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• Introduction.
o Objectives of the Project.
• System Analysis
o Identification Of The Need
o Preliminary Investigation
o Feasibility Study
 Technical Feasibility
 Economical Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
• Software Requirement Specification
• Design
o Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
o Menu Flow Diagram
o Database Design
• Screens & Validation Checks
• Reports
• Coding
• Limitations
• Bibliography


1.1 Objectives OF the Project




There is a company manufacturing electronic items for selling. Very frequently they have
to do sales analysis, product analysis and salesman analysis.


This project does the complete automation of sales monitoring

system .It Maintain Item Detail ie. Which Items are available and in
how much Quantity . The Salesman Records are maintained and their
performance is measured . Reports generated shows clewr picture of
ongoing business , the reports shows analysis of Sales and analysis of
Salesman Performance .

Key feature of the System : -

Software keeps track of :-

0 First block keeps a track of all the Sales Man and Items
1 Second block keeps a track of all the Sales Order and Item Details
2 Third block keeps a track of Report generation


2.1 Identification Of The Need

2.2 Preliminary Investigation

2.3 Feasibility Study

2.3.1 Technical Feasibility

2.3.2 Economical Feasibility

2.3.3 Operational Feasibility

Identification of Need:

This step is initiation of System Analysis. An overview of the client’s requirement has
been done. The basic need of the client to opt for such kind of project is analyzed.

As per current marketing scenario, an entire system was required to track day-to-day
transactions, alarming for stock and defaulters, and timely generation of reports is the
basic features of this project.

Preliminary Investigation:

The have to keep records of their employee details, their payment details, advance
payment details.

Different Modules In Computerized System:

Module 1: Item Module

In this module, Member enters a password and the software checks its
validity. If the password is valid then he is allowed to enter, otherwise “Invalid
User/Password” message is displayed. Different data access rights are
assigned to different users. A new member can also be registered in this
module. Proper database of all the Items Available is maintained including
their Name, Rate and quantity in hand.

Module 2 Sales Man Module

In this module database of all the Salesman of companies, their joining date
is maintained

Module 3 Sales Module

This module takes care of Sales Order generation of each sale, the
salesman which has done the sale and the Item sold is recorded.

Module 4 Report Generation

In this section administrator can view all the reports related to sales
analysis and Salesman analysis.

Feasibility Study:

Depending on the results of the initial investigation, the survey is expanded to a

more detailed feasibility study. Feasibility study is a test of system proposal
according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user
needs, and effective use of resources.

The objective of the feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire
a sense of its scope . During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and
aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined.

Consequently, costs and benefits are described with greater accuracy at this
It consists of the following:

1. Statement of the problem: A carefully worded statement of the

problem that led to analysis.

2. Summary of finding and recommendations: A list of the major

findings and recommendations of the study. It is ideal for the user who requires
quick access to the results of the analysis of the system under study.
Conclusion are stated , followed by a list of the recommendation and a
justification for them .

3. Details of findings : An outline of the methods and procedures under-

taken by the existing system, followed by coverage of the objectives and
procedures of the candidate system. Included are also discussions of output
reports, file structures, and costs and benefits of the candidate system.

4. Recommendations and conclusions: Specific recommendations

regarding the candidate system, including personnel assignments, costs, project
schedules, and target dates.

1) Technical Feasibility:
This involves financial considerations to accomodate technical enhancements. If
the budget is a serious constraint, then the project is judged not feasible. In the
proposed system only the cost of developing and maintaining the application will
be taken into consideration by the company. There is no need for any special

2) Economical Feasibility:
With the help of this application it will lead to decrease in cost of opening and
maintaining offices which will be more than the cost of developing and
maintaining the Application . Lesser manpower is needed to maintain a
application than a branch office which will again lead to decrease in cost.

3) Operational Feseability:
This Application is very easy to operate as it is made user friendly . Main consideration
is user’s easy access to all the functionality of the Application.



I was assigned the duty for developing a computerized system known as “Sales Order
System”. Working in team reinstates the team for some common guidelines and
standard to be followed by all the team members across all team. For the optimum use
of practical time it is necessary that every session is planned. Planning of this project will
include the following things:

0 Topic Understanding.
1 Modular Break –Up Of The System.
2 Processor Logic For Each Module.
3 Database Requirements.

Topic Understanding:
It is vital that the field of application as introduced in the project may be totally a new
field. So as soon as the project was allocated to me, I carefully went through the project
to identify the requirements of the project.

Modular Break –Up Of The System:

Identify The Various Modules In The System.
List Them In The Right Hierarchy.
Identify Their Priority Of Development.

Description Of The Modules:

Modules – This project consists of different interfaces which will be accessed through
a MDI (Multiple Document Interface) window. Different modules that
makeup this system are briefly described below:

Module 1: Item Module

In this module, Member enters a password and the software checks its
validity. If the password is valid then he is allowed to enter, otherwise “Invalid
User/Password” message is displayed. Different data access rights are
assigned to different users. A new member can also be registered in this
module. proper database of all the Items Available is maintained including
their Name, Rate and quantity in hand .

Module 2 Sales Man Module

In this module database of all the Salesman of companies, their joining date
is maintained

Module 3 Sales Module

This module take care of Sales Order generation of each sale, the
salesman which has done the sale and the Item sold is recorded .

Module 4 Report Generation

In this section administrator can view all the reports related to sales
analysis and Salesman analysis.

Database Requirements:

 Identify The Various Tables Required.

 Fields For These Tables.
 The Various Key Fields (for example Primary key and Foreign key).
 Identify The Various Constraints like Not Null, Unique etc.

Software/Compilers Required Developing This


Software means a collection of program where the objective is to enhance the

capabilities of the hardware machine.
The following paragraph defines the software of the proposed system
Operating System : Win 98
Front end Tool : MS VB 6.0 (Enterprise
Data Access Technology : ADO 2.1 (ActiveX Data
Reports : Data Report
Back end : MS-Access

Hardware Environment
Hardware is the term given to machinery itself and to various individual pieces of
equipment. It refers to the physical devices of a computer system. Thus the input,
storage, processing control and output devices are hardware.
Processor : Pentium-IV
RAM : 128 MB
HDD : 40 GB
FDD : 1.44 MB
CD-ROM : 52 X
Monitor : 14 inches Color Monitor
Keyboard : 104 Keys Keyboards
Printer : HP DeskJet 670 C


4.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

4.2 E-R Diagram

4.3 Menu Flow Diagram

4.4 Database Design

Analysis and Design:

Menu Flow Diagram


Master Report Exit

s s

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Salesm Ite Sale Analysis an
an Analysi
m s

The Entity-Relationship Approach

The entity-relationship approach consists of an analytical method and a modeling

technique. The entity-relationship (ER) approach was first described by Dr. Peter Chen

in a paper which appeared in the first issue of the ACM publication, Transactions on

Database Systems in 1976. It is now recognized as one of the most important tools in

the data administration tool kit. It is incorporated in various forms, into all major CASE

tools, and is supported by all dictionaries, repositories and encyclopedias. Properly

understood and used, the ER approach can greatly reduce the time needed during the

analysis phase of the development cycle and at the same time greatly increase both the

accuracy and completeness of that analysis. With only a few exceptions all popular

development methodologies use the ER approach to model data.

Most popular analytical approaches, or methodologies, focus either on the processes

being performed or on data elements presumed to be needed by the user. Some

concentrate on trying to fit lists of data elements into one of the data structure models

which can be implemented by a DBMS, others on designing reports, screens, and files,

and still others on following trails of transactions through the various processing stages.

From these processes, flows, data elements, and/or outputs, they attempt to re-create

the real world. Many attempt to recreate the processes from the desired results.

Each method approaches the data problem differently, and their results, many times,

resemble the results of the blind men who examined the elephant: the one examining

the tail thought it felt like a rope, the one examining the sides thought it felt like a wall,

the one examining its legs thought it felt like a tree, and the one examining its trunk

thought it felt like a snake. In a sense they were all right, but, at the same time, none

was right.
In the business environment, examining only transactions, processes, outputs, or data

flows, or even a combination of all four, produces a picture which is correct as far as it

goes, but which is not a true or complete picture of the environment. The business

environment is also populated by people using things, and both people and things are

located in places. Any business description must not only include these people, places,

and things, but it must also start with them. These people, places, and things are called

entities. These entities interact with each other in various ways, and those interactions

are called relationships.

People, either individually or in groups, work with things or provide services for other

people. Since both the people and the things are real (they physically exist), they must

be described and they must be located somewhere (in some place). Additionally,

relationships which exist between people and things, people and places, things and

places, different types of things, different types of places, and different types of people

themselves must be described.

These entities may be well defined, in that the firm may know a great deal about them,

or they may be vaguely defined, in that the firm may know very little about them. In

some cases, such as with either prospective customers or employees, the firm may only

know or suspect that they exist, but not who or where they are.

These entities may exist in large homogeneous groups where all members are capable

of being described in the same manner, or they may be fragmented into many different

subtypes, each with descriptions which are either slightly different, or in some cases

radically different, from other members of the same group.

Just as entities are real so are the relationships that exist between them. And as with

entities, the relationships may be well defined in that the firm may know a great deal

about them, or vaguely defined in that the firm may know very little about them, as little

as first knowing or suspecting that they exist.

The power of the ER approach lies in its ability to focus on describing entities of the real

world of the business and the relationships between them. By describing real world

entities through the identification and assignment of attributes to them and their

relationships, the analyst is describing how and why the business operates.

Although the business itself may change, sometimes dramatically, these types of

changes occur much less frequently than changes in the routine processes and

activities. Regardless of how the business changes, the entities of the business rarely

change. What may change, however, is the firm's perception of which attributes of those

entities are currently of interest. Some relationships between these business entities

may also change, but even these relationship changes occur infrequently. Thus by

understanding and properly describing these entities and the relationships between

them, the analyst can form a very stable foundation for understanding and analyzing the

business itself, and for properly recording the results of, or changes caused by, the

processes of the business.

As with any analytical method, the effectiveness of the ER approach is limited, or

constrained, by three factors, all of which have to do with the analyst's understanding of

the business environment. These closely related factors are (1) entity identification, (2)

entity definition, and (3) business context.

Entity identification consists of recognizing the various entities, determining why they are

of interest to the firm, and naming them. The identification process must specify the

entity at the precise level of specificity which ensures that it is not so general as to be

meaningless, and yet not so specific that it fragments into too many subsets. For

example, people as an entity would be too general since it includes both customers and

employees, among others. On the other hand, full-time employees and part-time

employees would be too specific since both are employees and "full-time" and "part-

time" are attributes of employee.

Entity definition consists of identifying which attributes of the identified entities are

needed by the firm and why those attributes are of interest. For example, is the firm

interested in the attribute "hobbies" or "clothing sizes" for the employees? If the firm

deals in sporting goods, the answer to the former might be yes. If the firm provides

uniforms for its employees, the answer to the latter might also be yes.

Business context involves identifying and defining the relationships which exist between

the identified and defined entities, and their relative importance to the firm as a whole

and to each of its specific parts. Business context also involves identifying and defining

the use or role of each entity within the firm. An entity's appearance, role, or use in one

firm may be entirely different in another firm; yet the entity itself is the same.

Just as an entity may have different roles or uses between firms, so also, each part of

the firm may have a different perspective on the business, and, consequently a different

perspective on the entities of the firm. This perspective does not change the fact of the

entity's existence, only the attributes and relationships of those entities which are of

interest to individual portions of the firm and their role or use in that firm.
The specific definitions of these entities and their relationships with other entities within

the firm are relevant only within the context of that firm and are totally dependent upon

the attributes of the entities which are of interest to the firm. An entity within one firm

may be only an attribute of an entity within another firm, and vice versa.

The importance of identification, definition, and context can be seen when one looks at

the formal definitions of the three key elements which form the heart of the ER

approach. These definitions form the basis for both the data analysis method and the

data modeling technique of the entity-relationship approach.

A definition

An entity is defined as a person, place, or thing which (a) is of interest to the corporation,

(b) is capable of being described in real terms, and (c) is relevant within the context of

the specific environment of the firm.

A definition

An attribute is any aspect, quality, characteristic, or descriptor of either an entity or a

relationship. An attribute must also be (a) of interest to the corporation, (b) describable

in real terms, and (c) relevant within the context of the specific environment of the firm.

An attribute must be definable in terms of words or numbers. That is, the attribute must

have one or more data elements associated with it, one of which may be the name of the

entity or relationship. An attribute may describe what the entity looks like, where it is

located, how old it is, how much it weighs, etc. It may describe why a relationship exists,

how long it has existed, how long it will exist, or under what conditions it exists.

A definition
A relationship is any association, linkage, or connection between the entities of interest

to the corporation. These relationships must also be (a) of interest to the corporation, (b)

describable in real terms, and (c) relevant within the context of the specific environment

of the firm.

It is important to note at this point that relationships exist only between entities, not

between attributes of entities. To illustrate,

The entity "person" could be anyone.

When the attributes name, age, and sex are added, we can distinguish men from

women, adults from children, and one person from another.

When the relationships are added, we know whether we are talking about a group of

unrelated people, a family, or a corporation.

Entities and their attributes

To describe an entity, we must describe it in terms of its attributes and its relationships

with other entities. An entity description consists of a series of statements which

complete a phrase such as "the entity is...," "the entity has...," "the entity contains...," or

"the entity does ...."

Each attribute relates to the entity in hierarchic terms, that is, all attributes of the entity

are fully dependent upon the entity itself because individually and together they are the

entity. The question can still be asked, however, "How can we begin to identify these

entities?" Is, for example, the entity identified as customer (representing all customers),

or is it the specific type of customer (such as mail order or retail), or is it a single

customer? The answer is that it can be all of these, none of these, or more than these.
The specific identification of the entity has meaning only within the context of that firm.

However, most businesses can be described using a fairly restricted set of generic entity

types such as customer, product, machine, employee, location, organizational unit, etc.

An entity is whatever the business defines it to be, and that definition must make sense

within the context of the firm. Thus, an entity in one firm may be a subset of entities

included in the entity definition of another firm, or may be the global definition of the

entity used within another firm. These differences in identification can be illustrated by

the following example.

An illustration:

A town planning board, with responsibility for community planning and zoning, would

describe that community in terms of its buildings, and further define those buildings into

residences, offices, stores, warehouses, and factories.

It might be interested in which people or firms occupy or own those buildings, but for

their purposes that information would be an attribute of the building, just as the size of

the building, the number of floors, the number of windows and doors, and the cost of the

building are attributes.

On the other hand, the local tax assessor doing a census or community directory would

be interested in the people who live and work in the community and firms located there.

The assessor would be interested in the names of the people, their incomes, length of

residence, amount of taxes paid, and where they live or are located (the buildings) within

the community. In this case the buildings become attributes of the people.
Neither the buildings nor the people have changed. They both still exist. The

perspective, however, has changed; the things of interest about those buildings and

people have changed.

The town council, would need to know all the information about both the people and the

buildings, along with information about roads, utilities, etc. In this case, both the

buildings and the people become entities in their own right, along with the relationships

between them (who lives or works where, who owns what, and so on).

This need for both attributes and relationships is consistent with the accepted dictionary

definition of an entity: "the fact of existence; being. The existence of something

considered apart from its properties." Thus although the entity exists, its true form and

role are only apparent after its attributes are added.

Without attributes all that is known about the entity is that it exists. The distinction

between an entity and its attributes, and the relationship between an entity and its

attributes, is so important that the ER diagram distinguishes between an entity and its

attributes by using different symbols for each.

The entity-relationship model

The entity-relationship model represents a conceptual view of the world; as such it is

independent of any DBMS or data processing considerations. It is a creature not of data

processing but of the business environment.

Although we speak of an entity as if it were singular, in reality it is that set of persons,

places, or things which have a common name, a common definition, and a common set

of descriptors (properties or attributes).

The entity representation in the model, while it may represent a single instance, usually

represents numerous people, places, or things which have a common name and

common descriptors and thus can be treated as a set. These entities interact (relate)

with other entities. These interactions form a complex set of relationships.

An entity, although it exists physically, only has physical substance when it is described

in terms of what it looks like, where it is, what it does, and how it relates to other entities.

Each component of that description is a property or an attribute of the entity. The sum

of the properties is the entity.

These entities are physically real and their real properties can be described; these

people perform actions, using and transforming both things and information (which is

contained on things as data). The common characteristic of all entities is that we can

describe them, and we use words and numbers for that description. Collectively these

words and numbers are data; individually they are data elements.

The fact that entities, especially in the data processing environment, are described by

data, does not make them data objects nor is every collection of data elements an entity.

Some writers have suggested that data entities are built from collections of data

elements in the same manner that a car is built from a collection of parts. In fact, an ER

model can be complete and meaningful with no traditional data elements at all. The

parts of a car were specifically chosen because each contributes something to the

overall design of the vehicle. Any number of different sets of parts could be assembled

and would result in a car, but a specific car can only be built from a specific set of parts.

A car is a thing. It is a subtype of the larger group of things called vehicles, and part of

another subtype called self-powered vehicles which transport people and things. Just
as there are many different types of vehicles, not all of which are cars (some may be

boats, planes, or trains), so too there are many different types of entities.

A final type of attribute needs to be discussed: attributes which do not describe the thing

itself, but what it does, how it is used, or why it is used. Those things that an entity does

are called activities; collectively they are called processes. The attributes which

describe these entity activities are called processing-related attributes.

The processes, or activities, of the business are in reality the actions that people take

with respect to things, places, or other people. These actions usually result in some

change in the physical appearance, state, or condition of one or more entities, or

sometimes in the creation of a new entity.

E-R Diagram for Sales Monitoring


Sales Monitoring

H salesman_code





Item QOH

Has Has

salesman_code value_of_sale

Sales_Master Item_Detail

sales_receip sales_receipt_n qty_sold

t_no o


Data Flow Diagrams - Introduction

Data flow diagrams can be used to provide a clear representation of any business

function. The technique starts with an overall picture of the business and continues by

analyzing each of the functional areas of interest. This analysis can be carried out to
precisely the level of detail required. The technique exploits a method called top-down

expansion to conduct the analysis in a targeted way.

The result is a series of diagrams that represent the business activities in a way that is

clear and easy to communicate. A business model comprises one or more data flow

diagrams (also known as business process diagrams). Initially a context diagram is

drawn, which is a simple representation of the entire system under investigation. This is

followed by a level 1 diagram; which provides an overview of the major functional areas

of the business. Don't worry about the symbols at this stage, these are explained shortly.

Using the context diagram together with additional information from the area of interest,

the level 1 diagram can then be drawn.

The level 1 diagram identifies the major business processes at a high level and any of

these processes can then be analyzed further - giving rise to a corresponding level 2

business process diagram. This process of more detailed analysis can then continue –

through level 3, 4 and so on. However, most investigations will stop at level 2 and it is

very unusual to go beyond a level 3 diagram.

Identifying the existing business processes, using a technique like data flow diagrams, is

an essential precursor to business process re-engineering, migration to new technology,

or refinement of an existing business process. However, the level of detail required will

depend on the type of change being considered.

Data Flow Diagrams – Diagram Notation
There are only five symbols that are used in the drawing of business process diagrams

(data flow diagrams). These are now explained, together with the rules that apply to

This diagram represents a banking process, which maintains customer accounts. In this

example, customers can withdraw or deposit cash, request information about their

account or update their account details. The five different symbols used in this example

represent the full set of symbols required to draw any business process diagram.

External Entity

An external entity is a source or destination of a data flow which is outside the area of

study. Only those entities which originate or receive data are represented on a business

process diagram. The symbol used is an oval containing a meaningful and unique



A process shows a transformation or manipulation of data flows within the system. The

symbol used is a rectangular box which contains 3 descriptive elements:

Firstly an identification number appears in the upper left hand corner. This is allocated
arbitrarily at the top level and serves as a unique reference.

Secondly, a location appears to the right of the identifier and describes where in the

system the process takes place. This may, for example, be a department or a piece of
hardware. Finally, a descriptive title is placed in the centre of the box. This should be a

simple imperative sentence with a specific verb, for example 'maintain customer

records' or 'find driver'.

Data Flow

A data flow shows the flow of information from its source to its destination. A data flow is

represented by a line, with arrowheads showing the direction of flow. Information always

flows to or from a process and may be written, verbal or electronic. Each data flow may

be referenced by the processes or data stores at its head and tail, or by a description of

its contents.

Data Store

A data store is a holding place for information within the system:

It is represented by an open ended narrow rectangle.

Data stores may be long-term files such as sales ledgers, or may be short-term

accumulations: for example batches of documents that are waiting to be processed.

Each data store should be given a reference followed by an arbitrary number.

Resource Flow

A resource flow shows the flow of any physical material from its source to its destination.
For this reason they are sometimes referred to as physical flows.

The physical material in question should be given a meaningful name. Resource flows

are usually restricted to early, high-level diagrams and are used when a description of

the physical flow of materials is considered to be important to help the analysis.

Data Flow Diagrams – The Rules

External Entities
It is normal for all the information represented within a system to have been obtained

from, and/or to be passed onto, an external source or recipient. These external entities

may be duplicated on a diagram, to avoid crossing data flow lines. Where they are

duplicated a stripe is drawn across the left hand corner, like this.

The addition of a lowercase letter to each entity on the diagram is a good way to

uniquely identify them.

When naming processes, avoid glossing over them, without really understanding their

role. Indications that this has been done are the use of vague terms in the descriptive

title area - like 'process' or 'update'.

The most important thing to remember is that the description must be meaningful to

whoever will be using the diagram.

Data Flows

Double headed arrows can be used (to show two-way flows) on all but bottom level

diagrams. Furthermore, in common with most of the other symbols used, a data flow at a

particular level of a diagram may be decomposed to multiple data flows at lower levels.

Data Stores
Each store should be given a reference letter, followed by an arbitrary number. These
reference letters are allocated as follows:

'D' - indicates a permanent computer file

'M' - indicates a manual file
'T' - indicates a transient store, one that is deleted after

In order to avoid complex flows, the same data store may be drawn several times on a

diagram. Multiple instances of the same data store are indicated by a double vertical bar

on their left hand edge.

Data Flow Diagrams – Relationship Grid

There are rules governing various aspects of the diagram components and how they can

relate to one another.

Data Flows
For data flows the rules are as follows:

Data flows and resource flows are allowed between external entities and processes.

Data flows are also allowed between different external entities. However, data flows and

resource flows are not allowed between external entities and data stores.

For processes the data flow rules are as follows:

Data flows and resource flows are allowed between processes and external entities and

between processes and data stores. They are also allowed between different processes.
In other words processes can communicate with all other areas of the business process

Data Stores
For data stores the data flow rules are as follows:

Data flows and resource flows are allowed between data stores and processes.

However, these flows are not allowed between data stores and external entities or

between one data store and another. In practice this means that data stores cannot

initiate a communication of information, they require a process to do this.

Data Flow Diagrams – Context Diagrams

The context diagram represents the entire system under investigation. This diagram

should be drawn first, and used to clarify and agree the scope of the investigation.

The components of a context diagram are clearly shown on this screen. The system

under investigation is represented as a single process, connected to external entities by

data flows and resource flows.

The context diagram clearly shows the interfaces between the system under

investigation and the external entities with which it communicates. Therefore, whilst it is
often conceptually trivial, a context diagram serves to focus attention on the system

boundary and can help in clarifying the precise scope of the analysis.

The context diagram shown on this screen represents a book lending library. The library

receives details of books, and orders books from one or more book suppliers.
Books may be reserved and borrowed by members of the public, who are required to

give a borrower number. The library will notify borrowers when a reserved book

becomes available or when a borrowed book becomes overdue.

In addition to supplying books, a book supplier will furnish details of specific books in

response to library enquiries.

Note, that communications involving external entities are only included where they

involve the 'system' process. Whilst a book supplier would communicate with various

agencies, for example, publishers and other suppliers - these data flow are remote from

the 'system' process and so this is not included on the context diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams – Context Diagram Guidelines

Firstly, draw and name a single process box that represents the entire system.

Next, identify and add the external entities that communicate directly with the process

box. Do this by considering origin and destination of the resource flows and data flows.

Finally, add the resource flows and data flows to the diagram.

In drawing the context diagram you should only be concerned with the most important

information flows. These will be concerned with issues such as: how orders are received

and checked, with providing good customer service and with the paying of invoices.

Remember that no business process diagram is the definitive solution - there is no

absolute right or wrong.

Data Flow Diagrams – Level 1 Diagrams

The level 1 diagram shows the main functional areas of the system under investigation.
As with the context diagram, any system under investigation should be represented by

only one level 1 diagram.

There is no formula that can be applied in deciding what is, and what is not, a level 1

process. Level 1 processes should describe only the main functional areas of the

system, and you should avoid the temptation of including lower level processes on this

diagram. As a general rule no business process diagram should contain more than 12

process boxes.

The level 1 diagram is surrounded by the outline of a process box that represents the

boundaries of the system. Because the level 1 diagram depicts the whole of the system

under investigation, it can be difficult to know where to start.

There are three different methods, which provide a practical way to start the analysis.

These are explained in the following section and any one of them, or a combination, may

prove to be the most helpful in any given investigation.

There are three different methods, which provide a practical way to start the analysis.

These are introduced below and any one of them, or a combination, may prove to be the

most helpful in any given investigation:

Data Flow Diagrams – Resource Flow Analysis

Resource flow analysis may be a useful method for starting the analysis if the current

system consists largely of the flow of goods, as this approach concentrates on following

the flow of physical objects.

Resource flow analysis may be a useful method for developing diagrams if the current

system consists largely of the flow of goods. Physical resources are traced from when

they arrive within the boundaries of the system, through the points at which some action

occurs, to their exit from the system. The rationale behind this method is that information

will normally flow around the same paths as the physical objects.
Data Flow Diagrams – Organizational Structure Analysis
The organizational structure approach starts from an analysis of the main roles that exist

within the organization, rather than the goods or information that is flowing around the


Identification of the key processes results from looking at the organizational structure

and deciding which functional areas are relevant to the current investigation. By looking

at these areas in more detail, and analyzing what staff actually do, discrete processes

can be identified.

Starting with these processes, the information flows between them and between these

processes and external entities are then identified and added to the diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams – Document Flow Analysis

The document flow analysis approach is appropriate if the part of the business under

investigation consists principally of flows of information in the form of documents or

computer input and output.

Document flow analysis is particularly useful where information flows are of special

interest. The first step is to list the major documents and their sources and recipients.

This is followed by the identification of other major information flows such as telephone

and computer transactions. Once the document flow diagram has been drawn the

system boundary should be added.

Data Flow Diagrams – Top Down Expansion

The section explains the process of top down expansion, or leveling. Furthermore, it

illustrates that whilst there can only be one context and one level 1 diagram for a given

system, these normally give rise to numerous lower level diagrams.

Each process within a given business process diagram may be the subject of further

analysis. This involves identifying the lower level processes that together constitute the

process as it was originally identified. This procedure is known as top-down expansion

or leveling.

As a business process diagram is decomposed, each process box becomes a boundary

for the next, lower level, diagram.

Data Flow Diagrams – Top Down Expansion Illustrated

In order to illustrate the process of top-down expansion, consider the three processes

shown within this business process diagram. No detail is shown, only the outline of the
process boxes, which have been identified during the drawing of a level 1 diagram.

Any area of a level 1 diagram is likely to require further analysis, as the level 1 diagram

itself only provides a functional overview of the business system.

Therefore, below the level 1 diagram there will be a series of lower level diagrams.

These are referred to as level 2, level 3, etcetera. In practice, level 2 is usually sufficient

and it is unusual to carry out an analysis beyond level 3.

In this example the process numbered 3, at level 1, will be investigated further thereby

giving rise to a level 2 diagram.

In the level 2 diagram four processes of interest have been identified and the numbering

of these processes must reflect the parent process. Therefore the level 2 processes are

numbered 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4

Suppose that of these four level 2 processes, one was of sufficient interest and

complexity to justify further analysis. This process, let's say 3.3, could then be further

analyzed resulting in a corresponding level 3 diagram. Once again the numbering of

these processes must reflect the parent process. Therefore these three level 3

processes are numbered 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Data Flow Diagrams –
Numbering Rules

The process boxes on the level 1 diagram should be numbered arbitrarily, so that no

priority is implied. Even where data from one process flows directly into another process,

this does not necessarily mean that the first one has to finish before the second one can

Therefore the processes on a level 1 diagram could be re-numbered without affecting

the meaning of the diagram. This is true within any business process diagram - as these

diagrams do not imply time, sequence or repetition.

However, as the analysis continues beyond level 1 it is important that a strict numbering

convention is followed. The processes on level 2 diagrams must indicate their parent

process within the level 1 diagram. This convention should continue through level 3

diagrams, and beyond, should that level of analysis ever be required.

The diagram on this screen clearly illustrates how processes on lower level diagrams

identify their ancestral path.

Data Flow Diagrams - When to Stop

It is important to know when to stop the process of top-down expansion. Usually this will

be at level 2 or level 3.

There are 3 useful guidelines to help you to decide when to stop the analysis:

Firstly, if a process has a single input data flow or a single output data flow then it should

be apparent that there is little point in analyzing it any further.

Secondly, when a process can be accurately described by a single active verb with a

singular object, this also indicates that the analysis has been carried out to a sufficiently

low level. For example, the process named validate enquiry contains a single discrete


Finally, ask yourself if anything useful will be gained by further analysis of a process.

Would any more detail influence your decisions?

If the answer is no, then there is little point in taking the analysis further.

Data Flow Diagrams – Keeping the Diagrams Clear

DFD (Context Level Diagram)

Sell Goods Sale Receipt

SALES Stores
SalesMa G

Receive the
Process the goods
The core element in any database design is the table. Essentially a table is a

repository for sets of related information. Below is an example of a simple table

called Employee and some data that it stores.

Name City Salary

Mary Toronto $60 000
Hari Vancouver $70 000
Jean Montreal $80 000

Our Employee contains three records. Notice that the three fields or columns

Name, City and Salary are all important to an employee. One would not create a

table with unrelated information in each row or record. For example, columns such

as Slope, Latitude, or Government would not be added to this table, but columns

such as Email, Address and Last_Name might be useful. The idea when designing

tables is to keep the information relevant to what is being stored.

In the above example notice that each column stores a different kind of information.

The kind or type of information stored is called the datatype of the column. The

columns Name and City store text information, while Salary stores currency or

money information.

Above is the Employee table defined in Visual Case for Microsoft Access XP. When

you change the database type, the data types (Text, Currency, etc.) will change as
different database management systems have different datatypes that they support.

Below is the Employee table as it would look if we switched to Oracle:

Notice that the Salary column is now just a number. This is because Oracle 8 does

not have support for a money or currency field. This is okay though since the data is

really just a number anyway.

Changing Database Types

You can change the type of a database that you are designing in Visual Case. When

you change the type of a database, Visual Case will automatically change the

datatypes of the columns within the tables to match the new dbms. This is not exact

however, as sometimes datatypes aren't supported in various database sytems (as

seen above with Oracle and the currency field).


In a large database, tables will often have hundreds, thousands or even more

records in them. A large company may have tens of thousands of employees around

the world, each occupying a record in the Employee table. Indices are important in

maintaining data integrity and order within the table.

An index is a set of columns from the table that have certain constraints on them.

In our employee table, we could create an index on the Name field indicating that it
must be unique. Our index would then be called a unique index, and if a new

record was added to the table that violated our index, an error would occur.

In most relational database management systems we can create a special kind of

index called a primary key. The set of columns that make up a primary key are

special as they can uniquely identify a record in the table. Take another look at our

simple Employee table:

Name City Salary

Mary Toronto $60 000
Hari Vancouver $70 000
Jean Montreal $80 000

We can create a primary key on the Name column. This is valid for if we ask for the

employee named "Mary" only one record or row is found. Below, a new record has

been added to our table:

Name City Salary

Mary Toronto $60 000
Hari Vancouver $70 000
Jean Montreal $80 000
Mary Halifax $50 000

Now, if we ask for the employee named "Mary" there are two results, the one in

Halifax and the one in Toronto. To solve the problem, we can add City to the

primary key. The combination of Name and City now uniquely identifies each record

in the table.

Creating a Primary Key with an Auto Numbered

You may have noticed that we still have a problem. We would like to have a primary

key as we need a way to uniquely id the employees, but it is likely that there is more

than one employee with the same name and city.

Sometimes (as in our Employee table) there is no combination of columns that is

convenient to uniquely identify a record. You can create a column (Employee_ID in

the example above) and set it to be automatically numbered. That is, each time a

new record is added to the table, the value is automatically set to a unique value. In

the example above, a primary key has been created on the Employee_ID column.

Columns that are in a table's primary key are underlined on the diagram.

Foreign Keys

After tables, foreign keys are arguably the most important thing in a relational

database. Once you have some tables in your database, a way is needed to connect

all of the data together. Foreign keys, are the easiest way to do it.

Above, the Employee table has been changed. You will recall that previously, the

City field was stored as text. This could create problems and waste time if each time
the city has to be typed in. In the table, you could end up with errors and

inconsistencies with employees working in 'Winipeg' and 'Winnipeg' for example.

Instead, we can create another table called city:

City_ID Name
1 Toronto
2 Vancouver
3 Montreal
4 Winnipeg
5 Halifax

Now in the Employee table, only the unique identifier of the City is referenced. This

has the following advantages:

• The city name is only stored once in the database. Multiple tables and

records may reference the same city, but in each case only a number is

stored, not the entire name. This can save a significant amount of space on


• The incidence of errors is reduced in the database. Further, if a city changed

its name, only one change need be made in the database.

• Other information could be stored about a city in the City table. For example,

in Canada you may wish to store the English and French versions of a name

to display to different users. With the design above, the underlying data need

not be changed and our multi-lingual display becomes transparent.

Foreign key relations can be used between any tables. A client may have many

purchases, a library may have many books, a school many classes and a class many

students, and so on.

Below are some rules to remember when creating foreign keys:

• The foreign key goes from child table to parent table. In our example, the

Employee table is the child and it references the parent table City. Visual

Case shows an arrow pointing to the parent table.

• The child table is said to be the owner of the foreign key. Above, the foreign

key is considered a constraint on the Employee table.

• The child table must include the columns defined in the primary key of the

parent table. That is, each record in the child table, must be able to

uniquely identify a record in the parent table by its foreign key.


In the example of Employee and City, the multiplicity is said to be many to one.

For each employee there is one city, but for each city there are many employees. In

Visual Case you can specify the multiplicity on a foreign key (unless not supported by

the selected database type).

Recall the constraint on a foreign key that the child table must uniquely identify a

single record in the parent table. This means that the multiplicity of the parent table

is always one. The child table can have the following multiplicities:

• Many

• One

• Zero or Many

• Zero or One

On the rare occasion in your designs you will run into a situation in which you need a

many to many multiplicity on a foreign key. A course has many students and a

student has many courses.

In the case of a many to many relationship, you need to create an intermediary

table. The way it works is that each record in the Student_Course_Connection table

connects a single student with a single course. Each instance of a student taking a

course is represented as a row in the intermediary table.

Putting it all Together

You now have all the basics required to design a relational database. Beginning with

tables you can build storage compartments for the various data that need to be

maintained in your system. Indices on the table allow for easier access as well as

control and validation over the data. Finally, foreign keys allow you to relate the

data in one table to that in another.

When designing your database try to keep each table focused and straightforward.

Each table should only have the information relating to the data being stored.

Also, look for situations where a related table would better serve the purpose as we

did above with the City field. In general, you want to avoid duplicating data entry

and storage.

Don't be afraid to have a greater number of smaller tables. In our student and

course example, the school may specify that a student can take no more than 6

courses. It may be tempting to put Course_ID1, Course_ID2... Course_ID6 columns

in the Student table and avoid the need for the intermediary table to support the

many to many relationship. You need to think ahead though. What will be required
if down the line the rules are changed and a student can take eight courses. All of a

sudden you have to change the database design (and convert the existing data) as

well as your code and the user interface for your system.

List of Tables:

Table Name Table Description

ITEM Item Master

ITEM_DETAIL Item Details

MONTH_SALES Sales Details

SALESMAN Salesman Master



Database Description

0 Salesman File:

Fields Data Width Description

Salesma Number Long Unique code given to each
n_code Integer salesman.
Salesma Text 50 Name of the Salesman.
D_o_j Date Date of Joining of the
Year_sal Number 10 Annual Sale done by the
es salesman

1 Item File:

Fields Datatyp Width Description

Item_cod Number Long Specific code to identify
e Integer any item.
Supp_co Number Long Reference supp_code in
de Integer Supplier file
Item_na Text 50 Name of that item.
Item_rat Currency Rate of the item.
QOH Number Long No. of units of item
Integer available in the stock

2 Sales Master File:

Fields Datatyp Width Description

Sale_rec Number Long Specific code to identify a
eipt_no Integer Sale Receipt.
Sale_rec Date Date on which Sale Receipt
eipt_dat is made.
Salesma Number Long Reference salesman_code in
n_code Integer Salesman file.
Value_of Number Long The value of sale to that
_sale Integer receipt no.

7 Item Detail File:

Fields Datatyp Width Description

Sale_rec Number Long References the
eipt_No Integer sale_receipt_no in
Sales_Master file.
Item_cod Number Long References the item_code in
e Integer item file.
Qty_sold Number Long The quantity of goods sold.

8 Monthly Sale File:

Fields Dataty Width Description

Salesman_ Numbe 6 References the
code r salesman_code in Salesman
Month Numbe 2 The month number in which
r the sale made.
Sale Numbe Long The value of sale done by a
r Integer particular salesman in a
particular month.


Input Screens:

0 Salesman Master:
1 Item Master:
3. Sales Master – I:
0 Sales Master - II:
Section 6

0 Sales Analysis Report:

1 SalesMan Analysis Report:

Option Explicit

Dim code() As String

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

If MsgBox("Are you sure to delete this record", vbYesNo,

"Purchase Order System") = vbYes Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "delete from item where item_code='" & Label2 &

"'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

List1.RemoveItem (List1.ListIndex)

MsgBox ("The record deleted successfully")

End If


End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

If cmdSave.Caption = "Save" Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Text1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Item name")


Exit Sub

ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Item rate")


Exit Sub

ElseIf Text3.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Quantity on Hand")


Exit Sub

End If

rs.Open "select * from item", cn, adOpenForwardOnly,



rs(0) = Label2.Caption

rs(1) = Text1 & ""

rs(2) = Text2 & ""

rs(3) = Text3 & ""

MsgBox "Inserted"

List1.AddItem Text1

ReDim Preserve code(UBound(code) + 1)

code(UBound(code) - 1) = rs(0)


ElseIf cmdSave.Caption = "Modify" Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Text1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Item name")


Exit Sub

ElseIf Text2.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Item rate")


Exit Sub

ElseIf Text3.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Quantity on Hand")


Exit Sub

End If
rs.Open "update item set item_name='" & Text1 &
"',item_rate=" & Text2 & ",qoh=" & Text3 & " where
item_code='" & Label2.Caption & "'", cn,
adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

MsgBox "Updated"

List1.List(List1.ListIndex) = Text1


End If


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

cmdDelete.Enabled = False

ReDim code(0)


cmdSave.Caption = "Save"

Text1 = ""

Text2 = ""

Text3 = ""

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Call auto("item_code", "item", Label2, "I")

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If
If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select item_code,item_name from item", cn

Do While Not rs.EOF

ReDim Preserve code(UBound(code) + 1)

List1.AddItem rs(1)

code(UBound(code) - 1) = rs(0)



End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

MDIForm1.Item.Checked = False

End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()

cmdDelete.Enabled = True

Dim a As Integer

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If
rs.Open "select * from item where item_name='" & List1 &
"'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

cmdSave.Caption = "Modify"

Label2.Caption = rs(0)

Text1 = rs(1)

Text2 = rs(2)

Text3 = rs(3)

End Sub
Option Explicit

Dim code() As String

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdok_Click()

Dim i As Integer

Dim qty As Integer

Dim qtyleft As Integer

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Combo2.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Item Name")


Exit Sub

ElseIf txtqty.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Quantity Purchased")


Exit Sub

End If
rs.Open "select * from item where item_name='" & Combo2
& "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

qty = rs(3)

qtyleft = qty - txtqty

If qtyleft < 0 Then

MsgBox "The quantity on hand is " & qty & " only."


Exit Sub


cn.Execute ("update item set QOH= " & qtyleft & " where
item_code='" & txtcode & "'")

End If

i = frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.Rows

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.Rows = frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.Rows +

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 0) = i

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) = txtcode

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2) = Combo2

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 3) = Text1

frmSales.MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 4) = txtqty

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_Click()

txtcode = code(Combo2.ListIndex)

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select * from item where item_name='" & Combo2

& "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

Text1 = rs(2)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

ReDim code(0)

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select * from item where QOH<>0", cn,

adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

Do While Not rs.EOF

Combo2.AddItem rs(1)

ReDim Preserve code(UBound(code) + 1)

code(UBound(code) - 1) = rs(0)



End Sub
Option Explicit

Dim code() As String

Dim value As Integer

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

value = 0

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Combo2.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please Select the Salesman Name")


Exit Sub

End If

rs.Open "select * from sales_master", cn,

adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic


rs(0) = Label2.Caption
rs(1) = MaskEdBox1.Text

rs(2) = code(Combo2.ListIndex)


If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select * from item_detail", cn, adOpenForwardOnly,


Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1


rs(0) = Label2.Caption

rs(1) = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1)

rs(2) = MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 4)



If rs1.State = 1 Then


End If

rs1.Open "select * from salesman where salesman_code='" &

code(Combo2.ListIndex) & "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly,

If IsNull(rs1(3)) Then

rs1(3) = value


rs1(3) = rs1(3) + value

End If


If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select * from month_sales", cn,

adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic


rs(0) = code(Combo2.ListIndex)

rs(1) = Month(MaskEdBox1.Text)

rs(2) = value


MsgBox "Inserted"


End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

ReDim code(0)


MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1

cmdSave.Caption = "Save"

Call dateconv(Date, MaskEdBox1)

Call auto("sales_receipt_no", "sales_master", Label2, "SR")

If rs.State = 1 Then

End If

rs.Open "select * from salesman", cn

Do While Not rs.EOF

Combo2.AddItem rs(1)

ReDim Preserve code(UBound(code) + 1)

code(UBound(code) - 1) = rs(0)



Combo2.ListIndex = "0"

MSFlexGrid1.FormatString = "S. No.|<Item Code|Item Name|

Rate|<Quantity Sold"

MSFlexGrid1.Width = 6975

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 500

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 1000

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(2) = 2000

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(3) = 900

MSFlexGrid1.ColWidth(4) = 1500

End Sub

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_MouseDown(Button As Integer,

Shift As Integer, X As Single, y As Single)

If Button = 2 Then
PopupMenu MDIForm1.salespopup

End If

End Sub
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()

If MsgBox("Are you sure to delete this record", vbYesNo,

"Purchase Order System") = vbYes Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "delete from salesman where salesman_code='" &

Label2 & "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

List2.RemoveItem (List2.ListIndex)

MsgBox ("The record has been deleted successfully")

End If



End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

On Error Resume Next

If cmdSave.Caption = "Save" Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Text1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Salesman Name")


Exit Sub

ElseIf MaskEdBox1.ClipText = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Date of joining")


Exit Sub

End If

rs.Open "select * from salesman", cn, adOpenForwardOnly,



rs(0) = Label2.Caption

rs(1) = Text1 & ""

rs(2) = MaskEdBox1

'rs(3) = Text2 & ""


MsgBox "Inserted"

List2.AddItem Text1

ElseIf cmdSave.Caption = "Modify" Then

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

If Text1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Salesman Name")


Exit Sub

ElseIf MaskEdBox1.ClipText = "" Then

MsgBox ("Please enter the Date of joining")


Exit Sub

End If

rs.Open "update salesman set salesman_name='" & Text1 &

"',d_o_j='" & MaskEdBox1 & "' where salesman_code='" &
Label2.Caption & "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly,

MsgBox "Updated"

List2.List(List2.ListIndex) = Text1


End If


End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()


cmdDelete.Enabled = False

cmdSave.Caption = "Save"

Text1 = ""

'Text2 = ""

'Text3 = ""

Call dateconv(Date, MaskEdBox1)

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Call auto("salesman_code", "Salesman", Label2, "S")

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select salesman_code,salesman_name from

salesman", cn

Do While Not rs.EOF

List2.AddItem rs(1)



End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()

cmdDelete.Enabled = True
MaskEdBox1.Mask = ""

If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select * from salesman where salesman_name='" &

List2 & "'", cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic

cmdSave.Caption = "Modify"

Label2.Caption = rs(0)

Text1 = rs(1)

MaskEdBox1 = rs(2)

'Text2 = rs(3)

'Text3 = rs(4)

End Sub
Private Sub add_Click()

frmItem_det.Width = 6000

frmItem_det.Height = 4500

frmItem_det.Top = 1500

frmItem_det.Left = 2000


End Sub

Private Sub exwin_Click()

'ExitWindowsEx(0, 0) = 1

End Sub

Private Sub exit_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub item_Click()

Me.Item.Checked = True


End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()

cn.Open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" &

App.Path & "\SalesMonitoring.mdb"

'Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

'cn.Open "lib1", "scott", "tiger"

End Sub

Private Sub sales_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub salesman_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub SAR_Click()

'Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

'CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = App.Path &


'CrystalReport1.Destination = crptToWindow

'Me.CrystalReport1.WindowTitle = "Sales Analyzing Report"

'Me.CrystalReport1.WindowState = crptMaximized



'Screen.MousePointer = vbArrow


End Sub

Private Sub SMAR_Click()


''Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

''CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = App.Path &

'''Me.CrystalReport1.SelectionFormula =

''CrystalReport1.Destination = crptToWindow

''Me.CrystalReport1.WindowTitle = "SalesMan Analyzing


''Me.CrystalReport1.WindowState = crptMaximized



''Screen.MousePointer = vbArrow

End Sub
Public cn As New ADODB.Connection

Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Public rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub auto(f As String, t As String, lbl As Label, c As


If rs.State = 1 Then


End If

rs.Open "select max(" & f & ") from " & t & "", cn

If IsNull(rs(0)) = True Then

lbl = c & "00" & 1

ElseIf Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) > 0 And Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) < 9


lbl = c & "00" & Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) + 1

ElseIf Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) >= 9 And Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) < 99


lbl = c & "0" & Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) + 1

ElseIf Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) >= 99 And Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) <

999 Then

lbl = c & Val(Right(rs(0), 3)) + 1

End If

End Sub

Public Sub dateconv(dt As Date, mk As MaskEdBox)

Dim y, d, m As String

y = Year(dt)
m = Month(dt)

d = Day(dt)

If Len(m) = 1 And Len(d) = 1 Then

mk = "0" & m & "/0" & d & "/" & y

ElseIf Len(m) = 1 Then

mk = "0" & m & "/" & d & "/" & y

ElseIf Len(d) = 1 Then

mk = m & "/0" & d & "/" & y


mk = m & "/" & d & "/" & y

End If

End Sub
Limitations and Areas of Enhancement

• This project can be customized to connect many Branches of a

single Company in India and make a centralized sales monitoring
system with a centralized database.
• Better security mechanisms can be applied like admin
passwords, encryption techniques etc.
• Can be made more customizable.
• Report generation can be enhanced more to facilitate the user of
this system. Like reports, which depict weak areas in marketing
strategies, used.

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