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P1 – Cont.

End user need

Appropriateness of graphics,
For this website I am going to make sure that the graphics are appropriate for my
website. So for the images I am going to make sure that they are all relevant for Cillian
Murphy and not about something random so that users will understand the website
more. Using appropriate graphics means that my audience will be more attracted to the
website because if it contained no graphics then there would be nothing eye catching to
look at.
Complexity of site,
My website isn’t going to be complex for the user to navigate around, I am going to have
a simple navigation bar that will help them to choose which page they want to visit on
my website.

Layout techniques
Block level containers (DIV),
I will use a DIV (a divider) that will separate certain things for me on the website, such
as the use of colours, if I want my page to have separate colours I will use a DIV to
separate these colours and place them where I want. I will also do the same for my
images and text.
Inline containers (SPAN);
SPAN is a generic inline container which carries no structural meaning, but it is used to
provide extra structure through its ID, LANG, DIR and CLASS attributes.

Client needs and user needs

Level of security
My website won’t require too much security just because no information is needed to be
entered into the website so none of your bank details or anything like that can be stolen.
But I will still have some security on it so that there are no bugs transferred onto
peoples computers.
Development timescales
Finding images 1 day
Coding page one CSS 2 weeks
Coding page two CSS 2 weeks
Coding page three CSS 2 weeks
Styling page one 1 week
Styling page two 1 week
Styling page three 1 week

Support, Maintenance contracts and Costs

If anyone has any problems when viewing my website I will leave contact details on the
page so that they can leave any comments about what needs fixing, if anything is wrong
with it then I will charge £60 an hour for someone to come and fix it.
Visibility on search engines
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="description" content="Cillian Murphy">
<meta name="keywords" content="Actor, Peaky Blinders">
<meta name="author" content="Beth Stronach">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial- scale=1.0">


Mark-up languages
HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language, this allows whoever is using my website
to improve the appearance of the link text on the internet.

Client side scripting languages

JavaScript is a language used for creating web pages, you can use JavaScript when
adding things to your website such as special effects and graphics.
This stands for Visual Basic Script which is a client side scripting language, which is used
to provide interactive content to a website.

Features and advantages of software languages;

One feature of using a software language is that they are machine independent, also
they can be executed on varuious machines that have certain changes. Portability is also
another software language which means you can use the same fragment of coding, they
can also be run on other platforms with or without being changed.
An advantage of using software languages is that you don’t need a translator for the
coding languages because the computer automatically recognises them.


You have been asked to discuss the different techniques that are available to aid user access to
information on a webpage, you must include the following:

Fluid layouts and Media queries (access on multiple browsers and

Using a fluid layout for my website means that it makes it more accessible on different
devices, because fluid layouts have coding that allows the website to change images and
size to fit the webpage of the device they are on. To do this it defines the webpages by
percentage instead of pixels. So using this for my website means that anyone accessing
it through either a computer or a phone will be able to view it.
Multiple style sheets (for font sizes and contrasts)
Using multiple style sheets means that I can have different styles for each of my
webpages, which means that the user can change the quality and saturation of the
webpages. This is because if people have certain disabilities such as visual impairments
they can change the size of the text or the colour of the background to suit their

Alt Text (screen readers)

Having Alt text means that it can read the text on the page, this makes it easier for
people with visual impairments to be able to read the text. Also the images can also be
explained so that the users knows exactly what the image is if they cannot see it

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