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Last days of the Prophet:

By the 11th year of Hijra Islam had spread all over Arabian Peninsula. In the
11th year of Hijra the Prophet decided to send an expedition to Syria. But he
got sick and it was postponed. He had terrible headache and fever. But he
continued going to the mosque to lead prayers. He told his close friends that
Allah had taken his choice to have the treasures of world or the blessings of
the hereafter. He said he had chosen to meet his Lord to enjoy blessings of the
hereafter. The companions got sad but he told them that he would meet them
again in paradise. The Prophet showed his desire to move to Ayesha's
apartment. His other wives allowed and he shifted. He became even sicker
with fever and told Abu Bakr to lead prayers. On the day of his death he went
to the mosque, let Abu Bakr lead prayer and sat behind. After prayer he gave
his last speech. He repeated what he said to the companions about choice
given to him by Allah and told about his reply to prepare companions for his
death. He delivered a small speech in which he told Muslims to take care of
the Ansar and to be regular in prayer. He also reminded them of the rights of
women and servants. He told them not to worship his grave. 

It was 12th Rabialawl he went home in pain. He spoke to his daughter Fatima
telling her that she would be the first one to join him in paradise. She was
upset by the pain he was suffering he told her that her father will suffer no
more in pain after this day. Then he said his last words," Now none but
the companion in High is needed". He was 63 years old at that time. He
was buried in Ayasha's apartment by his will. His funeral was performed by
Hazrat Ali and other Muslims this spot is now in the mosque of nabvi.       
Q: Describe how did the Prophet developed relations with other
Muslim and non-Muslim States?
Islam is a religion of peace and no Muslim state can follow a policy of
territorial expansion and unprovoked aggression. The international relations
of a Muslim state are based upon respect for other’s interests, rights, honor
and property (as long as they maintain peaceful relations). We can only fight
in self-defense. Madinah, the first islamic state was governed by Prophet
himself who taught the very same lesson. After migration to Madina, Allah
allowed Muslims to fight their enemies if they threaten their security “Fight
in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not
Prophet wanted to live in peace, but the Quraish of Makka imposed three wars
on Muslim state. The Prophet fought in defense by using all war strategies and
defeated the enemy. He did not initiate the war, did not kill people
unnecessarily. He treated the prisoners of war kindly. He followed the
teachings of Islam to make peace, whenever the enemy is ready to come to
peace. The Quran says, “When the enemy inclines to peace you do
incline towards peace”. In the sixth year of Hijra the Prophet signed a peace
treaty with the Makkans, when they showed their desire to do so. This was the
treaty of hubaidya. Though the terms of the treaty were humiliating for
Muslims yet he agreed. After the treaty he strictly followed the terms of the
treaty. He decided to attack on Makka when they broke the treaty themselves
by attacking one of the ally of Muslims Banu Khuza. He tried his best not to
shed any blood and made them surrender, but only acted in self-defense. After
the conquest he forgave all of his enemies. His purpose was to settle injustice
and to free the house of Allah from idols.
In the seventh year of Hijra. Prophet sent messages to different rulers and
head of the states inviting them in a cordial and graceful manner to Islam.
They included the. Roman emperor, the king of Persia king of Abyssinia,
governor of Egypt and many more. Letters were written to them on his behalf.
Ruler of Egypt sent some gifts which he accepted. Rulers of Bahrain and
Oman accepted Islam and became his allies. The Persian king insulted the
Muslim envoy and tore the letter. But the Prophet showed patience and did
not lose hope.
In the tenth year of Hijra the Prophet signed treaties with the deputations that
visited him in Madina. The pagan tribes accepted Islam and written treaties
were made with them in which privileges and responsibilities were specified.
The Prophet sent teachers with them with special instructions to treat the new
converts with politeness and to teach them the fundamental principles of
Islam. He told the teachers about the important duty of Muslim state that is
dawa, the call to Islam. The Quran says “You are the best of nations
evolved for mankind enjoining what is good and forbidding what is
What do Muslims learn nowadays from the Prophet’s actions to
develop relations with other Muslim and non-Muslim States?
There are more than 56 Muslim countries in the world now a days. Head of all
Muslim States should learn valuable lessons from the life of the Prophet
Mohammad while forming the fundamental principles of their foreign policy.
They should develop tolerance towards faith and belief of other people. Should
respect religious places of all religions. The Quran says, “There is no
compulsion in religion”. The foreign relations must be based on justice,
fairness, peace and equality of mankind. Islam teaches universal brotherhood.
The Quran says “Who created you from a single pair of a male and a
Muslim States must not interfere in the internal affairs of other States, Muslim
or non-Muslim. They should not encroach their territory, but they can fight in
their defense whenever necessary, if the matter cannot be resolved with
negotiation. During the war they must ensure that fairness and justice is
practiced. They should make peace agreements with rival states keeping in
mind the treaty of Hudaydiah to stop violence in different areas like Kashmir.
Muslim States must develop unity with other Muslim States, especially on
international forums like United Nations they should all have one voice.
Prophet said,” Muslims are like the bricks of a wall each supports the
other”. All Muslim States must work for the global peace and should try their
best to fight against terrorism.

Describe The Prophet’s relation with following people/groups

Friends: The friends of the Prophet (SAW) were his companions whose loyalty
is confirmed by the Quran itself. The Prophet loved his companions and was
always concerned about their problems and was there for them in difficulties.
If any of them got sick he visited them and helped them if they needed. The
Prophet told his companions to exchange gifts with each other to promote love
and better relationship. He told companions to add gravy when they cook good
food to share with other friends. Whenever he had something good to eat he
used to invite some companion to share with him. He told his companions to
sacrifice for their friends, the best example of this sacrifice was shown by the
Ansar of Madinah after migration. They themselves were poor but shared half
of their belongings with their emigrant friends. The prophet told his
companions to feel others comfortable and not embarrassed. He said ,”A
Muslim is one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe”.
The hadith teaches that we should always be kind with friends not finding
faults in them. If someone has fault, a Muslim should try and overlook it and
try to excuse the other person.
Strangers: The Prophet Mohammad was kind to the strangers as well. He
encouraged Muslims to take lead in greeting the strangers,” Give food and
give greetings to those you know and those who do not know”. The Prophet
was very hospitable to the strangers; he invited them to share food with them.
He used to help them. The Prophet once helped an old Jew to cross the road .A
companion said he was a Jew, the Prophet replied that we should always help
old people whether we know them or not. After the conquest of Makkah he
helped an old woman to carry her things as she was leaving Makkah. She kept
abusing the Prophet on the way, but when she asked him his name, she was
embarrassed and accepted Islam. In his young age he was part of an
agreement (half-ul-Fuzul), which guaranteed protection to poor and
strangers/travellers. In his later years the Prophet used to say, “I will not
change my part in it for a herd of red camels”. The Muslims should
always behave with others in the way the Prophet used to behave whether
friends or strangers.
Business partner: The Holy Prophet was a business man. At his very young
age he was known as al-Sadiq and al-Amin. He got married to Khadija, a rich
widow, because she was impressed by his honesty when she employed him on
profit sharing basis. After trade journey he brought double the profit as
compared to other traders. The Prophet taught us not to hide the defects of
things for sale. Once he sold a camel but later he realized that it was injured.
He ran after the man to return him the money, but he liked his honesty and
kept the camel. He has said, “One who cheats is not amongst us”. Once
some people were talking about the character of the Prophet, Musab said he
knew him the best because he was his business partner, then he said,”
Mohammad always kept his accounts straight”. He taught Muslims to pay
salary of employees promptly. He was polite while dealing in business. He has
said, “Be kind when you sell, when you buy and when you demand your
money back”. To be fair in business he told Muslims to write down
agreements in presence of witnesses. He told us not to take interest as it
causes exploitation of men, if we have money we should give as lone to help
people without interest. When we follow the principals set by the Prophet and
Allah in business we will prosper and will receive blessings of Allah.
Married partners: Prophet Mohammad was married to Khadija in his early
life, which was older than him. He always respected her and took her as
friend. When he received first revelation he went to her to share his
experience. As far as she lived he did not marry any other woman. After her
death he got married to many women. Most of them were widows and needed
protection. He treated all of them equally, and had divided his time among
them. He respected them and never raised his voice before them. He has said,
“Best among you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am best to my
family”. Ayesha ®was youngest among them; he even used to play with her.
This tells how friendly he was with his wives. In his last sermon he said,
“Women have rights on you as you have rights over them because you
have taken them under the security of Allah.
The Prophet (SAW) told women to respect their husbands as Allah has made
him the head of the family. He said. “If a woman dies and her husband is
pleased with her, she will enter paradise”. The Quran has also told women
to be pious and devoted to their husbands. They should protect their honour
and property of their husband when he is away.

Enemies: The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) treated his enemies with kindness.
He believed in doing ‘ehsan’ that is to do well to those who were bad to you.
One day an unbeliever was his guest and drank all of Prophet’s milk, but
Prophet did not show any sign of dislike. Amaze,d in the morning the man
embraced Islam. Another time, a woman used to throw trash on the Prophet
every day when he passed by, got sick, the Prophet took care of her. She was
so impressed that she accepted Islam. When he went to Taif to invite them to
Islam they insulted him and threw stones at him. But he prayed for them and
did not allow the angels to harm them because he is sent as a mercy to
mankind. People of Makkah who persecuted him and his followers were
forgiven by him after the conquest of Makkah, he set an example of
magnanimity by announcing a general pardon to all. The Prophet only exiled
the Jews from Madina when they broke their treaty and betrayed him. In later
years when he sent expeditions to different tribes and communities, he told his
companions to offer Islam first then tell them to pay jizya, if they do not agree
then fight.
Non-Muslims: The Prophet (SAW) was very friendly and kind to non-Muslims.
He was never harsh or rude to them. When he migrated to Madina, he
developed good relations with Jews as they were people of the Book. Muslims
believe that Torah the scripture of Jews –Yuhud, have been corrupted, but is
still respected by them. Since it is a Divine book it still contains words of God.
Therefore the Prophet took some laws from Torah before the revelation
happened, for example laws of slaughtering animals and some other food laws.
Prophet tried his best to be friend the Jews but the broke their treaty and
betrayed Muslims. The Christians are also people of the book; Prophet had
good relations with them. The Prophet married to the Jew and Christian
women. The Quran allowed Muslims to share food with people of the book.
The Quran does not allow forcing people to convert, it says, “Let there be no
compulsion in religion”. The Prophet allowed complete religious freedom
and were given protection. The Prophet has sad, “Whoever oppresses any
non-Muslim, I shall not be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment”.
When he migrated to madina he declared all Muslims and non-Muslims as one

Children: The Prophet Mohammad loved children a lot. Hazrat Anas, who
worked for the Prophet for many years has said “I have never seen anyone
act more kindly towards children than Allah’s messenger”. Whenever
the Prophet used to pass by the street, he patted the children. He loved his
daughters and grandsons. He let Hasan and Hussain ride on his shoulders.
They used to sit on his back while he was praying and he did not come back
from sajda. He used to shorten the prayer if there were small kids with
mothers. He told Muslims not to kill children during war. When in a battle, a
few children were killed Prophet was greatly distressed. When a person told
that they were only the children of unbelievers he replied: “Even the
children of unbelievers are better than you. Beware! Do not kill
children”. If he had to distribute eatables he always started with the
youngest. He told parents to love their children. This shows how much he
cared for the welfare of children.

Q. (a) Describe the teachings of Prophet Mohammad about position of

The Prophet Mohammad brought a radical change in the way women were
treated in Arab society. In Quran women are held in very high regard, equal to
that of men, but their roles are different. “And women shall have rights similar
to the rights against them, according to what is equitable, but men have
adegree of advantage over them”
Wives: Marriage is very important in Islam, as it is the foundation of a stable
family, and Muslim women are respected as wives. The Quran says, ‘They
(your wives) are your garment and you are their garment” The Prophet
has set example for Muslims in his kind and respectful treatment towards his
wives. He said, “The best among you is the one who is the best towards
his wife”. He used to help them in house hold and treated them equally. In his
last sermon he said to treat wives kindly as they are partners and committed
helpers. Husband should hold his wife in high esteem and look after her
needs. If she makes a mistake, he should overlook it and correct her with
patience. He should also shower her with love and affection. In return the
Prophet told women to remain pure and chaste, dress up modestly and look
after their husbands.
Mothers: Islam offers unique position to mother and she is held in high
esteem and respect. A person once asked Holy Prophet who deserved the best
care, and he replied: ‘your mother’. He repeated ‘your mother’ three times,
and only then said, your father. Looking after one’s mother is peferable to
jihad and carries great reward There are many sayings of the Prophet which
are in praise of mother, the best is “Paradise lies at the feet of mothers”.
Mothers have main responsibility of bringing up of children. They are first
teachers of children; therefore obedience to them would take children to
paradise. A person should give due respect to his mother even if he is a
Daughters: Before Prophet Mohammad baby girls were often unwanted by
their parents and were buried alive in many Arab tribes. This practice was
forbidden by the Quran. The prophet had four daughters; he loved them all
and made sure that they had successful marriage life. He gave right to
education to all women by saying “To acquire knowledge is the duty of
every male and female”. The girls have right to say whom they will marry.
Once the Prophet told a man to cancel the marriage of his daughter, because
the girl did not want to marry him. The Prophet declared girls as blessings of
Allah. He said, ”A man who has a daughter and does not burry her alive,
brings her up and does not prefer his son over her, he will enter in

Q. What do we learn from the Prophet’s behaviour towards man and

The Prophet has taught that men and women are equal, the Quran says that
Allah created living creatures in pairs, both male and female. And that men
and woman are protectors of each other and Allah will reward both men and
woman on the Day of Judgment equally. They must respect each other in all
relations as they have rights on each other. Both men and women should
observe the rules of personal modesty. Women should be properly covered in
front of non mehram (with whom she can marry), and should remain at a
distance. The Quran says, “O believing woman lower your gaze and
guard your modesty” and, “O believing men lower your gaze and guard
your modesty”. The Prophet did not touch the hand of women while taking
oath. He told companions to knock before they enter in the house.
Men and women should treat each other kindly and respectfully in all aspects
of life. They must give due rights to each other and take up their
responsibilities. Allah loves purity of relationship, that is why adultery is
unlawful and there is severe punish, of 100 lashes, “Scourge the adulterer
and the adulteress with hundred stripes”.
Character of The Prophet
Kindness: The Prophet was a very kind man. He never discriminated between
men while showing kindness, he said “Allah is not kind to him who does
not show kindness to others.” Once a man narrated a story to the Prophet
that when he was burying his daughter alive according to the pre-Islamic
custom, the child cried, “Father, Father”, he did not stop dropping the stones
and earth upon her in spite of her cries, till she was buried alive. The Prophet
was so moved on hearing that that tears flowed from his eyes till his beard
became wet. He was not only kind to human beings but also to animals. Once
when he was passing by a camel that was fatigued due to hunger and
overwork, he said, “Fear Allah! With regard to these animals. Ride them
in health and leave them in health”.
Honesty and Truthfulness: Muhammad was honest and truthful. He was a
poor orphan who started trade with his uncle, but in a short period, he became
well known and respected. He was known as Al-Sadiq (the truthful) and Al-
Amin (the trust worthy). In the dispute of black stone the elders decided that
they would accept the arbitration of the first person who entered Kabah the
next morning. They were very pleased when Muhammad entered Kabah the
next morning as they trusted him for his honesty. When Muhammad was
elevated to Prophethood the Quraysh abused him, called him mad and
bewitched etc, but never called him liar. Abu Jahl his bitterest enemy often
said, “Muhammad. I do not say that you are a liar, but what you say I do
not think right.” When Allah commanded the Prophet to invite his people to
Islam. He called the Quraysh at the mount Safa, and said, “If I were to tell
you that an army was advancing to attack you from the back of the hill,
would you believe me”? . They said, “Yes, we have always known you to
be truthful.” However, when he invited them to Islam, they turned away.
Khadijah married him because of his high morals and honesty and the People
of Makkah used to keep their belongings with the Prophet for safekeeping. At
the time of migration, though his life was in danger, he entrusted Ali to return
the belongings to their owners before he left Makkah.
Courage and Determination: He was a brave and courageous man who
faced many difficulties and hardships, but never showed any weakness or
timidity. He fought many battles and remained firm and steadfast under
severe attack. He was always nearest to enemy lines when battles raged, he
remained firm and steadfast in his position while others fled. During the battle
of Uhad and Hunain, many of his Companions ran away from the battlefield,
he kept on fighting and calling them to come back. His courage and bravery
saved the situation on both the occasions. Ali said that whenever the battle
was fierce they would take refuge around him. Once news spread that
Madinah had been attacked; the people got ready to fight. Muhammad was
ahead of all men; he did not wait to saddle his horse and rode bareback into
all the dangerous places and came back with the news that all was safe
Patience and Perseverance: Muhammad passed through a period of great
distress and hardship at Makkah; he bore all the difficulties with patience and
remained steadfast and never complained about them. In spite of the ill
treatment of his enemies, he always treated them kindly and never cursed
them. He endured the persecution of Quraysh until he was forced to leave
Makkah. Later, they attacked Madinah, and fought many battles with him; but
he bore all their aggression with patience. His conduct was exemplary which
finally made him victorious. It is reported that there was no rain for some time
and the Quraysh were stricken with famine, so much so that they even ate
bones, Abdullah narrated, “Abu Sufyan came to Allah’s Apostle and said, “O
Allah’s Apostle! Invoke Allah to send rain for the tribes of Mudar for
they are on the verge of destruction. “On that the Prophet said
(astonishingly) “Shall I invoke Allah for the tribes of Mudar? Verily,
you are a brave man!” But the Prophet prayed for rain and it rained for
them. The Prophet went to Taif to invite them to Islam, but Banu Thuqaif
refused to listen to him, they abused him and pelted him with stones; he took
shelter in the shade of a wall of garden outside Taif and prayed to Allah. At
that time angel Gabriel and said, “If you like I would overturn the
mountains from either side upon these people” The Holy Prophet
replied, “No, but I expect that Allah will create from their seed those
who will worship none but Allah, the One.”
Justice and Equality: Muhammad was a just man; he never considered
himself above any one. Ho sat among people like an ordinary man; worked like
an ordinary laborer with his Companions in the construction of Mosque of
Madinah. He also participated in digging the trench around Madinah with
other Muslims at the time of the Battle of Allies. Once the Muslims were on a
journey, everyone took charge of doing a certain duty. The Prophet took
charge of collecting wood from jungle. Abbas the Prophet’s uncle and Aas,
Zaynab’s husband were taken prisoners during the Battle of Badn They were
treated the same way, the other prisoners were treated. The companions
asked the Prophet to free them without taking ransom, but he refused to treat
them differently. The prophet treated people with fairness and never
discriminated between Muslims and non-Muslims in matter of justice. The
Jews used to come to him to have their disputes settled. A Muslim went to
Khayber and was killed by the Jews, his sons complained to the Prophet. The
Jews were the only people who lived in Khayber and there was no doubt to the
fact that they had killed the man, but since there was no eyewitness, the
Prophet did not ask them anything; and paid the blood money from the state
treasury. Once a woman from an influential tribe of Makkah stole; the Prophet
ordered her hand to be cut. A Companion interceded on her behalf but he
refused. A’ishah reported that Usman approached the Prophet on behalf of the
woman. The Prophet said “If Fatimah (the daughter of the Prophet) did
that (i.e. stole), I would cut off her hand.”
Hospitality: The Prophet Muhammad was an ideal host; he entertained his
guests to the best of his ability. He said, “Whoever believes in Allah and
the Last Day, should serve his guest generously. Once a deputation from
Abyssinia came, he accommodated them in his house and he himself served
them. At another time, a Bedouin came as a guest to the Prophet he gave him
milk of a goat, the guest was not satisfied and wanted more; In this way, the
Prophet gave him milk of seven goats, till he was satisfied.

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