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International Compressor Engineering Conference School of Mechanical Engineering


Rigid Body Vibrations of Compressors

C. H. Gerhold
Purdue University

J. F. Hamilton
Purdue University

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Gerhold, C. H. and Hamilton, J. F., "Rigid Body Vibrations of Compressors" (1974). International Compressor Engineering Conference.
Paper 124.

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Carl H. Gerho ld James F. Hami lton

Gradu ate Resea rch Assis tant Profe ssor of Mech anica l Engin eerin g
Ray w. Herri ck Labo rator ies
Schoo l of Mech anica l Engin eerin g
Purdu e Univ ersity
west Lafay ette, India na 47907

The follow ing paper prese nts the devel op-

ment of a math emati cal mode l for a singl e
cylin der refri gera tion comp resso r. The
model is inten ded to pred ict the displ ace- where :
ments of the comp resso r's suspe nsion moun
t- the trans latio nal veloc ity vecto r
ing point s and its frame cente r of gravi ty
durin g both stead y-sta te and trans ient of the frame e.G. relat ive to the
.shutd own opera tion. Preli mina ry comp ari- inert ial refer ence.
son is made with previ ously obtai ned ex- the posit ion vecto r of the comp res-
perim ental data for this comp resso r in sor eleme nt c. G. measu red relat ive
terms of magn itudes of defle ction of the to the frame C.G.
e.G. and moun ting point s. While it was
found that discr epan cies exist ed betwe en the time deriv ative of ~
the mode l predi ction s and the exper imen tal
resu lts, it is felt that the mode l was in the angu lar veloc ity vecto r of the
suffi cient ly good agree ment with expe ri- frame relat ive to the inert ial
ment and that the disag reem ent was due to refer ence .
measu remen ts in the system param eters . A
discu ssion of the exten sion of the mode l
+-+ -+. +
The sum ri+ (wF/I X ri)~s denot ed Vi/F
to comp resso rs of diffe rent types is given
. in Figur e 2.
The mode l is devel oped from a summ ation of
the energ y expre ssion s writt en for each of In the same mann er, the angu lar veloc ity
the major comp onent s of the comp resso r, vecto r of the comp resso r eleme nt is the
and trans forme d into a set of secon d order sum of the angu lar veloc ity of the eleme nt
diffe renti al equat ions by means of relat ive to the frame and the angu lar velo-
Lagra ngian techn iques . city of the frame relat ive to the inert ial
The resul ting set refer ence - From Figur e 2:
of equat ions is non-l inear and are solve d
nume ricall y.
tii/I "' ni + tiF/I


Cons ider a gene ral rigid body whose motio n n-.l. the angu lar veloc ity vecto r of the
is const raine d in a descr ibabl e mann er eleme nt relat ive to the frame .
withi n a frame ; which in turn, moves in an +
inert ial syste m, as shown in Figur e 1. wF/I ~ the angu lar veloc ity vecto r defin ed
The rigid body is any comp resso r eleme nt previ ously .
(e.g. pisto n, crank shaft , etc.) while the
frame is the frame casti ng of the comp res-
sor and the inert ial refer ence is the com- Kine tic Energ y Expre ssion
press or shell .
With the trans latio nal and rotat iona l ve-
locit ies deter mine d, the total kinet ic
Tran slatio nal and Rota tiona l Velo city Terms energ y of any comp resso r eleme nt may be
writt en as:
Figur e 2 shows the vecto r posit ions and + + ~ + +
velo citie s of the frame and a gene ral com- Ti=:l/ 2 Mi(V i/ /I)+l /2wi /I•I•w i/I
press or eleme nt. The trans latio nal velo-
city of the comp resso r eleme nt cente r of where :
gravi ty, relat ive to the inert ial frame ,
is made up of the follow ing comp onent s. M. "' the mass of the comp resso r eleme nt

I = the inertial tensor composed of moments The crank angular displacement, Gc, is
and products of inertia of the com- written as an independent variable in the
pressor element. problem in the following manner. The com-
pressor frame is held fixed, such that
with Vi/I and ~i/I as defined previously. there is no translation or rotation of the
frame1 and all motion is that of the
elements within the compressor frame. All
POTENTIAL AND DISSIPATION ENERGY EXPRESSIONS motive parts internal to the compressor
are connected to, and thus, impelled by,
For this analysis, it .is assumed that the the crankshaft, which rotates as Gc. The
elements undergo motion of a sufficiently instantaneous position and velocity terms
small magnitude to consider the potential are then, describable functions of the
energy terms arising from their movement in crank angular displacement. The simplifi-
the gravitational field to be negligible. cation involves the assumption that the
However, potential energy stored and re- motions· of the compressor elements within
leased in the deflection of the suspension the frame are the same as those relative
springs by which the frame casting is to the frame.
attached to the compressor shell is not
small1 nor is the energy dissipation due to
damping in these springs. Motor Torque

The location at which the spring is affixed The motor torque is taken from a typical
to the frame is defi~ed by the position torque-speed curve for a single phase
shunt-wound motor, as shown in Figure 4.
, ML
, ML
, as shown in Figure 3. It is assumed that the variation of crank
The motion of any spring mounting speed in a cycle is slow enough that the
thus obtainable in terms of the position steady state torque-speed curve may be used,
vectors and of the motions of the frame and, thus, for a given speed of the com-
within the inertial axes. The potential pressor during quasi-steady-state operation7
energy expression for any spring is: a value for the motor torque is known.
v = 112! • k · X
Gas Pressure Torgue
X= the vector motion of the spring The gas pressure torque is evaluated
according to the P-V diagram shown in
mounting point from the equilibrium
position. Figure 5, for a typical thermodynamic cycle
+ involving a perfect gas (air). D~ring
k = the spring stiffness vector. compression or expansion, the gas follows
a polytropic line defined by the relation-
For each spring shown in Figure 3, there is
an assumed viscous damping mechanism. The ship PVn= c,.where the C's are determined
velocity of any spring mounting point is from the values of pressure and volume
the time derivative of the spring deflec- in the cylinder at Bottom Dead Center and
tion. With these velocities, the dissipa- Top Dead Center, respectively. With the
tion energy expression, for a suspension pressure known as a function of volume, and
spring is written: hence, crank angle, the gas pressure torque
is evaluated from the expression relating
D = l/ik • ~ • i pressure and torque for a Scotch-Yoke
c the viscous damping vector SYSTEM EQUATIONS OF MOTION
! the time derivative of the spring The expressions for the total kinetic,
mounting point motion. potential and dissipation energies of the
Energy is also dissipated from the system compressor may now be converted by use of
by friction in the bearings on the shaft the Lagrange Equations to yield the follow-
and in the piston rings. ing set of differential equations for the


M ·a X c 0
The compressor is driven by a torque input (6x6) + (6x6) +
on the crankshaft with all reactive forces
through the oil film bearing surfaces be-
0 "I
...8 0
tween the compressor elements assumed to be eq c
instantaneous, equal and opposite to the
applied forces.

Compressor Frame Motion

K 0 Insufficient experimental data exists to

(6x6) carry out a definitive comparison of the
model's prediction to experimental results
0 K
eq of the compressor motion. However, in order
to ascertain th~ model's ability to predict
displacements which are in the proper order
The above matrices are 7x7 with the of magnitude, Table l was compiled. The
differential equation for ec uncoupled experimental data is taken from information
as was mentioned previously. obtained by R.H. Harrison (2); and compari-
in this
son is made on the magnitudes of displace-
equation includes a viscous damping term ments of the frame e.G. and the three
---applied to the crankshaft, whose value is spring mountings points in the inertial
estimated by comparing predicted to experi- coordinate directions. On the whole, the
mental shutdown times. The generalized model's ability to predict orders of magni-
coordinate vector {x}, is the frame e.G. tudes and relationships of the magnitudes
translation and the frame rotation. The in the various coordinate directions is
6x6 mass matrix [M], includes the masses, relatively good.
products and moments of inertial and the
gyroscopic terms. The damping matrix, [C],
contains all terms from the differentiated TRANSIENT SHUTDOWN OPERATION
kinetic energy expression which multiply
'velocities, as well as terms arising from Crankshaft Motion
operation on the dissipation energy ex-
pression. The stiffness matrix, [K], con- From investigations by G.T. Kinney (3)
tains terms from the potential energy there are three distinct modes of shutdown
expression as well as displacement propor- for the crank. From the model results,
tional terms from the kinetic'energy ex- these modes correspond most closely to
pression. Q is the sum of the gas pressure shutdown initiated at: l) Top Dead Center,
'"'and motor torques used as input to the 2) Bottom Dead Center, and 3) approximately
differential equation for 8c. It enters, 150°. It was from these results that the
equally and oppositely, into the input equivalent damping term used the differen-
vector for the differential equation in tial equation for 8 was obtained. When
{x}. The above matrices also contain terms shut-down is initiated at a crank angle of
arising from nonlinear coupling among the approximately 150°, the crankshaft will
generalized coordinates. stop ultimately at T.D.C. This can be ex-
plained by reference to Figure 5. It is
The nonlinear, coupled differential equa- seen that the pressure in the cylinder
tions were solved numerically on a digital drops off quite rapidly beyond T.D.C. Thus,
computer system using a Runge-Kutta inte- if the crankshaft exerts sufficient torque
gration technique. to impel the piston to T.D.C.; but the
friction in the system, combined with the
rapidly equalizing pressure on 'either side
RESULTS of the piston, are sufficient to overcome
the rotatory inertia; crank motion ceases
The model was tested in two running modes: near Top Dead Center position.
l) Steady-State and 2) Transient Shutdown.
It is assumed that at onset of shutdown,
the motor torque goes to zero instantly. Compressor Frame Motion

The crankshaft rotational velocity, and

STEADY-STATE OPERATION hence, the driving frequency, reduces to
the range of the eigenvalues for the system
Crankshaft Motion of elements comprising this compressor, in
approximately 0.055 seconds after shutdown
Figure 6 shows the crank velocity versus begins; and the model predicts that this
time history predicted by numerical solu- is the point at which the system goes into
tion of the differential equation in ec. resonance in the rang·e of frequencies:
The time axis is normalized by the time
for one cycle of the compressor. It is 7.6 < fn ~ 8.13 (~z)
seen that during steady-state operation of
the compressor, the crank speed is not Superimposed on this vibration are the
constant. natural frequencies in each coordinate
direction of each of the springs on which
the compressor is mounted. Resonance for
the system composed of the compressor and
the mounting springs is in the neighborhood

of 3.97 Hz, and the driving frequency BIBLIOGRAPHY
approaches this area within 0.135 seconds
after shutdown. 1. Wells, D.A., Lagrangian Dynamics,
Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill ,
Table 2 is similar to Table 1 in that com- 1967.
parison of the magnitudes of displacemen t 2. Harrison, R.H., Jr., Mathematica l and
is made in several coordinate directions Experimenta 'l Analysis Of the V1bration
for the spring mounting points. The ex- ot a: Re'frige'r'a:tio ·n Compressor, Masters
perimental results are from data collected Degree Thes1s, Purdue Un1versity, 1970.
by Kinney (3). While it does not predict
exactly the magnitudes of deflections; the 3. Kinney, G.T., Mathematica l Simulation
model does show which of the coordinate of the Vibration of a Refr1geratio n
directions will predominate and gives an ·. compres·sor, Masters Degree Thes1s,
estimate of their respective magnitudes. Purdue University, 1968.
In considering the differences between the 4. Gerhold, C.H., Mathematica l Model of a
two sets of values in Table 2, this fact Single-Cylin der Compress·or, Masters
should be borne in mind. No accurate indi- Degree Thesis, Purdue University, 1972.
cation of the crank position at shutdown
is given in the experimenta l data, and com-
parison to the experimenta l values is made
for the model shutdown at T.D.C. because
the oscilloscope traces of the crankshaft
angular displacemen t versus time history
coincide most closely to the predicted
history for shutdown at this point. The
magnitudes of the various spring mounting
points vary by as much as 0.250 inches,
depending on whether shutdown occurs at
T,D.C. or B.D.C.; but the form of the time
histories of the coordinate directions is
the same, as are the relative magnitudes
among the coordinate directions for any
spring mounting point.


1. The model developed in this paper is

capable of predicting trends of vibra-
-Inertial Refe~nce
tional response of the frame center of
gravity and of the spring mounting
points for a refrigeratio n compressor. Fiqure l. System Composed of Frame in
Inertial Refer~nce and Rigid
2. The model is general enough that it can BodY Wit~in Frame

be extended to include compressors of

a more complex nature, provided the
motions of the major inertial elements I ZI
within the compressor are describable . 11:- txt. Yf' Zrl
3. The ability to incorporate different r g [xi' yi. zi)
suspension systems than that considered
here is part of the model.
4. The discrepancie s that exist between
the predicted and the experimenta l mag-
nitudes are felt to arise in part from
errors in measurement of the system
parameters or in the measurement of the
compressor motion in the experimenta l

Figure 2. Relativ~ Motion Vee~ors for Fram@ and for
Rigid Body ~elative to Frame.

Frame C.G.




(8" l
Represent ation of Position~ of Sprinq Moqntin9' (Crank Ang1a)
Point~ and Definition of Mounting Point l.o<:ations
TyPical Pres .sure vs.. Volume curve for
R"versib1 e, Po1ytl:"opi c Cycle of "n Ideal.



,., 180.

;S 10 ...." 182.
.:; ~----~
~ 184.
~ 186.


TDC .2 .3 .4 .s .6 .7 .a
Normalize d Time
0 ·--------~----------~l~O~O------------lS~0------------~200
Pigure 6 •. Predicted Steady-St ate Crank Velocity.
S'c, rad/s~c

Figure 4. 'i'ypic.J 1 Torquf:!-Spec~ Curv~ for 1/4 HI'!. Shun.t-\..Jou nd, SinglQ
Ph.a.sC! I-lotor 7

TABLS '1 Tl\lll.E 2
-·-···-··· --·······- --------- --------- ---------
Frame c.c:. --,!F-l!'JU!'?.!!!'~_inq Point 1 __:___....__..
coordinate Predicted B:ltperim!:!nta.l
oordinate Predicted [in(cm)] Experimental [in (cm) Directi.on [in(cm)] [in(cm)]
X 0. 0096 (0.0234) o. 0086 (0.0218)
0.110 (0'.279) 0.100 (0.254)
y 0.0061 (0.0155) o. 0062 (0.0157) x1
z 0.0008 (o.o020) 0.0021 (0.0534) yl 0.182, (0.462) n.a.
zl 0.101 (0. 256) 0.040 (0.102)

Spring_ Mounting Point 1

~oordina.te Predieted Exper1J•u•nta1 ~~-~~oun~ing Point 2
pirection Coordinate ' Predicted Exper imen ta.l
1U.u~1~1 D. OlO• IU.U<II) Direc~ion [in(om)] [in(cm))
xl u.u~o•
0. 006'1 (0.0151) 0.0086 (0.0218)
y1 i
zl- 0. 0079 (0.0201) o. 0085 (0.0216) I x2 0,232 (0.590) 0.120 (0.304)

Sorinq Mountinq Point 2

(0. 036)
{0. 076)

Pl'edicted - Experilllenta1
(0 .0208)
(0.0023) ...___ __
i coordinate
[in (CIII)]

(0.0320) 0 .tl228 (0.0580)

z2 0.0126 t x3 o.n7 (1>.297) 0.110 (0.279)
I (0.454)

1{3 0.179 n.a..
l z3 O.OB3 (0.211) n.a.
sprin<r· Mountincr Point 3 i
coordinate Predicted Experimental
0.0110 (0.0~80) 0.0120 (0.0305)
1{3 o. 0101 (0.0256) 0.0113 (0.0287)
0.0072 (0.0183) 0.0109 (0.0277)


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