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Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Practice Test Name: ________________________

1. What is not true about the head right system?

a. Participants would receive fifty acres of land.
b. A colonist would pay the passage of an indentured servant.
c. A person would voluntarily work for a set number of years in return for a trip to America.
d. Indentured servants were guaranteed fifty acres of land.
e. It greatly benefited the masters of the servants.

2. Which was not an after affect of Bacon’s Rebellion?

a. Chaos swept through Virginia.
b. Berkeley was chased out of Jamestown.
c. The capital was burned.
d. African slavery became more popular than indentured servitude.
e. Indian relations were improved.

3. What did the half-way covenant do?

a. Allowed unconverted children to be baptized
b. Allowed women accused of being witches to be banished
c. Persecuted women being accused of witchcraft
d. Gave people incentive to migrate to the New World
e. Guarantee fifty acres of land to the masters of indentured servants

4. Who was most often persecuted for being accused of being witches?
a. Independent women
b. Male property owners
c. Female property owners
d. People accused of treason
e. Murders

5. Which is not true about life in the colonial days?

a. The death rate was high
b. People married young
c. Women birthed many babies
d. People lived to be old
e. Men outnumbered women

6. Which is not true about the Proclamation of 1963?

a. It encouraged people to move west.
b. It prohibited settlement beyond the Appalachians.
c. It was designed to work out the Indian problem fairly.
d. It was used to prevent another Indian attack.
e. It angered Americans.

7. Which Indian tribe had an alliance with the French?

a. Iroquois
b. Hurons
c. Mohawks
d. Cherokee
e. Creek

8. Which is not true about the French colonies in America?

a. The population grew painfully slow.
b. Huguenots fled to the Americas.
c. It was under direct control of the French king.
d. There were no representative governments.
e. The most valuable resource was the beaver.

Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Practice Test Name: ________________________

9. Which was not set up by the French in America?

a. Fort Necessity
b. Des Moines
c. Quebec
d. New Orleans
e. Louisbourg

10. Which at one point was not rewarded to the British in a treaty?
a. Acadia
b. Newfoundland
c. Nova Scotia
d. New Orleans
e. Hudson Bay

11. Which was captured by the British in the War of Jenkins’s Ear
a. Acadia
b. Louisbourg
c. Hudson Bay
d. Ohio Valley
e. Louisiana

12. What was the name of George Washington’s fort?

a. Fort Duquesne
b. Fort Sumpner
c. Fort Presque Isle
d. Fort Grace
e. Fort Necessity

13. Why did the French initially retreat during the beginning of the French and Indian War?
a. They were scared.
b. They ran out of supplies.
c. Their leader had been killed.
d. Their original attack plan did not work.
e. They wanted to surprise the British colonies.

14. What was unique about the French and Indian War?
a. It involved Indians.
b. The British and French were usually allies.
c. It began in America instead of Europe.
d. There was no bloodshed at all.
e. It was never resolved.

15. In what way did General Braddock contribute to the expansion westward?
a. He cut paths which later became roads.
b. He encouraged settlers to move west.
c. He rebelled against the Proclamation of 1763.
d. He did not contribute.
e. He killed Indian tribes that blocked the way.

16. Which was not introduced to the Europeans in the Americas?

a. Corn
b. Pigs
c. Tobacco
d. Buffalo
e. Chocolate

Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Practice Test Name: ________________________

17. Who conquered the Incas?

a. Pizarro
b. Coronado
c. De Soto
d. Cortes
e. Balboa

18. Who did the Aztecs believe Cortes to be?

a. A man from the East
b. A god
c. Another Native American
d. An explorer
e. A conqueror

19. Why was St. Augustine erected?

a. To have a place for management
b. In order to bock the French
c. In order to search for gold
d. So that ships had a place to refill their supplies
e. To use as a trading center

20. Who found the first California mission?

a. The current pope
b. Serra
c. Rinalo
d. Vasquez
e. Coronado

21. Why was Georgia created?

a. To serve as a buffer between the English colonies and the Spanish and French
b. To serve as a refuge for Catholics
c. To increase the productivity of tobacco
d. To give religious freedom to all
e. To reap the financial benefits of sugar cane

22. Which person broke away from the Roman Catholic Church?
a. King Henry VIII
b. Queen Elizabeth I
c. John Wesley
d. Lord Baltimore
e. King Charles I

23. Which of these is not true about sea dogs?

a. They spread Protestantism.
b. They raided Spanish settlements.
c. They set up settlements in America.
d. One of the most well-know ones is Sir Francis Drake.
e. The helped to defeat the Spanish Armada.

24. Which is a reason the colony of Virginia struggled during early colonization?
a. Settlers were too busy looking for gold to set up a prosperous colony.
b. They were unaccustomed to working for their own food.
c. The environment’s conditions were harsh.
d. Disease and malnutrition affected the settlers.
e. All of the above.

Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Practice Test Name: ________________________

25. What were South Carolina’s two major exports?

a. Corn and potatoes
b. Indian slaves and rice
c. African slaves and sugar cane
d. Tobacco and rice
e. Sugar cane and tobacco

26. Which group of people originally colonized the Hudson River area?
a. The French
b. The Spanish
c. The English
d. The German
e. The Dutch

27. Which was the most aristocratic colony of the time?

a. Rhode Island
b. Maine
c. New York
d. Pennsylvania
e. Connecticut

28. Where was the Religious Society of Friends most prominent?

a. Pennsylvania
b. Connecticut
c. Rhode Island
d. Massachusetts
e. Delaware

29. Which is not true about Pennsylvania?

a. It was the best advertised of the English colonies.
b. It had a strong military.
c. It initially had a peaceful relationship with the Indians.
d. Catholics could not vote or hold office.
e. The death penalty was only imposed for treason and murder.

30. Which is not true about the Middle Colonies?

a. The soil was fertile.
b. Rivers played a vital role.
c. Industry became popular.
d. They were the most democratic in the Americas.
e. Slavery was important.

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