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A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty members
of the Senior High School Tanauan Institute Inc.

In partial fulfillment
For the requirements of the
Course Humanities and Social Sciences


Abasta, Arveen Jorge

Arañez, Cathlyn
Balahadia, Jessa
Cabog, Aldrin
Caguicla, Melissa
Celebre, Madelyn
Matienzo, Ericka Joyce
Orellana, Igene
Ramos, Monica
Sandoval, Hazelle
Serrano, Faith Gemima

September 2017
Chapter I

The Problem


Gender Equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that

all human beings, both men and women are free to develop their personal abilities

and make some choice without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender

roles and prejudices. Gender Equality means that the different behavior;

aspirations and needs of women and men are considered valued and favored

equally. It does not mean that women and men have to become the same but that

their rights, responsibilities, duties and opportunities will not depend on when they

are born male or female.

Gender Equality has made some great strides about one hundred years ago,

most women in the world are didn’t have the right to vote-no suffrage, to use the

correct term. When such dimensions of equality encompass all aspects of their

lives, the researcher will be able to say that gender equality has arrived. They

should not be looking for equality in testorene-driven playing fields. They should

be relegating debats on equality to irrelevance by attributing enough respect and

value to natural differences.

So the researchers want to know more about the Perception of the Senior

High School student towards Gender Equality and its effect to their daily life.
Nowadays most countries recognize that equal rights should exist between men

and women. Many have produced regulations intended to fight discriminations

and programs granting women access to health, education, economic rights such

as land ownership and lastly to their everyday life. However, the facts remains that

women have fewer opportunities than men to benefit from economic development,

with lower participation in the labor force. While the principles of gender equality

in the workplace is generally accepted, discriminatory practices persist in many

organizations despite regulation to the contrary. It is important to create an open

and friendly atmosphere to address gender discrimination issues therefore it is

critical to involve men and women rather than only women because gender biases

are commended in culture, it is very difficult to eliminate them without having a

holistic view and involving men as a part of the solution.

As you can see men and women are dressed in different kind of clothes, do

different school subjects. Usually end up in different jobs and are portrayed

differently in everything from magazines to movies to televisions shows. From

birth, girl children and boy children are also treated differently, and everyday of

their lives involved interacting with other people according to their gender. While

many people now believe that women and men are equal, the researchers talks

about girls/women differently about different things, assuming that they are more

delicate and will be interested in say, clothes or children or cooking. Meanwhile

boys/men treated as though they are though and likely to be interested in sports

and cars. Differences can be a good thing; however it is often women who have

been thought different from men who are assumed to be “normal and superior to


This thesis aims at giving equal importance to both men’s and women’s

experiences and opinions. First of all, this is because men and women may have

different visions of how discrimination occurs. Secondly, some differences might

be observed or experienced by one gender and not by the other. In addition, both

sides need to be studied and listened to if a common ground is to be found for a

fairer and for a more gender equal society. This thesis alone does not aim at

finding, but rather contributing to the discussion of gender equality by bringing up

perspectives from different cultural backgrounds. A great deal of research on

gender inequality and discrimination in various aspects of the society has been

done. However, the topics studied are mainly related to the gender pay gap, job

segregation, and the glass ceiling. Such topics have, for many, been studied from

the employees’ and organizations’ perspective.

Scope and Delimitation

The research deals with the Perception of the Students towards Gender

Equality and its Effect in their Daily Life.

The respondents of this study was limited only to the Senior High School

students in which ten (10) students will come from Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), ten (10) students from General Academic Strand (GAS), and

ten (10) students from Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) who were

officially enrolled during the first semester Academic Year 2017-2018 with the

total of thirty (30) respondents. However, the study focuses only in the Perception

of the Students towards Gender Equality and its Effect in their Daily Life.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study was to determine the Perception of the

Students towards Gender Equality and its Effect in their Daily Life.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of the

following variables?

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What is the Perception of the respondents towards Gender equality?

3. What is the importance of Gender equality?

4. How does Gender equality help the student in their daily life?

Significance of the Study

The study focuses on explaining the importance of Gender Equality to the

students. Moreover, the results of the study were beneficial to the following:

The findings of the study will be useful for educators because this study

guide them to know what the effects of Gender Equality in their daily life. This

study would aid them to improve their standards and their knowledge that would

suit their students’ abilities.

The students will be benefited in a way that they will know more about

importance of Gender equality. This will help them to easily understand about

Gender equality and will motivate them to study better to improve their daily life.

The researchers they will be provided with insight regarding the Gender


The study could serve as a guide in writing research for future researchers

who will have to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to

importance of Gender equality to students.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough

and in- depth search done by the researchers this will also present the synthesis of

the art and conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and

lastly the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Conceptual Literature

“Gender” is a highly contested concept in the social sciences. It is

accompanied by a wide range of different meanings and definitions dependent on

matters of epistemological and ontological stance. It is a socio-cultural

phenomenon, characterized by a variety of practices, languages and logics,

perceived differently in varying contexts and periods of time (Alvesson & Billing,

1997, p.9-10).

Since its first introduction in the 1970s as an effort to distinguish culturally

and constructed forms of masculinity and femininity from the physiological and

anatomical features of the biological sex (Schiebinger, 1999, p.16), the

interpretation, value and use of the gender notion have been the object of much

debate. While third wave feminists, in the tradition of poststructuralist philosopher

Judith Butler (1995), have suggested that we should deconstruct or even undo the
existing connotations of gender in order to overcome the concept’s alliance with

persisting forms of hegemonic heteronormativity, other scholars (see for instance

Mitchell, 2004) claim that the shift in focus from “women” to “gender” entails a

dangerous move towards a de-politicization of women’s issues (Cf. Jalusic, 2009,

p.53).Despite ongoing ontological and epistemological debates, the gender notion

is at present still “a common denominator for the processes, mechanisms, and

experiences that locate/fix us as gendered beings within certain norms, structures,

discourses and pressures that we are exposed to as social beings” (Jalusic, 2009,


Gender roles are considered by scholars to be social constructs that start at

birth (Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000; Epstein, 1988). Children grow up and

assimilate into a normalized feminine or masculine gender, influenced by family,

mass-media, and teachers. Feminine and masculine gender roles are then

reproduced throughout an individuals’ life. Furthermore, masculine characteristics

are globally more valued, favored, and preferred over feminine characteristics,

which leads to sexism (Koenig, Eagly, Mitchell, & Ristikari, 2011). However, the

degree of female undervaluation appears to change depending on the country.

Accordingly, some societies may not give similar rights and opportunities to girls

and women - such as education, health care, nutrition or employment – that they
give to boys and men. In the case of the European Union, laws make it obligatory

to have equal treatment between men and women in all aspects of life (European

Commission, 2013). However, despite the illegality of gender discrimination,

unequal treatment towards women carries on in many facets of social life. In this

regard, an interesting question is whether discrimination is different and of

variable intensity depending on the culture of a country.

In all culture, women and girls are primarily brought up to consider the

needs and interest of others, and to provide others with care. This distinguishes the

situation of most women and men, boy and girl. It varies in degree, however,

depending on financial position, ethnicity and other factors, which means that rich

women are able to pay for services that free them from some of the responsibilities

customarily associated with the roles and un-paid work of women and girls.

Whatever their individual ability and interest, men are expected to take greater

risks and initiatives, act as the principal family provider, take an active part in

public life, move around more, display more aggressive behavior and be capable

both of dealing with violence and inflicting it upon others. This is often key to

understanding what is often labeled “gender roles”.

On the contrary, women, who were considered weaker, and with the

physical capability of bearing children, were consequently in charge of less

physically demanding tasks such as picking berries, taking care of the household
or rearing children (Eagle, 1987). Throughout centuries, masculine and feminine

roles have become standardized. Today, men and women are expected to follow

certain behaviors that are considered specific to one’s gender. In this sense, in

today’s interconnected societies, sex-differentiated roles and behaviors seem more

globally established. The distinction between men and women, depending on

one’s sex, has a long history, and under various forms, is present in all societies.

Since the appearance of human beings on earth, physical differences and abilities

have played a role in this distinction. Indeed, due to their greater physical

strength, men were usually in charge of hunting and of other outdoor activities

which required more strength (Eagle, 1987).

Research Literature

Gender roles as social constructs are at the core of the social role theory

(Eagly, 1987). It is believed individuals assimilate to a specific gender and to the

social roles and behaviors expected of it through evolving in society. This

learning process starts in early childhood and carries on afterwards. Gender

stereotypes are seen as resulting from the labor division based on sexes. In

essence, women are ascribed “communal” traits (kindness, nurture, support,

expression), which are associated to a homemaker role, whereas men are ascribed

“agentic” traits (assertion, independence, competence), which are associated to a

breadwinner role (Eagly, 1987; Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000). Singh and

Terjesen (2008) echo this notion by arguing that such a division is the result of a

masculinized social structure that is a “gendered social system, where work has

been designed by men for men, and where patriarchy defines work roles by

gender, leading to direct discrimination and stereotyping” (p. 56). Thus, gender

stereotypes are seen as influenced by the social reality. An alternative assumption

1 “One does not born woman: but becomes it. It is the civilization as a whole that

produces this creature […] which is described as feminine”.23 is proposed by

Jussim, Cain, Crawford, Harber and Cohen (2009) who suggest that stereotypes,

instead, reflect the social reality. Critics and limitations of the theory were pointed

out in terms of its narrow scope and single design (Koenig & Eagly, 2014).

Additionally, the validity of the theory was questioned as it was argued that some

changes had occurred in gender roles, but that gender stereotypes were not seen to

have evolved alongside them (Rudman, Moss-Racusin, Glick, & Phelan, 2012).

Relatedly, Koenig and Eagly’s (2014) study retorts that when a social group is

assumed to change, stereotypes are then influenced by the future roles assumed of

the group and not by its current stereotypes. Hence, it is suggested that

stereotypes change along social group evolution.


The above mentioned studies and literature were all related to the present

study considering the steps involved.

The study of Alvesson & Billing was related to the present study because

he said that “Gender” is a highly contested concept in the social sciences. It is

accompanied by a wide range of different meanings and definitions dependent on

matters of epistemological and ontological stance. However it is different in a

survey questioner and in the definition of it.

The study of Cf. Jalusic was related to the present study because he claim

that the shift in focus from “women” to “gender” entails a dangerous move

towards a de-politicization of women’s issues. However it is differs because the

present study is focuses on the true issues about gender equality.

The study of European Commission, was also related in the present study

because in the case of the European Union, laws make it obligatory to have equal

treatment between men and women in all aspects of life. However, despite the

illegality of gender discrimination, unequal treatment towards women carries on in

many facets of social life. In this regard, an interesting question is whether

discrimination is different and of variable intensity depending on the culture of a

The study of Eagle, Today, men and women are expected to follow certain

behaviors that are considered specific to one’s gender. However it is differs in

terms of their own distinction between men and women.

The work of Eagly, was similar to the present study since it is all about the

importance and effects of gender equality.

The work Diekman & Goodfriend based on such traits of men and women,

it is similar with the researcher’s study since it cited several benefits of this study.

The work of Acker, is also have a similarly to the researcher’s study

because they are both deals with the development of gender equality and in the

further developed in the social role. In addition, managers should have the

knowledge of the various legal obligations an organization has to reduce

discrimination between men and women and to promote gender equality

Conceptual Framework

For the figurative dimension of how study went about, a simple model was

presented. This is shown by three (3) components namely input, process and

output. Figure 1.shows the conceptual paradigm of this study.

Input Process Output

1. Profile in terms of the Descriptive- Correlational The implication of the

following: Analysis of the Gender findings of the study to

a. Age Equality and its Effect to the Senior High School

b. Gender their Daily life. Students

2. Perception of the

Students towards Gender

Equality and its Effect to

their Daily life.

Figure 1.

Research Paradigm

The first box contains the variable the student’s perception towards gender

equality which will be determined through the use of survey questionnaire.

The next box contains the process or the kind of research that the

researchers going to use.

The last box shows the output, the implication of the result of this study to

the Senior High School students.

Definitions of Terms

For clarity and understanding, the following terms were defined

conceptually and operationally.

Gender Equality- in the present context refers to a state of affairs in which

women and men opportunities in all walks of life.

- It is also means the presence of gender perspective in all aspects of decision

making and women’s interest are given the same consideration as a mens in

terms of right and the allocation of the resources.

- In this study, it means that the different behavior, aspirations and needs of

women and men are considered valued and favored equally.



This chapter represents the research design, subject of the study, data

gathering instrument, data gathering procedures and statistical treatment data.

Research Design

The study used descriptive-correlational method in this study, the

researchers used it to describe and evaluate the Perception of the students towards

gender equality and its effect in their daily life. The researcher believes that this

method is relevant because it is easier to gather data and information from the

respondents. The researcher also used this to describe systematically a situation or

area of interest; factually and accurately.

Subject of the Study

This study aims to attain the response of the Senior High School students of

Tanauan Institute Inc. for the school year 2017-2018. A proposed questionnaire

was given to the willing respondents and the questionnaires were gathered on the

same day it was given. In this way, we can be able to get the desired data and

information needed in this study.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used in this research was the questionnaire. For this

reason, the researchers formulated a 10 item questionnaire which was

accomplished by the respondents.

Using the questionnaire, the researchers determined the Perception of the

students towards gender equality and their effects in their daily life Questionnaires

have advantage over some other types of survey. Questionnaires are also sharply

limited by the fact that the respondents must be able to read the questions and

respond to them.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the research title, the researchers prepared a letter

asking permission from Senior High School Practical Research Teacher and the

Officer-In-Charge of the department to conduct a survey. After that, the

researchers personally distributed the questionnaire to the respondents.

Respondents, on the other hand, were given enough time to answer the instrument

and this was retrieved on the same day. The researchers then started to tabulate the

gathered data and prepared for the analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Tools

The following statistical treatment of data will be utilized. The researcher

used the formula P=F/N (100) in order to find out the exact percentage of the total

answers of the respondents inside the campus. The letter P represented the

percentage of answers while F represented the frequency of the answers and N

represented the number of respondents. Frequency and Percentage was used to

determine the Perception of the students towards gender equality and their effects

in their daily life.

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