5 87 8 often followed by sii, right

, , ; NtKo-TroA.(j and Cairo.']
Vunch] [132]

V unch (linchati, unchati unchitum). uttar ena, adv. northerly; north of, w.;

sweep together, glean, [for *unsk, *vansk, ace. [1129], 102 5 [uttara, 1112c.] .


wipe, or whisk, i.e. sweep cf AS. uttarottara, 1. a. higher and higher : .

wascan, 'wash,' Eng. wash and whisk.~\ [1260]; -am, as adv. more and more, 24 ;

+ p r a wash away wipe out, 23 2

2. as n. answer to an answer [1264];

tin gist a, same as ucchista. wordy talk, 24 [uttara + uttara.] .

uta, conj. and; also; even; connecting uttha, see 233a.

words, clauses, and sentences ; repeated utpala, n. a Nymphaea, i.e. water-lily or :

uta uta (uta), both and (and) lotus. [Vpat + ud.] ;

at beg. of verse, 78 12 uta va or even, utpadana, n. procreation.

; [caus. of :

87 20
; or, 84 u (cf. atha, 6) ; apy uta, also. V pad + ud.]

utkarsa, m. elevation, [v/krs + ud.] utphulla, a. wide open. [Vphal + ud,

uttama, a. 1. up-most; highest; best, 958.]
esp. at end ofcpds; excellent; chief; 2. utsava, m. 1. an undertaking, begin-
4 16
(out-most, i.e.) ut-most; extreme; last (see ning; 2. feast-day, festival, 25 , 49 .

67 6 x. ) 99 20 [lid, up, out,' 473.]

. + '
[\/2su ud, 'set a-going'; but the devel-
uttamagandhadhya, a. rich in ex- opment of 2 from 1 is not clear.]
cellent odors, 15 19 [uttama-gandha + li d prefix, .
never used alone ; up, up forth,
adhya.] out. [cf. AS. ut, Eng. out: see uttara,
uttamadhama madhy ama, a .
highest uttama.]
and lowest and midmost best and worst ; N/ ud und (unatti; unna, utta; -lidya).

and middling. [uttama + adhama + spring; boil or bubble up; flow;

1. 2.
wet, bathe, [cf Lat. und-a, wave ; w.
madhyama, 1257.] .

uttara [525 2 ], a. upper; higher; 1. being ud-an, 'water,' cf. v8-cap, Eng. wat-er ; w.
above, (opp. adhara) 70 18 having the; ud-ra, 'otter,' cf. SS-pa, 'water-snake/
upper hand, victorious, 81 2. north- ; Eng. otter.']

ern (on account of the Himalayas, cf. -t-s am, flow together; wet.
udanc) ; a^uttarasmat, as far as the uda, n. water. [Vud.]
north (side), 105 10 ; 3. the left (because udaka [432], n. water. [Vud.]
in prayer the face is turned eastward: uda-kumbha, m. water-jar; jar with
cf. daksina), 99 ;
4. (like Sffrepos) the water,
latter (opp. purva) later following, udag-ayana, n. north-course (of the
; ;

99 22 ; -am, as adv. finally, last, 104 12 -5. sun), or the half-year from the winter to ;

as neuter subst. the final element of a the summer solstice, [udanc.]

phrase of salutation, 60 6. answer, lidagdaga, a. having the seams upward.

[udanc + daa, fringe, border, seam.']

retort, [ud, 473: cf. Sarrepos, 'latter';
Eng. comp. ut-ter, 'outer.'] udan-mukha, a. having the face to the
uttaratas, adv. northward; to the north north, [udanc, 1249a, 161.]
of; w. gen. [1130], 105
[uttara.] udanc [409b], a. directed upward; directed

uttara-dayaka, a. giving answer con- northward (on account of the Himalayas), ;

tradicting. uttara), northerly ; in cpds, udak,


uttara-pagcima, a. north-westerly. 1249a. [ud + afic, 407.]

uttara-purastat, adv. north-east of; udaya, m. a going up; rising (of the sun).
w. gen., 1130. [Vi (1148.1a)+ud.]
uttara-loman,a. having the hair above, udara, n. belly, [orig., perhaps, 'rising,
with the hairy side up. swelling,' V r + ud : for mg, cf the relation

uttara, adv. northerly, [uttara, 1112e, of belly to AS. belgan,

330 4 .] udara, a. (like Eng. exalted, i.e.) noble,
uttara-patha, n. the northerly way; excellent. [\'r + ud, 'rise.']
the north country. udara-carita, a. of noble behavior.
[133] [upastha

ud t see V vad ud-ita, see V i. a. giving (good) instruction.

i A, , ; upadegin,
lidici, see407 , 409b. [Vdig + upa.]
udumbala, a. brown. upadestavya, grdv. to be taught, [do.]
uddi5ya , at, towards, see V dig. upanayaiia, n. investiture. [technical
uddhata, see 163 and \ h.-ui. term, see Vni-+upa.]
lidbahuka, having the arms out or a. upapf c, a. clinging close to, w. gen. [Vprc
extended, [ud + bahu, 1305, 1307.] + upa.]
udya, grdv. to be spoken or pronounced. upabhft, f. wooden cup (used in sacri-
[Vvad, 1213c end, cf. 963c.] fices), see sruc. [' td-bringer,' Vbhr (383b)

udyama, m. raising (of the hands to + upa.]

work) ;
exertion. [Vyam + ud.] upabhoga, m. enjoyment; eating. [V2
udyana, n. 1. a walking out; 2. (place bhuj + upa, q.v.]
for walking out, i.e.) garden, park. [Vya up am a, a. highest, [upa, 474.]
+ ud,
1150.] upama-gravas,a. having highest glory;
udyoga, m. undertaking; exertion. [Vyuj as m. Upama9ravas, a name like MeyuTro-
+ ud, 216. 1.] K\TJS or "T\j/i-K\rjs.

udyogin, a. active ; energetic, [udyoga.] upama comparison, image and so like-

, f. ;

udvigna-manas, a. having a terrified ness, resemblance; at end of cpds, having

mind, distressed. [Vvij.] likeness with like [VI ma + upa,

unmatta-dargana, a. having a frantic compare.']
look. [Vmad + ud.] upamartha, m. purpose of an image;
unmarga, m. by-way, evil way. [ud -f -ena, figuratively, [artha.]
marga.] upayoga, m. ap-plication ; use; utility.

unmarga-gamin, a. going in evil [Vyuj +upa.]

ways. upari, adv. above; as prep., w. gen. [1130],
lip a, 1. vbl prefix, to, unto, toward; opp. above; at end of cpd [1314f], upon, 39 .

2. prep., w. 15 Lat. s-uper, over.'] '

of apa ; ace., unto, 81 ; [cf. vwfip, #vTTfpi,

iv. loc., ; in, 77 5
3. in noun cpds [1289b], li pa1a , f. upper mill-stone cf. drsad. ;

denoting something near, accessory, or subor- upavancana, n. a tottering unto, a fal-

dinate, [cf inr6, Lat. s-ub, under.']
tering approach, [vlvanc +upa.]
upakanisthika (sc. anguli), a. f. next upavana, n. small forest, i.e. grove, [upa
to the little, i.e. the third (finger), [upa (mg+ vana.]
(mg 3) + kanisthaka, 1222d.] lipavlta, ppl. wound about, esp. with the
upakartr, m. one who does kindness; sacred cord; as n. [1176a], the being sur-
benefactor. [V 1 kr + upa, q.v.] rounded with the sacred cord the cord ;

u p a k a ra m. friendly service kindness.

, itself. [V vya + upa, 954c.] ;

[V 1 kr + upa, q.v.] upavega, m. a sitting down. [Vvig +

upakaraka, a. doing friendly service. upa.]
[upakara.] dpavegi, m. Upave9i, name of a man.
upakarin, a. the same ; as m. benefactor. upagama, m. stopping; cessation. [V2gam
[Vlkr + upa, q.v.] + upa, stop.']
up a car a, m. a coming to or waiting up- upasamgrahana, n. the clasping and

on pregnantly, (polite) attention

(cor- ; taking to one's self (the feet of another),
rect) procedure, i.e.
duty. [V car + upa.] as sign of great respect. [Vgrah + upa-
upatya, a. lying under, [upa, 1245b cf : .
vir-Tio-s, lying under, supine.'] upaseva,/. a serving; a being devoted
upatyaka,/. land lying at the foot (of a to. [Vsev + upa.]
mountain), [upatya.] upasevin, serving; revering. [Vsev
upadega, m. a pointing out to, a direc- + upa.]
tion; instruction; advice. [V dig + upa.] upastha, ///.
lap, groin.
upakhyana] [134]

upakhyana, n. subordinate tale ; episode, uru-vyacas, a. having wide embrace,

I 1
[upa (mg 3) + akhyana.] wide extending, [acct, 1298b.]
up ad an a, n. the taking to one's self; V urusya (urusyati). to distance, i.e.

appropriation. [V 1 da + upa^a, '

take.'] escape ; put another in the distance, i.e.

npadhyaya,m. teacher. [Vi + upa^adhi.] save, [urti, 'the distance,' 1061 .]


upanah, f. sandal; shoe, ['under-bond,' uru-nasa, n. having broad snouts, [uni

Vnah + upa (247): for mg, cf. uW-Sr^a, (247) + nas, 193, 1315c :
acct, 1298b.]
sandal.'] ulukhala, n. a mortar.
up ant a, n. proximity to the end; edge; ulba ana* lilva, n. enveloping membrane
immediate neighborhood, [upa (mg 3) + of an embryo, [for *ur-va, V 1 vr, en-

anta.] close,' 1190- cf. Lat. vol-va, 'covering,

up ay a, m. approach; that by which one womb.']

reaches an aim ; means ; expedient, 39 ; ulbana, a. lumpy, knotty, thick, massy,
stratagem ; advantage, 39 .
[Vi + upa, [ulba, for *urva, hence n, 189.]
1148. la: for mg, cf. Eng. to-ward, as an V us (6sati ; uv6sa; auslt ; usta). burn,
adj.] [for cognates, see the collateral form
upayana, n. approach. [Vi + upa, V 1 vas,
light up,' also usas, usra, etc. :

' ' ' '

1150. la.] cf .
fva>, singe ; ouo>, kindle ;
Lat. ur-o,
upara, m. transgression. [Vr + upa.] 'burn,' and ustus = usta-s ;
AS. ys-le,

upeksa, /. overlooking; neglect, [Vflts 'glowing ashes.']

-f upa.] usas [415b], f. morning-red ;
dawn ; per-
up o sit a, ppl. having abstained (i.e. from sonified, Dawn. [V 1 vas,
light up, dawn,'
food), having fasted; as n. [1176a], fast- 252 : cf. i)<as, Aeolic aScas, Lat. aurora,
ing. [V3vas +upa, q.v.] *ausos-a, 'dawn'; radically cognate also
V ubh (ubhnati, umbhati [758]; ubdhd; is Eng. eas-t,
the point where day breaks':
-ubhya). unite; couple, [cf. ubha.] see us and usra.]
+ apa , bind, fetter. ustra, m. camel.
ubha, a. Lat. ambo, AS.
both. [cf. /*<&>, usna, a. hot. [Vus, 1177a.]
nom. fern. neut. bd, Goth. nom. neut. ba, usra, a. bright; of or pertaining to the
nom. masc. bai, w. dental extension, bajo\>s, dawn as /., usra, dawn. [V 1 vas, light

all meaning both,' Eng. bo-th :
orig., per- up/. 252, 1188, 181a w. us-ra, cf. Old :

haps, 'couple,' and akin w. Vubh.] Germanic Aus-t-ro, a goddess of the (year-
ubhaya [525 *], a. of both sorts; both, dawn, i.e.) spring-light, and AS. Eos-t-ra,
[ubha.] the name of whose festival, caster, 'Easter-
ubhaya-kama, a. desirous of both. day/ occurring in April, was transferred
ubhayatas, from both sides;
adv. in to the Christian festival that replaced it ;
both cases, [ubhaya, acct !] for t between s and r, see under svasr:

ubhayatah-sasya, having a crop

n. see us and usas.]
at both times, i.e. bearing two crops a
ura-ga, m. serpent, ['breast-going,' ura utl,y. furtherance, help, blessing; refresh-
for uras : for mg, cf khaga.] .
ment, food. [Vav, 1157.]
liras, n. breast, [perhaps, 'a cover/ from udhan, udhar, udhas [430b], n. udder,
VI vr, 'cover,' 1151. Ib, w. a specialization [cf. oJflap, Lat. iiber, AS. uder, Eng.
like that in Eng. chest, thorax.'] udder.~\
urii, f. urvi, a. (prop, encompassing, and tin a, a. lacking, [cf. ffivis, 'bereft'; AS.
' '
so, like Eng. capacious) extensive, wide, wan, lacking/ wanian, decrease/ Eng.
great; as das Weite) the
n. (like Ger. dis- wane.]
tance. [Vlvr, 'encompass,' 1178a: cf. urti, m. thigh, [prob. 'the thick' of the
tvpv-!, 'wide.'] leg, from urii.]
[135] [rna

u rj , f. sap ; strength ; vigor nourishment. ;

+ nis, (go forth, i.e.) dissolve connection

[\[*varj, 'swell with, be full of: cf. opydca, with.

'swell with, abound'; Lat. virga, 'swelling + sam, come together, meet; go along
twig.'] with, 73 ;
caus. send; deliver to; con-
urn a, n., and wcna,,f. wool, ['cover,' Vlvr, sign, entrust.
'cover' (cf. 712): cf. tlpos, tt-Fp-os, Lat. rkti, /. praise, in su-v-rkti. [Vrc.J
vellus, Goth, vulla, Eng. woo/.] rg-veda, TO.the Rigveda (each stanza of
urna-mradas, a. having the softness of which is called an re in distinction from

wool, soft as wool. a yajus and a saman).

urna-stuka,y! braid or plait of wool. V re (arcati; anarca, anrce [788]; arcis-
V urnu, see 712, and Vlvr. yati ; arcita arcitum ; arcitva -arcya; ; ;

urdhva, a.
upright; tending upwards; arcayati). 1. beam; 2. praise; sing
elevated -am, as adv., upwards over; ; ; (praise); sing (of the winds); honor;
beyond; after, w. abl, [1128]; ata urdh- caus. [1041 2 ], salute, [cf. arka.]

vam, from now on. [cf. Lat. arduus, fc, /. 1.hymn of praise; esp. a stanza
that spoken, as distinguished from one
urdhva-drsti, a. having an upward that is sung (saman) or from a sacrificial
gaze. [1298.] formula (yajus); 2. stanza or text to

urmi, m. wave. [lit. 'roller, rolling bil- which a certain rite or explanation has
reference, 98

low,' V*VT,
roll, turn hither and thither : ; 3. the collection of re's,

cf. ZAAco, *FI-F\-O>, Lat. volvo,

Ger. the Rigveda, 57 ", 63 3 .
[V re.]
wave.'] rca, for re, at end ofcpds [1209a, 1315c].
V luh (uhati; auhlt; udha, uhita ;
uhi- v/
Irj or rnj (rnjati, -te ; fjyati, -te).
tum ; -uhya). remove. reach out, esp. in a straight direction
V 2uh (6hate [745a]; uh6; aiihit, aiihista; (and so, the opp. of Vvrj, 'bend, turn,' q.v.
uhitum; -uhya). notice. and see rju), stretch out, intrans. ; press
+ a p i grasp understand, 88 10
, ;
. on; with this compare
root, the root raj,
' '
mg 1. [cf .
opey-co, reach out ; Lat.
' ' '
reg-ere, direct ; Eng. right, straight, not
V r (iyarti [643c] ;
rn6ti ;
rcchati [753 V 2rj (arjati; arjayati [1041 ]; arjita).
end, 608] ; ara [783a ] ; arat; arisyati ; reach, and so, get or obtain, [the same
rta rtva ; -ftya
; arpayati ; [1042d]). as Vlrj, but w. another conjugation and
move, as trans, and as intrans. ; 1. rise, w. trans, mg
for mg, cf Eng. reach, in-
: .

73 ; come upon or unto, reach, attain ; trans., w. reach, trans., and Ger. langen
2. raise (e.g. dust); cans, send; put; and erlangen.]
fasten ;
fit in. [w. r-n6-ti, cf up-vvcn, .
V3rj, in rj-rd, 'ruddy,' arj-una, 'silver-
' ' '
rouses ;
cf . Lat. or-ior, ' rise,' or-tus, white ;
see also the root raj and root raj,
; S>p-ro,
rose,' = ar-ta, 3d sing. mg 2. [cf .

Lat. arguo,
aor. mid. ;
w. r-ccha-ti, cf. fy-xe-rcu,
make clear ;
w. rajata,
silver,' cf .

' ' ' '

goes,' also i\-8e?p, go ;
w. caus., cf .
apyvpos, Lat. argentum, silver.']
' '
ap-api(TK<a, fit,' Lat. ar-tu-s, well-fitted, rjisa, a. on-rushing. [Vlrj, 1197b.]
close, ;
see also rta.] rjisin, a. on-rushing, [rjisa, 1230a.]
+ a, 1. get into (trouble), 93 15 x.; 2. a. straight,
rjii, right, opp. of vrjina,
(like the American go for, 'treat harshly
crooked, wrong.' [Vlrj, 1178a.]
by word or deed ')
visit with trouble ; ppl. sf
rnj, see Vlrj.

arta, visited by trouble, distressed. rna, a. (having gone against or trans-

+ ud, rise ;
raise. gressed, and so) guilty; as n. [1176a and
+ u p a go , against, transgress, [for mg, 1177], guilt; debt, 25 2 .
[Vr: cf. Lat.
cf. rna.] reus, 'guilty' : for mg, cf.
rta] [136]
rta, right; true; as w. [1176a],
a. fit, 1. vealed to them ; 2. sapta^rsayas :

established order; esp. eternal or divine the many Rishis ; later, the seven stars of
order; 2. order in sacred things, sacred the Great Bear; 3. a Rishi, i.e. a person
15 9
custom, pious work, 69 , 74 ; rtasya renowned for piety and wisdom, 100";
or central of sacred see note to 1 u
yoni sadana, place .

work or belief world, the altar,

: in this rati , f. spear. [V 2 rs.]
89 8 ;
in the other world, the holy of holies, rsva, a. lofty.
75 7 ; -3. truth, 98 8 -

; -rtena, rightly,
[prop, 'fitted, made firm,' Vr: for form e, pron. root in eka, eta, ena, eva, evam.
and mg, cf Lat. ra-tu-s, ' settled.']
. eka [482a], num. 1. one; only; alone
rta-sap [387a], a. following after right, (by one's self) ; alone (excluding every
righteous. one else); sole; single; solitary; advly
rta van, f. -vari, a. true to established in cpds, solely; 2. one (of two or more) ;

order (of regularly recurring natural phe- the one, followed by anya, dvitiya, para ;
nomena, e.g. dawn), 75
true to sacred ;
eke eke, some others ; eke, some
law, pious (Manes), 91
; holy, sacred folks, some ; 3. later, a certain, quidam ;
(god), 75 8 .
[rta, 247 : for fern., 435, or almost as an indef. article [482a ], a or
1171 2 .] an, 20 .
[pron. root e.]
rta-vfdh, a. rejoicing in right, holy eka-tatpara, a. solely intent on, 45*.
(Manes), [rta, 247.] ekatra, adv. in one place, [eka, 1099.]
r t u , m. 1. a fixed and settled time ; esp. eka da, adv. at one time, simultaneously,
time for sacrificing; 2. time of year, at 37 9 ; elsewhere, at a certain time, i.e.

i.e. season; 3. the menses. [Vr, 1161a: once upon a time, [eka, 1103.]

eka-dega, m. a certain place, and a

cf .
aprv-oa, fit together, prepare ; Lat. so,

artu-s, 'joint.'] place or spot or part.

rt6, prep, without ; except. [1128 end, 1129 eka-nakaatra, n. lunar mansion con-
end.] sisting of a single star or one whose name
rtv-ij, a. offering at the appointed time; occurs but once, see 104 8 N. [naksatra,
as m. priest ; in the ritual, pi., priests, of 1312.]
whom there are four, h6tr, adhvaryti, eka-patni, f. wife of only one man,
brahman, and udgatf. [rtii + ij.] faithful wife, [acct, 1267a.]
fddhi, f. welfare; blessedness. [Vrdh, eka-pada, f. -I, a. having (i.e, taking)
1157.] one step,
V rdh (rdhn6ti; anardha, anrdhe [788]; eka-bhaksa, m. sole food; at end of
ardhiayate rddha ; rdhyate). thrive;; cpds [1298], having as sole food, eating
succeed prosper, both as intrans. and as
trans, [cf . M edh, radh : cf .
get eka-mati, a. having one mind, unanimous .

well.'] eka-varna, a. having one color, not

sani ,pass, be prospered, i.e. fulfilled. brindled.

V Irs (araati; anarsa [788]). flow; glide, ekakin, a. solitary, [eka.]
[cf .
flowing back,' tra.\iv-op<Tos, ekanjali, m. one handful, [anjali.]
[eka + daga,
darting back.'] ekadaga, num. eleven.
V 2ra (rsati; rata). push; thrust. 476 2 .]
fai, m. 1. singer of sacred songs, poet; ekadaga, a. eleventh, [ekadaga, 487 .]
priestly singer
; regarded by later genera- ekanta, m. an end; a retired or secret
a patriarchal saint or sage of the
tions as [anta.]
olden time and as occupying a position by one. [apaya.] ekapaya, m. diminution
given in other and ekartha, m. one purpose, i.e. one and
lands to the heroes

patriarchs; one of those inspired poets the same purpose, [artha.]

who "saw" the Vedas, which were "re- ekaha, m. one day. [2 aha.]
[137] [aikamatya

ekaika, a. one by itself; one singly; eva, adv. 1. in this way; so; in this sig-
each one singly ; every single one. [eka nification Vedic only, its place being supplied
+ eka.] in post-Vedic l>y evam ; yatha eva, as
ekaikagas, adv. one by one; severally, so, 86 13 ; eva^id, in very truth, 74

[ekaika, 1106.] 2. just, exactly, etc., emphasizing the

ekona, a. lacking one. [una, 477a.] preceding word; in this ,
sense Vedic (69 5

eta, see etad and cf. 499b with 497. 85 J , 87 1 , 91 5 ) and post-Vedic; requires the
6ta, a. rushing; darting; as m. deer. [Vi, most various translations sometimes mere

1176c.] stress of voice : precisely; no more nor less

etat-sama, a. equal to this.
[1265.] than ; nothing short of ; no other than ;

etat-samlpa, n. presence of this one. merely quite ; without exception andha

; ;

[12(54.] eva, blind outright; vasudha^eva, the

etad [499b], pron. this here, prop, referring whole earth mrtyur eva, sure deatli ; ;

8 u musika eva krtas, was changed back to a

to something near the speaker (e.g. 18 , 19 ,
51 19 ) ; this ; refers almost always to what simple mouse cintayann eva, just while ;

precedes (e.g.
6 9 , 19 3 ,
51 ,
68 5 ), has just he was thinking; uktam eva maya, just
happened (e.g. 20 n ,
25 12>13 ), or has just what I told thee lokaih kimcid vak- ;

been mentioned (e.g. 7

25 18, 28 n ), as being tavyam eva, folks will be sure to say
nearer the speaker; very seldom 28 6 92 , , something ;
eka eva, entirely alone ; pu-
96 5 what follows ; joined with other
to mansa eva, only males ; in connection w.

w. tad, 45 9 95 6 pronouns and adverbs: etad eva, this very;

pronouns: w. yad, 94 ; , ;

w. aham to be supplied, 52 9 .
[pron. root tatha^eva, all so, i.e. also ; na^eva, by no
e, 499b : in usage, etad : idam : : Tav- means w. very attenuated mg
; in ca^eva,

ra :
ra5e.] and also, and eva ca, and also, the latter at

etad-artham, adv. for this purpose ;

end of a cloka, 58 15 [pron. root .
e, 1102b :

therefore. [499b
, 1302c 4 .] sometimes eva, 248a.]
e tar hi, adv. nowadays, [eta, 1103c.] evam-vld,a. knowing so or such, i.e. well

eta-drg, such; etadrk, ace. s. n., such

a. instructed, knowing what's what.
as I have, 82 ". [518.] evamvidha, a. of such sort, such, [evam
eta-drga, a. such et. yat, such ; (1306) +vidha, 1302c 5.]
that. [518.] evam, adv. in this way ; so ; post-Vedic, and
etavant, thus much, 12 9 etavan
a. ; supplying the place of my 1 used eva in ;

ya evam vidiis, who know

yena, so great that, 21 [eta, 517.] .
first w. V vid :

V edh 6dhate edham cakre aidhista

( ; ; ; thus, have this knowledge, 97 1>3 yatha ;

edhita ; dhitum). thrive; prosper, evam, as so very frequent w. uktva ;

[ident. w. v'rdh, q.v. : cf. geha w. or grutva, upon saying or hearing this ;

grha.] evam ukta, thus addressed w. impers. ;

en a [500], end. pron. used only substantive- used ppl., 7 ,
39 22 ;
evam astu, so be it ;

ly unemphatic him, her,

; it, them. [pron. ma^evam, not so !
yady evam, if that's
root e.] the case, 48 n ; evam, in that case, II 4 ;

en as, n. sin. [perhaps,

deed of violence,' evam,
likewise, 103 ; refers back (e.g. 28

Vin.] 52 8 ), or forward (e.g. 31 5 , 37 8 , 50 6 ) used ;

enasvant, a. sinful,
[enas.] superfluously w. iti, 61 ;
as eguiv. to evam-
en a, adv. in this way; here; para ena: vidha, 15*. [pron. root e, 1102b.]
beyond here ; beyond, w. instr., RV. x. evam-bhuta, a. such, [see 1273c.]
125. 8 ;
there ; ena, whither
yatra eso, a Prakrit form for esas, 49 8
thither, [pron. root a, see idam, and cf.
502 2 andlll2a.]
eranda, m. Ricinus communis, i.e. castor- aikamatya, n. unanimity. [ekamati,
oil plant or Palma Christi. 1211.]
aitihasika] [138]

aitihasika, m. teller of old legends, [iti- 507] ca, cana, cid, api; 2 a. w. ma: ma
hasa, 1222e 2.] kasmai dhatam abhy amitrine nas, de-
aindr abarhaspatya, a. belonging to liver us not over to any foe 2b. ka ca, ;

Indra and Brihaspati. [indrabfhaspati, some, any, adj. or subst. ; kim ca, any-
1204c.] thing; w. relative, yag (ca) kag ca, (and)
what soever, 68 10 2c. w. ca na and ;

6kas, wonted place; home. [Vuc.]

n. cana ka ca na, also or even not any

om-krta, a. having an uttered om, accom- esp. after a negative : na tarn gaknuvanti
panied by om. [the natural order would vyahartum api, kim ca na, can not even
require krtaum: order inverted to avoid speak to him, not even anything, i.e. can
such an undeclinable stem.] not even speak anything to him, 8 19 so ;

6jas, n. strength; power. [Vvaj oruj, 252, 96 21 and so (the feeling for the negation in

cf. ug-ram 6j-as, 78

cf. Lat. augus-tus, : cana in such collocations becoming lost), ka
mighty, i.e. august.'] cana means any, anything, cf. cana w. ;

o jo-da [352], a. strength-giving. relative, soever

yat kimcana, whatsoever,

o d a n a m. n. grain boiled with milk

, ; por- 9 16 ;
2d. very often ka cid: any body or
ridge. [Vud: for mg, cf. Eng. broth and thing; certain, ; often 18 u w.
negative: e.g.
brew."] 99. 2411 (twice with, twice without) ; kimcit
opaga, m. top-knot; plume, [perhaps for kimcid, each a little, 27 ; w. relative, ya
*ava-pac.a, V2pa.] ka cid, whosoever, whatsoever, any soever,
n 15
6m, a word of solemn asseveration and rev- 21 ;
kani kani cid, any soever, 82 ;

erent acknowledgment, somewhat like &/j.-fii>; ka api, something, somebody, 17 ;

2e. n
a sacred mystic syllable, uttered at the beg. some, a or an, a certain, 21
na ka api: ;

21 10
and end of Veda-reading ; cf. pranava. nothing, 39 no, no one", 20 ; ;

3. derivs of ka, see 505 4. exclam-

[origin uncertain.] ;

6sadhi, later 6sadhi, /. herb; plant; a atory, at beg. ka-purusa,of cpds : cf., e.g.,

simple. kim-prabhu, ku-drsti, ko-vida, and see

506, 1121e 5. for kim as adv., see kim.

aupamya, n. similitude; likeness, [upa- [for the stem-forms ka, ki, ku, see 505 :

ma, 1211.] cf. Ionic Attic TO-, in K6-Qev, KUS, etc.,


aupavegi, m. patronymic of Aruna. [lipa- 'whence, how'; ri-s, rl, Lat. qui-s, qui-d,
vegi (or upavega?) cf. 1221.] : AS. hwa, hwas-t, Eng. who, wha-t ; w. ka-
a u sad ha, a. consisting of herbs; as n. tara, 'which of twain,' cf. it6-Tepo-s, Lat.
herbs collectively ; simples medicine. ; uter, AS. hwce-^er, Eng. whe-ther,
which of
[6sadhi, 1208d.]' twain
w.ka as indef cf n-s, any one.'] .,

15 16
2 ka, m. Who, as name of a god, 94 N. -

kansa, m. metallic vessel; as collective,

I ka [504], pron. 1. interrogative, who, metallic implements.

6 7 as adj.
used as subst. or kaksa,/. 1. region of the girth; 2.

what; (7 )

); kim w. instr.: e.g. kim yuddhena, girdle, cincture ;
3. (like French ceinture)

what (is there) with fighting, what's the circular wall ;

and so the enclosed court,
use of fighting, 45 14 ;
so 17 19 , 24 9 so ko ;
[cf. kankana Lat. cinc-tus, 'girded';
: cf.

'rthas, 17
18 kim w. ;
instr. and gen. : e.g. for 1, cf. coxa, 'hip'; for 3, cf. canc-er,
nirujah kim ausaclhais, what has a well '
3 21
man (to do) with medicines, 22 ; so 32 , kankana, n. ring-shaped ornament, brace-
61 ka
z ~*

w. particles : ko nama, who in- let, [cf. kaksa.]
deed ko ; nu, who pray ko ; va, who pos- kankala, m. n. skeleton.

sibly, 18 1; kaccid, see kad.

2. indefinite, both adj. and subst., chiefly kaccha, m. border; shore; marsh-land ;.

in negative clauses and w. the particles [see the district Cutch.

[139] [2kara

kaccha-pa, m. tortoise, ['keeping, i.e. kanisthaka, a. smallest; f. -ika [1222d],

inhabiting the marsh/ vbl 2 pa.] sc. anguli, the little finger,
kataka, m. n. dale. kanistha-prathama, a. having the
kana, m. a small grain (as of dust or rice), youngest as the first.

[cf. kanistha.] kanlyans, a. smaller; younger. [cf.

kantaka, m. thorn. kanistha and 467 2 .]
kantaki-ksirin, m. pi. thorn-plants and kandara, n. cave, [perhaps 'great cleft/
milk-plants. kain (see ka4) + dara.]
kantakin, a. thorny; as m. thorn-plant, kandarpa, m. the god of love, [perhaps
[kantaka.] 'of great wantonness/ kam (see ka4) +
k at ham, Vedic katha, interr. adv. how? darpa.]
in what way ? katham etat, how's that ?
kanyaka,/ girl, [kanya, 1222b.]
kathaih nu, how indeed ? katham cana, kanya, f. girl; maiden; daughter, [cf.
in any wise soever (emphasizing a preced- kanistha.]
ing negation) katham api, somehow, [ka,
; kanya-ratna, n. girl-jewel, excellent

1101.] maiden.
kathaya (kathayati). tell ;
talk about ; kapata, m. n. fraud.
pass, be called, pass for. [lit. tell the kapata-prabandha, m. continued se-
how,' 'rb oiroas \tyeiv' denom. fr. :
katham, ries of frauds; machination, plot.
1058.] kaparda, m. small shell used as a coin,
1 katha, see katham. 80 = 1 paua; -aka, m. the same.
2 katha,/. 1. story, tale, fable ;
discus- kapala, n. 1. cup or dish, 102 ;

sion; 2. personified, Story, 56. [prop. cover or lid, 104 16 ; 3. cranium, [for
' '
the how, TO oirtas,' 1katha.] mg, cf Lat. testa,
. earthen pot/ w. French
katha-chala, n. cover or guise of a 'head.']

fable. kap6ta, m. dove.

katha-pitha,n. pedestal of Katha, name kam, pel. 1. emphasizing the preceding
of the first book of the Katha-sarit-sagara. word, 79 ;
-2. interr. pel., 88 10 .
mg 2.]
[2 katha, lllla : cf. kad, kim.]
kathavatara, m. incarnation of Katha. V kam (cakame; kamisyate; kanta [955a] ;
[2 katha (mg 2) -j-
avatara.] kamayate, -ti [1041 ]). wish; will; de-
katha-sarit-sagara, m. Story-stream- sire; love. [cf. v'kan and Vcan.]
ocean, title of Soma-deva's collection. kamandalu, m. water-jar.
kad, interr. pel. nonne, num; w. cid, nonne, V kamp (kampate cakampe kampita; ; ;

num kaccid drsta, was she seen ?

; [crys- kampitum; -kampya). tremble or shake.
tallized ace. s. n. of ka, lllla.] kambala, m. woolen cloth.
kad a, when? na kada cana, not at
adv. kambu, m. shell.
any time soever, never kada cid, once on ; kambu-griva, m. Shell-neck (i.e. having
a time, one day kada cid api na, never.
; folds in the neck like a spiral shell), name
[ka, 1103.] of a tortoise, [griva.]
kadru, a. brown; kadru [355c], f. brown 1 kara, 1. a. doing; making or causing
Soma-vessel. or producing, at end of many cpds ; 2. as

V kan or ka (cake; akanit). be glad. [cf. m. the hand the busy one)
(lit. 3. as m. ;

v'kam and Vcan.] nomen the doing, performance, in


kanaka, n. gold. duskara, sukara. [V 1 kr : cf Lat. cerus, .

kanaka-sutra, n. gold cord or chain. '

kanaka-stambha-r ucira, a. shining 2 kara, m. ray, beam. [prob. same as
with gold columns. 1 kara 2 : the rays of the heavenly bodies
kanistha, a. smallest ; youngest, [cf the
. are conceived as their hands and feet, cf.

following words and kana and kanya.] pada 4.]

karavarij [140]

kara-vari, n. water from the hand, kalyana-kataka, m.n. Fair-dale, name

karuna, a. mournful, pitiable; -a, f. pity, of a place.

karuna-para, a. compassionate. [1302b.] kavi, a. wise, possessed of insight (of gods,

karkata, m. crab; -aka, the same. esp. Agni) as m. wise man, seer, sage ; ;

karna, m. ear. poet; pi. wise men of eld (whose spirits

karta, m. (earth-) cut, ditch. [Vkrt: see hover about the sun), 91 12 [prop, 'seer,' .

garta.] Vkii, 'see,' for *sku: cf. BuoaKdos, *-<TKOFO-S,

k a r t f m. doer , ; accomplisher ; officiating
inspecting the sacrifice
; Lat. cav-ere,
' '

priest, 101 .
[Vlkr.] look out, be cautious Ger. schauen, AS. ;

kartavya, grdv. to be done or made, w. scedwian, 'look,' Eng. show, 'cause to look
the various mgs of \f 1 kr. [V 1 kr.] at.']
k a r t a v y a t a /. the to-be-done-ness -tarn kavi-kratu, a. having the power or in-
, ;

bruhi, tell me what I must do. [1237.] sight (kratu) of a wise one intelligent. ;

karpura, m. n. camphor, [1296.]

karpura-pata, m. Camphor-cloth, name V kas (kasati; kasta kasayati). move. ;

of a certain washerman, + vi, move asunder; open; bloom; caus.

karpura-vilasa, m. Camphor-joy (lit. pass, be made to bloom.
having pleasure in camphor), name of a kas mat, adv. why? wherefore? [ka,
karma, for karman in cpds, 1249a 2 .
kansya, a. brazen; as n. brass, [kansa.]
karma-ccsta,/". deed-performance; ac- kaka, m. crow; f- kaki, crow-hen; cf.
tion, vayasa, 'crow.'
karma-ja, a. deed-born, resulting from V kanks (kanksati, -te ;
cakanksa ;

the actions of a life. kanksita). desire, long for.[desid. of

karma-dosa, m. deed-sin, sinful deed, \ kam, but reduplicated somewhat like an
karman, n. deed, work, action ; sacred intens. (1002), *kam-ka(m)-s.]
work (as sacrifice, ablution); rite, 59 l .
kaca, m. glass.

[Vlkr.] kaca-mani, m. rock-crystal, quartz, [lit.

kar hi, adv. when? karhi cid, at any time.
[ka, llOSc.] kancana, n. gold.
V kal '
(kalayati). drive, [cf. Kf\f rat, urges kana, a. one-eyed; perforated (of the
' ' '
on ; &ov-ic6\os, cattle driver ; Lat. celer, eye), blind.
Kanabhuti, name of a
' '
(like colloq. driving, i.e. hurrying ') swift.'] kana-bhuti, m.
anu-sam, lead along after, Yaksha, see 53 3 N. [lit.
kal a, a. dumb; indistinct; -am, adv. gen- kanda, m. n. section; joint of a stalk

tly, and so pleasantly (of humming), from one knot to another ;

kal ah a, m. strife, contention, kantara, m. n. great or primeval forest.
kal a, f. a small part, esp. a sixteenth, kanti, f. loveliness. [Vkam, 1157, cf.
kalpa, m. ordinance, precept; manner, 955a.]
way etena kalpena, in this way.
; ka-purusa, m. miserable man, coward.
kalmasa, n. spot, stain; Jig., as in Eng., [see Ika4, and 506.]
sin. kam a, m. wish, desire, longing; love; at
kalmasa-dhvansa-karin, a. sin-de- end of possessive cpds [1296], having desire
struction-causing, preventing the commis- for ,
desirous of ; kaniain, see s.v.

sion of crime, [V kam.]

ka1ya ,
a. well, healthy, [cf ica\6s, fair .
' '
: kama-duh (-dhuk, -duham, -dhugbhis,
prob. not akin are AS. hdl, Eng. hale, etc. [155]),1. a. yielding wishes, grant-

whole.'} ing every wish 2. as f., sc. dhenu, the


kal y an a, /. -ani [355b], a. fair, lovely. fabulous Wonder-cow.' [for 2, cf. the
[kaly'a.] horn of Amalthea.]
[141] [Vkirtaya

k jtm am, adv. at will; if you please; kaga, m. visibility, in sakaga. [Vkag.]
kamam tu na tu, if she please, ,
but kastha, n. stick of wood; log.
by no means ,
64 .
[kama, llllb.] kastha-ccheda, m. dearth of wood.
kamin, a. subst. affectionate (spouse). [227.]
[kama. ] kastha-bharika, m. wood-carrier,
kamini-sakha, a. in the company of kastha, / race-course; course; track of
his wives, [see sakha.] the winds and clouds in the sky.

kaya, m. body. [Vlci, 'build,' Whitney kasthika, m. woodman, [kastha.]

43 body, form/ and ki, cf. Ika 4, ana* 504.
: for mg, cf .

build,' and Eng. noun build, as used kim-suhrd, m. a bad friend, ka 4,


Sffjica, [see 1

of a man's figure.']
and 506.]
kayika, a. corporeal; performed by the kit ava, m. gambler; f. -vi, as a., addicted
body, [kaya.] to gaming, [poss. kim + tava, '
what of
' '
kara, a. making; as m. maker; deed, thee ? what is thy stake ?

action; sound, [\llkr.] kim, 1. as nom.acc.s.n. to kd, see Ika;

karana n. that which makes or occasions
, ;
-2. as interr. adv. [lllla], how? 73 8 -

cause, 57 ; occasion; reason; sake, 10
; why? 18 10 ;
as interr. pel.:
3. num; kim
n aham ajnas, am I a fool? 39
21 13
ground for a judgment, 22 [Vlkr.] .
; an, 78 ,

karin, a. causing, [do.] 4. in connection w. other pels: kim ca,

karii, m. praiser, poet, singer. [V2kr, moreover,see ca 3 kim tu, however, 20 12; ;

mention with praise.']

kim cana, somewhat, 46 9 kim punar, ;

karttikeya, m. metronymic of Skanda, how much more (or less)? 17 15 [see .

god of war (so called because he was under 1 ka.]

nourished by the Pleiads, krttikas) :
kim- art ha, a. having what as
kumara and svamikumara. [
krttika. kimartham, as adv. why ? [1302c4.]
1216.] kim-prabhu, m. a bad master, [see
karya, grdv. to be done, faciendus, w. the Ika 4, and 506.]
various shades of mg belonging to V 1 kr ; kim-bhrtya, m. a bad servant, [do.]
requiring to be instituted, 4 ; requiring kiyad-dura, n. small distance; -re, as
to be shown; as n. what is to be done; adv. [1116], a little way. [kiyant.]
work n how
business ; ; matter, 4 ;
affair ; duty ; kiyant [451], pron. a. 1. great?
emergency. [V 1 kr, 963b.] how much? what sort of a? 45 10 ; 2.

karya-kala, m. time for action, (how great, in a derogatory sense, i.e.) not
karya-hantr, m. business-destroyer, great ; small, 46 l
[1 ka or ki, 505,
mar-plot, 1172 2 .]
karyaksama, a. unequal to or unfit for kiyambu, n. water-lily, perhaps, [cf.ambu.]
work, [aksama.] kila, kila [248a], adv. indeed, emphasizing
kala, m. 1. the right or proper or ap- the foregoing word.

pointed time 2. time in general ;

3. kis, interr. pel. so at 88 10 .
[Ika, 504

Time, as the destroyer, i.e. Death, see 1117: cf. nakis.]

kala-paga, m. snare of Death, kit a, m. worm; caterpillar,

kavya, n. poetry; poem, [kavi.] kidrg-vyapara, m. what business.

kavyagastra-vinoda, m. entertainment [kidrg, 145.]

with poetry and science, [kavya-gastra, kidrgvyaparavant, a. having what
1252.] business. [1233.]
a. of what sort?
V kag (karate; cakag ; kagita ; -kagya). kidfg, [see 518.]
be visible shine. ; klri, m. praiser. [V2kr.]
+ ava, be visible, lie open. V kirtaya (kirtayati [1056, 1067]; pass.
+ a look on.
, kirtyate). 1. make mention of; tell;
+ pra, shine out; become clear. -2. repeat; call, [kirti, 1061 '.]
kirti] [142]

+ pari, tell around, announce. kill a, n. 1. herd or large number or

+ s am, announce, swarm quadrupeds, birds, insects)

(of ;

kirti,/. mention; esp. good report, fame. 2. race family and so, as in Eng.,
; ;

[V2kr.] good family, noble stock. [V3kr, q.v. :

ku, see Ika4, and 504. cf. akula.J

kukkura, m. dog. [younger form of kula-gila, n. family and character.
the onomatopoetic kurkura.] [1253b.]
kutumba, n. household; family; -aka, kiilala, m. potter.
the same. m. axe. [perhaps cutting kii-liga,
kuttani,/. bawd. well,' see Ika 4, and 506.]
k uncla, n. round vessel; round hole in kulina, a. of good family, [kula, 1223d.]
the ground (for water or sacred fire), kulira, m. crab.
kundala, n. ring, esp. ear-ring. [cf. kugd, m. grass; esp. the sacred grass, Poa
kunda and 1227.] cynosuroides, with long stalks and numer-
kiitas, adv. from what place? whence? ous pointed leaves.
wherefore? why? how? 19 ". [Ika or kuga-pifij ula, n. tuft or bunch of Ku?a.
ku, 505.] k u a la, 1. a. in good condition; equal
kutuhala, n. 1. interest felt in some- to or fit for a task ;
able ; clever, 46 ;

thing extraordinary ; eagerness ; -at, as 2. as n. welfare, well-being ; kugalam

adv. [1114b], eagerly; 2. interest caused te, hail to thee.
by something remarkable, 56 .
kugalin,a. well; prosperous. [kuala 2.J
kiitra, adv. where whither?

[Ika or kuga-hasta, a. having Ku9a in the
ku, 505.] hand. [1303.]
ku-drsti, f. a bad or false view; hete- V ku (kuvate). found only w. a, and per-
rodox philosophy. [see 1 kd, 4, and haps meaning see, look. [prob. for #sku,
506.] see under kavi.]

kunti,/ Kunti, one of the two wives of +a ,

look forward to, i.e. intend, [see
Pandu. akuta.]
V kup (kupyati ; cuk6pa; kupita). 1. kuta, 1. n. horn; 2. m. n. peak, [for
become moved or agitated ;
boil ;
and so mg 2, cf. the Swiss peak-names, Schreck-
2. Jig., as in Eng., be angry ; boil with horn, Wetter-horn, etc.]
rage. kup a, m. cave, hole; well. [cf. KUTTTJ,
+ pra ,
the same. '
cave, hut/ Lat. cupa,
niche for
kumara, m. 1. new-born child; boy; the dead,' borrowed Eng. coop, ' vat/
youth, 51 -2. The Youth, epithet of
; whence cooper.^
Skanda, the eternally youthful god of kurma, m. tortoise.
war see karttikeya ; f. -ri, girl. [cf. V Ikr (Vedic, krn6ti, krnute [715]; later,
sukumara.] kar6ti, kurute [714]; cakara, cakre; V.
kumara-datta, m. name of a man. akar, akrta [831, 834a]; later, akarsit;
[' given by the god Kumara.'] karisyati krta kartum ; krtva -kftya
; ; ; ;

kumbha, m. jar; pot; urn. [cf. Ki5/xr?, kriyate cikirsati; karayati, -te).
; do,
make, in the various meanings and uses of
kumbha-kara, m. pot-maker, potter, these words; thus,
kumbhika,/ pitcher, [kumbha.] 1. perform, 59 accomplish; cause;;

as pi. the Kurus, a people of 15 2

kuru, m. effect ; prepare, 83 undertake, 52 ; ;

12 6
India ;
as sing. Kuru, the ancestor of that commit, 29 ;
honor, 5 fami-
e.g. ;

people, liarity, 9n ;
compassion, 21 ; love, 42

kuru-gravana, m. name of a prince. 21

favor, 52 ; contempt, 54
attend to ;

an affair, II 4 n a
[lit. glory of the Kurus,' like nv6o-K\rjs : ; engage in: trade, 46 ;

acct, 1271.] quarrel, 42 ;
2. do something (good or
[143] Lkrta

2 15
bad) for a person (yen.), 3 ,
9 ;
-3. + pra, 1. carry forward, accomplish;
make procure for another, 82
or 4
grant ; ; effectuate, cause 2. mid. set before
; ;

middle: get for one's self; assume: put before one, i.e. make the subject of
human u take on form
voice, 3 ;
: or shape, discussion or treatment w, buddhim, put ;

48 3 ,
49 6 ; 4. execute; follow: advice, a plan before one's self, i.e. decide.
40 7 ; food, 68 ;
5. work over, prepare : + prati, work against, counteract.
6. accomplish; be good for, 18 5 7. ; + sam, 1. put together; conficere,
make a sound, 26 n ; utter the syllable
: :
prepare 2. treat
; according to the
8 9
om, 60 '

sacred usages, administer a sacrament
8. (like Eng. do in don, doff) put in to, see samskara; consecrate, 106 3 ; 3.
or on; w. loc., 81 >, 43 6 ; set, 105 U w. ; adorn.
adverbs : see agratas, ama, avis, tiras, V 2kr (akarit; intens.
carkarti). mention
puras, bahis 9. make a person (ace.) ;
with praise.
to be something (ace.), 79 12 transform ;
V 3kr (kirati [242]; cakara, cakre; akarit;
into, 40 13 ff .
; render, w. factitive predicate karisyati; kirnd [957b] ; -kirya). pour
ace., 18 8 ;
w. the predicate in composition out or scatter abundantly hail-stones) (e.g. ;

[1094]: e.g.
ready, 34 ; sajji-kr, make cast forth (missiles); strew; cover or fill
10. w. adv. in -dha, divide in parts, with. [cf. kula, swarm.']
57 10 ; 11. do, go to work, proceed, 37 8 ; + vy-ati, pass, be scattered in various
pass, impers., 30 12. do, esp. sacred ; directions; be brought to confusion, [cf.
work ;
with karma, 97 without karma ; vyatikara, 'disaster.']
(like pefciv Off and facere), to sacrifice, + ava, strew (loose earth); throw in.
93 12 _ see also krta. + a, scatter abundantly cover over, fill ; ;

desid. desire to perform; ppl. [1037], aklrna, bestrown, covered, [cf. akara,
cikirsita, that which is sought to be done, 'abundance, mine/ akula, 'full.']
intention. + sam-a, bestrew; cover.
cans, cause to do or make or be done krcchra, a. distressful; troublesome; as
or made ;
see to it that a thing takes n. trouble.
place, 16 ; pass, tena sa pranamam krcchra-karman, n. hard work; drudg-
karitas, by him he was caused to make ery.
obeisance, 36 ; caws, equiv. to simple verb, V krt (krntati, -te [758] ;
cakarta ; akrtat;
265. kartisyati, kartsyati ;
krtta ; -kftya ;

[cf. indepen-
ai>To-Kpd-T<ap, self-actor, krtyate). cut; cut off. [cf. kata (for
dent Kp6-vos, an old harvest-god, Per-
; karta, 'cut, depression in the head,' i.e.),
ficus, the Completer, Ilipener Lat. cer-us, ; 'temple,' and Kpdr-cupos, 'temple'; Lat.
' ' ' '
creator ; Kpaivu, accomplish ;
Lat. curt-us, 'docked, short.']
create : see kratu :
orig. root- + ud, cut out or off; cut up, butcher.
form, perhaps, skr, 1087d.] 1 krt, vbl in cpds. making; doing; caus-
+ ad hi, put over; put in office. ing; as m. maker. [Vlkr, 1147c.]
+ a p a put off injure, opp. of upakr.
, ;
2 krt, a time, in sa-krt. [perhaps fr.

+ a ram or alam, see these words. Vlkr, 'a doing, a time': cf. kftu, 'a
+a , bring hither, 74
; prepare, fashion, time.']
make. krta, a. 1. made; done; 2. prepared;
+ vy-a , separate, analyse. 3. attained, 4. well done, and so,
+ up a, bring something to some one; do good; 5. as n. deed; 6.
a service, as an auxiliary, opp. of
act made, i.e. won) and so, the side of the
apakr. [w. the use of upa, cf. that of sub die marked with four spots, the lucky
winning one
in subvenire, aid.'] or ;
7. the
golden age,
+ pari, (poss. surround, deck, and so) name of the first 2
yuga, see 58 N.
make ready adorn. ; [Vlkr.]
krtakrtya] [144]

krta-krtya, a. having one's duty done + a, draw on, attract; draw from (a
or end attained, source).
krtakrtyata, f. condition of having + u d pull up, elevate.

performed one's duty. [1237.] + pra, draw forward, place in front.

krta-buddhi, a. having a made-up krsti, /. pi. people, folk. [Vkrs, mg 2:
' '
mind, of resolute character. orig. tillages, tilled lands/ then settle-

krta-mauna, a. having a kept silence, ment, community.']

silent, krsna, a. black, dark; w. paksa, the dark

krta-samketa, a. having an agreement half of the lunar month, from full to new
made, agreed upon as a rendezvous, moon; as m., sc. paksa, the dark lunar
krtanjali, a. having a made gesture of fortnight.
reverence, with reverent gesture, [anjali.] kfsna, m. the black antelope.
krtanna, n. prepared or cooked food. krsna-paksa, m. the dark lunar fort-

[anna.] night.
krtavajna, a. having contempt (done, krsna-sarpa, m. a very poisonous black

i.e.) shown to one, disdained, [avajna.] Cobra, Coluber Xaga.

kfti, f. 1. the doing, the production; krsnajina, n. skin of the black antelope,
2. a production, literary work, [v'lkr.] [ajina.]
kftu, a doing, a time; only in ace. pi. ','
krsnaya(krsnayate). blacken, [krsna,
-krtvas, and that at the end of cpds. 1059b.]
[Vlkr, 1105 .] v'
kip (kalpate; caklp6 [786]; kalpsyate ;
krte, as prep, on account of, for the sake klpta kalpayati, -te). be in order; be

of, for, w. gen.

[1130] or in composition. suitable or serviceable to ; help ; klpta,
[loc. of krta, lit. 'in the matter of (cf. in order, fixed, settled; caus. put in

mg 5), 1116.] order; ordain; arrange; dispose; fix (in

kftti, f. pelt, hide. [Vkrt: for mg, cf. the manifold applications of this word as
hide/ and Seipw, flay.']
' '

used colloquially). [prob. not akin are
kfttika, f. pi. the Pleiads, [cf. krtti : Goth, hilpan, Eng. help.~\
perhaps the constellation was conceived + upa, caus. prepare; furnish; provide.
as having the shape of a pelt.] + sam, caws, arrange together; deter-
krtya, grdv. to be done; as n. that which mine will purpose. ; ;

ought to be done or is to be done, and so, klpta-ke^anakhagmagru, a. having hair

duty, purpose, end; f. -a, action, deed. and nails and beard in order, i.e. trimmed.
[v'lkr, 963beni] [kea-nakha-gmacru, 1252.]
krtvas, adv. times; see krtu. klptanta, having its end prescribed;
krtsnd, a. whole; entire. limited, [anta.]
V krp (kfpate [745b]). mourn, lament, k6ta, m. intention; desire; will, [v'cit,
look, be intent upon.']
krpa,/. pity, compassion. [Vkrp.]
kfmi, m. worm. ketu, m. brightness; pi. beams. [Vcit,
V kr

(kfgyati [761a] cakarga; krgita). look, appear, shine

cf Goth, haidu-s, : .

grow lean. 'long lank

[cf. KO\OK-O.VOS, ('appearance, manner/ i.e.) 'way/ AS.
' ' '
person/ /co\ooWs, #KO\OK-JOS, colossus ; had, way, manner, condition/ Eng. -hood,
Old Lat. crac-entes, Lat. grac-iles, 'lean, -head (as in maidenhood, godhead), Ger.

slender.'] -heit : cf. under maya.]

krc_a, a. lean, haggard. [Vkrg, 958.] k6va1a ,
a. exclusive ; excluding all else ;

V krs (karsati; krsati; cakarsa ;

akrk- alone ; -am, adv. only.
sat; karaisyati; kraksyati, -te; krsta; ke"qa, m. hair (of the head); mane, [see
krastum ;
-kfsya). 1. kars-
; kesara.]
ati :
tug, draw, pull; 2. krsati: draw kega-paksa, m. du. the two sides of
furrows ; plough. the hair of the head ; the temples.
[Uo] [Vkri

k e g a - gmagru-loma-nakha, n. pi. hair of ayati [1042c

mid.]), step; go; go to-

the head, beard, hair of the body, and wards.

nails. [1253a.] + ati, step beyond; excel; overcome.
keg ant a, m. hair-end; long hair hanging 4 sam-ati, excel, [sam intens., 1077b
down ;
locks. end.]
kegfn, a. maned, with flowing mane, + a, step near to; come upon; attack;
[kega.] overpower.
kesara, m. hair; mane. [written also + ud, go out; depart (of the vital spirit);

kegara, cf kega cf Lat. caesaries,

. : .
hair, cans, cause to disembark.

mane/ but not Eng. hair.'] + abhy-ud, caws, cause to step out.
kesaragra, n. ends of a mane, [agra.] + up a, step unto; approach, 3 .

kaivarta, m. fisher. + nis, go out.

kotara, n. hollow of a tree. + para,step forth; advance boldly;

kotta, m. fort. and show one's strength or courage.
cf kram +

ko-danda, (of an archer), ['good-

in. bow [hence parakrama, valor
: .

Ika4, and 506.]

stick,' see vi.]
kodandatani, f. the notched end of a + pari, go around, circumambulate.
bow. [atani.] + pra, step forward; set out; start

kopa, m. anger; -at, adv. [1114b], angrily. from.

[Vkup.] + vi, move away or on; proceed; attack
kopakula, a. full of anger, [akula.] boldly and so, show one's courage.

cf kram +
kolahala, m. n. uproar, confused cry. [hence vikrama, valor : .

[onomatopoetic.] para.]
ko-vida, a. well knowing or skilled, [see -fsam, come together; approach; enter
Ika4, and 506.] (a zodiacal sign, said of the sun).
kautuka, n. curiosity, eagerness; -at, krama, m. 1. step; regular progress or
adv. [1114b], eagerly. order; -ena, -at, gradatim, cf. yathakra-
kaunteya, m. son of Kunti, i.e. king mam; 2. procedure; method; way, 36 .

Yudhishthira. [metronymic, 1216.] [V kram.]

kauravya, m. descendant of Kuru, i.e.
kramagas, adv. step by step; gradually;
Yudhishthira. [patronymic, 1211 : cf. in order. [1106.]
1208c.] kravya, n. raw flesh; corpse; carrion.

kaulala, n. pottery, [kiilala.] which perhaps means 'coagulate,


kaugala, n. cleverness; ability, [kugala.] become stiff w. kravis, raw flesh,' cf :


' ' '

kratu, m. power, whether of body or of Kpeas, *KpeFas, flesh ;
w. kru-ra, bloody,
mind or of both:
1. might, 73 2. n raw,' cf Lat. cru-dus,
bloody, raw,' cruor,
2 ' '
5 '
will, understanding, 80
75 ; cf. daksa ;
blood ;
cf . AS. hrdw, corpse ; Eng. raw,
inspiration, insight, esp. for sacred songs Ger. roh, 'raw.']
and acts; 3. sacred deed, sacrifice, 16 7 ; kravy a- vahana, a. carrying off the
ceremony, cf. yajnakratu. [Vlkr, 'do, corpses.
effect,' 1161 :
orig. sense of word in mgs 1 kravyad, a. consuming corpses, [ad.]
and 2 was prob. '
an effecting, a power to kravyada, a. the same, [ada.]
do or carry out': for mg 3, see \flkrl2 : kriya , f. action ; performance ; doings ;

mighty,' AS. heard,

' '
cf .
uparvs, strong, labor, pains. [V 1 kr, 1213d.]
hard,' Eng. hard.~] \/ kri (krmati, krmlte; kresyati; krita;
\! kram (kramati [745d], kramate ca- ; kretum; kritva; -kriya). buy, ic. instr.
krama, cakram6 akramit kramisyati, ; ; [281b] of price, [perhaps akin w. Vlkr,
-te, kransyate ; kranta [955a] krami- ;
and so meaning
do business, trade.']
tum, krantum kramitva, krantva ; ;
~ u p a buy. ,

-kramya ; kramyate ; kramdyati, kram- vi, sell; sell for (instr.).

Vkrid] [146]

V krid (kridati, -te; cikrida, cikride; second or princely caste or a member of

kridisyati; kridita; kriditum; -kridya). it.
[from ksa = v 1 ksi 2 cf ksatra-pa, : .


play, sport. governor of a dominion, satrap,' and the

kr Id a, /. play, sport. [Vkrid.] borrowed ffarpd-injs.l
kritotpanna, a. bought or on hand (of ksatra-bandhu, m. one who belongs to

food), [utpanna, Vpad.] the ksatra or second caste.

V krudh (krudhyati, -te[761]; cukr6dha; ksatriya, m. 1. ruler, 75
; 2. one
akrudhat ;
kruddha ;
kr6ddhum ;
krud- who belongs the ksatra or princely to
dhva). be angry. caste, a Kshatriya, 57 N. [ksatra, 1214a.]

krudh, /. anger. V ksan (ksan6ti, ksanut< ;

aksanista ;

krudhmi krudhmin, a. wrathful.

or ksata). harm ; hurt ; break, [closely
[V krudh: cf. 1167 and 1231: paroxytone.] akin w. V 2 ksi, q.v.]

V krug (kr6gati cukr6ga akruksat

; ; ; ksantavya, grdv. to be put up with or

krusta; kr6stum -kriigya). cry out; ; pardoned. [Vksam, 212.]

call ;
howl, .
[cf Kpav-rf, cry/ f r *KpavK-r) : ksa pa, /. night.
[cf. oW, 'cover,'
' '
for y in place of K, cf r-fiyavov,'.
crucible,' <//e'4>os, darkness : for ^, cf V ksar.] .

w. rtj/cw, ' melt.'] ksapaha, n. a night and day, wxd-fi/J-fpov.

krura, a. bloody; raw; fig. harsh, [see [2 aha, 1253b.]

under kravya.] v' ksam (ksamate, -ti; caksame; ksam-
kroda, m. 1. breast, bosom; 2. in- isyate, ksansyate ksanta [955a] ksan- ; ;

terior, [for mg 2, cf. garbha2.] tum ; ksamyate). 1. be patient; en-

kr6dha, m. anger. [V krudh.] dure ; put up with ; ksanta, patient ;


kr6ga, m. call; calling distance; Anglo- forgive ; pardon.

Indian a Kos. [Vkrng.] ksa ma, a. patient; bearing or enduring;
kr ogamatr avasthita, a. stationed at ana" so, equal to a thing, able, [v'ksam.]
the distance of a Kos. [kroga-matra -f ksama,y. patience; long-suffering, [do.]
1 ksaya, m. dwelling-place. [VI ksi.]
V klig (kligyate, -ti ; ciklega ;
klista ;
2 ksaya, m. destruction; decay. [\'2ksi.]

klestum; -kligya). be distressed. V ksar (ksarati, -te caksara aksar ; ;

klega, m. pain; trouble. [Vklig.] [890]; ksaritd). -1. flow; -2. liquefy;
kv&, V. kua, adv. 1. where? whither? melt away ;
and so, perish, [for *skar :
kua babhuvus, what has become of ? 2. cf. tyeipca (tffireipw)
= <p6eip<a,
kva cid anywhere : ;
in any case, ever, 4-<p0dp-r), perished
for :
cf .
27 20 ; w. na, never. [ Ika, 505.] ksiti: foT<p0, cf. 2 ksi.]
k s a as collateral form of V 1 ksi in ksa-tra,
ksar a, a. perishable. [Vksar.]
and as V ksa (ksayati [761dl]; ksana).
of the same, w. the mg abiding,
vbl burn,
situate,' in antari-ksa. ksara, pungent; saline.
a. [v'ksa: cf.

ksana, m. instant; moment; -ena, -at. i)p6-s, 'dry': for mg, cf. Eng. caustic, lit.
' '
as advs [1112b, 1114b], instantly, [prob. burning,' fig. pungent.']
the time of a glance,' a shortened form V Ik si, with two meanings, 'dwell,' and
' ' '
of Iks-ana, mg, cf Eng.
glance : for .
rule,' attaching themselves to the steins ksi
"in the twinkling of an eye," and Ger. and ksaya respectively ; thus,

Augen-blick, glance of an eye, i.e. mo-

1. kse-ti, 3d pi. ksi-y-anti : abide or
ment.'] while or dwell, esp. in quiet and safety,
ksanika,/. -I, a. momentary, [ksana.] 79 18 inhabit, [cf. ksiti, 1 ksaya, ksetra,

k s a t ppl. of V ksan.
, ksema 1, '
; a^(pi-Kri-ovts,
ksatra, n. 1. rule, dominion, power, 'dwelling around,' Kri-ai-s, 'settlement.']
86 M 2. later, the
; im- temporal power, + up a, rest on, be dependent on.
perium (as distinguished from the spirit- 2. ksaya-ti :
pos-sess ,
be-sitzen ;
ual power, brahman, 'sacerdotium') ; the master of; rule, 71 9 .
[cf. ksema 2, 'pos-
[147] [khala

; K'-/cTrj-yuai,
m. hunger and disease.
master of,' KTO- ksud-vyadhi,
ofiai, 'get.'] [ksudh: 1253a.]
[cf. the collateral form ksa for con- V ksudh (ksddhyati ksudhita). be :

nection of 1 and 2, cf. the relation of Lat. hungry ksudhita, hungry. ;

sedere, sit,' and pos-sidere, be master of,' ksudh,/. hunger.

' '

[ V ksudh, 383a.]
and of Ger. sitzen, sit,' and be-sitsen, be k s u d h a f. hunger. [V ksudh.]
' '

master of.'] ksudharta, a. distressed with hunger,

l/ 2k si (ksinati, later[ksudha + arta.]ksin6ti; aksesta;
ksind n
ksita, ksapa- ksetra, n. dwelling-place, 87 ; piece of
; -ksiya ; kslyate ;

yati [1042e]). destroy; make an end of; ground; field. [Vlksil.]

exhaust pass, wane; ksina, ruined, ksetra-pati, m. master of a field;

lost caus. weaken,

; [cf <pOtvw, *<t>Qwvia, farmer. .

perish, wane,' <t>6l-pei>os, dead for <f>0, ks6ma, m. 1.
abode; place of rest; :

cf. ksar : w. the secondary ksa-n, cf. security; well-being, 61 ; 2. possession;
KTa.-fj.evos, 'slain,' Kreivu, *Krev-jta, 'slay.'] kseme yoge, in possession in acquisi-
+ apa, pass, be afflicted, suffer loss. tion, the enjoyment of what we
i.e. in
ksit ,
i-bl. inhabiter or ruler, at end of cpds. have got and in the getting of more,
[v'lksi 1 and 2: see 1147c.] [v/lksil and 2: for *ske-ma, 1166: cf.
18 ' '
ksitf, f. dwelling, abode, 79 piece of ;
Goth, haim-s, village ; A.S. ham, Eng.
ground or land; the earth, the ground. home, and -ham in place-names; perhaps
[V 1 ksi 1 cf Krl-ffi-s, settlement.']
: . also (if for K^JUTJ"?), 'village.']

ksiti, f. destruction. [V2ksi: cf. tyi-ai-s

= <f>diffts,
for fy, cf. ksar.] :

V ksip (ksipati, -te ; ciksepa, ciksipe ; kha, n. 1. hole; hollow; 2. opening;

ksepsyati, -te; ksipta; kseptum; ksip- 3. hole in the hub of a wheel 4. void ;

tva -ksipya; ksepayati).

; dart; cast; space; the sky. [Vkhan, cf. 333.]
throw caus. cause to fly or burst, 84 4
kha-ga, 1. a. moving in the sky, flying;

+ a, 1. throw Eng.
at; 2. fig. (like 2. as m. bird, [for mg 2, cf. antariksa-
fling, make flings at), deride, put to shame, ga and kha-gama, 'bird,' ura-ga and
3. draw towards one's self, call out bhujam-gama, snake,' and turam-ga,
8 10 ;

6 '
(a person to vindicate himself), 55 .
+ ni, throw down (one's self, one's body). kha-gama, the same.
+ vi-ni, lay down separately or orderly. khanda, a. broken; as m. a break, sec-
+ sam, dash together in a heap; de- tion, piece ; khandaka, m. lump-sugar.
stroy. [hence, prob., through the Persian, Arabic,
ksipta-laguda, a. having the cudgel Italian,and French, the Eng. candy.,]
thrown. V khandaya (khandayati). break;
ksipra, a. darting ; quick ; -am, adv. khandita, broken (of a command).
quickly. [Vksip.] [khanda, 1055.]
ksira, n, milk. [prob. Vksar.] V khan or kha (khanati, -te cakhana, ;

ksirin, a. milky ; as m. milk-plant, cakhnus akhan [890] khanisyati

; ; ;

[ksira.] khata khanitum khanitva, khatva

; ; ;

ksirodaka, n. milk and water, [udaka: -khaya; khanyate, khayate khanayati). ;

dig caus. cause to be dug. for *skan,

1253b.] ; [if
V ksud (ks6dati, -te cuks6da; ksunna;
cf Lat. can-alls,
ditch, canal.']

-ksudya). shatter; stamp upon; grind +a , dig, burrow, in akhu.

small. khara, harsh; as m. ass (so called from

ksudra, a. small, [\lksud.] his harsh bray), 67 19 .

ksudra-buddhi, m. Small-wit, name of khala, m. 1. threshing-floor; 2. a

a jackal. [1298.] mean, low-lived fellow. [the tertium
khalu] [148]

comparationis for 1 and 2 is perhaps khyati, f. the being well known; fame;
khyatim gam, become famous. [Vkhya.]

khalu, pel. 1. now (confirmative) ;
khalu, now; indeed (emphasizing the
preceding word), 55 ; 3. to be sure (con- g a , vbl. going, in many cpds ; situate, e.g.
cessive), 98 . in madhyaga ;
as m. nomen actionis, the
V kha, see khan. going, in durga, suga. [v'gam, cf. 333.]
V khad (khadati; cakhada; khadisyate ; gagana, n. sky.
khadita khaditum khaditva khad- gang a, f.
; ; [fr. \'gam^=ga,
the Ganges.
yate; khadayati). chew; bite; eat, esp. w. intens. reduplication, 1002b.]
of animals; feed on, 24 16 devour, 2 1 11 g a j a m. elephant. ; ; ,

khadita, eaten, 23 , etc. [if for *skand gaja-yutha, m. herd of elephants.
or sknd, cf. Kvifa, V/cvtS, 'bite, sting,' gajendra, m. a great elephant. [see
Ki/i5ij, nettle,' but not Eng. nettle.'] indra.]
khaditavya, grdv. edendus. [vkhad.] gana, m. 1. troop, (of Maruts) 90 18 ;

V khid (khidati;
khinna; -khidya). de- crowd, (of friends) 3 host (of stars) ; ;

press, but only fig. flock, (of birds) 3 2. pi. troop-deities,

+ u d , pull out. inferior deities which regularly appear not

khila, 1. piece of waste land between
singly, but in troops, 67 ; esp. those that
cultivated fields ; a bare spot ; 2. a compose the retinue of Qiva ; then, as sing.,

gap. a single one of Qiva's attendants, a Gana,

khu, a Prakrit form for khalu. 55 20 ;
3. a number.

khe-cara, a. moving in the sky. [kha, ganana, /. a numbering, calculation, tak-

1250c.] ing into account, ['' ganaya.]
khecaratva, n. power of flying (by v'
ganaya (ganayati). number, calculate,
magic). [1239.] [gana, 1055.]
kheda, m. depression, sorrow. [Vkhid.] ganita, ppl. calculated; as n. [1176a],
kheda-vaga, a. having depression as calculation, arithmetic, [v ganaya.]
one's controlling influence, under the do- gata, ppl. 1. gone, 2 ; departed; ?<-.
2 2
minion of sorrow. snatum gata, gone to bathe, 44 ;
so 41 ;

V khya (khyati; cakhyau; akhyat [847]; 2. often at beg. of cpds, see these ; 3.

khyasyati ; khyata ; khyatum ; -khyaya ; gone to: w. ace. 5, 15 20 ; w. prati ana"

khyayate khyapayati, -te [1042d]).

; ace.,23 15 ;
4. (having arrived at, i.e.)

simple verb only in pass, and caus. pass. situated in : w. ace., 62 15 ;

w. loc., 5 u ; in
be well known ; be talked of ;
caus. cpd, e.g. svahasta-gata, situated on my
make known, [orig. mg, perhaps, 'shine, own hand; 5. gone to a condition, see
appear or look (intrans.), see (trans.)'.] Vgam4; attained to, (fame) 56 ;
+ abhi, look at; behold, 78 13 .
ditioned, in durgata, sugata. [v'gam,
-fa, 1. show, tell; narrate, 55 19 ;
2. 954d.]
designate, name caus. : act. tell ; ;
mid. gata-prana, a. whose breath is gone,
have told to one's self, 105 7 . dead.
+ praty-a, (lit. show back, i.e.) turn gata-samkalpa, a. whose purpose or

away, repulse, reject, 9 20 ;

refuse, [the will for the moment is gone, purposeless.
Ger. zuriick-weisen has just the same [1299.]
mgs.] gatanugati, f. the going after him who
+ v y - a show ,
to discriminately, i.e. ex- has gone (before), the following in the
plain. old ruts, [anugati.]
+ sam ,
tell together, i.e. reckon up. gatanugatika, a. addicted to following

-pari-sam, reckon up completely, in the old ruts, [gatanugati, 1222a.]

gatasu ,
a. whose life is gone, [asu.]
[149] [garbha

gati, /. 1. a going, way of going, ability + adhi, 1. go to; attain; 2. get at,
to go; 2. progress, 18
eventus, issue, ; learn, study, read cf. Vi + adhi.
20 13 ; 3. way of escape, refuge, 52 ; + anu, go after, follow.
4. the way or course esp. of the soul -i- antar, go within, enter.
through different bodies, metempsychosis ; a pi, go unto, join, 91 5 ff.

and so, a condition of the soul during thesL + abhi, go unto, 1 u go. ;

transmigrations, a man's lot or fate, 53 , + a ram, see s.v.
65 10 ,G6 6 ,66 21 ff. [Vgam, 1157: cf. ySo-o-i-:. lava, come down.
'going, power to go.'] -i-a, 1. go to, 6 10 ;
come to; come
V gad (gadati; jagada; gadisyate; gad-
hither, 5 , 10 ; 2. return (52 22 ), ?<SM-
ita; gaditum; -gadya). speak. allij
w. punar, 4 ,
etc. ; agata : 1. ar-

+ ni , say. rived, come, 79 ;

w. inf. c,rotum agata,
gad a, m. disease. come to hear, 28 5
so 27 ;
arrived (as

gantavya, grdv. eundum, used impers. guest), 28 7 ; -2. returned, 24 17 ;

[Vgam.] having gone condition, e.g. death, to a

g and ha, m. smell ; pi., w. gubha, per- 46 3 agantavyam, grdv., as impers.


fumes. pass. w. anena, this one will come hither ;

gandharva, ?. 1. orig., perhaps, the -=- desid. desire to return, 101 .

deity of the moon, the Gandharva; 2. + abhy-a, come unto, visit; abhyagata,
in Gandharvas, heavenly singers
Epos, pi. as subst. guest.
belonging to Indra's court as sing, one of ; + upa_a, approach.
these, a Gandharva. + sam-upa_a, go to together.
gabhira ( V., later) gambhira, a. deep. + sam-a, assemble; meet, 61 8 .

V gam (gacchati, -te [747, G08] ; jagama, + u d go out, proceed from.


jagme ;
V. agan [833], later agamat ; + u p a go unto, approach.

gamisyati, -te ; gata ; gantum ; gatva ; + nis, proceed from (abl.), 51 ; nirgata,
-gatya, -gamy a ; gamy ate ; jfgamisati ; departed.
gamayati, -te). 1. go, move; go to, + prati, come back, return.
6 n 36 6 come
3 go towards go away, 28
; ; , ; ; + vi, go asunder; vigata, gone, vanished.
w. pratipam, go wrong 2. go by, pass ; + s a m mid. come together, meet unite
, ;

(intrans.): of time, 20
of days, 29 13 ; ; one's self with; and so, come to enjoy;
3. come unto, i.e. arrive at, w. ace., 3 , cans, assemble, as trans.
84 7 ; reach, w. loc., 69 ; come into, w. loc., gam a, a. going, at end ofcpds. [v'gam.]
6 19
71 ; get at, 95 ; 4. go to a state or gambhira, a. deep; cf. gabhira.
condition : w. pancatvam, go to dissolu- garut, n. wing.
tion, i.e. die, 32 21 ,
etc. ;
so to destruction,
garutmant, a. winged; as m. bird, [for
29 6 ; despondency, 44 ;
w. nijaiii gatim, mg, cf. paksin.]
(went) to his own proper condition, i.e. v g ar J (garjati; jagarja; garjita ; garj-
became a Yaksha once more, 53 12 ;
5. itva; -garjya). roar.
manasa gam, (go with the mind, i.e.) per- garj ana, n. roar.
ceive, 15 .
garta, m. (earth-) cut, ditch. [younger
[cf. fialvca (*0avjw, *yFf/jj<a), 'go'; Lat. form of karta, q.v.]
vSnio, #gv&mio, 'come'; AS. cum-an, Eng. gardabha, m. ass; -i,/. she-ass. [1199.]
come ; for the kw which is to be expected garbha, m. 1. uterus concipiens, the

in Germanic as answering to the old gv, conceiving womb abde garbhad eka- ;

cf Ger. be-quem,
. Old Eng. cweme, ' con-ve- dage, in the eleventh year from (the
nient, fit, pleasant': gaccha and &daK,
cf. womb, i.e.) conception; 2. (as in Mil-

'go thou'; gata-s, and PUTO-S,

'gone,' ton's Earth's inmost womb) the interior,
'(gone over, i.e.) passable'; gati-3 and inside, 34
43 2 , cf. kroda ;
at end of cpds,
jScuri-?, 'a going': see also v'ga.] having in the interior, containing , cf.
garbhavant] [150]

padmagarbha; 3. conceptum, fruit of garhapatya, 1. a. pertaining to the

the womb; garbham dadhanas, conceiv- householder; as m., sc.
agni, the house-
ing fruit, 92 12 ;
embryo, 46 , 93 ; scion; 2. as n. the being holder's fire, 102 2 N. ;

and so 4. a new-born child.

[Vgrabh, head of the house, 89 6 the housekeeping, ;

concipere with garbha in mg 1, cf
: 89 17 [grhapati, 1211.] . .

Sf\<(>vs and 8o\<pds, 'womb,' a-Se\<(>6s and gir [392], / 1. invocation, praise, 74 12 ;

a.-Se\<f>e-i6-s (= sa-garbh-ya-s), 'of the 2. sing, and pi. speech, words, 87 16 49 9 ; ,

same womb, i.e. brother'; in mg 3, cf. - 3. voice, 3 ". [V 1 gr, 242 ' 3 .]
PpeQos, embryo,' and Eng. calf in moon- giri, m. mountain, 55

mg 4, cf. Goth. Icalbo, Eng. calf.'}
calf: in V gu (intens. j6guve [1007 ]). cause to
' '
garbhavant, a., in fern, only, pregnant. sound, proclaim, [cf .
y6os, /3o-fi, cry ;


[garbha 3: see 1233.] Lat. bovare, howl.']

garbha-stha, a. being in the womb, un- gun a, m. 1. a single thread of a cord;

born. a string ; esp. bow-string ; 2. quality ;

V garb, (garhate jagarhe garhita; ; ;

adscititious quality, as distinguished from

garhitum; -garhya). blame, reproach; the real nature (svabhava, 'ingenium'),

garhita, despised. 22 20 ;
3. as philosophical technical term,

V gal (galati; galita). -1. drip; -2. fall; one of the three pervading qualities of all

galita, fallen out, gone (claws, teeth, nature, to wit,

sattva, 'goodness,' rajas,
' 8
passion,' and tamas, darkness,' 66 ff ;

eyes), [hence Jala, 'water': cf. V/3a\ in .

interns, mg, e.g. norap.'bs els a\a /SaAAcop, 4. as specialization ofmg 2, a good qual-
'river flowing into the sea'; Ger. quellen, ity, virtue, 1 4>
etc. ;
excellence, [for
'flow, spring,' Quelle, 'fountain.'] play on ings 1 and 4, see nirguna and

gava, equiv. of go, 'bull, cow, beeve,' in 18 5 .]

cpds. [see 1209a.] guna-deva, m. Gunadeva, a pupil of
gavyuti,/. pasture-land ; generalized, ter- Gunadhya. [lit. 'having virtue as his
ritory, abiding-place, [lit. 'having food god,' 1302.]
for cattle,' g6 + utf see go 4: the y ,
is gunavant, a. virtuous, 18*; excellent,
euphonic, cf. 258.] 3 22 .
V ga (jigati ; agat). go; come, [collat- gunagalin, a. possessing virtues, excel-
eral form of gam, w. jfgati, cf La- q.v. : . lent,
[see galin.]
conic &ifidri, 'strides'; w. agat, cf. &ri, gunadhya, m. Gunadhya, see 53 3 N. [lit.
' '
went.'] rich in virtue,' adhya.]
+ abhi , go unto ;
w. gramam, become gunanvita, a. endowed with excellence ;
weary. (of an asterism) lucky, [anvita, Vi.]
gatu, m. 1. motion, movement, course; gunin, a. virtuous, excellent,
2. progress ; equiv. to the Eng. -fare in V gup (jug6pa; gopsyati; gupita, gupta ;
wel-fare (for mg, cf. verb fare, get on, g6pitum, g6ptum; gupyate; jugupsate,
go') see sugatuya; 3. (place of re- -ti). keep; guard; desid. seek to keep
course, i.e.) refuge, abiding-place, 83 9 . one's self from, i.e. shun, detest ; ppl.
[Vga, 'go,' 1161.] jugupsita, detested, inspiring aversion, a, n. 1. (means of moving, i.e.) a 59 12 [prob. a secondary root, originating

limb of the body 2. by synecdoche, the ;

denom. verb-stem gopaya see this in the :

body. [Vga, 'move,' 1185a.] and go-pa.]

gamin, a. going, going upon, going to. guru, a. 1. heavy; and so 2. fig. (like
[Vgam, 1183 .] Eng. weighty), important; 3. worthy of
garbha, a. relating to the embryo or to honor, 28 4. as m. the one to be ;

pregnancy (of sacrifices), [garbha, 1208f.] honored /car' f^o-^v, the teacher or Guru,
garbhika, a. relating to the womb, pre- 60 4 ff. loc. gurau: in the house of the ;

natal, [garbha, 1222e2.] Guru, 61 in case of a Guru, 104 4 [cf. ;
[151] [gopa
' '
the comp. garlyans : cf. ftapvs, Lat. gravis, parallel :
Geier, vulture,' is prop. the

*garu-i-s, Goth, kaurus, '

heavy.'] greedy (bird),' from Gier, 'greediness.']

guh [745c] juguha [793f], grdhra-kuta, m. Vulture-peak, a moun-
(guhati ;

juguhe aghuksat [910, 155]

; gudha tain in Magadha. ;

[222 ]; guhitum; -giihya). hide; gulha, grha, in V., m. ; later, m. in pi. ; otherwise,
15 7 15
hidden, 76 . n. house, 28 79 ; w. mrnmaya, house ,

+ apa, hide (trans.) away from, w. abl., of earth, the grave grham gam, go home, ;

85 u put away, get rid of, 77 1

. 52 10 so 40 3 68 n as pi. the house as con-
; , ;

giih, /. hiding-place; instr. guha: used as sisting of various rooms and buildings,
ach-. guha [1112e], in secret. [Vguh.] 89 12 ; ['that which re-
mansions, 87

giiha,/. hiding-place; cavern, [do.] ceives one,' V grah cf geha.] : .

giihya, grdv. cclandus ; secret, hidden, grha-pati, m. master of the house, [acct,
[do.] 1267a.]
guhyaka, m. one of a class of demigods, grha-patni, f. mistress of the house,
who, like the Yakshas, wait on Kubera, '[do.]
god of wealth, and, dwelling in mountain grha-stha, a. abiding in a house; as m.
caverns (guha), keep his treasures, [so householder or Brahman in the second
named from their living in caverns or stage of his religious life, see agrama.
hidden places :
1222.] grhagrama, m. house-stage, second stage
V Igr (grnati, grmte; jagara; garisyati; in a Brahman's life, see a^rama.
girna[957b]; -glrya). 1. invoke, call; geha, n. house, [ident. w. grha: cf. the
2. salute, praise; 3. speak out, say. ident. Wrdh and edh.]
' '

[cf .
speech, voice ; yypvs, speech, g6 [361c], m.f. 1. a beef in its old sense
' '
of bull or cow
voice Doric yapvev, speak ; Lat. garrio,
; beeves, kine, cattle ; ; pi.
talk Eng. call.']
the Vedic type or symbol of all welfare
+ sam, chime in with, agree. and blessing and riches (e.g. 80 IB ), like
" milk and "
V 2gr (girati ; jagara; agaiit girnd ; honey with the Hebrews 2. ;

[957b] ; -girya). swallow. [cf. &opd, beef in theand now usual sense oj
food,' j3i-/3p(a-(rK<i>,
eat/ Sy/jio-fidp-o-s, flesh; pi. pieces of flesh, 84 -3. (the ;

folk-devouring ;
Lat. carni-vffr-us, ' flesh- milch cow of kings, i.e.) the earth, 63 7 ;

eating,' de-vordre, swallow down, de- 4. observe that gavyiiti, gotra, gopa,
vour.'] gopati, gomaya, and many other cpds of

+ ni, swallow down; devour (the sun in go lose their special reference to cattle and
an eclipse), 76 see Vgras. take a more general mg. [cf. /3ovs, stem
V 3gr (nor. ajigar [867]; intens. jagarti OF,
a beef, ox, cow Lat. 6os, stem bov, ;

[1006]; caws, jagarayati). 1. intens. be 'ox, cow'; AS. cu, Eng. cow.]
awake; wake, intrans.; jagrhi [1011], be go-ghna, a. kine-killing ;
as m. co.w-
thou watchful, have a care for, w. dat., slaycr.
89 n wake up, intrans., 30 16
2. caws, ; g6tama, m. Gotama, a Vedic seer of the
wake, trans., 30 5 .
[for the history of the tribe of Angiras.

word, see 1020 : for 1, cf t-yp-f)-yop-a, ' am

gotra, n. 1. cow-stall, cattle-pen; 2.

awake,' e-yp-ero, 'awoke' (intrans.); for perhaps, pen of cattle, and so 3. group
2, cf. tyflpca, 'wake' (trans.).] in general (see
go4) 4. esp. family, 19 ; ;

gftsa, a. clever; wise. family name, 103

see naman2. ,

V grdh (gfdhyati; jagardha ; agrdhat ; [from go mgs 2 and 3 are not authenti-

gardhisyati grddha; grddhva).

; 1. cated by the literature.]
take long strides 2. be eager or greedy ; gotra-ja, a. born in the family; as m. a
for. [for *ghrdh : cf. Eng. greedy.] relative,

gfdhra, 1. a. greedy; 2. m. vulture. go-pa, m. 1. cow-keeper, cow-herd; 2.

[\/grdh, 1188a: the Ger. offers an exact keeper in general (see go 4). [2 pa.]
gopati] [152]

g6-pati, m. 1. lord of kine; 2. lord hold on (loc.), 14 grhita ke^esu, seized

in general (see go 4). [acct, 1267a.] by the hair ;

used of a rabbit taking, i.e.
V gopaya (gopayati, -te). be keeper, leading with him a lion, 33*; 2. take
22 5
keep, [gopa, 1055.] possession of, take, 46 get, 44 3. ; ;

10 1
go -pa [351], m. 1. cow-keeper; 2. receive, accept, 20 , 56 ; 4. of fluids,
keeper in general (see go 4), 85 ; protec- take in the ladle, 94 1 ; 5. of names, take

tor, 69 15 .
[2 pa.] upon the lips, mention, 64
103 19 ;

V gopaya (gopayati, -te). be keeper; fig., as in Eng., grasp, i.e. perceive, know ;

keep, 91 .
[gopa, 1055.] 7. get, learn; caus. cause to learn.
gomaya, 1. a. bovine; as n. 2. cow- [see under garbha: connection w. Eng.
dung, 103 22
dung in general (see ;
3. gripe, Ger. greifen, exceedingly doubtful.]
go 4) w. anaduha, dung of a steer,
+ pari, 1. hold on both sides; and so

105 3 20 -

[see maya.]
. 2. become master of master, overcome, ;

go - y u k t a a. yoked with cattle w cakra,

, ;
wagon drawn by cattle. [Vyuj.] + prati, take hold of, 59 23 ; accept.
go-raksaka, m. cattle-keeper, cow-herd. + vi, 1. hold asunder; separate ;
g6-sakhi [343a], a. having cattle as com- a division; and so 2. quarrel; fight.

panions, rich in cattle, [sakhi, 186.] + s am, hold together, clasp.

go-stha, m. cow-stall, byre, [stha, 186.] + upa-sam, clasp with the hands.
gaunika, f. -I, a. standing in relation to V gras (grasate ; jagrase ; agrasit; gras-
the three guna's, see guna 3. [guna, isyate ; grasta ; grasitva grasyate ; ;

1222e2.] grasayati). 1. swallow; devour, 10 ;
gautama, m. patronymic from Gotama; 2. of the demon Rahu, who swallows,
Gautama, name of various men. [g6tama, eclipses sun and moon, 23 *.
i.e. [perhaps
1208f.] akin w. V 2 gr, ' swallow.']
V grath or granth (grathnati; granthi- Vgrah, see grabh.
syati; grathita; -grathya). 1. string graha, m. seizure (with a claw, i.e.), bite.

together, connect; 2. put together, i.e. [Vgrah.]

corn-pose (a literary work), [for mgs, cf. grab, an a, n. the grasping, i.e. acquisition.
Lat. com-ponere, ' put together, compose ; [Vgrah 6, 7.]
also serere, 'connect, entwine/ w. sermo, grabh a, a. subst. grasping, grasper.
' 1

discourse.'] [v grabh.]
granth a, m. 1. (a string of words, i.e.) grama, m. 1. inhabited place, hamlet,
verse or couplet, 53 6, etc ; 2. a corn-posi- village, see 98 N. ; 2. the inhabitants,
tion, book, work, 17 [V granth for mgs, . :
see under grath, and for 1, cf. Lat. serere grama-kama, a. having desire for the

w. series, 'row, string.'] village, fond of abiding in the village.

granthfn, a. subst. having books, bookish, gravan, m. stone; esp. stone for pressing
book-reader, [grantha.] the Soma.
V grabh, Rigveda; later, g r a h a a. subst grasping, grasper, in cpds. ,

grabh grbhnati, grbhnite [Vgrah.] :

jagrabha, jagrbh6; agrabhlt, agrabblsta grahya, grdv. to be grasped; perceivable.

[900]; grbhita; grbhltva; -gfbhya. [do.]
from grah: grhnati; jagrahajagrhe; griva, /. nape of the neck; neck, [for
agrahit, agrahista [900]; grahisyati, -te; #ga rva cf. Aeolic Seppa, #5epFa, Epic :

grhlt& ; grahitum ; grhitva ; -gfhya ; Sfipil, 'throat, neck.']

grhyate ; grahayati, -te. gnsnia, m. summer.
1. grasp seize with the hand
; ;
hold ;

take ;
w. hastam or panim, take the hand g h a form of ghan,
i.e. han, in cpds.
(of the bride at the v.-edding), 89 ;
take 333.]
[153] [caksus

ghat a, m. a jar. connected, ca occurs: with the last only (e.g.

three parts, 13 17 2 , 31 44 71 8 , 72 10 ,
g liana, m. 1. slayer; 2. slaughter; , , ;

3. a compacted mass, lump 4. cloud. ;

83 15 ;
106 5 /our parts, 2
17 7
28 10 ; Jive
[\( ghan, i.e. ban cf <p6vo-s, : .
slaughter.'] parts, 2 ,
21 5 25 3 ) with
, ;
the last two (7 6- 7

g bar ma, m. warmth, heat. [\/2ghr: cf. 22 5 37 15 45 7

, , ;
77 12
) ;
sometimes after each,

*); very rarely after the jirst of a scries

for #(j)opij.6s, li&t.formus, 'warm.'] (29
V gnus (gh6sati, -te jugh6sa ; ; ghusta ; (26
21 22 ); various irregulcf combinations

-ghusya ; ghosayati). sound ;

make a on page 67 passim ; see a/so 21 20 N. ;

noise. 2. variously combined : w. eva (e.g.

V Ighi (jigharti; ghrta; gharayati). be- 13 21 ;

9 16 , II 9 , 14 15 ; 5 9 , 12 5 , 14 2 8 20
- -

15 16

sprinkle; be-drop; drip (trans.); ghrta, 25 4

30 u ),
and w. api (see examples under
see s.v. api) ; ca, tatha, ca, both ,
8 9
+ praty-abhi, cans, sprinkle over re- wise , and, 10 ; ca, a, both

peatedly. and ,
85 5 ; sa ca, often at beg. of clause
+ vy-a, sprinkle here and there. (e.g.
24 23 ;
so 34 1S
41 7
); -3. anyac ca,
V 2ghr, glow, be warm, in a-ghrni, 'glow- api ca, kim ca, tatha ca, joining two prov-

ing,' and gharma, tj.v. erbs of like drift, moreover, further, like-

ghrta, H. 1. butter, clarified and then wise ;

hardened, Anglo-Indian ghee, much used 4. otiose, 69 ; 5. connecting things

16 20
for culinary (cf. 68 *)
and religious (cf. contrasted: but, 8 ,
17 ,
18 '- :1

19 2 ;
88 ") purposes :
ajya, 'butter in a
cf. yet, I
3 20 ;
6. (even, concessively, i.e.)
' 12
melted state ;
2. butter or fat in general, though, 26 ; 7. (like Eng. and or an,
also as symbol of fruitfulness and abun- and Icelandic encla, 'moreover,' 'if') if

dance. [Vlghr, 'drip,' 1176a: for mg, cf. see ced ;

8. iv.
interrogatives, rendering
Eng. dripping, 'fat which falls in drops them indef., see ka, kim.
from meat in roasting.'] [cf. re, 'and'; Lat. que, 'and'; Goth, -h
ghrta-pagu, m. sacrificial beast made and Ger. -ch in ni-h and no-ch, the exact

of ghee. equivalents of Lat. ne-que, 'and not, nor':

ghrta-gciit, a. dripping with (ghee, i.e.) for ca8, cf. -re and -Ka in TTO-TE and Doric
' ' '
fatness. TTO-KU, at any time ;
Lat. quis-nue, any,
ghor&, a. awful; dreadful; horrid. each.']
a. having an evil eye.
ghor a- caksus, cakra, n. 1. wheel; chariot-wheel, wagon-
ghorakrti, a. having an awful form, wheel; 2. by synecdoche, wagon, in pitha-
[akrtij cakra. [prob. reduplicated form, ca-kra,
gh6sa, m. noise. [Vghus.] fr. \/*kr or *kl, 'roll,' cf. KU\LW, 'roll': w.

ghna, a. killing; destroying; removing. ca-kra, cf. KV-K\OS, #KF6-/cAos, AS. hweohl,
[\f ghan, i.e. han : see 21(3. 9.] hwedl, Eng. wheel. ]

ghnya, grdv. to be slain, in aghnya. [do.] V caks (caste [628]; cacakse; castum;
V ghra (jighrati [749a]; jaghraii; ghrata; -caksya). 1. appear; 2. look upon,
-ghraya; ghrayate; ghrapayati [1042d]). behold; 3. (cause to appear, i.e.) an-
smell ;
snuff at. nounce, tell, [reduplicated form of v'ka,
see 675 and lOSg 1 end.]
+ a, 1. look on; 2. show, tell, 63 .

ca ,
end. con/, and, also, re, que ;
1 a. is + vi, appear far and wide, shine.
found, esp. in the older literature, with both + sam, look upon, consider.
5 7
parts to be connected (e.g. 71 97 7 11 so '


; caksas, 1. perhaps adj. beholding, see

12 3 10 7 2
13 , 16 , 17 19 ,
38 ,
9 ); or only ivith ,
1296 3 end; -2. n. look; eye. [Vcaks.]
the latter, as is oftenest the case in the later caksuh-plda, f. eye-ache.
language (e.g. 2
1 7
3 8 8 8 82 8 84 16 98 16 )

, , ; , ; ; cdksusmant, a. possessing eyes. [1235.]

1 b. in case of three or more parts to be cdksus, n. eye. [Vcaks. 1154.1
cancala] [154]

cancala, a. moving to and
fro; trembling, or at all, 8 ;
see esp. 1 ka 2c, also katham,
[v/cal, 1148.4, w. in tens, reduplication, cf. kada, and kim. [cf. Lat. -quam and -can-
' ' '
1002b cf Kiy-Ka\-os,
: .
wag-tail Lat. ;
in quisquam, quicunque, any one Goth. '

quer-quer-us, shaking with fever chills.'] -hun in ni hvas-hun, ' not any one.']
c ancu , f. beak, bill. candra, a. shining, shimmering; as m. the
canaka, m. chick-pea. moon the moon-god,
[for c_candra, q.v.]
canda, a. impetuous; wrathful. candramas, m. the moon; the moon-god,
candala, m. a Chandala or man of the [orig. a descriptive cpd, stem candra-mas
most despised class of society (born of (383d 6), nom. candra-mas, and so with
C, udra father and Brahman mother), [cf. long a throughout, but transferred to the
canda.] as-declension (cf. 418).]
V cat (catant; catta; caus. catayati). get candra-varna, a. of shining hue. .

off ;
hide caus. drive away.
; V cam, sip, only with a.

catasr, fern, to catur. + a (acamati [745d]; acacama; acanta

catur [482d], num. four. [w. catvaras, cf. [955a] ; acamya ; acamayati). sip (water),
rerrapes, Lat. quattuor, Goth, fidvor, AS. i.e. rinse the mouth.

feower, ~Eng.four.~] camasa, m. beaker; cup, made of wood,

catur-aksa, a. four-eyed, [see 1300b.] square, and with handle. [Vcam, cf
caturtha, /. -i, a. fourth; -am, adv. the 1197.]
[catur, 487 .]
fourth time, campaka, m. Michelia Champaka, a tree

catur-yuga, n. the four ages. [1312.] with strong-smelling yellow blossom.

catur-varga, m. group of four. campakavant, a. abounding in Cham-
catur-vidha,a. of four kinds; four-fold, paka trees ;
as f. Champakavati, name of
[vidha, 1302c5.] a forest. [1233.]
catustaya, a. of four; as n. a collection V car (carati, -te; cacara, cerus, cere;
of four, a quaternion, [catur, 178 1245a.] :
acarit, acarista ; carisyati ; carita ; car-
catus-patha, m. n. place where four itum; caritva; -carya; caryate cara- ;

ways meet, quadrivium. [catur, 178, 187 :

yati, -te). 1. move, 77 12 ; go; wander;

1312.] wander about used of men, beasts, waters,


cat us-pad, a. quadruped; as n. s. collec- heavenly bodies; 2. (like Eng. proceed


tively, the four-footed beasts, [catur, 178 :

cf. Lat. pro-cedere, go on ') act w. ppl. ;

1300.] [1075b], go on, i.e. keep on (doing a thing),

catus-pada, f. -I, a. having (taken) four 96 u ; 3. (like Eng. go about, i.e.) under-

steps. take, set about; bhaiksam car, go beg-

catvara, m. n. quadrivium. [catiir.] ging, beg; undergo (troubles), 88 ; per-
catvar, strong form of catur, q.v. form (a vow, duty) observe (silence) ; ;

V can (acanit). be glad in gladden, [col- ;

commit (offense or injustice), 80 9 63 7 , ;

sasyam car, feed on corn, 34

lateral form of Vkan: cf. v'kan, kama, carita, ;

see s.v. [cf. vfpi-Te\-\o/LLfv<ai/ tviavriav, as
can a, adv.,
immediately following the em- years go round,' and Trfpi--ir\-o/^fi/uv eVzv-

phasized word. 1. not even; svapna TUV, as years went round,' with T before

cana, not even sleep, 79

2. w. pre- ;
a palatal and ir before a non-palatal also ;

ceding negation, even ; na devanam ati ird\-os, Milton's
turning sphere see

vratam, gatatma cana, jivati, not beyond also car + ud, and the younger collateral
the decree of the gods, (not) even if hun- form cal, and under cancala akin is also :

dred-lived, does one live, 88 *; hence, the Vkal.]

feeling for the negation in cana in such col- -fa n u move along after, follow.
locations becoming faint, 3. even, at all, + a p a go off, be absent.

w. interrogatives, emphasizing their indefinite + abhi, go against, trespass against; esp

sense ; na kim cana, not any thing even be unfaithful (of a wife).
[155] [Vcit

+ a, 1. move unto, approach, 86

2. caturmasya, n. a sacrifice to be made
go to (an undertaking), set about; and so, every four months, i.e. at the beginning
do, 10
64 ", 66 u practice (virtue); per-
, ;
of each of the three seasons, [catur +
form (vow); follow (rule); 3. proceed, masa, 1211.]
conduct one's acara, conduct.' self, cf. candrayana, n. with or without vrata,
+ ucl-a, rise up out of (abl.), 77 of the ,
the observance or lunar
moon. 6
penance, 65 N. [lit. 'connected o?- ac-

+ sam-a, proceed; do; perpetrate. cording with the moon's course,' candra
+ ud, go up, rise, ofthe sun; cans, cause + ay ana.]
to go out, evacuate, cf. uccara, evacua- carana, m. wanderer; csp. wandering
tion.' [cf. suryam uc-carantam w. tf\iov player or singer, [carana.]
the rising sun.'] car in, a. moving; observing; busying one's
+ upa, 1. come to; 2. come to, esp. self with. [J car.]
in order to serve, and so, attend, wait upon caru, a. gladsome; dear; pleasant; fair.

politely; proceed with, undertake.

3. [Vcan, q.v., 1192: cf. Lat. cd-rus, 'dear.']
+ para, move away from, 86 3 .
caru-hasin, a. sweetly laughing.
+ vi, move in different directions, spread V lei (cin6ti, cinute ; cikye' [787]; acet ;

over; of waters, overwhelm ; wander about; cesyati, -te ;

cita ;
cetum citva ; ; -citya ;

caws, cause to go hither and thither in ciyate). 1. arrange in order; pile up;

thought, balance, ponder. build ; construct, esp. the sacrificial altar ;

+ s am, go, walk, wander. active, if the priest builds for others,- middle,
car a, .
moving; as subst. animal (as dis- if the sacrijicer builds for himself; 2.

tinguished from plant). [Vcar.] gather together, collect get possession ;

car ana, 1. m.
foot; n. 2. as n. a wan- of.

dering. [V car : for 1, cf nayana.] . + ud, heap up, collect.

carita, 1. ppl. done; 2. as n. sing. + sam, gather together, collect; accumu-

[1176a], (like Ger. Wandel and Enrj. walk) late.

behavior; proceedings; deeds. [Vcar.] V 2ci (cayati, -te). 1. hate; 2. avenge,

carita-vrata, a. having his (marital) take vengeance on, punish, [cf. Arcadian

duty performed. airv-reita, Attic O.TTO-TLVUI, pay off,' cnrorivo-

care a, f. a going over, repetition (of a /nai,

get paid to myself, take vengeance,
word in a school-boy's Veda-recitation) ; punish,' -iroiv-fi, 'penalty.']
a troubling one's self about, [perhaps fr. V 3ci (ciketi; cikaya, cikyiis [~$~]; acet;
V car.] cesyati; cetum; -citya; ciyate). 1

carman, n. skin; pelt. notice, observe; 2. look, investigate,

carya, be accomplished; f. -a, [cf. Vcit.]

(like Eng. walk) way of life; a perform- + nis, (search out, i.e.) ascertain; deter-
ing,busying one's self with. [V car.] mine consider as certain or settled.

V carv (carvita, curna; carvitum). chew, + vi-nis, (look out this way and that,
crush with the teeth. i.e.) ponder, consider, 13 .

carsani, a. active, busy; as f. pi. busy + pari, investigate thoroughly, find out.
mortals, men, folk. [Vcar, 1159b end.] cikitii, prob. f. understanding. [Vcit,
V cal (calati ; cacala, celiis ; calisyati ; 1178c.]
calitA ; calitum). move ;
start off. cikitvit, adv. with understanding, [ci-
[younger form of Vcar, q.v. : cf. Kf\-eu6os, kitii, 1109.]
Lat. cal-lis, 'path.'] V cit (cetati, -te ; ciketa, cikite; acait ;

cal a, a. moving. [Veal.] citta cetayati, -te).

1. look at, notice ;

candala, m. a Chandala. [see candala observe consider ; ;

2. be intent upon,
and 1208f.] intend; 3. understand, know; perfect,
catana, a. driving away. [Vcat, caus.] ciketa, has understood, knows ; cikitvans,
cit] [156]

wise ;
caus. make to know, instruct, cinta-para, a. having sad thought as
[extension of V3ci: the Vcit shows an one's chief thing, sunk in sad thought.
intrans. aspect, 'be noticeable or bright,' [1302b.]
inketu cf V cint.] : .
cintavisa-ghna,a. destroying the poi-
+ pr a know. ,
son of sorrow.
cit, vbl. knowing. [V cit, 383a.] cintitopasthita, a. which approached
citi,/pile. [VI ci.] as soon as thought of. [lit.

thought of
citta, n. notice; thought; mind. [lit. and (immediately) at hand,' cintita +
'noticed,' Vcit, see 1176a.] upasthita, 1257.]
citta-pramathin, a. disturbing the cintya, grdv. to be thought of, compre-
mind. hensible. [V cint.]
citti, f. understanding; wisdom. [Vcit.] cir, a. long, of time; -am, -at, as adverbs
citra, a. 1.
noticeable, excellent; 2. [llllc, 1114c], long, for a long time.
clear; bright; bright-colored; of sounds, cira-mitra, n. an old friend.
clear, i.e. loud ;
3. variegated, 10 8 ; clt-kara, m. the sound cit, i.e. the bray-
varied ; 4. as n. a bright-colored thing, ing of an ass. [cit, onomatopoetic.]
a picture. [V cit, 1188.] cira, n. strip of bark or cloth; rag.
citra-gravas, a. whose praise is loud or V cud (c6dati, -te ;
acodit ; codayati,
whose fame is excellent. -te). drive on; speed; excite; caus. the

citra-stha, a, being in a picture ; same.

painted. + pra, caus. drive on; further; inspire.

citranga, m. Dapple-coat, name of a deer. V cur (corayati). steal.

[' having a variegated or mottled body : cur a,/ theft. [Vcur.]

anga.] cud a, f. tuft of hair left on the crown
cid, end. pel. 1. emphasizes, sometimes of a child's head after the ceremony of

very gently, the preceding word : even, tonsure.

78W.15. j ust> 74 2 ? 794. ygM cid, what cuda-karman, n. ceremony of tonsure,
very ones, 70 ; at least, 79 2. gen- ;
59 19 .

eralizes a pron. : y6 cid tang cid, what- curna, m. n. meal, powder, [v'carv: for
soever , unto all those, 91 10 ; so far mg, cf. pista.]
Vedic ; 3. in classical Skt., very common V curnaya (curnayati). powder, crush
w. an interr., rendering it indef. :
kag cid, fine ;
crush ;
smash, [curna, 1055.]
a certain; na ka cid, not any; see ka, V crt (crtati; cacarta ; crtta ; -cftya).
kad, kada, karhi, kva. [ace. s. n. of fasten together.
pron. root ka, ki (505), w. palatalization: + pra, loosen, untie.
lllla.] cetana, noticing; cetana, f. conscious-

V cint (cintayati, -te ; cintayam asa ; ness; mind. [Vcit.]

cintayisyati ; cintita cintayitva -cint- ; ; c6tas, n. consciousness; mind; heart.

ya). 1. think, reflect, have a certain [Vcit.]

thought; 2. set one's thoughts upon, ced ,
adv. never at beg. of sentence, claiise,
think upon or of, consider, turn one's at- or half-verse, if ; apodosis, if it
tention to ;
3. call attention to ;
make marked by tad (37 4 ), tatas (52 5 ), or not
an observation, 35 9 [younger form of . marked (32 21 etc.), or marked by
, -na, if
negative (18 ); na ced, if not, 52 ; no ced,
Vcit: cf. 255 and 240.]
+ vi, reflect. forms a shortened but complete clause, and if
+ s a m , think to one's self. not, 27 ". [ca + id, 1133 5 : see ca 7.]
cintana, n. a thinking upon. [Vcint.] V cest (cestati, -te ;
cic&sta ; cestita ;

cint a, f. 1.
thought; 2. esp. (like cestitum; cestitva). move the limbs;, anxious or sad thought; sorrow; bestir one's self ; be active ; act.
-3. plans, 43 .
[Vcint.] cest a , f. activity ; performance. [V cest.]
[157] [Vjan

cestita, ppl. performed; as n. s. [1176a], Eng. water-sAec?,

the divide between two
deeds. [V cest.] valleys.']
c6dana, n. an impelling; order; precept. + ud, 1. cutout; 2. destroy ; pass.
[Vend.] be cut off, fail, be lacking.
cauda, n. ceremony of tonsure, [cuda.] + vi, cut asunder; sever.
caura, m. thief, [cura.] chidra, n. hole ; defect ;
weak spot.
V cyu (cyavati, -te cucyuve; ; acyosta ; [v'chid.]
cyosyate; cyuta; cyavitum; cyavayati). chucchundari, m. musk-rat,
1. move, bestir one's self; 2. go off, cheda, m. cut; cutting off; failure, dearth
disappear 3. come to nought, 68
; ; [\lchid.]
4. fall (from, all.), 51 ;
5. set agoing,
undertake, moliri, 74 .
[akin, perhaps,
are f-trcreva, impelled/
and Sopv-acroos, ja, i'bl. born; born from; occasioned or
produced by; only in cpds. [vjan, 333:
+ pra, cans, move or lead onward. cf. ja, the older form, 354.]

jagat [450d], a. movable; as n. all that

moves, men and beasts, [v'gam: cf. 383b 3
V Ichad (channa; chadayati; chadayam end.]
cakre; chadita; chadayitva -chadya). ; jaghana, m. n. the hinder parts, the but-
cover cover over.
+ a cover over conceal, 25 10
, ;
jaghanya, a. hindermost ; last; lowest
+ pari, envelope, cover over. or worst, [jaghana, 1212d -4.]
+ pra, cover; clothe one's self with jangama, a. movable; as subst. all that

(instr.). moves, equiv. to the ancient jagat. [Vgam,

V 2 chad or chand (chantti; cacchanda ; 1148.4, cf. 1002b.]
acchan [890 2 chadayati [mgs 1, 2];
] ; j a n g h a f. lower half of the
, leg, from
chandayati [mg 31 chandayam asa ; ;
knee to ankle shin. [prob. ;
fr. v' 1 ha,
chandita). 1. appear, seem; 2. seem 'move/ 1148.4, cf. 1002b.]
good to, please; 3. (please a person, j at a, f. matted hair tangled locks. ;

ace., with a thing, instr., i.e.) offer a per- jathara, n. belly; womb. [akin are
son, ace., a thing, instr. [prob. ident. w. Goth. ~kil\>ei, 'womb/ AS. did, Eng.
gcand.] child.-]
chand a, m. pleasure; will. [V 2 chad.] V jan (jayate [772]; jajana, jajne[794d];
chala, m. n. (perhaps cover, i.e.) guise, ajanista ; janisyati, -te ; jata janayati, ;

disguise ; pretence, deceit, [perhaps fr. -te ; ajljanat). see 761b end, and 772.
VI chad.] 1. transitive, janayati and active forms :

chaga, m. goat. [for *skaga: cf. Ger- beget ; bring forth

generate or produce ; ;

manic skepo-, for #skeqo-, Ger. Schaf, AS. 2. intransitive, jayate and middle forms :

scedp, Eng. sheep.~] be born be produced come into being

; ; ;

chaya, f. shade ;
shadow ; image, [cf. be born again, 18 1 ; be, 86 2 jajne, natus

ffKid, shadow.'] est, ortus est ; jajnanas, children for ;

chaya-dvitiya, having one's shadow a.

jata, see s.v.
[cf. ye-yov-ws, 'born/ e-yev-
as second, accompanied by one's shadow. 'became'; Lat. genui, 'begat'; AS.
' '
[1302b.] cennan, beget, bring forth AS. cy/m, ;

C chid (chinatti; ciccheda; acchaitsit ; Eng. kin, race, family

AS. c//n-iny,

chetsyati ;
chinnA ;
chettum ;
chittva ; Eng. king, 'the man of (noble) kin' for
-chidya ; chidyate). 1. cut off; hew mg, cf. kulina w. kula2: cf. also jana
down ;
sever cut in two
; nibble ; ; 2. and jani.]
divide. [cf. o-x''^! Vo-xiS, 'split'; Lat. + abhi, pass, be born unto, be destined
scindo, scidi, 'cut'; AS. sceddan, 'divide,' unto from birth.
janaj [158]

+ a, caus. cause to be born for some one, V jas (jasyati; jajasa jasayati). be ex- ;

w. dot. hausted or tired to death caus. exhaust ; ;

+ upa, mid.
be born, arise. quench.
+ pra, mid.
be born; ca us. procreate. jasra, a. dying out. [Vjas.]
+ 8 am, mid.
be produced; samjata, hav- ja [352], vbl. born, at end ofcpds. [Vjan or
ing arisen. ja cf. ja, later form of ja.] :

jana, m. creature; man; person; in pi. V j a g r , same as \ 3 gr, see 1020.

(e.g. 40 16 ), and collectively in sing. (e.g. j ata , ppl. born ; grown ; come into being,
77 u ), folks; a people or race or tribe; present ; at beg. of cpds : arisen, existing,
daivya jana, heavenly race, the gods. manifest produced, aroused as n. a liv-
; ;

[Vjan : cf. ytvos, Lat. genus, Eng. kin, ing being ;

birth. [Vjan, 955b.]
race.'] jata-karman, n. birth-ceremony.
jana-pada, m. ( tribe-place, i.e.
district ; jata-rupa, a. having native beauty;
community. splendid ; -pa, n. gold.
jani [343c], f. woman; wife. [Vjan: cf. jata-vivasa, a. having arisen confi-

yw-fi, Eng. quean, 'woman': for mg, cf. dence, inspired with confidence.
jaya.] jata-vedas, m. Jatavedas, epithet of
janitra, n. origin. [Vjan, 1185d.] Agni. [perhaps, 'having knowledge of
janitva, n. wifehood. [jani.] all beings, i.e. of gods and men,' or, better,

janiman, n. production, creation. [Vjan, 'having all beings or things as his pos-
1168.2a.] session.']
jani,^ same as jani. jata-samkalpa, a. having a purpose or
j anus, n. origin ; ingenium, nature ;
crea- desire arisen, feeling a passion for another.
tion. [Vjan, 1154 .] jatamarsa, a. having anger aroused,
jantu, m. creature; man. [Vjan.] vexed, [amarsa.]
janman, n. birth; production; creature, jatavamana, a. having arisen contempt,
72 .
[Vjan.] filled with self-contempt, [avamana.]
V jap (japati; jajapa; ajapit; japisyati ; jati, f. birth; position or rank. [Vjan,
japita, japta; japitum ; japitva, japtva). 1157 '.]
say in under-tone ; mutter. jati-matra, M. mere rank, [see matra2,
jamad-agni, Jamadagni, a Rishi, m. and 1302c3.]
friend of Vi9vamitra, and foe of Vasish- j atu, adv. at all, ever; na jatu, not at all.
tha. [jamant, unclear see 1309 .] :
[Vjan, lllld: development of mg unclear.]
jambuka, m. jackal. jatersya, a. having jealousy aroused,
j ara ,
a. growing old, aging. [V jr.] jealous, [irsya.]
jarad-asti, a. long-lived, [jarant, see janu, n. knee. [cf. y6w, Lat. genu, Eng.
1299b end.] knee, whence kneel. ~\

jarad-gava, m. Old-bull, name of a vul- jamadagnya, a. of Jamadagni ;

as subst.
[jarant.] descendant of J.
[Jamadagni, 1211.]
j*ar ad-das a, m. old slave or servant, jaya,^ wife. [Vjan: for mg, cf. jani.]
[jarant.] jar a, m. paramour.
jarant, ppl. aging ; old. [V jr : cf ytpovr-a, .
jala, n. net.
old man.'] V Iji (jayati> -te; jigaya, jigy6 [787];
j a r a s , f. the growing old ; old age. [Vjr : ajaisit, ajesta; jayisyati, -te ; jesyati, -te ;

cf "fftpas, ' old age.']

jita;j6tum; jitva; -jitya). overpower;
jaritf, m. invoker; singer. conquer; win (battles); win by conquest
jala, n. water, [see V gal.] [cf. t'o, 'force,' &iaw, 'to force'; Lat. rir.
' '
jala-dhara, m. rain-cloud, [lit. 'water- *gvis, force : cf V jya.]

holder.'] + u d conquer be victorious.

, ;

j a 1 a 9 a y a ?. water-abode ; lake. [ac,aya.]

, + para, jxzss. be conquered.
[159] [Vjna

+ vi, mid, be victor; conquer (con- jlvin, a. living. [Vjiv.]

quests) ;
subdue. V jus (jusate, -ti; juj6sa, jujus6; ajosista;
V2ji (jin6ti). enliven; quicken; hence justa). taste, esp. with pleasure; relish;

[716], v'jinv. [for *gvi: cf. &ios, 'life': take pleasure in or accept graciously, [cf.
see also Vjiv.] yevo/*a.i, taste'; Lat. gits-tits, 'taste'; AS.

j ij nasa , f. investigation. [' effort to find ceosan, Eng. choose.]

out/ fr. desid. of Vjna, 1149 4 .] j list a, acceptable. a. [ppl. of Vjus, w.
jitapsaras, a. having the Apsarases accent altered as in dhurta.]
conquered, surpassing the Apsarases. juhu [356], f. sacrificial ladle for pouring
[apsaras.] the melted butter into the fire, cf. sriic.

jitendriya, a. having the senses con- [Vhu, 1147b-.]

quered, having the passions subdued. V ju (junati [728]; jujava [786 ]; jutd).
[indriya.] speed, intrans. and trans.; incite, inspire;
V jinv (jinvati; jijinva; jinvisyati ; jin- further, assist to. [cf. V2ji.]

vita). be lively, hasten; trans, quicken ; Vjr (

F. jarati ; later, jiryati, -te ; jajara ;

speed onward, [secondary root fr. V2ji, ajarit jirna [957b]). decay; grow frail

see 716.] or worn out or old. [cf jarant, old/ and .


jivri, a. old. [for jirvi, Vjr, 1193 .] ytpovr-a, 'old man'; jaraa and yrjpas,
jihva, f. tongue. 'old age.']

jihvagra, n. tip of the tongue, [agra.] J6gii [352], a. loudly singing; praising,
jimuta, in. thunder-cloud. [fr. intens. of Vgu, 1147b a 1002a.] ,

jlra, a. quick, [\f2ji, 1188: cf. Vjya.] J6sas, n. pleasure. [Vjus.]

jira-danu, a. having swift drops, swift jna, vbl. knowing, at end of cpds. [Vjfia,
dripping, i.e. well watered. 333.]
Vjiv (jivati, -te; jijlva, jijiv6 ; ajivit ;
V jna (janati, jamte [730]; jajnau, jajne ;

jivisyati, -te ; jivita jivitum jivitva

; ; ; ajnasit [911], ajnasta; jnasyati, -te ;

-jivya ; jivayati). live; be alive; caus. jnatA ; jnatum ; jnatva ; -jfiaya ; jna-
make alive, [see V2ji: cf. Lat. viv-ere, yate ; jiiapayati, -te, jnapayati, -te
' 2
live ;
AS. cwicu,
alive/ Eng. quick, [1042d ]; jnapta). know; have knowl-
alive, lively.'] edge of a person or thing recognize be- ; ;

+ anu, live after, be dependent on, live come aware of learn notice, [cf 6-7^01, ; ;

upon. Lat. co-gnovit, 'knew'; AS. cann, 'have

jiva, a. living; as m. the principle of life, learned, i.e. know, am able/ Eng. can;
the individual soul, 66 4 .
[Vjiv: cf. Lat. AS. ge-cndican, Eng. know."]
vlvus, 'alive.'] + sam-anu, wholly acquiesce in ; ap-
jivana, n. existence. [Vjiv.] prove ; give leave ;

jivana-hetu, m. cause of existence, i.e. + abhi, recognize; know.

means of subsistence. + praty-abhi, recognize.
jiva-pati or -patni, a. f. having one's + ava, look down upon despise. ;

husband yet alive, + a, attend to, notice; caus. command.

jiva-praja, a. having one's children yet + p a r i carefully observe , ;
find out.
alive, [praja.] + pra, know; esp. know one's way or

jiva-loka, m. the world of the living (as bearings or how to go to work; prajnata,
distinguished from that of the Manes), clearly to be known, well known.
86 18 23".
, + prati , recognize, allow ; promise ;

jivita, ppl. alive; as n. [1176a], life. [Vjiv.] affirm.

jivitavya, grdv. vivendum as ;

n. impers., + vi, distinguish; understand; know;
see 999. [Vjiv.] recognize; consider as; observe; find out;
jivita^a,/. the wish for life, hope to save pass, vijnayate, in stating a dogma, is
one's life, [aga.] well known or recognized (by good author-
jnati] [160]

ities) ;
caus. make any one know or un- jhalla, m. a cudgel-fighting athlete (de-
derstand ;
make a representation to, with scended from outcast Kshatriyas).
a request or question or proposal memo- ;

rialize ; interrogate.
m. kinsman; relative. cf. thio, a Prakrit form for sthito.
jnati, [Vjan:
Kaffi-ymriTos, brother-born.']
jnana, knowledge; wisdom; knowl-
n. esp. V dhauk (dhaukate; dudhaukS dhauk- ;

edge of the higher truths of religion and itd; dhaukayati). approach; caws, bring
philosophy. [Vjna, 1150.] near.
a. wise; possessing jnana ; under-
jnanin, + upa , bring to ; provide.
standing (what one reads), 68 [jnana.] .

j neya , grdv. to be known or considered as.

t a[495], pron. he, she, it, they ; that, those ;

or ji or jl both subst. and adj., I 15 , 3 8 9

V jya (jinati; jijyau [785];
; 1. correl.
ajyasit; jyasyati; jita). <; over- of ya, which usually precedes [512], 3 ,
power, [cf. 1 jya, 'power/ and Vlji, 9 18, 10 5, 22 5 29 15, 32 10 70 16 77 13 but sa
, , , ;

overpower.'] ya, 17
, 33 16, 73 9 ; otiose, 18 M ,
20 u ;

1 jya,/. superior power ; ftia. ; force. [ V jya : a pron. of the 1st or 2d

2. in connection w.

pers. : e.g. tarn tva Imahe, thee, who

cf .
j8/a, force.']
2 jya,/. bow-string, [cf. &i6s, 'bow.'] art such a one (as aforesaid), we beseech,

jyayans, a. stronger or superior; older. i.e. therefore we beseech thee, 76 13 cf. ;

[comp. of jya, being strong or superior,'

82 9 ; tebhyo nas bruhi, to us, who are
thevblof Vjya, 470 2 3 .] -
these (unsuccessful ones just described),
tell thou, i.e. do thou tell us then, 96 13 ;
V jyut (jytttsAi; -jydtya). light, [fr.

Vdyut.] similarly, w. a verb in the 1st or 2d pers.,

n 73 2
j yestha ,
principal ;jyestha, a. best ;
whose subject is not expressed, 69 ,,

first; oldest, [superl. of jya, the vbl of 76 12 - 17

95 13, 99*, 100*; -3. w. other
, 83 l

V jya, 470 3 see jyayans.] etasya, of this, 95 ;

pronouns: tasya
jyestha-prathama, a. having the old- yat tad tad, what (was) that that, ,

est as the first. 57 ; ya ta, whoever, anybody, 18*; ya
jyotis-kft, a. light-making. [jyotis: ya
ta ta, whoever that, 13 12 cf. 45 13 ; ;

187.] 4. attenuated in mg (like the Greek 6) to a

of te devas, the gods, 92 u;
jy6tismant, a. full light; light. simple article:
[jyotis: 184b.] sa bhimas, Bhima, 1 .
[w. sa, sa, tad,
jy6tis, n. light (of sun, dawn, etc.); as pi. cf. 6, 7], TO, Goth, sa, so, />ata, AS. se, seo,
the heavenly bodies ;
stars. [V jynt.] ^cet, 'he, she, it,' Eng. that; cf. also Lat.

jy6tsna,/. moonlight, [jyotis: cf. 1195.] is-tud, 'that.']

j ray a s, n. stretch; expanse. [Vjri.] V taks (taksati; tataksa, tatakse; ataka-

Vjri (jrayati). perhaps, go, stride; used It; tasta; -taksya). hew; work (wood);
only w. upa, stretch out to. make (of wood or other material) fashion. ;

V jval (jvalati, -te ; jajvala ; ajvalit ; [cf . taks-an and TCKT-WV, '

carpenter ;

jvalisyati ; jvalita ; -jvalya ; jvalayati, f-TfK-ov, 'produced'; Lat. tignum, 'log':

jvalayati, -te). burn bright; flame; caus. cf. Vtvaks and toka.]
kindle, make to fiame. taj-jivana, n. his subsistence, [tad.]
+ pra, caus. kindle. V tad (tadayati ; tadayam asa; tadita ;

-tadya). beat.
+ p a r i , strike ; pelt,
jhat-iti, adv. with a jhat, as quick as one tata, m. father. [cf. Terra, Lat. tata,
could say " boo." [jhat, onomatopoetic :
'papa': Eng. dad, though of similar
seell02a 2 mid.] make, has of course no direct connection.]
[161] [tadvacana
tatas, adv. 1. (as abl. of pron. root ta 3. so, in like manner, 19 ; or, simply
[1098], and synonymous w. tasmat) out of
8 13
conjunctive, also, likewise, 10 ,
12 , etc.;
it, 36 13 -2. from that (place), from
; tatha^eva, just so Middle Eng. al so, (cf.
there, 103 ;
thence ;
there ; itas tatas, i.e.), likewise, also, I
7 10 tatha ca, 18 20 , ; ,

here and there, hither and thither, 25 n , see ca 3 4. tatha^api, so even, even

2915,17. _3
f rom t h at (time), thereupon, under those circumstances, nevertheless,
22 11 u 17
2 then, very often, e.g. II , 20 , 56 ;
21 .
[pron. root ta, 497, 1101.]
correl. w. yad, 92
w. yada, 37 9 ; w. ced, ; t&tha-vidha, a. of such sort, in such

52 5
tatah prabhrti, from then on, 4 7 ,
condition, [tatha ( 1306 ) + vidha, 1302c 5.]
32 "; 4. therefore; 5. otiose, 47 n ; tad, 1. as nom. ace. s. n. to ta, see ta ;
52 ' 11
II ;
then, w. otiose tada, 3 , 4
. also in cpds and derivatives, see 497 ;

[pron. root ta, 497, 1098.] as adv. there tad, where

; yatra
tat-ksana, m. that moment; -am, adv. 103 18 ; -3. then, in that case, 27", 36 5 ;
in that moment, straightway, [tad.] ced tad, if then, 37 ; so yadi tad,
tat-tira, n. its bank, [tad.] 37 ;
tad yad, then
when, 71 ; sim-
tattva, (that-ness, i.e.) essence, real
n. ply continuative : tat ko vrtras, who then
condition or state of a thing, [tad.] is V., 97 so 24 2 ; ; 4. in this way, i.e.

tattva -jna, a. knowing the essence or 8

therefore, accordingly, 18 , 19
13 22
, 27 u, -

the truth or what's what. 6

etc.; yad tad, since therefore, 17 ;
tat-para, a. having that as highest ob- so yatas tad, 37 .
[cf 495.]

ject ; given over to, intent upon, [tad.] tad-anga, n. his person.
tat-pargva, n. his side, [tad.] tad-anantara, a. immediately adjoin-
tat-prahrsta, a. pleased with that. ing that; -am, adv. [1311], immediately
[tad.] after that thereupon. ;

tzitra, adv. 1. (as synonymous w. loc. of tad-abhimukha, a. turned towards

tad in all numbers and genders) in or among him; -am, adv.
[1311], towards him.
or on this or these or them, 13 7 , 21 8 , 38 n , tad-abhivadin, a. signifying that.
57 '"; in this matter, 37 8 herein, 98
; ; tad-ardhika, a. amounting to or lasting
-2. there, often, e.g.
2 8, 5 6 ; thither, 6 6 ,
half of that.
II , etc.; correl. w. yatra, 24 4 3. on ; tada, adv. at that time; then, 2 20 ; in that
that occasion, in that case, then, 4 1 , 14 22 , case ;
often otiose in Epos, 3 ; so after
40 1 [pron. root ta, 497, 1099.]
tatas, 3 4 9 yada
, tada, when
; then,
tatra-stha, a. abiding there. 26 n ; yada yada tada tada, whenso-
tat-samnidhana, u
n. his presence, ever then, 31 ; yadi tada, if then,
[tad.] 25 [pron. root ta, 497, 1103.]

tat-sapatni,/. her co-wife, [tad.] tad-akrti, a. having the appearance of

tat-samipe, adv. near him. [tad: see them (i.e. of Picachas).
samlpa.] tad-ajna,y! his (the moon-god's) com-
tat-sahacarin, a. accompanying him. mand.
[tad.] tadahara-vartman, n. the way of that
tatha, adv. 1. so, thus, II ,
24 16 ;
in food, [tad-ahara.]
this way, 99 ;
w. yatha, yatha regularly tad-ipsita, a. desired by those two.
preceding: yatha tatha: as so, 21 ,
tadlya, a. pertaining to him, her, it, of
61 6, 77"; in order that 16
thus, 30 , 37
them; such,
[tad, 497.]
but tatha yatha, so as, 22 13 43 20 , ; tad-upadea, m. his advice.
yatha yatha tatha tatha, to what tad-grha, n. his house.
degree to that degree, the more tad-bhaya, m. fear of it or them.
the more, 48 14 ; in one way
yatha tatha, tad-bhasa,/ that language.
or another, 62 9 ;
2. particle of assent, so tad-rasa, m. the essence of it.
be it, yes,4
8 6 48 12 94 5
, , ;
that is so, 52 16
; tad-vacana, n. his words.
tadvat] [162]

tad -vat, adv. in this way, so; likewise, tantu, m. thread, 89 *;

metaphorically, of
[tad: 1107.] the thread, i.e. course, of a sacrifice.
tad-vid, a. knowing that; as m. connois- [VI tan.]
seur or judge. tantra, n. thread;
warp of a web; Jig.
tad-vrksa, m. that tree. fundamental doctrine division of a work. ;

tad-vrddhi,/. the interest of them. [VI tan.]

V Itan tatana, tene V tand (tandate). relax, grow weary.
(tan6ti, tanute ;

[794e] ;
tata tantum
atanit tandra,/ fatigue. [Vtand, 1188c.]
; tansyate ; ; ;

tatva ; -tatya tayate [772]). 1. tandrita, a. wearied,

; only w. a-, [tand-
stretch, trans, and intrans. ; extend, reach ra, 1176b.] ;

spread over 2. continue, endure, 79; tannimittam, -ena, see nimitta. [tad.] ;

3. stretch (a weft or a line); continue tanyatii, m. thunder. [v2tan.]

(the line of a family) 4. metaphorically, ; V tap (tapati, -te ; tatapa, tepe [794e] ;

of sacrifice and supplication (which are atapsit ; tapsyati ; tapta ; taptum ; tap-
compared with a weft), perform, make, tva; -tapya; tapyate, tapyate [7Glb^).
1. be warm
' '

[cf rdvufuu,
. stretch ; Lat. tenere, hold,' burn, intrans. ;
; 2. heat ;

tendere, stretch ; AS. \>enian, Ger. dehnen,

make glowing; burn, trans.; 3. Jig. (like
' '
stretch : see also tanu.] Vuc), distress, pain 4. pass, suffer; ;

+ a, spread over; overspread (esp. with suffer voluntarily, castigate one's self, do

light), beshine; stretch (a bow). penance, [cf. Lat. tepere, AS. \>ejian,
+ pari, stretch around; surround; en- warm.']
velope. + upa, heat; become sick; sicken, used
+ vi , spread out, cover
stretch out ; ; impers., w. ace. of the person, 101

vitata, stretched, hung, dependent, 92". - sam, heat ; pain.

+ s am, hold together, intrans.; bind to- tapah-prabhava, m. efficacy of devo-

gether ;
make continuous ; samtata, (just tion.
like Lat. con-tinens) uninterrupted. tapas, n. 1. heat, fire; 2. voluntary
V 2 tan (tanyati). resound. [cf. r6i>os, suffering (see tap 3, 4), self-castigation,
' '
tone ; Lat. tonare, ' thunder ; AS. noun self-torture (64
), mortification, asceti-

thunder/ whence denom. verb cism, devotion. [Vtap.]
\ninrian, Eng. thunder; AS. \>unres dceg, tapasvant, a. full of devotion; pious.
Eng. Thurs-day, 'day sacred to the Old [1233a.]
Germanic god of the thunder-storm, >onar tapasvin, a. the same. [1232.]
' '
or Thor : see tanyatd, thunder.'] tapo-ja, a. asceticism-born, whose ele-

tanu, f. [344
] tanu, tanu, tanvi, a. thin, ment is asceticism, [tapas.]
tenuis, slender; tanu or tanu [decl. 356], V tarn (tamyati, -te [763]; tatama; atam-
3 18
as subst. f. body, 56 89 , ; person ; one's at; tant [955a]). become darkened, of
own person, self, used like atman [514] as the eye become powerless, deadened,

reflexive pron., 73 12 ,
78 12 ;
outward form stupefied, or inactive,
numb, [orig. mg,
or manifestation, 84 u .
[prop, 'stretched prob., 'be dark/ see tamas: cf. tamisra,
' '

out, thin/ VI tan: cf. raw-, 'extended, darkness/ Lat. tenebrae, ttemsrue, dark-
ness/ Old High Ger. dinstar, dark Old '

long/ in cpds ;
Lat. tenuis, Eng. thin, Ger. ;

dtinn, 'thin.'] High Ger. demar, 'dusk/ Ger. ddmmern,

tanu-trana, n. body-cover, 34 .
become twilight/ but not Eng. dim.']
tanu-madhya, a. having a slender mid- tamas, n. 1. darkness; 2. spiritual

dle, i.e. slender-waisted. darkness, infatuation ; 3. darkness as

tanu-tyaj, a. abandoning the body, risk- one of the three pervading qualities of all

ing life, brave. existence, see gunaS. [Vtam.]

tanti, f. cord; esp. a long line to which tamo-nistha, a. resting or founded on
calves are tethered by means of short darkness.
ropes ; tanti, the same. [V 1 tan.]
[163] [tiryaktva

tamo-nuda, a. darkness-dispelling. tadfg, a. such, [see 518: for declension,

tamo-bhiita, a. dark, enveloped in dark- see dfg.]
ness, [lit.
become darkness,' tamas : t a elf 5 a, a. such, [see 518.]
1273c.] tap asa, m. ascetic, [tapas.]
tar a, m. crossing, passage. [Vtr.] tamaaa, dark; pertaining to darkness

taram-ga, m. wave; wave as subdivision or the guna called tamas. [tamas.]

" 13
of a work entitled ocean," 56 , cf. 45 x.
tayii, m. thief, [cf. stayii.]
which goes crossing the water
tar a,/, star, [form of transition to the '

taram, grd of V tr, 995, cf 1250a.] a-declension (399) from tf, see under .

tarani, a. pressing onward. [Vtr, 1159b.] stf.]

taru, m. tree. [prob. a modern form of t a v a c - c h a t a f. -I, a. having 07- embrac- ,

daru, q.v.] ing so many hundreds, [tavant (1249a)

taru-kotara, n. tree-hollow. r ata.]
taruna, a. young; tender; -ka, n. sprout, tavat-krtvas, a dr. so many times,
[cf .
Tspriv, tender, fine.'] [tavant, 1249a.]
taru-tale, under the tree, see tala. tavant [457], 1. adj. so great; so much;
V tark (tarkayati [1041
] ; tarkayam so many, 105
; extending so far, 101 9

asa tarkayisyati tarkita ; tarkayitum
; ; ; lasting so long, 58 ;
correl. w. yavant,
tarkayitva; -tarkya). 1. think over, 101 ,
105 4 ;
2. tavat, as adv. so much;
16 13
-2. form an idea to such an extent, 95 u
13 ; reflect, 13 ;
of. so far ;
so long ; ;

[orig. mg, 'turn,' and so (like Lat. volvere for a while, 19 l ; yavat tavat : as long
animo), 'turn over or revolve in one's as so long, 15 6 , 32 , 40 :i 18
when then,
' '
mind : cf tarku, .

spindle ; rpeTr-co, Lat. 44 15 just as ; then, 22

tavat yavat, ;


turn ;
Old High Ger. drahsil, so long as, 19
42 3 3. at once; now, , ;

turner,' Ger. drechseln,

turn.'] 24 20 34 6 53 17 ; -3a. w. 1st per s. pres. ind.,

, ,

+ p r a form a conception of.

, first, before doing any thing else, at once,
tar hi, adv. at that time; then; yadi 20 18 ,
23 8 , 38"; - 3b. w. imperative: at
tarhi, if then. [pron. root ta, 497, 1103c.] once, 24 ;
tatas or pagcat, first
tala, m. n. 1. surface; -tale, at end of then or afterwards, 27 18 38 4 4. con- , ;

17 n
cpd, eouiv. simply to on, 6 , 46 2. the ;
cessively,iha samaye, tavat, in this case,
surface or place under an object, e.g. a one must admit, 41 10 5. emphasizing, ;

tree ; -tale, at end of cpd, equiv. simply to like eva, what precedes, 30 4 25 T [pron. ,

under, 34
43 8 ;
3. sometimes otiose in root ta, 517.]
cpds, e.g. nabhas-tala, sky-surface, i.e.
sky. tigma, a. sharp. [Vtij, 216.5.]
talpa, m. couch; bed. [for *star-pa, Vstr, V tij (tejayati; tejayam asa ; tejita). be
1201 end : for mg, see under str.] sharp, [orig. *stig : cf. arifa, prick/

' '
-vari, a. lying on beds. Lat. in-stlgdre, prick on ;
' '

talpa-givan,/ ffrly-fta., prick ;

[1169.2*.] Eng. stick, 'to pierce.']

tavisa, a. powerful. [Vtu, 1197b.] tithi, m.f. a lunar day (of which there are
taskara, m. robber. 15 in a half-lunation).
t asm at, adv. from this (cause), hence; tiras, 1. prep, through; across; 2. as
therefore ; yad tasmat, since there- adv. aside; w. kr
crossways, sideways;
fore. [pr6n. root ta, 1114a.] [171 , 1078*], put aside, treat disrespect-
tat a, used in voc. s., to a father, but gen-
m. fully, scold.
[V tr, cross
cf Lat. trans, : .

erally to a junior or an inferior, my dear.


[cf. tata.] tiras-kara, . a scolding. [V kr + tiras :

t aditna ,
rtV then, [perhaps instr. (
11 12d )
171 :i


of *taditna, and this f r. *tadi-tna, '

of that tiryaktva, n. condition of a beast,

time,' and this fr. *tadi (1245e), correl. of [tiryak, middle stem of tiryanc, 1249a:
yadi.] 1239.]
tiryanc] [164]

tiryanc [409d], 1. a. directed across; tolita; -t61ya). 1. raise up; 2. esp.

horizontal; 2. as subst. m. n. beast (going raise up a thing so as to find its weight;

horizontally, as opposed to man, who walks weigh ;

3. counterpoise ;
4. equal,
' '
3. ace. s. n. tiryak, mg, bear, i.e. hold in the cog-
upright urdhva) ; [orig. up :

as adv. across, [tiras or tir, w. ane, 409d ' '

nates, the mg bear, i.e. endure appears :

' '
tir, like tiras, is akin w. Vtr.] cf. Lat. tul-i, endured Goth. \>u/-an,

til a, m. I. the sesame plant, Sesamum Eng. thole, 'endure'; Ger. Ge-dul-d, 'en-

indicum; 2. its seed, which is eaten, durance also e-rA.Tj-j', bore,' iroAu-rAd-s,

and furnishes good oil. '

much enduring '
; Lat. Idtus, *tla-tus,
tisr, fern, to tri, see 482c. borne.']
tir a, n. shore or bank. [prop, 'place of t u 1 a , f. balance ; weight; equality. [Vtul:
crossing or going into the water,' Vtr.] cf. Anglo-Indian tola, about 180 grains
V tu (taviti [633]; tutava [786*]). have troy : cf rd\avrov,
balance, weight.']
' '

power ; be strong, grow tulya, a. keeping the balance with equal

[orig. swell, :

cf. rv-\i], 'swelling, lump,' Corcyraean to; like, [tula, 1212d4 end.]
rv-/j.o-s, mound'
AS. \>uma, '
the big tulyakrti, a. having like appearance;

(finger),' Eng. thumb; further, tiim-ra, alike, [akrti.]

' ' '
fat, strong ;
Lat. tum-ulus, mound,' tuvl, a. in cpds. mighty; much; many.
tum-or, 'swelling.'] [Vtu, 1155.]
td., pel. never at beg. of sentence. 1. w. tuvi-badha, a. distressing many (ene-
imperative, pray; 2. in sooth, 78 10 ; 3. mies) or besetting (them) sore.
12 13 10
but, 8 , 26 , 34 ,
etc. ; on the other hand, tdvismant, a. mighty, [tuvis.]
20 * ;
tu on the one hand
tu, on the tuvis, n. in derivs. might. [Vtu, 1153.]
16 "
other, 2 ;
so % '

tu, tu, 60
na tv V tus (tiisyati, -te; tut6sa; tusta; t6s- ;

eva tu, but by no means, 63 10 64 3 ; ka- tum; -tiisya; tosayati). become quiet; ,

mam tu na tu, see kamam kirn tu, be satisfied or pleased ; cans, satisfy ; ;

nevertheless, 39 ;
used loosely: as
4. gratify.
equiv. to ca, 58 l ; often as a mere expletive + sam, caus. satisfy.

[1122a], e.^.4
64 13b .
tusti.y^ satisfaction.
tu, pron. root of2ndpers ,
see tvad. tusnim, adv. silently, in silence, [prob.
tuc, / progeny, [cf. toka.] fr. an obsolete *tusna, 'silent,' Vtus,
V tud (tudati; tut6da; tunna). strike; HIM.]

push, [cf .
The Hammer, Martel ;
V tr (tarati, -te; tirati, -te; tatara, teriis
' '
Lat. tundo, tu-tud-i, strike, struck ;
Goth. [794e] ; atarit ; tarisyati, -te ;
tirna ;

stautan, Ger. stossen,

strike.'] tum ;
-tirya ; tarayati).;
1. cross

+ a, strike at, pick at. over (a water, the sky); 2. get across or

V tur (turati, -te). press onward swiftly to the end get through, escape ; survive,


[subsidiary form of Vtr (242) and allied [cf. rtpfjiuv, Lat. terminus, ' boundary :

w. Vtvar.] see Vtra and tiras for treatment of root-


1 turd, a. 1. swift, esp. of horses; -am, vowel, see 242.]

as adv. swiftly, in turaihga ; 2. quick, -fava, descend, esp. from heaven to
ready, willing, 78". [Vtur.] earth come down, esp. of divine beings

2 tur a, a. strong, mighty, 78

[Vtu, who become incarnate as men alight be- ; ;

1188.] take one's self to caus. take down or off. ;

turamga, m. horse. ['swiftly going,' + u d come up out of the water.


turam + ga, see 1 tura : for mg, cf. + abhy-ud, come out of the water unto,
khaga.] cross the water unto, 89*.

turiya, a. fourth, [for *ktur-ia :

catiir, + pra, take to the water; start on.
487 5, 1215.] -t-vi, cross through ;
V tul (tolayati; tola yam asa ; tolayisyati; tr, m. star, see sir.
[165] [trikala

trc d m. ,
n. strophe of three stanzas, [tri + tyaktajivita-yodhin, a. bravely fight-
're, 243, 1315c.] ing. [1279.]
trna ,
n. grass, [of. (6p6va = ) rp6va, 'flowers, \f
tyaj (tyajati, -te ; tatyaja, tatyaj6 ;

' '
herbs ; Eng. thorn ; Ger. Dorn, thorn.'] atyaksit; tyaksyati, -te; tyakt; tyak-
trtiya, a. third, [fr. tri, through trita, tum; tyaktva; -tyajya; tyajyate; tyaj-
243, 487 : cf. rpi-ros, Lat. ter-tius, Eng. ayati). 1. withdraw from ; leave in the

thir-d, Ger. dri-tte,

third.'] lurch ; abandon (dove, goat, tree) 2. re- ;

V trd (trnatti, trntt6 ; tatarda, tatrde' ;

nounce (passions, use of a language) ;

trnna; -tfdya). split; bore; open. relinquish (exertion) ; lay aside (a certain
+ anu, bore after (waters), release, make form, an earthly body) set aside, i.e. risk ;

flow. (life), [cf. <re&onai, 'shrink back from in

V Itrp (tfpyati, -te [761a]; tatarpa; atrp- awe, revere.']
at; trapsyati; trpta; -tfpya; tarpayati). + pari, leave to one's fate (a jackal);
be satisfied; become content; cans, sat- abandon; leave (one's party); relinquish
isfy, please ;
nourish, [cf repTrw, .
satisfy, or give up (play, food, affairs) ; pari-
please,' rpe'^w, 'nourish.'] tyakta, (abandoned by, i.e.) separated
+ a become content or glad.
, from, 66 .

V 2trp, steal, not actually occurring in vbl tyaj, vbl. abandoning, w. tanu-. [Vtyaj.]
forms, but rendered probable by the deriv. tyajya, grdv. to be abandoned. [Vtyaj,
trpu, thief,' the cpds asu- and pagu-trp,

and by the Avestan Vtrf, 'steal.' tray a, a. triple, threefold, 57 ;
as n. triad,

V trs (tfsyati; tatarsa ; atrsat; trsita; triplet, rpias. [tri, 489 *.]
tarsayati). be thirsty. [cf. repa-opai, V tras (trasati; tatrasa, tatrasiis, tresiia
'become dry'; Lat. torret, *tors-et, 'grows [794e ] ;
atrasit ; trasisyati ; trasta).
Eng. noun

dry, scorches ;
thirs-t ; Ger. tremble fear, [cf rpew, TpeV-tre, tremble,

' ' '

dorr-et, grows dry also Lat. ; terra, *ters-a, trembled '; Lat. terreo, affright '; a-trastas
'the dry (land).'] and &-rpe<TTos, unterrified.']
trsa,/. thirst, [v'trs.] trasadasyu, m. Trasadasyu, a generous

tfsna,/. thirst. [Vtrs, 1177a.] prince, the favorite of the gods, and de-
tejas, n. 1. sharpness, edge; 2. tip of scended from Purukutsa. [perhaps for
6 '
flame or ray gleaming splendor, 1
fire ; ; trasad-dasyu, affrighting the evil beings,'
3. 10
(splendor, i.e.) beauty of person, 8 ff.; see 1309 4 v'tras.]

4. (like Eng. fire, i.e.) energy, vigor,power; v' tra (trati, trate [628]; trayate [761c] ;

5. moral or magic power, 11 23 influence, ;

tatr6 ;
atrasta ; trasyate ;
trat& ;
8 6 4
dignity, 95 majesty, I 2 [Vtij: ob-
; ,
tum; tratva). protect; rescue; rescue
serve that a.K/j.-f) has mgs 1 and 4.] from, w. abl. [collateral form of Vtr
t&na, adv. in that way, 47 ; so; therefore, ('get through or across'), w. a caus. mg,
18 7 , etc.; yatas
tena, or yad or yena 'bring through or across (trouble).']
8 6
for the reason that , therefore, 30 , 57 , tratr, m. protector, saviour. [Vtra.]
64 9 [pron.
. root ta, 1112a of like deriva- :
trasa, m. terror. [Vtras.]
tion and mg is r<p.] trasadasyava, m. descendant of Trasa-
tail a, n. sesame oil. [tila, 1208fi end.] dasyu, 87 .
[trasadasyu, 1208c.]
toka, n. creation, progeny, [cf. Vtaks and tri [482c], num. three, [cf. rpris, rpia, Lat.
Vtvaks, and tiic.] tres, tria, Eng. three, Ger. drei, three.']
t o r a n a n. arched portal arch.
, [' passage,' ; tringat [485], /. thirty, [cf. tri.]

Vtur, subsidiary form of Vtr, 'cross, pass.'] trikadruka, m. pi. perhaps designation
tya [499a], pron. that; that well-known (like of certain Soma-vessels, three in number,
Lat. ille). [cf tri
. and kadru.]
tyakta-jivita, a. having life set aside, tri-kala, n. the three times, present, past
risking one's life, brave. and future, [kala, masc. :
trikalajna] [166]

trikala-jna, a. knowing present, past, tvad [491], so-called stem [494] of 2d pers.
and future ; omniscient, pron. thou ;
see tvat. [w. the real root tu,
tri-daga [declined like kama, 330], m. pi. cf. Doric TV, Lat. tu, AS. "Sii, Eng. thou,
the three times ten, the thirty, a name in
Ger. du, thou.']
round numbers for the 33 deities 12 Adit- (
V tvar (tvarate; tatvare; turna [cf. 957b],
yas, 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, 2 A9vins), i.e. the tvarita; tvarayati). hasten; tvarita,
gods, [tri + daga, 477c cf tringat.] : .
having hastened, in haste, [see Wtur, tr.]

tridagegvara, m. pi. lords of the gods, tvara,/. haste. [Vtvar.]

i.e. the four chief gods, Indra, Agni, Va- tvastr, m. 1. wright, workman, 75 ;

runa, and Yama. [Igvara.] Twashtar, the artificer of the gods

tri-diva,n. the triple or third i.e. highest (70 ), former of fruit of the womb, giver
heaven, [div, 1315c : 1312 3 .] of growth and long life (86
), father of
tri-dhatu, a. having three parts, tri-par- Saranyu (85 ). [V tvaks, 221.]
tite, threefold, [acct, 1300c.] tvavant, a. like thee. [tva, 517.]
tri-pada, / -I, a. having (taken) three tvastr a, m. descendant of Twashtar.

steps. [tvastr.]
tri-ratra, space of three nights, tri-

noctium. [ratri, 1316b, 1312

3 4
cf. the -
: da ,
vbl giving, in cpds. [V 1 da, 333, 354.]
Eng. usage in sen-night, fort-night.] V dang or
dag (dagati [746]; dadanga ;

tri-vidya,y. the three sciences, i.e. Vedas. dagisyati dasta danstva; -dagya). ; ;

[1312 .]
bite. [cf. SaKvca, 'bite'; Goth, tahjan,
tri-vidha, a. of three sorts, threefold. rend, tear.']
[vidha, 1302c 5 :
acct, 1300c.] danga, m. gad-fly. [Vdang.]
tri-vft, a.
threefold, tri-partite. ['turn- danatra, m. large tooth; tusk; fang.
ing thrice, with three turns.'] [Vdang, 1185b.]
tri-veda, in cpds and derivs. the three danstrin, a. having tusks or large teeth,
Vedas. [1312 .] [danstra.]
tri-aavana, a. pertaining to the three V daks (dakaati, -te ; dadakae; dakaia-
Soma-pressings ; -am, adv. at morning, yate). act. suit; mid. be able or dexterous

noon, and evening, [savana.] or strong, [cf. daksa and daksina.]

tris, adv. thrice, [see tri: cf. rpis, I^nt.ter, daksa, a. able, dexterous, strong; as m.
' '

*ters, thrice Eng. thrice is a gen. form,

power; esp. spir-
ability, faculty, strength,

cognate in root only.] itual power, will; daksa and kratu, will

traividya, n. study of the three Vedas. and understanding (as faculties of the
manas, soul '). [V daks cf Sei6s, clever,
' '

[trividya.] : .

traivedika, a. relating to the three right,' and daksina.]

Vedas. [triveda, 1222e2.] dakaina, a. 1. clever, able; and so

try-adhiathana, a. having three mani- 2. (as opp. to awkward, gauche), right,

festations. of the hand, hasta, 102 n so
e.g. ; pani,
tva, pron. stem qf2dpers., see tvad. 60 5 ; foot,pada, 60
side, pargva, 102
; ;

V tvaks, work, principally in derivs., and 3. southern (because in prayer the face
ident. w. taka. is turned eastward:cf. uttara3), 105 ;

tvac, /. skin. sc.agni, southern fire, 102 N. 4. as f., ;

t v a j - j a r a m. thy paramour,
, [tvad, 494.] daksina, sc. go, the able, i.e. fruitful cow,
tvat, abl. of tva, and used in place of tva milch cow; milch cow as the customary
in cpds :
by Hindus written tvad, q.v. reward for conducting a sacrifice then, ;

[494.] 5. in general, any reward or present for

tvat-krte, for the sake of thee. [1314f, the sacrificing priest, see 106 5 so 95 2> 3 ; ;

1130 : tvat represents the stem tva, and see also adv. daksina. [Vdaka: cf.
' '
in gen. relation.] , Lat. dexter, clever, right ;
[167] [Vday

taihsva, right hand

from daksina in '
: dant [396], m. tooth. [cf. bUvra, Lat
mg 3, comes Deccan, name of the country dentem, Goth. tun\>us, AS. toft, Eng. tooth,
south of Hindustan, lit.
the South.'] Old High Ger. zand, Ger. Zahn, 'tooth.']
daksina-pacjcima, a. southwesterly. dant a, m. tooth, [dant, 399.]
daksina-purva [525*], a. southeasterly. V dabh or dambh (dabhati ; dadabha,
daksina, adv. southerly ;
toward the dadambha, debhus adabhat dabdha ; ; ;

[daksina: acct, 1112e.] dabdhum). harm with guile hurt deceive. ; ;

daksinagni, m. the southern fire, 103


dabh a, m. deception. [Vdabh.]
cf. 102 2 N. Vdam (damyati [763] ; danta [955a] ;

daksinapara [525 ], a. southwesterly, damitva; -damya damayati). 1. be ;

[daksina + apara.] tame 2. tame

; conquer become mas- ; ;

daksina-pravana, a. sloping to the ter ;

control. [cf .
8a/j.d(a, Lat. domdre,
south, [daksina, adv.]
tame ; Eng. tame, Ger. zahm, tame.']

daksinabhimukha,a. facing southerly, dam, n. house. [cf. 8, 'house': see

[daksina (adv.) + abhimukha.] under dama.]

daksinayana, n. south-course (of the da ma, m. n. house, home. [cf. S6fj.os, Lat.
sun), or the half-year from the summer to domus,
house, home : it is not certain
the winter solstice, [daksina -f ayana.] whether dama comes from Vdam and so

daksinaranya, . the southern forest means 'the place where one is mas-

(a forest in the Deccan). [daksina + ter, one's Gebiet,' or whether it is to be

aranya.] connected w. Sf/j.<a, 'build': in the latter

daksinavant, a. abounding in gifts to case, would mean lit., like Ger. Ban, a

the priests, i.e. (from the point of view of building,' and should be connected w. AS.
the priests) pious, [daksina: see dak- timber, *tem-ra, 'building-material, a build-
sina 5.] ing,'Eng. timber, 'building-material,' Ger.
dagdha, a. 1. burned; 2. pained, tor- Zimmer, 'building-material, a building, a
tured ; 3. wretched, good-for-nothing, room.']
cursed, damned, [ppl. of V dah : for mg 2, dama, 1. a. conquering, at end ofcpds;
cf. Vcuc.] as m. Dama, i.e. Victor, name of a

dagdhodara, n. one's cursed belly, son of Bhima; 3. self-control. [Vdam:

[dagdha + udara.] cf. 'l-7nr6-Sa/j.os, 'Horse-tamer,' etc.]
danda, m. stick; staff (of Brahman), 59 M ;
da man a, a. conquering, at end
mace, 97 ;
rod as symbol of dominion cpds ; 2. as m. Damaua, i.e. Vincent, name
and punishment, [cf SevSpoy,.
tree.'] of a priestly sage, and of a son of Bhima.

danda-bhaya, m. fear of the rod. [Vdam: cf. Lat. dominus, 'master.']

and in, a. bearing
<l a staff; as m. warder, damayanti, f. Damayanti, i.e. Victoria,
[danda.] name of Bhima's daughter. [' conquering
datta, a. given; as m. (a son) given (by (men),'fr. Vdam, 1043.5.]
his parents to others for adoption) com- ; dam-pati, m. master of the house; as
mon at end of proper names, esp. of Vaiqyas. dual, master and mistress, man and wife;
[ppl. of Vlda, 955c.] pair, [acct, 1267a.]
dadrh, a. firm;dadhfk, ace. s. n., as adv. dambha, m. deception. [Vdabh.]
firmly. [Vdrh.] V day (day ate day am ; asa ; dayita).
dadhan [431], n. sour milk; curds, [orig., 1. part; allot; 2. take part in; sym-

milk,' f r. V 2 dha.] pathize with have tender feeling for
; ;

d a d h i supplementary stem
to dadhan. love dayita, loved, dear ; as f., -ta,

dadhi-karna, m. Curd-ear, name of a wife. [for 1, cf. Kpta Saiero, 'parted,

cat. ['having curd-ears, i.e. ears as white carved the meat'; for 2, cf. Salerat faop,
as curds.'] 'heart is divided or takes part in (?), i.e

dadhfk, see dadrh. sympathizes.']

daya] [168]

daya,/ sympathy ; compassion. [V day .] . dagdhva ; -dahya; dahyate). 1. burn

daya1u ,
a. compassionate, [daya, 1227 .
] with fire; burn; 2. pass.: be burned;

dayavant.a. compassionate, [daya.] be pained or tortured; 3. dagdha, see

day it a, see Vday. s.v.[for *dhagh cf Goth, dags, AS. dceg, : .

Eng. day, Old High Ger.

dara, m. cleft, hole. [VI dr.] tak, day.']
daridra, a. wandering about; mendicant; + a in adahana.

poor as m. poor man.
; [fr. intens. of + vi, injure by burning, 84 .

Vldra, 'run about,' 1147b for mg, cf. : + sam, consume.
Eng. tramp, in its American sense of V Ida (dadati, dadati [668]; dadau, dad6;
adat, ddita [884] ; dasyati, -te ; datta
vagrant beggar.']
d a r p a m. vvildness wantonness impu-
, . ; ;
[955c], -tta [1087e] ; datum ; dattva ;

dence; pride. [Vdrp.] -daya diyate [770b] ; ditsati [1030]

; ;

darbha, m. grass-tuft; grass used at sacri- dapayati). give ; bestow grant impart ; ; ;

ficial ceremonies, esp. Ku9a-grass, Poa w. ace. of thing and dat. or gen., later also
n 23 20 21 n varam
cynosuroides. [Vdrbh.] of person, 1
loc., da, , , ;

darga, m. sight; the moon when just be- grant a wish; gapaih da, (give, i.e.) pro-
coming visible ;
the new moon ;
the day nounce a curse saubhagyam da, (give, ;

or festival of new moon. [Vdrg.] i.e.)wish conjugal felicity; da, (give, i.e.)
dargaka, a. 1. seeing; 2. (fr. caus.) sell, w. instr. of price, 47 uttaram da, ;

showing, making clear. [drg.] make answer graddham da, perform a ;

3 n
dargata, a. to be seen; visible. [Vdrg, graddha, 44 104 punar da, give back
, ; ;

1176e.] desid. desire or be ready to give. [cf.

dare, an a, a. seeing; as n. the beholding, Lat. da-re, 'give.']


sight; the becoming visible, 103 20 ; ap- + anu, (like Ger. nach-geben, 'yield,' and
pearance, 4 [V drg.] .
so) grant, admit; ppl. anutta [1087e], ad-

darga-purna-masa, dual in. new and mitted.

moon the days and the festivals of + a, take (opp. of give), 28
n 6
full ; ; grasp, 70 ;
new and full moon. adaya, having taken, equiv. to with.
d a g a [483 4 ], num. ten. [cfSe'/ca, Lat. decem,
. + u p a_a, receive, appropriate.
Goth, taihun, Eng. ten, Ger. zehn, 'ten'; -f p a r i deliver over commit; entrust.
, ;

Eng. -teen in six-teen, etc.] + pra, give; grant; impart (sciences);

dagama, f. -i, a. tenth; dagaml, sc. tithi,
ppl. f. pratta [1087e], given in marriage,
tenth day of a lunar half-month. [daga, married.
487 .] V 2 da (dyati [761d3]; dad6; adat, adita
daga-gata, n. ten hundred ;
a thousand. [884] dina [957a], -tta [1087e] -daya
; ; ;

dagagakha, a. having ten branches, i.e.

dlyate). cut. [cf. Vday, daya.]
fingers, [daga + gakha :
acct, 1300a.] + ava, cut off, esp. a part of the sacri-

daga, f. the threads projecting at the end ficialcake ; ppl. avatta [1087e], as subst.

of a weft, fringe ; lamp-wick fig. ;

wick of that which is cut off.

life, course of life time of life. ; -f-sam-ava, cut in pieces and collect
dagaha, m. space of ten days, [daga + them ppl. samavatta, as subst. gathered

2 aha, 1312 4 .] pieces.

V das (dasyati; dadasa ;
adasat ; dasta ; V 3 da (dyati[761d3]; dita[954c]; -daya;
Hasayati). suffer lack, [cf V das,
dasyu :
diyate). bind. [cf. Sew, Si'Srjyui, 'bind.']
also 8eo>, 'lack.'] da, vbl. giving, in cpds. [VI da.]
+ vi, become exhausted. datavya, grdv. dandus. [Vlda.]
dasyu, m. demon, foe of gods and men. datr, m. giver; as a. [375 3 ], generous, 21 4

[cf. Vdas, dasa.] 48*. [Vlda.]

V dah (dahati, -te ; dadaha, dehe; adhak dan a, n. giving, imparting; gift. [Vlda,
sit ; dhaksyati ; dagdha ; dagdhum ; 1150: cf. Lat. donum, 'gift.']

dana-dharma, m. the virtuous practice etymology as sura from asura. [see

of alms-giving. aditi and daitya.]

danava, m. child of Danu, a Danava, one didfksu, a. desirous to see. [fr. desid.
of a class of demons, foes of the gods ;
of Vdrg, 1178f: acct!]
Titan. [Idanu, 1208c.] didyu, HI. missile, [see Vldivordyu, and
1 danu, /. Danu, name of a demon, 70 . 1147b 2 .]
2 danu, n. dripping fluid, drop, dew. didhisu,a. desirous to win; as m. suitor;
danta, a. tamed, mild; subdued (as to husband; esp. second husband, [fr. desid.
one's passions) ;
as subst. Danta, name of of Vldha, 1178f, 1028d.]
a son of Bhlma. [ppl. of v dam, 955a.] din a, 1. perhaps adj. clear, in su-dina;

1 daman, n. a giving, gift. [\/lda, 1168.] 2. as n. day. [perhaps ppl. of Vdi or

2 daman, n. bond. [V3da, 1168.] di, 'shine,' w. shifted acct.]

dambhika, a. subst. deceitful, deceiver. dina-traya,n. day-triad, triduum, space

[dambha.] of three days.
1 day a, a. giving. [VI da.] V div: there is no verbal root div in Sanskrit:

2 day a, m. portion, inheritance. [V2da: cf. noun div and W 1 and 2 div or diii.

cf. Scis, 'portion, meal.'] div [361d], 7/1. 1. sky, heaven, e.g. 72

dayaka ,
a. giving. [1 daya.] la. Heaven, personified as Father, e.g.
dara[264 m. pi. wife.], 51.5; Ib. duhita divas, of the

daridrya, n. poverty, [daridra.] Dawn, daughter of the sky or of Heaven,

daru, n. wood; log or billet of wood; stick. 75 16 -2. day, e.g. 70 8 79 13 -3. observe
; , ;

[see the equiv. drii and taru : cf. 56pv, that div is sometimes fern, in Veda, so 92 1>s

wood, beam, shaft
; Spvs,
tree, oak '
RV. x. 125. 7.
Goth, triu,
wood, tree
; Eng. tree,
wood [w. gen. div-as, cf. the genitives Ai6s,
(so Wyclif), a large woody plant' (usual *AtF-6s, Lat. JSv-is, and AS. Tiw-cs in

mg), 'a wooden bar' (in whiffle-free).] Tiwes dozg, Eng. Tues-day (Tiiv corre- :

da r una, a. hard; dreadful. sponds to the old Germanic Tin, no longer

V dag (dagati; dadaga, dagvans [790b]). a god of the sky or bright day, but rather
grant, offer ; esp. serve or honor a god a god of battle or fighting, the chief occu-
with offerings dagvans, as subst. a pious
; pation of our early forefathers:) w. nom.
servant of a god, 69 u [w. dadaga, cf. .
dyaiis, cf. w. voc. dyaus
Zeus, *Aj-r)vs :

SfSwKa, granted, gave e-Sco/c-a is an im- ; pitar, cf. Zev Lat Ju-piter, Heaven


perfect indicative without thematic vowel, Father : w. duhitar divas, cf Ovyartp .

corresponding to #a-dag-am but both ; Aids, &fj.&por' 'A.6dva, Oedipus Rex 159 cf. :

Greek forms became connected in the also 87os, '
heavenly Lat. nom. Diovi-s,

popular mind with 5i'5ayu, 'give.'] 'god of heaven,' Jdv-em, 'Jove'; sub dio,
V das (only with abhi, abhidasati). bear 1
under the sky '
Eng. Tewes-ley, Tiw's ;

ill-will to ; try to harm, [cf V das, dasyu,

lea,' a place in Surrey.]
dasa.] diva, n. heaven; day, in dive-dive, day by
das a, m. 1. foe; esp. supernatural foe, day. [div, 1209a.]
evil demon; 2. (in opp. to arya) foe of diva, adv. by day. [f r. the instr. div-a, w.
.the gods, infidel ;
used like Caffre and shifted acct, 1112e.]
Giaour; 3. (subdued foe, i.e.) servant, divaukas, m. caelicola, god. ['having
slave, 79 ; dasi,/. female slave. [V das : heavenas a dwelling diva + okas.] :

cf. \Jdas, dasyu.] d ivy a, a. heavenly divine, [div.] ;

dasa-patni, a.f. having the demon for V dig (digati didega ; ; adiksat, adista
their master, [acct, 1251b, 1295.] [883] ; deksyati ; dista ;
ddstum -digya ; ;

diti, f. Diti, name

of a deity without defi- digyate; degayati). point direct show, ; ;

nite character, a mere pendant to aditi as [cf. Se'iKWfj.1, 'show'; Lat. dico, 'show,
sura to asura, and formed by popular tell'; AS. tdh, Ger. zieh, 'pointed out (as
dig] [170]

guilty), accused'; Ger. zeigen, 'show'; dirgha, a. long, in space and in time;
also AS. tdh-te, ti&h-te, Eng. taught, showed, -am, as adv. ; comp. draghiyans, superl.
instructed ;
AS. tdcn, Eng. token.'] draghistha.

[v dragh : cf SoAixo's,

-fapa, show; make a false show of. dirgha-karna, m. Long-ear, name of a
+ vy-apa, make a false show of. cat.

+ a point out to, give a direction

, to, dirgha-rava, m. Long-yell or Far-howl,
direct. name of a jackal.
(Their howling is both
+ sam-a, point out to, direct; com- long-continued and far-reaching.)
mand. dirgha-var na, m. a long vowel,
+ u d point out , ;
aim towards ; uddicjya, dirghavarnanta, a. having a long
tr. ace.,with an aiming towards, equiv. to vowel as final, [anta.]
the prep, at, 26
. V Idiv 3
(dlvyati; dideva [240 ]; adevit ;

+ upa, show to, teach, instruct; give ad- devisyati ; dyutd ; devitum ; -divya).
1 2
vice to, advise. dice; play. [prop, diu, see 765 and :

+ pra, point out, designate; direct. orig., perhaps, 'throw,' cf. didyu.]
dig, f. just like Eng. point, i.e. cardinal +a ,
in adevana.
point, quarter of the heaven (N., E., S., V 2div (devati [240
] ; dyunA [957a] ;

W.) astau digas, eight regions (N., E.,

; devitum; devayati, -te). lament, [prop.
diu, see 765 and .]
S., W., and NE., SB., SW., NW.), 57

[Vdic,, 'to point.'] + pari, moan, bemoan ;

caus. the same.

V dih (degdhi ;
didihe ; digdha ; -dihya). duhkha, a. miserable; as n. misery, pain,
touch lightly
1. stroke, 2. smear sorrow, [cf. sukha.] ; ;

3. besmear, pollute, [for *dhigh: cf. duhkhita, a. pained, [duhkha, 1176b.]

' '

ZOiyov, touched Lat. Jingo, form, fash- ducchiina, f. calamity; harm,

; [dus +
' 3
ion, esp. with the hand in soft material Quna, 'mis-fortune, ill-luck,' 168 .] ;

Goth, daigs, moulded mass of clay or V ducchunaya (ducchunayate). seek to


bread-paste'; Old Eng. dag, Eng. dough.] harm, [ducchuna, 1058.]

+ s am, pass, (be plastered together, be dur-, the form taken by dus before sonants.
and so) be uncertain, doubtful.
indistinct, dur-atikrama, a. hard to overcome.
V di (dideti [676] didaya [786 ], didi- ; [' having a hard conquest,' cf 1304b.] .

vans). shine, glance, gleam. dur-atman, a. evil-minded; bad.

V diks (diksate; didiksa, didikse ; adiks- dur-ga, a. whose going is hard, hard to
ista ; diksisyate diksita diksitva ; ; ; go through or to, impassable; as n. diffi-

-diksya). consecrate one's self, esp. for cult place ; danger.

performing the Soma-sacrifice. [perhaps dur-gata, a. ill-conditioned unfortunate. ;

desid. of V daks, make one's self suitable

dur-jana, m. evil person; scoundrel.
or ready :
108g.] dur-danta, a. overcome with difficulty;
d11i ,glance, flame, actually occurring only
f. as m. Hard-to-tame (AUO-M'KTJTOJ), name of
in su-diti. [vdi, 1157. la.] a lion.

dldivi, a. shining. [Vdi, 1193.] dur-nivara,a. whose warding-off is hard ;

din a, a. scanty; cast down, sad; wretched, hard to get rid of.
dinata, f. scantiness; smallness. [dina.] dur-bala,a. of (poor, i.e.) little strength;
dinar a, m. denarius, name of a certain feeble,

gold coin, [borrowed fr. Lat. denarius, a durbuddhi, a. of (bad, i.e.) small wit;
silver coin worth ten asses."] foolish.
J dip (dipyate ; didipe ; dipta ; -dipya ; dur-bhaga, a. ill-portioned, ill-favored;
dedipti dipayati, -te). ; blaze; flame; -a, f. ugly woman, [acct, 1304b.]
caws, kindle intens. blaze brightly fig. be
; ; dur-bhiksa, a. (time) having its alms-

radiant, [cf. Vdi.] getting hard, i.e. in which alms-getting is

+ ud, blaze up ;
caws, cause to blaze up. hard ; as n. famine, [bhiksa.]
[171] [Vdrc

dur-mangala, a. of bad luck, bringing V 1 du , form of^l da, in diivas,

bad luck. duvasya. Wstha and ga w. their

dur-mati,/. ill-will. equiv. collateral forms sthu and gu.]

dur-mada,a. badly intoxicated ;
drunken, V 2 du, go to a distance, in duta and dura,
[cf $fvo/, am at a distance from some-

[acct, 1304b.] .

dur-vijneya, a. hard to distinguish. thing, fall short of.']

dur-vipaka, m. evil issue (of one's des- dudabha, a. hard to deceive, ['whose

tiny). deceiving is hard : for duzdabha, i.e.

dur-vrtta, a. of evil life, wicked. dus + dabha, 199b 3 .]

V dul (dolayati ; dolita). heave upwards ; duta, m. messenger ; ambassador, envoy,
swing, [cf. Vtul.] [V2dii, 1176a.]
diivas, n. gift ;
oblation ; worship. dura, a. far; as n. the distance; case-

[V 1 du.j forms as adverbs: -am, to a distance, far

d vivas, n. perhaps same as dtivas, but see away ; -e, in the distance, afar ;
at or from
74 10 x. a distance; -at, from afar. [v2du, 1188.]
V duvasya (duvasyati). reward with a duri-kr (durikaroti). put far away;
gift; honor or worship (a god) with an send off. [dura, 1094.]
offering, [diivas.] durva,_/. Panicum Dactylon.
+ a.perhaps bring or entice hither by dulabha, same as dudabha, Whitney 54.
worship, but see 74
N. V Idr (drnati dadara, dadre adarsit ; ; ;

V dus (diisyati; adosit; dusta; dusayati dirna; -dirya; diryate; dardarti [1002b] ;

[1042a ]). spoil, [see dus.] darayati, darayati). burst, trans, and
dus-kara, a. whose performance is hard, intrans. ; cans, and intens.: split; tear,
hard to be performed, [dus.] w. gen. [cf Sepca, Sfipw,

flay ;
AS. teran,
dus-krta, n. evil deed sin. [dus.] ; Eng. tear, Ger. zerren, tear, rend,']
dust a, a. spoiled; bad, morally; cross, V 2dr (driyate ;
adrta ; drta ; -drtya).
[ppl. of V dus.]
used only w. a, see 773. V5eA in Sfv-

dus, inseparable prefix, characterizing a thing Si\\o>, glance at

AS. tilian, be intent '

as evil, bad, hard forming w. action-nouns ; upon, attend to, esp. the earth, i.e. till (the
cpds w. the same mg as if compounded w. a soil),' Eng. till; Ger. zielen, 'aim at'; AS.
' '

future pass, ppl., e.g. dus-kara, having its eorlS-tilia, earth-tiller.']

doing hard, i.e. difficult to be done.' [cf. + a, (look at, i.e.] regard; pass, be re-
\ dus: also Svs-, 'mis-', see 225 2 .] garded, i.e.
dus-tara, a. having its crossing hard, drdha, see Vdrh and 224a.

hard to cross. drti, m. bag of leather; bellows, [v'ldr:

V duh (d6gdhi, dugdhe dud6ha, dudub.6; ;
for mg, cf Sfp/j.a, skin bag or bottle.'] .

adhuksat, -ata [918] dhoksyate dug- ; V drp (drpyati; adrpat; darpisyati, drap-

dha ; d6gdhum ; dugdhva; dohayati). syati drpta darpayati). be crazed,

; ;

1. milk; then, generalized 2. get the wild, proud, insolent, or arrogant.

goodoutof a thing; 3. extract; 4. give V drbh (drbhati ; drbdhd). make into
milk ;
5. in general, give or yield any tufts.
good thing, 80 ; cans., like simple, milk, V drg (dadirga, dadrge; adraksit, adrsta;
extract. [for mg 2, cf. a^f\yeaQal nva, draksyati, -te ;
drsta ; drastum drstva ; ;

'milk a person dry.'] -dfgya; drgyate; didrksate; dargayati).

+ nis milk out of; extract from.
see behold
; pass, be seen be or become
; ;

duh, rbl. yielding, in kama-duh. [v'duh.] visible; appear; caus. cause (a person,
duhitf [373
], f. daughter, [derivation
ace., 33 ) to see (a thing, ace., 33 35 7 , ,

uncertain, 1182d: cf. Ouydrrip, Goth, dauh- 36 7 ); show (w. gen. 63 2 ); w. atmanam,
tar, Eng. daughter, Ger. Tochter,
daugh- show one's self, appear, pretend to be (e.g.
ter.'] frightened, 41 ). [present forms supplied

w. dadarga, cf so used of a lion {32 15

by \f 1 pa, q.v. : .
or even of a jackal
saw '
: cf Goth, ga-tarh-jan,
make a show (36
); / queen, [perhaps fr. the noun
of.'] div (1209i): cf. Lat. deus, 'god': the al-

+ prati, pass, appear over against one leged root div, 'shine,' has no existence.]
or before one's eyes. deva-kama, a. having love for the gods,
-fv i pass, be seen far and wide.
, [acct, 1293 *, 1295.]
+ s am, behold; caws, show; w. atmanam, devata, f. godhead or divinity, both as
show one's self, appear, pretend to be (e.g.
abstract and as concrete ; devata, instr.,

dead). with divinity (collective), i.e. among deities,

df [218
, drk, dram, drgbhyam], 1. vbl. 73 [1237.]
seeing, looking ; 2. as f. the seeing ;
devat va, n. divinity, abstract only. [1239.]
as inf. [970a], for beholding ; 3. in deva-duta,m. messenger of the gods.
cpds [518], look, appearance. [Vdr.] deva-daivatya, a. having the gods as
drga, m. the seeing; in cpds [518], look, divinity, (of hymns) addressed to the
appearance, [do.] gods.
drgi.y. the seeing; drc_aye, as inf. [970f], deva-pati, m. lord of the gods, i.e. Indra.
for beholding, [do.] deva-pana, a. serving the gods for
dfgya, grdv. to be seen; worthy to be drinking, god-drenching,
[lit. i.e. gott-
seen, splendid. [Vdrg, 963d.] trankend': acct, 1271, 1251c.]
d r s a d , f. stone ; esp. nether mill-stone, deva-yana, n. path of the gods, on which
drsad-upala, dual f. the nether and the the intercourse between gods and men
upper mill-stone. [1253a, 1258.] takes place, [acct, 1271, 1251c.]
drsta, ppl. o/Vdrg, q.v. devara, m. husband's brother, [devf,
drsta-purva, a. seen previously, [equiv. 1209a.]
to purvam drsta, see 1291.] deva -raj a, m. king of the gods, i.e. Indra.
df sti, /. 1. seeing; sense of sight;
2. [rajan, 1315a.]
3. glance, look; 4. view. [Vdrg: cf. deva-linga, n. god-characteristic, mark
by which a god may be from
8e'p|is, sense of sight.'] distinguished
Vdrh (dfnhati, -te [mg 1, cf. 758] ; dfhyati, a man.
-te [mg2, see 767] ;
adrnhit ;
[224a] ; deva-garman, m. Deva9arman or God's-

drnhayati). 1. act. make firm or steady joy, name of a certain Brahman, [of like
or enduring ; establish ;
mid. be firm ; mg is f6-xapis.~\
drdha [1176a], firm; -2. be firm; -3. deva-samnidhi, m. presence of the gods.
caus. make stable, [cf Old Lat. forc-tis, .
deva-huti, f. invocation of the gods,
~La.t.fortis, 'strong.'] [acct, 1274.]
drib. a, same as drdha, Vdrh, Whitney 54. devi, see deva.
deya , grdv. to be given or granted. [V da, devi-krta, a. made by Durga.
963a.] devi-kotta, m. Goddess-fort, name of a
heavenly, 74 town.
14> 16>
deva,/. devi, 1. a. ,

92 T ;as subst. 2. god, goddess; 2a. pi. devi-vinirmita, a. laid out by Durga.
the gods (in later times reckoned as 33, cf. [v'lma.]
tridaca 2b. vfgve devas, all the gods
) ; ;
devf [369
m. husband's brother, [cf.
also all-gods (a term comprehending into Sa-np, Lat. levir, husband's brother.']
a class all the separate gods, cf. All-saints, dea, TO. 1. (point, i.e.) place, 41 ;

and see vigvadeva) ;

2c. devi, The God- 2. country, 24 5 ,
see 98 16 N. ;
3. place,
dess, i.e.
(Diva's wife, Durga ;
2d. -deva, pregnantly, as in Eng., i.e. proper place,
at end of Brahman-names, having as god, 22 5 ; 4. as in Eng., place or region of

so, e.g., gunadeva ;

3. m. manusya-deva, the body, see muska-, skandha-.
x '
god among men, i.e. a Brahman, see 95 ; point.']
12 4 7
similarly, -4. m. king, 19 , 50 , 51*- -"; dialect of the country.
[173] [drugdha

destr, m. pointer, guide, instructor; /. dautya, n. message, [duta, 1211.]

ddstri, Instructress, as a deity, 90 [Vdi, .
dyava-prthivi, dual f. heaven and
1182: cf. +SfiKTrip in SeiKr-fipios, 'pertain- earth, 2
[div + prthivi, 1255 and a .]
one who shows.']
ing to dyu, same as div, 361d.
deha, m.n. body; mentioned w. manas and V dyut (dy6tate ; didyut6 ; adyutat ;

vac, 65 [v'dih, 'stroke lightly so as to
dyotisyati ; dyutta -dyiitya).
; gleam;
mould or form/ and so, prob.
the figure, lighten ;
shine, [akin w. noun div, q.v. :

form, shape,' like the Lat. figura, shape, cf. also V jyut.]
form,' from the cognate ^Jig, Jingo : see + vi, lighten,
v/dih.] dyuti, /. sheen, 19 7 ; lustre; dignity.
dehin, a. connected with the body, 65 n ; [Vdyut.]
as m. a living being, man. [deha, 1230.] dyumant, a. heavenly, bright, splendid.
daitya, m. descendant of Diti, q.v. ; a
Daitya or demon, [diti, 1211.] dyuta, n. gambling. [VI div, 1176a.]
d a i t y a - danava-mardana, m. Daitya-and- dy6, sa/e as div, 361d.
Danava-crusher, epithet of Indra. dravina, n. movable property (as opp. to
daiva, a. of the gods, 57 21 coming from house and field), wealth. [Vdru, 1177b.]

the gods ;
divine ;
as n. divine appoint- dravya, n. 1. property; 2. in general,

ment, i.e. 18 1Z
[deva, 1208f.]
fate, ,
etc. thing, object ; 3. esp. worthy object.
daivata, a. pertaining to a divinity; as n. [Vdru: see dravina.]
1. a divinity or, collectively, the divini- drastavya, grdv. to be seen. [Vdrg.]
ties, esp. that or those celebrated in any V Idra (drati; dadraii ; adrasit; intens.
Vedic hymn; -2. idol, 62 18 .
[1002c, 1024 ] daridrati). run intens. ;

1208e.] run about, run hither and thither, [cf.


daivatya, end of cpds, having

at as Si-Spd-ffK<a, run see Vdru.]

divinity, addressed to 63 5 [devata, ,

. + a p a , run off. [cf cwro-Spaj/at, run .

1211.] off.']

daivika, a. of the gods; divine, [deva, V 2 dra (drati ; dray ate ;

dadraii ;
adrasit ;

1222e.] drasyati; drana). sleep, [cf. tSpaBov,

' ' '
daivya, a. of the gods; divine, [deva, slept ;
Lat. dormlre, sleep.']

1211.] + ni, go to sleep; sleep.

dola, m. a swinging; f. dola, a dooly V dragh, only in derivs. drag, draw; draw
(Anglo-Indian term), a little bamboo chair out ;
extend lengthen, [poss. for #dhragh

slung on four men's shoulders, [V dul.] (cf. Vdhraj), and akin w. Eng. drag: but
V dolaya (dolayate). swing like a dooly ;
see dirgha.]
waver, [dola.] draghiyans, a. longer, as comp. to dirgha.
dolayamana- mati, a. having a wavering [V dragh, 467.]
mind. [V dolaya.] V dru (dravati, -te dudrava, dudruv6 ; ;

1 dosa, m. 1. fault, defect; bad con- adudruvat [868] drosyati druta dr<5- ; ; ;

dition, 55
; 2. sin, transgression, fault, tum drutva -driitya). hasten; run
; ; ;

II 8
, 18 n dosam avap,
65 21 ; incur a run away, flee, 94 7 [ident. w. Vdram, .

transgression, 68
3. harm; ;
evil con-
run,' and w. V 1 dra, q.v. cf eSpd/ie and : .

sequence dosena, dosat, by or

as a bad fSpd, 'ran.']
21 2
consequence of, by, faute de, 23 , 35 . + ati, run past or by ; escape.
[Vdus.] + a run, unto, make an attack, charge,
2 dosa, m. evening, dark ; f. dosa, evening, 94 5,6.
dark. + u p a run ,
dosa-vastr, m. illuminer of the dark- + sam-upa, run unto, rush at, 3 .

ness; or, as adj. [cf. 375 3 ], lighting up in drii, m.n. wood, [see daru.]
the dark. drugdha, see V druh.
druta] [174]

druta, ppl. having hastened [952 ]; -am, dvi-jati, a. ana* as m. same as dvijan-
as adv. hastily, rapidly; quickly; imme- man ;
man of one of the three upper
diately. [Vdru.] castes, 59 19 .

drum a, m. tree, [drti: cf. Spvfj.6s, 'a wood.'] dvijottama, m. the highest of the twice-
V d r u m a y a drumayate) (
pass for a tree.
[dvija + uttama.] born, i.e. a Brahman,

[drama, 1058, 1059b.] dvita, a. second, [dvi.]

V druh (dnihyati ; dudr6ha ; adruhat dvita, adv. just so so also; equally. ; ;

dhroksyati drugdha dr6gdhum -druh- dvitiya, a. second, [dvita, 487 1215d.]
; ; ; ,

ya). hurt (by deceit, wile, magic); strive dvidha, adv. in two parts,in twain. [1104.]
to harm ; ppl. drugdha : as m. one who dvi-pad [391], a. having two feet; as m.
has striven to harm, hurtful foe ;
as n. the two-footed one, man, 16 2 as n. sing. ;

misdeed, for *dhrugh, cf. Old High

that which is two-footed, collectively, men,
Ger. triukan, Ger. be-trugen, deceive so as 90 1 -

92 3 .
[cf. SiTroSa, Lat. bipedem, 'bi-
to harm.'] ped.']
abhi, offend against. dvi-pada, f. -i, a. having (taken) two
dvd [482b], num. two. [cf. Svo, Lat. duo, steps.

Eng. two.~\ dvi-pravrajin, f. -ni, a. in f. going

dvamdva, n. pair; quarrel, [dvam-dvam after two (men), unchaste, 98 14 .

is the repeated nom. s. n. of dva cf : . V dvis

(dvesti, dviste; didv^sa; adviksat,
1252 *.] -ata; dvista dvestum). hate; show ;

dvaya, a. twofold; of two sorts; as n. hatred be hostile, ;

[cf o-Sva-avro, be- .

couple, pair, [dva : cf 8oi6s,

double.'] came wroth,' w. prothetic o.]

dvadaga [483*], cardinal, twelve, [dva dvis, vbl. hating, in cpds; asf. hate; as m.
ilaca. 476 3 : cf. SudtSeica., Lat. duodecim, concrete, hater, foe. [Vdvis.]
twelve.'] dvis, adv. twice, [see dvi, dva: cf. Si's,
' '

dvadaga, /. twelfth, dva-

-i, ordinal, Lat. bis, *dvis, twice : the radically cog-

dagi (sc. tithi), twelfth day of a lunar nate Eng. twice is a gen. form.]
half month, 59 9 7
[dvadaga, 487 .].
dvipa, m. island.

dvadaga-ratra, n. space of twelve dvipi-carman, n. tiger-skin, [dvipin.]

[dvadaga + ratri, 1315b, 1312 dvipin, a. having islands or island-like

nights, *.]

dvadaga-sahasra, cardinal, n. twelve spots ;

as m. leopard ; tiger, [dvipa.]
thousand. [481.] V dvr, cover, close, in derivs. [see dvar.]
dvadagasahasra,. consisting of twelve dvedha, adv. in two, in two kinds, [for
thousand, [dvadaga-sahasra, 1204c.] *dvayadha, fr. dvaya, 1104 .]
dvar [388c], /. door, [perhaps 'the clos- dvesa, m. hatred. [Vdvis.]
ure,' f r. V dvr, close,' for #dhvr cf 6vpa, : .
dvesas, n. hatred ; concrete, hater, foe.

'door'; lot. for is, nom. s., 'door'; Eng. [Vdvis.]

dvar a, n. door, [dvar, q.v. 399.] .
dha, vbl. bestowing, granting, in vasu-dha
d vara-paksa, m. side of the door. [Vldha,333.]
dvi, form o/dva in composition and deriva- V dhan (dadhanti). set in motion, [cf
tion. [475 .] V dhanv.]

dvi-ja, a. twice-born; as m. member of dhana, n. 1. the prize of the contest;

one of the three upper castes, re-born by not only the reward put up for the victor.
virtue of investiture (see Vni + upa), 60 2 ,
but also the booty taken from the foe
68 2, 59 *, 62 7 in a narrower sense, a Brah-
; Vedic; so w. Vji, win booty by conquest,
man, 21 ", 43*, 55 ,
64 16 . 81 2 then, ;
2. in general, wealth, riches,
' '

dvi-janman, having double birth as

a. ; property, money. [V dha, put : cf fo^o,

m. same as dvija ; man of one of the three '

thing put up as a prize,' and for the mg
upper castes, 59 [acct, 1300c.] . also Ger. Ein-satz, 'stakes.']
[175] [V 1 dha

dhanu, m. bow. [fr. dhanus, a transfer mana, according to the established order
to the u-declension.j of things, in a way that accords with
dhanus-kanda, n. bow and arrow, nature, 84 .
[Vdhr, 1168. Ic: see under
[dhanus : see 1253b.] dharma.]
dhanus, n. bow. [Vdhan, 1154.] dharma-mula, n. the root or foundation
dhanya, a. wealthy; fortunate, [dhana.] of the law.
\f dhanv (dhanvati; dadhanve adhan- ;
dharma-vid [391], a. knowing the law
vit). set in motion run. [secondary ;
or one's duty, 1 15 acquainted with good ;

form of v'dhan.] usage, 61 .

dhanvan, n. bow. [Vdhan, 1169. la.] dharma-gastra, n. authoritative or ca-

dhanvin, a. subst. having a bow, bow- nonical compend of dharma, 58 18 ;
man, [dhanvan, 1230b.] book; law-shaster.
V dh amor dhma(dhamati [750] ;dadhmau; dharmatman, a. having virtue or right
adhmaslt dhamisyati dhamita, dhma-
; ;
as one's nature ; just, [atman.]
ta; -dhmaya). blow, breathe out; blow v' dhav (dhavate). run. [see under Vdhu,

(pipe, shell, bag-pipe, bellows), [see 108g and cf. dew, \10eF,
and 750.] dhavala, a. dazzlingly white. [V 2 dhav,
+ a blow up
, ; adhmata, fig. puffed up. 'rinse,' 1189, 1188.]

dhara, a. holding; bearing; keeping; \/ Idha (dadhati, dhatt6 [668]; dadhaii,

wearing. [Vdhr.] dadhe; adhat, adhita [884]; dhasyati,
d harm a, m. 1. custom, 98
; usage, -te; r. -dhita, later hita[954cl; dhatum;
99 u ; right; duty, 28
virtue, 21 , 10, dhitva -dhaya ; dhiyate dfdhisati, ; ;

5 '

15 17 29 1
, ; (virtue, i.e.) good works, 29 , dhitsati; dhapayati 1042dl). L

63 n ;
correct course of conduct, II 3
-1. put, 86 10 set; lay, 39 u -2. put ; ;

u in a place, bring to, u\ tatra, 85 19

dharme, in a question of right, 21 ; ;
w. loc.,

la. dharmena, adv. : as was right, 14 17 ;

89 s ,
95 5 ;
w. dat.,83 -3. put upon, di-

dutifully, 16 2. law; prescription,

rect towards ;
dharme dha manas, set the
5 16 19
rule; the law (as a system), 28 , 58 heart on virtue, 66 7 4. put something

; ;

-3. personified, Virtue, 67 n , 48*. for a person (dat.), i.e. bestow upon him,

[a post-Vedic word, taking the place of grant him, 84

RV.x. 125.2; 5. put in

V. dharman: dharma is fr. v'dhr (1166b), a position, i.e. appoint, constitute, w. double
perhaps in mg 6, and thus designating ace., 88 6. make, cause, produce
; ;

6 9
ancient custom or right as 'that which 7. hold, keep, 86

; 8. mid. take to
holds its own, which persists or endures ;
one's self, receive, obtain, win esp. gar- ;

but may come fr. Vdhr in mg 1, so that

it bham dha, conceive fruit in the womb,
dharma is 'that which is established or 92 ;
9. mid. assume, 19 7 maintain ; ;

settled'; in the latter case, cf., for the 10. hita, see s.v. ; 11. desid. act. desire

mg, 0(/, that which is established as

to grant; mid. desire to win.
custom or law,' w. riOrifu, set, establish/ '
[The original meaning of the root is
and Ger. Ge-setz, law,' w. setzen, set.'] 'put'; but, from the proethnic period, a

dharma-j iia, a. knowing the law or one's secondary development in the line ('set,'
duty or what is right.
establish,' and so) 'make,'
do,' is clear.

dharma-j naiia, n. knowledge of the The secondary mg has even won the more
law. prominent place in Germanic and Slavic.
dharmatas, adv. in a way which starts For the primary mg, cf rieri/j.i, put .

from dharma, i.e. in accordance with good (the parallelism of its mgs is remarkable
usage, 59 19 ; by rights, 61
[dharma, dfo-av KiOov, they set a stone

1098c .] v!6v, 'conceive a son,' etc., etc.) Lat. ab- ;

dharman, n. established ordinance; stead- de-re,'put off or away,' and con-de-re, 'put
of a god), 80 10 ; dhar-
fast decree (e.g. together, construct, establish ; Eng. do,
Vidha] [176]

'put,' in the contract forms doff, don, dup ; + pra , set forward, [cf .
pradhana, pra-
Ger. weg-thun, ' do away or put away.' dhana.]
For the secondary mg, cf 9tivai TWO. &a- . + vi, 1. part, mete out, distribute;
'make one a king'; AS. don hine
- 2. spread abroad, RV. x. 125. 3 ; - 3. (like
to cyninge, make him a king
Lat. flo, ;
Lat. dis-pdnere) arrange, determine; pre-
am made '
Eng. do, deed ; Ger. thun, ;
7 4
scribe, 59 ; vihita, ordained, 14 ; 4. lay
do ' ;
Slavic de-/o,
deed : observe that out, make, build; prepare, 54 18 5. ac- ;

become,' is to f&-c-ere,
make,' as complish, 56 12 make, do (in a great ;

i-re (V/a),
go/ is to ja-c-ere,
make to variety of applications) ; vadham vidha,
do slaughter, u
go, throw.'] slay, 32 ; pujam vidha, do
+ antar, 1. put into the interior of or show honor, 28 13 ; pravrttim vidha,
a thing and so 2. hide, conceal.
make an advance into, w. loc., expose one's
+ a pi, put close upon; cover (a jar with self to, 20 12 upayam vidha, employ an

its lid); apihita, closed up. [cf. ewiriOrifu, expedient, 39 kim vidheyam, what's to ;

'put upon.'] be done, 31 6 tatha vidhiyatam, so let ;

-f abhi, put on; put a name upon, desig-

it be done, II yatha tan maya vi- ; ,

10 20
nate; address; speak to, 43 say, 42 ; ; dheyam, I must take such a course, that ,

abhihitam, (it was) said, 38

. 37 6 ; cf. 38 22 .

4-ava, put down in; esp. duck (trans.) + grad, see grad.
into the water; avahita, fallen into the -t-sam, put together, unite; embroil in,
water ; cans, cause to be laid in. w.loc., 73 ".
+a ,
1. put or lay or set in or on, w. loc., V 2dha(dhayati[761d2]; dadhaii adhat ; ;

77 \ 79 12 ,
88 15 90 5, 102 ; -2. put on
, dhasyati ;
dhita ;
dhatum -dhiya dhi-
; ;

15 1
(wood on the fire), 82 3. mid. set for ; tva). suck; drink, 63 .
[cf. dadhi, dhenu:
one's self on (the hearth a sacred fire), '
also 0-fiffaTo, sucked ; ya\a-0rji'6s, milk- '

95 12 _ 4. mid. put on one's self, take on,

; sucking
; 0ri-\-ti,
Lat. fe-lare,
74 6 ;
_5. take, i.e. take away, 87 10 .
'suck'; Goth, dadd-jan, 'give suck.']
-t-vy-a, pass, be separated; be uncom- 1 dha, in cpds. as vbl. bestowing, grant-
fortable or sick. ing ;
as subst. place. [V 1 dha, place,
+ sam-a put upon ; w. manas, concen-
, grant.']
trate the mind upon one thing samahita, 2 dha, in cpds. as ;
subst. drink. [V2dha,
intent, eager, 1 .
-fupa-sam-a, set together (wood) unto dhatu, m. layer, as part of a composite

(an already burning fire), put (fuel) on, whole. [V 1 dha, put, lay.']
100 16, 105 10 .
clhatf, m. establisher; creator; Dhatar, as
+ u p a put on (esp. a brick or stone
, name of a deity, 90 9 N. [VI dha.]
on the sacred fire-altar or enclosure), dhana, a. holding, containing, [v/ldha,
96" ff.
+ ni, lay down, 87 ; set down (sacred dhana, f. pi. corns, i.e. grain.
fire), 85 6 w. kriyam, put labor upon
; dhanya, a. cereal (adj.); as n. cereal

(loc.), take pains with, 19 u ; nihita, put (noun), grain, [dhana.]

19 a holding,
down, lying low, 70 .
dharana, a. holding; as n.

+ sam-ni, down u
together; put lay to- keeping wearing, 14
; ; -a, f. established

gether be near together samni-

; pass, ;
ordinance rule, 62 ". ; [Vdhr.]
Mta, near, impending, 25 15 . dhara, / stream, jet. [v/ldhav, 'run,
+ pari, put around; esp. put (part of a pour.']
sacrificial fence) around (an altar), 105 13 ; dharasara, m. pi. stream-pourings, vio-
put around one's self, put on, (garments) lent pourings, [asara.]
103 19 (shoes) 45 u clothe.
, ; dharin, a. holding; possessing, 22
; re-

see s.v. 68 u
4-puras, taining, [vdhr.] .
[177] [Vdhr

dharmik a, a. righteous; virtuous, [dhar- passion, spirit': 0i5a>, 'sacrifice,' is poss

ma.] akin w. V dhu as a generalization of mg 2 :

V Idhav (dhavati, -te; adhavit; dhavis- closely akin w. V dhu is V 1 dhav,


yati; dhavita; dhavitva; -dhavya). run and also Vdhav, 'run' (cf. 0eo>, V0F, 'run'):
pour; run (of animate
(of fluids), stream, see also under
beings), [see under Vdhu.] + ava, shake down; mid. shake off from
+ anu, run after. one's self.
+ upa, run unto, dhuma, m. smoke; vapor. [cf. Lat.
13 " '

fumus, smoke smoke has no such swift

-f sam-upa, run on unto, 3 . :

+ pra, run forth, flow; run. eddying motion" as to make it easy to

V 2dhav (dhavati, -te; dadhave; adhav- connect these names for it w. \ldhu, q.v. ;

ista; dhauta; dhautva; -dhavya). rinse. but on this connection their identification
dhi, vbl. containing, granting, in cpds. w. 6v/j.6s should seem to depend : more
[Vldha, 1155. 2e.] prob. is the explanation of dhumi as '
dhik, excl. fie! w. ace. enveloping or blackening,' fr. s/ldhvan,
V dhi (didheti [676] ; didhaya [786
] ; as vama fr.
dhitd). think, [see v/dhya.] dhumaka, m. smoke, at end of cpds [1307]
+ anu, think over. for dhuma; -ika [1222d], the same. /
dhi [351], /. -1. thought; dhiya-dhiya, dhurta, a. subst. shrewd, sly, cunning;
with each thought, every time it occurs to rogue, [ppl. of Vdhvr, 'harm by deceit'
one; 2. (like Ger. An-dacht, lit. 'think- (cf. 957b 2 ): according to the gramma-
ing upon,' and then 'devotion') religious rians, dhurta, w. acct altered as in jiista:

thought, devotion, 69
74 ,
82 " ;
observe for a somewhat analogous development
manas, manisa, mantra, and
that mati, of mg, cf. Middle Eng. schrewen, curse,'
manman show this same specialization of whence schrew-ed, 'cursed, bad,' Eng.
mgi prayer, 74 ;
3. intelligence, in- shrewd, 'bad, artful.']
sight, mind, 89 ; understanding, skill. dhurta-traya, n. rogue-triad, trio of

[VdhL] swindlers.
1 dhiti, f. perhaps draught, see 82 7 x. dhusara, a. dusted over, dusty, dust-

[V2dha, 'drink,' 1157. la.] colored, gray. [Vdhvans, dhvas, 1188d:

2 dhiti, / 1. thought; 2. devotion; cf. 181a.]
-3. skill. [Vdhi: for 2, cf. dhi 2.] v' dhr (dadhara [786], dadhre ;
adhrta ;
dhimant, a. gifted with understanding, dharisyati, -te ; dhrtd ;
dhartum dhr-

wise, [dhi.] tva ; -dhftya

dharayati adidharat).
; ;

1 dhira, a. wise, 78 3 - 10
[Vdhi, 1188a.]
rngs of cans, forms ident. [1041 ] w. those of
2 dhira, a. firm; resolute, 48 .
[Jdhr :
simple forms; hold, in its various mgs,
cf Lat. Jir-mus, ' firm.']
. trans, and intrans. ;

dhlvara, m. 1. a very clever or skilful trans. 1. hold, bear, support, 33 n ,

man; -2. a fisher, [dhi, 1171.] 39 3 , 75 s - 7
87 9 ,
92 J; make firm, 92

dhiini, a. shaking, stormily moved, bois- carry, 62

; wear; -2. hold fast, 22 10,
terous, wild. [f r. quasi-root dhun of 33 : ;
hold in check, bear, withstand, 2 20,
dhun6ti, sfdhii.] 8 12 ;
-3. keep (a cat), 31 9 -4. set or ;

V dhu (dhun6ti, -nut6; later, dhun6ti, lay or place in or on, w. loc., 33

41 21 , ;

-nut6 [see 711] ; dudhava, dudhuve ;

5. hold or make sure or ordain for some
adhusta [887a] dhavisyati dhuta, later
; ;
one (dat.) mid. be ordained for some one

dhuta; dhutva; -dhuya). 1. move (dat.), belong of right to, 75


quickly hither and thither shake 2. fan ; ; intrans. 6. mid. hold, i.e. remain, con-
(a fire) 3. shake off.
; tinue; w. this mg, even in the active, 15

move violently, agitate
: cf 6vu,
[cf. 6p&-vos, 'support, seat,' 6pa-vos,
6vvw, 'rush on'; Ovpos, 'agitation, anger, 'bench,' dp-fi-a-aa-Oai, 'sit'; Lat. fre-tus,
Vdhrs] [178]

'held or supported by (hence iv.

abl.), V dhvans or dhvas (dhvansati, -te; da-
relying on,' fre-num, 'holder, bridle.'] dhvansa, dadhvase adhvasat dhvasta
; ; ;

+ ava,cas. 1. set down, fix; 2. (like -dhvasya). 1. fall to dust, perish ;

Eng. hold) assume as certain, 44 .
dhvasta, exhausted, hurt, impaired; 2.
V dhrs (dhrsn6ti; dadharsa; adhrsat ; vanish, be off; 3. only in ppl. dhvasta,

dhrsita, dhrsta; -dhfsya; dharsayati). bestrewn, covered over, esp. with dust,
be bold or courageous; dare; venture, [cf. Eng. dits-t ; prob. also AS. dw&s and
74 2 ; caus. venture on some one or dysig,
foolish,' Eng. dizzy, Old High Ger.

something; offend; overpower; dharsita, tuslc, foolish.']

overcome, [cf Opcur-vs, ' bold Lat. fas- .
; dhvansa, m. the perishing; destruction.
tus,'pride'; Goth, ga-dars, AS. dearr, [V dhvans.]
Eng. he dare (all 3d persons sing, of a v' Idhvan (adhvamt; dhvanta; dhvan-
preterito-present) ;
AS. dors-te, Eng. ayati). 1. cover one's self; dhvanta,
durs-t.~\ dark ; 2. become extinguished ;

+ a venture against.
, envelope, cover over;
1. 2. blacken,

+ prati, hold out against, withstand, [perhaps akin w. V dhvans: see dhuma:
82 5 . cf . AS. dunn, Eng. dun, '
dark, brownish-
dhrsnii, a. daring; courageous, doughty, black.']
78 ?;' bold, 84". [v/dhrs, 1162.] V 2 d h v a n (dhvanati ;
dadhvana dhvantd ;

dhenii, f. milch cow; cow. [v'2dha, [955a]). sound, resound, [cf. Old Eng.
'suck,' 1162.] dune, Eng. din.~\
dheya, n, the giving. [v'ldha, mg 4, dhvani, m. sound. [v'2dhvan.]
bestow, give
1213c.] V dhvr (dhvarati). bend or make crooked ;

dhairya, n. firmness; earnest or resolute cause to fall; harm by deceit. [see

bearing. [2dMra, 1211.] dhurta and dhruti : cf. AS. dwellan,
V dhma. see dham. s
lead astray, cause to delay,' Eng. dwell,
' '
V dhya (dhyati, dhyayati [761dl]; da- intrans., delay, linger, abide Eng. dwaul, ;

dhyaii ; adhyasit [911] ; dhyasyati ; 'wander, rave,' dwale, 'stupefying potion';


dhyatd dhyatva -dhyaya) think upon

; ;
Dutch dwaal-licht, ignis f atuus Goth. '

meditate, [see Vdhi and 108g.] dvals, 'foolish'; Eng. dull, dol-t ; Ger.
+ abhi, set the mind on something; toll,
sink one's self in thought, 57 .

dhyana, n. meditation. [Vdhya, 1150.]

dhyana-para, a. having meditation as na [491], end. pron. root of 1st person, see

highest object, absorbed in contempla- aham. [w. nas, 'us,' cf. v&, 'we two,'
tion. [1302b.] Lat. nos, 'us.']
V dhraj (dhrajati; adhrajit). draw on- na, adv. 1. not [1122b], 3
-la. in

ward, advance, intrans. [see v'dragh, of connected sentences or clauses :

which this is poss. a collateral form.] simply: 97
octies , ; 62 u>15, quinquies ;

V dhru, collateral form of s'dhvr. 63 13 14 , 71 4 ter; 4 13


, ,
17 18
74 J , 80 ", bis;

dhruti, /. a deceiving ;
infatuation . with ca : na ,
na ca, na ca 62 16 , ;

[Vdhru.] na ,
na ca ,
na % 63
with api see ;

21 u
dhruva, a. 1. holding or continuing, api2; with u, ;
Ib. not repeated,
i.e. remaining fixed in place as m. ;
but replaced by api ca or va^api (see these),
the pole-star, 100 8 ; 2. of abodes 2 12 , 63*; Ic. combinations: na ca, 8 ;

certain, safe, 79
[Vdhr in mg 6: see na ca, 13
62 16
naiva, 22;
23 19 96 10 ; , ,

1190.] na vai, 92 15 ;
na va, 96 12 na tu, 64 13 ; ;

dhruva, / sacrificial ladle, 102 13 ,

see na tv eva tu, see tu ;
na ha, 95 na_iva,

sriic. [lit. 'holder,' vfdhr in mg 1 : see not exactly, 93 5 ;

Id. tantamount to a-
1190.] in negative cpds [1122b ],
as nacira, na-
[179] [Vnam

tidura, nadhita, etc. ; le. at beg. of na-cira, a. not long; -at, adv. [1114c],
adversative clause: with adversative con/., soon. [1122b .]

34 10 ; without, 22 20, 41 13 , 92 16 ; -If. in em- nata, m. dancer, mime, actor (these form

phatic litotes, 21; Ig. substantive verb to a very despised caste), [Vnrt.]
be supplied, 32 5 (asti); Ih. na precedes nada or nala, m. reed. [Whitney 54: cf.

ced, if it
belongs to the protasis, 63 9 ; if it 2 nada and nala.]
immediately follows ced, it must be joined to V nad (nadati nanada, nede; nadita;

the apodosis,18 9 li. for prohibitive nega- ; -nadya). sound roar bellow. ;[see ;

tive, see ma; Ij. na, 'not,' coalesces met- 1 nada and nadf.]
rically in Veda w. following initial vowel, 1 nada, m. the bellower, i.e. bull. [Vnad.]
e.g. 70 12
71 4
83 9 ;
2 nada, m. reed, rush. [cf. nada.]
2. like [see 1122d and d 2 ], in this sense nadi,f. roaring stream river. [Vnad: ;

Vedic only, 70 15 18 , 71 7 9 , etc.; na, 'like,' ' '

Ne'Sa, Ne'Scoi/, names of streams.]
does not coalesce metrically in Veda w. fol- nanandr [3G9 f. husband's sister. 2

lowing initial vowel. V nand (nandati, -te; nananda; nandis-

[cf. vr\-, Lat. n&-, negative prefix in yate; nandita; -nandya). be glad,
i/T)-/cep8es, 'gain-less,' nff-fas, 'not right, abhi, be glad in; greet joyfully.

wrong'; AS. and Old Eng. ne, 'not'; AS. nandana, a. gladdening; causing joy ;
na (ne +d), 'not ever, never, no,' Eng. no; m. son, 21 n ;
Nandana, or Elysium, n.

Eng. na- in nathless, AS. na \>e Zees, not

the pleasure ground of the gods, esp. of
' 18
the less ; Eng. n- in n-ever, n-aught, etc.] Indra, 49 [caus. of Vnand.]

nakis, indecl. subst. pron. 1. no one, 78 1 , nandi, m. The Gladsome One, euphemis-
73 M?. _. nothing, 73 '"I; -3. et-en as tic epithet of the dreadful god, Qiva-
[see 1117], never, 75 .
[na + kis, Rudra. [Vnand: cf.
see 504 2 end.] nandi-deva, m. Xandideva, name of a

nakula, m. Viverra ichneumon, an animal Brahman, ['having (yiva as his god.']

like the polecat, often domesticated, and nap at, naptr [370], m. 1. in Veda, de-

a bitter foe of serpents and mice. scendant in general; son; grandson, 87


nakta, n. night;[llllb], by night,-am 2. in Skt., grandson, 63

[cf. vvl-, stem VVKT, Lat. nox, stem nocti, in Veda, napat, napatam, naptra, naptr-
Eng. night.'] bhis, etc. in Skt., napta, naptaram, nap-

V naks (naksati, -te; nanaksa, nanakse). tra, naptrbhis, etc. see 1182d cf vt-rroSfs, : : .

attain unto; w. dyam, mount up to 'young ones'; Lat. nepotem, 'grandson';

heaven. [collateral form of V2na, AS. nefa, son's son or brother's son

supplanted by Old French neveu (Eng.

naksatra, n. 1. sidus, heavenly body, nephew], which in Old Eng. meant 'son's
in Veda, of sun as well as of stars star, ; son' as well as 'brother's son.']
13 3 71 12 sing, collectively, 78 n constel-
, ; ; napti [356], /. daughter, 72
; grand-
lation; asterism of the lunar zodiac,
2. daughter. [/. to napat : acct, 355b.]
59 10 .
[perhaps the stars are they that V nabh (nabhate). burst; tear.
'mount up' to heaven, cf. Vnaks w. nabhas, n. 1. mist, clouds; 2. atmos-
dyam.] phere, sky. [cf. vefyos, ve(j>f\T), cloud,
nakha, m. n. nail (on fingers or toes); mist'; Lat. nubes, 'cloud,' nebula, 'mist';
claw; talon, [cf. uvv, stem o-wx, Lat. AS. nifol, misty, gloomy ; Ger. Nebel,


nail, claw ;
AS. ntEgel, Eng. nail.~\ 'mist': for mg2, cf. Ger. Wolken and AS.
nakhin, a. having claws; as m. beast with wolcnu, 'clouds,' w. Eng. welkin, 'sky.']
claws, [nakha.] nabhas-tala, n. sky-surface, i.e. sky, see
nagara, n., and -ri,f. town, city. tala.

nagaropanta, n. neighborhood of the V nam (namati, -te; nanama, neme [794e];

town, [upanta.] anansit; nansyati; nata [954d]; nami-
namas] [180]

turn, nantum ;
natva ; -namya ;
nama- naradhipa, m. lord of men, i.e. king
yati). bow (intrans.), bend one's self; aim prince, [adhipa.]
at a person (gen.) with (instr.), 73 ; nata, naregvara, m. lord of men, i.e.
bowed down, bending over, 68 K. ;
cans. prince. [Igvara.]
cause to bow, subdue; namyate, is sub- narottama, a. subst. best of men. [ut-
dued, 31 .
+ ava, bow down, 34 17 .
narmada, a. granting or causing fun;
+ a bow down to.
, making gladness; f. -da, Xarmada (called
+ u d raise one's self up, arise.
also Reva), the modern Nerbudda river.
+ s a m - u d rise. , [narman + da.]
+ nis, bend out; contort one's self. narman, n. fun.
+ pra, make obeisance before (ace.). na1a ,
m. reed ; Nala, name of a prince of
namas, n. bow, obeisance; adoration (by Nishadha. [cf. nada, Vedic nala.]
gesture or word); reverence; used also nalopakhyana, 1
n. Nala-episode, I .

like the Lat. gloria in the Gloria patri. [upakhyana.]

[V nam.] 1 nava, a. new; of an earthen dish, (fresh,
namas-kara, m. a making of namas; i.e.) unburned.
[prob. fr. mi, 'now/ q.v. :

adoration. [171 cf. vfos, Lat. novus, Ger. neu, Eng.
.] new."]
namas -kr (see Vlkr). do homage, 9 U . 2 nava [483 *], num. nine. [cf. tvvta, Lat.
[171 , 1092a.] novem, Ger. neun, Eng. nine.']
V namasya( namasy ati )
pay reverence. n a v a t i [485], f. ninety. [2 nava.]
[namas, 1063, 1058.] nava-nlta, n. fresh butter. [perhaps
namuci, m. Namuchi, name of a demon,

fresh-brought/ as we say bring the '

foe of Indra, 81 16, 97 6 .
ter, i.e. make it come/ in churning.]
nay ana, n. eye. ['leader, organ of sense navedas, a. perhaps well-knowing, cogni-
that leads/ sfni, 1150. la for mg, cf. : zant of (gen.), [apparently fr. an affirma-
anana, gatra, car ana, netra.] tive particle na-, and vedas : see 1296 3
nara, m. man, 3
, etc.; at 57 5, the primal end.]
man or spirit. [transition-stem fr. nr, V Inag (nagyati nanaga, negus; anagat ; ;

1209a.] nanksyati [936]; nasta; nagayati). be

nara-nari,y. man and woman. [1253a.] missing get lost vanish
; perish, be ; ;

nara-pati, m. lord of men king.

ruined, [cf ven-pos, dead Lat. nex, .

nara-vahana, a. subst. having men as ' ' '

death ; nocere, harm.']
his team, drawn by men; epithet and + vi, get lost; perish; caus. cause to dis-
name of Kuvera, god of wealth; name appear; bring to nought, 81 .

of a king, successor of Qalivahana. V 2nag (nagati, -te; nanaga; anat [833]).

naravahana-datta, m. Naravahanadat- attain ; reach, come up to, 74 J ;
w. accha,
name of a son of king Udayana. draw u ' '
ta, hither, 76 .
[see V 1 ag, reach cf : .

naravahanadatta-carita, n. adven- Lat. nac-tus sum, '

am having reached

tures of X. AS. nedh, comp. near, superl. nedhst, Eng.

naravahanadattacaritamaya, f. -i, a. nigh, near (as comp., Macbeth ii. 3. 146),
containing the adventures of N. [1225 : next ; AS. ge-neah,
it reaches, es reicht, it

see maya.] suffices'; ge-noh, Eng. e-nough.~\

nara-vyaghra, m. man-tiger, i.e. brave + pra, reach to, hit; fall upon, 78 .

and noble man. [cf .

naragardula :
1280b.] nas [397], /. nose. [nom. dual, nasa: cf.
nara-gardula, m. man-tiger, i.e. best Lat. nas-turcium, ' nose-teaser, nasturtium ' ;

' '
among men. [cf. naravyaghra :
1280b.] ndr-es, nostrils ;
AS. nosu, Eng. nose ;
nara-grestha, a. subst. best of men. nos-tril, 'nose-thrill, nose-hole.']
nara-sunu, /. daughter of the primal nas [491], end. pron. form of \st pers. [cf.
man or spirit. v(>,
we two '
; Lat. nos, '
[181] [Vnind

nasa, for nas in cpds [1315c]. and returns to heaven with reports from
V nah (nahyati [761c]; naddha [223 ]; men.
-nahya). bind; join, [despite naddha (a n a r a y a n a m. Narayana, son of the pri- ,

poss. false formation), and Avestan nazda mal man. [simply a patronymic of nara,
(Morphologische Untersuchungen, iii. 144), see 1219.]

probably for *nagh : cf. Lat. nec-t-ere, nava,/. ship, [transfer-form (1209,399)
fr. nau, nav.]
+ u p a tie on, lace., nag a, m. loss; destruction, [v/nag, 'be

nahi, adv. not, to be sure; nahf me asti, missing.']

to be sure, I have no .
[na + hi, 1122a nasa, dual f. the two nostrils, the nose,
and b 4 : acct of verb, 595d.] [transfer-form (399) fr.
nas, strong nas.]
nahusa, m. Nahusha, name of an ancient nasika,/. nostril; dual, the two nostrils;

king, [perhaps 'neighbor,' from nahus, the nose, [nasa, 1222c 1.]
and in that case a transfer-form (1209b).] nastika, a. subst. atheist, infidel, not be-
nahus, m. neighbor. [Vnah.] lieving the Vedas and Puranas. [fr.
n iika, m. vault of heaven, firmament. na + asti,
there is not,'
natidura, . not very far. [na + ati- nahusa, m. descendant of Xahusha, pa-
tronymic of Yayati. [nahusa, 1208 and f .]
dura, 1122b .]
V nath (nathate nathita ; ; nathitum; ni, prep, down; in, into. [cf. tvi, 'in';

-nathya). turn with supplication to. Eng. ne-ther, be-nea-th.']

nath a, n. a refuge; as m. protector; nikata, a. near; as n. neighborhood;
[v/nath.j presence. [1245g.]
nadhita, a. un-learned. [na + adhita, nikhila, a. entire; all. [perhaps for
v'i: 1122b 4 .] nih-khila,
without a gap,' nis + khila :

nabhi, f. nave or hub.

1. navel;1305 - end.] 2.
[cf. ofj.cj>-a\6s, Lat. umb-ilicus, AS. naf-ela, nija, a. own; belonging to our party, 24 ;

nijo ripus, foe in one's own camp, 37

Eng. navel ; also AS. naf-u, Eng. nave.'] ;

nabhi-vardhana, n. the cutting of the often used as reflexive possessive pron., my

navel (-string). own, his own, our own, etc., or rather,
the name-giving, nam- 17 u 53 12
56 4 6
nama-dheya, n. my (47 ),
his (50 , ,

9 9 22
ing, 59 ; name, 17 GO ,
[naman.] [perhaps 'in-born,' ni +ja.] fr.
Hainan, n. 1. distinguishing character- ninya, a. inner; hidden, 70 ; as n. secret,
istic;form; -2. name, 13
60 21b 78 9 78 3 [ni.] , , , .

61 9 nama grah, (take i.e.) mention the nitya,a.

; 1. own (Vedic), 79
2. con- ;

name, 64 13
personal name (e.g.
deva- stant; eternal, 57
-am, adv. constantly, ;

datta), as distinguished from the gotra

always, 17 64 19 [in mg 1, fr. ni, 'in,' ,

or family name (e.g. kagyapa,

' ' '
descen- 1245b, and so signifying 'inward, not
dant of Ka9yapa'), 103 19 N. at end of
alien.'] ;

cpds, having name, named so 11 nitya-kala, m. uninterrupted time -am,

as , ;

times, e.g. 19
u 3. nama, adv. [llllb],
; adv. always, under all circumstances, 60 6 .

so 19 3
60 2U 94 16
by name, times, e.g. I nitya-snayin, a. constantly making , , ;

also munna, 56 5 w. interrogatives, pray, ; sacred ablutions. [1279.]

54 16 [origin unknown: cf. o-po/xa, Lat. V nid or nind (nindati; nininda anindlt;

nomen, Eng. name.] nindita -nindya). blame reproach, ; ;

nara, 1. a. human; 2. as m. man; [cf. ovfiSos,

narl, /. woman, I 9 ,
86 18 , etc.; wife, nidra , /. sleep. [V 2 dra,
sleep,' + ni.]
[nr, 1208b : for mg 2, cf . manava.] nidhana, ra. n. end; death, 5 [perhaps

nara da, m. Narada, name of an ancient f r.dha + ni, put down

or out of the
devarsi u who often make an end of.']
(see note to 1
), appears way,'
on the earth to bring news from the gods, v nind, see nid.
nindaka] [182]

nindaka, a. subst. scoffer. [Vnid, nind.] nir-laksya, a. not to be perceived,

nibandhana, n. a binding, ligation, 59 3 ; avoiding notice, [see nis 3.]
that on which a thing is fastened or nir-vanga, a. without family; alone in
rests or depends, condition, means, 46 . the world.
[Vbandh + ni.] nir-vata, a. windless; sheltered.
nibhrta, a. (borne down, lowered, i.e.) nir-vigesa,a. without distinction; undis-
hidden; -am, adv. secretly. [Vbhr + ni.] tinguished; alike; like.
nimajjana, n.
[Vmajj +ni.]
bathing. nirvigesakrti, a. having like appear-
nimitta, n. mark (for shooting at) sign, ; ance, looking just alike, [akrti.]
token; occasion or cause; -am, -ena, ad- nivara, m. the warding off. [Vlvr,
verbially, because of; tannimittam, -ena, 'cover,' + ni.]
because of this, on account of this. nivita, ppl. hung, i.e. draped, with hang-
nimesa, m. closing or winking of the eyes. ings, esp. with the sacred cord ; as n.
[Vmis -t-ni.] [1176a], the wearing the sacred cord about
niyoga ,
m. a fastening on ; injunction, the neck ; the sacred cord itself. [V vya +
and so, commission ; business, 30 6 .
[V yuj ni.]
+ ni: for mg, cf. alicui injungere labor em, nivrtta, ppl. 1. turned away; esp. of
fasten or impose a task on a person.'] an action which is turned away, i.e. not
nir , for nis before sonants [174] ; see nis. directed (to any ulterior purpose or ob-
nir-antara, a. without interval or free ject), free from hope of reward in this
space ; completely filled, 53 ;
continuous ;
world or the next, disinterested, opp. of
uninterrupted, 56 .
pravrtta, q.v.; 2. having turned away
nir-apaya, a. without failure or danger; from, and so abstaining from, 29 [Vvrt .

infallible or safe.

nir-apeksa, a. without regard or expec- niv6gana, n. a going in and settling down

tation ; regardless, 52 not expecting
to rest ;resting-place ; sleeping-place, bed,
n 105 8 6
anything from another, independent, 31 .
; dwelling, 8 .
Vvig + ni: for mg,
[apeksa, 334 .] cf. bhavana.]
nir-amisagin, a. not meat-eating, [see nig [397], /. night, [cf. nakta.]
nis 3.] niga , f. night, [cf nig, nakta.]

nir-ahara, a. without food, abstaining nigcaya, m. (ascertainment, determina-

from food. tion, a fixed opinion or a firm resolve.

nir-ukta, a. spoken out; loud; clear; [poss. fr. v!3ci, 'notice, look,' + nis; but
os n.
explanation etymological interpre-
; better, perhaps, fr. V 1 ci + nis, and so,
tation of a word ; esp. Nirukta, title of a '
an un-piling, i.e. discrimination, determi-
commentary to the nighantavas or Vedic nation.']
Glossary. [V vac + nis. ] nigcala, a. not moving, [nis + cala : see
n i r - r t i ,/. dissolution ; destruction. [Vr + nis 3.]
nis, 1157. Id.] nigcita, ppl. determined, decided; -am,
nir-guna, a. without a string, 18 5 ;
void adv. decidedly, surely, [see under nig-
of good qualities, 18 5 worthless, bad. ; caya.]
nir-nama, m. contortion, sinuosity. nihgreyasa, a. without a superior, i.e.

[V nam + nis.] best; as n. final beatitude, [nis + grey-

nir-dhana, a. without money. asa: acct, 1305 3 .]
nir-buddhi, a. without wit, stupid. nihgvasa, m. breathing out, expiration;
nir-bhara, a. 1. without measure, sigh. [V gvas + nis. ]
much -am, adv. very -am prasupta, nihgvasa-parama, a. having sighs as
; ;

fast asleep 2. full of.; chief thing, much addicted to sighing.

nir-niala, a. without impurity; pure; [1302b.]
clear. nisadha, m. pi. the Nishadhans, name of
[183] [mlavarna

a people ; Nishadha, name of a country, + pra,l. bring forward ;

2. as litur-
1 7 N., 4 3 .
gical terminus technicus, convey the sacri-
nisadhadhipa, m. .ruler or king of the ficial fire and water to their places on and
Nishadhans. [adhjpa.] near the altar; pranitas (sc. apas), holy
nisudana, m. finisher (in its colloquial water; 3. bring forward (one's feelings),

sense), one who makes an end of, de- i.e. come out with or manifest one's affec-

stroyer. sud + ni.] tion, 9
[V .

niseka, m. an injecting, esp. of semen, + vi, lead; guide; train; discipline.

impregnation; the ceremony performed ni [352], vbl. bringing, in vaani. [Vni.]
upon impregnation. [V sic + ni.] nica, a.
low, not high ; morally and
nisevin, devoting one's self to; co-
a. socially low. [inorganic transfer-form
habiting with, 67 [Vsev + ni.] .
(1209a) fr. nic-a, q.v.]
niskramana, n. the stepping out; esp. nica, adv. down, low. [adverbially ac-
the first going out with a child. [Vkram cented instr. instead of nic-a, 1112e
+ nis.] fr. ny-anc.]
nistha, a. resting upon. [Vstha + ni, nica-vayas [418], a. whose strength is

333.] low; exhausted. [1306.]

nisphala, a. fruitless, 63 10 ; vain, 68 ". nida, Vedic nila, m. n. 1. (place for

[nis + phala.] settling down, i.e.) resting-place; 2. esp.

nis, adv. prep. 1. out, forth; 2. in bird's nest, [for ni-zd-a, i.e. ni-s(a)d-a
cpds [1305 end], having away, with- 198b 3 V sad + ni cf : Lat. nidus, .

out e.g. nirantara

3. in cpds, not, ; Ger. Nest, Eng. nest: for 1, see Whitney
e.g. nigcala. 54.]
V m (nayati, -te ninaya [800b], ninye ; ; nida-garbha, m. nest-interior.
anaisit, anesta [882]; nesyati, -te; nita; niti,/. and saga-
1. co'nduct, esp. right

netum nitva
-niya ; niyate naydyati
; ; ;
cious conduct; the knowledge of all that
[1042b]). lead, 24 ; guide; conduct, governs virtuous and discreet and states-
85 20 carry, 39 19 etc.; carry off, 36 15
; , ,
man-like behavior; political and social
43 17 ; vyaghratam ni, bring to tiger-ness, ethics ;
2. leading. [V ni,
change into a tiger ; vagam ni, bring into niti-jna, a. knowing how to conduct
one's power. one's self discreetly.
+ anu, (draw along toward one, i.e.) niti-vidya, f. knowledge of niti or

try to win or conciliate by friendly words. political and social ethics, esp. as it con-
-f abhi, bring hither to. cerns princes.
+a , bring to, 29 u ; bring, 31
; niti-Qastra, n. doctrine or science of
u and
(one liquid) into (another, loc.), mix, 101 ; political social ethics.
caus. cause to be fetched, 50 5 .
nitha, m. a leading; nitha, n. (way, and
+ ud ,bring up rescue (as a drowning ; so, like the German Weise) a musical air,
man from the water), 90 10 .
song. [Vni, 1163a.]
+ upa ,
take unto one's self, of the nira, n. water.
teacher who
receives a youth of one of nirasa, a. sapless, dried up; tasteless;
the three free castes as pupil, and at the insipid, 54 ". [nis + rasa, 174, 179.]
same time invests him with the sacra- niruj, a. without disease; healthy, 22 .

mental cord, thus conferring spiritual re- [nis+riij, 174, 179.]

birth, and making him a full member of nila, a. dark-colored, esp. dark blue; as n.
his caste see upanayana ; upanita, in-
; indigo nfli, / indigo, [hence, through ;

vested with the sacramental cord. the Arabic an-nil, for al-nil, 'the indigo-
+ pari, lead around (a cow, steer), 91 u plant,' come Eng. anil and aniline.'] ,

105 M esp. lead a bride around the fire nila-pata, m. dark garment.

(as wedding ceremony), page 99. nlla-varna, a. blue-colored.

nilasarhdhanabhanda] [184]

nilasamdhana-bhanda, n. vat for the nrmna, n. virtus, manliness, courage,

mixing, i.e. preparing of indigo, strength, [fr. nr (1224c), as virtus fr.

nillbhanda-svamin, m. indigo-vat-pro- vir.~\

prietor. nr-Qansa, a. man-cursing; malicious.

nivara, m. wild rice; sing, the plant; pi. netavya, grdv. to be carried. [Vni.]
the grains, netra, n. eye. ['leader,' Vni, 1185a: for
nil a, see mda. mg, cf. nayana.]
> nn (navate; nunava: anusta; nuta; n 6 d adv. lest, in order that
, not, w. accented
-mitya). cry aloud; shout; exult; praise. verb (595d) in the subjunctive (581c), 84 ".
+ pra, murmur; hum; esp. utter the
sacred syllable om. n e d y a grdv. to be blamed.
, [V nid, 963d.]
nu, adv. la. now, at once, temporal ; Ib. n e mi, / felly, rim. [nam, 1155.]
now, confirmative ; adha nu, so now, 79 ; nairukta, a. pertaining to the Nirukta;
Ic. now, introductory, 70 ; Id. so as m. an etymologist, [nirukta, 1208f .]
then, in encouraging or summoning; le. naisadha. pertaining to Nishadha ; as
18 20
now, pray, in questions, 5 21 , 7 ,
51 , 74 8, m. prince of the Jsishadhans, i.e. Xala.
78 12 ;
2. asseverative : nakir nu, surely [nisadha, 1208f.]
no one or nothing, 73 20
ma nu, in order n6, adv. and not, 21
u no ced, and if
; ; not,
that surely not, 86 ; 3. w. relatives : see ced. [na + tu]
ya nu, whatsoever, 74 i.e.
yat nau, see 491. ; yan nu,
nu, as long soever as, 79 13
V. often nau [361a], /. boat; ship. [cf. vavs, Lat.
' '
nu: cf. vv, vvv, Lat. nun-c, Ger. nu, nun, navis, ship perhaps AS. naca, skiff
' '

AS. nu, nu, Eng. now: see also nava, perhaps 'the swimmer,' Vsnu, cf. Vsna.]
nutana, nunam.] nyag-r6dha, m. Ficus indica, banyan
V nud (nudati, -te nun6da, nunud6 ; tree. [;downwards - growing ' nyanc

anutta [881]; notsyati, -te; nutta, nun- (1249a) + rodha.]

na; -nddya). push; thrust. nyanc [409b], a. directed downwards, [ni
--par a, thrust away; move from its + anc, 407.]
place. nyayd, m. 1. (that to which a thing
+ pra, push forward ; set in motion.
goes back, i.e.) rule, norm; 2. (that in

4-vi, drive asunder or away ;

turn away, which a thing goes, i.e.) way; 3. esp.

esp. from cares, like the Eng. di-vert; the right way, propriety. [Vi + ni,
amuse. [for mg, cf. also dis-port and
s-port.~\ nyayya,
a. regular, normal, right; -am,
nuda ,
a. dispelling, in cpds. [V nud.] adv. rightly; properly, [nyaya, 1211.]
nutana, a. of now ;
recent ; young, [nu, nyasa, m. a putting down, commitment.
1245e.] [V 2 as + ni, throw down.']
niinam, adv. now. [nu, 1109.]
nf [370, 371 5 9 10 ], - -
m. man; hero; used
also of gods: of the Maruts, 74*, 77 .

[cf arfip, stem avtp, man

' '
. Old Lat. nero, 1 pa, ; vbl. drinking, in cpds. [VI pa, 333.]
stem neron, 'manly, strong'; Lat. Nero.~\ 2 pa, vbl. keeping, keeper, in cpds. [V2pa,
nr-caksas, a. men-beholding. [1296 .] 333.]
V nrt (nftyati,
-te ; nanarta anartit paksa, m. 1. wing, 93
2. ; ; side, of a
nartisyati ; nrttd ;
nartitum ; nart- door or of the hair of the head ;
3. half,
1 19
itva). dance. esp. of a lunar month, 27 57 cf. krsna-. , ,

nrti, /. dance. [Vnrt, 1155. 1.] gukla-; 4. side, i.e. party, 37 .

nr - p a m. protector of men, i.e. prince, king, paksa-bala, n. strength of wing.


nr-pati, m. lord of men, i.e. prince, king. paksin, a. winged, 92

as m. bird, 2 M ;

[acct, 1267a.] [paksa.]

[185] [pati

paksimrgata, f. condition of bird or V pan (panati, -te; panita). 1. bargain;

of beast. [fr. paksin + mrga : 1237, buy; 2. bet, wage, stake, play. [prob.
1252.] for *paln : cf irfpinj/^L and .
sell ;

paksi-c,avaka, m. young of a bird; Ger.feil, 'for sale, venal.']

birdling. [paksin.] + a, in apana, market.'
pa iika, n. mud, mire. + vi, sell.
panktf, f. set or series or row of five; pana, m. 1. bargain, stipulation, 45 u ;
row in general, [panca, 1157.4.] 2. wage, gage, prize; 3. a certain
pankti-krama, m. order of a row; coin, 47 .
-ena, in a row, 39 . m. 1. who
pani, bargainer, gives nought
V pac (pacati, -te; papaca, pec6 [794e]; without return ; chafferer, haggler, and so
apaksit; paksyati, -te; paktum; pak- 2. niggard; esp. one who is stingy to-

tva). cook, by baking or boiling or wards the gods, an impious person ; 3. a

' '
roasting ; ripen. [cf .
irfffcrw, cook ;
malicious demon. [Vpan.]
vfv-wv, 'ripe'; Lat. coquo, 'cook'; bor- pandita, a. learned; as m. learned man,
rowed AS. noun coc, Eng. cook.'] Anglo-Indian pandit.
+ v i cook thoroughly pass, be brought
, ; pandita-sabha, /. assembly of pandits.
to maturity; ripen (of an action), i.e. panya, grdv. to be bargained for or bar-
come to its consequences or issue. tered ;
as n. article of trade. [Vpan, 963.]
panca [483 ], num. five. [cf. ireVre, Aeolic V pat (patati, -te; papata, petus [794e];
Lat. quinque, Goth, fimf, AS. flf, apaptat ; patisyati ; patita ; patitum ;

Eng. Jive.'] patitva -patya patayati,

; ; -te). 1. fly ;

panca-tantra, n. Panchatantra, name move swiftly through the air; 2. de-

of a collection of fables, ['having five scend, let one's self down ;
cast one's
divisions or books.'] self at, 26 8 ; 3. fall down, tumble down,
panca-tapas, having five fires, of ana. 34 8, 40 2 - 5
fall (morally), fall from one's
ascetic who
between four fires, one at
sits caste; fall (dead); down
4. fall upon,
each cardinal point, and with the burning be directed to, 13 6 5. fall or get into, ;

sun above. 22 s 9 ;
cans, cause to fly; hurl (a curse),

pancatva, n. fiveness ; esp. dissolution 49". [cf. vfTOfuu, 'fly'; vl-vru, 'fall';
of the body into the five elements (earth, Lat. peto, '
fall upon, make for, seek : see
water, fire, air, ether, see bhuta and 66 5 N.), also pattra.]
i.e. death; w. gam, die. [panca, 1239.] + a n u fly after,
, pursue.
panca-pada,/ -I, a. having (taken) five + ud, fly up.
steps, [acct, 1300.] + sam-ud, fly or spring up together,
pancama, f. -i, a. fifth,
[panca, 487 .] 3 6 8".

panca-yama, a. having five courses, + ni, fly down; light, 3 ; tumble into,
[acct, 1300.] 36 1S ; caws, cause to fall; kill, 32 n , 33 17 .

panca-girsa, a. five-headed. [girsan, + sam-ni , fall together, 99 20 ;

1315a.] together; cans, bring together or convene,
V pat (patayati, etc.). split, slit. 9 19 .

+ ud, open out. + para, fly off, 93 .

pat a, m. woven stuff cloth; garment. ; patatra, n. wing. [Vpat, 1185d.]

patala, n. veil; cover, [cf. pata.] patatrin,a. winged; as m. bird, [pata-
patu ,
a. 1. sharp ;
and so 2. Jig. tra.]
(nearly like Eng. sharp), clever. pa tana, n. fall. [Vpat.]
V path (pathati; papatha; pathita; path- pati [343b], m. 1. master, possessor;
23 2
itva; pathayati). read aloud, 54 55 9 , ; lord; ruler, 4 ; 2. then (like Eng. lord),
recite, 17 11
repeat to one's self,
; study,
husband, 9 , 89 86 19 , 64 ". , [cf. w6 ff is,
22 u ;
cans, teach to talk, 19 15
'husband'; Lat. impos, stem irn-pot, 'not
patighni] [186]

master of; Goth.fafrs in bru}>-fa\>-s, 'bride- existence be produced utpannam an-

; ;

groom.'] nam, food (not cooked for the occasion,

a. f.
but) already on hand, 104
pati-ghni, husband-slaying, [for- utpanne ;

mally a fern, to pati-han, 402.] karye, when the emergency has arisen,
n. condition of spouse; wedlock. 38 u 8
patitva, ; caws, engender, 23 ; produce ;

[patL] get, 42 17 .

pati-loka, m. husband's place, abode of -t-praty-ud, in ppl. pratyutpanna,

the husband in the future life.
ready or on hand to meet an emergency.
pati-sthana, n. husband's place. + upa, fall upon; happen, take place,
pat isthaniya, a. belonging to or in 100 10 ; come to, get at, reach upapanna, ;

the husband's place ;

as m. husband's (having gotten at [952
i.e.) in posses-

representative, [patisthana, 1215.] sion of, endowed with, 1 *, 2 3.

pattra, n. 1. feather; wing; 2. + prati, 1. step to; enter upon, 66


(plumage of a tree, i.e.) leaf for mg, cf. 2. get into (a condition), 49 15
; get at,
parna ; 3. a leaf for writing on ; a
acquire, attain, 98
n ; get back again, 60 ;

written leaf, 54 19 [V pat : cf irrep6v, . .

3. go to meet, and so (like the Lat.

'wing'; Lat. penna and Old Lat. pesna ac-cedere), accede, yield; say yes to; con-
(for *petna), 'wing'; Ger. Fed-er, Eng. sent, 48 12 .

feath-er.~\ + vi, fall asunder, 93 ; come to nought,
pattra-aka, leaf-vegetable, a vege-
get into trouble.
table consisting chiefly of leaves. sam, 1. turn out well, succeed,
patni, / 1. mistress, lady; 2. then
prosper; 2. become, 45
12 47 18
, ; 3. fall
(like Eng. lady), wife. [fern, to pati, just together, be united with; sampanna, en-
as lady/ is to ir<J<m.] dowed 10
Trd-rvia., with, 2 .

patsutah-gi [352], a. lying at the feet.

pad [391], m. foot. [V pad : cf W5-o, Lat.

patsutas, adv. at the feet. [fr. patsii, pffd-em, Eng.ybof.]

loc. pi. of pad, 1098b.] -1. 21
pada, n. step, 17 ,
99 s23 ;
-2. foot-
path [433], same as panthan. step; 3. foot, 86 6 ; 4. standing-place,
patha, for path in cpds [1315c]. stead, place; home, 56 4 ; station, position,
path! [433], same as panthan. 41 1
WSov, 'ground'; Lat.
[Vpad: cf.

pathi-raksi, a. guarding the paths, op-pedum, op-pidum, 'town, (on or over the
[panthan, 1249a :
acct, 1276.] field)'; peda, 'footprint'; AS. fozt, 'step,
pathya, (pertaining to the way, course,
going, journey,' whence fetian, 'go for,'
or progress of a thing, and so) suitable,
Eng. fetch.]
wholesome ; pathya, f. pathway, [path, p a d m a m. n. , lotus, Nelumbium speciosum
1212d 1.] (not the plant, but the flower, which closes
V pad (padyate; papada, ped6 [794e]; at evening).
apatta [882] patsyate, -ti panna
; ;
padma-garbha, a. containing lotuses;
[957d] pat turn ; -padya
; padayati). ;
Lotus-filled, name of a lake, [see garbha
1. go, step, tread, only w. prepositions 2-]
and in derivatives; 2. fall, sink down padma-raga, a. having the color of a
(from fatigue), perish, [connection be- lotus as m. ruby.
; [1296.]
tween 1 and 2 not clear: uncompounded panthan [433], m. road, path, way. [cf.
' ' '
verb very rare : see under pdd and TTOTOS, path ; Lat. pont-em, path, bridge ':

pada.] Eng. path and Ger. Pfad, if they belong

+ a, come unto; get into (a condition); here at all, must be regarded as very early
esp. get in trouble. borrowings, fr. the Greek irdros, or poss.
-I- vy-a ,
fall away, perish ;
cans, destroy ;
from the Scythian.]
kill. pant ha [433 5 same ],
as panthan.
+ ud, go forth or out of; come into pay as, n. milk.
[187] [paridhi

payo-mukha, a. having milk on the syntactical forms sometimes correspond to

face or surface, [payas, 1303.] the logical relation of the two parts so,

para [525 ], a.
1. far, distant, more dis- e.g., in parasparam nindanti, they scold,

tant, further off, 86 4 ;

-2. following, the one the other
but have come to
later, future ;
being beyond, surpass- be stereotyped and used often where the
ing, summus ; chief, 68
best, 36
ut- logical relation would require other case-
13 17 u forms
most, 1 greatest, 44
; highest, 103 ; ; anyonya.]
: cf.

at end of cpds [1302b], having as chief parasparadin.a. devouring one another,

thing, given over to ,
devoted to ; [adin.]
4. a. and subst. other, para, 64 13 ; eka para, adv. to a distance, away, forth, [cf.
the one the other, 53 19 another, 30 22 ; ; irapd, w. gen., 'away from, from beside 'j
6 10
strange, hostile stranger, 24 foe, 29
; ; , Lat. per- in per-lre and Ger. ver-in ver-ijehen,,
37 19 2
[V pr,
bring across cf '

Wpd, ;
'pass away, perish '; Eng. for- in for-bear,,
' ' '

beyond Lat. peren-die,

the day after/ 'hold off from.']

day after to-morrow Eng. far and and

i.e. ; parakrama, m. s.
pi. bold advance;

/ore.] courage; strength, [v'kram + para.]

par a -d a r a, m. pi. another's wife, paran-mukha, a. having the face
para-dravya, n. pi. another's property. averted; turning the back upon, avoiding.
para-pakaa, m. party of the foe. [paranc, 1249a, 217, 161.]
para-patni,/. wife of a stranger. paranc [409a], f. paraci, a. directed away ;
par am, adv. beyond; w. abl. [1128], after, averted; turning the back, [para + anc,
60 2 \ [para, llllc.] 407.]
pa ram a [525
a. 1. farthest, extreme, parartha, m. the sake of others; -am,
13 so 85 3
last ;
of heaven, highest, 83 ; ; -e, adv. for others, [artha, 1302c4.]
2. chief est, 29 l ; supreme; most excel- paravat,/. the distance, [para, 383d 1,

lent, 15 1T
end of cpds [1302b], having
at 12451]
as supreme object, devoted to 3. pari, adv. around; prep. w. ;
abl.: from
8 15
advly in cpds, before an adj. [1279], highly, around, 87 from, 75 ; .
[cf .
exceedingly, [para, 474.] around.']
parama-gobhana, a. exceedingly beau- parigha, m. iron bar for locking a gate.
tiful. [Vhan + pari, 1143c, 333: for mg, cf. Ger.
most excellent woman, Schlag, coach-door/ and schlagen,
' '

paramangana,/. strike :

[angana.] force of prep, unclear.]

paramegvara, m. supreme lord. [15- parighopama, a. like iron bars, fupama,

vara.] 334 2 .]
parame-athin, a. standing in the high- pari -j ana, m. the surrounding folk,
est place ; supreme, as epithet of Praja- TrepiVoAoi , retinue. [1289a.]
pati. [parame (1250c) i-sthin, 186.] p a r i - j a t a, a. completely grown. [1289a/J
para-loka, m. the other or future parineya, grdv. to be led around. [Vni
world. + pari.]
paras, adv. far; in the distance; beyond; parityaga, m. relinquishment. [v'tyaj
w. advly used instr. [1127] ena, beyond + pari.]
here, i.e.
beyond, RV. x. 125. 8. [see paridevita, n. lament. [V2div, 'lament,'
para.] + pari, 1176a.]
parastat, adv. beyond; afterwards, at paridhi, m. (a put-around, i.e.) enclosure,
the end. [pards, HOOb.] fence, protection, 86 in the language
of ;

paras-para, one another; parasparam the sacrifice, the three green sticks laid
and parasparatas, adv. with one another ;
about the altar fire and supposed to hold
13 3
together, 105

[an agglomeration (1314c) of put,' +


mutually, it [\fldha, .

paras (nom. s. m. of para) and para: the pari, 1155. 2e.]

paripanthin] [188]

paripanthin, a. besetting the path; as parvan, n. knot, joint,

['fullness,' Vlpr,
m. waylayer. [pari + panthan, 1310a 'fill,' 1169. la: cf. parus. J
and c end.] pargu,/ rib; sickle.
paribhu [352], a. being around, encom- V palay (palay ate; palay am cakre ; apa-
passing. [Vbhu + pari, 323.] layista ; palayisyati, -te ; palayita ;

pari-vatsard, m. a full year. [1289.] palayitum; palayya). flee; depart, cease,

parivartin, a. turning round, circling, 40 19 [quasi-root f r.
i, go,' + para, v'

[V vrt + away,' see 1087c and c
constantly returning into itself. quite different :

pari.] is V palaya, protect.']
parivara, m. that which surrounds, i.e.
palay ana, n. flight. [V palay.]
retinue. [V 1 vr,
cover,' + pari.] pavana, n. instrument for purifying;
pari grit, f. (encloser, i.e.) one of the winnowing-fan. [v'pu, 1150.]
little by which the sacrificial altar is
stones V Ipag, orig. spag (p4gyati, -te; in Veda:
surrounded. [Vgri + pari, 'enclose': 383b.] paspage ; dspasta [834c] spasta later : ; ;

parisamkhya, f. complete tale or enu- dadarga, etc.). 1. see; 2. perceive;

+ pari-sam.] behold; -3. look; -4. look on, 39

meration ; sum. [V khya ;

par us a, a. knotty, rough, harsh, [parus, gaze, 13 7
; 5. (see, i.e.) experience, 20 ,

1209b.] 35 !; -6. look upon, 21 40 15 consider , ;

parus, n. knot ; joint, of a plant or of the as; 7. see with the spiritual eye (as
' ' ' 9
body, [perhaps a fullness,' V 1 pr, fill : seers and poets), 94 .
[for the initial s,
cf. parvan.] see the perfect and vi-spasta: cf. <rKr-
' '

par6ksa, a. beyond the eye, out of sight, r-ofuu,

look about ;
Lat. specid, ' behold ;

[1116], behind one's spy,' Old High Ger. spehon,

invisible ; -e, adv. Ger. spoken,
back, [for paro 'ksa, i.e. paras + aksa, whence, through Old French espier, the
'eye': 1310a.] Eng. espy, and shortened spy.']
paroksartha, m. invisible thing, the anu, look along or spy out (e.g. a
invisible, [artha.] path for some one, i.e.), disclose or show,
parkati, f. waved-leaved fig-tree, Ficus 83 7 .

infectoria. -f v i, see in places apart, distinguish, see

parna, n. 1. wing; plume, feather; clearly ; vispasta, clear.

2. leaf for mg, cf. pattra. [v'*spr V 2pag, fasten, bind, in derivs, see pagii,

(1177a), see under Vsphur: cf. Lithuanian


paga. [cf .
irdffffa\os, #ira.K-ja\os, peg ;

' '
spdrna, wing ; Ger. Farn, Eng. fern, so Lat. pac-iscor, 'bind myself, agree'; pax,
called (like irrepis, 'fern,' cf. irrepSv, 'agreement, peace'; pang-ere, 'make fast/
'feather,') from its feathery fronds.] pac-tum, 'agreed upon'; Goth, fah-an, AS.

paryalocana, n. deliberation; -&,f. plan, Jon, tjoh-an,

fasten on, take hold of ;
consilium. [Vloc + pary-a, 1150. 2a 2 .] Eng. verbyan^, seize,' noun yam?, seizing-
' '

parvata, consisting of knots or

1. a. tooth'; connection of fing-er ('grasper,
ragged masses, used of a mountain, giri ; holder'?), doubtful: cf. also Goth, fagrs,
as m. 2. mountain, 27 6 , 92 19 ; hill; 'fitting,' AS.fcegr, Eng./azV;,
2 '
cloud-mountain, 70
3. 4. rock or ; Eng. /ay, Ger.fuyen, fit together,' trans.,
bowlder, 86
n 5. Parvata, name of a
and Eng. fudge, fit together or agree/ '

Rishi, companion of Narada (q.v.), 5 [fr. .
2 a single head or a
parvan, cf. 1245c: cf. Tlappaffia (ttrapfarta), pagti, m. cattle, 90
sc. ir6\is, i.e.
Hil-ton.'] herd; domestic animal (opp. to mrga,

parvata-kandara, n. mountain-cave, 'wild beast'), 67 2 ; esp. beast for sacrifice,

parvata-gikhara, m. n. hill-top, 101 6 [prop, 'tethered (beasts)/ V2pac,


parvatopatyaka,/. mountain-lowland, 'fasten': cf. Lat./jec-u, Ger. Vieh, cattle/
lowland by a mountain range, [upat- AS. feoh, property/
'cattle, Eng. fee..

yaka.] orig. 'property/ then 'payment.']

[189] [pana

pagu-ghna, a. slaying cattle; as m. Sone (gona) and Ganges, the Ila\t&oOpct

cattle-slayer. of Ptolemy, 17 9 N.

pagu-tfp, a. cattle-stealing. [vbl of patava, n. sharpness; cleverness, [patu,

V2trp.j q.v.: 1208c.]
pagu-bandha,?n. animal sacrifice, ['bind- pani ,
m. hand. [prob. for *palni : cf .

ing of beast' to sacrificial post.] TrctAci/uTj, Lat. palma, AS. folm, palm,


pagumant, a. rich in cattle. [pagu, hand :

radically akin is AS. fel-an, Eng.

1235 and b.] fed^

pacu-roman, n. a hair of an animal. pani-graha, m. hand-grasper, i.e. (see
pagu-vadha, m. slaughter of animals. 89 5 N.) husband.
page a, a. hinder; later; west; pagcat, pandava, m. descendant of Pandu. [pan-
as adv. [1114c] : -1. behind ; after, 39 23 ; du, 1208c.]
-2. later, afterwards, 29
38 4 there- , ; panditya, n. learning, erudition, [pan-
13 39 17 40 12 pagcat, as prep. w.
upon, 36 , , ; ditk.]
gen. [1130]: -3. after, 51 ; -4. to the pandu, a. whitish, pale; as m. Pandu,
west of, 98", 100 ", 105
11 .
[pacca is an name
of a prince of the Lunar Race.
inorganic transfer-stem (1209a) fr.
pagca, pandu-nandana, m. son of Pandu.
q.v.] pandu-varna, a. pale-colored.
pagca, adv. behind; later; west, [adver- pata, m. fall. [Vpat.]
bially accented instr. instead of pagc-a, pataka, a. causing one to fall (from
pas-(a)c-a, 1112e
i.e. fr.
*pas-anc (407) :
caste); as n. crime, caus. of v/pat.]
with pas cf Lat. pos-terus, ' later,' etc.]
patra, n. 1. instrument of drinking,
pagcat, see pagca. cup; vessel; 2. in general, utensil (cf.
a. last, 52 16 bhanda), 102
n -3.
pagcima, ; westerly, [pagca: Jig., as in Eng. (cf.

cf. 1224a and b.] sthana5), a fit vessel or worthy person,

V lp a (pibati, -te [671, 749]; papaii, pape; 22 ; patri [364], /. sacrificial vessel.
apat pasyati, -te ; pita [954c] patum
; ; ; [\/lpa, 'drink,' 1185a: cf. 362b .]

pitva ; -paya, -pfya). drink, [cf. W- pada, m. 1. foot; leg, 26 10 ; 2. limb

TTU-KO., have drunk'
The Burn, ;
of a quadruped, quarter (as, conversely,i.e.

The Fountain ' Lat. po-tus, drunk ' ;

in Eng., quarter means fourth part of a '

bibo, *pi-b-o, drink.'] quadruped, including a leg') then quarter ;

V 2 pa (pati ; apasit; patum). protect; (of anything); 3. esp. quarter of a

keep ; for so-called cans., see palaya. (four-versed) stanza, verse; then verse
' '
[cf ., have kept, possess ; tru>-v, (even of a three-versed stanza), 60

herd ' ;
Lat. pa-sc-o, '
keep, pasture
; see 4. (foot of a heavenly body, i.e.) ray,

go-pa.] beam see 2 kara. [transition-stem (399)

+ p a r i protect around.
fr. pad, ace. pad-am, to which, as if it

1 pa, vbl. drinking, in cpds. [\/lpa.] were pada-m, is formed the nom. pada-s,
2 pa, vbl. keeping, keeper, in cpds. [V2pa.] etc.]
pansu, m. pi. dust. pada-pa, m. plant, esp. tree. [lit. 'drink-
paka, a. 1. of a calf, young; 2. sim- ing with its foot, i.e. root.']

pa da -raj as, n. foot-dust.

' '
ple, [lit. sucking,' V 1 pa, drink.']
paka-durva, f. young millet-grass. padika, a. amounting to or lasting one
[paka + durva :
acct, 1280 2 .] fourth (of a time), [pada.]
patala, a. pale red ;
as m. Bignonia paduka, f. shoe ; slipper. [cf. pad,
suaveolens. '

pata1i , f. Bignonia suaveolens or trumpet- pana, 1. n. the drinking (esp. of strong
flower, [cf. patala.] drink); 2. perhaps as vbl adj. drench-
patali-putra, n. Pataliputra, capital of ing, i.e. trankend. [V 1 pa, drink,'
Magadha, at the old confluence of the 1150.]
paniya] [190]

grdv. to be drunk, for drinking ; pfnda, m. 1. lump; lump

paniya, ball; (of
as n. drink; water. [VI pa, 'drink/ 965: earth), 98 ; 2. esp. lump or cake of
prop. fr. pana, 1215b.] meal offered to the Manes; 3. mouth-
paniya- varsa, m. water-rain, down- ful, 65 5
pindi, f. meal-cake.

pour of water, pitamaha, m. father's father, grand-

pantha, m. wayfarer; viator, [panthan, father ; great father, [pita (nom. s. of
1208a 2 end.] pitr) + maha, 1314c and d.]
papa, a. bad; evil; as m. bad fellow, 46 pitf [373], m. -1. father; -2. pi. father

as n. trouble; harm, 26 8 and his brothers (cf. French parent, rela- '
evil (deed), ;

27 2 .
tive'), 61
n ;
3. pi. the fathers, spirits
papa-karman, a. of evil deeds; as m. of the forefathers, the Manes, 67 16
83 13 ,

villain, etc. [origin unknown, see 1182d : cf.

papa-gila, a. having evil as one's nature, irar-ftp,

Lat. pater, Eng. father.]

prone to evil, pitrtas ,

adv. on the father's side, [pitr,
papiyans, a. worse; very bad. [papa, 1098b.]
pitr-mitra, n. father's friend.
papman, m. evil; sin, 93 11 [cf. papa.] .
pitr-yajna, m. sacrifice to the Manes,
para, n the further bank or bound. [V 2 pr,

bring across.'] pitrvya, m. father's brother, patruus.

paramegvara, a. of the supreme lord [pitr, 1228c cf irdrptas, Lat. patruus,
: . AS.

(Qiva). [paramegvara.] fsedera, father's brother.']

parusya, n. harshness, esp. of speech. pi try a, a. of one's father; of (our)

[parusa.] fathers, 78 ;
of or belonging to or sacred

parthiva, a. of or belonging to the earth ;

to the Manes, [pitf, 1212b : cf. irdrpios,
as m. king, [prthivi, 1208d.] Lat. patrius, of one's father.']
parthiva-suta, /. king's daughter, v'
pin v (pinvati ; pipinva pinvita). cause

parthivendra, m. most excellent of to swell or stream. [V pi or pi : 749, 749b,

kings, [indra.] 716.]
pargva, n. 1. side; ana* so 2. as in pipasa, f. desire to drink, thirst, [fr.

Eng., immediate neighborhood. [pargu, desid. (1026) of VI pa, 'drink': 1149 4 .]

rib/ 1208c so French c6te~,
: side or pipila, m. ant. [perhaps for *piplda,
ribbed part/ Medieval Lat. costatum, fr. pressed in or constricted in the middle/
Lat. costa, 'rib.'] Vpid.]
pal a, m. protector. [V2pa, 'protect/ V pig (pingati, -te [758]; pipega, pipig6;
1189.] pistd). adorn, [cf. irojKt'Aos, AS. fah,
' '
V pal ay a (palayati). be protector; pro- many-colored ; Lat. pic-tor, '
tect; keep. [pala, 1042f: acct, 1067: piganga, a. reddish brown. [Vpig.]
quite different is Vpalay, 'go away.'] p i g a c 4 m. one
of a class of demons (perhaps
+ pari, protect around, personifications of the ignis fatuus); goblin.
pavaka, a. pure; clear; bright. [Vpu, piguna, a. backbiting, slanderous, [cf.
1181b and a : cf .
gvapada.] iriKpos, 'bitter.']

pavana, a. purifying; freeing from sin. V pis (pinasti; pipe>a, pipisd; apisat
[Vpu, 1150b.] peksyati; pista; pestum; pistva; -pis-
m. 5
paga, bond; snare; trap. [V2pag, ya). crush; grind, 47 mill. [cf. Lat. ;

fasten.'] pinsere, pisere, 'crush': of doubtful kin-
V pi, same as pi. ship is mia-ffd},
pound, husk.']
ping a, a. reddish brown. + sam, crush together or to pieces.
pin gal a, a. reddish brown. [pinga, pista, ppl. milled; as n. meal. [Vpis: for

1227.] the mgs, cf. pis, pista, and molere, mola,

pinjula, n. tuft of stalks ; grass. with mill, meal.']
[191] [pura

m. of a sacrificial to 4 13
pista-pagu, effigy punar, equiv. punah punar, ; 3.

beast made of meal. confirmative, again, more- further, 29

n ;

V pi or pya (pyayate [761dl]; pipaya

over, 16 , 57 21 ; besides or in turn, 10 10 ;

], pipyiis; apyasit; pita, pina). kim punas tu, but what besides, how
swell; overflow, [hence pi-van, iri-onv, much more, a fortiori, 17 15 longer, 84 s ; ;

fat.'] 4. but, 46 2 10 on the other hand, 20 17



pit ha, n. 1. seat; 2. pedestal (of an [cf. the similarly connected notions of

image of a god). iterationand opposition shown by Trd\iv,

pitha-cakra, n. seat-wagon; wagon with Eng. again and against, Ger. wieder and
a seat. wider.']
\ piid (pidayati [1041 ]; pidayam asa; punar-garbhavati, a. f. again preg-
pidita; pidayitum; pidayitva; -pidya). nant.

press; oppress, pain, [for *pizd, *pisd, punar- janman, n. re-birth.

198b 8 : cf. Vpis.] punah-sara, a. coming back (as a ghost
20 . from the other world
+ a, press out, 103 exactly like the
pida, f. pain, ache.
[Vpid, 1149 .] French revenant), and so ghostly, uncanny,
pin a, thick, brawny. ['swollen,' ppl. [punar, 178.]
of Vpi, 957a.] pumans [394], m. man; a male, 59 7 opp. ;

pivas, n. fat. [Vpi: cf. irlap, i.e. -itt-fap, o/stri, e.g. 104 9 ; pumansah putras, male
'fat.'] children, 98 \
pums, same as pumans. 1 pur,/, fullness, [vf Ipr, 'fill.']

puta, m. n. fold; cavity; nose (of a bas- 2 pur [392], /. stronghold; castle; forti-

ket), [for #plta cf. -ir\affios, *ir\rjos, in: fied town, [cf ir6\is,
St-TrXafftos or Si-ira\TOs, Eng. two-fold.] pura, n. stronghold; fortified town; city.
ptinya, a.
prosperous; happy; lucky, [2 pur, 399.]
13 59 1>10
faustus, auspicious, 12 , ; right, puramdhi, 1. a. courageous, high-
good ;
as n. good work ; sing, collectively, spirited, exalted ; 2. as m. perhaps as
good works, 28 n ;
merit (from good name of a god, Purandhi ;
3. asf. exal-
works), [perhaps fr. v'pus.] tation.

piinya-gandha, a. of good or pleasant pur as, adv. in front, forward, before; at

smell. first, 54 18 ; compounded [1078
] esp. tv. kr
punya-papa, n. pi. good and bad deeds. and dha w. kr, put in front, appoint ; w
: .

[1253a.] dha, put in front or in charge, esp. of the

punya-loka, a. of good fame; as m. priestly duties. [see pra: cf. -rrdpos,

Punya9loka, epithet of Nala. before.']

puttika, f. white ant. ['the doll-like puras-karya, grdv. to be appointed or
insect : for putrika.] commissioned, praeficiendus. [see puras
putra, m. -1. son; child, 98 20 ; -2. + kr: also963b and 171 3 .]
whelp; 3. shortened form for Putraka purastat, adv. 1. before; in the front,
as proper name. 85 18 ;
-2. 6
previously, afore, 98 ,101
' 13

putraka, /. 1. little son (as term of 3. before, i.e.

(see pranc) eastward;
endearment), boy; 2. Putraka, other- 4. prep. w. gen. [1130], before, in the
wise Putra, name of the founder of Patali- presence of, 20 l .
[puras, HOOb.]
putra-pura, 45 ; -putrika, /. [1222d], purah-sara, a. going before; as m. fore-
daughter; doll (of wood or lac), [putra.] runner; at end of cpds [1302c2], having
putra-dara, n. son and wife. [1253b.] as forerunner, i.e. accompanied by ;

piinar, adv. 1. back; home; tv. a-gam, -purahsaram, adv. with or after .

go back, 4 41
18 so a_i, 83 14 w. vac,
, ; ; pura, adv. formerly, 46 2 79 14 once upon , ;

reply, 19
; -2. again, 8
40 21 ; anew; a time, 38 9 48 20 prep. w. all. [1128],
, ;

punah punar, again and again, 2 17
; before, 95 104 19 [see pra.]
purana] [192]

belonging to old pustanga, a. fat-limbed,

purana, a. former, [anga.]
times ;
as n. things of the past ;
tale pusti, f. thrifty growth ; prosperity.
of old times, \6yos and pvGos. [pura, [V pus.]

1245d.] p lisp a, n. bloom ; flower. [poss. for

crumbling earth, as opp. to cf. 1201
pur is a, n. *puska, q.v. :
fluids; rubble; loose earth, ['fillings or puspa-danta,m. Pushpadanta or Flower-
heaps,' fr. V 1 pr, in the sense
fill, i.e. tooth, name of an attendant of C,iva, see

heap': 1197b.] 53 3 N.

puru, a. much, many. [Vlpr, 'fill,' q.v. :

puspamoda, m. fragrance of flowers,

cf. iro\v, AS.fela, 'much, many.'] [amoda.]

purutra, adv. in many places, [puru, p u s t a k a m. ,
n. manuscript book. ;

1099.] V pu (punati, punite ; pavate; pupava;

purusa, m. 1. man; 2. (as in Eng., apavit; puta; -puya). 1. make clear

man, i.e.) servant; 3. the personal and or bright ; purify ; KaQaipfiv ; puta, pure ;

life-giving principle in man and other 2. mid. clear itself, flow clear, [cf .

beings, soul, spirit ; then 4. personified Eng. fire (rb irvp Ka.6a.ipfi): w. puta, cf.
' '
as The Supreme Spirit, Soul of the Uni- Lat. putus, clear,' purus, pure.']
verse, 57
8 . sam, purify, clean.
purusa-kara, m. deed of a man, human pu, vbl. purifying, in cpds.
effort, as opp. to claiva, 'fate.' puga, m. betel-palm, Areca Catechu; as

purusa-sinha,m. man-lion, stout-hearted n. betel nut.

man. V puj (pujayati, -te; pujayisyati; pujita;
puruci ,many, abundant long, [for-
a.f. -pujya). honor.;

mally fern, to a stem *puru-ac, 'directed + abhi, do honor to.

or reaching in many ways, abundant cf piijaniya, grdv. to be honored. : .
407.] 965.]
puro-gama, a. going before; as m. p uj a , f. honor.
leader; at end of cpds [1302c2], having pujya, grdv. to be honored. [Vpuj,
as leader, accompanied by [puras.] .
puro-gava, m. fore-bull, and so, general- purna, ppl. filled; full. [Vlpr, 'fill,'

ized (see g64), leader; purogavi,/. leader, 957b: cf. Goth, fulls, Eng. full.']
[puras.] purna-masa, m. full moon and the full-

pur6-hita, ppl. set before or in charge moon sacrifice.

(esp. of priestly service) ; as m. priest, purta, ppl. filled; bestowed, fulfilled; as
house-priest of a prince, [see puras with n.
[1176a], fulfilment; reward; merit.

dha.] [Vlpr, 'fill,' 242.]

pulkasa, m. one of a despised mixed purva [525*], a. being before in place or
caste. time: 1. east (cf. prafic) ;
2. prior;
V pus (pusyati, -te ; pup6sa ; apusat ; preceding, 86 purva uttara, former ;

8 6
pusta). 1. thrive; bloom; 2. trans. latter, 21 ; ancient, 57 ; of old time,
cause to thrive ; develop ; unfold, display, 69 8, 83 10 ; first spoken, 60
w. past pass,
78*. ppl.[1291]: drsta-purva, seen before;
puska, bloom, a word assumed as probable purvam, adv. before; beforehand, 60 ;
on account of puspa, 'bloom,' piiskara, previously, already, 7
25 n ;
in former
'lotus blossom,' and puskala. [Vpus, times, 48 1 ; long ago, 46
; first, 103 6 ;

1186 2 .] purvam uttaram, first last, 104 12 ;

puskala, a. abundant, [prob. 'blooming,' 3. at end of cpds, (having as preced-

fr. *puska, 1227.] ing thing, i.e.) accompanied by ,

pusta, ppl. having thrived ; strong ;

fat. simply with ,
8 21 .
[connected w. puras
[Vpus, 955 .] and pra.]
[193] [paicunya

purvaka, f. [1222d] -ika, a. 1. preced- V prth, collateral form of prath, in derivs.

ing ; 2. used like purva 3. [purva, prtha, m. the flat of the hand, irAon-eio.

1222c and 1307.] [V prath, 241.]

purva -janman, n. former birth, pre- prthak, adv. separately, 105 1G severally, ;

vious state of existence. 65 4 ;

for one's self, 64 8 [perhaps 'di- .

purvaksara,o. with the preceding letter, rected widely (apart)': cf. prth and see
[aksara.] mid.]
purvya, a. ancient, [purva, 1212c.] prthivi, f. the earth as the wide and
pusan [426a], m. Pushan, a Vedic divinity, broad, [fern, to prthu, 344 2 and standing ,

keeper of flocks and herds, and bringer of for prthvi, as the metre shows it is to be
prosperity. [Vpus, 1160c.] pronounced at 92 : for mg, cf mah-i, .

Ipr (prnati; puryate; purna [957b]; s.v. mah.]
pass,puryate; purayati, -te; etc.). fill; prthivi-ksit, a. earth-ruling; as m.
bestow abundantly sate puryate, be- prince. ; ;

comes sated [see 761b]; cans. [1041 -}, fill; prthivi-pati, m. lord of the earth, king.
make a thing (ace.) full of (gen.}, 102 18 .
prthivi-pala, m. keeper of the earth,

[for treatment of root-vowel, see 242 cf : .

' '
-jri'-7rA.7j-jut, Lat. plere, fill
po-pul-us, ; prthii, f. prthvi, a. wide, broad, [v prath,

'folk'; Eng. fol-k (doubtful): see also 241: cf. Tr\arvs, 'wide': akin are Old
purna and Vpra.] Ger.Fladen, 'broad, thin cake,'
+ pra, intrans. prapuryate, becomes Old High Ger. ace. s. fladon, sacrificial '

cake,' whence, through French flan, flat

+ sam, becomes cake,' comes the Eng. Jtawn, flat custard
intrans. sampuryate,
full ; sampurna, full. or pie': V prath has no connection w. AS.
V 2pr (piparti; parayati, -te; etc.). pass, brad, Eng. broad.]
trans.; bring across, [cf. Trepctco, 'pass pfgni, a. speckled; dapple, esp. of kine;
over, cross ; Tropos,
passage, i.e. ford, as f. Pri^ni, mother of the Maruts. [cf.
' '

irepKvds, 'dark colored'; Old High Ger.


ferry, bridge ;
Lat. por-ta, gate Eng.;

farhana, whence Ger. Forelle,

get on ; ferry, for-d ; Avestan trout.']

bridge,' and E.v-<ppdrr]s,
the well- prsad-ajya, n. speckled butter, ghee
bridged (stream)'; also B6<T-iropos and clotted with curds, [pfsant.]
pfsant, a. speckled. [450c.]
+ a t i bring across.
, prstha, back, of an animal;
n. 1. 2.

3pr (prn6ti; prta; priyate; parayati). the upper side, surface 3. top, of a hill ;

be busy; only w. a, see 773. or palace, [cf. Ger. First, 'ridge of a

' ' '
+ a, in aprta, busied. house ;
AS. first-hrof, ridge-pole : ob-
+ vy a -
in vyapriyate, is busied. serve that VWTOS has mgs 1, 2, and 3, that
V prc (prnakti, prnkte; paparca aprak- ;
Lat. tergum has mgs 1 and 2, and that

sit, aprkta [882] prkta; prcyate). fill; ; Eng. ridge has mgs 1 and 3.]
mix put in connection with,
; [perhaps prsthatas, adv. a tergo, from behind;
back, with averted face, 30
connected w. V 1 pr, fill.'] with the .

+ up a, put one's self close to, be near. [1098c .]

pft,/. fight, battle. prstha-mansa, n. back-flesh; w. khad,

p ft an a, f. battle, [cf. ptt.] in double sense, bite the back-flesh and
V prta nay a (prtanayati). fight; present back-bite.

ppl. fighting; as subst. enemy, [prtana, peya, n. a drinking. [VI pa, 'drink,'
1060.] 1213c.]
V prtanya (prtanyati). fight; attack; paiQaca, f. -I, a. of the goblins, [picacd,
present ppl. fighting ;
as subst. enemy, 1208f.]
[prtana, 1059d.] paigunya, n. slander, [piguna, 1208f.]

p6sa, in. thriving, development; welfare. a am, mid. consult with, converse or
talk with.
paumsya ,
n. manliness ; manly deed, praja,^ 1. procreation; 2. offspring,
2 descendants
[pums, 1211 .] children, ;
3. creatures,
paurusa, n. manliness ; manly deed, 57 ; esp. 4. folk, subjects, of a prince,

[purusa, 1208f.] 16 5 .
[Vjan or ja -f pra, 1147.]
V pya (pyayate [761dl]; apyasit [882]; praja-kama, m. desire for offspring,
pyata). swell; overflow. [a collateral [praja -f- kama, 1264 :
acct, 1267.]
form of Vpi, q-v.] praja-kama, a. possessing prajakama,

+ a, become full of or rich in. i.e. desirous of offspring, 93 c , I 1 -. [1296,

pra, prep, forward, onward, forth, fore, 1295.]
[cf. irp6, 'before'; Lat. later pro,
prff, praja-pati, m. 1. lord of creatures;
see also the follow- genius presiding over procreation,
before Eng. fore : ;

ing articles, and puras, pura, and purva.] 89 19 ; 3. lord of creatures, i.e. creator

prakarana, n. treatment ;
discussion ; or Prajapati, 60 10 ,
see note. [acct,
subject of discussion, what's being talked 1267a.]
[V 1 kr, do, put,' + pra.]
about. prajarthe, adv. for the sake of offspring,

prakarsa, m. (preference, advantage, [artha, 1116, 1302c4.]

draw,' + pra: prajfia, f. understanding.

i.e.) superiority. [Vkrs, [Vjna-pra.]

for mg, cf. Eng. preference; also Ger. prajnata, ppl. well-known. [Vjna ~
preference, advantage,' with
Vor-zug, pra.]
draw forward, prefer.'] pranaya, m. manifestation of one's af-

prakaga, a. sliining out, clear; open; fection. [V ni + pra : for n, see 192a.]

-am, adv. openly, aloud. [Vkag + pra.] pranayana, n. 1. a fetching; 2.

prakrti, that which one pre-supposes

f. means
for fetching, vessel, [do.]
(voraus-setzt), i.e. the original or natural pranava, m. the sacred syllable om.
form or condition ;
nature. [V 1 kr, do, [Vnu 4^ pra, q.v.]
set,' + pra.] pra n am a, m. bow, reverent salutation,

prakopa, m. a boiling with rage; anger, [v'nam 4- pra.]

[v'kup + pra.] pranita, ppl. see Vni + pra; -as, f. pi.

prage, adv. early in the morning. holy water.

pracrtta-gikha, a. with loosened pranita-pranay ana, n. the fetching

braids or flowing hair, [gikha.] of the holy water. [1250e.]

pracetas, a. knowing, wise. [Vcit + prataram, adv. further, longer, [pra,
pra, cf 1151. 2b.]
. 473 2, llllc: cf. Tfp6repov, 'before.']

V prach (prcchati, -te; papraccha [794c]; prati, prep, hi reversed direction, back to,
apraksit praksyati prsta ; prastum
; ; ;
back against, against, in return ;
1. to,

prstva -pfcchya). ask; ask after, in-

; towards, w. ace., 2
, 23"; -2. with
quire about; ask some one (ace.) about reference to, in respect to, w. ace., 47 -

something (ace.), 61 .
[true root-form 13 2>) 3. over against,
i.e. like ;
4. in

prag (see 220, 241, and Vvrgc), orig. cpds [1313a] : before ; on, w. idea of con-
' '

*prk cf Qfo-irpoTr-os,
: .
asking the gods ; stant repetition ; at; (back-, i.e.) reflected;
Lat. prec-es, ' prayers,' proc-us, ' suitor ;
see the following words, 'to'; [cf. vporl,
Old High Ger. frdh-en, Ger. frag-en, ' ask : Lat. par- (*port) in por-rigere, 'reach out
prcchati is a sk-formation (*prk-sketi),
cf. Lat. poscit, *porc-scit, Old High Ger. pr atij na, f. promise. [Vjna -f- prati.]
forskot, *forh-skot, asks for,' Ger. forscht, prati-dinam, adv. on (each) day, daily.
'inquires into.'] [1313a, 1310a and d : cf .
pari, ask. pratipatti, /. the acquiring. [\fpad +
+ vi, find out by inquiry. prati.]
[195] [pradhana

prati-bimba, n. reflected disk (of sun praty-abhivadana, n. return-saluta-

or moon in the water) image. tion, Gegen-gruss. [1289b.]

pratima, f. match image likeness. praty-aham, adv. on (each) day, daily.

; ;

[V 1 ma + prati,
make (so as to be a [1313a, 1310a and d: 1315a: cf. pra-

match) against mg, cf. Eng. counter- : for tidinam.]

feit, imitated/ fr. French contre-fait, pratyakhyana, n. refusal. [Vkhya +
whose elements go back to Lat. contra praty-a.]
and facere.~] pratyutthana, n. rising up to meet (a
pratimana, n. that which is made or person), respectful reception. [Vstha +
put over against, a match, equal. [V 1 ma praty-ud, 233a.]
+ prati.] pratyutpanna-mati, a. having wits

pratistha,/. stead; standing-place; then ready to meet an emergency as m. Ready- ;

(likeEng. standing), position, i.e. celebrity. wit, name of a fish. [Vpad + praty-ud.]
[V stha + prati.] pratyrcam, adv. at or with each stanza,
pratisthana, n. stead; then (like Ger. [prati + re, 1313a, 1310a and d :
Stadt, 'place, town'), The Town, name of V prath (prathate, -ti;paprathe; apra-
a town on the Godavari, the of thista ; prathit& ; prathayati ; apapra-
the Greeks. [V stha, + prati, 1150: cf. that). broaden, intrans.; cans, broaden,
H'amp-stead. ,] trans.; spread out, 78
n [see under .

pratihastaka, m. proxy. ['person at prfchu.]

one's hand/ prati + hasta, 1310a, 1222c.] + vi, cans, spread out wide, 75 8 .

pratikara, m. counter-action, remedy. prathamd, a. first; primal; -am, adv.

' ' ' '
[V 1 kr, do, act/ -f prati, against : at first, [lit. fore-most/ for *pra-tama,
1087b.'] superl. of pra, 487 ,
473 2 .]
praticina, a. backward ; being behind ; prathama-ja [352], a. first-born. [1286.]
following, i.e. future, [pratyanc, 1223d.j prada, a. giving; furnishing. [Vlda +
pratlta, ppl. see \fi + prati. pra, 333.]
pratipd, a. (against the stream, i.e.) con- pra-daksina, 1. a. moving to the
trary ; -am, adv. contrarily, frowardly. right ; 2. -am, adv. to the right, so that

[prati + ap, 1310a, ISloc, cf .

samlpa : the right side is towards an object (a sign
for mgs, cf. Eng. contrary..] of respect), 60 1 , 99 1 ; w. kr, put (an

pratta, see 1087e. object) to the right ; 3. adj. standing

pratyaksa, before the eyes, plainly

a. on the right, 62 19 [perhaps the use as .

visible ; -e, adv. before one's face, [prati adv. (mg 2) is the primary one, lit. 'for-
+ aksa, 1310a.] ward to the right.']

pratyaksa-dargana, . a seeing be- pradana, n. a giving. [Vlda + pra.]

fore one's eyes ; the ability to see any pra dig, f, intermediate region (between
one (e.g. a god) bodily, 15 13 . the cardinal points see dig), [pra +
pratyag-daksina, adv. (west-southerly, dig, 'fore-point.']
i.e.) southwesterly, [pratyanc, 1249a.] pradega, m. direction; and so, place.
pratyan-mukha, a. having the face + pra.] [V die
westward, turned to the west, [pratyanc, pradosa, m. evening, nightfall, ['fore-
1249a, 161 1306.] :
dark/ pra + doaa.]
pratyinc [408], /. [410] pratici, a. -1. pradhana, n. prize of the contest; the

(directed back, i.e.) turned backwards ; contest therefor battle. [V 1 dha + pra :

moving in reverse direction or away, 87 n ; cf. dhana.]

2. turned westward (see pranc), west- pradhana, n. (that which is put forward)
erly; 3.
(being to-ward, i.e.) with the the important or chief thing; at end of
face towards, w. ace., 71 18 .
[prati + anc, cpds [1302], having as chief thing, de-
407 : see anc.] voted to .
[VI dha + pra.]
prapatha] [196]

pra-patha, m. (forth-path, i.e.) onward pramathin, a. stirring; agitating.

way, 85
journey in the distance or
; [V math 3
pra, 1183 .]

distant journey, 86 2 .
pramrsta-mani, m. polished or bright
prabandha, m. uninterrupted connec- gem. [Jmrj-f-pra.]
tion; continued series. [Vbandh + pra.] pramr stamani-kundala, a. possess-
prabhava, m. origin; atendofcpd [1302], ing bright-gem ear-rings.
having as origin, originating with .
prayatna, TO. effort, pains ; -ena, -at,

[Vbhu fpra.] adv. carefully. [Vyat + pra, 1177a.]

prabha, /. splendor; radiant beauty. prayana, n. a going forth (from home),
[v bha +pra.] journey. [Vya -f pra, 1150, 192e.]
prabhata, ppl. begun to be light; as n. prayotf, TO. remover. [V2yu, 'keep off,'

[1176a], day-break, [s bha + pra.] + pra.]

prabhava, m. superior might, of gods, pralaya, m. dissolution; esp. dissolution
of ascetics, of asceticism. [Vbhu + of the universe, [v II -f pra.]
pra.] pra lap a, m. unintelligible or childish

prabhu, being before or superior to

a. or lamenting talk ;
chatter. [V lap +
others; as m. ruler; master; lord; hus- pra.]
band, 52
14 .
[later form (354) for Vedic pra van a, a. prone; sloping, [pra, 1170
prabhu : Vbhu + pra.] (cf. 383d 1): cf. irpijvrjs, Doric Lat.

prabhutva, n. lordship, power. [1239.] pronus, 'inclined forward.']

prabhrti,/. a carrying forward p r a v a t f. slope, of a mountain
1. lit. , ; height,
or on, i.e. continuance; used esp. at end 83 7 [pra, 383d 1.] .

of cpds [1296], having continuance from pra-vayas, a. having (forward, i.e.) ad-

i.e. continuing from 2. then in ; vanced age; aged. [1305 2 .]
such cpds used in ace. s. n. adverbially pravartaka, a. causing to roll onward
[1311], continuing from beginning
, (as a wheel), setting in motion, promoting;
with ,
from ; 3. then as an adv. as m. promoter, prompter, [caus. of v'vrt
uncompounded, prabhrti, w. abl., from + pra.]
on tatah prabhrti, from then on.
; pravada, m. a saying or an on dit. [Vvad
[Vbhr + pra, 1157. Id.] + pra.]
pramada, m. pleasure. [V mad + pra.] pravibhaga, m. division. [Vbhaj +
pramada-vana, n. pleasure-grove (of a pra-vi.]
prince). pravina, a. clever.
pramada-vana, pleasure-grove (of n.
pravinata, f. cleverness, [pravina.]
the wives of a prince), [a quasi feminine pravrtta, ppl. 1. having turned for-

to the preceding.] ward; directed forward (to a specific

pramana, n. measure, extent (57
w ), object), esp. of an act performed with a
scale, standard ; something by which to view to the attainment of some advantage,
norm, rule of action, 21 a
judge, 54 ; ;
i.e. interested, opp. of nivrtta, q.v. ; 2.
10 *2
authority, 12 , 19 [VI ma, 'measure,' .
engaged in. [V vrt + pra.]
+ pra, 192a hence, through the Persian pravrtti,/. a moving forward or taking

farmdn, the borrowed Eng. firman, 'an an active step, 20 15 advance into or ex- ;

authority or decree,' esp. of the Sublime posure of one's self to (danger, loc.), 20 .

Porte.] [V vrt + pra.]

>/ pramana y a (pramanayati). regard pravrddha, ppl. grown up, great.
as an authority; take a person (ace.) as [v'vrdh + pra.]
authority in a matter (loc.). [pramana, pravega, [Vvig + pra.]
m. entrance.

1058.] Ipravrajin, going forth or after, in cpd

pramanabhava, m. lack of anything to dvi-. [Vvraj + pra, 1183 for mg, cf. :

judge by. [abhava.] (71^) irfpiSpopos, lewd woman.']

[197] [praptayauvana

prais [392], /. command. [V gas + pra, the neighboring Romance tongues) ;


639, 225
J ' 2
: cf. ais.j also f) Kotrf) (sc. StoAe/cTos),
the Common
praraya, m. respectful demeanor, ['an (dialect),' as opp. to Doric, etc.]
inclining forward,' fr.
Vgri + pra.] prag-griva, a. having the neck directed
pra-savya, moving to the left; -am, eastward,
a. [pranc (1249a) + griva.]
adv. to the left cf. pradaksinam. prag-daksina, adv. east-southerly,
prasada, m. grace; favor; prasadam south-easterly, [pranc, 1249a.]
kr, do favor, be gracious. [V sad + pra, prangana, n. fore-court, Vor-hof court- ;

q.v.] yard, [pra + angana, 1289a, 193.]

prasiti, f. continuation; extended path p r a n - m u k h a /. -1,0. having the face di- ,

(of life, for example). [V sa + pra, 250.] rected eastward, [pranc, 1249a, 149, 161.]

prasiddhi,/. success; celebrity; a being prajna, a. wise; as m. wise man. [pra-

known ato me aaiika iti prasiddhis,
; jna, 1208e.]
therefore I am known as "Q.", 36 8 ; cf. pranc [408], /. praci, a. I. directed for-
' 9
prasiddha. [V 2 sidh, succeed,' + pra.] wards ;
w. verb of motion, onward, 86 ;

prastara, m. 1. stramentum, straw; 2. east, eastern (since the Hindus, in

2. rock, 33 10 [V sir,
strew,' + pra
naming the cardinal points, began with
for mg 1, cf. Eng. straw w. strew: connec- the east, as we do with the north, and
tion of mg 2 unclear.] conceived it as before them, as we do the
prastava, m. beginning, introduction. north) ; praci dig, the eastern quarter,
[\lstu + pra, 1148.2.] 101 3 ;
3. prak, ace. s. n. as adv. before:
prastuta-yajna, a. having one's sac- (in place) before one's face, 26 8 ; (in time)
21 51 7
rificebegun ;
as m. Prastutayajna, name formerly, 20 (in order) before, w.
, ;

of a Brahman. [V stu + pra.] abl. [1128], 59 7 [pra + afic, 407.] .

prastha, m. n. table-land on a mountain, pranjali, a. having an anjali (q.v.) before

['that which stands forth from the sur- one, i.e. in a posture of reverent saluta-
rounding country,' fr. Vstha (333) + pra.] tion, [pra + anjali, 1305.]
pra-svadas, a. (lit. having advanced prana, m. breath; vital breath, 60 16 ;

agreeableness, i.e.) highly pleasing. vital spirit, 63 ;
then (like Eng. breath),
[1305 .] life; esp. in pi. pranas, life, 15 5 , 2 1 18

prahara, m.
(on a gong, an- a stroke 29 8[Van + pra, 192b.]

nouncing the lapse of a watch), and so pranin, a. having life; as m. living being,
a watch (of about three hours). [Vlhr + [prana, 1230.]
pra.] pratar, adv. 1. early in the morning;
prahartavya, grdv. to be struck ; impers. then Ger. morgen and Eng.
2. (like the
one must strike, [do.] morrow) on the next morning, on the
prahrsta-manas, a. having a delighted morrow, to-morrow, [pra, 1109: cf. irpoo-i,
heart, [v'hrs 4 pra.] Ger. frtih, early.']
to view; w. as [1078 ], 6
V pra (prati; papraii; apras [889]; pra- pradiis, adv. forth
ta). fill. [Vedic collateral form of 1 pr, \l bevisible, appear, reveal one's self.

prantara, n. a long and lonely road.

' '
fill,' q.v. : cf .
ir\-t)-pr)s, Lat. ple-nus, full.']
+ a, fill.
an advanced interval or long distance,'

prak, see pranc. pra + antara, 1289.]

prakrta, a. natural; usual; common; prapaniya, grdv. to be brought to.

vulgar; as n. the vulgar (language), lan- [caus. of V ap + pra, 965, 192e.]

guage of the vulgus, the Prakrit, [pra- prapta-kala, m. arrived time, favorable

krti, 1208d for mg, cf Ger. deutsch, Old

: . moment. [\' ap + pra.]
High Ger. diut-isk, '(language) of the prapta-yauvana, a. possessing at-

people (diot), i.e. German' (as contrasted tained adolescence, having reached a
with the Latin of the Church and with marriageable age. [see 1308.]
praptavya] [198]

grdv. to be obtained, about must have been 'loving or loved, kindly

to be got. [Vap + pra, 964.] treated, spared' (and so 'free'), as is
prapti,/. a reaching, arriving at. [Vap shown by the Goth, abstract frija-\>va,
+ pra.] AS. fredd, '

Ib, cf AS.
love : for mg .

pray a, m. going forth or out;

1. a free,
woman '
Old High Ger.
: cf . also
2. that which sticks out or is prominent ; Frla,
The Loving One,' in frld tag, Eng.
the principal part of a thing; the most
Fri-day, dies Veneris.']

part; at end of cpds [1302], having for priya-vadin, a. saying pleasant things.
the most part, having for its predomi- priyapriya, n. comfort and discomfort,
nant characteristic, like ,
22 16 .
[V i + [apriya: 1253b.]
pra, 1148. la.] V prI (prlnati, prinit6 ; priyate ; pipraya,
prayagas, adv. for the most part, pipriy6; apraisit; prita; pritva). la.

[praya, 1106.] prlnati, gladden, show favor to, propi-

pray as, adv. for the most part, almost, tiate ;
have pleasure in
Ib. prinati, ;

50 22 .
[prop. ace. s. n. (lllld) of a neuter Ic. prinlt6, be glad or content 2. ;

noun *prayas, 'that which is predomi- priyate, be glad or content have pleasure ;

nant' (see praya), Vi + pra, 1151. 1.] in love, be favorably inclined to ;


pravi, a. attentive, heedful, zealous. prit :

glad, pleased, satisfied loved, ;

3 '

[Vav + pra, 1156 355b , end.] dear, [cf . Goth, frijon, love ; frijonds,
pra 5 a n a, n. 1. the eating; 2. the AS. freond, loving, i.e. friend,' Eng.
giving of food, feeding, [in mg 1, fr. friend; also 'a sparing or AS. freo-\>o,
V2ag, eat,' + pra; in mg 2, fr. caus. of indulgence, favor, grace, peace,' Ger.
the same.] Friede, 'peace'; Goth. Frtya-reiks, Eng.

pragitf, m. eater. [V2ag,

eat,' + pra, Frede-rick,
grace-ruler, gracious prince :

1182a.j see also under priya.]

pragitra, n. the portion of ghee to be priti, /. 1. pleasure; pritya, with pleas-

eaten by a Brahman at a sacrifice, ure, gladly; 2. friendship. [Vpri.]
['that which belongs to the pragitr,' priti-vacas, n. friendship-talk, friendly
1208b.] words.
pragitra-harana, n. vessel for hold- prenkha, a. rocking, pitching; as m. n.

ing the pragitra. unsteady boat, skiff. [Vinkh +pra.]

[' pragitra-holding,'
1271.] pr6ta, ppl. gone onward, i.e. departed,
prasada, m. lofty seat; building on high dead; as m. 1. dead man; 2. ghost.

[V sad + pra,
foundations, palace, 20 [Vi + pra.] .

perhaps in the sense sit forward or in a pr6tya, grd. after dying, i.e. in the other
conspicuous place : see 1087b.] world (opp. to ilia). [Vi + pra, 992.]
priya, a. la. dear, 79 16 ; beloved of, prestha, a. very pleasant. [Vpri, 470

w. gen. (296b), 84 18 ; -Ib. priya,/. the serves as superl. to priya.]

6 10
beloved, the wife, 32 33 ; ,
-2a. desired, presya, grdv. to be sent; as m. servant.
pleasant agreeable,
58 <22
; priyam kr, + pra.]
[V 2 is,
do a favor, 3 2 ;
2b. as n. that which praisya, n. servitude, [presya, 1208f.]

desired, one's wish, 89

; 3. (like Ho- pr6stha, m. bench or couch.
meric <]>l\osl to which one is attached or prosthe-gaya, a. lying on a couch.
wonted, 76 8 ,
own, 78 86 8
wonted; ; ; [1250c, 1270.]
4a. loving, devoted to; 4b. as m. plava, a. swimming; as m. swimmer,
friend. [Vpri, q.v., 1148.3: cf. irpaos, name of a kind of duck. [Vplu: cf.
' '
gentle Goth, freis, ace. s. m. frijana,
; ir\6os, *7rAoFos,
a sailing.']
AS. fri, Ger. fret, Eng. free : although the Vplu (plavate, -ti; puplava, pupluve ;

modem mg '
is common also to the aplosta ; plosyati, -te plutA ; -phitya,

Goth, and AS. words, yet the orig. mg -pluya). float through water or air:
[199] [bandha

1. swim; 2. bathe; 3. sail; 4. phalavant, a. fruitful; yielding good

hover ; fly ;
5. fly off ;
hasten away ;
results, [phala, 1233a.]
6. spring ; pluta, floating, and so (see phulla, a. burst open, expanded, bloom-

Whitney 78), protracted, of a vowel. ing, [see Vphal and 958.]

' '

[cf. ir\fw, *7rA.eFo>, float, sail ;

Lat. phullotpala, a. having blooming lo-

pluere, rain for '

mg of pluere, cf. the tuses ;
as n. Blooming-lotus, name of a
Eng. intrans. float, swim,' w. trans, float, lake, [utpala.]
cover with water,' and the intrans. bathe ph6na, m. foam.
w. trans, bathe :

connected w. Vplu is the ex-

tended form plud as seen in Lithuanian V banh or bah (badhd [223
] ;

swim, float : w. this, cf. AS. banhayate). be thick, firm, strong; caus.
swim or float about,' Eng. verb make strong, [perhaps for *bhagh: see
fleet, 'float, sail, hasten,' Ger. fliessen, bahii and bahu.]
sometimes swim,' but ' '
usually flow ; baka, m. heron, Ardea nivea.
further, AS. fleot, raft, ship, fleet,' Eng. baka-murkha, m. heron-fool, fool of a
' '
fleet, ships also AS. flota,
ship,' Eng. ;
heron. [1280b.]
float, a thing that swims on the surface
baddha-mandala, a. having con-
of a fluid, e.g. a raft' (verb float is a structed-circles, i.e. ranged in circles.
denom. of this), Ger. Floss, 'raft'; finally [V bandh.]
Eng. streamlet or bay,' whence The
v' bandh (badhnati, badhnit6 [730] ;

Fleet, as name of a small affluent of the babandha, bedhe bandhisyati, bhant- ;

Thames at London and of a famous prison syati baddha bandhitum, banddhum,

; ;

thereon, and Fleet Street, which crossed baddhum -badhya).

1. ;

The Fleet.] bind; fasten; catch; esp. bind (a victim

+a , bathe, intrans. for the gods, i.e.), sacrifice; baddha:
+ sam-a, 1. bathe, Intrans.; 2. bound caught fastened
2. bind to- ; ;

19 .
bathe, trans. ; inundate ; suffuse, 10 gether, join ;
and then (iv.
a specialization
+ u d spring up. , of mg like that seen in the Eng. joiner),
+ upa, hover unto. construct, e.g. a bridge; compose (verses,
+ vi, float asunder; drift in different cf.
Lat. serere). [for *bhandh: cf. -rrevO-
directions be dispersed ; ;
be lost ;
be ep6s, 'connection (by marriage)'; ireTo-^a,
ruined or dishonored. *irfv0/j.a,

Lat. of-fend-ix, '
knot ' ;

' ' ' '

fld-es, string foed-us, league ; Eng. ;

V phal (phalati ; paphala ; phalita ; bind, band: for mgs, cf. Eng. connection

phulla [958]). burst, split, intrans. [prob. and league w. Lat. con-nectere and ligdre,
for *spal, of which Vsphat (i.e. *sphalt), bind together.']
split, break,' is an extension : cf Ger. . + ni, 1. bind; fasten; 2. (bind down
spalten, Eng. split.,] together, put down connectedly, i.e.) put
4-ud, burst out or open; utphulla [958], into written form, write down, 53 6 .

expanded, wide open. + pr a connect onward, form

bind on ;

V phala (phalati). bear fruit ;

fruit ;
an advancing connection, form a continued
phalitam, impersonally, it is fruited, fruit series.

is borne (by a thing, instr.), 24 2 [denom. ~>. + sam, bind together, con-nect ;
of phala, 1054.] baddha, con-nected, co-herent (w. the same

phala, n. 1. fruit; Eng, 2. then (like flg. as in Eng.}.

fruit), the good or evil consequences ol bandha, m. 1. a binding; esp. a binding
human deeds result reward or punish-
; ;
to the sacrificial post (see bandh 1), sac-
the ripe and bursting [V bandh: cf.
ment, [perhaps rifice; 2. band, string.
fruit,' fr. Vphal.] Eng. band.~]
bandhana] [200]

bandhana, a. binding; as n. bond or if so, cf ., for the mg, <f>6pos,

tribute,' w
bonds. [-Jbandh.] <t>fpw, 'bear, bring.']
baiidhu, m. 1. connection or relation- balin, a. mighty, I 3 [bala, 1230a.] ,

ship; 2. (concrete, as in Eng.) a connec- balistha, a. most mighty; very strong.

one who belongs 2
tion, relative ;
friend ; [balin, 468 .]
to (a certain caste, for example). [Vbandh, balonmatta, a. frenzied or crazed with
1178.] power, [unmatta, \'mad + ud.]
barbara, a. stammering, balbutiens as V bah,
see banh.

m. 1. pi. foreigners, ot SapjSapoj, name bahis-karya, grdv. to be put outside,

applied by Aryans to non-Aryan folks to be banished. [bahis and kr, 'do,

(as Welsh ana* Walsch by English and 7
put/ 1078 .]
Germans to folks that speak a strange bahis-krta, ppl. put out, expelled.
tongue) ; 2. sing, a man of lowest origin; 7
[bahis and kr, 'do, put,' 1078 .]
a wretched wight, wretch, 30 .
[cf. bahih-paridhi, adv. outside the en-
&dpf}a.pos, 'foreign, outlandish'; Lat. bal- closure (see paridhi). [1310a.]
stammering,' whence Spanish 6060,
bus, bahis, adv. [lllld], outside; as prep, out-
blockhead,' Eng. booby.] side of, w. abl. [1128].
bar ha, m. n. tail-feather. [prop, 'pluck- bahii, a. much, many; bahu man, consider
ings,' v' 1 brh,
pluck : cf . the no less as much, think much of, esteem. [Vbanh
arbitrary specialization of mg in Eng. or bah : cf TT&XVS,
pluck, 'that which is plucked out after bahudha, adv. many times. [bahu,
killing a beast, its liver, lights, heart,' 1104.]
and, fig., 'courage.'] bahumana, m. esteem, respect. [Vman
barhina, m. peacock, 68 2 .
[transition- + bahu.]
stem fr. barhin, 1223f, 1209c.] bahumana -pur ahsaram, adv. with re-

bar bin, m. (having tail-feathers, i.e. the spect. [1302c2, 1311.]

tail-feathered bird KO.T' f^o-^v,) the pea- bahula, a. 1. thick; 2. abundant;
cock, [barha.] perhaps directly fr. much. [in mg 1,

bar hi s, n. grass or straw of Ku9a-grass, Vbah, 1189, and in mg 2, fr. bahu, 1227.]
spread over the sacrificial ground to serve bahulausadhika, a. having abundant
as a place for the oblations and as a seat herbs, [osadhi, 1307.]
for gods and offerers, [prop. that which
V badh (badhate ; babadb.6; abadhista ;

is torn up, vulsum, pluckings,' v'lbrh, badhisyati, -te ;

badhita ;
badhitum ;

' '
tear, pluck : for mg, cf .
Eng. hay, -badhya). press hard; distress; beset.
'cuttings,' from hew, 'cut.'] [see Vvadh: cf. Lat. de-fend-ere, 'press
bala, n. 1. might, power, strength, force ;
or ward off ; of-fend-ere,
press hard
balat, forcibly ;
2. then, as in Eng., force upon, hurt.']
(for making war) ; forces, troops,
5 [for
+ ni , press down heavily,
*vala : cf Lat. valere, ' be strong, well.']
. badh a, a. distressing as ;
m. distress.
bala -da [352], a. strength-giving. [1269.] [v'badh..]
balavant, a. powerful. [1233a.] bandhava, m. (having connection or
baladhika, a. superior in strength, relationship, i.e.) a relative ;

[adhika: 1265.] [bandhu, 1208c.]

balanvita, a. connected with power ; bala, a. young, not grown; as subst. m.
suggestive of power, [anv-ita, Vi.] and f. 1. child (distinguished from
bali, m. 1. of-fering, tribute; 2. esp. yuvan, 'young man,' 28 ); boy; girl;
portion of a daily meal or sacrifice offered 2. applied to a grown person (cf. Eng.
as tribute to gods, semi-divine beings, childish, puerile), child or booby, w. double
21 .
men, animals, esp. birds, and even inani- my, 61
mate objects, 65-. [perhaps fr. vbhr: balaka, a. young; as m. child, [bala.]
[201] [brh

balapatya, n. young offspring, of men -te ;

buddha ;
b6ddhum ;
buddhva ;

and of animals, [apatya.] -budhya). 1. be awake; 2. come to

baspa, m. tears. consciousness ;
hence 3. notice ; give
baspakula, a. agitated by tears, [akula.] heed to, w. gen., 76 -; 4. notice, i.e.

bahu, arm; esp. fore-arm; of beasts,

7/1. perceive ;
and so, become acquainted with ;

the fore-leg, csp. the upper part thereof, understand ;

5. rarely, (like Eng. re-

101 1D [for *bhaghu: cf. -x?ix'JS > Doric

. member a person, i.e.) present a person

TTO.XVS, *(j>ax.vs,
AS. bog,
arm with a thing (instr.); cans. 6a. cause
and arm of a
tree, i.e. branch,' Eng. bough, to notice or understand ;
6b. teach ;

arm '
of a tree/ Ger. Bug, shoulder, hip ;
announce to.
also Dutch boeg, Eng. bow, shoulder of a be
[for *bhudh, orig. awake/ cf.

ship/ bow-sprit,

bow-spar.'] Church Slavonic bud-eti,

be awake '
: the
bahu-yuddha, n. arm-fight, wrestling. cognate words of the related languages
bahulya, n. abundance; commonness, agree closely in form, but show consider-
state of being usual ; concretely, usual able diversity of mgs mg 4 mediates :

order of things; -at, from or in accord- the transition to the idea of the Greek
' '
ance with the usual order of things, in V IT j0, *<pv6, in irv0ecrda.i, find out :
mgs 5
24 21 . and 6 form the bridge to the principal
all probability, [bahula, 1211.]

bahya, a. being outside, external; at end Germanic mgs, '

offer and '
command '

of cpds, equiv. to Eng. extra- at beg. of cf . Goth, ana-biud-an, (prob. give notice
cpds. [bahls, 1211: cf. 1208a 2 end.] to/ and so) 'command/ AS. beod-an,
bid a la, m. cat. '
announce, offer, command/ Eng. bid,
bimba, m. n. disk of sun or moon. '
announce, offer in words, offer in general,
bila, n. cleft; hollow.
[perhaps fr. Vbil esp. at an auction, declare, proclaim, com-
or bid, collateral forms of bhid, cleave.'] mand, invite/ Ger. biet-en, 'offer'; (from
bija, n. seed, of plants and animals. an entirely different root is Eng. bid, AS.
buddha, ppl. awakened; illumine; en- biddan, Ger. bitten, 'pray/ as in bid beads,
lightened ; esp., as m. The Enlightened 'pray prayers';) cf. also Eng. noun bode,
One, epithet of Gautama of the Cakya
announcement/ whence denom. verb
tribe, [v/budh: (160), the
for budh-ta bode,
foretell : for mg 5, observe the
formal equivalent of -irvd-ro- in &TTV<TTOS, analogy of Ger. Jemand bedenJcen, 're-
'not having learned.'] member or take notice of a person esp. in

buddhi, f. 1. insight, understanding, one's will, i.e. make a bequest to.']

intellect; mind, 13 ; wit, wits; 2. + ni, attend to, 58 J ; understand, know,
mind in the sense of opinion (as in Eng.); 79 .

belief at end of cpds : vyaghra-buddhya,

; + pra, come forth (from sleep) to con-
with tiger-belief, (mistakenly) thinking sciousness ; awake, intrans.
that it was a tiger, 34 15 3. mind in the awake,
; + prati, awake, intrans.; trans.,
sense of purpose, resolve (as
Eng.); 76 3 in .

buddhim kr, make up one's mind, 58 12 budh. a, a. awake; intelligent; wise ; ;

as m.
buddhim pra-kr, mid., put a plan before wise man. [v'budh.]
one's self, decide, 9 11 [v'budh, 1157: .
bubhuksa, f. desire to eat, hunger, [fr.
for budh-ti (160), the formal equivalent desicl. of v2bhuj, 'frui/ 1149 4 .]
of TfvffTis, *irjO-Ti-s, ' an inquiring.'] 1

V 1 brh ,
form of V vrh, pluck/ q.v.

buddhi -jivin, a. living by one's mind, V 2 brh (brnhati, -te babarha; brdha ; ;

employing one's intelligence, intelligent. cans, brnhayati, -te). be thick, great,

buddhimant, a. possessing understand- strong, in brhant, q.v.; cans, make great,
ing; intelligent. strengthen.
V budh (b6dhati, -te ; biidhyate ; bub6dha, brh, / prayer, conceived as a swelling and
bubudh6 ;
abuddha [160] ; bhotsyati, filling of the heart in devotion. [ :?brh.]
brhatkatha] [202]

brhat-katha, /. Great-Story, title of a braliman, . 1. devotion (conceived as

collection of stories ascribed to a swelling and filling of the soul with

ya (gunadhya), and abridged by Soma- adoration for the gods), worship, in gen-
deva under the name Kathasaritsagara. eral,any pious expression in the worship
[brhant, 1249a, 1279.] of the gods hymn of praise, praise, 73 6 10 ,

brhad-aijva, a. possessing great or 744.11. prayer, 76 15

sacred word, ; 2.

powerful horses as m. Brihada9va, name

word of God (opp. to the profane), 60 8 ;

of the sage who narrates the story of Xala 3. divine science, 57 13 sacred learning, ;

to Yudhishthira. [brhant (1249a) + agva, theology, theosophy; 4. holy life, i.e.

1298 : cf. *Me7aA.-(7T7ros, which is similarly chastity ; 5. the (impersonal) spirit
compounded and of like meaning.] that pervades the universe. [v'2brh,
brhant a.
great; mighty; lofty,
[450a], 1168. Ic : brahman (n.) is to brahman (m.)

[present ppl. of V 2 brh, be great.'] as prayer ('supplication') is to pray-er

bfhas-pati, m. Brihaspati, name of a ('supplicant').]

divinity in which the activity of the pious brahman, m. 1. pray-er, 76 18 ; wor-
in their relations towards the gods is per- shipper ; priest, 88
9 RV. x. ,
125. 5 ; pray-er
sonified, the mediator between gods and by profession, Brahman
2. the imper- ;

men, and the type of the priest and of sonal universe-pervading spirit (brdhman
the priestly dignity later, god of wisdom
; 6), personified as a god, i.e. Brahman, the
* 8
and eloquence, ['lord of prayer,' brh- Supreme All-soul, 57 ;
in the theological

as + pati for cpd, see 1250 and d, and

system, the Creator of the world, 67 17 .

1267d; for acct, Whitney 94b for eu- ; [V2brh, see brahman.]
phony, 171 .] brahmarsi, m. priest-sage, priestly sage,

baijika, pertaining to the semen; of

a. see 1 14 N. [brahman (1249a 2 + )
f si, 127,

guilt, inherited from one's father, [bija, 1280b.]

1222e and e2.] brahmavarcasa, n. pre-eminence in
brahma-carya, n. life of holiness sacred learning or holiness, [for brah-
(brahman), walk and conversation of a mavarcas, which occurs only in derivs :

Brahman student (brahman), esp. chas- brahman (1249a

) + varcas, 1315c.]
tity; religious studentship, the first of brahmavarcasvin, a. eminent in
the four periods of a Brahman's life, see divine knowledge. [' possessing brahma-
agrama. [brahman (1249a ) or brahman
varcasa,' q.v. :
(probably both) +carya, equiv. of carya: brahma-vedin, a. knowing divine
acct, 1272, 1213c.] knowledge, [brahman, 1249a .]
brahma-carin, a. (busying one's self brahma-han [402], a. Brahman-slaying;
with, i.e.) studying sacred knowledge ;
as m. murderer of a Brahman, [brah-
as m. Brahman student, 65 8 ;
as adj. esp. man, 1249a 2
observing chastity, 64 , 100
21 .
[brah- brahma,y. -I, a. 1. pertaining to brah-
man, 1249a 2 .] man, divine 6
holy, 59 ; spiritual, 61

brahmanyk, a. pertaining or attached 2. pertaining to brahman, in loth its

to the holy life and study (brahman), i.e. senses, i.e.: 2a. of Brahmans; 2b. of

pious ;
attached or friendly to Brahmans Brahman or (anglicized) Brahma, the
s3 9
(brahman). [1212dl.] Creator, 57 , 58 .
[brahman and brah-
brahma-daya, m. sacred-word heritage, man, 1208a 2 end.]
heritage consisting of the sacred word, brahmana, m. (having to do with brah-
[brahman, 1249a .] man or prayer and praise and divine
brahmadaya-hara, a. receiving the science, i.e.) priest, 84 15 ; theologian,
sacred word as a heritage. Brahman, 57 16 f. brahmani, woman

brahma-dvfs, a. devotion-hating, god- of the priestly caste, Brahmanee. [brah-

less, [brahman, 1249a :
acct, 1269.] man, w. usual shift of acct, 1208a.]
[203] [Vbhaj

brahmana, n. (of a brahman, of a priest bhaksya, grdv. to be eaten, eatable;

or Brahman, the dictum of a priest
as n. proper food. [V bhaks, 963.]
on matters of faith and cultus esp. a ; bhaga, m. 1. (he who deals out, i.e.)

Brahmana, designation of one of a

as dispenser ;
rich or kind master ; lord, fre-
class of Vedic writings which contain quent epithet of Savitar so 74 17 ;

these dicta. [brahman, w. usual shift esp. Bhaga, name of an Aditya, from
of acct, 1208a.] whom welfare is expected and who brings
brahmana-vada, m. a statement of about love and institutes marriage, 89 ;

the Briihmanas. [brahmana.] 3. portion ;

lot (w. dur-, su-) ;
fortune ;

V brii (bravlti [632], brute: the second esp. (as in Eng.}, good fortune, happy lot;
" before -4.
clause of 632 should read the loveliness. [Vbhaj, 216.1: -1. cf.

initial consonant of an ending"). 1. act. Old Persian 'God'; 807010$ Zcvs


say ;
w. dot. of person and ace. of tiling, $pvyios ; Slavonic bogii, 'God'; for mg,
10 21 ,
96 14 ;
iv. ace. of person and either cf. Eng. lord, AS. hldf-ord
5 60 7 23 '
oratio recta 98") or else ace. loaf-ward, loaf-keeper 3. for mg, cf

(12 , , ;

13 the relation of /j.6pos, lot, fate,' to e^uop-e, '

of thing (95 ) ; speak to, w. ace. of person,

3 14 speak
; of, iv. ace. of person, II ; 'gat a share.']
say, i.e. announce, vacas, tell; w. tiros bhagavant,a. 1. fortunate, possessing
flirelv, 10 18
u: punar, answer, 8 3 ;
2. a happy lot, blessed ;
then 2. (like Eng.
middle, brute (used esp. to introduce oratio blessed) heavenly, august, lordly, applied
recta and without designation of the person to Indra, Brahma, The Self-existent, the
18 5 10 - 12
addressed], says, inquit, 20 , 28 *, 30 Wood-deity, Sun, Moon, Earth, etc.

, ; used,
35 18 .
esp. in voc., as a form of address, so 94 8 ,

+ apa, remove (the thought or recollec- 26 4 .

tion of a thing or person, ace., from a bhagin, a. fortunate; happy; splendid;
person, abl.) by speaking,try to con- i.e.
bhagini, f. sister (the happy one
sole a person (abl.) for the loss of a thing so far forth as she has a brother).
or person (ace.), 92 [this locution is .
apparently like the Eng. colloq. phrase bhagiratha, m. Bhagiratha, name of an
"I'll talk it
(his opinion) out o/him."] ancient king, who brought the Ganges
+ pra, tell forth, proclaim, 75
an- down from heaven, [perhaps fr. bhagin
nounce, 88
then (like the
Eng. tell of, + ratha,
having a splendid chariot.']
bad and colloquial tell on), inform against, bhagna, see 957c.
1; .
betray, 93 bhagna-bhanda, a. having broken pots
+ prati, speak back to (ace.), answer. or [1308] who broke the pots.

bhagnaga, a. having broken hopes, dis-

appointed. [aa, 334 .]
V bhaks (bhaksati, -te; bhaksita; bhak- bhanga, m. a breaking, [v'bhafij, 216. 1.]
situm ; bhaksayati [1041
-bhaksya ; ]). V bhaj (bhajati, -te; babhaja, bhej6 [794el;
(partake, enjoy, i.e.) eat; consume; de- abhaksit, abhakta [883] ; bhajisyati,-te;
vour, [old desid. of vfbhaj, 108g end: of. bhaktd ;
bhaktum ; -bhaj y a ;
; bhaktva
bhiks, and for mg, V 2 ag, eat.']
cans, bhajayati). deal out; appor- 1.

bhaksa, m. the enjoying, eating or drink- tion ; divide ; then (as Eng. share means

ing ;
food ;
at end of adj. cpds, having both 'give a part of and 'have a part of)
as food, living on [V bhaks.] . 2. middle, have as one's part, receive ;

bhaksaka, m. eater. [V bhaks: see 1181a have or take part in ;

3. give one's self
end.] up to; 4. (choose as one's part, i.e.) de-

bhaksitavya, grdv. to be eaten. clare one's self for, prefer, 15 3 5. be- ;

[V bhaks, 964 2 .] take one's self to turn to go to, 20 10

; ; ;

bhaksin, a. eating. [V bhaks, 1183 8 .] 6. belong to, be attached to ;

revere ;
V [204]

love, 9 2; caus. cause to have a share, bhattaraka- vara, m. lord's day, Sun-
w ace. of person and yen. of tiling, 83
8 .
[cf get one's portion, eat/
bhadra, a. 1. praiseworthy, pleasing;

w. a specialization of mg like those seen gladsome, 76*, 90

n 2. good, happy, ;

in Eng. partake and take as used with the 84 3 voc. f., good lady, 9 r)
bhadram, ;

implied object food or drink, in bhakta, adv., w. kr or a-car, do well, 22 n 23 19

, ;

divided, portion, food,' and in favorable, auspicious, 86 8

thing 3. ;
as n.,
bhaks : akin are the names of the two sing, and pi., welfare, prosperity, 20 16 ;
food-trees yielding eatable nuts (acorns, w. kr, grant welfare to a person

buck-mast), Qdyds, (p-ny6s, 'oak,' ~La,t.fagus, bless, 69". [Vbhand, 1188a.]

'beech,' AS boc, Eng. buck-, 'beech-,' in bhadra-kft, a. granting welfare; bless-
buck-mast, beech-nuts,' and buck-wheat (so ing. [1269.]
called from the likeness of the kernels to V bhancl (bhandate). receive jubilant
beech-nuts), AS. bece, Eng. beech: with hoc, praise.
' '
beech,' is ident. hoc, book,' orig. runes
bhandistha, a. most loudly or best
scratched on branches of a fruit-bearing praising.
tree,' see Tacitus, Germania, x. such a ; bhaya, n. 1. fear, anxiety; in
branch was called by a name which became tion w. the thing feared, 10 12 , 31 9 , 46 5 ;
in Old High Ger. puah-stap or buoh-stab, fear of a thing (abl.), 40 w bhayat, from ;

but the 20", 36*, 41 17
and meant orig. beech-staff , fear, ; then, as conversely
Eng., fear (orig. danger,' so Job 39. 22)
word came to be used for the significant in

thing on the branch, ' the rune or letter,' has come to mean 'anxiety,' 2. danger,

AS boc-stsef, Ger. Buch-stabe.~\ peril, 25 19 ,

42*4. [Vbhl, 1148. la: for
+ a, sometimes mid., deal out to, give
act., mg 2, cf. samdeha.]
a person (ace.) a share in a thing (loc.). bhayarta, a. stricken with fear, [arta.]
+ vi , part asunder ;
divide. bhara, m. a bearing, carrying; 1.2.

+ pra-vi, divide. burden weight, 50 J ; 3. mass, quan- ;

+ 8am-vi, 1. divide a thing (ace.) tity; 4. (w. specialization as in Lat.

person (instr.) ; give a share;

' '
with a pondus, weight,' then also pound ') a
2. present a person (ace.) with a thing particular quantity or measure, in nir-.
(instr.). [Vbhr: cf. <f>toff-<t>6po-s, Lat. luci-fer(u-s),

(bhanakti; babhanja; abhank-

V bhanj light-bringing ; AS. horn-bora,
sit ; bhanksyati bhagna [957c] bhank- ; ; bearing, trumpeter for mgs 2-4, cf : .

tva -bhajya).
break. [opinions are Eng. weigh, orig. 'bear up, lift,' as in
weigh anchor, AS.
divided as to whether Mbhanj, 2bhuj, wegan, carry, bear,'
and bham (see these) orig. began w. bhr- ; and weight,
burden,' then
mass,' then
cf giri-bhraj, 'breaking forth from the 'definite mass.']
mountains : if bhanj does stand for bharata, a. to be supported or main-
*bhranj, then Lat. frangere, 'break,' tained ; esp. to be kept alive by the care
' '
nau-frag-a, ship-breaking (tempestas), of men, as epithet of the god Agni ; as m.
and Ger brechen, Eng. break are akin.] Bharata, name of a patriarchal hero.
bhattara, m. lord. [a transition-stem [Vbhr, 1176e.]
(399) fr bhartr corresponding to the
bhargas, n. radiant light glory. [Vbhrj ;

strong ace. s. form bhartar-am, taken as or bhraj q.v., 216. 1 ,
cf QXtyos, n., : .

if it were bhartara-m, is made the nom. '
flame ; Lat. fulgur, ' lightning.']
s bhartara-s, etc. both transition to ; bhartr, m. 1. bearer; 2. supporter,
the a-declension, and assimilation of rt maintainer; lord; husband, 10 .
to tt are regular in Prakrit.] 1182b: cf. Lat./ertor, 'bearer.']
bhattaraka, m. lord, fi-'.plied to gods bhavd, m. the coming into existence.
and learned men. [bhattara, 1222c 1.] [VbhiL]
[205] [bhava

having bhavant as

bhavat-purva, a. tory or prohibitory,' notice (of mar-

first or preceding; -am, adv. [1311], in a riage),' etc.: cf. v'vbhas, bhas.]
way having bhavant first, i.e. with the + a, shine upon illumine. ;

voc. s. f. of bhavant at the beginning of + u d shine out, become manifest,

, 56 20 .

one's begging formula. + nis, shine forth from (a&/.), Jig.

bhavadaharartham, adv. for your -l-pra, shine forth; begin to be light
food, ['in a way having your food as (of the night).
object,' 1311, 1302c 4 bhavant + ahara
+ v i shine far and wide.

and artha.] bhaga, m. part: 1. allotted part, 96 20 ;

bhavaduttaram, adv. with bhavant share, 84

lot ; esp. happy lot ; 2. in
as last (word of one's begging formula), post-Vedic, portion (not lot), 64 22 ; 3.

[ace. s. n. of adj. *bhavad-uttara, 1311.] place, spot (cf. Eng. parts, 'regions'),
bhavana, n. dwelling, abode, house, [v'bhaj.]
an existing,' then '
place of exist- bhaga-dheya, n. (bestowal or allotment
ing,' v'bhii, 1150. la. so Eng. dwelling and of a part, i.e. ) portion, 88 7 ; esp. bestowal
abode and Lat. man-sio meant of a goodly lot, blessing, 82 4
a waiting, [1213c.] .

an abiding,' abiding-place, and then '

bhagagas, adv. part by part; gradually,

cf also mandira and asta.]
maison : .
[bhaga, 1106.]
bhavant [456], a. lordly; used in re- bhagiratha, a. of Bhagiratha; -i, /.

spectful address as substitute [514] for the stream (nadi) of Bh., the Ganges,
pronoun of the second person, and trans- [bhagiratha, 1208f.]
latable by your honor, thou (e.g.
6 23 ), ye bhagya, n. lot; fate; esp. happy lot;
6 10
(e.g. 7 ,
12 ) ;
used in the pi. of a single luck; bhagyena, luckily, [bhaga, 1211.]
person to express greater courtesy, 19 , bhajana, n. vessel, dish. [lit. 'receiver,'
28 4 - 5
used in the voc.s. m.
(bhavas, con- Vbhaj, mg2: 1150. lb.]
tracted) bhos, f. bhavati, as word of b hand a, n. 1. vessel, pot; vat; dish;
address, (lord, master, mister,) sir, lady, 2. generalized (like patra), Utensil ;

[prob. a contraction of bhagavant : cf . wares or ware.

61 M N.] bhanda-miilya, n. capital consisting of
bhavan-madhy a, a. having bhavant as wares ;
stock in trade.
middle (word) ; -am, adv. [1311], with the bhanu, m. light; beam. [Vbha, 1162.]
voc. s. f. of bhavant as the middle (word v' bham (bhamita). rage, be angry,
of one's begging formula). [orig., perhaps, 'be agitated,' and so, a
bhavitavya, grdv. deserving to become, Prakritic form of bhram, q.v. : for loss
destined to be, about to be impers. [999],
of r, see under Vbhanj.]
maya bhavitavyam, sc. asti, I must be, bham a, m. rage, fury. [Vbham.]
23 13 ; bhavitavyam, it must be, 27 14 .
bhara, m. burden. [Vbhr.]
[Vbhu, 964.] bharata, from Bharata a. descended ;

V bhas (babhasti [678]; bhasita). chew, as m. descendant from Bharata, epithet

bite ;
crush devour, consume
; bhasita, ;
of Yudhishthira, to whom Brihadacva
consumed to ashes, [cf. <pa.n-fj.ri, *<f>acr-fj.ii,
tells the story of Nala. [bharata, 1208f.]
barley-groats : w. the 3d pi. ba-ps-ati bharika, m. carrier, [bhara.]
cf the collateral form psa and
tyd-/j.a-0os, bharya, grdv. to be supported or main-
sand.'] tained ; -a, / wife. [Vbhr, 963b.]
bhasman, n. ashes, ['consumed': see bharyatva, n. condition of being wife
V bhas.] or (among animals) mate, [bharya.]
V bha (bhati; babhau; bhasyati; bhata). bhava, TO. 1. the becoming, 61 2 exist- ;

be bright, shine appear. [cf. <^TJ-^, ; ence, 15 ; being; in cpds, used as equiv.
Lat. fa-ri, '
make appear, reveal, say ;
to the suffix tva or ta, condition of being ,

Eng. ban, 'public proclamation, manda- 35 21 49 12

, ;
-2. (way of being, i.e.) con-
bhavin] [206]

dition; 3. (way of being, i.e.) nature; -t-

pra, split forth or open.
4. natural disposition feeling ;
5. + vi, split asunder; break to pieces,
feelings ; heart, 30 ;
6. the existent ; destroy.
existent thing, 66 9 [V bhu, 1148. 2.]
bhiyds, m. fear, [v'bhi, 1151. 2c.]
bhavin, a. becoming, coming into exist- V bhisaj (bhisakti). heal.
ence; about to be, destined to be, 18 ; bhisaj, a. healing; as TO. healer.
[V bhisaj,
-ini, f. a beautiful woman.
future, 38 ; 1147.]
[Vbhu, 1183 end.] V bhi (V. bhayate; V. and later, bibheti ;

\f bhas (bhasate babhase ; ;

abhasista ; bibhaya ; abhaisit bhesyati ; bhitA
; ;

bhasita; bhasitum; bhasitva; -bhasya). bhetum ;

cas. bhisayate [1042f]). fear;
speak; talk; say. [perhaps for *bhask, be afraid of (abl.) ; bhita, having feared,
a sk-formation fr. Vbha: 182a.] frightened ; caws, affright, [w. bi-bhe-ti,
+ abhi, speak unto, address, w. ace.; cf Old High Ger. bi-be-t, ' trembles,' whose

speak, without object.

bi- is syllable of reduplication, Ger. bebt,
+ prati, speak back, answer. AS. beofa^S,
trembles the connection of :

bh as a, language, [vfbhas.]
/. speech, these words with <t>f-ft-o/, 'am afeard,
bhasita, ppl. spoken; as n. [1176a], what flee in fright,' and tp6&os,
fear,' is still a
is spoken, the words. [Vbhas.] moot-point.]
V bhas (bhasati, -te ; babhas6 ; bhasita). bhi [351], /. fear. [V bhi, 348.1.]
shine, [cf. Vbha.] bhita, ppl. feared; as n. [1176a], fear.

+ prati, shine over against, make a bhima, a. fearful, terrible; as m. Bhima,

show, appear well. name of a Vidarbhan king. [Vbhi,
bhas, n. light. [Vbhas: but cf. 1151. lc .] 1166b.]
bhima-par akr ama,
bhas-kara, m. the sun. [' light-making : m. terrible
171 .] strength or courage. [1264, 1267.]
V bhiks (bhiksate; bibhikse; bhiksisye; bhlma-parakrama, a. possessing
bhf ksitum bhiksitva). desire to have 3
; bbima-parakrama, 1", 2 .
a share for one's self, wish for ;
then (like bhima-gasana, n. command or sum-
the Eng. desire, 'express a wish for'), re- mons of Bhima. [1264, 1267.]
quest; beg; esp. go begging for food, bhirii, a. timid. [Vbhi, 1192.]
[old desid. of Vbhaj, lOSg end: cf. vf
Ibhuj (bhujati ; bhugna ; -bhujya).
bhaks.] bend; turn; make crooked, [so far as
bhiksa,/. 1. the act of begging, beg- the meaning goes, the following words
ging ;
2. that which is got by begging, may well be taken as cognate: ipvy-e'iv,
4 '
alms. [Vbhiks, 1149 : w. the relation of Lat. fug-ere, turn about, flee ; AS. bug-an,

1 to 2, cf. that of Eng. getting, 'act of 'bend, turn about' (intrans.), sometimes
getting,' to getting, that which is got.'] also 'flee,' Eng. verb bow (as in bow down),
V bhid (bhinatti, bhintte; bibheda, bi-
bend '
AS. boga, Eng. bow,
arcus,' el-bow,
bhid6 ; abhet [832] ; bhetsyati, -te ;
rain-bow ; Ger. bieg-sam, Old Eng. '
bhinnA [957d] ; bhettum ; bhittva ; buh-sum, Eng. buxom,
'pliable, yielding,'

-bhidya). cleave, cut asunder; break in

lithe, lively, vigorous but the Ger- :

twain, 102 smite sore (in battle), 81 5
; ;
manic g raises phonetic difficulties which
pound, bruise, crush (as a reed), 70 15 ;
are not yet satisfactorily cleared up.]
pierce. [orig. 'split, crush': cf. Lat. V 2bhuj (bhunakti, bhunkte ; bubhoja,
ftndo, 'cleave,' perfect fidi; Ger. beissen, bubhuj6 abhujat bhoksyati, ; ;
-te ;

Eng. bite; also bit, 'morsel,' and bit, 'part bhukta bh6ktum bhuktva).
; ; 1. en-
of a bridle ; bitter, used of a sword, w. a joy; in Veda, (have use with, i.e.) have
trace of the orig. mg, Beowulf, 2705 ;
the use of a thing (and so w. instr.) ;
caus. bait, in bait a bear, '
make dogs bite 2. in later Skt. (like Ger. geniessen, cf.

him,' and bait a horse, 'let him eat.'] also bhoga and bhojana), enjoy esp. food,
[207] [v bhu

king, 48
* 14
K;. ace. ; 3. without object, take one's ; tatha bhavatu, so be it, 27 ,-

meal; then 4. enjoy (things that are so 32 ; pranjalir bhutva, (having be-
not food), w. ace., 10 9 5. reap the fruit ;
come pranjali, i.e.) assuming suppliant
(of sin) at the hands of a person (gen.), posture, 13 ; w. possessive yen., become

791"; _6. cans, cause to take food, feed, (the property) of a person; adhipatyam
[if f or *bhruj (but this is doubtful see tasya babhuva, lordship became his, he
V/bhanj), then cf. Lat. frui, *frugvi, 'have attained lordship, 37 :
seldom w. dat.,
use with' (a thing, hence instr.-abl.), 96 2l) ; imperative, bhavatu: (be it, i.e.)
'enjoy'; frug-es, 'fruit'; AS. brucan, good ; enough ; what's the use of talking,

enjoy' (food or drink), 'use,' Eng. brook, 30 16 ,

42 2 ;
the thing is clear, 23 7
31 6

use,' now put up '
with.'] tad bhavatu, never mind that, 34 6 ;

+ anu, reap the fruit (of good or evil bhuta, see s.v. ; in self-explaining
deeds). periphrases iv.
ppls, 49 19 52 n 99 21 , , ;

+ upa, 1.
enjoy, esp. (enjoy food, i.e.) bubhusati [1027], desire to be,

eat; 2. reap the fruit (of good or evil 70 14 [w. abhut cf. e<t>v, 'became, grew'

deeds). cf. Lat. fu-it, 'was' Old Lat. fa-at, 'may ;

AS. beam, am
' '

bhuj am-gama, m. serpent. ['going be ; Eng. be.~]


with bending or with crooking': bhujam, + anu, 1. (perhaps be along after,

grd of V Ibhuj, 995 for mg, cf. khaga.] : and so) come up with, attain; 2. ex-

V bhur (bhurati). make short and quick perience; enjoy, 24

3. (experience,
motions, twitch, jerk, kick, struggle, stir,
acquaintance with, practical

[cf .
stir around, mingle (p\vw, ;
come to understand; perceive; hear, 4 21 .

' '
bubble ;
Lat. fur-ere, '
be agitated, rage ; + abhi, be against [1077 8 ], oppress,
de-frustum, 'boiled off'; Eng. brew, 'boil'; and so overpower.
bro-th, 'bouillon.'] + ud, arise up, make itself perceptible.
bhurana, a. (like the Encj. stirring, i.e.) + pari, 1. be around, surround, en-

both 1. moving quickly and 2. active, compass ;

2. (like the Eng. colloq. get
busy. [Vbhur, 1150. 2c.] around, i.e.) get the better of, prove
V bhuranya (bhuranyati). be stirring, superior to ;
be superior to, and so 3.

busy, [bhurana, 1059d.] treat with contempt, 37 s .

bhu van a, n. 1. being, existence; 2. + pra, come forth into being;


world ;
3. with vigva :
sing., tout le arise; be before (others), have the

monde ; pi., all beings. [v'bhu, 1150. power ;

have power, be strong.
2c.] + vi, (become asunder, i.e.) expand, de-
bhuvana-traya, n. world-triad, i.e. velop ; pervade ;
caus. cause to expand
heaven and atmosphere and earth. oropen discover ; ; vibhavita, discovered,
bhuva s ,
the second of the so-called " utter- found out.
ances" (see vyahrti), bhuvas!, interpreted + sam, 1. (unite [intrans.] together,
as air or atmosphere, on account of its and take form, i.e.) be shapen
so in its

position between bhur and svar. [prob. old sense, be created be born, 97 2 ; ;
nothing more than the voc. pi. of bhu, into being ;
become ; originate ;
ye spaces.'] bhuta, sprung from, 19 12 2. ; exist,
v' bhu (bhavati, -te ;
babhuva [789a] ;
39 2 be, 39
; sambabhuva, am, II V.
abhiit ; bhavisyati, -te ;
bhuta bha-
x. 125. 8; 3. happen, 20 ; occur; pass
vitum ;
bhutva ; -bhuya ;
caus. bhava- current, 52"; caus. 1. (cause to be
3 40 21 3
yati, -te). become, 93 , ,
57 ,
67 21 , together, bring into form, i.e.) make,
3n ;
come into being, 92 17
; arise, happen, accomplish; 2. honor, 30
3. (bring
take place exist very often to be ren-; ; together, and so, like Eng. con-jecture)
dered simply by be, 2 15 , 3 18 22, 7 1 -
; suppose, [development of caus. mg 2

purvam abhud raja, once there was a unclear.]

bhu] [208]

+ abhi-aam, (lit. become unto, i.e.) bhumi-stha, a. standing on the ground,

attain a condition) by a process of
(e.g. [stha.]
change, enter into (e.g. wifehood), 86 ; bhuyans,a. more; greater, ['becoming in
8 a higher degree, increasing/ Vbhu, 470 2 .]
be born unto (immortality), 97 .

bhu [351-2], a. at end of cpds, becoming, bhur, the first of the three "utterances"
being, existent; as f. 1. a becoming, vyahrti), bhur!, O earth. [crystallized
being; 2. the place (for mg, cf. bha- voc. sing, of bhu.]

vana) of being, the world, space ; pi. bhuri, a. abundant; much. [Vbhu, 1191:
worlds, bhuvas) 3. the
spaces cf. bhuyans.]
(cf. ;

earth, as distinguished from heaven and bhuri-kala, m. longtime.

atmosphere; bhuvi, on earth; 4. the bhuri-sthatra, a. having many sta-
land, lands. [Vbhu, 347.] tions, being in many places.
bhuta, ppl. 1. become, been,
past; i.e. bhurni, a. stirring, and so vigilant, jealous

real; 2. having become, being, used in (of a god). [Vbhur, 1158.2, 245b.]
composition w. its predicate as a grammati- V bhu s (bhusati; bhusayati [1041 2 ]).
cal device to give the predicate an adj. form 1. bhusati, be busy for 2. bhusayati, ;

w. number and gender [1273c], 6 7 , 19*, 29*, (make ready for, i.e.) adorn.
56 15 ;
_3. os n. (that which has become, bhusana, n. ornament. [v'bhus, mg 2:
i.e.)a being, divine (90 19 ) or human or 1150.]'
other creature in general, 21
**, 57 18
, V bhr (bibharti [645] ; bharati, -te ;

63 12 created thing, 58 10
; world, 91
; ; jabhara, jabhr6 [789b] later, babhara ; ;

4. as m. n. uncanny being, ghost, gob- abharsit bharisyati bhrta bhartum

; ; ; ;

lin, 55 19 ;
5. as n. element; panca -bhftya). bear (cf. the various senses of
bhutani, five elements (earth, water, fire, bear in Eng.): thus, 1. hold, and so pos-

air, ether, of which the body is composed sess; 2. bear (in the womb); abharat,
and into which it is dissolved), 66 , 68
5 9
she bare, 85 15 ;
3. endure ;
4. carry,
so 66 ! [V bhu : cf $6-r6-v, ' plant,
convey; 5. (bear, i.e., as in Latimer)

creature.'] win; 6. bring (as an offering, cf. of-fer),

bhuta-grama, m. sing, and pi. commu- 69", 82 14 ;
w. udhar, offer the breast,

nity of creatures. suckle, 78 8 ; 7. (bear, i.e.) support;

bhuta-bhasa, f. language of the gob- and so (like Eng. support), furnish sus-
lins or Picachas. tenance to, 22 2 maintain, RV. x. 125. 1
; ;

bhu-tala, n. earth-surface, ground, earth, so also,

keep (on hire) 8. wear (as Ger. ;

[cf. tala.] tragen means 'bear' and 'wear'); w.

bhuti, f. being, esp. well-being. [Vbhu: nakhani. wear the nails, keep them un-
trimmed, 64 19
cf .
(pva-ts, a being, nature.'] [cf. <>>cp<a, Lat. fero, Eng.

bhu-pa, m. protector of the earth or land, bear, 'bear' in its various mgs, Ger. ge-

king, prince. bdren,

AS. bear-n, Eng.
bring forth :

bhu-pati, m. lord of the land, king, bairn, an old ppl., lit. 'that
'child,' is
prince. which is borne or born cf also $<&p, Lat. ;


bhu-bhaga, m. spot of the earth, place.

fur, carrier off, thief see also under :

bhu man, n. earth; world. [Vbhu, 1168. the derivs, bhara, bhartr, and bhrti cf ;

Id : for mg, cf. bhu.] bhara and the following.]

bhumi,/. -1. earth, 57"; ground, 43 18 ; + a p a carry off, take away,
, airo^e'po).
2. land; 3. place, 23 14 ; esp. fit place, + ava, bear down (an assailing weapon),
6 ward
proper vessel (cf. sthana, patra), 21 , off.

28 3 [Vbhu, 1167 for mg,

. : cf. bhu.] + a, bear unto, bring to.

bhumi-pati, m. lord of the land, king, + upa, bring unto.

prince, + ni, only in ppl., nibhrta, (borne down,
bhumi-bhaga, m. spot of ground. lowered, i.e.) hidden.
[209] [bhratr

+ pra, act. mid. bring forward; offer; i.e. the use of bhos instead of a person's
prabhrta, brought forward, made ready. real name.
[cf. irpocpepw, Lat. profero,

bring for- bhos, excl. of address, thou, sir !, !, ho !,

ward.'] halloo !
; often repeated, e.g. 6 2;? .
[for ori-
bhrjj ( bhrjj ati ;
bhrsta ; bhrstva). gin, see bhavant : for euphonic combina-
rpastparch, esp. grain,
; [cf <ppvyw, Lat. .
tion, see 176a (in 2d ed., see 174b).]

frigere, 'roast ': akin w. v'bhraj.] bhoh-gabda, m. the word bhos.

bhrti, /. the supporting, maintenance. V bhrang or bhrag (bhrangate; bhragyati

[Vbhr, 1157. la: cf. Ger. Ge-bur-t, Eng. [767]; abhragat; bhrasta). fall.

bir-th'.] + apa, fall off; see apabhrasta.

bhrtya, m. (one who is to be maintained, bhranga, m. fall; ruin; loss, [\fbhranc_.]
i.e.) servant, [grdv. of Vbhr, 963b.] V bhram (bhramati, -te; bhramyati, -te
bhrga, a. powerful, [763];babhrama bhramisyati bhranta ; ;

bhrga-duhkhita, a. (powerfully, i.e.) [955a] bhramitum, bhrantum bhran-

; ;

exceedingly pained, tva; -bhramya, -bhramya). 1. move

bhetavya, grdv. to be feared bhetavyam, ; unsteadily or without aim; wander; roam,

impers. [999], timendum est, one should 36 12
23 5 flutter, of insects, etc.;

fear, 42 3 ;
na bhetavyam, never fear. move in a circle, rotate ;
3. Jig. be wan-
[Vbhi, 964.] dering (of the mind) ;
be agitated or con-
bheda, m. fissure, split, breach; a creating fused.
of divisions, [v'bhid.] [the orig. meanings seem to have in-

bhesaja, f. -i, a. healing; as n. healing cluded irregular and aimless and rotary
(subst.). [bhisaj, 1209i.] motion as applied to water, wind, and
bhaiksa, n. begging; bhaiksam car, go fire, and also to have been transferred to

a-begging, [bhiksa, 1208e.] the sound thereof : cf the derivs bhfmi,


bhaima, a. descended from Bhima; bhrama, whirling flame and
' '

/. -i, whirlwind,'
Bhima's daughter, Damayanti. [bhlma, '
whirlpool,' and bhramara, bee cf
: .

1208f.] ftpfH-fiv, 'rage,' 'roar' (of storm and

bhairava, a. fearful, i.e. awful; as m. wave), Ppopos, 'rage, roar'; Lat. frem-erc ,

Terrible, name of a hunter. [bhirii,

rage, roar
Ger. brummen, hum, rum-

1208c.] ble'; AS. brim, 'surf, surge,' Eng. brim,


bho, see 176a (in 2d ed., see 174b).


place of surf, edge, margin Old Eng. ;

bh6ga, m. enjoyment; use; esp. use of brim,

flame, fire,' preserved in Eng.
food, i.e. eating. [V2bhuj, 'enjoy,' 216. brimstone, 'fire-stone': see also Vbham.]
1-] + pari, wander around.
bho gin, a. enjoying or having enjoyment; + sam, be much confused ; sambhranta,
esp. enjoying food, well-fed. [not di- agitated, perplexed, in a flutter.
rectly fr. vf2bhuj, but fr. bhoga, on V bhraj (bhrajate, -ti; babhraja ;
account of the g, 1230c end.] [890 or 833?]; bhrajisyate). shine; be
bh6jana, n. the enjoying, esp. of food; radiant flame Jig. be
radiant (with ;

the eating; then (like Eng. eating), food. beauty or glory). [cf. (p\fy-ia, 'flame,
[V2bhuj, 'enjoy,' 1150. la.] burn'; tf>\(y-^a, 'flame'; Lat. flam-ma,
bhojya, grdv. to be eaten; as n. food, *flag-ma, flame '; fulg-ere, 'shine, lighten';
supply of food. [V2bhuj, 'enjoy, eat,' AS. 'shining, splendid' (of fires and

963d.] flames), then 'white' (of the dead), Eng.

bhobhavat-purvaka, a. accompanied bleak, pale
; bleach,

[1302c2] by bhos orbhavant; -am, adv. + vi, shine.
[1311], with bhos or bhavant. bhratr [373], m. brother. [origin un-
bho-bhava, m. the
becoming bhos; w. known, cf. 1182d: cf. <f>pa-Ti)p, 'brother,
namnam, the becoming bhos of names, esp. one of a brotherhood or clan,' and
bhratrsthana] [210]
' ' '

clansman ;
Lat. frailer, brother ;
[957c] ; majjitum; -majya). sink under;
Eng. brother.'} dip one's self ; dive duck or sub-merge,;

bhratr-sthana, a. (having, i.e.) taking intrans. [perhaps orig. *mazgh, get


the brother's place ;

as i. representative into': cf. madgu, 'duck'; Lat. merg-ere,
' '
of a brother. duck ; merg-us,
bird for the

bhruva, for bhru at end ofcpds, 1315c. phonetic relations, cf. majjan, Avestan
bhru [351], f. brow. [cf. b-<ppv-s, 'eye- mazga, Church Slavonic mozgu, AS.
' '
brow ; AS. bru,
eye-lid ; Eng. brow.~\ mearg, Eng. marrow, Ger. Mark, all mean-
ing marrow/ and, as meaning originally
the inmost part or pith/ prob. from this
ma [491], pron. root, see aham. [cf. /te, root see rajju.]

Lat. me, AS. me, Eng. me.~\ + ud , e-merge.

V manh (manhate). make great or abund-
- ni ,
sink down dip one's self, bathe.

ant a thing (ace.) for a person (dot.), majjao, Prakrit for marjara-s ('cat')
grant abundantly to. [for *magh, cf. and for maj-jara-s ('my paramour').
magha :
orig. be great,' and trans, mathara, a. perhaps persistent; as m.
'make great high/ and essentially or Mathara, name of a man.
ident. w. Vmah: see under \ruah: for mani. m. 1. pearl; jewel; 2. water-

mg, cf. Lat. largus, 'large, liberal/ w. jar.

larglri, 'give liberally/ and Eng. large manika, m. large water-jar, [mani.]
with largess."] mandapa, m. n. open hall or pavilion.

manhistha, a. granting most abundantly, mandapika, /. small shed or shop,

most generous.
[Vmanh, 467.] [mandapa, 1222 and d.]
ma-kara, m. the letter m. [Whitney 18.] mandala, n. disk, circle, ring.
makha, a. jocund, [cf. Vmah.] manduka, m. frog; f. manduki [355b],
magadha, m. pi. Magadhans, name of a female frog.
people Magadha, name of their country,
; mat!,/ 1. (thinking upon, i.e., like the

Southern Behar. Ger. An-dacht, see dhii'j devotion; pious

magadha-dega, m. the land of Magadha. hymn or song of praise, 73 10 , 79 6 ; 2.

3 5
Vmagh, see manh. thought ; thoughts, 49 ; purpose, 73 ;
magha, n. liberal gift ; bounty. [V magh, mind ;
intention ; 3. opinion ; 4. un-
manh.] derstanding, 19 ; intelligence. [Vman,
maghavan [428], a. 1. abounding in q.v. cf Lat. mehs, stem men-ti,
: .
mind ;

liberal gifts, generous; esp., as m., gener- AS. ge-myn-d, mind/ Eng. '

ous (patron), designation of the rich lord mati-prakarsa, m. wit-superiority, i.e.

who institutes a sacrifice and pays the a fine dodge.

priests, 88
cf. suri applied in particular ;
mat ay a, m. fish. ['the lively one/
to Indra, as Rewarder (of priests and v'mad.]
6 5 20
singers), 70 , 71 , 73 , 75
; -2. in the V math or manth. (mathnati, mathnite ;

Epos, The Generous One, standing epithet manthati; mathati [746]; mamatha, ma-
of Indra, 5". [magha, 1234.] mathus. mamanthus, methiis amath- ;

manga la, n.
welfare, luck; 2. any-1. It ; mathisyati, -te, manthisyati math- ;

thing lucky, auspicious, or of good omen ; itd ;

mathitum ;
mathitva -mathya).

3. old or traditional usage, 59 18 . 1. stir or whirl ;

w. agnim, produce fire

mangalya, a. lucky, auspicious, of good by whirling the stick of attrition in a dry

omen, [mangala, 1212d4.] piece of wood ;
2. shake, agitate, dis-

mac-chisya, m. pupil of me, my pupil, tress.

[mad + gisya, 159, 203.] + pra, agitate.

V majj (majjati, -te mamajja ; ; amajjit ;
v mad madyati mamada
fmadati ; ; ;

manksyati, -te ; majjisyati ; magna amadit madita, matta maditum mad- ; ; ;

[211] [manas

ayati, -te). 1. bubble, undulate, of madhyam&, 1. midmost, situated be-

water,and as a type of joyousness ; tween; 2. of middling quality, size, etc.;

apam urmir madann iva stomas, praise .3. as m. n. the middle (of the body),
(joyous) as a bubbling water-wave, 81 ; waist; 4. as n. the middle (of anything),
boil, be agitated; be (pleasantly 2. Jig. [madhya, 474: cf. 525 .]

excited, i.e.) glad; rejoice; w. instr., 83

; V man (manyate; mene [794e] amansta; ;

be exhilarated or intoxicated with joy ; mansyate, -ti mata mantum matva ; ; ; ;

3. esp., as describing the life of the -manya, -matya desid. mimansate). be ;

gods and the blessed, be in bliss ;

w. cog- minded 1. think, believe, imagine, 34 18

nate ace., 83 18 ;
4. trans, gladden, rejoice, 43 ; conjecture ; yadi nanyatha man-
75 12 ;
intoxicate ; matta, drunk cans. ; yase, if thou art not otherwise minded, if

1. act. gladden; 2. mid. take delight, thou art agreed, 25

; manye, inserted
8419. parenthetically, methinks, 51 ; expect,
[the rather rare physical mg (1) is 52 ;
2. consider something (ace.) as
prob. the orig. one, w. a transfer to fig. something (ace.), 13 37 7 55 2/) 79 8 , , , ;

use, as in Eng. bubble over with joy or praptakalam amanyata, considered (sc.
mirth: cf. /xo8-ao>, 'be moist'; Lat. mad-ere, it) an arrived time, thought that the time
'be soaked, full, drunk'; mat-ta-s (mg 4) had come, 13 20 bahu man, consider ; as
and Lat. mat-tu-s, drunk see the colla- '
much, esteem, honor; 3. think fit or
teral form Vlmand, and Vmud.] right, 10 ;
think upon, set the heart

4-ud, be out (of one's senses) with ex- on, 3*; 5. have in mind or view, 88 6 ;

citement; be frantic. cans., see manaya ;

desid. consider,
+ pra, take pleasure. examine, call in question, [cf. fj.f-fj.ov-a,

mad, of 1st pers. pron., 494.

so-called stem 'mind, i.e. fix the thoughts on, wish,
mad a, m. excitement, inspiration, intoxi- strive' (see 4); Lat. me-min-i, 'keep man
cation, 81
; pi. intoxicating drinks, esp. in mind'; AS. prcterito-present man, 'am
1J .
Soma-draughts, 81 [Vmad.] mindful,' and the indirectly connected
madly a, a. mine, [mad, 494 3 1215d.] , miKnan, Eng. mean, 'have in mind, in-
madgii, m. a water-fowl, ['diver,' Vmajj, tend.']
q.v.] + anu, (be minded after another, i.e.)

madhu, a. sweet; as n. sweet food and follow another in opinion, assent, ap-
drink :
esp. Soma milk and ;
its products ; prove ;
consent ; give leave, w. ace. of
18 49 4 6
oftenest honey, 26 .
[cf. peOv, 'wine'; person, ; permit, 62 .

AS medu, Eng. mead.'] + abhi, 1. put one's mind upon, de-

madhura, a. sweet; of speeches, honeyed, sire ; abhimata, desired, agreeable ; 2.

[madhu, 1226a.] have intentions against [1077

], plot
madhya, 1. as n. middle; w. nabhasas, against.
middle of heaven, mid-heaven madhye ;
: + ava, (mind, i.e. regard downwards, i.e.)
in the middle, 57 ;
w. gen. [1130] or at regarder de haut en bas, look down upon,
end of cpd, in the midst of ,
in ,
18 7 ,
like the Lat. de-spicere, despise, treat with

29 ; (the middle, i.e.) the waist;

2. m. n. contempt.
3. as adj., used like Lat. medius samu- :
manas, n. mind, in its widest sense as
dram madhyam, in medium mare. [cf. applied to the powers of conception, will,

fj.<Tffos, */j.f6-jo-s, Lat. medius, Goth, midjis, and emotion :

thus, 1. the intellect ;
AS. mid, Eng. mid-,
middle.'] thoughts, 8 10 5 , 66 7 ; understanding, ,

82 17 16 2 3
madhya-ga, a. situated in the middle mind, ;
10 , 15", 65i -i -2. re- ;

of, tarrying among. flection ;perhaps the thing

excogitation ;

madhya-carin, a. moving in the mid- excogitated, praise, or (like dhi2) devo-

dle of (w. gen., 1316 2 ), i.e.
moving tion, 73
3. wish, inclination towards
; ;

among. 4. desire; 5. feelings; disposition;

manisa] [212]

heart, 78 7 .
[V man : cf .
mind, mantu, m. counsel, i.e. deliberation; then
' '
spirit ;
Lat. Miner-va, the goddess gifted (like Eng. counsel), result of deliberation,
with understanding.'] plan, intent. [Vman, 1161a.]
manisa,/. 1. thought ; understanding ; mantra, i. 1. thought; esp. thought as

instr. manisa, adv. wisely; 2. expression uttered in formal address, in prayer or

of thought and wisdom in saw, prayer, song of praise (see dhi2), or in pious text;
and hymn (cf. dhi2). [Vman, 1197b.] 2. usual designation of the hymns and
man! sin, a. 1. having understanding, texts of the Vedas ; 3. later (when

wise; 2. prayerful, devout. [manisa, these Vedic texts came to be used as

1230a.] magic formulas), spell, charm; 4. like

manu, m. 1. man; collectively (as in mantu, deliberation, plan, [v'man, 1185b:

Eng., and Hebrew adam), man, man-
like for mg 3, cf. Lat. carmen, solemn utter- '

kind, 73
; -2. (like Hebrew Adam) The ance' (see v'gans), then 'magic spell,'
Man tear' f^ox'fi", Manu, father of man- whence Eng. charm.']
kind Manu, as originator of prayer,
; mantra-da, a. giving, i.e. imparting the
praise, and sacrifice, 89 2 Manu, as type ;
sacred texts, i.e., as m., Veda-teacher.
of piety and majesty, 1 10 Manu, sup- ;
V mantraya (mantrayate [10G7]). 1.

posititious author of the law-book of the speak with solemn or formal utterance ;

Manavas. Goth, manna, Ger. Mann,

[cf. 2. deliberate. [denom. of mantra
AS. man, Eng. man : the noun is general- see its various mgs.]
ized to a quasi pronoun in AS. man, Ger. + anu, follow with a mantra, accompany
man, like Lat. homo in French on, but with a sacred text, like Lat. prosequi
retains a distinct form as noun in Ger. vocibus.
Mann homo does in French homme) :
(as + abhi, address a spell unto; charm or
cf. also Mannus, mythical ancestor of the conjure.
West-Germans (Tacitus, Germania, ii.) : + a , speak unto ; esp. bid farewell to,

perhaps related are Mtw-s and MiVo>s, 56.

mythical Greek forefathers : the deriva- + ni, invite, [for mg, cf. (under Vbudh)
tion of manu fr. Vman, 'think,' is unobjec- Eng. bid, 'make formal announcement
tionable so far as the form goes (1178b), of,' and then 'invite.']

but the usual explanation of manu as sam-ni, invite together, 4 2D .

'the thinker' defies common sense.] mantravant, a. accompanied by sacred
manu-ja, m. man. [prop, adj., 'Manu- texts, [mantra, 1233.]
born, sprung from Manu/ 1265.] mantr a-varna, m. the wording of a
manujendra, m. (prince of men, i.e.) sacred text.
prince, king, 1
[manuja + indra, 1264.] V Imand (mandati: mamanda; amand-
manusya, 1. a. human; 2. as m. man. it). gladden, 74*. [collateral form of
[manus, 1212d 1 : cf. manusa : for mg 2, V mad.]
see manava.] V 2m and or mad (mamatti ; madati).
manusyatva, n. condition of being man. tarry, loiter. [amplification of *man,
[manusya, 1239.] 'remain,' the congener of p.ev-(iv, Lat.
manusya-devd, m. human god [1280 1 ] man-ere, 'remain.']
or man-god [1280b] or god among men manda ,
a. 1. tarrying, slow ; 2.

[1264], i.e. Brahman, 95 *. (sluggish, and so) weak ; insignificant ;

manusya-loka, m. world of men. little; 3. (like Eng. colloq. slow) stupid.

manus, m. man. [cf. manu and 1154.] [V2mand, 'tarry.']
mano-ratha, m. wish. [lit. 'heart's manda-bhagya, a. having little luck,
joy,' manas + 2 ratha.] unlucky.
mano-hara, a. (heart-taking, i.e.) cap- mandara, m. Mandara, a sacred moun-
tivating. tain.
[213] [masi

mandadara, a. having little regard for marakata, n. smaragd or emerald, [cf.

(w. loc., 303a), careless about, [manda + whence Lat. smaragdus, Old

adara.] French esmeralde, French e'meraude."]

mandara. m. n. 1. coral tree, Erythrina marana, n. death. [V 1 mr,

indica; 2. m. used, perhaps, as name of marlci, f. 1. mote or speck in the air,
a man, Mandara. illuminated by the sun ;
2. later, beam
mandira, n. dwelling; house; palace. of light, [cf. mariit.]
fV 2 mand, 'tarry,' 1188e: prop, 'a wait- marici-mala,/. garland of rays.
ing,an abiding,' and then 'abiding-place, maricimalin, a. having a garland of
mansion': cf. /j.dvS-pa, 'fold, stable,' later rays, [maricimala, 1230a.]

for mg, observe that Lat.
: mar li ,
m. a waste desert, [perhaps ;
mansio, stem man-si-on- (fr. man-ere, dead and barren' part, whether of land
'tarry'), meant first 'a tarrying,' and
or water, V 1 mr, die cf 'A./j.(j>l-jjiapos, : .

then 'a stopping-place, mansion,' French son of Poseidon; Lat. mare, 'sea'; AS.
' ' '
maison ;
see also bhavana.] mere, sea, lake,swamp,' Eng. mere, lake,
manmatha, m. love; the god of love, pool,' Winder-mere, mer-maid ; AS. mor,
['the agitator, distresser,' intensive for- Eng. moor, marshy waste, heath.']
mation fr. Vmath or nianth, 1148.4, mariit, m. pi. the Maruts or gods of the

1002b.] storm-wind, Indra's companions, selections

manman, n. thought; esp. (like dhi2) xxxv., xlii., [perhaps the
xlvii., Ixvii.

An-dacht, devotion, prayer or praise. flashing ones,' as gods of the thunder-

[Vman, 1168.1a.] storm, and connected w. a V*mar seen
man-mahsa, n. my flesh, [mad, 494.] in fj.ap-/j.aip-(i>, 'flash.']
man yd, m. 1. mood, i.e. temper of maru-sthall,/. desert-land, desert.
mind; then 2. (like Eng. mood) anger, martavya, grdv. moriendum imperso- ;

heat of temper. [Vman, 1165a.j nally, see 999. [V 1 mr, die,' 964.]
mama, see 491 and ma. m arty a, m. like Eng. a mortal, i.e. a
may a, 1. called a derivative suffix (see man ;
as a. mortal.
1225, 161 3
but really a nomen actionis mar dan a, m. crusher; fig., as in Eng.,

meaning formation, make, used as final subduer. [Vmrd, 1150. la.]

element of a cpd, having as its make, marma-jna, a. knowing the weak spots.
made of , consisting of , containing [marman.]
in itself ;
2. nomen agentis, maker, mar man, n. mortal part, vulnerable or
former; esp. Maya, The Former, name of weak and fig. [cf V 1 mr, die.'] '
spot, .

an Asura, artificer of the Daityas, and marya, m. man, esp. young man; pi. (like
skilled in all magic, 45. [fr. mi, weak Eng. men, Ger. Mannen), servants, at-
form (cf. 954c, 250) of VI ma, 'measure, tendants, henchmen.
arrange, form,' 1148. la and b: so the marsa, m. patient endurance. [Vmrs.]
Eng. deriv. suffix -hood, -head, Ger. -heit, mala, n. m. smut; impurity, physical and
was once an independent noun, see under moral, [cf p.4\-av,
dark ' Lat. malu-s, ;

ketu.] 'bad.']
may as, n. invigoration, refreshment, cheer, malla, m. the Mallas, a people ;

gladness, joy. [prop, 'a building up,' fr. 2. professional boxer and wrestler one ;

V1 mi,
establish,' or fr. the weak form mi who engages in the irayKpdnov, pancra-
(cf. 954c, 250) of the kindred and partly tiast.

equivalent V 1 ma,
measure, arrange, magaka, m. biting and stinging insect,
form, build,' 1151. la.] gnat.
mayo-bhu [352], a. being for or conduc- masi, f. 1. bone-black; 2. ink, made
ing to mayas, i.e. refreshing, gladdening. of lac or of almond-charcoal boiled in
mar a, m. death. [\/mr, 'die.'] cow's urine.

masy-abhava, m. lack of ink. maha-dhana, a. having great wealth,

V mah (mahate; mamahe [786]; mahita; very rich.
mahitva; cans, mahayati, -te). orig. be maha-panka, m. n. (great, i.e.) deep
great or high, and so 1. mid. be glad, mire.
rejoice; then (trans, make great or high, maha-pandita, a.
exceedingly learned
and so) 2. act. elate; gladden; exalt [1279].
(mid.), 74 ; 3. esteem highly, honor. mahaparadha, m. great crime,
[for *magh, cf. magha, also v'manh: -f aparadha.]
for orig. mg, cf. participial adj. mahant, maha-praj na, a. very wise [1279].
great : for mgs 1 and 2, cf . American maha-bahu, a. great-armed [1294], i.e.

colloq. use of high as 'high in spirit, stout-armed.

elated, esp. intoxicated': maha-bhuta, n. grosser element, i.e.
with orig. v'*magh in the mgs 'be earth, air, fire, water, or ether (as dis-
great, mighty, i.e. powerful or able,' trans, tinguished from a subtile element or rudi-
'make able, help,' cf. pox-\6s, 'helping- mentary atoms).
bar, lever'; /ir/x-aHj, 'means'; Goth, mag, maha-manas, a. great-minded.
AS. mseg, 'am able,' Eng. may: maha-muni, m. great sage.
with the collateral form *mag, whose maha-yajna, m. great sacrifice, 59 6 w.
deaspiration is prob. Indo-European, cf. maha-yagas, a. having great glory,
fJLty-as, mag-nus, AS. mic-el, Eng. famous.
mickle, great.'] maha-raja, m. great prince. [raj an,
mah, /. mahi, great; mighty, 78 ;
a. 1315a.]
strong ; mahi, as subst. the great, i.e. the maha-rava, m. great howl.
earth; for mg, cf. prthivi. [cf. Vmah: maha-vikrama, a. having great might
see 400 2 .] or courage ; as m. Great-might, name of a
mah a, a. great. [Vmali.] lion.

mahant [450b], f. mahati, 1. a. great maha-vira, m. great hero.

(in space, time, quantity, or quality, and maha-vrata, n. great vow. [1267.]
so), large, long, mighty, important; sig- maha-vrata, a. having a mahavrata,
nificant, 6n ;
as m. great or noble man, having undertaken a great vow. [1295.]
19 21 , 36 10 -2. m. (sc. atman), the intel-
; maha-sinha, m. great lion.
lect, 66 9, 67 17 [orig. ppl. of Vmah, q.v.]
mahi, a. great. [Vmah.]
maharsi, m. great Rishi. [maha + rsi.] mahitva, n. greatness, might. [1239.]
mahas, n. greatness; might; glory; glad- mahiman, m. might; instr. mahina, see
ness; mahobhis, adv.: with power, 79 ;
u 425e. [Vmah, 1168. 2b.]
joyfully, 73 [Vmah, see its various mgs.]
mahisa, a. mighty; mahiso mrgas, the
mah a, used as prior member of a cpd, instead powerful beast, i.e. buffalo, RV. ;
as m.,
o/mahant, 1249b, 355a. [Vmah.] without mrga, buffalo, 55 3 ; mahisi, /.
maha-katha, f. great tale. [acct, c/!362b ],
the powerful one, as desig-
maha-kavi, m. great poet. nation :
of a woman of high rank of the ;

maha-kula, n. (great, i.e.) noble family. wife of a king, I 16 ; sometimes of any

maha-guru, a. exceedingly reverend queen of a king, 50 [Vmah, 1197b.].

[1279] ; mahi, see under mah.

as m. person worthy of unusual
honor. mahi-ksit, m. earth-ruler, king.
maha-tapas, a. (having, i.e.) practising mahl-pati, m. earth-lord, king.
great austerity; asm. Great-penance, name mahi-pala, m. earth-protector, king.
of a sage. V mahiya (mahiyate). be glad, happy,
mahatman, a. having a (great, i.e.) noble blessed, [prop, 'be great, high,' denom.
nature, noble ; magn-animus. [maha + of mahi (1061), with the modification of
atman.] mg mentioned under Vmah, q.v.]
[215] [mada
mah end r a, m. 1. Great-Indra ;
2. mansa-ruci, a. having pleasure in meat,
great chief, 10 (w. mg 1 also), [maha greedy for meat.
+ indra.] mansa-lubdha, a. desirous of meat
mahendratva, n. the name or dignity [Vlubh.]
of Great-Indra. [1239.] mangalya, a. bringing happiness, pleas-.
mahegvara, m. great lord; esp., as pi., ant. [mangala.]
designation of the four lokapalas, Indra, maciram, adv. (not long, i.e.) shortly,
Yama, Agni, and Varuna. [maha + straightway, [ma + ciram, 1122b .]
igvara.] mathara, m. Mathara, name of a man.
mahaujas, a. having great strength, [mathara, 1208f.]
mighty, [maha, + ojas.] manava, m. boy, youngster, [not akin
V 1m a (minute [660-3]; mamau, man ' perhaps for * malnava :
mame; w. manu, :

amasta mitd [954c] matum mitva

; ; ; ;
Prussian malnyx, 'child.']

-maya). 1. measure; 2. measure manavaka, m. manikin, dwarf, [man-

with, compare 3. mete out 4. ar- ; ; ava, 1222b.]
range, form; build; make, 72 [for 1, .
matarigvan, m. Matari^van, mystic
cf fj.4-rpov, measure
Lat. ni-mi-us, not ;
name of Agni.
to be measured, excessive'; for 4, cf. matula, m. mother's brother. [matr,

and Lat. ma-nu-s,
former, i.e. hand ; 1227 2 : cf. fj.-f)Tpws, Doric Carpus, 'mother's
ev-/j.api')s, 'handy, easy': see also the col- brother.']
lateralform VI mi, 'build, set up,' and matf [373], f. mother; applied also to the
under matf and mas.] earth, the Dawn, the sticks of attrition
+ anu, (form after, i.e.) re-create in (82
[perhaps 'the one who metes

imagination, conceive. out' food to the household, or else 'the

-f- u p a measure
, with, compare. former' of the child in the womb,
4- nis, fashion or make out of (abl.); con- VI ma, 'measure or mete,' 'form,' 1182d:
struct. cf. /j.-firrip,
Doric fj-ar^p, Lat. mater,
4- vi-nis, lay out (garden). AS. moder, Eng. mother ; also pata,

pari, measure around, limit,

-f pra, measure. matrtas, adv. from the mother, on the
4-prati, make (so as to be a match) mother's side, [matr, 1098b.]
against,cf. pratima. matrvat, adv. as one's mother.
4-vi, measure out; then (like Eng. meas- matr a, f. 1. measure; at end of adj.
ure), pass over, traverse (the sky). cpds [see 1302c3], having as its measure,

V 2 ma or mi (mimati [660-3]; mimaya). so and so long or high or large, etc. :

bellow, janu-matra, knee-deep vyama-matra, a ;

-f vi, bellow or cry aloud. fathom broad; 2. the full measure,

ma ,
adv. and conj. not, mostly in prohibitions i.e. limit at end of adj. cpds, having

[1122b] : 1. regularly w. subjunctive, i.e. its limit, not more than ;

and then, these

augmentless form of a past tense [579-80], adj. cpds being (1247 used substantively
76 16 , etc.; in order that not, 53 7 ;
2. w. III 4 ), merely, only, mere 27 , ,

imperative, 22 35", 50 4 3. rarely w.
, ; 50 9 such a cpd as first member of an-

17 4. w. evam, not so, 38 5

optative, 79 ; ;
other cpd, 34 8 37 6 hence 3. from
, ;

5. w. u, mo, see u. [cf. ^, Elian p.a, this frequent use of matra at end of
'not, that not.'] cpds in the form matra (334 ), the quasi-
mans and mansa [397], n. meat, flesh ;
used stern, matra, n. measure, i.e. height,
also in pi. [cf. Church Slavonic meso, depth, length, breadth, distance (43

Prussian mensa, 'flesh': cf. 64 7 N.] [V 1 ma,

measure,' 1185c cf. :

mansatva, n. the being meat, the etymo- '

logical meaning of mansa. [1239.] mada, m. revelry, [v/mad.]
1 mana] [216]

1 mana, m. n. 1. opinion; 2. (like the may in, a. wily, [maya.]

Eng. opinion) estimation, esp. good esteem ; mayobhavya, n.
gladness, happiness.
-3. honor. [Vman, 1148.2.] [mayobhu, 1211, cf. 1208c.]
2 mana, m. like the Eng. building, and mar a, m. a killing, murder. [Vlmr,
. so structure, castle. [V 1 ma, make, 'die.']
bund,' 1150. la.] marakata,/! -I, a. smaragdine, emerald
3 mana, m. 1. like the obs. Eng. maker, (adj.). [marakata, 1208f.]
trotirrfo, poet; 2. as name of Agas- mar ana, n. a killing; w. pra^ap, incur
tya's father, Mana. [do.] killing, get killed, [caus. of V 1 mr, die/

man a -da, (giving, i.e.) showing honor

a. 1150. lb.]

(to others); as m. honor-giver, address of maratmaka, a. having murder as one's

a woman to her lover. nature, murderous. [mara + atmaka,

V ma nay a (manayati). honor, [denom. 1302.]
of 1 mana: cf. 1067.] a. of or pertaining to game or marga,
manava, human; descended from
1. a. deer as m. track of wild animals, slot ; ;

man or Manu (see manu); 2. as m. one then, in general, track, way, path, [mrga,
of the sons of men, a man; 3. m. 1208f.]
Manava, name of a school of the Yajur- marja, adj. subst. cleaning, a cleaner, in
1 2
veda. [manu, 1208c: for mgs 1 and 2, [Vmrj, 627

cpds. .]

observe that Old High Ger. mennisch, mar jar a, TO. cat. ['the cleaner,' so
though prop, an adj. fr. man, 'homo,' and called from its habit of cleaning itself
meaning 'humanus/ is used also as a often : fr. marja : formed like karmara,
subst. meaning man,' and used in its Ger.
form Mensch, 'man,' as subst. only: cf. malava, m. Malwa, name of a country in
also nara, manusya, manusa.] west-central India.

manava-dharmagastra, n. law-book of malava-visaya, m. the land of Malwa.

the Manavas or Manava-school. ma 1 a , f. crown, wreath, garland,
manasa, a. sprung from the mind; of the malin, a. crowned, wreathed,
[manas, 1208a.] malya, n. crown, wreath, [mala, 1210.]
manusa, f. -i, a. pertaining to man, hu- mas [397], m. 1. moon, see candra-mas;

man; as m. man (cf. manava). [manus, then (as in Eng.), a moon, i.e. month.
1208a end : cf .
manusya.] ['the measurer/ VI ma, 1151. lc 2 : cf.
manusa-daivika, a. of men and of HT}-vT],
Mena, menstruationis ;
Lat. '

gods. [1257.] dea Goth, mena, AS. mono, Eng. moon ;

mandarya, descended from Mandara

a. ;
AS. monan dseg, 'dies Lunae/ Eng. Mon-
as m. descendant of M. [mandara, 1211.] day; also ft,i\v, stem /j.evs, Lat. mens-i-s,
m a n y a a. descended from a poet or from
month '
AS. mdnaft, prop. a lunation/

Mana as m. the poet's son or Mana's son.

; Eng. month."]

[3 mana, 1211.] mas a, TO. 1. moon, see purna-masa; 2.

mama, a. lit. of mine; voc. s. m., as word month, [transition-stem fr. mas,
of address of a dog to an ass, uncle, masa-traya, n. month-triad, three

[mama (491), 1208f.] months,

may a, f. 1. (a working, ana" so) a masa-aatka, n. month-hexade, six

power ; esp., in Veda, supernatural or months.

wonderful power ; wile ;
2. later, trick ; mahina, a. glad, blithe, [\rnah, 1177b.]
illusion. [V 1 ma,
make, i.e. have effect, V 1mi (min6ti, minute; mimaya; mita;
work,' 1149, cf. 258.] -mitya). build; establish; setup (a post,
maya-kapota, m. illusion-pigeon. pillar), [collateral form (250a) of VI ma,
mayakapota- vapus [418], a. having
make, build/ q.v. : cfmit and Lat. me-ta,

' ' '

the form of a phantom-pigeon. post ; mu-n/s, wall.']
[217] [Vmih
V2mi o?- mi (minati, minati; mimaya, mithuna, 1. a. paired, forming a pair ;
mimye; amesta; mesyate; mita; -mlya). 2. m., later n. pair (consisting of a male
minish, lessen ; minish, bring low bring ;
and female), pair of children; pair (of
to nought. [cf. fjii-vv-ta, Lat. mi-nu-o, anything). [Vmith, 1177c.]
' '
lessen ; AS. positive min, small Old
falsely. [see mithu:
; mithuya, adv.
High Ger. comp. minniro, *minv-iro, Middle acct !]
' '

High Ger. minre, Ger. minder, less mithya, adv. wrongly, falsely, [younger ;

' '

neiwv, *(j.ri-i<av, less Lat. min-or, less'

form of mithuya.] ;


per-mi-t-ie-s, ruin fr. AS. min comes mithyopacara, m. false service or simu-

perhaps Eng. minnow, very small fish.'] lated kindness, [mithya + upacara, 1279,
+ p r a bring to nought pass, come to
, ; mithya being used as a quasi-adj.]
nought, perish. V mil (milati; mimela; milisyati; militd;
V migh, see mih. militva; -milya). meet; assemble, [cf.
mit, f. post, pillar, prop. [V 1 mi, set up/ Lat. mille, 'assemblage, host, thousand,'
383b 3 : for mg, cf .
Eng. post, Lat. postis, pi. mll-ia, whence the borrowed Eng.
with ponere, set up.'] mile, 'a thousand (paces), mllia pas-
mitra, comrade (Vedic
1. m. friend, suum '
; perhaps mll-it-es,
going in com-

only) ; esp. 2. Mitra, name of an Aditya; panies or troops and so, like Eng. troops,
3. n. friendship (rare and Vedic only);

4. n. friend (commonest meaning and V mig, mix, in the desid. mimiks (see 1033),

gender). and the deriv. migra or migla. [cf.

mitrabandhu-hina, a. destitute of fj.iyw/j.i, # P.IK-W-JJ.I, Lat. misceo, *mic-sc-eo,
friends and relatives. [1265, 1252.]
mix ;
Old High Ger. misken, Ger.
mitra-labha, m. Friend-acquisition, as mischen, 'mix'; AS. miscian, *mih-sc-ian,
title of the first book of the Hitopade9a. whence Eng. mix for misk (like ax, for-
mitratithi, m. Mitratithi, name of a merly good English for ask); also Eng.
man. [' having Mitra as his guest or mash, 'mixture' esp. of grains, whence
mix, and esp. make into a
guest of M.' the mg of the cpd
else : verb mash,
depends on its accent (see 1302
and confused mass by crushing.']
1267 J ), and this is not known: mitra + migrA, a. mixed. [Vmig, 1188.]
atithi.] migribhava, m. the becoming mixed,
mitra-vdruna, nom. du. m. Mitra and the mingling (intrans.). [migribhu.]
Varuna. [see 1255 and
and Whitney migribhava-karman, n. mingling-action,

94a.] process of becoming mixed.

V mith (methati mime'tha mithita migribhu, become mixed, [migra, 1094.]
; ; ;

1. meet together as friends,

mithitva). migla, same as migra. [1189.]
associate with, pair 2. meet as rivals, V mis (misati; mimosa; amimisat; misita;

dispute, wrangle, altercari. [observe that -misya). open the eyes, have the eyes
Eng. meet is just such a vox media and open.
means both 'harmonize' and 'have a + ni, close the eyes fall asleep; wink. ;

conflict.'] V mih migh (me'hati; amiksat; mek-

mit has, adv. together, mutually, among syati; midhd [222 ]). make water, [fr.

ppl. meghamana, and

each other; in turns. 3 come
[V mith, 11 lid.] migh (223 )

mitliu, a. wrong; false; used only in the noun megha, 'cloud': cf. o-mx-fw, Lat.
adv. ace. s. n. mithu (lllld), and instr. ming-ere, AS. mig-an, 'make water': orig.
mg, pour out,' whence on the one hand
f. mithuya (1112e), wrongly, falsely.
[Vmith: for mg, observe that Ger. ver- 'mingere' and on the other 'rain, drip,
kehren means both '
to turn the wrong way drop' (cf. noun mih); then, fig. 'drop
and '
to associate with,' whence Verkehr, fatness, bestow richly' (see under mldh-
intercourse,' and verkehrt,

wrong.'] vans).]
mih] [218]

mih,/ [Vmih: cf a-pix-hri, mist

mist. .
' '
; V mud (mddate ;
mumude ; modisyate;
AS. mist, *mig-st, Eng. mist.] mudita). be glad, rejoice ; mudita, glad,
midhvans, a. bestowing richly, bountiful, happy, [cf. s mad and V Imand.]
[said to be perfect ppl. of Vmih, 222 , + a, in amoda.
790b, 803 .] miini, m. 1. pressure, the pressing on-
2. a man driven on
mimansya, grdv. to be called in question, ward, impetus, 78 ;

[fr. desid. of v/man, 1028e, 963.] by inward pressure or impulse, person in

mllhuse, see midhvans and Whitney 54. a (religious) enthusiast; laterecstasy,
mukta-gapa, a. having a laid aside 3. any distinguished sage or seer or

curse, leaving his curse behind him. ascetic, esp. one who has taken a vow of
[Vmuc.] silence (cf. mauna) ; hermit, 40 , etc.
mukha, n. -1. mouth, 39 3 ,
40 M ,
51 12
; mumursu, a. wishing to die, about to die,

jaws, 18 & ;
visage, countenance, moribund, [fr. desid. of v'lmr, 1028b,
3 snout or face of an animal,
face, 13 ; 1178f.]
44 12 ;
at end of cpds, esp. w. an adj. vmus (musnati; mumosa; amosit; mus-
[1298a], or adjectively used prep. [1305], ita; musitva; -musya). rob; steal, [cf.
udan- mus, the thief, i.e. mouse
' '
or adv. [1306] denoting direction: jj.vs, mouse,' ;

mukha, having a northward face, turning and from the shape, 'muscle'; Lat. mus,
northward ; abhi-mukha, having the face 'mouse,' whence diminutive mus-culus,
muscle ' ; AS. mus, mouse and muscle,'
' ' ' '
towards; 3.
Eng. face) surface, (like
25 21 4. (like Eng. head, and like chief
; Eng. mouse; Ger. Maus, 'mouse' (whence
from caput) the head, i.e. chief, best, denom. mausen, 'steal,' in which we are
most excellent, 51 22 .
brought back again to the orig. mg of
nnikhya, a. (at the mouth or front, and the primitive), and also 'muscle of the
so) chief, most excellent, [mukha, cf. thumb ' ; further, yumo, */*u<na, Lat. mus-ca,
' '
mg4: 1212a.] fly : see also muska.]
\f muc (muficati, -te [758]; mum6ca. mu- musk a. m. 1. testicle; 2. pudenda
nuice;amucat; moksyati, -te; mukta; muliebria. [from noun mus, i.e. (383a )
m6ktum; muktva; -mucya; mocayati, mus, 'mouse': for mgs, see under Vmus:
-te[1041 ]). release; free; let go; let cf. piiff-xov rb av5pe7ov Kal yvvaiKe'iov popiov:
loose, 34 ; lay aside release esp. from
w. muska, also Persian mushk, Eng.

the bonds of sin (93 13 ) or existence; (let musk, 'perfume got from a bag behind
go, i.e. emit or) utter, e.g. sounds; shed the navel of the musk-deer.']
(tears); discharge (phlegm, urine, ordure, muska-dega, m. region of the testes,
smells), [orig. mg, 'to free or clear': groin.
specialized in Greek and Latin
to clear musti, m.f. fist.

the nose, to snot': cf. airo-fivffffw, *-/AVK-j<a, miisala, m. n. pestle. [181c.]

Lat. e-mung-o, 'snot'; pvK-r-fip, 'snout, v'muh (muhyati, -te mum6ha, mumuhe ; ;

nose'; Lat. muc-us, 'snot': for mg, cf. amuhat; mohisyati; mugdha, mudha).
relation of snout to the cognate verbs snot be confused; err; lose one's senses;
and snite.] mudha, foolish, and as subst., fool, simple-
+ nis, let out; release. [cf Lat. mug-er, false player.']
ton, .

+ pra, let go forth from, release from, miihus, adv. suddenly; in a moment;
w. dbl. muhur muhus, at one moment at
+ vi, loosen, e.g. a bond (ace.) from (abl.), another, i.e. repeatedly. [' in a bewilder-
79 18 ;
untie ; free ; pass, be freed or sep- ing way,' s'muh, lllld.]
arated from, be deprived of, w. abl., but muhurta, m. n. 1. moment; 2. thir-
2 an hour (of 48 minutes),
also w. instr. (283 ). [for last mg, cf. tieth of a day,

Eng. loose with lose.~] 59 10 .

munja. m. sedge; esp. Saccharum Munja. mudha, see Vmuh.
[219] [Vmrd

mutra, n. urine. used of " bruisers," Odyssey 18. 31 ; fj.v\-Tj,

murkha, a. stupid, foolish; as m. fool. 'mill'; Lat. mol-a, 'mill'; Eng. meal (for
[V march, mg 3.] mg, cf. pista) ;
AS. mol-de, Eng. mol-d,
murkha-gata, n. fool-hundred. 'fine earth' (for mg, cf. mrd): cf. also
V murch (
mur chati ; nmmurcha ;
mur- Vmrd.]
chita, murt [220 ]).
become rigid: V 3mr, exists perhaps in marut. [cf. fj.ap-

coagulate, acquire consistency; and

1. [j.aipcii, *fj.ap-/j.ap-j(, flash ;
Lat. mar-mor,
2. take shape, be formed ;
so 3. (be- marble.']
come stiff, numb, torpid, and so) become mrga, m. 1. (like AS. de5r) wild animal,
stupid, senseless. [for mg 3, cf. Eng. beast of the forest, as opp. to pagu,
67 2

numb,' and then

' '

torpid, dull, stupid :

'cattle,' ;
then 2. (w. the same spe-
see miirti and murkha.] cialization of mg as in Eng. deer) animal
murt i , f. firm body, definite shape, em- of the genus Cervus, deer, gazelle, [per-
[Vmurch, 220 .]
bodiment. haps 'the ranger, rover,' v'mrj, q.v.: for
murtimant, having bodily form, . in- 2, observe the use of deer in the more
[murti, 1235.] general sense in King Lear, iii. 4. 128,
murdhan, m. forehead, skull ;
head ;
"rats and such small deer."]
oftenest figuratively, highest part; mur- V mrj (marsti [027]; mamarja; amarjit,
dhni, at the head. amarksit marksyate mrst marstum
; ; ; ;

mala, n. Eng. root), that

root; fig. (like mrstva -mfjya also marjitum, mar-
; ;

from which a thing grows or proceeds, jitva, -marjya). rub off wipe away ; ;

root, basis ; capital. clean; polish.

mulya, n. price, 47 3>u ; capital, 46 14 .
[original meaning 'move hither and

[properly, perhaps, adj. 'pertaining to thither over then, on the one hand, :

the root, radical, basal,' and then, as 1. 'range, rove, streifen,' as in Avestan

meregh, and Skt. mrga and, on the

subst., basis of a transaction fr. mula, :

q.v.] other, 'go over with the hand, i.e.


mus, m. f. mouse. ['the thief,' Vmus, rub, wipe, strip (a tree, a cow), milk':
q.v.: see383a 2 .] for 2, cf. o-/j,6py-vvfj.i, 'wipe off'; a-fifpy-ca,

musaka, m. thief; mouse, 46 n ; Mousey, 'strip off, pluck'; a-/j.\y-eiv, Lat. mu/g-
as name of a man, 47 21 [Vmus, q.v.] .
to milk ; AS. noun meolc, Eng.
miisakakhya, f. the name Mousey. milk.'}

[akhya: 1280b.] + apa, wipe away; also jig., of guilt,

miisika, m. mouse, rat. [Vmus, q.v.] [cf .
diro/j.6pyvv/j.i, wipe away.']
musika-nirvigesa, a. undistinguished + pra, wipe off, polish.
from a mouse. V mrd (mrlati, mrlayati [1041
]). be
V Imr (mriyate [773]; mamara amrta; ; gracious ; forgive, [for 1, see Whitney
marisyati mrta martum mrtva).; ; ; 54.]
die; mrta, dead. [w. mrta, cf. @po-r6s, mrlika, n. grace, mercy. [Vmrd, 1186 ,

' '

*fj.poTos, mortal ;
cf <p\.b.
i-fj.ap-a.v-6t], Whitney 54.]
' ' '
flame died away ;
Lat. mor-i,
die ; mrta, ppl. dead ;
as n.
[1176a], death.
' ' '

mors, stem mor-ti-, death ; Goth, maur- [V 1 mr, die.']

\>-r, AS. morftor, Eng. murther, murder : mrta vat, adv. as if dead. [mrta,
see amrta.] 1107.]
+ abhi, (lit.
die against, i.e.) affect un- mrtyii, m. death. [Vlmr, 'die,' 1165a:
pleasantly by dying; guruna^abhimrta, see 95 16 .]
(affected by a teacher by dying, i.e.) V mrd (mrdnati; mardati, -te mamarda; ;

bereaved by the death of a teacher. mardisyate mrditd marditum

; ; ;

V 2mr (mrnati; mrnati [731]; murna). mrditva; -nifdya). press or rub hard,
crush; smash. [cf., 'fight,' squeeze, crush, smash, destroy.
mrd] [220]

[extension of V2mr, 'crush': cf. a-/j.a\S- victim animal ;

sacrifice. [cf. \ mid
vvto, destroy e.g. a wall w. mrdti, soft,
under m6das.]
weak,' cf. Lat. mollis, *molvis, *moldv-i-s, medhas, wisdom, m su-medhas. [equiv.
weak,' and &pa$vs, *npaSv-s, 'slow' of medha.]

(for rag, cf. Ger. weich, soft,' w. Eng.

medha, f. wisdom.
weak, and Lat. len-is, 'soft,' w. len-tus, melaka, m. assembly; w. kr, assemble.

'slow'): [Vmil, 1181.]

with v' mrd in hima-mardana,
melting modaka, m. small round comfit, sweet-
of the snow,' we might compare f*.f\8ia, meat, [prop, 'gladdener,' s'mud, 1181:
melt,' Eng. melt ; but the s of the col- so Eng. cheer and refreshment are applied
lateral form smelt makes this doubtful :
esp. to eatables.]
see also mradas.] maurija, a. made of Munja-grass; f.
+ vi, destroy. -I, sc. mekhala, girdle of Munja-grass.
mfd, /! earth; loam; clay; mound of [munja, 1208f.]
earth, 62 18 .
[prop, 'crumbled earth,' maunji-nibandhana, n. ligation of
Vmrd: similar specializations of mg are the Munja-girdle.
frequent : thus AS. mol-de, 'crumbling mauna, n. silence, [muni, 1208d.]
earth, dust,' Eng. mol-d, come fr. a Vwza/, mna, uncertain verbal. minded; assumed
the cognate of V2mr, 'crush, crumble'; on account of sumna. [V mna.]
Ger. Grand, 'sand,' is fr. the same root V mna (manati ; amnasit; mnatd). col-
as Eng. grind; Ger. Scholle, 'clod,' and lateral form of man, be minded,' 108g.

break to pieces,' go back to [see V man : cf .
ni-/j.vh-fficoi, keep in

the same root ; logd and losta,

clod,' mind.']
are derivs of Vruj, 'break.'] V myaks (mydksati ; mimyaksa [785];
mrdu, a. soft; weak. [V mrd, q.v.] amyak). be fixed in or on; be present.
mrnmaya, a. made of earth; w. grha, sam, keep together, 73 .

house of clay, the grave, [mfd -f-

maya : mradas, n. softness. [Vmrad, collateral
see maya.] form of Vmrd, q.v.]
V mrc, (mrgati, -te ; mamarca, mamrg ;
V ml a (mlayati ;
mamlaii ;
amlaslt ;

amrksat mrsta ; ;
mar stum -mfgya). ; mlana). wither. [collateral form of
1. touch, mulcere, stroke ; grasp, take V1 mr,
die,' and so '
perish, decay,
hold of; 2. take hold of mentally, fade.']
consider. [cf. the Hesychian Bpaice'iv, mlana-sraj, a. having a withered gar-
' '
V *npaic, grasp, understand Lat. mulc- ;

stroke.'] V mluc (m!6cati ;
muml6ca ; mlukta).
+ abhi, touch. go-
V mrs (mfsyate, -ti; mamarsa, mamrse; + apa , go off, retire ; apamlukta, re-
amarsista ; -mfsya ;
marsayati). tired, hidden.
-1. forget, 92
; -2. (like Eng. not mleccha. m. barbarian. [Vmlech.]
mind) disregard, treat as of no conse- v' mlech (mlecchati). speak unintelligibly
quence, bear patiently. or barbarously, [root *mlek mlecchati :

meka a setting up, in su-m6ka.

, [V 1 mi, is for *mlek-sketi, like prcchati, q.v., for
establish.'] *prksketi cf. a.-/ji(^)\aK-e1v, V/uAeuc, 'err,

mekhala.y! girdle, see 59 8 K. miss

j8A.c^, &\a.K-6s,
; stupid.']

meg ha, m. cloud. [Vmigh, see mih.]

medas, n. fat. [v'mid or med (761a),
medyati, 'be fat.'] 4 [509], relative pron. 1. who, which;

medha, m.
of meat, broth; 1. juice sometimes following its -correlative: 7 6 17 18 , ,

2. sap and strength, essential part, esp. 29 6 , 30 15 33 16 , 52 ", 73 9 78 10 , 79 7 ;

, ,

of the sacrificial victim; 3. sacrificial evambhuto vidvan, yas samarthas,

[221] [yajiyaris
tarn doctus qui possit, 19 4 ;
2. but with which cf is, .
as ; but these com-
muck oftener preceding its correlative: ya parisons are rejected in toto by some.]
ta, 77 , 69 7 , Sis, 1713, 2 123 ( 22 4 30 n , , V yaks (yaksate). perhaps an extended
32 10 ; yam yac ca^ucyate esara, 74
; form o/*yah (*yagh), 'stir, move quickly ':

etad alasyavacanam, and (what is and so, on the one hand, pursue, esp. pursue
said, i.e.) as for the saying ,
that is avengingly, avenge, and on the other, dart
sloth-talk, 18
8- n swiftly (as a suddenly appearing light),
[fatalists' ] ;

3. converting the subject or object of a [see the following three words and s'*yah :

verb into a substantive clause : sometimes, kinship of Ger. jag-en, pursue, hunt,' is
3 58 6 ;
perhaps, merely for metre : 29 , 38 "', doubted.]
but often for emphasis: 9 18 , 56 19 , 57 7 ; y6 yaks a, n. spirit or sprite or
ghost; as /.
paksa asans, jimuta abhavan, what te a Yaksha, one of a class of fabulous genii,
were wings, those became clouds, for t6 attendants of Kubera. [perhaps a rest-

ay dm y6
paksa abhavan jimutas, 93 ;
less one,' Vyaks: for connection of mgs of

h6ta, kir u sa yamasya, who this priest root and deriv., cf. the converse relation

he also that of Yama, 88 10 so
is ;
of Eng. spirit or. sprite to sprightly, 'brisk,
yad, even w. words of different gender and stirring,' and cf. Scott's "restless sprite."]
number, as, prajapater va etaj jyestham yaksin, a. avenging. [Vyaks.]
tokam, yat parvatas, of P. that [was] the yaks ma, m. disease, [perhaps, the sin-
first creation, what the mountains are, avenging Varuna's 'avenger,' Vyaks.
9219 ;
so95 15 97 1 , ; 1166.]
which, what, as adj. pron. agreeing V yaj
4. (yajati, -te iyaja, Ij6 [784 ]; ;

w. incorporated antecedent : na^asmai vid- ayaksit, ayasta yaksyati, -te ist& ; ; ;

yiit sisedha, na yam miham akirad yastum istva caws, yajayati). honor ; ;

dhradunim ca, not for him did the light- a god (ace.), 99 12 ; worship; worship
ning avail, not what mist he scattered with prayer and oblation (instr.) ; and so
21 to 72 2 74 4
abroad, and hail, 71*; so 7 1 , , consecrate, hallow, offer ; sacrifice ;

79 9 1, 83 3 ,
88 ~; as subst. pron., the ante- Veda, active, when one honors or sacrifices
cedent not being expressed, 74 1>2 78 18 , ; (e.g.,
as a paid priest) on account of another,
5. ya in special connections : ya ya and middle, when one sacrifices on one's
[511], whoever, whichever, whatever, who- own account; yajamana, as m. one who
soever, etc., 13
12 45 13 so ya ka ca, 68 10
, ; ;
institutes or performs a sacrifice and pays

ya ka cid, 60 ^ 68 12 ; ya ka cana, 9 16 ;
the expenses of it; caus. cause or help

ya ka cid, anyone soever, no matter who, or teach a person (ace.) to worship with

quilibet, 21
n so 18 4 two or a certain sacrifice (instr.) ; serve a person
; ya ta, ;

more relatives in the same clause :

yo 'tti as sacrificing priest, worship, [cf 07-0$,

yasya yada mansam, when (who) some- sacred awe, expiatory sacrifice'; afoucu,
one eats the flesh of (whom) someone, *, stand in awe of,' e.g. gods

29 '; so 37 n, 66 i g -7. ya, if anybody, ; ay-vos, 'worshipped, hallowed', w. yaj-

si quis (really an anacoluthon) : so 79 16 ; ya,
colendus,' cf 07-105, to be wor- .

-8. ya, and he, 74
15 -9. for further ; shipped, holy : different is &yos, see
illustration, see 512, 511 for derivatives, ; agas.]
510 for influence on the accent of
the verb, + a , get as result of sacrifice a thing
595 cf. yad, yasmat, yat, yena.
; (ace.) for a person (dat.), einem etwas
[orig. and primarily a demonstrative er-opfern.
(like Eng. that and Ger. der) cf. 6s, 'he,' yajatra, : a. venerable, holy. [Vyaj,
' '
in ^ 8' os, said he ; 8>s,
so,' in oi>5' Sis, 1185d.]
'not even so'; secondarily a relative yajiyans, a. excellently sacrificing, right
(like Eng. that and Ger. der}: cf. 8s, a or cunning in the art of sacrifice. [Vyaj,
5;, o for *j8, 'who, which'; hence yat, 1184, 468.]
yajurveda] [222]

yajur-ved.4, m. the Veda of sacrificial proverbs motivating a preceding statement

texts, Yajurveda. [see yajus.] or action, e.g. 19 7 ; yatas tena, since
30 "; 2
yajusmant, a.
(possessing, i.e.) accompa- therefore, so yatas atas, 36 ;

nied by sacrificialtexts ; f. -mat! (sc. yatas tad, 37 ; cf. tatas. [pron. root
istaka), Yajushmati, name applied to ya, 510, 1098.]
certain bricks used in building the sacred 1 yati [519], pron. as many, quot. [pron.
fire-pile, and so called because each was root ya, 510, 1157.4.]
laid with the recitation of a special text 2 yati, m. ascetic, man who has restrained
of its own. [yajus, 1235.] his passions and abandoned the world ;

yajus, n. 1. sacred awe; worship; 2. see agrama and 65 N. [' striver, one who
sacrificial text, as distinguished from takes pains, one who castigates himself,'
stanza (re) and chant (saman); 3. the Vyat, 1155: its mg was perhaps shaded
' '
collection of such texts, the Yajur-veda. towards that of restrainer by a popular
[Vyaj, 1154.] connection of the word with \fyam,
yajna, m. worship, devotion (so in Veda); 1157 1, cf. 954d.]
later, esp. act of worship, sacrifice, offering yatna, m. a striving after ; effort; pains;

(these the prevailing mys). [v'yaj, 1177a, w. kr : take pains ; bestow effort upon
201.] (loc.),
have a thing (loc.) at heart, I ;

yajna-kratti, m. sacrifice-ceremony, yatne krte, pains having been taken.

i.e. rite. [1280b.] [Vyat, 1177.]
m. sacrifice-goat, adv. where, II 10
yajna-cchaga, [cha- yatra, e.g. ; whither;
ga, 227.] -correl. w. tatra, 24*, 85 19 ;
w. ena, 83 10

yajna-patra, n. sacrificial utensil. yatra yatra, where soever; catuspathe,

yajnartham, adv. for a sacrifice, [ar- yatra va, at a quadrivium, or somewhere
tham, 1302c4.] (else), 104 21 .
[pron. root ya, 510, 1099.]
yajniya, a. 1. worthy of worship or yatha, rel. adv. and con/. 1. in which

sacrifice, reverend, holy, divine ;

2. way, as ;
sometimes following its correlative :

yatha, 22 , 43 2, 44^; evam

as m. 14
active or skillful in sacrifice, pious ; tatha
offerer, [yajna, 1214.] yatha, 37 ; 2. but much oftener pre-

yajfiopavita, a. the sacrifice-cord, sacred

ceding its correlative: tesam sam hanmo
cord worn over the left shoulder, [upa- aksani, yatha^idarh harmiam, tatha,
vita.] of them we close the eyes, as (we close)
yajvan, m. worshipper, sacrificer. [Vyaj, this house, so, 77 13 so 61 6 27 14 , 21 16 18 ,
; ,

1169. la.] etc.; yatha evam, 18 18 95 7 ,

; yatha
V yat (yatati, -te ; yete ; ayatista ;
eva (Vedic),8Q l s ^ ;

yatisyati, -te ; yatita, yatta ; yatitum ;

3. correlative omitted: buddhim pra-
-yatya). 1. act. join, trans.; 2. kurusva, yatha^icchasi, decide (so), as
mid. join, intrans.; range one's self in thou wishest, 9 n ; 5 2, etc. so with verbs ;

order, proceed in rows, 86

w ; 3. mid. of saying, etc.: tad brohi, yatha
try to join, strive after; take pains 4. ; upadadhama, this tell us (viz. the way)
cans, (cause to attain, i.e.) requite with in which we are to put on ,
96 u ; so
reward or punishment. [perhaps orig. 88 6- 7;
'reach out after' and akin w. Vyam.] 4. without finite verb, as mere particle
+ a reach to, attain, get a foot-hold.
, of comparison, as, like, e.g. 6 ; so enclitic
+ pra, (reach out, i.e.) make effort, take at end of a pada, 71 12 M, 87 ", 1 6 , 2 31 1, -

pains. 43 4 ;
in solemn declarations: yatha ',

adv. from what (time or place or tena satyena, as surely as 13 w ff

yat as, , so, .

14 5. combinations
reason): 1. where, 6 ;
2. because, (cf. ya 5); yatha
for, 28 2s, 38 5 ; esp. common as introducing yatha tatha tatha, according as so,
a proverb or the first (only) of a series of the more the more, 48 13 yatha tatha, ;
[223] [yadi

in some way or other (cf. ya5 end), at yathagraddham, adv. according to in-
any rate, 62 ; clination, as you will, [yatha + graddha,
6. in order that, so that, ut, (so) 1313b, 334 .]
that in Veda, w.
subjunctive, 88 14 , yathepsita, a. as desired -am, adv. ;

89 5,10,15^ 90 19. iater> w opL> J49. _ w ,fut ,

according to one's wish, [yatha + Ipsita,
ind.,3*; w. pres. ind., yatha svami ja- Vip.]
garti, tatha maya kartavyam, I must yathokta, a. as (afore-)said ; -am, adv.
act so, that the master wakes, 30 16 ; so as aforesaid, [yatha + ukta.]
37 5 ' 7
38 22 ,
39 !; -7. that, w. verbs of yad, as nom. ace. s. n. to ya, see
cpds and derivs, see 510;
saying, knowing, etc., 30 ; for influence used in 2. as
on accent of verb, see 595. [pron. root ya, conjunctive adv. that tan na bhadram ;

510, 1101 : cf. article ya.] krtam, yad vigvasah krtas, therefore
yatha-kartavya, a. to be it was not well done
requiring (herein), that trust
done under given circumstances ;
as n. was reposed, 22 n ninya ciketa, prgnir ;

the proper course of action, 41 n .

yad udho jabhara, he knoweth the
yathakamam, adv. according to wish, secret, that P. offered her udder, 78 ;

agreeably, 16 ;
in an easy-going way, introducing oratio recta, 38 l ; yad , tad,
slowly, 49 [yatha + kama, 1313b.] as for the fact that 1
therein, 36 so , ;

yatha-karya, = yathakartavya. 94 1G yad vai

; tad abruvan, as for the

yathakramam, adv. according to order, fact that they said that, indeed, 96 23 ;

in regular series. [yatha + krama, 3. in causal connections: like Eng. that

1313b.] (i.e. on account of which), 78 16 ; yad-
yathagata, which one came a. on ; tad, since therefore, 17 5
; yad
-am, adv. by the way by which one came, tasmat, inasmuch as therefore, 15 3 ;

[yatha + agata, Vgam, 1313b.] since 14

(i.e.considering that), 79 ; pur-
yathangam, adv. limb after limb or pose: in order that, 78 9 72 12 14 ,

result :

limb on limb membratim. [yatha + ; that, 71 e 7

etadrga dharmajna, yan

anga, 1313b.] mam hantum udyatas, so understanding

yathatatham, adv. as it really is, ac- the law, as to undertake to slay me,
[yatha + tatha, 1313b, 1314a.]
curately, 28 5 ;

yathabhimata, a. as desired, that one 4. temporal : as, 86 6 ;

tad yad,
likes, [yatha + abhimata, Vman.] then tatas, when
when, 71
yad ;

12 7
yathabhimata-dega, m. desired place, then, 92 so yad taditna, 70 ; ;

place that one likes. [1280 *.] correl. often lacking: yad '",', when ,

12 80 3 81 17 5
yathayogyam, adv. as is fit, according (sc. then), 75 ;
so , ; while, 71 ;

to propriety, [yatha + yogya, 1313b.] hence, the temporal use passing insensibly

(cf. yad vaama, when

yathartha, a. according to the thing or or if we will, 73 17 ,

fact, true ;
as n. the pure truth, [yatha and Eng. when w. Ger. wenn) into the

+ artha. ] conditional,
- 5. if, 80 9 - 10 ' n ; -yad placed
a. according to that which is 8
yatharha, within dependent clause, 78
the (quoted
fit ; -am, adv. suitably, according to one's under 2), 79 for influence on acct ;

dignity, [yatha + arha, 1313b.] of verb, see 595. [pron. root ya, 510,
yathavat, adv. according to le comment, lllla.]
comme faut, duly, il
[yatha, 1107.] yada ,
adv. when ; yada tada or tatas,

yathavidhi, adv. according to prescrip- when then ; yada atha, Vedic,

tion or rule, [yatha + vidhi, 84 s, 7
yada yada, quandocunque,
6, see
yatha-vrtta, as happened; -am, w. a. tada. [pron. root ya, 1103a.]
verb of telling: either the actual occurrence ya,di, adv. if; 1. w. pres. ind. in protasis:
or circumstances 17 12 42 14,
(as nom. or ace. s.
.), apodosis has pres. ind., 20 , 37 ;

or as it really happened (as adv., 1313b). 43 7 , 65 23, 99 21 ; has fut., 39 20 44*; has im- ,
yadbhavisya] [224]

perative, 10
has no finite verb, 18 n ,
25 8 ,
his sister Yami, constituted the first

28 9 40 1
2. w. fut. in protasis and apo-
human pair, selection Ixiii. ; honored as
20 3 mankind
dosis, 9 , II ; 3. w. pres. opt. in protasis father of (cf. also manu) and as
and apodosis, 3 17 98 20 4. w. no finite , ; king of the spirits of the departed fathers
verb in protasis: apodosis has imperative, (pitaras), see 83 *N. ; in later times, re-
32 17, 48", 84 9 ; has no finite verb, 27 18 , garded as the 'Restrainer' (Vyam) or
28 12 63 9 ,
alternative conditions : ; va,
Punisher,' and ruler of death and of the
yadi va , va, whether , or , dead in the under-world, 7 11 ; yaml, f.
or ,
28 12 ; apodosis introduced by tada Yami, twin sister of Yama. [so Thomas,
(e.g. 25 8 ), tad (37 12 ), tarhi (32"), or Hebrew te om, means '
without adv. (e.g. 3 17
). [pron. root ya, yama-rajan, a. having Yama as their

1103d.] kingas m. subject of Yama.

; [1302a.]
yadbhavisya, a. who says yad bhavis- yayati, m. Yayati, a patriarch of the
yati, (tad) bhavisyati or What will be, olden time, son of Nahusha. [perhaps
will be ; as m. fatalist ; Yadbhavishya or 'The Striver,' Vyat, cf. 1155.2c: or from
Whatwillb', name of a fish. [1314b.] Vya, 1157.1c.]
V yam (yacchati, -te [747]; yayama, yava, m. orig. prob. any grain or corn,
yeme" ; ayamsit, ayamsta ; yamsyati yielding flour; later, barley-corn, barley,

yatd ; yamtum ; yamitva ; -yamya). [cf ejo, *oF-w(, corn.'] .

hold hold up, sustain, support

hold ; yava-madhyama, a. having a barley-
back, restrain ; hold out, offer, grant, corn middle, i.e. big in the middle and
furnish ; show (the teeth), 77*. [cf. small at the ends, like a crescendo-dimin-
C*?/"'a, 'restraint, i.e.
punishment.'] uendo sign; as n. the Yavamadhyama,
+ a, hold out, i.e. extend, and so (like name of a candrayana or lunar penance.
Eng. extend), lengthen; ayata, extended, [1297, 1280b.]
long. yavistha, a. youngest; esp. of a fire just

+ ud, 1. raise arms, weapons),

(the born of the sticks of attrition or just set
35 20 ; 2. (like Eng. take up, i.e.) under- on the altar, [superl. to yiivan, q.v., but
take about (a thing)
or set ; udyata, from the simpler *yu, 468.]
having undertaken, w. inf., 28
6 a. = yavistha, but always at .
+ sam-ud, end of a pada and as diiambus.
like ud-yam [1077b]: 1. the

raise; 2. set about; samudyata, hav- yaviyans, a. younger. [comp. to

ing set about, w. inf., 40 yiivan, q.v., but from the simpler *yu, .

+ upa ,
hold on to, take hold of ; esp., 468.]
middle, take to wife, marry, 98 .
yagas, n. fame, honor. [1151. 2a.]
-I- n i , hold, restrain niyata, having re- a.
honored, splendid. [1151. 2a.]
stricted one's self (to a certain thing), all yasti, f. staff, [perhaps 'a support,' fr.
intent upon one definite object. yacch, quasi-root of the present system
+ pra, hold or reach out, offer, give; give of yam: cf. 220, 1157.]
in marriage (as a father his daughter), V yah, stir, move quickly, inferred fr. yaks,
98 7 .
q.v., and yahva, 'continually moving,
+ prati-pra, offer in turn, pass (food), restless.'
w.gen., 100 \ V ya (yati; yayau; ayasit[911]; yasyati;
+ vi, hold asunder, stretch out. yata; yatum; yatva; -yaya). 1. go,

-t-s am, hold together, co-hibere, hold in 39 l yatas, avasitasya, of him that

check ; samyata, restrained. journeys (and) of him that rests, 71 w. ;

yama, 1. a. holding, restraining ;

2. m. u
astam, 62 , see astam 2. go to, w. ace., ;

(holder, i.e.) bridle. [Vyam.] 43 17, 91 6 w. dot. 49"; -3. go to, i.e.

yama, 1. a. paired, twin, geminus; as m. attain to (a condition) e.g. devatvam ya, :

a twin; 2. The Twin, Yama, who, with attain to godhead, i.e. become divine,
[225] [Vyuj

19 21 22
so 17 , etc.; -4. yatu, lot it go, yavayad-dvesas, a. driving away foes.
no matter, 44 8 .
[V2yu, 'keep off': see 1309.]

[collateral form of Vi, 'go,' 108g: V lyu (yaiiti [626], 3rd pi. yuvanti, mid.
hence yana, passage, way,' w. which cf .
yute ; yuvati, forms Vedic -te ; Jinite
Lat. janus, 'passage, archway/ and the only; yuta
-yuya). fasten, hold fast;

god thereof Janus: fr. Vya comes also draw towards one, attract join, unite. ;


period or watch of the night ; + s am, unite; samyuta, connected with,
Eng. year, show a
' 14
Hi-pa, time, season,' i.e.
having reference to, 59 .

development of mg like that of yama, V 2yu (yuy6ti; yucchati [60S ]; ayauslt;
q.v., but their connection w. Vya is yuta; -yuya; cans, yavayati). repel,
doubtful (see 2 vara).] keep off or separate, trans. ; sometimes
+ anu , go after, follow. keep off or separate, intrans. ; a Vedic
+ a come hither
or to or on. word.
+ s a m - a come ,
hither together ;
assem- + pra, remove; prayucchant, removing
ble ; samayata, come. (intrans.), moving away, and so (like Eng.
+ ud, go forth or out. absent), heedless.
+ up a, go or attain unto. yu, root of 2d pers. pronoun, cf. 494. [cf.
+ pra, go forth; set out. v/j.e7s, Lesbian tf/u/ues, 'ye': kinship of
V yac (yacati, -te yayace Eng. ye, doubtful.] ; ; ayacista ;

yacisy6 yacitva
; yukti, f.
yacita 1. a yoking, harnessing;
; yacitum ; ;

-yacya). make a request; ask a person -2. yoke, team. [Vyuj, 1157, 219: cf.
u ask a
(ace.) for a thing (ace.), 46
eC|iy, *evy-<ri-s, a yoking.'] ;

thing (ace.) of a person (abl.), 55 .
yuga, n.yoke; 1.
2. couple, pair;

yat, adv. as; temporally, so long as, .79

13 .
manusa, a human generation
3. esp. w.

[abl. of pron. root ya, 1114a, 510: see (as that which is united by common
under ya.] descent), -yei/os avdpwirccv 4. and so, in ;

yat ana, f. requital ; esp. punishment, a temporal sense, an age of the world, see
pains of hell. [Vyat, 1150.] 58 l y. [Vyuj, q.v., 216. 1: cf. yugma.]
yatr, m. avenger. [' pursuer,' Vya, 1182.] yugapat-prapti,/ simultaneous reach-
yana, m. way; as n. wagon. [Vya, 1150.] ing or arriving at. [1279 and a.]
yama,/. -I, a. of or coming from Yama. yugapad, adv. simultaneously. [ap-
[yama, 1208f.] parently ace. s. n. of an adj. *yuga-pad,
5 '

yama, in. 1. course or going, 78 2. as ; pair-footed, even-footed, side by side/ a

in Eng., course (of a feast); 3. watch possessive form (1301) of a descriptive
of the night. [Vya, 1166: for mg 2, cf. cpd (1280b) *yuga-pad, 'pair-foot.']
'way around, circuit, course at
irtpi-oSos, yugma, a. even; as n. pair,
dinner/ and Ger. Gang,
course for :
couple. [Vyuj, 1166, 216.5: for mg, cf.
mg 3,' cf. irfptoSos, 'time of circuit.'] couple, Lat. copula, *co-ap-ula, Vap + co-,

yavant [517], 1. a. as great, 101 9 ;

as 'fit or join together.']

many, 64
105 4 , ;
as much ; preceding its V yuj (yunakti, yuakt ; yuyoja, yuyuj6;
tavant; 2. yavat, adv. as long, ayukta yoksyati, -te yukta y6ktum
; ; ; ;

while tavat ; yavat, so long as, yuktva; -yujya; yojayati). -1. yoke;
19 2 ,
42 3 ; yavat tavat as :
long harness ;
make ready for draught, used
as ,
so long, 15 5 ,
32 2 ,
40 18 ;
as soon of wagon (101
as well as of steed (72 6 ) ;

as or the 15
then, 44 , moment that , then, generalized, 2. make ready, set to
22 7 3. yavat, as quasi-prep, w. ace.:
; work, apply; use, e.g. the Soma-press-
during; up to (in space or time); sarpa- stones, 76 yukta, engaged upon (loc.),

vivaram yavat, as far as the serpent's busied with, 62

u 3. unite middle,
; ;

hole, 39 adya yavat, ; until to-day, unite one's self with (instr.); yujana, in
24 ". [pron. root ya, 517. cf. tavant.] company with, 73 12 ; 4. passive, be

united with (instr.), i.e. become possessed yuvati, serving as a feminine to ydvan.
of, 60 15
yukta: possessed of (instr.),
; young woman; maiden. [1157.3 end:
1 12 having
at end of cpd, 65 J -
, perhaps pres. ppl. of V 1 yu, attract.'] ;

5. pass, be joined or made ready, and so yuvan [427], a. young; as subst. young
be fitted, suited; yukta, fit, suitable, man (distinguished from bala, 'child,'
right, proper, 23
yuktam, adv. fitly,;
28 12 ); youth (used even of youthful
rightly, etc., 36 2 ;
-6. yojayati [1041 ], gods). [perhaps fr. v'lyu, 'attract,'
apply ; lay on, 102
u .
[cf .
^eiry-yy/zt, Lat. suffix an, not van, 1160 see yaviyans, :

jung-o, 'yoke, harness, join'; w. yuga, yavistha, yuvati : cf . Lat. juven-i-s,

'yoke,' cf. vy6v, Lat. jugum, Ger. Jock, 'young'; w. juven-cu-s, 'young,' cf. Ger-
Eng. yoke : for euphony, see 219.] manic *yuvunga, ijnnga, Eng. young ; also
+ ud, mid. make one's self ready, set to Old Eng. yung-fye, Spenser's youngth, Eng.
work, exert one's self. youth.'}
+ up a, mid. harness, put to, 73 13
; apply, yusm, see 491.

use. yutha, m. n. herd. [prop, 'a union,'

+ ni, mid. 1. fasten to; 2. put (a v'lyu, 'unite,' 1163: for mg, cf. also Ger.
task) upon, commission; caus. [1041 ], Bande, 'gang or set of men,' and Eng.
set, lay, e.g. snares, 24 n .
[for mg 2, band, 'company,' both indirectly fr. the
cf. niyoga; also Eng. en-join w. its Lat. root of bind.~\

predecessor in-jungere.~\ yutha-natha, m. protector or leader of

+ pra, apply, use; w. namaskaram, the herd.
employ, i.e. do adoration. yutha-pa, m. keeper or protector of the
+ s am, join together, unite; samyukta, herd; esp. the elephant that leads the
at end of cpd: joined with, i.e. endowed herd.
with, 34 ; connected with, i.e. having yutha-pati, m. lord of the herd; esp.
reference to, 59 12> u . the elephant that leads the herd.
yuj [389, 219, 386b], -1. a. yoked to- yunas, see 427.

gether; as m. yoke-fellow, and so comrade, yuyam, see 491.

88 s ; 2. a. paired, even. [Vyuj: see yena, 1. wherefore, 6 2

adv. 2. yena ;

ayuj and ayuja.] tena, because therefore, 64 ; 3.

yujya, a. united, combined. [Vyuj, that, ut, introducing a result and corre-
' ' '
1213e.] sponding to a such or so' expressed
10 s
yuddha, ppl. fought; as n. [1176a], fight, (21 )
or implied (II ). [pron. root ya,
battle, contest. [Vyudh, 1176, 160.]
yuddha-varna, m. a sort of battle; a yestha, pronounced yaistha, a. (best
battle, so to speak. going, i.e.) swiftest. [Vya, 470 , 468.]
Vyudh (yiidhyate; yuyudh6; ayuddha ; y6ga, TO. 1. a setting to work use ; ;

yotsyate; yuddha; y6ddhum ; -yiidhya). appliance (act of applying); 2. appli-

fight, [cf .
vo-fj.ii'Tj, *\>9-fjuvri, battle.'] ance (thing applied), and so means; esp.
+ a, fight against. supernatural means, magic, 56
3. (the ;

yiidh,/. [Vyudh.]
fight. applying one's self a thing, and so)

yudhi-sthira, m. Yudhishthira, son of pursuit or acquisition (of a thing), cf.

Pandu and Kunti, to whom Brihadacva ksema ; 4. connection, relation ; -yogat,
tells the story of Nala ;
see 1 14 N. ['
firm at end of cpd, from connection with ,

in battle,'
yudh-i (1250c) -f sthira.] in consequence of [Vyuj, 216. .
V yup (yuy6pa; yupita; yopayati[1041 2 ]). y6gya, a. of use, suited for use, fit, fit-

set up an obstacle, block or bar the way ; ting. [y6ga, 1212a.]

hinder, thwart, 80 ; obstruct or clog, see yoddhr, m. fighter. [Vyudh, 1182, 160.]
86 OK. yodhin, a. at end of cpds, fighting.
yuvd, pron. stem, 2d pers. dual, 491. [Vyudh, 1183.]
[227] [rajas

y6ni, m.f. 1. lap; womb or birth-place ; raksaka, /. keeper; warder; protector.

place of origin; origin, 93
2. 3. ; [Vlraks, 1181.]
birth-place, i.e. home place of abiding ; ;
raks ana, n. protection; preservation.
place, 86
89 8 ,
RV. x.125.7; -4. (like [Vlraks, 1150.]
Eng. origin or birth) family, race; form raksas, n. 1. harm; 2. concrete,
of existence (as man, Brahman, beast, harmer, name of nocturnal demons who
etc., in the system of transmigrations) as disturb sacrifices and harm the pious.
this form is determined by birth, 67 ~\ [V 2 raks, 1151.2a.]
of the born or unborn babe,

the holder raksa, f. protection; watch. [Vlraks,
v'lyu, 'hold,' 1158. 2 cf. the analogous :
metaphors in Lat. con-cipere, 'take, hold, raksi, a. guarding, at end of cpds.
conceive'; and in volva, 'cover, envelope,' [Vlraks, 1155.]
and so womb,' fr. a root cognate with
r a k s i t r m. protector watcher.
, ; [V 1 raks,
1 vr, cover.'] 1182a.]
yonitas, adv. from birth, by blood, [yoni, raghii, 1. a. running, darting, swift;
1098b.] as m. runner; 2. m. Raghu (The Run-
yosit, f. young woman, maiden, [per- ner, Apo/tevs), name of an ancient king.

[Vranh, q.v.: older form of laghii, q.v.]


haps the attractive one,' fr. V 1 yu,

'attract,' 1200a, 383. 3 (through the inter- ranga, m. 1. color; 2. theatre, amphi-

mediate form y6-sa, 1197, of the same theatre. [Vraj or rafij, 216. 1 connection :

mg) : cf. yuvati.] of mg 2 unclear.]

n. youth, period between child- or ranj (rajyati, -te;
yauvana, V raj rakta; -rajya;
hood and maturity, adolescence (of man cans, ranjdyati). 1. be colored; esp.
or maid), [yrivan, 1208a.] be red; rakta: red; dyed; as n. blood;
yauvana-daga,/*. time of youth. 2. fi(j. be affected with a strong feeling

(cf. raj + vi) ; esp. be delighted with,

V ranh (ranhati, -te). 1. make to run; have pleasure in, be in love with; cans.

hasten, trans. ; 2. mid. run ; hasten, in- 1. color; redden; 2. delight, please,
trans. [for *rangh cf the forms langh : . make happy.
and raghii, and see under laghii.] [orig. 'be bright or white' (whence
rakta, ppl. colored; esp. red? as n. blood. rajaka) ;
then 'glow, be red": see the
[Vranj, 954a.] ident. V3rj and its cognates tipyvpos, etc.;

V Iraks (raksati, -te; raraksa; araksit; and cf V f>ey in aor. f>tai,

dye/ and

raksita ; raksitum; -raksya). de-fend, peyevs, 'dyer': w. this root may be con-
protect keep, i.e. both retain and main-
nected the root raj in its mgs given
tain; take care of (as a sovereign), i.e. under 2.]
govern guard, ward ;
save, ; [a desid. + anu, 1. be colored after, take the
extension of V*rak or ark: cf. dAe-o!, tinge of ;
2. feel affection towards.
ward off,' which bears a similar relation + vi, 1. lose color; 2. be cold or
to VaAK or apK in &\-a\K-f, 'warded off,' indifferent towards [for (loc.), 45 s .
apK-fca, 'ward off, protect'; cf. also Lat. 2,cf the senses of the simple verb
. the :

arc-eo, ward off,' arx, stronghold of de-

' '
metaphor may be either not glowing/


fence, citadel AS. ealh-stede, defence- ;

and so, as in Eng.,
cold/ or else
' '
less/ and
' '
stead, strong-hold ; ealgian, protect :
so, indifferent.']
for the two chief mgs of \ raks, cf. Lat. raj aka, m. washerman, who is also a dyer

de-fendere, 'ward off, protect.'] of clothes. [' whitener or else '

+ pari, protect around ; save. Vraj, 1181.]
V 2 r a k s harm, in raksas., [perhaps only rajas, n. 1. atmosphere, air, region of
another aspect of 1 raks,
ward off/ i.e. clouds, and gloom, clearly dis-
tinguished from heaven (dyaus, 72 ) or
'beat away.'] 2

rajju] [228]

the ethereal' spaces of heaven (rocana V ran (ranati ;

rarana ; aranit). be
divas, 81 , or svar), "where the light
pleased; Vedic. [ident. w. Vram.]
dwelleth," these being beyond the rajas, rap as, n. bodily injury; disease.
just as the ai&fip is beyond the a-f)p; V rabh (rabhate; rebhe; arabdha raps- ;

used loosely in pi., ; the skies, 71 7 the yate rabdha rabdhum -rabhya).; ; ;

sky conceived as divided into an upper grasp ; take hold of. [prob. a collateral
and a lower stratum, and so dual, rajasi, form of Vgrabh, and ident. w. labh, see
' '
75 5i12 ;
so far Vedic; these : cf . TO \d<p-vpa, spoils, booty ;

' ' '

2. post-Vedic: like the Greek d-fip,
the f"i-\r](t>-a, took ;
Lat. lab-or, undertaking,
' '
thick air, mist, gloom, darkness ; 3. labor perhaps ^\<p-ov, gat, earned.']

dust, e.g. 14 13 ;
4. in the
philosophical + &, take hold upon; touch, RV.

2), the second of the 125. 8 ; 2. take hold of, i.e. under-
system, darkness (cf.
three qualities (see guna), soul-darkening take, 14 ; w. yatnam, undertake an effort,

passion (popularly connected with raga, i.e.exert one's self, II 2 ; 3. (like Ger.

an-fangen and Lat. in-cipere) begin ;

8 16 .
'passion'), 66

the orig. mg, as indicated by

[since arabhya : w. abl., beginning from ,

usage, is
the cloudy (region), region of simply from , 39 13 ; w. adya, from to-
19 .
gloom and dark' as distinguished from day on, 36
the everlasting light beyond, the word is + anv-a, take hold of from behind,
prob. to be derived f r. V raj in the sense hold on to.

'be (colored, i.e.) not clear': cognate are + sam-anv-a, hold on to each other
f-pe0os, 'darkness, Erebus,' and Goth. (said of several) ; sam-anv-arabdha,
' '

riqis, neut., darkness for connection of :

mgs 2 and 3, cf . Ger. Dunst, '
vapor,' and sam-a, undertake (see a-rabh) to-

Eng. dust.'] gether.

T & j j u f. cord rope.
, [V *razg, plait
cf : .
sam, take hold of each other (for
Lithuanian rezgis, plaited work, basket '
; dance, battle, etc.), hold together; take
Lat. restis, *resctis, *rezg-ti-s, 'rope': see hold (of a thing) together.
Vmajj.] V ram (ramati, -te ; rarama, reme ;

V ranj, see raj. aramsit, aramsta ;ramsyate rata ; ;

ran a, m. pleasure, gladness. [Vran.] ramtum; ramtva; -ramya; ramayati).

ranva, a. pleasant, lovely. [Vran, 1190.] 1. act. stop, trans. 2. mid. stop, in-

rati, f. 1. rest, quiet; 2. comfort, trans. ; rest ; stay gladly with ;

abide ;

pleasure. [Vram, 1157, cf. 954d.] 3. mid. (rest, take one's ease or com-

ratna, n. 1. gift; blessing, riches, fort, and so) find pleasure in ; rata, w. loc.,

treasure, as something bestowed or given or at end of cpds, taking pleasure in, de-

(cf. ratna-dha); so far Vedic; 2. post- voted to ; 4. caus. bring to a stand-still,

Vedic: precious stone, jewel, pearl; fig., stay, 73 .
[cf. ii-pfp-a, 'quietly'; Goth.
' '
as in Eng., jewel, i.e. the most excellent of nmis, quiet ; tpa^ai, eparai, *m-/,
its kind. [V Ira, 'bestow.'] *pm-rai, 'love, loves'; i-pa.-r&-s, 'lovely,'
ratna-dha [352], a. bestowing bless- formally ident. w. ratd : for mgs 2 and 3,

ings cf. \'2gam.]

1 rath a, m. wagon, esp. the two-wheeled + abhi, mid. 1. stop, intrans. ; 2. find

battle-wagon (lighter and swifter than the

pleasure ; please, intrans., 106
anas, dray ')
car or chariot of gods
; +a ,
act. stop, trans.
(72*-, 89 ) as well as of men (87 ).
-up a, stop; uparata, ceased, (of
[Vr, 'move,' 1163: for mg, cf. Lat. currus, sounds) hushed.
chariot,' and currere,
run.'] + vi ,
act. stop, intrans. ; pause,
2 ratha, m. pleasure, joy. [Vram, 1163, ramaniya, grdv. enjoyable, pleasant.
cf. 954d.] [Vram, 965, 1215.]
[229] [rajm

ramya, grdv. enjoyable, pleasant. [Vram, perhaps, two distinct roots,


903.] but no
longer distinguished in form,
rayi, m. wealth, treasure. [prop, 'be- and with the two sets of mgs partly co-
stowal' (cf. 70 n ), fr. ri, a weaker form incident: w. raj 1, cf. Vlrj, 'reach out';
of Vlra, 'bestow,' 1155.1: cf. ratna and w. raj 2, cf. V3rj, 'be bright,' and Vraj:

see under raj an.]

ravi, m. the sun. +vi ,

1. become master of, master (gen.),
r a g a n a /. cord , ; strap ;
rein, [cf ragmi.]
. 81 u ;
2. shine out; ca;/s. adorn, 12
17 .

rag mi, m. 1. line,raj [nom. rat], m. king. [Vraj.]

cord; 2. Jig. (line,

i.e.) ray, of light; beam, [so Eng. ray r a j a at end of cpds for rajan, 1249a 2 ,

involves a metaphor, its Lat. predecessor raj a-kula, ?. 1. royal family; in pi.,

radius meaning orig. 'staff' and then equivalent to princes; 2. (as conversely
in Eng., The Sublime Porte, lit.
cf ragana and ragi.]
spoke : . the high
rasa, m. la. the sap or juice of plants gate,' is used for the Turkish government)
(36 ), and esp. of fruits fruit-syrup, 68
18 the royal palace. ; [1280b.] ;

Ib. fig. the best or finest or strongest raja-dvara, n. king's door, door of the

part of a thing, its essence or flos, 44 7 , royal palace.

83 3 ;
Ic. sap, generalised, fluid, liquid ; rajan, m. 1. king, prince, I 8 , etc.; ap-
1T 12 s 1T
drink, 15 ; 2a. taste (regarded as the plied also to Varuna, 83 , 75 , 76 ,
chief characteristic of a liquid); 2b. 78 19 80 1, ;
to Indra, 71 8
to Yama, 83 12 ' 8

taste, i.e. relish for, 97 6

2c. object of 84 20. _2. rajanya, a ksatriya
equiv. to
one's taste, esp. that which pleases one's or man of the military caste, 59 13 22 3. -

taste, e.g. the beauties (of a story), 56

n . at end of cpds : regularly raja sometimes ;

rasa, f. 1. moisture 2. Rasa, a ; rajan, 6

s 84 20 [Vraj, 1160c: cf. Lat.


mythical stream supposed to flow round reg-em, Keltic stem rig-, king '
king ;

the earth and atmosphere, [cf. rasa.] from the Keltic was borrowed very early

rasika, a. tasty; as m. connoisseur, [rasa, the Germanic *rilc-, ruler of this, Goth. '

1222.] reiki, AS. rice, 'dominion,' are dcrivs so ;

V rah (rahita; rahitum). leave, give up, also Goth, reiks, AS. rice, powerful,'

abandon. Eng. rich: rice, 'dominion,' lives in Eng.

+ v i abandon, separate from,
in viraha. bishop-ric."]
r alias, n. solitude; lonely place; as adv. rajanya, a. royal, princely; as m. one of

[llllbj, secretly. [Vrah.] royal race, a noble, oldest designation of

V Ira (rarate; rarau, rare; arasta; rata), a man of the second caste; see ksatriya.

give, grant, bestow, [see rai : cf rayi.] .

[rajan, 1212dl.]
V 2ra (rayati [761dl]). bark; bark at. raja-putrd, m. king's son, prince, [acct,
[cf Lat. in-ri-re, growl
at.'] 1267.]
raksasa, a. demoniacal; as ??j. a demo- raja-putra, a. having princes as sons;
niacal one, a Rakshas. [raksas, q.v., -tra, f. mother of princes. [1302 :
1208a.] 1295.]
rag a, m. 1. coloring, color; 2. affec- raja-purusa, m. king's man, servant of
tion, feeling, passion. [Vraj, 216.1.] a king, royal official.

raghava, m. descendant of Raghu, i.e. raj as a,/. -I, a. pertaining to the second

Rama, [raghii, 1208c.] of the three qualities (see rajas 4), pas-
V raj (rajati, -te ; raraja, reje [794e ]; sionate, as terminus technicus. [rajas,
arajit). 1208a.]
1. direct ;
rule ;
be first ;
be master rajendra, m. best or chief of kings,
or king of, w. gen. ; [raja + indra.]
2. shine ;
be illustrious ; distinguish r aj nI , f. queen, princess, Anglo-Indian
one's self ;
caws, cause to shine. rannee ;
ruler, [rajan, 1156.]
rajya] [230]

rajya, n. kingship, [raj, 1211.] V ric (rinakti; ricyate [761b] ; rir6ca,

rati, a. ready to give or bless; gracious; ririce; araiksit, arikta; reksyati; rik-
as f. grace, [v'lra, 'give.'] ta ; pass, ricyate ;
caus. recayati). 1.

ratra ,
n. for ratri at end of cpds. [1315b.] leave ; 2. let go, let free ; 3. very

ratri, later ratri, /. night, [perhaps fr. rarely (like Eng. colloq. part with), sell.
[w. rinakti cf Lat. linquit,
s'ram, 'rest.'] leaves . :

V radh (radhn6ti; radhyate [761a], -ti ; cf .

; Lat. lic-et,
it is left, i.e.

raradha ;
aratsit ; ratsyati ;
raddha ; permitted' (Eng. leave means 'permis-
raddhva -radhya; radhayati).
1. be sion ') ;
AS. Icon, <dlh-an, Ger. leih-en, leave '

successful prosper, have luck be happy,

; ;
a thing to a person for a time, einem
103"; 2. trans, make successful or etwas iiberlassen, i.e. lend'; AS. lain,
happy gratify ; ;
cans, accomplish ;
make '
gift, loan,' Eng. noun loan, whence denom.
happy, satisfy, [akin w. Vrdh.] verb loan; fr. Isen comes liSnan, 'give,
+ apa, 1. hit away (from the mark), loan,'Old Eng. Jen-en, preterit len-de,
miss (the mark), fail; 2. be at fault, whose d has become part of the root in
be to blame offend, sin aparaddha,
; ; Eng. lend (though good usage has not
guilty, to blame, 33 [for 1, cf. the . sanctioned the precisely similar blunder
simple verb, succeed,' i.e. make a hit
' '
: in drownd-ed).~]
for 2, cf. the relation of Eng. fail and + ati, mid. (through pass, sense be left

fault.] over) surpass ; predominate ; cans, cause

+ a, caus. make happy, satisfy. to be in surplus overdo, 96
12 .

radhas, n. gracious gift, blessing. [V radii, V rip (rirepa ; ripta). 1. smear; stick;
gratify : for mg, cf French gratification,
smear, and so 2. as in Eng., defile ;

'gift.'] 3. same metaphor as in the

(with the

ram a, a. dark; as m. Rama, hero of the Ger. an-schmieren) cheat, impose upon,

epos Ramayana ; cf. raghava. [the old form of Vlip: see under Vlip.]
rayas-posa, m. development, i.e. in- ripii, m. impostor, cheat ;
later foe. [Vrip,
crease of wealth, [gen. s. of rai, 1250d :
171 .] ripra, n. defilement; impurity. [Vrip,
rava, m. cry; yell; howl. [Vru, 1148.2.] 1188c.]
ra5i ,
m. troop, host heap. [perhaps ; ripra-vaha, a. carrying off or removing
akin w. rac.mi, q.v. : for connection of impurity, [acct, 1270.]
mg, cf. Eng. line and French cordon, as V ri (rinati, -te; rista). 1. pull; 2.

applied to soldiers.] pull or bite off, crop, [older form of

r a s t r a n. kingdom sovereignty.
, ; [V raj 1 :
see 219 5 , 1185a.] V ris (resati; riayati, -te [761a]; rista ;

rastri, f. directrix, sovereign, [v'raj 1: caws, resayati; aririsat). be hurt; re-

see 219 5 , 1182 .] ceive harm ;
caus. harm.
rastriya,a. belonging to the sovereignty ; V ri, see ri.
as m. sovereign, ruler, [rastra, 1215.] V ru (rauti [626]; ruvati; mrava; aravit;
rahu, m. The Seizer, Rahu, who is sup- ruta ; r6tum). cry ; yell ;
howl ; hum,
posed to seize and swallow sun and moon, 26 9 .
[cf .
howl ; Lat. raucus,
' '
and thus cause eclipses, [prob. fr. Vrabh, '
screaming, hoarse ;
AS. ryn, a roar-
1178 2 .] in g-']
V rior ri (rinati; riyate [761c]). 1. act. rukma, m. ornament of gold; as n. gold.
cause to run or stream, let loose ;
2. mid. [V rue, 1166, 216.5.]
flow; run; dissolve, [cf. Lat. rl-vus, V rue (r6cate, -ti; ruruce, rur6ca; arucat,
'stream, brook';
provincial Eng. run, arocista ; rocisyate ; rucita; r6citum).
brook,' as in Bull Run ; Ger. rinnen, Eng. shine; be bright or resplendent;
1. 2.
run: see also VII + pra.] appear in splendor ; 3. appear beautiful
[231] [V rupaya
or good, please, [cf. d/j.<f>i-\vK-r), twi- obtain ;
desid. mid. desire to obtain,
light'; \fvK-ds, 'bright'; Lat. lux, lumen, 96".
for */wc-s, */wc-men, 'light'; ^wna, *luc-na, + ni, hold; stop; shut up.
'moon'; AS. /eoVi-, Eng. light; cf. also + vi, hinder or disturb.
Lat. /uc-us (a lucendo, after all!), 'a clear- V 2rudh (r6dhati). grow, [collateral form
ing (Eng. of U.S.) or Lichtung (Ger.) or of V mh, Lat. rud-is, fern., rod,
q.v. : cf .


glade or grove ;
AS. leak, Eng. lea,
field, staff': for mg, cf. w. Vrudh and Ger.
meadow'; -ley in Brom-ley, 'broom-field/ wachsen, grow,' the nouns vi-rudh and
' '
and -loo in TFaer-foo.] Ge-wdchs, a growth, i.e. plant kinship of :

+ prati, appear good unto, please, 74. Eng. rod,

a growing shoot, rod, measure
riici,/. pleasure. [V rue, 216.2.] of length,' older rood, measure of length
rucira, a. splendid; beautiful. or surface,' is improbable on account of
ruciranana, a. fair-faced. [anana: the o of AS. rod.']

1298.] v' rus (r6sati riisyati ; rusita, rusta).


V ruj (rujati ; ruroja ; rugna ; ruktva; be cross or angry, [cf. AiWr, *\v<r-ja,

-riijya). 1. break, break to pieces; rage.']

2. injure, pain. [cf. \vy-p6s, 'painful, rus [rut, rudbhyam], / anger, [\frus.]
Lat. lug-eo, '

grieve.'] V ruh (r6hati, -te ; rur6ha, ruruh< ;

riij, / pain, disease, [v/ruj: for mg, cf. aruhat, aruksat ; roksyati, -te rudha ; ;

Ger. Ge-brechen,

infirmity,' w. brechen, r6dhum ;

rudhva ; -riihya ; riiruksati ;

'break'; also roga.] rohayati, ropayati [1042e]). later


r uj a n a f. perhaps breach,
, cleft, rift rise, mount up, climb 2. spring up, ;

(of the clouds). [Vruj.] grow up 3. grow, develop, thrive

; ;

V rud (r6diti [6311, rudanti; rur6da; rod- cans. 1. raise;

place upon, [see 2.

isyati ;
ruditd ;
r6ditum ; ruditva ;
v'2rudh: for euphony, see 222 3 .]
-riidya). 1. cry, weep; 2. weep for, + ad hi, cans, cause (e.g. one's body,
' '
lament. [cf . Lat. rud-ere, roar ; AS. ace.) to rise to (e.g. the balance, ace.), i.e.
reot-an, weep.'] put (one's body) upon (the balance),
rudra, a. connected by Hindus w. Vrud, 48 1S .

'cry,' and so howling, roaring, terrible, -fa, mount or get upon (a stone); seat

applied to Agni and other gods true ;

one's self upon; climb (tree); ascend to
meaning uncertain; as in. la. sing, in (the head, hill-top, life, place) ;
the Veda : Rudra, leader of the Maruts or upon (boat, ship); Jig. get into (danger) ;

Storm-gods, 77 125.6; -Ib. in

RV. x. cans, cause to get upon (stone, pelt) or

pi. The Rudras, a class of storm-gods, into (wagon, boat), w. ace. of person and
RV. x. 125.1 2. Rudra, received ace. or loc. (105 ) of thing; n desid.
; sing.
into the Hindu Trinity in the later mythol- desire to climb up to.

ogy, and known by the name Qiva, q.v. rupa, n. 1. outward look or appearance,
V Irudh (runaddhi, runddhe ; rur6dha, as well color as form or shape ;
rurudhe ; arautsit, aruddha ; rotsya- forma; form, 48
77 2 96 12 rupam kr, , , ;

8 6
ti, -te ;
ruddha ;
r6ddhum ;
ruddhva ;
assume form, 14 49 (reflected) image, , ;

-riidhya). hold back;

1. obstruct; 62 17 2.
; (like Lat. forma, and Eng.
hold ;
2. keep off hinder ; ; suppress ; shape in shape-ly) good form, i.e. beauty,
3. shut up ;
close. 24 , etc.; 3. appearance, characteristic

+ anu, as pass., or mid. intrans., i.e. as of mark, peculiarity, [cf .

varpas : see also
the ya- or ya-cZss, anurudhyate, also -ti, varcas.]
be held to, keep one's self to be devoted ;
V rupaya (rupayati [cf. 1056, 1067]). used
to, practice, 10 13 ;
have regard for. esp. in theatrical language (to have the
+ ava, 1. hold off; 2. mid. (hold look or appearance of, i.e.) act. [rupa,
apart for one's self, lay up, and so) 1058.]
rupajitapsaras] [232]

+ ni, 1. like Eng. look into tenta- raukma, a. golden, adorned with gold,
18 17
tively, i.e. investigate, 20
: ; seek, 29 ; [rukma, 1208f.]
12 2. look into
search, 33 ; successfully,
i.e.: find out, 44 17 ; discover, 26
net, see simple verb. laksa, n. 1. rarely, mark, token; 2.

rupa-jitapsaras, a. surpassing the a hundred thousand, an Anglo-Indian

Apsarases in beauty. lac; 3. (like Eng. mark) mark which
rupavant, a. Eng. shape-ly and
like is aimed at. [Vlag, 'be fastened to,'
Lat. f ormosus ; beautiful, handsome, 1 . 1197a: for mg 1, cf. connection of Eng.
[rupa, 1233.] verb tag, 'fasten,' w. noun tag, 'attach-

rupa-sampad, /. beauty of form, i.e. ment, appendage,' and so, esp. as used
beauty. in modern shops, a mark or label-tag ' '

ru pa-samp anna, a. endowed with for 2, cf. the specialization of Eng. marc

beauty, beautiful. [Vpad.] or mark as 'a weight' (of gold or silver)


re, word of address. O; ho. [cf. are.] and as '

a money of account ;
also that
V rej (rejati, -te). 1. act. shake, trans. ; of Eng. token as '
a coin and as '
2. mid. shake, intrans. ; tremble, [per- quires printed on both sides.']
haps akin w. V \iy in -A.e-A.i|e,
caused to laksana, n. 1. mark, token; charac-
tremble, shook.'] teristic ; attribute, 66
u ; character, 101

renu, m. dust, [perhaps connected w. Vri, essential characteristic, 41 u ; special

dissolve, go to pieces,' just as Ger. Staub, mark ; esp. lucky mark, mark of excel-
'dust,' w. stieben, 'fly asunder': 1162.] lence, 62
98 7i 8 mark ;
in the sense of
r e v a , f. Reva, a river, the same as the determinant at S8 23 ;
2. (like Eng.
Narmada, q.v. designation) name, 57 ;
3. form,
rai [361b], m., rarely f. possessions; wealth; kind, 65 12 .
[fr. the denom. laksaya
prosperity, [stem ra : prop. be- strictly
(1150. 2a), or rather fr. the simpler
stowal,' V 1 ra, see 361b and rayi w. ace. : but very rare form of the same denom.
ra-m, cf. Lat. nom. re-s, 'property.'] (1054), \'
roka, m. brightness, light. [Vruc.] V laksaya (laksayati [1056]). mark,
r6ga, m. infirmity, disease. [Vruj, 216.1 :
note, notice. [laksa, 1053 : so Lat.
for mg, see noun ruj.] notare fr. nota.~]

roc ana, a. shining, light ; as n. light ; + u p a mark,,

notice ;
see ; pass, appear.
the place of the light, ethereal space or laksasamkhya, having lacs a. (see
17 4 8
spaces, 71 , 81 see rajas for further laksa) as their number, numbered by

description. [Vruc, 1150.] hundred-thousands, [laksa + samkhya.]

rocisnii, a. shining, bright; Jig. blooming. laksmi [363
-1. mark, sign; -2. ], /
[Vruc, 1194a or rather perhaps fr. rods,
: with or without papi,bad sign or omen,
1194c.] something ominous, bad luck; 3. oftenest

rocis, n. brightness. [Jruc, 1153.] a good sign, in the older language usually
r6dasi, dual f. the two worlds, i.e. heaven with punya; good luck; prosperity, 18 14 ;
2 19
and earth. wealth, 46 (royal) splendor, 51; [fr. .

rodha, a. growing. [V2rudh, 'grow.'] laks (1167), the quasi-root of lak-sa,

r op ay a, see 1042e end. which is a deriv. of V lag : for connection
r6man, n. hair on the body of men and of mg 1 w. v'lag, see laksa: as for 2
beasts (usually excluding that of the and 3, observe that Eng. luck sometimes
head and beard and that of the mane and means bad luck,' but of tener

tail) ;
later Ionian, q.v. luck.']
romanta, m. loc. -e, in hair- vicinity, i.e.
laksya, grdv. to be noticed or seen; to
on the hairy side (of the hand), [roman be looked upon or considered as, 41 u .

(1249a ) + anta.] [derivation like that of laksana.]
[233] [Vlikh

V lag (lagati; lagisyati; lagna [957c] ; + pra, 1. seize; take; 2. dupe;

lagitva; -lagya). attach or fasten one's fool. [for 2, cf. Eng. colloq. take in,
self to lagna, attached to, put upon.

gull,' and catch,


laksa, laksmi, linga.j
[cf. + vi-pra , fool, 37
[see V labh + pra.]
laguda, m. cudgel. V lamb (lambate; lalambe'; lambisyati ;

laghii, younger form of raghii, a. 1. lambita lambitum ; -lambya).

; 1.

swift, quick; 2. light, i.e. not heavy; hang down; 2. sink; 3. hang upon,
3. (light, i.e.) insignificant small
; ;
hold on to; cling to; and so 4. (like
contemptible ;
low. Eng. stick) tarry, [younger form lag.
[for derivation, see raghii and V ranh : of V ramb, hang down limp '
cf Ao/8-<fo, : .

cf. -\axv-s, 'small/ ^AOXI^TOS, 'smallest'; 'lobe or pendent part' (of ear, liver);
' ' '
Lithuanian lengvas, light ;
Lat. Iffvis, Lat. Idb-i,
sink, fall ; limbus,
' '
*lenhu-i-s 1 , 1. swift, 2. light, not heavy, border ; AS.
hanging Iseppa,
3. insignificant, small
(mgs quite parallel portion,' Eng. lap (of coat, apron); Eng.
w. those of laghu) AS. lung-re, 'quickly
; ; limp,
hanging loosely, flaccid %>-ears,

Eng. lungs, 'lights': kinship of AS. leok-t, 'hanging' ears (of a rabbit).]
Eng. light,
not heavy,' lights, lungs,' not + ava, 1. hang down; 2. sink; 3.
certain : for connection of mgs 1 and 2, hang upon, hold on to.
observe that swift and light, just as + vi, lag, loiter, [see lamb 4: for mg, v'

slow and heavy, name qualities naturally cf also Eng. hang, in hang Jire.]

associated : for light, 'not dark,' see \1 lal (lalati, -te; lalita). sport, dally,
v'ruc.] play ; behave in an artless and uncon-
laghu-krama, a. having a quick step; strained manner lalita, see s.v. ;

-am, adv. [1311], quickly. lalata, n. forehead.

laghu-cetas, a. small-minded. lalita, a. artless, naive; lovely, [prop.
V langh (langhayati langhitd; -langh-
; unconstrainedly behaved,' ppl. of Vial,
ya). spring over, [see V ranh, and under 952 2 so Eng. behaved has rather adjec-

laghii.] tival than verbal coloring.]

V lajj (lajjate; lalajje"; lajjita; lajjitum). lavana, n. salt, esp. sea-salt; as a. salt.

be ashamed. V las (lasati; lalasa; lasita). gleam,

+ vi, be ashamed. glance. [orig. 'glance,' but, like Eng.
lajj a,/, shame. [Vlajj, 1149.] glance, with the subsidiary notion (see
lajjavant, a. having shame; embar- lasa), 'move quickly hither and thither,'
rassed. [1233.] and so, 'play' (see the cpds w. preps.):
V lap (lapati; lalapa ; lapisyati ; lapita, conversely, Eng. dull means '
slow,' and
lapta ; laptum; -lapya). chatter; talk; then, 'not glancing': cf. Lat. lasc-lvus
' '
lament. [cf o-\o<t>-v-s, . a lamenting ; (through *las-cu-s), 'wanton.']
lament ; perhaps Lat. Id- + ud, glance; 1. 2. play; 3. be
' 23
menta, laments.'] overjoyed, 24 .

+a ,
talk to, converse with. + vi, 1. glance; 2. play; 3. be
+ pra, talk out heedlessly or lament- joyful or wanton.
ingly. lasa, a. moving quickly hither and
+ vi ,
utter unintelligible or lamenting thither; lively. [Vlas.]
tones. laja, m. pi. parched or roasted grain,
+ sam, talk with; caus. (cause to talk [perhaps akin w. v'bhrjj.]
witli one, i.e.) address, 26 J .
labha, m. the getting, acquisition. [Vlabh.]
V labh, younger form of rabh (labhate ; V likh (likhati; lilekha; alekhit likhis- ;

Iebh6 ;
alabdha ; lapsyate ;
labdh ; yati; likhita ; likhitva; -likhya).
- 1.
labdhva ; -labhya). 1. catch; seize; scratch furrow slit draw a line
; ; ; ;
2. receive; get. [see under Vrabh.] write ;
write down ; delineate, [younger
liriya] [234]

form of v rikh : cf .
furrow ' V lup (lumpati [758]; Iul6pa ; lupta ;

'ground'); t-ptx-Ou, 'tear, rend';

(x.06?a, 16ptum; luptva -lupya). 1. break; ;
' '
Lat. rima, *ric-ma, slit, crack for mgs, :
harm; 2. attack; pounce upon; 3.

observe that Eng. write is fr. the same rob, plunder, [younger form of rup

root as Ger. ritzen, scratch.'] cf. Lat. rumpere, 'break'; AS. reof-an,

linga, n. mark (by which one knows or '

break ;
spoil of battle, booty,
recognizes a thing), Kenn-zeichen, char- armor, etc., esp. clothing, garments,' Ger.
acteristic, [connected w. Vlag in the Raub,
AS. reafian,
robbery, booty ;

same way as laksa, q.v.] 'despoil, whence Eng. reave, ppl.


linga-dharana, n. the wearing of one's reft, and be-reave: fr. Old High Ger.
characteristic marks. roubon, 'rob,' through Old French rober,
V lip (limpati, -te [758]; lilepa; alipat, 'rob,' comes French oV-rooer, Eng. rob,

alipta; lipta; -lipya). 1. besmear or and fr. Old High Ger. roub, 'robbery,
rub over a thing (ace.) with a thing booty, esp. pillaged garment,' in like

(instr.); 2. smear a thing (ace.) over manner, French robe,

garment,' Eng.
or on a thing (loc.); stick (trans.) on to; robe.]

pass, stick or stick to, intrans. lubdhaka, in. hunter, [lubdha, vlubh.j
[younger form of Vrip : orig. nig lubh (lubhyati; Iul6bha, lulubhe
' ' ' '
smear, stick cf : . rb \iiros, grease ; lubdha; 16bdlium). 1. go astray; 2.
' '

d-A.efy>-&>, anoint ;
Lat. lippus,
blear- be lustful have strong desire lubdha,
; ;

' ' ' ' '

eyed ; greasy, shiny

\~nrap6s, :
longing for. [cf .
r) AnJ/, *\uf>-s, longing ;

' '
further akin are the following words, \tir-r-o/, long for ; Lat. lub-et, lib-et,
' ' '
but with curious divarication of rag : is desired or agreeable ; libens, willing,
' ' ' ' '
\lTrapfto, like Eng. stick to, i.e. persist ; glad ; libido, desire ; AS. leof,
' ' '
AS. be-lif-an, Goth, bi-leib-an, Ger. b-leib-en, Eng. lief, dear, gladly ;
Ger. lieb,
dear ;

(lit. 'stick,' 'remain';

i.e.) libban, AS. also Eng. love.']

Eng. live, Ger. leben, 'be remaining or V lul (161ati; lulita). move hither and
surviving, superstitem esse ; AS. llf,

Eng. life ; finally AS. lief-an, Eng. leave, v' lu (lunati [728]; lulava ; luna). cut
cause to remain.'] (e.g. grass, hair) ;
cut off ; gnaw off. [cf.
-f anu, smear over, cover with. \v-ta, 'separate, i.e. loose'; Lat. so-lu-tus,
+ vi, besmear. loosed.']
lipi,^ 1. a rubbing over; 2. writing. lekha, m. a writing letter. [Vlikh'.] ;

[Vlip, 1155. 1.] V lok (16kate luloke 16kitum cans. ; ; ;

V lie, (ligate ; lilige ; aleista ; lista). lokayati [1056] lokita ; -16kya ; only ;

tear, break, [younger form of Vrig.] cans, forms are in common use, and these

liga, tearing, breaking, ana" so cutting, in only with ava, a, and vi). get a look at ;
ku-lica. [Vli.] behold; -cans. [1041 ] -1. look, look
V II (layate; liyate; Iily6; alesta ; Una; on; 2. get a look at, behold. [on
-liya). 1.
cling to; 2. stick; 3. account of the guttural k, prob. a sec-
(stay, i.e.) of birds and insects, light upon, ondary root fr. roka (Vruc, 216.1): for
sit upon ;
4. slip into ; disappear. connection of mg, cf. Aewc-o'j, 'bright,'
+ ni, 1. cling to; (of 2. light upon and \evff<rw, *\fvK-jo>, 'see'; Lat. lumen,
birds); 3. slip into; disappear; hide. 'light,' then 'eye* (see under Vruc);
go to dissolution, [cf. Vri.] also locana : no connection w. Eng.
HI a, /. -1. play; -2. (like Eng. child's look.']

play) action that can be done without + ava, caus. 1. look; 2. look at or
serious effort lilaya, without any ; upon ;
behold, see, perceive.
trouble. + a, caus. 1. look at; 2. see, per-
v! luth (luthati; Iul6tha ; luthita). roll. ceive.
[235] [vaksana

+ vi, cans. 1. look; 2. look at, in- alocitam (impers.,999), the fishes reflected;

spect, 25; -3. behold. ity alocya, thus reflecting.

loka, perhaps a younger form of uloka ~+pary-a, see loc + a ; reflect, delib-

(which appears regularly in the oldest texts, erate.

but divided as u loka, 84 ai ), m. 1. open + sam-a, see loc + a; reflect.
space ;
free room ; place, 83
2a. the locana, 1. a. enlightening; 2. as n.

vast space; the world, 103 8 ; any imagin- eye, usual mg. [Vloc: for mg, cf. lumen,
ary world or worlds, 15 ; cf. antariksa-, under Vlok.]
indra-, jiva-, pati-, para-, manusya-, lobha, m. strong desire; greed, avarice.
svarga-loka ;
2b. used of heaven : svar- [Vlubh.]
go lokas, the world situate in the light, lobha-viraha, m. freedom from avarice.
103 5> Ui 1G
so sukrtam ulokas, the world 16 man, n. hair on the body of men and
of the righteous, 84 ; later, sukrtasya
u beasts (usually excluding that of the
8 20
lokas, world of virtue, 89 ; so 5' ; 2c. head and beard and that of mane and
of earth : loke krtsne, in the whole earth, tail), [prop, 'clippings, shearings,' Vlu,
5 18 asmin
; loke, in this world (cf. 'cut,' 1168. la: cf. roman.]
ilia), 66 12 ;
in same sense, loke, 57
, 63"; lola, a. 1. moving hither and thither,
2d. with senses merging imperceptibly into uneasy ; and so 2. anxious for, desirous
those given under 3, e.g., in the world or of; greedy, [v'lul.]

among men, 26 2 36 3 47 21 , , ;
-3. (like lostd, m. n. clod (of earth). [Vruj, cf.

Eng. world and French monde) people ;

222*: for mg, see under mrd.]
folks; men or mankind; sing. 67 ,
21 13
loh A, a. reddish; coppery; as m. n. red-

pi. 2 5i 14
39 19, 57
[etymology uncer-
15 . dish metal, copper, [cf. 16hita, r6hita,
tain : no connection with Lat. /ocs, Old and rudhira, all meaning 'red': with the
Lat. stlocus, place.'] last, cf. e-pvQ-p6s, Lat. ruber, rufus, Eng.
loka-kft, a. world-making, world-creat- ruddy, red.~]

ing. [1269.] lohayasa, n. coppery metal, any metal

loka-pald, m. pi. world-protectors, either alloyed with copper, [ayasa.]
four in number (regents of the four laulya, n. greediness, [lola, 1211.]
quarters of the world), or eight (regents lauhayasa, a. metallic; MS n. metallic
of the cardinal points and four points ware, [lohayasa, 1208f.]
mid-way between).
loka-pravada, m. world-saying, com-
mon saying. vana, m. I. cane or stock or stem, esp.

lokam-prna, a. world-filling; f. -a (sc. of the bamboo ;

2. (like Eng. stock, and
istaka), Lokamprina, name applied to the stem [rarely], and Ger. Stamm) lineage,
common bricks used in building the sacred family, race.
fire-pile, and so called because all laid vana-viguddha, a. 1. made of per-

with the recitation of the one general fectly clear or unblemished bamboo ;

formula, lokam prna, 'fill thou the

2. of pure lineage, [lit. vanga-pure,
world.' [1314b : for prna, V 1 pr, see pure in its or his vana,' 1265 :
731.] V vak (vavakre [786, 798a]). roll, [akin
loga, m. clod (of earth). [Vruj, 'break,' w. Vvanc, q.v.]
216. 1 for mg, see under mfd.]
vaktavya, grdv. to be said or spoken;
V loc (locayati; locita; -16cya). used only see 999 end. [s/vac, 964.]
with a.,
[derived fr. Vruc; just how, is vakra, a. 1. crooked; 2. fig. (nearly
unclear: see Vlok.] like Eng. crooked) disingenuous, ambig-
+ a, 1. rarely, cause to appear or be uous. [Vvak, 1188.]
seen; 2. usually, bring to one's own vaksana, f. pi. belly; bellies (of cloud-
sight or mind, consider, reflect ; matsyair mountains).
Vvac] [236]

V vac vakti; uvaca, ucus [784, 800e];

( vacas, n. 1. speech, 4
, etc.; words;
avocat [847 end, 854] vaksyati, -te ; ; word; counsel; 2. language, 54
n ;

ukta; vaktum; uktva; -ucya; ucydte; (like Eng. word) order; request, 53 3 .

vacayati). say or speak (w. ace. of per- [Vvac, 1151. la: cf. 'word.']

son, 10 22 ; or w. ace. of person and ace. of V vaj (vajayati). probable root, with the

thing, 7
); announce
or tell, 66 19 98 17 ; , meaning be strong or lively, inferred from
name or call, 58 ; punar uvaca, replied, ugra, 6jas, vajra, vaja see these words; ;

19 19 ; ity uktva, with saying so, i.e. with vajayant, hastening, 75: cf. Vvajaya.
" " 42
the words ," saying ," ; [cf. vy-rhs, 'strong, healthy'; AS. wac-ol,
so saying, 19 etc.; ^ '
awake '
; Eng. wake,
not to sleep ;

ukta, 1. spoken, said; impers. pass. perhaps Lat. vig-ere, be lively or strong/

[999 kakena^uktam, the crow said,

raid.], vig-il, awake.']

24 13 etc. uktam, introducing a proverb, vajra, m. Indra's thunderbolt, 70 8 88 15

, ; ,

9 16
't is said, 19 , 20 etc.; 2. spoken [orig., perhaps, a mere epithet, 'The

unto; evam ukta, thus addressed, 3 , Mighty' (Vvaj), like Miolnir, 'The
etc. Crusher/ name of Thor's hammer.]
caus. 1. mid. cause or ask (e.g. the vajra-bahu, a. having the thunderbolt
Brahmans) to pronounce for one's self on his arm (of Indra), lightning-armed.
(e.g. a benediction), 101 2 106 4 , ; 2. cause [1303.]
(a written leaf) to speak, i.e. read, 54 . vajrin, a. having the thunderbolt (of

[cf . two, tFoK-ja,

voice, rumor ; Lat. Indra). [vajra, 1230.]
Ger. er-wah-nen, '
: V vane (vancati vancayati ; vancit&).

w. vac-as, 'word,' cf. eiros, stem *Feir-<r, totter; go crookedly; caus. (cause to go
word,' w. labialization w. avocam, :
astray, i.e.) mislead, deceive; cheat, [cf.

%a-va-uc-am, cf. ttitrov, *e-Fe-nr-ov, 'said': Lat. vacillare, 'totter, be unsteady'; AS.
w. nom. vak, *vak-s, stem vac, 'voice/ woh, 'crooked, wrong/ whence Eng. woo,
cf. Lat. vox, *vdc-s, 'voice/ and <ty, for 'incline to one's self, court.']
*flty, i.e. Ftav-s, voice.'] -f up a, totter unto.

+ anu, 1. repeat or
say (sacrificial vancaka, m. deceiver, [\fvafic, caus.]

prayers, etc.) for some one (gen.); 2. vancayitavya, grdv. to be deceived;

mid. say after teacher), i.e. learn,
(the as n. a to-be-practised deceit, w. objective
study ; anucana, perf. mid. ppl., who gen. (296b beg.), 26 2 .
studies, studied, learn-ed. vat a, m. Ficus indica ; cf. nyag-rodha.
+ abhy-anu, say with regard to or vanik-putra, m. merchant's son.
with reference
something describe to
[vanij.] ;

(an occurrence) in (metrical and Vedic) vanij, m. merchant. [Vpan, 383.5.]

words. V vat (vatati; vatdyati). only with api.
+ nis, speak out or clearly; explain. understand ; caus. cause to understand or
+ pra, 1. tell forth, proclaim; tell, know, reveal, inspire (devotion). [cf.
announce, mention ;
and so 2. (as con- Lat. vat-es, 'wise seer': see under vata.]
versely laudare, 'praise/ comes to mean vatsa, m. young; esp. young of a cow,

'mention') praise; 3. tell of, colloq. tell calf. [prop, 'yearling/ from a not quot-
on, i.e. betray, 93
18 4. say, 45 9 ; ; 5. able watas, 'year': with watas, cf.
declare to be ; name, 57 5 .
F'TOS, 'year/ Lat. vetus- in vetits-tu-s,
+ prati, say in return, answer. '
bejahrt, in years, old : akin are Lat.
+ s a m say together.
, vit-u-lu-s, 'yearling, calf/ and Eng. i.e.

18 weth-er : for mg, cf x'M aP ox > ' g at / prop.

vacana, n. 1. speech; words, 9 etc.; ,

dictum ;
2. (like Lat. e-dictum and Eng. 'winter-ling' (see hima) : see vatsara.]
edict and word) command ; injunction, vatsara, m. year; personified, 67 15 .
26 18 .
[Vvac, 1150.] vatsa ;
also pari- and sam- vatsara.]
[237] [vapa

V vad (vadati, -te; uvada, ude [784]; vadhri, a. whose testicles have been
avadit, avadista ; vadisyati, -te ; udita ;
crushed ; emasculated, opp. of vrsan.
vaditum uditva ; ; -lidya ; vadayati). [Vvadh, 1191.]
-I. speak, 95 7 9 >

; say, 20
, etc.; speak V van (van6ti, vanute; vavana, vavne ;

to, w. ace., or w. loc. (4 1

) ;
2. communi- vata). 1. hold dear, love ; desire,
cate ; announce, R V. x. 125. 5 ; speak of ; seek, beseech, 79
2. get; 3. win.
udita, stated (authoritatively), 58 ; 3. [cf. Lat. ven-ia, 'favor';'The Ven-us,

tell, i.e. foretell, predict, 103 12 ; -4. Lovely One AS. winnan, exert one's

55 5 ' '

designate as, ;
name. self, strive,' Eng. win, gain by striving ;

+ abhi, speak to, salute; signify, in AS. wen, hope, expectation, supposition,'

the derivs abhivadin, abhivada ;
cans. whence wen-an, Eng. ween, suppose see

speak to ;
salute. \/vanch.]
+ praty-abhi, caus. mid. salute in vana, n. wood; forest,
return. vanana,/ [Vvan, 1150. 2b .]

+a , speak to ;
vidatham a-vad, give vananvant, having desire, desiring. a.

orders to (the household), rule (as master [perhaps fr. vanana, 1233, w. irreg. loss
or mistress). of final a: both mg and derivation are
+ pra ,
1. speak forth ; say ;
2. de- doubtful.]
clare to be. vana-prastha, m. n. forest-plateau,
+ vi, mid. contradict. wooded table-land. [1280b.]
+ s am, mid. talk or take counsel with vana-vasa, m. the living in a wood ;

one's self. -tas, owing to (his) forest-life.

vadana, n. 1. mouth; 2. face, vanas-pati, m. tree, ['lord of the

['organ of speaking/ Vvad, 1150: for wood see 1267 and a and d
: :
mg, cf. nayana.] vanas stands for vanar, a subsidiary
vaditavya, grdv. to be spoken. form of vana, cf. 171 3

[Vvad.] V vand (vandate ; vavand6 vandita ; ;

vadya , grdv. to be spoken of, worthy of vanditum vanditva

; -vandya). 1. ;

(favorable) notice, and so praiseworthy. praise; 2. salute reverentially, [orig.

[Vvad, 963 c.] ident. w. Vvad, 108g.]
V vadh (avadhit, avadhista ; vadhisyati, + abhi, make reverent salutation unto;
-te). 1. strike; harm; 2. (just as salute.
AS. slean meant first
strike and then vanditf, m. praiser. [Vvand.]
'slay, i.e. kill') slay, kill, [see Vbadh: V Ivap (vapati, -te; upta; -upya; vapa-
' '
cf wd-fw,
push : see vadhar.] yati). shear (hair, beard); trim (nails);
vadh a, m. 1. murderer; 2. weapon caus. cause to be clipped, or simply
of death, esp. Indra's bolt; 3. slaying, [1041 ], clip.
slaughter. [V vadh. ] V 2vap (vapati, -te ; uvapa, up6 [784,
vadhar, n. weapon of death, i.e. Indra's 800e]; avapsit; vapsyati; upta; uptva;
bolt. [Vvadh.] -lipya). 1. strew; scatter, esj>. seed,
vadhasna, only in instr. pi. weapons sow; 2. (like x^ w ) throw or heap up,
of death, i.e. Indra's bolts. [vadha, i.e. dam up.
1195.] + a p a cast away fig. destroy.
, ;

vadhu, /. bride; 2. 1. woman, [prop. + abhi, bestrew.

the one fetched home ' by the bride- + a throw upon, strew.

groom, Vvah, q.v.] + ni, throw down.

vadhu- vastra, n. bride's garment. + nis, throw out, esp. deal out (from a
vadhya, grdv. 1. to be struck, i.e.
larger mass) an oblation to a god, dat. ;
punished, 27 to be harmed ; ; 2. to be offer,
18 3
slain, 27 [V vadh, 963 c.] .
vapa, f. caul, omentum.
vapus] [238]

vpus, a. 1. wondrous, admirabilis ; varivas, n. breadth; fig. freedom from

Eng. admirable) exciting wonder
2. (like constraint, ease, gladness, w. kr. [belong-
mixed with approbation, esp. wondrous 3 2
ing to uni, 'broad': see 1173 , 467 .]
fair; varlyans, a. very broad, wide extended.

a wonder
as n. 1. ;
wonderful ap- [Vlvr, 'cover, extend over': see 467

pearance ; vapur drgaye, a wonder to see, and 11 73 3 .]

Oavfjia ISfffOcu, 79 2. beautiful appear- ; varuna, m. The Encompasser (of the
Universe), Varuna, name of an Aditya;
ance ; beauty, 8 3. appearance form, ; ;

48 s - 4.
[for 2 and 3, cf. the converse orig. the supreme god of the Veda (see
transition of mg in rupa, 1, 2.] selection xxxvii. and notes), and so called
vayam, we, see 491. [cf. Ger. wi-r, Eng. king as well as god, 83 omniscient ;

we.~\ judge who punishes sin and sends sick-

1 vdyas ,
n. 1. fowl, collective ; 2. bird, ness and death, selections xliii., xliv., xlv. ;
' 10
[see vi, bird.'] later, god of the waters, 7 [a personi- .

2 v ay as, food, meal. n.

[prop, 'enjoy- fication of the '

all-embracing heaven,

ment,' v'lvi, 'enjoy': for analogies, see Vlvr, 'cover, encompass,' 1177c cf. :

V 2 bhuj, enjoy,' and V 1 vi.] heaven,' and Ovpavds,

' ' '
oi>pav6s, Heaven,'
3 vayas, n. 1. strength, of body and of personified as a god.]
mind; health; 2. the time of strength, varutha, n. cover; and so, as in Eng.,
youth; marriageable age, 2 ; 3. gen- protection. [Vlvr, 'cover,' 1163c.]
eralized, any age or period of life ; years varuthya, a. protecting. [varutha,
(of life), [akin w. vi-ra, q.v.] 1212d4.]
v a y a f. , strengthening. varenya, grdv. to be desired; and so,
1 vara ,
m. choice ; wish ;
a thing to be longed for, excellent. [V2vr, 'choose,'
chosen as gift or reward, and so gift, re- 1217 1 2 - - 3
, 966b.]

ward ; varam vr, wish a wish, make a varga, m. group. [Vvrj,

condition, 94
da, give a choice, ; varam 216. 1 : for mg, cf. Eng. division, ' a sepa-

prati varam or va-

17 and then
grant a wish, I ; rating into parts,' 'the part
ram a, according to one's wish. [V2vr, separated, group.']
choose : cf .
Eng. well, lit.
according to v arc as, n. vitality, vigor; the illuminat-
one's wish.'] ing power in fire and the sun; and so,
2 vara, a. (like Eng. choice or select) most splendor ; fig. glory, [perhaps akin with
excellent or fair, best, w. gen. or loc., 16 2 , rue : cf .
varpas with rupa.]
3 21 ; w. obi., most excellent as distin- varna, m. 1. outside; external appear-
19 6
guished from ,
i.e. better than ,
68 14 ; ance ; color, 36 , 37 , etc. ; complexion ;

varam ,
na ca , the best thing is ,
2. (color, and so, as in Eng.) kind,
and not better than 20 2
, i.e. is , 17
species, sort, 98 ; 3. (sort of men, i.e.)
[V2vr, 'choose': for mg, cf. AS. cyst, 'a caste, 28 18 ; 4. letter; sound; vowel,
choice,' and then
the best,' with ceosan, 59 16 syllable word, 98 8 [V 1 vr, ' cover,'
; ;

choose.'] 1177a: for mg 1, cf. Eng. coating, and
varana, n. a choosing. [V 2 vr, choose.'] '
coat (of paint), and Lat. color, prop,
vara-varna, m. most fair complexion. 'cover or coating,' cognate w. oc-cul-ere,
varavarnin, a. having a fan- com- cover over.']
plexion; -ini, f. fair-faced woman, [va- V varnaya (varnayati). 1. color,
ravarna, 1230.] paint; 2. fig. (like Eng. paint), depict

varangana, f. most excellent woman, describe tell about pass. 12 8 ;[varna, ;


[angana.] 1058.]
vararoha, a. having fair hips or but- vartana, n. prop, an existing, and so

tocks; tca\\iinyos. [aroha.] (like Eng. living), means of subsistence.

varaha, m. boar. [Vvrt, mgs 3, 5: cf. vrtti.]
[239] [V3vas

vartf, m. restrainer, stayer. [\/lvr, V vac. (vasti, uganti [638]; uvaga [784]).
'cover/ mg 3, 'restrain': 1182.] 1. will, 73 ; 2. desire, long for;
v art man, n. wheel-track; path, 43 ; ppls, pres. ugant, perf. vavagana [786] :

vartmana, at end of cpds : by way of, willing or (when qualifying subject of verb)
gladly, 83*, 85 ; longing, 78 ; -3. (like
39 14 ;
or simply through ; akaga-vart-
mana, througli the air, 39 a .
[v'vrt, Eng. will in its rare or obsolete sense
1168. la.] 'order') order, command. [cf. l/c&Jy,

vartra, a. warding off, liolding back; stem *FeK-oj/T,


as n. a water-stop, dam, weir. [Vlvr, vaga, a. willing, submissive; as m. 1.

'cover,' q.v.] will; 2. command; and so controlling

Ivardhana, a. I. increasing, trans.; power or influence. [Vvag.]

as m. increaser ;
2. delighting in.
vaga-ni [352], a. bringing into one's

[Vlvrdh, 'increase,' q.v.] power ;

as m. controller.
2vardhana, n. the cutting. [\/2vrdh, vaga, f. 1. cow, esp. farrow cow; 2.
cut.'] female elephant, Elephanten-kuh. [per-
varpas, n. assumed appearance; image, haps 'the lowing' beast, fr. wag: cf.
form, [akin with rupa : cf varcas.]
. Lat. vacca, 'cow': usual name for 'cow'
vArman, n. envelope; coat of armor; is g6.]
protection ;
end of Kshatriya-names, vagin, a. having command or control;
59 1S N. '
[V 1 vr, envelop/ 1 168. la.] as subst. m. or f. master, mistress, [vaga.]
varsa, n. 1. rain; 2. (rainy-season, vagi-kr, make submissive, enthrall, en-
the rains, [vaga and V 1 kr, make/ 1094.]

i.e.) year; varsa, f. pi. 1. snare,

i.e.the rainy season; 2. very rarely, vagya, grdv. to be commanded or ordered,
rain-water, 104 [Vvrs : . cf. e-fpvai, and so obedient, submissive, yielding,
for mg 2 of varsa, cf Eng. 8
rain-drops : .
[vag, 963 c.]
"girl of sixteen summers," "man of vas, end. pron. you, 491. [cf. Lat. vos,
seventy winters," abda and garad.] 'ye, you.']
varsa-karman, n. the action of rain- V Ivas (ucchdti [753, 608]; uvasa [784];
ing. vatsyati ; usta). grow bright
[167] ;

varsa-satka, n. year-hexade, period of light the breaking day), dawn,

up (of
six years. [for cognates, Lat. us-tu-s, burned,' east,
var smaii, m. height; top; crown of the Easter, etc., see the collateral form us,
head, [see 1168. lc and 2b.] 'burn/ and the derivs usas, usra, va-
vala, m. prop, an encloser, and so 1. santa, vasu, vasara : cf. also ^ap, *Fe<r-
' '

(enclosure, i.e.) cave; 2. personified, fj.ap, day ; tap, *Fetr-op, Lat. rer, we-er,
Vala, name of a demon who shuts up *ves-er,
dawn of the year-light, i.e.

the heavenly waters to withhold them spring'; Ves-uv-ius, 'the burning' moun-
from man and is slain by Indra, 81 5>7 .
[Vlvr, 'enclose.'] + vi, shine abroad, 75 15 ; light up, 97
13 .

vala-vrtra, m. Vala and Vritra. [1252.] V 2 vas

(vaste [628]; vavase avasista ; ;

valavrtra-nisudana, m. destroyer of vatsyati ; vasita vasitum vasitva ; ; ;

Vala and Vritra, i.e. Indra. [1264.] -vasya). put on (as a garment), clothe
valavrtra-han [402], a. slaying Vala one's self in. [cf. fwv/j.i, *FO--VV-IM,
and Vritra ;
as m. slayer of Vala and 'put on'; e-eff-To, 'had on'; sfyuo, 'gar-
' '
Vritra, i.e. Indra. [1269.] ment ;
Lat. ves-tis,
garment Goth. ;

valmika, m. ant-hill. ga-vas-jan,
clothe ;
AS. wer-ian, Eng.
vavri, m.
prop, cover, and so 1. place wear.~\
of hiding or refuge ; 2. corporeal tegu- V 3 vas (vasati ;
uvasa [784]; avatsit
ment (of the soul), i.e.
body. [Vlvr, [167] ; vatsyati ;
usita ; vastum usitva ; ;

'cover/ 1155. 2c.] -tisya; vasayati). stay in a place; esp.


v 4 vas] [240]

2 8
stay over night, 38 , 100 (with ratrim) ; vasu-gravas, a. perhaps [1298a] hav-
dwell, abide ;
lire. [cf. JUTTV, *F<NT-TU, ing good fame, or else
[1297 and 1280b]
dwelling-place, town ; Lat. ver-na,
one having wealth-fame, i.e. famed for wealth.
who lives in the house, i.e. slave or vasu-sampurna, a. treasure-filled.
'one who dwells in the land, i.e. native,' [Vlpr, 'fill.']

Eng. domestic, servant,' and domestic,

V vasuya (vasuyati). crave good, [de-
not foreign AS. wes-an, ' be ' ; Eng.
nom. of vasu, 1058 1 1061.] ,

was, were.~] vasuya, f. desire for good; longing.

+ take up one's abode in (a
, place),
[V vasuya, 1149 .]
occupy; enter upon, 62 .
vastr, TO. illuminer; or, as adj., lighting
+ ud, cans, (cause to abide out, i.e.) up. [Vivas, 'shine,' 1182, 375 8 .]
remove from its place, 97
u? . vastr a, n. garment, piece of clothing;
up a, 1. stay with; wait; 2. (with cloth.
[V2vas, 'clothe,' 1185a.]
a specialization of mg like that in Eng. vastra-vestita.a. covered with clothes,
abs-tain, 'hold off, esp. from food or well dressed.

drink') wait, and so stop (eating), fast. vastranta, m. border of a garment,

-f ni, dwell (of men and of beasts). [anta.]
+ p r a t i , have one's dwelling. V vah (vahati, -te; uvaha, uhe; avaksit;
V 4 vas (vasayati; vasita). cut. [cf Lat.
vaksyati; udha[222]; vodhum; udhva;
vomis, *vos-mis, vomer,
plow-share, colter.'] -lihya; uhyate). 1. conduct, 84
u ;

-f- ud ,
cut away or off, 97 14 1.
carry, esp. the oblation, 85
93 M , 94 *; ,

vasanta, m. spring. ['the dawning or bring with team, 73

n 81 u or car, 72 *, , ,

lighting-up' year-time, Vivas, 11 72 -*:

s 87 w draw (wagon), guide (horses)
; 2. ;

see 1 vas : cf. <eap, *Fe<r-ap, Lat. ver, *ve-er, intrans. travel; proceed (in a wagon);
*ves-er, 'spring.'] 3. pass, be borne along ; 4. flow,
vasistha, a. most excellent, best; as m. carry with itself (of water) ; 5. (like

Vasishtha, name of one of the most Ger. heimfiihren) bring home to the
famous Vedic seers, 78 19 N. [formed as groom's house, wed; 6. carry, 43 Ui16 ,

superl. vasu, fr. Vivas as a verbal

to 52 9 bear, 26 * carry far and wide, i.e.
; ;

(467), the verbal having the same trans- spread (a poem, fragrance), 54 .

' '
ferred sense as the adj. vasu, q.v.] [for *vagh : cf .
ox os > *FOX OS > wagon ;

vasu, a. excellent, good; 1. as m. good OXOA"" 'ride'; Lat. veh-ere, 'carry'; vehi-
(of gods), 76
; -2. as m. pi. The Good culum, 'wagon'; AS. weg-an, 'carry, bear,'
Ones, the Vasus, a class of gods, RV.x. whence Eng. weigh, 'lift' (as in weigh
125. 1 ;
3. as n. sing, and pi. good, anchor), 'find weight of by lifting' (cf.

goods, wealth, shining, i.e. splen-

bhara) ;
or wxn, Eng. wain,
did,' V 1 vas,
shine,' but w. a transfer of Dutch wagen (whence the borrowed Eng.
mg like that in the Eng. splendid as used wagon), 'that which is drawn, i.e. wagon';
' '
by the vulgar for excellent : connection that which
further, Lat. vi-a, ve-a, *veh-ia,

w. r vs,t 'good,'tvs, and *l, 'well,' is im- is be travelled over, way'; AS. weg,
' '
probable, see ayu.] Eng. way, that which carries one to a
vasu-dha [352], a. yielding good; vasu- place.]
dha [364], / the earth ; the land. + a bring hither
, or to.

vasudhadhipa, m. (lord of the earth, + ud, 1. bear or bring up; 2. esp.

i.e.) king, prince, [adhipa.] lead out (a bride from her father's house),
vasum-dhara, a. holding good or wed.
treasures ; -a, [vasum +
/. the earth, + pari, 1. lead about; 2. esp. lead

dhara, 1250a: we should expect vasu about (the bride or the wedding proces-
(ace. s. neuter, or stem), not vasu-m sion), wed.
(masculine!), 341.] + p r a carry onward.
[241] [V vajaya

+ vi, lead away, esp. the bride from her va, yadi va , va, 28
;, va,
parents' house, and so wed, marry; mid. va_api, 62
; , (va omitted),
get married. va, 61 Q2 1
va, , ; finally, na,
+ s a m carry together carry,, ; va^api, nor nor
ca, neither , , ,

vah, vbl. carrying, drawing, in cpds. 63 4 atha va, see atha 6; uta va, see

[Vvah.] uta 2. va, for eva, 59 10 N.

; 3. with ;

vahatii, m. wedding procession ; wedding. interrogates: kimva, what possibly,

[Vvah, 1161c.] 17 19 so 18 i.
; [cf Lat. -ve, or.']

vahya, n. portable bed, litter. [Vvah, vakya, n. 1. speech, words; 2. as

1213 : for mg, cf. Eng. bier and verb technical term, periphrasis,

bear.'] sutas/or virasena-sutas. [Vvac.]

vahye-gaya,a. lying on litters, [vahya, v a g - d o s a t by or as a bad consequence

1250c :
acct, 1270.] of his voice, i.e. because he was fool
V Iva (vati; vavati; avasit [882]; vas- enough to let his voice be heard, [vac :

yati; vata; vatum; vapayati [1042d]). see dosa.]

' '
blow, [cf aiifj-t, *a-Frj-ytti, blow
. Goth. ; vaghat [like dasat, 444 ], m. the pledg-

va-ian, Ger. weh-en, AS. wdwan, 'blow'; ing one, i.e. institutor of a sacrifice, not
' ' '
aii-pa, breeze ; cb?p, *aFr)p, ' air ; Lat. the priest, but the yajamana. [perhaps
vetitu-s (a participial form which has akin are ttf^-oyttcu, Lat. vovere, *vogv-ere,
made a transition to the vowel-declension '

cf. vasanta and 1172 3 ' 4
), 'wind,' Eng. vanmaya, a. consisting of voice or
wind; AS. we-der, Eng. wea-ther, 'wind utterance. [vac : see 1225 2 and
(e.g. in weather-cock), condition of the air :
see vata and vayii, wind.'] '
vac [391], f. 1. speech, voice, word,
+ a, blow hither. utterance, sound ; vacam vy-a-hr, utter
words, 3 , and vacam vad, speak words,
+ nis, 1. (blow out, intransitively, i.e.)

go be extinguished;
out, 2. intrans. 94 9 , verb-phrases, used like a simple verb
(blow till one gets one's breath, and so) of speaking, and construed w. the ace. of
cool off; cans. 1. extinguish; 2. the person (see 274b) ; perhaps (utterance,
cool off, transitively, i.e. refresh. i.e.) sacred text, 91 2 ; 2. personified, The
+ para, blow away. Word, Vach, Aoyos. [v/vac, q.v.]
+ p r a blow or move forward, intrans.
, vacam-yama, a. restraining or holding

+ vi, blow asunder, i.e. scatter to the one's voice, silent. [1250a, 1270 and b.]

winds. vacaka, a. speaking ;

as m. speaker.
V 2va (vayati [761d2]; uvaya [784 ];
[Vvac, 1181.]
vayisyati; uta; 6tum; uyate). weave, vacika, a. verbal, consisting of words,
interweave, both lit., and also (like Lat. [vac, 1222e.]
serere), fig., of hymns and songs; plait. vacya, grdv. 1. to be spoken; 2. to
' '
[orig. idea perhaps ' wind or '
plait : be spoken to. [Vvac, 1213a.]
root-forms are u, va, and vi : cf. iVe'o, v aj a m. ,
1. swiftness ; courage,
esp. of the
' ' ' '
*p;T6o, willow ; ola-os, osier ; Lat. vi-ere, horse; 2. race, struggle; 3. prize of
' '
plaited work
' '
plait ; vi-men, ; olvii, race or contest; booty; reward in general;
; olvos,
wine ;
Lat. vlnum, '
wine ' ; treasure, good. [prob. akin w. Vvaj, q.v.:
strength and liveliness,' that in
' '
Eng. withy or withe, pliant
vi-tis, vine,' orig.
twig,' Ger. Weide, ' withe, willow.'] which strength and courage show them-
va, enclitic particle, following its word. 1. selves,' and then 'the result of quick
17 23
or; va, va, 50 64 *>, ,
96 i 2 -
and brave struggle.']
6 29 64 18 9
9718,19. % va, 77 , 24 6, 59 '

, , V vajaya (only in ppl., vajayant). crave

972.3.16^ 10 42i. similarly, 35 6, 59, 84 9 treasure; seek good, 74 16
cf. ; Vvaj.
;; va, 20
4 91 9 -further:
, ; [denom. of vaja, 1058.]
Vvafich] [242]

V vanch (vanchati; vanchita). wish, [for vayasa, m. 1. bird; 2. esp. crow;

*vansk, orig. inchoative (cf. V 1 is) to -si, f. crow-hen. [Ivayas, 'bird,' 1208a.]

v'van, q.v. cf. Ger. Wunsch, 'a, wish'; vayii, m. wind,

[v'l va, 'blow,' 1165.]
AS. wusc, 'a. wish,' whence verb wyscan, var, n. water, [cf. ovp-o-v, orig. 'water,'

'wish,' whence Eng. verb wish, whence and so, as hi Eng., urine Lat. urlndri, '

' ' '

stay under water

noun wish.'] ur-lna, urine Ur-ia, ; ;


vanijya, n. merchant's business, trade, Water-town,' a port in Apulia ; prob.

[vanij, 1211.] akin is AS. wser, 'sea.']
vata, m. 2. Vata, god 1 var a,
1. wind; m. tail-hair, esp. of a horse,
of the blow
wind. acct, [V 1 va,
[prob. akin w. ovpr], 'tail.'] :

1176c cf. Icelandic OS-inn, AS. Wod-en, 2 var a, m.

: 1. choice treasure; 2.

Old High Ger. Wuot-an, names of the moment chosen or determined for any
highest Germanic god, Odin: the name thing, appointed time, turn; 3. time

still lives in the Eng. Wednes-day, AS. (as used with numerals); varam varam,
Wodn-es dseg : some connect Woden w. time and again; 4. the time or turn

(of one of the planets which rule in suc-

V vat, inspire, excite.']
vata-svanas, a. having the roar of the cession the days of the week), and so,
' '

wind, i.e. blustering, exhibiting noisy day of the week, day. [V 2 vr, choose :

identified by some w. &pa, time, seasqn,'

violence, tumultuous.
vataikabhaksa, a. having wind as sole see under Vya.]

food, i.e. fasting, [vata - ekabhaksa.] var ana, a. warding off (those that attack

vada, m. speech, expression, statement. it), and strong or ungovernable (of


[Vvad.] wild beasts); as m. elephant. [\lvr,

vada-yuddha, n. speech-fight, i.e. con- 'cover, ward off,' 1150. lb.]

troversy. varanasi, f. Varanasi, the modern

vadayuddha-pradhana, a. devoted to Benares.
controversy ;
as m. eminent controver- vari, n. water,
[see var.]
sialist.] vari-stha, situated in the water, t.e.
vadin, a. speaking. [Vvad, 1183 .] (of the sun's disk) reflected in the water.
vanaprastha, m. a Brahman of the vavd, particle, emphasizing the word which
third order, who has passed through the it
follows. surely, just. [for double
stages of student and householder (see acct, see Whitney 94.]
agrama) and dwells in the woods, 65 N. ; V vag_ (va^yate [761c] ;
vavae ; avi-
hermit. [vanaprastha for mg, cf. :
vagat [861]; vacita vagitva). bleat; ;

tpr)/j.lrr)s, Eng. hermit, and iprift-la, 'soli- low; cry (of birds), [see vaa, Lat.
tude, desert.'] vacca, 'cow,' and vagra.]
vanara, HI. monkey, ape. vac_rA, a. lowing (of kine). [Vvac,,
vapl, f. oblong pond; lake. [V2vap, 1188a.]
heap up, dam and
up,' so, perhaps, orig. vasd, m. 1. prop, a staying overnight;
'a dam' (cf. x^A"1 * 'dam,' from x<ta, abiding, 32 5 3. abiding-place, ;

'throw or heap up'), and then, by me- 23 2 \ [V3vas, 'dwell': for mg, cf.
tonymy, 'the pond made by the dam.'] bhavana.]
vapi-jala, n. lake-water, [perhaps the vasa-bhumi.y. dwelling-place.
first element is here to be taken in its orig. vasara, 1. in Veda, as adj. of the
sense of '
dam,' so that the whole means dawn ; ritptos ; 2. in classical Skt.,
dam-water,' and so
' '
prop. pond-water.'] neuter, used as subst., also masculine, (prop.
vain, see 491. time of dawn, as distinguished from
yam a, a. lovely, pleasant; as n. & lovely night, and so) day in general, [prop, a
thing, a joy. [Vvan: cf. dhuma and secondary deriv. (1188d) fr. an obsolete
I 1 dhvan.] *vaa-ar,
dawn/ V 1 vas,
dawn ; see
[243] [V 1 vid

1vas and for the form vas-ar, cf eap

: .
vicaksana, a. appearing far and wide,
and i-er, there given, and ah-ar, udh-ar, conspicuous; or, far-seeing. [\/caks + vi.]
430.] vi-citra, a. 1. very variegated; 2.

vasa-veman, n. chamber for spending differently colored, varied; 3. (full of

the night, sleeping-room. variety and surprises, and so) entertain-
vasas, n. garment. [V2 vas, 'clothe.'] ing, beautiful,[in mg 1, vi- has perhaps
vasin, a. dwelling. [\/3vas, 'dwell,' intensive force in 2, perhaps variative.]

1183 3 .] V vij (vijate; vivij6; avikta [834c]; vijis-

vast a vy a, a. belonging to an abode; yati; vigna). move with a quick darting
as m. inhabitant, [vastu, 1212(12.] motion, aiaaeiv ; (like Eng. start) move
vastu, m. n. dwelling. [\/3vas, 'dwell,' suddenly from fear. [cf. AS. wlc-an,
'give way'; Eng. weak, 'yielding, soft,
vastos-pati, m. lord or Genius of the feeble.']
2 N.
dwelling, 77 [vastos, gen. of vastu . + ud , start up ;
be affrighted ; udvigna,
(1250d) + pati: acct, 1267a and d.] terrified.

vaha, a. off.
carrying; carrying
[Vvah.] vij ay a, m. victory; personijied, Victory,
vahana, carrying off; as n.
a. 1. beast name of a rabbit. [Vji + vi.]
of burden, 56 s beast for riding; team; ; vijiti,/. conquest, [v'ji + vi.]
vehicle 2. the carrying, 34 13
; [\/ vah,
vijitendriya, a. having the organs of
1150. lb.] sense subdued, [vijita + indriya.]
1 vi [343e], m. bird. [cf. olwvos, *bri- vijneya, grdv. to be known or considered
cavos, Lat. avi-s, '
bird.'] as. [Vjna + vi, 963 3 a.]
2 vi, preposition. apart, asunder, away, vin-mutra, n. faeces and urine, [vis,
out denoting intensity in descriptive cpds
; 226b, 161 : for cpd, 1253b.]
(1289), cf. vicitra, vibudha; denoting vitatha, a. false, ['differing from the
separation or non-agreement in possessive so,' vi + tatha, 1314a.]
cpds (1305), cf. vimanas, etc. ; similarly vitathabhinivega, m. inclination to-
in the prepositional cpd (1310a), vipriya. wards that which is false,
vingati [485], f. twenty. [cf. eftcoo-i, vitasti, f. a span, about nine inches or
Boeotian FI/COTJ, Lat. vlginti, '
twenty.'] twelve fingers, [prob. fr. Vtan + vi, and
so a stretch from the tip of the thumb
' '
vikata, a. 1. exceeding the usual meas-
ure; and so 2. (like Eng. enormous) to that of little finger: for
mg, cf. Eng.
monstrous, hideous; as m. Hideous, noun span and verb span, 'extend over/
name of a gander, [cf. 1245g.] and see vyama.]
vikrama, m. a stepping out, appearance ; vitana, m. n. 1. spreading out, exten-
esp. bold or courageous advance, courage, sion ;
2. [V tan + vi
canopy. for :
might. [V kram + vi.] 2, cf. Eng. expanse (of heaven) and ex-

vigata-samkalpa, a. with vanished pand.^

purpose, purposeless. [V gam. + vi : vitta, ppl. gotten; as n. (like Lat. quaes-
1299.] tus) gettings, that which is got, property.
vigulpha, a. abundant. [origin un- [V2vid, 'get.']
clear.] Vivid (v6tti; v6da [790a] ;
avedit ;

vigraha, m. 1. separation; and so 2. vedisyati, -te ; vetsyati, -te ;

vidit& ;

division; and so 3. discord, quarrel, veditum, v6ttum ; -vidya ve-

viditva ; ;

war. [V grab + vi.] dayati). 1. know; understand; per-

V vie (vinakti; vikta; vektum; -vicya). ceive ; ya evam veda, who knoweth thus,
separate, esp. grain from chaff by win- who hath this knowledge, frequent formula
nowing ; separate, in general. in the Brdhmanas,$7 vidyat, one should

+ vi, separate out or apart; vivikta, know, it should be known or understood ;

isolated, ana* so lonely. 2. recognize as ;

nalam mam viddhi,
V 2 vid] [244]

recognize as N., know that I am N.

me [vidarbha- does not stand in the rela- ;

be mindful of, 75 ls bethink

3. notice ;
tion of a gen. of appellation see 295 a
.] ; :

one's self, 94 6 10 ; 4. believe; assume; vidarbh,a-pati,

m. lord or king of
consider a person (ace.) to be (ace.), Vidarbha.
43 19 ; ppl, vidvans, see s.v. vidarbha-raj an, m. king of Vidarbha.
[whh v6da, vidma, cf. oT5a, fSyuev, AS. vid a sin, a. becoming exhausted, drying
know, we know
we ' 3
tc wat, witon, I ; Eng. up. [V das + vi, 1183 .]
/ wot, gerund to wit, noun wit,
under- vidya,/ 1. knowledge; a discipline or
' '

standing : cf . also flSov, tiFtSov, '

saw ; science; esp. vidya, the triple
' ' '
Lat. videre, see ; AS. untan,
see ; science or knowledge of the holy word, as
whence wlt-ga, 'seer, soothsayer, wizard' hymn, sacrificial formula, and chant, or

(Icelandic vit-ki, 'wizard'), wicca, 'wizard,' the Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samaveda;
Eng. witch, masc. and fern.
wicce, witch,' : 2. esp. the science /car' e&xhv, i.e. magic;
v6da an old preterito-present, 'have
is a magic formula, spell. [V 1 vid, 1213d :

seen or perceived,' and so, 'know' see for mg 2, observe the equally arbitrary
V2vid: the forms of the other tense- specialization in Eng. spell, which in AS.
systems are comparatively modern.] meant a '
+ anu, know along, i.e. from one end to vidya-dhara, a. keeping or possessed of

the other, know thoroughly. knowledge or the magic art as m. a, Vid- ;

+ ni, caus. cause to know; do to wit; yadhara, one of a class of genii, who are
announce; communicate. attendants on Qiva, and reputed to be
V 2 vid (vindati, -te [758]; viv6da, vivid6; magicians.
avidat, avidata ; vetsyati, -te ; vittd. ; vidya-mada, m. knowledge-intoxication,
v6ttum ;
vittva -vidya). ;
1. find, infatuated pritle in one's learning.

4 12, 13
etc.; get, 74 ; obtain (children), vidyavayo-vrddha, a. grown old in
l(X)5-9 ;
_2. get hold of, 80 ; -3. pass. knowledge and years, distinguished for
vidyate : is found ; later, equiv. to there is, learning and age. [vidya + 3vayas,
there exists; ppl. vidana [619 8 ], found, 1252.]
73 2) ; ppl. vitta, see s.v. vidyut, 1. a. lightening; and so, as in

[orig. ident. w. Vivid, of which this is Eng., 2. /. lightning. [Vdyut + vi,

only another aspect, namely that of see- 'lighten']
ing esp. an object looked for, i.e. of vidvaj-jana, m. wise man. [vidvans,
finding': see Ivid.] 1249a, 202.]
+ .anu, find. vidvans [461], ppl. knowing; wise, 17 18 ,

vid, vbl. knowing, at end of cpds. [V 1 vid.] etc.; learned; tvasta vidvan, a cunning
vida, a. knowing, at end of cpds. [do.] workman (cf. Eng. cunning and Old Eng.
vidatra, a. noticing, in cpds. [Vivid, cunnen, 'know'), 75 .
[Vivid, 'know,'
803 2
1185d.] 790a, .]

vidatha, n. directions, orders, [prop. V 1 vidh (vidhati). worship a god (dat.)

knowledge given, i.e. instructions,' with (instr.) ; honor (ace.) with (instr.).
Vivid, 1163b.] [cf. vedhas.]
vidarhha, 1. m. pi. the Vidarbhans, V 2 vidh (vindhate). lack or be without a
Vidarbha, name of a people, and of their thing (instr.), viduari; be bereft or alone,
country, which was south of the Vindhya [see vidhava.]
mountains, and is now called Berar; 2. 3vidh, see Vvyadh.
m. sing. Vidarbha, i.e. a king of Vidarbha, vidh, vbl. boring through, wounding, at

42 .
[for mg 2, cf. "Norway, uncle of end of cpds. [V 3 vidh or vyadh, 252, cf.

young Fortinbras," Hamlet, i.2.28.] 785.]

vidarbha-nagari, f. city or capital vidhdva,/ widow. '
[V 2 vidh, be bereft,'
of Vidarbha, i.e. Kundina (kundina). 1190: cf. ii-i6eos, 'youth without a wife
[245] [vibhidaka
' '
bachelor ;
Lat. viduus, vidua, widower, V vip (vepate; vivipe avepista; vepa- ;

widow ;
AS. widwe, wuduwe, Eng. widow."] yati). be in trembling agitation; tremble
vridha, /. proportion, measure; way; and or shake ;
cans, shake, trans, [cf. Lat.
so kind, sort ; esp. at end of cpds [see vibrdre, 'shake, brandish/ from *vib-ru-s,
1302c 6] :
e.g. tri-vidha, of three kinds, mvip-ru-s, 'shaking'; AS. wsefre (formed
three-fold, [prop.
dis-position, arrange- like *vip-ru-s), moving this way and

ment, order, method,' see V 1 dha + vi.] that,' whence Eng. waver; Eng. frequen-
grdv. to be shown. [VI dha

vidhatavya, tative whiffle, veer about, blow in gusts


+ vi, mg 5.] whiffle-tree, so called from its constant

vidhatf, m. dis-poser, arranger. [VI dha jerky motion (-tree means 'wooden bar,'
-f vi.] see daru).]
vidhana, n. a dis-position, ordering, ordi- vip ana, m. trading-place, shop; -I, f.
nance; vidhanatas, according to (estab- [Vpan + vi, 1156.] shop.
lished) ordinance. [VI dha + vi, 1150.] vipatti,/. a coming to nought, destruc-
vidhi, m. 1. a dis-position, ordinance, tion. [Vpad + vi, 1157.]
prescription, rule (65 ), method; 2. vipad, / misfortune, trouble. [Vpad +
(method, i.e.) way, 3S ; procedure; 3. vi, 383a.]

(the supreme disposition or ordaining, i.e.) vipaka, m. the ripening, esp. of the fruit
destiny, fate. [Vldha + vi, 1155. 2e, of good or bad deeds, and so the conse-
345 2 for
3, cf Lat. destinare,
estab- .
quences ; the issue, in general. [Vpac +
lish, ordain,' and Eng. destiny."] vi, 216.1.]

vidhivat, adv. according to rule; equiv. vipra, 1. a. agitated, inspired; as subst.

to Lat. rite, [vidhi, 1107.] he who gives utterance to pious emotion
vidhu, a. lonely (of the moon that at the altar, poet, singer, 74 11 18 ; 2. -

wanders alone among the star-hosts) ;

a. (inspired, i.e.) gifted with superior
as m. moon. 13> 17
[prob. fr. V2vidh, 1178.] insight, wise, of a god, 79 ;
3. as TO.

vidhura, a. 1. alone, bereft; 2. suf- a Brahman, 60 15 etc. [Vvip, 1188a: ,

fering lack, miserable ; 3. disagreeable ; mg 3 is to be taken directly from 1.]

as n. trouble, [prob. fr. V2 vidh, through vipriya, a. not dear, unpleasant; as n.
the intermediate vidhu, 1188f.] something disagreeable, an offense. [2 vi
vidhnra-dargana, n. sight of adversity. + priya, see vi and 1310a end.]
vidheya, grdv. to be done, [see VI dha vi-budha, a. very wise (vi- is intensive,
+ vi, mg5: also 963 8 a.] 1289) as m. a god. ;

vinaya, m. 1. training, breeding, i.e. vibudhanucara, ?H. attendant of a god.

formation of manners; and so 2. trans- [anucara.]
ferred (like the Eng. breeding), manners, vibudhevara, m. a lord of the gods.
good breeding, politeness. [Vnl + vi.] [igvara.]
vina, prep, without, w. instr. or ace. [1127, vibhava, m. 1. development or growth;
1129.] 2. (the result of growth, power,

viniti, f. (good breeding, esp.) modesty. ana* so lordship, majesty, high position ;

[Vni +
vi: see vinaya.] 3. sing, and pi. (like Ger. Vermogen)
vino da, m. exactly like Eng. di-version; property, possessions. [V bhu + vi : cf .

amusement, [see V nud + vi.] vibhu and vibhuti.]

V vind, see V2vid. vibhavan, f. -vari, a. shining far and
vindhya, m. Vindhya, name of the wide. [Vbha + vi, 1169. Ib and 22 ,

mountain-range crossing the Indian pen-

insula and separating Hindustan from vibhidaka, m. n. the large tree Termi-
the Deccan. nalia Bellerica; one of the nuts of this
vindhyatavl, /. the Vindhya-forest. tree, which were used for dicing; a die,

[atavL] dice, [perhaps 'the destroyer,' fr. Vbhid

vibhu] [246]

+ vi : if so, we must suppose that the vivaha, m. fetching home of the bride,
name was first given to the die as die, wedding, marriage. [Vvah + vi.]
and applied secondarily to nut and vivaha-catustay a, n.
tree.] the marrying of four wives.
ternion, i.e.

vibhii, a. 1. pervading, far-reaching; vivahagni, m. wedding-fire, [agni.]

unlimited, 74 ; 2. powerful, mighty, vividha, a. having different kinds, i.e.

of Indra, 6 12 - 15
; as subst. lord or ruler. of different sorts, various. [2 vi + vidha,
[Vbhu + vi, 354: for 2, cf. vibhava 1 334 2 , 1305.]
and 2, and vibhuti.] vivrddhi, f. growth; increase in size;
vfbhuti,y. 1. development or growth; increase. [Vvrdh + vi, 1157. Id.]
2. (the result of growth, i.e.) power, viveka, m. 1. a separating apart ;

esp. of a lord or ruler. [Vbhu + vi, 1157d :

discrimination, discernment, good judg-
cf.vibhava and vibhu.] ment. [Vvic + vi, 216.1: for mg 2, cf.
vi-manas, a. (having an away-removed discrimination w. Lat. discrimindre, ' sepa-
mind or heart, i.e.) out of one's senses or rate/ fr. discrimen of the same root as
' '
disheartened. [1305.] discernere, separate ; cf also discernment

vimarda, m. destruction; (of sleep) dis- with discernere..]

turbance. [Vmrd+vi.] V vi (viati, -te; vivea, vivic^ ; aviksat;
vimana, traversing, esp. the sky;
a. veksyati, -te ; vista vestum ; ; -vigya ;

as m. n. a palatial car of the gods that vegayati). settle down; go in; go into,
moves through the air, sky-chariot. enter, [with vea, 'house/ cf. O!KOS,
ma + vi,
[V 1
measure/ q.v. 1150.]
: 'house' (analogous to entry from enter);
vi-mukha, a. having the face away; Lat. vlcus, 'settlement, village/ whence
vimukha yanti, they go (with averted the borrowed AS. wlc, '
village ; Goth.
' '
faces, i.e.) homewards. [1305.] veihs, village ; Lat. villa, *vic(u)la,
vi-rajas, a. having dust away, dustless, settlement, farm': see further vfg and

pure. [1305.] vec.a.]

viraha, m. 1. abandonment, separation + a, go into, enter; pervade, KV.x. 125.6;
from ;
2. absence, freedom from. [V rah avista : actively, having entered passively, ;

+ vi.] entered by, filled with ;

caus. cause to

virama, m. stop, end, pause. [Vram+vi.] go into, put into, communicate.

virodhin, a. hindering, disturbing. + upa, settle down upon; sit down;
[Vrudh + vi, 1183 3 .] upavista, seated.
vilasa, m. joy. [V las + vi.] + ni, mid. go in; go home (to house or
vivara, m. n. opening; hole (of creatures nest) ; settle down to rest.
that live in the ground). [Vlvr + vi, + abhi-ni, settle down to ;
be inclined
'uncover, open.'] towards, fig., be bent upon,
as in Eng. ;

vi-varna, a. having the color away, -fpra, enter, get into; w. ace., 85 ;

colorless, pale. [1305.] w. loc., 18 23 ;

without expressed object :

vivarna-vadana,a. pale-faced. [1298a.] enter, 8*; go in, 33"; go home, 103 21 ;

vivasvan, a. lighting up; vivasvabhis, penetrate, pierce ;

caus. cause to enter.
as adv. [1112c], so that it lights up as n.; ; + sam-pra, go in;w. grham, go home;
perhaps, flash, spark. [V 1 vas + vi, light '
w. niveganam, go to bed ; enter, w. loc.

up,' 1169b.] + sam ,

enter together, i.e. make their

vivasvant, a. lighting up; as m. Vivas- appearance together or come hither to-

vant, name of a god of the dawning day- gether, 86
16 caus. cause to enter upon,

light or morning-sun, father of the twins put or set upon.

Yama and Yami and of the A9vins, viQ (vit, vigam, vidbhis [218 3 ]), / - 1. a
8513.H. [Vlvas + vi, 'light up,' see settlement, i.e. dwelling-place ;
ana" so

1233e.] house ;
2. a settlement, i.e. the com-
[247] [vis

munity, clan, folk; vigam patis, lord of T& TTOJ', 92 12 ; 2. sometimes, entire, whole ;

17 .
peoples, simply prince ; tribe or host
i.e. so 71
(of gods), 71 , 78
-3. the folk, as ; vigva-caksas, a. all-beholding, [see
distinguished from the Brahmans and 1296 3 :
acct, 1298c.]
Kshatriyas, the third caste, later called vigvatas, adv. from or on all sides,

vaigya; a man of the third caste, 59 22 .

[vigva, 1098b: acct, 1298c.]

[Vvig, q.v. cf. Acapiees Tpixd-w-es,

: three- vigvato-mukha, a. having a face on
tribed Dorians'; also Keltic vie in Ordo- all sides, whose face is turned every-
vlc-es, people of North Wales, and Lemo- whither. [1306.]
vlc-es, people of modern Limoges.] vigva-dargata, a. to be seen by all,

viganka, f. hesitation. [Vgank + vi, all-conspicuous, [acct, 1273, 1298c.]

1149.] vigva-deva, m. pi. the All-gods (see

vigakha, a. having spread-asunder deva2b), EV. x. 125.1.

[vigva + deva:
branches, i.e. forked -e, dual f. Viyakhe,
; acct, 1280a, 1298c.]
name of an asterism. [2 vi + gakha, vigva-bhesaja, a. all-healing, [vigva
1305, 334 .] + bhesaja: acct, 1280a, 1298c.]

vigakhila, m. Vi9akhila, name of a mer- vigva-gcandra, a. all-sparkling, [vigva

chant, [vigakha, 1227 perhaps named : + gcandra: acct, 1280a, 1298c.]
after the asterism because various green- vigva-sfj, a. all-creating; as m. pi. All-
grocer's commodities belonged to it.] creators, name of certain creative beings.
vigala, a. capacious, spreading, broad. v i g v a d a. all-consuming, [vigva + ad.]

vigistata, f. condition of being distin- vigvayu, assumed as stem of vigvayos,

guished, distinction, superiority, [vigista, 75 1 prop, a form of transition to the u-

1237 see gis + vi.]

: declension of the stem vigvayus, and mean-

vigesa, m. 1. that which separates or ing either friendly to all, all-friendly (if
distinguishes one thing from another, taken with mama, i.e. varunasya), or else
distinction or difference ; and so 2. (like all living creatures (if taken with rastram,

Eng. distinction) eminence, excellence ; 'lordship over') ;

see vigvayus 1 and 2.

vigesena, as adv. [1112b], to an eminent vigvayus, 1. a. belonging to or appear-

degree, i.e. very much, especially, like ing to all life or living creatures, i.e.

French par excellence. [V gis + vi.] either friendly to all or all-known (applied
vigesatas, adv. 1. at end of a cpd, to gods), or else dwelling in all (of the
according to the difference of 66 28 , ; Genius of Life), 85 18 ;
-2. as n. all-life,
2. (like vigesena, see above) especially, i.e. all living creatures, men and beasts,

[vigesa, 1098b.] [vigva + ayus, acct, 1280a, 1298c : for

vig-pati, m. master of the house. mg 1, see 1294 2 .]
[euphony, 218 acct, : 1267a: cf. Old vigvasa, m. confidence. [Vgvas + vi.]
Prussian wais-patti-n, '
house-mistress ;
vigvasa-karana, n. reason for con-
Lithuanian vesz-pat-s,

lord.'] fidence.

vigrabdham, see
Vgrambh. vigvasa-bhumi, /. proper vessel for
vigrambha, m. confidence. [Vgrambh confidence, one who may safely be
+ vi.] trusted.

vigrambhalapa, m. confidence-talk, vigvaha, adv. always, for evermore,

familiar conversation, [alapa.] [vigva, see HOOa and cf. 1104 2 - 8
vigva [524], pron. adj. la. all, every; cf. 1298c.]
every one ;
common in Veda, but replaced V vis (vivesti; viv6sa; veksydti, -te;
in the Brahmana and later by sarva, q.v.; vista; -visya). work, be active, accom-
Ib. vigve devas : all the gods, 82 l ; or plish.
the All-gods (as a class, see deva 2b), vis (vit, visam, vidbhis), f. excrement,
88 G 8 , 90 8 ; -Ic. vigvam, as n. The All,
visa] [248]

visa, n. poison. [prop, 'the potent or visvanc [408], a. directed in both ways or

overpowering,' Vvis: no less arbitrary is parted asunder, [visu + anc, 407.]

the specialization in Eng. poison, fr. Lat. visa rj ana, n. the letting go ; evacuation.
potionem, 'draught': cf. Us, Fjo-or, Lat. [Vsrj +vi.]
virus, 'poison.'] vispasta, see VI pag + vi.
visa-kumbha, m. jar of poison. vispastartha, a. having clear or intel-
visaya, prop, working, and so
m. 1. ligible meaning, [artha.]
sphere of activity or influence ; 2. one's vismaya, m. astonishment. [Vsmi + vi.]
department or line or peculiar province ; vismayanvita, a. filled with astonish-
and so, generalized 3. province, field, ment, [anvita, V i + anu.]
domain, empire, country; 4. field of vi-hasta, a. 1. having the hands away,
activity of one of the sense-organs (e.g., handless ;
and so 2. (like Eng. un-
sound the visaya of the ear), a mere
is handy) awkward; and so 3. perplexed,
specialization of mg 1 object of sense, ; confounded. [1305.]
pleasure of sense 5. object in general.
; viharin, a. wandering about. [Vlhr +
[Vvis: but the formation of the stem is vi, 1183 8 .]
not clear.] V Ivi (veti; vivaya, vivye; vita). 1.

visada, m. despondency, dejection. [Vsad seek eagerly; 2. accept gladly; enjoy;

3. strive to get; 4. fall upon.
visu, adv. on both sides. [cf . Lat. vendri,
hunt,' a denom. of
visuvat- samkr anti, f. equinox-passage *ve-na,
hunt '
AS. wci-ft,
hunt '
(of the sun from one zodiacal sign to the High Ger. weida,
1. the seeking, esp. of
next) ;
the time of equinox-passage, the food, i.e. hunting, fishing, and then 2. place
equinox, [visuvant.] for getting food, pasture, and 3. food,
-vi suv ant, 1. a. having or taking part fodder ; weida appears w. mg 1 in Ger.
on both sides, i.e. keeping or being in the Waid-mann, 'hunter' (also as family
middle; 2. m. middle day (e.g. of a name, Weidmann, 'Hunter'), and w. mgs
long sacrifice); 3. m. n. esp. middle 2 and 3 in Weide, pasture, food per-


day between the solstices, the vernal or haps 2 vayas, food,' q.v., comes f r. V vi
in mg 1, seek for, hunt,' and in this case
autumnal equinox. [visu, 1233c and
b end.] the development of mg is like that of
V vist (vestate; vistita; -vSstya; vesta- weida 3 and like that of Lat. venation-em,
hunting, game,' whence Eng.
yati). wind one's self about; caus. wind venison."]

around, envelope, wrap + upa, seek after.

up, dress.
vlsnu, m. Vishnu, name of a god, whose V 2 vi, see vya.
chief work in the Veda is the measuring v i n a f. lute. ,

of the sky in three paces, and who became vita, see Vi + vi; also referable to roots vi
one of the Hindu Trinity, and extremely and vya.
important in the later sectarian devel- vita-darpa, a. having one's pride de-
opment ofIndia; cf. brahman 2 and parted; humbled. [Vi+vi.]
giva. [prob. 'the mighty worker,' Vvis, vita-raga, a. having one's passions de-
1162.] parted, i.e. having conquered one's pas-
m. sions,
visnu-garman , Vishm^arman, [do.]
name of a sage. [' having V. as his vira, m. 1. man; esp. man of might,

protection' or else 'the delight of V.': hero ;

in pi. Manner ;
2. hero, applied
the mg of the cpd depends on its accent to gods; 3. pi. (like Eng. men) re-

(see 1302
1 and
1267 : ), and this is not tainers, Mannen, 86 6 . [cognate with

known.] 3 vayas, '

strength : cf Lat. vir,
. AS. wer,

visnugarma-naman, a. possessing vis-

manly or heroic man '
; Eng. were-wolf,
name, named V.
as 2 '
nuQarman [1249a .] man-wolf.']
[249] [vrksopari

V viraya(virayate [1067]). be a hero, (covered with, i.e.) filled with, provided

one's self brave, [vira, 1058.] with, 66 1.

viravant, a. having or rich in men or + s a m - a cover samavrta, surrounded., ;

heroic sons, [vira, 1233a.] + ni, keep down, suppress, ward off;
vira- su [352], a. bringing forth heroes cans. [1041 2 ], stop, 98 4 .

(as sons). + nis ,

in ppl. nirvrta, pleased, con-
virasena, a. possessing a virasena or tented, free from care. [prop.
hero-army ;
as subst. m. Virasena, king ered, not covered over, i.e. not dark or
of Nishadha, like the Greek 'Hp6-crrpaTos in gloomy,' and so clear, bright cf
: .

formation and mg. [vlra-sena, 334 , V 1 VT + vi, which shows a similar meta-
1297 acct, 1295.]
virasena-suta, m. Virasena's son, I 8. + pari, surround.
[1264.] + p r a cover. ,

vlra-sena,/. hero-army, army of heroes, + sam-pra, mid. cover completely.

[vird + s6na, 1280b acct, 1280 .] : + v i uncover, open make open or clear,
, ;

virya, n. 1. manliness, courage; illume, [cf. vllvr + nis.]

strength 2. ; concrete, heroic deed, + s am, 1. cover over; 2. keep to-

[vira, 1212 d 4.] gether or in order, and so put in order,

vihasta, for vihasta, q.v., 52 12 .
gather up, 26 \
1087 b.] V 2vr(vrnite; vavre; avrta; varisyate;
V Ivr (vrn6ti, vrnut6; vavara, vavre; vrtd varitum [254 3 ]
varitva caus. ; ;

avarft ; vrtd ; varitum, vartum ;

vrtva ; varayati, -te [1042b ]). choose; prefer;

-vftya; varayati). 1. cover, enclose, desire, wish choose for one's self, make ;

encompass; surround, i.e.

guard, 11 * ; one's portion, 70 5 , 86 u varam
; vr, wish
2. offensively, keep in, hold back or a wish, make a condition, 94 1 ;

captive ; vrta, pent up, 75 14 ;

3. de-
fensively, hold back, keep in check (75 n ), [cf Lat. volo,
. Old Eng. wol, wul, '

ward off, hinder, restrain ;
cans. '
will,' still I wol not living in / won't,

[1041 ], keep back, hinder, stop. Ger. Wahl, choice, selection,' whence '

[cf. f-f\-/j.evos, 'enclosed' and 'held in '
wahlen, select,' Chaucerian wail, select

check,' referred to elfAco, Aeolic e\\<a, Ger. wohl, Eng. well, 'according to one's
' ' '
*F \-vta ; el\ap, *Fe\-ap, cover, defense ; wish (see under 1 vara) :
perhaps akin
Lat. ver-eri, 'be on one's guard, fear'; are f3ov\o/, *fio\, Epic &6\,
vellus, '(cover, i.e.) pelt, fleece'; vallum, 'will,' and f)f\-repos, 'choicer, better,'
defense, palisaded rampart, wall,' whence but this is disputed.]
the borrowed Eng. wall ; Eng. ware, wary, +a , choose, desire.
' '
on one's guard, cautious ;
Ger. wehren, vfka, 1. a. tearing, harming, in a-vrka;
'check, ward off'; Wehre, 'defense'; 2. m. (the tearer, i.e.)
wolf. [\/*vrk or
with vartra, stopping,' and then a dam,' *vrak, simpler form of V vrac
' '
: cf \VKOS, .

cf Ger. Wehr, AS. wer, Eng. weir, '(water-) *F\VKOS, Church Slavonic vluku, Lat. lupus,
stop, dam '
: for other cognates, see uru, Eng. wolf.]
urna, varuna: cf. the derivs vala, vrtra, vrkka, dual m. the kidneys.
variitha, varna, etc.] vrksa, tree, ['that which is felled,'
-t-anu, cover over. V*vrk (1197) or *vrak, simpler form of
+ apa , uncover, open, [cf . the relation Vvragc: for mg, cf. bar his.]
of Ger. decken, cover,' and auf-decken, vrksa-traya, n. tree-triad, three trees.
'uncover.'] vrksatraya-tale, under three (sepa-
+ abhi, cover. rate) trees, see tala.
+a ,
cover ;
avrta :
covered, 33
con- vrksopari, on the tree. [upari: see
cealed; encompassed, surrounded, 39 ; 'l314f.]
\fvrj] [250]

V vrj (vrnakti, vrnkte; vavarja; avark wo worth the day), Ger. werden, 'become';
[832]; varksydti, -te; vrkta; -vfjya; for transition of mg in Eng. and Ger., cf.

varjayati). 1. turn; twist off; 2. Eng. turn, which also means become '


turn or set aside; 3. (turn aside, i.e.) in turn traitor): cf. also Eng. -ward, as
di-vert or
keep away or alienate something in go south-ward, i.e. turned to the south,1
from some one ; fly up-war d, i.e. 'directed up,' etc. (see
anc) ; also Ger.
cans. [1041 -]
1. (set aside, i.e.) Wirt-el, spindle-ring ;

abandon, shun; avoid, 25 , 104 ; -2.
21 Church Slavonic ' '
vret-eno, spindle :

(set aside, take out, and so, like ex-cipere) further akin is, prob., AS. wriZan,
except; varjayitva, with an excepting, twist,' whence come
Eng. writhe ; AS. :

i.e. with exception of, 54 22 leave out, ; wr&ft, 'a twisted band,' Eng. wreath; u-rist,
exclude, separate. earlier hand-wrist, *-wri$-st, 'hand-turner':

[orig. bring out of

its original direction with vrtta, cf Lat. versus, turned,'

turn much
or position, by bending or diverting or whence versdre,
for mgs :


keeping in (in this last sense, cf. vrjana, 3-6 of vrt, cf . Lat. versdri, whose senses
'enclosure/ and l-fpy-w, 'shut in'), and are quite parallel, and the Eng. phrase
" in
so the opposite of Vlrj, 'stretch or reach whom we live and move and have oi:r

straight out,' q.v. : cf.also Lat. vergere, being."]

'bend, turn'; Eng. wrick, 'to twist,' and + anu, roll after; follow; and so, con-
' '

wriggle ; prob. cognate is wring, twist ; tinue.

also Eng. wrong, 'twisted, crooked' (as in + a, act. turn hither (trans.), 73 6 ;
so at

wrong-nosed, Wyclif), 'bad,' which shows 74 n (sc. ratham vas, 'your car'); mid.
the same metaphor as vrjina and French- turn (intrans.), roll back, 63 8 .


Eng. tort, from Lat. torguere,

twist.'] + upa_a, turn hither unto, 93 19 .

vrjana, n. enclosure, esp. enclosed settle- + abhi-pary-a, turn around unto.

ment, and so, either dwelling-place (74
) + vy-a, turn away, intrans.; separate
or the dwellers. [Vvrj, q.v.: 1150. 2c.] from or part with (instr.), 86 8
96 22 .

vrjina, a. crooked, wrong, opp. of rju, -sam-a, turn back to meet; go home,
'straight, right.' [Vvrj, 1177b: for the used esp. of a religious preceptor's pupil
mg, see Vvrj.] who has finished his studies.
V vrt (vartate, -ti; vavarta, vavrte [786]; + ud, turn out (centrifugally), intrans.,
avrtat ; vartisyati, -te ; vartsyati, -te ; fly asunder ; caus. burst asunder or open.
vrtta ; vartitum -vftya vartayati, ; ; + ni, 1. turn back; 2. flee; 3.

-te). 1. turn or roll or move as does a turn away ; 4. turn from, abstain ; ni-

wheel; in general, move or come from vrtta, see s.v.

(all), 76 14 ;
-2. (like Eng. take its + prati-ni, turn back from (all.).

course) go on, take place; happen; eka- + nis, roll out, intrans., and so (with a
payena vrt, go with a diminution-by-one, metaphor like that in the Eng. e-volve itself

i.e. decrease by one, 58 5 ;

3. (move and Ger. sich ent-wickeln) develop, come
one's self about in a place, and so) abide, into being, 92 ;
caus. e-volve from, i.e.
16 .
exist, be, be present ;
murdhni vrt, stand create from (abl), 57
at the head, be chief in importance, 22 21 ; + pari, turn around; move in a circle.
4. be in a certain condition, case, occu- + pra ,
1. turn or move forward 2. ;

pation ;
be concerned with (loc.), 10 s ;
set out; 3. begin, set about; 4. en-

5. live; live by (instr.), i.e. live upon, gage in; pra vrtta, see s.v.; caus. set
104 2 ; proceed, behave
6. 7. atten- ;
in motion.
uated in mg from sense 3 to that of a simple + vi, turn away; part with (instr.), 88 ;

4 caus. whirl about, trans.

copula, be, 51 ; vrtta, see s.v.
[cf . Lat. vert-ere, '
AS. weor'San, sam, unite, intrans., and so take shape,
'become,' Eng. worth, 'become, be to' (in form itself, come into being.
[251] [vrsan

vf t, vbl. turning, in cpds. [\fvrt.j vrddha ;

vardhitum ; vardhayati, -te).
vrtta, ppl. 1. happened (Vvrt2); tad act. trans.: 1. elevate, make to grow,

vrttam, that took place ; 2. existing make greater, strengthen; 2. Jig. ele-

(vrt 3); as n. 1. thing happened, vate inwardly, excite pleasantly, cheer,

occurrence (vrt 2); 2. life, behavior inspire (cf. the metaphor in slang Eng. high,

(vrt 5, 6). 'slightly intoxicated'), used of the effects

vrttanta, m. occurrence, adventures, which the homage and sacrifices of men
story,[anta: force of anta not clear.] are supposed to have on the gods ;

prop, an existing, and so (like

vrtti.,/1 mid. intrans. : 3. grow, 24 ; thrive,
Eng. living) means of subsistence, sup- 69 vardhate, he thrives, i.e. it goes


port. [Vvrt 3, 5: cf. vartana.] well with him, 65 2 grow strong or greater ;

vrtti-nibandhana, n. means of sup- or mighty, 81 2 82 3 increase, 8

60 19 , ; , ;

port. 4. Jig. be pleasantly excited, take de-

vrtta uj as, a. possessing existing strength, light in ; be inspired ;

i.e. mighty, [ojas.] caus. 1. make to grow; make

vrtra, 1. n. that which wards off or strong; bring up (a child), 46
; increase,
holds in check, i.e. the enemy, 75 14 2. ; trans., 64 21 ; 2. fig. excite pleasantly,
m. coverer, encloser; personified, Vritra, cheer, inspire; distinction between the
demon of drought and darkness, principal physical and jig. mgs not always to be made,
personification of the malign power that so 80 19 .

covers or darkens the sky and encom- [cf. B\a.aTi], *F\ad-Ti),


growth, a shoot,'
16 '

passes (70 )
or withholds the heavenly fi\acndv<a,
grow ; op66s, *Fop6os,
' '
waters, selections xxxii. and Ixvii. ;
slain right ;
Lat. verb-er,
a shoot, rod ;

by Indra, 73
see 82 * and 97 19 .
[V 1 vr, ena, '(sacred) twig.']
'cover,' 1185b.J + pra, grow on, grow up; pravrddha,
vrtratara, comparative to vrtra (see (like Lat. altus) exalted.
473 1
the arch-withholder. [acct ir- + v i grow, increase, 2 19

regular, 471, 1242a .] + sam, grow; caus. make to grow; bring
vrtra-putra, having Vritra as son;
a. up nourish, feed.

-a, /. the mother of V. [1302.] vrdh, vbl. being pleased, rejoicing.

vftha, adv. at pleasure; for
will, at '[Vvrdh.]
pleasure, i.e. not for the sake of the gods. V vrs (varsati, -te ; vavarsa, vavrse ;

[V2vr, 'choose, will,' 1101.] avarsit ; varsisyati, -te

vrsta ; varsi-
vrtha-pagughna, a. slaying cattle for tum; vrstva, -vrsya). rain; varsati
pleasure ;
as m. one who slays cattle for [303b], VOVTOS, while
it is raining, [orig.,

pleasure, i.e. not for sacrifice. [1279.] perhaps, more general, 'to pour down,'
vrddha, ppl. I. grown, become great; esp. either the fructifying water of heaven
(masc.) upon the earth (fern.), or semen
increased (of wealth), 42 1G
2. as adj. ;

grown up, opp. of young; old, aged; as of the bull or male animal upon the
subst. old man, 28 12 3. (grown great, ;
female with varsa,
: rain,' cf. e-fpo-at,
and so, like Lat. altus) eminent, distin-
rain-drops with vrsan and vrsabha, ;

boar,' so
guished. [Vvrdh, 160.] bull,' cf . Lat. verres, *vers-es,
vrddhatva, n. condition of being old, named from his great generative power,
old age. [1239.] just as the sow (see su) from her fe-

vrddhi, growth, increase;

/. 2.1. cundity.]
interest (on money lent), 46 20 3. the ; vrsa, used only at end of cpds [1315a] in
(second) increment of a vowel, see 235-6. Veda, but later independently, instead of
[V vrdh, 1157. la, 160.] vrsan.
V vrdh (vardhati, vavardha, va--te ;
vrsan [426b], adj. and subst. describing
vrdhe ; avrdhat, avardhista vartsyati ; ;
or denoting all that was distinguished for
vrsabha] [252]

its strength and virility: 1. man, as 2 vedas, n. (like Lot.

quaestus) gettings,
opposed to a castrated person, 70 ; 2. [V 2 vid, get.']
property, cf. vitta.
of animals stallion bull boar ;
: 3. of vedadhyayana, n. Veda-study, scrip-
; ;

gods manly, mighty, great

: of Indra, ture-reading, [adhyayana.] ;

74 5 ; of the Maruts, 73 5 of the Sun or v 6 d i f. sacrificial bed, i.e. a spot of ground

; ,

Sun-horse, 79 [Vvrs, q.v., 1160c: cf.
. excavated two or three inches and covered
apffTjv, stem *Fapfftv, male.'] with straw and serving as a kind of altar.
vrsabha, essentially the same as vrsan, vedin, a. knowing. [Vivid, 1183 3 .]
q.v. :
esp. 1. bull ;
with sahasra-grnga, vedi-purisa, n. loose earth of the vedi.
the thousand-horned steer, i.e. the sun or vedhas, subst. adj. 1. worshipper of the
(77 ) the moon; 2. bull, as type of gods, worshipping, pious, devoted; 2.

greatness and might; most mighty one, generalized, faithful, true, used of Indra,
of Indra, 73 is. 75 18 .
[Vvrs, 1199.] [Vlvidh, 'worship a god,' 1151.
vrsala, m. prop, manikin, i.e. little man, 2b.]
and so, as term of contempt, a low person, vela, f. 1. end-point, limit; 2. esp.

esp. a Qudra. [vrsa, 1227.] limit of time, point of time, hour.

V vrsasya (vrsasyati). desire the male, vega, m. 1. settler; neighbor. 2. (set-
be lustful,
[vrsa, 1059e, 1058.] tlement, i.e.) dwelling, house. [Vvig: cf.
V vrsaya (vrsayate). act as a vrsa, i.e.: O!KOS, 'house,' Old Lat. veicus, Lat. vlcus,
show one's manly strength or courage ;
houses, quarter of a town, village hence

be lustful; or simply, be eager. [vrsa, the borrowed AS. wlc, town,' as in Eofor- '

' '
1059b, 1058.] vnc, Eng. York, prop. Eber-stadt or
vrsti,/rain. [Vvrs, 1157.] 'Boar-town,' and perhaps in Nor-wich,
V vrhorbrh (vrhati; vavarha; avrksat;
vrdha [224a] -vfhya). pluck, tear.
vegman, n. (settlement, i.e.) dwelling,
venu, m. reed, esp. bamboo-reed. house, abode, chamber. [Vvig, 11 68. la.]
veda, m. 1. understanding, knowledge; vai, postpositive particle, emphasizing the
2. esp. the sacred knowledge, handed preceding word, e.g. 3 17 ,
96 13 ; rare in
down in triple form of re, yajus, and the samhita, 90 2, 103 4 (in a quoted man-
saman, see these, and cf. (trayi) vidya; tra) ; excessively common in the brahmana
later, the well-known collections called (92 H.19, 93 6 } 944,13,18^ 956.15) and Epos
Rigveda, Yajurveda, and Samaveda (7
, etc.); in brahmana often marking
6 6 the holy scriptures, held to be a preceding word as the Jlrst of its clause

(63 ), the
revelation and so called gruti, 58 18 .
(cf. atha, near end of ma 3): so 94 , 95
6 12

[Vivid.] 96 12 and ,
in the examples just given; often
veda, m.
tuft of strong grass
(kuga or used, esp. in Epos, as a mere expletive

mufija) tied so as to form a broom, 62 18 .

[see 1122a 4 ], so at end of a pada, 3 9, 10 9 ,

veda-traya, n. the three Vedas. 68 9 .

veda-nindaka, m. one who scoffs at vaicitrya, n. variety, diversity, [vici-

the Veda, infidel, tra, 1211.]
veda-punya, n. Veda-merit, sanctity vain a v , f. -I, a. of reed, esp. of bamboo,
acquired by Veda-study, [venu, 1208c.]
veda-bahya, a. being outside of the v a i d a r b h a, f. -I, a. belonging to Vidar-
Veda, i.e. extra- Vedic, differing from or bha; as m. the Vidarbhan, i.e.
king of
conflicting with the Veda. [1265, veda- V.; asf. the princess of V., i.e. Dama-
being in an abl. relation.] yanti, 8
etc. [vidarbha, 1208f.]

veda-vid[391], a. Veda-knowing. [1269.] vaidika, a. Vedic, prescribed by or con-

1 vedas, n. knowledge; possibly adj., formable to the Vedas. [veda, 1222e 2.]
knowing, cf. na-vedas. [VI vid, know '
vaidya, 1. a. having to do with science,
cf. 1151.2a,b.] learned; and so 2. as m. (with a tran-
[253] [vyaparagata
sition like that from Lai. doctor, 'teacher, ate devotion to a thing (whether good or
learned man,' to Chaucer's doctour of bad, e.g. alms-giving, scripture-study,
phisik) physician, doctor, [vidya, 1211.] gambling); hobby; 2. an overpowering

vaimanika, a. riding in a sky-travers- passion, esp. for something bad; vice,

ing car called vimana, q.v. [vimana, 20 4 3. (a throwing one's self away,

1222e2.] i.e.) misfortune, adversity, 25 .
vaivasvata, a. descended from Vivas- + vi.]
vant; as m. son of V., i.e. Yama. [vivas- V vya or vi (vyayati, -te [761d2]; vi-
van t, 1208 and a and a 2 .] vyaya [785], vivye; vita; -viya). mid.

vaigya, adj. subst. man of the vig or folk envelope or hide one's self. [orig.
or third caste, 57 1G .
[vig, 1211.] around as with robe or girdle, and so a
voc, 854 and Vvac.
quasi-root, see a doublet of Vvi, i.e. V2va, 'weave,'
vyansa, a.having the shoulders apart, q.v.]
i.e. broad-shouldered as in. Viansa, ; + upa, hang about, esp. wind the sacred
Broad-shoulder, name of a demon, slain cord over the left shoulder and under the
by Indra. [vi + ansa, 1305.] rightarm upavita, see s.v.;

V vyac (vivyakti [082]; vivyaca [785]). + ni, wind about, hang (e.g. garland,
embrace, encompass, extend around. cord) about (e.g. neck, shoulders) ; nivita,
[cf. 1087f 108g.]
see s.v.

vyacas, n. compass, extent. + pari, act. envelope around or com-

v y a t i k a r a m. a mixing, confusing con-
, ; pletely; mid. wind something as cover
[V3kr, scatter,' + vi.] around one's self, envelope one's self in
fusion, disaster. ;

vyath (vyathate vivyath6 [785] ; ; perhaps in sense of act., 84 .

avyathista; vyathita). 1. move to vyakarana, n. the putting asunder, and

and fro, rock, reel 2. Jig. (like Eng. be
so analysis, grammar. [V 1 kr, do, put,'
restless) be disturbed in mind, be pained. + vy-a.]
vyath. a, f. feeling of painful unrest, vyakhyatr, m. explainer. [Vkhya +
discomfort, sorrow. vy-a.]
V vyadh or vidh (vidhyati; vivyadha vyaghra, m. tiger; like ardula and
[785] ; vetsyati ;
viddha ;
veddhum ; sinha, as type of noble manliness, in cpds,
viddhva; -vidhya). bore through, pierce, see nara-vyaghra. [perhaps fr. V 1 ghr,

hit (with a weapon), [akin w. Vvadh:

besprinkle,' + vy-a, '
the sprinkled or
cf Lat. di-vid-ere,
part asunder, divide.'] spotted one.']
vyapadea, m. the making a false show vyaghra-carman, n. tiger-skin.
of, an unauthorized referring to or using vyaghrata, f. tigerhood, condition of
the name of (a person of high position). being a tiger. [1237.]
[V dig + vy-apa.] vyadha, m. hunter, [v' vyadh.]

vyaya, a. going asunder or to pieces, vyadhi, m. disease. [V 1 dha, 'put,' +

perishing, w. a-. [Vi + vi, 1148. lb.] vy-a, 1155. 2e.]
vyalkaga,/. Vialkafa, a certain plant. vyadhita, a. diseased. [vyadhi, see
vyavasaya, m. determination, resolve. 117Cb.]
[Vsa + vy-ava.] vyapada, m. destruction, [v'pad + vy-a.]
vyavasayin, a. determined, resolute, vyapadayitavya, grdv. to be destroyed

[vyavasaya.] or killed, [caus. of Vpad + vy-a.]

vyavahara, m. 1.
procedure, conduct, vyapara, m. 1. business, i.e. occupa-

way of acting ; 2. (way of acting with tion; 2. (as in Eng.) business, i.e. con-
others, i.e.) intercourse, 24 12 .
[\flhr + cern, 30 ;
3. activity, exertion. [V3pr
vy-ava.] + vy-a, '
be busied.']
vyasana, n. prop, a throwing one's self vyapara-ata, n. exertion-hundred, a
away (upon a thing), and so 1. passion- hundred attempts.
vyamaj [254]

vyama, m. prop, a stretch-out, the dis- present of Mprach and mlech, which see:
tance covered by the stretched-out arms, see 221 2 and cf. 220.]
a fathom, about six feet, [for vi-yama, -f vi, cut asunder or to pieces.
V yam + vi : for mg, cf . the precisely
parallel Eng. fathom w. AS. fseftm, the
fathom,' and
extended arms ; opyvid, V 9 ati s (gansati, -te ; gagansa, gaganse ;


stretch French toise, Medieval
; agansit ; gasta ; gastva
gansisyati ; ;

fathom/ from Lat. tensa, ppl.

Lat. tesa, -gasya). orig. say in a loud and solemn
way, and so: 1. recite, esp. a sacred hymn
of tendere, stretch.']
vyama-matra, a. having a fathom or text to a god by way of praise and ;

as its measure, see matra. [matra, so 2. generalized, praise; gasta, see s.v.;

3342.] 3. rarely, make a solemn wish, whether

vyahrti, f. utterance; 2. esp.

1. blessing or curse (see gansa), like impre-
one of the three sacred and mystical cari ; 4. announce ; communicate, 52 13 .

exclamations, bhur, bhiivas, and svar, [cf. Lat. carmen, teas-men, 'an utterance
which see. [V 1 hr + vy-a. ] hi solemn, measured, or melodious way,

vyoman, n. heaven, sky., oracle, magic charm ; Camena,

V vraj (vrajati; vavraja; avrajit; vrajis- *casmenja, name of the goddess of song ;

yati ; vrajita ; vrajitum ; vrajitva ; cens-ete,

declare, pass judgment on ; AS.
-vrajya). march, proceed, go. herian, 'praise.']
+ a, come hither, go unto, + a, 1. wish, esp. in the noun agas or
-fpraty-a, march or go back. aga, wish,' q.v. ; and so
2. hope in, put
+ pari, march round about; wander one's trust hi (ace.); 3. pronounce a
around. blessing upon, wish good to (ace.), 101 .

-1-pra, march forth; go unto; wander; [mg 1 may be a mere specialization of


esp. leave one's house to wander

about as the mg 'speak solemnly unto (cf. Vgas +
2 and
an ascetic, 65 .
a), mg
2 a further development of
vrata, n. 1. will ;
devanam ati vratam, mg 1 ;
for mg 3, cf. the simple verb,
beyond the will of the gods, 88 cf. mg3.]
inrep Aibs ctiffav ; decree, command or + pra, tell forth; praise, 2 1G .

Gebot, statute Eng. ;

and so 2. (as simple verb.]
command is applied to the forces under gansa, m. 1. solemn utterance; 2. im-
one's command) that over which one precatio, blessing or curse; as adj. 3.

exercises command, domain, Gebiet ; cursing. [V gans.]

the root 3.
further, directly from again V gak (A. gakn6ti; gagaka, gekus [794e];
choice, determination ;
firm resolution, agakat ; gaksyati, -te ; gakta; pass.
14 6 ; 4. esp. resolve (to keep a religious cakyate, gakita ;

or ascetic observance) vow or holy work ; -B. desid. gfksate [1030, lOSg 1 end];

(e.g. of chastity, fasting, etc.),

28 m, 59 5 , caus. of desid. giksayati ; pass, of desid.
61 28, 64 8, 65 8 ; -5. religious duty, duty and of caus. of desid. giksyate, giksita).
in general. [V2vr, 'will, choose': for A. simple verb : 1. be strong be ;

mg 2, observe that Ger. Gebiet formerly able, 8 19 ;

in pass. :
impersonally, it is

meant 'command' and now means 'do- possible with infin. [988], be able, by the

main.'] instrumentality of some person or thing

V vragc (vrgcati ;
vrkn4 [957c] ;
vrstva ; (instr.), to become the object of an
-vfgcya). hew off; fell (a tree); cut to action ; maya mtim grahayitum gak-
pieces, [orig. form is vrk, as in vfk-a, yante, they are able to be caused by me
vrk-na, vrk-sa, which see: vrgc is prop, to get hold of niti, 19 13 ; 2. rarely (be

only a quasi-root of the present stem strong for a person, i.e.) be serviceable or
vrgca, for vrk-ska, formed like the helpful, help, w. dat.;
[255] [cabda

B. desiderative : 1. desid. to A. 1, gat ha, a. false.

(strive to be able, i.e.) practice; learn; V gat (gatayati; gatita). cut in pieces;
caus. cause a person (ace.) to learn a make to fall off.
thing 51 23 52 3
(ace.), ,
pass, of caus.: gat a [485 ], n. hundred; also as expression

caused to learn or taught a thing of a large number; for construction, see

(ace.), 46
10 without noun, taught, 52 5 ;
486b. [cf t-Karov, one-hundred Lat. .
' '

giksyamana, instructed, 51 ;
2. desid. centum, AS. hund, neut., 'hundred'; Eng.
to A. 2, be willing to help; aid; (of hund-red.~\
gods) bestow blessing upon (dat.), 80 ;
gatatman, a. having a hundred lives,

grant, give. [gata + atman: acct, 1300a.]

[cf. Lat. cac-ula, 'servant' (like help

as gatru, m. 1. (victor, i.e.) victorious
sometimes used in America for 'ser- opponent ; 2. foe, enemy, in general.
vant'); w. gagma, *gak-ma, 'helpful, [if mg 1 is the orig. mg, we may take
friendly,' cf. Lat. comis, *coc-mi-s, 'friend- the word fr.
Vgad and as standing for

ly prob. akin is Ger. be-hag-en, AS. on-

*gat-tru, 1185e, 232:
hag-ian, 'suit, please'(cf. gak,
A. 2).] if mg 2 is the orig. mg, we may analyse
+ upa, (bring unto one's self by giving, thus, gat-ru (1192), and compare Church
i.e.) attract,
76 18 [for mg, see the un-
. Slavonic Icot-ora, Irish cath, ' battle AS. ;

compounded verb, B. 2.] heaft-o in cpds, as heafto-weorc, 'battle-

gakala, 1. m. n. chip; piece; 2. n. work,' Old High Ger. had-u in names,

half (of an egg-shell). as Hadu-brant, 'Battle-flame,' Hadu-wlch,

gakuna, m. bird. 'Battle-strife,' Ger. Hedivig ; Ger. Hader,


gakti, f. ability, power.

strife ;
cf. also the Keltic proper name
16 under rajan), 'The Battle-
gakya, a. 1. possible, practicable, 33 ; Catu-rig-es (rig
common with the infinitive :
gakya being kings.']
used 2. impersonally; or 3. in agree- gatru-nandana, a. causing joy to one's
ment with the subject, in which case the inf. enemies.
[988] is to be translated as a passive, 29 la .
gatru-samkata, m. danger from the foe.
[Vcak, 1213.] V gad (gacada, gagade [786]). distinguish
gakra, 1. a. powerful, mighty, standing one's self; get the upper hand, prevail;

epithet of Indra; 2. as m. The Mighty Vedic only. [cf. KfKaff/^evos, Doric Kf-KaS-
One, Indra (just as we use The Al-
i.e. /uifvos,
mighty as a name for 'God'). [Vgak, ganakais, 00*1'. quietly; gently; slowly,
1188a.] (1112c) of an unused stem *ga-
V gank (gankate ; agankista ; gankita ; naka, diminutive to *gana, see ganais.]
gankitum ; -gankya). 1. be anxious ganais, adv. quietly; gently; slowly;
or suspicious ;
2. hesitate. gradually. [instr. (1112c) of an unused
+ vi, hesitate. stem *gana, which is prob. connected w.
ganka,/. hesitation. [Vgafik, 1149 .] \f2gam, 'be quiet.']
g a mt at i,/ benefit,
1. might or help of the
gaci, f. (esp. [gam, 1238.]
helping deeds of Indra); 2. Qachi or V gap (gapati, -te; gagapa, gepe; gapis-
Might, as wife of Indra (derived from the yate; gapta; gapitum; gapitva). 1.
misunderstood gaci-pati, 27 .
curse, usually act., 93
n 2. mid. (curse
q.v.), [Vgac, ;

collateral form of gak.] one's self, i.e.) assert with an oath, swear,
m. 7
gacl-pdti, 1. Vedic, lord of might vow, w. dat. of person, 97 .

or of 13
help, epithet of Indra, 80 2. ;
gapatha, m. curse; oath. [Vgap, 1163b.]
later misunderstood as a. brinded.
(pati, q.v., gabala, being
'husband'), husband of Might or Qachi, gab da, m. 1. sound; cry; noise; gab-
name of Indra, 15 14 49 4 [acct, 1267a dam kr, make a noise,
. raise one's voice ;

and d, Whitney 94b.] -2. word, 50 9 61 ,


gabda-gastra, n. word-theory, word- [garana presupposes a root *gr or *gl,

compendium, i.e. grammar. 'cover, protect'; w. such a root agree
V lg am (gamyati; gagamS agamista; ;
well in form and mg as derivs, garira,

gamita). get weary by working, work, garman, and gala, see these :

' '
[cf KOL/JL-VU, get weary by working.']
. further agree as cognates Ka\td, hut,
V 2 <jam (gamyati [763J; gagama, gemiis; barn'; AS. heal, Eng. hall; KoA-u|, 'husk,
' '

agamat; ganta [955aj; gamayati). be pod Ger. Hiille, ' covering ; Eng. hull,


covering of grain ; AS. hel-m, protec-

' '
quiet or still or content ; stop ; Jbr these

senses, cf. \ ram ; ganta, see s.v.; cans. tor' (used of God and Christ), 'head-

quiet, still ; euphemistically, kill. protector, helmet,' Ger. Helm, Eng. helm ;
-f upa , be quiet ; stop. Lat. oc-cul-ere, 'cover'; color, 'color' (see
+ pra, come to rest; stop; go out; varna) ; eel-are, Ger. hehl-en, Chaucer's
' '

praganta, extinguished. lid-en, later hele, conceal ; further,

V 3gam (gammte). harm. K a \inr-r-to, '
cover,' and the ident. KPVJT-T-OI,
V 49 am (ganta; -gamya; gamayati, gama-
yati). used only with ni. observe; per- garanagata, a. come for refuge, seeking
ceive; hear. protection with any one. [agata.]
gam [384 ],
n. welfare; happiness; bless- gar ad, /. autumn; pi. poetic for years
ing. varsa).
word of doubtful mg
a 8 earthen dish.
gam a, at 71 :
gdrava, m. n. flat

perhaps tame (cf. s'2gam, caws.) or indus- gdrira, the body, as distinguished from

trious (cf. VI gam). the vital breath or from the immortal

gamayitr, m. slayer. [V2gam, caus.] soul (so 96 21 22 , 29 6 ) and from the soft

garni, f. a fabaceous plant, either Prosopis viscera and inward fluid secretions, of

spicigera or Mimosa Suma; a tree from which things the body, or the firm red
which the sticks of attrition (arani) were flesh with the bones, forms as it were
taken. the hollow cover (67 l ), tegument, or
gamimaya,/ -I, a. of or made of Qami- Hiille; used also in pi., 84 9 ; body in

wood. [see maya.] general ; mrtam n

gariram, corpse, 63 ;
so 84 4 the '

gami-gakha, f. Qami-branch. [prop. .

corporeal tegument
gami-sumanas, / Qami-flower. of the soul, V*gr, 'cover' (1188e ), see

gamisumano-mala, /. garland of under garana: for mg, cf. the cognate

C/aml-flowers. Ger. Hiille (under garana) in sterbliche
' '

gamya,/. staff, 102 16 .

Hiille, mortal envelope, i.e. body cf. :

end of cpds. 16
gay a, a. lying, sleeping, at 97 N.]
[Vgi, 1148. la.] garira -j a, a. (born of, i.e.) performed
gay ana, n. a lying, sleeping. [Vgi, by the body.
1150. la.] garirantakara, m. destroyer of the
gayaniya, 1. a.
serving for lying; bodies, [anta-kara.]
2. n. bed, couch, [gayana, 1215.] garu,/. missile, either spear or arrow, [cf.

gayya,/. 1. bed; 2. a lying, sleep- gara.]

ing. [Vgi, 1213d, cf. 963 8 b.] garkara, brown sugar, [fr. the Pra-

gar a, m. 1. reed, esp. of the Saccharum krit sakkara comes on the one
Sara, used for arrows ;
2. arrow, [ob- hand, through Arabic sokkar and Medie-
serve that Lat. arundo means '
reed and val Lat. zucara, the Eng. sugar, and on
arrow.'] the other ffdicxapov, Lat. saccharum, all
gar ana, 1. a. protecting, affording borrowed words : cf. khanda.]
refuge, 87 ;
as n. 2. shed, that gives V gardh (gardhati). be strong or defiant.
cover from the rain ; Ka\id, hut ;
3. gardha, m. troop, host. [cf. Ger. Herde,

protection; refuge, 50
n .
Eng. herd.']

carman, n. 1. cover; protection; shel- gastra-vrtti, a. having weapons as

ter ; refuge ;
2. comfort, joy ;
3. one's means of subsistence, living by
common at the end of Brahman-names, military service. [1302a.]
19 n 42 n 69 13 N. [see under garana.]
, , gaka, n. an edible herb vegetable food. ;

garmavant, a. containing (the stem) gakha,/. branch.

garman. [1233.] gatayitr, m. one who cuts in pieces,
garva, m. Qarva, name of an arrow-slay-
destroyer, 97 [caus. of V gat, 1182c.] .

ing god later, a common;

name for the ganta, a. quiet; still; stopped, [ppl- of
god Qiva. [garu, 1209, cf. 1209g.] v'2gam, 'be quiet.']
garvara, variegated; f. garvari, the
a. ganti, f. a ceasing, stopping; esp. the

night (as variegated with stars). [cf. absence of the evil results of some word

or thing of evil omen. [V 2 gam, be quiet,'

garva- varman, having Qiva as his a. cf. 955a.]

protection ; as m. Qarvavarman, name of ganti-karman, n. a ceremony for avert-
a man. ing the results of something ominous.
gala, m. 1. staff; 2. prickle (of a gapa, m. curse. [Vgap.]
hedge-hog), [cf. gara.] gapadi, having the curse as its
a. first;

galya, m. n. point of spear or arrow; as n. curse and so forth. [1302c 1.]

thorn ; prickle. [cf .
gala, gara : cf.
gapadi-cestita, n. curse-and-so-forth
K?]\OV, missile.'] doings, i.e. adventures including the curse
galyaka, m. hedge-hog, [cf.galya.] et cetera. [1280b.]
gavas, n. superior might; heroic power; gap ant a, m. end of the curse or period
also pi. [Vgu, 1151. la.] during which the curse has effect,
gavistha, a. most mighty. [Vgii, 468.] [anta.]
hare; the Hindu sees, not "a
m. 3
gaga, gayin, a. lying, sleeping, [v'gi, 1183 .]
man in the moon," but rather, a hare garira, a. corporeal, of the body, [garira,
or a gazelle. [for *gasa (see Vgus and 1208f.]
gvagura) : cf. Ger. Hase, Eng. hare.~\ gardula, m. tiger; at end of cpds, like

gagaka, m. hare, rabbit, [gaga, 1222b.] vyaghra, the best of .

gaganka, m. the moon. [prop., adj., gala, f. hut house room stable, [see
; ; ;

'having a rabbit as its mark/ gaga (q.v-) under garana: cf. the derivs Ka\id and
+ anka, 1302a.] Eng. hall, there given.]

gagin, m. the moon, [prop., adj., 'having galin, a. 1. possessing a house; 2. at

the (picture of a) rabbit,' gaga, 1230.] end of cpds, attenuated in mg so as to sig-

gagvant, a. ever repeating or renewing nify merely possessing .

itself. galmall,/. Salmalia malabarica, the silk-

V gas (gasati; gagasa; gasisyati; gasta; cotton tree.

-gasya). cut to pieces; slaughter, [see gava, m. the young of an animal, [see
gastra.] Vgu.]
gasta, a. praised, esteemed as good or gavaka, m. the young of an animal,
lucky; equiv. to happy, cheerful, 52 u .
[prop. ppl. of Vgans.] gagvata, a. continual ;
eternal, [gag-
gastra, n.
knife; sword; weapon. ['in- vant, 1208a, a .]
strument of cutting,' Vgas, 1185: gas-tra V gas or gis ( Vedic, gasti, gaste [639];
is ident. in form and mg w. the Lat. stem Vedic and Epic, gasati ; gagasa ; agisat
*cas-tro, which appears in the denom. cas- [854
] ;
gasisyati, -te ; gasita, gasta,
trdre, prop, 'cut,' and so, like Eng. cut, gista [954e] ; gasitum, gastum ; gasitva ;

castrate.'] -gasya, -gisya). 1. chasten, correct;

gastra-pani, a. having a sword in the 2. instruct, teach; direct; 3. (like
hand. [1303.] Eny. direct) give order to, rule, govern.
9asana] [258]

[perhaps reduplicated form of cans, 675 : V Igis (ginasti; gigise; agisat; geksyati,
for the weak form gis,
cf. 639.] -te; gista; gistva; -gisya). leave, leave-
+ a, mid. wish or pray for, cf. agis and remaining.
V gans
-^ a ; make supplication, 73 u . + ud, leave remaining.
+ pra, instruct; direct; command, cf. + vi, (leave apart or by itself, i.e.) sepa-
simple verb, and praxis. rate, distinguish ;
vigista, (separated, and
5 as an a, n. 1. government, way of rul- so, like Eng. distinguished) eminent, ex-
ing; 2. command. [Vas.] cellent.

gasitr, TO. teacher. [Vgas.]

2gis, subsidiary form to
Vgas, q.v.
gastra, n. 1. instruction; 2. rule; gisya, grdv. to be taught; as TO. pupil.
theory ; compendium (of an art or [V gas, weak form gis.]
science) ;
a scientific or canonical work ; V Igi (gete [see 628-9];
gigye; agayista;
18 .
science, 17 [Vgas.] gayisyate, -ti; gesyate, -ti; gayita ga- ;

V giks, see 1030 and v'gak. yitum; gayitva; -gayya). 1. lie still;

cikhara, 1. o. peaked; 2. m. n. peak, lie; 2. sleep. [w. ge-te, cf. Kfl-rat,

' ' '
[gikha, 1226.] lies : cf also
Koi-r-rj, bed.']
gikha, f. 1. tuft or braid of hair; + adhi, lie in or on; dwell in.
2. (like Eng. crest) top in general, + anu, lie down after another.
peak. + a, lie in.
githira, a. loose; flaccid; unsteady, 93 ; + u p a lie by. ,

opp. of drdha, 'firm, hard.' [perhaps + sam, be undecided or in doubt, [lit.

Vcrath, 1188e: for loss of r, cf.

fr. lie together ': metaphor unclear.]
Vbham.] V 2gl, simpler form of Vgya, q.v.

gibi, TO.
Qibi, name of a king. gi, vbl. lying. [Vgi.]
giras, n. head. [cf. >capo, 'head'; Lat. git a, a. cold; as n. cold, [ppl- of Vgya
' '
cerebrum, *ceres-ru-m, brain : w. the col- or 2gi.]
lateralform girsan, q.v., cf. Ger. Him, g i t aka , f. gitika, a. cool. [gita : cf .
Old High Ger. hirni, *hirsni, 'brain': akin 1222d.]
also icpaviov, ' skull.']
gitala, a. cool, [gita, 1227.]

girisa, m. the tree Acacia Sirissa; as n. gltarta, a. distressed with the cold.
the blossom. [arta.]
giro-mukha, n. head and face. [1253b.] gitikavant, a. cool. [as if from fern.

gila,y! stone; crag. of gitaka: 1233, cf. b.]

gila-bhava, TO. condition of being stone; gipala, m. n. Blyxa octandra, a common

-am ap, turn into stone. water-plant,
gill, f. the beam under a door. girsan, n. head. [girs-an is to giras
gili-mukha, TO. Block-snout, name of a (q.v.), as irs-ya is to iras-ya, see
hare. these.]
giloccaya, TO. crag-pile, i.e. craggy hill, gila, n. 1. natural or acquired way of
[uccaya.] being; character, 23
m habit or habits, ;

giva, 1. a. kind, 90
friendly; gracious; ;
58 u composition [1302] with that to

agreeable, lovely; opp. o/ghora; 2. m. which one is inclined or accustomed, 21 4 ,

The Friendly One, name euphemistically 60 18 2. (character, i.e., as in Eng.) ;

applied to the horrible god Rudra, who good character, 98 .

under this name (Qiva) becomes the third givan, a. lying. [V Igi, 1169. la.]
person of the Hindu Trinity, [for mg 2, guka, TO. parrot, [prop. the bright one,'
'The Gracious Ones, i.e. the
cf. Eu/tej/jSej, on account of its gaudy colors, V guc :

and nandi.] cf. s

Furies,' 216.1,1 .]

gigu, m. young; child, [see Vgu, and guka vat, adv. like a parrot. [guka,
1147b and b 2.] 1107.]

gukra, a. clear, bright, 76 9 .

[v/guc, gumbhdti ; gugubhe ; gobhisy&ti). act.
1188a, 216.7.] adorn; mid. adorn one's self, 73 ;

gukla, 1. a. clear; bright; white; with beautiful, appear to advantage, shine

paksa, the bright lunar half-month, from (fig-)-

new to full moon; 2. as m. (sc. paksa), 1
giibh, f. a gliding onward, esp. through
the bright lunar fortnight, 65 5 [see . the sky onward progress
; ; so, perhaps,
1189 and 2
78 5 ; course, 73
; dat., infinitivally [982],

gukla-paksa, m. fortnight of the wax- so as to glide onward, 79 n .

ing moon. 2 giibh, f. beauty; so, perhaps, 78 .

guklapaksadi, a. having the bright [V2gubh.]

lunar fortnight first, beginning with the gubha, a. 1. fair, 9 ; beautiful, agree-
bright lunar fortnight, [adi, 1302c 1.] able to the eyes, 15 13 , 45 18 , 62 13 ; -2.

guklambara, a. having a white garment, agreeable (to other senses than the eyes) ;
[ambara.] gubhan gandhan, perfumes ; agree-
V guc (g6cati, -te; gug6ca; agocit; gocis- able in general, 20 ;
4. of good quality,
yati; g6citum; gocitva). 1. flame, (54.12. _5_ fortunate, auspicious, 12 13 .

light, beam ; glow, burn ;

2. Jig. suffer [V2gubh, 'adorn.']
burning pain; grieve; grieve at (loc.), gubhanana, a. fair-faced, [anana.]
66 13 intens. flame brightly,
; [for mg 2, gubhagubha, a. agreeable and disagree-
cf. Vtap, dagdha and Vdah.] able, agreeable or disagreeable good and ;

+ apa, intens. [1002a], drive away by bad, good or bad, in ethical sense, 65 .
flaming brightly, 72 .
[agubha, 1257.]
+ a blii, burn, trans. gubhagubha-phala, a. having agree-
8 or disagreeable fruit, resulting in
+a , bring hither by flaming, 72 . able

giici, a. 1. flaming, beaming ; Jig. beam- weal or woe.

ing (of a smile) j-light, bright; 2. Jig. gubhrd, a. beautiful; clear (of sounds).
5 '

pure; holy (of a god), 80

clear, honor- [V2gubh, adorn,' 1188a.] ;

able (in business), 25 2 pure (in a ritual V gus (giisyati; -gusya). be dry, dry up.

[for *sus (see gaga), as shown by Avestan

sense), 62 [v/guc, 1155. 2a, 216.2.]

' ' ' '

guci-smita, a. having a beaming smile, V hush, dry cf av<a, dry Syracusan : .


bright-smiling. (Tav-K6s, 'dry'; AS. sedrian, 'dry up/

guddhd, a. pure. [ppl. of \lgudh, 160.] denom. of sear, Eng. sear.']
guddha-mati, a. pure-minded. giiska, a. dry. [Vgus, 1186 : see 958.]
or m. 1. whistling, 73 5 78 7 2.
gudh gundh (gundhati, -te; gudhyati; giisma, , ;

guddha). 1. gundhati, -te : act. purify; exhalation, i.e. (fragrant) odor (of the
mid. become pure ; gudhyati, become
2. Soma), 73
10 -3. (exhalation, breath,

pure. [orig., perhaps, to clear,' and

and so, like Eng. spirit) courage, impetu-
akin w. V gcand, q.v.] osity, 82*. [Vgvas, 252, 1166.]
+ vi , vigudhyati, become entirely pure ; V gu gva or gvi (gvayati
gugava ;

viguddha, perfectly clear. [786*]; gund[957a]; gvayitum). swell;

guna, a. grown, prosperous, fortunate; as be greater or superior or victorious.
n. [cf. 1176a], growth, prosperity; luck, [orig. sense of root, swell,' but with

[perhaps fr.
Vgu, 1177a.] two diverse ramifications :

V gundh, see gudh. 1. negatively, be swollen, i.e. hol- '

' '

gundhyu, f. -yu [355c], a. pure; un- low, empty cf guna, '.vacuum Kv-ap,

' ' ' '

blemished; fair. [\f gundh, 1165b.] hole Lat. cavus,

hollow caelum, ;

' '
V Igubh or
gumbh (gumbhate). glide *cav-i-lu-m, heaven's hollow vault KOI\OS, ;

along lightly; move onward, 73.

[per- hollow';
haps akin w. -oD</>os, light, nimble.'] 2. positively, 'be swollen, i.e. full,
V 2gubh or gumbh (g6bhate; gumbhate; strong'; with special reference: (a) to

^udra] [260]

the womb and its fruit; cf.

gi-gu and gonita, n. blood; also pi. [g6na, 1176d.]
' '
c o b h a n a a. beautiful. [V 2 gubh,
gava, young
; KVG>, be pregnant ;
Lat. ,
in-ciens, 'pregnant'; (b) to strength and 1150.2a.]
growth in general; cf. gura, 'man of g6bhistha, a. most swiftly moving on-

might gavas, gavistha, guna

; Kvpos, ward or most beautiful, 78 5 according as ; ,

' ' '

the word is referred to VI
might K/IO, swell, billow.']
gubh or to
gudra, m. a man of the fourth caste, a V2 gubh see these. [468.]
Qudra. V gcand (intens. ppl. canigcadat [1002c]).
guna, n. emptiness. [Vgu, 1177a.] shine, glance, [for *skandh : cf .
as m. man of might, ' '

gar a, a. mighty, bold ; gold-yellow ; xa.9a.p6s, Doric KoO-ap6s,

' ' '

[Vgu, 1188c: gura is parallel w.

hero. clear, clean, pure ; KdvS-apos, coal ;

mighty,' whence T& Kvp-os, Lat. cand-ere, '
'might' (cf. aiffx-pt-s w - T0 aftrx-os)-] gcandra, shining. [Vgcand, 1188a:
. cf.

gurpa, n. a plaited basket for winnowing vigva-gcandra, and candra.]

grain. V gcut (gc6tati ; cugc6ta ;
acugcutat ;

V Igr (grnati; gagre ; agarit; garisyati, gcutita). drip.

-te ; girna [957b] ; -girya ; giryate). gcut, vbl. dripping. [Vgcut.]
break; tear. n. the place for burning the
crush; [cf. Eng. har-m, gmagana,
which answers to a Skt. *gar-ma.] corpses and for burying the bones,
+ vi, pass, be broken to pieces; perish, cemetery.
60 9 .
gmagru, n. beard.
+ s am, break (a bow); like zusammen- V gya or gi (gyayati, -te [761dl]; glta,
brechen. gina, gyana; giyate). freeze; coagulate,
V 2gr, see era, 'boil.' gyena, m. eagle; falcon; hawk. [cf.

grnga, n. horn. I-KTIVO-S, kite.']

grn g 1 n a. horned , ;
as m. horned beast, V grath (grathnite; gagrathe; agigrathat;
grta, see Vgra. grthitd). become loose,

geva, a. kind; dear. [cf. giva.] grad, indecl. meaning perhaps orig. heart;
gesa, 1. m. n. rest, remainder, 68 17 ;
used w. dha ('grant, give,' see Vldha4)
gese, like Ger. im Uebrigen, for the rest, and dot. of person, thus,
grad asmai
dhatta, (your) heart to him give ye, i.e.
12 ;
2. a. remaining, 55 .
leave.'] trust ye him, have faith in him, RV. ii.
gesas, n.['those whom one
offspring, 12.5; ppl. grad-dadhat, trusting, trustful,
leaves behind him, one's relicts,' V 1 gis, 26 2 ; cf. 1079 2 .

leave.'] [cf. KctpSi'a, icrip, *(CTjp5, Lat. cor, gen.

g6ka, m. pain, grief. [Vguc, 216. 1.] cord-is, Lithuanian szirdis, Ger. Herz, Eng.

goka-ja, grief-born; gokajam .

vari, heart: further, w. grad-dha, cf. Lat.
19 . ' '
grief-born water, i.e. tears, 10 credgre, *cred-dere, trust : the regular
hfd, and this can
gokarta, a. sorrow-stricken, [arta.] Skt. word for heart is

ocis-kega, a. having flame-locks, with not be connected w. the above words,

locks of flame. [gocis, 187: 1297, cf. since they require in the Skt. an initial g,

1280b.] *grd or grad.]

g6cistha, a. most or bright flaming. grad dha, f. trust, faith; desire, [see
[Vguc, 468.] grad: 1147.]
gocis, n. flame; beam; heat. [Vguc, graddhiva, a. credible. [graddbjt,
1153.] 1228a.]
g6na, 1. a. red, deep-red; 2. m. Sone V gram (gramyati [763]; gagrama; agra-
or Red River, affluent of the Ganges. mit ; granta ; -gramya). be weary ;

' '
[prop. flame-colored cf t-icav-aa, . . take pains ; esp. castigate one's self,

'burned,' /caC-/io, 'heat.']


+a ,
in agrama, hermitage.'
self, 87 ;
upagrita, (leaned upon, equiv.
-f-pari, weary one's self exceedingly; to) laidupon or in, w. loc., 79*.
parigranta, tired of, disgusted with. + pari, act. lay about; enclose.
gram a, m. weariness. [Vgram.] + p r a lean forward.,

V grambh (grambhate; 1. beautiful

grabdha; -grabh- gri [351], ./. appearance;
5 4
ya). used only with vi. put confidence beauty, 78 , 2 88 -2. welfare; -3. , ;

in vigrabdha confiding, 26
; -am, adv.
personified, Qri, goddess of beauty and wel-

confidently, without distrust or hesitation, fare, 2 4. as honorific prefix to
proper ;

9". names, the famous or glorious 54 1 [cf ,

. .

gravana, 1. m. ear; 2. n. hearing; greyans, grestha.]

n. fame.
3. [V gru, 1150. la f or mg 3, : V gru (grn6ti, grnut6 [243]; gugrava, gu-
gravas and esp. under V gru.]
cf. gruv6 ; agrausit ; grosyati, -te ; grut ;
1. sounds; esp. loud praise,
gravas, n. gr6tum ; grutva
-griitya ; gruyate ; ;

91 15 -2. glory, 74 6 fame,

; [v/gru, ;
giigrusate; gravayati). 1. act. hear,

'hear,' 1151. la: the precise equiv. of 86 5 ;

know by hearing; w. gen. of person,

K\eos, stem K\fF-es,

fame for mg, see
: 62; listen; give heed to, 25 14 hear (a ;

V gru.] teacher), i.e. learn, study

gugruvans, ;

V gra or gri or gr or gir (grinati, grinite; having studied, i.e. learned, 94 18 2. ;

gigriye; grata, grita, grta, girta). cook; mid., in Veda, with pass, sense, be heard of
boil grid, cooked, done.
; (as subject of talk), i.e., like Lat. cluere,

graddha, an oblation to the Manes,

n. be called, be famed as, 75 w ;

accompanied by a funeral meal and 3. pass.: be heard;

gruta: heard;
gifts to Brahmans. [graddha, 1208e : heard of, 2 12 impers.: gruyatam, let it ;

according to the Scholiast, 'a thing of be heard, i.e. hear ye ; evam gruyate,
trust,' because the gift for the Manes thus it is heard, there is this saying, 31 6

is as a matter of fact entrusted to grutam maya, I've heard (your story),

33 9
Brahmans.] ;
4. cans, cause (hearers, ace.) to

granta, ppl. wearied; as n. [1176a], weari- hear (a thing), i.e. proclaim to; recite to,
[Vgram, 955a.] 54 20 _ 5. desid. be willing to hear, and

grantagata, a. wearied and arrived, i.e. so (cf. Eng. obedient and Lat. ob-oediens

arriving wearied, [agata 1257.] : with audire), obey, 64 9 .

V gri (grayati, -te; gigraya, gigriye; agi- [with gru-dhi, 'hear thou,' cf. K\v-6i,
' ' '

griyat grayisyati, -te grita grayitum ;

; ; ;
hear thou ;
Lat. clu-ere,
be called ;

grayitva; -gritya). 1. act. lean, trans. ; cluens, cliens, 'who hears or obeys, i.e. a
lay against or on rest on, trans. with gru-ta, '
2. mid. ; dependent ; heard, heard
lean upon, intrans. ; rest upon, or, simply, of,' cf. K\v-r6s, 'famed,' Lat. in-clu-tus,
be lying or situated upon, 70 3 ; 3. mid., inclitus, 'famed,' Old High Ger. hlu-do in
act. betake one's self to, esp. for help or Hludo-wlg, Loud-battle,' Ger. lau-t, AS.
protection, 48 5 .
[cf. K\I-VW, 'lean'; hlu-d, Eng. lou-d ;

Kf-K\i-aTat, 'rest on'; Lat. clindre, 'lean'; with the subsidiary form grus, as in
AS. hlinian, Eng. lean; K\I-TVS, 'incline, grus-ti, 'a listening to, compliance,' cf.
slope, hill'; Lat. cli-vus, 'hill'; AS. hlsew, AS. hlos-nian, listen,' hlys-t, the hearing,' '

hldw, Eng. -law, -low, 'hill,' in Mood-law, whence hli/st-an, Eng. listen : for the mg
Lud-low ; KA?-yua|, 'ladder'; AS. hlse-der,
famed ' of gruta, etc., cf. gravana, gra-
Eng. ladder,.] vas, and gloka.]
+ a lean upon, intrans. ; seek support
, + prati, answer, say yes to; make a
and protection with or from; agrita: promise to (gen.), [prop., like Eng. hear,
give a hearing in return to what is said,'
depending upon (another) as m. a de- ;

pendent or subordinate, 30 18 . i.e. 'not turn a deaf ear to/ and so

-fupa, mid. lean against; brace one's answer.']
^ruta] [262]

+ vi, pass, be heard of far and wide, be the anustubh-strophe, the epic
later, esp.
famous; vigruta, known as, named, 6 .
gloka, in which, for example, the story
+ sam, 1. hear; 2. like Eng. hear, of Nala is composed. 2
[Vgru, 1186 .]
accede to the request of, make a promise V gvanc (gvancate). open itself; receive
to (loc.). [cf.gru + prati.] in open arms (as a maid her lover).

gruta, ppl. heard; heard of; as n. that + ud, open itself out, open, 87
4 .

which is heard from the teacher, that gvdn [427], m. dog. [cf. KVOIV, Lat. can-i-s,
which is learned ; learning. [V gru.] AS. hun-d, Eng. hound, dog.']
a. gvagura, m. father-in-law. *sv&-
grutavant, possessing learning, [for
learn-ed. [gruta.] gura : cf. tKvpos, Lat. socer, socerus, Church
griiti, /. 1. a hearing; 2. ear; 3. Slavonic swekrii, AS. sweor, *sweohor, Ger.
' '
the thing heard sound ; ;
4. report, Schwdher, father-in-law for g in place :

hearsay 5. utterance
; ; esp. a sacred of s, cf. gaga and Vgus.]
utterance handed down by tradition, a gvagru [355c], f. mother-in-law, [gva-
religious prescription, a sacred text, the gura, 355c : cf .
ficvpd, Lat. fern, socrus,
Veda, 58 18 N. ; 6. learning ; prob. in- AS. sweger, Ger. Schwieger, 'mother-in
correct for gruta. [Vgru, 1157. la.] law.']

grutimant, a. possessing learning ; prob. V gvas (gvdsiti [631]; gvasati; gagvasa ;

incorrect for grutavant, q.v. [gruti.] gvasisyati ; gvasita, gvasta ; gvasitum ;

griitya, a. worthy to be heard (of a -gvasya ; gvasayati). 1. blow, blus-

hymn), goodly. [Vgru, 1213a.] ter, whistle, snort ;

2. breathe 3.;

greyasa, for greyas (greyans) in cpds, sigh. [cf. AS. hweos, preterit to thwiesan,
1315c. Eng. wheeze."]

greyans, a. fairer; more beautiful or 4 a, get one's breath, become quiet;

excellent; better; as n. (the better, i.e.) caus. quiet, comfort.

welfare, prosperity, 35
[from an un- . + nis , breathe out, sigh.
used root gri corresponding to the noun + pra, blow forth.

470 4 : cf. Kpeiuv, 'superior, ruler.'] + abhi-pra, blow forth upon, ace.,

gr6stha, a. fairest; most excellent; 94 \

best: w. gen., I 10
w. loc., 68 10 ; at end + vi, have confidence, be unsuspecting;
best as distinguished from
of cpd, 11 ;
caus. inspire confidence.
equiv. to better than, 68 . adv. to-morrow, on the next day;
(abl.), [see gvAs,
greyans.] gvah gvas [1260 ],
from day to day.
grafsthya, n. supremacy, precedence, gvasatha, m. a snorting. [Vgvas,
[grestha, 1211 end.] 1163b.]
gr6tra, n. ear; hearing, [Vgru, 1185a.] gv&stana, a. of the morrow; as n. the
a. studied, learned (in sacred morrow, 92
gr6triya, [gvds, 1245e.]

tradition) us m. & Brahman versed in gvapada, m. a beast of prey, 84 u . [to

sacred lore, [grotra, 1214c : for mg, cf . be pronounced gvapada (cf. pavaka,
Vgru, mg 1, and gruta, s.v.] :
1181a) prop., perhaps, having the feet
glaksna, a. slippery ;
smooth. [cf. of a dog,' gvan + pada.]

1195.J gvavidh [nom. -vit], m. porcupine, [gvan

V glagh (glaghate; gaglaghe glaghita). ; + vidh, dog-wounding.']
1. have confidence in; 2. talk con-

fidently ; brag, praise one's self ; 3.

praise. satka, 1. a. consisting of six; 2. as n.

glaghya, grdv. to be praised, praise- a whole consisting of six, a hexade. [sas,

worthy; honorable. [V glagh.] 1222a, 226b.]
g!6ka, m. 1. (thing heard, i.e.) sound; sat-tringat [485], /. six and thirty.
2. fame, for mg, cf. V gru ; 3. strophe ; [sas.]
[263] [sakhigana

sat-pada, / -I, a. having (taken) six proceeding with a thing an adorning or ;

steps, [sas: 1300a.] adornment, 17 5 2. a domestic religious ;

san-masa, n. semester, six months. rite to be performed upon or observed

that which has six months,' every member of the three upper castes,
[sas :
see 1312.] prop, his preparation or purification ; sac-
sas [483 8], num. six.
[see 182b , 146
rament, consecration, 59 2 N. 3. im- ;

cf. e, Lat. sex, Eng. siar.J pression; an impression produced on the

sastf, /. sixty, [sas, 1157.4.] mind or a disposition formed in the mind
sastha, a. sixth, [sas, 487 : cf. (K-TOS, by something past (e.g. deeds of a former
Lat. sex-tus, AS. six-ta, Eng. six-th.] existence, a past conversation, etc.), but
which has ceased to work on the mind,
40 *. [\f
1 kr, '
do,' + sam, 1087d.]
1 sa , pron. see ta and 495. samskrta, ppl. 1. prepared; adorned,
2 sa, inseparable prefix denoting similarity, fine, cultivated ;
as n. the cultivated lan-

community, or connection numerous ex- guage, as opposed to the low vernaculars,

amples on the pages following ; esp. common Sanskrit, 52
[V 1 kr, do,' + sam, 1087d. ]

w. an adj. value in possessive cpds [see samhita, ppl. put together; -a, f. a
1304c], having an accompanying , putting together; a text whose sounds
with .
[1121b prob. ident. ultimately
: and words are put together according to
w. 3 sa.] grammatical rules. [V 1 dha + sam, 954c.]
3 sa, one, in sa-krt, sa-hasra. [for *sm sa-kacchapa, a. having tortoises along
(vocalic m), root *sem: cf. els, *<re u-s,
with them, i.e. along with tortoises.
' ' ' '
/j.ia, *(Tyu-ja, one ; f-Kar6v, one-hundred ; [1304c.]
' ' ' '
a-ir\6os, one-fold ;
Lat. sem-el, once ; sakala, a. having its parts together, i.e.
' ' '
sim-plex, having one
one-fold ; &-\ox<>s, all, entire ;
.as n. everything, one's entire

(i.e. one
and the same) bed, spouse ; property, 46*. [sa + kala, 1304c, 334

o-irarpos, 'having one (i.e. one and the sakaga, m. presence; tasya sakagam
same) father'; d-SeA^xfe, see under gar- gam, go to the presence of him, i.e. go to
bha.] him -sakage, at end of cpd, in the pres-

samyatendriya, a. having restrained ence of before 33 [sa + kaga

, ,
. :

I 9.
senses, self-controlled, [samyata perhaps, having visibility, present/

(\fyam, 1085a) + indriya, 1298.] and then presence.'] '

sa my a ma, m. restraint, control, 68 6.

sakft, adv. for one time, a single time,

yam + sam.]
[V once. [3 sa + 2krt.]
samvatsara, m. year, [sam + vatsara, sa-kopa, a. angry; -am, angrily. [2sa,
q.v.] 1304c.]
samgaya, m. 1. doubt; na samgayas, sak tu ,
m. coarsely ground parched grains,
(there is) no doubt; 2. danger, 20 16 .
barley grits.
grits, esp.

[V gi + sam.] sakha, for sakhi at end of cpds [1302],

samsad, /". like Lat. consessus, a sitting having as attendant, accompanied by
together and those who sit together, i.e. .
assembly. [V sad + sam.] sakhi [343a], m. attendant, companion,
comrade 16
friend, 23
samsarga, m. mixture, union; contact. 82 ; ; , etc. ; in con-

[Vsrj + sam, 216.1.] nection with a fern., 75 18 - 19

, 100*. [Vsac:
samsara, m. the wandering of the soul for mg, cf. lir-T7js and soc-ius, under
from one existence to another, metem- V sac.]

psychosistransmigration, 66
18 the cycle ; sakhi [364], f. female companion, friend
round of existence, 18 l
or [Vsr + sam.] .
(of a woman), 2
[sakhi: cf. 362b .]
samskara, m. 1. a working over, a sakhi-gana, m. (friend-crowd, i.e.)

preparing or purification ; esp. a technical friends.

sakhijana] [264]

sakhi-jana, m. (friend-persons, collec- after, seek, follow': cf. fV-o/ucu, 'accom-

' '

tively, i.e.) friends. pany/ e-oTr-cyUTji/, followed Lat. sequ-or, ;

' ' ' '

sakhya, n. friendship, [sakhi, 1212c.] follow ; sec-undus, following, second ;


sa-gana, a. with (their) troops (of at- also fir-ertjs, attendant,' Lat. soc-ius,
tendants). [2sa.] 'comrade': further, AS. seon, *seh(w)on,

sagara, m. 1. the atmosphere, Luft- Eng. Ger. seh-en, ' (seek, look for,

meer; 2. Sagara, name of a mythical follow with the eyes, i.e.) see.']

prince. saciva, m. attendant, supporter, [v'sac,

samkata, 1. a. narrow, strait; 2. m. 1190, with union-vowel i.]

Slender, name of a gander, 37 21 ;

3. n. sa-j6sas, a. (of like pleasure, i.e.) unani-
narrow passage, a strait; 4. Jig., like mous, harmonious; kindly disposed, 86 15 .

14 4 3
Eng. strait, a difficulty, 52 ; danger, 25 .
[1304c .]

[cf. 1245g.] sajja, a. 1. as used of a bow, having its

samkalpa, m. a decision of the mind; string on, strung, ready for use (the string
the will or wish or purpose proceeding being wound around the bow when this
from such decision, a definite intention, is not in use) 2. generalized, ready, as

[vlklp + sam, 1148.1, 236.] used of persons and things, [for sajya,
sariiketa, m. agreement; a meeting esp. q.v., with assimilation as in sajyate,
agreed upon with a lover, a rendezvous, sajj ate see v'
sanj .

co-intention,' sam + keta.] sajji-kr (-karoti). 1. make strung,
samkranti,/. an entering, esp. entering string (a bow); 2. make ready, 34
1T .

of the upon a new zodiacal sign.

sun [sajja, 1094.]
[Vkram +sam, cf. 1157 w. 955a.] sajya, a. having its string on, strung.
samkhya,^ the tale or number. [Vkhya [2sa + 2jya, 'bow-string.']
+ sam.] samcaya, m. a piling together, accumu-

sang a, m. a sticking to or hanging

1. lation, esp. of wealth; supply (of food),
upon; 2. Jig. an attachment (of the [v'
1 ci, pile up,' + sam. ]
mind) anything,to desire for a thing; samcayana, n. the gathering (of the
2 bones of the dead),
sange, in case of desire, 64 ; pi. lusts. [do.]
[\/sanj, 210.1.] samcayavant, a. possessing an accu-
samgama, m. a coming together, union. mulation (of wealth), rich with arthais, ;

[Vgam + sam.] rich with money, i.e. having capital,

samgama 11 a, f. -I, a. subst. causing to [samcaya.]
assemble, gatherer, [caus. of Vgam + samcarin, a. wandering. [V car + sam,
sam.] 1183 3 .]
saihgara, m. agreement, promise. [Vlgr samciti, f. a piling; pile, [,'lci, 'pile
4- sam,
chime in with.'] up,'+ sam.]
sanigha, m. (a combination, i.e.) com- v sanj or saj (sajati; sasanja; asankslt;
pany, crowd. [V han + sam, 333, cf .
sakta; saktum; -sajya; pass, sajyate
216.9 and 402.] or sajjate). stick to, be attached to;
V sac (sisakti;sagcus, sagcire sacate ; sakta, attached (of a glance), immov-
[794d ]). -1. be with, be united with; able, [cf. Lat. seg-nis, 'sticking, i.e. slow,
be together, have intercourse together, lazy.']
79 14 ;accompany a person
2. (ace.) to 4-pra, be attached to; prasakta, ad-
a thing (dat.), i.e. help him to it, 69 18 ;
dicted to.
3. be attached to; Jig. follow (a com- sat at a, only in ace. s. neut., -am, as adv.
2 follow up, i.e. attend to,
mandment), 75 ; continuously, constantly, always. [for
821'. samtata, see Vtan + sam: for mg, cf.
' ' '
[orig. accompany,' i.e. 1. go at the Lrt. con-tinens, con-tinuous.']
favor,' and 2.
side of, with help or go sat-kr, scs sant 6.
[265] [sadasat

satkara, m. good treatment, esp. kind V sad (sidati, -te [748]; sasada, sediis

reception of a guest, hospitality, [satkr.] [794e]; asadat; satsyati; satta, sanna;

sattama, a. best, [sant, 471.] sattum; -sadya; sadayati, -te). 1.

sattva, 1. n. condition of being, being- sit; seat one's self; 2. settle

ness, being, existence, essent-ia; 2. n. sink beneath a burden ;
be overcome ;

condition of being good, absolutely good get into trouble; be in a desperate pre-
being, goodness, the highest of the three dicament, 18 ; despair; not know what
qualities (see guna), 66 N. ; 3. m. n. to do, be unable to help one's self ;

a living being, creature, 28 u 48 2 [formed

. cans. set. [w. sidami, *si-zd-ami,
from sant just as the artificial
(1239), si-s ft d-ami, cf. ?o>, *a-j-c5-ai, *<n-cr S-a>,

Lat. essent-ia, being-ness, that on which a

' '
sit,' Lat. sld-ere, '
settle down '

cf . also

thing depends for being what it is,' from sed-ere, 'sit'; Eng. sit, caus. set; sad-as,

essens, a quasi-ppl. of esse.'] e'S-oj, e5-pa, Lat. sella, *sed-la, AS. set-l,
satpati, m. strong ruler; master, [sant Eng. settle, a seat.']
+ pati, 1280, cf. 1267a.] + ava, sink down, get into trouble, be
satya, 1. a. real; true; existing in in distress.

reality, 45 12 ; truthful, trusty, faithful, + a, 1. sit upon; 2. lie in wait for,

69 9 ;
2. n. the real; the true; reality; 89 :3 ; 3. get to, reach (a place); asan-
truth, 95 end of line; truthfulness, 21 6 ,
na :
approached near, neighboring, 33 ;

95 6 near mid. of line; faithfulness, 69 12 ;

caus. 1. set upon; 2. get to, arrive

yatha tena satyena, as

, by this , at, reach ; find, obtain, gain, 23
n ,
46 2 ;

as l ff .
truth, as truly ,
so truly, 14 ;
3. asadya, mg as
often so attenuated in
3. n. vow, promise, oath; satyam bru, to be equiv. to a mere preposition : nimittam
21 6
swear, 10 , 15 ; satyam cikirsamanas, kimcid asadya, (having obtained some
desiring to keep his promise, 8 4. ;
cause or other, i.e.) by or in consequence
satyam, adi\ truly, indeed, 49 10 .
[sant, of some cause or other, cf. V dig + ud.
1212c :
radically akin w. ereo-s, true/ + ni, 1. sit down; take one's seat, esp.

but of different formation, since the of the hotr at the sacrifice, 88 6 8 ; -2. -

Cyprian shows that 3re6s stands for act. and mid. set, install as, trans.!,
*fTeFo-s.] 82 12 ; caus. act. and mid. set, install as,

satya-radhas, a. having real blessings, 88i".

bestowing real blessings. [1298.] + pra, be favorable or gracious; pra-

n caws, make
satya-vadin, a. truth-speaking, truth- sanna, kindly disposed, 1 ;

ful. [1275.] kindly disposed, propitiate, 36 [behind .


satya-vrat, n. vow of truthfulness. the mg be gracious lies doubtless the



[1264, acct 1267.] physical mg settle forward, incline to-

satyavrata, a. having, i.e. keeping a wards, a suppliant.']

satyavrata, always truthful, 6 .
[1296, + vi, sink, used (like the Eng. be de-
acct 1295.] pressed) of the spirits, be dejected de- ;

satya-samgara, a. having, i.e. keep- spond, 35

n ;
come to grief, 31 1
; visanna,
ing a true agreement, i.e. true to his dejected.
promise. + sam, sit together.

satyasamdha, a. having, i.e. keeping a sadadi, adv. always, 93 3 .

[cf. sada.]
true agreement, i.e. faithful, [satya + s a dan a, n. seat; generalized, like Eng.
samdha.] seat and Lat. sedes, place (75 ), dwelling.
satvara, a. with haste; -am, adv. quick- [Vsad.]
ly, [2sa + tvara.]
immediately. sadas, n. seat. [Vsad: cf. e5os, 'seat.']

sat-samnidhana, n. a being near to sadasat, n. existence and non-existence.

the good, intercourse with the good, [sat + asat, the subst. used neuter stems
[sant.] of sant and asant, 1252.]
sadasadatmaka] [266]

sadasad-atmaka, a. having existence [present ppl. of V 1 as,

be,' q.v. cf : .

and non-existence as its nature, whose fiav, stem tovT, 'being'; Lat. absens, stem
nature it is to exist and also not to exist ab-sent, 'being off'; sons, stem sont, 'the
at the same time, [sadasat.] real doer,' '
the guilty one Danish sane?,

sad a, adv. always, [cf. 1103a 2 .] AS. soft,

true,' Eng. sooth,
true, truth

sad-acara, m. the conduct or practices for mg 2, cf. the mg of satya, of rbv

of the good, [sant.] iovra \6yov, 'the true story/ and of
sa-dfga, a. of like appearance; equal, Eng. sooth.~\
used (296b) M;. gen. [518.] samtati, f. 1. continuation; 2. esp.
s adyas adv. on the same day
, ;
imme- continuation of one's race or family, i.e.
[see 1122f.]
diately, offspring.
sadha,adv. equiv. of 1 saha, see 1104 8 .
samta'pa, m. 1. heat; 2. pain, sor-

sadha-mada, m. co-revelry, <rv/j.ir6(Tiov, row, [vftap + sam.]

common feast; sadhamadam mad, revel samtapavant, a. sorrowful. [1233.]
in bliss with, w. instr. [1290.] samdrg, / a beholding; sight. [Vdrg +
sadha-stha, n. (orig., perhaps, co-place, sam.]
i.e. place of union, but generalized to the samdeha, m. 1. doubt; -at, from (by
simple mg of) place. reason of) uncertainty [291 2 ] ; 2. dan-

[V dih + sam
sana, a. old. [orig. 'of long standing, ger, 20 . for :
mg 2, cf .

long continued': cf. eVo-s, 'old'; Lat. bhaya.]

sen-ex, 'old man'; Goth, sin-ista, 'oldest'; samdha, f. 1. covenant, agreement;
AS. put,' + sam for
' '
sin-ceald, perpetually or extremely 2. promise. [V 1 dha, :

cold'; AS. and Old Eng. sin-grene, 'ever- mg 1, cf. 'covenant,' and vw-
green,' Eng. sen-green, (extremely green, riOiifu, the counterpart of samdadhami.]
i.e.) house-leek': from a not quotable samdha n a, n. a putting together, avv-
Goth. *sina-skalks, Medieval Lat. sini- Offfis, mixing. [V 1 dha,
put,' + sam :

scalcus, 'oldest through house-servant,' paroxytone, 1150. lc.]

intermediate Romance forms, comes Eng. samdhi, m. 1. a putting together, ativ-

seneschal; Ger. Siind-flut, 'sin-flood,' is a Offfis; 2. like samdha, compact, alliance,

13 7
popular interpretation of Old High Ger. 41 ; peace, 17 ;
3. the putting together
the long-continued flood, the of sounds in word and sentence (see
Noachian deluge.'] 2
Whitney 109b ), euphonic combination,
s d,n a adv. of old, always,
, [instr. of sana, 50 9 4. junction (of day and night), i.e.

1112c, not a.] morning or evening twilight. [V 1 dha,

sanat, adv. from of old, always, forever, '

put,' + sam, 1155. 2e.]

[sana, acct 1114d.] samdhya, a. pertaining to samdhi or
sanatana, a. everlasting, eternal,
[sana, junction; samdhya,/. 1. time of junc-

1245e.] tion (of day and night), morning or even-

sa-nila, a. having a common nest or ing twilight du. morning and evening

origin, affiliated, united. [1304c.] twilight; 2. morning twilight (of a

sane mi, adv. always. [perhaps from yuga), 58
3 .
[samdhi, cf. 1212b.]
sana.] sarndhyanqa, m. (lit. twilight-portion)
sant, 1. ppl. being; otiose, 24 16 ,
see evening twilight of a yuga. [anga.]
\1 1 as ; existing ;
2. a. real, genuine ; samdhya-samaya, m. twilight-time,
true, good; 3. of people, good, noble, evening.
excellent, 19 8 ' 20
, 28"; -4. sati, /. a samnidhana, n. (a putting down to-

true, good, virtuous wife (hence Anglo- gether, juxta-position, approximation, and
Indian Suttee); 5. n. the existent; so) a being near; contiguity; presence;
existence ; 6. sat-kr, make good, treat neighborhood, 40 9 [VI dha, 'put,' + .

well, receive kindly. sam-ni, 1150: cf. samnidhi.]

[267] [samartha
samnidhi, ?. presence. [Vldha, 'put,' Eng. gossip, sponsor, familiar friend,
+ sam-ni, 1155. 2e for :
mg, cf. samni- tattler ;
Ger. Sipp, masc.,
dhana.] Sippe, fern., 'relationship, kindred.']
V sap (sapati, -te sepiis). ;
follow after; sabharya, a. having his wife with him,
be attached or devoted to. [identified by i.e.with his wife, 1 1T .
[2 sa + bharya,
some with V sac.] 1304c, 334 2.]
sap, vbl. following after, in cpds. [Vsap.] sam, prep, along, with, together, [cf. 2sa.]
sapatnl, a. f. having a common hus- 1 sama 4
[525 ], end. pron. any; every,
band ;
as subst. one of two or more wives 76 cf. samaha.
; [cf. a^-flei/, 'from
of the same man, co-wife, fellow-wife, some place or other';, 'not any';
concubine. [sa + pati, but in the fern, ov8-a/j.ios, 'in not any wise'; AS. sum,
form, since the masc. would not be used : some one/ Eng. some.']

1304c: cf. supatni.] 2 sama, a. -1. even; -2. like, 63 17 ;

10 16
V saparya (saparyati). pay devotion to, equal, 48 ;
w. gen. (296b), 3 ; -am, adv.
worship. [denom. of a not quotable equally with, along with, with, w. instr.,
devotion,' from V sap.] 29 6 ,26 -3. like or equal (to the usual),

sa-pinda, a. subst. having the pinda i.e. not distinguished, common, mediocre,
(q.i'. )
in common, said of persons who 19 10 [cf. apa, Doric a/xd, 'at the same

have a common ancestor not more than time

; o^os,
one and the same, common '

six generations back to whom they offer

' '

6fj.a-\ds, even, equal ;

Lat. simi-lis,
a pinda together, persons related in the 'like'; AS. same, 'in like manner'; Eng.
sixth generation. [1304c.] same.]
6 2S 19 10
sapta [483*], num. seven, 53 , 99 also, ; samata, f. equality; mediocrity, .

as a favorite sacred number, the expression [2 sama, 1237.]

of an indefinite plurality, e.g. 71 72 4 6 ,
samad, f. fight, contest, [sam, 383d

[cf. eirrd, Lat. septem, AS. seofon, Eng. cf ., confused voices of men, din
seven.'} of battle, throng.']

saptakathamaya, f. -I, a.
consisting sam-adhika, a. having a surplus with
of seven narrations, [sapta-katha see : it ; masatrayam samadhikam, three

maya.] months and more. [1305.]

sapta-tantu, a. having seven courses. sam-anantara, a. with a non-interval,
sapta-pada, f. -I, a. 1. being for immediately adjoining -am, adv. im- ;

seven, i.e. many or all, steps (see 1294 ), mediately thereupon. [1305.]
i.e. being at every step, constant 2. samaya, m. 1. (a coming together, i.e.,

having (taken) seven steps; see 100 4 N. like agreement;

Eng. con-vention) 2.

[1300 a.] (likeEng. juncture) a point of time ;

sa-pragraya, a. with respectful de- so time or season, 49 16 occasion; ;
3. a

meanor; -am, adv. respectfully. con-currence (of circumstances), i.e. a

sa-phala, a. fruitful, fruit-bearing. case see iha. [Vi + sam.]

sa-bandhu, a. having a friend. a. suitable to the occasion
samayocita, ;

sa-baspa, a. tearful. -am, adv. as the occasion demands.

sa-brahmacarin, m. fellow-student. [ucita, Vuc.]
sa-bhaya, a. fearful; -am, adv. in samara na. n. battle; Treffen. [prop. 'a
terror. coming together/ Vr + sam, 1150. la just :

Eng. verb meet sometimes means come

sabha, f. house or hall for public meet- so,

together with hostile purpose/ and Eng.

ings, esp. gambling-house assembly, 19 ; ;

society, 19 l .
[orig., perhaps, 'family': noun encounter is used mostly of a hostile
Goth, sibja, relationship,' AS. sibb,
cf .
relationship, related ; Old Eng. god-sib,
sam -art ha, a. (having an agreeing or

'related in God,' i.e. ' a sponsor in baptism/ accordant object [1305], i.e.) suiting its
samalamkrta] [268]

object, and so suitable; capable; able, sampad, f. 1. success; 2. (a falling

w. inf. together, co-inciding, and so a fitting of

sam-alamkrta, a. well adorned, [see the parts to each other, i.e.) correct pro-
alam : sam intensive, 1077b end.] portion, beauty. [V pad + sam.]
samavatta-dhana, a. containing sam put a, m. hemispherical bowl or dish;

gathered pieces, [see 1087e.] round casket (for jewels) ; sampute likh,
s am ah a, accentless adv. somehow, 80 5 . write a thing (ace.) in the strong-box of a

[Isama: cf. HOOa and 1104 3 .] person (gen.), i.e. credit it to him. [sam +

samagama, m. 1. a coming together, puta, a together-fold,' 1289a.]

meeting; 2. meeting with, i.e. inter- samprati, adv. 1. just opposite; and
course. [V gam + sam-a. ] so 2. (to the same limit) even, exactly;
samana, f. -i, a. 1. like; one and the 3. (like Eng. even) at the very time;
same, 78 ; -am, adv. in the same way,
15 and so just now. [sam (intensive, 1077b
103 13 2. common (to different persons
; end) + prati, 1314a.]
or countries), 73*, 98 17 ; united, 73 16 .
sam-priya, a. mutually dear, [priya,
[2 sama, 1245d.] 1289a.]
sam ana -grama, m. the same village. sambandha, m. con-nection and so, as ;

samanagramiya, a. belonging to the in Eng., relationship. [V bandh + sam. ]

same village, [samana-grama, 1215.] sambhava, m. origin; at end of adj.
samasa, m. 1. a putting together; and cpds, having as its origin, originating
so (cf. Lat. con-trahere,
draw together,' in[VbM + sam.]

then 'abridge') 2. a condensation; sambhavya, grdv. to be supposed, sup-

abridgment; -ena and samasatas, suc- posable. [caus. of V bhu + sam.]
cinctly. [V 2 as,
throw,' + sam.] sambhrama, m. extreme agitation, haste
samidh, f. (like Eng. kindlings) fuel. arising from excitement. [V bhram +
[\/idh + sam, 'kindle.'] sam.]
samlpa, 1. a. near ; 2. as n. near- sam-mila, a. corn-mixed, mixed with,
ness, neighborhood, presence used like ; united with. [1289a.]
antika, q.v. ; 2a. samipam, w. gen. or in sam-rajnl, f. complete, i.e. sovereign
cpd, (to the presence of, i.e., simply) to, ruler ;
mistress. [for sam, see 1289b
w. verbs of going, 6 W , 27", 33*, 44 u ; end, and 1077b end :for m
instead of m,
2b. samlpe, w. gen. or in cpd (in the see 2-13a 2 .]
presence or neighborhood of, i.e., simply) : sa-yatna, a. (having, i.e. taking pains
16 9 14
before, 2 near, 25 ; hard by, 34
; ; to, i.e.) trying to, w. inf.; engaged in,
by, 40 .
[cf. pratipa.] w. inf.

samipa-stha, a. in cpd, situated in the sara, a. in cpds.

running, moving, going,
neighborhood of, near. [Vsr.]
samutsarga, m. an ejecting, discharge. sarana, a. running; as n. a running.
[Vsrj + sam-ud, 216.1.] [Vsr, 1150. la.]
samudra, m. a gathering of waters, a sea, V saranya (saranyati). run, hasten,
an ocean, ['a con-fluence/ Vud + sam, [sarana, 1059d.J
1188b.J saranyu, a. hastening, swift -yu [355c], ;

samunnati, f. arising; elevation, i.e., f. Saranyu, daughter of Twashtar, and

Jig., distinction. [V + sam-ud, 1157 nam spouse of Vivaswaut, to whom she bare
and d.] Yama and Yami, 85 15 N. [V saranya,
samrti.y. (a coming together, and so) 1178h: cf. 'Eplvv-s, 'the swift' goddess of
col-lision, shock, [Vr + sam, 1157d: cf. vengeance.]
samarana.] s m
a r d a f. the bitch of Indra
or of the

sampatti, /. success; prosperity; abund- ;

gods cf. 83 N. [' the runner
or '
ance, 17 .
[Vpad + sam, 1157d.] senger,' Vsr, cf. 1166.]
[269] [savayas
' ' '
saras, n. lake, pool. [orig. 'fluid, i.e. whole, entire ;
Lat. salvus, whole, un-
' '
water,' from Vsr, 'run,' just as fluidus harmed, well ; Oscan sollu-s,
entire ;

from fluere,
flow, run.'] Lat. stem sollu- in cpds, e.g. solli-ferreum,

aaras-tira, n. bank of a pool. 'all-iron (weapon),' soll-ennis, 'of every

sarasvant, 1. a. rich in waters ; -vati, year, annual,' used of religious cere-

/. : Saraswati, name of a mighty

2. monies : no connection w. Eng. (w)hole,
stream, probably the Indus 3. Saras- ;
see also kalya.]

wati, a small stream in Madhyade9a, to sarvam -sah a, a. patiently bearing all

which the name and attributes of the things, [sarvam, 1250a, 1270b.]
great stream were transferred 4. ; sarva-gata, a. (gone to all, i.e.) uni-
Saraswati, the goddess of voice and versally prevalent.
speech, learning and eloquence, [saras.] sarvatas, adv. 1. from all sides; on
s ar11 , f.
stream. '
[V sr, run, flow,' 383. 3 : all sides, 93 12 ;
in 11
every direction, 3 ,
for mg, cf Ger. Fluss, ' stream,' w. fliessen, 12
. 101 ;
2. omnino, altogether, 56 16 .

flow,' and Eng. stream under V sru.]

[sarva, 1098b acct, cf. 1298c.]:

sarga, m. 1. shot; 2. stream or spurt sarvatra, adv. 1. everywhere or in all

a letting loose; 19
or jet; 3. 4. that cases, 21 2. at all times; always, un-

which is a herd let loose 14

let loose, esp. interruptedly, 5 .
[sarva, 1099: acct,
from the stall, 76 4 ;
5. chapter of an cf. 1298c.]
epic poem, a Jig. use of the word in mg 1 sarvatha, adv. 1. in every way; 2.
or 2. [Vsrj, 216.1.] by all means. [sarva, 1101.]
sarpa, m. (like serpent from serpere, sarvada, adv. always; constantly; for
'creep') the creeper, snake, serpent, 84 . ever,[sarva, 1103.]
[V srp, q.v.] sarva-deva, m. pi. all the gods.
sarpis, n. clarified butter, either warm sarvadevamaya, containing in him-

and still fluid or cold and hardened, and self all the gods, representing or being

so not differing from ghrta,

ghee.' [orig. in the name of all the gods, 28 19 [sarva- .

' ' ' '

fluid butter, or the slippery, fat deva: see maya.]
stuff, from V srp,
creep, move gently, sarva-dravya, n. pi. all things.

slip,' 1153: see Vsrp and srpra: akin are sarva-bhava, m. the whole heart.
Hesychian e\ir-os,
olive oil, fat,' and sarvabhutamaya, a. containing in

<!\<j>-os, 'butter'; Ger. Salbe, AS. sealf, himself all beings, 56 20 .

[sarva-bhuta :
Eng. salve.~\ see maya.]
sarva [524], pron. 1. entire or complete, sarva-yosit, f. pi. all women.
50 2 \ 95 18 ,
96 2 ; salvus, integer, un- sarva -1 oka, m. the entire world.
harmed ; 2. adj. all, every ;
2a. subst. : sarva-vira, a. with unharmed heroes or

sing, m., everyone ; sing, n., everything ;

with all heroes, i.e. having lost none.
pi., 2b. common at beg. of cpds
all ; [1298.]
instead of an adj.: thus sarva-gunair sarvagas, adv. wholly, altogether; all

yuktas, for sarvair gunair yuktas, I

, together, 66 ; together, 65 15 .
2 3 15 w. 23 32 15 w.
so cf. 10
; 10 32", , 1106.]
51 w. 52 23 ; similarly 6
17 1- 9
21 23
, sarvanavadya, a. entirely faultless,
etc. ; 2c. idam sarvam, 63 21 ,
see idam ; [anavadya, 1279 *.]
so for 66 19 ; sarvanavadyanga, a. having an en-
observe that both mgs, 1 and 2, are tirely faultless body, [anga, 1298.]
common to the post-Vedic literature ; that in savana, n. a pressing, esp. of Soma.
the oldest parts Veda, sarva occurs of the
[Vlsu, 'press out.']
only in mg 1, while for mg 2 the proper sa-vayas, a. of like strength or age;
Vedic word is vigva, q.v.; but see 77 11 K. m. pi. (like fjAt/cej, fi\iKiurai,
equals in
[cf. o\os, Epic ov\os, *oA.A.os, *O'AFO-S, age, comrades') comrades. [3vayas.]
savarna] [270]

sd-varna, a. 1. having the same ex- have, had : w. sahas, *sagh-as, cf the .

ternal appearance, exactly similar, 85 H ; Germanic stem seg-oz, as it appears in

2. of the same caste, 62 7 [for rags, . Goth. neut. siyis, AS. sigor, prob. neuter,
' '
see varna.] all meaning victory ;
the stem appears
sa-vitana, a. having a canopy, with a also in Seges-tes, name of a Cheruscan

canopy. prince (Tacitus, Annals), and in Sigis-

savitf, m. 1. (with the two mgs of mund : cf. also AS. sige, Ger. Sieg,

Eng. quickener) impeller, enlivener 2. ; victory.']

The Enlivener, Savitar, name of a god, + ud, 1. hold out, endure; 2. be
selection xxxvi. ; 3. the sun, 23 13 .
able, w. inf. ; katham svartham utsahe,
[V2su, 'impel.'] how can I (sc. do, prosecute) own my
sa-vinaya,". with politeness ; -am, adv. object.
politely. 1 saha, 1. adv. together; saha na etad,
sa-vigesa, a.
possessing distinction, dis- incommon ours (is) that, i.e. we'll own
tinguished; -am, adv. in a distinguished that together, 97 10 ; 2. prep, with, along
16 8
way, especially. with, w. instr., I , 89 [cf. 2sa, and .

savya, a. left, 101 19, 102", 103 2 ;

as m. 1104 3 .]
the left hand or foot, 60 5 .
[prob. for 2 saha, a. 1. powerful ; 2. enduring,
*syavya would appear fr. the Church
(as patiently bearing. [Vsah.]
Slavonic form suj, 'sinister'), and so per- saha-carin, 1. a. going together, ac-

haps akin with trKaws, *<TKaFio-s, Lat. companying; 2. as m. comrade, [for

scaevus, 'left.'] 2, cf. sahaya.]
savyatha, a. with sorrow or trouble, saha-jd, a. born together, con-nate, in-

[sa + vyatha.] born, natural.

savyavrt, a. with a turn to the left, i.e. saha-bha sman, a. with the ashes.
turning to the left, [avrt.] saha-vatsa, a. with the calf. [1304c.]
sa-gisya, a. with his pupils. saha-vahana, a. having their teams
V sas (sasti). sleep, slumber. along, with their teams. [1304c.]
s asa ,
m. or n. herbs ; grass. sahas, n. superior power; might, 75
u ;

sasamdhya, o. with the morning twi- victory ; sahasa, adv. (with violence,
light, [samdhya.] i.e.) suddenly, straightway, [see under
sa-samdhyanga, a. with the evening Vsah.]
twilight. sa-hasta, a. having hands.
sa-sambhrama, a. with excited haste. sahasya, a. powerful, [sahas, 1212dl.]
sa-sarpa, a. with a serpent. sahasra, n. a thousand; esp. a thousand
sasya, n. standing crop; produce of the kine ;
a thousand, in the sense of a great
field, grain, [cf. sasa.] many, 87 ; for constructions, see 486.
one-thousand,' 3 sa + hasra : witl
sasya-ksetra, n. field of grain. [prop.
sasya-raksaka, m. keeper or watcher hasra, cf. -xl\o-, *xei\o, *x<r/\.o (in SeKoi-
of the standing crop. Xf\ot), and ^l\ioi,
V s ah (sahate; sasaha, sasahe asahista;
; sahasra-nitha, a. having a thousand

sahisyate ;
sodha [222 3 ] ; sahitum, s6- songs, rich in songs, [nitha, 193, 1300a.]
dhum -sahya).
1. overpower, 99
; sahasradaksina, a. having a thousand
be victorious, 78 4 ;
2. hold out against, kine as his gift or as its reward as m., sc. ;

withstand ; and so bear ;

endure patiently, yajfia, a sacrifice at which such reward is
32 7. given, 87
of persons who offer such
[orig. powerful, withstand, hold
'be gifts, 91
[daksina, ISOOa.J
back, hold': cf. the collateral Vsagh, sahasra-dvar [388c], a thousand-
'take on one's self, bear': cf. tax", *<"- doored.
' '
<rx-a>, hold back ; ex, %-<r\-ov,
hold or sahasra-^rnga, a. thousand-horned.
[271] [saman

sahasrangu, a. thousand-rayed; as m. sagara, m. ocean, [cf. sagara: accord-

the sun. [angu.] ing to the legend, a basin hollowed out
sahasrangu-sama, a. sun-like. by the sons of Sagara, and filled by
sahasra-magha, a. having thousand Bhagiratha with the water of the Ganges.]
sagnika, a. having Agni with them, with
gifts. [247.]
sahasvant, a. mighty, [sahas.] Agni. [sa + agni, 1304c : for -ka, see
sah ay a, m. companion, attendant. [lit. 1222c2 2 and 1307.]
going together or with/ saha + aya for
sangustha, a. with the thumb. [an-
mg, cf. Lat. comes, stem com-i-t, Vz, lit. gustha.]
'going with, i.e. companion,' and also sata, m. Sata, name of a Yaksha.

sahacarin.] sata-vahana, .
having Siita (in the
sahayatana, a. along with the fire-place. form of a lion) as his beast of burden,
[ayatana.] riding on Sata as m. Satavahana, name ;

sahita, a. united; pi. in company, all to- of a king, 49 1T .

gether. [quasi-ppl. from 1 saha, like Eng. sattvika, f. -I, a. 1. (really existent,
downed from dou-n. i.e.) real, 22 5
standing in relation

sahela, a. with levity; -am, adv. play- to the quality sattva (q.v.), proceeding

fully. [2sa + hela.] from sattva, governed by sattva, good,

V sa or si (syati [761d3] ; sinati; sisaya ; [sattva, 1222e2.]
asat ; sisyati ; sita ; situm ; -saya ; sadana, n. dwelling. [Vsad: for mg, cf.

sayayati). bind; used almost exclusively sadana.]

with ava and vi. [cf. 1/j.ds, stem *ai-n.a.vr, sadara, a. with respect; -am, adv. re-
thong '; AS. si-ma, 'bond'; Church
strap, spectfully, [adara.]
Slavonic se-tt, Lithuanian se-tas, AS. sd-da, V sadh (sadhati, -te; sadhitum; sadha-
1. come straight to one's aim,
Ger. Sai-te,
string ;
Church Slavonic yati).
si-lo, AS. sd-l, Ger. Sei-l, 'rope': see also attain one's object; 2. bring straight to

V sivand snayu.] one's object; cans. 1. bring to its

+ ava, 1. unbind or unharness (a object or end; accomplish; 2. attain,

team); and so turn in; go to rest; go win. [cf. 2 sidh, 'succeed.'] v'

home, 101 6 avasita, having turned in, sadhu,/. sadhvi, a.

1. leading straight

at rest ;
2. come to a stop at, i.e. decide to the goal; straight (path), 83 ; 2. 17

upon (e.g. a dwelling-place). good or noble (of people) faithful (wife), ;

+ adhy-ava, cans, bring one's self to 64 10 ;

as m. noble man, 21 19 ; as f. excel-
a stop at, i.e. decide upon, undertake, lent woman, 46 7 ;
3. as adv. right;
12 22
regularly, 86 ; well; as excl. bravo! 14 ,
+ ud-ava, set out, esp. from the place 48 16 .
[Vsadh, 1178a.]
of sacrifice, cf. sa + ava, 1 ;
betake one's sadhuya, adv. straight, directly, [sadhii,
self, w. he., 101 . 1112e end.]
+ vy-ava , decide, determine, cf. sa + sadhya, grdv. to be won; as m. pi.
ava, 2. Sadhyas, a class of deities. [V sadh.]
+ pra,.zn prasiti, 'continuation.' sanu, n. m. top; surface; ridge; back,
sakuta, a. having a (definite) intention; [cf. snu.]
-am, adv. significantly, impressively. sanugaya, a. full of repentance, [anu-
[akuta.] aya.]
saksa, a. having or with the eyes; used sama-dhvani, m. sound of the saman.
only in abl. saksat, as adv. 1. with the [1249a .]
14 &
eyes ; 2. plainly, actually, 51 ; exactly, saman, n. song; as technical term, esp.
58 23 ;
3. (in propria
reality, i.e.)
in Vedic stanza as arranged for chanting, a
persona, embodied, in person, I 10 6 18 ,
. saman ;
the collection of saman's, the
[aksa: 1114c.] Samaveda.
samarthya] [272]

samarthya, n. ability; -am kr, do one's pour out; sprinkle, 49 2. esp. semen ;

4. inf undere f eminae

utmost ; strength, 41 [samartha, 3. (like Eng. found) ;

1211.] cast, e.g. molten metal; phenam vajram

sama-veda, m. the Veda of saman or asincan, they cast the foam into (the
6 2 a 12 .
chants, 63 [1249a .] .
shape of) thunderbolt, 97 [cf.
samprata, a. of now, present; -am, adv. (ic-/ub,
moisture ; AS. seon, *sih-an,
' '
at present, now. [samprati, 1208d.] filter, flow,' Ger. seih-en, ' strain ; Church
s a my a, n. equality. [2sama, 1211.] Slavonic slc-ati, Ger. seich-en,
mingere :


samyata,y. condition of equality or like- cf. also Swedish sila, *sih-la, strain,'
ness, [samya.] whence Eng. sile, 'drain, strain,' whence
say a, n. 1. a turning in, going to rest; sil-t, drainings, sediment.']
2. evening; sayam, adv. at evening, + abhi, 1. pour upon, sprinkle; 2.

sayaka, a. suitable for hurling, missile. sprinkle in token of consecration, and so

[V2si, 'hurl,'1181a.] (like Eng. anoint) consecrate.

saranga, a. dappled; as m. antelope, + ava, pour upon.

sarameya, m. descendant of the bitch + a, pour into.
Sarama, name of certain dogs, 77 *, 83
17 .
+ ni, pour down or in; semen inf undere

[sarama, 1216a.] feminae.

sard ha, a. with a half; dve gate sardhe, sic, f. hem of a garment or robe.
two hundred and fifty; sardham, adv., siddha, a. perfected; as m. pi. the Sid-
generalized, together ; as prep, along with, dhas, a class of demi-gods, with super-
w. instr. [ardha : the generalization of natural powers, esp. that of flying through
mg is paralleled by that seen in galin.] the air. [see V 2 sidh, succeed.']
savitra, f. -i, a. belonging to Savitar; siddhi,/. 1. success, 36 10 ; accomplish-
with or without re, a verse to Savitar, esp. ment (of a wish), 24 successful per-

Kigveda iii.62. 10 (= 74 14>15 ), regarded as formance, 57 ;
attainment of an object,
the most sacred in the Veda, and called 52 u ; 2. (perfection, i.e.) magic power,
also gayatri, 60 13 .
[savitf, 1208b.] [prop.
the reaching an aim,' V 2 sidh,

sagru, a,sagru, adv. [llllc],

tearful; 'hit the mark,' 1157. la.]
tearfully, with tears in (their) eyes, 54 .
siddhimant, a. possessing magic power.
[acru.] [1235.]
sastangapata, a. having or with an V Isidh (sedhati sisedha setsyati ; ; ;

astangapata, q.v. ; -am, adv. with pro- siddha; seddhum; -sidhya). drive off;
foundest obeisance, scare away.
sasuya, a. with impatience; -am, adv. V 2 sidh (sidhyati, -te; sisedha; setsyati,
impatiently, [asuya.] -te siddha). 1. reach an aim, hit the ;

sahasra, a. consisting of a thousand, mark; 2. succeed, 18 n ; be accom-

milliarius. IS 22 become realized, 18 19 be
[sahasra.] plished, ; ;

sahayya, n. office of attendant, and so of advantage, boot, avail, 71*; siddha,

(like Eng. attendance) service, aid. having reached one's (highest) aim, hav-
[sahaya, 1211.] ing attained perfection; esp. perfect in
V Isi, bind, see Vsa. of having attained supernatural
the sense

V 2 si, hurl, in pra-sita, 'darting along,' or magic powers as m. a Siddha, q.v. ;

missile,' and sena, weapon.' '
[cf. v'sadh.]
sinha, m. lion; at end of cpds, the best of + pra ,
succeed ; prasiddha, known, cf.

, noble or brave ; cf. vyaghra. [' the prasiddhi ;

aham prasiddho musaka-
go by the name of M., 47
I 21
powerful beast, V sah.] khyaya, .

V sic (sincati, -te [758]; siseca, sisice ; sindhu, m. stream; 2. in V.

1. in V.,

asicat, -ata ; seksyati, -te ;

sikta ;
sek- and later, f. The Stream, i.e. the Indus
tum ; siktva; -sicya ; sicyate). 1. (incolis Sindus appellatus Pliny); 3.
[273] [1 suta

the land on the Indus and its inhabitants s u-krt ,

a. well-doing, righteous ; as m.
(pi.), [cf. the Old Persian form hindu the righteous ones /car' Qoxhv, i.e. the
(in an inscription of Darius Hystaspis at departed fathers (85 ), who enjoy the

Persepolis), as name of the land on the reward of their works in the world of the
Indus hence, w. loss of aspiration, the
pious sukftam u loke, 84
n .

classical form 'Ij/SJ-s ;

hence also Persian su-krta, a good deed, good works,

India,' and Hind-u-stan (stem
= 63 16 ; sukrtasya loka, world of righteous-
sthana, 'abode, land').] ness, 89 , modernized substitute for the old
sisrksu, a. desirous to create. [fr. phrase sukftam u loka. [1288 and b:
desid. of V srj, 1038, 1178f :
euphony, acct, 1284a.]
184c 2 .] su-keganta, a. fair-locked. [1304b.]
V si v (sivyati ; syiita ; -sivya). sew. su-ksatra, a. having a good or kind
[prop, slu (765): cf. v' sa, si, 'bind,' su- rule ;
as m. kind or gracious ruler, [ksa-
' ' '
tra, thread,' sucf, needle : cf .
Kaff-avu, tra, 1304b.]
*KaTo-<ruco, 'sew down, stitchtogether, su-ks6tra,n. fair field. [ks6tra, 1288b.]
' '
cobble ;
Lat. su-ere, sew,' su-tor,
shoe- V suksetriya (*suksetrlyati). to desire
maker'; AS. siw-ian, seowian, Eng. sew; fair fields denom., found only in the fol-
AS. seam, Eng. seam, Ger. Saum, 'hem, lowing word,
[suksetra, 1059c and c .]
border.'] suksetriya, f. desire for fair fields.

V Isu (sun6ti, sunute; susava; savisyati, [V suksetriya, 1149 6 .]

sosyati; suta; -siitya). press out, ex- sukha, a. pleasant; comfortable; as n.

tract, esp. the Soma or extract ; sunvant, pleasure; comfort; joy; bliss, 58
n 66 1 ; ,

as m. the Soma-presser ; suta, extracted ; sukham, -ena, adverbially, pleasantly,

as m. the extract, i.e. 5 with pleasure, in comfort, happily, well
Soma-juice, 70 ;

draught of Soma, 73
10 . or easily, 24 9 etc. [cf. duhkha.]

V 2su or su (suvati susuv6 ; dsavit; ; sukha-duhkha, n. weal or woe.

suta, suta ; -siitya). impel, set in [1253b.]
motion bring about ; occasion ; give ; sukhin, a. having comfort, being in com-
authorization to; w. loc., perhaps set, at fort, [sukha.]
KV. X. 125. 7. [cf. <?<*, *o-eF-cia>,
let .go, sukhocita, a. accustomed to ease,

permit'; aT/ta GV-TO, 'the blood shot or [ucita, Vuc.]

spurted.'] sukhodya, a. easily pronounceable,
+ ud, impel upwards; set a-going, begin, [udya.]
in utsava. sukhopavista, a. comfortably seated,
+ p a r a drive away. , [upavista, Vvic,.]
V 3 s u generate, bear, see V su.
, su-gd, a. having the going or approach
sti, 1. adv. [1121d], well; with stha, stand easy; easy to attain as n. good path.

well, i.e.
firmly, 87 ; asseverative or em- su-gata, a.
well-conditioned, i.e. having
phatic, and to be rendered variously: we had a goo.d time.
4 ni su svapa, sleep in peace;
pray, 79 ; su-gatuya,/! desire for welfare, [pre-
with u, 'now,' just now, right soon, 80 l , supposes a noun *su-gatu,
74 11 ; -2. inseparable prefix [1304b, 1288b], (see gatu),whence the denom. verb-stem
with force of either adv. or adj., well or *sugatuya, 'desire welfare' (1061), whence
good; sometimes intensive, as, su-dustara, this noun 1149 6 .]
very bad-to-cross.' [no prob. connection su-cira, a. very long; -am, adv. very
w. e5, 'well'; see ayii.] long.
sukumara, a. very delicate. [cf. ku- su-janiman, a. having good productions
mara.] or creations ; skillfully fashioning.
sukumaranga, f. -I, a. having very 1 suta, ppl. extracted; as m. extract;
delicate limbs, [anga.] sea \l 1 su, extract.'
2 suta] [274]

2 suta, m. son ; suta, f. daughter, [prop, su-baddha, a. well or fast bound.

'generated, born,' ppl. of V3su, see Vsu: [1288b and 1284a.]
for mg, cf. sunii, and Eng. bairn (under su-buddhi, a. having good wits; as m.
V/bhr).] Bright-wits, Good-wits, name of a crow.
su-tfp, a. easily satisfied. [vbl. fr. su-bhaga, a. having a goodly portion,
\f 1 trp.] fortunate, happy ; esp. loved (by one's
10 12 .
su-dargana, having a beautiful ap-
a. husband), 89 ; charming; amiable, 61
pearance, handsome, eu-<j)wfis; as m. Su- [bhaga, 1304b.]
darfana, name of a king, 'Ei><f)dvr]s. siimakha, a. jocund. [perhaps sii +
su -daman, a. having good gifts, bestow- makha.]
ing blessings as m. cloud, as source of
; su-mangala, /. -gall [355b], a.having
rain and therewith connected blessings, or bringing good luck, [mangala: acct
blessed rain-cloud. irregular, cf. 1304b end.]
su-dina, a. very bright or clear; as n. su-madhyama, a. fair-waisted.

(like Lat. serenum) clear weather. su-manas, a. 1. good-hearted, well-

sudinatva, n. (like Lat. serenitas) clear disposed, 90 ; kind; 2. (having good,
weather; auspicious or blessed time,
fig. i.e. happy feelings, i.e.)cheerful; glad,
always in the phrase -tve ahnam, in der 78 13 -3.
as / pi. (the cheerful ones,
Gliickszeit der Tage, in the happy days. the flowers;
i.e.) in cpd, 19 2/) .
[cf. the
[1239.] second part of eu-jueHjs, stem fv-/j.fves,
su-ditl, f. beautiful flaming or flame. well-disposed.']
su-dustara, very hard-to-cross, hard
a. V sumanasya, only in ppl. sumanas-
to get over; (of a promise) hard to per- yamana, being cheerful ; joyous, [su-
form. manas, 1063.]
1 sudha, f. (good place or position, i.e.) sii -mah a nt [450b], a. very great or

well-being, [sii + 1 dha.] important. [1288b.]

2 sudha, /. (good drink, i.e.) drink of the sumahakaksa, a. having very-great
gods, nectar, [sii + 2 dha.] (enclosures, i.e.) halls or rooms. [su-
su-nasaksibhruva, having beauti- a. maha + kaksa, 1298a, 334 2

ful noses-and-eyes-and-brows. [for na- su-meka, a. (having a good setting-up,

saksibhru (1315c), i.e. nasa + aksi + bhru, i.e.) firmly stablished.
1253.] su-medhas, a. having good insight or

su-nigcaya, a. having a very firm re- wisdom, wise.

solve, very resolute. sumna, n. favor, grace; welfare, [per-
sundara,yi -I, a. beautiful. haps neuter of an adj. su-mna, 'kindly
s u n v a a. Soma-pressing.
, [V 1 su,
: minded '
see mna : but cf 1224c.] .

see 1148. 3b and 716.] sura, m. a god. [a pendant to asura,

supatni, a. f. having a good husband, formed by popular etymology from

[su + pati, but in the fern, form, since this were a-sura, non-god '
asu-ra, as if
the masc. would not be used 1304b cf. : : see asura.]

sapatni.] su-raksita, a. well-guarded.

su-parna, with good wings; as m. bird
a. su-ratna, a. having goodly treasures,
of prey ; eagle, vulture mythical bird. ; [ratna, 1304b.]
[parna, 1304b.] surabhi, a. sweet-smelling, fragrant.
su-putra, a. having good sons, [putra, surabhisrag-dhara, a. wearing fra-

1304b.] grant garlands, [surabhi-sraj.]

su-pratisthita, a. properly set up. sura-sattama, the best of the gods.
su-pravi [355b], a. very zealous. [1288b.] siira, f. spirituous, ana" esp. distilled,

[1288b and

sii-prita, a. well pleased. liquor ; brandy ; liquor. [V 1 su, express :

1284.] cf. Isuta and soma.]

[275] [sura

su-radhas, a. having goodly blessings, su [351], vbl. bearing, in virasu ; as f.

bounteous, mother. [Vsu, q.v. :with su-s, cf. o-C-s,
surottama, a. subst. chief of gods, [ut- v-s, Lat. su-s, AS. su, Eng. sow (qua pecude
tama.) nihil genuit natura f ecundius Cicero,
su-lalita, a. very lovely; (of meat) cf . verres under V vrs) ;
also AS. swin,
delicious. *su-ina, Eng. swine, prop, a diminutive of
su-locana, a. fair-eyed,
su-varcas, a. having good varcas, i.e.: sukara, m. swine, boar, [origin uncer-
full of life, 83 1 *; blooming, 90 2 ; fiery, tain.]
22 ; glorious, 1
16 .
siik am a, a. fine, small; subtile, intangi-
su-varna, a. having a beautiful color; ble, atomic, 56 19 .

as n. gold, \/sue ay a (sucayati). indicate; sucita,

suvarna-kankana, n. gold-bracelet. made recognizable, [suci, mg 3 1061 2 .] :

[1280b.] suci and suci, f. 1. needle; 2. general-

su-vidatra, a. kindly noticing, i.e. ized, a pointed object; and so 3. (like

taking kind notice, kindly. [1288b.] Eng. pointer) indicator; index, [prob. fr.
suvidatriya, a. kindly. [suvidatra, Vsiv, sm, q.v.]
1214a.] sutra, n. I. thread; cord; 2. brief
su-vira, a. having good heroes; rich in rule or book of such
rules (so called, per-
l 4 88 14
retainers, 87 ; heroic, 78 ,
[vird: haps, because each rule was a short 'line'
acct, 1304b 2 end.] or because the collection was a '
suvrkti, f. excellent praise, goodly rules), cf. Whitney xvii. [Vsiv, q.v.]
hymn, [su + rkti, with euphonic v.] \f sud (sudayati). 1. lead straight on,
su-eva, a.
very kindly. [Qeva, 1288b.] keep a-going; 2. bring about, finish;
su-glaksna, a. very smooth, 3. finish (in its colloquial sense), put an
su-samcita, a. well-gathered; -am, end to, destroy.
adv. susamcitam samcitya, having gath- + ni, destroy, see simple verb.
ered (in a well-gathered way, i.e.) sunara, f. -I, a. gladsome, joyous, [cf.
carefully, sunfta.]
sii-samahita, a. very intent, entirely sunii, m. son; once (a57 6 ), as/, daughter.
concentrated upon one thing. [V 1 dha, [Vsu: cf. Church Slavonic synu, AS.
'put': acct, 1284 .] sunn, Eng. son : for mg, cf. 2 suta.]
su-stha, a. (well situated, i.e.) safe and sunfta, a. joyous, gladsome, kind ; -a,
well. as / jy- [sunara see 1237 3 .]

su-hrd, m. friend, [prop, adj., 'having sunrtavan,/. -varl, a. joyous, [sunfta,

a good heart, kindly disposed.'] 1234 and 3 for fern., 1169. 2 2 .]

suhrd-bheda, m. a creating of divisions supa, m. soup, [despite the identity of

among friends, separation of friends, mg, no etymological connection has as
suhrd-vakya, n. (speech, i.e.) words of yet been discovered.]
a friend. supa-kara, m. soup-maker, cook.
V su or su (sute [628]; susava, susuve; supavancana, a. (having an easy
asosta ; savisyati, -te ; sosyati, -te ; faltering-approach, i.e.) to which one
suta, suta; sutva -suya). generate; ; easily or gladly totters (of the grave), i.e.
bring forth bear so perhaps at RV. x.
; ; easy of approach or not repulsive, [upa-
' 2
125. 7. [cf 2 suta, bairn vancana, 1304b .]
vt6s, *<n/-jo-s, ;

'son'; for pronunciation as trisyllable, supayana, a. (of easy approach, i.e.)

&-i-6s, cf. Boeotian ovitis see also under :
easy of access, [upayana, 1304b .]
su and sunii.] sura, m. the sun. [cf. svar, gen. sur-as,
+ pra, bring forth; prasuta, born of '
sun :
perhaps a transfer to the a-declen-
(gen.). sion, 399.]
suri] [276]

suri, TO. (prop, impeller, inciter, i.e.) he + ud, 1. cast ;

hurl (a bolt) ; 2. pour
who engages priests to perform a sacrifice out, 103 18 ; 3. cast off; lay down (a
for his own benefit and pays them for it, corpse) ;
4. let go, 3 8 .
a sacrifice-master ;
the same as maghavan sam-ud, let go, discharge.

(g.v.) and the later yajamana. [V2su, + upa, (hurl at, and so) plague, dis-

'impel/ 1191.] tress,vex aditya upasrstas, sc. rahuna,


surya, m. the sun, selection xl. ;

the Sun, the sun vexed by Rahu, i.e. eclipsed.

personified, selection xxxiii. ; surya, f. 1. + vi, 1. throw away, 105 17 ; 2. dis-

the Sun, personified as a female ; 2. the charge; (let go from the hand, i.e.) lay
hymn of Surya's wedding, RV. x. 85, selec- down, 103
mid., w. vacam, let go the ;

tion Iviii. [fr. svar (sur), 1212a.] voice, i.e. break silence by saying ,

aurya-vid, a. knowing the Surya-hymn, 100 8 ;
3. create, 57 , cf. simple verb.
RV. x. 85. + sam, (let go together) mix, unite.
V sr (sisarti; sasara, sasr6 ;
asarat ;
sa- sfj, vbl. creating. [Vsrj.]
risyati; srta; sartum; srtva; -sftya ;
srp (sarpati, -te ; sasarpa ; asrpat;
sarayati, -te). run swiftly, glide, flow; sarpsyati, srapsyati ; srpta ; sarpitum ;

ecus. act. set in motion, [cf. fy>-/t^, 'rush, srptva; -sfpya; sisrpsati). creep, crawl;
onset, spring,' whence dpudta, 'rush on'; glide used of gentle and cautious motion,

' ' ' ' ' '

Ox-pa, spring ; a\Xoft.a.i, spring ; SA-TO, [cf .
e/wr&i, creep, go ;.
Lat. serp-ere,
' ' ' ' ' ' '
leaped Lat. ; salire, spring ;
cf saras,
creep ; repere, *srep-ere, creep,' rep-ti-lis,
'pool,' sarit, 'stream,' and, for the root
creeping ; AS. sealf, Eng. salve, so
with 1, sal-ila, 'flowing' and 'fluid, i.e. named from its slipperiness, like sarpis
water.'] and srpra, see these ; cf. also tpTr-rrAv and
+ anu, run or go after. Lat. serpens, 'snake': no connection w.
+ apa, go off caws, remove; take ;
out. Eng. slip.~\

+ ava, go down, in avasara. + ud , creep out or up ;

rise ; desid. wish
4- a , run unto run. ; to rise.
f u p a go unto, approach.
, + upa, go gently unto, approach gently.
+ nis, go out; cans, drive out or away. + vi, 1. move asunder, disperse; 2.

+ pr a go forth ; caws, stretch forth or out.

, move about.
+ sam 1. flow together ;
2. go srpra, a. slippery, fatty; smooth, [v'srp,
about, wander, sam intensive, 1077b end ; 'l!88a.]
esp. wander from one existence to another 1 sena, /. a missile; weapon. [V2si,
(of the soul). 'hurl,'1177a.]
srka ,
m. perhaps missile, lance. 2 sena, f. line of battle; acies; army,
' '
srgala, m. jackal. [akin with sita, furrow,' siman, parting
V srj (srjati, -te; sasarja, sasrje; asrak- of the hair from these a root *si, draw

sit ; sraksyati, -te srsta srastum ; ; ;

a straight line,' perhaps be inferred.]
srstva; -sfjya; sisrksati). 1. let loose sersya, a. with jealousy; -am, adv. with
(from the hand), dart, hurl; throw; 2. jealousy, [sa + irsya.]
let go, pour out (streams, rain), discharge; V sev (sevate; siaeva, siseve; sevisyati;
3. let loose (herds); 4. spin or twist sevitd; sevitum; sevitva; -sevya). 1.

(cord or garland); 5. (discharge from stay by (loc.), the opp. of tyaj ; 2. stay

one's self, cf. 57 J , and so) procreate, en- by, and so (like Eng. wait upon) serve or
17 devote one's self
gender ; create. reverence, 30 ;
2 9.
+ ava, 1. shoot off (arrows) ;
throw or to; practice, 21 , 66 , 68 [no connec-
put in, 57 2 ; 2. let loose (streams); tion w. fff&ofjiai, 'reverence,' see Vtyaj.]
loose (from a bond), 78 19 ;
deliver over, u p a reverence be devoted to.
-I- , ;

84 12 ; -3. (like Eng. colloq. let slide) let + ni, be devoted to, i.e. cohabit with.
pass unnoticed, forgive, 78 . + sam, practice.
[277] [V stigh

sevana, n. practice. [Vsev.] scand-ere, 'climb,' de-scend-ere, 'climb

aeva , f, a serving or reverencing. [V sev, down ; scdla, *scad-la,
1149.] skandha, m. shoulder.
sainika, a. belonging to an army; as m. skandha-dega, m. region of the

soldier; champion or fighter. [2sena, shoulder, i.e. shoulder.

1222e2.] skandhas, n. ramification; branches of

s6daka, a. with water, containing water, a tree, tree-top.
[udaka, 1304c.] stana, m. the breast of a woman.
s6ma, 7?i. 1. extract, esp. of certain stabdha, a. immovable, rigid, stiff.
5 N.
species of the Asclepias family, see 70 ; [Vstabh, 954, 160.]
Soma, both literally, and also personified as stabdha-locana, a. having immovable,
a god ; as pi. Soma-draughts ;
2. the i.e. unwinking eyes.
moon, see 70 N.
[Vlsu, 'extract/ 1166.] stabdhl-kr, make rigid or stiff (as if

so ma -pa [352], a. Soma-drinking ;

asm. dead), [stabdha, 1094.]
Soma-drinker. V stabh or stambh (stabhnati; tastam-
soma-p6ya, a drinking of Soma; dat.
n. bha, tastambhe; astambhlt; stabdha;
in order to drink the Soma, see 1213c, 982. stabdhum; stabdhva ; -stabhya). 1.

[acct, 1272a.] make firm or steady, prop or uphold

somya, a. having to do with Soma, i.e., (heaven or earth); 2. mid. become
18 immovable
as m. : Soma-offerer pi. the Manes, 84 ;
. firm or or rigid; stabdha,

[s6ma, 1212c.] immovable, [cf ffTepfy-vKov, olives

rigid, .

' '
saudamani, f. lightning; prop., f. of an pressed hard, oil-cake ; ffTf/j.ft-fiv, mal-
treat,' collateral form of ff-rt'tfl-eij>, stamp

adj. *saudamana, 'of the rain-cloud,

cloud-born/ and to be taken in its adj. on, tread ; Eng. stamp : for connection
sense, as epithet of vidynt, at 2
9 .
[see of mgs, cf .
make steady or firm,
suclaman and 1208a.] fix firm, plant.']

saiibhaga, n. happiness. [subhaga, + u d prop up. ,

1208f.] + vi, 1. prop asunder, 78 ;

saubhagatva, n. condition of happi- (make immovable, i.e.) bring to a stand-

21 .
ness; weal and blessing, [saiibhaga, still, stop, 6
1239.] stambha, m. prop, post, column.
saiibhagya, n. happiness, esp. conjugal [V stambh.]
felicity, 89 16 ; charmingness, 2
[su- . V sta (stayant). be stealthy, [see stena,
bhaga (1211, 1204c) see its rags.] stayd.]
saumya, a. 1. of or relating to Soma; stayii, m. thief. [Vsta, 1165: cf. tayri.]
Soma-, 96 2. (moon-like, i.e.) having
; V stigh (stinn6ti). proceed, stride; esp.
a mild and kindly influence on senses and proceed against, attack. [cf. o-reixw,
feelings, and so mild, gentle ;
3. voc. 'proceed, march, go in line,' rarely
sing, saumya, O gentle sir, 61
[s6ma, 'mount up'; Church Slavonic stignati,
' '
1211.] hastenthe root is wide-spread in Ger-

saury a, a. pertaining to the sun; neut. manic, but often shows a specialization of
' '
pi, sc. suktani, hymns to Surya. [surya, mg, proceed upward, ascend, climb ; cf .

1211.] AS. which often means simply

proceed, go,' but also ascendere,' and
sauvarna, a. golden, [suvarna, 1208f.]
s k a n d skandati caskanda askantsit
V ( ; ; ;
even descendere'
Ger. steig-en, mount ;

' '
skantsyati; skanna; -skandya, -skd- up AS. stKg-er, a step to climb by/

dya). intrans. dart, spring, spurt; drop, Eng. stair; AS. stigel, 'step or steps for
be spilled; fall. [cf. <riiv5-a\ov, 'trap- climbing over a fence/ Eng. stile; AS.
stick' (cf. Ger. Falle, 'trap, pit-fall/ w. stig-rdp, sti-rdp, 'mounting-rope/ Eng.

fallen, 'fall'), and 'stumbling-block'; Lat. stirrup ; Ger. Steg-reif,

stirrup ; AS.
Vstu] [278]

' '
stigend, rising or sty,' Eng. sty, swelling very uncertain: cf. arr^/>, stem a-a-rtp,
(on eye-lid)': for change of gh to n in Avestan star, Lat. stella, *ster-la, Ger.
present, cf 161 and *.]
l .
Stern, AS. steorra, Eng. star: see also
+ pra, get ahead in attacking, succeed tara.]
in one's attacks, 93 5 - 10 -
". stena, m. thief. [Vsta.]

V stu (stauti [626], state ; tustiva, tu- stokd, 1. m. drop; 2. as adj. small,
stuve ; dstausit, astosta ;
Astavit ; insignificant, [akin with stuka, tuft
' '

stavisydti, -te ; stosyati, -te ;

stuta ;
from these, a root *stu, 'drop, dribble,
stdtum ;
stutva ; -stiitya, -stuya ; stu- run together, be compacted into a round
ydte). praise; extol (a god); stuvant, mass,' may perhaps be inferred: for mg
(praising, as subst.) worshipper. 2, cf. Eng. dribble w. driblet.']
+ pra, 1. praise; 2. bring forward stotf, m. praiser (of a god), worshipper,
as object of mention or subject of con- singer, [v'stu, 1182a.]
versation (cf. Lot. laudare, prop. ' praise,' st6ma, m. praise, song of praise, [sfstu,
but also 'mention'), and so 3. general- 1166a.]
ized, introduce, begin. stoma- vArdhana, a. delighting in
stuka, /. lock or tuft (of wool or hair), praise, [acct, 1271.]
[see stokd.] stri [366], f. woman, female individual,
str 9
V (strnati, strnit6, in mg 1 in Veda; wife, opp. of pumans, e.g. 104 [prob. .

strn6ti, strnutS, in mg 2; tastara, ta- for *sutri, ' generatrix,' V su, 1182 2 .]
stare ;
astarit [900] ; starisyate ; strta, stri-kama, a. having desire for female
stirna [957b] ; strtva, stirtva'; -stftya, (children). [1296.]
-stirya). 1. strew, esp. the sacrificial sth, 1. vbl in cpds. standing; and so,
straw, 88 spread out; 2. (like Lat. ; generalized (like Eng. stand, 'be situated'),
sternere) overthrow (an enemy). situated, staying, being; 2. sometimes,
[cf .
ffr6p-vv-fjn, Lat. ster-n-ere, strew, perhaps, substantively, place (like Eng. noun
spread out'; a-rpw-fj.a, (like Eng. spread) stand, 'place'), in go-stha, sadha-stha.
'bedding,' <rrp<a-[j.v4), 'bed,' Lat. strd-men, [Vstha, 333: sometimes -stha, 186.]
' '
straw,' storea, straw mat,' torus, *stor-u-s, sthala, n. dry land (as opp. to water),
bed ' ; AS. strea-w, streo-w-ian, Eng. straw, terra firma, Test-land ; sthali, f. place,
' '
strew ; ffTpca-r6s, Lat. strd-tus, '
bespread ; [prob. akin w. V stha, that which stands
(via) strata, (way) bespread' with stones, firm.']
i.e. whence borrowed AS. street, sthdvira, a.
'paved,' 1. firm, thick, massy,
Eng. street; Old Lat. stld-tus, Lat. Idtus, sturdy; 2. full-grown, old; as m. old

'spread out, spreading, and so broad, man. [from sthii, collateral form of
wide see also under noun str.]
; Vstha, 1188e: for mg 1, cf. Eng. steady,
+ ana, cover over. cognate w. stand, and cf sthira for 2, .

+ a spread out.
, cf. Eng. of long standing.]

+ upa, spread upon, spread as a cover; V stha (tisthati, -te [671, 749a]; tasthaii,
as technical term of the ritual, with or with- tasthe; asthat, asthita [884]; sthasyati,
out ajya, pour the sacrificial butter over -te ; sthita sthatum ;
sthitva ; -sthaya ;

(e.g. the hand) so as to make a coating, sthlyate; sthapayati, -te [1042d]).

999. -1. stand, 13 18 , 25 16 , 47 6, 80 7, 87 ,

70 19 21
+ pra, spread out. 98 18 ;
stand still,

remain stand-
stf [371 , taras, stfbhis], m., plural only. ing ;
2. stand
by (a friend) hold out ;

the stars, [if fr. Vstr, we may interpret faithfully,25 5, 63 13 14 -3. remain, 64 W;

the name as meaning either (a) 'the wait, 54

abide, 39
10 46 6
pass., impers.:
, ;

light-strewers,' or (b) 'the scattered' ones, sarvaih sthiyatam, let all remain, 24 10 ;
atra sthiyatam, stay here, 39 21
' '
those that are spread out over the vault 4. ;

of heaven ;
but the connection w. V str is remain or be in a condition, continue in
[279] [sthavara

an action [1075c]; w. adj. or ppl., 28 3 , + sam-ud, rise up, spring up.

1G 9
30 3 vyapaditas tisthati, lies dead, 44
; ; + upa, 1. stand by, 94 set one's ;

1G 6 23
gerund, 26 w. instr., 41 ; ; selfnear; stand opposite, 59 2. ap- ;

3 45 13
5. exist; be present, 10 6. , ; proach, esp. with reverence or supplica-
be situated, be, I 5 26 13 33 4 -7. (remain , , ; tion; upasthita (having) approached :

standing, i.e. unmoved or untouched, and

or appeared near at hand, 41 ;

Ger. dahingestellt bleiben) remain

so, like + anu^upa, mid. approach one after
unconsidered or unmentioned thus, dure ; another; w. ma (the pronoun), come to my
tisthatu tadvrddhis, (let the interest of side, 94 .

it stand afar off, i.e.) to say nothing of + sam-upa, approach; fall to one's
the interest of it, 46 2) 8. sthita,see s.v.; ; lot;samupasthita, on hand.
19 .
9. cans, cause to stand, set ; put, 41 + ni, stand in, rest on.
[for *sta: cf. Doric inf. crra-nev, Epic + pari, stand round about, encompass;
crrri-vai, Church Slavonic sta-ti, Lat. std-re, restrain.
Old High Ger. std-n, Ger. steh-en, stand
: + pra, mid. arise, and so set out to go;
this old form of the root appears also in go prasthito 'bhavat, prof ectus est ;
off ;

Ger. Statt, AS. stede, Eng. stead, 'place': caus. send away, dismiss, 36 9 .

the prevailing form of the root in Ger- -fprati, stand; be established; get a
manic is stand; cf. AS. 9
stond-an, Eng. place or foot-hold, 84 ; pratisthita : es-

stand; Ger. preterit stand, 'stood': with tablished, resting upon ; set up ;

a-stha-t, cf. S-O-TTJ, 'stood'; w. ti-stha-mi, set.

cf 'l-ffri)-fu,
set,' Lat. si-sti-t,
sets : for + vi, mid. (stand asunder, i.e.) spread
mgs of Vstha, cf. in general those of itself.

Eng. stand.~] + anu-vi, spread one's self over, per-

+ adhi, stand upon. vade (ace.), RV.x.125.7.
+ anu, 1. (stand along by, i.e.) take + sam, mid. 1. remain with; 2. in the
one's place along by, and so support, ritual, come to a stand-still (sam, inten-
help ;
2. devote one's self to a thing, sive), i.e. get through, finish; samsthite,
16 if he (end, i.e.) die, 101 6
e.g. virtue, 58devote one's self to (an ; loc. absolute, .

undertaking), and so carry out (a plan), sthatra, n. station, place. [Vstha, 1185:
33 14 accomplish pass, impers. : evam
; ; for mg, cf. Eng. stead w. root sta under

anustheyam, it must be done so, 37 8 ; V stha.]

so 38 tatha^anusthite, it having been
; sthana, n. 1. a standing; 2. a re-
thus accomplished, this being done, 33 14 ; maining, abiding ; 3. standing, i.e., as
see 303b* and cf. 35 1G 37 13 , 39 15 22 ,
. in Eng., rank; 4. an abode (see bha-
+ abhi, set the foot upon, vanquish; vana) place, 35
; etc.; 5. pregnantly 5

withstand. (cf.patra), a proper place 6. a proper ;

+ ava, -1. stand off, 105 20 ;

-2. occasion concrete, a proper object for

stand ;
3. remain, abide ;
avasthita :
giving occasion to anything tatkavya- ;

standing ; posted, 43 ;
situated ; abiding, sya^arpana-sthanam ekah s-, of this
dwelling; caus. (cause to stand apart, poem S. is the sole consignment-occa-
i.e.) leave behind,
44 2>9 .
sioner, i.e. the only one worthy of having
+ a, take one's place at; resort to, 10 x . this poem entrusted to him, 54 1 [Vstha, .

+ ud, stand up; rise up (from sleep or 1150. 1.]

inactivity), 30
spring up, 26
n get out ; ;
sthana-bhr anga, m. abode-ruin, loss
of (abl.), 36 13 caus. cause or bid to rise,
of abode.
102 7 9 a. standing; not endowed with
; pull out (of a mire, a vat), 22 , sthavara,
36". [a lost, 233a.] the power of locomotion, and so, as col-
+ praty-ud, rise up to meet (in token lective n. sing., the plants, 63 22 as m. pi. ;

of respect). a
plants, 67 .
[Vstha, 1171a.]
sthavarata] [280]

sthavarata, f. condition of being a appears also in Ger. Stall, Eng. stall,

plant. [1237.] 'stand, i.e. standing-place,' and in Ger.

sthita, a. 1. standing (as opp. to going, still, Eng. still, standing, not moving.']
lying), 14
animate and inani-
2. (of V sna (snati; sasnau; snasyati, -te;
mate beings) standing in a place; abid- snata; snatum; snatva; -snaya). bathe;
ing; sthitas (supply, as is often necessary, perform a religious ablution, esp. at the
some form o/Vas, 'be'), was abiding, i.e. end of religious studentship (62 6 or of a )

[orig. sna or snu (so stha, sthu)

abode, 29 ; situated; bhutale sthitam, vow. :

being on the earth, i.e., on the

simply, cf. V ffvv in Hwfov, *t-ffv*f-ov, 'swam'; Lat.
nd-re, swim
sthitam, it was
earth, 6 ; impers. : see also under naii.]

waited by (instr.), i.e.

(he) waited, 34
; snataka, a. who has performed the
18 ablution customary at the end of religious
3. existing ; present, 6 ;

4. being or remaining in a situation pupilage, [snata, 1222.]

or condition (cf. Vstha 4), which is ex- s nan a, n. a bathing, religious ablution.
pressed: by an adj. in the same case, 13 ; [Vsna, 1150.]
by an adv.; tatha, 26
18 kah sthito 'tra, ; snana-glla, a. (having bathing as a
who (is) being here, i.e. who is here, 49 7 ; habit, i.e.) practicing religious ablutions.
by a gerund; atmanam acchadya sthitas, [1302.]
after concealing himself (was) remaining, snayin, a. performing religious ablutions.
kept hidden, 25
10 so 86", 38 19 , 41*; ; [Vsna, 1183 258.] ,

9 25 7
upavigya sthitas, waited sitting, 43 ; snayu, f. n. 1. sinew, .
yair vyapya bhavan sarvan sthito '
ligament,' from V sa or si, bind, ligare,' '

mahan, with which the intellect, pervad- q.v. : if so, it is formed from the present-

ing all beings, stands, i.e. with which it stem sina (see 1148. 3b and cf. sunva),
constantly pervades all beings, 66 abbreviated to sna, with suffix u (1178b)
[ppl. of V stha, 954c cf o-Ta-r6-s, Lat. : . and interposed y (258) Old High: cf.
standing, set : for mgs above, Ger. se'nawa, Ger. Sehne, AS. sinu, Eng.
cf. Vstha.] sinew, which point to a Goth. *sinava:
sthlti,^ 1. a standing; 2. a remain- that sna-yu and its older equiv. sna- van
ing by a thing; and so 3. devotion to are abbreviated forms (for sina-) would
(loc.), 15 17 ; 4. (like Lat. status) con- appear from the Germanic cognates.]
dition; and so 5. way, method of pro- snayu-bandha, m. sinew-band, i.e. bow-
cedure, 26 .
[Vstha, 1157. la, cf. 954c.] string.
sthin, vbl. standing, in cpds. [Vstha, V snih (snihyati ; snigdha). 1. be
1183*.] supple, greasy, moist and so 2. stick ;

sthira, a. steady; steadfast, 81 ; firm; to, i.e., as in Eng., be attached to, be
also of persons, 99 enduring (of might),
; fond of.

78. [Vstha, 11881, cf 9 54 C: for mg> cf . .

snu, n. collateral form o/sanu. surface.

sthavira.] sneha, m. 1. stickiness; 2. viscid and

V sthu, assumed as collateral form of stha, smooth stuff; oil; fat; 3.
cf. sthavira, and see under V sna. love, friendship, [v'snih: for connection
s than a, f. post, pillar, [for *stul-na, fr. of 1 and 3, see snih.]
v'*stul or *stal, an extended form of V spa 5, older
form of V 1 pac,, q.v.
V*sta, Skt. stha: cf. Ger. Stolle(n), Old V sprdh (spardhate pasprdhe spar- ; ;

High Ger. stollo, *stol-no, 'prop, post'; dhita; spardhitum). contest the pre-
' '
<rrv\-os, post, pillar ;
these words, like cedence among one another ; emulate ;

<rrtj\ij, Doric prop, post,' presup-
trrd\a, strive.

pose the root in causal mgs, 'cause to spfdh, f. rival ; opponent; foe.

stand,' i.e. (a) 'keep from falling, prop [V sprdh.]

up/ and (b) 'set up,' as a pillar: the root V sprg (sprgati, -te; pasparga, paspr6 ;
[281] [Vsru

aspraksit, asprksat; spraksyati; sprstd; tion, hand down see the important word
sprastum; sprstva; -spfgya). touch. smrti;
+ upa, 1. touch, 103 22; reach to, smrta 1. remembered 2. :

RV. x. 125. 7 ;
2. w. apas, touch water, handed down by smrti or taught by
technical term for symbolical purification, tradition and so 3. declared to be
; ,

by dipping the hand in a dish, by rinsing 61 2 ;passing for ; regarded by tra-

the mouth, or by washing, 104 17> 22 word ;

dition as 63 6 , ;
to be variously para-
for water to be understood, 65
phrased ; margo 'yam smrtas, this is, we
sprastavya, grdv. to be touched. are taught, the path, 21 ; called, 22 ,

[Vsprg, 241.] 57 6 .

V sphur or
sphr (sphurati, -te; aspharit; [cf .
fj.fp-fj.fp-a fpya,
memorable works ;


sphurita). make a quick or jerky fifpipva,

anxious thought, care ; /j.dp-Tvp,
' ' ' '
motion: 1. dart, trans.; with the foot, rememberer, witness ; (j.f\fiv, care for ;

kick; 2. dart, intrans.; twitch (of the fj.t \\eiv, hesitate, delay, be going to
' ' '

eye, arm) ;
3. (of the lightning) flash. do ;
Lat. me-mor, mindful ; memoria,
' ' ' ' '

[for *spr, quiver, jerk, kick, flutter :

memory mor-a, hesitation, delay.'] ;

cf. a-cnratp-oi, 'struggle convulsively' (as + vi, forget.

a fish just out of water) Lat. spernere, ; smrti, f. 1. remembrance; 2. tra-
kick away, reject Eng. spur, goad
dition (see Vsmr2); tradition which is
with the heel ; spurn, kick away ' see
: handed down and accepted as authorita-
also under parna.] tive (except gruti, q.v.} ; defined, 58 ,

+ pra , shake, tremble. note; a work based on such tradition; a

sphya, m. wooden splinter, shaped like a law-book. [Vsmr.]
knife and as long as the arm, for use at smrti-gila, dual n. tradition and habits
the sacrifice. (habits in collective sense, i.e.
sma, enclitic and asseverative par-
slightly [1253a.]
ticle, 79 17 6 ,
; accompanying a verb which s y d [499a], pron. that cf. tya. ;

is in the present tense but has the value of a V syand or syad (syandate; sasyandS;
past, 2 8 , 8 19 , 12 21 explained at 778b ; asyan [890 ]
syantsyati syanna ; ; ;

and}) 2 .
syanttum; syattva; -syadya). run (of
V ami (smayate ; sismiye' ; asmayista ;
animate beings and of fluids) flow. ;

smita; smitva; -smitya). + abhi, flow unto. smile; smile

bashfully; blush, [cf. <t>i\o-fi/u.etS-fis, 'fond + p r a flow forth or away. ,

of smiles,' stem 0-/m8ej, as in Hesychian syona, a. soft; mild; tender.

' ' ' '
jueTSos, smile yue8ao>, smile Lat. srakva, m. corner of the mouth; mouth,
; ;

' ' '

ml-ru-s, wonderful,' mlrdri, wonder (for jaws.
mg, cf. smaya, 'wonder'); Middle High sragvin, a. wearing a wreath, [sraj,
' '
Ger. smie-r-en, smie-l-en, smile Eng. ; 1232.]
smile, smirk.'] sraj, f. wreath, garland. [Vsrj, mg 4,
+ vi ,
be astonished. 'twist,' just as AS. wristf, Eng. wreath, fr.

smita, a. smiling; as n.
[1176a], a smile, AS. wrlftan, Eng. writhe, 'twist' (under

[ppl. of \fsmi.] Vvrt).]

smita -purva, a. previously smiling, sravanti, f. flowing (water), stream,
with a smile. [for irreg. order, see [ppl. of Vsru.]
1291.] V sru (sravati; susrava; asravit; sravis-
V smr (smarati; sasmara ; smarisyati; yati; sruta). 1. flow, stream; 2.
smrta ;
smrtva; -smftya). ; flow or trickle away, waste away, become
1. keep in mind and
remember, both lost, 60 9 .
[cf. pew, *o-peF-ta, Lithuanian
call to mind
2. call to mind, i.e. hand ' '
srav-j-u, flow,' Irish sruth, stream ;
cf .

down by memory, hand down by tradi- also Church Slavonic stru-ja, 'stream,'
sruc] [282]

Ger. Stro-m, Eng. strea-m, with t between sva-dharma, m. own duty.

s and r (see under usra and svasr) : 1 svadha, f. 1. wont, habit, custom,
further pev-/j.a, 'stream'; Lat. Ru-mo, 76 7 ; rule; <l9os; 2. accustomed place,
'The River/ old name of the Tiber: w. home, %6os; (wonted condition, i.e.) 3.

a-srav-a-t, cf. Uppee, *^-<rpeF-e-T.] comfort; joy; bliss, 83

pleasure, 73
u ; ;

sruc, f. one of the large sacrificial ladles svadham anu nas, according to our
(as long as the arm), of which there are pleasure, i.e. 13
exactly to our wish, 73 ;
three, juhii, upabhrt, and dhruva, see svadhaya and svadhabhis : in wonted
102 u N. ;
used for pouring ghee in the wise; with pleasure, gladly; (gladly, i.e.)
fire,[akin w. v'sru.] willingly, freely, 84
n .
[cf e0os,
^Qos, wonted place, haunt,' ef-a>0-a, am ac-
sruva, m. a small sacrificial ladle (a cubit '

long), used for dipping from the pot and customed AS. sidu, Ger. Sitte, custom.'] '

pouring into the sruc. [akin w. Vsru.] 2 svadha, f. sweet drink; esp. a libation
sr6tas, n. stream. [Vsru, 1152a.] of ghee to the Manes. [perhaps for
svd [525*], pron.adj. own; my own,
1. 2 sudha for the etymology, cf. sva-

73 18 } 7812,20. 16
thy own> 69 , 86*; his dha adhayat, he drank the sweet '

own or his, 4 1T 45 3 , etc. ; her, 8 10 ; their

, drinks,' RV.]
own or (each) his own, 14
; indef., one's svadhavant, a. 1. (having his wont,

own, 58 w 66 6 , ; very often at the beginning i.e.) keeping to his custom, faithful, con-
10 9
of cpds: my, 10 **, 21 his, 31 etc.; ; , stant; 2. (having bliss, i.e.) blessed,
their, 27
our, etc., see following words;
78 17 , 79*- 1 5 .
[Isvadha, 1233: see mgs 1

2. m. kinsman, friend 3. (like ;

and 3.]
2 m. f. axe.
atman) one's self, see 513 one's natural ; svadhiti,
self or condition ;
4. n. (like Goth, sves) V svan (svanati, -te; sasvana; asvanit,
possessions, property, [cf. EC'S, *<7eFo'-s, asvanit ; svanita). sound, resound, roar,
' ' '
and 6's, ?}, ov, and ff<p6s,
own ;
Old Lat. [cf . Lat. sonus, sound ;
Old Lat. son-it,
sovo-s, Lat. suu-s, 'own'; Goth, sve-s, AS. '
sounds ;
AS. swinsian,
sound ' Eng. ;

own ' ; also ?, cr<f>f, Lat. swan, so named from its song; similarly
swies, se, Goth.
si-k, Ger. si-ch,
in Ger. the cock is called Hahn, a name

svaka, a. own; his own, etc. ; equiv. to akin w. Lat. can-ere, '
sing cf . Hamlet
" the bird of
sva. [sva, 1222a.] i. 1. 160, dawning singeth."]
sva-ksatra, a. (having self-rule, i.e.) svana, m. sound; roar (of wind).
free. [Vsvan.]
sva-cchanda, m. own will, [chanda, svana s, n. roar, [do.]
227.] Vsvap (svapiti [631]; susvapa [785 ] ;

svacchanda-vanajata, a. (by its own asvapslt ; svapsyati ; supt& [954b] ;

will,i.e.) spontaneously wood-grown, i.e. svaptum; suptva; svapayati). sleep;

growing wild in the wood. fall supta, sleeping; cans, put
' '
V svaj (svajate ; sasvaje ; svajisyate ;
to sleep. [cf Lat. sop-or, sleep w.

' '
svakta ; svaktum; svajitva; -svajya). caus., cf Lat. sopire,
put to sleep see ;

embrace. also under svapna.]

+ pari, embrace. + ni, go to sleep; caus. put to sleep.
V svad (svadati, -te ; sasvade; svatta ; + pra, fall asleep; prasupta, fallen
svadayati, svadayati). 1. act. make asleep, asleep, sunk in sleep.

savory, season fig. make agreeable; ; svapas, a. having good works, i.e. wonder-
2. mid. be savory, relish, intrans,; 3. working, [su + apas, 1304b.]
mid. relish, trans. ; take pleasure in. [cf .
svapu [352], f. perhaps besom, [perhaps
ayS-avw, 'please,' aorist evaSe, W-oTaS-e, for su-pu,
cleaning well for va in :

'pleased'; ^8o/w, 'rejoice'; see also place of u, cf. 2 svadha: for mg, cf.
under svadu.] pavana.]
[283] [svastyayana

svapna, m. 1. sleep; 2. dream. extended forms of a root *su, to light,' '

[Vsvap, q.v. : cf. vir-vo-s, Lat. som-nu-s, and if svar is a direct deriv. of the same
' '
sleep ;
AS. swef-n,

sleep, dream ; V*su (sii-ar), we may compare Ger. Sonne,

Chaucerian swefn, '
dream '; Lat. somnium, AS. su-nne, Eng. sun, AS. sunnan dxg,
dream for connection of
: 1 and 2, cf .
Eng. Sun-day. ~\

61 9 where either sense fits.]

, sva-riipa, n. own form or shape; true
svapna-manavaka, Dream- m. the nature, 40 .

manikin, name of a certain magic whose svarupa-bhava, m. the becoming or

performance brings dreams that become being the true form (of names), i.e. the
realized, 51
use of the true form (of a person's name).
sva-bhava, m own way of being, in- [1280b svarupa is used predicatively.]

herent nature, ingenium, as distinguished svar-ga, 1. a. going or leading to the

from acquired qualities, see. guna 2, and light or to heaven ; situate in the heavenly
22 21 svabhavat, by nature [291 ],
; light, heavenly ; esp. w. loka, svargo lo-
14> 16
kas, the heavenly world, heaven, 103
svabhava-dvesa, m. natural hatred. also as one word, see svargaloka ;

[1280b.] m. without loka, heaven, 64 9 GO ,


svayam-vara, m. self-choice; esp. free svarga-gamin, .

going to or attaining
choice of a husband, which was allowed heaven.
to girls of the warrior (ksatriya) caste, a svarga-loka, m. the heavenly world,
Swayamvara. heaven, 103 ".
svayam [513], pron. own self, self; him- svar-bhanu, m. Suarbhanu, name of a
self, etc. ; referring to subject, 48 3 etc , ;
all demon causing the eclipse of the sun,
by itself, of its own accord, 93
; referring cf. the later rahu. [poss. 'having, i.e
10 .
to predicate, 1 [from sva with nom. withholding the sun's rays.']
case ending -am (cf. tv-am, a-y-am), and s vary a, pronounced svaria, a. sounding;
interposed y, cf. 258.] of a thunderbolt, whizzing. [V svar,
svayam-bhii [352], a. self-existent ;
asm. 1213.]
epithet of Brahma. svalamkrta, a. well adorned. [su +
svayam-mrta, a. dead of himself . alamkrta: see alam.]
sva-yukti,//> own team [acct, 1274: [sii + svava, a. with goodly horses.
for mg, cf the Dutch and the American
ava, 1304b.]
Eng. span (of horses) w. AS. spannan, svasr [373], f. sister. [cf. Lat. sdror,
'join.'] AS. sweoster, swuster, Eng. sister cf. :

V svar (svarati asvarsit asvarit). 369 2 and 1182f for t between s and r,
; ;

sound, [cf ffvp-iy^, 'pipe, flute'; Lat. cf. Easter, under usra, and stream under
su-sur-ru-s, a humming '; Eng swar-m^\ V sru.]
svar [388d], pronounced siiar in the Veda, svasti, pronounced suasti in Veda, 1.
n. 1. the sun, 71 19 ; 2. sunlight, sun- f. (like the Eng. well-being, i.e.) welfare;
9 3
shine; light, 79 3. (the place of the
, blessing; 2. svasti, instr. [336 end],
6 8
light, cf. rajas) heaven, 91 , 92 4. ;
with luck, happily; hence 3. the inde-
one of the three "
utterances," see clinable nom.-acc. neut.
svasti, luck, hap-
vyahrti. piness, 84 svasty astu te, a blessing on

[sii + an unused asti,
[cf. Sfip-ios, 2efp, sun, dog-star' ; thee. be-ing,' fr.
ffe\-as, 'light'; (Tf\-i\vr\, 'moon'; Lat. VI as, 'be,' 1157 la. acct, 1288b.]
bright ; sol, AS. sol, sun svasti-da ' '
; [352], a. bestowing welfare,
AS Eng. sweal, 'burn, glow, waste
swel-an, svastyayana, n. sing, and pi. (luck-
away by heat and the kindred swelter, ;
progress, i.e.) wel-fare, prosperity; bless-
be overcome by heat,' whence sweltry or ing; and so benediction, 101 2 106 4 , ;

sultry: if the forms with r and / are fr. pi. the blessings, i.e. Vedic hymns con-
svastha] [284]

taining the word svasti, 106 .
[svasti + nating that the author agrees with the view
or method mentioned, 99 19 s
ay ana: acct, 1271: with -ay ana, cf. -fare ,
101 , 103 1 *- 16

very common at end of half-cloka, 7

in wel-fare.'] 15

sva-stha, a. being in one's natural con- esp. after a 3d sing. perf. ( w w ), 9 4 10 2 , ;

dition, self-contained, healthy, well. so iti ha, 12 ; combinations: iti
" 18
svadas, n. agreeableness, t'n
pra-svadas. hovaca, ," he said, 61 so hovaca, ;

18 18
[Vsvad, 1151. Ib: cf. ^5os (sic),Doric hocus, 95 , 96 [this word appears .

55oy, 'pleasure.'] also as gha in the Veda cf 7, Doric 70, : .

svadu, a. tasting good, savory; sweet. enclitic asseveratives.]

[Vsvad, q.v., 1178a: cf. rjSvs, Doric a8w, hansa, m. goose, gander; perhaps applied
*<rFd5i>-y, Lat. svdvis, *svadv-i-s, AS. swete, also to the swan and like water-fowl,

Eng.' sweet.'] [prob. a consonantal stem, transferred

svadhyayd, m.
the reading or repeat- (399) to the a-declension, and so orig.
ing to one's self, study (of the Veda), *ghans : cf x^ v Lat. ans-er, Lithuanian

[adhyaya.] sast-s, Irish ^oss, Ger. Gans, AS. ^ros,

svami-karya, n. master's business. Eng. ^roose : even the s of *ghans may be

svami-kumara, TO. the Lord Kumara, derivational ; cf . AS. gan-d-ra, *gan-ra,
name of Skanda, god of war, see kartti- Eng. gander; Old High Ger. gan-azzo,

keya and kumara. AS. gan-et, Eng. gannet, sea-

' '
gander ;

svami-guna, m. ruler-virtue. fowl.'] -

svamin, m. owner, proprietor, master, hatd, see 954d.

lord ; opp. of servant, subject, wife, [sva, hatya, n. slaying. [Vhan, 1213c and a
'own,' 1231.] (middle), cf. 954d.]
svami-seva, f. the serving one's mas- V han (Mnti [637] ; jaghana [794d] ;

ter. hanisyati; hatd [954d]; hantum; hatva;

svami-hita, n. master's welfare. -hatya; hanyate ; jighansati [1028f]).
svartha, m. own affair or cause, [artha.] 1. strike ;
strike down smite or slay,

sv ah a, excl. used when making oblations, 70 2, etc.; 28 6 35 14, etc.; overcome;

kill, ,

hail, w. dot., 103 s ;

at the end of an invoca- 2. destroy, 37 19 bring to nought; (of ;

tion, like Amen, 99 13 .
darkness) dispel, 18 desid. wish to ;

V svid (sv6date; svidyati, -te; sisvide; smite or afflict, 78 16 ;

svinna). sweat. [svidyami=i8ta, 'sweat'; hata, 1. smitten, slain, 98 ; killed,
cf. T5os, IS-pws, 'sweat,' ISpow, 'sweat'; 23 21 ;
2. destroyed, ruined; lost, 27 18

Lat. sudd-re, 'sweat,' denom. of *sudu-s, 42 !; pounded. 3.

' '
'sweat'; sud-or, 'sweat'; Lettish swidrs, [with han-mi, cf Odva, .
*9ft>-jw, smite ;

' ' '

sweat ; AS. noun swat, Eng. sweat : w. ja-ghn-us, cf %-ire-q>v-ov, .
slew ;
' '
observe that though there is a word for hata, *ghata, cf <par6s, slain .
w. ghana,
'sweat' common to most Indo-European q.v.,
a slaying,' cf <f>6vos, slaughter w. .
' '

tongues, there is no such common word ha-ti, a smiting, slaying,' cf Old High

for ' be chilly.'] Ger. gun-d, AS. gitfS, ^wn-iS,
battle ;
sveccha,/. own Old High Ger. gund-fano, battle- '
will ; svecchaya, accord- guft-fana,
ing to one's inclination, at will, [iccha.] flag'; fr. the last form (not fr. the AS.),
sv6da, m. sweat. [Vsvid.] through the French, comes Eng. gonfanon,
gonfalon ; for mg of gift, cf. Ger. schlagen,
' '
smite, slay,' with Schlacht,
battle : for
ha , enclitic and slightly asseverative particle, senses under 1, observe that AS. sledn

64*; Veda, 78 , 79*, 02";

in the the (whence Eng. slay) means 'smite' and
Brdhmanas, 94 and very often (so pages
then also ' slay.']
95-6), 103
(quotation from a Brdhmana) ; + ava, strike down bring to nought. ;

in the Sutras, to be sure, of course, desig- + a, strike upon; hurl (a bolt) upon (loc.
[285] [VI ha

w. adhi) ; mid. strike (one's thigh with lord of the coursers, i.e. Indra, see hari.
one's hand). [hari, 1233.]
+ ud, force up; uddhata [163], raised. harmya, n. a strong building; dwelling.
-fni, strike down; slay. harsa, m. joy. [Vhrs.]
+ p a r i , strike around encompass. halahala, m. n. a certain deadly poison.

+ prati, strike back at (ace.); strike hava, m. call. [Vhu.]

against so as to transfix, to broach (on a havani, f. sacrificial ladle, [prop. fern,
lance, loc.}. of a substantival nomen agentis, havana,
+ sam, strike together; (of the eyes) Vhu, 1150d, 'the sacrificing' instrument.]
close ; unite, combine. havfsmant, a. having an oblation ;
ban [402], vbl. slaying, slayer, in cpds. offerer, [havis, 1235.]
[Vhan.] ha vis, n. oblation, which, as gift for the
hanta, interjection, come! goto! gods, offered wholly or partly in the

hantavya, grdv. to be slain, occidendus. fire ; generally, grain (parched, boiled, as

[Vhan, 964.] porridge, or as baked cake), milk in
hantf, m. slayer, destroyer. [\/han.] divers forms, fat, and best of all
V liar (haryati, -te). be gratified, take Soma. [Vhu, 1153.]
pleasure; take pleasure in (ace.), and so, havya, n. oblation, [prop, grdv., 'offe-

desire, long for. [perhaps a transfer (see rendum,' Vhu, 1213.]

761a and b) from the yd-class, with havya, grdv. invocandus. [Vhu, 1213a.]
change of accent, and so properly an havya-vah [403], a. carrying the offer-
' '

irregular pass, to V 1 hr, take (reg. ing (to the gods) ;

as m. oblation-bearer

hriyate) ; for the

mg, cf. Eng. be taken, (used of Agni), selections Ivi., Ixvi.

i.e. be charmed/ and hara 2 some take

: V has (hasati, -te; jahasa, jahase ;
Vhar as representing Indo-European *ghel yati; hasita; hasitum; hasitva; -hasya).
(ghicel), and connect
it w. 0e'\o>, 'will,' laugh.
Eng. will; cf. also V2vr.] + p r a , laugh out, laugh.
+ pr ati , long for, entice. + vi, laugh out.
hara, a. 1. taking, receiving; hasa, m. laughter. [Vhas.]
2. (like
the Eng. carrying away, taking) charm- hasta, m. hand; (of an elephant) trunk;
ing 3. carrying off, removing, destroy-
; (of a tiger) paw; end of cpds [1303 2

ing as m. Hara, the Destroyer, a name

; end], having in the hand.
of (^iva, 55 21 [V 1 hr, see its mgs.]
. hasta- gfhya, grd. taking by the hand.
ha ran a, a. holding. [Vlhr, 'hold.'] hasta-grabha, a. grasping the hand,
haras, n. grip; esp. the seizing or devour- [acct, 1270.]
ing power of fire. [V 1 hr,
hold.'] hastin ,
a. having hands w. mrga, the ;

h.d,ri, a.
fallow, pale yellow, yellowish; beast with the hand, i.e. trunk, Vedic
greenish ; as m. du. (cf. Eng. pair of bays, designation of the elephant; as m. ele-
i.e. bay horses) the fallow steeds, esp. of phant Hastin, name of an ancient king,

Indra, his coursers. [V*ghr, *hr, 'be [hasta, q.v.]

yellow,' is inferrible, but not quotable :
hastinapura, n. Hastinapura, a town
cf .
x^ w -P^ s>
; X^T], on the Ganges, home of the Kurus, said
'verdure'; Lat. helus or holus or olus, to have been founded by king Hastin.
' ' '
greens, vegetables ; helvus, grayish- [cf. pura.]
yellow'; AS. geolo, Eng. yellow; also h a s t i - r aj a ,
m. elephant-king, leader of
gol-d (cf. hiranya).] a herd of elephants.
harit, a. fallow, yellowish ; asf. fallow hasti-snana, n. ablution of an elephant.
mare, esp. of the Sun-god. [V*ghr *hr V lha (jihite [664]; jahe; ahasta; has-
under hari: 383d 3.] yate hana; hatum).
; move, intrans.,
harivant, a. having fallow steeds ;
asm. run away, yield.
V2ha] [286]

V 2 ha (jahati [665]; jahau; ahasit [913] ; tary ; 3. as n. welfare, safety.

[V 1 dha,
hasyati ; hind [957a] hatum hitva ; ; ;
put,' 954c : -dhita in Veda : cf .
1. leave, i.e.:
-haya; hiyate, hiyate). 'set.']

quit ;
leave in the lurch, 82 l
; desert, hita-kama, a. wishing one's welfare,
86 13 ;
leave behhid, 85 15 ; abandon, cast well-wishing, [see kama.]
off ; lay aside, 83 u ; relinquish ; 2. hiteccha, /. desire for the welfare (of

hiyate, be forsaken or left behind; fall another), [iccha.]

short or be deficient; become deficient, hitopadega, m. salutary instruction ;

decrease; deteriorate, be lowered, 19 9 ; Hitopade9a, name of a collection of

hind: 1. forsaken; 2. (like Eng. fables. [upadeQa.]
abandoned) vicious, low, low-lived, 19
him a, m. the cold; winter. [the stem
3. at end of cpds, abandoned by , *X<AIO, 'winter,' appears in x'M-P-* lit-
i.e. destitute of ,
free from [cf. .
'winter-ling, i.e. a one-winter-old or year-

xn-po-s, '(forsaken) destitute/ x^-P a > ling goat,' named x'Ay o * precisely as is
widow ; Lat. fa-mes, '
lack, hunger.'] the dialectic Ger. Ein-winter, ' a one-winter-
+ pari, forsake; 2. pass, be
1. old goat ; cf xfy""P> ' she-goat, chimera ' ;

lacking, decrease come to an end, see ;

see similar names under vatsa cf further : .

-XM- i Q Sva-xw-s,

simple verb. very wintry Lat. ;

-f vi, leave; vihaya, passing over. -himu- in blmits, *bi-himu-s, of two winters
ha, excl. of pain or astonishment. [1135a.] or years'; also x'^" 'snow,' x e 'A"' l'>

' ' '

harya, grdv. to be taken away or stolen. winter ;
Lat. hiems, winter.']
[Vlhr, '86126/963%.] hiranya, n. gold, [akin w. hari, q.v.]
hasin, a. laughing. [Vhas, 1183 .] hiranya-garbha, m. fruit or scion or

hasya, grdv. to be laughed at; as n. child of the gold (i.e. of the golden
8 3
laughter; ridicule. [Vhas, 963 c.] egg, 57 ), Hiranyagarbha or Gold-scion,
V hi (hin6ti, hinute; jighaya; ahaisit; name of a cosmogonic power, the personal
16 .
hesyati ; hita). set in motion, drive, Brahman, 91
impel, V hid (Vedic forms [Whitney 54, 240 s ] :

-fpra, send off or away ; deliver over. helant, helamana; jihlla, jihile; hilita;
hi, particle. 1. asseverative : surely, Epic, helamana). be angry ; be incon-
verily, indeed, 18, 22 2, 23 21 , 28 15 ,
siderate or careless.
35 21 83 l , etc.;
2. giving a reason: hind, see V2ha.
because; for, 3 ,
etc., 53 2, 70 ; -3. w. V hu juhute; juhava, juhve;
interrogatives, pray, II
13 14 ; finite verb ahausit hosyati hut a; h6tum; hutva).
; ;

accented w. hi [595d], 72 18 ;
hi never at beg. pour into the fire, cast into the fire; and
of sentence. so offer; make oblation even of things
V hins (hindsti [696]; jihinsa; ahinsit; not cast into the fire ;
huta : offered as ;

hirisisy ati ; hirisita ;

hinsitum hinsitva ; ;
n. oblation.

-hinsya). hurt, harm, slay, [perhaps, [orig. *ghu: cf. x"> *X 6F - CO > 'pour';
' '
orig., desid. of v'han, see 696.] -s, juice ; w. hu-ta, cf
liquid, .

' '
hinsa, f. a harming, injuring, [vhins, -TJ-S, poured ; w. a-hu-ti, cf x"~ (Tt ~ s i .

' '

1149.] a pouring,' Lat. fu-ti-s, ' water-pot ;

hirisra, a. harming; asm. a savage or further, fons, stem font, *fov-ont, 'pour-
' '
cruel man. [Vhins, 1188a.] ing,' i.e. fountain :

hita, ppl.,adj. 1. put, set; placed; and with the extended form *ghud, cf. Lat.
so 2. pregnantly (likeEng. in place, i.e. V/wa in fund-ere, 'pour,' AS. geot-an, Ger.
'in the right place,' and gelegen, Ger. giessen,
pour ; provincial Eng. gut,
'lying aright, i.e. convenient'), fit, con- 'water-course'; and Eng. gut, w. like

venient, agreeable ; yadi tatra te hitam, sense, in Gut of Canso.]

if it suits thee there ; advantageous, salu- + &, offer in (loc.) ; ahuta :
offered; laid
[287] [Vhrs

in the fire (of a corpse), 84 12 ;

as n. obla- with vacam, speak words to a per-
son 31 19 .
tion. (ace.), ; similarly, 8
huta-homa, a. having offered oblation. + pra-vy-a, utter ; speak.
hutaga, m. fire; tlie fire-god, Agni. [prop, + ud , take out.
'having the oblation as his food,' aga: + pari, carry around.
1302.] + pra, 1. (bring forward, i.e. reach
hutagana, m. fire; the fire-god, Agni. out, e.g. feet, fists, and so) strike, attack,

[prop, 'having the oblation as his food,' deal blows ;

2. throw, esp. into the fire.
+ anu-pra, throw into the fire or on a
agana: 1302.]
V hii or hva (havate and huvate, Vedic ; fuel-pile.

hvayati, -te [761d2]; juhava,

classical, + vi ,
1. take apart, divide 2. pass ;

juhuve; ahvasit [912] hvayisyati, -te ; (part of one's life), 64 3. pass one's ;

[935c] huta; hvatum, hvayitum; hutva

; ; time, esp. pleasantly; wander about for
9 12 49 18
call; call upon; invoke, esp. a pleasure, enjoy one's self, 16 4.

-huya). , ;

god *ghu: w. hu-ta, 'called upon,

[orig. wander about.
invoked,' some identify the Goth, stem m
+ s a , bring or draw together, contract ;

gu-\xt, gu-da, God,' AS.

and Eng. God.'} withdraw.
+ a, 1. call to or hither; summon, in- + upa-sam, bring or draw together to
vite ;
2. mid. challenge. one's self, mid.; withdraw.
+ upa, mid. 1. call or summon to V 2hr (nrnltd). be angry.
one's self ;
2. call encouragingly unto. hrcchaya, a. lying or abiding in the
huti,/. invocation. [Vhu.] heart [1265]; as m. love, 2 19 [hrd + .

v' Ihr (harati, -te; jahara, jahre; aharsit, gaya, 159, 203: acct, 1270.]
ahrsta harisyati, -te ; hrta ; hartum ;
; hrcchaya-pidita, a. love-pained, love-
hrtva -hftya; hriyate; jfhirsati).
1. sick.
5 104 25
carry, 102 hold; -2. carry unto,
, ; hrcchaya-vardhana, a. increasing or
bring offer,;
105 9 3. carry away ; ; arousing love.
remove, 85 4. esp. take away by
; hrcchaya vista, a. entered by or filled

violence or unlawfully, 46 4 , 63 7 ; steal, with love, [avista, V vig, 1085a : acct of

30 2 , 67 23 68 4 , 97 6 9 ; seize; -5. take

cpd, 1273.]
lawfully, receive (a gift) ;
come into hrcchayavistacetana, a. possessing a
8 15
possession of (as heir), 45 6. get love-filled mind. [hrcchayavista + c6-

hold of, 96 22; become master of; 7. tana, 1298a, 334 .]
(like Eng. take) charm, captivate; 8. hfd [397], n. heart; esp. as seat of the
(carry off, i.e. remove, and so) destroy. emotions and of mental activity in gen-
x f/l
P> dialectic xV '
s> 'hand'; ev-xtp-
eral; also, properly, region of the heart,
fis, easy to handle ;
Lat. Air, '
hand ; [see under grad.]
heres, 'heir,' see root, mg 5.] hfd ay a, n. heart; 1. prop, heart, as an
-f ava, (carry down, i.e.) move down. organ of the body, 100
2. fig. heart,

+ vy-ava, move hither and thither, go as seat of the feelings. [see hrd and
to work, proceed, act. 397.]
+ a, 1. bring hither, 34 ; fetch; fetch V hrs (hfsyati, -te [761a]; jaharsa, jahrse;
or get back, 97 10 11 12
2. receive, 47 hrsita, hrsta ; -hfsya; harsayati, -te).

; ;

accept; 3. used (like Eng. take) esp. be excited, esp. with pleasure or fear; (of
of food, take, eat ;
desid. be willing to the hair) bristle or stand on end by rea-
get back, 97 .
son of fright or pleasure be impatient ; ;

+ ud-a, bring and so utter, say, tell. out, hrsta, delighted; hrsita: (of the
+ praty-a, get back again; at II 6 in- , hair) standing on end; (of flowers) not
correct reading for pra-vy-a-. drooping, unwithered, fresh intens. be ;

+ v y- a , bring out, and so utter ; very impatient, 84

1T caus. excite pleas-;
hrsitasragraj ohina] [288] [Vhvr

antly, gladden, [for ghrs : cf Lat. korr-

sacrifice; observe that the older word is

ere, hors-ere, 'bristle, shudder'; hirsiitus, ahuti. [Vhu, 1166.]

'bristly, rough'; hor-deum, Ger. Gers-te, hrada, m. pool, lake. [cf. Vhlad.]
barley/ so called from its bristly ears.] s hras (hrasati, -te; hrasita, hrasta ;

+ pra, give one's self up to joy, exult; hrasayati). become less; cans, dimin-

prahrsta, delighted, glad. ish, [w. hras-iyans, 'less/ cf. xf t

P<av >
hr sitasragrajohlna, a. having unwith- *X*P ffj<av> 'worse/ and for the mg,
ered garlands and free from dust, [hrsita- cf. Lat. detero,
lessen/ w. deterior,

sraj + rajo-hina, 1257.]

hetu, m. 1. prop, an impeller, and so V hrad (hradate ; nradita ; hradayati).
occasioner, causer, occasion, cause ; hetos, sound (of drums); rattle (of stones or
(like Lat. causa) on account of; trasa- dry bones). [for *ghrad cf. KOX^O^CO, :

hetos, from fear ; 2. reason, argument, */ca-xA.(8-j'a), sound (of liquids, breakers,

proof i -3. means, 41

[Vhi, 1161a.] .
rain), Ke-xAd5-<Js, 'resounding' (song of
hetu-gastra, n. reason-book, rational- victory) ; AS. gr&t-an, obsolete Eng. greet,
istic work ;
dialectics. 'cry, lament'; xap^S-po, 'noisy mountain
he ma or heman, n.
gold. torrent': see hraduni.]
hemanta, m. winter, [cf. hima: 1172 4 .] + sam, strike (intrans.) together so as to
he la, f. carelessness; levity, [for hela, rattle ;
caws, cause to rattle.
from v hid, q.v.] hraduni, /. hail-stones, hail, [so called
haima, a. golden, [hema, 1208f.] from its rattling sound, V hrad : cf xaA.aa,

h6tr, m. 1. whose
priest, chief priest, *Xa*.a5-ja, Church Slavonic gradu, Lat.
assistant in oldest times was the adhvar- grando, stem grand-in, hail.']

yu; Agni, as the chiefest hotr, 69 2 ,

88 6
; V hlad (hladate; hladayati, -te). cool
2. in the highly developed ritual, the first off, intrans., refresh one's self cans, cool ;

of the four chief priests, see rtvij. [prop. or refresh, trans.

' '
offerer/ from V hn, offer
but the sense :
hladaka, /. -ika, a. cooling, refreshing.
of 'invoker/ naturally suggested by his [Vhlad, 1181 and a .]
function in the ritual, was popularly asso- hladikavant, a. rich in cooling, [from

ciated with it and the word thus connected fern, of hladaka, substantively ?]
with VM, 'invoke.'] V hvr (hvarati, -te ; ahvarsit; hvrta ;
hotr a, n. offering, sacrifice, both the action hvarayati). go crookedly; bend over,
and the thing offered.
[Vhu, 1185a.] fall.

h6ma, m. a pouring into the fire; oblation; + vi, fall; caus. overturn.

All numbers below 107 refer to the text of this Reader, which is cited by page and
line ;
thus, 79 means page 79, line 2. When still more precise reference is needed, the
first half of a line is designated by a and the second by b .

All numbers above 107 refer to the sections of Whitney's Grammar. Observe,
however, that reference is occasionally made to grammar-sections preceding 107, and
that the word " Whitney is then prefixed to the number to show that the Grammar is

meant. The grammar-sections sometimes have subdivisions unmarked by letters or

numbers. In referring to these, a small superior number is used, and designates the
(typographical) paragraph as counted from the last lettered or numbered subsection.
Thus 330 6 refers to the paragraph beginning " PI. nom.-voc. masc." 371 12 begins with

" From ait come " 1222 3, with " The accent of derivatives " ; 1222c 2 2, with " In the


root-sign (V) is prefixed to roots and quasi-roots to catch the eye or as an
abbreviation. It is also set before denominative verb-stems, although these are of
course in no sense roots.
The plus-sign + is set before prepositions with which verbs appear in composition
( )

and before certain other elements used as prefixes.

A star (*) signifies that the word or stem or root to which it is prefixed does not
actually occur in that form.
half-parenthesis on its side ( v ) is used to show that two vowels, which, for
the sake of clearness, are printed with hiatus in violation of the rules of euphonic
combination, should be combined according to those rules.
hyphen is sometimes used to avoid the repetition of an element of a compound ;
thus in the article loka, p. 235, para- stands for para-loka.
In Greek words, the old palatal spirant yod is represented by j, pronounced of course
as English y. A very few Slavic and Lithuanian words occur, in which the actual or
original nasalization of a vowel is denoted by an inverted comma, thus, e, a. Anglo-Saxon
SB has the sound of a in man.

hoped that most of these, if not all, will be found self-explaining. To preclude
It is

any misunderstanding, however, a complete list of the abbreviations is given below, p. 293.
But certain abbreviations and words are used in an arbitrary way and require
more explanation than is given in the list.

both the letters, m. and n., follow a stem, they mean that it shows both
masculine and neuter case-forms.

An "etc." following a reference that stands after a certain definition signifies that
the word is of common occurrence in that meaning.

The abbreviation [do.] is used to avoid repetition of identical items in the square
brackets at the end of articles ;
for examples, see the three words following abhivada,

p. 119.
The etymological cognates are usually introduced by the conventional "cf."; this

implies that the words which the reader is bidden to "compare" are akin. The fact
that two related words are compared implies as a rule only that they are radically akin,
and not that their formative suffixes are identical. Thus with anta is compared English
end, although this corresponds strictly only to the Sanskrit secondary derivative antya.
So asthan, oo-Tfov, and os are radically identical, though not of entirely parallel formation.
On the other hand, where it is desired to call attention, not to radically kindred
words, but to words analogous only in metaphor or in transfer of meaning, the brief
phrase, for mg, cf .," is used and this is to be understood as standing for the phrase,

"for a parallelism in the development of meaning, compare," or, "for an analogous

instance of transition of meaning, compare."
Specially important references to the Grammar are marked by the word "see":
thus under narayana (p. 181), special attention is called to 1219, which shows that
this word is a simple patronymic of nara, and is not what the text (at 57 6 ) says it is, a

compound of nara + ayaiia.


The order of the articles is strictly and solely alphabetical (see below). Respecting
words whose alphabetic place changes with their inflection, the following remarks may be
made for beginners.
All nouns, whether they be substantives or adjectives, are given under the stem. In
order to know the stem, a preliminary study of the more important paradigms and rules
of euphonic combination is necessary. Thus the nom. sing, raja must be looked for
under raj an, and the ace. sing, nama under naman (Whitney, 424) but nalo, as standing

for nala-s (175a, 330), must be looked for under nala. The stems in r or ar are entered
in the form r. The stems of the perf. act. ppl. and of the primary comparatives are
given as ending in vans and yans. The stems in at or ant are given in the fuller form,
ant, and similarly those in mant and vant ; and the f eminines of these and of the in-stems
are not given, since they are alwaysmade in anti or ati, mail, vati, ini.
All verb-forms must be sought under the root. Thus asit will be defined only under
the root 1 as (636), and not in the alphabetic place which the augment gives it, under
long a. Likewise prepositional compounds of verbs will be found under the roots (see
1076), and not in the alphabetic place under the preposition. The beginner is advised
to make himself thoroughly familiar with the list of prepositions (1077) at the outset.
Of the verbal adjectives and nouns (Whitney, chapter xiii., p. 307 ff.), only the
gerundives (in ya, tavya, and amya) have been given regularly in alphabetic place.
The participles in ta and na are usually given under the roots ; but in some cases, where
they have assumed a distinctly adjectival or substantival coloring or have an incon-
veniently large variety of meanings and uses, they are treated at length in alphabetic
place; such, for example, are rta, krta, gata, jata, nivrtta, bhuta, sthita, hita, etc.
Gerunds with a- or su- (e.g. a-citva) are of course treated in alphabetic place.
Such adverbs as are merely case-forms of substantive or adjective stems, are
generally to be sought for under those stems.
Those from pronominal stems (e.g. kirn,
tad, yad) receive separate treatment.

The pronouns first and second person would require a dozen different arti-
of the
forms were given alphabetically. The same is true to a greater
cles apiece if all their
or less extent of the other pronouns. The student should therefore learn, as early as
possible, the forms given at 491, 495, 499b, 501 (especially ayam asau is less important),

504, and 509. The uses of sa-s, etc., esa-s, etc., and ayam, etc., are given under ta, etad,
and idain respectively.
As for compounds, they are given with completeness for the Vedic selections, and
with great freedom for the remaining texts, especially for the Nala. The meaning of
such as are lacking can be easily learned by looking out their component parts.


The order of the letters
is given by Whitney at 5 (compare 7); but several
matters which are frequent occasions of stumbling, may be noticed here.
The visarga lias the first place after the vowels. Thus antah-pura (for antar
+ pura) stands next after anta, p. 116, and not after antardhana. But the visarga
which is regarded as equivalent a sibilant and exchangeable with it (Whitney, 7 2 ),
stands in the alphabetic place of the sibilant. Thus the visarga of adhah-gayin, as
equivalent to g (172), brings this word just before adhas (p. 115, top), and not between
adha and adhanya.
The sign n, as representing the anusvdra of more independent origin" (Whitney,
73 3 ), has place before all the mutes etc. (Whitney, 5). Thus in ang-a, the n repre-

sents a nasalization of the radical vowel, and the word comes immediately after a. So
hansa comes just after ha, p. 284; dang and danstrin, at the beginning of the letter d.
The sign m, as representing an assimilated m, is differently placed, according to its
phonetic value. On the one hand, if m, as product of a m
assimilated to a semivowel,
sibilant, or h (see 213c, d), represent a nasal semivowel or anusvara, then its place is like
that of n. Thus samyatendriya follows sa, and samhlta comes just before sakacchapa
(p. 263), and pums before puta (p. 191).
On the other hand, if, for instance, as product of a m assimilated to a guttural, the
sign mrepresent guttural n, then its place is that of n ;
and a similar rule applies
to all the other cases under 213b. Thus samkata and samkalpa follow sagara, and
saihgama follows sanga, p. 264; so samcaya (whose m = n) follows sajya; and sariitati
(whose m
= n) follows sant, p. 266.
Vedic 1 is placed after d, and Ih after dh.


Homonyms, unless differentiated by accent, are distinguished by a prefixed number
(cf.anga, vayas) similarly homonymous roots (cf. kr).

References to the Grammar in square brackets immediately after a declinable stem

refer to some peculiarity of declension. Occasionally, typical cases of stems are given.
Thus under drg are given the nom. and ace. sing, and instr. dual from these, the other ;

cases (drk-su, drg-a, etc., drg-bhis, etc.) are easily known.

Each root is followed by a synopsis of its conjugational forms, so far as they actually
occur in the literature. The finite forms are given in the third person singular of the
indicative, and in the order in which they are treated in the Grammar, namely, present,
perfect, aorist,and future then follow the past participle, the infinitive, and the two

gerunds apta, aptum; aptva, -apya: observe the alternation of the accents); then
follow in order the third sing, present indicative of the passive, intensive, desidcrative,
and causative, so far as they seemed of importance for the users of this Reader.

Meanings which are synonymous or nearly so, are separated by commas; those
which differ considerably from each other, are separated by semicolons or by full-faced
dashes and figures ( 1., etc.). The colon is often used to show that several meanings
which follow it and are separated by semicolons are co-ordinate with each other. Thus
" " " " "
on p. 268, under samipa 2b., the meanings before," near," hard by," and by are
" in the "
co-ordinate, and are equivalent to presence or neighborhood of cf suvarcas. ;

The arrangement for matter in heavy brackets at the end of articles is in the case :

of primary derivatives, first, the root from which the word comes, with reference, if
necessary, to the section giving the suffix of derivation; second, cognate words from
allied languages and third, words showing a development of meaning analogous to that

shown by the Sanskrit word or illustrative of it. If the derivation of a simple word is
not given, it is because it is unknown or too uncertain to be worth mentioning. In the
case of secondary derivatives, the primary is given, with a reference to the section showing
itstreatment. The analysis of compounds is often indicated by a hyphen ;
but if one
member ends and the next begins with a vowel or diphthong, the latter member is given
in square brackets at the end of the article ; cf nalopakhyana. .

Where words of different languages are given together, separated only by commas,
the definition given after the last applies to them all ; or, if no definition is given, the
English word in italics at the end is both a cognate and a definition of all at the same
time; for examples, see aksa ('axle'), asta, urna.
The references to the Grammar may seem too numerous; but they are really a
device for avoiding the frequent repetition of explanations which would otherwise have
to be given in full. It would take half a dozen
lines to explain the etymology of

manmatha, but the references to 1148. 4 and 1002b make this needless
for instance ; ;

cf the references under daridra, c,iu, sunva.


It often happens that the statement in the section referred to does not directly cover
the point aimed at in citing it ; but a moment's thought will show what is meant. Thus
under samkranti, the two references to be compared mean that the derivative suffix is
ti,and that before it the root-vowel suffers the same peculiar change that is seen in the
past participle. Under samyatendriya reference is made to 1298, which states that
possessive descriptives are very much more common than [simple] descriptives of the
same form." The real point of the reference is plainly, not to bring out this fact, but to
show the beginner in what category of compounds this word belongs. So 1290 states
that " other compounds with adverbial prior members are quite irregularly accented

but the section is cited, e.g., under sadha-mada, to indicate that this is a
compound (see the heading of the preceding right-hand page, 441) hi which the first
member is an adverbial element with the function (cf. 1289) of an adjective. Many roots
form verb-stems in aya, but without causative signification ; this is briefly indicated by
the reference 1041 2 .In the case of secondary derivatives in vant, mant, ta, and tva, a
simple reference to one of the sections treating of these endings (1233, 1235, 1237, 1239)
is put instead of a repetition of the primitive.

a inf infinitive.
abl ablative. instr instrumental.
ace accusative. intens intensive.
acct accent. interr interrogative.
act active, actively. intrans intransitive, intransitively.
adj adjective, adjectively. irreg irregularly, irregular.
adv adverb, adverbial. Lat Latin.
advly adverbially. literally, literal.
aor. aorist. loc locative.
AS Anglo-Saxon. in., masc. . . . masculine.
assev asseverative. MBh Mahabharata.
B Brahmana. met metaphorically, metaphor.
beg beginning. mg, mgs .... meaning, meanings.
caus causative. mid middle.
cf compare. N note.
colloq colloquial. n., neut neuter.
comp comparative. nom nominative.
conj conjunction. num numeral.
correl correlative. opp opposed, opposite.
cpd, cpds . . .
compound, compounds. opt optative.
dat dative. orig originally, original.
denom denominative. pass passive, passively.
deriv., derivs .
derivative, derivatives. pel particle.
desid desiderative. perf perfect.
e.g for example. pers person, personal.
end enclitic. pi plural.
Eng English. poss possibly.
equiv equivalent. ppl participle.
esp especially, especial. prep preposition.
etc and so forth. pres present.
excl exclamation. prob probably, probable.
f., fern feminine. pron pronoun, pronominal.
ff and the following. prop properly.
fig figuratively, figurative. q.v which see.
fr from. reg regularly, regular.
fut future. RV Eigveda.
gen genitive. S Sutra.
Ger German. s singular.
Goth Gothic. sc scilicet.
grd gerund. sing singular.
grdv gerundive. Skt Sanskrit.
Hdt Herodotus. subst substantive, substantively.
ident identical. superl superlative.
i.e that is. s.v sub voce.
imf imperfect. trans transitive, transitively.
impers impersonally, impersonal. U.f uncombined form or forms.
imv imperative. vbl verbal.
ind indicative. V Vedic, Veda.
indecl indeclinable. voc vocative.
indef indefinite. w. , . with.

For abbreviations of titles, see next page.


See also pages 315-16, 332, 340, 359, 398, 402.

RV Rigreda Samhita. AB Aitareya Brahmana.

SV Samaveda "
QB Qatapatha
AV Atharvaveda PB Pancavin9a_or Tandya Br.
MS Maitrayani TA Taittiriya Aranyaka.
TS Taittirlya AGS. . . .
A^valayana Grhya-sutra.
VS Vajasaneyi C,GS. . . .
K Kathaka. PGS. . . . Paraskara "

JASB. . . . Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

JA Journal Asiatique.
JRAS. . . . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
JAOS. . . . Journal of the American Oriental Society.
" " "
PAOS. . . .
ZDMG. . . . Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft.

AJP American Journal of Philology ed. B. L. Gildersleeve.

Ind. Ant. . . Indian Antiquary ed. James Burgess.
ISt Indische Studien ed. Albrecht Weber.
KZ Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung ed. A. Kuhn.

ASL History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, by Max Miiller.

BI Bibliotheca Indica publ. by the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
BR Bohtlingk and Roth's Sanskrit- Worterbuch see Brief List, p. xviii, no. 5.
GKR Geldner, Kaegi, and Roth's Siebenzig Lieder see p. xix, no. 15.
HIL History of Indian Literature, Weber see p. xx, no. 21.
IA Indische Alterthumskunde, by Christian Lassen.
ILuC Indiens Literatur und Cultur, Schroeder see p. 359, 100.
OLSt Oriental and Linguistic Studies, Whitney see p. 359, 100.
VP Visnu Purana Bombay text; or Wilson's translation, ed. 1 or ed. 2 (F. Hall).

SEE Sacred Books of the East transl. by various scholars and ed. F. Max Miiller.
Vol. Vol.
i. T.'panisnds. .1. xv Upanisads. 2.
ii. Laws. 1. Apastamba, Gautama. xxiii A vesta. 2. Yashts, etc.
iv. Avesta. 1. Vendidad. xxv Manu.
vii. Laws. Yisnu. xxvi <
'atapatha Brahmana. 2.
x. Dhammapada_, etc. xxix Grbya-sutras. 1. yG8., AGS., PGS.
xii. Qatapatha Brahmana. 1. See p. 356, N.9. xxx Grhya-sutras. 2.
xiv. Laws. 2. Vasistha', Baudbayana. xxxi. Avesta. 3. Yaana. etc.

Bergaigne La religion vedique see p. 359, 100.

Kaegi . . . Der Rigveda see p. 352, 70.
Ludwig . . Der Rigveda see p. 359, 100.
Muir .
Original Sanskrit Texts see p. xx, no. 26.
Si-yu-ki . . . Buddhist Records of the Western World. Transl. by S. Beal, London, 1884.
Zimmer . . . Altindisches Leben see p. xx, no. 22.

The Vocabulary will often serve as an index to the Notes.





1. The trend of Aryan migration in India has been from the extreme north-
west to the south-east, across the region drained by the Indus and its affluents, and
called the Panjab or Land of the Five Rivers; and again south-east, down the valleys
of the Jumna and Ganges. One prominent group of Aryan immigrant tribes was
that of the Kosalas, Videhas, and Magadhas, who settled in the lower valley of the
Ganges, east of its confluence with the Jumna, in the districts now named Oudh
and Behar, the Palestine of Buddhism.
2. Another group of tribes had their home on the upper Indus, in the north-
west of the Panjab. Theirs was the religion and civilization of which the Vedas
are the monument. Later we find them advancing south-eastward, and establishing
themselves on the upper course of the Jumna and Ganges, in Madhya-deca, The
Mid-Land. Foremost among them are the tribes of the Bharatas, the Kurus, and
the Panchalas. Here arose the system of Brahmanism here' the simple nature- ;

religion of the Vedas developed into a religion of priests and sacrifices here the ;

Bharatas attained a kind of religious primacy and the lustre of a great name,
although gradually merging their tribal individuality with that of kindred tribes ;

here were fought the battles of the Bharatas and here, to ever-ready listeners, in

school or forest-hermitage, at a sacrifice or a burial, were told the tales of these

battles and their heroes. These are the tales that form the nucleus of the Great-
Bharata-Story (maha-bharata^akhyana, or, more briefly), the Maha-bharata.
3. These tales were probably circulated in prose, until some more clever

teller put them into simple and easily-remembered metrical form. The date of
these firstsimple epics we do not know. They may well have existed several
centuries before our era but neither their language nor the notices of the Greeks

afford any satisfactorily direct evidence upon the subject. Around this nucleus
have been grouped additions, historical, mythological, and didactic, until the

Great-Bharata, as we now have it, contains over one hundred thousand distichs, or
about eight times as much as the Iliad and Odyssey together.
4. Only about one-fifth of the whole poem is occupied with the principal
story. summary, is as follows. The two brothers,
This, in the briefest possible
Dhritarashtra and Pandu
(dhrta-rastra, pandu), were brought up in their royal
home of Hastina-pura, about sixty miles north-east of modern Delhi. Dhritarashtra,
the elder, was blind, and so Pandu became king, and had a glorious reign. He had
whom were Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna. They are called
five sons, chief of

Pandavas, and are the types of honor and heroism. Dhritarashtra's hundred sons,
Duryodhana and the usually called the Kuru princes, and are represented
rest, are
as in every way bad. After Pandu's death, his sons are brought up with their

cousins. The kingdom devolved on Dhritarashtra, who in turn made his nephew
Yudhishthira the heir apparent.
5. Yudhishthira's exploits aroused the ill-will of his cousins, and, to escape
their plots, thePandu princes went away to the king of Panchala, whose daughter,
Draupadi, became their common wife. In view of this strong alliance with the
Panchalas, Dhritarashtra thought it best to conciliate the Pandus. So he divided the
kingdom, and gave Hastina-pura to his sons, and to his nephews a district to the
south-west, where they built Indra-prastha, the modern Delhi. Here the Pandavas
and their people lived happily under king Yudhishthira.
6. On one occasion Dhritarashtra held a great assembly of princes at his
capital. The Pandavas were invited and came. Yudhishthira was challenged to
play with Duryodhana, and accepted. The dice were thrown for Duryodhana by his
uncle (^akuni. Yudhishthira loses everything wealth, kingdom, brothers, wife. A
compromise, however, is made, by which the Pandavas give up their part of the
kingdom for twelve years, and agree to remain incognito for a thirteenth. With
Draupadi, they retire to the Kamyaka forest, on the Saraswati.
7. For twelve years the Pandu princes dwell in the wood. Many legends are
told to divert and console them in their exile and these stories, with the description

of the forest-life of the princes, combine to make up the third or Forest-book,' the

vana-parvan, which is one of the longest in the whole poem.

8. The thirteenth year arrived and passed. " Then in the fourteenth the
Pandavas demanded back their possessions, but received them not. From this arose
the conflict. They overthrew the ruling house, slew prince Duryodhana, and then,
although losing most of their warriors, they got back again their kingdom." MBh.
1.61.51=2280. Thus ended the Bharata, doubtless, in its oldest and simplest form.
9. The poem, as we now have it, spins out the story of the combat through
several books and through thousands of distichs. At length Yudhishthira is crowned
in Hastina-pura, and Bhishma, the leader of the Kurus, although mortally wounded,
instructs him, for about twenty thousand distichs, on the duties of kings and on
other topics, and then dies. In the seventeenth book, the Pandus renounce the king-
dom, and in the next, the last, they ascend to heaven with Draupadi.
10. The Nala-episode illustrates very well how loose is the connection of the
episodes in general with the main thread of the Bharata. The story of Xala is one
of those inserted in the third book (above, 7), and its setting is as follows. Ar-
juna had gone to the heaven of Indra to get from him divine weapons. The other
Pandavas, remaining in the forest with Draupadi, lament their brother's absence and
the loss of their kingdom. Meantime the fierce and stout-armed Bhima addresses
his brother Yudhishthira, and offers to go out and slay their deceitful cousins.
Yudhishthira counsels Bhima to wait till after the thirteenth year, and is trying to
calm his impetuous brother, when suddenly there arrives a mighty sage, Brihada9wa.
The holy man is received with honor and with the customary guest's-dish of milk
and honey. When he is seated, Yudhishthira sits by him, bewails his sad lot, and
" Hast thou ever seen or heard of a man more luckless than I am ? I believe
there never was one more unhappy." " On this point," replies the sage, " I will tell
thee a story of a king who was even more luckless than thon. King Xala was once
cheated out of his kingdom by a false dice-player, and dwelt in the forest, and
[299] TO XALA.

neither slaves, chariot, brother, nor friend was left him ;

but thou art surrounded by
heroes, brothers, and friends, and oughtest not to grieve." Thereupon Yudhishthira
begs him to relate the story at length. Accordingly, to console the king, and to
show him that there is hope of regaining his kingdom, just as Xala regained his,
Brihada9wa begins as in the extract given in the Reader (1 s ).
11. CHAPTER 1. Xala was a prince of Xishadha. Damayanti was the
lovely daughter of Bhima, the king of Vidarbha. By the miraculous interposition
of swans, the prince and princess become mutually enamored.
12. CHAP. 2. Bhima accordingly holds a swayamvara (' self-choice ') for
her. The neighboring kings are invited, and she is permitted to choose for herself
her husband from them. The chief gods hear of it and determine to go also. On
their way, they meet Xala, who is bound on the same errand.
13. CHAP. 3. The gods request Xala to sue for them. Reluctantly consent-
ing, he enters the chamber of the princess and tells how the gods desire her hand.
14.CHAP. 4. Damayanti refuses to listen to the arguments in favor of the
gods. She desires that the swayamvara be held in the usual form, and that the
gods be present, and informs Xala that she intends to show openly her preference
for him. All this Xala reports to the gods.
15. CHAP. 5. The gods and kings assemble. The four chief gods assume
the appearance of Xala. Unable to distinguish the real Xala, the princess, dis-
tressed, prays to the gods, and they, in answer, resume their proper forms and
peculiar attributes (see 14 N.). Thereupon she chooses Xala. The kings express
their sorrow, and the gods their delight. The gods give Xala the magic power of
having and water whenever he wishes, and a wonderful skill in cookery. The

wedding-feast is celebrated. Xala returns to Xishadha with his bride. They live
happily, and have a son and daughter. Here the extract in the Reader ends.
16. CHAPTERS 6-26. These tell of Xala's misfortunes, and their final happy
issue. He loses everything, even his kingdom, by gambling, and wanders, hungry
and half naked, in the forest. He is transformed into a dwarf, and becomes chari-
oteer of Rituparna, king of Oudh. Damayanti, at her father's in Kundina, is led by
certain tidings to suspect "that Xala is at Oudh. By way of stratagem, she holds out
hopes of her hand to Rituparna, if he will drive from Oudh to Kundina, some five
hundred miles, in a single day, knowing well that only Xala's skill in horsemanship
Rituparna gets Xala to drive him thither through the
(see I ) is equal to this task.
air. Xala receives as reward perfect skill in dicing. His wife recognizes him by his
magical command of fire and water, and by his cooking. He resumes his true form,
plays again, and wins back all he had lost, and lives happy ever after.*
17. When Brihada9wa had finished the story of Xala, Yudhishthira, pleased,
asked him for perfect skill in dicing and the hermit, granting him his prayer, departed.

18. This story is unquestionably one of the oldest and most beautiful
episodes of the Maha-bharata. It was extremely popular in India; and to this is
due the fact that it escaped the bad influence of Vishnuism, whose adherents have
worked over the vast epic, changing and interpolating, and always for the worse.

* The student mav read the entire story in any the very spirited English rendering of Edwin Arnold,
of the numerous translations by Milrnan, Bopp, in his Indian Idylls, Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1883,
Riickert, and others. The most easily obtained is $1.00.
TO [300]

19. Even the Xala, especially in the first chapter, has suffered much from
later hands but on the whole it is one of the least corrupted Its antiq-
; episodes.
is shown by the simplicity of manners implied in its incidents the prince, for
example, cooks his own food,
by the character of Indra (cf. 14 x.), and in other
ways. See Holtzmann's Indische Sagen, Stuttgart, 1854, p. xiv. Bruce has
attempted to reject definite passages throughout the poem, and has published, at
St. Petersburg in 1862, a text of the Nala, reduced from 983 to 522 distichs.
20. The story begins at iii.53.1 (folio 58 b) of the Bombay edition of 1877,
and at iii. 2072 of the Calcutta edition of 1834.
21. THE METRE. The stanza (cloka) or distich consists of four octosyllabic
verses (pada). The
and second padas form together a half -cloka or a line,

divided at the middle by the caesura: likewise the third and fourth. The more
important rules follow.
a. Odd padas end usually with a first epitrite, ^ or antispast, w w- ,

b. Even padas end in a diiambus, v^_w or second paeon, w ww. ,

So the type of the half-9loka is o o o o ^ w o o o o \^ w ^- But |

|| |

c. In no pada may the syllables 2, 3, 4 form a tribrach, w ^/ w, or anapaest, ^ w ;

d. Nor, in the even padas, an amphimacer, \j .


LINE 1. atha, see p. 114, s.v. atha 3. combination, with the acct of the prior
nalopakhyana-m, nom.s.n. (see 330) of member, is a secondary adjective cpd, and
nalopakhyana this last is a compound means 'having great horses': here the sec-

stem, see s.v., p. 180 its analysis is indicated

ondary adjective is used as a substantive,
in the manner mentioned at p. 292, paragraph '
(man) having great horses, i.e. Great-horse

2, end the second member is upakhyana, see 1293 2 and cf. the difference between a

as given in the square brackets, p. 180 its great heart and Bunyan's Mr. Great-heart. For

initial, u, has evidently combined with the the ligature gv, see Whitney 13 G uvaca, .

final vowel of the first member to o accord- v/vac, p. 236, perf. act. 3d
sing., see 800e.
ing to the important rule 127, that final For the connection of this line with the
must have been an a-vowel (a or a), and, story, see p. 298, 10.
since there is no stem nala, the first member 3a .
asid, u.f. asit, by the law of regres-
must be nala : since this logically determines sive assimilation, just mentioned : as was
the second member, i.e. distinguishes the said at p. 290, paragraph the meaning 8,
' '
Nala-episode from all other episodes, the must be sought under V 1 as, p. 122 the :

compound is to be classed as a determinative, form is imf. 3d sing., 636. raja, see p.

see 1262. 290, paragraph 7, and for declension, 424.
2. brhadagva, u.f. brhadagva-s (175b), nalo, u.f. nala-s, 175a: declension, 330.
nom.s.m. of brhad-ava, see s.v., p. 202 :Nominatives in as are extremely common,
shown in the square brackets, the first mem- and so of course is the change of as to o.
ber of the cpd is brhant, which, by 1249a, nama, acc.s.n. (424) of naman, see s.v. 3.
enters into composition in its weak form 3b
virasena-suto, u.f. -suta-s, 175a
. :

brhat by the law of regressive assimilation

: the word is a dependent noun-cpd and =
(159, the most important rule of Sanskrit virasenasya sutas, see 1264 the stem vira- :

phonetics), the t becomes d. The combina- sena (see s.v.) is itself also a cpd, and of
tion brhad-agvd, with the accent on the the same kind as brhad-agva. ball, see
ultima, means 'a great horse'; the same 440.
[301] ) PAGE 1.

4a .
upapanno, u.f. upa-panna-a (175a), 6 a upary, u.f. upari, 129: the word is

\fpad+upa, p. 186. As
a prepositional cpd, repeated for emphasis, 1260 above, above,' :

this must be sought under the root, not i.e. 'far above.' sarveaam, of
under the preposition read p. 290, para- aarva, 522 and 524 for construction, see :

graph 8. For the form panna, see 957d : s.v. upari and 1130 end.

has only an indefinite past sense, not

lit., it 6b aditya, u.f. adityaa, 175b.
a passive sense, see 952 2 gunair, u.f. . 414 as referring to the sun, it means splen-

gunais, 174: declension, 330. istai, u.f. dor,' and as referring to Nala, it has the
' '
istais, which becomes iatair (174 again) transferred mg, majesty the instr., prop, :

before the following sonant initial; and the 'with '-case, is here best rendered by
since this is r, the final r is dropped see 'by,' i.e. 'in virtue of.' The force of
179: is-tais ppl. of VI is, 953: the t of ta atiathat extends through the gloka or dis-
becomes tby progressive assimilation (197), tich. He was far above all in majesty, as

which is far less common than regressive the sun (is) in splendor.'
assimilation. The half -line means, 'en- 7 a vedavic churo, u.f. vedavit Quras
. :

dowed with (desired, i.e. desirable or) excel- the final t is changed to the palatal c, before
lent virtues.' For the use of the instr., see the palatal sibilant 9 (regressive assimila-
278. tion, 203), and the sibilant g is also changed
4 b rupavan, see 452 and '453, and cf. to the mute ch, 203 the same changes
. :

447. For rii, cf. Whitney lOd. agvakovi- appear in paryupasac chaclm, 2", abhuc
1S 19
dah, u.f. agvakovidas, 170a, an extremely chrnvatoh, 2 hrcchayah, 2 and tac , ,

common change. Nala's skill in the manege chrutva, 4 6 4 16 vedavit is nom.s.m. of ,


is a point of prime importance in the story vedavid (391), the d being changed to t
seep. 299, 16. (159) before the a of the case-ending, which
5 a atisthan, u.f. atisthat (161) is 3d s. last, however, is dropped see 150.

imf. act. of Vatha, 742. [The a is augment, 7 b niaadheau, among the Nishadhans
' '

585 ti is reduplication (for t, see 590c for or in Nishadha

; mahlpatih, u.f. mahi-

i, 660) the i alters s to a (180 and 184c), patia, 170a declension, 339.
: :

and this a involves the conversion of th to It is not known where Nishadha was.

th (197 cf. iata). Orig. stha belonged to Vidarbha, the modern Berar, is at the head-
the reduplicating class (671 cf 'L-a-ri}-^, waters of the Tapti, between Nagpore and

'[-(TTij-s, 1-ffrri-fft), but has been transferred the Nizam's Kingdom, and about five hun-
(749) to the commonest of all classes, the dred miles from Oudh. The general run
a-class, and is inflected as if the stem were of the story makes it highly probable that
tistha, i.e. as if we had in Greek 1-arca, Nishadha was between Berar and Oudh.
1-<TTfis, f-o-rej.] manujendranam, From chapter ix., it would seem to have been
of manujendra : after the lingual r, the n north of Oujein (ujjayim). From an allusion
of the ending changed to lingual n
is see in the Qatapatha-brahmana, ii.3.2, Weber
189 and 190a for the combination of ma- thinks it is in the south (i.e. from Madhya-

nuja+indra, see 127; for dr, Whitney 14. de9a). These premises give some ground
5 b murdhni, loc.s. of murdhan, 424: for the inference that Nishadha was in the

for rdh, see Whitney 14. devapatir, u.f. valley of the Sind, which traverses Gwalior
devapatia, 174 :
declension, 339. yatha, State, Central India. On the Sind is Nar-
see s.v. 4. 'He (stood,i.e.) was at the head war ;
and local tradition connects this place
of princes, as Indra (sc. is at the head of with "King Nala" in a story whose leading

gods)': i.e. 'He was as much superior to features bear a striking resemblance to those
other princes as Indra to other gods.' " As of our poem. Finally, Nala is said, chap, xv.,
handsome as Indra" was a proverbial ex- to have reached Oudh on the tenth day after
pression. quitting Damayanti, and this time suits the

PAGE 1. <

distance some two hundred miles very ! clension, 339 :

formation, see references in
well. vocab. There were three kinds of Rishis
8a .
aksapriyah, u.f. aksapriyas, 172: (see rsi) : the rajarsi, or prince who adopted
for ks, cf. Whitney 13 end. satyavadi, a life of devotion ;
tlie devarsi, or sagewho
norn.s., 440. As a dependent cpd (1265), was also a demigod, as Narada ;
and the
aksapriya may mean, 1. dice-beloved, brahmarsi, or priestly sage.
lucky at gaming,' or, 2. dice-loving, friend Bharata, like rajendra, kaunteya,
of dice, fond of gaming': on the whole, mg vigam pate, prabho, maharaja, raj an,
2 is perhaps to be preferred. pandava, kauravya, etc., is an interjected
8 b mahan, nom.s., 450b.
vocative, addressed by Brihada9wa, the nar-
9. See ipsita, whichis ppl. (1037) of the rator, to Yudhishthira, see p. 298, 10.
desid. nara-narl, declension, 364: for n, 15. see p.
sa, 291, paragraph 1, and
cf I 5a
. N. end nan, see under nara for use
: :
vocab., s.v. ta4. tosayam asa, periphras-
of case, 296b. udarah, 172 again, like aksa- tic perf. of caus. of Vtus, 1070, 1071a: the
priyah, 1 and gresthah and manuh, next auxiliary is the 3d s. perf. (800a) of Vas,

line, etc. etc. samyatendriyah, read p. 'be.' dharma-vit, nom.s.m., declined like
291, paragraph 6: samyata, Vyam, 954d. veda-vit, I .

10. raksita, 373. dhanvin-am, 440. 16. mahisya, instr. (364) of mahisi.
saksad, u.f. saksat, 159. manu-h, 341. suvarcas-am: declension, 418: goes with
Render 'as it were, Manu himself, in vis- tarn. 15-16. 'Along with his queen,
ible presence.' Bhlma, desiring children (and) knowing his
11.tathaivasld, u.f. tatha eva asit, duty, gratified him (tarn, Damana), the glo-
127, 126, 159: see tatha, mg 3. -bhlma- rious, with hospitality.'

parakrama, possessive form of the descrip- 17. tasmai, 495. pra-sanno, Vsad+
tive cpd bhima-parakrama : see references pra, cf. upa-panno, I*N. sabharyaya,
in vocab. dat.s.m. with tasmai, 'to him having an
12. sarva-gunair, u.f. sarva-gunais, 174, accompanying wife, i.e. to him and his wife :

cf . 1 4a N. : for mg, see sarva 2b a de- observe that bharya shortens

: its final a in
scriptive cpd, 1279. yuktah, u.f. yukta-s composition, 334 .
dadau, Vda, 'give,'
(170d), ppl. (953, 219 and 217) of Vyuj: 800c.
see Vyuj 4, 'yoked with' (hence instr., 278), NOTES TO PAGE 2.
and so kumarang ca, u.f. kumaran ca (208),

possessed of '. prajakamah, ob- 1.

serve accent and references in vocab. sa or rather, kumarans ca (170c) for the so- ;

caprajah, sas ca aprajas, 176a (as ex- called " inserted sibilant is in the a

ception to 170c) for sa-s, 495: ca, though historic survival, the original ending having

coalescing with aprajas in euphony (126) been ns. trm, 482c. maha-yagas (418)
and in print, is really an enclitic and so be- goes with damanas.
longs w. sa: 'and yet he (sc. was) childless.' 2. damayantim, 364.
13. akarot, 3d s. imf. of Vlkr, 714. 3. Cf I 4 and I 11 and notes.

He (in the matter of, i.e.) for the sake of

4. tejas-a, 414 : so yagas-a. griy-a,
children made
the greatest effort,' i.e. he stem gri,

performed pious rites, etc. ; or else, He had

prapa, 3d Vap+pra, 783c
5. s. perf. ,

the matter of children greatly at heart, all 800a. 4-5. '

Fair-waisted D. won fame
intent (upon it).' among men by her beauty, majesty, fame,
14. tarn, 495, abhy-agacchad, 274a. grace, and comeliness.' Reprehensible tau-
\fgam+abhi, see references after pres. form tology.
gacchati in vocab. this is 3d s. imf., 742. 6. tarn, 495.
vayas-i prapte, loc. ab-
Respecting the spelling cch, see Preface, p. solute, 303b: prapta, ppl. of Vap+pra.
v. note 6. brahmarsi-r for r, 174: de- dasinam, 295 end.
[303] I PAGE 3.

7. paryupasac chaclm, u.f. pary-upa_ 16. U.f. tasyas, 495. pra-gagansuh, 3d

asat gaclm, see I 7a N. asat, 3d s. imf. of :
pi. perf. (800a) of v/gans+pra, p. 254: sub-
' ' '
a-class (742 augment 585) fr. Vas; this is ject indef ., they or messengers.'
reg. of the root-class, G28, and mid. voice. 17. punah punah, u.f. punar punar, 178.
6-7. Lit. 'Now, her marriageable age 18. tayor, 495. '
bhuc chrnvatoh, u.f .

7a N.
having come, of slaves an adorned hundred, abhut grnvatos, see 1 abhut, 829 gr- : :

and a hundred of friends sat around her nv-at-os, loc. du., 447, of pres. ppl., 705, of
(tarn.), as (they do) around (^aci.' Vgru, 71(J.
8. raj ate, Vraj, 735. sarva^abharana- 19. anyonyam, see vocab. kaunteya,
bhusita, 'adorned with all (her) jewels,' a see I 1 * N. end. vy-avardhata, Vvrdh+vi,
dependent cpd (1265), whose first member, 742.

sarvabharana, is itself a cpd, like sarva- 20. a-gak-nuv-an, negatived pres. ppl.,
guna, see I N. 705 (cf. 697 3 and 129 2 ), of Vgak. -dhar-
9. sakhi-madhye, see madhya 1. ana- ayitum, inf., 1051 6 of Vdhr, whose pres. ,

vadyangi, initial elided, 135 the cpd is the is made from a caus. stem, 1041, 1042b.

possessive form of a descriptive, 1297-8. -hrd-a, 391.

vidyut, 391. The Hindu epos often likens 21. antahpura-, read p. 291, paragraph
maiden beauty to the brilliantly flashing 4. vana, u.f. vane, 133. as-te, 612.

lightning of the rain-cloud. gata-s, ppl. of Vgam, 954d. 'Stays in a

10. rupa-sampanna goes with bhaimi. wood near the harem, having gone secretly.'
U-f. grl-s (174) iva ayata-locana, 'like 22. dadarga, 3d s. perf. Vdrg, strong
long-eyed Qri.' stem dadarg, weak dadrg, 792, 793c, 800.
11. U.f. tadrk, nom.s.f. rupavati, hansaii, 202 2 -pariskrtan, ppl. of V 1 kr

nom.s.f. of rupavant, 452. -fpari, 1087d, 180. -'Gold-adorned' = 'of

12. U.f. manusesu (129) api ca anyesu golden plumage '.

drsta-purva (sc. asit) atha va gruta. 23. vi-caratam, gen pi, of pres. ppl. of (

api ca continues the force of the preceding Vcar+vi. tesam, 495. jagraha, 3d s.
negatives, 'nor also.' For drsta-purva, perf. of Vgrah, 590b, 800.
see reference in vocab. :
drs-ta, ppl. of
atha va, see atha 6. = NOTES TO PAGE 3.
Vdrg, 218. gruta
gruta-purva, 1316
. 1. vacam etc., see under vac. vy-a-
Omission of copula (asi, asti, smas, jahara, 590b, 800.
santi, asit, 'art, is, are, was/ etc., 636) is 2. Lines 2-4 are the words of the bird.

extremely common esp. so w. past pples,

; asmi, 636. te, enclitic, and tava, are
which thus do duty as finite verbs cf. gen.s. of 2d pers. pron., 491 : use of case,
3 19 N., 7
6 - r N.
So also in German. 296b. -rajan,424. -karisyami,933. -See
13. citta-pramathim, 440 end. priya 2a.fern., 438,

devanam, 1316, first example. Lines 3. tvam, 491, object of kathayisyami,

11-13 belong together Neither among gods fut. of denom. stem kathaya, 933.
nor Yakshas (sc. was) such a beauty seen tatha as correl. of yatha na, 'ut non',
before or heard of, nor also among other next line.
beings, (namely) mortals': bala is added in 4. See yatha 6. -tvad, 491, abl. w.
apposition to the subject. anya, 292b. mansyati, 933, v'man, mg 4.

14. nalag, 170c. -bhuvi, 351. 5. ut-sa-sarj-a, Vsrj+ud, 800.

15. kandarpa, 175b. murtiman, 453. 6. te must be from ta, 495, since the en-

abhavat, 742. 'In beauty he was like clitic te (491) could not
stand at beg. of
K. himself incarnate or having bodily form verse. sam-ut-pat-ya, gerund of Vpat +
w. pregnant mg, since K is said to be sam-ud, 990. Note how the gerund, as
'bodiless,' an-anga. instr. of accompaniment of a verbal noun


(read 989), gets its mg : 'with a flying,' i.e. would be thy birth, and this beauty (of
'flying' or 'having flown.' vidarbhan, thine),' i.e. it would then prove a fortunate
274a. agamahs, u.f. agaman, 208, aor. of thing that thou wast born and art so
V gam, 840. beautiful.
7. ga-tva, gerund again, 991 : the root, 19. For the long cpd, see 1247 I divide 2 :

gam, shows the same form as in the ppl. -manusa-uraga-, 127 the whole is object of :

ga-ta, 954d. U.f. tada antike. drsta-vant-as (supply smas, 'sumus' 2 12

8.nipetus, Vpat+ni, 800d, 794e. da- which
is exactly like the Eng.
x. end), (are)

having seen = have seen

22 ' ' '

darga, 2 x. read 959 and :

9. drs-tva, v'drg, 991, 218. -U.f. sakhi- 960. In the later mythology, the serpents
gana^avrta, 'surrounded by (her) friend- are divine beings with human face, whose
crowd,' 1265 sakhi- is demanded by the beauty is often praised cf 13 1
: : . .

metre, instead of sakhi-, p. 300, 21d: a-vr- 20. U.f. na ca asmabhis (491),'neque a
ta, ppl. of 1 vr+a. v' nobis.' drstapurvas, supply asit and see
10. hrs-ta, ppl. of v'hrs, 197. grabl- N. to 2 12 .
tathavidhas, substantively, of
tum, inf., 968, 972 3 used here with verb of : course :
(a man) of such sort '.
motion (vkram see 981 3 ) Latin, 'subiit 21. ,
U.f. tvam ca api, supply asi, as in
khagamans, u.f. -an, 208; but 2 N. narinam, 364, in vocab. under nara
the s here a true historic survival, cf 2 l >*. 12
is .
nalo, supply asti, as in 2 N.
U.f. tvaramana upa-, 127: Vtvar, 741: 22. U.f. vigistayas, 177, gen.s.f., ppl. of
upa-ca-kram-e, v'kram+upa, 590b, 800a, 3d v'gis~vi. For use of instr., 284. 'Ex
s. mid. imiae cum eximio congressus.' For sam-
11. See Vsrp+vi, and 800. gama, read p. 291 1 7.
12. ekaikagas refers to both subject and 23. For vigam pate, prince ', s.v. vi

14 N. end.
object 'singulae (puellae) singulos (an- 2, see 1

seres).' sam-upa_adravan, Vdru, 742.

sam-upa^adhavat, Vdhav, 742.
antike, in the presence, i.e. near,' is super- 1. abravit, see 3
M N. nale, 304a.
fluous with ran on unto.' ' '
Do thou speak so to Nala also '

(sc. as
14. kr-tva, Vlkr, mg 3, and 991. -a- thou hast to me). The api ought to follow

bravit, 3d s. imf. of Vbru, w. ace. of person, nale.

274b. -13-14. Observe that the relative 2. See iti, mg 2, and tatha, mg 2.

clause comes first, w. incorporated antece- uktva, <J vac, 991 : the root shows same
ad quern anserem D. accurrit, is ... weak form^as in ppl., 954b cf. 217.
dixit : cf 512, and vocab. ya 4.
. 3. a-gam-ya, 990. nale, as in line 1.

15. With mahipatis supply asti, '

there is See VI vid+ni : imf. 3d s. of caus., 1042a,
a prince . . .' : cf 2 12 s. end.
. cf. 1043. -2-3. 'The bird, saying "Yes"
16. The first half-line goes w. line 15 : to the maid (274b) of Vidarbha, com- . . .

supply santi in the second. The two geni- municated all to Xala.'

tives are explained at 296b. 4. See iti, mg 2e. In this poem, adhy-
caesura, be it observed, here marks aya (not sarga) is the proper word for
the beginning of a new clause. This is often chapter.'
the case. So 3 ^ 8 18 21
- -

5 6 , etc. 6. For tac chrutva, see N. to I 7a :
17- bharya, predicate nom. U.f. bha- 495: cru-tva, 991. bharata, see N. to l u
vethas, 177, 738. var-, voc.s., 364, fern., end.
440 end. 7. prati, here used as a true preposi-
18. bhavej, u.f. bhavet, 202, 738. tion", or rather postposition, connecting
janma, 424. U.f. rupam ca idam, 'pul- nalam with svastha see 1123. babhuva,
critudoque haec'. 'Fruitful (of good) Vbhu, 789a.
[305] <

8. U.f. tatas, 170c. For an explana-

tion of the nature of these and the following
long cpds, look up the references under them 1. sarve, 524, cf. 495.

invocab. 2. abhijagmus, v'gam+abhi, 590b, 794d.

9. nihgvasa-, read p. 291 If 4.
- For abl., see 291 2 .

10. unmatta-dargana, 1299 : for un-, The aggregative cpd hasty-agva-ratha

161. (1252) makes w. ghosa a genitively depend-
11. U.f. ksanena atha. The complete ent cpd (1264): hasti for hastin, 1249a 2 .

analysis of the long word is indicated by ref- purayantas (Vlpr), agrees w. subject of
erences in vocab. preceding clause.
12. First cpd, see 1253a. vindati, 4. Divide, vicitramalya+abharana, as
V2 vid. descriptive, 1280b. - balais, 279. -'(They
13. gete, VI 1, 629. -U.f. "ha ha" iti.
came) .with troops, splendid (and) well
. .

See v/rud and 619. See punar 2. adorned with variegated-garland-ornaments.'

15. asvastham: observe the use, com- 5. tesam (495) parth-, objective gen. w.
mon a predicate adj. or subst.
in Skt., of pujam.
instead of subordinate clause thus, an- :
6. akarot, I 13 x. te begins new clause
nounced D. as ill', where we should say, see 3 16 N.
-U.f. avasan, 135, 208, \/3vas.
'announced that she was ill' so 4 19 karyam. : 7. U.f. etasmin, 210, 499b see vocab. :

L3 w. ny- under etad. 'The two best of the Rishis

naregvare (like nale, 4 is loc. )

avedayat and in logical apposition w. the (1264) of the gods': the verb is in line 10.
dat. vidarbhapataye, despite the difference 8. See \/at and 741. U.f. mahatman-
of case. au, 134. -gatau, 954d.
16. See N. to 4 6 . Observe how the 9. U.f. ca eva, 127, see eva, end. maha-
idea of 4 14b is here put in one cpd. stands in adverbial relation to -prajna
17. cint-, see N. to I 15 'Considered
('greatly, i.e. very, wise '), since the whole

this important matter (in respect to, i.e.) is a descriptive adjective cpd see 1279.

concerning his daughter.' 10. Third pers. dual, perf. mid., Vvig,
18. See Viks and 992. -prap-, see 1308. 800a. See sii 2, inseparable prefix.
Considering his daughter who had reached 11-12. U.f. tau, 495. gerund from

nubility,' taking fully into account the

i.e. caus. stem of v'rc, 1051 7 .
papraccha, 590,
fact of her marriageability (though he knew 794c. U.f. anamayam ca api. -gata
it well enough before). (like -bhuta, see 6 N.,and 1273c) is a mere
19. apagyad, 759, 760.6. See atman 3, means of turning sarva- [=sarvatra] into
and 514. '
Saw D's swayamvara requiring to attributive form so also in sarvatragatam,

be instituted by himself, saw that he must which should be printed as a cpd,

line 14,
hold D's sw.' cf N. to 4 15
: . . and means, like sarvagatam, under all cir- '

20. Periphrastic perf. of denom. man- cumstances, i.e. in all their goings and do-

tray a +sam-ni, 1070, 107 la. ings.' Amend vocab. accordingly.

21. anubh- is 3d s. pres. imv. pass., Vbhu 'Saluting them, Maghavan then asked
-fanu, 771.4. ayam, read p. 291 1 1, and after the welfare unbroken and also disease-
see 501. iti marks the four preceding less of them two under all circumstances

words as the precise words of Bhima's invi- he, the mighty one': i.e. (cf. the principle
tation ' Let this swayamvara be heard or explained 4 15 N.) 'asked if it had gone con-

taken notice of, O heroes, i.e. Understand stantly well with them and if they had been
ye that one will take place here.' prabho, entirely free from sickness.'
14 N.
841, see I end. Observe that we have 14-15. avayos, 491. Copulas omitted
_/ w w as the first half of the first 2 12 N. 'Of us two (there is) welfare,
pada, a not infrequent irregularity. O god, under all circumstances, O lord and j

PAGES, j [306]

in the whole (krtsne) world, Maghavan, 21. vistabhya, v stabh+vi, 185. 992.
the princes (are) prosperous, O mighty oue.' 22. rajann, 210: see l u N. end. -Vtr
18-2O are prefatory to the question -f ava, 992 ,
a 'The princes (proleptic
proper in line 21 : 23. U.f. bhos, see 176a. bhavan, see
nora. independent) who (509) go to bhavant and 456, and supply asti, 514.
. . .

death by the sword (280) this (501) . . .


imperishable world, i.e. heaven, (is cf. 2 12 NOTES TO PAGE 7.

N. end) granting every wish of them, just as I. 'Do thou (714) assistance of us' (491).

(yatha^eva) of me grants every wish).'

(it Observe caesura.
The idea is, Since the brave warriors can 4. Vjna, 989. -U.f. karisye, 133, 933.
here obtain their every wish, why do they 'Nala, promising them "I will do (the
not come up ? assistance) ", . . .'.

21. 'Where now (are) those princes, o. etan, 499b. v'stha-fupa, 954c.
heroes ?
Observe caesura : cf. 3 16 N. 6-7. Now
review declension of pronouns
22. agacchatas, Vgam+a, 741, 447, very frequent hereabouts interrogatives, :

agrees w. tan. ke, kas, kirn, 504 demonstratives, tad, 495,


ayam and asau, 501 personal, aham, maya, ;

NOTES TO PAGE 6. asman, and vas, tvam, tvam, 491.

2. crriu, 710, 703. -me, 491, 297b. - Note frequent omission (2 12 N.) of copula :

u.f. ke bhavantas (santi, 514) ? kas ca

drgyante, 768, 771.
asau (asti), yasya aham ipsitas (asmi)
' '
3. Supply asti, there is (a daughter) . . .

See iti, mg 2 f . Vcru+vi. dutas? kim ca (asti) tad vas maya kar-
4. Ppl. of Vkram+sam-ati (955a) 'having yam ('mihi faciendum')? yasya dutas,
excelled = excelling.' 'as messenger to whom.' kath-, 1068,
5. tasyas, 495. bhavita, 944. 1043.4.
7. See bhuta
2, and reference, 1273c, 8 a See303b4
. .

and cf. 5 12 N.
Pres. ppl. of denom. stem 9. Vbudh+ni, 739. 'Know us as gods,

arthaya+pra, 1068. i.e. know that we are gods' cf. 4 15 N.

8. kanksanti governs tarn. See artha.

9. 'While this (499b) is being told' 10. U.f. aham indras (asmi), ayam ag-
kathaya, 1068, cf 1052a), nis ca (asti), tatha eva ayam apam patis
(pres. ppl. pass, of .

ayam, this one here', with a ges-

loc. absolute, 303b. Study references un- (asti).
der sagnika, an important kind of cpd lit. ture of introduction, apam, see ap. 'Lord :


'having an accompanying (sa-) Agni', where of waters is Varuna.

sa- is equiv. to an adj. Others in line 13. II. nfnam, of nr, 371 s . U.f.
10. Vgam+a, cf. 5 N. yamas ayam (asti).
11.Vgrn, 3d pi. perl, 800b. 12. 'Announce us as assembled' cf.

12. U.f. grutva eva ca abruvan (632) 4 15 N.

hrstas. gacchamas: for tense, 777a. The last three lines (13-15) of Indra's
13. maharaja, see I 14 N. end. speech contain in oratio recta the message
14. yatas, supply asan, were.' which he wishes Nala to deliver.
15. kaunteya, see I 14 . end. 13. Lit. 'The world-protectors, having
17. path-i, loc.s., 433. - dadrcus, 2 & N. Great-Indra as first, i.e. Great-Indra and the

sthitam, superfluous, see sthita 2. other world-protectors for this important :

18. 'In reality almost, the god of love, kind of cpd, study 1302c 1, and adi in vocab.
present (see sthita 3) with definite shape, Vya-i-sam-a, 611. See reference under
(by reason of beauty =) so handsome was didrksu.
he.' Cf. 2i*x. 14. 'The gods seek (VI is, 608) to win
2O. tasthus, 590c\ 794f, 800c. -Vsmi+vi. (Vap, 968) thee.'
[307] j


15. 'Choose thou', V 2 vr, 1043.4. 8. U.f. pravistas aham (asmi), Vvig.
17. 'Me, come hither (sam-upa-itam, 9. Vvig, 752.5. -See 1 ka 2d and 507.

\'i^ for one and the same purpose.' Inf. of U.f.apagyat, na api avar- (Vlvr caus.).
V2 is rpra, 1051. 10. presitas (asmi), V2 is.
18-19. 'Pray how can (Vsah+ud) a man 11. VI kr+pra, 2d s. imv. mid. 714.
who is in love say (V vac, 968) such a thing to 14. From here on, the use of virama
a woman (striyam 360, 274b) for another 1 with a final consonant to prevent its com-
20. ucus, Vvac, perf., see references. bining in print with a following initial is
21. sam-c,ru-tya, 992. For loc., 304a. given up. Thus in nalamabravit, we allow
the a, which if unannulled by virama is
NOTES TO PAGE 8. inherent in the for ma, to serve nagari sign
I. kar-, 933. Observe caesura. as the first letter of abravit. Cf. 9 4 with
4. veg-, object of pravestum, which is the identical 10 2 .
inf. of Vvig+pra, 218. See 992 for the two cpd gerunds.
5. U.f. pra-veksyasi (Vvig, fut., 932, 218) 15. Vni + pra, 739: for n, 192a. -See
iti . . . eva abhy-. v' 1 kr 2, 714, 578.
6. Vgam. See iti, mg 2. 16. U.f. yat (202) ca anyat (161) mama
7. Third word is vaidarbhim. See asti: see VI as 2. 'For both I and what
VI vT+sam-a. other good soever I have
8. Vdip, intens. 1000, 1002a, 1016. - 17. 'That all (is) thine.' kuru, 714.
vapus-a, 414. Igvara
10. Vksip+a, 752.5. 18. Explained at 512a, q.v.
II. Join tasya w. kamas, and tarn w. Vpat+sam-ni, pass. ppl. of causa-
drstva. -Vvrdh, 800. five, hence long a, 1051.

12. See satya 3. cik-, VI kr, desid., 20. Vkhya+praty-a, 932 948 2 examples. :

1027, 1028b. -Vdhr, 1070, 1071a.

13. Vbhram+sam, 955a. NOTES TO PAGE 1O.
14. Vpat+sam-ud, 794e. Vdhrs. asthasye, Vstha+a, 932.
1. Suicide by
16. U.f. na ca enam, see ena and 500. hanging etc. is referred to so also Pan- :

18. U.f. kas ayam (asti) ? For rest of chatantra iv. fable 2.
line, see atha 6 and 948 end. 2. Identical with 9*.
19. Vcak, 697 li8 . -See Vhr+vy-a: inf. 3. VsthaS: loc. (741), absolute, 303b.
-See Ika2cand507. 'The gods being present, how seekest thou
20. of lajjavant, 452 3 . a man
(as husband, in preference) 1'
21-22. 'Then to him smiling, Dama- 4-5. As at 3 13 14 (see N.), the relative

yanti with a smile addressing unto the clause comes first, with incorporated ante-
hero Nala spake, amazed.' cedent: lit. 'Of what world-creating noble
lords I (am) not equal to the foot-dust (instr.,
NOTES TO PAGE 9. see 281a), let thy mind on those be busied

1. praptas (Vap) asi, 636. -'Thou (Vvrt 4, 739). More natural to us would
art having come like a god, i.e. thou earnest seem tesu lokakrtsu igvaresu mahatmasu.
invisibly?' Observe caesura. Vjna, w. He's not as good as the dust on my feet"
gen. te, 'get acquainted with thee.' was prob. a proverbial expression of re-
2. U.f. ca iha (asit). Caesura. U.f. proach so Malavika, act i. :

asi na laksitas (ppl. of laksaya), 'wast 6. U.f. hi acaran, pres. ppl. devanam
thou not noticed.' limits vipriyam, 296 b. rcchati, see Vr.
3. Caesura. U.f. ca eva ugra-. 7. Vtra, 617. -Cf. 2 9 N. and 7 15 N.
5. viddhi = 1a8t see V 1 vid 2 and 617.
: 8. See tatha 3. Nala tells her (lines 8-9)
6-7. Cf. 7 14 16 -gobh-, voc.s.fem.
. what she may enjoy if she chooses a god.
PAGE 1O. [308]
9. devan prapya, V ap, 992, by obtaining
bhunksva, v2 bhuj, NOTES TO PAGE 12.
gods (in wedlock).'
689. 1. U.f. sakhyas (364) ca asyas (501)...
10. U.f .
yas : its antecedent is tarn, tabhis ca api ... Copula twice omitted.
imam, 501. Vksip, 992. SeepunarS. 2. U.f. sarvas, nom.fem. vib-, voc.
12-13. Explained 291 2 yasya limits G. .
While ye are being described by me,'
only danda-, not the whole cpd, 1316. Yama 303b.
is meant here. 4. 718. -sur-, voc. -Cf. 10 21
V2vr, .

16-17. kriyatam (770c) varanam, 'let a 5. In the words ayantu to bhavita, line
choice be made '. yadi manyase, \ man 3. 8, Nala repeats substantially D's plan
2 9- 12
suirdvakyam. crnu, 6 x. (II ), but in oratio recta. Hiatus (113) is
19. Vplu+sam-a, past ppl., instr. dual. allowed at the caesura ; otherwise bala
See atha 4. See vari and 339. (unless it had lost a final s, 177) would co-
21. V2vr, 718. Declension of bhartr, alesce with the following initial. Cf. 16 u y.
373. satyam etad bravimi, see satya 3. 8. mah-, voc. bhavita, II N. See
22. Vvip, 741. krtanjalim, here fern., iti5.

846,344. 9-1O. U.f. etavad (nom.n., 453) uda-

23. agatya, Vgam, 992. U.f. iha ut- hrtam (Vhr, sc. asti) maya, full stop.
sahe see V sah+ud 2.
: For the rest, ye (are) an authority, gods '

i.e. it's your affair alone now.

NOTES TO PAGE 11. 13. The three substantives are locatives

1. U.f. hi aham. -For gen., 297a. absolute with prapte, 303b 3 .

2. SeeVrabh+a2. katham, epanalepsis. 14. Vhu+a w. 782 cf. 643b. :

- For
3. U.f. esas (176a) dharmas (sc. asti), loc., 304.
forms a clause. bhavita, 944. See 949 2 16. Vgam+sam-upa^a, 1080. For ace.,
near end. dam-, 271a.
4. See >/ 1 dha+vi 5 and 770b. 18. U.f. vivicus (cf. 5 10 N.) te nrpas . . .

See VI hr+praty-a.
6. acalam.
Here is a safe means (seen 19. U.f. asanesu asmas, 619 8
7. in the . . .

mind, i.e.) thought out by me.' 2O b The . a possessive form (1301)

cpd is

8. bhavita = bhavisyati, line 12. of a descriptive cpd, 1280b.

9-10. U.f. tvam ca eva . . . devas ca
verb agrees w. near- NOTES TO PAGE 13.
. . .
ayantu (Vya, 611) :

est subject. Observe caesura in 10. With

suglaksnah. 'Like I. Second word

yatra supply asti. the five-headed serpents because the hand

11. For samnidhi(m=n), read p. 291 IT 7. is quinquepartite. Cf 3 19 N. .

12. var- governs tvam. U.f. na evam. 5. Vmus, 724: fern, irreg., 449c 8 'be- :

14. End, supply asan. guiling'

U.f. punar, 178. cf. K\eirrfiv v6ov. prabhaya,
15. U.f. tarn apagyan (208) tatha 364. caksiinsi, 414 end.
ayantam (619). 6-7. U.f. tesam drstis, patita, . . . . . .

16. U.f. ca enam, 500. sakta (v'sanj) abhut (829) caesura na ca :

17. For kaccid (kat cid, 202), see kad. (drstis tesam) pagyatam cacala.
18 a .
And what did she say to us all? '
8. '
While the names are being an-
20. U.f. bhavadbhis, 456. -See Vdic, nounced' loc. absolute, 303b, pres. ppl. of

-fa. niv-, with pra vistas. denom. kirtaya-f sam.

pass, of
9. See atha 4. - See p. 299,
21. '
Guarded (vr-tam) by warders 15.

(dandibhis). 10. Viks-rsam, 992. -See sthita 4.

22. U.f. na kas cid (1 ka 2d) drstavan II. U.f. samdehat (m=n, p. 291 1 7)
2 725.
(sc. asti) naras, see 959, 960, this example. . . na abhy-ajanat, Vjna, 730 ,
[3091 J NOTES TO
I PAGE 15.

12. See ya 5. See Vman, 794e. 15. 'And (ca- eva) the Nishadhan, . .

'For whichever she saw of them, him she line 14 (was) made recognizable, (by)
. .

thought (to be) king N.' standing on the ground, and (ca) by winking.'
13. U.f. buddhya, 339. -tark-, cf. I 15 N. 17. V2vr, 1070. -pandava,see IN. end.
14.Optatives (577) of v/jfia, 721, and 18. See Vgrah 1. -Cf. 2 10 .

VI vid, 616. 'The cry "Ah, all" (ha hajti 21.

17-18. What marks of the gods [(are) cf. 4 18 ) was uttered (Vmuc).'

my heard ones (296b) =] I have heard of 22-23. Same construction. 'The cry
from old men, these I do not notice as (being 'Bravo" was uttered (iritas, Vir) by ...
belonging to even one (ekasya api)
of, i.e.) praising(Vgans) N.' Note the generous
of those standing here (iha) on the ground magnanimity of the gods.
19. V3 ci+vi-nis, 992. -Vcar+vi, 1051. NOTES TO PAGE 15.
20. 'Thought (it) an arrived-time, i.e. 1. 14
kauravya, see I N. end.
thought that the time had arrived (cf. note 2. Vgvas+a, caus. imf. U.f. antar-
to 4 )
for refuge (of the) to the gods.' atmana.
22. pra- is predicate adj. w. bhu-tva, 3. See yad 3 correl. in line
: 4.
991. See Vbhu. U.f. vepamana idam. 4*. Cf. 9 5 and N .

23. 'As surely as N. (was) chosen by me 4 'Delighted (Vram 3) with such (see
on hearing see yatha 4. . . :
evam, end) words of thine' (as thou hast
spoken in choosing me). Loc., 303.
NOTES TO PAGE 14. 5. See yavant 2. SeeVdhr6.
1. patitve, in marriage,' goes with vrtas.
6 a Vbhu,
. construed prop. w. loc. of
- See satya 2 and 280 end. U.f tarn = Nala. - .
thing dane), means 'be in or on' (e.g.
2. U.f. na abhicarami. '
giving), i.e. devoted to (charity) here the :

4. 'Ordained (as my, i.e.) to be my hus- construction seems extended in like mg to a

band' 3, and 954c.
Vldha+vi '
person. So long will I be devoted to thee
tvayi. - Line 6 = 10
21 b
6. ceremony (vrata) was under-
'As this >

taken by me (in the =) for the winning of 7-8. See vac (391) and nand+abhi. A
Nala . v/rabh+a rabh-ta = rabdha, 160. line, containing the principal verb with Nala
. '. :

8. Vikr 3,714: should be mid.

See p. as subject, seems lacking.
299, 15. 9-1O. V pri 3. U.f. tu agni- see -puro- :

9. See yatha 6. v/jna f abhi, 721. gama. See Vgam 5. 'But the two,
10. V4 gam, 992. -U.f. tad. mutually pleased, beholding Agni and the
11. vflkr, 800f. others, perceived those very gods as their
12-13. '
She saw (apagyat)
the gods, all refuge, perceived that the gods had been

free from sweat (asvedan), unwinking, hav- good to them.'

ing unwithered garlands and free from dust, 11-12. vrte, 303b. -U.f. nalaya astau
standing (see sthita 1) without touching
(483 ) dadus (800c). -The four gods
. .

(asprgatas) the ground.' The "unwinking give each two gifts, and, besides, one gift in
eyes are a survival of the old Vedic con- common, a couple of children (mithunam,
ception of the gods that "neither slumber 19). It is by his exercise of the supernatu-
nor sleep." The other marks of anthropo- ral powers now given to Nala that Dama-
morphic divinity are natural enough. The yanti in the sequel (chap. 23) recognizes her
opposites of all five attributes are ascribed lostand transformed husband. In passing
to Nala, besides a shadow. through a low door-way, he does not stoop
14. U.f. mlanasrak, nom.s.m., 391. the lintel rises when he wants fire and

rajah-sveda- (1252), in instr. relation, forms water for cooking, they come at his wish ;

a cpd (1265) w. sam-anv-itas, Vi. and he seasons the food exquisitely.

PAGE 15.


13-14. U.f gatim ca . an-,

and a most elision (bhrajamano 'ncuman), the anu-
excellent gait : this includes the ability to swara belongs to the o, and so in nagari

pass through the low door-way, as above. has to be put over the o and to the left of
-s/pri2, 760.5. the avagraha.
15. The god and the god of the
of fire 6. U.f. ije (Vyaj) ca api. Yayati was
waters (18) give N. magic power over their an ancient king, whose piety is celebrated
respective elements see above and p. even in the Rigveda, where the gods are be-

299, 15. -U.f. pra-adat (VI da, 829) sought to bless the sacrificer with their
yatra. presence, as in old time they did for Yayati.
16. U.f. lokan atmaprabhan (208) ca His story is told MBh. i., chap. 75.
eva: places-in-heaven, having his (the 7. U.f. anyais ca bahubhis, dhlman,
Fire-god's) splendor, or a splendor of their kratubhis ca aptadaksinais the second :

own' (heaven has "no need of the sun, ca seems superfluous.

neither of the moon, to shine in it ") r this 8. U.f. punar (178) ca . . .
amounts, perhaps, to hopes of future bless- (126).
edness'; but the Hindus make a deal of 9. Vhr+vi, cf. 3 1 N. and 16 12 .

' '
loose talk about worlds (lokas). 10. Vjan,
loc., 'begat 1070, 1045: w.
17. U.f. yamas tu. anna-rasam, 'sub- upon (the body of) D.'
tle taste for food as the sequel shows 11. Observe hiatus at the caesura cf.

see above : vocab. wrong. 12 s N. By penance the great ascetics

18. With apam patir supply pradat and could become as gods and thrust even Indra
see? 10 *. from his throne. The anxious god's most
19. U.f. srajas ca ut-. effectual means to defend himself from the
20. U.f. evam pra-daya (992) asya power of their austerities was to seduce
(501), explained 297a. them by sending a nymph so lovely that
21-22. Construe, anu-bhuya vivaham they could not resist her charms.
' '
asya damayantyac, ca learning of the :
weapon (indrasena, see vocab.) is therefore
wedding, i.e. that it would take place duly a very complimentary name for Nala's
they went back home. daughter. To name her brother, a corre-
sponding masculine was formed, which has,
NOTES TO PAGE 16. of course, no other than grammatical appro-
1. Vlkr, caus., 1070, 1045. priateness.
2. usya, V3 vas, irreg. (990 2 ) for usitva. 12. U.f viharan ca, 208.

4. U.f. bhrajamanas anguman after :



22. The first book ever printed in Sanskrit was Kalidasa's ' Seasons (rtu- '

samhara), edited by Sir Wm.

Jones, and printed in Bengali letters in 1792. The
first Sanskrit book ever
printed in Nagari letters was the Hitopade9a. It was edited
by Carey, and printed at Serampore in 1803. The publication was undertaken, said
Henry T. Colebrooke, "to promote and facilitate the study of the ancient and
learned language of India in the College of Fort William." It was chosen as the
first for this
purpose because of its easy style and intrinsic interest and because two
English translations of by Wilkins (Bath, 1787), and the other by
it existed, one
Jones (London, 1799). To
pedagogical reasons, accordingly, may be assigned in
great part, the importance of this work it has become important in the West,

because the text is so well suited for tyros in Sanskrit ;

and in the Orient, because
of the intrinsic value of its contents.

23. The book belongs to the ethico-didactic class of literature, and is what
the Hindus call a niti-astra or conduct-work.' '
The term niti (see this in the
vocabulary) came to have special reference to the conduct of kings in their domestic
life and in their foreign relations a niti-gastra is, accordingly, a Prince's hand-

book of political and social ethics,' a kind of Mirrour for Magistrates.' The Hito-

pade9a consists of mingled verse and prose. The verses are mostly proverbs and
maxims often of the choicest practical wisdom; and their validity is proved,
illustrated, and enforced by the fables, which are in prose.
2-i. The frame in which the woi'k is set is simple and meagre. The sons of
King Sudar9ana of Pataliputra (Patna) are ignorant and vicious. He therefore con-

vokes the wise men and asks if any one is able to reform the princes. Visnu9arman
offers to do so, and accordingly takes them in charge, and relates to them the stories
which make up the body of the collection.
25. The Hitopade9a is not an original work, but, rather, an excellent com-
pilation of ancient material. The time of its composition has not been even
approximately determined. The palm-leaf MS. brought by Mr. Cecil Bendall from
Xepal was written in the year 493 of the Nepal era or A.D. 1373. And Professor
Peterson's 2 old paper MS. from Jeypore is of about the same age. At present we
can hardly say more than that the work is at least 500 years old. In the working
over of the material, the metrical portions would naturally be changed less, on the
whole, than the prose and in fact, many of the proverbs can be traced back in their

identical form to works of antiquity. And travellers report that just such proverbs
are current to-day in the talk of the lower classes of India.
The author or editor of this collection of fables, according to the colophon 8 of
the Jeypore MS., was named Narayaiia, and his patron and publisher was the prince
26. The sources of this compilation are expressly said (end of the preface,
17 8 ) to be "the Pancatantra and another work." The first part of this statement
isborne out by the fact that, out of forty-three fables in the Hitopade9a, twenty-five
are found also in the Pancatantra. The latter work, as its name implies, consists
of five books while the Hitopade9a is divided into four, whose titles are given in

the preface, 17 7 The correspondence is as follows. The first book of the Panca-

tantra answers in its frame-work to the second of the Hitopade9a and the second of
the Pancatantra to the first of the Hitopade9a. Five stories from the third book
of the Pancatantra, along with seven from the first, are scattered through the last
two books of the Hitopade9a. From the fourth book of the Pancatantra only one
story,"The ass in the tiger-skin," appears in the Hitopade9a; and from the fifth
book, only three. It thus appears that, in the main, only the first three books of
the Pancatantra were drawn upon by the author of the Hitopade9a; and Somadeva.
in his Katha-sarit-sagara (chapters 60-64, much of whose substance is from the
Pancatantra, i.-iii.), has followed a similar course.
27. What
the "other work" is we can hardly say with entire certainty. In
it ought to be found together if the statement of the preface is accurate at least

From this point the spelling of proper names 2 See Preface to his Hitopadeca, p. i, ii, v.
will no longer be anglicized. 3 Peterson's ed., p. 161 : cf. p. iv, v.

the eighteen fables of the Hitopadeca which do not occur in the Pancatantra.
Had the preface said " other works," the problem would be easier. Thus the story
of the two giants, iv. 9, may be traced to the Maha-bharata, and the prototypes of
other single stories are doubtless to be found in one and another ancient collection.
Professor Peterson 1 thinks that the " other work is the Nitisara of Kamandaka.
The identification deserves further study.
have been made the subject of one of
28. The contents of the Pancatantra
the most important contributions to the literary history of the world by the late
Professor Benfey. His principal results were published in his Pantschatantra (1859,
see above, p. xviii, no. 8), and in his introduction to
Bickell's edition of the Kalilag
und Damnag (1876). The pages VI-X, a brief resume of these
latter contains,
results. The summary given by Keith-Falconer (1885, see p. 315) is a systematic
and lucid account of the history of the fables, and is the one most to be commended
to English-speaking students. Some
of the most important items follow.
A. The Indian In the sixth century of our era, there existed in
India a Buddhist Sanskrit work, in thirteen chapters, treating of the conduct of
princes. Its doctrines were inculcated in the form of beast-fables, or stories in
which animals play the part of human beings.
B. This Indian original was translated by a Persian physician named Barzoi,
into the Pehlevi, the literary language of Persia, by command of the Sassanian king,
Khosru Anushlrvan, called The Just (531-579 A.D.).
29. Cl. Both the Indian original and its Pehlevi version are irrecoverably
lost but from the latter were made two very notable translations.
The first was
into Syriac, made about 570 A.D., and called Kalilag and Damnag after the two

jackals, Karataka and Damanaka, who figured prominently in the introduction of

the Sanskrit original. A single notice of this version had been preserved in a
catalogue of Syriac writings made by Ebed-jesus (died 1318), and published by
Assemani at Rome in 1725. A Chaldean bishop, Georgius Ebed-jesus Khayyath,
on his way to the ecumenical council in 1870, stumbled upon a manuscript of this
Syriac version in the episcopal library at Mardin. Through the mediation of Ignazio
Guidi in Rome, and by a wonderful combination of lucky accidents and persistent
" the lost "
efforts, the existence of manuscript was made known to the eager in-
quirers in Europe,
8 and at last published in text and German translation by Bickell.
30. C2. The second translation from the Pehlevi was the Kalilah and Dim-
nah or Fables of Pilpay in Arabic, made by Abd-allah ibn al-Moqaffa, a Persian
convert to Islam, who lived under the caliph al-Mansor and died about 760. This
version was published, though not in the best recension, by Silvestre de Sacy at
Paris in 1816, and an English translation of it was given by the Rev. Wyndham
Knatchbull, Oxford, 1819.
According to the Arabic introduction, Dabshelim (deva-Qarman) was the first
king of the Indian Restoration after the fall of the governor appointed by Alexander
See his Introduction, p. 29, 43, Notes, p. 3. The and Dimnah, The mission of Barzoi (Knatchbull,

Nitisara was edited by Rajendralala Mitra, in the pages 40-41; cf. Keith-Falconer, p. xii), and from
Bibliotheca Indica, vol. iv. other evidence (Keith-Falconer, p. liv f), this is the
2 Such was
Benfey's conclusion. It was ques-much more probable view.
tioned by Weber, Indische Streifen, iii. 437. Bar- 3 The
story of the discovery is told by Benfey,
zoi's Pehlevi version (B.) may have been based on in BickelPs book, pages Xn-XXIII, as also in vari-
several different works among them a Paficatantra. ous periodicals there cited, p. XXII note, e.g. Lon-
Indeed, from the second chapter of the Arabic Kalilah don Academy for Aug. 1, 1871.
T3131 i

at the close of his campaign in the Panjab, B.C. 326. When firmly established,
Dabshelirn gave himself over to every wickedness. To reclaim the king, a Brahman
philosopher takes up his parable, as did Nathan before David, and at last wins him
back to virtue. The wise man is called in Arabic bid-bah l and in Syriac bid-vag.
These words are satisfactorily traced by Benfey, through the PehlevI, to the Sanskrit
vidya-pati, 'master of sciences.' Accordingly, bidbah, which has become Bidpai or
Pilpay in our modern books, is not really a proper name, but an appellative, applied
' '
to a Chief Pandit or Court-scholar of an Indian prince.
' '

The Arabic version is of prime importance, since from it have flowed other
versions, which have been of the utmost influence in shaping the literature of the
Middle Ages.
31. D. These versions are: 1. The Later Syriac, made in the tenth or
eleventh century, edited by Wright, and translated by Keith-Falconer; 2. the
Greek one, made about 1080, by Symeon Seth, a Jewish physician 3. the Persian, ;

made some fifty years later, by Nasr Allah of Ghaznl 4. the Hebrew, ascribed to

Rabbi Joel, and probably made before 1250, and published, with French translation,
at Paris in 1881, by Joseph Derenbourg; 5. the old Spanish, made from the Arabic
in 1251, and published at Madrid in 1860 by Gayangos.
32. E. Of the descendants in the fifth degree from the original, only two
need be mentioned 3. The Persian Anwar-i Suhaill or Lights of Canopus,' a sim-

plified recast of Nasr Allah's, made about 1494 by Husain Waiz al-Kashifi. English
translations of this have been published by Eastwick and by Wollaston, see below.
4. The Directorium humanae vitae, made from the Hebrew about 1270 by John
of Capua, and printed about 1480.
33. F. From John of Capua's version flowed the famous Book of examples '

of the ancient sages,' Das buck der byspel der alien wysen. Itwas made at the
instance of Duke Eberhard im Bart, whose name and motto, EBERHART GRAF z[u]
WIRTENBERG ATTEMPTO, appear as an acrostic in the initials of the first sections.
It was first
printed about 1481, and has since been admirably edited by W. L.
Holland, Stuttgart, 1860. Holland used, besides three manuscripts, two printed
editions sine loco et anno, and enumerates 17 dated editions that appeared between
1483 and 1592. Four dated editions appeared at Ulm between 1483 and 1485 The !

great number of editions of the work and their rapid succession are the best proof
of its importance as a means of instruction and amusement in the fifteenth and
sixteenth centuries.
Another offshoot from the Directorium is the Italian version of A. F. Doni,
entitled La moral filosophia, and printed at Venice 2 in 1552. This is of special
interest, because from it came (G) the English translation of Sir Thomas North,
London, 1570.
It may here be added that La Fontaine, in the second edition of his Fables
(1678), which contains eleven books, says that he owed the largest part of his new

material (books vii-xi) to Pilpay, the Indian sage. The edition of Henri Regnier
(Paris, Hachette, 1883-85, 3 vols.) gives abundant references to the sources of each
fable, and is especially to be commended to those who would compare the well-
known French offshoots with the Indian originals.

1 See Benfey, in Bickell, p. XLIII f. Avertissement prefixed to book vii, Regnier ii.

* With wood-cuts. Harvard College has a copy. 81.


34. From Benfey's investigations it appears that the truest extant repre-
sentative of the Indian original is the Syriac version, Kalilag and Damnag. Next to
the Syriac stands the Buck der Beispiele, which, besides, is in language remarkable
for its dignity, strength, and beauty ; upon this latter version, moreover, are based
almost the printed ones previous to 1644. To the German version almost exclu-

sively, therefore, is Europe indebted for the wide-spread knowledge of this cycle of
literature from the last part of the fifteenth to the middle of the seventeenth century.
35. After this account of the direct descendants of the Indian original in the
Occident, it remains to speak of the history of that original in India, and of its
sources. Whether Barzoi translated from one work of thirteen chapters (cf 28) .

or from several independent works, the fact remains that the originals of all of his
sections may be certainly identified on Indian ground save thi-ee l five, namely, :

form the Pancatantra two other sections figure as a supplement to the first book

of a later recension of the Pancatantra; and yet other sections, three in number,

appear in the Maha-bharata.

The first three books of the Pancatantra (above, 26) were recast by Somadeva
about 1070 A.D., in his Katha-sarit-sagara, chapters 60-64. Somadeva's abstract of
these three books shows that they had the same form then as at the time of the
Pehlevi translation (570). As representatives of the Indian original, the offshoots
of the Pehlevi version surpass even the Indian offshoots. These latter, as respects
their truthfulness in reflecting the Indian original, are arranged by Benfey as follows :

the recension of the Indian original used by Somadeva second, the one on
first, ;

which the Southern Pancatantra (of Dubois) is based; third, the one from which
the Hitopade9a is made and last, the one from which proceed the common Sanskrit

recensions of the Pancatantra.

36. At the time when Barzoi made his Pehlevi version, Buddhism was already
on the decline in India, and Brahmanism regaining its lost supremacy. It was not
to be expected on the one hand that the Brahmans would allow a work of such great
artistic merit as the original Mirrour for Magistrates to be lost and forgotten, nor,
on the other, that they would preserve it without transforming its whole spirit, which
was that of fanatical hatred for Brahmanism. They have, therefore, omitted or
transformed such parts as showed most Buddhist animus, leaving, however, many
marks uneffaced which betray its Buddhist origin.
In one other way, too, the original was modified. In most of its sections a
doctrine was inculcated by means of a single fable or story, and only a sparing use
was made of inserted apologues. But gradually the means became an end into the ;

main story were inserted others, and others still into these, until the main story
became a mere frame, and the result was comparable to a set of Chinese boxes. 2
37. Respecting the sources of the Indian original only a general statement
can be made. There were current among the Buddhists, fables and parables which
they ascribed to Buddha, and whose sanctity they sought to increase by identifying
the best character in any story with Buddha himself in a former birth. Hence the
tales were called Jatakas or '
Birth-stories.' There is evidence of the existence of a
collection with that name as early as the Council of Vesall, about 380 B.C. ;
and in

1 Of the remaining three, one is shown by its

Pedagogical reasons forbade the retention of
spirit of deadly hatred towards the Brabrnans to be this arrangement, except by way of specimen. Thus
the work of Buddhists, and the other two are in selection ix is boxed intoviii, and xv and xvi into

Benfey's judgment genuinely Indian. xiv.

[315] (

the fifth century after Christ the Jatakas were put into the form in which they now
appear iu the Sutta-pitaka. They are distinguished for quaint humor and gentle
earnestness, and teach the duty of tender sympathy with animals and even of
courtesy to them. With these stories may be identified many if not all of the
fables of the Hitopade9a.
38. The relation of the earliest Greek and Indian fables has been the subject
of much discussion. Wagener show that the Greeks derived their apologues
tried to
from the Hindus Weber, that the Hindus got many from the Greeks. Correspon-

dences there undoubtedly are but the difficulty is that the earliest forms of the

fables which would furnish the only safe basis for comparison are irrecoverably
lost. Aesop and his fables are mentioned by Plato and others as very well known :

but whether he was a Phrygian, a Jew, or an Egyptian is matter of dispute and ;

even the Mu0fa/toi Aiffdnrtioi, of Babrius (ca. 100 A.D.), which tradition offers us as the
oldest extant collection, are removed some 700 years from the traditional date of

Aesop. The collection on which the common modern fable-books are based was
made by the Byzantine monk Maximus Planudes, ca. 1325.
At all events, the oldest extant documentary collections of Greeks or of Bud-
dhists are much later than Alexander's invasion; and considering the of
the Greeks with India after that event, it is quite possible that the influence and

borrowing were in both directions.

39. We have seen how, under the New Persian Dynasty, and afterwards
under the Caliphs, with the spread of Islam, the Indian stories were carried over
western Asia and all southern and western Europe. But this is not all. The pious
pilgrims to India from China took home with them Buddhist apologues, which were
translated into Chinese, and wandered then to Korea and Japan. They have since
been translated from Chinese into French by Stanislas Julien (Les Avaddnas, Paris,
1859). Among the Mongols, too, Benfey has discovered many of these apologues;
and through the Mongols during their supremacy these stories came to the Slavic
peoples, and even to the Finns and Samoyeds.
40. BIBLIOGRAPHY. First the titles of some books cited often below.

[1. Pali.] The Jataka, together with its com- Calila und Dimna, oder die Fabeln Bidpai's. Ver-
mentary, being tales of the anterior births of Gotama deutscht von Ph. Wolff. Stuttgart, 1839. 2 vols.
Buddha. For the first time edited in the original [5. Later Syriac version.] Kalilah and Dim-
Pali, by V. Fausboll. London, Triibner & Co., 1877-. nah or the fables of Bidpai being an account of

Buddhist birth stories; or Jataka tales. Trans- their literary history, with an English translation of
lated by T. \V. Rhys Davids. London, Trubner & the later Syriac version of the same, and notes. By
Co., 1880. Vol. 1 (the only one) goes to Jataka 40. I. Q. N. Keith-Falconer. Cambridge University
It contains very useful lists of books illustrating the Press, 1885. Price 7 shillings 6 pence.
history and migrations of Buddhist tales. [6. Persian.] The Anvar-i Suhaili; or, the
[2. Sanskrit.] Pantschatantra Fiinf Bucher
lights of Canopus; being the Persian version of the
indischer Fabeln, Marchen und Erzahlungen. Aus fables of Pilpay :
literally translated into prose
dem Sanskrit ubersetztrait Einleitung und Anmer- and verse. By Edward B. Eastwick. Hertford,
kungen von Theodor Benfey. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1854. There is another translation by A. N. Wollas-
1859. 2 volumes. See p. xviii, no. 8. This work is ton, London, 1877.
cited as "Benfey." The fables are cited by the [7. Latin.] Directorium humane vite alias
numbers of Benfey and Kosegarten. parabojle antiquorti sapientu.) By John of Capua.
[3. Old Syriac version.] Kalilag und Damnag. (Sine loco et anno, gothic type, folio, 82 leaves,
Alte syrische Uebersetzung des indischen Fiirsten- quaint wood-cuts.) Copy in Harvard College Library.
spiegels. Text und deutsche Uebersetzung von Printed about 1480. Joseph Derenbourg is now pub-
Gustav Bickell. Mil einer Einleitung von Theodor lishing a critical edition of this work, with notes,
Benfey. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1876. Paris, Vieweg, 1887-.
[4. Arabic.] Kalila and Dimna, or the fables [8. German.] Das Buch der Beispiele der
of Bidpai. Translated from the Arabic. By the alien Weisen. Herausgegeben von Dr. W. L. Hol-
Rev. Wyndhnm Knatchbull. Oxford, 1819. land. Stuttgart, 1860.

41. THE LITERARY HISTORY of the Indian apologues has often been treated.
So by Silvestre de Sacy, Loiseleur Deslongchamps, H. H. Wilson (Works, London,
1864, iv. 1-159), Lancereau (in his Pantchatautra, Paris, 1871), Max Muller (On the
migration of fables, Chips, London, 1875, iv. 145-209), Rhys Davids (Introduction
to his translation of the Jatakas, London, 1880), J. Schoenberg(in the very readable
introduction to his German translation of the Hitopadeca, Vienna, 1884). Keith-
Falconer's account is on the whole the best ( 40).
The French translation of the Hitopade9a by E\ Lancereau (Paris, Maisonneuve,

1882) is especially useful on account of the full and convenient references to the
books where the analogues of the different fables may be found. This book is

intended by the citation " Lancereau."

EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS. The most accessible text edition is that
of Professor Peter Peterson(Bombay, Government Central Book Depot, 1887. Price
1 rupee 10 annas). It contains an introduction most helpful for reading the text
in course. It forms no. xxxiii of the Bombay Sanskrit Series. The text edition
used most often as a standard of reference is that of Schlegel and Lassen (Bonn,
A literal English version has been given by Fr. Pincott (London, W. H. Allen,
1880). A
cheap reprint of Wilkins's translation appeared in Henry Morley's Uni-
versal Library (London and Xew York, Routledge, 1885).
43. METRES. Aside from the common cloka see p. 300, 21 there occur
in this book several other metres requiring description. The following five are
monoschematic i.e. the stanza consists of one metrical scheme four times repeated.

The first two are simple and natural iambic-choriambic rhythms and are common in
the Veda. The name vasanta-tilaka means 'Grace of the spring-time'; malini,
Garlanded rathoddhata seems to mean Car-proud.'

a. ^^.\j^-\\j\j\\jl.\j 1
jagati, 22 *.

b. L/.V\VVJ!.\^JLV tristubh, 26*.

c. _Zw-^|^vyw|-il^v^-^|v/^_ vasanta-tilaka, 18 *, 26s.


d. v4v^vy|<$^^|-_H-vyj| v I malini, 22 23.

e. ^wZ|v^ww^|wZw^ rathoddhata, 56 11.

The tristubh is simply a catalectic form of the jagati; but the catalexis gives the new
cadence a trochaic effect instead of iambic. The rhythm of the vasanta-tilaka is
closely analogous to that of the tristubh. The rathoddhata is essentially similar
to a jagati without its anacrusis.
44. THE arya METRE is based on the number of morae not on Thus:
the number See Whitney,
of syllables. 76-79. A light syllable counts -
as one mora; a heavy syllable, as two. In general, the ary-foot con- _ ^w
sists of four morae. These appear either as two heavy syllables, or with w ^
one heavy one at the beginning or at the middle or at the end, or as wv/
four light syllables. In each half-stanza, a caesura occurs at the end of ^
the third foot, and the eighth or last foot of each half-stanza is catalectic.
The sixth foot of the first half-stanza must be an amphibrach, \j \, t and that
[317] I PAGE 17.

of the second must be a single light syllable. No odd foot may be an amphibrach.
The metre occurs at 26 3 and 56 6 to 56 10 . The scheme is :

s- 6
Applying this scheme, for example, to 56 we have, with the proper resolutions

Buddhist books it is called Patali-gama,

NOTES TO PAGE 16. 'Trumpet-flower Village.' Wilson thinks
LINE 16. SELECTION II. Preface and intro- Patali-putra is a mere corruption of Patali-
duction to the Hitopade9a. U.f. samskrta^ pura, Trumpet-flower City.' This certainly
ukti, cultivated expression.' accords well with the K'usumo-pulo (Skt.
Kusuma-pura, Flower-City ') of the Chinese
17. See Vlda. ca belongs to nitiv-.
19. grh-, 956*. iva, 'as if.' Join Buddhist pilgrims see Beal, Si-yu-ki, ii.83-
mrt- w. grh-. 85. The Katha-sarit-sagara (chap, iii.) gives
a legend telling how the town was founded
by a king Putraka and his wife Patali.
1. 'Just wisdom (is) the best thing, they This is perhaps an invention suggested by
say' (Vah). the corrupted form.
2. '
By reason of the qualities denoted The site of P. is discussed at length in
by the three ablatives, 291 Cunningham's Archaeological Survey of India

3. The knowledge (of) weapons and the Reports, viii.1-34 and Note prefixed to the

knowledge (of) books (are) two kinds-of- vol. See also Journ. As. Soc. of Bengal,
knowledge (for acquisition) that one may xiv.HSTf, with map.
acquire.' 10. Divide thus, sarva-svamiguna not ;

The for laughter
first (is) is ridicu- sarvasvami-guna upeta, Vi+upa. :
King S.
lous.' This dative is explained at 287 mid. : need not be regarded as a historical person.
similar uses 17 15 , 20 U . Vdr+a. 11. gugrava, Vgru, 793a, 800b.
5-6. U.f. yad nave na anyatha 12-13. Construe yasya na asti (see
tad iha. gastram, andha eva (see this) sas
Since ornamentation put upon v'las2)
an unburned dish does not change, therefore (asti) : -ucchedi and dargakam are attri-
to children (297a) niti is communicated butive adjectives to gas-, and loc- is in
etc.,' i.e. as one decorates a dish before burn- apposition w. gas-.
ing it, in order to have the result permanent, 15. 'One by itself, even (api), is harmful
so worldly wisdom should be taught to chil- (17 4 N.) but how much more (kim4) ;
all four
dren while they are still young. Cf Horace, together . !

Epist. i.2.67-70. -See iha. 16-17. See iti2 and akarnaya. 'The
8. U.f. tatha anyasmat granthat. 7-8. king, distressed (udvignamanas, 418) by the
Friend-acquisition is delineated (by the shaster-neglect (-ananusthanena) of his (at-
author) drawing (his materials) from .'
manas) sons, who did not study books (see
See page 311, 26. 13082 )

9. The Ramayana (i.36-44 = 37-45) and 18. See Ikal. 'What profit (is there)
MBh. chap's 106-109) tell why and how
(iii. with a son born, i.e. in the birth of a son,
Bh. brought the Ganges down from heaven. who '.

See also M. Williams, Indian Wisdom, p. 363. Observe the use of the ppl. where we
'Town having P. as name,' 1302. In use a verbal ncun : this is common in San-

PAGE 17. i

22 25 12, 3S 23 and also in Latin,

skrit, e.g. 17 , ,
if it is to be, then it will not be otherwise' :

e.g. post conditam urbem. the do-nothing argument or ignava ratio.

19 b is the answer to 19 a . See ced: na, if it belonged to the protasis,
20. '
Of an unborn (i.e. no would precede ced.
(the three,)
son at all), a dead one, and (1253a) a fool, 10. This remedy, embraced-in-the-

words (=iti) " What

see 2vara.
: See ca5. otherwise," why
21. U.f. duhkhakarau (supply stas) is it not drunk ? Vlpa, 770b.
adyau. Lines 9-10 are in apposition w. yad (end
22. See ca3. jato, lit. '(is) born'; of 8), and contain the "sloth-talk" con-
pregnantly, 'is born in reality or to some demned in line 11.
noble purpose.' 12. '
One should not give up his exertion

(udyogam), thinking, "Fate (will do or pre-

NOTES TO PAGE 18. vent all)."'
1. Respecting the metempsychosis, see 14. Metre, vaaanta-tilaka, p. 316, 43.
659 to 68 8 and notes, va marks the rhe- U.f. upa^,eti laksmis.
torical question as a rejoinder to an objec- 16. Vhan+ni, 992 2 .
-kuru, 714. -atma-
tor's statement. jayate, lit. 'is born,' has the force of a possessive of the second
sjan, refers to the mere physical fact of person here: cf. atman-'J.

issuing from the womb. 17 The loc. absolute expresses one con-
Render the proverb: 'He
and yadi na sidhyati a second.
(alone) is dition,
born in reality, by whose 20-21. The collective result of a man's
birth (see 17 18 N.)
his family attains to distinction or (if you words and thoughts and deeds is his kar-

object to that), who, in the circling round of man this alone exists after death and is a ;

existence, when come out

powerful determinant of his course
dead, does not of in the
some womb again ?' 21
kuryat, cf. 25 N.

True, every one does next birth.

so issue ; but the fact by itself has no noble 23. suptasya, 954b.
The entire point lies in the antithesis NOTES TO PARE 19.
between the mg of jayate and the pregnant 1. See tavant2.
sense of jato. Such pregnant uses of a word
2. See tavant2. U.f kim cid na. .

are common in gnomic poetry : so 21 23 22 5 3. kar-, made (959) from the past pass

2. ' The best thing is one good son ; but ppl -f the cans, of Vlkr, 1051 3 .

(ca5) not with even hundreds of fools (is 4. See Vgru3 and 770a. asti kag cid

any profit).' The there anyone ? see yal.

there ellipsis though 'is

harsh and condemnable is made clear by 5. putranam limits punarjanma. Cf

such phrases as that at 17 18 and the others 17 16 .

under Ika 1. 7. dhatte, Vldha9, 668.

3b Supply tamo hanyate.
. 9. Myate, cf. piyate, 18 10 and N.
4a See ta3. For gen., 296b. -'Though
. 11. See atral. Long cpd is analyzed
born (of whomsoever = ) of humble parent- at 1248 2 .

age.' Visnugarman, if not the name of a real

5. Note the puns in vanga-
See Vlkr6. person, chosen as a reminder of the synon-

viguddhas and nirgunas, which words thus ymous Visnugupta, an epithet of Canakya,
stand in covert and playful contrast w. yasya the wise and famous minister of Candra

tasya prasutas and gunavan. gupta = 'SavdpoKVTTTos or 2avdpditoTTos. See

6. U.f. na adlnta (see vi+adhi) etasu. Benfey, Pantch. i.31, and Bohtlingk, Indischc
7. See vidvans. See go. Vsad2. Spriiche, 2d ed., no. 7061. Cf above, p. 311, .

Send. Passives, 770c, 769. U.f. yad 24.

ca ucyate, explained under ya2. 13. U.f. tad, 161. -Explained vfgakAl
9. ' What is not to be, that will not be : 14. U.f. na adravye. nihita, 954c.
[319] PAGE 31.

15. Pass, of caws, of Vpath, 1052a.

16. U.f. asmin (208) tu na apatyam. NOTES TO PAGE 21.
20. U.f. -sangat, 'by Note how Brahmans are distinguished
sticking to ,' 1.

291*. from men so 95 1 U.f. -vadhat me, 'from : .

22. You (are) an authority for

my killing because I killed.' ,

23. For gen., 297a. sam-arpitavan, 2. Another me need not be expressed with
like karitavan, 19%. Vr+sam, 1042d. putras and daras whose they are is clear
: :

from nirvango 'smi.

NOTES TO PAGE 2O. 3. the consisted of upadistas: upadega
2. By way of introduction.' the three words marked by iti.
3. See \fgam2. 4. U.f. -upadegat, '
in accordance with
5. 'Tale of the crow, tortoise, and so (his) advice,' 291.
fortli (-adi2), not given in this Reader. 5. katham na, sc. asmi.
7. Vstu+pra (770a) cf prastava.
. 6. Cpd, 1253a : 2d member, adhyayana.
7. See iti 3. "The noble eight-fold
8. SELECTION old tiger and the
III. The (astavidha) path is a favorite Buddhist
traveller. Hitopadepa, book i., fable 2. topic. Buddha defines it in the famous
The motif of this tale is feline hypocrisy "
Sermon at Benares." See smrta3.
(whether of tiger or of cat), and appears
8. See tatra 1 :
among those (eight
again in selection v., as also in Pancatantra, things).'
iii.2,Kalilag und Damnag, p. 65f, MBh.v. 9. U.f. na a-mahatmasu, emphatic litotes.
160.15-43 = 5421-49, Jataka, i.
p. 460, no. 128. 10. U.f. ca etavan, 206. See gata4.
Cf. 21 23 N. 11-12. Seeya5. -Seetatha4. -'The
" khadati "
aham, namely, the Pigeon-king, who common saying, vyaghro
tells this story to dissuade his followers is .'

from taking the which a snare was

rice with 13-14. Third word is kuttamm. See
baited. carann, 210. See ekaS. The pramanaya. Cow-slaying is a heinous
ablution and sacred grass were intended as offence (64 8 ), coordinated with man-slaying,
outward symbols of inward piety. A pre- 21 1 . A 15
dvija's 'second or spiritual (61 )
tender to virtue is called one who acts like '
birth is when he is invested with the sacred

a cat,' see Manu iv.195. girdle, Manu ii.169.

11.Observe the impersonal construction 'The world keeps on in the old ruts,
(999), which will now be extremely fre- and does not, in a question of right, take as
quent. Logical subject in instr., 282. See authority a bawd who gives good advice as
Vkrs fa and Vloc+a. (quickly as it does) a Brahman, even if he
12. See kim4. asminn, 210. be a cow-killer.' People heed the social
13 a 'In getting even a desirable (object) position of the adviser rather than the real

from an undesirable (source) e.g. brace- character of the adviser or the intrinsic
let from tiger. value of the advice.
14. Observe caesura and exact order of 15. adhltani, Vi+adhi: cf 20 n N. .

original. mrtyave, (is) deadly/ 17*N. 16 b'

So (is) food (in = to a hungry man.' .

16-17. Nothing venture, nothing have. 17. To a poor man (304a) is given a '

Join na w. pagyati (16). Both gerund- fruitful gift,' i.e. fruitful is the gift given to a
clauses are conditional. poor man cf. 22* and St. Luke vi.33-36.

18. U.f. tad. -See tavantSa. Observe that the logically important idea
19. pra-sarya, 1051 and 5.
often put in a grammatically subordinate is

20. U.f. prak eva, 'formerly,' w. em- word.

phasis eva, as much as to say, not now, 18. See atman3 and Vlis+abhi. Cf.

of course' preliminary hint at a general Dhammapada, stanza 129, and SEE. x.36.
reformation of character. 20. Note the use or the omission of ca
PAGE 21. [320]

according to the convenience of the metre :

frequent ablutions that the elephants were
so 221 8 , 26 1 2 , 32 4 5
- '
very religiously minded. Cf 36 N. .

Lines 18-21 are positive forms of the 'Knowledge, without action 16. (to cor-

Golden Rule : cf St. Luke vi.31 interesting respond), is a burden, like


negative forms appear at MBh.v.39.72-73 17. Explained under yad2.

1517-18, at the beginning of the Aidaxb T&V 18. Use of ca, 21 20 N. Instead of -pani-
dtadexa a.voffr6\u>v, in the Confucian Analects nam, we have, for sake of metre, -panlnam,
xv. 23, Legge's edition, and in the Babylonian as if from -panin.
Talmud (Story of Hillel). 19. See eva. Note that the gen. and
22. matrvat = mataram iva similarly : loc. here express the same relation. So the
the rest. The accusatives are objects of dat. and loc. above, lines 4-5.
' '
the first
pagyati (Vlpag6). 20. Viks+pari, are considered (namely,
23. Second pagyati, pregnantly, cf. 18%. by wise people) = should be considered': '

This proverb, along with the one quoted so Malavika i.17, karana-kopas, are (only) '

s '

by the cat at 29 is quoted in substance by cause-angry

should not be angry with-
the hypocritical cat in the tale of the '
Cat out a cause.' Cf 41 13 >\

as Judge,' Kalilag, p. 66. Cf 208s. . 21. vi+ati, 992. See guna2, and note
the difference between that and svabhava.
NOTES TO PAGE 22. 22. Metre, malini, p. 316, 43.
2t>. U.f. pra-yaccha (747) igvare, 304a.
3. See Ika 1. The idea is identical with
that in St. Luke v.31.
4. datavyam (999) iti,
with the thought 1. 'Even yonder (asau) moon (sky-
"It ought to be given (impers.), i.e. giving wandering, etc., p. 22) iseclipsed (grasyate)
is a duty." '
.' The demon Rahu got a part of the
5a Words
. used pregnantly, cf. 18 1 N. cf 32 12 N.
drink of immortality The Sun .

6. v'grah+prati, 722 end. and Moon betrayed him to Visnu, who cut off
7. U.f. yavat asau (= panthas) tavat his head. The head, grown immortal, avenges
ni-magnas (v'majj). itself on Sun and Moon by swallowing them

9. See atasl. v'stha+ud, 233a, caus. at times. Cf. introd. to selection xl.
1042d. 2. '
Who is able to wipe out (Vunch) ?

Metre, jagati, p. 316, 43. -'The The Hindus thought that every one's destiny
fact that " He reads the law-books
" is not
was written on his brow, although invisible
to human eye.
a ground for a judgment that the reader Like enough the sutures
be he man or tiger has a good and harm- of the skull, which look very similar to the
less nature. written characters of some Indian alphabets,
'Just the inherent nature here (atra)
13. gave rise to this belief.
Now-a-days, writing
isthe surpassingly predominant thing (Vric materials areplaced beside the new-born
+ati) so . babe in the lying-in room, in order that
14. 'as by nature cows' (361c) milk is Vidhatr may write the child's destiny on its

sweet.' Religious study will not change forehead. See Shib Chunder Bose, The
the bad inborn nature of a man or a tiger Hindoos as they are, 2d ed., p. 25.

any more than sugar would turn sour milk

back into sweet milk again. Compare lines 4. SELECTION IV. The deer and the crow,
20-21. and the jackal. Hitopadera, book i., fable
15. Of those having uncontrolled senses 3.
In the Indian fables, the jackal plays
and mind, the (religious) action is like the the role which the fox plays in the Euro-
bathing of elephants,' i.e. is mere external pean see Pane, book iii., stanza 73 ed. Kose- ;

action and without significance as an index garten, = 76 ed. Bombay.

of character. One might infer from their 5. bhramyan, 763.
[321] j
j PAGE 25.

7. U.f. etad. bhavatu, see this under 18. U.f. baddhas, 160. mam, object
Vbhii. of tratum. Join itas (= asmat) with
8. 'I'll first get his confidence.' -U.f. vyadha-pagat.
upa-srtya, 992. 19. (ko) rait r ad any as, 'who other than
11. a-sadya, grd of cans. my friend who but him."
12. adhuna etc., explained at 999. 20. U.f. a-gatya upa-sthitas. See
13. astam gate etc., loc. absolute. denom. \phala
17-18. 'This (ayam) is the jackal, (who 21-22. U.f. etasya ( = mrgasya) utkrt-
is) come seeking (icchann) .'
yamanasya (Vkrt) mansa_asrg-anuliptani
19. See VyujS. asthini (431) maya .

20. (Is) not to be given to any one (gen.

23. v'las+ud, cf. 162. - chinddhi, Vchid,
297a) whose .' 689. -Seetavant3b.
21. The story which is announced in this

line,and which the crow tells to serve as the NOTES TO PAGE 25.
" "
example to the saw of line 20, is inserted janiyat (730, 721 one may '
2. U.f.
in the original between this line and ity recognize'), yuddhe guram, rne gucim.
akarnya (24 ), but is here taken out for the 3. bharyam, a true wife,' one who has

sake of continuity and given separately as really taken her husband "for richer for
selection v. cf. p. 29 end. poorer." V2ksi.
4-5. A friend in need (as well as in joy)
NOTES TO PAGE 24. is a friend indeed.
1. iti refers to the story in selection v. 6-7. 'Firm-bond-bound indeed (see ta-
Vah. mrgasya, subjective gen. w. vant5) is this deer.' The jackal 'thought'
-dargana-. U.f. bhavan api, 'you (= the this he did not say it aloud.
crow) too no less than I (the jackal) now. 7. -nirmitas, Vlma+nis. Properly, the
2-3. U.f.
adya yavat (see yavant 3) Hindus designated the days as first, second,

etasya = mrgasya) sneha^anuvrttis.

( third, etc. of the lunar half-month see
5. Ppl. of v'2as+nis forms possessive cpd tithi. For the (comparatively modern)
w. padape, see 1299. -U.f. dege, 133. names of the days as governed successively
" "
ayam va is the ganana of /
6. (like those of our week) by the seven planets,
i.e. only the small-minded take into account see JAOS. vi.176-7.
or stop to ask whether or not a man belongs 8. etan = pagan : cf . the ecclesiastical
to their own party or race. prohibition of meat on Fridays. End, see
7. See eva. The proverb expresses a Vmanl .

truth that underlies the doctrine of free- 9. U.f. yad tvaya ucyate, tad ,
trade. you say, that I'll do.'
9. U.f. kim (see Ikal) anena (501) ut-. 10. See sthita 4.
Join anu-bhavadbhis (741) w. sarvais. 11. U.f. mrgam anagatam (cf. 4 15 N.)
10. sthiyatam, see VsthaS imv. pass., ava-lokya, itas tatas anv-isya, tathavidh-

770b, used impers., 999. Let all remain in am drstva, uvaca. Note how the gerunds

one place, enjoying pleasure by means of mark each the end of its clause so 26 16 ;

familiar conversations.' 12. avadhirita-, under the denom. Vava-

11. 'No one is any one's friend, no one dhiraya. '
This is the result of rejected
any one's foe
i.e. by nature ;
we must friend-words = (17
N.) of rejecting them.'
have actual dealings (vyavahara) with each 15. '
His trouble is near (Vldha+sam-ni).
other to bring out the friendship or enmity. 18-19. 'The fact that "I've done no
14. U.f. etasmin eva vana^ekadege = wrong that not a ground of confidence

(see 1316) etasya eva vanasya ekadege, cf. (cf. 22 11 ); for there is (V2vid3), from the
33%. malicious, danger even for the good al- :

16. tatha sati, read 303b4 and cf Vlas3. .

though having done to the bad no wrong

PAGE 25. '


calling for revenge they might fairly ex- 22-23. See die, -Hud, 'The jackal was
pect to be let alone. killed by the farmer, throwing the cudgel
21. Vvrj, 'one should shun' subject in- at him in anger.'
definite : this is very common, when the 3d
pers. optative is used e.g. 1821, 26 5 30 17
; , .
1-2. '
One reaps the fruit right here on
earth, (with = )
after three , (or) three
days,' i.e. sooner or later.
1-2. Metre, tristubh, p. 316, 43. -Note In the original, the fables always begin
use of ca cf. 21 20 N. Vlap+aam, pass, with the moral, which is then repeated at the
ppl. of cans. See grad and 668. The end, in abbreviated form, with the introduc-
four genitives refer to arthinam. See tory words,
Therefore I say.' This arrange-
kim3. Line 2 b Is there a to-be-practised-
ment is 10
retained, e.g., 32 -33

deceit of the needy, i.e. ought they to be 4. See 1181a end.

deceived 1
5. 'Trap-caught (from the jackal, 291 = )

3-4. Metre, arya, p. 316, 44. -' Who by his plots.'

perpetrates wrong upon (loc.) .' U.f.

a-satyasamdham. bhag-, voc. e.fem. SELECTION V. The blind vulture, the

5. See 2sama 2. kar-, see Vlkr, caws, birdlings,and the cat. Hitopade9a, book i.,
end, and 25 N. fable 4. Cf 20 8 N., 21 23 N..

6. U.f. ca angaras : see calb end. The Vulture-peak, Pali Gijjhakuta, is

7. atha va = or rather, to express myself near Rajagrha, and famous as a sojourn of


more to the point, this (iyam) is the way Buddha.

(sthitis) of scoundrels.' 7. 'From the evil issue of fate = as hard

8. Metre, vasanta-tilaka, p. 316, 43. fate would have it.'
9. In your ear pleasantly something 8. Instr., 280 end.
beautiful he gently hums (Vru).' 9. U.f. sva^aharat. See Ika 2d and
10. Gerund of v/riipaya+ni. 1260. -Vlda, 668.
12. Anacoluthon: 'a scoundrel, though 10. Use of inf., 981 3 .

(see ca 6) saying pleasant things, that is 11. U.f. tarn a-yantam, 619.
not a ground of confidence (= 2518b ) i.e. : 12. See lidam near end: '
rts 8' ovros
'a scoundrel may say ;
but that's no
reason for trusting him.' 14. U.f api . : the idea is,
To say nothing
14. U.f. laguda-hastas (1303 2 ) tarn of my disappointment at not getting the
agacchan ava-. young birds to eat, I'm so very near the
16. See Vdr+3am and
Note how vulture that even escape is impossible.'
the three gerunds mark each the end of its 15. Same phrase at 23 8 .

clause : cf 25 U N.
. See Vstha4. 17. U.f. duram apasara (classical pres.
17. utthaya, 233a gerund.
; imv. Vsr+apa) : no ced, ban- (163).
17-18. 'The deer waited just so as the 20. Is any one ever punished (or) hon-

crow said.' ored on account of mere rank ?
18. U.f. harsa^,utphulla-locanena, hav-
ing joy -expanded eyes, his eyes wide open
with joy.' 2. The lunar penance is described 65 5 .

19. asau = the farmer. 3. U.f. acaran tisthami, see v'stha4.

19-2O. Note the position of the gerunds U.f. yusman (
= vulture, respectful plu-
as a help to the correct phrasing. ral) object of stuvanti. dharma-jnana-
20. bandhanat, 290 not ace.
U.f. ratan, see v/ram3. ;

21. 'The farmer having withdrawn,' Vi+ 5-6. 'And you (it seems, are) such (eta-
antar. drgas, q.v.) a jurisconsult that you (have)
[323] i PAOB 3O.

undertaken (Vyam + ud) to slay me a sorrow (of a=) in a man arises at by ,


guest ! ?
this f orming-of-a-conception : we should
6. U.f. esas (see etad) refers forward expect tad-anumanena as cpd, '
by forming
here ! On the duty of hospitality, see Manu a conception of this (sorrow).' If we will
iii. 99f. Vir+sam-ud. think how we should feel if we were in our
'To an enemy (arau, 304) even,
7. enemy's place and about to die, it is possible
should be shown.' So Plautus says, Trin. that we may spare even his life.
679 and Rud. 438, that one does not withhold 11-12. Vlpr+pra, 770c. -kah kuryat
fire and water even from a foe.
(714), rhetorical question, cf. IS ?*.
8. U.f. chettum api ag- na up-, 'even 13. vi-gvasya, grd of caus., 1051 and 8 .

(in the case of one = from one come to hew 15. U.f. yesam)
tais vi-lapadbhis. ,

(it) down .' 16. Vrabh, 160. -U.f. kotarat.

lO b And joyous
. kind (sunrta, as adj.,
or 18. -asthini, 431. U.f.
" anena
omitted in vocab.) words as a fourth thing.' grdhrena) eva khaditas iti nic,citya,
11. U.f. na uc-, Vchid+ud, 202. V3ci+nis.
13b See v'gam+abhy-a, and guru3.
. 21-22. The story winds up with the dis-

14. Render loc.

by towards.' Cf. 21 19 . tich given p. 23 end, cf. N.
15. cand-, loc. as in 28 .

16-17. yasya limits grhat and refers to NOTES TO PAGE 3O.

tasmai (and to a tasmat, understood w. 1. SELECTION VI. The ass, the dog, and
ardaya). sa = atithis. dat-tva, 991 cf. the thief. Hitopade9a, book ii., fable 3.
955c. See Vgaml. Weber thinks that the attribution of stupid-
at 27 17
21. First evam, so,' namely as .
ity to the ass in the Sanskrit fables is wholly
21-22. Touching the feet (Nalaxxiv.) or un-Indian and due to foreign (western) in-
the head (Manu viii.114) was a kind of ordeal fluences.
used in solemn asseverations in order to call 4. tj
v.-m.-i in, 427. aha, 801a. See
down harm on the one touched in case of tavant5. See iti2b.
falsehood ;
at Hitopade9a, p. 122 5 = book iv., 5. See V3gr and 1020, and cf 30 16 . .

fable 11 (cf. Pane, book i., fable 11), touch- 6. mama, Bohtlingk's suggestion; MSS.
ing the ground and ears seems to be a sign read mama. janasi, 730.
of detestation for a suggestion just made. 7. See yatha7. etasya ( = rajakasya)
Here the touching seems to partake of both limits grha-, 1316. See yatas2 correl. :

significations. tena. See Vlvr+nis.

23. U.f. -ragena idam adhy-ava- 8. Second mama (gen., 297a) depends on
sayitam, Vsa. -dane, 1316.
12. U.f. sam-bhavayet (caus. yas tu kar-, )

NOTES TO PAGE 29. 'who honors them (only) in the time for
1-2. U.f. iti atra aika-: see atral. 'The action, i.e. waits till he is in a strait before
law-books, though contradicting (Vvadivi) he treats them well.'
have unanimity on " ahinsa Caesura here divides a
, this point, 13. SeeVri+a.
" '

paramo dharmas ahinsa : is a cardinal cpd ;

this is very unusual.
virtue among Buddhists. 15. U.f. paplyan (208,464) tvam (sc. asi).
3. See nivrtta. See ya3. 16. Explained under yatha6.
4. svarga- : for lingual n, see 193. 17-18. U.f. sevayet, subject indef., cf.
5. 'There is just one friend, virtue, 2521 N. -U.f. a-mayaya. -19. Readso'tiva.
who ;
cf 63 18 N.
. and 18
also 21 28 N. 2O. U.f. -kopat, abl. 291. 'Because of
6. U.f. sarvam anyad hi (163) 'for all anger at , he got up (992) and beat (Vtad,

else' (but virtue). 1070) .'

7-8. See ya6, 2antara3, and Vmuc+vi. 22 and 31 1 . U.f. para^adhikara-

9-1O. See iti2a and c,akya3. -Lit. 'What -icchaya. See Vsad+vi.

PAGE 31. 1

Buch der Beispiele, p. 353, sgie.

NOTES TO PAGE 31. Benfey, i.167 f ; ii.57. Lancereau, p. 332.

2. SELECTION VII. The lion, the mouse, U.f. kasmin cid tarau apatyani.
and the cat. Hitopac^a, book ii., fable 4.
3. See Vlgi+adM, 629, and 619.
4. buddhva, 991, 160. -4-5. 'Not 1.
By a tree-hollow-abiding-black-serpent'
catching the hole-hidden mouse .' see v'stha+ava.
6. U.f. bhavet yas tu, vikramat na ,
2. tyajyatam, 771.4.
lit.Who is a % he is not subdued by might/
3. U.f. tavat avayos (491) : see kada.
with a play on the name of the lion. 4-5. U.f. bhrtyas ca ut-. 20
ca, cf 21 N.

8-9. Note position of gerunds, each mark- mrtyus is predicate. See eva.
ing the end of its clause. '
A cat was kept 6. etasya = sarpasya.
(dhrtas) by him (tena), reflecting, going, 7. sodhas, v'sah, 954, 222 3 224b.
, -aha,
satisfying, bringing.' mansa^adi- 801a. anena, 501.
ahara, 'flesh-etc.-food.' 9. See alam w. instr. :
anaya, 501.
9 end. U.f. tad-bhayat, '
from fear of it 10. Knowledge is power. Whose is wit,

(i.e. the cat).' might is his ;

but of a witless one, whence is
1O. \sr-r nis, Epic present, 734. U.f.asau. the might ?' Repeated at the end, 33", as a
13. U.f. samcaran, 208. quod erat demonstrandum.
14. See kada end. 11. Just as before (2321 see N.), this line

15. See 17"N. -U.f. tada (correl. of announces the tale which serves as an
" "
yada) upayoga^abhavat tasya the gen. example to the aphorism of line 10.

depends (297a) on -dane (1316); cf. 30 N.
18. 'A servant, making (=if he made) 12. SELECTION IX. The lion, the old hare,
would be or fare (syat, 636) like D.'
and the well. Hitopade9a, book ii., fable
11. See31 19N.
19. The crows and
SELECTION VIII. Selection ix. answers to Pancatantra,
the serpent. Hitopadefa, book ii., fable 10. book i., fable 8. The Buddhist version, the
It is told by Damanaka to Karataka (see Banyan Deer Jataka, has deep moral sig-

p. 312, 29), and into it is inserted the story nificance as showing the beauty of self-
of the lion, the old hare, and the well (selec- sacrifice and the excellence of loving "all
tion Lx., see 32 12 N.), told by the crow to the things, both great and small." This Jataka
crow-hen. is mentioned by name and illustrated on the

Selection viii. answers to Pancatantra, bas-reliefs of the tope or Stupa of Bharhut,

book i., fable 6, which is told in like manner Cunningham, plate xxv, dating from 200
by Damanaka. He makes the crow and B.C. or earlier. In the Sanskrit forms, the
crow-hen ask a jackal for advice, and the Jataka has developed into a simple story
latter tells them the inserted story of the that shows how the weak animals get the
heron, the fishes, and the crab (= selection better of a powerful tyrant, not by force,

xviii.). Damanaka then finishes his story but by cunning. Somadeva gives the story
about the crows (= selection viii.), and fur- at lx.91-107. Compare further
ther enforces its moral by the story of the Pali. Jataka, no. 12: translation, i. p. 205.
Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 14.
lion (selection ix.). The motif of selection Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 117. Wolff, i.46.
viii. is analogous to that of selection xvi., Later Syriac version, p. 27.
cf . 39 8
N. A few references for further Anvar-i Suhaill, book i., story 14.
Directorium, Cap. II., p. 10 of signature c.
comparison :
Buch der Beispiele, p. 371 .
Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 12, 13. Benfey, i.179 ii.62. Lancereau, p. 333. ;

Arabic. Knatchbull, p. 113, 115. Wolff, 1.40, 44. The first three phrases of this line (12)
Later Syriac version, p. 23-26. are specimens of the regular conventional
Anvar-i BuhailT, book i., story 11.
Directorium, Cap. II., p. 7 and p. 9 of signature c. way
of introducing the fables. The myth-
[325] i PAGE 34.

ical mount Mandara was used by the gods This story corresponds to Pancatantra,
as a churning-stick when they churned the book i., fable 18, which is itself only a sub-
ocean to get the drink of immortality cf. sidiary form of fable 17. This latter is given
23 N.
In this book, a real hill may be in- by Somadeva Ix. 205-210. Compare Jataka,
tended, namely Mandara, a little south of no. 321 (vol. iii.), and further
Bhagalpur, on the Ganges, east of Magadha. Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 28.
See Vdha+vi5 and Vas3.
14. Note that Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 150. Wolff, 1. 91.

the gerund krtva goes with the logical sub- Later Syriac version, p. 55.
Anvar-i Suhaill, book i., story 24.
ject of the sentence. Directorium, Cap. II., p. 1, 2 of signature B.
15. See Vjna+vi, cas., and 1042d2 . Buch der Beispiele, p. 55".
Benfey, i.269-271 ii.112 and 111.
17. 'If that is agreeable to you .'

18. v'klp+upa, caus. See Vas3. 19. 'In the interior of constructed (\ma
2O-21. See hetu, ced, Ikal, and anu- +nis) nests.'
" I would put on my good be-
naya. 20. 'The sky being covered (a-vrte) with
havior, if I thought I had any chance of cloud-veils, as it were with dark-garments,

my life."


1. U.f.
apa-raddhas (v'radh) dhrtas 1-2. U.f. avasthitan (203) gltartan
agre. See 2antara 4. kampamanan :
'by the birds, seeing ,

2. Note use of ace. w. caus., ' to cause my it was said.'

master to know
so mam, next line.
: 3. '
We have constructed nests with straws
4. tam=sinham. grhitva, seeVgrahl, brought (-ahrtais) by the beak-
and 2548 .
matra2, and references).
" "
5. pagyatu svami
U.f. iti uktva. 4. 'Endowed with hands, feet, and so
tasmin kupa-j ale = tasya kupasya jale, forth (see adi 2), why are you in distress
cf. 24 14 N. tasya (= sinhasya) eva, 'his (Vsad+ava)?'
own.' 6. U.f. tavat (see tavant3) vrstes upa-
6. dare,-, 959, asau gamas, now there is a stopping of the rain.'
from caus. . U.f.

(= sinhas) darpa^a-dhmatas (Vdham) tasya Better perhaps, without the punctuation-

(= pratibimbasya) upari ('upon') bar after bhavatu: 'So let there be for a

7-8. Therefore I say (the proverb) while a stopping of the rain,' i.e. 'wait till

having yasya buddhir balarh tasya as its the rain stops a bit and we'll see about it.'
beginning,' 32 N. See ity-adi. 8. bhagnas, Vbhafij, 957c. U.f. andani
9. The main story of the crows and the ca adhas.
serpent is here resumed cf. 31 N. 10. U.f. vidvan eva upa- caesura
: na :

10. .See vsad+a. a-gatya, 992. avidvan tu.

11. Vtr+ava, ppl. of caus. U.f. cancva 11. U.f. upadigya ajrian yayus ,

dhrtva, aniya, (Vya, 800c).

12. ni-rupyamane, loc. absolute, pass.
ppl. ofdenom. 12. SELECTION XI. The ass in the tiger-
13. Gerundives have future force. skin. Hitopade9a, book iii., fable 3.
14. 'That (plan) was carried out; that This story corresponds to Pancatantra,
being done, that (predicted result of the plan) book iv., fable 7, which has been worked
took place:' see under \stha ami _', and cf. over by Somadeva, lxii.19-23. Its oldest
303b*. Hindu form is the Lion-skin Jataka. It

16. U.f. kuryatConemaydo'J.yadna-

. seems to have been lacking in the Pehlevi
version. Plato makes Socrates say, " Since
18. SELECTION X. The birds and the apes. I have put on the lion's skin, I must not be
Hitopadeca, book iii., fable 2. faint of heart Kratylos, 411 A. The tale
PAGE 34. [326]

appears in the Chinese Avadanas, vol.ii.,p. U.f. eva atra agant-, see Vgam-i-a end.
59, no. 91. Compare also vinanksyati, see \lnag.
Pali. Jataka, no. 189 (vol. ii.) ; transl., 1. p. v. 11. visidata, see ssad, and 185.
Fab. Aesop., 'Ovos \eovryv <t>fptov, no. 336, ed.
13. '
How shall I speak f
Lucian, Piscator, 32. [Halm.
La Fontaine, book v., no. 21; Regnier, i. p. 431. yuthapa.
Benfey, i.462-3; ii.308. 14. sprgann, etc., 210. See v'ghra.
13-14. By the washerman, covering (him ) 16-17. See v

las3 and Vstha-anu, end.

with a tiger-skin, that one (asau=gardabhas) 19. ucyatam, 769.
was let loose pracchadya, see v'l chad
.' 2O-21. Even when the weapons are '

-t-pra, and 227. See v'muc, and 1051 8 raised (udyatesu, \yarn), an envoy speaks.

15. Seebuddhi2. not falsely always, because he is inviolable ;

16. See v'car3. -16-18. The instr. is (sada eva avadhya-), he is, surely, the
logical subject of the impers. pass, sthitam: speaker of pure-truth.'
see sthita2 end, and 999. '
Having a-gray-
blanket-made body-cover (1293), i.e. having NOTES TO PAGE 36.
covered himself with a gray blanket.' U.f. 1-2. The moon-god's message goes from
sajji-kjtya (992), avanata-kayena (v'nam), yad ete to prasiddhis. See yad2. 'As
ekante. for the fact that these hares, , by thee
18-19. '
The ass, seeing , thinking have been driven away (\'sr+nis, caus. pass.),
gardabhi iyam," making (714, ppl.) , therein not rightly (see Vyujo) hast thou
20. See iti 2a end. 3. See prasiddhi, and cf. gaga, gaganka,
and gagin. The Jataka tells how the rabbit
NOTES TO PAGE 35. offered up its own life for C, akra and how
1-2. See See greyans and 464.
\'car3. C,akra in grateful recognition placed the
hare's image in the moon's disk as an en-
paricchannas, Vlchad, 957d.
during memorial of the self-sacrifice see
no. 316, vol. iii., p. 51, and S. Beal,
3.SELECTION XII. The elephant, the Jataka,
Si-yn-ki, ii. p. 60.
hares, and the moon. Hitopadefa, book iii.,
4. U.f. bhayat idam (rdSf, see idam)
fable 4.
This to
aha: idam = 'my misdeed, just men- (
story corresponds Pancatantra,
fable 1, and is given tioned') .
book iii., by Somadeva
5-6. See atral. pra-namya, 192a.
at lxii.29-44. It is unquestionably of Hindu
See v'gam 1.
rather than Greek origin, since it turns on
the Hindu belief that there is a hare in the
6-7. tena (gagakena), nitva, etc. See
v'lkr, caus. Here the elephant is made to
moon (36 N.).
Old Syriac version. worship the moon; but Pliny, Nat. Hist.
Ealilag, p. 63-65.
Arabic. Knatchbull, p. 223. Wolff, i.192. viii.l, gives a curious belief about the volun-
Later Syriac version, p. 135-137.
tary moon-worship and religious ablutions
Anvar-i Subaili, book iv., story 4.
of elephants. Fa-hian, the Chinese Buddhist
Directorium, Cap. V., p. 10-11 of signature H.
Bucb der Beispiele, p. 10423 . pilgrim, chap, xxiii., records a like story,
Benfey, 1.348; ii.226. Lancereau, p. 337. Beal, Si-yu-ki, i. p. Ii.
U.f. varsasu api, vrstes abhavat, 8-9. The rabbit is the elephant's spokes-
trsa_artas aha. man deva, O (moon-)god.' U.f. ajnanat :

5-6. And we, who from want of bathing eva anena (=gajena)
tad ksamyatam. ;

are almost blind, where shall we go, or 3
-pra-sthapitas, 1042d, 1051 .

7-8. U.f. tattira^avasthitas -ahatibhis

bahavas curnitas, were crushed in great '
12. SELECTION XIII. The blue jackal.
numbers by the (blows, i.e.) tread of Hitopade9a, book iii., fable 7. .'

9-1O. a-huya, gerund. See sakulaya. This story corresponds to Pancatantra,

[327] I PACK 37.

book i., fable 10. It is not found in the 6. ami, 501. varnamatra-vipralabdhas,
Arabic version nor in Somadeva, and so was 'fooled by (his) mere color,' see matra2,
probably not a part of the Indian original and v'labh+vi-pra.
Benfey, i. p. 223. But cf. Jataka, no. 188. 7. amum, 501. See V3ci+pariand 770a.
The motif is similar to that of the fable of 6-8. yatas kuruta: the sentence is
the whitewashed jackdaw among the doves, constructed like the sentence evam vidhe-
KoXotbs Kal trfpiartpai, Fabulae Aesopicae col- yam, lines 4-6.

lectae, ed. C. Halm, no. 201 b

8. See Vsthafanu2. . See La Fon-
taine, book iv., 9-1O. tatas
fable 9, Regnier, i.208f. tena_api gabdas karta-
svecchaya bhraman: same phrase, vyas, 'Then he too will raise a howl.'
w. the other form (763), at 23 5 11. U.f. syat, tasya asau (= svabhavas).

13. tatas (=bhandat, 1098), see tatas 1. What inherent-nature anyone (yasya)

13-14. Kept priMi-nding to be dead ' see

may have, that (nature asau) of Jiim is
Vdrg+sam, caus., and sthita4.
hard to overcome see ya6. :

14-15. U.f. -svamina asau (= srgalas) 12. U.f. tad kim na agnati. If a dog '

utthapya (1051 1042d). The two gerunds (427) is made well-fed, i.e. put on good


go witli the logical subject, -svamina. rations, will he not then gnaw a shoe ?
15-16. Note how the gerunds, gatva, 13. He'll be killed by (some) tiger,

avalokya, mark each the end of its little recognizing (him) by his howl.' tatha
clause. etc., cf 33
U and N. and references for sati, . :

16. uttama-varnas, w. double mg, 'of the see Vlas3.

best color' (royal purple), and 'of the 16. 'And (consumes) destroys, as (does)
highest caste' (cf. 28 18 ). See atman2, a hidden fire (antargatas analas) a dry
and note how it is used as reflexive of all tree.'
three persons here myself .' 18-19. ca, used loosely to connect ratas
17-19. Construe: aham (asmi) abhisik- with the logically, but not grammatically,
tas (v'sic) -devataya aranya-rajye sarva_ coordinate parityajya. See v'ram3.
osadhi-rasena. mudhas, see 2234 -vat, see 1107. .

19-2O. adya arabhya (see v'rabh+a3

U.f. )

asmad-ajnaya asmin By our command 20. SELECTION XIV. The two geese

conduct must be made = you must do as I and the tortoise. Hitopade9a, book iv.,
command.' fable 2.

20. vfgista-varnam, 1299. This story appears

in the Pancatantra,

21. U.f. pra-namya (192a) ucus (800e). book fable 13, and is given by Somadeva,

yatha ajnapayati devas, as the king com-

lx.169-177. The Pali form of the fable is
mands fsc. so will we do), is a common probably the oldest, and corresponds in moral
response in the drama. and incident with the Chinese form, Avaddnas,
vol. The Aesopian form, Xf\tavr)
NOTES TO PAGE 37. Kal herds, Babrius, no. 115 of Schneidewin's
1. U.f. aranya-vasisu. tasya, pred. ed. (cf. no. 419 of Halm's collection), differs

poss. gen., see Vbhu. in both these respects. Compare

1-3. Construe :
svajnatayas durikrtas Pali. Jataka, no. 215 (vol. ii.) ; transl., i. p. viii.

Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 24.

avajnaya tena, (see -adi) prapya,
Arabic. Knatchbull, p. 146. Wolff, 1.85.
avalokya, Later Syriac version, p. 49.
3. vi-sannan, Vsad, 185, 189. Anvar-i Suhaill, book i., story 23.
4-6. U.f. evam ced anena anitijnena Direetorium, Cap. II., p. 10 of signature D.
Buch der Beispiele, p. 527 .

tad yatha ayam if thus by this (we're


Benfey, 1.239; ii.90. Lancereau, p. 340.

treated with contempt), then that this one La Fontaine, book x., fable 2. Regnier, iii. p. 12f.

:' Vldha+vi5 end.

see nagyati: for 21. mitram, nom. neuter: the name-adj.,
mode, see 581c 2 and cf. yathaG. kamb-. agrees in gender with kurmas.

PAQE 38. '

19. U.f. apa-saritas (pass, of caus.)

NOTES TO PAGE 38. ut-plutya.
1-2. yad, untranslatable, like on, intro- 21. U.f. -ityadi refers to lines 7 and 8
ducing a direct quotation cf ol tie tiirov on : . above. Cf. note to 33 ; 8 .

inavoi IfffjLtv ; so St. Luke viii.49, etc. U.f. 22. SELECTION XIV., continued. 'There-
adya asmabhis atra usitva (see V3vas). fore (tad), this to-day (tad adya) must be
Lit. 'Now once by fishers, going there, it brought about, that I reach (yatha prap-
was " '
said, By us, staying (over night to-day=) nomi) cf passages cited under yatha')
: .

over this night here, to-morrow the tortoises, end.

fishes, and so forth shall be killed."
23. prapte, '
reached = in reaching,' see
See tavant 3b. 'Let 17 18 N.
ahatus, 801a.
4. Similarly gacchatas te, of you,
the facts be ascertained first afterwards, ; going = of your going.'
what (yad ucitam, Vuc),
is fitting .'

5. U.f. ma evam. Tor I (am) having a NOTES TO PAGE 39.

seen disaster here= (1308) have seen a .' 1. U.fbhavadbhyam saha. Seevartman.

7-8. For the three names, see vocab. 3. kastham is subject of avalamb-.
The third is of a kind with which Biihler 5.
That is an expedient ;
but .'

compares the early Christian name Quod-

6. 'A wise man should consider the (ex-
vult-dea,' and the Puritan Fight-the-battle-
pedient or) advantage (of a certain course),
of-faith,' etc. dvau edhete (Vedh). and likewise the (inexpedient or) disadvan-
'Both Forethought and who (is) Keadywit, tage of it he should consider.' Note the
these two : the yas merely fills out the etymology of upaya and apaya, and the
metre, see ya3. contrast.
7a . Gen. absolute, 300 2 .

9. SELECTION XV. The three fishes. Hito-

pade^a, book iv., fable 3. 8. SELECTION XVI. The herons, the ser-
This story corresponds to Pancatantra, pent, and the ichneumons. Hitopade9a,
book i., fable 14 see Benfey, ii. p. 137 and book iv., fable

91. Very similar is book v., fable 6. Soma- This story corresponds to Pancatantra,
deva gives a version at lx.179. An ex- book i., fable 20. Cf. also introduction to
cellent version occurs in the MBh. xii.137. selection viii., 31 19 . Somadeva gives the
1 = 4889. Cf also.
story very briefly at lx.235. Cf. also

Pali. Jataka, no. 114, vol. i. Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 30.
Ol'dSyriac version. Kalilag, p. 15. Anvar-i Suhaill, book i., story 26.
Arabic. Knatchbull, p. 121. Wolff, i. 54. Buch der s4
Beispiele, p. 57 .
Later Syriac version, p. 31.
Anvar-i SuhailT, book i., story 15. 9. Since this Vulture-peak is placed near
Directorium, Cap. II., p. 12 of signature c. the Nerbudda, we can hardly identify it with
Buch der Beispiele, p. 393'.
the one famed in Buddhist story (27 6 N.),
9-1O. U.f. pura etasmin eva evam- which was near the Ganges.
vidhesu upasthitesu (303b) -trayena. 13-14. U.f. amya, arabhya (see
11. tatra = tesu matsyesu, see tatra 1. v'rabh+a 3), yavat (see yavant 3),
12. See 2antara4. pankti-kraraena dhatta (668).
13-14. See vldha+abhi. 'In a matter 15. svabhava-dvesat the enmity of ich- :

(still) future, from lack of anything to judge neumons and serpents was proverbial They :

by, where shall I go? = since the danger is fight like cats and dogs
cf Pancatantra, ;

vague and uncertain, I'll keep still for the p. 110 f, ed. Kosegarten, = book ii., p. 7 f,

present. See s'pad+ud. ed. Bombay ;

and selection xxi.
16-17. Explained in notes to p. 18, lines 15-16. tatha etc. = 37 18 : cf. 33 W N.
9-10. 17. U.f. tais (=nakulais) a-ruhya,
18. See v'dr+sam, and cf. 36 13 ' 14 . sarve .
[329] |
PAGE 41.

18. avam, 491. -Cf. 337 -N. 19. U.f. svarupa^akhyanam, report
19. SELECTION XIV., concluded. See about my true-nature.'
eva2 near mid. 20. Seevfyam+sam-ud. See v/lkr, desid.
2O- uttaram da cf uttara-dayaka, 32*.
: 20-21. U.f. " punar musikas bhava iti

21. U.f sarvatha atra eva.

. See kim3. uktva. See eva.
22. U.f. evam anusthite sati, 803b*.
1. sam-uhyate, Vvah, 769, 252. aha, fishes, and the crab. Hitopade9a, book iv.,

801a. fable 7. See note to 31i9 .

2. U.f. tada, atra eva paktva, khad-, The story occurs in the Pancatantra,
'Then he shall be eaten, with a cooking (of book i., fable 7. Somadeva has it at lx.79.
him) right here
we'll cook and eat him The Buddhist form appears in the Jataka.
on the spot. Note that the gerund, as simple A hypocrite is called one who acts like a '

instr. of accompaniment of an action-noun, heron,' Manu iv.196 (cf. 20 8 N.).

is generally the adjunct of the logical sub- Jataka, no. 38; translation,
Pali. 1. p. 317.
Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 12.
ject of the clause, although the latter (as
Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 113. Wolff, 1.41.
here) is not always expressed. Later Syriac version, p. 24.
4. vismrta-samskaras, 1299. Anvar-i Suhaill, book i., story 12.
5. vadann cf. s.v. Directorium, Cap. II., p. 8 of signature c.
eva, cintayann eva,
Buch der 1
Beispiele, p. 35 *.
Benfey, i.174; 11.58. Lancereau, p. 344.
7-8. Construe :
yas na karoti iha vacas La Fontaine, book x., fable 3. Regnier, iii. p. 18.

suhrdam sas etc. Arabian Nights: Night 717 (Weil, iii.914).

, bhrastas, Vbhraruj.
-With line 7, cf. 25". 4. U.f. tatha ud-vignam iva,
so. as if

terrified.' See Vdrg, caus., and cf. sthita4.

9. SELECTION XVII. The hermit, and the 5. prstas, 220. -See iti 2b.
mouse that was changed to a tiger. Hito- 7-8. U.f. te ca atra avagyam eva. And '

pade9a, book iv., fable 6. these here very surely will be killed I :

This story, and the one at MBh. xii.116. heard (Vakarnaya) a plan to that effect
1 = 4254,
are ultimately identical with Pan- (iti).'

catantra,book Hi., fable 12 (Benfey,ii.p.262, 8-9. See itas3. U.f. -abhavat asmad-
281), although very different from their pro- maranam. krtas, 'am made = have be-

totype and inferior to it. Benfey traces the come.'

connection in a most interesting way, i. p. 373. 10-11. See iha and tavant4. -'This
To his references, add Somadeva, lxii.125, (heron,ayam) appears to be actually (eva)
Kalilag, p. 72, Later Syriac, p. 149, Beispiele, our benefactor ;
therefore let him be asked
p. 116. (Vprach, 768) .'

9-1O. U.f. tena ag- drstas, 'he 13-14. U.f. upakartra arina samdhis.
saw.' 'Alliance proper
(is cf. 22 20 N.) with a foe

11-12. khaditum(981 3 anu-dhavan: )

inf. who does us a service, not with a friend who
hantum used similarly, 40
20 4l 2
injures us (apakarina cf. 39N.); surely

12.tapah-prabhavat the austerities of : service and injury are to be considered as

the holy men gave them supernatural powers, the essential characteristic of these two.'
cf. 16"N. The fact that one is called foe and the other
13. bidalas, predicate. See Vlkr9. friend is of no account. laksyam agrees
kukkurat, 292a so vyaghrat, next line. with predicate.

See Vbhi and 643b. 18-19. U.f. kasmin cid dege, 'in a cer-
15. Looks upon even the tiger as a tain place.' -sthapitas, 1061 8 1042d.

mouse.' 2O-21. U.f. bakas api apurva-kulira-

17-18. See Vni. -yavat etc., see 999. mahsa^arthl kuliraa api the api's m;iy :

PAGE 41. <

be rendered by '
and or '
but,' as the sense 12-14. U.f. tataa tarn (= garavamja daya,
requires cf. api5. asau (devagarma), gayya-niksipta-dehas
(1297) san (redundant, v'las3), ratrau acin-
tayat. The long cpd: 'in a dish-filled-
I. -akirnam, v'3kr+a.
ekadege ( )
3. '
One should/ear danger (bhayat, 292a)
14-17. Construe: yadi aham. imam
so long (only) as the danger is future.'
vikriya, prapnomi, tada (introduces verb
5-6. U.f. pagyet na kim cid hitam (163).
of apodosis, karomi) tais (= kapardakais)
mriyate, 773. Surely, if one sees not caravan tatas ghata^adin upakriya
any salvation for himself (in a non-fight =) anekadha vrddhais -adikam
without a fight, then .'

upakriya, utpadya, karomi. As a

9b is one copulative cpd adj., utta-, 1257.
help to the correct phrasing, note that the
II. SELECTION XIX. The Brahman and interjected adverbial clauses end each with
his jar. Hitopade9a, book iv., fable 8. Count its gerund,
tatas, line 15, then,' equiv.
not your chickens before they be hatched. to '
and :
dishes and jars and so forth.'
This story corresponds to Pancatantra, 17-18. U.f. tasu ya adh-, tasyam :

book v., fable 9. The

history and literature 'who among those wives (is) most beautiful,
of the fable are treated at length by Max on her I bestow .'

Miiller, Chips, iv.145-209. 18-20. 'Thereupon, when her co-wives

The tale recurs in the Arabian Nights, (tat-sapatnyas), jealous, quarrel, then I
Night 716 (Weil, iii.910) : and the Barber's (will)beat them so' (ittham, said while he
story of his fifth brother, Night 166 (Weil, throws the cudgel to show how). U.f.
i.540:Lane, chap. V.) is essentially similar. abhidhaya utthaya.
Ultimately dependent on the Indian original
are Grimm's Lazy Heinz and Haggard Liese, NOTES TO PAGE 43.
Marchen, no's 164 and 168. Compare also 1-2. the potter, (who came = who
'By )

Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 53. was brought by the noise of the breaking of
Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 269. Wolff, ii.3.
the pots, seeing that, the Brahman, scolded
Later Syriac version, p. 170.
Anvar-i Suhaill, book vi., story 2. (see tiras), was expelled (bahis-) .'

Directorium, Cap. VII., p. 7 of signature K.

Buch der Beispiele, p. 130".
5. SELECTION XX. The Brahman with
Benfey, i.499; ii.345. Lancereau, p. 345.
La Fontaine, b'k vii., fable 10.
Regnier, ii. 145,495. the goat, and the three rogues. Hitopade9a,
For -garman in names, see 59 18 and N., book iv., fable 10.
and see visnugarman in vocab. This story occurs in the Pancatantra,
11-12. The feasts of the winter and book iii., fable 3, and, as usual, in a more

summer solstices corresponding to Christmas

( elaborate and better form. Somadeva has
and Midsummer), originated in the worship it Of the frequent imitations,
at lxii.62.
of the sun at his 'entrance' (samkranti) Gesta Romanorum, Cap. 132 = 124 (see ed. of
upon his '
north-course and his '
south- H. Oesterley, p. 486 and 733) may be men-
course' respectively, and were celebrated tioned. Compare also
with lavish alms-giving, as appears from the Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 67.
Pancatantra, book ii., fable 2 (where Kose- Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 233. "Wolff, i.205.
Later Syriac version, p. 141.
garten, 119 1 , reads uttarayana-, and the
Anvar-i SuhailT, book iv., story 7.
Bombay ed., 1421 , reads daksinayana- see :
Directorium, Cap. V., p. 2 of signature I.
this last in vocab.). Buch der Beispiele, 109 2 .

The vernal equinox was also the occa- Benfey, i.355; ii.238. Lancereau, p. 363.

sion of great festivities, whence, doubtless, 6. U.f.

grama^antarat (202) gacchan.
the fulness of the Brahman's jar. This feast 7-9. U.f. dhurtas"yadi esas (176a)
survives as the Boll or Indian Carnival chagas (227) supply asmabhis, kena api
described by H. H. Wilson, Works, ii.222-43. upayena (tarn chagam) prapya, khadyate,

tada bhavati iti alocya, upavigya, de Worde, in 1520, reprinted London 1885,
sthitas (see sthita4). ed. G. L. Gomme, p. 28. Compare also
1O-11. abhi-hitas, see v'ldha. See iti Old Syriac version. Kalilag, p. 54.
2b. U.f. skandhena uhyate, 769 and 252. Arabic. Kalila. Knatchbull, p. 268. Wolff, ii.l.

Later Syriac version, p. 169.

12. tad eva, ' just that ' '
the same thing.' = Anvar-i Suhaill, book vi., story 1.
14. dolayamana- Grierson, Bihar Peasant
Directorium, Cap. VII., p. 8 of signature K.
Buch der Beispiele, p. 131".
Life, p. 45, gives a good picture of the dooly.
Benfey, i.479; ii.326. Lancereau, p. 384.
16. U.f. "nigcitam eva ayam k-" iti

matva. Through ujjayini ran the prime meri-

dian of Hindu astronomers.
17. snatva, to remove the supposed im-
2-3. 'For (see krte) the Br., from the
purity arising from touching a dog.
king, a call to offer a graddha came.'
yayau, 800c. Read cchagas for -go.
19-2O. See Vlvid4. vancyate, pass, graddha, see p. 402.
sahaja-daridryat, from connate pov-
3 4.
of caus. chagataa, see 1098c .

erty = a born beggar as he was.'

6-7. 'Of receiving, quickly, (if it is),

not done, Time drinks the juice of it : i.e.

1. SELECTION XXI. The Brahman and you have anything to receive or give or a

his faithful ichneumon. Hitopade9a, book deed to do, do it quickly or it'll not be worth
iv., fable 13. doing.
This story corresponds to Pancatantra, 9. U.f. cira-kala-palitam -raksartham.
book v., fable 2. undoubtedly of Bud-
It is 11. Natural enemies cf. 39 15 N.
dhistic origin Beal, Academy, Nov. 1882, 12-13. U.f. asau- ayantam. 'Having
p. 331. discussed by Benfey, i.479,
It is blood-smeared snout-and-paws.'
who gives a Mongol version and a Tamil 14. See Vdhr-fava: his conclusion was
" " = nakulena.
imitation. Somadeva has the story at lxiv.3. mama bhaksitas anena :

Lancereau mentions numerous versions and 15-16. U.f asau upasrtya.

. SeeVstha4.
imitations, p. 384. Especially famous is a 16-17. ' Finding out that the ichneumon
parallel story, which is told of Llewellyn was his benefactor, (and) possessing a dis-
the Great and his faithful hound Gellert, covered (Vbhu+vi) deed (krtya), i.e. dis-
and goes back to 1205. It is familiar to covering what he had done, with a pained
English readers through the well-known heart (418) .'

ballad of Wm.
R. Spencer. A highly inter- 19-20. 'Who, without(a-vijnaya),
esting English version is found in Ye Seven goes to or gets under (gatas) the power of
Wyse Maysters of Rome, printed by Wynkyn passion '.'


45. The work from which the following extracts are taken holds a rather
exceptional place in Hindu literary history, inasmuch as its date and authorship are
quite definitely known. According to the author's fancy, it unites in itself all
stories as does the ocean all rivers, and he therefore calls it the '
Ocean of the
Streams of Story or Katha-sarit-sagara. Following out the metaphor, he divides
the work into one hundred and twenty-four chapters, called tarangas or billows.' '

By another division, independent of the one just mentioned, the work is broken into
eighteen books, called lambakas, which Brockhaus, without authority, conjectured
to mean 'surges.' The work contains about 22,000 distichs, that is, about one-

quarter as much as the Maha-bharata, and not quite twice as much as the Iliad and
Odyssey together. An analysis of its contents is given by H. H. Wilson, Works,
vol. iv. 109-159.
46. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following discussions connected with the literary
history of this work should be mentioned.
Fitzedward Hall, the Vaaavadatta, Calcutta, 1859, George Biihler, Ueber das Zeitalter des Kacmi-
Introduction, pages 22, 23. rischen Dichters Soniadeva, SitzungsbericMe der
George Biihler, On the Vrihatkatha of Kshemen- phi). -hist. Classe der Kais. Akademie der \Viss.,
dra, Indian Antiquary, i.302f, Bombay, 1872. Cf. cx.545f, Vienna, 1885.
Weber's Remarks, ibidem, ii.57. Sylvain Levi, La Brihatkathamafijari de Kshe-
George Biihler, Detailed Report of a tour in search tnendra, Journal Asiatique,, vii.!78f. Vol.
of Sanskrit MSS. made [in 1875] in Kacmir etc., pub- vi. contains chapters 1-8 in text and translation.
lished atBombay in 1877 as an Extra Number of the The text has been edited by H. Brockhaus,
Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Leipsic, 1839, 1862, and 1866. A
complete trans-
Society, with vol. xii. Preliminary reports had ap- lation has been given by C. H. Tawney, Calcutta,
peared in the Ind. Ant., v.27f, and vi.264f. 1880-84.

47. The concluding work were printed from new and trustworthy
verses of the

manuscript material by Biihler.

From them it appears that the author was named
Soma, i.e. Somadeva, and was the son of the virtuous Brahman Rama. Somadeva
says that he made this collection of stories to please the queen SuryavatI, and gives
some of the facts relating to the royal house of Kacmir then regnant. These facts
are supplemented and confirmed by the Rajataranginl or Chronicles of Kacmir,' '

written by Kalhana, about 1148-1157 A.D. 2 Combining these sources, Biihler

reaches conclusions which may here be summarized briefly.
48. In the year 79, i.e. 4079, of loka-kala, 8 Saiiigramaraja, a descendant of
Satavahana (or C.ata-), succeeded to the throne of Kacmir. This was A.D. 1003. He
was followed in 1028 by his son Ananta. Anantadeva is described as weak-minded,
rash, and impetuous, but as brave even to fool-hardiness. He married SuryavatI,
daughter of the king of Jalandhar (jalamdhara). She brought him entirely under
her power, and induced him, in 1063, to abdicate in favor of his son Kala9adeva.
He soon repented his hasty step and got control of the government again. Mean-
time, Kalaca abandoned himself to every vice, and, in rage, his parents determined
to punish him, and give over the kingdom to his eldest son Harsa. In fact, Ananta
retired with his court to Vijayaksetra, the modern Bijbahar, in [41]55 = A.D. 1079,
and after two years of feud with Kalaca, took his own life in 1081, leaving the power
in the hands of Kalaca, who held it till 1089, when he was succeeded by Harsa.
SuryavatI burned herself on the funeral pile of her husband Ananta. Now since,
according to Somadeva, Kalaca was king when the work was finished, and since it
was written for SuryavatI, the date of the composition must fall between Ananta's
first abdication and bis wife's death, i.e. between 1063 and 1081 A.D.
49. The real source of the Katha-sarit-sagara is stated by Somadeva 4 to be
the Brhat-katha or Great Narration of Gunadhya.
This work, according to
Biihler, goes
back to the first or second century of the Christian era but no manu- ;

script of it has yet been published. On the other hand, important evidence of its
general character and contents is afforded by the two works that have flowed from
1 Ueber das Zeitalter etc., pages 547-549. iscalled the Saptarshi era. It is still in use. In giv-
ing a date, the hundreds and thousands are usually
4 Biihler's Report, p. 52f ; Zeitalter, p. 554, 557.
8The popular calendar (loka-kala) of Kacmir omitted. See Report, pages 59-60.
is counted from a date corresponding to 3076 B.C. 4 See
Katha-sarit-sagara, i.3 and cxxiv.250, and
The era is connected in some real or fanciful way Reader 56".
with Ursa Major (saptarsayas see rst'2), and so *
Report, p. 47. Cf. "Wilson, I.e., p. 119f.

it, the Brhat-katha-inanjari and the Katha-sarit-sagara. Each is a recast of Gun-

adhya's original. The former was made by Ksemendra Vyasa-dasa, a contemporary
of Somadeva. Its date is not far from the year 1037 A.D., and it is therefore some

thirty or forty years prior to Somadeva's work.

Both Ksemendra and Somadeva
distinctly assert that they translated from an original in the paigaci bhasa or
'Goblin dialect'; and internal evidence 2 confirms their assertions, and, further,
makes it certain that each worked
independently of the other. But Somadeva seems
to have been well aware of the faults of his predecessor, and his work is a decided
improvement upon that of Ksemendra, whose recast is only about one-third as long
as Somadeva's, and sacrifices poetic merit in the effort to be brief.
50. Although Somadeva was a Brahman, there are yet many remaining traces
of the Buddhist character of his original, and even direct allusions 8 to the Buddhist
Birth Stories occur. Indeed, Weber maintained 4 that Gunadhya was a Buddhist.
The name paigaci bhasa seems to have covered a number of Low Prakrit dialects 6
spoken by the most ignorant and degraded classes in many different parts of India.
In one of these dialects the Brhat-katha is actually written.
51. It remains partly by way of introduction to selection xxvii. to com-

plete and summarize the half-mythical account there given of the origin of the stories.
In a retired spot on the Himalayan peak Kailasa, the god (/iva, to please his
wife ParvatI, w as telling her (Katha-sarit-sagara, i.48) the adventures of the Seven

Fairy Kings. Unfortunately, he was overheard by his Gana or attendant (see gana),
Puspadanta. Puspadanta foolishly told the tale to his wife, and she recited it in
turn to ParvatI. This made it appear that Qiva had palmed off upon her an old
story. Even on learning the truth, she was still exceedingly enraged, and cursed
Puspadanta to be born as a mortal. She also inflicted the same curse on the Gana
Malyavant who interceded for him.
At their entreaty, however, she set a limit (anta) to the curse of each, speaking
" There is a Yaksa named
(i.59) to this effect :
Supratika, who, cursed to become a
mortal, is living in the Vindhya as a Pi9ca, under the name of Kanabhuti. When
thou, Puspadanta, shalt see him, and tell him the tale which thou overheardest Qiva
telling me, then thou shalt be released from thy curse. When Kanabhuti shall have
told it to thee, Malyavant, he shall be released. And when thou, Malyavant, shalt
have published it to the world, thou shalt be free also."
52. Puspadanta, accordingly, is born as Vararuci or Katyayana, meets Kana-
bhuti, narrates to him the seven stories of adventure in seven hundred thousand
stanzas (ii.26), and is released.

Kanabhuti, meantime, remained in the Vindhya, waiting the coming of Malya-

vant. The latter is duly born as a Brahman (vi.19, 20), with the name Gunadhya,
at Supratisthita (vi.8) in Pratisthana. 6 This is identified with Paithan on the
Godavarl (vi.72), about 150 miles from Bombay, east by north. After travelling in
the Deccan, Gunadhya returns to the splendid royal city of Supratisthita (vi.24) and
is appointed a minister (vi.70) of Satavahana, the king of whom the story in selec-
Le>i, Journ. As., 8.vii.218-220. i!3 .43f , esp. p. 48 and 50. Cf . also Jacobi, Ausgewahlte
* Ind. Ant., i.308-309. Journ. As., Erzahlungen Maharashtrl, Einl. 2, 15.
E.g., at lxxii.120, to the Boar Jataka. See Weber, Its Prakrit form la Paitthana; this is the II A I-
Jndische Streifen, ii.367. 9ANA of the Utpiirkovt and the 'BaiOava of Ptolemy.
Ind. Ant., ii.57. See McCrindle, Ancient India as described by Ptol-
8 For the views of the Hindus and others concern-
emy, pages 175-6, and J. Burgess, Arch. Survey of
ing these dialects, see Muir, Grig. Sanskrit Texts, Western India, iii. (Bldar, etc.) p. 55.

tion xxvi. is related. In consequence of a wager with his colleague Qarvavarman

(52 ), Gunadhya forswears the use of Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the local vernacular.
Since he knows no other language, he is forced to keep silence, and so to give up his
position as minister. With two pupils he retires to the Vindhya, and, falling in
with a host of Pi9acas (vii.26), learns their dialect. In this he addresses Kanabhuti,
who exists himself at the time as a Pi9aca. Kanabhuti tells the tales in ' his own
dialect' (svabhasaya, 53 4 ), i.e. Pai9aci, to Gunadhya. The hearer writes them down
in Pai9aci, and with his own blood, since he had no ink by him. Kanabhuti is then

Gunadhya, in order to " publish the stories to the world," sends the manuscript
to Satavahana. The king, puffed up by his newly-acquired knowledge of Sanskrit
grammar (52 ), rejects the stories on account of their dialect. Gunadhya, overcome
with grief, reads aloud to his two pupils six hundred thousand distichs and casts the
manuscript, leaf by leaf, into the fire, while the beasts stand about in a circle and
listenwith tears in their eyes. 1 One hundred thousand couplets Gunadhya keeps,
because they especially pleased his pupils. At last the king hears of the strange
proceeding, comes, and takes what is left, namely the Brhat-katha.
The pupils
expounded the poem to the king and he composed the first book or lambaka, called
Kathapitha (56 N.), to serve as a general introduction to the rest, after Gunadhya
had ascended to heaven (56 4), released. 2
Compare the stories of Orpheus and of the |
1. Civa, to
Sibyl. 2. Puspadanta (= Vararuci, Katyayana),
According, then, to Somadeva (and to Kseinen- 3. Supratlka (= Kanabhuti),
dra, as well, Ind. Ant., i.307), the TrapdSocris of the 4. Malyavant (= Gunadhya),
tones is, in turn, from 5. Satavahana, and
6. The world.


LINE 2. SELECTION XXII. King Putraka 8. 'On account of this (is) our fighting.
and the seven-league boots. Katha-sarit- Who
mighty (= proves to "be the strong-

sagara, Taranga iii.45. Ksemendra gives er), he may take it.* Brockhaus reads
the tale in his Brhat-katha-manjari, at ii.48. tannimittam against the metre.
Tawney, i.14, adduces many parallels, among 9. U.f. etad tad-vacanam pra^uvaca.
them, Grimm's Fairy Tales, no. 197, The 10. U.f. pumsas (394) ? tatas sam-
Crystal Ball. See also Jataka, no. 186 (vol. avocatam (see v'vac, and 854 and 847
ii.) ; transl., i. p. xvi.f. end).
2-3. Seeatral. King Putraka's uncles
11. U.f. pari-dhaya ('by putting on')
had bribed assassins a ava^apyate.
to kill him. By
greater bribe and a promise to go far away, 12. U.f. yad (162) likhyate: see ya6.
the king induces the murderers to spare his 13. SeeyaS. -'Is thought of.'
" 14. avadit, Vvad, 898, 899c. Aorists are
life this in explanation of the meantime,"

the " promise," the " Vindhya," and the dis- not very uncommon in this poem, though
gust." For Putraka, see 17 9N. See very few have been met before in this
Vraj + vi. Reader. See 826. U.f. kim yuddhena?
4-5. The sense-divisions do not correspond astu ayam panas. See Ika 1.
with the metrical divisions here as they do 15. U.f. sas eva etad (= dhanam) haret
in the Epos. U.f. bhraman ava_apa asau (163).

-ekatatparau purusau dvau tatas tau etc. 16. See under iti2.
; -mudha, 223*.
see iti2. 17. U.f.adhy-asya, ud-apatat vyoma.
6. U.f. maya_asura-sutau avam sc. svas. 19. Vtr+ava, with abl.
[335] PAGE 48.

NOTES TO PAGE 46. 7-8. Construe aham grantagataya :

1.SELECTION XXIII. Story of Mousey, -samghaya adam (829) ambhas, etc.

the thrifty merchant. Katha-sarit-sagara, 9-1O. dve dve, see dva two apiece,' :

Tarafiga, vi.28. It is introduced as a story 1260. -U.f. vikritavan (960) apane.

which Gunadhya hears on his return to 11-12. See tatas5 the second is a mere :

Supratisthita see p. 383, 52. It may be stop-gap. See Vhr+a.

called a kind of pendant to selection xix. 13-14. maya, logical subject of kritam :

It is identical with the Cullaka-setthi Jataka, tebhyas, abl.

no. 4(vol.L), transl., i.p.168. 15-16. Loc. absolute. The rains made
2. 'By me, utterly without (vina eva) the roads impassable for the wood-men,
capital, wealth was gained' (v'sad+a, caus.). -pan-, 486b. -gatais, 281b.
4. man-matus, abl., 'from my mother:' 19-20. '
A golden mouse was sent (1042d)
man-, 161, 494. by me, making (it), to that V.; and he gave
tad-bhayat: tad- (494) =tebhyas,
5. i.e. (adat) .'

gotrajebhyas. See garbha3. 21-22. See Vsidh-fpra. -U.f. laksmls

7. 'And
there was I born, (as the=) to iyam. sata,
be the means of support of that excellent-
woman. 1
8.See Vvrdh, caus. kurvati, 714
1. SELECTION XXIV. King Cibi, the fal-

9-1O. U.f. atha abhy-arthya. See con, and the dove. Katha-sarit-sagara, Tar.
Lit., And then by her, the sad vii.88. This story is famous, old, and wide-

v'gakB 1.
one, having entreated a teacher, I was grad- spread. It is of distinctly Buddhistic origin
ually made and ciphering and character
to learn writing see S. Beal, Si-yu-ki, i. p. 125
somewhat.' and note. Benfey, Pancatantra, i. p. 388 f,
13. For gen. w. v'da, 297a. gives a great many Buddhist and other
15-16. agamam, 846. so 'pi marks parallels. It occurs in the Jataka as no. 499

beg. of new clause and is little more than a (vol. iv.). It is frequently figured on Bud-
6 df with vicjakhilah. 'Thus (i.e. as fol- dhist sculptures so on the tope of Amarava- :

lows, lines 17-20) spake (854) to a certain / ti see James Fergusson, Tree and Serpent
17-18. See 1 idam, near end. panyena, Worship, plate Ixxxiii. 1, and p. 225, and
appositive to etena. plate Ix. left, and p. 194 also on the great ;

19. punar the antithesis is between a Javan temple of Boro Boudour.

: The Ama-
dead mouse and good hard cash. ravati tope dates from about the beginning
The Roman denarius had long been of our era see J. Burgess, Arch. Survey of
known to the Hindus. The borrowed word Southern India (Amaravati, etc.), p. 12, 101.
appears, e.g., in an inscription of the time In the Cariya-pitaka, Pali text, ed.
of Kumiira Gupta (ca. 430 A.D., Ind. Ant. Morris, p. 77, C, ibi appears as an incarnation
xv. 192), given by Gen. Cunningham, Arch. of the Future Buddha. Sakka, in the form
Survey of India Reports, iii. 54-56. of a blind old beggar, asks him for one of
20. See \stha7. te 'pi (sc. dinaras), his eyes, and he gladly gives up both of
even the principal.' them. This is represented in a mural paint-
22. tvattas, 1098a. ing of a cave at Ajanta J. Burgess, Cave

Temples of India, p. 315. Beal gives a

NOTES TO PAGE 47. Chinese version of the in his Buddhist story
1-2. Construe: asya sampute (see this) Literature in China, p. 31-41. And the tale
tarn = ' mouse') likhitva, gato 'bhuvam occurs in Mohammedan forms with Moses

(829) aham, so 'pi ahasat. in place of C, ibi, and Michael and Gabriel in
3-4. -yugmena, instr. of price, 281b: place of Indra and Dharma (or Agni).
mul-, appositive. marj- depends on krte; In Sanskrit works the C,ibi-story is
and the other genitives go w. dattas, 297a. common. We find it in the Southern Pan-
PAGE 48.

' [336]

catantra, French version by J.-A. Dubois, Katha-sarit-sagara, Tar. xvii.137. C, aci is a

p. 173. It occurs three times in the MBh. pattern of wifely virtue, but Indra does not
It is told at iii. 130.21 10557, of Uclnara, = requite her with equal fidelity. His amours
the father of Qibi (translated by P. E. Fou- are as notorious as those of Zeus. Indra is
caux, Le MBh., Onze Episodes, p. 231); a^ invoked with the words ahalyayai jara, as
iii.!97.1 =
13274, of Qibi himself; and at early as the QB. (iii.3.4 ). He is reproached

xiii.32.3 = 2046, of Vrsadarbha, the son of for his affair with Ahalya, at MBh. v.12.6 =
373; and this is narrated at length in the
C/ibi Asmara is the traditional author Ramayana, i.48 Schlegel, or i.49 Gorresio.
of RV. x.l 79.1, His attempt upon Ruci is told at MBh. xiii.
and seems to be the heros

eponymos of a clan that dwelt between the 40. 16 = 2262, excerpted by Muir, Texts, i .466.

Indus and Akesines. See Zimmer, Altin- Later books smooth over these immoralities
disches Leben, p. 130, 431. by interpreting them allegorically see

King Su9arman, having been deceived Miiller, Ancient Skt. Lit., p. 529.
1. So Holtz-
by a Gana in the form of a Brahman, says, mann, ZDMG. xxxii.302 (cf. 294); Muir,
" This is no
Brahman, but a god come to Texts, iv 2 .48.
deceive me ; for such things are constantly
in this world ; and so (tatha ca NOTES TO PAGE 49.
introducing the following story as a similar -lubdhas (Vlubh) tarn. - See 2. U.f.

instance), in old times, there was (abhtlt) a Varthaya+pra, 959 and 960.
king, etc." 3. Construe matis pra-, vibhuti-andha, :

2. U.f. sarva-sattva^abhaya-pradas, dhavati avisaye.

giving a feeling of safety to all creatures 4-5. U.f. sa anu-mene (794e):
; tad
see 29%. ('that occurrence') ca prabhavatas (1098,
3-4. The inf. denotes purpose: cf. 987 291 2 ) buddhva (160), tatraagat .

w. 982. '
Indra himself, having taken on 6-7. SeeVlkr3. -See sthita4.
pursued (anv-apatat) Dharma' 8-9. She answered her husband with a
dharma3. speech, (provincially ambiguous, i.e.) am-
5. U.f. ankam aQicriyat: see VgriS; for biguous on account of its dialect, (but yet)
aorist, 859, 864. having some regard for (verbal) truth, This
7. 'This (is my) proper food. Surrender is, of course, a cat or my lover"' see

(758) to me (297a) .'

majjao. Gautama takes it in the latter
8. For Indra and the reader, who know sense and replies tvaj-jara.
the secret of the dove's real nature, there is 11.
He caused to fall on her a curse,
a play upon the word dharmas. truth-regard-limited' (-klptantam), i.e. not
9-1O. U.f. enam (274b) a-tyajyas; tad an endless curse, but one with a definite
('therefore') dadami anyad tava (297a). limit, because she did not lie outright.
11. See evam. 16
atma-, see 18 N. See 12. The curse. ava^apnuhi, 703.
747. 13. The limit cf. p. 333, 51. -See
13. See yathaS. Vkrt+ud. aropayat, a 4 and 293c. -See 2antara 1. -'Until
1042e end. forest-interior-wan dering-Raghava-sight, i .e.
See Vruh+adhi. - U.f. "
15-16. tu till thou seest R. wandering in the wood.'
" " That in- " Rama removed the
divya vak ud-abhut.
etad guilt of Ahalya by
deed is equal"', referring to the promise merely looking at her," says the Visnu-
contained in line 10, etat-samam. purana, iv.4.42.
18-19. U.f. tustau aks- (pred. adj.) 14. datta-capas, 1299, 1308. -yayau,
dattva (991, 955c) ca anyan tau 800c.

iyatus (783b2).
16. SELECTION XXVI. The king who
2O. SELECTION XXV. Story of Ahalya. didn't know his Sanskrit grammar. Katlii-
[337] I PAGE 58.

sarit-sagara, Tar. vi.108-164, omitting 111- 21-23. aham, i.e. Gunadhya. tarn,
112, 124-133a, 154-158, 161-162. Ksemen- i.e.avastham. pary-ahiyata, 770b.
dra gives this story in brief at vi.35-52, pratar avam (' I. and C/.').
Journ. As., 8.yi.446. The king is called
Satavahana ;
but this is merely the family NOTES TO PAGE 51.
name of a dynasty that reigned in the north- 1-2. sarvasya, subjective gen. w. pravege,
west of the Deccan in the first and second which is loc. absol. w. ruddhe. See ka-
centuries of our era. See Oldenberg, Ind. tham. mama begins new clause. See
Ant., x.225 f. Carvavarman was a prote'ge' of pagca.
this family p. 334, 52. Somadeva, as 3-4. Construe: nrpas vijnaptas (1042d2 )
we saw, makes Harsa a descendant of C,ata- maya, upavigya See Vvrt7. .

vahana ;
and for the last, he adds (vii.13), 5-6. 'S., tho' he heard it, kept silent
C/arvavarman wrote the easy grammar called (just so, tatha eva, i.e.) nevertheless.' See
Katantra Biihler, Report, p. 74. Vlas4. U.f. tatas ca idam.
16-17. Gunadhya, who had been inter- 7-8. U.f . kuru iti prak tena
rupted by Kanabhuti, resumes his story here adya nigi see adya.
with tatas. adhy-asta, 620. tad, 9-1O. See svapna. U.f nabhasas cyu-

'that' (garden), whose creation by Durga tam (nom.) see Vcyu4. See Vkas+vi.
(see deva2c), Gunadhya had narrated a little 11-12. tasmat= ambujat. dhavala^
before (vi.84). It was just outside of the ambara, like the one Socrates sees, Crito4A.

capital of Pratisthana (p. 333). 13. iyat (451) drstva. See vmanl.
19. Vtr+ava, 957b. Inf. of purpose. 15-16. '
Q. having thus announced his
vision'see \[lvid+ni and 1308- U.f.
NOTES TO PAGE 6O. asta-maunas avadat.
C, irisa-delicate-limbed, i.e. having 17-18. The question goes to pandityam.
limbs as delicate as a C. blossom.' U.f. See Vgak Bl, pass, of caus. of desid.
abhy-agat. kalena: for instr., 281c. Similarly var-
4. 'She said "Don't with water (ma sais, line 21.
udakais cf. line 8) pelt me."
He under- 19. tena = pandityena. esa, 'this'
stands it as " With comfits (modakais) pelt that you see about me. na pratibhasate
me." = '
5. anayayat, \lni+a, caus. imf. 20. Observe caesura, and see Ika 1.

7. rajann, 210. See 2antara 1.

What pray has a fool to do with power, as
8. The order of the words is inverted to it were a block with ornaments ? i.e. he has
remove the ambiguity. iti uktam tava no more to do than a block , .

(297a), Thus I said to thee.' 21-22. In the introduction to the PaS-


9. 'Knowest thou not the mere (matra2) catantra, also, the time needed for learning
euphonic combination of the ma-word and Sanskrit grammar is put at twelve years.
the udaka-word ? See muklin I.
12. hasati, present ppl., loc. absolute. 23. See Vgak Bl, caus. tad = grammar.
-akrantas, 955a. See jhat-iti.
13. Having abandoned-water-play,' 1308. NOTES TO PAGE 52.
14-15. U.f. pra_avigat muhyan 2.kuryat, Vlkr 1.
aharadi-. 5-7. Protasis ends w. ced tatas begins :

" then by me are renounced (tyak-

garanam me ('sti)
Construe: '
17-18. apodosis ;

p- va, mrtyus va" iti 'Having tam) . these three languages which pass cur-
bed-thrown-limbs,' v'2as+pari-ni. rent (\/bhu-fsam3). See p. 334, 52. See
19-2O. Construe: parijanas, drstva, tadvat. Ksemendra (vi.52) has apa-
abhavat sambhrantas, "kim etad" iti bhranga for Somadeva's degabhasa. Both
" "
(' saying What's that ? '). of these terms denote indeed a Prakrit
PAGE 52. [338]
dialect; but, in contrast with the word fluid from it a drink of immortality is

prakrtam in this connection, they denote a made; and with it pacts are made or sub-
vernacular of a lower order than prakrtam. scribed (cf. Faust, 1.
8-9. U.f. na ced evam -abdan (276) ,
At present (1878), all available informa-
vahami esas :
esas, emphatic,
I, this tion points to a Phoenician-Aramaic origin

one/ 'I, (y. here, (will) carry .' of the Indian alphabets. Writing was prob-
10-11. tasminn=C.. agamam. 846. ably introduced not earlier than 400 B.C.,
See vman 1. and was, certainly, little used in India before
12. ca vihastah is Boehtlingk's emen- 250 B.C. So says Burnell, Palaeography, 2 p. 9.
dation for cavfhastah. See also Whitney, 2. The material was
15. Without S., no other way of escape the palm-leaf, and in Ka9mir, birch-bark.

appears.' She is led to look to S. or Kumara Paper was introduced by the Mohammedans,
for help, because a kumara (see this) opened i.e. not till after 1000 A.D. For ink, see
the lotus (51 10 ). Tawney. Weber con- masi in vocab.
jectured that the war-god Skanda owed his 9-1O. The sky (ambaram) became filled '

name and existence to Alexander the Great. (nirantaram) with S. etc., who came (aya-
18. Caesura. 19. prapa, 783c .
tais) to listen, [became filled or covered] as
21. '
Showed (Vlkr 1) favor to him (tasya, if (iva) with a canopy.'
297a), i.e. to C. .' 12. See v'gam4. K. was orig. a yaksa,
22-23. Having magic power by K.'s gapa-muktas would be
gift.' see p. 333, 51.
See cintitop- : for a like magic, see 45 13 . better.
15-16. I must make my B. famous on

NOTES TO PAGE 53. earth; and this business (of making it so)
1-2. U.f. pradus asan ca tas (sciences) was enjoined on (lit. announced to, ud-Iritas)
tasya = dat.) tatksanam.
hi (163). me by Durga when she told how my curse
would end (lit. in the declaration, -uktau, of
3. SELECTION XXVII. The pathetic his- the end, -anta-).' See p. 333, 51.

tory of the stories. Katha-sarit-sagara, Tar. 19-20. The two nominatives in 1. 19 are
viii. It forms Ksemendra's eighth chapter in partitive apposition to gisyau ubhau,
(of only 16 couplets), Jour. As., the subject of ucatus.
For a general explanation of the Taranga,
see p. 333, 51f .
3-4. 'So, by G's request (vii.113), that I. Explained under sthana6.
tale was told by K. in his own (pigaca) 4. pra^ahinot, 192c. -dattva: cf 991 .

dialect.' w. 955c.
5-6. 'And by G., likewise in (lit. with) The garden mentioned at 49 17
6. see N.
that dialect, in with, 281c) seven years
(lit. 7-8. That MS. was shown to S. (geni-

(varsais), it (sa) was written down as seven tive, 297 a ) with the words "This is G's

couplet-lacs' (appositively). work.'" The gender of the pred. deter-

7-8. U.f. ma (580) harsus (882) iti : mines that of the subject, esa.
" " The
Thinking Let them not steal it," i.e. Fear- II. See pramana. length of the
ing lest they might.' poem (700,000 distichs) is a weighty argu-
Both Somadeva and Ksemendra state ment in its favor, but This is quite in
that the stories were written down in blood : accord with later Hindu taste. As if the
S. gives the lack of ink as a reason; K. 100,000 distichs of the extant MBh. were not
gives none. But the statement may rest on enough, the preface (MBh. i.l.!06a 104c) =
a popular superstition like the Germanic tellsus that there was a version of 3,000,000
one which ascribes peculiar virtues to pure couplets for the use of the gods. Fortu-
spittle (cf. also St. Mark viii.23) and to nately their years were lengthened out so as
blood. Life rests in the blood, the " vital to give them plenty of time to hear it see
[339] I PAGE 56.

68 8 N. The Manes had to get along with a 18 a .

(The adventures) of himself as P.':
version of 1,500,000. Gunadhya is said there is no objection to this grammatically
^ufj X e 'pl nauAoy) ; but G. and P. were
(54- 56 1 ) to keep only one-seventh of his
, (cf. Tji

poem but even this is an exaggeration (it

never identical see p. 334. The reading
contains less than 22,000 couplets p. 331). puspadantasya ca svam ca would be correct
Similarly Manu is said to have been abridged in sense and metre.
from 100,000 to 12,000 and then to 4,000. 19. katha^avataram tarn is in apposition
It contains less than 3,000 strictly, 2685, w. -cestitam; 'the adventures (which were
cf. p. 341, 56. that coming down, i.e.) which were the occa-
18. vivikta-ramya-, 1257 : Vvic+vi. sion of that coming down of the divine story

bhubhagam, in appos. w. gil-.

from heaven to earth.'
Mvac and Recognizing him
19-2O. Viks+vi. gru, caus. 20. See gana2.
23. U.f. tasmin pathati, loc. absol. as .' U.f. pada^anatas, \narn. See
p. 333, 61.


1-3. These three lines and the preceding 1. See lidam, end. But here are 100,000 '

line make one sentence the last word is the (making) one story take that.' Compare
; ;

pari-tyakta-, having abandoned the story of the Sibyl.

grass-food, quitting their pasturage.' U.f. 3-4. See Vmantraya+a, and pada4.
asan abhyetya (Vi+abhy-a, 992) cf. sam- 5-6. Metre, arya, p. 316,
: 44. -U.f.
etya, line 10. adaya agat (830) nija-. The long cpd
Compare the story of Orpheus. In the (q.v.) goes w. katham.
MBh., iv.39.6 = 1290, horses shed tears. The 7-8. Metre, as before. The dual cpd
horses of Achilles lament the death of Pa- is in the accusative see Vbhaj +sam-vi 2.
troklos, II. 17.426 : cf. Pliny, Nat. Hist., viii. For the long cpd, see 1253a.
42 = 64. 9-1O. Metre, as before. '
And with
See Vvad4.
5. Seeja. (the help of) those two, King S., having
8-9. U.f. ucus girau ko 'pi comforted that Katha, in order to narrate

14-15. ' He saw him completely (abhitas) (vaktum) her or its descent-to-earth in that
overspread (V3kr) with tangled locks, (that (paigaci) dialect, composed (cakre) the
were) like (iva) the smoke of what was left Kathapltha.' This is the name of the pre-
of the fire of his curse, which was [practi- fatory lambaka but there is a double mg, ;


cally] extinguished [but still smouldering ;

he made the pedestal of Katha (personified),
for G. was almost, but not quite, released the next book being called head of K./ '

from his ban

p. 334]. Kathamukha. He consoles Vgvas + a, gerund (

Lit., 'as it were, the smoke-of-extin- of caus.) Katha or Story, by studying it,

guished-remaining-curse-fire.' The long cpd and so atoning for the indignity he had
receives a fern. pi. ending to conform w. offered it, 54 12 .

jatabhis; but it is a genitively dependent 11-12. Metre, rathoddhata, p. 316, 43.

subst. (1264 cpd, whose prior
not adj.) 'And that Story, full of varied beauties,

member, made men forget the stories of the gods

praganta-gesagapagni, is a descrip-
tive noun cpd (1280); gesa-gapagni, again, [lit. (was) possessing forgotten god-stories],
is a descriptive noun cpd (1280) and gapa_ by reason of its interest (kutuhalat, 291 2 ).

agni, finally, is a descriptive noun cpd Then (atra3), after accomplishing that in
(1280b),with a bold metaphor. Cf. Katha- the city, it attained to uninterrupted fame
sarit-sagara, xix.104. in the three worlds.'


53. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. The Manu literature is now very extensive, Only

several of the most important and recent works need be mentioned here.
Arthur C. Burnell and Edward W. Hopkins. The to say that Jolly's robs all preceding ones of their
ordinances of Manu. Translated from the Sanskrit. value, inasmuch as it the result of far-reaching
With an introduction. London, Triihner & Co. critical studies. The principal places in which Jolly's
1884. 8. Price 12 shillings. text varies from that of the Reader are i.97; ii.11,76,
George Biihler. The laws of Manu. Translated 125; xii.23,37,42,45,90,95,96.
with extracts from seven commentaries. [= SBE. The general theory of the origin of the Laws of
vol. xiv.] Oxford, at the Clarendon Press. 1886. Manu was summed up and criticised by Whitney
8. Price 21 shillings. The volume contains an (JAOS. xiii. p. xxx = PAOS. May, 1885). Meantime,
elaborate and valuable introduction. however, BUhler's Introduction has put the question
Julius Jolly. Manava Dharma-castra, the code of in anew light.
Manu. Original Sanskrit text, with critical notes. The relations of our text to the Maha-bharata are
London, Triibner & Co. May, 1887. 8. Price 10 ably discussed by Hopkins, JAOS. xi.239-275 (cf.
shillings 6 pence. PAOS. Oct., 1883). Here may be found, conveniently
Burnell's introduction contains an argument on assembled, quotations from Manu in the Sutras and
the date of our Manu text. Professor Hopkins has inscriptions, the legendary material about him in the
summed up and criticised this argument (JAOS. Epic, and a careful discussion of the passages in the
xiii. p. xxviii = PAOS. May, 1885), and concludes Epic which profess to be the declarations of a per-
that it brings us not one step nearer a solution of sonal Manu.
the problem. By way of calling attention to the interesting sub-
Biihler's introduction (p. civ-cxviii) givesalearned ject of theknowledge of the Greeks concerning India,
discussion of the date. Of this, Hopkins makes a occasional citations are given. The references to
resume (JAOS. xiii. p. cxcviii= PAOS. May, 1887). Strabo's TeiaypafaKa. (of which book xv., chap. 1,
He finds Biibler's conclusions probable, but does not 1-73 describe India) follow Casaubon's paging.
think them absolutely proved by .the proofs adduced. The following introduction is in the main a brief
The text-edition of Loiseleur Deslongchamps abstract of some of the more important points of
(Paris, 1830) is hardly obtainable now. It is safe Biihler's introduction.

54. The native tradition respecting the origin of the Manava-dharma-castra

takes the book to be the work of an individual law-giver. In accordance with this
tradition, until quite recently, it has been usual for English writers to call the
treatise ' The Laws of Manu.' And this designation may still be used, provided

only it be used with an intelligent mental reservation, which takes due account of
the results of modern criticism. For in the light of critical study, the figure of
Manu, as a historical person, fades away but, on the other hand, we find that Manu

as a name is one of the greatest and most reverend of the Hindu

antiquity. Ques-
tions thus arise : Whence the greatness of this name ? What was the real origin of
this law-book, and how came it to be called Manavan ?
55. The word manu originally means simply man (see vocabulary). As ' '

we speak of human children of men,' so the Rig-veda speaks of them

beings as the

as the 'offspring of man (manu)

and in this way arose the conception of a personal

Manu, the father of mankind. He is, in fact, the heros eponymos of the human race.
In the Veda 1 he appears as Father Manu, child of the Sun,' as a holy seer, the

originator of prayer, praise, and sacrifice, and as the object of the special favor of
the gods. In the Brahmanas, Manu is the progenitor of the new race after the flood.
That he was regarded as a type of wisdom, is evidenced by the ancient saw, What- '

ever Manu said, that is medicine (TS.ii.2.10 ). And again, that he was an eminent

type of goodness appears from the fact that his actions came to be looked upon as
1 For the Vedic legend of his birth, see 85 15 N. The 27-31. For ancient legends about Manu, see Buhler's
ancillary books make Manu the author of RV. viii. Manu, p. Iviif; Muir,
.161f, and esp. 181f.
P3411 I
L -I
examples highly worthy of imitation. Thus the Veda says (TS.iii.1.9 ), 'Manu
divided his property among his sons and this is quoted by Baudhayana in his

Dharma-sutra as such an example. Such simple beginnings are entirely natural but ;

they are also sufficient to show how, with the growth of legal literature, the authors
of law-books came to cite all kinds of (supposititious) sayings and doings of Manu as
authoritative precedent. For, after the custom of referring to Manu as authority
was once started, the oftener he was thus cited, the greater his factitious authority
and the temptation to cite him would become. Accordingly, if we examine the four
oldest Dharma-sutras, we find much more frequent reference to Manu in Vasistha,
the latest of them, than in Gautama, the oldest. And thus, at last, what had been
a mere name, a part of the traditional inheritance of the mythical past, attained to
greatness as a personal authority and actual law-giver.
56. Before proceeding to our other questions, let us rehearse briefly the native
account of the origin of the work. In Sanskrit, the book is entitled manava and :

this may mean either 'of Manu or of the Manavans.' The Hindus say, 'of Manu
' ' '

and accordingly the opening stanzas represent the great sages as approaching Manu, '

the son of the Self-existent,' and asking him to declare unto them the law. He
accedes but deems it necessary to go back to a time before the Creation, in order

to show how he derives his lineage (Manu i.33), and hence also his authority,

directly from the Supreme One, Brahmdn. 'He,' says Manu (i.58-60), 'composed
this law-book, and taught it to me alone in the beginning I taught it to Bhrgu ; ;

and Bhrgu will recite it to you.'

Bhrgu accordingly takes up Manu's cosmogonical discourse, continues with an
account of the Four Ages and of other matters, dwells on the excellence of Manu's
Laws, and ends book first with a table of contents of the twelve books of which
the treatise consists.And in order that we may not forget that it is all (or all but
1-60) put into the mouth of Bhrgu, we are frequently reminded of the situation

by an I will next declare or the like, especially at the beginning of books v. and

xii., where Bhrgu mentioned by name as the promulgator of the laws in question.

In accordance with all this, the work is entitled the Bhrgu-samhita of the Manava-
dharma-castra, and it may conveniently be so designated. It contains 2685 9lokas
or 5370 lines ; compare 54 N.
57. For the incredibility of this native account the reasons are near at hand.
First, all the passages involving Bhrgu as promulgator of the work can be separated
from the rest as easily as a picture-frame from the canvas which it surrounds.
Indeed, the entire first book is a most palpable later addition. And, more than this,
Bhrgu himself is cited (at iii.16), with three others, as an authority on a disputed
point. Clearly, the later editors of the work were nodding here ;
else they would
have expunged this stanza. And who knows how many more of a like sort they

may have expunged ?

Manu (to say nothing of the Supreme Spirit),
Moreover, against the claim that
was the author and the law-giver, the case is equally plain.
first For the work
appeals to the authority of Manu here and there, just as the other works of its class
do, thus showing that its earlier editors at least did not pretend that Manu was the
author of the whole. NOT .was he a law-giver without predecessors or rivals else ;

we should not find, as we do, divergent opinions of other ancient sages cited along
with what purports to be his. Moreover, the work itself (ii.6 = 58 14f) admits that

the law based on the Veda, the usage of virtuous men, etc.; and it plainly men-

tions (at iii.232) Dharma-^astras, which must be either contemporaneous, or else

earlier than itself.
58. Secondly, then, What was the real origin of the work ? The first half of
the answer is as follows. The Vedic works, as explained below, fall into the three
classes of Samhita, Brahmana, and Sutra. Chief among the works of the last class is
the Kalpa-sutra, or Ceremony-rules.' No Kalpa work had catholic validity among

all Brahman families. On the contrary, many of the most important old families
had each its own Kalpa-sutra. In these clannish differences, doubtless, originated
the Caranas or '
Schools,' in which Brahman science was cultivated and sacred tradi-
tion handed down from generation to generation. Thus among the adherents of the
Black Yajur-veda, we find the family of Apastamba; and, bearing his name, we find
not only a Brahmana, but also a complete Kalpa-sutra in its three subdivisions
of Qrauta-sutra or Rules for the fire-sacrifices,' Grhya-sutra or Domestic usages,'
' '

and Dharma-sutra or 'Sacred law.' The Kalpa-sutra of Baudhayana doubtless had

a similar make-up. Good editions of various Grhya- and Dharma-sutras are now
accessible in text and translation. They treat of the sacraments, of the duties of a
Brahman in the various stages of his life, as student, householder, hermit, beggar,
of the duties of a king, of the law of inheritance, and so on.
these are the very subjects treated also in the Dharma-<;astras. But there
is one great difference, the difference of form. The Sutras are in mingled prose and
verse, the latter including both tristubh and anustubh stanzas; while the C.astras are
in the ordinary epic gloka. To a mind acquainted with the veriest rudiments of
criticism it is quite clear from their form and language alone that the Qastras are
later than the Sutras a view which is in entire accord with the stanza ii.6=58 14 ,
cited above. The conclusion, then, that the Dharma-9astras, in general, as shown by
their contents and form, are the outgrowth, by a very natural process of evolution,
from the Dharma-sutras, is unimpeached.
59. The other half of our answer
is that the Manava-dharma-9astra, in par-

ticular, is a later metrical recast of a lost Manava-dharma-sutra in other words, that it :

is the 'Law-book of the Manavans.' This is a particular thesis, quite different from
the general conclusion just stated and, although very widely accepted, it is not

universally so. The theory of this connection proceeds as follows. Among the

schools of the Black Yajur-veda, especially among those of the Maitrayaniya branch
thereof, we find the school of the Manavans.
According to the investigations of
Dr. von Schroder, 4 the Maitrayaniya seems to have been one of the oldest and most
important of all the schools of the Yajus-period. Of these Maitrayanlyas there are
.still some representatives surviving in Western India ;
and their Sutras are entitled
Manava-sutras. Manuscripts of the Manava-crauta-sutra and the Manava-grhya-
sutra are still extant. 6

Unfortunately, the Manava-dharma-sutra, the link most important to

connect our Bhrgu-saihhita with the Vedic schools, is still missing. The researches
Compare p. 358, 96f, below. in 1881, ed. of Maitrayanl-samhita, i. p. XVIII; and
2 This theory was hroached by "Weber (I8t. i.69) finally by Buhler in 1887, in his Manu, p. xviii-xlv.
and Miiller (see SEE. ii. p. zi) in 1849. It was con- 3 Bee Carana-vyuha, I8t. iii.258.
firmed or elaborated by Johantgen in 1863, Das 4 In the places just cited.
Gesetzbuch des Manu, p. lOOf ; by West and Buhler 8
Compare p. 356, 90, below.
in 1867, see Digest, p. 27; by Schroder in 1879, Mo- See ZDMG. ixxvi.442-48, where von Bradke
natsberichte der Berliner Akad. for 1879, p. 700, and describes some of them, and states their contents.

of von Bradke, 1 too, failed to show any striking correspondences between the
Manava-grhya-sutra and our treatise. But, on the other hand, Buhler has dis-
covered 2 important correspondences between it and the Manava-^raddha-kalpa.
Moreover, as has been repeatedly pointed out, 8 the Dharma-sutra of Vasistha con-
tains a quotation (iv.5-8) which has every appearance of being a veritable fragment
of the original Manava-dharrna-sutra. In this quotation we have, first, the prose
rule (5) next, the stanzas which support it (6, 7), and which agree entirely or

nearly with Manu v. 41 and 48; and, last, a Vedic passage (8) to support both rule
and stanzas. This is the arrangement usual in the Dharma-sutras. And the prose
rule (5) is characterized by the words iti manavam as a quotation from the Sutra
of a special school ; for works valid for all Aryans are not so cited. 4
Other quotations 5 are found in Vasistha at iii.2, xiii.16, xix.37, and xx.18,
in close correspondence respectively with Manu ii.168, iv.117, x.120, and xi.152 of
our text, and introduced by the formula, And on this point they quote a Manavan

stanza.' From this, one might think that Vasistha was quoting from our Bhrgu-
saihhita. But this inference is barred by the evident posteriority of our text, as
shown by its form and by other general considerations, and in particular by the fact
that the stanza at xix.37 is in the tristubh metre. We conclude, then, that the
Manava-dharma-sutra known to Vasistha closely resembled our text, but was not
identical with it.

62. Now
granting all that precedes, there is a very strong inherent probability
in the conclusion that our Bhrgu-samhita is a metrical recast of the Dharma-sutra
of the Manavan school. More than this cannot be said; for it is not a necessary
conclusion. Its probability, however, has been greatly increased by the considerations
respecting the occasion and method of the recast adduced by Buhler.
63. The occasion was the development (beside the sectarian schools which
studied exclusively a single branch of the Veda and the rudimentary works ancillary
thereto) of the non-sectarian schools of special sciences, whose teachings claimed
validity for all Aryans. In the old Vedic schools, the pupils had to learn the texts
of the Mantras and Brahmanas of
their sect, and the short ancillary treatises, on

ritual, etymology, metre, called Aiigas or 'Limbs' of the Veda.

etc., With the
development of these subjects to elaborate disciplines, it became impossible for a
student to master them all. He must either content himself with a thorough verbal
but unintelligent acquaintance with the texts and short treatises of his own sect or ;

else he must become a specialist in the ritual, the law, or some other subject, and
renounce an extensive knowledge of the sacred texts.
64. That this truly describes the course of things is shown by the present
state of learning in India. A good Vaidik is able to recite all the texts of his branch
of the Veda. But in order to have an elaborate sacrifice performed, there is need of
a Qrotriya specialist, who, though ignorant of the other Aiigas, is yet a master of
the ritual. In the case of two of the Angas, grammar and astronomy, the Vedic
schools possess no sectarian text-books of their own. These subjects, it would seem,
had been abandoned to the specialists at an early period. For a good while longer
the sacred law was cultivated in the Vedic schools, as appears from the existence of

1 In the ZDMG. xxxvi. 417-77 (1882). 4 See BUbler's Manu, p. xxxvii.

2 Buhler's Manu, p. xlf. * See Hopkins, JAOS. xi.242-43; and cf. Buhler,
3 See Buhler, 8BE. xiv. p. xviii f and esp. 26; 8BE. xiv. p. xviii-xx.
Manu, p. xxxi.

the numerous sectarian manuals on the subject. But even in these (see Biihler,
Manu, p. lii, p. xxv,N.3) wefind mention of persons who know several different law-

books, that is, who were specialists in the law. And this fact alone would lead us
to infer the existence of special law-schools.
65. Granting the existence of these schools, we have precisely the combination
of circumstances which would lead to the production of such a work as our Manu-
text. The schools had before them plenty of Sutra-material, sectarian, of only local
validity, unsystematic, and incomplete. In the very nature of things, the schools
would tend to be non-sectarian, to widen their influence, and to systematize and com-
plete the work of their predecessors. And what they have done in our
this is exactly
Manu-text. It is absolutely non-sectarian. As contrasted with its forerunners, it
emphasizes the practical rather than the moral side of the law, treating strictly legal
topics at much greater length. It shows the signs of being a school-book. And
finally, it aims at general validity among all Aryans. This explains the fact that
our Manu shows so little correspondence with the texts of the Vedic Manavan
schools. The recast was the work of men whose interest in their subject exceeded
their interest in a sect.
66. Finally, the greatness of the name of the legendary and semi-divine Manu
suggests the reason why a special law-school should have chosen the Manavan
Dharma-sutra rather than any other as the basis of their new manual. In con-
structing a treatise that aspired to universal acceptance, they must ipso facto with-
draw any claim thereto which rested on the high standing of the Sutra-original as a
sectarian work. The problem then was,
in accomplishing this task, to avoid too
violent a break with tradition. Had
they taken the Gautama-sutra, and recast it,
waiving for it all claim to general validity on the score of Gautama's authority, it
would indeed have been a bold proceeding to father it upon Vyasa or Manu or any
of the great sages of yore. By choosing the Manava-sutra, after their silent waiver
on the one hand, they had only, on the other, to interpret its title expressly as
meaning 'of Manu,' when, presto without the smallest offense to tradition or
grammar, they had a name of unsurpassed authority to commend their work to the

Aryan world.
67. A great deal of the recast Biihler, p. Ixxiii, thinks one half cannot
have been derived from the Sutra-original. The entire first book is most clearly such
a later addition and such is likewise the twelfth book, whose classification of actions

and existences according to the three gunas (66 8f) is based on the teachings of the
Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta systems of philosophy.
What now is the source of these later additions ? The Maha-bharata offers very
many correspondences with our Manu-text. A comparative study of the two works
shows that the editors of the latter have not drawn on the former, but rather that
both works have drawn upon a common stock of popular metrical maxims (Hopkins,
JAOS. xi.268), which embodied much of the traditional legal lore, and were ascribed
(as is attested by extant inscriptions) now to one and now to another of the ancient
mythical sages Vyasa, Manu, and the rest.
68. As for the method of conversion of the Sutra into our Manu-text, Pro-
fessor Biihler is of opinion (p. xcii) that it took place at one time, and that our text
is not the result of many successive recasts.
69. Coming, finally, to the date of the recast, Professor Biihler concludes
[345] PAGB 57.

(p. cxiv, cxvii) that it existed in the second century A.D., and was made between
that time and circa 100 B.C. General considerations make this conclusion seem far
from improbable. Our Manu-text is doubtless the oldest of the class of secondary
law-books, like those of Yajnavalkya and Narada, to which it belongs (p. civ). And
again, while it is doubtless posterior to the older portions of the Maha-bharata, our
Manu-text in some form or other is probably prior to the later portions of the

great Epic, books xii. and xiii. But we do not know the time of Yajnavalkya nor
of the Epic; and at present it seems quite vain to seek for an accurate date.

SYNOPSIS. (prabha).' Brahman is conceived as too

Darkness. The
Self-existent 56 distant to be a father; cf. ZDMG.xxxii.295.
Creation of light and of water 56 18 The idea of the mundane egg may be
Mundane egg. The Vedas. The castes . . . 57 J
Divisions of time for men ; for Manes ; for gods 57 17
traced to the Veda cf. 91 16 . It plays a
The four ages of the world 58 2 in divers Indian cosmogonies see
Age of the gods. Day of Brahman .... 58s
1.6 1

Praise of Hrahmans 58' C,B. xi. Chandogya Upanisad, iii. 19


Foundations of the Law 58 14

(SEE. i.54) Vianu Parana, i.2.52f (see esp.
The Sacraments (see Note) 59 1
Name-giving. Names 59 9 Wilson's Transl. 2 i.39f and notes); these

The Brahman's staff. Begging S9 23 2

The student. Om. Savitrl 60* passages are given by Muir, iv .24f, 41f . Cf.
60 16 8
Etiquette of salutations also Preller, Griech. Mythol., i .
35f; and
Dignity of Veda-teacher. Story of Kavi . . 61 15
Terms of study. Marriage 61 23 Pott's Anti-Kaulen, 68f.
The householder. Precepts and prohibitions . 628
5-6. '
The waters are called "
Virtue is the only true friend 63 7 naraa,"
The struggle for existence 63 21 (because) the waters are indeed the offspring
Wanton life-taking. Etymology of maftsa . 642
Women. The faithful widow 64 of the Primal Spirit (nara). Since these
The forest-hermit. Self-castigation .... 64 16 were his ancient place of motion (ayana),
The pious mendicant 0422
The four orders 65* therefore is he called Narayana' ('having
The lunar penance 65 5
the nara = naraa as his ayana,' 1302). This
Classification of actions 65 B
Rewards and punishments 65 19 oft-recurring etymology, as found in MBh.
The three gunas. Acts classed thereby ... 66 s
and Puranas, is discussed at length by Wilson
Triple orders of transmigration 67 1
Transmigrations entailed by special sins . . . 67 19 and Hall in notes to Visnu Purana, i.4.6,
Means of gaining bliss 68 s
Warning against heterodoxy 68 10 Transl. 2 i.56-8. Cf Lassen, IA. i 2 .769. For

correct derivation, see narayana.

NOTES TO PAGE 56. 7-8. 'What (was) that cause (etc. see
15. This account of Creation (9lokas 5-18), sadaaadatmaka), thence-created (was) the
with others, is given and translated by Muir, Purusa, (and) in the world he is called
' " Brahman." ' Cf ZDMG.
iv 2 . 30f. -See idam. -'Darkness cf. xxxviii.193-4, 206.

RV. x.129.3. 9-10. atmano dhyanat, 'by his medita-

16. adhya- 1, i.e. prathamo 'dhyayah. tion' (291 2 ). -See Vlkr 10.
17-18. He, (himself) not-manifest, mak-
11-12. See Vlma+nia. -See di.
ing manifest (vy-anjayann) this (universe), 13-14. U.f. -ravibhyaa. See brahman
the grosser elements and so forth, revealed 3. U.f. yajna-aiddhi-artham rc-yajus-
himself (u.f. pradus aait). saman-laksanam. Cf. AB. v.32.
19-2O. U.f. yas aaau ati- etc., aaa 15-16. The -taa puts the whole aggrega-
ud-babhau. tive cpd hi an ablative relation (1098b).
The older designation of the second caste
NOTES TO PAGE 57. was rajanya, which term is used at RV.
1-2. Join the ablatives w. siarksus. x.90.12, of which stanza this <;loka is a para-
U.f. apaa adau. Primeval waters: cf. phrase. For many other mythical accounts
2 2
Muir, iv 24f .
also Strabo, xv.59, p. 713. of the origin of the castes, see Muir, i .7-

3-4. 'That (seed) became a golden (u.f. 160, esp. p. 10 and p. 159.
haimam) egg, having sun -like splendor 18b Day (is) for performance of works.
PAGE 57.


19-2O. The dark and light lunar fort- 1O-13 = MBh. v. 6. 1-2 = 109-110, with
nights (= one human month) form respec- variants.

tively the day and night of the Manes ; for 14-15. No real difference between gfla
with them everything See C. B. and acara. See also Biihler's Manu, p. Ixvii.
is reversed.
ii.4.2 or AJP. iii.403. They are fed once a tad - vidam = veda - vidam. atmanas
month. The older Greek division of the tustis may decide in cases where no rule of
month was in two fortnights (cf. Hesiod, morals and no usage is involved. L. 14
Works and Days, 780): gukla = /*V lardnevos agrees exactly with Gautama's Dharma-

krsna = priv <f>6iva>v. fastra, i.1-2, except that it is in metrical

21-22. U.f. ahas tatra (= ratry-ahnos) form.
udag-ayanam. 16-17. -uditam, Vvad. See vi+pra.
23 f. 'Attend ye to that (tan) which is
Lit. 18-19. Observe that gruti and smrti (see
the extent both of a night-and-day of Brah- these) or revelation and 'tradition' have '

man and of the ages.' come to be important technical terms. Con-

cerning their significance, see M. Miiller,
NOTES TO PAGE 58. Ancient Sanskrit Literature, 86f. dharma-
1. See tu 4. Respecting the ages, see gastram, collectively see Biihler's Manu, :

Roth, Ueber den Mythus von den funf Men- p. xxv. U.f. sarva^arthesu am-.

schengeschlechtern bei Hesiod und die indische 2O-21. mule Jolly reads tu_ubhe. :

Lehre von den vier Weltaltern, Tubingen, 1860. U.f. hetugastra^agrayat, 'from support of
The conception of a past golden age is com- or relying on hetugastras.' Such^ treatises
mon. The scheme of ages as here presented on dialectics are mentioned a number of
ispost-Vedic (see Roth, p. 24f ), and based times in the Si-yu-ki (Beal), e.g. ii.218f.
on the simple descending arithmetical pro- 22-23. What is agreeable to one's own


gression, 4, 3, 2, 1. Description of the four self same as atmanas tustis. See

ages, MBh. iii.149.11 = 11234, f. Criticism laksana lend.
and numerical details Whitney, JAOS. vi.
152f; Visnu Purana, i.S.lOf, Transl. i.49f; 1-2. The body-consecration, having the

Monier Williams, Indian Wisdom, 333. Gold- niseka as its first

(rite), is to be performed
en age described by the Brahman KoAacoy, etc.' Samskara
(see this) is here collective,
Strabo, xv.64, p. 715. including the various single sacraments.
2-3. Four thousand of years, they say,

Observe that there are rites for all

(is) the krta yuga (see krta). Its morning
stages of a Brahman's existence from before
twilight has just as many hundreds and its his birth till after death. Megasthenes gives

evening twilight is similar.' 400+4000+400 an interesting account of the Brahmans (pre-

=4800. served by Strabo, xv.59, p. 712f ), and notes
4-5. itaresu, sc. yugesu, i.e. the Treta, that even from the time of
conception in the
Dwapara, and Kali, which last respectively womb (^877 eii&vs Koi Kvofjitvovs) they are under
3600, 2400, and 1200. Total of all four, the care of wise men.
12,000. See v'vrt2. The samskaras or sacraments.' '

6-7. See adi 1. - ' What is that quad- '

1. garbha^adhana, conception.'
ruple-age, just now reckoned up completely, 2. pum-savana, 'male-ceremony.' '

that, consisting of 12,000 (years), is called

3. simanta^unnayana, hair-parting.'
4. jata-kannan, birth-ceremony.'
an age of the gods.' Cf Whitney, I.e., 154 top.
5. nama-dheya, name-giving.'
8-9. sahasram etc., cf. Psalm xc.4; II. 6. niskramana, going
Peter iii.8. brahmam ekam ahar: here 7. anna-pragana, rice-feeding.'

then are distinguished periods of Brahman's 8. cuda-karman, tonsure of scalp.'
9. upanayana, 'investiture.'
repose (universal death) and of his activity 10.
tonsure of beard.'
(" new heavens and a new earth ") see ; 11. samavartana, 'return from study.'
ZDMG. xxxviii.191, 25. 12. vivaha, marriage.'
[347] | PAGE 6O.

Most of these 21-22. See garbha 1.

are described at length, garbhastame =
AGS. i.!3f or SEE. xxix.!79f or 46f or M.
garbhad astame. upanayanam this .

Williams, Indian Wisdom, 246, 201. Number most important ceremony is described AGS.
2 is done to bring it about that the child i.19-22 or SEE. xxix.!87f.
prove a male. No. 3 is a consecration of the
pregnant woman by the parting of her hair.
3-4. garbhais homais the oblations :
1. -U.f. pari^itya (992).
prad-, see 99*N.

relating to pregnancy are involved in sacra- 2-3. bhavatpurvam, see vocab. The for-
ments 2 and 3. The ligation of the girdle mulae are bhavati, bhiksam dehi bhik-

accompanies investiture (9). U.f. enas sam, bhavati, dehi bhiksam dehi, bhavati.

apa-mrjyate. Similar distinctions, 61 7 N.

5-6. See vrata4. U.f. ijyaya, 'offer- 4-5. vyatyasta-panina (V2as), 'by (sc.

ing to Gods, Rishis, and Manes, while he is

the pupil) having crossed hands.'
a student. sutais: procreation of sons is 6-7. adhy-esyamanam (Vi, 939) etc., 'To
a duty. '
A Brahman is born laden with (the pupil) about to recite, the teacher should
three debts. He owes Veda-study to the say, "Ho, recite (617)!" and should stop
Rishis ;
sacrifice to the Gods ;
and sons to (a-ramet) him with the words .'

the Manes.' TS. vi. 3. 10 5 . - The '

great India presents a thousand striking and
sacrifices are five, to the Gods, Beings, interesting contrasts with the Occident. So
Manes, Brahman, and men enumerated especially
: in her way of handing down lore

QB. xi.5.6 1 or AGS. iii.l (= SEE. xxix.217) from age to age. This
described by the

orManuiii.69f. yajnais, such as a certain RV. Prati9akhya, chap. xv. and reported ;

Soma-ceremony called jyotistoma, says a by Weber, ISt. x.!28f; Zimmer, 210; Kaegi,
Scholiast. U.f. brahmi, 'holy, fit for Fleckeisen's Jahrbiicher, 1880, p. 451. Or see
union with Brahman.' SEE. xxix.l!2f,119f.
7^8. See pranc3. 'Feeding of gold- 8-9. brahmanas (see brahman 2) limits
rubbings, honey, and ghee/ See AGS. i.15.1. adau and ante. See Vlkr7. sravati,
9. karayet : note that in Manu the pre- subject brahma. Vlgr+vi.
scriptive use of the optative with indefinite 1O-11. a+u+m = om. Prajapati belongs
subject (' a man or one ') is very common.

RV., and
to the period succeeding the is later
10. Here the va's are = eva and mean supplanted by Brahman. nir-aduhat, 635.
' 18
just.' Scholiast. Seeiti4. Compare 57 .

11-12. Subject, nama. See Vyuj 4 sam. 12-13. aduduhat (856) see vduh, caus.
"Nomen, omen." This is
See Vgup. Extracted one verse of the stanza begin-
an old belief cf QB. iii.6.2 2*. The QGS., ning with "tad" (74 14 ) from each of the
: .

i.24.4-6, mentions two names, one of which three Vedas.' U.f. tad iti rcas.
is kept secret by the parents to protect the 14. etam, sc. ream.
child from witchcraft. See Stenzler's note 16. hi, for,' has pertinence only as con-

to AGS. i.15.8. Cf. Weber's 2d Naksatra necting this 9loka with 119. U.f sthavire .

essay, Abh. der Berliner Akad., 1861, p. 316f. a-yati (619), loc. absol.
13-14. The scholiast Kulluka gives as 19. Hiatus, without combination, at cae-
examples Cubha-Qarman
: Bala-varman ; ;
sura: cf. 12 5 N.
" I am so-
Vasu-bhuti; Dina-dasa. 2O-21. param. Saying See '

15-16. Sc. nama syat. See airv-. and-so by name," he should announce his
17-18. U.f. yad va istam (see VI is) etc., name.' The older one or the one superior
or what passes for auspicious in the family,' in station speaks or salutes first. Thus, when
sc. tat kartavyam. The rules allow some the great Yayati is falling from heaven and
latitude for diversities of customs in fam- meets in mid-air Astaka and others, Astaka
ilies, villages, etc. See 98 16 and note. Cf. asks him, " Who art thou ? but not without
Manu viii.46. excusing himself, as the inferior, for bold

PAGE 6O. '

incivility in speaking first. MBh. i.88.10 = of the 'twice-born' (see dvija) is the upa-
3573. SoOd. 3.24: nayana. The teacher is the spiritual father.
aiSojj 5' o3 veov &vSpa ycpairepov QfpftffOai. See SEE. ii.3,174; xiv.9.
22-23. See abhivada. na janate, 17-18. U.f. adhy-apayam asa (1042e,
from ignorance of Sanskrit. Cf. Burnell, 1045) pitfn (see pitr 2) cjigus. See ha.
Introduction, p. xxvii. striyas thus in : 19-2O. 'They, (having arrived-anger=)
the prologue to act iv. of the Qakuntala, getting angry, asked the gods about the
Durvasas, behind the stage, cries out to the matter. And the gods, assembling (sametya),
women, ayam aham, bhoh, Ho there, it said (ucus) to them etc.'

is I.' 22. See iti2f and 1102a2 near end.

23. See sattringat and abdika. The
NOTES TO PAGE 61. Brahmanical school-term lasted 4J months,
1-2. 'The word bhos one should repeat began with the upakarman and ended with
(at the end of = )
after one's name in salu- the utsarga see Biihler's Manu, p. xlvi,
tation. For the use of bhos instead of a and note to iv.95. See guru4. '
person's real name is declared by the Rishis course (vrata) in the three Vedas is to be

(to be the same as) the use of the true form followed, (lasting 36 = for 36 ) years.'
of a person's name.' See bhobhava and Twelve years for each Veda (see veda2),
svarupabhava. The bhos is of course in AGS. i.22.3. This is sober earnest for a
lieu of the name of the person addressed. Hindu. The idea would make a Greek laugh
And the rowel a must be pronounced cf., e.g., Lucian's 'Ep^Tjyuos, chap. i.f, and
(added) at the end of his name, with the esp. vi.
previous syllable protracted reading piir- Not even mighty Indra can absolve
vaksaraplutah (see Buhler). Thus Deva- those who fain would know the Veda from
datta and Harabhute are to be pronounced the necessity of studying it. See the charm-
Devadatta3a and HarabhutaSya see ing tale of Yavakrita, MBh. iii.135.15-42 =

Whitney, 78. 10706f, outlined at ZDMG. xxxii.318.

7-8. This rule observed, e.g. in the
is Caesar's account of the Druids (E.G.
drama, by the Rishis and the king, Qakuu- vi.14) comes near the truth for the Brahmans
tala, mid. of act v. For other differences in several respects. Magnum ibi numerum
in the modes of address used for or by the versuum ediscere dicuntur. Itaque annos
different castes, see 60 2 N.; 12 nonnulli vicenos in disciplina permanent. Etc.
C.B. i.1.4 (or
SEE. xii.28 or Weber's Ind. Streifen, i.49). Cf. also Roth, KZ. xxvi.53.
The rule is disregarded in the Epos, e.g. at
MBh. 1.71.5 = 2899. NOTES TO PAGE 62.
Analogous distinctions : E. W. Hopkins, 1. See 2antika: adjectives go w. vratam.
Mutual relations of the four Weber, castes, 6f ;
2-3. vedan (as contrasted w. dual and
Manu, viii.88 and 113. sing. = 3 Vedas.' AV. not included.
ISt. x.llf ; )

9-1O. 'A d- is not to be addressed by yathakramam, first the Mantras, then the
name even if he is younger (cf. x. to 6020 ) ; Brahmanas, in order. Two principal ele-
but with bhos or (some case-form from the ments characterize the '
course or vrata,

stem) bhavant a dh- should speak to him viz., study (adhy-ayana) and holy living
(enam).' Thus, bho diksita idam kuru! !
(brahma-carya). adhi^itya a-vaset:
or, bhavata yajamanena idam kriyatam ! ! cf. Megasthenes, in Strabo, xv.59, p. 712,
For the long adverb, see vocab. T77 5' tvra (!) Kal -rpuSuiovra. oSrtas ftffWTM

11-12. U.f " bhavati " . iti evam : see iti4. avaxwpeiv < r^v eavrov KTijffiv fKcurrov etc.
13-14. U.f. rtvijas. ' One should say [to 4-5. Him ( = the student), approved (on '

those in line 13] " asau aham," rising up to account of [280] his = ) for doing his duty,
meet (them, even if they are) the younger.' he ( =the "father," sc. pita) should pre-
15-16. The second ' or spiritual birth ' sent with a cow.'
' '
pitus, from his father,'
[349] | PAGE 03.

meaning his spiritual " father," i.e. (61 N.) 15

surface, under which the sun passes by night
his teacher, who may also be his natural in the same plane of motion as by day, the
father. sun will be to the north of the dwellers of
6-7. See Vman+anu. snatva, techni- Northern India at night, just as it is to the

cal, see s'sna. He thereby becomes a snataka. south of them in the day.
sam-a-vrttas, technical see sacrament The point of the prohibitions is that the
no. 11, p. 340. savarnam : OVK ea-ri ya/j.f'iv parts of shame be not turned to the Sun-god
e aAAou yevous, Strabo, xv.49, p. 707. or (as at 62 20 ) any other sacred or venerable
cf. 98 7 8 thing. The prohibition recurs in very many

laksana-, .

8-9. Let him give up all affairs which Sanskrit books (e.g. MBh.xiii.l04.75=5029,f

hinder his study (296b), but (be) teaching VP. iii.ll.10f for other parallel passages, ;

anyhow (see yathaS) for that is the con- ; see SBE. vii.194), and may be traced, with
dition of having done his duty or of having similar ones, back to the AV. (xiii.1.56).
attained his end.' 'Teaching anyhow,' i.e. Entirely identical is the Pythagorean
'maintaining himself as best he can while irpbs Tfi\Lov rfrpa.nij.fvos fa^i oSpn Frag, philos.
teaching.' Graec., ed. Miillach, i. p. 506. This coinci-
1O-11. uklambara3: 'Ivdovs iaOijri \tvi<fi dence, with others, is discussed by L. von
XfTJffOo-i Kal ffivSdffi Aeu/ccus /coi Kapirdffois etc., Schroder, Pythagoras und die Inder (Leipzig,
Strabo, xv.71, p. 719. The castes wore 1884), 31-39. But Weber points out that
clothes of different colors. The priests the same thing occurs in Hesiod, Works and
regularly wore white during religious cere- Days, 727. Cf. Pliny, Nat. Hist, xxviii.6
monies. See yuj2. end = 19.
12-13. There is so frequent need of water
for ceremonial purification that a Brahman NOTES TO PAGE 63.
should never be without Baudhayana, 1-2. a-caksita, 616.
it (see 'Nor let him tell
i.6 and 7, esp. i.7.1, or SEE. xiv.!60f hence (the fact that she is drinking
) ; V2dha) to
the jar. See veda not v6da. 'Gold any body (297a). U.f divi in-. .


ear-rings xP u(TO<t>0 P " vra M eTP' ws ^" T0 s *'^

: 3-4. U.f. -dhvanau ('at the sound of)

Strabo, xv.59, p. 712. rg-yajuai (1253a) na adhi^iyita (616)

14-15. U.f. na ikaeta ud-yantam. See adhi^itya va api antam etc. See va 1 end.
+upa and 23 x. Respecting this and the next gloka (SV.
\fsrj See gatal.
16-17. See Vvrs. Seerupal. impure), see Muir, iii .25f, Aufrecht, Rig-
18-19. Let him make '
(to be) stand- veda^, i. p. xxxviii, and Hopkins's note to
ing on the right' see 99%. Prad- is an Burnell's Manu, iv.124.

adj.; and is neuter, since sexless things are

7-8. See go3. Like the earth, iniquity
among the substantives. Places where
done in the world does not bear fruit at
four ways meet have been the object of awe once; but etc.' See Vvrt+a. mulani:
and of many superstitions cf. W. Menzel, same figure at Proverbs xii.3.
: Vkrt.
Die vorchristliche Unsterblichkeitslehre, i.145, Cf. MBh. i.80.2 = 3333,f.
163. vanaspatin for an instance of tree- : 9-1O. If (punishment falls) not on (the '

worship, see Katha-sarit-sagara, xx.26. Cf. doer) himself, (it falls) on his sons, etc.' Cf.
also J. Fergusson, Tree and Serpent Worship, the second command of the Mosaic deca-
passim. logue. See tu3.
(= Manu
20. U.f. vayu-agni-vipram. apas : a 13. Lines 13-20: these and 29 -

similar respect for the waters (which are viii.17) are translated by Muir, i .380; and
divinities 83 1 ) was shown by the Persians (with classical parallels) in the same author's
(Hdt. i.138;Strabo, xv.3.16, p. 733) and the Metrical Translations from Skt. Writers, p. 26.
Greeks (Hesiod, Works and Days, 757 ) . 17-18. See 2sama2. vimukhas, very

pagyans, facing.' naturally ! but the rules also forbid looking

22-23. If the earth be regarded as a Sat around (103 17 ).

PAGE 63. '

21-22. See idam.

23 f. See api 2 beg. -"Thus gazelles
eat herbs ; tigers eat gazelles ;
men eat fish ;
2. pra-vrajan, technical (see vocab.),
lions eat elephants." Scholiast. describing the pravrajaka.
3. THE ORDERS. See acrama. Perhaps
NOTES TO PAGE 64. the best English names are: 1. 'Student,'
2-3. U.f. kuryat, 599 N. - See sanga2. for brahmacarin; 2. 'Householder,' for
-SeetuS. grhastha; 3. 'Forest-hermit,' for vana-
6-7. U.f. bhaksayita (1050, cf. 944) prastha and 4. 'Ascetic or Pious mendi-

iha admi aham. Me eat in t'other world cant,' for yati.


will he, whose meat in this world eat do I. The last is often called Beggar (bhiksu) '

That the wise declare to be the meatness of or 'Wanderer' (pra- or pari-vrajaka).

meat = That is why meat is called meat.' 5-6. Lit. One should diminish one mouth- '

An example of Hindu etymologies, which ful at a time in the dark fortnight etc.,' i.e.
are often little better than mere puns as '
diminish one's food by one mouthful etc.'
here, mam sa and marisam. Hopkins notes See trisavana. This, the diminuendo-
that this is given in varied form, MBh. xiii. crescendo form of the lunar fast, is called
116.35=5714. Cf. Whitney, AJP. iii.402; pipilika-madhya or ant-middled.' '

also 94 16 . 7-8. 'One should follow the same rule

8-9. See uposita. See Vcru, desid. entire, in (case of) the yava-madhyama
See yena2. Cf. Strabo, xv.59, p. 712: performing (carancj the
(see this), intent,
TCUS Se yvvai^l rats ya/j.frals (ify <rvfji<j>i\o(ro<t>e?v lunar penance with the bright fortnight
rovs BpaxM"" aj etc. Notable exceptions to first.'

this statement are found in the ancient These are fully described, e.g. by Gau-
legends of Maitreyi and Gargi SEE. xv. tama, xxvii. (transl. SEE. ii.296f), and by
108,130,136. Baudhayana, iii.8 (SEE. xiv.303f). .

1O-11. '
Any thing disliked of her husband 9f. Cf. below, p. 357, 90. -For a
(296b), displeasing to him.' It is note- summary of this schematic exposition of
worthy that widow-burning (see p. 382) is the doctrine of metempsychosis, see Indian
quite ignored here. It is not mentioned Wisdom, 280.
anywhere in Manu; and the same is true of 9-1O. Resulting in weal or woe (is our) '

Yajnavalkya, Narada, Gautama, Apastamba, karman, which originates in mind, voice,

and most of the others. Jolly, Sitzungs- and body.' Thus qualified, karman com-
berichte der Bairischen Akad., 1876, p. 447. prehends virtuous and sinful thoughts, '

He thinks it originated among the lower words, and deeds.' See gati4.
classes. 11-12. taaya, sc. karmanas. See api2
12-13. See kamam, adv. V2ksi, caus. beg. See dehin. One should know '

See Vgraho. parasya limits nama. that the mind is the prompter in this world
14-15. U.f. asita (616) a maranat. (iha) of this (action) which is three-fold
\ksam. [viz. best, worst, and middling, cf. 65 ] and
16-17. evam, so,' as described in book iii. has three manifestations [viz. as thoughts,

18-19. Prescriptions quite the reverse of words, and deeds, 659 ], is connected with
those at 62 10 . the body, (and) has ten kinds [3+4+3 kinds,
2O-21. U.f. pancatapas (see vocab.) enumerated in 9lokas 5, 6, 7].'
varsasu abhra-. Compare, e.g., the penances 17. avidhanatas hereby are excluded :

of Yayati after he retires to the forest, MBh. from this category injuries to sacrificial
i.86.11 = 3544,f and those exhibited to victims when required by the ritual, or to

Alexander, Strabo, xv.61, p. 714; and see a man when inflicted as a lawful penalty.
xv.63, p. 715. 19. U.f. manasa eva ayam (lit. 'this one
22. vihrtya, = a man ') upa-bhunkte. See v'2bhuj +upa2
[351] I PAGE 68.

NOTES TO PAGE O6. Each gati is of three kinds :

1. 'And (ca) he [if he does right for the a. lowest; b. middling; c. highest.
most part and wrong a little] enjoys bliss in The scheme is not strictly adhered to. In
heaven, invested (Vlvr+a) with those very line 1, for instance, 'plants' are put among
elements (see bhuta5), i.e. with a corporeal the beasts and in 15, the Vedas,' among


Those very before-mentioned at the gods. But we are not surprised to find
Manu xii.16.
' '
Qudras (line 3)among the beasts, and Brah-

Deserted by the elements
= '
after mans' (line 13) among the gods (see 94 18 ).
death.' Scholiast. U.f. tamasisu (sc. gatisu) uttama. 6.
4-5. See jiva. See the mention of the
7-8. See jhalla. vsanj+pra.
five elements, Strabo, xv.59 end, p. 713. The 11-12. ye merely fills out the verse see
spirit, after purgation, takes on a human ya3 beg. 'Likewise all Apsarases.' On
form again. The purgatorial idea is promi- the Apsarases, see Holtzmann, ZDMG.
nent in book xviii. of the MBh. xxxiii.631f.
6-7. 'Considering (drstva) these gatis 17. Technically used words see vocab.

(which result) from right-doing and from 19-2O. 'A Brahman-slayer enters the
wrong-doing' (1098). -See Vldha3. womb of dogs (cjvan), swine, asses, camels,
8-9. See sattva2, rajas4, tamas-3, and cows, goats (aja), sheep (avi), etc.,' in order
esp. guna3, and also atmano, and mahant2, to be born therefrom as dog, etc.
all technical terms here. One should '
22-23. U.f. pretas antyastri- pronounce, :

know goodness, passion, and darkness as pretantyastri-, in violation of 177. 'By

the atman's three qualities, with which the stealing grain, one becomes a mouse; (by
mahant constantly pervades all these exist- stealing) water, (one becomes) a duck; etc.'

ent things without exception.' See p. 344, The same construction runs on to 68 3 . Note
67. Line 9 is explained under sthita4. that some of the gatis have a special
10-11. ca the sense requires ' or
ca :
or.' '"As having the quality of darkness
as its attribute
tamasam modifies only the
prior member, guna-; the verbally strict 45. '
Women also in like manner (see
phrase would be tamo-guna-laksanam (cf. kalpa) by stealing would incur guilt. They
line 15). become mates of these very creatures (men-
14-15. 'What (deed) one wishes (to be) tioned above).'
known by everybody etc.' jnatam: con- 8-9. See pravrtta and nivrtta. eti,

jecture of BR. at vi.489. lajjati, metri 'one attains to.' aty-eti etc., 'gets rid of
gratia, for -te. the five elements,' i.e. obtains final libera-
18-19. See ya6 and sarva2c. But '

the transmigrations which (a man) enters And whatsoever heterodox philos-

10-11. '

upon by reason any (quality of them=) ophies (there are).' See Ika2b: the first
of these qualities, these (of all, i.e.) through ca = and.'

all this world in order I will briefly state.' 12-13. 'Whatsoever doctrines (yani kani
2O-23. A summary of the scheme fol- cid, sc. gastrani), differing (anyani) from
lowing. this (atas = vedat), spring up and come to

nought, these (tani) etc.'

14-15. See crestha and 2vara: and for
1-18, clokas 42-60. Scheme of the nine abl., 292b. vyava-, 'the resolute' who
sets of gatis. On him who is governed by practice what they learn.
it, each guna entails a gati to wit, :

I. tamas, the
gati of a beast (42-44) ;

II. rajas, the gati of a man (45-47) ;

' '
III. sattva, the gati of a god (48-50). specimens of vakrokti, play on words or
Norss TO

PAGE 68. '

Calembourg/ Both come from the Subha- eaten by a tiger.' Solution ekona vingatir :

sitarnava, and are taken by me from Bo'ht-naryah = wives twenty lacking one (477a)
' '

or, dividing eko na (stem nr ), one man (and)

lingk's Indische Spriicke, 2d ed., no's 1428

and 6846. Other specimens are no's 4042 twenty wives.'

and 6389. 18-19. U.f. mama ajnaya. Solution:
16-17. 'Nineteen wives went to the wood na tena, not by him,' when joined, gives

to play. Twenty came home. The rest were natena (v'nam), 'by him bending over.'


70. Selections xxxi. to Ixxv. comprise Mantra of the original in parenthesis. The Note-numbers
" Veda" in its narrower sense), Brahmana, and are alike in both.
Sutra. They are taken for the most part from the 71. For grammatical forms peculiar to the Veda,
" " in its broader reference to Whitney will be made when needful;
Rigvedic literature (or Rigveda
sense). Professor Kaegi's little work, entitled Der but the student should read systematically the sec-
Rigveda (2d ed.), and described above, Brief List, tions that describe Vedic noun-inflection and verb-
p. zx, no. 23, is recommended as a most useful intro- conjugation. For the former subject, the small-print
duction to Vedic study, on account of its general lines of 330, 340, and 342 are important ; and for the
excellence, and, in particular, on account of the ful- latter, the paragraphs on the subjunctive, 557-563,
ness of its bibliographical details. It is, moreover, 736, 700, and those on the mode-forms of the different
now easily accessible in an English version by Dr. aorists, chap. xi. The accent, explained by "Whitney,
Robert Arrowsmith, published by Ginn and Co., 80-86, is important for the exegesis and otherwise.
Boston, 1886, price $1.65. Kaegi's book will be fre- The accent-rules are given at 92-97, 314-320, 591-598,
" The
quently cited in the sequel, as Kaegi," with the 1082-86. notation of the accent is explained at
page-number of the translation first, followed by that 87-90.

72. The Vedic

literature is based on the songs of the early Aryan tribes

immigrant into India. These tribes were life-loving, brave, and warlike, and show
their nature clearly in their songs. But they were remarkable above all for the
strength of their religious instinct. This is a cardinal fact the prime determinant
of the character of the early Indian literature for that literature is one of prevail-

ingly religious content. The Veda is thus distinguished from the later literature
of the Epic and the Classical periods by its contents, and also no less by its
language and style. But within itself, the Vedic literature (or "Veda" in the
broader sense of the word) shows differences which serve to divide it into three

great groups.
73. To assign a definite chronological period for each of these groups is
neither feasible nor necessary. 1 But it is interesting and quite possible to establish
an inner chronologic sequence among the groups themselves and the sub-groups, and
even among individual books and parts of books. To the first group belong the
ancient songs themselves, which are in metrical form and are known as the Vedic
" "
hymns or Mantras. The term Veda is often used in a narrower sense to denote
them. To the second belong the Brahmanas, the oldest Indo-European prose extant,
which presuppose and are dependent on the Mantra-literature. The third group
comprehends the Sutras, collections of brief rules upon liturgical and other subjects,
which, in turn, presuppose both of the foregoing groups.

Indeed, to do so would give a very false impres- ture shade off from one into another so, for
sion. The periods overlap; and the styles of litera- example, in the Yajurveda.
T3531 5
L -I

74. A great mass of Mantra-material originated and was handed down by

memorial tradition orally from generation to generation long before the existence
of any such collections of Mantras as have come down to us. 1 The Mantras fall into
several different classes. To one belongs the hymn-stanza (fc) to another, the ;

sacrificial formula (yajus) and to another, the magic charm (brahman). From the

stock of Mantras of one class for example, the yajus a certain collection with
definite arrangement became established by popular usage in a certain community,
and thus arose a Veda, for example, a Yajurveda not a certain definite book, but
some one of many possible and probable collections of Mantras of a certain definite
class. From the same stock of the same class another collection was formed in
another community, and thus arose another Veda, for example, another Yajurveda.
The period in which the oldest hymns of the Rigveda originated may be set back
into the second pre-Christian millennium; 2 but this only on certain general con-
siderations not as a matter of precise argumentation. Geographically, the early
Vedic Aryans may be referred to Kabul and the Panjab. 8
75. The Mantras have come down to us, for the most part, in several collec-
tions, diverse in form and purpose. There was, besides, more or less Mantra-material
which was never embodied in any collection, 4 but of which we find remnants scattered
about in various books. The great collections of Mantras are the Rigveda, the
Samaveda, the Yajurveda, and the Atharvaveda. The text of the Mantras forms
what is often called a Sarhhita. To each Samhita is attached a body of dependent
or ancillary works of the Brahmana and Sutra groups so that the oldest Indian :

books are classed, first, according to the Veda to which they belong; and, secondly,
according to their character as Mantra, Brahmana, or Sutra. It is to be remembered
that "Veda" has a narrower and a broader sense, and that "Rigveda," for instance,

may mean either the Rigveda-samhita or also the entire body of works belonging to
that Veda.
76. The Sauihita of the Rigveda is a historical 6 collection. It consists of
1017 hymns, each containing on an average about ten double lines, 6 so that the text is
in volume somewhat less than that of the two Homeric poems together. There is
a purely external and mechanical division of the text into 'Eighths,' 'Lessons,' 7

Groups,' and Stanzas (astaka, adhyaya, varga, re) but this need not specially
' '

concern us now. Of deep historical significance is the other division into Books,' '

Chapters,' Hymns,' and Stanzas (mandala, anuvaka, sukta, re).
' ' '

77. There are ten Books (literally, Circles '). And of these, books ii. to
' ' '

viii. the so-called "Family-books"

are that is, they contain each the hymns
ascribed to a single family or clan, in which they doubtless originated, and by which
they were handed down Thus, book ii. contains the hymns
as a sacred inheritance.
of Grtsamada and his clan. Those of Vi9vamitra and his tribe follow in book iii.;
and then in order those of Vamadeva (book iv.), Atri (book v.), Bharadvaja (book
vi.), Vasistha (book vii.), and Kanva (book viii.). The ninth book is made up of
1 See Roth's Atharvaveda in KascJimir, p. 9-10. 8 As distinguished from a liturgical collection
Respecting the purpose of the RV. collec-
2 See Whitney in The Century Magazine, 1887, see 86.
xxxiii. 921 ; or Kaegi, note 38. Cf Ludwig, iii. 178f . .
tion, see Roth, KZ. xxvi. 56.
See Whitney, I.e., p. 913; Kaegi, note 39; Lud- 6 For the number of stanzas, words, and syllables,
wig, iii. 198f. and for some convenient tabular statements, see
The Hindus say that the Vedas are infinite. See Muller, ASL. p. 220f.
" '
iii 2 . There are eight Lessons' in each
Ludwig, iii. 15; Muir, 17. Eighth.'

hymns addressed to the deified drink Soma. The tenth comprises hymns ascribed
to very different authors 1 while the first consists of fifteen
minor groups, each
attributed to some ancient poet-sage.
78. The general
history of the text of the Rigveda was touched upon by Pro-
fessor in a very instructive little essay 8 entitled Vedische Studien.
Roth Some of
his conclusions may be briefly stated. The assembling of the Mantras into a collec-
tion was accomplished by the aid of writing. 4 The first Rik collections were probably
single books and parts of books, each an aggregation of material of such moderate
compass as to be easily handled by a single collector. The small collections were
later united into one large collection, which, completed by the addition of books ix.
and and uniformly edited, constitutes our RV. Samhita.
79. Roth recognizes three stages in the tradition 1. the oral transmission :

from the authors to the time of the collectors 2. the reduction from the oral form

to the written form; and 3. the transmission of the written text to us. We may
admit that in the last stage the text carefully preserved as it was, see 98 has
suffered no very important corruptions. The collectors themselves, however, did
not by any means write down the texts precisely as they heard them. The reciters
from memory must have recited rhythmically. The collectors (writers redactors
or diaskeuasts) have often destroyed the rhythm by putting the texts into the
strait-jacket of the rules of grammar, and especially by writing the words accord-
ing to the later rules of samdhi. To the first stage are to be referred the many
mistakes which are ascribable to carelessness in listening, 5 and which may be called
blunders of the ear rather than of the eye.
80. That the hymns themselves are of diverse origin, both in respect of place
and of time, is probable a priori and is shown by internal evidence. 6 Accordingly,
if we find, for example, two hymns involving inconsistent conceptions of the same
deity or of different deities, this is to be deemed quite natural, inasmuch as they
originated among clans dwelling in diverse regions. Moreover, after the aggregation
of the small collections into the large one, interpolations and later additions were
still made. To discriminate between the different elements that now make up the
canonical Vedic text therefore an important problem.

81. Again, in the course of time, and in part as a result of the wrangling
pedantry of narrow teachers, the stock collections became ramified into slightly
divergent recensions. These were called gakhas or branches,' because so related to

each other as are different branches from the same tree-stock. The (gakhas often
supply to criticism the various readings for which the classical philologist looks to
good and independent manuscripts. The community in which such a Qakha attained
definitive authority was called a carana or '
school.' There once existed, presumably,
many branches and schools 7 of the R\r . The school of the Qakalas, 8 however, seems

1 The orthodox Hindu conception of the hymns is tradition in the schools was oral and by memory, and
that they had existed from eternity; it recognizes no that the open use of a written text was disgraceful.
human authors. The Hindus do not call Atri, for Compare, e.g., Sarva-sammata Ciksha, ed. A. O.
example, the "author" of a given hymn, hut rather Franke, rule 36. But this thesis 'of Roth is denied
the " Rishi," i.e. the " seer," who was so fortunate by some scholars.
as to " see " it the last time it was revealed. Muller, 8 Such as ndmasa for
mdnasa, etc., Roth, I.e.,
A8L. p. 95. p. 62.
6 Cf.
Bergaigne, JA. viii.8.263 (= Tl). Ludwig, iii. p. IX.
Published, 1883, in KZ. xxvi. 45-68. See espe- i See Muller, ASL. p. 368.
cially p. 52-62.
s See Muller, RV. Prati9akhya, Einleitung, p. 7.
1 This is entirely consistent with the facts that the


to have gained exclusive predominance, and the extant recension of the RV. Samhita
bears their name. The Qakha of the Baskalas is also mentioned.
82. The manuscripts of the RV. Saihhita exhibit almost no diversities of
reading ;
so that, in the absence of akha-differences, the criticism of the text has
to rest on intrinsic evidence, and on a comparison of the other Samhitas, and on a
study of the RV. citations in the RV. Brahmanas and Sutras. Other criteria have
been brought to light by the study of the arrangement of the collection. Thus,
within each of the books ii.-vii., the hymns addressed to the same deity are grouped
together and arranged according to the decreasing number of stanzas of each hymn.
The same simple principle goes farther, governing, for example, the order of the
groups within a book. Violations of the principle may arouse suspicion as to the

originality or genuineness of the passages concerned.

83. The first written form of the text would seem to have been the samhita-
patha or combined reading,' wherein the words are combined according to the more or

less artificial rules of grammar. 2 These combinations often admit of several different
resolutions. To obviate the resulting uncertainties, there was constructed the pada-
patha or word-reading,' which aims to give each word in its true independent form

without reference to any rules of combination. The Pada-text of the published RV.
is attributed to (^akalya, 8 and is the oldest conscious exegetical work upon the Veda
now known. It is far from infallible. 4 For its secondary use, see 98x.
84. The Samaveda is a Veda of samans. A saman is properly a 'tune*
not a text ;
but in this connection the word means an re so modified 6 as to be better
adapted for chanting, especially during the ceremonies of the Soma-sacrifice. Of
the 1549 stanzas of the Samaveda, 1474 occur also in the Rigveda. 6 The SV.
exhibits many variations from the readings of the RV. Sarhhita, some of which
are of value for the criticism of the latter text. 7 In general, the relations of the
SV. to the RV. present many difficult problems.
still 8

85. The Samhita of the Atharvaveda, as compared with that of the RV.,
represents a lower plane of life and thought, as it is also later in respect of form
and language. It contains magic incantations for the warding off of the most
diverse malign influences, and prayers and charms for success in the various affairs
of life, as love, gaming, quarrels, journeys, and the like. It has a high degree of
interest for the student of popular superstitions. The Samhita has come down to us
in at least two recensions. The one is called the Paippalada Qakha. 9 The other was
published in 1856 by Roth and Whitney.
About a sixteenth part of the RV. stanzas
occur also with more or less interesting variants in books i. to xix. of this text.
Shankar P. Pandit of Bombay is now editing the AV. with Sayana's comment.
86. The Yajurveda belongs to the period 11 of the highly developed ritual,
and originated in the sacred and famous Madhyade9a. 12 The Sarhhitas contain the
1 For A. Bergaigne, Recherches sur
details see 7
Whitney, JAOS. xi. p. clxxxiv=PAO8. Oct. 1883.
I'histoire de samhita du RV., JA. 8.viiU93f
la 8 See Oldenberg's interesting discussion, ZDMG.
(esp. p. 199), and 8.ix.l91f. Cf. also Oldenberg, xxxviii.439-80, and esp. 464-65.
ZDMG. xli.508f and Bergaigne, JA. 8.x.488f.
; Described by Roth, Der Atharvaveda in Kasch-
2 This is the text
given in the Reader. mir, Tubingen, 1875.
See Weber, HIL. p. 32f. 10 See
Brief List, p. xix, no. 18. For bibliography
4 A critical estimate of
its exegetical value is given of translations, see Kaegi, note 13.
by Roth in the afore-mentioned essay, KZ. xxvi.45-52. 11 The civilization of this
period is treated with
especial fulness in Schroder's Indiens Literatur und
6 of insertion of sundry
By protraction vowels,
sounds, repetitions, etc. Whitney, OLSt. i. 13-15. Cultur eee below, 100.
6 See
Whitney, ISt. ii.347-63. " Cf. p. 297, 2 also Schroder, ILuC. p. 163.


formulas (see yajus in vocab.) which accompanied the sacrificial ceremonials, and
are, as it were, the hand-books of the adhvaryus or priests who did the actual
manual labor of the sacrifices. 1 With the growth of ritualism and its spread over
a wide extent of territory 2 there naturally grew up many differing usages in con-
nection with the sacrifice, and many centres of ritualistic study. 8 In this wise it
happened that the sectarian schools of the Yajurveda were especially numerous and
87. The Black Yajurveda. The various schools of this, the older Yajurveda,
bear the names of men reputed to be the pupils directly or indirectly of Vai9am-

payana, a name
great in the Epos. At least five schools possessed special Sariihitas,

of which four are still extant to wit, the Sariihita of the Kathas (Kaftuoi) or the

Katbaka; that of the Kapisthala-Kathas (Ka//./?i<T0oXoi) that of the Maitrayanlyas ; ;

and that of the school of Apastamba, a subdivision of the Taittiriyas. The one last
mentioned, the Taittiriya Samhita, was the first to be printed in a scholarly edition.
The Maitrayam Samhita has recently been published by Dr. L. von Schroder, Leip-
zig, 1881-86. The others are still unedited. In all these texts of the old Yajus
Samhitas, the sacred formulas are commingled with prose passages, explanatory and
prescriptive. A single such passage is a Brahmana, 6 the dictum of a brahman or '

priest,' a priestly discourse.'
88. The White Yajurveda. To remedy this confusion, a new school of

Adhvaryus, called the Vajasaneyins, arranged a Samhita of clear formulas (guklani


yajunsi), i.e. a text in which the formulas or Mantras were separated from the
priestly discourses or Brahmanas.
1 Not without some little animus, doubtless, they
turned to account the double meaning of gukla, 'clear' or 'white,' and fixed the
name of "Dark" (krsna, 'dark' or 'black') upon the mingled or uncleared texts of
their older rivals. The Samhita of the White Yajurveda or Vajasaneyi Saiiihita has
come down to us in the recension of the Kanvas and in that of the Madhyaihdinas, 8
and was published by Weber, Berlin, 1849-52.
89. The separate collections of the formulas naturally suggested a similar
treatment of the priestly discourses. In the school of the Vajasaneyins, the result
of this treatment was a collection of the formerly detached Brahmanas, which collec-
tion is itself also called a Brahmana, 9 and is practically an encyclopedic digest of the
wisdom of their school. 10
90. The oldest collection of Mantras, the Rigveda, is in the main the reflex
of the life of a vigorous, active, and healthy people a people that prayed most for
length of days, for sturdy sons, abundant cattle, doughty retainers, and victory over
their enemies ; a people whose religion was a simple worship of the deified powers
of nature. But even during the Vedic period, there comes a profound change. The
Yajurveda represents a turning-point in the development of the Hindu character.
The centre of Vedic life is shifted to Madhyadeca; and here were made the first

Ludwig, iii.27. 7 See Eggeling, SEE. xii., p. xxvii; also CB. xiv.
1 SEE.
Schroder, ILuC. p. 164-5. 9.4> or xv.226.
Cf. Schroder, ILuC. p. 88-89: also Eggeling, Or HaStavSivoi: see HIL. p. 106.
SEE. xii. p. xxv f. 8
Specifically, the Catupatlia Brahmana. It was
Schroder, Einleitung to his ed. of MS., book i. published by Weber, Berlin, 1855. Books i.-iv.
p. IXf. Of. ILuC. p. 89. have been translated by Eggeling, SEE. xii. and
By Weber, as vol's xi. and xii. of ISt., 1871-72. xx vi.
See this in vocab. and cf it with brahmand.
Eggeling, SEE. xii. p. xxiif.
[357] j TO THE VEDA.

great advances in the arts and institutions of civilization, in trade, and in science.
Here also priestly families and warrior-families attained to such importance as to
assert their independence of the people, and so bring about the strongly marked

grew into the rigid system of caste. And here, with the
class-distinctions that

waxing power of the priesthood, the old Vedic religion was converted into an
complex system of sacrifices and ceremonies. To this period belohgs the
belief in metempsychosis a dreadful and universal reality to the Hindu mind.
With the growing tendency of the Hindu character towards introspection comes the
system of hermit-life and the asceticism which are so prominent in -the Hindu
Middle Age, and which in turn led naturally to the habit of theosophic speculation.
The sultry air of Ganges-land has relaxed both the physical and the mental fibre of
the Hindu, and he has become a Quietist.
91. The Hindu character has been transformed almost beyond recognition.
The change is wonderful. It would be also incomprehensible, but for the literature
of the Brahmanas. 1 As a whole and by themselves, they are puerile, arid, inane.
But as the sole and faithful reflex of an immensely important phase in the develop-
ment of an ethnic type, they have a great interest an interest heightened by the
fact that the annals of human evolution hardly present another type whose history
can be studied through so many centuries in unbroken continuity.
92. The sacerdotal class, ever magnifying its office, has invested the sacrifice

with a most exaggerated importance and sanctity. The sacrifice has become the
central point of the Brahman's life and thought. About it he has spun a flimsy web
of mystery, and in each of its events he sees a hidden symbolism. 2 Everything is
not only that which it is but also that which it signifies. So lost is the Brahman in
these esoteric vagaries that to him the line of demarcation between " is and " signi-
fies becomes almost wholly obliterated. 8 What we deem the realities of life are as
pale shadows. The sacrifice and its events are the real facts, and to fathom their
4 is
mysteries omnipotence and salvation.
93. It must not be forgotten that the phases of development represented by
the Mantras and Brahmanas are not separated by hard and fast lines. The oldest
Yajus texts are of the transition type. They are called Saihhitas, and contain
indeed Mantras in abundance but the Mantras are mingled with prose passages

which are the first Brabmanas. Descriptions of the sacrificial ceremonies, attribu-
tions to them of hidden meanings, accounts of their origin, legends to illustrate their

efficacy such are the contents of the older Brahmanas. Conscious philosophic
speculation plays a subordinate part its beginnings we can trace to the RV.

Samhita; but the great mass of it is contained in the later Brahmana literature.

94. In this, the later Brahmana period, the descriptions of the ritual are
relegated to systematic treatises and the theosophic and philosophic passages
( 95) ;

become more lengthy and important, and receive as containing material appro-

priate for the meditations of the vX6/3ioi or Forest-hermits the special names of

or '
Forest-treatises and Upanisads.
Some of the best of these have
1 Characterized by Eggeling, SEE. xii. p. ix f, esp. See selection Ixll. and N.
p. xxii-xxv. Enumerated by Kaegi, note 14 a. 8 See Deussen, System des Vedanta, p. 8; Miiller,
2 See
Oldenberg, Buddha, 19(20)f. ASL. 313f; or Kaegi, note 16.
3 A point of prime importance in reading the end- Upanisad lit.
a sitting at the feet of another,'
less identifications of the Brahmanas. and then ' the hidden doctrine taught at such
refrain, ya evam veda
4 Hence the constant cf. session.'

been handed down by tradition as separate works with separate names and other ;

tracts of thesame general style and contents have been written but it must be ;

remembered that the original Aranyakas and Upanisads were integral parts of the
digested Brahmanas.
Brahmanical speculation culminates in pessimistic Pantheism, in the doctrine of
the misery of all earthly existence, from which we can hope for redemption
through reabsorption into the universal All-in-One. This is the result of Brahmanical
thought, on which as a foundation was built up the doctrine and order of Buddha ;

this the link that unites the Brahmanic and the Buddhistic chains of development. 2
95. The Brahmanas presuppose a thorough acquaintance with the course and
details of the sacrifice, and do not undertake a systematic exposition thereof. But
when the ceremonies had grown to tremendous length and complexity, it became
necessary to have manuals giving full and orderly directions for the use of the
celebrant. Such works are the Rules for the sacrifices or Qrauta-sutras, so called

because they stand iu most intimate relation to the Veda or sacred texts (gruti), ' '

and continually cite these texts, and prescribe the manner and the occasions of their
employment with the various ceremonies.
96. Usage and observance, crystallized into sacred ceremony, invest the whole
life of an Aryan Hindu nay, even his pre-natal and post-mortem existence. These
usages differed considerably in different localities, and in the lesser details among
the different families of the same locality. In part, perhaps, to counteract the
tendency to diversity, books were made describing the observances recognized as
normal in a certain school or community. They are called Grhya-sutras, or Rules '

of domestic usages.' Here, too, as well as in the sacrifice, everything proceeds with
the recitation of Mantras so that these books also attach themselves to certain

Vedas or Vedic schools. The legitimate subjects of these Rules are the Sacraments' '

(samskaras), and the 'Simple-sacrifices' (paka-yajnas) of the householder.

97. There is also a third class of Sutras, called Dharma-sutras, which pre-
scribe rules for the every-day life of those who would conform to the example of the
virtuous. Since they have to do with agreement-conduct,' i.e. the conduct (acara)
' '

which has for its norm the 'agreement' (sam-aya, lit. ' con-vention ') of those who
know the law, they are also called Samayacarika-sutras. The matters belonging
more properly to the Grhya-sutras are sometimes treated also in the Dharma-sutras.
But the legitimate subjects of the latter are far more varied than those of the former.
They embrace all sorts of injunctions and restrictions relating to etiquette, to
eating and sleeping, to purification and penance, and to the details of the daily life
of the student and householder and hermit, and even extend to the duties of the
king and to the beginnings of civil and criminal law. In the order of development
they are plainly posterior to the Grhya-sutras.
98. As the sacred texts of the Mantras grew in sanctity, their dialect and
style of thought became obsolescent. For the transmission of the sacred lore, a
learned apparatus became necessary. To preserve the written text of a given
'branch' (gakha) of the Veda from any change in "one jot or one tittle," by
establishing the relations of the samhita and pada pathas ( 83) of that branch,
there were composed the phonetic treatises, which, because attaching each 'to a

1 See Whitney, AJP. vii.1-2. I manism is admirably sketched by Oldeuberg,Buddha,

1 The genetic relationship of Buddhism to Brah- ,
Introd., chap's ii.-iii.
[359] (

1 These give with the

(certain) branch' (prati-gakham), are called Prat^akhyas.
utmost minuteness of detail the rules for the retroversion of the pada to the samhita
readings, and thus enable us to establish with great accuracy the text as it was
in their day. 2
99. To preserve the knowledge of the sense of obsolescent words, there were
made collections of synonyms and of hard words (yA.o><r<nu), called the Nighantavas, the
oldest Vedic Glossary. Upon the Glossary there was written, by the ancient sage
Yaska, a comment called Nirukta, which is the oldest extant work of formal Vedic
exegesis, but which itself acknowledges a number of predecessors. Among its
successors, the most famous is the great commentary of Sayana Acarya, ca. 1350 A.D.
The Anukramams are little works which give the divinity, the "seer," and the
metre of each hymn of a Samhita.
1 See Whitney, JAOS. vii.339-40; iv.259-60. plete and efficient apparatus for securing the
2 The word -texts were thus converted "from in- preservation of textual purity." L.c. iv.260.
struments more especially of exegesis, into a com- 3
Weber, HIL. p. 41-42.

100. It remains to give a brief bibliography of the literature of the Rigveda

Samhita with mention of the principal ancillary works appertaining to it. For the
bibliography of the other Saihhitas, reference may be made to Kaegi, notes 8-26,
or to Weber's History of Indian Literature.

1. Rigveda. Saiiihita. a. Text-editions. The Haug had already published the text with a trans-
firstcomplete edition was issued by Aufrecht, 1861- lation(Bombay, 1863), criticised and corrected by
63, as vol'svi. and vii. of the ISt. Miiller's great Weber, ISt. ix.177-380.
six-volumed quarto, with the full Sarahita and Pada The Aitareya Aranyaka is associated with the
texts, Sayana's commentary, an index, etc., was Brahmana of the same name. It has five books and
begun in 1849 and completed in 1874. Then came was edited with Sayana's comment by R. Mitra in
the editions mentioned at the beginning of this the Bibliotheca Indicd, 1876. See 8BK. i. p. xci f.
Reader, in the Brief List, no's 11 and 12. Aitareya Upanisad is the name borne by certain
b. Exegesis. The greatest achievements in Vedic parts of the Aranyaka, viz. book ii., chap's 4, 5, 6
exegesis must be ascribed to Roth. They are con- see SEE. i. p. xcvi. The text was edited and trans-
tained principally in the St. Petersburg Lexicon, lated by Roer, BL, 1849-63. Miiller gives another
Brief List, no. 5. Grassmann's Dictionary and his translation, SEE. i.200f.
Translation are described in the List, no's 13 and 14. The (pahkhayana or Kausltaki Brahmana was
Professor Alfred Ludwig of Prague has published a edited by Bruno Lindner (Jena, Costenoble, 1887).
large work in five volumes (Prag, Tempsky, 1876-80) , A translation is soon to follow.
entitled Der Rigveda. Vol's i. and ii. contain a The Kausitaki Brahmana Upanisad was edited
translation of the hymns arranged according to deities (with amkara's comment) and translated by Cowell,
and subjects. Vol. iii. contains an introduction to BI., 1861. Another translation, by Miiller, SEE.
the translation, entitled Die Mantra-litteratur und i.271f ; introduction, ibidem, p. xcviii.
das alte Indien. Vol's iv. and v. contain a com- 3. Rigveda. Sutras etc. Afvalayana's rauta-
mentary on the translation. sutra was edited by R. Vidyaratna, BI., 1874.
c. General "Works. Abel Bergaigne's work en- A9valayana's Grhya-sutra was edited (with trans-
titled La religion vedique (Paris, Vieweg, 1878-83. by Stenzler see List, no. 17. English ver-
3 vol's) is a systematic and encyclopedic exposition sionby Oldenberg, SEE. xxix.
of the religious and mythological conceptions of the ankhayana's Qrauta-sQtra was edited by Alfred
RV. The work of Geldner and Kaegi (List, no. 15), Hillebrandt, BI., 1886.
and those of Weber, Zimmer, and the rest (no's 21- ankbayana's Grhya-sutra was edited in 1878 by
26) , all bear more or less directly on the study of the Oldenberg, ISt. xv.1-166, with translation. English
Veda. Whitney's Oriental and Linguistic Studies version by Oldenberg, SEE. xxix.
(New York, Scribner, Armstrong, & Co. 1st series, No Dharma-sutra is certainly known to be attached
1873) contain among other things valuable essays on especially to the RV. Samhita.
the history, interpretation, and contents of the RV. The RV. Prati9akhya was edited by Regnier (JA.,
Very recently has appeared a book by L. von Schro- 1856-58), and by Muller (Leipzig, 1856-69). Each
der, Indiens Literatur und Cultur in historischer editor gives a translation .

Entwicklung (Leipzig, 1887), the first third of which The Nirukta, with the Nighaijtavas, was edited
is devoted to the Veda, and especially to the period and elucidated by Roth (Gottingen, 1848-52).
of the Yajurveda. The Anukramani of Katyayana was edited with
2. Rigveda. Brahmanas etc. The .Aitareya valuable accessories by Arthur A. Macdonell in the
Brahmana was edited by Aufrecht see List, no. 16. Anecdota Oxoniensia, Oxford, 1886.
PAGE 69. {


Selection XXXI. KV. i. 1. Hymn to dost purpose to grant, that thou never fail-

Agni, the Fire-god. Translated by "Whit- est to bestow/

ney, Century Magazine, 1887, xxxiii. 915. 13-14. U.f. upa tva (491 3 ) agne (accent-

Respecting Agni, see Kaegi, p.35(50)f, and less) a imasi (548 1 ), Vi+upa^a.
N.119f. 15-16. The accusatives are to be taken
THE METRE is gayatri. Each stanza w. tva. We may pronounce adhvaranaam
(re) consists of three octosyllabic padas with (113 or leave the pada catalectic.
), U.f.
iambic cadence see Kaegi, p.24(34) and gopam. In pada c, we must pronounce
N.85. Observe that,
the stanza be a triple
if produce an iambic cadence.
sue, in order to
one, the strophe usually consists of three 17-18. S& bhava, see ta 2. - U.f.
stanzas and the hymn of a multiple thereof. sunave agne: for treatment of the acct in
In respect of frequency, the order of combination, see 135, example 4.
the metres in the RV. is first the tristubh : Observe that as the metre here shows

(about | of RV.); then the gayatri (about padas a and 6 are always independent of
J); then the jagati (about \ ) see Haskell, each other as regards euphonic combination,
JAOS. xi.p.lx = PAOS. May, 1881. and that as here the written text, with
LINES 1-2. ile, v'ld :
accentless, 592 : for perverse consistency, always combines them
the new letter, see p. and Whitney, when this is possible.
291 If 8,

5 end. RV.x.2.5 plays on the etymology sacasva, pada, sacasva, 248 c. Pro-
of rtv-ij thus agnlr
: devan rtu-g6 yajati. nounce su-astaye.
For superl., 471.
3. purvebhis, 330, Vedic instr. for r :
final w. initial r, Whitney, 14 end. SELECTION XXXII. RV. i. 32. Indra
4. U.f. devans a ihd. This interesting slays the dragon. Respecting Indra and
combination is really the result of a historic the natural significance of the myths about
survival, and
is fully explained at 209. his battles, see Kaegi, p. 40(57)f, N.141f;
Observe that an, though transliterated with and Perry, JAOS. xi.H7f.
two letters, is a simple nasalized vowel, 209 a. The "hymn" appears to consist of two
a vaksati position of prefix, 1081
separate pieces see N. to 70 20 The catenary ;

accent of verb form, 1082 ; v'vah, aor. sub., structure is noticeable in some pairs of stan-
893 1 . zas (1-2; 3-4) see Kaegi, p. 24(34).
5-6. agnavat, 700: use of mode, 576: THE METRE is tristubh. The old Vedic
subject indefinite, dive-dive, 1260. tristubh is much more free than that of the

yagasam, 1151.2a. classical Sanskrit; but its most important

7-8. agne, acct, 314 3 .
asi, acct, 595 a. feature, the cadence, is the same see p.
Position of clauses, 512a. Locative, 316, 43.
304 a. For statistics, see Haskell, JAOS. xi.p.lxii
1O. a gamat, true aor. subjunctive (836 2 ), = PAOS. May, 1881. For a discussion of

corresponding to the ind. agan (833): see 558. its development, see Oldenberg, ZDMG.
11-12. tvam may be read tuam. Observe xxxvii.55f.
that in the Veda, when rhythmically read, 1. Pronounce viriani and (line 3) svariam,
hiatus is common 1133 agne is at the and see Whitney, 84 b.
pra vocam, aug-
beg. of a new pada, 314 3 . U.f. tava id mentless aorist (847 end), as improper sub-
tad satyam. Lit. 'Just what pleasant junctive (563), with future mg (576).
thing thou wilt (
wiliest to) do for the 2. U.f. ahan (637) ahim; anu apas ta-
pious man, of thee' indeed that (is) real or tarda. Note juxtaposition of perf. w. impf.
Whatever blessing thou and see 823 2 692.
unfailing i.e. .
-pri abhinat, vlrtiid,
[361] PAGE 7O.

3. gigriyanam, 807. Indra's special 12 b . 'The (cloud-) rifts he crushed

attribute is his beloved thunderbolt," of together, who had Indra as his conqueror.'
which the Epos fables much, ZDMG. xxxii. That is, the monster, in his retreat or his
296. fall, into a shapeless mass his
4. Like lowing kine, flowing suddenly already riven cloud-castles. This is forced.
to a sea, down came the waters.' The point If we dared emend the air. \. rujanas to
rujanas (840 ), we might render,
of comparison is the noise. samudrdm, Broken,
perhaps to a gathering of water, so as to
he was (then) completely crushed* (998b).
form one not necessarily to the ocean.' '

indra-gatru: later books, e.g. C,Br. i.6.

5 a Pronounce avrmta,
. 1354 (important): 3 10 lay great stress on the correct
in the AV., ii.5.7, the augment is written. ation of this word ; indra-gatrtL,
Cf. 70 17
N. -s6mam: see Kaegi, p. 72(99), of I.,' would be blasphemy. See Indische
and notes 288-94 ;
also Roth, ZDMG. xxxv. Studien, iv.368 ;
or Roth, Nirukta, p. xix.
680f and xxxviii.!34f. 13 b . U.f. a asya jaghana, see Vhan+a.
5b . Pronounce trikadrukesu a-, and ob- Subject here is Indra.
serve that final -u is almost never to be 14. See vfsan. See \bliu, desid.
pronounced as -v when so written. Cf. RV. agayat, 629. Pronounce vi-astas, Whit-
ii.15.1, which seems to consist of reminis- ney, 84a.
cences of the beg. of this hymn. 15. 'Over him, lying so, crushed like
6. The Rewarder took the missile bolt

(na) a reed, the waters go, flowing for man-

smote him, the first-born of dragons.' kind (lit. the waters of man, flowing, do go).'
ahan (593) has for direct object the enclitic So Pischel, ZDMG. xxxv.717-24. P. thinks
enam, him,' or, more correctly, im,' since
' '
that the original text was manoriihanaati,
the English pronoun him loses its h when i.e. manos (cf. 73 19 ) uhanas (Vvah4, pres.
enclitic. The enam is then explained by an mid. ppl., 619 8 ) ati, and that the author of

appositive. So 797 pada text divided it wrongly, mano

. the
7-8. U.f yad indra ahan at mayinam ruhanas, changing, of course, n to n.

aminas pra uta When, O Indra, thou If manas, like anjas, could pass for an

smotest and (uta) thereupon broughtest instr., we might render ' (With a will, i.e.)

to nought the wiles of the wily, thereupon Lustily rising, the waters overwhelm him.'

bringing forth the sun, the day, the dawn, amuya, 'so,' w. a sneer: cf. atra, 89*N.
then soothly foundest thou no enemy.' 16. pari-atisthat, acct, 595a, 1083.
The first at continues the force of yad tasam limits only the first member of the
through pada b, as the acct (595a) of aminas foil.
(\/2mi) shows. Position of pra, 1081 2 . 17. Note relation of acct and mg in
Order in pada c is unnatural '
expect dawn, vrtraputra.
: U.f. indras asyas: observe

sun, (full) day.' Pronounce suriam. the accordance between the written and
dyam, 361d: vocab., under div. usasam spoken form here see 135 4 , and cf TO5 *!*..

and kf la : see references in vocab.

the pro- ; vadhar, 'weapon' of V's mother, not of
longations are in the even syllables of the Indra.
cadence. vivitse, 798a. 18. Translated, 777b. danus, fem.,=
9. Pronounce viansam
Whitney, 84a. V's mother. gaye, see 613
: cf .
similarly :

16 8
10. kuligena, 248b. vi-vrkna, nom. pi. duhe, 80 , ige, 92 .

neut., common in Veda, for -and: Vvragc. 19-2O. ' The waters overwhelm V's hid-
gay-a-te, transition-form (749) from root- den body, that was put down in the midst
class, for ge-te (629). of In long darkness lay (a^agayat, .

11. a hi juhv-e (alternative form for 629) he who was vanquished by Indra.'
juhuv-e), Vhu+a: acct, 595d: subject, Vritra. Here the narration comes to an end,
12 a He (Vritra) did not escape (Vtr,
Stanzas 1-10 form a brief but complete epic.
899a) the shock of his (Indra's) weapons.' The same general theme is treated again by

PAGE 7O. i

stanzas 11-14. Rik 15 seems to be a later streams as an affrighted hawk the skies thou
addition didst cross 1 This may refer to a time
21. dasapatnis: after I's victory, the when after all the aerial commotion (i.e.
waters are called (x.43.8) arya-patnis, hav- Indra's battling) the rain refused to fall
ing the Aryans as masters,' or having a
and the uncleared heaven signified Indra's
gracious (god) as master.' panineva retreat. Reminiscences of this legend occur
gavas (see g6) : the rain-giving clouds are at TS. ii.5.3: cf. MBh. v.9.27 = 255 and
often called '
cows.' These are pent up by 10.43= 334,f. -jaghnusas, 805.
a malicious demon (Pani), and their milk, 8-9. See \ya 1 and \sa. U.f. sas id u
the refreshing water of heaven, is withheld (176b) aran na . -Gen., 297c. -
from man. Tenses, 823 .

Curiously, the natural basis of this simple

myth is so far forgotten that the myth itself SELECTION XXXIII. RV. i.50. To Surya,
is here made to furnish a simile for the very the Sun-god. Respecting Surya, see Kaegi,
phenomenon from which it is the poetic p. 54(76). The hymn is rubricated at 106 3 .

outgrowth. It is still used in India, at the Midday Ser-

vice. It was made the text of a linguistic-
mythological comment of 225 pages by W.
1. 'The orifice of the waters which was Sonne, KZ. vol's xii.-xv. !

closed up he who slew (805, 209) Vritra In the textus receptus, the hymn has 13
opened that.' have given only 1-9. In the
Waters conceived as if pent stanzas. I

up in some mighty cask. first strophe, stanzas 1-3, the god is men-

2-3. A horse's tail becamest thou then tioned only in the 3d person. In the second

O Indra, when on his lance he (V.) impaled strophe, he is addressed in the 2d person;
thee. As god alone, thou conqueredst and so also in the third strophe, excepting

Thou didst let loose the seven streams (but as often the final stanza (9).
see sapta) to flow' (lit. 'for flowing,' v'sr, That stanzas 10-13 are later additions is

970b, 982). proved by their contents and language and

In fighting with demons, Indra some- their (differing) metre. This proof is con-
times gets roughly handled for a while (so firmed by the fact that the corresponding
iv.18.9). Such I conceive to be the situa- passage of the AV., xiii.2.16-24, has only
tion here. Pada a is the crux. Possibly a stanzas 1-9 and also by the fact that only ;

magic transformation is intended. V. im- 1-9 are prescribed to be used in the ritual
pales I. on his lance; but straightway the see Bezzenberger's Beitrage, viii.198, ZDMG.
god becomes a great sweeping trail of vapor. xxxviii.475, JAOS. xi.p.cxcii = PAOS. May,
Very differently Bergaigne, Eel. Vd. iii. 1884, and AGS. ii.3.13 and comment, and cf.
61-62. 87 10 N. Moreover, the addenda are at the end
It seems unavoidable to join deva ekas of an anuvaka cf. JA. S.viii. 207=15.
withe: cf.i.33.4andi.!65.6 = 73 1 *. -Second 1O. See u2. jatavedasam, see vocab. :
ajayas begins a new clause hence acct, 593"2
'All-possessor' was very likely the

4. Explained under ya4 asmai means primary mg (Whitney, AJP. iii.409), yet the

Vritra. -akirad dh-, 163. -Cf. what is mg 'All-knower' also seems to have been
said of Yahve at Psalm xviii.13,14. associated with the word early and commonly
5. yuyudhate, 800a. U.f. ut apari- (Eggeling, xxvi.p.xxxi). For analogous
bhyas (see apara). vi jigye, 787. cases, see h6tr and yama in vocab.
Indra was victor (both for the time) while In the present very unusual applica-
he and Ahi fought and (utd) for the future.' tion of the epithet to Surya,
6-7- What avenger of Ahi sawest thou,

&s ira.vr' e'cpopa /cal KO.VT' tiranovfi,

Indra, when in the heart of thee having slain
(him) fear did come when nine and ninety the latter phase of mg predominates.
[363] PAGE 72.

That every man may see the sun,
lit. for every one for beholding the sun.' NOTES TO PAGE 72.
See dig and read 969, 970a, and 982. 2-3. U.f. vi dyam (see div) esi, rajas
vigvaya, 524-. (171*) prthri, aha (425d) mimanas (Vlma4:
12-13. ty6 belongs logically with nak- see
661, 655) aktiibhis ('with beams'),
satra ni;, but is conformed in gender to 2
pagyan (202 ). 'Beholding (in pregnant
tayavas. With this simile, cf. RV. x.
sense) the generations, i.e. while generations
189.2. See yatha4. yanti, no acct, come and go.'
595a .
suraya, 'for the sun, i.e. to make 4-5. J. Burgess, Arch. Survey of Western
way for the sun.' Render:
India, Kdthidwdd and Kacch, p. 216, men-
like as robbers
tions temple-images of Surya with a halo
Off slink away
Yon constellations with their beams
Before the all-beholding Sun.
(cf. gociskega) and borne by 'seven steeds,'
see plate lxv.2. Cf. Kaegi, N. 205.
14. adrgram (834b end) vi (1081 2 ) 6-7. ayukta (834b), 'hath just yoked.'
passively, 998b :
equiv. to vy-adrksata, 882. See 356 and 356*. svayuktibhis, Sayana
janan, 209. rightly, svaklya-yojanena.
18-19. See pratyancS. Pronounce de-
vanaam, 113 3 pratyann, 210.
. Pro- SELECTION XXXIV. RV. i.97. To Agni.
nounce siiar (Whitney, 84b) reg. written See Preface, p. v, note 4.
: Rubricated at
siivar in TS. siiar drge, 'a light to be- 106 3 Recurs AV. iv.33. The refrain or .

hold' (cf. 6av/j.a Itieadai), here equiv. to 'a burden, pada c, of each stanza, is a mere
glorious light.' repetition of pada a of stanza 1 it has no ;

2O and 72 1 yena, 509 end. .

pavaka: necessary connection with the rest of each
see ref "s in vocab. this word the redactors stanza, although it happens to fadge well

persist in miswriting it is a typical mistake enough in the first and in the last three.

belonging to the second stage of the tradi- Grassmann and Ludwig make apa
tion see p. 354, 79, and KZ. xxvi.60. g6gucat of the refrain a 3d s. subjunctive
2 '
let him drive
janan anu if joined w. ppl., render (1008
: but this would ) ;

'stirring or busy among (so RV. viii.9.2b) require an accentless gogucat.

his fellows;' if w. pagyasi (acct, 595a), We may therefore disregard the refrains
'over the peoples thou dost look on busy entirely and group the remaining eight
man.' Pronounce tuam. couplets [each consisting of two octosyllabic
STROPHE 2, stanzas 4, 5, 6. Some join verses], two and two, into four stanzas of
6 with 7 possible, but very hard. It is four verses each.
better to regard 6 as a parenthesis in which 8-11. See Vguc+apa and guc+a: apa
the poet turns suddenly from Surya to g6gucat is pres. ppl. of intensive conjuga-

Varuna. The latter is the personified vault tion (1012) no nasal, 444. U.f. gugugdhi
of heaven, and the sun naturally his eye is a, perf. impv. of primary conjugation, 813.
(RV. vii.63.1), and to mark the deeds of Three instrumentals (line 10), 365.1.
restless man is his proper function [Kaegi, STANZA 1 [made by grouping stanzas 1,2]

p.65(90)]. Yena then refers to stiar, and may be rendered:

cakaasa is in explanatory apposition w. Driving away with flames our sin,
yena. We may render 4, 5, 6 thus : Airni, bring welfare with thy light.
{Driving away with flames our sin.]
With prayer for fertile fields, for wealth,
Thou goest onward, all-beheld. And prayer for good, we sacrifice
Thou makest light, god Suria. [Driving away with flames our sin.]
Thou shinest to the end of heaven.
Turning thy face upon the folk 12. With pra, supply jayeta in a and
Of gods, of men, or all the world,
Thou risest up, thou glorious light jayeran in 6. bhand-isthas (superl. to
With which, as eye, bright Varuna, '
Over the peoples thou dost bhad-ra, v/bhand, 467) ,' brightest, luckiest
To mark the deeds of restless man. asmakasas, 330 end.

PAGE 73. i

14. pr& yat sc. jayeran (760.3), 'that the Maruts are going and how they are to
they may be propagated = that offspring be detained at the sacrifice. The implicit

may go forth from them and so in the answer is

With praise.' This then is accom-
other clauses of lines 12 and 14. plished in the dialogue, where, although
In lines 12 and 14, the yad's seem to greatest glory is given to Indra, the god in
introduce final clauses expressing the pur- turn lauds them generously.
pose of yajamahe, line 10. In line 16, STANZAS 3-4. The Maruts ask why Indra
Whitney makes yad= as, just as.' For all is going alone, without them, his usual com-

the yad-clauses, Grassmann seeks principal panions. Indra answers evasively that he
clauses in the refrains. on the wa}- to a sacrificial feast.
STANZAS 3^ and 5$. STANZAS 5-6. The Maruts are eager to
[We sacrifice,] in
order that (offspring may go) forth from
go with him. He retorts that they were
the luckiest of them (?) ; and forth from our not so eager when he went, alone, and slew
patrons that offspring may go forth from the dragon.

thy patrons, Agni, forth from us (who STANZAS 7-8. The Maruts remind him
are) thine, that they have helped him do great things
'As forth from mighty Agni on all sides and can be most useful allies in the future.
go the rays. For thou, (God) who hast a Not inclined to share his glory with them,
face on all sides, on all sides dost protect.' he boasts again of his exploits.
2O. Bring us across the (stream of) foes STANZAS 9-12. The Maruts acknowledge
as with a boat.' See nad and v'2pr+ati. his might this time without reserve and to
his satisfaction. Indra, vaunting himself
NOTES TO PAGE 73. once more (10), thanks them for their hom-
2. Pronounce B& nah sindhviva navdya, age (11), and declares that the sight of them
w. elision of -m and combination instance :
delights his heart (12).
of a text-error of the second stage of the STANZAS 13-15. The poet (Agastya) turns
tradition see p. 354, 79 and KZ. xxvi.61, Maruts directly and asks them to
to the
and cf. 787 See i&2 end.
. ati parsa recognize and reward his skill and devotion.

(248c), >/2pr, impv. of s-aor., 896. 4. v'myaks+sam, perf. (785, 794b) as pre-
Lit. With what common
SELECTION XXXV. KV. i.165. Indra course (? have they kept together ? i.e. upon

Respecting the Maruts what common journey are they together 1

and the Maruts.
and their relations to Indra, see Kaegi, p. 39 5. mat!, Classic matya, 340. U.f .

(56), and Bergaigne, La religion ve"dique, ii. kiitas a_itasas (v'i, 330 end) ete ? arcanti
369f, 392, and esp. the interesting article of (accent-combination, 135 )
usmam ace.
Oldenberg, Akhydna-hymnen im R V., ZDMG. as in aytavi^fffOai ira\T]v. vasuya, as at 72

xxxix.60-65. The hymn is the first of a col- 7. See manas2. Vram4 read 869,

lection of eight Marut hymns (165-172), 864, and 856.

concerning whose arrangement, see Olden- 8. Pronouncetuam indra, as 5 syllables.
berg, I.e. We have here the beginnings of mahinah sann, 'being (usually) gay':
poetry in epic-dramatic form cf Preface, Roth-Whitney, 'though (else so) blithe';

p. iy, note 7. This hymn has been admi- concessive force doubtful: perhaps they
rably translated by Roth, ZDMG. xxiv.302 mean a gentle reproach for his slighting
(or Siebenzig Lieder, p. 84) ; English version their company Why go'st thou alone,

by Whitney, North American Review, 1871, and so merry withal ?

cxiii.182 = OLSt. i.144. It is also translated 9. 'Thou talkest (usually), when going
with comments by Max Miiller, R V. Sanhita, along with (us) moving onward.' See
translated, etc., i.!62f. I give the "story of Vr+sam. Both ppls are of the root-aorist,
the hymn abridged from Roth-Whitney. 8403 voces, 854. harivas, 454b.

STANZAS 1-2. The poet inquires whither yat te asme (loc. 492 2 ), 'which (is) to thee
[365] PAOK74.

on our score, lit. on us,' i.e. 'which thou hast 19. Compare 70 15 N.
against us.' 20. See a-nutta and dnu-tta in vocab.
10". gam,

(are) a joy," pred. to all three -Seea3. -See V2vid3and 619 3 -Either, .

subst. 'Entirely invincible for thee is surely nothing.

lO b . See 9\isma2. iyarti, v'r, 643c. Not (one) like thee is found among the

ready,' begins a clause.

' '
pra-bhrtaa, (is) gods ; or, Entirely granted thee is (the

11. '
They [men] are making supplication fact) that' surely no one (nakis mi, double
(to they are enticing (me) with invo- neg. = single) like thee etc.' Cf. KZ. xxvi.
me) ;

cation (uktha, as instr. s.). These two 611 and JAOS. xiii.p.c = PAOS. May, 1886.
(ima, 501 end) coursers here are carrying
me (lit, us) unto (iccha) them (ta = tani, NOTES TO PAGE 74. '

495 end: the good things mentioned in 1. nigate: acct, 596 and 597, cf. 89 N.;

pada a). the object (tva) is to be understood from

we,' i.e. the few who are what precedes.

12. vayam, Roth emends to karisyah,
conceived as speaking for the whole troop. see 938.
See Vyuj3 cf 840 3 Pronounce tamiah
: 2. Pronounce ekasya cin me vibhii astu
. .

gumbh- notation explained by Whitney, 6jas.

ya=yani. See nd3. 'Whatsoever
90b-. See tana under tanii and see \f2c_ubh. things (I am) having ventured, (those) I will
The spokesmen compan- accomplish (subjunctive = fut. ind., 576)
designate their
' ' '
ions as free in order to
magnify the value wisely (365.1).'
of their readiness to follow Indra. 3. This vidanas may be referred to Vivid.
13. U.f. etan (not etan) the Maruts cyaVam, 563, 743. ige, as 1st pers. here.

drive a dappled team of does or mares. What things I may undertake, just T,
See Vyuj+upa: yujmahe is a root-class Indra, am master of tliCm.'

present (612a), used with future mg (Ilia.). 4. U.f. amandat ma marutas st-, 17oa :

-U.f. mi indra (314 8 ). | -See IsvadhaS. cf. 74 12 N. yad brdhma cakra, a subject-
babhutha, 798b. clause co-ordinate with st6mas.
14. kv& sya, Whitney, 90b
2 :
pronounce 5. mdhyam, appositive to me. sakhye,
kiia sia svadhasid. sya, 'that' (wish 343a. taniie tanubhis, 'for myself, by
for my
company), just mentioned, line 13. yourselves (vestra sponte), i.e. for me, spon-
They him in the lurch once
did leave see taneously or heartily.'
82 1 N. U.f. ydd sam-adhatta see 6. See evd 1 end. Roth suggests the :

Vldha+sam and 668. emendation anedyah (anediah), as nom. pi.

15. Pada-text aham hi ugrdh. See m. or else anedyagravah. U.f. a isas ;

under v'nam for gen., see 297c end, and cf dadhanas.

: .

77 8 . 7. sam-caksia, 993a. acchanta (cch,

16. bhuri, ace. n., may be either pi. (340) 227 ), for a-chant-s-ta, 883, 233b. See V2chad.
or sing. Pischel shows that asme may be -chadayatha (248c), subjunctive, 1043.2.
used as instr. (or gen.) also. 'With (=in 'In very truth these (are) appearing
company of) us combined, (and) by our good unto me, blameless, putting on glory
united prowess.' Pronounce yiijiebhis, (and) strength. Ye of shining hue have
pauhsiebhis. delighted me, upon looking at (you), O
17. krnavama (248c), pres. subjunctive Maruts, and delight ye me now.'
(700) of v'kr, 71-5. -kratva, Classic kra- 8. See s'mah. pr& yatana, 618.
tuna, 342. maruto, voc. the spokesmen sakhlnr, 209. :

call on their companions to bear them wit- 9. See Vvat. bhuta, 835. navedas,
ness. But the reading maruto, nom., has 415e, as nom. pi. m.
been suggested. Seeyad4end. vagama, The accent-rules for the oblique cases
614. of the pron. root a (cf. 502) are simple and
18. vadhim, 904a. -babhuvan, 802. entirely natural. Thus :
PAGE 74.


A. If the form is used adjectively, dis- contains three stanzas, and the triad to
thing from others, it is Savitar the fourth of the six.
tinguishing this is

accented (74 9 ;
92 8 , 79 18 ). B. So also if used The first stanza of this triad is the most
as an emphatic substantive pron. (83 15 103 4 ,
celebrated stanza of the RV., and is called

asmat). the savitri (sc. fk), or the gayatri tear'

C. But if used as an unemphatic sub- f^ X^ v - If nas held, and holds even now,
stantive pron., 'his, her, him, their, them/ the most important place in the worship of
3 3 17
it is accentless (83 , 70 , 71", 74 , 88 , and
16 In the Proceedings of the
the Hindus.

very often). In this case the form cannot International Congress of Orientalists (1881)
stand at beg. of pada. at Berlin,2.160-187, and in Beligious

10. The a has pregnant Vguc+a mg (cf. Thought and Life in India, p. 399f, Monier-
and -rapa) and goes w. both duvasyat (562 2 )
Williams discusses the place of the RV. in
and cakre. Both verbs depend (595) on the religious services of the Hindus of the

yad. Pronounce maaniasy a. When '

present day.
the singer entices (you) hither as to an He says that the worshipper must first
oblation, (and when) the wisdom of Mana's bathe, then apply ashes to his limbs and
son has brought us hither .' forehead, bind his hair, sip pure water, and
Roth would expunge one d and read inhale pure air and retain it in his lungs for
duvasya, instr. (365.1) of duvasya (1149 ), a while. The worshipper then utters RV.

with an honoring, i.e. reverently.' The iii.62.10, which like the Lord's Prayer

passage is a desperate one. among Christians and like the Fatihah

11. U.f. a u su vartta (irreg.. 839) among Muhammadans takes precedence
accha. See su 1 and Vvrt+a. ima = of all other forms of supplication. [Cf.
imani. arcat, 743. Manu ii.lOlf.] Later on, the gayatri is

12. va st6mo,vaa st6mas, 173a: muttered 108 times with the help of a rosary

similar combinations at 79 17 vipras st-; of Tulsi wood. ,

81 17 ajayas sp- 87 1 92 8 74* per contra,

, ;
Much has been fabled about the stanza
; ; ;

47 U .
iyam here refers back see 1 idam. and its virtues. See, for example, Manu
See gir. ii.77-83. And it recurs frequently in the
13. U.f. a isa yasista (914 3 ) vidyama other Vedas; thus, four times in the VS.,
(\2vid, a pres. opt. of the root-class) isa-m. twice in the TS., and once in the SV. "No
Pronounce vayaam Hither with good and
? re- sufficient explanation of the pe-
freshment come ye. For ourselves as a culiar sanctity attaching to this verse has

strengthening may we get refreshment (and) ever been given." Whitney, reprinted in
a well-watered dwelling-place.' Kaegi, N.222. The stanza has naturally been
would seem that the poet Agastya imitated a great deal so even in the RV.
It :

was the son of Mana, of the race of Mandara. (v.82) we find verses run in the same mould.
This entire final stanza recurs at the end of And it is interesting to find the RV. stanzas
hymns 166-168. The awkward repetition of iii.62.10 (gayatri) and v.82.1 repeated in
refreshment leads Roth to suspect that the juxtaposition in the Taittiriya aranyaka at
original pada d of the stanza is lost and i.11.2 and i.11.3. After the pattern of the
replaced by the one in the text, which is a gayatri have been made a good many wooden
stock-verse recurring at the very end of and halting stanzas: so TA. x.1.5,6.
twenty subsequent hymns. 14-15. dhimahi, root-aor. opt. mid. (837)
of Vldha see VldhaS. See also Whitney
SELECTION XXXVI. RV. iii. 62. To in Kaegi, N.222. -y6 pracodayat (1043.
Savitar. Respecting Savitar, see Kaegi, p. 2), 'and may he inspire.'
" "
56(79). The last
hymn (62) of the third 16-17. puramdhia, perhaps with exalta-
mandala is really a collection of six short tion (of spirit ) imahe. see v'i and reference. .'

hymns to various divinities. Each hymn 18. naras, nom. pi. of nf.
[367] I PAGE 75.

I. mama : note that every one of the

NOTES TO PAGE 75. stanzas 1-6 begins with an emphatic form
SELECTION XXXVII. RV. iv. 42. Indra of the first personal pron. dvita, if ren-
contests the supremacy of Varuna. Re- dered ' equally,' means ' as well as thou, O
specting Varuna, see Hillebrandt, Varuna Indra, who disputest my sovereignty/ or
und Mitra, 1877, and Kaegi, p. 61(85), notes else as well over all creatures as over

241f. This hymn has ten stanzas but the gods ;
but Kern defines dvita as from

' '
last three have nothing to do with the rest.
everlasting or to everlasting the mg is :

Varuna is by far the noblest and loftiest uncertain and has been so since the time of
character of the Vedic pantheon, and seems the nighantavas (cf. Nirukta, v.3). Pro-
to have held the most prominent position in nounce rastram. See vigvayu in vocab.
the earliest period. Later as appears if Grassmann would emend yatha nah to
we RV. as a whole the war- yatanah, root-aor. ppl. of Vyat, joining
consider the '

like and national god Indra is plainly most themselves together, united:' 'mine (are)
prominent. The gradual supersession of all immortals together.' Otherwise we must
Varuna by Indra 1 is reflected in a consider- take nah as plural of majesty and equiv. to
able number of passages among them, this mama.
hymn and especially in x.124. 'To me, the ruler, forever (belongs) the
In stanzas 1-4 of this hymn, Varuna sovereignty over all creatures, just as all
claims the godhead, supreme and from the immortals (are) ours, i.e. our vassals.'
beginning, in virtue of his creating and sus- 2 b Taking vavri in mg 1, I am king of

taining the world. Indra responds (5-6) the folk's highest cover, i.e. king of heaven,'
by asserting his irresistible might as god or else ' I am king of the folk of the highest
of battle. And the hymn ends with an cover, i.e. king of the folk of heaven, or king
acknowledgment on the part of the poet of the gods.' GKR. quite otherwise.
(st. 7) of the claims of Indra. This is essen- raja as pred.
3. prathama(ni), 'first'

tially the interpretation of most of the in order of time. See Vdhr5.

authorities. 2 5. Indro excellent authorities emend, :

But the general drift of the hymn has and read indra. 16 urvi (342) etc. are
been no less than its details the subject accusatives dual neuter, object of the verbs
of very much discussion and difference of in next line. mahitva (330) by might.' '

Bergaigne considers stanzas 1-6 sam airayam, vir, 585.
6. dharayam
as a monologue of Indra. Barth 4 rejects ca makes a new clause, hence acct, 5932 .

the theory of the decadence of the Varuna- 7-8. I made the dropping rains to stream.

cultus and regards RV. x.124 as one of the I uphold heaven in the place of eternal order.
few survivals of a class of myths in which And in accordance with eternal order, the
Varuna is not the god of a smiling and sacred son of Aditi (i.e. Varuna) spread out
gracious heaven, but a malignant divinity. the threefold world.' The sending of rain
Finally, Whitney urges that this is not a is a function proper to Varuna cf. Hille-

question of supremacy and subordination, brandt, p. 85-86. In the assignment of this

but rather of comparative prominence. stanza the authorities differ and waver most.
This selection, I confess, is out of place in 9. Pronounce maam suagvas. vrtas,
a Reader. 'the chosen ones, 7rptf/uax<>' (v'2vr), or else
'hemmed in, sore beset' (Vlvr2) opinion :

Discussed by Muir, O8T. v.H6f; and, in con- about equally divided. \hu.
nection with RV. x.124, by Hillebrandt, p. 107-111.
See also Grassmann's introduction to x.124 and his
10. maghava^aham indras may make a
translation of it. sentence by itself or be taken appositively
2 80 GKR., p. 26; Grassmann, Translation; and with the subject of krn6mi. See vr and
Hillebrandt, esp. 72(159), 104-105.
3 La reference.
religion vedique, Hi. 142, printed 1877.
4 The
religions of India, p. 18. II. cakaram, 817, 8182 . -nakis begins

PAGE 75. '


new clause. varate, \flvr3, rootaor. subj. Gladsome before our eyes appear
Her beams like herds of kine let loose.
(836). The wide expanse of air she fills.
12. mamadan, perf. subj., 810a. yad
uktha(ni) sc. ma mamadan. 6-7. a-paprusi, sc. jrayas, or with Sayana,
13. U.f. vidiis (790a) te, 188b: similarly jagat, 'the world,' 'all': the stems of this
80 15 . All beings have knowledge of thee perf. ppl. are paprivans- and paprus-, cf.

as such a one (tasya). These things thou 803 and 459. Pronounce vi avar (Vlvr,
to O true one.' 831 2 585 2 ). -'According to thy
proclaimest Varuna, ,

14. Pronounce tuam, both times. gracious.'

Tu hostium 8-9. dyam, see div. U.f. a^antarik-
grnvise, 699 end, see v'c,m2.

1 sam, sc. tanosi (Vltan+a, 698B). See

interfector clues.' jagh-, 805: cf. 71 .

vrtan, v'lvr2. arinas, 725. priya3. Note the radical connection of

the assonant words and render by '
SELECTION XXXVIII. RV. iv. 52. To ray,' effulgent flame,' or the like.

Usas, the Dawn-goddess. See Kaegi, p.

52(73). The monograph by Brandes, Ushas SELECTION XXXIX. RV. v. 24. To Agni.
og Ushas-hymnerne Rigveda, Copenhagen,i The stanzas are dvipada, i.e. consist of
1879, gives translations of all the 21 hymns two padas, one of 8 and one of 11 or 12
in juxtaposition. Cf. also Easton, JAOS. syllables. Most nearly like this hymn in
x.p.lxix = PAOS. Oct. 1873. metre is RV. x.172 ;
but the stanzas of RV.
-Stanzas 3 (= SV. ii.1075-7) form a viii.12,13,15, and 18 are essentially similar
1, 2,

strophe. Stanzas 5, 6, 7 seem to form a (8+8+12).

second. Stanza 4 seems to be an addendum It is very worthy of note that three of
to the prior strophe. the stanzas occur in immediate juxtaposition
15-16. U.f. sya, 188a. -Vlvas+vi. - in the other samhitas, and as follows: in

svasus, cf. RV. i. 113.3. prati adargi the order 1, 2, 4, at SV. ii.45t,458,459, at
(844), note force of prati. VS. xv. 48 a ,48 b,48 c , and at VS. iii.25 a ,25 b,26
17-18. citra as pred. mata, cf Hesiod, .
(here stanza 3 follows as 26 ) ; and in the
Theogony, 378-82. -gavam, 361c. The order 1, 4,2 at TS. i.5.6 and iv.4.4. Finally,
kine are the fleecy morning-clouds, the to judge from the legend given below, and

children of Dawn cf. Kaegi, note 197. from the prescriptions of the ritual of the
Seertavan: the idea in Job xxxviii.!2 b sacrifice to the Manes, for example this

or Psalm civ.!9 b is similar. "The sun hymn would appear to be a trca or triad of
knoweth his going down." riks (see Sayana to RV. v.24 and to PB.

Bright as a ruddy steed became
The faithful mother of the kine, Tradition (Katyayana) ascribes this
Usas, the friend of Agvin* twain. also x. 57-60 to the
hymn and Gaupayana
19. Note how all three padas of this brothers, Bandhu, Subandhu, C.rutabandhu,
stanza begin with uta. Pronounce sa- and Viprabandhu. In his comments to x.
khasi, u.f. sakha asi. 57-60, Sayana gives the pertinent legendary
material taken from ancient sources and ;

this, with other matter, is given in transla-

tion, in JRAS. NS.ii.441f, by Max Miiller,
1. ILf. uta usaa (voc.). vasv-as, 342, who discusses the legend at length.
297c. Igise, 630.
The Brhaddevata says that king Asa-
3. prati abhutsmahi (Vbudh), 882 and mati sent away the four brothers who were
155 :
we have awaked with praises to meet his priests, and put in their stead two Brah-
thee (tva) vocab. wrong.
man wizards. These took shape as doves,
4-5. prati adrksata (Vdrg), 879b, 882, bewitched Subandhu, and plucked out his
218. -U.f. a usaa apras (889). soul. In order to cause the spirit to return,
[369] PACK 76.

the three remaining brothers recited x.58 etc., wig, v.508; and cf. SEE. xxvi.346). Thus
and praised Agni with the dvipada hymn
the PB., at vi.6.8,11, narrates how, at the
as it is among the Atris,' i.e. in the book of request of the gods, Atri restored to bright-
the family of Atri, the fifth. Then Agni ness the sun, which the demon had smitten

gave back to Subandhu his soul, and the with darkness. On this account, it continues,
brothers, delighted, sang the rest of x.60 a present of gold, the symbol of brightness,
(7-12) and laid their hands (cf. 91 N.) on the is made to a descendant of Atri at a sacrifice

one thus resuscitated. now-a-days.

10. agne, acct, 314 8 Pronounce tuam. .
Interesting are the Greek ideas about
bhava, 248c so urusya and grudhi, line the TrdyKoivov rtpas that bringeth to nought

12. men's strength and wisdom see Pindar's

11. accha, 248a. - naksi, V2na, 624. Fragments [74], Bergk 4 i.411f and notes.
-Superl., 471. -das, 835. 14. ava^ahan (593), cf. 707 and note.
12. sa, see ta2 end. nas, 297b. 15. gulham, Vguh. apa-vrata, having
bodhi, see 839 end here from Vbudh, see
: action off, i.e. baffling,' or, as in vocab.
Vbudh3. grudhi for grudhi: aoristimpv.,
The sun, hidden Atri found (avindat)

839 acct, 5932 mid.

- no, u.f nas, 194. .
by the fourth prayer.'
aghayatas, pres. ppl. ablative, 290: acct, Ludwig reasons thus The other priests :

316, 318a. -See Isama. had a regular liturgy of three prayers for
13. See under ta2. didivas, Vdi, perf. combating eclipses. On this occasion, these
ppl., voc., 462a. imahe, see Vi. proved ineffectual. Atri knew a fourth, and
that brought the sun out. Hence the totality
SELECTION XL. RV. v. 40. Indra and must have been very long. This matter is
Atri, and the sun eclipsed by the demon. discussed in full by Whitney, I.e., p. lxv(=xxi).
For a critical analysis of the hymn, see Bergaigne, I.e., p. 383(=14), says it is a
Grassmann, Translation, i.190 and esp. 540. mere case of the use of a sacred number
Stanzas here given, are quite inde- plus one
6, 7, 8, cf. Rel. ve'dique, ii.128.

pendent of the rest. 16. mam (pronounce maam) imam, me '

Ludwig identifies the eclipse here re- here, i.e. in this plight Sayana, Idrg-avas- ;

ferred to with that of April 20, 1001 B.C., tham. U.f. atre : the Sun is addressing
O.S. see Sitzungsberickte d. bohmischen Atri. irasya, 365.1. bhiyds-a, (me,
Gesell. d. Wiss., 1885. His argument is who am thine) with fear, i.e. who am thine,
reported by Whitney, JAOS. xiii.p.lxif = (but) sore in terror or, the word may be :

PAOS. and by Bergaigne, JA. taken actively, as the accent (1151.2c) and
Oct. 1885, No fair interpretation of the text Say ana's gloss ('fear-inspiring') suggest,

furnishes data precise enough for an exact and joined with the subject '
with a
identification. frightening.' ma ni garit: V2gr; aor.,
Stanzas 6 and 8 are spoken by the poet; 899a ; combination w. ma, 679.
stanza 7, by the Sun. The Sun's foe, Suar- 17. Pronounce tuam mitr6 asi tad
bhanu (accent!), is 'he who has the sun's mehavatam. mitr6, 'friend.' U.f. tad

beams,' and is later identified with Rahu, (see ta2 end) ma iha avatam: 'so do ye
the demon who '
devours/ or two help me here, (thou) and V.' With the
'seizes' (\f2gr, \fgras cf. 23%., Vgrah) the peculiar omission of tvam compare that of
sun or moon, and so causes eclipses. The aham, 79 10 N. So RV. viii.1.6.
Sun is in terror, and implores Atri for help : 18 and 77 1 . brahma= atris of next line.
and the latter rescues the orb by prayer and yuyujanas (807), see \fytij2. kiri may
praise. rather mean '

praise. upagiksan, see

Atri's mythical exploit is often men- Vgak+upa. U.f. caksus a_adhat (830).
tioned in the Brahmanas (see texts in Lud- - apa aghuksat, v'guh, 920, 916.
PAOB 77. \

THIRD PART. Stanzas 5-8 are the in-

NOTES TO PAGE 77. cantations by which the entire household is

SELECTION XLI. RV. vii. 55. Magic put to sleep. According to Aufrecht, I.e.

spells to produce sleep. Ascribed to Vas- (or Zimmer, p. 308), it is while a maid is

istha. The hymn consists of three parts receiving the visit of her lover; but that
differing in metre and disconnected in con- seems a little doubtful because \ve have
tents. For a general discussion of it, see plurals nas and sam hanmas and vayam,
Colebrooke's Essays 2i.27, and Whitney's lines 12, 13, 15, and not duals.
note, ibid. p. 112; JAOS. iii.336f and esp. With stanzas 5, 6, 7, 8 correspond respec-

Aufrecht, ISt. iv.337f. Sayana reports the tively stanzas 6, 5, 1, 3 of AV. iv.5, and the
native traditions about the hymn. Thus variants are interesting. The third part has

Vasistha came by night to the house of nothing to do with the second ;

but the dia-
Varuna to sleep, say some ; to steal grain, skeuasts have juxtaposed them because in
say others. He was assailed by the watch- both a dog is put to sleep.
dog, which bayed at him, and fain would 2-3. vastospate, see above : for s, see
have bitten him; but he laid the hound vigva for vfgvani, 330.
187. edhi, 636.
asleep with the stanza beginning, Yaska, Xirukta x.17, says yad yad rupam

When, silv'ry Sararaeya, thou,

kamayate devata, tat tad devata bhavati.
Sayana quotes him from memory thus, yad
and the one following. Later superstition yad rupam kamayante, tat tad deva
uses the hymn to quiet uncanny creatures viganti.
at night : see Rigvidhana, ii.26.4-5. See dant. viva, accent 128 end !, :

FIRST PART. The hymn next preceding

83 15 U.f. vi iva bhrajante rstayas.
cf. .

this in the RV., vii.54, is to Vastospati, the See iipa2. - See vbhas and 678. - They '

Lar familiaris, and consists of three stanzas. (the teeth) shine like spears, in the jaws of
The first part of our hymn, vii.55.1, is a mere the devouring one.' ni su (188a) svapa
addition to these three stanzas, and belongs is a refrain.
accordingly to vii.54 rather than to vii.55, The dog here addressed is partly white
as appears from the fact that the four and partly reddish brown, as Sayana rightly
stanzas are all recited together in the cere- observes and this is in accord with the adj.

mony of moving into a new house. See gabala, 'brinded,' applied to both of them
(^GS. iii.4, AGS. ii.9.9, and esp. PGS. iii.4.7 at 83 17 .

all in SEE. xxix.; and cf. MS. i.5.13. 6-7. punahsara: for the mg, see vocab.
The joining of this stanza to hymn 55 is a and cf Hamlet i.4.51-53. kim. why ? .

simple misdivision of which the NT. shows 8. For the genitives, see 297c end, and
many parallel instances. Thus Mark ix.l cf. 73 15-See v'ldr and 1010 and 1011.

belongs to viii. chap. ix. should begin with

; Probably the swine as a domestic animal
the Transfiguration. A
converse misdivision is meant here. In that case, this stanza is
is at AV. vi.63-64 as compared with RV. a later addition to 2 and 3, and is based on
x.191. a conception of the situation such as the
SECOND PART. Stanzas 2-4 are part of native tradition presents.
a scene at the entrance to Yama's kingdom 10. Quoted at 593 2 which see. ,

or the regions of the blessed. Yama's two 11. In the Veda, complete is sarva and

(cf. 83 N. and introd.) guard the

watch-dogs 'all orevery' is vigva. Later, vigva dies
pathway and keep out the wicked. Here out and sarva does double duty. In the
one of them barks at some who would come Veda, the use of sarva in the proper mg of
in; and these, in turn, protest that they vigva (as here, 77 , 85 , 91 ) marks the
17 20 1

are godly men, and so have a right to passage as late. See vocab. under sarva.
enter in peace. See Kaegi, N.274 ; Zimmer, ayam etc., 'these here people on all
p. 421. sides, all the people around here.'
[371] !
PAGE 78.

STANZA 5 may be spoken by maid or by nally each of 10 or 20 stanzas of 4 penta-

lover or by both. With the AV. reading, syllabic verses. Compare Bollensen, ZDMG.
svapantu asyai jnatayah (see 365.3), it must xxii.572f.
be spoken by the lover. Stanzas G-8 may 18. U.f ke im viaktas adha suagvas. .

be spoken by both.
12-13. nas, expect nau see above. NOTES TO PAGE 78.
See under yatha2 and cf. ya2. 1. U.f. nakis hi esam : cf . John iii.8, OVK
14-15. See vrsabha 1. tena sahas- olSas Trd&fv tpx^rat (rb irvev/.ia). vidre,
yena (248b), by (aid of) this mighty one.' 790b, 798a.
vayam, expect avam ?
Vsvap+ni, caus., 2. sva-pubhis, with their (sva-) wings,'
648. taking -pii in the sense of
pavana. Pavana,
16-17. naris, nom. pi., 365.2. Pada c lit. a cleaner,' from Vpu, sometimes means

may be read as catalectic. a 'sieve' or a 'fan.' At 104 13 (see note),

the pavana used to clean or winnow the
SELECTION XLII. RV. vii. 56. To the ashes from the bones of a cremated corpse
Maruts or gods of the storm-winds. Com- may perhaps be a wing-like winnowing-f an '

pare selection xxxv. (73 ) and introduction. and observe that German Schwinge means

The hymn consists of two parts, of which winnowing-fan and wing.' abhi va- ' '

the first, here given, ends with stanza 10. panta,

bestrew, cover.' asprdhran, see
Number 11 is only the fragment of a stanza. v'sprdh and 834b end.
The rest (12-25) is in an entirely different Here the storm-gods are pictured as
metre. lusty eagles, each sportively striving with
The metre of the ten stanzas is without the others for precedence, and spreading his
doubt a secondary one, being simply a form wings over them in turn, to put them down
of the tristubh syncopated at the sixth place, and master them.
i.e. with the prevailingly light sixth syllable Ludwig interprets, 'They vie in over-
left out (cf. JAOS. xi.p.lxiii = PAOS. May, whelming each other with their blasts'
1881). Thus, (pavana has also the mg 'wind'). This
view accords with the character of the play-
ful, boisterous,and roaring gods, but not
Each of the parts into which the verse is with the conception of them as eagles ;
broken is a '

syllable-pentad or aksara- it would seem to require the reading abhi

pankti; and each is an independent pada, *
since verbs at the beginning of the even Roth, and after him the vocab., suggests
d b
svapu is a besom
b '
pentads are accented, e.g., at vii.34.3 , 3 , 4 , that (that raises the dust)':
6b . A pentad-couplet is sometimes joined '
they bestrew each other (in sport) with
with a simply broken but unsyncopated dust.' At best, the line is doubtful.
tristubh verse to form a half-stanza or 3. ciketa, 787, Vcit3. -See yad2. -
stanza cd x.46.1 h );
70.4 cd , 10 cd The storm-gods are cloud-born, i.e. children
(e.g. i.67.8 ; ;

and this fact seems to suggest the derivative of the cloud conceived under the figure of a
character of the pentads. dapple cow, pfgni. This stanza (4) ought
The gayatri-stanza has 3 verses of 8 to come immediately after the second.

syllables and the strophe has 3 stanzas, a

4. See vig2. sahanti, active the forms :

multiple of the number of verses. The are usually middle. See Vpusii. 'The
pentad-stanza has 4 or 8 verses of 5 syl- host heroic, with the Maruts (as a part of it
lables ;
and the hymn has 6, 10, or 20 stan- or as allies), must be ever victorious, display-

zas, a multiple of the number

of syllables. ing deeds of manhood. Similarly stanza 7.
The hymns RV. i.65-70 have "each 5 stanzas The vit seems to mean the Maruts in
of 8 pentasyllabic verses while vii.34A and ;
alliance with Indra (cf. p. 364) or with some
vii.56A and ix.109 probably consisted origi- mortal prote'ge (cf. vii.66.23, i.64.13).
PAGE 78.


5. Lit.
As to going, the best-going ;
most might) and mighty [? or Stable in sooth
adorning themselves with adornment united are the creatures by his might], who propped

with beauty; terrible with strength.' Their asunder the two wide worlds, even. He set
abundant ornaments are much spoken of the great lofty firmament in motion, the stars
(e.g. v.54.11). Note the radical connection (collectively) for ever [or the stars as well,
of 6jas and ugra. cf. 75 1 N.] ; and he stretched out the earth.'
6. ' Terrible is your strength ; steadfast -Biblical parallels, Kaegi, p. 62(86).
your power; therefore (adha) is a troop, 12-13. Accent-marks, Whitney, 90b 2 :

with the Maruts (as allies), mighty.' taniia sam nu antar. bhuvani, 836 1 3 '

7. knidhmi, nom. n. pi., 340. Pro- See kim3. abhi khyam, 847 middle.
nounce miiniva (cf. 73 2 N.) or miinir 'va. 'And with my (svaya) self I say this
Your When pray am I to "
'Clear is your whistling. (take counsel thus), hearts
are wrathful as the wild onward-rush of a be in Varuna's presence 1 etc.'
doughty troop.' Otherwise Bergaigne, Me- 14. tad enas, rb a/xdprr;yua, the (admitted)

langes Renter, p. 85. sin.' U.f. didrksu upa u emi see u2 |

8. yuy6ta: irreg. impv. (654) of V2yu; ac- end. Ludwig takes didfk-su as of
cented, as standing at the beg. of a pada (see didfc,,
seer.' Thus case-form, stem-form
above). pranan nah,
pra-nak (192a, u.f. (see 1147b), and construction (cf. German
3 bei Jemand anfragen) are entirely regular.
161) nas: nak, for nak-t, v^nag, 833, 218 ;

augmentless aor. as subjunct., w. ma. Others take didrksupa for didrksus upa
9. Classic, priyani namani (425d). (nom.s.m. with elision and crasis, cf. 78 x.);

huve: we should expect huve. U.f. ayad but the acct is wrong see vocab.

trpan (3d pi., 848 end pada-patha wrongly : 'And unto the wise (\'cit, 787, 802) I go
trpat). See yad3 and \lva,q2. We have to find out by inquiry' (Vprach+vi, 970a,
here an unsyncopated verse see above. 981 3 ).
Grassmann emends. I invoke the dear lo. kavaya cid not my conscience only.
names of you the mighty, in order that they U.f. ahus, 801a. -V2hr.
(among you) who desire (our praise) may 16. '
What was, Varuna, the sin most
be gladdened, O Maruts.' grievous (lit. principal) ?
See yad3.
See Vhan and 1028 e and f.

SELECTION XLIII. KV. vii. 86. To Va- 17. pra vocas, 'tell,' 848 3, 847 end. -
runa. Respecting Varuna, see vocab. and U.f. svadhavas ava (135 2 ) tva anenas |

cf p. 367. The hymn is rendered by GKR., namasa turas iyam (616 3 ).

p. 6. The comments of Ludwig, vol.iv.p.88, with elision and combination, tureyam.
deserve careful attention. 18-19. See v'srj+ava 3 and 2. Note
The poet is ill and deems his sickness prolongations of finals in srja, srja, and
a punishment sent by Varuna for some sin. cakrma. With the second ava, supply
He acknowledges the wisdom of the majestic srja tani :
ya = yani. Pronounce damano
god; but ventures to approach him with (425f end), abl. Vasistha, the seer to
confession of sin and prayer for forgiveness whose family all the hymns of this seventh
and renewed self-consecration to the divine book are ascribed.
service. Compare Kaegi, p. 66(92). 2O. '
It was not my own will, it was in-
10-11. dhira-dhirani. -See tti2. - fatuation .' Note how the pronouns con-
mahina, poss. like colloquial Eng. mightily, form in gender with the predicates.
i.e. very.' urv-f, acc.du.f. paprathat,
Liquor, dice ancient and perennial sources
classed doubtfully as an augmentless re- of crime cf Tacitus, Germania, xxiv.
: .

duplicated aor., 869 . Note how the accent
or the lack of accent of the verb-forms NOTES TO PAGE 79.
affects the exegesis. 'The older is in the transgression of
Wise in sooth is his nature (with the younger. Not even (canal) sleep itself
[373] 1

I 'A. . K 8O.

(id) excludes wrong.' I, Vasistha, have not 10. a ruhava implies the subject avam,
entirely overcome the sins of my youth. (aham) varunag ca see 76 i.e. 17 N.
: At KZ.
Thoughts of malice or impurity trouble even xxiii.308 is adduced the AS. parallel, vit
my sleep. Interpretation doubtful. Stilling song dhofon,
we two, Scilling (and I)
2-3. aram (not aram) karani, '
I will raised a song.' See VIr+pra. See
serve,' root-aor. subjunctive (836 ) of VI kr. madhya3.
anagas, now that my sin has been, as I adhi aparn sniibhis, iir (evpta) '
11. vSna.

hope, forgiven. Made the unknowing to

6a\dffa"ns :

pronounce sanubhis. U.f.

know.' 'The wise (man) unto wealth the prenkhe. prd, inkhayavahai (1043.2)
still wiser (god) doth speed' (Vju). is apodosis, as the accent shows. See
4-5. ay am st6mas, referring back to 1 giibh and kam.
the hymn just ending see idam. See 12. U.f. navf a^adhat (829). -Pro-
Vcri+upa. See ks6ma2. See ul end. nounce su-apa(s).
Ye gods, keep us evermore with bless-
13. sudinatv6 ahnam (430a) cf. (hare :

pav tTriTe\oir), if ever he makes
ings refrain of the Vasistha-hymns ; see vr||jLcp(as TJ|ic

Kaegi, note 83c, and Ludwig, iii.129. a jolly day of it,' Alkiphron's Letters, i.21.
-U.f. yat (see this) nu dyavas (361d)
SELECTION XLIV. EV. vii. 88. To Va- tatdnan (810a), yat usasas (tatanan). Cf.
runa. Translated by GKR., p. 10. Like Psalm lxxii.5,7,17.
enough stanza 7 is a later addition. 14. Pronounce kiia tyani nau sakhia
The poet, forsaken by Varuna on ac- and see kva. sdcavahe tense, see 778a :

count of some sin, calls sadly to mind the depends on yad. See yad3. Muir com-
by-gone days when he walked so happily pares Psalm lxxxix.49.
with the god, and also the scene when, 15. jagama (248c, 793b), 'I had access
gliding over the waters with the god of the to we might expect jagama, accented, and

waters, he received the sacred appointment so co-ordinate with sac-. V's golden house
of Rishi. He asks forgiveness and restora- is built (AV. vii.83.1) on the waters:
tion to divine favor. See Kaegi, p. 68(94).
apsti te raj an varuna
It is not unnatural that Vasistha should
address himself or speak of
grb.6 hiranyayo mitah.
(cf. Ps. ciii.l)
himself as a third person. 16-17. See explanation under ya7.
6-7 Pronounce pray-istham and cf 470 3 Pronounce tuam.
. .
krnavat, 715, 700.

Im, enclitic pron., with which vfsanam is Doeth sins against thee.' sakha te,

cf. 70 6 N.
in epexegetical apposition (he is yet) thy friend,' as apodosis to the
karate, root-aor. subjunctive, 836. See concessively taken yas krnavat. So Lud-
vfsan3, and cf. the Hebrew conception of wig. -See V2bhuj5. -U.f. yandhi (617,
the sun that "rejoiceth as a strong man to 212) sma (188a, 248a) vlpras (see 74 12 x.)
run a race," Ps. xix.5. stuvat6 (619).
8. mansi, vman2, s-aor. 18-19. GKR. transpose padas 6 and c.
mid. 1st pers. s.,
So now, having come (805) tvasu: u.f., as given rightly by the pada-
to the

sight of him, as Agni's face I deem Varuna's.' patha, tva (object of vanvanas) asd (loc.
When I contemplate Varuna, his face seems pi. fern. 501). 'In these fixed or secure
to me like blazing fire. dwellings dwelling, thee we (are) beseeching
9. agmann, 210, 425c. abhi niniyat (Vvan, 713, 705) for grace from the lap of
(accentless), put doubtfully as a present opt. Aditi.' vi mumocat, 809, 810a.
of the reduplicating class, 651. '
The Refrain as before, 79N.
light which in heaven [is], and the dark, let
the lord unto me bring, a wonder to see.' NOTES TO PAGE 8O.
The beauty of the heaven by night no less Selection XLV. RV. vii. 89. To Va-
than by day was a wonder. runa. The hymn has been often translated :
PAGE 8O. [374]

so by Miiller,ASL. p. 540; Muir, v.67 ; GKR. (masc.) against the gods, if with folly thy
p. 12 ; Hillebrandt, Varuna und Mitra, p. 64 ; steadfast decrees we have thwarted, do not

Bergaigne, Religion Vedique, iii.155. (cause us to take harm from this sin = )

It is the prayer of a man who is varuna- chastise us for this sin.'

grhlta, 'seized by Varuna, i.e. afflicted with METRE, jagati. This stanza is not a
the dropsy.' V. is god of the waters (cf. part of the hymn. The stanza is an oft-

7 10 N., 79 15 x.), and the disease is supposed to recurring one Schroeder, MS. iv. p. 290.

come from him and as a punishment for sin : Its repetition daily for a year is prescribed
see AV. iv.16.7; also AB. vii.15, atha at Manu xi.253 : cf. Rigvidhana, ii.29.1.

ha^aiksvakam varuno jagraha; tasya The interesting stanza at RV. iv.54.3 = TS.
ha^udaram jajne; and C,B. ii.5.2 2 Cf. iv.1.11 1 is probably a reminiscence of this.

Hillebrandt, p. 63-65, 54. Ludwig's interpre- The AV., at vi.51.3, modernizes dcitti (340)
tation is quite different : see his notes, vol. yad to acittya ced.
iv. p. 91.

1-2. m6, see u2. -su, 188a. -grham, SELECTION XL VI. RV. viii. 14. To In-
Kaegi, note 329 : cf also the
. AS. poem in dra. Indra and Namuci. For the intro-
Thorpe's Analecta, p. 142, entitled The Grave, duction to the Namuci-myth, see 81 x. For
and familiar through Longfellow's transla- the later forms of the myth, see selection
tion. gamam, 833, 835: with ma, 579. 97 6 N.
Ixxii., p.

mrla, 248c, vmrd. Division into strophes of three


3-4. When I go, tottering along, like a

stanzas is In respect of contents,
bag, puffed up, have mercy.' v'sphur the first three stanzas and the last three
implies quick or vigorous motion see vocab. make very good strophes. Stanzas 1, 2,
Here the iva not a particle of comparison
is ;
and 3 form a strophe at SV. ii.1184-6 ; but
it modifies the mg of the root to that of a 5, 7, and 8 form another at 989-91. The
languid shake or wabble such as is character- hymn is unsymmetrically divided into three
isticof a dropsical person. So pra-hasan, at AV. xx.27-29.
' ' '
laughing outpra-hasann iva, smiling.'
; 11-12. igiya form, 616 acct, 628 mode, :
; ;

dhmatas, 'puffed up' (with wind) or 581b, note the second example. Similar idea
'bloated' (with serum), has reference not at 87 20 f, and often in RV., e.g. viii.19.25,26.
only to the bag, but also to the understood vasvas, gen. 342.
aham. Grassmann, schnaufend,' i.e. blown, ' '
13-14. See v'cak B2 and 1030. -dit-
winded, puffing.' Otherwise Bergaigne, iii. seyam, 1030; accented at beg. of clause,
adrivas (454b), always of Indra, 2
155u. though not at beg. of pada, 593 Xote .

except here, and at ix.53.1 (of Soma) ! the old mg of caci-pati (vocab.), whence was
On this stanza the exegetes differ much. evolved the later 'Mrs. Might' (see c_aci).
5-6. kratvas, gen., 342. -dinata, 365.1. 15-16. U.f. dheniis te, 188b similar com- :

jagama, 79 x. binations at 87 19 , 84 15 .
-siinrta, cf. 28 lob N.
7-8. Line 7 has trochaic cadences. sunvate, v'l su, 705; acct, 318.
'On (me, thy) standing and horses,' see under g6 1.
singer, (though) pi-py-us-I, vpi,
(803) in the midst of water, thirst has got 802 end, 459. -dune, 613, and 70 18 N.
hold (avidat, v'2vid2). See Horace's descrip- 17-18. Nor god nor mortal is a restrainer '

tion, Odes, ii.2, Crescit indulgens, etc. of thy blessing, when .'

9-10. See ydd5. -See 2idam. -See 19. U.f. yad ('when ') bhumim vf avar-
" He taketh
jana: for loc., 303a. dharma, 425d. tayat cf up the isles as a very : .

yuyopima, 793e. See Vris caus. aorist, little thing," Isaiah xl.15 also 12.
: ;

1046, 859; augmentless form as subjunctive

w. ma, 579. NOTES TO PAGE 81.
'If we mortals do anything (kim ca, 1. cakrands, VI kr8, and 807. 'Putting
neut.) here (that proves to be) an offense his plume in the heaven = touching the
[375] PAGE 88.

heaven with his plume.' Just so, RV. x. comes (Sherwill, 370; Reye, 32) a heavy
125.7 d . rain. All this is set forth as gracious Indra's
2-3. See VvrdhS and 807 2 -ji-gy-iis-as prowess. . U.f. ajayas spfdhas, see 74 12 N.

(787 strong stem ji-gi-vans) goes also with Bergaigne's discussion, ii.346-7, may be
te. U.f. indra a vrnimahe (718). compared and also RV. v. 30.7 ,8 and vi.20.6.
4-5. U.f. vi antariksam (Whitney, 90b 2 ) The form of the myth as it appears in
atirat (Vtr). -abhinat, v"bhid, 692. - the Brahmanas originates in a misconception
valam, cf. Indra's epithet, 5 17 . of the case-relation of phenena (see above),
6-7. U.f. lid gas (361c) ajat (Vaj). - which they take as an instr. of means, i.e.

avis-krnvan, 187, 1078. weapon by means of which Indra

as the
8-9. drlhani drnhitani ca, (were) made slew Namuci.
So Say ana phenena vajri- :

stable and (were) established,' both from bhutena; see vocab., \'sic3. Cf. notes to
v'drh. para-nude form of inf., 192a, 970a selection Ixxii., p. 97.
: :

use of inf., 982c.


Steady, not for thrust- 18-19. ut-sisrpsatas (v'srp) and a-ruruk-

ing away = so steadfast they may not be satas (v'ruh), of ppl., 1027, 1029.
moved.' Cf. Ps. xciii.lor2; xcvi.10. dyam, 361d. dasyunr, u.f. dasyun,
1O-11. See under v'mad 1. See Vraj+vi prop, dasyuns, see 209 and b and 3382 .

and 902. See Vdhu+ava and 706. Cf. the legend

12-13. Pronounce tuam. U.f. indra_ at Odyssey xi.305-20, and see Eggeling,
asi: acct, 595d. stotf nam (acct, 372), SEE. xii.286.

objective gen. w. bhadrakrt, which has noun 2O-21. visiiclm (408), 'so that it was
construction rather than verbal. parted asunder or scattered,' as factitive
14-15. U.f. indram Id kegina (441). - predicate of vi-anagayas (v'l nag). See
vaksatas, them bring,' 893'2
let See . littara 1. '
Becoming victorious (after or as
iipa2. suradhasam might be joined with result of) quaffing the Soma.'
either indram or yajnam.
16-17. NAMUCI-MYTH. With foam of ' NOTES TO PAGE 82.
the waters, Namuci's head, Indra, thou OSELECTION XL VII. RV. viii. 85. 7, 8, 9.
didst cause to fly asunder, when thou wast Indra and the Maruts, and Vrtra. For the
conquering all thy foes.' It appears to me corresponding Brahmana legend, see selec-
likely that the natural phenomenon to which tion Ixvii., p. 94*. Cf. also Muir, v.93.
this refers is a water-spout ('Trombe') on All three stanzas are addressed to In-
an inland lake. This fear-inspiring thing dra and might be put in the mouth of the ;

may well be personified as a demon. The Maruts, were it not for havisa, st. 8 d If, .

verb lid avartayas means didst cause to on the other hand, they are put in the mouth

move out or fly asunder with a gyratory or of the worshippers, then lipa a_imas cannot
centrifugal motion.' This accords well with serve as verb to mariitas nor govern tva of
the facts of the not infrequentphenomenon st. 8a . I therefore suspect that either pada
as seen by See Major
unscientific eyes. 6 or d of stanza 8 is a foreign intrusion. If
Sherwill on Bengal waterspouts, JASB. 1860, it isthe former, the original may have con-
xxix.366f, with good pictures, and Th. Reye, tained anu yanti or the like.
Die Wirbelsturme 2 p. 17f. The line MBh.
, 1. See Vis. vigve devas, other than the
v. 10.37 = 328 seems to favor my view. The Maruts for here, presumably, they are not ;

whole passage is a reminiscence of the included among the friends who desert In-
Namuci-myth. dra and the Brahmana says expressly that ;

The head of the column is twisted and they do not desert. But at RV. viii.7.31 the
made to burst asunder and scatter itself contrary is affirmed; cf. p. 364. ajahus,
(phenena, instr. of accompaniment, lit. with
\f2ha (661, 657) : its object is tva.
foam,' i.e. ) in abundant foamy masses. Then, Explanation under atha2.
2. Similarly
with the dispersion of the column, often atha is used after an impv. implying a con-

PAGE 82. {

dition (572*), at 96 17 , 97 10 i.e. I have no ax by me, = own

-jayasi, 736. siring (it),
-Half -line, cf. 88 15 . See etadrg. none.'
3-4. Numerical construction, 486b. I have no cow from whose milk I might
vavrdhanas (807 2 ), 'growing strong, rejoic- make ghee for an oblation, nor an ax to
ing in strength.' upa tvemah (acct!) u.f. cut sticks for the sacrificial fire. So I offer
tipa tva a^imas (127, end). krdhi, 839. thee such as I have, i.e. gathered bits of
Thy impetuosity = thee, the impetuous.' wood.
One should sacrifice, if only a '

-ena, 5022. bit of wood,' says tradition : cf . the widow's

Thrice sixty Maruts, in their strength mites; and see ASL. p.204 and Bhagavad-
rejoicing, (do follow?) thee, like hosts of gita, ix.26.
morning, reverend. Unto thee come we. 15-16. VS., kani kani cid; MS. and TS..
Grant thou us a blessing.' Etc. yani kani ca; AV., yani kani cid; see
5-6. ayudham and anikam are best made Ika2d. Vdha-ra2; ending, 548. Pro-
co-ordinate with vajram. See asura2. nounce yavisthia the anomalous ending is :

solely for the sake of the metre, since

SELECTION XLVIII. RV. viii.91. To yavistha makes just as good a catalectic
Agni. Stanzas 7,8,9 and 13,14,15 form diiambus as yavisthya. '
Youngest,' for he
strophes in the SV. The rest of the hymn starts into lifeanew every day.
(16-22), after rejection of one stanza, forms In old times Agni would not devour fuel
two strophes 16,17,18 may be safely grouped
: that was not ax-hewn. The Rishi Prayoga,
together and of the remaining four, I have
who was too poor to own an ax and had to
followed Grassmann in rejecting st. 21, on pick up his wood, made it toothsome for
account of the contents and language. More- Agni with this stanza, yad ague yani kani
over, the tense of idhe is proper to a final ca. So TS. v.1.10 1 .

stanza Delbriick, Tempuslehre, p. 106-7.

cf. Note how the other texts make 20 and
On the other hand, it must be admitted that 21 into two anuatubh stanzas by inserting
stanzas 20 and 21 occur in juxtaposition at 21 C in the one and adding 20 C to the other.
MS. ii.7.7, TS. iv.1.101, VS. xi.73-4, and else- 17-18. See v'idh or indh. See manas 1.
idhe, I have enkindled,' tense, see above.
7-8. Four explanations of dhiti. 1. Grass- Perfect used to state a thing to some one
mann, for diti, q.v. instances of the con- who has just seen it transpire.

fusion of dhi and di are adduced. 2. Lud-

durch die kiinstlichen mittel des
wig, ghrta,'
see 2dMti. Sayana takes it from \dha,
3. SELECTION XLIX. RV. x.9.1-3. To the
put,' and renders by nidhanais, with the '
Waters. Rubricated at 105 21 funeral ser- ,

deposits' of ghee. 4. Best taken as vice. This hymn in the RV. has nine stan-
'draughts,' \dha, 'drink,' see 1 dhiti and zas; but the first three form a strophe which

reference, and cf. RV. x.115.1. recurs very often in other texts : so TS.,
tepanas, 794e, 807. vaksi, v'vah, 624 : thrice ; MS. and VS., twice ; K., SV., AV.,
so yksi (Vyaj); accented, 593 middle, cf. and TA.
761 2 , 771, 78", 80 13 etc. , The Grhya-sutras prescribe the use of
9-10. tarn tva : see examples under ta2. this strophe, with the pouring or sprinkling
Sayana renders tarn by prasiddham, ilium
of water, at the wedding-ceremony, QGS.
i.14, in the choosing of a house-site, AGS.
similarly tas, at 83 he glosses by tadrgyas. ,

ajananta (a-class and mid. !), classic ajan- ii.8.12, in the consecration of a new dwelling,
ayan. - See matf cf. RV. iii.29.1-3. : ib. ii.9.8, and in certain funeral rites, ib. iv.6.
11-12. Pronounce tua. ni sedire (185), 14 = 105 21 Indeed, so frequent is their use

see \ sad -ni2 subject, men.' ;Cf 8817 '

. . that they have a name and are called the
13-14. Pronounce asti (595d) aghnia. "three apohisthiya stanzas" cf. 1215a.

Perhaps, 'There is no ax (with me) de- The modern Hindus use them daily in thei*
[377] PAGE 83,

marjana, see Monier-Williams, as cited at In stanza 10, on the other hand, these

p. 366. hounds are conceived as ill-disposed crea-

1-2. stha, u.f. stha, 188a, 248c. -tas, tures standing guard to keep the departed
see 82 9 N. -Vldha2 and 669. -caksase, out of bliss see p. 370 ; and possibly the
Vcaks, 970e. 'Bring us to vigor, to stanza which originally belonged with 9 has

great gladness, behold:' attraction, been displaced by the one in our text. Or
982a. is stanza 9 itself the intruder ? See Bezzen-
3-4. See Vbhaj, caus. u gat is, fern, berger's Beitriige, viii.202.
ppl., Vvag. The stanzas of RV. x.14 recur else-
5-6. master of the new where, with more or less interesting variants.
U.f. tasmai, the
dwelling. gamama, 848 janayatha Those in the Reader correspond respectively

(248c), 'produce, i.e. bring:' for aught the with AV. xviii.l. 49,50,54; 3.68; 1.55; 2.11,
accent shows, it may be co-ordinate with 12,13. Compare also MS. iv.14.16 ii.7.11 ; ;

jinvatha (595) or also not (see 594a). TA. vi.1.1; 4.2; 6.1; 3.1,2. For st. 9, see
For him may we satisfy you, to whose note thereto, 83 15

dwelling ye hasten, Waters, and bring us 7-8. para^yivansam, Vi, 803, 783b2 .

whatever that may mean. It seems to have 'Along after (ami) i.e. unto the mighty
pertinence only as said by officiating priests heights,' i.e. to the other world. anu-
in performing the above-mentioned conse- paspaganam, VI pag, 807. vaivasvatam,
cration. cf. 85 18 N. So also in the Avesta, Yima is
Vs son. '
Gatherer of the peoples ;
SELECTION L. RV. x.14.1-2, and 7-12. cisely so in the Avesta, Vd. ii.21, Yima makes
Kubricated at 102 1 21 103 12

, a gathering (hanjamanem) of mortals. Cf.

see p. 402. See Whitney's essay, On the "AiS-ns a.ynffi\os, Preller, Gr. Myth? i.660,
Vedic doctrine of a future life, OLSt.i. 46-63 Kaegi, N. 276. Note that Yama is a king,
(= Bibliotheca Sacra, 1859, xvi.404f ) ; also and not, like Varuna (line 12), a god.
Zimmer, p. 408-22. On immortality as an Yama is the first mortal (see yama in
Indo-European belief, see Kaegi, N. 265 and vocab.); the first to reach the other world
literature there cited, and x. 283a. On the (AV. xviii.3.13); the leader of the endless
funeral rites, see introduction to selection train of them that follow him ;
and so the
Ixxv. and literature there cited. Translations king of the blessed (see yama-rajan). The
of this hymn: Muir, v.292; GKR. p. 146; comparison of Yama with the Avestan Yima
and Whitney, I.e., p. 68. is very interesting: see Roth, die Sage von
Although mandala x. on the whole is
Dschemschid, ZDMG. iv.417-431 ;
and SEE.
late, it yet contains antique passages and ;
iv.p.lxxv., and p.10-21.
among these the following seems to belong :
We read at AV. xviii.4.7,
so Roth. The hymn contains 16 stanzas, of
tirthais taranti pravato mahir iti,
which 13-16 are palpably later additions.
By passes pass they to the mighty heights, 'tis said.
Only 7-12 are actually prescribed by A.9va-
is most interesting as a reminiscence of
layana for use in the funeral service but 1 This ;

and 2, although not rubricated, are given the same traditional material of which RV.
for their intrinsic interest. x.14.1 is another outgrowth.
The passage as it stands consists of an 9-10. '
Yamus nobis perf ugium primus

introductory summons to the assembled repperit :

gatum, q.v.,pregnantly, like r6irov
mourners (1-2); and of an address to the at John xiv.2. esa gavyutis, i.e. the gatti,

departed (7-8); then, after bidding the just mentioned. apa-bhartava u: the
mourners disperse (stanza 9), the spokesman pada-patha reads -tavai u (133); form of
implores the favor of the kimlly-disposed inf., 972 2 ;
use of inf., 982c. -For the
hounds of Yama, for the departed (11) and thought, see an Avestan parallel, Kaegi, N.
for the company (12). 270. -yatra, 248a. -para^iyiis, 783b .

PAGE 83. '


jajnanas, vjan2, 807, (their) children,' sc. 17-18. In this stanza, these dogs, the off-
para yanti. spring of Sarama, are ill-disposed (dur-
11-12. pra^ihi, 617, see vocab. The vidatra) see introduction. Pronounce
AV. modernizes the forms a little, reading guanau. Four-eyed later this is taken '

rajanau, madantau. pagyasi, subjunctive to mean with two eyes and two round spots

(760.2), w. future mg, as in Homer. Note above the eyes.' Note the Parsi custom of
the appropriate connection of this stanza having such a dog (cf. Vd. viii.16) view the
with st. 2 and observe the identical padas. corpse before exposure Monier- Williams,
13-14. The derivation and mg of ista- Mod. India, 173-6, ed. 1878.
purta are discussed most carefully by Win- Respecting Sarama, see Kaegi, x. 149.
disch, Festgruss an Bohtlingk, 1888, p. 115f. Respecting the dogs, see ib., N. 274, 274a,
piinar astam and Muir, v.294. Homer mentions the dog
hitvaya, v2ha, 993b.
ajhi, Go back home,' as if the soul had of Hades,' Od. xi.623f, II. viii.368. Not till

come from heaven. Illustrative material in later is he called many-headed and KtpBepos. '

Kaegi, N. 275. Cf zu Gott heimkehren =

die.' With KepBepos is identified Cabala see Ben-
Pada d is metrically defective: te tanua, fey, Gottingische Nachrichten, 1877, p. 8f =
with thy (new) body,' is suggested, Kaegi, Vedica, i.!49f. In Avestan(Vd. belief
N. 278, which see; te tanua suvarcasa is xiii.9), dogs guard the entrance of the other
suggested by Sayana's comment. Cf. the world. These beliefs are compared, SEE.
Christian conceptions at Philippians iii.21, iv.p.lxxxvii.
I. Cor. xv.40f. 19. In this stanza and the following, the
15-16. U.f. apa_ita, vi^ita, vi ca sar- dogs are kindly creatures.
pata^atas. asmai (accent, 74 N.) etam
9 .

ahobhis adbhis vi-aktam (v'afij). vita,

acct, 128 end; so viva, 77 N. Pronounce tabhiam.
akran, 831. 1.Verbs, 668.
Second asmai, accentless, cf. 74 9 N\ 2-3. U.f. asutfpau admits several ex- :

Pada c. '(A place of rest) adorned planations see vocab., and Bergaigne, iii.
with days, with waters, with nights:' i.e. 72. These messengers go about to con-
where the delights of earth are found again, duct to the other world those who have
the change of day and night, cooling waters, received the summons of Yama. suryaya,
etc. Note the especial mention of waters in attraction, explained at 982a. U.f. piinar
the enumeration of the joys of heaven at datam (839) asum adyd_iha may the two :

RV. ix.113.7f, and in the description of the give back again ,' for the mourners have
Assembly-hall of Yama Vaivasvata, MBh. been in the shadow of death.
' '

ii.8.7 =
317. And observe how very frequent
are the allusions to the waters in the men- SELECTION LI. RV. x. 16. Funeral-hymn,
tions of Paradise in the Koran, e.g. xlvii. used at the ceremony of cremation. Rubri-
10-20; lxxvi.5; xiii.35. cated are only stanzas 1-9 and 14 see p.
This pada at best is bad.It is avoided 402. The rubricated stanzas are translated
by the noteworthy, but not very helpful, by Max Miiller, ZDMG. ix.p.viiif, and the
variants of the Yajurveda. VS. xii.45 reads whole hymn by Zimmer, p. 402. Most of
the stanzas are addressed to Agni ;
but 3, 6,

apeta vita vi ca sarpatato and 7, to the dead man. The hymn has two
y6 atra stha purana ye ca nutanah. sundered by the metre.
adad yam6 avasanam prthivya parts, clearly
akrann imam pitaro lokam asmai, In the first, Agni is to burn the corpse,
not rudely, but gently, just enough to " make
and substantially so read MS., TS., TB. The it done." To this end, a sacrificial goat
scholiast to VS. takes this as an address to (st. 4) is provided, and (st. 7) the corpse is
Yama's men.' It is a little forced to refer covered with a caul, in order that Agni may
it to the mourners. spend his fury on these things and spare the
[379] j
) PAGE 84.

corpse from too severe a burning. The plants, the hair of his head to the trees, and
original purpose of this custom may have his blood and seminal fluid in the waters are
been different. The Greeks had the custom put, what then becomes of this spirit 1 '

see II. xxiii.!65f Od. xxiv.65f.

, Cf. the formula recited at the slaughter of
Moreover, Agni is to carry up the departed the sacrificial victim, AB. ii.6.13,
to the Fathers orManes, who have their seat
suryam caksur gamayatat,
in the 'fore-heaven' (AV. xviii.2.48, Whit- vatam pranam anvavasrjatat,
ney, OLSt. i.59). Perhaps st. 8-10 did not antariksam asum,
belong originally to the first part. digah grotram,
The second part consists of heterogene- prthivim gariram.
ous material, vagrant stanzas, having some Dissolution into the five elements (see bhiita)
connection, verbal or logical, real or apparent, islater the stereotyped phrase for death (see
with the words or ideas of the first.
pancatva). Cf. the four elements t Siv

Every stanza of the hymn, save st. 11, ffvfj.ireTT7iyf rb ffw/j.a, yijs irvpbs vSarSs rf Kal
appears in the AV., and some elsewhere also, atpos, Plato, Timaeus, p. 82.
and with interesting variants. The affinity of the eye and the sun is
4-5. enam: the minds of all present are universally palpable cf for example, Plato, :

so exclusively upon the departed, that the Repub. 508, rtKioeib(<rrar6v yf oZ/xcu [rJ i/'/x/^a]
first reference to him may be made by TaJc irepl rb.s alff6r)fffis opydvuv. Not less SO
an accentless and gestureless word without is that of breath and wind. Bones and earth,
unclearness. Similarly asya. vi dahas, Timaeus, 73s blood and plants, ib.80E. Cf ; .

abhi gocas, 748, 579. The AV. reads gugucas Darmesteter, SBE. iv.187, who cites Iliad
(869). -ciksipas, 869, 579. -krnavas, vii.99 and Empedocles, 378-82 (ed. Mullach).
700. U.f. atha im enam. prahinutat: 10-11. 'The goat [laid limb by limb on
n, 192c; form, 570, 704, cf. 91 mg, 571.
; the corpse on the fire] (is thy) portion.
6-7. Pada d = atha devan vagam nesya- Burn it with burning; that let thy heat
ti, he shall bring the gods into his control
burn that, thy flame.' But deal gently

(cf. RV. x.84.3), i.e. 'win their favor.' with the dead man. Note the emphatic
8-9. Note the combination of tristubh position of the last two tarn's. The goat
and jagati padas (11, 12, 12, 11). Pronounce is the animal most fit for sacrifice see the
diam. See dharman. apds, 6sadhisu, legend, AB. ii.8. Later; aja is taken as a-ja,

garirais, Sayana, the unborn part so Sayana cf Ludwig,

cf. x.58.7. Seehita2. :

' '
garira^avayavais members
iii.p.435-6; Pancatantra, book iii., fable 2;

For this stanza there is abundant and MBh.xii.338.3(= 12820) fol.255 >; ISt. i.428. 1

interesting illustrative material. See Muir, Agni has

(ghoras 'dreadful forms'
v.298,319; Kaegi, N. 275,275a. Man is a
tamias) as well as 'kindly' ones. See
microcosm. Each element in him comes lokd 2b and sukrt. The Hindus regard u
from some element in nature with which it as a particle but it may be part of a word ;

has most affinity and thereto it returns (cf. uloka, which combination appears in old
Eurip. Suppl. 532f). These affinities are texts, and even at the head of a pada, where
pointed out with much detail in C,B. xiv. u (as enclitic) could not stand.
6.2 13 . 12-13.
'Who, offered to See Vhu+a.
yatra^asya purusasya mrtasya^ agnim The corpse may have
thee, goes freely.'

vag apyeti, vatam pranag, caksur adityam, been conceived now as yielding easily to
manag candram, digah grotram, prthivim the devourer, and now as struggling against
gariram, akagam atma^, osadhir lomani, it. Otherwise Zimmer, p. 403N.
vanaspatin kega, apsu lohitam ca retag ca 'Putting on life (as a garment), let him
nidhiyate, kva^ayam tada puruso bha- seek after offspring.' Where is to be found
In case the dead man's soul goes expressed the wish for children in the new
vati ?
to the ether, the hair of his body to the ife ? It is repulsive. But that carnal inter-
PAGE 84. [380]

course was by no means excluded from the ritual (103 1 ). The hymn proper may have
(doubtless later) ideas of heaven would ended with st. 7.

appear from the material gathered by 2O. For n, 192c. -yamarajnas, cf. 83 8 x.
Muir, v.307-9, esp. from AV. iv.34.2 and
xiv.2.32. Add AB. i.22.14, and cf. Zimmer, NOTES TO PAGE 80.
413. 1. U.f. iha_eva_ayam itaras, jatavedas,

g6sas here mean Right here other one, Jatavedas,'

After all, may not is this i.e.

simply 'those whom we agni havya-vahana, as distinguished from

leave behind us,'
viz. at the grave (see 63 17 18 ), in order to agni kravya-vahana.
The cremation has
continue the journey of life without them, now proceeded far enough so the corpse- ;

i.e. those who have gone before 1
These consuming Agni is dismissed to the Manes,
the dead man is now to rejoin. and the oblation-bearing Agni summoned.
-Padad: cf. 83 1 * and x. 2-3. This continues the thought of st. 9.
14-15. krsnah gakunas is one of ill- In the presence of the Manes (who don't
omen. uta va: function of ut like that mind the heat), the dismissed Agni may
of atha in atha va, see athaG. U.f. agnis burn as fiercely as he likes and drive his
tad (80 15 Jf.) vigva^at. See brahmana : flames in or to the highest place. Him I '

no necessary allusion to caste here. If remove or dismiss (v'lhrS) to the pitryajfia :

unclean creatures have done any harm to this Ludwig, v.p.423, takes to be a sacrifice
the corpse, Agni is to remove from it the to the gods conducted by the Manes other- ;

traces of such imperfections, i.e. make it

wise vocab. invat: form, 736; quasi-
whole.' The soma seems to stand for some
root inv.
purifying sacrifice at which it was used in 4-5. The diaskeuasts have put this stanza
conjunction with the fire. here on account of the mention of kravya-
16-17. Rubricated at 102 2'\ Cutting out vahana and the Manes. 3
yaksat, 893 ,
the caul of the anustarani, the celebrant Vyaj. U.f. prA id u . 'Both to the
covers the head and face of the dead man gods and to the Manes
so Sayana, Mahl-
with it, for the purpose mentioned in the dhara (to VS. xix.65), and vocabulary under
introduction. g6bhis, see g62 the caul, : a2. But Ludwig (see transl.) says 'to the
suet, and fat are meant. Vvya+pari: see gods also, from the Manes.'
the orig. mg of v'vya. U.f. sam pra^ 6-7. See Vva. tva, the sacred fire.
urnusva (712) acct, 1083-84.
: See n6d ni dhimahi (cf. 74 14 and sam idhimahi, )

and references. Gladly would we set thee down,

Vhrs, intens., 1012. 837.

vi-dhaksyan, Vdah, fut. ppl. Subjunctive gladly make burn brightly* (sam gives to
form, 1068, cf. 736. idh this intensive force). The optative does
Lit., then, 'Wind
a protection (varma) not imply that they do not suit the action
from the around thyself by means
fire (abl.) to the word.
Glad, bring thou hither
of the caul etc., i.e. envelop thyself with the the glad Fathers, to the oblation (982a) to
caul as a protection from the fire [addressed eat' (\fad, 970b).
to the dead man, although the celebrant 8-9. ' Him cool thou off (see VI va+nis),
actually does the enveloping] ; cover thyself i.e. let him whom thou wast consuming cool

completely with suet and fat : in order that off again.' And let the burning-place be
the bold one (Agni), very impatient, may so cool and moist that even water-plants
not with his grip firmly clasp thee around, (padas d) may grow there.

to devour thee.' 1O-11. Rubricated at 104 11 -The four .

18-19. vi jihvaras, Vhvr, 8581 , in form words in line 10 may be either voc's s.f. or
and use like ciksipas, line 4. Pada c : loc's s.m.n. :
accent, indecisive the ;
i before
metre faulty ; read esa u or esd id ? See k (1222d) favors the first view. sam
\'mad, caus. 2. This stanza seems to have gamas (active !), 8488 . The stanza seems
pertinence only as an accompaniment of the to be meaningless rubbish.
[381] j
J PAGE 85.

" "
SELECTION LIL RV. x.17.1-2 and 3-6. Tvas.tar'8 making a wedding for his daughter
At this news all the world here comes together.
Funeral-hymn. Under x.17 are included Yama's mother, during her wedding,
The wife of mighty Vivasvant, vanished.
divers elements A. the fragmentary legend

They hid away the immortal from mortals.

of the Children of the Sun (1-2); B. the Making a like one, they gave her to Vivasvant.
And she bare the two Ac,vins when that happened,
funeral-hymn proper (3-6) C. a prayer to ;
And left two pairs behind her Saranyu.
Sarasvati (7-9) D. sundry fragments.

A. STANZAS 1-2. This famous fragment " A braw story, but unco short." The
begins a new anuvaka and has nothing to actual text is
tantalizingly fragmentary. We
do with the funeral-hymns. It smacks of can hardly hope to recover the legend with
antiquity ; and it has become the nucleus of any satisfactory completeness. Yaska gives
later legends. Of these, the oldest is that it thus :

reported by Yaska, in the Nirukta, xii.10; Tvastar's daughter, Saranyu, bare twins
and the next is that of Qaunaka, in the (Yama and Yami) to Vivasvant. She foisted
Brhaddevata, vi.33 to vii.2. C/s version is upon him another female of the same appear-
quoted in full by Sayana, in his comment to ance (savarnam), and, taking on the form
RV. order to prove that the Rishi
vii.72.2, in of a mare, fled forth. Vivasvant took on
Vasistha was a relative (first cousin) of the the form of a horse, followed her, and
A9vins. Both legends are given in the coupled with her. From that were born the
originaland in translation by Muir, v.227-9 two A9vins or Horse-men.' Of the savarna

also by Kuhn, KZ. i.440-43; L. Myrian- was born Manu.

theus, Die Acvins oder arischen Dioskuren, That is Vivasvant, the Sun, and Saranyu,
Munich, 1876, p. 1-4 and in substance by were the parents of Yama and Yami (83 8
; ,

Max Miiller, Lectures, 2d series, no. xi., p. 92 14 ), the first human pair. But there was
501 Am. ed. of 1865 = 628 Eng. ed. of 1873. a coexisting belief in Manu (see manu in
Late form of legend, VP., b'k iii., chap. 2. vocab., and cf. SBE. xxv.p.lvii) as the father
The verbal exegesis of the two stanzas of mankind. Are not RV. x.17.1-2 the frag-
is beset with uncertainties see Roth, in the
: ment of a legend which attempted to recon-
essay cited above (83 N.), ZDMG. iv.425; cile the two beliefs by fabling a savarna

Grassmann, Transl., ii.p.466; Bergaigne, ii. who should give birth to Manu, so that,
318 and the very suggestive discussions by according to either myth, the human race

Ludwig, iii .332-5 and v.391-2. are the Children of the Sun ?
As for their interpretation from the Yaska tells more than does the text yet ;

mythological point of view, see Roth, I.e. we are not sure that he (to say nothing of

p.425 (reported by Miiller, I.e., p.503= 530); C/aunaka) knew anything more than is con-
ISt. xiv.392f Kuhn, I.e., p.443f; Miiller, I.e.,
; tained in the two stanzas. We are therefore
p.528 = 556, and 502 = 529 ; Grassmann, I.e.; not obliged to interpret the stanzas so as to
Bergaigne, ii.506-7 ;
and esp. Ludwig, iii.
fadge with Yaska's story.
332-5 and v.391-2. A possible rendering of line 14 is (see
12. U.f. iti^idam. Note that pari- Ludwig): 'They disclosed (airfKd\v^/av) the
uhyamana is from the same root as vah- immortal to mortals (dat.). Endowing her
atiim. Tvastar, a god, gives the wedding; with visible form, they gave her to V.'
yet it takes place on the earth ! Lit.'making her (to be) sd-varna,' i.e. (see
13. yamdsya mata proleptically; prop.,
: 2sa and 1304c) 'making her (to be) having
she who an accompanying varna or making her (to
afterwards became Y's mother.
14. krtvi, 993b.
-adadus, 668. be) endowed with external appearance.'
15. U.f. uta^agvinau abharat yad td,d B. STANZAS 3-6. The funeral -hymn
asit ajahat (2hal) u.
dva mith-, 'two proper, addressed esp. to Pusan v|<ux "ro>"r<kf <

pairs' (Yama, Yami; Acvins): Yaska, 'the and rubricated at 103 Respecting Pusan, .

two (Y. and Y.) that formed a pair' ('she see Kaegi, p. 65(77), and notes 209-12. As
forsook'). sun-god and heavenly herdsman, he knoweth
PAGE 85. [382]

well the ways through the heaven and the The hymn is remarkable for its intrinsic

spaces, and so is a safe guide to conduct interest and beauty. And it has acquired
the souls of the dead to the regions of the great notoriety in connection with the dis-
blessed. Translation by Muir, v.173. cussions of Suttee (=satl) or Hindu widow-
16-17. U.f. tva (=the dead man) itas burning. Properly, sati (see sant4)means
cyavayatu prd (goes with cyav-, 1081 ) a 'virtuous wife.' Improperly, but more
vidvan. pari dadat, 650 commonly, it has come to be used of the

18-19. pari pasati, V2pa, 893 2 -See rite of self-immolation which she practised.

prapatha. U.f. yatra asate (628). See the admirable article Suttee in Col. H.
See sukft. Yule's Anglo-Indian Glossary, with some forty
2O. U.f. imas aas. See VI vid+anu. pertinent extracts.
sarvas, see 77 N. nesat, Vni, 893
That Suttee is an ancient custom appears
from many references to it in classical au-
NOTES TO PAGE 86. thors. See Cicero, Tusc. Pro-
disp. v.27.78;
2-3. ajanista, 902, Vjan2; as we say, 'he pertius, iv.12.15; Plutarch, Moralia, p.499;
was " born and bred there, i.e. is at home.' Nicholas of Damascus, fr. 143 = frag. hist,
On the distant-way of ways
on the :
graec., ed. Miiller, iii.463; Strabo, xv.30, p.
distant-way of heaven etc.' No matter how
; 699; 62, p. 714; and esp. the story in Diodo-

long or where the journey is, P. is at home rus Siculus, xix.33-34, according to which
on it. the rite is authenticated for 316 B.C. These
'Unto the two most wonted places passages are given in full by J. Grimm, in
both to and from, he goes, knowing the way.' his masterly essay, Ueber das Verbrennen der
The construction is faulty and yet plain Leichen, Abh. der Berliner Akad., 1849, p. 261f
enough abhl sadhasthe harmonizes with a = Kleinere Schriften, ii.298f And Peter von
: .

carati ;
but para carati requires sadhasthe- Bohlen, in Das alte Indien (1830), i.293-302,
bhyas (abl.). cites a great deal of interesting pertinent
SELECTION LIU. RV. x.18. Funeral- The custom was abolished by the British
hymn. Rubricated, all except the last stan- during the administration of Lord William
za, in the later ritual see p. 402. The Bentinck, in 1829. The story of the aboli-
simple ceremonies originally used are in- tion is well told by H. H. Wilson, in his con-
ferrible from the hymn. Very different are tinuation of James Mill's History of British
those of the later ritual. For illustrations India, vol.iii.(=ix.), 185-192. For descrip-
of these differences, see Roth, ZDMG. viii. tions, statistics, etc., see Parliamentary Doc's,
471f. The hymn isgiven, with the concord- 1821.xviii.; 1823.xvii.; 1824.xxiii.; 1825.xxiv.;
ants and variants of the AV., TB., TA., and
and esp. the Calcutta Review, 1867, vol. xlvi.
VS., and the scholia of Sayana and Mahi- p.221-261. Other descriptions in Quarterly
dhara to the concordant passages, by Win- Review, lxxxix.257f Shib Chunder Bose, The ;

disch, in his Zwb'lf Hymnen (see p. xviii, Hindoos as they are, chap. xxi. Das Ausland, ;

no. 10 of my
Brief List). for 1857, p. 1057f.
The hymn has been translated by Roth, From Miiller's Essay on Comparative
ZDMG. viii.467f (reprinted by Zimmer, 404f ); Mythology, Chips, ii.34f, or Selected Essays,
Max Miiller, ZDMG. ix., appendix; H. H. vol. i. (ed. of 1881), p. 333f, it would appear

Wilson, xvi.201f = Works, ii.270f;

JRAS. that the seventh stanza of our hymn had

Whitney, Bibliotheca Sacra, xvi.409 = OLSt. played a great role in Hindu history. At
i.46f GKR. p. 150; Ludwig, no. 943; Grass-
; any rate, this idea is current, and seems
mann, no. 844; Rajendralala Mitra, Indo- traceable to the Essay. Here it is stated
Aryans, ii.!22f; and most of it by Kaegi, that the stanza was purposely falsified by an

76(105)f. Roth, Whitney, GKR., and Kaegi unscrupulous priesthood, and that a garbled
" " was
give the action of the hymn. version of it, reading agn6h for gre,
[383] ? PAGE 86.

directly responsible for the sacrifice of thou- mony dwells with joy on the fact that,
sands of innocent lives. That the author is thanks to the efficacy of their prayers, they
in error on these points is argued with great have not joined the company of the dead (3).
detail by Fitzedward Hall, JRAS. N8.iii.I83- Now, for the better safety of the survivors,
192. He shows that the misreading can be and wishing them long life, he sets a stone
traced to Raghunandana, ca. 1500 A.D., and near the grave as a symbolic boundary of
no further; and that Suttee was deemed to be the domain of Death, as a barrier, so that

amply justified by warrants other than those he may not pass to the space beyond or
of the Vedic samhita, which was by no domain of the living.
means the ultimate appeal for the mediaeval STANZAS 6-6. The wish and prayer for
Hindu. long life is here continued.
In the literary discussions of Suttee, on STANZAS 7-8. The women are now sum-
the other hand, the stanza has indeed played moned to make
their appearance together,
a role. There is probably no other stanza and, provided with ointments, to go up to

in the Veda about which so much has been the place,' i.e. of course, where the dead
written. It was first cited, in mangled form man and the widow are (7).

and as sanction for Suttee, by Colebrooke, Here we must infer that they adorn the
in 1794, On the duties of a faithful Hindu widow (as a sign that she is to re-enter the

widow, Asiatick Researches, 1795, iv.209-219 world of life), and that the dead man's
= Essays, i. 133-140. It was discussed by brother (devf, 'levir') then takes her hand
Wilson, in 1854, in his paper On the supposed in token of the levirate marriage.
Vaidik authority for Suttee, JRAS. xvi.201- The priest then bids her leave her lifeless
14= JFor/ts. ii.270-92. In answer to this, spouse, and makes solemn declaration of the
Raja Radhakanta Deva, in 1858, endeavored new relation into which she has entered (8).
toadduce good Vedic authority for the rite, STANZA 9. The bow is now taken from
JRAS. xvii.209-17 (reprinted in Wilson's the dead man's hand, in order that the power
Works, ii.293-305). The most exhaustive and glory of which the weapon was the
treatment of the various readings of the symbol may remain with the survivors ;
stanza is that by Hall, I.e. Finally must a closing benediction is said for them and
be mentioned the paper read by Rajendralala for the departed.
Mitra in 1870, On the funeral ceremonies etc., STANZAS 10-13. "And now, with gentle
JASB. xxxix.1.241-264 (reprinted in his In- action and tender words, the body is com-
troduction to the TA., p. 33-58, and with mitted to the earth."
additions in his Indo-Aryans, ii.114 155); see 4-5. Vi r
anu-para. te suaa, cf. 65 18 N.
esp. p. 257f (=60f=147f). itara, w. abl., like anya, 3 devayanat, .

The Rigveda gives no warrant for the 'going or leading to the gods/ sc. pathaa,
custom. C/aunaka, in the Brhad-devata, abl. U.f. ma ririsas (80 10 N.), ma uta.
furnishes important positive evidence against Note how ut& follows the repeated portion
it (see Chips, ii.37); and likewise Manu, v. of the second clause.
166-8(= 64 f, see N.). Cf. Kaegi, N.51. 6-7. See pada3. Discussions of Vyup,
The hymn was originally used at a Ludwig, v.514, Whitney, AJP. iii.402, Roth,
burial which was not preceded by cremation. Festgruss an Bdhtlingk, 1888, p. 98-99.
The situation and action are as follows. The aita, 620. -See vlldha7. -Vpya+a.
corpse lies on a raised place 6 a Either Clogging Death's foot [by a
and by it is .

the widow. bundle of brush (kiidi) or a billet of wood,

STANZAS 1-2. The spokesman adjures tied to the corpse's foot], as ye came;' or
Death to remove, and to harm not the else, 'Effacing Death's foot-print' [by the
living (1) and pronounces for them absolu- same means].
; I confess, I incline to the

tion from impurity (2). former view. But, whichever way we take
STANZAS 3-4. The conductor of the cere- padam yop-, the simple symbolism amounts
PAGE 86. [384]

to the same thing. The clog is attached to Very interesting are the classical stories
the foot of the corpse, which represents of Hindu longevity. Sometimes, according
Death, in order that Death may not get to Onesikritos, they capped a hundred with
back or find his way back so easily to harm thirty more Strabo, xv.34,p.701. The Uttara
the living. See AV. v.19.12 (explained by Kurus are said, MBh. vi.7.11 = 264, to live
Roth, I.e.) in connection with xii.2.29. Roth 1000 or 10,000 years, and to this fable is prob-
adduces the device of Hermes, in the Homeric ably due the report of Megasthenes -n-tpl riav
Hymn Hermes, 80-84.
to X^ifruv "Tirfpfiopfwv in Strabo, xv.57,p.711
8-9. mrtais (2832 ) a^avavrtran
U.f. vi see McCrindle's Megasthenes, p.79N., or

(Vvrt+vy-a): Whitney takes the form as a Lassen, LA. i .613.


3d pi. (5504 ) impf. mid. of the redup. class, Note that years are counted, now by
present-stem vavrt, irreg. like cakr (expect winters, now by autumns, and now by rainy
vivrt). -bhut, hath been,' 928. -Padac seasons (see hima and varsa in vocab.), and

refers not to " mirth in funeral," but rather that these differences correspond in general
to a fresh start on a new stretch of life, with differences of habitat of the people.
in which, leaving the dead behind, they look ISt. xvii.232, Zimmer, 371-2.
for much joy. 12-13. U.f. yatha ahani, yatha rtavas
10-11. Note radical connection of pari- (see 127-) pronounce yathahani :
ydth- |

dhim and dadhami. U.f. ma_esam nu artava. 'As a following one deserts not
gat aparas ('an other'). 'A hundred the former one, i.e. as each season lacks not
autumns, numerous, may they live.' Prayers a successor/ See ev41: contrast 18 18>19 .
like this are frequent. The love of long life See Vklp so dispose their lives, i.e. make

is very clear in the Vedic texts as contrasted them move on in the same unbroken way.'

with those of the later period. We must not 14-15. yati stha (188a), 'quot estis.'
think of 'hundred' as just '99+1.' See karati, true root-aor. subjunctive, 836

VI dha+antar, and note carefully the develop- jivdse, 970c, 982. 'Attain ye to (long-
ment of the mg. ' May they hide Death by life, ayus, i.e.) fulness of days, old age your
a mountain, i.e. put a mountain (symbolized portion making, one after another, in turn
by the rock or paridhi) betwixt themselves (yatamanas) all of you' (ydti sthaj. Other-
and Death.' See parvata 2 and 4. wise OLSt. i.53.
There is much evidence that the age of 16-17. STANZA 7. See introduction, and
a hundred years was deemed entirely normal. Kaegi, x.328. naris, classical naryas, 365.
This appears from RV. i.89.9. Again, to a 2. See v'vig+sam. Pada d 'Let the :

question about a funeral lustration, Paras- wives ascend to the (raised) place (on which
kara (PGS. iii.10.14,15) prescribes the use of the corpse lies), to begin with' (agre).
a special answer " in case the departed was After which, they are to do their errand, see
not yet a hundred years old." Weber, ISt. introduction to stanzas 7-8. It does not

xvii.500. SEE. xxix. 356. The '

tenth decade mean, 'Let them go (away from the bier)
of 'has a name, dac_ami(seeBR.). In the
life up to a sacrificial altar first, i.e. before
Jataka (Fausboll, vol.ii.p.16), the Bodhisat others for this we should expect pra-

says to his father, when the latter sneezes, thamas rather than agre.
18-19. U.f. ud irsva (sir) nari .
O Gagga, live a hundred years,
gatasum etdm upa gese, lit. With this one
And twenty others added on.
Live thou a hundred autumns yet.
whose life is gone liest thou.' U.f. a^ihi.
See also Bhartrhari's fine
ayur stanza,
To take the hand is the essential pre-

varsaqatam nrnam etc., Vairagya-fataka, liminary of wedding see 895 N. U.f.

50 Bohlen = 107 Telang. Among Semitic didhis6s tava See 2idam. patyus
peoples, the sacred age was 120 years while (343b) janitvAm means 'condition of being

the pious Egyptian prayed to Osiris that he jam of a piti;' and the whole line 19 (see
bhu+abhi-sam) means simply Thou hast
might live to be 110. Krall.
[385] PAGE 87.

entered into the state of being wife of a NOTES TO PAGE 87.

spouse (who was) a hand-grasper (and is) 1. U.f. Atra^evd tvam ('thou,' the de-

tiiy suitor now.' parted sc. jayes) ih& See atra2. The ;

-Hillebrandt, at ZDMG. xl.708f, shows adverbs are contrasted as in fvSat^ovfffrfpol

plainly that this stanza, RV. x.18.8, belonged (Iff iv ol 4it*i ruv tvOddf, Plato, Ap. 41c.
originally to the ritual of the human sacri- U.f. vigvas, cf. 74 12 N. abhfmatis, as adj.,
fice. Weber describes the ceremony at 'plotting against (us)
cf. Vman+abhi2.
ZDMG. xviii.269f = Indische Streifen, i.65f. 2-3. Addressed to the departed. The
The queen was obliged earth, a maid soft as wool to a pious man
king's first to lie

with the dead victim. The situation is evi- (daksinavate) she shall protect thee from
dent from the connection in which RV. x. destruction's lap.' Pada c has 12 syllables.
18.8 occurs at AV. xviii.3.1-4. She is bidden 4-5. Vgvanc+ud : note mg of gvanc and
to rise with our stanza, lid irsva nari see its concinnity with the metaphor of yuvati.
Qankhayana C,rauta-siitra, xvi.13.13. ma ni badhathas (743) compare the :

In this light, the logical connection of formulae

paclas a b with padas c d becomes clear. She Bit tibi terra levis !

" come hither " ne gravis ease velis !

is to forsake the corpse and tu levis ossa tegas !

to the king.
cited by J. Grimm, I.e., p. 193 = 214.
Rise up, woman, to the world of the living.asmai and enam, cf. 844 N. U.f. bhunie.
Fled is the soul of him with whom thou hest.
Come hither.
-Vlvr+abhi, 712.
Quitting the embrace of hateful Death, the 6-7. mlt-as, nom. pi. cf. 486b. :

queen rises and approaches him who had grhasas cf 80 and N., and Kaegi, N.329.
: .

already once taken her hand in wedlock and Pronounce santu air a. The like beauti-
now stands waiting for her as a suitor once ful conception of committal to a place of
more. Upon thus resuming her proper rela- security pervades the Eng. word bury, the
tion of wife again, she is greeted with the Old High Ger. bi-felan, and Goth, ga-filhan.
words : 8-9. Pronounce tudt pari see pari. :

U.f. ni-dadhat. -See u and 1122a2 .

To him who grasped thy hand, thy suitor now,
As husband thou become related. s atra: te
wife to art
risam, 848 . i& 'tra, u.f. te I is

accentless (135 2 ) and so belongs of course to

As appears from AGS. iv.2.18 = 102 7
pada c.
this stanza was at an early date appropriated
Pada b: 'And laying down this clod
for the funeral-service, where as an accom-
may I not get harm.' This seems to refer
paniment of the levirate marriage it fits
custom which
to the glebam in os inicere (a
very well (didhisii means also a second

accompanies the earth to earth, ashes
husband '). Regarding leviration, see Kaegi,
to ashes, dust to dust" of Christian burial),
N.51. Its existence in Vedic times is proved
and to betray the natural " uncanny feeling
by RV. x.40.2. Compare also Deuteronomy at
having to do with a corpse." Cf. Kaegi,
2O. U.f. dhanus hdstat a-dadanas (668) ' '
Pada c. The '
pillar or '
prop may be
mrtasya asm6 (dat., 492 ) ksatraya etc.


a rude beam
or tree, laid over the corpse so
(I, the spokesman,) taking from the dead
as to keep the earth from caving in on it :
man's hand the bow, for us for power i.e.
cf . AV. xviii.2.25,
that ours may be the power, glory, might .

" Let not the tree

Here the construction breaks off short, but press hard on thee,
Nor yet the earth, the great, divine."
without a jot of uuclearness. Note that
the bow is left in his hand tillthe very last. Sometimes the was hollowed out as a

This was their noblest and chiefest weapon : coffin (AV. cf. the Germanic
cf. RV. vi.75; the stories of Arjuna's bow, Todtenbaum of sacred oak Weinhold, Alt-
Gandiva; and Strabo, xv.66,p.717. nordisches Leben, 497, 491.

PAGE 87. i

10-11. ahani isvas

U.f. a dadhus. tions, since memory, unaided by records,

'On a day me, as the plume of an does not easily go further back. But for
arrow, have they set.' The stanza seems preserving that amount of genealogical tra-
to express the poet's satisfaction at having dition there was frequent need (Weber, ISt.
made a good hymn at the right time and x.78-88, esp. 82): thus, at the offering to
place and with as good skill as a skilful the Manes, the priest has to address by name
horseman has. Whitney renders, the father, grandfather, and great-grand-

They've set me in a fitting day, father of the sacrificer; see QB. ii.4.2 16 or
As one the plume sets on the shaft.
I've caught and used the fitting word, SEE. xii.365 or OLSt. i.60 :
similarly at
As one a steed tames with the rein. the pravara ;
cf . ISt. ix .322-3 or x.78-9 or
The stanza is fully discussed, JAOS. xi. Miiller, ASL. 886.
p.cxci = PAOS. May, 1884. It is interesting In the present instance, however, we have
as illustrating the varieties of cumulative a series of five at least. Trasadasyu is a
evidence that may be brought to bear on prince of the Puru tribe, and of the line of
the criticism of the Veda. Thus : The Purukutsa
1. (he is not necessarily the latter's
stanza is at the end of the hymn and out of son RV. vii.19.3), and is often mentioned
connection. 2. It is in a different kind of for his generosity and for the special favors
metre. 3. The metre is bad of its kind. shown him by the gods. The series is
4. The form isvas is bad Vedic for isos ;
and 5. praticim is a late form for praticlm.
6. The stanza is ignored by Afvalayana ;
and 1. by Sayana.

SELECTION LIV. RV. x.33.4-9. The Upamacravas.

aged priest to the young prince. The hymn Compare Bergaigne, JA., and
has nine stanzas. The first three have nothing Kaegi, 80(110), and N.340. The Purus were
to do with the rest. The rest (4-9) forms one of several tribes that were ultimately
two trca's. This passage has more than fused together in the famous Kurus Olden-
common freshness, and also directness of berg, Buddha, 403 411. =
connection with the life of Vedic time. The 12-13. avrni :
augment, 585 ; impf mid.

situation would seem to be somewhat as (725), 1st sing. 'I, the Rishi, preferred
follows. king K.' (to his enemies) ; i.e. I chose to
Theold priest stood well with the gods, keep him as my master, in order to go out
so that the efficacy of his intercession with to battle with him, etc. A choice was in-

them was of unusually good repute. Accord- evitable. It would appear that priests who
ingly, the foes of king Kuru9ravana had sacrificed for many or for a village were
once tried to win the Rishi over to their side despised (Yajnavalkya, i. 161, 163, Manu, iv.
and away from his master, Kurucravana; 205). The purohitas inarched out with their
but in vain. He had remained faithful to kings to battle (AGS. iii.12), as did the
the royal family in whose service he long the battle of Plataea (Hdt.
fidvreis, e.g. to
had been. ix.33,37), and for similar motives fj.e/j.t-

Now at last king Kuni9ravana has passed a6(a/j.fvoL OVK oKiyov Kara, rb KfpSos.

away, leaving Upama9ravas as his son and 14-15. tisras, 482c. -stavai (626, 617),
heir. And in presence of the young prince, '
I will praise,' sc. tarn, meaning Kuru-
the priest tells with pride and pleasure of 9ravana. sah-, sc. yajne. K's horses
the old times, and speaks with regret of the (triga) still come to fetch the priest in state
loss of his departed patron. to the sacrifice.

Ludwig, iii.182, has called attention to 16-17. yasya: K. is still meant.

the genealogical series of the RV. These ucuse, 803, v'vac. 'Of whom, (namely)
cover oftenest, of course, only three genera- of U's father, the words (were) highly pleas-
[387] I PAGE 88.

ing to (me) the intercessor, as a lovely home.' of wedlock, whose appositeness is clear, if

The text is awkward and unclear.] Time we assume that they are uttered in the tone
was, when king K., to offset the overtures of mournful regret. [But cf. ISt. v.200.]
of his enemies, had to make very persuasive 'They weep for the living one (the
offers to the priest. No false delicacy re- widower). They cry aloud at the service.
strains the latter now from alluding to these The men thought over the long reach (of
with satisfaction in the presence of his future his happy wedded life now past).
patron. The mention of K. as 'father of A lovely thing for the fathers who have

U.' is peculiar. Somewhat analogous is the come together here, a joy to husbands,
Semitic fashion : cf . Abd-allah, Gott-schalk.' are wives to embrace.'
18-19. adhi goes w. ihi, v'i, q.v. U.f.

pitiis te (80 N.). pitiis limits SELECTION LVI. RV. x.52. The gods
vandita as a possessive (not objective) geni- install Agni as oblation-bearer. The motif
tive. The objective gen. would be devanam. is akin to that of the much superior hymn
asmi: the present does not necessarily x.51, given by Bohtlingk (no. 30), and also
imply that K. is still alive. by GKR. (no. 43), who add a translation of
2O. ydd igiya, cf. 80 n N. "Had it de- the Brahmana form of the legend of Agni's
pended on me, my maghavan K. should have hiding (selection Ixvi.). The hymn is in
lived. But ." But for utd, the va dramatic form.
would have to follow martianaam cf. STANZAS 1-2. Agni asks the gods for
atha6. directions concerning his service at the sacri-
fice (1); and, with the help of the A9vins
and with everything in readiness, he pro-
1. See maghavan 1.
U.f. id. poses to resume his work (2).
2-3. See vratd 1. Passage explained STANZA 3. Some gods raise doubts as to
under cana2. Accordingly, with my his fitness (padasafi). Others answer that
yoke-fellow (K.) I have parted* Vvrt+vi. he is ready whenever needed (pada c).
The poet accordingly announces Agni's
SELECTION LV. RV. x.40.10. " Wedding- installation, in narrative form (pada d).
stanza." Rubricated at 100 12 and QGS. i. STANZA 4. Agni accepts the office (padas
16.2. Recurs with variants at AV. xiv.1.46. a b) and the gods bid him set about his

The ritual prescribes that it be recited, if, duties (c d).

on the way from the wedding to the groom's STANZA 5. Agni promises due performance.
home, the bride chance to weep. For such STANZA 6. The poet adds a kind of envoi
an occasion, its relevance lies solely in the in narrative form.
fact that it contains the word weep.' 6-7. vigve devas see devd, 2b
note :

4-5. See V2ma or mi+vi: form made accentual unity, 314 4 (JAOS. xi.61). as-
after the model of nayante. dnu didhiyus tana: acct, 594a form, 618. manavai: ;

(AV. dldhyus), 786

-U.f. y6 idam sam- v'manS; form, 713, 700.
yd seems super-
erire (AV. correctly, sam-irire), 'who have fluous. See Vsad+ni.
come together here '
Irir6, perf of primary
: 'Teach me (the way) in which, chosen

conj. (not caus. vocab. wrong) of v'ir. here as h6tr, I am to be minded (= what I
Vsvaj+pari, 970a. am to have in view), when (sic) having taken
The import of the very obscure (if not my place. Declare to me (the way) in which
hopelessly corrupt) stanza is possibly this. your portion, the path by which your obla-
The first half tells what happens at the tion, I am to bear unto you.'
burial of a wife. While the rest lament 8-9. U.f. dhar-ahar, 1260. - Every day, '

aloud, the men show their sorrow for the O Afvins, the office of adhvarytL (adhv-) is
bereaved husband by pensive silence. The yours.' U.f. samit, nom. s. of samidh.
second half contains reflections on the joys bhavati, 'is on hand.' U.f. sa_ahutis.
PAGE 88. [388]

1O-11. Explained under ya3. As Yama wards, i.e. to tanvan as well as to anv-ihi.
king of the blessed Fathers (83 N.), Yama's
is Note that raksa and Eng. keep coincide in
hotr must be competent to satisfy them at having the mgs 'guard' and (as here) 'not
the monthly graddha (p. 402). 'Has he quit.'
(see kam2) grasped (V2uh+api), i.e. does he 2. vayata, see V2va. See J6gii and
know, (that) which the gods take (see Vanj 352. manu, here
as the typical originator
-rsam4, and Bohtlingk's smaller dictionary, of prayer, praise, and sacrifice see vocab.,
does he know what they like ?
s.v.), i.e. and cf. C.B. i.5.1", manur ha va agre
Is he equal to both sets of duties ? yajnena^ije; tad anukrtya^imah praja
In pada c the objections are met. Agni yajante. Note again that janaya and
is born anew every day for the agnihotra Eng. produce coincide in having the mgs

(ISt. x.328), at which the gods take their generate and (as here cf. i.31.17, a vaha

food; and anew every month, when the daiviam janam, and 82 8 ) 'fetch along or
Manes take theirs. bring to view.'
12-13. Pronounce maam. See VI dhao. STANZA 6 is really a prayer to Agni and

Vmluc+apa hidden in the waters

see his flames to help in the work of devotion.
93 16 .
Classic, bahiini krcchrani see As the immortal messenger (see Muir, v.201)

v'carS. -kalp- (1043.2), 'let him.' - between men and gods, he is to go from
Pada d (= RV. x.!24.1b) : The victims of earth, traverse the
atmosphere (see rajas in
the animal sacrifice were five, man, horse, and pursue his way to the godsvocab.),
ox, sheep, goat' (see AV. xi.2.9 through the siiar. Here he is to keep to
or ISt. xiii.

292) and its later surrogate is called 'five- the paths (cf. TS. v.7.7) which are made by

' '
fold as containing the essence of all these the prayers and oblations that go up to the

victims (C.B. i.2.3 6 see Eggeling's note). gods, the devayanas or


god-paths,' as
But may be ill-judged to try to attach
it the AB. at iii.38 calls them, on which the
' '
special significance to these numbers. Threegods descend to man. Pada c, continuing
and seven are of course sacred numbers.
the metaphor of a, is addressed to Agni's
14-15. a yaksi: see Vyaj+a; form, s-aor. flames and d, to Agni. ;

mid. 1st sing., 882. At first the gods were Stretching devotion's weft from gloom to light go on.
mortal (96 3 f). See yathaG. Pronounce Keep to the radiant pathways which our prayers have made.
Without a blemish weave ye now the singers' work.
Be Manu thou. our sight the heavenly race.
bahu6r. -a dheyam, 837 2 . -U.f. atha_ Bring to

imas: atha jayati, 'then (if I do), he 3-4. '

It (sc. nadi) flows stony,' the logi-

shall win,' cf. 82 2

and N. cal predicate being agmanvati cf. frcovtri

16-17. See 486 for construction. '3339 fj.eyd\oi, Hdt. ii.25 ; cum flueret lutulentus,

gods.' Vuks, 585. astrnan, 725. Horace, Sat. i.4.11. Others, not so well,
U.f. asmai |
at id h6taram. make agin- a proper name (die Stein-ach),
or refer it to the stream from the press-
NOTES TO PAGE 89. stones, i.e. the Soma. Note that \ftr has
SELECTION LVII. RV. x.53.6 and 8. special reference to water: thus, ava-tr, 'go
Burial and wedding-stanzas. Rubricated as down into the water' (49 19 ); ut-tr, 'come
burial stanzas at 105 9 and 105 18 The eighth up out of it;' pra-tr, 'advance in crossing

is also used (100 11 as a wedding-stanza, in it.'
) atra, there,' with a sneer cf amuya, : .

case the bride has to embark and disembark 70 16 N. ye asann (636 ) agevas, 'qui in-
on her wedding-journey. See also AB. iii. felices sint:' not so well the vocab. lit-

38. Interesting variants of the stanza and tarema^.abhf, see Vtr+abhy-ud.

reminiscences of its traditional material at STANZA 8. The situation is perhaps
AV. xii.2.26,27,28. A band of men, hotly pursued by their

1. tanvan (705), see Vtan4. The meta- enemies, are in the middle of a stream, which
phor is frequent. rajasas appears to be they hope soon to have put betwixt them-
abl. and to refer backwards as well as for- selves and the foe. They call out to each
[389] | PAGE 89.

other encouragingly the words of the stanza. be spoken on the way, when people come
The famous hymn RV. iii.33 involves a situ- out of their dwellings to gaze.
ation which is similar (Muir, i .338), and, STANZA 27. Padas a, b, and c are said to
indeed, familiar elsewhere (Hebrews xi.29; the bride, and d to the couple, on their
Hdt. viii.138). arrival.
STANZAS 43-47. The groom first prays
The stream is stony. Hold ye well together.
Your footing keep. On make your crossing, comrades
! I
on behalf of himself and his
to Prajapati
There let us leave them in a mood unhappy,
While we go out and on to happy conquests. bride (43 a b), and addresses the latter with

SELECTION LVIII. RV. good wishes and solemn benedictions (43 c d,

x.85.36, 24-26,
The 44) prays to Indra that the bride may be
32-33, 27, 43-47. The wedding-hymn.

fruitful (45) ; bids her hold her own with her

stanzas are here given in the order in which
new relatives (46) and, finally, beseeches

they are rubricated at 98 f see p. 398.

the gods, on behalf of himself and his wife,
Their uses in the ritual are discussed by
that they two may dwell in unity (47).
Haas in his treatise on the ancient wedding
5-6. grbhnami hastam this, the dex- :

customs of India, ISt. v.267-412.

trarum iunctio, is the essential feature of
The hymn is called the surya-sukta or
the simplest wedding-ritual, see Haas, 277,
"The marriage of Soma and Surya," and 19
316; cf. hasta-grabha (86 )
and pani-graha
has received at the hands of Dr. J. Ehni,
the AV. modernizes, reading, grhnami.
ZDMG. xxxiii.166-176, a mythological inter-

With the concordant stanza of the AV. are

pretation, briefly summarized in AJP. L211.
grouped several others (48, 49, 51) of like
The hymn has 47 stanzas, with an appendix '

2 import.
With me as husband (343b).
given by Aufrecht, Rigveda ii.682, and com-
yatha^asas, 'ut sis.' U.f .
prises somewhat heterogeneous matter (ISt.
Most of the hymn occurs in AV. tva^adus (829). garh-, 'for (our) being
heads of a household, i.e. that we may
xiv.l and 2, with many variants. Partial
establish a family.'
concordance :

7-8. abadhnat, 730. -Seerta2. -See

RV. x.8i AV. xiv. RV. x.85. AV. xiv. Ioka2b and cf. sukrta with sukft. This
36 = 1.50 27 = 1.21
24 = 1.19,58 43 = 2.40 phrase equiv. in form to the older one
25 = 1.18 44 = 2.17 11
26 = 1.20 45 (84 ), but refers here rather to the 'world
32 = 2.11 46 = 1.44 of the pious
on earth.
33 = 2.28 47

I loose thee from Varuna's bond,

Besides the translations of Ludwig and With which kindly Savitar bound thee.
At the altar, in the company of the good,
of Grassmann, there is one of hymn and I put thee unharmed with thy husband.
appendix by Weber, ISt. v.177-195. This
isfollowed by one of AV. xiv. (pages 195- The first half-stanza is an allegorical,
217) and of the other wedding-stanzas of the and the second a literal address to the bride.
AV. (pages 218-266) see also Ludwig, iii. In the allegory, the bond of Varuna is night
469-76. Most of the Reader-stanzas are (Hillebrandt). Savitar is the Impeller,' not

translated, with explanations, by Zimmer, only of the rising, but also of the setting sun
311-313. See also Kaegi, 74(102), and notes He brings rest (ii.38.3,4) by
(RV. i.35.3 a ).
317-325. sending night, whose gentle bond he lays
STANZA 36. Said to the bride by the (Muir, v. 235-7) upon his daughter, Surya,
groom in the very act of taking her hand in The Sun,' till she is released for her bridal

token of wedlock. with Soma, 'The Moon' (masc.), a union

STANZAS 24-26 and 32-33. Said just be- which is the prototype (cf. Haas, 328) of
fore the bride's departure for her new home. human marriages.
Stanzas 24 and 32 are said by a third person ;
From the more literal point of view,
25, 26,and 33 may be put in the mouth of the bond of Varuna, as the upholder of the
the groom. St. 33 may, as the Sutra says, established order of things, is (not night
PAGE 89. '

still lesssickness but) the tie by which a to note that a similarly comprehensive for-
maid bound to her father till a man come mula occurs elsewhere in the Avesta, Yasna
is :

to loose and take her. See the discussions xix.8(18-19), Vd. xv.!9(59), see KZ. xxv.
of Haas, 319-20, 277-8, and of Hillebrandt, 195 and on the Iguvine Tables, VI b 10-11, ;

Varuna, p. 59. see Bre'al's ed., pages XL, 125.

9-1O. pra muncami: acct! 596, 597; 4-5. U.f. daga^asyam putran a dhehi
similar cases at 74 1 and 92 16 supply either
There is no end of evidence (e.g.
; (668).
imam, Zimmer, p. 319) to show that the desire for
or (since a change of address to Indra
is quite natural) tvam. U.f. amutas (171 4 male children was very strong, and that the

karam (831 2 ) yatha^iyam |asati, ut birth of daughters was unwelcome. A wife


haec sit.' mldhvas, 462a. who bears only daughters may be put away
Sayana comments thus itah pitr-kulat Manu ix.81. -krdhi, 839. -'Put ten

pra muncami tvam; na^amuto bhartr- sons in her. Make her husband an eleventh.'
grhat pramuncami. amuto bhartr-grhe The logical incongruity is paralleled by Para-
subaddham karam. dise Lost, iv. 323-4, and by the Greek classics.
11-12. Said to the bride as she gets into 6-7. Pronounce gvagruam: specimen of
the wagon. Pusan is the best of guides for a very rare form of transition to the devi-
earthly travellers also cf. p. 381-2. See declension, see 358. Pronounce nanandri :

grha, pi. U.f. yatha^asas. See \vad-ra. AV. reads nanandus. See adhi.
13-14. Said just as the wedding-train This throws an interesting light on
starts. V2vid, 848. AV. modernizes, ancient family-life. Note that of the Ger.
reading sugena. ati^itam, 617. Pro- correspondents to gvagura and gvagru, viz.
nounce apa drantu (617). Schwdher and Schwieger, the former has died
15-16. imam sam-a_ita, pagyata come out and given place to the term Schwieger-

near to this one together, i.e. crowd around vater. The mothers-in-law have thus made
her, (and) take a look.' Cf. note to 100 15 . their mark in the language see Kluge.

dat-tvaya, 993, from the quasi-root dad 8-9. U.f. sam (sc. anjantu) apas hfda-
(955c). U.f. &tha^astam vi para^itana yani (note neglect of dual) nau (gen.). A
(618). real anointing of both took place. In line
17-18. priyam (priya 2b), subject of 9, a dadhatu goes with each sam, and nau is
sam-rdhyatam. ena (502 2 here = an6na)
, ace. Dhatf is esp. the deity who 'puts'
etc.: 'with this (man) as husband unite fruit in the womb EV. x.184.1. See
thyself.' adha jivri etc., said to both. u1 end.
ye become
Old,' i.e. until so.
This stanza (43) has interesting vari-
19. SELECTION LIX. RV. x.137. Exorcism
ants in AV., and at MS. ii.13 end. Pro- for- a sick person. Tradition assigns each
nounce sam-anaktu (689). stanza to one of the Seven Rishis as author.
Stanza 4 is spoken by the Wind, personified ;

NOTES TO PAGE 9O. Respecting the

the rest, by the exorcist.

patilokam, husband's home

1. : not till general character of the hymn, see Kaegi,
85-86(115). See also the beautiful essay of
later, husband's heaven.'
2-3. edhi, 636. Pronounce virasuur Kuhn, KZ. xiii.49-74 and 113-157, who com-
siona. AV. pares similar Vedic and Germanic spells.
reads devr-kama.
Note that 44a, 6, and c are of 11 syllables, Nearchus says (Strabo,xv.45,p.706) that the
while 44rf (= 43o?) is of 12. Although this Hindus trust to wandering enchanters tirc/iSol) (

discrepancy is not very rare, it yet helps to for cures, and that this is about all their
bring out the character of d as & formula larpiK-fi amounts to. The hymn is translated
sollennis :
by Aufrecht, ZDMG. xxiv.203. It corre-
Be a blessing to our bipeds, a blessing sponds in general to AV. iv.13 but ;
see note
to our quadrupeds.' It is most interesting to stanza 6.
[391] PAGE 91.

1O-11. Note the accentless and accented departed. He is to go and join the Fathers
vocatives. See vnl+ud and 248c. U.f. saints,warriors, poet-sages, a descrip-
uta^agas cakrusam (= cakrvarisam, 462c). tion of whom makes up most of the hymn.
The disease is a punishment for sin, cf p. 374. In stanzas 4 and
5, gacchatat (see 570) is a
12-13. See 1 idam end. Zimraer queries, 3d sing., ' O Yama, let him go ; ' in the rest,
p. 45, whether the two Monsoons are here it may be a 2d or a 3d. Ludwig, ii.394,
meant, a sindhos, see a4. 'Away let v.311, interprets otherwise, taking madhu as
the other blowwhat infirmity (there is/ 512b). subject of dpi gacchatat ( \lgam +api).
Pronounce tuam.
15. See Vi. 4-5. ' Some others (eke), i.e. of the
16-17. a agamam and a^abharsam Fathers, "who revel in bliss with Yama"

(882): note use of aorists (928) 'I have 18

(83 ). SeeVas+upa. 'For whom madhu
just come and brought,' says the Wind. flows
: Yama and the Fathers are the eager
atho, 1122a , 138c. -V2su+para. recipients of sweet drink-offerings cf. AV.

18-19. Pada bad metre.

c, ay am, the xviii.2.1-3, and RV. x.15 passim. tang
cid = those tang cid eva = just those.'
sick man. '

2O. U.f. id vai, see vai. 6-7. Pronounce siiar. Who made '

tapas their glory.' Heaven can be won

only by the pious and (stanza 3) the brave:
1. The waters are healers (lit. healing) cf. MBh. iii.43.4 = 1759, and 42.35= 1748f.

of everything.'On use of sarva, see 77 N. n 1O-11. See cid2. U.f. purve rtasapas.
The AV.-concordants of this stanza are at -Cf. 85*.
AV. vi.91.3 and iii.7.5and read vigvasya. 12-13. 'Who keep (= confine themselves
STANZA 6. In place of this stanza the to) the sun, i.e. who hover about the sun'
AV. has interpolated RV. x.60.12, evidently The righteous after death are transformed
because it has to do with the laying on of into rays of the sun or into stars (Muir, v.
hands see the following. 319f ; see 100 8 N.). Thus QB. i.9.3 10 , ya eaa
2-3. That the laying on of hands has tapati, tasya ye ragmayas, te sukrtaa. So
especial virtue is a wide-spread belief cf MBh. iii.42.38 = 1751f
. :

Acts viii.!7f, and above, p. 369 a top. The

ete sukrtinah, Partha,
Greeks attributed to each of the AOKTUAOI
yan drstavan asi, Vibho,
'iSawi a name and a particular healing power. tararupani bhutale.
The finger next to the little finger (see note
to 104 11 ) is called, digitus medicus by Pliny, SELECTION LXI. RV. x. 155.5. Burial-
and medicinalis, in the laws of Henry I. of Rubricated, 105
The preceding
stanza. .

England and it has a special and beneficent four stanzas are a deprecatio addressed to

magic power. W. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften, Arayi, a vile and murderous witch. This
iii.440f, 442. stanza, the last, dwells upon the safety of
With hands, ten-fingered (the tongue
the godly.
isleader of the charm), healing, thee with 14-15. pari anesata and pari a-hr-
these thee we touch.' The parenthesis may sata, 882 akrata, 834a.
Note the use of
mean that the tongue brings out a charm to the aorists, 928 where all is translated,

precede the laying on of hands. Text prob- a dadharsati, perf. subj., 810b.
ably corrupt ;
AV. variants interesting.
SELECTION LXII. MS. ii.13.23. Hiranya-
SELECTION LX. RV. x.154. To Yama. garbha. The god Ka or Who (see notes to
Funeral-hymn. Rubricated at 103 13 see p.
selection Ixviii.). The RV. version (x.121)
402. Recurs at AV. xviii.2.14-18, with inter- of this famous hymn has been translated by

esting variants. Translated, Muir, v.310. Max Miiller, ASL. 569, and Chips, i.29 by ;

To judge from the ritual, the subject of dpi Ludwig, no. 948; and by Muir, with com-
gacchatat in each stanza is the spirit of the ments, iv .15-18.

PAGE 91. I

STRUCTURE of the hymn. The seven Phonetic peculiarities, ibidem, XXVIII.

stanzas here given (or perhaps only 2-6) Final m
before sibilants, y, r, and v, is
constitute the original stock of the hymn. marked by the 'dot in the crescent,' e.g.
To this is added, in the MS.-version, an pragisam, line 4. See also Preface to this
eighth stanza, quite impertinent to the rest ; Reader, p. v, note 7.
and in the RV.-version, three stanzas (8, 9, 16. Cf. 57 3 x.
10), whose character is determinable by
various and interesting criteria. NOTES TO PAGE 92.
Tuda d of each stanza is a refrain, '
Whom 1. dyam imam, see div3.
as god shall we worship with oblation ? i.e. 2-3. pra^anatas (192b), gen. s., pres. ppl.
Who is the god that we are to worship with -190: form, 613, cf. 70 18N.; acct, 628. -
oblation ? The later Vedic texts under- asy&, acct!, 749 N. dvipadas etc., see 90%.
stand it, We will worship the god Who or
RV.-reading better in this stanza.
Ka,' making of the interrogative pronoun a 4-5. ' On whose command all wait, on
deity whom they identify with Prajapati whose (command) the gods (wait) .'

(selection Ixviii.). The oth'er padas of stan- chaya etc. cf Bhagavad Gita, ix.19.
: .

zas 2-6 are relative clauses with yds, yasya, 6-7. mahitva, as instr. sing., 280. Muller's
yena, yasmin. These may refer rendering Whose greatness (as ace. n. pi.)

A. To devaya: 'Who (interrog.) is the the mountains and sea (neuter, as at vi.72.3)

god, who (relative) became king, etc. etc., with the Rasa proclaim would require
that we are to worship ? Ludwig Ka, pra^ahiis. :
devis, as adj. (see devd, 1),
the god, who is become king, etc. etc., heavenly ;= of heaven,' not 'divine.'

we would wait upon with havis.' Better, Pada

sky c: dig, q.v., is 'a point of the :

perhaps, of these there are usually four; sometimes

B. To hiranyagarbhas, although stanza are mentioned 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 (explained
1 (and 7 as well) looks as if it might have by BR. s.v. dig). When five are mentioned,
been an afterthought. This leaves the con- we may understand them as N., E., S., W.,
nection of the refrain with the rest of each and the zenith cf AB. vf.32, panca va ima : .

stanza very loose; but this is perhaps just digag catasras tiragcya, eka^urdhva. :

what it ought to be. Occurring with digas, the word pradigas

The hymn corresponds to RV. x.121. may mean 'intermediate points,' and, with
The comparative study of the differing ver- the zenith, count as five. But considering
sions of the same traditional material, as it the (faulty) concordant of RV., TS., and VS.,
appears in different Vedic texts, is interest-
yasya imah pradlgo ydsya bahu,
ing and instructive and there is no better

further, RV. ix.86.29 b , AV. i.30.4 c , and esp.

opportunity for it than this (see Preface,
iii.4.2 b ,
p. v, N.2).
The hymn occurs also at TS. iv.1.8 ;
in the tuam imah pradlgah p&nca devih,
VS., with the stanzas scattered, at xiii.4,
I am inclined to deem
the pada before us
xxiii.3, xxv.13, xxv.12, xxxii.6,7, xxvii.25;
a jingle of incoherent reminiscences.
and at AV. iv.2. The TS. version follows
Whose (are) all these mountains, by reason of (his) greatness
that of the RV. most nearly. Disregarding Whose (possession) thev call the ocean, with the Rasa;

The points, whose are the five fore-points of heaven; .

the order, the same is true of the VS. The

AV. version looks like an unsuccessful 8-9. drdha, spondee, 224a. -U.f. suar,
attempt at writing down a half-remembered see 178 and 173a, and 74*%. The adjec-
piece. tives ugra and drdha may be attributives,

ACCENT-MARKS, etc. The vertical stroke and stabhita or stabhitas supplied as pred-
designates the acute accent ; the horizontal icate for the substantives of line 8.

hook, the circumflex. Details in L. von Pada c = RV. ii.!2.2 c . vi-mam6, v'l ma.
Schroeder's ed., book i., preface, p. XXIX. Respecting the tripartite world, see under
[393] j
PAGE 93.

rajas, and Kaegi, 34(49) and notes 117-8. ratrim. Similar distinction at QB. xi.5.44 :

antariksam: C.B. i.2.1 16 antariksena cf. 982N., 103 14 N. Not uncommon is the

hi_ime dyava-prthivi vistabdhe cf ., at assumption that the gods have words or a


Od. i.54, the K(OVO.S dialect peculiar to themselves. Thus na

with the gods means the same as iva, AB.
/j.a.Kpas, Tf ical
at ovpavbv a/j,<f>l$ UXOVITI.
ii.2.14,15. Cf. Iliad i.403, ii.814, xiv.291,
1O-11. Pronounce -prthvi. See adhi
xx.74, Od. x.305; and A. F. Pott's Anti-
and v'tan+vi. U.f. suras eti: in the MS.,
kaulen, p. 71.
final -as and -e if accentless, become -a
srjavahai, faulty reading for -mahai .'

before an accented initial vowel. So 93 .

U.f. ahar vava tarhi aslt, na ratris
12-13. U.f. yad mahatis vivam ayan 9
verb-acct, cf. 89 N.
(620). See viva Ic. -The RV., TS. [with
'Yama died. The gods sought to console Yami
nir for sam], and VS. read for the loss of Yama. When they asked her, she
said, To-day hath he died. They said, In this way
tato devanam sam avartata^asur ekah. she will never forget him. Night let us create. Only
day in those times existed not night. The goda
The athetesis of the hypermetric ekah, made created night. Then came into being the morrow.
Then she forgat him. Therefore they say, 'Tis days
by Bollensen, Orient und Occident, ii.485 and nights make men forget sorrow.'
(1864), and again by Grassmann, is here
beautifully confirmed by the MS. SELECTION LXIV. MS. i.10.13. Legend
of the winged mountains. The myth is
SELECTION LXIII. MS. i.5.12. Legend often alluded to by the later poets: see
of Yama and Yami. The creation of night. Stenzler's note to Kumara-sambhava, i.20,
Respecting Yama and Yami, see notes to and Bollensen's to Vikramorva9i, str. 44.
85 12f. BR. observe that it is often difficult to dis-

The prose of the Brabmanas is not difficult. In tinguish between the mgs 'mountain' and
reading it, the chief thing is some familiarity with which belong to parvata. In letting
the style, i.e. ability to divide up the discourse aright
into the little clauses and choppy sentences with loose the heavenly waters, Indra splits open
which it proceeds. As a help to this it is important the ' mountains
as well as the clouds.'

to observe that the particle dthu marks the beginning

of a new clause, and that the postpositive vat marks The Maruts house on the '
or in the
the foregoing word as the first of its clause. Analo- '

gous is the use of nama to distinguish a proper name clouds,' etc.

from an identical appellative. Cf. Pliny, Epp. vi.31, 19. Explained under ya3.
evocatus in consilium ad centum cellas (hoc loco
nomen) .

As my colleague, Professor A. P. Peabody, has NOTES TO PAGE 93.

observed in his translations of Cicero's Offices and
Tusculans, there are certain connectives and illatives 1. U.f. para-patam (995) asata, yatra-
which are employed as mere catchwords for the eye.
In manuscripts (Greek, Latin, Sanskrit) written with yatra (1260 see yatra) ak-. iyam, see
letters of one size, with no separation of words, and
1 idam, middle so imam, line
: 2.
with very few stops, these particles serve the pur-
pose effected now-a-days by capitals, by division or 2. t6sam = parvatanam.
achinat, 692.
spacing, and by punctuation. In spoken language it
is often wrong to render them otherwise than by tais = parvatais,
used evidently in the
inflection or by stress of voice.
manner of paper-weights. adrnhat, \drh.
14. U.f. val. See Vbru+apa. The like achievement at RV. ii.12.2.
14-15. U.f. tarn ydd aprchan (207), sa 3. Explained under ya3.
abravit " adya amrta iti. t6 abruvan
: 4. U.f. y6nis hi esam (accentless, 74 9 N.)

n& vai iyam etc." Difference between esas, For this is the'r place-of-origin.' '

imperf. amriyata and aor. amrta (834a)

illustrated at 928 3 Accent of te, Whit-
. SELECTION LXV. MS. ii.1.12. The potency
ney 84d, 135. of the sacrifice. A passage much resembling
15-16. Lit. 'Not things keep on) in
(if this occurs at TS. ii.4.13 = Muir, 1 2 .21. Re-
this way (ittham) does she forget him.' specting the myths of Indra's birth and
16. Note the fine distinction. The gods Aditi's motherhood, see Hillebrandt, Aditi,
use the solemn old Vedic form ratrira ;
the p. 43; Perry, JAOS. xi.127f.148f; and Lib
narrator, the later and more colloquial eratur-Blatt fur Orient. Philol, ii.4.

PAGE 93. '

The Aindrabarhaspatyan oblation he Vorstellungen des MBh., p. 11, and esp. MBh.
should offer (nir-vapet), who, as a sovereign, iii.222.7 = 14214f.
shouldn't exactly succeed in his attacks.' 14-15. trayas, 482c. V2mi+pra, 770a.
This a typical Brahmana passage.
is It 15-16. Agni feared, (thinking,) " In this

invents a legend showing the efficacy of way, surely, he (syas) will get into trouble, i.e.
some ritual observance in former times, to if things keep on in this
way, I shall get into

prove the usefulness of repeating the same trouble." He speaks of himself here (as
rites in analogous circumstances. Peculiar also at x.51.6 a ) in the 3d person (syas). Xote
interest attaches to this occurrence of the the common root of a^artim and a^arisyati.

Vstigh see Schroeder's ed. of MS., Intro- 16. nilayata : in strictness, to be divided
duction, p. XIV; also ZDMG. xxxiii.!94f, thus, nil-ayata,
lie went out, took himself
where the substance of the passage is off, hid.' This is for nir a-ayata, an imperf.

given. mid. of vi (after the model of a-jayata from

6. U.f. odanam apacat. iinistam, see Vji)with the prefix nis or nir; for accord-
this : final t (= d) before becomes n in MS. ing to Panini (viii.2.19), the r of a preposi-
agnat, s2ag. tion with forms of the verb-stem aya is
6-7. U.f. tarn vai Indram antar eva regularly changed to 1 cf. 1087c.

santam apa^aumbhat (Vubh; augment, In the Hindu mind, these forms of the
Indra, being (yet) an embryo, within verb-stem nil-aya were evidently confused
585) :

(her), she bound with an iron bond.' with those of ni-laya, which yield a like mg
apa_ubdhas, 160. see vli+ni. On this account,
BR. under
8. ayajayat, see v'yaj, caus. doubtless, the pada-patha, which usually
9-1O. tasya = indrasya. vyapadyata gives the division of compound verbs, re-
= of course, vl-apadyata cf. Whitney, 84a. : frains here. The confusion is further at-
-U.f. abhi-pary-a^avartata, 1080, 1083. tested by the analogous passage of the (/B.,
10. U.f. yas ', tarn et6na yajayet which has, in the Madhyamdina text (i.2.3 1 ), ,

One should teach him to sacrifice with this ni-lilye, and in the Kanva text, ni-layam
Aindrabarhaspatyan (oblation), who etc.' cakre see SBE. xii.p.xlvi. The proper
11. esas, same as y6 and tarn, line 10. form from vli in the passage before us would
12-13. U.f. nir-upyate, impers. 'it is of course be ny-alayata.
offered :
combination, 92 N.
form, Vvap, 16-17. U.f. pra_6sam (see V2is+pra2 and

769 accent 596. kriyate, VI kr 12, it is ref.) aicchan (VI is, 585). In the metaphor,
; !,

Offering is made to B., sacri- Agni is implicitly likened to a hunted beast.

fice is made to I. (then) on all sides (the 17-18. tarn agapat etc., 'Him (the fish)

god) releases him' (enam). 'Him,' i.e. the he (Agni) cursed (as follows): "dhiya
sin-bound king of lines 10-11, who is also pra^avocas." See dhll. vadhyasus
the subject of abhi-pary-a-vartate. (form! 924) and ghnanti (637) have as sub-
people.' The loose use of sas, tarn,
SELECTION LXVI. TS. ii.6.6. Legend of etc., is one of the chief stylistic faults of the
Agni the oblation-bearer, and of the fish. Brahmanas.
This is the Brahmana form of the myth which 19. anv-avindan: V2vid; subject, 'the
is the subject of RV. x.51, and is adverted gods.' See Vvrfc+upa_a.
to in x.52 = selection Ivi. To their version
of x.51, GKR. add on 106 a translation of NOTES TO PAGE 94.
the selection before us (Ixvi.). (sc. ghrtasya) a-hutas-It is also 1-2. U.f. grhitasya
rendered by Muir, v.203, and by Eggeling, ya (see Vhu) skandat (736), tad me
SBE. xii.452. Ludwig, v.504-5, gives other asat. bhratrnam: the TS. reg. has short
Brahmana forms of thismyth cf. esp. QB. r in the gen. pi. of these words.
He said :

= SBE. xii.47.
i.2.3 1 For Epic forms of the " Let me make a condition (v 2vr) ;
: Just what
same, see Ad. Holtzmann, Agni nach den of the (sc. ghee) (when) taken (into the
[395] )
/ PAGE 95.

sacrificial ladle, but) not (yet) poured into SELECTION LXVIII. AB. iii.21. Legend
the (a-hutasya), may fall outside the
fire of Indra and the god Ka Who.
or Com-
enclosure, let that be the portion of my pare selection Ixii. and see Miiller, ASL. 432f .

The identification of Prajapati with Ka is very
common :
see, e.g. QB. i.1.1 18 , vii.4.1 M,xL&41 .

SELECTION LXVII. AB. iii.20. Legend 13-14. U.f. vi-jitya, abravit praja-
of Indra and the Maruts, and Vrtra. Trans- patim: "aham etad asani (636), yad tvam
lated, Muir, v.93. In selection xlvii. = RV. (sc. asi) aham mahan
viii.85.7f, the Maruts are praised because 15. U.f. "yad eva etad avocas." The
they stood by Indra when all the other gods etad, q.v., goes appositively with yad, mark-
forsook him. The passage before us is an ing the thing designated by yad as something
expansion of that myth, a reproduction preceding, and so may be rendered by 'just'
plus ou moins amplifie'e d'un cliche emprunte' or a moment ago.' P. asks, Who am I,
' '

au livre des hymnes." then? "Exactly what thou just saidst,"'
From other passages, it would appear that replied Indra.
the Maruts also were faithless, cf. Muir, v. 15-16. Then P. became Ka by name =

92 and 82 a N. Both views are involved in the got the name of Ka. (For) P. is Ka by
explanation of the Mid-day Soma Feast, QB. name = has the name Ka.' Note that the
iv.3.3 6 f, where the Maruts first withdraw predicate cornes first.
from Indra and afterwards help him (SBE. 16-17. See yad2. As for the fact that ''

xxvi.334f). Indra became great, therein (lies) Great-

U.f. "ami ma Indra's Great-Indra-ness 9 '
4-5. hanisyan, 948'2 .
(cf. QB. ii.5.4 ).

upa tisthadhvam; upa ma hvayadhvam" This is a specimen of the verbal and ety-
(vhu). Note the free position of the pre- mological explanations of the Brahmanas :

fixes (1081). -tathajti, '"Yes," said cf. 64 7 N.

5-6. U.f. saa (Vrtra) avet (see \[1 vid3, SELECTION LXIX. QB. ii.2.26 The two .

and 620): "mam etc.; hanta! iman bhi- kinds of deities, the gods and the Brahmans.
sayai" (vbbi, caus., 1042f, 1043.2). A little oratio pro domo of an oft-recur-
7. v'vas+abhi-pra: imperf., 631. ring kind (see ISt. x.35). Translated by
2 .262 TS.
adravan simple root dru, without prefix
; by way of
Muir, i
(he quotes i.7.3 1

note that the prefix a with v'dru exactly and Eggeling, S3E. xii.309.
reverses its meaning so with \\da, hr, and
; 18. U.f. devas (predicate) aha eva devas
muc. (subject): 'The gods of course are gods.'
8-9. U.f. m- ha enam na ajahus (V2ha, So martya ha va agre deva asuh, In the '

661,656) "prahara bhagavas! (454b) jahi! beginning, the gods were mortals' (not 'The

vlrayasva!" iti eva enam

(637 ) upa_ mortals were gods '). Delbriick, Altindische
atisthanta. See vac. Wortfolge, p. 26.
9-1O. tad etad (see etad) = this.' See '
18f. ' Then (they) who are the Brahmans,
Vvac + abhy-anu. 'The Hishi, seeing this the learned (Vgrul), the scholars (see Vvac
(occurrence), described (it) in the Vedic -l-anu, and 807), they are the human gods.'
words, "At Vrtra's snorting, thee."' These
words are a quotation of the beginning of NOTES TO PAGE 95.
RV. viii.85.7f, and illustrate the way in 2-3. 'For (lit. of) the gods, (the sacrifice

which the Vedic stanzas are cited in the is)just the oblations; for the human-gods,
secondary literature. the B., the learned, the scholars, (it is) the
1O-11. U.f. sas (Indra, this time) avet: daksina.' prinati, subject indefinite.
" ime ime hanta iman asmin ukthe brahmanan guruvusas, 203.
; ;
! 4. U.f.
a bhajai." See v'bhaj+a: the subjunctive Note the fond repetition, enam, same
has the force of a future. as subject of prinati.

PAGE 95. 4

SELECTION LXX. QB. ii.2.2 19 f. Truth, Death to be the Year, not of him doth this
untruth, and silence. Translated by Del- one before old age by days and nights ex-
bruck, Wortfolge, 29,79 ; Eggeling, SEE. xii. haust the life. To perfectly complete dura-
312,452. tion of life attaineth he.' U.f. sarvam
Of this fire- ha eva ayns cf 86 U N.
6-8. abhi-sincet, 758. : .

consecration a (concomitant) duty is TRUTH. 19. U.f. aynsas antam gacchati, see
He who speaks the truth, as (if) the en- v'gam3.
kindled fire, it with ghee he should besprinkle,
so he makes blaze up of him greater and
it ;
greater the dignity becomes; from day to 3-5. U.f. antakat bibhayam cakrus
day better he becomes.' Note the childish (1071d) yad (see 38%.) etc.
The gods were
verbal anticipations and repetitions, esp. of afraid of this Ender, Death, the Year, Pra-

pronouns. japati, [hoping] this one by days and

11-12. U.f tad u . ha api Eggeling : ren- nights not get at the end of our (no) life." '

ders all four particles by a simple Now.'

Similar construction (yad na and optative)
' " 11
Thou'rt old (enough). Establish thy two after verb of fearing, QB. iv.3.3 .

fires."' See VI dha-i-a3. This ceremony was 5. U.f. te yajnakratun tenure (794e).
an essential preliminary to matrimony and 5f. THE SACRIFICES are described by
to setting up in life as a householder. Weber, ISt. x.321f. The Hindus did not
Described at ISt. v.28Sf, x.327f. classthem according to their purpose, as
12-14. U.f. sas ha uvaca " te : ma etad thank-offerings, expiatory offerings, etc.

vacamyamas eva edhi.' na vai They grouped them

brutha :

vaditavyam; na vadan jatu, na anrtam A. according to the MATERIAL used, as :

vadet. etc." He said " What ye say to 1. oblations of milk, ghee, corn;
: 2. animal
me, then, amounts to this :
Just hold thy sacrifices ;
3. libations of Soma. And again
peace.' By no means by an ahitagni may B. according to the
TIME, as 1. at the :

untruth be spoken. By not speaking at all, beginning (x.328) of each day and of each
one would not speak untruth. (I.e. Only by night (agnihotra) 2. at the beg. (x.329) of ;

silence can one wholly avoid untruth.) To the lunar half-month; 3. at the beg. (x.337)
such an extent (of silence, namely), is truth of the three seasons, spring, rains, autumn ;

a duty."' See ha end. See ta2. Lit. 4. at the beg. (x.343) of the two harvests.
'Ye, those, to me this are saying.' See The offering of first-fruits or nava-sasya^
tavant2. isti; in the spring, of barley; in the autumn,
of rice; 5. at the beg. (x.344) of the solar
QB.x.4.3 f. How the half-year, the pagu-bandha 6. at the beg.

gods got immortality and how Death got his (x.352) of the new year, the Soma-sacrifice.
share. Translated, Muir, iv .57f in part, With this last, often occurs the elaborate

v.316f . Cf. iv.54f and

Metrical para-
ceremony of building the fire-altar of bricks,

phrase by Monier- Williams, Indian Wisdom,

ISt. xiii.217-292. This ceremony is called
34, = Hinduism, 35, = Religious Thought and the Tire-piling,' agni-cayana (see v'l ci), or

Life in India, 24. On the symbolism of the briefly agni.

Brahmanas, see p. 357, 92; Oldenberg's Schroder gives in brief compass a sketch
Buddha, 19(20)f Schroeder, ILuC. p. 127f. of a specimen-sacrifice, ILuC. p. 97-109.

15-18. 'Death (subject) is this thing 7. U.f. na amrtatvam ana5ire(788 4 ). te

(esas, predicate, masc. to conform in gen- ha api agnim (= agni-cayanam) cikyire
der with mrtyns cf. 7820 and N.), what the (787). That the gods were once mortal'
Year is. For this one, by means of days (94 18 N.) is doubtless a late notion. The path
and nights, exhausteth the life of mortals. of Death is itaro devayanat, 86 4 cf also : .

So they DIB. Therefore 'tis this one that is ZDMG. xxxii.300.

called DEATH. The man who knoweth this 8-9. See Vldha+upa. Ui. yathaidam
[397] PAGE 97.

(see 2idam) api etarhi eke upa-dadhatiSELECTION LXXII. QB. xii.7.3 1 !. Legend

"A polemical hit aimed by the author of and Namuci. For the origin of of Indra
the Brahmana at some contemporaries who this story, see 81 16 f and notes. Translated,
followed a different ritual from himself." Muir, v.94. Other forms of the story Muir, :

Muir. Cf. Chandogya Upanisad, i.!2.4=; iv 2 .261 ; Ludwig, v.145. The MBh. has it at
SEE. i.21. -Seeitil. ix.43.33 = 2433f ;
see ZDMG. xxxii.311.
1O-11. Ppls w. cerus, see Vcar2 and 1075b. 6-7. 'N. stole I's strength etc., along with
See Vlrudh+ava, desid., 1027. his sura.'

11-13. U.f " na vai .

upa dhattha 7-1O. U.f. sas (Indra)
ati va eva na va ; ; tasmat na "gepanas asmi (see u'gap, as) namucaye,

atha me idam
13-14. See ha end. See explan. under na tva na ardrena

ta2. See yatha6. aharsit. idam me a jihirsatha ? iti.

15-18. The protasis-clauses begin with Note the difference (029, 928) between aharat
sastim and sastim and atha lokamprnas: and aharsit. Note reversal of mg (94 7 N.)
the apodosis-clauses, with atha me and atha effected by a with jihirsatha (1028b): " Are '

The second protasis-clause has an ye willing to fetch it back for me ?

" astu nas "
appendix, adhi sattringatam, see adhi. 10. atra api atha a harama ;

For impv. with conditional nig, cf. example '"Let there be of us in this also (a share) ;

under atha2, and 82%. For daga etc., in that case, we'll fetch (it) back."
1O-11. ' "
see 480. Together ours (is) that ;
- '
Put ye on 360 P's ;
360 Y's, and 36 be- fetch it back." Thus said he.'
sides then 10,800 L's. Then (if ye do) shall
11. iti (the one before tau agvinau) =
ye etc.' The days of the year number 360
on the strength of that agreement.'
and 360 x 30 = 10,800. But see also Weber, 12. a sine an see Vsic3. :

ISt. xiii.254-5. Note that 108 = 2 2 X 3 8 . 13. vy-ustayam (VI vas) ratrau, 303b.
18-19. The acquisition of immortality is So an-udite aditye.
8 3
otherwise related, C, B. ii.2.2 f,
Muir, ii .372. 14. V3vas+ud a queer verb to use for
21-23. U.f. "na asat (636 3 )
atas : this mg. U.f. rsina abhy-anu^uktam
yada eva harasai (736), etc." See atas3. "apam phenena" (81 ) iti.
' " From this time on, not any other with his

body shall be immortal :

just when thou this SELECTION LXXIII. Nirukta ii.16. Ex-
(thy) allotted-portion shalt seize, then parting planation of KV. i.32.10, selection x.xxii.,
with his body he shall be immortal, who is 19 20
See Roth, Erlduterungen, 21f,
page 70

to be immortal either by knowledge or by and Muir, ii 8 .174f.

works." 15-16. The iti marks anivigamananam
23f See yad2 end.
. As for their saying as a gloss to the quoted " atisthantinam."

" Either
that, by knowledge or by works," So asthavaranam is a gloss to the "ani-
this is that knowledge, (lit. which is agni=) vegananam of the sacred text ; and in like
namely agni; and these are those works, manner, meghas to gariram."
namely agni.' Here =
agni agni-cayana. 16. Starting from the 3d pers. s. pres.
-Cf. 6623. ind. act. of a verb-root (e.g. gamnati from
V3gam), and treating it as a declinable noun-
1-2. U.f. te, ye evam etad vidus, ye va stem, like mati, the Hindu forms an ablative
etad karma kurvate, etc. Promises to them sing., e.g. gamnates, to express " derivation
" who have this "
knowledge recur times un- from a root." Render: 'garira is from the
numbered in the Brahmanas. As between root gr break, or from the root gam harm.'
'knowledge' and
works,' knowledge is the So with draghati and the following two.
better :
C, B. xiv.4.3
24 =
SEE. xv.96. On this 19f. After the verbal explanations, comes
passage, see Oldenberg, Buddha, 46 = 47. Who then is
the mythological discussion.
4. U.f. te etasya (=mrtyos) eva annam. Vrtra? "A cloud" say the etymologists.
PAGE 97.

' [398]

"An Asura descended from Tvastar" say Deutschen Frauen (Wien, 1851), p.190-274, or
the tellers of old legends.' There were, then, Altnordisches Leben (Berlin, 1856), 238-59;
already schools of conflicting opinions. Cf .
Spiegel, Eranische Alterthumskunde, iii. 676-81.
Muir, ii.170f. SYNOPSIS of the subject-matter (with
references to passages in vol. v. of the ISt.,
NOTES TO PAGE 98. where Haas and Weber treat of the Hindu
1. The genitives limit migribhava-, 1316. customs or cite
analogous ones) :

2-3. -karmanas is abl.

In this pro- CHAPTER Test of the bride by means

cess (tatra), battles, so to speak, take of exorcised lumps of earth. See ISt. v.288f.

place.' CHAP. vii. The marriage ceremony.

3. ahivat etc. :
The m- and b- (sc. speak Dextrarum iunctio (v.277,311). Bride led
of V.) as a dragon.' around the fire and water (v.318N.2, 396N.).
4. VI vr+ni (1045) subject, Vrtra. : Amo 'ham asmi (v.216). Mounting the stone
5. U.f. tadabhivadini esa rk bhavati. (v.318N.l). Oblation (V.318N.3). Loosing
braids (v.320). Seven steps (v.320f, 321x.).
SELECTION LXXIV. Wedding-customs CHAP. viii. Wedding journey (v.327f).
and the wedding-service. A^valayana Grhya- Arrival at new home (v.329). Pellis lanata
sutra, book i., chap's 5, 7, 8. Stenzler pub- Rossbach, 1 13f 324 Marquardt, 50 Con-
( , ; )

lished the text in the Abhandlungen fur die tinence (v.325f,331).

Kunde des Morgenlande.s, vol. iii., 1864 and VEDIC CITATIONS. If the entire first pada

the translation, vol. iv., 1865. Cf. Weber, of a stanza is quoted, the entire stanza is
Indische Streifen, ii.296f. The text appeared meant. If only part of the first pada of
with a Hindu comment in the Bibliotheca a hymn is quoted, the entire hymn is meant.
Indica, 1866-69. English translation by If more than a complete pada is quoted, then
Oldenberg.'SBE. xxix.!59f. three stanzas are meant. Stenzler, note to
On the subject-matter of this selection, AGS. i.20.9.

the following essays and books may be con- SYNOPSIS of RV.-mantras

sulted. The most important is the essay of cited at

Haas, with additions by Weber, ISt. v.267- 98 19 grbhnami = 89s

410; cf. esp. the synoptic index, 410-12.
99'22 pra tva muncami = 897
Haas gives the text and an annotated trans-
9922 The following
= 899 '

100 10
pusa tveto = 89 11
lation of our selection at pages 289f, 362f .
100 U agmanvati (i stanza) = 893
stanza) = 89*
See also notes to selection Iviii., p. 389. 100 12 The following

Further, Kaegi, 74(102), and notes Zimmer,

100 12 jivam rudanti = 88*
100" ma vidan = 89 18
309f ; Kaegi in Fleckeisen's Jahrbucher, 1880,
100 15 snmangalir = 89 15
456f ;
and Colebrooke's Essays, i.217-38. 100 15 iha priyam = 89 1T
100 18 a nah prajam (4 stanzas) = 8919
Birth, reproduction, and death are the three 100 19 sam anjantu = 908
great facts of all organic life. It is therefore natural
that the customs connected with marriage and burial '
The family
should take so important a place in the traditions
6. (of the intended bride or
of primitive peoples. It can hardly be doubted that groom) in the first place one should con-
a considerable body of these customs have their root " Who on the
in Indo-European antiquity. For we find, as between sider,according to the rule,
the various members of this family, many and most
mother's and on the father's side, as
striking coincidences of usage. T^he systematic ex-
position and criticism of these coincidences form one aforesaid/
of the most interesting chapters of comparative phij-
The rule referred to is in Afvalayana's
ology. It is not feasible to point them out in detail
here. In lieu of this may be cited
Qrauta-sutra, :x.3.20 (p. 714, Bibl. Ind.),
For purposes of comparative study Joa- : continues thus,
chim Marquardt, Privatleben der Homer, i2 . for ten generations back, are endowed
28f A. Rossbach, Die Rdmische Ehe, Stutt-
with knowledge, austerity, and works of
gart, 1853 G. F. Schomann, Griechische
merit." See Weber's interesting discussion
Alterthumer*, ii.529-36; K. Weinhold, Die of ancestor-tests, ISt. x.84-8.
[399] PAGE 99.

8-11. U.f. astau pindan krtva (127 2 ), she touches him, he, offering, standing facing

pindan abhimantrya, kumarim bruyat, west, of her, facing east, seated, with RV. x.
"esam ekam grhana" (722J. 'Making 85.36, the thumb only should grasp, in case
he should desire " '
eight lumps (of earth), conjuring the lumps pumansas jayeran."
with the mantras rtam dr^yatam," he
should say to the girl,
Take one of these."
Germanic bride-tests cited, ISt. V.288N. pari-nayam we should read pari-nay-
1. :

ubhayatah- an or (BI.) -an, pres. ppl.

ced '
11-12. U.f. ksetrat Leading (her)
sasyat grhmyat, annavati asyas praja thrice to the right around the fire and the
bhavisyati," iti vidyat. 'If she take (the water-jar.
The analogies are remarkable :

lump made) from the field that bears two cf. ^7rt5f{ia, the Roman dextratio, the Gaelic
" "
crops a year, Rich in food will her children walking the deasil," etc. Consult SEE.
be," that he may know.' 'Two crops:' cf. xii.37,45, 272, 442; Rossbach, 231, 314f:
Megasthenes, as preserved by Diodorus (ii. Marquardt, i .51 and N.I. Circumambula-
35,36) and Strabo (xv.20, p. 693). tions followed the course of the sun on
12-15. Most of the remaining seven con- occasions of joy; and were reversed (104 21 )
ditional periods are abbreviated to two on occasions of sorrow.
words : thus gosthat answers to ksetrat and 2-3. Pronounce sa tvam asi
: amo ;

pac_umati to annavati; and the rest is to aliam. These interesting formulae occur
be supplied from the first period. No's 4, at AV.xiv.2.71; gB. xiv.9.4 19
PGS. i.6.3; ;

5, and 7 begin respectively with avidasinas, AB. viii.27 ; gGS.For pada d, the

adevanat, and irinat. But patighni is pred- first three have samaham asmi rk tuam. ;

icate to a supplied kumari rather than to The saman is conceived, as male (gB.
praja. iv.6.7 11 ), and as sprung from the re (as it is),

14. dvi-pravrajim: to be preferred, per- or as husband of it (gB. viii.1.3 5 ). But to

haps, is the reading vipravrajini (\/vraj+vi- the Hindu mind this lugging in of sama has

pra), 'wandering hither and thither;' but a charming mystic significance, inasmuch as
the mg amounts to the same thing. sa plus ama makes sama (see AB.iii.23;
16. In order of extent stand dec,a, and SBE. i.13). The conception of heaven
country,' janapada, 'district,' nagara, as male and of earth as female is common
'town,' grama, 'village,' kula, 'family.' see Preller, Gr.. Mythologie*, i.37f .

But at weddings and funerals, village- The Vedic formula has a general sig-
customs stand first in importance PGS. nificance not unlike that of the ancient
i.8.11,13 or SEE. xxix.285. On conflicts, cf. quando (or ubi) (it Gains ego Gaia and the
Stenzler's note to AGS. i.7.2, and 59 18 N. German Wo ich 'Mann bin, da bist du Frau,
tan begins new clause. prati^iyat, 616. und wo du Frau l>ist, da bin ich Mann. For
17-21. drsadam agmanam, a millstone the Latin formula, see Rossbach, p. 351

(which is) stone' (not, e.g. burnt clay). Ap- ISt. v.216; Fleckeisen, 1880, p. 457; and
12 See Vrabh+sam-anv-a esp. the discussion by Marquardt, i 2 .49N.2.
position, cf. 101 . :

sc. kumaryam, loc. absol. Note how the For the German, see ISt. v.216. Another
quoted sacred text has grbhnami, while the use of the Vedic formula, ISt. x.160.
later one has grhnlyat: cf. 92 16 N. kama- 4-5. ehi, used just like &ye or <ptpe; but
yita (1043.3), as if of the 1st gen'l conj., cf. the variants noted ISt. v.332*. -If we
instead of kamayeta. So vacayita, 101 2, could read priyau, the metre would be in
106 4 kalpayiran, 105 1
; pumansas etc.; . order (8+8+11+8); but cf. TS. iv.2.5 1 .

' '
iroLtlv Ka\ appevoydvovs nal 6rj\v- 6. Force of repetition '
With each lead-

yAvovs etc., Megasthenes, in Strabo, xv.60, ing-around (1260). She mounts the stone
p. 713; also gB. xiv.9.4 f or SEE. xv.219f. or puts her foot on it as a symbol of the
To the west of the fire, a millstone way in which she is to put her foot on her
setting, to the north-east, a water-jar, while enemies.
PAGE 99. [400]

9. U.f. vadhv-afijalau (134 end) upa- to the groom. The bride does not say any
stirya (see vstr+upa). The loc. is adjunct thing at any time (cf. SBE. xxix.37).
of a-vapati as well as of the gerund. As prescribed above, the rites are per-
9-11. The first pouring (upastarana) of formed in the order following :

ajya and the two strewings of parched grain I. II. First and second rounds :

on the bride's hands, and the second sprin- a. leading around, 6;

b. mounting stone, 7;
kling (pratyabhigharana) of ajya, constitute c. strewing grain, 8;
the four portions "cut off" or separated d. oblation w. mantra 1 or 2, 13.

from the havis or sacrificial food. The first HI. Third round :

a. leading around;
isdone by the groom the rest by the brother.
6. mounting stone:
c. sprinkling ajya, 10;
The descendants of Jaraadagni used to "cut d. oblation w. mantra 3, 13.
off" five such portions (ISt. v.366; x.95) IV. Fourth time :

a, b, and c fall out;

and so had to strew grain three times. d. oblation in silence.

Oldenberg's note. esas, refers back.

19-2O. U.f. a^upya a^upya (127 end)
(The groom) having poured the sacri- ha
(see ha) eke etc. Some lead her around

ficial butter on the bride's hollowed-and-

after each strewing (of) the grain. In this
joined-hands, her brother or brother's repre-
sentative strews parched grain (on her hands)
way (tatha) the last two oblations do not
fall together.' That is, some do the rites in
twice [Thrice (is the custom) of the Jamad-
the order:
agnians.], sprinkling again (sc. ajya) over
the havis (= what he has left of the grain in c. strewing or sprinkling;
d. oblation w. mantra;
the basket) and over the avatta ( = what grain a. leading around ;
b. mounting stone.
he has strewn on her hands). This (as just
stated) the cutting-off-usage.'
is In this way, the fourth oblation comes directly
12-17. ayaksata, 882. pra muncatu after the thirdmounting of the stone.
(cf.89 ), impv., w. lengthening (ISt. v.340s.): 2O-21. asyai, 365.3. 'Then he loosens
so nuclatu, svadatu. These stanzas are her two braids, if they are made (i.e. if) ;

mere adaptations of blank forms, so to say. two braids of wool at her two temples are
For examples of the changes (called uhas) tied.'

which circumstances demand, see AB. ii.6.6 ;

22. He loosens the right one with RV.
cf. AGS. iii.8.7. The forms are filled out x.85.24. uttaram (sc. gikham) uttaraya
(see nigama in BR.) with a deity-name, (sc.rca) see uttaraS, 4.

which, as here, does not always fit the metre. 23. The AB. at i.!4.5f tells why the NE.
18. With the above mantras (uttered
is called
a-parajita. See also A. Kuhn,
by the groom), she, not-parting (fern.) her Entwicklungs-stufen der mythenbildung,Abh. der
joined-hands, should offer (the grain in Berliner Akad., 1873, p. 126f.

them), as with a srnc.' The nose of the

sruc is at the side. She is therefore to pour NOTES TO PAGE 1OO.
out the grain so, not over her finger-tips. 1-3. U.f. ise ekapadi(sc. bhava), etc.,
For the case of families who do not '
be taking one step for strength = take one
strew grain but twice, we must assume that step for strength two for vigor ;
and so on. ;

the bride, when making her second oblation, The body consists of five elements. At
does not offer the grain in her joined-
all one period, the seasons are reckoned as
hands, but leaves some for her third oblation. six :
gigira, vasantd, grisma, varsa, garad,
Her fourth is from the basket. hemanta.
18-19 ( 14). 'Without (any) leading 4. See saptapada in vocab. Seven, as a
around (on the part of the groom), (the sacred number, became the symbol for
many or all.' Doubtless the word always
' '
bride should offer grain) with the nose of
the basket towards herself in silence the suggested both the literal and the trans-
fourth time
The "silence" refers of course ferred mgs. Orig., sakha saptapado bhava.
[401] PAGE 101.

Be a constant friend,' was a mere general the bride (ISt.v.277). -U.f. iti iksakan
formula, used on sealing a friendship, e.g. ikseta.
between two men, who would take seven 17. U.f. anaduham carma a-stirya : com-
steps together hand in hand by way of rati- pare the pellis lanata (Rossbach, 112, 324).
fying their bond. Saptapadam maitram, tasminn = carmani. The two foil, words
'Friendship (if genuine) is constant,' be- are loc's s. fern., supply kumaryam (303b).
came a common proverb. 18-19. catasrbhis, sc. rgbhis.
The application of the formula to the 19-20. dadhnaa (431) etc.: 'Partaking
wedding-ceremony is prob. only a secondary of curds, he should offer (them) in turn (to
and special use although it came to be her) or, with the rest of the ajya, he anoints
; ;

exceedingly important. Here saptapadi (anakti, Vafij) his and her heart.' hrdaye:
being taken with strict literalness, it became better as dual, on account of the nau (dual,
necessary to lead up to it by six other 90 8 ) in the stanza which accompanies the
formulae The matter is action.
as in the text.

explained at length and illustrated, by Haas 2O-21. See urdhvam. brahma-cari-

and Weber, ISt. v.320-22 cf. BE. s.v. nau: see
: ISt. V.326N.3, 331. -U.f. alam-
saptapada; and AV. v.11.10. kurvanau, 714.
6. The two gerunds seem to go with the 22. Counting of time by nights see Kae- :

subject of abhy-ut-kramayati, i.e. the groom. gi, N.68* and citations, and Zimmer, p. 360.
8. vaset
subject, the bride.
sapta 'Or, (They should be continent) a year,"
rain, l'2~' . See iti 3. (say) some a Rishi is born in this way :

8-9. dhruvam, as symbol of fixity and (iti).' In this way' = 'on condition and as '

constancy (see PGS. i.8.19 and QGS. i.17.3). reward of such self-restraint.'
For the legend of Dhruva's translation to
the skies, see Visnu Purana, book i, 12. NOTES TO PAGE 1O1.
arundhatim :
cited, with many other ex- 1. Marital intercourse is declared by Apa-
amples of faithful and happy wifehood, at stamba be a duty resting on the authority
MBh. i.199.6 = 7352 and v.117.11 = 3970; cf. of Holy Writ (brahmana-vacanac ca sam-
also ISt. v.195. There was a superstition veganam, ii.l.!9 = SBE. ii.101). The Scrip-
that one whose life was near its close could ture-passage, ace. to BUhler, is TS. ii.5.1 5 ,

not see these stars (ISt. v.325: Indische kamam a vijanitoh sam bhavama, 'Let us
Spriiche, 2d rain: here, as
ed., no. 2815). have intercourse after our heart's desire till
so often, the heavenly lights are the souls of a child be begotten.' Explicit is Baudhayaha,
pious sages and saints departed see note iv.1.17 =
SEE. xiv.315 MBh. xii.21.12 = 626.;

to 91 12 . The bride has nothing to say Cf. Ludwig, v.549 (N. to RV. i.179.2), and iv.
during the ceremony, and keeps silence after 315 also Exodus xxi.lOf, and I Cor. vii.3.

ituntil (cf. 103 20 ) starlight. 2. See Vvac, caus.: form, cf. 98 20 N.

1O. U.f. prayane (loc.303b), the wedding-
journey, from the bride's village to the SELECTION LXXV. The customs and
groom's. See ISt. v.327f. ritual of cremation and burial. Acvalayana
11-12. Rules 2 and 3 are for the case Grhya-sutra, b'k chap's 1-6. Text and

that they have to cross a stream. translations as at the beginning of intro-

12. rudatyam, ' if she weeps,' loc. abs. duction to selection Ixxiv. Roth compares
13. So in Rome a boy went ahead with a the ceremonies here described with those
nuptial torch. Cf. Rossbach, 362-3. implied by the text of RV. x.18 in his essay,
14-15. '
At every dwelling as the wed- die Todtenbestattung im indischen Alterthitm,

ding-train passes it. The procession called ZDMG. viii.467-76, reprinted in part by Zim-
out eager gazers then, as now. Indeed, to mer, p. 404f. The same subject is treated
judge from AV. xiv.2.73, even the Manes at length by Max Miiller, ZDMG. ix.p.I-
were supposed to crowd about for a look ;it LXXXII. We may mention also Colebrooke's
PAGE 1O1. [402]

Essays, i. 172-95; the papers of Wilson and

of Rajendralala Mitra, cited above, p. 382f ;

and especially Monier- Williams, in Religious

Thought and Life in India, chap, xi., Death,
Funeral Rites, and Ancestor-worship, and in
Ind. Ant. v.27. Cf. also in general the intro-
duction to selection liii., p. 382f.
The ceremonies in question have three
main parts the cremation the gathering

and burial of the bones and the expiation.


These are followed by the graddha, de-

scribed at AGS. iv.7, SEE. xxix.250f, 106f.
[403] PAGE 1O3.

set respectively in the SE., NW., and SW. identical with VS. xxxv.22. asau, voc.,
parts of the sacred place.
O so-and-so.'
3-4. enam, for him,' i.e. the dead
See V2is+pra3. man 6.

(Oldenberg), or the conductor of the cere- 6-8. If the ah- should reach v the corpse) '

mony (see Stenzler). This second accusative
first, In the heaven-world it has reached
with (idhmacitim) cinoti is strange. him" this may one know. Happy will
4-6. The first tasmin, masc., refers to that one be in that world so (will) this one, :

-citim, fern. the second, neuter, to -ajinam.

that is, the son, in this (world).' U.f.
'On it they set the dead man, carrying ratsyati (v'radh) asau amutra evam ay am

(hrtva) him to the north of the g-, with his asmin, iti putras. The last iti marks
head towards the a-.' putras as an explanation of ayam.
6. 'To the north (of the corpse) they set 8-11. Rules 3-4 are counterparts of 2.
the wife and a bow for a Ksatriya.' loc. = in case of.'
11-12. Rule 5 :

7-8. U.f. tarn "The higher

(= patnim) ut-thapayet rddhim vadanti, see Vvad3.
ud irsva nari etc." See 86 18 N.
va, the smoke of the pyre rises, the more dis-
8. The conductor of the ceremony should tinguished will the departed be in the other

repeat (the stanza) in case of a Qiidra (=in world." Weinhold, Altnord. Leben, 480-1.
case a Q. raises her up from the pile).' 12. tarn, like sas (line 13) and esas (16),
9. dhanus, sc. apa-nayet. Rule 21 = refers to the departed.

Ditto in case of a Qudra.' 12-13. iti samanam, with
the man-
9-1O. '
without (= be- tras "prehi prehi etc." in the same way'
Having strung it,

fore) piling the pile (of things mentioned as indicated, namely, in the Qrauta-sutra, at
below), breaking (VI gr) it, he should throw vi. 10.19-20 (p. 505-6), i.e. with the 24 stan-
it on the fuel-pile.' zas there enumerated. They are RV. x.14.
11 f. Miiller gives pictures of these various 7,8,10,11; x.16.1-6; x.17.3-6; x.18.10-13;
implements, ZDMG. ix.p.VIIf, LXXVIIIf. x.154.1-5 and x.14.12. The text of all these ;

14. bhittva ca ekam, 'and breaking (it stanzas is given in the RV. order in the
in two pieces, in case there is only) one Reader, pages 83-91.

(sruva).' 14. svargam lokam: note the fine dis-

18. asec-, sc. patrani. See VI pr. tinction between this and the later svarga-

putras, the dead man's. lokam (as cpd). The old two-word form is

19. And the metallic ware (and) pottery.'

used in lines 14 and 16, as virtual quotations
21-22. U.f. vrkkau (134 end) ud-dhrtya from an older text and above, at line 5, a ;

(VI hr). daksine (sc. panau) daksinam quoted mantra but the cpd is used in the ;

(sc. vrkkam a-dadhyat), etc. Sutra proper, line 7. Cf. 92 18 N.

22-23. " And two '
meal-cakes," (say) 15. U.f. avakam, gipalam iti (marks gi-
some [, he should put on the hands of the as a gloss to avakam) ava-dhapayet. tatas

corpse]. "(Only) in the absence of the (= gartat) ha (see ha) vai etc.

kidneys," (say) others.' sarvam, sc. 17. With regard to the pertinence of the
anustaranim. mantra, see Roth, ZDMG. viii.472, 468.
savyavrtas, cf. 99 N.

NOTES TO PAGE 1O3. 18-20. The end of each clause is marked

1-2. See Vmantraya+anu :
'accompanies by a gerund. U.f. udakam a-vahat
w. the stanza " imam '
the fetching etc." un-majjya, grhitva, ut-tirya, enani
2-4. U.f. janu a^acya, juhuyat, (= vasansi, the ones they had on before
agnaye svaha etc." pancamim (sc. changing) a-pidya, asate. See a4.
ajya^ahutim juhuyat) urasi pretasya Similarly, the bride keeps silence till star-
1-5. U.f. " asmat (accent,- asmat, 74 9 N.) light, 100%.
vai vai)
(see tvat adhi (see adhi) See naman2. Each of the relatives,

jayatam," a metrical mantra, substantially facing southward, performs the lustration,


PAGE 1O3. > [404]

saying to the departed, O thou of the family not only in Sanskrit (a-namika), but also
of the Kayyapans, O Devadatta, this water is with Tibetans, Chinese, Mongols, Lithua-
for thee (kagyapagotra, devadatta, etat nians, Finns, and North American Indians.
te udakam). Scholiast. See Grimm, I.e. 441-47 and 91 2 x.;

21. 'Or, while (a bit) of the sun is (still) 13. The scholiast takes pavana as a
seen, they may go home.' Rule 12: cf. '

winnowing-basket used to sift out the

101 2 N. small bones yet remaining among the ashes,
22. U.f. prapya agaram, a-ksatan, and not picked up by hand. Is it not rather
tilan, apas etc. a 'fan to blow the ashes from the carefully

gathered bones in the urn ?

13-14. U.f. yatra na abhi-syanderan,
anyas varsabhyas tatra (sc. kumbham) s

1. More fully, kritena va, utpannena va ava-dadhyus. Whereunto from all sides

(sc. annena) see Vpad+ud.

: no water other than rain would flow.'
3f. Render the locatives by in case of,' 15-16. Rule 8: uttaraya (sc. rca) = RV

i.e. here 'in case of the death of.' dana_ x.!8.11 = 87 4

-ava-kiret, \3kr. -Rule 9
adhyayane, ace. dual n., 1253a. uttaram (=RV. x. 18.12 = 87 6 ), sc. japet.

8. See urdhvam. 'Tenth' (see daaini) 16-17- U.f. kapalena (sc. kumbham)
counting from the day of death, api-dhaya, atha an-aveksam praty-a-
krsnapaksasya ayujasu, sc. tithisu. See vrajya, apas etc. asmai, the deceased.
eka-naksatra. Of the 28 lunar mansions, 18. See v'lmr-i-abhi. For the force of
six form three pairs, named 'former' and the prefix, cf. what was said by a little
Matter' Phalguni (9-10), Asadha (18-19), newsboy, a*s reported by my colleague,
and Bhadrapada (24-25). Accordingly, Professor Lane, " My mother died on me and
under these asterisms, or in the lunar months my father runned away." See \'2ksi-fapa.
named after them, the gathering is forbidden. 19. U.f. pura udayat.
See Whitney, OLSt. ii.351f, 360. But cf. 2O-22. tam = agnim. ny-upya, \2vap.
Weber, Abh. dcr Berliner Akad., 1861, p. 322. See under yatra. prasavyam: the left
9. In a plain male urn (they put) a man
is associated with evil or sorrow (see 99 ] N.);

(i.e. his bones); in a plain female (urn sc. cf. Latin laevum omen or numen. U.f.

kumbhyam), a woman.' If the urn has pro- savyan urun a-ghnanas (637).
tuberances on it, like a woman's breasts, it

isregarded as a female urn. Many such NOTES TO PAGE lOo.

have been found by Schliemann see his

Ilios, numbers 986, 988-93. A male urn is 1. upa-kalpayiran

(for -yeran, see 98' x.),
one without these breasts. 'they should provide': the verb has 11
9-10. 3, cf. 101 17 .
-prasavyam, 99 *. objects (lines 1 to 4).
11-12. U.f. angustha_upakanisthika- 2-3. U.f. c,amimayyau arani. A legend
bhyam ekaikam asthi a- etc. explaining why
(cf. 105 lfi ) the sacred fire made with

Even the Brahmanas give evidence of a well- sticks of garni (see this) is given at MBh.
developed body of popular beliefs about ix. 47.14 = 2741 f.
25 iii.S^ 2 18
the fingers: cf. C.B. iii.1.3 ;
^ and 4-5. agni-velayam, 'at the time of the
Eggeling's Index, SBE. xxvi.461, s.v. fingers. (evening) agnihotra': cf 96 N. .

See the beautiful essay of W. Grimm, Ueber 6. U.f. asate etc., similarly 103'20 .

die bedeutung der deutschen Jingernamen, Klein- 7. U.f. itihasa-purana ni iti (see iti3)
ere Schriften, iii.425 50. a-khyapayamanas (1042d). Story-telling
But with the
finger next the little one is followed the cremation in Germanic anti-

associated -now something mysterious, now quity also cf. Weinhold, Altnord. Leben,

something uncanny (as here) this appears 482, and the very end of the
: Beowulf.
7-1O. 'When sounds are
from the fact that it is the nameless one '
hushed (s'ram)
[405] j PAGE 1O6.

or when (the others) have gone home or to NOTES TO PAGE 1O6.

bed, starting (pra-kramya) from the south 1. U.f.
yatra abhi-ransyamanas (vram,
side of the door, a continuous water-stream 939) bhavanti, 'where they are about (=:

(the conductor of the ceremony) should intending) to tarry not so well the vocab.

offer,with the words " ," (going round) Respecting the Hindu washer-
See ahata.
to the north (side of the door u.f. iti a man, his work, and tools, see G. A. Grierson,
uttarasmat).' Bihar Peasant Life (Triibner, 1885), p. 81 f.
1O-12. Rule 8: cf. 100 16 f. 2. U.f. a udayat. udite etc.
13-15. uttaratas, with agnes. U.f. 3. The scholiast to AGS. ii.3 end, enu-
amatyan ikseta. merates the "Sun-hymns" and the "Bless-
17. U.f. aksini (343f) a^ajya (Vanj) ings." The "Sun-hymns" are RV. x.158;
paracyas (407 ) vi-srjeyus (so. tarunakani). i.50.1-9; i.115; and x.37. The "Blessings"

18. anjanas (sc. yuvatis) ikseta (subject, are RV. i.89; v.51. 11-15; and x.63. Cf.
'the conductor,' karta). SBE. xxix.114. Of all these, only the second
19-22. 'Then, standing off (ava-sthaya) isgiven in the Reader see Preface, page v,
in the NE., while (the others) circumambu- note 4.
late (pari-kramatsu) with fire, and bull's 3-4. U.f. annam samskrtya (1087d),
dung, and a continuous water-stream, with "apa nas gogucat agham" (= RV. i.97 =
the trca " apo hi stha etc.," he should re- 72 8 f ) iti pr- hutva. Cf Preface,
p. v, N.4.
" '
4-5. we
peat parime gam etc." ud-a-haranti, vacayita (see Vvac, cans.) :

compare 101
. should expect -yeta cf. 9820 N.


Not without grave misgivings can a Vedic commentary be put forth. The hard places
are very hard.Nevertheless, an unsatisfactory bit of exegesis may .be a valuable
approximation to the truth or may even suggest the correct solution of a difficulty.
Inasmuch as Professor Whitney has been so kind as to look over the manuscript of
the Notes, it ought to be said that there are various things in the Vedic part of the work

of which he does not approve.

The earliest English version of the Fables of Bidpai, The Morall Philosophic of Doni t
by Sir Thomas North (see above, p. 313), has just been reprinted, with a valuable intro-
duction by Joseph Jacobs, and published by David Nutt, London, 1888.
The second edition of Whitney's Grammar may soon be looked for. The section-
numbers are substantially unchanged ;
but the subsections are marked with a, b, c, etc.
The references in the Notes (see p. 289, above) are to the first edition of the Grammar.
Users of the second edition will often have to seek, e.g., 844 2 under 844a, 371 12 under
371k, and the like.
In addition to the lexicons mentioned above, page xviii, there has recently appeared a
Sanskrit -Worterbuch nach den Petersburyer \Vorterbuchern bearbeitet von Carl Cappeller
(Strassburg, Karl J. Triibner. 1887. Royal 8, pages 541. Price 15 Mark). This is so
excellent, cheap, and convenient as to deserve thewarmest commendation. An English
version is in progress.

C. B L.


August, 1S83.
Harvard Oriental with the cooperation of various scholars, by Cn ARLKS
Series. Edited,
ROCKWELL LANMAN, A.B. and LL.D. (Yale), LL.D. (Aberdeen), Wales Professor of
Sanskrit at Harvard University; Honorary Member of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
the Socie'te" Asiatique, the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and

the Deutsche Morgenlandische Gesellschaft Member of the American Philosophical


Society Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Foreign Member of
; ;

the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences; Honorary Correspondent of the Archaeological

Department of the Government of India Corresponding Member of the Institute of

Bologna, of the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen, of the Imperial Russian Academy
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Volume 1. Jataka-Mala, by Arya Ciira. Edited in Sanskrit (Nagari letters) by Pro-
fessor H. of Leiden, Netherlands.
KERN, University 1891. Pages, 270. (North
Buddhistic Translated by Speyer, London, 1895, Frowde.)
Volume 2. Sankhya-Pravachana-Bhashya, or Commentary on the exposition of the
Sankhya philosophy, by Vijiiana-Bhikshu. Edited in Sanskrit (Roman letters)
by Professor R. GARBK, University of Tubingen, Germany. 1895. Pages, 210.
(Translated by Garbe, Leipzig, 1889, Brockhaus.)
Volume 3. Buddhism in Translations. By the late HENRY CLARKE WARREN, of
Cambridge, Mass. 1896. Fifth issue, 1909. Pages, 540. (Over 100 extracts
from the sacred books of Buddhism, so arranged as to give a connected account
of the legendary life of Buddha, of his monastic order, of his doctrines on karma
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myths of the Rig-Veda. Critically edited in the original Sanskrit (Nagari letters)
with an introduction and seven appendices (volume 5), and translated into English
with critical and illustrative notes (volume 6), by Professor A. A. MACDONELL,
University of Oxford. 1904. Pages, 234 + 350 = 584.
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mentary, by the late Professor W. I). WIIITNKY, of Yale University; revised and
brought nearer to completion and edited by C. R. LANMAN. 1905. Pages, 1212.
(The work includes critical notes on the text, with various readings of European
and Hindu mss. readings of the Kashmirian version notices of corresponding
; ;

passages in the other Vedas, with report of variants data of the scholiasts as to

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literal translation ;
elaborate critical and his-
torical introduction.)
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and verse by A. W. RYDKK, Instructor in Sanskrit in Harvard University. 1905.
Pages, 207.
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Professor am koniglichen Realgymnasium, Doebeln, Saxony. 1908. Pages, 344.
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variants. By Professor HERTEL. 1912. Pages, 245. (Includes an index of

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recensions as shown in Parallel Specimens. By Professor HERTEL. 1912. (Nine-
teen sheets, mounted on guards and issued in atlas-form. They give, in parallel
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critical editio major by Professor HERTEL. Editio minor. AVith a brief history
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Professor at the University of Jena. 1912. Pages, 231. (Introduction, notes,
and various other useful additions.)
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Perry's Sanskrit Primer. A Sanskrit Primer: based on the Leit-

faden fur den Elementarcursus des Sanskrit of Prof. Georg Biihler of Vienna.
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York. 1885. 8vo. xii + 230 pages. Mailing price, $1.60.
Kaegi's Rigveda. The Rig veda: the Oldest Literature of the Indians.
By ADOLF KAEGI, Professor in the University of Zurich. Authorized translation
[from the German], with additions to the notes, by ROBERT ARROWSMITH, Ph.D.
1886. 8vo.. Cloth, viii + 198 pages. Mailing price, $1.65.

Hopkins's Religions of India. The Religions of India. By EDWARD

WASHBURN HOPKINS, Professor of Sanskrit in Yale University. 1895. 12mo.
Cloth, xvi + 612 pages. Mailing price, $2.20.
This the first of Professor Morris Jastrow's Series of Handbooks on the History of Religions.
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opment. Extracts are given from Vedic, Brahmanic, Jain, Buddhistic, and later sectarian lit-

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notes, and vocabulary. By A. V. WILLIAMS JACKSON. 1893. 8vo. Cloth, viii + 112
pages. Mailing price, $1.85.
The selections include passages from Yasna, Visparad, Yashts, and Vendidad, and the text
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