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Today¶s students will become the next generation of AAPG full-time members and
leaders. Therefore, it is imperative that students are given opportunities to grow as
leaders and learn about the organization they will one day lead. By establishing a
standing student vice chair position on the Student Chapter Committee (SCC), another
such opportunity within the association will exist. With the intent to aid globalization of
the Student Chapter Leadership Summit (SCLS), this new student vice chair will help
operate, in tandem with non-student vice chair, a sub-committee tasked with creation of
local SCLSs (L-SCLS). This document lays out the requirements for the second vice
chair position.
The purpose of the vice chair roles is to act as a liaison between the SCC and the
SCLS subcommittee, fostering an open flow of communication. The selected student is
responsible for providing the AAPG¶s student members a voice within the SCLS
subcommittee. Additionally, the selected candidate will craft L-SCLS policies, and aid in
their replacement¶s transition to the role when they rotate off the sub-committee.

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An estimated 8 hours per month of meeting preparation and documentation
Travel to L-SCLS Pilot (expenses paid)
Stand-in as alternate for Chair or non-student Vice-Chair as needed
Attend auxiliary events as appropriate, including, but not limited to, the SCLS,
Young Professional¶s Board Meetings, or the Annual or International
Convention and Exhibition (contingent upon available funding)


Post Local Meeting Reports: Student vice chair will prepare a short report highlighting
the meeting¶s outlook, action items, lessons learned, and issues specific to where and
when the meeting was held. These reports are to be sent to the AAPG SCLS sub-
committee chair, non-student vice chair, and SCC Secretary.

L-SCLS Pre-Read Documents: Work with AAPG staff to provide input and assist with
writing pre-read documentation for the L-SCLS.


Student will be selected by the SCC and SCLS sub-committee through a review process.
Student will submit a - resume and addendum highlighting their involvement in
AAPG and/or their student chapter experience.

Student will submit a mock agenda for a Local SCLS

Student will need one letter of recommendation (reference) from their AAPG faculty
advisor, local industry representative, or AAPG Committee Chair.

Thank you for supporting your organization through service, and please do not hesitate to
contact me with questions.

Warm Regards,

Richard Ball
SCC Chair
Geologist, Chevron (Houston, TX)

eds: Jessica Poteet

SCC Secretary

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