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GAS: Station part of new network JUDGE: Parties

Continued from Page One

A mechanism of several towers

percent cleaner than diesel, so
Malone said he is doing some-
thing good for the environment.
battle over reform
converts the liquid gas into He believes that as emissions
compressed gas, which is more restrictions on diesel trucks get Continued from Page One
widely used in the state.
The Enviro Express station is
more stringent, fuels like lique-
fied natural gas will become Attorney General Ken Cuc-
part of network of eight in the more popular. cinelli, a conservative Repub-
state that now provide com- Grannis said the technology lican who brought the case, Should the Supreme Court
pressed natural gas to vehicles. for liquefied natural gas fueling said after Hudson issued his declare the national health
Already, Malone said, he has a stations is expensive. There is no ruling. Hudson denied a re- care law unconstitutional?
commitment from AT&T to buy money in the Future Fuels Pro- quest to throw out the man-
compressed natural gas from ject for another liquefied natural date while higher courts
Enviro Express for 48 of the gas station in the state. The fu- consider the case. FIND RESULTS OF YESTERDAY’S
company’s vans. ture of this type of fuel would de- Legal experts are divided
With no liquefied natural gas pend on people like Malone on whether the Supreme
stations for hundreds of miles willing to invest their own mon- Court is likely to void the law. have guaranteed coverage
around, trucks are not likely to ey into converting their fleets The justices, including the without any requirement.
pull off I-95 to fill up with lique- and investing money into lique- court’s conservatives, have re- Most defenders of the law
fied natural gas anytime soon. ral gas tanks and much smaller pected to be as much as 50 per- fied natural gas fueling stations. peatedly said that elected law- believe that eliminating the
But Malone can use the fuel for diesel fuel tanks The new rigs cent, Grannis said. Though Malone imagines a day when makers, not judges, should set mandate would undo the
his own fleet while waiting for use a small amount of diesel to trucks use the same amount of trucks from other fleets will national policy. But the court’s health-care overhaul.
broader demand to materialize. start and warm up the engine fuel, liquefied natural gas is pull into his yard with key conservative majority has also “Unfortunately, striking the
Malone has changed nearly a before it switches to liquid gas. lighter than diesel, allowing cards to fuel up with liquefied shown itself willing to set ‘individual responsibility’ pro-
third of his fleet to trucks to use The rigs go nearly 400 miles trucks to carry more load. natural gas. In about four years aside precedent and strike vision could also jeopardize the
liquefied natural gas for fuel. before having to refuel. Malone paid more for the liq- he would like to invest in a down laws in politically most popular insurance reform
He says he can support the fuel “It’s the future. It really is,” uefied natural gas trucks — chain of liquefied natural gas charged cases. in the statute: preventing in-
station with just his own fleet, Malone said. $200,000 per truck compared to stations covering the highway The legal attack on the in- surance companies from deny-
which uses some 500,000 gal- Liquefied natural gas is $120,000 for the old diesel mod- from Washington, D.C., to surance mandate is a key ele- ing health coverage to people
lons of diesel a year. But he is cheaper than diesel el. He trucks his own liquefied Boston where trucks could stop ment of the conservative with pre-existing health condi-
looking for other commercial by 25 percent, and natural gas from Pennsylvania. every few hundred miles to re- strategy to derail Obama’s tions,” said Families USA ex-
customers who can convert with the price of The state has other liquefied fuel on cheaper American- health-care overhaul, which ecutive director Ron Pollack.
their fleets to use what he be- diesel expected to natural gas facilities, including made liquefied natural gas. He depends on putting an esti- “If we’re going to outlaw
lieves is the fuel of the future. climb in the next one in Waterbury, but those are imagines a chain of these sta- mated 30 million more Ameri- discrimination based on pre-
The 18 Kenworth rigs the six to eight used by utility companies for tions across the country. cans onto insurance rolls. existing conditions, the only
company recently purchased months, the price commercial use. “A daisy chain from Califor- The much-anticipated deci- way to keep people from gam-
have 119-gallon liquefied natu- difference is ex- Liquefied natural gas is 80 nia to Maine,” he said. sion by Hudson, an appointee of ing the system and raising
President George W. Bush, costs on everyone else is to en-
added new fuel to the gathering sure that everyone takes re-
Republican drive. Even in the sponsibility for their own
courts, the partisan nature of health insurance,” Stephanie
the debate is apparent: Two oth- Cutter, assistant to the presi-
er federal district judges, both dent for special projects said
Democratic appointees, ruled in blog post Monday.
previously that the insurance Obama administration
mandate was constitutional. lawyers argued in the Virginia
The target of the Virginia case that the mandate is per-
lawsuit is the unprecedented missible under Congress’ au-
insurance mandate, which thority to regulate commerce,
will require most Americans which gives the federal gov-
to get health insurance start- ernment broad powers to reg-
ing in 2014 and penalize those ulate economic activity.
who do not. But Hudson, backing con-
The requirement would servative critics of the law,
spread risk more broadly and concluded that the new law
control insurance premiums oversteps this authority by re-
for everyone, enabling the quiring Americans to obtain a
federal government to prohib- specific product.
it insurers from denying cov- “Neither the Supreme Court
erage to Americans with nor any federal circuit court of
pre-existing medical condi- appeals has extended Com-
tions. Without a mandate, merce Clause power to compel
Americans would be able to an individual to involuntarily
An Enviro truck passes by a liquefied natural gas fueling station at Enviro Express, a waste transporting company in Bridgeport.
buy insurance only when they enter the stream of commerce
get sick, driving up premiums, by purchasing a commodity in
a phenomenon that has oc- the private market,” the judge
curred in several states that concluded.

TOWER: Legal status up in the airwaves Judge is the one who sent Vick away
Continued from Page One contract) then why weren’t we per month. and will now have to wait a year
part of the process?” Lewis said. Parents at Monday’s PTO to continue with plans to install ASSOCIATED PRESS for failing to apologize to chil-
but the board would have to en- The communications facility, meeting voiced many of the three facilities in the borough, dren who looked up to him.
dorse the plan before the facili- which consists of a 42-inch same concerns that came up at which means a change of plans RICHMOND, Va. — The “You were instrumental in
ty could be installed. equipment cabinet and two an- the Board of Education meet- could still be negotiated, Mezzo federal judge who struck promoting, funding and facili-
Board members weren’t so tennae, was debated at last ing, saying there was no conclu- said. down the very centerpiece of tating this cruel and inhu-
sure they were given any say. week’s Board of Education sive proof emissions from the The other two proposed loca- the Obama administration’s mane sporting activity,” the
“I think that we need some le- meeting, where Mezzo said the facility would not harm their tions are Town Hall and the health care law Monday is a judge said, adding: “I’m not
gal advice,” Donovan said. “I board did not have any legal say children. Eastside firehouse. The bor- George W. Bush appointee convinced you’ve fully accept-
don’t know the legal process. because the borough owns all “My main concern is, I want ough already has 10 cell phone who earned the nickname ed responsibility.”
That’s what I’m concerned school buildings. all of you to fight as hard as you towers and six radio towers, in- “Hang ’Em High Henry” for He has maintained his no-
about, because this is a contract That would hold true if not can to make this a win-win situ- cluding one on the steeple of the his tough-on-crime stand as a nonsense demeanor since be-
that’s been executed.” for the contract provision that ation,” said Michele Linton, 41, Immanuel Lutheran Church on prosecutor and on the bench. ing appointed. Last month, he
Vice Chairwoman Barbara requires school board approval of 6 Brittany Lane. “Get this Coen Street. Among those who have felt denied a former state finance
Lewis said she did not under- for this particular project. tower off of our school and put it U.S. District Judge Henry E. chief’s request to be allowed
stand why the board was left The contract, good for five somewhere else.” Continue the debate online. Hudson’s wrath is NFL star to spend the holidays with his
out of the decision. “If they in- years, would require Clearwa- Clearwire missed an internal Comment on this story at our Michael Vick, who in 2007 re- family before being sentenced
tended to have us there (in the ter to pay the borough $1,750 funding deadline in November website, ceived a nearly two-year sen- early next year for fraud.
tence — and a dressing-down “Given the amount of dis-
— for a dogfighting ring. honesty and deceit I’ve seen in
Hudson rejected Vick’s plea this case, I don’t trust you to
for leniency, questioned self-surrender,” Hudson told
whether the athlete was truly John W. Forbes II before mar-
TAXES: House now expected to pass legislation remorseful and chastised him shals led him away.

Continued from Page One

Both Sens. Joe Lieberman
spoke against it last Friday in
an eight-hour speech on the
class tax cuts will help create
jobs. ... Job creation needs to be  BANKRUPTCY
The legislation would provide and Chris Dodd of Connecti- Senate floor. our number one priority.” • STOPP FORECLOSURE
a two-year reprieve in the tax cut voted in favor. Senate Majority Leader Har- The compromise emerged a • SIMPLEE BANKRUPTCYY ATTORNEYY FEESS $695
increases scheduled to take ef- ry Reid, D-Nev., and his GOP week ago after private talks in-
fect on Jan. 1 at all income lev- counterpart, Mitch McConnell volving the White House and top • REFINANCEE  MEDIATION N REINSTATE
els, reduce Social Security taxes But with lawmakers eager to of Kentucky, were joint spon- leaders in Congress, including Auto Accidents • Divorce • Real Estate
Atty. John C. Kucej
for every wage earner in 2011 adjourn for the year, officials sors of the bill, a symbolic ges- Republicans who emerged from
and extend an expiring program said that demand appeared to ture of bipartisanship on an midterm elections with signifi-
of jobless benefits for the long- be fading. Under discussion is issue that produced nothing but cantly increased strength. LOCAL Designated
d Debtt Relieff Agency
term unemployed. an alternative approach that gridlock until midterm elec- In the days since, Obama has ATTORNEY
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It also includes a scaled back would bring the bill up for de- tions gave Republicans addi- drawn strong criticism from
estate tax that Republicans sup- bate as drafted, with opponents tional leverage in negotiations. liberals unhappy that he agreed 203-574-1166
port and has become a source of of the estate tax provision given “We’re telling the American to changes in the estate tax and
Democrats’ discontent. The a chance to change it if they can people to keep money that’s income tax that will benefit the
bill’s overall cost, estimated at
$858 billion over two years,
gain the necessary votes.
Despite strong criticism from
rightfully theirs, so they can
spend it and invest it as they
rich. Firing back, he said failure
to compromise would produce NON-Surgical
would be added to already huge fellow Democrats, Obama has please,” said McConnell. gridlock at a time the economy
federal deficits. made passage of the bill a key In a jab at Democrats, he is still frail and unemployment
The legislation presents a year-end priority, calling it es- added, “This is an important is at a persistently high rate of
postelection reach across party
lines after two years of gridlock.
sential for the economy as it
struggles to recover from the
shift, and the White House
should be applauded for agree-
9.8 percent.
The administration’s outgo-
Republicans wanted a perma- worst recession in decades. ing to it.” ing top economic adviser,
nent extension of all the tax cuts The Senate vote was never in Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., Lawrence Summers, said in a
enacted when George W. Bush doubt. Nine Democrats and five who chairs the Senate Finance speech a few hours before the
was president, while Democrats Republicans voted to block the Committee, said, “This biparti- vote that the agreement should
insisted rates be permitted to bill, as did Sen. Bernie Sanders, san compromise is about creat- increase consumer spending
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