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Converting Black & white Image into colour


Colorization is a computer-assisted process of adding color to a monochrome image or

movie. The process typically involves segmenting images into regions and tracking these
regions across image sequences. Neither of these tasks can be performed reliably in
practice; consequently, colorization requires considerable user intervention and remains a
tedious, time-consuming,and consuming and expensive task.

Here we present a simple colorization method that requires neither precise image
segmentation, nor accurate region tracking. Our method is based on a simple premise:
neighboring pixels in space-time that have similar intensities should have similar colors.
We formalize this premise using a quadratic cost function and obtain an optimization
problem that can be solved efficiently using standard techniques. In our approach an artist
only needs to annotate the image with a few color scribbles, and the indicated colors are
automatically propagated in both space and time to produce a fully colorized image or
sequence. We demonstrate that high quality colorizations of stills and movie clips may be
obtained from a relatively modest amount of user input. 

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Chapter 1:

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Converting Black & white Image into colour


Digital Image Representation

An image may be defined as a two-dimensional function fxy(,), where x and y are

spatial (plane) coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates is called
the intensity of the image at that point. The term gray level is used often to refer to the
intensity of monochrome images. Color images are formed by a combination of
individual images. For example, in the RGB color system a color image consists of
three individual monochrome images, referred to as the red (R), green (G), and blue
(B) primary (or component) images. For this reason, many of the techniques
developed for monochrome images can be extended to color images by processing the
three component images individually.

An image may be continuous with respect to the x- and y-coordinates, and also in
amplitude. Converting such an image to digital form requires that the coordinates, as
well as the amplitude, be digitized. Digitizing the coordinate values is called
sampling; digitizing the amplitude values is called quantization. Thus, when x, y, and
the amplitude values of f are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the image a digital
image. Colorization of classic motion pictures has generated much controversy which
partially accounts for the fact that not many of these movies have been colorized to
date. However, there are still massive amounts of black and white television shows
that could be colorized: the artistic controversy is often irrelevant here, while the
_nancial incentives are substantial.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Chapter 2:

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

2. 1 Images in MATLAB

The basic data structure in MATLAB is the array, an ordered set of real or complex
elements. This object is naturally suited to the representation of images, real-valued
ordered sets of color or intensity data.
MATLAB stores most images as two-dimensional arrays (i.e., matrices), in which each
element of the matrix corresponds to a single pixel in the displayed image. (Pixel is
derived from picture element and usually denotes a single dot on a computer display.)
For example, an image composed of 200 rows and 300 columns of different colored dots
would be stored in MATLAB as a 200-by-300 matrix. Some images, such as truecolor
images, require a three-dimensional array, where the first plane in the third dimension
represents the red pixel intensities, the second plane represents the green pixel intensities,
and the third plane represents the blue pixel intensities. This convention makes working
with images in MATLAB similar to working with any other type of matrix data, and
makes the full power of MATLAB available for image processing applications.

Image Type Interpretation

Binary Logical array containing only 0s and 1s, interpreted as black and white,
(Also known as respectively.
a bilevel image)

Indexed Array of class logical, uint8, uint16, single, or double whose pixel

(Also known as values are direct indices into a colormap. The colormap is an m-by-3 array
a pseudocolor image) of class double.
For single or double arrays, integer values range from [1, p].
For logical, uint8, or uint16 arrays, values range from [0, p-1].

Grayscale Array of class uint8, uint16, int16, single, or double whose pixel

(Also known as values specify intensity values.
an intensity, gray scale, For single or double arrays, values range from [0, 1]. For uint8, values
orgray level image) range from [0,255]. Foruint16, values range from [0, 65535]. For int16,
values range from [-32768, 32767].

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Image Type Interpretation

Truecolor m-by-n-by-3 array of class uint8, uint16, single, or double whose pixel

(Also known as values specify intensity values.
an RGB image ) For single or double arrays, values range from [0, 1]. For uint8, values
range from [0, 255]. For uint16, values range from [0, 65535].

2.2 Converting Between Image Types

The toolbox includes many functions that you can use to convert an image from one type
to another, listed in the following table. For example, if you want to filter a color image
that is stored as an indexed image, you must first convert it to truecolor format. When
you apply the filter to the truecolor image, MATLAB filters the intensity values in the
image, as is appropriate. If you attempt to filter the indexed image, MATLAB simply
applies the filter to the indices in the indexed image matrix, and the results might not be

Function Description

demosaic Convert Bayer pattern encoded image to truecolor (RGB) image.

Use dithering to convert a grayscale image to a binary image or to convert a truecolor image to an indexed

Convert a grayscale image to an indexed image.

Convert a grayscale image to an indexed image by using multilevel thresholding.

Convert a grayscale image, indexed image, or truecolor image, to a binary image, based on a luminance

Convert an indexed image to a grayscale image.

Convert an indexed image to a truecolor image.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Function Description

Convert a data matrix to a grayscale image, by scaling the data.

Convert a truecolor image to a grayscale image.
Note: To work with images that use other color spaces, such as HSV, first convert the image to RGB, process
the image, and then convert it back to the original color space. For more information about color space
conversion routines, see Color.
Convert a truecolor image to an indexed image.

2.3 Displaying Images

Images are displayed on the MATLAB desktop using function imshow, which has the
basic syntax:
where f is an image array. Using the syntax
imshow(f, [low high])
displays as black all values less than or equal to low, and as white all values greater than
or equal to high. The values in between are displayed as intermediate intensity values.
Finally, the syntax
imshow(f, [ ])
sets variable low to the minimum value of array f and high to its maximum value. This
form of imshow is useful for displaying images that have a low dynamic range or that
have positive and negative values.
■ The following statements read from disk an image called rose_512.tif, extract
information about the image, and display it using imshow:
>> f = imread('rose_512.tif');
>> whos f
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
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Converting Black & white Image into colour

f 512x512 262144 uint8 array

>> imshow(f)
A semicolon at the end of an imshow line has no effect, so normally one is not used.
Figure 2.2 shows what the output looks like on the screen. The figure imshowFunction
imshow has a number of other syntax forms for performing tasks such as controlling
image magnification. .

There the various pull-down menus and utility buttons. They are used for processes such
as scaling, saving, and exporting the contents of the display window. In particular, the
Edit menu has functions for editing and formatting the contents before they are printed or
saved to disk.
If another image, g, is displayed using imshow, MATLAB replaces the image in the
figure window with the new image. To keep the first image and output a second image,
use function figure, as follows:

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

>> figure, imshow(g)

Using the statement
>> imshow(f), figure, imshow(g)

displays both images. Note that more than one command can be written on a line,
provided that different commands are delimited by commas or semicolons. As mentioned
earlier, a semicolon is used whenever it is desired to suppress screen outputs from a
command line.

2.4 Reading Image Data

To import an image from any supported graphics image file format, in any of the
supported bit depths, use the imread function. This example reads a truecolor image into
the MATLAB workspace as the variable RGB.

RGB = imread('football.jpg');

If the image file format uses 8-bit pixels, imread stores the data in the workspace as
a uint8 array. For file formats that support 16-bit data, such as PNG and
TIFF, imread creates a uint16 array.
imread uses two variables to store an indexed image in the workspace: one for the image
and another for its associated colormap. imread always reads the colormap into a matrix
of class double, even though the image array itself may be of class uint8 or uint16.

[X,map] = imread('trees.tif');

In these examples, imread infers the file format to use from the contents of the file. You
can also specify the file format as an argument to imread.imread supports many common
graphics file formats, such as Microsoft® Windows® Bitmap (BMP), Graphics
Interchange Format (GIF), Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), Portable Network
Graphics (PNG), and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) formats. For the latest
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Converting Black & white Image into colour

information concerning the bit depths and/or image formats supported,

see imread and imformats.
If the graphics file contains multiple images, imread imports only the first image from the
file. To import additional images, you must use imread with format-specific arguments to
specify the image you want to import.

mri = zeros([128 128 1 27],'uint8'); % preallocate 4-D array

for frame=1:27

[mri(:,:,:,frame),map] = imread('mri.tif',frame);


2.5 Writing Images

To export image data from the MATLAB workspace to a graphics file in one of the
supported graphics file formats, use the imwrite function. When usingimwrite, you
specify the MATLAB variable name and the name of the file. If you include an extension
in the filename, imwrite attempts to infer the desired file format from it. For example, the
file extension .jpg infers the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) format. You can
also specify the format explicitly as an argument to imwrite.
This example loads the indexed image X from a MAT-file, clown.mat, along with the
associated colormap map, and then exports the image as a bitmap (BMP) file.

load clown whos

Name Size Bytes Class

X 200x320 512000 double array

caption 2x1 4 char array

map 81x3 1944 double array

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Grand total is 64245 elements using 513948 bytes


Chapter 3:
Image Processing Toolbox
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Converting Black & white Image into colour

MATLAB Functions for Image Processing

Images/Readme ‐ Display information about current and previous versions.

Image display.

colorbar ‐ Display colorbar (MATLAB Toolbox).

getimage ‐ Get image data from axes.

image ‐ Create and display image object (MATLAB Toolbox).

imagesc ‐ Scale data and display as image (MATLAB Toolbox).

immovie ‐ Make movie from multiframe image.

imshow ‐ Display image.

montage ‐ Display multiple image frames as rectangular montage.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

movie ‐ Play recorded movie frames (MATLAB Toolbox).

subimage ‐ Display multiple images in single figure.

truesize ‐ Adjust display size of image.

warp ‐ Display image as texture‐mapped surface.

Image file I/O.

dicominfo ‐ Read metadata from a DICOM message.

dicomread ‐ Read a DICOM image.

dicomwrite ‐ Write a DICOM image.

dicom‐dict.txt ‐ Text file containing DICOM data dictionary.

imfinfo ‐ Return information about image file (MATLAB Toolbox).

imread ‐ Read image file (MATLAB Toolbox).

imwrite ‐ Write image file (MATLAB Toolbox).

Image arithmetic.

imabsdiff ‐ Compute absolute difference of two images.

imadd ‐ Add two images, or add constant to image.

imcomplement ‐ Complement image.

imdivide ‐ Divide two images, or divide image by constant.

imlincomb ‐ Compute linear combination of images.

immultiply ‐ Multiply two images, or multiply image by constant.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

imsubtract ‐ Subtract two images, or subtract constant from image.

Geometric transformations.

checkerboard ‐ Create checkerboard image.

findbounds ‐ Find output bounds for geometric transformation.

fliptform ‐ Flip the input and output roles of a TFORM struct.

imcrop ‐ Crop image.

imresize ‐ Resize image.

imrotate ‐ Rotate image.

imtransform ‐ Apply geometric transformation to image.

makeresampler ‐ Create resampler structure.

maketform ‐ Create geometric transformation structure (TFORM).

tformarray ‐ Apply geometric transformation to N‐D array.

tformfwd ‐ Apply forward geometric transformation.

tforminv ‐ Apply inverse geometric transformation.

Image registration.

cpstruct2pairs ‐ Convert CPSTRUCT to valid pairs of control points.

cp2tform ‐ Infer geometric transformation from control point pairs.

cpcorr ‐ Tune control point locations using cross‐correlation.

cpselect ‐ Control point selection tool.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

normxcorr2 ‐ Normalized two‐dimensional cross‐correlation.

Pixel values and statistics.

corr2 ‐ Compute 2‐D correlation coefficient.

imcontour ‐ Create contour plot of image data.

imhist ‐ Display histogram of image data.

impixel ‐ Determine pixel color values.

improfile ‐ Compute pixel‐value cross‐sections along line segments.

mean2 ‐ Compute mean of matrix elements.

pixval ‐ Display information about image pixels.

regionprops ‐ Measure properties of image regions.

std2 ‐ Compute standard deviation of matrix elements.

Image analysis.

edge ‐ Find edges in intensity image.

qtdecomp ‐ Perform quadtree decomposition.

qtgetblk ‐ Get block values in quadtree decomposition.

qtsetblk ‐ Set block values in quadtree decomposition.

Image enhancement.

histeq ‐ Enhance contrast using histogram equalization.

imadjust ‐ Adjust image intensity values or colormap.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

imnoise ‐ Add noise to an image.

medfilt2 ‐ Perform 2‐D median filtering.

ordfilt2 ‐ Perform 2‐D order‐statistic filtering.

stretchlim ‐ Find limits to contrast stretch an image.

wiener2 ‐ Perform 2‐D adaptive noise‐removal filtering.

Linear filtering.

convmtx2 ‐ Compute 2‐D convolution matrix.

fspecial ‐ Create predefined filters.

imfilter ‐ Filter 2‐D and N‐D images.

Linear 2‐D filter design.

freqspace ‐ Determine 2‐D frequency response spacing (MATLAB Toolbox).

freqz2 ‐ Compute 2‐D frequency response.

fsamp2 ‐ Design 2‐D FIR filter using frequency sampling.

ftrans2 ‐ Design 2‐D FIR filter using frequency transformation.

fwind1 ‐ Design 2‐D FIR filter using 1‐D window method.

fwind2 ‐ Design 2‐D FIR filter using 2‐D window method.

Image deblurring.

deconvblind ‐ Deblur image using blind deconvolution.

deconvlucy ‐ Deblur image using Lucy‐Richardson method.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

deconvreg ‐ Deblur image using regularized filter.

deconvwnr ‐ Deblur image using Wiener filter.

edgetaper ‐ Taper edges using point‐spread function.

otf2psf ‐ Optical transfer function to point‐spread function.

psf2otf ‐ Point‐spread function to optical transfer function.

Image transforms.

dct2 ‐ 2‐D discrete cosine transform.

dctmtx ‐ Discrete cosine transform matrix.

fft2 ‐ 2‐D fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).

fftn ‐ N‐D fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).

fftshift ‐ Reverse quadrants of output of FFT (MATLAB Toolbox).

idct2 ‐ 2‐D inverse discrete cosine transform.

ifft2 ‐ 2‐D inverse fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).

ifftn ‐ N‐D inverse fast Fourier transform (MATLAB Toolbox).

iradon ‐ Compute inverse Radon transform.

phantom ‐ Generate a head phantom image.

radon ‐ Compute Radon transform.

Neighborhood and block processing.

bestblk ‐ Choose block size for block processing.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

blkproc ‐ Implement distinct block processing for image.

col2im ‐ Rearrange matrix columns into blocks.

colfilt ‐ Columnwise neighborhood operations.

im2col ‐ Rearrange image blocks into columns.

nlfilter ‐ Perform general sliding‐neighborhood operations.

Morphological operations (intensity and binary images).

conndef ‐ Default connectivity.

imbothat ‐ Perform bottom‐hat filtering.

imclearborder ‐ Suppress light structures connected to image border.

imclose ‐ Close image.

imdilate ‐ Dilate image.

imerode ‐ Erode image.

imextendedmax ‐ Extended‐maxima transform.

imextendedmin ‐ Extended‐minima transform.

imfill ‐ Fill image regions and holes.

imhmax ‐ H‐maxima transform.

imhmin ‐ H‐minima transform.

imimposemin ‐ Impose minima.

imopen ‐ Open image.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

imreconstruct ‐ Morphological reconstruction.

imregionalmax ‐ Regional maxima.

imregionalmin ‐ Regional minima.

imtophat ‐ Perform tophat filtering.

watershed ‐ Watershed transform.

Morphological operations (binary images)

applylut ‐ Perform neighborhood operations using lookup tables.

bwarea ‐ Compute area of objects in binary image.

bwareaopen ‐ Binary area open (remove small objects).

bwdist ‐ Compute distance transform of binary image.

bweuler ‐ Compute Euler number of binary image.

bwhitmiss ‐ Binary hit‐miss operation.

bwlabel ‐ Label connected components in 2‐D binary image.

bwlabeln ‐ Label connected components in N‐D binary image.

bwmorph ‐ Perform morphological operations on binary image.

bwpack ‐ Pack binary image.

bwperim ‐ Determine perimeter of objects in binary image.

bwselect ‐ Select objects in binary image.

bwulterode ‐ Ultimate erosion.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

bwunpack ‐ Unpack binary image.

makelut ‐ Construct lookup table for use with applylut.

Structuring element (STREL) creation and manipulation.

getheight ‐ Get strel height.

getneighbors ‐ Get offset location and height of strel neighbors

getnhood ‐ Get strel neighborhood.

getsequence ‐ Get sequence of decomposed strels.

isflat ‐ Return true for flat strels.

reflect ‐ Reflect strel about its center.

strel ‐ Create morphological structuring element.

translate ‐ Translate strel.

Region‐based processing.

roicolor ‐ Select region of interest, based on color.

roifill ‐ Smoothly interpolate within arbitrary region.

roifilt2 ‐ Filter a region of interest.

roipoly ‐ Select polygonal region of interest.

Colormap manipulation.

brighten ‐ Brighten or darken colormap (MATLAB Toolbox).

cmpermute ‐ Rearrange colors in colormap.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

cmunique ‐ Find unique colormap colors and corresponding image.

colormap ‐ Set or get color lookup table (MATLAB Toolbox).

imapprox ‐ Approximate indexed image by one with fewer colors.

rgbplot ‐ Plot RGB colormap components (MATLAB Toolbox).

Color space conversions.

hsv2rgb ‐ Convert HSV values to RGB color space (MATLAB Toolbox).

ntsc2rgb ‐ Convert NTSC values to RGB color space.

rgb2hsv ‐ Convert RGB values to HSV color space (MATLAB Toolbox).

rgb2ntsc ‐ Convert RGB values to NTSC color space.

rgb2ycbcr ‐ Convert RGB values to YCBCR color space.

ycbcr2rgb ‐ Convert YCBCR values to RGB color space.

Array operations.

circshift ‐ Shift array circularly. (MATLAB Toolbox).

padarray ‐ Pad array.

Image types and type conversions.

dither ‐ Convert image using dithering.

gray2ind ‐ Convert intensity image to indexed image.

grayslice ‐ Create indexed image from intensity image by thresholding.

graythresh ‐ Compute global image threshold using Otsuʹs method.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

im2bw ‐ Convert image to binary image by thresholding.

im2double ‐ Convert image array to double precision.

im2java ‐ Convert image to Java image (MATLAB Toolbox).

im2uint8 ‐ Convert image array to 8‐bit unsigned integers.

im2uint16 ‐ Convert image array to 16‐bit unsigned integers.

ind2gray ‐ Convert indexed image to intensity image.

ind2rgb ‐ Convert indexed image to RGB image (MATLAB Toolbox).

isbw ‐ Return true for binary image.

isgray ‐ Return true for intensity image.

isind ‐ Return true for indexed image.

isrgb ‐ Return true for RGB image.

label2rgb ‐ Convert label matrix to RGB image.

mat2gray ‐ Convert matrix to intensity image.

rgb2gray ‐ Convert RGB image or colormap to grayscale.

rgb2ind ‐ Convert RGB image to indexed image.

Toolbox preferences.

iptgetpref ‐ Get value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.

iptsetpref ‐ Set value of Image Processing Toolbox preference.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

dctdemo ‐ 2‐D DCT image compression demo.

edgedemo ‐ Edge detection demo.

firdemo ‐ 2‐D FIR filtering and filter design demo.

imadjdemo ‐ Intensity adjustment and histogram equalization demo.

landsatdemo ‐ Landsat color composite demo.

nrfiltdemo ‐ Noise reduction filtering demo.

qtdemo ‐ Quadtree decomposition demo.

roidemo ‐ Region‐of‐interest processing demo.

Slide shows.

ipss001 ‐ Region labeling of steel grains.

ipss002 ‐ Feature‐based logic.

ipss003 ‐ Correction of nonuniform illumination.


ipexindex ‐ Index of extended examples.

ipexsegmicro ‐ Segmentation to detect microstructures.

ipexsegcell ‐ Segmentation to detect cells.

ipexsegwatershed ‐ Watershed segmentation.

ipexgranulometry ‐ Granulometry of stars.

ipexdeconvwnr ‐ Wiener deblurring.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

ipexdeconvreg ‐ Regularized deblurring.

ipexdeconvlucy ‐ Lucy‐Richardson deblurring.

ipexdeconvblind ‐ Blind deblurring.

ipextform ‐ Image transform gallery.

ipexshear ‐ Image padding and shearing.

ipexmri ‐ 3‐D MRI slices.

ipexconformal ‐ Conformal mapping.

ipexnormxcorr2 ‐ Normalized cross‐correlation.

ipexrotate ‐ Rotation and scale recovery.

ipexregaerial ‐ Aerial photo registration.

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Chapter 4:
Module Code

Code to get texture of an Image


clear all;

close all;
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Converting Black & white Image into colour

update = 0;

img_rgb = imread('658.jpg');

img_shaded = img_rgb;

img_data = img_rgb*0.9;

[xx yy zz] = size(img_data);

tp = xx*yy;

r = img_data(:,:,1);

g = img_data(:,:,2);

b = img_data(:,:,3);

rh = hist(r(:),0:255)/tp;

gh = hist(g(:),0:255)/tp;

bh = hist(b(:),0:255)/tp;

mean_rh = (rh*[0:255]')/255;

mean_gh = (gh*[0:255]')/255;

mean_bh = (bh*[0:255]')/255;

sd_rh = std(rh);

sd_gh = std(gh);

sd_bh = std(bh);

md_rh = median(rh);
Department of Electronics & Telecommunicaion Engineering
Converting Black & white Image into colour

md_gh = median(gh);

md_bh = median(bh);

gray_img = rgb2gray(img_data);

texture_img = rangefilt(gray_img);

texture_energy = sum(texture_img(:).^2)/tp;

texture_entropy = entropy(texture_img);

cmap_img = contrast(texture_img);

[x1 y1] = size(cmap_img);

cont_img = sum(cmap_img(:))/(x1*y1);

edge_hv = edge(gray_img,'sobel');

edge_X = edge(gray_img,'roberts');

hv_edge_dens = sum(edge_hv(:))/tp;

X_edge_dens = sum(edge_X(:))/tp;

x1 = 0;

y1 = 0;

sum_1 = 0;

for i=1:xx

for j=1:yy

if edge_hv(i,j) == 1
Department of Electronics & Telecommunicaion Engineering
Converting Black & white Image into colour

x1 = x1 + j;

y1 = y1 + i;

sum_1 = sum_1 + 1;




cent_x = (x1/sum_1)/tp;

cent_y = (y1/sum_1)/tp;

features = [mean_rh, mean_gh, mean_bh, sd_rh, sd_gh, sd_bh,...

texture_energy, texture_entropy, cont_img, hv_edge_dens, X_edge_dens, cent_x,


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Chapter 5:
Work Schedule


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

NAME First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Abhishek Searching project Searching project Searching project Searching project

Topics topics topics topics

Kuldeep Jain Searching project Searching project Searching project Searching project

Topics topics topics topics

Pankaj Baghel Searching project Searching project Searching project Searching project

Topics topics topics topics

Abhishek Searching project Searching project Searching project Searching project

Topics topics topics topics


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

NAME First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Abhishek Finalization of Surveying of Surveying of Surveying of

Singh project Project Project Project

Kuldeep Jain Finalization of Surveying of Surveying of Surveying of

project Project Project Project

Pankaj Baghel Finalization of Surveying of Surveying of Surveying of

project Project Project Project

Abhishek Finalization of Surveying of Surveying of Surveying of

Verma project Project Project Project


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

NAME First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Abhishek Surveying of Surveying of Module Module

Singh Project Project Preparation Preparation

Kuldeep Jain Surveying of Surveying of Module Module

Project Project Preparation Preparation

Pankaj Baghel Surveying of Surveying of Module Module

Project Project Preparation Preparation

Abhishek Surveying of Surveying of Module Module

Verma Project Project Preparation Preparation


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

NAME First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Abhishek Module Module Module Synopsis

Singh Preparation Preparation Preparation preparation

Kuldeep Jain Module Module Module Synopsis

Preparation Preparation Preparation preparation

Pankaj Baghel Module Module Module Synopsis

Preparation Preparation Preparation preparation

Abhishek Module Module Module Synopsis

Verma Preparation Preparation Preparation preparation


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Converting Black & white Image into colour

NAME First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week

Abhishek Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis

Singh preparation preparation preparation submission

Kuldeep Jain Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis

preparation preparation preparation submission

Pankaj Baghel Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis

preparation preparation preparation submission

Abhishek Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis

Verma preparation preparation preparation submission

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Converting Black & white Image into colour

Chapter 6:
References and Bibliography

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Converting Black & white Image into colour


1. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”,Second edition,pp.

411-514, 2004.
2. N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan, and K. R. Rao, "Discrete cosine transform," IEEE Trans.
on Computers, vol. C-23, pp. 90-93,1974.
3. S. Lewis and G. Knowles, "Image Compression Using the 2-D Wavelet
Transform" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. I . NO. 2, PP. 244 - 250,
APRIL 1992.
4. Amir Averbuch, Danny Lazar, and Moshe Israeli,"Image Compression Using
Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution Decomposition"IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, Vol. 5, No. 1, JANUARY 1996.

1. src-http://searchcio-,,sid183_gci212327,00.html
5. 2.html.

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