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Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103 – 113

Foraminiferal response to the Northeast Monsoon in the

western and southern Arabian Sea
Petra Heinz *, Christoph Hemleben
Institute of Geosiences, Tübingen University, Sigwartstr. 10, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Received 15 March 2005; received in revised form 16 September 2005; accepted 13 October 2005


Sediments from the western and southern part of the Arabian Sea were collected periodically in the spring intermonsoon
between March and May 1997 and additionally at the end of the Northeast Monsoon in February 1998. Assemblages of Rose
Bengal stained, living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, their densities, vertical distribution pattern, and diversity were analysed
after the Northeast Monsoon and short-time changes were recorded. In the western Arabian Sea, foraminiferal numbers
increased steadily between March and the beginning of May, especially in the smaller size classes (30–63 Am, 63–125 Am).
At the same time, the deepening of the foraminiferal living horizon, variable diversity and rapid variations between dominant
foraminiferal communities were observed. We interpret these observations as the time-dependent response of benthic forami-
nifera to enhanced organic carbon fluxes during and after the Northeast Monsoon. In the southern Arabian Sea, constant low
foraminiferal abundances during time, no distinctive change in the vertical distribution, reduced diversity, and more stable
foraminiferal communities were noticed, which indicates no or little influence of the Northeast Monsoon to benthic foraminifera
in this region.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: deep-sea; Arabian Sea; recent benthic foraminifera; meiobenthos; Northeast monsoon/intermonsoon

1. Introduction proxies for deep- and bottom-water circulation and new

production (e.g. Shackleton, 1977; Duplessy et al.,
Foraminifera are a very successful evolutionary 1984; Curry et al., 1988; Mackensen et al., 1994;
group of marine organisms. They live in all oceanic Sarnthein et al., 1994; Mackensen et al., 2001) or
environments and show broad ecological adaptability. have been proposed as a paleoproxy for the location
The majority of foraminiferal species build a solid test and degree of methane venting (Kennett et al., 2000;
of CaCO3 with a high fossilisation potential. Analyses Rathburn et al., 2000). Additionally, assemblages, spe-
of stable isotopes in their fossil tests are often used as cies composition, abundance and distributional patterns
tools in paleoceanographic studies. Stable carbon iso- of fossil benthic foraminifera are important for biostra-
topes (y13C) in benthic foraminifera can be utilised as tigraphy and the reconstruction of a paleoenvironment.
Benthic foraminifera mainly depend on environmental
conditions, such as food supply and oxygen distribution
* Corresponding author. Fax: +49 7071 29 57 66. (e.g. Jorissen et al., 1995; Van der Zwaan et al., 1999).
E-mail address: (P. Heinz). Organic carbon supply regulates population dynamics
0377-8398/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
104 P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113

and reproduction cycles. Benthic foraminifera are (Kurbjeweit et al., 2000; Heinz and Hemleben,
strongly influenced by surface ocean productivity and 2003). The Northeast Monsoon (with strong winds
organic carbon flux to the seabed (e.g. Gooday, 1988; from November to February) leads to an increased
Altenbach and Sarnthein, 1989; Altenbach et al., 1999) carbon flux particularly in the northern and eastern
and may provide a better proxy for estimating past regions of the Arabian Sea (Qasim, 1982; Madhupra-
fluxes than bulk sediment organic carbon (Austin and tap et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1998; Lee et al., 1998;
Evans, 2000). In laboratory experiments, the addition of Wiggert et al., 2000), which results in raised forami-
organic material resulted in a rise of biomass, a higher niferal densities in this area (Heinz and Hemleben,
number of food vacuoles (Altenbach, 1992; Linke et al., 2003). Size distribution and species composition indi-
1995) and increased foraminiferal densities (Heinz et cated the response to enhanced organic carbon supply
al., 2001; 2002). Investigations on recent foraminifera in spring 1997. Foraminifera in the southern Arabian
and their response to changing environmental condi- Sea were not influenced significantly by the monsoon-
tions therefore provide data of living populations as a al system (Kurbjeweit et al., 2000; Heinz and Hemle-
basis for the interpretation of paleoecology. Areas, ben, 2003). The impact of the monsoonal system on
which exhibit regional and/or seasonal environmental benthic foraminiferal assemblages has therefore been
variations, can be of interest and ecological relation- demonstrated to a certain extent. However, we still do
ships seen in these modern faunas may be applicable to not know much about a detailed chronology and am-
the fossil record. plitude of this benthic response in the deep-sea. The
One of these interesting areas is the Arabian Sea, observation of reproductive events or temporal faunal
which is strongly influenced by the monsoonal system assemblage changes needs samples in high resolution,
that triggers seasonal reversals in the surface circula- which can provide useful information for interpreta-
tion. Upwelling, mixing and entrainment generate nu- tions of the fossil record.
trient fluxes into the euphotic zone (e.g. McCreary et In the present study, we present a more detailed
al., 1996), which leads to one of the highest produc- record of foraminiferal response to the Northeast Mon-
tion rates in the world. Seasonal and regional changes soon. For this, sediments from the western and southern
of surface water productivity and the variability of parts of the Arabian Sea were collected monthly in the
organic carbon fluxes make this study site ideal to intermonsoon period from March to Mai 1997 and
investigate the impact of trophic gradients on the additionally at the end of the Northeast Monsoon in
abyssal benthos. Assemblages of living deep-sea ben- February 1998. Assemblages of living deep-sea benthic
thic foraminifera were affected by these gradients foraminifera were analysed and short-time changes

Fig. 1. Station map of the Arabian Sea.

P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113 105

were recorded. Furthermore, these data were compared

with results from 1995 (Kurbjeweit et al., 2000; Heinz
and Hemleben, 2003).

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Study area and sample processing

Multicorer sediment samples containing living ben-

thic foraminifera were collected during different cruises
with the German R/V SONNE in March to May 1997
(spring intermonsoon) and February 1998 (end of
Northeast Monsoon) in the Arabian Sea. Collection
sites were located in the western (WAST = station
Western Arabian Sea Sediment Trap) and southern
(SAST = station Southern Arabian Sea Sediment Trap)
Arabian Sea (Fig. 1). A list of sampling data is given
in Table 1. WAST is close to the upwelling region off
Oman. The existence of a steep mountain slope divides
this site into the abyssal station WAST and the bathyal
WAST-Top (= WAST-T), located 65 km west of WAST.
Only one core was analysed for each sampling date.
Core diameter was 95 mm. All cores were cut at 0.5-
cm intervals for the first 2 to 3 cm (~ 36 cm3 sediment)
and then in 1-cm slices down to a depth of 5 cm (~ 71
cm3 sediment). Each layer was preserved separately
with ethanol and stained with Rose Bengal (1 g/l eth-
anol) for at least 14 days to distinguish living from
dead foraminifera. The sediment was washed over a
30-Am mesh screen. The residue was dried and frac- Fig. 2. Abundance of Rose Bengal stained living benthic foraminifera
tionated into different size classes: 30–63, 63–125, in the first 5 cm of the sediment, divided in three different size classes
N 125 Am. Sample splits (1 / 8–1 / 1) were picked, (**Kurbjeweit et al., 2000; *Heinz and Hemleben, 2003).
depending on the density of stained individuals. To
minimise wrongly identified living foraminifera, speci- plasm were counted. Numbers in each slice were re-
mens were individually wetted with water and only ferred to 10 cm3.
foraminifera containing well-stained dark red proto-
2.2. Species identification
Table 1
Sampling sites and dates (3–4 May 97 = 5/97a, 25 May 97 = 5/97b)
The literature used for the identification of species
was described in Kurbjeweit et al. (2000) in detail.
Station Date Position Depth (m) Cruise
Original data on the foraminiferal assemblages are
WAST-T 27-Mar-97 16810.54VN 59846.03VE 1909 So 117 available from the Arabian Sea database: http://
03-Apr-97 16810.38VN 59846.00VE 1916 So 118
04-May-97a 16810.50VN 59846.00VE 1920 So 118 Please note
25-May-97 16810.49VN 59846,00VE 1915 So 119 that the species mentioned in this paper as Fursenkoina
06-Feb-98 16810.46VN 59846.00VE 1915 So 129 texturata was listed in the Arabian Sea database under
WAST 26-Mar-97 16813.71VN 60810.30VE 4032 So 117 the older name Virgulina texturata.
03-Apr-97 16813.00VN 60816:00VE 4044 So 118
03-May-97a 16813.00VN 60816.00VE 4045 So 118
03-Feb-98 16813.08VN 60816.00VE 4041 So 129
2.3. Statistical analysis
SAST 08-Mar-97 10809.65VN 65800.18VE 4420 So 117
11-Apr-97a 10801.98VN 65800.00VE 4426 So 118 Diversity H(S) was determined according to the
11-Feb-98 10802.00VN 65800.00VE 4427 So 129 Shannon–Wiener Index (Shannon and Weaver,
Heinz and Hemleben (2003). 1963). S is the number of observed species. Equita-
106 P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113

Fig. 3. Vertical distribution of living foraminifera in the upper 5 cm.

bility was calculated as e H(S)/S (Buzas and Gibson, 2003) were also integrated in this figure for a better
1969). When species are totally equally distributed, comparison between long- and short-time scale sam-
the ratio reaches its maximum value of 1. Three size- pling. After the Northeast Monsoon in spring 1997,
standardised fragments of tubular agglutinated forms densities increased steadily between March and the
such as Rhizammina algaeformis were used to define beginning of May from 16 to 109 foraminifera/50
a single specimen to gain a semiquantitative number cm3 at WAST-T and from 11 to 170 foraminifera/50
(Kurbjeweit et al., 2000). Q-mode principal compo- cm3 at WAST. At the end of May 1997, numbers
nent analysis was carried out with SYSTAT 5.2.1. decreased again to 74 foraminifera/50 cm3 at WAST-
Only species constituting more than 0.5% in one of T (WAST was not sampled). Accounts in February
the samples were used as single species. All other 1998 were slightly higher as in March 1997 (33 fora-
species were grouped in the residual. Factor loadings minifera/50 cm3 at WAST-T and 23 foraminifera/50
of 0.5 and higher were considered as significant for cm3 at WAST). But maximum densities were still
the Q-mode principal component analysis (Backhaus recorded in 1995 (Fig. 2; Kurbjeweit et al., 2000).
et al., 1989). Constant low abundances during time were observed
at SAST (10 to 17 foraminifera/50 cm3 in spring 1997
3. Results and 1998). The increase of foraminifera during April to
May 1997 at the western stations was largely caused by
Abundance of Rose Bengal stained living benthic rising densities of smaller specimens, especially in the
foraminifera found in the upper 5 cm of the sediment is 63–125 Am fraction.
shown in Fig. 2. WAST and SAST were not sampled as A comparison of the vertical distribution of the total
frequently as WAST-T. Published data of 1995 (Kurb- living assemblages down to 5-cm sediment depth is
jeweit et al., 2000) and April (SAST) to beginning of given in Fig. 3. Most stations showed a typical distri-
May 1997 (WAST-T, WAST, Heinz and Hemleben, bution with a maximum in the first cm and decreasing
P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113 107

and only low numbers of foraminifera were found

below 2 cm.
Diversity and equitability data are given in Fig. 4.
Highest diversity was observed at WAST-T, with a
Shannon–Wiener Index between 2.73 and 3.49 and
an increasing diversity between April and the end of
May 1997. At the abyssal WAST, diversity was
recorded between 2.37 and 3.18, but no general
trend can be observed, and the maximum was found
in February 1998. SAST showed reduced diversity,
between 2.17 and 2.69. Equitability varied at the
different stations and sampling dates between 0.32
and 0.70.
A principal component analysis was performed to
compare short-time development of faunal assem-
blages at the three stations. It showed that foraminifera
were characterized by five principal component com-
munities (= PCCs), which explained 85.41% of vari-
ance of the live assemblages. Species with a score of
z 6.0 were considered to be dominant, between 3.0
and 5.9 as associated. Variance percentage, species
composition and PCC scores are given in Table 2. A
comparison of the dominant communities is demon-
strated in Fig. 5. A high time-dependent variation
between important faunas was observed at the stations
WAST-T and WAST. In March 1997, a community
which was dominated by Hippocrepina indivisa, asso-
ciated by Rhizammina algaeformis (= PCC 2), was
Fig. 4. Diversity H(S) (x) and equitability (o) at the different stations found at WAST-T. One week later, at the beginning
in spring 1997 and 1998. of April, it was characterized by a Reophax scorpiurus
assemblage, accompanied by Lagenammina difflugifor-
mis (= PCC 1). Both samples in May recorded the
numbers with increasing depths. Only few foraminifera dominance of Epistominella pussila, together with
were counted below 2 cm directly after the Northeast Epistominella exigua and Fursenkoina texturata
Monsoon in March 1997 and February 1998. At (= PCC 3). In February 1998, an Astrorhiza sp. group
WAST-T and WAST, the upper maximum strongly could be described (= PCC 5). At WAST, characteristic
increased between March and the beginning of May communities changed from PCC 1 in March 1997 to
1997. At the same time, higher densities were recorded PCC 2 in April 1 week later and to a mixture of PCC 1
also in deeper sediment layers. At WAST-T, this was and 2 in May. An additional fauna arose in February
observed especially in May 1997. At the abyssal 1998, dominated by Reophax horrida, which was
WAST, it started already in April 1997. No distinctive again associated by Lagenammina difflugiformis.
change in the vertical distribution was found at SAST, SAST was influenced by only two communities,

Table 2
Principal component communities of living benthic foraminifera in the western and southern Arabian Sea
PCC Variance (%) Dominant species Score Associated species Score
1 28.94 Reophax scorpiurus 9.11 Lagenammina difflugiformis 3.54
2 24.46 Hippocrepina indivisa 9.44 Rhizammina algaeformis 3.03
3 15.16 Epistominella pusilla 6.97 Epistominella exigua 3.42
Fursenkoina texturata 3.29
4 8.51 Reophax horrida 8.05 Lagenammina difflugiformis 3.79
5 8.34 Astrorhiza sp. 9.3 – –
108 P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113

response to improved food availability caused by en-

hanced organic carbon fluxes during and after the
Northeast Monsoon. This monsoon has considerable
impact on the productivity in the western Arabian Sea
(Pfannkuche and Lochte, 2000; Smith, 2001a,b). Inten-
sive studies about the oceanic response to monsoonal
forcing, mixed-layer processes, export fluxes, and in-
terannual variations were done in the Arabian Sea
(Smith, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001a,b, 2002; Burkill,
1999 and articles cited therein). A time lag of several
months was observed between the beginning of the
meteorological monsoon and biological responses. A
coupling of biological processes in surface waters and
rapid export flux of organic carbon into the deep were
shown (Marra et al., 1998; Dickey et al., 1998). Carbon
fluxes peaked at the end of the Northeast Monsoon
(Honjo et al., 1999). Following settling velocities of
90–330 m/day in the Arabian Sea (Berelson, 2002),
particles will need 6–21 days to reach the bathyal
WAST-T and 12–45 days to arrive at the abyssal
WAST. Phytodetrital deposition during February to
April was indicated by high amounts of chlorophyll a
(= chl a) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents at
WAST (Pfannkuche et al., 2000). In April 1997, fresh
phytodetritus on the sea floor, high porewater fluxes
and enhanced biological activity implied a recent sed-
imentation pulse of particulate organic matter at WAST
(Pfannkuche and Lochte, 2000). Potential respiratory
activity determinations of bacteria and meiofauna
(ETSA measurements) and bacterial degradation
(FDA analysis) showed highest activities during April
1997, compared to other seasons and years (Pfannkuche
et al., 2000). DNA concentrations as a proxy of bio-
mass for small-sized biota (bacteria, protists and small
meiofauna) showed increased values. High concentra-
tions of organic carbon in the upper sediment were
measured after the Northeast Monsoon 1997, compared
to other investigated stations (Böttcher et al., 2000).
Biotic and abiotic data used for the analysis of phyto-
Fig. 5. Principal component communities of living foraminifera dom-
inating at the different sites in spring 1997 and 1998. detritus deposition are summarized in Table 3.

4.2. Foraminiferal densities in the western Arabian Sea

PCC 2 in March 1997 and PCC 1 in April 1997 and
February 1998. Food supply is one of the main environmental fac-
tors that influence foraminifera. Higher densities were
4. Discussion recorded in areas or times of higher organic carbon
fluxes. Experimental laboratory and in situ studies on
4.1. General response to the Northeast Monsoon deep-sea foraminifera confirmed a response to simulat-
ed phytoplankton pulses (Heinz et al., 2001; Moodley
Living benthic foraminifera in the western Arabian et al., 2002; Witte et al., 2003; Kitazato et al., 2003;
Sea quickly increased abundances between end of Nomaki et al., 2005a,b). In the northwestern Arabian
March and May 1997. We interpret this rise as a Sea, benthic foraminiferal communities were influenced
P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113 109

Table 3
Summary of biotic and abiotic data used for the analysis of phytodetritus deposition
WAST SAST Reference
POC-flux (mg m day 1) 7.4 1.00 Rixen et al. (2000)
Flux chl a (Ag m day 1) 6.05 0.39 Rixen et al. (2000)

Apr-97 Feb-98 Apr-97 Feb-98

chl a (Ag 2 cm 3) 0.4700 0.5081 0.0761 0.0490 Pfannkuche et al. (2000)
CPE (Ag 2 cm 3) 7.926 7.801 1.281 1.086 Pfannkuche et al. (2000)
ETSA (Al O2 h 1 2 cm 3) 0.5370 0.5285 0.2555 0.0830 Pfannkuche et al. (2000)
FDA (nmol h 1 2 cm 3) 24.40 13.83 15.74 10.68 Pfannkuche et al. (2000)
DNA (Ag 2 cm 3) 29.86 46.40 15.64 18.28 Pfannkuche et al. (2000)
J nitrate + nitrite (mmol m 2 day 1
) 0.28 0.49 0.12 0.15 Grandel et al. (2000)
J phosphate (Amol m 2 day 1) 51 14 22 10 Grandel et al. (2000)
J silicic acid (mmol m 2 day 1
) 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.3 Grandel et al. (2000)
TOC (% dwt.) 1.3–1.6 – 0.25–0.35 – Böttcher et al. (2000)
POC-flux = flux of particulate organic carbon measured in sediment traps 500 m above sea floor; chl a = chlorophyll a; CPE = chloroplastic pigment
equivalents; ETSA= electronic transport system activity; FDA= FDA turnover bacterial ectoencymatic activity; DNA= DNA concentration; 2
cm 3 = average value integrated over the upper 0–2 cm layer of the sediment; J nitrate + nitrite/phosphate/silicic acid = diffusive benthic fluxes of
nutrients at the sediment water interface; TOC = total organic carbon in % dry weight in the upper 0–2 cm sediment.

by enhanced monsoonal carbon fluxes (Kurbjeweit et investigated seasons, values at WAST-T were lower.
al., 2000; Heinz and Hemleben, 2003). Abundance Higher densities may indicate higher levels of organic
correlates with the carbon content in the sediment and material in the abyssal plain, due to an accumulation by
sediment-bound chloroplastic pigment equivalents lateral and vertical transport and resuspension process-
(Kurbjeweit et al., 2000). In the present study, increased es. Elevated total organic carbon values were observed
densities occurred between the end of March and the at WAST, compared to WAST-T (Böttcher et al., 2000).
beginning of April 1997, with a presumable delay about Additionally, no regular decrease in particle flux at
2–5 weeks after enhanced organic supply. This re- WAST was observed in trap samples at 1000 and
sponse time is in accordance to other field and labora- 3000 m water depth (Haake et al., 1993).
tory investigations. Fontanier et al. (2003) found strong Foraminiferal numbers showed interannual variation
increase of most opportunistic taxa 4–6 weeks after in the western Arabian Sea. Stable abundances were
elevated chl a concentrations at an open-slope station observed at the end of the Northeast Monsoon (March
in the Bay of Biscay. Four weeks after spring bloom 1997 and February 1998), which indicates a compara-
sedimentation, foraminiferal biomass increased signifi- ble situation before the response to elevated particle
cantly (Altenbach, 1985). In the laboratory, increased fluxes. But records of March and October 1995 out-
numbers were recorded 21 days (Heinz et al., 2002) and numbered them strongly, and reflect an earlier or more
19 days (Ernst and van der Zwaan, 2004) after feeding. pronounced Northeast and Southwest Monsoon. Inter-
Both western stations recorded increasing numbers annual variation in surface chl a concentrations and
(3–7) at the beginning of April, 1 week after the particle flux rates were observed (Haake et al., 1993;
March sampling. Fresh phytodetritus can initiate strong Wiggert et al., 2002). Highest sediment chl a concen-
foraminiferal reproduction, as it was observed for op- trations and chl a/pheopigment ratios were found at
portunistic species (Gooday and Lambshead, 1989; WAST in March 1995, compared to spring seasons of
Gooday and Turley, 1990). Rise continued the next 1997 and 1998 (Pfannkuche et al., 2000).
4–5 weeks. We observed 7–15 times higher densities
at the beginning of May. Especially the two smaller size 4.3. Foraminiferal densities in the southern Arabian
fractions became more important, indicating triggered Sea
reproduction. Three weeks later, the decrease of fora-
minifera at WAST-T indicated diminished food supply. The southern station SAST, located in the open sea,
Synchronous temporal changes of foraminiferal was not strongly influenced by monsoon forcing, but
amounts in different water depths were also described still bears some signs of monsoonal influences. No
from bathyal stations in the Bay of Biscay (Fontanier et significant differences in organic carbon flux content
al., 2003). The comparison of total densities between but in mass flux were observed with season, although in
WAST and WAST-T (Fig. 2) showed that in most much reduced amplitudes (Honjo et al., 1999). The
110 P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113

Northeast Monsoon did not cause elevated primary at the sediment surface because of limited food supply
productivity (Pfannkuche and Lochte, 2000). Reduced in deeper layers. Time-dependent transport of food
flux rates, a low total organic carbon content and low material downward enables them to disperse vertical
chl a and chloroplastic pigment equivalent concentra- occurrence. This response is in agreement with the
tions in the sediment were determined at SAST (Lee et TROX-model (= Trophic–Oxygen–Microhabitat–Reac-
al., 1998; Böttcher et al., 2000; Pfannkuche et al., 2000, tion, after Jorissen et al., 1995, Fontanier et al.,
compare Table 3). Diminished foraminiferal and macro- 2002), which explains benthic foraminiferal microhabi-
faunal densities and biomass as well as lower microbial tats as a function of organic flux and benthic ecosystem
activities mirrored the reduced biological response to oxygenation. At SAST, no significant deepening of the
such oligotrophic conditions (Kurbjeweit et al., 2000; foraminiferal living horizon was observed due to con-
Witte, 2000; Boetius et al., 2000; Heinz and Hemleben, stant oligotrophic conditions.
2003). The present study confirmed constant low fora-
miniferal abundances at SAST throughout the year and 4.6. Faunal response after the Northeast Monsoon
between years due to continuous small food supply.
Diversity was high but variable during 1997 and
4.4. Spatial variability of foraminifera 1998 (Fig. 4). Only WAST-T recorded an increasing
trend in time. Foraminifera were characterized by five
Spatial variability and heterogeneous distribution PCCs (Table 2 and Fig. 5). Time-dependent variability
surely complicates interpretation of temporal foraminif- in flux masses and flux composition may cause faunal
eral change within the study area. Only one sediment changes at one station. In spring 1997, all stations were
core was analysed for each time point and station, and mainly dominated by two assemblages: a Reophax scor-
small-scale patchiness cannot be excluded. Small-scale piurus community, accompanied by Lagenammina dif-
patch structures were noted for benthic foraminifera in flugiformis (= PCC 1), and a Hippocrepina indivisa
the abyssal realm (Bernstein et al., 1978; Bernstein and community, associated by Rhizammina algaeformis
Meador, 1979), probably due to habitat selection, re- (= PCC 2). PCC 2 in the present comparison now com-
productive patterns and small-scale variability of food bined two communities of a regional and interannual
supply. Current activity and microtopography may in- comparison between 1995 and 1997 (Heinz and Hem-
duce patchy distribution of phytodetritus at the sea floor leben, 2003). Reophax scorpiurus and L. difflugiformis
(Thiel et al., 1988/89). But in the western Arabian Sea, were both important infaunal taxa in the west and south
primary production and organic matter supply record of the Arabian Sea and can be considered as background
high seasonality, which will have an impact on the assemblages, indicating oligotrophic to mesotrophic and
benthic organism in this area. Simultaneous increasing well oxygenated conditions. They are not opportunistic
densities of mainly small foraminifera in the same range species, although some Reophax taxa were more abun-
at both western stations and stable abundances in the dant in sediments with recorded phytodetritus deposits
south convince us that the response to the Northeast (Gooday, 1996) or showed opportunistic behavior, like
Monsoon was recorded in spring 1997. Reophax guttiferus (Fontanier et al., 2003). Reophax
scorpiurus and other Reophax species observed in the
4.5. Vertical distribution after the Northeast Monsoon Arabian Sea are probably detritus feeders (Jones and
Charnock, 1985; Kaminski et al., 1988) and seem to
Vertical distribution patterns of total assemblages benefit from elevated fluxes. PCC 2 combined Hippo-
changed during spring in the western stations as a crepina indivisa and Rhizammina algaeformis. Hippo-
response to enhanced food availability (Fig. 3). At the crepina indivisa is probably opportunistic. In laboratory
end of the Northwest Monsoon (March 1997 and Feb- experiments, Hippocrepina sp. densities increased after
ruary 1998), very few foraminifera were observed a phytodetrital event (Heinz et al., 2001, 2002). Kurbje-
below 2 cm depth at WAST-T and WAST. A distinct weit et al. (2000) showed that the sessile tubular R.
maximum in the surface sediment layers and increasing algaeformis is positively correlated with high carbon
abundances in the depth formed during the following content and silica. Rhizammina species were described
weeks in spring 1997. These distribution patterns mir- as typical constituents of eutrophic assemblages in the
ror the dependence of foraminifera on the flux of labile Cretaceous (Holbourn and Kaminski, 1997). We can
easily consumable organic matter. Many foraminiferal interpret PCC 2 as an indicator for slightly increased
species use fresh organic matter deposits (Kitazato et organic-rich sediments, which requires higher amounts
al., 2003; Nomaki et al., 2005a) and concentrate at first of labile organic carbon than PCC 1.
P. Heinz, C. Hemleben / Marine Micropaleontology 58 (2006) 103–113 111

At WAST, PCC 1 characterized the sediment in by different water depths. Water depth surely affects the
March 1997, displaced by PCC 2 in April. This corre- amount of degradation of the sinking phytodetritus and
sponded well with the interpretation of total abun- thus will alter the quality of food. Additionally, varia-
dances, indicating a foraminiferal response to tions in the sediment caused by different bottom cur-
phytodetritus deposit after the Northeast Monsoon in rents, oxygen content, and temperature, may play a
April. PCC 2 continued dominating until May, where role. WAST-T showed more coarse sediments with
PCC 1 was observed additionally and the fluxes were higher calcium carbonate contents (Böttcher et al.,
probably reduced again. At WAST-T and SAST, com- 2000). Bottom water temperature was higher, but oxy-
munities were observed in reversed order, indicating gen concentration in the bottom water was lower than at
somewhat higher organic carbon contents in March, WAST (Grandel et al., 2000).
compared to April. For SAST, this would mean that High annual variability was recorded in the western
the Northeast Monsoon influenced this station in March Arabian Sea. In February 1998, WAST was mainly
1997 to a certain degree, at least in variation of faunal described by Reophax horrida, which is again associ-
control. For WAST-T, the change from PCC 2 to PCC 1 ated with Lagenammina difflugiformis (PCC 4), where-
but increasing foraminiferal densities is difficult to as WAST-T was dominated by PCC 5. PCC 4 is very
explain. Here, another faunal change was observed in similar to PCC 1 and is probably indicating comparable
May 1997, when an Epistominella pussilla assemblage trophic conditions, just as PCC 5, characterized by
(associated with Epistominella exigua and Fursenkoina Astrorhiza sp., a genus of sessile tubular forms that
texturata) (= PCC 3) was described. Again, two differ- feature passive suspension feeding (Cedhagen, 1988)
ent communities of the comparison between 1995 and and carnivorism (Buchanan and Hedley, 1960).
1997 (Heinz and Hemleben, 2003) were now combined
in the present comparison. These taxa exhibit strongly Acknowledgements
opportunistic taxa. Epistominella reproduce very quick-
ly after the arrival of fresh food material (Gooday and Thanks to Wiebke Ruschmeier and Christina
Turley, 1990; Gooday and Lambshead, 1989; Heinz et Schwarz for assistance during sample collection and
al., 2001, 2002; Fontanier et al., 2003; Ernst and van processing and crew of F. S. bSonneQ for good collab-
der Zwaan, 2004). Fursenkoina species were reported oration during the cruises. We greatly appreciate the
to be opportunistic and associated with phytodetritus helpful comments of Alexander Altenbach and Olaf
and enhanced organic flux (Gooday, 1993; Ohga and Pfannkuche. This work received financial support
Kitazato, 1997). In recent and fossil studies, they be from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und For-
found tolerant to low oxic and dysoxic conditions and schung (BMBF), BIGSET programme (Biogeochem-
occurred in pre- and post-sapropel assemblages (Bern- ische Stoff-und Energietransporte in der Tiefsee), No.
hard and Sen Gupta, 1999; Jorissen, 1999; Holbourn et 03F0177C, which is gratefully acknowledged.
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