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Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease

Ricardo Muñoz    Victor O. Morell

Eduardo M. da Cruz    Carol G. Vetterly


Critical Care of Children

with Heart Disease
Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts
Ricardo Muñoz Victor O. Morell
Chief, Cardiac Intensive Care Division Chief, Division of Pediatric Cardiothoracic
Director, Cardiac Recovery Program Surgery of the Heart, Lung and Esophageal
Medical Director for Global Business and Surgery Institute
Telemedicine Director, Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Co-Director, Heart Center
Heart Center Associate Professor of Surgery
Associate Professor, Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Pediatrics and Surgery of UPMC
University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Eduardo M. da Cruz Carol G. Vetterly

Head, Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Pediatric
Program Critical Care
Director, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Department of Pharmacy
Director, Cardiac Progressive Care Unit & Clinical Instructor
In-Patient Services Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Cardiology University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
& Intensive Care
The Children’s Hospital of Denver
University of Colorado Denver, School
of Medicine
13123 East 16th Avenue, B-100
80045, Aurora-CO, USA

ISBN 978-1-84882-261-0 e-ISBN 978-1-84882-262-7

DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7
Springer London Dordrecht Heidelberg New York

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Control Number: 2010930140

© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010

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To my wife Lina, my sons Rafael and Ricardo, and my grandson Daniel.
Ricardo Muñoz
To my wife Amy, and my children, Victor, Samuel and Oliver; for your
love and support.
Victor O. Morell
To Tim, Jasmine, and Mom, for all of your patience…
Carol G. Vetterly
To Suzanne, Esteban and Tomas, as ever and forever…
Eduardo M. da Cruz
The Editors would also like to dedicate this book to all those caregivers
who commit to care for children and young adults with critical congenital
and acquired heart disease
We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for
our illustrators, Steve Goldberg and Angelo Rutty, who created the
exceptional surgical figures throughout the text. Their outstanding talents
and contributions helped to make the book a valuable educational tool.
Ricardo Muñoz
Víctor O. Morell
Carol G. Vetterly
Eduardo M. da Cruz
“Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease:
Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts”

I am flattered to be invited to write a foreword for such a timely and comprehensive

handbook of pediatric cardiac intensive care.
Having been intimately engaged in the management of congenital heart diseases for
the greater part of the last 40 years, it has been rewarding to witness progress and inter-
esting to reflect on what contributed to it. As in many endeavors, progress has been
subtle and its underlying mechanisms have been multifactorial. There is little doubt that
perioperative intensive care management has been a key component of this progress.
In many centers the overall mortality for pediatric cardiac surgery has fallen below
the 2% mark. The morbidity, however, remains significant and the authors of this
handbook must be congratulated for dedicating a large section to cardiac and extracar-
diac complications. Morbidity should become part of performance assessment.
It has been interesting to witness how postoperative morbidity has evolved. The
postoperative capillary leak syndrome of the small infant in the 1970s has been
replaced by the postoperative pulmonary hypertensive crises in the 1980s, to make
room to the problems related to the imbalance between systemic and pulmonary
blood flow in the Norwood patients.
The advent of the Norwood operation has been a cornerstone in the management
of congenital heart defects. A successful Norwood implies accurate diagnosis, expert
anesthesia and perfusion, impeccable surgery, deep understanding of the postopera-
tive cardiopulmonary interactions, and taming of extracardiac problems, such as
­sepsis, gastrointestinal, and neurological impairments. The efforts deployed by many
institutions to achieve excellence with the Norwood patients have uplifted their over-
all performance in the management of all congenital heart defects.
The impressive list of experts who have contributed to this book highlights the impor-
tance of multidisciplinarity in the perioperative management of the sick cardiac patient.
Multidisciplinarity is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it provides knowledge,
competence, commitment, and availability, which are key components of success. On the
other hand, shared care can lead to conflicts and redundancy. It creates interfaces that
require collaboration, hierarchy, and leadership. Too often those who are made responsi-
ble for problems arising within intensive care units do not have the authority to solve
them. Several institutions over the past 30 years have faced difficulties in establishing the
multidisciplinary structure of their cardiac intensive care units, which is most beneficial to
their patients and most cost-effective to their institution. This is a delicate topic that often
generates emotional if not legal argumentations. I am ­taking the liberty of alluding to this
important issue even though it is not specifically addressed in this handbook.

Marc R de Leval, MD, FRCS

Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery


Progress in medicine is compounded of two processes: small steps with intelligent

“drift” toward best practice, and sea change with an occasional paradigm “shift.”
Ospina-Tascon, Buchele, and Vincent (Critical Care Medicine 2008; 36:1311–
1322) were able to find in the literature only 72 large, randomized, controlled, inten-
sive care trials with mortality endpoints. Of these, the trial intervention was a statistical
success in ten. Often, progress in critical care takes place because reports that suggest
but do not prove benefit, as well as lesser forms of evidence, become incorporated
into clinical wisdom and medical practice by consensus. Ultimately, as norms drift, it
may become impossible to test hypotheses by randomized, controlled trial because
standard (control) treatment and trial intervention have become too alike. Outcome of
new treatments must then be compared to historic controls because prospective trials
are no longer possible.
In Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, the engine for change has seldom
been the randomized controlled trial. Laboratory studies, case reports, small series,
and staggering successes have fostered the “drift” and “shift” of cardiac care. Often,
with little experimental foundation, one technique is modified or overthrown by
another. New approaches are tried, and may become state-of-the-art virtually
The sea changes in pediatric cardiovascular surgery have been obvious. The first
reported surgical ligation of a ductus arteriosus by Robert Gross, then 33 years old,
was performed in 1938. Other pioneering “closed” procedures include the first exci-
sion of a coarctation of the aorta (Crafoord, 1944), the first subclavian to pulmonary
artery shunt (Blalock and Taussig, 1944), and the first pulmonary artery band
(Dammon-Muller, 1952). The surgical tradition is relatively receptive to steep “learn-
ing curves” in the adoption of new approaches. When cardiac bypass was introduced,
between 1952 and 1954, 18 open heart operations were described in six separate
reports, with an overall mortality of 94.5%. The bubble oxygenator was introduced in
1955. Then, in 1956, Lillehei, Cohen, Warden, and Varco reported the survival of a
patient after total correction of tetralogy of Fallot.  The sea changes have continued.
More recent “paradigm shifts” include the introduction of deep hypothermic circula-
tory arrest, shelving of the Mustard and Senning procedures in favor of the arterial
switch, Fontan’s approach to tricuspid atresia and the resulting sea change in the
operative management of single ventricle defects, Norwood’s procedure for the hypo-
plastic left heart syndrome, and the introduction into postoperative care of extracor-
poreal membrane oxygenation and ventricular assist devices.
Some 50 years have elapsed since Lillehei’s report. Cardiac bypass has become a
safe and well-established technique. Corrective open heart surgery is commonly

x Foreword

p­ erformed in small neonates. Most congenital cardiac defects can be either

palliated or corrected, and many centers report overall mortality rates for con-
genital heart surgery at or below 2%. Much of this progress can be attributed to
the more subtle process of “drift,” which has, by consensus, moved the age of
corrective operation toward the first days of life, increased the specificity and
accuracy of prenatal diagnosis, replaced routine cardiac catheterization with
noninvasive diagnostic techniques like 2-D echocardiography and MR
Angiography, and transformed many corrective procedures from surgical into
transcatheter interventions.
In general, new discoveries and pioneering developments trigger sea
changes. Intelligent adoption of a paradigm shift and cautious drift toward best
practice occur by integration of the best evidence and by consensus building.
That integration is the unwritten mission of a textbook such as this.
Consensus is a team activity and requires team work. The virtual exclusion
of non-surgeons from postoperative care has ended. Interdisciplinary teams
have been assembled to collaborate in this endeavor, improving outcome and
accelerating the pace of progress. These teams include practitioners who first
learn their craft as cardiologists, pediatric intensivists, pharmacists, and respi-
ratory therapists, as well as cardiac surgeons who first learn their craft on adults
(who are not just “big children”). It is the need for a literature to describe,
explain, and teach critical care of the pediatric cardiac patient to trainees and
collaborators of diverse backgrounds that has generated this textbook. In
Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical
Concepts, the authors embed the knowledge base of cardiology and congenital
cardiac surgery into the context of intensive care, and advanced cardiac diag-
nostics and therapeutics. The product is not so much a cardiology text for
intensive care physicians, as it is a text about the critical care of patients with
pediatric heart disease.

Bradley P. Fuhrman, MD
Chief, Pediatric Critical Care
Children’s Hospital of Buffalo
Professor of Pediatrics and Anesthesiology
State University of New York at Buffalo

Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo

219 Bryant Street
Buffalo, New York 14222

83 Ashland Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14222

The development of intensive care units can be traced, in part, to the challenge of
ventilating dozens of patients with respiratory failure simultaneously during the polio
epidemic in Copenhagen (1952–1953). The advantage of cohorting patients with
“intensive care” needs became apparent and the value of an intensive care unit was
established. During this initial experience dozens of patients were hand ventilated
simultaneously via tracheostomy tubes (or subsequently with negative pressure
­ventilators) before there was adequate clinical appreciation of acid base balance.
Numerous deaths were attributed to “a mysterious alkalosis.”   By 1966, with the
advent of positive pressure ventilators and the appreciation of arterial blood gas
­analysis, patient care was transformed into the field of critical care.
There is a striking parallel and temporal overlap to this discovery of mechanical
ventilation and innovation in critical care: the development of cardiopulmonary
bypass (1952–1953) and the need for cardiac intensive care. The early experience
with cardiopulmonary bypass was predominantly in children. The poor results were
discouraging for most; 17 of the first 18 patients died. But Walt Lillehei’s demonstra-
tion of the feasibility of repairing congenital heart disease using a parent as the func-
tional source of pump and gas exchange in a cross circulation experiment propelled
the field forward and motivated others to refine cardiopulmonary bypass techniques
and successfully apply them to the repair of congenital heart disease.
By 1966 (when Rashkin introduced the balloon atrial septostomy in infants with
transposition of the great arteries) cardiac intensive care units for children were
emerging in Boston, Toronto, Minneapolis and elsewhere. In a 1966 landmark paper
by Brown, Johnston and Conn in Toronto, the early results of mechanically ventilated
patients in a postoperative care unit for children with congenital heart disease were
reported. Although mortality exceeded 50% for those patients requiring 24 h of post-
operative mechanical ventilation, there were many successes. Pediatric cardiac inten-
sive care units were born. At first wedged between adult intensive care and adult
cardiac surgical units, then mingling, merging with, evolving, and emerging from
pediatric intensive care units, this subspecialty now exists in its own right with doz-
ens of highly specialized units throughout the world. The subspecialists who populate
the clinical leadership of these units, represent its multifaceted heritage: pediatric
anesthesiologists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and intensivists. It is further defined
by specialized nursing dedicated exclusively to caring for critically ill children with
heart disease. This book, Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical
and Surgical Concepts, is a wonderful testament to the collaborative expertise that
must be brought to bear on this relatively new subspecialty. The textbook, like the
discipline, is truly a multidisciplinary and multinational effort.

xii Foreword

I have been honored to work with Dr. Muñoz in his early years, along with
many of the other authors involved in this textbook. They, like many of those
in this new field, chose to blend multiple conventional training programs and
an unconventional number of additional years of training to help define the
curriculum, qualifications and content of pediatric cardiac intensive care. It is
my pleasure now to read and learn from those who represent the next and now
current authorities in this field.

David L. Wessel, MD
Senior Vice President, Children’s National Medical Center
Washington, D.C

Carol G. Vetterly has previously published under the name Carol G. Schmitt.


Pediatric cardiac intensive care patients pose special challenges to those practitio-
ners caring for them.
The primary purpose of this textbook is to provide the health care practitioner with
an overview of both the medical and surgical facets in caring for pediatric patients
with congenital or acquired cardiac disease.
This book conceals a multitude of topics that may be encountered when caring for
children in a cardiac intensive care setting. The first part of the text covers general
aspects ranging from mechanical ventilation and cardiac anesthesia, sedation and
pain management, to cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac catheterization, echocardiog-
raphy, in addition to describing the special monitoring required for pediatric cardiac
patients. It also includes important recent developments in assessing and reporting
risk factors.
The next sections address specific cardiac anomalies including acyanotic defects,
right and left obstructive heart lesions, atrio-ventricular valve anomalies, vascular
lesions, pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathies, pericardial diseases, and other
complex heart defects. Specific chapters are dedicated to mechanical assistance, renal
replacement therapy, transplant, arrhythmias, as well as the ethical and legal issues
that involve the discontinuation of support of patients.
The last section reviews other challenging non-cardiac problems that caregivers in
charge of pediatric cardiac patients have to face on a regular basis, including matters
related to respiratory, gastrointestinal, nutrition, hematologic, renal and neurological sys-
tems, infectious disease, and skin protection.
A unique aspect of this text is the inclusion of drawings and descriptions of car-
diac anomalies which serves as a valuable teaching and learning tool for cardiac
intensivists, surgeons, fellows, residents, and nurses.
The editors sincerely acknowledge and express their gratefulness to the collabo-
rating authors who were the successful artisans of this project.
It is our hope that practitioners will find this text useful in achieving the ultimate
goal of providing the most superior quality of care to their pediatric cardiac intensive
care patients.


Part I  General Aspects

  1 Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation........................... 3

Daniel Sidi and Eduardo M. da Cruz

  2 Triage and Transport of Infants and Children

with Cardiac Disease.................................................................................. 13
Bradley A. Kuch and Richard A. Orr

  3 Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care.......... 23

Shekhar T. Venkataraman

  4 Heart–Lung Interactions........................................................................... 33
Shekhar T. Venkataraman

  5 Cardiac Catheterization............................................................................ 37
Jacqueline Kreutzer

  6 Echocardiography...................................................................................... 57
Cécile Tissot, Adel K. Younoszai, and Christina Phelps

  7 Cardiac Anesthesia..................................................................................... 77
Edmund H. Jooste

  8 A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Review............................... 83

Carol G. Vetterly and Denise L. Howrie

  9 Sedation and Analgesia.............................................................................. 89

Edmund H. Jooste, Steven E. Litchenstein, and Peter J. Davis

10 Monitoring of the Cardiac Patient........................................................... 97

Evelyn Lechner

11 The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery....................................................... 103
Ana Maria Manrique, Kent Kelly, and Steven E. Litchenstein

xviii Contents

12 Nursing Care of the Pediatric Cardiac Patient....................................... 121

Erin L. Colvin, Dana Shiderly, Tamara Maihle, and Dana Casciato

13 Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes

Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease................................................. 127
Jeffrey P. Jacobs

Part II  Specific Cardiac Lesions

14 Patent Ductus Arteriosus........................................................................... 145

Deborah Kozik, Dunbar Ivy, Jill Ibrahim, Lisa Wise-Faberowski,
Steven Goldberg, Jeffrey Darst, Jonathan Kaufman,
Victor O. Morell, and Eduardo M. da Cruz

15 Atrial Septal Defects.................................................................................. 159

Steven P. Goldberg, Deborah Kozik, Lisa B. Willis,
and Eduardo M. da Cruz

16 Ventricular Septal Defects......................................................................... 169

Diego Mouguillanski, Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz,
and Victor O. Morell

17 Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects............................................... 177

Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg, Jill Ibrahim,
Dunbar Ivy, Lisa Wise-Faberowski, Shannon Buckvold,
Cécile Tissot, Christina Phelps, Victor O. Morell,
and Eduardo M. da Cruz

18 Aortopulmonary Window......................................................................... 191

Diego Mouguillansky, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

19 Tetralogy of Fallot...................................................................................... 199

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Yuliya A. Domnina,
Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

20 Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve.................................. 207

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Michael Tsifansky,
and Victor O. Morell

21 Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia............................................ 213

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Yuliya A. Domnina,
Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

22 Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum....................... 221

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Jacqueline Kreutzer,
and Victor O. Morell

23 Pulmonary Stenosis.................................................................................... 231

Yuliya A. Domnina, Ricardo Muñoz, Jackie Kreutzer,
and Victor O. Morell
Contents xix

24 Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction........................................... 241

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

25 Coarctation of the Aorta............................................................................ 257

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, Jacqueline Kreutzer,
and Victor O. Morell

26 Interrupted Aortic Arch............................................................................ 267

Ricardo Muñoz, Michael Tsifansky, and Victor O. Morell

27 Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders...................................... 273

Cécile Tissot, Eduardo M. da Cruz, Afksendyios Kalangos,
and Shannon Buckvold

28 Mitral Stenosis............................................................................................ 301

Kristin P. Barton, Jacqueline Kreutzer, Victor O. Morell,
and Ricardo Muñoz

29 Prosthetic Valves........................................................................................ 313

Peter D. Wearden

30 Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome........................................................... 323

Yuliya A. Domnina, Ricardo Muñoz, Traci M. Kazmerski,
Jackie Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

31 Single Ventricle. General Aspects............................................................. 331

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Steven Goldberg, Jonathan Kaufman,
Alison Artico, Sara Mackie, Jessica Church, Amy Stimmler,
Jody Rutz, Deborah Kozik, Dunbar Ivy, François Lacour-Gayet,
and Pascal Vouhé

32 Anomalous Pulmonary Veins.................................................................... 349

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, Traci M. Kazmerski,
Jackie Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

33 Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries............................................. 359

Rukmini Komarlu, Victor O. Morell, Jackie Kreutzer,
and Ricardo Muñoz

34 Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great

Arteries (ccTGA) or Levo-Transposition of the Great
Arteries (l-TGA)......................................................................................... 375
Rukmini Komarlu, Victor O. Morell, Michael Tsifansky,
and Ricardo Muñoz

35 Truncus Arteriosus..................................................................................... 383

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Steven Goldberg, Victor O. Morell,
Bertrand Léobon, Mohammed Ly, Chokri Kortas,
and Alain Serraf
xx Contents

36 Double Outlet Right Ventricle................................................................... 399

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg,
Jeffrey Darst, Deborah Kozik, David Campbell,
Max Mitchell, and François Lacour-Gayet

37 Ebstein’s Disease........................................................................................ 411

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Victor O. Morell,
Cécile Tissot, Shannon Buckvold, Steven Goldberg,
Dunbar Ivy, Jill Ibrahim, Lisa Wise-Faberowski,
and Afksendyios Kalangos

38 Anomalous Coronary Arteries.................................................................. 423

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg,
Thomas Fagan, Christina Phelps, Cécile Tissot, Deborah Kozik,
Max Mitchell, David Campbell, and Victor O. Morell

39 Aortic Valve Regurgitation........................................................................ 435

Michael Tsifansky, Victor O. Morell, and Ricardo Muñoz

40 Vascular Rings and Pulmonary Sling....................................................... 439

Yuliya A. Domina, Sang Park, and Victor O. Morell

41 Takayasu Arteritis...................................................................................... 445

Yuliya A. Domnina and Ricardo Muñoz

42 Aortic Dissection........................................................................................ 449

Yuliya A. Domnina and Victor O. Morell

43 Tracheal Reconstruction........................................................................... 455

Nick Pigott and Martin Elliott

Part III  Other Topics

44 Acute Pulmonary Hypertension............................................................... 469

Maurice Beghetti and Eduardo M. da Cruz

45 Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension........................................................... 483

Dunbar Ivy and Asrar Rashid

46 Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies.............................................. 507

Brian Feingold and Steven A. Webber

47 Pericardial Diseases................................................................................... 521

Cécile Tissot, Christina M. Phelps, Eduardo M. da Cruz,
and Shelley D. Miyamoto

48 Infective Endocarditis................................................................................ 543

Nilanjana Misra and Eric S. Quivers
Contents xxi

49 Cardiac Failure.......................................................................................... 557

Cécile Tissot, Eduardo M. da Cruz, and Shelley Miyamoto

50 Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview..................................... 573

Eduardo M. da Cruz and Jonathan Kaufman

51 Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery........... 587

Peter D. Wearden, Ana Maria Manrique, and Kent Kelly

52 Heart Transplantation............................................................................... 603

Steven A. Webber and Victor O. Morell

53 Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit.................................................. 619

Lee Beerman, Gaurav Arora, and Sang C Park

54 Pacemakers (Temporary and Permanent), Implantable

Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) and Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy...................................................................... 637
Gaurav Arora and Lee Beerman

55 Discontinuation of Life: Ethical and Legal Issues.................................. 645

Denis Devictor and Pierre Tissières

Part IV  The Challenge of Extra-Cardiac Complications

56 Respiratory Complications: Acute Respiratory Distress

Syndrome, Chylothorax, Diaphragmatic Palsy,
and Functional and Respiratory Physiotherapy..................................... 653
Jennifer Exo and Ricardo Muñoz

57 Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis,

Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy........................................ 661
Joanne K. Snyder, Katherine Barsness, and Ricardo Muñoz

58 Malnutrition and Feeding Difficulties: Guidelines

for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition....................................................... 671
Michael K. Shoykhet, Kristyn S. Lowery, and Carol G. Vetterly

59 Hematological Aspects: Anticoagulation, Heparin-Induced

Thrombocytopenia, Plasma Exchange..................................................... 679
Peter H. Shaw

60 Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy................................................ 687

Richard A. Orr, Rhonda Gengler, and Michael Moritz

61 Neurogical Complications: Intracranial Bleeding,

Stroke and Seizures.................................................................................... 705
Robyn A. Filipink and Michael J. Painter
xxii Contents

62 Infections in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit......................................... 715

Glenda V. Wright and Marian G. Michaels

63 Skin Protection........................................................................................... 723

Rose Marie Faber and Erin L. Colvin

Index.................................................................................................................... 729

Christine M. Angeletti, RN, BSN

Cardiac Intensive Care, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Gaurav Arora, MD
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Alison Artico, CNP
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
Katherine A. Barsness MD
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, USA
Kristen P. Barton MD
Pediatric Cardiology, University of Florida, Jacksonville, FL, USA
Lee Beerman MD
Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Maurice Beghetti, MD
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of the Child and Adolescent, Children’s
University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Shannon Buckvold, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
David Campbell, MD
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Dana Casicato, MSN, CRNP
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Constantinos Chrysostomou, MD
Cardiology & Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jessica Church, CNP
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA

xxiv Contributors

Erin L. Colvin, CRNP

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Eduardo M. da Cruz, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Jeffrey Darst, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory,
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Peter J. Davis, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Denis Devictor, MD
Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital de Bicêtre,
Assistance publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin- Bicêtre, France
Yuliya A. Domnina, MD
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic, Levine Children’s
Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA
Martin Elliot, MD
Cardiac Surgery, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, London, UK
Jennifer Exo, MD
Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Rose Marie Faber, MSN/ED, RN, CCRN
Training and Education, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Thomas Fagan, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory,
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Brian Feingold, MD
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, University of Pittsburgh,
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Robyn A. Filipink, MD
Neurology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Rhonda J. Gengler, RN, BSN, CCRN
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Steven P. Goldberg, MD
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Denise L. Howrie, PharmD
Department of Pharmacy, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Contributors xxv

Jill Ibrahim, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Dunbar Ivy, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Jeffrey P. Jacobs MD FACS, FACC, FCC
Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA
Edmund H. Jooste, MB, ChB
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Afksendiyos Kalangos, MD, PhD, DSc
Cardiac Surgery, University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Jonathan Kaufman, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Traci M. Kazmerski, BS
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Kent Kelly CCP
Svc, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Cardiothoracic Surgery, ECMO,
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Rukmini Komarlu, MD
Pediatric Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Chokri Kortas, MD
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Centre Médico-Chirurgical Marie
Lannelongue, Le Plessis Robinson, France
Deborah Kozik, DO
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Jacqueline Kreutzer, MD
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Bradley A. Kuch, BS, RRT-NPS
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
François Lacour-Gayet, MD
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Evelyn Lechner, MD
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Children’s and Maternity Hospital Linz,
Linz, Austria
Bertrand Léobon, MD
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Centre Médico-Chirurgical Marie
Lannelongue, Le Plessis Robinson, France
xxvi Contributors

Steven E. Litchenstein, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Kristyn S. Lowery MPAS, PA-C
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Mohammed Ly, MD
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Centre Médico-Chirurgical Marie
Lannelongue, Le Plessis Robinson, France
Sara Mackie, PA-C
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
Tamara Maihle, MSN, CRNP
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ana Maria Manrique, MD
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Marian G. Michaels MD, MPH
Division of Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Nilanjana Misra, MBBS, MD
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Max B. Mitchell, MD
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Shelley D. Miyamoto, MD
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
Victor O. Morell, MD
Department of Cardiothoracic and Esophageal Surgery, University of Pittsburgh,
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Michael Moritz, MD
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Diego Mouguillanski, MD
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ricardo Muñoz, MD, FAAP, FCCM
Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh,
Richard A. Orr, MD
Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Contributors xxvii

Michael J. Painter, MD
Neurology and Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Sang Park, MD
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Christina M. Phelps, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Nicholas B. Pigott, MBBS, FRCPI, FRCPCH, FRACP
Children’s Intensive Care Unit, Sydney Children’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Eric S. Quivers, MD
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Asrar Rashid, MD
Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, University Hospital NHS Trust,
Nottingham, UK
Jody Rutz, PA-C
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
Alain Serraf, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Centre Médico-Chirurgical Marie
Lannelongue, Le Plessis Robinson, France
Peter H. Shaw, MD
Hematology/Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Dana Shiderly, BSN, RN, CCRN
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Michael K. Shoykhet, PA-C, MD, PhD
Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Daniel Sidi, MD
Service of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital Necker-Enfants
Malades, University of Paris V, Paris, France
Joanne K. Snyder, PA-C
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Amy Stimmler, CNP
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
xxviii Contributors

Pierre Tissières, MD
Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital de Bicêtre,
Assistance publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin- Bicêtre, France
Cécile Tissot, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Michael Tsifansky, MD
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Advocate Lutheran
General Children’s Hospital, Park Ridge, IL, USA
Shekhar Venkataraman, MD
Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Carol G. Vetterly, PharmD
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pascal Vouhé, MD
Service of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital
Necker-Enfants Malades, Universiy of Paris V, Paris, France
Peter D. Wearden, MD, PhD
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Steven A. Webber, MBChB, MRCP
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Lisa B. Willis, MD
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA
Lisa Wise-Faberowski, MD
Pediatric Anesthesiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Glenda V. Wright, MD
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Adel K. Younoszai, MD
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Imaging, Department of Pediatrics,
The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA
Part I
General Aspects
Chapter 1
Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation

Daniel Sidi and Eduardo M. da Cruz

1.1  Introduction These figures will then be useful to look at the

transition between the fetal circulation (with com-
munications) and the neonatal circulation (in
To understand the rules and limitations of neonatal
circulation in normal hearts and in those with congen-
This chapter also emphasizes some characteristics
ital diseases, one must remember and understand the
that have clinical and pharmacological relevance for
basic rules of heart physiology and apply them to the
fetal or neonatal interventions.
fetal and the neonatal circulations, with emphasis on
Finally, a brief illustration of the physiological
the cardiovascular adaptation to the changes occur-
approach to help understanding and treating some path-
ring at birth.
ological examples will be given.
Birth is indeed a big challenge for the neonatal heart
This chapter is influenced greatly by the work of
because of the dramatic changes in loading conditions
Abraham M Rudolph in San Francisco CVRI, who
occurring immediately or soon after birth when:
with his team initiated and contributed greatly to the
1. The placenta disappears, constraining the left understanding of fetal circulation and its transition to
ventricle (LV) neonatal circulation.
2. The pulmonary vascular bed opens, relieving the
afterload on the right ventricle (RV) and increasing
the preload on the LV
3. The atrial communication (patent foramen ovale) 1.2  P
 art 1: Cardiac Physiology on a
and arterial communication (ductus arteriosus)
Pressure/Volume curve
both close, inducing a complete change in the car-
diovascular physiology with separated or “in series”
systemic and pulmonary circulations Circulation is a combination of heart properties
and loading conditions that are put together in order
The first part of this chapter concentrates briefly on to achieve its main goal: adequate (optimal) perfu-
the study of the physiology of the normal heart and sion, oxygenation extraction, and consumption by
emphasizes the modern way to approach cardiac phys- tissues.
iology through pressure/volume curves (cardiac loops). This goal is achieved when aortic arterial pressure
This approach allows the comprehension of heart (AoP), cardiac output (CO), and appropriate flow
properties (systolic and diastolic) along with their distribution to the organs are adequate (according to
loading conditions. their needs). It is a fine neurohormonal regulation,
and not the heart, that decides on the needs and fulfills
them through several cardiac and vascular interventions.
D. Sidi (*) The heart is just an executor.
Service of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics,
Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, University of Paris V,
The regulation in the heart is achieved through
Paris, France changes in its loading conditions (preload and afterload)
e-mail: and through a direct action on cardiac contraction

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 3
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
4 D. Sidi and E.M. da Cruz

(heart rate and inotropic stimulation), in order to eject Figs.  1.4 and 1.5 for abnormal fetal circulation; in
the necessary CO at the adequate AoP. Fig. 1.6 for the comparison between normal neonatal
The vascular regulation is dedicated to the flow and fetal circulation and in Fig. 1.7 for one abnormal
distribution and it acts through local changes in vascu- circulatory scenario.
lar resistances. These changes can occur locally in Contractility is the property that allows the ventricle
some organs with autoregulation systems (i.e., heart, to develop pressure and then convert the hydrostatic
brain, kidney) or through neurohormonal action on pressure reserve (if the heart was not ejecting) into kinetic
vascular tone (resistances), mainly by arteriolar vaso- energy to eject the blood in the arterial tree. Contractility
constriction or dilatation. All this is achieved according is well represented on a Pressure–Volume curve
to Poiseuilles’ law, that states that there is a direct (Fig.  1.1) by the end systolic Pressure–Volume rela-
linear relationship between the mean pressure gradient tionship (when the ventricle develops only pressure).
(DP) amid the artery and the vein (or the tissue P for This relation, named elastance, happens to be a straight
the heart), the flow (Q) within a given organ and the line (Suga and Sagawa) and the tangent of this line is a
local vascular resistance (R): very reliable indicator of contractility. The more shifted
to the left (the ventricle can develop more pressure for
ΔP = Q x R the same volume, or it needs less volume for the same
developed pressure) the better is the contractility.
It is crucial to realize that the heart acts as an executor Note that in different figures the elastance is better
and not as a commander. The control of the circulation for the left compared to the right ventricle, but the differ-
mainly in the brain and the kidneys fixes the needs ence is small in the fetus and neonate and prominent in
(AoP and CO) and the cardiac properties will then the adult subjects.
determine the filling pressures necessary to achieve Compliance is the relationship between pressure
the “work.” The better the heart is, the less the filling and volume in diastole. It will determine the filling
pressure will be. This is the philosophy behind the pressure in the ventricle, and also in the atria, veins
Frank-Starling law that states that the heart acts like and capillaries, as in diastole the atrio-ventricular
elastic, meaning it delivers more strength in systole valve is open and the pressure is the same from the
(pressure and flow in the artery) if there are more fibers subarterial ventricle to the capillaries (or the lungs
stretching during the diastole when the ventricles fill for the left ventricle). The diastolic Pressure–Volume
from the atria. The volume in the cavity is converted
into diastolic pressure depending on the compliance of P L
the ventricle. Therefore, any increase in venous return
will result in an increase in cardiac output through
improved cardiac contraction, but at the expense of a
higher venous pressure. These ventricular filling pres- Adults
sures will be ensured by the venous and capillary without ASD QP=QS
closed ductus
pressures upstream to the heart (in the lungs for the left
ventricle and in other organs for the right ventricle) PA 20
and are “the price to pay” for the work to be done, as LA 8
they may induce symptoms such as congestion, edema, RA 3
or hydrops. ESV EDV V
This Frank-Starling mechanism is present from
the very beginning of fetal circulation. The analysis of the Fig. 1.1  Pressure–Volume curve in a normal adult. This figure
shows a normal P/V curve. Note that the contractility (elastance)
relation between pressure and volume in the ventricles
is much better for left ventricle (LV) than right ventricle (RV),
is the objective representation of Starling law and but that the compliance is much better for RV than for LV. Also
allows the quantification of systolic (contractility) and note that the circulation is in “series” with equal Qp and Qs. In
diastolic (compliance) properties of the heart: The PV the figure it is the ejection volume that is shown (QP or QS
divided by heart rate). The RV pressure is lower than the LV
curve shown in Fig. 1.1 is for normal adult circulation;
pressure both in systole (because of the law PA vascular resis-
in Fig.  1.2 for the comparison of adult and neonatal tances) and diastole (because of the better compliance of the RV
circulation; in Fig. 1.3 for normal fetal circulation; in compared to the LV)
1  Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation 5

QS Ao 100
Ao 60

PA 30

PA 20
LA 8
LA 8
RA 3
RA 3

Newbom Adults
without ASD QP = QS without ASD QP = QS
closed ductus closed ductus

Fig. 1.2  Pressure–Volume curves in newborns as compared to higher in the neonate since PA vascular resistances are still
adults: shows the main difference in neonatal and adult circula- relatively high (about 1/3 of systemic vascular resistance).
tion. Note that there are only slight differences in ventricular The filling pressures are higher in the Left compared to the
contractility and compliance in the neonate (it changes quickly right ventricle (much more work) and compare with Fig. 1.7,
throughout the first few months of life) and that although the PA where because of the presence of an ASD, the filling pressures
pressure has decreased immediately after birth, PA pressure is are the same

Fig. 1.3  Pressure–Volume curve in a fetus with same preload and (EDV)) than the RV and the combination of both explains that
afterload explaining the ventricular volumes: shows the anatomical the LV ejects a little less than the RV during the fetal life. After the
reasons for the equalization in preload and afterload of both ven- carotida arteries there is limited blood with a physiological small
tricles in the fetus. The LV has better contractility (less end systolic thoracic Ao named isthmus (in contact with the ductus arteriosus
volume (ESV)) and worse compliance (less end diastolic volume (DA)) and where will eventually occur a coarctation of the aorta)

curve is exponential, meaning that for low volume filling pressure will be low even with an enlarged
the pressure rises very slowly but for high volume the ventricle with decreased contractility and there will be
pressure rises quickly (stretching noncompliant myo- no congestion. If the ventricle is noncompliant, filling
cardial fibers). If the ventricle is very compliant the pressures may be quite high in a rather small ventricle
6 D. Sidi and E.M. da Cruz

Foetus with decreased pre-load

mitral stenosis, LSVC in CS

Normal foetus V Mitral stenosis and/or LSVC in CS V

Fig. 1.4  Pressure–Volume curves in a fetus with decreased left only a few mmHg but affects greatly the LV volume, instead of
ventricular preload: shows the consequences of a decrease fill- increasing the LA pressure (because the RV can eject into the
ing of the LV on fetal circulation. The loss in preload pressure is Ao through the DA)

Foetus with increased LV afterload



Normal foetus V Increased LV afterload V

Fig.  1.5  Pressure–Volume curves in a fetus with increased changes in compliance. It will affect even more the amount
left ventricular afterload: shows the consequences of an increase of blood flowing into the Ascending Aorta because of the
in LV afterload in the fetal circulation. The increased pressure increased ESV of the LV (unless the hypertrophy of the LV
in the LV due to Ao stenosis influence LV volume through gives better contractility)

(good contractility) and congestion will be present.

1.2.1  D
 escription of a Cardiac Loop
If the filling pressures are the same for both ventricles
(large atrial septal defect like in fetal circulation), the (“Kitchen Recipe”)
respective right and left ventricular volumes will be
a function of the respective compliances of both ven- Going from arteries to capillaries: start from end
tricles. Note that, the compliance is better for the right systolic relationship with an end systolic volume (ESV)
compared to the left ventricle at all ages but that that is the intersection of the contractility (elastance)
this difference is mild in the fetus and neonate and line with the arterial pressure line (afterload). The ESV is
significant in the adult. the residual ventricular volume (or the volume required
1  Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation 7


45%O2 LV 67


Fig. 1.7  Pressure–Volume curves at birth with a patent foramen

ovale and abnormal left ventricular function: shows the difference
Fig.  1.6  Pressure–Volume curve changes at birth with the
of circulation in a neonate compared with a fetus in the case of
closure of the ductus arteriosus and the foramen ovale: shows
an abnormal LV function in the presence of an atrial communi-
the changes in circulation at birth when the neonatal heart is in
cation equalizing the atrial pressures at birth (forced foramen
series after closure of foramen ovale and DA The loading condi-
ovale or atrial septal defect). In the fetus, there was a compensa-
tions have changed dramatically for the two ventricles but that
tion by the RV of the loss in volume of the LV (since the RV
they are now ejecting the same volume. Note that birth is a big
could eject in the Ao through the ductus arteriosus (even with
challenge for the LV that increases both pressure and volume
retrograde flow in the Ao Isthmus to the brain). In the newborn,
whereas the RV is now working at low pressure with mild
with a closed ductus, the LV has to accommodate on its own the
decrease in volume. This explains why the LV will hypertrophy
systemic flow and if its function is impaired the LV (and LA)
and improve contractility while the RV wall will get thinner and
diastolic pressure will be increased (in order to dilate the LV
improve compliance
according to Starling law). This increase in LA pressure will be
transmitted to the right atrium through the ASD and the RV vol-
ume will increase a lot (according to the difference in compli-
ance between the ventricles). This is why abnormal LV function
in order to develop enough pressure to be able to eject
decreases the size of the LV in the fetus and increases the size of
blood into the arterial bed). Any added volume will the RV in the newborn with atrial shunting. The very dilated RV
be ejected and will constitute the ejected systolic will eject a big amount of flow to the PA (coming back to the RV
volume (EV) that is the ratio of CO and the heart rate through the ASD). If the QP increases more than three times, the
PA pressure will not decrease at birth. This is why when an ASD
(HR). If ESV and EV are added, the end diastolic
may be associated with PA hypertension; in most of the cases it
volume (EDV) is obtained, which represents the filling is due to abnormal LV function (coarctation of the aorta, aortic
volume. The end diastolic pressure (EDP) is the inter- or mitral abnormalities or even cardiomyopathy)
section of this EDV and the compliance curve. This
EDP (preload) is the filling pressure of the ventricle,
responsible for the capillary pressure (or the pulmonary higher filling pressures in the left ventricle compared
capillary pressures for the left ventricle and other to the right ventricle, since pulmonary capillary pressures
tissue capillary pressures for the right ventricle). can rise to a higher level without edema than pressures
In normal circumstances (heart in “series”) , there is in the vena cava and systemic capillaries. This privilege
no communication between the right and the left heart, is not anymore present if there are wide communications
so that the ejected volume is the same but the pressures between the ventricles and the atrial cavities.
will be different, depending on vascular resistances, In case of large communications, the pressure will
the systolic pressure and compliance of the diastolic equalize between the chamber at the level of the
pressure. It is a privilege for the cardiac function to allow systemic circulation (usually LV and LA) and this
8 D. Sidi and E.M. da Cruz

will impose the same pressure on the PA circulation of the abnormal ventricle, the filling of this latest
(usually RV and RA). In these instances it is the pres- will be impaired and there will be a loss of its growth,
sure that is fixed and the flow that varies with shunts. without significant alteration of fetal oxygenation
These shunts are physiological in the fetus but not (assumed by the other ventricle), but with a decreased
after birth. The PV curves allow to understand the growth downstream of the sick ventricle (aortic
direction and magnitude of the shunt in any cardiac hypo­plasia and postnatal coarctation). This explains
malformation, by respecting the law that the systemic the flow theory on cardiac growth like in the case of the
circulation is regulated (fixed by the demand) and the frequent association between coarctation of the aorta
PA circulation acts passively according to the proper- and aortic arch hypoplasia with mild congenital mitral
ties of the Heart and the loading conditions (Vascular valve stenosis, or even in the case of a persistent
resistances, regurgitation of valves or obstacle to the left superior vena cava dilating the coronary sinus
circulation). (mild preload reduction) and/or of a bicuspid aortic
valve (mild afterload increase). We can also explain
by this flow theory the vicious circle of mitral valve
stenosis inducing aortic hypoplasia, decreasing left
1.3  P
 art 2: Cardiac Physiology in the
ventricular filling through decreased compliance
Fetus and Newborn (showing the consequences of these abnormalities on
the left ventricle and on the aortic growth as shown in
In the fetus (Fig. 1.3), there are large communications Figs. 1.4 and 1.5).
between the atrium (so, the preload is the same for the We have to add another important feature concerning
right and the left ventricles) and the arteries (because fetal oxygenation to this cardiac fetal physiology. The
of the large patent ductus arteriosus diverting the blood preferential flow from the umbilical vein to the left
from the lung to the placenta) so that the afterload is heart through the foramen ovale, (Fig.  1.8) gives a
roughly similar for both ventricles. In this condition, more oxygenated (O2 saturation of 75% and Partial O2
we can say that in the fetus the difference in EDV is pressure (Pp) of 25  mmHg) blood flow to both the
related to the ventricular compliance and that the heart and the brain through coronary and carotid
difference in ESV is function of the contractility of arteries from the ascending aorta, compared to the
both ventricles. In normal fetuses, the right ventricle is right heart that is filled with deoxygenated blood (O2
slightly larger in systole and diastole compared to the saturation of 40% and Partial O2 pressure (Pp) of
left ventricle, indicating that the former is slightly 15  mmHg) which then flows across the pulmonary
more compliant and less contractile than the latter arteries (PAs) and back to the placenta through the
(Fig.  1.1). These characteristics have implications in ductus arteriosus (DA), the descending aorta and
the harmony of the future neonatal heart. Well balanced the umbilical arteries. Very low O2Pp in the fetal lung
ventricles will be present if myocardial properties are is partly responsible for the intense vasoconstriction
roughly similar in the absence of valvular abnormalities. in the PAs (Fig. 1.9). The other reason for the vaso-
Conversely, ventricular hypoplasia will occur in case constriction is the fact that lungs are not ventilated
of even minor abnormalities in myocardial properties and have compressed vessels. Both mechanical and
or loading conditions. Fig. 1.4 shows what happens if gaseous abrupt changes at birth will open the pulmo-
the preload of the LV is impaired by minor anomalies nary arterial vascular bed with a 15% decrease in their
of the mitral valve or even by a persistent left superior vascular resistances as shown by the birth simulation
vena cava decreasing by 2 mmHg the LV preload. The studies in the fetal and newborn lambs.
decreasing LV volume and increasing RV volume are Another important physiological feature of fetal
evident in the graphic. Figure 1.5, shows what happens circulation concerns the reactivity of the DA and the
if the afterload of the LV is impaired by aortic stenosis reason why it stays open during fetal life and closes
with small changes in compliance of the LV affecting after birth. There are two major reasons for this; the
its size. The LV is still filled at the same Pressure as the first concerns the reactivity of the DA to O2Pp that is
RV because of the large Foramen Ovale with small LV opposite to the PA reactivity. The DA dilates with low
and big RV. Infact, because of the communications O2Pp and constricts with high O2Pp (above 60 mmHg).
up and down stream of the ventricles allowing a bypass This explains why it is open in the fetus and closes after
1  Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation 9

Fig.  1.8  Fetal circulation as seen by A. Rudolph: shows the oxygenated blood coming from the umbilical vein. The lower
difference in O2 saturation in the right and left ventricles during PpO2 in the PA of the fetus is one of the reasons for the very high
fetal life due to the right-to-left predominant atrial shunt by PA vascular resistances during fetal life, as shown on Fig. 1.7

RV Ao 60

PA 30

LA 8
LA = RA4 RA 3

Foetus ASD + PDA without ASD

Fig. 1.9  Changes in pulmonary vascular resistances after birth: shows the changes in Pa vascular resistances at birth. The instanta-
neous dramatic decrease in PVR explaining the fall in Pa pressure after few minutes (there is no physiological PA hypertension in
the neonate)

birth (Fig.  1.10). The second reason is due to the open; whereas at birth, PGE1 concentration falls
response of the DA to prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) levels dramatically due to the removal of the placenta and to
which induces vasodilatation that persists regardless of the fact that right CO goes entirely in the lungs, thus
the O2Pp. inducing ductal constriction. It is crucial in clinical
PGE1 accumulates with high concentration in practice to know that a perfusion of PGE1 can maintain
the fetus, because it is produced by the placenta and the DA open, even with high O2Pp. It allows a left-
catabolized in the lungs, hence maintaining the DA to-right shunt ensuring pulmonary blood flow in case
10 D. Sidi and E.M. da Cruz


Foetus = small LV Newborn = big LV
With ASD

Fig. 1.10  Ductus arteriosus responses to ppO2: shows the reac- during the last trimester (explaining PDA in premature babies).
tivity of the DA to O2 during fetal life. This reactivity increases Note that the DA constricts with PpO2 above 50 mmHg

of right obstructive malformations (i.e., pulmonary increase of more than 100% (60% increase in systolic
atresia), and a right-to-left shunt warranting systemic pressure and 30% increase in CO), whereas it is a
blood flow in case of left obstructive lesions (i.e., aortic great relief for the right ventricle (100% decrease in
atresia or interrupted aortic arch). pressure and 20% decrease in CO). This is the reason
In the neonate (Fig. 1.6), the loading conditions are why the left ventricle has very limited inotropic reserves
very different for both ventricles, with an increase in at birth and is so sensitive to any increase in after-
the systemic vascular resistances (that augment by load, while the right ventricle tolerates moderate
twofold when the placenta disappears) and with an pulmonary arterial hypertension very well. This is
enormous decrease in pulmonary vascular resistances also the reason why the left ventricular mass and wall
(that fall by a factor of 15, secondary to the active increases quickly improving its contractility, while
vasodilatation related to ventilation, O2 levels, and the right ventricular wall mass significantly decreases
humoral changes in Prostaglandins, Thromboxane, with the increase in volume (the ventricle becomes
and Leucotriene levels). In less than 1 h, the PVR are thinner) with a dramatic improvement in right ventricular
1/3 of the SVR. In addition, with the closure of the compliance.
foramen ovale and the DA, the heart can work with
independent loading conditions. As shown in Fig. 1.6,
preload and afterload become much higher for the left 1.3.1  C
 linical Consequences of Fetal
ventricle when compared to the right ventricle.
and Neonatal Cardiac and
Figure 1.7 shows the difference in circulation in a
neonate compared with a fetus with an abnormal LV Circulatory Physiology
function when the foramen ovale stays open (ASD)
allowing atrial shunting. As per the explanation in The left ventricle has limited reserves in neonates and
Fig.  1.7, if the QP increases more than three times, left ventricular failure is frequent, particularly when
the PA pressure will not decrease at birth. This is facing afterload challenges (aortic coarctation or
why when an ASD is associated with PA hyperten- valvar stenosis). Myocardial ischemia may occur and
sion, in most cases it is due to abnormal LV function myocardial VO2 increases when the aortic pressure is
(coarctation, aortic or mitral abnormalities, or even not maintained. Mitral valve regurgitation from papil-
cardiomyopathy). lary muscle ischemia may occur and worsen the left
For the cardiologist, birth is considered as a ventricular function. The only way to improve neona-
difficult challenge for the left ventricle, with a work tal left ventricular function is to reduce the afterload,
1  Transition from the Fetal to the Neonatal Circulation 11

as long as the aortic and the coronary pressure are References and Recommended Reading
maintained within normal range. The other solution is
to maintain an open DA and allow the right ventricle to 1. Sidi D, Teitel DF, Kuipers JR, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM.
participate in the systemic flow by a right-to-left shunt Effect of beta-adrenergic receptor blockade on responses to
from the pulmonary arteries to the aorta. acute hypoxemia in lambs. Pediatr Res. 1988;23:229–234.
2. Bernstein D, Teitel D, Sidi D, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM.
Redistribution of regional blood flow and oxygen delivery in
experimental cyanotic heart disease in newborn lambs.
Pediatr Res. 1987;22:389–393.
1.3.2  T
 here is no Physiological 3. Teitel DF, Sidi D, Chin T, Brett C, Heymann MA, Rudolph
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension AM. Developmental changes in myocardial contractile
reserve in the lamb. Pediatr Res. 1985;19:948–955.
in a Newborn 4. Sidi D, Kuipers JR, Teitel D, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM.
Developmental changes in oxygenation and circulatory
If pulmonary arterial hypertension is found, it is responses to hypoxemia in lambs. Am J Physiol. 1983;245:
because either the DA is not closed leading to a 5. Kuipers JR, Sidi D, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Comparison
mandatory left-to-right arterial shunt, or there are of methods of measuring cardiac output in newborn lambs.
added problems: Pediatr Res. 1982;16:594–598.
6. Takahashi Y, de Vroomen M, Gournay V, Roman C, Rudolph
1. The pulmonary vascular resistances did not fall AM, Heymann MA. Mechanisms of adrenomedullin-induced
normally (abnormal pulmonary arterial vascular increase of pulmonary blood flow in fetal sheep. Pediatr Res.
bed or reactivity to lung disease). 7. Schmidt KG, Silverman NH, Rudolph AM. Phasic flow
2. There is a post capillary hypertension due to abnormal events at the aortic isthmus-ductus arteriosus junction and
left ventricular function (Fig. 1.7) or to anomalous branch pulmonary artery evaluated by multimodal ultra-
mitral or pulmonary veins. sonography in fetal lambs. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;179:
3. Questions arise concerning the role of an atrial left- 8. Iwamoto HS, Teitel DF, Rudolph AM. Effects of lung dis-
to-right shunt when the foramen ovale does not close tension and spontaneous fetal breathing on hemodynamics
or when there is an atrial septal defect. Normally, in sheep. Pediatr Res. 1993;33:639–644.
this shunt is trivial because, compliance at birth is 9. Iwamoto HS, Teitel DF, Rudolph AM. Effect of birth-related
events on metabolism in fetal sheep. Pediatr Res. 1991;30:
not very different in the two ventricles (as a reminder, 158–164.
fetal right ventricular compliance is a little better 10. Jensen A, Roman C, Rudolph AM. Effects of reducing
than left ventricular compliance) so that the pulmo- uterine blood flow on fetal blood flow distribution and
nary flow does not significantly increase with the oxygen delivery. J Dev Physiol. 1991;15:309–323.
11. Teitel DF, Iwamoto HS, Rudolph AM. Changes in the
fall in pulmonary vascular resistances and therefore pulmonary circulation during birth-related events. Pediatr
does not lead to pulmonary hypertension. If the neo- Res. 1990;27:372.
nate has pulmonary hypertension in the context of 12. Hawkins J, Van Hare GF, Schmidt KG, Rudolph AM. Effects
an atrial septal defect (and a closed DA), the left of increasing afterload on left ventricular output in fetal
lambs. Circ Res. 1989;65:127–134.
ventricle is dysfunctional and responsible for a sub- 13. Rudolph AM, Iwamoto HS, Teitel DF. Circulatory changes
stantial left-to-right atrial shunt (as opposed to a at birth. J Perinat Med. 1988;16:9–21.
situation of high pulmonary capillary pressures). 14. Iwamoto HS, Teitel D, Rudolph AM. Effects of birth-related
4. Sometimes, neonatal pulmonary hypertension results events on blood flow distribution. Pediatr Res. 1987;22:
from the association of increased flow and post 15. Teitel DF, Iwamoto HS, Rudolph AM. Effects of birth-
capillary hypertension (when the foramen ovale is related events on central blood flow patterns. Pediatr Res.
distended with a high velocity left-to-right shunt) 1987;22:557–566.
Chapter 2
Triage and Transport of Infants and Children
with Cardiac Disease

Bradley A. Kuch and Richard A. Orr

2.1  Principles and Practice tions [5], a lack of a confirmed diagnosis, and their
underlying severity of illness. For these reasons, infants
and children with congenital and/or acquired heart dis-
Advances in cardiology, intensive care, and surgical
ease must be transported by a team with pediatric experi-
techniques have led to the survival of children with
ence and more importantly, specialized training in the
previously lethal congenital cardiac defects [1–3].
area of pediatric cardiac disease [6, 7].
A large number of these children present to local com-
munity hospitals, nurseries, and emergency for their
initial stabilization before being transferred to regional
tertiary care centers for more invasive diagnostic, sur-
gical, and/or critical care intervention. Because of 2.2  Initial Call Triage
this, pediatric transport systems have become a sig-
nificant component of the pediatric cardiac care A successful transport always begins at the time of initial
continuum. referral request, at which point the call is triaged by a
The primary goal of any transport system is to pro- command physician who collects pertinent patient infor-
vide a safe and timely transfer to a center specializing mation and gives recommendation for further stabiliza-
in the required care needed without an increase in mor- tion efforts. In calls involving children with suspected or
bidity or mortality. Accomplishing this goal requires a confirmed cardiac disease, either a cardiologist or cardiac
team capable of providing an extension of the pediatric intensive care unit (CICU) physician should be consulted.
cardiac critical care unit (i.e., skills and equipment) to During the initial call A large amount of information must
the referring hospital [4]. be collected, which can be accomplished with a brief
A recent multicentered study demonstrated that nearly report which should include the following:
10% of children requiring interfacility transport have a
• Past medical history
diagnosis of cardiac disease [5]. The main reason for
• Present condition
transport in this group was cyanotic heart disease with
• Vital signs (ABC’s = airway, breathing, circulation)
others, including congestive heart failure (CHF), respira-
tory distress, and sepsis syndrome (Fig. 2.1) [5]. Initial –– Airway patency
stabilization and transport of these children is often com- –– Respiratory rate
plicated by an increased need for stabilizing interven- –– Heart rate
–– Blood pressure
B.A. Kuch (*) –– Perfusion
Department of Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA • Neurologic assessment
R.A. Orr
Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh,
–– Level of consciousness (LOC)
School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of –– Glasgow coma scale (GCS)
UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA –– Presence of seizure activity

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 13
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_2, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
14 B.A. Kuch and R.A. Orr

43 %


Percent (%)

15 %
12 %

10 6.8 %
5.8 %
3.3 % 2.4 % 4.2 %
1.8 % 1.1 %






















it C








Transport Reasons

Fig.  2.1  Primary reasons of transport at the time of initial DX disease; CHF congestive heart failure; Crit Care Monitor
request for transfer data from an EMSC (1-H34-MC-00040-01) need for critical care monitoring; Resp. respiratory; Congenital
funded database of five regional pediatric specialty care teams. Anomal multiple congenital abnormality

• Laboratory data Breathing: The initial assessment of breathing starts

with a visual inspection of the child while entering the
–– Blood glucose level
room, prior to interaction. Identifying the patient’s
–– Complete blood count (CBC)
position, respiratory rate and pattern, level of distress,
–– Electrolytes
and behavior will provide an immediate indication of
–– Cultures (blood, urine, sputum)
the severity of the situation.
• Radiological interpretations Circulation: Assessment of circulation and peripheral
• Interventions Administered perfusion can be done simultaneously during the initial
patient survey. Assessment should include heart
rate, central versus peripheral pulses, capillary refill
time, level of consciousness, and urine output. Early
2.3  Physical Assessment identification and resuscitation of children with poor
perfusion is paramount in limiting the adverse outcomes
Airway: Assessment of the pediatric airway can be associated with uncompensated shock and multi-organ
divided into two functional areas: airway patency dysfunction syndrome.
and airway protection. Rapid assessment will lead Sugar: A serum blood sugar level is easily obtained
the clinician to the next step in gaining control of the with a bedside glucometer and should be documented at
child’s airway. It may be as simple as repositioning the time of the initial transfer request and at the team’s
the child’s head or as complex as endotracheal earliest convenience during transport. Evaluating blood
intubation. glucose level is extremely important as it has been
2  Triage and Transport of Infants and Children with Cardiac Disease 15

reported that 18% of children requiring major resulting in CHF, present mainly with respiratory
intervention in the emergency department were symptoms as a result of pulmonary edema or compli-
found to be hypoglycemic (blood sugar <40  mg/dl) cating infectious pneumonitis. A history from the
with an associated mortality rate of 55% [8]. parent(s) or care taker(s) will reveal a progressive
increased work of breathing, poor feeding tolerance,
and lack of weight gain. These children often appear
Pale and thin but with normal length and head
2.4  Presentation and Stabilization circumference.
A physical assessment reveals tachycardia, tachy-
Stabilization is the shared responsibility of the referring apnea with respiratory distress of varying degrees, and
facility, receiving institution, and transport team. hepatomegaly. Auscultation of the lungs does not usu-
Stabilization always begins at the time of the initial ally reveal rales, more commonly found are wheezes;
transport request and is focused around procurement however, some patients may present with clear breath
of a patent airway, establishing effective respiration, sounds. These children rarely present with low cardiac
ensuring adequate circulation, and identifying hypo- output (CO) and shock, but more often are hypoxic
glycemia or hypocalcemia. and impending respiratory failure.
For the purpose of this chapter, children with heart
disease have been classified into four groups which are:  Chest Radiography
a . Defects with increased pulmonary blood flow
b. Defects with decreased pulmonary blood flow
Chest radiograph will demonstrate cardiology with or
c. Special considerations
without increased pulmonary vascular markings [9].
d. Arrhythmias.
The lungs may be either atelectatic or hyperinflated
Each diagnosis will be discussed in terms of age of secondary to airway obstruction from bronchial wall
presentation and stabilization, following the ABC’s edema.
algorithm.  Stabilizing Intervention

2.4.1  D
 efects with Increased Pulmonary The initial management of these patients should focus
Blood flow [1–4] around alleviating hypoxemia, lessening respiratory
distress, and preventing the need for endotracheal
Congenital cardiac defects with increased pulmonary intubation. Oxygen should be administered immedi-
blood flow frequently present with signs of pulmo- ately to improve hypoxemia. Lowest concentrations,
nary overcirculation. These children present with the required to increase the arterial saturation level (SpO2)
symptom of CHF around 3 months of age. Younger to an acceptable level, should be used, as oxygen is
infants (less than 8 weeks of age) with CHF should a potent pulmonary vasodilator and may worsen the
be evaluated for left heart outflow tract obstruction as left-to-right shunt. Infants with an increased work of
the symptoms may proceed the closure of a patent breathing but maintaining adequate gas exchange
ductus arteriosus (PDA) and onset of shock. Other should be administered intravenous diuretics such as
causes of CHF include cardiomyopathy, infectious furosemide [10]. If supplemental oxygen and diuretic
myocarditis, and tachyarrhythmias. therapy does not alleviate the respiratory distress or
if the condition of the child worsens, endotracheal
intubation should be considered.  Clinical Presentation In situations with poor cardiac function, an inotro-
pic agent with peripheral vasodilatory properties
As mentioned before, patient assessment must begin should be initiated. Epinephrine and dopamine are
with the ABC’s as recommended by the PALS and useful; however, phosphodiesterase III inhibitors
APLS curricula [6, 7]. Infants and children with lesions such as amrinone or milrinone may also be used [11].
16 B.A. Kuch and R.A. Orr

If an infant requires high levels of inotropic support, 2.4.2  L eft Heart Outflow Tract
other diagnosis such as sepsis should be considered. Obstruction
• Atrial septal defects (ASD) and Ventricular septal
defects (VSD) may result in pure volume overload Obstruction to systemic output is the most common
of the right heart and lungs. If an infant or child cause of cardiogenic shock in infants less than 1 month
presents with CHF, oxygen, inotropes, and diuresis of age. These infants may present with symptoms of
are indicated. Moderate fluid restriction, mainte- CHF prior to ductal closing. Once ductal patency is
nance fluid rates of 60–80 cc/kg/h/day may be help- lost, the infant appears “septic” due to low CO and
ful in the absence of shock. profound metabolic acidosis. For this reason, septic
• PDA refractory to Indomethacin therapy requires shock is the principal differential diagnosis and the
transfer to pediatric tertiary care centers for surgical infant should be treated for both conditions until further
intervention. Oxygen should be used with caution diagnostic elucidation. Infants with left heart outflow
in preterm infants with large PDA as it will further tract obstruction often become symptomatic over hours,
increase pulmonary overcirculation by decreasing however, they may present as late as 8 weeks of age.
PVR. If left untreated, the pulmonary overcircula-
tion may result in pulmonary hypertension revers-
ing the shunt thus resulting in hypoxia. A past  Clinical Presentation
medical history of a PDA may be associated with
endocarditis in children. Physical examination reveals tachyapnea with increas-
• Truncus Arteriosus (TA) results in pulmonary over- ing respiratory distress or apnea, tachycardia, lethargy,
circulation as the common “trunk” is exposed to irritability, hepatomegaly, and severe shock. Pulses
systemic pressure causing a large left-to-right shunt. may be weak or absent. Arterial blood gas analysis
Severe hypoxia is rare. Older children who are post- will reveal a severe metabolic acidosis (pH <7.20) with
TA repair may present with CHF secondary to a low PaCO2, and mild hypoxia with a PaO2 between
truncal insufficiency or conduit stenosis. 50 and 70  torr. Hypoxemia is a result of pulmonary
• In anomalous pulmonary venous return (APRV) edema and/or right-to-left shunting across the PDA;
clinical presentation depends on the number, loca- however, the addition of oxygen may constrict the
tion, and presence of obstruction within the anoma- PDA limiting systemic blood flow and should be used
lous connection(s). In infants with a total anomalous with caution in these patients.
venous return (TAPVR), cyanosis may present in
the neonatal period due to the elevated PVR limiting
pulmonary blood flow. As the PVR drops, pulmo-  Chest Radiography
nary blood flow increases and the SpO2 rises to
the upper 80’s lower 90’s %. These infants usually Chest radiograph will reveal cardiomegly with pulmo-
present during first of age with right heart failure, nary edema.
unless there is an obstructed anatomic form,
TAPVR, with venous obstruction usually presents
in the first few days of life and requires urgent sur-  Stabilizing Intervention
gical intervention. Fluid overload must be avoided
and initiation of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) may not The emergency stabilization of left heart obstruction
improve hypoxia in these infants as mixing occurs focuses around re-establishing ductal patency and
at the atrial and ventricular levels. However, PGE1 increasing systemic blood flow. PGE1 infusions are
should still be started as some infants may have critical for reopening the ductus arteriosus providing a
restricted mixing at the atrial level requiring a PDA pathway for this to occur. When systemic blood flow is
for systemic blood flow (see chapter Anomalous improved, peripheral pulses will return, urine output
Pulmonary Venous Return, by Tsifansky M, Munoz will increase, and the metabolic acidosis will slowly
R, Kazmerski T, Kreuter J, Morell V). This lesion is clear. Severe acidosis will decrease myocardial function
difficult to differentiate from primary pulmonary and should be buffered with sodium bicarbonate
hypertension (PPHN) in the transport environment. (NaHCO3−). In cases where poor cardiac function is
2  Triage and Transport of Infants and Children with Cardiac Disease 17

present, intravenous inotropic support with dopamine require inotropes and multiple boluses of Na HCO3−
and/or dobutamine should be initiated [11]. Amrinone for pH buffering. Maintaining Qp:Qs ratio at 1:1 is
or milrinone may be useful for increasing CO, peripheral essential for survival. Arterial blood gases should
vasodilatation, and lusitropic properties [11]. be in the ranges of pH 7.40, PaO2 35–40  mmHg,
Endotracheal intubation is indicated in infants who PaCO2 35–40 mmHg, HCO3− 24 mmol/L, and FiO2
have apnea, refractory shock, altered mental status (GCS should be set to achieve a SpO2 in the 70’s [10].
<8 or 3 less than baseline), or in those who’s respiratory Sedation and paralysis may be useful in controlling
status posses a risk of decompensation while en route. the aforementioned parameters. If SpO2 rises and
Advanced airway management should also be consid- the metabolic acidosis worsens there is excessive
ered in infants receiving high dose PGE1 infusions as pulmonary blood flow (Qp) and if the SpO2 drops
clinically significant apnea may occur [12]. Ventilator there is too little pulmonary blood flow. Blood
management should be aimed at preventing pulmonary glucose and calcium level should be followed
overcirculation by maintaining a pulmonary to systemic throughout transport.
perfusion (Qp:Qs) ratio of 1:1. [9, 12]. Maintaining
­arterial oxygen saturations between 80% and 85%, and a
PaO2 in the 35–40 mmHg range is recommended [10]. 2.4.3  D
 efect with Decreased Pulmonary
• Aortic stenosis (AS) may present either during the Blood Flow
immediate newborn period or childhood. Critical
AS presents in the neonatal period when ductal Cyanosis in the newborn presenting to a local community
patency is lost limiting systemic blood flow through hospital without pediatric cardiology poses a significant
a stenotic aortic value. Blood pressure in all four diagnostic problem as the cause may be pulmonary,
extremities will be low as the obstruction is below cardiac, or a combination of both. In a resource limited
the root of the subclavian arteries. environment such as transport, distinctions must be
Undiagnosed AS in the older child presents made by obtaining an accurate familial and prenatal
with a history of fatigue, dyspnea on exertion, and history, conducting a thorough physical exam, and
less commonly syncope. These children rarely utilizing specific lab data.
require interfacility transport. However, children in
this age group may suffer from restenosis following
repair leading to severe aortic insufficiency and  Clinical Presentation
ultimately left heart failure.
• Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) may present as late Familial and prenatal history: Upon arrival, the trans-
as 8 weeks of age and should be considered in any port team should quickly evaluate the family history
infant within this age group who has signs of cardio- for congenital heart defects, birth defects, syndromes,
genic shock. Assessment of pulses will reveal signifi- and early deaths [10]. A prenatal history should be
cant difference in the carotids and upper extremities reviewed for a maternal history of diabetes, or for any
compared to the femoral and lower limbs. Blood exposure to rubella, Coxsackie, or radiation. The onset
pressure measurements should be performed and of cyanosis and/or respiratory distress should also be
recorded in all four extremities. The blood pressure noted as it may give important clues to whether the
will be greater above the obstruction (right arm) and symptoms are related to the closure of the ductus arte-
lower below the obstruction (legs). In the setting of riosus or the development of sepsis.
an aberrant right subclavian artery, the pressure gra- Physical Examination: The physical assessment
dient may not be present. should begin with the appearance and level of respira-
• Hypoplastic left-sided heart syndrome (HLHS) tory distress. Agitation, irritability, tachypnea, nasal
commonly presents within the first 7 days of life. flaring, grunting, and retractions suggest pulmonary
Rapid deterioration occurs as the only source of pathology. Infants with cyanotic heart disease, usually
systemic blood flow (PDA) closes resulting in have central cyanosis, appear comfortable with little to
profound cyanosis, hypotension, and metabolic no increased work of breathing which is generally
acidosis. Endotracheal intubation and immediate referred to as “quiet tachypnea.” Pre and post-ducal
initiation of PGE1 are indicated. These infants often pulse oximetry is extremely useful in identifying the
18 B.A. Kuch and R.A. Orr

presence of ductal shunting [13]. Evaluating the which depends on the degree of cyanosis, acidosis,
presence of differential cyanosis is also useful since and the frequency of these hypercyanotic spells (see
blue upper extremities and pink lower extremities chapter Tetralogy of Fallot, by Chrysostomou C,
are highly suggestive of congenital heart disease. Domnina Y, Kazmerski T, Morell V, Munoz R).
Endocarditis should be considered in febrile chil-
dren with a history of TOF.  Imaging and Laboratory Data • Critical pulmonary stenosis (PS) and pulmonary
atresia with intact ventricular septum cause obstruc-
A chest X-ray with any of the following is suggestive tion of forward flow across the pulmonary valve
of cyanotic heart disease: clear lung fields, cardiomegaly resulting in profound cyanosis. These infants
(cardiothoracic ratio >0.50), and decreased pulmonary require PGE1 infusions to ensure adequate pulmo-
vascular markings. nary blood flow, and in the presence of ventricular
If any of the following are present, a hyperoxia test dysfunction may require inotropic support [11].
may be useful in identifying the etiology of the cyanosis. Older children with progressive PS rarely present
A right to left shunt is likely when the PaO2 is with cyanosis; if present, its usual cause is an ASD
<200 mmHg in 100% oxygen [10]. with a right to left shunt [10].
Immediate intervention is indicated in any cyanotic • Transposition of great arteries (TGA) is the most
infant whose arterial blood gas reveals a pH <7.28 or a common cyanotic heart defect [10]. It should be sus-
PaCO2 >50  mmHg or a PaO2 <50  mmHg on a FiO2 pected in any infant with isolated, central, and pro-
³0.5 [10, 14]. gressive differential cyanosis: blue upper extremities
and pink lower extremities. In the event there is little
response from the administration of fluids, supple-
mental oxygen, then the initiation of PGE1 is indi-  Stabilizing Intervention
cated; however, older infants may be unresponsive to
the later and may require an urgent atrial septostomy
Prostaglandin E1 should be initiated in any situation
to facilitate adequate mixing. Time to reach a pediat-
where there is a high suspicion of cyanotic heart
ric tertiary center, where a emergent septostomy can
disease. Some have recommended intubation prior
be performed, is an important factor in the survival of
to transport in all infants who require PGE1 infusions to
these infants. Infants with an associated VSD may
avoid clinically significant apnea and lessen the risk of
present in CHF. Inotropic support and diuresis are
severe hypoxia [10]. Further control in the respiratory
often indicated. Calcium should be monitored, keep-
status of the infant may be facilitated with the use of
ing in mind the possibility of a DiGeorge syndrome.
sedation and neuromuscular blockade.
• Tetralogy of fallot (TOF) in the newborn period
may have little right-to-left shunting, occasionally
referred to as “pink tetralogy.” A chest X-ray in this 2.4.4  Special Considerations
period may reveal a “boot shaped” heart. As the
infant grows, the infundibular obstruction function- • Cardiomyopathy is a common etiology of pediatric
ably becomes more significant, increasing right-to- heart failure. Dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
left shunting resulting in hypoxia. Sudden onset of thies are two types which pose a significant challenge
severe hypoxia or “tet spells” commonly occur to the transport team. Delineation of the two is based
between 2 and 4 months of age for reasons includ- on clinical, hemodynamic, and structural features, of
ing fever, dehydration, anxiety, pain, and manipula- which there is some degree of overlap [14].
tion of an artificial airway, as for example suctioning.
Tet spells are treated with supplement oxygen,
administration of morphine sulfate and beta-block-
ers, administration of volume, initiation of vasoac-  Clinical Presentation
tive agents to increase the systemic vascular
resistance, or simply placing the child in the knee– Infants and children with either type present with symp-
chest position [10]. Intubation may be indicated toms of CHF. However, in more seriously ill children, it
2  Triage and Transport of Infants and Children with Cardiac Disease 19

presents as cardiovascular failure and shock. Children ventricular hypertrophy without ventricular dilation
with poor cardiac function will appear anxious with [14]. Typically, a chest radiograph is normal [14, 17].
tachycardia, tachypnea, possibly with grunting, prolonged This type of cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of
capillary refill, and hypotension. Hypotension results sudden death in children and adults.
from low cardiac output and in the most severe cases, ful-
minant pulmonary edema may be present. Stabilization is
focused around decreasing myocardial workload on the 2.4.5  Arrhythmias
failing heart while increasing its function.

The transport team’s management of arrhythmias  Stabilizing Intervention should be focused around those which may potentially,
or at the time, be compromising hemodynamic stabil-
The level of cardiopulmonary compromise dictates the ity. It is essential to assess and support the ABC’s,
extent of stabilization. Noncritical patients may require since, often the underlying cause of the arrhythmia is
only supplemental oxygen and diuretics to improve fluid related to compromise of the airway, breathing, circu-
homeostasis. In the most severe cases, airway control and lation, or hypoglycemia (Table 2.1) [6, 7, 18].
work of breathing must be removed from the patient and Most transport monitors used today have the capacity
controlled by the team. Removing the work associated to record and print rhythm strips which are potentially
with breathing will decrease the metabolic demands of useful in diagnosing the exact arrhythmia which occurred.
both the respiratory muscles and heart, thus decreasing All strips should be saved in the presence of a suspected
stress on the already failing cardiopulmonary system. In arrhythmia for a later evaluation by a pediatric cardiol-
addition, a higher mean airway pressure will decrease ogist. A continuous ECG strip should also be obtained
intrapulmonary shunting created by the fluid filled alveo- during any attempt at converting the arrhythmia by
lus. High levels of positive end-expiratory pressure noninvasive methods such as vagal maneuvers or infu-
(PEEP) should be used with caution as it may limit venous sions of antiarrhythmics agents. Recording the onset
return to the heart. Following stabilization of the airway and/or termination of an arrhythmia offers vital clues in
and breathing, continuous infusions of inotropic agents identifying the most successful method of management.
should be initiated. Sympathomimetic agents such as
dopamine, dobutamine, and epinephrine have been advo-
cated [15]. High doses of dopamine will amplify cardiac  Tachyarrhythmias
action but will also increase peripheral vasoconstriction,
and may be proarrhythmogenic [15]. Amrinone or milri- • Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) most com-
none may also be useful in improving CO, promoting monly occurs in infants under the age of 4 months
peripheral vasodilatation, and increasing systolic and and often presents as poor feeding, inconsolability,
possibly diastolic function [10]. Peripheral vasodilators tachypnea, prolonged capillary refill time, and mot-
such as nitroprusside and hydralazine may be useful in tling [19]. It should be considered in any infant with
decreasing afterload [15]. In the presence of a metabolic a sudden onset narrow complex (£0.08 s) tachycar-
acidosis, buffering with Na HCO3− is indicated, as severe dia with a heart rate 220 or more or in any child with
acidosis further compromises myocardial function. a heart rate 180 or more. SVT is associated with
Ebstein’s anomaly and with pre-excitation syn-
• Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common
dromes (i.e., Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome).
form of cardiomyopathy and a major reason for
cardiac transplantation, with 31% of patients either
Table 2.1  Treatable causes of arrhythmias: The four H’s and
succumbing to the disease or receiving transplanta-
four T’s concept
tion within 1 year of diagnosis [16]. This type of
Hypovolemia Toxins
cardiomyopathy is characterized by ventricular dila- Hypoxia Tamponade, cardiac
tion and systolic dysfunction. A chest radiograph Hydrogen Ion (acidosis) Tension pneumothorax
will show cardiomegaly often with pulmonary venous Hypo-/Hyper-kalemia Thrombosis (coronary or pulmonary)
congestion [14]. Hypoglycemia Trauma (hypovolemia)
• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is primarily a disease Hypothermia
of the myocardium which is distinguished by left Adapted from references [6, 7, 19]
20 B.A. Kuch and R.A. Orr

–– Stabilizing Intervention etiologies include hypothermia, hypoglycemia,

hypothyroidism, increased intracranial pressure, sei-
Treatment of SVT depends on the degree of hemodynamic
zures, and vagal stimulation from the placement/
instability. In stable infants and children ice may be
adjustment of nasogastric tubes or endotracheal tubes.
applied on the face without occluding the airway
Children who have had cardiac transplantation have
[18]. In older children, carotid sinus massage or
denervated hearts and often develop bradycardia.
Valsalva maneuvers may be useful. If IV access is
Atrioventricular blocks (A/V blocks) are rarely
available, adenosine should be given rapidly via the two
symptomatic in children; however, will be discussed
syringe technique. The technique is easily accomplished
considering their varying etiologies. They include struc-
by using a stopcock or double lumen t-connector. One
tural heart disease, infection, inflammatory, neurode-
port is to push the adenosine and the second port used
generative disease, muscular dystrophies, infiltrative
to flush with ³5 mL of normal saline [18]. If the patient
disorders, trauma, and drug intoxications.
is unstable or IV access is unavailable, synchronized
cardioversion at 0.5–1  J/kg should be administered • First-degree AV block is defined as a prolonged PR
[6, 7, 18]. If unsuccessful, a repeat shock can be deliv- interval (PR >0.20 in any age group) [6, 7, 10, 18].
ered at 2 J/kg. Consider amiodarone or procainamide Neonatal PR interval is usually between 0.09 and
prior to the third shock [6, 7, 18]. 0.12. Rarely does this type of heart block present
symptomatically, therefore, it is of little concern.
• Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) is differentiated from
• Second-degree mobitz type 1 or Wenckebach block
SVT by a wide complex (³0.08 s) and poor perfusion.
is defined as increasing prolongation of the PR
Most children who present with VT have a history
interval eventually producing a nonconducted P
of congenital or acquired heart disease.
wave. It is caused by the same etiologies stated
–– Stabilizing Intervention above with the addition of Digoxin toxicity [20].
• Mobitz type II second degree block and third degree
If the child is unstable and VT is suspected, immediate
heart block indicate more serious cardiac patholo-
synchronized cardioversion should be performed at
gies and should be considered when the P waves are
0.5–1 J/kg when the airway and breathing is stabilized.
found to be “marching through” the ECG tracing
A dose of adenosine may be useful in determining
with little to no association with the QRS complex.
whether the rhythm is SVT with aberrant conduction,
Both can present as a late postoperative complication
however, cardioversion should not be delayed [18]. If a
when scarring begins to infiltrate the conduction sys-
second shock is required, it should be delivered at 2 J/kg
tem. Inflammatory disorders, such as myocarditis is
[6, 7, 18]. If a second shock is unsuccessful or the VT
another cause of these types of advanced heart blocks.
recurs quickly, amiodarone or procainamide should be
Congenital complete heart block occurs in approxi-
considered prior to a third shock. Close monitoring of
mately 1 in 15,000–20,000 live births and should be
the ECG and blood pressure should be performed during
considered in any infant who presents with complete
the administration of any antiarrhythmic agent. In the
heart block in the newborn period from a mother
presence of VF with hemodynamic stability, an expert
with history of connective tissue disease (commonly
should be consulted, since all arrhythmia therapies have
systemic lupus erythematosus) [10]. Acquired third
a significant potential for causing serious adverse
degree block could also be identified in the context of
effects [18]. In case of polymorphic VT, Torsades de
complex cardiac defects (i.e., congenitally corrected
Pointe ought to be considered and a dose of 25 mg/kg
transposition of the great vessels, heterotaxic anoma-
of magnesium sulfate should be promptly administered.
lies) or long QT syndrome.
In any of the above situations, electrolytic disturbances
should be ruledout and aggressively rectified.

Stabilizing Intervention  Bradycardic Arrhythmia
The initial management of bradycardia and AV blocks
The most common cause of bradycardia in children is focused on the establishment of a patent airway,
is hypoxemia with or without hypoventilation. Other reversal of hypoxemia, and treatment of any underlying
2  Triage and Transport of Infants and Children with Cardiac Disease 21

metabolic derangement. The upper airway should 7. Yamamoto L, ed. American Academy of Pediatrics APLS:
rapidly be assessed for obstruction, easily identified The Pediatric Emergency Medicine Resource, Revised 4th
ed. Boston, MA: Jones and Barrtlett Publishers; 2004.
by the presence of little or no airflow, upper airway 8. Losek JD. Hypoglycemia and the ABC’S (sugar) of pediatric
stridor, or asynchronous chest and abdominal motion. resuscitation. Ann Emerg Med. 2000;35:43–46.
Endotracheal intubation may be indicated. In severe 9. Hoch B, Netz H. Heart failure in pediatric patients. Thorac
symptomatic bradycardia, cardiopulmonary resuscitation Cardiov Surg. 2005;53:s129–s134.
10. Javois AJ. Pediatric cardiology in transport medicine. In:
must begin without delay. Intravenous administration Jaimovich DG, Vidyasagar D, eds. Handbook of Pediatric
of agents which modify the autonomic nervous sys- and Neonatal Transport Medicine. 2nd ed. Philadelphia,
tem is indicated in case of persistent symptomatic United States: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 2002:93–124.
bradycardia. These include atropine, which can be 11. Wessel DL. Managing low cardiac output syndrome after
congenital heart surgery. Crit Care Med. 2001;29:s220–s230.
given as a single bolus (0.02 mg/kg) up to four doses, 12. Lewis AB, Freed MD, Heymann MA, et al. Side effects
epinephrine (0.1–1  mg/kg/min), or isoproterenol of therapy with prostaglandin E1 in infants with critical
(0.05–0.5 mg/kg/min [10]. Temporary transcutaneous congenital heart disease. Circulation. 1981;64:893–898.
pacing should be considered in any child with severe 13. Balaguru D, Artman M, Auslender M. Management of heart
failure in children. Curr Probl Pediatr. 2000;30:1–35.
bradycardia unresponsive to pharmacological therapy 14. Arlettaz R, Bauschatz A, Monkhoff M, et al. The contribu-
[6, 7, 10, 18]. tion of pulse oximetry to the early detection of congenital
heart disease in newborns. Eur J Pediatr. 2006;165:94–98.
15. Lewis AB. The failing myocardium. In: Chang AC, Hanley
FL, Wernosky G, Wessel DL, eds. Pediatric Cardiac Intensive
References Care. Baltimore, United States: Williams & Wilkins; 1998:
16. Olsen TM, Chan DP. Dilated congestive cardiomyopathy.
1. Chang AC. Pediatric cardiac intensive care: current state of In: Allen HD, Gutgesell HP, Clark EB, Driscoll DJ, eds.
the art and beyond the millennium. Curr Opin Pediatr. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and
2000;12:238–246. Adolescents Including the Fetus and Young Adult. 6th ed.
2. Blume ED, Altman K, Mayer JE, et al. Evolution of risk factors Philadelphia, United States: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;
influencing early mortality of the arterial switch operation. 2001:1187–1196.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 1999;33:1702–1709. 17. Towbin JA, Lowe AM, Colan SD, et  al. Incidence, cause,
3. Ishino K, Stumper O, DeGiovanni JJ, et  al. The modified and outcomes of dilated cardiomyopathy in children. JAMA.
Norwood procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome: 2006;296:1867–1876.
early to intermediate results of 120 patients with particular 18. Woods WA, McCulloch MA. Cardiovascular emergencies in
reference to aortic ach repair. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. the pediatric patient. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2005;23:
1999;117:920–930. 1233–1249.
4. Woodward GA, Insoft RM, et al. The state of pediatric inter- 19. 2005 American Heart Association Guidelines for cardiopul-
facility transport: consensus of the second National Pediatric monary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care, Part
and Neonatal Interfacility Transport Medicine Leader ship 12: Pediatric advanced life support. Circulation. 2005;112:
Conference. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2002;18:38–43. IV167–IV187.
5. Kuch BA, Munoz R, Orr RA. Interfacility transport of 20. Ko JK, Deal BJ, Strasburger JF, et  al. Supraventricular
infants and children with congenital heart disease: a multi- tachycardia mechanisms and their age distribution in pediat-
center analysis. Cardiol Young. 2006;16:S91. ric patients. Am J Cardiol. 1992;69:1028.
6. Zaritsky AL, Nadkarni VM, Hickey RW, Schexnayder SM, 21. Moss MM. Cardiovascular system. In: McCloskey K, Orr
Berg RA, eds. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider RA, eds. Pediatric Transport Medicine. St. Louis, United
Manual. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association; 2002. States: Mosby; 1995:218–237.
Chapter 3
Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care

Shekhar T. Venkataraman

3.1  Introduction chest and lung compliances would require a greater

Ptp (trans-pulmonary pressure) to inflate the lung to
the same lung volume. This imposes a greater work
Mechanical ventilation is often required for infants and
load on the respiratory muscles, and increases the oxygen
children with cardiovascular disorders. This chapter
cost of breathing(OCB). When the oxygen supply–
briefly reviews the physiology of lung inflation and
demand balance to the respiratory muscles is perturbed,
deflation with tidal breathing, the principles involved
respiratory failure may ensue due to muscle fatigue.
with the practice of conventional ventilation, the design
Systemic arterial oxygenation depends upon the
and functional characteristics of conventional ventila-
inspired oxygen concentration and tension, lung volume,
tors, the theory and practice of respiratory care, and
cardiac output, ventilation–perfusion matching, and
special forms of artificial respiration.
the magnitude of venous admixture or intrapulmonary
shunting. A critical opening pressure is required to
maintain both the patency of the terminal airways and
3.2  Physiology alveolar volume. Alveolar collapse, which readily occurs
below the critical opening pressure, leads to inadequate
oxygenation due to increased intrapulmonary shunting
The primary determinants of lung inflation are the
resulting from ventilation–perfusion (V/Q) mismatch.
pressure difference between the airway opening and the
Inadequate ventilation, reflected by an increase in arterial
alveoli, the resistance of the conducting airways, and
carbon dioxide (PaCO2), results from a minute alveolar
the compliance of the regional alveolar segments. Time
ventilation that is insufficient to meet the metabolic
constant is the product of compliance and resistance, and
production of carbon dioxide.
is defined as the time taken to cause a given change in
lung volume with a constant distending pressure. One
time constant is the time taken to cause a 63% change
in volume, and three time constants is the time taken to 3.2.1  I ndications for Mechanical
cause a 95% change in volume [1]. Expiration is for Ventilation
the most part passive, because of the elastic recoil of the
lung, which is attributable to alveolar surface tension
and tissue elasticity. Since inspiratory and expiratory The primary indication for institution of assisted
resistances are different, their time constants may be ventilation is respiratory failure. Apnea or respiratory
different. Increased airway resistance and decreased arrest is an extreme form of respiratory failure and an
absolute indication for mechanical ventilation.
Respiratory failure is generally defined as the
presence of the following:
S.T. Venkataraman (*)
Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital
1 . Inadequate oxygenation
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2. Inadequate ventilation
e-mail: 3. Both

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 23
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_3, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
24 S.T. Venkataraman

Inadequate oxygenation, objectively, is defined as cycled by a preset time, pressure, or volume and is not
an arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) less than 60 torr in under the control of the patient. Whether the manda-
room air, a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of <300, and a calculated tory breath is initiated by the ventilator or by the
or measured intrapulmonary shunt fraction >15%. patient, the characteristics of the breath (changes in
Inadequate ventilation is defined as an arterial flow, pressure, and volume) and the inspiratory time of
carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) >50 torr in the absence the breath are the same. Assist-control refers to a mode
of chronic hypercapnia. Impending respiratory failure of ventilation when a patient receives a combination of
characterized by rapidly rising PaCO2, progressive respi- ventilator-initiated and patient-initiated mandatory
ratory distress, PaCO2 out of proportion to the respiratory breaths. When the initiation and termination of a breath
effort, or fatigue of respiratory muscles is a relative is under the control of the patient’s breathing efforts, it
indication for mechanical ventilation. is referred to as spontaneous breaths. A spontaneous
Intubation and institution of mechanical ventilation breath with an inspiratory pressure that is greater than
under these circumstances are likely to be more the expiratory pressure is referred to as a supported or
controlled than when full-blown respiratory failure an assisted mechanical breath for which the trigger can
develops. Therefore, in critically ill children, it is be either pressure or flow. When all minute ventilation
preferable to institute mechanical ventilation before is provided by the ventilator, it is referred to as total
respiratory failure develops. ventilatory support. When all breaths are mandatory
Cardiovascular dysfunction can result in decreased breaths, it is referred to as continuous mandatory ven-
respiratory reserve, can increase respiratory work, and tilation (CMV). Total ventilatory support is provided
may ultimately result in respiratory failure. Positive entirely by CMV. When spontaneous breathing is
pressure ventilation decreases lactate production by responsible for some of the minute ventilation and
respiratory muscles during circulatory shock, and with- the rest by the ventilator, it is referred to as partial
drawal of ventilatory support results in a marked ventilatory support. Minute ventilation provided by
increase in cardiac work [2, 3]. Therefore, mechanical ventilator-initiated mandatory breaths are referred to
ventilation may not only decrease the work of breath- as controlled mechanical ventilation and those pro-
ing under these circumstances but also decrease the vided by assisted mechanical breaths (patient-initiated)
oxygen demand of the heart. they are referred to as assisted mechanical ventilation
Acute neurologic disorders may require mechanical (AMV). When spontaneous breathing is responsible
ventilation for the following reasons: for the entire minute ventilation without any assistance
from the ventilator, then it is referred to as complete
1 . Decreased ventilatory drive and acute hypercapnia
spontaneous breathing. Partial ventilatory support can
2. Loss of airway protective reflexes
be provided by CMV, AMV, or a combination of both.
3. To deliberately hyperventilate in disorders associated
The two most common forms of controlled mechanical
with intracranial hypertension to produce hypocap-
ventilation are pressure-regulated and volume-regulated
nia and respiratory alkalosis
4. Decreased ventilatory effort.

3.2.2  Modes of Ventilation 3.2.3  V

 olume-Regulated Mandatory
A detailed review of the physical characteristics and
functional design of ventilators is beyond the scope of Volume-regulated ventilation can be delivered either
this chapter, and the reader is referred to several excellent by volume-cycled breath, where inspiration is terminated
reviews on this subject [4–8]. When the termination of after a pre-set volume is delivered, and inspiratory
a breath is under the control of the mechanical ventilator, time is allowed to vary, or by volume-regulated time-
it is referred to as a mandatory breath. A mandatory cycled breaths, where the cycling mechanism is pre-set
breath may be initiated by the ventilator or it can be time, and the tidal volume delivered is regulated by
initiated by the patient. A mandatory breath is always adjusting the inspiratory flow rate. In volume-regulated
3  Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care 25

ventilation, the tidal volume is delivered throughout patient’s lungs. Pressure-controlled ventilation results
inspiration. The peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) is in higher mean airway pressure for the same amount of
variable and is dependent on the flow rate, the total minute ventilation.
resistance, and the total compliance of the ventilator
circuit and the patient’s lungs. Changes in resistance or
compliance will be reflected by an increase in PIP, and
the ventilator can be set to alarm at a pressure limit that 3.2.5  Intermittent mandatory ventilation
is generally set 5–10 cm above the PIP.
Most modern ventilators deliver the pre-set tidal
Intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) refers to a
volumes quite reliably, but, the tidal volumes delivered
pattern of controlled ventilation where spontaneous
to the patient on a breath-to-breath basis may not always
breathing is permitted. Between mandatory machine
be constant. The tidal volume delivered by the ventilator
breaths, the patient can breathe spontaneously and the
is distributed between the ventilator circuit, the airways,
required gas flow is delivered either through a continuous
and the patient’s lungs. The effective tidal volume
flow or a demand system [9]. The spontaneous breaths
(VTeff) delivered to the patient can be approximated
are not assisted by a ventilator breath. Therefore, the
by the following formula: VTeff = VTdel – Cvent
tidal volumes generated by the spontaneous breaths
(PIP – PEEP) , where VTdel is tidal volume delivered
are dependent on the patient’s effort alone and not on
by the ventilator; and Cvent is the compliance of the
the ventilator support. When IMV is synchronized to the
ventilator circuit. VTdel is equal to the inspired tidal
patient’s inspiratory efforts, it is referred to as synchro-
volume, when there is no leak in the total respiratory
nized IMV (SIMV). Each time a synchronized breath
system. But, when there is a leak in the system, such as
is delivered, the machine recomputes the time required
with the use of uncuffed endotracheal tubes, then VTdel
to deliver the next mandatory breath. In SIMV, the total
is less than the inspired tidal volume. During exhala-
number of mandatory breaths will only be equal to the
tion, expiratory flow curves depend on the type of
preset frequency of mandatory breaths. SIMV breaths
expiratory resistance or PEEP valve in the system.
can be volume-regulated, or pressure-limited.

3.2.4  P
 ressure-Regulated Mandatory
Breaths 3.3  CPAP/PEEP

Pressure-regulated ventilation can be either pressure- CPAP refers to the maintenance of positive airway
cycled or pressure-limited and time-cycled ventilation. pressure throughout the respiratory cycle with no posi-
In pressure-cycled ventilators, inspiration is terminated tive pressure breaths being delivered to the patient.
when a pre-set pressure limit is reached. In this mode of Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) refers to
ventilation, the inspiratory time may vary depending the maintenance of positive airway pressure above
on the changes in resistance and compliance of the atmospheric pressure at the airway opening at end
total respiratory system. This mode of ventilation is expiration [10]. CPAP/PEEP can be applied by:
not widely used these days except for intermittent
1 . An underwater column
positive-pressure breathing treatments. Pressure-limited
2. A water-weighted diaphragm
time-cycled ventilation is most commonly used in the
3. A venturi valve
neonate with respiratory distress syndrome and in
4. A spring-loaded valve
children with ARDS. In this mode, inspiratory and
5. A pressurized exhalation valve
expiratory times are constant, and the PIP reaches a
6. A magnetic valve
preset limit quickly early in inspiration and is then
7. A fixed or adjustable orifice
maintained at that level during the rest of the inspiratory
phase. Usually a high flow rate is used (4–10  L/kg/ CPAP may be provided through the endotracheal tube,
min). The tidal volume delivered depends on the com- through specially designed nasal prongs or nasal cannula,
pliance and resistance of the ventilator circuit and the or through a facemask.
26 S.T. Venkataraman

3.3.1  S
 election of Parameters spontaneous breath creates a negative pressure
for Mandatory Breaths (pressure-triggering) or a change in flow through
the circuit (flow-triggering), which triggers the venti-
lator to deliver a breath. With initiation, the machine
The first parameter is the VTeff. A desirable VTeff for most delivers high inspiratory flow to achieve a peak airway
patients is 8–10  ml/kg. The end-inspiratory alveolar pressure level that is selected by the operator [11–13].
pressure should not exceed 40  cm of H2O. During The pressure-limit stays constant as long as the patient’s
mechanical ventilation, end-inspiratory alveolar pressure inspiratory effort is maintained with a variable gas
can be estimated by measuring the end-inspiratory air- flow rate from the ventilator [12, 13]. As inspiration
way pressure using an end-inspiratory hold maneuver. continues, the inspiratory flow rate decreases. A threshold
Ventilator rate is the next parameter to be selected reduction in the flow rate is a signal for the termination
and depends upon the age of the patient and the venti- of the inspiratory assist, with the opening of an expira-
latory requirements of the patient. The initial ventilator tory valve, following which passive exhalation occurs
rate for a newborn infant usually ranges from 25 to 30/ [11–13]. PSV is entirely dependent on the patient’s
min; for a 1-year old, between 20 and 25/min; and for effort; if the patient becomes apneic, the ventilator will
an adolescent, from 15 to 20/min. not provide any mechanical breath.
The inspiratory time is selected to provide an
inspiratory-to-expiratory time (I:E) ratio of at least 1:2
in most patients. Inspiratory time must be selected to allow
sufficient time for all lung segments to be inflated. 3.3.3  Dual Control Modes
Similarly, sufficient expiratory time must be pro-
vided for all lung segments to empty. If inspiration Dual control modes are newer modes that allow the
starts before the lung has completely emptied, this will ventilator to control pressure or volume based on a
result in air trapping and inadvertent PEEP. feedback loop. They cannot control both at the same
PEEP is the next parameter to be selected. The level time, but rather one or the other. There are currently
of PEEP will depend on the clinical circumstance. The two techniques for performing dual control. In both
goals of PEEP are listed below: these techniques of dual-control modes, there is an
1) Increasing FRC above closing volume to prevent attempt made to assure a certain target tidal volume.
alveolar collapse These can be classified as dual-control within a breath
2) Maintaining stability of alveolar segments or dual control breath-to-breath.
3) Improvement in oxygenation Two examples of dual control modes within a breath
4) Reduction in work of breathing are volume-assured pressure support (VAPS) (Bird
8400ST and Tbird, Bird Corp., Palm Springs, CA) and
The optimum PEEP is the level at which there is an pressure augmentation (PA) (Bear 1000, Bear Medical,
acceptable balance between the desired goals and the Riverside, CA). Both these techniques can operate during
undesired adverse effects. mandatory breaths (pressure-limited time-cycled) or
Fraction of the inspired oxygen (FiO2) is the next pressure-supported breaths.
parameter to be selected. FiO2 is adjusted to maintain Dual-control breath-to-breath mode with mandatory
an adequate PaO2. In certain cyanotic heart diseases, it pressure-limited time-cycled breaths is referred to as
may be desirable to use the lowest possible FiO2 to pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC with Siemens
maintain an adequate balance between the pulmonary 300), adaptive pressure ventilation (APV with Hamilton
and systemic circulations. Galileo), autoflow (Evita 4), or variable pressure con-
trol (Venturi), depending on the manufacturer. In this
form of pressure-limited, time-cycled ventilation,
delivered tidal volume is used as a feedback control for
3.3.2  Pressure-Support Ventilation continuously adjusting the pressure limit. All breaths
in these modes are time- or patient-triggered, pressure-
In pressure-support ventilation (PSV), the ventilator limited, and time-cycled. One difference between
assists patient’s own spontaneous effort with a mechani- devices is that the Siemens 300 only allows PRVC in
cal breath with a pre-set pressure limit. The patient’s the CMV mode. The newer Servoi ventilator and the
3  Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care 27

other ventilators allow dual control breath to breath pressure-limited time-cycled ventilation with a high
using CMV or SIMV. In this mode, the ventilator PIP, or combining titrated levels of PEEP with increased
attempts to target the “desired” tidal volume and makes inflation pressures. Ventilatory sighs are effective in
adjustments to the PIP to achieve the goals. recruiting alveoli in ARDS [15].
Dual control breath to breath in the pressure support
mode quite simply is closed loop pressure support venti-
lation, with tidal volume as the input variable. It is
referred to as volume support (Siemens 300, Siemens 3.4.2  Heart Failure
Medical Systems, Inc., Danvers, MA) and variable pres-
sure support (Venturi, Cardiopulmonary Corporation, The goals in respiratory management in congestive
New Haven, CT). All breaths are patient-triggered, pres- heart failure are relief of work of breathing and reversing
sure-limited, and flow-cycled. Volume support is selected alveolar collapse. This can be provided by a judi-
with the mode selector switch, and the desired tidal vol- cious combination of controlled ventilation, PEEP,
ume is set. Similar to the PRVC mode described above, and sedation. The greater the inotropic support a heart
the pressure-support level is adjusted to maintain the set needs, the greater should be the respiratory support
tidal volume with changes in compliance and resistance. provided. In adults with congestive heart failure, posi-
In addition to the volume-support settings, a mandatory tive pressure ventilation improves cardiac output by
ventilator frequency must be set. This frequency is set unloading the left ventricle [16, 17]. Cardiopulmonary
based on the age of the patient. interactions ought to be taken into account in specific
scenarios (see chapter 4 on Heart-Lung Interactions in
this book).
3.4  Principles of Mechanical Ventilation

3.4.1  A
 lveolar Recruitment 3.4.3  P
 ostoperative Management after
and Derecruitment Repair of Congenital Heart Disease

Alveolar recruitment with maintenance of lung volume Many infants and children require mechanical ventila-
by preventing derecruitment during mechanical venti- tion during the postoperative period. The duration of
lation is a goal during mechanical ventilation. The benefits requirement of mechanical ventilation depends on
of optimal lung recruitment and prevention of dere- several factors such as age of the patient, complexity
cruitment are of the cardiac lesion, complexity of the operative
procedure, duration of bypass, duration of circulatory
1. A reduction in the intrapulmonary shunt fraction
arrest, postoperative bleeding, and postoperative
and venous admixture resulting in an improvement
cardiopulmonary status. Prolonged intubation and
in arterial oxygenation
mechanical ventilation are more likely in children
2. Improvement in lung compliance
under a year of age, with more complex heart lesions,
3. Prevention of repeated alveolar collapse and reopening
prolonged bypass and prolonged circulatory arrest
which may ameliorate or prevent ventilator-induced
times, and postoperative respiratory failure and hemo-
lung injury.
dynamic instability.
The primary determinants of alveolar recruitment and In the immediate postoperative period, patients
derecruitment are transpulmonary pressure and PEEP, should be on controlled mechanical ventilation until
respectively. Mean airway pressure has been shown to hemodynamic functions improve. Adequate PEEP
be an excellent marker of mean alveolar pressure [14]. should be applied to prevent and relieve atelectasis.
Increasing mean airway pressure will improve oxy- The choice of ventilatory parameters depends on the
genation if there is alveolar recruitment. Recruitment goals for each individual patient. In patients with
of the lungs can be achieved by manual inflation to pulmonary hypertension, hyperventilation to provide
high airway pressures, increasing PEEP in a stepwise respiratory alkalosis will decrease pulmonary vascular
manner, application of a sign maneuver, using resistance and right ventricular afterload. In patients who
28 S.T. Venkataraman

have undergone a Fontan procedure, early extubation drive due to an increased PaCO2. This increases the
is desirable, and if that is not possible, then sponta- work of breathing and with marginal cardiac reserve
neous ventilation should be encouraged. Since these may impose undue strain on the heart. Therefore,
patients are totally dependent upon venous return neuromuscular blockade and total ventilatory support
for their cardiac output, airway pressures must be may be necessary with increased FiCO2 to avoid an
kept at a minimum. High intra-thoracic pressure may increased work load on the heart.
not only impede venous return, but also decrease
pulmonary blood flow from increased pulmonary
vascular resistance.
3.4.6  Inhaled Nitric Oxide

Inhaled nitric oxide produces selective pulmonary

3.4.4  D
 iseases with Abdominal
vasodilation. Indications for inhaled nitric oxide
Distention include diaphragmatic hernia, pulmonary hypertension
after repair of congenital heart disease, primary
Positive intra-abdominal pressure tends to elevate pulmonary hypertension, and isolated right heart
the diaphragm, decrease Ptp in the lung bases, and failure. In severely hypoxemic babies with pulmonary
decrease alveolar lung volumes in the lung bases. hypertension, inhaled NO rapidly increases arterial
In order to maintain normal lung volumes a greater oxygen tension without causing systemic hypotension
Ptp has to be generated. This increases the airway [20–23]. Nitric oxide binds to hemoglobin to produce
pressures during positive pressure ventilation, and methemoglobin. Therefore, methemoglobin levels
increases work of breathing during spontaneous should be monitored during administration of nitric
breathing. During positive pressure ventilation, a oxide. In addition, nitric oxide combines with oxygen
higher Ptp may cause hyperinflation of the apical to form nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen dioxide is known to
regions while restoring normal volumes in the bases. cause lung injury. Therefore, the concentration of
Therapy should be directed primarily toward reducing nitrogen dioxide should be monitored in the inspired
the intra-abdominal pressure. gas to keep it below 1–2 ppm.

3.4.5  A
 ltering Inspired Oxygen and 3.4.7  N
 egative Pressure Ventilation
Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Cardiovascular Disorders

A low alveolar oxygen tension increases pulmonary Several studies have shown beneficial effects of
vascular resistance (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstric- negative pressure ventilation, specifically in certain
tion) [18]. With certain types of congenital heart children after cardiac surgery [24–28]. In patients with
diseases such as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, it is Fontan-type operations, negative pressure ventilation
critical to control pulmonary blood flow and prevent increased pulmonary blood flow and cardiac output
pulmonary overflooding. One approach is to decrease and also decreased the pulmonary valvular incompe-
the FiO2 to <0.21 by blending room air with nitrogen. tence in patients with restrictive right heart physiology
The exact FiO2 delivered must be monitored to avoid after repair of Tetralogy of Fallot [25]. In children after
administering excessively low inspired oxygen. The repair of total cavopulmonary connection and Tetralogy
other approach especially in mechanically ventilated of Fallot and after Fontan-type procedures, negative
patients, both preoperatively and postoperatively, is to pressure ventilation provided using a Hayek external
increase the inspired carbon dioxide concentration high-frequency oscillator improved cardiac output by
(FiCO2) [19], which increases pulmonary vascular 42–46% almost entirely by an increase in stroke volume
resistance. The advantage of increased F iCO2 is the with improvement in mixed venous oxygen saturation
ability to ventilate without producing hypocarbia. The [26]. A similar finding was observed in children after
disadvantage is an increased spontaneous ventilatory transcatheter occlusion of an asymptomatic patent ductus
3  Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care 29

arteriosus and after open heart surgery [27]. Raine et al 3.5  R
 espiratory Care During Mechanical
in 1992 reported that negative pressure ventilation is a Ventilation
viable alternative to positive pressure ventilation in
patients with phrenic nerve palsy after pediatric
cardiac surgery by reducing the need for diaphragmatic 3.5.1  Pulmonary Hygiene
plication and facilitating weaning from positive pres-
sure ventilation [28]. These studies show that negative The goals of pulmonary hygiene are clearance of
pressure ventilation is a useful technique in selected secretions for the prevention and relief of atelectasis.
patients after cardiac surgery where positive pressure The most effective method of clearing secretions is a
ventilation is not desirable or results in unwanted combination of changing body position and vigorous
hemodynamic effects. coughing by the patient [35]. When the patient is
unable to cough effectively, it is common practice to
resort to chest physiotherapy and active suctioning
3.4.8  High Frequency Ventilation of the trachea. Chest physiotherapy refers to a variety of
respiratory maneuvers performed to aid in the clearance
High frequency ventilation (HFV) refers to diverse of airway secretions and promoting lung expansion.
modes of ventilation characterized in general by These are
supraphysiologic ventilatory frequencies (>60 cycles/ 1 . Postural drainage
min) and low tidal volumes (less than or equal to phys- 2. Chest percussion and chest vibration
iologic dead space during conventional ventilation). 3. Deep breathing exercises
Four distinct methods of HFV are recognized: high
frequency positive pressure ventilation (HFPPV), The efficacy of chest physiotherapy in intubated patients
high frequency jet ventilation (HFJV), high frequency is unclear. For details on the specific types of secretion
oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), and high frequency clearance techniques, the reader is referred to several
chest wall oscillation (HFCWO). Only HFPPV, HFJV, other reviews [36, 37].
and HFOV have been extensively used clinically.
The principal theoretical advantage for the use of
HFV lies in the ability to ventilate effectively at low
3.5.2  W
 eaning from Mechanical
airway pressures.
Recent studies have suggested a role for HFV in
children after cardiac surgery and with ARDS [29–34].
HFJV has been shown to improve cardiac function after Weaning is defined as liberation from mechanical
a Fontan procedure [29]. HFJV and HFOV have been ventilation while allowing spontaneous breathing to
shown to improve oxygenation and ventilation compared assume the responsibility for effective gas exchange.
with conventional ventilation in children with respira- It can be considered a success when a patient can
tory failure [31–34]. There are many reported strategies maintain effective gas exchange with complete sponta-
while using HFV: neous breathing. It can be considered a failure when
spontaneous efforts are incapable of sustaining effective
1. “High lung volume strategy,” which requires HFV to
gas exchange without mechanical ventilator support.
be provided at a mean airway pressure that is at least
Extubation is defined as the removal of an endotracheal
3–5 cm higher than with conventional ventilation
tube. The timing of extubation should coincide with an
2. Combined HFV and conventional ventilation
assessment that the patient is capable of maintaining
(usually used with HFJV), where conventional tidal
effective gas exchange without any mechanical ventila-
breaths are interposed during HFV usually at a rate
tor support. It is important to avoid both premature
of 5–8 breaths/min
extubation and unnecessary prolongation of mechanical
3. Application of HFV at the same mean airway
ventilation. Weaning should start
pressure as conventional ventilation. The high lung
volume strategy seems to be the most promising 1 . When the underlying disease process is improving
one at least for HFOV. 2. When gas exchange is adequate
30 S.T. Venkataraman

3. When no conditions exist that impose an undue 3. Shepard FM, Arango LA, Simmons JG, Berry FA (1971)
burden on the respiratory muscles, such as cardiac Hemodynamic effects of mechanical ventilation in normal
and distressed lambs: A comparison of negative pressure
insufficiency, severe hyperinflation, severe malnu- and positive pressure respirators. Biol Neonate 19:83
trition, and multiple organ system failure 4. Kirby RR, Smith RA, Desautels DA. Mechancial Ventilation:
4. When the patient is capable of sustaining spontane- Churchill Livengston, New York; 1985.
ous ventilation as ventilator support is decreased 5. McPherson SP (1985) Respiratory therapy equipment. CV
Mosby Co, St.Louis
without expending an excessive amount of energy 6. Dupuis YG (1992) Ventilators: Theory and Clinical Application,
3rd edn. Mosby Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, MO
Patients cannot be arbitrarily forced to wean. The
7. Chatburn RL (1991) A new system for understanding
pathophysiologic determinants of weaning outcome mechanical ventilators. Respir Care 36:1123–1155
include the following: 8. Chatburn RL, Primiano FP Jr (2001) A new system for
understanding modes of mechanical ventilation. Respir Care
1 . Adequacy of pulmonary gas exchange 46:604–621
2. Respiratory drive 9. Kirby RR, Robison EJ, Schulz J, DeLemos R (1971) A new
3. Respiratory muscle performance and capacity pediatric volume ventilator. Anesth Analg 50:533–537
10. Pulmonary terms and symbols. A report of the ACCP-STS
4. Respiratory muscle load Joint committee on Pulmonary Nomenclature, Chest 67:
5. Amount of deadspace ventilation 583–593, 1975.
6. Work of breathing and ventilatory requirements 11. MacIntyre NR, Nishimura M, Usada Y, Tokioka H, Takezawa
J, Shimada Y (1990) The Nagoya conference on system
design and patient-ventilator interactions during pressure
support ventilation. Chest 97:1463–1466
12. MacIntyre NR, Ho LI (1991) Effects of initial flow rate and
3.5.3  Weaning Problems breath terminuteation criteria on pressure ventilation. Chest
13. Marini JJ, Smith TC, Lomb VJ (1988) External work output
Trial failure is defined as a failure to sustain effective and force generation during synchronized intermittent
mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 138:
gas exchange and breathing during a trial of spontaneous
breathing while still intubated [38]. Extubation failure 14. Fuhrman BP, Smith-Wright DL, Venkataraman S, Orr RA,
is defined as the requirement for re-intubation within Howland DF (1989) Proximal mean airway pressure: a good
48 h after extubation. Some patients take longer than estimator of mean alveolar pressure during continuous posi-
tive-pressure breathing. Crit Care Med 17:666–670
others to wean. Factors that prolong the weaning
15. Pelosi P, Cadringher P, Bottino P et al (1999) Sigh in acute
process are respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
1 . Slow resolution of the underlying disease process 16. Buda AJ et al (1979) Effect of intrathoracic pressure on left
2. Ventilatory pump failure ventricular performance. N Engl J Med 301:453
3. Psychological factors 17. Pinsky MR, Summer WR (1983) Cardiac augmentation by
phasic high intrathoracic pressure support. Chest 84:370
In many instances, weaning is delayed due to the slow 18. Fishman AP (1980) Vasomotor regulation of the pulmonary
resolution of the underlying disease process. Phrenic circulation. Ann Rev Physiol 42:211
19. Jobes DR, Nicolson SC, Steven JM, Miller M, Jacobs ML,
nerve injury usually results as a complication of birth
Norwood WI Jr (1992) Carbon dioxide prevents pulmonary
trauma or operative procedures involving the heart and overcirculation in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Ann
other thoracic structures [39–42]. This may result in either Thorac Surg 54:150
pareisis or paralysis of one or both hemi-diaphragms. 20. Anonymous (1997) Inhaled nitric oxide and hypoxic respira-
tory failure in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
The Neonatal Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group (NINOS).
Pediatrics. 99:838–845
21. Roberts JD Jr, Fineman JR, Morin FC III et al (1997) Inhaled
References nitric oxide and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the
newborn. The Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group. N Engl J
Med 336:605–610
1. Nunn JF (1987) Applied Respiratory Physiology, 3rd edn. 22. Cornfield DN, Maynard RC, DeRegnier RA, Guiang SF III,
Butterworths & Co, London, UK Barbato JE, Milla CE (1999) Randomized, controlled trial
2. Aubier M, Viires N, Syllie G, Mozes R, Roussos C (1982) of low-dose inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of term and
Respiratory muscle contribution to lactic acidosis in low near-term infants with respiratory failure and pulmonary
cardiac output. Am Rev Respir Dis 126:648 hypertension. Pediatrics 104:1089–1094
3  Airway Control, Mechanical Ventilation, and Respiratory Care 31

23. Clark RH, Kueser TJ, Walker MW et  al (2000) Low-dose 32. Rosenberg RB, Broner CW, Peters KJ, Anglin DL (1993)
nitric oxide therapy for persistent pulmonary hypertension High-frequency ventilation for acute pediatric respiratory
of the newborn. Clinical Inhaled Nitric Oxide Research failure. Chest 104:1216–1221
Group. N Engl J Med 342:469–474 33. Arnold JH, Truog RD, Thompson JE, Fackler JC (1993)
24. Raine J, Redington AN, Benatar A, Samuels MP, Southall High-frequency oscillatory ventilation in pediatric respiratory
DP (1993) Continuous negative extrathoracic pressure failure. Crit Care Med 21:272–278
and cardiac output–a pilot study. Eur J Pediatr 152: 34. Arnold JH, Hanson JH, Toro-Figuero LO, Gutierrez J,
595–598 Berens RJ, Anglin DL (1994) Prospective, randomized
25. Shapiro SH, Ernst P, Gray-Donald K et al (1992) Effect of comparison of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and
negative pressure ventilation in severe chronic obstructive conventional mechanical ventilation in pediatric respiratory
pulmonary disease [see comments]. Lancet 340: failure. Crit Care Med 22:1530–1539
1425–1429 35. Deboeck C (1984) Cough versus chest physiotherapy. Am
26. Shekerdemian LS, Bush A, Shore DF, Lincoln C, Redington Rev Respir Dis 129:182
AN (1997) Cardiopulmonary interactions after Fontan oper- 36. Venkataraman ST. Mechanical ventilation and respiratory
ations: augmentation of cardiac output using negative pres- care. In: Fuhrman BP, Zimmerman JJ, eds. Pediatric Critical
sure ventilation. Circulation 96:3934–3942 Care 3rd ed, Mosby-Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2006.
27. Shekerdemian LS, Bush A, Lincoln C, Shore DF, Petros AJ, 37. Martin LD, Bratton Sl, Walker LK (1996) Principles and
Redington AN (1997) Cardiopulmonary interactions in Practice of Respiratory Support and Mechanical Ventilation.
healthy children and children after simple cardiac surgery: In Textbook of Pediatric Intensive Care, Edited by Mark C.
the effects of positive and negative pressure ventilation. Rogers. 3rd Edition, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, pp
Heart 78:587–593 265–330.
28. Raine J, Samuels MP, Mok Q, Shinebourne EA, Southall 38. Farias JA, Alia I, Esteban A et  al (1998) Weaning from
DP (1992) Negative extrathoracic pressure ventilation for mechanical ventilation in pediatric intensive care patients.
phrenic nerve palsy after paediatric cardiac surgery. Brit Intensive Care Med 24:1070–1075
Heart J 67:308–311 39. Greene W, L’Heureux P, Hunt CE (1975) Paralysis of the
29. Meliones JN, Bove EL, Dekeon MK et  al (1991) High- diaphragm. Am J Dis Child 129:1402
frequency jet ventilation improves cardiac function after the 40. Hong-Xu Z et al (1985) Phrenic nerve injury complicating
Fontan procedure. Circulation 84:III364 closed cardiovascular procedures for congenital heart
30. Kocis KC, Meliones JN, Dekeon MK, Callow LB, Lupinetti disease. Ann Thorac Surg 39:445
FM, Bove EL (1992) High-frequency jet ventilation for 41. Lynn AM, Jenkins JG, Edmonds JF, Burns JE (1983)
respiratory failure after congenital heart surgery. Circulation Diaphragmatic paralysis after pediatric cardiac surgery A
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frequency ventilation in children with severe adult respiratory unilateral phrenic nerve paralysis. J Thoracic Cardiovasc
distress syndrome. Intens Care Med 17:209–214 Surg 76:297
Chapter 4
Heart–Lung Interactions

Shekhar T. Venkataraman

4.1  Introduction and increases intrapulmonary shunting resulting in

hypoxemia. Similarly, chronic lung disease may increase
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and cause
One of the key functions of the respiratory and circulatory
pulmonary hypertension, which may result in right
systems is to transfer oxygen from the atmosphere to
ventricular failure. These are referred to as functional
the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the
heart–lung interactions.
atmosphere. To accomplish this, the two systems need
Mechanical heart–lung interactions refer to those
to act in concert and consequently interact with each
interactions that are due to lung inflation and deflation.
other in many different ways. Broadly, these interac-
This chapter deals exclusively with the mechanical
tions can be classified into neural, humoral, functional,
heart–lung interactions.
and mechanical.
The central nervous system exerts control over both
the respiratory and circulatory systems through affer-
ent feedback and efferent effectors. Neural interactions 4.2  P
 rimary Determinants
refer to the changes in one system that is mediated by
of Hemodynamic Effects
these neural connections when the other system is per-
turbed. For example, hypoxemia stimulates peripheral of Ventilation
chemoreceptors that trigger a ventilatory response of
hyperventilation and hyperpnea [1]. Similarly, lung Both spontaneous and positive pressure ventilation
inflation can induce reflex changes in heart rate. These (PPV) increase lung volume during inspiration. During
are examples of neural heart–lung interactions. spontaneous breathing, intrathoracic pressure (ITP) is
Many humoral substances are released, processed, negative, whereas during positive pressure breathing,
filtered, or metabolized by the lungs. These include it is positive. Both lung inflation and ITP can indepen-
cytokines, prostaglandins, and vasoregulatory peptides dently affect the function of the heart. Heart–lung
[2]. Cardiovascular function may be affected by many interactions can, therefore, be grouped into interactions
of these substances. These are referred to as humoral involving changes in lung volume or ITP. Since lung
heart–lung interactions. volume changes are similar, the interactions can be
When the heart fails, breathing and gas exchange grouped into three phenomena:
can be compromised. Heart failure may result in pul-
1 . Inspiratory increase in lung volume
monary edema, which increases the work of breathing
2. Decrease in ITP with spontaneous inspiration (SV)
3. An increase in ITP with PPV
Heart–lung interactions can also be understood by
S.T. Venkataraman (*)
the effect of lung inflation and changes in ITP on the
Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA factors that affect global cardiac performance, i.e.,
e-mail: heart rate, preload, contractility, and afterload.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 33
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_4, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
34 S.T. Venkataraman

4.3  Changes in Heart Rate total PVR. The increase in PVR below FRC is primarily
due to two mechanisms:
Heart rate may be affected by lung inflation and 1. Alveolar hypoxia and hypoxic pulmonary vasocon­
changes in ITP by many mechanisms. Lung inflation at striction
normal tidal volumes increases heart rate by inhibiting 2. Kinking of vessels with atelectasis
the vagus nerve [3]. Heart rate may also be affected
The increase in PVR above FRC is primarily due to
by changes in cardiac output induced by heart–lung
alveolar vessel compression. The lung blood vessels can
interactions as discussed subsequently.
be partitioned into alveolar and extra-alveolar vessels
based on their behavior during lung inflation [6].
Alveolar vessels are compressed while extra-alveolar
4.3.1  Right Ventricular Preload vessels dilate during lung inflation. The increase in PVR
with PPV can be explained by the West’s zones of the
Right ventricular (RV) preload is determined by systemic lung [7]. The blood flow through a lung segment is
venous return. Venous return is determined by the gra- determined by the pressures in the pulmonary artery
dient between mean systemic pressure (Pms) and the (Ppa), alveolus (Palv), and pulmonary vein (Ppv). Under
right atrial (RA) pressure [4]. Mean systemic pressure, Zone 3 conditions, the pulmonary blood flow (PBF) is
which is the upstream pressure for venous return, is determined by the difference between Ppa and Ppv, and
determined by blood volume, vascular tone, and blood not affected by Palv. Under Zone 2 conditions, the PBF
flow distribution within the vascular reservoirs. RA is determined by the difference between Ppa and Palv,
pressure (Pra) is directly affected by changes in ITP. and is not affected by Ppv. PBF is then directly propor-
Venous return is maximized at a Pra that is just below tional to the Palv. Under Zone 1 conditions, there is,
atmospheric pressure. SV decreases Pra and increases theoretically, no flow possible through the alveolus. In
the gradient to venous return and results in an increased neonatal animals, studies have shown that mechanical
right ventricular preload. On the other hand, PPV increases ventilation with PEEP increases PVR and the increase
Pra and decreases the gradient to venous return and in PVR is directly proportional to the increase in mean
therefore, decreases right ventricular preload. Under airway pressure or level of PEEP applied [8, 9]. In neo-
normal conditions, SV results in an increase in RV pre- natal animals, the increase in PVR with PEEP has two
load and an increase in cardiac output. Venous return components: one due to compression of alveolar ves-
becomes maximal due to flow-limitation with more sels, and the other due to active vasoconstriction. This
negative pressure swings such as that may occur during PEEP-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction is Ca2+-
severe airflow obstruction with status asthmaticus. Under channel dependent and is dose dependent with PEEP.
normal conditions, PPV results in a decrease in RV PEEP-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction may have
preload and therefore a decrease in cardiac output. The clinical implications for those children with a very reac-
decrease in RV preload due to PPV can be mitigated by tive pulmonary vasculature [9].
fluid administration, which increases the circulating
blood volume and the mean systemic pressure. Ventilation
can also alter venous return by affecting Pms. During
inspiration, diaphragmatic descent can increase intrab- 4.3.3  Left Ventricular Preload
dominal pressure, which increases Pms. Recent studies
by Fessler et al. [5] showed that PEEP applied during
Left ventricular (LV) preload is affected by many
mechanical ventilation decreased venous return by com-
mechanisms. Changes in RV preload will directly affect
pression of the intrathoracic inferior vena cava by the
LV preload. During spontaneous inspiration, RV preload
hyperinflated lung.
increases followed by a few beats later with an increase
in LV preload. Instantaneous effects are, on the other
hand, mediated through ventricular interdependence.
4.3.2  Right Ventricular Afterload For example, when RV end-diastolic volume increases,
LV end-diastolic volume and compliance decrease,
PVR is lowest at functional residual capacity (FRC). leading to reduced LV filling. This is thought to be the
A change in lung volume on either side of FRC increases mechanism for pulsus paradoxus. An increase in PVR
4  Heart–Lung Interactions 35

may increase RV volume causing the interventricular plateau of the cardiac function curve, then spontaneous
septum to shift into the LV. This will also decrease LV inspiration does not result in a decrease in right atrial
compliance and filling. When the lung is inflated, it pressure and such a heart will not be preload responsive.
can cause deformation and compression of the cardiac This has been demonstrated to be true in patients [13].
fossa [10]. Variations in systolic arterial pressure can also be
used to determine preload responsiveness. In a preload
responsive heart, there is an increase in systolic blood
pressure followed by a fall in blood pressure during the
4.3.4  Left Ventricular Afterload inspiratory phase of mechanical ventilation. The normal
difference between the peak increase and peak decrease
Left ventricular afterload can be defined as the maxi- is about 5–10 mmHg. In adults, the magnitude of this
mal systolic wall tension. It can be calculated as the systolic pressure variation predicts responsiveness to
transmural pressure of the ventricle during systole, increased preload [14–16]. Thus, if the pulse pressure
which is the intracavitary pressure minus the pericar- variation was greater than 15%, then cardiac output
dial pressure. When ITP increases, pericardial pres- always increased, and if it was less than 15%, then car-
sure increases as well. With SV, transmural pressure diac output did not increase in response to fluid loading
increases and with PPV, transmural pressure decreases. [17]. On the other hand, in a preload independent heart,
Since transmural pressure is reflective of ventricular such as with congestive heart failure, positive pressure
afterload, PPV decreases LV afterload and spontane- inspiration will result in an increase in systolic blood
ous breathing increases LV afterload. The practical pressure during inspiration due to a decrease in left ven-
application of this concept is given below. tricular afterload with no decrease below the baseline.

 ractical Applications of Heart–Lung 4.4.3  Effects of Initiating Mechanical

4.4  P
Interactions Ventilation in Patients with
Heart Failure
4.4.1  Functional Heart–Lung Interactions
Mechanical ventilation may improve cardiovascular
performance in patients with heart failure by many
Normally, oxygen cost of breathing under resting con- mechanisms. By reducing the work of breathing, the
ditions is about 5% of the total oxygen consumption demand on the heart is reduced. PEEP applied during
[11]. When the oxygen demand of the respiratory mus- PPV decreases alveolar edema formation and improved
cles outstrips the cardiovascular system’s ability to gas exchange. PEEP also helps recruit atelectatic lungs,
supply it, respiratory pump failure ensues [12]. thereby improving lung mechanics. Moreover, PPV
decreases LV afterload and improves LV emptying [18].
PPV decreases lactic acid production by respiratory
muscles during circulatory shock, and withdrawal of
4.4.2  U
 se of Respiratory Variation ventilatory support results in a marked increase in
in Hemodynamics to Predict cardiac work [19, 20]
Preload Responsiveness

During spontaneous breathing, the pleural pressure 4.4.4  M

 echanical Ventilation and
decreases. If the right atrial pressure drops in response Postoperative Issues after Glenn
to a spontaneous inspiration, it indicates that the venous
or Fontan Procedures and Surgery
return curve is intersecting the ascending part of the
cardiac function curve. If the heart is on the ascending for Univentricular Hearts
part of the cardiac function curve, it should respond to
an increased preload with an increased output. If, on A simple Fontan procedure for tricuspid atresia where
the other hand, the venous return curve intersects the the PBF is passive, any increase in ITP will not only
36 S.T. Venkataraman

decrease venous return but also increase PVR. Therefore, 9. Venkataraman ST, Fuhrman BP, Howland DF, DeFrancisis
PPV may be detrimental to cardiac output in these M. Positive end-expiratory pressure-induced, calcium-channel-
mediated increases in pulmonary vascular resistance in
patients. Early extubation and spontaneous breathing neonatal lambs. Crit Care Med. 1993;21:1066–1076.
are to be encouraged. Some patients may develop 10. Cassidy S, Mitchell JH, Johnson RL. Dimensional analysis
atelectasis and may need lung inflation or a distending of right and left ventricles during positive-pressure ventila-
pressure to maintain adequate lung volumes. Negative tion in dogs. Am J Physiol. 1982;242:H549–H556.
11. Roussos C, Macklem PT. The respiratory muscles. N Engl J
pressure ventilation offers an attractive alternative to Med. 1982;307:7867–7897.
these patients. In patients with Fontan-type operations, 12. Aubier M, Trippenbach T, Roussos C. Respiratory muscle
PBF and cardiac output increase with spontaneous fatigue during cardiogenic shock. J Appl Physiol. 1981;51:
inspiration, and PPV decreases antegrade PBF [21–23]. 499–508.
13. Magder SA, Georgiadis G, Tuck C. Respiratory variations
These studies show that negative pressure ventilation in right atrial pressure predict response to fluid challenge.
is a useful technique in selected patients after cardiac J Crit Care. 1992;7:76–85.
surgery, whereas PPV is not desirable, or it results in 14. Coriat P, Vrillon M, Perel A, et al. A comparison of systolic
unwanted hemodynamic effects. blood pressure variations and echocardiographic estimates
of end-diastolic left ventricular size in patients after aortic
surgery. Anesth Analg. 1994;78:46–53.
15. Ornstein E, Eidelman LA, Drenger B, Elami A, Pizov R.
Systolic pressure variation predicts the response to acute
References blood loss. J Clin Anesth. 1998;10:137–140.
16. Rooke GA, Schwid HA, Shapira Y. The effect of graded
hemorrhage and intravascular volume replacement on sys-
1. Somers VK, Mark AL, Zavala DC, Abboud FM. Contrasting tolic pressure variation in humans during mechanical and
effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia on ventilation and spontaneous ventilation. Anesth Analg. 1995;80:925–932.
sympathetic activity in humans. J Appl Physiol. 1989;67: 17. Michard F, Boussat S, Chemla D, et  al. Relation between
2101–2106. respiratory changes in arterial pulse pressure and fluid
2. Said SI. Neurohumoral aspects of respiratory-cardiovascular responsiveness in septic patients with acute circulatory fail-
interactions. In: Scharf SM, Pinsky MR, Magder S, eds. ure. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000;162:134–138.
Respiratory-circulatory interactions in health and disease. 18. Pinsky MR, Summer WR, Wise RA, Permutt S, Bromberger-
New York: Marcel Dekker; 2001:427–446. Barnea B. Augmentation of cardiac function by elevation of
3. Taha BH, Simon PM, Dempsey JA, Skatrud JB, Iber C. intrathoracic pressure. J Appl Physiol. 1983;54:950–955.
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in humans: an obligatory role 19. Aubier M, Viires N, Syllie G, Mozes R, Roussos C.
for vagal feedback from the lungs. J Appl Physiol. 1995;78: Respiratory muscle contribution to lactic acidosis in low
638–645. cardiac output. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1982;126:648.
4. Guyton AC, Lindsey AW, Abernathy B, Ricardson T. Venous 20. Shepard FM, Arango LA, Simmons JG, Berry FA.
return at various right atrial pressures and the normal venous Hemodynamic effects of mechanical ventilation in normal
return curve. Am J Physiol. 1957;189:609–615. and distressed lambs: a comparison of negative pressure and
5. Fessler HE, Brower RG, Shapiro EP, Permutt S. Effects positive pressure respirators. Biol Neonate. 1071;19:83.
of positive end-expiratory pressure and body position on 21. Raine J, Redington AN, Benatar A, Samuels MP, Southall
pressure in the thoracic great veins. Am Rev Respir Dis. DP. Continuous negative extrathoracic pressure and cardiac
1993;148:1657–1664. output – a pilot study. Eur J Pediatr. 1993;152:595–598.
6. Howell JBL, Permutt S, Proctor DF, Riley RL. Effect of 22. Shekerdemian LS, Bush A, Shore DF, Lincoln C, Redington
inflation of the lung on different parts of pulmonary vascular AN. Cardiopulmonary interactions after Fontan operations:
bed. J Appl Physiol. 1961;16:71–76. augmentation of cardiac output using negative pressure
7. West JB, Dollery CT, Naimark A. Distribution of blood flow ventilation. Circulation. 1997;96:3934–3942.
in isolated lung; relation to vascular and alveolar pressures. 23. Shekerdemian LS, Bush A, Lincoln C, Shore DF, Petros AJ,
J Appl Physiol. 1964;19:713–724. Redington AN. Cardiopulmonary interactions in healthy
8. Fuhrman BP, Smith-Wright DL, Venkataraman S, Howland DF. children and children after simple cardiac surgery: the
Pulmonary vascular resistance after cessation of positive end- effects of positive and negative pressure ventilation. Heart.
expiratory pressure. J Appl Physiol. 1989;66:660–668. 1997;78:587–593.
Chapter 5
Cardiac Catheterization

Jacqueline Kreutzer

5.1  Introduction 5.2  Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization

Invasive pediatric cardiology developed as a subspecialty 5.2.1  Indications

over the past four decades after first pediatric angio-
gram was performed by Agustin Castellanos in 1937
Although, the use of preoperative diagnostic cardiac
[1]. With the introduction of the balloon septostomy
catheterization has decreased and continues to decrease
by William Rashkind to alleviate cyanosis in transpo-
significantly for most lesions with the advances of non-
sition of the great arteries [2], the field of interventional
invasive testing, there are specific conditions for which
pediatric cardiology was initiated and subsequently
it is thought to be necessary:
expanded explosively. It plays a role in almost every
heart defect. Although urutre conia the use of diagnos- 1. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum,
tic cardiac catheterization has decreased with the to rule out coronary anomalies which would pre-
advances in noninvasive imaging, it continues to be a clude a biventricular repair.
significant tool in the management of many complex 2. Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia, multiple
congenital heart defects. This chapter summarizes basic aortopulmonary collaterals, and other conditions
aspects of diagnostic cardiac catheterization including when collaterals are suspected or when central
hemodynamic evaluation, angiography and indica- pulmonary arteries are very small or cannot be
tions, review the role of cardiac catheterization in the identified.
critically ill, and the role therapeutic cardiac catheter- 3. Single ventricle variants, prior to Stages II and III
ization plays in pediatric cardiology. Possible reasons palliation.
for admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) after car- 4. Primary or secondary pulmonary artery hyperten-
diac catheterization the discussed in each section. sion, particularly outside of infancy.
Nowadays, transcatheter intervention has replaced 5. Pulmonary vein anomalies with or without stenosis
surgery for many simple defects. In complex heart (if anatomy cannot be well identified by noninva-
disease the role of catheter interventions is hand in sive methods).
hand with surgery, increasing treatment strategies and 6. Coronary artery anomalies (although, noninvasive
allowing an improved outcome. technologies continue to advance in resolution,
for most children, angiography continues to be
the gold standard to diagnose coronary artery
7. Postoperative evaluation: To evaluate postoperative
conditions, diagnostic cardiac catheterization
J. Kreutzer (*)
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
continues to be used routinely, often as a first
Pittsburgh, PA, USA step prior to transcatheter interventions (see below).
e-mail: Examples include evaluation of homograft or

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 37
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_5, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
38 J. Kreutzer

conduit stenosis, residual shunts, palliated single The smallest French size of catheter and/or sheath
ventricle patients, or evaluation of most postoperative which would allow adequate hemodynamic and angio-
lesions unexplained fully by noninvasive testing. graphic evaluation should be chosen.
8. Pre transplant evaluation. Heparin is administered intravenously (100 Units/
9. Prior to transcatheter intervention: Diagnostic kg) at the start of the procedure and ACTs are moni-
cardiac catheterization is performed in all patients tored to be kept above 200 s [4].
with indication for transcatheter intervention, to
determine the need for intervention, which is per-
formed during the same procedure. Immediately  Hemodynamic Evaluation
after intervention, repeat diagnostic cardiac cath-
eterization is performed to assess the results of the Pressure and saturations: Accurate pressure measure-
intervention. ments are essential for hemodynamic diagnosis. Two
10. Other: Diagnostic cardiac catheterization may also simultaneous transducers are used, and should be
be necessary in patients with common conditions accurately calibrated. Normal tracings have been pub-
and unusual clinical presentation, and whenever lished widely (Table  5.1) [5, 6]. The most common
symptoms cannot be explained fully by noninva- sequence of measurements include:
sive testing.
−− Superior vena cava (SVC) saturation; occasionally
It is likely that over time the use of diagnostic cardiac pressure is recorded as well (patients with surgical
catheterizations will continue to evolve, with a significant caval anastomoses, transvenous pacing wires, or
decrease in its use for common lesions and increased history of indwelling lines, in whom a pull back
demand of studies on patients with complex postoper- from superior vena cava to right atrium should be
ative conditions, of which in the past survivors would recorded)
have not existed. Nowadays, simple diagnostic cardiac −− Right atrium (RA) (pressure and saturation)
catheterizations are indeed a rarity. Almost 50% of −− Right ventricle (RV) (pressure and saturation)
planned diagnostic cardiac catheterizations in patients −− Pulmonary arteries (PA) (pressure and saturation)
with single ventricle physiology result in interventions. and bilateral wedge pressures simultaneous with
These include, for example, coil occlusion of venous systemic ventricular end-diastolic pressure
or arterial collaterals, balloon dilation and/or stent −− Measurement of oxygen consumption (this can be
placement for venous or arterial stenoses, or device selectively measured or assumed according to tables
closure of baffle leaks or fenestration. normalized by heart rate and age)
−− Second set of saturations in pulmonary artery, aorta,
and superior vena cava, which should be consistent
5.2.2  Access
Table  5.1  Hemodynamic values considered normal in
Most common sites of vascular access are the femoral children #
artery and vein at any age, and the umbilical vessels Site of pressure
measurement Average normal Range
in the newborn [3]. Other access sites (subclavian,
Right atrial mean 3 mmHg 0–8 mmHg
jugular, hepatic) may be necessary when standard sites
Right ventricular 24/4 mmHg 15–35 mmHg
are not available, or in patients with complex anatomy
Pulmonary artery (mean) 21/9 (12) mmHg 11–26/2–14 (8–19)
(i.e., post bidirectional Glenn), or when certain Pulmonary capillary 8 mmHg 2–12 mmHg
interventions are planned (i.e., transhepatic access in a wedge or left atrial
patient with occluded femoral vessels and need for mean
transeptal puncture or internal jugular access for tran- Left ventricular 96/8a 60–130/–12a
Systemic arterial 110/65a Largely variable
scatheter closure of an apical ventricular septal defect).
with age
The preferred and most commonly used technique a
Pressure variable with age normal values for systemic blood
for access is the percutaneous Seldinger technique, [3] pressure
which has become highly successful in children, making #
Values derived from combination of published normal hemody-
surgical cut-downs almost historical. namic data
5  Cardiac Catheterization 39

with the initial values obtained, assuming an the superior vena cava is considered the best representative
unchanged condition of the mixed venous saturation [6, 7].
−− Pull-back tracings from pulmonary artery to right
VO2 (ml O2 / min)
atrium and systemic ventricle to descending aorta CO or Qs (l / min ) = Z
Systemic artery O 2 content -mixed
The sequence of measurements may vary according venousO2 content (ml O2 / liter blood )
to the underlying diagnosis. In all patients with cyano-
sis, pulmonary venous saturation should be measured
O2 content (mlO2 / l) = saturation × Hb g / dl × 1.36 ml O2 /
whenever possible. Pulmonary venous wedge pres-
g Hb × 10 + pO2 × 0.03ml O2 /
sures are measured to determine PA pressures in
patients with difficult access to the pulmonary arter- liter blood
ies. An abnormal value above 20  mmHg should be In patients receiving inhaled O2 and an arterial pO2
confirmed with direct pulmonary artery pressure over 100, dissolved O2 should be accounted for. This is
measurement. Gradients across lesions can be deter- particularly important for the determination of lability
mined with two catheters (one positioned proximal of pulmonary vascular resistance to selective pulmonary
and one distal to the stenosis) (Fig. 5.1) or via pull- vasodilators in patients with pulmonary hypertension
back recordings. and shunts.
Cardiac output and shunts: Based on the Fick’s
principle, by measuring oxygen consumption (VO2) VO2 (ml O2 / min)
Qp (l / min ) =
and oxygen content in systemic arterial, systemic Pulmonary vein O 2 content -pulmonary
venous, pulmonary arterial, and pulmonary venous blood, artery O2 content (ml O 2 / liter blood )
it is possible to determine the cardiac output (CO) or
Qs, the pulmonary blood flow or Qp, and calculate Qp/Qs can be determined to estimate clinical significance
shunts. The cardiac index is estimated by relating the of left to right shunt, and is more useful than shunt
CO to the body surface area [6]. The saturation of calculations per se. The effective pulmonary blood

Fig. 5.1  Pressure tracings are demonstrated from the left ventricle (arrow) and the ascending aorta simultaneously. There is a peak
gradient of 44 mmHg, indicating moderate aortic stenosis
40 J. Kreutzer

flow (Qe) is the amount of deoxygenated blood which necessary to determine the distribution of pulmonary
gets oxygenated. blood flow to each lung by lung scintigraphy or MRI.
VO2 (ml O2 / min) Since the resistances are in parallel, the total resistance
Qe (l / min ) = can then be calculated using the formula:
Pulmonary vein O 2 content -systemic
vein O2 content (ml O2 / liter blood ) 1 1 1
= +
Total resistance Right lung resistance Left lung resistance
The absolute left to right shunt is the difference between
the Qp and the Qe. Similarly, the absolute right-to-left This would be important to take into consideration when
shunt is the difference between the Qs and the Qe. evaluating hemodynamics in a patient with single branch
In patients with no source of right-to-left or left- pulmonary artery proximal stenosis. The pressure may
to-right shunting, cardiac output can be accurately be elevated in the contralateral lung, but the overall
determined by thermodilution [7]. This is particularly resistance may be normal if calculated accurately.
useful in patients with left-sided obstructive lesions Valve areas: Valve areas in pediatrics are calculated
(i.e., congenital aortic stenosis) or cardiomyopathies. similarly as in adults, using the Gorlin and Gorlin
Thermodilution would be inaccurate in patients with formulae. A valve area is directly proportional to the
pulmonary regurgitation (i.e., postoperative Tetralogy flow across the valve and inversely related to the square
of Fallot), severe peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis root of the mean pressure drop across it [6].
or tricuspid regurgitation, and cannot be used in the
presence of any intracardiac shunting. A normal CI is Systolic
3–3.5 l/min/m2. flow (ml / s)
Aortic or pulmonary valve area =
Resistances: Vascular resistances are determined by  square root 
dividing the pressure difference through the circulation (44.5)×  of mean systolic 
 
being considered by the flow (l/min) across it, and are  gradient 
expressed in mmHg per l/min (Wood units or hybrid
resistance units), or converted into metric resistance
Systolic flow (ml / s) =
(C.O.)× (R to R interval)
units (dyne sec cm-5) or absolute resistance units, by (60)× (systolic ejection time )
multiplying by 80. These units are more commonly
used in adults, and not in children, for whom resistances Diastolic
are expressed by body surface area, giving a resistance flow (ml / s)
index. A normal pulmonary vascular resistance is less Mitral or tricuspid valvearea =
 square root 
than two Indexed Units (mmHg l/min/m2) [6]. (31.5)×  of mean diastolic 
 
Mean pulmonary artery pressure-Mean left atrial  gradient 
pressure or pulmonary vein pressure
Qp indexed
Diastolic flow (ml / s) =
(C.O.)× (R to R interval)
Mean arterial blood pressure -Mean right atrial pressure
(60)× (diastolic ejection time )
Qs indexed (or CI ) The mean gradient can be accurately obtained by
planimetry. Otherwise, it can be approximated from
Calculations should be performed in room air or baseline. the average of the gradients measured from vertical
Different specific conditions may need to be studied lines placed 1 mm apart throughout the area in between
according to the patient’s diagnosis, such as drug the pressure tracings (either ventricular and arterial, or
testing (i.e., response of pulmonary vascular resistance auricular and ventricular).
to nitric oxide), or transcatheter balloon testing (i.e,
test occlusion of atrial septal defect in a patient with
mitral stenosis or small left sided structures, or test
occlusion of a source of right-to-left shunt through an 5.2.3  “Test” Conditions
atrial septal defect or Fontan fenestration). To accu-
rately estimate the pulmonary vascular resistance in The hemodynamic response to specific conditions
patients with branch pulmonary artery stenoses, it is can be tested in the Catheterization Laboratory to plan
5  Cardiac Catheterization 41

further surgical or catheter intervention. Examples of −− Cranial frontal (+20°–30°) and straight lateral:
these include: Particularly used to visualize the right ventricular
outflow tract and main pulmonary artery with bifur-
1. Balloon test occlusion of an atrial septal defect or a
cation in tetralogy of Fallot or in patients with
fenestration prior to the closure in patients with
pulmonary stenosis.
right-to-left shunting and abnormal right heart
−− Caudal frontal, extreme (−30° to 45°): (a) A “laid
back” @ aortogram technique, particularly useful
2. Test occlusion of a Blalock-Taussig shunt before
in transposition of the great arteries to visualize
coil embolization
coronary artery anomalies (Fig.  5.2) [9] or after
3. Test occlusion of a patent ductus arteriosus to
Norwood to visualize distal arch. (b) Branch
determine the presence of aortic coarctation or
pulmonary artery stenosis, to visualize bifurcation.
ductal-dependant hypoplastic arch
−− Long axial oblique (70° left anterior oblique and
4. Drug studies (testing of response of the pulmonary
20°–30° cranial on the lateral camera): particularly
vascular bed to selective vasodilators in pulmonary
useful for left ventriculogram to visualize ventricu-
hypertension; or the effect of intravenous verapamil
lar septal defects and left ventricular outflow tract
in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)
(Fig. 5.3).
5. Rhythm modification (i.e., patients with Fontan
−− Hepatoclavicular view (40° right anterior oblique in
circulation and junctional rhythm can be tested in
the AP camera; 40° left anterior oblique and 40°
the catheterization laboratory with atrial pacing to
cranial on the lateral camera): useful for left ven-
determine the hemodynamic benefit of pacemaker
triculogram to visualize inlet ventricular septum
implantation; some with cardiomyopathy can be
and septal defect in tricuspid atresia and endocar-
studied to test effects of biventricular pacing or
dial cushion defects.
different pacing modalities). Hemodyamics and
calculations are determined before and after 10 min Modified views can be adapted in specific conditions,
in the new condition. such as complex branch pulmonary artery stenosis, or
postoperative arch obstruction.  Angiographic Evaluation

Angiography is most commonly performed using

angiographic catheters (i.e., Pigtail or Berman) connected
to a power injector [8]. For small structures, selective
injection can be performed by hand using any end-hole
catheter. Occasionally, balloon occlusion angiography
is preferred, where the injection occurs proximal
(Berman catheter) or distal (wedge end-hole catheter)
to the balloon. Biplane angiography is preferred in con-
genital heart disease, and particularly, necessary in
infants and in patients of any age when interventional
procedures are being considered. Common angiographic
views for diagnosis of congenital heart defects are [8]:
−− Straight AP 0°/Lateral 90°: (a) Right ventriculogram
in normally related to great arteries, transposition, Fig.  5.2  Laid-back aortogram in a patient with {S, D, D}
double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary atresia intact transposition of the great arteries and normal coronary artery
ventricular septum and postoperative tetralogy of anatomy for d-transposition. Note the right coronary artery (*)
comes off the rightward facing sinus of Valsalva. The left coro-
Fallot, and most single ventricle ventriculograms. (b)
nary artery comes of the leftward and anterior sinus, giving off
Venous pathways, systemic and pulmonary arteries, the circumflex (white arrow) and the left anterior descending
pulmonary veins. coronary artery (black arrow)
42 J. Kreutzer

Some of the complications are specifically related

to the intervention performed. For instance, the
presence of segmental high perfusion pulmonary
edema following pulmonary artery angioplasty
procedures, or an arterial pulse loss associated with
retrograde aortic balloon valvotomy. These problems
will be discussed in more detail in the specific sections
to follow.

5.3  I nterventional Cardiac


Table  5.2 provides a summary of transcatheter

interventions in congenital heart disease.
Interventions can be classified according to the
purpose to treat:
1 ) Valvular obstruction
2) Vascular stenosis
3) Creation or enlargement of defects
4) Closure of defects
Fig.  5.3  Transvenous left ventriculogram performed in long 5) Other
axial oblique projection demonstrates a large cono-ventricular
septal defect (often called perimembranous). *: left ventricle;
Ao: Ascending aorta; RV: right ventricle

5.3.1  Valvular Obstruction

5.2.4  Complications  Pulmonary Valve Stenosis/Atresia
Even though diagnostic cardiac catheterizations are
performed in patients of increasing risk, and inspite of Intervention for pulmonary valve stenosis is indicated
a substantial increase in the number and complexity if a peak to peak gradient is above 40  mmHg as
of interventional procedures, the incidence of com- measured by cardiac catheterization. Balloon dilation
plications has consistently decreased over the years. has become the standard first line therapy, with very
Currently, mortality from a cardiac catheterization is high success rate [11, 12]. However, patients with
exceedingly rare, in the order of 0.1%, and almost so-called dysplastic pulmonary valves as seen in
exclusively occurring in infants or high risk patients Noonan syndrome, with markedly thick leaflets and
undergoing interventional procedures [10]. The reported often associated stenosis at the sinotubular junction
incidence of all adverse events is approximately 8%, (supravalvar), have traditionally had lower success.
including the complications related to interventions. Nowadays, the use of high pressure balloon valvotomy
Within this group, the incidence of major complica- for these resistant valves can achieve success in most
tions (e.g., death, cardiac arrest, cardiac perforation, patients, so that surgical intervention is limited only to
complete heart block, ventricular tachycardia or fibril- very few. Patients are recovered overnight and dis-
lation, decreased pulse requiring surgery, or cardiac charged the following morning. Rarely severe dynamic
tamponade) is 1–2%. Common minor complications subpulmonary stenosis can develop post dilation. In
include fever in the 12 h following the procedure and some cases, this can be severe, specially in the absence
hematoma at the vascular access site. of a right-to-left shunt at atrial level, can lead to a low
Complications of cardiac catheterization and transcath- output state (“suicidal right ventricle”), requiring
eter intervention may be a reason to admission to the ICU. admission to the ICU and intravenous beta-blockers.
5  Cardiac Catheterization 43

Table 5.2  Summary of transcatheter interventions

Therapeutic goal Intervention Indicated in patients with:
Create or enlarge an ASD Balloon atrial TGA/IVS w/ restrictive ASD (electively or with severe cyanosis)
Septostomy TGA/VSD or DORV with poor mixing and severe cyanosis
Tricuspid atresia or PA/IVS w/ restrictive ASD (rarely)
Blade or balloon HLHS w/ restrictive or absent ASD
atrial septoplasty Other complex CHD with left atrioventricular valve stenosis or
atresia and restrictive or absent ASD
Balloon Valvuloplasty Pulmonary balloon valvotomy Critical PS (newborn) Moderate to severe PS
Severe PS in TOF with hypoplastic pulmonary arteries and high
surgical risks
Other complex CHD with severe PS, hypoplastic pulmonary
arteries and high surgical risks
Aortic balloon valvotomy Critical AS (newborn) Moderate to severe AS
Angioplasty and/or Pulmonary artery Branch pulmonary artery stenosis (isolated or in association with
Stent implantation other CHD)
Hypoplastic pulmonary arteries (isolated or in association with
other CHD)
Coarctation Native coarctation of the aorta
Postoperative recurrent coarctation
Systemic vein SVC syndrome and SVC obstruction (postoperatively, secondary to
indwelling lines or cannulation sites)
Pulmonary vein Severe pulmonary vein stenosis (only indicated as a bridge to
heart–lung transplantation to relieve symptomatology)
PDA Ductal dependent lesions, or other with decreased pulmonary blood
Closure Device or Coil Patent ductus arteriosus
Atrial septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
Aortopulmonary collaterals (patients with dual source of pulmo-
nary blood flow: central pulmonary artery and collateral)
Arteriovenous malformation (i.e., pulmonary)
Pulmonary sequestration (i.e., in Scimitar Syndrome)
Miscelaneous Balloon dilation/stenting local PDA stenting (patients with ductal dependent lesions awaiting
thrombolysis transplantation; HLHS as part of hybrid approach)
Blalock-Taussig shunt reopening
APC dilation/stenting or reopening post failed unifocalization
Endomyocardial Biopsy Myocarditis and cardiomyopathies
Foreign body retrieval Retained intracardiac lines (i.e., post cardiac surgery)
ASD atrial septal defect; AS aortic stenosis; APC aortopulmonary collateral; CHD congenital heart disease; DORV double outlet
right ventricle; HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome; IVS intact ventricular septum; PDA patent ductus arteriosus; PS pulmonary
stenosis; TGA transposition of the great arteries; TOF tetralogy of Fallot; VSD ventricular septal defect

In the newborn and infant with an open atrial commu- variable degrees of right ventricular hypoplasia,
nication, variable degree of right-to-left shunting at although overtime the right ventricle is almost always
atrial level causing cyanosis is common. adequate to allow a biventricular circulation [13, 14].
Though balloon dilation may result in valvar regurgi- However, it may take several weeks or months for the
tation, given that the pulmonary artery pressure is nor- right-to-left shunting at the patent foramen ovale to
mally quite low, the physiologic consequences of the be eliminated or significantly reduced. Typically,
insufficiency are rarely significant. Thus, the main long prostaglandins are discontinued immediately follow-
term issues are observation for the rare case of resteno- ing balloon dilation, although, most patients require
sis and the continued need for endocarditis precautions. on-going prostaglandins for a few more days or
A special group of patients are the newborns with weeks, especially if the severity of the right ventricular
critical pulmonary valve stenosis, and ductal depen- hypoplasia is marked. Patent ductus arteriosus
dant circulation. It is common to see the associated (PDA) stenting or surgical intervention (placement of
44 J. Kreutzer

a Blalock-Taussig shunt +/− a right ventricular residual physiologic abnormality is mild with average
outflow tract patch) may be necessary for those residual gradients of 22–35 mmHg. Moderate or severe
patients who cannot wean off prostaglandins after 14 aortic insufficiency occurs in about 10% of patients,
days of dilation. and this incidence tends to increase during follow-up
Radiofrequency-assisted valve perforation followed [16, 17]. When subsequent intervention is needed it
by balloon valvotomy [15] can be performed in patients may be due to recurrent obstruction, insufficiency, or
with membranous pulmonary atresia (Fig. 5.4). Although both. In the first case, repeat valve dilation is an option.
successful perforation has been reported in up 75–90% When aortic insufficiency becomes severe, surgery is
of selected patients, the procedure is definitive for only required.
35%, as they commonly require additional intervention
either transcatheter or surgical.
Patients with pulmonary valve atresia may have right  Mitral Stenosis
ventricular dependent coronary circulation which would
contraindicate right ventricular decompression. Typically, Isolated congenital mitral valve stenosis is very rare,
patients with this condition have small right ventricles occurring more commonly in association with other
and small tricuspid valve annulus. For these patients, left sided obstructive lesions in patients with Shone’s
cardiac catheterization is typically purely diagnostic. syndrome or other complex congenital heart disease.
Congenital mitral valve stenosis has proven to be some-
what an intractable condition, except in those patients  Aortic Valve Stenosis with isolated supravalvar mitral ring, in whom surgical
resection is the procedure of choice [19]. Infants with
Balloon valvotomy is considered as the procedure of severe congenital mitral stenosis have been reported to
choice for management of severe or critical aortic valve have a poor outcome regardless of treatment modality.
stenosis in most centers. In the newborn, severe aortic Given the palliative nature of any intervention, newborns
stenosis can present as critical, ductal-dependant lesion who present with this condition are typically managed
[16, 17]. Transcatheter balloon dilation can be performed as patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
antegrade (femoral vein or umbilical vein to left ventricle (Norwood Stage I procedure, followed by subsequent
and aorta across foramen ovale), or retrograde (umbilical surgeries for a single ventricle palliation). The thera-
artery or femoral artery). For premature babies, the peutic options for symptomatic infants and children
carotid artery approach via surgical carotid cut down is a outside the newborn period presenting with severe
good alternative to avoid femoral arterial damage. Other mitral stenosis and pulmonary hypertension are few.
approaches for access have also been reported (axillary, In the presence of a supravalvar mitral ring, surgical
subscapular, transventricular). Currently, the procedure resection should be performed. Depending on the under-
can be performed using low profile balloons advanced lying anatomy mitral balloon valvotomy has been reported
via femoral approach through a 3F sheath in the new- to immediately reduce the gradient in the majority,
born, with which the incidence of ileofemoral artery although, sustained symptomatic improvement is only
thrombosis in the retrograde approach has significantly seen in less than half of the patients. Given the lack of
lowered. A gradient of over 50 mmHg is considered the better options, mitral valve balloon valvotomy can be
cut-off for intervention, although smaller gradients may considered as a palliative procedure to delay the need
not correlate with severity in patients with severe LV for mitral valve replacement in these patients.
dysfunction, or cardiomyopathy.
Some degree of aortic insufficiency is commonly
present after the procedure, although more than
moderate regurgitation is rare. Attempts to completely 5.3.2  Vascular Stenosis
alleviate obstruction by using large balloons result in
an unacceptable amount of regurgitation [18]. Thus,  Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
after successful balloon dilation, it is common for
patients to have residual obstruction in the mild to Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis can be congenital
moderate range and/or insufficiency. In most cases, the or acquired post cardiac surgery, and constitutes 2–3%
5  Cardiac Catheterization 45

a b c

d e

Fig. 5.4  (a) The right ventricular demonstrates membranous radiofrequency perforation. (c) The radiofrequency wire has
pulmonary valve atresia (arrow), with severe tricuspid valve been advanced across the atretic valve. (d) After a wire is
regurgitation, with contrast filling the right atrium (RA). advanced across coaxial catheter, a balloon is inflated across
The right ventricle (RV) is well developed. (b) In the lateral the valve. (e) A right ventriculogram post radiofrequency
projection the right ventriculogram demonstrates membra- perforation and balloon valvotomy demonstrates a widely
nous atresia (arrow). A right coronary catheter is used to open pulmonary valve (arrow). RV: right ventricle; PA: pul-
position it’s tip under the atretic valve, in preparation for monary artery

of congenital heart disease. Congenital pulmonary Indications for balloon dilation include elevated
artery stenosis occurs in isolation or association with right-to-left ventricular pressure ratio of over 50%,
other congenital heart defects (most commonly, right ventricular failure, angiographic narrowing,
Tetralogy of Fallot +/− pulmonary atresia). As a pri- contralateral pulmonary arterial hypertension, and
mary lesion, it may be idiopathic or occur in presence abnormal perfusion by lung scintigraphy. Although
of syndromes, such as congenital rubella, Williams there are no contraindications to this procedure by age
syndrome, and Alagille syndrome. Results of surgery or size, newborns with severe branch pulmonary artery
for such branch pulmonary artery stenoses have been stenosis would undergo balloon angioplasty only if
quite unsatisfactory, commonly leading to more severe symptomatic and associated with systemic or higher
stenoses than preoperatively. In addition, surgery right ventricular pressure, or ventricular dysfunction.
cannot treat peripheral stenosis. Therefore, balloon Either discrete stenoses or long diffuse hypoplastic
angioplasty remains the first line and only therapy for pulmonary arteries can be successfully dilated to vari-
many of these patients [20–22]. able degree [22]. Reported results indicate a rate of
46 J. Kreutzer

success of 50–75%, [22] the latter with the use of high ventricular pressures and dysfunction may benefit
pressure balloons. Most recently, the introduction of from creation of an atrial level communication prior to
the cutting balloon and novel balloon technology (over balloon dilation to allow a pop-off. The incidence of
25 ATM of burst pressure) has increased the success morbidity related to the procedure is in the order of
rate of balloon pulmonary angioplasty to the order of 10%, including nonfatal pulmonary artery tears, seg-
over 92% [22–24]. The cutting balloon has microsur- mental pulmonary edema, distal vessel aneurysm for-
gical blades longitudinally and creates a predictable mation, and deep vein thrombosis [28, 29]. Patients
intimal tear. Stent implantation allows a further signifi- with hyperperfusion pulmonary edema may need to
cant improvement in success (over 90%); [25, 26] remain mechanically ventilated for 24 h in the ICU on
(Fig.  5.5) however, not all lesions are stentable, and PEEP and be managed with diuretics for a few days.
there are limitations in the available technology, as the
cutting balloon is manufactured only up to 8  mm in
diameter. Most stents implanted in children can be re-  Aortic Coarctation
dilated at a later time to adult size diameters [27].
Stents in infants offer some theoretical disadvantages: Balloon dilation of native coarctation of the aorta
need for a larger introducer (more difficult vascular [30–32] remains a controversial subject in pediatric
access), and for subsequent dilations to keep up with cardiology. Generally, indications for intervention in
somatic growth. Still, some lesions that do not respond to infants and children, whether surgical or transcatheter,
dilation alone or to previous surgery can be successfully include the presence of anatomic coarctation associ-
managed with stent implantation, regardless of the age. ated with a systolic pressure gradient between upper
Balloon dilation of peripheral pulmonary artery and lower extremities of over 20 mmHg, or a systolic
stenosis carries a procedural related mortality of 0–3% blood pressure greater than 95% for age, or the pres-
[28], related to vessel rupture (tears) or cardiac arrest ence of left ventricular dysfunction. In the newborn,
in high risk patients – those with suprasystemic right surgery is indicated only in symptomatic patients,
ventricular pressure and poor right ventricular function. with congestive heart failure, failure to thrive, or upper
Immediate transcatheter management of significant pul- extremity hypertension associated with left ventricu-
monary artery trauma using coil closure of unconfined tears lar dysfunction, given that during the first month of
or implantation of covered stents can be lifesaving, [27] life there is a higher postoperative restenosis rate.
and likely will almost eliminate mortality in the future. Surgery is considered as the management approach of
In addition, high risk patients with suprasystemic right choice for neonates and young infants with severe

a b

Fig. 5.5  (a) The left pulmonary angiogram demonstrates proximal left pulmonary artery stenosis (arrow). (b) Following stent
implantation there is significant improvement in vessel diameter without any residual stenosis (arrow). *: Left pulmonary artery
5  Cardiac Catheterization 47

a b

Fig.  5.6  (a) Aortogram demonstrates coarctation of the aorta with a narrow and tortuous course (arrow). (b) Following stent
implantation there is no residual coarctation (arrow). Ao: Aorta; DA: Descending aorta

coarctation, given the unacceptably high incidence at catheterization is widely gaining acceptance as a
of restenosis following balloon angioplasty (at least first line treatment [33] (Fig.  5.6), particularly in the
50%). However, there are specific clinical conditions absence of any significant collaterals, given that the
where balloon dilation of the native coarctation in surgical repair is at risk of spinal cord ischemia. Long
infants can be considered: patients with high surgical term results of coarctation stenting are still scarce.
risks (i.e., severe left ventricular dysfunction and The lack of approved covered stents for generalized in
unstable hemodynamic condition, severe pulmonary the United States make the risk of vessel dissection
hypertension, or other pulmonary diseases that would particularly worrisome. Stents result is effective relief
significantly increase the risk of thoracotomy, recent of the obstruction in between 92 and 100% of cases.
intracranial hemorrhage, or other major systemic At follow-up, recurrent coarctation can be managed
conditions), or if coarctation is identified at the time with repeat balloon dilation and/or re-stenting.
of cardiac catheterization for balloon valvotomy of For infants with postoperative recurrent or residual
congenital aortic valve stenosis. coarctation balloon angioplasty is considered as the
Recurrence of stenosis post balloon dilation, decreases procedure of choice, regardless of the type of previous
as the age of the patient increases, reaching about 10% surgical repair [34, 35] (Fig. 5.7). Mortality is 0.7%,
for children over 2 years of age. The procedure is with a low incidence of aneurysm formation (less than
generally safe, with a mortality of less than 1% and 2%). Success occurs in over 90% with a restenosis rate
aneurysm formation rates of variable incidence reach- of less than 20%, and can be managed with repeat
ing up to 14% in some reports. Recent long term data balloon dilation.
supports balloon dilation of native coarctation as an
acceptable therapeutic option for discrete coarctation
of aorta in patients older than 1 year of age with dis-  Systemic or Pulmonary Vein Stenosis
crete stenosis. However, the long term significance of
an aortic aneurysm in the adult is unknown. Symptomatic systemic venous obstruction can
In patients who are diagnosed during late childhood, occur in infants and children following cardiac sur-
adolescence, or in adulthood, stenting of the coarctation gery or after placement of chronic indwelling lines.
48 J. Kreutzer

a b

Fig. 5.7  (a) The aortogram demonstrates severe coarctation of the aorta (arrow) after surgical arch repair. (b) Following balloon
angioplasty there is significant improvement in vessel diameter. Ao: Ascending aorta; *: Descending aorta

a b

Fig. 5.8  (a) Venogram performed in the left subclavian vein demonstrates near extensive occlusive thrombus in the innominate vein
(arrow). (b) After use of Angiojet, balloon dilation and stenting, patency has been re-established (arrow)

Indications for intervention include symptoms of catheter or RF perforation, followed by balloon

systemic venous hypertension, SVC syndrome, and dilation/stenting (Fig. 5.9).
chronic effusions. Balloon dilation of venous stenoses Pulmonary vein stenosis is generally an intractable
has been performed since the mid 1980s. The immediate disease, occurring either congenital or postoperatively.
success rate is over 90% for balloon dilation alone, but Balloon dilation and stent implantation [36] can only
the restenosis rate is over 50%, for what primary stent serve as a short term palliation for symptomatic patients
implantation is preferred (Fig. 5.8) [25]. as a bridge to heart–lung transplantation. The use of
Recannalization of completely thrombosed systemic drug eluting stents, or the cutting balloon may provide
veins can be performed using the angiojet technique alternative options of more durability, although the
(transcatheter mechanical thrombolysis) or using experience with these techniques is only anecdotal.
5  Cardiac Catheterization 49

a b

Fig. 5.9  (a) The angiogram demonstrates complete occlusion (arrow) of the superior limb of the Mustard baffle in a patient with
transposition of the great arteries. (b) Following transcatheter recanalization and stenting patency is restablished (arrow). (a): superior
vena cava; * Inferior vena cava baffle

5.3.3  Creation or Enlargement of Defects serial balloon dilations using angioplasty balloons,
including the use of the cutting balloon, and occasion-
ally stent implantation.  Balloon Atrial Septostomy (BAS)

Following its initial introduction by Rashkind and

Miller in 1966 [2], BAS has become an essential 5.3.4  Closure of Defects
intervention in the management of most patients with
transposition of the great arteries and other forms of  Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
congenital heart disease with transposition-like phys-
iology (i.e., double outlet right ventricle). At most
Now, most ASD secundums are closed via transcathe-
centers, BAS is performed routinely on patients with
ter devices. Some are still not candidates for device
d-transposition of the great arteries and intact ventricu-
implantation, given the lack of good rims of tissue
lar septum, often in the ICU under echocardiographic
around the defect to anchor the device. ASDs of the
guidance. In patients with left-sided obstructive lesions,
sinus venosus or ASD primums cannot be closed with
thick atrial septum, small left atrium, and restrictive
devices. Although devices are available to close very
atrial septal defect, BAS is rarely successful [37].
large holes (up to 40 mm in diameter) the larger devices
For these patients, other techniques of atrial septal
will fit only in the heart of a large adult. Currently,
defects (ASD) creation and septoplasty are preferred
there are two devices approved for use in the USA for
(see below). The success rate of balloon atrial septostomy
closure of ASD: the amplatzer septal occluder [39, 40]
in newborns is over 98%, with a procedural mortality
(which accounts for the vast majority of implants); and
of less than 1%, and an incidence of major complications
the Helex [41] occluder. The CardioSEAL device was
reported in the order of 0–3% [54].
in the past used for this purpose while under investiga-
tion, and is now approved for closure of ventricular
septal defects. A newer generation of this device is  Atrial Septoplasty/Blade Septostomy under investigation for closure of the PFO. The proce-
dure is performed under transesophageal or intracar-
Blade septostomy [38] is almost not used nowadays, diac echocardiographic guidance. Patients receive
having been replaced by the use of a combination of low-dose aspirin for 6 months and adhere to bacterial
Brockenbrough transeptal puncture [37], followed by endocarditis prophylaxis precautions for 12 months.
50 J. Kreutzer

Several studies have documented efficacy of device the technique in an infant is a hybrid or combined
closure comparing the method to surgery: in general, surgical–catheter approach [42]. In this method, the
they show no or little difference in efficacy rates heart is exposed via a thoracotomy and the device delivery
between the two strategies (complete closure rates of catheter advanced through the free wall of the right
95–98%), [39, 40] with longer hospital stay and higher ventricle and across the VSD, under echocardiographic
rate of complications after surgical closure. The actual guidance. This technique has the advantage of avoiding
numbers reported for complications as well as length cardiopulmonary bypass and eliminating the risk of
of stay, vary substantially, but severe complications are vascular damage in small children.
very rare. The main difference in complication rate The Cardioseal device was the only one approved
between surgical closure and device closure can be by FDA for closure of muscular VSDs in the USA.
attributed to post-procedure pericardial effusion, which This device requires a large introducer sheath for
is relatively common after surgery and rare after device delivery (10–11F), and cannot be retrieved once opened
closure. The timing and underlying cause for effusions up. The Amplatzer muscular VSD occluder [43] has
differ for both methods. While post operative effusions recently received FDA approval. This device has been
are thought to relate to postperiocardiotomy syndrome, used widely and offers attractive properties and high
post device effusions are typically thought to be related success rate for closure of muscular ventricular septal
to erosion or perforation of the atrial wall caused by defects. The amplatzer membranous VSD occluder
the device or the catheters used during the procedure. designed for perimembranous VSDs is also under
These have been reported to occur early or late, even investigation. The incidence of complete heart block
several years after device implantation, and are thought even late after implantation is concerning.
to be in the order of 1:1000–5000.  Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)  Ventricular Septal Defects
Small and moderate PDAs are typically closed in the
Most ventricular septal defects (VSD) cannot be closed catheterization laboratory with either embolization
with devices, due to their significant size in relatively coils [44] or devices (Amplatzer duct occluder) [44]
small hearts as well as the proximity to intracardiac (Fig.  5.10), while large symptomatic PDAs in the
valves. An option to overcome the limitations of newborn are treated surgically. Transcatheter closure

a b

Fig. 5.10  (a) The aortogram demonstrates a moderate size patent ductus arteriousus (arrow). (b) Following implantation of an
Amplatzer PDA occluder there is no residual PDA flow (arrow). *: Descending aorta; MPA: Main pulmonary artery
5  Cardiac Catheterization 51

of PDA has been extensively studied. A European These novel procedures are likely to become common
registry series reported an overall efficacy of 95% in procedures during the next decade.
over 1,200 procedures performed between 1994 and
2001 [44]. In this series, successful occlusion was less
likely in larger PDAs. Since that report, the closure Preservation of Ductal Patency
device described above (Amplatzer PDA Occluder)
has been approved in the USA, achieving high closure Stenting of the patent duct can be performed instead of
rate of close to 100% [45]. Thus, nowadays, the use of surgical Blalock–Taussig shunt in some newborns. The
coils for small PDAs and devices for moderate and procedure can be performed using self expanding
large ones, allows a high efficacy of greater than 97% stents or balloon explandable stents [50]. Conditions
with a very low complication rate. for which this can be considered include:
−− Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: Stenting of the
PDA in patients awaiting heart transplantation, or  Other
as part of the interventions performed with the
hybrid management approach for hypoplastic left
Closure of Collaterals
heart syndrome [51, 52].
−− Pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum,
Lesions amenable to closure by embolization therapy
following transcatheter perforation and valvotomy,
include systemic venous anomalies [46] (i.e., left
in patients who cannot wean from PGE1.
superior vena cava to left atrium) or collaterals (abnormal
−− Some complex single ventricle with diminished
vessels which are seen in patients with single ventricle
pulmonary blood.
palliation), aortopulmonary collaterals, pulmonary
sequestration, or congenital arteriovenous malforma- There are limiting factors to the consideration of PDA
tions [47, 48]. Coil embolization of collaterals is one stenting in a newborn. The ideal approach is trans-
of the most common procedures in children with venous, via the femoral vein, into the pulmonary artery
congenital heart disease, particularly in patients and down the PDA. This way, it is likely that a 5F or 6F
with functional single ventricle. It is safe and highly could be used without much risk for vessel damage
successful, with over 95% complete closure rate. The and allowing the use of a self expanding stent if desired.
use of platinum coils rather than that of stainless steel If on the other hand, the stent has to be performed tran-
allows for future cardiac MRI imaging. In tetralogy sarterially, depending on the size of the newborn, the
of Fallot variants and diminutive or absent central intervention may not be feasible without significant
pulmonary arteries, coil embolization is indicated for risk of vessel damage. The only stent which could be
those collaterals to lung segments with dual sources of used for transarterial implantation would be a coronary
pulmonary blood flow. stent, for what the PDA would have to be relatively
small to begin with. Given the risk of vessel tear, if the
PDA stent cannot be implanted transvenously, the
Transcatheter Thrombolysis risks/benefits ratio of transarterial stenting versus sur-
gical shunting should be considered.
Reopening of thrombosed vessels or surgical anastomoses
[49] can be performed nowadays with good results,
although, the experience in pediatrics is relatively Prenatal Catheter Interventions
limited. Often thrombolysis is associated to balloon
angioplasty and stenting to achieve success. The pioneering work by the interventional group at
Other interventions include retrieval of foreign Children’s Hospital of Boston introduced a new man-
bodies, preservation of ductal patency using stents, agement option for fetuses with congenital aortic
coil embolization of coronary artery fistula and some stenosis. Fetal echocardiography has demonstrated the
novel catheter interventions, such as prenatal interven- natural history of fetal aortic stenosis [53]. Fetuses
tions (for opening of stenotic valves, or restrictive atrial who present in mid gestation with dilated and/or
septum) and transcatheter pulmonary valve implantation. dysfunctional left ventricles and retrograde aortic flow
52 J. Kreutzer

are highly likely to develop hypoplastic left heart In some patients with decreased systemic ventricular
syndrome during fetal development. Fetal aortic balloon function and no interatrial communication, the left
dilation is offered for these fetuses with the aim to alter atrial pressure may reach severely elevated levels, which
the natural history and prevent left ventricular growth induces pulmonary venous hypertension, and elevation
arrest and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). in pulmonary artery pressures/pulmonary edema and
The procedure is done percutaneously and transab- potential lung damage. This could become a viscious
dominal, providing both mother and fetus anesthesia, circle that would prevent the patient to ever wean from
requiring 50% of the time laparotomy. The approach is ECMO. Left atrial decompression has to be performed
via ultrasound guidance and needle puncture. The valve emergently in this setting, and is done with transseptal
is dilated with a coronary balloon premounted on a puncture and balloon dilation. Rarely, stenting of the
coronary wire. The results demonstrate that 20% of atrial septal communication may be required [56].
fetuses only become candidates for biventricular circu- Transport of the patient on ECMO to the cardiac
lation. It is not certain whether there is any benefit for catheterization laboratory is a team effort. Multiple
the remaining fetuses, especially if some increase in experienced individuals are involved, including ECMO
antegrade aortic flow might be associated with improved technitians, ICU nurses, anesthesiology team, cardiologist,
brain development. The intermediate and long term and intensivist. Despite the severity of the condition of
results are still unknown. the patient’s, cardiac catheterization and transcatheter
interventions are performed with a relatively low inci-
dence of complications (3–7%).

5.4  Specific Problems

5.4.2  S
 pecific Post Cardiac
5.4.1  C
 ardiac Catheterization in a Patient Catheterization Complications
on Extracorporeal Membrane
Oxygenation (ECMO) Some specific complications post cardiac catheteriza-
tion can lead to admission to the cardiac ICU. Among
ECMO has been used increasingly for the manage- these are:
ment of the cardiac pediatric patients, often initiated
semielectively postoperatively [54, 55]. Cardiac cath-
eterization is performed commonly in these patients to  Arterial Pulse Loss
determine the underlying cause of the cardiovascular
collapse, or the failure to wean from the ECMO circuit. Following arterial puncture, lower extremity pulses are
When a residual anatomic problem exists, interven- checked every 15 min for 1 h, every 30 min for 2 h, and
tional cardiac catheterization is often indicated and can every hour for the initial 6 h. Pulse loss can be transient
be lifesaving. Indeed, it has been reported that over associated with arterial vasospasm. In those cases, the
80% of such studies end up requiring transcatheter distal pulses return to normal within half an hour post
intervention procedures, specially if ECMO was initi- line removal. The risk of pulse loss is related to the size
ated immediately postoperatively. of the sheath and the size of the vessel. The use of
From a technical stand point, hemodynamic assess- intravenous heparinization during the procedure low-
ment has to be interpreted according to the flow condition ers the chance of arterial loss. The treatment of pulse
of the time. Partial or total clamping of the ECMO loss following cardiac catheterization [57, 58] includes
cannulas is necessary to evaluate hemodynamics. If heparinization for the first 12–24  h (drip starts at
decreasing ECMO flows is not an option, hemodynamic 20  Units/kg/h plus heparin bolus depending on the
assessment is impossible to perform. Still, angiographic ending ACT measured in the Catheterization
assessment can be most helpful in diagnosing these Laboratory and the time evolved since then). If no
patients. Angiography has to be peformed with transient response by 24 h (or sooner if extremity is cold), it is
clamping of the ECMO canulas, as otherwise, visual- recommended to start thrombolitic therapy, with tPA
ization of the anatomy will be poor as the contrast will infusion. The patient should be monitored in the ICU.
get diluted with the ECMO flow. A bolus of 0.1 mg/kg is initiated followed by 0.5 mg/
5  Cardiac Catheterization 53

kg/hour drip for 2 h, then off. Heparinization is continued it is transient and can be treated successfully in the
for 6  h at 12–17  Units/kg/hour. If the pulse has not Cath Lab with removal of the catheter, atropine, and if
returned, the bolus and drip of TPA are repeated, followed needed a temporary transvenous pacemaker.
by heparin infusion for another 6 h. The success rate
with this protocol is quite high (95%).

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Chapter 6

Cécile Tissot, Adel K. Younoszai, and Christina Phelps

6.1  Introduction 6.2  Principles of Echocardiography

Echocardiography in its current form, several generations Echocardiography uses ultrasound technology to image
removed from its origin in the 1950s [1], has become the heart and associated vascular structures. Ultrasound
an invaluable tool in a modern cardiac intensive care is defined as sound frequencies above the audible range
unit environment. Coupled with a clinical examination of 20,000 cycles per second. The primary components of
and monitoring techniques, echocardiography can an ultrasound machine include a transducer and a central
provide real-time rapid and reliable diagnostic answers processor. The transducer converts electrical to mechanical
that are invaluable to patient care. This noninvasive (sound) energy and vice versa. Electrical energy is
test can be used to reliably evaluate cardiac anatomy of applied to piezoelectric crystals within the transducer
both normal hearts and those with congenital heart resulting in the generation of mechanical energy in the
disease and has replaced cardiac angiography for the form of a series of sinusoidal cycles of alternating com-
preoperative diagnosis of the majority of congenital pression and rarefaction. The energy produced travels as
heart lesions [2–4]. In congenital or acquired cardiac a directable beam which may be aimed at the heart. The
disease, echocardiography may be further used to sound beam travels in a straight line until it encounters a
estimate intracardiac pressures and gradients across boundary between structures with different acoustical
stenotic valves and vessels, determine the directionality impedance, such as between blood and tissue. At such
of blood flow and pressure gradient across a defect, surfaces, a portion of the energy is reflected back to the
and examine the coronary arteries. Within the realm of same crystals within the transducer, and the remaining
critical care, echocardiography is useful to quanti- attenuated signal is transmitted distally. Within the ultra-
tative cardiac systolic and diastolic function, detect sound, machine is circuitry capable of measuring the
the presence of vegetations from endocarditis, and transit time for the beam to travel from the transducer
examine the cardiac structure for the presence of to a given structure and back again then calculate the
pericardial fluid and chamber thrombi. As with all distance traveled. A cardiac image is constructed from
tools, however, a thorough understanding of its uses the reflected energy, or so called ultrasound echoes.
and limitations are necessary before relying upon Differing properties of tissues affect the portion of
the information it provides. acoustic energy transmitted versus reflected. For example,
air reflects the majority of the signal it receives and,
therefore, prevents images from being obtained through
windows where it is present. Anything hindering or
augmenting the reflection of this acoustic signal, such
as air, bone, dressings, an open chest, or lines, tubes, or
C. Tissot (*) other foreign bodies, will diminish the overall quality of
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
the examination. Therefore, in the intensive care unit, an
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA ultrasound study may be limited by difficulty in finding a
e-mail: good acoustic window to allow for accurate analysis [5].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 57
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_6, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
58 C. Tissot et al.

6.3  T
 he Anatomical Echocardiographic pediatric study, standard views (see Fig.  6.1–6.5)
Examination are obtained from the high left chest just lateral to
the sternum (parasternal window), the left lateral
In order to obtain the best imaging windows, whenever chest just inferior and lateral to the nipple (apical
possible, patients are placed in a left lateral decubitus window), sub-xyphoid area (subcostal window), and
position during a transthoracic echocardiogram. the suprasternal notch (suprasternal window). In patients
During two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography, all with more complex anatomy, additional windows, such
planes are described in reference to the heart and not as the high right parasternal border, may be used to
the heart’s position within the body. For a complete obtain additional information.

Fig. 6.1  Standard echocardiographic image planes from the high notch (suprasternal window (e) and (f)). RA right atrium; RV right
left chest just lateral to the sternum (parasternal window (a) and ventricle; LA left atrium; LV left ventricle; Ao aortic valve; CS coro-
(b)), the left lateral chest just inferior to the nipple (apical window nary sinus; RVOT right ventricular outflow tract; SVC superior vena
(c)), sub-xyphoid area (subcostal window (d)), and the suprasternal cava (drawing from Steven P. Goldberg, MD)
6  Echocardiography 59

Fig. 6.1  (continued)

6.3.1  Parasternal Window sinuses of Valsalva, and the proximal portion of the
ascending aorta, as well as its relationship to the mitral
In the anatomically normal heart, the parasternal win- valve. Additionally, the ballet-slipper appearance of
dow allows visualization of the heart aligned along its the left ventricle is featured as the inferoposterior wall
long axis and short axis. In the long axis (Fig. 6.1a), and interventricular septum are visualized. The ante-
the left ventricular inflow and outflow tracts can be rior and posterior leaflets of the mitral valve can be
seen well. As a result, comments can be made from visualized. By angulating the transducer and perform-
this view regarding the aorta, including its annulus, the ing a sweep, the right ventricle is brought into focus
60 C. Tissot et al.

Fig. 6.1  (continued)

6  Echocardiography 61

Fig. 6.1  (continued)

and an examination of both its inflow including the ventricular chambers. The normal left ventricle has cir-
right atrium and tricuspid valve and its outflow tract, cular geometry with symmetric contraction, whether it
including the pulmonary valve can be performed. is visualized at the level of the mitral valve, papillary
The transducer may be rotated 90° providing a series muscles, or apex. In contrast, the normal right ventricle
of short-axis views (Fig. 6.1b) that assist in the evalua- appears as a more trabeculated crescent-shaped struc-
tion of the chambers of the heart, the semilunar and ture when visualized at or below the level of the mitral
atrioventricular valves, and the coronary arteries. valve. Sweeping farther toward the base of the heart,
Sweeping from the apex of the heart toward the base the mitral valve’s papillary muscles and the valve itself
will allow a close cross-sectional examination of the are viewed. Progressing to the base of the normal heart,
62 C. Tissot et al.

Fig. 6.1  (continued)

the tri-leaflet aortic valve takes the center stage with the with a simple left-to-right orientation. Imaging is begun
right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonary wrapping in the four-chamber view, in which the anatomic right
in an inverted “U” anteriorly and leftward. Additionally and left ventricles may be identified. Sweeps of the
a portion of the atrial septum and the tricuspid valve transducer from this position identify the posterior coro-
may be profiled. Finally, continuing the sweep allows nary sinus and may indicate abnormalities such as a left
for the examination of the atrial appendages, ascending superior vena cava or unroofed coronary sinus.
aorta in cross-section and branch pulmonary arteries. Proceeding more anteriorly to a five-chambered view,
the atrial and ventricular septa may be visualized look-
ing for defects and the left ventricular outflow tract and
ascending aorta may be examined. The four chamber
6.3.2  Apical Window view allows for the examination of the anterior and pos-
terior mitral valve leaflets and pulmonary veins as they
For those not trained in echocardiography, the images enter the left atrium. By rotating the transducer to 90°
obtained with the transducer in the apical position from the four-chamber view, a two-chamber view of the
(Fig. 6.1c) are perhaps the most intuitive as it allows for left ventricle and left atrium can be obtained to evaluate
visualization of all four chambers and valves in the heart the anterior and posterior left ventricular wall function.
6  Echocardiography 63

Fig. 6.1  (continued)

6.3.3  Subcostal Window of systemic veins. With the rotation of the transducer
both ventricular outflow tracts may be visualized.
For pediatric patients with complex cardiac anatomy, Additionally in some patients the branch pulmonary
the subcostal position (Fig.  6.1d and Fig. 6.1.e) pro- arteries and the entire aorta may be examined from this
vides the most detailed information and is often the position.
best starting place. In order to obtain images in this
position, patients are placed supine with the transducer
in the subxiphoid position. In larger cooperative
patients beyond the infancy period, image quality may 6.3.4  Suprasternal Window
be improved by having the patient participate in the
examination with held inspiration that allows the heart The views are obtained in this position by placing the
to move downward toward the transducer. Initial views transducer in the suprasternal notch (Fig. 6.1.f and Fig.
in this position should determine visceral situs as well 6.1.g) with the neck extended. The suprasternal long-
as the relationship of the inferior vena cava and aorta. and short-axis views provide detailed information
Subsequent views and sweeps will provide detailed regarding arch sidedness, anomalies in the ascending
analysis of the atrial septum as well as the images and descending aorta and head and neck vessels, the
related to the ventricular septum, the atrioventricular size and branching of the pulmonary arteries, as well as
valves, atrial and ventricular chambers, and drainage anomalies of systemic and pulmonary venous systems.
64 C. Tissot et al.

6.4  M-Mode Imaging regarding movement of the blood or myocardium is

provided by looking for Doppler shifts in the reflected
ultrasound waves. The Doppler principle, first
One of the earliest applications of ultrasound technol-
described by Johann Christian Doppler, states that for
ogy that remains an important tool in the evaluation of
a stationary object, the frequency of ultrasound
cardiac function, dimension, and timing, the M-mode
reflected is identical to the transmitted frequency.
echo provides an “ice-pick” view of the heart. An
Inherently the heart and the blood it pumps do not fit
M-mode echo is obtained with the ultrasonic trans-
this basic definition. Therefore, when performing a
ducer placed along the left sternal border and directed
cardiac ultrasound, the moving objects alter the fre-
toward the part of the heart to be examined. A single
quency of the reflected signal (the Doppler shift)
line of interrogation is repeatedly produced and the
according to the direction and velocity with which they
resultant image is displayed with time along the x-axis
are moving in relation to the fixed transducer [6].
and distance from the transducer along the y-axis (see
Additional insights to intracardiac and vascular
Fig.  6.2). M-mode obtains an estimate of ventricular
hemodynamics may be obtained when velocity data is
function by measuring the short axis shortening frac-
collected. Doppler data are typically displayed as
tion and wall thickness.
velocity rather than the actual frequency shift. The
velocities can then be translated into pressure data using
the modified Bernoulli equation: P1 – P2= 4[(V2)2 –
6.5  Doppler Evaluation (V1)2]. If one assumes that the level of obstruction and
therefore the velocity of V1 is negligible compared with
Frequently in an intensive care setting the clinician is the obstruction at V2 the formula becomes even sim-
concerned with new or residual flow disturbances from pler: DP = 4(Vmax)2. Although the modified Bernoulli
shunt lesions, an abnormal cardiac valve, or narrowing equation can only be applied in appropriate situations,
of a blood vessel. While 2D echocardiography deter- it does help predict the pressure drop across an abnor-
mines anatomical relationships, additional information mal valve or septal defect to give a general estimate of

Fig. 6.2  M-mode echocardiography obtained in the parasternal short axis through the right and left ventricular chambers at the level
of the papillary muscles. LVEDD left ventricular end-diastolic dimension; LVESD left ventricular end-systolic dimension
6  Echocardiography 65

the severity of the lesion which can prove to be valu- 6.6  Current Clinical Applications
able information to help manage patients in the inten-
sive care setting.
Clinical applications of echocardiography within the
Of note, during Doppler imaging it is clinically
intensive care unit may be divided into the following
important to recognize the angle of interrogation of
major areas:
blood flow and its impact on the accuracy of our velocity
measures. It is important when performing Doppler 1. The diagnosis and post-intervention evaluation of
studies that the line of beam interrogation should be anatomic lesions.
directly in the line of flow, resulting in as little distortion 2. Evaluation of cardiac function.
of data as possible. The more off-angle the approach 3. Diagnosis of intracardiac masses and extracardiac
is, the increasingly more severe the underestimation of effusions.
the true velocity will be. For practical purposes, an 4. Guidance of intervention within the intensive care
angle of interrogation less than 20° is essential to unit
ensure clinically accurate information.
Two commonly used techniques are pulsed and con-
tinuous wave Doppler. Pulse wave Doppler allows
6.7  A
 natomic Lesions Pre and Post
determination of direction and velocity at a precise point
within the imaged cardiac field. However, it is limited in
its maximum detectable velocity by the Nyquist limit
making it unusable for quantification of high-velocity Advances in technology have enabled most congenital
flow (e.g., as seen with severe obstruction). In contrast, heart defects to be diagnosed by echocardiography
continuous wave Doppler interrogates all points along a avoiding the risks, time, and cost of invasive cardiac
given beam. Continuous wave Doppler imaging is not catheterization [2–4]. In addition, for infants and
constrained by velocity limits and can hence record pediatric patients admitted to an intensive care unit
velocities exceeding those of pulsed Doppler imaging. due to being succumbed to shock, echocardiography
The drawback is that while the line of interrogation is may be useful for differentiating anatomic causes of
identifiable, knowledge of anatomy must already be shock from functional causes. Patients with obstruc-
obtained to identify the precise location of the maxi- tion to outflow on the left side of the heart who go
mum velocity. Clinically these two techniques are com- undiagnosed at birth frequently present with signs of
monly used sequentially to identify the area of interest diminished cardiac output (CO) or frank shock. These
and then to obtain the maximum velocity. lesions including aortic valve stenosis, coarctation of
the aorta, and variations of hypoplastic left heart
syndrome may be identified and defined by echocar-
diogram alone.
6.5.1  Color Flow Doppler Following surgical or catheter-based intervention
patients convalesce in the intensive care unit. Most
Color flow Doppler is powerful technique for obtaining pati­ents undergo a postprocedural echo before getting
additional hemodynamic and anatomic data for patients discharged home to document adequacy of the repair
undergoing echocardiography in the intensive care and lack of significant complications. In postoperative
unit. Color flow Doppler allows velocity information patients this assessment may prove more complicated
to be overlaid on a 2D anatomic image therefore provid- as access to the patient and the correct windows may
ing data regarding intracardiac and extracardiac shunts, be severely compromised by dressings, intracardiac
valvar insufficiency or stenosis, and vessel obstruc- lines, and chest tubes. Occasionally postoperative
tion. By convention, shades of red are used in identify- patients in the intensive care unit may be found to have
ing blood flowing toward the transducer and blue to unexpected residual lesions (see Fig. 6.3). For example,
indicate blood flowing away from the transducer. following repair of septal defects, echocardiography
Therefore, color flow Doppler defines the presence may be useful to screen for the presence of residual
and direction of shunts and is used to grade the sever- shunts which may be less well tolerated secondary to
ity of valvar insufficiency. myocardial changes following cardiopulmonary
66 C. Tissot et al.

Fig. 6.3  Parasternal short axis image in a patient with pulmonary atresia/VSD who acutely decompensated. White arrows demon-
strate the large residual VSD than resulted when a patch dehisced. RA right atrium; RV right ventricle; AV aortic valve

a b

Fig.  6.4  (a) and (b): Four chambered view demonstrating A complete envelope by pulse wave or continuous wave
color Doppler of tricuspid regurgitation and the correspond- Doppler provides the velocity of the regurgitant jet which
ing spectral Doppler pattern. The velocity obtained by may be translated into pressure data using the equation:
spectral Doppler may be utilized to estimate pulmonary DP = 4(Vmax)2. RA right atrium; RV right ventricle; LA left
artery pressures in the absence of downstream obstruction. atrium; LV left ventricle

bypass [7]. Often, the presence of a residual lesion is from those whose presence has no impact on post­
known in the operating room through transesophageal operative care. Transthoracic echocardiography may be
echocardiography or direct discussion with the sur- used to diagnose and assess the hemodynamic sequelae
geon. An important role of echocardiography is to dis- of shunt lesions, residual stenosis, and function. More
tinguish those lesions with hemodynamic consequences complicated is the assessment of coronary flow, right
6  Echocardiography 67

a b

c d

Fig. 6.5  Demonstrate a thrombus in the right ventricle seen in thrombus in the left atrial appendage in both parasternal short axis
parasternal short axis (a) and modified four-chamber (b) views. and a modified four chamber views. RA right atrium; RV right
RV right ventricle; LV left ventricle. (c) and (d): Demonstrate a ventricle; AV aortic valve; AO ascending aorta; LV left ventricle

ventricular dynamics, and distal obstruction following mine the pulmonary artery pressures. In a patient with
intervention. In patients who are experiencing arrhyth- tricuspid regurgitation, the velocity of the jet estimates
mias postoperatively, special attention should be paid the difference in pressure in the right atrium and the
to the flow within the coronary arteries to ensure that it right ventricle (see Fig. 6.4). If there is no stenosis of
has not been compromised or that a line or mass in the the pulmonary arteries, pulmonary valve, or right
heart is not causing ectopy. ventricular outflow tract, the difference in pressure
Unanticipated pulmonary arterial hypertension may between the right atrium and right ventricle plus the
slow the progress of a patient in the intensive care unit. right atrial pressure (CVP) provides an estimate
In the absence of a Swan Ganz catheter or a direct of the pulmonary arterial pressures. In the absence of
pulmonary arterial monitoring, echocardiography may tricuspid valve insufficiency, interventricular septal
be used to estimate the pulmonary artery pressures. geometry may be used to help quantify the degree of
There are several methods that may be used to deter- pulmonary hypertension.
68 C. Tissot et al.

6.8  Analysis of Ventricular Function ventricular–ventricular interactions) may affect the

assessment of fractional shortening by altering the move-
ment of the septum and causing an under or over estima-
One of the most frequent uses of echocardiography in
tion of the either end-systolic or diastolic dimension.
the ICU is related to the evaluation of ventricular
A second method of assessing ventricular function
performance. Improvements in technology allow assess-
is via ejection fraction. Ejection fraction is a volumetric
ment of both systolic and diastolic function with
appraisal of ventricular fiber shortening. Echocardio­
increasing accuracy.
graphically the most common method of calculating
ejection fraction is the biplane estimation of volumes
from the apical four-and two-chamber views. One of
the more commonly used mathematical algorithms
6.8.1  Systolic Function is the Simpson method in which the left ventricle is
traced manually at the end diastole and end systole
Accurate and timely assessment of systolic function along the endocardium. Using the method of disks the
should be an integral part of the medical management left ventricle is divided into a series of parallel planes
of the hemodynamically unstable critically ill patient. and the resultant disks are individually summed to
Global assessment of LV contractility includes the create each volume [11, 12]. Ejection fraction is calcu-
determination of ejection fraction (EF), circumferen- lated using the following equation:
tial fiber shortening, and cardiac output (CO). There
End diastolic volume − End systolic volume
are several methods that may be used to garner this EF (%) = × 100
End diastolic volume
information. Each has its limitations and assumptions
which are paramount to understand prior to clinically Unfortunately, the determination of an accurate
applying the information gathered. For assessment of ejection fraction is also subject to ventricular shape
left ventricular function, perhaps the simplest quanti- with the left ventricle assumed to be its normal prolate
tative approach is to use M-mode echocardiography elliptical shape. Variations from this shape, which
(see Fig. 6.3) in either the parasternal short axis at the occur frequently in pediatrics, significantly alter the
level of the papillary muscles or in the parasternal long relationship between fiber shortening and volume
axis at the tips of the mitral valve leaflets to measure dependence upon when this equation is applied. In
the left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD) and addition, patients in the intensive care environment
left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVESD) for frequently have suboptimal imaging windows making
the determination of the fractional shortening (FS) the endocardium difficult to distinguish and trace.
percentage. Not infrequently in active pediatric intensive care
Fractional shortening is derived by the following: units, a patient’s heart and/or lung function must be
supported for a period of time. Two such modalities of
FS (%) = × 100 support are extracorporeal membranous oxygenation
and ventricular assist devices. Often the pediatric
Normal values for fractional shortening in children echocardiographer is asked to assist in the manage-
and infants vary slightly with age, falling typically ment of these patients by providing insight into the
between 28 and 44% [8–10]. recoverability of cardiac function. This request can be
Fractional shortening, therefore, provides a method one of the more challenging uses of echo in an inten-
of assessing circumferential change but has several obvi- sive care setting. As discussed above, many of the
ous drawbacks. This method assumes that the ventricle techniques commonly used to determine ventricular
being examined has a circular shape in the axis in which systolic function and CO are dependent on the loading
it is examined. As a result, changes in diameter may be conditions of the heart as well as contractility. As a
mathematically related to circumferential fiber-shorten- result, both of these support systems which unload the
ing providing an estimate of ventricular function. heart in an effort to allow recovery time severely limit
Therefore anything that alters the circular shape of the echo’s utility as a prognostic indicator. Several newer
left ventricle (anatomic abnormalities intrinsic to methods of determining myocardial function including
­congenital heart disease, pre and afterload changes, or Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), strain and strain rate,
6  Echocardiography 69

color m-mode, calcium gating, and three-dimensional one of the most accurate techniques to assess diastolic
(3D) echocardiography are entering the realm of echo function and is therefore of particular interest in the
in the intensive care unit. These newer modalities may critical care population in whom abrupt changes in
prove to be more efficacious than current standard preload and afterload are common, making Doppler
echocardiography is at present. evaluation of diastolic function less reliable.

6.8.2  Diastolic Function 6.9  D

 etection of Intracardiac Masses
and Extracardiac Effusions
Accurate assessment of diastolic function by echocar-
diography is an evolving field that has made great strides An abnormal area of dense reflectance that is well
in the past few years. Diastolic heart failure and its localized within an echo may represent a mass, thrombus,
impact on postoperative management also deserve or calcification. In the postoperative or critical care patient
consideration. Spectral Doppler evaluation is a rela- with multiple lines in place, especially in the setting of
tively easy and useful method for evaluating diastolic low flow, care must be taken to evaluate these areas for
function noninvasively at the bedside. A prominent thrombus formation. Echo is the imaging modality of
pulmonary vein atrial reversal wave (a wave) is a marker choice for elucidating and evaluating cardiac mass
of diastolic dysfunction. This finding represents marked lesions [19]. Differentiating an area of concern from
flow reversal into the pulmonary veins during atrial sys- artifact, can be challenging. Areas that move appropri-
tole in response to a noncompliant ventricular chamber. ately throughout the cardiac cycle and the presence of an
The mitral inflow Doppler pattern can also be a useful abnormality in more than a single view, suggest a mass
marker for diastolic dysfunction. Mitral inflow is com- rather than an artifact (see Figs. 6.5a–d). These findings
posed of 2 waves – an E wave representing early passive must in turn be distinguished from such anatomical varia-
ventricular filling (preload dependent) and the A wave tions as a prominent Eustacian valve or Chiari network.
representing active filling as a result of atrial systole. Major factors that predispose a patient to the devel-
The E:A ratio, velocity of E wave deceleration and dura- opment of intracardiac thrombi are the presence of
tion of the A wave can be altered in patients with dia- intracardiac lines, diminished CO, and localized stasis
stolic dysfunction. in addition to changes within the clotting cascade from
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is a newer technique sepsis, bypass, intrinsic clotting disorders, or heparin
for assessing diastolic ventricular function. TDI allows use. Echocardiographic evaluation of patients within
recording of the low Doppler velocities generated by the intensive care setting must include an awareness of
the ventricular wall motion and directly measures the increased incidence of thrombus formation and a
myocardial velocities. In spectral TDI, pulsed Doppler careful evaluation of areas predisposed to become a
is placed along the myocardial wall (mitral, septal, or nidus for thrombus.
tricuspid annulus) recording the peak myocardial Following cardiac surgery it is not uncommon for
velocities. Three waveforms are obtained: a peak patients to develop small collections of fluid in the
systolic wave (Sa), an early diastolic wave (Ea), and an pericardial space (see Fig.  6.6). Typically, this is of
end-diastolic wave (Aa) produced by atrial contraction little concern to the clinician; however, in a postopera-
[13]. The tissue Doppler systolic mitral annular velocity tive patient experiencing tachycardia and/or hypoten-
has been shown to correlate with global LV myocardial sion, the necessity of recognizing the potential for and
function [14]. TDI has also been used to estimate dia- screening for cardiac tamponade becomes paramount.
stolic function, and is relatively independent of preload In young infants and children, it is frequently difficult
condition [15, 16]. The pulsed Doppler peak early mitral to rely on physical exam findings of increased jugular
inflow velocity (E) divided by the TD early diastolic venous pressure or the late finding of pulsus paradoxus.
mitral annular velocity (Ea) results in a ratio that cor- In this instance, a directed and easily performed 2D
relates with the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and Doppler echocardiography can confirm the pres-
[17]. The E/Ea ratio is also useful in estimating mean ence of an effusion and provide accurate assessment of
LV filling pressure [18]. At this time, TDI represents its hemodynamic significance.
70 C. Tissot et al.

accurate localization of the fluid and the development

of echo-guided pericardiocentesis [28]. Echo-guided
pericardiocentesis (see Fig. 6.9) has been found to be
a safe and effective procedure with insertion of a cath-
eter for drainage used to reduce the rate of recurrence
found to complicate simple needle drainage and is
considered the primary and often the definitive ther-
apy for patients with clinically significant effusions
[29, 30].

6.10.2  Balloon Atrial Septostomy (BAS)

Part of any echocardiographic assessment of a patient

Fig. 6.6  Subcostal image demonstrating a large circumferential with congenital heart disease should include evaluation
pericardial effusion (green arrows)
of the atrial septum. Cardiac lesions such as transposition
of the great arteries, hypoplastic left heart syndrome,
The size and extension of a pericardial effusion may and tricuspid atresia require an adequate atrial commu-
be diagnosed from parasternal, apical, or subcostal win- nication. In the setting of a restrictive atrial septal
dows. The apical view is the easiest for obtaining infor- communication or intact septum, a BAS is required to
mation regarding the effusions hemodynamic significance. improve mixing and CO. In the past, the procedure,
From the apical four chamber view both the mitral and originally described by William Rashkind was per-
tricuspid valve flow patterns are evaluated with the respi- formed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory under
ratory monitoring in place. Examining the changes in fluoroscopic guidance [31, 32]. However, during the
inflow hemodynamics with respiration allows for the last decade BAS has been routinely performed at
evaluation of tamponade physiology. Greater than 25% the bedside in the intensive care unit under echocardio-
variability in maximal e wave velocity of the mitral valve graphic guidance (see Figs. 6.10a–d). Most commonly
with inspiration or 50% of the e wave velocity of the tri- either a subcostal view that includes a focused look at
cuspid valve (see Figs. 6.7a, b) is indicative of significant the atrial septum, pulmonary vein, and mitral valve or
hemodynamic compromise resulting from the effusion an apical four-chamber view is used. For the echocar-
[20]. Additionally, collapse (differentiated from contrac- diographer, the primary role is to provide continued
tion) of the free wall of the right and left atrium (see visualization of the catheters and communicate well
Figs. 6.8a, b) when the pericardial pressure exceeds the with the interventionalist. Advantages of this technique
atrial pressure may be seen from this view in a patient are multifactorial; echocardiography is superior to
with a significant effusion [21–26]. fluoroscopy during BAS due to a lack of radiation, the
ability to perform the procedure at bedside rather
than transporting to a catheterization laboratory, and
6.10  E
 chocardiography Guided direct, continuous visualization of the atrial septum,
Procedures pulmonary veins, and mitral valve. The disadvantages
of this technique include the potential for interference
with maneuverability for both echocardiographer and
6.10.1  Pericardiocentesis catheter operator around a small neonate and therefore
the risk of contamination of the sterile field. Additionally
Performing “blind” percutaneous pericardiocentesis there is the possibility of poor acoustic windows in
as a treatment for significant pericardial effusion dates an ill neonate who may be mechanically ventilated.
back to the early eighteenth century and it is historically However, with proper planning and communication,
fraught with complications [27]. Improved techniques the limitations of transthoracic echocardiographic
in the 1970s with the advent of 2D echo allowed more guidance of BAS may be minimized [33–36].
6  Echocardiography 71

Fig.  6.7  (a) and (b): Respiratory changes in the mitral and 50% variability between inspiration and expiration (a). During
tricuspid valve e wave Doppler patterns consistent with tamponade mitral valve inflow Doppler, the peak E wave velocity alters
physiology. The tricuspid valve inflow demonstrates more than more than 30% between inspiration and expiration (b)
72 C. Tissot et al.

a b

Fig. 6.8  (a) and (b): Four chambered views demonstrating right atrial and right ventricular collapse (green arrows) as a finding of
tamponade physiology. RA right atrium; RV right ventricle; LA left atrium; LV left ventricle

and strain rate has been validated in healthy children

and provides additional information regarding myo-
cardial performance.
Three-dimensional real-time echocardiography has
a growing role in evaluating anatomic defects, valves,
and right and left ventricular function independently of
geometric assumptions that constrained the previous

6.11.1  Myocardial Mechanics

In the past several years, myocardial strain and strain

Fig.  6.9  Echoguided pericardiocentesis. Green arrow is in rate have emerged as promising quantitative measures
the pericardial space demonstrating the large fluid collection.
Blue arrow is pointing to the needle that has been advanced into of myocardial function and contractility. Strain (e) is a
the pericardial space to drain the fluid collection. The large dimensionless parameter defined as the deformation
effusion allows the echocardiographer to direct the individual (L) of an object relative to its original length (Lo), and
performing the pericardiocentesis away from areas that could is expressed as a percentage. Strain rate (SR) is defined
lead to complications such as perforation of the myocardium
as the local rate of deformation or strain (e) per unit of
time, and is expressed in 1/s. Strain and strain rate
measurements can be obtained from data acquired by
6.11  Future Directions Doppler Tissue Imaging or 2D tissue tracking. Strain
and strain rate should be of great help in the future in
There are several areas of advanced imaging that are the evaluation of ventricular function, since conven-
becoming more commonplace in the practice of pedi- tional M-mode and 2D echocardiography have limita-
atric echocardiography. Primary assessment of cardiac tions due to complex morphology of the right ventricle
mechanics by evaluating myocardial motion, strain, and altered left ventricle morphology that occurs in
6  Echocardiography 73

a b


Fig. 6.10  Subcostal images demonstrating echo-guided balloon atrioventricular valve. (c): demonstrates the inflated balloon
atrial septostomy (BAS). (a): shows the initial small atrial within the left atrium. It is important to note the balloon’s posi-
communication in both 2 dimensional (2D) and color Doppler tion away from the mitral valve and pulmonary veins. (d):
imaging. (b): reveals the deflated balloon that has been demonstrates the atrial communication following septostomy
advanced across the atrial communication. It is important using both 2D and color Doppler imaging. RA right atrium; RV
during this portion of the procedure for the echocardiographer right ventricle; LA left atrium; LV left ventricle; Green arrows
to ensure that the balloon has not been advanced across the left atrial communication

complex congenital heart defects [37]. Left and right accurate anatomic information suitable for quantita-
ventricular values of strain and strain rate are available tive analysis [39–42].
for healthy children [38]. Left ventricular volume, mass, and function can be
accurately assessed using RT3D independently of geo-
metric assumption, and ejection fraction can be calcu-
lated. The wideangle mode is often used to acquire the
6.11.2  3D Echocardiography entire LV volume, from which further analysis allows
determination of global and regional wall motion.
Off-line 3D reconstruction consists of acquisition of Wall motion is evaluated from base to apex with mul-
sequential 2D slices which are converted to a rectangular tiple slices from different orientations. The advantage
coordinate system for 3D reconstruction and provides of 3D over 2D is the ability to manipulate the plane to
74 C. Tissot et al.

align the true long axis and minor axis of the LV, thus 13. Dokainish H. Tissue Doppler imaging in the evaluation
avoiding foreshortening and oblique image planes. of left ventricular diastolic function. Curr Opin Cardiol.
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reproducible and superior to conventional 2D methods descent velocity by tissue Doppler echocardiography as an
[43] and is comparable to MRI, which represents index of global left ventricular function. Am J Cardiol.
the gold standard [44–48]. Three dimensional recon- 1996;77:979–984.
15. Vignon P, Allot V, Lesage J, et al. Diagnosis of left ventricu-
struction of the tricuspid valve has been shown to be lar diastolic dysfunction in the setting of acute changes in
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Chapter 7
Cardiac Anesthesia

Edmund H. Jooste

7.1  NPO Guidelines catheters in place, intravenous midazolam is effective

just before going to the operating room. The intrave-
nous preparation of midazolam can also be adminis-
Prolonged preoperative fasting times in children may
tered through the buccal or rectal routes. Nasal
lead to dehydration, hypovolemia and hypoglycemia.
midazolam, 0.2–0.3 mg/kg with a maximum dose of 5
This is especially true in the cyanotic child and children
mg, is also effective. The peak effect is at 10–15 min,
with single ventricles as they may have increased hema-
but nasal midazolam can cause burning on administra-
tocrits and are dependent on a adequate preload to
tion. Rectal midazolam has been used, and a dose of 1
maintain their cardiac output. Current guidelines suggest
mg/kg was shown to be optimal. For the older patient
allowing clears up to 2 h preoperatively; breast milk,
who might prefer tablets, PO lorazepam (1–2 mg) or
up to 4 h preoperatively; infant formula, up to 6 h
diazepam (5–10 mg) 20–30 min prior to the scheduled
preoperatively and any solids will require an 8-h fasting
start time are appropriate alternatives [3].
period [1, 2].

7.2  Premedication 7.3  Midazolam [4, 5]

Children with congenital heart disease (CHD) and their Mechanism of action: Midazolam binds to stereospecific
parents are frequently apprehensive about surgery and benzodiazepine receptors in the CNS where it enhances
anesthesia. Because these children have undergone the inhibitory tone of GABA receptors resulting in
frequent procedures, they benefit greatly from the use sedation and amnesia.
of appropriate premedication that provides amnesia and Pharmacokinetics: Midazolam is metabolized in the
reduces anxiety, excitement and oxygen requirements. liver mostly by CYP3A4 of the P450 enzyme system.
Premedication is generally administered to cardiac Following a single intravenous bolus, midazolam
surgical patients older than 8 months of age. The most rapidly redistributes, and its peak CNS effect occurs
commonly used medication is midazolam. Midazolam within 2–5 min. Following an oral dose, midazolam’s
can be administered by the oral, nasal/buccal, rectal peak clinical effect occurs at 15–20 min. The half-life
and intravenous routes. of midazolam is approximately 1–4 h.
The oral formulation of midazolam is a syrup. The
recommended oral dose is 0.25–0.75 mg/kg with a
maximum dose of 20 mg. It is administered 20–30 min
7.3.1  Pharmacodynamics
prior to the procedure. For children with intravenous

Central Nervous System: In the CNS, midazolam causes

E.H. Jooste (*)
sedation and amnesia but has no analgesic effect.
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Midazolam has anticonvulsant properties and also can
e-mail: act as an antispasmotic for muscle spasms.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 77
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_7, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
78 E.H. Jooste

Cardiovascular System: Midazolam causes mild Pharmacokinetics: Propofol is metabolized in the

vasodilation and reduced cardiac output. The heart rate liver. Propofol produces unconsciousness within 30–45 s
may decrease or remain unchanged. following intravenous injection, and its duration of action
Respiratory System: Respiratory depression is after a single bolus is 3–10 min. This short duration of
frequently associated with midazolam and is poorly action is attributed to the redistribution of propofol.
correlated to dose and not reversed by naloxone.
Dosing: [6]
Adverse effects: Additive respiratory and cardiovascu-
lar depression occur when midazolam is administered
with an opioid. Midazolam administration in the first
Central Nervous System: At high doses, propofol pro-
trimester of pregnancy is associated with birth defects
duces general anesthesia while at lower doses propofol
(cleft palate).
can be used for procedural sedation. Propofol has both
Reversal: Flumazenil is a competitive antagonist to
anticonvulsant and proconvulsant properties. Propofol
all benzodiazepines. Dosed in increments of 0.01mg/
has some anti-emetic properties and no analgesic effects.
kg (maximum 0.2mg/dose) every minute up to a total
Cardiovascular System: Propofol causes a dose-
of 1 mg. Repeated dosing may be necessary as it has a
dependant decrease in blood pressure and cardiac
short duration of action [7].
Respiratory System: Propofol is a potent respiratory
depressant, and blunts the response to hypercarbia and
7.4  General Anesthesia exhibits a dose-dependent decrease in both respiratory
rate and tidal volume.
The type of anesthesia induction depends on the Dosing:
patient’s age, underlying cardiac reserve, presence of Induction: Child (2.5–3.5 mg/kg), adult (2–2.5mg/
an intravenous catheter, potential of a difficult airway kg) IV
and the preference of the child. In stable patients with- Maintenance: Child (125–300 µg/kg/min), adult
out an intravenous catheter, inhalational inductions (150–200 µg/kg/min) IV
are commonly preferred. In patients with an intrave- Sedation: Child (25–75 µg/kg/min)
nous catheter already in place or in patients with little Doses should be reduced in hemodynamically unsta-
cardiac reserve, intravenous inductions are preferred. ble patients and always titrated to effect.
If the cardiac function is adequate, propofol is gener- Adverse effects: Pain is extremely common during
ally administered. If the cardiac function is decreased, IV propofol injection. The pain can be attenuated
etomidate, ketamine or an opioid are used to induce by using large veins or the prior administration of
anesthesia [8]. lidocaine or an opioid. Propofol is solubilized in an
emulsion that supports bacterial growth, and therefore,
propofol should be administered to patients within 6 h
of having been opened. Propofol should be avoided in
7.4.1  Intravenous patients who have an allergy to egg whites because
the preparation contains egg lecithin. A “propofol  Propofol infusion syndrome” has been described in patients who
have received high-dose and/or a prolonged infusion.
Propofol or 2,6-diisopropylphenol, is prepared as a 1% Symptoms of propofol infusion syndrome include
or 2% isotonic oil-in-water emulsion and contains egg severe, sporadic metabolic acidosis and/or lactic
lechitin, glycerol, soybean oil and EDTA [5, 9]. acidosis. The acidosis may be associated with tachycar-
Mechanism of action: The exact mechanism of dia, myocardial dysfunction, and/or rhabdomyolysis.
propofol’s action is unclear, but it is thought to enhance Propofol should be used cautiously in patients with
inhibitory GABA synapses. disorders of lipid metabolism.
7  Cardiac Anesthesia 79  Etomidate Ketamine is also administered intramuscularly in

combative patients or patients who have poor IV access
Etomidate is a carboxylated imidazole structure. [5, 9].
Etomidate is a commonly used agent for the induction of Mechanism of action: Ketamine is an N-methyl-D-
anesthesia in hemodynamically unstable patients [5, 9]. aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist that acts in the
Mechanism of action: Like propofol, etomidate cortex and limbic systems.
enhances inhibitory GABA synapses. Pharmacokinetics: Ketamine is metabolized in the
Pharmacokinetics: Etomidate is metabolized in the liver. With IV induction, it produces unconsciousness
liver and produces unconsciousness within 30–60 s. with IV induction in 30–60 s and lasts 10–15 min.
Following intravenous administration, etomidate’s Intramuscular administration produces unconscious-
duration of action following a single bolus is 3–10 min ness in 5–10 min and lasts 12–25 min.
and this short duration of action is attributed to redis-
tribution of the drug.

Pharmacodynamics Central Nervous System: Ketamine induces a dissocia-

tive state and provides both amnesia and analgesia.
Central Nervous System: With induction doses, etomi- Ketamine also increases cerebral blood flow, cerebral
date produces unconsciousness and has no analgesic metabolic rate and ICP.
properties. Cardiovascular System: Ketamine releases endog-
Cardiovascular System: Etomidate produces minimal enous catecholamines (epinephrine, norepinephrine)
changes in heart rate, blood pressure and cardiac output. which maintain blood pressure and heart rate. Ketamine
Respiratory System: Etomidate produces a dose- has direct myocardial depressant effects and should be
dependant decrease in respiratory rate and tidal vol- used cautiously in patients with hypovolemia or
ume but to less of a degree as compared to propofol. patients who have maximal sympathetic stimulation.
Dosing: IV induction dose for adults and children is Respiratory System: Ketamine mildly decreases
0.2–0.6 mg/kg IV. respiratory rate and tidal volume. Ketamine is an excel-
Adverse effects: Pain on IV injection occurs almost lent bronchodilator and maintains laryngeal reflexes
as frequently as with propofol. Myoclonus can occur. longer than with other induction agents.
Nausea and vomiting occurs more frequently than Dosing:
when using other induction agents. Etomidate inhibits Induction: 1–2 mg/kg IV; 5–10 mg/kg IM
11-b-hydroxylase, an enzyme important in adrenal Sedation: 0.2 mg/kg IV titrated to effect.
steroid production. Even a single induction dose can Adverse effects: Emergence reactions, confusion, or
block the normal stress-induced increase in adrenal irrational behavior may occur up to 24 h following ket-
cortisol production for 4–8 h. Etomidate is no longer amine administration. These reactions may be reduced
used as a continuous infusion for sedation in the ICU by pretreatment with a benzodiazepine (midazolam).
because of an increased mortality, possibly because Children seem less affected by these hallucinations but it
patients may not be able to respond to stress. However should be avoided in patients with psychiatric disorders.
no clinical problem has been identified with a single Patients should also be given an antisialagogue
dose for induction of anesthesia. (e.g., glycopyrrolate) because ketamine markedly
increases oral secretions.
Myoclonic movements of the limbs and eye  Ketamine movements (e.g., nystagmus) are common following
ketamine administration.
The ketamine molecule is similar structurally to Ketamine raises both intracranial and intraocular pres-
phencyclidine. Ketamine is often used for induction sure and should be avoided in patients with head trauma
of anesthesia in hemodynamically unstable patients. and in patients having ophthalmologic procedures.
80 E.H. Jooste

7.4.2  Inhalational Agents Dosing: Nitrous oxide is added to anesthetic gas

mixture to create a concentration of 50–70%.
Adverse effects: Diffusion hypoxia occurs at the
General principles: Dosages of inhalational anesthetics
discontinuation of nitrous oxide because nitrous oxide
are expressed as minimal alveolar concentration (MAC).
diffuses so rapidly out of the blood and back into the
MAC is the concentration of a volatile anesthetic when
lung. This rapid diffusion into the alveolus can dilute
used as the sole anesthetic, expressed as a percentage,
the oxygen content in the lung. Because nitrous oxide
which inhibits movement in response to a skin incision
is 31 times more soluble in the blood than nitrogen, it
in 50% of patients. The blood-gas partition coefficient
diffuses into closed spaces quicker than nitrogen can
defines how easily the inhalational agent is absorbed
diffuse out, thus leading to the expansion of the space,
into the blood. The more soluble the vapor is in the
e.g., pneumothorax. A theoretical concern regarding
blood, the higher the number. This blood-gas partition
nitrous oxide is that methionine synthase, a vitamin
coefficient is inversely related to the rate of induction,
B12 dependent enzyme, is inactivated following
i.e., an inhalational agent with a low blood-gas coeffi-
prolonged administration of nitrous oxide, and the
cient partition (insoluble agent), e.g., sevoflurane
subsequent interference with DNA synthesis prevents
(0.69), has a faster speed of induction compared to the
production of both leukocytes and red blood cells
more soluble agent, isoflurane, which has a blood gas
by bone marrow. Therefore, it should be used with
coefficient of 1 [4, 8, 9].
caution in pregnant patients and patients with Vitamin
B12 deficiency.  Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is a clear and odorless gas used as an

7.4.3  Volatile Agents
adjunct to inhalation and intravenous anesthetics
(MAC=104; blood-gas=0.47) [5, 9].
Mechanism of action: Nitrous oxide is a general CNS Volatile agents are liquids that are vaporized to produce
depressant that may act similarly to inhalational general anesthesia. The most frequently used potent inhaled
anesthetics, i.e., stabilizing axonal membranes to agents include sevoflurane, desflurane and isoflurane.
partially inhibit action potentials leading to sedation. [5, 9]
Pharmacokinetics: The uptake and elimination of Mechanism of action: Volatile anesthetic agents,
nitrous oxide is extremely rapid (2–5 min). Nitrous CNS depressants. The exact mechanism of action of
oxide is eliminated by exhalation and undergoes no the volatile anesthetic agents is unclear. They are
metabolism. thought to stabilize axonal membranes and partially
inhibit action potentials, thus lead to sedation.
Pharmacokinetics: The speed of an inhalational
Pharmacodynamics anesthetic induction is determined by the rate of rise
of the alveolar anesthetic concentration and the sec-
Central Nervous System: Because of its high MAC ond gas effect. The quicker the rate of rise of the
(104%), nitrous oxide it is not used as a sole anesthetic. alveolar concentration, the faster the anesthetic
Rather, nitrous oxide is used in combination with other induction. Numerous factors influence the alveolar
agents. Nitrous oxide activates opioid receptors and rate of rise:
provides analgesia. At concentrations greater than (1) The lower the blood-gas partition coefficient,
60%, nitrous oxide provides amnesia. the lower is the vapor’s solubility, and therefore, the
Cardiovascular System: Central sympathetic stimu- quicker the increase in alveolar concentration and
lating action of nitrous oxide supports blood pressure, the faster the induction. (2) The higher the inspired
systemic vascular resistance, and cardiac output. Nitrous concentration and (3) the greater the alveolar ventila-
oxide may increase pulmonary vascular resistance. tion, the quicker the increase in alveolar concentration
Respiratory System: Mild respiratory depressant, and the faster the induction [4].
but it does not depress carbon dioxide drive to stimu- Conversely, an increase in the cardiac output results
late breathing. in an increase in uptake of the vapor into the blood and
7  Cardiac Anesthesia 81

a corresponding decrease in the alveolar concentration 0.5–2 times its MAC value depending on the use of
resulting in a slower induction. The second gas other anesthetic adjuncts and the degree of surgical
effect also affects the rate of anesthetic induction. stimulation.
The second gas effect occurs when two inhalational Adverse Effects: Sevoflurane may have a potential
anesthetics are administered at the same time, and one for renal toxicity if used at low flows for an extended
of them, e.g., nitrous oxide, gets absorbed quicker than period of time.
the other vapor (“second gas”). This leads to a propor- Desflurane needs a special vaporizer because of its
tionate increase in the alveolar concentration of this vapor pressure. Desflurane is very irritating to airways
second gas and a faster induction. Anesthetic effects are and can not be used for inhalational induction.
terminated when the anesthetic gases are discontinued. Isoflurane has the potential to induce a coronary
The main route of elimination of anesthetic agents is steal phenomenon. Isoflurane is a potent coronary artery
via exhalation. Some metabolism of the anesthetic vasodilator and may cause coronary blood flow to be
agents in the liver does occur but is believed to be redistributed to non-diseased, normally responsive
clinically insignificant. coronary arteries.  Pharmacodynamics References

Central Nervous System: All of the inhalational 1. Ferrari LR, Rooney FM, Rockoff MA (1999) Preoperative
anesthetic agents produce a dose-dependent uncon- fasting practices in pediatrics. Anesthesiology 90:978–980.
ciousness and amnesia. They all decrease both EEG 2. Splinter WM, Schreiner MS (1999) Preoperative fasting in
children. Anesth Analg 89:80–89.
and somato-sensory evoked potentials. Inhalational
3. Cote CJ (1999) Preoperative preparation and premedication.
anesthetic agents increase cerebral blood flow and Br J Anaesth 83:16–28.
intracranial pressure but decreases cerebral meta- 4. Reves JG, Fragen RJ, Vinik HR, Greenblatt DJ (1985) Midazolam:
bolic rate. Pharmacology and uses. Anesthesiology 62:310–324.
5. Stoelting RK. Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic
Cardiovascular System: Inhalational anesthetic agents
Practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1999:814.
cause a dose-dependant cardiac depression. The agents 6. Karl HW, Rosenberger JL, Larach MG, Ruffle JM (1993)
all sensitize the myocardium to the arrythmogenic effects Transmucosal administration of midazolam for premedication
of catecholamines, but to varying degrees. of pediatric patients. Comparison of the nasal and sublingual
routes. Anesthesiology 78:885–891.
Respiratory System: Inhalational anesthetic agents
7. Brogden RN, Goa KL (1991) Flumazenil. A reappraisal of its
cause dose-dependant respiratory depression. At suf- pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy as a ben-
ficient concentrations, inhalational agents are all potent zodiazepine antagonist. Drugs 42:1061–1089.
bronchodilators. 8. Lake CL, Booker PD. Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia. 4th ed.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005:786.
Dosing: If used as an anesthetic induction agent,
9. Morgan GE, Mikhail MS, Murray MS. Clinical Anesthesiology.
it is dosed initially at 3–4 times its MAC value, but 4th ed. New York: Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill,
during maintenance of anesthesia, it is dosed between Medical Pub. Division, 2006:1105.
Chapter 8
A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Review

Carol G. Vetterly and Denise L. Howrie

Important pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic the dosage form selected and the pharmaceutical
differences in drug handling are observed in newborns, characteristics of the formulation.
infants, and children when compared to adult patients. Orally-administered medications require drug
Therefore, knowledge of pharmacokinetic and pharma- absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, determined by
codynamic principles in the pediatric population may variables including surface area of the gastrointestinal
better assure safe and effective medication prescribing. tract, rates of stomach emptying and intestinal transit,
pH of the stomach and small intestines, as well as
blood flow to the absorption site [1]. There are important
8.1  Definitions considerations regarding the use of oral medication
and drug absorption in pediatric patients. For example,
Pharmacodynamics is the study of the biochemical gastric pH in newborns is high, around 6–8 at birth,
and physiological action or effects of drugs on living decreasing to a pH of 1–3 within 24 h of birth [2], and
organisms. Pharmacokinetics is the study of the pro- reaching adult values by 3–7 years of age. This is an
cesses by which drugs move through the body, gener- important consideration when administering acid labile
ally, referring to processes of absorption, distribution, medications via the oral route. For example, higher serum
metabolism, and excretion. concentrations of penicillin may be achieved in early
infancy [1] while weak acids, such as phenobarbital or
phenytoin, may require higher daily doses to achieve
comparable serum concentrations due to pH values.
8.2  Absorption Medications may also be absorbed through the
respiratory tract via the inhalation route. Water soluble
Drugs that are administered extravascularly undergo particles will be absorbed to a greater extent from the
absorption. The bioavailability of a drug is defined as lung alveoli. Small particles (<1µm) can penetrate into
the fraction of a given drug dose that is available in the the tracheobronchial area. During respiratory adminis-
systemic circulation to exert a pharmacologic effect. tration of drugs, it should be noted that inadvertent
The extent or efficiency of systemic drug absorption is swallowing of drug into the gastrointestinal tract may
dependent upon characteristics including hydrophobic significantly contribute to systemic bioavailability.
or hydrophilic properties, molecular weight, and drug The skin is also a route of drug absorption. The
ionization at biologic pH. Drug penetration through stratum corneum is the most important layer in the regula-
biologic membranes, most often occurs through pas- tion of medication penetration. Cutaneous absorption of
sive diffusion dependent upon drug concentrations. medications may be increased in children due to a greater
The absorption of a drug is also dependent upon relative body surface area to body mass ratio compared
to adults [1, 3]. The topical route in infants and children
has potential for a greater risk of systemic absorption
C.G. Vetterly (*)
as a result of a greater skin-surface-to-body-weight-
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, University
of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh, PA, USA ratio, a decreased subcutaneous fat layer, as well as a
e-mail: thinner stratum corneum and epidermis [1, 2].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 83
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_8, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
84 C.G. Vetterly and D.L. Howrie

In pediatric patients, and specifically newborns, albumin concentrations and decreased affinity of acidic
efficiency of intramuscular drug absorption may be drugs at albumin binding sites, most evident in newborns
decreased and unpredictable due to decreased muscle and young infants, result in higher free concentrations
mass and tone, reduced muscle blood flow and for drugs such as phenytoin, valproate, and salicylates
decreased muscle activity. with risks of enhanced toxicity and/or enhanced clear-
ance, and subtherapeutic effects. Drug displacement
interactions may also be more evident in infancy where
highly albumin-bound drugs such as ceftriaxone or
8.3  Distribution sulfonamides, for example, may displace bilirubin and
other physiologic substances from albumin-binding
Drug distribution is extensively altered in children sites resulting in toxicity.
when compared to drug handling in adults. Drugs are Plasma concentration of alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein,
distributed throughout the body through tissues and a carrier of basic drugs, is decreased in newborns,
fluids under the control of variables including body reaching approximately 50% of adult values during
composition (body water, fat, bone, muscle etc.), extent infancy and slowly increasing during the first year [3].
of plasma protein binding, and organ blood flow [4]. Effects of age-based changes may be important for
Total body water varies depending on the age of a agents such as lidocaine. Disease states can also affect
pediatric patient. Total body water ratio, when com- changes in alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, with elevations
pared to body mass progressively, decreases with age: as an acute phase reaction caused by inflammation
pre-term newborns 85%, term newborns 75%, infants (e.g., myocardial infarction in adults). This could result
approximately 78%, a one year old approximately in lower free concentrations of drugs, including quini-
75%, adults 60% [2, 3]. Variation in total body water dine, lidocaine, and propranolol, necessitating careful
content effects distribution of hydrophilic medications, laboratory and clinical monitoring.
so that higher loading doses and maintenance doses
(when compared by body weight) may be required.
For example, aminoglycoside daily dose requirements
are increased: 7.5 mg/kg/day in infants and young chil- 8.4  Metabolism
dren as compared to adult doses of 3–5 mg/kg/day to
achieve similar therapeutic serum concentrations. Drug metabolism is the process by which a substance
A hypothetical drug “volume of distribution” (Vd) is biochemically transformed through chemical
may be calculated, reflecting the extent of distribution reactions in the body. Primary route of drug metabo-
into body fluids and tissues, and relates the amount of lism is via the liver, but metabolism also may occur to
drug in the body to the measured plasma concentra- lesser extents in the kidney, gastrointestinal tract, lung,
tion. An apparent Vd may be calculated as: blood, and kidney. Drugs may demonstrate “first pass
Vd (L/Kg) = dose (mg/kg)/ plasma concentration effects” in which metabolism of an orally administered
(mg/L) medication occurs in the intestinal lumen and liver
The larger the volume of distribution, the larger before reaching systemic circulation. Medications
the medication dose needed to achieve a target drug which demonstrate high first pass effects include
concentration. For example, if the Vd of a particular beta-blockers such as propranolol, opioids such as
drug is 1 L/kg, and the therapeutic serum concentra- hydromorphone, isoproterenol, and nitroglycerin. It is
tion is 20 mg/L, then the necessary loading dose of important to note that when a drug has a high first pass
the medication would be 20  mg/kg. Phenytoin and effect, the oral dose of the medication is considerably
phenobarbital loading doses in status epilepticus are greater than the intravenous route, and dosing conver-
examples of clinical applications of this pharmacoki- sions from parenteral to oral routes or vice versa may
netic principle. result in errors.
Plasma protein binding is another important deter- Hepatic drug metabolism may occur through a
minant of drug distribution, as many important drugs variety of processes. Phase I reactions including oxi-
in pediatrics demonstrate high extent of binding to dation (CYP450), reduction, and hydroxylation [3]
albumin and alpha-1-acid-glycoproteins. Lower serum allow formation of more polar, water soluble molecules
8  A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Review 85

that can be more easily eliminated by the body. Rates of erythromycin, clarithromycin, fluconazole, and
metabolism through Phase I pathways generally are ciprofloxacin. Example of inducer include: phenytoin,
approximately 50% of activity at birth and mature over carbamazepine, phenobarbital, and rifampin.
time [3]. Phase II reactions, including conjugation,
glucuronidation, sulfation, and acetylation, vary in activ-
ity from 20 to 70% at birth and mature with age [5].
The cytochrome P450 enzyme system is responsible 8.5  Excretion
for oxidative metabolism. Four major isoenzyme
pathways are responsible for metabolism of approxi- Excretion of drugs and metabolites occurs primarily
mately 95% of all drugs: CYP3A4, CYP2D6, CYP2C9, through the urine and feces, although other routes
CYP1A2 Knowledge of drug metabolism via these include saliva, sweat, respiratory tract, tears, semen,
enzyme pathways is useful because significant and breast milk. Renal excretion of drug proceeds via
drug–drug interaction may be anticipated. glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, and tubular
The CYP3A4 enzyme pathway is responsible for reabsorption. There is age-specific maturation of renal
metabolism of the greatest number of medications. processes of elimination that affects rates of drug
Drugs may act as substrates for this enzymes family; elimination. For example, glomerular filtration func-
drugs may also act as inhibitors or inducers of this tion is reduced in premature infants and newborns,
family. Examples of medications that are substrates with progressive maturation by 8–12 months of age.
include prednisone, dexamethasone, cyclosporine, Therefore, drugs such as vancomycin and gentamicin
tacrolimus, benzodiazepines, calcium channel blockers, require extended dosing intervals in neonates due to
“statins,” and lidocaine [6]. Medications that are inhib- immature renal function.
itors of this enzyme pathway such as amiodarone,
erythromycin, azole anti-fungals such as fluconazole
and voriconazole, and diltiazem may produce signifi-
8.6  D
 escribing Drug Pharmacokinetics
cant drug–drug interactions through reduced drug
metabolism of competing substrates. Medications Through Pharmacokinetic Models
that are enzyme “inducers” such as carbamazepine,
phenytoin, rifampin, and phenobarbital would decrease Pharmacokinetic parameters expressed in mathematical
substrate drug concentrations and, therefore, therapeutic terms may be used to generate visual descriptions of
responses. There are large differences reported in drug movement. The most simplistic model of drug
CYP3A4 activity with a four to thirteen fold variations movement is referred to as a single compartment model
in clearance rates [7]. in which the body is a single compartment, there is no
CYP2D6 isoenzyme family encompasses approxi- absorption phase and the drug rapidly equilibrates
mately 25% of medications. Substrates of this pathway through all tissues (Fig. 8.1). In this model, it is assumed
include tricyclic antidepressants, opioids, mexilitine, that a drug follows first order elimination when the
flecanaide, haloperidol, and beta blockers. Dextro­ amount of drug eliminated from the body in a specified
methorphan is the standard marker for efficiency of amount of time is dependent upon the rate of elimination
drug metabolism through this pathway. Examples and the concentration of drug at that time. An increase
of CYP2D6 inhibitors include amiodarone, halo- in drug dosage results in increased serum concentra-
peridol, and quinidine; inducers include phenytoin, tions and the amount of drug eliminated over that period
phenobarbital, carbamazepime, and rifampin. (Fig. 8.2). For example, the amount of drug eliminated
CYP2C9 enzyme substrates include: omeprazole, from the body may change, but the fraction of the drug
phenytoin, S-warfarin, diazepam, and propranolol. removed over a period of time remains constant [8].
Inhibitors include amiodarone, fluconazole, omepra- Aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, and vancomycin
zole, and topiramate. Inducers include phenytoin, follow first order elimination.
phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and rifampin. Pharmacokinetic models may reveal pattern of
The CYP1A2 isoenzyme family is responsible for elimination best described as zero order elimination,
approximately 5% of medications such as theophyl- also referred to as non-linear or Michaelis–Menten
line, R-warfarin, and caffeine. Inhibitors include: kinetics. Zero order pharmacokinetics describes drug
86 C.G. Vetterly and D.L. Howrie

Fig. 8.1  Log of concentration vs. time for one and two compartment models

Fig. 8.2  Log of concentration vs. time for first and zero order pharmacokinetic models

elimination as a saturable process at the serum concen- profile can be understood in its application to practice
trations commonly achieved in patients. In zero order for phenytoin. A given patient may require a dosage
elimination profiles, the amount of drug eliminated increase to achieve a targeted therapeutic plasma con-
does not change with the amount (concentration) of centration. With zero order elimination, phenytoin
drug in the body at a given time; however, the fraction dose increases by 15% and will result in a dispropor-
of drug that is removed changes [8] (Fig. 8.2). Aspirin, tionate increase in serum concentration, as much as
phenytoin, and ethanol are example of medications two to three -fold, resulting in serious toxicity. In this
that exhibit zero order kinetics within recommended setting a fixed amount of drug is eliminated per hour
dosage regimens. The impact of this pharmacokinetic regardless of serum concentration.
8  A Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Review 87

8.7  Drug Half-life References

Another important pharmacokinetic concept is half-life, 1. Kearns GL, Abdel-Rahman SM, Alander SW et  al (2003)
Developmental pharmacology- drug disposition, action, and
defined as the time for drug concentration to decrease therapy in infants and children. N Engl J Med 349:
by one-half of its initial value. Clinical application of 1157–167.
this value lies in the ability to predict timing of steady-state 2. Tetelbaum M, Finkelstein Y, Nava-Ocampo AA et al (2005)
drug concentrations when the rate of drug administration Understanding drugs in children:pharmacokinetic matura-
tion. Pediatr Rev 26:321–327.
equals the rate of drug elimination. For example, as 3. Benedetti MS, Blates EL (2003) Drug metabolism and
serum steady concentrations are achieved at approxi- disposition in children. Fund Clin Pharmacol 17:281–299.
mately 4–5 half-lives, dosage adjustments are best 4. Howrie DL, Schmitt C. Clinical pharmacokinetics: Applications
made at that time [8]. in pediatric practice. In: Munoz RM, Schmitt CG, Roth SJ,
DaCruz E, eds. Handbook of Pediatric Cardiovascular Drugs.
In conclusion, understanding pharmacokinetic London: Springer-Verlag; 2008:17–32.
and pharmacodynamic principles for specific drugs and 5. Mann HJ (2006) Drug associated disease: cytochrome P450
age-related differences in the pediatric population may interactions. Crit Care Clin 22:329–345.
aid in therapeutic decision-making. Anticipation of 6. Trujillo TC, Nolan PE (2000) Antiarrhythmic agents. Drug
Safety 23:509–32.
patient-specific variable, such as hepatic and renal 7. deWildt SN, Kearns GL, Leeder JS et al (1999) Cytochrome
function and drugs affecting the CYP450 enzyme sys- P4503A: ontogeny and drug disposition. Clin Pharmacokinet
tem, enhances appropriate drug selection, dosage, and 37:485–505.
therapeutics. 8. Murphy JE, editors. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 4th ed.,
Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists; c2008.
Chapter 9
Sedation and Analgesia

Edmund H. Jooste, Steven E. Litchenstein, and Peter J. Davis

The major goals for postoperative sedation and antagonists with similar affinity. The receptors are
analgesia in infants, undergoing cardiothoracic surgery present in both the central and peripheral nervous sys-
are to alleviate pain and to aid the transition of patients tem at autonomic ganglia and at pre and postsynaptic
from the intensive care unit to home. The type of agents sites. Activation of central nervous system leads to
used for pediatric sedation varies with the medical sympathetic inhibition, while binding of alpha-2 ago-
needs of the patients. For postoperative pediatric nists in the spinal cord results in analgesia. Central
patients, children need to be comfortable and nonagitated. nervous stimulation and sympathetic stimulation in the
Ideal sedative analgesic agents should have a rapid locus ceruleus in the brainstem affect sedation and
onset and offset of action, and be nontoxic, noncumula- anxiolysis [5].
tive, nonaddictive, and have minimal interactive effects The titrateable alpha-2 agonist for sedation is dex-
with other drugs. In addition, ideal sedatives should medetomidine. Dexmedetomidine is a member of the
provide the patient with cardiorespiratory stability and imidazolines subclass. It exhibits a high affinity to the
be cost effective. Historically, intravenous midazolam, alpha-2 receptor compared to the alpha-1 receptor. At
lorazepam, and opioids were the mainstay sedative present, dexmedetomidine is FDA approved for use in
agents used in pediatrics. However, respiratory depres- adult patients in the intensive care unit, when its use is
sion, tolerance, and withdrawal syndromes frequently limited to a short-term sedation of less than 24  h.
complicate their use. More recently, the use of alpha-2 However, a number of off-label uses involving the use
agonists, the administration of intravenous opioids, and of dexmedetomidine in children have been reported.
the intraoperative placement of neuroaxial opioids have
been used for postoperative sedation and analgesia.

9.1.1  Pharmacokinetics
9.1  Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agents
Dexmedetomidine is 94% protein-bound and undergoes
hepatic elimination. In healthy adult volunteers, the
The use of alpha-2 adrenergic agonists has emerged as pharmacokinetic profile of dexmedetomidine includes a
adjunct for pediatric anesthesia and sedation. Specifically rapid distribution phase T1/2 of 6 min, a terminal elimi-
dexmedetomidine, either as a sole agent or in conjunc- nation half-life of 2 h, and a steady state VD of 118L. In
tion with opioids and benzodiazepines, has evolved as adult patients with hepatic failure, there is an increased
a sedative agent for children [1–4]. Vd, increased elimination half-life, and a decreased
Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are composed of G clearance [6]. Pediatric PK studies are limited. In a study
proteins. These consist of 3 isoreceptors (alpha-2a, of 36 children aged 2–12 years from Canada and South
alpha-2b, and alpha-2c), which bind both agonists and Africa, where patients received a 10-min infusion of one
of three different doses of dexmedetomidine, Petroz,
E.H. Jooste (*)
and others noted no dose-dependent changes in the
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA kinetics and that the kinetic parameters in children were
e-mail: similar to that in adults [7].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 89
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_9, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
90 E.H. Jooste et al.

9.1.2  Pharmacodynamics The side effects of dexmedetomidine include over

sedation, cardiovascular instability (hypertension fol-
lowed by hypotension, bradycardia, sinus arrest), and
Central Nervous System: The sedative effects of dex-
an analgesic and anesthetic sparing effect. In the con-
medetomidine are similar to the properties of natural
centrations administered clinically, dexmedetomidine
sleep. Dexmedetomidine appears to have little effect on
does not appear to decrease adrenocortical function.
ICP. However, it does lower mean arterial pressure,
and consequently, it reduces the cerebral perfusion pres-
sure [8, 9] Dexmedetomidine has cerebral vasoconstrict-
ing properties and will decrease cerebral blood flow. 9.2  Opioids
Dexmedetomidine also lowers intraocular pressure [10].
Dexmedetomidine has been reported to have both
Fentanyl, remifentanil, and morphine are the most com-
pro and anticonvulsant properties. Dexmedetomidine
monly used opioids during general anesthesia and are
lowers the shivering threshold and has been reported to
continued in the postoperative period for sedation. Their
be effective in treating postoperative shivering [11].
predominant effect is analgesia, and they also produce
Cardiovascular System: There is generally a bipha-
sedation but do not provide any amnesia. They are sel-
sic response to intravenous administered dexmedeto-
domly used as a sole agent except when used in high
midine. The initial increase in blood pressure and
doses during certain cardiac procedures or with critically
decrease in heart rate results from stimulation of
ill patients. When used in the ICU it is better to adminis-
peripheral postsynaptic alpha-2b adrenergic receptors
ter continuous infusions to provide a constant serum
which results in vasoconstriction. The second phase of
concentration rather than on a PRN basis [15–18].
decrease in blood pressure and heart rate results from
the central presynaptic alpha 2a adrenergic receptors
stimulated by sympatholysis. Cardiac output decreases,
bradycardia and sinus arrest have been reported. 9.2.1  Mechanism of Action
Myocardial oxygen consumption may decrease. The
effect of dexmedetomidine on pulmonary vascular Opioids bind to stereospecific opioid receptors in the
resistance is unknown [12]. Dexmedetomidine has central nervous system and peripheral tissues resulting
also been reported for its anti-arrhythmic effect in the in decreased neurotransmissions through various mech-
context of junctional ectopic tachycardia. anisms, and ultimately analgesia. The Mu-1 receptor
Respiratory System: Dexmedetomidine increases produces analgesia whereas the Mu-2 receptor has
resting PaCO2 and decreases minute ventilation both at some analgesic effect but is responsible for hypoventi-
rest and in response to a CO2 challenge. However, lation, bradycardia, constipation, urinary retention, and
these changes are modest compared to other sedative physical dependence. Kappa receptor activation has
modalities [13, 14]. mild analgesic properties; opioid agonists–antagonists
often act at these receptors but can also result in dys-
phoria, which gives it a low abuse potential. Delta
9.1.3  Dosing receptor activation is thought to modulate the activity
of the Mu receptors, and therefore, its activation has
similar effects as Mu receptor activation.
The recommended dose varies depending on the need
of the patient. Hemodynamic instability (increase
blood pressure, decreased heart rate) is associated with
rapid bolus dose administration and large doses. For 9.2.2  Pharmacokinetics
sedation purposes, an intravenous bolus dose is gener-
ally followed by a continuous intravenous infusion. After IV administration, the onset of action is within
Initial bolus doses range from 0.3–1 µg/kg adminis- minutes, the greater the lipid solubility the quicker the
tered over 10  min. The continuous infusion is then onset. The main elimination is by the liver with the
started at 0.5–1 µg /kg/h. inactive metabolites being excreted by the kidneys.
9  Sedation and Analgesia 91

Remifentanil is unique in that it is broken down by motility on the intestinal tract. May also cause biliary
ester hydrolysis in the blood and skeletal muscles. colic secondary to sphincter of Oddi contraction.
Urinary retention: Secondary to the contraction of
the vesical sphincter.
Physical dependence: Tolerance and physical
9.2.3  Pharmacodynamics
dependence can develop with repetitive opioid usage.
Constipation: A major problem with the chronic
For each specific opioid, the pharmacodynamic effect use of all opioids. Also one of the few side effects that
depends on which receptor is bound, the binding affinity a person does not develop tolerance to, and therefore,
and whether the receptor is activated. all patient receiving long-term opioids should be on a
Central Nervous System: Opioids exert a potent bowel regime.
analgesic effect, sedation, and sometimes euphoria.
When given in large doses they will produce loss of
consciousness and amnesia (but not reliably).
Cardiovascular System: Minimal changes in car- 9.2.6  Reversal
diac contractility, mild bradycardia, and mild decrease
in SVR is due to decreased sympathetic reflexes Naloxone is a pure competitive opioid antagonist. It is
(exception: morphine’s histamine release may lead to used to reverse unwanted side effects of opioids like
large decrease in SVR). respiratory depression and sedation; however, it will
Respiratory System: Opioids may induce a dose- also reverse the analgesic effects and should be used
dependant respiratory depression resulting in apnea, with great caution in postoperative patients and patients
decreased response to PaCO2 and hypoxia, as well as on long-term treatment. It is dosed in 1–10 µg/kg
decreased cough reflex. boluses (adult dose 0.4–2 mg per dose) until the desired
effect is achieved. Its peak effect is within 1–2  min,
and lasts for approximately 30  min, so it should be
9.2.4  Dosing administered as a continuous infusion if one is con-
cerned about the return of the unwanted side effects.
Side effects include hypertension, tachycardia, pulmo-
Opioids can be administered via different routes,
nary edema, and even cardiac arrest.
including transdermally, intranasally, orally, intramus-
cularly, intravenously, or into the central neuraxial
compartment and can be dosed by either bolus or con-
tinuous infusion. Increased dosing may be needed in 9.2.7  Morphine
patients already taking long-term opioids.

Morphine is the opioid to which all other opioids are

compared. Its onset is reasonably rapid (15–30  min)
9.2.5  Adverse Effects after IV and IM administration and lasts up to 4 h. This
slower onset is due to its relatively poor lipid solubility
Hypoventilation: Mediated via respiratory centers in which slows down it penetration into the CNS and
the brainstem gives it a smaller volume of distribution. Its elimina-
Muscle rigidity: This centrally mediated muscle tion half life is 115 min. It is metabolized in the liver
contraction may occur after large bolus dosing, affects by conjugation to glucuronic acid to form morphine
mainly abdomen and chest wall, and can lead to inability 3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide which is
to ventilate. Muscle rigidity can be treated by the an active metabolite. This by-product may accumulate
administration of neuromuscular relaxants or opioid in patients with renal disease leading to a prolonged
antagonist. morphine effect and potential respiratory depression.
Nausea and vomiting: Caused by direct stimulation Dosing: IV bolus for acute pain (0.03–0.1 mg/kg IV
of the chemoreceptor trigger zone and by decreased q20min); continuous infusion (0.04–0.06 mg/kg/h).
92 E.H. Jooste et al.

Side effects: Hypotension and histamine release 9.3  Neuroaxial Drugs

(prevented by minimizing size and speed of bolus dose
and keeping the patient supine), nausea, and vomiting. The third technique for sedation and analgesia in
postoperative pediatric cardiac patients involves the
use of neuroaxial drugs. In 1971, Bromage first dem-
9.2.8  Fentanyl onstrated that the stress response associated with major
abdominal and thoracic surgery could be attenuated
Fentanyl is an extremely potent synthetic opioid, with neuraxial blockade [19]. Neuraxial anesthesia
roughly 100 times as strong as morphine. Its rapid with opioids and/or local anesthetics appears to be
onset and shorter duration of action is due to its high more effective in inhibiting the stress response to surgical
lipid solubility, however, when dosed as an infusion or intervention than intravenous opioids [20]. As efforts
in high doses it saturates inactive sites and becomes a to fast track pediatric cardiac surgical patients increases,
long acting opioid-like morphine. Its elimination half goals of early extubation in the operating room and
life of 180–220 min is actually slightly longer than that earlier discharge from the intensive care unit preclude
of morphine, primarily due to its large volume of dis- the use of large doses of systemic opioids [21–28].
tribution. It is metabolized in the liver and its break- Thus, alternative treatment strategies that control post-
down products can accumulate in renal failure which operative pain without the detrimental side effect of
may result in poor pain control and delirium. respiratory depression are now being used.
Dosing: IV for acute pain (1–2 µg/kg IV q10min); Neuraxial analgesia involves the use of intrathecal
surgical anesthesia (50–150 µg/kg IV); continuous or epidural opioids with or without the concomitant
infusion (1–5 µg/kg/h). use of local anesthetic agents. The use of neuraxial
Transmucosal: (fentanyl lollipop) 200–1600 µg / analgesia in combination with general anesthesia in
unit. Sometimes used as a premedication to decrease children having cardiac surgery has been reported to
anxiety but associated with high incidence of post- attenuate the stress response of surgery as well as to
operative nausea and vomiting. facilitate early tracheal extubation [26–29].
Transdermal: (25–100 µg/h patch q72 h) does provide The stress response is a collection of physiologic
excellent stable fentanyl serum concentrations and is responses to surgical stimulation that include altera-
mostly used in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes. tions in circulatory, metabolic, immunologic, and
Side effects: Potent respiratory depression, brady- hematologic systems that can affect patient morbidity
cardia, and muscle rigidity and mortality. These physiological alterations include
tachycardia, vasoconstriction, catabolism, impaired
immune response, and platelet activation [30, 31]. In
addition, the stress response also elevates plasma con-
9.2.9  Remifentanil centrations of epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol,
glucagon, b-endorphin, glucose, and lactic acid [32].
Remifentanil is a potent synthetic opioid structurally The stress response also effects thyroid function and
similar to fentanyl, but unique in that it has ester link- results in a decrease in triiodothyronine( T3) [33].
ages that allow for rapid hydrolysis to inactive metabo- Intravenous anesthetics, do not completely attenuate
lites by blood and tissue nonspecific esterases. This the stress response of surgery and CPB. Gruber et al.
makes it the only true ultra-short acting opioid with no noted that dosing strategies using fentanyl with or
accumulation and an elimination half life of 10–20 min, without midazolam failed to blunt the hormonal and
no matter how long the infusion time or how large the metabolic stress response in infants having cardiac
dose used. Its rapid onset of action is due to its high surgery [34]. However, in infants, epidural analgesia
lipid solubility, like fentanyl. with local anesthetic agents can attenuate the stress
Dosing: IV for acute pain (1 µg/kg IV q5 min), response of surgery more effectively than intravenous
Continuous infusion (0.1–1 µg/kg/min). fentanyl [35]. In fetal lambs, total spinal anesthesia
Side effects: Potent respiratory depression, bradycardia, has been shown to completely block the stress response
and hypotension (may enhance the cardiac depressant to surgical manipulation and cardiopulmonary bypass
effects and muscle rigidity of other medications). (CPBP) [36].
9  Sedation and Analgesia 93

Other reported benefits of neuraxial analgesia in for the surgical procedure, although this has not been
patients undergoing cardiac surgery include improved demonstrated. The formation of epidural hematoma
pulmonary mechanics, faster return of gastrointestinal following spinal or epidural puncture is a rare but a
function, enhanced cardiovascular stability, and potentially catastrophic complication. In an analysis of
enhanced postoperative pain relief. In addition, the 20 adult studies involving over 850,00 epidural and
benefits of earlier tracheal extubation may reduce the 650,000 spinal anesthetics, only three case reports of
costs and complications associated with postoperative epidural hematoma were documented [51, 52]. Chaney
mechanical ventilation [21]. However, for each patient, reported no cases of epidural hematoma in 4,000 adult
the benefits of neuraxial analgesics must be weighed patients undergoing vascular surgery who were admin-
against the potential adverse effects of hypotension, istered with either epidural or spinal anesthesia prior to
postoperative respiratory depression, and epidural their being heparinized [53].
hematoma formation. Data regarding neuraxial hematoma in children is
sparse [54]. In one large study of 961 pediatric patients
undergoing cardiac or thoracic surgery, in which epi-
dural anesthesia was administered through either a
9.3.1  A
 dverse Effects of Neuraxial caudal, lumbar, or thoracic site, blood was observed
Analgesia in the needle or catheter in 7.9% of patients, but no
neurologic deficits were noted in any patient.
The most serious complications associated with neuraxial
analgesia are respiratory depression, hypotension, and
epidural hematoma formation.
Respiratory depression following epidural opioid 9.3.2  Techniques
administration is a function of drug dose and the hydro-
phobic/hydrophilic nature of the opioid. Hydrophobic Neuraxial analgesics can be administered either in the
drugs (Morphine) are more likely to cause a delayed epidural or intrathecal space and the drugs can be
onset of respiratory depression as a result of its greater administered either as a bolus or as a continuous infu-
rostral spread. Respiratory depression is unlikely with sion. Epidural techniques using a continuous infusion
epidural morphine doses less than 0.05 mg/kg [37–40] require a catheter to be placed in the epidural space.
and intrathecal doses of 0.02–0.03 mg/kg [41–43]. These catheters allow for additional dosing of local
Systemic arterial hypotension is an undesirable side anesthetic agents and/or opioids. Because of the risk of
effect of both intrathecal and epidural local anesthetic bleeding in a heparinized patient, catheters and con-
administration. In adults, local anesthetic blockade of tinuous infusions are less frequently used.
the cardiac sympathetic fibers improves coronary The drugs commonly used for neuraxial anesthesia
blood flow, alleviates angina, and improves ventricular include local anesthetic agents, opioids, and alpha-2
function. However, blockade of the upper thoracic der- agonists. Local anesthetic agents effectively block
matomes can also produce hypotension and a decrease nerve conduction and have a quick onset of action.
in coronary artery perfusion [44–49]. In infants and Opioids are administered in the neuroaxial space to
young children, local anesthetic blockade of T3–T5 provide long acting analgesia. The opioids are divided
does not result in any appreciable heart rate or blood into two groups: hydrophilic (morphine) and hydro-
pressure change [50]. This lack of hemodynamic effect phobic (fentanyl, hydromorphone). In general, the
may be related to the immaturity of the sympathetic hydrophilic class of drugs tends to last longer, have a
nervous system or to a decreased sympathetic innerva- delayed onset of action, spread rostrally, and are associ-
tion of the lower extremities. ated with a greater likelihood of respiratory depression
The most serious complication of neuroaxial anes- and sedation. Although lipophilic drugs like fentanyl
thetic administration is neurological compromise from do not cause respiratory depression, their analgesic
spinal cord compression, secondary to an epidural effect is short lived and may not offer any more benefit
hematoma. This risk is believed to be increased in car- than opioids administered intravenously. Alpha-2 ago-
diac surgical patients undergoing cardiopulmonary nists (clonidine) are frequently administered in the neu-
bypass, because of the patient’s need to be heparinized roaxial space along with the opioid and local anesthetic
94 E.H. Jooste et al.

combination, because alpha-2 agonists can potentiate administration of drugs. Intrathecal drugs require
the analgesic effects of neuraxially administered local lower doses and produce a more profound analgesia
anesthetic and opioid. In doses frequently used, cloni- and nerve block compared with epidural blocks.
dine (1–2 mg/kg), can also cause sedation. In general, the technique involves a local anesthetic
The epidural technique, most commonly used in tetracaine mixed with the opioid administered as a
small children undergoing cardiac surgery, is the single single bolus injection. The dose of tetracaine is
bolus injection in the caudal space. Local anesthetic adjusted for age, in accordance to the estimated vol-
agents coupled with morphine are frequently used ume of cerebrospinal fluid.
because of poor lipid solubility of morphine and its
propensity to spread rostrally to the thoracic der-
matomes [55, 56]. The caudal dose of morphine used
is 0.05–0.10 mg/kg and is administered after the induc- 9.3.3  Side Effects of Neuraxial Opioids
tion of general anesthesia. When epidural opioids are
administered, co-administration of intravenous opioids Neuraxial opioids have some potential side effects
can potentiate the delayed respiratory depression asso- associated with their use. These include nausea and
ciated with neuroaxial opioids. Consequently, if intra- vomiting, pruritus, urinary retention, somnolence, and
venous opioids are used, they must be administered in respiratory depression. Nausea, vomiting, and pruritus
a much lower dose and the patient must be carefully are relatively uncommon in infants and are primarily
monitored. seen in children over the age of 3 years. These side
If a continuous epidural infusion is desired, the rec- effects are more commonly seen with morphine than
ommended morphine dose is an initial bolus dose with hydromorphone or fentanyl [57]. Respiratory
(0.04  mg/kg) followed by a continuous infusion depression is also more frequently seen in association
(0.0075  mg/kg/h). If in the postoperative period the with morphine as compared to hydromorphone [44,
patient appears overly somnolent, the infusion is incre- 48] Urinary retention occurs most commonly during
mentally decreased. The continuous infusion can be the first 24 h. However, the majority of patients have
continued for 48–72 h. urinary catheters already in place. Treatment strategies
Another neuraxial analgesic technique used in for side effects related to neuraxial opioids are given in
pediatric cardiac surgery involves the intrathecal Table 9.1.

Table 9.1  Treatment strategies for side effects related to neuraxial opioids

Side effect Treatment Comments
Nausea/Vomiting Metoclopromide 0.1–0.2 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN Extrapyramidal reactions uncommon but occur
Maximum dose 10 mg
Diphenhydramine 0.5–1 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN Very sedating avoid if somnolent
Maximum dose: 50 mg
Ondansetron 0.1–0.2 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN May substitute other 5-HT3 antagonist
Maximum dose: 4 mg
Nalbuphine 0.1 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN
Naloxone 0.001–0.005 mg/kg/h infusion Excessive doses may compromise analgesia
Propofol 0.5–10 mg/kg/h infusion
Pruritus Diphenhydramine 0.5–1 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN Very sedating, avoid if somnolent
Maximum dose: 50 mg
Nalbuphine 0.1 mg/kg IV Q6h PRN
Naloxone 0.001–0.005 mg/kg/h infusion Excessive doses may compromise analgesia
Somnolence Decrease epidural opioids infusion Consider low dose naloxone infusion (above)
Respiratory Depression Severe: Administer 100% O2 Initiate mechanical ventilation if needed
Naloxone 0.001–0.010 mg/kg IV Stop epidural infusion Mild/Moderate: Increase O2
as needed
Naloxone 0.001–0.005 mg/kg/hr infusion Reduce epidural opioids infusion
Urinary retention Replace urinary catheter PRN
9  Sedation and Analgesia 95

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artery disease. Anesth Analg. 1994;79:413-421. 1999;9:419-422.
Chapter 10
Monitoring of the Cardiac Patient

Evelyn Lechner

In the cardiac patient, especially during the first Temporary epicardial atrial pacing wires are most
postoperative night, rapid hemodynamic changes may often seen in postoperative open-heart surgery patients
occur. The use of invasive continuous monitoring and can be used for diagnostic purposes. These wires
devices helps to detect complications early. Everyone provide a method of detecting atrial electrical activity
working bedside has to keep in mind that repeated in an uncertain rhythm when the p-wave is unclear or
careful clinical observation by the experienced nurse obscured on a traditional surface ECG. A unipolar
and medical doctor is fundamental in all bedside or bipolar atrial ECG can be obtained by either using
monitoring. If monitoring devices show ambiguous the five-lead port of the ECG bedside monitor or a
results, a careful clinical examination usually resolves 12-lead ECG machine. Atrial ECGs are used to deter-
the problem. The best “monitor” is the intelligent, mine the relationship between atrial and ventricular
experienced, and committed caregiver. activity by exaggerating the P-wave relative to the
QRS-complex. Using an atrial ECG has been shown to
be more accurate in diagnosing atrial dysarrhythmias
as opposed to using the standard ECG recording [1]
10.1  Basic Monitoring (Figs. 10.1 and 10.2).

Sophisticated modern bedside patient monitors are

designed to match the pace and unique needs of adult,
pediatric, and neonatal cardiac intensive care. They are 10.1.2  Pulse Oximetry
usually easy to use, operate on a networked platform,
and can be individually configured to suit specific
Pulse oximetry is a simple noninvasive method of
monitoring the percentage of hemoglobin (Hb), which
is saturated with oxygen using a probe attached to the
patient’s finger or ear lobe. A source of light originates
10.1.1  Electrocardiography (ECG) from the probe at two wavelengths (650 nm and 805 nm).
The light is partly absorbed by hemoglobin, by amounts,
which differ depending on whether it is saturated or
Three lead cardiographic monitoring, ideally equipped
desaturated with oxygen. The oximeter is dependant on
with a 24 h real time memory function is mandatory.
a pulsatile flow and produces a graph of the quality of
It allows the early detection of arrhythmias as well
flow. The unit displays the percentage of Hb saturated
as brady- and tachy-cardias. Recording of a 12 lead
with oxygen. Pulse oximetry detects hypoxia before the
surface ECG is performed in any suspected pathology.
patient becomes clinically cyanosed.
Major limitations in the use of pulse oximetry are:
E. Lechner (*)
• At saturations below 80% pulse oximeters have a
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Children’s and Maternity
Hospital Linz, Linz, Austria high potential for errors. Thirty percent of values
e-mail: were found to be in error by more than 5% [2].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 97
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_10, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
98 E. Lechner

causes small changes in pulse oximetric saturation.

Hyperoxia is not detectable with pulse oximetry.
This fact is important in the avoidance of hyperoxia
in the premature infant.

10.1.3  T
 ranscutaneous Oxygenation
(PaO2) and Carbon Dioxide
(PaCO2) Monitoring

Transcutaneous monitoring of PaO2 and PaCO2 are

widely used in neonatal and pediatric intensive care. A
sensor is fixed to the skin over the anterior chest or the
abdomen on an occlusive contact medium and held in
place by an adhesive ring. Reported correlations for
PaO2 monitoring are 0.90–0.95 and for PaCO2 moni-
toring 0.90–0.93 [3]. As transcutaneous derived gas
Fig.  10.1  Atrial electrocardiography (ECG) showing normal tensions result from complex interactions between
sinus rhythm. Each p-wave (P) follows a QRS-complex (QRS)
hemodynamic, respiratory, and local factors, which can
hardly be defined in hemodynamically instable patients;
these methods are of inferior value in the care for the
early postoperative cardiac patients. However, in patients
with prolonged ventilation the use of PaCO2 monitoring
to control mechanical ventilation is useful and reduces
the need of blood gas analyzes. As in pulse oximetry, the
value of the transcutaneous PaCO2 monitoring is always
to be compared with blood gas analyzes of PaCO2 and
should be regarded as a useful indicator of trends.

10.1.4  Endtidal CO2 (ETCO2) Monitoring

In patients with normal pulmonary function and matching

of ventilation–perfusion, ETCO2 monitoring provides
an accurate estimation of arterial CO2. Capnometers
use infrared spectroscopy in the exhaled gas to ana-
Fig.  10.2  Atrial ECG showing junctional ectopic tachycardia,
lyze the CO2 content. In pediatric intensive care, main-
where the p-wave (P) follows the QRS-complex (QRS) indicating stream monitors are commonly used because they can
retrograde stimulation of the atria be incorporated at the proximal end of an endotracheal
tube. Correlation of arterial PaCO2 and ETCO2 reveals
For children with congenital heart disease it is com- important informations in the postoperative cardiac
mon to have saturations between 70 and 88%, there- patient. An increase in the ETCO2 may occur with
fore, the value of the pulse oximeter is always to be increase in cardiac output, injection of bicarbonate
compared with blood gas analyzes of PaO2 and should solution, and hypoventilation. A decrease in the ETCO2
be regarded more as a useful indicator of trends. indicates hyperventilation, decrease in cardiac output,
• At saturations above 90–95%, the oxygen dissocia- mismatching of ventilation–perfusion, or obstruction
tion curve flattens out so that large changes in PaO2 of the endotracheal tube.
10  Monitoring of the Cardiac Patient 99

10.1.5  Blood Pressure Monitoring To avoid infection a closed continuous flush system
with a disposable transducer monitoring system is
used; all components should be kept sterile and the  N
 onInvasive Blood Pressure
number of manipulations and entries into the pressure
monitoring system should be minimized.
Invasive arterial blood pressure measurement
Oscillometry is the most commonly used means of
reveals systolic, diastolic, and mean pressure values,
indirect blood pressure measurement in automated
and the shape of the pressure curve provides important
devices. It is based on the principle that pulsatile blood
additional informations (Fig. 10.3). The expected age-
flow through an artery creates oscillations of the
dependent arterial pressures are shown in Table 10.1.
arterial wall. Oscillometric devices like Dinamap®
(acronym for Device for Indirect Non Invasive Mean
Arterial Pressure) utilize a blood pressure cuff to sense
these oscillations that appear as tiny pulsations in cuff 10.1.6  Central Venous Access
pressure. By measuring and analyzing at various
cuff pressures, the amplitude and frequency of these
Central venous lines offer the opportunity to measure
pulsations. Oscillometric devices can noninvasively
central venous pressure, deliver potent drugs or high
determine blood pressure and pulse rate. Accuracy
osmolarity nutritional solutions, and monitor venous
of Dinamap® blood pressures has been validated in
oxygen saturation. The cardiac anatomy and physiology
children, and it correlates well with direct intravascular
affects the information derived from pressure transduc-
radial artery pressures [4]. Accuracy of this technique
tion and blood sampling and dictates the decision, where
is related to the correct size of the cuff. If the cuff is too
the line is placed. In the patient with single ventricle
narrow the pressure recorded will be erroneously high
physiology who has undergone Glenn operation, a line
and if too wide may be too low. The width of the inflat-
inserted via the upper limb or neck veins measures
able bladder should be 40% of the midcircumference
pulmonary artery pressure. As thrombosis or occlusion
of the limb and the length should be twice the width.
of the caval vein restricts pulmonary blood flow in
Noninvasive blood pressure monitoring is inadequate
these patients so venous lines should be placed else-
in patients with low cardiac output, hypotension, arrhyth-
where. With the catheters inserted from below, an
mias with beat-to-beat changes in blood pressure,
accurate assessment of central venous pressure is only
vasoconstriction, and significant edema. Due to these
possible, if the tip of the catheter reaches the inferior
limitations in patients after cardiopulmonary bypass,
caval-atrial junction.
intravascular arterial blood pressure measurement is
Commonly the internal or external jugular, subcla-
vian, or femoral veins are used. In patients with
complete arterial or ventricular mixing, care must be
taken with line flushing or bolus since, administration  Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring of drugs infusion of air or clot has the potential to
result in systemic embolism. The most common com-
Intra-arterial access is used to provide continuous moni- plications caused by central venous lines are thrombo-
toring of systemic arterial blood pressure and offers the sis and infection. To avoid catheter related bloodstream
opportunity for intermittent arterial blood gas analysis. infections, central venous catheters should be removed
Commonly, the radial, femoral, dorsalis pedis, and after a maximum of 7–10 days [6]. When signs of
posterior tibial arteries are used. Less often, the brachial infection are observed catheter removal should be con-
and in neonates the umbilical artery can be used. Usually, sidered independent of the duration of placement.
percutaneous entry is possible but occasionally a cut-
down may be required to get vascular access. Local
insertion site complications, such as hematoma, hemor-
rhage, thrombosis, and infection can occur. Although the 10.1.7  Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring
complication rates are low [5], the potential for devastat-
ing injury exists and deserves the greatest respect when- An intraoperatively surgically-placed intracardiac line
ever placement of an arterial catheter is considered. for continuous measurement of the left atrial pressure is
100 E. Lechner

Table  10.1  Age dependent normal values of mean systemic

arterial blood pressure
Age Mean arterial pressure (mmHg)
Neonate 35–45
Infant 40–45
Small child 45–55
School age 50–65
Adolescents 60–75

synchrony during pacing. Intracardiac lines should

be removed, as soon as the condition of the patient

10.1.8  P
 ulmonary Artery Pressure

Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring is possible via an

intraoperatively placed intracardiac line or using a
bedside inserted pulmonary artery Swan–Ganz catheter.
Modern pulmonary artery catheters allow direct, simul-
taneous measurement of right atrial, right ventricular,
pulmonary arterial, and pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure, which reflects left atrial pressure. If the cathe-
ter is equipped with a thermistor, cardiac output can be
estimated by thermodilution technique. Pulmonary artery
catheter insertion may be indicated in patients with
myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary hypertension,
or respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) complicating
congenital heart disease. Percutaneous insertion of such
catheters is best from the left subclavian or right internal
jugular veins, but can also be performed from the femoral
vein. The most common complications of pulmonary
artery catheterization are ventricular tachycardia, pul-
monary artery rupture, infection, endocarditis, venous
thrombosis, and pulmonary infarction.

10.1.9  Cardiac Output Monitoring

Fig. 10.3  Typical arterial wave forms: (a), normal arterial wave
form, (b) low endsystolic pressure, (c) high endsystolic pressure,
(d) flattened (red line) curve due to air in the system, thrombotic Adequate tissue oxygen delivery (DO2) has to be
formations on the catheter or arterial spasm, (e) normal curve ensured in any intensive care patient. The components
(black line) and systolic overshoot (red line), which leads to
over-estimation of arterial blood pressure of DO2 include cardiac output, blood hemoglobin
concentration, and the degree of oxygen saturation of
helpful, especially during the early postoperative period the hemoglobin molecule.
in hemodynamically instable patients, and in elucidating DO2 = cardiac output x 1.34 x haemoglobin concentra-
atrial dysrhthmias and assessing atrioventricular tion x oxygen saturation
10  Monitoring of the Cardiac Patient 101

Cardiac output measurements never should be The advantage of the Fick’s principle is that it can be
interpreted or treated isolated, but used in conjunction used when an intracardiac shunt is present.
with qualitative indicators of adequacy of flow (like Indirect assessment of cardiac output can be accom-
blood lactate, mixed venous saturation, urine output, plished by following mixed venous saturation, using
capillary refill). a fiberoptic catheter for continuous measurement of
venous oxygen saturation placed either in the pulmo-
nary artery or right atrium. In the presence of intracardiac  I nvasive Methods for Cardiac Output shunts, the saturation in the superior caval vein can be
Monitoring monitored to estimate cardiac output.

Dilution Techniques  N
 onInvasive Cardiac Output
Invasive cardiac output determination is usually done Monitoring
by an indicator technique, where the principle is
that blood flow can be calculated after central venous Transesophageal Doppler Methods
injection of an indicator by measuring the change in
indicator concentration over time at a point down- This technique is minimally invasive and uses the Doppler
stream of the injection site. Dye (e.g., Evans blue, principle and pulse contour analyzing for the estimation
brilliant red, indocyanine green) or cold saline may be of blood flow in the descending aorta via an esophageal
used as indicator. Pulmonary artery thermodilution is probe. Pediatric Doppler probes, which allow the use of
the most common clinically used method. Automated this technique in patients of at least 3 kg of bodyweight ,
systems reveal accurate and reliable measurements in and a pediatric nomogram allows derivation of stroke
adults [7], but have to be evaluated in children. volume and cardiac output [10,11].
In transpulmonary thermodilution techniques the
thermistor is percutaneously placed in a large artery
(femoral or brachial artery). This technique is validated Bioimpedance
in children [8,9], and systems are commercially available
for patients as small as 3 kg. In this technique voltage sensing and current transmitting
All dilution techniques are of limited value in the electrodes are placed on the chest, which may be regarded
cardiac patient, because they are not accurate in the as a conductor whose impedance is altered by changes
presence of intracardiac shunts or significant valvular in blood volume and velocity with each heartbeat.
regurgitation. In the postoperative cardiac patient this technique is
limited, because it is less accurate in the presence of
skin edema.
Fick’s Principle

Fick’s principle states that the rate of diffusion is

10.1.10  N
 ear Infrared Spectroscopy
proportional to the difference in concentration. Similarly,
the volume of oxygen consumed per unit time is propor- (NIRS)
tional to the difference in oxygen content between
arterial and venous blood. The degree of proportionality Probes placed on the skin of the forehead provide a
depends on the volume of blood pumped per unit time, continuous, noninvasive method to measure regional
or cardiac output. Therefore, cardiac output can be changes in cerebral tissue oxygenation. The regional
calculated from the equation: cerebral oxygenation has been shown to correlate with
Cardiac Output = Systemic oxygen consumption / SvO2 in children with cyanotic and noncyanotic heart
(systemic arterial O2 saturation - systemic venous O2 defects during cardiac catheterization [12], cardiac
saturation) surgery [13] and in the postoperative cardiac patient
This technique is limited by the difficulty of measuring [14], as well as in critically ill neonates without con-
oxygen consumption in the intubated and ventilated patient. genital heart defect [15]. This technique is increasingly
102 E. Lechner

used in postoperative cardiac intensive care, where in 7. Medin DL, Brown DT, Wesley R, et al. Validation of continous
special conditions it is extremely helpful like in thermodilution cardiac output in critically ill patients with
analysis of systematic errors. J Crit Care. 1998;13:184–189.
estimating cerebral blood flow in patients after 8. Linton RA, Jonas MM, Tibby SM, et  al. Cardiac output
bidirectional Glenn–Shunt or in patients with extra- measured by lithium dilution and transpulmonary thermodi-
corporeal life support. lution in patients in a paediatric intensive care unit. Intensive
Care Med. 2000;26:1507–1511.
9. Tibby SM, Hatherill M, Marsh MJ, et al. Clinical validation
of cardiac output measurements using femoral artery ther-
References modilution with direct Fick in ventilated children and infants.
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2. Webb R, Ralston A, Runciman W. Potential errors in pulse geal Doppler ultrasound in ventilated pediatric patients: deri-
oximetry.II. Effects of changes in saturation and signal quality. vation of cardiac output. Crit Care Med. 2000;28:2045–2050.
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3. Nadkarni UB, Shah AM, Deshmukh CT. Non-invasive respi- ation measured by near- infrared spectroscopy: comparison
ratory monitoring in paediatric intensive care unit. J Postgrad with jugular bulb oximetry. Ann Thor Surg. 1996;61:930–934.
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4. Park M, Menard S. Accuracy of blood pressure measurements selective antegrade cerebral perfusion using near infrared spec-
by the Dinamap monitor in infants and children. Pediatrics. troscopy in neonatal aortic arch surgery. Eur J Anaesthesiol.
1987;79:907–914. 2005;22:293–298.
5. Schindler E, Kowald B, Suess H, et al. Catheterization of the 14. Nagdyman N, Fleck R, Barth S, et al. Relation of cerebral
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6. Sheridan RL, Weber JM. Mechanical and infectious compli- 15. Weiss M, Dullenkopf A, Kolarova A, et  al. Near-infrared
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learned from a 10-year experience placing more than 1000 infants is associated with central venous oxygen saturation.
catheters. J Burn Care Res. 2006;27:713–718. Paediatr Anaesth. 2005;15:102–109.
Chapter 11
The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric
Cardiac Surgery

Ana Maria Manrique, Kent Kelly, and Steve E. Litchenstein

The recent advances in pediatric cardiac surgery have Some of the most important differences include the
focused on early primary repair and shown a marked following:
improvement in outcome. Currently, the average
1. Larger priming volume of the CPBP circuit relative
mortality is 3.5% in children older than 1 year of age
to the blood volume of the small child
undergoing open-heart surgery and between 10 and
2. Immaturity of the liver
40% for repair undertaken in the neonatal period.
3. Immaturity of the hemostatic and immunological
Intra-operative advances include a better understanding
of the inflammatory process caused by cardiopulmo-
4. Increased renal vascular resistance and decrease in
nary bypass (CPBP) and its management. Astonishing
renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate
changes have arisen since Gibbon’s first CPBP in 1953.
5. High pulmonary vascular resistance in newborns.
However, postoperative problems induced by CPBP,
which include vital organ damage, and neurologic dys- The transition in cardiopulmonary circulation toward
function are a current challenge in the management of the mature state during the first 6 months after birth
pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery. and its development is not complete until the second to
The deleterious effects of CPBP are related to the third year of life. During this critical period, any alteration
activation of cellular and humoral inflammatory path- in the pulmonary artery pressure and flow may produce
ways in response to the exposure of the circulating permanent anatomic changes in the pulmonary peripheral
blood volume to the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit. vasculature. Furthermore, the pulmonary vasculature
in newborns is even more sensitive to other metabolic
alterations such as hypoxemia, hypercarbia, acidosis,
11.1  P
 hysiologic Differences
and hypothermia [1].
and Inflammatory Response to
CPBP in the Pediatric Population

The cellular activation and the release of cytokines 11.2  Inflammatory Response to CPBP
produced by CPBP have a great impact on physiologic
function. CPBP induces a complex systemic inflammatory response
Some of the most relevant physiological differences (SIRS), which involves the activation of multiple, interde-
between pediatric patients and adults explain the pendent cellular pathways.
significant changes required for the management of Polymorphonuclear cell activation releases proin-
CPBP in children. flammatory cytokines such as interleukins (IL-1,
IL-6), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a), adhesion
A.M. Manrique (*) molecules, and chemokines (IL-8, monocyte chemo-
Department of Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh attractant protein). This produces endothelial cell
Medical Center, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA injury, adhesion molecule up-regulation, and the
e-mail: initiation of the coagulation cascade.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 103
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_11, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
104 A.M. Manrique et al.

The activated leukocytes have three phases: The classic pathway is initiated through the interaction
of protein C1 with foreign cell regions of antibodies
1. Rolling: The leukocytes form temporary bonds with
bound to the target antigens. The alternative pathway is
the endothelium; this is mediated by a selectin
an antibody-independent pathway that is activated by
2. Adhesion: Stronger bonds are formed through the
numerous triggers such as foreign surfaces, damaged
interaction between leukocytes, integrins (CD11,
tissue, shear forces, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA),
CD18), and intercellular adhesion molecules
and hypoxia-induced, oxygen-derived free radicals.
(ICAM-1, ICAM-2)
These triggers amplify the continuous low-level basal
3. Migration: The leukocytes migrate into surround-
activation of C3. The complement system is activated
ing tissues assisted by interleukin-8 and platelet-
by components of other inflammatory pathways such as
endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1.
kallikrein, plasmin, thrombin, and factor XII [2, 3].
The complement system plays a central role in the All of these pathways ultimately converge to form
systemic inflammatory response. Over 20 proteins and C3 convertase, an enzyme that cleaves C3 to its acti-
protein fragments make up the complement system. vated form C3a and C3b. C3b subsequently cleaves C5
The end result of its activation is a massive cascade to generate C5a, a potent anaphylatoxin, and C5b,
and amplification of the cellular response and activa- which binds C6, C7, C8, and C9 to form C5b–9, the
tion of the cell-killing membrane attack complex. membrane attack complex.
The complement system has two pathways: classic The membrane attack complex creates a trans-
and alternative (Fig. 11.1). membrane channel that allows the influx of ions and

Classical Alternative
Immune complex Activating Surface

C1 C3b


C2 C3

C3 fD

C4b2a3b C3bBbC3b





Fig. 11.1  Complement system activation

11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 105

water into the cell, which disables the maintenance of Infants and children have an imbalanced system
osmotic and chemical equilibrium and ultimately leads with most of the components differing in plasma
to cell lysis and death. ­concentrations compared with adults. Coagulation
In addition, the membrane attack complex induces factors II, VII, IX, X, XI, XII, pre-kallikrein, high-
the up-regulation of leukocyte adhesion molecules and molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK), antithrom-
the secretion of interleukin and chemokines. bin, Protein C and S, and heparin cofactor II
The activation of the complement produces con- approach 50% of the adult levels secondary to
traction of the smooth muscle and the endothelium, hepatic immaturity and more rapid clearance.
increase in vascular permeability, activation of neutro- Factors VIII, XIII, V, fibrinogen, and von Willebrand
phils, production of oxygen-derived free radicals, and factor are close to adult levels. Inhibitors of coagu-
release of histotoxic products. lation, such as C1 esterase, exceed adult normal val-
The CPBP also generates the activation of the coag- ues. Furthermore, underlying congenital disorders
ulation system and the production of thrombin, which are associated with additional alterations in the
activates platelets and endothelium-inducing chemot- coagulation system.
axis of the monocytes and neutrophils. The fibrinogen CPBP causes a severe imbalance between the pro-
produced contributes to the inflammatory response by thrombotic and fibrinolytic systems. This effect is pro-
up-regulating the production of cytokines and chemok- duced by several factors:
ines [4, 5]. Hemodilution can decrease coagulation factors over
It has been reported that levels of proinflammatory 50%.
cytokines (TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8) are correlated Hypothermia decreases activity of Antithrombin
with the duration of CPBP, myocardial ischemia, and III. Furthermore, low temperature is associated with
the development of multi-organ failure. The systemic loss of platelet adhesion receptors.
response from the ischemic/reperfusion injury during Direct damage to the endothelial surface stimulates
CPBP results in pulmonary dysfunction, excessive the contact activation system (factor XII and XI,
total body fluid, and low cardiac output [6]. pre-kallikrein, and HMWK).
The inflammatory response during CPBP is worse Generated kallikrein and HMWK will produce bra-
in pediatric patients than in adults. The causes of this dykinin and plasminogen activating the fibrinolytic
amplified response are related to: system.
Activation of factor XII will initiate the coagulation
1 . Hemodilution
2. Longer surgical time
Those effects will result in the down-regulation of
3. Changes in temperature
anticoagulant components and the up-regulation of
4. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest
procoagulant components.
5. Lower perfusion rates
The activation of the coagulation and kallikrein
6. Higher shear stress of blood cell components
systems will result in microvascular thrombosis,
7. Higher metabolic requirements
ischemic–reperfusion injury, and the elaboration of
8. Variable response to anticoagulation due to imma-
inflammatory mediators. The formation of diffuse
turity of the system
microemboli will results in a microcirculatory “no-
reflow” phenomenon that increases ischemia–reperfusion
injury [7].
In children, postoperative bleeding is mainly asso-
11.3  Coagulation System ciated with platelet dysfunction after CPBP.

Bleeding and alterations in the coagulation system are

some of the most common causes of morbidity and
mortality after pediatric cardiac surgery. 11.4  Pulmonary System
Clotting and fibrinolysis are balanced in an auto-
regulated coagulation that maintains its integrity by Pulmonary complications after CPBP in pediatric cardiac
the interaction between its components. surgery are associated with:
106 A.M. Manrique et al.

1. Chest wall is highly compliant, resulting in a 2. Pediatric myocardium has fewer mitochondria and
relatively low transpulmonary pressures and an less oxidative capacity.
increased tendency for collapse of the small periph- 3. Autonomic innervation is incomplete after birth,
eral airways. with less sympathetic innervation and decreased
2. Inflammatory response of the pulmonary epithelium catecholamine reserves
in association with CPBP 4. The immature myocardium is more sensitive to extra-
3. Previous changes in the mechanical properties of cellular calcium levels than mature myocardium
the lung associated with congenital heart disease 5. In mature hearts most of the calcium required for
4. Decrease in compliance after CPBP myocardial contraction is provided by the sarcoplas-
mic reticulum. However, in the immature heart the
Clinical consequences of these effects are
T-tubular system and the sarcoplasmic reticulum are
5. Atelectasis/microatelectasis: decrease or interruption underdeveloped with reduced capacity for calcium.
of the pulmonary circulation (after aortic clamping), 6. The activity of the sarcoplasmic ATPase responsible
results in a decrease in lung volume and an increase for calcium reuptake into the sarcoplasmic reticu-
in viscous resistance and elastance of the parenchyma, lum is also reduced. Thus, the ability of immature
therefore a loss in the stability of the alveolar myocardium to release calcium after the stimulation
geometry. of the sarcoplasmic receptors is decreased.
6. Decrease in functional residual capacity (FRC): 7. Immature heart has lower intracellular calcium
7. Hydrostatic pulmonary edema concentration with a greater dependence on extra-
8. Inflammation of the alveolar epithelium cellular calcium levels
9. Hypoxemia and alteration of the gas exchange: 8. Immature myocardium depends on glucose oxida-
Lung ischemia induces an inflammatory response tion as energy provider (in adults, fatty acids are
by the release of tumor necrosis factor a and IL-8 the most important source of energy)
from endothelial cells. After lung postischemic 9. Acidosis and production of free radicals during
reperfusion, pulmonary neutrophil activation and ischemia are increased due to its decreased capacity
release of myeloperoxidase cause direct injury to for antioxidant enzymatic activity.
lung ultrastructure [8]. 10. The immature myocardium has a decreased ven-
tricular compliance and is more vulnerable to
Maintaining ventilation and pulmonary artery perfusion
stretch injury.
during CPBP have shown some benefits in limiting
11. Both ventricles are arranged in series; the right
pulmonary platelet and neutrophil sequestration; how-
ventricle (RV) function may significantly affect
ever, maintaining ventilation during CPBP may affect
the left ventricular (LV) function through ventric-
the degree of lung ischemia by altering the balance of
ular interdependence. RV end-diastolic volume
collateral blood flow to the lungs, and bronchial
increases owing to increased RV loading; it can
mucosal blood flow [9].
only occur at the expense of the space devoted to
the left ventricle, this reduced LV end-diastolic
volume is accompanied by decreases in LV dia-
stolic compliance.
11.4.1  Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion 12. Cardiac output in pediatric patients is more depen-
and Surgical protection dent on heart rate and sinus rhythm.
13. Increase on afterload will produce significant
The Pediatric Myocardium: The myocardial structure hemodynamic impairment.
changes after delivery, with a progressive increase in 14. Despite the greater tolerance of the immature
the number of muscular fibers and an evolving organi- myocardium to ischemia, the ultimate myocardial
zation of the myocytes. performance will depend on the degree of ventric-
ular distension [10].
1. In the newborn only 30% of the myocardial mass
comprises contractile tissue compared with 60% in Cardioplegia: A solution composed of crystalloid and/
the mature myocardium. or blood, nutrients, and electrolytes that permit an
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 107

elective temporary cessation of cardiac activity. It is patients with congenital heart disease have neurologic
used during cardiac surgery to protect the heart from abnormalities including:
ischemic injury and postoperative heart failure. The
1 . Cerebral dysgenesis
solution is administered in an initial dose of 20 ml/kg
2. Alteration in cerebral blood flow
through the aortic root after aortic cross clamping
3. Alteration in neuronal repair (genetic polymor-
followed every 20–30 mins by a dose of 10 ml/kg.
phisms of apoliprotein E)
In some circumstances (i.e., severe aortic regurgita-
4. White matter injury
tion), it may be administered retrogradely through the
5. Cerebral atrophy changes
coronary sinus.
Cardioplegia composition varies widely and cur- Neonates have a particular vulnerability to hypoxia,
rently there are more than 150 types. The most com- chemical, and inflammatory injury. The incidence of
mon solution used contains a high concentration of periventricular leukomalacia in this group after surgery
potassium, which produces a depolarization arrest. has been reported as high as 54%.
The other essential components of the cardioplegia The mechanisms of central nervous system (CNS)
include buffering agents, free radical scavengers, and injury in infants undergoing cardiac surgery include:
energy substrate supplementation [11].
1 . Hypoxia (ischemic/reperfusion injury)
Metabolic myocardial stress occurs during ischemic
2. Emboli
arrest with cardioplegia and is associated with inade-
3. Inflammatory microvasculopathy
quate suppression of metabolism. The first structural
4. Activation of oxygen-derived free radicals
change after cardioplegia is an increase in permeabil-
ity of the capillaries resulting in edema. This occurs Oxygen-derived free radicals cause cellular apoptosis,
early on and can be documented immediately after they are produced at multiple sites within the CNS,
aortic clamping. The lesions involve both endothelium including leukocytes, endothelium, mitochondria, and
and the myocytes. More severe irreversible changes in local inflammatory cells. After periods of ischemia
the myocardium are the consequence of ischemia with and reperfusion, some areas remain without perfu-
an imbalance of sodium ions and changes in the levels sion; the so-called “no-reflow” phenomenon. There
of calcium ions. There is not a definitive clinical trial are two main components of the “no-reflow”: “physi-
indicative of the most effective cardioplegia solution ologic” related to sustained vasoconstriction after
or technique. injury and “mechanical” caused by obstructed capil-
Most of the studies that compare crystalloid and lary beds.
blood cardioplegia have been unable to demonstrate Younger patients with complex surgery and prolonged
differences in clinical outcomes between them. deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) or those
However, the use of blood cardioplegia has been asso- with circulatory support prior to surgery have an increased
ciated with a lower reduction in myocardial adenosine risk for postoperative neurologic injury.
triphosphate (energy substrates), lower plasma tro- Early neurologic complications include stroke,
ponin I, and lower lactate plasma levels, all those indi- cerebral bleeding, and seizures. Long-term outcomes
cating a lower grade of ischemic injury. Furthermore, focus on neurodevelopmental activity such as abnor-
decreased incidence of early postoperative LV dys- mal school performance, learning disabilities, and
function and mitral regurgitation are associated with behavioral issues.
the use of blood cardioplegia. Hypothermia or cold
cardioplegia provides additional protection to the myo-
cardium [12]. 11.5.1  N
 eurologic Protection
and Selective Perfusion

11.5  Neurologic system Neuronal injury is produced by the release of accumu-

lated metabolic products during reperfusion and to the
Neurologic dysfunction remains the most significant leukocyte activation process. Factors associated with
complication associated with CPBP. One third of neurologic outcome include:
108 A.M. Manrique et al.

1 . Type of perfusion strategy innominate artery and selective clamping of the proxi-
2. Temperature mal innominate, left carotid, and left subclavian arter-
3. pH management ies, achieves continuous regional brain perfusion. Flow
4. Hematocrit management rates vary between 20 and 30 ml/kg/min. Continuous
5. Glucose management low-flow and SCP are associated with the preservation
6. Oxygenation strategy of cerebral energy stores, improved cerebral perfusion,
7. Pharmacological protection histologic outcome, and neurologic function when it is
8. Systemic Inflammatory response compared with prolonged DHCA (60–120  min).
9. Presence of aorto-pulmonary collaterals However, it cannot be reliable in 40 min DHCA. SCP
extends the period during which surgical procedures
on the arch can be safely performed. The incidence of  Perfusion Strategy neurologic impairment rages from 2 to 30% indepen-
dently of the neurologic protection strategy used [14].
Several strategies have been developed to achieve Several studies have demonstrated that low-flow
neurologic protection: In 2001, Pigula et  al. [13] bypass is superior for high-energy phosphate preservation,
reported on the application of selective cerebral perfu- cerebral oxygen metabolism, CBF, cerebral vascular
sion whereby surgical correction of complex aortic resistance, and lower brain lactate levels. The mini-
arch pathology was accomplished without prolonged mum safe level of low flow has not been established. In
periods of DHCA. Both cerebral hemispheres were a prospective, randomized study from Boston, children
perfused by way of the right innominate artery using with transposition of the great arteries underwent
low flow techniques. Since then, several modifications repair using low-flow CPBP at 50 ml/kg/min. However,
have been made according to the surgical group’s pref- the neurologic outcome is directly associated with the
erences. In general, those techniques include: temperature and perfusion pressure used during the
1 . Intermittent perfusion low flow. The same study from Boston indicated that a
2. Regional, continuous low-flow and selective cere- minimum cerebral perfusion pressure of 13  mmHg
bral CPBP was necessary to maintain flow during hypothermic
3. Low-flow CPBP bypass. Finally, the Boston group found in this study
4. Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest that children who had DHCA had lower motor func-
tion scores and had more speech abnormalities than
those who had low-flow bypass [15].
Intermittent Perfusion (IP)

This technique is achieved with the use of full pump flow  H
 ypothermia and Deep Hypothermic
for 2 min every 20 mins during DHCA. The required rate Circulatory Arrest (DHCA)
is 80  ml/kg/min. Intermittent systemic recirculation
during DHCA prevented cerebral anaerobic metabolism. Hypothermia produces:
Experimental studies demonstrated that IP reduces astro- 1. Decrease in cerebral metabolism and energy con-
glial changes and no-reflow phenomenon when com- sumption (cerebral metabolic rate decreases 5–7% for
pared to DHCA. each degree Celsius decrease in body temperature).
2. Reduce the extension of degenerative processes
including the excitotoxic cascade, microglial activa-
 egional, Continuous Low-Flow
tion, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
and Selective Cerebral CPBP
3. Suppress specific pathways of the apoptosis, such as
cytochrome C release, caspase activation, and DNA
Selective cerebral perfusion has evoked renewed inter-
est in recent years, and has become the primary brain
protection method in many centers. Regional low-flow These properties of hypothermia help in the process of
perfusion (RLFP) can be used to limit or exclude the organ protection. However, excessively low tempera-
use of circulatory arrest. Direct cannulation of the tures in the myocardium may cause a sudden release of
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 109

intracellular calcium increasing the resting myocardial The two main strategies used are alpha-stat and
tone interfering with the recovery function during the pH-stat.
In children, hypothermia during cardiac surgery is
­usually performed with moderate temperature (28–32˚C).
 hanges of the Acid–Base Status
DHCA was introduced 30 years ago. It involves
with Temperature
the complete cessation of the CPBP flow when the
temperature is close to 15–18˚C. It is a useful tool to
During cooling, the CO2 increases in solubility and
perform complex congenital cardiac repair during a
produces a decrease in the paCO2 resulting in a meta-
longer period with a clean surgical field.
bolic alkalosis (with a high pH).
The metabolic requirements decrease with hypo-
Body temperature of poikilotherms or cold-blooded
thermia, therefore the flow rate is decreased. The
animals directly varies with the ambient temperature.
decrease in the flow rate permits a better exposure of
They permit an increase in their blood pH when they
the structures in the surgical field.
are at a lower temperature, which approximates alpha-
The cooling should occur slowly with a difference
stat management. Conversely, deep hibernators or
between arterial and venous temperature of no more
warm-blooded animals do not drop temperature more
than 4–6˚C. During the rewarming phase, the temper-
than a few degrees during the winter season. In spite of
ature gradient between the venous and the arterial blood
its low body temperature, the hibernating animal
should be not more than 10˚C. Time on DHCA is also
retains a remarkably rigid control of its internal envi-
an important factor; prolonged exposure (>40 min) is
ronment; its pH remains at 7.40. It requires an increased
directly correlated with neurologic impairment. Currently,
total body CO2 content to maintain neutrality. This is
hypothermia is a subject of study in terms of neurologic
achieved with a relative acidification of the intracellu-
protection and long-term outcomes.
lar fluids produced by the adoption of a modified
The Boston Circulatory Arrest Trial prospectively
breathing pattern that is typified by periods of apnea
observed the neurological outcome of 171 neonates
lasting up to 2 h that are interspersed with 3–30 min
with D-transposition of the great arteries that were
intervals of rapid ventilation. This approach is pH-stat
randomized either to DHCA or to low-flow CPBP for
the arterial switch operation. In the immediate postop-
For pH management during CPBP, these two
erative period, the incidence of seizure activity was
strategies have been adopted. When the alpha stat
higher in the DHCA group. One year after surgery,
strategy is used, the pH is allowed to freely arise without
children of the DHCA group had a higher risk of delayed
performing any correction to the ABG. With pH-stat
motor development compared with the low-flow CPBP
strategy, the ABG’s are mathematically corrected for
group, and the risk of neurologic abnormalities increased
the actual temperature and carbon dioxide is added to
with the duration of circulatory arrest. In the same study
reach a normal pH (7.40).
investigators found nonlinear relationship between
pH-stat strategy: causes cerebral vasodilatation
the duration of DHCA and neurodevelopmental
above metabolic demands (loss of autoregulation) and
outcomes; however, there was no significant decline in
a more homogenous cooling. Defenders of the pH-stat
the neurologic outcomes in children subjected to a
management argue:
period of DHCA lasting less than 41 min. After 8 years
of surgery there were no differences in neurologic 1. Improvement in oxygen delivery by counteracting
development between the groups [16]. the leftward shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissocia-
tion curve associated with alkalosis.
2. Increased cerebral blood flow.  p
 H Management During CPBP 3. Suppression of cerebral metabolic rate.
(pH stat–Alpha stat) 4. pH-stat is particularly beneficial in cyanotic neo-
nates and infants because it shifts more CPBP flow
The optimal pH management strategy for cardiovascular away from the aortopulmonary collateral circula-
procedures use cardiopulmonary bypass, and hypothermia tion and toward the cerebral circulation, both
is unknown. improving cerebral cooling and oxygen supply.
110 A.M. Manrique et al.

During cooling the addition of CO2 could potentially  Hematocrit and Hemodilution
improve the distribution of the cold perfusate to deep
brain structures. Hemodilution during CPBP was introduced in the
However, while pH-stat facilitates earlier peri- 1950s to decrease homologous blood use and to improve
operative return of electroencephalographic activity, microcirculatory flow. During moderate hemodilution,
developmental and neurological outcomes revealed no total body oxygen delivery is maintained because of
significant differences attributable to pH management reduced blood viscosity and vascular resistance, resulting
strategy. Other disadvantages include that low intracel- in an increased tissue blood flow.
lular pH results in impaired intracellular enzymatic The adequate hematocrit level during pediatric
function. cardiac surgery is not clearly defined. Physiologically
Alpha-stat requires that neutrality is maintained important changes in cerebral oxygen supply might
only at 37°C, and permits the hypothermic alkaline occur at hematocrit levels of 12% at 18˚C, 15% at
drift. Thus, additional CO2 is not needed and cerebral 28˚C, and 18% at 38˚C under CPBP conditions [20].
autoregulation is maintained. Higher levels of creatine kinase-BB (CK-BB), a
Defenders of the alpha-stat argue: marker of brain injury, are seen in children with low
hemoglobin levels during the first hours after DHCA
1. Preserves cellular transmembrane pH gradients,
[14]. In addition, children with low hematocrit had
intracellular electrochemical neutrality, protein
worse peri-operative outcomes with decreased cardiac
functioning, and enzyme activity are more normal
index and higher serum lactate levels. Evidence of bet-
when the pH is allowed to drift alkaline in parallel
ter neurologic protection has been demonstrated with a
with the temperature. This concept is based on the
hematocrit level of 30%. In the author’s experience,
notion that the pK of the histidine imidazole group
hematocrit level during CBP are maintained not lower
changes with temperature in a manner nearly iden-
than 23%.
tical to physiologic blood buffers. Therefore, the
ionization state of this group stays the same, irre-
spective of temperature. Ionization state is a deter-  Aorto-Pulmonary Collaterals
minant of intracellular protein function.
2. Relatively alkaline pH is beneficial before the Aorto-pulmonary collaterals decrease the rate of cere-
ischemic insult of circulatory arrest. Despite con- bral cooling, blood flow, and increase cerebral metabolic
siderable laboratory and animal research into these derangement after DHCA. Their presence has been
mechanisms, substantial controversy remains. associated with high incidence of choreoathetosis.
Some studies have shown significantly higher cerebral
oxygenation when a pH-stat strategy is used at the end of  Oxygenation Strategy
cooling and during early rewarming. However, the higher
cerebral blood flows associated with pH-stat also have the At low temperatures, the quantity of dissolved oxygen
potential to carry more particulate emboli. In addition, the is increased. Hyperoxia may be beneficial because the
relative acid load induced by pH-stat had a negative effect brain uses mainly dissolved oxygen during profound
in the enzymatic function after cerebral rewarming. hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass.
Results from several studies favor the pH-stat
strategy during neonatal cardiopulmonary bypass.
Data also suggest that pH-stat management results in  Glucose Management
better outcomes with shorter ventilation times and
intensive care unit stays after pediatric cardiac surgery. Causes of hyperglycemia during heart surgery:
In 2000, the group from Duke proposed the use of
1 . Glucose-containing fluids
a combined strategy with pH management during
2. Stress response
cooling, followed by an alpha-stat strategy before the
3. Changes in insulin secretion and resistance
initiation of cardiac arrest. Currently, the use of
moderate hypothermia may reduce the importance in The correct glucose level during cardiac surgery is not
the management on these strategies [17–19]. known.
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 111

During cerebral ischemia, hyperglycemia may produces a deep effect over all systems including
increase the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. By impairment in hemostasis. This effect also requires the
contrast, in the adult population, hypergly­cemia is not use of blood products increasing the risk of infection,
associated with neurologic impairment; instead, hypo- allergic reactions or immunologic responses. Additionally,
glycemia is deleterious and should be avoided [21]. there can be endothelial damage related to non-laminar
Experimental pharmacological neuroprotection has flow generated during the CPBP.
not been proven as beneficial but in clinical practice In the past several years, CPBP has been vastly
some of the medications used have included thiopen- improved in terms of using superior circuit compo-
tal, steroids, and aprotinin. nents [22].

11.6  Circuit 11.7  Components of CPBP

11.6.1  Cannulation and CPBP Initiation 11.7.1  Pumps  Venous Cannulation Currently, there are two types of pumps available for
pediatric cardiac surgery: Roller and centrifugal.
When a bicaval cannulation is necessary, the cannula- Roller pumps are preferred to control low-flow
tion is performed using right-angle cannulae into the when needed. Moreover, their compatible circuit
superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. These requires the lowest prime volume. Each revolution
cannulae decrease the risk of flow obstruction. Special propels the blood forward in the tubing (Fig.  11.3).
considerations are required with the presence of a left Roller pumps are able to deliver <0.5 L/min.
superior vena cava or interrupted inferior vena cava. Centrifugal pumps entrain the blood into the pump
Venous cannulation is also achieved with a single can- by a high-speed rotor, spinning impeller blades, or
nula inserted into the right atrium. This type of can- rotating cones. Those pumps were less used in the past
nulation is preferred if the atrium does not need to be due to their inability to provide low flow rates. The
opened or when DHCA will be used. flow generated depends on afterload. They are less
traumatic to the blood cells.  Arterial Cannulation

This is performed with a single cannula into the aortic 11.7.2  Tubing
root (some cases require a different position according to
the surgery). The size of the arterial cannula should be There are two types of clinically relevant heparin-
wide enough to provide adequate flow without causing coated circuits:
obstruction or trauma to the aorta. As with venous can-
1 . Heparin-releasing surfaces
nulation, adequate position of the cannula is crucial.
2. Heparin-immobilizing surfaces
When the arterial and the venous cannulae are in
adequate position, they are connected to the circuit. The first subgroup, heparin is bound so that it may be
The venous blood is drained by gravity into the venous slowly released into the circulation directly from the
reservoir and then using either a roller or centrifugal surface. The second subgroup includes those surfaces
pump, pumped through the oxygenator (which has an with heparin covalently immobilized on the polymer
integrated heat exchanger) back into the systemic surface.
circulation through the arterial cannula. (Fig. 11.2) A third new group of biocompatible surfaces uses
The development of new reservoirs and oxygen- properties of modified protein adsorption, which sec-
ators has reduced the priming volume used in pediatric ondarily influence biocompatibility. It is believed that
extracorporeal circuits. This significant hemodilution the addition of alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic
112 A.M. Manrique et al.

Fig. 11.2  Schematic diagram of

cardiopulmonary bypass circuit



Heat Exchanger


regions modify fibrinogen adsorption, thus changing its

ability to interact with circulating platelets. Some
studies of the use of these circuits are associated with a
drop in tissue plasminogen activator release and preser-
vation of platelet numbers with less platelet activation.

11.7.3  Oxygenators

Oxygenators are able to perform gas exchange, and are

the place where volatile anesthetics can be delivered.
New oxygenators are being developed for use in pedi-
atric cardiac surgery that require less priming volume.
LP 0.1 The smallest oxygenator available is 0.3 m2 in surface
area developed to provide less than 0.8 lpm of flow.
Historically, rotating disks and bubbles were used dur-
ing the first CPBP and were associated with massive
air embolism. Currently, the oxygenators that are used
Fig. 11.3  Roller pump are membrane oxygenators, there are two types:
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 113

Cardioplegia Temperature/Pressure

Heat exchanger


Fig. 11.4  Cardioplegia delivery system

“ True membrane” and micro-porous membrane. Hollow into the aortic root. The system also has an independent
fiber oxygenators are a type of membrane oxygenator heat exchanger, and the pressure and temperature
made up of polypropylene fibers, which are porous. are also independently monitored. Blood from the
The new oxygenators are smaller and allow high flow oxygenator is mixed with the crystalloid cardioplegia
rates with higher gas transfer rates. Hollow fiber oxy- solution before transfer to the aortic root (Fig. 11.4).
genators cannot be used for a prolonged period because
of the leak of proteins and serum through the small
pores. These proteins can occlude the membrane and  Venting of the Left Heart
decrease its efficiency.
The heat exchanger is integrated into the oxygenator The left ventricle normally receives venous blood flow
and allows cooling and rewarming of the blood. from the bronchial and Tebesian veins during CPBP,
this flow is collected in the right superior pulmonary
vein. Bronchial blood flow is increased in cyanotic
11.7.4  Venous Reservoir patients and abnormal blood flow to the left ventricle is
present in patients with left superior venous cava, PDA
or aortic regurgitation. Adequate drainage of the left
The venous reservoir is the component of the CPBP
ventricle prevents distension, decreases wall tension,
where blood is collected from the venous line at the
improves subendocardial perfusion, and also improves
initiation of the CPBP. Transfusion products, crystalloids
surgical exposure. The decreased wall tension and
solutions, and blood obtained from suction systems
improved subendocardial perfusion are essential to the
(which aspirate blood and air from the field and the
pediatric population where the compliance of the small
heart chambers) drain into the reservoir as well.
chambers is decreased.

11.7.5  Cardioplegia Delivery System  Filters and Bubble traps

This system is connected to an independent roller Micropore filters trap the air decreasing the risk for
pump to drive blood from the cardioplegia solution embolization. They are located at various sites through
114 A.M. Manrique et al.

the system. Leukocyte-depleting filters prevent the The prime volume used is 115 ml in patients with less
activated leukocytes from reaching the systemic circu- than 6 kg of weight [23].
lation although their clinical benefit has not been
11.7.6  H
Residual blood from the CPBP after finish support
can be procesed by the cell saver and is usable during and Ultrafiltration
the first 4 h after surgery, it is an usual practice from
our surgical group. Hemofiltration and ultrafiltration are techniques used
Small improvements in early postoperative lung to remove water (with inflammatory molecules) from
function and attenuation of the reperfusion injury at a the circulatory blood flow. This effect is achieved
cellular level in patients receiving systemic leukode- through the filtration of water across a semi-permeable
pletion was reported. However, it is not reflected on membrane as the result of a hydrostatic pressure
hospital stay or survival. gradient. The blood flows through a hemoconcentrator
(which is composed by a bundle of hollow fibers)
creating a positive pressure that drives water across the
membrane through an ultrafiltration reservoir system  Circuit Miniaturization
(Figs. 11.5 and 11.6).
There are three approaches to ultrafiltration in
Current advances in the design of the CPBP circuit
pediatric cardiac surgery:
help to reduce the use of peri-operative blood products.
Recent studies in neonates have shown clinical benefit 1. Conventional ultrafiltration (CUF) (performed during
with its use, which includes reduction of the postop- the CPBP)
erative edema, improvement of the systolic blood 2. Modified ultrafiltration (MUF) (after termination of
pressure, and reduced mechanical ventilation time. the CPBP)

Arterial filter



Fig. 11.5  Continuous hemofiltration

11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 115

Fig. 11.6  Modified ultrafiltration



3. Ultrafiltration of the prime (PUF) (before the onset MUF and CUF reduce blood loss, blood transfusion,
of the CPBP, it is performed occasionally when the and mechanical ventilation time.
CPBP circuit is primed with blood products). Other demonstrated effects of the use of MUF
In 1991, Naik et al. reported the use of MUF [24]. It is
initiated after separation from CPBP; the blood from 1 . Improvement in the postoperative hemodynamics
the aortic cannula is pumped through the hemofilter 2. Improvement in the alveolar–arterial oxygen
and then warmed by a heat exchanger and returned difference.
through the cardioplegia circuit to the patient’s venous 3. Decrease pulmonary vascular resistance.
cannula(s) [25]. There is not a global consensus about 4. Decrease the incidence of pleural effusions (after
the amount to be removed, but in general, the fluid is superior cavopulmonary connection and Fontan
removed depending on arterial pressure, CVP, and left procedure)
atrium pressure. This technique is generally used for 5. Decrease myocardial edema.
patient less than 10 kg of weight [26]. 6. Improvement in the left ventricular function.
The major advantage of ultrafiltration is to remove
There is lack of consensus in the type of MUF (arterio-
excess fluid from patients, which leads to an increase
venous, venovenous), duration of ultrafiltration during
in the hematocrit level and coagulation factors. MUF
CPBP, volume of ultrafiltrate, and the type of hemofil-
decreases the level of low-molecular weight inflamma-
ter to be used, leading to difficulty in the interpretation
tory mediators and other deleterious substances.
of the published studies and the definition of the best
Several clinical trials have demonstrated the clinical
method of filtration [28].
benefits of CUF and MUF after pediatric cardiac surgery,
Hemofiltration carries the potential for human
however, controversy remains regarding the optimal
and equipment error and increases plasma heparin
ultrafiltration strategy [27].
116 A.M. Manrique et al.

concentration. The removal of blood from the systemic Hemodilution decreases blood viscosity and increases
circulation may result in hemodynamic instability velocity of the blood flow through the capillary network.
or impaired aortopulmonary shunt flow. High flow This decreases platelet activation and allows adequate
rates through the ultrafilter decrease cerebral blood flow.
flow velocities and cerebral mixed venous oxygen Prime volume depends on the size of the circuit and
saturation [29]. size of the patient varying from 115  to 1500 ml in an
adult circuit.
Oncotic pressure is maintained with the addition of
11.8  C
 onduct and Medications Used
Steroids are used to decrease the inflammatory
During CPBP response.
Mannitol is added to decrease platelet binding to
11.8.1  Priming the Pump the circuit surface and is used to increase diuresis.
Magnesium, calcium, sodium bicarbonate are also
added to the prime solution to maintain the electrolyte
There is no universally agreed protocol for prime and acid–base equilibrium [34].
solution preparation; most centers have developed their The addition of other medication is dependent on the
own preferred regimen. surgical group’s preferences. Other medications include
Priming of the circuit is performed with crystalloid antifibrinolytics such as aprotinin, tranexamic acid
solutions (Plasmalyte A) or blood products (packed (TXA), or epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA). TXA and
red blood cells, plasma, or whole blood). In children, EACA are lysine analogs that reversibly bind to the
to avoid excessive hemodilution, homologous blood lysine-binding site on plasminogen, thus inhibiting
(packed red blood cells) is used, minimizing the the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. Aprotinin is
amount of colloid and crystalloid transfused. Among a polypeptide extracted from bovine lung that inhibits a
natural colloids used in this group of patients, fresh number of plasma serine proteases, including kallikrein,
frozen plasma is favored [30]. trypsin, plasmin, and elastase. Aprotinin has the potential
Stored homologous blood has a deranged electro- to preserve platelet function and decrease the systemic
lyte and acid–base status. Priming the pump with blood inflammatory response. Previous studies have found
results in a high concentration of potassium, especially them to be effective in reducing blood loss and the need
if irradiated blood is used. However, children with for transfusion. Data from some trials suggest an advan-
impaired T-cell immunity do require irradiated blood. tage of aprotinin over the lysine analogs TXA and EACA
The citrate in citrate–phosphate–dextrose (CPD) in terms of decreasing inflammatory response. However,
(which is added to stored blood as an anticoagulant), aprotinin has been discontinued from the market in the
binds to the serum Ca2 producing hypocalcemia. Due USA, due to several randomized trials demonstrating the
to the anaerobic metabolism of the red blood cells, the association between its use and the increased risk for
lactate and pyruvate levels are increased, making stroke, thrombosis, myocardial infarction and death in
stored blood more acidotic [31]. adults. In pediatric patients, aprotinin has shown to have
The assessment to determine the type of fluid used a wide benefit in decreased postoperative bleeding, but
for priming (Crystalloid vs. blood products) depends its use in this population remains uncertain [35].
on desired hematocrit. Despite recent advances in
technology, the majority of neonates and infants still
require peri-operative transfusion of homologous 11.8.2  P
 harmacokinetics and
blood components.
Pharmacodynamics of
Historically, whole blood (WB) was preferred due to
the benefit of use a single donor. WB also provides all Medications During CPBP
blood components at the same time. Using packed red
blood cells (PRBC) instead of WB has been shown to Changes in pharmacokinetics result from hemodilution,
reduce mechanical ventilation time and intensive care hypothermia, altered organ perfusion, acid–base status,
stay [32, 33]. and drug sequestration in the lungs and circuit.
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 117

1. Hemodilution of circulating carrier proteins produces Currently, research in pulsatile perfusion demonstrated
an alteration of the free fraction of the medications significant increases in vital organ blood flow and
and decreases their ability to bind to their target tissue. microcirculation. Furthermore, the use of pulsatile
Most of the medications suffer a transient decrease, perfusion reduces systemic inflammatory response,
usually no more than 5 min. The free drug concen- decreasing inotropic support, intubation time, and
tration increases as protein concentrations fall. hospital stay [40].
2. Change in perfusion pressure to the target organs
produces an increase in the elimination of half-time
due to a decrease in glomerular filtration rate. In
addition, peripheral vasoconstriction produces a 11.8.4  Anticoagulation
decrease in the drug absorption and consequently in
the tissue distribution. There is also a decrease Adequate anticoagulation is essential to minimize
in the metabolic rate of the enzymatic reactions. the thrombin generation that occurs as response of the
3. The reperfusion of the ischemic tissues releases contact of the blood with the extracorporeal circuit.
sequestered medications increasing plasma concen- Thrombin formation is age-dependent. Children expe-
trations of those during the rewarming period. rience reduced thrombosis during CPBP. Inadequate
4. Heparin releases free fatty acids, which can displace anticoagulation may cause both thrombosis and severe
drugs from protein-binding sites and increases free bleeding. However, the optimal dose of heparin in
drug concentration for enhancing its pharmacologic infants and children undergoing CPBP is not defined.
effect. Children have low antithrombin III (ATIII) levels,
which reduces the efficacy of heparin to neutralize throm-
The pharmacokinetics of infants and children vary greatly
bin generation during CPBP. However, increased heparin
from adults. Neonates, infants and children have different
levels have been associated with a decrease in the platelet
volumes of distribution, rates of metabolism, and imma-
function. In addition, the decreased level of fibrinogen in
turity of metabolic systems.
children overestimates the real anticoagulation level [41].
Fentanyl, midazolam, propofol, isoflurane, nitro-
Monitoring of anticoagulation is performed with the
glycerine and vancomycin are some medications
measure of the activated clotting time (ACT). Hattersley
sequestered by the membrane of the oxygenator affect-
introduced this method in 1966. Whole blood from the
ing the drug concentration [36, 37].
CPBP is introduced into a tube or cuvette containing
Effects of ultrafiltration and hemofiltration on drug
celite or kaolin as activators. A plastic stirring plunger is
concentration in children are not completely clear.
lifted up every 2 s until blood thickens sufficiently and
A recent study demonstrating a net effect of MUF in
the plunger is slowed.
increasing plasma concentrations of Milrinone by
Current devices use in its majority Kaolin as
approximately 35% in neonates after HLHS stage
substrate. Aprotinin, hypothermia, hemodilution,
I repair with the effect persisting for 12 h after surgery.
thrombo­cytopenia, and protamine prolong ACT.
Highly variable aprotinin concentrations have been
Interpretation of the ACT is not adequate in neo-
found in children when the administered dose is given
nates due to the lack of linear relation between ACT
according to the adult data [38, 39].
level and heparin level. Monitoring of heparin levels
may provide a more accurate guide for the administra-
tion of heparin during neonatal CPBP [42].
11.8.3  Pump Flow Thromboelastography (TEG) is an indicator of
coagulability state. This tool is useful in examining the
The blood flow depends on physiologic parameters of rapid phase of the clot formation indicating the platelet
perfusion (venous mixed saturation, lactate, and per- function and interaction of the coagulation factors.
fusion pressure). The amount of flow will determine Doses of alternative anticoagulants such as the
the cardiac index. Normal cardiac index is maintained direct thrombin inhibitors (argatroban and lepirudin)
between 1.5 to 3  L/m2, when temperature drops, are not completely established in pediatrics, but may
metabolic demands decreases, and the cardiac index be useful in specific scenarios like a documented
is lowered. heparin-induced thrombocytopenia [43].
118 A.M. Manrique et al.

11.8.5  Monitoring Methylprednisolone (30  mg/kg) can attenuate the

increase in the proinflammatory mediators interleu-
kin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8),
New monitoring devices permit real-time measurements
tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), and plasma endotoxin.
of venous mixed saturation, Hemoglobin, K,+ and
The mechanism of corticosteroids remains unclear.
blood arterial gases. Tympanic, nasopharyngeal, or
Dexamethasone administration before cardiopul-
esophageal temperature is monitored to give an
monary bypass in children resulted in a significant
approximation of the cerebral temperature and the
decrease in cardiac troponin I levels at 24 h postopera-
lower side of the body is monitored using a rectal or
tively [48, 49].
bladder thermometer.
A recent meta-analysis of randomized controlled
Several monitors have been studied as tools for neu-
trials from the Cochrane Heart Group demonstrated
rologic assessment:
weak evidence in favor of prophylactic corticosteroid
1. Bispectral index monitoring (BIS) detects cerebral administration for reducing intensive care unit stay,
hypoperfusion and cerebral air embolism. peak core temperature, and duration of ventilation in
2. Near infrared monitoring (NIRS) detects cerebral pediatric cardiac surgery. The available studies differ
ischemia. in the type of steroid, the dose, and method of adminis-
3. Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound is a sensitive, tration, the timing of the administration (pre, intra, and
real-time monitor of cerebral blood flow velocity postoperative), and the clinical and laboratory parameters
(CBFV) and emboli during CHD surgery. used to measure the therapeutic response [50].
The development of more biocompatible circuits
The NIRS displays a numeric value, the regional
decreases the platelet and fibrinogen adhesion.
cerebral saturation index (rSO2i), which is the ratio of
Minimization of the air–blood interface, air–blood
oxyhemoglobin to total hemoglobin in the light path.
contact, particularly in the venous reservoir, is another
The rSO2i is reported as a percentage on a scale from
potential source of CPBP improvement. A study dem-
15 to 95%. In the brain, the major source of tissue
onstrated that the use of a closed (collapsible) venous
oxygen content is the saturation of blood in the micro-
reservoir significantly decreased hemolysis during
circulation. Thus, rSO2i reflects brain tissue oxygen
early stages of the CPBP. Its use was also associated
content, which is influenced by cerebral oxygen delivery,
with a decrease in the generation of complement C3a,
oxygen consumption, and arterial/venous blood volume
fibrin degradation products, and elastase [51, 52].
ratio [44, 45].
Reduction of the use of blood products and the size
of the CPBP circuit is possible by the use of modern
oxygenators, decrease in the length, and diameter of
tubing sets, and optimal positioning of arterial pump
11.9  S
 trategies to Decrease with vacuum-assisted venous drainage. The new strat-
Inflammatory Response and New egy involves the use of a CPBP circuit composed of
Perspectives a biomaterial with enhanced biocompatibility. This
biomaterial simulates the antithrombotic behavior
of natural membranes such as the phospholipids
11.9.1  Corticosteroids (phosphorocholine) of the external erythrocyte mem-
brane [53, 54].
Systemic inflammatory response and multi-system Although most studies have demonstrated the
organ failure are most prominent between 8 and effective blockade of complement activation by
24  h after CPBP. Their use is associated with the complement inhibitors, the results from studies that
prevention of organ injury by minimizing lysosomal evaluated clinical outcomes have, unfortunately, been
enzyme release and inhibition complement-induced disappointing.
neutrophil aggregation. However, the clinical Several anti-inflammatory strategies have been
evidence does not support the use of prophylactic implemented to reduce this response, including leuko-
steroids in pediatric patients to reduce postoperative cyte removal from the circulation using specialized
complications [46, 47]. filters [55, 56].
11  The Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass Following Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 119

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going cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004;127: 52. Robert CG, Cardiovascular Disease Study Group. A systematic
1670–1677. approach to the understanding and redesigning of cardiopulmo-
40. Alkan T, Akçevin A, Undar A, Türkoglu H, Paker T, Aytaç nary bypass. Semin Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2005;9:159.
A. Pulsatile perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass pro- 53. Rubens FD, Mesana T. Surface modified cardiopulmonary
cedures in neonates, infants, and small children. ASAIO J. bypass circuits: modifying the inflammatory response. Semin
2007;53:706–709. Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2002;6:301.
41. Guzzetta NA, Miller BE, Todd K, et al. Clinical measures of 54. Warren O, Alexiou C, Massey R, et al. The effects of various
heparin’s effect and thrombin inhibitor levels in pediatric leukocyte filtration strategies in cardiac surgery. Eur J
patients with congenital heart disease. Anesth Analg. Cardiothorac Surg. 2007;31:665–676.
2006;103:1131–1138. 55. Bockeria LA, Averina TB, Kucherova IJ. Miniaturized
42. Chan KL, Summerhayes RG, Ignjatovic V, Horton SB, cardiopulmonary bypass system in neonates and small
Monagle PT. Reference values for kaolin-activated throm- infants. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2008;7:78–-79.
boelastography in healthy children. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 56. Markowitz S, Ichord R, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Nicolson
2007;105:1610–1613. S. Surrogate markers for neurological outcome in children
43. Owings JT, Pollock ME, Gosselin RC, Ireland K, Jahr JS, after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Sem Cardiothorac
Larkin EC. Anticoagulation of children undergoing cardio- Vasc Anesth. 2007;11:59–65.
Chapter 12
Nursing Care of the Pediatric Cardiac Patient

Erin L. Colvin, Dana Shiderly, Tamara Maihle, and Dana Casciato

12.1  Introduction exceptional assessment skills are vital. Continued

assessment and reassessment of the patient must occur
frequently. Knowledge of the patient’s anatomy,
Thorough assessment and support of cardiopulmonary
disease process, and surgical intervention are all
function are essential in caring for every patient in the
important to the management of the patient. Table 12.1
pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (CICU). The patient
explains normal and abnormal finding in a head to toe
population in the CICU ranges from the preoperative
cardiac assessment [1].
patient awaiting cardiac surgery, the child with conges-
tive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, or arrhythmias to
the postoperative patient who has undergone palliation
or corrective surgery for congenital heart disease. Nurses 12.3  Hemodynamic Monitoring
working in this environment must have exceptional
assessment skills, clinical expertise, and a sound judg-
Invasive hemodynamic monitoring of infants and
ment to respond to constantly changing and potentially
children in the CICU is performed routinely. Invasive
emergent situations. In addition, with the practice of
hemodynamic monitoring can provide valuable infor-
holistic family-centered care, nurses must extend
mation in the care of a critically ill infant or child. It is
compassion and empathy to each child as well as to
imperative to use numeric hemodynamic data along
their parents, and extended family throughout their
with clinical assessment skills to make sound clinical
experience in the CICU. This chapter outlines basic
cardiac assessment essential for the critical care nurse
and defines clinical skills needed to care for the pediatric
medical and surgical cardiac patient. The developmental
needs of children in the CICU will be discussed within 12.3.1  C
 entral Venous Pressure
the context of a family-centered environment of care. Monitoring

Central venous lines serve many purposes in the

12.2  Cardiac Assessment management of cardiac patients. These lines can be
placed directly into the right atrium, internal jugular,
or subclavian vein. The ideal position of a central
A thorough cardiac assessment is essential for the
venous line is the proximal superior vena cava. When
effective management of patients with congenital
positioned in the proximal superior vena cava, the line
and acquired heart disease. For a bedside nurse,
directly measures the central venous pressure (CVP)
and the right atrial (RA) pressure. Hemodynamic
monitoring of CVP reflects intravascular volume
E.L. Colvin (*)
status and right ventricular function. Normal CVP
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA in infants is 0–4 mmHg and in children 2–6 mmHg.
e-mail: A high CVP may be caused by poor right ventricular

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 121
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_12, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
122 E.L. Colvin et al.

Table 12.1  Cardiac assessment

System Components of assessment Abnormalities
General Overall general state Cyanosis, pallor, mottling
Survey Color Irritability, anxiety
Affect Lethargy, obtundation,
Level of consciousness Facial grimace, asymmetry
Facial expression
Vital Signs Temperature Hypothermia, hyperthermia
Heart rate Tachycardia, bradycardia, irregularity
Respiratory rate Tachypnea, apnea
Non-invasive blood pressure Hypotensive or hypertensive for age, wide pulse pressure
Arterial blood pressure Hypotensive or hypertensive for age, wide pulse pressure, pulsus paradoxus
Central venous pressure High, low, cannon “A” waves
Skin Temperature Cool
Color Pallor, mottled, cyanotic, jaundice
Moisture Diaphoretic
Turgor Tenting
Integrity Rashes, lesions, scars, bruising
Cardiovascular Heart rate Tachycardia, bradycardia, irregular
Heart sounds Distant, muffled, murmur, rub, clicks, gallop
Rhythm Arrhythmia
Pulses Weak, absent, bounding
Capillary refill Prolonged or flash
Mixed venous Co-oximetry
Respiratory Rate Tachypnea, apnea
Rhythm Periodic, Kussmaul, Cheyne-Stokes, shallow
Work of breathing Retractions, head bobbing, use of accessory muscles, nasal flaring, grunting
Arterial blood gases Acidosis, alkalosis, hypoxemia, hypercarbia
Breath sounds Stridor, wheezing, grunting, obstruction, rales, rhonchi
Chest rise Asymmetry, shallow
Fluids, Sodium
electrolytes Potassium
Fluid balance
Urine output Less than 1 ml/kg/h
Drain output Greater than 5 ml/kg/h
Urological Level of consciousness Altered, confusion, irritability, somnolence, disoriented, unresponsive
Pupil size and reaction Asymmetry, nonreactive, dilated, nystagmus
Fontanels Bulging, sunken, tense
Strength and movement Asymmetry, weakness, seizure activity, paralysis
of the extremities
Sensation Tingling, blunting, numbness, paraesthesia
Glascow Coma Scale
GI/Nutrition Liver/Spleen Palpation
Abdominal girth
Abdominal inspection
Bowel sounds
Daily weights
Caloric intake
12  Nursing Care of the Pediatric Cardiac Patient 123

Table 12.1  (continued)

System Components of assessment Abnormalities
Pain Location Uncontrolled pain
Characteristics/ Frequency
Precipitating Factors
Use of appropriate scale

function, hypervolemia, tricuspid stenosis or insuffi- 12.4  P

 reoperative Assessment
ciency, or with positive pressure ventilation. Low CVP and Diagnosis
measurements may indicate hypovolemia [2].

In children with known cardiac conditions who are

scheduled to undergo surgery electively, preparation of
12.3.2  Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring the child and family begins prior to admission to the
hospital. Each patient and family is scheduled for a
Arterial lines are placed to continuously monitor blood preoperative assessment that takes place one to two
pressure and blood sampling. Common sites for arterial weeks prior to the anticipated surgery in the cardiotho-
lines include radial, ulnar, femoral, axillary, umbilical, racic surgery outpatient setting. During this visit, a
and dorsalis pedis arteries. Assessment of the extremity complete history and physical assessment is performed.
distally from the site of origin of the arterial catheter is Knowledge of baseline health, developmental, social,
important to prevent neurovascular complications [3]. and family information obtained about the child is
essential in providing holistic family-centered care to
the child preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postop-
12.3.3  P
 ulmonary Artery Pressure eratively. Any significant findings or concerns that
Monitoring arise during this evaluation can then be communicated
to appropriate members of the health care team which
include anesthesia, operating room, perfusion, cardiac
Pulmonary artery (PA) catheters are useful tool in the
intensive care unit, or social work staff [5].
diagnosis and treatment of infants and children with
The preoperative visit is also a time when the child
cardiopulmonary failure and pulmonary hypertension.
and family will discuss the existing cardiac condition and
PA catheters measure the direct pulmonary artery
the planned surgical intervention. Careful assessment of
pressure. Laboratory studies, such as mixed venous oxy-
the child’s developmental level, as well as the most effi-
gen saturations, may be obtained from these lines [2, 4].
cient method of relaying information to the family, is of
These lines may be placed through a major blood vessel
paramount importance. The use of pictures, models, vid-
into the pulmonary artery or placed directly into the
eos, or websites to explain the anatomy and the surgical
pulmonary artery at the time of cardiac surgery.
procedure often helps the family to comprehend the pro-
posed surgical plan. Hands-on exploration of samples of
materials, implants, and devices used during surgery are
12.3.4  Left Atrial Pressure Monitoring also helpful in reducing anxiety and eliminating fear of
the unknown for children as well as parents [6].
A catheter is placed into the left atrium following A tour of the CICU is offered as part of the pre-
surgical repair/palliation to allow for direct monitoring operative evaluation. This tour, often conducted by the
of the left ventricular function. Infusions or lab draws cardiac social worker, provides an additional opportu-
should be avoided due to the risk of emboli. Left atrial nity for families to address concerns regarding finan-
lines are common in patients with transposition of the cial stressors, lodging, and absence from employment
great arteries and Shone’s complex [2]. and school. Families are encouraged to speak with
124 E.L. Colvin et al.

nurses in the CICU so that questions that are prompted This will give the RN 45 min to 1 h to finalize the
by viewing the unit can be answered. Education regard- bedside in preparation of the child’s arrival. When
ing the child’s heart defect or disease, proposed surgi- the child is admitted, it is important to designate one
cal procedure, the predicted hospital course, and person to receive report from the anesthesiologist and
familiarization with the hospital environment and staff surgeon. Appendix provided is an example of a checklist
serves to optimize the ability to cope effectively during that is helpful to ensure all information is conveyed to
a time of stress and anxiety [7]. the CICU team.

12.5  Nurse’s Role in Postoperative Care 12.6  D

 evelopmental Needs
and Family-Centered Care
12.5.1  P
 reparation of the Cardiac
Intensive Care Unit 12.6.1  Developmental Needs

The bed space is prepared while the child is in the Hospitalization is known to cause high levels of stress
operating room. The actual bed is stocked with all the and anxiety for children and their families. For children
equipment needed to transport the patient from the facing hospitalization, the event can be confusing and
Operating Room (OR) to the CICU. This equipment frightening. The child, removed from his safe home
includes primed and labeled transducers, transducer environment, finds himself exposed to new sights,
holder, manual resuscitation bag, appropriate sized sounds, and people. Procedures, exams, and routine
masks, full oxygen tank, transport monitor, and bed tests are perceived as potentially harmful or painful. The
linens as appropriate. The bed is taken to the OR so child’s developmental level plays an important role in
that the patient can be transported from the OR suite to determining how the stress of illness and hospitalization
the CICU in the bed in which they will recover. is handled. In addition to the recognition of the child’s
The bedside in the CICU is also set up while the child psychosocial and cognitive development, acknowledge-
is in the OR. Table 12.2 lists the equipment that is needed ment of the family’s previous experience with illness
at each bedside to accept a postoperative patient. and hospitalization, their cultural beliefs, and ongoing
The RN who is going to receive the patient from family stressors will enable the health care team to pro-
the OR will receive a phoned report from the OR nurse. vide exceptional levels of care and support [8].
Family-centered care is based on the recognition
that family is constant in a child’s life. Family is the
Table12.2  Equipment needed at the post-operative bed space primary source of support for the child during hospi-
  1. Ensure that monitor is in mode that reflects patient talization. That support must be upheld by the health
group-Adult/Pediatric/Neonatal care team throughout the child’s stay in the CICU.
  2. Bedside monitors should have appropriate limits set for Nurses are responsible for fostering healthy parent–child
relationships over the entire developmental continuum
  3. Obtain appropriate cables/modules for the patient
  4. Extra infusion pumps
from infancy through adulthood. Family-centered care
  5. Resuscitation bag and mask appropriate for the patient assures the health and well-being of children and their
  6. Appropriate sized airway kit with intubation equipment families through a respectful partnership between
  7. Mechanical ventilator should be prepared with appropriate families and professional caregivers. Consideration is
settings given to the strengths, cultural values, beliefs, and
  8. Emergency medication sheet prepared according to weight expertise that each individual brings to this partner-
  9. Suction set up for anticipated number of chest tubes
ship. Family-centered care has been shown to improve
10. Blood tubes and laboratory requisitions for postoperative
bloodwork outcomes and anxiety, decrease recovery time, and
11. Typical postoperative medications including albumin, increase patient, family, and staff satisfaction [9].
potassium, calcium, and additional IV fluids. As an integral part of this partnership with families,
12. Temporary pacemaker with extra battery the CICU nurse must be acutely aware of the events and
12  Nursing Care of the Pediatric Cardiac Patient 125

situations which families perceive as anxiety-provoking. support of extended family, pastoral care, social work,
One of these events is the time that a diagnosis of cardiac or hospice.
disease is determined and communicated to families. Providing family-centered care in the CICU is both
This event can elicit feelings of sadness, anger, confu- challenging and rewarding. CICU nurses must be adept
sion, guilt, and fearfulness. An understanding of the at maintaining the focus of the entire health care team on
spectrum of coping mechanisms employed by parents in the child within the protective context of the family.
dealing with a diagnosis of heart disease is essential in
providing family-centered care. These coping mecha-
nisms range from denial, overprotection, extreme dili-
gence, and monitoring of the child’s condition to more 12.7  Appendix
severe responses that can include depression and anxi-
ety disorders [10].
The anticipation of surgery is another very stressful
time for families. Knowledge is generally empowering
to families as they prepare for a major intervention like
cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization. Keeping in References
mind the family’s capacity for receiving and processing
information, nurses can effectively explain the child’s
1. Bickley LS, Szilagyi PG. Assessing children: Infancy
anatomy and planned surgery while drawing on their through adolescence. In: Szilagyi, P, ed. Bates’ Guide to
prior experience and utilizing teaching tools such as Physical Examination and History Taking. Philadelphia:
pictures, videos, and models. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2003:623–736.
Once viewed as a time of exclusiveness from family 2. Darovic GO. Hemodynamic Monitoring: Invasive and
Noninvasive Clinical Application, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB
involvement, daily patient rounds has recently emerged Saunders; 2002.
as a forum for families as well as the health care team 3. McGhee BH, Bridges ME. Monitoring arterial blood pres-
to exchange concerns and ideas while providing an sure: What you may not know. Crit Care Nurs. 2002;
opportunity for education and mutual development of 22(2):60–79.
4. Keckeisen M. Monitoring pulmonary artery pressure. Crit
the child’s plan of care. The concept of family input in Care Nurs. 2004;24(3):67–70.
patient rounds has historically been met with skepti- 5. Kristensson-Hallstrom I. Parental participation in pediatric
cism, but reports from teaching hospitals that invite surgerical care. AORN J. 2000; 71(5):1021, 1023–1024,
families to be involved have been overwhelmingly 1026–1029.
6. Hazinski MF. Cardiovascular disorders. In: Bowlus B, ed.
positive [11]. CICU nurses can be instrumental in this Manual of Pediatric Critical Care. St. Louis: Mosby;
process by encouraging families to be involved and 1999:84–288.
assisting them in preparation for rounds each day. 7. Craig J, Fineman L, Moynihan P, et al. Cardiovascular criti-
Throughout the day, the CICU nurse is available as a cal care problems. In: Curley MAQ, Moloney-Harmon PA,
eds. Critical Care Nursing of Infants and Children.
resource to the family to answer questions that pertain Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001:579–654.
to the established plan of care. 8. Dixon S, Stein M. Hosptialization and procedures. In:
Undoubtedly, the most challenging time for chil- Encounters with Children: Pediatric Behavior and
dren, families, and caregivers is when poor outcomes Development, 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2005:662–669.
9. Desai PP, Bryant SG. Care of children and families in the
are encountered. The relationship between the CICU CICU: A focus on their developmental, psychosocial, and
nurse and the family implies the unique responsibil- spiritual needs. CCQ. 2002; 25(3):88–97.
ity to assess and provide for the needs of the family 10. Upham M, Medoff-Cooper B. What are the responses &
during this critical situation. Communication must needs of mothers of infants diagnosed with congenital heart
disease. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2005; 30(1):24–29.
remain open, and all available resources must be used 11. Muething SE, Kotagal PJ, Schoettker MS, et  al. Family-
to support families in crisis. The astute CICU nurse centered bedside rounds: A new approach to patient care and
will  anticipate each family’s individual needs for the teaching. Pediatrics. 2007;119:829–832.
Chapter 13
Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes
Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease

Jeffrey P. Jacobs

13.1  Introduction 1. Use of a common language and nomenclature

[5–40, 45–53, 56, 57, 60, 61, 66–72, 75–77, 80–84]
2. Use of an established uniform core dataset for
Over the past two decades, tremendous progress had
collection of information [2, 4–6, 38–40, 42, 43, 45,
been made in the field of congenital heart disease
46, 49–52, 54–57, 59–61, 66, 67, 70, 75–77, 81–85]
outcomes analysis [1–85]. Efforts are ongoing to
3. Incorporation of a mechanism of evaluating case
continue to improve the techniques and technolo-
complexity [1, 3, 41, 43, 44, 51, 52, 54–58, 60–63,
gies available to evaluate the outcomes of treatments
65, 67, 69, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 85]
for congenital heart disease. The rationale for this
4. Availability of a mechanism to assure and verify the
goal is multifactorial. The techniques and technolo-
completeness and accuracy of the data collected
gies of outcomes analysis for congenital heart dis-
[56, 57, 60, 61, 64–67, 69, 70, 75, 81]
ease can function as tools to support a variety of
5. Collaboration between medical and surgical sub-
specialties [75, 81]
a. Patient care for the one million new patients born 6. Standardization of protocols for lifelong follow-up
worldwide each year with congenital heart disease [73, 81]
(130,013,274 births per year estimated for 2005
with 8 children per 1,000 births with congenital
heart disease = 1,040,106 new patients each year
with congenital heart disease) 13.2  Nomenclature
b. Research
c. Teaching During the 1990 decade, both The Society of Thoracic
d. Practice management Surgeons (STS) and The European Association for
e. Resource allocation Cardio–Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) created congenital
f. Outcomes analysis designed to lead to quality heart surgery outcomes databases. [6] Beginning in
improvement 1998, these two organizations collaborated to create the
International Congenital Heart Surgery Nomenclature
In order to perform meaningful multi-institutional
and Database Project [5–37]. By 2000, a common con-
outcomes analysis designed to improve the quality of
genital heart surgery nomenclature, along with a com-
care in congenital heart surgery, one must use a data-
mon core minimal dataset, were adopted by The EACTS
base that incorporates the following six essential
and The STS and published in the Annals of Thoracic
Surgery [5]. In 2000, The International Nomenclature
Committee for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease
was established [47, 48, 53]. This committee eventually
evolved into the International Society for Nomenclature
J.P. Jacobs (*)
of Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (ISNPCHD).
Department of Pediatrics, University of South Florida, Tampa,
FL, USA The working component of the ISNPCHD has been The
e-mail: International Working Group for Mapping and Coding

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 127
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_13, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
128 J.P. Jacobs

of Nomenclatures for Paediatric and Congenital Heart The NWG continues to maintain, preserve, and update
Disease, also known as the Nomenclature Working the IPCCC, as well as provide ready access to it for
Group (NWG). By 2005, the NWG crossmapped the the international paediatric and congenital cardiology
nomenclature of the International Congenital Heart and cardiac surgery communities, related disciplines,
Surgery Nomenclature and Database Project of The the healthcare industry, and governmental agencies,
EACTS and The STS with the European Paediatric both electronically and in published form. The DWG
Cardiac Code (EPCC) of the Association for European writes definitions for the terms in the IPCCC, build-
Paediatric Cardiology (AEPC), and therefore, created ing on the previously published definitions from the
the International Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac NWG [68, 71, 72, 80]. The AWG (or CHART) links
Code (IPCCC), which is available for free download images and videos to the IPCCC. These images and
from the internet at [http://www.IPCCC.NET]. The videos will come from cardiac morphologic speci-
NWG has also crossmapped separate coding systems mens, echocardiography, angiography, and additional
and provided unified nomenclature and definitions for imaging modalities such as computerized axial
several complex congenital cardiac malformations tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well
including the functionally univentricular heart [68], as intraoperative images and videos. An image and
hypoplastic left heart syndrome [71], congenitally cor- video archive will be created, based on the IPCCC,
rected transposition [72], and heterotaxy [80]. and this archive will be linked to the CTSNet
On Monday July 9, 2007, the International Society Congenital Portal.
for Nomenclature of Paediatric and Congenital Heart
Disease created two new committees, so that the
Society now has the following three committees:
13.3  Database Standards
1. The International Working Group for Mapping and
Coding of Nomenclatures for Paediatric and
Congenital Heart Disease, also known as the NWG The IPCCC and the common minimum database
2. The International Working Group for Defining the dataset created by The International Congenital
Nomenclatures for Paediatric and Congenital Heart Heart Surgery Nomenclature and Database Project,
Disease, also known as the Definitions Working are now utilized by both The STS and The EACTS
Group (DWG) [56, 61, 67, 85]. Between 1998 and 2007, this nomen-
3. The International Working Group for Archiving clature and database was used by both these two
and Cataloging the Images and Videos of the organizations to analyze outcomes of over 114,000
Nomenclatures for Paediatric and Congenital Heart patients undergoing surgery as treatment for congen-
Disease, also known as the Archiving Working ital heart disease [75, 81]. Table  13.1 presents data
Group (AWG), and the Congenital Heart Archiving from an analysis of over 40,000 patients published in
Research Team (CHART). 2005 [67].

Table 13.1  The European Association for Cardio–Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) and The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
(STS) aggregate data [67]
All 0–28 days 29 days to 1 year Other
Eligible patients 18,928 3,988 6,152 8,788
Discharge mortality 825 487 202 136
Discharge mortality % 4.4% 12.2% 3.3% 1.5%
Aristotle basic complexity score 7.1 8.6 7.0 6.5
Eligible patients 21,916 4,273 7,316 10,327
Discharge mortality 1,097 514 377 206
Discharge mortality % 5.4% 13.3% 5.56% 2.1%
Aristotle basic complexity score 6.5 7.6 6.6 5.9
These data represent surgical operations performed between 1998 and 2004 inclusive [39, 50, 51, 67]
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 129

During the 2007 STS Congenital Database Harvest, Japanese center also submits data; however, these
57 participating programs submitted data: 55 from the Japanese data are not included in the aggregate report
United States of America, 1 from Canada, and 1 from produced by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons [77].
Japan [77]. The Report of the 2005 STS Congenital The EACTS Congenital Heart Surgery Database now
Heart Surgery Practice and Manpower Survey, under- includes data from 103 active centers from 30 countries.
taken by the STS Workforce on Congenital Heart As of May 2007, this database contained data on 52,172
Surgery, documented that 122 centers in the United operations (Fig. 13.3). Multiple publications generated
States of America and eight centers in Canada perform from these two databases have reported outcomes after
pediatric and congenital heart surgery [86]. The 2007 treatment for congenital heart disease in general, as well
STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Report con- as specific lesion based outcomes [56, 61, 67, 85].
tains data from 58 of these 130 centers from North
America (56 of whom submitted data in the 2007
Harvest, and two of whom submitted data previously,
but did not participate in the 2007 Harvest) [77]. 13.4  Complexity Stratification
The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database is the
largest database in North America dealing with con- The importance of the quantitation of case complexity
genital cardiac malformations [77]. It has grown annu- centers on the fact that in the field of pediatric cardiac
ally since its inception, both in terms of the number of surgery, outcomes analysis using raw mortality mea-
participating centers submitting data, and the number of surements without complexity adjustment is inade-
operations analyzed [2, 4, 39, 50, 51, 57, 70, 77]. quate. Case mix can vary greatly from program to
Figures 13.1 and 13.2 document the annual growth in program. Without complexity stratification, outcomes
the STS Heart Surgery Database by both number of par- analysis for congenital heart surgery will be flawed.
ticipating centers submitting data and the number of Two major multi-institutional efforts have attempted
operations [77]. The 2007 STS Congenital Heart to measure congenital heart surgery case complexity: the
Surgery Database Report includes 61,014 operations Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery-1 (RACHS-1)
performed in 58 centers in North America, 57 from the system [1, 3, 44, 52, 58, 74, 85, 87, 88] and the
United States of America, and one from Canada. One Aristotle Complexity Score [41, 54, 55, 58, 61–63, 85]

Growth in the STS Congenital

50 Centers





2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Centers 16 18 21 34 47 58

Fig.  13.1  The graph documents the annual growth in the Surgery Centers from the United States of America and Canada.
Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Database by number One Japanese center also submits data; however, these Japanese
of participating centers submitting data. The aggregate report data are not included in the aggregate report produced by the
from 2007 of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Surgery Database includes data from 58 Congenital Heart
130 J.P. Jacobs

Growth in the STS Congenital

70000 Operations


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Operations 12787 16461 28351 37093 45635 61014

Operations per averaged 4 year data collection cycle

Fig.  13.2  The graph documents the annual growth in the from 58 centers from North America, 57 from the United States
Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery of America and one from Canada. One Japanese center also
Database by the number of operations. The aggregate report submits data; however, these Japanese data are not included in
from 2007 of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital the aggregate report produced by the Society of Thoracic
Heart Surgery Database included 61,014 operations submitted Surgeons

Growth in the EACTS Congenital Database




1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

No of Patients 762 2495 5294 11633 16161 25477 26995 37476 45432
No of Procedures 812 2612 5601 12736 17663 29114 30815 42617 53172

No of Patients No of Procedures

Fig.  13.3  This graph documents the annual growth in The possibly accounting for the lag in growth seen at that time.
European Association for Cardio–Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) This graph is provided courtesy of Bohdan Maruszewski, MD
Congenital Heart Surgery Database by both number of partici- of the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw, Poland
pating centers submitting data and the number of operations. and Director of The EACTS Congenital Heart Surgery
Between 2004 and 2005, database specifications were updated, Database

The STS and the EACTS have included the Aristotle EACTS–STS Aristotle Committee and are based on mor-
Basic Complexity (ABC) score in their database reports tality potential, morbidity potential, and technical diffi-
since 2002 [39, 50, 51, 57, 70, 77]. Starting in 2006, culty [41, 54, 55, 61]. The initial panel of experts who
both organizations incorporated the RACHS-1 method created the ABC Score was made up of 50 congenital heart
into their database reports as well [70, 77]. surgeons in 23 countries, and representing multiple
The ABC Score and the ABC Level are measures of ­societies, including the Congenital Heart Surgeons’
procedural complexity that were developed by the Society (CHSS), the EACTS, the European Congenital
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 131

Heart Surgeons Association [ECHSA – formerly known the discharge mortality for groups of patients undergoing
as the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Foundation pediatric congenital heart surgery. RACHS-1 was created
(ECHSF)], and STS. The ABC score allocates a basic using a combination of judgment-based and empirical
score to each operation, varying from 1.5 to 15, with 15 methodology. To begin, an 11-member nationally repre-
being the most complex, based on the primary proce- sentative panel of pediatric cardiologists and cardiac
dure of a given operation as selected from the Short List surgeons grouped cardiac surgical procedures into six
of the nomenclature of the version of the IPCCC risk categories, based on expected discharge mortality,
derived from the International Congenital Heart with category 1 representing the lowest risk and category
Surgery Nomenclature and Database Project of The 6 representing the highest risk [44, 52]. (Functionally,
EACTS and The STS [5–37]. The ABC score was calcu- category 5 has been shown to include too few cases to
lated using the three factors of the potential for mortality, accurately estimate mortality rates.) Categories were
the potential for morbidity, and the technical difficulty of then refined using empirical data from two large data-
the operation. In addition to assigning each procedure an sets, one from the Pediatric Cardiac Care Consortium
ABC Score ranging from 1.5 to 15, each procedure was (PCCC) and the other generated from statewide hospital
next assigned an ABC Level, which is an integer ranging discharge databases. In addition to risk group, the
from 1 to 4 based on the ABC Score (ABC Score of 1.5– RACHS-1 method incorporates age at surgery, prematu-
5.9 = ABC Level of 1, ABC Score of 6.0–7.9 = ABC Level rity, presence of a major noncardiac structural anomaly,
of 2, ABC Score of 8.0–9.9 = ABC Level of 3, and ABC and whether multiple surgical procedures were per-
Score of 10.0–15.0 = ABC Level of 4) [41, 54, 55]. Of the formed simultaneously [44, 52, 58, 74, 87, 88]. The
162 procedures from the EACTS–STS Procedure Short RACHS-1 method has been demonstrated to be a useful
List that are currently given an ABC Score, 30 are in tool in several studies in both Europe and North America
ABC Level 1, 48 are in ABC Level 2, 51 are in ABC [44, 52, 58, 74, 75, 85, 87, 88] and represents one of the
Level 3, and 33 procedures are in ABC Level 4 [77]. The first widely accepted complexity adjustment tools devel-
ABC Level provides a broad generalization of complex- oped in our field.
ity by dividing surgical procedures into four complexity Data from The EACTS and The STS multi-institu-
levels [61]. Meanwhile, the ABC score can provide more tional databases indicates that the ABC Score correlates
precise complexity stratification [61]. Both the score and well with mortality prior to discharge from the hospital
the level are useful tools; the appropriate tool can be cho- after congenital heart surgery as well as prolonged post-
sen to match the required analysis [61]. operative length of stay [61, 75, 79, 85]. Figure 13.4 plots
The RACHS-1 methodology is also procedure driven the ABC Level against discharge mortality and demon-
[1, 3, 44, 52]. The RACHS-1 method was developed to strates the expected relationship of increasing mortality
adjust for baseline case mix differences when comparing with increasing complexity based on data from the 2002

Discharge Mortality by Basic Complexity Level

Discharge Mortality %

Fig. 13.4  The graph plots the Aristotle Basic Complexity 5
Level against discharge mortality and demonstrates the 4
expected relationship of increasing mortality with 3
increasing complexity based on data from the 2002 Society 2
of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Congenital Heart Surgery
Database data harvest utilizing data from 16 centers
(12,787 total cases, 2,881 neonatal cases, and 4,124 infant 0
cases). These data represent surgical operations performed 1 2 3 4
between 1998 and 2001 inclusive [39, 56] Basic Complexity Level
132 J.P. Jacobs

Fig. 13.5  The graph plots the rounded Discharge Mortality by Basic Complexity Score (rounded)
Aristotle Basic Complexity Score against 30
discharge mortality and demonstrates the
expected relationship of increasing
mortality with increasing complexity
based on data from the 2005 STS

Discharge Mortality %
Congenital Heart Surgery Database data 20
harvest utilizing data from 34 centers
(27,820 total cases). These data represent
surgical operations performed between
2002 and 2004 inclusive [57]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Basic Complexity (rounded)

STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database data harvest uti- STS 2006 Congenital Database
lizing data from 16 centers. These data include 12,787 45,635 cases
total cases, 2,881 neonatal cases, and 4,124 infant cases, 10
% Mortality
and represent surgical operations performed between
1998 and 2001 inclusive [39, 56]. Figure 13.5 plots the 8
rounded ABC Score against discharge mortality and also
demonstrates the expected relationship of increasing
mortality with increasing complexity based on data from
the 2005 STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database data
harvest utilizing data from 34 centers. These data include 2
27,820 total cases and represent surgical operations per-
formed between 2002 and 2004 inclusive [57]. 0
Aristotle Basic Level 1 2 3 4
In an analysis from the 2006 STS Congenital Heart
% Mortality 1.6% 2.6% 4.1% 9.9%
Surgery Database Report [77, 85], overall discharge
Eligible Operations 4821 12904 8066 4022
mortality was 3.9% (1,222/31,719 eligible cardiac index Discharge Mortality 78 330 330 400
operations). 85.8% (27,202/31,719) of operations were
eligible for analysis by the RACHS-1 system and 94.0% Fig. 13.6  The graph plots the Aristotle Basic Complexity Level
(29,813/31,719) were eligible for analysis by the ABCS. against discharge mortality and demonstrates the expected relation-
Figure 13.6, [85] demonstrates an analysis of discharge ship of increasing mortality with increasing complexity based on
data from the 2006 STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Report,
mortality stratified by ABC Level in data taken from the which contained 45,635 operations. These data represent surgical
2006 STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Report operations performed between 2003 and 2006 inclusive [77, 85]
which contained 45, 635 operations. Figure 13.7, [85]
and Table 13.2, [85] use the same dataset from the 2006 hospital after congenital heart surgery. Figure 13.8, [85]
STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Report and demonstrates an analysis of discharge mortality strati-
present the relationship between discharge mortality fied by RACHS-1 Category in data taken from the 2006
and the rounded ABC Score. One has the opportunity to STS Congenital Database Report which contained
further stratify operations into additional complexity 45,635 operations. With both RACHS-1 and Aristotle,
groupings when the scope of the analysis is expanded as complexity increases, discharge mortality also
beyond ABC Level to incorporate ABC Score. Data increases. The ABC methodology allows classification
from The EACTS and The STS multi-institutional data- of more operations, while the five RACHS-1 Categories
bases also indicate that the RACHS-1 methodology cor- discriminate better at the higher end of complexity when
relates well with mortality prior to discharge from the compared to the four ABC Levels [77, 85].
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 133

Fig. 13.7  The graph plots the rounded 25

Aristotle Basic Complexity Score against 22.5%
discharge mortality and demonstrates the
expected relationship of increasing 20
mortality with increasing complexity

Discharge Mortality %
based on data from the 2006 STS 15.4%
Congenital Heart Surgery Database 15
Report, which contained 45,635
operations. These data represent surgical
operations performed between 2003 and 10
2006 inclusive [77, 85] 8.1% 8.2%
6.3% 6.3%

5 4.5%
3.3% 3.3% 3.1%
2.2% 2.3% 2.6%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Basic Complexity Score (rounded)

Table 13.2  STS congenital cardiac surgery database STS 2006 Congenital Database
Aristotle basic complexity Number of Discharge 45,635 cases
score (rounded) records mortalitya
 2 1,332   1.8% % Mortality
 3 8,879   3.3% 20
 4   995   2.2%
 5   451   3.3%
 6 7,112   2.3% 10
 7 7,555   3.1%
 8 7,770   2.6% 5
 9 4,393   4.5% 0
10 2,286   6.3% RACHS-1 Level 1 2 3 4 5&6
11 2,228   6.3% % Mortality 0.6% 1.4% 4.1% 8.7% 20.2%
Eligible Operations 3637 10537 8788 2910 1330
12   260   8.1%
Discharge Mortality 23 145 359 252 268
13   134   8.2%
14    26 15.4%
Fig. 13.8  The graph plots the RACHS-1 Level against discharge
15 1,576 22.5% mortality and demonstrates the expected relationship of increasing
The table documents the rounded Aristotle Basic Complexity mortality with increasing complexity based on data from the 2006
Score against discharge mortality and demonstrates the expected STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Report, which contained
relationship of increasing mortality with increasing complexity 45,635 operations. These data represent surgical operations per-
based on data from the 2006 STS Congenital Heart Surgery formed between 2003 and 2006 inclusive [77, 85]
Database Report, which contained 45,635 operations. These data
represent surgical operations performed between 2003 and 2006
inclusive [77, 85]
extracardiac factors, and surgical factors). The ACC
Excludes records with missing discharge mortality
Score allows for the addition of ten points to the ABC
Score; therefore, the ACC Score is calculated on a total
Both RACHS-1 and the ABC Score allow stratification of 25. The additional ten points were also determined
of operations based on the operation performed, with- by the opinion of experts, adding potentially five points
out considering detailed patient-specific variables. for procedure-dependent factors and five points for pro-
The Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity (ACC) score cedures-independent factors. Each factor has been
adds to the ABC score by adding detailed patient- scored for its contribution to mortality, morbidity, and
specific variables, with the addition of two sorts of technical difficulty. All complexity factors meet the
complexity modifiers: procedure-dependent factors following requirements: precisely quantifiable, easily
(including anatomical factors, associated procedures, available, admitted by a majority, and verifiable
and age at procedure) and procedure independent [54, 55, 61]. The ACC Score Procedure Independent
factors (including general factors, clinical factors, Factors are presented and defined in Table 13.3.
134 J.P. Jacobs

Table 13.3  The Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity (ACC) Score adds to the ABC Score by adding detailed patient-specific
variables, with the addition of two sorts of complexity modifiers: procedure-dependent factors (including anatomical factors,
associated procedures, and age at procedure) and procedure independent factors (including general factors, clinical factors,
extracardiac factors, and surgical factors). This table lists and defines the ACC Score Procedure Independent Factors
Procedure independent factors
General factors Score
Weight <2.5 kg 2
Prematurity 32–35 weeks 2
Extreme Prematurity <32 weeks 4
Clinical factors Score
Cardiac Mechanical Cardio–Pulmonary Support Excluding ECMO as a primary procedure 4
Shock – persistent at time of surgery Metabolic acidosis with pH <7.2 and/or 3
Lactate >4 mmol/l
Myocardial dysfunction LVSF <25%, moderate to severe for RV 2
Cardio–pulmonary resuscitation Chest compression with medications within 2
48 h prior to surgery
Shock – resolved at time of surgery Metabolic acidosis with pH <7.2 and/or 1
Lactate >4 mmol/l
Supraventricular tachycardia >160 ventricular beats/min (JET, AET, 0.5
Ventricular tachycardia 0.5
Pulmonary Mechanical ventilation to treat 2
cardiorespiratory failure
Respiratory Syncytial Virus “During same hospital admission” 3
Elevated lung resistances. Biventricular repair >6 Wood Units 2
Elevated lung resistances. Heart transplant >4 Wood Units 2
Elevated lung resistances. Univentricular repair >2 Woods Units 2
Single lung Only one lung present 3
Tracheostomy Tracheostomy present 1
Infectious Septicemia Positive blood culture 2
Endocarditis Vegetation or new regurgitation at 3
Gastrointestinal Necrotizing enterocolitis treated medically “During same hospital admission” 1
extraluminal air on xray
Necrotizing enterocolitis treated surgically “During same hospital admission” 2
extraluminal air on xray
Hepatic dysfunction prothrombin time >2 × normal 1
Enterostomy present Enterostomy present includes esophagostomy, 0.5
gastrostomy, enterostomy, colostomy
Hematologic Coagulation disorder – Acquired PT/PTT above normal, Thrombopenia 1
<100,000 Fibrinogen split products
positive (>10%)
Coagulation disorder – Congenital PT/PTT above normal, Thrombopenia 0.5
<100,000 Fibrinogen split products
positive (>10%)
Renal Renal dysfunction Creatinine >1 mg/dl in neonate or Creatinine 1
>2 mg/dl in older child
Renal failure requiring dialysis Renal failure requiring dialysis 3
Neurologic Stroke, CVA, or Intracranial During lifetime 1
hemorrhage > Grade 2
Stroke, CVA, or Intracranial Within 48 h prior to surgery 2
hemorrhage > Grade 2
Seizure during lifetime During lifetime 0.5
Seizure within 48 h prior to surgery Within 48 h prior to surgery 1
Endocrine Hypothyroidism TSH >20 mU/l 1
Diabetes mellitus – insulin dependent 1
Diabetes mellitus – noninsulin dependent 0.5
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 135

Table 13.3  (continued)

Procedure independent factors
Extra cardiac factors Score
Central Nervous System Hydrocephalus 0.5
Spina Bifida 0.5
Respiratory Laryngomalacia 3
Broncho–tracheal Malacia 3
Cystic fibrosis 2
Tracheo–oesophageal Fistula 1
Pulmonary lymphangectasis 1
Choanal atresia 0.5
Cleft Palate 0.5
Congenital lobar emphysema 0.5
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation 0.5
Sequestration 0.5
Chest wall deformity including pectus 0.5
Gastrointestinal Biliary atresia 4
Gastroschises 2
Omphalocoele 1
Duodenal atresia 1
Imperforate anus 0.5
Hirshsprungs disease 0.5
Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s, 0.5
Ulcerative colitis
Renal Polycistic disease 0.5
Vesicouteric reflux 0.5
Hydronephrosis (PUJ and VUJ obstruction 0.5
Chromosomal Marfan’s syndrome 2
Down’s syndrome 1
Di George 1
22q11 deletion 1
William Beuren’s syndrome 1
Alagille’s syndrome 0.5
Turner’s syndrome 0.5
Genetic + Chromosomal Other 0.5
Spatial anomalies Heterotaxia 1
Situs inversus 0.5
Criss-cross heart 0.5
Dextrocardia 0.5
Ectopia cordis 4
Other Diabetic mother 1
Muscular dystrophy 0.5
Currently taking steroids 0.5
Surgical technique factors Score
Redosternotomy: Redo # 1, 2, or 3 2
Redosternotomy: Redo # 4 or more 3
Redothoracotomy 1
Minimal invasive sternotomy Open heart surgery with skin incision <50% 0.5
manubrial–xyphoid distance
Minimal invasive AL thoracotomy Open heart surgery through antero lateral 0.5
Minimal invasive PL thoracotomy Open heart surgery through postero lateral 0.5
Robot surgery 0.5
Video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) 0.5
136 J.P. Jacobs

The Aristotle Committee is currently involved in of the verification of the accuracy of the data is
ongoing research to validate the ACC score on a ­multi- demonstrated in a recent prospective, longitudinal,
institutional basis. The ACC score has been used in sev- observational, national cohort survival study from the
eral publications to score complex procedures [89–93]. United Kingdom Central Cardiac Audit Database [96].
The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Task The United Kingdom Central Cardiac Audit Database
Force and the Joint EACTS–STS Congenital Heart analyzed 3,666 surgical procedures and 1,828 thera-
Surgery Database Committee continue to study peutic catheterizations performed from 2000 and 2001,
improved methodologies of case mix complexity from all 13 United Kingdom tertiary centers performing
adjustment in pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. cardiac surgery or therapeutic cardiac catheterization
The ABC Score has being analyzed to assess its validity, in children with congenital heart disease. Thirty day
and initial analysis confirms this tool as a useful and mortality was identified both by volunteered life status
valid metric for expression of case mix complexity from the hospital databases and by independently
[79, 85]. Analysis of data in the STS Congenital Heart validated life status through the Office for National
Surgery Database also confirms that the RACHS-1 Statistics, using the patient’s unique National Health
methodology is a useful and valid metric for expression Service number, or the general register offices of
of case mix complexity [85]. Collaborative research Scotland and Northern Ireland. Central tracking of
efforts involving the STS Congenital Heart Surgery mortality identified 469 deaths, with 194 occurring
Database Task Force along with the developers of both within 30 days and 275 later. Forty two of the 194
the ABC Score and the RACHS-1 methodology even- deaths within 30 days (21.6% of the 30-day mortality)
tually aim to unify these two systems and create a com- were detected by central tracking but not by volun-
plexity stratification methodology based more on teered data. In other words, hospital-based databases
objective data, with subjective probability and expert underreported 30-day mortality by 21.6% even though
opinion utilized where objective data is lacking [94]. the hospitals were aware that the data would be
Current efforts to unify the RACHS-1 system and the independently verified. The authors conclude that
ABC Score are in their early stages, but encouraging. “independent data validation is essential for accurate
survival analysis” and that “one-year survival gives a
more realistic view of outcome than traditional peri-
operative mortality” [96]. These two publications
13.5  Data Verification [95, 96] clearly demonstrate the importance of data
verification for both completeness and accuracy.
The accuracy and completeness of our data are critical Collaborative efforts involving The EACTS and
to the success of the STS Congenital Heart Surgery The STS are under way to develop mechanisms to
Database. Our patients and their families as well as verify the completeness and accuracy of the data in
third party payers and other providers all expect veri- the databases. The European Association for Cardio–
fication of that accuracy and completeness. Moreover, thoracic Surgery Congenital Heart Surgery Database
governmental agencies may soon require such verifi- [64] attempted to verify the data within the databases
cation. Internal data analysis can identify missing of five European Congenital Heart Surgery Centres
data elements and data inconsistencies, but cannot using Source Data Verification (SDV). Pre and post
verify whether the data are accurate and complete. verification mortalities in all groups showed no
The need exists for a common methodology for data significant differences, although 7 deaths out of 68
verification to be developed and implemented in all (10.27%) were missed. None of the other verified
congenital heart disease outcomes registries worldwide. fields showed significant differences after verification.
Furthermore, common definitions for fields such as The authors state that SDV showed no statistically
mortality will need to be implemented into all congenital significant differences between verified and nonver-
heart disease outcomes registries worldwide [69, 82, ified data on 30-day mortality, length of stay, age,
83]. Verification of the completeness of the data is body weight, cardio–pulmonary bypass time, aortic
crucial because it has been previously shown that cross-clamp time, and circulatory arrest time. The
patients not included in medical audit have a worse authors also state that “an international committee of
outcome than those included [95]. The importance experts is needed to define common data verification
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 137

methodology and to apply it in future works on governmental death registries, may ultimately be required
outcome analysis in congenital heart surgery (CHS).” to allow for optimum data verification. Obviously,
This well done study by Maruszewski et  al [64] further research in the area of data verification is
analyzes the data properly and appropriately discusses necessary. Data must be verified for both completeness
the limitations of the analysis [65]. The authors and accuracy.
honestly report that 7 deaths out of 68, or 10.27%,
were missed. This presentation of the “missed mortality”
data is more honest than stating that 7 deaths out of
1,895 operations, or 0.37%, were missed. Although, 13.6  C
 ollaboration Between Medical
the authors state that source data verification showed and Surgical Subspecialties
no statistically significant differences between verified
and nonverified data in the 30-day mortality fields, it
Further collaborative efforts are also ongoing between
is troubling that more than 10% of the 30-day mortality
pediatric and congenital heart surgeons other subspe-
was not reported.
cialties including pediatric cardiac anesthesiologists,
A new cycle of STS Congenital Heart Surgery
via The Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society, and
Database audits began in June of 2007 following the
pediatric cardiac intensivists, via The Pediatric
annual Spring Congenital Heart Surgery Database
Cardiac Intensive Care Society, and pediatric cardiol-
data harvest. Five participating sites will be audited
ogists, via the Joint Council on Congenital Heart
each year. All audits are being conducted by the Iowa
Disease and The Association of European Pediatric
Foundation for Medical Care (IFMC), the quality
improvement organization for Iowa and Illinois.
The MultiSocietal Database Committee for Pediatric
(Since 2006, STS has contracted with IFMC to con-
and Congenital Heart Disease has been created to fos-
duct their Adult Cardiac Surgery Database audits.) As
ter these collaborative efforts and is composed of
part of the audit team, a Congenital Heart Surgeon
members of the following organizations [75, 81]:
will participate in the audit site visit. Participating
sites will be randomly selected and each site will be a. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database
notified no less than 6 weeks before an audit is to be Taskforce
scheduled. The onsite audit will consist of pre- and b. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database
post-audit meetings with the site data manager and Taskforce Core Users Group
surgeon leadership, hospital case log comparison, and c. The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database Data
data abstraction from 20 randomly selected surgical Verification Subcommittee
procedures. Additionally, mortality cases will also be d. The EACTS Congenital Heart Committee
reviewed. Twenty one data elements will be audited. e. The Aristotle Institute, developers of the Aristotle
Each site will receive an individual audit report within Complexity Score
30 days after conclusion of the audit. It should be f. The Multi-Center Panel of Experts for Cardiac
emphasized that these audits are primarily for the Surgical Outcomes, developers of the Risk Adjustment
­purpose of identifying and helping to solve problems in Congenital Heart Surgery-1 system
related to data collection and submission and, g. The Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society and
­therefore, helping to improve the quality of the the Virtual Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Performance
Database. Insuring good data quality is ultimately the System (VPS) Database
only way we can achieve equitable evaluation of our h. The Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society
performance. i. The Joint Council on Congenital Heart Disease
Collaborative efforts continue, with the goal of j. The Association of European Pediatric Cardiology
improving and standardizing the methodology of data k. The Pediatric Committee of the International
verification. The EACTS [64] and The STS now both Consortium of Evidence Based Perfusion
have programs in place for site visits for onsite l. The International Working Group for Mapping
data verification. A combination of site visits with and Coding of Nomenclatures for Paediatric and
Source Data Verification and external data verifica- Congenital Heart Disease, otherwise known as the
tion from independent databases or registries, such as Nomenclature Working Group
138 J.P. Jacobs

m. The World Society for Pediatric and Congenital and ethical issues using methodology that respects
Heart Surgery patient privacy and these regulations. Congenital heart
n. The Center for Quality Improvement and Patient disease outcomes analysis must move beyond mortality,
Safety of Agency for Healthcare Research and and encompass longer-term followup, including cardiac
Quality of the United States Department of Health and noncardiac morbidities, and importantly, those
and Human Services morbidities impacting health related quality of life.
o. The Birth Defect Branch of the Centers for Disease Methods of congenital heart disease outcomes
Control and Prevention analysis continue to evolve, with continued advances
in the areas of nomenclature, database, stratification of
Under the leadership of The MultiSocietal Database
case complexity, verification of data, subspecialty
Committee for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease,
collaboration, and the development of standardized
multiple ongoing collaborative initiatives exist:
protocols for lifelong followup. Although much has
a . Developing regional outcomes reporting initiatives been accomplished, we can do better!! We should
b. Developing improved methodologies of data ver- eventually create a multi-institutional outcomes data-
ification, utilizing site visits with Source Data base for congenital heart disease that spans geographic,
Verification and perhaps linking to the National subspecialty, and temporal boundaries.
Death Index in the United States
c. Validating the Aristotle Basic Complexity Score Acknowledgments  This research was supported by the Children’s
Heart Foundation: (
d. Unifying the Aristotle Basic Complexity Score and
the Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery
e. Developing improved methodologies to assess and References
measure morbidity
f. Developing improved methodologies of long-term 1. Jenkins KJ, Newburger JW, Lock JE, Davis RB, Coffman
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database participation by hospital caseload. Pediatrics. 1995;95:323–330
h. Increasing the involvement from Africa, Asia, 2. Mavroudis C (Chairman) and Congenital Database
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Drinkwater DC, Edwards FH, Grover FL, Hammon JW Jr,
Jacobs JP, Kron IL, Mayer JE, Myers JL, Ring WS, Siewers
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13.7  Long-Term FollowUp National Congenital Cardiac Surgery Database, 1994–1997,
Summit Medical, Minnetonka, MN, September 1998.
3. Jenkins KJ, Gauvreau K, Newburger JW, Kyn LB, Iezzoni
The ultimate goal of the databases of The STS and LI, Mayer JE. Validation of relative value scale for con-
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4. Mavroudis C, Gevitz M, Ring WS, McIntosh C, Schwartz
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with other international societies, the goal becomes the Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;68:601–624.
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13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 139

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38. Lacour-Gayet F, Maruszewski B, Mavroudis C, Jacobs JP, (11):498–501.
Elliott MJ. Presentation of the International Nomenclature 50. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Lacour-Gayet FG.
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ture to collection of validated data at the EACTS. Eur J Database – Third Harvest – (1998–2002). The STS (STS)
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The STS (STS) and Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Executive Summary: The STS Congenital Heart Surgery
13  Cardiac Database and Risk Factor Assessment. Outcomes Analysis for Congenital Cardiac Disease 141

Database – Fourth Harvest – (2002–2003). The STS (STS) 65. Jacobs ML. Editorial Comment. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.
and Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Duke 2005;28(3):405–406.
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United 66. Jacobs JP, Maruszewski B, and the European Association for
States, Spring 2004 Harvest. Cardio-thoracic Surgery –Society of Thoracic Surgeons
52. Jenkins KJ. Risk adjustment for congenital heart surgery: Joint Congenital Heart Surgery Nomenclature and Database
the RACHS-1 method. 2004 Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Committee. Computerized outcomes analysis for congenital
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53. Beland MJ, Franklin RC, Jacobs JP, et al. Update from the 67. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Maruszewski B, Lacour-Gayet FG,
International Working Group for mapping and coding of Clarke DR, Tchervenkov CI, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Stellin
Nomenclatures for Paediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. G, Elliott MJ, Ebels T, Mavroudis C. Current status of the
Cardiol Young. 2004;14(2):225–229. European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery and The
54. Lacour-Gayet FG, Clarke D, Jacobs JP, Comas J, Daebritz S, STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Ann Thorac Surg.
Daenen W, Gaynor JW, Hamilton L, Jacobs ML, Maruszewski 2005;80(6):2278–2283; discussion 2283–2284.
B, Pozzi M, Spray T, Stellin G, Tchervenkov CI, Mavroudis 68. Jacobs JP, Franklin RCG, Jacobs ML, Colan SD, Tchervenkov
C, and the Aristotle Committee. The Aristotle score: a CI, Maruszewski B, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Stellin G, Aiello
complexity-adjusted method to evaluate surgical results. VD, Béland MJ, Krogmann ON, Kurosawa H, Weinberg PM,
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2004;25(6):911–924. Elliott MJ, Mavroudis C, Anderson R. Classification of the
55. Lacour-Gayet FG, Clarke D, Jacobs JP, Gaynor JW, Hamilton functionally univentricular heart: unity from mapped codes.
L, Jacobs ML, Maruszewski B, Pozzi M, Spray T, In 2006 Supplement to Cardiology in the Young: controver-
Tchervenkov CI, Mavroudis C, and the Aristotle Committee. sies and challenges in the management of the functionally
The Aristotle score for Congenital Heart Surgery. Semin univentricular heart, Jacobs JP, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW,
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2004;7: Anderson RH, eds. Cardiol Young. 2006;16(suppl 1):9–21.
185–191. 69. Jacobs JP, Jacobs MC, ML MB, et al. What is operative mor-
56. Jacobs JP, Mavroudis C, Jacobs ML, et al. Lessons learned tality? Defining death in a Surgical Registry Database: a
from the data analysis of the second harvest (1998–2001) of report of the STS Congenital Database Taskforce and the
The STS (STS) Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Eur J Joint EACTS-STS Congenital Database Committee. Ann
Cardiothorac Surg. 2004;26(1):18–37. Thorac Surg. 2006;81(5):1937–1941.
57. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Lacour-Gayet FG. 70. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Lacour–Gayet FG,
Executive Summary: The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Tchervenkov CI. Executive Summary: The STS Congenital
Database – Fifth Harvest – (2002–2004). The STS (STS) Heart Surgery Database – Sixth Harvest – (2002–2005). The
and Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Duke STS (STS) and Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI),
University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina,
States, Spring 2005 Harvest. United States, Spring 2006 Harvest.
58. Welke KF, Jacobs JP, Jenkins KJ. Evaluation of quality of 71. Tchervenkov CI, Jacobs JP, Weinberg PM, et al. The nomen-
care for congenital heart disease. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc clature, definition and classification of hypoplastic left heart
Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2005:157–167. syndrome. Cardiol Young. 2006;16(4):339–368.
59. Jacobs JP, Elliott MJ, Anderson RH, et al. Creating a data- 72. Jacobs JP, Franklin RCG, Wilkinson JL, Cochrane AD, Karl
base with cardioscopy and intra-operative imaging. Cardiol TR, Aiello VD, Béland MJ, Colan SD, Elliott, MJ, Gaynor
Young. 2005;15(Suppl 1):184–189. JW, Krogmann ON, Kurosawa H, Maruszewski B, Stellin G,
60. Jacobs JP, Maruszewski B, Tchervenkov CI, et al. The current Tchervenkov CI, Weinberg PM. The nomenclature, definition
status and future directions of efforts to create a global database and classification of discordant atrioventricular connections.
for the outcomes of therapy for congenital heart disease. In 2006 Supplement to Cardiology in the Young: controver-
Cardiol Young. 2005;15(Suppl 1):190–197. sies and challenges of the atrioventricular junctions and other
61. Jacobs JP, Lacour-Gayet FG, Jacobs ML, Clarke DR, challenges facing paediatric cardiovascular practitioners and
Tchervenkov CI, Gaynor JW, Spray TL, Maruszewski B, their patients, Jacobs JP, Wernovsky G, Gaynor JW, Anderson
Stellin G, Gould J, Dokholyan RS, Peterson ED, Elliott MJ, RH, eds. Cardiol Young. 2006;16(suppl 3):72–84.
Mavroudis C. Initial application in the STS Congenital 73. Wernovsky G, Rome JJ, Tabbutt S, et al. Guidelines for the
Database of complexity adjustment to evaluate surgical case Outpatient Management of Complex Congenital Heart
mix and results. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005;79(5):1635–1649; Disease. Congenit Heart Dis. 2006;1:10–26.
discussion 1635–1649. 74. Al-Radi OO, Harrell FE Jr, Caldarone CA, et  al. Case
62. Lacour-Gayet F, Clarke DR, and the Aristotle Committee. The complexity scores in congenital heart surgery: a comparative
Aristotle method: a new concept to evaluate quality of care study of the Aristotle basic complexity score and the risk
based on complexity. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2005;17(3):412–417. adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery (RACHS-1) system.
63. Lacour-Gayet F, Jacobs JP, Clarke DR, et al. Performance of J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007;133(4):865–875.
surgery for congenital heart disease: shall we wait a genera- 75. Jacobs JP, Mavroudis C, Jacobs ML, et  al. Nomenclature
tion or look for different statistics? J Thorac Cardiovasc and databases – The past, the present, and the future: a
Surg. 2005;130(1):234–235. primer for the Congenital Heart Surgeon. Pediatr Cardiol.
64. Maruszewski B, Lacour-Gayet F, Monro JL, Keogh BE, 2007;28(2):105–115.
Tobota Z, Kansy A. An attempt at data verification in the 76. Lacour-Gayet F, Jacobs ML, Jacobs JP, Mavroudis C. The
EACTS Congenital Database. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. need for an objective evaluation of morbidity in Congenital
2005;28(3):400–404; discussion 405–406. Heart Surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2007;84(1):1–2.
142 J.P. Jacobs

77. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Lacour-Gayet FG, cations for research and evaluation. In: 2008 Supplement to
Tchervenkov CI. Executive Summary: The STS Congenital Cardiology in the Young: Databases and The Assessment of
Heart Surgery Database – Seventh Harvest – (2003–2006). Complications associated with The Treatment of Patients
The STS (STS) and Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), with Congenital Cardiac Disease, Prepared by: The Multi-
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, Societal Database Committee for Pediatric and Congenital
United States, Spring 2007 Harvest. Heart Disease, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD (editor). Cardiology in
78. Lacour-Gayet FG, Jacobs JP, Clarke, DR, Maruszewski B, the Young, Volume 18, Issue S2 (Suppl. 2), pp 92–100,
Jacobs ML, O'Brien SM, Mavroudis C. Evaluation of Quality December 9, 2008.
of Care in Congenital Heart Surgery: Contribution of the 85. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Lacour-Gayet FG, Jenkins KJ,
Aristotle Complexity Score. Advances in Pediatrics, Gauvreau K, Bacha EA, Maruszewski B, Clarke DR,
2007;54:67-83. PMID: 17918467, 2007. Tchervenkov CI, Gaynor JW, Spray, TL, Stellin G, O'Brien
79. O'Brien SM, Jacobs JP, Clarke DR, Maruszewski B, Jacobs SM, Elliott MJ, Mavroudis C. Stratification of Complexity
ML, Walters HL 3rd, Tchervenkov CI, Welke KF, Tobota Z, Improves the Utility and Accuracy of Outcomes Analysis in
Stellin G, Mavroudis C, Hamilton JR, Gaynor JW, Pozzi M, a Multi-Institutional Congenital Heart Surgery Database:
Lacour-Gayet FG. Accuracy of the Aristotle Basic Application of the Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart
Complexity Score for classifying the mortality and morbidity Surgery (RACHS-1) and Aristotle Systems in the Society of
potential of congenital heart surgery operations. The Annals Thoracic Surgeons (STS) Congenital Heart Surgery
of Thoracic Surgery, 84(6):2027-37, PMID: 18036930, Database. Pediatric Cardiology, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s00246-
December 2007. 009-9496-0.
80. Jacobs JP, Anderson RH, Weinberg P, Walters III HL, 86. Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Jacobs JP, Tchervenkov CI,
Tchervenkov CI, Del Duca D, Franklin RCG, Aiello VD, Pelletier GJ. Report of the 2005 STS Congenital Heart
Béland MJ, Colan SD, Gaynor JW, Krogmann ON, Kurosawa Surgery practice and manpower survey: a report from The
H, Maruszewski B, Stellin G, Elliott MJ. The nomenclature, STS workforce on Congenital Heart Surgery. Ann Thorac
definition and classification of cardiac structures in the set- Surg. 2006;82(3):1152–8, 1159e1–5; discussion 1158–1159.
ting of heterotaxy. In 2007 Supplement to Cardiology in the 87. Boethig D, Jenkins KJ, Hecker H, Thies WR, Breymann T.
Young: Controversies and Challenges Facing Paediatric The RACHS-1 risk categories reflect mortality and length of
Cardiovascular Practitioners and their Patients, Anderson hospital stay in a large German pediatric cardiac surgery
RH, Jacobs JP, and Wernovsky G, editors. Cardiology in the population. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2004;26(1):12–17.
Young, Volume 17, Supplement 2, pages 1–28, doi: 10.1017/ 88. Kang N, Cole T, Tsang V, et al. Risk stratification in pediatric
S1047951107001138, September 2007. open-heart surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2004;26:3–11.
81. Jacobs JP, Wernovsky G, Elliott MJ. Analysis of Outcomes 89. Miyamoto T, Sinzobahamvya N, Kumpikaite D, et al. Repair
for Congenital Cardiac Disease: Can We Do Better? In 2007 of truncus arteriosus and aortic arch interruption: outcome
Supplement to Cardiology in the Young: Controversies and analysis. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005;79(6):2077–2082.
Challenges Facing Paediatric Cardiovascular Practitioners 90. Netz BC, Hoffmeier A, Krasemann T, Zahn P, Scheld HH.
and their Patients, Anderson RH, Jacobs JP, and Wernovsky Related articles, links low weight in Congenital Heart Surgery: is
G, editors. Cardiology in the Young, Volume 17, Supplement it the right way? Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2005;53(6):330–333.
2, pages 145–158, doi: 10.1017/S1047951107001278, 91. Sinzobahamvya N, Photiadis J, Kumpikaite D, et  al.
September 2007. Comprehensive Aristotle score: implications for the Norwood
82. Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Mavroudis C, Maruszewski B, procedure. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;81(5):1794–1800.
Tchervenkov CI, Lacour-Gayet FG, Clarke DR, Yeh T, 92. Artrip JH, Campbell DN, Ivy DD, Almodovar MC, Chan
Walters HL 3rd, Kurosawa H, Stellin G, Ebels T, Elliott MJ, KC, Mitchell MB, Clarke DR, Lacour-Gayet F. Birth weight
Vener DF, Barach P, Benavidez OJ, Bacha EA.. What is and complexity are significant factors for the management of
Operative Morbidity? Defining Complications in a Surgical hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg.
Registry Database: A Report from the STS Congenital 2006;82(4):1252–1257; discussion 1258–1259.
Database Task Force and the Joint EACTS-STS Congenital 93. Mace L, Bertrand S, Lucron H, et al. Paediatric cardiac surgery
Database Committee. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery; and autoevaluation: risk score, complexity score and graphic
84:1416-1421, October 2007. analysis. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 2005;98(5):477–484.
83. Jacobs JP, Benavidez OJ, Bacha EA, Walters HL 3rd, Jacobs 94. O'Brien SM, Clarke DR, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Lacour-Gayet
ML. The nomenclature of safety and quality of care for FG, Pizarro C, Welke KF, Maruszewski B, Tobota Z, Miller
patients with congenital cardiac disease: a report of the WJ, Hamilton L, Peterson ED, Mavroudis C, Edwards FH. An
Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Database Taskforce empirically based tool for analyzing mortality associated with
Subcommittee on Patient Safety. In: 2008 Supplement to congenital heart surgery. The Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiology in the Young: Databases and The Assessment of Cardiovascular Surgery, accepted for publication, in press.
Complications associated with The Treatment of Patients 95. Elfstrom J, Stubberod A, Troeng T. Patients not included in
with Congenital Cardiac Disease, Prepared by: The Multi- medical audit have a worse outcome than those included. Int
Societal Database Committee for Pediatric and Congenital J Qual Health Care. 1996;8:153–157.
Heart Disease, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD (editor). Cardiology in 96. Gibbs JL, Monro JL, Cunningham D, Rickards A, Society of
the Young, Volume 18, Issue S2 (Suppl. 2), pp 81–91, Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Northern
December 9, 2008. Ireland, Paediatric Cardiac Association, and the Alder Hey
84. Strickland MJ, Riehle-Colarusso TJ, Jacobs JP, Reller MD, Hospital. Survival after surgery or therapeutic catheterisa-
Mahle WT, Botto LD, Tolbert PE, Jacobs ML, Lacour-Gayet tion for congenital heart disease in children in the United
FG, Tchervenkov CI, Mavroudis C, Correa A. The impor- Kingdom: analysis of the central cardiac audit database for
tance of nomenclature for congenital cardiac disease: impli- 2000–1. BMJ. 2004; 328(7440):611.
Part II
Specific Cardiac Lesions
Chapter 14
Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Deborah Kozik, Dunbar Ivy, Jill Ibrahim, Lisa Wise-Faberowski, Steven Goldberg, Jeffrey Darst,
Jonathan Kaufman, Victor O. Morell, and Eduardo M. da Cruz

The ductus arteriosus is a normal and vital fetal structure 14.1  Natural History
that arises from the left sixth aortic arch. It connects
the main pulmonary artery to the descending thoracic
PDA accounts for 5–10% of all congenital heart
aorta just distal and opposite to the origin of the left
defects. The overall incidence in preterm infants is
subclavian artery (Fig. 14.1). The pulmonary end usually
20–30%, with the incidence arising sharply with
tapers and is narrower than the aortic end.
earlier gestational age and lower birth weight (>32
The histology of the ductus differs from that of
weeks: 20%; <28 weeks: 60%). In preterm infants,
arteries in that the media is deficient in elastic fibers and
immature ductal tissue is less sensitive to oxygen-
is instead composed of poorly arranged smooth muscle
mediated constriction and more sensitive to prosta-
cells in a spiral configuration. This smooth muscle is
glandin vasodilation [3].
especially sensitive to prostaglandin-mediated relax-
In preterm infants, a PDA can contribute to
ation and oxygen-induced constriction.
morbidity secondary to decreased systemic flow due
During fetal life, approximately 60% of the right
to the diastolic steal induced by the left-to-right
ventricular outflow is shunted across the ductus arte-
shunt: renal failure, intracranial hemorrhage, necro-
riosus and away from the high pressure pulmonary
tizing enterocolitis, abnormal cerebral blood flow,
vascular bed. Circulating prostaglandins produced by
respiratory distress syndrome, and chronic lung
the placenta actively keep the ductus patent during
disease (Fig. 14.2).
fetal life.
When left untreated, a large PDA can lead to
After birth, with the removal of the placenta and with
irreversible pulmonary hypertension with the develop-
active breathing that causes an increase in the arterial
ment in the mid- to long-term of a right-to-left shunt
oxygen tension that inhibits prostaglandin synthetase,
and Eisenmenger’s syndrome. Supra-systemic pulmo-
there is an abrupt decrease in prostaglandin levels,
nary artery pressure can develop as early as 6 months
which then leads to ductal constriction [1]. Contraction
of life.
of the medial muscle causes shortening of the ductus
Functional closure of the ductus arteriosus usually
and its functional closure. Lately, folding of the endothe-
occurs within the first 48 h of life in most newborns
lium and proliferation of subintimal layers causes
of more than 36 weeks of gestation, with complete
permanent closure, usually during the first several
anatomic closure within 6 weeks [4–7]:
weeks of life [2].
24 h 42%
40 h 78%
48 h 90%
96 h 100%

D. Kozik (*) However, closure may occur later in life. It has been

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA estimated that the percentage of PDA closing after one
e-mail: year of age is 0.6% per year [8].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 145
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_14, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
146 D. Kozik et al.

Prior to the antibiotic era, the average age of death current recommendation for duct closure in all clinically
in patients with a PDA who survived infancy was 36 audible PDA.
years, with infective endocarditis being the most common
cause of death.
The risk of pulmonary hypertension with moderate
or large ducts, as well as the small but definite risk 14.2  Pathophysiology
of endocarditis with even small ducts justifies the
PDA may be the source of a significant left-to-right
shunt between the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
Depending on the degree of shunting and the ratio of
systemic and pulmonary resistances, this increased
shunt may coexist with various degrees of pulmonary
arterial hypertension.
The hemodynamic impact depends on the following
a. The size and length of the PDA (directly propor-
tional to the diameter, inversely proportional to the
b. The ratio between systemic resistance (SVR) and
pulmonary resistances (PVR)
c. The blood viscosity (low viscosity increases the
severity of the shunt)
Fig.  14.1  PDA anatomy as seen through a left thoracotomy
(DAA distal aortic arch; LSC left subclavian artery; PDA patent Five pathophysiological scenarios may be documented
ductus arteriosus; DTA descending thoracic aorta) as defined in Figs. 14.3–14.7.


Associated complications in the newborn

� Acute complications: � Chronic complications:

� Cerebral ischemia �
� Broncho -Pulmonary Dysplasia

� Intraventricular Hemorrhage �
� Neurologic complications

� Persistant RDS �
� Gastrointestinal complications

� Pulmonary Hemorrhage


� Mortality

Fig. 14.2  Acute and chronic neonatal complications associated with a Persistent Ductus Arteriosus
14  Patent Ductus Arteriosus 147


Left-to-right shunt, no significant Qp/Qs, no PAH

PDA/left-to-right LA:AO::1:1 PAH = 0

shunt Dilatedcavities= 0

Fig. 14.3  Pathophysiological scenario 1: Left-to-right shunt through a restrictive ductus arteriosus, thus with normal Qp/Qs and
pulmonary pressures (normal PVR)


Left-to-right shunt, significant Qp/Qs, no PAH (low PVR)

PDA/left-to-right LA:AO > 1:1 PAH = 0

shunt Dilated cavities

Fig. 14.4  Pathophysiological scenario 2: Left-to-right shunt through a non-restrictive ductus arteriosus, with high Qp/Qs but
normal pulmonary pressures (normal PVR)

When PAH is severe and supra-systemic, there may be Once treated and when pulmonary resistances drop below
an inversion of both the intra-cardiac shunt (right-to-left systemic levels both shunts might become left-to-right
shunt through the foramen ovale) and the extra-cardiac this being an appeal to caution in patients with poor left
shunt (right-to-left shunt through the ductus arteriosus). ventricular function (Figs. 14.8–14.10).
148 D. Kozik et al.


Left-to-right shunt, significant Qp/Qs, PAH (low PVR)

PDA/left-to-right LA:AO > 1:1 PAH

shunt Dilated cavities

Fig. 14.5  Pathophysiological scenario 3: Left-to-right shunt through a non-restrictive ductus arteriosus, with high Qp/Qs and
pulmonary arterial hypertension (low PVR)


Left-to-right shunt, no significant Qp/Qs, PAH (high PVR)

PDA/left-to-right LA:AO:: 1:1 PAH

shunt Dilated cavities= 0

Fig. 14.6  Pathophysiological scenario 4: Left-to-right shunt through a non-restrictive ductus arteriosus, non-significant Qp/Qs and
yet with pulmonary arterial hypertension (high PVR)
14  Patent Ductus Arteriosus 149


Right-to-left shunt, no significant Qp/Qs, PAH (high PVR)

PDA/right-to-left LA:AO:: 1:1 PAH

shunt Dilated cavities= 0

Fig. 14.7  Pathophysiological scenario 5: Right-to-left shunt through a non-restrictive ductus arteriosus, low Qp/Qs and supra-
systemic pulmonary arterial hypertension (high PVR)


Right-to-left shunt/PDA and foramen ovale


Fig. 14.8  Severe PAH with right-to-left shunt through the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus
150 D. Kozik et al.


Left-to-right shunt/PDA and foramen ovale


Fig. 14.9  Once treated, pulmonary hypertension becomes infra-systemic and there is an inversion of the shunt from right-to-left to
left-to-right, across both the foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus


Hemodynamic significance



failure: Modification of Diastolic«steal»:
-Increased lung re-distribution of
pulmonary flow «compliance»
-Increased cardiac systemic flow

Fig. 14.10  Brief summary of the pathophysiology of the hemodynamically significant PDA (hsPDA)
14  Patent Ductus Arteriosus 151

14.3  Diagnosis The murmur of the PDA may be systolic, but with
the increase in the size of the shunt, it becomes louder,
more prolonged, and finally continuous, usually heard
14.3.1  Clinical in the second and third intercostal space.
Pulses are bounding and reflect the degree of dia-
A PDA may be symptomatic in 55–70% of premature stolic steal.
babies with less than 1000  g or 28 weeks [9, 10]. Clinical PDA scores (Fig. 14.12) may be useful to
Hemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) assess the hemodynamic impact of the PDA.
concern 60% of premature babies less than a week-
old (Fig. 14.10) [11].
Symptoms and physical findings depend on the size 14.3.2  ECG
and length of the ductus as well as the degree of shunt,
the ratio between systemic and pulmonary resistances, The electrocardiogram may be normal in small PDAs,
blood viscosity (Pouseuille’s law), and associated car- but on increasing size of the shunt, the electrocardio-
diac or extra-cardiac defects. gram may show moderate to severe left ventricular
Premature babies should be screened for hsPDA in hypertrophy, as well as left atrial enlargement.
the presence of persistent dependence of the mechanical
ventilation, feeding intolerance, or any complication
as described above. 14.3.3  Chest X-ray
Clinically, the main signs (Fig. 14.11) to be explored
concern cardiac murmurs, the presence of a significant Chest X-ray findings are variable and may be normal.
systolic–diastolic gradient, precordial hyperactivity, Classical signs of a hsPDA are mild to moderate
and the anomalous peripheral pulses. Signs of cardiac cardiomegaly, increased pulmonary vascularization,
failure are usually very unspecific in this patient popu- the presence of a dilated left atrium, and of a horizon-
lation [32, 33]. talized left main bronchi.


Diagnostic tools

� Evident symptoms/
signs: � Unspecific symptoms/

� Tachycardia � Spells of bradycardia

� Hyperdynamic precordium � Spells of apnea
� Bounding pulses � Spells of cyanosis
� Continuous cardiac murmur � Hemodynamic unstability
� Increased systolo-
systolo-diastolic � Respiratory unstability
gradient � Metabolic acidosis
� CTI > 0.65 � Diagnosis of NEC, cerebral
� Pre & post-
post-ductal saturation hemorrhage,
hemorrhage, renal failure
differential � Signs of «diastolic
«diastolic steal»
steal» on the
cerebral or mesenteric doppler

Fig. 14.11  Clinical symptoms and signs of hsPDA

152 D. Kozik et al.


PDA Score

Data\Score 0 1 2

<150 150-170 >170


Precordium normal dynamic dynamic

palpation inspection

Murmur absent systolic continuous

Pulses normal increased increased

SsLs IsLs

CTI <0.60 0.60-0-75 >0.75

Fig. 14.12  PDA score: a total of more than 3 points suggests the presence of a hsPDA (modified from Yeh TF et al. [35].)


Echocardiographic criteria

Combination of echographic

- Diameter of Diastolic flow in the

the ductus PDA descending aorta

- Qp/Qs
- Shunt through - Dilatation of - Pressure/Resistances - Shunt through the
the ductus cavities systemic & pulmonary foramen ovale

Left-to-right Left-to-right

Right-to-left - Septal morphology

- Poiseuille’s law - Tricuspid regurgitation Right-to-left
- Rp/Rs - Pulmonary regurgitation
Bi-directional - Doppler pulmonary flow

Fig. 14.13  Echocardiographic criteria in the diagnosis of Persistent Ductus Arteriosus

14.3.4  Echocardiography ventricular function, the degree of shunt (Qp/Qs) [34],

presence and severity of pulmonary arterial hyperten-
Echocardiography with Doppler flow studies remains sion (PAH). The evaluation of the shunt across the
the gold standard for diagnosis of PDA (Fig. 14.13). foramen ovale is also crucial. As PAH increases, a
It allows the diagnosis of the ductal patency as well as reversal of flow (becoming right-to-left) across the
the assessment of associated intracardiac defects, foramen will be observed.
14  Patent Ductus Arteriosus 153

Echocardiography is also fundamental in the a . The use of NSAID’s

appraisal of therapeutic efficiency. b. Fluid restriction
c. Maintenance of a high viscosity
d. Probably the use of loop-diuretics
e. Phototherapy
14.3.5  Cardiac Catheterization
The most commonly used NSAID’s are indomethacin
and ibuprofen. Indomethacin was introduced in 1976
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization is seldom required
as a method of PDA closure in preterm infants. It has
for isolated PDA in the young infant. In grown-up
since become the standard of management in preterm
untreated individuals with significant pulmonary
infants with a significant ductus. Multiple protocols
hypertension, a cardiac catheterization should be per-
have been proposed. A dose of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg is given
formed prior to ductal closure.
intravenously for 3 doses, 12–24  h apart, before the
Interventional catheterization is an outstanding tool
infant is considered for surgical closure. A scheme of
for PDA closure but not in neonates. Currently, most
0.1 mg/kg every 24 h for 6 days may be used in stable
persistent ductus in toddlers, infants, and children may
premature babies.
be closed with very low associated morbidity by percu-
Whatever protocol is chosen (Fig. 14.14), caregiv-
taneous techniques including coils (A) and devices (B).
ers should keep in mind that there are no medications
without side-effects.
Some authors have described that the use of
14.4  Medical Management medical treatment with NSAID’s is useless in up to
64% of treated premature babies [12]. Early treatment
of hsPDA reduces symptoms, need for surgical
14.4.1  Preterm and Term Neonates ligation and duration of ventilatory support, and hospi-
talization in premature neonates [13–15]. Treatment
When and how to treat PDA in neonates are still a con- seems to be more efficient on the first day of life and
troversial matter. Main principles of the medical treat- efficacy is inversely proportional to age. Late use of
ment include: NSAID’s might be inefficient.


Clinical & pathophysiological criteria
CLINICAL Asymptomatic Symptomatic

ECHOGRAPHY - left -to-right shunt - left -to -right shunt - left -to-right shunt - left -to -right shunt - right -to-left shunt
- F.O.: L -R - F.O.: L -R - F.O.: L -R - F.O.: L -R - F.O.: L -R/R-L
- LA:AO::1:1 - LA:AO::1:1 - LA:AO > 1.5:1 - LA:AO::1:1 - LA:AO::1:1
- PAH = 0 - PAH = 0 - PAH = 0 /PAH (+) - infra -systemic PAH - supra -sŲstemic PAH


Do not treat Do not treat Treat Do not treat Do not treat

- Analize risk - Analize risk - Treat PAH - Treat PAH
factors factors
- Prophylactic - Prophylactic - ATTENTION : - ATTENTION :
treatment treatment Watch shunt Watch shunt
- Differential inversion inversion

Fig. 14.14  Algorithm for the treatment of hemodynamically significant PDA in the neonate
154 D. Kozik et al.

Prophylactic use on Indomethacin is also 14.4.2  Toddler and Children

controversial. In premature newborns <28 weeks,
prophylaxis between 6 and 15 h of life may decrease
In patients beyond the neonatal period, medical treatment
the incidence of intra-cranial and pulmonary hemor-
is seldom indicated since once diagnosed and if a murmur
rhage and the need for surgical ligation. Still, there is
or symptoms are present, the PDA should be promptly
no evidence-based data demonstrating significant
closed by interventional catheterization or surgically.
differences in mortality and complications. Further
In case of contraindication in symptomatic patients,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled stud-
treatment is similar to that of any other left-to-right shunt
ies are required to elucidate the potential benefits of
including diuretics, systemic vasodilators and preven-
this practice.
tion of anemia. The use of digoxin is controversial.
Contraindications to the use of indomethacin
a . Active hemorrhage
b. Suspicion of NEC 14.5  Interventional Management
c. Diuresis< 0.6 ml/kg/h
d. Creatinin >2 mg/dl
14.5.1  Cardiac Catheterization
e. Platelets <50,000/mm3
f. Coagulopathy
g. Sepsis As described earlier, most PDA, except in neonates, are
h. Hyperbilirrubinemia closed by interventional catheterization. Please see the
i. Duct-dependant cardiac defect chapter on cardiac catheterization for further details.
j. Renal or intestinal congenital abnormality (relative)
Potential adverse effects are as follows.
a . Decreased gastrointestinal perfusion 14.5.2  Surgery
b. Decreased renal blood flow
c. Interference with platelet function with the poten- Surgical treatment of the PDA is indicated in the
tial for bleeding following circumstances;
d. Possible reduction of renal blood flow
a . Therapeutic failure of the NSAID’s
e. Hypertension on intravenous administration [16].
b. Complications of the NSAID’s
Therefore, a number of recommendations should c. Contraindication to the NSAID’s
be followed prior and during indomethacin admini­ d. PDA after treatment in an unstable premature baby
Surgery may be performed by thoracoscopy [25–28]
a . Check coagulation profile prior to treatment or by mini-thoracotomy (Fig. 14.15).
b. Control diuresis before and throughout the treatment
c. Check platelet count before and throughout the
d. Check renal function before and throughout the 14.6  Postoperative Management
e. Fastening for 48 h 14.6.1  Monitoring
f. Echocardiography before and after the treatment
Ibuprofen has a similar effect to Indomethacin, is to be Monitoring of these patients is simple and includes
administered at 5 mg/kg/day, for 5 days and supposedly continuous ECG, cardiac and respiratory rate, and
has less side effects. However, there is no evidence-based peripheral oxygen saturation. Central and arterial lines
data to recommend its use over indomethacin, all the are seldom required unless patients have supplemen-
more that it is more expensive [17–25]. tary risks or associated defects.
14  Patent Ductus Arteriosus 155

Fig. 14.15  Surgical options for repair of a PDA. Via a left posterolateral thoracotomy, or with thoracoscopy, the PDA is visualized
and carefully dissected. Surgical options include (a) ligation and division, (b) hemoclip occlusion or (c) ligation

14.6.2  Fluid Management nonopioid medications decreases the required doses

of opioids (morphine or fentanyl) that are usually
administered with low dose of benzodiazepines for
PDA closure is a close heart intervention and therefore
the amnestic effect. In patients above 5 years of age,
fluids are to be administered at the physiological rate,
concomitant use of NSAID’s, PCA opioid administra-
except in patients with severe cardiac failure of volume
tion, or epidural analgesia may be considered.
overload in whom fluid administration ought to be

14.6.4  Respiratory Management

14.6.3  Sedation and Analgesia After PDA closure, patients may be rapidly extubated
in the operating room or else during the first six post-
Thoracotomies are potentially painful. Sedation and operative hours. Careful attention should be taken
analgesia should be provided in order to keep patients with premature babies who often require more pro-
comfortable and free of pain and yet with spontane- longed ventilatory times, particularly in the presence of
ous breathing allowing rapid extubation. The use of associated respiratory or other extra-cardiac problems.
156 D. Kozik et al.

Immediate failure of extubation should raise suspicion and clinical assessment of incidence, natural history, and
of phrenic or recurrent laryngeal nerve insult. outcome in very low birth weight infants maintained in
negative fluid balance. Pediatr Cardiol. 1985;6:17–23.
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Cardiocirculatory effects of patent ductus arteriosus in
14.6.5  I notropic and Vasodilator extremely low-birth-weight infants with respiratory distress
syndrome. Pediatr Int. 2003;45:255–262.
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L’Ecuyer T. Role of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide in
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After this intervention patients exceptionally need riosus in preterm neonates. J Perinatol. 2005;25:709–713.
inotropic and vasodilator support. If required, dop- 12. Kluckow M, Evans N. Early echocardiographic prediction of
amine should be the elective option. symptomatic patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants under-
going mechanical ventilation. J Pediatr. 1995;127:774–779.
13. Fowlie PW, Davis PGl. Prophylactic indomethacin for
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arteriosus. More questions than answers? Arch Dis Child
a . Horner’s syndrome Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2005;90:F190.
b. Diaphragmatic paresis and palsy (phrenic nerve 16. Thomas RL, Parker GC, Van Overmeire B, Aranda JV. A
meta-analysis of ibuprofen versus indomethacin for closure
of patent ductus arteriosus. Eur J Pediatr. 2005;164:135–40.
c. Vocal chordae palsy (laryngeal-recurrent nerve 17. Chemtob S, Beharry K, Barna T, Varma DR, Aranda JV.
lesion) Differences in the effects in the newborn piglet of various
d. Residual shunt nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs on cerebral blood flow
but not on cerebrovascular prostaglandins. Pediatr Res.
e. Repermeabilization
f. Ligation of the aorta/pulmonary artery 18. De Carolis MP, Romagnoli C, Polimeni V, et al. Prophylactic
g. Aortic coarctation ibuprofen therapy of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm
infants. Eur J Pediatr. 2000;159:364–368.
19. Lago P, Bettiol T, Salvadori S, et al. Safety and efficacy of
ibuprofen versus indomethacin in preterm infants treated for
References patent ductus arteriosus: a randomised controlled trial. Eur J
Pediatr. 2002;161:202–207.
20. Van Overmeire B, Smets K, Lecoutere D, et al. A comparison
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pattern and mechanisms of respnse to oxygen by the ductus arteriosus. NEJM. 2000;343:674–681.
arteriosus and umbilical artery. Pediatr Res. 1972;6:693–700. 21. Evans DH, Levene MI, Archer LN. The effect of indometha-
2. Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Pharmacology of the ductus cin on cerebral blood-flow velocity in premature infants.
arteriosus. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1981;28:77–93. Dev Med Child Neurol. 1987;29:776–782.
3. Campbell M. Natural history of persistent ductus arteriosus. 22. Coombs P, et al. Arch Dis Child. 1990;65:1067–1071.
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5. Hammerman C, et al. Comparative tolerability of pharmaco- 25. Laborde F, Batisse A, Dibie A, da Cruz E, Carbognani D,
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2001;24:537–551. thorascopic surgical technique. Cardiology in the Young.
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7. Girling DJ, Hallidie-Smith KA. Persistant ductus arteriosus in Carbognani D. Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgical
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Chapter 15
Atrial Septal Defects

Steven P. Goldberg, Deborah Kozik, Lisa B. Willis, and Eduardo M. da Cruz

15.1  Introduction The ostium primum is the gap that remains between the
inferior rim of the septum primum and the endocardial
cushions. As this gap closes, in order to continue to
Atrial septal defects (ASDs) represent a varied spectrum
allow interatrial mixing, the superior portion of the
of deficiencies in the interatrial septum ranging from
septum primum begins to resorb, leaving behind
common forms existing in as many as 1 in 1,500 births
the ostium secundum. Contemporaneously with this,
(even higher if considering a pathologically patent
by the sixth week of gestation, the septum secundum
foramen ovale under the same umbrella) to relatively
likewise descends, curtain-like, from the atrial roof, on
uncommon ones, such as the vestibular type ASD’s
the “right atrial” side, finally closing off the remaining
[1, 2]. The ASD holds a unique position in the story of
ostium primum. As it does this, however, it courses
congenital heart defects, as it was the subject of the
around the ostium secundum, leaving behind the flap-
very first open cardiac operation in history, as well
valve mechanism of the fossa ovalis (Fig. 15.1b). Save
as being the vanguard of the modern revolution in
for this offset valve-like apparatus, the mature septum
catheter-based correction of intracardiac defects.
is a fusion of the two parallel primitive septa [3]. The
ASD may be diagnosed as isolated anomalies or
common forms of an atrial septal defect, then, depend
associated with other cardiac defects or with syn-
on failures at different points in this stepwise process.
dromes (i.e., Lutembacher syndrome when associated
with mitral stenosis), sometimes linked to familiar
traits (i.e., the Holt–Oram syndrome).
15.3  Anatomy

15.2  Embryology The most common morphological subtype of ASD (80%)

is the ostium secundum defect (Fig.  15.2a), which sits
relatively centrally within the atrial septum, and can form
The complete atrial septum actually represents the
either as a failure of septum secundum tissue to cover the
culmination of a complex interplay between formation
ostium secundum, or as a result of excessive resorption of
and resorption of various parts of two individual septa.
septum primum tissue, leaving too large a gap.
Beginning around the fourth week of gestation, the
Ten percent of ASDs are an ostium primum defect
septum primum begins to descend from the roof of
(Fig. 15.2b), representing failure to close off the ostium
the primitive common atrium, dividing it into two on
primum at the base of the septum. This defect, with its
its way to meet the endocardial cushions arising
nearly ubiquitously associated cleft in the mitral valve,
from below, which partition the ventricles (Fig. 15.1a).
constitutes the partial form of atrioventricular septal
defects, as the absence of a ventricular septal defect, as
well as the existence of anatomically separate right
S.P. Goldberg (*)
and left atrioventricular valves, distinguish it from
Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA its cousin, the complete atrioventicular septal defect
e-mail: (CAVSD), which is covered elsewhere in the text.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 159
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_15, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
160 S.P. Goldberg et al.

Fig. 15.1  (a): The septum primum partitions the common atrium. As the septum secundum forms, the ostium secundum begins as
a vacuolization of the septum primum; (b): Fusion of both septa, except for the flap-valve mechanism of the fossa ovalis

Fig. 15.2  The three major types of atrial septal defect (ASD). All (IVC): (a): Secundum ASD; (b): Primum ASD (showing cleft in
views are in surgical orientation, viewed through a right atriotomy. mitral valve leaflet); (c): Sinus Venosus ASD (showing anomalous
Venous cannulas are shown in the superior and inferior vena cavae drainage of right upper lobe pulmonary veins)

An additional nearly 10% fall under sinus venosus lobe pulmonary veins enter the right atrium (RA),
defects (Fig.  15.2c), which lie high in the superior– either at the junction of the superior vena cava (SVC)
posterior aspect of the atrium, and as such are almost with the RA, or more cephalad in the SVC itself.
invariably associated with some form of partial anom- The rarest ASD forms are the unroofed coronary
alous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC). In the sinus, in which the wall separating the left atrium from
commonest configuration, one or more right upper the posteriorly coursing coronary sinus is obliterated,
15  Atrial Septal Defects 161

and the markedly desaturated venous effluent from the explained by the volume overload of the pulmonary
coronary sinus empties directly into the left atrium, circulation delaying closure of the pulmonary valve.
making its way to the RA by way of the septal orifice Auscultation will also document a functional pulmo-
of the coronary sinus itself [4, 5] and the vestibular nary systolic murmur due to the excessive Qp:Qs, and
ASD, seldom described in literature [6–8]. possibly a diastolic rumble across the tricuspid valve
mimicking that of tricuspid stenosis.

15.4  Pathophysiology
15.5.2  ECG
The main pathophysiological consequence of ASD’s is
the presence of an intracardiac shunt. This shunt flow Electrocardiographic features of an ASD are essentially
is overwhelmingly left-to-right owing to the differential those of right atrial enlargement and RV hypertrophy
pressures and compliance in the two sides of the heart, and right deviation of the electrical axis (+100°). A first
yielding excessive pulmonary blood flow, and an degree AV block and an rSR’ pattern may also be iden-
elevated Qp:Qs ratio. The magnitude of the shunt is tified. The background rhythm is usually sinus. In the
only accentuated with the usual postneonatal fall in presence of endocardial cushion defects, the QRS axis
pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). The right ven- will vary between −30° and −120°.
tricle (RV) is volume overloaded, and becomes both
dilated and hypertrophic. The enlargement of the RV
bulges the ventricular septum leftward, impinging
upon the left ventricular cavity, and eventually impairing 15.5.3  Chest X-ray
the left heart function. Additionally, the RV hypertrophy
increases the wall stress and diastolic pressure, impeding Chest roentgenography demonstrates cardiomegaly,
the filling of the subendocardial coronary vasculature and possibly plethoric pulmonary hilar vessels, right
in diastole. In the long-term, right atrial distension is a atrial enlargement, and right ventricular dilatation.
substrate for dysrrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation
and flutter. The excessive pulmonary blood flow, over
time, does lead to pulmonary vascular disease and an
elevated PVR if the ASD is not corrected in adulthood, 15.5.4  Echocardiography
but to a lesser degree than in unrestrictive ventricular
septal defects [1, 5, 9]. The essential mainstay of diagnostic evaluation is
When associated with mitral cleft or other forms of echocardiography (Figs. 15.3–15.6). Two-dimensional
endocardial cushion defects, there may also coexist imaging is excellent at:
crossed shunts (i.e., left ventricle to right atrial shunt)
and various degrees of mitral regurgitation leading to a. Delineating the anatomic features of ASD’s, the
postcapillary pulmonary hypertension. exact diameter and shape as well as the characteris-
tics of the surrounding septum, aortic roof, coro-
nary sinus, mitral valve, and pulmonary veins
(fundamental for the assessment during the percuta-
15.5  Diagnosis neous closure)
b. Following the course of pulmonary venous drainage
15.5.1  Clinical c. Determining the degree of diastolic overload,
degree of right-sided dilatation, and the presence of
a paradoxical motion of the interventricular septum
Clinically, children presenting with an ASD may be
that is usually present.
asymptomatic or discretely symptomatic on exertion, with
d. Evaluating for associated defects.
easy breathlessness, tachypnea, and sinus tachycardia.
Clinical examintation will reveal a fixed split second Color-flow Doppler interrogation is indispensable in
sound, made evident on sustained inspiration and quantifying the magnitude of the shunt, as well as
162 S.P. Goldberg et al.

Fig. 15.3  Transthoracic 2D Echocardiography showing a large Fig. 15.4  Transthoracic 2D echocardiography showing a large
Ostium Secundum type ASD Ostium Primum type ASD

Fig. 15.5  Transthoracic Color-Doppler echocardiography showing a large Sinus Venosus type ASD

examining the degree of mitral incompetence in ostium therapeutic decisions and in following percutaneous or
primum defects or other anomalies with cleft anterior surgical closure of the defect.
mitral leaflets. For the same purpose, intravascular echocardiogra-
Transesophageal echocardiography (Fig.  15.7) is phy may also be useful in grown-up patients.
useful to assess the immediate surgical defect and to
follow the percutaneous closure of ASD and may
be essential to visualize the anatomy in large-sized
individuals in whom the transthoracic imaging is 15.5.5  Cardiac Catheterization
technically limited.
3D Echocardiography may also offer a number of With the quality of echocardiographic imaging in
useful anatomic information instrumental in taking the modern era, there is limited role for cardiac
15  Atrial Septal Defects 163

Fig. 15.6  Transthoracic 2D echocardiography showing a single


Fig.  15.8  Percutaneous Ostium Secundum ASD closure:

fluoroscopy shows the Amplatzer device in situ immediately
after delivery

15.6  Indications for ASD Closure

ASD’s that are smaller than 4 mm have been known to

undergo spontaneous closure, whereas those larger
than 8 mm are far less likely to close on their own [10].
Generally accepted indications for intervention are
Fig.  15.7  Transesophageal echocardiography documenting uncomplicated defects with a Qp:Qs of 1.5:1 or greater,
the adequate position of an Amplatzer® device after delivery. or echocardiographic evidence of right heart volume
Note that pulmonary veins, the mitral valve and the coronary
sinus are unobstructed by the device
Most children are repaired by 1–5 years of age,
ideally before they begin school. Earlier repair defi-
catheterization in the routine diagnostic evaluation of nitely correlates with improved long-term survival,
an ASD (Fig.  15.8). Indications for catheterization compared with those corrected in adulthood.
currently are: Contraindications to closure are few, but irreversible
a. Complementary in the diagnosis of ASD with pulmonary hypertension, defined as a PVR of 8–12 Wood
suspected pulmonary hypertension or reactivity units/m2 that does not decrease to at least seven with
b. Evaluation of other associated defects pulmonary vasodilatory maneuvers (e.g., 100% oxygen,
c. Transcatheter or percutaneous closure of the ASD inhaled nitric oxide) is the principal one, as the right
itself [1, 5, 9]. heart would lose its mechanism to decompress elevated
pulmonary pressures [9].
Closure may be achieved by percutaneous or
transcatheter procedures or by open heart surgery.
15.5.6  Other Ostium secundum ASDs are the main anatomic forms
eligible for percutaneous closure. Ostium primum and
MRI does not add significantly to the findings of sinus venosus ASDs or forms with significant associated
echocardiography. cardiac defects require a mandatory surgical approach.
164 S.P. Goldberg et al.

15.7  Percutaneous Closure Floyd Lewis and Mansour Taufic at the University of
Minnesota used surface hypothermia and inflow occlusion
to rapidly (5.5 min) suture closed as ASD in a young
There has been a paradigm shift in recent years in the
girl, the first time anyone had operated inside a human
management of uncomplicated secundum ASDs, with
heart [11]. With the advent of cardiopulmonary bypass
a greater number of children able to have their defects
in 1955 by John Kirklin, the modern era of closure of
closed in the catheterization laboratory with an increas-
all manner of ASDs had finally arrived [12].
ing array of available occlusion devices. One of the
Of those secundum defects that are referred for
more commonly used devices is the Amplatzer (AGA
surgical rather than percutaneous closure, many can be
Medical, Golden Valley, Minnesota), which consists of
closed primarily by suturing the rims of the defect
two disks (the larger of the two rests on the left atrial
together. There is usually enough laxity in the tissues
(LA) side to hold it in place with higher LA pressure)
to allow for secure closure without tension. The other
connected by a central stalk that bridges the defect
extremely common technique is patch closure with a
(Fig. 15.9). Success with devices such as these ranges
segment of autologous pericardium that is harvested
from 80–95%, but there is a size limit to industry-made
promptly after opening the chest (Fig. 15.10). Care is
devices, and there must be a sufficient rim of atrial
taken in excising the pericardial patch to avoid injury
tissue on which to land the disks [13]. Case reports
to either phrenic nerve. The operation is conducted on
appear periodically of dislodgement and embolization
full cardiopulmonary bypass, usually cooling to only
of occluder devices, to either side of the circulation
mild hypothermia (28–32°C), with cardioplegic arrest
[13, 14]. As mentioned above, because of the anatomi-
of the heart. There is usually enough distance between
cal features associated with ostium primum and sinus
the inferior rim of the defect and the atrioventricular
venosus defects, transcatheter closure is not used for
node as to make iatrogenic heart block an exceedingly
these defects.
rare occurrence. One important potential complication
is inadvertent incorporation of the eustachian valve of
the inferior vena cava (IVC) into the inferior lip of the
15.8  Surgical Management patch (an area that can be difficult to see due to traction
from the IVC cannula), which diverts systemic venous
blood from the IVC into the left atrium, causing marked
ASD were the first intracardiac conditions to be addressed
desaturation. Prompt recognition of this is vital, and
surgically. Correction of ASDs in the pre-cardiopulmonary
the only treatment is a return to cardiopulmonary
bypass era was challenging, and included creative
bypass and revision of the patch.
solutions by way of a mostly closed atrium. In 1952,
Repair of ostium primum ASDs mandates a patch, as
the size and location of these defects are not amenable
to primary closure. The cleft in the anterior leaflet of the

Fig.  15.9  Amplatzer occluder device closure of a secundum

ASD Fig. 15.10  Pericardial patch closure of a secundum ASD
15  Atrial Septal Defects 165

Fig. 15.11  Closure of mitral valve cleft, followed by pericardial patch closure of a primum ASD

mitral valve is sutured closed to restore competency to

the valve, prior to closing the atrial septum (Fig. 15.11).
Pericardium is favored in these cases over prosthetic
material, as a regurgitant jet from the mitral valve strik-
ing artificial material has a higher risk of serious hemo-
lysis. The atrioventricular node in ostium primum
defects is displaced inferiorly and posteriorly (as the tri-
angle of Koch no longer exists), and great care is taken
when carrying the suture line around the region of the
coronary sinus. As complete heart block is a legitimate
Fig. 15.12  Patch closure of a sinus venosus ASD, redirecting
concern, some surgeons favor carrying the patch way the pulmonary veins to the left atrium
laterally around the coronary sinus, which would then
be put inside the left atrium. The resultant right-to-left
shunt is usually well tolerated.
Sinus venosus defects require a patch as well, in
order to redirect, or “baffle” the anomalous pulmonary
veins back into the left atrium. If the entry of the veins
is relatively close to the SVC–RA junction, the patch
can be carried superiorly into the lumen of the SVC
(Fig. 15.12), capturing the anomalous veins within the
pericardial baffle and allowing the SVC to drain nor-
mally into the RA. Two anatomical considerations
mandate a change in strategy however: (a) potential
luminal compromise of SVC drainage by a protruding
patch, and (b) entry of the anomalous veins high in the
SVC. One alternate plan is to use a second patch to
augment the SVC; the other is to perform a Warden
procedure (Fig. 15.13) [15]. The SVC is divided above
the level of entry of the anomalous pulmonary veins.
The ASD is then patched to include the native orifice
of the SVC, which now is simply the point of entry of Fig.  15.13  The Warden procedure: the ASD is patched,
baffling the anomalous pulmonary veins to the left, while the
the pulmonary veins into the LA. The cephalad SVC, divided superior vena cava (SVC) is reimplanted in the right
still responsible for systemic venous drainage, is then atrial appendage
166 S.P. Goldberg et al.

reanastomosed to the RA appendage, restoring normal control should be promptly started and associated either
return to the right atrium. NSAIDs as soon as surgical bleeding has been ruled-out.
The use of low dose opioids (morphine or fentanyl) asso-
ciated with benzodiazepines has proved useful during
the first 48 h of postoperative course and as required. In
15.9  Postoperative Care patients beyond 5 years of age, Patient Controlled
Analgesia opioid infusions are very useful. Epidural
After percutaneous ASD closure, patients seldom require analgesia is also an interesting option to be considered in
ICU admission. Their postinterventionnal management this group of patients.
consists essentially of pain control and anticoagulation
with intravenous heparin until resuming enteral feeding
and initiating oral antiplatelet therapy.
15.9.4  I notropic and Vasodilator
15.9.1  Monitoring
Inotropic support is seldom required. Whenever neces-
sary, a low dose of Dopamine (2–5 mg/kg/min) and/or
Monitoring is customarily by continuous ECG, cardiac,
Milrinone (0.5–0.75 mg/kg/min) is the most common
and respiratory rate and oxygen saturation, an arterial
line, a central venous line and occasionally a pulmo-
nary artery line, or a Swan–Ganz catheter if there are
concerns about elevated pulmonary pressures.
15.9.5  Respiratory Management

15.9.2  Fluid Management Most children undergoing repair of uncomplicated

ASDs can often be extubated in the operating room or
Postoperative fluid management is the same as for any shortly after arrival to the intensive care unit. For this
case involving cardiopulmonary bypass – one-half of purpose, it is essential to use sedation protocols that
the age- and weight-appropriate amount of maintenance allow spontaneous breathing.
fluids because of the obligatory total body volume over- Chest tube drainage is observed closely. The medi-
load from the pump oxygenator. So, immediately upon astinum is drained postoperatively, but the presence or
return from the operating room it is recommended to set absence of tubes in the pleural cavities is dependent
a goal of total fluid administration at 30–50% of mainte- upon whether either pleural space was entered at the
nance requirements calculated by weight, to be increased time of surgery (e.g., during sternotomy, pericardial
to 75% on day 1 and to 100% on day 2. patch harvest, etc.). There are no set standards for what
In older children, ASD closure may be performed amount of chest drainage necessitates a return to the
with hemodilution techniques. These patients remain operating room, but a generally agreed upon guideline
relatively anemic and a careful control of fluid intake for acceptable drainage is <1 cc/kg/h.
is required in order to avoid the need for transfusion of
blood products.

15.9.6  Other

15.9.3  Sedation and Analgesia Temporary epicardial pacing wires are often not
necessary in routine secundum or sinus venosus ASDs,
After an ASD closure the objective is to maintain patients but are often left if there were intraoperative arrhythmias
comfortable, free of pain and anxiety, and yet with spon- encountered when coming off cardiopulmonary bypass.
taneous breathing and efficient cough. Nonopioid pain Because of the suture lines for a primum ASD that
15  Atrial Septal Defects 167

course along the vicinity of the conduction bundle, References

pacing wires are usually included in those cases.
Routine anticoagulation is not necessary in children, 1. Backer CL, Mavroudis C. Atrial septal defect, partial
but adults (particularly over 40) are more susceptible anomalous pulmonary venous connection, and scimitar syn-
to atrial arrhythmias and thromboembolic events, drome. In: Mavroudis C, Backer CL, eds. Pediatric Cardiac
Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2003:283–297.
and should be fully anticoagulated with warfarin for
2. Sharratt GP, Webb S, Anderson RH. The vestibular defect:
approximately 3 months. an interatrial communication due to deficiency in the atrial
septal component derived from the vestibular spine. Cardiol
Young. 2003;13:184–190.
3. Patten BM. Developmental defects at the foramen ovale. Am
15.9.7  Anticipated Complications J Path. 1938;14:135–161.
4. Jacobs JP, Quintessenza JA, Burke RP, Mavroudis C.
Congenital heart surgery nomenclature and database project:
Postoperative complications are exceptional after an atrial deptal defect. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000;69:S18–S24.
5. Bichell D, Pelletier G. Atrial deptal defect and cor triatriatum.
ASD closure. Some arrhythmias such as sinus node dys-
In: Sellke FW, del Nido PJ, Swanson SJ, eds. Sabiston and
function, junctional ectopic tachycardia, or complete Spencer Surgery of the chest. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA:
AV block may occur after sinus venosus repair or in the Elsevier Saunders; 2005:1931–1944.
context of more complex endocardial cushion defects. 6. Sharratt GP, Webb S, Anderson RH. The vestibular defect:
an interatrial communication due to deficiency in the atrial
Systemic or pulmonary venous obstructions, also more
septal component derived from the vestibular spine. Cardiol
likely to happen after repair of sinus venosus type ASDs Young. 2003;13:184–190.
may require interventionnal catheterization procedures 7. Blom NA, Ottenkamp J, Wenink AG, Gittenberger-de Groot
or reoperation to be rectified. In grown-up patients AC. Deficiency of the vestibular spine in atrioventricular
septal defects in human fetuses with down syndrome. Am J
with borderline pulmonary pressures and resistances
Cardiol. 2003;91:180–184.
may also require support for pulmonary hyperten- 8. Fukuda T, Kashima I, Yoshiba S. Surgical treatment of an
sion and ventricular systolic or diastolic dysfunction. unusual atrial septal defect: the vestibular defect. Cardiol
Hypoxemia should motivate the search of undiagnosed Young. 2004;14:212–214.
9. Kouchoukos NT, Blackstone EH, Doty DB, Hanley FL,
systemic venous returns onto the left atrium.
Karp RB. Atrial septal defects and partial anomalous pulmo-
Another potentially worth mentioning complication nary venous connection. In: Kouchoukos NT, Blackstone
is the postpericardiotomy syndrome (PPS) that curiously EH, et  al., eds. Kirklin/Barratt-Boyes Cardiac Surgery.
occurs in a significant number of cases, throughout the 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill-Livingstone; 2003:
first postoperative month. Patients may have discrete
10. Helgason H, Jonsdottin G. Spontaneous closure of atrial
symptoms such as asthenia, fever, and chest pain and septal defects. Pediatr Cardiol. 1999;20:195.
may develop a pericardial rub. They may also accumu- 11. Lewis FJ, Taufic M. Closure of atrial septal defects with the
late fluid in the pericardial sac and progress toward a aid of hypothermia: experimental accomplishments and the
report of one successful case. Surgery. 1953;33:52.
cardiac tamponade physiology. Treatment is based on
12. Kirklin JW, Swan HJ, Wood EH, Burchell HB, Edwards JE.
analgesia and NSAIDs. In refractory cases, steroids may Anatomic, physiologic, and surgical considerations in repair
be considered. Pericardiocentesis is required in case of of interatrial communications in man. J Thorac Surg.
tamponade or in cases refractory to medical treatment. 1955;29:37.
13. Thanopolous BD, Laskari CV, Tsaoussis GS, et al. Closure
of atrial septal defects with the Amplatzer occlusion device:
preliminary results. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998;31:1110.
14. Knott-Craig CJ, Goldberg SP. Emergent surgical retrieval of
15.10  Results embolized atrial septal defect closure device: report of a
case. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85:319–321.
15. Warden HE, Gustafson RA, Tarnay TJ, Neal WA. An alter-
In the current era, surgical mortality is 1% or less. native method for repair of partial anomalous pulmonary
In infants and children, long-term survival is essen- venous connection to the superior vena cava. Ann Thorac
tially no different from the general population [9]. Surg. 1984;38:601.
Chapter 16
Ventricular Septal Defects

Diego Moguillansky, Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

16.1  Definition is associated with abnormalities of the atrioventricular

(A–V) valves. Details about this defect will be
discussed separately in the respective chapter.
Isolated ventricular septal defects (VSDs) are the most
2. Muscular: Second most common defect accounting
common form of congenital heart disease (20–25% of
for 10–20% of VSDs. It consists of several sub-
patients with congenital malformations) and consist of
types: apical, central, marginal, and “Swiss cheese”
defects in any portion of the ventricular septum [1, 2].
when multiple defects are present.
Echocardiographic studies in newborns have shown an
3. Conoventricular: These defects are located between
incidence of VSDs as high as 2%, and the substantially
the conal septum and the muscular – septal band
lower incidence of VSDs in older patients is due to the
septum. Includes the following:
spontaneous closure of some of these defects [2].
a. Membranous: In this variety of VSD, the conal and
ventricular sinus septa are normal and the defi-
ciency is anatomically restricted to the membra-
16.2  Anatomy nous septum.
b. Perimembranous: Most common VSD; com-
Several classifications have been published regarding monly associated with abnormalities of the aor-
VSDs. In this chapter, we use a combination of the tic valve. It is located superior to the division of
Soto’s and the Van Praagh’s classifications. There are the septal band and adjacent to the junction of
four major components of the interventricular septum the septal and anterior leaflets of the tricuspid
as described by Van Praagh and associates [3]: valve. In addition, it is situated immediately
under the aortic valve, and it is surrounded by
1 . Inlet (Atrioventricular canal)
fibrous tissue which can be responsible for the
2. Muscular
spontaneous closure of the defect. The Bundle of
3. Septal band or proximal conal septum
His passes near the VSD at the posterior and
4. Parietal band or distal conal septum (Fig. 16.1).
inferior vertices of the defect.
Defects can be characterized by their location in rela-
The Van Praagh’s classification considers that
tion to these structures [3, 4].
“perimembranous” is a misnomer for this VSD because
1. Inlet (atrioventricular canal type): This area of the “peri-” is the Greek prefix meaning “around” and
septum is formed by endocardial cushion tissue. It the defect lies beside the membranous septum. They
suggest that the appropriate terminology should be
“paramembranous” VSD.
c. Malalignment: or hypoplasia of the conal sep-
D. Moguillansky (*)
tum is typically an anterior deviation of the sep-
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA tum and causes a right ventricular outflow tract
e-mail: obstruction (TOF). A posterior deviation causes a

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 169
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_16, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
170 D. Mouguillansky et al.

In complex patients, the amount of shunting between

pulmonary and systemic circulations (Qp/Qs) is deter-
mined by a combination of all the aforementioned
factors. In the absence of other associated defects,
there is initially a left-to-right shunt across the VSD
causing volume overload to the left atrium and left
ventricle. Depending on the amount of shunting the
pulmonary artery pressure varies from normal to
systemic levels. When the VSD is large, the pulmonary
artery pressure is systemic and there is a significant left
ventricular volume overload with the resultant congestive
heart failure.
It is important to understand that high pulmonary
artery pressure does not necessarily mean high PVR.
When a critical level of PVR has been reached, the
shunt becomes bidirectional and eventually right to
left (Eisenmenger’s complex).
VSDs may also be assessed and classified by the
pathophysiologic features they demonstrate based on
the size of the defect compared with the size of the
Aortic root.
1. Small: Less than 1/3 of the size of the Aortic root.
The size of the defect limits the left to right shunt
(restrictive defect) and the degree of left ventricular
Fig. 16.1  Components of the interventricular septum: (1) inlet, (LV) volume overload is minimal. There is no tendency
(2) muscular, (3) septal band and (4) parietal band to develop increased pulmonary vascular resistance
(PVR) and patients are usually asymptomatic.
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (VSD 2. Moderate: 1/3–2/3 of the size of the Aortic root.
associated with coarctation of the aorta and/or a Patients develop moderate left to right shunts
hypoplastic or interrupted aortic arch). leading to LV volume overload, with subsequent
4. Conal septal defects (VSD of the right ventricular development of LV dilation and hypertrophy. The
outlet): accounts for approximately 5% of defects. left atrium (LA) also becomes dilated. The right
It overlies the conal septum and is located below ventricle (RV) is not dilated, and the RV pressure is
the pulmonary valve. It is also called a supracris- only mildly to moderately elevated. The PVR is
tal, conal, infundibular, or subpulmonary defect usually normal or minimally elevated.
(Fig. 16.2) 3. Large: Measures more than 2/3 of the size of the
Aortic root. There is no resistance to flow across
the defect (unrestrictive VSD) and the degree of left
to right shunt is determined by the relationship
16.3  Pathophysiology between the pulmonary and systemic vascular resis-
tance. The LV pressure is transmitted to the RV,
The most important variables that determine the which becomes dilated and hypertrophied. There is
hemodynamic state in a patient with a VSD are the size a large left-to-right shunt, with significant left-sided
of the VSD, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), volume overload and pulmonary edema. If left
systemic vascular resistance, and the presence of untreated, a large VSD can result in irreversible
associated defects such as atrial septal defect, patent damage to the pulmonary arterial tree with develop-
ductus arteriosus, right and left ventricular outflow ment of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
tract obstruction, and arch obstruction. (PVOD) and Eisenmenger’s syndrome.
16  Ventricular Septal Defects 171

Fig. 16.2  Types of ventricular septal defects: (a) Subarterial, (b) Perimembranous (type of conoventricular defect), (c) Inlet, and
(d) Muscular
172 D. Mouguillansky et al.

16.4  Clinical Presentation RV and pulmonary artery pressures. Tachypnea and an

enlarged liver are usually present, reflecting pulmo-
nary edema and congestive heart failure.
The clinical presentation of a VSD, like the pathophys-
Combined biventricular hypertrophy is seen in the
iology, is determined by the size of the defect and the
CXR shows marked cardiomegaly and pulmonary
1. Small: In neonates and infants with a small VSD, a edema reflecting a larger shunt.
murmur is usually noted either in the newborn nurs-
ery or during a routine examination in the first few
weeks of life. There is minimal left to right shunt-
ing, and patients remain asymptomatic with normal 16.5  Preoperative Management
growth and development. If the Qp/Qs is less than
1.5:1, the patient has a normal precordial impulse The preoperative management of VSDs is influenced
and normal first and second heart sounds (S1 and by the natural history of the defect, which is related to
S2). The murmur may be low intensity holosystolic size and location, and by the clinical symptoms.
or high-pitched (reflecting a high left-to-right gradi- Muscular and perimembranous defects, especially
ent across the septum) and mainly heard over the if they are small, close spontaneously in 80% of
lower sternal area and a precordial thrill may be patients. Inlet, conoseptal, and malalignment VSDs
palpable. In conal or perimembranous VSDs the do not close spontaneously. Conoseptal and, less fre-
murmur may be most audible over the upper left quently, perimembranous defects can be associated
sternal area. with prolapse of one of the coronary cusps (the right
coronary or less likely the noncoronary cusp) across
The electrocardiogram (ECG) and chest X-ray
the VSD. Even though this event tends to decrease the
(CXR) reveal no abnormalities in small VSDs.
left to right shunt, prolapse also causes damage to the
2. Moderate-Large: In moderate to large defects,
aortic valve with the development of progressive aor-
infants present with symptoms of heart failure as
tic insufficiency (AI). The incidence of aortic cuspal
the PVR drops at 2–6  weeks of age. These may
prolapse has been shown to be as high as 73% in
include difficulty in feeding, poor weight gain,
patients with conoseptal VSDs (with progression to
excessive sweating, recurrent pulmonary infections,
AI in 52–78% of patients) and 14% in patients with
and respiratory distress due to pulmonary edema.
perimembranous VSDs (with progression to AI in
In moderate defects the physical examination yields 6%) [5].
a harsh pansystolic murmur best heard in the mid ster- Small defects are usually asymptomatic and have a
nal border that radiates throughout the entire precor- high likelihood of closing spontaneously. They do not
dium. A soft thrill and a prominent RV impulse may be usually require medical or surgical therapy. Moderate
also present. In addition, an LV impulse may also be defects are frequently associated with symptoms of
prominent. The intensity of the S2 is usually normal or congestive heart failure (CHF) and often require medi-
increased due to pulmonary hypertension. Tachypnea cal therapy. Diuretics are commonly used and after-
and liver congestion can also be present. load reduction is achieved with ACE inhibitors.
ECG reveals LA dilatation and LV hypertrophy. If the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit
Cardiomegaly (due to LA and LV dilatation) and due to severe CHF and pulmonary edema, oxygen
increased pulmonary vascular markings are seen on should be administered carefully as it acts as a selec-
the CXR. tive pulmonary vasodilator, which may potentially
Large defects present with left-sided volume over- increase the Qp/Qs. Diuretic therapy should be
load and RV dilatation and hypertrophy. The findings administered intravenously and intravenous inotropic
of the physical examination are similar to the moderate agents may be needed. The use of digoxin has become
sized VSD. However, a hyperactive precordium with a somewhat controversial, but it is also still frequently
prominent apical impulse as well as a prominent thrill used. Anemia should be prevented and treated as
are usually present and the intensity of the pulmonic required in order to maintain a normal blood viscos-
component of the S2 is increased, reflecting elevated ity. Careful monitoring to prevent the development of
16  Ventricular Septal Defects 173

electrolyte imbalances, particularly in children on tricuspid valve to predict the closure of perimembranous
digoxin, is required. VSDs with one study finding significant association
Serial echocardiograms are performed to evaluate with spontaneous closure [10] and another finding no
ventricular function, monitor defect size and develop- association after correcting for defect size [7]. Recently,
ment of pulmonary hypertension as well as to watch some selected groups of patients are considered for
for potential complications such as aortic cuspal pro- transcatheter VSD closure [11–13].
lapse or AI. Due to the increased caloric requirements
secondary to CHF, nutritional supplementation with
formulas with high caloric concentration or fortified
breast milk is usually required. 16.5.1  Surgical Management
Patients in whom the defect does not appear to
decrease in size or that continue to have symptoms of  Indications for Surgical Intervention
heart failure despite medical therapy should be consid-
ered for surgery. Given the excellent surgical results in
Commonly accepted indications for surgical closure of
young infants, delaying surgery in clinically symptom-
a ventricular septal defect include [14]:
atic patients is usually not indicated.
A small number of patients present after having 1 . Refractory heart failure and/or failure to thrive
developed severe PVOR and are not surgical candi- 2. Large defects that are unlikely to close, with or
dates. Supplemental oxygen and partial exchange without symptoms
transfusions in cases of severe cyanosis as well as pre- 3. Development of AI or aortic cuspal prolapse
vention of iron deficiency with iron supplements can 4. Asymptomatic older children with QP/QS greater
be helpful. A subset of patients can be considered for than 2.
lung or heart–lung transplantation. Treatment of pul-
monary hypertension is indicated in patients who show The development of LV dilation alone as an indica-
response to oxygen and nitric oxide and a small num- tion for surgery has become controversial after a natu-
ber of these patients can then become candidates for ral history study showed that most patients with
surgical repair, usually with a fenestrated VSD patch pressure restrictive VSDs, moderate-to-severe LV dila-
or small atrial communication. tion, and no evidence of heart failure or pulmonary
In the past, most patients underwent cardiac cathe- hypertension will experience spontaneous resolution
terization as a means of preoperative assessment for of LV dilation and can avoid cardiac surgery [14, 15].
VSD repair. Currently, however, the size and location The development of infective endocarditis is also no
of the primary defect, additional VSDs, and other asso- longer considered a clear surgical indication if the
ciated lesions can be assessed using echocardiogram infection can be treated successfully and leaves no
with excellent sensitivity and specificity [2, 6]. Cardiac hemodynamic disturbances as long-term studies have
catheterization is only indicated for assessing PVR and shown that the risk of recurrence of endocarditis is
test reactivity of PVR to different pulmonary vasodila- very low [14–16].
tors at this time. The size and cross-sectional area of
the VSD in the initial echocardiogram is a good pre-
dictive factor to assess the likelihood of requiring sur-  Surgical Technique
gical repair in the future. VSDs smaller than 5 mm or
0.5 cm²/m² are very likely to close or become hemody- Surgical patch closure of the VSD has largely become
namically insignificant; defects larger than 6.5 mm or the technique of choice in most centers; it requires car-
1cm²/m² almost always require surgery [7, 8]. The diopulmonary bypass, cardioplegic arrest, and is usu-
location of the defect is also important, with muscular ally performed with mild hypothermia. The majority
defects having a higher likelihood of spontaneous clo- of conoventricular, inlet, and muscular defects can be
sure than perimembranous VSDs. Restrictive defects repaired with a transatrial approach (Fig.  16.3).
are also more likely to close [7, 9]. Conoseptal defects can be closed through the pulmo-
Conflicting evidence exists about the value of the nary valve and/or a transverse infundibulotomy. Apical
presence of aneurismal tissue formation from the defects frequently require closure via a right (or left)
174 D. Mouguillansky et al.

Fig. 16.3  VSD Closure. Via a right atriotomy, the tricuspid valve

leaflets are retracted exposing the VSD. The perimembranous
VSD is closed with a prosthetic patch using a running
suture technique

Fig. 16.4  Pulmonary artery band. Via a left thoracotomy or a

median sternotomy the “band” is placed around the main
apical ventriculotomy or via a transventricular hybrid pulmonary artery, restricting the pulmonary flow
approach. The surgical closure of VSDs can be
­performed with a very low mortality rate (<2%) and
d­ iagnosis and treatment of postoperative arrhythmias
minimal sequelae. Injury to the conduction system
and conduction abnormalities.
causing irreversible complete heart block occurs in
approximately 2% of patients.
Pulmonary artery banding (Fig. 16.4), as part of a
two-stage repair, has been relegated to patients that are 16.6.2  Cardiovascular Management
critically ill, have multiple VSDs, or present with
­associated anomalies. Low cardiac output syndrome is expected and ­inotropic
support is routinely started in the operating room,
echocardiographic assessment of ventricular function
16.6  Postoperative Management will determine the selection of the inotropic agent and
the duration of therapy.
In our practice, at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,
16.6.1  Monitoring milrinone is usually started in the operating room and
is maintained for the first 12–24 h and then discontin-
Patients are monitored in an intensive care unit (ICU) ued. Administration of milrinone in neonates and
setting, with an arterial line and a central venous line to infants with low cardiac output after surgery lowers
provide intra-arterial pressures and facilitate frequent filling pressures, systemic and pulmonary arterial pres-
arterial blood gases, mix venous saturations, lactate sures, and vascular resistances, improves cardiac index,
levels, and monitoring of central venous pressures. and increases heart rate without significantly altering
These measurements assist in the rapid assessment of myocardial oxygen consumption [17].
the current hemodynamic state of patients and provide Arrhythmias, transient or permanent complete heart
valuable information on continued trends over time. block, and junctional ectopic tachycardia may be seen
Atrial and ventricular epicardial wires are also rou- in the immediate postoperative period. In the event of
tinely used, and can be extremely helpful in the complete heart block upon arrival to the ICU, patients
16  Ventricular Septal Defects 175

are A-V sequentially paced (DDD mode) and ­pacemaker 16.7  Postoperative Complications
wires should be periodically tested to determine
­threshold and sensitivities. If the patient remains in
Postoperative complications and sequelae of VSD repair
complete heart block after 10 days, permanent
are uncommon and include RV or LV dysfunction,
­pacemaker placement should planned.
­cardiac arrhythmias, residual VSDs, and/or pericardial
­effusions. The use of intraoperative transesophageal
echocardiography has become routine in most centers
16.6.3  Respiratory Management and enables early recognition and immediate postopera-
tive care of some of these surgical complications [18].
Most residual VSDs do not usually warrant reoperation.
Young infants may arrive to the ICU intubated and
The presence of RV or LV dysfunction is rare and can be
extubation is usually achieved within 24–72 h after
associated with poor myocardial protection during the
surgery, older infants and children are frequently
surgery. If a ventriculotomy was performed, it may also
admitted extubated. The ventilatory management of
cause RV or LV dysfunction as well as the late develop-
the child at risk of pulmonary hypertension is more
ment of ventricular arrhythmias.
challenging, cardiac catheterization data is critical
to determine the most appropriate therapy; the com-
bination of oxygen and inhaled nitric oxide is greatly
beneficial to this subset of patients. Increase in FIO2 16.8  Long-Term Outcomes
and instillation of lidocaine 1% diluted to 0.25%
(50 mg in 5 ml, dilution 1 ml=10 mg in 3 ml of nor-
In general, patients with isolated VSDs have good long-
mal saline) prior to endotracheal tube suctioning is
term outcomes. Patients with small defects usually have
recommended to prevent pulmonary hypertensive
an excellent prognosis, as the majority of these defects
spontaneously close in the first 2 years of life and, even
if they do not, have minimal hemodynamic implica-
tions. A small risk of endocarditis exists for perimem-
16.6.4  Fluid Management branous and outlet defects. Aortic cuspal prolapse and
AI may also occur. Patients with moderate to large
defects are often symptomatic and usually require anti-
Negative fluid management is advisable during the ini- congestive therapy and repair. Most of these patients
tial 12 h after surgery and it is important particularly in undergo surgery with very low morbidity and mortality
patients who have an open chest, to facilitate sternal and experience good long-term results.
closure. Diuretics are routinely started 6–12  h after

16.6.5  Sedation and Analgesia 1. Frontera-Izquierdo P, Cabezuelo-Huerta G. Natural and

modified history of isolated ventricular septal defect: a
17-year study. Pediatr Cardiol. 1992;13:193-197.
Sedation and anxiolysis are successfully achieved with 2. Magee AG, et al. Echocardiography and cardiac catheteriza-
narcotics, dexmedetomidine, and benzodiazepines. tion in the preoperative assessment of ventricular septal
Pain control is crucial and may be ensured by a combi- defect in infancy. Am Heart J. 1998;135:907-913.
3. Van Praagh R, Geva T, Kreutzer J. Ventricular septal defects:
nation of opioids and nonopioid therapy. Morphine how shall we describe, name and classify them? J Am Coll
and fentanyl are the most commonly used opioids, Cardiol. 1989;14:1298-1289.
both as boluses, PCA, or as a continuous infusion. 4. Soto B, et al. Classification of ventricular septal defects. Br
Nonopioid therapy may be achieved with dexmedeto- Heart J. 1980;43:332-343.
5. Saleeb SF, et al. Frequency of development of aortic cuspal
midine or acetaminophen or acetaminophen, eventu- prolapse and aortic regurgitation in patients with subaortic
ally associated with NSAIDs once patients are deemed ventricular septal defect diagnosed at &lt;1 year of age. Am
free of bleeding. J Cardiol. 2007;99:1588-1592.
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6. Huang GY, Lin QS, Chen GM. Qualitative and quantitative 12. Sideris EB, et  al. Transcatheter patch occlusion of per-
studies of 1000 cases of isolated ventricular septal defect and imembranous ventricular septal defects. Am J Cardiol.
follow-up using two-dimensional color Doppler echocar- 2005;95:1518-1521.
diography. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 1994; 74:293-295, 326. 13. Robinson JD, et  al. Cardiac conduction disturbances seen
7. Shirali GS, Smith EO, Geva T. Quantitation of echocardio- after transcatheter device closure of muscular ventricular
graphic predictors of outcome in infants with isolated ven- septal defects with the Amplatzer occluder. Am J Cardiol.
tricular septal defect. Am Heart J. 1995;13:1228-1235. 2006;97:558-560.
8. Puchalski MD, Brook MM, Silverman NH. Simplified 14. Lupoglazoff JM, et al. Surgical indications and results in 50
echocardiographic criteria for decision making in perimem- cases of isolated ventricular septal defects during the first
branous ventricular septal defect in childhood. Am J Cardiol. year of life. Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 1994;87:667-672.
2002;90:569-571. 15. Kleinman CS, et al. Spontaneous regression of left ventricu-
9. van den Heuvel F, Timmers T, Hess J. Morphological, haemo- lar dilation in children with restrictive ventricular septal
dynamic, and clinical variables as predictors for management of defects. J Pediatr. 2007;150:583-586.
isolated ventricular septal defect. Br Heart J. 1995;73:49-52. 16. Guntheroth WG, Spiers PS. Is operative closure of a small
10. Ramaciotti C, Keren A, Silverman NH. Importance of (per- ventricular septal defect required after an episode of infec-
imembranous) ventricular septal aneurysm in the natural tive endocarditis? Am J Cardiol. 2005;95:960-962.
history of isolated perimembranous ventricular septal defect. 17. Chang AC, et al. Milrinone: systemic and pulmonary hemo-
Am J Cardiol. 1986;57:268-272. dynamic effects in neonates after cardiac surgery. Crit Care
11. Thanopoulos BV, et  al. Transcatheter closure of perimem- Med. 1995;23:1907-1914.
branous ventricular septal defects in infants and children 18. Tee SD, et  al. Evaluation of ventricular septal defect by
using the Amplatzer perimembranous ventricular septal transesophageal echocardiography: intraoperative assessment.
defect occluder. Am J Cardiol. 2007;99:984-989. Am Heart J. 1994;127:585-592.
Chapter 17
Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects

Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg, Jill Ibrahim, Dunbar Ivy, Lisa Wise-Faberowski,
Shannon Buckvold, Cécile Tissot, Christina Phelps, Victor O. Morell, and Eduardo M. da Cruz

17.1  Introduction An unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect should be

considered as a physiologic variant of a single ventricle.
This chapter deals with the complete atrioventricu-
Complete atrioventricular septal defect (CAVSD)
lar defect which we understand as characterized by the
refers to a complex malformation of the atrial and ven-
failure of development of the atrial and ventricular
tricular septum and is defined by an abnormal embryo-
septum and a single orifice AV valve. For the CAVSD
logical development of the endocardial cushions in the
the results are a balanced pair of ventricles and atria
atrioventricular canal resulting in maldevelopment of
that are essentially equal in size and dimensions.
the atrial–ventricular valves [1].
CAVSD represents around 3% of congenital
cardiac defects and it is a frequent anomaly in the
context of autosomic trisomic anomalies, particularly
in patients with Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) and 17.2  Anatomy
Edward’s syndrome (Trisomy 18). Fifty percent of
atrioventricular septal defects are diagnosed in CAVSDs are characterized by the failure of the central
patients with Down’s syndrome and 30% of these portions of the anterior and posterior cushions to fuse.
have a CAVSD [2]. This results in the underdevelopment of the tricuspid
The pathophysiology of this defect, and the course and mitral valves [2–5]. The anatomic expression of
from diagnosis through repair, extending into the post- this deficit is quite variable, however, in most patients
operative period, may be predicated upon the degree of with this CAVSD, the endocardial cushion defect is
atrial and ventricular level shunting and atrioventricu- positioned so that there is relatively equal opening into
lar valvar dysfunction. the right and left ventricles. When this is not the case
The term “atrioventricular defects” encompass a and there is a left or right ventricular dominance with
wide spectrum of anatomic variants and there is an regard to flow through the orifice, the result is func-
overabundance of terms for this congenital cardiac tional single ventricle physiology.
defect: complete atrioventricular defect, atrioventricu- The main components of the CAVSD are as follows
lar canal defect, endocardial cushion defect, and there (Fig. 17.1):
have also been many subclassifications within this
1. A ventricular septal defect: in the inlet area, that is
defect: defects are described as partial, incomplete or
unrestrictive in the case of the CAVSD or restrictive
intermediate, complete, and common. Partial AVSDs,
in the case of an intermediate or incomplete atrio-
with no ventricular component may behave physiolog-
ventricular septal defect.
ically as a primum atrial septal defect.
2. An atrial septal defect: most commonly an Ostium
Primum type atrial defect or a common atrium, almost
J. Kaufman (*) always associated with a mitral cleft; an Ostium
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
Secundum atrial septal defect may also be associated.
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA 3. Anomalous atrioventricular valves: the atrioven-
e-mail: tricular annulus is shared by both the ventricles and

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 177
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_17, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
178 J. Kaufman et al.

there are usually five components with different 4. Various degrees of left ventricular outflow tract
degrees of dysplasia, a left-sided “mitral” cleft and obstruction: often described as a “swan-neck”
an abnormal sub-valvular apparatus with different obstruction.
types of insertions. This anatomic feature has been
The CAVSD may be associated with other cardiac
classified by Rastelli (Fig. 17.2). In 4–10% of cases,
or extra-cardiac malformations:
there may be an accessory mitral orifice.
1. Cardiac defects:
a) Persistant ductus arteriosus
b) Conotroncal anomalies (Tetralogy of Fallot,
Truncus Arteriosus)
c) Aortic coarctation
d) Left Superior Vena Cava (LSVC)
e) Heterotaxy
2. Extra-cardiac defects:
a) Renal
b) Osteo-articular
c) Intestinal
Some malformative associations contra-indicate a
surgical total repair and confine the indications to pal-
Fig. 17.1  Echocardiographic four-chamber view showing the liation and eventually to a univentricular type repair:
main components of the complete atrio-ventricular canal:
1 . multiple ventricular septal defects
Ostium Primum atrial septal defect, (a) single atrioventricular
valve, (b) and ventricular septal defect, (c) with a mitral cleft 2. unbalanced ventricular mass
(arrow) 3. extra-cardiac contra-indications

Fig. 17.2  Rastelli’s classification of CAVSD

17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 179

17.3  Pathophysiology lary pulmonary hypertension that can be worsened by

a postcapillary component when the AV valve regurgi-
tation is severe. It is important to remember that
The newborn with CAVSD can be expected to rapidly
patients with Down’s syndrome may have an exquisite
develop signs and symptoms of congestive heart fail-
pulmonary vascular reactivity adding a capillary factor
ure within 6–8 weeks of life as the pulmonary vascular
to the pulmonary hypertension. This, in combination
resistance falls [6, 7]. In cases of persistently elevated
with the pre and postcapillary components, can pro-
PVR or commonly in infants with CAVSD and Trisomy
mote fixed pulmonary resistances which can progress
21, CHF may develop more slowly; however, these
towards an Eisenmenger’s complex early in life.
infants may be more profoundly cyanotic.
Hence, there is currently a clear trend to repair this
The main pathophysiological characteristics are
­cardiac malformation around 3–4 months of age.
described as follows:
1. Shunts
a) Left-to-right at the ventricular level 17.4  Clinical Presentation
b) Left-to-right at the atrial level
c) “Crossed” LV–RA and/or RV–LA shunts As this is a mixing lesion, most infants with CAVSD’s
d) Right-to-left in the setting of Eisenmenger’s are symptomatic soon after birth and exhibit some degree
complex of cyanosis until the pulmonary vascular resistances
decrease. As pulmonary vascular resistance falls the
2. Valvular Regurgitation:
effects of a large left-to-right shunt become more appar-
a) Left sided AV valve regurgitation: central and/or
ent. However, the clinical presentation of a CAVSD may
by the cleft
be determined by the characteristic of the anatomic
b) Right sided AV valve regurgitation
defect [7]. Usually, the atrial septal defect is quite large,
As a consequence of these characteristics, there is a whereas, the ventricular septal defect can be of variable
severe left-to-right shunt (Figs. 17.3a, b) with high Qp/ size. Such a patient with a large atrial level component
Qs, unless pulmonary resistances are high. If the VSD and small ventricular component may present identical
is unrestrictive, there will be an iso-systemic, precapil- to an ostium primum defect with a large left-to-right

Fig. 17.3  (a) Echocardiographic 2-D four-chamber view show- shunts (left ventricular to right atrial and/or right ventricular to
ing a complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect with an open AV left atrium) (b) Echocardiographic 2-D four-chamber view
valve. When opened, this valve allows massive left-to-right showing a complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect with a closed
shunts at the ventricular and the atrial level, as well as crossed AV valve.
180 J. Kaufman et al.

Fig. 17.4  Clinical course of complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects

atrial level shunt and a predominant right-sided diastolic 17.6  Echocardiography

volume overload. In the case of a large ventricular defect
and a large left-to-right shunt at the ventricular level, the
Echocardiography provides a complete understanding
presentation is likely that of left-sided or global conges-
and evaluation of the CAVSD [8]. The main anatomic
tive heart failure (Fig. 17.4). Signs such as cardiomegaly,
and physiological features to be assessed are:
pulmonary over circulation and pulmonary edema, and
evidence of end organ hypoperfusion may be present in 1. The clear definition of the main lesions as described
patients who have symptoms of moderate to severe fail- above
ure to thrive, breathlessness on feeding, tachypnea, and 2. The degree of AV valve regurgitation
tachycardia. Over time this can progress to right-sided 3. The ventricular balance and global function
heart failure with elevated central venous pressures, 4. The degree of shunting
hepatic congestion, and peripheral edema. Many of these 5. The degree of pulmonary hypertension
patients are prone to recurrent airway intercurrent infec- 6. A careful assessment of other associated cardiac
tions. In fact, viral infections like respiratory syncytial malformations.
virus (RSV) or influenza may be poorly tolerated.
Rarely, it is necessary to employ any other modalities
prior to surgical intervention, unless there is an indica-
tion for interventional catheterization.
17.5  Radiology

The chest X-ray remains as an important tool in the 17.7  Cardiac Catheterization
assessment of patients with CAVSD. The classical
radiological findings consistent with the left-to-right Cardiac catheterization is rarely required in the presur-
shunt are: moderate to severe cardiomegaly and gical evaluation of CAVSD, particularly, if surgical
increased pulmonary vascularization. In patients with correction is performed in infancy between 2 and 4
severe pulmonary hypertension, the vascular markings months of age in which case it will likely not yield
may become normal and there may even be hypoperfu- much to the diagnosis. It should be assumed that there
sion in the case of Eisenmenger’s. is likely to be elevated but not fixed pulmonary artery
17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 181

pressures and this can be managed expectantly in the of atrioventricular valve insufficiency. In the setting of
postoperative period. severe right- or left-sided atrioventricular valve regur-
Nevertheless, in patients who display a doubtful gitation, right- or left-sided heart failure symptoms
­physiological status, cardiac catheterization may be of may be quite apparent. In very symptomatic patients,
benefit to perform functional tests to appraise pulmo- early mechanical ventilation and the use of inotropic
nary vascular resistances and responsiveness to therapy and vasodilators associated with loop-diuretics may be
(i.e., oxygen, nitric oxide, prostacyclin, calcium instrumental in optimizing the condition of the patient
­inhibitors etc.). prior to the surgical intervention.
More often than not, the preoperative management
of the infant with complete AVSD is managed by the
outpatient cardiologist and general pediatrician, and
17.8  Preoperative ICU Management care centers around managing congestive heart failure
and perhaps the underlying pathologies related to
The diagnosis of CAVSD is usually made by fetal chromosomal abnormalities specifically trisomy 21.
echocardiography or soon after birth in the neonatal Classical management includes the use of diuretics,
period. It is therefore, uncommon for the infant with a oral vasodilators, and often digoxin, (although the use-
complete AVSD to present undiagnosed in severe conges- fulness of digoxin is controversial). Avoiding anemia
tive heart failure. However, the lability of neonatal and is also an important factor in the medical management
infant PVR can affect the severity of congestive heart fail- of these patients.
ure and it is possible that an infant can become rapidly ill Failure to thrive may encompass many etiologies,
to the point of requiring critical care. A more common including genetic abnormalities and it is important to
scenario would be the infant who requires hospitalization remember that moving ahead with surgical correction
prior to surgical correction for failure to thrive and poor may improve some, but by no means all, the symptoms
weight gain. Presurgery, these infants are also at a greater of failure to thrive.
risk for respiratory failure due to pneumonias, both viral
and bacterial. This justifies preventive protocols that
include the administration of palivizumab for RSV and
the influenza vaccine during the endemic periods. 17.9  Surgical Management
The most common symptoms upon presentation for
surgical correction are congestive heart failure based There are three main objectives in the surgical man-
upon the degree of left-to-right shunting. At conditions agement of patients with a complete atrioventricular
of elevated altitude and/or in the presence of an eleva- canal defect and they consist of the elimination of the
tion of the pulmonary artery pressures, these patients intra-cardiac shunting by closing the ASD and the
may need to be placed, seemingly paradoxically, on VSD, the creation of two AV valves from the common
oxygen, with the recognition that under normal condi- valve, and the repair the left-sided cleft [9–11]. Three
tions; this would increase the left-to-right shunt and pos- surgical repairs are commonly used for this lesion, the
sibly exacerbate symptoms of congestive heart failure. one-patch technique (Fig.  17.5), the two-patch tech-
Surgical correction is the definitive treatment for this nique (Fig.  17.6), and the Australian technique
lesion, thus if a child presents in extremis, due to either (Fig. 17.7). They are all performed via a median ster-
severe congestive heart failure or elevated pulmonary notomy incision, with cardiopulmonary bypass and the
artery pressures, every effort should be undertaken to administration of cardioplegia.
ensure that he or she is an acceptable candidate and can Right or left ventricular hypoplasia is frequently
progress to the operating room. Diuretics and afterload seen in patients with unbalanced atrioventricular valve
reduction are the mainstay of congestive heart failure anatomy, often requiring a single ventricle repair.
treatment for these infants and children. Evaluation of Occasionally, surgical palliation (pulmonary artery
end organ function prior to cardiopulmonary bypass may banding) is indicated as the initial form of surgical
be needed, if these patients do present critically ill. therapy for the management of high-risk patients,
Preoperative management may depend upon the including those with significant prematurity and/or
degree of congestive heart failure as well as the degree multiple other congenital anomalies.
182 J. Kaufman et al.

Fig. 17.5  One Patch Technique (a) First, the cleft in the left- valves is sutured to the VSD patch; a strip of autologous pericar-
sided atrioventricular valve is closed with interrupted sutures, dium is used along the left AV valve sutureline for reinforce-
(b) the VSD is closed with the patch; the sutures are placed on ment, (d) The atrial segment of the patch is use to close the
the right side of the crest of the ventricular septum to avoid interatrial communication, leaving the coronary sinus draining
injuring the conduction system, (c) the medial edge of both into the right atrium

17.10  Postoperative Management assess cerebral and somatic perfusion and regional
oxygen delivery and utilization. These include acid-
base status, serum lactate and SvO2. Near-Infrared
17.10.1  Monitoring Spectroscopy is also becoming a very useful technol-
ogy to assess regional perfusion in these patients.
Postoperative management of the patient with CAVSD Important premises that need to be taken into
may be assisted by the placement of a pulmonary account when managing the postoperative course of a
artery catheter (Swan-Ganz or trans-thoracic catheter) CAVSD are:
or left atrial line to monitor pulmonary artery or left
sided pressures, in addition to arterial and venous lines. 1. Even after a good surgical repair, AV valves remain
It should be expected that many of these children will abnormal. It is therefore essential to protect the AV
experience some elevation of their pulmonary artery valvular plasty, by avoiding volume overload and
pressures due to preoperative elevated pulmonary vas- systolic hypertension that would reflect the inter-
cular reactivity perhaps exacerbated by exposure to the ventricular pressure during systole.
inflammatory insult of cardiopulmonary bypass. 2. Patients, particularly those with Down’s syndrome,
In addition the standard hemodynamics parameters are predisposed to and at risk for pulmonary arterial
are carefully monitored. Recent modalities are used to hypertensive (P.A.H.) crisis.
17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 183

Fig. 17.6  The Two Patch Technique (a)

The cleft of the left-sided atrioventricular
valve is closed with interrupted sutures,
(b) The VSD patch is sutured on the right
side of the crest of the ventricular septum
to avoid injuring the conduction system,
(c) the medial edge of both atrioventricular
valves is sutured to the VSD patch; the
same sutures are used to secure the medial
aspect of the ASD patch, (d) The ASD
patch suture line is completed

Fig. 17.7  Australian Technique. This technique requires

multiple pledgetted sututes to be placed along the right side of
the crest of the ventricular septum and passed through the
common atrioventricular valve and then the atrial septal defect
patch. Once all the sutures are tied, the atrioventricular tissue is
brought down to the level of the crest of the ventricular septum,
obliterating the ventricular septal defect. The cleft is repaired in
the usual fashion
184 J. Kaufman et al.

The postoperative strategy for the child with In case of interstitial edema or hypoxemia, cautious
CAVSD should include and target the following spe- increments as required
cific aspects of support: With such adjustments, cardio–pulmonary interac-
tions must be considered
a) Anticipation of and aggressive treatment of P.A.H.
2. Acid-base Status
b) Attempt to maintain low filling pressures (preload) This factor exerts a strong influence on pulmonary
c) Providing appropriate inotropic support and sys- vascular resistances.
temic vasodilation It is recommended to target a relative alkalosis, with
d) Vigilance for arrhythmias and heart block a pH between 7.45 and 7.55, this being particularly
e) Prevention and treatment of specific problems and useful in case of elevated PVR.
anticipated complications as specified below Some groups discuss the use of ventilation versus
HCO3− or THAM infusions to ensure such alkalosis
General intensive care measures that are also cru-
with less barotrauma.
cial in the management of these patients, are:
3. Hyperventilation may be useful during the acute
a ) Careful assessment of extra-cardiac abnormalities
PAH crisis
b) Maintenance of physiological body temperature
4. Permissive hypercapnia is a useful tool as a pulmo-
c) Maintenance of anabolic status (aggressive enteral
nary reactivity test, prior to weaning ventilation
and parenteral nutrition)
5. HFOV may be considered in patients with signifi-
d) Ad minimum handling
cant parenchymal involvement or requiring high
e) Providing gastric protection
ventilatory parameters in conventional ventilation.
f) Treatment with anti-coagulation/anti-fibrinolytic
agents as required

17.10.3  Fluid Management

17.10.2  Mechanical Ventilation
Immediately upon return from the operating room it is
recommended to set a goal of total fluid administration
After surgical correction, rapid extubation may be
at 30–50% of maintenance requirements calculated by
possible. However, the underlying preoperative physi-
weight. Volume administration and resuscitation
ology may dictate attention to particular ­potential
depends upon the clinical situation and it is not uncom-
complications in the postoperative period. Though, these
mon that the child status post CAVSD repair requires
complications can be anticipated and treated, they also
hemodynamic support in the form of intravascular
may delay extubation and progression of care.
volume. However, it is important to remember the
Ventilation around the expected functional residual
specifics of surgical repair and that in the immediate
capacity (FRC) can prove difficult. In many cases this
postoperative the reconstructed right- and left-sided
translates into providing adequate support to prevent
AV valves may be vulnerable to injury and even disruption
atelectasis and limit overdistention and the mainte-
if volume is given too aggressively.
nance of a normal or even alkalotic arterial pH via
hyperventilation. Care must also be taken to avoid
barotrauma and volutrauma as these can cause alveolar
damage and further increase pro-inflammatory cytok- 17.10.4  Sedation and Analgesia
ines and further agitate an already reactive pulmonary
vascular bed.
The strategy for sedation and analgesia in the postop-
General considerations regarding mechanical
erative CAVSD repair depends in part upon the pre-
morbid and co-morbid state of the child in the intensive
1. Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
care unit. Stable hemodynamics, low ventilator require-
With normal lungs PEEP should remain around ments, the absence of serious arrhythmias, minimal
5 cm H2O postoperative bleeding, and low pulmonary artery or
17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 185

left atrial pressures may dictate early and rapid nitroglycerin, or esmolol. In the setting of overall low
extubation, and therefore, intermittent administration cardiac output, vasopressor support with dopamine
of analgesics and sedatives until the child is deemed and low dose epinephrine is not uncommon.
ready for this. In this case, the shorter acting opioids such Concern must be paid to the proarrhythmic proper-
as fentanyl and shorter acting sedatives such as mida- ties of these vasopressors and the potential for postop-
zolam may be preferred, all the more that it has been erative junctional ectopic tachycardia or JET. However,
shown that fentanyl is more efficient and better tolerated depending upon the complexity of the repair, the myo-
in patients with pulmonary hypertension, when compared cardium may require such support. It is our approach,
with morphine. to be generous in the support of the struggling postop-
However, if the postoperative CAVSD exhibits erative myocardium with vasoactive agents and attempt
hemodynamic instability, abnormal lung mechanics, to limit the aggressive administration of fluids, that can
malignant arrhythmias such as Junctional Ectopic result in valvar and left atrial distention.
Tachycardia, or elevated PA or left atrial pressures, it
may be prudent and in fact necessary to keep the child
sedated, eventually on muscle relaxants and mechani- 17.11  Postoperative Complications
cally ventilated until the time that these issues improve
and/or resolve. In this case a continuous infusion of
The main anticipated postoperative complications
analgesia and a sedative is recommended.
related to this malformation are as follows:
The child with trisomy 21 and CAVSD may present
particular obstacles for an effective sedation strategy. 1 . Valvar regurgitation and stenosis
As mentioned earlier these are the children who carry 2. Elevated pulmonary artery pressure
the biggest risk of PAH. They are also known to suffer 3. Arrhythmias and conductive disorders
from decreased muscle tone, redundant pharyngeal tis- 4. Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS)
sue, and airway obstruction. They are often difficult to 5. Residual intra-cardiac shunt
effectively sedate and require rapidly escalating doses
of sedatives and analgesics. It is our experience with
these children that we often adopt a strategy of a
17.11.1  V
 alvar Regurgitation and
“gentle and deep extubation” in the intensive care unit.
In these circumstances avoiding peri-extubation agita- Stenosis
tion that can exacerbate PVR lability or airway
compromise, or both is desired. Sedation may be provided It is important to remember that even after a successful
with propofol or dexmetomidine: since, either drug repair of complete atrio-ventricular septal defect, the
may allow for spontaneous breathing during endotra- atrioventricular valves are not normal, nor will they
cheal tube removal and both share the pharmacologic ever be normal. This reality may guide postoperative
properties of rapid onset and rapid metabolism with management and determine strategy, insofar as aggres-
short half-lives. sive volume administration must be avoided to prevent
distention of the left atrium, elevation of left atrial
pressure, and contribute towards valvar regurgitation
and elevation of left atrial pressures.
17.10.5  I notropic and Vasodilator
Severe left AV valve regurgitation is likely to be
Support poorly tolerated even in the immediate postoperative
period as this can lead to annular dilation and conse-
Inotropic and vasoactive support for the CAVSD in the quently worsening valvar regurgitation. Echocardio­
postoperative period is not so different from many of graphy both transesophageal and transthoracic can
the other congenital lesions. Afterload reduction is the determine the degree of valvar dysfunction. In some
mainstay of treatment to facilitate postsurgical left- cases prompt return to the operating room is the only
sided AV valve competency and to optimize cardiac solution.
output [12, 13]. This is achieved with milrinone and if Similarly, the provider should be cognizant of
necessary with agents such as sodium nitroprusside, potential left-sided valvar regurgitation or stenosis as
186 J. Kaufman et al.

recognized by the development of a diastolic (valvar  G

 eneral Measures to Prevent PAH
stenosis) or a systolic (valvar regurgitation) murmur, in the Peri-operative Period
sudden increase of the left atrial and pulmonary pres-
sures, decrease of systemic pressures, concomitant with 1 . Adequate surgical indications and timing
a progressive metabolic acidosis. These can be detected 2. Minimizing peri-operative risks:
on physical exam by the astute provider as well as with
a) CPBP conditions
echocardiography. Left-sided AV valve disease is less
b) Surgical technique
tolerated than right-sided AV valve disease.
c) Myocardial protection
d) Ultrafiltration
e) Systemic steroids
17.11.2  E
 levated Pulmonary Artery f) Controlled re-oxygenation
Pressure g) Leucocyte depletion
3 . Ventilation strategy to target the expect FRC
A specific chapter on pulmonary hypertension may be 4. Early use of iNO in labile patients
consulted elsewhere in this book. 5. Ensuring metabolic and acid-basic balance
The degree of pulmonary hypertension may be pre- 6. Avoid/anticipate/treat:
dicted based upon their preoperative condition. Again, a
a) Fever
child with complete AVSD and trisomy 21 has usually
b) Hypothermia
a different postoperative course than a child with nor-
c) Anemia
mal chromosomes. The child with Down’s syndrome
d) Acidosis
may have a predilection to pulmonary vascular reactiv-
e) Dehydration
ity. Causes of elevated pulmonary artery pressures must
f) Volume overload
be distinguished between obstructive anatomic lesions
g) Hypoxia
such left-sided valvar obstruction or insufficiency (post-
h) Hypercapnia
capillary) , residual lesion such as a VSD (pre-capil-
i) Sepsis
lary), pulmonary vascular reactivity (capillary), or a
j) Agitation
combination of these. If the pre- and postcapillary
k) Pain
causes are ruled out by exam and echocardiography, the
intensivist is left with treating intrinsic elevated pulmo- In some cases, in patients with borderline indications
nary artery pressure that may have been exacerbated by for surgery because of high pulmonary resistances,
exposure of the pulmonary vasculature to the pro- the use of preoperative pulmonary vasodilators (i.e.,
inflammatory effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. iNO, sildenafil, endothelin-blockers, etc.) should be
In fact, pulmonary hypertension should be antici- seriously considered. However, this practice thus far,
pated as a likely postoperative entity and steps should lacks evidence based data.
be taken in place that can effectively mitigate this.
Factors that contribute to the occurrence and severity
of pulmonary hypertension are age of repair, underly-  Management of PAH Crisis
ing chromosomal abnormality, and even the time
period the lungs have been exposed to cardiopulmo- Approach to patients with postoperative acute PAH
nary bypass. Potentially malignant and life-threatening should be individualized since all therapies carry risks.
PAH crisis are those that become iso or supra-systemic In some circumstances, moderate and well tolerated
or those that are associated with LCOS, hypoxia, PAH should be treated conservatively rather than
arrhythmia, or acidosis. aggressively (Fig. 17.8).
Prevention of PAH should be the main goal of An important premise in such patients is that it is
the intensivist caring for these patients. Many factors, crucial to rule-out residual lesions that might explain
discussed above may be considered as predisposing or such severe PAH crisis (i.e., mitral valve incompe-
triggering PAH, and prevention starts in the preopera- tence, residual or recurrent ventricular shunt, left
tive period. ­ventricular dysfunction).
17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 187

Fig. 17.8  A simple algorithm for the management of acute PAH

Ventilation should be provided as described a) The creation of a calibrated atrial or ventricular

above. It is important to ensure adequate arterial septal defect (on the patch) that will function as a
oxygen content, provide sedation and analgesia, decompressing mechanism
limit noxious stimuli for the immediate postopera- b) Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) for 48–72  h,
tive period, and avoid acidosis. Not uncommonly, while the inflammatory “storm” is controlled or
despite enacting all these measures, it is necessary self-limited.
to initiate pulmonary vasodilator therapy with
inhaled nitric oxide.
Patients without pain and relaxed are better con-
trolled in these circumstances. The association of opi- 17.11.3  Arrhythmias
oids (fentanyl), hypnotics (benzodiazepines), and
muscle relaxants as required is recommended in labile Arrhythmias following surgical repair of CAVSD
patients with recurrent PAH crisis. defect are not uncommon [16]. Much of the surgical
Intravenous vasodilator drugs are not selective to repair of the AV valves in particular occurs in the
the pulmonary vascular bed and are inconsistently region of the AV node, thus A-V synchrony may be
efficient. Nevertheless, lusitropic drugs, such as disrupted and require temporary pacing. Atrial and
Milrinone, may need to be increased. Nitroprusside ventricular pacing wires are therefore mandatory.
and nitroglycerine have some pulmonary vasodilator Junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET) is a rare but
effect, but with a significant and disproportioned sys- potentially dangerous occurrence. This is a tachycar-
temic vasodilator effect. dia originated at the AV node, with rates usually
Inhaled NO is the cornerstone of therapy nowadays below 200 bpm and associated with periods of atrio-
[14, 15]. Patients requiring iNO, who show evidence ventricular asynchrony in which the ventricular rate
of NO-dependent pulmonary vascular resistances, is higher than the atrial rate. JET may be poorly toler-
should promptly be started on sildenafil to facilitate ated even for a short while and multiple treatments
the eventual weaning of the latest. may be instituted simultaneously. Treatment of JET
Patients with “malignant” or refractory PAH crisis has been extensively described elsewhere, however,
may benefit from: mild to moderate body surface cooling in the range of
188 J. Kaufman et al.

33–36ºC is often the first course of action. This might The length of aortic cross clamp time can contribute
necessitate using paralytics to prevent shivering. The to postoperative diastolic dysfunction as can the adequacy
main objective of therapy is to reduce the ventricular of myocardial protection particularly with right ven-
rate and to reestablish the atrio-ventricular synchrony. tricular hypertrophy.
Amiodarone is currently the first line pharmacother- Steps to limit AV valve regurgitation should be
apy. We recommend a bolus dose of 5  mg/kg over instituted, thus avoiding rapid large volume infusions
1 h, and this can be repeated up to 15 mg/kg total IV which could cause sudden atrial distention and wors-
load. A continuous amiodarone infusion is often ening valvar regurgitation. In our experience, afterload
required and the usual dose ranges between 5 and reduction with milrinone can also provide inotropic
15  mg/kg/min. It is also very important to reduce support without a significant risk of tachycardia.
vasoactive drugs as much as possible since this is an Milrinone is also one of the few available medications
autonomic-driven tachycardia (please refer to the that may provide lusotropy in the setting of postopera-
chapter on arrhythmias for further details). Although, tive diastolic dysfunction [12, 13].
JET can be a catastrophic postoperative complication Anticipation of LCOS and follow up of the adopted
requiring in the most extreme circumstance mechani- medical strategies require the use of serial assessment of
cal support, it is often quite transient and resolves arterial blood gases, blood lactate levels, sVO2 if possible,
within the first 24 h. as well as cerebral and somatic NIRS. In patients with a
Swan-Ganz catheter, information regarding cardiac out-
put and index is instrumental in steering the therapy.
Patients with persistent LCOS might be candidates
17.11.4  Low Cardiac Output Syndrome for extracorporeal support. In cases of refractory con-
ductive disorders, with conductive disorders, interven-
As in most congenital heart lesions that undergo sur- tricular re-synchronization might significantly optimize
gical repair, low cardiac output syndrome is often a cardiac output.
ubiquitous term applied to impaired cardiac function
and systemic output, vasopressor and inotrope depen-
dence, and evidence of end organ hypoperfusion. For 17.12  Long Term Outcomes
the infant with CAVSD, there are specific consider-
ations that may make a patient with this lesion partic-
The perioperative mortality associated with a CAVC
ularly vulnerable to LCOS. As stated earlier, the neo
repair is between 2 and 5%. Residual lesions such as
left and right AV valves will never be normal, and the
mitral and/or tricuspid regurgitation have been described
surgery of CAVSD can involve extensive repair and
in as many as 50% of operated patients. These patients
manipulation of the atrioventricular valves, and in
remain at risk for re-intervention on the AV valves.
fact, requires the creation of two competent valves
from one common valve. Thus, in the postoperative
period, if the patient is in a low cardiac output state,
investigation must be undertaken to ensure that the References
AV valves are functional. This is best done by echocar-
diography, however, if the patient is unstable in spite 1. De la Cruz MV, Sánchez Gómez C. Consideraciones anatómi-
of an optimized medical therapy with inotropic drugs, cas y embriológicas de la septación cardiaca normal y
patológica Septum interauricular. Bol Med Hosp Inf Mex.
systemic vasodilators, and diuretics, reoperation 1989;46:198-202.
should be carried out. 2. Bedford DE. The anatomical types of atrial septal defect
Echocardiographic assessment is mandatory to rule Their incidente and clinical diagnosis. Am J Cardiol.
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3. Wernovsky G, Chang A, Wessel D. Intensive care. In:
tion of ventricular performance, residual intra-cardiac Emmanoulides G, Riemenschneider T, Allen H, et  al., eds.
shunts, or evidence of malignant pulmonary Heart disease in infants, children’s, and adolescents.
hypertension. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1995.
17  Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defects 189

  4. Rudolph AM. Congenital Diseases of the Heart: 10. Castañeda A, Jonas R, Mayer JJ, et al. Cardiac surgery of the
Clinical-Physiological Considerations. New York: Futura neonate and infant. Philadelphia: WB saunders; 1994.
Publishing; 2001. 11. Kirklin J, Carratt-Boyes B. Postoperative care. In: Kirklin J,
  5. Wilcox BR, Cook AC, Anderson RH. Surgical Anatomy of Barratt-Boyes B, eds. Cardiac Surgery. New York: Churchill
the Heart 3rd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Livingstone; 1993.
Press; 2004. 12. Feneck RO and the European Milrinone MulticenterTrial
  6. Ainger LE, Pate JW. Ostium secundum atrial septaldefects Group. Intravenous milrinone following cardiacsurgery. The
and congestive Heart failure in infancy. Am J Cardiol. effects of bolus infusion followed byvariable dose mainte-
1965;15:380. nance infusion. J CardiothoracVas Anest 1992;6: 554-562.
  7. Hunt CE, Lucas RV. Symptomatic atrial septal defects in 13. Feneck RO. Milrinone in the postoperativepulmonary hyper-
infancy. Circulation. 1973;47:1042. tension. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anest. 1993;7:21-23.
  8. Valdes-Cruz LM, Cayre RO. Echocardiographic Diagnosis 14. Journois D, Pouard P, Mauriat P, et al. Inhaled nitric oxide as
of Congenital Heart Disease. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott- a therapy for pulmonary hypertension after operations for
Raven; 1999. congenital heart defects. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
  9. Roman KS, Nii M, Macgowan CK, Barrea C, Coles J, 1994;107:1129-1135.
Smallhorn JF. The impact of patch augmentation on left 15. Lowson S. Inhaled alternatives to nitric oxide. Crit Care
atrioventricular valve dynamics in patients with atrioven- Med. 2005;33:S188-S195.
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Soc Echocardiogr. 2006;19:1382-1392. after atrial surgery in children. Am Heart J. 1983;106:125-130.
Chapter 18
Aortopulmonary Window

Diego Moguillansky, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

18.1  Definition studies involving removal of premigratory neural crest

cells have not resulted in the development of AP win-
dow, suggesting that AP window may have an alto-
Aortopulmonary (AP) window, a communication
gether different embryologic origin compared with
between the ascending aorta and the pulmonary trunk
truncus arteriosus or PDA [7, 10, 14–16].
in the presence of two separate arterial valves, is a rela-
tively rare cardiac malformation, accounting for 0.1–
0.6% of all cases of congenital heart disease [1–6]. As
the natural history of AP window is similar to that of a
large ventricular septal defect (VSD) or a patent ductus 18.2  Anatomy
arteriosus (PDA), early recognition is particularly
important to allow for surgical closure before the AP window can be classified (Figs.  18.1 and 18.2)
development of pulmonary vascular obstructive dis- according to the position of the defect in the AP sep-
ease (PVOD) [1, 3–6, 7–9]. AP windows do not close tum [3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 17–19]:
spontaneously, nor do they show diminution of size
• Type I: The most common type, involves proximal
with time and growth [1, 3]. It is frequently (47–77%
defects between the semilunar valves and the pul-
of cases) associated with other cardiac defects [1, 3, 4,
monary bifurcation.
7, 9, 10]; including aortic origin of the right pulmo­
• Type II: Distal defects located in the uppermost posi-
nary artery, type A interruption of the aortic arch, right
tion of the ascending aorta, with the posterior border
and double aortic arch, Tetralogy of Fallot, anomalous
of the defect formed by the pulmonary bifurcation.
origin of the coronary arteries from the pulmonary
• Type III: The defect is posterior in the aorta, creat-
artery, VSD, pulmonary or aortic atresia, transposition
ing a communication with the right pulmonary
of the great arteries, and tricuspid atresia [1–3, 7, 8,
AP window consists of a defect in the AP septum,
formed by the two opposing truncal cushions which,
under the influence of migrating cells from the neural 18.3  Pathophysiology
crest, divide the embryologic truncus arteriosus into
separate aortic and pulmonary arteries [7, 14]. Interestingly,
The defect in the AP septum can be variable in size but
unlike other conotruncal malformations such as trun-
invariably results in a large left-to-right shunt when the
cus arteriosus, AP window is not frequently associated
pulmonary resistance falls, similar to other interarte-
with 22q11- deletions and/or DiGeorge syndrome, and
rial shunts like PDA or truncus arteriosus.
The left-to-right shunting results in cardiomegaly due
to volume load and dilatation of the left atrium and left
D. Moguillansky (*) ventricle. The main pulmonary arteries and branch pul-
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA monary arteries are usually dilated reflecting increased
e-mail: pulmonary blood flow. The ascending aorta can be small

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 191
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_18, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
192 D. Moguillansky et al.

in patients with proximal defects or with associated arch between systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance,
anomalies. and the presence of associated defects [1].
The most important variables to determine the ­clinical
presentation are the size of the defect, the relationship

18.4  Clinical Presentation

In the absence of associated cardiac lesions, the clini-

cal features of AP window are those of a large left-to-
right shunt and are, therefore, similar to a large VSD or
a large PDA [4, 5].
The diagnosis can be made in utero using fetal
echocardiography, after a murmur is noted after the
delivery prior to hospital discharge, or after signs of
congestive heart failure with tachypnea, respiratory dis-
tress, difficulty in feeding, and failure to thrive appear
in the first weeks of life [4, 5]. Cyanosis is usually not
present, except with associated lesions or with very
large defects that lead to bidirectional shunting [1, 2, 4,
5, 7]. When associated malformations are present, the
clinical presentation can change to reflect the combined
hemodynamic features, with interrupted aortic arch
usually presenting with metabolic acidosis and poor
perfusion after PDA closure, making the clinical diag-
Fig. 18.1  Classification of aortopulmonary window nosis of AP window more challenging [4, 5].

Fig. 18.2  2D echocardiogram. Subcostal view of a large proximal (type 1) Aortopulmonary (AP) window
18  Aortopulmonary Window 193

Physical examination demonstrates tachypnea, 18.8  Cardiac Catheterization

respiratory distress, and bounding pulses due to wid-
ened pulse pressure. The second heart sound is accen-
Cardiac catheterization is usually not needed, unless
tuated and narrowly split, consistent with pulmonary
significant associated defects are present that cannot
hypertension. There is a loud systolic ejection murmur
be reliable assessed by echocardiography and other
at the left upper sternal border, or a continuous
noninvasive imaging methods like cardiac CT or car-
machinery-like murmur that can be difficult to differentiate
diac MRI–MRA [2–4, 6]. When performed, it usually
from that of a PDA. There is usually a mid-diastolic
demonstrates systemic RV and PA pressures, elevated
rumble at the apex of relative functional mitral
left atrial pressures and increased pulmonary venous
stenosis [5].
return [3, 5, 7]. When large defects are present caus-
ing significant aortic runoff, the diastolic aortic pres-
sure can be low, with a widened pulse pressure. The
18.5  ECG size and position of the defect can also be demon-
strated by angiography, as well as the presence of any
associated defects.
The ECG usually demonstrates left ventricular hyper-
trophy, or biventricular hypertrophy in larger or longer
standing defects [5].
18.9  Other Imaging Studies

18.6  Chest Radiography Cardiac CT and cardiac MRI are sometimes used to
further define the anatomy of the defect, especially
when there are associated defects. They allow for 3D
The chest roentgenogram shows cardiomegaly due to
reconstructions and can often be performed instead of
left atrial and ventricular enlargement, as well as
a cardiac catheterization when echocardiography is
increased pulmonary vasculature. A prominent main
unable to completely define the anatomy [12, 21].
pulmonary artery can sometimes be seen [5].

18.7  Echocardiography 18.10  Preoperative Management

Echocardiography can demonstrate the AP window The preoperative medical management is relatively
defect, as well as most associated cardiac malforma- limited, as essentially all patients with AP window
tions in the majority of the patients [2–4, 6, 20]. The require surgery in the first few months of life to avoid
left atrium, left ventricle, and pulmonary arteries are the development of PVOD; often at the time of, or soon
dilated due to the large left-to-right shunt. The semilu- after initial diagnosis [3, 4, 6, 7, 9]. Based on the age at
nar valves are usually normal, unless associated presentation, as well as the severity of the heart failure,
defects are present. The defect in the AP septum can patients may be referred for surgery immediately, or
be visualized by 2D imaging, and flow across the treated medically for a very brief period of time with
defect can be demonstrated by color Doppler, with diuretics and afterload reduction with ACE inhibitors
abnormal, continuous forward flow in the pulmonary [4]. The use of digoxin has become somewhat contro-
arteries being a hallmark of this defect. The forward versial, but it is still sometimes prescribed [4].
direction of the flow in the pulmonary arteries helps The author’s approach usually involves surgical
differentiate AP window from a PDA (retrograde in repair as soon as the lesion is diagnosed. These patients
the distal pulmonary arteries). When tricuspid regur- usually have significant left-to-right shunt, and demon-
gitation is present, echocardiography is also helpful to strate peripheral signs of rapid diastolic aortic run off.
assess right ventricular (RV) and pulmonary artery The key aspect of preoperative management is optimi-
(PA) pressure [6, 20]. zation of the QP/QS to avoid low systemic blood flow.
194 D. Moguillansky et al.

In the inpatient setting, manipulation of pulmonary of most patients can be performed with an echocardio-
vascular resistance with inhaled CO2 or hypoxic mix- gram with excellent sensitivity and specificity, ­accurately
ture with nitrogen (via oxyhood and high flow nasal identifying the size and location of the defect, as well as
cannula) can be also used for a brief period of time in additional associated lesions.
patients with large left-to-right shunts, to optimize the
hemodynamic status prior to undergoing surgery. In
addition, we aim to decrease (within physiologic lim-
its) the systemic vascular resistance with phosphodi- 18.11  Surgical Management
esterase inhibitors and sodium nitroprusside.
Lactate levels, mixed venous saturation and arterial The surgical repair is performed via a median sterno-
blood gases, and NIRS values are frequently moni- tomy incision with the use of cardiopulmonary
tored to assess the distribution of cardiac output. bypass and mild to moderate hypothermia. Both
Mechanical ventilation is often necessary when branch pulmonary arteries need to be controlled with
patients are in decompensated heart failure due to tourniquets as soon as cardiopulmonary bypass is
increased pulmonary blood flow [22]. Alternatively, established in order to prevent excessive pulmonary
patients may be “electively” intubated to better control runoff. Under cardioplegic arrest the AP window is
the excessive pulmonary blood flow. opened and occluded with a patch (Fig.  18.3).
Careful monitoring to prevent development of elec- Another option is to completely divide the AP win-
trolyte imbalances, particularly in children on digoxin, dow, separating the aorta from the pulmonary artery,
is required. and repairing both great vessels with separate patches
Due to the increased caloric requirements second- (Fig. 18.4).
ary to heart failure, nutritional supplementation must
be carefully planned. Enteral feeds during the neonatal
period may be withheld due to the significant diastolic
aortic run off and potential risk of necrotizing entero- 18.12  Postoperative Management
colitis (NEC). In selected cases, enteral feeds can be
carefully initiated and formulas with relatively high
caloric concentration or fortified breast milk may be 18.12.1  Cardiovascular Management
considered [22].
Given the excellent surgical results in young infants, Patients are monitored with an arterial line and central
especially in the absence of associated lesions, delay- venous line to allow a rapid assessment of the hemody-
ing surgery in clinically symptomatic patients is usu- namic state of the patients, which then can be followed
ally not indicated, even in symptomatic low birth-weight over time and provide valuable trends to anticipate
infants and neonates [3, 7, 22]. problems and hemodynamic changes or complications.
A small number of patients present after having devel- The occurrence of postoperative pulmonary hyperten-
oped severe PVOD and are not surgical candidates. sive crises is well documented, and should be treated
Supplemental oxygen and partial exchange transfu- rapidly with oxygen and nitric oxide [7]. Atrial and
sions in cases of severe cyanosis, as well as prevention ventricular epicardial wires are also routinely used,
of iron deficiency with iron supplements can be and can be extremely helpful in the diagnosis and treat-
helpful. ment of postoperative arrhythmias and conduction
A subset of patients can be considered for lung or abnormalities.
heart–lung transplantation. Inotropic support with milrinone is usually rec-
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension is sometimes ommended, and is maintained for the first 12–24 hours
indicated in patients that show some response to 100% and then discontinued, unless the patient has devel-
FiO2 and Nitric Oxide, and a small number of these oped LV dysfunction, is clinically in heart failure, or
patients can then become candidates for surgical repair, shows evidence of low cardiac output syndrome, in
usually with a fenestrated patch [7]. which case milrinone can be continued until there
In the past, most patients used to undergo cardiac are signs of improvement. Administration of milri-
catheterization, but currently the preoperative assessment none in neonates and infants with low cardiac output
18  Aortopulmonary Window 195

Fig. 18.3  Repair of Aortopulmonary window with a prosthetic patch. The anterior wall of the “window” is opened and the patch is
sawn to the edges of the defect

after cardiac surgery lowers filling pressures, systemic residual defects or pericardial effusions, facilitating the
and pulmonary arterial pressures and vascular resis- immediate postoperative care.
tances, improves cardiac index, and increases heart
rate without significantly altering myocardial oxygen
consumption [23].
The use of intraoperative transesophageal echocar- 18.13  Respiratory Management
diography has become routine in most centers, and
enables early recognition of some of the most common post- Patients with AP window, especially those with associ-
operative complications such as RV or LV ­dysfunction, ated defects, usually arrive to the ICU intubated;
196 D. Moguillansky et al.

arrival to the ICU. As previously mentioned enteral

feeds should be started when the infant is hemodynam-
ically stable.

18.13.3  Renal Management

Fluid management is critical in the initial 12  hours

after surgery, and achieving a negative fluid balance is
very important, particularly in patients who have an
open chest, to facilitate sternal closure in the first
12–48 hours after surgery.
Furosemide (bolus or continuous infusion), thiazide
diuretics, and ethacrynic acid may be used to achieve
negative balance post CPB.

18.13.4  N
 eurologic Management,
Fig.  18.4  After completely dividing the aortopulmonary Sedation and Analgesia
­ indow, both great vessels are repaired with separate patches

Analgesia is usually managed with morphine or fenta-

patients with simple defects are commonly extubated nyl, associated with nonopioid pain control. Sedation
on admission. The chest is usually closed but in some is supported with benzodiazepines as required or as an
complex defects it may be left open. After effective neg- infusion. Lately, the use of dexmesetomidine has
ative balance chest closure usually occurs 24–48 hours proven very helpful in managing sedation in the imme-
after surgery. Likewise, extubation should be planned diate postoperative period significantly decreasing the
soon after chest closure following standard ICU extu- requirements for opioids.
bation protocols.

18.14  Long-Term Outcomes

18.13.1  Fluids, Electrolytes, and Nutrition
The long term prognosis of isolated AP window is
­usually excellent in patients who undergo surgical
Electrolytes are closely monitored and replaced repair early in life, before the development of signifi-
according to specific protocols. Parenteral nutrition is cant PVOD, which generally occurs after 6 months of
routinely started 24 hours after surgery. It is important age [3, 4].
to emphasize that as soon as the infant is hemodynami- The outcome of patients with significant associated
cally stable, enteral feeds must be carefully started. lesions is variable and is more determined by the sever-
ity of the associated lesions and their candidacy for
surgical repair, than by the AP window that can gener-
ally by corrected easily by surgery [4, 6].
18.13.2  Gastrointestinal Management In summary, postoperative mortality depends on the
age of the patient at operation, status of preoperative
It is advisable to monitor liver function tests, amylase pulmonary vascular disease, and presence of associ-
and lipase after cardiopulmonary bypass at least upon ated intracardiac defects [1, 4, 6, 7, 24]. The hospital
18  Aortopulmonary Window 197

4mortality is 8–25% with a higher mortality in patients highlighting the importance of complete pre-operative
with associated defects, particularly interrupted aortic echocardiographic evaluation of the coronary arteries in
all conotruncal anomalies. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2006;7:
arch [1, 4, 7, 17, 24]. 379-382.
12. Wong MN, Chan LG, Sim KH. Interrupted aortic arch and
aortopulmonary window demonstrated on 64-slice multide-
tector computed tomography angiography. Heart.
References 2007;93:95.
13. Berry TE, Bharati S, Muster AJ, et al. Distal aortopulmonary
septal defect, aortic origin of the right pulmonary artery,
1. Bagtharia R, Trivedi KR, Burkhart HM, et al. Outcomes for intact ventricular septum, patent ductus arteriosus and hyp-
patients with an aortopulmonary window, and the impact of oplasia of the aortic isthmus: a newly recognized syndrome.
associated cardiovascular lesions. Cardiol Young. 2004; Am J Cardiol. 1982;49:108-116.
14:473-480. 14. Besson WT 3rd, Kirby ML, Van Mierop LH, et al. Effects of
2. Botura EM, Piazzalunga M, Barutta F Jr, et al. Aortopulmonary the size of lesions of the cardiac neural crest at various
window and double aortic arch. A rare association. Arq Bras embryonic ages on incidence and type of cardiac defects.
Cardiol. 2001;77:487-492. Circulation. 1986;73:360-364.
3. McElhinney DB, Reddy VM, Tworetzky W, et al. Early and 15. Lindsay EA. Chromosomal microdeletions: dissecting
late results after repair of aortopulmonary septal defect and del22q11 syndrome. Nat Rev Genet. 2001;2:858-868.
associated anomalies in infants <6 months of age. Am J 16. Takahashi K, Kido S, Hoshino K, et al. Frequency of a 22q11
Cardiol. 1998;81:195-201. deletion in patients with conotruncal cardiac malformations:
4. Mert M, Paker T, Akcevin A, et al. Diagnosis, management, a prospective study. Eur J Pediat. 1995;154:878-881.
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5. Mori K, Ando M, Takao A, et al. Distal type of aortopulmo- Young. 2001;11:385-390.
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6. Tkebuchava T, von Segesser LK, Vogt PR, et al. Congenital topulmonary window. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000;69:S44-S49.
aortopulumonary window: diagnosis, surgical technique and 19. Richardson JV, Doty DB, Rossi NP, et al. The spectrum of
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8. Jansen C, Hruda J, Rammeloo L, et  al. Surgical repair of 21. Chen FL, Ge S. Aortopulmonary window demonstrated by
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9. van Son JA, Puga FJ, Danielson GK, et al. Aortopulmonary 22. Wernovsky G, Rubenstein SD, Spray TL. Cardiac surgery in
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surgical treatment. Mayo Clin Proc. 1993;68:128-133. Perinatol. 2001;28:249-264.
10. Kutsche LM, Van Mierop LH. Anatomy and pathogenesis of 23. Chang AC, Atz AM, Wernovsky G, et  al. Milrinone: sys-
aorticopulmonary septal defect. Am J Cardiol. 1987;59: temic and pulmonary hemodynamic effects in neonates after
443-447. cardiac surgery. Crit Care Med. 1995;23:1907-1914.
11. Greenway SC, Bradley TJ, Caldarone CA, et  al. 24. Backer CL, Mavroudis C. Surgical management of aortopul-
Aortopulmonary window with anomalous origin of the monary window: a 40-year experience. Eur J Cardiothorac
right coronary artery from the pulmonary artery: two cases Surg. 2002;21:773-779.
Chapter 19
Tetralogy of Fallot

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Yuliya A. Domnina, Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

19.1  Anatomy RCA arising from the left coronary artery, or a large
branch of the RCA supplying the conus region. A single
right or left coronary artery could also occur [4].
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a relatively common
congenital heart defect occurring in approximately
15% of patients with congenital heart disease. The
four main anatomic features of TOF include right 19.2  Pathophysiology
ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction [1, 2],
ventricular septal defect (VSD), aortic dextroposition The three important features that determine the degree
overridding the VSD, and right ventricular hypertro- of hemodynamic consequences in a patient with TOF
phy (Fig. 19.1). Current teaching postulates that the are the severity of the RVOT obstruction, the size of
basic pathology of TOF results from underdevelop- the VSD, and the level of systemic vascular resistance
ment of the right ventricular infundibulum. This (SVR). While the degree of obstruction at the level of
underdevelopment causes an anterior malalignment the pulmonic valve is unchanging, the infundibular
of the infundibular septum which subsequently deter- obstruction, due to its muscular component can be
mines the degree of RVOT obstruction. The VSD that quite dynamic. Usually the VSD is large and unrestric-
results from this malalignment is almost always large, tive and will allow desaturated venous blood to be
and thus unrestrictive, permitting similar pressures shunted to the left ventricle and aorta. Patients with
between the right and left ventricles to occur. In addi- TOF may present with various degrees of desaturation,
tion to these features the pulmonary valve is frequently from none or mild cyanosis to profound cyanosis. In
hypoplastic and thickened and the level of obstruction cases of severe cyanosis, patients usually need an alter-
may extend to the main pulmonary artery and right and native source of pulmonary blood flow, either through
left pulmonary arteries. a PDA or major aorta–pulmonary collateral arteries
Associated defects in TOF include coronary artery (MAPCAs). In general, pulmonary artery pressure and
anomalies (10%), right aortic arch (25%), atrial septal vascular resistances are usually normal and, thus,
defect or patent foramen ovale, patent ductus arteriosus pulmonary artery hypertension is rarely seen. Some
(PDA, 4%), multiple VSDs, and atrioventricular septal patients develop episodes of severe hypoxemia with
defect [3]. The most important of these conditions is hypoxia and acidosis, associated with nearly complete
the occurrence of an aberrant coronary artery coursing obliteration at the infundibular level. These episodes
across the RVOT. The aberrant vessel could be the are known as hypoxic or “Tet-spells.”
result of a left anterior descending coronary (LAD)
arising from the right coronary artery (RCA), an
19.3  Clinical Presentation
C. Chrysostomou (*)
Cardiology & Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital
The clinical features of TOF can vary greatly. Most
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA patients present with a variable degree of cyanosis with the
e-mail: most profound occurrences seen in infants with severe

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 199
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_19, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
200 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Fig. 19.1  Anatomy of Tetralogy of Fallot

infundibular and valvar stenosis after the PDA starts to concomitant illnesses such as respiratory infections and
constrict. In these cases, arterial oxygen saturation dehydration. Peak frequency is observed at 2–3 months
can fall to less than 60% often leaving infants irritable, of age. Patients are frequently found hyperventilating and
tachypneic, excessively perspiring, and exhibiting poor profoundly cyanotic. Older children may be found squatting
feeding. Initially, blood pressure is well maintained, in an attempt to improve their condition by increasing
but, if acidosis persists, the infant can develop poor systemic venous return and SVR. As the severity of the
pulses and become pale and mottled. RVOT obstruction progresses, patients become pale,
The physical exam of most TOF patients reveals a gray and even comatose during a spell. Auscultation may
prominent RV impulse, single second heart sound, and reveal diminishing or absent murmur over the obstructed
a 2–3/6 harsh systolic ejection murmur. The liver is infundibulum. These episodes may be life-threatening
usually 2–3 cm below the costal margin. and require prompt recognition and intervention.

19.5  P
 reoperative Assessment
19.4  Hypoxic Spells or “Tet-spells”
and Management
As mentioned above, patients with a dynamic and
The following should be sought in all patients with
hypertrophic infundibulum can develop “Tet-spells” or
TOF during the preoperative assessment:
“hypercyanotic spells” which are believed to be episodes of
exacerbated infundibular hypercontractility and increased A. Chest X-ray: Often reveals normal heart size with a
intracardiac right to left shunting associated with abrupt typical contour commonly described as “boot-
and dramatic decrease of pulmonary blood flow. They are shaped” This shape is created by an upturned apex
frequently precipitated by activity, straining, crying or and a small main pulmonary artery segment.
19  Tetralogy of Fallot 201

B. Electrocardiogram: Right axis deviation and RV e. If there is metabolic acidosis, administer sodium
hypertrophy with persistent upright T wave in the bicarbonate 1–2 meq/kg IV.
precordial leads. f. If suspected hypovolemia, crystalloid fluid bolus
C. Echocardiography: Usually sufficient to delineate administration 5–15 ml/kg IV.
and characterize the cardiac and the great vessel g. Optimize electrolytes, including ionized calcium
anatomy in TOF. The following need to be identified levels.
prior to surgical intervention:
• Degree and morphology of subpulmonary and
pulmonary valve obstruction 19.6.2  “Tet-spells”
• Size of main and peripheral pulmonary arteries
• Size and number of VSDs In the current era, occurrence of “Tet-spells” can be
• Presence of PDA or MAPCAs an indication for surgical repair. Prior to surgical
• Origin and proximal course of coronary arteries; correction, the following should be considered during
exclude presence of a coronary artery crossing an acute episode:
the RVOT
a . 100% Oxygen.
• Presence of a PFO or ASD
b. Positioning- knee-chest position for infants or
• Aortic arch position
squatting for toddlers.
• Exclusion other associated lesions, e.g., left
c. Sedation with morphine 0.1  mg/kg (IM, IV, SC),
superior vena cava.
midazolam 0.05–0.1  mg/kg (IV, intranasal or
D. Cardiac catheterization: Usually not indicated in intrarectal) fentanyl 1–2 mg/kg (IV), or dexmedeto-
TOF. However, it is recommended if coronary artery midine 0.5 -1 mcg/kg (IV).
anatomy cannot be delineated or if the presence of d. Beta-blockers: Esmolol is a good choice given the
multiple VSDs cannot be excluded. possibility of titration between 50 and 200 mg/kg/
E. Rule-out a DiGeorge syndrome (22q11- deletion): min (IV). Intravenous Propranolol is a good alter-
Obtain chromosome and FISH probe studies in all native to the latter.
neonates with TOF and closely follow calcium levels. e. Phenylephrine (Neo-synephrine®) 2–5  mg/kg IV
every 10–15 min, followed by a continuous infusion
0.1–5 mg/kg/min as needed. Alternatively may use
vasopressin. Vasoconstrictors are indicated in spells
19.6  Management of Special Situations
that appear refractory to sedation, volume expansion
and beta-blockers.
19.6.1  N
 ewborns and Infants with Severe f. Crystalloid or red blood cell administration
Cyanosis 10–15 ml/kg IV.
g. Sodium bicarbonate 1–2 meq/kg IV.
h. Intubation with sedation and muscle relaxation if
Infants with severe RVOT obstruction can become
persistent or refractory spell.
significantly cyanotic when PDA closes. The following
i. If all of the above fail, extracorporeal membrane oxy-
should be instituted immediately:
genation (ECMO) support and emergency Blalock-
a . 100% oxygen Taussig shunt (BT shunt) should be considered.
b. Depending on the severity of the clinical condition,
the patient likely needs to be intubated and tempo-
rarily supported with mechanical ventilation. 19.7  Surgical Management
c. Intravascular access (preferably a central venous
access). Appropriate sedation must be carefully
planned. 19.7.1  Timing of Surgery
d. Prostaglandin E1 (alprostadil) infusion. Start at a
higher dose of 0.1–0.2  mg/kg/min and once the In general, asymptomatic patients undergo an elective
ductus arteriosus is patent can wean to a lower dose one-stage surgical repair during early infancy, usually
of 0.01–0.05 mg/kg/min. between 2 and 6 months of age. For symptomatic
202 C. Chrysostomou et al.

patients two approaches are utilized depending on 19.7.2  Surgical Technique

the institutional preference, complete repair vs. a
two-stage repair (initial shunt placement followed by
The TOF repair is performed via a median sternotomy
complete repair) [5, 6]. The use of a systemic to pul-
incision with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.
monary artery shunt has been associated with the
After cardioplegic arrest, the VSD is closed via a right
development of pulmonary artery distortion, but in
atriotomy and the obstructive muscle bundles in the
patients with small pulmonary arteries, associated
proximal aspect of the RVOT are resected. A small
lesions (i.e., unbalanced ventricles, multiple VSDs)
interatrial communication may be left open to allow
or with a contraindication to CPB [5, 6] it is a reason-
for right to left shunting at the atrial level, helping
able option. The author’s preference is to proceed
preserve the cardiac output at the expense of mild
with a single stage repair.
cyanosis during the early postoperative period. A
Situations where surgical intervention needs to be
longitudinal arteriotomy is then made in the main
planned fairly urgently include:
pulmonary artery extending into the proximal left pul-
a. Worsening hypoxemia, related to progressive monary artery (LPA), past the area of ductal insertion,
infundibular and valvular obstruction with the in order to prevent proximal LPA stenosis. The distal
saturation less than 75–80%. RVOT is explored via the pulmonary valve and any
b. Severe cyanotic spell as discussed above. residual muscular obstruction is excised. The ideal
c. Dependence on prostaglandin from early neonatal surgical repair would involve a transatrial–transpulmonary
period (more likely to be observed in TOF with approach, avoiding a right ventriculotomy and preserving
pulmonary atresia). the pulmonary annulus (Fig. 19.2).

Fig. 19.2  “Transatrial–transpulmonary” repair

19  Tetralogy of Fallot 203

In the presence of severe infundibular stenosis, arteriotomy and the right ventriculotomy (Fig. 19.3).
a right ventriculotomy might be needed; some sur- In patients with significant pulmonary valve hypopla-
geons routinely close the VSD via the ventriculo- sia, a transannular incision is used (Fig. 19.4). The
tomy. In the absence of significant valvar stenosis, overall mortality associated with TOF repair is
pericardial patches are used to close the pulmonary approximately 2–5%.

Fig. 19.3  The “two patch technique” preserves the pulmonary valve annulus

Fig. 19.4  Trans-annular repair

204 C. Chrysostomou et al.

19.8  Postoperative Management b. Arterial blood gases every 1–4 h, lactate and central
venous saturation every 4–6  h × 24  h and then as
In some centers, most toddlers and children
c. Cerebral near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS, INVOS
return to  the cardiac ICU already extubated. Most
5100 Cerebral Oximeter Somanetics Corp., Troy,
patients experience a relatively uneventful post­
operative course; however, some of the most frequent
d. Electrocardiogram
post­­operative problems encountered during the
e. Echocardiogram is not performed routinely, however
first 12–48 h especially in neonates and infants, are
an ECHO machine should always readily available
the following:
so a quick study can be obtained by one of the cardiac
a. Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) due to: intensivists at any time without delay.
1. Right ventricular diastolic and systolic dysfunction.
2. Left ventricular dysfunction (less frequently).
3. Uncontrolled arrhythmias, e.g., junctional ectopic
tachycardia (JET), atrial ectopic tachycardia [7, 8]. 19.8.3  Management of Specific Problems
4. Residual VSD resulting from either significant VSD
patch leak or previously undiagnosed VSD.  Mechanical Ventilation
b. Arrhythmias. Most frequent types of hemody-
namically significant arrhythmias encountered Time-cycled pressure limited mode is most frequently
after TOF repair include: used, aiming for approximately 8–10  ml/kg tidal vol-
umes with ideal plateau pressures of <25–28. FiO2 is
1 . Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (5–20%)
minimized to the 0.4–0.6 range to avoid potential oxy-
2. Atrial Ectopic Tachycardia
gen toxicity; pO2 levels > 40 mmHg are considered
3. Re-entry type supraventricular tachycardia
acceptable (in the setting of atrial communication). It
(Re-SVT) – Be aware that due to the frequent pres-
is important to be aware that nearly all patients have an
ence of postoperative right bundle branch block,
intentional, residual PFO with a variable degree of
Re-SVT may resemble ventricular tachycardia.
intracardiac right-to-left shunt depending on the extent
4. Complete AV Block (<5%) – Mostly transient but
of right ventricular diastolic dysfunction. PEEP may
occasionally permanent.
also be employed at levels around five and rarely above
seven to minimize right ventricular afterload.

19.8.1  Monitoring  Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS)
Most patients have an arterial line, central venous line
All patients are administered milrinone for 24–72 h at
(internal jugular or subclavian vein line), pleural and
a range of 0.5–1.25  mg/kg/min. Since in most cases
mediastinal chest tubes, peritoneal drainage tube, foley
LCOS is due to RV dysfunction that is associated with
catheter, and temporary pacing wires. Though older
a very hypertrophic ventricle, a higher filling pressure
patients are admitted from the operating room once
is needed. Many patients require a CVP of 10–15 mmHg
extubated, infants are for the most part intubated and,
to achieve an adequate cardiac output. Ionized calcium
in some institutions, a significant number of neonates
levels are maintained between 0.1–0.3 mmol/L. Sodium
have an open chest for 24–36 h.
bicarbonate at 1–2 meq/kg is given as needed to achieve
a base excess and a pH >7.35. If further inotropic
support is needed, low dose dopamine at 3–8 mg/kg/
19.8.2  Laboratory Work min or low dose epinephrine at 0.05–0.1  mg/kg/min
should be utilized. It is important to consider that both
a. Complete blood count, electrolytes, BUN, Creatinine, dopamine and epinephrine may initiate or exacerbate
immediately after surgery and every 24 h arrhythmias and specially JET.
19  Tetralogy of Fallot 205  Arrhythmias Most patients enjoy an active life free of significant

symptoms. Residual defects that reduce life expectancy
Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET) in patients with TOF and increase the need for reopera-
tion include: right ventricular dysfunction, RVOT
The mainstay of managing JET is to decrease any obstruction, pulmonary artery stenosis, pulmonary regur-
adrenergic state with the goal of achieving ade- gitation, residual VSD, ventricular arrhythmias and sud-
quate atrioventricular coordination, i.e., normal sinus den death. Identification of patients at risk for ventricular
rhythm or JET rate below 170  beats/min with AV arrhythmias and sudden death is difficult, but two sug-
sequential pacing. JET, though transient and lasting gested prognostic factors are a QRS prolongation of
only up to 3–4 days, can be a major cause of increased ³180 msec and severe pulmonary regurgitation associ-
morbidity and mortality if not treated promptly. ated with a significantly dilated right ventricle [9–19].
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2006: 3–10 (Review). 975–981.
16. Frigiola A, Redington AN, Cullen S, Vogel M. Pulmonary 19. Chaturvedi RR, Shore DF, Lincoln C, et al. Acute right ven-
regurgitation is an important determinant of right ventricular tricular restrictive physiology after repair of tetralogy of
contractile dysfunction in patients with surgically repaired Fallot: association with myocardial injury and oxidative
tetralogy of Fallot. Circulation. 2004;110:II153–II157. stress. Circulation. 1999;100:1540–1547.
Chapter 20
Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Michael Tsifansky, and Victor O. Morell

20.1  Anatomy present. Typically, the symptoms are related to left-to-right

shunt across the VSD and to an airway obstruction.
However, many neonates with TOF-APV are cyanotic
Tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve (TOF-
due to the combination of elevated pulmonary vascular
APV) is a severe disease with an incidence of 0.2–0.4%
resistances (PVR), an incompetent pulmonary valve,
among patients with congenital heart defects and
and a VSD. As the PVR starts to fall, cyanosis
3–6% among patients with TOF. Much less frequently,
improves, the intracardiac shunt becomes left-to-right,
APV can also occur without the features of TOF. In
and with the lack of significant RVOT obstruction, the
addition to the usual anatomic defects of TOF, i.e.,
Qp/Qs increases markedly. The increased flow to
anterior deviation of infundibular septum with right
the lungs, in addition to the native dilation of the
ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) stenosis, malaligned
pulmonary arteries, may cause significant respiratory
ventricular septal defect (VSD), overriding aorta, and
difficulties. The large airways are compressed by the
right ventricular hypertrophy, patients with TOF-APV
dilated pulmonary arteries, and the left mainstem bron-
have rudimentary or absent pulmonary valve leaflets
chus is further compressed by the enlarged left atrium.
with free pulmonic insufficiency, minimally obstructed
The pathology of the pulmonary tree is the major cause
RVOT and characteristic aneurysmal dilatation of the
of the clinical symptoms with severe air trapping and
main and branch pulmonary arteries (Fig.  20.1).
CO2 retention. Severely affected infants have tracheo-
Associated anomalies include atrial septal defect and
bronchomalacia, with abnormal bronchial arborization
the absence of the ductus arteriosus.
with arterial tufts encircling and compressing the intra-
pulmonary bronchi in addition to the gross airway
compression by the dilated pulmonary arteries [1].
This causes air entrapment in the emphysematous
20.2  Pathophysiology lobes, which eventually compress the remaining lung
tissue, causing severe respiratory compromise.
Patients with TOF-APV differ from those with TOF in
the morphology of the RVOT, the physiology, the
nature of the intrapulmonary vasculature, and the
involvement of the tracheobronchial tree. Their 20.3  Clinical Presentation
infundibulum is wider than normal, the pulmonary val-
var tissue is rudimentary, and the RVOT narrowing is Most patients present during the neonatal period with
minimal. Pulmonary arteries tend to be significantly respiratory symptoms that result from partial bronchial
dilated, and severe pulmonary regurgitation is usually obstruction. The severity of symptoms may vary from
mild respiratory distress to respiratory failure requir-
ing intubation and positive-pressure ventilation.
C. Chrysostomou (*)
Cardiology & Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital Patients who initially appear to have only mild symp-
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA toms need to be monitored closely, as they may dete-
e-mail: riorate when PVR start to fall and pulmonary blood

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 207
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_20, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
208 C. Chrysostomou et al.

pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary vascular markings

are initially normal but may increase when the PVR
falls. The lung parenchyma may be overexpanded due
to air entrapment, and atelectasis is frequently seen.

20.4.2  ECG

Electrocardiogram commonly shows right axis devia-

tion and signs of RV hypertrophy. If a significant left-
to-right shunt develops, biventricular hypertrophy may
be present.

20.4.3  Echocardiography

Echocardiography is usually sufficient to delineate the

cardiac and great vessel anatomy. The following needs
to be identified:
Fig.  20.1  Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve a. Degree and morphology of the subpulmonary and
(TOF-APV). In addition to the classic features of tetralogy of pulmonary valve area
Fallot, note the dilated pulmonary arteries, which frequently b. Degree of stenosis and insufficiency
result in bronchial compression
c. Size of the main and peripheral pulmonary arteries
d. Size and number of VSDs
flow increases, which further enlarges the already e. Presence of a ductus arteriosus
dilated pulmonary arteries. f. Origin and proximal course of coronary arteries
The physical examination of most neonates with g. Presence of a PFO or an ASD
TOF-APV reveals a variable degree of cyanosis that h. Aortic arch position
improves over time, increased respiratory rate, retrac- i. RV function and size
tions, and expiratory wheezing and stridor secondary
to tracheobronchial compression. There is a prominent
right ventricular (RV) impulse, a single second heart 20.4.4  Cardiac Catheterization
sound, and the characteristic “to-and-fro” murmur of
the narrowed RVOT and pulmonic insufficiency. The
liver is usually palpable 3–4 cm below the costal mar- Cardiac catheterization is usually not indicated, unless
gin due to both RV failure and to air trapping and lung distal peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis is suspected.
overexpansion, inducing hepatic ptosis.

20.5  Other Studies

20.4  P
 reoperative Assessment and
Management Computerized tomography may be indicated in patients
with severe respiratory failure to delineate the relation-
ship of the dilated pulmonary arteries to the tracheo-
20.4.1  Chest Radiography bronchial tree and the airway anatomy.
Because of increased prevalence of DiGeorge syn-
Chest X-ray often reveals a moderately enlarged cardiac drome among patients with TOF-APV chromosome
silhouette with considerably dilated main and branch and FISH studies are recommended.
20  Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve 209

20.6  Natural History 20.8  Postoperative Management

The short- and long-term prognosis of infants with The postoperative cardiac management is similar to
TOF-APV is strongly related to the extent of trache- that of TOF and is described in detail in the corre-
obronchial compromising or obstruction. Recurrent sponding chapter 19. However, the significant airway
atelectasis and obstructive emphysema, especially pathology in patients with TOF-APV highly compli-
during respiratory infections, are the usual causes cates their management and worsens their survival
of death in patients awaiting surgery or later in life compared to the patients with typical TOF. Several
for those with severe airway disease. Neonates and studies have shown that preoperative need for intuba-
infants with moderate to severe respiratory symp- tion due to severe preoperative respiratory distress is a
toms may benefit from prone positioning, which risk factor for poor outcome [6]. While the main oper-
relieves the pressure on the bronchi, and from ative goal is to restore pulmonary valve competency
noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. However, and reduce airway compression by the dilated pulmo-
these measures frequently fail, necessitating nary arteries, neonates and infants may continue to
intubation and mechanical ventilation. Such manifest evidence of postoperative respiratory com-
patients have higher perioperative mortality and promise. They require careful and systematic assess-
morbidity compared with those repaired later in ment of etiology of respiratory failure and appropriate
childhood. interventions to assure successful weaning from
While managing mechanical ventilation in patients mechanical ventilation. Infants are often placed prone
with TOF-APV, it is important to provide appropriate to reduce airway compression, and humidified high-
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), usually 6–7, flow nasal cannula (4–8  L/min) or nasal CPAP are
but sometimes more, and allow for sufficient expira- often used following extubation to maintain airway
tory time. Intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi) should be carefully patency. If patients fail extubation or continue to
monitored and the ventilatory parameters adjusted to require noninvasive respiratory support, persistent air-
minimize it. way compression needs to be sought.
Bronchoscopy, chest CT, echocardiography,
and possibly, cardiac catheterization should be per-
formed in a timely fashion to identify the cause of
20.7  Surgical Management extubation failure and reduce hospitalization time.
Bronchoscopy may identify significant tracheobron-
The operative management is similar to that of the chomalacia or external compression by pulmonary
patients with TOF and pulmonary stenosis, consist- vessels. Bronchomalacia due to previously-compressed
ing of closure of the VSD and the creation of an airways may take a significant amount of time to
unobstructed communication between the right ven- resolve. Chest CTA can define the intrathoracic anat-
tricle and the pulmonary arteries. In addition, the omy and the relationship between the airways and the
diameter of the dilated pulmonary arteries needs to vascular structures. In cases of persistent vascular
be reduced. At Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh we compression, pulmonary artery suspension or reduc-
prefer to perform a transannular incision with place- tion may be performed. Some centers have used intra-
ment of a monocusp valve and a pulmonary reduc- bronchial expandable stents to treat severe airway
tion arterioplasty (Fig. 20.2). Other options for the malacia; however, these stents are limited in terms of
management of the dilated pulmonary arteries total attainable diameter and may require subsequent
include surgical resection and replacement with a removal as the child grows.
pulmonary homograft or the anterior translocation In patients who repeatedly fail extubation due to
of the pulmonary arteries (Lecompte’s maneuver), ongoing airway compression, a lobectomy of the most
moving them away from the bronchi [2, 3, 4, 5]. The severely affected lung may be helpful in selected cases.
foramen ovale is left open to allow for a right-to-left Echocardiography and cardiac catheterization can
shunt to preserve the cardiac output during the early rule out obstruction of the RVOT, stenosis of the right
postoperative period. ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit, or branch
210 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Fig. 20.2  Pulmonary Artery Reduction Arterioplasty. (a) The branch pulmonary arteries is excised. (c) The posterior wall of
anterior wall of the main and branch pulmonary arteries is the branch pulmonary arteries is reapproximated with a running
opened longitudinally. Note that the main pulmonary artery inci- suture. A reduction arterioplasty of the main pulmonary artery is
sion is extended across the pulmonary annulus (transannular performed, and a monocusp pulmonary valve is placed. (d) A
incision). (b) A longitudinal segment of the posterior wall of the transannular patch is used to complete the repair

pulmonary artery stenosis, which may be responsible patch, bioprosthetic valve, or valved conduit – patients
for respiratory failure. may need reoperation for either stenosis or insufficiency.
Diaphragmatic paresis should also be ruled out by Echocardiography, MRI, and perfusion scans are recom-
either ultrasound or fluoroscopy, and if present, treated mended to evaluate potential pulmonary artery and
by diaphragmatic plication. RVOT stenosis, RV dimensions, and function. Many
Tracheostomy remains an ultimate option if every- cases of distal pulmonary stenosis can be managed with
thing else fails. interventional catheterization, but repeat surgical pul-
monary arterioplasty may be necessary.

20.9  Long-term Outlook

Followup is limited in most series; nonetheless, with
early repair of TOF-APV, the long-term outcome appears 1. Rabinovitch M, Grady S, David I, et al. Compression of
good, including the patients with severe airway malacia intrapulmonary bronchi by abnormally branching pulmonary
[7]. Close pulmonary followup is recommended because arteries associated with absent pulmonary valves. Am J
Cardiol 1982;50:804–813.
bronchomalacia may persist. Even mild exercise intoler- 2. Snir E, de Laval MR, Elliott MJ, et al. Current surgical tech-
ance may reflect significant RV dilatation or hyperten- nique to repair Fallot’s tetralogy with absent pulmonary
sion. Depending on the RVOT repair – ­transannular valve syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg 1991;51:979–982.
20  Tetralogy of Fallot with Absent Pulmonary Valve 211

3. Hraska V, Kantorova A, Kunovsky P, et al. Intermediate 5. Kirshbom PM, Kogon BE. Tetralogy of Fallot with absent
results with correction of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pul- pulmonary valve syndrome. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
monary valve using a new approach. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu 2004;7:65–71.
2002;21:711–714. 6. Stayer SA, Shetty S, Andropoulos DB. Perioperative man-
4. Tissot C, Aggoun Y, Beghetti M, Sierra J, Kalangos A, da agement of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve.
Cruz E. The Lecompte maneuver as an alternative to reduc- Paediatr Anaesth 2002;12:705–711.
tion pulmonary arterioplasty for relief of airway compres- 7. Alsoufi B, Williams WG, Hua Z, et al. Surgical outcomes in the
sion in absent pulmonary valve syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg treatment of patients with tetralogy of Fallot and absent pulmo-
2007;83:727–728. nary valve. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007;31:354–359.
Chapter 21
Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Yuliya A. Domnina, Traci M. Kazmerski, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

21.1  Anatomy with cyanosis and signs of hemodynamic decompen-

sation, once the PDA starts to close, usually occurring
within the first 48 h of life. Prenatal or early postnatal
Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia (TOF-PA)
recognition of the diagnosis along with prompt initia-
accounts for 1.5–3.4% of all forms of congenital heart
tion of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) administration is life
disease and for 20% of all forms of TOF [1]. The
saving. If aorto-pulmonary collaterals are the sole
Baltimore Washington Infant study reported an inci-
source of pulmonary blood flow, the clinical presen-
dence of 0.07 per 1,000 live births for TOF-PA.
tation may vary from cyanosis with inadequate pulmo-
TOF-PA is slightly more prevalent in males than in
nary blood flow to no cyanosis with increased pulmonary
blood flow. Older infants and children commonly
The intra-cardiac anatomy of TOF-PA has all the
present with progressive cyanosis due to hypoxia.
features of classic Tetralogy of Fallot: ventricular septal
Hypoxia typically worsens as the child outgrows the
defect, overriding of the aorta, right ventricular outflow
source of pulmonary blood flow, or when this source
obstruction, and right ventricular hypertrophy. The dif-
becomes progressively stenotic or even atretic. Early
ference is in the membranous or complete atresia of the
surgical intervention associated to transcatheter
pulmonary valve, and extreme variability of the archi-
pulmonary artery rehabilitation has improved survival
tecture of the main and distal pulmonary arteries
in these patients.
[Fig.  21.1]. The central pulmonary arteries can be of
good size, variably hypoplastic, discontinuous, or even
absent. Blood flow to the pulmonary vasculature may be
provided by a persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA), major 21.3  Clinical Presentation
aorto-pulmonary collaterals (MAPCAs), or both.
An infant with TOF-PA is often symptomatic within
the first hours to days of life. Severe cyanosis becomes
evident after birth as the ductus begins to close. In the
21.2  Pathophysiology presence of significant aorto-pulmonary collaterals,
cyanosis may be mild to moderate. If adequate collat-
Pathophysiology in TOF-PA depends on the source erals are too few to maintain sufficient pulmonary flow,
and volume of pulmonary blood flow. Blood flow is closure of the ductus arteriosus may produce life-
usually provided by the PDA and/or by aorto-pulmonary threatening hypoxemia. Occasionally, patients with
collaterals. The newborn infant, in whom the PDA is well-developed aorto-pulmonary collaterals or persis-
the sole source of pulmonary blood flow, can ­present tent patency of the ductus may present with respiratory
compromise due to pulmonary overcirculation and
heart failure. Symptoms develop several weeks after
C. Chrysostomou (*)
birth as pulmonary vascular resistance decreases and
Cardiology & Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA pulmonary blood flow increases. Infants may feed
e-mail: poorly and fail to gain weight.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 213
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_21, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
214 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Fig.  21.1  Anatomy of the central pulmonary arteries in pulmonary arteries with aorto-pulmonary collaterals, (c) absent
Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia(TOF-PA) (a) central pulmonary arteries with multiple aorto-pulmonary
Normal central pulmonary arteries, (b) hypoplastic central collaterals

Growth and development are usually delayed on amount of pulmonary blood flow. There is commonly
secondary to cyanosis or congestive heart failure. the well-described “boot shaped” heart with a tilted up
Auscultation reveals a normal first heart sound with a apex. A concave main pulmonary artery segment is
single loud second heart sound. A systolic murmur may typically observed.
be present at the left lower sternal border. A continuous
murmur of PDA may occur at the left base but is uncom-
mon beyond infancy. A continuous murmur may also 21.4  Preoperative Management
originate in a systemic to pulmonary collateral artery.
In older patients, hemoptysis may occur as a result
Preoperative knowledge of all sources of pulmonary
of rupture of extensive systemic-to-pulmonary collat-
blood flow and the anatomy of central pulmonary arteries
eral arteries.
is fundamental for surgical planning.
DiGeorge syndrome is a common association with
Neonates with TOF-PA need to undergo thorough
TOF-PA, and in this group of patients recurrent infec-
echocardiographic and angiographic evaluation for the
tions can occur because of immunodeficiency.
presence and anatomy of aorto-pulmonary collaterals.
Survival to adulthood has been described in patients
Until the evaluation is completed and the presence of
with well-developed collateral arteries.
collaterals is ascertained, these neonates are consid-
ered to have ductal-dependent pulmonary blood flow
and should be started on Prostaglandin E1.
21.3.1  ECG
As pointed out by Mackie et al [2] echocardiogra-
phy is a sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for the
ECG findings are similar to those of other patients with presence of MAPCAs in infants with TOF-PA. The
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Right ventricular hypertro- presence of branch pulmonary artery diameter Z
phy with right axis deviation is usually present. score £−2.5 or a PDA diameter £2  mm is the most
sensitive and specific test for the presence of ³1 MAPCAs .
However, echocardiography alone is considered
insufficient to assure the presence of collaterals
21.3.2  Chest Radiography [Fig.  21.2]. In addition, if collaterals are suspected,
detailed definition of the anatomy and this is ensured
Chest radiograph reveals normal heart size with by angiography [Fig.  21.3], MRI/A, or axial CTA.
­variable degree of pulmonary vascularity depending Outside the ­newborn period, selective angiography of
21  Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia 215

the collateral vessels is typically performed to deter-

mine the distribution of each collateral and to define
which segments are supplied solely by the collaterals,
or by the central pulmonary arteries or both.

21.4.1  Surgical Management

Because of the wide variability in the native pulmo-

nary artery development and the source of pulmonary
blood flow, the surgical management of TOF-PA is
more difficult than that of classic TOF. Therefore, for
simplicity, these patients can be divided in three
1. Patients with normal size or minimally hypoplastic
confluent central pulmonary arteries: Most of these
patients can undergo a single stage complete repair
Fig. 21.2  Descending aortogram in anteroposterior projection
performed in a patient after neonatal repair of (TOF) with pul- consisting of closure of the VSD and placement of
monary atresia with normal size central pulmonary arteries a RV to PA conduit [Fig.21.4]. In these patients it is
(black arrow) without a prior cardiac catheterization. A large usually safe to close the VSD because of the well-
aortopulmonary collateral from the descending aorta had been developed pulmonary vasculature. Another alterna-
missed (white arrow), which lead to severe heart failure symp-
toms postoperatively. In this case the aortopulmonary collateral tive is to initially proceed with a systemic to
communicates with the left pulmonary artery, which is also sup- pulmonary artery shunt followed by complete repair
plied by the central pulmonary artery (black arrow), and thus, at a later time.
can be ligated or embolized safely * descending aorta

Fig.  21.3  Balloon occlusion descending aortogram (white

asterix) performed in a newborn with TOF-PA and absent cen-
tral pulmonary arteries. There is a moderate size collateral feed-
ing the right lung (black arrow). The left pulmonary artery
(black asterix) is large and fills from the aorta as well Fig. 21.4  Right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit
216 C. Chrysostomou et al.

2. Patients with hypoplastic but confluent pulmonary is closed once the pulmonary artery cross-sectional
arteries and multiple aorto-pulmonary collaterals area is adequate (greater than 50% of normal) so
with multiple segments of the lungs receiving dual that the RV pressure would be acceptable (lesser
supply: The surgical repair is individualized to the than 75% systemic) at the end of the repair. Before
particular anatomy. A staged approach is frequently VSD closure, the echocardiogram and/or catheter-
used consisting of sequential unifocalizations and ization should reveal primarily a left-to-right shunt
the placement of an RV to PA conduit and/or sys- across the VSD. A more aggressive approach would
temic to pulmonary artery shunt [Fig.  21.5]. The be a single stage repair via a median sternotomy, as
main goal of the initial interventions is to promote suggested by the Stanford group [3].
the growth of the native pulmonary arteries and of 3. Patients with absent or severely hypoplastic nonconflu-
the unifocalized aorto-pulmonary collaterals. The VSD ent pulmonary arteries and multiple aorto-pulmonary

Fig. 21.5  Unifocalization. (a) It involves separating the aorto- shunt or (c) a right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit is usu-
pulmonary collaterals from the aorta and connecting them to the ally added to augment the pulmonary blood flow and promote
native pulmonary arteries, (b) a systemic to pulmonary artery arterial growth
21  Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia 217

collaterals: Commonly, a staged approach is utilized systolic dysfunction related to the ventriculotomy and
consisting of unifocalizations, followed by recon- the RV hypertrophy. In addition, in those patients pal-
struction of the central pulmonary arteries and place- liated with an open VSD, right to left shunting can be
ment of an RV to PA conduit with or without VSD at the ventricular level, related to high resistance or
closure. The VSD patch is fenestrated or removed if decreased distal vascular bed (remaining stenosis,
the RV pressure is >75% systemic [4]. It is impor- kinking, or occlusion of unifocalized collaterals).
tant to realize that some of these patients will never
achieve a complete repair because of their abnormal
pulmonary arterial vasculature and excessively high 21.5.3  Sedation and Analgesia
pulmonary vascular resistance.

Deep sedation, analgesia, and paralysis should be

employed in the patients exhibiting signs of pulmonary
21.5  Postoperative Management vasoreactivity combined with hemodynamic instability.
This goal may be achieved by combining infusions of
The postoperative management of patients with opioids and benzodiazepines or else dexmedetomidine.
TOF-PA with confluent pulmonary arteries and a PDA
as the source of pulmonary blood flow does not differ
significantly from the management of patients with 21.5.4  Respiratory Management
TOF and pulmonary stenosis.
Patients with TOF-PA and multiple aorto-pulmonary
collaterals, whether after first stage unifocalization or Patients usually arrive from the operating room intu-
subsequent repair, are usually ill and present unique bated and remain on mechanical ventilation for 24–48 h
challenges during the immediate postoperative period. with the goal of early extubation.
Postoperative bleeding is common, especially in the Some patients may develop severe pneumopathy
case of extensive pulmonary arterial reconstruction. secondary to reperfusion injuries.
In patients who fail to extubate, a high index of sus-
picion should arise for diaphragm paresis or palsy,
21.5.1  Monitoring especially in patients who underwent extensive unifo-
calization procedures.

Invasive monitoring is routine and includes central

venous and arterial lines. 21.6  Complications

If the patient has evidence of persistent pulmonary

21.5.2  Cardiovascular Management
overcirculation, a residual VSD or non unifocalized
aorto-pulmonary collaterals should be suspected.
Vasoactive infusions are frequently employed in the Many such postoperative issues can be managed in the
patients with pulmonary hypertension and borderline Catheterization Laboratory, with coil embolization of
right ventricular function after ventriculotomy. Patients residual collaterals, or with transcatheter interventions
are at risk of pulmonary hypertensive crisis due to for thrombosed or stenotic unifocalized vessels. Most
“reactive” pulmonary vasculature. They should be patients with TOF-PA and abnormal pulmonary
properly ventilated with a goal to permit maximal arborizations need multiple transcatheter interven-
afterload reduction for the right ventricle. Sufficient tional procedures either after complete repair or fol-
tidal volumes are allowed while preventing high pla- lowing initial surgical ­palliation in preparation for
teau pressure and reduction in functional residual VSD closure. The development of novel catheter tech-
capacity. Nitric Oxide is frequently utilized in the niques to deal with resistant lesions (ultra high pres-
immediate perioperative period. sure balloons, cutting balloon, stent implantation) has
Cyanosis can be present due to right-to-left shunting lead to an increased success rate of these interventions
at the atrial level from poor RV compliance and significantly in the last decade [4, 5] [Fig. 21.6].
218 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Fig.  21.6  Series of angiograms performed on a patient with p­ ressure pulmonary angioplasty and proximal RPA stenting (white
absent central pulmonary arteries, multiple collaterals, status post- arrow), there is significant improvement in the distal and proximal
staged unifocalization with a right ventricle to pulmonary artery vessel diameters of the right upper lobe (black arrow) and remain-
homograft, and fenestrated patch closure of the ventricular septal ing segments, (c, d) after additional transcatheter intervention in
defect. (a) Note severe distal hypoplasia, long-segment proximal the right pulmonary artery (asterix), including balloon angioplasty
RPA stenosis (white arrow), and segmental right upper lobe steno- and stenting plus coiling of remaining aortopulmonary collateral
sis (black arrow) after unifocalization of right pulmonary artery flow, the vessel has been rehabilitated, with significant improve-
collaterals (this is on the same patient as shown in Fig. 21.3), (b) ment in diameter of the right upper lobe, distal right lower and
Following multiple transcatheter interventions including high middle lobes, as well proximal RPA (arrows)
21  Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia 219

21.7  Long-term Outlook In such cases there is on going right to left shunting at
ventricular level, associated with ­significantly reduced
exercise tolerance and variable degrees of cyanosis. This
The prognosis of TOF-PA is uncertain and depends on
is a debilitating condition with poorly associated quality
the specific anatomy and number and type of interven-
of life.
tions. Long-term follow up data are not widely avail-
There are few patients with absent central pulmonary
able. The results of published surgical series are not
arteries and multiple collaterals who have a balanced
necessarily applicable to other patient groups, as there
degree of pulmonary blood flow and who do relatively
is significant heterogeneity in the anatomy, in addition
well without intervention until the second or third
to variable institutional expertise in surgery and
decade of life. Still, the risk of chronic cyanosis and
interventional cardiology. Evolving and improving
polycythemia and stroke is significant in the long term.
surgical techniques in combination with sophisticated
In addition, these patients are at risk of irreversible pul-
cardiac catheter interventions will undoubtedly lead to
monary hypertension (affecting the pulmonary seg-
on-going improvement in survival and decreased
ments without stenosis) as well as progressive loss of
morbidity [4].
pulmonary vascular bed from stenosis and occlusion of
These patients are followed closely with regular
lung segments (those supplied by vessels with severe
electrocardiographic and full echocardiographic evalu-
stenosis). Late failure in this setting can only be man-
ations for the potential development of right ventricle
aged with heart–lung transplantation. Thus, a manage-
to pulmonary artery conduit obstruction and stenosis
ment approach aimed at intervention during early
of reconstructed pulmonary arteries, progressive right
childhood is preferred whenever feasible. It is physio-
ventricular dysfunction, and evidence of arrhythmia.
logically advantageous to have a connection between
Most patients with TOF-PA and small or absent
the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery as the source
central pulmonary arteries will require multiple car-
of pulmonary blood flow when compared to an aorto-
diac catheterizations as a nonsurgical complement of
pulmonary shunt, in which a higher Qp/Qs is required to
the staged repair [Fig.  21.5] [4]. They are usually
achieve the same degree of arterial saturation.
evaluated for pulmonary artery obstruction and per-
sistent undesired collateral supply of pulmonary blood
flow. Interventions include balloon angioplasty with
or without stent placement and coil embolizations of References
residual aorto-pulmonary collaterals. The window of
opportunity to achieve the most growth in the vascular 1. Ferencz C, Rubin JD, Loffredo CA, Magee CM. The
bed is during the first 2 years of life, and thus, catheter Epidemiology of Congenital Heart Disease, The Baltimore-
Washington Infant Study (1981-1989). In: Perspectives in
and surgical intervention should be undertaken early
Pediatric Cardiology, vol.4. MountKisco, NY: Futura
in life. Publishing; 1993.
Patients who undergo placement of a right ventricle 2. Mackie AS, Gauvreau K, Perry SB, del Nido PJ, Geva T.
to pulmonary conduit will require multiple conduit Echocardiographic predictors of aortopulmonary collaterals
in infants with Tetralogy of fallot and pulmonary atresia. J
replacements during their lifetime, secondary to pro- Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;41:852-857.
gressive conduit stenosis and/or insufficiency. Stent 3. Reddy VM, McElhinney DB, Amin Z, et al. Early and inter-
implantation of the stenotic homograft may delay the mediate outcomes after repair of pulmonary atresia with ven-
need for surgery, however, if the homograft was origi- tricular septal defect and major aortopulmonary collateral
arteries: experience with 85 patients. Circulation.
nally very small, surgical replacement is needed. The 2000;101:1826-1832.
development of transcatheter valve technology will 4. Marshall AC, Love BA, Lang P, et  al. Staged repair of
likely offer an alternative to surgical conduit replace- Tetralogy of Fallot and diminutive pulmonary arteries with a
ment for older children with stenotic or dysfunctional fenestrated ventricular septal defect patch. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 2003;126:1427-1433.
homograft conduits. 5. Bergensen L, Lock JE. What is the current option of first
A few patients may never reach the stage of complete choice for treatment of pulmonary artery stenosis? Cardiol
repair because of very hypoplastic pulmonary arteries. Young. 2006;16:329-338.
Chapter 22
Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum

Constantinos Chrysostomou, Jacqueline Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

22.1  Anatomy reduced in 54%). Coronary artery-right ventricular fis-

tulas were present in 45% of patients, and RVDCC was
seen in 9%; Z-value of the diameter of the tricuspid
Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
valve was negatively correlated (P < 0.0001) with the
(PAIVS) is a cyanotic congenital cardiac lesion with
prevalence of both [2].
an incidence quoted by various sources between 0.71 and
Another recent study, found an even higher incident
3.1% of all congenital heart disease. It is characterized
of coronary abnormalities. Among 116 cases reviewed,
by an imperforate pulmonary valve with completely
fistulas were found in 87 patients (75%), interruptions of
fused comissures, variable degrees of dysplasia and
major coronary arteries in 40 patients (34%), lack of
narrowing of the pulmonic valve, variable hypoplasia
connections between the coronary arteries and the aorta
of the right ventricle and tricuspid valve and a frequent
in 18 patients (16%), and a single coronary artery, with
association of coronary artery fistulae and sinusoids
the right coronary artery arising from the left, in 6 patients
(Fig. 22.1). The pulmonary arteries are usually normal
(5%). Though the presence of fistulas in itself was not
in size and the pulmonary blood flow is supplied by a
associated with higher mortality, presence of RVDCC
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). The right ventricular
was associated with a 40% incidence of mortality [3].
hypoplasia can be extensive and involve all three
components, inlet, trabecular and infundibular parts or
be confined to one area. The left sided heart is usually
normal, but in severe cases the ventricular septum is 22.2  Pathophysiology
displaced into the left ventricle and its cavity may be
somewhat restricted. Occasionally, infants with PAIVS
Preoperative physiology is for the most part similar to
have shown signs of both right and left ventricular
any other form of single ventricle with PDA dependent
ischemia, likely related to the coronary artery fistulae.
pulmonary blood flow. Systemic venous blood return-
Association with atretic, hypoplastic, or obstructed cen-
ing to the heart enters the right atrium and then the
tral coronary arteries, called right ventricular-dependent
right ventricle but because of pulmonary valve atresia
coronary circulation (RVDCC) [1], carries a higher risk
the right ventricular blood returns back into the right
of morbidity and mortality.
atrium through an insufficient tricuspid valve. Eventually,
A study by Hanley et  al. showed that among 171
the systemic venous return enters the left atrium
neonates with PAIVS, the Z-value of the diameter of
through a patent foramen ovale where it mixes with
the tricuspid valve was less than −2 in 52% of patients
pulmonary venous return. If right ventricular coronary
and less than −4 in 26%; The tricuspid valve diameter
sinusoids are present, blood is ejected into them during
was highly correlated with right ventricular cavity size
systole and then it enters the coronary arteries. Sub­
(which was small in 90% of patients and was severely
sequent pulmonary blood flow is determined by the
size of PDA.
C. Chrysostomou (*)
Prognosis and further management depends on the
Cardiology & Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA degree of tricuspid valve insufficiency, coronary anatomy
e-mail: and the presence of ventriculo-coronary connections [1].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 221
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_22, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
222 C. Chrysostomou et al.

22.3  Clinical Presentation

Infants with PAIVS usually are normal and well developed

at birth. Cyanosis may be mild because pulmonary
blood flow is provided by the PDA. Over the following
5–10 days cyanosis worsens and may suddenly become
severe if PDA closes. Apart from cyanosis and mild,
comfortable tachypnea, neonates are usually asymp-
tomatic, unless hypoxemia is severe with PO2 level
below 25  mmHg and arterial saturation below 50%.
These patients then develop metabolic acidosis with
tissue organ dysfunction, pallor and mottled skin.
The physical exam can reveal a hyperactive precordium
if tricuspid insufficiency is significant. The second heart
sound is single, and there is often a blowing 2–3/6
systolic murmur due to the tricuspid insufficiency. In
these situations, in addition to hypoxemia there may
also be hepatomegaly due to volume overload.

Fig.  22.1  Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.

Note the presence of right ventricular (RV) hypoplasia and
pulmonary valve atresia. The patent ductus atreriosus (PDA) is
the only source of pulmonary blood flow. Coronary artery (CA) 22.4  P
 reoperative Assessment
fistulae are frequently associates with this lesion and Management

Intramyocardial sinusoid-coronary artery fistulae can be The following should usually be obtained in all patients:
well established in PAIVS. Angiographically, blood can
1) Chest X-ray: In infants with significant tricuspid
be demonstrated flowing from the right ventricular cavity
valve insufficiency, the cardiac shadow is enlarged.
through channels, into the coronary arteries. Fistulous
In those however with significant hypoplasia of the
connections of the sinusoids to the coronary circula-
right ventricle the heart appears small. Small main
tion could lead to the retrograde perfusion of the
pulmonary segments and pulmonary vascular mark-
myocardium with desaturated blood from the right
ings that are determined by the patency of ductus
ventricle. Furthermore, there might be complete coronary
arteriosus are observed.
artery obliteration proximal to the fistulous connection
2) ECG: Demonstrates right axis deviation, right
due to intimal proliferation, thrombosis or kinking. In
ventricular hypertrophy and right atrial enlargement.
situations where right ventricular pressure decreases
In cases however of significantly hypoplastic right
(such as surgical or transcatheter pulmonary valvotomy
ventricle the electrical axis is often 0º–30º. Rarely
for right ventricular decompression), and proximal coro-
left forces predominate. There must be careful atten-
nary blood flow is not adequate, a coronary artery steal
tion paid to the ST-T wave changes and serial ECGs
into the right ventricular cavity could compromise
may be warranted. Myocardial ischemia from coro-
myocardial perfusion distal to the fistula and cause
nary sinusoids occlusion has been reported and can
ischemic changes. The presence of stenosis or inter-
present with ischemic electrocardiographic changes.
ruption in major coronary artery branches, so that
3) Echocardiography: Usually sufficient to establish the
the distal perfusion is supplied either solely or in the
diagnosis. The following details need to be identified:
most part by the right ventricle is recognized as a right
ventricular dependent coronary artery circulation. The gold a) Patency and size of the ductus arteriosus.
standard for diagnosis of this condition continues to be b) Degree of right ventricular hypertrophy and hyperten-
angiography. sion, morphology (tripartite, bipartite or monopartite).
22  Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum 223

c) Morphology and size of the tricuspid valve and Lat projection and angled angiography (right anterior
degree of insufficiency. oblique and long axial oblique projections)
d) Morphology of the pulmonic valve (membra- (Figs. 22.2a, 2b).
nous and domes or thickened, dysplastic and
Therefore, the right ventriculogram can be diagnostic
immobile), and pulmonary artery anatomy.
and determine the absence of sinusoids and coronary
e) Ventricular-coronary artery communications with
artery fistula. If no filling of the coronary arteries is
right ventricle need to be excluded. This can be
seen, one can conclude that there are no right ventricular
difficult and in nearly all cases routine angio
to coronary artery connections. Since the right ven-
graphy is recommended in patients with PAIVS.
tricular pressure is supra-systemic any such connections
Even when coronary sinusoids are seen with
fill very well during right ventriculography, whenever
echocardiography, it is still very difficult to assess
present. If coronary artery fistulas are seen, there may
whether there is obstruction of distal coronary
be evidence of retrograde filling of the aorta indicat-
arteries and, thus, whether there is RVDCC.
ing the absence of coronary ostia atresia (Fig. 22.3a).
f) Size of the foramen ovale
The whole coronary tree can be sometimes delineated
4 ) Chromosome and Fish probe studies in detail from the right ventriculogram. It is essential
5) Catheterization and Angiography: Diagnostic cardiac to document the complete anatomy of the coronary
catheterization is almost always performed in arteries to determine the presence of stenosis or inter-
newborns with PAIVS to rule out RVDCC. A right ruption in important coronary vessels, as with right
ventriculography is performed transvenously using ventricular decompression, segments of the myocardium
an end-hole or angiographic catheter (often a hand fed by branches distal to the stenosis or interruption
injection if the ventricle is very hypoplastic) in AP/ may experience ischemia.

Fig.  22.2  (a) Right ventriculogram performed in straight following the black arrow, such that the distal branches of the
anterio-posterior projection in a patient with right ventricular LAD are supplied directly and solely by the right ventricle, (b)
dependent coronary circulation. There is a monopartite in left anterior oblique projection the right ventriculogram
hypoplastic right ventricle (white asterix) and multiple right demonstrates extensive ventriculo-coronary connections fill-
ventricular to coronary artery fistula filling the right coronary ing both the right and left coronary artery systems (black
artery (white arrow) and the left coronary artery (black arrow). arrows). The distal left system is supplied solely by the right
The distal left anterior descending is right ventricular depen- ventricle (white arrow), indicating right ventricular dependant
dant, as there is an interruption of the LAD immediately coronary artery circulation
224 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Fig. 22.3  (a) Right ventriculogram in RAO projection demonstrates arrow) demonstrates no evidence of stenosis or interruptions in
extensive ventriculo-coronary artery connections filling both the the left coronary artery system with a thin left anterior descending
right coronary and left coronary artery trees (black arrows). Note coronary artery (white arrow) which fills without localized obstruc-
retrograde filling of the aorta from the left coronary artery (white tions from the aorta. Thus, in this case, although extensive right
arrow) showing no coronary ostia obstruction, (b) using a 3F ventricular to coronary artery fistulas are present, there is no evidence
coronary catheter selective left coronary angiography (black for RVDCC

Selective coronary angiography may be necessary coronary blood flow and myocardial ischemia and
to document normal origin of the coronary tree from infarction.
the aorta and rule out significant stenosis (Fig. 22.3b). In moderate to severe cases the following measures
In newborns, 3F coronary catheters can be used for are recommended:
this purpose. Aortic root angiography may be enough
1. Secure intravascular access (central venous and
to document coronary anatomy, and sometimes the
arterial lines).
right ventriculography will retrogradly fill the aorta
2. Prostaglandin E1 infusion (0.01–0.05  mg/kg/min,
documenting open coronary ostia as well as the coro-
unless ductus arteriosus is closed, then use a higher
nary artery tree well enough, that RVDCC can be ruled
initial dose).
out without the need for arterial angiography.
3. Mechanical ventilation, sedation and muscle
paralysis may be necessary in cases of impending
or existing significant organ dysfunction (including
22.5  Management 4. Volume resuscitation: the right ventricle is usually
hypertrophic and restrictive and in cases of existing
Preoperative management is focused on correction coronary artery sinusoids a higher filling pressure
of hypoxemia and acidosis by maintenance of ductal may be warranted. Use caution if left ventricular
patency with a PGE1 infusion. Ventilation and paralysis function is impaired.
might be employed in a patient who is particularly 5. Pure systemic vasoconstriction (phenylephrine,
acidotic and has poor left ventricular function. In vasopressin) may be necessary in cases of impending
patients with coronary artery sinusoids and confirmed myocardial infarction from occluded coronary
or suspected RVDCC, afterload reduction is a relative sinusoids. Elevating systemic (aortic) blood
contraindication. However, if necessary, afterload pressure may prevent myocardial ischemia by
reduction should be used carefully as reduction in promoting anterograde blood flow through narrow
central aortic blood pressure could lead to impaired or kinked coronary sinusoids (in the absence of
22  Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum 225

coronary ostial atresia). Epinephrine, although 22.6  T

 ranscatheter Interventional
maybe necessary when left ventricular function has Management:
deteriorated, may increase myocardial oxygen
demand and should be used with caution.
6. Sodium bicarbonate for significant metabolic Patients with membranous pulmonary atresia and
acidosis. good-sized tripartite right ventricles can undergo wire,
7. Keep hemoglobin above 13.5–15 g/dl. laser or radio-frequency-assisted valve perforation fol-
8. Consider anticoagulation or anti-platelet therapy. lowed by balloon valvotomy [4–6]. The technique of
9. If the patient is in refractory cardiogenic shock, radiofrequency perforation has been perfected and
consider ECMO support as a bridge to heart expanded world wide with the use of the Baylis-
transplantation. Nykanen catheter system (Figs.22.4a–4d)

Fig.  22.4  (a) In lateral projections a right ventriculogram of the main pulmonary artery. Following radiofrequency burn
demonstrates a membranous pulmonary valve atresia (black through the membranous valve, the tip of the wire is seen across
arrow), with a reasonable size right ventricle (white asterix) the valve plate (black arrow), (c) following radiofrequency
and no evidence of any right ventricular to coronary artery perforation, a guidewire is advanced across the valve down to
connections. As commonly seen there is tricuspid valve regur- the descending aorta through the PDA, and a balloon catheter is
gitation, so that contrast fills backwards the right atrium, (b) used then for the valvotomy, (d) angiography of the right
Using a 4F right coronary artery JR2 catheter, the radiofrequency ventricular outflow tract following radiofrequency perforation
wire is activated aimed at the membranous valve. The aortic of the pulmonary valve demonstrates wide open pulmonary
pigtail catheter (white arrow) is positioned across the PDA or in valve (black arrow), with unobstructed filling of the main
the descending aorta for angiography, to document anatomy pulmonary artery (white asterix)
226 C. Chrysostomou et al.

Although successful perforation mostly using this

technique has been reported in up 75–90% of selected
patients, the procedure is definitive for only 35% of
cases [4, 5, 7], as they commonly require additional
intervention either transcatheter or surgical (placement
of Blalock-Taussig shunt, or PDA stenting) [8]. Given
that most patients with pulmonary atresia have hyp-
oplastic right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonary
annulus, many believe that in order to achieve adequate
right ventricular decompression and to maximize
right ventricular growth, a surgical right ventricular
outflow tract patch is necessary. Thus, in the presence
of marked pulmonary annular and right ventricular
outflow tract hypoplasia, surgical management is
preferred rather than transcatheter therapy as the best
method to achieve maxi­mal right ventricular outflow
tract decompression.
Following initial right ventricular outflow tract
decompression, some patients will be able to wean Fig.  22.5  Right ventricular outflow tract patch and a right
from prostaglandins. Those who do not after 2 weeks systemic to pulmonary artery shunt. The PDA has been ligated
will require an additional source of pulmonary blood and divided
flow, either as a BT shunt or a PDA stenting.
During follow-up, additional transcatheter interven-
This strategy is used in the presence of severe RV
tions may be indicated, such as transcatheter closure of
hypoplasia, with a tricuspid valve Z-score <−5, and/or
atrial septal defect with device and coil embolization
RVDCC. Initially, a systemic to pulmonary artery shunt
of a BT shunt.
is placed followed by a bidirectional Glenn. Eventually,
the patient will undergo a Fontan procedure.
3. One and One-Half Ventricle Repair
22.6.1  Surgical Management This strategy is used in the presence of moderate RV
hypoplasia, with a tricuspid valve Z-score >−2 but
The surgical management is based on the degree of <−5, in the absence of RVDCC. Initially, the patient
right ventricular hypoplasia and on the coronary undergoes placement of a RVOT patch and a systemic
anatomy, mainly the presence or absence of right to pulmonary artery shunt. Subsequently a bi-directional
RVDCC [2, 3, 9]. There are a number of surgical strat- Glenn is performed with closure of the ASD and shunt
egies available, including the following: occlusion.
1. Two Ventricle Repair 4. Cardiac Transplantation
This strategy is used in patients with mild RV hypopla- This strategy is used in the presence of RVDCC with
sia, with a tricuspid valve Z-score >−2, in the absence aorto-coronary atresia. Patients with this coronary
of RVDCC. Initially, these patients undergo place- anatomy have a very high incidence of sudden death [9].
ment of a right ventricular outflow tract patch with or
without the addition of a systemic to pulmonary artery
shunt (Fig. 22.5). The interatrial communication is left
open. Subsequently, they undergo ASD closure and 22.7  Postoperative Management
shunt occlusion in order to achieve a biventricular
The different aspects of postoperative management
2. Single Ventricle repair depend on the surgical or interventional procedure
22  Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum 227

performed; right ventricular decompression with blood ejected from the left ventricle and aorta
transannular right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) to return into the right atrium without adequate
patch and placement of a modified Blalock-Taussig delivery of systemic cardiac output. Low cardiac
(BT) shunt versus radiofrequency balloon valvuloplasty output due to “circular shunt” can develop anywhere
or surgical pulmonary valvotomy and resection of from day one to several days after surgery. Again
infundibular muscle bundles, versus BT shunt without this particular physiology is difficult to manage
right ventricular decompression. medically but caregivers may consider maneuvers
Following the former case, RVOT obstruction relief to elevate pulmonary vascular resistance and lower
and placement of BT shunt, neonates return to the systemic vascular resistance.
cardiac ICU intubated and likely with open chest.
The medical management follows the common path of
any other postoperative single ventricle physiology
22.7.1  M
 onitoring and Laboratory
(see specific chapter in this book). However, some
additional important differences include the following: Work Up
Low cardiac output syndrome due to:
In severe cases, patients have an arterial line, central
1. Unidentified RVDCC resulting in left ventricular
venous line (internal jugular or subclavian vein), pleural
ischemia and infarction. This usually occurs
and mediastinal chest tubes, peritoneal drainage tube,
­immediately after surgery with decompression of
foley catheter, and temporary pacing wires. Chest
the right ventricle and carries a poor prognosis.
is likely open for 24–72 h, and mechanical ventilation is
Depending on the degree and extension of ischemia
usually continued for 12–48 h after chest closure.
patients may need ECMO support as a bridge to
The following are obtained routinely:
transplantation. Though effective medical manage-
ment may not be possible, caregivers may consider a. Complete blood count, electrolytes, BUN, Creatinine,
the following: immediately after surgery and every 24 h.
b. Arterial blood gases every 1–4 h, lactate and central
a) Administration of alpha-1 agonists, e.g., phenyleph-
venous saturation every 4–6  h × 24  h, and then as
rine, 0.1–3 mg/kg/min, to increase central aortic
and coronary pressure (it will not be effective in
c. Cerebral near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS, INVOS
cases of complete coronary ostial atresia).
5100 Cerebral Oximeter Somanetics Corporation,
b) Increase PEEP (or mean airway pressure via high
Troy, MI, USA).
frequency oscillation) as an effort to increase right
d. Electrocardiogram daily for 48–96 h.
ventricular pressure and thus promote retrograde
e. Echocardiogram is not performed routinely. However
coronary artery flow, through the coronary fistulas.
an echography machine should always be readily
c) Volume administration to increase right ventric-
available so a quick study can be obtained by one of
ular volume.
the cardiac intensivists at any time without delay.
d) Nitroglycerin 0.5–5 mg/kg/min.
This is especially important if there is suspicion of
e) Anticoagulation: Coronary fistulas due to their
RVDCC or with any ischemic changes seen on rou-
tortuosity and intimal proliferation they are prone
tine electrocardiogram.
to thrombosis. Currently however, there is no evi-
f. Postoperative head ultrasound, especially with
dence whether anticoagulation is beneficial or not.
prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) times.
2. “Circular shunt”: This situation is due to the
significant pulmonic insufficiency that results from
the transannular patch. The blood from the BT 22.7.2  Management of Specific Problems
shunt then flows retrogradly through the RVOT into
the right ventricle in diastole. In patients with con-
a) Mechanical Ventilation
siderable tricuspid valve insufficiency, this blood
flows further, retrogradly into the right atrium in Time-cycled pressure limited mode is most frequently
systole. This “circular shunt” results in oxygenated used, aiming for approximately 8–10 ml/kg tidal volumes
228 C. Chrysostomou et al.

with ideal plateau pressures of <25–28. FiO2 is minimized of 47 patients who underwent surgery between January
to the 0.4–0.6 range to avoid potential oxygen toxicity. 1991 and September 1998. A systemic-pulmonary
Target pO2 levels range between 30 and 40. With pro- artery shunt only was performed in all 16 patients
longed CPB and impaired pulmonary compliance, with RVDCC, with 1 death. Fourteen of 16 patients
consider administration of surfactant with RVDCC underwent a bidirectional Glenn shunt
at a median of 9 months after their first operation, 9
b) Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS)
of whom have had a Fontan procedure (no deaths). In
Beyond the reasons mentioned above, patients may the 31 (66%) patients without RVDCC, 6 patients
develop LCOS as any other postoperative patient underwent only a systemic-pulmonary artery shunt,
with a functional single ventricle. Unless there is sus- 23 had a shunt and right ventricular decompression,
picion of RVDCC, all patients are administered milri- and 2 had only a transannular patch. In this group, 10
none for 24–72 h at a range of 0.5–1.25 mg/kg/min. patients received a 2-ventricle repair, 6 had a one-
Ionized calcium levels are maintained between 1.1 and-a-half ventricle repair, and 8 patients had a
and 1.3 mmol/L. If further inotropic support is Fontan procedure. There was 1 early death and the
needed, low dose dopamine 3–8  mg/kg/min or low overall survival was 98% at 1, 5, and 7 years. Authors
dose epinephrine 0.05–0.1 mg/kg/min is utilized. It is concluded that if the patients are stratified well, excel-
important to consider that both dopamine and epi- lent survival can be achieved in the treatment of
nephrine may initiate or exacerbate arrhythmias, par- PAIVS [10].
ticularly JET. Ascertainment of risk factors for poor outcome
was a goal set forth by the UK and Ireland
c) Arrhythmias.
Collaborative study of Pulmonary Atresia with Intact
For management of JET see under Tetralogy of Fallot Ventricular Septum, an ongoing population-based
and Arrhyhtmias chapter. For other types of arrhythmias, study of 183 patients born with this disease from
please refer to the associated chapter. 1991 through 1995 [11]. Low birth weight (P = 0.024),
unipartite right ventricular morphology (P = 0.001),
d) Other
and the presence of a dilated right ventricle (P < 0.001)
Sedation and analgesia are managed with fentanyl and/ were independent risk factors for death, whereas the
or dexmedetomidine, and for muscle ­paralysis cisatra- presence of coronary artery fistulae, right ventricular
curium is recommended. dependence, or the tricuspid valvar Z score were not.
Parenteral nutrition is started early after surgery and After 9 years of follow-up, 29% have achieved a
enteral feeds are started slowly after hemodynamic stability biventricular repair, 3% a so-called one-and-a-half
has been achieved and maintained for 72–96 h. ventricular repair, and 10 % a univentricular repair,
Management of patients with univentricular or one with 16 % still having a mixed circulation (41% died).
and a half ventricle physiology is further discussed in Patients with PAIVS and RVDCC are at the most
a specific chapter in this book. severe end of the spectrum. In a study by Guleserian
et al. of long-term outcome in 32 patients with PAIVS
with RVDCC, aorto-coronary atresia was associated
with 100% mortality. Median follow-up was 5.1
22.8  Long-term Outlook years (9 months–14.8 years). Overall mortality was
18.8% (6 of 32), with all deaths occurring within
PAIVS is uniformly a fatal disease if not treated in 3 months of BT shunt. No late mortality occurred
early infancy. This disease is characterized by great among those surviving beyond 3 months of age.
morphologic heterogeneity and frequently poor out- Authors concluded that single-ventricle palliation
come. Centers with aggressive approach towards biven- yields excellent long-term survival and should be the
tricular repair report higher mortality. Careful preferred management strategy for these patients.
stratification of patients and selection of the most Those with aorto-coronary atresia have a particu-
appropriate surgical pathway and its impact on out- larly poor prognosis and should undergo ­cardiac
come was addressed in a study by Jahangiri et al. [10] ­transplantation [11].
22  Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Interventricular Septum 229

References septum: impact on patient care. Circulation. 2003;108:

7. Ovaert C, Qureshi SA, Rosenthal E, Baker EJ, Tynan M.
1. Giglia TM, Mandell VS, Connor AR, Mayer JE Jr, Lock JE. Growth of the right ventricle after successful transcatheter
Diagnosis and management of right ventricle-dependent pulmonary valvotomy in neonates and infants with pulmonary
coronary circulation in pulmonary atresia with intact ven- atresia and intact ventricular septum. J Thorac Cardiovasc
tricular septum. Circulation. 1992;86:1516–1528. Surg. 1998;115:1055–1062.
2. Hanley FL, Sade RM, Blackstone EH, Kirklin JW, Freedom 8. Alwi M, Choo KK, Latiff HA, Kandavello G, Samion H,
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with intact ventricular septum. A multiinstitutional study. stent implantation of patent ductus arteriosus in duct-dependent
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3. Calder AL, Peebles CR, Occleshaw CJ. The prevalence of Mayer JE Jr. Natural history of pulmonary atresia with intact
coronary arterial abnormalities in pulmonary atresia with ventricular septum and right-ventricle-dependent coronary
intact ventricular septum and their influence on surgical circulation managed by the single-ventricle approach. Ann
results. Cardiol Young. 2007;17:387–396. Thorac Surg. 2006;81:2250–2257.
4. Gournay V, Piechaud JF, Delogu A, et al. Balloon valvotomy 10. Jahangiri M, Zurakowski D, Bichell D, Mayer JE, del Nido
for critical stenosis or atresia of pulmonary valve in new- PJ, Jonas RA. Improved results with selective management
borns. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1995;26:1725–1731. in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. J Thorac
5. Justo RN, Nykanen DG, Williams WG, et al. Transcatheter Cardiovasc Surg. 1999;118:1046–1055.
perforation of the right ventricular outflow tract as initial 11. Daubeney PE, Wang D, Delany DJ, et  al. UK and Ireland
therapy for pulmonary valve atresia and intact ventricular Collaborative Study of Pulmonary Atresia with Intact
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1997;40:408–413. lar septum: management of, and outcomes for, a cohort of
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balloon valvotomy in pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular 2005;130:1071.
Chapter 23
Pulmonary Stenosis

Yuliya A. Domnina, Ricardo Muñoz, Jackie Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

23.1  Anatomy hypoplastic. This entity is frequently found in patients

with Noonan’s syndrome [1].
Pulmonic stenosis refers to an obstruction at or distal to
the right ventricular outflow. Owing to various possible
levels of obstruction, this disease is not a homogeneous 23.1.2  S
 ubvalvular Pulmonary
entity. Obstruction can be found at the valvar level, the Stenosis
right ventricular (RV) infundibulum, and/or the supra-
valvular level within the main pulmonary artery or distal
to it at multiple levels. It is also found in association Subvalvular PS is a rare condition in its isolated form.
with ventricular septal defect and overriding aorta as in There are two distinct lesions described within this
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (see associated chapter). In diagnostic entity. The first occurs when an obstructive
patients suffering from congenital heart disease, 25–30% fibrous or muscular band divides right ventricle into
suffer from some form of pulmonary stenosis [1]. two chambers (main body and infundibulum) and is
called a “double-chambered right ventricle.” The sec-
ond is a diffuse fibromuscular narrowing of the
infundibular portion of the right ventricle. Clinically,
the disease is usually progressive with patients closely
23.1.1  Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (PS)
resembling those with isolated valvular PS. Cardiac
catheterization with RV angiography is diagnostic;
Valvular PS with intact ventricular septum typically is although currently, echocardiography is the only
an isolated anomaly and accounts for 5–10% of all requirement preoperatively. The treatment is surgical.
congenital heart defects [1]. The valve leaflets are usu- The approach is through a right atriotomy for the exci-
ally thin with fused comissures. A 1–2  mm central sion of the obstructive muscle bundle or through a right
opening is seen, and the valve presents as a doming ventriculotomy for infundibular muscle resection.
structure projecting into the main pulmonary artery.
The right ventricle is typically hypertrophied and there
is post-stenotic dilation of the main pulmonary artery.
Valvular dysplasia is found in 10–20% of patients with 23.1.3  Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
all forms of PS. Dysplastic valves are trileaflet with
markedly thickened cusps comprised of myxomatous Lesions of pulmonary artery stenosis can present at the
tissue and little, if any, commissural fusion. Reduced level of the main pulmonary artery, in right and left
mobility is exhibited, and the valve annulus is usually branch pulmonary arteries, at bifurcation sites, or at the
distal branches. Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis
(PPS) occasionally occurs at a single level and refers to
Y.A. Domnina (*)
a narrowing in a branch pulmonary artery; however,
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic,
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA multiple sites of obstruction are more characteristic.
e-mail: PPS is frequently a benign condition which presents

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 231
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_23, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
232 Y.A. Domnina et al.

most commonly with a systolic ejection murmur aus- to go through the stenotic valve. The noncritical PS is
cultated in infancy (physiologic PPS). It is seen in neo- rarely seen in the intensive care unit, except in rare
nates due to relative discrepancy in size of the main cases associated with complications during the postinter-
pulmonary artery and the left and right branch PAs, vention recovery period (see below).
since they carry only a small portion of the RV output Untreated pediatric or adult PS usually becomes a
to the lungs. This is usually a mild condition with no progressive condition with the gradient across pulmo-
significant ill consequences. The murmur ­usually dis- nary valve, and hypertrophied infundibulum increasing
appears within a few months. over time. Continued elevation of RV end-diastolic
PPS can also be pathologic and associated with pressure as a result of RV hypertrophy ultimately com-
genetic syndromes and congenital infections. In Rubella promises diastolic RV myocardial perfusion. Ventricular
syndrome there is peripheral stenosis of the pulmonary arrhythmias and sudden death can occur. Evidence of
arteries associated with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) RV subendocardial ischemia/infarction and fibrosis can
[2]. Intervention for this PPS is rarely needed. In be seen in postmortem cases with severe PS.
Noonan’s syndrome, peripheral pulmonary stenosis
may be seen and branch pulmonary arteries could also
be diffusely hypoplastic. This syndrome is associated
with lymphedema, webbed neck, dysmorphic features, 23.2.2  Branch Pulmonary Artery Stenosis
and hypotonia [3]. Patients with Williams syndrome
develop PPS in association with supravalvar pulmonary In the presence of branch pulmonary artery stenosis,
and aortic stenosis with or without coarctation of the there is an increase in the afterload to the right ventricle
aorta or peripheral systemic arteriopathy; pulmonary with subsequent RV hypertension and dysfunction. The
valvar stenosis occurs less frequently [4, 5]. Diffuse impact of increased afterload is more deleterious in
pulmonary stenosis is seen with Alagille syndrome, patients with associated pulmonary regurgitation (for
which presents with pulmonary valve stenosis as well example, patients who have had TOF repair) as the RV
as diffuse main and branch pulmonary artery stenosis. suffers from additional pressure and volume overload.
The RV of patients with dysfunctional contractility pat-
terns (poor coordination between the sinus and the
infundibular portion of the RV) becomes dilated and it
23.2  Pathophysiology may lead to an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmias
and sudden death. The degree of RV hypertension is
dependent upon the severity of the arteriopathy (multi-
23.2.1  Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (PS) ple versus single and unilateral versus bilateral steno-
sis). In the presence of any intracardiac septal defect,
In PS, right ventricular (RV) pressure increases to patients may exhibit significant arterial oxygen desatu-
overcome the stenosis of the pulmonary valve. In the ration due to right-to-left shunting. Occasionally, desat-
case of critical PS (ductal dependent), there is not uration may also be seen due to severe V/Q mismatch
enough antegrade flow across the pulmonary valve to in the absence of a septal defect. The effect of branch
allow a normal cardiac output. Thus, the PDA needs to pulmonary artery stenosis on blood flow distribution
remain open to allow adequate forward pulmonary leads to increased flow to the unaffected branches with
blood flow via a left-to-right shunt. In addition, the potential development of segmental pulmonary
decreased compliance of the RV may occur and lead to artery hypertension in those branches without stenosis.
the necessity of right-to-left shunting across the patent
foramen ovale (PFO) to ensure adequate systemic
blood flow. The neonatal myocardium undergoing
hyperplasia and hypertrophy is capable of generating 23.3  Clinical Findings
increased intraventricular pressure ­necessary to over-
come fixed obstruction. However, the compliance of The clinical presentation of pulmonary stenosis is
the RV decreases shortly after birth, signs of RV failure diverse due to variable severity of the obstruction. For
manifest as the complete right cardiac output is expected valvular pulmonary stenosis presenting in the neonate
23  Pulmonary Stenosis 233

as critical PS cyanosis is usually apparent at birth due 23.4.1  Chest Radiography

to suprasystemic RV pressure and right-to-left atrial
shunting through a PFO. Infants may also become
Chest radiography usually demonstrates normal heart
hypoxemic and acidotic due to inadequate pulmonary
size. Mild to moderate pulmonary stenosis is associ-
flow and decreased cardiac output as the PDA begins
ated with dilatation of the main pulmonary artery and
to close. Initially, patients with mild to moderate degree
left pulmonary artery. Severe or critical pulmonary
of stenosis are usually asymptomatic, but as the gradient
stenosis will result in oligemic lungs and an increased
increases, they may present with fatigue and dyspnea
cardio-thoracic ratio. In branch pulmonary artery
precipitated by exertion. As the disease progresses and
stenosis, if unilateral, differential or asymmetric flow
the obstruction become more severe with increasing
distribution may be observed in the chest radiograph.
age, untreated patients may become symptomatic at
rest with manifestations of right heart failure: tachy-
cardia, hepatomegaly, peripheral edema, dyspnea,
angina, syncope, arrhythmia, and sudden death. 23.4.2  Echocardiography
On physical examination, a careful palpation of the
chest demonstrates a prominent RV impulse. In the
In echocardiogram, the pulmonary valve is typically
case of valvular stenosis, auscultation elicits a normal
best assessed from the parasternal short-axis view. The
first heart sound (S1) followed by an ejection click,
right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is best interro-
best heard at the upper sternal border. The pulmonary
gated from the parasternal short axis view and subcos-
stenosis is typically more severe, if the distance is
tal position [6]. The gradient across the pulmonary
shorter from S1 to the click. An early systolic click is
valve will determine the severity of the RVOT obstruc-
noted in all cases of pulmonary stenosis except those
tion and/or PS. The maximum instantaneous pressure
with dysplasia of the pulmonary valve (more com-
pulsed wave Doppler gradient is often at least 10%
monly seen in patients with Noonan’s syndrome). A
higher than the instantaneous peak-to-peak gradient
diamond-shaped ejection murmur is best heard at the
measured in the cardiac catheterization laboratory.
left upper sternal border with radiation into the lung
This discrepancy is due to a phase delay between peak
fields and the back. It is typically harsh and usually IV/
velocities and pulmonary artery systolic pressure. In
VI or more. As the severity of the stenosis increases,
the presence of proximal branch pulmonary artery
the peak of intensity of the murmur occurs later. If
stenosis, gradients and anatomic narrowing can be
bilateral obstruction is present, the murmur will be
documented in the branch pulmonary arteries. If the
heard throughout the chest. A soft P2 secondary to
stenosis is distal, the lesion cannot be assessed by
decreased PA pressure due to severe stenosis may be
noted. In mild cases of PS, the second heart sound (S2)
can be normally split, and as the severity increases, it
can become more widely split. In critical PS, S2
becomes single. 23.5  Management

23.5.1  Pre-intervention
23.4  ECG
In severe pulmonary valve stenosis with profound
ECG reveals right axis deviation and several degrees of hypoxemia and cyanosis due to right-to-left shunting
RVH, according to the severity of the stenosis. An RsR’ at the atrial level, PGE1 is necessary to preserve ductal
pattern may be seen in V1. Right atrial enlargement may be patency. Mechanical ventilation may be utilized in the
noted in severe cases. In the case of severe valvular pul- setting of coexistent lung disease, cardiogenic shock,
monary stenosis associated with RV hypoplasia (a condi- and profound cyanosis.
tion similar to that of pulmonary atresia with an intact Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty is the treatment
ventricular septum), the RV forces will be decreased and of choice for relief of valvular PS. When planning for
left axis deviation may be seen in the newborn. balloon dilatation of pulmonary valve, the nature of the
234 Y.A. Domnina et al.

valve leaflets has to be studied by 2D echocardiography artery and femoral vein are catheterized for hemodynamic
and the pulmonary valve annulus must be measured to measurements and right side angiography (Fig. 23.1a).
determine the size of the balloon needed. The technique involves crossing the stenotic valve with
In patients with branch pulmonary artery stenosis, a a floppy guide-wire, exchange of the catheter for a bal-
lung perfusion scan can assess the blood flow distribu- lon catheter, and inflation of the balloons with diluted
tion and assist in the management approach. This test contrast material for a few seconds (Fig. 23.1b). The
should be performed before and after the intervention currently recommended balloon/annulus ratio is 1.2–
to evaluate the success of the procedure. 1.25 with a maximum of 1.4. The pressure gradient is
determined post valvotomy. If significant, it is impor-
tant to identify if the gradient is due to residual valvar
PS or dynamic subpulmonary stenosis post valvotomy.
23.5.2  Intervention Ventricular angiography can help with this diagnosis
(Fig. 23.1c).  V
 alvular PS: Balloon Pulmonary Immediate reduction of gradient, increase in jet
Valvuloplasty width, and free motion of the pulmonary valve leaflets
with less doming have been observed following bal-
Mild pulmonary valve stenosis does not require thera- loon dilatation. Improvement of RV function, tricuspid
peutic intervention. However, as stated above, balloon insufficiency, and right-to-left shunt is also observed.
pulmonary valvuloplasty is the treatment of choice for Restenosis, defined as a gradient of ³50  mmHg, has
children with moderate to severe stenosis. Cardiac been observed in nearly 10% of children. Predictors of
catheterization should be performed to balloon-dilate restenosis include balloon/annulus ratio <1.2 and
the stenotic pulmonary valve and it is generally recom- immediate post-valvuloplasty gradient of ³30 mmHg,
mended that the procedure be performed for peak-to- small pulmonary valve annulus, and postsurgical com-
peak gradients in excess of 40 mmHg. The decision to plex pulmonary stenosis. Redilatation with balloons
intervene, based upon the gradient value across the that are larger than those used at the time of initial bal-
stenotic valve, is less useful in the setting of RV dys- loon valvuloplasty, produces excellent results and is
function or critical stenosis, in which case intervention the procedure of choice. Balloon pulmonary valvulo-
may be indicated regardless of the gradient. plasty is equally successful in neonates as well as in
The procedure is performed under general anesthe- adult subjects. However, the chances of repeat inter-
sia or intravenous sedation. In newborns and young vention in the newborn with critical PS are higher than
infants general anesthesia is preferred. The femoral those for the infant, child, or adult presenting electively

Fig. 23.1  (a) Right ventriculogram performed in lateral projection supravalvar obstruction, (b) balloon valvotomy of pulmonary valve,
demonstrates a severe degree of pulmonary valve stenosis, with a (c) right ventriculogram following balloon procedure demonstrates
tiny jet of contrast crossing the valve (arrow). The main pulmonary significant increase in valve orifice (arrow), with no evidence of
artery (MPA) is large with some poststenotic dilation. There is no residual obstruction. MPA main pulmonary artery
23  Pulmonary Stenosis 235

with moderate to severe PS. Life-long followup to The management options for patients with PPS
identify the significance of residual pulmonary insuf- include:
ficiency is indicated [7, 8].
1 ) Balloon pulmonary arterioplasty (BPA).
Complications during and immediately after balloon
2) Stent implantation.
valvuloplasty have been typically rare (0.35% major
3) Surgical pulmonary artery plasty.
complication rate by the VACA registry) [9]. However,
the complication rate is higher in the newborn with Indications for intervention include:
critical PS. Reported complications include balloon
1 ) RV hypertension.
rupture, blood loss requiring transfusion (especially in
2) Abnormal differential blood flow distribution on
newborns), bleeding/hematoma at the catheter site,
lung perfusion scan (less than 30% of flow to the
arrhythmias (including complete heart block), cardiac
affected lung).
arrest, perforation of the RVOT with tamponade, and
3) Segmental pulmonary artery hypertension in the
death. In the case of extensive wire perforation of the
unaffected vessels (mean distal pulmonary pressure
RVOT, emergency surgical intervention would be war-
of >25 mmHg).
ranted. If a small guide-wire perforation occurs, peri-
4) Inadequate pulmonary blood flow distribution pre-
cardioscentesis and transfusion may be all that is needed
cluding corrective surgery (such as PPS associated
[10]. “Suicidal” right ventricle (severe RV contractility
to unrepaired TOF variants) or associated with
failure associated to a severe RVOT obstruction) could
be seen in patients post balloon dilatation of the pulmo-
5) Presence of pulmonary artery distortion associated
nary valve in the presence of severe RV hypertrophy.
with single ventricle physiology in the form of
Immediately after the balloon procedure, there is an
cavopulmonary shunt or Fontan procedure.
acute drop in cardiac output related to a lack of ejection
of the right ventricle due to postdilation dynamic sub-
pulmonary muscular obstruction. This can also be seen
23.5.3  B
 alloon Pulmonary
post surgical relief and is more likely in patients with an
initial RV pressure of over 100  mmHg with severe Arterioplasty (BPA)
infundibular hypertrophy.
Previous surgery and pulmonary valve dysplasia Since the results of surgical pulmonary artery plasty
are not contraindications for balloon valvuloplasty. have been quite unsatisfactory in patients with PPS,
Indeed, the use of high-pressure balloons for resistant transcatheter intervention remains the first line therapy
pulmonary valves can increase success rate greatly. (Fig.  23.2). However, surgical plasty continues to be
the procedure of choice for specific conditions (such as
stenosis associated with shunt anastomosis in patients
undergoing further surgery) as well as for patients who  S
 upravalvular and Peripheral have failed transcatheter management attempts for sur-
Pulmonary Artery Stenosis gically reachable lesions.
In current practice, high-pressure balloons are
Supravalvular and peripheral lesions can be a chal- almost always used to address both discrete and long
lenge for effective management. Surgery can be per- diffuse lesions of pulmonary artery stenosis (Fig. 23.2a).
formed for each lesion; however, the recurrence rate Reported results indicate a success rate of 50–75%.
for branch lesions can be high, especially if there is a Following the advent and availability of the cutting bal-
diffuse arteriopathy. The distal lesions are impossible loon (a bladed balloon sized up to 8 mm in diameter),
to access surgically, and thus, transcatheter interven- the success rate has increased to over 90%. Restenosis
tional strategies have become the standard of care. postballoon dilation has been reported in up to 15–35%
Patients with diffusely hypoplastic pulmonary arteries of cases, but the degree of restenosis is unpredictable as
and/or discrete or multiple areas of branch stenosis the underlying disease processes are variable. For
may benefit from one or serial interventional catheter- example, the peripheral pulmonary arteriopathy of
izations (single and multiple ballon dilations during Williams syndrome is quite different from isolated dis-
the same or multiple procedures). crete “coarctation” of the left pulmonary artery. In the
236 Y.A. Domnina et al.

Fig. 23.2  (a) Left pulmonary artery angiogram performed in a is at the lobar, segmental and subsegmental level, (b) following
patient with severe peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses. The multiple pulmonary artery balloon dilation procedures in the left
arrows point to some of the areas of stenosis. The proximal left lower lobe, angiogram demonstrates significant angiographic
pulmonary artery (*) is mildly hypoplastic, but the worse stenosis improvement in vessel diameter post intervention (arrows)

latter, the results of BPA ± stenting are excellent, while 4 . Williams syndrome

the former may be associated with less promising con- 5. Low cardiac output
sequences. In addition, the definition of restenosis may 6. Multiple peripheral distal lesions
highly vary in different studies. This can be demon-
Measures which can be used to avoid or lessen the
strated in pediatric literature where lack of vessel
potential fatal complications include the use of general
growth may be considered as restenosis when, in fact it
anesthesia for the procedure, inotropic support if
may have been the natural course of the disease.
needed, and blood transfusion to treat any anemia. For
The incidence of complications reported varies
those patients with RV dysfunction and suprasystemic
from 6 to 10% and includes: nonfatal pulmonary artery
RV pressure, the creation of an interatrial communica-
tears, segmental pulmonary edema, distal vessel aneu-
tion prior to the balloon procedures may be advanta-
rysm formation, and deep vein thrombosis. The proce-
geous as it will lead to right-to-left shunting, and thus,
dure-related mortality is considered to be 1%. Death
preserve the blood pressure during balloon inflations.
occurs from vessel rupture (tears) or cardiac arrest in
For high risk patients recovery in the intensive care
patients with suprasystemic RV pressure and poor RV
unit should be planned.
function. Immediate transcatheter management of
unconfined tears (coil embolization of bleeding vessel
or tear itself) is used as an approach to reduce mortality.  Intravascular Stent Implantation
Reperfusion pulmonary edema occurs in about 4 % of
cases and aneurysm can be seen in <5% [11].
Balloon expandable intravascular stents implanted into
High risk factors for BPA include:
the sites of pulmonary artery stenoses have been found
1 . Suprasystemic RV pressure to significantly improve the effectiveness of ballon
2. Associated RV dysfunction angioplasty (Fig. 23.3).
3. History of vessel trauma/hyperperfusion edema at Multiple reports in the literature have confirmed a
prior transcatheter procedures high success rates for pulmonary artery stenting
23  Pulmonary Stenosis 237

Fig. 23.3  (a) In the lateral projection selective left pulmo- balloon across the area of stenosis (arrow), (c) following
nary (*) angiogram demonstrates severe proximal stenosis stent implantation there is significant angiographic
(arrow) (b) implantation of a stainless steel stent over a BIB improvement

(above 90%) and promising long-term results [12]. 23.5.4  Post-Intervention

Stents are especially indicated and preferred when
the stenosis is due to external compression (Fig. 23.4).  Valvulopasty
Fractures, thrombosis, aneurysm formation, or stent
migration are extremely rare. Stent redilation can be Most patients after the newborn period who undergo
performed with success up to 10 years. However, balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty do not need intensive
stent implantation has theoretical disadvantages over care monitoring. Typically, only overnight observation
BPA. These include: a need for larger introducer is required and patients are discharged the following
sheaths and subsequent dilations to keep up with day. In rare cases, patients develop “suicidal” right
somatic growth, the possible occlusion of branching ventricle and need ICU monitoring with intravenous
vessels, and surgical implications. Significant rest- infusion of volume and beta-blockers followed by
enosis is quite rare, except for that related to a lack transition to oral propanolol to be weaned during the
of growth. few weeks thereafter.
238 Y.A. Domnina et al.

Fig.  23.4  (a) Selective left pulmonary artery (*) angiogram artery (arrow) which is related to inferior compression by the
performed in a patient following Fontan after neonatal Norwood augmented neo-aortic arch (b) following stent implantation the
procedure. Note there is stenosis at the proximal left pulmonary stenosis is resolved (arrow).

In newborns with critical pulmonary valve stenosis, patients who have undergone stent placement, aspirin
cyanosis commonly persists for at least two weeks fol- should be started after 24 h and once the bleeding has
lowing RV decompression and often patients need to subsided. A few doses of first generation cephalosporin
be kept on prostaglandins for that period of time. Some may be indicated after intervention. Aspirin is contin-
patients require a surgical Blalock-Taussig shunt, or ued for 6 months in patients with pulsatile pulmonary
ductal stent placement, given their inability to wean arterial blood flow. Follow up lung perfusion scans can
from PGE1. As the RV hypertrophy regresses, the RV help assess the success of the intervention in patients
compliance improves and more antegrade flow is seen with unilateral lesions [13].
across the pulmonary valve with less right-to-left
shunting at the atrial level.

23.5.6  Surgical Management

23.5.5  Pulmonary Artery Angioplasty Surgical management is reserved for those patients
in whom a balloon valvuloplasty and/or arterio-
As mentioned above, some patients undergoing exten- plasty was not successful. Anatomically, these
sive pulmonary artery interventions are admitted to the patients tend to present with a hypoplastic pulmo-
cardiac intensive care unit due to the high risk of devel- nary valve annulus and a very dysplastic valve. Also,
oping segmental pulmonary edema and bronchial there could be a significant component of subvalvar
bleeding (re-perfusion injury). Most of these patients and/or supravalvar stenosis. Balloon pulmonary val-
must remain at least 24  h on mechanical ventilation. votomy could also be unsuccessful due to technical
Diuresis and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) difficulties and inability to catheterize the hypoplas-
are particularly beneficial in this subset of patients. An tic RVOT [14]. The repair requires cardiopulmonary
admission chest X ray must be obtained to assess endo- bypass and is usually ­performed under mild hypo-
tracheal tube placement, magnitude of pulmonary thermia. An open surgical valvotomy via a main
edema, and stent placement. Successful extubation is pulmonary artery incision is routinely performed. In
usually accomplished 24–48  h after admission. In the presence of a very small pulmonary annulus with
23  Pulmonary Stenosis 239

or without ­subpulmonary stenosis, a transannular have a 79% chance of becoming worse and patients
patch is required [15]. Supravalvar pulmonary steno- with 80 mmHg or higher pressure have a 97% chance
sis is managed with a patch arterioplasty. of developing severe consequences [16]. Long-term
In a report based on a prospective 27-institution survival and quality of life for 90 consecutive patients
study of 101 neonates with severe to critical pulmonary who underwent surgery for pulmonary stenosis
stenosis, percutaneous balloon valvotomy and certain between 1968 and 1980 was examined and was found
types of surgical valvotomy were identified as optimal to be good (25 years 93% survival, 67% of the patients
initial procedures. The outcomes were similar and there was in NYHA Class I and maximal exercise capacity
was no difference in freedom from reintervention after was 90% of normal). Pulmonary regurgitation was
the first procedure at 4 years of follow up care [15]. found in one third of the patients 22–33 years after sur-
gical repair for isolated pulmonary stenosis, and reop-
eration for pulmonary regurgitation was necessary in
23.5.7  Post-operative Management 9%, especially after the transannular patch technique
[17]. Patients treated with pulmonary balloon dilation
also enjoy similarly excellent outcomes. In another  Pulmonary Valvotomy
study, 150 subjects were found to have a mean follow-
up of 11.9 ± 3.1 (range 3.7–19.3 years). Freedom from
Postoperative management is usually uncomplicated due
reintervention at 1, 10, and 15 years was seen at 90, 83,
to the relatively benign postoperative course. Patients are
and 77% respectively. Pulmonary regurgitation (PR)
routinely admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit post-
increased during follow up such that 57% of children
operatively for monitoring and care and usually arrive
had moderate or severe PR at the last follow up
with an arterial line, central venous line (typically right
recorded. Tricuspid and pulmonary annuli grew with
internal jugular line), and occasionally with temporary
the child’s growth and the PV demonstrated catch-up
pacing wires (in cases of right ventriculotomy and exten-
growth. It has been concluded that life-long follow up
sive infundibular muscle resection). The smallest or
is essential, and excellent outcome can be anticipated
severely preoperatively ill patients will arrive intubated
[18]. Life expectancy in mild, moderate, or severe pul-
with a goal of extubation within the next 24 h. Excessive
monary stenosis after repair is within normal limits.
bleeding and cardiac arrhythmias are infrequent.
A small group of patients continue to have different
degrees of cyanosis after a successful ballon dilation of
the stenotic pulmonary valve. If oxygen saturations
remain consistently below 70%, prostaglandins should
1. Latson LA, Prieto LR. Pulmonary stenosis In: Allen HD,
be restarted and beta-blockers may be required for sev-
Gutgesell HP, Clark EB, and Driscoll DJ (eds.). Moss and
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tory cyanosis despite the therapies and they may need 6th edn. Philadelphia: Lippincot Williams and Wilkins;
a BT shunt. The origin of cyanosis is secondary to poor 2001:820-821.
2. Hastreiter AR, Joorabchi B, Pujatti G, van der Horst RL,
RV compliance and right-to-left atrial level shunting.
Patacsil G, Sever JL. Cardiovascular lesions associated with
Residual pulmonary regurgitation is initially well congenital rubella. J Pediatr. 1967;71:59-65.
tolerated. 3. Noonan JA. Hypertelorism with Turner phenotype. A new
syndrome with associated congenital heart disease. Am J Dis
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4. Sugayama SM, Moises RL, Wagenfur J, et  al. Williams-
23.6  Long-Term Outlook Beuren syndrome: cardiovascular abnormalities in 20 patients
diagnosed with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Arq Bras
Cardiol. 2003;81:462-473.
Patients with a pressure gradient across the pulmonary 5. Bruno E, Rossi N, Thuer O, Cordoba R, Alday LE.
valve of less than 25 mmHg, rarely suffer from poor Cardiovascular findings, and clinical course, in patients with
outcomes. Patients with a pressure gradient of Williams syndrome. Cardiol Young. 2003;13:532-536.
6. Skinner J. Normal doppler ultrasound measurements in the
26–49 mmHg have a 21% chance of developing a pro- newborn. In: Skinner J, Alverson D, Hunter S (eds.).
gressive increase in this gradient. Patients with a Echocardiography for the Neonatologist. New York:
­pressure gradient of 50–79  mmHg across the valve Churchill Livingstone; 2000:73-93.
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7. Rao PS. Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty: a review. Clin Congenital Heart Disease, 2nd edn. Norwell, MA: Kluwer
Cardiol. 1989;12:55-74. Academic Publishers; 2000:221-243.
8. Rao PS. Percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty: State 14. Caspi J, Coles JG, Benson LN, et al. Management of neona-
of the art. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007;69:747-763. tal critical pulmonic stenosis in the balloon valvotomy era.
9. McCrindle BW. Independent predictors of long-term results Ann Thorac Surg. 1990;49:273-278.
after balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty. Valvuloplasty and 15. Hanley FL, Sade RM, Freedom RM, Blackstone EH, Kirklin
Angioplasty of Congenital Anomalies (VACA) Registry JW. Outcomes in critically ill neonates with pulmonary
Investigators. Circulation. 1994;89:1751-1759. stenosis and intact ventricular septum: a multi-institutional
10. Yeager SB, Flanagan MF, Keane JF. Catheter intervention: study. Congenital Heart Surgeons Society. J Am Coll Cardiol.
balloon valvotomy. In: Lock J, Keane J and Perry SB (eds.). 1993;22:183-192.
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imal and distal lesions. Cardiol Young. 2005;15:597-604. term outcome after surgery for pulmonary stenosis (a longi-
12. Shaffer KM, Mullins CE, Grifka RG, et  al. Intravascular tudinal study of 22–33 years). Eur Heart J.
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Chapter 24
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, and Victor O. Morell

24.1  Introduction The stenotic aortic valve can be monocuspid or more

frequently bicuspid due to the fusion of the right
and the left cusps (Fig.  24.1). Bicuspid valves are
Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO)
commonly associated with left heart abnormalities and
accounts for 5–10% of all congenital heart defects.
with coarctation of the aorta.
LVOTO occurs at the valvar (70%), subvalvar (14%), and
The severity of the aortic stenosis (AS) can be
supravalvar (8%) level, and several levels of obstruction
described as trivial, mild, moderate, or critical, depending
often coexist (8%) [1]. Another type of muscular subaortic
on the orifice size and on the echocardiography-
stenosis, present with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, is
measured peak systolic ejection gradient (PSEG) or on
known as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
the catheter-obtained peak-to-peak transvalvular gradient
LVOTO may be further compounded by other left-sided
(Table 24.1). In neonates with aortic valve stenosis, the
anomalies (small left atrium, abnormal mitral valve, small
valve is usually gelatinous with thickened and poorly
left ventricle, aortic coarctation, or interrupted aortic arch)
formed leaflets. In severe disease, left-ventricular (LV)
[1–4]. An often-seen complex of LVOTOs is the Shone’s
filling is restricted, and the atrial level right-to-left
complex, a combination of a parachute mitral valve, supra-
shunt decreases, thereby decreasing the LV contribu-
annular mitral ring, subaortic stenosis, and coarctation of
tion to systemic cardiac output. This may lead to the
the aorta [5]. Ventricular septal defects, abnormal attach-
underdevelopment of the left-sided structures and
ments of the mitral or tricuspid valve apparatus, and pul-
increase the risk for aortic coarctation.
monary venous anomalies may also coexist with LVOTO.
Critical LVOTO presents as shock in the early neonatal
period. Less severe defects may become clinically signifi-
cant later in childhood or remain silent into adulthood [6]. 24.2.2  Pathophysiology

Obstruction to left ventricular outflow results in LV

24.2  Valvar Aortic Stenosis pressure overload and concentric LV hypertrophy.
LV wall stress is directly proportional to LV systolic
24.2.1  Anatomy pressure and LV diameter, and inversely proportional
to LV wall thickness, so LV hypertrophy is a means
of maintaining contractility and the cardiac output.
The normal aortic valve has an area of about 2 cm2/m2 of
The increase in wall thickness initially leads to normal-
body surface area (BSA) [7] and is tricuspid (right, left,
ization of the wall stress; therefore, the LV contractility
and noncoronary cusps), and tri-commissural.
is preserved. Nevertheless, the progressive increase in
myocardial mass may cause interstitial fibrosis and
M. Tsifansky (*) left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and finally systolic
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
dysfunction. The stiff ventricle is dependent on the atrial
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital, Park Ridge,
IL, USA contractility to maintain an effective cardiac output.
e-mail: Michael.Tsifansky– Atrial arrhythmias may lead to significant hemodynamic

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 241
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_24, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
242 M. Tsifansky et al.

Fig. 24.1  (a) Normal trileaflet aortic valve. (b) Bicuspid aortic valve

Table 24.1  Classification of valvular aortic stenosis Their pathophysiology is similar to that outlined
Echo PSEG, Catheter gradient, Valve area, above; however, since for them ductal flow is not
Classification mmHga mmHga cm2/m2 BSA essential for systemic perfusion, frank cardiogenic
Trivial <25 <10 >0.7 shock is uncommon with its closure. Those with
Mild 25–50 11–40 >0.7
milder aortic valve stenosis are less likely to develop
Moderate 50–80 41–80 0.5–0.7
Severe >80 >75 <0.5 CHF. However, left ventricular hypertrophy, ischemia,
Critical 30–80 and limited increase of cardiac output with exercise
All gradients disclosed assuming normal cardiac output; in the may lead to angina or syncope on exertion.
setting of ventricular dysfunction transvalvar gradients may be
underestimated. Echocardiographic gradients are usually esti-
mated in patients without sedation and catheter gradients are
estimated in sedated patients. The latter measurement is the
most precise indicator of obstruction.
24.2.3  Clinical Presentation

Neonates with critical stenosis present in cardiogenic

instability in patients with AS. A number of factors shock and respiratory distress after the ductus arteriosus
predispose the hypertrophied left ventricle to subendo- closes, and are often misdiagnosed with septic shock
cardial ischemia, including increased myocardial [9]. They are tachypneic and poorly perfused; their
oxygen consumption, elevated LV end-diastolic pressure, pulses are often faint, and there may be no murmur on
low aortic diastolic pressure (thus, low coronary perfu- physical examination. They are severely acidotic.
sion pressure), compression of subendocardial blood Older infants with severe stenosis present in CHF
vessels by the hypertrophied muscle (thus, compromised with feeding difficulties and failure to gain weight. They
subendocardial blood flow), and limited systolic myo- display decreased peripheral perfusion, tachypnea, a gal-
cardial perfusion [6, 8, 9]. Patients with ischemia are lop with a harsh systolic murmur, and hepatomegaly.
predisposed to ventricular arrhythmias, syncope, and Children with milder obstruction usually present
sudden death. with an asymptomatic murmur or, much less frequently,
In neonates with critical aortic valve stenosis, with anginal chest pain and exertional syncope.
myocardial hypertrophy and subendocardial ischemia The typical adult presentation is the triad of
start in utero, leading to endocardial fibroelastosis angina pectoris, syncope, and heart failure. Physical
(EFE). EFE impairs both systolic and diastolic func- examination shows pulsus parvus et tardus (a delayed
tions of the left ventricle, which further compromises and slow-rising pulse), narrow pulse pressure, and a
forward flow across the aortic valve and contributes harsh crescendo-decrescendo murmur at the second
to LV failure [10]. Closure of the ductus arteriosus right intercostal space, radiating to the sternal notch
in such patients results in cardiogenic shock. [11]. An early systolic click and a single or reversely
Infants with severe stenosis may develop congestive split S2 typically accompany the murmur. The find-
heart failure (CHF) over the first few weeks of life. ing of a reversely split second heart sound may
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 243

i­ ndicate severe AS associated with a bundle-branch lar repair. In an M-mode image of a bicuspid valve, the
block and/or left ventricular dysfunction. In the set- coaptation line is eccentric, while in a parasternal
ting of severe LV dysfunction, the stroke volume short 2D image, a bicuspid valve looks football-
falls and the systolic ejection murmur becomes shaped. A stenotic valve appears as a Y in diastole and
softer. Some patients may have aortic insufficiency as a small O with three thickened commissures in sys-
associated with AS. AI is diagnosed by a decre- tole. Unicommissural valve appears as an eccentric
scendo murmur that begins immediately after the circular orifice without distinct cusps. In infants, the
second heart sound. left ventricle is often dilated, while in the older chil-
dren and adults it tends to be hypertrophied. Gradients
in neonates with aortic stenosis may underestimate
the severity of the obstruction due to the presence of
24.2.4  Chest Radiography patent ductus arteriosus and severe ventricular
In neonates and infants, the chest X-ray typically shows Neonates admitted with cardiogenic shock due
cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema to inadequate atrial communication may need an
is secondary to LV dysfunction, high end-diastolic emergent balloon atrial septostomy performed in the
pressure with the subsequent left atrial hypertension and intensive care unit. A small group of these patients
pulmonary venous congestion. Pulmonary hypertension may need extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
may be evident in this subset of patients. In older (ECMO) prior to the balloon atrial septostomy. The
children and adults, mild cardiomegaly and a prominent decision to proceed with a transcatheter or surgical
aortic arch are present (post-stenotic dilation). intervention is based on the size of left-sided structures,
the trans-valvar gradient, and the severity of ventricular

24.2.5  ECG

In infants, electrocardiography may be normal in mild 24.2.7  Cardiac Catheterization

AS. In older children and adults, left ventricular hyper-
trophy and ST-T changes are present. Diagnostic catheterization is done if significant
questions about cardiac or vascular anatomy remain
after echocardiographic assessment (this is infrequent),
or if percutaneous balloon dilation of the stenotic aortic
24.2.6  Echocardiography valve is planned. The technique typically involves
retrograde approach via the femoral (or, in infants,
Echocardiography is usually diagnostic and sufficient umbilical) artery. Approach through carotid artery
to plan a catheter-based or surgical intervention [12]. cutdown and through jugular, femoral, or umbilical
Cardiac and aortic anatomy, including the size and vein (transseptal) has also been described, but is not
function of the aortic and mitral valves, size of the commonly used. In addition to the transvalvular gra-
atrial communication, presence of other intracardiac dient, narrowed pulse pressure in the ascending aorta
defects, especially those contributing to the LVOT and elevated LV end-diastolic pressure are found. The
obstruction, and the size of the aorta should be evalu- aortography is remarkable for a thickened, fused, and
ated, since neonates with significantly underdeveloped domed valve that restricts the contrast. Other patients
left-sided structures may require a univentricular type with aortic stenosis, who may benefit from catheter-
repair. Presence of antegrade systolic flow into the based studies, include those with angina with ST-T
ascending aorta and the transverse arch by pulsed and wave changes (to evaluate LV pressure and the coro-
color Doppler is sine qua non to allow biventricular nary arteries) and those with syncope (to evaluate
repair. Conversely, presence of retrograde flow from LVOT), although these indications are not universally
the ductus arteriosus into the aortic root signifies that accepted. Balloon valvuloplasty of the aortic valve is
the left-sided structures are inadequate for biventricu- described separately.
244 M. Tsifansky et al.

24.2.8  P
 reoperative Management ease of use and predictability of hemodynamic
and Indications for Intervention effects [13].
Head and renal ultrasonography are performed, and
kariotype is checked before the repair of the aortic  Neonates stenosis, if time allows.

Neonates with critical aortic valve stenosis who present

in shock and heart failure require emergent infusion of  Older Infants and Children
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1, alprostadil) to reestablish
ductal flow and, therefore, the systemic cardiac output, In these patients the left-sided cardiac structures are
and to alleviate pulmonary hypertension caused by adequate for the maintenance of cardiac output, and they
severe LV failure. The dose of PGE1 should be kept usually do not require intensive preoperative management.
low (0.01–0.025  mg/kg/min), so as to avoid apnea, Surgical or catheter-based intervention is indicated in
fever, and hypotension. the presence of any of the following:
Gas exchange and acid–base status should be fol-
lowed closely and corrected as needed, as these a. Catheterization-derived peak-to-peak gradient
infants are not likely to tolerate acidosis. Bicarbonate >50 ­mmHg [14] or mean echocardiographic Doppler
infusion may be required to correct acidosis; how- gradient >30–40 mmHg across the aortic valve.
ever, ongoing acidosis most likely signifies inade- b. Syncope
quate cardiac output, and reasons for this should be c. Chest pain
sought. d. Signs of myocardial damage
Mechanical ventilation with tidal volume of 8–12 ml/ e. ECG S-T changes at rest or with exercise [6, 14].
kg and with adequate positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) of 6–8 cm H2O is frequently required to treat pul-
monary edema secondary to left-atrial and pulmonary-
venous hypertension and hypoxia.
24.2.9  Surgical Management
Inotropic support (dopamine or epinephrine) may be
required to improve the infant’s cardiac performance.  S
 urgical Versus Catheter-Based
If the LV or the mitral valve is too small, an atrial-level Intervention
left-to-right shunt as well as a patent ductus arteriosus
may be required to maintain cardiac output. In neonates appropriate for a biventricular repair,
It is prudent to abstain from enteral feedings in percutaneous balloon valvotomy has been preferred
unstable infants with ductus-dependent systemic cir- over the surgical valvotomy [15]. Most recent studies
culation, and parenteral nutrition may be started if demonstrate that with adequate preoperative stabiliza-
feasible. Many centers administer H2-blockers or pro- tion the results of the two approaches are comparable
ton-pump inhibitors to the fasting infants, although [16], although balloon valvuloplasty is less effective if
their utility has not been shown. Electrolytes and the aortic valve is very dysplastic or if the aortic annu-
fluid balance should be closely followed and lus is very small. The choice between the two is often
optimized. based on institutional preferences and expertise. Aortic
There is no role for prophylactic antibiotics in such balloon valvuloplasty may be particularly appealing in
infants, but antibiotics are often started before the neonates with very poor LV function.
diagnosis is established because of concerns for septic
shock. In such case it is reasonable to finish 48–72 h of
broad coverage while awaiting cultures.  Aortic Valvotomy
Sedation with low-dose fentanyl and midazolam
infusions may be used as needed to decrease the Once on cardiopulmonary bypass, the patent ductus
metabolic needs and improve infants’ comfort. The arteriosus, if present, is ligated to prevent retrograde
a2-agonist dexmedetomidine is becoming a­ flow into the pulmonary arteries. After aortic cross-
popular sedation option in some centers because of clamping and the administration of cardioplegia, the
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 245

Fig. 24.2  Open surgical valvotomy. Via a transverse aortotomy the aortic valve is inspected and the valvotomy is performed

Table 24.2  Comparison of aortic valve replacement options

Valve replacement Need for Option for neonates Freedom from reoperation for valve
option anticoagulation Growth potential and infants related problems at 10 years
Mechanical valves Yes No Noa 40–90%
Homograft No No Yes 50–80%
[21, 22, 24]
Pulmonary No Yes Yes 85–95%
autograft [21, 24, 25]
The smallest commercially available mechanical valve is 16 mm in diameter

proximal ascending aorta is opened approximately patients (Table 24.2; please see Chapter on Prosthetic
1 cm above the right coronary artery. Then, the valvotomy Valves in this book).
is performed by opening the intercommissural raphes
almost to the aortic annulus [10] (Fig. 24.2).  Mechanical Valves  Aortic Valve Replacement On cardiopulmonary bypass and under cardioplegic

arrest, a proximal aortotomy is performed. The
In general, all patients born with a stenotic aortic valve native aortic valve leaflets are excised, and the
will eventually require a valve replacement. There are mechanical prosthesis is implanted. In the presence
several options for aortic valve replacement in pediatric of annular hypoplasia an aortic root enlargement
246 M. Tsifansky et al.

procedure is used in order to place an adequate size proximally and to the ascending aorta distally. The
valve [10]. coronary arteries are reimplanted [10].  Aortic Allografts  Pulmonary Autograft (Ross Procedure)

On cardiopulmonary bypass and under cardioplegic The Ross procedure involves harvesting the pulmonary
arrest the coronary buttons are harvested, and the root (pulmonary valve and proximal main pulmo-
proximal aortic wall and the aortic valve are excised. nary artery), which is then used to replace the aortic
The allograft is then sutured to the aortic annulus root (Fig. 24.3). The RV-to-pulmonary artery continuity

Fig.  24.3  Ross procedure. (a) The pulmonary autograft is continuity is reestablished using the pulmonary autograft; note
harvested. (b) After harvesting the coronary buttons the proximal that the coronary buttons have been reimplanted. (d) A pulmo-
aortic wall and the abnormal aortic valve are excised. (c) Aortic nary homograft is placed in the pulmonary position
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 247

is reestablished with a conduit, most frequently a  B

 alloon Valvuloplasty of the
pulmonary homograft. This procedure also requires Aortic Valve
coronary artery reimplantation [10, 17].
The approach for the procedure is as described for
diagnostic catheterization. A 3-4F sheath is used in
infants and a 4-8F sheath in older children and adults.  A
 ortic Annular Enlargement
Long, low-pressure balloon of roughly equal diame-
ter to that of the aortic annulus is used to minimize
injury to the valve and residual aortic regurgitation.
In some patients, a component of aortic annular
Some interventional cardiologists use adenosine dur-
hypoplasia contributes to their aortic stenosis. Several
ing the procedure to achieve a short-lived and revers-
surgical techniques (Fig. 24.4) have been described for
ible cardiac standstill.If the patient has more than
the management of this specific anatomic problem,
mild AI, a catheter intervention is not the procedure
of choice [14].
• Manouguian: The posterior longitudinal aortotomy
incision is made and extended through the com-
missure between the left and the non-coronary
aortic cusps into the anterior leaflet of the mitral
valve. The annulus is then enlarged with a pros-
24.2.10  Postoperative Management
thetic patch.
• Nicks: The aortotomy is extended into the non-  Neonates
coronary sinus and the aortic annulus, but not into
the mitral valve. A prosthetic patch is then used to Neonates recovering from surgical or interventional
enlarge the annulus. repair of critical aortic stenosis often have pulmo-
• Konno: A vertical aortotomy is extended through nary hypertension and myocardial dysfunction, and
the aortic root into the interventrucular septum, to may need significant support. They may require
the left of the right coronary artery. The incision mechanical ventilation, inotropic support, and
is closed with a prosthetic patch. This is a very diuretics. Nitric oxide (NO) therapy may be consid-
useful technique when managing patients with ered in selected patients with critical hypoxic pul-
multi-level obstruction (valvar and subvalvar monary vasoconstriction; however, NO may increase
stenosis). pulmonary venous return and potentially overload
the failing LV.  Monitoring

After the surgical or interventional repair of the aortic

stenosis, the hemodynamic management in the ICU
is largely guided by echocardiographic findings,
including right- and left-ventricular function, volume
status, residual lesions (aortic stenosis or regurgita-
tion), and the presence of procedure-specific compli-
cations. An echocardiogram should be done in the
operating room or catheterization suite and then
repeated frequently, because as the left-ventricular
function improves, the trans-valvular gradient may
Fig. 24.4  Annular enlargement procedures change. Intra-operative placement of a left-atrial line
248 M. Tsifansky et al.

should be considered, especially if the size of the left-  Fluids and Nutritional Management
sided structures is small.
Fluids are restricted to 1/2–2/3 maintenance, and
the sodium load is minimized after surgical repair.  Cardiovascular Management Both the fluids and the sodium load are gradually
liberalized over the next few days, as the infant’s
Low-dose (3–5 mg/kg/min) dopamine infusion is typi- hemodynamics and renal function normalize. Fluid
cally started in the operating room and continued for and sodium restriction is usually unnecessary after a
several days in the ICU. Less frequently, low-dose catheter-based intervention.
epinephrine may be required. Milrinone infusion is Diuretics are started within 6  h of the surgical or
also routinely used for its inotropic, lusitropic, and interventional procedure in many centers, while others
afterload-reducing effects. The inotropes are usually prefer to postpone them for 12–18  h. Feedings are
weaned off after the extubation, and the infant is tran- started slowly when the hemodynamics are stable, the
sitioned to an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) infant has bowel sounds, and the abdominal exam is
inhibitor for long-term treatment, especially in the benign. When the infant is no longer significantly
presence of aortic regurgitation. However, aggressive fluid-overloaded, diuretics are decreased and adminis-
afterload reduction is contraindicated in the presence tered enterally.
of significant residual aortic stenosis.
In some centers the ductus arteriosus may be left
open if the adequacy of the left-sided structures is in
question. If ductal patency is required for more than  Older Infants and Children
3–5 days or left-atrial/pulmonary-venous hypertension
persists for more than several days, the adequacy of These patients are usually much easier to care for than
left-sided structures for systemic cardiac output should neonates, and their recovery is rapid. With uncompli-
be questioned, and the cardiac anatomy should be cated repair cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic-cross
reevaluated [8]. Previously unappreciated aortic coarc- clamping is usually brief, and the patients may not
tation and/or arch hypoplasia should be specifically require significant inotropic support. Typically they
sought and excluded by echocardiography or MRI. leave the operating room on a combination of a phos-
Patients with significant pulmonary hypertension, phodiesterase inhibitor and a vasodilator. When the
failing myocardium, and/or cardiogenic shock may be procedure involves coronary artery reimplantation,
supported by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation nitroglycerin may be initiated and continued for the
(ECMO) if improvement is expected. Otherwise, next 24–48  h after surgery. These patients may be
alternative treatments should be considered, including extubated soon after the procedure.
univentricular repair and cardiac transplantation. Early extubation also facilitates pain control and
sedation. Because LV systolic function is typically
preserved in these patients, relief of aortic stenosis is  Respiratory Management typically followed by systemic hypertension. If surgical
correction was undertaken, aggressive control of hyper-
Mechanical ventilation may be needed for several days tension is desirable in the first 1–2 days so as to protect
after the procedure. Goals of the ventilatory support are the aortic sutures. Vasodilators and beta-blockers
the same as during the preoperative period. The infant are usually effective. Pulmonary hypertension and
is weaned to extubation when hemodynamically stable. myocardial dysfunction are infrequent beyond the
Inotropes are usually continued through extubation. immediate neonatal period, but, if present, they are
Failure to wean from the ventilator should alert the treated similarly to those in neonates.
intensivist to the possibility of persistent left-atrial/ If epidural catheters are used after valve replace-
pulmonary venous hypertension as a result of poorly ment, and anticoagulation is planned, the epidural cath-
compliant small LV and/or residual aortic stenosis or eter should be removed at least 3 h before commencing
insufficiency. anticoagulation.
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 249  Complications partial atrioventricular canal or L-transposition of

the great arteries. Coarctation of the aorta, inter-
Procedure-specific complications should be looked for rupted aortic arch, and ventricular septal defects
and identified prior to discharge from the ICU. could also be associated with this anomaly.
Complications of balloon valvotomy include
residual aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation, ventric-
ular dysfunction, mitral regurgitation, and arrhyth-
mias. Trivial stenosis is expected and preferred to 24.3.2  Pathophysiology
insufficiency, because it is better tolerated and still
leaves re-valvotomy as a future option, whereas aor- Pathophysiology of subaortic stenosis is very similar
tic insufficiency requires a valve replacement, which to that of aortic stenosis. Subaortic stenosis results in
is challenging in small infants. Ventricular arrhyth- pressure overload of the LV and concentric LV hyper-
mias may occur transiently during the procedure, trophy. The subaortic obstruction causes blood flow
and rarely complete heart block may follow it. acceleration across the subaortic area which generates
Anemia from blood loss during access is not uncom- a jet that causes damages the aortic valve with resulting
mon in small infants. aortic insufficiency.
Complications of surgical valvotomy and valve
replacement are mentioned elsewhere in this volume.

24.3.3  Clinical Presentation

24.3  Subaortic Stenosis Symptomatic isolated subaortic stenosis is rare, but

with severe obstruction, fatigue, and dyspnea may be
24.3.1  Anatomy present. Its first presentation may be syncope and angi-
nal pain, or sudden death. Physical exam is similar to
that of aortic stenosis; in fact, clinical differentiation
Subaortic stenosis refers to the obstruction of the
between valvar and subvaluar aortic stenosis is usually
LVOT below the aortic valve annulus; it may coexist
impossible. Aortic regurgitation often coexists with
with valvar and supravalvar obstruction. Subaortic
subaortic stenosis and usually produces a soft early-
stenosis comprises several anatomic types: [1, 6]
diastolic component to the murmur. When present,
• Discrete anterior subvalvar membrane (most aortic regurgitation in the context of subaortic stenosis
frequent): This occurs in children and adolescents carries a high risk of endocarditis.
because of subtle distortion of the LVOT and result-
ing turbulent blood flow which causes endocardial
damage and fibrosis.
• Diffuse tunnel-like obstruction involving the muscular 24.3.4  Chest Radiography and ECG
septum: This occurs mostly following a resection of a
simple subaortic membrane and is due to post-surgical Chest X-ray and electrocardiography findings are
scarring and progressive fibromuscular proliferation indistinguishable from those of aortic stenosis.
in the context of a distorted LVOT.
• Discrete projection of the conal septum into the
LVOT.  Echocardiography
• Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomypathy (described
separately). Echocardiography is diagnostic and sufficient to plan
• Other unusual space-occupying lesions (Duplication the surgery [12]. Parasternal long-axis, apical long-axis,
of the anterior mitral leaflet, accessory endocardial and apical five-chamber views best display the subaortic
cushion tissue, anomalous chordal or papillary-muscle membrane. Parasternal long-axis and parasternal short-
insertion into the septum): Most of these occur in the axis views best display the tunnel-like obstruction.
setting of another congenital heart defect, such as Particular attention should be paid to the competence
250 M. Tsifansky et al.

of the aortic valve, since new-onset significant aortic indicated in the presence of a mean echocardiographic
regurgitation is an indication for surgery. Diagnostic gradient of 40–50 mmHg.
catheterization is rarely done for subaortic stenosis
alone, and interventional therapies are not effective at
present. If a catheterization is done, access is as for
aortic stenosis. A typical aortography of subaortic 24.3.6  Surgical Aspects
stensosis shows a jet of contrast without doming of the
aortic valve. The surgical approach involves a median sternotomy
incision, cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardioplegic
arrest. Via a proximal aortotomy the membrane is visu-
alized and sharply excised (Fig.  24.5). We routinely
24.3.5  P
 reoperative Management
perform a myomectomy (resection of a segment of left
and Indications for Intervention ventricular outflow tract muscle underneath the right
coronary cusp) in order to enlarge the outflow tract and
Unless these patients present with sudden death, they reduce the incidence of recurrence. In cases where the
are rarely severely ill or unstable. They undergo elective obstruction is more diffuse a modified Konno procedure
repair and do not require preoperative management. is used. Through a right ventriculotomy, an incision is
Aside from finding new-onset aortic regurgitation, made in the interventricular septum, underneath the aortic
[14] indications for repairing an isolated subaortic valve. The obstructing left ventricular outflow tract muscle
membrane are unclear. In general, surgical treatment is is resected, and the incision in the interventricular septum

Fig. 24.5  Repair of subaortic stenosis. The fibromuscular membrane is sharply excised from the distal left ventricular outflow tract.
Note that the membrane is very close to the aortic valve
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 251

is closed with a patch, enlarging the left ventricular s­ tenosis may be part of Williams syndrome (elastin
outflow tract [10]. The mortality rate associated with gene disorder, see Clinical Presentation); it may occur
simple subaortic resection is less than 2%. sporadically, or display an autosomal-dominant familial
inheritance. It may coexist with valvar and subvalvar
obstruction, and associated valvar disease correlates
24.3.7  P
 ostoperative Management strongly with the need for reoperation. The sino-tubular
junction is usually quite thick, creating a wedge-like
and Complications
projection at the junction of the sinuses of Valsalva
with the ascending aorta and giving the region an “hour-
Typically these patients are extubated in the operating glass” appearance. Occasionally, aortic valve leaflets
room and have an uncomplicated recovery in the ICU. adhere to the sino-tubular junction, although normally
Meticulous attention should be paid to the electrocar- they are unaffected. The coronary ostia are usually thick
diogram, especially to new onset of left bundle-branch and may be stenotic. The coronary arteries are dilated,
block, third degree A-V block, and ventricular arrhyth- tortuous, and aneurismal, even in young children. In
mias. If the repair included reimplantation of the coro- cases of Williams syndrome, the entire ascending aorta,
nary arteries, a careful comparison with the preoperative including the aortic arch branches, may be thick and
ECG should be made to detect S-T segment and T wave narrow; pulmonic stenosis is frequently present, and the
abnormalities. If coronary ischemia is suspected, serial main pulmonary artery may also be narrow. In children
troponin levels should be followed, and an echocardio- with Williams syndrome, coarctation of the abdominal
gram done to rule out ventricular dysfunction and/or aorta, and subclavian and renal artery stenosis may
regional wall motion abnormalities. Nitroglycerin should also be seen [9].
be initiated, and the patient should be emergently trans-
ferred to the cardiac catheterization laboratory to define
the nature of the myocardial compromise. The hyper-
trophic left ventricle is particularly sensitive to ischemia 24.4.2  Pathophysiology
and infarction, and both hypertension and hypotension
should be avoided in this setting. All patients should have
a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) in the operat- Pathophysiology of supraaortic stenosis is similar to
ing room, and information on ventricular function, resid- that of aortic stenosis and subaortic stenosis. Supra-
ual mitral insufficiency, residual aortic stenosis, and/or aortic stenosis results in pressure overload of the LV and
insufficiency should be readily available on admission to concentric LV hypertrophy. Additionally, because the
the ICU. Careful control of systemic hypertension is coronaries originate proximal to the supraaortic obstruc-
achieved with beta-blockers and vasodilators. tion, they are exposed to high pressure (which accounts
An occasional neonate with a Ross-Konno and for their morphology) and perfused during systole rather
postoperative ventricular dysfunction or an older than diastole. However, coronary flow may also be com-
patient with postoperative ventricular dysfunction due promised by obstruction at the sinuses of Valsalva and
to significant subaortic resection should be managed as the coronary ostia. Distorted coronary morphology cou-
described earlier for the postoperative management of pled with myocardial oxygen supply/demand mismatch
aortic valvotomy patients. (for reasons described under aortic stenosis) may put
these patients at significant risk for sudden death [9].

24.4  Supraaortic Stenosis

24.4.3  Clinical Presentation
24.4.1  Anatomy
Patients with the familiar form of supraaortic stenosis
Supraaortic stenosis, an obstruction of LVOT at the level present in infancy with signs of mild CHF; severe CHF
of the sino-tubular junction or proximal ascending aorta, is rare. Patients with Williams syndrome (hemizygous
is the least common type of LVOTO. Supraaortic deletion of part of chromosome band 7q11.23, elastin
252 M. Tsifansky et al.

gene deletion) present with stigmata of the syndrome: assessed. Particular attention should be paid to the
elfin faces, prominent forehead, long philtrum, enamel morphology of the coronary arteries, although magnetic
hypoplasia, friendly personality, hyperacusis, and resonance (where available) may provide higher quality
unusual affinity for music. Hypercalcemia, peripheral images than echocardiography [9, 12]. Diagnostic
pulmonic stenosis, coarctation of the aorta, subclavian catheterization is rarely necessary, but MRI may be
artery stenosis and renal artery stenosis are frequent [18]. advisable to further define the aortic arch and the other
These patients may be asymptomatic from the cardio- vessels.
vascular standpoint, or the cardiovascular abnormali-
ties may be evident from a variety of clinical finding,
such as systolic ejection murmur, syncope, systemic
hypertension, cerebral vascular accidents, myocardial 24.4.7  P
 reoperative Management
infarction, syncope, and sudden death. Physical exam and Indications for Intervention
findings are similar to those of aortic stenosis; how-
ever, the systolic murmur is best heard along the right
upper sternal border, and the click is absent. Systolic Preoperatively, these patients are rarely severely ill
hypertension is frequent and may be more pronounced or unstable, so they undergo an elective repair and
in the right arm. This finding may be related to the do not require preoperative management. The goal is
Coanda effect, or it may result from stenosis of the ori- to treat the supra-aortic stenosis before the develop-
gin of the contralateral subclavian artery. ment of severe left-ventricular hypertrophy and pro-
gressive coronary stenosis. Generally, Doppler
gradients of 30–50 mmHg and evidence of sino-tubular
junction narrowing necessitate surgical repair [10, 14].
A child with a smaller gradient and without evidence
24.4.4  Chest Radiography of significant left-ventricular hypertrophy may be
closely followed.
Chest X-ray findings are similar to those of aortic stenosis;
however the ascending aorta is usually not dilated.

24.4.8  Surgical Aspects

24.4.5  ECG
In patients with supravalvar aortic stenosis, the area of
narrowing tends to be circumferential (“napkin ring”)
Electrocardiographic findings are also similar to those and appears as a fibrous ridge at the level of the
of aortic stenosis. Right ventricular hypertrophy may sino-tubular junction. The fibrous process that affects
also be present if RVOTO or branch pulmonary artery the aortic wall can involve the origin of one or both
stenosis is present. coronary arteries, at times causing coronary ischemia.
Therefore, it is important to visualize the origin of both
coronary arteries at surgery.
The surgical approach involves a median sternotomy
24.4.6  Echocardiography incision, cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardioplegic
arrest. First, the ascending aorta is opened longitudi-
Echocardiography is diagnostic and sufficient to plan nally across the area of narrowing. Then the fibrous
the surgery. Parasternal long-axis and apical long-axis ridge is excised and the aorta augmented with a patch
views best display the supra-aortic narrowing, while the that extends across the area of narrowing and into the
suprasternal view best shows the diffuse hypoplasia of aortic sinuses (Fig. 24.6). An inverted Y-shaped patch
the ascending aorta and the aortic arch. The morphology is commonly used, extending into the two anterior
of the aortic valve and the gradient across the obstruc- sinuses (Fig. 24.7). Occasionally, all three aortic sinuses
tion should be investigated. Similarly, the morphology may need enlargement (Fig.  24.8). In patients with
of the RVOT should be investigated and RV pressure diffuse ascending aortic narrowing, a long-segment patch
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 253

Fig. 24.6  Single-patch technique

Fig. 24.7  Repair of supravalvar AS with an inverted Y-shaped patch. The aortotomy is extended into the two anterior aortic sinuses.
After resection of the fibrous ridge, the aorta is repaired with an inverted Y-shaped patch.
254 M. Tsifansky et al.

Fig. 24.8  Three-patch technique. After transecting the aorta just above the area of narrowing all three aortic sinuses are augmented
with patches.

aortoplasty will be required [10]. The mortality rate complex postoperative course and are managed similarly
associated with the surgical management of supravalvar to the patients with repaired valvar aortic stenosis.
aortic stenosis is less than 5%. As with the other types of LVOTO, careful attention
should be paid to adequate sedation and control of
hypertension to protect the aortic sutures for the first
1–2 days. In addition, several issues specific to the
24.4.9  P
 ostoperative Management
repair of supraaortic stenosis should be kept in mind.
and Complications After the relief of the supravalvular obstruction, the
coronary perfusion pressure (and thus, the coronary
Patients with discrete supraaortic stenosis are flow) may actually decrease creating coronary insuf-
typically extubated in the operating room or soon ficiency, and afterload-increasing agents (e.g., a1-
after arriving in the ICU, and their postoperative agonists) may be needed to correct that. On the other
course is uncomplicated. Patients with more diffuse hand, if the aortic arch narrowing is inadequately
forms of supra-aortic obstruction can have a more addressed, the supra-aortic gradient will in effect be
24  Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction 255

transferred more distally, and this possibility should 10. Jonas RA, DiNardo JA. Comprehensive Surgical Management
be investigated if the patient is exhibiting low car- of Congenital Heart Disease. London, New York: Arnold;
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diac output.
University Press; 2004:544 pp.
Finally, patients with Williams syndrome may show 11. Hurst JW, Fuster V. Hurst’s The Heart. New York: McGraw-
RV hypertension due to main or branch pulmonary Hill Medical; 2008:2477, pp.
artery stenosis [8]. Therefore, it may be advisable 12. Park MK. Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners.
Philadelphia, PA: Mosby/Elsevier; 2008:680 pp.
to dilate and/or stent the pulmonary arteries prior to
13. Tobias JD. Dexmedetomidine: applications in pediatric
surgical intervention. Sedation of patients with Williams critical care and pediatric anesthesiology. Pediatr Crit Care
syndrome may be challenging because their hyperacusia Med. 2007;8:115–131.
and unique personality [19, 20]. We found that dexme- 14. Corno AF. Congenital Heart Defects: Decision Making for
Cardiac Surgery. Darmstadt, Germany: Steinkopff; 2003:2
detomidine in addition to small doses of benzodiaz-
15. Alsoufi B, Karamlou T, McCrindle BW, Caldarone CA.
epines is very useful in this setting. Management options in neonates and infants with critical
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. Eur J Cardiothorac
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Chapter 25
Coarctation of the Aorta

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, Jacqueline Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

25.1  Introduction 25.2  Coarctation of the Aorta

Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) and interrupted aortic 25.2.1  Anatomy

arch (IAA) may be seen as the two ends of the spec-
trum of extracardiac obstruction to the left ventricular
CoA is usually found in the thoracic descending aorta
(LV) output. The term “aortic coarctation” describes a
at the level of the ductus arteriosus (“juxtaductal”),
discrete narrowing of the descending aortic lumen at
just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery
the level of ductus arteriosus by a single posterior shelf
(Fig. 25.1). The actual narrowing is due to a ridge-like
of tissue; “aortic hypoplasia” refers to a narrowed aor-
infolding of the tunica media along the posterior aortic
tic segment of some length in the absence of such dis-
wall, creating the posterior shelf. Evidence exists that
crete shelf; “atretic arch” defines an interruption to the
in patients with CoA fibroductal tissue is present in the
patency of the aortic arch lumen with the two blind
aorta beyond the ductus arteriosus, and that the closure
ends of the arch connected only by a fibrous strand;
of the ductus is accompanied by further narrowing in
finally, IAA describes the complete discontinuity
the aorta itself, as the ectopic ductal tissue contracts
between the proximal and the distal ends of the aortic
[2]. The left subclavian and intercostal arteries are
arch. As with other causes of obstruction to LV output,
often dilated, whereas the right subclavian artery
these lesions may coexist with each other and be fur-
sometimes originates below the coarctation. Other vas-
ther compounded by intra- and extracardiac defects
cular anomalies often found in patients with CoA
[1]. Congenital CoA is a frequent pediatric cardiovas-
include berry aneurysms of the circle of Willis [3], as
cular lesion, especially among Caucasian boys. It is
well as coronary [4–9] and renal artery [10]
less common among African American boys and even
less among African American girls. CoA is not com-
CoA presenting in neonates may be a “complex
monly associated with genetic anomalies, except for
CoA,” i.e., one complicated by intracardiac anomalies.
girls with Turner syndrome, in whom it is frequent.
Many infants presenting with severe CoA may also
Notably, CoA can be acquired, e.g., after Takayasu
have a ventricular septal defect, and CoA may be part
arteritis or as a result of cardiac surgery. IAA, unlike
of the Shone complex [11], which includes a para-
CoA, is a rare lesion. However, it is often associated
chute-type mitral stenosis, a supra-mitral ring, and a
with DiGeorge Syndrome (D22q11).
subaortic stenosis. Less frequently, double-outlet right
ventricle, truncus arteriosus, aorto-pulmonary window,
and single ventricle may be present. However, right-
ventricular outflow tract obstruction is rare in such
M. Tsifansky (*) On the other hand, CoA presenting beyond infancy
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
is usually a “simple CoA,” i.e., an isolated lesion.
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital, Park Ridge,
IL, USA However, such patients develop a rich network of
e-mail: engorged collateral vessels as a means to supply

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 257
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_25, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
258 M. Tsifansky et al.

sequelae of LV failure in these patients include renal

failure and necrotizing enterocolitis.
Infants and children with milder CoA do not develop
acute heart failure. In these patients, the heart compen-
sates by several mechanisms, including (1) concentric
myocardial hypertrophy (to maintain normal wall
stress), (2) increase in LV end-diastolic volume, mobi-
lizing preload-recruitable cardiac output (Frank–
Starling Law), (3) increase in sympathetic outflow,
resulting in increased inotropy, and (4) ­development of
the collateral circulation, which decreases the LV after-
load. If the CoA is not addressed, however, many
patients will ultimately develop congestive heart failure
during the first 6 months of life. CoA compounds the
hemodynamic effects of coexisting left ventricular out-
flow tract obstruction and left-sided regurgitant lesions.
While complex cases of CoA typically result in worse
outcomes, a coexisting ventricular septal defect may
actually protect the LV from failure by providing an
alternative outflow as the ductus arteriosus closes.
The pathophysiology of the older child and adult
with CoA is similar to that of infants with noncritical
CoA. In them, LV pressure overload also results in
concentric hypertrophy, increased sympathetic tone,
Fig.  25.1  Aortic coarctation. Note the area of narrowing in multiple collaterals, and, congestive heart failure
the proximal descending aorta, just distal to the left subclavian (CHF). However, the progression to CHF is much
artery (LSC). AAo ascending aorta; RIn.A right innominate slower.
artery; LCC left common carotid artery; DAo descending

organs distal to the coarctation. These vessels erode 25.4  P

 reoperative Management and
the lower edges of the ribs, producing the appearance Indications for Intervention
of rib-notching on chest X-rays and may result in
increased bleeding after the repair of CoA via lateral 25.4.1  Neonates

Neonates with CoA presenting in shock require aggres-

sive medical management, including an infusion of
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) to reestablish ductal flow and
25.3  Pathophysiology the ductal-dependent systemic cardiac output, and to
alleviate the pulmonary hypertension seen in severe
In neonates with critical CoA, closure of the ductus LV failure. Opening of the ductus arteriosus may be
arteriosus results in cardiogenic shock from severe sufficient to reestablish some antegrade flow across the
obstruction to left ventricular output with resultant LV coarctation. Perfusion of the post-ductal vasculature
failure, elevated left-atrial (LA) pressure, left-to-right will come from two sources – the pulmonary artery
shunting across the foramen ovale, and pulmonary (oxygen saturation 75–80%) and the left ventricle
edema. In the presence of an associated VSD, the pul- (oxygen saturation 90–95%). The post-ductal satura-
monary edema is more pronounced. The systemic tion will depend on the relative contribution of each
25  Coarctation of the Aorta 259

source, which should be remembered in the differen- H2-blockers or proton-pump inhibitors to fasting
tial diagnosis of the desaturating infant with the CoA/ infants, although their benefit has not been clearly
PDA physiology. Interpretation of post-ductal oxygen shown. Enteral feeds can be carefully started in
saturations is more complex in patients with intracar- hemodynamically stable infants with appropriately
diac communications. balanced Qp:Qs. Electrolytes and fluid balance
To reverse established cardiogenic shock in a neo- should be optimized. While there is no role for pro-
nate with CoA, PGE1 should begin at a relatively high phylactic antibiotics, they are often started before
dose (0.1 mg/kg/min) and then lowered to about 0.01– the diagnosis is established because of concerns for
0.03  mg/kg/min as the cardiogenic shock resolves. septic shock. In such cases, it is reasonable to com-
Conversely, in a stable neonate with a prenatal diagno- plete 48–72  h of therapy while awaiting cultures.
sis of critical CoA, the dose of PGE1 should be kept Sedation with low-dose fentanyl and midazolam or
low (0.01–0.03  mg/kg/min) to decrease side-effects dexmedetomidine infusions may be useful to
(apnea, fever, hypotension, and decreased pulmonary decrease the infants’ metabolic needs and improve
vascular resistance). comfort. Head and renal ultrasonography need to be
The ratio of systemic-to-pulmonary blood flow performed, and karyotype should be checked before
(Qp:Qs) should be optimized. The use of room air or the repair.
sub-ambient inspired oxygen concentrations may be
required, and blood pCO2 of 40–45 is desirable. Gas
exchange and acid–base status should be corrected,
25.4.2  Older Infants, Children, and Adults
because these infants may not tolerate hypoxia or aci-
dosis. Fluid restriction to 75% of maintenance is ben-
eficial during the acute phase, although an occasional These patients present much less acutely and can often
small fluid bolus may be needed. As these infants sta- undergo an elective surgical repair without the need for
bilize, judicious use of diuretics may be required. preoperative hospitalization. Common sequelae of
Severe ventricular failure, frequent apneas due to longstanding unrepaired CoA include stroke, systemic
PGE1, or inability to balance the systemic and the arterial hypertension, and heart failure.
pulmonary circulations may necessitate mechanical
ventilation. Tidal volume of 8–12 ml/kg and positive
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 6–8  cm H2O are
25.4.3  S
 urgical and Interventional
frequently required to treat pulmonary edema sec-
ondary to left-atrial and pulmonary-venous hyperten- Aspects
sion and hypoxia. Bicarbonate infusion to correct
acidosis and inotropic support of the myocardium  Timing of Surgery
may be needed until cardiogenic shock resolves.
However, ongoing acidosis and cardiogenic shock In general, all patients with severe CoA should
need to be investigated, including careful reanalysis undergo elective surgical repair within a week or two
of the cardiac and vascular anatomy and function. of their diagnosis, but patients with signs of left ven-
Cardiogenic shock unresponsive to full medical therapy tricular ­failure may need a more urgent intervention.
is rare, but it necessitates an emergent repair. On the It is appropriate to allow sick neonates to recover
other hand, those infants who respond to medical before proceeding with surgical repair, but the occa-
treatment should be physiologically stable prior to sional patient who does not respond to the prostaglan-
the surgical repair. din infusion will require an emergent operation.
Due to the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), Finally, whether associated anomalies are addressed
unstable infants with critical CoA should not be fed at the time of the CoA repair or at a separate time is
enterally; they need parenteral nutrition. These dictated by the nature of the anomalies as well as the
patients should be monitored for abdominal disten- clinical status of the infant. For example, it is not
sion and bloody stools, which would signify the infrequent to perform the repair of a VSD ­a ssociated
development of NEC. Many centers administer with a CoA as a follow-up surgery [12].
260 M. Tsifansky et al.  Surgical Technique  R

 esection and Extended End-to-End
Several surgical techniques are used in the manage-
ment of isolated aortic coarctation. These proce- With this technique, the undersurface of the proximal
dures are performed via a left posterolateral aortic end is open longitudinally up to the takeoff of
thoracotomy and require a period of aortic clamp- the left common carotid artery. A counter-incision is
ing. A median sternotomy approach is commonly made along the greater curvature of the descending
used in the presence of associated intracardiac aorta, and the two ends are then sutured together
anomalies. (Fig. 25.3). This repair is especially useful in patients
with distal aortic arch hypoplasia.  R
 esection and End-to-End
Anastomosis  Prosthetic Patch Aortoplasty

After mobilization of the aorta, the ductus arteriosus In this technique, a longitudinal incision is made
is ligated and divided. The aorta is clamped proxi- through the area of coarctation and extended proxi-
mally and distally and the area of coarctation excised. mally and distally. The aortotomy is then repaired with
The two ends of the aorta are then approximated with a synthetic patch (Fig. 25.4). This repair is appropriate
a running suture (Fig. 25.2). for the management of patients with poor aortic mobility
and in the redo setting.

Fig. 25.2  End-to-end repair. The area of coarctation is resected and the two aortic ends are sutured together
25  Coarctation of the Aorta 261

Fig. 25.3  Extended end-to-end repair. Note the placement of the distal aortic segment to the undersurface of the distal aortic arch

Fig. 25.4  Patch aortoplasty

262 M. Tsifansky et al.  Subclavian Flap Aortoplasty From a technical standpoint, the coarctation is

usually crossed retrograde using the femoral-artery
In this repair, the left subclavian artery is ligated and approach. In patients with postoperative coarctation
divided distally. A longitudinal arteriotomy is then after single-ventricle palliation, the coarctation is typi-
made along the length of the artery and extended across cally addressed transvenously, to minimize the risk of
the aortic isthmus and the area of coarctation. The femoral–arterial damage. Simultaneous pre- and post-
opened left subclavian artery is folded down and coarctation pressures are recorded, and the coarctation
sutured to the edges of the aortotomy, thus serving as a area is imaged by biplane angiography. The angio-
patch (Fig. 25.5). The major disadvantage of this tech- plasty balloon with a diameter no larger than 1.2 times
nique is the possibility of left arm ischemia and/or that of the healthy vessel before and after the area of
growth disturbance. stenosis is positioned over a wire across the coarcta-
tion and inflated for a few seconds. The pressures
across the coarctation are then re-measured, and the  Transcatheter Interventions area is re-imaged angiographically. The interventional
approach is appealing because it avoids surgery and
Although balloon dilation has been used as a treatment aortic cross-clamping. It is particularly attractive for
for CoA since the 1980s, its role for native coarctation the patients with a history of previous surgery and for
continues to be controversial [13]. However, in the those with native coarctation, but minimal collateral
case of postoperative re-coarctation, balloon angio- arterial formation. Yet, it carries a risk of acute aortic
plasty is the treatment of choice. If used to treat native dissection and, when done for a native coarctation,
coarctation, it is applied to patients over 2 years of age results in a higher rate of re-coarctation, especially in
with a simple coarctation, and never to neonates, infants. In addition, in native coarctation there is a
except the very rare cases who are not surgical candi- worrisome incidence of post-angioplasty aortic aneu-
dates, in whom it is a palliative intervention. rysm formation.

Fig. 25.5  Subclavian flap aortoplasty

25  Coarctation of the Aorta 263

In postoperative coarctations (Fig.  25.6) balloon approximately 6% most recently. The complications of
angioplasty is the treatment of choice regardless of the primary coarctation stenting include aortic dissection,
surgical technique used for the repair, as it offers a stent malposition, femoral arterial damage, cerebrovas-
high success rate, low complication rate, and low cular accidents, and death (0.3%) [15, 16]
incidence of reintervention [14].
Over the last decade, primary coarctation stenting
has become an alternative to surgery for the older child,
adolescent and young adult with CoA (Fig. 25.7). This 25.4.4  Surgical Complications
technique limits the incidence of aneurysm formation
post-angioplasty and greatly increases the success rate The most dreaded complication associated with aortic
of the procedure. Complication rates have decreased to coarctation repair is spinal cord ischemia leading to

Fig. 25.6  Postoperative coarctation of the aorta. Aortogram in tion of aorta (*) following Norwood procedure for hypoplastic left
the lateral projection (a) and the anterior-posterior projection with heart syndrome. Immediately after antegrade balloon angioplasty
caudal angulation, (b) demonstrate a severe postoperative coarcta- there is significant angiographic improvement (arrow)

Fig. 25.7  Coarctation stenting. (a) Aortogram performed in AP projection demonstrates a severe discrete native coarctation of
aorta (*). Aortogram following stent implantation demonstrates marked angiographic improvement (arrow)
264 M. Tsifansky et al.

paraplegia. The reported incidence of paraplegia in kg/min) and/or milrinone (0.5–1 mg/kg/min) infusion
neonates and infants is approximately 0.4%; [17, 18] may be started in the operating room and continued for
for older children and adults it has been reported to be several days in the ICU. Inotropes are usually weaned
higher (2.6%) [19]. More frequently observed compli- after the extubation.
cations include chylothorax, recurrent laryngeal nerve Tachycardia and systemic hypertension may occur
injury, phrenic nerve injury, and recurrent coarctation after the repair (see below). Therapy is ensured with
(15%). The operative mortality is less than 2%. beta-blockers and vasodilators. A continuous Esmolol
infusion offers the advantage of titration and may later
be replaced by oral beta-blockers. Vasodilation may be
titrated with sodium nitroprusside or with intravenous
25.4.5  Postoperative Management calcium inhibitors.  Monitoring  Fluid Management and Nutrition
Patients should be monitored with an indwelling
Fluid restriction is unnecessary after CoA repair unless
­arterial and central line and assessed for cardiac and
cardiopulmonary bypass was used to repair associated
respiratory rate, continuous ECG and oxygen satura-
intracardiac lesions. Infants are fed very slowly when
tion. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a useful
they are hemodynamically stable, have bowel sounds,
tool to assess regional perfusion, particularly in the
and only if the abdominal exam is benign. A peculiar
splanchnic vascular bed. Noninvasive blood pressure
morbidity following CoA repair is the post-coarctec-
measurements in the upper and lower limbs will help
tomy syndrome, which manifests as abdominal pain and
identify any residual or recurrent aortic coarctation.
tenderness as well as hypertension, fever, and leukocy-
tosis 2–3 days after the CoA repair. The etiology of the
post-coarctectomy syndrome seems to involve a sudden  Respiratory Management increase in mesenteric perfusion after the coarctectomy,
resulting in mesenteric necrotizing arteritis [20].
Neonates recovering from uncomplicated surgical
repair of critical CoA are usually extubated in the oper-
ating room or upon admission to the intensive care unit
(ICU). Patients who had a complicated preoperative 25.4.6  Complications
course may require mechanical ventilation for 12–24 h
after CoA repair because of reactive pulmonary vascu- In older patients, persistent postoperative systemic
lar bed and a risk of pulmonary hypertension. If clini- hypertension is common after CoA repair. Its etiology
cally significant pulmonary hypertension is present, it is likely multifactorial, involving baroreceptor dys-
should be treated in the standard fashion, including function, increase in circulating catecholamines and
sedation and nitric oxide. renin, and the presence of mesenteric arteritis [21]. It is
Complex arch repairs that require circulatory arrest crucial to control the systemic hypertension diligently
and median sternotomy may also require longer in the first 24–48 h postoperatively in order to prevent
mechanical ventilation. Once hemodynamically stable, anastomotic leaks, the post-coarctectomy syndrome
these infants are weaned to extubation and to minimize bleeding. Esmolol, labetalol, nicar-
dipine, or nitroprusside may be used to keep systolic
blood pressure below 80–90 mmHg. However, aggres-  Cardiovascular Management sive afterload reduction is contraindicated in the pres-
ence of significant residual aortic stenosis. Once
The hemodynamic management in the ICU is guided extubated and fed, the infants are transitioned to an
by the presence of any residual cardiac lesions (intrac- angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or
ardiac or extracardiac), the postoperative ventricular beta-blocker for long-term treatment, especially in the
function, and the volume status. Dopamine (3–7  mg/ presence of aortic regurgitation.
25  Coarctation of the Aorta 265

A chylothorax (due to thoracic duct injury) may  Older Infants and Children
complicate the postoperative course, and, if not ade-
quately drained, it may affect the respiratory effort of While the principles of care (blood-pressure control,
the patient. It may be addressed by changing the attention to abdominal exam and careful feeding, and
infant’s diet to Portagen, whose entire fat content is in search for signs of spinal ischemia) remain the same as
the form of medium-chain fatty acids, which do not for neonates, older patients are much easier to care for,
enter the thoracic duct. Octreotide infusion may also and their recovery is rapid. They are usually extubated
be attempted. However, often more drastic measures in the operating room. However, due to more extensive
are required, such as cessation of all enteral feeding for collaterals, they may experience more significant
at least 2 weeks (and institution of parenteral nutri- bleeding. In those patients who undergo interventional
tion), followed by Portagen. If the chylothorax still balloon-dilation and stenting of CoA, signs of bleed-
persists, thoracic duct ligation should be considered. ing should also be vigilantly sought. Bleeding can
Lymphocytes, immunoglobulins, and antithrombin III occur either at the sight of the aortic intervention or
are lost into the chylous effusion and should be closely from the point of entry in the groin. Therefore, several
followed for as long as the chylothorax persists. serial hemoglobin values are often obtained, and close
attention is paid to the groin. In addition, serial neuro-
logical exams should be performed in patients recover-  Other Acute Complications ing from interventional balloon-dilation and stenting
of the CoA site because strokes can occur in this subset
Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve may also of patients.
occur after CoA repair. It leads to paralysis of the
left vocal cord, which manifests as stridor and respi-
ratory distress upon extubation. Its net effect is a par-
tial airway obstruction, which potentiates the References
negative intrathoracic pressure (and thus LV after-
load) on inspiration. Small infants may not tolerate 1. Matsui H, Adachi I, Uemura H, Gardiner H, Ho SY. Anatomy
of coarctation, hypoplastic and interrupted aortic arch: rele-
this well and may require continuous positive airway vance to interventional/surgical treatment. Expert Rev
pressure (CPAP), heliox or reintubation (especially Cardiovasc Ther. 2007;5:871-880.
if their cardiac function is marginal). If the recurrent 2. Moss AJ, Allen HD, Adams FH. Moss and Adams’ heart dis-
laryngeal nerve has not been severed, its function ease in infants, children, and adolescents including the fetus
and young adult. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
usually recovers in about 7 days, at which time CPAP Wilkins; 2008.
wean or extubation may be attempted. If the infant 3. Stehbens WE. Intracranial berry aneurysms in infancy. Surg
again develops stridor and respiratory distress, com- Neurol. 1982;18:58-60.
plete transsection of the nerve is likely. Such infants 4. Goel P, Madhu Sankar N, Rajan S, Cherian KM. Coarctation
of the aorta, aortic valvar stenosis, and supravalvar aortic
need to undergo an airway endoscopy, and, unless stenosis with left coronary artery ostial stenosis: manage-
another reason for stridor is found, they should be ment using a staged hybrid approach. Pediatr Cardiol.
considered for a tracheostomy. 2001;22:83-84.
Injury to the phrenic nerve manifests as hemidia- 5. Sarioglu T, Kinoglu B, Saltik L, Eroglu A. Anomalous origin
of circumflex coronary artery from the right pulmonary artery
phragmatic paralysis and is often initially seen on the associated with subaortic stenosis and coarctation of the
chest X-ray as an elevated hemidiaphragm. The diag- aorta. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 1997;12:663-665.
nosis (paradoxical movement of the paralyzed hemidi- 6. Tsunemoto H, Kawase M, Mannohji E, Yajima T. A case
aphragm – up on inspiration and down on expiration) report of annuloaortic ectasia with coarctation of the aorta
and “high take off” of the right coronary artery. Nippon
can be made with fluoroscopy or ultrasound. During Kyobu Geka Gakkai Zasshi. 1995;43:270-275.
the diagnostic study it is important to avoid positive 7. Levin SE, Dansky R, Kinsley RH. Origin of left coronary
pressure ventilation because it can interfere with the artery from right pulmonary artery co-existing with coarcta-
paradoxical movement of the diaphragm. The respira- tion of the aorta. Int J Cardiol. 1990;27:31-36.
8. Jackson RD, Robicsek F, Daugherty HK, et  al. Subaortic
tory status of young infants is especially compromised stenosis, bicuspid aortic valve, single coronary artery and
by hemidiaphragmatic paralysis, and in them prompt coarctation of the aorta. Coll Works Cardiopulm Dis.
surgical intervention is required. 1975;20:106-110.
266 M. Tsifansky et al.

9. Honey M, Lincoln JC, Osborne MP, de Bono DP. Coarctation 15. Forbes TJ, Moore P, Pedra CA, et  al. Intermediate
of aorta with right aortic arch. Report of surgical correction ­follow-up following intravascular stenting for treatment of
in 2 cases: one with associated anomalous origin of left cir- coarctation of the aorta. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv.
cumflex coronary artery from the right pulmonary artery. Br 2007;70:569-577.
Heart J. 1975;37:937-945. 16. Forbes TJ, Garekar S, Amin Z, et al. Procedural results and
10. Blank RH, Connar RG. Coarctation of the abdominal aorta acute complications in stenting native and recurrent coarcta-
associated with renal artery stenosis. Am Surg. 1973;39:212- tion of the aorta in patients over 4 years of age: a multi-insti-
215. tutional study. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007;70:276-285.
11. Carey LS, Sellers RD, Shone JD. Radiologic findings in the 17. Brewer LA III, Fosburg RG, Mulder GA, Verska JJ. Spinal
developmental complex of parachute mitral valve, supraval- cord complications following surgery for coarctation of the
vular ring of left atrium, subaortic stenosis, and coarctation aorta. A study of 66 cases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
of aorta. Radiology. 1964;82:1-10. 1972;64:368-381.
12. Kanter KR. Management of infants with coarctation and 18. Keen G. Spinal cord damage and operations for coarctation
ventricular septal defect. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. of the aorta: aetiology, practice, and prospects. Thorax.
2007;19:264-268. 1987;42:11-8.
13. Ovaert C, McCrindle BW, Nykanen D, MacDonald C, 19. Westaby S, Parnell B, Pridie RB. Coarctation of the aorta
Freedom RM, Benson LN. Balloon angioplasty of native in adults. Clinical presentation and results of surgery.
coarctation: clinical outcomes and predictors of success. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 1987;28:124-127.
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35:988-996. 20. Downing DF, Grotzinger PJ, Weller RW. Coarctation of the
14. McElhinney DB, Yang SG, Hogarty AN, Rychik J, Gleason aorta; the syndrome of necrotizing arteritis of the small
MM, Zachary CH, Rome JJ, Karl TR, Decampli WM, Spray intestine following surgical therapy. AMA J Dis Child.
TL and others. Recurrent arch obstruction after repair of iso- 1958;96:711-719.
lated coarctation of the aorta in neonates and young infants: 21. Rocchini AP, Rosenthal A, Barger AC, Castaneda AR, Nadas
is low weight a risk factor? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg AS. Pathogenesis of paradoxical hypertension after coarcta-
2001;122:883-890. tion resection. Circulation. 1976;54:382-387.
Chapter 26
Interrupted Aortic Arch

Ricardo Muñoz, Michael Tsifansky, and Victor O. Morell

26.1  Anatomy 26.2  Pathophysiology

IAA is a ductal dependent anomaly, as adequate
The anomaly of interrupted aortic arch (IAA) involves a
blood supply to the distal arch is dependent on a pat-
complete interruption or atresia of a segment of the
ent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Without medical inter-
aortic arch. It can be associated with a single ventricle,
vention, the infant develops cardiogenic shock,
malalignment ventricular septal defect (VSD), left
metabolic acidosis, and multiorgan dysfunction. The
ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO), anomalous
precipitant factor for the onset of shock is a closing
right subclavian artery, aortopulmonary window, truncus
ductus with resultant systemic hypoperfusion. In the
arteriosus, and/or transposition of the great arteries [1].
setting of an intact atrial and ventricular septum, the
The Celoria and Patton classification is used to
lower half of the body will be supplied by the PDA
describe the anatomic location of the atretic segment
with desaturated blood, and differential cyanosis will
(Fig. 26.1):
be present [4].
Type A: Distal to the left subclavian artery (1/3 of
The pathophysiology of IAA with VSD and/or
ASD is different. A left-to-right shunt across ASD
Type B: Between the left subclavian artery and the
or VSD level is present, and the blood that is ejected
left common carotid artery (most common; nearly 2/3
from the right ventricle and shunted through the
of cases).
PDA to the distal arch is less desaturated than the
Type C: Between the left carotid artery the innomi-
blood in patients without intracardiac communica-
nate artery (least common; around 1% of cases).
tions. Thus, differential cyanosis may not be clini-
The type B IAA is commonly associated with an
cally appreciated. Nevertheless, assuming normal
aberrant right subclavian artery and a conoventricular
lung gas exchange and absence of an aberrant right
VSD with posterior malaligment causing left ventricu-
subclavian artery, the brain and right arm oxygen
lar outflow tract obstruction. In addition, this interrup-
saturation will be higher than that in the lower
tion is associated with absence of the thymus and
extremities [5].
DiGeorge syndrome.
Patients with transposition of the great arteries
In addition, classification of IAA can be based on
and IAA type B exhibit a distinct physiology that is
the anatomy of the subclavian arteries and is divided
dependent upon the following factors: (1) intracar-
into normal subclavian arteries or an aberrant right
diac communications (2) pulmonary hypertension,
subclavian artery situated retroesophageal (present in
and (3) lung pathology. In the absence of intracar-
50% of type B interruption, but also may be seen in
diac and extracardiac communications, the neonate
type A) [2, 3].
has parallel circulation with no effective pulmonary
and systemic blood flow [6]. Refractory cardiogenic
M. Tsifansky  () shock will appear soon after birth, and the only
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, chance of survival is a rapid atrial septostomy cou-
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital,
Park Ridge, IL, USA pled with the initiation of prostaglandin E1. If only
e-mail: an insufficient atrial communication exists, a ­cascade

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 267
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_26, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
268 R. Muñoz et al.

Fig. 26.1  Classification of interrupted aortic arch (Celoria and right common carotid artery; LCC left common carotid artery;
Patton). The interrupted lines represent the atretic aortic seg- LSC left subclavian artery; PDA patent ductus arteriosus; DAo
ment. AAo ascending aorta; RSC right subclavian artery; RCC descending aorta

of hypertension from the left atrium through the pul- aberrant right subclavian artery arising post-interruption.
monary circulation is initiated. At this point, a Carotid pulses may allow the physician to differentiate
­pulmonary artery to distal arch shunt will occur the anatomy and pathophysiology of this disorder,
across the PDA. Because the pulmonary artery car- especially in IAA type B. If all pulses are weak,
ries the more oxygenated blood (as the PA is con- severe LVOTO, ventricular dysfunction and/or aortic
nected to the left ventricle), the lower half of the stenosis must be suspected. This finding is accompanied
body will have higher oxygen saturation compared by poor ­systemic perfusion, loud systolic murmur
to the upper part of the body in a condition known as (VSD and LVOTO), tachypnea, and increase work
“reversed differential cyanosis. The same physiol- of breathing.
ogy applies in any patient with pulmonary hyperten-
sion. In neonates with significant lung disease and
pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary venous desatu-
ration will exist and reversed differential cyanosis 26.3.1  Electrocardiogram
may not be apparent. In the presence of an aberrant
right subclavian artery arising after the interruption,
The ECG reveals prominent right ventricular forces,
the oxygen saturation measured on the right arm may
but is otherwise nonspecific.
not be different from those ­measured in the lower
extremities [7].

26.3.2  Chest Radiography

26.3  Clinical Presentation The chest X-ray demonstrates cardiomegaly, pulmo-

nary edema secondary to overcirculation, and/or ven-
The clinical presentation of IAA is similar to that in tricular enlargement.
patients with coarctation of the aorta. These infants
usually remain clinically stable as long as the PDA
remains open. Once the PDA becomes smaller, there
is not a reliable source of blood supply to the lower
26.3.3  Echocardiography and MRI
body, and cardiogenic shock and multiorgan dysfunc-
tion appears. Physical examination at this point At present, echocardiography and MRI are the gold
reveals tachypnea and weak femoral pulses. Weak standard for the diagnosis of IAA. Catheterization is
right brachial pulses may be present in patients with an rarely indicated.
26  Interrupted Aortic Arch 269

26.4  Preoperative Management irradiated blood must be administrated until DiGeorge

syndrome is eliminated from the differential.
The preoperative management of IAA is similar to that In addition, renal and head ultrasounds are rou-
of critical coarctation of the aorta. tinely obtained to rule out anomalies.
PGE1 must be initiated, and inotropic support should If possible, once the patient has reached hemody-
be started and planned according to the echocardio- namic stability, enteral trophic feeds at approximately
graphic findings regarding the ventricular function. 20 ml/kg/day should be initiated and slowly advanced
If the infant is in cardiogenic shock and/or has sig- if tolerated. If enterocolitis is suspected, the cardiac
nificant work of breathing, endotracheal intubation repair is deferred until it improves, and the infant is
should be performed, and hyperoxia, hypocarbia and treated with broad spectrum antibiotics, maintained nil
alkalosis must be avoided to promote right to left shunt per os (NPO) for 10–14 days, and given parenteral
across the PDA and to increase systemic blood flow. nutrition. Serial abdominal radiograms should be
In selected cases, it may be necessary to decrease closely followed in these infants.
the systemic vascular resistance with milrinone and/or In the author practice, if sepsis is suspected, ampi-
increase the pulmonary vascular resistance with a cillin and cefotaxime are initiated. They are discontin-
hypoxic mixture to avoid pulmonary overcirculation. ued if cultures remain negative after 72 h of therapy.
The goal of therapy is to maintain optimal distal arch
perfusion with right to left shunting across the PDA.
This goal can be monitored by physical examination
(peripheral pulses, perfusion, and urine output). A pre- 26.4.1  Surgical Management
ductal saturation above 90% and a post ductal satura-
tion of approximately 70% signify good gas exchange The surgical repair of an interrupted aortic arch requires
and appropriate distribution of the cardiac output. cardiopulmonary bypass, moderate-to-deep hypothermia
Recently, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), fea- and cardioplegic arrest. A period of circulatory arrest
turing input from brain, renal, superior mesenteric and/or low flow is required for the arch repair. A unique
artery, and foot electrodes, has been used to assess aspect of the arterial cannulation is the fact that two can-
regional tissue perfusion. However the clinical value nulas are needed, one for each end of the aorta, in order
of this approach remains investigational [8]. to perfuse both the upper and lower body [9, 10].
Biochemical indictors such as lactate levels, arterial The repair consists of uniting the two ends of the
and/or venous blood gases, and liver and renal function aorta and closing the VSD. The aortic reconstruction
tests must be closely monitored. Chromosome studies requires extensive mobilization of the distal aortic seg-
are routinely requested to rule out a DiGeorge (22q11 ment in order to allow for a stress-free aortic anastomo-
deletion) or a CHARGE (CHD7 mutation on ­chromosome sis (Fig. 26.2). We routinely augment the undersurface
8q12.1) syndrome and other congenital anomalies, and of the aorta across the area of ­anastomosis; this ­technique

Fig. 26.2  Repair of type B interruption. (a) Discontinuity of the artery and inferiorly into the descending aorta, past the area of duc-
aorta between the left common carotid artery and the left subcla- tal tissue. The proximal aortic segment is opened into the origin of
vian artery, (b) the ductus arteriosus is divided and the distal aortic the left common carotid, (c) the two aortic ends are sutured together
segment is opened superiorly into the proximal left subclavian and the anastomosis is augmented with a prosthetic patch
270 R. Muñoz et al.

has been reported to decrease the incidence of recurrent atelectasis (left bronchial compression by a recon-
arch obstruction [6, 11, 12]. When present, the ventric- structed arch), or damage to the recurrent laryngeal
ular septal defect is closed via a right atriotomy. The nerve, thoracic duct, phrenic nerve, and sympathetic
mortality rate associated with the repair of an IAA is ganglia.
approximately 8% [13].  Metabolic Management

26.5  Postoperative Management If patients have DiGeorge syndrome, they may require
frequent calcium supplementation. A full endocrine
The postoperative management will depend upon the and immunologic evaluation should be completed as a
associated congenital heart disease [14]. There are four wide spectrum of this syndrome exists with mild to
main paradigms: severe endocrine and immune deficiencies.

1 . Isolated IAA
2. IAA with ventricular septal defect (VSD) and left 26.5.2  I AA with Ventricular Septal Defect
ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO)
(VSD) and Left Ventricular Outflow
3. IAA with VSD and transposition of the great ­arteries
(TGA) Tract Obstruction (LVOTO)
4. IAA with VSD and truncus arteriosus (TA)
Currently in patients with these anomalies all defects
are repaired in one surgical stage [16, 17]. Therefore,
the postoperative care is very challenging. In addition
26.5.1  Isolated IAA to the aforementioned management of the arch repair,
one needs to be aware of the potential complications of
Postoperative care of isolated IAA is similar to that VSD and LVOTO repair [15, 18].
after the repair of coarctation of the aorta. Attention As a general rule, the caregiver must always find
should be paid to possible residual arch gradient, and evidence of an adequate surgical repair [19]. Residual
evaluation of the femoral pulses and the blood pressure defects may have devastating consequences, especially
of the four extremities is mandatory [15]. in infants after cardiopulmonary bypass, cardioplegic
arrest, and circulatory arrest.
In an infant with a combination of residual arch  Cardiovascular Management obstruction and residual VSD, significant LV dysfunc-
tion and low cardiac output syndrome will develop due
The inotropic support of choice is milrinone and low- to LV volume (left to right shunt across the VSD) and
dose epinephrine (if needed). Some infants may benefit pressure overload (residual arch obstruction). Left
from the use of an arterio-venodilator such as sodium ventricular dysfunction will lead to left atrial hyperten-
nitroprusside. In cases without circulatory arrest, mil- sion, pulmonary venous hypertension, pulmonary
rinone alone is sufficient. Diuretic therapy is initiated edema, pulmonary hypertension, and eventually RV
within 6–8 hr after surgery. dysfunction. The clinical signs of these residual defects
are a VSD murmur, weak pulses in lower extremities,
pulmonary edema, and signs of congestive heart fail-  Respiratory Management ure with potential cardiogenic shock. An echocardio-
gram and perhaps cardiac catheterization (for the
Extubation should be planned within 48 h of chest clo- evaluation of Qp:Qs must be done promptly to decide
sure in complicated cases or within 24 h in uncompli- on surgical reintervention [20].
cated. Similar to coarctation of the aorta, the caregiver VSD closure also implies a possibility of a conduc-
should be aware of the complications related to injury tion system injury and/or inflammation giving rise to
of the structures near the aortic arch such as left lung arrhythmias and atrioventricular block. Depending
26  Interrupted Aortic Arch 271

upon the surgical approach (via right atrium-tricuspid repair versus staged palliative repair), coexistence of
valve, pulmonary valve or ventriculotomy), the inten- other associated anomalies, low birth weight, and
sivist may see various degrees of tricuspid or pulmo- experience of the cardiovascular team [23–28]. A
nary valve incompetence in addition to ventricular recent study which compiled 20 years of surgical
dysfunction. experience in patients with IAA and associated
More specific details regarding the postoperative anomalies revealed that regardless of operative tech-
care of VSD and LVOTO are discussed elsewhere in nique, there is still a long-term probability of reop-
this volume. eration and/or reintervention [13]. The actuarial
survival including early mortality was 92% at 1 year,
81 % at 5 years, and 75% at 10–15 years. Another
26.5.3  I AA with VSD and Transposition study of 472 neonates reported that reintervention
of the Great Arteries (TGA) was more likely for those who had a diagnosis of
truncus arteriosus, IAA repair by a method other
than direct anastomosis with patch augmentation,
In patients with these abnormalities, the presence of
and/or the use of polytetrafluoroethylene as either an
residual arch obstruction, injury to the extracardiac
interposition graft or a patch [6]. Patients with low
structures (phrenic nerve, thoracic duct, etc), conduc-
birth weight, immediate presentation, type B IAA,
tion abnormalities, and a residual VSD must be eval-
and major associated cardiac anomalies remain at a
uated. Details of postoperative care of arterial switch
high risk for death [29].
will be discussed in the chapter regarding transposi-
tion of the great arteries. Some of the potential mor-
bidities of this repair include ventricular dysfunction,
mitral regurgitation, arrhythmias secondary to coro- References
nary insufficiency, bleeding due to multiple suture
lines, supravalvular pulmonic stenosis, and supraval- 1. Weinberg P. Aortic arch anomalies, in Moss and Adams’ heart
vular aortic stenosis [21]. These patients may need disease. In: Infants, Children, And Adolescents : Including
ECMO shortly after surgery until ventricular function The Fetus And Young Adult. Allen HDDD, Shaddy R, Feltes
improves [22]. T, eds. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; 2008:754–756.
2. Fyler DC. Coarctation of the aorta. In: Nadas’ Pediatric
Cardiology, J.E.L. Keane JF, Fyler DC, ed. Philadelphia:
Saunders; 2006:638–642.
26.5.4  I AA with VSD and Truncus 3. Backer CL, Mavroudis C. Congenital heart surgery nomen-
Arteriosus (TA) clature and database project: patent ductus arteriosus, coarc-
tation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch. Ann Thorac Surg.
In patients with these conditions immediate postopera- 4. Matsui H, et  al. Anatomy of coarctation, hypoplastic and
interrupted aortic arch: relevance to interventional/surgical
tive complications of truncus arteriosus must be avoided. treatment. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2007;5:871-880.
These include pulmonary hypertension, branch pulmo- 5. Mainwaring RD. Lamberti JJ. Mid- to long-term results of the
nary artery stenosis, right ventricular dysfunction, con- two-stage approach for type B interrupted aortic arch and
duit stenosis, conduction system abnormalities, ventricular septal defect. Ann Thorac Surg. 1997; 64: 1782–
1785; discussion 1785–1786.
arrhythmias, coronary ostium injury, and truncal valve 6. McCrindle BW, et al. Risk factors associated with mortality
insufficiency and/or stenosis [11]. and interventions in 472 neonates with interrupted aortic arch:
a Congenital Heart Surgeons Society study. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 2005;129:343-350.
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arch. In: Nichols DG, ed. Critical Heart Disease In Infants
26.6  Long Term Outcome And Children. Philadelphia; Mosby:2006: 641–648.
8. Liu J, et al. Application of modified perfusion technique on
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Surgical results for repair of IAA are improving and series and literature review. Asaio J. 2007;53:666-569.
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10. Lim HG, et al. One-stage total repair of aortic arch anomaly 20. Suzuki T, et al. Selective management of the left ventricular
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222. stenosis on management and outcome. Circulation.
12. Morales DL et al. Interrupted aortic arch repair: aortic arch 1995;92:II128-II131.
advancement without a patch minimizes arch reinterven- 22. Konstantinov IE, Pohlner P. An approach to interrupted aor-
tions. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;82:1577–1583; discussion tic arch associated with transposition of the great arteries.
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Chapter 27
Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders

Cécile Tissot, Eduardo M. da Cruz, Afksendyios Kalangos, and Shannon Buckvold

This chapter will discuss mitral disorders with the normally prevented from prolapsing into the left atrium
exception of mitral stenosis to which a specific chapter by the tendinous cords attached to the underside of the
has been dedicated in this book. It will also provide valve that insert into the papillary muscles. The papillary
information about some associated entities such as muscles are normally symmetric, occupying the
Marfan syndrome (MFS) and rheumatic disease. anterolateral and posteromedial aspects of the left
ventricle, below the anterolateral and posteromedial
commisures, and each of them typically has tendinous
insertions that support both valve leaflets [2].
27.1  M
 itral Valve Anatomy
and Physiology
27.2  E
 tiology and Presentation of Mitral
The normal mitral valve apparatus consists of four
components: the annulus, leaflets, tendinous cords, Diseases
and papillary muscles [1]. The normal mitral valve
consists of two leaflets, the anterior leaflet and the pos- 27.2.1  Marfan Syndrome
terior leaflet, suspended from the fibrous mitral valve
annulus at the level of the atrioventricular junction.
Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a heritable connective tis-
The anterior leaflet guards approximately two-thirds
sue disorder which may affect the eyes, cardiovascular
of the left atrioventricular orifice, but occupies only
system, skeletal system, lungs, spinal cord, skin, kid-
one-third of its circumference. The posterior leaflet is
ney, and other systems [3]. The diagnosis is clinical,
subdivided into three sections, or scallops (P1, P2, P3);
made predominantly by applying the Ghent criteria
it guards approximately one-third of the left atrioven-
(Table  27.1). Cardiovascular complications in MFS
tricular orifice, but occupies two-thirds of its circum-
have accounted for more than 90% of premature deaths
ference. The two leaflets coapt at the anterolateral and
in the era prior to open-heart surgery [4]. While nearly
posteromedial commisures; each scalloped section of
all Marfan patients continue to exhibit cardiovascular
the posterior leaflet (P1, P2, P3) coapts with the
involvement [5], current anticipatory guidance and
anterior leaflet in areas designated A1, A2, A3 [2]
effective management have allowed patients with MFS
(Figs.  27.1 and 27.2). Thus, for proper mitral valve
to achieve near-normal life expectancies [6]. However,
function, the mitral valve leaflets require proper
neonatal MFS, with severe mitral and/or tricuspid
functioning of all eight areas of coaptation (two com-
insufficiency and infantile pulmonary emphysema,
misures and six leaflet sections). The valve leaflets are
continues to carry a very poor prognosis, with a life
expectancy of 2 years [7].
C. Tissot (*) The estimated incidence of MFS is 2–3 per 10,000
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
individuals [8], and the estimated prevalence is 1 in
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA 5,000 individuals [9]. MFS exhibits autosomal domi-
e-mail: nant inheritance with complete penetrance but variable

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 273
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_27, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
274 C. Tissot et al.

Table 27.1  Ghent diagnostic criteria. An index case must meet

two major criteria in two organ systems and a minor criterion in
a third system (Adapted from [20])
System Major criteria Minor criteria
Family history MFS in parent,
child or sibling
Genetics Mutation of FBN1
Cardiovascular Aortic root dilation Mitral valve prolapse
Dissection of Calcification of the
ascending aorta mitral valve
(<40 years)
Dilatation of the
pulmonary artery
Dilatation/dissection of
descending aorta
Occular Ectopia lentis Flat cornea elongated
Fig. 27.1  Echocardiography short axis view of the mitral valve, Globe myopia
with the scallops of the anterior (A) and posterior (P) leaflets Skeletal Pectus excavatum Moderate pectus
identified: A1 anterolateral; A2 middle; A3 posteromedial; P1 needing surgery excavatum
anterolateral; P2 middle; P3 posteromedial Pectus carinatum High arched palate
Pes planus Typical facial features
Positive wrist or Joint hypermobility
thumb sign
Scoliosis >20° or
ratio >1.05
Protrusio acetabulae
elbows <170°
Pulmonary Spontaneous
Apical bulla
Skin Striae
Recurrent or
incisional herniae
Central nervous Lombosacral dural
system ectasia

The most common cardiovascular abnormalities in

pediatric MFS are dilation of the aorta (Figs. 27.3 and
Fig.  27.2  Mitral valve anatomy (drawing from Steven P. 27.4) and mitral valve prolapse [12], the morphology
Goldberg, MD) of which can be characterized both by histology and
gross pathology. This chapter will concentrate on the
expression in 75% of patients, while sporadic occurrence description of the mitral anomalies.
accounts for the remaining 25% [6]. Preimplantation
and prenatal genetic diagnosis is available; however,
because variable expression of the syndrome exists even
within families, molecular diagnosis of MFS cannot
27.2.2  Mitral Valve in Marfan Syndrome
predict disease severity [10]. The birth prevalence of
neonatal MFS, the most severe phenotypic expression In MFS, the mitral valve leaflets are most frequently
of MFS, is quite rare; one study reports a prevalence of abnormal. The mitral valve in patients with MFS
1 per 27,000 live births [11]. demonstrates progressive histologic and morphologic
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 275

abnormalities. Fibrillin density is reduced and As the anterior and posterior leaflets of the mitral
accompanied by partial fragmentation of the longer valve become elongated, redundant, and somewhat
fibrillin-coated elastic fibers, with abnormal globular thickened [14], it results in the prolapse of the anterior
change in the fibrillin coating of remaining portions of leaflet or the posterior leaflet or both [17]. Mitral valve
elastic fibers [13]. Both the anterior and posterior prolapse can be demonstrated in 17% of children at
leaflets tend to become elongated and redundant, age 5 [12]; in 75% of adolescents at age 15 [12]; and in
with some degree of thickening. Chordal elongation 80% of young adults at 30 years of age [14]. It has
and rupture can occur. Progressive annular dilation and been suggested that 100% of children with evolving
calcification can be demonstrated in 30% of MFS phenotypic expression of MFS will develop mitral
patients [14]. Massive calcification of the mitral valve valve dysfunction by 18 years of age, and one half of
annulus has been reported in adolescence [15]. children with mitral valve dysfunction will develop
All phases of mitral regurgitation – acute, chronic mitral regurgitation (MR) before 25 years of age [12].
compensated, and chronic decompensated – have been By 30 years of age, 13% would have developed mod-
described in neonates and children with MFS [16]. erate-to-severe MR [14]. In fact, in the pediatric MFS
population, mitral valve dysfunction and regurgitation
contribute most to morbidity and mortality, and have
been suggested to be of prognostic significance [14,
18]. Severe MR in very young children is a feature of
the infantile and neonatal expression of MFS [19–21].

27.2.3  Arrhythmias

Patients with MFS have a greater prevalence of cardiac

dysrhythmias when compared to healthy patients with-
out MFS [22]. In children and adults with MFS, ven-
tricular dysrhythmia can occur and progress with or
without significant valve disease [23]. Young patients
with MFS with stable cardiovascular involvement on
Fig. 27.3  2D echocardiography of a patient with Marfan syn-
drome demonstrating dilation of the sinuses of Valsalva and
medical therapy are more likely to die from dysrhythmia
abnormal mitral valve than from aortic dissection [24]. Ventricular tachycardia

Fig. 27.4  Echocardiographic measurements in Marfan syndrome (drawing from Steven P. Goldberg, MD)
276 C. Tissot et al.

can occur as a consequence of mitral valve prolapse [25]. for MFS. Tiecke et al have proposed that a reasonable
Atrial tachydysrhythmia can take place secondary to preliminary definition of “atypically severe” MFS be
atrial dilation in the setting of valvar regurgitation. considered for MFS patients who manifest severe
cardiovascular disease and require operative interven-
tion for aortic root dilation or severe aortic or mitral
valvular dysfunction before 17 years of age [26].
27.2.4  Myocardial Dysfunction

Symptomatic myocardial dysfunction in MFS rarely Neonatal Marfan

occurs in the absence of significant valvar regurgita-
tion. Chronic left ventricular volume overload from As a genetic diagnosis, MFS is always present from
aortic or MR causes ventricular dilation and increased birth and therefore symptoms of MFS in the neonatal
end-diastolic pressure. To maintain cardiac output period are insufficient to support a diagnosis of neona-
in accordance with the Frank–Starling mechanism, tal MFS [21]. Rather, the diagnosis of neonatal MFS is
increased end-diastolic pressure results in increased reserved for neonates with the most severe phenotypic
ventricular performance until the point beyond which expression of MFS: severe cardiac valvular insuffi-
compensation cannot be maintained and circulatory ciency and cardiac failure, and congenital pulmonary
failure results. In the setting of valvar regurgitation, the emphysema [18, 27]. Mortality in infants with neonatal
left ventricle is hyperdynamic. A “normal” appearing left MFS can be as high as 95% in the first year of life from
ventricle in the setting of significant valvar regurgita- relentlessly progressive, severe mitral, tricuspid, and/or
tion may be a harbinger of progressive left ventricular aortic insufficiency [21, 28] that is often complicated
failure. The clinical features of cardiac failure in MFS by scoliosis, congenital pulmonary emphysema, and
can be described by the general features of cardiac pulmonary hypertension [20]. In addition to the cardiac
failure described elsewhere in this Chapter 49. and pulmonary manifestations, neonatal MFS exhibits
a distinctive neonatal phenotype [18, 20, 21, 27, 29]:
−− Very loose skin, as if “two sizes too big,” lending an
27.2.5  Diagnosis aged appearance to the face
−− Dolichocephaly
−− Dislocated lenses, iridodonesis, megalocornea  C
 linical Presentation of Marfan
−− Down-slanting palpebral fissures
−− Crumpled, low-set ears
−− High arched palate
Classic MFS
−− Micrognathia
−− Anterior chest deformity
MFS is most often suspected on the basis of skeletal and
−− Flexion contractures
ophthalmic features that suggest the diagnosis. Due to
−− Hyperextensible joints
its variability and tendency towards an evolving pheno-
−− Dislocated hips
type, the diagnosis of MFS is primarily clinical, made
−− Arachnodactyly
by applying the Ghent criteria (Table 27.1). However,
when the clinical diagnosis is less clear, a full range of
diagnostic studies can be performed, and the objective
findings can be assembled to make the diagnosis [3]. 27.2.6  P
 resentation of Mitral
Complications of Marfan
Atypically Severe MFS Syndrome

Though MFS exhibits a significant degree of clinical Many of the cardiovascular complications of MFS
variability, both within and among families with MFS, sufficient to require admission to the intensive care unit are
no generally accepted clinical grading system exists likely to be characterized by general signs and symptoms
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 277

of cardiac failure. Infants may exhibit symptoms like −− An S3, heard immediately after S2, from the rapid,
failure to thrive, tachypnea, coughing, wheezing, large volume flow into the LV
diaphoresis, irritability or listlessness, tachycardia, and −− An S4, heard immediately before S1, from flow
poor perfusion. Children and adolescents may show into noncompliant or stiff ventricle during atrial
dyspnea, orthopnea, reduced exercise tolerance, contraction
syncope or presyncope, chest pain, or palpitations. −− A holodiastolic descrescendo murmur at the left
Tachypnea, increased breathing, or hyperpnea may sternal border; also at the right sternal border if
result from pulmonary edema, bronchial compression associated with aortic root dilation
from cardiac enlargement, or the metabolic acidemia −− Austin Flint murmur, a soft mid-diastolic rumble
and hypoxemia may result from the poor peripheral heard at the apex, when severe regurgitant jet
balance of oxygen demand-delivery. Pulmonary hyper- renders partial anterior mitral leaflet closure
tension frequently complicates the course of these −− Widened pulse pressure with bounding palpable
patients in the intensive care unit. Additionally, if the pulses.
ventricular function is compromised, the patient may
be at risk for thromboembolism.
MFS patients with severe mitral valve regurgitation
enter the ICU with decompensated MR. Contractile 27.2.7  ECG
and ejection functions are impaired; the hemody-
namic consequences are reduced forward output and
The resting electrocardiogram in MFS may include
increased pulmonary vascular congestion. The clinical
findings of [22]:
presentation is variable, depending on the degree of
hemodynamic compromise, and can be dominated by −− Atrial fibrillation
the typical features of cardiac failure, circulatory −− Premature atrial beats
shock, and respiratory failure from pulmonary edema. −− Long QT interval and decreased QT dispersion
In all MFS patients with mitral complications, −− ST segment depression
caregivers must be cautious in identifying other com- −− Premature ventricular beats, with occasional R on T
promised potential cardiovascular functions related to configuration
the aortic valve, the aorta and the myocardial function. −− Prolonged atrioventricular conduction time
As a matter of fact, clinical presentation of an aortic
Ventricular arrhythmias are associated with increased
aneurysm in children with MFS is typically asymp-
left ventricular size, mitral valve prolapse, and abnor-
tomatic; it is detected by serial echocardiographic
malities of repolarization; they are an important cause
evaluation. Complications of aortic root aneurysms from
of sudden death in Marfan patients [34]. Complete
rupture, dissection, and tamponade can occur in children
heart block may be indicative of endocarditis compli-
with MFS [30–32]; however, early aortic dissection is
cated by perivalvular abscess [33].
more characteristic of the recently described Loeys–
Dietz syndrome.
Lastly, endocarditis should be considered in any
patient with MFS who shows acutely progressive 27.2.8  Imaging
valvular disease, recurrent fevers, or persistent consti-
tutional symptoms of anorexia, weight loss, malaise,
Echocardiography is the cornerstone method to diag-
or personality changes. Perivalvular abscess can be
nose mitral anomalies in patients with MFS. In grown-
associated with conduction abnormalities, including
up patients transthoracic echocardiography may be
complete heart block [33].
limited and transesophageal approach may be required.
Other clinical features on physical examination
However, other techniques like angio CT scan and
often include:
MRI are essential to complement the assessment of the
−− A displaced LV apical impulse from chronic aortic mitral valve and function and to identify aortic com-
insufficiency promising, particularly in the context of suspected aor-
−− Soft or absent S2 from incomplete aortic valve closure tic dissection.
278 C. Tissot et al.

27.2.9  Rheumatic Fever Acute rheumatic heart disease produces a pancarditis

involving the pericardium, epicardium, myocardium
and endocardium. Endocarditis is manifested as mitral
Rheumatic fever is a delayed nonsuppurative sequela of
and aortic valve insufficiency [49]. The most com-
group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) phar-
monly affected valve is the mitral valve (65–70% of
yngitis in children. The disease has a delayed onset
patients), followed by the aortic (25%) and the tricus-
after the initial infection and presents with various other
pid (10%) valves. The pulmonary valve is rarely
manifestations including arthritis, carditis, chorea, sub-
affected. Whether myocardial dysfunction during acute
cutenous nodules or erythema marginatum.
rheumatic fever is related primarily to myocarditis or is
The incidence of rheumatic heart disease has
secondary to severe valve insufficiency is not known
decreased dramatically in industrialized countries over
[50, 51]. When pericarditis is present, it is usually self-
the past several years related to the introduction of
limiting and rarely results in constrictive pericarditis.
penicillin and a change in the virulence of the
Congestive heart failure secondary to severe valve
Streptococci. A dramatic decline in both the severity
insufficiency is a complication of acute and chronic
and mortality from acute rheumatic fever has occurred
rheumatic fever. Recurrent episodes of rheumatic fever
in the past 30 years in these countries. The prevalence
may cause progressive damage to the valves. Severe
of rheumatic heart disease in the US is now less than
scarring of the valves develops months to years after
0.05 per 1,000, with rare regional outbreaks [35–38].
the initial episode of rheumatic fever and is responsible
In contrast, rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart
for most cases of mitral valve stenosis in adults.
disease have not decreased in developing countries.
Patients with a history of rheumatic fever are at a
Around 5–30 million children and young adults are
high risk of recurrence. The risk of reccurence is high
estimated to have chronic rheumatic heart disease
within 5 years of the initial episode and if the patient is
worldwide [39, 40].
of younger age at the time of the initial episode. The
Race and sex does not influence the disease inci-
risk of carditis and severity of valve damage increases
dence. However, aboriginal populations in Australia
with each attack.
and natives from Hawaii, Maori and New Zealand have
a higher incidence of rheumatic fever even with antibi-
otic prophylaxis of streptococcal pharyngitis [41, 42].
Rheumatic disease in females is usually worse with a 27.2.10  Clinical Presentation
higher incidence of chorea and a worse prognosis of
Acute rheumatic disease is a systemic disease with a
Rheumatic fever is principally a disease of child-
large variety of symptoms.
hood, occurring between 5 and 15 years, with a median
Antecedent of a sore throat 2–5 weeks prior to onset
age of 10 years at diagnosis.
of symptoms is present in 70% of patients. Systemic
Rheumatic heart disease is still the major cause of
complaints are frequent including fever, fatigue, weight
acquired valve disease in the World [43, 44].
loss, headache, malaise and pallor. Abdominal pain is
Though the exact pathogenesis of rheumatic fever
remains unclear, it is believed to result from an autoim-
Major clinical manifestations are as follows:
mune response. It develops following GABHS pharyngi-
tis and almost only infections of the pharynx initiate or −− Fever: is usually greater than 39°C at the onset of
reactivate rheumatic fever [45]. Rheumatic fever has also symptoms. The fever decreases spontaneously in 1
been described in aboriginal populations from Australia week, but low-grade fever can persist for 2–3 weeks.
following GABHS skin infection [41, 46, 47]. −− Arthritis: Polyarthritis is the most common symp-
The initial infection consists of sore throat, fever, tom and frequently is the earliest manifestation
malaise and headache in a small percent of patients for (70–75%). The arthritis involves usually in the large
several weeks before leading to rheumatic fever. joints, beginning in the lower extremities (knees,
Penicillin treatment shortens the clinical course of ankles) and migrating to other large joints in the
streptococcal pharyngitis and more importantly upper extremities (elbows, wrists). Affected joints
­prevents the major sequelae [48]. are painful, erythematous, swollen and warm. The
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 279

pain is out of proportion to clinical findings. The 27.2.11  Diagnosis: Jones Criteria
arthritis persists for about 1 week, is migratory and
responds dramatically to aspirin [52]. Polyarthritis
The modified Jones criteria [59, 60], revised by the
is more common and more severe in teenagers and
American Heart Association in 1992 [61] and reviewed
young adults than in younger children.
in 2002 [62], provide guidelines for the diagnosis of
−− Carditis: Pancarditis is the second most common
rheumatic fever. The diagnosis of rheumatic fever
complication of rheumatic fever (50%). The classi-
requires evidence of a previous GABHS pharyngitis as
cal clinical presentation is a new or changing mur-
well as the presence of two major or one major and two
mur and tachycardia that is out of proportion to the
minor criteria (Table 27.2). These criteria are not abso-
fever. The murmurs of acute rheumatic fever are
lute, and the diagnosis can be made in patients with
from valve regurgitation (most commonly mitral or
only confirmed streptococcal pharyngitis and chorea.
aortic) and the murmurs of chronic rheumatic fever
Three settings may be identified without strict
from stenosis, most commonly mitral. Dyspnea,
adherence to the Jones criteria:
edema, cough, orthopnea and oedema are signs of
congestive heart failure. Chest discomfort, chest • Chorea: may occur late and be the only manifesta-
pain and a pericardial friction rub are signs of peri- tion of the disease.
carditis. All degree of heart block can be seen, • Indolent carditis as the only manifestation in
including atrioventricular dissociation [53]. patients who have received medical attention
−− Sydenham chorea: is a late manifestation of acute months after the onset of rheumatic fever.
rheumatic fever, occurring 1–6 months after the • Recurrent rheumatic fever: a patient with a history
initial sore throat [54, 55]. Patients with chorea of rheumatic fever, especially rheumatic heart dis-
often do not demonstrate other Jones criteria, and ease, with evidence of a recent GABHS infection
this criteria alone is sufficient for the diagnosis. with either a single major or two minor criteria.
Complete resolution of the symptoms typically
occurs in 3 months, but some patients can have wax The AHA guideline 2002 update [62] concluded
and wane symptoms for several years. that the role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of
−− Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder rheumatic fever was controversial in patients without
(PANDAS): is characterized by obsessive–compulsive cardiac findings on clinical exam. It was concluded
personality disorder [56]. Patients tend to show that echocardiographic Doppler evidence of mitral or
aggressive and compulsive comportment. They may aortic regurgitation alone should not be either a major
also show emotional lability, separation anxiety and or a minor criterion in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever.
oppositional behaviors.
−− Erythema marginatum: begins as pink nonpruritic
macules or papules located on the trunk and proxi-
mal limbs but never on the face [57]. The lesions Table 27.2  Jones criteria
Jones criteria:
form a serpiginous ring with erythematous raised
Preceeding streptococcal Positive throat culture
margins and central clearing. The rash is classically infection Rapid streptococcal antigen test
exacerbated by heat. The rash occurs early in the Elevated or rising streptococcal
course of the disease and remains for long after the antibody titer
resolution of other symptoms. Major diagnostic criteria Carditis
−− Subcutaneous nodules: are firm, non-tender, Polyarthritis
mobile and are located over the extensor surfaces Chorea
Subcutaneous nodules
of the elbows, knees, ankles, knuckles, scalp, and
Erythema marginatum
spinous processes of the lumbar and thoracic (erythema annulare)
vertebrae. They are rare but strongly associated Minor diagnostic criteria Fever
with severe rheumatic carditis [58]. Arthralgia
−− Arthralgias: may be reported upon presentation. Prolonged PR interval
Arthralgia cannot be considered a minor criteria if Elevated acute-phase reactants
arthritis is present.
280 C. Tissot et al.

27.2.12  Laboratory in Rheumatic Fever • ECG

Sinus tachycardia is a common finding. Alternatively,
some children present sinus bradycardia from
• Throat culture for GABHS:Usually are negative in
increased vagal tone. First-degree atrioventricular
about 75% of patients by the time rheumatic fever
block (prolongation of PR interval), probably related
appears [41]. Isolation of the organism prior to the
to localized myocardial inflammation of the atrio-
initiation of antibiotic therapy is important to help
ventricular node, is a common finding and is one of
confirm the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis
the Jones criteria. Second and third-degree atrioven-
and to allow typing of the organism.
tricular have been described. In patients with acute
• Rapid antigen detection test: Allows rapid detection
pericarditis, ST segment elevation may be present.
of GABHS antigen with specificity >95% but a sen-
sitivity of only 60–90%. Thus, a throat culture • Echocardiography
should be obtained [63]. In individuals with acute rheumatic heart disease,
• Antistreptococcal antibodies: Are at their peak at echocardiography identifies and quantitates valve
initial presentation and are useful for confirming insufficiency and ventricular dysfunction. In patients
previous GABHS infection [64]. Antibody titers with mild carditis, Doppler evidence of MR may be
should be performed 2 weeks apart to detect a rising present during the acute phase of disease and usually
titer. Most patients with acute rheumatic fever have resolves in some weeks or months. In contrast,
elevated antibodies titers to at least one of the anti- patients with moderate-to-severe carditis have per-
streptococcal antibodies [65, 66]. The most com- sistent mitral or aortic regurgitation [71]. According
mon antibodies tested include: to the 1992 revised Jones criteria, evidence of new
MR from Doppler echocardiography, in the absence
– Antistreptolysin O (ASLO)
of accompanying auscultatory findings, is not suffi-
– Anti-DNase B
cient for making the diagnosis of carditis [72, 73].
– Antihyaluronidase
Three mechanisms of mitral insufficiency have been
– Antistreptokinase
described with rheumatic fever (Fig. 27.5): prolapse of
– Antistreptococcal esterase
the aortic leaflet, rupture of the tendinous chords and
– Anti-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (anti-NAD)
non-coapting retracted immobile mural leaflet [74,
– Antistreptococcal polysaccharide
75]. The aortic valve usually shows improper central
– Anti-teichoic acid
coaptation of the leaflets. Echocardiographic features
– Anti-M protein
of MR from acute rheumatic valvulitis are annular
• Acute-phase reactants: C-reactive protein (CRP) and dilatation, elongation of the chordae to the anterior
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are elevated and leaflet, and a posterolaterally directed MR jet. A dis-
have high sensitivity but low specificity [67, 68]. tinctive feature of acute rheumatic valvular disease is
• Mild normochromic normocytic anemia: Anemia focal nodular thickening of the tips and bodies of the
secondary to acute inflammation may be seen dur- leaflets [76]. Left ventricular dilation is frequently
ing acute rheumatic fever. seen and contributes to MR.
• Heart reactive antibodies: Rapid detection test for In individuals with chronic rheumatic heart disease,
B-cell marker D8/17 by immunofluorescence is pos- echocardiography assesses the progression of valve
itive in 90% of patients with rheumatic fever, and stenosis. The leaflets of affected valves become
may be useful for identifying patients who are at thickened diffusely, with fusion of the commissures
risk [69, 70]. and chordae tendineae (Fig.  27.6). Increased
echodensity of the mitral valve is often seen.

27.2.13  Other Studies in Rheumatic Fever 27.2.14  C

 omplications of Rheumatic
• Chest Radiography
Cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion, and other find- −− Congestive heart failure from valve insufficiency (acute
ings consistent with heart failure may be observed. rheumatic fever) or stenosis (chronic rheumatic fever)
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 281

Fig. 27.5  Color Doppler echocardiography long axis and four chamber view demonstrating a rheumatic mitral valve with thickened
leaflet, absence of central coaptation and marked left atrial dilation secondary to severe regurgitation

Fig.  27.6  (a) 2D echocardiography with severe rheumatic demonstrating limited leaflet excursion. (b) 2D echocardiogra-
mitral stenosis: short axis view (left) demonstrating thickened phy in four chamber view showing a severe rheumatic mitral
leaflets and limited mitral orifice area, four chamber view (right) stenosis with limited leaflet excursion

−− Thrombus formation, pulmonary emboli, and sys- anomalies are seen in association with other lesions in
temic emboli the context of hypoplastic left ventricle syndrome vari-
−− Infective endocarditis ant or Shone’s complex. Shone’s complex is character-
−− Atrial flutter, multifocal atrial tachycardia, or atrial ized by a constellation of left heart obstructive lesions:
fibrillation from chronic mitral valve disease and supravalvar stenosing mitral ring, parachute mitral
atrial dilation valve, left ventricular subaortic obstruction, and coarc-
tation of the aorta [77].

27.2.15  Congenital Mitral Valve Anomalies

27.2.16  Annular or Mitral Valve Hypoplasia
Isolated congenital mitral valve diseases are uncom-
mon in children, occurring in 0.5% of patients with In annular or mitral valve hypoplasia, all components of
congenital heart defects. More frequently, mitral valve the valve apparatus are morphologically normal but
282 C. Tissot et al.

relatively small in relation to the size of the tricuspid the patient with atrioventricular septal defect [84].
valve. Some degree of hypoplasia of the left ventricle The anomaly is characterized by a cleft dividing the
and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction are univer- anterior leaflet of the mitral valve into two portions
sally present, creating a variant of hypoplastic left ven- with a normally positioned mitral annulus and intact
tricle syndrome [78]. Occasionally, annular hypoplasia ­atrioventricular muscular and membranous septum.
may result from a dilated coronary sinus and left-sided
vena cava. The dilated coronary sinus may cause left ven-
tricular inflow obstruction, which can be demonstrated
by abnormal Doppler inflow patterns and increased left 27.2.20  Double Orifice Mitral Valve
atrial “a” waves during cardiac catheterization [79].
This defect is characterized by two complete mitral
orifices supported by their own tension apparatus [85].
27.2.17  Congenital Mitral Valve Stenosis Three types have been described:

Congenital mitral stenosis, including supravalvar

mitral ring, parachute mitral valve and anomalous
arcade or hammock mitral valve, are extensively dis-
cussed in a chapter (?) in this book.

27.2.18  C
 ongenital Mitral Valve

Congenital MR is uncommon; however, malformations

of each of the major components of the mitral valve
apparatus have been described in the etiology of MR: Fig. 27.7  Echocardiography short axis view demonstrating the
cleft mitral valve (arrow)
• Annular dilation secondary to anterior or posterior
leaflet prolapse
• Leaflet abnormalities, including leaflet dysplasia [2],
abnormal leaflet morphology [80], posterior leaflet
hypoplasia with chordal shortening [81], isolated cleft
of the anterior or posterior leaflet [82] or of both mitral
valve leaflets [83], and anterior leaflet fenestrations.
• Commissural abnormalities
• Chordal abnormalities, including choral length,
organization, and insertion
• Papillary muscle abnormalities, including altera-
tions in papillary muscle number, positioning, and
chordal attachments

27.2.19  Isolated Mitral Cleft

Isolated cleft of the anterior mitral leaflet is a rare

cause of MR (Figs. 27.7 and 27.8). This defect is very
different from the cleft atrioventricular valve found in Fig. 27.8  Mitral cleft (drawing from Steven P. Goldberg, MD)
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 283

Fig. 27.9  (a) 2D echocardiography short axis view demonstrating a double orifice mitral valve (3D reconstruction by Shawn Popylisen).
(b) 3D echocardiography in short axis view demonstrating a double orifice mitral valve (3D reconstruction by Shawn Popylisen)

1. Eccentric or hole type is the most common, and is

characterized by a small accessory orifice at the
anterolateral or posteromedial commisures.
2. Central type is the next most common, and is
characterized by excessive leaflet tissue which
bridges the central zones of the anterior and poste-
rior leaflets, thereby dividing the mitral orifice into
two. The resulting two orifices may be equal or
unequal, and they are usually supported by separate
tendinous chords that insert into separate papillary
3. Duplicate mitral valve is an exceptionally rare
entity, and is characterized by two mitral valve
annuli and valves, each with its own set of leaflets,
commissures, chordae, and papillary muscles. Fig. 27.10  Double orifice mitral valve (drawing from Steven P.
Goldberg, MD)
Double orifice mitral valve may occur in isolation or in
association with atrioventricular septal defect, and
though this condition can be associated with mitral cardiomyopathy, pectus excavatum, as well as in thin
stenosis or insufficiency, it can be asymptomatic, patients (Fig.  27.11). It is usually diagnosed on the
occurring only as an incidental echocardiographic clinical basis of a mid systolic click and a late systolic
finding (Figs. 27.9 and 27.10). murmur of MR.

27.2.21  Mitral Valve Prolapse 27.3  P

 athophysiology of Mitral
The etiology of this common condition is not clear and
is probably multifactorial. It can be seen in individuals Mitral regurgitation (MR) can be described in three
with a wide range of congenital heart malformations phases: acute, chronic compensated, and chronic dec-
including MFS, ischemic heart disease, hypertrophic ompensated. In all phases of MR, blood is ejected into
284 C. Tissot et al.

27.3.2  C
 hronic Compensated Mitral

In chronic compensated MR, a series of new sarcomeres

are added to existing myocytes, thereby increasing
individual myocardial fiber length and adjusting the
length–tension relationship to allow the left ventricle
to bear the volume load, increase performance, and
maintain forward cardiac output [86, 87].

Fig. 27.11  Echocardiography long axis view of a patient with

Marfan syndrome, demonstrating mitral valve prolapse and 27.3.3  C
 hronic Decompensated Mitral
dilation of the sinuses of Valsalva Regurgitation

both the aorta and the low pressure left atrium. Left
In chronic decompensated MR, chronic left atrial
ventricular wall stress (afterload) is reduced secondary
volume and pressure overload are transmitted to the
to the significantly decreased outflow resistance.
left ventricle, resulting in impaired contractile function
However, increased left atrial volume leads to increased
and ejection such that ejection fraction decreases, end-
left atrial pressure, both of which are transmitted to the
systolic volume increases, and cardiac failure ensures.
left ventricle, increasing both left ventricular end-dia-
A normal ejection fraction can be a sign that heralds
stolic volume and pressure. The stroke volume and left
left ventricular dysfunction. Indeed, intervention for
ventricular work increase, yet aortic flow decreases [86,
MR should be considered prior to the onset of left ven-
87]. Both acute and chronic dilation of the left atrium
tricular dysfunction, as left ventricular dysfunction
from MR lead to elevated left atrial pressure and reduced
may not be reversible even with mitral valve surgery
pulmonary venous return to the left atrium, with conse-
[86, 87].
quent increased pulmonary venous pressure and reflex
pulmonary arteriolar vasoconstriction. This further
results in right ventricular hypertension and right ven-
tricular dysfunction. Annular dilation occurs as a conse- 27.4  P
 hysical Examination in Mitral
quence of left atrial and left ventricular ­dilation, which Regurgitation
further exacerbates MR. Severe left atrial dilation
increases the risk of atrial arrhythmias and of respiratory
compromise from left mainstem bronchial compression, The physical exam of a patient with MR is character-
reduced lung capacity, and pulmonary edema from ized by a pansystolic murmur loudest at the apex and
elevated pulmonary capillary hydrostatic pressure. radiating to the left axilla and to the back. The first
heart sound is usually diminished and the second heart
sound is split.
Other clinical features on physical examination
27.3.1  Acute Severe Mitral Regurgitation
often include:

In acute severe MR, the sudden volume overload • A displaced LV apical impulse from chronic severe
imposed on the left atrium increases LV preload, which MR
modifies the inotropic state and results in a modest • An apical thrill, though significantly impaired LV
increase in left ventricular stroke volume. As compen- function may attenuate this finding
satory hypertrophy has not occurred, the ability of • A loud P2, in the setting of severe pulmonary
the left ventricle to continue to make adjustments in hypertension
inotropic state is limited; forward stroke volume and • An S3, heard immediately after S2, from the rapid,
cardiac output are soon reduced [86, 87]. large volume flow into the LV
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 285

S1 S2
S1 S2 S1 S2




Supine St anding Squat t ing

Fig.  27.12  Postural changes and auscultatory phenomena in (upright position), the systolic click moves towards the first
patients with mitral valve prolapse, with alteration of systolic heart sound (S1) and the murmur becomes more holosystolic
click (C) and systolic murmur (SM). As the LV volume decreases [87] (drawing from Steven P. Goldberg, MD)

• An S4, heard immediately before S1, from flow the systolic murmur of MR moves back to late systole.
into noncompliant or stiff ventricle during atrial These postural changes are related primarily to change in
contraction left ventricular volume, myocardial contractility and heart
• Small volume peripheral pulses with sharp upstroke rate (Fig. 27.12). Left ventricular volume is decreased in
the upright position compared to the supine position, and
reflex tachycardia occurs in the supine position [88].
27.4.1  Mitral Valve Prolapse

The physical exam is characterized by a systolic click that 27.5  Preoperative Management
varies with postural change. The systolic click moves towards
S1 with upright position and new click may appear. The Several diagnostic studies are likely to be valuable in
systolic murmur of MR becomes louder and longer in guiding clinical management of patients who come to
duration (holosystolic). A MR murmur may be present the ICU with decompensated cardiac failure secondary
only with the patient in the upright position. Rarely, a sys- to mitral valve disease, regardless of whether the
tolic precordial “honk” may be heard. Prompt squatting etiology of mitral valve disease is MFS, rheumatic
results in a movement of the systolic click away from S1 and fever, or congenital malformation:
286 C. Tissot et al.

• Electrocardiogram: to establish heart rhythm, and – Mitral annulus size and shape
to detect signs of ischemia, strain, and chamber – Valvular function
enlargement. * Leaflet anatomy: number, size, location, and
location of commisures to predict
– Ventricular strain can often be demonstrated
* Location and spacing of papillary muscles
with ventricular failure from decompensated
* Leaflet morphology: elongated, thickened,
valvar insufficiency.
calcified, myxomatous, vegetations
Signs of left ventricular strain
* Leaflet motion: normal, flail, prolapsed,
* ST depression with upward convexity in left
­precordial leads
* Leaflet function: mechanism and adequacy
* T-wave inversion in left precordial leads
of leaflet coaptation
* ST elevation in right precordial leads
* Tall T waves in right precordial leads – Subvalvular apparatus
Signs of right ventricular strain * Papillary muscle architecture, number, sym-
* ST segment depression in right precordial metry, and positioning, particularly relative
leads to the commisures
* Wide QRS-T angle >90° * Presence of endocardiofibroelastosis as a marker
– Chamber enlargement and pulmonary hyperten- of the adequacy of subendocardial perfusion
sion associated with chronic mitral valve disease * Chordae structure and function
may be demonstrated. – Left atrial size
Signs of left atrial enlargement: – Size and direction of regurgitant jets to ascertain
* Left axis deviation mechanism of valvar pathology
* First-degree atrioventricular block – Atrial septal geometry; septal bowing
* Broad notched P waves in leads I, II, aVF – Left ventricular size (end-systolic volume and
* Biphasic P wave in lead V1 with deep por- dimension) and function, including wall motion
tion of negative deflection abnormalities
Signs of left ventricular enlargement: – Estimation of left atrial pressure
* Tall R wave in V6 – Estimation of regurgitant fraction (mitral or aortic
* Deep S wave in V1 regurgitation)
* Deep Q waves in lead III (³4  mm) or V6 – Estimation of mean mitral gradient (mitral
(³5 mm) stenosis)
Signs of right ventricular hypertrophy sugges- – Estimation of right ventricular and pulmonary
tive of pulmonary hypertension: artery pressures
* Tall R wave in V1
* Deep S wave in V6 • Transesophageal echocardiography can be a valu-
* qR pattern in V1 able tool for preoperative assessment, particularly if
the transthoracic echocardiogram is compromised
• Chest X-ray: to establish heart size and evaluate pul-
by poor acoustic windows.
monary edema. Left atrial enlargement is seen as ele-
• 3D echocardiography is an emerging tool that may
vation of the left main stem bronchus with opening of
provide useful imaging of abnormal valves.
the carina’s angle on the antero-posterior projection.
• Cardiac catheterization: indications include assess-
• Echocardiography: to quantify severity of valvar regur-
ment of pulmonary vascular reactivity in pulmonary
gitation and LV dysfunction; to delineate the mecha-
hypertension, or investigation of mitral stenosis, in
nism of valvar regurgitation, including assessment of:
which case there is a pressure gradient between the
– Aortic root dimensions: annulus, sinus of Valsalva, “a” pressure wave of the left atrium and the left ven-
sinotubular junction, ascending aorta (Fig. 27.4) tricular end-diastolic pressure. The left atrial pres-
– Pattern of aortic root dilation: loss of sinotubu- sure is elevated in either mitral stenosis or MR.
lar junction contour associated with increased • Cardiac MRI: can be used to generate cardiac
risk of dissection [89]. volumetric data; to delineate ventricular function;
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 287

and to demonstrate a panoramic view of the progression of cardiac failure, response to thera-
thoracic aorta. peutic interventions
• Laboratory data: such as BNP, CKMB, troponin I, • Serial laboratory monitoring for biochemical
lactate, BUN, creatinine, hepatic function tests, and ­evidence for adequacy of global oxygen delivery
blood gases are often useful to establish bio-
chemical evidence of circulatory shock. Serologic
markers for inflammation, such as CRP, ESR and
procalcitonin [24] are useful when rheumatic fever 27.6  Medical Management
or endocarditis is suspected.
• Blood culture (3 mL in infants; 10 mL adolescents): 27.6.1  M
 edical Management of Marfan
may be considered if bacterial endocarditis is Syndrome
suspected as the etiology for decompensation.

The medical management of each cardiovascular

27.5.1  Clinical Monitoring lesion focuses on the hemodynamic consequence of
the lesion, irrespective of its etiology.
Decompensated cardiac failure is treated with pre-
The clinical management of patients who are admitted
load reduction through diuresis, afterload reduction
to the ICU with cardiovascular embarrassment from
through vasodilation, and ventricular performance aug-
mitral valve dysfunction secondary to MFS, RF, or
mentation with inotropes and inodilators. The recom-
congenital mitral valve malformations begins with air-
mended drug of choice for this purpose is milrinone.
way, respiratory, cardiac, and circulatory stabilization.
Many patients with MFS are on chronic beta-
blockade therapy to decrease inotropy, chronotropy,
ectopy, and aortic wall stress [90]. Chronic beta-blockade
therapy may complicate the treatment of acute
27.5.2  Monitoring decompensated heart failure by rendering the myo-
cardium less responsive to catecholamine infusion.
Patients with hemodynamic compromise often require For this reason, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such as
routine continuous cardiovascular monitoring, which milrinone, and calcium sensitizers, such as levosimen-
includes: dan, may be preferable, as they increase contractility
• Continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring with through increasing cAMP and improving the calcium-
telemetry troponin C interaction, respectively, without specifi-
• Central venous pressure monitoring cally requiring adrenergic receptor stimulation.
• Continuous arterial pressure monitoring, with atten- In MFS patients with acute decompensated heart
tion to the pulse wave contour failure complicated by ventricular dysrhythmias and
• Occasional pulmonary artery pressure monitoring fibrillation, catecholamine infusion may decrease the
• Continuous or intermittent central venous satura- defibrillation threshold, possibly by increasing coro-
tion to monitor adequacy of global tissue oxygen nary artery perfusion [91].
delivery; progression of cardiac failure; response to
therapeutic interventions
• NIRS (near infrared spectroscopy) may be a useful
tool to monitor changes in regional oxyhemoglobin 27.6.2  M
 edical management of
saturation, particularly of the frontal lobes of the Rheumatic Fever
brain, and also of the kidney and gut
• Continuous urine output monitoring via Foley
The goal of treatment for patients with rheumatic fever
consists of:
• Serial echocardiographic assessment, especially in
the setting of severely compromised left ventricular • Symptomatic relief of acute inflammation
function, to monitor for clot and embolism risk, • Eradication of GABHS
288 C. Tissot et al.

• Prophylaxis against future infection to prevent A single dose of intramuscular benzathine penicillin G
recurrent cardiac disease (600,000 Units for children <27 kg and 1.2 million units
• Supportive treatment of heart failure in children >27 kg and adults) is an alternative if com-
pliance is an issue (Table  27.3). For patients who are
allergic to penicillin, erythromycin can be used. Other  Anti-inflammatory Treatment options include clarithromycin, azithromycin, or a first-
generation cephalosporin.
Treatment of the inflammatory manifestations of acute For recurrent GABHS pharyngitis, a second 10-day
rheumatic fever uses salicylates and steroids. Aspirin course of the same antibiotic may be repeated. GABHS
in anti-inflammatory doses (80–100 mg/kg/day in carriage is difficult to eradicate with conventional pen-
children and 4–8 g/day in adults) effectively reduces icillin therapy. Thus, oral clindamycin (20 mg/kg/day
all manifestations of the disease except chorea, and for 10 days) is recommended.
the response typically is dramatic [92]. Target salicy-
late blood level is 20–30 mg/dL. Aspirin should be
maintained at anti-inflammatory doses until the signs
and symptoms of acute rheumatic fever are resolved  P
 rophylaxis of Recurrence (Secondary
or residing (6–8 weeks) and the acute phase reactants Prophylaxis)
(CRP, ESR) have returned to normal. When discon-
tinuing therapy, Aspirin should be withdrawn gradu- Prophylactic therapy is indicated after rheumatic fever
ally over weeks while monitoring the CRP and ESR to prevent recurrent streptococcal infection and further
for rebound. damage to the valves [99, 100]. Antibiotic prophylaxis
In patients with moderate-to-severe carditis, oral should be started immediately after resolution of the
prednisone (2  mg/kg/day) is usually used for 2–4 acute episode [101, 102].
weeks, but studies on the effect of corticosteroids in the
−− An injection of benzathine penicillin G intramus-
treatment of rheumatic carditis have shown ­conflicting
cularly (600,000 Units for children <27  kg and
results [93–97]. Prednisone should then be tapered over
1.2  million units in children >27  kg and adults)
2 weeks, while maintaining salicylates for an additional
every 4 weeks is the recommended regimen for
2–4 weeks.
most patients. In areas where rheumatic fever is
Chorea is most frequently self-limited, but may be
endemic, in patients with residual carditis and in
alleviated with phenobarbital or diazepam.
high risk patients, the administration should be
made every 3 weeks [103].  E
 radication of GABHS (Primary −− In patients with valve prosthesis under anticoagu-
Prophylaxis) lation, oral penicillin V (250  mg twice daily for
children and adults) prophylaxis should be used
Antibiotic therapy with oral penicillin V (250 mg tid for (Table  27.4). Data from the World Health
children and 500 mg tid for adults) should be started and Organization indicate that the recurrence risk of
maintained for 10 days regardless of the presence or GABHS pharyngitis is lower when penicillin is
absence of pharyngitis at the time of diagnosis [98]. administered parentally.

Table 27.3  Primary prophylaxis of rheumatic fever

Agent Dose Mode Duration
Benzathine Penicilline £27 kg: 600,000 U Intramuscular Once
>27 kg: 1,200,000 U Intramuscular Once
Penicillin V Children: 250 mg 2–3 times daily Oral 10 days
Adolescents/Adults: 500 mg 2–3 Oral 10 days
times daily
Allergy to Penicillin:
Erythromycin 20–40 mg/kg/day 2–4 times daily Oral 10 days
(maximum 1 g/day)
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 289

Table 27.4  Secondary prophylaxis of rheumatic fever Afterload reduction with angiotensin converting
Agent Dose Mode enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitor) may be effective in
Benzathine 1,200,000 U every 4 Intramuscular improving cardiac output, particularly in the presence
Penicillin weeks (every 3 of mitral and aortic insufficiency [109]. Captopril is
weeks for high risk
patients) used in infant <6 months, while enalapril is usually
Penicillin V 250 mg twice daily Oral preferred in older children related to its longer half-
Allergy to Penicillin: life. ACE inhibitors should be started carefully with a
Erythromycin 250 mg twice daily Oral small, initial test dose because some patients have an
abnormally large response to these agents with
hypotension. ACE inhibitors should be administered
Table  27.5  Duration of secondary prophylaxis of rheumatic
fever only after correcting hypovolemia.
Category Duration Potassium supplementation may be necessary
RF with carditis and 10 years or greater since last because of the mineralocorticoid effect of corticos-
residual heart disease episode and at least until age 40, teroid and the salt wasting effect of the diuretics.
sometimes life-long prophylaxis Potassium level should be maintained in the normal
RF with carditis but no 10 years or well into adulthood, range particularly in patients on digoxin.
residual heart disease whichever is longer
RF without carditis 5 years or until age 21, whichever
When heart failure persists or worsens during the
is longer acute phase after aggressive medical therapy, surgery
is indicated to decrease valve insufficiency.

The duration of antibiotic prophylaxis is controversial.

The American Heart Association currently recommends  Prophylaxis of Endocarditis
[102, 104] that patients with rheumatic fever without
carditis receive prophylactic antibiotics for 5 years or
Patients with rheumatic heart disease and valve dam-
until aged 21 years, whichever is longer, and that
age require a single dose of antibiotics 1 h before ­surgical
patients with carditis but no valve disease receive
and dental procedures to help prevent bacterial endo-
prophylactic antibiotics for 10 years or until they are
carditis [104, 110]. Patients who had rheumatic
well into adulthood and that patients with carditis and
fever without valve damage do not need endocarditis
valve disease receive antibiotics at least 10 years or
prophylaxis. Penicillin, ampicillin, or amoxicillin
until aged 40 years (Table 27.5) [105].
should not be used for endocarditis prophylaxis in
patients already receiving penicillin for secondary pro-
27.6.3  M
 edical Management of phylaxis due to an increased relative resistance of oral
Congestive Heart Failure streptococci to penicillin and aminopenicillins.
Alternate drugs recommended by the American Heart
Association for these patients include oral clindamycin
Treatment of congestive heart failure includes ino- (children: 20 mg/kg; adults: 600 mg), azithromycin or
tropic support, diuretics, afterload reduction, supplemen- clarithromycin (children: 15 mg/kg; adults: 500 mg).
tal oxygen, bed rest, and sodium and fluid restriction.
Patients with congestive heart failure from acute
valve insufficiency will probably require continuous 27.7  Interventional Catheterization
intravenous inotropic support. The beneficial role of
digoxin in cardiac failure is controversial [106–108].
Digoxin should be started only after checking serum
27.7.1  P
 ercutaneous Balloon Mitral
electrolytes due to the increased toxicity of digoxin Valvuloplasty
with hypokalemia.
Diuretics frequently are used in conjunction with Approximately 40% of patients with acute rheumatic
inotropic agents. Furosemide is usually the first choice. fever subsequently develop mitral stenosis later in life.
Spironolactone is often added in conjunction with For patients with mitral stenosis who require relief of
furosemide as a potassium-sparing diuretic. obstruction, percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty is
290 C. Tissot et al.

the preferred treatment and gives results comparable to Mitral valve repair feasibility is lower in MFS than in
surgical commissurotomy [111]. 2D-echocardiographic myxomatous valve disease. Nonetheless, despite the
assessment of mitral valve morphology is the most important elastic fiber alterations in leaflet tissue and
important predictor of outcome. An echocardiographic the multisystem involvement, mitral valve repair in
score can be determined according to the valvar and sub- MFS gives satisfactory long-term results in terms of
valvar mitral anatomy, with a score <8 predicting good freedom from reoperation in children and even in
immediate and long-term results [112, 113]. More details adults presenting with advanced valve pathology.
are discussed on the chapter dedicated to mitral stenosis. In rheumatic fever, surgery to decrease valve insuf-
ficiency may be lifesaving when heart failure persists
or worsens after aggressive medical therapy. Valve
replacement appears to be the preferred surgical option
27.7.2  Percutaneous Mitral Valve Repair for patients with high rates of recurrent symptoms after
annuloplasty or other repair procedures. In children,
Percutaneous MR repair is an emerging area of inter- mitral valvuloplasty is preferred [118].
ventional cardiology. Direct percutaneous repair of the
mitral valve is undergoing trials using the Evalve mitral
clip and Edwards mitral suture devices [114–116]. 27.8.2  Mitral Valve Repair
Additional data is needed to evaluate the long-term
outcome of these techniques.
Many techniques for mitral valve repair have been
described. Mitral valve repair without the use of
­prosthetic materials is feasible for the majority of
27.8  S
 urgical Management of Mitral patients and carries an appropriate growth pattern of
Valve Diseases the mitral valve annulus after surgery [119].
For repair of MR, valvuloplasty techniques are
27.8.1  Surgical Considerations available to repair all four major components of the
mitral valve apparatus: annulus, leaflets, chordae, and
papillary mulscles.
Optimal surgical management for MR remains contro- The annulus can be remodeled via commissuro-
versial (Table 27.6). Surgical options consist of mitral plasty or annuloplasty using a Carpentier ring (metal-
annuloplasty, commissuroplasty, valvuloplasty, split- lic ring) or using a Kalangos or biodegradable ring
ting of papillary muscles with resection of subvalvular [120]. The leaflets can be repaired, patched or extended
apparatus, chordal substitution, chordal shortening or with autologous pericardium, detached and recon-
mitral valve replacement [117]. structed, or resected; the chordae can be shortened,
In MFS, the underlying connective tissue disorder transferred, fenestrated, or artificially implanted; the
is a risk factor for compromise of repair durability. In papillary muscles can be elongated, shortened or split.
the majority of cases, MR is caused by leaflet prolapse, For repair of mitral stenosis, fused mitral valve
and in the remaining minority, by annulus dilatation. commissures can be directly incised; mitral valve
Marfan patients have more bileaflet and anterior mitral excrescences can be excised or shaved; fused tendi-
leaflet prolapse and present earlier for surgery when nous chords can be split; and supravalvar mitral rings
compared to patients with mitral myxomatous disease. can be directly excised. For repair of parachute mitral
valve, splitting of a solitary papillary muscle and fen-
Table  27.6  Indication for surgery for chronic mitral regur­ estration of the interchordal spaces can be performed.
gitation (MR) (From [126]) Intraoperative assessment of the valve competency
Symptoms LV EF LVESD and motion is made by “floating” the mitral valve, or
NYHA II – IV >60% <45 mm injecting and filling the left ventricle with iced saline
Asymptomatic or symptomatic 50–60% ³45 mm solution to lift the valve leaflets and expose the valve
Asymptomatic or symptomatic <50% or ³45 mm function. A Hegar dilator is used to measure the mitral
Pulmonary artery systolic pressure ³50 mmHg valve diameter to ensure normal orifice size for body
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 291

weight. Transesophageal echocardiography following bypass is provided via the femoral vessels, and the
separation from cardiopulmonary bypass is imperative aorta is internally cross-clamped with a balloon occlu-
for the assessment of mitral valve function. Results for sion cannula. Advantages are diminished pain and dis-
operative interventions in MR are generally more comfort and earlier hospital discharge.
favorable than those for mitral stenosis.

27.9  Postoperative Management

27.8.3  Mitral Valve Replacement
27.9.1  Postoperative Monitoring
Mechanical valves are indicated when reconstructive
procedures have failed in young children. Tissue valves The postoperative monitoring of patients following
are available but are disadvantageous, as they calcify mitral valve surgery is an extension of the monitoring
and degenerate at an accelerated rate in small children and vigilance required in the preoperative period,
[121]. The respective sizes of the patient and the pros- including anticipation of common postoperative
thetic valve are the greatest considerations in selecting ­complications following mitral valve surgery. As with
an artificial mitral valve. pre­operative monitoring, postoperative monitoring
Limited mechanical prosthetic valves are available should include:
for use is children, particularly in small children [122].
The bileaflet mechanical valve is the most commonly • Continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring with
used in children. It can be sutured in the supra-annular telemetry that includes data recording and storage,
position. A special design with a supra-annular sewing which allows waveform review and analysis, as risk
cuff is available for small children, which allows an of atrial dysrhythmias is great in the patient with a
effective valvar orifice situated at the annular level. dilated left atrium, and risk of ventricular dysrhyth-
Anticoagulation is compulsory; coumadin is used most mias is increased in the patient with a dilated, poorly
commonly, with a target INR between 2.5–3.5. functioning left ventricle
Unfortunately, complications are not uncommon. • Central venous pressure monitoring
Indeed, mitral valve replacement in young children is • Continuous arterial pressure monitoring, with atten-
associated with substantially increased risk of morbid- tion to the pulse wave contour
ity and mortality [123]. • Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring, particularly
Complications following mitral valve replacement in patients at risk for pulmonary vascular reactivity
include: as in those with mitral valve stenosis
• Complete atrioventricular block • Continuous or intermittent central venous satura-
• Atrial fibrillation tion to monitor adequacy of global tissue oxygen
• Bleeding delivery; progression of cardiac failure; response to
• Thromboembolism therapeutic interventions
• Severe intravascular hemolysis • NIRS may be a useful tool to monitor changes in
• Prosthetic valve dysfunction regional oxyhemoglobin saturation, particularly of
• Prosthetic valve endocarditis the frontal lobes of the brain, but also of the kidney
and gut
• Continuous urine output monitoring via indwelling
27.8.4  Minimally Invasive Surgery • Serial echocardiographic assessment, especially in
the setting of severely compromised left ventricular
Minimally invasive approaches have been increasingly function, to monitor for clot and embolism risk,
described in adults and involve various modifications progression of cardiac failure, response to thera-
of the surgical approach, as in a small parasternal peutic interventions
­incision from the inferior border of the right second • Serial laboratory monitoring for biochemical evi-
costal margin or a minithoracotomy. Cardiopulmonary dence for adequacy of global oxygen delivery
292 C. Tissot et al.

Additionally, postoperative monitoring following • Left ventricular dysfunction

mitral valve surgery should also include: • Pericardial effusion
• Tension pneumothorax with cardiac tamponade
• Left atrial pressure monitoring, utilizing equipment
with enough fidelity to appreciate differences and
alterations in the “a” and “v” pressure waveforms
• Epicardial atrial and ventricular pacing wires, which  Pulmonary Hypertension
allow epicardial electrocardiogram recordings that
can be useful in the analysis of postoperative In patients with long-standing mitral valve stenosis or
dysrhythmias regurgitation, the pulmonary vascular changes of
medial thickening and intimal fibrosis associated
with progressive pulmonary vascular disease may
complicate the postoperative course. Standard therapy
27.9.2  Postoperative Complications for pulmonary hypertension should be administered as
pulmonary hypertensive crises are common. In small
children with valve replacement in supra-annular posi-
Regardless of the etiology of mitral valve disease,
tion, the relatively large prosthesis can impede pulmo-
whether by MFS, RF, or congenital malformation,
nary venous inflow or left ventricular inflow, thereby
mitral valve surgery requires excellent technical surgi-
promoting pulmonary hypertensive crises. In patients
cal results if significant postoperative complications
with pulmonary hypertension and postoperative left
are to be averted. Transesophageal echocardiography
ventricular dysfunction, or residual mitral valve dys-
should be performed in the operating room following
function, cautious use of nitric oxide therapy is
separation from cardiopulmonary bypass so that the
­indicated, as the increased pulmonary venous return
surgical result can be assessed and immediately
may worsen pulmonary hypertension or left ventricular
addressed with reoperation, if persistent regurgitation
or stenosis is identified, particularly with associated
left atrial hypertension. Consideration of the intravas-
cular volume at the time of echocardiographic study is
important, as hypovolemia leads to underestimation of  Low Cardiac Output
the severity and hemodynamic consequence of resid-
ual lesions. Low cardiac output syndrome can complicate any
bypass surgery. Post mitral stenosis repair, decreased
left ventricular compliance can lead to low cardiac out-
put in the initial postoperative period. Post MR repair,  Left Atrial Hypertension adaptation of the left ventricular volume overload can
lead to low cardiac output. Additionally, left ventricu-
Causes of elevated left atrial pressure after mitral valve lar function may be compromised by the significantly
surgery are: increased afterload associated with a newly competent
• Residual mitral valve regurgitation, which may be valve. Therapy consists of maintenance of optimal
suggested by giant “v” waves on the left atrial pres- heart rate either with atrial pacing or isoproterenol as
sure tracing the cardiac output is highly rate-dependent. Adequate
• Residual mitral valve stenosis, which may be sug- preload should be maintained, but volume should be
gested by large “a” waves on the left atrial pressure replaced slowly as excessive fluid infusion can lead to
tracing rapid left atrial pressure elevation and subsequent pul-
• Prosthetic mitral valve leaflet immobility, dysfunc- monary hypertension crisis.
tion, or thrombosis, which may also be suggested by Adequate left ventricular filling pressure should be
large “a” waves on the left atrial pressure tracing maintained to accommodate for diastolic dysfunction.
• Loss of atrioventricular synchrony, which may be Afterload reduction with milrinone infusion is benefi-
suggested by canon “a” waves on the left atrial cial to increase cardiac output, especially in patients
pressure tracing with left ventricular dysfunction. Afterload reduction
27  Mitral Valve Anomalies and Related Disorders 293

may also be useful for reducing the hemodynamic con-  Prosthetic Valve Malfunction
sequences of residual MR. When poor cardiac output
does not respond to conventional medical therapy, Proper function of the prosthetic valve should be
mechanical assistance may be necessary. carefully monitored, especially in small children with
the prosthesis in a supra-annular position. Leaflet mal-
function may be suspected on the basis of serial chest  Arrhythmia X-rays in which leaflet position is fixed (Fig. 27.13).
When thrombosis is suspected, as in acute prosthetic
Atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, multifocal atrial valve dysfunction, streptokinase or tissue plasminogen
tachycardia secondary to chronic mitral valve disease activator therapy may be attempted. Chronic valve
and atrial dilation can complicate the postoperative malfunction may be secondary to tissue entrapment of
period. Atrial arrhythmias are not well tolerated espe- the valve leaflets. The surgical appearance is that of a
cially when left ventricular compliance is impaired. pannus of tissue, which encroaches upon the valve
Management of such arrhythmia is essential in the leaflets. The usual presentation is intermittent left atrial
early postoperative period in order to restore atrioven- hypertension and absence of a valve click.
tricular synchrony and optimize cardiac output.

27.9.3  S
 pecial Considerations of the  Anticoagulation
Marfan Patient in the ICU
Heparin infusion should be started when bleeding
through the chest tubes have ceased and when the coag-  Respiratory
ulation profile has normalized. A heparin bolus is ini-
tially administered followed by an infusion rate targeting Patients with MFS and associated severe pectus defor-
a PTT of 50–70 s or a anti-Xa inhibition test for which mity with kyphoscoliosis often have reduced lung vol-
units are 0.5–0.7 U/mL. When the intracardiac lines, the umes and can be anticipated to demonstrate varying
chest tubes and the pacing wires have been removed, degrees of respiratory insufficiency, pulmonary hyper-
transition to coumadin can be initiated. tension, and right heart dysfunction when hospitalized

Fig. 27.13  Serial chest X-rays on a patient with a #16 ATS prosthesis turned upside down in the mitral position. A malfunctioning
posterior leaflet (arrows) is fixed in position, contributing to the patient’s failure to progress from continuous positive airway pressure
294 C. Tissot et al.

in the intensive care unit for management of either dysfunction is rapidly progressive and accompanied
decompensated cardiac failure or postoperative inter- by compromised ventricular function. Perisurgical
vention. Additionally, patients with MFS are at complications related to mitral valve replacement
increased risk for spontaneous pneumothoraces and denote the greatest risk of mortality in young patients
should be considered in the differential diagnosis in with MFS. Alternatively, mitral valve disease can often
the MFS patient with sudden decompensation. be slowly progressive, with increased risk to female
patients in the second and third decades of life.
Aortic root dilation and dissection often occurs in  Abdominal the third and fourth decades, such that by age 40, the
risk of fatal aortic dissection is considerable without
Patients with MFS and associated aortic dilation are at surgical intervention. Since the association between
risk for dissection of the abdominal aorta, which can aortic aneurysm diameter and risk for dissection and
cause mesenteric ischemia and bowel perforation. rupture is clearly established, echocardiographic aortic
Heightened awareness of this complication should root surveillance is the gold standard (Fig. 27.2). Aortic
accompany assessment of abdominal pain in the patient root replacement surgery is recommended for aortic
with MFS. diameter greater than or equal to 5.0 cm; rapid growth
of aortic diameter (>1  cm/year); a family history of
premature aortic dissection at <5 cm; and the presence
of greater than mild aortic regurgitation. Compared  Orthopedic
with urgent and emergency replacement of the aortic
root, prophylactic aortic root replacement is associated
Consideration of cardiac position should be made in
with excellent results in the modern surgical era: 93.5%
the MFS patient with kyphoscoliosis and significant
survival at 5 years; 91% survival at 10 years; 59% sur-
pectus deformities with or without repair, as standard
vival at 20 years [124, 125].
cardiac compression techniques may be ineffective in
this population. Nuss bar surgical correction of severe
pectus deformities may also complicate resuscitative  Prognosis of Rheumatic Fever
procedures in the intensive care unit.
The manifestations of acute rheumatic fever resolve
during a period of 3–4 months in the majority of  Sudden Death patients. Rheumatic heart disease is the major cause of
morbidity after rheumatic fever and it is the major
MFS patients are at increased risk of ventricular cause of mitral insufficiency and stenosis in the world.
arrhythmia and sudden death. Variables that correlate with severity of valve disease
are the number of previous attacks, the length of time
between the onset of disease and beginning of treat-
ment, and the sex, the prognosis being worse for
27.9.4  Long Term Outcome
females. Without recurrent attacks, valve insufficiency
resolves in 70–80% of patients. In patients with cardi-  Prognosis of Marfan Syndrome tis and valve insufficiency, numerous factors (severity
of initial carditis, presence of recurrences, time elapsed
Long term outcome in MFS patients is determined by since rheumatic fever) affect the likelihood that valve
the severity of cardiovascular manifestations. Neonates abnormalities and the murmur will disappear.
with phenotypic expression of MFS and cardiovascu- Following the development of antibiotics, the mor-
lar involvement are most severely affected, and often tality rate in developed countries has decreased to
do not survive past 2 years of age without multiple nearly 0%, but has remained 1–10% in developing
valve replacements or heart transplantation. Children countries. Prior to penicillin, 60–70% of patients
with MFS and mitral valve involvement can also have developed valve disease after acute rheumatic fever as
significantly limited lifespans, particularly if valve opposed to 9–39% nowadays.
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Chapter 28
Mitral Stenosis

Kristin P. Barton, Jacqueline Kreutzer, Victor O. Morell, and Ricardo Muñoz

28.1  Introduction s­ ubvalvar, and supravalvar levels. Malformations resulting

in reduction of the effective mitral valve orifice include
hypoplasia of the valve annulus, fusion of the commis-
When considered separately from mitral valve ­anomalies
sures, and thickened valve leaflets with rolled, dysplastic
associated with atrioventricular septal defects and with
edges. Shortened, fused, thickened chordae tendinae
hypoplastic left heart syndrome, congenital mitral
may limit mitral valve mobility and reduce the secondary
valve malformations resulting in mitral stenosis are
orifice area, normally created by the interchordal spaces
rare. Reported prevalence is 0.4–0.5% of congenital
[4]. The papillary muscles may be normal, underdeveloped,
heart defects [1–3]. Acquired mitral stenosis is primarily
fused, or abnormally positioned resulting in a decreased
related to rheumatic heart disease and, though uncommon
intrapapillary distance and affecting mobility of the
in the United States, remains a ­considerable problem
mitral valve [2]. The lesions responsible for congenital
for children worldwide.
mitral stenosis include typical (symmetric) mitral stenosis,
parachute mitral valve, parachute-like asymmetric mitral
valve, mitral arcade, double orifice mitral valve, and
28.2  Anatomy supravalvar mitral ring. Cor triatriatum is similar in terms
of clinical presentation and pathophysiology to mitral
In a normally formed mitral valve apparatus, the ante- stenosis, but results from formation of an accessory
rior leaflet attaches to the anteromedial one-third of the membrane related to abnormal pulmonary venous
annulus and inserts into the anterolateral papillary incorporation into the wall of the left atrium during
muscle. The posterior leaflet attaches to the posterolat- embryologic development.
eral two-thirds of the annulus and inserts into the pos- Congenital mitral stenosis can be classified in the
teromedial papillary muscle [3]. The chordae tendineae following anatomic groups:
attach the undersurface of the mitral valve leaflets to
a . Typical symmetric mitral stenosis
the papillary muscles. These divide into primary, sec-
b. Parachute mitral valve
ondary, and tertiary chordae starting from the papil-
c. Mitral arcade
lary muscles with progressive branching to insertion
d. Double orifice mitral valve
into the leaflets [2].
e. Supravalvar mitral ring
Congenital mitral stenosis results from anatomic
deformity of one or multiple portions of the mitral valve Sometimes a combination of lesions is present.
apparatus (Fig. 28.1). Isolated or combined abnormali- Typical (symmetric) congenital mitral valve steno-
ties of the annulus, leaflets, chordae tendineae, and sis involves abnormalities of several portions of the
­papillary muscles can result in stenosis at the valvar, apparatus including hypoplasia of the valve annulus,
dysplastic valve leaflets, short and thick chordae tendi-
nae, and small symmetric closely spaced papillary
K.P. Barton (*)
muscles [3, 5].
Pediatric Cardiology, University of Florida,
Jacksonville, FL, USA Parachute mitral valve refers to an abnormality
e-mail: resulting from shortened thickened chordae tendinae

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 301
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_28, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
302 K.P. Barton et al.

Fig. 28.1  Types of congenital mitral stenosis. (a) double orifice mitral valve, (b) supravalvar mitral ring, (c) “parachute” mitral
valve, (d) “hammock” mitral valve

from both mitral valve leaflets inserting into a single of redundant leaflet tissue forming a bridge between
papillary muscle limiting leaflet mobility [4, 6]. Most the anterior and posterior leaflets [10]. Double
patients with parachute mitral valve have additional orifice mitral valve can manifest with mitral regurgi-
cardiac lesions. Commonly associated defects include tation, mitral stenosis, or a combination thereof. It
coarctation of the aorta, bicuspid aortic valve, subval- is associated with both partial and complete atrio-
var aortic stenosis, left ventricular hypoplasia, valvar ventricular septal defects and obstructive left-sided
aortic stenosis, and supravalvar mitral stenosis as well lesions, as well as with more complex congenital heart
as atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent disease [11].
ductus arteriosus, and other more complex cardiac A supravalvar mitral ring is created by a circumfer-
lesions [6]. Patients with parachute mitral valve and ential shelf-like ridge of connective tissue attached to
atrial septal defect often have more severe left heart the atrial surface of the mitral valves [2, 4]. It can be
lesions and are more likely to be selected for non- partial or complete, and becomes obstructive if it inter-
biventricular repair than patients without an atrial sep- feres with the primary mitral valve orifice [4, 8].
tal defect. This is likely reflective of the fetal physiology Although a supravalvar mitral ring can rarely occur as
associated with the underdevelopment of the left sided an isolated lesion, the majority are associated with
structures. other mitral valve defects [2]. Therefore, close evalua-
Parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve involves a tion of the entire mitral valve apparatus is required
lesion with two asymmetric papillary muscles. The when a supravalvar mitral ring is identified. Likewise,
dominant papillary muscle is elongated, displaced careful echocardiographic evaluation for the presence
toward the mitral valve annulus, positioned higher in of a supravalvar mitral ring should be undertaken when
the left ventricle, and attached along its base and lat- other mitral valve anomalies are present. The supraval-
eral side to the left ventricular wall. The chordae tendi- var mitral ring can be differentiated from cor triatria-
nae attach predominantely to one papillary muscle, tum by its position below the left atrial appendage [8].
limiting mitral valve mobility and reducing the effec- Shone’s complex, described in 1963 by Shone,
tive mitral valve orifice [6, 7]. Sellers, and Anderson [12], refers to the combination
Mitral arcade or hammock mitral valve occurs of four lesions including supravalvar mitral ring, para-
when the papillary muscles continue as a muscular chute mitral valve, sub aortic stenosis, and coarctation
structure to the free edge of the leaflets, with absence of the aorta. The term is generally used whenever there
or near absence of the chordae tendinae, resulting in is mitral valve disease associated with left ventricular
obstruction to left ventricular inflow [2, 4]. outflow tract obstruction and aortic arch obstruction.
Double orifice mitral valve can be complete or Acquired mitral stenosis is most frequently second-
incomplete, symmetric or asymmetric. The two open- ary to rheumatic carditis, and results from thickening,
ings can be created by an adhesion between the two calcification, fibrosis, and eventual fusion of the mitral
leaflets [8], by a hole-type lesion creating a secondary valve leaflets, commissures, and chordae tendinae,
orifice in the lateral commissure [9], or by the presence forming a funnel-shaped valve [13–15]. In the pediatric
28  Mitral Stenosis 303

population in the United States, acquired mitral stenosis (C. O.) ´ (RR interval)
from rheumatic carditis is uncommon. A specific chapter where diastolic flow =
(60) ´ (diastolic filling time)
in this book further discusses this disease.
Other conditions can also cause abnormalities in the Patients develop symptoms with exercise or in other
mitral valve and should be considered in the differential situations with tachycardia and demand for increased
diagnosis for mitral stenosis. These include systemic cardiac output. Because the area of the mitral valve
lupus erythematosus, malignant carcinoid, rheumatoid orifice is fixed, and there is less diastolic filling time
arthritis, polyvalvar mucoid congenital disease, and with increasing heart rate, a higher transvalvar gradi-
mucopolysaccharidosis of the Hunter–Hurler pheno- ent, and higher left atrial pressure are required to main-
type, Fabry disease, and Whipple disease [13, 16]. tain or increase cardiac output [13]. This is also
Lutembacher syndrome refers to the combination of manifest when previously asymptomatic women with
mitral stenosis with an atrial septal defect [13, 15]. mitral stenosis develop symptoms during pregnancy
due to the requisite increase in cardiac output. Likewise,
patients with atrial arrhythmias who have a rapid ven-
28.2.1  Pathophysiology tricular response develop exacerbation of symptoms
due to tachycardia and to a decrease in the degree of
ventricular filling that normally occurs with atrial sys-
Abnormalities of the mitral valve apparatus result in a
tole [13].
reduced effective valve orifice area and obstruction to
With prolonged pulmonary venous hypertension and
left ventricular filling. A diastolic gradient is generated
pulmonary edema, changes occur in the pulmonary
between the left atrium and left ventricle due to the
arteriole bed and eventually result in pulmonary hyper-
reduced size of the effective mitral valve orifice. The
tension. With the development of pulmonary hyperten-
mitral valve gradient is determined by the size of the
sion, there is pulmonary insufficiency, right ventricular
opening and by the amount of diastolic inflow, and
dilation, dilation of the tricuspid valve annulus, and
therefore, depends on cardiac output and the length of
functional tricuspid valve regurgitation, which ulti-
time for diastole filling [15]. As the area of the valve
mately manifest as right heart failure. Mitral stenosis
decreases, a higher transmitral gradient and an increased
can also be exacerbated by coexistent mitral regurgitation,
left atrial pressure are required to maintain cardiac
decreased left ventricular systolic or diastolic function,
output [13]. Elevated left atrial pressure is then transmitted
elevation of the left ventricular end diastolic pressure,
to the pulmonary venous system, raising the pulmo-
and by other left sided obstructive lesions. The degree
nary venous and pulmonary capillary pressures.
of mitral valve stenosis may be underestimated when
Pulmonary edema develops when the hydrostatic pressure
there is a significant atrial septal defect as part of the
of the pulmonary vascular bed exceeds the plasma
cardiac output is diverted through the atrial septum,
oncotic pressure [3, 16]. Long-standing pulmonary
and these patients can have symptoms related to low
venous hypertension and pulmonary congestion result
cardiac output.
in elevated pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary
alveolar fibrosis, and thickening of the pulmonary arte-
riole bed with reduced pulmonary compliance [13, 14,
17]. Changes and congestion in the pulmonary vascular 28.3  Clinical Presentation
bed affect ventilation by compressing small bronchiolar
airways and alter the mechanics of gas exchange [3].
Respiratory symptoms are therefore often the first mani- Manifest symptoms with mitral stenosis are related to
festation of disease in patients with significant mitral the degree of stenosis and are a reflection of elevated
valve stenosis. The relationship between mitral valve left atrial pressure, pulmonary venous congestion, and
area, diastolic filling time, heart rate, and cardiac output low cardiac output, development of pulmonary hyper-
is explained by the Gorlin formula, as follows [18]. tension and right heart failure, or development of an
Mitral valve area = Patients with mild mitral stenosis are usually asymp-
(diastolic flow (mL / s)) tomatic. Those with moderate stenosis develop symp-
(31.5) ´ (square root of mean diastolic gradient) toms with exertion and those with severe stenosis often
304 K.P. Barton et al.

have symptoms at rest. In adults, moderate mitral stenosis ­elevation of the left mainstem bronchus [2, 16], prominent
correlates with a mitral valve area of 1–2.5  cm2, and pulmonary arteries, and right ventricular enlargement
severe mitral stenosis correlates to a mitral valve area of [14, 19].
less than 1 cm2. Initial presentation is most commonly
due to symptoms with exertion described as decreased
exercise tolerance in older children, and feeding diffi-
culty in infants. Infants may present with increased work 28.3.2  ECG
of breathing, fatigue or diaphoresis with feeds, recurrent
respiratory infections, tachypnea, and failure to thrive Electrocardiogram shows a broad notched P wave in
[16, 19]. Older patients may complain of dyspnea with lead II due to left atrial enlargement, and right ven-
exertion, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, chronic cough tricular hypertrophy with right atrial enlargement once
or wheezing, hemoptysis, and palpitations. Hemoptysis pulmonary hypertension develops. Atrial flutter and
occurs due to rupture of dilated thin-walled bronchial fibrillation are not uncommon in association with
vessels in the setting of long-standing pulmonary venous mitral stenosis.
hypertension [13, 14], and atrial flutter and fibrillation
are not uncommon in long-standing mitral stenosis.
Patients with mitral stenosis should also be assessed for
symptoms of hoarseness, which can occur if an enlarged
28.3.3  Echocardiography
left atrium causes compression of the recurrent laryn-
geal nerve [13, 16]. Patients who have pulmonary hyper- Transthoracic echocardiography is imperative for defi-
tension secondary to mitral stenosis will have fewer nition of mitral valve anatomy with careful attention to
symptoms of lung congestion, and more complaints the morphology of the annulus, leaflets, chordae tendi-
reflective of low cardiac output. nae, papillary muscles, and supravalvar area. Evaluation
Physical findings are related to the degree of mitral of left atrial size, mitral regurgitation, and for presence
stenosis, and to the presence or absence of pulmonary of an atrial septal defect and other associated cardiac
hypertension and right heart failure. The murmur of anomalies is also performed. Any patient with abnor-
mitral stenosis is a low pitched diastolic rumble with malities of the mitral valve apparatus must carefully be
presystolic accentuation, heard best at the apex and in evaluated for the presence of an associated supravalvar
the left lateral decubitus position [14–16]. The length mitral ring that may contribute to stenosis and affect
of the diastolic murmur is directly related to the degree the management plan [20]. The mitral valve in con-
of mitral stenosis [15]. In patients with congenital genital mitral stenosis is often dysplastic with thick-
mitral stenosis, S1 is either normal or of decreased ened leaflets, rolled edges, and shortened tethered
intensity, and P2 is accentuated if pulmonary hyperten- chordae tendinae [20]. The number, position, and rela-
sion is present. With the development of pulmonary tionship of the papillary muscles should be assessed.
hypertension a right ventricular lift is present, and there Right and left ventricular function are evaluated as are
may be a Graham Steell murmur of pulmonary insuffi- signs of pulmonary hypertension, and degree of tricus-
ciency [15]. Signs of right heart failure include hepato- pid regurgitation. Doppler measurements are made of
megaly, ascites, peripheral edema, and jugular venous the peak and mean mitral valve gradient. The mean
distension. With rheumatic mitral stenosis, there is a transmitral valve pressure gradient has fair correlation
loud opening snap after the second heart sound that is with the transmitral gradient measured by cardiac
not present with congenital mitral stenosis [3, 16]. catheterization. Left atrial pressure can be estimated if
an atrial level defect is present, and if the patient
has an accurate central venous pressure available.
Measurement of pressure half-time of mitral valve
28.3.1  Chest X-ray inflow reflects the time needed for the peak diastolic
inflow velocity to decrease by 50% and is inversely
Chest film may demonstrate pulmonary congestion proportional to the mitral valve area [15, 20]. As the
with redistribution of pulmonary blood flow to the severity of mitral stenosis increases, the pressure half-
upper lobes [14, 17], left atrial enlargement with time lengthens. In children the mitral valve area can be
28  Mitral Stenosis 305

calculated at the time of cardiac catheterization by the Transesophageal echocardiography may be indicated
Gorlin and Gorlin equation. In adults the mitral valve when transthoracic images are inadequate, or for eval-
area can be estimated by echocardiography using an uation for thrombus in patients with atrial flutter or
empirically derived constant (220) divided by the pres- fibrillation.
sure half-time, with fair correlation to the area obtained Exercise testing can be helpful for objective evalua-
with the Gorlin and Gorlin formula. The accuracy of tion of functional capacity and to monitor for deterio-
this method has not been reliable in children when ration or improvement with time or intervention [17].
compared with mitral valve area obtained by calcula- Cardiac catheterization is performed when addi-
tion by the Gorlin formula, and is usually not used for tional diagnostic data is necessary or when interven-
pediatric patients [20, 21]. There are several other tional balloon mitral valvuloplasty is indicated. Data
echocardiograhic formulas for estimating mitral valve obtained at cardiac catheterization include standard
area in children including the continuity equation and right heart hemodynamic measurements, thermodilu-
the PISA (proximal isovelocity surface area) tech- tion cardiac output, and simultaneous left atrial and
nique. Both are well described in standard echocar- left ventricular pressure for direct assessment of the
diography textbooks [20]. In the presence of an atrial transmitral gradient (Fig. 28.2). The transmitral gradient
septal defect, the severity of mitral valve stenosis may is the diastolic gradient from the left atrial a wave to
be underestimated; this should be considered during the left ventricular end diastolic pressure [16]. If no
interpretation of the study. In adults mitral stenosis is intervention is planned, and no atrial level defect is
categorized as mild if the mean gradient is less than present for access to the left atrium, the transmitral
5  mmHg, moderate when the mean gradient is gradient can be estimated by recording simultaneous
5–10  mmHg, and severe when the mean gradient is pulmonary capillary wedge and left ventricular end
greater than 10  mmHg [22]. In children, mild mitral diastolic pressures.
stenosis has been defined as a mean gradient of less Patients with mild to moderate stenosis may have
than 5 mmHg, moderate stenosis falls between 6 and normal or mildly elevated pulmonary artery pressure.
12 mmHg, and severe stenosis is described when the Those with severe mitral stenosis often have elevated
mean gradient is greater than 13  mmHg [19]. pulmonary artery pressure, and elevated pulmonary

Fig. 28.2  Hemodynamic trace of simultaneous left atrial and left ventricular pressure measurements with the mean mitral valve
gradient represented by the shaded area between the left atrial and left ventricular waveforms
306 K.P. Barton et al.

Fig.  28.4  Spot cine of inflation of a standard low pressure

angioplasty balloon across the mitral valve

Fig. 28.3  Left ventricular angiography showing double orifice

restenosis, and a 93% event free survival at 5 years and
mitral valve
a 79% event free survival at 10 years [24]. Complication
rates for balloon mitral valvuloplasty in children with
vascular resistance [13]. Angiography is performed of
rheumatic disease are similar to those in adults.
the left ventricle, left atrium, and other locations as
Dilation of congenital mitral stenosis carries a higher
indicated by severity of disease and presence of associ-
risk of morbidity and mortality [23], and is often com-
ated lesions (Fig. 28.3).
plicated by associated cardiac lesions. Despite the
Hemodynamic assessment with supplemental oxy-
complexity of balloon valvuloplasty for congenital
gen and nitric oxide is performed as indicated related
mitral valve stenosis, with increasing experience,
to the severity of pulmonary hypertension. Balloon
results are improving. Lock reports 90% five-year sur-
dilation of the mitral valve should be considered in
vival in patients with typical congenital mitral stenosis
patients with severe congenital mitral stenosis in the
who require balloon mitral valvuloplasty, with less
absence of a supravalvar mitral ring, and in those with
than 2% of procedural mortality and an average delay
significant rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. Surgical
of 4 years to surgical intervention [25].
resection is the preferred intervention for stenosis
related to a supravalvar mitral ring. Balloon mitral val-
vuloplasty in children is performed with a standard
low pressure angiography balloon (Fig.  28.4), or the
specialized Inoue balloon. Double balloon technique 28.3.4  Preoperative Management
may be necessary due to the relatively large mitral
valve annulus size. Access to the mitral valve may Observation is often all that is required in asymptom-
require transseptal puncture with or without balloon atic patients with mild mitral stenosis as it is not usu-
dilation of the atrial septum [23]. Successful results ally progressive. In patients with more significant
from balloon valvuloplasty in adults and children with disease, medical management is used to reduce symp-
rheumatic mitral stenosis are comparable to surgical toms and delay the need for intervention.
intervention [23], with an average reduction in the Patients with mitral stenosis may be admitted to the
mitral valve gradient from 17 to 5.2  mmHg and intensive care unit with respiratory failure, low cardiac
improvement in mitral valve area from 0.84 to 2 cm2 output syndrome, atrial arrhythmias, infectious endo-
[24]. Mitral balloon valvuloplasty in children with carditis, or a combination thereof. In addition, these
rheumatic mitral stenosis has a 14.3% incidence of patients can be admitted after balloon valvuloplasty
28  Mitral Stenosis 307

for observation or treatment of complications related and appropriate anticoagulation is required. Patients
to the procedure. with rheumatic heart disease should receive antibiotic
Respiratory failure can be secondary to multiple fac- prophylaxis to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever.
tors including left atrial hypertension, pulmonary edema, Patients who remain symptomatic despite maximal
pulmonary hypertension, and pneumonia, especially viral medical management should be considered for percu-
pneumonia secondary to respiratory syncytial virus. taneous intervention if the anatomy of their lesion is
Patients have limited ability to augment cardiac amenable to balloon valvuloplasty. This is true particu-
output to compensate for any increase in metabolic larly in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and
demand as inflow of blood across the mitral valve is symmetric congenital mitral valve stenosis. Patients
obstructed. Prompt intervention with positive pressure with supravalvar mitral ring should not routinely be
ventilation will improve the ventilation perfusion mis- referred to for balloon valvuloplasty as their outcome
match. With mechanical ventilation, moderately high is better with surgical intervention. Patients with para-
ventilatory settings are usually required including peak chute mitral valve tend to have less successful results
inspiratory and end expiratory pressures with pressure with balloon valvotomy due to the asymmetric anat-
mode ventilation and tidal volume with volume mode omy of the valve [6]. Balloon mitral valvuloplasty is
ventilation. In the subset of patients with true elevation generally not considered if there is more than mild
of pulmonary vascular resistance, inhaled nitric oxide mitral regurgitation at baseline. Balloon mitral valvu-
is useful as a selective pulmonary vasodilator, though loplasty may delay or obviate the need for surgical
it can lead to an increase in left atrial pressure and pul- intervention, which is particularly crucial in infants
monary edema. and small children [25]. Patients who have failed
When the mitral valve area is small, the left atrial medical management and/or balloon mitral valvulo-
pressure should be kept appropriately high to maintain plasty, those with anatomy unfavorable to percutaneous
a sufficient transmitral gradient to sustain adequate intervention, and those with significant regurgitation
cardiac output. should be referred to for surgical repair [19].
The relationship between the diastolic filling time,
cardiac output, and the transvalvar gradient is also
important to consider. The gradient across the mitral
valve increases markedly with increased heart rate and 28.3.5  Surgical Management
cardiac output. It is always preferable to avoid tachy-
cardia to allow appropriate time for left ventricular filling. The main indication for surgical intervention is the
Medical management should target slowing the heart presence of symptoms or severe pulmonary hyperten-
rate. Immediate goals in an intensive care setting sion. The operative management is intended to relieve
include: (1) normalization of temperature, (2) when the obstruction across the mitral valve but, not infre-
necessary, use of inotropic agents and doses that cause quently patients are left with residual gradients.
the least tachycardia, (3) use of beta-blockers and cal- Therefore, a detailed preoperative echocardiographic
cium channel blockers for rate control in older children, assessment of the valve is vital in determining the
though these agents are contraindicated in neonates and anatomy of the valve lesion and the chances of a suc-
infants. Diuretics are added judiciously to decrease cessful repair.
symptoms attributed to pulmonary venous congestion The surgical approach requires cardiopulmonary
with attention to prevention of hypovolemia [2]. bypass with bicaval cannulation, mild to moderate
Right ventricular dysfunction may be present sec- hypothermia, and cardioplegic arrest. The valve is usu-
ondary to pulmonary artery hypertension. Diuretics, ally exposed via a left atriotomy, along Waterston’s
inotropic support, and optimization of the ventilation groove. Left atrial enlargement is usually present facili-
perfusion mismatch with decrease of pulmonary vas- tating the surgical exposure. Repair of a supravalvar ring
cular resistance are the key elements of therapy. requires complete excision of the fibrous membrane
In infants and children it is important to ensure ade- (Fig.  28.5); commissurotomies are utilized to enlarge
quate nutrition and higher calorie formula, or tube the effective valve orifice (Fig.  28.6). Surgical tech-
feeds may be indicated. In patients with chronic atrial niques utilized for the management of an abnormal sub-
arrhythmias, selective treatment of the specific arrhythmia valvar apparatus (i.e., single papillary muscle) include
308 K.P. Barton et al.

Fig. 28.5  Repair of supravalvar mitral ring. The valve is exposed via a left atriotomy and the fibrous ridge sharply excised. Care
is taken not to injure the underlying mitral valve leaflets

Fig. 28.6  Mitral valve commissurotomy. The effective valve orifice is enlarged by sharply opening areas of commissural fusion

fenestration of the interchordal spaces and splitting of mitral valve annulus the prosthetic valve might need
the papillary muscles (Figs. 28.7 and 28.8). placement in a supra-annular position (Fig. 28.9). The
If the repair is unsuccessful or if the valve is deemed operative morbidity and mortality associated with the
as not reparable then mitral valve replacement is surgical management of mitral stenosis is not insignifi-
required. In infants and small children with a small cant, as high as 20% [19, 26, 27].
28  Mitral Stenosis 309

Fig. 28.7  Splitting of single papillary muscle

Fig. 28.8  Fenestration of the interchordal spaces

28.3.6  Postoperative Management in this subset of patients to maintain adequate cardiac

The principles of postoperative care are similar to those In general primary valvuloplasty is the procedure of
of preoperative management. Specific therapy is tai- choice, and mitral valve replacement is avoided when
lored to the results of surgical repair. Morbidity is possible. Prosthetic valves in young children are prob-
related to residual mitral stenosis, pulmonary hyperten- lematic due to the need for chronic anticoagulation and
sion, low cardiac output syndrome, right ventricular because the prosthetic valve often needs to be placed
failure, arrhythmias, atrioventricular block as a compli- in supra-annular position due to small annular size.
cation of prosthetic valve replacement, and presence of Left atrial, pulmonary venous, and pulmonary arterial
coexistent lesions such left ventricular hypoplasia, sub- hypertension may result from the relatively large size
aortic stenosis, aortic stenosis, and arch hypoplasia. of the prosthetic valve in comparison with the left atrial
Maintenance of sinus rhythm is of critical ­importance size. This is a more significant issue for small infants [26].
310 K.P. Barton et al.

is opened, sedation, analgesia, and neuromuscular

blockade are required. The chest is normally closed
24–48  h after surgical intervention. In addition,
sedation, neuromuscular blockade, and inhaled nitric oxide
are required in patients with pulmonary hypertension
[28]. A pulmonary artery catheter and left atrial line
may be helpful in guiding the medical management for
discerning the etiology of postoperative pulmonary

28.4  Long-term Outlook

Outcome related to mitral valve stenosis is variable

dependent upon age at presentation, severity of steno-
sis, presence of associated cardiac defects, and valve
morphology. Children with mild stenosis often remain
asymptomatic and have no progression in the degree of
stenosis with somatic growth. Infants with symptom-
Fig. 28.9  Mitral valve replacement in the supra-annular posi- atic congenital mitral stenosis, and associated left sided
tion. The prosthetic valve is sewn circumferentially to the left obstructive heart lesions continue to have a higher inci-
atrial tissue between the pulmonary veins and the mitral valve dence of morbidity and mortality. Despite improved
annulus results with percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty
and with primary surgical valvuloplasty, children with
Transesophageal or transthoracic echocardiogram congenital mitral valve stenosis remain at risk for devel-
must be routinely obtained to assess right ventric- opment of restenosis, need for reoperation, placement
ular function, left ventricular function and filling, of a prosthetic valve, and life-long anticoagulant ther-
and the gradient across the prosthetic valve. apy. Fortunately, many patients with valvar mitral
Furthermore, it is important to evaluate for evidence stenosis who have developed pulmonary hypertension
of perivalvar leak. and right ventricular failure show reversal of pulmo-
The approach and therapy of the aforementioned nary hypertension over time after an intervention is
postoperative complications are described in the sec- performed to increase the effective mitral valve area.
tion on preoperative management. If inotropic support In a retrospective review reported by Moore et al in
is needed after surgery, the agent that causes the least 1994, in a population of 85 infants with congenital
tachycardia while augmenting contractility is the drug mitral stenosis, 36% required intervention; 18 under-
of choice. Normal temperature must be maintained at went balloon dilation of the mitral valve, and 13 under-
all times during the immediate postoperative period. went surgery. Freedom from mortality at 2 years was
Afterload reducing agents can be used cautiously. 70% in the group of patients who had balloon valvulo-
Patients with intravascular depletion who develop plasty and 60% in those who had surgical intervention.
tachycardia and hypotension may have decreased cor- In the group of infants who underwent balloon dilation
onary perfusion. Systolic systemic hypertension ought symptomatic improvement persisted in only 40% of
to be avoided in order to reduce the strain on the mitral patients. Procedural mortality was related to the need
valve after a surgical plasty. for repeat balloon dilation and degree of left ventricu-
After surgical repair, patients require 24–48  h of lar hypoplasia [5].
mechanical ventilation, especially if the chest is left In patients with parachute mitral valve and
open. An open chest improves ventricular compliance parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve, in 2004
and minimizes the effect of positive pressure ventila- Schaverien et al report 82% survival at 1 year and 77% sur-
tion on pulmonary vascular resistance. While the chest vival at 10 years in a study population of 84 patients.
28  Mitral Stenosis 311

Presence of an atrial septal defect and left ventricular 7. Oostehoek PW, Wenink ACG, Macedo AJ, et  al. The
hypoplasia were identified as independent risk factors parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve and its two papillary
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Lippincott-Raven; 1999:251-266.
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decrease in peak and mean mitral valve gradients by a 10. Linka AZ, Fatio R, Jost CA. Images in cardiology: double
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median of 33% and 38%, respectively. Balloon valvulo- 11. Zalstein E, Hamilton R, Zucker N, et al. Presentation, natural
plasty was complicated by development of significant history, and outcome in children and adolescents with double
mitral regurgitation in 28% of patients. Overall survival orifice mitral valve. Am J Cardiol. 2004;93:1067-1069.
was 84% at 1 year and 77% at 5 years with an overall 12. Shone JD, Sellers RD, Anderson RC, et al. The developmen-
tal comples of “parachute mitral valve”, supravalvar ring of
trend toward improved survival during the second decade the left atrium, subaortic stenosis and coarctation of the
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Heart Disease. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders;
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mitral valvuloplasty are encouraging [24]. Pediatric Cardiology for Practioners. Philadelphia, PA:
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of disease and the frequent presence of associated defects, 15. El-Said GM, El-Refaee MM, Sorour KA, et al. Rheumatic
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Fyler DC, eds. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology. Philadelphia, children with pulmonary hypertension and congenital mitral
PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2006:213-250. stenosis. Am J Cardiol. 1996;77:316-319.
Chapter 29
Prosthetic Valves

Peter D. Wearden

Many challenges are faced by pediatric patients and processing of biologic materials. There are certain
their surgeons in finding acceptable replacement heart nuances of valve design of mechanical valves, or pres-
valves for diseased, diminutive, or absent native valves. ervation of bioprosthetic valves, which are generally
First of the challenges is valve size. Many prosthetic proprietary and are not the subject of this chapter.
valves available in the market today are applicable
only to the largest of pediatric patients. Even the small-
est of commercially available valves can have unac-
ceptable gradients. This can, at times, be circumvented 29.1.1  Mechanical Valves
by various surgical techniques, annular enlargement,
or valve positioning. Other obstacles faced in this
The design types of mechanical prosthesis include the
patient population include the issues of somatic growth,
caged ball design (Starr–Edwards Silastic Ball Valve,
valve calcification, structural deterioration, throm-
Edwards Lifesciences, Inc., Irvine, CA) and the tilting
boembolism, and the need for anticoagulation and its
disk prosthesis.
associated monitoring requirements. This chapter
Tilting disk prostheses includes both single disk and
reviews the currently available prosthetic valves, valve
bileaflet prostheses. The single disk prostheses are the
choice for various locations and indications in the
Medtronic–Hall (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN), the
pediatric patient, and lastly, management and compli-
Omicarbon valve prosthesis (Medical CV, Inc., Inver
cations of prosthetic valve placement in children.
Grove Heights, MN), and the Monostrut cardiac valve
(Figs.  29.1 and 29.2 demonstrate currently available
prosthesis (Alliane Medical Technologies, Inc., Irvine,
prosthetic and tissue valves.)
CA). Bileaflet prostheses include the most commonly
used valves today, the St. Jude Medical (SJM) valve (St.
Jude Medical, Inc., Minneapolis, MN), the On-X pros-
thetic valve (Medical Carbon Research Institute, Austin,
29.1  C
 urrently Available Prosthetic TX), the ATS Medical Open Pivot mechanical heart
Valves valves (ATS Medical, Inc., Minneapolis, MN), and also
the Carbomedics prosthetic heart valves (Sulzer
The currently available choices of prosthetic valves CarboMedics, Inc., Austin, TX).
can be broadly divided into mechanical or biologic The caged ball design was the first mechanical heart
valves. Each of these categories can be further divided valve widely available. However, it is generally no lon-
by valve design, construction, and tissue of origin or ger used. Its usefulness in the pediatric population was
somewhat limited by its high profile design.
Differences in the other valve designs include not
only whether there are one or two leaflets but also the
P.D. Wearden (*)
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of
material which they are manufactured from, including
UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA titanium alloys, tungsten graphite, cobalt-based alloys,
e-mail: and pyrolytic carbons.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 313
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_29, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
314 P.D. Wearden

Fig.  29.1  This figure illustrates the most commonly used Fig. 29.2  Common biologic valves. From top to bottom: stentless
prosthetic valves. From top to bottom: Caged ball valve design porcine aortic prosthesis, pulmonary homograft (note the attached
which is no longer commonly used, a single tilting disk valve, a right ventricular muscle), and an aortic homograft with arch
bileaflet tilting disk valve, and a stented porcine prosthesis vessels (note the attached anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and
ligated coronary arteries)

Opening and valve washing patterns vary from

valve to valve and may affect, among other things, both systole and diastole, and they are referred to as “sig-
appropriate valve orientation, the ability of retained nature jets” on echocardiography.
valvular tissue or sutures to obstruct the valve, and the Depending upon the manufacturer, valves are
washing of the valve by blood. Some diastolic regurgi- generally available in odd sizes from 19 to 31 mm for
tation has been noted to improve continuous washing the aortic (semilunar) position and from 19 to 33 mm
of the valve with blood and to decrease the incidence for the mitral (atrioventricular) position. Several valve
of thromboembolism [1, 2]. The type of valve can manufacturers have designed valves for “supra-annular”
often be determined from its radiographic appearance. positioning. These valves sit above the annulus, or
Also each valve has distinctive flow patterns during sewing ring which is still secured to the annulus, without
29  Prosthetic Valves 315

obstructing the coronary arteries. This allows for a Non allograft stentless bioprosthesis lack a rigid
valve with a larger effective orifice area (EOA) to be metal stent and therefore should have little inherent
placed thereby decreasing the gradient. The most com- gradient across the valve. When implanted, these
mon of these valves are the SJM high performance valves may be supported by the aortic root of the
(HP) and Regent valves, the CarboMedics Top Hat patient using, what is known as, the subcoronary or
valve and the ATS Open Pivot AP series of valves. inclusion cylinder technique. They may also be
Valves smaller than 19 mm, as would often be required implanted by fully replacing the aortic root in a man-
in the smallest of children, include the 17  mm ner similar to root replacement with an aortic
Monostrut Valve, 17 mm SJM HP and Regent valves, homograft. Because of the diminished gradient, these
and 16 mm ATS Medical Open Pivot AP valves. valves are felt to be less likely to result in patient-
prosthesis mismatch, a condition in which the EOA of
an inserted prosthetic valve is too small in relation to
the body size of the patient and cardiac output. This
29.1.2  Bioprosthetic Valves results in higher gradients than would be expected
from a normally functioning prosthesis. This lack of
Bioprosthetic valves have the distinct advantage of not inherent gradient in stentless valves is thought to
needing lifelong anticoagulation. The trade-off, how- result in better ventricular remodeling, or regression
ever, is durability. Xenograft valves calcify when placed of ventricular hypertrophy. The technique of insertion
into the human circulation ultimately leading to their is, however, significantly more complicated than that
failure. This calcification process appears to occur more of stented valves. The currently available stentless
rapidly in younger patients. Various treatments includ- valves are all porcine and include the Toronto SPV
ing, gluteraldehyde, amino-oleic acid, and polysorbate valve (St. Jude Medical, Inc.), the Medtronic Freestyle
80 have been employed to fix the tissue and decrease stentless aortic bioprosthesis (Medtronic, Inc.), and
mineralization. There has also been a trend to move the Edwards Prima Plus stentless bioprosthesis
from high pressure fixation to low pressure fixation in (Edwards Life Sciences, Inc.). These valves are avail-
an attempt to preserve normal tissue architecture. The able in sizes from 19 to 29 mm depending upon the
bioprosthetic valves include both stented (or supported) manufacturer.
and stentless prostheses. The tissue of origin is gener-
ally porcine with the exception of a bovine pericardial
valve manufactured from fixed bovine pericardium.
The stented valves include the Hancock and Mosaic 29.1.3  Biprosthetic Conduits
valves (Medtronic, Inc.). The mosaic valve is the
latest generation valve and differs from the Hancock  Xenograft Conduits
series in having a different antimineralization treatment,
zero pressure fixation, and predilation to increase EOA. The Contegra bioprosthesis (Medtronic, Inc.) consists
The mosaic valve also has a semiflexible stent. These of bovine jugular vein with an integral, natural, trileaf-
valves are generally available in sizes from 21 to let venous valve and a natural sinus slightly larger than
35 mm. The other currently available stented porcine its lumen. It is preserved in buffered gluteraldehyde
prosthesis is the Carpentier Edwards Standard solution and has surgical handling characteristics simi-
Valve (Edwards Life Sciences, Inc.). The Carpentier– lar to allograft material. It is available for implantation
Edwards PERIMOUNT valve (Edwards Life Sciences, in the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) in patients
Inc.) is a stented prosthesis made from bovine pericar- less than 18 years of age and is available in diameters
dium. This valve is manufactured from pericardium, as from 12 to 22 mm. Shelhigh Pulmonic (Shelhigh, Inc.,
opposed to the porcine valves which are simply stented. Union, NJ) valved conduits are also available in the
The leaflets are manufactured with low pressure fixa- United States with a Humanitarian Device Exemption
tion and mounted in a support frame. This valve is (HDE) from the Food and Drug Administration. Both
available in sizes from 19 to 29 mm. A PERIMOUNT bovine and porcine tissue is available for use in the
Plus valve is also available for the mitral position and RVOT and have been treated with a proprietary anti-
is available in sizes from 27 to 33 mm. calcification treatment.
316 P.D. Wearden

29.1.4  Allograft Valves 29.2.2  Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR)

Allograft valves have now been used for over 40 years With the evolution of mitral valve repair techniques,
and are frequently the only valves appropriate for the MVR in children is generally only undertaken with the
smallest of patients. Both cadaveric aortic and pulmo- failure of medical management and/or mitral valve
nary valves are currently widely used. Sufficient supply repair. The most common indications for MVR in a
of donors may, at times, affect valve availability. Liquid child are: rheumatic disease, endocarditis, mitral steno-
nitrogen cryo-preservation has replaced antibiotic sis (i.e., Shone’s complex), and after failed AV canal
storage techniques. Depending upon donor size, all repair. Replacement of the mitral valve in children less
sizes of allografts are available. than 1 year of age should be delayed as long as possi-
ble because of the significant morbidity and mortality
associated with replacement [5, 6]. MVR carries the
highest mortality of any pediatric valve procedure and
29.2  V
 alve Choice and Outcomes has a much worse long term prognosis. The reported
by Location operative mortality has ranged from 10 to 30% with 5
and 10 year survival between 50 and 80% [7, 8].
Alexiou observed 14% mortality but further observed
29.2.1  T
 ricuspid Valve Replacement
that the operative mortality at their institution had
(TVR) decreased to 3.6% in the past decade [9]. It has also
been fairly well demonstrated that older children gen-
Compared with other valves, the tricuspid valve is the erally do better with MVR [9, 10], whereas, others
least commonly replaced in both adults and children have observed only a 33% survival in 5 and 10 year
with the most common indications being irreparable children, undergoing MVR at an age less than two
Ebstein’s type valves or valves destroyed by endo- [11]. Many of the issues regarding poor outcomes in
carditis. In general, bioprosthetic valves are preferred younger children are related to considerable risk asso-
for TVR, with most surgeons avoiding mechanical ciated with an increased ratio of prosthetic valve size
valves in this location because of the very low veloc- relative to body weight [12]. Much of the short and
ity of flow across the valve. Kiziltan examined the long term mortality in small annulus sizes is associated
Mayo Clinic’s experience with TVR for Ebstein’s with implantation in the supra-annular position. Other
anomaly and in 149 patients with a mean follow-up risks when attempting to oversize the prosthesis
of 4.5 years (17.8 years longest) found the survival to include: subaortic obstruction, prosthetic leaflet
be 92.5% at both 10 and 15 years. Freedom from entrapment, and conduction block. Low profile bileaf-
replacement was 97.5% and 60.6% at 10 and 15 years. let valves have become the valve of choice for this
Interestingly, the authors found that the reoperation location. Bioprosthetic xenografts have been found to
rate for bioprostheses in this location was signifi- have limited durability at the mitral position in chil-
cantly less than for all other cardiac positions [3]. dren and are currently rarely used. Lower profile or
Husain and Brown in their review of the topic make supra-annular aortic valves can be particularly useful
several recommendations with regard to surgical for smaller patients. When these valves are used in this
technique including: (1) placing the valve cephalad to location they are removed from their holder and are
the coronary sinus, atrioventricular node, and right “reversed” for implantation. Caldarone’s paper devel-
coronary artery to avoid compression of these struc- oped from the pediatric care consortium examined 139
tures; (2) ensuring that the struts of the bioprosthesis patients less than age five with a median follow-up of
straddle the area of the membranous septum and con- 6.2 years. The median longevity they observed for a
duction tissue; (3) seating the valve with the heart mitral valve implanted in a child less than age five was
beating to observe for conduction disturbances; (4) 12.7 years. They found survival to be 79%, 75%, and
performance of a right atrial maze at the time of TVR 74% at 1, 5, and 10 years respectively. This suggests
if indicated [4]. that most of the mortality occurs in the early period
29  Prosthetic Valves 317

following valve placement [12]. This is confirmed by treated with a transannular patch has become one of
Alexiou’s findings of a 5 and 10 year survival for hos- the most common adult congenital heart procedures.
pital survivors of 90.3%, again point to most of the Historically, allografts are the most commonly uti-
mortality being incurred in the early post operative lized valves in this location because of size and space
period [9]. Another group reviewed their experience in limitations, as well as the ease in implantation. With
patients less than 5 years of age, requiring MVR. In 35 regard to these homografts, the reported results of lon-
children they observed an actuarial survival of 51% at gevity vary from study to study depending upon age
20 years, a surgical mortality of 17% and a freedom and indication. Some of the more favorable results
from reoperation of 50% at 10 years [5]. When exam- demonstrate an actuarial freedom from reoperation of
ining the linearized rate of reoperation following 89% at 10 years and 80% at 20 years [15]. Others have
mechanical MVR in children, the incidence has been reported a substantially lower freedom from reopera-
found to be 3.8% per patient year with a freedom for tion of 81% at 5 years and 70% at 7 years [16]. Allograft
reoperation of 85.7% at 10 years, which is similar to freedom from reoperation, has, however been reported
that observed by others [9, 13]. to be as high as 85% and 69% at 5 and 10 years post
Brief mention should be made of the Ross II tech- implantation in pediatric patients [17]. The reasons for
nique. This technique uses a pulmonary autograft potential valve failure include valvular calcification
placed in the mitral position. The technique was origi- resulting in stenosis and insufficiency as well as patient
nally introduced by Donald Ross in 1967. The pulmo- somatic growth. Endovascular stents can prolong the
nary autograft is generally placed within a dacron period of time required for valve reoperation in both the
graft. Kabbani recently reported on 88 patients aged instances by reducing the valve gradient, but always
4–64 years utilizing this technique. At an average fol- render the valve incompetent. Pulmonary vascular
low-up of 5 years, he reported a freedom from degen- resistance has been found to effect pulmonary homograft
eration of 93.4%, freedom from reoperation of 94.2%, longevity in patients with congenital heart disease, and
and freedom from all death of 86.0% [14]. may reflect much of the variability seen in homograft
longevity. When examining the Ross Registry, or implan-
tation of pulmonary homografts in patients with an
otherwise normal pulmonary vasculature, homograft
29.2.3  P
 ulmonary Valve Replacement
survival to 80% at 25 years has been observed [18].
(PVR) Obviously, smaller and younger patients are risk factors
for RV to PA conduit failure. Patient growth is accom-
Valve replacement, or conduit placement, between panied by an attendant need for increased pulmonary
the right ventricle and pulmonary arteries is one of blood flow resulting in functional stenosis. The freedom
the more common operations required for congeni- for reoperation in neonates implanted with a pulmonary
tal heart disease. The list of indicated operations homograft is only 22% at 5 years [19]. Oversizing of
includes: Tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia, the homograft is, however, not a panacea and can result
d- or l-transposition of the great arteries with pulmonary in kinking or compression of the conduit by the sternum.
stenosis, Truncus Arteriosus, and the Ross procedure. It remains questionable whether allograft longevity is
Valved conduits constructed of many of the previously affected by the immune response of the patient to the
mentioned mechanical or bioprosthetic valves can be antigenicity of the allograft.
obtained commercially or manufactured. More While there is limited data available for the implan-
recently, the Contegra bovine jugular vein has seen tation of mechanical heart valves in the pulmonary
greater usage in smaller children. This valved vein is position, xenografts have been used extensively. One
also the basis for the “percutaneous” pulmonary valves large series demonstrated a greater freedom from
to be placed endovascularly currently in development. reoperation for porcine valved conduits than either
Most commonly used, however, is the pulmonary valve irradiated or cryopreserved homografts. In this series,
allograft. Implantation of a bioprosthetic valve in the the Hancock valve in the RV to PA position had a free-
older (adult) patient with Tetralogy of Fallot previously dom from reoperation of 87% at 5 years, 60.7% at 10
318 P.D. Wearden

years, and 45.1% at 15 years compared with allograft 29.2.4  Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR)
survival of 65% at 5 years, 37% at 10 years, and 18%
at 15 years [20]. In another study xenograft survival in In most small and growing children, the Ross procedure
the pulmonary position has been reported to be compa- has become the standard operation for conditions
rable with that of homografts with a 10 year survival of requiring AVR. This operation which involves the
85% [21]. With regard to the Contegra xenograft, short transfer of the pulmonary valve to the aortic position
and midterm results demonstrate a freedom from reop- (autograft) and replacement of the pulmonary valve
eration that matches or exceeds that for pulmonary (discussed at length elsewhere in this text) has sup-
homografts [22]. planted much of the debate regarding types of AVR in
More recently, several studies have been published children. For mechanical valve replacement, a mortality
relative to the use of mechanical valves in the pulmo- of 6–13% has been reported [26]. Turrentine compared
nary position. Historically, there has been little interest pediatric AVR with pulmonary autografts, mechanical
in this utilization because of what was thought to be an valves, xenografts, and aortic homografts. The survival
unacceptably high incidence of valve thrombosis in rate at 10 years in these patients was 95.2% for pulmo-
this location. This notion was based upon several small nary autografts and 87.8% for mechanical valves [27].
series, in mostly adult patients, albeit studies related to Much controversy, however, remains, when discussing
congenital heart disease have not found this to be the AVR in children who are not candidates for the pulmo-
case [23, 24]. Another group proposed the hypothesis nary autograft, (connective tissue disorder, diseased
that the monostrut tilting disk valve was less suscepti- pulmonary valve) or in those teens who have reached
ble to panus ingrowth and obstruction than the bileaflet their full growth potential.
mechanical valve [25]. Others have not found bileaflet
valves to have any greater risk of thrombosis, the
greater risk in the earlier studies being due to inade-
quate anticoagulation. These studies, although rela-
29.2.5  Mechanical AVR
tively small in number and for shorter periods of
follow-up, have shown excellent valve function. Based In a review of 55 pediatric patients undergoing
on other published data, one group estimated the risk mechanical AVR the event free survival at 1, 5, and
of reoperation at 15–20% at 10 years for allografts or 20 years was 96, 92, and 88% respectively. Freedom
xenografts versus a risk of reoperation of 4% at 14 from reintervention at the same time periods was
years in their study and a postulated lifetime risk of 98, 96, and 92% respectively [28]. Another group
reoperation at 8% [24]. If these devices were to be reported the linearized rate of reoperation for mechan-
used, that would seem to be most applicable to younger ical AVR in children to be 4.2% per patient year [13].
patients, though not so young they could “outgrow” Lupinetti examined 100 consecutive AVRs at a sin-
their prosthesis. Also appropriate would be those gle institution comparing mechanical to “human”
patients who are taking coumadin for other indica- (allograft or autograft) valve replacement with mean
tions, particularly atrial fibrillation or other cardiac ages of 12.1 and 10.4 years respectively. The 4 year
prostheses, and those with no contraindication to anti- actuarial survival was 83% in the mechanical group
coagulation, which would exclude young women in and 98% in the human group. When examining free-
child bearing age. The largest group of patients in dom from all valve related complications the same
which the greater implementation of these devices may authors found it to be 61% for mechanical valves and
be helpful are adult patients with Tetralogy of Fallot. 88% for human valves [29]. Alexiou reported on 56
It is felt that the need for anticoagulation of mechani- children with a mean age of 11.2 (range 1–16 years)
cal valves in the aortic position is greater because the undergoing mechanical AVR. Mean follow-up was
velocity of flow across the valve is less, however, 7.3 years. He reported a 5.3% operative mortality and
the result of emboli to the lung is perhaps less morbid actuarial freedom from reoperation at 10 and 20 years
than systemic embolization. Clearly in counseling of 86.4% which is a linearized rate of 1.3% per patient
patients with regard to valve choice, consideration the year. The authors do report using aggressive root
incidence of anticoagulation related hemorrhage and enlargement techniques to optimize the size valve which
the lifestyle changes has to be considered. they placed. The actuarial survival for the hospital
29  Prosthetic Valves 319

survivors was 96.1% and 89.6% at 10 and 20 years the decision making will be related to the tolerance of
respectively [30]. both the surgeon and the family to the risks of reoperation
but also to the risks of anticoagulation and alterations
in lifestyle required by the various choices.

29.2.6  Bioprosthetic AVR

29.3  C
 omplications of Valve  Xenograft
Currently, there is little enthusiasm for xenograft bio-
prostheses in the pediatric patient population. They In deciding which prosthesis should be placed into a
have been associated with high rates of early degenera- given child, as has been discussed, the factors most
tion, calcification, and structural failure with reopera- commonly considered are the expected longevity of the
tion rates as high as 50% at 4 years [31, 32]. Ruzmetov valve, the complication rate, and the impact upon life-
examined 174 AVRs over 31 years. This population style. As has been demonstrated above, the longevity of
included xenografts, allografts, mechanical valves, and the valve in children is primarily affected by two fac-
autografts. The authors found that 60% of all xeno- tors: somatic growth and valve degeneration. The effect
grafts placed in children had to be replaced at 5 years of somatic growth is essentially the same for mechani-
[33]. Few would argue that this type of valve is a viable cal and bioprosthetic valves when compared to valves
option for the pediatric population except in the most which have the potential for growth (autografts). Valve
limited of circumstances. degeneration is particularly affected by the age of the
patient, with an increasing rate of calcification in
younger patients who have greater rates of calcium  Homograft metabolism and turn over. The incidence of complica-
tions particularly thrombosis, thromboembolism, and
Gerosa, McKay, and Ross compared 143 children bleeding complications or anticoagulant-related hem-
undergoing pulmonary autograft or allograft (n = 106) orrhage (ARH) does vary by valve type as well as valve
AVR. This group found a 15.6% early mortality, a 16.7% location and can be considerable. For instance, in
late mortality, and a 54% 15 year actuarial freedom from Beirlein’s paper on the long term follow-up of mechan-
reoperation in the homograft group [34]. In 336 adult ical MVR in children, it was found that the freedom
patients undergoing aortic root replacement with 346 from all adverse events, including death, redo MVR,
allografts, one group found the incidence of reoperation bleeding, thromboembolism, and endocarditis was 45%
for structural deterioration to be 1.5% per patient year. and 17% at 5 and 10 years respectively [11]. This means
The rate of deterioration decreased with increasing age that, based on the rates observed in this study, nearly all
at implant. Those implanted with a homograft at age 35 children will have some complication, or require
had a 70% freedom from structural valve deterioration replacement, of their MVR in the 10 years following
at 10 years compared with an 80% freedom when valve replacement. These risks have been best calcu-
implanted at 45 years, 88% at 55 years, and better than lated in adult patients in large studies, while much
90% freedom from reoperation if implanted at 65 years smaller series of children provide the currently avail-
[35]. This type of longevity is not seen in children due to able information for this age group. Extrapolation from
somatic growth and a much greater rate of calcium turn- adult data is reasonable, but certainly is not an exact
over and mineralization in the growing child. Ruzmetov, surrogate for the rates of pediatric complications. This
however, found that only 14% of homografts required is related to age, comorbidities, and other risks faced by
replacement at 11 years in a small sample of patients the adult population as well as differing flow character-
with a mean age of 11 years [33]. istics in different sized patients.
While at this point in time allograft replacement of The following examines the most common risks
the aortic valve is the preferred operation in most pedi- of prosthetic valve placement, their incidence in the
atric centers, homograft and mechanical AVR are still adult population and the available data for the pediatric
commonly utilized with excellent outcomes. Much of population.
320 P.D. Wearden

29.3.1  Thrombosis examining a large adult series including multiple types

of mechanical valves found the incidence in adults of
In adults, thrombosis of the valve is an unlikely major embolization to be approximately 4% per patient
complication of mechanical or bioprosthetic valve year with no anticoagulant therapy, 2% per year with
replacement. In a large series of patients with the SJM only antiplatelet therapy, and 1% per year with couma-
bileaflet valve, the incidence of valve thrombosis was din therapy [38]. Others have reported the rates of
reported as 0.2% for AVR and 0.5% for MVR. In this thromboembolism from 0.7 to 6% per patient year.
series, the calculated incidence was 0.06% per patient Alexiou in examining the rate of thromboembolism in
year for AVR and 0.18% per patient year for MVR [36]. children with mechanical AVR, found a linearized rate
If one considers within the population of patients with of 0.3% per patient year [30]. The same author observed
thrombosis, non structural dysfunction of the valve, the an incidence of 0.9% per patient year in children fol-
incidence of valve failure in pediatric patients is prob- lowing MVR [9]. Mazitelli reported a 20 year freedom
ably much higher. This is related to panus ingrowth from thromboembolism of 91.2% and Iyer reported
particularly with regard to the mitral valve. Location the same variable to be 98.8% at 8 years [39, 40].
plays a role in the incidence of mechanical valve throm- Champsaur and Milano reported linearized rates of
bosis. Thrombosis of mechanical tricuspid valves has thromboembolism to be 0.3% and 0.7% per patient
been reported to be 20 times more frequent than left- year respectively in children [26, 41]. Based on this
sided valves, and mechanical mitral valves develop information, it would appear that the rates of throm-
thrombosis at a rate 2–3 times greater than aortic valves. boembolism in children undergoing mechanical AVR
In one series, the failure rate for MVR in children are less than in adults. This could be attributable to the
because of this ingrowth was as high as 31% [13]. Valve lack of comorbidities which affect the rates of throm-
thrombosis is generally manifested by pulmonary boembolism, such as atrial fibrillation which is less
congestion, evidence of decreased cardiac output, or common in children. Additionally, children do not
systemic embolization. Patients generally have an acute generally have other risk factors for stroke, not related
deterioration but at times there can be a slower onset of to mechanical valve replacement, such as atheroscle-
deterioration. Once the diagnosis is made, intravenous rotic disease, diabetes, and smoking. Poor ventricular
heparin therapy should be initiated. Depending upon function also increases the incidence of thromboembo-
the size of the thrombus further therapy with fibrinolysis lism and may be present in children or adults.
or surgery should be considered. Thrombolytic therapy,
in adults, has been reported to have a success rate of
70% and a mortality of 9–10%, but also carries a high
risk of embolization and is reserved for critically ill 29.3.3  Bleeding
patients with a highest risk of operative mortality [37].
Generally, pediatric patients should undergo valve Bleeding complications for prosthetic valves is related
replacement when presenting with this condition. to long term anticoagulation, generally with couma-
din. Obviously this risk is obviated by the lack of an
anticoagulation requirement in those patients with bio-
prosthetic valves. Many authors will therefore refer to
29.3.2  Thromboembolism this complication as ARH. In Emery’s review of over
4,000 patients receiving the SJM valve in adults this
The incidence of thromboembolism of the SJM valve incidence was reported to by 2.7% per patient year for
in adult patients has been reported as 1.9% per patient AVR and the same for MVR [36]. When examining 41
year for AVR and 2.8% per patient year for MVR. pediatric patients implanted with mechanical valves in
Shanmugam in a series of 55 pediatric patients with either the aortic or mitral position, Larsen observed no
AVR and a mean follow-up of 12 years found no inci- episodes of thrombosis or thromboembolism but an 11%
dence of thromboembolism [28]. In examining 32 incidence of ARH which is translated to an occurrence
pediatric patients with both AVR and MVR Sachweh of 1.4% per patient year [42]. In another series of 55
found the incidence of thromboembolism to be 1.2% pediatric patients with AVR, the linearized rate of bleed-
per year for both AVR and MVR [13]. Cannegieter in ing was found to be only 0.15% per patient year [28].
29  Prosthetic Valves 321

This low incidence of ARH in children has been confirmed this finding based on published reports. They
described by others and linearized to 0.65% per year further recommended the addition of aspirin in those
for MVR and 0% per year for AVR [13]. Generally, the children with a lack of response to vitamin K antago-
incidence of ARH is felt to be higher for MVR than nists or with a contraindication to the administration of
AVR because of the necessity for higher INRs in these the full dose of vitamin K antagonists [44]. The same
patients. Alexiou found the incidence of all bleeding conference, in an evidence-based review of the litera-
complications in children to be 0.3% per patient year ture, recommended a target INR of 2.5 (range 2.0–3.0)
following AVR, with no life threatening bleeding epi- for mechanical aortic valves and a target INR of 3.0
sode [30] which has been confirmed by several others. range (2.5–3.5) for mechanical mitral valves in the
In examining long term follow-up for children follow- absence of additional risk factors [45, 46]. Because of
ing MVR, Beierlein found the freedom from important the smaller numbers of patients, there are not currently
bleeding events to be 76% and 71% at 10 and 15 years guidelines with regard to anticoagulation of mechanical
respectively [11]. For MVR in children, as in adults, pulmonary valves, but most would treat for a higher
the incidence of ARH is higher due to higher INRs INR as in the case of the mechanical mitral valve.
(0.9% per patient year) [9]. While popular medical Systematic follow-up of INR as part of an anticoagu-
consensus would be that, anticoagulation of children is lation program is beneficial to both the patient and
more difficult than adults, with regard to bleeding clinician.
complications the data above suggest that children
have equal to slightly lower incidences of ARH when
being anticoagulated for mechanical valves. References

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Chapter 30
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Yuliya A. Domnina, Ricardo Muñoz, Traci M. Kazmerski, Jackie Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is the most ventricle and the ascending aorta from growing. The
common severe congenital heart defect which constitutes ascending aorta is frequently so diminutive that its
1–2% of all congenital heart anomalies and 7–9% of function is reduced to that of a common coronary
total anatomic abnormalities diagnosed within the 1 artery receiving blood supply in retrograde manner
year of life. It is also the most common congenital from the PDA.
cardiac malformation involving a single ventricle. It is Associated congenital heart defects:
more frequent in males, with a 67% male predominance.
• Coarctation of the aorta
Without surgical intervention HLHS is a uniformly
• Interrupted aortic arch
fatal condition with a 95% mortality rate within the 1
• Total or partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
month of life. A multifactorial mode of inheritance is
• Coronary artery abnormalities
likely present for most cases [1].
• Complete atrioventricular canal
• Endocardial fibroelastosis (especially in dimi­
nutive left ventricle with aortic atresia and mitral
30.1  Anatomy

HLHS (Fig.  30.1) defines a spectrum of cardiac

abnormalities with the hallmarks of hypoplasia of the 30.2  Pathophysiology
left ventricle and ascending aorta. The aortic and mitral
valves are usually abnormal, with the defects ranging
The newborn infant with HLHS displays complex
from stenosis and hypoplasia to complete atresia. A
cardiovascular physiology with ductal- dependent
large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is usually present,
systemic and coronary blood flow. Pulmonary venous
and a patent foramen ovale (PFO) or atrial septal defect
return entering the left atrium cannot cross the stenotic,
(ASD) may be observed, while the ventricular septum
hypoplastic, or atretic mitral valve into the LV and is
is usually intact.
instead shunted across the PFO or an ASD to the RA
The exact cause of HLHS is unknown. Most likely,
where it mixes with the systemic venous blood. If the
the primary abnormality occurs during aortic and
atrial septum is intact the pulmonary venous connec-
mitral valve development secondary to an inflamma-
tion may be totally anomalous. The RV functions as
tory or ischemic event in utero, and the valves fail to
the pumping chamber for both the pulmonary and the
develop normally. Minimal or absent blood flow due to
systemic circulations, which are connected in parallel
the aortic and mitral valve atresia prevents the left
by the PDA. Of special note, coronary and cerebral per-
fusion is also dependent on the blood flow through the
PDA (unless the proximal coronary arteries arise from
Y.A. Domnina (*)
the pulmonary trunk). The proportion of flow to the
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic,
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA pulmonary (Qp) and systemic circulations (Qs) depends
e-mail: on the ratio of the pulmonary vascular resistance to the

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 323
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_30, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
324 Y.A. Domnina et al.

Note also that because of the single ventricle physiol-

ogy, S(ao) equals S(pa).
The closure of the PDA in patients with HLHS
leads to severe systemic and coronary underperfusion,
with profound metabolic acidosis, cardiogenic shock,
and death. Thus, maintenance of a patent ductus with
PGE1 administration is essential.

30.3  Clinical Presentation

It has been suggested that prenatal recognition and

delivery at or in close proximity to a center skilled in
the care of critical congenital heart disease increases
the infant’s chances for survival [2].
Infants with HLHS typically presents within the first
24–48  h of life. Most neonates are full-term and ini-
tially appear normal. Infants present as PDA closure
begins with symptoms of decreasing systemic blood
Fig. 30.1  Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
flow quickly progressing to shock (hypothermia, poor
feeding, lethargy, tachycardia, tachypnea, grayish skin
systemic vascular resistances. In order for a neonate to
color, hepatomegaly, and weak pulses). Without prompt
survive the preoperative period, the two circulations
recognition and intervention, death ensues rapidly.
have to be delicately balanced to achieve a Qp/Qs ratio
Infants with pulmonary venous obstruction (absent or
of 1. In the postnatal period, pulmonary vascular resis-
restrictive PFO or obstructed total pulmonary anomalous
tance falls, and the Qp/Qs ratio increases. Thus the RV
venous return) may present sooner with symptoms of low
output is preferentially directed away from the systemic
cardiac output, respiratory failure, and severe cyanosis.
circulation, resulting in profound underperfusion of the
Occasionally an infant with persistence of the PDA
coronary arteries and the vital organs, metabolic acido-
and high pulmonary vascular resistance may present later
sis, and oliguria. Therefore, increased pulmonary blood
due to balanced pulmonary and systemic blood flow.
flow and oxygen saturation come at the expense of an
Once ductal patency is established and resolution of
increased risk of myocardial and cerebral ischemia.
shock has begun, HLHS mostly manifests as tachy-
A Qp/Qs ratio close to 1 is maintained when the sys-
cardia, tachypnea, and variable degree of cyanosis.
temic saturation is 70–80% and the PaO2 is 30–40 mmHg.
Auscultatory findings are usually nonspecific.
It is of paramount importance to remember that these
Single second heart sound, soft systolic ejection
arterial saturations and PaO2 suggest a good balance
murmur of increased flow auscultated over pulmo-
between the pulmonary and systemic blood flow only
nary artery, occasional apical mid-diastolic murmur of
if the mixed venous saturation and pulmonary venous
increased flow across the tricuspid valve, and third
saturation are normal. If either mixed venous or pulmo-
heart sound gallop are usually heard.
nary desaturation is present, an arterial saturation of 80%
may indicate pulmonary overcirculation. Equation  1
illustrates this point.
30.3.1  Chest Radiography
Qp/Qs = (S(ao) - S(v))/(S(pv)-S(pa)), (1)
where S(ao) is the saturation of aortic blood, S(v) is the Chest radiograph is not specific for HLHS; RA enlarge-
mixed venous saturation, S(pv) is the pulmonary venous ment, cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular markings
saturation, and S(pa) is the pulmonary arterial satura- ranging from lacy-reticular pattern to frank pulmonary
tion. Note that if the lungs are normal, S(pv) is approxi- edema in infants with obstructed pulmonary venous
mately 100%, but if they are not normal it will be lower. return could be seen.
30  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 325

30.3.2  ECG superior vena cava which prohibits the Glenn procedure
in the future. It is safe and effective to administer PGE1
through a good peripheral line while obtaining central
The electrocardiogram typically shows sinus tachycardia,
venous access. Arterial access may be as a peripheral
right-axis deviation, right atrial enlargement, and right
or a central umbilical arterial line.
ventricular hypertrophy with a qR configuration in the
Frequent serial blood gas monitoring is mandatory.
right precordial leads. A paucity of left ventricular
ECG, arterial oxygen saturation, invasive blood pres-
forces is noted in the left precordial leads [1].
sure, and CVP should be monitored continuously.
Currently, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is rou-
tinely used for continuous monitoring of regional cerebral
30.3.3  Echocardiography and renal or splanchic tissue oxygenation index (rSO2) as
an additional means of judging the adequacy of systemic
Echocardiographic diagnosis is relatively simple and perfusion.
all views should be utilized. Once HLHS is suspected,
the study should focus on the following aspects:
30.4.1  Medical Care
a . RV dimensions, thickness, and systolic function
b. Presence and severity of tricuspid regurgitation and
pulmonary regurgitation a . PGE1 infusion
c. Ductal patency b. Correction of metabolic acidosis with sodium
d. Mitral valve, aortic valve, coronary arteries, aortic bicarbonate (1–2 meq/kg/dose)
branching, and presence of coarctation c. Prevention of systemic underperfusion by limiting
e. Diameter of the innominate artery (as a site of possible pulmonary overcirculation. Nitrogen or carbon diox-
shunt take-off) and diameter of the ascending aorta ide is added to the inspired gas delivered by regular
and transverse aortic arch nasal cannula, high-flow nasal cannula, or hood.
f. Direction and magnitude of shunts (left-to-right at Hypoventilation to increase the pulmonary vascular
the PFO/ASD, right-to-left at the PDA) resistance can be accomplished by intubation, seda-
g. Systemic and pulmonary venous return [3]. tion, and controlled mechanical ventilation; however,
it is preferable not to intubate these infants. Diuretics
are helpful in the management of pulmonary over-
circulation and fluid retention.
30.4  Preoperative Management d. Inotropic support is used infrequently; it is ­indicated
in severely ill neonates with concurrent sepsis or
Due to the complexity of the physiology of HLHS low cardiac output and severe acidosis. Dopamine
and the extent of monitoring, the preoperative man- at 3–5 mg/kg/min is usually sufficient.
agement should always take place in the neonatal, e. Systemic afterload reduction with milrinone at
pediatric, or, preferably, pediatric cardiac intensive 0.125–1 mg/kg/min is currently used to avoid systemic
care unit. The ultimate goal of preoperative management underperfusion and to prevent or treat pulmonary
is to provide and maintain an adequate distribution of overcirculation, while reducing the myocardial work-
the cardiac output. load and improving inotropy and lusitropy. Sodium
Appropriate venous access includes a central venous nitroprusside may also be used, but systemic hypoten-
line, preferably an umbilical venous line (double or sion must be avoided.
triple lumen) or a Peripherally-Inserted Central f. Intravenous antibiotics are indicated, if the infant is
Catheter (PICC), for continuous PGE1 infusion, ino- at risk for a perinatally acquired infection, and when
tropic support, and total parenteral nutrition. If the pre- clinical suspicion of concurrent sepsis is high.
vious is not possible, a femoral, subclavian or internal g. A head and abdominal ultrasound should be routinely
jugular venous line is placed. However, in general, an requested prior to surgery as patients with HLHS may
attempt is made in this period to preserve the internal have brain and renal abnormalities. If necessary, a
jugular or subclavian vein to avoid thrombosis of the head CT and/or MRI must also be completed.
326 Y.A. Domnina et al.

30.4.2  Cardiac Catheterization few days of life in the catheterization laboratory.

Banding of the proximal branch pulmonary arteries is
then performed through a median sternotomy. An open
Cardiac catheterization is no longer indicated prior to
atrial septectomy may also be performed if balloon
Stage I surgical correction, unless the infant for various
septostomy was not done. These patients then undergo
reasons is not a candidate for Norwood Stage I repair
a palliative one-stage procedure with reconstruction of
and the hybrid procedure (PDA stenting and pulmonary
the aortic arch and a bidirectional cavopulmonary
arteries banding) is necessary, or whenever necessary
connection at the age of 3.5–6 month [5]. The comple-
to elucidate the anatomy of complex pulmonary venous
tion of a transcatheter Fontan procedure with only one
exposure to cardiopulmonary bypass, aortic cross-
clamping, and circulatory arrest have been reported as
well using the hybrid approach. However, authors have
30.5  Surgical Management reported a 27% mortality rate after the hybrid proce-
dure, including hospital and inter-stage mortality, and
a 41% overall mortality in a series of 29 patients [6].
30.5.1  Hybrid Procedure

Experimentation with the hybrid procedure began in

the early 1990 [4]. Search for the new technique was 30.6  Norwood Procedure (Stage I)
prompted by high first-stage and inter-stage mortality,
concern for multiple exposures to cardiopulmonary
bypass during the traditional staged approach, and the The Norwood procedure requires cardiopulmonary
need to develop a palliative technique for the infants bypass and a period of deep hypothermic circulatory
awaiting cardiac transplantation. The procedure is a arrest and/or low flow perfusion. This repair has under-
combination of surgical and interventional approaches gone several modifications over the years, but there are
(Fig. 30.2). Percutaneous stenting of the arterial duct three main basic surgical principles:
and balloon atrial septostomy are done within the first 1. The construction of a reliable source of pulmonary
blood flow (either a modified Blalock–Taussig
shunt or a Sano shunt) without causing distortion of
the pulmonary arteries (Fig. 30.3).
2. The reconstruction of the transverse aortic arch with
the incorporation of the proximal aortopulmonary
anastomosis without compromising the coronary
bloodflow and/or leaving residual arch obstruction
(Fig. 30.4)
3. The creation of a large interatrial communication
(atrial septectomy), allowing unobstructed pulmo-
nary venous return into the RA (Fig. 30.5).
There has been a significant effort in trying to deter-
mine the best source of pulmonary blood flow for
patients undergoing a Norwood procedure. Patients
with an RV-to-PA conduit (Sano shunt) have a higher
diastolic blood pressure when compared to patients
with a BT shunt, which has theoretical advantages
(minimizing coronary ischemia) in the management of
these patients. However, it is still unclear whether the
Fig. 30.2  Hybrid procedure. The constricting bands are placed
in the proximal aspect of both branch pulmonary arteries and the Sano shunt results in a survival advantage. The opera-
ductus arteriousus is stented. The atrial septostomy is not shown tive mortality for the Norwood procedure is 10–20%.
30  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 327

Fig. 30.3  (a) Right modified Blalock–Taussig shunt; (b) Sano shunt

Fig. 30.4  (a) After construction of the “shunt” and division of the main pulmonary artery the pulmonary trunk is sutured to the
proximal ascending aorta in a side to side fashion; (b-c) The aorta is enlarged with a prosthetic patch

30.7  Postoperative Management tion, and sufficient patient volume are all necessary
prerequisites for a successful patient recovery.
Infants are critically ill and unstable immediately fol-
lowing the Stage I Norwood procedure. Patients may
arrive from the operating room with an open or 30.7.1  Monitoring
closed chest according to the surgical course and
experience of the cardiovascular team. Extreme atten- Invasive monitoring of arterial pressure, CVP, pulse oximetry,
tion to the details of patient status, technical sophistica- and regional cerebral and renal perfusion is done continuously.
328 Y.A. Domnina et al.

Fig. 30.5  The interatrial septum is visualized through the right atrial cannulation site and then excised

Arterial blood gases and electrolytes are monitored hourly, to avoid systemic under perfusion, which can be
and the lactate level and mixed venous saturation (SvO2) achieved with milrinone and/or, if tolerated without
should be checked at least every 1–2 h during the first 4–6 h hypotension, with sodium nitroprusside. Alternatively,
or until normal. some institutions routinely use alpha-blocker agents
such as phenoxybenzamine.
Early and preferably semi-elective mechanical
support of circulation with venoarterial ECMO is
30.7.2  Respiratory Management indicated in the cases of borderline cardiac output
refractory to medical management.
Mechanical ventilation with relatively deep sedation Technical surgical reasons for the LCOS should be
and paralysis is utilized routinely. Muscle relaxants sought and addressed promptly if found.
may be discontinued once the chest is closed or 12 h Balancing pulmonary and systemic flow remains the
after surgical repair if chest is closed upon arrival to focus of postoperative management. Changing pul-
the intensive care unit. The extubation is usually planned monary vascular resistance in the immediate post bypass
within 24  h after chest closure. Early extubation is period could lead to significant desaturation or systemic
encouraged in the absence of significant residual ana- steal with resultant volume overload of the right ventri-
tomic and/or hemodynamic lesions, with a normal cle and systemic hypoperfusion. Manipulation of seda-
chest X-ray, and normal neurological examination. tion, mechanical ventilation, and systemic vascular
resistance is usually necessary. A saturation of approxi-
mately 75% with a PaO2 of 30–35 mmHg is appropriate
and reflects proper balance of pulmonary and systemic
30.7.3  Cardiovascular Management flow. Causes of pulmonary venous desaturation such as
pneumothorax, atelectasis, high pulmonary vascular
Low cardiac output state (LCOS) is a significant resistance, or effusion should be treated aggressively.
problem complicating patients’ course post-Norwood LCOS and unbalaced circulation are the most com-
operation. It usually manifests as hypotension, poor mon causes of death in the immediate postoperative
perfusion, metabolic acidosis, low mixed venous period. It is of critical importance to appropriately
saturation, hyperlactatemia, oliguria, and hypoxemia. address the unfavorable trends in the laboratory and
Inotropic support with low-dose epinephrine physiologic parameters to avoid catastrophic events.
(usually less than 0.1 mg/kg/ min) or low-dose dopamine Bleeding is common after Norwood repair due to
(usually 3–5 mg/kg/min) is routinely used. Therapy multiple suture lines, and transfusions of various blood
should be focused on significant afterload reduction products are frequently required. It is beneficial
30  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome 329

to achieve hemostasis as early as possible and vigilance 3. Procedural variables: shunt originating from aorta,
is required to replace all coagulation factors, platelets longer circulatory arrest time, and the technique of
if there is an ongoing hemorrhage, and red blood surgical management of the ascending aorta.
cells. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) drip could be uti-
Of neonates undergoing cavopulmonary shunt, 91% had
lized during the first 24  h to replace drainage.
reached a subsequent transition state by 6 years after
Thromboelastogram (TEG) provides useful informa-
the procedure, consisting of Fontan operation (79%),
tion facilitating the choice of products to be utilize in
death (9%), or cardiac transplantation (3%). Risk factors
patients with persistent bleeding.
for death occurring before subsequent transition
Feeding is usually started once the infant is stable
included younger age at cavopulmonary shunting and
from a hemodynamic standpoint. Oral feeding is
the need for right atrioventricular valve repair. From the
preferred, but gavage feedings of high calorie formula
late 1990s most large centers have been reporting sig-
(28–30 kcal/oz) is also used with the aim to provide at
nificant improvement in early mortality after the
least 120–140  kcal/kg/day. At hospital discharge
Norwood operation with a few centers reporting stage I
(approximately 3–4 weeks after surgery), most infants
survival rates higher than 90% [8]. Accumulation of
remain on afterload reduction with Captopril or Enalapril,
surgical experience with Norwood stage I repair and
diuretics for right ventricular volume overload, and
introduction of the Sano modification have changed the
aspirin to prevent thrombosis of the shunt.
profile of factors affecting patients’ survival. In a review
of 333 patients with HLHS who underwent the
Norwood procedure between 1992 and 2004, the fol-
30.8  Long-Term Outlook lowing factors were listed that influenced early mortal-
ity after the Norwood procedure: pulmonary blood flow
supplied by a right ventricle to pulmonary artery
Since the development of the staged approach for the
(RV-to-PA) conduit, arch reconstruction with pulmo-
repair of HLHS in the early 1980s, the improvement in
nary homograft patch, and increased operative weight
long-term outlook for these patients is tightly linked
improved early mortality while increased periods of
to advances in surgical technique and care. Better
cardiopulmonary bypass and deep hypothermic circu-
understanding of complex physiology of HLHS and
latory arrest increased early mortality [9]. Introduction
well-structured follow-up care have lead to improvement
of the Sano modification to the Norwood stage I repair
in inter-stage mortality. The largest report to date on
(NW-RVPA) have been reported by some centers to
outcome analysis and risk factors for death associated
reduce early mortality and inter-stage mortality related
with the Norwood procedure was done in 2003 by
to a more stable and efficient hemodynamic profile
the Congenital Heart Surgeons Society [7] were
with higher diastolic blood pressure and a lower Qp/Qs
enrolled 985 neonates were enclosed from 29 parti­
ratio [10–12]. However, centers with large surgical vol-
cipating centers between 1994 and 2000. Of those, 710
ume, significant experience with Norwood Blalock–
patients underwent the Norwood procedure with over-
Taussig shunt modification (NW-BTS), and low stage I
all survival after surgery reaching 72%, 60%, and 54%
palliation mortality for HLHS did not appreciate simi-
at 1 month, 1 year, and 5 years, respectively. The inter-
lar differences in early morbidity and mortality between
stage mortality was 37%. Almost 60% of patients
the NW-RVPA and NW-BTS procedures [13]. Larger
reached the cavopulmonary anastomosis stage by 18
long-term randomized controlled studies are needed to
months of age. Risk factors for death occurring
ascertain the absence of adverse effects of ventriculo-
before subsequent transition (cavopulmonary shunt,
tomy on performance of a single ventricle.
cardiac transplantation, or Fontan operation) were iden-
Some cardiac centers perform transplantation for
tified in three categories:
the management of HLHS. Survival following trans-
1. Patient-specific variables: lower birth weight, smaller plantation has improved as advances in pre- and
ascending aorta, older age at Norwood operation post-operative management continue along with new
2. Institutional variables: institutions enrolling less than options for immunosuppression. The overall 5 years
ten neonates and two institutions enrolling more survival rate after cardiac transplantation is approxi-
than 40 neonates mately 70% or close to the results for surgical approach
330 Y.A. Domnina et al.

with staged reconstruction. Most studies report some 5. Akintuerk H, Michel-Behnke I, Valeske K, et al. Stenting of
degree of neurodevelopmental disabilities in patients the arterial duct and banding of the pulmonary arteries: basis
for combined Norwood stage I and II repair in hypoplastic
with HLHS compared to general population or patients left heart. Circulation. 2002;105:1099–1103.
with other single ventricle physiology. 6. Galantowicz M, Cheatham JP. Lessons learned from the develop-
A multicenter study of neurodevelopmental outcomes ment of a new hybrid strategy for the management of hypoplastic
of 48 school-age patients who had undergone primary left heart syndrome. Pediatr Cardiol. 2005;26:190–199.
7. Ashburn DA, McCrindle BW, Tchervenkov CI, et al. Outcomes
heart transplantation or the Norwood procedure for after the Norwood operation in neonates with critical aortic
palliation of HLHS showed mean neurocognitive stenosis or aortic valve atresia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
test results that were significantly below population 2003;125:1070–1082.
normative values regardless of the surgical approach 8. Pizarro C, Malec E, Maher KO, et al. Right ventricle to pul-
monary artery conduit improves outcome after stage I
[14]. As the mortality associated with HLHS decreases Norwood for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Circulation.
and survival approaches that of the other complex con- 2003;108:II155–II160.
genital heart defects, the neurodevelopmental outcome 9. McGuirk SP, Griselli M, Stumper OF, et al. Staged surgical
and long-term quality of life for patients with palliated management of hypoplastic left heart syndrome: a single
institution 12 year experience. Heart. 2006;92:364–370.
HLHS is becoming a new focus of attention. 10. Pizarro C, Mroczek T, Malec E, Norwood WI. Right ventri-
cle to pulmonary artery conduit reduces interim mortality
after stage 1 Norwood for hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
References Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;78:1959–1963.
11. Sano S, Ishino K, Kawada M, Honjo O. Right ventricle-
pulmonary artery shunt in first-stage palliation of hypoplastic
1. Tweddell MD, Hoffman GM, Ghanayem NS, et  al. left heart syndrome. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. In: Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, Card Surg Annu. 2004;7:22–31.
Shaddy RE, Feltes TF, eds. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease 12. Mair R, Tulzer G, Sames E, et  al. Right ventricular to
in Infants, Children, and Adolescents. 7th ed. Philadelphia, pulmonary artery conduit instead of modified Blalock-
PA: Lippincot Williams & Wilkins; 2008:1005–1038. Taussig shunt improves postoperative hemodynamics in
2. Chang AC, Huhta JC, Yoon GY, et al. Diagnosis, transport, newborns after the Norwood operation. J Thorac Cardiovasc
and outcome in fetuses with left ventricular outflow tract Surg. 2003;126:1378–1384.
obstruction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1991;102:841–848. 13. Cua CL, Thiagarajan RR, Gauvreau K, et  al. Early post­
3. Terry R, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The Pediatric operative outcomes in a series of infants with hypoplastic
Echocardiographer’s Pocket Reference. 3rd ed. Arizona left heart syndrome undergoing stage I palliation operation
Heart Institute; 2002:159–161. with either modified Blalock-Taussig shunt or right ventricle
4. Gibbs JL, Wren C, Watterson KG, Hunter S, Hamilton JR. to ­pulmonary artery conduit. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006;
Stenting of the arterial duct combined with banding of the 7:238–244.
pulmonary arteries and atrial septectomy or septostomy: a 14. Mahle WT, Visconti KJ, Freier MC, et  al. Relationship of
new approach to palliation for the hypoplastic left heart surgical approach to neurodevelopmental outcomes in hyp-
syndrome. Br Heart J. 1993;69:551–555. oplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatrics. 2006;117:e90–e97.
Chapter 31
Single Ventricle. General Aspects

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Steven Goldberg, Jonathan Kaufman, Alison Artico, Sara Mackie, Jessica Church,
Amy Stimmler, Jody Rutz, Deborah Kozik, Dunbar Ivy, François Lacour-Gayet, and Pascal Vouhé

31.1  I ntroduction, Anatomy that significantly complicate the surgical and medical
and Physiology, Classification management of these patients.
The atrioventricular connection may be a single
inlet (i.e., mitral or tricuspid atresia), a double inlet
This chapter concentrates on general aspects of the (two functional atrioventricular valves), or a com-
classification and physiology of the single ventricle. mon inlet (likewise the atrioventricular septal defect).
Specific chapters in this book are dedicated to anoma- Atrioventricular valves may be overriding or straddling
lies with single ventricle physiology, like the hypoplas- across large interventricular communications.
tic left and right syndrome (i.e., chapters 22 and 30). The single ventricle may be morphologically left,
Single ventricle anatomy and physiology is common right, or undefined.
to a wide group of complex congenital cardiac defects, Often, the normal ventricle communicates with a
with an incidence of 5/100,000 alive newborns, and an rudimentary hypoplastic undeveloped ventricle through
equal gender distribution. the bulboventricular foramen which may play an impor-
Three genetic anomalies have been documented in tant role in the pathophysiology of the single ventricle
animal models in association with this disease: these when restrictive. Such restriction may be the source
anomalies involve the Mef2c null, the dHAND/Hand2 of a subvascular aortic or pulmonary obstruction. The
null, and the fog-2 null genes (1–3). same principle applies to anatomic forms where we can
Single ventricles are often associated with complex document complex subvascular obstructions, often due
cardiac malpositions, heterotaxia with levo- or dextro- to conal septal muscular or fibrous structures.
isomerism. Ventriculo-arterial connections may be concordant
This anomaly, complex by definition, may have or discordant and aortic or pulmonary stenosis or
atrioventricular concordance or discordance, different atresia may co-exist.
types of atrioventricular connections, concordant or By definition, a single ventricle physiology is appli-
discordant ventricular–arterial connections and may be cable to any cardiac defect that would not allow a biven-
associated with multiple other defects with or without tricular type repair. Hence, cardiac defects with single
aortic (less frequent) or pulmonary (more frequent) val- ventricle physiology include various anatomic forms:
vular or subvalvular obstruction or both (exceptional).
In the context of heterotaxia we may also identify 1. Complex congenital cardiopathies with a single
anomalous systemic venous returns (i.e., interrupted functional ventricle, with right, left, or undetermined
inferior vena cava with azygos continuation) or pulmo- morphology:
nary venous connections (partial or total anomalous −− Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS)
pulmonary venous return with or without obstruction) −− Right-sided heart malformations:

E.M. da Cruz (*) Pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular septum

Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department and severe right ventricular hypoplasia (nontripartite
of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, ventricle)
e-mail: Tricuspid atresia

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 331
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_31, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
332 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Severe forms of Ebstein’s disease to shock in the context of a “white lung” syndrome.
−− Heterotaxia syndromes with left or right isomerism The same applies to patients with HLHS in which
(i.e., Ivemark syndrome) the atrial septal defect is restrictive or even absent,
−− “Criss-cross” type anomalies requiring an emergent intervention at birth in order
to enlarge the communication with an eventual
2. Cardiac defects with significant ventricular unbalance:
stent insertion.
−− Atrioventricular septal defect
−− Double outlet right ventricle
3. Cardiac defects with multiple interventricular septal 31.2.1  Chest X-ray
defects (“swiss-cheese” type VSD)
From the pathophysiological standpoint patients may Radiological findings are very heterogeneous and
have: depend of the anatomic and physiological character-
istics of the malformation. Heterotaxic diseases or
a. Decreased systemic flow in case of aortic subvalvu- isomeric forms often show signs of situs inversus or
lar and/or valvular and/or vascular obstruction ambiguous with left of right isomerism, levo or dextro-
b. Decreased pulmonary flow in case of pulmonary sub- cardia. Forms with pulmonary obstruction will present
valvular and/or valvular and/or vascular obstruction with oligemic lungs. When the pulmonary bed is
c. High pulmonary flow with pulmonary hypertension unprotected the chest X-ray will display excessive
if there is no pulmonary protection; this may co-exist blood flow with increased vascular markings. The
with left-sided obstructions presence of diffuse interstitial infiltrates or a “white-lung”
d. Restrictive intracardiac mixing at the atrial and/or aspect strongly suggests an obstructed pulmonary
the ventricular level venous return. Likewise, there may be various degrees
of cardiomegaly.

31.2  Clinical Aspects

31.2.2  Electrocardiogram
Clinical expression of this anomaly depends on the
anatomic and functional associations. The ECG, although unspecific, may provide information
Most patients are diagnosed in the neonatal period, regarding axis deviation and predominance that may be
particularly those who have a ductal-dependent circu- useful in steering the diagnosis. It is also useful to rule-
lation because of pulmonary or aortic obstruction. out any associated arrhythmias or conductive disorders.
These patients become cyanotic or progress toward
cardiogenic shock once the ductus arteriosus becomes
restrictive or closes.
Depending on the associated lesions, patients may 31.2.3  Echocardiography
have a cardiac murmur, usually ejective in nature if
there is a vascular obstruction, regurgitant in case of Transthoracic echocardiography remains the corner-
incompetent atrioventricular valves, continuous if there stone of diagnosis (4), allowing the fine identification
is a largely patent ductus arteriosus or in presence of of the anatomy and of the physiological characteristics
collateral circulation. The first heart sound is usually of the disease. Transesophageal echocardiography is
normal (may be split in case of severe Ebstein) and often used in the operating room to further elucidate
the second sound unique, and loud in case of pulmonary intracardiac anatomic details and postoperative results.
hypertension. When there is an obstructive systemic
physiology, pulses will be weak, absent or asymet-
rical and the patient will display signs of low cardiac
output or shock or progressive letargia, diapho- 31.2.4  Cardiac Catheterization
resis, difficulty to feed, taquipnea, and tachycardia.
When an obstructed total anomalous pulmonary In the modern setting, diagnostic cardiac catheteriza-
venous return is present, patients rapidly progress tion of patients with single ventricle is seldom required
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 333

in the neonatal period, unless there is a complex venous

return requiring elucidation or when there are doubts
about the pulmonary resistances (5–7). Nevertheless,
the cardiac catheterization remains an important diag-
nostic assessment of patients awaiting a cavo-pulmo-
nary connection (see below).
Interventional procedures play an important role
in the joint management of these anomalies with the
surgical team or else for electrophysiological stud-
ies (please see chapters 5 and 53). Modern programs
are currently developing hybrid approach for differ-
ent scenarios and particularly for hypoplastic left
heart syndrome.
Fig. 31.1  2D echocardiography showing a tricuspid atresia with
a hypoplastic right ventricle communicating with the left ventricle
by a bulboventricular foramen (RA right atrium; LA left atrium;
MV mitral valve; TA tricuspid atresia; LV left ventricle; rRV rudi-
mentary right ventricle; BVF bulboventricular foramen)
31.2.5  Other Diagnostic Techniques

MRI (8) and angio CT scan are important diagnostic

tools and will probably become the reference in the
near future in the diagnosis of both the anatomy and
the pathophysiology of the single ventricle.

31.3  T
 he Specific Case of the Tricuspid

Tricuspid atresia (Fig.  31.1) follows the above

described principles and management may vary
depending on the anatomic form.
This is probably the only type of single ventricle
physiology safely allowing a total cavo-pulmonary
connection in a single step without the risks of an unfa-
vorable ventricular remodeling.
Anatomical variations are classified as a combina-
tion of type I, II, or III with the subtypes a, b, or c
(Figs. 31.2 and 31.3), as follows: Fig. 31.2  Type 1c tricuspid atresia, with well positioned vessels,
a large bulboventricular foramen and without pulmonary steno-
Type I: with normal ventriculo-arterial concordance sis or atresia
Type II: with d-transposition of the great arteries
Type III: with l-transposition of the great arter-
ies, frequently associated with aortic coarcta-
31.4  S
 urgical Management of Single
tion or with subaortic obstruction by a double
conal septum Ventricles: General Principles
Subtype a: with pulmonary atresia
Subtype b: with significant pulmonary valvular of The concept of univentricular type “repair” implies that
subvalvular stenosis patients will need a sequence of palliative interventions
Subtype c: without pulmonary protection steering the therapy toward a common pathway achieving
334 E.M. da Cruz et al.

• Second Phase: 3–6 months of age:

– Partial cavo-pulmonary connection (modified
Glenn procedure or Hemi-Fontan procedure)
• Third Phase: 2–6 years of age:
– Total cavo-pulmonary connection (modified
Fontan procedure; intra or extracardiac ; with or
without fenestration)

31.4.1  V
 ariants with Aortic
Fig.  31.3  2D echocardiography showing a type 1b tricuspid or with Pulmonary Obstruction
atresia (LA left atrium; RA: right atrium; TA: tricuspid atresia;
rRV: rudimentary right ventricle; BVF: bulboventricular fora-
men; MPA: main pulmonary artery; SVPS: severe subvalvular  P
 atients with Subvalvular or Valvular
pulmonary stenosis) Pulmonary Obstruction

These patients have a significant ductal-dependent and

the ultimate goal of a total cavo-pulmonary connections therefore PGE1-dependent cyanosis requiring a neona-
or modified Fontan type physiology (9–11). tal palliation. The classic intervention is a modified
There are essentially three palliative phases: Blalock–Taussig or a central shunt. In some cases, the
alternative of interventional percutaneous balloon dila-
1 . Neonatal palliation tation of the right outflow tract or ductal stenting may
2. Cavo-pulmonary connection in two steps, excep- be considered.
tionally performed in a single step in the case of
tricuspid atresia:
• Modified Glenn connection (Fig.  31.4), bidirec-  P
 atients with Obstruction
tional Glenn connection, Hemi-Fontan or partial of the Aortic Arch
cavo-bipulmonary connection (or bicavo-bipulmo-
nary, in case of right and left superior vena cava) These forms are almost always associated with high
• Modified intra or extracardiac Fontan connection pulmonary flow and pulmonary hypertension.
(Fig. 31.5) or total cavo-pulmonary connection Therefore, patients require a surgical palliation associ-
ating aortic arch repair (i.e., coarctectomy) with a
The most commonly followed algorithm is as follows: pulmonary artery banding. Surgical techniques are
• First Phase: Neonatal palliation decided upon the team’s choice and the degree of
aortic hypoplasia and may be performed through a
– Modified Blalock–Taussig or a central shunt in thoracotomy, or else through a sternotomy with hypo-
case of a right obstruction. Alternatively, some thermic circulatory arrest or using specific cannulation
teams may consider stenting the ductus arteriosus techniques to ensure an adequate cerebral perfusion.
– Surgical repair of any left obstruction: i.e., aortic
– Norwood, Sano or Damus–Kaye–Stensel type  P
 atients with HLHS or with Complex
intervention, hybrid approach or orthotopic heart Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
transplant in case of HLHS or unbalanced ven- Obstructions
tricles with severe and irrecoverable left
obstruction Details concerning therapy of HLHS is further dis-
– Pulmonary artery banding in case of high pul- cussed in a specific chapter (chapter 30). HLHS is a
monary flow with pulmonary arterial hyperten- complex disease for which different alternatives might
sion (unprotected pulmonary flow) be considered:
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 335

Fig. 31.4  The modified Glenn anastomosis or partial cavo-pulmonary connection

−− Therapeutic abstention: may be an option in certain the institutions but may include: prematurity, low
environments or by family choice birth-weight, significant ventricular dysfunction,
−− Norwood type intervention (stage I) or Sano signi­ficant tricuspid regurgitation, lung disease, or
procedure other associated malformations, and parental choice.
−− The hybrid approach: following this approach, a −− In case of complex subaortic obstruction surgical
stent is inserted in the ductus arteriosus to ensure its approach may be a Damus-Kaye-Stensel interven-
patency and pulmonary circulation is protected by tion in which, like in the Norwood procedure, the
selective surgical pulmonary branch bandings or by main pulmonary artery is anastomosed to the
intravascular prosthesis inserted by catheterization. ascending aorta (neo-aorta) with correction of any
Patients may subsequently progress toward a com- eventual aortic coarctation and creation of a modi-
bination of stage 1 and 2 Norwood procedure (asso- fied Blalock–Taussig shunt.
ciating the removal of the ductal stent, plasty of −− Other situations: in some anatomic forms like the type
pulmonary arteries, the creation of a neo-aorta with IIc tricuspid atresia with d-transposition of the great
repair of the isthmic aortic obstruction and a partial arteries, unprotected pulmonary flow and restrictive
cavo-pulmonary connection) or towards an orthoto- bulboventricular foramen at the origin of significant
pic heart transplant, in which case the need for subaortic obstruction, the alternative of an arterial
neonatal pulmonary protection is controversial. switch may be discussed, transforming the aortic
Indications for this approach vary depending on obstru­ction into a protective subpulmonary obstruction.
336 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 31.5  Extracardiac fenestrated modified Fontan or total cavo-pulmonary connection  P
 atients with Hypoplastic Right Heart 31.4.3  C
 omplex Variants
Syndrome with Heterotaxia
This group of cardiac malformations is initially
approached as any severe right-sided obstruction, by In the context of heterotaxia, single ventricles are usu-
creating a modified Blalock–Taussig or a central shunt. ally associated with cardiac malpositions and with
complex anomalous systemic or pulmonary venous
returns that require complex interventions at the time of
the above-described palliations. Other associative
defects have been described and are intimately linked
31.4.2  V
 ariants without Pulmonary
to the type of isomerism, dextro or levo. These include
Protection (May Be Associated anomalies of the atrioventricular concordance, the ven-
with Left Obstructions) triculo-arterial concordance that often co-exist with
aortic or pulmonary subvalvular or valvular obstruc-
Such patients need an intervention aiming to protect tions. Rhythm disturbances are not uncommon. Patients
their pulmonary vascular bed from high flow and with heterotaxia may also have extra-cardiac co-
pulmonary hypertension. Hence, a pulmonary artery morbidities that complicate management in early life,
banding is the indication. like intestinal mal­rotation.
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 337

31.5  P
 ostoperative Management of systemic saturation could reflect a much higher
of Neonatal Palliative Interventions Qp/Qs.
The aim of this “pharmacological banding” is to
decrease the Qp/Qs following the principles described
Management of HLHS, aortic coarctation, and anoma- in Poiseuille’s law: flow is directly proportional to the
lous pulmonary venous return are discussed in specific ratio of resistances and the diameter of the shunt and
chapters in this book. inversely proportional to the length of the shunt and
Pulmonary artery banding and modified Blalock– blood viscosity.
Taussig or central shunts that usually have an uneventful Some patients achieve an adequate balance after a
postoperative course but in some patients, particularly few weeks of ambulatory medical therapy, although
in low weight or premature newborns, the Qp/Qs balance those operated during the first few days of life may
may be difficult to achieve: show signs of overcirculation around the 3–4 weeks
−− Patients with high pulmonary resistances that may be of life, once pulmonary resistances decrease to physi-
a source on undercirculation (desaturation, oligemic ological levels.
lungs) may require specific management as described Pulmonary artery banding may sometimes be too
in the chapter dedicated to pulmonary hypertension loose, but may also be too tight inducing the develop-
(chapter 44), essentially with the adequate ventila- ment of acute of rapidly progressive cyanosis requiring
tion and the use of inhaled pulmonary vasodilators. further intervention. Pulmonary banding may also
Other causes for undercirculation to be addressed, migrate peripherally, producing distortion of the pul-
may relate to significant systemic vasoplegia, to monary arteries or even total occlusion. When the
small pulmonary arteries or to partial shunt obstruc- banding is too close to the pulmonary valve it may also
tion, which emergently needs to be elucidated. distort the annulus and induce pulmonary regurgitation
−− Patients with high pulmonary flow (overcircula- that must be addressed, particularly in those patients in
tion expressed by saturations above 80%, low whom the pulmonary valve becomes a neo-aortic valve
diastolic pressures with a high pulse differential, in the future.
radiological signs of pulmonary volume over- Particular caution ought to be observed in patients
load, progressive metabolic acidosis and hyper- with shunts, regarding the prevention of a hyperco-
lactatemia), will require a “pharmacological banding” agulability status predisposing to thrombosis of the
associating: shunt:

1. Maintenance of high blood viscosity (hematocrit −− Avoid dehydration or disproportionate negative

above 40–45%) hydric balance
2. Diuretics, usually furosemide or bumetamide −− Use of heparin at 10  Units/kg/h as a continuous
eventually associated with hydrochlorotiazide or infusion, or a bolus of 50 Units/kg every 6 h, from
with spironolactone the sixth postoperative hour, in the absence of
3. Systemic IV vasodilators to optimize afterload bleeding
reduction (milrinone, sodium nitroprusside, nitro- −− Use of antiplatelet therapy once the patients resumes
glycerine, phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine), enteral feeding
followed by oral drugs (captopril, enalapril) −− Avoid policytemia
4. Hypoxemic therapy may be required in some cases
5. In refractory case, a comprehensive anatomic assess-
ment by echocardiography should be undertaken
in order to assess function and the presence of 31.5.1  Monitoring
residual lesions (i.e., residual aortic coarctation)
A saturation of 80% reflects a Qp/Qs around 1/1 if These patients require a peripheral arterial line, ideally
pulmonary venous saturations are normal; neverthe- inserted in the right radial artery if an aortic coarctation
less, caution has to be taken in patients with desatu- was repaired and a central venous line as indwelling
rated pulmonary veins, in which case the same 80% catheters. Other signs to be monitored are cardiac and
338 E.M. da Cruz et al.

respiratory rate, peripheral oxygen saturation, ECG and or fentanyl with benzodiazepines (midazolam, loraze-
eventually cerebral and abdominal NIRS. New tech- pam) at minimal efficient doses may prove useful during
nologies by peripheral thermodilution (i.e., PiCCO® the first 48 h, particularly in patients having required an
and Flo-Trac® catheters) may become essential tools intervention by thoracotomy. Dexmedetomidine has
for the appraisal and the follow-up of these patients. become an attractive alternative in these patients.

31.5.2  Inotropic and Vasodilator Drugs

31.5.5  Anticoagulation
After a pulmonary artery banding or a shunt, these
patients very seldom require inotropic support. In case of systemic–pulmonary shunt it is important to
Whenever necessary, elective drugs may be dopamine administer IV heparin at 10 Units/kg/h as a continuous
or dobutamine, this later offering the benefit of some infusion, or a bolus of 50 Units/kg every 6 h, from the
degree of systemic vasodilation, although with the sixth postoperative hour, in the absence of bleeding.
potential inconvenience of inducing tachycardia and Antiplatelet therapy (aspirin, dipiridamol or eventu-
increasing myocardial oxygen consumption. Patients ally clopidogrel) ought to be prescribed as soon as
in overcirculation do require more selective systemic patient resumes enteral feeding, allowing to suspend
vasodilators as described above. When an aortic coarc- the heparin.
tation is repaired, patients might have tachycardia and
hypertension, needing aggressive therapy with sys-
temic vasodilators and beta-blockers, usually sodium 31.5.6  Management of Specific Problems
nitroprusside or IV nicardipine and esmolol (please
see chapter 26, related to Aortic Coarctation).
Specific problems are mostly those associated with the
balance of the ratio between the systemic and the pul-
monary resistances as previously discussed.
31.5.3  Respiratory Management Other complications to consider may be: diaphrag-
matic palsy or paresis, chylothorax, Horner’s syndrome,
Cardiopulmonary interactions are an essential aspect to by phrenic or recurrent-laryngeal nerve lesions.
be taken into account and are in favor of an early extuba-
tion policy in the operating room or throughout the first
six postoperative hours (see chapter 4, on Heart–Lung
31.6  Cavo-pulmonary Connections
interactions). Nevertheless, some patients (low weight,
premature babies, syndromic patients, or else, patients
with high pulmonary resistances or with overcirculation) Different techniques may be used: modified Glenn
may require a longer ventilation period. The need for connection, bidirectional Glenn connection, Hemi-
positive pressures does not necessarily justify mechani- Fontan connection or cavo bipulmonary connection
cal ventilation and may be overcome with CPAP or with (or bicavo-bipulmonary, in the presence of a right and
BiPAP. In case of delayed chest closure, extubation ought a left superior vena cava) followed by total intra or ext-
to be achieved within 12–24 h after closure. Nitric oxide racardiac connections.
(12, 13) may be required in some circumstances. Single ventricle physiology is shared by various
heterogeneous situations. Their common characteristic
is that there is a complete mixing of oxygenated and
desaturated blood that will be distributed in both the
31.5.4  Sedation and Analgesia systemic and the pulmonary circuits. The main
objective of the univentricular type repair or palliation
Most patients reach good analgesic levels with nono- is to individualize the systemic and the pulmonary
pioid therapy eventually associated with nonsteroidal circulations in order to achieve almost normal systemic
anti-inflammatory drugs. Yet, the association of morphine saturations with a more effective ventricular workload.
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 339

The cavo-pulmonary connection performed with the Table 31.1  Preoperative evaluation of candidates to
Glenn intervention is the first step toward this goal. cavo-pulmonary connections
William E Glenn firstly described his technique in Value Low risk High risk
1958. The classic Glenn procedure consisted in com- IPVR (uwood) <2 >4
PAPm (mmHg) <15 >20
pletely dividing the left from the right pulmonary
LVedP (mmHg) <8 >12
branches, connecting the latter to the right superior EF (%) >60 <45
vena cava while preserving the anterograde flow from IPVR indexed pulmonary vascular resistances;
the heart toward the left branch. Some of these patients PAPm mean pulmonary pressure; LVedP left ventricular
have survived to adulthood, but many have developed end-diastolic pressure; EF ejection fraction
left pulmonary hypertension, having therefore become
cyanosed, as an equivalent to the Eisenmenger’s com- 3) Single ventricle with restricted systemic flow:
plex. In case of surgical intervention, these patients
Systemic obstructions may be multiple and hetero-
would require a double lumen endotracheal tube
geneous and may involve the bulboventricular fora-
allowing differential ventilation of the right and the
men, the subaortic outflow tract, the aortic valve
left lung. The current modified Glenn connection
and/or the aortic arch varying from global hypopla-
(since the 1980s) allows passive flow from the superior
sia, atresia and various forms of aortic coarctation or
vena cava to both pulmonary branches and any conti-
interruption. In any of these cases, the obstruction
nuity with the ventricular mass is ceased by sectioning
must be removed or palliated (i.e., aortic coarctec-
the pulmonary trunk, or restricted by further tightening
tomy, repair of an interrupted arch, removal of a sub-
the banding, in which case a degree of anterograde
aortic obstruction, Norwood or Sano intervention,
pulsatile flow will persist into the pulmonary arteries.
Damus–Kaye–Stensel procedure).
Whatever neonatal surgery is performed, the persis-
tent parallel circulation may induce a hemodynamic
31.6.1  Preoperative Assessment fragility in the midterm that requires a strict follow-up
including clinical assessment, appraisal of weight gain,
peripheral oxygen saturation, cardiac rhythm and an
Most patients with single ventricle physiology have
echocardiographic follow-up of the systemic ventricu-
an unbalanced physiological pattern and need some
lar function, the atrioventricular valve status, and the
type of palliation. Three main pathophysiological
pulmonary pressures.
conditions may be identified. These general rules
also apply to the neonatal approach previously
described. Regardless of the functional type, a percuta-
neous atriseptostomy or an atrial septectomy may be  S
 ubsequent Assessment
required in order to ensure an adequate arteriovenous and Management
mixing or to avoid postcapillary pulmonary hyperten-
sion and obstruction to the systemic or the pulmonary All of the above patients will become candidates for cavo-
venous return (Table 31.1). pulmonary connections throughout the first months or
years of life. To summarize, the required conditions (6) to
1) Single ventricle with restricted pulmonary flow:
indicate a cavo-pulmonary connection or the confirmation
In case of obstruction to the pulmonary flow, a man- of the absence of any anatomical or functional obstruc-
datory modified Blalock–Taussig or central arterio- tions throughout the future cavo-pulmonary circuit:
venous shunt is indicated in the neonatal period
a) Anatomic criteria:
early in life.
 o significant stenosis or deformation of the
2) Single ventricle with excessive pulmonary flow:
pulmonary arteries
An early pulmonary banding is the universal No pulmonary venous stenosis
recommendation aiming to project the pulmonary Nonrestrictive communication between the atrial
vascular bed against the deleterious effect of excessive cavities (in case of stenosis or atresia of an atrioven-
flow and pulmonary hypertension. tricular valve)
340 E.M. da Cruz et al.

No subvalvular or valvular aortic obstruction b. To perform angiographies in the ventricular cavities,

No residual aortic coarctation the innominate vein, the pulmonary arteries, and
No thrombus within the vascular bed the aortic arch.
c. To perform interventional procedures like dilatation
b) Functional criteria:
and stent insertion in localized pulmonary stenosis
Low pulmonary pressures and resistances or on residual obstructions of the distal suture of the
No significant atrioventricular valvular regurgitation neo-aorta and also to dilate or stent any residual
Normal ventricular function, both systolic and aortic coarctation. It may also be instrumental for
diastolic the percutaneous embolization of veno-venous pul-
Normal sinus rhythm and no conductive disorders monary collateral vessels, arteriovenous malforma-
tions (AVM) or aortopulmonary collateral vessels.
The main general objectives of the cavo-pulmonary
Last but not least, cardiac catheterization is useful
connection are as follows:
to occlude fenestrations after completion of the
−− To facilitate the diastolic unload of the systemic total cavo-pulmonary connection.
−− To prevent deformation of the pulmonary arteries
−− To avoid the negative impact of the continuous  Other Investigations
diastolic “steal” on the myocyte which, associated
to the diastolic volume overload may induce irre- Magnetic Resonance Imaging has replaced cardiac
versible myocardial changes. catheterization to some extent (8) in selective cases
These objectives are attained by diverting venous and might become the tool of election for preopera-
blood from the superior vena cava toward the pulmo- tive assessment of candidates for cavo-pulmonary
nary artery with a modified Glenn connection, or else, connections in the near future. Computerized
with a Hemi-Fontan procedure. Once this intervention Tomography with angiography is also a useful com-
is performed, the shunt is ligated and/or sectioned and plementary study.
the pulmonary artery banding is further tightened, or
alternatively a total section of the pulmonary trunk
from the ventricular mass is performed.
31.6.2  Surgical Techniques
Usually, this intervention is proposed when the pul-
monary arteries have an adequate diameter and the
pulmonary vascular resistances are low, around the age 31.6.3  P
 artial Cavo-pulmonary
of 3 months and ideally before 6 months of age. Connections
In the case of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome,
the trend is to perform the cavo-pulmonary connection  The Glenn Procedure
at the earliest.
The modified Glenn anastomosis may be performed
on cardiopulmonary bypass with beating heart or  Cardiac Catheterization
without cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with
anterograde flow who do not require any intracardiac
Cardiac catheterization is a common procedure prior
intervention. The superior vena cava is sectioned
to the cavo-pulmonary connection (5–7, 14). The objec-
from the atrial mass after ligation of the azygos return
tives of such procedure are as follows:
and its caudal portion is directly anastomosed onto
a. To measure saturations and pressures in the pulmo- the right pulmonary artery. Any previous aortopul-
nary branches and to estimate the Qp:Qs ratio and monary shunt is ligated and/or sectioned. When a
the pulmonary vascular resistances. In patients with previous pulmonary banding has been performed,
borderline values, cardiac catheterization allows the some groups maintain a persistent anterograde
performance of pharmacological tests aiming to flow from the ventricular mass, although tightening
reduce the pulmonary resistances (Fig. 31.2). the banding, while others favor the section of the
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 341

pulmonary trunk and even the resection of the 31.6.4  Postoperative Management
pulmonary valve in order to remove any pouches that
would become a potential source of systemic throm-  Monitoring
boembolism. The theoretical advantage of the first
approach is to provide the lungs with a hepatic angio-
These patients should be monitored with the classical
genesis inhibitor factor that would decrease the risk
tools (cardiac rate and ECG, respiratory rate, oxygen
for pulmonary arteriovenous fistula formation.
saturation, arterial pressure both invasive and noninvasive)
Arteriovenous fistula have a significant hemodynamic
to which should be added a transthoracic right atrial
impact on the Fontan type circulation and become a
catheter to appraise central venous pressure and an inter-
source of persistent hypoxemia and are more com-
nal jugular indwelling catheter to assess the pulmonary
mon in patients with heterotaxia and with inter-
artery pressure. This later catheter should be removed as
rupted inferior vena cava and azygos continuation in
soon as possible, once the hemodynamic profile shows to
whom a Kawashima procedure is performed. Potential
be adequate and stable, in order to minimize risks for
disadvantages of preserving the pulmonary antero-
thrombosis in the cavo-pulmonary circuit. NIRS and
grade flow are pulmonary diastolic overload and
modern technology by thermodilution (i.e., PiCCO® and
potential for distortion of the pulmonary artery anat-
Flo-Trac® catheters) are becoming essential tools for the
omy by the banding, particularly if it migrates toward
appraisal and the follow-up of these patients.
the pulmonary branches bifurcation. During the same
operating time, other interventions might be indi-
cated: atrioventricular valvular plasty, atrial septec-
tomy, pulmonary artery plasty or patch enlargement,  General Measures
or repair of any residual aortic arch obstruction.
The Glenn anastomosis is more laborious and may After a partial cavo-pulmonary connection, general
carry an increased morbidity when performed in measures to be undertaken do not change significantly
patients with HLHS and previous hybrid approach, in from the measures adopted for any postoperative case,
whom it is required to remove the ductal stent and per- with a few important details to be mentionned:
form an atrial septectomy, a plasty of the pulmonary • Patients should be positioned in a 45° semifowler
arteries and a reconstruction of the aortic arch. decubitus, to promote passive venous drainage by
Like for many other cardiac surgeries, modified gravity
ultrafiltration (MUF) facilitates hemoconcentration • Enteral feeding should be resumed as soon as
and favors a more stable postoperative course. possible
• Early mobilization is crucial
• Any indwelling lines, particularly those in the superior  The Hemi-Fontan Procedure venous axis, should be removed as early as possible
• Caution should be taken with regards to the pleural
This is an alternative to the modified Glenn cavo-pul- drains; the trend is to be conservative and leave
monary connection. It might facilitate the second step them in situ for at least 48 h, taking into account the
toward the total cavo-pulmonary connection if the accrued risk for pleural effusion and chylothorax
choice is an intracardiac tunnel. It consists in creating
an anastomosis between the right atrium and the pul-
monary artery by septalizing the atrial cavity with a  Inotropic and Vasodilator Therapy
Goretex® patch in order to divert the flow drained
from the superior vena cava onto the pulmonary bed, Usually, these patients require low doses of inovasodi-
while ensuring the drainage of the flow arriving from lators (milrinone or amrinone). Target saturations
the inferior vena cava toward the ventricular mass, should remain between 75 and 80%, central venous
across the atrioventricular valve. pressures around 5–6 mmHg, mean pulmonary pressures
342 E.M. da Cruz et al.

should be below 15 mmHg with a low transpulmonary hour, in the absence of bleeding. Then, on the 1 day,
gradient. It is common to observe a transient systemic once feeding is resumed, it should be replaced by anti-
hypertension, quite likely of central origin. platelet therapy with aspirin (3–5  mg/kg/day).
Alternatively, dipiridamol or clopidogrel might be
used although the latter still requires further clinical  Respiratory Management studies in the pediatric population.

Cardiopulmonary interactions are crucial in the context

of the cavo-pulmonary connections. Ventilatory param-  Complications
eters should be rigorously monitored in order to preserve
both the pulmonary and the cerebral blood flow. The four main complications to be taken into account
Hyperventilation should be avoided, since although after the partial cavo-pulmonary connection are as
facilitating pulmonary flow, it would decrease cerebral follows:
flow which ensures the main preload of the cavo-pul-
1 . Increased pressures in the cavo-pulmonary circuit
monary system. As a matter of fact, an elevated pCO2
2. Hypertension and bradycardia
should not preclude extubation as it increases the cere-
3. Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS)
bral blood flow and therefore the Glenn flow. Also, posi-
4. Hypoxemia
tive intrathoracic pressures induce a reduction of both
the pulmonary flow and the systemic ventricle preload
with an increase of pulmonary vascular resistances.
Therefore, most patients are extubated in the operating I ncreased Pressures in the Cavo-pulmonary
room or during the first six postoperative hours, once Circuit
there is evidence of hemodynamic, neurologic, respira-
tory and homeosthatic stability and controlled bleeding. Immediately after surgery there may be a transient
Ventilation is better tolerated after the partial connection increase of pressures in the cavo-pulmonary circuit,
rather than the total connection because in the first case, secondarily to the inflammatory changes induced by
flow from the inferior vena cava to the heart fills the the cardiopulmonary bypass, volume overload, and the
systemic ventricle independently. Any respiratory mechanical ventilation with positive pressure. The
complications like atelectasis, pneumothorax or pleural clinical expression of this complication is the develop-
effusions should be promptly rectified. ment of a superior vena cava syndrome, associated
with increased pulmonary pressures, progressive
cyanosis, and decrease in the systemic stroke volume.
It is therefore important to establish a spontaneous  Sedation and Analgesia breathing pattern as early as possible, to aggressively
manage any respiratory complication (atelectasis, pneu-
Postoperative sedation and analgesia should target mothorax or pleural effusions), to use pulmonary vasodi-
proper levels of confort while ensuring spontaneous lators as required, mostly Nitric Oxide (12, 13) and
breathing autonomy allowing early extubation. A bal- sildenafil, and to start loop diuretics to induce diuresis
ance must be established to avoid pain, allow proper and a negative balance. When pressures persist high in
cough and airway protection (to reduce risks of atelecta- spite of these measures (above 18 mmHg) a cardiac cath-
sis), and reduce the typical irritability that characterizes eterization might be required to rule out stenosis at the
these patients, secondarily to transient cerebral venous anastomotic site or else, distally in the pulmonary arter-
congestion and changes in cerebral flow patterns. ies, thrombosis, or high pulmonary vascular resistances.  Anticoagulation Hypertension and Bradycardia

Prophylactic anticoagulation with heparin at 10 Units/ The mechanism behind hypertension might be an inad-
kg/h as a continuous infusion, or a bolus of 50 Units/kg equate pain control, stress response with release of cat-
every 6 h, should be started from the sixth postoperative echolamines or a down-regulator effect to maintain
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 343

cerebral perfusion in the context of high venous cavo-pulmonary anastomosis, veno-venous collateral
pressure and congestion. This phenomenon is usually vessels, restrictive intra-atrial communication).
transitory and well controlled with angiotensin inhibi- Veno-venous collateral vessels between the supe-
tors, but during the acute phase, these patients might rior and inferior venous territories induce a persistent
need the use of sodium nitroprusside or intravenous desaturation by decreasing the effective pulmonary
calcium inhibitors. flow and some may be occluded by percutaneous inter-
Bradycardia is usually a reflex response to the sud- ventional catheterization.
den unload induced by the Glenn connection, although AVM are a common cause of late hypoxemia (15, 16)
in a small percentage of cases it may be due to a lesion and are more frequently documented in heterotaxic
of the sinus node, in which case it is unresponsive to syndromes with interrupted inferior vena cava and
drugs like atropine or isoproterenol. azygos continuation. They are thought to develop
because of the absence of a hepatic angiogenesis inhi­
bitor factor. Diagnosis is suggested by echocardio­
Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS) graphy with contrast test and ensured by angiography.
AVMs tend to progress after the completion of the
Significant LCOS is seldom observed after a partial Fontan circuit. Patients having had a Kawashima inter-
cavo-pulmonary connection (Table  31.2), except in vention (17, 18) are more prone to develop AVMs and
patients with previous ventricular dysfunction or with chronic hypoxemia.
severe atrioventricular valvular regurgitation, in whom Currently, partial cavo-pulmonary connections carry
a sudden unload may have an impact in cardiac output. a very low morbidity and mortality is close to 0%.
In patients with such documented conditions, cardiac
transplant ought to be considered rather than a progres-
sion toward a univentricular repair pathway.
31.6.5  Total Cavo-pulmonary Procedures
Hypoxemia  T
 he Fontan and Modified Fontan
Hypoxemia is the most common short- and long-term Procedures
complication after a partial cavo-pulmonary connection.
Initial saturations should remain between 75 and 85%. Francis Fontan originally described a procedure by
Persistent saturations below 70% justify further investi- which the right atrial cavity would be directly anastomo-
gations. Etiology of persistant hypoxemia is variable sed onto the pulmonary artery (9). This technique lately
and heterogeneous and may include: decreased cerebral showed to have a number of disadvantages, due to per-
flow (hypocapnia, hypotension), ventilation/perfusion sistent blood stasis in the right atrium. Concomitantly, it
mismatch (pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumothorax, was recognized in the early 1980s that to proceed with a
pneumonia, AVM), increased oxygen consumption total cavo-pulmonary connection in one surgical step
(sepsis, low cardiac output, ventricular dysfunction, would have a significant mortality due to a significant
anemia), or decreased pulmonary blood flow (increased acute remodeling of the systemic ventricle. Since incep-
pulmonary vascular resistances, stenosis of the tion of the original Fontan’s technique, three essential

Table 31.2  Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS) associated with cavo-pulmonary connections
Pressure monitoring CVP–PAP <2 CVP–PAP >2 CVP–PAP <2 CVP–PAP <2
(mmHg) PAP–Pla <5 PAP–Pla <5 PAP–Pla >5 PAP–Pla <5
Pla <5 Pla = 5–10 Pla = 5–10 Pla >10
Diagnostic orientation Hypovolemia Restrictive SVC to Increased pulmonary Ventricular dysfunction
PA anastomosis resistances Left-sided obstruction
PA thrombosis Pulmonary venous stenosis Atrioventricular valve
PA pulmonary artery; CVP central venous pressure; PAP pulmonary arterial pressure; Pla left atrial pressure; SVC superior vena cava
344 E.M. da Cruz et al.

modifications were developed for patients who had but again, there are a number of specific details to
already undergone the Glenn or the Hemi-Fontan con- cautiously follow:
nection as a first step intervention in order to avoid or
• Patients should be positioned in a 45º semifowler
limit the remodeling phenomenon (17, 18, 19–36). First,
decubitus with partly folded legs, to promote passive
the anastomosis between the inferior vena cava, the
venous drainage from both the superior and the
hepatic veins, and the pulmonary artery was performed as
inferior segments of the body
an intracardiac shunt created with the wall of the right
• Enteral feeding should be resumed as soon as
atrium and with Goretex® and diverting the blood drain-
ing from the inferior segment of the body toward the pul-
• Early mobilization is crucial
monary artery. Second, a more recent modification was
• Any indwelling lines should be removed as early as
proposed by diverting the blood with an extracardiac
conduit, a less traumatic surgery, and theoretically reduc-
• Caution should be taken with regard to the pleural
ing the risks for arrhythmia, the latter not having been
and mediastinal drains since these patients are prone
demonstrated so far. The third and probably the most
to develop pericardial and pleural effusions and
important modification consists in the creation of a fen-
chylothorax, mostly when the pulmonary pressures
estration between the intra or the extracardiac conduit
are high or in the upper normal range.
and the atrial mass. This fenestration acts like a “pop-
off” structure that is functionally useful in patients in
whom the pulmonary pressures and resistances are above
the desired levels. Although inducing cyanosis, this fen-  Inotropic and Vasodilator Therapy
estration allows a more stable and adequate hemody-
namic profile and decreases the risk of persistent “right After a total cavo-pulmonary connection, patients
failure” with superior vena cava syndrome, peripheral often need low to moderate doses of inovasodilators or
edema, ascitis, and protein-losing enteropathy. lusitropic drugs (milrinone). Target saturations should
remain above 90%, central venous pressures that cor-
respond to mean pulmonary pressures should be below
15 mmHg with a low transpulmonary gradient. As for
31.6.6  Postoperative Management the Glenn procedure, it is common to observe a tran-
sient systemic hypertension or transient peripheral and  Monitoring central edema.

After a total cavo-pulmonary connection patients should

be comprehensively monitored with cardiac rate and  Respiratory Management
ECG, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, arterial pres-
sure both invasive and noninvasive and also have a tran- As for the Glenn connection, cardiopulmonary interac-
sthoracic atrial catheter and an internal jugular indwelling tions are fundamental. Ventilatory parameters should
catheter to assess the pulmonary artery pressure. be rigorously monitored in order to preserve both the
Indwelling catheters should be removed as soon as pos- pulmonary and the cerebral blood flow. Hyperventilation
sible to minimize risks for thrombosis in the cavo-pul- should be avoided. Caregivers should keep in mind that
monary circuit. Near infra-red spectroscopy (NIRS) and positive intrathoracic pressures induce a reduction of
modern technology by thermodilution (i.e., PiCCO® both the pulmonary flow and the systemic ventricle
and Flo-Trac® catheters) may also be instrumental in preload with an increase of pulmonary vascular resis-
taking therapeutic decisions with these patients. tances. Ventilation is better tolerated after the partial
connection rather than the total connection because in
the first case, flow from the inferior vena cava to the heart  General Measures fills the systemic ventricle independently. Consequently,
most patients are extubated in the early phase of their
As for the partial cavo-pulmonary connections, general postoperative course, once there is evidence of hemo-
measures are the same as for any postoperative case, dynamic, neurologic, respiratory and homeosthatic
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 345

stability and controlled bleeding. Any respiratory 4) Other:

complications like atelectasis, pneumothorax or pleural
−− Pleural effusions, chylothorax, pericardial effusion
effusions should be promptly rectified.
−− Arrhythmias
Patients with persistent low saturations (“right-to-
−− Phrenic nerve palsy
left” shunt through the fenestration) and high pulmo-
−− Thromboembolic events
nary pressures may benefit from inhaled nitric oxide
although its administration has to be cautious when the Other chronic complications:
function of the systemic ventricle is borderline.
a. Development of venous collaterals, pulmonary AVM,
or systemic-to-pulmonary arterial collaterals
b. Failure to thrive  Sedation and Analgesia
c. Protein losing enteropathy (PLE)
d. Low functional capacity
Postoperative sedation and analgesia should target
e. Plastic bronchitis
proper levels of comfort while ensuring spontaneous
f. Thromboembolic events
breathing autonomy allowing early extubation. A balance
must be established to avoid pain, allow proper cough
and airway protection (to reduce risks of atelectasis),
and reduce the typical irritability that characterizes
these patients, secondarily to transient cerebral venous  A
 cute Complications of Total
congestion and changes in cerebral flow patterns. Cavo-pulmonary Connections

Increased Pressures in the Cavo-pulmonary Circuit  Anticoagulation
As for the partial cavo-pulmonary connections, there
There is no current consensus regarding the potential ben- may be a transient increase of pressures in the cavo-
efit of long-term anticoagulation versus antiplatelet aggre- pulmonary circuit, secondarily to the inflammatory
gation therapy after a total cavo-pulmonary connection. changes induced by the cardiopulmonary bypass, a
Nevertheless, acute prophylactic anticoagulation is volume overload and the mechanical ventilation with
universally ensured with heparin as previously described. positive pressure. The clinical expression of this com-
Once feeding is resumed, it may be replaced by plication is the development of a superior vena cava
antiplatelet therapy with aspirin (3–5  mg/kg/day), syndrome, hepatosplenomegaly, ascitis and peripheral
alternatively with dipiridamol or clopidogrel or by edema, associated with increased pulmonary pres-
anticoagulation with anti-vitamin K agents as opposed sures, and progressive cyanosis when there is a fenes-
to antiplatelet drugs. tration or decrease in the systemic stroke volume in the
Patients with dysfunctional Fontan physiology or absence of the latter.
with documented procoagulant status should be seriously Although it is important to try to establish a sponta-
considered for active anticoagulation (37) with oral neous breathing pattern as early as possible, the decision
anti-vitamin K agents and/or with subcutaneous to extubate needs to be weighted against the risks of
heparin, taking into account their risk for thrombosis. low cardiac output and metabolic acidosis.
It is essential to aggressively manage any respira-
tory complication (atelectasis, pneumothorax or pleu-
ral effusions) and to use pulmonary vasodilators as  Complications
required, mostly Nitric Oxide and sildenafil as well as
loop diuretics to induce diuresis and a negative
Main anticipated complications after the total cavo-
pulmonary connection are as follows:
When pressures persist high in spite of these mea-
1 ) Increased pressures in the cavo-pulmonary circuit sures (above 18 mmHg), often associated with persis-
2) LCOS tent hypoxemia and desaturation below 90%, a number
3) Hypoxemia of conditions need to be ruled-out:
346 E.M. da Cruz et al.

1 . Carefully assess pulmonary pressures and resistances reassess hemodynamics. When the pulmonary pres-
2. An ECG and eventually an atrial ECG should be per- sures remain below 18  mmHg, systemic saturations
formed to ensure that the patient has a normal sinus increase significantly and there is no impact in the car-
rhythm and normal atrioventricular conduction diac function, a definite occlusion of the fenestration with
3. An echocardiography should be performed to an intravascular device may be considered.
assess ventricular function, competence of the
AV valves, the degree of shunting through the
fenestration, and to rule out the presence of peri-
Acute Effusions
cardial fluid
4. A chest X-ray should be requested to rule-out the
Acute and chronic effusions confined to the thorax
accumulation of pleural fluid and any acquired
(pleural or pericardial effusions, chylothorax) or extra-
intrapulmonary event (i.e., atelectasis, pneu
thoracic (ascitis, peripheral edema) are common after
total cavo-pulmonary connections. Supposedly, the
A cardiac catheterization might be required to rule out use of a fenestration is a favorable preventive factor.
stenosis at the anastomotic site or else, distally in the These patients may require intrathoracic drains for
pulmonary arteries, thrombosis, or high pulmonary long periods of time. In case of chylothorax, and ade-
vascular resistances. quate diet with middle chain tryglycerides and the use
of parenteral feeding is indicated. In refractory cases,
somatostatin or octreotide followed by pleurodesis
with or without thoracic duct ligation may be considered
Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) (40). The partial hepatic vein exclusion reported by
Yves Lecompte is not currently performed since most
Significant LCOS may be observed after a total cavo- patients develop intrahepatic venous collaterals with
pulmonary connection (Table 31.2), mostly in patients significant right-to-left shunts (17, 41).
with previous ventricular dysfunction, with severe
atrioventricular valvular regurgitation or with a tenu-
ous hemodynamic stability. Treatment is based on the
use of inotropic, vasodilator or lusitropic drugs, Arrhythmias
induced hypothermia, diuretics and eventually resyn-
chronization strategies. Patients with refractory LCOS By definition, patients with total cavo-pulmonary con-
may require mechanical assistance and may be consid- nections tolerate very poorly any arrhythmia or con-
ered for cardiac transplant. ductive disorder and must be aggressively managed
(42–44). Atrioventricular synchrony is probably vital in
these patients.
Atrial flutter is the most common arrhythmia in
Hypoxemia this context and is often associated with sinus node
dysfunction, which complicates its management. It
Hypoxemia is rather common in patients with fenes- often gives a sign of alert for serious hemodynamic
trations and moderately or severely increased pulmo- complications. As previously mentioned, the use of
nary resistances. Persistent saturations below 90% extracardiac conduits has not reduced the incidence
justify further investigations as described above for of arrhythmias or sinus node dysfunction. Atrial flut-
patients with increased pulmonary pressures, situation ter may be preceded by sinus bradycardia in which
that usually co-exists with the hypoxemia. case the use of a prophylactic epicardial pacemaker
A cardiac catheterization may also be necessary to may be a benefit although this has yet to be demon-
rule-out anatomic or functional obstructions, thrombo- strated. Technical complications for the use of mono
sis (38) or high pulmonary vascular resistances. It may or dual chamber pacemakers are related to the fact
also identify veno-venous or arterial-venous fistula that these can only be epicardial, in patients who
requiring embolization (39). In some circumstances, it often have chronic adhesions secondary to multiple
is useful to transiently occlude the fenestration and surgeries.
31  Single Ventricle. General Aspects 347

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Chapter 32
Anomalous Pulmonary Veins

Michael Tsifansky, Ricardo Muñoz, Traci M. Kazmerski, Jackie Kreutzer, and Victor O. Morell

32.1  Introduction Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage

(PAPVR) is a condition in which one or more, but not
This chapter discusses different types of anomalous all, of the pulmonary veins drain anomalously into the
pulmonary venous returns, but concentrates on total systemic veins. This, is a range of condition in which
anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR). almost every imaginable combination of pulmonary–
TAPVR is a condition in which all the pulmonary systemic connection has been observed. Left pulmo-
veins drain into one or several systemic veins instead nary veins commonly connect anomalously to
of the left atrium (LA). The most important determi- structures derived from the left cardinal system, such
nant of immediate postnatal stability of newborns as the coronary sinus or the left innominate vein.
with TAPVR is the presence or absence of pulmo- Similarly, the right veins commonly connect anoma-
nary venous obstruction. Obstructed TAPVR is an lously to structures derived from the right cardinal
undeniable emergency in neonatal cardiac surgery. system, such as the superior vena cava (SVC) or the
TAPVR is frequently associated with small left-sided inferior vena cava (IVC) [2, 3].
cardiac structures due to underfilling of the left heart,
atrial septal defects (ASD; essential to allow sys-
temic ­cardiac output), and abnormal systemic venous
drainage in patients with heterotaxy syndromes. 32.2  Anatomy and Embryology
Infants presenting with TAPVR in the context of a
heterotaxy syndrome are more likely to have other Anomalous pulmonary venous return can result from
major cardiac congenital anomalies, such as Tetralogy a number of deviations of the pulmonary venous
of Fallot, double outlet right ventricle, hypoplastic development, so understanding of the origin of anom-
left heart, and hypoplastic aortic arch. Any degree of alous pulmonary venous drainage requires a review
pulmonary venous obstruction may be accompanied of the developmental biology of the systemic and pul-
by pulmonary venous fibrosis, abnormal pulmonary monary veins.
arterial muscularization, and pulmonary lymphangi- A major forerunner of the systemic veins is the car-
ectasia. Four types of TAPVR exist based on the dinal system, which develops at 24–28 days of gesta-
location of the anomalous pulmonary venous drain- tion and initially consists of the paired anterior and
age: supracardiac (~50%), cardiac (~25%), infradia- posterior cardinal veins. These primitive veins connect
phragmatic (~15%), and miscellaneous or mixed to the left and right horns of the sinus venosus, the cav-
(~10%) [1]. ity of the embryologic heart. Eventually, the posterior
cardinal veins are replaced by the subcardinal and the
supracardinal venous systems. The anterior cardinal
vein and the two posterior systems form parts of IVC
M. Tsifansky (*) and its main branches as well as the azygous and the
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital,
hemiazygous systems. The paired vitelline veins, which
Park Ridge, IL, USA originally drain the yolk sack, are other major contrib-
e-mail: utors to the venous system. As the embryo matures, the

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 349
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_32, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
350 M. Tsifansky et al.

vitelline veins give rise to the hepatic sinusoids, the

portal system, parts of the IVC, and the ductus veno-
sus. Ultimately, in the course of normal development,
the left-sided cardinal and vitelline veins regress, while
the right-sided ones persist and give rise to the great
veins, which, in turn, connect to RA.
The development of the pulmonary veins trails that
of the systemic veins by about a week. Initially the
lung buds are drained by the splanchnic plexus, which
interconnects extensively with the cardinal and the
vitelline systems, but does not reach the heart. By the
end of the first gestational month, the common pulmo-
nary vein buds off the posterior wall of the LA and
soon connects the pulmonary venous plexus to the
sinoatrial portion of the heart. By 38–40 days of gesta-
tion, the pulmonary–splanchnic connections disappear,
leaving four major pulmonary veins that empty into
the common pulmonary vein, which in turn drains into
LA. As the cardiac development continues, the com-
mon pulmonary vein is incorporated into LA, while
the four pulmonary veins connect separately and
directly to the LA [4, 5]. However, maldevelopment of
the common pulmonary vein may lead to persistent
pulmonary–splanchnic connections and abnormal
drainage of the pulmonary veins into the systemic
venous or right-heart circulation, resulting, as men-
tioned above, in TAPVR or PAPVR.
The four anatomic subtypes of TAPVR are described
Supracardiac: In the most common supracardiac
Fig. 32.1  Supracardiac type total anomalous pulmonary venous
pattern the four pulmonary veins join at a venous con- return (TAPVR). The vertical vein drains the pulmonary vein
fluence behind the LA (remnant of the common pul- confluence into the innominate vein
monary vein) and drain up the left side of the chest as
the vertical vein (Fig. 32.1). Usually this vein passes in
front of the pulmonary artery as well as the mainstem placed posterior to the IVC opening. The direct con-
bronchus, but it may pass between them, which creates nection of the common pulmonary vein to the right
an obstruction to the pulmonary venous outflow. This atrium is most frequently seen in cases of right
vertical vein connects to the left innominate vein isomerism.
which, in turn, joins the SVC. Other possible supracar- Infracardiac: After the pulmonary venous blood is
diac patterns include a direct connection between the collected by a common pulmonary vein behind the
vertical vein and either the right SVC, the azygous sys- heart, it passes down a venous channel through the
tem, or the left SVC. esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm and connects to
Cardiac: All four pulmonary veins drain into the the portal vein (most commonly), the ductus venosus,
common pulmonary vein which connects to either the the hepatic vein, or, rarely, directly to IVC (Fig. 32.3).
coronary sinus or the right atrium (Fig. 32.2). The con- The pulmonary venous blood then reenters the heart
nection to the coronary sinus occurs in the region of through the IVC.
the AV groove. The coronary sinus follows its normal Miscellaneous or Mixed: In this situation, anoma-
path to the right atrium where it is either normally lous connections of the pulmonary veins are seen at
placed between the orifices of the venae cavae or dis- two or more of the above levels.
32  Anomalous Pulmonary Veins 351

Fig. 32.3  Infracardiac type TAPV. The descending vertical vein

drains into the portal vein

PAPVR involves a large spectrum of anatomic con-

Fig. 32.2  Cardiac type TAPVR. The pulmonary vein confluence nections between one or more pulmonary veins and
drains into the coronary sinus the systemic venous drainage. The most common
PAPVR pattern is the drainage of the left upper pulmo-
nary vein into the left innominate vein, which subse-
In all the above situations, the presence of an inter- quently drains into the coronary sinus or the LA. This
atrial communication is necessary to sustain life and, type of drainage is commonly associated with an ASD.
therefore, an ASD or patent foramen ovale (PFO) is The second most common abnormality is the connec-
considered part of the complex of TAPVR. In addition, tion between a right pulmonary vein and the IVC. This
the left-sided cardiac structures are diminished in size is associated with the Scimitar syndrome, which
as the failure to incorporate the common pulmonary includes bronchial anomalies, dextrocardia, hypopla-
vein into the LA decreases the size of the atrium as sia of the right lung and of the right pulmonary artery,
well as the flow into (and thus the size of) the LV [6]. and anomalous aortic blood supply to the right lung
The cause of TAPVR is unknown, but the condition (pulmonary sequestration). A third common situation
has been associated with exposure to paint or paint- involves anomalous drainage of the right pulmonary
stripping chemicals, lead, or pesticides. The genetic vein(s) into the SVC or right atrium. In this condition,
pattern of transmission of the abnormality is also unroofing of the right pulmonary veins is present as
unknown; however, a number of family studies have well as a sinus venosus ASD. Morphologically, the
suggested a monogenic inheritance. Polyspenia, asple- patients exhibit right atrial, right ventricular, and pul-
nia, and cat’s eye syndrome are the most noteworthy monary artery dilation. Due to the right ventricular
syndromes associated with TAPVR [7]. dilation, the intraventricular septum is deviated toward
352 M. Tsifansky et al.

the left ventricle, and the left ventricle appears “small- the case of PAPVR to the SVC associated to sinus veno-
ish”. Connections between a left pulmonary vein and sus ASDs. If PAPVR is left unrepaired for decades in
the right SVC (part of the sinus venosus defect), the patients with a long-standing left-to-right shunt, these
coronary sinus, or the hemiazygous vein have also patients may develop pulmonary hypertension [9, 10].
been reported. PAPVR is associated with a number of
other cardiac defects and syndromes including hetero-
taxy and Turner syndrome [8, 9].
32.4  P
 reoperative Assessment
and Management
32.3  Pathophysiology
32.4.1  Assessment
In all forms of TAPVR the pulmonary venous blood
completely mixes with systemic venous blood and  Obstructed Pulmonary Veins
returns to right atrium via the systemic veins (obligatory
left-to-right shunt). To provide LV preload (and cardiac Clinical Presentation
output), there must be an obligatory right-to-left shunt.
This shunt most frequently occurs at the atrial level, via Infants with obstructed TAPVR present soon after birth
either a PFO or an ASD. Oxygen saturations in all car- with severe cyanosis and respiratory distress, and the
diac chambers are identical and dependent on the acuity of their presentation is proportional to the degree
amount of pulmonary blood flow. The pulmonary blood of pulmonary venous obstruction. The cyanosis may
flow, in turn, is mostly governed by the degree of pul- worsen when infants with infradiaphragmatic drainage
monary venous obstruction. So, if the pulmonary venous feed, as the food-filled esophagus compressed the verti-
return is unobstructed, the pulmonary blood flow is sig- cal vein. On physical examination, signs of pulmonary
nificantly increased, the oxygen saturations in all car- edema and pulmonary hypertension (loud P2, the mur-
diac chambers are relatively high, and the infant soon mur of tricuspid regurgitation, or a gallop rhythm) are
develops congestive heart failure with minimal levels of present, and hepatomegaly is not uncommon.
cyanosis. Although these infants appear pink, their pul-
monary vascular resistance is labile and they can experi-
Chest Radiography
ence episodes of pulmonary arterial hypertension, with
associated cyanosis. In infants with TAPVR and a severe
The chest X-ray of these infants typically shows gross
obstruction to pulmonary venous return, pulmonary
pulmonary edema without cardiomegaly. Findings
venous hypertension and pulmonary edema are always
may be misinterpreted as surfactant deficiency, severe
present. Moreover, their pulmonary arterioles constrict,
neonatal pneumonia, or lymphangiectasia. It may also
adding a component of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
reveal the presence of pleural effusion, which can be
The overall result is severe RV and PA hypertension, poor
confirmed by chest ultrasound.
pulmonary compliance, high bronchial resistance to
airflow, and, ultimately, hypoxemia, right ventricular
failure, and cardiogenic shock. The physiology of these ECG
infants resembles that of persistent pulmonary hyper-
tension. Most infants born with TAPVR present with ECG shows RVH (which may be dismissed as “physio­
some degree of pulmonary venous obstruction, and their logic”), and occasionally appulmonale is present.
individual physiologic state falls between the two
extremes described above.
The pathophysiology of PAPVR is that of an ASD Echocardiography
with right ventricular volume overload secondary to
left-to-right shunt, resulting in progressive right ven- Echocardiography demonstrates large right-sided and
tricular dilation. In addition, certain anatomic types of small left-sided structures, dilated pulmonary arteries,
PAPVR are associated to the presence of ASDs. This is features of pulmonary hypertension, and an intraatrial
32  Anomalous Pulmonary Veins 353

communication with a pure right-to-left shunt. The Echocardiography

dilated vertical vein and its connections to the anoma-
lous pulmonary veins are best visualized behind the LA Echocardiographic findings in unobstructed TAPVR
from the suprasternal notch. Determining which type of are similar to those in the obstructed type, except for
TAPVR is present is very important. The features of the the signs of obstruction (engorged vertical vein) and
supracardiac type are best imaged in the short axis the relative frequency of the specific anatomic sub-
through the suprasternal notch using color mapping types found (i.e., features of subdiaphragmatic drain-
and Doppler interrogation to define the left SVC flow. age are less likely to be present in an infant with
The large coronary sinus (characteristic of the cardiac unobstructed TAPVR).
type of TAPVR) may be imaged in the apical four-
chamber and parasternal short-axis views. Subcostal
Cardiac Catheterization
views may demonstrate a dilated vein descending
through the diaphragm in the infradiaphragmatic type.
Preoperative diagnostic angiography is only occasion-
The possibility of the mixed type of TAPVR is only
ally needed. Pulmonary artery wedge injections dem-
eliminated conclusively if all four pulmonary veins are
onstrate the anatomy of the pulmonary venous drainage
visualized connecting to the confluence.
on levophase (Fig. 32.4a, b). Systemic venous balloon-
occlusion angiography can also be performed within
Other Imaging the vein to which the pulmonary veins drain.

MRI imaging may supplement echocardiographic

Other Imaging
findings, especially if adequate echocardiographic
images cannot be obtained [11]. MRI imaging may supplement echocardiographic
findings, especially as a means to rule out small intra-
pulmonary veins (poor surgical outcome), and if  Unobstructed Pulmonary Veins adequate echocardiographic images cannot be
Clinical Presentation

Infants with unobstructed TAPVR present later than their

obstructed counterparts. They are not severely ill, but 32.4.2  Preoperative Management
may have a history of failure to thrive and frequent pneu-
monias. On physical exam, mild cyanosis and mild  Stabilization
hepatomegaly may be seen. Cardiac findings include a
fixed-split S2 with a loud P2 and the soft systolic murmur The preoperative management of severely ill infants with
of relative pulmonic stenosis (similar to a large ASD). obstructed TAPVR is very challenging. The goal should
be to quickly improve oxygenation and cardiac output,
and to avert end-organ damage in order to allow for
Chest Radiography emergent TAPVR repair. Occasionally, due to intractable
hypoxemia and acidosis, this is unachievable without
Chest X-ray of these infants typically shows cardiomegaly resorting to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
(the characteristic “Snowman heart” is present after a (ECMO). Such infants are stabilized on ECMO for 1–2
few months of age) and features of increased pulmonary days and then taken to the operating room for repair.
blood flow, but not severe pulmonary edema.

ECG  Respiratory Management

ECG demonstrates RVH and the RSr’ configuration, All severely ill infants with obstructed TAPVR should
and appulmonale is present in some cases. be emergently intubated, preferably with a cuffed
354 M. Tsifansky et al.

Fig.  32.4  (a) Following a left pulmonary artery wedge which drains to the coronary sinus via a horizontal vein (*).
injection on levophase the complex anomalous pulmo- (b) Following wedge injection in the right pulmonary artery
nary venous connection is demonstrated. The left pulmonary the levophase demonstrates the right pulmonary veins (arrow)
veins drain dually into the innominate vein via a vertical returning to the coronary sinus with a large unobstructed
vein (arrow), as well to the pulmonary venous confluence confluence

endotracheal tube in anticipation of poor pulmonary Most cardiac intensivists advise against the use of
compliance and high airway pressures. PGE1 in this setting because it may worsen pulmonary
The mechanical ventilation strategy includes aggres- edema and systemic hypotension.
sive titration of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), To decrease pulmonary hypertension, alkalemia
to as high as 10–12 mmHg and peak inspiratory pressure may be induced with bicarbonate or THAM. However,
(PIP) to, as high as 35–40 mmHg if necessary to mini- it is important to remember that, just like for O2, NO,
mize pulmonary edema and to maximize oxygenation and PGE1, this may lead to worsening pulmonary
and ventilation in the face of significant decrease in pul- status.
monary compliance and increase in airway resistance.
The use of high supplemental oxygen fraction
(FiO2) (usually 100%) is indicated to maximize sys-  Other Important Issues
temic O2 delivery; however, since high FiO2 also
increases pulmonary blood flow, it may worsen pulmo- Serum electrolytes should be normalized, with spe-
nary edema in the context of obstructed pulmonary cial attention paid to ionized Ca++, Mg++, K+, and glu-
venous drainage. cose. Careful sedation and muscle relaxation should
For similar reasons, the utilization of the pulmonary be used acutely to reduce oxygen consumption in
vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) in this setting is controver- these infants. Ultimately, expedient repair as soon as
sial, but some advocate its judicious use to acutely reduce the infant is reasonably stable is crucial. Some non-
PAH and optimize ventilation/perfusion matching. critically ill infants who are less severely obstructed
may need no preoperative intensive care; others may
benefit from mild inotropic support and decongestive
therapy [12].  Cardiovascular Management

Cardiac support for these infants involves expedient

initiation of inotropic medications (epinephrine and 32.5  Surgical Management
norepinephrine) and possibly cautious volume loading
and blood transfusion to maintain cardiac output and Repair of TAPVR requires the use of cardiopulmonary
systemic oxygen delivery. bypass. A period of circulatory arrest is frequently
32  Anomalous Pulmonary Veins 355

Fig. 32.5  Supracardiac TAPVR repair. With the apex of the heart elevated and retracted rightward, the left atrium (LA) and the
pulmonary vein confluence are opened. The anastomosis is then performed with a running suture, and the vertical vein is ligated
and divided

utilized when performing the repair in neonates and anomalous pulmonary vein can be left uncorrected
small infants, but in older patients it can be avoided without a major hemodynamic consequence.
with the use of bicaval cannulation.
The surgical management of patients with suprac-
ardiac (Fig. 32.5) and infracardiac TAPVR is simi-
lar, requiring an anastomosis between the pulmonary 32.6  Postoperative Management
vein confluence and the LA. The ASD is routinely
closed through the left atriotomy or a right atriotomy.
It is our practice to always ligate the vertical or 32.6.1  TAPVR
decompressing vein in order to prevent a postopera-
tive left-to-right shunt at this level, although this is  Monitoring
not a universal routine.
In the cardiac type, the veins drain into the right Postoperative pulmonary hypertension and low car-
atrium either directly or via the coronary sinus. If diac output are frequently seen in infants with TAPVR
draining directly, the repair consists of funneling the due to young age at repair, exposure to cardiopulmo-
pulmonary venous return into the LA through the nary bypass, medial muscularization of the pulmo-
ASD, which frequently needs enlargement. A piece of nary arterioles leading to labile PA pressures, and
pericardium is used to create the pulmonary venous small left-sided structures. Infants who were not
channel. If draining via the coronary sinus, then unroof- obstructed preoperatively are at a lesser risk for post-
ing of the coronary sinus into the LA and patch closure operative pulmonary hypertension. On the other hand,
are required (Fig. 32.6). patients with residual postoperative pulmonary
The mixed type TAPVR usually requires a combi- venous obstruction are at an increased risk for it.
nation of the previously mentioned techniques as Therefore, obtaining an early postoperative echocar-
dictated by specific anatomy. On occasion, a single diographic study of the pulmonary venous gradients
356 M. Tsifansky et al.

and RV pressures is important, as may be the use of

transthoracic PA or LA lines in addition to the stan-
dard monitoring.  Sedation and Analgesia

The post-TAPVR repair patients at high risk for pul-

monary hypertension may be sedated and muscle-
relaxed during early recovery, with a combination of
opioids, benzodiazepines, and muscle relaxants, until
hemodynamic stabilization.  Respiratory Management

The chest may be left open for 24–48  h after repair

(especially in neonates).
The ventilatory strategy is chosen to minimize
PA pressures. Thus, optimal PEEP is used to avoid
atelectasis and pulmonary edema as well as hyper-
expansion and other ventilatory settings are adjusted
to produce a Vt of 10–12 cc/kg and normocarbia or
mild respiratory alkalosis. It is important to remem-
ber that alveolar underinflation and overdistention
increase pulmonary vascular resistance and worsen
pulmonary hypertension.
NO should be used at the first sign of PA hyper-
tension and weaned very slowly as improvement
occurs. However, care must be taken to first rule out
residual pulmonary venous obstruction as a cause
of persistent pulmonary hypertension unresponsive
to NO.  Cardiovascular Management

Hemodynamic support may include low-dose ino-

tropes, especially milrinone, which has been shown to
decrease PA pressures and to attenuate the development
Fig. 32.6  Cardiac TAPVR repair. (a) Via a right atriotomy the of low cardiac output syndrome in infants after cardiac
large coronary sinus (CS) and the interatrial communication surgery. ECMO and NO support may be ­necessary
(atrial septal defect (ASD)) are visualized. (b) The coronary for several days postoperatively. Supraventricular
sinus is unroofed into the LA. (c) The coronary sinus and the
ASD are closed with a single patch, creating a new pulmonary
arrhythmias are common after TAPVR repair (5–10%,
venous channel with a higher incidence among patients with a history
32  Anomalous Pulmonary Veins 357

of the cardiac type TAPVR) and are treated in the stan- References
dard fashion.
1. Anderson RH, Macartney FJ. Pulmonary venous abnormali-
ties. In: Anderson RH, Baker EJ, et  al., eds. Paediatric  Fluid Management Cardiology, vol. 1. 2nd ed. London: Churchill Livingstone;
2. Ruschhaupt DG. Total anomalous pulmonary venous con-
Fluid management should initially be very conservative nection. In: Koenig P, Hijazi ZM, et  al., eds. Essential
(total fluids at half maintenance on postoperative day Pediatric Cardiology. New York: McGraw-Hill;
one, slowly liberalized to full maintenance over 3–4 2004:239–246.
3. Darling RC, Rothney WB, Craig JM. Total pulmonary
days) in order to avoid overloading the small left-sided venous drainage into the right side of the heart: Report of 17
structures and causing pulmonary edema. autopsied cases not associated with other major cardiovascu-
lar anomalies. Lab Invest. 1957;6:44–64.
4. Larson WJ. Human Embryology. New York: Churchill
Livingstone; 1993; Sadler TW. Langman’s Medical Embryology.
7th ed. Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins; 1995.
32.6.2  PAPVR 5. Geva T, Van Praagh S. Anomalies of the pulmonary veins.
In: Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, et  al., eds. Moss and Adams’
Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents:
The postoperative care of the PAPVR is usually Including the Fetus and Young Adults. 7th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2007:761–792.
6. Correa-Villaseñor A, Ferencz C, Boughman JA, et al. Total
Patients with PAPVR draining to in the SVC may anomalous pulmonary venous return: familial and environ-
develop SVC obstruction and potential obstruction of mental factors. Teratology. 1991;44:415–428.
the baffle which reroutes the right veins into the LA. 7. Keane JF, Fyler DC. Total anomalous pulmonary venous
return. In: Keane JF, Lock JE, Fyler DC, eds. NADAS’
In Scimitar syndrome, the repair involves redirection
Pediatric Cardiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders
of the right veins using a baffle to the LA, and special Elsevier; 2006:773–785.
attention again must be taken to avoid potential 8. Moore JW, Kirby WC, Rogers WM, et al. Partial anomalous
obstruction of the baffle. In addition, pulmonary hyper- pulmonary venous drainage associated with 45, X Turner
syndrome. Pediatrics. 1990;86:273–276.
tension may be a complicating factor during the post-
9. Driscoll DJ. Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology.
operative period. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006:
Chest X-ray is useful in the postoperative care of both 114–115.
TAPVR and PAPVR repair, as bilateral or unilateral 10. Haworth SG. The pulmonary circulation. In: Anderson RH,
Baker EJ, et al., eds. Paediatric Cardiology, vol. 1. 2nd ed.
opacification alerts the intensivist to the existence of a
London: Churchill Livingstone; 2002:57–93.
localized pulmonary vein/veins obstruction [12, 13]. 11. Nichols DG. Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children,
vol. xv. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2006:1024.
12. Ryerson L, Harder J. Totally anomalous pulmonary venous
return. Cardiol Young. 2005;15:304–305.
13. Karamlou T, Gurofsky R, et al. Factors associated with mor-
32.7  Long-Term Outlook tality and re-operation in 377 children with total anomalous
pulmonary venous connection. Circulation.
The long-term outlook for patients with repaired 14. Kirshbom PM, Myung RJ, Gaynor JW, et  al. Preoperative
TAPVR is very good, with an operative mortality pulmonary venous obstruction affects long-term outcome
rate of 10–15% (now closer to 10%) and long-term for survivors of total anomalous pulmonary venous connec-
survival approaching 85% [14]. Stenosis of the indi- tion repair. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74:1616–1620.
15. Lacour-Gayet F. Surgery for pulmonary venous obstruction after
vidual pulmonary veins or the pulmonary venous repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous return. Semin
confluence is common postoperatively (around 15% Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2006:45–50.
after 1–2 years), especially in the infradiaphragmatic 16. Meadows J, Marshall AC, Lock JE, Scheurer M, Laussen
and miscellaneous types. However, with successful PC, Bacha EA. A hybrid approach to stabilization and repair
of obstructed total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
neonatal repair, the outlook for these patients is very in a critically ill newborn infant. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
good [14]. 2006;131:e1–e2.
Chapter 33
Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries

Rukmini Komarlu, Victor O. Morell, Jackie Kreutzer, and Ricardo Muñoz

33.1  Introduction anatomic relationship between the atria, ventricles,

and great vessels, there are several anatomic arrange-
ments of TGA:
Transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) is the most
common cyanotic congenital heart lesion that presents 1) S, D, D: (where S – atrium situs solitus, D – d-loop
in neonates [1, 2]. In this condition, the systemic and ventricle where the RV is right sided and LV is left
pulmonary circulations are in parallel rather than in sided, and D – dextroposition of the aortic valve
series. The defect occurs more frequently in males of relative to the pulmonary valve). Essentially, there
normal birth weight. The precise embryologic nature of is atrioventricular concordance with ventriculoarte-
this defect is not completely elucidated. In general rial discordance. Due to the presence of a sub-aortic
terms, rotation of the myocardial wall of the outflow conus or infundibulum, the aorta is aligned with the
tract is arrested or fails to initiate in hearts with transpo- right ventricle.
sition of the great arteries. However, in particular, the 2) S, D, A or S, D, L: An “antero” or “levo” position of
anomaly appears to be related to an underdevelopment the aortic valve relative to the pulmonary valve exists.
or abnormal absorption of the subpulmonary conus or 3) S, L, L: (where S – atria in situs solitus, L – ven-
infundibulum in d-TGA (see below for anatomical tricular l-loop where LV is right sided and RV is left
description). Normally, the subpulmonary infundibu- sided, and L – aortic valve is in “levo” position
lum (conus) is present and the subaortic conus is absent relative to the pulmonary valve). There is atrioven-
[3]. This anatomic set up allows a normal alignment of tricular discordance with atria-arterial concordance;
the great vessels with the correspondent ventricle. Also, the segmental arrangements support the concept of
a recent study in the mouse suggests that some con- congenitally physiologically corrected TGA.
genital heart defects involve a failure of outflow tract 4) I, L, L: (where I – inverted atria (right sided left
formation during development [4]. atrium), L – l-loop ventricle (right sided LV), and L
is levo version of the aortic valve). Atrioventricular
concordance exists with ventriculoarterial and atri-
oarterial discordance. There is a visceroatrial situs
33.2  Anatomy inversus.
5) I, D, D: (where I – inverted atria, a right sided left
atrium-visceroatrial situs inversus, D – d-loop ventri-
The hallmark of TGA is ventriculoarterial discordance,
cle where the RV is right sided and LV is left sided,
in which the aorta arises from the morphologic right
and D – dextroposition of the aortic valve relative to
ventricle and the pulmonary artery arises from the
the pulmonary valve). Atrioventricular discordance
morphologic left ventricle (Fig. 33.1). Based upon the
and atria-arterial concordance are present. It is a
physiologically corrected TGA [5].
R. Komarlu (*)
Upon arrival to the intensive care unit, the caregiver
Pediatric Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of
UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA must be aware of the patient’s coexistent heart defects
e-mail: and the existence and status of a patent foramen ovale/

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 359
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_33, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
360 R. Komarlu et al.

in determining the degree of difficulty of surgical

intervention and the intensivist must understand the
clinical implications of each arrangement on potential
postoperative morbidity and mortality [7, 8].
Summary of aortic sinuses in the aortic root /the
coronary artery location and great vessel orientation:
1) Side by Side: Aortic valve rightward position, ante-
rior and posterior facing sinus.
2) Oblique: Aortic valve anterior /rightward, left ante-
rior facing sinus and right posterior facing sinus.
3) Anterior–Posterior: Aortic valve in anterior posi-
tion, right facing sinus and leftward facing sinus.
The coronary artery anatomy in TGA is quite variable;
common coronary patterns are shown in Fig. 33.2. The
coronary arteries are described from the vantage point
of a person sitting in the non-facing sinus, looking
toward the pulmonary artery, sinus one represents the
right hand facing coronary sinus and sinus two the left
Fig. 33.1  Transposition of the great arteries hand facing coronary sinus.

atrial septal defect and/or ventricular septal defect and

patent ductus arteriosus, as these are needed to ensure 33.3  Physiology
proper intracardiac mixing. Other coexistent heart
defects must be ruled out, including coronary artery
anomalies, coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic or
33.3.1  Fetal Physiology
interrupted arch, pulmonic stenosis, right ventricular
outflow tract obstruction, mitral or tricuspid valve In general, the fetus tolerates the resulting physiology
abnormalities, hypoplasia of the right ventricle and left of TGA well. In a simple complete TGA, a change in
ventricular outflow tract obstruction. In the setting of ventricular afterload is seen. The low resistance of the
uncorrected transposition physiology, right ventricular umbilical-placental system receives the right ventricu-
pressure is higher than left ventricular pressure (sep- lar output and, conversely, the left ventricle faces the
tum may be bowing towards the LV). Therefore, the high pulmonary vascular resistance and placental vas-
gradient across the left ventricular outflow tract (con- cular resistance. The effect of this physiology on both
nected to the low pressure pulmonary tree) may be ventricles may affect the distribution of flow from the
overestimated and may disappear after the arterial superior and inferior vena cavae. Normally, the supe-
switch operation (disappearance of septal bowing). rior vena cava carries lower oxygenated blood which is
Also, some patients may have attachments of mitral directed to the right ventricle and pulmonary tree. In
valve cords into the left ventricular outflow tract; this the setting of complete TGA, the lower oxygenated
anatomic variation may be a challenge to release the blood will be delivered to the aorta, especially the
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction [6]. ascending aorta (supplying the coronaries and the
The other important anatomic aspect to define in carotid arteries). The effects of the decreased oxygen
TGA is the orientation of the great vessels as either side delivery to the coronary system and brain (neurologi-
by side, oblique, or antero-posterior. The facing sinuses cal outcomes) are still unknown.
are rotated as a result of the mentioned orientations of The inferior vena cava carries more oxygenated
the great vessels. The coronary arteries will follow the blood from the placenta and, in the normal fetus, this
shortest pathway to the aortic sinuses in the aortic root. blood is preferentially directed through the foramen
These anatomic landmarks are of paramount importance ovale to the aorta; in TGA this blood will be delivered
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 361

Fig. 33.2  Frequent coronary patterns in TGA. (a) Normal anatomy, (b) circumflex artery from the RCA, (c) single left coronary
artery, (d) single right coronary artery, (e) inverted coronary pattern, (f) RCA from LAD and circumflex from sinus 2, (g) intramural
left main from sinus 2

to the pulmonary tree and perhaps lower the pulmonary superior and inferior vena cavae do not reach the left
vascular resistance. At the post-ductal level (due to the sided structures for oxygenation. The physiologic con-
PA-Aorta shunt through the PDA) oxygen levels are sequence of this anatomic arrangement is a profound
seen to return to “normal” post-ductal levels in fetuses hypoxemia incompatible with life unless intracardiac
without TGA [9]. (PFO/ASD or VSD) or extracardiac (patent ductus
arteriosus-bronchial circulation) communications are
appropriately patent.
33.3.2  Postnatal Physiology To understand the preoperative physiology of the
disease it is crucial to define key concepts which are
As stated above, the circulations in TGA exist in paral- relevant to the pre and postoperative management. To
lel rather than in series. Assuming a normal gas avoid confusion it is important to differentiate between
exchange, the oxygenated blood from the left atrium anatomic and physiologic shunts:
will be ejected by the left ventricle into the pulmonary The anatomic left-to-right shunt represents the
circulation without reaching the systemic circulation. amount of blood crossing from left side of the heart to
In addition, de-oxygenated blood returning from the the right side of the heart.
362 R. Komarlu et al.

The physiologic left-to-right shunt is the amount of are not usually heard and pulses are normal until
oxygenated blood that returns to the left side of the cardiogenic shock appears.
heart through the lungs. Arterial oxygen saturation will indicate values
The anatomic right-to-left shunt is the amount of between 50–70% and arterial blood gases show oxy-
blood passing from the right side of the heart to the left gen values in the low and mid 20s (unresponsive to
sided structures (left atrium, left ventricle and pulmo- oxygen administration) with metabolic acidosis and
nary artery). usually normal CO2.
The physiologic right-to-left shunt is the amount of
de-oxygenated blood that reaches the systemic circula-
tion without passing through the lungs.  Chest X-Ray
Inefficient effective systemic or pulmonary blood
flow as a result of inappropriate intracardiac or extrac- Chest X-ray (antero-posterior view) shows no signifi-
ardiac communications is incompatible with survival. cant cardiomegaly and the lungs are clear. The shape
Clinically, these infants arrive in the intensive care unit of the heart is described as “egg on a side.” A narrow
with cyanosis, systemic hypoperfusion, cardiogenic superior mediastinal shadow is seen with no evidence
shock, metabolic acidosis, oliguria and multiorgan of the main pulmonary artery.
The degree of mixing can be assessed by identify-
ing the combination of ventricular filling, size of  ECG
communications, pulmonary vascular resistance, and
other coexistent anomalies such as ventricular outlet Electrocardiogram is essentially normal with promi-
obstructions. If there is effective mixing with pulmo- nent right ventricular voltages.
nary stenosis, the effective pulmonary blood flow will
be low (poor oxygenation). Conversely, if there is a
significant left ventricular outflow obstruction or 33.4.2  DTGA, Ventricular Septal Defect
coarctation of the aorta (closing PDA), the effective
pulmonary blood flow would be sufficient with “appro-  Clinical Presentation
priate” oxygenation, but the infant will experience
systemic hypoperfusion [10].
Cyanosis may not be prominent in this subset of
patients. Nevertheless, in some group of infants, the
VSD does not guarantee sufficient mixing and patients
may require ballon atrial septostomy. The physical
33.4  Diagnosis exam shows an apparently normal infant with comfort-
able tachypnea. Cardiac activity may be normal with a
33.4.1  D
 -TGA, Intact Ventricular Septum, normal first sound and a loud second sound with a nar-
and Inadequate Intra and row split. There is 2–3/6 systolic ejection murmur best
heard over the left lower sternal border.
Extracardiac Shunts
Arterial oxygen saturations range between 75-low
90 % and arterial oxygen level is approximately in the  Clinical Presentation 40s with normal pH and pCO2. Without surgical repair,
these patients eventually develop heart failure due to
Initially the patient is robust a few hours after birth as increased pulmonary blood flow.
clinical stability is given by the patent foramen ovale
and patent ductus arteriosus. However, clinical symp-
toms appear after PDA closure or even sooner if the  Chest X-Ray
patent foramen ovale is very restrictive. Profound
cyanosis, tachypnea without retractions, and promi- Chest-X ray shows a narrow superior mediastinal area,
nent cardiac impulse are commonly present. Murmurs cardiomegaly, and prominent vascularity.
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 363  ECG  ECG

Electrocardiogram may be normal or may demonstrate The electrocardiogram may be normal or may show
RVH. biventricular hypertrophy. Left axis deviation can
occur with TGA and inlet VSD. Isolated left ventricu-
lar hypertrophy suggests TGA/VSD and an associated
33.4.3  D-TGA and Pulmonary Stenosis hypoplastic right ventricle [11].  Clinical Presentation

33.5  Preoperative Management
Cyanosis is a prominent finding once the PDA con-
stricts and a harsh 2–3/6 systolic ejection murmur best
heard at the mid left sternal border is ascertained on Essentially, these patients can be transferred to the
physical exam. The first sound is normal and the intensive care unit with two 2 clinical presentations:
­second sound is loud. The right ventricular impulse is 1. Unstable patient with cyanosis and cardiogenic
not hyperactive and there are no signs or symptoms of shock.
congestive heart failure. 2. Stable infant who had prenatal diagnosis made
Unstable neonates must have the ABC of resuscitation  Chest X-ray completed along with a brief echocardiogram for
diagnosis, assessment of ventricular function, and
Chest X ray shows no significant cardiomegaly with evaluation of patency of ductus arteriosus and foramen
decreased pulmonary vascular markings. ovale. A more detailed echocardiogram should be
completed once the infant is stable. PGE1 must be initi-
ated (0.03–0.1  mg/kg/min, dose could be adjusted
according to the clinical picture) and inotropic support
33.4.4  D
 -TGA, Coarctation of the Aorta and fluid and bicarbonate administration should be
or Interrupted Aortic Arch titrated according to the acid- base status, ventricular
function, and hemodynamic status. Some of these  Clinical Presentation patients require“generous” fluid administration to
maintain appropriate mixing. The fundamental cause
The clinical presentation may not necessarily differ of the cardiovascular instability is insufficient mixing
from the isolated DTGA, especially when the PDA is due to PDA closure or restrictive foramen ovale. If the
open. Nevertheless, the combination of DTGA, VSD constricting PDA is the only problem, prostaglandin
and arch hypoplasia/ interrupted aortic arch increases infusion should rapidly compensate the infant. If a
the risk of augmenting pulmonary blood flow and these restrictive PFO is the main cause of insufficient mix-
patients may experience tachypnea and respiratory fail- ing, an emergent ballon atrial septostomy (BAS) must
ure. If the neonate develops pulmonary hypertension be done (Fig. 33.3). This procedure can be completed
with high pulmonary vascular resistance, reverse dif- at the bedside in the intensive care unit [12] or in the
ferential cyanosis might be present. Absent or dimin- cardiac catheterization laboratory. In our experience
ished femoral pulses and systemic hypo-perfusion may (Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC) the inten-
be evident when the PDA becomes restrictive. sive care unit is the place of choice, especially if there
is an umbilical catheter placed reaching the heart.
However, if the echocardiogram is not able to clearly  Chest X-ray define the coronary artery anatomy and the surgeon
needs that information prior to intervention, angiogra-
Chest X-Ray shows increased pulmonary vascular phy of the aortic root is needed to define the coronary
markings and cardiomegaly. anatomy. In such case it is preferred to take the patient
364 R. Komarlu et al.

catheter can be advanced through it into the heart, or a

floppy tip 0.018” wire can be used to facilitate reach-
ing the heart, under fluoroscopic guidance. A sheath
can then be placed from the umbilical vein into the
right atrium, and the septostomy catheter advanced.
The set up for a septostomy includes the following:
1. Umbilical catheter (if the umbilical vein is to be
2. 0.018” 40–60 cmm floppy tip wire
3. 6 F and 7F sheaths
4. Septostomy catheter (either of the following, or 2
different ones ideally available):

Fig. 33.3  Balloon atrial septostomy under echocardiographic a. Braun septostomy catheter (fits via a 6 F sheath
guidance. The image demonstrates echocardiographic frame and has an end-hole which allows to draw back
obtained during bedside balloon atrial septostomy, in a modified and to inject saline solution): This is the pre-
apical four chamber view. The balloon is inflated in the left
atrium, away from the mitral valve. After the septstomy is
ferred one for bedside septostomies, since it
peformed, the balloon will then be seen in the right atrium (RA). allows for sampling to help assure the tip is in
RV right ventricle; MV mitral valve the left atrium and also allows injection of saline
which can be visualized by echocardiography.
Takes up to 2.5 cc.
to the catheterization laboratory and perform both the
b. Miller –Edwards balloon (Baxter) (fits via a 7 F
septostomy and angiography during the same proce-
sheath): can take up to 4 cc, although 2.5–3 cc is
dure. If a patient is being transferred for an emergent
all that is needed for a term baby.
balloon septostomy it is best directly to have the patient
c. Traditional Rashkind balloon (fits via a 6 F sheath)
go to the catheterization laboratory, as, if there were
any access problems fluoroscopy can be helpful. In The echocardiographer is positioned on the left side of
addition, if any difficulties were encountered with the the patient, while the interventional cardiologist is on
balloon procedure, alternative options would be read- the right side and feet of the patient. All septostomy
ily available (static balloon dilation, ASD creation, catheters have a “hockey stick” type of curve that facil-
etc). In addition, if the umbilical venous line cannot be itates reaching the left atrium via the patent foramen
advanced into the heart, it is best to perform the proce- ovale. If there is an intact septum, the patient has to go
dure in the catheterization laboratory, as catheter to the catheterization laboratory where a transeptal
manipulation and visualization with echocardiography puncture can be performed, although this instance is
is easier in the short catheter course from the umbili- extremely rare in TGA.
cus, while it can be quite difficult from the groin with- If angiography is indicated for definition of coronary
out fluoroscopy. arteries, the best approach is using the “laid-back”
Prior to starting the BAS, blood must be available view, as described by Mandell et  al. [13], which
and a stable airway must be guaranteed (not necessar- involves extreme caudal angulation in the AP camera
ily all neonates must be intubated for the procedure). (Fig.  33.4). A Berman 5F catheter is advanced ante-
The preferred approach is the umbilical access, grade into the ascending aorta and andiography is per-
although the procedure can be easily done via the fem- formed in this biplane (extreme caudal in the AP and
oral vein. If the child has an umbilical vein line in straight lateral in the lateral cameras) with transient
place, and it reaches the heart, then it can be safely balloon occlusion of the flow. Transient complete heart
exchanged in the ICU over a wire (J tipped or floppy block can occur as a complication associated with
tipped are preferred). If instead the line ends in the catheter manipulation out the right ventricular outflow
liver, it is best to either go to the catheterization labora- tract in these patients, such that if at all possible it is
tory and perform a venogram of the hepatic vein to best to avoid angiography and delineate the coronary
assure the ductus venosus is open, following which the anatomy by echocardiography. For many surgeons,
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 365

Fig.  33.4  Aortography for coronary artery definition. Laid coronary arteries, and deflated towards the end of the injection.
back aortogram performed in anteroposterior (a) and lateral RCA right coronary artery; LCA left coronary artery; CFX
projection (b) demonstrates normal coronary anatomy. The circumflex coronary artery; LAD left anterior descending
balloon is inflated transiently to force contrast into the coronary artery

perfect definition of coronary anatomy is not essential, in the postoperative care of the arterial switch
as this can be determined in the operating room, and an operation (ASO) [15].
ASO is performed for almost every anomaly anyway. Associated medical problems such as respiratory
Once the BAS is completed, prostaglandin E1 can distress, meconium aspiration syndrome, and CNS
be stopped, although some neonates may need to have ischemic and hemorrhagic events should be identified
the medication re-started due to poor mixing and per- and addressed appropriately. If the patient is extremely
sisting significant hypoxemia (pO2 <30mmHg and aci- premature or other associated conditions are present,
demia). Prior to reinitiating the prostaglandins in these an early ASO should be delayed. If intracranial hemor-
cases, an echocardiogram must be requested to assess rhage is present, it is advisable to wait for two weeks
the atrial communication and ductus arteriosus. The before the ASO. As a consequence of the delay of the
goal is to optimize the patient’s volume status and to procedure, the left ventricle needs to be re-trained to
discontinue inotropic support as soon as the infant is handle the high systemic vascular resistance after the
hemodynamically stable after BAS. Stable patients ASO.
after BAS can be fed until surgical repair. Cultures are Retraining the LV implies placement of a pulmo-
obtained and antibiotics started when sepsis is sus- nary band with or without a shunt (if patient continues
pected. In addition, head ultrasound, renal ultrasound, to be very cyanotic). In addition, daily echocardio-
and genetic tests may be routinely done prior to surgi- grams must be done to evaluate the left ventricular
cal intervention. mass (if greater than 35 g/m2, the patient is likely to be
Patients with arch hypoplasia, coarctation of the suitable for ASO) [16]. The LV training process should
aorta, or interrupted aortic arch along with VSD and not take more than 1–2 weeks, especially in infants.
d-TGA deserve special attention to avoid pulmonary During the training period patients may require a fair
over-circulation syndrome and systemic hypoperfu- amount of inotropic support due to LV failure and low
sion with the resultant multiorgan failure (refer to these cardiac output syndrome [17, 18].
conditions’ specific chapters in the section titled
“Preoperative Management”). Patients with d-TGA,
interrupted aortic arch, and pulmonary hypertension
(concomitant lung disease) will present as critically ill 33.5.1  Surgical Management
with severe cyanosis. [14] ECMO may be required
until pulmonary hypertension improves. The caregiver The arterial switch operation is the procedure of choice
should be aware that during the ECMO run, the left for the surgical management of transposition of the
ventricle may “de-condition” and may cause complications great arteries. It is performed via a median sternotomy
366 R. Komarlu et al.

incision with cardiopulmonary bypass and moderate to and/or the ventricular septal defect are closed through
severe hypothermia. A period of deep hypothermic a right atriotomy. The operative mortality associated
circulatory arrest is frequently utilized for the closure with the arterial switch operation is approximately 5%.
of the atrial and/or ventricular septal defects. In cases with delayed diagnosis (greater than 6–8
Technically (Fig.  33.5), it involves the transection of weeks of age) a two stage approach is recommended.
both great vessels, the translocation of the pulmonary It consists of an initial pulmonary artery band (to train
arteries anterior to the aorta (Lecompte maneuver) and the left ventricle) followed by an arterial switch opera-
the suturing of the distal aspect of both great vessels to tion. Occasionally, a systemic to pulmonary artery
the proximal arterial roots attached to the “correct ven- shunt is needed if the patient developes significant
tricles,” the distal ascending aorta to the arterial root cyanosis after pulmonary artery banding. Frequently,
attached to the left ventricle (neoaortic root, native the left ventricle can be trained in a relatively short
pulmonary root) and the distal main pulmonary artery period of time (days) allowing for a complete repair
to the arterial root attached to the right ventricle within the same hospitalization [19, 20]
(neopulmonary root, native aortic root). Very impor- For complex TGA with left ventricular outflow tract
tantly, the coronary arteries need to be harvested from obstruction and a ventricular septal defect there are
the native aorta and reimplanted in the neoaorta. The three surgical options. The Rastelli repair is frequently
neopulmonary root is reconstructed with a patch of utilized and involves the creation of an interventricular
pericardium. When present, the atrial septal defect tunnel, funneling the left ventricular blood into the

Fig. 33.5  The arterial switch operation. (a) The ascending aorta performing the Lecompte maneuver, the distal aorta is anastomosed
is anterior to the main pulmonary artery in transposition of to the neoaortic root and the coronary arteries are reimplanted, (e)
the great arteries, (b) both great vessels are transected, (c) the the neopulmonary root is reconstructed with a pericardial patch,
coronary buttons are harvested from the native aorta, (d) after (f) the pulmonary artery anastomosis is performed
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 367

anterior aorta; a conduit is used to established right moved into the pulmonary position, closer to the left
ventricle to pulmonary artery continuity (Fig.  33.6). ventricle, avoiding the creation of an interventricular
Another alternative is the R.E.V. (Réparation a l’Etage tunnel (Fig. 33.8). The right ventricular outflow tract
Ventriculaire) procedure, it involves the enlargement can be repaired with or without a conduit. This proce-
of the ventricular septal defect to create a more direct dure results in a more “normal” anatomic result which
communication between the left ventricle and the aorta could result in better long-term outcomes.
and a direct anastomosis between the right ventricle Patients who present later in life with an infra-systemic
and the pulmonary arteries, avoiding the use of a con- left ventricle may also be candidates, in some circum-
duit (Fig.  33.7). Finally, in the Aortic Translocation stance, to an atrial switch operation (a Mustard or a
procedure (Nikaidoh procedure) the aortic root is Senning procedure).

Fig.  33.6  Rastelli repair. (a) Transposition with a ventricular blood into the aorta, (c) the main pulmonary artery is transected,
septal defect and pulmonary stenosis, (b) the interventricular tunnel (d) after performing a right ventriculotomy, a conduit is placed
is created with a prosthetic patch, funneling the left ventricular between the right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries
368 R. Komarlu et al.

Fig.  33.7  R.E.V. Procedure (Lecompte procedure). (a) direct communication between the left ventricle and the aorta, (c)
Transposition with a ventricular septal defect and pulmonary the main pulmonary artery is transected and the Lecompte
stenosis, (b) the outlet septum is resected, enlarging the VSD, maneuver performed, (d) a direct anastomosis between the right
and the interventricular tunnel patch is placed; it results in a more ventricle and the pulmonary arteries is created

33.6  Postoperative Management multiple sutures lines [21]. To better organize the post-
operative management in a more didactic manner, it is
divided by system:
33.6.1  D
 -TGA and Intact Ventricular
Septum  Cardiovascular Management
The corrective surgical procedure of this constellation
includes ASO and post balloon ASD closure. The main The infant may or may not arrive with the chest open
complications following the ASO include: low cardiac into the intensive care unit. The current trend is chest
output syndrome, mitral regurgitation, coronary insuf- closure in an uncomplicated ASO. Details of TEE
ficiency and/or ischemia, supravalvar aortic stenosis must be immediately available to the intensive care
(AS) and pulmonary stenosis (PS), and bleeding along physician. Typical inotropic support includes low dose
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 369

Fig. 33.8  Aortic translocation procedure (Nikaidoh procedure). position and the ventricular septal defect is closed, (c) the
(a) The aortic root is harvested from the right ventricle, with or Lecompte maneuver is performed. (d) a direct right ventricle to
without the coronary arteries attached, and the proximal main pulmonary artery anastomosis is performed; a patch of peri-
pulmonary artery is transected, (b) after dividing the outlet cardium is used to augment the usually hypoplastic main
septum the aortic root is moved and sutured in the pulmonary pulmonary artery

dopamine (3–5 µg/kg/min), low dose epinephrine important to remember that ECMO is only a tran-
(0.05–1 µg/kg/min), milrinone (0.75 µg/kg/min), and sient support and an exhaustive search for potential
sodium nitroprusside (1–3 µg/kg/min). Some institu- underlying pathology to rule out residual surgical
tions may routinely use nicardipine as an afterload lesions, suboptimal myocardial preservation, and/or
reducing agent. The doses will be titrated according to excessive tissue stretching/damage during the repair
the clinical condition and patient’s hemodynamic sta- must be completed. After repair, the echocardio-
tus. It is of paramount importance that the intensivist gram, CVP, and left atrial pressure are monitored
avoids high inotropic support. If a particular infant routinely. In addition, lactate levels, mixed venous
requires high inotropic support to maintain borderline saturations, and NIRS values as well as basic physi-
hemodynamics, the best approach is to use ECMO cal exam findings are checked to ensure sufficient
until the ventricular function recovers. Likewise, it is cardiac output.
370 R. Komarlu et al.

The electrocardiogram is crucial for monitoring 5–6  cm/H2O, and FIO2 to maintain saturations of
potential arrhythmias, coronary insufficiency, and/or 98–100% in patients without intracardiac shunts.
infarct. The ECG must be compared to the pre-opera-
tive ECG. If coronary insufficiency is suspected, IV
nitroglycerine drip may be started. Atrial arrhythmias  F
 luid, Electrolytes and Nutritional
can be seen due to ASD closure; however, ventricular Management
arrhythmias should alert the intensivist to coronary
anastomosis problems. At this time, a diagnostic Twenty four hours after surgical repair parenteral nutri-
echocardiogram (looking for regional wall abnormali- tion is begun with Dextrose concentration between
ties) and a cardiac catheterization must be requested as 20–25%, protein intake around 3 g/day, and fat intake
soon as possible. around 3–3.5 g/kg/day. Enteral nutrition is commenced
High left atrial pressure usually is indicative of LV once the infant reaches hemodynamic stability.
dysfunction and mitral regurgitation. Atrial wave form
should be analyzed; prominent V wave is most likely
consistent with significant mitral regurgitation (MR).
Additionally, the pulmonary venous pressure and pul-  Hematologic Management
monary pressure will be elevated secondary to LV dys-
function. Nitric oxide is contraindicated in this setting Bleeding is a common complication after ASO and
and, thus, patients may benefit from a generous after- occurs more commonly when the procedure involves a
load reduction, low atrial “tolerable” rates for age, and long CPB time and cross clamp time. In addition, the
careful fluid administration. In general, once ventricu- ASO procedure involves placement of multiple suture
lar dilation and function improves, the mitral regurgi- lines which are potential sources of bleeding. One
tation improves. In cases of MR, the left ventricular method which could possibly be used to treat this com-
systolic function may be overestimated by echocar- plication includes transfusion of either platelets, fresh
diography due to the unloaded ventricle. frozen plasma, or cryoprecipitate. If bleeding persists
above 7–10  ml/kg/h, chest re-exploration should be
considered at the bed side. It is not unusual that blood
clots may compress some coronary branches causing  Respiratory Management ischemia and cardiovascular collapse.

Once patients are hemodynamically stable without

significant residual anatomic lesions, extubation should
be promptly administered following the universal ICU  Gastrointestinal Management
criteria. Extubation failure in the setting of no residual
heart disease and no significant lung disease should Liver and pancreatic function tests such as amylase
alert the clinician to the presence of diaphragmatic and lipase should be monitored. PO intake is encour-
paralysis. During chest closure the intensive care phy- aged after 24 h of extubation. Careful attention must
sician must closely monitor lung volumes, compliance, be paid to changes in the quality and quantity of the
and flow ventilator curves as, not infrequently, sur- chest and peritoneal drainage after enteral feeds are
geons may press on the ETT during surgical interven- started (chylothorax and chyloperitoneum).
tion and respiratory deterioration may occur following
cardiovascular collapse. Prior to chest closure patients
must have the endotracheal tube suctioned and a pace-  Renal Management
maker must be at the bedside with the pacing wires
connected. If the infant has the chest closed after the Furosemide and thiazides are the most commonly
ASO, patient should be ventilated with tidal volumes used diuretics. Furosemide is frequently started within
of 10–12 cc/kg, peak pressure sufficient to expand the 6–12 h after repair (dose 0.1–0.4 mg/kg/h). The aim is
lungs( avoid over-distention and collapse), PEEP to achieve negative fluid balance within 24–48 h after
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 371

repair; this will facilitate chest closure and the extubation seen as complications of VSD closure (see specific
process. It is frequently observed that as the peritoneal chapters for management).
drainage decreases urine output reaches its maximal

33.6.3  D
 -TGA With Ventricular Septal  Neurologic Management Defect and Pulmonic Stenosis

Some centers routinely perform EEG 12–24  h post  Rastelli Repair
repair to detect seizure activity. Although this practice
is controversial (low yield), it may be advisable to In this repair, an intraventricular baffle across the VSD
request an EEG at least 1–2 h post repair and, if abnor- is used to connect the left ventricle with the aorta. To
malities are seen, the test is extended as long as it is connect the right ventricle to the pulmonary artery, a
clinically necessary. The most important issue for this conduit is placed between the two structures. Potential
practice is to select a group at risk that deserves close complications during the postoperative period include:
follow up. Following the same principle complete head low cardiac output syndrome, biventricular dysfunction,
ultrasounds may be performed post repair. conduction abnormalities, arrhythmias, baffle obstruc-
tion (murmur, decreased systemic perfusion, weak
pulses, renal failure, etc), baffle leak, and/or RV-PA con-  Infectious Disease Management duit obstruction/compression by the sternum (murmur,
RV hypertension, cyanosis, and RV dysfunction).
At Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, vancomycin and
third generation cephalosporins are routinely used until
the chest is closed. Following closure, a first generation  Nikaidoh Operation
cephalosporin is used until the chest tubes are removed.
The incidence of mediastinatis is almost nonexistent in The Nikaidoh operation and its modifications involve
this institution. Central lines must be discontinued as harvesting the aortic root (separating it from the RV),
soon as possible to decrease the risk of nososocomial extensive dissection and individual transfer of the cor-
infections. If patients need long term intravenous onary arteries, and reconstruction of the right ventricu-
access, a Broviac catheter or a peripherally inserted lar outflow tract establishing an anatomic connection
central catheter (PICC) may be placed [21]. between the RV and the pulmonary tree. This opera-
tion allows a better alignment of the right and left ven-
tricular outflow tracts. It is especially useful in the
presence of an inlet or restrictive ventricular septal
33.6.2  D
 -TGA and Ventricular Septal defect, a hypoplastic right ventricle, a straddling atrio-
Defect ventricular valve, and an anomalous coronary artery
course interfering with the right ventricular outflow
In addition to the postoperative care issues mentioned tract. The postoperative period can be complicated by
in d-TGA with intact ventricular septum, VSD closure low cardiac out syndrome, ventricular dysfunction,
represents an additional challenge [22]. Patients in this and coronary ischemia.
category are at higher risk for ventricular dysfunction
including low cardiac output syndrome, conduction
abnormalities, and other co-morbidities (related to  P
 hysiologic Correction: Senning
CPB time) than patients with simple transposition. and Mustard Procedure
Transesophageal or trans-thoracic echocardiogram
must be completed to assess function, AV valve regur- The objective of atrial switch operations involving
gitation, and residual VSD. Transient/complete heart either a Senning (use of the atrial wall and septal
block and/or junctional ectopic tachycardia can be ­tissue) or Mustard (use of the autologous pericardial
372 R. Komarlu et al.

tissue) procedure is to create an atrial arterial concordance death and one patient required heart transplantation
and atrio-ventricular discordance (physiologically due to left ventricular dysfunction [30].
corrected transposition of the great arteries). Currently, Late complications of d-TGA after repair include
these procedures are performed as part of the double supravalvar aortic stenosis, supravalvar pulmonary
switch operation for l-TGA and they are not the stenosis, development of neo-aortic root dilation and
procedures of choice for DTGA. There are two intrac- neo-aortic regurgitation, sinus node dysfunction,
ardiac baffles to reroute the systemic venous blood arrhythmias, coronary artery abnormalities, and, rarely,
across the mitral valve and the pulmonary venous sudden death.
return across the tricuspid valve. A number of short
and long term complications have been published
including systemic and pulmonary venous baffle
obstruction and leaks, tricuspid and mitral valve References
regurgitation, right ventricular dysfunction, and
dysrhythmia [23]. Obstruction of the systemic venous 1. Samanek M, Voriskova M. Congenital heart disease among
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leak from the pulmonary venous blood to the pulmo- tion of discordant atrioventricular connections. Cardiol
nary ventricle would cause a left-to-right shunt with Young. 2006; 16(suppl 3):72–84.
ventricular overload. Conversely, baffle leak from the 4. Bajolle F, et al. Rotation of the myocardial wall of the out-
flow tract is implicated in the normal positioning of the great
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would result in right-to-left shunt with oxygen desatu- 5. Praagh RV. Segmental approach to diagnosis. In: Lock JE,
ration and ventricular volume overload. Keane JF, Fyler DC, ed. Nadas’ Pediatric Cardiology,
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2006:39–46.
6. Anderson RH, Weinberg PM. The clinical anatomy of trans-
position. Cardiol Young. 2005; 15 (suppl 1):76–87.
7. Gremmels DB, et al. Accuracy of coronary artery anatomy
33.7  Long Term Outcome using two-dimensional echocardiography in d-transposition
of great arteries using a two-reviewer method. J Am Soc
Echocardiogr. 2004;17(5):454-460.
The long term outcome after the arterial switch proce- 8. Pasquini L, et al. Diagnosis of coronary artery anatomy by
dure has been satisfactory in most patients; however, two-dimensional echocardiography in patients with trans-
results are strongly influenced by the surgical learning position of the great arteries. Circulation. 1987;75(3):
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9. Rudolph AM. Aortopulmonary transposition in the fetus:
free survival rate including late death in one study was speculation on pathophysiology and therapy. Pediatr Res.
82.2% at 10 years and 75.7% at 15 years in patients 2007;61(3):375-380.
who had the arterial switch procedure. Several publi- 10. Wernovsky G. Transposition of the great arteries. In Allen
cations have documented evidence of neurologic HD, Shaddy R, Feltes T, ed. Moss and Adams’ Heart Disease
in Infants, Children, and Adolescents : Including the Fetus
abnormalities after the ASO; [26, 27] nevertheless, and Young Adult, Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/
this is a moving target and the future care of these Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008:1038–1086.
patients implies not only an improvement in survival 11. Fyler DC, Fulton DR. D-Transposition of the great arteries.
in simple and complex TGA, but also ensures that In: Lock JE, Keane JF, Fyler DC, eds. Nadas’ Pediatric
Cardiology, Philadelphia: Saunders; 2006:645–662.
these infants have a good quality of life [28, 29]. 12. Steeg CN, et  al. “Bedside” balloon septostomy in infants
Abnormal CNS has been documented in patients with with transposition of the great arteries: new concepts using
congenital heart disease even prior to surgery. two-dimensional echocardiographic techniques. J Pediatr.
Regarding the Nikaidoh operation, since 1996, 21 1985;107(6):944-946.
13. Mandell VS, et al. The “laid-back” aortogram: an improved
patients have undergone aortic translocation at angiographic view for demonstration of coronary arteries in
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and at the Congenital transposition of the great arteries. Am J Cardiol.
Heart Institute of Florida. There was only one early 1990;65(20):1379-1383.
33  Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries 373

14. Soongswang J, et  al. Mortality in potential arterial switch 23. Khairy P, et al. Long-term outcomes after the atrial switch
candidates with transposition of the great arteries. J Am Coll for surgical correction of transposition: a meta-analysis
Cardiol. 1998;32(3):753-757. comparing the Mustard and Senning procedures. Cardiol
15. Jaillard S, et al. Preoperative ECMO in transposition of the Young. 2004;14(3):284-292.
great arteries with persistent pulmonary hypertension. Ann 24. Kang N, et  al. Extending the boundaries of the primary
Thorac Surg. 2005;79(6):2155-2158. arterial switch operation in patients with transposition of the
16. Lacour-Gayet F, et al. Surgical management and indication great arteries and intact ventricular septum. Circulation.
of left ventricular retraining in arterial switch for transposi- 2004; 110(11 suppl 1): II123–II1237.
tion of the great arteries with intact ventricular septum. Eur 25. Brown JW, Park HJ, Turrentine MW. Arterial switch opera-
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17. Helvind MH, et al. Ventriculo-arterial discordance: switch- Thorac Surg. 2001;71(6):1978-1984.
ing the morphologically left ventricle into the systemic 26. Bellinger DC, et  al. Neurodevelopmental status at eight
circulation after 3 months of age. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. years in children with dextro-transposition of the great arteries:
1998;14(2):173-178. the Boston circulatory arrest trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
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for arterial switch despite late referral. Cardiol Young. 27. Gaynor JW, et al. Patient characteristics are important deter-
2003;13(1):49-52. minants of neurodevelopmental outcome at one year of age
19. Jonas RA, et al. Rapid, two-stage arterial switch for transposi- after neonatal and infant cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc
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20. Yacoub MH, Radley-Smith R, Hilton CJ. Anatomical correction transposition of the great arteries. Circulation. 2003;108(7):
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septal defect in infancy. Br Med J. 1976;1(6018):1112-1114. 29. Dunbar-Masterson C, et  al. General health status of children
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22. Cohen MS, Wernovsky G. Is the arterial switch operation as tricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis, and hypoplasia of
good over the long term as we thought it would be? Cardiol the right ventricle. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007;31(3):
Young. 2006; 16(suppl 3): 117–124. 552-554.
Chapter 34
Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries
(ccTGA) or Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries (l-TGA)

Rukmini Komarlu, Victor O. Morell, Michael Tsifansky, and Ricardo Muñoz

The congenitally corrected aortopulmonary transposition have a common ventricle [1, 4], and in them an
(ccTGA), also called l-TGA, is characterized by atrioven- associated aortic outflow obstruction is common [1].
tricular discordance and ventriculoarterial discordance Pulmonary outflow tract obstruction occurs in up to
(Fig. 34.1). The right atrium is connected to the mor- 44% of cases [4], and is often due to subvalvar obstruc-
phologic left ventricle, which, in turn, is connected to tion by fibrous tissue tags (57%) [2], but valvular
the pulmonary artery. The morphologic left atrium is pulmonary stenosis or atresia also occurs. In the
connected to a morphologic right ventricle, which presence of a VSD, the degree of cyanosis is directly
pumps blood into the aorta. The aorta is anterior and proportional to the amount of pulmonary stenosis.
leftward of the pulmonary artery. Therefore, in ccTGA Abnormalities of the AV node, including dual AV node
deoxygenated blood passes from the right atrium into with an abnormal His bundle, are quite common in
the pulmonary artery, and the oxygenated blood returns patients with ccTGA, and many ultimately develop
to the left atrium and is ultimately distributed to the complete heart block [5], which can occur spontane-
body through the aorta [1, 2], and, in contrast with the ously at any point during intra- or extra-uterine life.
D-TGA, results in normal physiology of blood flow. The risk of natural onset AV block is approximately
This anomaly is extremely rare, comprising 0.6–1.4% 2% per year after diagnosis [6]. Tricuspid valve and
of all congenital heart defects, with the male-to-female VSD surgery also frequently precipitate complete heart
ratio of 1.3:1 [3]. block. The mitral valve is abnormal in 39–55% of
About 94% of ccTGA cases are associated with patients [1, 7], showing more than two cusps, abnor-
other cardiovascular lesions [1], with the most com- mal chordae and papillary muscles, dysplasia, or a
mon abnormalities involving the tricuspid valve (in up cleft [7]. The coronary arteries show the so-called
to 91% of patients) [4]. When ccTGA and Ebstein’s “mirror image distribution.” The right coronary artery
anomaly coexist, the tricuspid valve and right atrial distributes like the morphologic left coronary artery,
morphology is different from the “classical” Ebstein’s giving rise to the circumflex and anterior descending
in that the anterior leaflet is not sail-like, and the atrial- branches. A larger arterial branch crosses the morpho-
ized part of the right ventricle is relatively small [23]. logically right ventricular outflow tract in 61% of
A ventricular septal defect, usually perimembranous, cases, which is important for the planning of the right
is found in up to 79% of patients, and in some of them, ventriculotomy, and a main coronary arterial branch
the tricuspid valve straddles the ventricular septum, crosses the pulmonary artery in 96% of cases [8]. Other
forbidding biventricular repair. Some patients may cardiac anomalies in patients with ccTGA include dex-
trocardia (24–32%), situs inversus (3%) [1, 4], right
aortic arch, anomalous pulmonary venous return, atrial
septal defects (46%), complete AV canal, and patent
R. Komarlu (*)
ductus arteriosus. Patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and
Pediatric Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of
UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA ccTGA can also have coarctation of the aorta (1.4%) or
e-mail: aortic atresia [9].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 375
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_34, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
376 R. Komarlu et al.

[3]. In the absence of associated cardiac anomalies,

some patients may remain functional and seek medical
advice only as adults [12]. The condition may go undi-
agnosed until late adulthood, when it is found on
echocardiogram done for an abnormal ECG, atypical
chest pain, or signs of RV failure [13].
On physical exam, left parasternal lift and a systolic
murmur akin to mitral regurgitation can be heard at the
left sternal border in the presence of tricuspid regurgi-
tation. A systolic impulse can be felt in the second or
third left intercostal space with a loud and single
second sound. A murmur of pulmonic stenosis may
be heard at the mid left sternal border. The cardiac
impulse may be maximal on the right side of the chest
in the presence of dextrocardia.

34.3  Chest X-ray

Chest X-ray may show dextrocardia, mesocardia, or

Fig.  34.1  Congenitally corrected transposition of the great
arteries levocardia; the vascular pedicle may be narrow due to
the loss of the normal arterial relationship. Cardiomegaly
may be evident.
34.1  Embryology

Corrected transposition in visceroatrial situs solitus devel-

ops when the primitive heart tube loops to the left instead
34.4  ECG
of the right, resulting in the lack of spiral rotation of the
conotruncal septum [22]. Therefore, the aorta is con- Electrocardiographically, the presence of Q waves in
nected to the morphologic right ventricle, and the pulmo- the right, but not left, precordial leads suggests the
nary artery is connected to the morphologic left ventricle. diagnosis of ccTGA. Because of the ventricular inver-
The ventricles are attached to the normally positioned sion, the right and left bundles are inverted, resulting in
atria, making this abnormality physiologically corrected. septal activation from right to left. Varying degrees of
Based on fetal diagnosis and follow-up, survival from the AV block can occur.
in utero diagnosis to birth is 75–80% [10, 11].

34.5  Echocardiography
34.2  Clinical Presentation
Echocardiography allows an easy assessment of the
Patients with ccTGA may seek medical advice at any interatrial and interventricular septa, the atrioventricular,
age, depending on the presence and severity of associ- aortic and pulmonary valves, and the global biventricular
ated cardiac anomalies. Infants with a large ventricular function, although the presence of dextrocardia may
septal defect, severe tricuspid regurgitation, aortic make structure identification challenging. Subcostal
coarctation, or aortic arch defects are early to experi- views demonstrate the atrial situs and the position of
ence congestive heart failure. They may be cyanotic, the cardiac apex. Short-axis and apical four-chamber
if the pulmonary blood flow is decreased. Atrial and views show the ventricular morphology, mitral-pulmonary
ventricular arrhythmias, and varying degrees of AV fibrous continuity and ventriculoarterial discordance.
block can also bring these patients to medical attention High parasternal short-axis view demonstrates the
34  Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries (ccTGA) or Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries 377

abnormal arterial relationship, with the aorta anterior a systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt before proceeding
and leftward of the pulmonary artery. The aortic arch with a complete repair. At Children’s Hospital of
should be carefully interrogated for the presence of Pittsburgh we prefer to perform the double switch
coarctation, interruption, or PDA. Coronary artery procedure at about 1 year of age. The timing of tricus-
anatomy should be identified, although it is often pid valve repair or replacement in these patients remains
easier to do by cardiac MRI or by high-resolution CT uncertain. The mid and long-term outcomes may
scan. Transesophageal echocardiography is extremely improve if tricuspid valve replacement is performed in
helpful in making the diagnosis in adults, especially patients with a right ventricular ejection fraction greater
for the determination of atrial situs and presence of than 44% [13]. An exercise stress test may help assess
tricuspid regurgitation [14]. impaired exercise tolerance even before functional
limitations occur, indicating the need for a tricuspid
valve procedure. In patients under 10 years with right
34.6  Cardiac Catheterization ventricular dysfunction, with or without tricuspid insuf-
ficiency, a double switch surgery after left ventricular
Cardiac catheterization can assess systemic AV valve retraining using a pulmonary artery band is an option.
regurgitation, systemic ventricular function, the hemo- Patients with significant tricuspid regurgitation may
dynamics of any associated anomalies, the left and the benefit from a pulmonary banding that would decrease
right heart pressures and the pulmonary vascular resis- the regurgitation by increasing the LV (subpulmonary
tance. Transient or complete heart block can occur due ventricle) pressure, therefore partially compressing the
to catheter manipulation during the procedure. In older RV (systemic ventricle) inducing remodeling and a
patients, coronary angiography is important prior to decrease of the tricuspid annulus.
surgical intervention.

34.9  Surgical Techniques

34.7  Preoperative Management
The approaches to surgical management of patients
Congestive heart failure in patients of any age is with ccTGA can be grouped into two options: a physi-
managed with diuretics, inodilators or other afterload ologic repair and an anatomic repair.
reducers, and sodium restriction. Complete heart block After physiologic repair, the right ventricle remains
is common, but placement of an endocardial pacemaker the systemic ventricle, and any other associated lesion
can precipitate deterioration in RV function and wors- is repaired. Although simpler, this approach results in
ening of tricuspid regurgitation. a right ventricle dependent systemic circulation, which
Cyanotic neonates with severe PS, right ventricular has negative long-term implications, mainly RV failure
outflow tract obstruction, or pulmonary atresia benefit and tricuspid regurgitation.
from PGE1 infusion and optimization of Qp/Qs in prepa- After anatomic repair, the left ventricle becomes the
ration for a systemic-to-pumonary artery shunt. Cyanotic systemic ventricle, and the outcomes should be better.
infants and children with ccTGA beyond the neonatal Nevertheless, the repair involves some form of a
period tend to be more stable, and their surgical out- technically challenging double switch procedure.
comes are less compromised by poor preoperative status
[15]. Patients should always receive prophylaxis for
bacterial endocarditis.
34.9.1  The Double Switch procedure

34.8  Timing of Surgery The “double switch operation” encompasses several tech-
niques depending on the associated lesions, including:
Patients in need for surgery usually have either signifi- 1 . An atrial switch with an arterial switch
cant cyanosis or significant pulmonary overcirculation. 2. An atrial switch with a Rastelli procedure
Cyanotic neonates and small infants commonly undergo 3. An atrial switch with an aortic translocation
378 R. Komarlu et al.

All of these require cardiopulmonary bypass and car- VSD before diverging into the bundle branches [3].
dioplegic arrest. Figures 34.2 and 34.3 depict the two atrial Division of the outlet septum (required during the aortic
switch procedures, the Mustard and the Senning interven- translocation procedure) does not result in complete
tions. The arterial switch, the aortic translocation, and the heart block, but closure of the VSD may injure the con-
Rastelli procedure have been described in the chapter 33 duction tissue (Fig. 34.4). Not surprisingly, a significant
related to d-TGA. The operative mortality of the double number of patients will develop postoperative or sponta-
switch is reported around 10% [16, 17]. neous heart block and require pacemaker placement.

34.9.2  VSD Closure 34.9.3  Single Ventricle Repair

It is important to recognize that in patients with atrioven- Patients with straddling atrioventricular valves, multiple
tricular and ventriculoarterial discordance the conduc- ventricular septal defects or associated ventricular
tion tissue runs anterior and cephalad to the pulmonary hypoplasia should be considered for univentricular
valve and then descends along the anterior margin of the palliation [18].

Fig.  34.2  The Mustard procedure. (a-b) A right longitudinal return into the right ventricle via the posteriorly located tricus-
atriotomy is made, and the atrial septum is aggressively resected, pid valve. (d) The right atriotomy is closed; now the pulmonary
preserving the medial ridge. (c) A dumbbell-shaped patch of venous return drains into the left ventricle via the anteriorly
autologous pericardium is used to redirect the systemic venous located mitral valve
34  Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries (ccTGA) or Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries 379

Fig. 34.3  The Senning Procedure. (a-b) Via a right atriotomy, a (e) The systemic venous baffle is created by suturing the posterior
laterally based flap of atrial septum is created and moved posteri- edge of the right atrial incision to the medial rim of the atrial sep-
orly, over the orifices of the pulmonary veins, becoming the roof of tum. (f) The pulmonary venous channel is created by suturing the
the pulmonary venous baffle. (c) Frequently, a segment of pericar- anterior edge of the right atrial incision along the external surface
dium is needed to augment the flap. (d) A separate incision is made of the systemic venous baffle (around the superior and inferior
in the left atrium, just anterior to the right-sided pulmonary veins. cava) and to the lateral edge of the left atrial incision
380 R. Komarlu et al.

Fig. 34.4  (a) The atrioventricular conduction bundle (in red) runs in the anterosuperior margin of the defect. (b) Along the antero-
superior margin of the VSD, interrupted sutures are placed along the RV side in order to avoid injuring the conduction system

34.10  Postoperative Management 34.10.2  C

 omplications of the Atrial
The postoperative management depends on the repair
of the associated lesions, including pacemaker place- • Systemic venous baffle obstruction: These patients
ment, release of right ventricular outflow tract obstruc- can have SVC syndrome, plethora, anasarca, and
tion, Blalock–Taussig shunt placement, tricuspid valve low cardiac output syndrome. Rapid bedside
repair, ventricular septal defect closure, conventional echocardiographic diagnosis of the obstruction
Rastelli, double switch operation, atrial switch and must be made and decision taken to proceed with
intraventricular rerouting, and a Fontan type surgery cardiac catheterization or surgical reintervention.
[17]. With the exception of the double switch, specific • Pulmonary venous baffle obstruction: These patients
postoperative care of associated lesions is described in show clear signs of pulmonary edema. Gas exchange
their respective chapters. worsens and high ventilatory settings are often
needed (increased PEEP, tidal volumes and FiO2).
Pulmonary venous return falls leading to a decrease
in systemic cardiac output. Echocardiogram, cardiac
34.10.1  D
 ouble Switch Operation
catheterization and/or surgical reintervention may
(Atrial and Arterial Switch) be indicated.
• Baffle leaks may lead to ventricular volume overload
The postoperative care addresses the potential compli- and systemic desaturation may be present and may,
cations of the atrial switch (Senning or Mustard opera- depending on the severity, require interventional
tions) and the arterial switch operations. catheterization or surgical reintervention.
34  Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries (ccTGA) or Levo-Transposition of the Great Arteries 381

• Atrial arrhythmias, conduction disturbances or sick 2. Anderson RH, Becker AE, Gerlis LM. The pulmonary out-
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Postoperative management of the arterial switch oper-
Paediatr Scand. 1976;65:153–160.
ation has been described elsewhere, in the chapter 4. Allwork SP, Bentall HH, Becker AE, et al. Congenitally cor-
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dant atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial connections). Br
The main long-term complication of ccTGA is failure of Heart J. 1986;55:475–479.
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30% without them develop RV dysfunction by 45 years of the systemic atrioventricular valve: association with
aortic arch obstruction. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1991;18:
of age [19]. The prevalence of complete heart block and 1056–1058.
tricuspid regurgitation also increases with age. 10. Paladini D, Volpe P, Marasini M, et al. Diagnosis, char-
Historically, patients undergoing conventional repair acterization and outcome of congenitally corrected
have shown survival rates of 61% at 15 years [20] and transposition of the great arteries in the fetus: a multi-
center series of 30 cases. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol.
48% at 20 years [21] after the initial repair. Slightly more 2006;27:281–285.
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16 years, and 35% required placement of a pacemaker. and ventriculoarterial discordance (congenitally corrected
Nearly half have required tricuspid valve surgery by the transposition of the great arteries): echocardiographic fea-
tures, associations, and outcome in 34 fetuses. Heart.
age of 40 years. The most common cause of death was 2005;91:1453–1458.
reoperation (36%); other causes included sudden death, 12. Presbitero P, Somerville J, Rabajoli F, Stone S, Conte MR.
progressive myocardial failure, and documented arrhyth- Corrected transposition of the great arteries without associ-
mias [21]. Risk factors for death included RV end-dia- ated defects in adult patients: clinical profile and follow up.
Br Heart J. 1995;74:57–59.
stolic pressure >17 mmHg and RV dysfunction before 13. Beauchesne LM, Warnes CA, Connolly HM, Ammash NM,
surgery, complete heart block after surgery, subvalvular Tajik AJ, Danielson GK. Outcome of the unoperated adult
pulmonary stenosis, and Ebstein malformation of the tri- who presents with congenitally corrected transposition of
cuspid valve [20]. A recent study found that more than the great arteries. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40:285–290.
14. Caso P, Ascione L, Lange A, Palka P, Mininni N, Sutherland
moderate tricuspid regurgitation and cardiopulmonary GR. Diagnostic value of transesophageal echocardiography
bypass time longer than 240  min increased the risk of in the assessment of congenitally corrected transposition of
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regurgitation was a risk factor for late mortality [17]. 135:43–50.
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Chapter 35
Truncus Arteriosus

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Steven Goldberg, Victor O. Morell, Bertrand Léobon,

Mohammed Ly, Chokri Kortas, and Alain Serraf

Truncus Arteriosus (TA) is a rare congenital cardiac truncal and mitral valves, but it presents with a larger
malformation, firstly described by Wilson in 1798 and annulus. Leaflets are most often dystrophic resulting in
reported with an incidence between 0.006 and 0.043 stenosis and/or regurgitation. This unique semilunar
per 1,000 live births. It accounts for 0.7% of all con- truncal valve is in most cases tricuspid (69%), but may
genital cardiac malformations [1] and for 1–2% of also be quadricuspid (22%) or bicuspid (9%). Uni,
congenital heart diseases identified at autopsies. This penta, and hexacuspid valves have been rarely described
disease occurs with equal frequency in male and female [4]. No other semilunar valve is found in these cases.
gender and it has no racial preference. The function of this valve has to be precisely analyzed
TA has been defined as an anomaly in which the before surgery to decide if it can be preserved or not.
aorta, the coronary arteries and the pulmonary arteries Usually, the truncal valve overrides equally the ven-
arise from a single vessel (common truncus) originated tricular septal defect over right and left ventricle. But
from the cardiac chambers. There is no remnant or quite often, the truncal valve is deviated on the right
rudimentary pulmonary artery arising separately from and may result in a narrowing of the left ventricle outflow
the heart. after repair of the ventricular septal defect.
TA may be an isolated anomaly or associated with The partial or complete failure of the aortopulmo-
chromosomal anomalies. The most commonly associated nary septation results in the common arterial trunk and the
condition is the 22q11- deletion [2, 3]. This deletion absence of infundibular septum results in the ventricu-
may have an impact on the complications associated lar septal defect under the truncal valve. The ventricular
with the surgical correction of the TA. septal defect is large and juxta truncal. Its inferior part
is usually muscular (posterior limb of the trabecula
septomarginalis) and remote from the tricuspid valve.
Occasionally, this muscular part does not exist or is
35.1  Anatomy very thin, and the lower limit of the ventricular septal
defect can be very near the tricuspid valve and the con-
duction system, which can be injured during repair.
Persistant TA is a conotruncal anomaly that consists of
Pulmonary arteries arise from the common trunk,
a unique arterial trunk that leaves the heart giving rise
close to the truncal valve, from a short posterior
to the coronary arteries, the pulmonary, and the systemic
pulmonary trunk, separately from the posterior wall,
arteries. This anomaly is usually diagnosed in a context
or in a random fashion often associated with an inter-
of situs solitus with a ventricular D-loop.
rupted aortic arch.
The truncal valve is located in the normal aortic
Many associated anomalies have been reported:
valve position, with a fibrous continuity between
• There is a left superior vena cava in 4–12% of
E.M. da Cruz (*) • In most cases coronary arteries distribution is normal,
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of
Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA but anomalies may occur in around 15% of patients
e-mail: [4–6]

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 383
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_35, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
384 E.M. da Cruz et al.

–– A big infundibular artery or even a left descending 35.2  Classifications

artery originating from the right coronary artery
can cross the infundibulum (prominent conus
Two classifications are commonly used. The classification
branch of the right coronary artery supplying the
from Collet and Ewards, described in 1949 [14], is
right ventricular outflow tract) and have to be
based on the origin of the pulmonary arteries (Fig. 35.1).
respected by the infundibulotomy.
Type I is defined by the presence of a main pulmonary
–– A small leftward-displaced left anterior descend-
trunk, arising from the ascending aorta giving the two
ing coronary artery may be present.
pulmonary arteries. In Type II, the pulmonary arteries
–– An origin of the posterior descending artery
arise from close but separated ostia on the common
from the circumflex artery may be seen in 27%
arterial trunk, whereas these ostia are widely separated
of patients.
in Type III. Type IV, where pulmonary arteries are
–– Anomalies of coronary ostial origin are docu-
coming from the descending aorta is now considered
mented in 37–49% of patients.
like a form of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia
–– Some coronary arteries may also arise from
in which pulmonary blood supply is achieved by
variable level of the TA and have to be identified
aortopulmonary arteries (pseudo TA).
not to be injured during surgery.
In the Van Praagh classification, defined in 1965 [4],
• The aortic arch on the right in 21–36% of patients differences in the types of TA are based on the embryo-
[4, 5, 7]. logical septation (Fig.  35.2). Type A is defined by the
• In 11–19% of patients, there is an interrupted aortic presence of a ventricular septal defect and Type B by its
arch, most commonly a type B (in Van Praagh’s absence. These types are completed by four extracardiac
type 4 TA) [4, 5, 7, 8]. patterns for the aorta and pulmonary arteries
• Hypoplasia of the aortic arch with or without coarc-
• Type 1 presents a partially formed aortopulmonary
tation occurs in 3% of patients [8].
septum resulting in a segment of main pulmonary
• In 16% of patients, one pulmonary artery is absent
trunk. It is the most frequent type (about 60%) and
on the side of the aortic arch [9].
corresponds to Collet’s Type I.
• The mitral valve may be dysplastic.
• Type 2 has no aortopulmonary septum and thus no
• Other associations:
main pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries originating
–– A secundum atrial septal defect in 9–20% of directly from the TA (about 30%, corresponding to
patients. Collet’s types II and III).
–– An aberrant subclavian artery in 4–10% of • Type 3 is very rare and defined by a unique pulmo-
cases. nary artery originating from the TA, the second one
–– Mild tricuspid stenosis in 6% of cases. coming from the ductus arteriosus or from an
–– Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connec- aortopulmonary artery (hemitruncus).
tion, tricuspid atresia, mitral atresia, ventricular • Type 4 corresponds to an aortic arch interruption
inversion, and an asplenia complex [9–13] have downstream the left common carotid artery. After
been described as rare. the pulmonary bifurcation, a large patent ductus
arteriosus supplies the descending aorta and the left
Patients with TA may also have extracardiac anomalies
subclavian artery.
in 21–30% of cases. The most common association
is the 22q11- deletion or Digeorge sequence. This
anomaly has been documented in one-third of all
TA and in two-thirds of patients with a type B
35.3  Pathophysiology
interrupted aortic arch and may have a significant
impact in the postoperative course and in the long-
term prognosis of these patients. Other described Since the common trunk receives blood from both
associated anomalies include skeletal deformities, ventricles, a VSD is almost always present [15, 16].
hydroureter, bowel malrotation, and multiple complex This ventricular septal defect is usually large. The pre-
anomalies [6]. dominant physiological characteristic of this disease is
35  Truncus Arteriosus 385

Fig. 35.1  Truncus Arteriosus (TA), classification of Collet and Edwards

therefore a significant left-to-right shunt, unless the If an interrupted aortic arch is associated, patients
pulmonary arteries are hypoplastic or stenotic or the become very symptomatic early in life, associating
pulmonary vascular resistances are elevated. Infact, pulmonary overcirculation with pulmonary hyper-
like for any other left-to-right shunt, the degree of tension and cardiac failure, with signs of low cardiac
shunting depends to a great extent on the ratio of resis- output and left obstruction. Nevertheless, in type 4 TA,
tances between the systemic and the pulmonary circu- the pulmonary arteries often are stenotic, protecting
lations. As pulmonary vascular resistances decrease the patients against overcirculation.
over the first few weeks of life, patients develop signs
of cardiac failure.
Truncal valve regurgitation and stenosis are seen in
10–15% of patients each. If truncal insufficiency is 35.4  Diagnosis
severe, signs and symptoms of heart failure may also
appear shortly after birth.
• Clinical presentation:
In the uncommon situation in which infants have
stenosis of the pulmonary arteries, obvious cyanosis Most patients present in the neonatal period. Clinical
may be present at birth and intensify with age [6], presentation depends on the Qp/Qs, hence, patients
although these patients have less cardiac failure. with stenosis of the pulmonary arteries are essentially
386 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 35.2  TA, classification of Van Praagh

cyanotic, whereas patients without pulmonary protection also have a hyperdynamic precordium, a left precordial
develop signs of cardiac failure and failure to thrive over bulge, and cardiac auscultation may reveal a gallop
the first 2–4 weeks of life. Neonates may also appear rhythm and the presence of murmurs. A dysplastic and
mildly cyanotic because of high pulmonary vascular stenotic truncal valve may be the source of a pansys-
resistances. Feeding difficulties may be secondary to the tolic murmur and also of a diastolic high-pitched
TA, but caregivers must pay attention to the association murmur, directly proportional to the degree of the
with 22q11- deletion, which may also have an impact associated regurgitation, if any. Stenotic pulmonary
on the feeding capacities. Patients with very high Qp/Qs arteries will explain the presence of a systolic murmur,
may ultimately associate cyanosis to the signs of cardiac irradiated towards the side of the affected artery.
failure, due to pulmonary interstitial edema. A thrill is present in patients with increased Qp/Qs. The
Patients with excessive pulmonary flow present first sound is normal and the second sound may be
with clinical signs of cardiac failure and of diastolic unique and loud. An ejection click may also be heard.
steal from the truncal vessel towards the lungs, namely
failure to thrive, tachycardia, tachypnea, excessive
sweating, bounding pulses, and significant systemic The ECG findings in the neonate may be varied and
systolo-diastolic pressure differential. These patients even normal. It usually shows a sinus rhythm and signs
35  Truncus Arteriosus 387

of biventricular hypertrophy. ECG is useful to rule-out for cardiac catheterization for diagnostic purposes,
the exceptional scenario of myocardial ischemia and as since it comprehensively shows:
a baseline study for any eventual postoperative event.
• The conotruncal anomaly, with the ventricular bal-
• Chest X-ray: ance, the ventricular function, and the interventric-
ular septal defect.
Chest radiography shows a cardiomegaly frequently
• The origin and configuration of the pulmonary
present since birth. The aortic arch may be right-sided.
arteries allowing the definition of the type of TA.
In patients with high Qp/Qs, as the pulmonary vascular
• The anatomic and functional characteristics of the
resistances decrease, cardiomegaly as well as pulmo-
truncal valve.
nary vascular markings increases progressively, reflecting
• The origin and distribution of the coronary arteries.
the excessive blood flow. With the increased venous
return to the left heart, the left atrium may be enlarged
and compress the left bronchus. Venous congestion
may also be noted as the left ventricle dilates – with
both the increased left return and the truncal valve
regurgitation – and fails in more aged patients. In
patients with stenotic pulmonary arteries or in late sur-
vivors with elevated pulmonary resistances, pulmonary
vascular markings will be normal or decreased and the
cardiomegaly is mild unless induced by severe truncal
regurgitation. The absence of thymus suggests the
association with 22q11- deletion.
• Echocardiography
Echocardiography is the cornerstone reference for
diagnosis and follow-up of patients with TA Fig.  35.3  Echocardiography showing a TA with a dysplastic
(Figs. 35.3–35.6). It has significantly reduced the need truncal valve (arrow)

Fig. 35.4  Echocardiography showing a type 1 TA (Ao aorta; MPA main pulmonary artery; LPA left pulmonary artery)
388 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 35.5  Echocardiography showing a TA with a moderate regurgitation of the truncal valve

Fig. 35.6  Echocardiography showing a type 1 TA (1: ventricular septal defect; 2: mild to moderate regurgitation of the truncal
valve; 3: pulmonary artery bifurcation)
35  Truncus Arteriosus 389

• The anatomy of the aortic arch; elucidates the aberrant origin of the right retroesophageal subclavian
association with interrupted aortic arch and aberrant artery. It may also help defining systemic and pulmo-
retroesophageal right subclavian artery. nary venous connections, anomalies of the origin and
• Any other associated anomaly. course of the coronary arteries, and the spatial relation-
ship between vascular and airway structures.
Echocardiography also facilitates the immediate
perioperative evaluation of the surgical repair using
transesophageal techniques. The main differential
diagnosis prior to intervention is to be established 35.5  Management
with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia with
ventricular septal defect.
Total repair of TA should be performed in the early
• Cardiac catheterization life, unless contraindicated by prematurity of extracardiac
morbidity. However, some patients require preoperative
Cardiac catheterization is still performed to confirm
management of specific problems to optimize conditions
anatomic and physiologic details whenever the echocar-
for the surgical procedure.
diography is not elucidative or if there is suspicion of
multiple ventricular septal defects or complex associated
anomalies. It is particularly useful in late survivors
who present with severe pulmonary arterial hyperten- 35.6  Preoperative Medical Management
sion and in whom there is a need to study pulmonary
vascular resistances and their response to therapy.
Patients with TA who have pulmonary artery resistances 35.6.1  Cardiovascular Management
above 8  Wood units/m2 have higher operative and
postoperative mortality [9, 17]. Patients with significant truncal valve regurgitation or
In patients who have been previously operated and cyanosis due to pulmonary edema may benefit of a
require reintervention (i.e., right ventricle to pulmonary milrinone infusion until surgery. Milrinone improves
artery conduit replacement), cardiac catheterization may myocardial contractility, reduces the afterload of the ven-
be useful in identifying coronary artery anatomy that tricular mass, and the left atrial pressure. Nevertheless,
can be obscured by the presence of pericardial adhe- particular care must be taken with excessive systemic
sions when assessed by echocardiography. vasodilation that might compromise coronary perfusion.
In patients with elevated Qp/Qs, O2 ought to be
• Other studies
carefully administered since, by inducing pulmonary
vasodilation, it may facilitate further pulmonary over-
MRI is a useful noninvasive method that enables a circulation and increasing of the pulmonary edema
noninvasive anatomic diagnosis of TA and can in some with systemic low cardiac output. In exceptional cases,
cases replace cardiac catheterization, particularly in aged subatmospheric therapy may be needed.
patients. MRI is currently recognized by pediatric cardi- Diuretics are indicated in these patients in order to
ologists and cardiac surgeons as an inevitable technique decrease the preload and the degree of pulmonary
for the preoperative and postoperative evaluation of some edema. Loop diuretics may be administered in boluses
heart diseases [18]. It provides information about the or as a continuous infusion.
anatomic characteristics of the vascular anomalies and Fluid restriction should be avoided because of the
their relation to the bronchial system. It also allows a impact on the caloric input.
reliable functional evaluation of the ventricular perfor-
mance and provides flow information determining the
degree of truncal valve stenosis or regurgitation.
35.6.2  Respiratory Management
• CT scan
CT scans are useful for the evaluation of anomalies of the Symptomatic patients may require noninvasive positive
aortic arch and anomalies of vascular structures like the pressure in the form of CPAP or BiPAP. It improves
390 E.M. da Cruz et al.

pulmonary edema and reduces systemic afterload, hence For the large majority of TA (about 90%), in the
improving the stroke volume. When mechanical ventila- absence of truncal valve dysfunction or aortic arch
tion is required, caregivers should provide conditions to interruption, surgical repair consists in the separation
reduce or limit pulmonary vascular flow. Hyperventilation of the pulmonary arteries from the truncal vessel, the
should therefore be avoided. The objective is to provide closure of the ventricular septal defect, and the recon-
low respiratory rate, tidal volume, peak pressures and struction of the right ventricular outflow tract with the
FiO2, keeping oxygen saturations in the range of 75–85%. placement of a valved conduit towards the pulmonary
When the excessive Qp/Qs is refractory to these mea- arteries. In cases with truncal valve dysfunction,
sures, patients may need deep sedation, the use of muscle although techniques of repair have been described,
relaxants and subatmospheric gases. replacement by a homograft is often indicated. Last,
for TA with aortic arch interruption, a reconstruction
of the aorta is mandatory.
The type of surgical repair depends on the anatomic
35.6.3  Nutritional Management form:
• Repair of isolated TA
Preoperative nutrition is crucial and may have an
impact in the postoperative course. Early enteral feeding Isolated forms of TA (nearly 90% of cases) correspond
is therefore recommended. Patients in whom enteral to Van Praagh’s types A1 and A2 and to Collett’s types
feeding is contraindicated or limited should be started I, II, and III.
on parenteral feeding as soon as possible. After sternotomy and fixation of a pericardium
patch in glutaraldehyde, cardiopulmonary bypass is
established between the distal ascending aorta and
both vena cava. The procedure may nowadays be
35.6.4  Other achieved under continuous high flow, high hematocrit
normothermic cardio pulmonary bypass. After pulmo-
Patients with excessive Qp/Qs improve with measures nary artery control, aortic cross clamping, and car-
that optimize systemic flow. This includes, other than dioplegia, the common TA is open, a pulmonary trunk
the use of systemic vasodilators, diuretics, and ade- or an aortic patch including the two pulmonary arteries
quate ventilation, the increasing of blood viscosity is harvested. This defect on the ascending aorta is gen-
with transfusion of red blood cells. erally repaired only by termino terminal anastomosis
Taking into account the high incidence of 22q11- between the aortic root and the distal ascending aorta.
deletion, a sample for genetic analysis (FISH) should Both pulmonary branches are well mobilized. Through
be systematically sent to the laboratory. a right ventriculotomy starting immediately under the
truncal valve, the ventricular septal defect is exposed
and closed by a pericardial or prosthetic patch. The
patch must be large to avoid narrowing of the left ven-
35.7  Surgical Management tricular outflow and its lower fixation has to preserve
the conduction system. The right ventricle outflow
As previously discussed and to summarize, TA induces tract is then reconstructed with a small size pulmonary
cyanosis due to blood mixing at the level of the VSD, or aortic homograft or with a valved prosthetic con-
and a left-to-right shunt at the arterial level, responsible duit, placed between the pulmonary bifurcation and
for heart failure and quick development of a severe the right ventriculotomy (Fig. 35.7). All these materials
pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, frequently are unable to grow and will undergo degradation
after 6 months. Survival after surgical repair has greatly requiring iterative replacement.
improved by early repair, and most authors recom- To avoid such material, surgical techniques have
mend treating these children before 1 month of age. been developed using autologous tissues [19]. These
Surgical repair is always indicated except for late techniques consist in a mobilization of the pulmonary
survivors with high pulmonary vascular resistances trunk or bifurcation towards the right ventriculotomy
(Eisenmenger’s syndrome). and the anastomosis of its posterior wall to the top of
35  Truncus Arteriosus 391

Fig. 35.7  Truncus Arteriousus Type I repair. (a) Type I TA. (b) First, the pulmonary trunk is separated from the truncus. (c) Then through
a right ventriculotomy the VSD is closed and a valved conduit is used to establish RV to PA continuity. (d) The completed repair

the ventriculotomy, directly or using the left atrial Intraoperative commisurotomy is sufficient in most
appendage. An anterior hood is made of pericardium cases and must be conservative to avoid postoperative
to complete the anterior part of the right outflow tract. regurgitation.
To avoid dramatical consequences of postoperative Preoperative regurgitation is frequent, due to the
pulmonary hypertension, a monocuspid valve is implanted dystrophic truncal valve leaflets. Mild to moderate
in the right outflow tract, but ultimately pulmonary regurgitation may be respected. For severe regurgita-
regurgitation appears as the main drawback of this tion a valvuloplasty should be attempted (Fig. 35.8).
technique. If a valvuloplasty is not possible, the truncal
Finally, although it is not the author’s policy, some valve is replaced by a cryopreserved aortic homograft.
surgeons may preserve a small (5  mm) atrial septal The truncal valve is removed, the ventriculotomy is
defect as a security in case of pulmonary hypertensive prolonged through the truncal annulus, and the supe-
crisis or right ventricular failure [20]. rior edge of the patch used for the ventricular septal
defect closure becomes the anterior part of the new
• Repair of TA with truncal valve dysfunction
annulus where the homograft is sutured. Coronary
Truncal valve stenosis is rare and often overestimated arteries are then implanted in the homograft before
preoperatively because of the increased blood flow. distal anastomosis to the distal ascending aorta.
392 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 35.8  Truncal valve repair. (a) Options for valve repair in the presence of a quadricusp truncal valve with a prolapsing leaflet
include: (b) leaflet and aortic sinus resection or (c) commissural closure

• Repair of TA with aortic arch interruption • Repair of hemitruncus

TA with aortic arch interruption corresponds to Van For hemitruncus repair, the pulmonary artery origi-
Praagh’s type A4 TA. For this repair, cardiopulmonary nating from the ductus arteriosus or the descending
bypass is modified to avoid circulatory arrest. The aorta is detached and then branched on the pulmonary
authors use a PTFE prosthetic tube anastomosed to arterial tract forming a new pulmonary bifurcation.
the brachiocephalic arterial trunk for the arterial can-
nulation in order to achieve a continuous anterograde
cerebral perfusion during partial circulatory arrest
necessary for the reconstruction of the aortic arch. 35.8  Postoperative Management
After section of the pulmonary trunk from the TA, all
the ductal tissue is resected. The descending aorta is Postoperative management after TA repair varies
mobilized as far as possible, and in most cases, its with the anatomic form and may be impacted by
posterior wall can be sutured to the longitudinal the duration of CPBP, the aortic cross-clamp and the
incision of the ascending aorta. The large anterior and circulatory arrest time. Residual lesions will also
inferior defect of the ascending aorta and aortic arch is complicate postoperative course and must absolutely
reconstructed with a patch of autologous aorta or be ruled-out in patients who do not progress unevent-
vascular homograft. Cerebral perfusion is then con- fully. Most of the potential complications develop
verted to total, and conventional cardiopulmonary essentially during the peak of the inflammatory process
bypass is initiated. The VSD is closed followed by the throughout the first 48 h. The main complications to
right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction towards be anticipated and prevented if possible are pulmo-
the pulmonary arteries, following the procedure nary hypertensive spells and low cardiac output
described for other types of TA (Fig. 35.9). syndrome (LCOS).
35  Truncus Arteriosus 393

Fig. 35.9  Repair of TA with aortic interruption. The technique separating the pulmonary trunk from the truncus and closing the
utilized to repair the aortic interruption involves a direct anasto- VSD, a valved conduit is used to establish RV to PA continuity
mosis (superiorly) with patch augmentation (inferiorly). After

35.8.1  Monitoring 35.8.2  General Measures

Taking the above information into account, and During the acute phase, patients should be mobilized
although this varies with the institutions, most patients and manipulated as minimum to decrease the risks for
require indwelling pulmonary and left atrial catheters, pulmonary hypertensive spells.
as a complement to the central and the arterial lines. With the same goal, potential triggers for pulmonary
Noninvasive monitoring is based on heart rate with ECG, hypertension ought to be prevented. These include volume
respiratory rate, and peripheral oxygen saturation, as a overload, pain or agitation, fever, metabolic or respiratory
minimal requirement. Transcutaneous CO2 and NIRS acidosis, hypoxia, and anemia to mention some.
are also important tools to use, although this is not a Patients should be kept in an anabolic status for
generalized practice. which early nutrition is crucial.
394 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Caregivers must pay attention to risks related to the patients should progress towards spontaneous breathing
presence of a 22q11- deletion, particularly with regards and extubation as soon as possible, although con-
to metabolic disturbances, airway complications, and sideration has to be taken for the risks of pulmonary
sepsis. hypertension. The latter factor is more prevalent in
patients’ repaired later in life or who have had a complex
repair. Sometimes, extubation is deferred by a systematic
delayed sternal closure. All respiratory collateral com-
35.8.3  Fluid Management plications (pleural efusion, atelectasis, or pneumothorax)
should be aggressively managed.
After total repair of TA on CPBP, patients must be Minimal manipulation of the airways is also essential
restricted to 50% of their requirements on day one, to prevent pulmonary hypertension.
followed by 75% on day two and 100% from day three. It is important to ensure an adequate oxygenation
Obviously, these recommendations must be individu- and to maintain pH levels between 7.40 and 7.45, with
alized and adapted to the patient’s hemodynamic, pCO2 around 30–35 mmHg.
respiratory, and metabolic status. During pulmonary hypertensive crisis, patients may
be managed with hyperoxygenation and hyperventila-
tion and often require a supplemental dose of sedation,
analgesia, and muscle relaxants.
35.8.4  Sedation and Pain Control The use of inhaled nitric oxide has been an outstanding
tool to manage these patients. Some institutions promote
After total repair, TA patients are under risk of the use of preventive nitric oxide, although there is no
developing pulmonary hypertensive crisis and should evidence-based data supporting this practice. Patients
be maintained well sedated and under analgesia for who require nitric oxide or remain dependent of it may
at least 12–24  h or until there is confirmation of a be candidates for the use of sildenafil.
consistent hemodynamic stability, with a combination Patients who remain unstable and refractory to the
of opioids and benzodiazepines to be titrated to the medical management of severe pulmonary hyperten-
minimal efficient dose. Titration and length of treatment sion may require mechanical assistance (ECMO).
with these drugs also depends on the type of interven-
tion and characteristics of the patients. Infants with
22q11- deletion are often more difficult to wean from
the ventilator due to associated anatomic or functional 35.8.6  Cardiovascular Management
airway anomalies. Delayed chest closure is also a fac-
tor that might determine the length and strength of Hemodynamic management also depends on the type
sedation and analgesia. of repair.
Muscle relaxants may be required in patients who The recommended association consists on drugs with
remain unstable and who have refractory pulmonary inotropic effect (milrinone, dopamine, dobutamine)
hypertensive crisis, however should not be used and systemic vasodilators (milrinone, phentolamine,
systematically. phenoxybenzamine, sodium nitroprusside, nitroglyc-
Dexmedetomidine, propofol, ketamine, or clonidine erine). Infact, lusotropic drugs like milrinone are the
drips may be used in specific cases. most common choice, sometimes associated with low
dose epinephrine as required.
If the right ventricle is hypertrophic and poorly
compliant, higher filling pressures may be required
35.8.5  Respiratory Management and beta-blockers may be useful to decrease the
cardiac rate thus optimizing the ventricular filling
These patients are very sensible to cardiopulmonary (diastolic) time. Esmolol is, in this scenario, a good
interactions. Provided an adequate and consistent hemo- compromising since easy to titrate and its short
dynamic stability is documented and in the absence of half-life offers an advantage in patients who poorly
bleeding, neurologic, respiratory, or metabolic concerns, tolerate it.
35  Truncus Arteriosus 395

Loop diuretics are usually initiated throughout the all identified metabolic disturbances. Particular attention
first day. must be paid to the calcium, magnesium, potassium,
After total repair of a TA, a number of scenarios and sodium levels in these patients.
may occur, requiring more specific or aggressive Refractory cases need ECMO and this strategy should
hemodynamic management: be utilized sooner than later when the trend does not
show an adequate response to the medical treatment.
a) Right ventricular dysfunction
c) Residual lesions
Right ventricular dysfunction, both systolic and
diastolic may be secondary to multiple causes: elevated Patients who do not progress well, need to be evaluated
pulmonary pressures, residual left-to-right shunts, for residual lesions. Clinical examination remains
coronary compression by the conduit, and also the important to develop a pathophysiological assessment.
impact of the ventriculotomy. The consequence of this Echocardiography is the main tool used for this purpose
is an inadequate forward flow and the development of but complementary investigations may be required. In
right-sided failure with venous congestion, hepato- patients with a pulmonary catheter, a Qp/Qs estimation
megaly, and ascitis. This will also result in the increase may also reveal important data.
of afterload for vital organs like the kidneys and the The main lesions to rule-out are:
gut. Echocardiography is essential to rule-out residual
• Residual ventricular septal defects
shunts, assess the ventricular function and also to
• Residual aortic arch obstruction
define the anatomy of the reconstructed outflow tract
• Residual stenosis or significant regurgitation of the
and pulmonary arteries. Significant obstruction and/
truncal valve
or regurgitation may be documented and require a
• Right ventricular outflow tract obstructions
reintervention. Nevertheless, in most cases of right
• Pulmonary obstructions or conduit regurgitation
dysfunction, progressive improvement is observed
• Coronary compression
overtime. In case of doubt or whenever echocardiography
• Poor ventricular function
is not able to completely elucidate the hemodynamic
conditions, a cardiac catheterization is indicated and Prognosis in these patients depends on anticipation.
may also allow percutaneous intervention. Early identification of these problems and their rectifi-
These patients require higher right filling pressures cation by medical or surgical measures is essential.
and the use of lusitropic drugs. Ventilatory measures
d) Arrhythmias and conductive disorders
and eventually inhaled nitric oxide may be used to try
to optimize the reduction of the right ventricular Arrhythmias are not uncommon after total repair of a TA.
afterload that would promote an increase in the stroke The most common disturbances are supraventricu-
volume and the reduction of the conduit regurgitation. lar tachycardias and junctional ectopic tachycardia.
Ventricular arrhythmia should induce urgent assessment
b) Left ventricular dysfunction
of the coronary arteries and myocardial perfusion.
This situation, refleted in a LCOS, is the most com- Conductive disorders may also be identified. The
mon complication after pulmonary hypertension. It incidence of complete heart block for this anomaly is
may be secondary to: pulmonary hypertension, right around 3–5% (please consult chapter 53 related to
ventricular failure, the presence of residual defects Arrhythmias).
or the intrinsic changes induced by the CPBP, the Right bundle brunch block is almost constantly
stress-response, and the inflammatory syndrome. documented after TA repair.
Patients may persist with relatively adequate blood
pressure but their stroke volume and tissue oxygen
delivery will be suboptimal. The consequence will be
35.8.7  M
 anagement of Electrolytic
the progressive development of low peripheral perfusion,
reduced urine output, metabolic or lactic acidosis, and Acid–Base Status
decreasing of the sVO2, and of the NIRS values.
Management is based upon the use of milrinone, low Acidosis is a potential trigger for pulmonary hypertensive
dose of dopamine and epinephrine, and compensation of crisis and should be avoided. Meticulous correction of
396 E.M. da Cruz et al.

metabolic acidosis with sodium bicarbonate or with 35.8.11  M

 anagement of Gastrointestinal
THAM is recommended. Ventilatory parameters Issues
must also be adapted to the blood gases in order to
preserve an adequate acid–base status. Electrolytic
disturbances should also be systematically rectified. Early enteral feeding, at least for trophic stimulation
Calcium chloride may be required on a regular basis is not contraindicated, unless patients course with
as a bolus or as a continuous infusion in patients with LCOS that predispones to splanchnic hypoperfu-
22q11- deletion. sion and increases the theoretical risk for necrotizing
enterocolitis. NIRS may be a useful tool to assess risks
and tolerance to feeding in these neonates and infants.
Patients who cannot be enterally fed, should be started
35.8.8  Management of Renal Function on early total parenteral nutrition. H2-antagonists or
proton-pump inhibitors are recommended during
the acute phase. Hepatic and pancreatic function should
Urine output may remain marginal during the first be carefully monitored, particularly once feeding is
48–72 h. The early use of loop diuretics in boluses or resumed.
as a continuous infusion is recommended, provided
that an adequate renal preload and circulatory volume
is ensured. It is common to insert a peritoneal catheter
in the perioperative phase that helps palliating a 35.9  Results
deficient urine output. Some teams recommend
the systematic replacement of fluid losses through the
Reported perioperative mortality for children operated
peritoneal catheter with albumin during the first 24 h.
on for TA in neonate period varies from 10 to 15%
Peritoneal catheters should be removed as soon as
[21–23]. This rate is higher for older children with
possible, when patients are deemed to have normal
augmented pulmonary vascular resistances, interrup-
urine productivity.
tion of the aortic arch, or truncal valve insufficiency.
All patients with a valved conduit will need reopera-
tion for stenosis and/or pulmonary regurgitation. Age
for these reoperations is variable according to the size
35.8.9  Neurologic Management
of the first conduit or homograft and its alteration.
The evolution of a truncal valve dysfunction may
A preoperative brain ultrasound is recommended as a also lead to reoperation for truncal valve replacement.
baseline evaluation and should be controlled after the Long-term survival is about 80–85% at 20 years
intervention. Management of neurologic complications is [24], with, for most patients a normal quality of life.
discussed in a specific chapter in this book (chapter 61). Without treatment, the natural history courses
towards death, with a survival described around 20% at
1 year of age. Nevertheless, some patients have been
reported to survive until their third, fourth, or fifth
35.8.10  Management of Infectious Issues decade [25, 26].

Protocols concerning antibiotic prophylaxis vary

within countries and even institutions. Cefazolin
remains probably the most widely used antibiotic for References and Further Reading
this purpose and Vancomycin replaces the former in
MRSA positive patients. 1. Perloff JK. Truncus arteriosus. In: Perloff JK, ed. The
Patients with 22q11- deletion, those with an open Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease. 4th ed.
Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1994:686–702.
chest and on ECMO require close monitoring of the 2. Momma K, Matsuoka R, Takao A. Aortic arch anomalies
infectious markers. Early broad-spectrum antibiotic associated with chromosome 22q11 deletion (CATCH 22).
cover should be indicated in case of suspected sepsis. Pediatr Cardiol. 1999;20:97–102.
35  Truncus Arteriosus 397

3. Radford DJ, Perkins L, Lachman R, Thong Y. Spectrum of Di arteriosus in the neonate. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993;105:
George syndrome in patients with truncus arteriosus: expanded 1057–1066.
Di George syndrome. Pediatr Cardiol. 1988;9:95–101. 22. Hanley FL, Heinemann MK, Jonas RA, Mayer JE, Cook
4. Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S. The anatomy of common NR, et  al. Repair of truncus arteriosus in the neonate.
aorticopulmonary trunk (truncus arteriosus communis) and J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1993;105:1047–1056.
its embryologic implications. A study of 57 necropsy cases. 23. Lacour-Gayet F, Serraf A, Komiya T, Sousa-Uva M,
Am J Cardiol. 1965;16:406–425. Bruniaux J, et  al. Truncus arteriosus repair: influence of
5. Calder L, Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S, et  al. Truncus techniques of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction.
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logic findings in 100 patients. Am Heart J. 1976;92:23–38. 24. Rajasinghe HA, McElhinney DB, Reddy VM, Mora BN,
6. Mair DD, Edwards WD, Julsrud PR, et al. Truncus arterio- Hanley FL. Long-term follow-up of truncus arteriosus repaired
sus: congenital cardiovascular defects. In: Moss AJ, Adams in infancy: a twenty-year experience. J Thorac Cardiovasc
FH, eds. Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents, Surg. 1997;113:869–879.
Including the Fetus and Young Adults. 5th ed. Baltimore, 25. Hicken P, Evans D, Heath D. Persistent truncus arteriosus with
MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1995:1026–1041. survival to the age of 38 years. Br Heart J. 1966;28:284–286.
7. Butto F, Lucas RV Jr, Edwards JE. Persistent truncus arterio- 26. Silverman JJ, Scheinesson GP. Persistent truncus arteriosus
sus: pathologic anatomy in 54 cases. Pediatr Cardiol. 1986;7: in a 43 year old man. Am J Cardiol. 1966;17:94–96.
95–101. 27. Jonas R. Truncus arteriosus. In: Jonas R, ed. Comprehensive
8. Crupi G, Macartney FJ, Anderson RH. Persistent truncus Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease. 1st ed.
arteriosus. A study of 66 autopsy cases with special reference Grean Britain: Arnold; 2004:429–439.
to definition and morphogenesis. Am J Cardiol. 1977;40: 28. Keane J, Fyler D. Truncus arteriosus. In: Keane J, Lock J,
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9. Mair DD, Ritter DG, Davis GD, et  al. Selection of patients PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2006:767–771.
with truncus arteriosus for surgical correction; anatomic and 29. Chiu I, Wu M, Ming-Ren C, Shyh-Jye C, Wang J. Anatomic
hemodynamic considerations. Circulation. 1974;49:144–151. relationship of the coronary orifice and truncal valve in truncus
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truncus arteriosus. Chest. 1990;98:239–241. Surg. 2002;123:350–352.
11. Gumbiner CH, McManus BM, Latson LA. Associated 30. Hosseinpour A, Shinebourne E. Assessment of operability
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12. Rao PS, Levy JM, Nikicicz E, Gilbert-Barness EF. Tricuspid 31. Pigula F, Mahnke B, Agnastopolous P, Casta A, Muñoz R,
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13. Rice MJ, Andrilenas K, Reller MD, McDonald RW. Truncus 2003;126:1650–1652.
arteriosus associated with mitral atresia and a hypoplastic 32. Haydar S. Lecompte maneuver in truncus arteriosus repair:
left ventricle. Pediatr Cardiol. 1991;12:128–130. potential risks!. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996;62:1241.
14. Collet RW, Edwards JE. Persistent truncus arteriosus. A 33. Brizard C, Cochrane A, Austin C, Nomura F, Karl T.
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Chapter 36
Double Outlet Right Ventricle

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg, Jeffrey Darst, Deborah Kozik,
David Campbell, Max Mitchell, and François Lacour-Gayet

36.1  Introduction −− Robert H. Anderson [2] created the above described

“50% rule,” which is the most frequently used.
Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV) is a mode of −− Richard Van Praagh [3] defined DORV as essen-
ventriculo-arterial connection that can express several tially a mitro-aortic discontinuity in relation with
“phenotypes.” This conotruncal anomaly that repre- the persistence of the subaortic conus.
sents 0.5–1.5% of congenital cardiac defects, presents −− Yves Lecompte [4] defines DORV as a malposition
with a wide spectrum of anatomical forms depending of the great vessels.
on the location of the ventricular septal defect, the rela- −− Daniel Sidi’s definition focuses on the presence of
tionship between the great vessels and the ventricular double conus.
cavities and the presence of a pulmonary flow obstruc- −− François Lacour-Gayet [5, 6] introduced the “200%
tion. This wide variation has led to many controversies rule,” recognizing the “real surgical” DORV as
over the anatomical definition and the optimal surgical those with the entirety of the two great vessels arising
management. DORV is frequently associated with hyp- from the right ventricle.
oplasia of one ventricle. The most complex forms
Depending on the location of the VSD, four anatomical
remain a surgical challenge for biventricular repair,
types are usually considered [2]:
many centers still preferring the Fontan option.
DORV is often associated with a 22q11- deletion. −− DORV with subaortic VSD
This is important to diagnose as this chromosomal −− DORV with doubly committed VSD
abnormality may influence the postoperative course −− DORV with subpulmonary VSD (Taussig–Bing
and be a source of significant complications. anomaly)
−− DORV with uncommitted or remote VSD
Associated abnormalities are the rule. This anomaly may
be correlated to complex subvalvular obstructions (i.e.,
36.2  Anatomical Definition by a conal septum), with pulmonary or aortic valvular
stenosis or with aortic coarctation or interrupted aortic
If first described by Lev [1], the anatomical definition arch.
has evolved with time. The basic definition states that Anomalies of the origin and the course of the coro-
a DORV has more than 50% of the two great vessels nary arteries are also common.
outlet arising from the right ventricle. Nevertheless, In the most complex cases, some of these associ-
definitions have been multiple and somewhat debat- ated anomalies may contraindicate a total biventricular
able, as expressed in the following examples: repair.
Follows a list of different possibilities:
−− Pulmonary valvar or subvalvar obstruction is the
E.M. da Cruz (*)
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of
most frequent association and can be seen in the
Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA four types, although exceptional in the Taussig-
e-mail: Bing anomaly.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 399
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_36, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
400 E.M. da Cruz et al.

−− Subaortic obstruction is frequent, due to the pres- degree of cyanosis may be mild and pulmonary arterial
ence of a subaortic muscular infundibulum. pressure is elevated, except in the presence of pulmo-
−− The restriction of the VSD is frequent and repre- nary obstruction.
sents a major problem because the left ventricular If a pulmonary stenosis is associated, the degree of
outflow may be obstructed. cyanosis is proportional to the severity of the obstruc-
−− Multiple VSDs and “Swiss-cheese” interventricular tion and pulmonary pressures are obviously low. The
septum are common. degree of cyanosis also depends on the quality of
−− Aortic arch obstruction is quite specific of the intracardiac mixing.
Taussig Bing anomaly. When there is a transposed aorta with a subpulmo-
−− Associated atrioventricular valve malformations nary VSD and no pulmonary stenosis, the anomaly is
include tricuspid and mitral valve straddling. also called a Taussig-Bing complex (10% of cases) and
−− The most complex form is due to the association of its pathophysiology corresponds to that of a TGA with
a complete atrioventricular canal with usually a VSD. These patients therefore have cyanosis and also
right isomerism and the frequent presence of total cardiac failure: the oxygenated blood arriving from the
anomalous pulmonary venous return. left ventricle is steered towards the pulmonary artery
−− The hypoplasia of one ventricle as well as mitral and desaturated blood from the right atrium is ejected
valve atresia are frequent. onto the aorta.
−− The presence of a large left superior vena cava with- In case of doubly committed VSD, clinical presenta-
out bridging vein is frequent and has been consid- tion may mimic a Tetralogy of Fallot or a VSD,
ered as potentially responsible for the hypoplasia of depending on the presence or the absence of pulmo-
the left ventricle. nary obstruction.
−− Pulmonary valve atresia is possible in DORV; the The same pathophysiological scenario occurs when
definition is then questionable as there is only a there is a non-committed VSD, which means the
single outlet, even though there are two infundibu- interventricular communication is far from the great
lar areas in the right ventricle. vessels, by a distance greater than the aortic valve
−− Truncus arteriosus with the truncal valve arising diameter.
from the right ventricle may be called a “double out- The spatial relation of the VSD with the arterial
let” right ventricle by extension of the definition. outlets and the eventual association with a pulmonary
stenosis allow the definition of various functional
types, with common clinical presentation and more
importantly, similar surgical repair.
36.3  P
 athophysiology and Functional
This functional classification (Fig.  36.1) that
Classification follows has been adopted together by the nomencla-
tures of the Association for the European Paediatric
The pathophysiology of DORV depends on the ana- Cardiology (AEPC), the European Association of
tomical associations. The position of the VSD with Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS) and the Society of
regards to the great vessels and the eventual associa- Thoracic Surgery (STS) [7–9]:
tion with pulmonary stenosis plays an essential role in
1. VSD-type DORV:
this pathophysiology.
This variant represents 24% of cases and includes the
Therefore, the spectrum of clinical presentation
DORV with subaortic or doubly committed VSD and no
may vary from a situation of increased pulmonary flow
pulmonary stenosis. The pathophysiology of this asso-
(VSD physiology) when there is no subvalvular or val-
ciation is that of a VSD with a large left-to-right shunt
vular pulmonic stenosis, to a situation of cyanosis
and pulmonary hypertension. In more than one-third of
(physiology of TGA or physiology of tetralogy of
the cases [5, 6, 10] the VSD is restrictive. The great ves-
Fallot if there is a severe stenosis of the right outflow
sels are not always “200%” displaced towards the RV.
tract of the pulmonary valve).
In three-fourth of the cases, the VSD is subaortic 2A.  Fallot-type DORV:
and therefore the aorta receives preferential oxygenated This anatomic form that represents 64% of cases
blood from the left ventricle. As a consequence, the includes DORV with subaortic or doubly committed
36  Double Outlet Right Ventricle 401

Fig. 36.1  Functional classification of the double outlet right ventricle (DORV)

VSD with pulmonary stenosis. The pathophysiology is Rastelli type C. In most cases, the VSD is an AVSD-
the equivalent of a Tetralogy of Fallot. It is often quite Fallot type, with a large superior component, close to
difficult to differentiate these forms from a real the aortic valve [5, 6, 10]. Total anomalous pulmo-
Tetralogy of Fallot as the overriding of the aorta may nary venous return is a frequent association. Most
be partial. In more than one-third of these cases [5, 6, cases are not associated with Down’s syndrome. An
10] the VSD is restrictive. The great vessels seldom intestinal malrotation is also common and should be
arise “200%” from the RV. ruled out. In this form, the great vessels arise “200%”
from the RV.
2B.  D ORV with Atrioventricular septal defect, pul-
monary stenosis and heterotaxy: 3.  TGA/VSD- type DORV (Taussig Bing anomaly):
The pathophysiology of this association is the same The pathophysiology of this anomaly corresponds
as in an AVSD with Tetralogy of Fallot. Clinical to that of a TGA with VSD. There is no pulmonic
progression may be complicated by anomalies pres- stenosis and the VSD is exceptionally restrictive.
ent in heterotaxy, usually a right isomerism. Aortic arch obstruction and subaortic obstruction are
Pulmonary stenosis is the rule and pulmonary atresia frequent. The right ventricle is usually slightly small
is also possible. The AVSD anatomy is usually a but not hypoplastic, unless there is an associated
402 E.M. da Cruz et al.

organic tricuspid valve stenosis. The great vessels The cardiac murmur also depends on this factor and
almost never originate “200%” from the RV. tends to increase in intensity as the degree of obstruc-
tion increases. In patients with predominant cardiac
4. DORV with a non-committed VSD:
failure and no pulmonary protection, a thrill will be
In this anatomic form, the VSD is distant from the
arterial valves by a distance greater than a diameter of
When the VSD is doubly committed there will be
the aortic annulus [11]. The VSD is located below the
mild cyanosis and signs of cardiac failure.
trabecula septo marginalis [12], in contact with the tri-
cuspid annulus [10]. The great vessels arise “200%”
from the right ventricle. In the absence of pulmonary
stenosis, the pathophysiology is that of a single ven- 36.5  Chest X-ray
tricle with unprotected pulmonary blood flow. With
pulmonary stenosis, the pathophysiology is that of a
The chest X-ray reveals cardiomegaly and plethoric
single ventricle with restricted pulmonary blood flow.
lungs in case of subaortic VSD or subpulmonary VSD
without pulmonary stenosis. In case of pulmonary
obstruction, cardiomegaly is mild or absent and lung
vascularity may be normal or decreased depending on
36.4  Clinical Presentation the severity of the stenosis.

The clinical presentation depends on the following

36.6  Echocardiography
−− The position of the VSD with regards to the great
Echocardiography is the cornerstone of diagnosis
−− The position of the great vessels
allowing a detailed definition of the anatomic associa-
−− The presence or the absence of pulmonary
tions (Figs. 36.2 and 36.3) and is also instrumental for
the follow up of operated patients.
−− The presence or the absence of anomalies of the
aortic arch
If the VSD is subpulmonary, patients usually present
in their first 3–6 weeks of life with cyanosis and 36.7  Cardiac Catheterization
signs of cardiac failure secondary to an elevated
Qp/Qs (pulmonary overcirculation): failure to thrive, Cardiac catheterization (Figs.  36.4 and 36.5) is not
breathlessness on feeding, tachycardia, tachypnea and systematically performed in the neonatal period
diaphoresis. Clinical examination reveals a cyanotic although it is sometimes indicated in complex forms or
patient with a hyperdynamic precordium, a thrill on to elucidate coronary anatomy and the suspicion of
palpation, a gallop rhythm and hepatosplenomegaly. multiple VSD. In older patients or in patients with sig-
A soft systolic murmur due to excessive flow may be nificant residual lesions, this technique is very useful
heard at the pulmonary focci. and often provides the possibility of percutaneous
When the VSD is subaortic, patients are diagnosed intervention as a complement to cardiac surgery.
in the same age range once pulmonary resistances
decrease. These patients present with predominant
signs of cardiac failure and excessive pulmonary flow
with some degree of cyanosis. Clinical presentation 36.8  Other
depends to a great extent on the presence and severity
of pulmonary obstruction which is often associated MRI, 3D echo and CT angio scan may be indicated in
with this type of DORV: the degree of cyanosis will be some cases and are evolving techniques that might
proportional and the degree of cardiac failure will be become a referente for noninvasive diagnosis in the
inversely proportional to the severity of the obstruction. near future.
36  Double Outlet Right Ventricle 403

Fig. 36.2  DORV with a non-committed VSD, transposed aorta, pulmonary stenosis (*) and a large conal septum (▼)

Fig. 36.3  Fallot-type DORV. The VSD is subaortic. Notice that the aorta is not fully arising from the RV and that there is a subpul-
monary obstruction (full arrow). There is a mitro-aortic discontinuity (*)

36.9  Preoperative Management 1. In the absence of pulmonary protection (no valvular

or subvalvular pulmonary stenosis): neonates present
Preoperative medical management depends on clinical as if they had a large unrestrictive VSD. In the neo-
presentation. In the neonatal phase, there are three natal phase, these patients are usually asymptomatic
main scenarios: until the age of 3–6 weeks when they present in
404 E.M. da Cruz et al.

cardiac failure. Medical treatment is based upon the

association of loop diuretics with peripheral vasodi-
lators and, in some institutions, with digoxin which
is controversial. Anemia must be prevented or treated
if identified since it may increase the severity of the
left-to-right shunt by lack of viscosity. In case of per-
sistent signs and symptoms of cardiac failure a surgi-
cal intervention is indicated. A total repair is usually
indicated. Nevertheless, depending on the patient’s
characterisitics and the presence of associated
extracardiac anomalies, pallitation is sometimos
required in the form of a banding of the pulmonary

2. In the presence of valvular or subvalvular pulmo-

nary stenosis: clinical tolerance should be assessed
once the ductus arteriosus closes. If the right
obstruction is severe, patients become progressively
cyanosed and may even reveal a ductal-dependency
justifying the administration of endovenous E1
prostaglandins (PGE1). In this case, the indication
Fig. 36.4  DORV with TGA, VSD and obstructed aortic arch of a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt or a percuta-
(Taussig-Bing anomaly). PA pulmonary artery; Ao aorta; RV neous dilatation of the right obstruction will be
right ventricle; LV left ventricle; * VSD mandatory; stenting of the ductus arteriosus has
arised as another interesting alternative. On the
other side of the spectrum, patients with mild pul-
monary stenosis may need medical management
similar to those with a VSD physiology, although
these patients tend to progressively become more
obstructive until reaching a balance. They may also
develop severe stenosis throughout the first few
months of life, requiring palliation.

3. In the presence of associated complex anomalies:

treatment depends on the malformative complex:
the most common situation is that of patients who
require PGE1 for a severe pulmonary or systemic
obstruction. Anomalous pulmonary venous return
is a significant complicating factor that may need to
be rectified in the neonatal period.

36.10  Medical Interventions

Fig. 36.5  cardiac catheterization documenting a DORV with
a non-committed VSD (filled arrow). Both great vessels Interventional catheterization: cardiac catheterization
(PA pulmonary artery; Ao aorta) arise “200%” from the RV.
Notice that the conal septum (*) is part of the RV and unrelated may be useful to perform palliative percutaneous
to the ventricular septation pulmonary valvulotomy in case of obstruction, as an
36  Double Outlet Right Ventricle 405

alternative to surgical shunts. This seems quite chal- 2B.  D ORV with atrioventricular septal defect,
lenging because of the right ventricular outflow tract pulmonary stenosis and heterotaxy:
could well have a severe muscular obstruction by These patients are repaired like patients with a
malalignement of the conal septum. As described Tetralogy of Fallot associated with an AVSD. The right
above, stenting the ductus arteriosus is also an option. ventricular outflow tract is most often stenotic and
In patients in whom the intracardiac mixing is inade- sometimes atretic. For this reason, the repair is under-
quate in spite of the VSD, cardiac catheterization allows taken beyond the age of 6 months, requiring a previous
to perform a Rashkind atrioseptostomy in the neonatal modified Blalock–Taussig shunt if the cyanosis is
period or throughtout the first few weeks of life. severe. The AVSD is a Rastelli type C. The VSD has a
superior component close to the aortic annulus [10].
The real challenge of this form is the association with
a total anomalous pulmonary venous return that needs
36.11  Surgical Management to be repaired in the neonatal period. As for the asso-
ciation AVSD-Fallot, efforts should be undertaken to
maintain pulmonary valve continency. Hence, the use
36.11.1  Biventricular Repair of a valved conduit may be necessary. The patch
required to baffle the VSD to the aorta may sometimes
Provided that there are two viable ventricles, biven- reduce the right ventricular size and a one-and-a-half
tricular surgical repair is nowadays the best option ventricle repair may be needed. This form of DORV
even though more technically demanding than a cavo- clearly requires a technically demanding and challeng-
pulmonary palliation. ing repair.
1. VSD-type DORV: 3. TGA/VSD- type DORV (Taussig Bing anomaly):
Patients present with clinical signs of overcirculation Neonatal total one stage repair consisting in an
due to the association of an unrestrictive VSD and arterial switch, VSD to PA baffle and aortic arch
unprotected pulmonary blood flow. For this reason, reconstruction when needed, is the best option [15–
these children usually require a one-stage biventricular 17]. The Kawashima operation has been abandonned
repair within the first 3 months of life. A pulmonary by most of the teams. A right ventriculotomy is often
artery banding may be considered in selected cases, in needed. A previous palliation with PA banding with
the absence of flow restriction across the VSD. During the coarctation repair is rarely undertaken nowadays and
total repair, the VSD is baffled towards the aorta is reserved to neonates with extracardiac disorders
through the tricuspid valve, although a right ventricu- contraindicating surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass.
lotomy may be necessary. It appears in literature that It remains also an option in less experienced centers,
VSD enlargements are required in more than one-third but it requires the absence of subaortic obstruction.
of the cases [13, 14]. The frequent requirement for The frequent associated subaortic obstruction needs to
VSD enlargement and a right ventricular approach dis- be corrected by division of the parietal band of the
tinguishes this lesion from other anomalies requiring right ventricle and often by right ventricular outflow
VSD repair. tract patch enlargement. The technical challenge of
this neonatal arterial switch is due to the side-by-side
2A.  Fallot-type DORV:
relationship of the great vessels, the complex coronary
These patients present like a Tetralogy of Fallot and
anatomy, the associated subaortic obstruction and
therefore surgical repair is very similar. Nevertheless,
a weight lower than 2.5  kg. Due to the frequent
a modified Blalock–Taussig shunt may be considered
hypoplasia of the neopulmonary annulus, these
in the neonatal period. The total repair involves clos-
patients are at risk for late right ventricular outflow
ing the subaortic VSD with a larger patch and the
tract obstruction [15].
right ventricular outflow tract obstruction is repaired
accordingly. The VSD can be restrictive and may 4. DORV with non-committed VSD:
need to be enlarged in nearly one-third of the cases These patients present with a remote VSD and the
[5, 6, 10]. two great vessels arising “200%” from the RV [18, 19].
406 E.M. da Cruz et al.

This form illustrates, from a surgical standpoint, the

real DORV. Importantly, the VSD lies at a distance
from both the aortic and pulmonary annulus greater
than the aortic diameter [15]. Pulmonary blood flow
obstruction and a restrictive VSD may also be present.
There are different surgical options for these patients
depending on the presence of a pulmonary obstruction
and the possibility of constructing a tunnel between
the VSD and the aorta:
1 . in the absence of pulmonary obstruction:
The tunnelization from the left ventricle towards the
aorta using a large patch or multiple patches [20]
requires the resection of the parietal band. It may addi-
tionally require the reimplantation of the conal tricus-
pid papillary muscle on the baffle patch and a resection
of the subaortic conus. When the VSD is very remote
from the aorta, it is usually close to the pulmonary
annulus. This allows a surgical repair like in the case
of a Taussig Bing anomaly, with a tunelization of the
VSD to the PA and an arterial switch (Fig. 36.6) [15].
2 . in the presence of pulmonary obstruction:
This rare anatomical form raises the most difficult sur-
gical issues.
When the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction
is purely muscular, an arterial switch with VSD to PA Fig. 36.6  DORV with a non-committed VSD and a very remote
baffle and infundibular patch is a good option. aorta. The patch is tunelizing the LV towards the pulmonary
When the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction artery across the VSD. This technique will be complemented
is valvular, a Rastelli [21] type operation or a R.E.V. with and arterial switch
[22, 23] operation (Réparation à l’Etage Ventriculaire
or Lecompte intervention) is indicated when the VSD
reports currently in press [6] tend to prove that the
to aorta tunnel can be safely performed. This requires
enlargement of the VSD does not increase the risk of
closure of the pulmonary outflow and a RV to PA con-
complete heart block nor does it impact on the long
duit (Rastelli) or a Lecompte maneuver (R.E.V.).
term myocardial function.
The Nikaidoh [24] operation has exceptionally been
Univentricular repair is mandatory in specific
reported sucessfully in DORV with non-committed
VSD, as it implies doing a left ventriculotomy and a
very long aortic translocation with a high risk for the a ) Significant hypoplasia of one of the ventricles
coronary transfer. b) Severe atrioventricular valve straddling or overriding
c) Multiple (“swiss-cheese”) ventricular septal defects
d) Surgical learning curve
Also, the tunnelization to the aorta may sometimes
36.11.2  Univentricular Repair reduce too much the right ventricular size, leading to
a one-and-a-half ventricular repair by associating a
The major controversy between biventricular and partial cavo-pulmonary connection. Some authors
univentricular repair in some forms of DORV lies in consider that in such cases, the total cavo-pulmonary
the reluctancy of several teams to enlarge a restrictive connection is a better indication than the one-and-a-
VSD or to resect the conal septum. Nevertheless, several half ventricular repair.
36  Double Outlet Right Ventricle 407

Cardiac transplant may be comtemplated as an drug with an interesting potential for the pediatric car-
alternative in some circumstances. diovascular population.
After total repair of a DORV, patients are main-
tained sedated and under analgesia for at least
12–24 hours or until there is confirmation of a consis-
36.12  Postoperative Management tent hemodynamic stability, with a combination of opi-
oids and benzodiazepines to be titrated to the minimal
Postoperative management varies depending on the efficient dose. Titration and length of treatment with
anatomic and physiologic form and also on the type of these drugs also depends on the type of intervention
intervention. Thus, principles discussed in specific and patients’ characteristics: usually, a VSD closure or
chapters dedicated to the management of VSD, Fallot’s a Rastelli type intervention progress more rapidly than
tetralogy and TGA with VSD are applicable to a great an arterial switch with VSD closure and coarctectomy
extent (see chapters 16, 19 and 33 in this book). or a R.E.V. repair. Delayed chest closure is also a
The most specific problems concern rhythm and factor that might determine the length and strength of
conductive disturbances (persistent atrial tachycardia, sedation and analgesia.
ventricular ectopy, third degree atrioventricular heart Muscle relaxants may be required, however should
block), myocardial ischemic changes and persistent not be used systematically.
subvalvular obstructions (secondary to a prolapse of Dexmedetomidine, propofol, ketamine or clonidine
the VSD patch onto the left ventricular outflow tract or drips may be used in specific cases.
to a VSD with restrictive dimensions).

36.12.3  Fluid Management

36.12.1  Monitoring
Fluid management is based upon the type of intervention.
Invasive monitoring includes an arterial line (to be Palliative surgery does not require fluid restriction
inserted on the right radial artery in case of associated unless the patient is deemed to be volume overloaded.
coarctectomy), a central venous catheter and a left Nevertheless, after total repair on CPBP, patients must
atrial line. A transthoracic pulmonary catheter may be be restricted to 50% of their requirements on day
inserted if the patient is considered at risk of developing one, followed by 75% on day two and 100% from
acute pulmonary hypertensive spells. day three. Obviously, these recommendations must be
Non-invasive monitoring is based on heart rate with individualized and adapted to the patient’s hemody-
ECG, respiratory rate and peripheral oxygen satura- namic, respiratory and metabolic status.
tion, as a minimal requirement. Transcutaneous CO2
and NIRS are also important tools to use.

36.12.4  Respiratory Management

36.12.2  Sedation After a total repair of a DORV, patients are very sensible
to cardiopulmonary interactions. Provided an ade-
Postoperative sedation after palliative interventions quate and consistent hemodynamic stability is docu-
may be superficial although an adequate pain control mented and in the absence of bleeding, neurologic,
ought to be ensured. Patients should be kept comfort- respiratory or metabolic concerns, patients should
able and free of pain, while care is taken to protect progress towards spontaneous breathing and extuba-
their airways and breathing spontaneously, allowing tion as soon as possible. Sometimes, extubation is
early extubation. This can be achieved by associating deferred by a systematic delayed sternal closure. All
non-opioid analgesia with low dose morphine or fenta- respiratory collateral complications (pleural efusion,
nyl and benzodiazepines (in boluses or as a continuous atelectasis or pneumothorax) should be aggressively
infusion). Dexmedetomidine is now published as a managed.
408 E.M. da Cruz et al.

36.12.5  Hemodynamic Management References and Further Recommended

Hemodynamic management also depends on the
background defect and on the type of repair. Further 1. Lev M, Bharati S, Meng CCL, et al. A concept of double-
details are discussed in the chapters related to outlet right ventricle. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1972;64:
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Disease. London: Butterworth; 1981:297.
logic characteristics. 3. Van Praagh S, Davidoff A, Van Praagh R. Double outlet
The recommended association consists on inotropic right ventricle: anatomic types and developmental impli-
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tolamine, phenoxybenzamine, sodium nitroprusside, 1982;13:389–440.
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18. Lacour-Gayet F, Haun C, Ntalakoura K. Biventricular repair 35. Kirklin JW, Pacifico AD, Blackstone EH, et al. Current risks
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Chapter 37
Ebstein’s Disease

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Victor O. Morell, Cécile Tissot, Shannon Buckvold,
Steven Goldberg, Dunbar Ivy, Jill Ibrahim, Lisa Wise-Faberowski, and Afksendyios Kalangos

Ebstein’s disease is a congenital cardiac anomaly that be deprived of its inlet portion. Functional right
occurs with an incidence of approximately 1–5 in obstruction is therefore a common finding.
every 20,000 live newborns, therefore representing 1% Ebstein’s disease may have various degrees of
of congenital cardiac defects. It is the most common severity that have been classified in 1988 by Alain
etiology for congenital tricuspid regurgitation in the Carpentier [1] as follows (Fig. 37.2):
neonatal period as well as later in life. The etiology of
1. Type A: this is a mild form of the disease in which
Ebstein’s anomaly is unknown, however, a number
valvular dysplasia is discrete, the leaflet displacement
of environmental factors have been implicated, namely
is mild and consequently, the right ventricular volume
maternal exposure to varnishing substances and mater-
and functionality are barely affected. Tricuspid regur-
nal use of benzodiazepines and lithium ingestion during
gitation is usually trivial if not absent.
the first trimester of pregnancy.
2. Type B: in this form, leaflet dysplasia and caudal
displacement are moderate and the atrialized portion
of the right ventricle is larger. The anterior leaflet is
redundant and mobile and tricuspid regurgitation
37.1  Anatomy is usually mild or moderate. The size of the right
ventricle is still rather adequate, although in the
In Ebstein’s disease, there is a displacement of the lower acceptable range.
septal and posterior tricuspid leaflets towards the apex 3. Type C: the atrialized portion of the right ventricle
of the right ventricle (Fig.  37.1). These leaflets are is large, the anterior tricuspid leaflet is redundant
usually dysplastic and aberrantly adherent to the ven- but has a limited motion, restricted by the short
tricular wall by multiple, short, anomalous chordae chordae. Since the volume of the right ventricle is
and the anterior component may be redundant. The reduced, the anterior leaflet may be a source of right
result of this anomalous anatomy is the reduction of ventricular outflow tract obstruction.
the right ventricular volume because the inlet portion 4. Type D: the right ventricle is almost completely
between the plane of the annulus and the plane of the atrialized, hence the cavitary volume is confined to
valvular closure is integrated onto the right atrium. the outlet portion. The anterior leaflet, although
This is the so-called atrialized portion that is often redundant, is immobile since the aberrant chordae
diskynetic. The tricuspid annulus and the right atrium are too short and rigid. The only path between the
are usually dilated and can become quite large. right atrium and the pulmonary artery, through the
Depending on the severity of the disease, tricuspid small ventricle, is ensured by the tricuspid antero-
regurgitation will develop and the right ventricle may septal commissure.
Concomitant anatomic abnormalities are present in
39% of patients with Ebstein’s anomaly.
E.M. da Cruz (*)
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of
Atrial septal defects are often found in Ebstein’s
Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA disease; 42–60% of cases have an ASD that plays an
e-mail: important role in the pathophysiology.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 411
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_37, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
412 E.M. da Cruz et al.

4 . The degree of functional or anatomic right obstruction

5. The presence of an atrial septal defect and the
degree of right-to-left shunt
6. he presence and the nature of arrhythmias
7. The degree of left ventricular compression by the
right cavities in older patients
Although the atrialized portion of the right ventricle is
anatomically integrated into the right atrium, it con-
tracts with the right ventricle, causing a backward flow
into the right atrium.
The functional capacity of the right ventricle is
affected by the lack of volume and of diastolic preload,
the functional or anatomic right ventricular outflow
tract obstruction and to significant anomalies of its
geometry. The right cavities may also distort the geom-
etry of the left ventricle and have an impact in both the
diastolic and the systolic function of the later.
The presence of an atrial septal defect plays an
Fig. 37.1  Ebstein’s anomaly important pathophysiological role and defines the
degree of cyanosis due to a mandatory right-to-left
Severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia is also a com- shunt. This shunt may be dependent on the degree of
mon association. This obstruction may be functional in tricuspid regurgitation, right atrial pressure as well as
approximately half of the cases and anatomical in a right ventricular size and compliance.
fourth of cases. Both types of obstruction significantly
increase mortality in these patients.
Anomalous conduction pathways may be associ-
37.3  Diagnosis
ated with Ebstein’s disease. Wolff-Parkinson-White
syndrome has been described in 10–25% of patients.
In 6% of cases there are multiple aberrant pathways, 37.3.1  Background
the majority localized around the tricuspid annulus.
Ventricular septal defects, transposition of the great Symptoms in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly depend
arteries, tetralogy of Fallot and mitral valve abnormal- on the anatomical associations, on the functional char-
ities have also been described as infrequent associa- acteristics and on the association with arrhythmia or
tions with the disease. conductive disorders.
Cyanosis is a common feature, secondary to the
right-to-left shunt across an atrial septal defect and to
37.2  Pathophysiology the functional right ventricular obstruction. Cyanosis
is enhanced by the presence of cardiac failure. In the
neonatal period, this cyanosis may improve as the pul-
This disease includes a large spectrum of varied grades
monary vascular resistances decrease throughout the
of valvular dysplasia with caudal displacement of the
first few weeks of life. In the older patient, cyanosis
valvular leaflets, the septal and the posterior leaflet being
tends to be progressive and to worsen, particularly
often adherent to the wall and restricted in their motion.
when an arrhythmia arises.
Hemodynamic consequences of the anomaly are
In older patients, progressive right ventricular
associated with the following factors:
failure with decrease of cardiac output, leads to the
1. The degree of displacement of the tricuspid leaflets development of dyspnea, fatigue, ascites and periph-
and the degree of atrialization of the right ventricle eral edema.
2. The severity of the tricuspid regurgitation Cardiac arrhythmias and conductive disorders signifi-
3. The functional capacity of the reduced right ventricle cantly add to the symptoms and may be a cause of sudden
37  Ebstein’s Disease 413

Fig. 37.2  Carpentier’s classification of Ebstein’s disease

death. As many as one third of patients may have parox- This varied clinical presentation depends on the
ysmal supraventricular tachycardia spells. Ventricular anatomic and functional individuality.
arrhythmias, although less frequent, may also occur. Ebstein’s disease may be incidentally diagnosed
Patients with Ebstein’s anomaly and atrial septal in-utero and can be the cause for fetal cardiomegaly,
defects have an accrued risk of developing paradoxical hydrops and arrhythmia. Doppler analysis of blood
embolism, brain abscess and bacterial endocarditis. flow in the hepatic vein and the ductus venosus may
show a reverse-flow pattern, providing an early sign of
In the neonate, increased pulmonary vascular resis-
37.3.2  Clinical Presentation tances (PVR) are the main cause of a functional right
obstruction that, in association with the right-to-left
There is a large spectrum of clinical signs, ranging shunting at the atrial level, account for the degree of
from the severe neonatal form to asymptomatic cases cyanosis. Clinical signs depend on this factor and
that may present in the middle teenager years or in evolve with the PVR modifications during the first few
young adulthood. weeks of life. 50% of neonates present with cyanosis
414 E.M. da Cruz et al.

and a cardiac murmur during the first week of life. low in which case this sign is not present. As the right
As PVR decreases, unless there is a significant ana- dysfunction increases, caregivers may identify the
tomic right obstruction or severe tricuspid regurgita- presence of large a and v waves.
tion with a significant shunt at the atrial level, cyanosis On auscultation, the first heart sound is split and
improves and may even disappear. Nevertheless, loud on the tricuspid focci and mitral component may
patients with severe forms of Ebstein’s or with associ- be soft or even absent. This is due to the delayed
ated right outflow tract obstruction may persist cyan- closure of the elongated tricuspid anterior leaflet. The
otic and develop early signs of cardiac failure. In the second sound is usually normal but may also be split in
absence of an adequate medical or surgical manage- the presence of right bundle brunch block. In the presence
ment, 20–40% of these patients may decease in the of cardiac failure and distended right atrium, a third
neonatal phase and less than 50% survive beyond the and fourth sounds may be present. Tricuspid regurgita-
age of 5 years. Patients seldom fail to thrive. tion is a source of a holosystolic murmur, the intensity
In some neonates, in the presence of a patent ductus and duration of which vary with the severity of the
arteriosus – that might be vital if the pulmonary stenosis regurgitation and may increase during inspiration.
is significant – a “circular shunt” may develop. This Arrhythmias, mostly supraventricular tachycardia,
shunt consists in a significant retrograde flow from the atrial fibrillation or flutter, are common: 5–10% of
main pulmonary artery towards the right, ventricle and neonates, 10–20% of infants and as high as 50% in
then, by the tricuspid regurgitation, towards the right grown-up patients.
atrium. This phenomenon will induce a lack of perfusion
towards the peripheral pulmonary arteries and may also
be a source of further right cardiac failure and of a mas-
sive right-to-left shunt, if there is an associated ASD.
37.3.4  ECG
Older patients may remain asymptomatic until
adolescence or adulthood. They are usually diagnosed Most patients with Ebstein’s anomaly have an abnormal
upon the presence of progressive cyanosis, fatigue on ECG. Common ECG patterns are:
exertion and arrhythmia.
1 . A normal sinus rhythm
Potential risks in chronic patients include the
2. Abnormal p waves compatible with right atrial
1 . Paradoxical embolism 3. Prolonged PR interval (first degree AV block) in
2. Transient ischemic spells 42% of patients. PR may be short in the presence of
3. Stroke WPW syndrome
4. Brain abscess, related to chronic cyanosis 4. Low QRS voltage
5. Infective endocarditis 5. Right Bundle Brunch Block with RSR’ in the right
6. Sudden cardiac death precordial leads
7. Cardiac arrhythmias 6. Presence of arrhythmias:
a. paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
b. atrial fibrillation
37.3.3  D
 escription of the Main c. atrial flutter
Clinical Signs d. ventricular tachycardia

Cyanosis has varying degrees of severity, may worsen

with arrhythmia and may induce the development of 37.3.5  Chest X-Ray
clubbing in untreated patients.
As cardiomegaly develops, precordial examination
may show a significant asymmetry and right parasternal Chest radiographs can reveal a number of anomalies:
prominence. 1. In the majority of cases, there is a very significant
Right cardiac failure is a common pathophysio- cardiomegaly. This cardiomegaly may be impres-
logical feature. These patients may display congested sive (Fig.  37.3) and occupy most of the thoracic
jugular veins, although right atrial pressure may be cavity, This is the so-called “wall-to-wall heart.”
37  Ebstein’s Disease 415

2 . The right atrium is distended 37.3.6  E

 chocardiography with Color
3. Lung vascular markings may be normal or decreased, Doppler
depending on the presence and the degree of right
outflow tract obstruction Echocardiography is the first choice diagnostic tool
4. The aortic root and the main pulmonary artery [2–4], even in the antenatal period (Fig. 37.4). It allows
shadow may be small a comprehensive evaluation of the tricuspid anatomy
(Figs.  37.5 and 37.6), the ventricular characteristics,
the degree of right outflow tract obstruction and of
right-to-left atrial shunt, if present. Echocardiography
also allows categorizing the type of anomaly and help
defining the adequate surgical options.
The main echocardiography findings are as follows:
1. An apical displacement of the tricuspid septal leaf-
let greater than 8 mm/m2 of body surface
2. Anomalous aspect of the leaflets, with dysplasia,
thickening, redundant aspect, anomalous motion and
aberrant attachments to the ventricular wall. This
anatomy leads to an eccentric or absent coaptation.
3. A dilated right atrium and atrialized portion of the
right ventricle. An atrialized to functional right ven-
tricular ratio greater than 0.5 is associated with
unfavorable prognosis.
4. A right ventricle with reduced volume and altered
contractility. A functional right ventricular area of
less than 35% of the total right ventricular area is
associated with poor prognosis.
5. Some patients may have an aneurismal dilatation of
Fig. 37.3  Chest X-ray showing the characteristic massive car- the right ventricular outflow tract (right ventricular
diomegaly in a newborn with Ebstein’s anomaly outflow tract : aortic root ³ 2:1)

Fig. 37.4  Prenatal echocardiography showing a severe Ebstein’s anomaly with significant tricuspid regurgitation
416 E.M. da Cruz et al.

A value above 1.5 is associated with 100% of early

mortality. A ratio between 1.1 and 1.4 is associated with
an early mortality of 10% and a late mortality of 45%.
Other echocardiographic signs correlated with
mortality below 3 months of age are:
1 . Right ventricular dysplasia
2. The presence of a compressed left ventricle by the
right cavities
3. Insertion of the anterior leaflet on the right ventricular
free wall

Fig. 37.5  Trans-thoracic echocardiography showing a type A

Ebstein’s anomaly
37.3.7  Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac catheterization is seldom performed in patients

with Ebstein’s anomaly, because echocardiographic
techniques are elucidating.
Moreover, the incidence of arrhythmias during
the procedure can reach 25% with a 14% mortality
associated with such events.
Yet, cardiac catheterization may be useful when the
anomaly is associated with other complex malforma-
tions or else to perform electrophysiologic studies that
can identify anomalous accessory pathways and guide
ablative therapy.
In cases of anatomic right outflow tract obstruction,
pulmonary valvuloplasty may be performed in the car-
diac catheterization laboratory. In the setting of signifi-
cant tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary regurgitation,
Fig. 37.6  Trans-thoracic echocardiography showing a type D attention must be paid to the potential development of a
Ebstein’s anomaly circular shunt complicating pulmonary valvuloplasty.

6. The left ventricle may be distorted, compressed by

the right cavities and may have abnormal diastolic 37.3.8  Other Diagnostic Techniques
and systolic function
7. Doppler assessment shows varying degrees of
tricuspid regurgitation and gives evidence of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging may be useful to assess
right-to-left shunt at the atrial level the volume and the function of the right ventricle and
8. M-mode assessment reveals a paradoxical inter- is particularly interesting in grown-up patients in
ventricular septal motion and confirms the above whom the echographic window is limited.
described ventricular anomalies
9. Other associated anomalies
In neonates, a score may be applied in order to identify 37.4  Preoperative Medical Management
those with higher mortality risk. This evaluation is
performed in the four-chamber view: Medical treatment of Ebstein’s anomaly may be complex
Right atrial area + area of the atrialized portion/ area and difficult. Age and symptoms at presentation are
of the functional right ventricle + left ventricular area variable and determine a broad therapeutic spectrum.
37  Ebstein’s Disease 417

37.4.1  Neonatal Period Medical therapy usually relies upon the use of
systemic vasodilators (mostly Angiotensin-Converting
In the neonatal period, and while PVR are labile and Enzyme inhibitors), diuretics and digoxin. Antibiotic
decreasing over time, the two main problems faced by prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis may be consid-
clinicians are cyanosis with hypoxemia and congestive ered. Patients with persistent or recurrent arrhythmias
cardiac failure. Clinical expression depends on the may need the use of anti-arrhythmic drugs and may
anatomic and functional aspects. Arrhythmias are sel- require electrophysiological studies and radiofre-
dom observed in this period of life. One important quency ablation of accessory pathways.
ingredient for success is patience. Indeed, neonates
with Ebstein’s disease should be allowed time to tran-
sition towards a steady physiological state, particularly
with regards to the stabilization of PVR.
37.4.3  Surgical Management
Patients with Ebstein’s disease and cyanosis may
require the use of PGE1 to maintain ductal patency and Surgical treatment may be corrective or palliative.
induce pulmonary vasodilation. Correction means repairing the underlying tricuspid
In case of persistent and significant circular shunt, valve displacement and regurgitation, trying to rehabili-
caregivers might need to stop PGE1 infusions in order tate the functional right ventricle and repairing any asso-
to reduce the size or abolish the flow through the duc- ciated anomalies. However, in the very young patient,
tus arteriosus. This might be problematic when there is palliation may be the best, compromising as a bridge to
an anatomic pulmonic stenosis, justifying a cardiac later definitive repair. The general trend, although no
catheterization to relieve the obstruction. consensus exists, is to perform surgery sooner than later
Caregivers may need to employ further medical once signs of heart failure begin to appear.
strategies to decrease pulmonary vascular resistances. In neonates, surgical treatment is reserved to those
These strategies include: severely symptomatic and refractory to medical treat-
ment, or else with obstructive anatomic forms.
1 . Mechanical ventilation
Neonates who are refractory to the above described
2. The use of NaHCO3− or THAM for blood pH
medical measures have a higher mortality and should
be considered for a surgical approach.
3. The use of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO)
The choice of the surgical technique depends on the
Patients in cardiac failure may benefit from the use of low anatomic form and has been controversial. There is no
dose Dopamine and Milrinone. Milrinone may also play a evidence-based data showing that neonatal total repair
role in reducing pulmonary resistances. Dobutamine is uti- offers advantages when compared to the conservative
lized in some centers, although it may be pathophysiologi- medical therapy.
cally inadequate to choose this drug in such a context. Persistently cyanotic patients, with functional or
Induction of diuresis with loop-diuretics may be nec- anatomic right obstruction, may require a modified
essary, particularly in the presence of neonatal anasarca. Blalock-Taussig shunt. When a pulmonary stenosis or
Early and aggressive nutrition is a benefit for these atresia is associated, some authors [5] have proposed a
patients. reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract
with tricuspid repair and partial closure of the atrial
septal defect. Nevertheless, clinical experience is still
37.4.2  I nfants, Children and Grown-Up very limited and inconclusive.
Patients Patients with persistent cardiac failure due to severe
tricuspid regurgitation, massive right atrial dilatation
and right-to-left shunt at the atrial level may need a
Infants, children, teenagers and young adults may
Starnes procedure [6], which excludes the right ven-
require treatment for three major problems that are
tricle by partially closing the tricuspid valve, placating
often inter-related:
the right atrial wall and enlarging the atrial septal
1 . Progressive cyanosis defect (Fig. 37.7).
2. Progressive cardiac failure In older and adult patients, surgery has been
3. Cardiac arrhythmias and conductive disorders reserved for those with:
418 E.M. da Cruz et al.

enormous, creating a tricuspid sack with practically no

functional right ventricle.
Conservative surgery to restore competent tricuspid
function and preserve right ventricular contractility is
preferable to valve replacement whenever repair is fea-
sible, particularly in type A, B and the vast majority of
type C cases. Tricuspid valve repair avoids the risks of
prosthetic valve dysfunction, thromboembolism, endo-
carditis, and patient-prosthesis mismatch resulting from
the child’s somatic growth. Durability of bio-prostheses
in patients with Ebstein’s anomaly compares favorably
with that in other cardiac valve positions and also with
that in patients suffering from other tricuspid valve
diagnoses [7]. Aims of the conservative approach are:
Fig. 37.7  The Starnes technique. With cardiopulmonary bypass
support and under cardioplegic arrest, the right atrium is opened. 1. To reduce the paradoxical motion of the atrialized
The interatrial communication (ASD) is enlarged and the tricus- portion by plication
pid valve is closed with a fenestrated patch (TV patch). Also, a
reduction atrioplasty is performed 2. To close the interatrial septal defect
3. To map and section the accessory pathways (Maze
1. Significant functional limitation: Successful repair of the tricuspid valve has been reported by
a. NYHA class I or II with worsening symptoms or Danielson and collaborators in around 58% of cases, where
with a cardiothoracic ratio greater than 0.65 as in 36% a valvular replacement has been required [8].
b. NYHA class III or IV The feasibility of conservative surgery depends on
c. Background of paradoxical embolism the size and mobility of the anterior leaflet, the tether-
ing of its free edge and the number of its fenestrations.
2. Progressive cyanosis (saturations lower than 80%
Transesophageal echocardiography is essential to
and/or significant polycythemia)
define these elements, the size of the atrialized cham-
3. De novo, recurrent or refractory arrhythmias.
ber, and other intracardiac anomalies, as well as for
The different degrees of anatomic severity determine evaluating left and right ventricular function the com-
technical aspects of the surgical management, includ- petency of the tricuspid valve repair, and detecting
ing tricuspid valve repair and replacement. As previ- residual intracardiac shunts [9].
ously described, Ebstein’s anomaly is characterized by The most frequently associated cardiac anomalies
an apical displacement of the septal and posterior include atrial and ventricular septal defects, hypoplas-
leaflets of the tricuspid valve, resulting in a division of tic pulmonary artery and pulmonary valvular stenosis,
the right ventricle to a proximal atrialized chamber and and should be corrected at the same time as Ebstein’s
a distal functional cavity. The degree of displacement anomaly.
of the septal and posterior leaflets determines the Despite the variety of Ebsteins’ repair techniques
different types of functional anomalies described by described in the literature [10–12], after that published
Carpentier [1]. To summarize, in type A, the displace- by Carpentier in 1988 [1], only a few of them are
ment of the septal leaflet is minimal and the atrialized reproducible and have become standardized
right ventricle is small. In type B, the displacement (Fig. 37.8). These techniques include mobilization of
of the septal leaflet is moderate and the atrialized the displaced leaflets and/or the anterior leaflet, longi-
chamber is larger. In type C, the displacement of the tudinal or horizontal plication of the atrialized right
septal and posterior leaflets is important, and associ- ventricle, and plication of the tricuspid valve annulus
ated with a dyskinetic or akinetic atrialized chamber; with clockwise rotation and reattachment of the mobi-
the anterior leaflet’s motion is restricted because of lized leaflets on to the right atrioventricular groove
short chordae and muscular attachments to the right [13]. In type A and B, the conservative approach could
ventricular wall. In type D, the atrialized chamber is only be focused on the tricuspid valve by repairing it
37  Ebstein’s Disease 419

Fig. 37.8  The Mayo Clinic technique. (a) The papillary mus- leaflets is approximated, plicating the posterior leaflet in the pro-
cles supporting the anterior leaflet are moved toward the ven- cess, (c) anterior and posterior annuloplasty sutures are placed,
tricular septum with pledgetted sutures and the atrial septal (d) Once repaired, the tricupid valve function depends on the
defect is closed, (b) the right edge of the anterior and septal ability of the anterior leaflet working as a monocusp valve

and preserving the level of the functional tricuspid Concomitant bi-directional cavo-pulmonary shunt,
annulus. Plication or limited resection of the atrialized translating into a one-and-a-half-type ventricular
chamber should be selectively considered in cases of repair, significantly reduces the operative mortality for
large dyskinetic atrialized chambers, usually present Ebstein’s anomaly in high risk patients with massive
in types C and D. Right reduction atrioplasty should tricuspid insufficiency (associated hepatomegaly and /
be routinely performed in cases of dilated right atrium. or ascites), a voluminous atrialized chamber, poor right
Patients with accessory conduction pathways should ventricular contractility (as assessed by echocardiog-
undergo electrophysiological mapping for identifica- raphy and/or visually during surgery), or long-standing
tion and ablation [14]. A concomitant right-sided atrial fibrillation [17]. Bi-directional cavopulmonary
Maze procedure should be performed in patients with shunt results in lower preload, reducing strain on the
a history of intermittent or chronic atrial flutter or compromised right ventricle, hence preventing postop-
fibrillation [15, 16]. erative ventricular dilatation.
420 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Orthotopic cardiac transplantation may be a 37.5.3  Inotropic and Vasodilator Therapy

pertinent indication in selected patients, particularly in
neonates with severe forms of Ebstein’s anomaly. As previously described, inotropic support and
afterload reduction are crucial for these patients.
Dopamine and milrinone are the most commonly
utilized vasoactive medications. Drug-induced sinus
37.5  Postoperative Management tachycardia should be avoided since it may decrease
the filling of an abnormally compliant right ventricle,
Univentricular, one-and-a-half or biventricular repair hence reducing the stroke volume.
of patients with Ebstein’s anomaly, mostly in the
neonate population, anticipates right ventricular
dysfunction. General principles of management focus
on the reduction of right ventricular afterload by 37.5.4  Respiratory Management
decreasing the pulmonary resistances. This protects
right ventricular strain and reduces the risks of hemo- Cardiopulmonary interactions are essential and PVR
dynamically significant tricuspid regurgitation. General must be kept in the lower range. For this, it is important
principles concerning management of univentricular to provide an adequate oxygenation and to maintain pH
repair are specifically discussed in the chapter related levels around 7.45 with controlled hyperventilation. This
to single ventricle (chapter 31). may also be achieved by using alkalinizing drugs. Inhaled
nitric oxide is an essential tool to optimize PVR.
Early extubation may be achieved in stable patients.
However, particularly in the neonatal group, sternal
37.5.1  Sedation and Analgesia
closure may be voluntarily delayed for an average of
48 h, which sets back elective extubation.
Pain control and sedation are crucial after palliative or
corrective surgery. The common association combines
benzodiazepines with opioids, usually fentanyl in the
neonatal period or morphine in the older patients. Some
37.5.5  Management of Specific Problems
patients may require the association of alpha-2 agonists
(i.e., dexmedetomidine or clonidine). Early administration Postoperative arrhythmias are a frequent occurrence.
of non-opioid analgesia reduces the risks for undesirable These anomalies have been reported in 42% of post-
side-effects of opioid drugs. Neonatal patients who surgical patients in the neonatal period and signifi-
tend to develop pulmonary hypertension or maintain cantly account for morbidity and mortality. The most
high PVR may need the use of muscle relaxants in common disorders are supraventricular tachycardia,
combination with the above, until stable. transient atrioventricular heart block, ventricular
arrhythmias and junctional ectopic tachycardia.

37.5.2  Fluid Management

37.6  Prognosis
Fluid management of patients with Ebstein’s anomaly
who have undergone a CPBP procedure, should Natural progression of Ebstein’s disease varies with
follow the general guidelines, with a restriction of the degree of tricuspid and right ventricular compro-
30–50% on day 1, followed by 50–75% on day 2 and mising. Symptomatic neonatal forms are worrisome
100% from day 3. Closed heart palliative surgery does and yield a more unfavorable prognosis. Nevertheless,
not require a restricted fluid administration. These most of patients present with symptoms in their middle
principles must be individualized and adapted to the teenage years and around 5% of them survive beyond
patients’ characteristics, aiming for a negative fluid the age of 50 years. Previous collaborative studies
balance whenever possible. from the years 70 describe the follow-up of more than
37  Ebstein’s Disease 421

500 patients between 1 and 25 years of age, documenting 7. Kiziltan HT, Theodoro DA, Warnes CA, et al. Late results
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anomaly. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;66:1539–1545.
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develop cardiac failure 1992;104:1195–1202.
2. Seventy-one percent of children and adolescent, as 9. Marino JP, Mihaileanu S, Chauvaud S, et al. Echocardiography
well as 60% of adults are in NYHA class I and II and color flow mapping evaluation of a new reconstructive
3. The high mortality at a young age declines signifi- surgical technique for Ebstein’s anomaly. Circulation. 1989;
80(suppl I): I197–I202.
cantly later in life 10. Hunter SE, Lillehei CW. Ebstein’s malformations of the tri-
Prognosis depends greatly on the severity of the disease, cuspid valve: a study of a case together with suggestions of a
new form of surgical therapy. Dis Chest. 1958;33:297–304.
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2. Early age at presentation as described above The operation: early and midterm results. J Thorac Cardiovasc
3. Cardiothoracic ratio greater than 0.65 Surg. 2007;133:215–223.
4. Septal leaflet attachment ratio of more than 0.45 14. Khositseth A, Danielson GK, Dearani JA, et  al.
5. Increasing ratio of the combined area of right atrium Supraventricular tachyarrhytmias in Ebstein anomaly: man-
agement and outcome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004;
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6. Higher NYHA class heart disease. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998;65:149–154.
16. Greason KL, Dearani JA, Theodoro DA, et  al. Surgical
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Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003;6:59–71.
factory long-term durability, with approximately 90% 17. Chauvaud S, Fuzellier JF, Berrebi A, et  al. Bi-directional
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loplasty in Ebstein’s anomaly: benefits in high risk patients.
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18. Quaegebeur JM, Sreenam N, Fraser AG, et al. Surgery for
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Reading evaluation of a new technique. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1991;17:
19. Hetzer R, Nagdyman N, Ewert P, et  al. A modified repair
1. Carpentier A, Chauvaud S, Mace L, et al. A new reconstruc- technique for tricuspid incompetence in Ebstein’s anomaly.
tive operation for Ebstein’s anomaly of the tricuspid valve. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998;115:857–868.
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2. Ahmed S, Nanda NC, Nekkanti R, PacificoAD. Transesophageal plastyand ventricular plication for Ebstein’s malformation.
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3. Chauvaud SM, Hernigou AC, Mousseaux ER, Sidi D, Alternative approach to repair of Ebstein’s malformation:
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term follow-up. Ann Thorac Surg. 2000;69:1505–1510. 24. Marianeschi S, McElhinney D, Reddy V, Silverman N,
6. Starnes VA, Pitlick PT, Bernstein D, Griffin ML, Choy M, Hanley F. Alternative approach to the repair of Ebstein’s
Shumway NE. Ebstein’s anomaly appearing in the neonate. malformation: intracardiac repair with ventricular unloading.
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25. Wu Q, Huang Z. Anatomic correction of Ebstein anomaly. (Ebstein’s Malformation) or dysplasia of the tricuspid valve.
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Chapter 38
Anomalous Coronary Arteries

Eduardo M. da Cruz, Jonathan Kaufman, Steven Goldberg, Thomas Fagan, Christina Phelps,
Cécile Tissot, Deborah Kozik, Max Mitchell, David Campbell, and Victor O. Morell

Coronary artery anomalies in the pediatric population finding in medical autopsies. When associated with
are essentially related to congenital defects or secondary cardiac anomalies acting as a source of significant
to inflammatory, immunological or vasculitic processes. left-to-right shunt, coronary anomalies may also be
Their classification is complex and biased by the silent until surgical correction of the other defects that
significant anatomical variability in normal individuals. may trigger an abrupt myocardial ischemia [6, 7].
Anomalies of coronary arteries may involve coro- Patients with coronary anomalies may be admitted
nary ostia, the position of the Valsalva sinuses or the with heart failure, ischemia, cardiac arrhythmias or in
origin and the distribution of the coronary branches. a status post syncope or post cardiac arrest.
Incidence of aberrant coronary arteries is lower
than 1% in the adult population. Nevertheless, the
incidence of anomalous coronary arteries is signifi-
cantly higher in young individuals with sudden death
(4–15%); as a matter of fact, they represent the second 38.1  Classification
most common cause of sudden death in youth, after the
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [1–5]. The most common coronary anomalies identified in
Anomalous coronary arteries may be diagnosed as the pediatric population may be classified as follows:
an isolated defect (i.e., the ALCAPA or anomalous left A. Congenital:
coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery and
the isolated coronary fistulas) or in association with −− ALCAPA (also called the Bland–White–Garland
complex cardiac malformations (i.e., conotruncal syndrome) (Fig. 38.1).
anomalies like the Fallot’s tetralogy and the pulmonary −− Isolated coronary fistulas
atresia with ventricular septal defect, some forms of −− Ostial atresia or stenosis
pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular septum −− Anomalies of the origin, the trajectory or the distri-
or the transposition of the great vessels). bution of coronary arteries isolated or in the context
These anomalies may also be associated with ven- of congenital cardiac defects:
tricular septal defect, atrioventricular septal defect Transposition of the great arteries
(endocardial cushion defect), aortic coarctation or Pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular
complex cardiac malformations with single ventricle septum
physiology and heterotaxia. Conotruncal anomalies (i.e., tetralogy of Fallot,
Many of the coronary anomalies are “silent” and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septum defect,
asymptomatic and therefore diagnosed as a casual Double Outlet Right Ventricle)
Anomalous course: interarterial, retroaortic, pre-
pulmonic, septal, intramural
E.M. da Cruz ()
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of
Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA Left coronary artery myocardial bridging
e-mail: Right coronary artery arising from the coronary sinus

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 423
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_38, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
424 E.M. da Cruz et al.

38.2  Pathophysiology

Anomalous coronary origin or distribution may be

well tolerated and asymptomatic and clinical expres-
sion varies depending on the etiology, the associative
lesions and the compensatory mechanisms.
Congenital defects like the ALCAPA or coronary
fistulas may cause acute or chronic ischemia respec-
tively progressing towards myocardial infarct and a
dilated hypokynetic cardiomyopathy with secondary
ischemic mitral regurgitation or recurrent ischemia
because of a diastolic “steal.” An analogous phenom-
enon may be observed when coronary arteries have a
right ventricular-dependent circulation like in the case
of pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular sep-
tum and severe right ventricular hypoplasia with
embryonic sinusoids and coronary fistula. Coronary
fistulas may drain onto the right atrium, the right ven-
tricle, the pulmonary artery, the left ventricle or the
cava system and their impact varies with the pathophys-
Fig. 38.1  Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the iological implications, Other than ischemia, this anomaly
pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) may be associated with heart failure, pulmonary hyper-
tension of arrhythmias.
In the case of transposition of the great arteries and
in conotruncal anomalies, coronary anatomy must be
adequately identified in order to avoid inadvertent
surgical injuries by a section of important coronary
branches or rhythm disturbances by ischemia of the
sinus node.
In acquired coronary anomalies, the main
pathophysiological pattern is acute or chronic

38.3  Diagnosis

38.3.1  Clinical

Clinical symptoms and signs of coronary problems in

the pediatric population may be heterogeneous and
Fig. 38.2  Kawasaki’s disease with multiple coronary even unspecific, depending on the etiology:
−− Myocardial ischemia and infarct
−− Cardiogenic shock
−− Malignant rhythm disorders
B: Acquired:
−− Ventricular dysfunction and dilated cardiomyopathy
−− Kawasaki’s disease (Fig. 38.2) −− Syncope
−− Homozygote familiar hypercholesterolemia −− Sudden death or “near-miss” syndrome
38  Anomalous Coronary Arteries 425

Clinical presentation may mimic a bronchiolitis- in the case of the ALCAPA. A Q wave on DII and aVL
like syndrome [8], but a detailed clinical examination leads should raise suspicion.
encompassed by radiological evaluation should docu-
ment signs of left or global cardiac failure, a cardiac
murmur secondary to ischemic mitral regurgitation or
signs of shock and a moderate to severe cardiomegaly 38.3.4  Echocardiography
on the chest X-ray.
Symptoms: in newborns and toddlers, symptoms
may be unspecific: diaphoresis, irritability, feeding Echocardiography remains one of the cornerstone
problems, pallor, failure to thrive, respiratory diagnostic tools. It is instrumental in identifying
wheezing and dyspnea. Older patients usually com- the coronary anatomy, origin and distribution
plain of angina, precordial pain or have a syncopal (Fig. 38.3), it allows documentation of the segmental
episode. anomalies induced by ischemia and it may also
Signs: in case of progressive ischemia, clinical show indirect signs of ischemia such as acquired
examination will reveal signs of left or global cardiac mitral regurgitation and subendocardial hyper-
failure and low cardiac output. Usually, there is tachy- echogenicity [9].
cardia and a galop rhythm. Frequently, a systolic mur-
mur is found, characterizing an ischemic mitral
regurgitation. This later might be an isolated clinical
sign. When ischemia progresses to myocardial infarct, 38.3.5  Cardiac Catheterization
clinical appraisal will identify signs of cardiogenic
shock. In the specific case of coronary fistula, the cardiac Nearly all patients with anomalous coronary arteries
murmur will be continuous in nature and may coexist will require a cardiac catheterization (Fig.  38.4) at
with signs of cardiac failure. some point in their lives, for both diagnostic and inter-
Some phenotypic patterns should motivate further ventional purposes [10, 11]. Please consult the chapter
studies in patients with suspected coronary anomalies: on Cardiac Catheterization (chapter 5) for more details.
for example, patients with Williams–Beuren syndrome
may have a coronary ostial stenosis associated with
supravalvular aortic stenosis.
38.3.6  Other

Cardiac enzymes (troponin, CPK and CPK MB,

LDH) are useful for the diagnosis and the follow-up
38.3.2  Chest X-ray
of patients who have undergone an ischemic event.
Pro-BNP levels should also be systematically con-
Chest X-ray shows signs of cardiac failure with cardio- trolled and followed, particularly in patients who
megaly and pulmonary vascular stasis. As mentioned remain symptomatic after a significant ischemic
above, radiological findings may mimic a bronchiolitis- insult.
like syndrome in young infants. MRI and CT angiography are important supple-
mentary tools to ensure a comprehensive noninvasive
assessment and follow-up of the coronary lesions, their
impact in the myocardial function and on the atrioven-
tricular valve regurgitation [10, 11].
38.3.3  ECG Positron Emission Tomography scan is sometimes
indicated in order to appraise potential for myocardial
ECG is a useful diagnostic and follow-up tool in showing recovery (hibernated myocardium). This is a useful
the affected territories in case of ischemia or infarct. complementary tool to distinguish between ischemia
Some electric patterns suggest specific diagnosis like without or with ongoing or established infarct.
426 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 38.3  2D echocardiography showing an ALCAPA arising from the right pulmonary artery

38.4  Preoperative Management

Preoperative management must be individualized.

Once the anomaly has been identified, prevention of
progressive lesions is crucial. Such management con-
centrates on therapy of cardiac failure and of any multi-
systemic compromising in case of shock. In this later
scenario, unless the circulatory failure is refractory to
medical therapy or if the patient is deemed to rapidly
progress towards further deterioration, any surgical
indication should be delayed until a multi-organ stabil-
ity is attained.
Symptomatic patients should be comprehensively
monitored with an arterial catheter and an indwelling
central catheter. A Swan–Ganz catheter is a useful tool
for a comprehensive hemodynamic assessment and
may be a good indication in patients who progress
inadequately or whenever a differential diagnosis of
the type of shock is required. However, in many pedi-
Fig. 38.4  Right coronary angiography showing an ostial atric centers this is uncommon and therefore fraught
atresia of the left coronary artery with retrograde flow from the
with potential complications.
right coronary artery
38  Anomalous Coronary Arteries 427

Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) and modern maneuvers may aggravate coronary ischemia by
technology by thermodilution (i.e., PiCCO® and Flo-Trac® decreasing pulmonary vascular resistances.
catheters) are also utilized as tools for the appraisal −− In case of refractory shock, rapidly progress towards
and the follow-up of these patients. mechanical assistance (extracorporeal life support)
−− Aggressively treat all multi-organ dysfunction
(peritoneal dialysis or continuous veno-venous
hemofiltration or hemodiafiltration in case of renal
38.4.1  General Measures failure, compensation of coagulation disorders and
administration of vitamin K in case of hepatic dys-
function, cerebral and splanchnic protective mea-
– Oxygen administration sures, to mention some)
−− Initiate inotropic drugs if necessary. As for the oxy- −− Symptomatic treatment of all intercurrent infections is
gen, these drugs must be administered very cau- crucial; prevention also plays an important role with
tiously since they may trigger malignant arrhythmias regards to Respiratory Syncitial Virus (Polivizumab)
by reperfusion. Phosfodiesterase inhibitors are par- and Influenza virus (Anti-Flu vaccination)
ticularly useful in this context because of their effect −− Optimization of enteral and/or parenteral caloric
in reducing ventricular afterload. Other alternatives intake is also vital
are dopamine, dobutamine and the nitric derivates
(IV nitroglycerin and isosorbide dinitrate). In case
of severe and refractory ventricular dysfunction,
Levosimendan is a potentially interesting drug
although pediatric experience is still limited. 38.4.2  Specific Measures
Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (nora-
drenaline) are frequently utilized in association
with dopamine, milrinone and vasodilators.
−− Administration of loop diuretics (furosemide, a. Start a continuous intravenous heparin infusion
bumetamide) as boluses or in continuous IV b. Administer anti-arrhythmic drugs as required; in
infusions case of ventricular hyperexcitability, lidocaine,
−− Rectify all metabolic, electrolytic or acid-basic bretillium or amiodarone may be indicated and
disorders very cautiously administered
−− Optimize hematocrit levels (>35%) c. Initiate assisted ventilation in case of shock or
−− Attempt to minimize oxygen consumption and unstable hemodynamic status
respiratory work; in case of low cardiac output in d. Initiate ECLS as required, sooner than later in
patients with limited reserves, it is reasonable to cases refractory to medical therapy
electively mechanically ventilate patients. Positive e. Perform an urgent cardiac catheterization for
pressure ventilation by CPAP, BiPAP or assisted diagnostic and eventual interventional purposes
ventilation is essential for patients in established or f. Urgent surgical repair: this applies to the anatom-
eminent cardiogenic shock. During the intubation ical reimplantation of the anomalous coronary
process, rapid sequence drugs should be used (i.e., artery or to an intrapulmonary tunnelization of
etomidate and rocuronium). Intubation may lead to the anomalous artery towards the aorta (Takeuchi
cardiac arrest and cardiovascular collapse and it is procedure). Ligation of the ALCAPA is nowa-
therefore advisable to alert the surgical team to the days very seldom the technique of choice. Ostial
potential need for ECMO. Some patients with ven- stenosis or atresia represent a surgical challenge
tricular hyperexcitability may benefit with a dose of with unconsistent results; tolerance to this condi-
lidocaine on induction, to reduce the risks for ven- tion relies on the type of collaterality patients
tricular arrhythmias during the intubation. In patients may develop from the right coronary artery
with ALCAPA, it is important to avoid hyperventi- g. Some deemed inoperable cases may become
lating and hyperoxygenating the patients since these candidates for an orthotopic cardiac transplant,
428 E.M. da Cruz et al.

eventually bridged with a ventricular assistance This situation is a clear indication for the adminis-
device. tration of immunoglobulin at a single dose of 2 g/kg in
slow IV (caution should be taken with potential ana-
2. Coronary fistula:
phylactic reactions) over 6  h and aspirin at anti-
a. Same indications as described above for the inflammatory doses (80–100  mg/kg/day), even in the
ALCAPA in case of ischemia or complications absence of demonstrated coronary or cardiac lesions by
b. Schedule an elective or urgent cardiac catheter- echocardiography. Taking into account this aspirin
ization – depending on the clinical scenario – for dose, it is recommended to administer a local (i.e.,
diagnostic and eventual interventional purposes. sucralfate) or systemic (i.e., ranitidine, proton pump
Many coronary fistula are occluded by percuta- inhibitors) medication for gastric protection. The aspirin
neous interventions. dose will be decreased to 3–5 mg/kg/day (antiplatelet
c. Surgical ligation of the fistula if not feasible by dose) once the inflammatory syndrome improves or in
cardiac catheterization case of persistent thrombocytosis.
3. Anomalies of the origin, the traject or the distribu-   b. Persistent clinical symptoms and signs or persis-
tion of coronary arteries in the context of congeni- tent inflammatory syndrome:
tal cardiac defects: b1.  Persistent or recurrent fever 48 h after the initial
administration of IV immunoglobulins (signs or
a. There are no specific measures, except for the
persistent vasculitis with increased risk for coro-
importance of the iconographic documentation
nary aneurysm development):
of the anomaly in order to provide surgeons with
a maximum of anatomical information. This – Administer a second dose of IV immunoglob-
may be achieved by echocardiography, cardiac ulins at 2 g/kg
catheterization and in older patients with a high
resolution Computarized Tomography b2. Persistent fever after the second dose of
Angiography [9, 10]. immunoglobulin:

4. Kawasaki disease: – Administer a third dose of IV immunoglobu-

lins at 2 g/kg
Monitoring is limited to noninvasive techniques – Initiate IV methylprednisolone at 30 mg/kg,
(ECG, noninvasive blood pressure, peripheral oxygen for 1–3 days
saturation) except in presence of acute ischemia when
an arterial catheter and a central venous line are indi- b3. Other therapies:
cated. Current management protocols are based upon – Pentoxifillin (anti-TNF, vasodilator and anti-
an international taskforce [12–32]. platelet effect)
a. Clinical and biological suspicion based upon – Infliximab (anti-TNF monoclonal antibody)
internationally recognized criteria: – Plasmapheresis
– Immunosupressive therapy
– A minimal of 4/5 classic clinical signs are
required in the presence of high fever refrac-   c. Added therapy in case of complications:
tory to medications: c1. Coronary dilatation or aneurysm: treatment depends
– Polymorphic cutaneous rash (80%) on the severity of coronary compromising:
– Non-purulent bilateral conjunctivitis (85%) Antiplatelet therapy:
– Limb modifications: palmo-plantar erythema,
diffuse edema of hands and feet, peri-ungueal a. Aspirin
desquamation (75%) b.  Dipiridamol or clopidogrel
– Oropharyngeal modifications: cheilitis, pha- Anticoagulation:
ryngeal hyperemia, «raspberry» tong (90%)
– Cervical adenopathies: at least one node a. Heparin, followed by Oral anticoagulation (tar-
>1.5 cm (70%) get INR of 2.0–2.5)
38  Anomalous Coronary Arteries 429

b. Abciximab (monoclonal antibody, inhibitor of 38.5  Surgical Management

the platelet glycoproteic receptor type IIb/IIIa)
c2. Coronary thrombosis: There are two commonly used operative techniques in
the management of patients with an ALCAPA [33–36];
Control of vascular inflammation:
they both require cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiople-
a. Immunoglobulins gic arrest. In the coronary artery reimplantation proce-
b. Corticosteroids dure, the anomalous artery is reattached to the aorta
(Fig. 38.5); and in the Takeuchi procedure a tunnel is cre-
ated from the aorta to the origin of the anomalous coro-
a. Uroquinase nary in the pulmonary artery, allowing aortic blood flow
b. Streptoquinase into the anomalous coronary (Fig. 38.6). Older patients
c. rTPA with preserved ventricular function can be managed with
a simple ligation of the anomalous coronary artery.
In the presence of significant ischemic mitral valve
a. Heparin, followed by Oral anticoagulation regurgitation, a mitral valvuloplasty might be required
at the time of surgery.
c3. Myocardial ischemia (particularly in presence of
Coronary artery fistula ligation or suture closure can
ventricular dysfunction):
be performed with or without cardiopulmonary bypass
−− Continuous infusion of nitroglycerin and support, depending on the location of the fistula.
inotropic drugs Patients with an anomalous aortic origin of a coro-
–  Urgent coronary artery bypass graft nary artery from an incorrect sinus of Valsalva are
– Orthotopic cardiac transplant (in case of usually managed by one of the following procedures:
malignant arrhythmia, severe ventricular dys- coronary unroofing, coronary reimplantation, or in
function, coronary disease not deemed repair- some cases coronary bypass. They all require cardio-
able by surgery or by interventional pulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest.
catheterization): these patients may require Not infrequently, patients may require mechanical
ECLS while awaiting a donor. circulatory support preoperatively or postoperatively
because of significant ventricular dysfunction. The
c4. Severe ventricular arrhythmias:
reported operative mortality associated with ALCAPA
Administer anti-arrhythmic drugs: IV lidocaine at repairs is less than 8% and the long-term outcomes are
1 mg/kg, followed by a drip at 15–50 µg/kg/min excellent [37, 38].
Invasive management consists in a surgical coro-
nary artery bypass graft if ischemia persists in spite of
medical measures. Alternatively, in some cases, cardiac
catheterization may also be a therapeutic option. In case 38.6  Postoperative Management
of severe cardiogenic shock with massive myocardial
infarction, mechanical assistance (ECLS) is indicated while
Postoperative requirements depend to a great extent on
awaiting recovery of myocardial function after inter-
the preoperative conditions. Generally, if the patient was
vention, or else, as a bridge to cardiac transplantation.
well balanced prior to the intervention, no significant com-
5. Homozygote Familiar Hypercholesterolemia: plications are anticipated. Nevertheless, patients must
be cautiously monitored for persistent or recurrent acute
Prophylactic therapy:
ischemia, ventricular dysfunction, low cardiac output
a. Statins syndrome and arrhythmias due both to the ischemic event
b. LDH-apheresis or to reperfusion injuries. A significant echocardiographic
c. Hepatic transplantation improvement may be documented over the first 48 h of
d. Antiplatelet therapy in case of documented postoperative course, although total recovery is not
coronary lesions expected before weeks or months of progression, if ever.
430 E.M. da Cruz et al.

Fig. 38.5  Anomalous coronary artery reimplantation. Once on coronary. Then, the anomalous coronary artery is harvested
cardiopulmonary bypass, the heart is arrested by delivering car- from the pulmonary artery and reimplanted into the aorta. The
dioplegia via the ascending aorta and the main pulmonary artery pulmonary artery is repaired with a patch of pericardium
in order to perfuse the myocardium supplied by the anomalous

Fig.  38.6  Takeuchi Procedure. First, a side-to-side connec- tunneling the oxygenated aortic blood into the origin of the
tion between the aorta and the pulmonary artery is created. anomalous coronary. Finally, the pulmonary artery is repaired
Then an intrapulmonary artery tunnel is created with a patch, with a patch

control of cardiac enzymes (CPK, CPK MB, LDH,

Anticipated postoperative complications may be as
troponin) and pro-BNP may also be useful. Any
ventricular arrhythmia should be taken as an
– Ischemia: a continuous ECG monitoring will imme- expression of ischemia until otherwise demon-
diately identify any recurrent ischemic event. Serial strated. Ischemia may occur as a consequence of a
38  Anomalous Coronary Arteries 431

spasm of the coronary graft, particularly if an inter- 38.6.3  Fluid Management

nal mammary artery was used, in which case the
use of IV Diltiazem may prove very useful.
With the exception of the ligation of coronary fistula
−− Arrhythmias: as mentioned above, any ventricular
without ventricular compromising, in which case no
arrhythmia should motivate further investigations in
fluid restriction is necessary, patients should receive a
order to identify sources of residual or recurrent
total of 30–50% of physiological requirements on the
ischemia. In any doubtful situation, a surgical revision
first day, 50–75% on the second day and 75–100% on
should be proposed. Potentially, any other arrhyth-
the third day. As in the case of all other surgeries on
mia and conductive disorders are possible in this
cardiopulmonary bypass, caregivers should aim for a
context. A strict metabolic control and rectification
negative or neutral fluid balance. Excessive volume
of documented disorders regarding potassium,
load should be optimized with a titration of furosemide
sodium, calcium and magnesium levels is required.
as a continuous infusion.
−− Persistence of a severe myocardial dysfunction: these
patients may require mechanical assistance until
recovery or as a bridge to cardiac transplant
38.6.4  Inotropic and Vasodilator Drugs

38.6.1  Monitoring These patients benefit from the universal approach

to postoperative cardiac patients associating inotro-
Monitoring of these patients should include an arterial pic and vasodilator drugs, or else, using lusitropic
catheter, a central venous catheter, and in case of surgery drugs, the aim being to support the myocardial func-
on cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with significant tion and to reduce ventricular afterload. The combi-
left ventricular dysfunction, a left atrial catheter and nation of milrinone with low doses of epinephrine
eventually a Swan–Ganz catheter. NIRS is currently used (adrenaline) is very efficient for this purpose. In
as a systematic method to assess regional perfusion. patients with conserved ventricular function, the
alternative may be the association of dopamine and
dobutamine. This latest should be carefully used
though in order to avoid unnecessary myocardial
38.6.2  Sedation and Analgesia oxygen consumption. Many other vasodilators might
be used depending on the institutional protocols:
Sedation and pain control is ensured by the association phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine, hydralazine,
of midazolam, morphine or fentanyl and seldom muscle nitroglycerine or sodium nitroprusside. Nitro­gly­
relaxants. Alternatively, dexmedetomidine or propofol cerine is an interesting drug for this cohort of
may be used. Propofol may have an hemodynamic patients for its effect in reducing the transmural
impact in these already fragile patients and must be pressure, therefore optimizing myocardial infusion.
handled by very experienced practitioners, ideally as Epinephrine (adrenaline) is a clear indication in
a continuous infusion and by avoiding boluses. patients with ventricular dysfunction, although it
Etomidate is a drug to consider for rapid sequence pro- should be used with caution considering the increase
cedures, although considerations ought to be taken in oxygen consumption and the potential for induc-
with regards to the potential adrenocortical dysfunction. tion of arrhythmias. Levosimendan has arised as a
Once the hemodynamic status is stable, multi-organ drug with a high interest in patients with persistent
function is deemed adequate, and in the absence of ventricular dysfunction and may become a rescue
bleeding or residual ischemia, patients are allowed to drug in the future; however, further clinical studies
breathe spontaneously in order to progress towards are required in the pediatric population.
extubation. If the surgery was a simple ligation of a Extracorporeal life support techniques should be
coronary fistula, patients may be extubated in the oper- indicated in patients who are refractory to inotropic
ating room or very early on the intensive care unit. and vasodilator drugs.
432 E.M. da Cruz et al.

38.6.5  Respiratory Management necrosis, the potential for total recovery is significant
once the anatomic anomaly is rectified [39].
In the absence of surgical or postoperative complica-
tions, respiratory weaning is started after 12–24 h.
Positive ventilatory pressures are a favorable car-
References and Further Recommended
diopulmonary interaction in patients with left ventricu-
lar dysfunction and therefore extubation to a CPAP or
to BiPAP should be considered.
1. Angelini P. Normal and anomalous coronary arteries: defini-
tions and classification. Am Heart J. 1989;117:418-434.
2. Davis JA, Cecchin F, Jones TK, Portman MA. Major coronary
38.6.6  Specific Management artery anomalies in a pediatric population: incidence and clin-
ical importance. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2001;37:593-597.
3. Yamanaka O, Hobbs RE. Coronary artery anomalies in 126,
Left ventricular dysfunction, low cardiac output syn-
595 patients undergoing coronary arteriography. Cathet
drome and arrhythmias are managed as further described Cardiovasc Diagn. 1990;21:28-40.
elsewhere in this book. 4. Basso C, Maron BJ, Corrado D, Thiene G. Clinical profile of
All ventricular ischemia must be considered as an congenital coronary artery anomalies with origin from the
wrong aortic sinus leading to sudden death in young com-
emergency. Clinical manifestation of ischemia may
petitive athletes. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35:1493-1501.
vary from an acute left ventricular dysfunction with 5. Liberthson RR. Sudden death from cardiac causes in children
low cardiac output to ventricular arrhythmias. If gen- and young adults. N Engl J Med. 1996;334:1039-1044.
eral conditions allow it, a cardiac catheterization 6. da Cruz E, Carbognani D, Laborde F, et al. Aortic coarcta-
tion, multiple ventricular septal defects, and anomalous
should be performed. Otherwise, the patient should be
coronary artery arising from the right pulmonary artery.
taken back to the operating room for surgical revision. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998;115:244-246.
While awaiting the intervention, nitric derivates should 7. da Cruz E. Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the
be increased and IV Diltiazem ought to be considered right pulmonary artery. Cardiol Young. 1999;9:109.
8. da Cruz E, Aggoun Y, Tissot C, Beghetti M. Fatal coronary
for the possibility of a vascular spasm of the graft.
artery anomaly presenting as bronchiolitis. Eur J Ped.
Anticoagulation: with the exception of the ligation 2006;165:505.
of a coronary fistula, all patients should be on a con- 9. Pasquini L, Parness IA, Colan SD, et al. Diagnosis of intra-
tinuous infusion of heparin at 10  units/kg/tour, from mural coronary artery in transposition of the great arteries
using two-dimensional echocardiography. Circulation.
the sixth postoperative tour, in absence of active bleed-
ing. From day one, once feeding has resumed, anti- 10. Manghat NE, Morgan-Hughes GJ, Marshall AJ, Roobottom
platelet therapy should be started. Some groups CA. Multidetector row computed tomography: imaging con-
recommend the use of low molecular weight heparin genital coronary artery anomalies in adults. Heart.
(enoxaparin, fraxiparin, calciparin) for a few days, fol-
11. Memisoglu E, Hobikoglu G, Tepe MS. Congenital coronary
lowed with levels of anti-Xa factor. anomalies in adults: comparison of anatomic course visual-
Arrhythmia: management of arrhythmia and con- ization by catheter angiography and electron beam CT.
ductive disorders is discussed in detail in a specific Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2005;66:34-42.
12. Williams RV, Wilke VM, Tani LY, Minich LL. Does
chapter (chapter 53). In patients with ventricular hyper-
Abciximab enhance regression of coronary aneurysms
excitability, lidocaine, bretillium or amiodarone as a resulting from Kawaski disease? Pediatrics. 2002;
continuous infusion may be considered. Use of amio- 109:E4.
darone requires great caution for its negative chrono- 13. Wallace CA, French JW, Kahn SJ, Sherry DD. Initial
intravenous gammaglobulin treatment failure in Kawasaki.
tropic effect.
Pediatrics. 2000;105(suppl 6):E78.
14. Imagawa T, Mori M, Miyamae T, et al. Plasma exchange for
refractory Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr. 2004;163:263.
15. Burgner D, Harnden A. Kawasaki disease: what is the epide-
38.7  Results miology telling us about etiology? Int J Infect Diseases.
16. Genozo J, Miron D, Spiegel R, Fink D, Horowitz Y.
Prognosis of these anomalies is very heterogeneous
Kawasaki disease in very young infants: high prevalence of
and individual. Preventive measures remain crucial. In atypical presentation and coronary arteritis. Clin Pediatr.
patients with ischemic injuries and no myocardial 2003;42:263-267.
38  Anomalous Coronary Arteries 433

17. Harada K, Yamaguchi H, Kato H, et al. Indication for intra- 30. Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Beiser AS, et  al. A single
venous gammaglobulin treatment for Kawasaki disease. Am intravenous infusion of gammaglobulins as compared with
Heart Assoc. 1993:459-462. four infusions in the treatment of acute Kawasaki syndrome.
18. Kato H, Koike S, Yokoyama T. Kawasaki disease: effect of N Engl J Med. 1991;324:163.
treatment on coronary artery involvement. Pediatrics. 31. American Academy of Pediatrics. Kawasaki syndrome. In:
1979;63:175. Pickering LK, ed. Red Book 2003: The Report of the
19. Beiser AS, Takahashi M, Baker AL, et  al. A predictive Committee of Infectious Diseases. 26th ed. IL: American
instrument for coronary artery aneurysms in Kawasaki Academy of Pediatrics; 2003:392.
disease. Am J Cardiol. 1998;81:1116. 32. Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Gerber MA, et  al. Diagnosis and
20. Tsai MH, Huang YC, Yen MH, et al. Clinical response of therapy of Kawasaki disease in children. Circulation.
patients with Kawasaki disease to different brands of intra- 1993;87:1776.
venous immunoglobulin. J Pediatr. 2006;148:38-43. 33. Jaquiss RD, Tweddell JS, Litwin SB. Surgical therapy for
21. Woodtitch AC, Aronoff SC. Effect of initial corticosteroid ther- sudden cardiac death in children. Pediatr Clin North Am.
apy on coronary artery aneurysm formation in Kawasaki dis- 2004;51:1389-1400.
ease: a meta-analysis of 862 children. Pediatrics. 2005;116:989. 34. Gabbieri D, Guadalupi M, Stefanelli G. Aortopulmonary
22. Hashino K, Ishii M, Iemura M, et  al. Re-treatment for window and anomalous origin of the right coronary artery
immune globulin-resistant Kawasaki disease: a comparative from the pulmonary artery: long-term result after Takeuchi-
study of additional immune globulin and steroid pulse therapy. type repair. Heart Lung Circ 2008;17: 339-342. Review.
Pediatr Int. 2001;43:211. 35. Azakie A, Russell JL, McCrindle BW, et al. Anatomic repair
23. Wright DA, Newburger JW, Baker A, Sunded RP. Treatment of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
of immune globulin-resistant Kawasaki disease with pulsed by aortic reimplantation: early survival, patterns of ventricu-
doses of corticosteroids. J Pediatr. 1996;128:146. lar recovery and late outcome. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;
24. Furukawa S, Matsubara T, Umezawa Y, et al. Pentoxyphilline 75:1535-1541.
and intravenous gamma globulin combination therapy for 36. Backer CL, Hillman N, Dodge-Khatami A, et  al. Anomalous
acute Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr. 1994;153:663. origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery:
25. Yoshikawa Y, Yagihara T, Kameda Y, et al. Result of surgical Successful surgical strategy without assist devices. Semin Thorac
treatment in patients with coronary-arterial obstructive dis- Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2000;3:165-172.
ease after Kawasaki disease. Eur J Cardiothor Surg. 37. Burch GH, Sahn DJ. Congenital coronary artery anomalies:
2000;7:515-519. the pediatric perspective. Coron Artery Dis. 2001;12:605-616.
26. Yamauchi H, Ochi M, Fujii M, et al. Optimal time of surgi- 38. Hanley FL, Sade RM, Blackstone EH, et  al. Outcomes in
cal treatment for Kawasaki coronary artery disease. J Nippon neonatal pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum.
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27. Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Gerber MA, et al. Diagnosis, 1993;105:406-427.
treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: 39. Feingold B, Munoz R, Gandhi SK. Normal ventricular func-
a statement for Health Professionals from the Committee on tion six days after repair of anomalous left coronary artery.
Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki disease, Int J Cardiol. 2006;108:393-394.
Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, America 40. Coudrey L. The troponins. Arch Intern Med. 1998;158:1173-
Heart Association. Pediatrics. 2004;114:1708. 1180.
28. Burgner D, Harnden A. Kawasaki disease: what is the 41. Rigatelli G, Rigatelli G. Coronary artery anomalies: what we
epidemiology telling us about etiology? Int J Infect Diseases. know and what we have to learn. A proposal for a new clini-
2005;9:18. cal classification. Ital Heart J. 2003;4:305-310.
29. Newburger JW, Takahashi M, Burns JC, et al. The treatment 42. Sim EK, van Son JA, Edwards WD, et al. Coronary artery
of Kawasaki syndrome with intravenous gamma globulin. N anatomy in complete transposition of the great arteries. Ann
Engl J Med. 1986;315:34. Thorac Surg. 1994;57:890-894.
Chapter 39
Aortic Valve Regurgitation

Michael Tsifansky, Victor O. Morell, and Ricardo Muñoz

Aortic regurgitation (AR) may be caused by valve phy of the left ventricle, dilation of the mitral appa-
disease or aortic root anomalies, but it is rare in ratus and mitral regurgitation, dilation of the left
children without other congenital or acquired heart atrium, pulmonary venous hypertension, and eventu-
disease. It is more commonly associated with aortic ally global ventricular dysfunction.
stenosis, but may also be seen in patients with Tetralogy
of Fallot (ToF), D-transposition of the great arteries
(DTGA), coarctation of the aorta (CoA), endocardial
cushion defect, single ventricle, truncus arteriosus (TA), 39.2  Physical Examination
infective endocarditis, and mitral valve disease. Systemic
diseases associated with AR include rheumatic fever,
The vital signs are remarkable for wide pulse pressure.
systemic lupus erythematosus, and Takayasu arteritis.
The pulses are bounding with abrupt distension and
AR related to significant dilation of the ascending aorta
fast collapse, especially over the carotids. This coincides
is seen in patients with Marfan syndrome, bicuspid
with a marked systolic–diastolic differential. There
aortic valve, osteogenesis imperfecta, and rheumatoid
is a prominent apical cardiac impulse. On auscultation
arthritis. Significant ascending aortic dilation may, in
there is an early (immediately after A2) blowing
turn, worsen the AR and lead to aortic dissection.
decrescendo diastolic murmur best heard along the left
sternal border.

39.1  Pathophysiology

Both preload and afterload are increased in AR. 39.3  Preoperative Management
The effective forward stroke volume is initially well
maintained at the expense of high end-diastolic volume Patients with AR rarely require ICU admission
and increased LV mass. However, eventually the left preoperatively, with the exception of those in whom
ventricular wall thickening fails to manage the exces- acute AR develops after balloon dilation of the aortic
sive regurgitant stroke volume, and the end-systolic valve or in the context of infective endocarditis.
wall stress rises [1]. Thus over the course of its natu- Acute AR is poorly tolerated, and the development
ral history, AR leads to a spectrum of anatomic and of congestive heart failure (CHF) is rapid and over-
physiologic changes, including dilation and hypertro- whelming. Patients with AR who exhibit signs of CHF,
arrhythmias, syncope, or chest pain are candidates for
surgical intervention.
M. Tsifansky (*) In the setting of acute AR and CHF, admission
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Advocate Lutheran General Children’s Hospital, Park Ridge, echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and chest X-ray
IL, USA should be obtained, and a central venous line and arterial
e-mail: line should be placed.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 435
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_39, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
436 M. Tsifansky et al.

A milrinone infusion (0.25–1  mg/kg/min) may replacement. Both procedures require cardiopulmonary
help to improve myocardial contractility and decrease bypass and cardioplegic arrest, and are usually per-
afterload. Because these patients usually have low formed under mild to moderate hypothermia. Lately,
diastolic and mean blood pressure, it is prudent to start reparative techniques are being used more frequently
milrinone at a low dose and titrate upwards to effect with moderate success [3–5]. Commonly used tech-
under close hemodynamic monitoring. niques are shown bellow (Figs. 39.1–39.3).
Diuretics and careful fluid restriction are indicated.
Ventricular arrhythmias are ominous signs of sig-
nificant ventricular dysfunction, and surgery should be
promptly undertaken. 39.5  P
 ostoperative Care of Aortic
If infective endocarditis is suspected, serial blood Regurgitation Repair
cultures must be drawn, and antibiotics must be started
A transthoracic echocargiogram should be done The care of patients after surgery for AR is relatively
looking for endocardial vegetations and, if found, they simple. Unless they present preoperatively with pulmo-
should be assessed for size and mobility. If a transtho- nary edema, they are usually extubated on admission to
racic echocardiogram is unrevealing and endocarditis the ICU.
is suspected on clinical grounds, a transesophageal Arterial and central lines are usually left in place at
echocardiogram should be strongly considered. These least for the first postoperative day.
patients are at high risk of thromboembolic events [2]. Chest X-ray and ECG are obtained on admission; it
is important to compare them with the preoperative
studies [6, 7].
The majority of patients require postoperative
39.4  Surgical Management afterload reduction, which should be optimized by the
physical examination and the results of the TEE.
There are two surgical strategies for the management of Electrolytes should be closely monitored and
patients with aortic insufficiency: aortic valve repair and corrected to avoid arrhythmias.

Fig. 39.1  Pericardial Leaflet Extension Technique. (a) Abnormal are augmented with pericardial patches, creating a competent
trileaflet aortic valve with poor coaptation. (b) The pericardial valve. (d) Note that the size of the pericardial patch extension
extension is sutured to the left aortic cusp. (c) All three aortic cusps varies for each cusp
39  Aortic Valve Regurgitation 437

Fig. 39.2  Aortic Leaflet Plication. In the presence of a redundant and prolapsing aortic cusp, a centrally placed plicating suture
improves valve coaptation, reducing regurgitation

Fig. 39.3  Partial Aortic Leaflet Resection. The redundant central section of the prolapsing cusp is resected in order to improve
valve coaptation
438 M. Tsifansky et al.

For the purposes of sedation, we prefer to use 3. Tweddell JS, Pelech AN, Frommelt PC, et al. Complex aortic
dexmedetomidine supplemented as needed with valve repair as durable and effective alternative to valve
replacement in children with aortic valve disease. J Thorac
low-dose narcotics and benzodiazepines. Cardiovasc Surg. 2005;129:551–558.
If a prosthetic valve has been placed, anticoagulation 4. Kalangos A, Beghetti M, Baldovinos A, et al. Aortic valve
should start once the bleeding is controlled, typically repair by cusp extension with the use of fresh autologous
on postoperative day 2. Initially, regular heparin pericardium in children with rheumatic aortic insufficiency.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1999;118:225–236.
infusion is used. When oral intake is stable, and after 5. Hasaniya N, Gundry SR, Razzouk AJ, et  al. Outcome of
at least 2–3 days on heparin, warfarin is started, and aortic valve repair in children with congenital aortic valve
heparin is continued until warfarin is therapeutic. The insufficiency. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2004;127:970–974.
values of PT (for warfarin) and, the PTT (for heparin) 6. Daniels CJ, Allen H, Fontana M. Aortic Valve regurgitation.
In: Moss AJ, Adams FH, eds. Moss and Adams’ heart
should be closely monitored, and a diet consistent in Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents including the
vitamin K content should be adhered to (please see the fetus and young adult. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
chapter on prosthetic valves for further details). Wilkins; 2008:968–987.
7. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
Task Force on Practice Guidelines; Society of Cardiovascular
Anesthesiologists; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography
References and Interventions; Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Bonow
RO, et al. ACC/AHA 2006 guidelines for the management
of patients with valvular heart disease: a report of the
1. Jonas R. Valve surgery. In: Jonas R, DiNardo J, Laussen P, American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
Howe R, LaPierre R, Matte G, eds. Comprehensive Surgical Task Force on Practice Guidelines (writing committee to
Management of Congenital Heart Disease. London: Arnold; revise the 1998 Guidelines for the Management of Patients
2004:301–305. With Valvular Heart Disease): developed in collaboration
2. Otto CM, Bonow RO. Aotic valve regurgitation. In: Libby P, with the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists:
Bonow R, Mann D, Zipes D, eds. Braunwald’s Heart endorsed by the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography
Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 8th ed. and Interventions and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2008:1635–1646. Circulation. 2006;114:e84–e231.
Chapter 40
Vascular Rings and Pulmonary Sling

Yuliya A. Domina, Sang Park, and Victor O. Morell

40.1  Anatomy right-sided descending aorta and then the ring tends
to be tighter and more symptomatic [2].
4. A pulmonary artery sling (Fig. 40.4), also known as
Aortic arch anomalies are not uncommon and result
distal origin of the left pulmonary artery, occurs
from embryologic derangements during the develop-
when the left pulmonary artery originates abnor-
ment of the aortic arches and their branches [1]. Early
mally from the right pulmonary artery and courses
in gestation there are both right and left aortic arches,
between the trachea and esophagus, resulting in
but the right normally atrophies and disappears. Vascular
encroachment on the distal trachea and the right
rings occur when certain structures persist rather than
main stem bronchus. Associated intracardiac abnor-
involute or involute rather than persist, resulting in the
malities are present in 10–15% of cases [3].
encirclement and compression of the trachea and
5. Anomalous innominate artery (Fig.  40.5). This
esophagus. From 3 to 5 % of cases of stridor in infancy
anomaly occurs when the innominate artery arises
are due to vascular rings.
unusually distally from the aortic arch, then courses
The following vascular abnormalities can cause airway
tangentially anterior to the trachea. The degree
obstruction and, occasionally, esophageal symptoms.
of tracheal compression is variable but occasionally
1. Double aortic arch (Fig. 40.1) is the most common is severe.
vascular ring, and results when the right arch fails
to involute. Both arches may be patent: the right
arch is dominant in 70% of cases, the left in 20%
and the arches are almost equal in size in 10% of
40.2  P
 athophysiology and Clinical
cases. One arch, usually the left, may be present but Presentation
often atretic.
2. A right aortic arch with an aberrant left subclavian Despite variability in anatomy of these anomalies, they
artery and left ligamentum arteriosum (Fig. 40.2) is are all influenced by a common pathophysiologic
a rather common anomaly, but the ring is a loose mechanism; symptoms are due to compression of large
one in most cases and causes no symptoms. If the airways and/or the esophagus. Patients with severe
left subclavian artery arises from a diverticulum of compression tend to present early in life. In others,
Kommerell, a remnant of the left descending aorta, symptoms appear later in life or do not occur at all.
the ring may be tighter and cause symptoms. Long standing compression of the trachea and main-
3. A left aortic arch with an aberrant right subclavian stem bronchus by the high pressure arterial system
artery (Fig.  40.3) is also common and usually tends to cause tracheo-bronchomalacia, with airway
asymptomatic. Rarely, there is an associated collapse on exhalation and consequent air trapping.
A barking cough and stridor that is expiratory and/or
inspiratory are common signs. In infants and children
Y.A. Domina (*)
with severe obstruction from innominate artery
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic,
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA compression, symptoms commonly worsen during
e-mail: respiratory infections [4]. Compression of the esophagus

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 439
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_40, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
440 Y.A. Domina et al.

Fig. 40.1  Double aortic arch. (RAA right aortic arch; LAA left
aortic arch; RCC right common carotid artery; LCC left common
carotid artery; RSC right subclavian artery; LSC left subclavian
artery; Lig.A ligamentum arteriosum)

Fig. 40.3  Left aortic arch (LAA) with an aberrant right subcla-

vian artery (RSC). (RCC right common carotid artery; LCC left
common carotid artery; LSC left subclavian artery; Lig.A liga-
mentum arteriosum)

Fig. 40.2  Right aortic arch (RAA) with an aberrant left subcla-

vian artery (AbLSC) and a left ligamentum (Lig.A). (RCC right
common carotid artery; LCC left common carotid artery; RSC
right subclavian artery)

may cause dysphagia, but rarely in infancy when diet

is largely liquid. However, severely affected infants
Fig.  40.4  Pulmonary artery sling. (MPA = main pulmonary
may show slow feeding, regurgitation, aspiration, and artery, RPA = right pulmonary artery, LPA = left pulmonary
failure to thrive. Infants with a double aortic arch typi- artery, LAA = left aortic arch, Lig.A = ligamentum arteriosum)
cally present in the newborn period and often have
severe symptoms with the classic “barky” cough and arch and left ligamentum frequently present somewhat
nearly constant stridor. Children with a right aortic later in life (3–9 months of age) because the ring is
40  Vascular Rings and Pulmonary Sling 441

40.3  Diagnostic Studies

There are a few diagnostic modalities available for

evaluation of the child suspected of having a vascular
Barium esophagram used to be the only important
tool for diagnosing a vascular ring. The retroesophageal
indentation by the abnormal vessel is persistent in all
views, differentiating it from a peristaltic wave. Pulmonary
sling is the only vascular abnormality which causes an
anterior rather than posterior esophageal indentation.
Barium esophagram is normal in patients with an anom-
alous innominate artery. Other more definitive modalities
are now available and it is less frequently used.
Bronchoscopy is a very important diagnostic tool
for infants and young children with stridor, and in the
presence of a vascular ring, shows an extrinsic, often
pulsatile, compression of the trachea. Bronchoscopy is
also the diagnostic procedure of choice for infants with
complete tracheal rings and innominate artery com-
pression syndrome, where there is a pulsatile oblique
anterior compression of the trachea. When the bron-
Fig. 40.5  Innominate artery tracheal compression caused by an choscope is pressed onto the pulsatile area the right
anomalous origin of the innominate artery (RIn.A) form the aor- brachial pulse may diminish or disappear.
tic arch. (LAA left aortic arch; LCC left common carotid artery;
LSC left subclavian artery)
Echocardiography is useful for making the diagnosis
of most of vascular rings and pulmonary artery sling,
but is limited because a vascular segment without a lumen
“looser,” being formed partially by the low pressure
and the trachea cannot be visualized. Nonetheless, the
pulmonary artery and the ligamentum arteriosum [5].
sidedness of the aortic arch and direction and origins of
Other congenital anomalies, including intra-cardiac
the brachiocephalic arteries provide useful information,
defects, should always be sought in patients with aortic
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
arch anomalies. A right aortic arch is common in
imaging (MRI) are useful as they identify both the
patients with tetralogy of Fallot and truncus arteriosus,
vascular structures and the tracheo-bronchial anatomy.
but a vascular ring is rarely seen in this group. Tracheal
It is a vital part of preoperative assessment and plan-
anomalies including tracheal rings, absence of the
ning for congenital tracheal stenosis [6]. These studies
membranous trachea and tracheal stenosis have been
are employed if the diagnosis is not clear from the
reported in infants with pulmonary sling (ring–sling
other procedures listed above.
complex) [6].
Angiography is rarely needed for the diagnosis of a
There is no definitive medical therapy for vascular
vascular ring, but in unusual cases it can offer informa-
rings or pulmonary sling, and symptomatic patients
tion not available from any other modalities.
should undergo surgical correction as soon as feasible,
especially if symptoms are severe. Preoperatively, the
patient should be given adequate nutritional support as
well as general respiratory care and appropriate treatment
of any respiratory tract infection. Usually, surgery 40.4  Surgical Management
should not be unduly delayed because of a respiratory
tract infection, since surgical correction of the ring In general, vascular rings are approached through a
allows more adequate and complete clearing of respi- left lateral thoracotomy and do not require cardiopul-
ratory secretions. monary bypass. In a double aortic arch the smaller of
442 Y.A. Domina et al.

Fig. 40.6  (a) Repaired Double Aortic Arch; the smaller left aortic arch (LAA) and the ligamentum arteriosum (Lig.A) have been
divided. (b) Repaired right aortic arch with aberrant LSCA; the ligamentum arteriosum has been divided

the two arches is divided (Fig.  40.6). Arch division

should always be done between vascular clamps with
oversewing of the divided stumps, because simple liga-
tion and division has been associated with ligature
slippage and subsequent catastrophic hemorrhage. In
patients with a right aortic arch and an aberrant left
subclavian artery the ligamentum arteriosum requires
division (Fig.  40.6). If there is an associated
Kommerell’s diverticulum, it is either resected and
oversewn or pexed to the fascia of the vertebral col-
umn to prevent compression of the trachea and/or
esophagus from the diverticulum itself.
Our approach to patients with innominate artery
compression involves an aortopexy via a right paraster-
nal incision, affixing the proximal innominate artery to
the posterior aspect of the sternum (Fig. 40.7). Another
option involves division and re-implantation of the
innominate artery through midsternal approach instead
of above mentioned suspension technique.
Patients with a pulmonary artery sling are repaired
via a median sternotomy approach and with the use of
cardiopulmonary bypass. The left pulmonary artery is
transected at its origin from the right pulmonary artery
and re-implanted on the left lateral aspect of the
main pulmonary (Fig.  40.8). Also, if the patient has
complete tracheal rings (50% of patients) it is best
managed at the same time. Fig. 40.7  Aortopexy. Suspension sutures are placed at the origin
of the innominate artery and then advanced through the sternum.
Once on tension, the sutures will reposition the proximal aortic
arch and innominate artery in a more anterior position in the medi-
astinum, relieving the tracheal compression
40.5  Postoperative Management
usually do not require admission to the pediatric critical
The postoperative course is usually benign and in the care unit. The majority of them are extubated in the
absence of severe tracheomalacia most of the patients operating room, monitored in the hospital for 24–48 h,
40  Vascular Rings and Pulmonary Sling 443

immediately after relieving from the compression

caused by vascular ring. However, complete resolu-
tion of the symptoms may take a few weeks to months
with gradual resolution of tracheo-bronchomalacia.
Nonetheless, 92–95% of them are expected to be free
of their respiratory symptoms by the end of first
postoperative year [7].
Among those with less optimal long-term results
are patients with a pulmonary sling with and without
complete tracheal rings and those with severe associ-
ated congenital cardiac defects. In patients with a
severely deformed trachea or tracheomalacia, addi-
tional reconstruction procedures such as a tracheal
graft with autologous rib may be required to allevi-
ate life threatening respiratory problem [8]. A num-
ber of patients continue to show evidence of some
pulmonary function abnormalities years after sur-
gery [9]. In Baker’s series of patients with pulmo-
nary sling, the patency of the left pulmonary artery
re-anastomosed through median sternotomy and
while using cardiopulmonary bypass was 100% with
the mean blood flow to the left lung by nuclear scan
Fig. 40.8  Repaired Pulmonary Artery Sling. The left pulmonary
artery (LPA) has been separated from the right pulmonary artery being 42% [7].
(RPA) and then anastomosed to the main pulmonary artery (MPA); The majority of institutions performing surgeries
the ligamentum arteriosum was divided. for vascular anomalies on infants with no intra­
cardiac or extracardiac defects report virtually no
and then discharged. Invasive monitoring in the form
of arterial catheter and central venous catheter is usually
used intra-operatively and discontinued upon transfer
to the postoperative care area. References
Pain from the thoracotomy incision could interfere
with breathing efforts and lead to atelectasis and 1. Park SC, Zuberbuhler JR. Vascular rings and pulmonary
pneumonia. sling. In Anderson RH, BakerEJ, McCartney FJ, Rigbu ML,
Injuries to the phrenic and recurrent laryngeal nerve Shinebourne EA, Tynan eds. Paediatric Cardiology
(Chapter 57). 2nd ed. London: Churchill Livingston; 2002:
are uncommon. 1559–1576.
Excessive bleeding is also a rare postoperative 2. Park SC, Siewers RD, Neches WH, Lenox CC, Zuberbuhler
complication. JR. Left aortic arch with right descending aorta and right
However, disruption of the thoracic duct may rarely ligamentum arteriosum. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1976;71:
occur. 3. Castañeda AR, Jonas RA, Mayer JE. Vascular rings, slings,
and tracheal anomalies. Cardiac Surgery of the Neonate and
Infant. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1994:397–408.
4. Moes CAF, Izukawa T, Trusler GA. Innominate artery
40.6  Long-term Outlook compression of the trachea. Arch otolarynogol. 1975;101:
5. Backer CL, Ilbawi MN, Idriss FS, et al. Vascular anomalies
Long-term results of the patients operated for vascular causing tracheoesophageal compression. Review of expe-
ring spectrum are generally favorable. Most infants rience in children. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1989;97:
experience significant improvement in respiratory status 725–731.
444 Y.A. Domina et al.

6. Berdon WE, Baker DH, Wung JT, et al. Complete cartilage ring 8. Park SC: Vascular Abnormalities. Pediatric Otolaryngology.
tracheal stenosis associated with anomalous left ­pulmonary Stool S (ed) Pediatr Clin North Am. 1981; vol.28.
artery: The ring-sling complex. Radiology. 1984;152:57–64. 4:949–955.
7. Backer CL, Idriss FS, Holinger LD, et al. Pulmonary artery 9. Bhimji S, Eggerstedt JM. Vascular Rings. On E-medicine:
sling. Results of surgical repair in infancy. J Thorac
Cardiovasc Surg. 1992;103:683–691.
Chapter 41
Takayasu Arteritis

Yuliya A. Domnina and Ricardo Muñoz

41.1  Anatomy Bw52, DR2, and DR4, although these associations

have not been confirmed in Western studies. In the US,
TakA has been found to be connected with HLA-B22
Takayasu arteritis (TakA), described by Mikito Takayasu
[3]. The initial acute phase, or the prepulseless or
in 1908, is a chronic, large-vessel vasculitis of unknown
active inflammatory stage, of vasculitis is characterized
etiology that primarily affects the aorta, the proximal
by the thickening of the aortic wall with or without
portions of its branches, and the pulmonary arteries. In
alterations in the arterial lumen. Microscopic studies
this illness, progressive and sustained inflammation of
reveal pan-arteritis involving all layers of the artery,
involved vessels leads to stenotic lesions and aneurysm
particularly the media. The destruction of the elastic
formation. TakA, also known as “Pulseless disease,” is a
membrane and infiltration of all layers by lymphoid
rare disorder with an incidence of 1.2–2.6 cases/million/
and plasma cells are pronounced. The intima is thickened
year and occurring most frequently in the Far East and
due to proliferation of the endothelium as well as edema.
Africa [1]. Strong association with tuberculosis was
In the second phase of the disease, the progressive
found in patients afflicted with TakA in those parts of
inflammatory process manifests through the formation
the world. Lower rates are observed among white
of granulomas composed of macrophages, epithe-
European and North American descendants. This dis-
lioid, and giant cells. Finally, the pulseless end-stage
ease usually affects young patients with a female-
sclerotic phase demonstrates alterations in the arterial
to-male ratio of 9:1. The peak incidence occurs in the
lumen and is characterized by stenosis (seen in 90–100%
third decade of life; however, the disease has been
of TakA patients), occlusion/thrombosis, atypical coarc-
identified in patients as young as 6 months old [2].
tation, dilation and/or aneurysms. Frequently, stenosis
and obstruction predominate, but dilation and aneurysms
are not rare [3].
41.2  Pathophysiology

The cause of TakA is unknown, but immunogenetic

factors appear to play a major role in pathogenesis. 41.3  C
 linical Presentation
TakA has been reported in identical twins, leading to and Diagnostic Tools
hypotheses of a hereditary basis for the disease. In
Japan and Korea, TakA has been found to be associ- During the acute phase of TakA, constitutional symp-
ated with human leukocyte antigens HLA-A10, B5, toms such as headaches, dizziness, fever, fatigue,
weight loss, myalgia, arthralgia, abdominal pain, nau-
sea, cough, lymphadenopathy, anemia, and transient
Y.A. Domnina (*)
skin rashes are prevalent. Due to the nonspecific nature
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic,
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA of these signs, the diagnosis of the disease is difficult
e-mail: and frequently delayed for months to years.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 445
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_41, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
446 Y.A. Domnina and R. Muñoz

Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has of the ascending aorta and transverse arch. Duplex
been used as a marker of disease activity. Other acute color-flow Doppler may reveal thickening of the
phase reactants have also been used as good activity intima, stenosis, and thrombi in the carotid, subclavian
markers, including alpha-1 acid-glycoprotein, C-reactive arteries, and the abdominal aorta and its branches.
protein, electrophoretic alpha-2-globulin, and hapto-
globin levels. However, normal acute phase reactants
do not assure complete disease remission [4].
During the early presentation of the disease the 41.4  Treatment
aortography may demonstrate only thickening of
the walls of the aorta and its major branches. The treatment of TakA in the active phase consists of
CT angiography and magnetic resonance arteriog- the control of inflammation with the use of steroids alone
raphy have proven to be more reliable tests to detect or in combination with other immunosuppressive
the presence of TakA at this point. agents. In the pulseless phase, aneurysmal dilatation
Progression of the disease into the late sclerotic and multiple stenotic lesions with resultant ischemia in
phase adds symptoms related to ischemia: transient the cerebral, coronary, peripheral arterial, and renal
ischemic attack, seizures, ischemic stroke, visual territories could lead to severe physiologic consequences
disturbances, abdominal angina, extremity claudication, and require surgical or endovascular intervention.
large vessels bruits, absent pulses, and renovascular Currently, daily high-dose corticosteroid administra-
hypertension. The symptoms of cardiac involvement tion 1–2  mg/kg for 4–6 weeks is the accepted initial
are related to aortic dilation and may present as aortic therapy with remission attained in 50% of patients.
insufficiency, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmia. High-dose therapy is subsequently weaned over 4–6
Aortic aneurysms, thrombus formation, and rupture weeks while monitoring for signs of relapse. Forty per-
are the common causes of death in TakA. cent of patients will relapse on steroid taper. In these
Criteria for the classification of TakA were developed patients or in patients with steroid-resistant disease,
by comparing 63 patients with the disease versus 744 treatment with weekly intravenous methotrexate
control patients with other forms of vasculitis. Six (adult dose 15–25  mg/week; pediatric 5–15  mg/m2/
criteria were selected for the traditional format classi- week) or oral cyclophosphamide (1–2  mg/kg/day)
fication: onset at age £40 years, claudication of an have allowed remission to be achieved and maintained
extremity, decreased brachial artery pulse, >10 mmHg [4]. Cyclosporine could be used as an alternative
difference in systolic blood pressure between arms, a therapy offering an improved toxicity profile. Treatment
bruit over the subclavian arteries or the aorta, and of glucocorticoid resistant or relapsing TA with
arteriographic evidence of narrowing or occlusion of anti-TNF therapy (Etanercept and/or Infliximab) has
the entire aorta, its primary branches, or large arteries demonstrated promising results. In one study, 14 of 15
in the proximal upper or lower extremities. The pres- patients with relapsing disease treated with anti-TNF
ence of three or more of these six criteria demonstrated therapy showed improvement and four patients were
a sensitivity of 90.5% and a specificity of 97.8% [5]. able to achieve >50% reduction in the glucocorticoid
Arteriography is the gold standard of radiologic requirement. Sustained remission was reported in 10
diagnosis of TakA as well as an intermittent test of 15 patients, who subsequently were able to discon-
to monitor the progression of the disease and pre- tinue glucocorticoid therapy [6]. Mycophenolate
intervention. Sequential imaging evaluations have mofetil (MMF) is another agent used to treat individuals
revealed disease progression (as determined by the with glucocorticoid resistant disease. MMF therapy
presence of new vascular lesions) in over 60% of has been seen to reduce clinical disease activity and
patients with clinically stable profiles and normal ESRs to improve laboratory parameters in patients already
[4]. However, renal toxicity from the use of contrast treated with another immunosuppressive agent (meth-
dye and radiation exposure are negative aspects of otrexate, azathioprine, or chlorambucil) who relapsed
angiography and could be avoided by the use of mag- during steroid taper. MMF as a first line immunosup-
netic resonance arteriography. Arteriography often pressive drug has also been shown in studies to be well
demonstrates long, smooth, tapered narrowings or tolerated for an average of 23.3 months in a dose of
occlusions. Echocardiography can aid in the evaluation 2 g/day [7].
41  Takayasu Arteritis 447

41.5  Surgical Management to be a safe procedure with a significant decrease in

arterial blood pressure and decreased requirements for
Clinical presentation of TakA is multifaceted and antihypertensives. However, a 25% rate of restenosis
patients with this disease require a coordinated multi- has been seen on the 4–72 months follow up [13]. The
disciplinary approach for optimal care and outcome. restenosis rates have been improved by stent implanta-
In the chronic phase, the objectives of the clinical tion. A possible alternative yet to be evaluated in a
treatment are not always achieved by medical therapy larger population of patients with TakA is the use of
alone. Surgical and percutaneous interventions, including immunosupressant-eluting stents (sirolimus, pacli-
bypass procedures, percutaneous transluminal angio- taxel), which inhibit endothelial proliferation and
plasty, stent placement, aortic valve replacement, and endovascular inflammation and, thereby, decrease rates
aortic root repair, are frequently performed in the of restenosis.
chronic phase.
Aortic valvular regurgitation due to progressive
aortic root dilation and resultant congestive heart
failure may occur in patients with TakA. Surgical 41.6  M
 anagement in the Intensive
management of this condition may involve placement Care Unit
of a prosthetic valve, but is often complicated by occur-
rence of prosthetic valve detachment or formation of a
TakA patients are rarely admitted to the intensive
pseudoaneurysm at the suture line. Postoperative
care unit unless the admission is related to compli-
morbidity includes continued progressive dilatation of
cations of the disease, such as dehydration, hemop-
the aortic root. Hence, aortic root replacement with a
tysis, neurological deficits, seizures, single or
composite graft for aortic regurgitation associated
multiple vessel occlusions, extremity claudication,
with aortitis is indicated in view of the propensity for
rupture of aortic aneurysm, systemic hypertension,
development of prosthetic valve detachment [8]. Active
congestive heart failure, angina, side effects of
inflammation confirmed in intraoperative specimens
immunosuppressive agents, and postinterventional
was found to be a significant risk factor for valve or
graft detachment [9].
Diffuse, multifocal, and ostial vessel involvement
in TakA makes the surgical revascularization with
bypass grafting difficult and is also associated with a
high rate of restenosis [10]. The percutaneous correc- 41.7  Long-Term Outlook
tion of vessel obstructions at multiple sites emerged as
a viable alternative therapeutic possibility with no Morbidity and mortality in patients with TakA are directly
contraindications even in the presence of active arterial correlated with the vascular territories involved,
inflammation. Restenosis is a known complication of complications (Takayasu’s retinopathy, hypertension,
the percutaneous procedure as well and repeated aortic regurgitation, aortic root dilation, aneurysm,
interventions are frequently necessary. A lower rest- carotid artery stenosis, seizures, and stroke), and the
enosis rate is observed when the vascular interven- progressive course of the disease. Currently, immuno-
tions are performed in the stable stage and when suppressive agents added to corticosteroids can bring
postinterventional immunosuppressive treatment is TakA into remission in majority of patients. However,
implemented. Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of the significant morbidities are associated with these immu-
aorta and stent implantation in children with TakA has nosuppressive therapies and are particularly seen in
been reported to normalize systolic and diastolic blood patients using high-dose steroids (diabetes, osteoporosis,
pressures with improvement in exercise tolerance, hypertension, cataracts, and systemic infections).
congestive heart failure, and no complications up to 3 New drugs that target intimal hyperplasia, as well as
years [11, 12]. Short segment stenoses were found to drug-eluting stents, deserve to be studied for possible
restenose less frequently than long segment aortic utility as adjuncts to present treatments [14].
stenoses. Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of renal Persistent inflammation and endothelial dysfunc-
artery stenoses in children with TakA has been found tion place patients with TA at risk for premature
448 Y.A. Domnina and R. Muñoz

atherosclerosis. Despite these potential life-threatening 8. Adachi O, Saiki Y, Akasaka J, Oda K, Iguchi A, Tabayashi
complications, 5–10 year survival rates have been K. Surgical management of aortic regurgitation associated
with Takayasu arteritis and other forms of Aortitis. Ann
reported to be 70–90% [15]. Thorac Surg. 2007;84:1950–1953.
9. Matsuura K, Ogino H, Kobayashi J, et al. Surgical treatment
of aortic regurgitation due to Takayasu arteritis: long-
term morbidity and mortality. Circulation. 2005;112:
References 3707–3172.
10. Liang P, Tan-Ong M, Hoffman GS. Takayasu’s arteritis:
vascular interventions and outcomes. J Rheumatol. 2004;31:
1. Hall S, Buchbinder R. Takayasu’s arteritis. Rheum Dis North 102–106.
Am. 1990;16:411–422. 11. Tyagi S, Khan AA, Kaul UA, Arora R. Percutaneous
2. Numano F. Differences in clinical presentation and outcome transluminal angioplasty for stenosis of the aorta due to
in different countries for Takayasu’s arteritis. Curr Opin aortic arteritis in children. Pediatr Cardiol.]. 1999;20:
Rheumatol. 1997;9:12–15. 404–410.
3. Hom C. Takayasu Arteritis on 12. Tyagi S, Kaul UA, Arora R. Endovascular stenting for unsuc-
4. Hoffman GS. Takayasu arteritis: lessons from the American cessful angioplasty of the aorta in aortoarteritis. Cardiovasc
National Institutes of Health experience. Int J Card. Intervent Radiol. 1999;22:452–456.
1996;54:S83–S86. 13. Tyagi S, Kaul UA, Satsangi DK, Arora R. Percutaneous
5. Arend WP, Michel BA, Bloch DA, et  al. The American transluminal angioplasty for renovascular hypertension in
College of Rheumatology 1990: criteria for the classification children: initial and long-term results. Pediatrics. 1997;99:
of Takayasu arteritis. Arthritis Rheum. 1990;33:1129–1134. 44–49.
6. Hoffman GS, Merkel PA, Brassington RD, et al. Utility of 14. Liang P, Hoffman GS. Advances in the medical and surgical
anti-TNF therapy in Takayasu’s arteritis. Arthritis Rheum. treatment of Takayasu arteritis. Curr Opin Rheumatol.
2003;48:1102 (S442). 2005;17:16–24.
7. Shinjo SK, Pereira RM, Tizziani VA, Radu AS, Levy-Neto 15. Ishikawa K, Maetani S. Long-term outcome for 120 Japanese
M. Mycophenolate mofetil reduces disease activity and patients with Takayasu’s disease. Clinical and statistical
steroid dosage in Takayasu arteritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2007;26: analyses of related prognostic factors. Circulation. 1994;90:
1871–1875. 1855–1860.
Chapter 42
Aortic Dissection

Yuliya A. Domnina and Victor O. Morell

42.1  Anatomy compared with older patients >40 years old, had unique
risk factors for dissection including Marfan syndrome,
bicuspid aortic valve, and larger aortic dimensions.
Spontaneous aortic dissection (AoD) is a rare,
The mortality in the younger group of patients was
life-threatening disease, yet it is the most common
similar to that of an older group [1]. The most com-
catastrophe of the aorta with a high mortality rate
mon site of dissection was the first few centimeters of
reported around 22–24%. It has a higher prevalence in
the ascending aorta, with 90% occurring within 10 cm
a population with risk factors such as dilation of the
of the aortic valve. The second most common site was
aorta, connective tissue disorders, vasculitis, certain
just distal to the left subclavian artery. Five to ten per-
congenital heart diseases, age, hypertension, and
cent of dissections do not have an obvious intimal tear.
dyslipidemia. However, even in the absence of risk
Dissections of the thoracic aorta have been classified
factors, non-traumatic rupture of a dissecting aorta
anatomically according to De Bakey’s classification
may occur. Patients at particular risk for aortic dissec-
(Fig. 42.1):
tion could be classified as belonging to one of the
following groups: −− Type I: The dissection involves the ascending aorta,
aortic arch, and descending aorta.
−− Congenital heart disease (e.g., d-TGA, post-Ross
−− Type II: The dissection is localized to the ascending
procedure, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), Bicuspid
Aortic Valve)
−− Type III: The dissection involves the descending
−− Non-syndromic aortopathies (Familial Thoracic Aortic
aorta distal to the left subclavian artery, with further
Aneurysm, Familial Aortic Dissection, Aortic Dilation/
subdivision based on the extension of the dissec-
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease, Hypertension-
tion: – subtype IIIa: extension of the dissection
related Aortopathy)
proximally and distally. – subtype IIIb: extension of
−− Syndromic aortopathies (Marfan Syndrome, vascular
the dissection only distally [2].
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Loyes-Dietz Syndrome,
Turner Syndrome, Noonan Syndrome) A simplified classification has been introduced by the
−− Other systemic conditions leading to aortic dilation Stanford group (Fig. 42.2) and is based on the presence
(Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Homocystinuria, Familial (Type A) or absence (Type B) of dissection of the
Hypercholesterolemia, increased incidence was found ascending aorta. Type A involves the ascending aorta
in pregnancy, tertiary syphilis, cocaine abuse). and type B does not.
In a study by Januzzi et  al of cohort of 951 patients
diagnosed with AoD, younger patients <40 years old
42.2  Pathophysiology

Y.A. Domnina (*)
Ascending aortic aneurysms and dissections have a
Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, Sanger Clinic,
Levine Children’s Hospital, Charlotte, NC, USA distinctive pathophysiology reflected by a bimodal age
e-mail: distribution (presenting between the fourth and the

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 449
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_42, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
450 Y.A. Domnina and V.O. Morell

Fig. 42.1  DeBakey’s Classification

of the aortic dissection

degeneration (cystic medial necrosis). Degenerative

aneurysms of the descending and abdominal aorta tend
to present and dissect in patients over 65 years of age,
and have more typical characteristics of an atheroscle-
rotic process [3]. The initiating event of aortic dissection
is a tear in the intimal layer, followed by the formation
and propagation of a sub-intimal hematoma. The prop-
agating hematoma creates a false lumen or double-
barreled aorta. It can reduce blood flow to the major
arteries arising from the aorta and results in a varied
symptomatology. The intimal tear is more likely to occur
in the ascending aorta (65%) or in the descending
thoracic aorta (20%) with a fewer cases originating
from the transverse arch (10%) and 5% from the
descending aorta [4].
Fig. 42.2  Stanford Classification

sixth decades of life) and by hereditary predisposition.

Patients with syndromic aortopathies tend to have 42.3  Clinical Presentation
dissection earlier and frequently have an atypical clinical
picture at presentation. All ascending aortic aneurysms Sudden, severe chest pain is the most common presenting
have similar histopathologic changes as reported by symptom in patients with an aortic dissection. Aortic
Gleason, and include: (a) elastolysis (or fragmentation dissection should always be considered in the differential
of elastic fibers), (b) noninflammatory smooth muscle cell diagnosis of all patients presenting with chest pain and
loss and dedifferentiation, (c) mucoid degeneration and in particular in patients with known conditions or high
medial degeneration – collectively termed cystic medial risk factors for AoD. Location of pain and irradiation
42  Aortic Dissection 451

usually corresponds to the affected area of the aorta isolated arch dissection, and chronic dissection (2 weeks
and the vessels originating from the aorta that might be or later after onset) [4].
involved in the dissection. Sub-sternal chest pain An ECG must be obtained in all patients.
frequently mimics chest pain of acute myocardial In the international registry of aortic dissection
infarction and is associated with ascending aorta or (IRAD), the first diagnostic test was transthoracic
aortic root dissection. Dissection in this area could (TTE) and transesophageal (TEE) echocardiography
cause interruption of coronary flow and result in in 33% of patients suspected to have AoD, CT in 61%,
myocardial ischemia. Pain that is described in the MRI in 2%, and angiography in 4% [5]. The demon-
neck, jaw, or inter-scapular area may indicate that stration of the intimal flap separating two lumina is the
the dissection involves transverse arch with head and basis for diagnosis of aortic dissection. If the false
neck vessels or descending thoracic aorta. Aortic dis- lumen is completely thrombosed, central displacement
section could be painless. Painless dissection is more of the intimal flap, calcification or separation of intimal
common in patients with syndromic aortopathies. layers can be regarded as definitive signs of aortic
Other physical findings may include: hypotension or dissection. The other diagnostic goals include:
hypertension, wide pulse pressure and new diastolic
1 . Localization of the intimal tear.
murmur with aortic insufficiency, tachycardia, muffled
2. Evaluation of the extent of dissection.
heart sounds, dyspnea, orthopnea, dysphagia, hoarse-
3. Assessment of side branch involvement.
ness, pericardial or pleural effusion, and ECG changes.
4. Definition between communicating and noncom-
Neurologic symptoms are common at presentation
municating dissection.
such as syncope and seizures, altered mental status,
5. Assessment of aortic regurgitation.
focal motor, or sensory neurologic deficits (paresthesias,
6. Detection of extravasation (periaortic or mediasti-
hemiparesis, and paraplegias).
nal hematoma, pleural or pericardial effusion) [6].
While arranging for appropriate diagnostic confirmatory
test, patients should be admitted to the intensive care
42.4  Preoperative Management unit for monitoring and treatment. Two large bore IV
lines should be placed for volume resuscitation and
medication administration. An arterial line should be
The armamentarium of tests used to diagnose aortic
placed in the right radial artery as the involvement
dissection includes CT and CT-angiogram of the
of the brachiocephalic trunk is rarely seen. Periodic
chest with iodinated contrast material (Fig.  42.3),
pressure monitoring of all four extremities is indicated
transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiogram,
to rule out pseudo-hypotension due to obstruction of
magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) of the aorta
the aortic branches.
and aortogram. Medical treatment is recommended for
It is of paramount importance to provide pain relievers
uncomplicated distal dissection, stable patients with
as severe pain of aortic dissection in itself stimulates
sympathetic output and could lead to elevation of blood
pressure, in turn stimulating propagation of dissection.
Morphine sulfate in the age and size appropriate
doses is a drug of choice in hemodynamically stable
Blood pressure needs to be maintained slightly
under normal values for age as long as all organs
receive adequate perfusion. Beta-blockers as a class
seem to be the agents of choice for hypertension asso-
ciated with AoD due to its most prominent effect on the
Fig. 42.3  Type B Aortic Dissection. A 13 year-old presented to reduction of the force of left ventricular ejection dP/dt.
the emergency room with severe back pain. A CT-scan of the
chest revealed an intimal flap (arrow) in the thoracic descending
Esmolol, propranolol, or labetalol could be adminis-
aorta. Also, there is a large mediastinal hematoma and a left tered as continuous or intermittent intravenous infu-
pleural effusion sions. If beta-blockers are contraindicated, calcium
452 Y.A. Domnina and V.O. Morell

channel blockers may be considered. In general, it is

advisable to combine beta-blockers (titrating dose to
achieve physiologic bradycardia) and vasodilators. The
use of only a vasodilator such as sodium nitroprusside
can increase the dP/dT and potentially ­exacerbate the
dissection. The goal of lowering of systolic blood pres-
sure must be modified if oliguria or neurologic symp-
toms develop. The combination of fenoldopam and
beta-blockers is a good choice in the setting of renal
insufficiency good choice. It is important to be aware
that in cases of refractory hypertension, the aortic dis-
section flap could have extended into the renal arteries,
hypertension may be renin-related and careful adminis-
tration of an intravenous angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor should be planned [4].
Hemodynamically unstable patients need to be
intubated and mechanically ventilated and the transfer
to the operating room (OR) should occur as soon as
possible. TTE or TEE could be performed as the sole
diagnostic procedure in the intensive care unit or in the
OR in the interest of time. Careful volume repletion
should be performed if blood sequestration in the false
lumen, pleural or pericardial space is suspected [6].
Fig. 42.4  Interposition Graft. The ascending aorta is replaced
with a prosthetic conduit; the native aortic root is preserved

42.5  Surgical Management damage, especially in patients with Marfan’s syndrome

or with annulo-aortic ectasia, the recommended
Type A dissections require prompt surgical interven- surgical repair includes a root replacement, either
tion in order to prevent aortic rupture and death. The with a valve-sparing procedure or with placement of
principles of the surgical repair include the following: a valve-conduit (Bentall procedure) (Fig.  42.5).
The hospital mortality rate associated with this type of
(a) The elimination of the proximal extension of the
surgical repair is between 5 and 30% [7, 8].
dissection, to prevent rupture.
Type B dissections, in general, do not require acute
(b) The reestablishment of intimal continuity, usually
surgical intervention, except for patients who present
requiring resection or exclusion of the intimal tear.
with, or develop aortic rupture, persistent pain, or end
(c) The elimination of aortic insufficiency, with aortic
organ ischemia (renal, hepatic, intestinal, spinal cord,
valve resuspension or valve replacement.
or lower extremities). The surgical approach is
The repair is performed via a median sternotomy through a left thoracotomy and it requires a period of
incision and with cardiopulmonary bypass. An impor- aortic cross-clamping. The repair involves the
tant technical aspect during the establishment of the replacement of the descending thoracic aorta with an
extracorporeal circulation is the cannulation of the true interposition graft. In order to prevent spinal cord
arterial lumen to provide adequate end-organ perfusion; ischemia (5–20% incidence), some form of distal
femoral artery cannulation is the preferred approach. perfusion technique (partial femoral artery to femoral
A period of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest might vein bypass, left atrial to femoral artery bypass,
be required if the repair involves aortic arch. shunt) is frequently utilized. It is also important to
An interposition tube graft is used to replace the reimplant the intercostal arteries. The operative
ascending aorta up to the level of the proximal arch mortality associated with a type B dissection repair is
(Fig.  42.4). In the presence of significant aortic root approximately 20% [9].
42  Aortic Dissection 453

it is of a paramount importance that proper analgesia

be provided.

42.9  Sedation and pain control

A dexmedetomidine infusion (central sympatholytic,

sedative, analgesic, and anxiolytic) at 0.3–1 mg/kg/h is
an excellent and a safe alternative for a well established
regimen of morphine boluses of 0.05–0.1 mg/kg and
midazolam 0.05–0.1 mg/kg IV every 1–2 h. Inadequate
pain control could lead to stimulation of sympathetic
output and hypertension, hence increasing the risk of

42.10  Cardiovascular management

Hypertension is a common problem after repair,

Fig. 42.5  Bentall Procedure. The aortic root is replaced with a especially if it was present in the preoperative period.
mechanical valve-conduit, it requires coronary reimplantation Patients with syndromic aortopathies frequently manifest
with aortic dissection without evidence of hypertension.
42.6  Postoperative Management Systolic hypertension usually occurs within the first
24–72 h, associated with carotid baroreceptor stimula-
tion and frequently resistant to arterial vasodilators
Postoperative care should be provided in the intensive like nitroprusside. It is not infrequent that doses of
care unit by the providers experienced in care of car- nitroprusside as high as 10 mg/kg/min to control blood
diac patients. pressure are required. If nitroprusside is used in high
doses (6–10 mg/kg/min), concentrations of methemo-
globin, should be monitored closely at least every 12 h.
42.7  Monitoring Cyanide levels should also be measured, especially
when higher doses are used for more than 48 h, or if
renal impairment is present. Arterial vasodilators are
Central intravenous line and arterial line are usually
frequently supplemented with intravenous beta-blockers.
placed during the preoperative care or in the OR. Post-
Esmolol in a continuous infusion form is a drug of
repair TEE is frequently obtained in the OR to ascertain
choice. A loading dose of 100–500 mg/kg IV should be
quality of the repair: residual valvar insufficiency or
administered carefully over 10–20  min, especially if
stenosis, residual gradient across the anastomosis,
the patient has a history of decreased cardiac function.
coronary flow, and postoperative cardiac function.
A maintenance dose of 25–250 mg/kg/min is adminis-
tered as a continuous infusion under strict monitoring
conditions. Esmolol could cause bronchospasm, nausea
and vomiting, congestive heart failure in the patient
42.8  Respiratory management with decreased cardiac function and rate dependent
cardiac output. Once enteral intake is resumed, ACE
If the patient was relatively asymptomatic before inhibitors such as captopril or enalapril could be used
the surgery, early extubation could be considered, but for the long-term blood pressure control.
454 Y.A. Domnina and V.O. Morell

42.11  Long-term Outlook with BAV or familial aneurysm/dissection patients with

a maximal ascending aortic diameter of 45  mm [3].
Elective repair should also be strongly considered in
A dramatic improvement has been observed in survival
patients with annual growth of ascending aorta >1 cm
rates of patients with Aortic dissections due to increased
in diameter. Recent medication trials of ACE inhibi-
awareness, improved diagnostic modalities, and advances
tors and Angiotensin II receptor blockers may help
in operative repair and postoperative surveillance. The
control aortic dilation in Marfan patients.
IRAD study reported a mortality of 27 and 29% for
type A and type B dissection in 464 patients after sur-
gical therapy and 53% and 9% after medical therapy
respectively [10]. The best prognosis is reported for References
noncommunicating and type B dissection limited to
the descending aorta, with 80 and 86% 2 year survival 1. Januzzi JL, Isselbacher EM, Fattori R, et al. Characterizing
rate [6]. Close follow up is indicated for the patient the young patient with aortic dissection: results from the
with aortic dissection and it includes the assessment of International Registry of Aortic Dissection (IRAD). J Am
signs of aortic expansion, aneurysm formation, signs Coll Cardiol. 2004;43:665–669.
2. De Bakey ME, Cooley DA, Creech O. Surgical considerations
of leakage at anastomoses, and organ malperfusion. of dissecting aneurysm of the aorta. Ann Surg. 1955;142:
The single most important factor is the excellent blood 586–610; discussion 611–612.
pressure control to bellow or at age appropriate norms 3. Gleason TG. Heritable disorders predisposing to aortic dissec-
or <135/80 mmHg for an adult patient. After discharge, tion. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2005;17:274–281.
4. Isselbacher EM. Diseases of the aorta. In: Braunwald E, ed.
regular outpatient visits at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months every Heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. 8th
year thereafter is recommended. Regular imaging with ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2008:1457–1489.
TTE echocarddiography at follow up visits is indicated. 5. Eagle KA. Current management of aortic dissection – Data
If more detailed imaging is required, MRI is a well- from the International Registry for Aortic Dessection
(IRAD). Eur Soc Cardiol. 1999;3278.
accepted first choice [6]. 6. Erbel R, Alfonso F, Boileau C, et al. Diagnosis and manage-
All patients with dilated aorta and Marfan syndrome, ment of aortic dissection. Recommendations of the Task
vascular EDS, Loyez-Dietz syndrome, bicuspid aortic Force on Aortic Dissection, European Society of Cardiology.
valve, or a family history of dissection or thoracic Eur Heart J. 2001;22:1642–1681.
7. Bakhtiary F, Dogan S, Zierer A, et  al. Antigrade cerebral
aortic aneurysm, need regular aortic surveillance with perfusion for acute type A aortic dissection in 120 consecutive
cross-sectional imaging and echocardiography, bian- patients. Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85:465–469.
nually after the initial meeting and then at least yearly 8. Knipp BS, deep GM, Prager RL, et al. A contemporary analysis
thereafter. All patients with a thoracic aortic diameter of outcomes for operative repair of type a aortic dissection in
the United States. Surgery. 2007;142:524–528.
at any level that exceeds an aortic index (measured/ 9. Bozinovski J, Coselli JS. Outcomes and survival in surgical
predicted diameter indexed to body surface area) of treatment of sescending thoracic aorta with acute dissection.
1.3 or an absolute diameter of 40 mm require vigilant Ann Thorac Surg. 2008;85:965–970.
thoracic aortic surveillance. Elective aortic replacement 10. Eagle KA, Brukmann D, Issebacher E, et  al. Predictive of
mortality in patients with type A acute aortic dessections–
should be considered for Marfan patients with a maximal results from the International Registry of Acute Aortic
aortic root diameter over 43 mm, and for the patients Dissections (IRAD). J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35:323.
Chapter 43
Tracheal Reconstruction

Nick Pigott and Martin Elliott

43.1  Introduction lower respiratory system. The middle portion of this

bud becomes the trachea. The distal end divides into
two lung buds which develop into the right and left
Tracheal reconstruction in children is usually performed
bronchi and lungs.
for various types of congenital or acquired stenoses.
During the eighth week of gestation, the splanchnic
This chapter concentrates principally on these and not
mesoderm surrounding the respiratory diverticulum of
on sub-glottic stenosis.
the endodermal foregut begins to differentiate into
The incidence of severe tracheal stenosis requiring
primitive cartilage and smooth muscle. By the 10th week,
intervention in childhood is low (in the United Kingdom,
this cartilage migrates around the primitive trachea
perhaps 1.3 patients per million children aged <16 per
forming segmented, C-shaped tracheal rings [1].
year), but this patient group has consumed dispropor-
tionate resources and, until recently, short and long
term results were poor. Over the last 10 years there
have been significant improvements in all aspects of
care for these patients and the outlook is now consider- 43.3  Morphology and associated lesions
ably improved.
Tracheal stenosis is generally described as short,
medium, or long segment. Short segment tracheal
stenosis is usually either a tracheal web or one or two
43.2  D
 evelopment and Anatomy isolated complete tracheal rings, and occasionally post-
of the trachea intubation stenosis. A tracheal web consists of a layer
of tissue draped across the tracheal lumen [2]. While
the thickness of the web varies, no deformity or abnor-
Three-and-a-half into weeks in the development of a mality of the underlying cartilage framework exists (in
human embryo, a shallow laryngo-tracheal groove contrast to tracheal stenosis). Treatment consists of
develops along the mid-ventral floor of the foregut rupturing the web, usually by balloon dilatation,
endoderm near the level of the last pharyngeal arch. although laser dilation was used in the past. For iso-
This groove deepens and, by the fourth week, becomes lated complete tracheal rings, local resection and end-
a blind outgrowth (the laryngo-tracheal bud) extending to-end repair is preferred.
caudally and anteriorly to the esophagus. As the bud Congenital tracheal stenosis may affect varying
grows, it differentiates into the future larynx and the proportions of the trachea and is usually associated
with complete tracheal rings [3]. There is no agreed
explanation for the origin of complete tracheal rings.
It has been proposed that the formation of complete
N. Pigott (*)
Children’s Intensive Care Unit, Sydney Children’s Hospital,
tracheal rings arises from disproportionate growth of
Sydney, Australia the cartilage relative to the posterior tracheal pars
e-mail: membranacea [4]. It has also been suggested that

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 455
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_43, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
456 N. Pigott and M. Elliott

Fig. 43.1  Variation in morphology of congenital tracheal stenosis (From 25)

an intrinsic field defect in the cervical splanchnic 43.4  Clinical presentation

mesenchyme may account for the presence of complete
tracheal rings and the frequent association with abnormal The symptoms observed with major tracheal abnor-
vasculature [5]. There is a wide variety of tracheal malities are a consequence of reduction in airway
stenotic morphology (see Fig.  43.1), but no agreed diameter. In general, severe narrowing leads to earlier
classification. However, long segment stenosis is presentation. Some children start off well, but either
usually defined as comprising >50% of the length of outgrow their stenotic airway, or present with a minor
the trachea. Accurate description of the morphology is upper respiratory tract infection that causes mucosal
important when planning treatment and comparing edema and sudden obstruction of the already narrow
outcomes. The degree and length of the narrowing airway. The narrow segment may also act as a source
should also be recorded, either from quantitative of positive end-expiratory pressure for more distal air-
imaging or at surgery. The narrowing can be severe ways, disguising malacia which may present after
and self-evidently life-threatening. In a series of 52 of repair as a problem in its own right.
our own patients with tracheal stenosis managed by A minority of patients referred for investigation and
slide tracheoplasty [6], the median diameter of the tra- management of congenital tracheal stenosis have only
chea was 1.8 mm. It takes little imagination to appreci- inspiratory and, usually, a dominant expiratory stridor
ate the consequences of even minor degrees of mucosal as their primary symptoms. Such patients can often
edema in these circumstances. be investigated as outpatients. Sometimes, complete
Congenital tracheal stenosis is frequently associated tracheal rings can grow, and if the airway is not criti-
with other congenital anomalies, most commonly left cally narrow one may be able to follow these patients
pulmonary artery sling (60% in our own center), but without surgical intervention. However, the decision to
also including other vascular and intracardiac lesions leave them alone can be difficult and careful monitoring
of varying severity. is required, especially during the winter (because of
43  Tracheal Reconstruction 457

increased frequency of upper respiratory infections to become edematous and complicate later surgical
and thus mucosal edema) or periods of somatic growth repair. Once placed, it is imperative that the tube is
when the complete rings may not keep pace. We and well secured. Excellent sedation is essential with a low
others have small numbers of such patients under threshold for neuromuscular blockade.
surveillance [7] Routine monitoring should include capnography,
The timing of presentation varies with the severity oximetry, and regular arterial blood gas analyses.
of both the stenosis and the associated cardiovascular If adequate ventilation proves impossible (progres-
lesions. Those that present in the neonatal period have sive respiratory acidosis and/or hypoxemia refractory
the most severe problems, and the respiratory demands to ventilatory manipulation), ECMO should be con-
of heart failure make early presentation even more sidered [12–18] pending investigation and definitive
likely. Others present later, as they outgrow the stenosis, repair.
develop mucosal edema or vascular compression from In our experience, it is almost never necessary to
a pulmonary artery sling progresses. This is often perform a preoperative tracheostomy. Indeed, we
towards the end of the first year of life. believe every effort should be made to avoid it, since it
“Near death” episodes (severe acute airway obstruc- may compromise subsequent tracheal repair (slide
tion, often with peripheral air-trapping) are common, and tracheoplasty, in particular).
many parents have had the distressing experience of As soon as ‘stable’ ventilation is achieved the
having had to resuscitate their own children. Frequently, child should be transferred to a specialist unit. Such
this is precipitated by a more severe upper respiratory a unit must be experienced in pediatric airway man-
tract infection as mucosal swelling that further restricts agement and have access to ENT, cardiothoracic sur-
an already critically narrow airway. gery, and interventional radiology services. Our
practice has been to take a multidisciplinary approach
at the outset with a dedicated tracheal team having
representation from cardiothoracic surgery, interven-
43.5  Initial management tional radiology, ENT, respiratory medicine, physio-
therapy, nursing, and intensive care. Such a team has
The primary management must be to establish a secure been shown to improve outcomes and reduce costs
airway accompanied by a stable respiratory pattern. [19]. Transfer can be extremely hazardous and, in
In the collapsed infant, intubation and ventilation are our view, should only be undertaken by an experi-
likely to be necessary. While laryngoscopy is often enced retrieval team.
straightforward, the position, length, and diameter of
the tracheal narrowing may make the passage and
optimal positioning of an endotracheal tube extremely
challenging. Intuitively, the use of Heliox as an inspired 43.6  Investigation
gas might be expected to reduce the need for intuba-
tion. This has the potential advantage of minimizing Once the patient is in an appropriate environment,
instrumentation of an already narrowed airway. Heliox careful assessment and investigation are mandatory.
can be used to overcome the resistance to airflow in a We perform fiber-optic bronchoscopy, fluoroscopic
narrow tube because of the low density of helium bronchography, and transthoracic echocardiogra-
[8–11]. However, published data to support this strategy phy in all patients. More than half of our patients
are lacking. Since many affected children require high with tracheal stenosis have associated cardiovascu-
inspired oxygen concentrations, Heliox, with its fixed lar anomalies, most often a pulmonary artery sling.
oxygen content, may fail to provide adequate Computed tomographic angiography (CT) is helpful
flexibility. to assess vascular anatomy, especially if there is
In mild cases, it is sometimes possible to pass an doubt on echocardiography. Many patients referred
endotracheal tube through the stenosis by accepting a to us have had MRI scans, which have so far proved
significantly smaller tube size than that is ideal for the to be the least useful investigations to plan airway
patient. However, this should not be done if significant surgery. We suspect this may change as techniques
force is required. A traumatized airway is more likely improve.
458 N. Pigott and M. Elliott

In our experience, bronchography with the patient 43.7  Surgical management

breathing spontaneously is a simple, cheap procedure
easily combined with bronchoscopy. Bronchography The management strategy is usually based on the
is particularly good at demonstrating dynamic variation severity and extent of the stenosis and the nature of
at different airway pressures and at distinguishing associated malformations. Our practice is to repair
malacia from stenosis [20]. It also provides an excellent associated lesions concurrently with the trachea when-
baseline for morphologic classification and subsequent ever possible.
comparative examinations, and is a crucial component
of strategies for ballooning and stent placement.
Microlaryngobronchoscopy with a rigid endoscope
may be needed to assess the larynx and the segment of
the trachea above the stenosis if there is any question
43.8  Short segment stenosis
of obstruction at more than one level. Angiography is
now rarely indicated for the assessment of vascular Classically, primary resection and end-to-end anasto-
anomalies associated with tracheal stenosis but is mosis is the treatment of choice (see Fig. 43.2). In the
occasionally used in the assessment of more complex last 6 years, we have done six such repairs, with good
heart disease, especially pulmonary atresia, ventricular outcomes except in one boy who had persistent local-
septal defect, and major collaterals. ized malacia requiring medium term, but temporary,
After completion of investigations, detailed discussion tracheostomy support. More recently, balloon dilata-
should take place between the clinical team and the fam- tion +/- laser division has become a realistic alternative
ily. All treatment options must be presented and empha- and early results are encouraging [21–23], but need to
sis placed upon the uncertainty of long-term outcome, be confirmed by more centers and longer term follow
the frequent ups and downs of postoperative care, the up. Various stenting techniques have been employed,
invasive and regular surveillance and the limited data but few indications for their use in this setting can be
available on which to base advice. Long hospital stays are seen, where good surgical repair or intermittent bal-
common and may be far from the patient’s family home. looning both permit future tracheal growth, which may
It will be a very stressful time for these families. be inhibited by stenting.

Fig. 43.2  Tracheal Resection with end-to-end anastomosis.

43  Tracheal Reconstruction 459

43.9  Medium and long length stenosis corners of the segments are trimmed to spatulate them,
and the two ends are slid together and sutured using a
The choice of therapy for these situations depends on combination of interrupted and continuous absorbable
the presence or absence of complete tracheal rings. monofilament sutures (see Fig.  43.3). As a conse-
If such rings are absent, then primary resection and quence, the circumference of the trachea is doubled,
end-to-end repair is probably best, and we have estab- the cross-sectional area quadrupled and the length
lished that it is possible to resect the entire trachea with halved. Since, only native tissue is used normally,
a good long term result [24], although involving second ciliated tracheal epithelium is immediately present and
stage reconstruction later in life. If complete tracheal subsequent tracheal growth is satisfactory [25–27].
rings are present, slide tracheoplasty (STP) has become In children, mobilization of the trachea is usually
the treatment of choice [25]. In this operation, the remarkably easy with the consequence that this tech-
stenotic segment is transected at its midpoint, the upper nique is suitable for surprisingly extensive stenoses,
and lower segments are incised longitudinally (anteri- including extension onto the bronchus. The blood
orly in the upper segment, posteriorly in the lower), the supply to the trachea is obviously severely disturbed

Fig. 43.3  Sliding Tracheoplasty

460 N. Pigott and M. Elliott

by this procedure, and recovery and complications 13 days and ICU stay of 23 days. However, with
depend significantly on the rate of restoration of this patients of this complexity it is to be expected that
blood supply. Animal work has indicated the potential there will be outliers and some patients have required
benefit of VEGF in accelerating revascularization after prolonged ICU care and multiple interventions.
surgery in rabbits and this may hold hope for future
improvements in human practice [28].
In our own institution, we have performed 52 slide
tracheoplasties between 1995 and 2007. Median age at 43.10  A
 lternatives to slide
operation was 7.1 months (2.3 months–12 years). The tracheoplasty
indication was long segment tracheal stenosis in 47, all
with complete tracheal rings and post-intubation mid- A wide variety of approaches have been tried for long
tracheal stenosis in 5. Left pulmonary artery sling was segment tracheal stenoses, but none have achieved the
the commonest associated congenital anomaly (n = 20). success or wide applicability of slide tracheoplasty
Clinical presentation was with stridor and dyspnoea, [12, 24, 30–48]. The simplest operations in principle
near death events, cardiac arrest, and diagnosis during have been various forms of patch tracheoplasty (see
intubation. Nineteen (37%) needed preoperative ven- Fig.  43.4), in which the anterior trachea is incised
tilation and three required ECMO. Additional preop- longitudinally and a patch of some material used to
erative interventions included cardiac procedures in augment the trachea and correct the stenosis. Several
eight, tracheostomy (prior to arriving at our institution) materials have been employed over the years, but the
in three and balloon dilatation in four. most common and have been; autologous pericardium,
Slide tracheoplasty was performed urgently in the rib cartilage, tracheal autograft, tracheal allograft and,
patients on ECMO and semi-electively in 41 who were most recently, carotid artery. Heterograft tissue and
either ventilated or had stridor at rest. The procedure prosthetic material do not work and must be avoided
was elective in the remaining 9. except for temporary life saving situations.
STP was performed via median sternotomy using Tracheal allograft implantation [49–51] is a good
cardiopulmonary bypass in all cases. Nineteen con- fall-back option. It is essentially a variant of patch
comitant cardiovascular repairs were performed (2 tracheoplasty, utilizing homograft tracheal tissue.
intracardiac, 13 extracardiac, and 4 combined intra and
extracardiac). We take the view that, unless actively
contra-indicated for some reason, repair of the cardiac
lesion should be performed at the same sitting.
At operation the median tracheal diameter was
1.8  mm (1.4–4.5). Bronchial extension of repair was
needed in all those with bronchial origin stenosis.
We have demonstrated recently [29] that slide
tracheoplasty can be used can be used in almost all forms
of stenosis with subtle modifications to technique.
There were 6 deaths (12%) with 5 (10%) in-hospital
(cardiac-related in 2, intractable distal malacia in 2,
and distal bronchial stenosis in 1). Mortality fell dra-
matically with increasing experience from 3/7 (43%)
between 1995 and 2000 to 2/18 (11%) between 2000
and 2005. Since 2005, in-hospital mortality has all but
been eliminated 1/27 (4%). The last patient died of
severe cytomegalovirus pneumonitis, and had been on
pre- and postoperative ECMO. There was one late
death (2%) (renal dysfunction while awaiting trans-
plant). Ventilation times and ICU stays have also fallen,
and current data suggest a median ventilation time of Fig. 43.4  Patch Tracheoplasty.
43  Tracheal Reconstruction 461

43.11  P
 ostoperative management 2. Granulation tissue formation. Granulations occur
after tracheal surgery as a part of the healing process of tracheal epithe-
lium and are thought to be related to ischemia asso-
On return from the operating room we routinely use ciated with the necessary tracheal mobilization. In
muscle relaxation for a minimum of 24 h with appro- animals topical VEGF has reduced the incidence
priate sedation. It is tempting to extubate the patients [28]. There is no human experience.
immediately, but we have taken a cautious approach Granulations result in important and even life-threat-
because of the risk of ischemia after extensive dissection. ening obstruction to a relatively narrow airway and can
Patients should be ventilated to normal parameters but act as ball valves causing either inflow or outflow
often need higher than normal PEEP (typically 10 cm obstruction. Clearly, their prevention and management
water). We use continuous mediastinal irrigation with are important issues in pediatric tracheal surgery.
a dilute aqueous betadine solution for 48 h on the Attention to technical detail during repair is helpful in
grounds of certain field contamination from the open reducing their incidence, although there are no firm
trachea. Following this, we switch to saline irrigation data to support this contention. Sutures (best absorb-
checking the effluent for bacterial growth daily for the able) should be placed, if possible, deep to the tracheal
following 48 h. We use broad spectrum antibiotics for mucosa in an attempt to diminish the stimuli to granu-
7 days followed by long term (> 6 months) azithromi- lation formation.
cin (3 times weekly), which has proved effective in Historically, granulations have been managed
staving off the repeated URTIs to which these children by bronchoscopic avulsion with grasping forceps or by
are susceptible. If pseudomonas colonization occurs in laser. In our experience both these techniques have
the repaired trachea, nebulized colistin has proved worsened the problem by inducing scarring and,
effective. paradoxically, greater granulation tissue formation.
At around 72 h postoperatively, bedside fiber-optic Our preference, in those who develop granulation
bronchoscopy is performed to confirm suitability for tissue, is regular balloon expansion to the diameter
extubation. Gentle weaning of ventilation begins after of the repair to compress any granulation tissue
cessation of muscle relaxation. If possible the PEEP development (beginning weekly and thereafter at
should be weaned back slowly to physiological levels. progressively increasing intervals). This has effec-
Failure to tolerate this suggests residual problems tively eliminated the incidence of granulation-related
(malacia or stenosis) and is an indication for further airway obstruction in our practice. Failure of this
investigation, usually flexible bronchoscopy and strategy should precipitate rigid endoscopy in an
bronchography. Weaning should continue to extuba- equipped operating room to allow for removal of
tion with routine bronchoscopy and bronchography granulations if necessary.
taking place thereafter at intervals of between five to
seven days. 3. Malacia. As we have become more aggressive in
tackling even the most severe tracheal stenoses, we
have become aware that tracheal repair may unmask
the underlying distal malacia or create it as a conse-
43.12  Postoperative Problems quence of stripping the blood supply from the
trachea during dissection. Absence or disorganization
of distal cartilage has been an important contributor
This is a complex patient group and operations can
to the deaths in two of our patients. We have been
sometimes be difficult. Postoperative problems are to
able to diagnose this cartilage deficiency using opti-
be expected, and fall into distinct categories.
cal coherence tomography. Management of malacia
1. Those related to repair of associated lesions and can be very challenging. Three strategies can be
CPB. Since the majority of associated lesions are employed in the management of conventional
cardiac, these relate to the well-described conse- tracheo-bronchomalacia: (a) prolonged ventilatory
quences of CPB or the cardiac lesion. Discussion of support with CPAP, (b) tracheostomy and “home”
these is beyond the scope of this chapter. BiPAP support, and (c) stenting. The use of long-term
462 N. Pigott and M. Elliott

tracheostomy following tracheal reconstruction Our strategies for management of recurrence are as
should be avoided, because of the risk of precipitat- follows:
ing either granulation tissue formation or recurrent At the first sign of significant recurrence, Radial
stenosis. We have increasingly used airway stents in balloon dilatation of the stenotic area is performed.
these patients. Dilatation is repeated electively at frequent, but increas-
ing, intervals until the stenosing process stabilizes.
In general, we favor expandable metal stents with
As a general rule the requirement for intervention
regular balloon dilatation, planning, in the long-term
decreases with time (see Fig. 43.5).
to fracture them by over dilatation to keep pace with
The decision to stent is not taken lightly and is
somatic growth [52]. Such stents are not used in the
again the result of multidisciplinary consultation.
presence of extrinsic vascular compression as they rarely
Balloon-expandable metal stents is chosen for use
work and may erode, particularly after pericardial
(for example, the Palmaz Genesis (Cordis Europa,
patch tracheoplasty.
Roden, the Netherlands)), because they can be progres-
The management of malacia after tracheal repair
sively dilated over time to mimic growth [52]. They
remains difficult and controversial, particularly with
are relatively easy to insert but difficult and sometimes
regard to the role of stenting. The team must review
dangerous to remove. The risk of vascular erosion
the patients regularly and be prepared to be creative
appears to be low after slide tracheoplasty because the
and flexible in strategies to optimize and make safe the
stent is completely encased in the cartilaginous frame
of the remodeled trachea. Unfortunately, this is not
4. Infection. While rare, infection can be cata- the case after pericardial patch tracheoplasty when the
strophic. During the initial surgery, the mediasti- stent may directly abut the posterior aspect of the aortic
num is, unavoidably, exposed to the unsterile arch, and/or innominate artery and erosion has occurred
tracheal contents. If suspected, mediastinitis must in these circumstances.
be taken very seriously in this group of patients. Extensive recurrence or failed stenting. Under
Aggressive debridement and antiseptic irrigation these, now very rare, circumstances we would perform
should be tried first, but early muscle flap a tracheal homograft repair [35, 49, 51]. This represents
­insertion may be indicated to deal with the infec- an excellent fall back position and can be repeated, and
tion and deliver new blood supply to the trachea. there is a readily available pool of graft tissue.
Early in our experience, two patients suffered Fortunately, as the slide tracheoplasty experience has
serious mediastinitis. However, since we adopted evolved, this procedure has not been performed for
the policy of elective irrigation, mediastini- some years.
tis  requiring secondary intervention has been
5. Recurrent stenosis. Unfortunately, recurrent steno- 100
sis does occur. Abstracting the true incidence of
intervention-free survival(%)

these events from the literature is difficult, as follow 80

up in the reported series is too short for meaningful
analysis. Further, most series are published by the 60
primary operating team and it is frequently the case
that follow up is by other (often ENT) teams in the 40
long term.
In our view, there will be an important incidence of
recurrent stenosis and the more severe and extensive 0
the primary lesion the more likely some kind of recur- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

rence is to occur. Our management strategy is devoted time post STP (months)

to both the early detection and the prevention of progress Fig. 43.5  Intervention-free survival in children following slide
of stenosis. Regular bronchoscopy and bronchography tracheoplasty at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
are performed. NHS Trust, London, UK.
43  Tracheal Reconstruction 463

43.13  Long-term outlook patch materials will be developed in the near future. As
well as arterial patches, progress in tissue engineering
Few long-term data are available, largely because the is being rapidly developed, and groups in Europe,
first successful cases were only reported in the late Japan and the USA are competing to produce usable
1980’s. Most papers have been published in the last engineered “trachea” [53–81].
decade and only a few of them report long-term out- Stent technology is also likely to progress.
comes. It appears that if a child gets over the initial pro- Experience with stents in the vascular bed is growing
cedure (this can take months), provided that the trachea and there may be a role for drug-eluting stents within
grows, late airway function can be very good. There are the trachea. A good absorbable stent for use in
no long-term detailed physiological or quality of life children is awaited. A great deal of research is needed
studies. They are badly needed. What can be said is that in the physiological and social quality of life of these
these children are growing normally, are in mainstream children and their families. Current data are simply
mainstream schools, take part in most activities and are inadequate.
usually indistinguishable from their peers. Long term Treatment for congenital tracheal stenosis is
outcomes will be reported in due course. complex, prolonged, and expensive. It places a con-
siderable strain on families. Dismal early results
have radically improved and new sophisticated ther-
apies are emerging. Successful strategies for recur-
43.14  The Future rence exist. In our experience it is both worthwhile
and cost-effective to treat this challenging patient
There are a number of important areas of research group. Our current therapeutic algorithm is shown in
currently underway which will impact this field. New Fig. 43.6.

Fig. 43.6  Treatment algorithm for children with tracheal stenosis at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London,
UK. (From: [12])
464 N. Pigott and M. Elliott

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Part III
Other Topics
Chapter 44
Acute Pulmonary Hypertension

Maurice Beghetti and Eduardo M. da Cruz

44.1  Introduction potential therapies in the pre and postoperative period,

pulmonary hypertension still carries a significant
mortality and morbidity rate in this population. The
Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a hemodynamic
incidence of postoperative pulmonary hypertensive
condition defined as a pulmonary artery mean pres-
events has decreased from 31% in the 1980–1984 era
sure higher than 25 mmHg. However, this may depend
to 6.8% in the 1990–1994 era, whereas mortality
on the level of the systemic pressure. Another potential
has decreased respectively from 5.7 to 2.4% and the
definition could be pulmonary pressure >60% systemic
survival rate continues to improve [7]. This data partly
with signs of low cardiac output.
reflects the improved understanding of the pathophysi-
Pulmonary hypertension in critically-ill pediatric
ology and the rapid translation of this knowledge into
cardiac patient remains a clinical challenge [1–6].
therapy. However, acute pulmonary hypertension after
Clinical practitioners still face serious problems par-
cardiac surgery remains a major contributor to hospital
ticularly in the acute postoperative phase. This chapter
length of stay and need for prolonged mechanical
provides a summary of the main aspects to be taken
into account whenever managing acute pulmonary
hypertensive crisis.
Firstly, it is important to describe the current
knowledge regarding the pathophysiology of pre- and 44.2  Pathophysiology
post-operative pulmonary hypertension in the cardiac
It has been recognized for many years that the endothe-
In the preoperative phase, the increase in pulmo-
lium is vital for the maintenance of normal vascular
nary pressure associated with congenital heart disease
function by regulating flow, solutes exchanges and
is either, in the vast majority, secondary to an increase
by inhibiting thrombosis; conversely, endothelial
in pulmonary blood flow (left-to-right shunts) or to
dysfunction plays a major role in several cardiovascular
increased postcapillary pressures (left heart obstruc-
tion or left ventricular dysfunction either systolic or
In congenital heart disease with significantly
increased pulmonary blood flow or pulmonary venous
Albeit, major advances in the understanding of
hypertension, progressive anatomic and functional
the regulation of the pulmonary vascular bed and the
abnormalities of the pulmonary vascular bed occur.
pulmonary endothelial lesions leading to pulmonary
This state is characterized by progressive smooth
vascular disease have been achieved and despite
muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia, intimal prolifera-
the advances in surgical repair and the discovery of
tion and pulmonary vasoconstriction. In addition, there
are changes in the extracellular matrix and adventitia
M. Beghetti (*) with synthesis and deposition of collagen and elastin.
Pediatric Cardiology, Department of the Child and
The role of hemodynamics in the development of
Adolescent,Children’s University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland pulmonary vascular disease has been clearly demon-
e-mail: strated. Endothelial dysfunction occurs indeed before

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 469
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_44, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
470 M. Beghetti and E.M. da Cruz

the onset of pulmonary hypertension or histological and lung tissue concentrations of endothelin-1 that is
evidence of smooth muscle dysfunction. secondary to an upregulation of endothelin converting
Recently, several studies have focused on the enzyme. In addition, there is loss of ETB receptor-
endothelial dysfunction induced by increased pulmonary mediated pulmonary vasodilatation and augmented
blood flow, such as encountered in many congenital ETA receptor-mediated vasoconstriction. This is asso-
heart diseases cursing with increased pulmonary vascular ciated with increased ETA receptor gene expression
resistance. Complex interactions between vasoactive and decreased ETB receptor expression. Recent data
substances produced by the vascular endothelium may have also demonstrated the emergence of ETB receptor-
partly explain the changes in pulmonary vascular tone. mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction in these lambs at
The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying 8 weeks of age, suggesting a role for both ETA and ETB
the pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to the receptor-mediated effects in the pathophysiology of
mechanical stimulus of increased flow are, however, pulmonary hypertension.
not completely understood. Shear stress has been Several human studies demonstrate increased
shown to alter the production of vasoactive substances. endothelin-1 concentrations in patients with pulmonary
Endothelial shear stress is directly proportional to hypertension, including children with congenital heart
blood flow velocity and is inversely proportional to the disease and increased pulmonary blood flow. In addi-
radius of the vessel. A high blood flow rate alters tion, patients with advanced pulmonary hypertension
the mean shear stress and may directly damage the have an increase in plasma endothelin-1 concentrations
endothelial cell; this, in turn, may impair the balance between the right ventricle and pulmonary veins and
between the vasoconstrictor/vasodilator effect, as well increased gene expression of endothelin-1 within
as promitotic and antimitotic functions and lead to pulmonary vascular endothelial cells, suggesting
smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and proliferation. increased local production of endothelin-1 within the
Cooper et al. [8] showed that in healthy adults, normal pulmonary circulation.
basal pulmonary vascular tone is partly related to nitric Prostacyclin and thromboxanes are also potential
oxide production. This basal nitric oxide production actors in the changes of pulmonary vascular tone as their
may be increased in response to receptor-mediated balance may be impaired in patients with congenital
stimulation, leading to further vasodilatation; this heart disease.
function can be tested with acetylcholine. Nitric oxide However, not all patients develop fixed pulmonary
dependence of basal pulmonary resistance has also vascular disease or at least not within the same timing
been described in children. Thus, impairment of nitric and this may be related to a particular susceptibility to
oxide production, secondary to an injured endothelium, develop lesions or even the opposite, to be protected
may contribute to the increased pulmonary vascular from these events. Currently, some studies are devoted
resistance as observed in infants and children with to assess if there is some genetic susceptibility.
congenital heart disease. As a matter of fact, Celermajer The recent publication of Levy et al. [12] suggests also
et al. [9] demonstrated that in children with congenital the role of impaired endothelial cell apoptosis and
heart disease and abnormal pulmonary hemodynamics, inflammatory apoptosis in the pathogenesis of pulmo-
endothelium-dependent pulmonary artery relaxation is nary vascular lesions.
impaired and that this impairment may be one of the The pulmonary vascular remodeling process is
early events in the pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular reversible in the early stages of the disease but may
disease. progress, with continuous stress, to smooth muscle cell
Animal and human data strongly suggest that proliferation in small arteries. As described before, it
alterations in endothelin-1 metabolism, secondary to provokes changes in the extracellular matrix and adven-
endothelial injury, also contribute to the development titia with synthesis and deposition of collagen and
of pulmonary hypertensive disorders and their associated elastin; this progression renders the vessels relatively
increased vascular reactivity [10, 11]. Lamb models unresponsive to vasodilators and may preclude correc-
with increased pulmonary blood flow, secondary to tive surgery.
experimentally created congenital heart disease also The age at which congenital heart lesions cause
show alterations in the endothelin-1 cascade. At 4 irreversible pulmonary vascular disease varies. The
weeks of age, these same lambs have increased plasma consequences of increased pulmonary blood flow are
44  Acute Pulmonary Hypertension 471

more severe in the immature than in the mature animal. 44.3.1  Heath and Edwards Classification
Endothelial cell morphology is modified as early as 2
months after birth in children with increased pulmo-
Grade I: Hypertrophy of the media of small muscular
nary blood flow. The development of irreversible lesions
arteries and arterioles
is also associated with the type of heart defect and it
Grade II: Intimal cellular proliferation in addition to
seems that a combination of high pressure and high flow
medial hypertrophy
causes a more rapid and more severe remodeling.
Grade III: Advanced medial thickening with hypertro-
Thus, surgical correction should be performed at
phy and hyperplasia, including progressive intimal
an early age in children with massive increase in
proliferation and concentric fibrosis. This results in
pulmonary blood flow; before 2 years of age for
obliteration of arterioles and small arteries
ventricular septal defects and even earlier (<1 year or
Grade IV: “Plexiform lesions” of the muscular
6 months) for atrioventricular septal defects, transposi-
pulmonary arteries and arterioles with a plexiform
tion of the great arteries with ventricular septal defect
network of capillary-like channels within a dilated
or truncus arteriosus.
Beside the age effect, as mentioned above, individual
Grade V: Complex plexiform, angiomatous and cav-
susceptibility based on different genetic polymorphisms,
ernous lesions and hyalinization of intimal fibrosis
plays a major role and research is currently directed
Grade VI: Necrotizing arteritis
at understanding why two patients with the same
The term of obstructive pulmonary vascular disease
malformation and hemodynamic profile will not
relates to pathological changes described in grades III
develop pulmonary vascular disease at the same time.
to VI.
Currently, there is an anatomo–pathological classi-
fication [13, 14], developed in 1998 at the World
44.3  Classification Symposium of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension in
Evian, France and later modified in Venice (2003).
The Heath and Edwards describes progressive pulmonary This World Health Organization (WHO) classification
vascular changes induced by pulmonary hypertension. (Fig.  44.1) is based upon a combination of factors:
Nevertheless, this classification has very poor clinical pathological findings, clinical presentation, hemody-
and hemodynamic correlations. namic profile and therapeutic strategies.

Acute Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Venice Classification (2003)

WHO Group l: Pulmonary arterial hypertension

WHO Group ll: Pulmonary arterial hypertension

associated with left heart disease

WHO Group lll: Pulmonary arterial hypertension

associated with lung disease and/or hypoxemia

WHO Group lV: Pulmonary arterial hypertension

secondary to chronic thrombo -embolic disease
Fig. 44.1  The World Health
Organization (WHO) classification WHO Group V: Miscellaneous pulmonary arterial
for pulmonary arterial hypertension
472 M. Beghetti and E.M. da Cruz

44.4  P
 ostoperative Pulmonary A decline in the output of nitric oxide from the
Hypertension vascular endothelium is either due to an enhanced
inactivation of nitric oxide by free radicals (superoxide
breakdown) produced in post ischemic tissues, or a
44.4.1  C
 ardiopulmonary Bypass and decrease in endogenous nitric oxide production or
Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury combination of both. It has also been suggested that
nitric oxide is a physiologically relevant scavenger of
Reperfusion of tissues exposed to ischemia can lead to free radicals and may be considered as an important
a cascade of events that produce cellular dysfunction cytoprotective modulator.
and necrosis. This phenomenon has been implicated in Thus, nitric oxide may play an important role in
the pathogenesis of some complications encountered mitigating the extent of ischemia reperfusion injury.
after cardiopulmonary bypass. Cardiopulmonary bypass Moreover, its antiplatelet and leukocyte properties may
is known to induce a generalized inflammatory response be of major importance to prevent platelet aggregation
with the systemic release of proinflammatory cytokines, and leukocyte sequestration during and after cardio-
the activation of the complement system and endothelial pulmonary bypass. Two approaches may be adopted to
dysfunction. This phenomenon is thought to be trig- overcome the decrease in nitric oxide availability:
gered by the exposure of blood to non-physiologic either to increase production through the administration
surfaces and the development of ischemia reperfusion of its precursor L-arginine or citrulline, to substitute
injury. Endothelial cell dysfunction is common after with intravenous NO donors, or inhaled NO.
cardiopulmonary bypass and structural and functional In several animal and human studies, plasma ET-1
damage to the pulmonary vascular endothelium has concentrations are consistently increased during and
been demonstrated. During cardiopulmonary bypass, following cardiopulmonary bypass. In a study of
lungs are hypoxic and ischemic, as the pulmonary children with congenital heart disease, the plasma
circulation is excluded to abolish pulmonary venous concentration of ET-1 3 h after CPB correlated with
return. It was long postulated that the lung was resistant the degree of post-CPB pulmonary hypertension,
to ischemia because of its dual pulmonary and bronchial suggesting a role for ET-1 in the pathophysiology of
blood supply and its direct source of oxygen from the cardiopulmonary bypass-induced pulmonary hyper-
alveolar space. However, bronchial flow is estimated at tension. In addition, several animal studies suggest
0.5% of the bypass flow and indeed it has been demon- that blockade of endothelin receptors attenuate
strated that pulmonary vascular endothelial cells undergo post-CPB pulmonary hypertension and its associ-
ischemia reperfusion injury. This phenomenon further ated altered reactivity. Thus, in lambs with pre-
aggravates the inflammatory response and subsequent existing pulmonary hypertension, secondary to increased
lung damage as shown by a decrease in pulmonary pulmonary blood flow, the increase in pulmonary
endothelium-dependent relaxation after cardiopulmo- vascular resistance following bypass was completely
nary bypass. Lung injury following cardiopulmonary blocked in lambs pretreated with either dual or ETA
bypass is well described. Clinically, it is manifested as receptor antagonists. In addition, the augmented
reduced oxygenation, reduced lung compliance, and most pulmonary vascular reactivity following bypass,
importantly increased pulmonary vascular resistance which is responsible for the potentially life-threatening
and augmented pulmonary vascular reactivity. Injury acute increases in pulmonary vascular resistance, was
to the pulmonary vascular endothelium is considered to also completely blocked in those lambs pretreated
be a major factor. In fact, patients with pre-existing with endothelin receptor antagonists. A recent study
pulmonary vascular endothelial dysfunction are at showed that ETA blockers might have a place in the
greatest risk for developing clinically significant bypass- therapeutic armentarium.
induced lung injury. Both animal and isolated organ Taking the particular situation of congenital heart
models of ischemia-reperfusion confirm pulmonary vaso- surgery, where preoperative endothelial dysfunction
constriction and increased pulmonary vascular resistance exists in many instances, further injury to the pulmo-
after reperfusion. Wessel et al. [15] in children and Morita nary endothelium due to ischemia reperfusion may
et al. [16] in animal models showed that this might be explain the increased pulmonary vascular resistance
related to a decrease in nitric oxide production. occurring in some patients postoperatively.
44  Acute Pulmonary Hypertension 473

The pathophysiological events described above give 44.5.2  Chest X-ray

a strong rational to support the use of the therapies
discussed hereafter.
Chest X-rays are unspecific for the diagnosis of
acute pulmonary hypertensive spells although there
can appear signs of hypovasculature. Yet, this tech-
44.5  Diagnosis nique may be useful to rule out triggering factors
like volume overload and the presence of added
pulmonary disease like atelectasis, pneumothorax
44.5.1  Clinical or pleural effusions.

Clinical diagnosis is facilitated by the use of indwelling

catheters allowing to continuously monitor pulmonary
pressures and/or left atrial pressures. As the pulmo-
44.5.3  ECG
nary pressures increase, patients may display signs of
increased right preload and right cardiac failure, con- ECG may be useful in patients who develop secondary
comitantly with signs of abruptly decreased left preload arrhythmias or ischemic changes throughout a pulmo-
with low systemic cardiac output. This may be aggra- nary hypertensive crisis.
vated by compression of the left ventricle by the right
ventricle, once this later develops iso- or supra-systemic
pressure levels. At this point, there may also appear
signs of ischemia by reduction of right coronary flow
44.5.4  Echocardiography
and patients may desaturate due to the appearance of
right-to-left intracardiac shunts. Patients may also have Echocardiography undoubtedly remains the cornerstone
arrhythmias, persistent hypoxia or metabolic acidosis; technique to rapidly assessing pulmonary hypertension
these later signs being a sign of alert, particularly in (Figs. 44.2–44.5) and its impact on cardiac function in
patients who do not have indwelling catheters. the intensive care setting [17], mostly in patients who

Fig. 44.2  2D echocardiography documenting severe PAH with right-to-left shift of the interventricular septum in a long-axis view
(LV left ventricle; RV right ventricle)
474 M. Beghetti and E.M. da Cruz

Fig. 44.3  2D echocardiography
documenting severe PAH with
right-to-left shift of the
interventricular septum in a
short-axis view (LV left ventricle; RV
right ventricle)

Fig. 44.4  2D and Color-doppler echocardiography showing severe pulmonary Jhypertension with a right-to-left shunt through the
foramen ovale (white arrow) and the ductus arteriosus (red arrow)

do not have indwelling catheters. It is imperative, though, more comprehensive estimation of pulmonary diastolic
to be able to estimate right pressures by tricuspid regur- and mean pressures. In patients with residual interven-
gitation, although the interventricular septal geometry tricular shunts, echocardiography may document the
may be suggestive of the degree of right ventricular systolic pressure gradient between the ventricles and
pressure regime, hence pulmonary hypertension, therefore provide a reasonable estimation of the right
unless there is a right outflow tract obstruction. Also, systolic pressures. In patients with pulmonary hyper-
the presence of pulmonary regurgitation may allow a tensive spells, echocardiography is instrumental in
44  Acute Pulmonary Hypertension 475

Fig. 44.5  2D and color-doppler echocardiography showing significant improvement of pulmonary hypertension after treatment,
with a left-to-right shunt through the foramen ovale (white arrow) and the ductus arteriosus (red arrow)

assessing right and left ventricular function, the degree The primary aim is to decrease pulmonary vascular
of intracardiac shunting, if any, and also the presence of resistance and pressure, and if not possible, to avoid
residual lesions that might be at the origin of the spells. stimulation of the pulmonary circulation and support
Lastly it allows follow-up of therapeutic efficiency. the right ventricular function through the balance
between pulmonary and systemic vascular resistances
and maintenance of cardiac output. General measures
to promote an anabolic status (i.e., early enteral or
44.6  M
 anagement of Pulmonary parenteral nutrition) should be undertaken as soon as
Hypertension After Cardiac possible after surgery.

Probably the most important measures with these patients

concern the prevention of pulmonary hypertensive crisis. 44.7  Preventive Measures
Potentially malignant pulmonary hypertension spells are
usually iso- or supra-systemic and may induce low car- 1 . Early surgical indication
diac output, hypoxia, acidosis or cardiac arrhythmias. 2. Minimization of perioperative risks:
Sudden pulmonary hypertensive crises may punctu-
a. Adequate CPBP conditions
ate the postoperative course despite accurate surgery
b. Surgical technique
and are associated with significant mortality and mor-
c. Myocardial protection
bidity. Even though it has been thought that this may
d. Use of ultrafiltration
become a relatively unimportant problem because of the
e. Use of systemic prophylactic steroids?
recent progress in cardiac surgery, it seems that increased
f. Controlled reoxygenation
pulmonary vascular resistance after surgery remains a
g. Leucocyte depletion?
significant problem [18–21]. Potential therapeutic strat-
egies for the treatment of acute pulmonary hypertension 3 . Rectify all identified “antiphysiological” conditions
after cardiac surgery are summarized in Fig. 44.6 and in 4. Ensure an adequate metabolic and acid–base balance
Fig. 44.7 and will be discussed hereafter. 5. Anticipate, avoid and treat the following triggers:
476 M. Beghetti and E.M. da Cruz

Therapeutic approach to PAH

– Anatomic investigations – Residual anatomic defects
– Opportunities for right-to-left – Intact atrial septumin right
shunt as a “pop-off” heart failure
– Sedation/analgesia or – Agitation and pain
anesthesia – Respiratory acidosis
– Moderate hyperventilation – Metabolic acidosis
– Moderate alkalosis – Volume overload
– “Perfect” metabolic status – Alveolar hypoxia
– Adequate inspired oxygen – Atelectasis or overdistension
– Normal lung volumes – Excessive hematocrit
– Optimal hematocrit – Lowcardiac output and low
– lnotropic support coronary perfusion
– Vasodilators – Vasoconstrictors/increased
– Nutritional support afterload

Fig.  44.6  Summary of therapeutic measures to treat acute Naeije R, Rubin LJ, eds. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
pulmonary hypertension. (Modified from Wessel D. Postoperative Related to Congenital Heart Disease. Munich, Germany: Elsevier
treatment of pulmonary hypertension. In Beghetti M, Barst RJ, GmbH; 2006:143-175.)

Acute Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Therapeutic Algorithm


- Identify/treat« triggers»
- Slow withdrawal -pH control
of hyperventilation -Sedation/analgesia
and FiO2 - Muscle relaxants ?
- Hyperventilation (correct pH)
- Conservative attitude - Hyperoxia throughout the crisis

- Slow NO withdrawal - Intravenous drugs

- Consider Sildenafil + -- Nitric Oxide (NO)
(if NO-dependant)

- Rule-out residual or
recurrent lesions
- Consider E.C.L.S.

Fig. 44.7  A simple algorithm to approach acute pulmonary arterial hypertension spells

a . Fever f . Volume overload

b. Hypothermia g. Hypoxia
c. Anemia h. Hypercapnia
d. Acidosis i. Sepsis
e. Dehydration j. Pain
44  Acute Pulmonary Hypertension 477

44.8  Therapeutic Measures potential triggers for increased pulmonary vascular

resistance. It is important to remember that pulmonary
vascular resistance is normal at normal functional
Therapy should be individualized. The main measures
residual capacity.
concern analgesia and sedation, ventilation, intravenous
Minimal airway manipulation and suctioning is
and inhaled drugs.
1 . Anatomic considerations Alkalosis induces pulmonary vasodilatation
First of all, residual anatomical problems should be whereas acidosis induces vasoconstriction. It is known
excluded as these may be responsible for increased after the work of Chang et al. [22] that the triggers are
right ventricular pressure as in the case of residual mainly the pH (hydrogen ion concentration) and not
shunts or right ventricular outflow tract obstructions. the carbon dioxide levels. The current approach is to
Thus, anatomic investigations should be performed maintain a normal or slightly alkalotic pH (as to avoid
such as transthoracic or transesophageal echocar- aggressive ventilation) and only in rare instances to
diography or catheterization, particularly if a potential raise pH over 7.5. Morris et al. [23] showed that hyper-
intervention is anticipated. ventilation to increase pH has some deleterious effects
Anatomy is also important as some measures may such as an increase in systemic vascular resistance that
help to maintain cardiac output through a right-to-left may not be warranted in the postoperative period. Use
shunt used as a “pop off” for the right side. Preserving of sodium bicarbonate or THAM may be considered in
a calibrated atrial septal defect is a common measure, some patients in order to induce alkalosis without the
but some authors advocate the use of a valve patch potential deleterious effects of hyperventilation.
when a ventricular septal defect is closed (“clap” fen- In patients considered as susceptible of developing
estration of the VSD patch). This may be beneficial to pulmonary hypertensive spells while being de-ventilated
maintain cardiac output but to the detriment of cyanosis. or with significant pulmonary vascular reactivity, per-
Oxygen delivery is maintained by increasing hemoglo- missive hypercapnia leading to mild respiratory acidosis
bin level. is a potentially useful test to assess feasibility of safe
Delayed chest closure may be useful to decrease the extubation. Well-controlled pulmonary reactivity does
constraints on a dilated dysfunctional right ventricle. not preclude early extubation.
2 . Sedation and analgesia 4 . Oxygenation
Agitation and stress are potential triggers for pulmonary It is well known that hyperoxia provokes pulmonary
hypertensive crisis and should be avoided. Well con- vasodilatation and that hypoxia induces pulmonary vaso-
trolled analgesia and sedation should be guaranteed constriction. It is therefore important to maintain an
whilst ensuring spontaneous breathing in stable adequate oxygenation (PO2 around 80–100 mmHg) in
patients who would be candidates for extubation. the presence of pulmonary hypertensive crisis and with
However, unstable patients with frequent or poorly patients at risk to develop these problems. This is
tolerated pulmonary hypertensive spells should be kept obtained with the administration of oxygen and again
deeply sedated and eventually on muscle relaxants as adequate ventilation ensuring a proper lung volume.
required. This is usually achieved with a combination However, the effect of oxygen seems not so clear in
of opioids and benzodiazepines administered as the setting of pulmonary hypertension after cardiac
continuous infusions and titrated to effect. Fentanyl is surgery as well as in the so-called fixed lesions. One
a better indication than morphine for this specific must also remember that high levels of inspired oxygen
group of patients. Other alternatives are available and may be deleterious and could induce lung damage.
depend on specific institutional protocols: dexmedeto-
5 . Vasodilator drugs
midine, propofol, clonidine to mention some. The
Pulmonary hypertension may be treated with intrave-
principle of using minimal efficient doses should be
nous or with inhaled vasodilators.
respected as much as possible.
Various intravenous vasodilators such as tolazoline,
3 . Ventilation and pH prostacyclin, phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine and
It is essential to adequately ventilate these patients and nitrodilators have been used to reduce pulmonary
to avoid overdistention or atelectasis, known to be arterial pressure. However, their lack of selectivity and
478 M. Beghetti and E.M. da Cruz

inconsistent efficacy are a limiting factor; these drugs Inhaled prostacyclin is increasingly used as delivered
carry a risk of systemic hypotension amongst others, by aerosol and may overcome the necessity of a special
which may be undesirable after cardiac surgery. device to deliver NO. Several series have been
In this setting, there is a particular appeal in the published with epoprostenol or iloprost [36–40] and
therapeutic opportunities afforded by new strategies prospective studies are underway, but one of the major
acting through a selective effect on the pulmonary problems is to define the dose to be delivered as well as
vascular bed such as inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) or the exact dose delivered when the drug is administered
inhaled prostacyclin. in ventilated patients.
iNO improves right ventricular systolic function When vasodilatation is not possible or is suboptimal
by decreasing its afterload while increasing left ven- it is appealing to try to counteract vasoconstriction
tricular preload, reducing the “tamponade” effect and and, as mentioned before, endothelin is a logical target.
restoring aortic pressure and coronary perfusion Animal and preliminary human studies are encouraging
[24–29]. In patients with poor left ventricular function, and several research protocols are planned or under-
iNO should be used very cautiously since the preload way with selective or non-selective endothelin recep-
increase may be deleterious. tor blockers.
Wessel et al. [27] showed that pulmonary endothelial New strategies aiming at protection during cardio-
dysfunction was present after cardiopulmonary bypass; pulmonary bypass are being currently studied and
thus the response to acetylcholine was attenuated, may offer new therapeutic approaches in the field of
but the response to iNO was maintained. These authors prevention of endothelial lesions.
hypothesized that a dysfunctional endothelium
with reduced endogenous nitric oxide release may 6 . Inotropic and vasoactive drugs
contribute to postoperative pulmonary hypertension. After surgical correction of patients with preoperative
Journois and collaborators [28, 29] demonstrated that pulmonary hypertension or under significant risk for
iNO was a useful therapy for pulmonary hypertensive postoperative pulmonary hypertensive spells, the classical
crises refractory to conventional treatment. According drug association is milrinone [41–45] and a low dose
to Miller et al. [30, 31], even low doses of nitric oxide (less than 5 µg/kg/min) of dopamine or dobutamine,
(2  ppm) appear to be effective in such patients. eventually associated with low doses of epinephrine.
Beghetti et al. [32, 33] showed that the effect of low- Right ventricular function may be compromised
dose nitric oxide was maintained over several days at following congenital heart disease repair (Fig.  44.8)
concentrations carrying little risks of toxicity. Nitric because of cardiopulmonary bypass and direct injury
oxide has been used with success in several different by the surgical procedure itself. Increased pulmonary
congenital heart defects where increased pulmonary vascular resistance further compromises right ventric-
vascular resistance may complicate the postoperative ular function; as a result the right ventricle becomes
course such as mitral valve stenosis, total anomalous dilated and induces an “intrapericardial tamponade”
pulmonary venous return, bidirectional Glenn anasto- effect of the left ventricle. This, in turn, results in
mosis, and the Fontan circulation. It also appears secondary diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle,
useful after cardiac and/or lung transplant. However, a which further reduces cardiac output leading to aortic
beneficial effect in patients with cavopulmonary hypotension and coronary hypoperfusion of the right
anastomosis is not consistently reported and this despite ventricle.
an increase in cGMP levels [34], which is proof of The effect of the usual inotropes such as epineph-
effective delivery. rine or dobutamine on the right ventricle as well as the
iNO augments right ventricular function after left potential deleterious effect on the pulmonary vascular
ventricular assist device implantation, perhaps through resistance is still matter of debate. It is also known that
an increase in pulmonary venous return and left atrial some therapies may not have the same effects on the
pressure, thus facilitating pump flow. systemic or the pulmonary circulation.
Patients who remain dependent on NO and have Catecholamines appear as a tempting and justified
rebound pulmonary hypertension upon its withdrawal option in this setting to try to find a balance between
are candidates for therapy with sildenafil as a strategy the potential beneficial and the detrimental effects.
to wean the NO [35]. Epinephrine can improve cardiac function but is now
44  Acute Pulmonary Hypertension 479

RV dysfunction: « The vicious

Increased RV Decreased
pressure coronary perfusion

Increased Ischemia
Low cardiac
afterload output

RV dysfunction LV diastolic dysfunction

Increased RV Tricuspid Decreased

volune regurgitatation RV output

Fig. 44.8  Right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension

known to be deleterious to the myocardium if used at 44.9  Conclusion

high doses and for a prolonged period of time. However
it may still have a place at low dose.
Management of pulmonary hypertension in the cardiac
Norepinephrine, through an increase in SVR, may
intensive care setting should be multifactorial and mul-
improve coronary perfusion and as such improve right
tidisciplinary as it remains challenging and still car-
ventricular function. The virtues of the drug should be
ries, even if decreased compared to the previous
balanced against its side effects.
decade, a significant mortality and morbidity. An
The finality is that the perfect drug should improve
increased knowledge of the mechanisms as well as the
myocardial performance and vasodilate the pulmonary
introduction of new therapies has lead to better prog-
vascular bed without inducing tachycardia and oxygen
nosis. Appropriate therapy requires firstly the identifi-
consumption. Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibi-
cation of the potential cause. Beside the pharmacological
tor that may have some of these properties and it is
approach, caregivers should consider the creation of
increasingly used in postoperative care. The role of
anatomic paths to decompress the right ventricle, as
type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors in the presence of
the final cause of death remains ventricular failure.
pulmonary hypertension has a major interest but type 3
inhibitors such as milrinone have been by far more
studied and largely used in pediatric practice.
Some new therapies are under development. Neseritide
or natriuretic hormone shows some synergistic effect References
with nitric oxide and sildenafil, but further studies are
required as available data is insufficient. The same 1. Gorenflo M, Nelle M, Ullman S. Pulmonary hypertension in
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scarce and further studies are also needed. twenty-first century. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2006;53:961–987.
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Chapter 45
Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension

Dunbar Ivy and Asrar Rashid

This chapter discusses the anatomical and physiological resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP), and
basis for chronic pulmonary arterial hypertension, its eventually right ventricular failure [5, 6]. The cellular
diagnosis and management. Pulmonary arterial hyper- changes that may be implicated in the development of
tension (PAH) can lead to significant cardiac dysfunction PAH are complex and some of these are detailed in
and is associated with an increased risk of perioperative Fig.  45.1 [7, 8]. The increased pulmonary vascular
cardiovascular complications [1]. The selection of appro- resistance (PVR) may be caused by both pulmonary
priate therapies is complex, requiring familiarity with vascular remodeling and sustained pulmonary vascu-
the underlying disease process, complicated delivery lar vasoconstriction [9]. The mechanisms involved in
systems, dosing regimens, and medication complica- the latter include endothelial dysfunction and vascular
tions [2]. Recent therapeutic and surgical advances in smooth muscle hyper constriction (VSMC) [9]. It has
the management of PAH have led to an improvement been suggested that the muscularisation of the termi-
in prognosis. nal pulmonary arterial vascular tree, caused by VSMC
hyperplasia, is the earliest change [10]. In established
PAH, the pulmonary arteries are characterized by inti-
mal fibrosis, medial hypertrophy, adventitial prolifer-
45.1  Definition ation, and obliteration of small arteries. The
mechanisms and causes of development of plexiform
lesions are complex and can be found in many PAH
Pulmonary hypertension is defined as a mean pulmonary
cases with multiple channels lined by cells expressing
artery pressure greater than 25  mmHg at rest [3]. In
markers found on endothelial cells or smooth muscle
1998, the World Health Organization proposed a new
cells (Fig.  45.2) and may represent an angiogenic
classification of pulmonary hypertension and this was
response to local ischemia, hypoxia, or shear stress,
updated in 2003 (Table 45.1), and again in 2008 at the
and/or hyper proliferation of apoptosis resistant pul-
Dana Point WHO meeting [3b].
monary artery endothelial cells [11, 12]. Other mech-
anisms, including activation of endogenous vascular
elastase [13] and damage to the vascular endothelium
45.2  Anatomy play a role [14].

PAH is a progressive disease characterized by lumen-

obstructing structural alterations within the pulmo-
45.3  Pathophysiology
nary bed [4], leading to a rise in pulmonary vascular

In the normal pulmonary circulation, pressure and

D. Ivy (*) resistance are 80–90% lower than in the systemic
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, circulation. Pulmonary arteries larger than 1  mm in
Aurora, CO, USA internal diameter are elastic and have well-developed
e-mail: internal and external laminae within a less distinct

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 483
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_45, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
484 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

Table 45.1  Updated WHO clinical classification of pulmonary medial layer than systemic arteries. Most pulmonary
hypertension (Dana Point, 2008) arterties run adjacent to the airways. Distal to the
  1.  Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) respiratory bronchioles, the smooth muscle layer is
1.1.  Idiopathic reduced, and the arteries are only partially muscular-
1.2.  Heritable
ized or non-muscularized. Vascular tone is normally
1.2.1.  BMPR2
very low.
1.2.2. ALK1, endoglin (with or without hereditary
haemorrhagic telangiectasia) PVR is the current standard for evaluating reactiv-
1.2.3.  Unknown ity in children with PAH. However, PVR measures
1.3.  Drugs and toxins induced only the mean component of right ventricular afterload
1.4.  Associated with (APAH) and neglects pulsatile effects. Total right ventricular
1.4.1.  Connective tissue diseases afterload can be measured as pulmonary vascular input
1.4.2.  HIV infection
impedance and consists of a dynamic component
1.4.3.  Portal hypertension
1.4.4.  Congenital heart disease
(compliance/stiffness) and a static component (resis-
1.4.5.  Schistosomiasis tance). In the normal pulmonary circulation, resistance
1.4.6.  Chronic haemolytic anaemia contributes 90% of total RV afterload, whereas in sig-
1.5.  Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn nificant PAH, 30% of RV afterload may be contributed
1’ Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and/or pulmonary by compliance and 70% by resistance. Increases in
capillary haemangiomatosis PVR and decreases in compliance of the larger pulmo-
2  Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease
nary arteries will increase right ventricular afterload,
2.1.  Systolic dysfunction
2.2.  Diastolic dysfunction and can lead to right ventricular dysfunction [15–18].
2.3.  Valvular disease Acute PAH has a differing implication for RV dysfunc-
3 Pulmonary hypertension due to lung diseases and/or tion when compared to the development of chronic
hypoxaemia PAH. Acute PAH leads to an immediate increase in
3.1.  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease acute end-diastolic volume and decrease in RV ejec-
3.2.  Interstitial lung disease
tion fraction leading to decrease in RV stroke volume.
3.3. Other pulmonary diseases with mixed restrictive and
obstructive pattern The development of chronic PAH has differing impli-
3.4.  Sleep-disordered breathing cations (see Fig. 45.3). Patients with PAH are prone to
3.5.  Alveolar hypoventilation disorders the development of the fatal complication of pulmo-
3.6.  Chronic exposure to high altitude nary hypertensive crisis, which is characterized by a
3.7.  Developmental abnormalities rapid increase in PVR, related to pulmonary arterial
4  Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension vasoreactivity. PVR increases to the point where PAP
5  PH with unclear and/or multifactorial mechanisms
exceeds systemic blood pressure, which leads to a
5.1. Haematological disorders: myeloproliferative
disorders, splenectomy decrease in systemic blood pressure, shift of the inter-
5.2. Systemic disorders: sarcoidosis, pulmonary ventricular septum leading to altered left ventricular
Langerhans cell histiocytosis, lymphangioleiomyo- diastolic filling, and a decrease in oxygenation.
matosis, neurofibromatosis, vasculitis Hypercarbia, hypoxia, acidosis, and noxious stimuli
5.3. Metabolic disorders: glycogen storage disease,
such as pain and airway instrumentation can trigger a
Gaucher disease, thyroid disorders
5.4. Others: tumoural obstruction, fibrosing mediastinitis, rapid increase in PVR that can lead to a pulmonary
chronic renal failure on dialysis hypertensive crisis and/or right heart failure. The
ALK-1 = activin receptor-like kinase 1 gene; APAH = associ- resulting right heart failure leads to a decrease in pul-
ated pulmonary arterial hypertension; BMPR2 = bone morpho- monary blood flow, decreased cardiac output, hypoxia,
genetic protein receptor, type 2; HIV = human immunodeficiency and biventricular failure. Other perioperative mecha-
virus; PAH = pulmonary arterial hypertension. nisms associated with right-sided heart failure in
Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hyper-
patients with PAH include right ventricular dilatation
tension: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Pulmonary Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (leading to compression of the left ventricle), hypov-
(ESC) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS), endorsed olemia (inadequate preload), systemic hypotension
by the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation (decreased coronary perfusion), hypoxemia, and
Eur Heart J. 2009 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print]
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 485

Decreased Voltage-gated potassium BMPR2 mutation

(KV) channel expression Leads to Iack of normal antiproliferation effect
Imbalance of vasodilators &
Thrombosis in situ Imbalance of vasodilators (NO,
And vasoconsictors (ET-1,

Enhanced Angiogenesis Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Serine Elastase

Enhanced Serotonin Activity

Increased Platelet Activty
Serotonin Transporter And Increased Platelet
Polymorphisms Consumption
Tryptophan Hydroxylase1 Increased concentration of fibropeptide
Increased Serotonin Receptors

Monoclonal Proliferation of
Endothelial Cells in Plexiform Lesions
Apoptosis Resistant
Pulmonary Endothelial Cells

Fig. 45.1  Potential mechanisms leading to the development of PAH

Fig. 45.2  Proliferation of PA cells expressing endothelial and smooth muscle markers in PAH

45.4  Clinical Presentation syncope are indicative of more severe limitations in

cardiac output. In infants, symptoms are even less spe-
Diagnosis of chronic PAH is often delayed due to the cific and may involve poor appetite, failure to thrive,
subtle nature of the symptoms. Nevertheless, PAH lethargy, diaphoresis, tachypnea, tachycardia, and irri-
symptoms are clearly cardiorespiratory. Symptoms tability [19–21].
include exertional dyspnea and fatigue. Chest pain and Evaluation: See Table 45.2
486 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

Fig. 45.3  Pathophysiology of Chronic PAH

Table 45.2  Pulmonary hypertension evaluation

PAH detection
Chest radiography Cardiomegaly and enlarged pulmonary arteries
Electrocardiography Right ventricular hypertrophy
Echocardiography Right ventricular hypertrophy, quantify right ventricular systolic pressure /
Exclude left heart or congenital heart disease
PAH characterization
Cardiac catheterization with acute vasodilator Evaluate pulmonary artery pressure, resistance, and degree of pulmonary
testing reactivity
Anemia Complete blood count with platelet count
Hypo/Hyperthyroid Thyroid function tests
Hypercoagulable evaluation Disseminated intravascular coagulation screen
Antithrombin III
Protein C
Protein S
Lupus anticoagulant
Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin gene mutation 20210
Anti-phospholipid antibody evaluation
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 487

Table 45.2  (continued)

Autoimmune disease evaluation Antinuclear antibodies (DNA, Smith, ribonucleoprotein, SSA, SSB,
anticentromere antibody, anti-SCL70)
Rheumatoid factor
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV test
Toxicology screen Amphetamines, cocaine, meta-amphetamines, fenfluramine, and
Liver evaluation Abdominal ultrasonography
Liver function tests with gamma glutaryl transferase
Hepatitis profile
Lung evaluation Pulmonary function tests (to exclude obstructive/restrictive lung disease)
Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) lung scintigraphy (exclude
Pulmonary wedge angiography
High resolution computed tomography (to evaluate for interstitial lung disease)
Pulse oximetry/polysomnography (to evaluate hypoxia, diminished
ventilatory drive, sleep-related breathing disorders)Lung biopsy
Exercise capacity 6-minute walk test/treadmill exercise test
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Beghetti M, Barst RJ, Naeiji R, Rubin LJ. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Related to Congenital Heart Disease, Elsevier, 2006.

Fig. 45.4  Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease

45.4.1  Chest Radiography radiography in the detection of PAH is uncertain, and no

correlation has been established between the extent of the
The enlargement of the central pulmonary artery and or radiograph abnormalities and the severity of PAH. Chest
right ventricle on chest radiography suggests the presence radiography findings may be useful to uncover secondary
of PAH. Prominence of the main pulmonary arteries is causes of pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary venous
apparent in 90% of patients with IPAH, and peripheral congestion may suggest pulmonary veno-occlusive dis-
pruning of the vessels occurs in approximately 50%. Yet, ease (Fig. 45.4) or pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis;
6% of patients with confirmed IPAH may also present hyperinflation or kyphosis are signs of restrictive lung
with normal radiographs [22]. The accuracy of the chest disease; asymmetry of the enlarged central pulmonary
488 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

much higher, especially in combination with a com-

plete physical examination.

45.4.3  Echocardiography

Echocardiography is the most useful non-invasive

screening tool to evaluate patients with a clinical suspi-
cion of PAH [28]. The echocardiogram documents right
ventricular size and function, left ventricular systolic
and diastolic function, morphology and function of
valves, and the presence of pericardial effusion or a
patent foramen ovale. An acceleration time to ejection
time ratio less than 0.3 suggests the presence, but not the
degree, of pulmonary hypertension [28]. Transthoracic
Doppler echocardiography can provide an estimate of
the systolic pulmonary arterial pressures (sPAP). In the
Fig. 45.5  Unilateral pulmonary vein atresia [26] absence of pulmonary outflow obstruction, sPAP is
equivalent to the right ventricular systolic pressure
(RVSP). The systolic regurgitant tricuspid flow veloc-
arteries may warrant investigation of chronic thromboem-
ity (V) is measured and the right atrial pressure (RAP)
bolic disease or porto-pulmonary hypertension [23–25].
is either a standardized value or an estimated value
Asymmetric lung volumes may suggest either pulmonary
from the flow characteristics of the inferior vena cava
arterial or pulmonary venous abnormalities. For example,
or from jugular venous distention [28]. Tricuspid
a unilateral small lung may be seen in unilateral “absence”
regurgitation of measurable quality has been reported
of a pulmonary artery, scimitar syndrome, or congenital
in as many as 86% of cardiovascular patients [29, 30].
diaphragmatic hernia. Likewise, unilateral congenital
There have been reports of a correlation between
absence of pulmonary veins may have small lung volume
Doppler echocardiography and right heart catheteriza-
on X-ray [26] (Fig. 45.5).
tion measurements of sPAP [30–32]. However, Doppler
echocardiography may underestimate sPAP in patients
with severe PAH [33] and overestimate sPAP in popu-
45.4.2  Electrocardiography lations with mild or asymptomatic PAH [34]. When
using Doppler echocardiography-estimated sPAP for
Electrocardiography (ECG) is often the first test to detecting PAH, the sensitivity ranges from 0.63 to 1.00
suggest PAH by showing right ventricular hypertrophy and the specificity from 0.68 to 0.98 [34–36]. Despite
and right atrial enlargement. Evidence of right ven- recent advances that have improved the estimation of
tricular hypertrophy on ECG is present in 87% of sPAP, Doppler echocardiography remains less accurate
patients with IPAH and right axis deviation in 79%. in most patients than invasive evaluation by right heart
ECG parameters reflective of physiologic and ana- catheterization. Color flow Doppler imaging usually
tomic abnormalities in the right atria and right ventri- can detect intracardiac shunting [37], although contrast
cle (a large P-wave amplitude > /0.25 mV) in lead II, echocardiography may be more suited to visualize
QR complex in lead V1 or V3R is indicative of right right-to-left shunting in patients with a small atrial
ventricular hypertrophy regardless of voltage. An communication [38].
upright T-wave in V1 is indicative of right ventricular The myocardial performance index (MPI) is an
hypertrophy from 7 days–7 years. However, some index of global ventricular function and correlates with
studies have suggested that the specificity (69%) and hemodynamics in adults and children with PH. In chil-
positive predictive value (67%) of ECG is low in chil- dren, a recent study showed that right ventricular MPI
dren with an echocardiographic diagnosis of PH [27]. for patients with IPAH was 0.64 ± 0.30 versus
However, these authors believe that that sensitivity is 0.28 ± 0.03 in control subjects (P < 0.01). RV MPI had
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 489

a strong correlation with mean PA pressure (R = 0.94; bed [15, 44–46]. Currently, measurement of impedance
P < 0.001), and decreased significantly in responders to requires invasive measurements in addition to measure-
bosentan therapy (range 20–44%, mean 25%) with a ment of Doppler flow. A recent manuscript in adults
5% increase in non-responders [39]. RV MPI is a non- with pulmonary hypertension showed that a measure
invasive Doppler index that may be useful to follow up of capacitance (pulse pressure/stroke volume) was a
children with IPAH, particularly when tricuspid regur- better predictor of survival than measurement of PVR
gitation data are insufficient. Measurement of the dp/dt [16, 18]. In children, pulmonary vascular input imped-
of the tricuspid regurgitation jet may add additional ance has recently been shown to be feasible and predict
information about right ventricular function. clinical outcomes better than PVR in children with
Transesophageal echocardiography may be useful PAH [46] (Fig. 45.6).
in older children for the optimal anatomic definition
and may be superior to the transthoracic approach for
detecting atrial septal defects [37, 38, 40].Transesophageal 45.4.4  Other Evaluation Modalities
echocardiography has also been used to detect central
pulmonary artery emboli [41, 42] and may reveal the Cardiac MRI provides exact measurements of heart
presence of chronic thromboembolism causing PAH. function and blood flow and is used with increasing
Differentiation between IPAH and chronic throm- frequency to evaluate patients with pulmonary arterial
boembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) using hypertension [47–50]. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
normalized pulse pressures estimated from Doppler using cycle ergometry or 6 min walk testing has been
ultrasound measurements has been reported with a shown to correlate with disease severity and prognosis,
sensitivity of 0.95 and specificity of 1.00 [43]. Tissue and is helpful in assessing responses to clinical treat-
Doppler imaging has recently been used to evaluate for ments [47–50]. Recently published data from this center
the presence of RV or LV diastolic dysfunction. showed that children can safely undergo cardiopulmo-
Recent interest has grown in the area of measurement nary testing and the peak oxygen consumption is strongly
of total right ventricular afterload by measurement of correlated to disease severity [51, 52] (Table  45.2).
input vascular impedance. Impedance incorporates the Six-minute walk test is a sub-maximal test shown to have
sum of total compliance and resistance of the vascular a strong independent association with mortality among

Fig. 45.6  Pulmonary vascular input impedance [46]

490 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

Fig. 45.7  Perioperative complications in children

Procedures Complications
with pulmonary hypertension undergoing
noncardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization [1]
Sub-Systemic Systemic Supra-

patients with IPAH [53]; however, children often have Table  45.3  Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in pediatric
pulmonary hypertension
less right heart failure for a given elevation of pulmonary
Adverse No adverse
artery pressure leading to a further distance walked.
Variable outcome outcome p
Age 11.5 + 0.7 11.5 + 3.5 NS
Peak VO2 14.6 + 3.9 26.8 + 7.2 <0.0001
45.5  P
 reoperative Management %Peak VO2 33 + 8 60 + 14 <0.0001
of Patients with PAH VE/VCO2 55 + 11 39 + 8 <0.0001
% VE/VCO2 170 + 32 126 + 20 <0.0001
% O2 Pulse 40% 66% 0.04
Children with PAH may require surgical intervention,
Ref. [51]
either as definitive procedure or palliation of their
underlying PAH. Alternatively children with PAH may
Preoperative assessment in all patients with suspected
require surgical interventional not directly related to
PAH should include a physical examination, a recent
the PAH. At the preoperative stage, a full evaluation of
electrocardiogram and echocardiogram as a part of
the etiology of PAH is imperative, as well as knowl-
an extensive evaluation (Table  45.3), and cardiac
edge of vasoreactivity of the pulmonary bed [4]. PAH
carries a significant risk of cardiac dysfunction and
The aim of the initial assessment is to differentiate
thus the increased risk of perioperative cardiovascular
among known etiologies [19, 54–56]. Symptoms may
complications (Fig. 45.7) [1].
include exertional dyspnea, reduced exercise tolerance,
Preoperative management is based on the following
orthopnea, atypical chest pain, hemoptysis, feeding
intolerance, or growth failure. Syncope in this setting
1. Ascertaining the causality of the PAH, and its may be indicative of end-stage disease.
reversibility, which is then related to the patient’s Special situations may predispose to the development
suitability for surgical intervention. of pulmonary arterial hypertension. As an example, chil-
2. Understanding whether an attempt at preoperative dren living at an altitude and presenting with high-alti-
optimization of a patient with PAH should be under- tude pulmonary edema (HAPE) should be screened for
taken. If the PAH is reversible, the clinician must pulmonary hypertension [57]. In addition, children with
understand the best form of pharmacological inter- biliary atresia, cavernous transformation of the portal
vention that should be attempted, in the intervening vein, primary sclerosing cholangitis, or cryptogenic cir-
period before surgery or catheterization. rhosis, may have porto-pulmonary hypertension with an
3. If the child is already on a program of medication for associated high mortality [58]. Some medications may
PAH, this should be continued through the periop- predispose to the development of severe pulmonary
erative period. Anticoagulation should be converted hypertension, such as phenylpropanolamine [59].
from Warfarin to intravenous Heparin, if indicated. Non-invasive testing can be useful for screening
4. Ascertaining the causality of the PAH, and its and assessing prognosis (Table 45.3). Echocardiography
reversibility, which is then related to the patient’s is important in estimating pulmonary pressures and
suitability for surgical intervention. evaluating potential structural abnormalities.
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 491

As respiratory disease is an important cause of diac disease is appropriate, and acute pulmonary vasore-
pulmonary hypertension, radiographic and physiologic activity may be more common in children [62–65].
evaluation of the lung should be undertaken to exclude Recent study examined a previously identified cohort of
parenchymal lung disease. 77 children diagnosed between 1982 and 1995 with
Cardiac catheterization is important to evaluate idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension and fol-
pulmonary artery pressures and resistance as well as to lowed up through 2002. For acute responders treated
determine acute reactivity of the pulmonary vasculature with CCB (n = 31), survival at 1, 5, and 10 years was 97,
[56]. Right heart catheterization can confirm the 97, and 81%, respectively; treatment success was 84,
diagnosis of PAH; assess the severity of the hemodynamic 68, and 47%, respectively. Survival for all children
impairment, and target therapy. The pulmonary artery treated with epoprostenol (n = 35) at 1, 5, and 10 years
pressures and pulmonary wedge pressures are was 94, 81, and 61%, respectively (Fig. 45.8); treatment
measured; shunt size and pulmonary blood flow success was 83, 57, and 37%, respectively [62].
are determined and PVR is calculated by dividing the
pressure gradient across the lungs by the pulmonary
blood flow. Sedation may be necessary to minimize a 45.5.2  F
 amilial Pulmonary Artery
child’s agitation. Care should be taken to avoid rebound Hypertension
effects of inhaled nitric oxide withdrawal acutely
and within 12 h after the procedure. If right heart cath- Between 6 and 12% of cases of IPAH, it may be familial
eterization confirms the presence of PAH requiring in origin with an autosomal dominant pattern of inher-
treatment, a vasodilator study should be performed itance, and disease presents at younger ages with
at the time of catheterization to determine the acute subsequent generations (termed genetic anticipation)
pulmonary vasoreactivity to short-acting vasodilators [66]. The cause in childhood appears heterogeneous in
(discussed later in the chapter) nature, with genetic defects of transforming growth
Various molecular markers are being assessed factor-beta receptors playing an important role [67].
as to their suitability in the follow-up of patients BMPRII is a type 2 receptor of the transforming growth
with PAH. Such markers include Brain natriuretic factor (TGF)-b superfamily of cytokines, members
peptide, Cardiac troponin T, Uric acid, Endothelin-1, of which are essential for the cellular proliferation,
products of NO metabolism and Fibrinogen meta­ differentiation, and apoptosis. Workers have postulated
bolism products. a different genetic background for children compared
Possible causes of PAH are detailed below. It is to adults, with a recessive mode of inheritance being
critically important to identify and treat any underly- put forward in a proportion of infantile cases [68],
ing conditions associated with PAH to improve the but this is yet to be proven. Diverse germline heterozy-
chance of reversal of disease. gous mutations in the gene that encodes for the
bone morphogenetic protein receptor-II (BMPRII)
on chromosome 2q33 cause familial pulmonary
arterial hypertension [69, 70]. These mutations appear
45.5.1  I diopathic Pulmonary Arterial to result in uncontrolled proliferation of vascular
Hypertension smooth muscle due to lack of an anti-proliferative
effect of normal BMPR2 signaling [71, 72]. More
Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) is a than 50 disease-causing defects in the BMPRII gene
rare disease that occurs most frequently in young adult have been reported, however, many have been identi-
females [60]. IPAH is characterized by progressive and fied in patients with no family history of pulmonary
sustained elevations of pulmonary artery pressure with- arterial hypertension, implying either a low disease
out a defined etiology. Pediatric IPAH is well reported, penetrance or the occurrence of spontaneous mutations
and carried a dismal prognosis in the NIH cohort, with a [69–71, 73]. BMPRII was found in 6% of a mixed
median survival of only 10 months in individuals less cohort of adults and children with pulmonary arterial
than 16 years old [61]. Evaluation for IPAH in the pedi- hypertension/congenital heart defects [74].
atric age group is similar to that outlined for adults, but Other genetic loci may also play important roles.
increased scrutiny for the possibility of congenital car- Studies have suggested an important role of the serotonin
492 D. Ivy and A. Rashid



Event Free Proportion




0.2 Survival
Treatment Success

0 5 10
Years After Epoprostenol Initiation
Fig. 45.8  Outcomes in children with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension [62]

transporter gene in some adults with PAH [75], and a study arteriosus, and univentricular heart with high flow also
in children found that homozygosity for the long variant of may develop pulmonary hypertension. Palliative shunt-
the serotonin transporter gene was highly associated with ing operations for certain cardiac anomalies designed
idiopathic pulmonary hypertension in children [76]. to increase pulmonary blood flow also may lead to the
subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension.
Hypoxia with increased shunting is believed to be a
45.5.3  Congenital Heart Disease potent stimulus for the rapid development of pulmo-
nary vascular disease.
A variety of congenital cardiac lesions can cause
pulmonary hypertension [21] (Table 45.4). The age at
which these lesions produce irreversible pulmonary 45.5.4  Eisenmenger Syndrome
vascular disease varies. In general, patients with a
ventricular septal defect or patent ductus arteriosus do Eisenmenger syndrome describes pulmonary hyper-
not develop irreversible pulmonary vascular changes tension with a reversed central shunt [78]. In general,
before 2 years of age. Children with Down syndrome the term “Eisenmenger syndrome” is used mainly for
may have an increased risk of pulmonary hyperten- shunts distal to the tricuspid valve, but some studies
sion, if congenital cardiac lesions are present. Similarly, have included patients with a large atrial septal defect.
infants with an atrial or ventricular septal defect with The syndrome is characterized by elevated PVR and
concomitant chronic lung disease are at an increased bi-directional or right-to-left shunting through a sys-
risk for the early development of severe pulmonary temic-to-pulmonary connection, such as a ventricular
vascular disease. In one study of infants with bronchopul- septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, univentricular
monary dysplasia who underwent cardiac surgery for heart, or aortopulmonary window. The shunt is initially
the repair of congenital heart disease, 25% of those left-to-right, but as the underlying condition continues
who died had pulmonary arterial hypertension [77]. to increase PVR, there is a reversal of the shunt to a
Patients with cyanotic congenital cardiac lesions right-to-left configuration, leading to cyanosis and
such as transposition of the great arteries, truncus erythrocytosis. It is not uncommon for patients that are
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 493

Table  45.4  Cardiac lesions associated with pulmonary 45.5.5  Hemoglobinopathies

Left-to-right shunts Atrial septal defect
Ventricular septal defect Interest is growing in the area of pulmonary arterial
Patent ductus arteriosus hypertension associated with hemoglobinopathies,
Atrioventricular septal (canal) defect such as sickle cell disease. Studies by Gladwin and
Aorto-pulmonary window others have shown that a RVSP greater than 25 mmHg
Increased Cardiomyopathy is predictive of increased mortality in adults with
pulmonary Coarctation of the aorta (left ventricular PAH [80]. This form of pulmonary artery hypertension
venous pressure diastolic dysfunction)
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
may be different and associated with higher systolic
Shone complex rather than diastolic pressure and may be due to
Mitral stenosis pulmonary vascular disease, high cardiac output, or
Supravalvar mitral ring left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. It is likely that
Cor triatriatum the increased mortality in patients with SCD is multi-
Pulmonary vein stenosis/veno-occlusive factorial and includes diminished NO availability
and the presence of diastolic dysfunction. Release
Total anomalous pulmonary venous
return of hemoglobin and arginase from lysed red cells
Cyanotic heart Transposition of the great arteries causes scavenging of nitric oxide (NO) and catabo-
disease Truncus arteriosus lism of L-arginine, the obligate substrate for NO
Tetralogy of Fallot (pulmonary atresia/ synthase (Fig.  45.9). The resulting impairment in
VSD) NO bioavailability is associated with pulmonary vaso-
Univentricular heart
constriction, endothelial dysfunction, thrombosis, and
Anomalies of the Origin of a pulmonary artery from the
pulmonary aorta eventual development of plexogenic arterial lesions,
artery or Unilateral ‘‘absence’’ of a pulmonary the histological hallmark of all forms of PAH [81–84].
pulmonary vein artery Furthermore, in addition to pulmonary hypertension,
Scimitar syndrome diastolic dysfunction is an independent risk factor
Palliative shunting Waterston anastamosis for mortality in sickle cell disease [85].
operations Potts anastamosis
Blalock-Taussig anastamosis
Beghetti M, Barst RJ, Naeiji R, Rubin LJ. Pulmonary Arterial
Hypertension Related to Congenital Heart Disease, Elsevier; 45.5.6  Respiratory Disease

Parenchymal lung disease is an important cause of

pulmonary hypertension in many patients. Complica­
detected late with Eisenmenger syndrome to not have tions include hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,
a prior history of congestive heart failure, suggesting causing increased pulmonary artery pressures, and can
that PVR never fell to normal levels in the perinatal lead to right ventricular hypertrophy and failure. Right
period. In general, the prognosis of patients with ventricular function is usually preserved until disease
Eisenmenger syndrome is much better than for patients is advanced. In most cases, correction of hypoxia can
with IPAH, but syncope, right-heart failure, and severe lead to reversal of pulmonary hypertension. However,
hypoxemia are similarly associated with a poor the development of cor pulmonale carries a poorer
prognosis. Phlebotomy may be utilized in Eisenmenger prognosis for reversibility.
syndrome to provide temporary relief of hyperviscosity Treatment of cor pulmonale depends on the precise
symptoms or to improve perioperative hemostasis, etiology of lung disease, as well as disease severity.
but should not routinely be performed as this leads Nocturnal oxygen administration may alleviate hypoxia,
to increased stiffness of the red blood cell [79]. typically without causing hypercapnia. In patients with
Non-cardiac operations on Eisenmenger patients are cystic fibrosis, calcium channel blockers have not
associated with a high mortality rate, and should be shown proven effectiveness and may worsen oxygen-
managed by a multidisciplinary team experienced in ation when cor pulmonale is present [86]. For patients
the care of patients with this condition. with end-stage lung disease from cystic fibrosis,
494 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

Fig. 45.9  Mechanisms of pulmonary vascular dysfunction in hemoglobinopathies [82]

lung transplantation may represent the most attractive 45.5.7  Thromboembolic Disease
treatment option.
Disorders of respiratory mechanics may also lead
Chronic thromboembolic disease as a cause of
to hypoxia and the development of pulmonary hyper-
pulmonary hypertension in children is uncommon.
tension, as can bronchopulmonary dysplasia [87].
However, the condition can occur rarely, and an
More recent studies have suggested that abnormalities
accurate diagnosis is essential for treatment [55, 64].
of the pulmonary vasculature may be a primary rather
Predisposing factors include anti-phospholipid
than secondary cause of abnormal alveolarization in
antibody syndrome, collagen vascular diseases, throm-
bronchopulmonary dysplasia [88–91]. Patients with
bophilia, bacterial endocarditis, and ventricular-atrial
congenital diaphragmatic hernia are at risk for pulmo-
shunt for the treatment of hydrocephalus and sickle
nary hypertension, which can develop at any phases of
cell disease. Likewise, the use of oral contraceptive
the disease. In addition to lung hypoplasia, patients
agents may cause hypercoagulability, leading to pul-
with congenital diaphragmatic hernia may develop
monary thromboembolic phenomena.
pulmonary artery or pulmonary vein stenosis [91].
The diagnosis of CTEPH in children requires a
The respiratory problem causing the PAH per se may
high index of suspicion, as well as evaluation by ven-
not be amenable to surgical intervention. However, if
tilation perfusion, CT scanning, or angiography. In
the PAH is reversible, surgical intervention may
adults with CTEPH, surgically accessible disease
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 495

Long-term PAH Treatment Strategy: 2009

Yes Trial of
Acute Vasodilator Response Calcium Channel
Nitric Oxide + Blocker
No Incomplete response
CHF Trial of :
No Bosentan
Yes Sildenafil
Epoprostenol IV Iloprost (INH)
Treprostinil IV Incomplete Treprostinil (SC/IV/INH)
response Epoprostenol (IV)

Fig. 45.11  Long-term PAH strategy. Adapted from [56]

Fig.  45.10  Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy is useful in

rehabilitating vascular patency in some cases of CTEPH
Before commencing vasodilator therapy for chronic
PAH, vasodilator responsiveness should be assessed in
a controlled situation, ideally in the cardiac catheteri­
and no severe co morbidities, pulmonary thromboen- zation unit. A positive response is defined by assessing
darterectomy has been demonstrated to improve the change of cardiac and pulmonary catheter data to
survival and quality of life in patients (Fig.  45.10) vasodilators [56, 93]. The younger the child at the time
[92]. A similar approach should be considered of testing, the greater the likelihood of acute pulmo-
for children who develop this condition despite nary vasodilation in response to vasoreactivity testing
the relative paucity of data on this procedure in the [63, 94, 95]. Many oral and inhaled vasodilators have
pediatric age group. been used for testing of vasodilator responsiveness
[94, 96–105].

45.6  P
 harmacological Therapy
of PAH 45.6.1  Nitric Oxide

Three classes of drugs have been extensively studied The use of newer vasodilator agents, particularly
for the treatment of PAH on the basis of known inhaled nitric oxide, has been an important advance
mechanisms of action: prostanoids (epoprostenol, in safely determining vasoreactivity. Inhaled nitric
treprostinil, iloprost, beraprost), endothelin receptor oxide therapy improves gas exchange and selectively
antagonists (bosentan, sitaxsentan, ambrisentan), and lowers PVR in several clinical diseases, including
phosphodiesterase inhibitors (sildenafil) (Table 45.4). idiopathic pulmonary hypertension and congenital
Without therapy, and sometimes despite appropriate heart disease [99, 106, 107]. Inhaled nitric oxide dif-
surgical correction of congenital cardiac lesions, fuses to the adjacent smooth muscle cell, where it
pulmonary arterial hypertension progresses at a activates soluble guanylate cyclase, resulting in an
variable rate. As vasoconstriction is an important com- increase in cGMP and vasodilation. Currently, inhaled
ponent in the development of medial hypertrophy, nitric oxide with oxygen is recommended by many
vasodilators are frequently used to decrease pulmonary centers as the agent of choice for evaluating pulmo-
artery pressure, improve cardiac output, and poten- nary vasoreactivity.
tially reverse some of the pulmonary vascular changes The role of chronic inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) in
noted in the lung. Our long-term strategy for the treat- the treatment of pulmonary hypertensive disorders
ment of pulmonary hypertension in children is shown has been studied [108, 109]. Although iNO ther-
(Fig. 45.11). apy causes sustained decreases in PVR, adverse
496 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

hemodynamic effects may complicate iNO therapy 45.6.3  Prostacyclins

after abrupt withdrawal [96, 110]. Inhibition of phos-
phodiesterase type 5 (see below), which degrades
Adults with IPAH and children with congenital heart
cGMP within vascular smooth muscle, causes vaso-
disease demonstrate an imbalance in the biosynthesis
dilation and may attenuate this rebound effect.
of thromboxane A2 and prostacyclin. Likewise, adults
Currently, few patients are treated with inhaled NO at
and children with severe pulmonary hypertension
home, but advancements in the use of NO in the non-
show diminished prostacyclin synthase expression in
intubated patient have led to greater use in the pre-
the lung vasculature. Prostacyclin administered
and postoperative setting.
over the long term, utilizing intravenous epoprostenol,
Clinically unpredictable or non-sustained responses
has shown to improve survival and quality of life in
have been noted with the iNO therapy, and its acute
adults and children with idiopathic pulmonary arterial
withdrawal can result in rapid rises in PVR [108, 111].
Alterations in endogenous endothelial activity during
The choice of therapy for children with PAH is
iNO therapy may mediate these clinical findings. ET-1
impacted by severity of disease, pharmacologic adverse
signaling pathways have been implicated in the
effects, and the patient’s and family’s willingness to
rebound phenomena. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
use invasive therapy. Children who demonstrate a
may mediate these alterations and superoxide scavenging
positive response to acute vasodilator challenge in the
to stop the tissue increase in superoxide and peroxyni-
cardiac catheterization laboratory with inhaled nitric
trite, preserve NOS activity, decrease eNOS nitration,
oxide are candidates for calcium channel blocker
and prevent the rebound phenomena [112, 113].
therapy. At most, 40% of children are candidates for
calcium channel blocker therapy as compared to only
10–25% of adults, which suggests an age dependent
response [9]. The remaining therapies are classified by
45.6.2  Calcium Channel Blockers
and target dysfunction in one of three major pathways:
cyclic-AMP, cyclic-GMP, and endothelin. Patients
The use of calcium channel antagonists to evaluate with severe PAH are often treated with multi-drug
vasoreactivity is dangerous, as these drugs can cause a therapy targeting all pathways if tolerated.
decrease in cardiac output or a marked drop in sys- Prostacyclin and prostacyclin analogs impact the
temic blood pressure [64]. Such deleterious effects cyclic-AMP pathway to increase pulmonary vasodilation.
may be prolonged due to the relatively long half-life of Intravenous epoprostenol-prostacyclin was first used
calcium channel blockers. Consequently, elevated in the 1980s and continues to be the gold standard for
RAP and low cardiac output are contraindications to treatment of severe disease (Fig. 45.8). The treatment
acute or chronic calcium channel blockade. The number of patients with prostacyclin is promising, however the
of patients treated with calcium channel blockers is therapy is cumbersome. The prostacyclin must be
steadily decreasing. infused 24 h/day via a central venous catheter and kept
Our preference is to perform an acute trial of calcium cold with ice packs; the half-life of the drug is 2–5 min
channel blocker therapy only in those patients who are placing the patient at risk for an acute pulmonary
acutely responsive to either nitric oxide or prostacyclin. hypertensive crisis if there is an accidental discontinu-
In this setting, response is defined as a fall in mean PAP ation of the medication. In addition, the side effects of
of at least 10 mmHg to near normal levels and certainly the drug include nausea, diarrhea, jaw pain, bone pain
less than a mean PAP of 40 mmHg. Likewise, patients and headaches. Epoprostenol was FDA approved in
who do not have an acute vasodilatory response to short 1995 (Table 45.3).
acting agents and who are then placed on calcium The prostacyclin analog, treprostinil was approved by
channel blocker therapy are unlikely to benefit from this the FDA, initially for subcutaneous use (2002), and more
form of therapy [54]. 60 to 80% of children with severe recently for intravenous administration (2004a). While
pulmonary hypertension are non-responsive to acute subcutaneous treprostinil allows patients to remain free
vasodilator testing, and therefore require therapy other of central venous catheters, it can cause severe pain at the
than calcium channel antagonists. infusion site. Recent data has shown long-term efficacy
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 497

in adults with PAH [114, 115] Treprostinil has also been have been noted in short-term trials, these may be
given in the intravenous form. Intravenous treprostinil attenuated with prolonged treatment [127, 128].
requires central line access and continuous infusion, but
is easier for families to mix, and has a half-life of 4 h.
Intravenous treprostinil has fewer side effects than intra-
venous epoprostenol, but there are no studies comparing 45.6.4  Endothelin
efficacy [116]. Treprostinil is also being studied in an
inhaled form [117]. Another target for treatment of pulmonary hyperten-
An inhaled prostacyclin analog, iloprost, received sion is the vasoconstrictor peptide endothelin (ET)
approval for the treatment of PAH in the United States [129]. The endothelins are a family of isopeptides
in December 2004. This medication is administered by consisting of ET-1, ET-2, and ET-3. ET-1 is a potent
nebulization 6–9 times a day. Iloprost requires patient vasoactive peptide produced primarily in the vascu-
cooperation with the treatment administration lasting lar endothelial cell, but also may be produced by
10–15 min, which is difficult for young children [94, smooth muscle cells. Two receptor subtypes, ETA
118–121]. The advantage of an inhaled prostacyclin is and ETB, mediate the activity of ET-1. ETA and ETB
that it can cause selective pulmonary vasodilation receptors on vascular smooth muscle mediate vaso-
without affecting systemic blood pressure. Additionally, constriction, whereas ETB receptors on endothelial
inhaled prostacyclin analogs can improve gas exchange cells cause release of nitric oxide (NO) and prosta-
and intrapulmonary shunt in cases of impaired ventila- cyclin (PGI2), and act as clearance receptors for cir-
tion/perfusion by redistributing pulmonary blood flow culating ET-1. ET-1 expression is increased in the
from non-ventilated to ventilated, aerosol-accessible pulmonary arteries of patients with pulmonary
lung regions [120, 122]. In children with congenital hypertension. Bosentan, a dual ET receptor antago-
heart disease and PAH, inhaled iloprost may be as nist, lowers pulmonary artery pressure and resis-
effective in lowering pulmonary artery pressure and tance, and improves exercise tolerance in adults
resistance as inhaled nitric oxide, and thus may be with pulmonary arterial hypertension [129]. These
useful in evaluation of acute vasoreactivity [94]. One results can also be extrapolated to children [52, 93,
randomized controlled trial of aerosolized prostacyclin 130–133]. In children with pulmonary arterial
therapy in children with acute lung injury demon- hypertension related to congenital heart disease or
strated improved oxygenation [123]. Inhaled iloprost IPAH, bosentan lowers pulmonary pressure and
has also been studied in combination with bosentan resistance, and is well tolerated [93, 134]. Elevated
and sildenafil, among others [124–126]. hepatic aminotransferase levels occur in approxi-
The use of prostacyclin in patients with congeni- mately 11% of adults treated with bosentan. In a
tal heart disease is promising. Disadvantages of prosta- 12-week study, children with IPAH or PAH related
cyclin analogs, such as epoprostenol, include dose to congenital heart disease, bosentan was well toler-
dependent side effects of the drug (nausea, anorexia, ated and lowered the pulmonary artery pressure
jaw pain, diarrhea, and musculoskeletal aches and and resistance [93]. A more recent retrospective
pains) and side effects due to the method of delivery. study of 86 children on bosentan for a median expo-
The drug must be given through a central venous cath- sure of 14 months with and without concomitant
eter and thus potential complications include clot- therapy found that bosentan provided a sustained
ting, hemorrhage, cellulitis, and line sepsis. clinical and hemodynamic improvement, was overall
Furthermore, the delivery of the drug must be unin- well tolerated, and two-year survival estimates were
terrupted, with abrupt cessation leading to acute 91% [132] (Fig. 45.11).
deterioration, and in some cases death. In patients Selective ETA receptor blockade is also possible
with residual right-to-left shunting, continuous prosta- using ambrisentan or sitaxsentan, ET receptor antago-
cyclin occasionally may worsen shunt physiology and nists with high oral bioavailability and a long duration
may result in complications such as cerebrovascular of action, and high specificity for the ETA receptor.
accident due to paradoxical embolism. Selective ETA receptor blockade may benefit patients
Beraprost is an orally active prostacyclin analog with pulmonary arterial hypertension by blocking
with a half-life of 35–40 min. While beneficial effects the vasoconstrictor effects of ETA receptors while
498 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

maintaining the vasodilator/clearance functions of chromosome positive chronic myeloid leukemia

ETB receptors. Sitaxsentan given orally for 12 weeks (includes pediatric indication), relapsed or refractory
improved exercise capacity and cardiopulmonary Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lympho-
hemodynamics in patients with pulmonary arterial blastic leukemia, myelodysplastic/ myeloproliferative
hypertension that was idiopathic, or related to connec- disease, aggressive systemic mastocytosis, hypereo-
tive tissue or congenital heart disease [135–141]. sinophilic syndrome, dermatofibrosarcoma protuber-
Further studies using selective ETA receptor blockade ans, and Kit (CD117) positive gastrointestinal stromal
with BQ 123 in postoperative congenital heart disease tumors. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) has a
[142, 143] have been reported. Ambrisentan, an role in vascular remodeling as PDGF participates in
endothelin receptor antagonist that is selective for the mitogenic signaling and smooth muscle cell recruit-
endothelin type-A (ETA) receptor was approved by ment. Expression of the PDGF receptor was found to
the U.S. FDA in June 2007. Adults showed significant be significantly increased in lung tissue from pulmo-
improvements in 6-min walk distance and signifi- nary arterial hypertension patients compared with
cant delay in clinical worsening on ambrisentan. healthy donor lung tissue [157]. Thus, imatinib as a
The incidence of elevated hepatic aminotransferase potent antiproliferative agent may have a role in the
levels was 2.8% [144]. treatment of PAH, a disease of lung vascular remod-
eling and proliferation. Case reports of the use of
imatinib for patients with severe PAH refractory to all
45.6.5  P
 hosphodiesterase-5 available treatment showed clinical and hemodynamic
Inhibitors improvement and no toxic effects [158–160]. A con-
trolled clinical trial for the use of imatinib in PAH is
just beginning.
Specific phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, such as sildenafil,
Statins have received growing attention in the
[145–150] promote an increase in cGMP levels and
treatment of PAH. Animal studies have shown
thus promote pulmonary vasodilation and remodeling.
dramatic responses in the prevention and regression of
Sildenafil is as effective a pulmonary vasodilator as
models of PAH. Inhibition of Rho-kinase expression
inhaled NO and may be preferred because it does not
and activity may be an important mechanism of the
increase pulmonary wedge pressure. Sildenafil may
statin effect [161, 162]. A recent case series has
also be useful in the setting of inhaled nitric oxide
suggested that this treatment requires further study
therapy withdrawal [96, 110, 151] in postoperative
[163]. A novel agent, a Rho-Kinase inhibitor, Fausidil
pulmonary hypertension [152], or in the presence
has also been shown to reduce PVR and may show
of pulmonary hypertension related to chronic lung
promise for the future [164].
disease [153]. In some settings, intravenous sildenafil
Another promising therapy is treatment with
may worsen oxygenation [154, 155]. Studies examining
bone-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs).
the use of oral phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors in children
EPCs normally function to repair and regenerate blood
are ongoing [156]. Other PDE-5 inhibitors, such as
vessels. The delivery of EPCs to rats with established
tadalalfil are currently under study in adults and tadala-
PAH resulted in marked improvement in survival,
fil received FDA approval for adults with APH in
which was greatest in the group receiving eNOS-trans-
duced cells [165]. Therefore, the regeneration of lung
vascular endothelium by injection of progenitor cells
may represent a novel treatment paradigm for patients
45.6.6  Novel Therapies with PAH [166].
Recently, investigators in Paris and Geneva have
Imatinib is a selective antagonist of the platelet-derived pioneered the use of the Potts shunt to treat patients
growth factor (PDGF) receptor and recently has with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.
shown promise in the treatment of severe PAH By placing a Potts shunt, the right ventricle may be
[157]. Imatinib was approved by the Food and unloaded in systole converting the patient to an
Drug Administration for the treatment of Philadelphia “Eisenmenger-like” physiology [167].
45  Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension 499

45.6.7  Anticoagulation Major complications have also been reported as a result

of a pulmonary hypertensive crisis and are probably
more likely in patients with higher baseline PAH [1]
In retrospective trials in adults with IPAH and abnormal
and especially in patients with suprasystemic PAH,
perfusion scans, the use of warfarin has been associated
especially when undergoing cardiac catheterization
with improved survival. Although the use of chronic
[1]. This may require specific pharmacological inter-
anticoagulation has not been studied widely in children,
vention and also mechanical ventilation postopera-
it is usually recommended. In IPAH, the aim is to main-
tively in the intensive care unit [1]. The post-anesthesia
tain an INR between 1.3 and 2.0. The use of anticoagu-
period may be particularly dangerous. At this point,
lation in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome is
patients awakening from anesthesia may begin to feel
controversial and the potential risks and benefits of anti-
pain and may be agitated. Likewise, withdrawal of
coagulation in this setting must be carefully weighed.
inhaled nitric oxide used for vasodilator testing may
predispose to pulmonary hypertensive events. It has
45.7  A
 nesthetic and Surgical been our practice to continue nasal cannula nitric oxide
for 8–12  h after the procedure in patients with more
Management severe disease.
Total correction of many cardiac lesions in the first
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) should be readily available months of life may prevent the late development of
for all procedures. Preferably anesthesia should be admin- pulmonary hypertension. The timing of surgery in
istered by a pediatric anesthesiologist experienced in patients with congenital heart disease depends upon a
cardiac anesthesia. As many anesthetics exhibit mixed number of factors including age, lesion, vasoreactivity
hemodynamic effects, and may be unacceptable when at cardiac catheterization, findings on lung biopsy, and
used in full anesthetic dosage, use of a balanced pulmonary wedge angiography [4, 19, 54, 55, 168].
anesthetic technique is suggested in which subanes-
thetic doses of several drugs can be combined to
provide general anesthesia. Oral or IV midazolam can
be administered for preanesthetic sedation. Induction 45.7.1  Atrial Septostomy
can be cautiously achieved with midazolam, fentanyl,
and a small dosage of propofol or low concentration of The general indications for atrial septostomy include
sevoflurane. Inhaled anesthesia may be maintained pulmonary hypertension, syncope and intractable heart
with isoflurane or sevoflurane; total intravenous anes- failure refractory to chronic vasodilator treatment
thesia (TIVA) can be maintained with either infusions [168–175] and symptomatic low cardiac output states.
of propofol and or intermittent fentanyl. In general, Risks associated with this procedure include worsening
boluses of propofol are avoided as this may decrease of hypoxemia with resultant right ventricular ischemia,
cardiac output. Our practice is to avoid remifentanil as worsening right ventricular failure, increased left atrial
it may decrease heart rate. Rocuronium or pancuro- pressure, and pulmonary edema. We favor a graded
nium may be used for neuromuscular blockade as balloon dilation approach utilizing intracardiac echo
indicated. Patients may be tracheally intubated or a and saturation monitoring to determine adequacy of
laryngeal mask airway may be utilized. Infiltration of shunt. We have frequently used a cutting balloon with the
surgical sites with local anesthesia may avoid the initial inflation followed by static balloon dilations.
use of higher doses of general anesthetic drugs.
For cardiac catheterization in older or more stable
patients, the pediatric cardiologist may administer the
sedation using midazolam and fentanyl and the airway 45.7.2  Transplantation
is often unaided in these circumstances.
Complications have been reported in PAH patients For patients who do not respond to prolonged
undergoing surgical procedures, related to the anesthesia vasodilator treatment, or with certain lesions, such as
or as a complication of the underlying patient’s pulmonary vein stenosis, lung transplantation should
respiratory issues requiring mechanical ventilation [1]. be considered [176–180]. Cystic fibrosis accounts for
500 D. Ivy and A. Rashid

the majority of pediatric lung transplants. IPAH as an hemodynamics, acute vasoreactivity and right ventric-
indication for transplantation is seen in approximately ular function. Prognosis spans a wide range depending
15% of patients. The data on lung vs. heart-lung on the etiology. Patients with congenital heart disease
transplantation for “simple” congenital heart disease may survive for several decades [187]. However,
associated with PAH is controversial and center- adult patients with IPAH have a median life expectancy
dependent. A retrospective study found similar of 2.8 years, as found in the National Institutes of
outcomes for children with congenital heart disease Health registry, with children having a worse prognosis
undergoing repair of congenital heart lesions com- of 10 months without treatment [61]. Further advance-
bined with lung transplantation as compared with ments in therapy will improve long-term outcome in
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Chapter 46
Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies

Brian Feingold and Steven A. Webber

The definition and classification of cardiomyopathies This chapter focuses on the role of the intensive
was recently revised by an expert panel of the American care unit (ICU) in the management of the child with
Heart Association [1] following the initial classifi- new-onset or established cardiomyopathy presenting
cation by the World Health Organization in 1995 [2]. with shock, heart failure or arrhythmia. Management
Cardiomyopathies are considered “a heterogeneous in the ICU comprises:
group of diseases of the myocardium associated with
1. Determination of the form of cardiomyopathy and of
mechanical and/or electrical dysfunction that usually
the most likely etiology (most commonly discerning
(but not invariably) exhibit inappropriate ventricular
between acute myocarditis and an acute presentation
hypertrophy or dilatation and are due to a variety of
of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)).
causes that frequently are genetic” [1]. Cardiomyopathies
2. Management of acute heart failure and / or
are generally considered as primary (disease solely
or predominantly confined to heart muscle) or sec-
3. Estimation of prognosis and selection of patients for
ondary, showing pathological myocardial involvement
mechanical circulatory support and transplantation.
secondary to a systemic or multiorgan disease process.
Both forms are commonly seen in children, although
primary forms predominate.
Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis are significant 46.1  D
 ilated Cardiomyopathy
contributors to end-stage heart failure in children, and Myocarditis
accounting for over 50% of all pediatric heart trans-
plants [3]. They are also the commonest indication for
ventricular assist device (VAD) support in childhood 46.1.1  Anatomy
[4]. Pediatric cardiomyopathies have a reported inci-
dence of 1.13–1.24 cases per 100,000 population in two DCM is characterized by dilation of one or both
recent large population-based studies [5, 6], though this ventricles (most commonly the left ventricle) often
is likely an underestimate. The true incidence of pediat- with thinning of the left ventricle free walls. Varying
ric myocarditis is unknown. Many cases may be unrec- degrees of hypertrophy may also be seen and left
ognized and go on to experience clinical recovery. Some ventricular mass tends to be increased, even when
may be misdiagnosed as SIDS [7]. Others may present the ventricular walls are thin. The left ventricle often
years later as chronicdilated cardiomyopathy with viral takes on a globular shape and mitral regurgitation with
genome demonstrated in the myocardium but in the annular dilation is frequently seen along with left atrial
absence of active inflammation [8–10]. dilatation (Figs.  46.1a and 46.2a). Left ventricular
systolic function is usually globally depressed, though
varying degrees of ventricular dyssynchrony may be
B. Feingold (*) observed, even in the absence of bundle branch block.
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
In contrast, right systolic ventricular function is often
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA only minimally decreased or normal. Right ventricu-
e-mail: lar dilation, when present, may be due to myocardial

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 507
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_46, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
508 B. Feingold and S.A. Webber

Fig. 46.1  Spectrum of pediatric cardiomyopathies. (a) Dilated type II). (c) Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) with small left
cardiomyopathy (DCM) with marked ventricular dilation and ventricular cavity size and marked dilation of the left atrium.
wall thinning (shown from RV side). (b) Severe hypertrophic (Courtesy of William Devine, Department of Pathology,
cardiomyopathy (HCM) with concentric hypertrophy, in this Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh). LA left atrium; LV left ven-
case secondary to Pompe’s disease (glycogen storage disease tricle; RV right ventricle

Fig. 46.2  Echocardiographic findings of pediatric cardiomy- (c) Apical 4-chamber view demonstrates small ventricular
opathies. (a) Parasternal long axis view demonstrates severe chamber sizes and biatrial enlargement typical of RCM.
left ventricular dilation in a child with idiopathic DCM. (b) LA left atrium; LV left ventricle; RA right atrium; RV right
Asymmetric septal hypertrophy (arrows) in a child with HCM. ventricle

involvement from the primary disease process or

secondary to tricuspid regurgitation and pulmonary 46.1.2  Etiology and Pathophysiology
In contrast, patients with acute myocarditis often Both acute myocarditis and DCM are characterized
show only a poorly functioning left ventricle with primarily by systolic ventricular dysfunction with
minimal dilation with, or without, regional wall motion resultant clinical signs and symptoms of heart failure.
abnormalities. There may be ventricular thicken- Diastolic dysfunction may also contribute to reduced
ing secondary to myocardial edema, and left atrial myocardial performance in both settings, but partic-
enlargement may not be prominent, even when mitral ularly in acute myocarditis. In the latter, cardiac
regurgitation is present. These findings likely reflect dysfunction may result from both direct viral inva-
the short duration of the disease process. sion and myocyte lysis, as well as from the effects of
46  Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies 509

myocardial inflammation. In clinical practice (beyond the winter and spring, often results in the initial
the neonatal period), symptoms are most often associated symptoms of heart failure being attributed to these
with (presumed) post-viral lymphocytic infiltrates and much more common maladies.
autoimmunity. Adenovirus and enteroviruses (particu- Infants with heart failure may present with a history
larly Coxsackie B) are most frequent in children [11], of poor feeding, respiratory distress, listlessness, poor
although many other infectious and non-infectious weight gain, or irritability. Common adult symptoms
causes have been identified, including viral, bacterial, of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and orthopnea are
fungal and protozoal infections, as well as drug toxici- uncommon in pediatric patients. In older children,
ties, and various systemic disorders. The latter include abdominal pain, anorexia, nausea and vomiting are
Kawasaki disease and rheumatic fever. often observed and are likely due to liver capsule
Pediatric DCM encompasses a final common distention from hepatomegaly and/or intestinal venous
phenotype for a wide variety of etiologies. While the congestion.
causes of most pediatric DCM are unknown, it is On physical examination, the child may appear anxious
estimated that 30–40% of DCMs are inherited [12, 13], and sinus tachycardia is usually present. Sweating is
mostly in an autosomal dominant fashion. Mutations common in infants. Elevation of the jugular venous
in genes encoding myocyte cytoskeletal proteins as pulse may be present but is difficult to identify in the
well as genes encoding sarcomere proteins have recently infant and toddler. Pallor and cool extremities may be
been identified as etiologies for DCMs [14]. Other present and are often associated with poor peripheral
genetic causes include inborn errors of metabolism pulses and prolonged capillary refill. Resting tachypnea
(e.g., mitochondrial transport chain defects) [15] and and retractions (suprasternal, intercostal, and subcostal)
neuromuscular syndromes (e.g., muscular dystrophies). are common. Unlike adults, crackles are exceedingly
Also, the finding of viral genome in patients with rare in infants and young children with heart failure,
DCM suggests that at least some DCMs may result even when pulmonary edema is present. Wheezes are
from prior myocarditis (either apparent or clinically more likely to be present. While hepatomegaly is a
unapparent) [9]. Other acquired forms of DCM include common finding, it is often overlooked or underappre-
medication-related (e.g., anthracycline toxicity) and ciated by the inexperienced practitioner. Periorbital
arrhythmia-induced (e.g., chronic, incessant supraven- edema (infants and young children) with or without
tricular tachycardia). ascites (older children) are more common than peripheral
edema in children. Failure to thrive may also be evident,
particularly with chronic heart failure.
The clinical distinction between acute, fulminant
46.1.3  Clinical Presentation myocarditis and acute presentation of chronic DCM
is often difficult. At the time of presentation, many
Heart failure in children from any cause often presents will have a history of an intercurrent or recent viral
somewhat insidiously, after repeated evaluation and illness. In fact, viral syndromes are so common in
medical testing for other, more common conditions. early childhood that the etiologic relationship to the
Neonates and infants often present acutely unwell; yet onset of acute heart failure is often not clear. However,
the diagnosis of a primary cardiac disorder may not be the distinction between myocarditis and DCM is cru-
made on initial evaluation. It is not uncommon for cial. Many patients with fulminant myocarditis will
cardiac disease to be considered only after ancillary recover completely if able to be supported, whereas
studies fail to corroborate the presumed diagnosis or children with severely decompensated heart failure
initial resuscitative attempts fail to improve the child’s from DCM often will not recover without transplan-
condition (e.g., shock due to sepsis). While much of tation. Thus, the expectations from mechanical sup-
the diagnostic difficulty results from the relative port (ECMO or VAD) and consideration for cardiac
infrequency of primary cardiac disease in children, the transplantation are directly impacted by the underly-
inability of an infant or young child to verbally convey ing diagnosis.
their symptoms also contributes. Also the frequency In many cases, clinical testing may help guide the
with which young children experience nasal, respira- diagnosis of acute myocarditis or acute presentation of
tory, or gastrointestinal symptoms, particularly during DCM. The presence of marked cardiomegaly on chest
510 B. Feingold and S.A. Webber

Fig. 46.3  Acute myocarditis. (a) Chest radiograph shows a small heart with pronounced pulmonary edema. (b) Endomyocardial
biopsy specimen showing lymphocytic infiltrate with myocyte destruction (arrows)

radiograph and massive left-sided precordial forces on performed, but are generally non-contributory to the
ECG suggest the underlying process occurred over diagnosis of childhood myocarditis.
time, favoring a diagnosis of chronic DCM over myo- Diagnostic evaluation for inborn errors of metabolism
carditis. In contrast, absence of (or mild) cardiomegaly is generally reserved for patients presenting with dilated
(Fig. 46.3a) and globally diminished voltages on elec- or hypertrophic cardiomyopathies in the first year of
trocardiogram are more typical of acute myocarditis. life. The presence of severe acidosis, hypoglycemia, ele-
Frank myocardial infarction may sometimes be vated lactic acid, deranged liver function tests and
observed on the 12 lead ECG of children with acute hyperammonemia should all lead to rapid metabolic
myocarditis. Echocardiography is very useful in the and genetic evaluation although all of these may also be
evaluation of infants and children suspected to have observed in the setting of cardiogenic shock from non-
either myocarditis or cardiomyopathy and should be metabolic causes. A full description of the evaluation of
performed in all patients in whom these diagnoses are infants suspected of having an inborn error of metabo-
considered. Endomyocardial biopsy can generally be lism is outside the scope of this text, but readers may
performed safely in children over the age of 1 year [16] refer to some excellent recent reviews [15, 18, 19].
and should be considered in the diagnostic evaluation,
particularly when trying to distinguish between myo-
carditis and DCM. Biopsy samples from the right ven-
tricle can be analyzed by routine hematoxlyn and eosin 46.1.4  Management
staining for lymphocytic infiltrates with myocyte
necrosis (Fig.  46.3b) consistent with a diagnosis of The critically ill patient, who presents on the verge of
acute myocarditis [17] or for evidence of myocyte hemodynamic collapse, requires aggressive therapy to
hypertrophy and/or interstitial fibrosis, favoring a augment oxygen delivery while minimizing consump-
diagnosis of DCM. A fresh-frozen sample should also tion. Intubation with mechanical ventilation and
be obtained for PCR analysis of common viral causes sedation (± paralysis) is useful to eliminate the work of
of myocarditis. Viral cultures of stool, urine, and respi- breathing while improving pulmonary edema as a
ratory secretions may contribute to the diagnosis, as result of positive pressure ventilation. Placement of cen-
may polymerase chain reaction analysis of blood, tral venous and arterial monitoring lines is also facilitated
pericardial effusion or cerebral spinal fluid. Viral titers by these maneuvers. In addition to being able to admin-
(at presentation and during convalescence) are often ister medications and monitoring hemodynamics, these
46  Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies 511

lines serve to limit the need for repeated phlebotomy in (other than as anti-arrhythmic agents) only play a
infants and young children, in whom fear, agitation, limited role in the ICU care of the child with DCM.
and site availability are complicating issues. The use Indeed, during acute deterioration requiring use of
of pulmonary arterial catheters is less common in the intravenous inotropes, beta-blockers will generally
pediatric age group than in adults and rarely improves need to be withdrawn. Institution of beta-blockers for
management when it is apparent that pulmonary edema new onset DCM is generally not performed in the ICU,
is of cardiac origin. since any benefits (if they exist) are long-term, and
Intravenous diuretics are used to augment diuresis patients in the ICU are often hypotensive or being
and improve congestive symptoms. Continuous aggressively diuresed and vasodilated. Introduction of
infusions of furosemide have been used with success beta-blockers is part of the long-term management of
in pediatric patients when intermittent dosing has chronic heart failure and is of unproven benefit (though
failed to result in adequate diuresis. Inotropes are used widely performed) at this time [22]. Usually, beta-
to augment cardiac function and output. Therapy often blockers are commenced after transition to oral diuretic
consists of low to moderate doses (2–5 mg/kg/min) of therapy and once ACE inhibitor dosing is optimized.
dopamine for renal perfusion and blood pressure This generally occurs on the medical floors or in the
support and milrinone (0.125–1 mg/kg/min) to dimin- outpatient setting.
ish afterload and augment cardiac output. Augmented When acute heart failure is unresponsive to aggres-
inotropy can be achieved with dobutamine (1–10 mg/ sive medical management, institution of mechanical
kg/min), while further afterload reduction may be circulatory support must be considered. This is
achieved with sodium nitroprusside (0.3–4 mg/kg/min), discussed in detail in Chapter 6. In general, ventricular
if blood pressure tolerates. Rarely do patients require assist devices are most appropriate when used as a bridge
support with infusions of high doses of epinephrine or to transplantation, since prolonged periods of support
norepinephrine. In these cases (except when pathology may be required. Recovery from acute (including
is believed to be rapidly reversible), serious consider- fulminant) myocarditis is often rapid, so ECMO or
ation should be given to early institution of mechanical short-term use of VADs are more appropriate.
circulatory support (see below). Caution must also be In acute myocarditis, therapy is primarily supportive.
taken with regard to the arrhythmogenic potential of all Only rarely is infection caused by a specific agent for
inotropes, particularly with escalating doses. Appropriate which there is established antimicrobial therapy of
monitoring is essential and care must be taken to aggres- proven efficacy. Intravenous immunoglobulin and
sively correct all electrolyte disturbances, particularly corticosteroids have both been used [23], though there
hypo or hyperkalemia and hypomagnesemia. is no proof of their efficacy in randomized clinical trials.
Only limited data exists regarding the use of nesiritide Steroids are contraindicated when there is evidence of
for the treatment of acute heart failure in the pediatric active viral infection. More potent immunosuppressive
population. Our experience has primarily involved its agents, including T cell cytolytic agents and calcineu-
use in children who were otherwise recalcitrant to rin inhibitors, have been used in some programs. There
diuretics [20]. With appropriate monitoring of blood is no data to support a specific risk/benefit ratio and
pressure and serum sodium, no complications were noted most programs do not use these agents.
and some success was achieved in inducing diuresis. Avoidance of dysrhythmias is a key component in
Others have reported use of nesiritide immediately after the management of all patients with acute and chronic
cardiac surgery, reporting no adverse hemodynamic heart failure. In addition to careful attention to maintain-
effects or arrhythmias [21]. ing normal serum electrolyte concentrations, control of
With stabilization and improvement in end-organ tachyarrhythmias (both supraventricular and ventricu-
perfusion, gradual weaning of therapies is indicated. lar) is important. Amiodarone is commonly used for
When oral medications can be safely tolerated and treatment and prophylaxis of ventricular tachycardia, as
adequately absorbed, digoxin is often initiated, though well as for refractory atrial tachycardias.
of unproven benefit in pediatric patients. Intravenous The role of implanted cardioverter-defibrillators
diuretics are changed to oral forms and angiotensin (ICDs) in the management of children and adolescents
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are begun for after- has not been as well defined as in adults. Evidence sug-
load reduction while weaning milrinone. Beta-blockers gests children with DCM have a lower risk of sudden
512 B. Feingold and S.A. Webber

death as compared to adults with similar degrees of survival rates of between 75 and 100% for acute
ventricular dysfunction [24]. Nonetheless, in children myocarditis in childhood [23], including fulminant
with DCM, particularly those with evidence of ven- cases that may require mechanical circulatory support.
tricular tachycardia, ICDs have been utilized and are This emphasizes the benefit of knowing the diagnosis
likely indicated in patients with syncope and aborted of myocarditis, since acute transplantation should
sudden death. Factors that may complicate placement be avoided even if mechanical support is required.
of ICDs in children include greater risk of complications This will provide the opportunity for cardiac recovery,
such as lead fracture (possibly due to growth or greater as well as minimize the risks of transplantation during
levels of activity in children as compared to adults), recent or active viral infection
greater risk of inappropriate discharge due to ability
to achieve higher (sinus) heart rates, and the inability to
use endovascular leads in smaller children (<15  kg),
necessitating epicardial lead placement [25]. 46.2  Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

46.2.1  Anatomy
46.1.5  Long-Term Outlook
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), it is most
Traditionally, long-term outlook in children with DCM common for patients to show asymmetric hypertrophy
was said to follow the “rule of thirds” with 1/3 improv- of the interventricular septum, with varying degrees of
ing, 1/3 remaining the same, and 1/3 demonstrating obstruction to left ventricular outflow due to promi-
progressive deterioration in cardiac function. Recent nence of the subaortic septum and/or systolic motion
population data from several groups has improved our of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve (Fig. 46.2b).
understanding of the natural history of DCM. The Less commonly, children with HCM may demonstrate
National Australian Childhood Cardiomyopathy Study concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (Fig.  46.1b).
showed 5-year freedom from death or transplantation In infant presentation, involvement of both the left
of 63% for children with DCM [26, 27]. The Pediatric and right ventricles is common, and biventricular
Cardiomyopathy Registry showed a 5-year survival of obstruction may occasionally be observed. As ventricular
54% for DCM in North America [28, 29]. These data hypertrophy may not be apparent until puberty,
include outcomes for those followed with a diagnosis children with a family history of HCM in whom no
of DCM that may never have required intensive care. genetic diagnosis/marker has been established should
It is, therefore, of interest to note a recent important undergo serial evaluation with electro and echocar-
publication that focused on epidemiology and outcomes diography before, during, and after puberty to assess
for new-onset heart failure from myocardial (non- for development of abnormal cardiogram and ventricular
structural) disease. In a population-based study for the hypertrophy.
United Kingdom and Ireland, 82% of children present-
ing with new-onset heart failure (most due to DCM)
were in NYHA (or Ross) class III or IV and 41%
required mechanical ventilation during first admission. 46.2.2  Etiology and Pathophysiology
One-year transplant-free survival was only 66% [30].
This is far worse than outcomes for new-onset heart HCM is most commonly an inherited disorder
failure in adults. Predictors of survival for DCM vary (autosomal dominant) with marked variability in clinical
considerably between series. In a recent systematic expression. Nearly all mutations identified to date are
review [31], it was noted that the most consistent findings in ten genes that encode cardiac sarcomere proteins
associated with improved outcome were younger age at [32]. It is likely that many other disease-causing
diagnosis, better fractional shortening and ejection mutations have yet to be identified. When there is a
fraction at diagnosis, and presence of myocarditis. known familial mutation, testing of relatives can
In general, the outcomes of acute myocarditis in rule out disease. However, in many families, no muta-
children are good. A number of studies have shown tion is identified, or testing has not been performed.
46  Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies 513

It is estimated that current screening panels for sarco- Undiagnosed HCM is a leading cause of sudden death
meric protein mutations reveal mutations in approxi- in young, healthy individuals and athletes.
mately 70% of cases. Other causes of pediatric HCM
include conditions associated with left ventricular
hypertrophy such as glycogen or lysosomal storage
diseases, mitochondrial defects, and Noonan, 46.2.4  Management
LEOPARD, and Beckwith–Wiedermann syndromes.
Patients with HCM generally have thickened Most children with HCM are asymptomatic and thus
left ventricle walls with normal or decreased cavity are not often encountered in the ICU. While progres-
size and preserved or hyperdynamic systolic func- sion to end-stage heart failure occurs, the diagnosis is
tion. A subgroup with pronounced restrictive physiol- relatively rare in children, accounting for only 2.5% of
ogy and atrial dilatation has been reported [33]. In pediatric heart transplant listings in a recent analysis of
some cases, there appears to be overlap of phenotype over 3,000 pediatric transplant candidates from a large,
with restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM). Cases of clas- multicenter database [36]. With advancing symptoms
sical HCM and RCM have been observed in different of heart failure, patients may be admitted to the hospital
members of the same family due to cardiac Troponin I for treatment. Although so-called “burned-out” HCM
mutations [34]. occurs in children in which there is progressive systolic
Heart failure symptoms are very rare in children and dysfunction and left ventricular dilation, heart failure
adolescents with HCM, and are most commonly a result from HCM results predominantly from diastolic
of diastolic dysfunction. The exception is the infant dysfunction. Thus, many of the therapies employed in
with severe disease, often with biventricular hypertro- the treatment of heart failure from DCM are not useful
phy with or without outflow obstruction. These infants or are only of limited benefit.
commonly present with heart failure. Metabolic and An ideal agent for management of heart failure due
genetic work-up is warranted in these cases. to HCM would possess positive lusitropic effects,
Syncope and aborted sudden death may be observed enabling relaxation of the ventricular myocardium and
in patients with HCM. The pathophysiology is often thus achieving improved stroke volume at lower filling
hard to define. Tachycardia and hypovolemia (for pressures. Unfortunately, this agent does not yet exist
example due to dehydration and fever) maybe poorly and therapies directed primarily at management of
tolerated and impaired myocardial perfusion, severe diastolic ventricular dysfunction are scant. Most
obstruction, inappropriate peripheral vasomotor tone common is the use of negative inotropic agents, such
and atrial and ventricular arrhythmias may all contrib- as non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers
ute to syncope and mortality in HCM. (e.g., verapamil) or beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol,
atenolol). In the ICU setting, esmolol may be preferred
due to its short half-life. Due to the exquisite sensitivity/
dependence of the neonatal and infant heart to serum
46.2.3  Clinical Presentation calcium levels, use of intravenous calcium channel
blockers in infants less than 1 year of age is usually
Patients with HCM may present in the absence of contraindicated. Milrinone, a phosphodiesterase III
symptoms (e.g., for evaluation of a murmur) or due to a inhibitor, possesses some positive lusitropic effect [37]
family history. Progressive activity intolerance or syncope and thus may be of theoretical benefit in select patients
are also common presenting complaints; however, it with HCM and advanced heart failure symptoms in the
should be noted that in clinical practice, most children absence of significant subaortic obstruction. As milri-
with these symptoms do not have cardiomyopathy. none can be arrhythmogenic, careful consideration
Affected infants may show tachypnea, hepatomegaly, must be given to balance any potential benefits against
and/or failure to thrive. In older children, chest pain may the risks of induced tachyarrhythmias. Furthermore,
also be a symptom and suggests myocardial ischemia vasodilatation may exacerbate any left ventricular
[32]. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for sudden outflow obstruction. Diuretics are often used in the
death (or aborted sudden death) to be the initial presen- outpatient setting for patients with congestive symp-
tation of HCM in adolescents and young adults [35]. toms. These agents must also be used with caution in
514 B. Feingold and S.A. Webber

the setting of diastolic dysfunction as cardiac output important predictor of mortality. Annual mortality for
and myocardial perfusion can be compromised with patients presenting beyond this age was only 1.5%.
insufficient preload and again outflow obstruction may In the Pediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry [29, 42],
be increased. survival for idiopathic HCM (n = 634) was 82% at 5
The role of ICDs in the management of children and 10 years for infantile presentation, and 94 and 86%
with HCM is unclear. Data from a multicenter registry at the same time intervals for presentation beyond
of pediatric and congenital heart disease patients infancy.
showed HCM was the second most common diagnosis
for which subjects received an ICD [38]. In patients
with HCM who experience syncope or aborted sudden
death, implantation of an ICD is likely indicated. Use 46.3  Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
of ICDs for primary prevention in patients with HCM
is not established.
46.3.1  Anatomy

46.2.5  Long-Term Outlook Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM) is a very rare

form of cardiomyopathy characterized by normal or
decreased volume of both ventricles associated with
Although the natural history of HCM in adults is quite
atrial enlargement (often massive) and with normal
variable [32], survival tends to be worse the younger a
LV wall thickness (Figs.  46.1c and 46.2c). As men-
patient presents. In particular, infants who present with
tioned earlier, there is some phenotypic overlap seen
heart failure have a poor prognosis. Patients who
with HCM, and mild left ventricular hypertrophy is
present older than 1 year of age are unlikely to die of
sometimes observed. Systolic function is generally
progressive heart failure from HCM, but may succumb
normal [1].
to sudden death [39]. Sudden death predominates in
adolescents and young adults with HCM and is thought
to be more likely in those with a family history of
sudden death or personal history of recurrent syncope, 46.3.2  Etiology and Pathophysiology
ventricular tachycardia, or massive left ventricular
hypertrophy [35]. Overall, RCM is a rare diagnosis, accounting for
Hypertrophy often progresses (or may first become approximately 5% of pediatric cardiomyopathies
apparent) during periods of rapid growth (i.e., puberty) [5, 6]. The underlying cause(s) are generally unknown
and thus patients with HCM should be monitored [43–45]. This is in contrast to adult patients with
closely during adolescence. In a small percentage of RCM, in whom infiltrative diseases such as amy-
patients, there may be a regression of hypertrophy, loidosis and sarcoidosis are sometimes identified.
with ultimate development of left ventricular dilation While some children may present with familial
and poor systolic function. This so-called end-stage forms, most cases are sporadic. Cardiac troponin I
or “burned-out” HCM typically requires treatment for mutations have been reported as a cause of restrictive
systolic heart failure much like DCM and may neces- (and hypertrophic) cardiomyopathy [34]. The severe
sitate transplantation [40]. It is rare in childhood. restrictive physiology leads to decreased cardiac out-
Our knowledge of outcome in pediatric HCM has put, elevated filling pressures, and atrial stretch that
recently been greatly advanced through analyses from may lead to arrhythmias. Some patients demonstrate
the two large multicenter registries. In the National presumptive evidence of ischemia based on ST
Australian Childhood Cardiomyopathy Study [27, 41], segment depression, especially during tachycardia.
less than 10% presented with heart failure, most pre- Elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance is fre-
senting with a murmur for family screening. A third quently seen (even at presentation) and may con-
were syndromic (mostly Noonan syndrome). Freedom tribute to right heart failure. Loss of systolic function
from death or transplant was 83% at 5 years and 76% is rare, although it is occasionally seen in advanced
at 10 years. Presentation by 1 year of age was an disease.
46  Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies 515

46.3.3  Clinical Presentation rare in children, biopsy should be considered in older

children presenting with RCM to assess for these
systemic diseases.
Exercise intolerance, exertional angina, syncope,
For patients managed out of hospital, implantation
tachyarrhythmias, or sudden death may all occur.
of an ICD in combination with anti-arrhythmic agents
Atrial tachycardias are not uncommon and likely result
may be considered, especially if prior near-syncope,
from severe atrial dilation due to poor ventricular
syncope, or tachyarrhythmia has occurred.
compliance. These are poorly tolerated in the setting
of diastolic compromise.
Much like those with HCM, children and adolescents
with RCM often present incidentally for evaluation
of a murmur or for follow up of an atypical cardiac 46.3.5  Long-Term Outlook
silhouette on chest radiography obtained for unrelated
reasons. Patients may also present with symptoms of Children with RCM have very poor prognosis in the
heart failure, angina, palpitations or syncope. Syncope absence of heart transplantation. Survival at 5 and 10
may be precipitated by atrial or ventricular tachycar- years after diagnosis was 39% and 20%, respectively
dia, both of which are poorly tolerated in the setting at our center [43] and others have reported similar out-
of limited ventricular compliance. Similar to HCM, comes [46]. A minority of patients has been reported
sudden death is also not an uncommon presentation of to survive upwards of 8–12 years [45, 47–49]; how-
RCM [44]. ever, strong, independent predictors of prolonged
survival remain to be identified. The presence of
symptoms at diagnosis did not correlate with survival
in our cohort. Since excessive elevation in pulmo-
46.3.4  Management nary vascular resistance may necessitate heart–lung
transplantation, progressive elevation in pulmonary
Therapeutic options for pediatric RCM are very resistance should also lead to consideration of early
limited. Many of the same physiologic considerations transplantation.
(and thus limitations in management) discussed
for patients with HCM are also pertinent for those
with RCM. Gentle diuresis is indicated if there is
pulmonary venous congestion or pulmonary edema, 46.4  Noncompaction Cardiomyopathy
but excessive diuresis may lead to reduction in cardiac
output. Vasodilators may lead to hypotension, since
augmented cardiac output may not occur when stroke 46.4.1  Anatomy
volume is fixed. The role of beta-blockers is unclear.
Slowing of the heart rate will prolong diastolic filling In left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) cardiomyo-
time but since stroke volume is relatively fixed, increas- pathy, the left ventricle shows prominent trabecula-
ing heart rate may be an important mechanism for tions and deep intertrabecular recesses (Figs.  46.4a
augmenting cardiac output. and 46.4b). These findings are most commonly
As short-term survival is poor after a diagnosis of observed at the apex of the left ventricle but can be
RCM, many centers recommend early evaluation for seen in an isolated fashion along the lateral wall. There
cardiac transplantation. Cardiac catheterization should is often dilation of the left ventricle with associated
be performed during the evaluation process because of depressed systolic function. There may also be coinci-
the high likelihood of increased pulmonary vascular dent ventricular hypertrophy, or at least lack of
resistance. Hemodynamic assessment may also help expected ventricular wall thinning for the degree of
with the distinction from constrictive pericarditis. chamber dilation. Noncompaction can also occur in
Computed tomography is indicated if pericardial dis- the setting of congential heart disease, particularly
ease is suspected. Although secondary causes of RCM, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, ventricular septal
such as amyloidosis and sarcoidosis, are exceedingly defects, and pulmonary stenosis [50].
516 B. Feingold and S.A. Webber

Fig. 46.4  Left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) cardiomyo- (b) Intertrabecular recesses and dilation of the left ventricle in a
pathy. (a) Pathologic specimen showing typical “spongiform” teenager with noncompaction cardiomyopathy as shown by
myocardium of left ventricle. (Courtesy of William Devine, computed tomography
Department of Pathology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh).

46.4.2  Etiology and Pathophysiology series also report relative high prevalence of ventricular
thrombosis and/or systemic embolic events, particularly
in adults [56–58].
LVNC has been increasingly diagnosed over the last
10 years. Previously, cases of LVNC may have been
classified as HCM or DCM in part because of a lack
of awareness of the diagnosis, limited resolution of
46.4.3  Clinical Presentation
earlier generations of echocardiography machines,
and lack of standardized diagnostic criteria. LVNC
may account for up to 9% of pediatric cardiomyo- Approximately half of children with LVNC who
pathies [6]. It can occur in isolation or with other ­present for evaluation have signs and symptoms of
congenital cardiac disease and both sporadic and heart failure. Others may come to evaluation inci-
familial forms have been described [51]. When LVNC dentally for cardiomegaly on chest X-ray, abnormal
is inherited, X-linked inheritance appears to be most ECG findings, or for assessment of a murmur. Patients
common, but autosomal dominant, recessive, and may also present with arrhythmias. Most series
mitochondrial inheritance may also occur. Mutations show a tendency to progression in heart failure symp-
in the G4.5 gene at Xq28 (that encodes tafazzin) are toms over time [58, 59], although a waxing and
responsible for X-linked LVNC [52] and also some waning course is not rare. Presentation in infancy
other infantile DCMs, including Barth syndrome, with heart failure due to severe systolic ventricular
which is characterized by cardiomyopathy (often dysfunction is not unusual and some of these cases
with LVNC), intermittent neutropenia, peripheral show marked improvement over time, though this
myopathy, and growth delay [53, 54]. LVNC has been may be transient.
postulated to result from an arrest in early embryonic
endomyocardial morphogenesis, resulting in a spongy
meshwork of fibers and myocardial sinusoids [55].
Patients often have features most consistent with 46.4.4  Management
DCM, including symptomatic heart failure and
arrhythmias; although some are found to have only Discerning LVNC from the broader category of
asymptomatic LV dysfunction. Waxing and waning DCM can require a high index of suspicion. Echocar­
of ventricular function has also been described. Some diographic diagnostic criteria have been described
46  Acute Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies 517

[60] and recently called into question [61]. Adjunctive References

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Chapter 47
Pericardial Diseases

Cécile Tissot, Christina M. Phelps, Eduardo M. da Cruz, and Shelley D. Miyamoto

47.1  Introduction around the great vessels forming the pericardial

recesses and sinuses. The pericardium is anchored to
the diaphragm by the pericardio-phrenic ligament and
Pericardial diseases are defined as structural or
to the sternum by the sterno-pericardial ligament,
functional abnormalities of the visceral or parietal
providing support for the heart within the thoracic
pericardium that may or may not have an impact on
cage. It has been speculated that the presence of the
cardiac function. Diseases of the pericardium include a
parietal pericardium helps maintain a functionally
spectrum of acquired and congenital problems consisting
optimal cardiac shape, since the heart tends to be more
of infectious and inflammatory processes, neoplastic
spherical after pericardiectomy.
lesions, as well as congenital structural defects.

47.3  Physiology and Pathophysiology

47.2  Anatomy of the Pericardium
Although, an intact pericardium is not critical to the
The pericardium is a sac-like structure surrounding the cardiovascular function, it assumes some minor
heart, consisting of two layers: a thin inner visceral functions including:
layer made up of mesothelial cells and a thick outer
−− Limitation of intrathoracic cardiac motion.
layer made up of collagen and elastic fibers, separated
−− Preservation of diastolic and systolic interactions
by a virtual space containing a small amount of
between the right and left ventricles, balancing right
fluid (about 20  ml) which serves as lubricant [1].
and left ventricular output.
The pericardial fluid is produced by the visceral peri-
−− Limitation of acute cardiac dilatation.
cardium and is essentially an ultrafiltrate of plasma.
−− Lubricant effect that minimizes friction between
The pericardial fluid normally drains through the
cardiac chambers and surrounding structures.
right lymphatic duct via the right pleural space and by
−− Lymphatic and immunological functions, acting as
the thoracic duct via the parietal pericardium [2].
anatomic barriers that help prevent spread of infec-
The arterial supply of the peridardium is via a branch
tion from contiguous structures, especially the lungs.
of the internal thoracic artery and the venous drainage
is through tributaries of the brachiocephalic veins. The normal pericardium limits cardiac distention,
The pericardium envelops the heart and great thereby coupling the ventricles and enhancing their
vessels, but is not attached to them. Instead, it reflects interactions [3, 4]. Pressure or volume overload of one
ventricle influences the compliance and filling of the
contralateral ventricle via septal mediated diastolic
C. Tissot (*) interactions, called interventricular coupling. By influ-
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
encing the effects of diastolic pressure and dimensions
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
Aurora, CO, USA between the ventricles, the pericardium facilitates a
e-mail: balance between the right and left ventricular output.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 521
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_47, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
522 C. Tissot et al.

The normal intrapericardial pressure is subatmospheric,

nearly equal to intrapleural pressure and varies with
pleural pressure. The inspiratory decrease in pleural
pressure slightly reduces pericardial, right atrial, right
ventricular, pulmonary capillary wedge, and systemic
arterial pressures. Under physiologic conditions,
respiratory variations influence cardiac filling and
hemodynamics. However, the effects on the right and
the left heart are different, secondary to the differences
in the anatomic relationship of the systemic and
pulmonary venous return to the intrapleural space [5].
The systemic venous system is extrapleural as opposed
to the pulmonary venous system which is intrapleural.
As a consequence, decreases in intrathoracic pressure Fig. 47.1  Pericardial pressure-volume curve showing rapid and
during inspiration have a different effect on the slow increase of pericardial volume over time (From [7])
systemic and pulmonary venous return. The systemic
venous return is augmented by about 50%, which causes a sudden increase in intrapericardial pressure
increases right heart filling and output. Since pleural with hemodynamic compromise. Slow accumulation
pressure changes are evenly distributed to the left of pericardial fluid can be asymptomatic even when
heart chambers and pulmonary veins, there is minimal large fluid volumes are present (Fig. 47.1) [7].
change in the pressure gradient between the pulmonary Cardiac tamponade is a consequence of markedly
veins and the left ventricle. Therefore, left heart filling diminished diastolic filling that occurs when transmu-
is essentially unchanged throughout the respiratory ral distending pressures are insufficient to overcome
cycle [6]. the increased intrapericardial pressure. In tamponade,
Intrapericardial pressure increases when cardiac inspiration augments inflow to the right ventricle, causing
volume is greater and decreases when intracardiac an abrupt expansion of the right ventricle during
volume decreases. Under physiological conditions, diastole at the expense of the left ventricle (Fig. 47.2)
venous return to both atria is biphasic, with a systolic [8]. Conversely, during expiration left ventricular
peak determined by atrial relaxation (corresponding to expansion causes right ventricular and atrial diastolic
the “X” descent of the atrial or jugular venous pressure collapse. This reciprocating behavior of the ventricles
waveform) and a diastolic peak determined by atrio- during respiration is responsible for a paradoxical
ventricular valve resistance and ventricular compliance pulse [9].
(corresponding to the “Y” descent of the atrial or The pericardium also serves as a protective barrier
jugular venous pressure waveform). from the spread of infection or inflammation from
Abnormal pericardial fluid production is usually adjacent structures. Pericardial inflammation manifests
secondary to injury or inflammation (postoperative peri- as a fibrinous reaction with an exudative effusion.
cardial effusion, acute pericarditis, post-pericardiotomy This can lead to fibrosis, thickening, calcification,
syndrome). Transudative fluid results from obstruction and obliteration of the space between the visceral and
of fluid drainage, while exudative fluid is secondary to parietal layers, adhesions can occur between the
inflammatory, infectious, malignant, or autoimmune pericardium and myocardium leading to decreased
processes. The normal pericardium has a small capaci- pericardial compliance and constrictive pericarditis.
tance volume (about 150  ml) limited by the relative This results in diminished ventricular distensibility,
noncompliance of the parietal pericardial layer. When inability to maintain adequate preload and biventricular
reserve capacitance has been reached, further increases diastolic dysfunction. As opposed to a pericardial
in intrapericardial volume will result in a steep incre- effusion, early ventricular filling is not altered in
ment of intrapericardial pressure. The hemodynamic constrictive pericarditis. However, as the ventricles fill,
repercussion of pericardial fluid accumulation is highly they meet the inelastic resistance of the stiff pericar-
dependent upon the rate of accumulation of fluid in the dium, at which time filling pressure rises rapidly to an
pericardial sac. Rapid accumulation of pericardial fluid elevated plateau. This late diastolic phenomena is due
47  Pericardial Diseases 523

Fig. 47.2  Ventricular interdependence and mechanism of pulsus paradoxus. (From [6])

to a change in the volume-elasticity curve, a small

increase in volume resulting in a considerable increase
in end-diastolic pressure. Atrial filling pressures are
elevated, reflecting both ventricular noncompliance
and atrial constraint from the thick pericardium.
Because of the isolated encasement of the pericardium
and not the systemic veins or lungs, there is dissocia-
tion between intrathoracic and intracardiac pressures
with marked respiratory variation and discordance in
right and left heart filling [10, 11].
Through analysis of the atrial waveforms, improved
understanding of the physiology of the venous circu-
lations, the dynamic effect of intrapericardial and
intrathoracic pressures and respiratory variations
during the cardiac cycle is possible [12]. The atrial
waveforms are constituted by two positive deflections,
the A and V waves, and two negative waves, the x and
y descents (Fig. 47.3). The atrial A wave is generated
by atrial systole following the P wave of the electrocar-
diogram. The strength of atrial contraction is reflected
in the rapidity of the A wave upstroke and peak
Fig. 47.3  Mechanics of atrial wave form (from [12])
amplitude. The x descent follows the A wave and is a
function of atrial relaxation, which is influenced by
pericardial compliance. The V wave reflects venous The steepness of the y descent is influenced by the
return resulting in atrial filling and increased atrial volume and pressure in the atrium just prior to atrio-
pressure during ventricular systole. The height of the ventricular valve opening and by the resistance to atrial
V wave correlates with atrial compliance. The subse- emptying (atrioventricular valve narrowing, ventricular
quent diastolic y descent represents atrial emptying. compliance, and pericardial compliance).
524 C. Tissot et al.

47.4  Epidemiology and Etiology Table 47.2  Infectious causes of pericarditis

Infectious causes of pericarditis:
Viral Coxsackie virus A and B
Pericardial effusions can be associated with pericarditis Adenovirus
or be secondary to cardiac surgery (Table 47.1) [13]. Cytomegalovirus
Common causes of pericardial effusions in children Ebstein-Barr virus
include prior cardiac surgery, bacterial pericarditis, Varicella-Zoster virus
malignancy, and connective tissue disorders. In a sig- Mumps virus
nificant number of children, however, despite exten- Influenza virus
Hepatitis virus
sive investigation, it is not possible to identify a clear
Human Immunodeficeincy virus
etiology. A viral cause is often considered, though Variola and vaccinia viruses
rarely confirmed [14]. Pyogenic Streptococcus pneumoniae
Postoperative pericardial effusions can occur in Streptococcus pyogenes
isolation or be secondary to post-pericardiotomy Staphylococci aureus
syndrome. In the postoperative period, even small Hemophilus influenzae
Neisseria meningitis
Neisseria gonorrhoae
Table 47.1  Causes of pericardial effusion Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Causes of pericardial effusion: Francisella tularensis
Idiopathic Bartonella henselae
Viral Coxsackie virus A and B Cardiobacterium hominis
Hepatitis Salmonella spp
HIV Actinomyces spp
Pyogenic Pneumococci Nocardia spp
Streptococci Coxiella burnetti
Staphylococci Legionella spp
Neisseria species Tuberculous Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Legionella species Fungal Histoplasmosis
Tuberculous Mycobacterium tuberculosis Coccidioidomycosis
Fungal Histoplasmosis Candidosis
Coccidioidomycosis Aspergillosis
Candidosis Blastomycosis
Other infections Syphilitic Ecchinococcosis
Protozoal Amebiasis
Parasitic Parasites Entamoeba hystolitica
Uremia Echinococcus spp
Hypothyroidism Miscellaneous Mycoplasma
Neoplasia Metastases Chlamydia
Leukemia Rickettsiae
Lymphoma Spirochetes
Post-cardiac surgery
Acute myocardial infarction amount of loculated pericardial fluid, particularly
Post-radiation when localized along the free wall of the right atrium
Rheumatic fever
or ventricle, can have significant hemodynamic reper-
Collagen vascular disease Rheumatoid arthritis
cussion [15]. In developing countries, tuberculosis is
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Trauma (hemopericardium) responsible for approximately 70% of cases of large
Hypercholesterolemia pericardial effusions and most cases of constrictive
Chylopericardium pericarditis. However, in industrialized countries,
Sarcoidosis, tuberculosis accounts for only 4% of cases of pericar-
Whipple disease dial effusion and an even smaller proportion of con-
Drug-induced strictive pericarditis [16].
47  Pericardial Diseases 525

Post-pericardiotomy syndrome is more common in or Tetralogy of Fallot. Life-threatening complications

older children and can occur in any patient in whom the include herniation of a cardiac chamber through the
pericardial sac has been opened. Patients usually present defect, most commonly the left atrial appendage.
within 1–6 weeks of a surgery involving a pericar- Hemopericardium should be suspected in any
diotomy. An auto-immune etiology has been postulated. patient who complains of severe chest pain following
Acute pericarditis is most commonly secondary to traumatic injury.
viral infections, particularly enteroviruses and Cocka- Chylopericardium is a pericardial effusion com-
sckie virus B (Table 47.2) [17]. Effusive-constrictive prised of chyle, the normal content of the thoracic
pericarditis is usually secondary to infections creating a duct. Chylopericardium may be primary (idiopathic)
thick exudate, such as pyogenic bacteria or tubercu- or secondary to injury of the thoracic duct and associ-
losis. Purulent pericarditis is a medical and surgical ated with chylothorax (post-surgery). Complications
emergency and requires prompt antibiotic treatment include cardiac tamponade, acute pericarditis or
and pericardial drainage, to prevent adhesions and even- chronic constriction.
tual constriction. The incidence of tuberculous peri-
carditis is increasing in underdeveloped countries,
particularly in Africa, as a result of the human immu-
nodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic [18]. 47.5  Clinical Presentation
Constrictive pericarditis is rare in children in devel-
oped countries, but as mentioned above, the incidence The clinical presentation of pericardial diseases
in underdeveloped countries is much higher due to differs according to their etiology and will be discussed
higher rates of tuberculosis. Clinical presentation separately.
depends on etiology and the rate of onset and severity
of disease (Table 47.3) [19, 20]. • Pericardial effusion and tamponade
Pericardial cyst is a rare mediastinal abnormality Chest pain or discomfort relieved by sitting up and
which is usually congenital but may also be acquired leaning forward and intensified by lying supine is
after cardiothoracic surgery. Cysts are typically located typical. Respiratory symptoms of cough and dyspnea
at the right cardiophrenic angle (50–70%) or at the left can dominate the clinical picture. The physical exam
cardiophrenic angle (28–38%). A rare complication is reveals a pericardial friction rub, heard most frequently
associated with pericardial tamponade. during expiration with the patient upright and leaning
Congenital absence of the pericardium can be forward [21]. The friction rub may not be heard in
complete or partial and can be isolated or associated patients with large effusions. Tachypnea, tachycardia,
with other congenital anomalies in one-third of the widened pulse pressure, and hepato-jugular reflux are
cases, such as patent ductus arteriosus, mitral stenosis the signs of impending hemodynamic compromise.

Table 47.3  Causes of constrictive pericarditis

Causes of constrictive pericarditis:
Post acute pericarditis
Infectious Virus Bacteria: Fungi:
Staphylococci, Streptococci Histoplasmosis
Rheumatoid disease
Mediastinal radiation (Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Trauma (hemopericardium)
Status post-cardiac surgery (post-pericardiotomy syndrome)
Neoplasia with pericardial infiltration
Metabolic and genetic disorders
526 C. Tissot et al.

The Classic Beck triad of pericardial tamponade sternal border, corresponds to the abrupt cessation of
includes hypotension, muffled heart sounds, and jugular ventricular filling during diastole. As the systemic
venous distension [22]. Pulsus paradoxus, defined as venous pressure becomes elevated, signs of right-sided
a decrease in systolic blood pressure of more than heart failure develop, such as neck vein distention,
10 mmHg with inspiration, is a sign of falling cardiac hepatomegaly, ascites, hepato-jugular reflux, and
output. Late findings are cyanosis and decreased level peripheral edema [23, 24]. Signs of diminished cardiac
of consciousness. output include diminished pulse pressure, pulsus
paradoxus, and a prominent third heart sound.
• Post-pericardiotomy syndrome
• Pericardial cyst
Post-pericardiotomy syndrome typically occurs 1–6
weeks after cardiac surgery and is usually mild. The Although most pericardial cysts are asymptomatic,
patient can suffer from fatigue and low grade fever. patients may present with atypical chest pain, dyspnea,
Anterior precordial chest pain that increases on deep or persistent cough [25].
inspiration is common. The typical clinical finding is
• Absence of the pericardium
that of a pericardial friction rub. When a pericardial
effusion is associated, the friction rub can disappear, Complete congenital absence of the pericardium is
the heart sounds are attenuated and tamponade is a often an incidental finding with chest imaging
possibility. demonstrating deviation of the heart into the left chest.
In those with symptoms, paroxysmal stabbing chest
• Acute pericarditis
pain, largely non exertional and mimicking coronary
With bacterial paricarditis, the patient is febrile and artery disease, and dyspnea can be associated [26].
appears toxic. In the setting of viral or autoimmune Displacement of the left ventricular impulse on clinical
pericarditis, fever and evidence of toxicity are generally exam is the most common feature.
milder. Chest pain is common, usually retrosternal or
precordial. The pain usually is described as sharp or
stabbing, and is made worse with inspiration or move-
ment. Pain may be of sudden or gradual onset and may
47.6  Preoperative Management
radiate to the back, neck, or left shoulder. Associated
signs and symptoms include low-grade intermittent
fever, dyspnea, tachypnea, cough, and dysphagia. 47.6.1  P
 ericardial Effusion
Acute abdominal pain is not uncommon in children. and Tamponade
The most common and important physical finding is a
pericardial friction rub, which is best heard at the lower
• Laboratory
left sternal border or apex when the patient is sitting
forward, and may be transient. Blood work should be directed towards identifying the
etiology (Tables 47.1 and 47.2). Diagnostic studies can
• Constrictive pericarditis
be performed on the pericardial fluid including cell
The history reveals symptoms of congestive heart count and differential, protein, lactate dehydrogenase,
failure, such as dyspnea, orthopnea, paroxysmal glucose, gram stain, bacterial and fungal cultures,
nocturnal dyspnea, diaphoresis, easy fatigability, and viral PCR, mycobacterial acid fast stain, and tumor
tachycardia. Precordial pain is unusual in chronic cytology. When connective tissue disease is suspected,
constrictive pericarditis, as opposed to acute peri- rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies, and comple-
carditis. The hallmarks of physical diagnosis include ment levels can be measured.
absence of a drop in jugular venous pulsations during
• Chest X-ray
inspiration (Kussmaul’s sign) and elevated jugular
pressure with prominent y descent (Friedreich’s sign). An increased cardiac silhouette that is globular (water
Unlike other forms of pericardial disease, such as bottle-shaped heart) can be seen with excessive
acute pericarditis, a friction rub is usually not audible. pericardial fluid accumulation (Fig.  47.4) [27].
A protodiastolic knock, usually heard along the left Another finding is visualization of the pericardial fat
47  Pericardial Diseases 527

stripe within the cardiac silhouette. The lung fields

are usually oligemic and a pleural effusion is often
• Electrocardiogram
Low voltage QRS with diffuse non-specific ST
segment changes are present with large effusions
(Fig.  47.5). Electrical alternans is pathognomonic of
cardiac tamponade and is characterized by alternating
P wave, QRS complex and T wave voltages attributable
to swinging motion of the heart [28, 29].
• Echocardiography
Pericardial effusion appears as an “echo-free” space
between the visceral and parietal pericardium on
M-mode-echocardiography (Fig. 47.6) [30]. Effusions
tend to accumulate posterior and inferior to the left
ventricle initially. However, on echocardiographic
Fig. 47.4  Chest X-ray in pericardial effusion: water bottle shaped imaging fluid visualized above the right atrium in the
heart. four chamber view is the most sensitive indication as

Fig. 47.5  Electrocardiogram in pericardial effusion: low voltage QRS with non specific ST segment changes

Fig. 47.6  (a) Parasternal 2D short-axis echocardiography showing a large pericardial effusion circumscribing the heart. (b) Parasternal
2D long-axis echocardiography showing a large pericardial effusion circumscribing the heart
528 C. Tissot et al.

this is the first place where a pericardial effusion is seen. The rapidity of fluid accumulation and the
Moderate effusions (10–20 mm in size) extend toward compliance of the pericardium influence the hemody-
the apex of the heart, and large effusions (more than namic significance for a given fluid volume. As
20 mm) circumscribe the heart (Fig. 47.7) (Table 47.4). pericardial fluid accumulates, intrapericardial pressure
increases until it exceeds normal filling pressure of the
heart, leading to tamponade. The first sign of hemody-
namic compromise is expiratory right ventricular free
wall collapse early in diastole, reflecting the brief
period when intrapericardial pressure is greater than
the right ventricular transmural distending pressure
(Table 47.5) [31, 32]. The right ventricle is the first
to collapse due to its lower intracardiac pressure
compared to the left ventricle. Although right ventricular
collapse is generally a specific indicator of tamponade,
the sensitivity can be reduced in conditions with
increased right ventricular pressure [33].
Expiratory right atrial collapse occurs in late
diastole (Fig. 47.8), and is seen as an indentation of
the normally rounded anterosuperior right atrial wall.
The sensitivity of expiratory right atrial collapse for
Fig. 47.7  M-mode echocardiography of a patient with a large diagnosing tamponade is low (55%), but the speci-
pericardial effusion: echo-free space (arrow) between the visceral
and parietal pericardium ficity is high (90%). Extension of collapse greater than

Table 47.4  Echocardiographic findings in pericardial tamponade and constrictive pericarditis (Adapted from Otto CM. Textbook of
Clinical Echocardiography. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2004; Tam JW, Shaikh N, Sutherland E. Echocardiographic assessment
of patients with hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy: imaging and echocardiography. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2002;17:470-477)
Parameters Tamponade Constrictive pericarditis
RAP ↑ ↑
RV and LV filling pressure ↑RV = LV ↑RV = LV
PAP Normal Mild ↑
RVSP <40 mmHg
RV diastolic pressure plateau >1/3 peak RV pressure
2D echo Pericardial effusion Pericardial thickening, Septal shudder
Interventricular dependence: IVS diastolic shift toward LV
during inspiration and toward RV during expiration
M-mode Septal notch
Doppler MV and TV Reciprocal respiratory changes Respiratory variation (>10%) in RV and LV filling, ↑ MV E
in RV and LV filling during expiration
↑ TV E during inspiration Respiratory variation in IVRT
↑ MV E during expiration
LV inflow: E>A LV inflow: E>A
↑ TR peak velocity, VTI and duration during inspiration
Doppler Pv Respiratory variation in Pv flow
↑ D during expiration
Pv flow:
↑ AR
S/D >0.65 during inspiration
TDI Em >8 cm/s
E/Em <15
Color M-mode Vp >100 cm/s
47  Pericardial Diseases 529

1/3 of the cardiac cycle increases the sensitivity of echocardiogram is absence of inspiratory collapse
this finding to more than 90% [34, 35]. Absence of (plethora) of the inferior vena cava, defined by less
expiratory right atrial collapse virtually excludes than 5  mm decrease in diameter during inspiration
tamponade. Another sensitive marker of tamponade by [36]. The sensitivity of inferior vena cava plethora is
high (97%), but the specificity is low (66%). Diastolic
Table  47.5  Assessment of hemodynamic compromise in collapse of the left atrium and rarely the left ventricle
cardiac tamponade (Adapted from [6]) occurs during inspiration, related to the increased right
Effusion Clinical and echo signs heart inflow and abrupt expansion of the right
Insignificant effusion Flat neck veins ventricle.
Normal BP, HR, RR, good perfusion Doppler echocardiography shows large swinging
Effusion on echo, no chamber amplitudes of the mitral and tricuspid inflow, the aortic
Significant, Increased JVP
and pulmonary outflow and the hepatic veins. Normally,
compensated No hypotension, tachycardia there is no more than 10% variation in the amplitude of
Mild pulsus paradoxus inflow and outflow signals with respiration, but this
Good perfusion exceeds 30% in tamponade (Fig. 47.9).
Effusion on echo with mild RV The classic Doppler patterns of cardiac tamponade
collapse include (Fig. 47.10) [37, 38]:
Severe, compensated Increased JVP
Prominent pulsus paradoxus −− Mitral inflow: During inspiration, E wave velocity
Tachycardia, no hypotensino decreases by more than 30% compared with
Good perfusion expiration.
Chamber collase on echo
−− Pulmonary veins: During inspiration, D wave velocity
Severe, Increased JVP
decompensated Tachycardia, tachypnea
Hypotension, pulsus paradoxus −− Tricuspid inflow. During inspiration, E wave
Chamber collapse, swinging velocity increases by more than 50% compared
heart on echo with expiration.

Fig. 47.8  Apical four-chamber and subcostal 2D-echocardiography views in pericardial effusion: right atrial collapse (arrow)
530 C. Tissot et al.

Fig. 47.9  Respiratory variation in mitral inflow by 2D-echocardiography in cardiac tamponade

Inspiration • Chest X-ray

Expiration Radiographic evidence of pleural effusions and cadiac
enlargement secondary to a pericardial effusion are
E common.
LVI • Electrocardiogram
Nonspecific abnormalities of the T waves (flattening in
leads I and lateral chest) and decrease in voltage with a
RVI large pericardial effusions are common findings.
• Echocardiography
Fig. 47.10  Respiratory variations in mitral and tricuspid inflow
in cardiac tamponade Pericardial effusion is documented and its hemody-
namic repercussion evaluated as described above.

−− Hepatic veins: During inspiration, S is greater than

D. During expiration, there is a very limited or
absent D wave with prominent reversal. 47.6.3  Acute Pericarditis
• Cardiac CT and MRI
• Laboratory
CT can potentially determine composition of fluid
Inflammatory markers are usually elevated (C-reactive
and may detect as little as 50 ml of fluid.
protein, ESR). Cardiac Troponin I rise has been
MRI can detect as little as 30 ml of pericardial fluid,
described as detectable in acute pericarditis in about
and may be able to distinguish hemorrhagic and non-
30% of patients and is associated with ST segment
hemorrhagic effusions. Both MRI and CT scan may be
elevation and presence of a pericardial effusion [39].
superior to echocardiography in detecting loculated
pericardial effusions and pericardial thickening. • Chest X-ray
The chest X-ray is unremarkable in the absence of a
pericardial effusion.
47.6.2  Post-Pericardiotomy Syndrome • Electrocardiogram
The ECG can be diagnostic in acute pericarditis.
• Laboratory
It evolves four stages. The first stage is characterized
Elevated white blood cell count with a left shift and ele- by ST-segment elevation and concave upward ST
vated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are usual. segments, noted in all leads except V1 (Fig. 47.11).
47  Pericardial Diseases 531

Fig. 47.11  ECG in acute pericarditis: diffuse concave upward ST-segment elevation

In the second stage, normal ST segments with T-wave • Chest X-ray

flattening are noted. T-wave inversion without Q-wave
The chest X-ray is usually unremarkable. Pericardial
formation is noticed in third stage. The fourth stage is
calcifications are present in 40–50% of patients, giving
characterized by ECG normalization. Another impor-
an egg-shell appearance to the cardiac silhouette [41]
tant ECG finding is PR-segment depression.
(Fig. 47.12). The right superior mediastinum may be
• Echocardiography enlarged owing to dilation of the superior vena cava.
Pleural effusions may be present, reflecting chronic
The echocardiogram is often normal, unless acute
elevation of right heart filling pressures. Pulmonary
pericarditis is associated with a pericardial effusion.
infiltrates are uncommon.
While the finding of a pericardial effusion supports
the diagnosis of acute pericarditis, its absence does • Electrocardiogram
not exclude it. In pericarditis, the pericardium may
ECG is non-specific but usually demonstrates diffuse
have a normal appearance.
low voltage and nonspecific ST-T wave changes. Atrial
• Cardiac CT scan and MRI dysrhythmias are common.
The normal thickness of the pericardium as measured • Cardiac catheterization
by CT scanning is less than 2 mm and 4 mm by MRI. The hallmark finding in constrictive pericarditis is the
The limitation of CT scan is the difficulty in differenti- elevation and near equalization of end-diastolic
ating fluid from thickened pericardium. pressures in the right atrium, right ventricle, pulmo-
nary capillary wedge, and left ventricle. The right
atrial pulse waveform is characterized by a prominent
47.6.4  Constrictive Pericarditis A wave, reflecting rapid early diastolic filling of the
ventricle, a sharp x descent, due to accelerated atrial
relaxation and a sharp y descent reflecting the early
• Laboratory
resistance free right ventricular filling. The mean jugular
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is usually normal or venous and right atrial pressures are elevated.
just above normal in patients with constrictive peri- The right ventricular waveform is distinctive,
carditis as opposed to elevated (>600 pg/ml) in patients with a “dip and plateau” or “square root sign” pattern
with restrictive cardiomyopathy, helping differentiate (Fig. 47.13), reflecting the rapid relaxation, followed
between these two conditions [40]. No data on BNP by a sharp increase in filling pressure as the expanding
levels in this setting are available in children. ventricle meets the constraints of the pericardium [42].
532 C. Tissot et al.

enhanced septal interaction. There is opposite direc-

tional changes in ventricular systolic pressure and recip-
rocal changes with respiration, with inspiration inducing
an increase in right ventricular but a decrease in left
ventricular pressure, a phenomenon called ventricular
discordance. The opposite changes occur during expi-
ration, with increased left heart filling and reduced
right heart filling (Fig.  47.14). This may be the most
reliable hemodynamic indicator of constriction [44].
When hemodynamic studies are equivocal, a bolus
fluid can be administered and reveals striking elevation
of the filling pressures in the case of constrictive
pericarditis [45, 46].
• Echocardiography
Echocardiography remains the best tool in the
initial assessment of constrictive pericarditis [47].
A thickened pericardium with some degree of pericardial
effusion may be observed by 2D-echocar-diography
[48]. Transthoracic echocardiography is insensitive,
Fig. 47.12  Chest X-ray in constrictive pericarditis: Egg-shell as mildly increased pericardial thickening can be
appearance of the cardiac silhouette missed and false positives can be obtained if the gain is
set too high. Pericardial calcifications with localized
The left ventricular pressure tracing is usually similar. tethering of atrial or ventricular cavities may be noted,
Other hemodynamic findings include a right ventricular while separation of the entire pericardium by a small
diastolic pressure exceeding one-third of the right fixed space is known as the “halo sign.” The systemic
ventricular systolic pressure, and a pulmonary artery veins are usually dilated, with the inferior vena cava
pressure of less than 50 mmHg [43]. showing absent collapse with inspiration (plethora).
Another hallmark of constriction is increased Septal “bounce” is typical, defined as abrupt posterior
ventricular interdependence. Because pericardial movement of the interventricular septum in early
constraint limits total cardiac volume, there is a recip- diastole during inspiration, and is caused by under-
rocal relation between left and right heart filling due to filling of the left ventricle and redistribution of

Fig.  47.13   (a) Simultaneous right and left ventricular (b) Simultaneous right atrial and left ventricular pressure recordings
pressure showing equalization of diastolic pressures and char- demonstrating equalization during diastole with prominent x
acteristic “dip and plateau” contour in constrictive pericarditis. and y descent of the atrial tracing (from [6])
47  Pericardial Diseases 533

Fig. 47.14  Differential changes in the hemodynamic tracing of PCWP decreases (from Grossman W. Profiles of constrictive
mean right atrial (RA) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure pericarditis, restrictive cardiomyopathy and cardiac tamponade.
(PCWP) during respiration in constrictive pericarditis. Mean Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography and Interventions 1991;
RA pressure increases during inspiration (Kussmaul sign) and Chapter 35:637)

blood from the left to the right ventricle. This “bounce” −− Tricuspid inflow: Shows the same pattern with recip-
represents the first and best clue for the presence of rocal changes compared to the mitral inflow. During
constriction [49]. expiration, smaller E wave to A wave (E>A) ratio is
The right and left ventricular size is decreased, and noted, while during inspiration, there is larger E wave
both atria are mildly enlarged, related to the compli- to A wave (E>A) ratio. E wave is typically increased
ance abnormality of the ventricles. The ventricles have more than 40% with inspiration.
an elongated appearance giving the heart a tubular −− Hepatic veins: During inspiration, S wave is greater
shape. The biventricular systolic function is usually than D wave, with a small A wave reversal. During
normal. Interventricular septal motion may be para- expiration, S wave is greater than D wave, with
doxical or flat as a sign of ventricular interdependence. small or absent D wave and larger A wave reversal.
A characteristic septal notch has been described in
Also described in constrictive pericarditis is an
early diastole, corresponding to the septal bounce seen
inspiratory increase in the tricuspid regurgitant jet
by 2D-echocardiography [50, 51]. Extensive areas
velocity and duration of the signal [44]. As opposed to
of adhesions seen posteriorly by M-mode provide
restrictive cardiomyopathy, respiratory variation in the
evidence for generalized pericardial thickening and
filling phase is more pronounced in constrictive peri-
carditis. Tissue Doppler echocardiography shows a
The hallmark of Doppler examination is reciprocal
normal or high early mitral annular velocity (Em wave)
respiratory variation of right and left heart flows
in constrictive pericarditis, as opposed to restrictive
caused by interventricular dependence. The classical
cardiomyopathy where it is reduced [55]. The usually
Doppler pattern consists of the following (Fig. 47.15)
positive linear relation between mitral Doppler E and
tissue Doppler Em (E/Em), is useful to assess left atrial
−− Mitral inflow: During inspiration, E wave to A pressure and is found to be reversed in constrictive
wave ratio (E>A) is lower, while during expiration, pericarditis [56] The propagation velocity (vp) of early
there is larger E wave to A wave (E>A) ratio. E diastolic transmitral flow on color M-mode is normal
wave is typically increased more than 25% with or increased in constrictive pericaditis [57].
expiration and the IVRT increased more than 25%
• Cardiac MRI and CT
with inspiration.
−− Pulmonary veins: During inspiration, S and D waves Both CT and MRI can detect a thickened pericardium
are near equal in size. During expiration, larger (³4 mm), but this is an insensitive finding. An advan-
S and D waves are noted. tage of CT is the ability to detect calcification, indica-
534 C. Tissot et al.

Fig.  47.15  Respiratory variation in transvalvular and central shift to the left, allowing increased flow to the right-sided
venous flow velocities in constrictive pericarditis. With inspi- cardiac chambers, resulting in increased tricuspid inflow
ration, the driving pressure gradient from the pulmonary bed to and diastolic hepatic venous velocities. The opposite changes
the left cardiac chambers decreases, resulting in a decrease occur during expiration (from Oh JK, Diagnostic role of
in mitral inflow and diastolic pulmonary venous velocities. echocardiography in constrictive pericarditis. J Am Coll Cardiol.
Decreased left ventricular filling results in ventricular septal 1994;23:154-162)

tive of constrictive pericarditis [58, 59]. However, CT which is more localized and spherical than a pericardial
may have difficulty in differentiating pericardial fluid effusion [61].
from thickened pericardium. The absence of pericardial
• Cardiac CT and MRI
thickening does not rule out hemodynamically significant
restrictive pericarditis. CT and MRI are the preferred methods to confirm a
suspected diagnosis of pericardial cyst [25, 62]. On CT
scan, pericardial cysts are thin-walled, sharply defined,
47.6.5  Pericardial Cyst oval homogeneous masses. Their attenuationis slightly
higher than water density, 30–40 HU, and the cyst fails
to enhance with intravenous contrast [63].
• Chest X-ray
A pericardial cyst is typically suspected after an
abnormal chest X-ray consisting of a round, discrete
mass in the right cardiophrenic angle, which is the 47.6.6  Absence of the Pericardium
most common location of these cysts [60].
• Echocardiography • Chest X-ray
Pericardial cysts are difficult to detect with transthoracic The chest X-ray reveals levoposition of the heart with
echocardiography. They present as an echo-free space loss of the right heart border hidden by the spine [26].
47  Pericardial Diseases 535

Prominence of the main pulmonary artery, interposition High dose Aspirin should be associated with a gastro-
of a tongue of lung tissue between the pulmonary duodenal prophylaxis (proton pump inhibitor).
artery and the aorta (opacification of the aortopulmonary • Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
window) or between the inferior border of the heart Ibuprofen (10 mg/kg/day) is an alternative to aspirin
and the left hemi-diaphragm are other findings. therapy.
• Corticosteroids (Prednisone 1–2  mg/kg/day) are
• Electrocardiogram
preferably avoided but can be used in severe or recur-
Right bundle branch block is common. Right axis rent cases during 2–4 weeks followed by gradual
deviation with leftward displacement of the transition tapering off.
zone in the precordial leads can be seen. • High doses intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG)
have been described in the treatment of recurrent
• Echocardiography
post-pericardiotomy syndrome [65].
Complete absence of the pericardium leads to enlarge-
ment of the right ventricle, excessive motion of the
posterior left ventricular wall, paradoxical motion of 47.7.2  P
 ericarditis and Pericardial
the interventricular septum, and a shift of the heart to Effusion
the left resulting in more of the right ventricle being
seen on the left parasternal long axis view. All of these
findings mimic right ventricular volume overload and If an infectious cause of pericarditis or a pericardial
thus this diagnosis should be excluded [64]. Partial effusion is identified, obviously appropriate antimicro-
absence of the pericardium sometimes results in bial therapy should be started. In the case of a small
herniation of a chamber through the defect, with pericardial effusion in the postoperative period, an
the false appearance of wall motion abnormality. increase in the diuretic regimen can be attempted.
The biventricular function is usually normal. True NSAIDs or acetylsalicylic acid are usually used to
wall motion abnormality is seen if a coronary artery is decrease the inflammatory reaction. Aspirin (100 mg/
compressed. kg/day) during 7–10 days, tapered down over 3–4 weeks,
is usually the first line treatment. Steroids are reserved
• Cardiac MRI for severe and recurrent cases, as cases of corticoid-
The most reliable finding is interposition of lung dependant pericardial effusion has been described. It is
tissue between the main pulmonary artery and the uncertain whether adjunctive corticosteroids are effec-
aorta. The heart can be completely displaced in the left tive in reducing mortality or pericardial constriction in
hemithorax and its apex elevated. The main pulmonary tuberculous pericarditis, and their safety in HIV-infected
artery and the left atrial appendage can be seen extending patients has not been conclusively established.
far beyond the mediastinal margins.

47.7.3  Constrictive Pericarditis

47.7  Medical Management
The treatment is essentially symptomatic, with diuretics
47.7.1  Post-pericardiotomy Syndrome to reduce right heart failure and pulmonary edema.
The only curative treatment is pericardiectomy.
Post-pericardiotomy syndrome is usually self-limited
but relapses can occur. Medical treatment includes bed
rest and anti-inflammatory drugs: 47.7.4  Recurrent Pericarditis
• Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin 100  mg/kg/day or
800  mg every 6  h in adults) is thought to reduce Colchicine has been shown to be safe and effective in the
inflammation and fever and is administered for treatment and prevention of recurrent pericarditis after
10 days, then gradually tapered down over 3 weeks. failure of conventional treatment, especially in idiopathic
536 C. Tissot et al.

cases [66]. The dose for adults is 1.0–2.0 mg for the even in the postoperative period [70]. Complications
first day, followed by a maintenance dose of 0.5–1.0 mg include transient arrhythmia and hemopericardium.
daily for 3 months. No data are available in children.
• Percutaneous pericardial drainage
Frequently, pericardiocentesis is accompanied by
insertion of a drainage catheter to reduce the rate of
47.8  Procedures recurrence that may complicate simple needle drainage.
The precordium is entered from the standard subxiphoid
• Echocardiography-guided pericardiocentesis approach using an 18-mm gauge needle until fluid is
obtained. To assess the position of the needle in the
The approach is to assess the size, distribution, and
pericardial sac, saline solution can be injected and
ideal needle entry site and trajectory to safely evacuate
monitored via echocardiography [71]. A 0.035’ guide
the pericardial fluid. The echocardiographic transducer
wire is advanced into the pericardial space, under
is placed approximately 3–5 cm from the parasternal
echoguidance. The needle is subsequently removed
border and the area of maximal pericardial fluid
and the tract is dilated with a 7F or 8F dilator. A 7F or
accumulation is identified. The needle trajectory is
8F pigtail catheter is then inserted over the guide wire,
established by the angle of the transducer [67–69].
positioned in the posterior pericardial space at the level
The precordium is entered in the angle formed between
of the left atrioventricular groove (Fig. 47.16).
the xyphoid process and the left costal cartilages using
• Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy
an 18-mm gauge needle directed at an approximate
15° posterior angle towards the shoulder. The needle is The initial part of the procedure is similar to percuta-
advanced with the tip bent downwards while continuous neous pericardial drainage but is performed in the
suction is performed with a syringe until fluid is obtained. catheterization laboratory under fluoroscopic guidance.
Adequate drainage of the pericardial fluid is assessed The parietal pericardium is dilated using a 10F dilator.
by echocardiography. Echocardiography-guided peri- Further dilation is performed using either a single
cardiocentesis is simple, safe, and effective for primary balloon (20  mm wide, 3  cm long) or trefoil (triple)
treatment of clinically significant pericardial effusion, balloons. The balloon is filled with a mixture of contrast

Fig. 47.16  (a) 2D-echocardiography in parasternal short-axis view showing a pericardial drain in the posterior pericardium (arrow).
(b) 2D-echocardiography in parasternal long-axis view showing a pericardial drain in the posterior pericardium (arrow).
47  Pericardial Diseases 537

and saline, and is manually inflated to a maximum 47.9.2  Constrictive Pericarditis

pressure of 3.5 atm until the balloon “waist” disappears.
Three inflations of 15 s each are recommended. At the
• Pericardiectomy
end of the procedure, a pigtail catheter is exchanged
over the wire and left in place to allow complete Pericardiectomy is the treatment of choice for symp-
drainage of the effusion [72]. Complications include tomatic patients with typical constrictive hemodynamics.
fever, pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and severe chest Limited pericardiectomy is usually performed via a
pain. The success rate of this procedure is very high [73]. left thoracotomy, but does not allow access to the right
atrium and vena cava. Total pericardiectomy is defined
• Pericardial sclerosing therapy
as a wide excision of the pericardium from around the
When significant pericardial effusion recurs, a more both ventricles, the great vessels, the vena cava, and
definitive intervention is needed. Pericardiocentesis the right atrium. It is usually performed via a median
with instillation of sclerosing agents has been shown to sternotomy or bilateral transsternal anterior thoracotomy.
be successful for malignant pericardial effusions, with a A median sternotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass
low recurrence rate. Most commonly used is tetracy- stand-by is usually the preferred approach as it offers
cline or bleomycin, instilled through a pigtail catheter better exposure to the right side of the heart [77].
[74, 75]. Common side effects include transient pyrexia, Poor results with persistent elevation of ventricular
severe retrosternal chest pain and transient atrial arrhyth- filling pressures have been attributed to inadequate
mia. Few data are available in children [76]. decortication and remodeling of the ventricles after
pericardiectomy. Complications include excessive
bleeding and low cardiac output syndrome, thought to
be secondary to fibrosis and atrophy of the myocardial
47.9  Surgical Management fibers. Reoperation for recurrent constrictive peri-
carditis after partial pericardiectomy is common [78].
47.9.1  Pericardial Effusion Improvement of symptoms and normalization of the
intracardiac pressures occurs more quickly after
extensive pericardiectomy [79].
• Subxyphoid pericardial drainage
Subxyphoid pericardiotomy is often preferred to
percutaneous pericardiocentesis in critically ill
patients, or when echo-guided pericardiocentesis fails.
47.9.3  C
 ongenital Absence
It is performed via a midline incision from the xyphos- of the Pericardium
ternal junction to 6–8 cm below the tip of the xyphoid.
The xyphosternal junction is split and the xyphoid Surgical procedures employed for patients with absence
process removed to expose the diaphragm. The sternum of the pericardium include left atrial appendectomy,
is lifted so the pericardium can be reached. The peri- division of adhesions, pericardiectomy, or pericardio-
cardium is incised allowing the fluid to drain freely plasty. The latter is usually reserved for symptomatic
and a pericardial drain is left in place [71]. Minor patients, as the symptoms are thought to be secondary
complications include wound dehiscence and transient to excessive cardiac motion. It is controversial as to
pneumothorax. whether asymptomatic patients with moderate-sized
pericardial defects should undergo prophylactic
• Pleuro-pericardial window
operation to reduce the risk of death from cardiac
Limited pericardiectomy is performed via a left structure herniation or incarceration [80].
thoracotomy. No attempt is made to excise all pericar-
• Pericardioplasty
dial tissue, the main objective is to provide drainage of
the pericardial sac into the left pleural space. This Surgical reconstruction of the pericardium can be
procedure can also be performed under direct thora- performed with Gore-Tex material or xenograft
coscopic vision with excellent visualization of the pericardium. The lateral and anterior surfaces of the
pericardium and pleura. newly reconstructed pericardium are then sutured to
538 C. Tissot et al.

the lateral and medial aspect of the diaphragmatic fluid balance will become important as their disease
surface, to avoid excessive cardiac motion. Careful process progresses.
attention must be paid to the left phrenic nerve [26].
• Sedation and analgesia
Most patients should be extubated in the operating
room or upon return to the ICU. Sedation should not
47.9.4  Pericardial Cyst be a significant issue in the postoperative period. Pain
control can be achieved with continuous narcotic
infusion or boluses. Pain from thoracotomy should not
Surgical excision is recommended only in symptomatic
be underestimated, especially in the older patients, as
patients while asymptomatic patients can be managed
atelectasis secondary to shallow breathing can be a
conservatively [81]. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic
serious complication. The transition to oral pain manage-
resection of the cyst is a good alternative, as it mini-
ment should occur when the patient is capable of
mizes postoperative pain and has a better cosmetic
tolerating an oral diet. In the older child or adolescent,
outcome [82].
intermittent oral or intravenous benzodiazepines may be
used for anxiolysis. Additionally, intravenous ketorolac
or NSAIDs may be useful in patients with an inflam-
matory component to their pericardial disease.
47.10  Postoperative Management
• Respiratory management
Among the pericardial disease processes a common Most patients are extubated in the operating room
postoperative strategy may be employed. In large part, or immediately upon return to the intensive care
postoperative care is supportive with additional treatment unit. Adequate pain control avoids one of the
directed at the underlying etiology of the disease. most common complications after thoracothomy or
Management of the patient in ICU consists of fluid sternotomy – atelectasis.
balance monitoring, sedation and analgesia, respiratory
• Inotropic and vasodilator therapy
management, inotropic and vasodilator therapy, and
recognition of anticipated complications. A low cardiac output state may be treated with volume
In many patients, the duration of the pericardial resuscitation, inotropic support, and afterload reduc-
disease process will impact their postoperative course. tion. Additionally, vasoactive medications may be used
depending upon the clinical state of the patient.
• Monitoring
• Anticipated complications
Continuous cardiorespiratory monitoring remains
standard for these patients. Attention should be paid In-hospital mortality after pericardiectomy for constric-
to alterations in heart rate, blood pressure, and tive pericarditis is not negligible, reported around 15%.
respiratory rate. Most patients should be maintained in Complications after surgery include low cardiac
the physiologic range after returning to the intensive output syndrome and hemorrhage. Patients should be
care unit. monitored for persistent effusion or restrictive physiology
• Fluid management after surgical intervention.
The fluid status of a patient with pericardial disease
returning to the ICU environment should be monitored
carefully. Many postoperative patients may have
been on very high doses of diuretics prior to surgery 47.11  Long-Term Outcome
and a few may be diuretic dependent. Maintenance
intravenous fluid therapy should be initiated on patients Pericardiectomy improves symptoms in the majority of
unless contraindicated by concurrent illness. Most will patients during late follow up. A subgroup of patients
not need the aggressive fluid management of other do not experience an amelioration in clinical symptoms,
postoperative cardiac patients. The exceptions are probably because myocardial function does not
those patients with restrictive physiology in whom completely recover [83]. This is particularly true for
47  Pericardial Diseases 539

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75. van Belle SJ, Volckaert A, Taeymans Y, Spapen H, Block P. Soc Echocardiogr. 2007;20:1417 e1-1417 e7.
Treatment of malignant pericardial tamponade with sclero- 85. Imazio M, Brucato A, Adler Y, et al. Prognosis of idiopathic
sis induced by instillation of bleomycin. Int J Cardiol. recurrent pericarditis as determined from previously published
1987;16:155-160. reports. Am J Cardiol. 2007;100:1026-1028.
Chapter 48
Infective Endocarditis

Nilanjana Misra and Eric S. Quivers

Infective endocarditis (IE) is defined as a microbial In developed countries, sequelae of chronic rheumatic
infection of the endocardial surface of the heart. Native heart disease is no longer the leading predisposing
and prosthetic valves are the most frequently involved factor in IE, whereas the degenerative valve disease of
sites. Other sites can be involved, including septal the elderly is the leading cause in the adult population
defects, prosthetic materials such as intracardiac patches, now [5]. There has been a change in the etiology in
surgically created shunts or a naturally occurring shunt pediatric population over 2 years of age, as well. Chronic
such as an arteriovenous shunt. Central venous and pacing rheumatic valvular disease, which before the 1970s
catheters and other sites including the great vessels, accounted for 30–50% of IE cases, has now been sup-
intracavitary walls, and aneurysms can also be involved. planted by congenital heart disease as the predominant
The infecting organism may be bacterial, fungal, underlying condition in children with IE in the USA.
chlamydial, rickettsial, or viral [1]. Despite its recognition This includes children with a previous corrective or pal-
in the early 1500s by French Renaissance physician, liative surgery for CHD without prosthetic material or
Jean Francois Fernel, IE continues to be a diagnostic valve replacement. The most common underlying CHDs
dilemma, even in the face of significant medical advances include ventricular septal defects, patent ductus arterio-
in prevention of predisposing factors, diagnostic imaging, sus, aortic valve abnormalities, and Tetralogy of Fallot
and the areas of treatment of cardiovascular disease [2]. [6]. The incidence of IE as reported in large pediatric
series appears to be increasing. From 1963 to 1972 the
reported incidence of IE at Boston Children’s Hospital
was 1 of 1,800 admissions, whereas during the period of
48.1  Epidemiology 1933–1963 it was 1 in 4,500 admissions. Other recent
reviews support this increase and indicate that IE accounts
for approximately 1 in 1,280 pediatric admissions a
Several parallels exist between the pediatric and adult
year. In both pediatric and adult populations, the mean
experience with IE. The incidence of IE has remained
ages have been increasing. The increase is thought to be
constant over the past two decades in adult series at
due to better medical and surgical management of con-
approximately 1.7–6.2 cases/100,000 patient years and
genital heart defect and longer survival in both groups.
may be increasing as reported in some recent studies.
In the pediatric group, the mean age has increased from
Incidence in developing countries is significantly higher
5 years of age between 1930 and 1950 to between 8.5
due to lack of prevention, incidence of valvular disease
and 13.0 years during the period of 1960–1980 [7].
secondary to rheumatic fever and also to associated fac-
Children in whom IE occurs without CHD, often
tors like malnutrition. IE has evolved in its presentation,
occurs in association with indwelling intravenous cath-
predisposing factors, sequelae, and microbiology [3, 4].
eters, accounting for about 8–10% of cases. It usually
involves the aortic or mitral valves. IE in newborns is
E.S. Quivers (*) associated with a very high mortality with the incidence
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
increased with increased use of invasive therapies to
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA manage extremely ill neonates with multiple medical
e-mail: problems [6].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 543
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_48, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
544 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

48.2  Pathogenesis mental state may result from microemboli to the cerebral
circulation. The kidney is the most common organ
The intact endocardium is a poor surface as a stimulant affected with IE on the systemic side of the heart. Also,
for platelet aggregation and bacterial adhesion. However, the kidney may be affected by the deposition of circu-
injured cardiac endothelium is very conducive to throm- lating immune complexes resulting in focal or diffuse
bogenesis and thus, the possible bacterial seeding glomerulonephritis. Circulating immune complexes are
during bacteremia resulting in septic vegetation. The found more often in patients with longstanding disease,
process includes deposition of sterile clumps of platelets, right-sided disease, hypocomplementemic states, and
fibrin, and occasionally red blood cells giving rise to a extravascular manifestations. Autoimmune antibodies
site of nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE). found in the course of IE include antiendocardial, anti-
The site can be the result from injury to the endothelium sarcolemmal, antimyolemmal, and antinuclear.
by shear forces caused by a high-velocity jet stream of The CHD lesions that involve high-velocity jets
blood, or the site can be caused by mechanical injury and/or foreign material have the highest risk of the
from indwelling catheters to the endocardial surface. IE development of IE. CHD patients who have undergone
may develop at the NBTE site during bacteremia if the palliative surgery with shunt or conduit placement
bacteria are able to colonize the site. Once colonized, have been recognized as the largest group at risk. High-
more platelets and fibrin are deposited over the multi- velocity jet streams are not required to initiate IE; the
plying bacteria, protecting them from the immunologic presence of turbulent flow is the common prerequisite.
defenses of the body, leading to further growth of the In the nonsurgical group of children who develop IE,
vegetation. The infected NBTE is a source of constant aortic valve disease is a common diagnosis (Figs. 48.1
bacteremia and reseeding of the vegetation. Three zones and 48.2).
have been described in vegetations: a basal necrotic Neonatal endocarditis is frequently right-sided
endocardium; a broad zone of bacteria, pyknotic nuclear involving the indwelling catheter, tricuspid valve, or
debris, and fibrin; and a thin surface coat of fibrin and both (Figs. 48.3, 48.4 and 48.5). Sources of bacteremia
leukocytes. It is in the middle zone that the bacterial include injury to the skin or mucous membranes, vigorous
proliferation goes unchecked as the host defenses and endotracheal suctioning, parenteral hyperalimentation,
antimicrobial therapy are unable to penetrate effectively. and the placement of umbilical vessel catheters.
Vegetations may be single or multiple, ranging in
size from less than 1 mm to several centimeters. Large
lesions may appear to be tumors and may cause obstruc-
tion depending on location. Candida spp., Haemophilus 48.3  Diagnosis
spp., and S. aureus, may produce friable lesions that can
result in embolization. Ulceration of valvar tissue may IE is a syndrome diagnosis that is dependent on the
result in perforation, valvar insufficiency, and sudden basis of the presence of multiple findings as opposed to
onset of congestive heart failure. Other cardiac compli- one single definitive result. Diagnosis involves the
cations include rupture of chordae tendineae, annular compilation of clinical, laboratory, and echocardio-
abscesses, aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva or ven- graphic data. The diagnosis of IE may be obvious in the
tricle, myocardial infarction, fistula formation, and the patient, who has bacteremia with a predisposing
development of pericardial empyema and tamponade. cardiac condition. The more common case is that of the
Other organs are affected by IE through emboliza- patient in whom it is difficult to establish the diagnosis,
tion and immune responses. A necropsy review of IE especially when features of IE are masked by other
cases in pediatric patients showed that the lung is the coexisting diseases or even in an atypical presentation.
most common site of embolic complications. Cerebral The cost of misdiagnosis may be high as it could lead
emboli with subsequent infarction have been found in to increased morbidity and mortality. The Duke criteria
30% of adults and children who had IE resulting in were formulated in 1994 to assist in the diagnosis of IE.
abscess, mycotic aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, The criteria have been validated by numerous studies in
and acute hemiplegia. Strokes are usually associated both adults and children. The spectrum included the
with emboli to the middle cerebral artery. A confused elderly, prosthetic valve recipients, injection drug users,
48  Infective Endocarditis 545

Fig. 48.1  Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) image – apical four chamber view of aortic valve vegetation

Fig. 48.2  Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) image – mid esophageal long axis view of aortic valve vegetation

patient in various hospital settings worldwide. The of >80%, and high specificity and negative predictive
presence of two major criteria or one major and three value which have been confirmed by several studies.
minor criteria or five minor criteria are required for However, with the changing face of IE, modifica-
diagnosis of IE. The Duke criteria have a high sensitivity tions to the criteria have been proposed to address the
546 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

Fig. 48.3  TTE image – apical four chamber view of tricuspid valve vegetation

Fig. 48.4  TTE image – subcostal view of tricuspid valve vegetation

appearance of Q fever as frequent cause of IE in France major criterion and one minor criterion or three minor
and the increasing prevalence of staphylococcal infec- criteria. The minor criterion addressing an echocardio-
tion, and the increased use of transesophageal echocar- graphic finding consistent with IE but not meeting
diography (TEE). In 2000, Li et  al. proposed further major criterion be eliminated, in recognition of the
modifications to the Duke criteria. It was recommended widespread use of TEE. Also, the bacteremia due to S.
that the category “possible IE” be defined as having one aureus should be considered a major criterion regardless
48  Infective Endocarditis 547

Fig. 48.5  TEE image – mid esophageal view of pulmonary valve vegetation

of whether the source is nosocomial or associated Table  48.1  Definition of infective endocarditis based on
with a removable source of infection. Positive Q fever modifications to modified Duke’s criteria
serology should be changed to a major criterion, as well Definite infective endocarditis
(Tables 48.1 and 48.2) [8]. • Pathologic criteria
– Microorganisms demonstrated by culture or histologic
examination of a vegetation, a vegetation that has
embolized, or an intracardiac abscess specimen; or
48.4  Clinical Findings – Pathologic lesions: vegetation or intracardiac abscess
confirmed by histologic examination showing active
The presentation of IE in children is usually that of a • Clinical criteria
prolonged low-grade fever, a variety of complaints, – Two major criteria; or
including fatigue, weakness, arthralgias, myalgias, – One major criterion and three minor criteria; or
weight loss, rigors, and diaphoresis; all of which are – Five minor criteria
Possible infective endocarditis
nonspecific, but as a group of symptoms should prompt
• Major criterion and one minor criterion; or
strong consideration for IE, particular in a patient with • Three minor criteria
underlying heart disease. Fig.  48.12 lists the major Rejected
clinical manifestations of IE in children. • Firm alternate diagnosis explaining evidence of infective
Physical findings are influenced by the presence of endocarditis; or
bacteremia (or fungemia), valvulitis, immunologic • Resolution of infective endocarditis syndrome with
antibiotic therapy for £4 days; or
responses, and emboli. The extracardiac findings of
• No pathologic evidence of infective endocarditis at
petechiae, hemorrhages, Roth’s spots, Janeway lesions, surgery or autopsy, with antibiotic therapy for £4 days; or
Osler nodes, or splenomegaly are significantly less • Does not meet criteria for possible infective endocarditis,
common in children than in adults. as above
Glomerulonephritis and focal infarctions of the
kidney result from embolic or immune complex-
mediated processes. Emboli to other organs, such as both. Children with right-sided IE may present with
the abdominal viscera, brain, and heart may result in pulmonary emboli and signs and symptoms associated
symptoms associated with ischemia, hemorrhage, or with septic emboli to the lungs.
548 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

Table 48.2  Proposed changes to the modified Duke’s criteria murmur, but rather a decrease in their systemic saturation
Major criteria secondary to obstruction to flow due to the infection.
Blood culture positive for IE In an unusual presentation, the child may be in
• Typical microorganisms consistent with IF from two separate extremis due a fulminant course, with rapidly changing
blood cultures:
symptoms and high spiking fevers. These children are
Viridans streptococci, Streptococcus boris, HACEK group,
Staphylococcus aureus; or ill and require immediate stabilization and treatment.
Community-acquired enterococci, in the absence of a primary
focus; or
• Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently
positive blood cultures, defined as follows: 48.5  Laboratory Assessment
At least two positive cultures of blood samples drawn >12 h
apart; or
All of three or a majority of ³4 separate cultures of blood (with
For all patients with fever of unexplained origin, a
first and last sample drawn at least 1 h apart) pathological heart murmur, a history of heart disease,
• Single positive blood culture for Coxiella burnetti or or a history of previous IE, blood cultures are required
antiphase I IgG antibody titer >1:800 as part of the evaluation. Bacteremia in IE is continu-
Evidence of endocardial involvement ous. Therefore, the timing of their acquisition is not
Echocardiogram positive for IE (TEE recommended in patients
crucial. It is important to obtain adequate volumes of
with prosthetic valves, rated at least “possible IE” by
clinical criteria, or complicated IE [paravalvular abscess]; blood to culture, 1–3 ml in infants and young children
TTE as first test in other patients), defined as follows: and 5–7 ml in older children. As it is rare for IE to be
• Oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures, caused by anaerobic organisms, aerobic cultures are
in the path of regurgitant jets, or on implanted material in the essential. It is recommended to obtain three blood
absence of an alternative anatomic explanation; or
• Abscess; or
cultures; the first day by separate venipuncture and if
• New partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve there is no growth in the 2 days of incubation, two
New valvular regurgitation (worsening or changing of more can be obtained [6]. There is usually no value in
pre-existing murmur not sufficient) obtaining more than five blood cultures over 2 days,
Minor criteria unless the patient has received antibiotic therapy.
Predisposition, predisposing heart condition or injection drug use In patients who are stable, not acutely ill, and whose
Fever temperature >38°C
cultures are negative may have antibiotics withheld for
Vascular phenomena, major arterial emboli, septic pulmonary
infarcts, mycotic aneurysm, intracranial hemorrhage, 48 h or so, while more cultures are obtained. Acutely
conjunctival hemorrhages, and Janeway’s lesions ill patients should receive empiric antibiotic therapy
Immunologic phenomena: glomerulonephritis, Osler’s nodes, immediately after the three blood cultures are obtained.
Roth’s spots, and rheumatoid factor It should be strongly emphasized to the microbial
Microbiological evidence: positive blood culture but does not
meet a major criterion as noted abovea or serological
laboratory that IE is suspected, to allow cultures to be
evidence of active infection with organism consistent with IE processed appropriately.
Echocardiographic minor criteria eliminated
TEE transesophageal echocardioraphy; TTE transthoracic
Excludes single positive cultures for coagulase-negative 48.5.1  E
 tiologic Agents Isolated
staphylococci and organisms that do not cause endocarditis from Blood Culture

Most organisms that cause IE in children are Gram-

The cardiac examination of a child with IE is highly positive cocci. The most common organisms include
variable, dependent on the type of underlying heart the viridians group of streptococci (S. sanguis, S. mitis
disease present and site of the infection. The physical group, S. mutans), isolated between 30 and 50% of the
finding of a changing murmur in a child with underlying time in numerous studies and S. aureus which accounts
CHD is a key finding. Valvar lesions tend to produce for 25–30% of isolated organisms. Coagulase negative
regurgitant murmurs due to leaflet destruction. Children staphylococci (CoNS) and enterococci round out the
with cyanotic CHD palliated by systemic-pulmonary most common organisms [9]. In children older than 1
artery shunting, may not present with a change in their year of age, the viridans streptococcal group is the
48  Infective Endocarditis 549

most frequent causative agent. S. aureus is the second but is rarely seen in fungal endocarditis. Anemia is
most common agent isolated in IE, but it is the most common and is usually secondary to long standing
common organism associated with acute bacterial infection or from hemolysis. Microscopic or macro-
endocarditis. scopic hematuria may occur in renal embolization or if
The HACEK group consists of Hemophilus associated with red blood cell casts or proteinuria may
parainfluenza, H. aphrophilus, H. paraphrophilus, represent glomerulonephritis.
Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) actinomycetemcomi­
tans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella species,
and Kingella kingae is a rare but important group of
organisms causing IE in children. 48.5.3  Other Tests
S. aureus or CoNS are the most frequent organisms
associated with IE in the presence of prosthetic The presence of conduction disturbances on the
material or valves, and indwelling intravascular electrocardiogram should raise the suspicion of the
catheters. The organisms are usually seeded at the time infection extending to the valvular annulus or adjacent
of cardiac surgery and IE occurs within 60 days. An myocardium. Emboli to the coronary circulation may
infection due to CoNS may occur as late as a year after be seen as ischemic changes on the electrocardiogram.
surgery. IE caused by Gram-negative bacilli is rare Chest X-rays may show areas of focal infiltrates
probably due to the poor adhesion of these organisms that are consistent with septic emboli to the lungs as
to the cardiac valves. sequelae of the right-sided lesions.
In newborns, S. aureus, CoNS, and Candida species Computed tomography of the brain, abdomen can
are the most common causes of IE. With the introduction show areas of infarcts from septic emboli from the left-
of central venous catheters and the use of hyper- sided lesions and of chest for embolization to the lungs.
alimentation and high glucose concentration fluids,
Candida infections of the mural or valvar endocardium
have been well recognized. Fungal vegetations tend
to be more friable and emboli from these can cause 48.6  Echocardiography
serious complications.
The special case of culture-negative endocarditis is Two-dimensional echocardiography has become a
recognized when a patient has clinical and/or echocar- major diagnostic modality for detection of endocardial
diographic evidence of IE but persistently negative involvement. Echocardiographic findings are one of
blood cultures. Recent antibiotic therapy or a fastidious the major criteria in Duke’s criteria. The guidelines
organism that grows poorly in vitro is the most common recommend echocardiography in patients suspected
cause of this phenomenon. The prevalence in the US of having IE for detection of vegetations on valves,
is between 5 and 7%. Organisms associated with valvular abnormalities, shunts, abscesses, and assess-
culture-negative endocarditis include filamentous fungi, ment of hemodynamics. It should be performed if there
Coxiella burnetii, Brucella, Legionella, Bartonella is a moderate suspicion of IE (Fig. 48.6). Transthoracic
(Rochalimaea), and Chlamydia. echocardiography (TTE) has a reported sensitivity of
approximately 80% in detection of vegetations in pedi-
atric population as compared to adults [10, 11]. TEE
is considered a better mode than TTE, where there is
48.5.2  Other Laboratory Tests poor ultrasound penetrance as in the obese or very
muscular adolescent, in post cardiac surgery patients
Although not specific in the diagnosis of Infective or in presence of respiratory compromise. TEE has
endocarditis, there are a variety of other laboratory been shown to be superior to TTE in detecting vegeta-
tests that support and help in the management and tions in adult studies but similar studies have not been
follow up of the patients. Elevated acute phase reactants done in pediatrics [12, 13]. TEE should also be considered
(e.g., erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive in patients with aortic valve involvement or changing
protein) and hypergammaglobulinemia are often present. aortic dimensions seen in TTE and for perivalvular
Leukocytosis may be present in bacterial endocarditis leakage and valve dehiscence in prosthetic valves.
550 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

Low Initial Patient Risk’ High Initial Patient Risk+,
and Low Clinical Suspicion Moderate to High Clinical
Suspicion or Difficult Imaging

Initial TTE Initial TEE

- + - +

Low Increased Rx High Look for Rx

Suspicion Suspicion Suspicion Other Source
Persists During High Risk Echo No High Risk Persists of Symptoms
Clinical Features * Echo Features *
Course - +
TEE TEE for No TEE Unless Alternative
Detection of Clinical Status + - Diagnosis
Complications Deteriorates Established
- + Look for
Rx Other
Look for Rx Follow-Up TEE or TTE to
Other Reasgess Vegetations
Source Complications or Rx Response
as Clinically Indicated

Fig. 48.6  Diagnostic approach to IE by echocardiography

Echocardiography has its limitations. An echogenic Patients with IE can present in various states of
mass can represent a sterile thrombus or prosthetic stability. Some require ICU admission and cardiopul-
material instead of an infected vegetation. The absence monary support due to severe congestive heart failure
of vegetations on echocardiography does not rule out or respiratory compromise. In addition to the picture
IE in itself. Both TEE and TTE have low diagnostic of septic shock, a patient may develop acute valvar
yield in patients with a low clinical probability of the insufficiency or heart block with involvement of the
disease [14, 15]. conduction system. These patients in septic shock or
acute valvar insufficiency will require fluid resuscita-
tion, inotropic therapy, ventilation therapy, and at times
mechanical support. Pacemaker therapy is required for
48.7  Clinical Complications of IE those in complete heart block or high grade second
degree heart block.
Infective endocarditis remains to be one of the most The most common complication in patients with IE
frequent causes of life-threatening infectious illnesses is cardiac in nature accounting for at least 30–50% of
in the United States, ranking fourth [16]. It continues cases. Heart failure usually from valvular regurgitation
to carry a high rate of mortality despite the advances in is the most common cause of death and the most com-
diagnosis and treatment with rates quoted of 20–35% mon cause for surgery. The incidence of perivalvular
[2]. One review of IE in children cites a mortality rate abscess at surgery or autopsy is reported as 30–40%
of 11%. The study included children with complex with aortic valve (41%) being more commonly involved
cyanotic heart disease, unrepaired VSDs, normal than mitral valve (6%) [15]. Perivalvular abscess
anatomy, and premature infants with central venous affecting the conduction system is often seen in aortic
catheters [17]. valve endocarditis when involving the area between
Factors that affect survival and are of predicted the right and noncoronary cusps (Fig. 48.7). There is a
value have been reported in the adult literature and much higher rate of systemic embolization and fatal
include female gender, diabetes mellitus, S. aureus outcome in patients with perivalvular abscess. Clinical
organism, APACHE II score at the time of admission, parameters for the diagnosis of perivalvular extension
and the occurrence of embolic events. All of these is difficult but persistent bacteremia or fever, recurrent
were found to be independent variables associated emboli, heart block, CHF, or a new pathological murmur
with in-hospital deaths [16]. in patient with IE on appropriate therapy should raise
48  Infective Endocarditis 551

Fig. 48.7  TEE image – mid esophageal short axis view of aortic valve vegetation with perivalvular abscess

the suspicion of extension. New AV block on ECG has

a positive predictive value of 88% for abscess formation
but low sensitivity of 45% [18]. Pericarditis, fistula
formation between aorta and atrium or ventricle, and
aortic dissection are other rare cardiac complications.
Neurological complications account for 33% of
cases making them the second most common com-
plication of IE. These include stroke, brain abscess,
encephalopathy, meningitis, cerebral hemorrhage, and
stroke [15, 19]. The presence of neurologic complica-
tion does not contraindicate valve replacement with
the exception of diffuse encephalopathy that has a
higher mortality than focal involvements [20]. Fungal
IE has a higher incidence of systemic embolization
with the brain and femoral artery being the most com-
mon sites.
Other complications include renal infarction from
embolization, renal abscess, glomerulonephrits from Fig. 48.8  CT abdomen – splenic infarcts
deposition of immune complexes and antibiotic
induced interstitial nephritis. Vertebral osteomyelitis is
a rare complication of S. aureus endocarditis. sensitivities of 90–95% in diagnosing splenic abscess
Occasionally septic arthritis of two or more joints may (Figs. 48.8 and 48.9). Lung is the most common site of
occur. Metastatic abscess of liver, kidney, spleen, or embolization in the case of right-sided lesions
brain can also occur. Abdominal CT and MRI have (Figs. 48.10 and 48.11).
552 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

Fig. 48.11  CT thorax with contrast – septic emboli to lungs

Fig. 48.9  CT abdomen – splenic infarcts Oral administration can have poor and erratic absorption
leading to treatment failure and relapse. Bactericidal
agents are preferred as there are treatment failures and
relapses seen with the use of bacteriostatic agents.
The preferred duration of treatment is 4–6 weeks
with the antimicrobial agent tailored to the organism
isolated. The AHA statement on IE in 2005 states that
the counting of days for the recommended duration of
therapy should begin on the 1 day of the first negative
blood culture in cases in which blood cultures were
initially positive. At least two sets of blood cultures are
required every 24–48  h of infection until the blood
stream is cleared.
Secondly, for patients with native valve endocarditis
who undergo valve resection with prosthetic valve
replacement, the postoperative treatment regimen
should be one that is meant for prosthetic valve instead
of native valve endocarditis. Therefore, if the resected
tissue is culture positive, an entire course of therapy is
recommended after valve replacement. However, if
the resected valve is culture negative, the duration of
Fig. 48.10  CT thorax without contrast – septic emboli to lungs
treatment for the prosthetic valve should be less the
number of days for the treatment given for native valve
infection before the replacement of the valve.
Thirdly, in regimens that require combination
48.8  Treatment antimicrobial therapy, the agents should be administered
together or close together for maximum synergistic
The general principles of treatment in pediatric patient effect on the infecting pathogen [21].
are modeled on the treatment of the adult patient. Documentation of cessation of bacteremia should
Antimicrobial treatment via the intravenous route is be obtained early in therapy to measure the adequacy
the preferred route of administration because of the of treatment. If potentially toxic antibiotics such as
desirability to obtain high blood levels of these agents. aminoglycosides are used, then serum peak and trough
48  Infective Endocarditis 553

levels should be monitored to ensure that levels are not 48.9.2  Staphylococcal Endocarditis
in toxic range. Close follow up is essential. Blood
cultures should be obtained occasionally during the
Since only a small percentage of S. aureus strains are
first 8 weeks after therapy is stopped as most relapses
penicillin-susceptible, the therapy includes penicillinase
occur during this period.
resistant penicillin (e.g., oxacillin) for 6 week with
The role of cardiac surgery in therapy of IE is deter-
optional addition of gentamicin for first 3–5 days.
mined by the site of infection, the clinical course, and
Addition of gentamicin fails to improve cure rates but
the hemodynamic status of the patient.
results in more rapid sterilization of blood stream. For
penicillin allergic patients, cefazolin for 6 weeks with
optional addition of gentamicin for 3–5 days can be used.
48.9  Antimicrobial Therapy Most coagulase negative staphylococci and few S. aureus
strains are resistant to penicillin and penicillinase-
resistance penicillins. Methicillin resistant staphylococci
The AHA/infectious diseases task force has given a detailed
should be treated with vancomycin for 6 weeks.
set of guidelines for the treatment of IE in 2005 [19].

48.9.3  G
 ram-Negative Bacterial
48.9.1  Streptococcal Endocarditis Endocarditis

Patients with highly penicillin-susceptible Viridans The fastidious group of HACEK organisms account
group streptococci and S. bovis with minimum inhibitory for approximately 5–10% of native valve endocarditis
concentrations (MIC £0.12 mg) have bacteriologic cure in patients who are not IDU’s. Since b-lactamase
rates of ³98% with 4 weeks of therapy with parental producing strains of HACEK are increasing in frequency,
penicillin or ceftriaxone. Ampicillin can be used as an these organisms are considered to be ampicillin resis-
alternative to penicillin. In selected patients, treatment tant and ceftriaxone (or other third or fourth generation
for 2 weeks with either penicillin or ceftriaxone with cephalosporins) or ampicillin–sulbactam for 6 weeks
an aminoglycoside for synergy shows cure rates that is recommended.
are similar in result to monotherapy with penicillin or Fluroquinolones can be considered as an alternative
ceftriaxone for 4 weeks. However, this therapy should treatment for patients unable to tolerate b-lactam
be restricted to those patients with uncomplicated therapy.
IE caused by highly penicillin-susceptible viridans Endocarditis caused by non HACEK Gram-negative
organisms. It is not recommended in patients with organisms is less frequent and therapy must be indi-
extracardiac manifestations or with renal insufficiency vidualized and guided by in  vitro antimicrobial
(creatinine clearance of <20 mL/min. susceptibility testing. Enterobacteriaceae such as
An effective alternative treatment for patients who Salmonella, E.coli have an affinity for abnormal
are allergic or unable to tolerate penicillin or ceftriaxone cardiac valves, usually on the left side of the heart.
is intravenous vancomycin. It should be administered Morbidity and mortality is high. Cardiac surgery (val-
³1 h to avoid the risk of histamine release “red-man” vulotomy or vegetectomy without valve replacement)
syndrome. in combination with a 6 week course of penicillin or
For relative penicillin resistant strains (MIC >0.12 cephalosporins with aminoglycosides is recommended.
to £0.15 mg), combination therapy of penicillin or Pseudomonas endocarditis is usually seen in IDUs and
ceftriaxone for 4 weeks administered with single daily commonly affects normal valves. Left-sided lesions
dose of gentamicin for 2 weeks is the preferred treat- are often associated with complications such as embolic
ment regimen. events, neurological complications, and annular abscesses
For more resistant streptococci (MIC >0.5 mg), treat- and carry high morbidity and mortality. Hence, early
ment for 4–6 weeks with vancomycin combined with surgery is preferred in such patients. Right sided
gentamicin is recommended. These patients need to be lesions are more amenable to medical therapy that
monitored closely for ototoxicity and renal toxicity. includes high dose tobramycin, in combination with
554 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

extended spectrum penicillin (ticarcillin, piperacillin) dence of high mortality and morbidity. Treatment with
or ceftazidime or cefepime for 6 weeks. antifungal agents alone is unsuccessful. In recent years
Gonoccocal endocarditis can be treated with high therapy has evolved in two phases. The first phase
dose penicillin if penicillin sensitive or penicillin includes control of infection with use of antifungal
resistant, with a third generation cephalosporin. agents such as amphotericin B in conjunction with sur-
gical replacement of the infected valve with excision
of surrounding infected tissue. If the patient survives,
the antifungal treatment should be for ³6 weeks. Renal
48.9.4  Culture Negative Endocarditis function and potassium levels have to be carefully
monitored through the course of treatment.
Blood cultures are negative in up to 20% of patients Due to the high rates of relapse and the prolonged
with IE diagnosed by strict criteria [22]. Appropriate delay in relapse, in patients who respond to initial ther-
therapy is difficult in patients with culture negative apy, long-term (lifelong) suppressive therapy with oral
endocarditis as there has to be a fine balance between azoles is recommended.
the need to provide adequate empiric coverage and the
need to limit the possible toxic effects of agents such
as aminoglycosides. The treatment regimen should
take into account epidemiological features and the 48.9.6  Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis
clinical course of infection. In case of native valves,
ampicillin–sulbactam plus gentamicin or vancomycin Antibiotic therapy is tailored as per the infecting
(in patients not able to tolerate penicillin) for 4–6 organism. The duration of therapy is usually 6 weeks
weeks is recommended. Ciprofloxacin may be required or longer. If the infection is caused by a highly penicil-
in certain cases. If presentation is acute, coverage for lin-susceptible strain of viridans streptococci, treatment
S. aureus is required. If patients have a more subacute is with penicillin or ceftriaxone for 6 weeks with or
presentation, coverage should include for S. aureus, without gentamicin for 2 weeks. If it is caused by a
vridans group streptococci, enterococci, and HACEK highly resistant strain (MIC >0.12 mg/mL) then a com-
organisms. Patients with prosthetic valve of <1 year bination of penicillin or ceftriaxone with gentamicin
duration should have coverage for oxacillin resistant should be used.
staphylococci (vancomycin for 6 weeks with gentami- Because of high morbidity and mortality rates for
cin for 2 weeks) and if the onset of infection is within S. aureus prosthetic valve endocarditis, combination
2 months of prosthetic valve placement, then coverage therapy is preferred. Thus, in case of an oxacillin
with Cefepime for Gram-negative bacilli should be susceptible strain, nafcillin or oxacillin with rifampin is
included. Rifampin may be added for synergy. If onset preferred. In oxacillin resistant strains, vancomycin
of infection is after 1 year of prosthetic valve placement, and rifampin is used. Gentamicin should be adminis-
therapy should cover for oxacillin susceptible staphy- tered for the initial 2 weeks in either regimen. If the
lococci, viridians group streptococci and enterococci strains are gentamicin resistant, then a fluroquinolone
as in case of native valve endocarditis plus rifampin. may be used. Cardiac surgical interventions play an
There is limited data regarding infections with rare important role in treatment of S. aureus prosthetic
organisms such as suspected Bartonella infection. valve endocarditis.
Ceftriaxone for 6 weeks plus gentamicin for 2 weeks Studies have shown that prosthetic valve endocarditis
with or without doxycyclin is then considered. caused by CoNS within 1 year of surgery are usually
oxacillin resistant and need vancomycin and rifampin
for 6 weeks with the use of gentamicin in the first 2
weeks of therapy. Fluroquinolone may be used if the
48.9.5  Fungal Endocarditis strain is resistant to aminoglycoside. Usually, CoNS
prosthetic valve infections especially those involving
This is seen in patients with multiple predisposing aortic valves are frequently complicated by perivalvular
conditions such as prosthetic valves and indwelling abscess or valvular dysfunction and surgery is the life-
central venous catheters. Prognosis is poor with evi- saving treatment.
48  Infective Endocarditis 555

Table 48.3  Definition of infective endocarditis according to The risks for surgery are higher in patient with PVE
the proposed modified Duke criteria, with modification shown in than NVE, but the recommendations for surgery are
same for both types of endocarditis.
Definite infective endocarditis
Pathologic criteria
Despite a higher mortality rate in patients with CHF
1. Microorganisms demonstrated by culture or histologic than without CHF, patients with IE and CHF who have
examination of vegetation, a vegetation that has undergone valve surgery have a reduced mortality rate
embolized, or an intracardiac abscess specimen. than those treated with medical therapy alone which is
2. Pathologic lesions; vegetation or intracardiac abscess
confirmed by histologic examination showing active
as high as 51%. The incidence of reinfection of newly
endocarditis implanted valves in patients with IE is around 2–3%.
Clinical criteria Surgical approach to IE patients with CHF must take
1. Two major criteria into account the distortion of the valve and its sur-
2. One major criterion and three minor criteria
3. Five minor criteria
rounding structures.
Possible infective endocarditis Surgical interventions should also be considered in
1. One major criterion and one minor criterion patients with fungal IE, infection with aggressive antibiotic
2. Three criteria resistant organism, left-sided IE caused by Gram-negative
1. Firm alternate diagnosis explanung evidence of infective
bacteria such as Pseudomonas species and S. marscescens,
endocarditis persistent infection with positive blood cultures 1 week
2. Resolution of infective endocarditis syndrome with antibiotic after the initiation of antibiotic therapy or one or more
therapy for ≤ 4 days embolic events during the first 2 weeks of treatment.
3. No pathologic evidence of infective endocarditis at surgery
or autopsy, with antibiotic therapy for ≤ 4 days
Other indications of surgical intervention are
4. Does not meet criteria for possible infective endocarditis (as echocardiographic evidence of valve dehiscence, perfo-
above) ration, rupture or fistula, or a large perivalvular abscess.
Anterior mitral leaflet vegetation >10  mm in size,
persistent vegetation after systemic embolization and an
Treatment of prosthetic valve endocarditis by increase in vegetation size despite appropriate antimi-
HACEK organisms and culture negative prosthetic crobial therapy indicate a possible need for surgery.
valve endocarditis are covered earlier under their If a patient with IE is on long-term course of oral
respective treatment options. anticoagulation, then oral coumadin should be discon-
tinued and patient should be started on heparin therapy
immediately after the diagnosis of IE is established in
the event that surgical therapy is required.
48.10  Indications for Surgery

The proportion of patients undergoing surgery has

48.11  M
 anagement After Completion
undergone very little change in the past three decades,
inspite of improvements in surgical techniques. The of Therapy
identification of patients requiring cardiac surgery
and the optimal timing of repairs is a difficult man- Before completing the antimicrobial therapy, patients
agement decision. The ACC/AHA task force pub- should receive TTE to serve as a baseline for follow
lished recommendations for surgery in IE patients up. They should be educated about the signs of IE with
with native valve endocarditis and prosthetic valve instructions to get evaluated immediately if there is
endocarditis in 2006 (Fig.  48.12). Surgery is defi- any concern. Thorough dental evaluation should be
nitely indicated in patients with life-threatening CHF done and any cause for oral infection should be dealt
or cardiogenic shock due to surgically corrected with. All catheters should be removed after the com-
lesions with or without proven endocarditis, if the pletion of therapy.
patient had reasonable prospect of recovery with sat- In the immediate short term, relapse is a great con-
isfactory quality of life. However, if the possibility of cern. Patients should be monitored closely for any sign
recovery is remote due to the presence of complica- of relapse, such as new onset of fever, chills or other
tions or comorbid conditions, surgery is deferred. evidence of systemic toxicity. They should be instructed
556 N. Misra and E.S. Quivers

to attain immediate evaluation including ³3 sets of 9. Di Filippo S, Delahaye F, Semiond B, et al. Current patterns
blood cultures from different sites. Patients who are of infective endocarditis in congenital heart disease. Heart.
more than 1 month from the completion of antimicro- 10. Mugge A, Daniel WG, Frank G, Lichtlen P. Echocardiography
bial therapy need a complete examination. in infective endocarditis: reassessment of prognostic impli-
Developing or worsening CHF should also be kept cations of vegetation size determined by transthoracic and
in mind during the initial short term follow up. Such transesophageal approach. Am J Cardiol. 1989;14:631–638.
11. Kavey RE, Frank DM, Byrum CJ, Blackman MS, Sondheimer
patients should be evaluated for cardiac surgery. HM, Bove EL. Two-dimensional echocardiographic assessment
Antibiotic toxicity such as ototoxicity and nephro- of infective endocarditis in children. Am J Dis Child.
toxicity are also of great concern, as these may manifest 1983;137:851–856.
as delayed toxicity of aminoglycoside use. Diarrhea or 12. Daniel WG, Mugge A, Grote J, et al. Comparison of transtho-
racic and transesophageal echocardiography for detection of
colitis from Clostridium difficile can occur as late as 4 abnormalities of prosthetic and bioprosthetic valves in the
weeks after the last dose of treatment. mitral and aortic positions. Am J Cardiol. 1993;71:210–215.
On a long-term basis, patients need ongoing obser- 13. Fowler VG Jr, Li J, Corey GR, et al. Role of echocardiogra-
vation, thorough examination and education regarding phy in evaluation of patients with Staphylococcal bactere­
mia: experience in 103 patients. J Am Coll Cardiol.
recurrent infection, and delayed or worsening valvular 1997;30:1072–1078.
function. Importance of daily dental hygiene should be 14. Aly AM, Simpson PM, Humes EA. The role of transthoracic
stressed and they should get regular evaluations by a echocardiography in the diagnosis of infective endocarditis
dentist. in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153:950–954.
15. Paterick TE, Paterick TJ, Nishimura RA, Steckelberg JM.
Complexity and subtlety of infective endocarditis. Mayo
Clin Proc. 2007;82:615–621.
References 16. Karth GD, Koreny M, Binder T, et al. Complicated infective
endocarditis necessitating ICU admission: clinical course
and prognosis. Critical Care. 2002;6:149–154.
1. Moss & Adams’: Heart disease in Infants, Children & 17. Saiman L, Prince A, Gersony WM. Pediatric infective endo-
Adolescents: Including the Fetus and Young Adults. Editors: carditis in the modern era. J Pediatrics. 1993;122:847–853.
Allen, Hugh D; Gutgesell, Howard P; Clark, Edward B; 18. Blumberg EA, Karalis DA, Chandrashekharan K, et  al.
Driscoll, David J. 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams Endocarditis-associated paravalvular abscesses: do clinical
and Wilkins, 2001. parameters predict the presence of abscess? Chest.
2. Millar BC, Moore JE. Emerging issues in infective endo- 1995;107:898–903.
carditis. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004;10:1110–1116. 19. Rodder BL, Wandall DA, Espersen F, Frimodt-Moller N,
3. Pendergast BD. The changing face of infective endocarditis. Skinhoj P, Rosdahl VT. Neurological manifestations in Stap­
Heart. 2006;92:879–888. hylococcal aureus endocarditis: a review of 260 bacterimic
4. Hill EE, Herijgers P, Herregods M-C, Peetermans WE. cases in nondrug addicts. Am J Med. 1997;102:379–386.
Evolving trends in infective endocarditis. Clin Microbiol 20. Parrino PE, Kron IL, Ross SD, et al. Does a focal neurologi-
Infect. 2006;12:5–12. cal deficit contraindicate operation in a patient with endo-
5. Hill EE, Heijgers P, Claus P, Vandersschueren S, Herregods carditis? Ann Thorac Surg. 1999;67:59–64.
M-C, Peetermans WE. Infective endocarditis: changing 21. Baddour LM, Wilson WR, Bayer AS, et al. Infective endo-
epidemiology and predictors of 6-month mortality: a pro- carditis: diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy and management
spective cohort study. Eur Heart J. 2007;28:196–203. of complications: A statement for Healthcare Professionals
6. Ferrieri P, Gewitz MH, Gerber MA, et al. Unique features of from the Committee on Rheumatic fever, Endocarditis and
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2115–2126. Young, and the Councils on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke, and
7. Oski’s Pediatrics. Editor: McMillan, Julia A; Feigin, Ralph; Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, American Heart
DeAngelis, Catherine; Jones, M. Douglas. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Association: Endorsed by the Infectious Diseases Society of
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8. Li J, Sexton D, Mick N, et al. Propsosed modifications to the 22. Werner M, Andersson R, Olaison L, Hogevich H. A clinical
Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis. Clin study of culture-negative endocarditis. Medicine. 2003;82:
Infect Dis. 2000;30:633–638. 263–273.
Chapter 49
Cardiac Failure

CécileTissot, Eduardo M. da Cruz, and Shelley Miyamoto

49.1  Definition system [6] and [2] renin–angiotensin system along

with increased release of [3] vasopressin and [4]
natriuretic peptides, act to maintain blood pressure
Heart failure is defined as the inability of the heart’s
and end-organ perfusion [7–9].
output to meet the metabolic demands of the body; or
• Myocardial remodeling results in augmentation of
the heart is able to meet these demands only in the
contractile tissue (ventricular hypertrophy) [10, 11].
setting of an abnormally elevated filling pressure.
The clinical appearance of a patient with heart failure
can vary from a well compensated state, which can be
associated with minimal signs or symptoms, to fulmi- 49.2.1  Frank–Starling Mechanism
nant cardiogenic shock. Heart failure is often a result
of myocardial failure, but may also occur in the pres-
ence of near-normal cardiac function under conditions The Frank–Starling mechanism allows augmentation
of extremely high demand. Irrespective of etiology, the of cardiac output by the failing myocardium at the
end result of heart failure is circulatory failure. expense of elevated end-diastolic volume. As heart
failure worsens, elevations in end-diastolic volume are
associated with an increase in end-diastolic pressure
resulting in pulmonary edema. Circulatory failure as a
result of heart failure occurs when further increases in
49.2  Pathophysiology
end-diastolic volume no longer result in increased
ventricular performance and end-organ perfusion is
Inadequate adaptation of the cardiac myocytes to inadequate.
increased wall stress in order to maintain adequate
cardiac output is the inciting event in cardiac failure.
The most important adaptations are outlined below:
49.2.2  Neurohumoral Activation
• Frank–Starling mechanism is the ability of the
heart to alter its contractility based on the degree of
venous return. In the failing heart, increasing preload  Sympathetic Nervous System
can increase stroke volume to maintain cardiac
output [1–5]. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system results
• Activation of neurohumoral systems including in increased release and decreased uptake of norepi-
increased activity of the [1] sympathetic nervous nephrine (NE) and to a lesser degree epinephrine results
in vasoconstriction, so arterial pressure is maintained and
end-organ perfusion is preserved. This sympathetic stimu-
C. Tissot (*) lation also increases afterload and myocardial cytosolic
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care,
Department of Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver,
calcium entry [6]. The increased calcium entry into the
Aurora, CO, USA myocytes augments myocardial contractility (inotropy)
e-mail: while impairing myocardial relaxation (lusitropy).

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 557
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_49, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
558 C. Tissot et al.

The combination of an increase in afterload and inotropy reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule. BNP
and impairment of myocardial lusitropy leads to an also inhibits renin and aldosterone release, is an impor-
increase in myocardial energy expenditure and oxygen tant diagnostic tool, and has therapeutic implications
demand. Additionally, elevations in plasma norepineph- discussed later in this chapter [15–17].
rine are responsible for downregulation of b1-adrenergic
receptors [12]. In children with a left-to-right shunt, the
increase in afterload (systemic vascular resistance)
worsens the left-to-right shunt, leading to an increase 49.2.3  Myocardial Remodeling
in the pulmonary to systemic flow ratio (Qp:Qs) and
worsening symptoms of pulmonary overcirculation. Chronic neurohumoral activation eventually leads to
increased myocardial volume and mass. This myo-
cardial remodeling process is responsible for early  Renin–Angiotensin System adaptive mechanisms such as augmentation of stroke
volume (Starling mechanism) and decreased wall
The activation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone stress (Laplace mechanism). However, persistent
system (RAAS) leads to increased circulating levels of activation of neurohumoral systems is eventually
renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone. Release of harmful as maladaptive mechanisms such as increased
these RAAS mediators occurs secondary to decreased myocardial oxygen demand, myocardial ischemia,
perfusion and sympathetic stimulation of the kidney. impaired contractility, and arrhythmogenesis result.
Renin is responsible for cleaving angiotensinogen At the cellular level, chronic stimulation of the sym-
to form angiotensin I, which is converted into angio- pathetic nervous system results in myocyte hypertro-
tensin II with the action of angiotensin-converting phy, myocyte cell death, and eventually cardiac
enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II is a potent vasocon- norepinephrine depletion [18]. For these reasons the
strictor, which enhances NE release and is associated neurohumoral system is an important target of ther-
with myocyte hypertrophy and cell death [13]. apy resulting in improved long-term heart failure
Aldosterone causes salt and water retention, resulting outcomes.
in increased preload, which further increases in myocar-
dial energy expenditure and peripheral edema [7–9].

49.3  Etiology  Vasopressin

Vasopressin is a pituitary hormone that is essential The causes of cardiac failure in the intensive care unit
for the maintenance of normal plasma osmolality. are varied, but are best classified by the time course of
Vasopressin levels are increased in heart failure and onset (acute or chronic) and mechanism of failure –
probably contribute to poor free water clearance systolic, diastolic, or a combination (Table 49.1).
(V2 receptors) and systemic vasoconstriction via the V1
receptors [14].
49.3.1  Acute Heart Failure  Natriuretic Peptides
One of the most common causes of acute cardiac
Atrial natiuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natiuretic failure in the pediatric population is myocarditis.
peptide (BNP) are released in response to changes in Myocarditis is usually viral in origin and patients with
atrial and ventricular wall tension, respectively, as a fulminant myocarditis present in shock with rapid
result of volume/pressure expansion. Both peptides onset of hemodynamic deterioration. Endocarditis,
promote vasodilation and natiuresis, owing to reduc- rheumatic heart disease, and rarely trauma can result in
tions in cardiac preload and afterload. BNP produces severe valve injury which can present acutely in the
afferent arteriolar vasodilation and inhibits sodium intensive care unit.
49  Cardiac Failure 559

Table 49.1  Causes of cardiac failure in pediatrics

Systolic heart failure Diastolic heart failure
Arrhythmias Intrinsic heart disease High output failure
Supraventricular Myocarditis (infectious, autoimmune) Anemia Infiltrative cardiomyopathy
tachycardia (amyloidosis, hemochromatosis,
eosinophilic cardiomyopathy)
Bradycardia (complete Ischemic heart disease (ALCAPA, Thyrotoxicosis Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
heart block) Kawasaki’s, transplant vasculopathy)
Ventricular tachycardia Rheumatic heart disease Arteriovenous Restrictive cardiomyopathy
(arrhythmogenic right malformations
ventricular dysplasia Valvular heart disease (endocarditis) Sepsis Systemic hypertension?
– ARVD) Toxin-induced (anthracyclines, carbon Heart transplant rejection
Dilated cardiomyopathy (idiopathic, Sarcoidosis
metabolic, post-infectious, genetic
Congenital heart disease (right- or Endomyocardial fibrosis
left-sided obstruction, chronic valvar
Myocardial noncompaction
Heart transplant rejection

49.3.2  Chronic 49.3.4  Diastolic Heart Failure

Patients with chronic heart failure can decompensate Diastolic heart failure is defined by inadequate lusitropy,
and present with signs and symptoms requiring or abnormalities of ventricular relaxation. Isolated
intensive care management. Although it is not always diastolic heart failure is rare and as mentioned above
possible to determine the cause, decompensated usually occurs in combination with systolic heart failure.
heart failure can be preceded by an acute infection, Restrictive and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies are
noncompliance with medical therapy, or onset of common causes of diastolic heart failure while systolic
arrhythmias. function is initially preserved. Presentation of diastolic
heart failure is related to the extent of elevation in atrial
pressure as a result of ventricular stiffness. Elevated
right atrial pressure results in jugular venous distention,
49.3.3  Systolic Heart Failure hepatic congestion, and lower extremity edema. Elevated
left atrial pressure is associated with pulmonary edema
and orthopnea; exercise intolerance and dyspnea are
Most forms of cardiac failure consist of a combination
common. Diastolic heart failure should not be confused
of systolic and diastolic failure. Systolic heart failure is
with other causes of impaired ventricular filling such as
defined by inadequate ventricular inotropy to meet
constrictive or restrictive pericarditis, large pericardial
the body’s physiologic needs. Systolic heart failure
effusions, mitral or tricuspid stenosis, or obstruction of
occurs in the setting of myocarditis, dilated cardiomy-
systemic or pulmonary venous return. Despite their
opathy, ischemia (congenital coronary artery anomalies,
similar presentation to true diastolic heart failure, ventric-
Kawasaki’s disease, post-transplant coronary vascul-
ular relaxation is usually normal in these settings.
opathy, coronary injury after cardiac surgery), excessive
pressure (left-sided obstructive lesions) or volume
overload (long-standing valve insufficiency, intracardiac
shunts). Inadequate perfusion of vital end organs results 49.4  Staging
in presenting signs and symptoms such as mental status
changes, poor end-organ function (kidney and liver), The New York Heart Association (NYHA) classifi-
and vomiting or feeding intolerance. cation is based on the relation between symptoms
560 C. Tissot et al.

Table 49.2  The New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification • General appearance
of cardiac failure – Central cyanosis.
NYHA classification: – Diminished pulse pressure, dusky discoloration
Class I No limitations. Ordinary physical activity does not of the skin with delayed capillary refill time due
cause undue fatigue, dyspnea, or palpitations
to poor peripheral perfusion.
Class II Slight limitation of physical activity, comfortable at
rest. Ordinary physical activity results in • Reduced systolic arterial pressure, weak, rapid, and
fatigue, palpitations, dyspnea thready pulse.
Class III Marked limitation of physical activity. Although – Evidence of increased adrenergic activity manifested
comfortable at rest, less than ordinary activity by tachycardia, diaphoresis, pallor, peripheral cyano-
leads to fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations
Class IV Symptomatic at rest. Discomfort increases with
sis with pallor, and coldness of the extremities.
any physical activity • Tachycardia or arrhythmia.
• Tachypnea, increased work of breathing.
• Pulmonary rales over the lung bases, frequently
and the amount of effort required to provoke them accompanied by wheezing, especially in the infant.
(Table 49.2). • Pleural effusion, usually bilateral, and/or ascites.
Because of the inability to use this classification in • Jugular venous distention and peripheral edema, due
small children, R.D. Ross has proposed to grade the to systemic venous hypertension – may be difficult
severity of heart failure in infants based on feeding, to appreciate or absent in infants.
respiratory pattern, and clinical parameters [19]: • Hepatojugular reflux, found in older children with
right-sided heart failure.
• Congestive heart failure (CHF) is present with a • Hepatomegaly, most reliable sign of cardiac failure
history of less than 105  ml/feed, respiratory rate in the infant.
greater than 50/min, an abnormal respiratory pattern, • Gallop rhythm, with a protodiastolic (S3) and/or
diastolic filling sounds, and hepatomegaly. telediastolic (S4) gallop, one of the earliest cardiac
• Moderate to severe CHF is present when patients physical finding in decompensated heart failure.
take less than 90  ml/feed or greater than 40  min/ • Accentuated second heart sound if associated with
feed, have an abnormal respiratory pattern with a pulmonary hypertension.
resting respiratory rate greater than 60/min, and have • Cardiomegaly with a displaced apical impulse.
a diastolic filling sound and moderate hepatomegaly. • Systolic murmurs
• Severe CHF is accompanied by a heart rate greater – Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation murmurs are
than 170/min, decreased perfusion, and severe often present in patients with decompensated
hepatomegaly. heart failure because of ventricular dilatation.
• Failure to thrive and cachexia
– Related to increased total metabolism secondary
to augmentation of myocardial oxygen con-
49.5  Clinical Features sumption and excessive work of breathing.

In the infant, clinical history can reveal failure to

thrive, poor feeding associated with diaphoresis,
vomiting, increased work of breathing and irritability. 49.6  Laboratory Studies
The older child can present with dyspnea, orthopnea,
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, poor appetite and • Complete blood count
growth, fatigue or weakness. – Useful to assess anemia, which may cause or
Although some of the physical signs of heart aggravate heart failure. Leukocytosis may result
failure described in this section can be seen in the from stress or signal an underlying infection.
compensated patient, the focus here will be on the • Electrolytes
expected features of a patient with decompensated – Hyponatremia reflects an expansion of extracel-
or severe acute heart failure as would be seen in the lular fluid volume in the setting of a normal total
ICU setting. body sodium.
49  Cardiac Failure 561

Table 49.3  Viral etiologies of myocarditis

Viral etiologies of myocarditis:
Coxsackie virus Respiratory syncitial virus Cytomegalovirus Herpes virus (herpes simplex and
human herpes virus 6)
Adenovirus Mumps Echovirus HIV
Parvovirus B19 Rubella Epstein–Barr virus Parainfluenza
Influenza A virus Varicella Hepatitis C virus Measles

– Hypokalemia and hypochloremia can be the ondary liver dysfunction and can be a useful sero-
result of prolonged administration of diuretics. logic marker for monitoring response to therapeutic
– Hyperkalemia can be the result of impaired renal interventions. Abrupt elevations on lactate levels
perfusion and marked reductions in glomerular may occur early in the process of decompensation
filtration rate (GFR) or from intracellular potas- and should motivate caregivers to aggressively treat
sium release due to impaired tissue perfusion. patients, trying to reverse or to compensate the
• Renal function tests acute changes leading to the cardiac failure.
– Elevated BUN and BUN/creatinine ratios are • Infectious serologies
seen in decompensated heart failure. – Viral infections (Table 49.3) are the most com-
• Liver function tests mon cause of infectious myocarditis, but bacte-
– Congestive hepatomegaly is often associated with rial, rickettsial (e.g., Q fever), fungal, spirochetal
impaired hepatic function, which is characterized (e.g., Lyme disease), and protozoal (e.g., Chagas,
by elevation of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), malaria) infections are other possibilities.
alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactic dehydroge- • Metabolic work-up
nase (LDH), and other liver enzymes. – Metabolic evaluation of a patient presenting to
– Hyperbilirubinemia (both direct and indirect) is the intensive care unit with cardiac failure should
related to acute hepatic venous congestion and is be dictated based on patient age, history, and
common with severe right heart failure. Elevated clinical suspicion.
alkaline phosphatase, and prolongation of the – Total carnitine level and an acylcarnitine profile
prothrombin time can be seen. In children with can demonstrate carnitine transporter defects.
long-standing heart failure and poor nutritional sta- – Urine organic and amino acids. Specifically,
tus, hypoalbuminemia results from hepatic syn- quantitative 3-methylglutaconic aciduria should
thesis impairment. be obtained in boys with clinical suspicion for
• B-type natriuretic peptide Barth syndrome. This X-linked disorder is asso-
– BNP is a natriuretic peptide released in response ciated with dilated cardiomyopathy, failure to
to ventricular volume expansion and pressure thrive, neutropenia, and muscle weakness.
overload. In normal individuals, BNP levels are – Thiamine deficiency is a rare problem in devel-
elevated immediately after birth, but fall to adult oped countries, but when found usually occurs
levels by 3 months of age [20]. In the setting of in association with lactic acidosis and anemia.
heart failure, BNP levels correlate closely with • Inflammatory markers
the NYHA Classification of Heart Failure and – C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedi-
with ventricular filling pressures [21–24]. BNP mentation rate (ESR) and TNF-a are nonspe-
levels of more than 80 pg/ml have a good speci- cific, but can be supportive evidence of an
ficity and sensitivity in diagnosing heart acute inflammatory process and indicative of
failure [17]. ongoing cardiac injury.
• CPK-MB, troponin I and T can be useful if the clinical – The presence of autoantibodies (e.g., antimyo-
scenario is suggestive of an ischemic process. sin) is a negative Prognostic finding [25].
• Lactate – Endocrine work-up
– Elevated lactate is seen in patients with decompen- – Thyroid function tests – both profound hyper or
sated heart failure as a result of decreased tissue hypothyroidism can cause heart failure.
perfusion and/or decreased metabolism due to sec- • Arterial blood gas
562 C. Tissot et al.

– ABGs usually reveal mild hypoxemia in patients Heart rhythm can be abnormal secondary to cardiac
who have mild-to-moderate heart failure. Severe dysfunction or electrolyte abnormalities. However,
heart failure often leads to severe hypoxemia, because an underlying primary arrhythmia (e.g.,
or even hypoxia. Hypocapnia occurs in the early supraventricular tachycardia) may be the cause of
stages of pulmonary edema because of ventila- heart failure, the heart rhythm at the time of presen-
tion/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, progressing to tations should be closely scrutinized.
hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis, related to • Conduction abnormalities
decreased vital capacity and poor ventilation. – Heart block can occur as a result of the inciting
event (e.g., in assocation with infectious myo-
carditis) or in association with medical therapies
(e.g., digoxin, verapamil – 1° or higher levels of
49.7  Diagnostic Studies and Imaging heart block; amiodarone – prolonged QTc).
– Congenital complete heart block is associated
with eventual development of dilated cardiomyo-
49.7.1  Chest Radiography
pathy and heart failure. The reported incidence of
heart failure in this patient population has been
• Cardiomegaly and alveolar edema with pleural variable, and ranges from 6 to 23% [26–28].
effusions and bilateral infiltrates in a butterfly • Prolonged QTc and abnormal QT dispersion are
pattern are the classic findings on chest radiography commonly associated with cardiomyopathies due
in the setting of heart failure (Fig. 49.1). to repolarization abnormalities and both have been
• Other signs are haziness of hilar shadows, vascular noted to be markers for poor outcome [29, 30].
redistribution and thickening of interlobular septa • Chamber enlargement/hypertrophy
(Kerley B lines). – Left atrial enlargement and LV hypertrophy
is sensitive for chronic LV dysfunction. In the
setting of acute LV dysfunction, with the
49.7.2  Electrocardiogram (ECG) exception of sinus tachycardia, the ECG may
be normal.
• Sinus tachycardia is a common and nearly universal – In acute myocarditis, the classic ECG findings
finding in acute and decompensated heart failure. are low QRS voltages with T wave flattening or
• Prominent Q waves and ST segment abnormalities
suggest myocardial ischemia (e.g., anomalous
coronary artery, Fig. 49.2).

49.7.3  Echocardiography

Transthoracic echocardiography can thoroughly assess

both systolic and diastolic ventricular function. The
presence and extent of valvular heart disease, structural
congenital heart disease, LV wall thickness, chamber
sizes, pericardial disease, regional wall motion abnor-
malities, proximal coronary artery distribution and size
can all be accurately determined in most children with
echocardiography (Fig. 49.3). Shortening fraction (SF)
by m-mode and ejection fraction (EF) by M-mode or
Fig. 49.1  Chest X-Ray in cardiac failure: cardiomegaly with Simpson’s biplane can be obtained (Fig. 49.4). Mitral
increased vascular markings suggestive of pulmonary oedema inflow Doppler, pulmonary venous Doppler, and tissue
49  Cardiac Failure 563

Fig. 49.2  Typical electrocardiogram in anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) syndrome:
Q waves in I and avL with prominent Q waves in V6

Fig. 49.3  Echocardiogram: Parasternal long-axis and short-axis view in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy showing a very
dilated and globular left ventricle

Doppler techniques can be used to assess left ventricular 49.7.4  Cardiac Catheterization
diastolic function.
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is seldom Cardiac catheterization is often a necessary adjunct in
necessary in pediatric patients as good quality con- the diagnostic approach to a patient with heart failure.
ventional transthoracic echocardiography is usually Direct hemodynamic data in combination with angio-
obtained. TEE imaging can be helpful when endo- grams clarifying structural anatomy can be essential
carditis is suspected, especially when there is concern in diagnosing and in some cases treating structural
about aortic root involvement. causes of heart failure. Despite advances in imaging
564 C. Tissot et al.

Fig. 49.4  M-mode echocardiography in a patient with dilated cardiomyopathy demonstrating severly depressed left ventricular
systolic function (decreased SF and EF)

technology, anomalous origin of the left coronary arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, and
artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) remains constrictive pericarditis can be difficult diagnoses to
an elusive diagnosis by echocardiography in some make with echocardiography, but can be well-defined
situations and can be definitively identified in the by MRI.
catheterization laboratory.
In idiopathic causes of cardiomyopathy a myocar-
dial biopsy can result in a definitive diagnosis. Viral
myocarditis, metabolic storage diseases, infiltrative 49.8  Monitoring
cardiomyopathies, and mitochondrial disorders among
others can be diagnosed by biopsy. However, unfortu-
nately nonspecific findings such as myocyte hypertro- Of course the care of all critically ill patients starts
phy, abnormal nuclei and fibrosis are common [31]. with stabilization of the airway and circulation.
Endomyocardial biopsies are not without risk. Injury Once these goals are obtained further management of
to the tricuspid valve, heart block, arrhythmias, cardiac the heart failure patient is optimized with the use of
perforation and death although rare, can occur. invasive hemodynamic monitoring devices.
• Central venous pressure monitoring is necessary to
accurately assess fluid status and to evaluate for
alterations in the degree of restrictive physiology
49.7.5  C
 ardiac Magnetic Resonance
present. Patients in decompensated heart failure
Imaging (MRI) are highly dependent on adequate preload to
maintain cardiac output. However, excessive fluid
Although not often necessary in the evaluation of is counterproductive at some point and induction of
heart failure, cardiac MRI can be a useful noninvasive diuresis may become necessary.
adjunct in select cases. Myocardial function including • Swan Ganz catheters allow measurement of right
wall motion abnormalities as well as myocardial atrial pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary
perfusion and viability can be determined with MRI capillary wedge pressure, and mixed venous
[32, 33]. Identification of myocardial noncompaction, oxygen saturation. Use of these catheters is often
49  Cardiac Failure 565

not realistic in young infants, but transducing any • Near infrared spectrometry (NIRS) is an emerging
central venous line that could be used to trend the technology that may be a useful noninvasive tool
filling pressure of the right heart. for assessing tissue oxygenation and perfusion in
• Arterial pressure monitoring is necessary in patients the intensive care unit. A study of abdominal site
with marked hemodynamic deterioration requiring NIRS readings in infants and children requiring an
intravenous support. Continuous arterial pressure intervention for congenital heart disease demon-
readings allow titration of therapy to ensure adequate strated good correlation with serum lactate and
end-organ perfusion pressure. systemic mixed venous saturation [34].
• All patients with heart failure should be on constant
telemetry in the intensive care unit. Heart rhythm
abnormalities and alterations in heart rate must be
rapidly assessed and treated. 49.9  Medical Treatment
• In patients who are critically ill and sedated, a
Foley catheter can serve as a necessary means of
Medical therapy of heart failure (Table 49.4) focuses
obtaining precise measurements of urine output as a
on three main goals:
surrogate for renal perfusion.

Table 49.4  Medical therapy for cardiac failure

Medication Dosage (iv) Dosage (po)
Amrinone Loading 1–4 mg/kg (optional) then 3–15 mcg/kg/min
Atenolol 1–2 mg/kg q 12–24 h
Captopril Initial 0.05 mg/kg, then 0.1–2 mg/kg q 8 h
Carvedilol 0.08–0.7 mg/kg q day 12–24 h
Chlorothiazide 5–10 mg/kg q 12 h 10–20 mg/kg q 12 h
Digoxin Age dependent dosage: Loading 8–20 mg/
kg, then 5–10 mg/kg q day
Dobutamine 5–20 mg/kg/min
Dopamine Dopa 3–5 mg/kg/min, beta-1 5–15 mg/kg/min, alpha
15–20 mg/kg/min
Enalapril Initial 0.05 mg/kg, then 0.1–0.5 mg/kg q
12 h
Epinephrine 0.01–1 mg/kg/min
Esmolol Loading 100–500 mg/kg, then 50–300 mg/kg/min
Furosemide 0.05–0.4 mg/kg/h, 1–2 mg/kg q 6–24 h 1–2 mg/kg q 6–24 h
Hydrocholorothiazide 1–2 mg/kg q 12–24 h
Labetalol 0.25–4 mg/kg/h, 0.2–1 mg/kg q 6–12 h 1–2 mg/kg q 6–12 h
Levosimendan Loading 12 mg/kg over 1 h, then 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/min for
24–48 h
Lisinopril 0.1–0.4 mg/kg q day
Losartan 0.5–1.5 mg/kg q day
Metoprolol 0.1 mg/kg then 1-5 mcg/kg/min 0.1–2 mg/kg q day
Milrinone Loading 50 mg/kg (optional), then 0.25–0.75 mg/kg/min
Morphine 0.05–0.4 mg/kg/h, ventilated up to 1.2 mg/kg/h,
0.1–0.2 mg/kg q 1 h
Nesiritide Loading 1 mg/kg, then 0.005–0.02 mg/kg/min
Nitroglycerin 0.5–10 mg/kg/min
Nitroprusside 0.3–12 mg/kg/min
Norepinephrine 0.05–0.5 mg/kg/min
Phenoxybenzamine Loading 1 mg/kg, then 0.5 mg/kg q 8–12 h 0.2–0.5 mg/kg q 8–12 h
Phenylephrine Loading 5–10mcg/kg, then 1–5mcg/kg/min
Propranolol Initial 0.5 mg/kg, then 1–4 mg/kg q 8 h
Spironolactone 1–3 mg/kg q 12–24 h
566 C. Tissot et al.

1. Preload reduction results in decreased pulmonary – The RALES (Randomized Aldactone Evaluation
capillary hydrostatic pressure and reduction of fluid Study) trial in adults demonstrated improved
transudation into the pulmonary interstitium and NYHA class and decreased mortality and hospi-
alveoli. talization rate in patients with advanced heart
2. Afterload reduction obtained by decreasing systemic failure treated with spironolactone [36]. Whether
vascular resistance results in increased cardiac output these findings would translate to the pediatric
and improved end-organ perfusion. population is unknown.
3. Inhibition of both RAAS and vasoconstrictor
neurohumoral factors results in vasodilation, thereby
increasing cardiac output and reducing myocardial
oxygen demand. 49.9.2  Vasodilators

• ACE inhibitors
– ACE inhibitors block the adverse effects result-
ing from the chronic activation of the renin–
49.9.1  Diuretics
angiotensin system that occurs in heart failure.
Prevention of the formation of angiotensin II
• Loop diuretics and its subsequent vasoconstrictive effects and
– Diuretic therapy is the cornerstone of heart fail- promotion of vasodilation via bradykinin results
ure treatment. in reduced afterload and preload, improved
– Loop diuretics inhibit the Na+/K+/2Cl− cotransport stroke volume and cardiac output.
system in the loop of Henle. The result is increased – Left ventricular remodeling is diminished by
excretion of sodium, potassium, chloride, hydrogen, ACE inhibitor therapy. Prevention of the for-
and water. Loop diuretics reduce preload through mation of angiotensin II results in limitation of
diuresis and by increasing venous capacitance. myocyte hypertrophy, fibrosis, and myocyte
– Furosemide is the most commonly used, but apoptosis that would otherwise occur [37].
bumetanide has a higher bioavailability and may – Captopril rather than enalapril is preferred in neo-
be more effective [35]. nates because of the delayed capacity of neontates
– In patients with diastolic heart failure or restric- to biotransform enalapril to enlalaprilat [38].
tive physiology who are minimally fluid over- – Studies consistently demonstrate that ACE inhibi-
loaded, aggressive diuretic use may be associated tors prolong survival and reduce morbidity in heart
with hypotension and adverse outcomes, so failure [39–41].
careful titration based on cardiac output and – In children with a left-to-right shunt, ACE inhibi-
central venous monitoring is essential. tors reduce the Qp:Qs by decreasing systemic vas-
• Thiazides cular resistance, but is less effective in those with
– Thiazides inhibit the Na+/Cl− cotransporter in the elevated pulmonary pressures [42, 43]. ACE inhib-
distal convoluted tubule resulting in increased itors have also been demonstrated to be efficacious
sodium and chloride excretion. for valvular regurgitation in children [44].
– Hydrochlorothiazide, chlorothiazide, and metola- • Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
zone are particularly useful in combination with – ARBs inhibit angiotensin II and are especially
loop diuretics in patients suffering from heart useful in patients with heart failure who are oth-
failure. erwise intolerant to ACE inhibitors [44] Few
• Potassium sparing diuretics data are available in children so far.
– The mechanism of action of spironolactone is to • Sodium Nitroprusside
block aldosterone effect in the distal tubule and – Results in simultaneous preload and afterload
collecting duct. The association of a loop diuretic reduction with a greater effect on afterload reduc-
and spironolactone is useful to maintain serum tion through direct smooth muscle relaxation.
potassium levels and avoid the need for potas- – Potency and rapidity of onset make it an ideal med-
sium supplements. ication in critical situations and dose should be
49  Cardiac Failure 567

titrated based on reduction in filling pressures and reserve and complete hemodynamic collapse can occur
improvement in symptoms. Because it may induce as a result of high-dose inotropic support in this setting.
precipitous falls in blood pressure, intraarterial For this reason, early and elective use of mechanical
blood pressure monitoring is often recommended. circulatory support should be considered in all patients
– Byproducts of nitroprusside include nitric oxide with severe myocardial dysfunction that is refractory
and cyanide. Prolonged use and use in those with to medical therapy including low-dose inotropic sup-
hepatic dysfunction should be avoided due to port. Mechanical support is covered in detail elsewhere
increased risk of thiocyanate toxicity. and will not be discussed in this chapter.
• Nitroglycerin
• Dopamine
– Intravenous nitroglycerin provides rapid and titrat-
– Effects are dose-dependent. As with other inotro-
able preload reduction by increasing venous capac-
pic agents, moderate and high dosages are arrhyth-
itance. Its arterial vasodilatory effects result in
mogenic and may be counterproductive as a result
afterload reduction as well. It is widely used in the
of inc reased myocardial oxygen demand.
adult population for patients with ischemic heart
– Low dosages (0.5–3 mg/kg/min) cause stimula-
disease given its coronary vasodilatory properties,
tion of dopaminergic receptors within the renal
and more sporadically used in pediatrics.
and splanchnic vascular beds, causing vasodila-
– Nitroglycerin may be useful in children who have
tion and increased diuresis.
had coronary reimplantation as a result of the
– Moderate dosages (3–10 mg/kg/min) cause stim-
­arterial switch operation or ALCAPA repair, as it
ulation of b-receptors in the myocardium, result-
provides afterload reduction while decreasing
ing in increased cardiac contractility (inotropy),
myocardial oxygen consumption and providing
blood pressure, and heart rate.
coronary ­vasodilation and decreasing transmural
– High dosages (10–20 mg/kg/min) cause stimula-
tension. Nitroglycerin may reverse the coronary
tion of a-receptors, resulting in peripheral and
vasoconstrictive effects of endothelin-1 post-bypass
pulmonary vasoconstriction and therefore
in children undergoing cardiac surgery [46].
increased SVR and PVR.
• a-adrenergic blockers
– Phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine, and nicergo- • Dobutamine
line are potent vasodilators that have been used – A b1-receptor agonist, with some b2-receptor and
for the treatment of severe left ventricular fail- minimal a-receptor activity.
ure. Although not widely used for heart failure, – Intravenous dobutamine induces significant pos-
these drugs decrease peripheral vascular resis- itive inotropic effects with mild chronotropic
tance, resulting in an increase in cardiac output effects. It also induces mild peripheral vasodila-
and stroke volume. tion, decreasing SVR and PVR.
– Combined use of phenoxybenzamine and dop- – The combined effect of increased inotropy with
amine has been shown to be beneficial in children decreased afterload results in a significant
with low cardiac output syndrome who are difficult increase in cardiac output.
to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass, by prevent- • Epinephrine
ing the a-adrenergic action of dopamine and – A b1-, b2-, and a-receptor agonist that primarily
encouraging its b-adrenergic action [47]. exerts b effects at low doses (0.01–0.02 mg/kg/
min) with a and b effects at higher doses.
Vasodilation via b2-receptor effect is seen in low
49.9.3  Intravenous Inotropes doses, while at higher doses, positive inotropic
effects, tachycardia, and mild increased blood
Inotropic support must be used judiciously and with pressure secondary to vasoconstriction result.
caution in the setting of patients with heart failure. • Norepinephrine
Although increased inotropy results in improved – An a- and b1-receptor agonist, resulting in vaso-
cardiac output and blood pressure, it comes at the constriction and significant increases in afterload
expense of increased myocardial oxygen consumption with subsequent increase in myocardial oxygen
and demand. The failing myocardium has a limited demand and reduced cardiac output.
568 C. Tissot et al.

• Isoproterenol decrease mortality and decrease myocardial oxy-

– b 1- and b 2-receptor agonist, induces increased gen consumption [51–53]. b-blockers are recom-
inotropy and increased heart rate, but is poten- mended for use in adults with stable heart failure
tially arrhythmogenic. resulting from left ventricular dysfunction. Data in
children is less clear with the results of a multi-
center, placebo controlled trial expected soon [54].
49.9.4  Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (PDEIs) – b-blocker effectiveness for heart failure depends
on the type of b-receptor activity present as well
• Milrinone and amrinone as a-blocking properties. Carvedilol specifically
– PDEIs increase intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a b1 and b2 antagonist, is an a-blocker and
by inhibiting phosphodiesterase III. Increased has antioxidant effects and is thus thought to
cAMP results in kinase activation and phosphory- have advantages over agents such as metoprolol
lation of phospholamban resulting in improved cal- – a pure b1-blocker [55].
cium metabolism by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. – In children with left-to-right shunts and overcir-
– The hemodynamic results of increased cAMP culation, b-blocker therapy improves feeding,
are positive inotropic effect, peripheral vasodila- weight gain, and symptoms [56].
tion (activation of protein kinase G), and – When initiating therapy, b-blockers should be started
improved myocardial relaxation (lusitropy). at a very low dosage and gradually increased to
PDEIs do not cause tachycardia and therefore maximum therapeutic dosage with close monitoring
myocardial oxygen demand is not increased as according to heart rate and blood pressure [57].
with other inotropic agents. However, ventricu- • Digoxin
lar arrhythmias remain a side effect. – Acts by inhibiting the Na+/K+–ATPase transport
– Milrinone has been demonstrated to be useful in pump and inhibits sodium and potassium trans-
children with low cardiac output syndrome fol- port across cell membranes. This increases the
lowing cardiac surgery [48, 49]. velocity and shortening of cardiac muscle, result-
– As PDEIs are not dependent on adrenoreceptor ing in a shift upward and to the left of the ven-
activity, they are less likely to induce tolerance. tricular function (Frank–Starling) curve. The
Alternatively, tolerance to catecholamine-based positive inotropic effect is due to an increase in
inotropes can develop rapidly through downreg- the availability of cytosolic calcium during sys-
ulation of adrenoreceptors. tole, thus increasing the velocity and extent of
– In adult studies oral milrinone therapy for heart myocardial sarcomere shortening [58, 59].
failure was associated with worse outcome and – Routine use of digoxin for pediatric heart failure
increased mortality [50]. is controversial. Adult studies demonstrate no
mortality benefit, but improved symptoms and
decreased hospitalizations [60].
49.9.5  Oral Heart Failure Agents – Digoxin toxicity can affect the gastrointestinal (nau-
sea, vomiting), neurologic (headache, visual distur-
• b-adrenergic blocking agents (metoprolol, carvedilol) bances) and cardiac (heart block and arrhythmias)
– Ratio of b1:b2-receptors in the non-failing myo- systems. Particular attention should be paid when
cardium is approximately 3:1. Downregulation of digoxin is used in association with loop diuretics, as
b1-receptors in the failing heart results in a ratio of hypokalemia enhances digoxin intoxication.
1:1. • Nesiritide
– The beneficial effect of b-blockade is mediated – A recombinant B-type natriuretic peptide.
primarily through inhibition of sympathetic sys- – Nesiritide is used for sym ptomatic relief of
tem activation that occurs in heart failure, but acute decompensated heart failure in adults.
also reversal of adverse remodeling and upreg- – In children with primary heart failure or low car-
ulation of myocardial b-receptors. diac output after heart surgery, nesiritide has
– b-blockers improve symptoms, exercise tolerance, been associated with improved diuresis [61]. In
cardiac hemodynamics, LV ejection fraction, children awaiting cardiac transplantation, nesir-
49  Cardiac Failure 569

itide has been related to increased urine output 49.11  Outcome

without significant blood pressure change [62].
Pediatric data is still scarce.
The outcome of pediatric heart failure depends on the
• Levosimendan
underlying diagnosis and the availability of appropriate
– A new calcium-sensitizing agent with inodilator
medical and surgical treatment. Dilated cardiomyopathy
is the most common form of heart muscle disease in
– In children with low cardiac output post-cardio-
children. The survival rate for this disease in children
pulmonary bypass, levosimendan demonstrates
is highly variable, ranging from 40 to 80% at 5 years
trends toward improved hemodynamics with
[67–70]. Myocarditis has generally had a better
heart rate reduction, increase in mean arterial
prognosis than idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
blood pressure, improvement of systolic and dia-
even if mechanical circulatory support is necessary.
stolic function, reduction in lactate, and reduced
Fifty to eighty percent of patients with viral myocarditis
conventional inotropic requirement [63].
have been reported to have complete resolution of
– Levosimendan does not increase myocardial
their cardiomyopathy within 2 years of their diagnosis
oxygen consumption and has also resulted in objec-
tive improvement in myocardial performance in
Children with failed palliation of congenital heart
children with end-stage or acute heart failure
defects present another group of patients that require
who are dependent on intravenous inotropic
management for heart failure. Systemic right ventricular
­support [64].
failure, single ventricle failure, or post-cardiopulmonary
bypass failure all present unique management chal-
lenges in the cardiac intensive care unit. New modali-
49.9.6  Anticoagulation ties of therapy have improved outcomes and survival
in pediatric patients with heart failure. Mechanical
Intracardiac thrombus and embolic events are a circulatory support and heart transplantation are viable
complication of heart failure in children. The protective options in patients with end-stage heart disease or
effect of anticoagulation to prevent thromboembolic complex cardiac defects. These subjects are discussed
events is unclear with ongoing studies aimed at deter- in detail elsewhere in this text and therefore will not be
mining optimal therapy [65]. Risk factors to consider addressed here, but nevertheless are important and
include severe left ventricular dysfunction and dilation, vital adjuncts when medical therapy fails.
history of thromboembolism, and atrial fibrillation.

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Chapter 50
Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview

Eduardo M. da Cruz and Jonathan Kaufman

50.1  Definition 50.2  Brief Pathophysiological Summary

Shock is a situation of circulatory failure character- Circulatory function depends on complex interactions
ized by a generalized and severe decrease of tissue between, the heart, central, and peripheral circulation
oxygen and nutrient delivery. Shock, whatever the and the neurohormonal axis. All of these components
etiology, induces reversible and later irreversible cell constantly change in order to adapt to tissue oxygen
lesions. demands. The final product of these interactions is an
The immediate effect of this imbalance of supply adequate tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery that
and demand, is that cells cannot sustain their normal depends on the following factors:
aerobic oxygen production and have to develop anaer-
• Cardiac output (CO)
obic pathways to generate energy. The activation of
• Systemic vascular resistances (SVR)
these anaerobic pathways results in the production,
• Oxygen transport and delivery
excretion, and accumulation of lactic acid. Nevertheless,
• Oxygen extraction and consumption
this resource is limited and cells develop membrane
ionic pump lesions with accumulation of intracellular Disruption of one or multiple of these aspects may
sodium, efflux of potassium, and accumulation of result in shock.
cytosolic acid with subsequent membrane breakdown
and cell death.
Shock can damage all tissues and systems and
­rapidly progress toward multiorgan failure. It must 50.3  The Cardiac Output
can be identified as early as possible, and aggres-
sively  treated, in order to reverse the metabolic Cardiac output (CO) depends essentially on four
derangements. factors: preload, afterload, heart rate (HR), and
It is therefore fundamental to: contractility (Fig. 50.1).
• Identify the type of circulatory failure
Preload represents the initial ventricular volume before
• Identify predisposing and triggering factors
ejection. It depends on the following factors:
• Define etiological and pathophysiological patterns
that will conduce to a therapeutic plan • Total circulating volume
• Distribution of intra and extrathoracic volume:
Intrathoracic pressure (cardiopulmonary interac-
tions are essential)
Intrapericardial pressure
E.M. da Cruz (*)
Body position
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Intensive Care, Department of
Pediatrics, The Children’s Hospital of Denver, Aurora, CO, USA Myocardial “pump” effect
e-mail: Venous tonus

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 573
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_50, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
574 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

Shock in the cardiac patient

Left ventricular

Preload Stroke BP
Shortening of Cardiac

Fig. 50.1  Factors involved in cardiac output

• Atrial contraction • Force–velocity ratio

• Exogenous inotropic agents
• Physiological depressors
The afterload represents the addition of resistances against
• Pharmacological depressors
which the ventricle ejects blood into the vessels, added
• Loss of ventricular mass
to central vascular impedance and to vascular bed
• Intrinsic myocardial depression
resistances. Afterload depends on the following factors:
• Blood pressure (BP)
Arterial stiffness 50.4  F
 actors that Influence Both
Stroke volume the Cardiac Output and the SVR
• Ventricular volume and thickness
• Diastolic function and compliance
Heart rate (HR): • Release of local vasodilators (i.e., adenosine)
Heart rate is particularly important in the neonate • Release of endothelial vasodilators (i.e., EDRF-NO)
and the young infant as this is the most important • Release of endothelial vasoconstrictors (i.e., EDCF)
means by which they increase cardiac output. Heart • Smooth muscle activity
rate depends on a large variety of factors. • Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity (sympa-
Contractility: thetic/parasympathetic balance)
Contractility is the intrinsic capacity of the myocyte to • Modulation of the ANS by baroreceptors and central
contract, thus representing the inotropic status. It is vasomotor control
modified by a number of metabolic and hormonal • Cathecolamine effect (“stress-response”)
demands that can ultimately impact the systolic function: • Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone activity
• Endogenous adrenergic activity • Vasopressin levels
• Circulating cathecolamines • Levels of endogenous vasodilators (i.e., quinines-PG)
50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 575

50.5  O
 xygen Delivery, Transport, 50.6  Diagnosis
and Extraction
Five types of cardiocirculatory failure may be defined
The capacity to ensure an adequate transport of as follows (Figs. 50.3 and 50.4).
oxygen and nutrients and to eliminate metabolic waste Hypovolemic shock is secondary to a deficiency of
is determined by the following factors: intravascular volume. This accounts for the most
frequent causes of shock in pediatrics. Rapid reduction
• Adequate ventilation of intravascular volume causes an abrupt reduction of
• Adequate oxygen transport by a normal hemoglobin cardiac preload and therefore of stroke volume and
(may be affected, i.e., by methemoglobin) cardiac output.
• Adequate oxygen extraction and consumption Hypovolemic shock may also be caused by
(may be affected, i.e., by CO intoxication or factors hemorrhage. In this case, hemoglobin transport is also
altering the hemoglobin dissociation curve) affected.
Alteration of hemoglobin dissociation curve Hypovolemic status may also be identified in
(Fig. 50.2): patients with cardiac dysfunction, after CPBP,
who have developed a significant capillary leak.
• Right shift: Although these patients appear total body fluid
Increase of: H+, pCO2, T°, 2–3 DPG positive, their intravascular space may be severely
• Left shift: Cardiogenic shock is due to a primary “pump”
Decrease of: H+, pCO2, T°, 2–3 DPG, methemoglobin, dysfunction, such as the case of severe and persistent
fetal hemoglobin arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, cardiomyopathy, or
in the context of postoperative low cardiac output
• Other important factors to consider: syndrome (LCOS).
Cardiopulmonary interactions The obstructive (extracardiac) shock is due to
Interventricular interactions obstructions that produce a massive increase in afterload
Interventricular and atrioventricular synchrony or that reduce the filling capacity of the heart.

The hemoglobin oxygen dissociation e


Fig. 50.2  The hemoglobin dissociation curve

576 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

Shock in the cardiac patient


Obstructive Distributive or
Cardiogenic Hypovolemic Dissociative
(extra-cardiac) Vasoplegic

“”Pump” dysfunction Restriction to flow Inadequate volume Vascular bed Decreased capacity to
anomaly deliver O2

Infarct/ischemia Tamponade Hemorrhage Sepsis Severe anemia

Dilated Constrictive Dehydration Toxic Metahemoglobin

cardiomyopathy pericarditis
Anaphylactic Co intoxication
Dysfunction/sepsis PTE
Mitral regurgitation Severe hypertension
Left obstruction Aortic coarctation/
interrupted aortic arch Inflammatory
Tension pneumothorax

Fig. 50.3  Types of shock in pediatric cardiac patients

Shock in the cardiac patient


Obstructive Distributive or
Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Dissociative
(extra-cardiac) Vasoplegic

Hemorrhage Tamponade

Decreased/ Decreased/ Systolic Decreased

preload filling dysfunction SVR

Cardiac Output Increased/normal Abnormal flow
Cardiac Output distribution/micro-circ.

perfusion Multiorgan
SHOCK failure

Fig. 50.4  Brief pathophysiology of the different types of shock affecting pediatric cardiac patients

This may happen with anatomic anomalies, such as anomalies like systemic hypertension (left-sided func-
left side anatomic obstructive lesions that significantly tional obstruction that increases the afterload), pulmo-
increase left afterload: aortic stenosis, aortic coarcta- nary hypertension (right-sided functional obstruction
tion or interrupted aortic arch, or with functional that increases the afterload). It may also be secondary
50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 577

to situations that affect cardiac filling like cardiac tam- • General condition, presence of irritability, weak-
ponade or a tension pneumothorax. ness, asthenia, lethargy, neurologic status, periph-
Distributive or vasoplegic shock appears in patients eral perfusion and pulses, quality of peripheral
who may have normal or hyperdynamic cardiac function pulses, presence or modification of cardiac mur-
but in whom the vascular tone is severely decreased, as murs, presence of organomegaly
in the case of sepsis, anaphylaxis, systemic inflammatory • Vital signs: blood pressure (upper and lower limbs),
disorders, and spinal cord injuries. These patients have central venous pressure (CVP), heart rate, respiratory
a relative hypovolemia due to an increased vascular rate, T°, O2 saturation
capacitance but do not adequately respond to massive
Tachycardia is a common sign of shock, particularly in
volume administration alone.
neonates who compensate cardiac output by increasing
Dissociative shock happens in the context where the
cardiac rate. In some circumstances, this physiological
capacity to transport (i.e., severe anemia or abnormal
response is blunted by autonomic or pharmacologic
hemoglobin) or to extract (i.e., CO intoxication) oxygen
changes. Patients in shock tend to be tachycardic
is severely depressed.
whether they are compensated or not.
Diagnosis of shock involves the clinical recognition
Blood pressure may be within the adequate range
of symptoms and signs, although these may be very
for the age in patients in early shock in whom
non-specific and appear clinically late in presentation.
compensatory mechanisms (i.e., increased peripheral
This sometimes makes the identification of shock
resistances) are activated.
rather difficult, particularly in small infants and in
Skin perfusion may be instrumental in orienting
those patients in whom the circulatory failure is still
therapy. As shock progresses, the microcirculation tends
partially compensated. Thus, clinical diagnosis often
to promote perfusion of target organs by inducing
occurs late and identification of early markers is cru-
vasoconstriction. However, there are two main excep-
cial not only for diagnosis but also for follow up.
tions to this scenario. First, patients in septic, anaphy-
It is important to keep in mind that different types
lactic, or inflammatory shock who present in “warm”
of shock may coexist in the same patient.
vasoplegia, may have very well-perfused skin. Second,
patients with severe vasoplegia may have very low
peripheral resistances in major vessels, and yet, their
50.6.1  Clinical History microcirculation promotes vasoconstriction. In other
words, these patients look clinically peripherally
Clinical background is essential to make diagnosis partic- vasoconstricted and still may require vasopressors
ularly in patients known to have cardiac disease. However, rather than vasodilators. This situation may be difficult
a crucial concept to keep in mind is that a cardiac patient to assess in small infants.
in shock is not necessarily in cardiogenic shock.
• Other unspecific markers that may be affected by
A history of increased volume losses (diarrhea,
vomiting, bleeding, trauma) may steer the caregiver
toward the diagnosis of hypovolemic shock. Increase of central to peripheral T° gradient:
Fever, background of immunosuppression (i.e., Normal <3°C
transplanted patients), young age may suggest sepsis. Decrease of diuresis:
Neonates with tachypnea on feeding or feeding refusal Normal >1 ml/kg/h
who present with cardiac murmurs, cyanosis, or anom-
alous peripheral pulses may have a cardiogenic shock.

50.6.3  Complementary Tests

50.6.2  Clinical Examination
• Arterial blood gases
A full clinical examination remains an important diag- Modifications in blood gases may be poorly specific or
nostic tool although it may not always be a specific one sensitive and may not be identified early enough.
Crucial aspects to keep in mind are: Usually, patients in shock have metabolic acidosis and
578 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

eventually hyperlactatemia or lactic acidosis, depending PiCCO and Flo-trac are under investigation in the
on the degree of cellular injury. pediatric population.
• Chest X-ray
• Doppler/electric impedance
Chest X-ray may be useful in assessing the cardiac • rSO2: near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS):
sillhouette for cardiomegaly, lung fields for differ-
NIRS is an important tool to assess regional perfusion,
ential perfusion, and to evaluate for infection, noncar-
mostly in the brain, in the kidneys, and in the mesen-
diogenic lung edema (ARDS-type), or other respiratory
tery. It may provide useful information as a trend mon-
itor of regional perfusion and response to medical
• ECG therapy.
ECG is very unspecific but may be useful in patients • SvO2:
with cardiac anomalies and to rule-out arrhythmias
The use of mixed venous saturations may be restricted
and conductive disorders.
by the need for indwelling catheters in very small
• Biologic and metabolic status, cultures patients. A blood sample must be taken from the right
atrium (via a central venous catheter or via a Swan–
CBC, inflammatory markers (CRP, ESR) and cultures
Ganz catheter). The result may be determined by
are essential to rule-out sepsis. Procalcitonin levels
comparing the venous saturation (SvO2) with the
may become an important marker of infection, particu-
arterial saturation (SaO2), measured directly by the
larly in patients who have undergone recent cardiac
oxygen saturation or by a peripheral arterial blood gas.
surgery on CPBP.
In patients with normal SaO2 (above 90%), the normal
• Echocardiography SvO2 should be around 70%.
This technique is limited in patients with univen-
Echocardiography is important in the diagnosis of
tricular physiology in whom the mandatory intracardiac
cardiogenic shock as well as other types that may
mixing does not allow interpretation of a given result,
induce cardiac dysfunction. Regardless of the etiology
although trends may be useful to assess response to
of shock, an assessment of cardiac function may be
vital in steering the medical therapy and to assess
If the oxygen extraction difference increases, the
efficacy of treatment.
SvO2 will drop (below 65%). This may suggest that
• Cardiac catheterization, CT scan, and MRI the perfusion to peripheral tissues is inadequate as it
happens in low cardiac output conditions (cardiogenic
Cardiac catheterization, CT scan, and MRI may also
be useful tools to assess residual cardiac lesions and
If the oxygen extraction difference decreases, the
function in patients with severe cardiac dysfunction in
SvO2 increase (above 80%) suggesting an inappropriate
whom echocardiography or invasive measurements do
distribution of flow in the microcirculation as it
not provide clear data.
happens in distributive and vasoplegic shock.
• More specific evaluation of cardiac output
• Blood lactates:
This may be difficult in neonates and young infants:
The importance of blood lactates has been well
• Fick’s method recognized:
• Thermodilution techniques/PICCO®/Flo-Trac®/
a ) Early marker, reliable, quite specific and sensitive
b) Easily available
These techniques allow estimation of cardiac output c) Correlation with mortality/complications
and index (Swan–Ganz, PiCCO, Flo-Trac), pulmonary d) Normal <1.5 mmol/l; alert if >4 mmol/l
and systemic peripheral resistances and pulmonary e) Value trend is crucial
capillary wedge pressure (Swan–Ganz), and left f) Hyperlactatemia versus lactic acidosis: isolated
ventricular diastolic volume (PiCCO). The Swan–Ganz increase in blood lactates is considered as hyperlac-
technology has been fully validated for decades whereas tatemia and may be an indicator of a starting
50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 579

cellular injury or of lack of lactate elimination rapid improvement. However, patients who present
(mostly in the liver). Lactic acidosis is a more critically ill or in whom peripheral access is deemed
severe process in which cellular injury is ongoing difficult to obtain should have an indwelling central
and reflects the elimination of cellular lactates and line inserted as soon as possible. Intraosseous lines
H+ ions into the blood stream. remain a good palliation until further stabilization
g) Combination Lactate/SvO2 allowing the insertion of safer lines. The same principles
apply to the insertion of a peripheral arterial line.
An arterial line allows for continuous blood pressure
monitoring and is a means to obtain serial blood gases
50.6.4  Multiorgan Assessment in a less traumatic manner.
Circulatory improvement is usually achieved by the
Assessment of multiorgan compromise is vital in following measures, determined by the etiological
patients admitted in shock. Exhaustive clinical and orientation:
complimentary tests should be run to appraise the
• Administration of volume expanders: the choice of
function of kidneys, liver, pancreas, brain, lungs, gut, and
the fluid to administer ought to be individualized
adrenocortical glands, in addition to the cardiovascular
(i.e., blood and fresh frozen plasma if the patient
is bleeding, isotonic crystalloid infusions like
0.9% sodium chloride or Ringer’s solution in
dehydrated patients, colloid such as albumin in
50.7  Management of Shock other circumstances).
Patients who receive aggressive and early fluid
Management of shock in the pediatric patient shares resuscitation have the best chance of surviving severe
common aspects regardless of the etiology and must septic or hypovolemic shock. Nevertheless, volume
be started while waiting for complementary diagnostic must be very cautiously administered in cardiogenic
data. The main initial objective is to preserve life and shock states and particular attention must be paid to
secondarily to preserve multiorgan function. No workup the diastolic function.
or imaging studies should delay medical measures to Patients who do not improve in spite of adequate
stabilize the patient. and aggressive volume administration should have a
There are therefore three lines of management: cardiovascular workup, including an echocardiogram,
to rule-out associated cardiac dysfunction.
• Resuscitation following the “A-B-C” principles
• Multiorgan support • Inotropic agents, vasodilators, or vasopressors:
• Specific therapy oriented by etiological suspicion the choice of drugs to use depends on the etiologi-
cal suspicion. All inotropic and vasoconstrictor
Patency of patient’s airways must be ensured as well as
agents should be carefully used, taking into account
adequate oxygenation and gas exchange. If the patient
their potential for adverse effects, including
has respiratory distress, caregivers should consider
increased myocardial oxygen consumption and
intubation and mechanical ventilation sooner than later.
A word of caution must be said though, with regard to
the induction of anesthesia or sedation, particularly in Dopamine is the main drug used as a first choice in
cardiac patients. Rapid sequence protocols should be patients with unspecified shock, either alone or
strongly considered in such cases. Etomidate is to be combined with other inotropic agents. It remains the
avoided if there is concern for infection or adrenocor- recommended first choice for fluid-refractory septic
tical dysfunction. shock (American College of Critical Care Medicine
The next step should be to ensure that the effective Task Force, 2002). At doses between 2 and 5 µg/kg/min,
circulating volume is optimized. For this purpose, the it promotes renal and splanchnic perfusion, between 5
assessment of the type of venous lines is essential. and 10 µg/kg/min, it adds a beta-1 agonist effect that
Patients who stay relatively stable may be managed improves myocardial contractility, cardiac output, and
with peripheral lines at the beginning, monitoring for enhances conduction and between 10 and 20 µg/kg/min,
580 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

it induces peripheral vasoconstriction by an added • The use of corticosteroids although controversial

alpha-agonist effect. is currently recommended, particularly in patients
Dobutamine, a primary beta-1 agonist, also offers with purpura fulminans or suspicion of Waterhouse–
the advantage of a more marked beta-2 mediated vaso- Friderichsen syndrome. Administration of hydro-
dilatory effect in patients requiring peripheral vasodila- cortisone hemisuccinate at 50–100 mg/m2/day may
tion. In some circumstances a very appropriate choice be beneficial and lifesaving. A cortisol level may be
for a patient with cardiogenic shock, helping to incre- drawn prior to the administration of the first dose, in
ment myocardial contractility and improving tissue order to decide the need to pursue steroid adminis-
perfusion. Therapeutic dose varies between 5 and 20 µg/ tration if baseline levels are less than 20 µg/dl.
kg/min. • Sodium bicarbonate: the use of sodium bicarbonate
Patients with cardiogenic shock may also benefit of in the treatment of shock is controversial.
milrinone (0.3–1 µg/kg/min) an may require further
Patients with depressed myocardial function who
peripheral vasodilation (i.e., with sodium nitroprusside,
develop severe acidosis may not optimally respond to
between 0.5 and 10 µg/kg/min). For patients with
primary cardiac anomalies, congenital or acquired,
milrinone is the first line inotrope. It improves myocar-
dial contractility while inducing peripheral systemic −− Studies in patients with cardiac arrest have not
vasodilation and provides some degree of nonselective demonstrated improved survival rates associated
pulmonary vasodilation. with the use of bicarbonate
When cardiac function is significantly depressed, −− Use of bicarbonate has not demonstrated to improve
regardless of the etiology, an epinephrine (adrenaline) the ability to defibrillate or to enhance oxygen debt
drip should be promptly started. Epinephrine stimulates −− Treatment with bicarbonate may theoretically worsen
alpha and beta receptors increasing myocardial intracellular acidosis while correcting seric levels.
contractility, but peripheral vasoconstriction may This is due to the fact that bicarbonate combines
occur. Myocardial oxygen consumption increases and with acid (H+) in serum resulting in the production
ventricular dysrhythmias may be triggered. Epinephrine of carbon dioxide and water (Henderson–Hasselbach
may be titrated between 0.05 and 0.3 µg/kg/min in equation). Then, it readily enters the cells and triggers
severe shock. the opposite reaction increasing intracellular
Patients with vasoplegic shock require the use acidosis.
of peripheral vasopressors, as selective for the −− Treatment with bicarbonate may induce a para-
peripheral receptors as possible, like phenylephrine doxical cerebral acidosis (for the same reason as
(0.5–5 µg/kg/min), vasopressin (0.0001–0.005  units/ above)
kg/min), or eventually norepinephrine or noradrenaline
Therefore, patients in shock who develop severe
(0.05–0.5 µg/kg/min). These vasopressors may be
acidosis should be corrected with a judicious use of
associated with inotropic agents if the cardiac function
inotropic drugs and volume and with optimal
is affected.
• Calcium: Nevertheless, with patients in refractory shock, who
do not respond to catecholamines or whenever there is
Calcium therapy (10–20 mg/kg/h using 10% calcium
an ongoing bicarbonate loss, careful and slow use of
chloride) may be useful when treating shock in patients
bicarbonate may be indicated.
with documented hypocalcemia, in patients having
There are two ways to estimate the amount of
required blood transfusion, and also for treating shock
bicarbonate to administer:
caused by arrhythmias precipitated by hyperkalemia,
hypermagnesemia, or calcium blockers intoxication. −− To administer 0.5–2  mEq/kg/dose infused over
Some reports in literature have raised concerns with 2 min IV
regard to rapid and supratherapeutic levels of calcium −− To calculate the dose of bicarbonate based upon the
and potential myocardial toxicity. base deficit as estimated in the arterial blood gases,
with the following formula:
• Antibiotics and steroids: Recommended as an initial
coverage in patients with suspected septic shock. HCO3- (mEq) = Base deficit x weight (kg) x 0.3
50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 581

Half of the estimated amount of bicarbonate may • Surgery (i.e., creation of an intracardiac “pop-off”...)
be administered over 20  min and the other half over • Refractory cases:
4 h, if a new arterial blood gas reveals the persistent
a) Sternum opening (after cardiac surgery)
need for it.
b) Total exanguino-transfusion or plasmapheresis
• Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1): neonates who present in c) Anti-endotoxins
shock of unknown etiology or with cardiac murmurs, d) Continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration
cyanosis, asymmetrical peripheral pulses, absent (CVVHD)
femoral pulses, or any other signs suggesting e) Hypothermia
obstructive left cardiac malformations, must be f) Atrioventricular and interventricular resynchroni-
immediately started on a continuous infusion of zation
PGE1 between 0.05 and 0.1 µg/kg/min. This may be g) Extracorporeal life support (ECLS)
a lifesaving measure as it reestablishes patency of
the ductus arteriosus.
Figures  50.5–50.9 describe simple management
algorithms for patients in shock.
50.9  Conclusions

Shock in the pediatric patients may be difficult to

50.8  Specific Therapies identify in its early phase. Medical therapy ought to be
started with general lifesaving measures while gathering
information that will be helpful in identifying a specific
Some patients in cardiogenic shock of specific etiology
etiology. Therapy goals should be oriented by the
or refractory to medical therapy may require more
etiological suspicion.
specific management, namely:
Pediatric cardiac patient who present in shock are
• Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension not necessarily in cardiogenic shock and may still
• Treatment of arrhythmias require a full workup.

Shock in the cardiac patient

Clinical suspicion of shock

- Anamnesis Non-invasive observation

- Clinical examination Echocardiography
- Metabolic & acid-base
Etiological orientation

Therapeutic measures Establish priorities

- Hypovolemic - »A-B-C»
- Cardiogenic - Ventilation
- Obstructive (extra-cardiac) - Reliable venous access
- Distributive/Vasoplegic - Arterial line
- Dissociative - Foley catheter

Fig. 50.5  General algorithm for medical management of patients in shock

582 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

Shock in the cardiac patient

Hypovolemic shock
Volume Administration 10-20 ml/kg in 20’
+ 20 ml/kg/h

- Identify the source

- Evaluate dehydration %

Albumin 4-5 %
Volume NaCl 0.9%

Stability Unstability (after 100 ml/kg)

fluids @ 4 ml/kg/h
<8 mm Hg: >8 mm Hg:
volume Cathecolamines
Rule-out vasoplegia

Fig. 50.6  Therapeutic algorithm for patients in hypovolemic shock

Shock in the cardiac patient

Distributive shock
Volume Administration 10-20 ml/kg in 20’
+ 20 ml/kg/h

Steroids Instability

- “WARM” - “COLD”
Stability - Vasodilation - Pallor
- Fever - Vasoconstriction

Physiological Noradrenaline Low - Dopamine

fluids @ 4 ml/kg/h CVP - Dobutamine
Myocardial dysfunction

- Dobutamine - Phenylefrine
- CaCl2 - Vasopressin

Fig. 50.7  Therapeutic algorithm for patients in distributive shock

50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 583

Shock in the cardiac patient

Cardiogenic shock I

Decreased - Rule-out residual lesions

Cardiac Output - Rule-out arrhythmias
- Rule-out sepsis
- Exclude PNX, hypoxia, acidosis,
hydro-electrolytic disorder, PAH,
Assess intravascular ductal-dependent circulation

- Fluid restriction Increased Decreased -Volume: 5-10 ml/kg

- Diuretics Preload - Repeat as required (max 60 ml/kg)
- Venous - RBC, FFP, albumin, NaCl…
vasodilators - Rule-out hemorrhage

- Arrhythmia? Increased HR Decreased
- Pacemaker
- Attention to «JET»
- Atropine
- Anti-arrhythmic
- Pacemaker/ - Isoprenaline
- Cardioversion Normal
for the age

Fig. 50.8  Therapeutic algorithm for patients in cardiogenic shock I

Shock in the cardiac patient

Cardiogenic shock II
Normal HR
for the age

Afterload (Echocardiography)
Increased Contractility Decreased/
Vasodilators: Inotropic drugs:
- NTG - Dopamine
- Na+ Nitroprusside - Dobutamine
- Phentolamine
- Milrinone
- Phenoxybenzamine
- Enoximone
- Levosimendan, tri-iodo- - Amrinone Adrenaline
thyroxine ± inodilator
- Cardiac transplant
- CVVHDF Noradrenaline CaCl2

Fig. 50.9  Therapeutic algorithm for patients in cardiogenic shock II

Also, “miscellaneous” shock exists and patients References and Further Recommended
who do not respond to therapy may be further Reading
­investigated following the differential diagnosis
1. Michard F, Teboul JL, Richard C. Influence of tidal volume
Last but not least, multidisciplinary management of on stroke volume variation. Does it really matter? Intensive
shock improves patients’ outcome. Care Med. 2003;29:1613.
584 E.M. da Cruz and J. Kaufman

2. Carcillo JA, Davis AL, Zaritsky A. Role of early fluid rescue following surgery for congenital heart disease.
resuscitation in pediatric septic shock. JAMA. 1991;266: Intensive Care Med. 2000;26:93–96.
1242–1245. 19. Michard F, Teboul JL. Predicting fluid responsiveness in
3. Carcillo JA, Fields AI. American College of Critical Care ICU patients. A critical analysis of the evidence. Chest.
Medicine Task Force Committee Members. Clinical practice 2002;121:2000–2008.
parameters for hemodynamic support of pediatric and 20. Pinsky MR. Probing the limits of arterial pulse contour
neonatal patients in septic shock. Crit Care Med. 2002;30: analysis to predict preload responsiveness. Anesth Analg.
1365–1378. 2003;96:1245–1247.
4. Michard F, Teboul JL. Using heart-lung interactions to assess 21. Feissel M, Michard F, Mangin I, Ruyer O, Faller JP,
fluid responsiveness during mechanical ventilation. Crit Teboul JL. Respiratory changes in aortic blood velocity as
Care. 2000;4:282–289. an indicator of fluid responsiveness in ventilated patients
5. Tibby SM, Hatherill M, Marsch MJ, Morrison G, Anderson D, with septic shock. Chest. 2001;119:867–873.
Murdoch IA. Clinical validation of cardiac output measure- 22. Slama M, Masson H, Teboul JL, et al. Respiratory variations
ments using femoral artery thermodilution with direct Fick of aortic VTI: a new index of hypovolemia and fluid
in ventilated children and infants. Intensive Care Med. responsiveness. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2002;283:
1997;23:987–991. 1729–1733.
6. Bendjelid K, Romand JA. Fluid responsiveness in mechani- 23. Jardin F, Vieillard-Baron A. Right ventricular function and
cally ventilated patients: a review of indices used in intensive positive pressure in clinical practice: from hemodynamic
care. Intensive Care Med. 2003;29:352–360. subsets to respirator settings. Intensive Care Med. 2003;29:
7. Michard F, Boussat S, Chemla D, et  al. Relation between 1426–1434.
respiratory changes in arterial pulse pressure and fluid 24. Wiesenack C, Prasser C, Rodig G, Keyl C. Stroke volume
responsiveness in septic patients with acute circulatory variation as an indicator of fluid responsiveness using pulse
failure. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2000;162:134–138. contour analysis in mechanically ventilated patients. Anesth
8. Schiffmann H, Erdlenbruch B, Singer D, et al. Assessment Analg. 2003;96:1254–1257.
of cardiac output, intravascular volume status, and extravas- 25. Michard F. Underutilized tools for the assessment of
cular lung water by transpulmonary indicator dilution in intravascular volume status. Chest. 2003;124:414–416.
critically ill neonates and infants. J Cardiothor Vasc Anest. 26. Janousek J, Tomek V, Chaloupecky V, et al. Dilated cardio-
2002;16:592–597. myopathy associated with dual-chamber pacing in infants:
9. Reuter D, Bayerlein J, Goepfert MSG, et  al. Influence of improvement through either left ventricular cardiac resyn-
tidal volume on left ventricular stroke volume variation chronisation or programming off allowing intrinsic normal
measured by pulse contour analysis in mechanically conduction. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2004;15:470–474.
ventilated patients. Int Care Med. 2003;29:476–480. 27. Dodge-Khatami A, Kadner A, Dave H, et al. Left heart atrial
10. Tibby SM, Hatherill M, Marsh MJ, Murdoch IA. Clinicians’ and ventricular epicardial pacing through a left lateral
abilities to estimate cardiac index in ventilated children and thoracotomy in children: a safe approach with excellent
infants. Arch Dis Child. 1997;77:516–518. functional and cosmetic results. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.
11. Tibby SM, Hatherill M, Murdoch IA. Capillary refill and 2005;28:541–545.
core-peripheral temperature gap as indicators of haemody- 28. Vanagt WY, Verbeek XA, Delhaas T, et al. Acute hemody-
namic status in paediatric intensive care patients. Intensive namic benefit of left ventricular apex pacing in children. Ann
Care Med. 1999;80:163–166. Thorac Surg. 2005;79:932–936.
12. Vieillard-Baron A, Chergui K, Augarde R, et  al. Cyclic 29. Tobin MJ. Critical care medicine in AJRCCM 2000. Am
changes in arterial pulse during respiratory support revisited J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001;164:1347–1361.
by doppler echocardiographxy. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 30. Tibby SM, Murdoch IA. Monitoring cardiac function in
2003;168:671–676. intensive care. Arch Dis Child. 2003;88:46–52.
13. Denault AY, Gorcsan J, Pinsky MR. Dynamic effects of 31. Bendjelid K, Suter PM, Romand JA. The respiratory
positive-pressure ventilation on canine left ventricular pressure- change in preejection period: a new method to predict fluid
volume relations. J Appl Physiol. 2001;91:298–308. responsiveness. J Appl Physiol. 2004;96:337–342.
14. Shekerdemian L, Bohn D. Cardiovascular effects of 32. Fessler HE. Heart-lung interactions: applications in the
mechanical ventilation. Arch Dis Child. 1999;80:475–480. critically ill. Eur Respir J. 1997;10:226–237.
15. Shekerdemian L, Bush A, Shore DF, Lincoln C, Redington 33. Shekerdemian L, Bush A, Shore DF, Lincoln C, Redington
AN. Cardiorespiratory responses to negative pressure AN. Cardiopulmonary interactions after Fontan operations:
ventilation after tetralogy of Fallot repair: a hemodynamic augmentation of cardiac output using negative pressure
tool for patients with a low-ouput state. J Am Coll Cardiol. ventilation. Circulation. 1999;100:211–212.
1999;33:549–555. 34. Kocis KC, Meliones JN. Cardiopulmonary interactions in
16. Tibby SM, Murdoch IA. Monitoring cardiac function in children with congenital heart disease: physiology and clinical
intensive care. Arch Dis Child. 2003;88:46–52. correlates. Prog Pediatr Cardiol. 2000;11:203–210.
17. Sherkerdemian L, Shore DF, Lincoln C, Bush A, 35. Mace L, Dervanian P, Neveux JY. Cardiopulmonary interac-
Redington AN. Negative-pressure ventilation improves tions after Fontan operations. Circulation. 1999;100:211–212.
cardiac output after right heart surgery. Circulation. 1996;94 36. Botte A, Leclerc F, Riou Y, Sadik A, Neve V, Rakza T,
(suppl II):II49–II55. Richard A. Evaluation of a noninvasive cardiac output moni-
18. Shekerdemian L, Schulze-Neick I, Redington AN, Bush A, tor in mechanically ventilated children. Pediatr Crit Care
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50  Shock in the Cardiac Patient: A Brief Overview 585

37. Klinger JR, Thaker S, Houtchens J, Preston JR, Hill NS, 41. McCormick PW, Stewart M, Goetting MG, et al. Noninvasive
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40. Nollert G, et  al. Near-infrared spectrophotometry of the Hemodynamic and metabolic effects of vasopressin infusion
brain in cardiovascular surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. in children with shock. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2007;83(suppl
1998;46:167–175. 5):S137–S145.
Chapter 51
Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

Peter D. Wearden, Ana Maria Manrique, and Kent Kelly

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or reported a case series of 13 patients carrying a cardiac
extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is the implementation diagnosis with a 48% of survival. Today, the yearly
of the cardiopulmonary bypass machine for prolonged number of cardiac cases supported with ECMO has
periods of time to sustain systemic perfusion and gas increased from 30 in 1986 to 682 in 2007.
exchange. The support is preferred for patients with Other important events in the development of ECLS
potentially treatable pulmonary or cardiac disease. include:
Currently, it is the most common method of mechanical 1960–1968, Lande AJ, Bramson ML, Pierce EC,
circulatory support for pediatric patients. The develop- Kolobow T: Development of membrane oxygenator
ment and improvement of this technology has allowed 1972, Hill et  al.: first successful use of prolonged
ECMO to progress from a salvage therapy to a commonly extracorporeal support
used treatment allowing time for cardiopulmonary 1973, Soeter et al.: first reported use of ECMO in a
recovery. Many centers have continually available rap- child with Tetralogy of Fallot after surgery for an
idly deployed ECMO teams for the rapid resuscitation extended period of time.
of patients. Some of the advantages of ECMO include 1976, Bartlett RH et  al.: first successful clinical
rapid setup, provides both respiratory and cardiac sup- application for neonatal respiratory failure
port, reliable support with known outcomes, and a now 1986, ECMO progresses from a clinical research
vast clinical experience. project to a standard of care for neonatal respiratory
failure after Bartlett’s larger publication [1, 2].

51.1  Background
51.1.1  T
 he Development
In 1977, Bartlett et al. published the first larger series of the Extracorporeal Life Support
of neonates undergoing ECMO for respiratory failure
Organization (ELSO)
with a survival rate of 55%. Prior to this an NIH spon-
sored adult study had demonstrated poor outcomes and
ECMO had been largely abandoned. At the time of In 1989, a group of centers began to pool their data
Bartlett’s paper, cardiac disease was viewed as a con- regarding number of cases, etiology of cardiopulmo-
traindication for mechanical support. Incidentally, nary failure, complications and survival by center with
some patients had been placed on ECMO prior to a regard to the utilization of ECMO. This group was
cardiac diagnosis being made and these cases were increased as continually more centers began to adapt
reported as being successful. In 1987, Kanter et  al. this technology. In 1989, cardiac indications for ECMO
were only 7% of the total of pediatric ECMO cases.
This number has rapidly increased as has the survival
P.D. Wearden (*)
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of these patients. In July 2007, a 61% survival for pediatric
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA cardiac ECMO was reported and a 58% survival for
e-mail: neonatal cardiac cases [3].

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 587
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_51, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
588 P.D. Wearden et al.

51.2  Circuits and Equipment

51.2.1  Pump
The typical ECMO system is composed of the There are two types of pumps commonly utilized:
following: roller pumps and centrifugal pumps.
1 . Pump The Roller Pump generates a continuous blood flow
2. Oxygenator by compressing the tubing within a “raceway.” The
3. Heat Exchanger Centrifugal pump forces blood flow via a spinning
4. Cannulae rotor, which is magnetically coupled to a motor. The
drainage of blood from the patient depends in part
In the typical veno-arterial ECMO (VA) system the upon gravity, the hydrostatic pressure as determined
deoxygenated blood is removed from the patient by the difference in the height of the right atrium of
through a venous cannula, and as it moves through the the patient and the level of the pump, and by any nega-
circuit it passes through the bladder, the saturation tive suction created by the pump itself. Pump output
probe (which continuously monitors the SVO2), and can be recorded as liters of flow per minute or revolu-
the access ports (where blood sampling is drawn and tions per minute (rpm).
medications are given). Blood next passes through the There are several other differences between roller
pump. The blood is then pumped through the oxygen- and centrifugal pumps. Despite certain advantages of
ator and then the heat exchanger. Finally the blood the centrifugal pumps, their use has become limited
is returned to the patient through an arterial line and (in combination with silicone membrane oxygenators)
cannula (Fig. 51.1). because of the increased compliance and higher
From this basic model there are many different resistance, thus leading to increased hemolysis [4]
configurations according to center preferences. (Table 51.1)

Fig. 51.1  ECMO Circuit. −− Negative pressure; ++ Positive pressure

51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 589

Table 51.1  Differences between roller and centrifugal Pumps The currently preferred membrane has a flat reinforced
Roller pumps Centrifugal pumps rubber membrane envelope wound in a spiral fashion
Blood flow Sequential Spinning rotor around a polycarbonate spool. The unit is encased by a
tubing tight fitting silicone rubber sleeve. The gas compartment
Venous drainage Gravity Dependent on
is formed by the inside of the envelope. Blood flows on
dependent suction generated the outside of this envelope. The gas flows through a
by rotor countercurrent system across the membrane.
Pressure control Continuous Electromagnetically Additionally, this system confers low flow resistance
and low priming volumes.
Preload dependent ++ +++ Gas exchange is facilitated by a countercurrent
Afterload dependent + +++ system, in which the delivered gas from the circuit is
Excessive negative +++ ++ regulated to the blood flow of the patient. The differ-
pressure ence in the partial pressure of the gases between one
Tubing wear-rupture +++ + side and the other of the membrane, the countercurrent
Hemolysis +++ ++
flow, and the ongoing consumption of the O2 and CO2
Hemolyisis with low ++ +++
or high flow production will determine the rate of gas exchange.
Length of functional +++ + The diffusion of CO2 through the membrane is par-
life ticularly effective. CO2 transfer rate is 6 times greater
Embolization of air  +++ + in the silicone membrane than O2 exchange; thus, the
or particles from rate of CO2 transfer provides a sensitive measure of the
the tubing
Platelet activation +++ +
loss of functioning membrane surface area. CO2 is
Complement and +++ + controlled by the rate (sweep) of the ventilating gas
cytokine levels delivered to the membrane. Due to this great effective-
ness of CO2 exchange, paCO2 may decrease below
normal levels, requiring the addition of CO2 to the gas
mixture to prevent the suppression of the respiratory
51.2.2  Oxygenator center and alterations in pH.
The coefficient of diffusion of oxygen is signifi-
The first attempt to use a pump oxygenator was made cantly lower than that for CO2 and is dependent on the
in 1951 by Clarance Dennis. At this point in time the transit time of the oxygenated hemoglobin through the
most commonly used oxygenator was the bubble oxy- membrane. The oxygen blood saturation is restricted
genator. This type of oxygenator was used from the in each oxygenator because of their limited flow rate.
mid 1950s and until the late 1970s. The issues related There are different size and surface area oxygenators
to this type of oxygenator, particularly with foaming used for a given patient’s body surface area.
and massive air embolism encouraged the development Oxygenators may experience several mechanical
of membrane oxygenators. In membrane oxygenators, complications. These include: a propensity for plasma
as opposed to the bubble type, there is no direct interface leakage, structural defects, extravasation or accumula-
between gas and blood. Gas exchange instead occurs tion of fluid and blood products and thromboses. These
across the surface of a membrane. There are two types issues may be exacerbated by certain conditions, par-
of membrane oxygenators widely available: micropo- ticularly the use of parenteral lipid nutrition.
rous and nonporous membranes. These oxygenators
permitted indirect contact with oxygen minimizing the
risk of air embolism and do not need a gas removal and  Bladder
defoaming system. Several materials have been used
to develop these membranes including cellulose, The bladder is the inlet portion of the circuit and
polyethylene, silicone, and most recently polymethyl- provides a buffer of volume for the normal fluctuations
pentene. In 1972, Y. Nose developed the first polymeric of venous return and also serves as a location for air
hollow fiber oxygenator device which increased trapping on the venous side of the circuit. The bladder
the surface area over which gas exchange could occur. provides access to blood flowing through the circuit,
590 P.D. Wearden et al.

whereby pharmacologic agents, blood products, and efficiency. Oversized cannula will obstruct flow
fluid may be administered. especially in neonates when it is placed in the aortic
The pump stops when the level drops below a pro- position and increase rates of thrombosis.
grammed level. Blood from the cannula drains into the
bladder passively. The function of this bladder is to
prevent negative pressure from pulling the vessel wall  Tubing
into the cannula and reducing the risk of damage to the
vena cava. The bladder is connected to a servo regula-
Tubing is an important component in the system
tor mechanism, which reduces or stops pump flow in
particularly with regard to the systemic inflammatory
the event of venous return decrease to unsafe levels.
response and anticoagulation. Several materials
Some centers, in order to reduce the artificial surface
have been developed since 1930. The most commonly
contacting the blood, have replaced bladders with
used material is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This material
negative pressure sensing mechanisms.
has the disadvantage of releasing di-2-ethylexylphthalate
(DEHP), which has been associated with decreased
fertility in animal studies; however, there are not con-
51.2.3  Heater Exchanger clusive studies of detrimental effects in neonates
exposed to this material during ECMO runs. The
leaching is further promoted by the action of the
The heater maintains and regulates the corporal
roller over the tube wall. This part of the tubing, or
temperature from 25 to 40˚C. The device is equipped
“raceway section,” is often made of thicker tubing
with a water reservoir and a pump. This is a polycar-
which gives more durability and resistance to the
bonate cylinder with stainless steel tubes inside for
blood passage. Hot water circulates into the cylinder
More recently, heparin-bonded tubing has been
transferring heat to the stainless steel tubes, which are
introduced, with which anticoagulation with heparin
filled with flowing blood.
may be avoided for a limited period of time. This
During the time that blood flow through the circuit
tubing is coated with a bioactive surface of covalent
is cooling, the heat exchanger warms the blood to body
forces which bind heparin to the tubing. There are
temperature before it returns to the patient. It also
several experimental and clinical studies demon-
serves as an air trap. Heat loss is avoided with the dis-
strating a decrease in the release of inflammatory
tal placement of the heat exchanger in the circuit. The
reactants and platelet consumption utilizing this tubing.
post-heat-exchanger blood temperature is monitored
Currently, there are not conclusive data regarding mor-
and the water temperature is adjusted accordingly.
tality. Carmeda Bioactive Surface (CBAS; Carmeda
Failure of this system occurs 1–2% and is due to
Stockholm, Sweden) is the most common heparin-
coated circuit used [5, 6].

51.2.4  Cannulae  Bridge

Cannulae are available in various shapes and sizes The venous circuit may be connected to the arterial
depending upon patient size and the site of cannula- circuit through a short segment of tubing. This segment
tion. There are recommended guidelines regarding the allows continuous blood flow through the system while
appropriate size cannula based upon desired flow rates the patient is temporally disconnected from the ECMO
and pressure drops, the site of placement (neck vs. support; such as, during a trial of weaning. During this
groin vs. chest), flow direction (venous vs. arterial), process the cannula are usually “flushed” or opened
and patient weight. every 10–20 min to decrease risk of segmental blood
Selection of the appropriate cannula size will stasis in the segment closed to blood flow. Generally
decrease hemolysis and will increase the system bridges are placed only at the time of weaning.
51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 591  Equipment System Air trapping can occur in the bladder, the oxygenator,
and the heat exchanger. Additionally, there is a bubble
The ECMO console includes three components: detector and trapping mechanism just before the
(Fig. 51.2) circuit returns to the patient. All these systems permit
the aspiration of the bubbles through the ports placed
1 . console or base
near each component.
2. The pump module
3. System control panel
Monitoring and Alarm System: There are two safety  The Gas Delivery System
systems required; air detectors and pressure alarms.
There are several alarm systems throughout the Is composed of three basic components:
circuit: Pressure of the returning flow is monitored
1 . O2 flowmeter
before it reaches the bladder. This servo-regulated
2. CO2 flowmeter
system in the roller pump permits a decrease or halt to
3. Air/oxygen blender
pump flow when the volume in the bladder, or venous
cannula, is under a critical pre-estimated level. The
venous alarm will be activated whenever there is  Types of ECMO
decreased blood return to the pump as may happen in
the case of displacement, obstruction or kinking of
1. Veno-arterial ECMO (VA)
the venous cannula, decrease in the blood volume,
pneumothorax, pneumopericardium, hemothorax, or Blood is drained from the right atrium to the pump and
hemopericardium. The next set of pressure transducers returned to the patient through an arterial cannula (aorta,
is usually placed before and after the oxygenator and carotid artery, or femoral artery). This is the mode which
may alert the operator to thrombosis or failure of the provides both cardiac and pulmonary support
membrane; those conditions increase the pressure and
2. Veno-venous ECMO (VV)
can cause rupture of the circuit.
The catheter is a double lumen one placed in the right
atrium which can remove and infuse blood flow at the
same time. This system requires normal cardiac func-
tion and provides only respiratory support. Its function
is dependent upon minimal “recirculation” of blood.

51.3  Indications for ECMO Support

Selection of appropriate patients for ECMO support is

challenging, continually evolving, and institution
dependent. There are several criteria which have been
developed to help in this decision-making process.
However, these criteria have been based on indicators
of tissue perfusion and they are not applicable for all
the cases.
There are several pediatric cardiac clinical scenarios
in which ECMO is most frequently used:
1. Acute heart failure (AHF) in patients with congenital
Fig. 51.2  ECMO pump system heart disease (CHD) and acute decompensation
592 P.D. Wearden et al.

2. AHF after Pediatric cardiac surgery (Ventricular Studies have supported improved outcomes with the
dysfunction and failure to wean from cardiopulmo- prompt implementation of ECMO after surgery is
nary bypass or low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) performed [8].
3. Severe pulmonary hypertension with CHD Considering AHF in a non-postoperative setting such
4. Cardiomyopathy with acute heart decompensation as acute myocarditis and end-stage cardiomyopathy,
as a bridge to recovery or transplantation ECMO is an important tool as a bridge to heart trans-
5. During cardiopulmonary reanimation or cardio- plant or recovery. Higher mortality in this group of
genic shock patients may be related to the length of time on ECMO
before finding a suitable organ donor. The inevitable con-
Current publications from some centers have used it
sequences of a prolonged ECMO run including multior-
routinely in hypoplastic left heart syndrome repair
gan failure remain the limiting factor for survival [9].
(Stage I) for 24–48 h and some use it as a “prophylactic”
Appropriate selection of patients with reversible
tool in patients with a high risk of developing postop-
ventricular dysfunction and avoidance of end organ
erative myocardial dysfunction [7].
failure are the essential goals of therapy. Infants with a
ECMO support is used for both short and long
severe coagulopathy that cannot be corrected or patients
term, depending upon the indications and the state
with major bleeding complications should generally
of recovery. Despite improved outcomes in cardiac
not be considered for ECMO.
ECMO the outcomes remain inferior when compared
The contraindications to ECMO are constantly
to ECMO for respiratory indications. In this regard,
reassessed according to each center’s experience.
careful selection of the patients is the main point to
However, there are certainly some conditions where
improve survival.
the use of ECMO is not generally beneficial. Those
include patients with incurable malignancy, extreme
prematurity, and poor neurological prognosis [10, 11].

51.3.1  Acute Heart Failure (AHF)

Pediatric patients with AHF have a high incidence of 51.4  Pre-ECMO Evaluation
cardiac recovery with mechanical assistance. The
causes of acute heart failure can be postsurgical, or not Several factors impact survival; these include younger
related with cardiac surgery. age, low weight, severity of diagnosis, renal dysfunc-
Postoperative AHF may occur in patients with tion, sepsis, and multiorgan failure. All of these should
previous normal myocardial function induced by be carefully evaluated prior to surgery and an optimized
prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass, complex surgery, management strategy will improve the outcomes.
cardiotomy, and inadequate myocardial protection. Prior to initiating ECMO, a prepared team of surgeons,
Moreover, patients with previous cardiac dysfunction intensivists, cardiologists, perfusionists, and nurses
have an increased tendency to develop AHF after expo- with assigned roles should be informed, a coordinator
sure to CPB. will check and maintain the circuit, medications, and
There are two reasons to consider ECMO after presence of the entire staff. It is recommended that
surgery: each institution develop guidelines according to its
experience and resources.
1. LCOS that usually occurs after surgery and has
an etiology which is multifactorial.
2. Difficulty in weaning from CPB.
Currently, there is a tendency to initiate ECMO in the 51.5  Timing
early postoperative period to maintain adequate per-
fusion, minimize ongoing myocardial insult, and The decision to initiate ECMO in a patient after
enhance myocardial recovery. cardiac surgery follows the instinctive judgment of the
The initiation of ECMO in these patients creates surgical team; however, early institution of mechanical
a favorable environment for myocardial recovery. support has been related with better outcomes.
51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 593

AHF produces a critical mismatch between tissue Disadvantages of the cannulation of the neck include
oxygen demand and delivery, both for systemic circu- the need of reconstruction or sacrifice of the vessels
lation and the myocardium. Medical management of once the ECMO support is discontinued. Generally
myocardial dysfunction with inotropic support pro- only the right neck is utilized.
duces tachycardia, increased afterload, and myocardial In transthoracic cannulation, the aortic cannula
wall tension increasing oxygen demand and consump- should be placed above Sino-tubular junction. Adequate
tion. These stresses increase cardiac injury and com- position of the cannula in all cannulations is confirmed
promise the myocardial recovery. The early institution by chest X-ray. The tip of the arterial cannula in neck
of ECMO allows for a rapid improvement in myocar- cannulation should be just above the arch of the aorta
dial perfusion and maximizes oxygen delivery and car- at the base of the inominate artery, the venous cannula
diac output. Organ injury is the major contribution to should be in the right atrium and with the patient’s
morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiac dys- neck hyperextended, proper position will be just
function. As such, prompt optimization of systemic slightly above the right hemidiaphragm. In the Femoral
perfusion with mechanical support will avoid the mul- cannulation the arterial cannula should be advanced
tiorganic failure cascade. through the descending aorta.
Early mechanical circulatory support should be The potential for left ventricular distension should
considered as a tool to address severe heart failure after be recognized. Increasing the flow through the pump
surgery rather than as a “rescue” therapy. The early use will decrease the pulmonary flow and the venous return
of ECMO in that setting improves clinical outcomes to the left heart when the pressure of the left atrium is
and increases hospital survival [12]. high. An atrial septostomy, or separate left ventricular
vent may be necessary to vent the left atrium. This pro-
cedure is especially necessary in patients with severe
ventricular dysfunction. The decompression of the left
51.6  Initiation of ECMO ventricle is extremely important to decrease the risk of
myocardial ischemia. Septostomy and venting is also
useful to avoid pulmonary edema.
51.6.1  Cannulation

Procedures for cannulation require preparation of

the necessary equipment and medications including 51.7  Operation of the System
muscle relaxant, sedatives, heparin, and the medica-
tions required to the prime pump. Resistance: The flow through the system follows the
Options for veno-arterial cannulation include: Poiseulle’s Law; the resistance through the circuit is
determined by the length and diameter of the tubing
1 . Transthoracic: Right atrium – Ascending aorta.
and by the viscosity of the fluids.
2. Peripheral:
a. Internal jugular vein–Common carotid artery (Right
R= 8nl /pr4 dyne-s/cm2 (R = resistance)
b. Femoral vein–Femoral artery
With a longer tube the resistance is greater; resistance
The selection of the cannulation site should be based decreases with a larger radius. The highest resistance
on the specific conditions of the patient such as age, of the circuit is at the level of arterial cannula. Also the
weight, accessibility, and indication. Transthoracic resistance is given by the difference between the pres-
cannulation is usually indicated in the postoperative sures at the inlet and the outlet port. It is expressed as
setting during emergent situations such as cardiac mmHg/LPM
arrest or into the operating room. The highest point of pressure (200–350 mmHg) is
In neonates and infants, not in the immediate between the pump head and the membrane. The usual
postoperative period, cannulation of the neck is pre- pressures in the circuit are between 80 and 250 mmHg.
ferred. Larger children and adults will require femoral Pressures over 300  mmHg will cause hemolysis and
cannulation in order to achieve adequate drainage. could rupture the circuit. The difference in pressure
594 P.D. Wearden et al.

between the inlet and outlet of the circuit is close to 51.8  Management
100–150 mmHg.
Causes of higher pressures post-membrane include: 51.8.1  Monitoring
kinked tubing, clots, cannula which are tied too tightly,
flow too great for the particular size of the cannula, End-organ perfusion:
malpositioning against the wall of the aorta or dissec-
tion of the aortic arch. 1 . SVO2
Blood flow: Depends on length and radius of the 2. Lactate
tubing, but in this case the amount of flow also 3. Thromboelastogram
depends on the diameter of the venous catheter. Large 4. NIRS
catheters maximize flow and improve oxygenation. 5. Oxygen saturation
The “ideal” flow through the circuit should be laminar Arterial Blood Gases (ABG) should be performed at
to avoid shear of the blood and clot formation which least daily on the patient and compared with machine
occurs at the angles and connections. gases. Discrepancies may be related to the failure of
The level of pressure controls the direction of the the membrane
flow. Negative pressures are necessary from the outflow Flow Rate: Indicators of systemic perfusion will
catheter (venous catheter) up to the pump head. High determine the adequacy of ECMO flow. Those include
flow makes these pressures more negative. urinary output, body temperature, capillary refill,
The flow produced by the pump is non-pulsatile. SVO2, and lactate. There are recommendations for
Venous saturation is continually monitored and may flow rate according body surface area. Flows may be
decrease from the acceptable range due to anemia, achieved at 120–150 cc/kg/min. Neonates may need-
blood loss, and a decrease in pump flow or an increase flow up to 200 cc/kg/min, where as in adults 80 cc/kg/
in oxygen consumption. min are adequate flow rates.
Gas Transfer: Oxygen transfer is related with the The blood flow rate is used according to the
FIO2 of the ventilating gas, hemoglobin level, bypass surface of the membrane, from 2.5 L/min until
flow, and the oxyhemoglobin saturation. 13.5 L/min.
Carbon dioxide transfer is related to the CO2 level Patients with large PDA’s or systemic-pulmonary
in the inlet blood, the rate of flow of oxygenator venti- shunts may require higher flow rates to maintain effec-
lating gas, and the CO2 level in the oxygenator venti- tive oxygen delivery.
lating gas.
Pressure in the blood compartment should be greater
than pressure in the gas compartment to avoid over-
pressurization and the passage of gas into the blood
resulting in air embolism.
51.8.2  Regulation of pO2 and pCO2
Oxygen Delivery: The oxygen delivery will be
determined by the oxygen content (HbO2 + O2 dis- The concentration and flow of the gases will determine
solved) and the blood flow. An increase in flow, Hb the gas exchange. The gas exchange occurs down a
blender O2, and a decrease of any right to left shunt concentration gradient. The ventilatory gas flow is
increases the oxygenation. An adequate cannula size called “sweep flow.” The gas flow through the mem-
to maximize the venous blood drainage and the main- brane is regulated by O2 and CO2 flow meters and an
tenance of a high hematocrit will help to provide oxygen blender. The flow of the gas in the membrane
adequate oxygen delivery. is limited to ensure that the pressure of the gas is lower
Carbon dioxide: pCO 2 40–45 torr provides than the pressure of the blood. The FIO2 can be manip-
­a dequate respiratory drive for the brain. This can be ulated by mixing O2 with air. A larger membrane
achieved by intraining CO2 to the ventilating gas of the should be used to increase pO2 when the FIO2 is maxi-
membrane. CO2 levels may also be maintained by mal (100%). The exchange of CO2 is much more effi-
increasing or decreasing the total sweep flow. cient than O2. To remove CO2 from the system the gas
Approximately, 0.8  m2 of membrane surface will flow should be increased. The percentage of CO2 gas
transfer 70 cc/min/m2 of O2. in the total gas flow should be below 5%.
51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 595

The total gas flow should be maintained above 1 L/ After initiation of ECMO a continuous infusion of
min to blow off the water vapor formed during the pas- Heparin of 25–50 Units/kg generally will achieve an
sage of cool gas over the warm blood. ACT in the desired range of 180–200  s. If the ACT
To decrease the patient pCO2 level: falls below 160 s or drops rapidly an additional bolus
dose of heparin (10–20 Units/kg) may be necessary. If
1 . Increase the O2 flow
the ACT is greater than 300  s the heparin infusion
2. Decrease the CO2 flow
should be continued at a lower rate.
3. Increase the level of ventilation by the respirator
Heparin requirements will change according to
To increase the patient pCO2 level: transfusions as well as renal and liver function.
During ECMO patients frequently require packed
1. Decrease the O2 flow
red cell transfusions to ensure adequate oxygenation.
2 . Increase the CO2 flow
Additionally, FFP and cryoprecipitate are required
3. Decrease the level of ventilation from the
when fibrinogen levels decrease below 100  mg/dl.
Platelet count should be maintained over 100,000 with
To increase the patient’s pO2: normal platelet function.
Anti-fibrinolytics are used to decrease fibrinogen
1 . Increase the rate of flow
consumption. Continuous infusions of Aminocaproic
2. Increase oxygenator FiO2
acid, Tranexamic acid, and Aprotinin have been shown
3. Increase the FIO2 in patient ventilator settings
to decrease the incidence of hemorrhage.
To decrease the patient’s pO2: Other reported alternatives for anticoagulation
include Argatroban and Nafamostat mesilate. They
1 . Decrease the rate of flow
have in addition an anti-fibrinolytic effect. They can
2. Decrease the oxygenator FIO2
also be used to inhibit platelet aggregation induced by
3. Decrease the FIO2 on the ventilator
adenosine diphosphate (ADP), platelet activating
factor, and arachidonic acid.
Heparin coated circuits have been developed with the
goal of reducing heparin requirements. With the help of
51.8.3  Anticoagulation covalent or ionic forces, they are able to maintain locally
the heparin within the internal surface of the circuit.
The flow of the blood through the ECMO circuit
produces profound effects on hemostasis. Platelets
decrease in number and function due to the continu-
ous microthrombi formation. In addition, activated 51.8.4  Fluids and Electrolytes
platelets undergo a morphologic change and express
GPIIb/IIIa receptors, increasing platelet binding The non-pulsatile flow from the pump produces altera-
with fibrinogen. The artificial material of the circuit tions in the metabolism of the renin and increases its
interacts with proteins of the membrane surface and production resulting in altered electrolyte balance.
coagulation factors activating the coagulation cascade. During ECMO, the requirements for potassium are
This effect can be decreased by the administration of often higher while requirements for sodium may be
albumin to the circuit. decreased. Loss of fluid through the oxygenator can be
Heparin will block the clot formation by its binding about 2 cc/m2/h.
and activation of Antithrombin III. Antithrombin III Electrolytes: should be maintained at normal levels.
inactivates thrombin, factor Xa, IX, XI and XIII, and An adequate replacement would be:
thrombin. Regular measurement of activated clotting
Na+ = 0–2 mEq/kg/day
time (ACT) is necessary to achieve equilibrium between
K+ = 4–6 mEq/kg/day
the thrombus formation and bleeding. Heparin should
Ca2+ = 30–50 mg/kg/day
be initiated with a beginning dose of 30–150 Units/Kg
before cannulation to reach an ACT approximately Daily fluids should range from 80–150  ml/kg/day of
200 s to assure adequate systemic anticoagulation. D10W to D20W depending on the age and other factors
596 P.D. Wearden et al.

such as sepsis, cerebral ischemia, etc. Electrolytes face of high ECMO flows. These patients require a care-
should be monitored every 8 h. The production of renin ful fluid management and consideration of surgical
will produce a decrease in the urinary output that can reduction of the degree of shunting (i.e. shunt ligahon).
be resolved with the addition of diuretics (Furosemide
1–2 mg/kg).
Blood glucose should be monitored every 4 h.
Hyperalimentation is usually maintained. 51.8.8  Nutrition

Early initiation of nutrition will improve recovery in

51.8.5  Pulmonary Function these patients. Enteral nutrition has some advantages
in maintaining the gut membrane integrity and the
immunologic system. The risk of enterocolitis in neo-
Mechanical ventilation decreases atelectasis and
nates due to a decrease in splachnic perfusion has not
reduces afterload and pulmonary resistance during the
been demonstrated during ECMO. Parenteral nutrition
support period and should be maintained. Ventilation
increases the risk of obstruction of the membrane due
should be maintained with parameters that avoid
to the fat emulsion (the lipid component should be
barotrauma, pneumothorax, or collapse. Pulmonary
administered in a different central venous line and not
care with periodic bagging, suctioning, and tracheal
to the circuit if at all possible).
lavage should be performed. Ventilator parameters
should be increased progressively during ECMO
51.8.9  Medications and Blood Products
51.8.6  Hemofiltration–Renal
RBC’s, albumin, IV infusion medications, antibiotics,
and other medications are usually administrated
During the first 24–48 h ECMO patients may experi- through the venous line. Hyperalimentation, heparin
ence a decrease in urine output. Hemodialysis may be drips, and continuous infusion drips are usually admin-
needed during ECMO and can be performed via a istrated through the arterial side after the oxygenator.
direct connection to the ECMO circuit. Platelets, cryoprecipitates, antihypertensive agents,
A hemofilter is connected to a port on the arterial sedation drugs, and emergency medications should be
side of the ECMO circuit and the outlet to a venous given in the arterial line after the oxygenator and before
side. It is used to remove fluid from the patient during the heat exchanger.
transfusions, fluid replacement, or when urine output The volume of distribution of most medications is
decreases. The micropores of the hemofilter are not altered during ECMO due to changes in the total body
bigger than 5 mm and this permits constant blood flow water in addition to renal and hepatic metabolic
through the hollow fibers. The system will pull out changes, making the pharmacokinetics of most drugs
water and mineral solutes and heparin while red blood unpredictable. Also some medications may bind to the
cells are retained. circuit material decreasing their bioavailability.

51.8.7  Shunt
51.9  Systemic Response to ECMO
Due to the lower pulmonary resistance almost all infants
develop a left to right or systemic to pulmonary shunt When evaluating the systemic response to ECMO once
through a patent PDA during the first 2–3 days of should consider that there are some differences between
ECMO, this can be suspected because of a persistent CPB and ECMO with regard to the inflammatory
low paO2, pulmonary edema, and low urine output in the response:
51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 597

1 . Longer duration of ECMO compared with CPB. 51.10  Weaning

2. Protamine administration after CPB to reverse
anticoagulation. The decision to wean ECMO should depend on the
3. Hypothermia. condition of the patient, the correction of the underly-
4. Presence of a cardiotomy reservoir with including ing anatomical or physiologic defect, the neurological
cardiotomy suction and an air blood interface. prognosis, and the family dynamics. Despite its gener-
5. Ischemia and reperfusion injury during and after ally limited time frame some publications have reported
aortic cross-clamp. ECMO support for up to 6 weeks, the neurological
6. Cardiorespiratory support is usually partial during outcomes and quality of life remain unclear. Poor sur-
ECMO support; the heart maintains the pulsatile vival has generally been described after 3 weeks of
flow preserving organ function and preventing support in different studies [13].
vasoconstriction. Biochemical and clinical indicators of improvement
include: during a decrease pump flow, adequate blood
The activation of the inflammatory cascade is due to pressure is maintained with a recovery of the cardiac
the exposure of the patient’s circulating blood to the function by echocardiography.
surface of the circuit. Inflammation triggered by Several attempts at weaning ECMO may cause
ECMO can lead to organ dysfunction and derangement reperfusion injury and can be detrimental. Thus, it is
of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic cascades. reasonable to have several positive indicators before
The neutrophils are the final effectors of cell and attempting a trial. It is also important to balance
tissue damage. Their activation maintains and ampli- this with the knowledge that patients having a shorter
fies the inflammatory cascade. Clinically, the peak duration of support will have a greater chance of
value of leukocytosis during ECMO is usually (36  h survival [14, 15].
after initiation) and is correlated with worsening of the
pulmonary dysfunction. Plasmapheresis and leukocyte
filtration are techniques used to decrease the number
of activated cells in the plasma. There are not conclu-
sive studies, but these modalities are frequently used.
51.11  Complications
Activation of the immunologic system has been
demonstrated by: Complications of ECMO include mechanical, hemor-
rhagic, neurologic, renal, cardiovascular, pulmonary,
1. An increase of the complexes of factor XIIa-C1
infectious, and metabolic.
esterase inhibitor
The most common complication, excluding require-
2. A decrease of kallikrein inhibitory capacity
ment of inotropic support, in the neonatal group is
3. An increase of thrombin–antithrombin formation
bleeding and it is also the main cause of death. Organ
4. The generation of fibrinogen degradation products
injury is the major contribution to morbidity, especially
The system activates platelets causing morphologic neurologic injury, which is the most common reason to
changes and the release of their granule content. This discontinue ECMO [16].
platelet activation produces a complex interaction with Stroke, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC),
cytokines, leucocytes, complement system, and other and renal dysfunction or multiorgan dysfunction has
systemic inflammatory mediators. been identified as the major complications causing death
Medications used during ECMO are often given to in ECMO after pediatric cardiac surgery.
decrease the inflammatory response and to modulate The highest reported mechanical complication
the platelet activation. includes clots in the system.
Use of steroids has been correlated with a reduction Renal insufficiency requiring hemofiltration is also
of pro-inflammatory cytokines and an enhanced level of one of the most common causes and is associated with
anti-inflammatory IL-10, in the clinical setting its use high mortality.
has been correlated with shorter ECMO support duration Complications of cannulation include misplace-
and mechanical ventilation days. The improvement of ment of the cannulae which may cause occlusion,
the pulmonary microcirculation may play a major role in injury, and damage to the aortic wall or valve
the beneficial effect of the steroids during ECMO. leaflets.
598 P.D. Wearden et al.

The major complications of ECMO have been Air: If the air is distal to the oxygenator connection,
related to cerebral edema and intracranial hemorrhage. ECMO flow should be stopped immediately. When the
Patients should be followed closely to detect any pres- air is in the venous line it can be trapped in a bridge,
ence of seizure. Intracranial hemorrhage may be exam- bladder, or the oxygenator and removed.
ined for with head ultrasounds. An intracranial
hemorrhage greater than grade II generally requires
adjustments in heparin doses and close follow up and 51.12  Current Outcomes
potential discontinuation of support..
The large surface area that ECMO circuit requires
enhances the inflammatory response, with activation
51.11.1  Failure of Circuit and consumption of the coagulation factors increased
hemolysis, thrombosis, and multiorgan dysfunction.
Membrane failure can be evidenced by an increase in New systems of circulatory support without oxygen-
the CO2 content and a decrease of the O2. The failure is ators permits prolonged periods of support and cur-
caused by membrane defects and exposure of the rently are seeing increasing acceptance and better
membrane to high outflow pressures or clots. outcomes [17]. The greatest challenges of ECMO sup-
Consideration should be given to changing the cir- port are related to: anticoagulation, neurological out-
cuit or its components when there is a clot in the circuit come, duration of support, recovery, trauma to blood
(post-membrane) or when there is a concern of the elements and mechanical issues (Table 51.2)
possibility of rupture. Cardiac arrest, bleeding, renal failure, and pro-
Power failure: The pump should be hand-cranked longed intubation prior to ECMO have been identified
manually until the power returns. as risk factors for death [16].

Table 51.2  Current ECMO outcomes for cardiac support

Author, year of publica- Years of study, ECMO indication Hospital survival Cause of death Neurological
tion, city, number of injury after
patients survival
Alsoufi et al. 2007 [21] 2000–2005 80 ECMO in refractory 37% Ischemic brain 11%
(Toronto–Saudi patients cardiac arrest injury
Fisher et al. ELSO 1987–2005 151 For primary graft 42% Multiple organ 12%
registry 2007 [22] patients dysfunction after failure (12%)
(Toronto–Michigan) lung transplantation
Delmo Walter EM et al. 1987–2005 110 Perioperative circulatory 57% Multiple organ
2007 (Berlin) patients failure failure
Sachweh et al. 2007 [13] 1996–2007 24 Failure to wean from 50% Multiple organ 4%
(Aechen) patients cardiopulmonary failure
Pizarro C et al. 2006 [17] 2004–2005 44 For postoperative rescue 50% Multiple organ 10%
(Wilgmington) patients of high-risk patients failure
following cardiac
Thourani V et al. 2006 27 patients (VA-ECMO) in pediatric 59%
[23] Athlanta cardiac support
Ravishankar C et al. 1998–2005 382 After stage I 38%
2006 [7]  Philadelphia– patients reconstruction
Hoskote A et al. 2006 1997–2003 25 After staged palliation of 44% Multiorgan
[24] Toronto patients a functional single failure
51  Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery 599

Table 51.2  (continued)

Chow NK 2006 [24] 1987–2004 204 For Perioperative 52%
Tapei patients Cardiac Allograft
Allan C et al. 2006 [25] 1996–2004 22 Emergent use of ECMO 82% 48%
Boston patients during pediatric
Balsaim G et al. 2006 [15] 2000–2004 26 After pediatric cardiac 46% Stroke, DIC
Jeddah surgery
Chaturvedi RR et al. [18] 81 patients Postcardiotomy Cardiac Initiated in ICU : 29%
2004 Failure Initiated in OR : 64%
Mehta U et al. 2000 [24 ] 8 patients Cardiomyopathy, End-stage dilated
myocarditis, or cardiomyopathy:
arrhythmia 80%
Acute myocarditis:
Morris MC et al. 2004 1997–2004 137 Pediatric cardiac ICU 39%
[18] patients
Del Nido P et al. 1992 [26] After sudden cardiac 55%
arrest in the
postoperative period

A multivariate analysis from Morris et  al. [18] different institutions around the world is growing.

revealed that age less than 1 month and male gender Some studies have demonstrated improvements in sur-
significantly affected hospital survival in patients who vival, especially when the indication is for long-term
required ECMO after cardiac surgery. They did not bridge in pre-transplant patients [16, 19].
find any significant independent predictors in the non- Advantages:
surgical ECMO group. Furthermore, they did not find
1. Relatively easy implantation
that failure of separation from the cardiopulmonary
2. Fast set-up time
bypass machine or cardiac physiology alterations
3. Low priming volume
(single ventricle) were correlated significantly with
4. Low level of anticoagulation
hospital survival.
5. Less trauma and risk of infection
The duration of ECMO has been shown to affect
6. More mobility of the patient
survival. While some have shown that most patients
7. Do not require ICU
who survive recover contractile function within
8. Decreased requirement of anticoagulation
48–72  h. The time interval from CPR to rescue
9. Longer term support
R-ECMO has been noted as a limiting factor in the
10. Pulsatile flow
effectiveness of any rescue during acute cardiac and
11. Small size
pulmonary failure. At the Children’s Hospital of
Pittsburgh, survival was 100% in patients with CPR The indication for circulatory support with a Ventricular
times less than 15 min, whereas survival was 55% in Assist Devices (VAD) system is oriented to the patient
those who underwent CPR for more than 42 min. disease process [19, 20].
Types and availability of VADs used in the pediatric
population include:

51.13  P
 ediatric Ventricular Assist 1. Paracorporeal:
Devices a. Pneumatic pulsatile
 i. Abiomed BVS 5000 (Abiomed Inc., Delaware,
With the advent of improved technology, circulatory MA)
support without an oxygenator is available for the ii. Berlin Heart EXCOR (Berlin Heart AG,
pediatric population. The experience published by Germany)
600 P.D. Wearden et al.

 iii. MEDOS HIA (MEDOS, Germany) Heparin should be increased if R < 8.0 and decreased
iv. Heartmate I (Thoratec, Plasanton, CA) if R< 15
  v. Toyobo (Japan) In addition, renal and hepatic functions require
 vi. Novacor (Baxter, Irvine CA) monitoring.
2. Intracorporeal or Implantable
a. Continuous Axial or Centrifugal Flow:  Platelet Inhibition Therapy
  i. MicroMed DeBakey (Micromed technogies)
Initiate Dipyridamole 4 mg/kg/day (max dose 10 mg/kg/
  ii. Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik, NY)
day) after 48 h if there is not bleeding, patient is hemo­
iii. The INCOR VAD Berlin Heart (Germany)
dynamically stable, and platelet function in the TEG
iv. Thoratec Heartmate II Duraheart (Temuro,
is normal (MA >56 mm, G > 6 and <10, araquidonic
acid inhibition is <70%) and the platelet count is
Aspirin may be started (1 mg/kg/day) at day 4 post-
51.13.1  Devices Underdevelopment implantation when the MA > 72 mm and G >8.
Fresh frozen plasma (10–15  ml/kg) or platelets
1 . Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device (Penn State) (1 unit/5 kg body weight) might be administered is case
2. Pediatric Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik Heart Inc. NY) of decrease in clot factors or platelet dysfunction.
3. PediaFlow VAD (Pittsburgh)
4. PediPump (Cleveland Clinic)
5. Levitronix centrifugal Pump (Pittsburgh)
6. Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Assist System (Ension) References
7. Pediatric pVAD (Cardiac Assist, Inc. Pittsburgh)
8. Toddler VAD (Pittsburgh) 1. Gravlee G, Davis R, Stammers A, Ungerleider R.
Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins; 2008.
2. Van Meurs K, Lally K, Peek G, Zwischenberger J ECMO:  Anticoagulation Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support in Critical Care
(The red book). 3rd ed. Michigan: Extracorporeal Life
Anticoagulation management for VADs reflects the Support Organization 2007.
3. ECLS Registry Report July, 2007. Extracorporeal Life
post-surgical nature of VAD implantation and focuses support Organization 2007.
more heavily on platelet inhibition. Unfractionated 4. Morgan IS, Codispoti M, Sanger K, Mankad PS. Superiority
heparin should be started 24–48 h after implantation if of centrifugal pump over roller pump in paediatric cardiac
the platelets count is higher than 20,000/mL and there surgery: prospective randomised trial. Eur J Cardiothorac
Surg. 1998;13:526–532.
is no clinical bleeding. 5. Fuse I, Higuchi W, Toba K, Aizawa Y. Inhibitory mechanism
of human platelet aggregation by nafamostat mesilate.
Platelets. 1999;10:212–218.  Unfractionated heparin therapy (IV) 6. Peek GJ, Firmin RK. The inflammatory and coagulative
response to prolonged extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
ASAIO J. 1999;45:250–263. Review.
Initial dose is 10 Units/kg/h (15 Units/Kg/h < 12 months 7. Ravishankar C, Dominguez TE, Kreutzer J, et  al.
of age), after 6 h if the patient is not bleeding, increase Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after stage I recon-
infusion to 20 Units/kg/h (28 Units/kg/h < 12 months struction for hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pediatr Crit
Care Med. 2006;7:319–323.
of age). PTT and antifactor Xa should be obtained 6 h
8. Hannan RL, Ojito JW, Ybarra MA, O’Brien MC, Rossi AF,
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1.5–2.5 times (patient baseline) and antifactor Xa heart disease: a nine-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg.
of 0.35–0.5 U/ml, then use PTT to follow therapy. 2006;82:1637–1641.
9. Dalton HJ, Siewers RD, Fuhrman BP, et al. Extracorporeal
Tromboelastograms should be obtained in the early
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postoperative period and every 24  h during the first severe myocardial dysfunction. Crit Care Med. 1993;21:
week 1020–1023.
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10. Di Russo G, Martin G Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 19. Robert C. Groom pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass devices:
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Chapter 52
Heart Transplantation

Steven A. Webber and Victor O. Morell

52.1  Introduction 52.2  Indications for Transplantation

Cardiac transplantation offers the only hope for survival Transplantation of the heart is generally considered to
and improved quality of life for selected children with be indicated when expected survival is less than 2 years,
end-stage heart disease, whether due to cardiomyopathy and/or when there is unacceptable quality of life.
or congenital defects. The first pediatric transplant was Cardiomyopathy (predominantly dilated forms) and
performed by Kantrowitz and associates in December, complex congenital heart defects remain the primary
1967, only a few days after Dr. Christian Barnard’s indications, and together account for approximately
pioneering operation in an adult. Interest in transplan- 90% of transplantations undertaken in children [2].
tation of the heart declined throughout the 1970s, due World-wide transplant activity has remained constant
to the high mortality resulting primarily from lack of over the last decade. Diagnoses leading to transplanta-
effective immunosuppressive medications. A resurgence tion are age dependent, with congenital heart disease
of clinical activity developed in the early 1980s with the accounting for two-thirds of transplants in the infant
introduction of cyclosporine, the first oral immunosup- age group, with cardiomyopathy accounting for a
pressive agent with relative specificity for inhibition similar proportion among adolescents [2].
of T-lymphocytes, the primary mediators of allograft The appropriate indications for heart transplantation
rejection. This resulted in dramatic improvements in in childhood were summarized in a 1999 report from
survival of all transplanted organs. Progress in the field the Pediatric Committee of the American Society of
of pediatric heart transplantation has been recently Transplantation [3]. More recently, a consensus group
summarized [1]. With improvements in candidate and of the American Heart Association has addressed the
donor selection, preoperative management, surgical same topic [4]. In general, there is broad consensus in
technique and early postoperative care, approximately the pediatric cardiology community as to when trans-
95% of heart transplant recipients should leave plantation is indicated. Perhaps the most controversial
hospital alive and in good health after transplantation. indication for heart transplantation is hypoplastic left
Furthermore, pre-transplantation mortality has heart syndrome and related pathologies in the newborn.
fallen. Thus, survival at all times after listing has also Survival rates in excess of 80% at 1 year may be
improved. This section will give an overview of the achieved in experienced centers with either Norwood
current state-of-the-art of pediatric heart transplantation, reconstruction or primary transplantation for this
focusing on issues of key interest to those who work in condition. Median waiting times for newborn heart
the intensive care unit. transplant candidates are approximately 2 months in the
United States (and longer in some countries), resulting
in very high costs of care prior to transplantation,
significant pre-transplant morbidities, and a wait list
S.A. Webber (*)
mortality as high as 25%. In light of these observations,
Cardiology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA most centers have moved away from transplantation,
e-mail: and toward staged reconstruction, for neonates with

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 603
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_52, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
604 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

HLHS. This strategy increases availability of organs Table 52.1  Evaluation of candidates for heart transplantation
for other infants with cardiac disease unsuitable for History and physical examination
surgical palliation. Required consultations:
Relative and/or absolute contraindications include – Pediatric cardiologist, congenital cardiovascular surgeon,
cardiac anesthesiology, infectious disease specialist,
chronic infection with either hepatitis B or C, or human psychiatrist or psychologist, transplant coordinator, social
immunodeficiency virus, prior non-adherence with worker
medical therapy, recent or current treatment of malig- Additional consultations (as required):
nancy with inadequate follow up to ensure likely – Neonatology, genetics, neurology, dental, oncology,
cure, active acute viral, fungal or bacterial infections, immunology, nephrology, nutritional services, physical/
occupational therapy, developmental pediatrics, hospital
excessive and fixed pulmonary vascular resistance financial consultant
(above 10 IU), inadequate intraparenchymal pulmonary Cardiac diagnostic studies
vascular bed, diffuse pulmonary vein stenosis, and – Chest radiograph, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram,
major extracardiac disease felt to be nonreversible cardiac catheterization
with heart transplantation (i.e., severe systemic – In selected patients: Exercise test, ventilation-perfusion
scan, chest CT or MRI, pulmonary function tests
myopathy). Inevitably, some centers consider specific
Blood type (ABO), anti-HLA antibody screen, complete blood
contraindications absolute, whereas others may feel they count and white cell differential, platelet count, coagulation
are relative. Decision making is based on consensus screen, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, glucose,
discussion among all team members, including intensive calcium, magnesium, liver function tests, lipid profile,
brain natriuretic peptide.
care staff.
Serological screening for antibodies to the following pathogens:
cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes
simplex, human immunodeficiency, varicella, hepatitis A,
B, C, D and measles; antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii
52.3  Evaluation of the Candidate PPD/Mantoux placement
Update immunizations including hepatitis B, pneumoccocal
and influenza (in season)
Currently, the majority of children undergoing heart
transplantation are hospitalized in the intensive care unit
pulmonary arteries, including the presence of stenoses,
at the time of transplantation. For many, the transplant
distortions, and non-confluence. Intracardiac anatomy
will occur during the first hospital admission. Thus,
is less important since the bulk of the cardiac mass will
the intensivist will often be involved in the transplant
be explanted. Abnormalities in the relation of the great
evaluation. The evaluation includes the assessment of
arteries usually pose few problems. Attention must also
expected survival without transplantation, the patients’
be given to the relationship of key structures such as
current quality of life, the potential for alternate surgical
right ventricular-pulmonary artery conduits or giant right
or medical therapies, as well as the inherent risks of
atria (after Fontan procedure) to the posterior aspect of
the transplant surgery itself. A typical evaluation
the sternum. Computed tomography and/or magnetic
protocol is shown in Table 52.1.
resonance imaging are well suited to delineating
cardiac anatomy, but cardiac catheterization is usually
indicated pre-transplantation to assess pulmonary
vascular resistance. Excessive fixed resistance will result
52.3.1  A
 natomic and Hemodynamic in acute donor right ventricular failure and an inability
Considerations to wean the patient from cardiopulmonary bypass.
In general, children with indexed pulmonary vascular
The most complex anatomy may be transplanted resistance (PVRI) £6  IU are considered low risk for
provided the lung vasculature is adequately developed acute donor right heart failure. If resistance is between
and pulmonary vascular resistance is acceptable. 6 and 10 IU, the risks are higher, but transplantation
Anatomic points of most interest to the surgeon include is still generally not considered to be contraindicated.
abnormalities of cardiac and visceral situs (especially A PVRI in excess of 10 IU is usually considered as
anomalies of the systemic and pulmonary venous return), a contraindication to isolated heart transplantation
as well as the size and anatomy of the main and branch unless there is a major fall (to well below 10 IU) with
52  Heart Transplantation 605

pulmonary vasodilator therapy. In borderline cases, infancy. Transplantation across blood group barriers
restudy of hemodynamics after several days of inotropic before the development of naturally occurring anti-A
and vasodilator therapy may be indicated, as pronounced and anti-B isohemagglutinins appears to result in
falls in PVRI are occasionally seen. It should be outcomes comparable to ABO compatible transplants
noted however, that rapid fall in pulmonary resistance [5]. Furthermore, most of the transplanted infants did
can lead to acute elevation in left atrial pressure in not form antibodies against donor blood group anti-
patients with very poor left ventricular function, even gens during long-term follow up, possibly due to the
precipitating pulmonary edema. The role of chronic development of B cell tolerance. This strategy has
VAD therapy as a strategy to unload the left ventricle profound implications for ICU care, since use of blood
and reduce excessive PVRI to prepare children for products pre- and post-transplant must be carefully
orthotopic transplantation is unknown at this time. planned to avoid transfusion of blood products con-
taining inappropriate anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
Acceptable products should be summarized in collab-
oration with the blood bank and posted at the patient’s
52.3.2  Laboratory Investigations bedside. These restrictions will apply indefinitely and
information on acceptable blood products must be
These are summarized in Table 52.1. Blood typing is provided to the family prior to hospital discharge.
necessary to assure ABO compatibility with the trans- Evaluation for the presence of preformed anti-HLA
planted organ, though infants and young children antibodies (“sensitized”) is performed using panel
with absent or low anti-A and anti-B isohemagglutinin ­reactive antibody and solid phase assays. Infectious
titers may be safely transplanted across traditional disease evaluation includes serologic testing for cyto-
ABO barriers. This strategy was introduced by West megalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), vari-
and colleagues in Toronto [5] and is based on the prin- cella, herpes simplex virus, T. gondii, human
ciple that isohemagglutinins against blood group anti- immunodeficiency virus (HIV), measles and hepatitis
gens do not normally develop until the latter part of viruses A, B, C, and D. Serologic status for these
agents may guide prophylaxis as well as the diagnos-
tic evaluation of post-transplantation fever. Very rarely,
Table 52.2  Evaluation of the cardiac donor
it may lead to exclusion of candidacy of the child for
transplantation. The infectious disease evaluation
– Donor age, height, weight, and gender
– Cause of brain death
should also include review of immunization history.
– History of cardiac arrest and length of resuscitation Those candidates in whom transplantation is not likely
– Evidence of chest trauma to be imminent should undergo an update of appropriate
– History of intravenous drug usage immunizations at the time of the pre-transplant
– Past history of cardiovascular disease evaluation.
– Distance from transplant center
– History of malignancy
Cardiovascular status
– Heart rate, blood pressure, central venous pressure 52.3.3  Consultations
– Fluid balance
– Blood gas
– Types and doses of intravenous inotropes Each candidate is evaluated by a multidisciplinary
– Inotropic support increasing or decreasing team that includes the transplant cardiologist and
Cardiovascular testing surgeon, social worker, transplant coordinator, and
– Electrocardiogram infectious disease expert. A screening psychiatric/
– Chest radiograph
psychological examination of the patient and their
– Echocardiogram
– Cardiac enzymes family is also very beneficial to the transplant team
Other testing and the patient and their family. The primary purpose
– Infectious disease screen: CMV, EBV, T. gondii, HIV-1, of this evaluation is to identify patients and families
HIV-2, HTLV-1, HTLV-2, RPR, Hepatitis B and C at high risk for poor psychosocial outcome, while
– All culture results since admission to intensive care unit waiting for transplantation and after transplantation.
606 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

Evaluation of past history of non-adherence to medical difficult in the setting of generalized trauma. However,
therapy is critical. Additional consultations may be the elevation in cardiac troponin I levels in donor
required from specialist services such as hematology– serum appears to be a useful predictor for acute graft
oncology (when there is past history of malignancy), failure after infant heart transplantation. Evaluation of
child development, genetics, neurology, and feeding and adult donors for coronary artery disease by selective
nutritional specialists. Patients with Fontan circulation coronary arteriography is commonplace in adult
require evaluation of the liver for evidence of cirrhosis transplantation. Use of older donors (e.g., above
and may require formal hepatology consultation. 35 years of age) for pediatric recipients is associated
with high risk of post-transplant coronary disease and
poor long-term survival [6]. Such donors are generally
52.4  Donor Evaluation Size matching is a critical issue in the selection of
potential donors. Most centers avoid under-sizing the
Although the intensivist is not usually involved in the donor below 75–80% of recipient weight. Below this,
donor evaluation process, it is important for the ICU cardiac output of the donor may be insufficient to meet
team to know about key aspects of the potential donor. the needs of the recipient. Use of oversized donors is
Evaluation of the donor heart begins with a careful common. Most candidates will have marked cardio-
review of the history. This includes donor age and megaly, leaving ample room within the chest for an
gender, body size, cause of death, presence of any chest oversized donor heart. Use of donor: recipient weight
trauma, need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, length ratios of 2.5:1 is common in pediatric practice, and
of resuscitation, and evaluation of the hemodynamic ratios of 3–4:1 have been successfully used, especially
status of the donor (including blood pressure, heart rate, in newborn and infant candidates. Marked over-sizing
and central venous pressure, if available). The amount often results in delayed sternal closure and in infant
of inotropic support, and trends in usage over time, are recipients, donor : recipient weight ratios of greater
also noted. A history of cardiopulmonary resuscitation than two have been associated with a more prolonged
is not, in itself, a contraindication to cardiac donation for ventilator course and increased risk of primary graft
pediatric recipients. It must be recognized that brain failure [7]. Oversized donor hearts may also give rise to
death results in dramatic physiological disturbances in the a postoperative syndrome characterized by high output
donor. These include temperature instability with state associated with systemic hypertension, raised
hypothermia, circulatory volume changes (most intracranial pressure, and even mental status changes.
commonly depletion) and neuroendocrine dysfunction. It has been suggested that over-sizing of donors may
There is depletion of circulating thyroxine, cortisol, improve outcome when there is significant preoperative
insulin, glucagon, and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). pulmonary hypertension in the recipient. Certainly,
To rule out structural abnormalities and to evaluate under-sizing should be avoided in the presence of
cardiac function, a complete echocardiogram should be recipient pulmonary hypertension, and in adults it has
performed. Most centers avoid the use of donor hearts been shown that use of female donors is associated
whose systolic function is more than mildly impaired with higher perioperative mortality when recipient
after treatment with inotropic agents or thyroid hormone pulmonary vascular resistance is elevated.
(e.g., shortening fraction less than 26%, ejection All donors should be screened for CMV, EBV, human
fraction less than 50%). Some degree of atrioventricular immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2 (HIV-1, HIV-2),
valvar regurgitation is common after brain death and human lymphotropic viruses 1 and 2 (HTLV-1, HTLV-2),
mild degrees do not constitute a contraindication to and hepatitis viruses A, B, and C. Donors are also
organ donation. Pericardial effusion may be indicative screened for syphilis and for antibodies to Toxoplasma
of myocardial contusion. A 12-lead electrocardiogram gondii. Presence of antibodies to CMV, EBV or T. gondii
should be performed. Mild nonspecific ST and T wave do not constitute contraindication to transplanta-
changes are commonly present, and usually reflect tion but helps guide post-transplantation therapy
central nervous system effects, electrolyte disturbances and surveillance. Evidence of donor retroviral
or hypothermia. These do not contraindicate organ infection (HIV or HTLV) is considered an absolute
donation. Interpretation of cardiac enzymes may be contraindication to heart transplantation. The presence
52  Heart Transplantation 607

of donor hepatitis B surface antigen is also usually 52.5.2  Implantation

considered an absolute contraindication to heart
donation. The usage of hepatitis C positive donors
At the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh we are
remains controversial. Evaluation of the cardiac donor
utilizing the bi-caval technique as our procedure of
is summarized in Table 52.2.
choice in all patients, irrespectively of their age
and size (Fig. 52.1). This technique minimizes atrial
suturelines and provides for more normal atrial
52.5  Surgical Considerations geometry. When compared to the biatrial technique
(Fig. 52.2), it appears to have a lower incidence of
There are several factors contributing to the complexity postoperative arrhythmias and thrombus formation.
of cardiac transplantation in patients with congenital Also, it may be associated with improved atrio-
heart disease, including: ventricular valve function and post-transplant
1. The high incidence of anatomical abnormalities
a. Anomalous systemic and/or pulmonary venous
return  Anomalous Systemic Venous Return
b. Dextrocardia with/or without situs inversus
c. Malposition of the great arteries When bilateral SVCs are present (without a con-
necting vein) our preference is to obtain the full
2. Small size
length of the donor’s SVC and the innominate vein
a. Resulting in significant size mismatch between in order to perform an end-to-end anstomosis
the donor organ and the recipient between the recipient’s left-sided cava and the
donor’s innominate vein. If the LSVC drains into
3. Previous operations
the coronary sinus, then another alternative is to
a. Altered anatomy preserve the coronary sinus during the cardiectomy
b. Abnormal circulatory physiology and perform a biatrial cardiac anastomosis, leaving
c. Increase risk of bleeding the coronary sinus draining into the right atrium. If
a connecting vein is present, the left SVC can be
Therefore, it is crucial to clearly delineate the
simply ligated.
patient’s cardiac anatomy at the time of transplantation
in order to identify special needs and adequately plan
the surgical procedure.
Dextrocardia with Situs Solitus

In patients with dextrocardia and normal systemic

52.5.1  Recipient Cardiectomy venous return the only modification we utilize is the
release of the left side of the pericardium in order to
The recipient cardiectomy is performed under cardio- allow the apex of the heart to protrude into the left
pulmonary bypass with bicaval cannulation and an LV hemithorax.
vent, at a temperature of 28–32°C. After aortic clamp-
ing, our preference is to transect the SVC and then the
IVC, leaving a small cuff of atrium attached to each Dextrocardia with Situs Inversus
cava (preserving the length). The aorta and pulmonary
arteries are then divided proximally; finally the left For these patients our approach has been to resect the
atrium is transected, leaving a generous cuff of atrium interatrial septum and reroute the SVC and IVC flow
attached to the pulmonary veins. If the biatrial tech- to the right side using atrial flaps as tunnels. Cardiac
nique is being utilized then a segment of the right atrium transplantation is then performed using the biatrial
is left connected to the superior and inferior cava. technique.
608 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

Fig.  52.1  Bicaval technique. (a) The recipient cardiectomy has organ has been sutured in place; all the anastomosis are performed
been performed; note the left atrial (LA) cuff and the transected ends with a running non-absorbable suture except for the SVC suture line
of the superior vena cava (SVC), inferior vena cava (IVC), ascend- in which interrupted sutures are used to prevent the development of
ing aorta (AAo), and main pulmonary artery (MPA). (b) The donor late stenosis (especially important in neonates and infants)

Fig. 52.2  Biatrial technique. (a) The recipient cardiectomy has main pulmonary artery (MPA). (b) The donor organ has been
been performed; note the left atrial (LA) and right atrial (RA) sutured in place; all the anastomosis are performed with a running
cuffs and the transected ends of the ascending aorta (AAo) and non-absorbable suture
52  Heart Transplantation 609  Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return choices. The latter is sometimes recommended
because of its combined properties of chronotropy,
In patients with total anomalous pulmonary venous inotropy, and pulmonary vasodilatation. The addi-
return, we first proceed with a standard intracardiac tion of a combined vasodilator/inotropic agent such
repair, connecting the pulmonary venous confluence as milrinone is logical when there is low cardiac out-
to the left atrium, followed by cardiac transplantation. put and evidence of high systemic vascular resis-
tance. Occasionally, particularly in infants with
markedly oversized donors, the simplest way to  Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome improve cardiac function is to leave the chest open at
the end of the transplant procedure. The insertion of
Cardiac transplantation in neonates and infants with a Swan-Ganz catheter may provide useful hemody-
hypoplastic left heart syndrome involves one extra namic information throughout the first 48 h of post-
step, the reconstruction of the hypoplastic aortic operative course.
arch. Therefore, during the procurement, it is impor-
tant to harvest as much of the donor aorta as
possible.  Systemic Hypertension

In contrast to the non-transplant cardiac surgical

patient, systemic hypertension is common. Many factors
contribute including vigorous function of an oversized
52.6  P
 ostoperative Management
donor organ and use of high dose corticosteroids. It is
and Early Complications not unusual to observe quite severe systolic hyperten-
sion within 24 h of a successful transplant procedure.
Many of the fundamental principles of early postoper- If good ventricular function is confirmed by echocar-
ative management after heart transplantation are simi- diogram, rapid wean of inotropic support is performed.
lar to those for pediatric patients undergoing other Where systemic resistance appears high, intravenous
procedures with cardiopulmonary bypass. This section vasodilators (i.e., sodium nitroprusside, nicardipine)
focuses on aspects of care that are specific to the are a logical choice. In the case of a vigorous oversized
transplant recipient. organ, some have advocated beta blockade.  Pulmonary Vascular Resistance

52.6.1  Cardiovascular Considerations The importance of pulmonary vascular resistance as a

risk factor for acute donor right ventricular failure is  Inotropic Agents discussed above. If there is a concern about elevated
pulmonary vascular resistance, on the basis of preop-
Abnormalities in cardiac function are inevitable due erative evaluation, additional precautions should be
to the obligatory hypoxic – ischemic insult that the taken. Nitric oxide is begun in the operating room
donor heart endures. Recovery of systolic function is and is used to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass.
usually rapid. Abnormalities in diastolic function, Acidosis must be avoided and high levels of inspired
however, may persist for many weeks. Most heart oxygen are provided. Hyperventilation is performed
transplant recipients will benefit from low dose ino- and generous sedation is provided in the early post-
tropic support in the immediate postoperative period, operative period. If necessary, prostaglandin E1 can
though often this is only required for 2–3 days. The also be used. The right heart may require significant
choice of inotrope will reflect both physician prefer- inotropic support, and sometimes epinephrine may
ence and hemodynamic factors such as heart rate, be required in addition to milrinone and dobutamine.
pulmonary vascular resistance, and blood pressure. If right ventricular dysfunction persists with poor cardiac
Low dose dobutamine and isoproterenol are common output despite this level of support, then mechanical
610 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

assistance should be provided. If pulmonary vascular ventricular or biventricular failure not due to high
resistance is moderately elevated pre-transplantation, pulmonary vascular resistance. Poor donor selection,
(or if there is an acute elevation in resistance following very prolonged ischemic time, poor preservation
bypass in a child with previously low resistance), then technique and hyperacute rejection should all be
24–48 h of support will often enable the right ventricle considered. The latter is extremely rare with routine
to recover enough to support the circulation, despite recipient pre-transplant screening for anti-HLA
elevated pulmonary pressures. If acute donor right antibodies. When primary graft failure occurs (not
heart failure reflects poor candidate selection (e.g., due to hyperacute rejection), recovery is frequently
indexed pulmonary resistance greater than 10  IU possible if the circulation can be supported. This is
after vasodilator challenge), then recovery of right usually achieved with extracorporeal membrane
heart function is unlikely. oxygenation (ECMO) [8]. Re-transplantation for
early graft failure is generally associated with very
poor outcomes [9], and many consider this a contrain-  Cardiac Rate and Rhythm dication to re-transplantation.

Postoperative tachy- and brady-arrhythmias have been

observed in children following heart transplantation.
The commonest rhythm abnormality (other than sinus 52.6.2  Respiratory Support
tachycardia) is sinus node dysfunction leading to sinus
bradycardia, with or without an atrial or junctional The principals of respiratory support do not differ
escape rhythm. The denervated sinus node responds from those of other pediatric open heart procedures.
appropriately to exogenous chronotropic agents and Early extubation should be the goal. The patient who has
isoproterenol is useful in this respect. A simpler required prolonged preoperative mechanical ventilation
approach is atrial pacing, and all transplant recipients will usually need more prolonged ventilatory support
should have temporary pacing wires placed in the postoperatively as retraining of respiratory muscles will
operating room. Sinus node dysfunction reflects be required. Infants with long-standing cardiomegaly
ischemic and/or traumatic injury, but usually recovers will often have significant tracheobronchomalacia and
in a few days. Ventricular ectopy and nonsustained persistent or recurrent pulmonary atelectasis is not
ventricular tachycardia are also quite common in the unusual, especially of the left lower lobe.
first week or two after transplantation. These presum-
ably relate to the obligatory ischemia-reperfusion
injury, and rarely require treatment.
The fresh cardiac allograft has limited ability to
increase stroke volume, and therefore establishing an 52.6.3  Renal Function
adequate heart rate is important for maintaining
cardiac output. It is our practice to maintain a heart The combination of chronic heart failure, cardiopul-
rate that reflects slight tachycardia for age. For instance, monary bypass, and use of cyclosporine or tacrolimus
in an infant, a heart rate of 140–150 would be main- all contribute to postoperative renal dysfunction.
tained, and in a teenager a heart rate of around a 100 This is exacerbated if there is low cardiac output
beats per minute would be acceptable. Atrial pacing is state postoperatively. Oliguria is common. Fortunately,
most commonly used to control the heart rate. acute renal failure is rare in children and dialysis is
seldom required. Persisting oliguria is managed with
loop diuretics and low dose dopamine (e.g., 3–5 mg/kg/  Primary Graft Failure min). Low output is managed with inotropic agents as
discussed above. Administration of a continuous furo-
Failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass, or early semide infusion (up to 6 mg/kg/day) may be helpful.
postoperative graft failure, is a serious complication These maneuvers are usually successful in stimulating
associated with high mortality. The term primary graft an adequate urine output (>1 ml/kg/h). In some cases,
failure is often reserved for the finding of acute left particularly in neonates and infants, intravenous
52  Heart Transplantation 611

prostaglandin E1 may also provide a diuretic effect. given as prophylaxis against mediastinal and wound
When urine output remains low, it may be necessary infection. Usually a first generation cephalosporin will
to withhold calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus or suffice. Broader staphylococcal coverage (i.e., vanco-
cyclosporine) for a few days. This can be facilitated by mycin) is given if the patient has had a prolonged ICU
the use of intravenous induction agents as part of the stay and has long-standing lines in place. Such lines
early immunosuppressive regimen (see below). are usually replaced in the operating room. Patients
colonized with MRSA are also covered with vancomy-
cin. Oral nystatin is started in the ICU, along with gan-
ciclovir, if recipient or donor are seropositive for CMV.
52.6.4  Gastrointestinal Considerations Patients at high risk for yeast infections (e.g., patients
on pre-transplant ECMO) are frequently given pro-
phylaxis with fluconazole. However, it should be noted
Gastrointestinal complications are quite common early
that all “azole” antifungals have a profound effect on
after pediatric heart transplantation [10]. All patients
calcineurin inhibitor metabolism (via the cytochrome
should receive intravenous, and subsequently oral, H2
P450 system). A marked reduction in tacrolimus or
antagonists to decrease the risk of stress ulcers in the
cyclosporine dosing (50–90% reduction) is required
early postoperative period. These are usually continued
during concomitant use of an azole antifungal agent.
until corticosteroids have been weaned to low doses or
Initiation of prophylaxis against Pneumocystis carinii
discontinued. The nasogastric tube is removed as soon
can follow nearer to the time of hospital discharge.
as the patient is extubated and able to take oral feeds
and medications. Attention is paid to providing optimal
calories without use of excessive volumes since most
patients will tend to retain fluid in the early postopera- 52.6.6  I mmunosuppression and Early
tive period. Pancreatitis is not uncommon following Acute Rejection
transplantation and should be sought when there is
abdominal pain or unexplained feeding intolerance.
High dose intravenous methylprednisolone (e.g.,
Immunosuppressive regimens that avoid the use of
15–20 mg/kg) is given in the operating room. A tapering
azathioprine and corticosteroids may reduce this
course of corticosteroids is usually given over the next
complication. Symptoms of gastrointestinal perforation
1–2 weeks, with the majority of centers discharging
may be subtle in small children on immunosuppressive
patients on maintenance corticosteroid therapy [2].
medications, especially if corticosteroids are being
However, there is increasing use of steroid-free
used. Many children with chronic heart failure have
immunosuppressive regimens in pediatric practice.
gastroesophageal reflux disease. This should be aggres-
Cyclosporine or tacrolimus is commenced generally
sively managed, but with knowledge that there are
within 24–48 h of surgery once good urine output has
many drug interactions between immunosuppressant
been established. Both agents can be given intrave-
medications and drugs used for gastroesophageal
nously or enterally. If anti-T cell induction therapy is
reflux disease including antacids, antihistamines, and
used (most commonly polyclonal rabbit antithymocyte
prokinetic agents.
globulin; less often with an interleukin-2 receptor
antagonist), then there is less urgency to introduce a
calcineurin inhibitor in the immediate (first 1–2 days)
post-transplant period. Cyclosporine or tacrolimus
52.6.5  Infectious Precautions can then be commenced by the oral route rather than
intravenously. Delay in commencement of these agents
Infections are a leading cause of death and morbidity for several days (under coverage of induction therapy)
in the first year following heart transplantation. Most may be particularly useful when urine output is low or
severe infections occur during the initial hospitaliza- renal function is deteriorating.
tion. During the first week after transplantation, inva- There are an enormous number of strategies for
sive lines and drains are removed as soon as maintenance immunosuppression [11]. All centers
possible. A short course of antibiotics (e.g., 72 h) is currently use a calcineurin inhibitor as the primary
612 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

Table  52.3  Potential combinations of maintenance immunosuppressive drugs used in pediatric heart transplantation. All
maintenance regimens may be used with, or without, induction therapy with T cell depleting antibody preparations or with
interleukin-2 receptor antagonists
Number of agents Potential combinations Comments
Monotherapy Tacrolimus or cyclosporine Monotherapy rarely used with cyclosporine.
Dual therapy Tacrolimus or cyclosporine with azathioprine or Little experience with the mTOR (target of rapamycin)
mycophenolate mofetil or sirolimus/ inhibitors sirolimus and everolimus in children.
everolimus or corticosteroids Steroid avoidance increasingly common in pediatric
heart transplantation.
Triple therapy Tacrolimus or cyclosporine with corticosteroids In triple therapy regimens, mycophenolate mofetil is
with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil being used with increasing frequency in lieu of
or sirolimus/everolimus azathioprine.

immunosuppressive agent and there is approximately 52.7  M

 edium-Term and Late
equal use of tacrolimus and cyclosporine at this time. Complications
Most centers also use a second, adjunctive, agent.
More centers are using steroid avoidance regimens or
early steroid weaning in children. The principals of A detailed discussion of all complications of heart
maintenance therapy are summarized in Table  52.3. transplantation beyond the immediate postoperative
In general, agents of similar classes are not given period is outside the scope of this text and readers are
together as they tend to enhance toxicities. Combination referred to other reviews [1, 13]. This section focuses
therapies use two or three agents of different classes on those complications that the intensive care team
with different mechanisms of action. will be required to manage from time to time.
Careful daily assessment is performed for signs of Immunosuppressive therapy aims to prevent or
rejection, though severe rejection before 7–10 days is minimize the immune response of the host to donor
rare (except in the sensitized patient). Rejection is antigens, while avoiding complications of therapeutic
generally delayed with use of induction therapy. Infants immunosuppression. Immunological complications of
and young children experience less acute rejection transplantation fall into two main groups - allograft
than adolescents. Pallor, increasing tachycardia, rejection and graft dysfunction (both acute and chronic)
abdominal pain, gallop rhythm, and oliguria all are reflecting inadequate or ineffective immunosuppression
suggestive of severe rejection. Ideally, rejection is and manifestations of nonspecific immunosuppres-
identified by echocardiography and/or surveillance sion, including infections and malignancy. Finally,
biopsy before such signs develop. The electrocar- non-immune side effects of immunosuppressive therapy
diogram may show reduced precordial voltages. (i.e., tissue and organ toxicities) are an important cause
The tempo of rejection can be quite abrupt in the early of morbidity, and occasionally mortality, after heart
post-transplant period, and any deterioration in the transplantation in children.
patient’s condition after initial recovery from surgery
must be taken very seriously. If there is unequivocal
evidence of new graft dysfuction, empiric treatment
(usually consisting of bolus intravenous corticoster- 52.7.1  Acute Rejection
oids), or immediate endomyocardial biopsy, should
be performed. Biopsy generally shows lymphocytic Patients remain at risk for acute rejection indefinitely.
infiltrates (predominantly T cells) with varying degrees There is no evidence that heart transplant recipients
of edema and myocyte damage. Endomyocardial become truly tolerant to their allograft. The importance
biopsies are graded according to an internationally of acute rejection episodes becomes evident when
agreed classification system developed by the causes of death after heart transplant are examined.
International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Data from the ISHLT show that acute rejection is the
(ISHLT) [12]. commonest cause of death between 30 days and 3 years
52  Heart Transplantation 613

after heart transplantation, accounting for almost 30% pediatric heart transplantation [2]. It accounts for
of all deaths [2]. The peak hazard, or instantaneous approximately 40% of deaths in the period 3–5 years
risk, for first rejection is between 1 and 2 months after after transplantation. The pathology differs somewhat
transplantation. By 1 year after transplantation, only from that of ischemic heart disease in the normal adult
40% of pediatric heart recipients are free of acute population. Typical allograft CAD consists of myo-
rejection. Late acute rejection episodes (occurring intimal proliferation that is generally concentric and
beyond the 1 year after transplantation) appear to involves the entire length of the vessel, including
carry a particularly poor long-term prognosis [14], intramyocardial branches. Eventually, luminal occlusion
especially if associated with graft dysfunction. When occurs. There is often associated inflammation. Both
there is any degree of systolic dysfunction with acute immune and non-immune mechanisms likely contribute
rejection, rapid deterioration is common, even when to the development of graft vasculopathy, though immune
the patient appears well and free of heart failure at mechanisms are probably of central importance in young
presentation. Thus, it is prudent to admit all patients children. Intriguing data have recently been published
with acute graft failure to the intensive care unit for showing that persistence of viral genome of various
initiation of therapy. If systolic failure is more than viruses (especially adenovirus) detected in the myocar-
mild, intravenous milrinone should be initiated and the dium of heart biopsy samples by polymerase chain
patient should be monitored for arrhythmias. Unless reaction predicts the development of coronary disease
graft failure is known to be due to coronary artery and late graft loss in children [15]. Use of older donors,
disease, treatment for acute rejection/graft dysfunction late acute rejection episodes, and older recipient age are
should be initiated with intravenous methylpredniso- all risk factors for the development of post-transplant
lone 10–15 mg/kg (maximum 1 g) daily for 3–5 days. CAD [6]. CMV infection may also contribute to the
It is optimal to obtain an endomyocardial biopsy development of graft vascular disease [16].
since acute graft dysfunction maybe associated with Symptoms of ischemia are often absent, though
“acellular rejection.” Such cases may be due to humoral some children will experience episodes of abdominal
rejection secondary to circulating anti-HLA antibodies. pain and/or chest pain, despite operative denervation
Additional therapies may then be required, including of the heart. Syncope and sudden death are also
urgent plasmapharesis. It should be emphasized common presentations of graft coronary disease in
that treatment of severe acute rejection should not be children. In the current era, the diagnosis is most often
delayed while waiting for endomyocardial biopsy to made during surveillance selective coronary angiog-
be performed or results to be obtained. raphy. Intravascular ultrasound has much greater
Acute rejection with hemodynamic compromise sensitivity for this diagnosis, though experience in
can rapidly lead to graft failure. Unless there are children is much more limited than adults.
specific contraindications, such patients should receive Unfortunately, no curative treatment exists for estab-
full hemodynamic support, including use of mechanical lished CAD. Diastolic dysfunction tends to develop
support since the condition is generally reversible in early and may be observed even when there is little
nature. evidence of epicardial coronary artery narrowing [17].
This may be a reflection of diffuse small vessel disease
in many patients. Once overt systolic failure ensues,
survival is poor and consideration should be given to
52.7.2  C
 hronic Rejection or Post- re-transplantation. Outcomes for late re-transplantation
(beyond 6 months from primary transplant) are similar
Transplantation Coronary Arterial
to those for primary transplantation [9]. These patients
Disease sometimes require admission to the intensive care unit
for heart failure management. Inotropic agents should
The terms chronic rejection and post-transplant be used with great caution as for adults with ischemic
coronary arterial disease (CAD) are generally used myopathy. Patients with ischemic-induced syncope
synonymously. Coronary disease subsequent to should receive automatic implantable cardioverter-
transplantation is an accelerated vasculopathy that is defibrillators (AICD) if they are to be discharged
the leading cause of death among late survivors of from hospital. However, it may be more prudent to
614 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

keep such patients in hospital until retransplantation when there is hypoxia and characteristic chest X-ray
can be performed. Beta blockers may be given for their changes. Respiratory viral pathogens (e.g., RSV,
anti-ischemic benefits if heart failure is not advanced influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus) should be sought
and beta agonists are not required. when there is evidence of severe respiratory infection
in a heart transplant recipient. While viral respiratory
disorders tend to be well tolerated in older children and
later out from transplantation, acquisition of one of
52.7.3  Infections these respiratory viruses in the first few weeks after
transplant can occasionally cause devastating disease,
An increased prevalence of all forms of infection is especially in infants.
seen compared to the general population of children. Primary CMV infection is less problematic in heart
Most infections are caused by pathogens that also transplant patients than in lung transplant recipients.
cause infection in the non-immunocompromised In the former, pneumonitis is rare, whereas it is a
host. Common examples include respiratory viruses, common site of disease in lung and heart–lung recipi-
Streptococcus pneumoniae, and varicella virus. All ents who develop primary infection post-transplantation.
infections that occur in non-immunocompromised In heart recipients, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and bone
patients can cause greater disease severity in the marrow suppression are relatively common findings.
recipient of a transplanted heart. Of particular note in Diagnosis is facilitated by evaluation of peripheral
this respect are infections due to CMV and EBV, which blood by PCR or antigenemia (pp65) testing. Diagnosis
only rarely cause severe disease in the immunocom- of CMV disease remains a tissue diagnosis. When the
petent host. More rarely, opportunistic infections diagnosis is made early, treatment with intravenous
are seen such as that due to Pneumocystis jiroveci ganciclovir and/or oral valganciclovir is usually very
(formerly Pneumocystis carinii). Although most infec- effective.
tions are well tolerated, infection is second only to EBV infection in the immunocompromised host
graft failure as the leading cause of death in the first 30 can be asymptomatic, or may cause a nonspecific viral
days after transplantation, and second only to acute syndrome, mononucleosis, fulminant “viral sepsis,” or
rejection as the main cause of death during the remainder a post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD).
of the first post-transplant year [2]. On rare occasion, The strongest risk factor for the development of PTLD
transplant recipients with severe infection require is the development of primary EBV infection post-
admission to the intensive care unit. The principals of transplantation, though children who are seropositive
treatment are broadly the same as for severe infection/ for EBV at the time of transplant are not completely
septic shock in the non-immunocompromised host. protected from this complication. A recent analysis
Severe infection is often associated with immune of the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study database
paralysis, and in general, if the child is sick enough to (PHTS) provides the most comprehensive analysis of
warrant admission to the intensive care unit, mainte- PTLD in the pediatric heart population. This study
nance immunosuppression should be temporarily identified 56 cases among 1,184 primary transplants
withheld. However, corticosteroids should not be (4.7%) at 19 North American centers [18]. Almost
discontinued if they are being used chronically, and nine-tenths were driven by EBV and all but one were
stress dosing may be indicated. of B cell origin. Most patients were treated with
Broad spectrum antibiotic coverage is required in reduced immunosuppression and this resulted in
any septic transplant recipient until an organism has complete remission in 75% of cases. However, relapse
been identified. Streptococcus pneumoniae infections occurred in 19% and the probability of survival was
occur with increased frequency and choice of antibiotics only 75, 68, and 67% at 1, 3, and 5 years after diagnosis.
must include coverage of this agent. When there is Therapeutic strategies include reduction or temporary
clinical and radiographic evidence of pneumonia and cessation of immunosuppression, antiviral agents
deteriorating clinical status, there should be a low (invariably used though of unproven benefit), mono-
threshold for performing bronchoalveolar lavage in clonal antibodies directed against B cell antigens
order to obtain deep cultures for viruses, fungi and (e.g., rituximab, a human/mouse chimeric monoclonal
bacteria. Pneumocystis jiroveci should be ruled out antibody directed against the CD20 antigen carried
52  Heart Transplantation 615

on almost all B cells), chemotherapy, and rarely, 52.8  S

 urvival After Listing
cellular (adoptive) immunotherapy. In the latter, for Transplantation and After
patients are given infusions of autologous cytotoxic
T-lymphocytes (cultured ex vivo) directed against
EBV-specific antigens. This experimental approach is
under investigation in children in a small number Parents and patients are interested in the chances of
of centers. Children with fulminant EBV sepsis, and survival once a decision has been made to proceed
some with severe PTLD, require admission to the with listing for transplantation. Despite this, emphasis
intensive care unit. The major role of the intensivist is is rarely given to pre-transplant mortality and the
general supportive care, recognition and treatment of optimal timing of transplantation. Premature trans-
co-morbid infections, and monitoring of graft func- plantation results in exposure of the recipient to the
tion which may be compromised at presentation, or hazards of transplantation and long-term immunosup-
following therapeutic reduction in immunosuppres- pression. Excessive delay may result in death without
sion. Coordination of care among multiple specialists is transplantation or the development of co-morbidities
an important aspect of the management of these sick that may increase operative risk. These co-morbidities
patients in the ICU. include progressive end-organ dysfunction (especially
renal), malnutrition associated with advanced heart
failure, and progressive rise in pulmonary vascular
resistance. These observations emphasize the importance
52.7.4  Non-immune Complications of studying outcomes after listing for transplantation,
and not just after transplantation.
In addition to the consequences of over or under- Data from the United States Scientific Registry of
immunosuppression, transplant recipients experience Transplant Recipients reveal that children in all age
a wide array of non-immune toxicities of immunosup- groups have substantially shorter waiting times for
pressive therapies. These include systemic hypertension, heart transplants than do adults, but they have a greater
hyperlipidemia, glucose intolerance, decreased bone risk of death while waiting (
mineral density, and bone marrow suppression, The highest death rate is among infants less than 1 year
among others. Toxicities of immunosuppressive agents of age. The use of ABO incompatible heart transplants
in children have been recently reviewed [13]. It is may decrease wait-list mortality in infant heart
important that intensive care team members who look transplant candidates [20]. Several analyzes of the
after transplant patients be familiar with these adverse PHTS have focused on understanding risk factors for
effects, as well as with dosing regimens and drug survival after listing for transplantation and for defin-
interactions [11]. One complication worthy of particular ing the optimal timing of transplantation. It has recently
attention is that of progressive renal dysfunction due to been shown that children awaiting transplant at the
calcineurin inhibitor renal toxicity. This is becoming lowest urgency status (UNOS status 2 in the United
increasingly problematic as larger numbers of children States) have a very low risk of sudden death while
survive long-term after heart transplantation. Some waiting if the underlying etiology is dilated cardiomy-
have already developed end-stage renal failure opathy. This contrasts with the high risk of sudden
requiring renal transplantation [19]. It is important death in adults with ischemic etiology on the transplant
to carefully monitor renal function in all transplant waiting list. These data suggest that routine use of
recipients admitted to the ICU and to make appro- AICD in all children awaiting transplant is not indicated,
priate dose adjustments to relevant medications though certain subpopulations may benefit.
based on estimates of creatinine clearance. It should Data from the registries of the ISHLT, the United
be noted that estimates, and direct measures, of States Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients and
creatinine clearance overestimate glomerular filtration the Pediatric Heart Transplant Study all demonstrate
rate in this population and that the severity of renal important trends in post-transplant survival over the
disease is generally greater than perceived [19]. Use last decade. Importantly, there have been significant
of nephrotoxic drugs should be minimized as far as improvements in outcome in recent years; the improved
possible. survival being most evident in the infant age group and
616 S.A. Webber and V.O. Morell

in smaller volume centers. Most of the improvement on the incidence of chronic rejection, the principal
appears to be due to reduction in early mortality. cause of late graft loss. The ultimate goal is to induce a
One year survival is now approximately 90% in many state of donor-specific tolerance, wherein the recipient
centers, with only a relatively small drop over the next will accept the allograft indefinitely without the need
3–4 years. The PHTS and the ISHLT databases for long-term immunosuppression. This quest is
continue to show a slightly higher perioperative and currently being realized in animal models of solid
early mortality for infant recipients, but interestingly, organ transplantation, and offers great hope for future
these youngest recipients have the greatest conditional children undergoing heart transplantation.
graft half life based on analysis of 1 year survivors [2].
It is likely that this reflects a lower incidence of
post-transplant coronary artery disease in these very References
young recipients and a degree of immune privilege.
The results of transplantation for congenital heart 1. Webber SA, McCurry K, Zeevi A. Seminar: heart and lung
disease still lag slightly behind those of transplantation transplantation in children. Lancet. 2006;368:53–69.
2. Boucek MM, Edwards LB, Keck BM, et al. Registry of the
for cardiomyopathy; this difference is due to slightly International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation:
higher perioperative mortality. Importantly, there is eighth official pediatric report–2005. J Heart Lung
evidence of reduced survival among black pediatric Transplant. 2005;24:968–982.
recipients compared to other racial groups. Data from 3. Fricker FJ, Addonizio L, Bernstein D, et  al. Heart trans-
plantation in children: indications. Pediatr Transplant. 1999;
the U.S. United Network for Organ Sharing from 1987 3:333–342.
to 2004 shows that the median graft survival for black 4. Canter C, Shaddy R, Bernstein D, et al. Indications for trans-
recipients was only approximately half that for other plantation in pediatric heart disease. Circulation. 2007;115:
recipients (5.3 vs. 11.0 years). 658–76.
5. West LJ, Pollock-Barziv SM, Dipchand AI, et  al. ABO-
incompatible heart transplant in infants. N Engl J Med.
6. Pahl E, Naftel DC, Kuhn MA, et al. The impact and outcome
52.9  Conclusions and Future Directions of transplant coronary artery disease in a pediatric population:
a 9-year multi-institutional study. J Heart Lung Transplant.
During the last two decades, several advances have 7. Huang J, Trinkaus K, Huddleston CB, et al. Risk factors for
resulted in marked improvement in medium-term primary graft failure after pediatric cardiac transplantation:
survival for infants and children undergoing heart importance of recipient and donor characteristics. J Heart
Lung Transplant. 2004;23:716–722.
transplantation. The improved outcomes appear to be 8. Fenton KN, Webber SA, Danford DA, et  al. Long-term
limited to the early postoperative period, and this survival after pediatric cardiac transplantation and postopera-
improvement is most apparent among infants and those tive ECMO support. Ann Thorac Surg. 2003;76:843-–846.
with congenital heart disease. Pre-transplant wait-list 9. Chin C, Naftel D, Pahl E, et al. Cardiac retransplantation
in pediatrics: a multi-institutional study. J Heart Lung
mortality also appears to have improved and likely Transplant. 2006;25:1420–1424.
reflects better medical care for critically sick candidates. 10. Rakhit A, Nurko S, Gauvreau K, et  al. Gastrointestinal
There is also evidence for improved success rates for complications after pediatric cardiac transplantation. J Heart
VAD support as a bridge to transplantation. Despite Lung Transplant. 2002;21:751–759.
11. Russo L, Webber SA. Pediatric heart transplantation:
these advances, heart transplantation remains palliative immunosuppression and its complications. Curr Opin Cardiol.
and all transplant recipients are at risk for the adverse 2004;19:104–109.
effects of nonspecific immunosuppression, including 12. Stewart S, Winters GL, Fishbein MC, et al. Revision of the
infections, lymphoproliferative disorders and non- 1990 working formulation for the standardization of nomen-
clature in the diagnosis of heart rejection. J Heart Lung
lymphoid malignancies. In addition, current immuno- Transplant. 2005;24:1710–1720.
suppressive agents have narrow therapeutic windows 13. Smith JM, Nemeth TL, McDonald RA. Current immuno-
and exhibit a wide array of organ toxicities. This suppressive agents: efficacy, side effects, and utilization.
poses special challenges for the young patient who must Pediatr Clin North Am. 2003;50:1283–1300.
14. Webber SA, Naftel DC, Parker J, et al. Late rejection episodes
endure life-long immunosuppression. New immuno- greater than 1 year after pediatric heart transplantation:
suppressive regimens have lowered the rates of acute risk factors and outcomes. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2003;
rejection but appear to have had relatively little impact 22:869–875.
52  Heart Transplantation 617

15. Shirali GS, Ni J, Chinnock RE, et  al. Association of viral 19. English RF, Pophal SA, Bacanu S, et al. Long-term comparison
genome with graft loss in children after cardiac transplantation. of tacrolimus and cyclosporine induced nephrotoxicity in
N Engl J Med. 2001;344:1498–1503. pediatric heart transplant recipients. Am J Transplant.
16. Webber SA. Cytomegalovirus Infection and Cardiac Allograft 2002;2:769–773.
Vasculopathy in Children. Circulation 2007;115:1701–2. 20. West LJ, Karamlou T, Dipchand AI, et al. Impact on out-
17. Law Y, Boyle G, Miller S, et al. Restrictive hemodynamics are comes after listing and transplantation, of a strategy to
present at the time of diagnosis of allograft coronary artery accept ABO blood group-incompatible donor hearts for
disease in children. Pediatr Transplant. 2006;10:948–952. neonates and infants. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006;131:
18. Webber SA, Naftel D, Fricker FJ, et al. Lymphoproliferative 455–461.
disorders after pediatric heart transplantation: a multi-
institutional study. Lancet. 2006;367:233–239.
Chapter 53
Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit

Lee Beerman, Gaurav Arora, and Sang C Park

Recognition and management of disorders of cardiac patient undergoing cardiac surgery have a preoperative
rate and rhythm are key aspects of the care that must electrocardiogram available to serve as a baseline.
be provided to pediatric patients in the intensive care An early postoperative ECG is mandatory for early
setting. In this chapter we will discuss the use of the 12 recognition of ischemia, infarction, or new conduction
lead ECG, rhythm strip, cardiac bedside monitor, and abnormalities.
atrial electrograms in the general approach to the
diagnosis of arrhythmias. Management of specific
arrhythmias will then be reviewed.
Arrhythmias may present a major threat to hemody- 53.1.1  P Waves
namic stability in a critical ill or postoperative cardiac
patient. Cardiac output is compromised by extremes The morphology of the P wave should be assessed to
in rate and the loss of AV synchrony which prevents determine whether or not the origin is sinus. Sinus P
atrial augmentation of atrioventricular filling and out- waves will have a frontal plane axis of 0–90 degrees
put. Numerous factors in the cardiac surgical patient and should be positive in leads I, II, and AVF. An
predispose to the development of arrhythmias, including abnormal P wave axis would indicate an ectopic focus,
myocardial dysfunction or ischemia, electrolyte abnor- participation of the atria in a re-entrant arrhythmia,
malities, hypoxia, a hyperadrenergic state with excess cardiac malposition with dextro- or mesocardia or het-
catecholamines (endogenous or therapeutic), recent or erotaxy syndromes with atrial isomerism.
old scars in the myocardium, sutures, residual hemo-
dynamic abnormalities following cardiac repair, pain,
and anxiety [1, 2].
53.1.2  Q Waves

Pediatric patients often have prominent Q waves in the

53.1  Electrocardiogram inferior and lateral precordial leads due to the normal
initial septal depolarization. As long as these Q waves
are less than 0.04  s in duration they may be normal,
A full description of the 12 lead ECG is beyond the
even with an amplitude up to 7–8  mm. Underlying
scope or purpose of this chapter, but certain features
cardiac conditions, which result in abnormal size or
are important to stress as they may be helpful in
location of Q waves, include congenitally corrected
identifying arrhythmias [3]. It is essential that any
transposition of the great arteries, Wolff Parkinson
White syndrome, myocardial infarction, and left
ventricular hypertrophy, particularly in the setting of
L. Beerman (*)
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. New onset Q waves
Cardiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
Children’s Hospital of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA that are wider than 0.04  s may suggest an evolving
e-mail: myocardial infarction.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 619
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_53, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
620 L. Beerman et al.

53.1.3  QRS Morphology a bundle branch block pattern or preexcitation. A right

bundle branch block (Fig. 53.1a) is frequently seen in
The QRS complex in a postoperative patient should be patients who have had surgical repair for Tetrology
compared to the preoperative sinus QRS morphology. of Fallot and, less commonly, AV septal defect or
If it is the same, the rhythm has to be supraventricular ventricular septal defect. A left anterior hemiblock
in origin; if it is wider or different from the sinus QRS, resulting in left axis deviation may be associated with
it is either ventricular in origin or supraventricular with a right bundle branch block in 25% of postoperative
aberrant conduction. The aberrant conduction may be patients with Tetralogy of Fallot [3]. Left axis deviation
related to abnormal conduction over the right or left is seen pre-operatively in certain congenital defects,
bundle branches, or anterograde conduction over an most notably AV septal defect and tricuspid atresia. A
accessory pathway. The QRS should be evaluated for left bundle branch block (Fig. 53.1b) pattern may be
axis deviation, hypertrophy, abnormal precordial R noted after surgery on the left ventricular outflow tract
wave progression, or conduction abnormalities such as in patients with discrete or muscular subaortic stenosis.

Fig. 53.1  (a, b) Right and left bundle branch block patterns. block pattern in a patient status postsurgical resection of
(a) Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB) pattern and in a subaortic stenosis. Note the slurred positive RR’ wave in I
patient status postrepair of Tetralogy of Fallot. Note the and V6. There is also a left axis deviation manifested by the
slurred R’ in V1 and S wave in V6, (b) left bundle branch negative QRS in AVF
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 621

The example of left bundle branch block shown in Recognition of P waves presents the biggest
Fig. 53.1b also shows the usual accompanying left axis challenge because of their relatively low amplitude
deviation. and they may be “hidden” within the QRS complex or
ST-T waves. P wave detection can be enhanced by the
use of the 12 lead ECG, a multi-lead rhythm strip,
atrial electrograms, and by the administration of
53.1.4  ST-T Waves Adenosine. Multiple lead analysis will often allow rec-
ognition of a P wave not seen in a standard single lead
rhythm strip. An atrial electrogram can be obtained by
Nonspecific ST-T wave changes are commonly seen in
using intraoperatively placed epicardial wires or by a
any patient who has had open heart surgery with the
transesophageal pacing lead (Fig. 53.2). Adenosine is
exposure of the epicardial surface to mechanical
extremely helpful unmasking an atrial tachyarrhythmia
trauma, blood, fluid, or air. These changes may simple
obscured by a rapid ventricular response by providing
reflect transient pericardial or epimyocardial injury.
transient AV block (Fig. 53.3).
Worrisome changes possibly indicating myocardial
ischemia include focal ST elevations, particular convex
upward, or depressions, either horizontal or down
slopping. A higher index of suspicion is required 53.3  Atrial Electrograms
following surgical procedures which result in the
manipulation of the coronary arteries such as arterial
The proper use and understanding of atrial electrograms
switch operation, Ross procedure, or aortic valve or
is extremely valuable in the care of critically ill patients
root replacement. However, any open heart procedure
with arrhythmias. Recognition of the relationship
involving bypass has some intrinsic risk for air or
between atrial and ventricular activity allows for rapid
particulate emboli into the coronary arteries.
and accurate diagnosis of almost all disturbances of
rhythm and conduction.
Atrial electrograms can be obtained with an
esophageal electrode or surgically placed wires, and
53.2  Rhythm Strip can be either unipolar or bipolar recordings. Unipolar
recordings have smaller atrial deflections, but allow for
The rhythm strip, particularly one with multiple leads, simultaneous display of surface leads, which is advan-
used in conjunction with the 12 lead ECG is the essential tageous. Bipolar electrograms, on the other hand, have
tool utilized for the diagnosis of arrhythmias. The most larger atrial deflections, but do not allow simultaneous
important aspect of arrhythmia analysis is to identify display of a pure surface lead, which sometimes makes
the P waves, QRS complexes, and note the rate and distinguishing atrial from ventricular activity difficult.
morphology of each as well as the relationship of the The esophagus sits directly posterior to the left
P wave and QRS activity. P wave morphology is atrium, so a specifically designed esophageal lead may
analyzed to determine whether it is sinus or ectopic be placed through the nose or mouth into the esopha-
in origin. The QRS should be defined as narrow gus to record atrial activity [4]. Alternately, surgically
(or identical to the QRS noted in baseline sinus rhythm) placed atrial wires may be used. If two atrial wires are
or wide. A narrow QRS indicates a supraventricular, placed, either unipolar or bipolar electrograms can be
above the His bundle, origin of the impulse. On the recorded [5].
other hand, a wide QRS has a broader differential We recommend recording a 3 lead rhythm strip with
diagnosis and may be due to a ventricular origin, a Leads I, II, and V1. The atrial wire may be connected
supraventricular beat that is conducted aberrantly to either V1 or the left arm lead, which will allow
through one of the bundle branches or anterograde recording a unipolar atrial recording simultaneously
conduction over an accessory pathway. The relation- with a pure surface Lead II (Fig.  53.4a). A bipolar
ship of P and QRS waves will either be 1:1 association, atrial recording may be obtained by connecting one
intermittent association or complete dissociation atrial wire to the right arm lead, and the other atrial
between atrial and ventricular activity. wire to the left arm ECG lead. Lead I will then record
622 L. Beerman et al.

Fig. 53.2  (a, b) Use of esophageal

atrial recording. (a) Surface lead I
shows a tachycardia without evident
P waves; the esophageal lead clearly
shows the underlying rhythm is atrial
tachycardia with 2:1 AV block, (b)
surface lead II shows a wide QRS
tachycardia without evident P waves;
esophageal lead shows atrial activity
(arrows) with VA dissociation
indicative of ventricular tachycardia

a bipolar atrial electrogram, with leads II and V1 53.4  Mechanism of Arrhythmias

demonstrating unipolar tracings (Fig. 53.4b). As men-
tioned above, with bipolar electrograms there is no pure Almost all arrhythmias are due to one of two mecha-
surface lead displayed. For that reason, we predominantly nisms, re-entry or abnormal automaticity (sometimes
record unipolar atrial electrograms, or obtain both referred to as ectopic) [6, 7]. Other mechanisms,
unipolar and bipolar tracings, in our clinical practice. such as triggered automaticity are less common,
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 623

Fig. 53.3  Diagnostic use of adenosine. Adenosine given during a rapid supraventricular rhythm unmasks the underlying atrial flutter
not evident before the adenosine induced AV block

Fig. 53.4  (a, b) Atrial electrograms. (a) Unipolar atrial electro- other atrial lead to the left arm ECG cable. Lead I (top) shows
grams are obtained by connecting one atrial lead to V1 ECG bipolar atrial electrograms (double arrows) indicating rhythm is
cable in a patient with JET. Arrows show atrial activity confirm- likely sinus tachycardia. Leads II and III below show unipolar
ing AV dissociation, (b) bipolar atrial electrograms are obtained atrial electrograms (triangles)
by connecting one atrial lead to the right arm ECG cable and the

but may play a role in digitalis toxicity associated Conversely, automatic tachycardias tend to be
arrhythmias or channelopathy related ventricular incessant, demonstrate warm up and slow down and
arrhythmias. The characteristics of re-entry and have variable rates related to changes in autonomic
automatic arrhythmias are noted in Table  53.1. tone. They are suppressed but not terminated by
Re-entrant arrhythmias typically have a paroxysmal overdrive pacing or cardioversion. Some ectopic foci
occurrence, sudden onset and offset, and a relatively are adenosine sensitive, but most ectopic rhythms are
constant rate. They are effectively treated by overdrive not directly affected by this drug. Review of the heart
pacing, cardioversion and respond dramatically to rate trend display on the bedside monitor is often valu-
Adenosine if the re-entrant loop involves the AV node. able in determining the mechanism of an arrhythmia.
624 L. Beerman et al.

Table 53.1  Characteristics of arrhythmias Table 53.2  Classification of arrhythmias

Re-entry mechanism Tachyarrhythmias
1.  Paroxysmal 1.  Supraventricular
2.  Abrupt onset/offset a.   Atrial (independent of AV node)
3.  Constant rate i.  Premature atrial complexes
4.  Pacing – induce/terminate ii.  Atrial ectopic tachycardia
5.  Cardioversion – very effective iii. Atrial muscle re-entry: classic atrial flutter, atrial
Automatic mechanism fibrillation, intra-atrial muscle re-enty
1.  Warm up/cool down b.   Junctional (involving AV nodal tissue)
2.  Variable rate i.  Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
3.  May be incessant ii.  Junctional ectopic tachycardia
4.  Pacing – not effective 2.  Ventricular
5.  Cardioversion – not effective a.  Ventricular ectopics
b.  Ventricular tachycardia
c.  Ventricular flutter and fibrillation
A re-entrant arrhythmia will display a box or rectan- Bradyarrhythmias
gular type pattern with an abrupt onset, steady rate, 1.  Sinus node dysfunction
and abrupt offset as opposed to automatic tachycar- 2. AV block
dias that have a more gradual upward and downward
heart rate slope. Atrial Ectopic Tachycardia (AET): This arrhythmia
may present with incessant tachycardia leading to a
cardiomyopathy. It may also occur as a transient post-
53.5  C
 lassification and Management operative phenomenon within the first several days of
surgery. The hallmark of the diagnosis is an abnormal
of Arrhythmias (Table 53.2) P wave morphology, unless the ectopic focus arises
from the high right atrium near the sinus node. The
53.5.1  Tachyarrhythmias tachycardia displays a gradual warm up and slow down
pattern (Fig. 53.6), and the rate varies with autonomic
tone, stress, and exogenous catecholamines. A form of  Supraventricular Arrhythmias
AET with multiple P wave morphologies and short
nonsustained bursts of tachycardia is called chaotic
Atrial arrhythmias
atrial rhythm, or multifocal atrial tachycardia. This
arrhythmia is most commonly seen in the newborn
All of the rhythm disturbances in this category depend
period or first few months of life.
only on atrial tissue and are independent of AV node
Treatment: AET is often difficult to treat as it
responds only transiently to overdrive pacing and car-
Premature atrial complexes: These are relatively
dioversion. In the immediate postoperative period, it
common in the newborn and the young infant. They are
usually requires anti-arrhythmic therapy with intrave-
frequently associated with aberrant conduction and can
nous amiodarone or procainamide. Temporizing mea-
be differentiated from premature ventricular beats
sures with AV nodal blocking agents (i.e., digoxin,
by identifying a preceding P wave (Fig.  53.5a, b).
beta blockers or calcium channel blockers) may slow
Intermittent pauses may be due to premature contractions
the ventricular rate to a level that is better tolerated
that occur so early they are not conducted through the
from a hemodynamic standpoint.
AV node, resulting in an apparent pause. If these non-
Atrial muscle re-entry: There are numerous types of
conducted premature atrial beats occur in a bigeminal
tachycardia related to re-entry within the atrial
fashion, the rhythm can be difficult to distinguish from
sinus bradycardia, but the diagnosis should be made by
noting P waves on the ST-T wave segment. 1 . Classic atrial flutter: This involves a macro re-entry
Treatment: Premature atrial complexes do not circuit through the right atrium and is rare in pediat-
require treatment as long as they do not precipitate rics outside of the newborn period. The rate varies
runs of sustained tachycardia. from 280 to 500  bpm, generally 300  bpm,
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 625

Fig.  53.5  (a, b) Premature ventricular and atrial beats. (a) responses: first arrow shows normal QRS, second arrow shows
Premature ventricular complexes demonstrating a wide QRS, aberrant QRS with RBBB pattern, third arrow shows noncon-
abnormal T wave and no preceding P wave, (b) Premature Atrial ducted PAC resulting in a brief apparent sinus pause. RBBB right
Complexes (PAC) (arrows) showing three different ventricular bundle branch block

Fig 53.6  Atrial ectopic tachycardia. Note P wave before every QRS and gradual “warm up” and “slow down” of tachycardia rate.

and is associated with the classic “saw tooth” flutter d­ uring the transient AV block that occurs seconds
waves (Fig.  53.7). Conduction to the ventricular is after the administration of this drug (Fig. 53.3).
may vary from 1:1 to 3:1 or more, but most often Treatment of atrial flutter is either atrial overdrive
there is a 2:1 block which may make recognition of pacing or synchronized cardioversion. AV nodal block-
the flutter waves difficult. Adenosine is extremely ing agents are used if immediate rate control is required.
helpful in unmasking the saw tooth wave pattern Anticoagulation issues are important with atrial flutter,
626 L. Beerman et al.

Fig.  53.7  (a–c) Atrial muscle re-entry. (a) Atrial flutter tachycardia in a patient with Fontan procedure. Atrial rate not
with typical saw tooth pattern of atrial activity with variable evident until onset of adenosine effect (large arrow), which
AV block, (b) atrial fibrillation with irregularly irregular increases AV block and reveals atrial rate of 250 bpm (small
RR intervals and a coarse baseline, (c) intra-atrial re-entry arrows)

as they are with all sustained atrial arrhythmias [8] and persists for more than 24–36  h and anticoagulation
are discussed below. with heparin should be considered. Conversion to sinus
rhythm may occur with intravenous amiodarone, pro-
2. Atrial fibrillation: This is the most common
cainamide or ibuteilide (a medication with a relatively
arrhythmia seen in the adult intensive care setting,
high risk of torsade de pointes within the first several
but is extremely uncommon in the pediatric ICU.
hours after administration). Synchronized DC cardio-
The characteristics include an irregular rhythm
version is generally effective, but the arrhythmia may
without a set pattern and a coarse baseline without
be recurrent requiring suppressive therapy with amio-
consistent or well-formed P waves (Fig. 53.7b). It
darone or procainamide.
may occur in adolescents or adults with congenital
heart disease and cardiac lesions resulting in long 3. Intra-atrial Re-entry Tachycardia (IART): This
standing atrial dilation or elevated atrial pressure. rhythm disorder, characterized by a re-entry circuit
Hyperthyroidism should be considered in a patient within atrial myocardium circulating around
with new onset atrial fibrillation and no underlying natural barriers or scar tissue, is being seen with
structural heart disease. increasing frequency in adolescents and adults
with repaired congenital heart disease. The rapidly
Treatment initially consists of rate control with digoxin,
enlarging population of patients who have had
beta blockers, or calcium channel blockers. The cal-
Fontan procedures or atrial repairs for Transposition
cium channel blocking agent diltiazem has become the
of the Great Arteries (i.e., Mustard or Senning oper-
drug of choice for rate control, as intravenous adminis-
ations) is at the greatest risk for IART to develop
tration allows titration of the AV block. Thromboembolic
years after the initial repair. However, this rhythm
complications are a risk if a rapid atrial arrhythmia
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 627

disturbance may be seen in any anyone who has had For recalcitrant IART, a surgical MAZE procedure
a previous atriotomy, even an uncomplicated ASD may need to be considered [10].
repair. IART is distinguished from classic atrial The management of sustained atrial arrhythmias is
flutter because the rates are slower, ranging summarized in Table 53.3.
anywhere from 100 to 250 bpm, and P waves are
discrete with abnormal morphology. As with atrial
flutter, AV block is variable and 2:1 block may Junctional Arrhythmias
make the diagnosis difficult. Adenosine is useful
in providing transient AV block allowing easy These arrhythmias involve AV nodal tissue or portions
recognition of the atrial tachycardia (Fig. 53.7c). of the His bundle.
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT):
Treatment initially consists of rate control, usually
Paroxysmal SVT (Fig. 53.8) is due to re-entry and is
with diltiazem. If the duration of the arrhythmia is
the most common arrhythmia requiring treatment in
greater than 36  h or unknown, there is a risk of
the pediatric population with no underlying structural
systemic emboli and stroke, particularly with
conversion to sinus rhythm. In this situation, antico-
agulation is necessary and cardioversion, electrical or Table 53.3  Management of Atrial Arrhythmias
pharmacologic, should be preceded by transesopha- 1. Control ventricular rate by AV block
geal echocardiography to rule out a thrombus within a.  Intravenous: digoxin, beta blockers [esmolol], calcium
the heart. Alternatively, it may be reasonable to main- channel blockers [diltiazem]
tain therapeutic anticoagulation with Coumadin for 2. Risk of thromboembolism
4 weeks before an attempt at conversion. Overdrive a.  Duration <36 h low risk
pacing and electrical synchronized DC cardioversion b.  If high risk: transesophageal echocardiogram versus
4 weeks of anticoagulation
are very effective in acutely terminating the rhythm, 3. Conversion to sinus rhythm
but there is a strong tendency for recurrence and long- a.  Pharmacologic – intravenous amiodarone, procainamide,
term anti-arrhythmic therapy and or an attempt at ablation ibutilide
of the arrhythmia circuit is generally necessary [9]. b.  Electrical DC conversion – 1 J/kg

Fig. 53.8  (a) Supraventricular tachycardia. Note regular narrow complex tachycardia at a rate of 300 bpm
628 L. Beerman et al.

heart disease. Any patient undergoing cardiac surgery SVT is mediated by an accessory pathway or AV node
who has the substrate for re-entry SVT may have a re-entry. If retrograde P waves are seen on the ST
recurrence in the postoperative state. This may cause segment of the 12 lead, or if the R-P interval on the
significant and rapid hemodynamic distress in the set- atrial electrogram is greater than 80  ms, this implies
ting of compromised myocardial function. Paroxysmal the re-entry circuit is relatively large involving an
SVT can be easily recognized on the bedside monitor accessory pathway. A very short RP interval where the
by the abrupt increase in heart rate to 180–300 bpm. P wave occurs within the QRS generally indicates AV
This type of re-entry tachycardia is either mediated node re-entry as the mechanism.
through an accessory pathway (AV re-entry) or via Treatment: If there is hemodynamic embarrassment,
dual AV node pathways (AV node re-entry). An acces- immediate synchronized cardioversion should be
sory pathway consists of myocardial fibers bridging performed. If the situation is less critical, various vagal
the fibrous AV annulus. These may be manifested with maneuvers can be tried such as the diving reflex with
anterograde conduction resulting in pre-excitation and exposure of the face to ice water in a plastic bag.
constituting the WPW syndrome recognized by a delta Adenosine is the drug of choice and is almost univer-
wave in sinus rhythm (Fig.  53.9). However, these sally effective, at least transiently interrupting the
pathways often conduct only in a retrograde fashion, tachycardia. However, in the presence of a high adren-
sometimes referred to as URAPs (unidirectional retro- ergic state there may be a tendency for immediate
grade conducting accessory pathways) [5]. Therefore, recurrence of the SVT. This requires use of longer
they are not evident during sinus rhythm, but may still acting medications such as digoxin, beta blockers,
participate in a tachycardia circuit. Accessory pathway– procainamide or amiodarone. Although digoxin should
mediated paroxysmal SVT predominates in younger not be used for a long term in individuals with Wolff
individuals less than 10 years of age. After this age, Parkinson White because of its risk in enhancing
AV node re-entry utilizing fast and slow AV node path- AV conduction during atrial fibrillation, it is safe to
ways becomes more prevalent [5–7]. Regardless of the use in the monitored critical care setting for paroxysmal
mechanism, the re-entry circuit involves the AV node SVT. Intravenous verapamil may be useful in patients
and this tachycardia is sensitive to any maneuver or over 1 year of age and who have preserved systolic
drug that blocks conduction through the AV node. ventricular function. Overdrive atrial pacing with an
Although the mechanism of the SVT does not affect esophageal pacing lead or atiral leads placed the time
acute treatment choices, the use of the 12 lead ECG of surgery is also very effective in acutely terminating
and an atrial recording can elucidate whether or not the this arrhythmia.

Fig. 53.9  Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. Note the short PR interval and slurred upstroke of the QRS typical of ventricular
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 629

Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET): This is the capture beats causing irregular and shorter RR cycles.
most common hemodynamically important arrhythmia Occasionally there may be 1:1 VA conduction. The
seen in the cardiac ICU [11–14]. JET generally has it’s QRS morphology should be identical to the sinus QRS
onset in the first 24 to 48 h postoperatively and is usually for this diagnosis to made confidently. Figure  53.10
transient, lasting 2–5 days. The incidence ranges from shows tracings of JET, and Fig. 53.4a shows the use of
5 to 8% and risk factors include: age less than 6 years, an atrial electrogram to define the VA relationship.
complex intraoperative repairs, duration of cardiopul- Treatment: Adenosine is ineffective in eliminating
monary bypass, and requirement for relatively high the tachycardia but may produce transient VA dissoci-
dose inotropic support. The defects that have most ation with continuation of the tachycardia distinguishing
commonly been associated with postoperative JET it from a re-entry SVT. The approach to this tachycardia
include Tetralogy of Fallot, total anomalous pulmonary should initially include avoiding hyperthermia,
venous return, transposition of the great arteries (arterial optimizing sedation and pain control, and minimizing
switch procedure), ventricular septal defect, AV septal inotropic support. Every effort should be made to nor-
defect, and hypoplastic left heart (stage 1 Norwood malize blood gases and electrolytes including calcium
Procedure). The mechanism remains unproven but is and magnesium. If this does not result in a decrease of
thought to be related to a combination of traction or the junctional rate, other maneuvers including drug
trauma to the AV node and His bundle during surgery. therapy and cooling should be employed [11, 13, 15].
The hallmark of the diagnosis includes a junctional Our approach (outlined in Table 53.4) is to use amio-
rhythm greater than 170 bpm usually associated with darone first with cooling added as necessary to decrease
AV dissociation with the junctional rate being greater the junctional rate to a range that allows temporary
than the atrial rate. There may be occasional sinus atrial or AV sequential pacing to restore AV synchrony.

Fig. 53.10  (a, b) Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia (JET). (a) Rhythm strip demonstrates JET with AV dissociation (arrows identify
P waves), (b) rhythm strip of JET with intermittent short RR intervals (double arrows) due to sinus capture beats
630 L. Beerman et al.

Table 53.4  Management of Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia compensatory pause, and a morphology that is not
1. General measures typical for a bundle branch block pattern. A true com-
1.  Optimize sedation/hemodynamics pensatory pause (interval between the preceding nor-
2.  Decrease exogenous catecholamines mal QRS and post PVC normal beat being twice the
3. Correct fever, establish normo- or mild hypothermia normal RR interval) is frequently not seen because of
2. Rate control
underlying sinus arrhythmia. Morphology features
1.  Drugs – intravenous amiodarone
2.  If needed – moderate hypothermia, 35–36°C favoring a ventricular origin include a very wide QRS,
3. Persistent tachycardia and/or side effects from concordance of positivity (or negativity) of the QRS
amiodarone – intravenous procainamide across the precordium, and an RSr’ pattern in V1 with
3. Establish AV synchrony the R amplitude greater than the r.’ Supraventricular
1. Rate reduction plus atrial pacing, or AV sequential origin of an aberrant complex is more likely when the
pacing if AV block present
QRS has a typical right bundle branch block or left
bundle branch block morphology.
R wave synchronized atrial pacing may also be Treatment: Although isolated premature ventricular
attempted. Other medications have been used such as complexes do not merit anitarrhythmic therapy, certain
digoxin, intravenous beta blockers, and procainamide. features are worrisome and suggest the possibility
Although there is a risk of hypotension with intrave- of progression to a more complex and hemodynam-
nous amiodarone [16], this can be minimized by giv- ically compromising ventricular arrhythmia. These
ing the bolus doses relatively slowly. It is important to include multiform morphology, increasing frequency
remember that an ectopic rhythm such as JET usually of ectopy, R on T pattern and nonsustained ventricular
does not abruptly terminate and convert to sinus rhythm tachycardia.
with the above maneuvers, and the goal of therapy is to Ventricular Tachycardia (VT): Nonsustained VT is
gradually suppress the rate to a tolerated level which defined as a run of 3 or more consecutive ventricular
allows overdrive atrial pacing. Generally, therapy ectopics that spontaneously converts to sinus rhythm
needs to be continued for only 1–2 days as this arrhyth- within 30 seconds. Sustained VT (Fig.  53.11) is a
mia usually resolves with gradual improvement in tachycardia that lasts greater than 30  s or requires
the underlying hemodynamic status of the patient. immediate treatment because of hemodynamic col-
Dexmedetomidine has arised as a potentially useful lapse. VT may be monomorphic or polymorphic,
drug but requires further prospective studies. and can occur transiently in the post operative state
related to the predisposing factors mentioned above.
Monomorphic VT is more likely to occur when there  Ventricular Arrhythmias is a discrete scar focus related to underlying struc-
tural myocardial disease or prior cardiac surgery.
Transient ventricular arrhythmias are not uncommon The highest risk population of patients who have had
in the postoperative state or in the critically ill patient. previous cardiac surgical repair include those with
Numerous conditions in this setting predispose the Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries
patient to ventricular irritability including electrolyte or related lesions such as truncus arteriosus or double
abnormalities (particularly potassium, calcium, and outlet right ventricle; and the risk increases propor-
magnesium), hypoxia, mechanical irritation from tionally to the time since surgery. Polymorphic VT is
catheters, drugs, edema, or acute inflammatory changes most often associated with acute ischemia or an
related to surgical manipulation. Furthermore, these acquired or congenital repolarization abnormality
patients often require inotropic drugs to support cardiac with prolongation of the QT interval. There are a
output, which enhance ventricular automaticity. The number of congenital channelopathies in addition
first approach to any ventricular arrhythmia is to try to to the Long QT Syndrome that may present with life
correct any of the aforementioned causes. threatening ventricular arrhythmias, including cate-
Ventricular ectopics: This category includes iso- cholaminergic polymorphic VT and Brugada’s syn-
lated premature ventricular complexes (PVC), bigem- drome [7]. In addition to VT, the differential diagnosis
iny and couplets. Premature ventricular complexes of a wide QRS tachycardia includes supraventricular
(Fig.  53.5a) are recognized by their aberrant QRS, tachycardia with aberrant conduction and antidromic
absence of a preceding P wave, occasionally a fully SVT (anterograde conduction over an accessory
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 631

Fig. 53.11  Ventricular tachycardia. Note regular wide QRS tachycardia. P waves are not seen

Fig.  53.12  Characteristics of ventricular tachycardia. difference in morphology between pure PVC’s (triangles) and
(a) Rhythm strip of wide QRS tachycardia with AV dissociation fusion beats (double arrows), the latter beats representing ven-
showing P waves (arrows) are dissociated from ventricular tricular depolarization from both the ectopic site and conduction
activity, (b) rhythm strip showing frequent ventricular ectopics through the normal AV conduction axis. PVC premature ven-
and a 4 beat run of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. Note tricular complex

pathway). The key diagnostic features indicating slow run of ventricular tachycardia. The most likely
ventricular origin include AV dissociation, fusion, cause of a very rapid irregularly irregular wide QRS
and capture beats (Fig. 53.12a, b). AV dissociation is tachycardia is atrial fibrillation associated with an
not necessarily present, as each ventricular complex accessory pathway (Fig.  53.13). Polymorphic ven-
may retrogradely activate the atrium through the AV tricular tachycardia may take the typical pattern of
node resulting in a 1:1 VA relationship. Adenosine Torsade de Pointes with undulating variation in the
may be useful in this situation as it will transiently QRS complexes (Fig. 53.14). This distinctive form of
cause VA block confirming the ventricular origin of VT is almost always due to prolongation of the QT
the tachycardia. Fusion beats represent dual activa- interval, either as a primary genetic channelopathy
tion of the ventricle from the ectopic site as well as involving the sodium and potassium channels, or sec-
capture of a portion of the myocardium from a nearly ondary to drugs or electrolyte abnormalities such as
simultaneously conducted supraventricular impulse. low potassium, magnesium, or calcium.
Capture beats are infrequently noted, but are recog- Treatment: Treatment depends on the hemodynamic
nized as a normal QRS complex within a relatively state of the patient. In the setting of hypotension and
632 L. Beerman et al.

Fig.  53.13  Atrial fibrillation with WPW syndrome. Note the grade conduction across an accessory pathway. The shortest RR
very rapid irregularly irregular wide QRS tachycardia in a patient intervals are 170–200  ms indicating a risk of deterioration of
with WPW syndrome. QRS complexes are wide due to antero- rhythm into ventricular fibrillation. WPW Wolff Parkinson White

Fig. 53.14  Torsade de Pointes. Note the prolonged QT interval on first 2 sinus beats on top tracing with initiation of the arrhythmia
with R on T premature ventricular complex.

cardiovascular collapse immediate synchronized are minimal and the effect will be immediately apparent.
cardioversion is indicated with a dose of 1–2 J/kg. If If this is unsuccessful, our next choice would be
the patient remains relatively well perfused, a trial of intravenous amiodarone, although there is potential
medications is warranted. Intravenous magnesium is for hypotension if infused too rapidly. Amiodarone is
the treatment of choice for polymorphic ventricular generally tolerated better than the other alternative,
tachycardia or Torsade de Pointes. Drugs available for intravenous procainamide, in the setting of comprised
acute treatment of ventricular tachycardia include liod- of myocardial function.
caine, procainamide, and amiodarone. It is generally Ventricular flutter and fibrillation: These arrhythmias
worth an initial trial of liodcaine, as the side effects are usually the end result of sustained ventricular
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 633

tachycardia with degeneration into a nonperfusing the property of decremental conduction inherent
arrhythmia. Occasionally ventricular fibrillation will to nodal tissue. The etiology may be increased
occur as a primary event. vagal tone, AV nodal injury or ischemia or drugs
Treatment: These lethal arrhythmias must be immedi- (particularly, beta or calcium channel blocking
ately treated with defibrillation (asynchronous delivery agents or digoxin).
of 2 J/kg) as opposed to synchronized cardioversion.
Treatment is not necessary as long as an acceptable
ventricular rate is maintained. If treatment is required,
atropine, isoprotereonol, and discontinuing offending
53.5.2  Bradyarrhythmias medications are effective maneuvers.
b) Mobitz II Block: There are intermittent noncon-  Sinus Node Dysfunction ducted P waves without any change in the PR
interval of the conducted beats, before or after
Sometimes referred to as “sick sinus syndrome,” this is the blocked impulses (Fig.  53.15c). This block
a rhythm disturbance related to abnormal sinus node arises distal to the AV node, from the His bundle
automaticity or perinodal conduction resulting in sinus or below, and is an ominous sign of impending
bradycardia, long sinus pauses, sinoatrial exit block or complete failure of AV conduction. It may be
a junctional escape rhythm. This condition rarely due to direct surgical injury, ischemia, or diffuse
occurs as a primary event in the pediatric population, myocardial disease.
but is not infrequently seen in postoperative patients. Treatment is indicated and urgent with a temporary
Acute sinus node dysfunction may be seen after any pacemaker. If prolonged episodes of asystole are
procedure involving manipulation of the right atrium occurring before a pacemaker can be inserted, isoprot-
including sinus venosus and atrial septal defect repairs, erenol, or transcutaneous pacing should be instituted.
Fontan procedure, total anomalous pulmonary venous Note: It is not possible to definitively determine
return, or orthopic heart transplantation. Chronic sinus whether a 2:1 block is Mobitz I or II. Indirect evidence
node dysfunction is common during long-term follow up favoring Mobitz I would be a normal QRS and absence
of patients who have had a Mustard or Senning repair of serious underlying heart disease, since Mobitz II
for transposition of the great arteries, a Fontan procedure, block is usually associated with diffuse ventricular
or closure of a sinus venosus atrial septal defect. myocardial disease and aberrant QRS morphology.
Treatment: Isuprel infusion, temporary or perma-
nent atrial pacing. 3) Third Degree (Complete) AV Block
There is no conduction of any atrial impulses to the
ventricle (Fig.  53.15d, e). Congenital AV block may  Atrioventricular Block (AVB) occur in the absence of other structural abnormalities
and may be related to maternal lupus antibodies.
1) First Degree AV Block Certain types of congenital defects are highly associ-
ated with AV block including congenitally corrected
This consists of 1:1 AV conduction, but the PR interval
transposition of the great arteries or the complex het-
is longer than normal for age and rate (Fig 53.15a).
erotaxy syndromes. Acquired AV block is more com-
Treatment is not required.
mon in the intensive care setting and is usually related
2) Second Degree AV Block to surgical injury to the AV conduction axis. Other
causes of acquired heart block include myocarditis or
This consists of conduction of some, but not all, atrial
acute rheumatic fever. A narrow QRS escape rhythm
beats. There are two types of second degree block:
indicates block above the His bundle with a usually
a) Mobitz I (Wenckebach) Block: There is progressive stable junctional rhythm (Fig  53.15d), while a wide
lengthening of the PR interval before a single QRS escape generally indicates block below the His
blocked P wave, with the next impulse conducted bundle, which is less stable (Fig. 53.15e). However, a
with a relatively short PR interval (Fig. 53.15b). wide QRS may be due to a bundle branch block rather
This block occurs in the AV node and is due to than block below the His bundle.
634 L. Beerman et al.

Fig.  53.15  (a–e) Types of AV block. (a) PR interval is pro- associated with more distal AV block, (d) Third Degree or
longed, but every P wave is conducted, (b) Second Degree, Complete AV Bock characterized by complete dissociation of
Mobitz Type I (Wenckebach), block shows progressive prolon- atrial and ventricular activity. Narrow complex junctional escape
gation of PR interval before a blocked P wave, (c) Second rhythm suggests block is above the His bundle, (e) third degree
Degree, Mobitz Type II, block shows no change in PR interval AV block with slow wide QRS escape rhythm indicates block is
before the blocked P wave. Note wide QRS which is frequently below His bundle and is an indication for urgent intervention

Treatment is similar to that for sinus node dysfunction utilizing surgically placed atrial and ventricular pacing
and includes temporizing measures with medication wires. If block persists greater than 7 days, implantation
such as atropine or isoproterenol, followed by transcu- of a permanent pacing system is generally warranted.
taneous or temporary pacing. If the block is symptomatic Pacemaker therapy and indications for pacing are
or persistent, permanent transvenous or epicardial discussed in site chapter in this book.
pacemaker implantation is necessary. Postoperative Note: It is important to understand the term
AV block is effectively managed by temporary pacing “AV dissociation,” as it is often used inappropriately.
53  Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unit 635

Table 53.5  Common uses for antiarrhythmic medications 53.6  Summary

1) AV nodal blocking agents
Digoxin, beta blockers (esmolol), calcium channel blockers Arrhythmias are a commonly encountered problem in
(diltiazem) the intensive care setting and in patients after cardiac
2) Ectopic (automatic) arrhythmias
surgery. Rapid and accurate diagnosis is required,
Amiodarone, procainamide, beta blockers
Lidocaine (for ventricular arrhythmias)
particularly when hemodynamic compromise occurs.
3) Paroxysmal (re-entry) arrhythmias Multiple treatment modalities are available including
Atrial: amiodarone, procainamide optimizing the hemodynamic state and metabolic
AV node: adenosine, verapamil or diltiazem, digoxin, beta environment, medications (see Table 53.5 for doses of
blockers, procainamide, amiodarone commonly used drugs), pacing and cardioversion or
Ventricular: lidocaine, amiodarone, procainamide defibrillation.
4) Differential diagnosis
Unmasking atrial tachyarrhythmias
Wide QRS tachycardia: SVT versus VT
Table 53.6  Dosages of common antiarrhythmics
1. Delaney JW, Moltedo JM, Dziura JD, Kopf GS, Snyder CS.
Drug Dose (intravenous doses) Early postoperative arrhythmias after pediatric cardiac
Adenosine Bolus: 100–300 µg/kg IV, up 12–15 mg surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006;131:1296–1301.
Amiodarone Bolus: 5 mg/kg over 20 min, up to 20 mg/kg 2. Pfammatter J-P, Bachmann DCG, Wagner BP, et  al. Early
load postoperative arrhythmias after open-heart procedures in
Infusion: 5–20 µg/kg/min (10–15 mg/kg/24 h) children with congenital heart disease. Pediatr Crit Care
Esmolol Bolus: 500 µg/kg Med. 2001;2:217–222.
Infusion: 50–200 µg/kg/min 3. Garson AJ. Diagnostic electrocardiography. In: Anderson
Digoxin Bolus: 20 µg/kg, up to 0.5 mg RH, Baker EJ, Macartney FJ, Rigby ML, Shinebourne EA,
TDD: 40 µg/kg/24 h, up to 1–1.5 mg Tynan M, eds. Paediatric Cardiology. London: Churchill
Livingstone; 2002:295–378.
Diltiazem Bolus: 0.25 mg/kg, up to 25 mg
4. Kugler JD. Electrophysiologic studies. In: Allen HD,
Infusion: 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/h, up to 10–15 mg/h
Driscoll DJ, Shaddy RE, Feltes TF eds. Heart Disease in
Lidocaine Bolus: 1 mg/kg, up to 100 mg, repeat every Infants, Children and Adolescents. Philadelphia: Lippincott
10 min × 2 Williams and Wilkins; 2008:275–292.
Infusion: 20–50 µg/kg/min 5. Perry J, Walsh EP. Diagnosis and management of cardiac
Procainamide Bolus: 15 mg/kg over 30 min, up to 1 g arrhythmias. In: Chang AC, Hanley FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel
(under one year reduce dose to 10 mg/kg) DL, eds. Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care. Philadelphia:
Infusion: 20–80 µg/kg/min Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 1998:461–481.
Propranolol Bolus: 0.01 mg/kg, up to 0.5 mg, repeat up 6. Gillette PC, Garson A, Case CL, Kanter RJ, Winslow AT.
to 0.1 mg/kg if tolerated Management of arrhythmias. In: Anderson RH, Baker EJ,
Verapamil Bolus: 0.1 mg/kg, up to 5–10 mg; repeat Macartney FJ, Rigby ML, Shinebourne EA, Tynan M, eds.
in 15 min Paediatric Cardiology. London: Churchill Livingstone;
7. Kannankeril PJ, Fish FA. Disorders of cardiac rhythm
AV dissociation may be due to complete AV block, and conduction. In: Allen HD, Driscoll DJ, Shaddy RE,
but it may also be due to isorhythmic (isochronic, Feltes TF, eds. Heart Disease in Infants, Children and
Adolescents. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins;
interference) dissociation. In the latter situation, a lower
focus, arising in the AV node or ventricle, demonstrates 8. Singer DE, Albers GW, Dalen JE, et  al. Antithrombotic
an intrinsic rate faster than the sinus rate. Therefore, therapy in atrial fibrillation: the Seventh ACCP Conference
most of the atrial complexes will encounter the AV on antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy. Chest. 2004;126:
node after it has already depolarized and is in a
9. Triedman JK. Atypical atrial tachycardias in patients with
refractory state. This rhythm is usually characterized congenital heart disease. Heart Rhythm. 2008;5:315–317.
by intermittent short RR intervals due to sinus capture 10. Deal BJ, Mavroudis C, Backer CL. Arrhythmia management
beats. Typical examples of AV dissociation not due in the Fontan patient. Pediatr Cardiol. 2007;28:448–456.
11. Walsh EP, Saul JP, Sholler GF, et al. Evaluation of a staged
to AV block include accelerated junctional or ven-
treatment protocol for rapid automatic junctional tachycar-
tricular rhythm, and junctional ectopic or ventricular dia after operation for congenital heart disease. J Am Coll
tachycardia. Cardiol.. 1997;29:1046–1053.
636 L. Beerman et al.

12. Hoffman TM, Wernovsky G, Wieand TS, et al. The incidence 15. Perry JC, Fenrich AL, Hulse JE, et  al. Pediatric use of
of arrhythmias in a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. intravenous amiodarone: efficacy and safety in critically ill
Pediatr Cardiol. 2002;23:598–604. patients from a multicenter protocol. J Am Coll Cardiol.
13. Laird WP, Snyder CS, Kertesz NJ, et al. Use of intravenous 1996;27:1246–1250.
amiodarone for postoperative junctional ectopic tachycardia 16. Saul JP, Scott WA, Brown S, et al. Intravenous Amiodarone
in children. Pediatr Cardiol. 2003;24:133–137. Pediatric Investigators.Intravenous amiodarone for incessant
14. Hoffman TM, Bush DM, Wernovsky G, et al. Postoperative tachyarrhythmias in children: a randomized, double-
junctional ectopic tachycardia in children: incidence, risk blind, antiarrhythmic drug trial. Circulation. 2005;112:
factors, and treatment. Ann Thorac Surg. 2002;74:1607–1611. 3470–3477.
Chapter 54
Pacemakers (Temporary and Permanent), Implantable
Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs) and Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy

Gaurav Arora and Lee Beerman

Cardiac output is dependent on normal mechanical (BPEG) consensus group, which formulated the generic
function of the heart, which in turn is dependent on pacing (NBG) nomenclature. An adaptation of the
normal functioning of the cardiac conduction system. most revised version of this code is presented in
When derangements of cardiac conduction occur, this Table 54.1 [1].
can result in poor cardiac output acutely as well as Successful pacing requires that electrical energy is
poor cardiac reserve chronically. These derangements successfully delivered from the generator to the myo-
can occur as a result of bradycardia, tachycardia, cardial tissue, allowing for electrical activation of the
or electrical dyssynchrony (atrioventricular (AV) myocardium. Thus, failure in any part of the system
or interventricular) of the heart. (generator, lead, lead/myocardial interface) can lead to
Different therapies have been developed to augment failure of pacing.
cardiac performance in times of electrical derangement, Common user-adjustable parameters in pacing
which include pacemakers (temporary or permanent) include the lower and upper rates as well as the generator
for bradycardic rhythms, antitachycardia pacemaker output. The threshold is defined as the lowest amount
and implantable defibrillator devices for tachycardic of energy required to successfully depolarize the
rhythms and, most recently, cardiac resynchronization myocardial tissue. Also, the sensing thresholds (level
therapy (CRT) for patients with evidence of dyssyn- at which intrinsic depolarizations are sensed) can be
chrony causing poor cardiac output. adjusted. The timing of the heart rate is governed by
setting of the atrioventricular (AV) delay (mimicking
the native PR interval) as well as the post-ventricular
atrial refractory period (PVARP). These factors govern
54.1  B
 asic Pacemaker Terminology the allowable upper rate based upon the total atrial
and Definitions refractory period (TARP), which is the sum of the AV
delay and PVARP. A full discussion of these parame-
Pacing can be performed in the atrium, the ventricle ters is beyond the scope of this text but may be read in
or in both chambers sequentially. In addition, pace- any basic pacing textbook.
makers can respond to intrinsic myocardial electrical Leads may be unipolar or bipolar. Briefly, unipolar
activity or can operate without regards to native pacing occurs between the electrode tip and a ground
depolarization (asynchronous modes). The basic modes electrode (either subcutaneous or the pacemaker
of pacing are based on a combined North American generator). Bipolar pacing, on the other hand, occurs
Society for Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE) between two electrodes which are in close proximity
and British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (typically both at the tip of the lead). It is also helpful
to know that unipolar pacing results in a larger stimu-
lus artifact on the electrocardiogram or monitor, while
a bipolar pacing spike is usually small in amplitude or
G. Arora (*)
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Children’s
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA With application of magnets, most pacemakers will
e-mail: revert to asynchronous pacing, while defibrillators

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 637
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_54, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
638 G. Arora and L. Beerman

Table 54.1  Basic generic pacemaker code (NBG); adapted from [1]

Chamber(s) paced Chamber(s) sensed Response to sensing Rate modulation Multisite pacing
O = None O = None O = None O = None O = None
A = Atrium A = Atrium T = Triggered R = Rate modulation A = Atrium
V = Ventricle V = Ventricle I = Inhibited V = Ventricle
D = Dual (A + V) D = Dual (A + V) D = Dual (T + I) D = Dual (A + V)

will typically temporarily disable therapies. However, Table 54.2  Indications for temporary pacing
devices respond differently to magnet applications so Postsurgical bradycardia
the specific response of each device must be confirmed – Atrioventricular (AV) block
before application of a magnet. – Sinus node dysfunction
– Overdrive suppression of arrhythmias (atrial flutter)
– Restoration of AV synchrony (e.g., junctional ectopic
54.2  P
 acemakers (Temporary
and Permanent) Lyme disease
Rejection in post-transplant patients
Myocardial infarction
For over 50 years, pacemakers have been used in
Active infection in patients needing permanent pacing
patients with bradycardic rhythms. In the current era,
pacing can be accomplished temporarily or permanently.
The primary methods for temporary pacing are delivered to the heart using two external pads. The
transcutaneous, transvenous, or with epicardial wires, primary limitation to this approach is patient discomfort,
typically postoperatively. Permanent pacing involves as transcutaneous pacing is painful. In addition, the
implantation of a permanent pacemaker using either pads necessarily have a finite lifespan and need to be
transvenous endocardial or epicardial leads. changed frequently. When using transcutaneous
Pacing requires a generator or battery to deliver pacing, generator output is set at the minimum thresh-
electrical energy and a conduit to allow electrical old required to have stimulation of superficial chest
energy to reach the heart. In most cases, the conduit muscles. Successful pacing is measured by assessment
takes the form of leads that are physically in contact of cardiac output, either via manual pulse check or
with the heart. invasive measures such as arterial blood pressure
monitoring. With transcutaneous pacing, there are no
lead-based parameters (e.g., sensitivity) to adjust. Thus,
transcutaneous pacing is generally reserved for emergent
54.2.1  Temporary Pacing resuscitation situations.
Temporary transvenous pacing is the preferred
Typically, those patients who require temporary mode for patients requiring temporary pacing for hours
pacing are patients in whom a bradycardic rhythm is to days. Pacing is usually performed in the right
not tolerated hemodynamically but in whom recovery ventricle and is continued until a sustainable perfusing
of normal rhythm is expected. Another major category rhythm is restored or another pacing modality is estab-
would be patients with infected pacing systems that lished. In most cases, the generator used for temporary
need to be explanted until the infection has been transvenous pacing is a specifically designed tempo-
completely cleared. Indications for temporary pacing rary pacemaker (Fig. 54.1). Various leads can be used
are listed in Table 54.2. for temporary transvenous pacing. In an emergency
Temporary pacing can be accomplished transcuta- setting, balloon-tipped pacing catheters may be used
neously in an emergency. for placement of a right ventricular pacemaker. In a
Transcutaneous pacing relies on an external generator, more controlled setting, transvenous temporary leads
which is typically an external defibrillator. Energy is with screw-in mechanisms to increase lead stability
54  Pacemakers (Temporary and Permanent) 639

postoperative setting (see Chapter 53 on “Arrhythmias

in the Intensive Care Unit). Again, the same genera-
tor used for temporary transvenous pacing may be
used for temporary epicardial pacing (Fig. 54.1). In
patients requiring temporary pacing longer than 7
days, consideration should be given to implantation
of a permanent pacemaker (see Section 2.2).
With both transvenous and epicardial temporary
pacing, the pacemaker output is based on the thresh-
old that can be measured. In temporary pacemakers,
output is measured in milliamps (mA) which is
different than permanent pacemakers, where output
is measured in volts (V). By convention, the output is
set at twice the threshold to ensure an adequate safety
margin. Thresholds will increase over time so they
should be checked at least daily in all patients. In
addition, the batteries in temporary pacemakers
should be changed routinely, especially in patients
who are pacemaker-dependent. Spare batteries should
be readily available and it should be ensured that staff
is familiar with battery replacement. Alternatively,
for patients who are pacemaker dependent, a spare
temporary pacemaker with new battery should be
kept at the bedside in case of failure of the in-use
temporary generator.
Fig. 54.1  Temporary pacemaker (reproduced with permission
of Medtronic, Inc.)

can be used. Temporary leads can be inserted through 54.2.2  Permanent Pacemakers
a standard percutaneous approach with or without
an intravenous sheath. The subclavian and internal Common indications for permanent pacing in young
jugular veins are most often utilized since the right patients are given in Table 54.3 and are based on the
ventricle can often easily be entered without fluoros- consensus guidelines for pacing [2].
copy. The femoral venous approach is available, but The primary modalities for permanent pacing are
often requires fluoroscopy, though echocardiography transvenous and epicardial systems. The choice of
may be helpful in lead placement. If permanent systems is based on patient size, anatomic issues (e.g.,
transvenous pacing is anticipated, the subclavian vein intracardiac shunts) vascular access, expected duration
should be avoided to prevent thrombosis. of pacing, and operator and center experience.
In the postoperative setting, the most common For patients with a permanent pacemaker who will
approach to temporary pacing is via the use of epi- be undergoing cardiac operations, knowledge of their
cardial wires, which are placed directly onto the pacemaker parameters before operation is essential to
myocardium at the time of surgery. These wires can their postoperative care. As a generalization, patients
be placed in the atrium or ventricle, allowing for iso- should have their devices interrogated before and after
lated single-chamber pacing or dual-chamber syn- their surgery to ensure normal device function. In addi-
chronous pacing. The atrial wires can also be used to tion, the medical team caring for the patients should be
obtain recordings of direct myocardial activity dur- aware of their device parameters (mode of pacing,
ing arrhythmias for diagnostic purposes. These wires lower rate, upper rate) in order to properly troubleshoot
may also be used for atrial overdrive pacing for atrial any issues that may arise, especially the magnet
tachyarrhythmias, which are not uncommon in the response of that specific device.
640 G. Arora and L. Beerman

Table  54.3  Common indications for permanent pacing in Table 54.4  Indications for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
young patients (ICD) therapy
Advanced second- or third-degree AV block associated with Cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular
symptomatic bradycardia, ventricular dysfunction or low tachycardia (VT) not due to a transient or reversible cause
cardiac output Spontaneous sustained VT in association with structural heart
Postoperative advanced second- or third-degree AV block not disease
expected to resolve or persistent at least 7 days after cardiac Syncope of undetermined origin with clinically relevant,
surgery hemodynamically significant sustained VT or VF induced at
Congenital AV block with wide QRS escape rhythm, complex electrophysiological study when drug therapy is ineffective,
ventricular ectopy or ventricular dysfunction not tolerated or not preferred
Congenital AV block in an infant with a structurally normal Nonsustained VT in patients with prior myocardial infarction,
heart and heart rate <50 bpm LV dysfunction and inducible VF or sustained VT at
Congenital AV block in an infant with congenital heart disease electrophysiological study that is not suppressible by a
and heart rate <70 bpm – Class I antiarrhythmic drug
Pause-dependent VT Spontaneous sustained VT in patients without structural heart
Congenital AV block beyond 1 year of life with average heart disease not amenable to other treatments
rate <50 bpm, abrupt pauses in ventricular rate that are Adult patients with LV ejection fraction of less than or equal to
2–3x basic cycle length, or with symptoms secondary to 30%, at least 1 month postmyocardial infarction and 3
chronotropic incompetence months postrevascularization surgery
Long QT syndrome with AV block
Asymptomatic sinus bradycardia in the child with complex heart
disease and pauses longer than 3 s or resting heart rate <40 bpm highest risk for late onset life-threatening arrhythmias
Patients with congenital heart disease and impaired hemodynamics include tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great
due to sinus bradycardia or loss of AV synchrony arteries status post atrial switch and left-sided obstruc-
Sinus node dysfunction and symptomatic bradycardia tive lesions [4]. However, there are no consensus guide-
lines for risk stratification in patients with structural
heart disease. In addition, the patient population is
54.3  I mplantable Cardioverter quite heterogeneous, making it more difficult to have
Defibrillators (ICDs) a unified approach based on type of heart disease.
A prototype model for sudden death risk in patients
In patients with potentially unstable tachyarrhythmias, with structural heart disease is patients with tetralogy
defibrillators may be potentially lifesaving. Currently, of Fallot. Earlier data identified absolute QRS duration
the most common application of this technology is as well as QRS rate of change over time as risk factors
implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, or ICDs. These for sudden death [5]. Recent published data advocate
may be implanted for secondary prevention in those the use of invasive electrophysiology testing for
patients who have sustained a life-threatening ventric- risk-stratification [6]. However, study limitations and
ular arrhythmia or as primary prevention in individuals lack of wide acceptance have left each practitioner
at-risk for such arrhythmias. Consensus guidelines for and center to formulate their own strategy for primary
ICD implantation relevant to pediatric patients are prevention.
summarized in Table 54.4 [2].
Though ICDs are potentially lifesaving, their poten-
tial benefit must always be weighed against the known
54.4  C
 ardiac Resynchronization
risks, which include infection, complication related
to device placement, pneumothorax or hemothorax, Therapy (CRT)
lead fracture, inappropriate ICD shocks, other device
malfunction, possible pro-arrhythmia and potential Electrical dyssynchrony results in dyskinetic ventricular
psychological impact on patients [3]. activation, which reduces left ventricular efficiency.
In pediatric electrophysiology, much of the current This is often seen in patients with advanced heart
debate involves primary prevention of sudden death failure. Recent adult data have shown that pacing can
in patients with structural heart disease. It is clear that be used to restore electrical synchrony to hearts
patients with repaired or palliated structural heart with significant dyssynchrony, termed CRT [7–11].
disease are at risk for sudden death. The lesions with CRT involves placement of a lead in the left ventricle,
54  Pacemakers (Temporary and Permanent) 641

typically via the coronary sinus, allowing for more further studies are necessary to elucidate any consensus
uniform ventricular activation than by apical right approach.
ventricular pacing alone (Fig.  54.2). This has been
shown to improve left ventricular ejection fraction,
exercise tolerance and all-cause mortality in various
adult studies. To date, there has been no prospective 54.5  Troubleshooting
pediatric trial of CRT. The largest pediatric study is an
international multi-center retrospective study that Device troubleshooting is a voluminous topic worthy
evaluated the potential benefits of CRT in a population of textbooks in their entirety. In this chapter, we will
of pediatric and congenital heart disease patients [12]. review two of the most commonly seen device issues
In a heterogeneous population, chronic CRT was asso- and their management. For a more extensive discussion,
ciated with improvements in ejection fraction and QRS please consult a pacing textbook.
duration. The other proposed use of CRT is in the acute With pacing, a failure to capture the myocardium
postoperative setting to temporarily augment cardiac may occur, which results in a missed depolarization and
output. Published reports have shown temporary a subsequent pause in the ventricular rate. This is termed
benefits in patients with right ventricular dysfunction pacemaker noncapture. It is characterized on the monitor
as well as single ventricle patients [13, 14]. and electrocardiogram by the visualization of pacing
The role of CRT in the management of pediatric artifact with no resultant electrical activity following.
and congenital heart disease patients is evolving and This may occur either in the atrium or the ventricle.


Left Atrium
Right Atrial
Left Ventricular
Right Atrium

Right Ventricular Left Ventricle


Right Ventricle

Fig. 54.2  Illustration of lead insertion in typical locations for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Locations include right
atrium, right ventricle, and coronary sinus for left ventricular activation. (Reproduced with permission of Medtronic, Inc.)
642 G. Arora and L. Beerman

When it occurs in the ventricle, the consequences are As mentioned above, the upper heart rate is governed
more severe as complete loss of cardiac output may by the TARP. Many pacemakers have default settings
ensue (Fig.  54.3). Once this is seen, the pacemaker which limit the upper rate limit to 180 beats per minute.
(temporary or permanent) should be interrogated to In addition, some temporary pacemakers have default
evaluate the lead thresholds and device output. If the settings with a lower default upper rate (sometimes
device output cannot be adjusted to provide an ade- 110 bpm). When the upper rate is violated, pacemaker
quate safety margin, consideration should be given to Wenckebach may ensue (Fig. 54.4). This is charac-
the establishment of a more secure pacing modality. terized by intermittently dropped P waves, similar
Pacemaker oversensing can be similar in effect to to native Wenckebach. A P wave eventually falls in
noncapture. Pacemakers are often set to inhibit their the PVARP and the ventricular lead is unable to
activity in response to a sensed event. If the pacemaker respond to this P wave. If this occurs, the AV delay and
falsely believes that an intrinsic depolarization has PVARP should be adjusted to allow increase in the
occurred, it will erroneously inhibit, resulting in a lack upper rate. The most important step to avoid this is to
of depolarization and a resultant pause. This is deemed ensure that pacemakers are set based on age-appropriate
oversensing and can be distinguished from noncapture parameters. In the case of temporary pacing, it is
(Fig. 54.3) by the absence of pacemaker stimulus arti- mandatory that the treating physician set the pace-
fact compared to pacemaker noncapture where a stim- maker based on each patient’s individual case, and not
ulus artifact will be visualized. rely on default settings.

Fig. 54.3  Ventricular noncapture. Pacing spikes are initially followed by wide QRS complexes, indicating successful ventricular
depolarization. In the middle of the strip, note the pacing spikes without QRS complexes, indicating noncapture. This is followed by
a junctional escape beat (narrow complex)

Fig. 54.4  Pacemaker Wenckebach. Initially atrial sensing with ventricular pacing (P waves followed by pacing artifact and QRS
complexes). Occasional dropped beats indicate P waves that fall into the refractory period and are not responded to
54  Pacemakers (Temporary and Permanent) 643

54.6  Summary after operation for common congenital heart defects. J Am

Coll Cardiol. 1998;32:245–251.
5. Gatzoulis MA, Balaji S, Webber SA, et  al. Risk factors for
Electrical therapies, including pacemakers, implantable arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death late after repair of tetral-
cardioverter-defibrillators, and CRT are an impor- ogy of Fallot: a multicentre study. Lancet. 2000;356:975–981.
tant therapy for pediatric and congenital heart disease 6. Khairy P, Landzberg MJ, Gatzoulis MA, et al. Value of pro-
patients. grammed ventricular stimulation after tetralogy of Fallot
repair. Circulation. 2004;109:1994–2000.
Current usage is dictated occasionally by published 7. Bristow MR, Saxon LA, Boehmer J et  al. Comparison of
guidelines but is often dependent on center and physi- Medical Therapy, Pacing and Defibrillation in Heart Failure
cian preference. Further studies are necessary to assist (COMPANION) Investigators. Cardiac-resynchronization
in formulation of a consensus approach to management therapy with or without an implantable defibrillator in advanced
chronic heart failure. N Engl J Med. 2004;350:2140–2150.
of these entities. 8. Auricchio A, Stellbrink C, Sack S et al. Pacing Therapies in
Understanding of the basic indications and Congestive Heart Failure (PATH-CHF) Study Group. Long-
functioning of these therapies is imperative for anyone term clinical effect of hemodynamically optimized cardiac
involved in the care of these patients, particularly in resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure and
ventricular conduction delay. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;39:
the intensive care unit setting. 2026–2033.
9. Abraham WT, Fisher WG, Smith AL et al. MIRACLE Study
Group. Cardiac resynchronization in chronic heart failure. N
Engl J Med. 2002;346:1845–1853.
References 10. Cazeau S, Leclercq C, Lavergne T et al. Multisite Stimulation
in Cardiomyopathies (MUSTIC) Study Investigators. Effects
of multisite biventricular pacing in patients with heart failure
1. Bernstein AD, Daubert J, Fletcher RD, et  al. The revised and intraventricular conduction delay. N Engl J Med.
NASPE/BPEG generic code for antibradycardia, adaptive- 2001;344:873–880.
rate and multisite pacing. PACE. 2002;25:260–264. 11. Bardy GH, Lee KL, Mark DB, et  al. Amiodarone or an
2. Gregoratos G, Abrams J, Epstein AE, et  al. ACC/AHA/ implantable cardioverter-defibrillator for congestive heart
NASPE 2002 Guideline Update for Implantation of Cardiac failure. N Engl J Med. 2005;35:225–237.
Pacemakers and Antiarrhythmia Devices: Summary 12. Dubin AM, Janousek J, Rhee E, et  al. Resynchronization
Article: a report of the American College of Cardiology/ therapy in pediatric and congenital heart disease patients. J
American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Am Coll Cardiol. 2005;46:2277–2283.
Guidelines (ACC/AHA/NASPE Committee to Update 13. Dubin AM, Feinstein JA, Reddy MH, et al. Electrical resyn-
the 1998 Pacemaker Guidelines). Circulation. 2002;106: chronization: a novel therapy for the failing right ventricle.
2145–2161. Circulation. 2003;107:2287–2289.
3. DiMarco JP. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. N Engl 14. Bacha EA, Zimmerman FJ, Mor-Avi V, et  al. Ventricular
J Med. 2003;34:1836–1847. resynchronization by multisite pacing improves myocardial
4. Silka MJ, Hardy MG, Menashe VD, et  al. A population- pacing in the postoperative single-ventricle patient. Ann
based prospective evaluation of risk of sudden cardiac death Thorac Surg. 2004;78:1678–1683.
Chapter 55
Discontinuation of Life: Ethical and Legal Issues

Denis Devictor and Pierre Tissières

This chapter addresses some ethically challenging harm. For example, when deciding whether to use
situations that can occur especially in Pediatric Intensive ventricular assist device for a desperately ill infant
care Units (PICUs) and Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care with cardiogenic shock, caregivers must consider the
Units (PCICUs). It begins with an overview of some possibility that technology will extend the infant’s
principles of Medical Ethics. It continues with a discus- life only by several days, without long-term benefit.
sion on decision making. Finally it broaches the difficult Respect for autonomy: This principle suggests the
question of End-of-Life (EOL). This chapter aims at obligation to respect the decision-making capacities of
helping cardiac intensivists to resolve moral dilemmas. autonomous persons. In pediatrics this obligation
raises difficult dilemmas. For instance neonates and
small children cannot be considered as autonomous
55.1  Principles of Medical Ethics persons. Therefore parents are often considered as
their surrogates. However, the fact that parents must
give legal consent for medical treatments does not
There are several ethical theories that are useful in
mean that the opinion of the children and adolescents
resolving moral dilemmas. Perhaps the best known is
should be considered irrelevant or ignored, and that
called Principlism. In a classic textbook on modern
parents know what is the best for their child.
medical ethics, Tom Beauchamp and James Childress
Justice: This principle raises the most challenging
advocate four principles on which to base ethical analysis:
dilemmas for modern medical care. Namely, this prin-
respect of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence,
ciple exhorts caregivers to use medical services fairly,
and justice [1].
to avoid decisions that accept or reject candidates for
Beneficence: This principle refers to a moral obliga-
therapies based on factors that are irrelevant to their
tion to act for the benefit of the patient. This may seem
medical situation (such as their religion, origins, social
self-evident but the experience has shown that conflicts
conditions for instance).
of interest can influence medical decisions. For example,
It can be safely stated that principlism is an overly
caregivers might have the temptation to test new treat-
simplistic theory to resolve many ethical dilemmas that
ments or procedures as rescue therapies, even if their
arise in clinical practice. A number of alternative theories,
expected benefits have not been proved so far.
more or less complex exist. Nevertheless, the principlism
Non-maleficence: According to this notion, doctors
has the virtue of being clear, useful and educational.
have the duty to avoid harming patients. Again, this
idea may seem obvious, but in practice, it is highly
complex. When considering which treatment will best
help the patient, doctors must balance benefits against 55.2  E
 ssential Elements of Medical
Decision Making
D. Devictor (*)
Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care,
Decision making is one of the most challenging issues
Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital de Bicêtre, Assistance
publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Le Kremlin- Bicêtre, France in intensive care because it confronts the values of patients,
e-mail: families, health care professionals, and the society.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 645
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_55, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
646 D. Devictor and P. Tissières

A major shift in patient-families-doctors-society Understanding: Understanding is unlikely if the physician

relations has occurred in recent years. Doctors now uses excessive medical jargon or the patient is ignorant
have less freedom to make paternalistic decisions of basic medical concept. This is particularly true in
about treatment according to their own beliefs. They cardiology and PCICUs because of the complexity of
must take into consideration the patient’s, and family’s the medical situations. Research suggests that physi-
perspectives. This shift has embodied in the doctrine cians routinely overestimate what patients and family
of informed consent. members understand. Similarly, parents may not hear
what is said because of the stress induced by their
child’s illness. Moreover, in some cases, parents may
not have enough time to consider alternatives. Time
55.2.1  Informed Consent limitations might influence the decision and might
invalidate full consent.
The doctrine of informed consent assumes the right of
a reasonable person to accept or refuse offered treat-
ment. To make a valid choice, the patient or his or her
surrogate need understandable information regarding 55.3  S
 pecial Issues in Pediatric
the medical situation so any choice will reflect the range Intensive Care
of alternatives and their consequences. This choice
should occur voluntarily, that is, free of any undue pres-
55.3.1  Family Access to Their Child
sure, especially from health care providers. Informed
consent must satisfy at least three requirements:
competency, information, understanding, requirements Access to their child is one of the most important issues
which are especially meaningful in PCICU. for a family. Similarly, for the child, the family provides
Competency: A competent individual has the capacity a reassuring constant in the unfamiliar PICU environ-
to understand the medical situation, consider the risks ment. To decrease family anxiety and the shifting of
and benefits, make a choice among the alternatives, parental roles, access should be supported 24 h a day,
decide upon a course of action, and appreciate the con- with clear communication related to the importance of
sequences of the choice. In most circumstances, minors parental involvement. Parents should be viewed as
are legally incompetent. As a consequence, their par- partners in care rather than visitors [2].
ents as surrogates must give legal consent for medical
treatments. Moreover they are considered to know what
is the best for their child. This does not mean that
the opinions of the children should be considered 55.3.2  Family-Centered Care
irrelevant or ignored. Children as young as 6 or 7 years
of age are often able to have reasoned opinions about Family-centered care is an approach to the planning,
certain aspects of their care. Moreover physicians must delivery, and evaluation of health-care that is grounded
assess the decision making capacity of the parents. in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care
Information: The concept of information remains a providers, patients, and families.
central component of informed consent. Assuming a Family is acknowledged as expert in the care of
patient or his or her surrogate has an appropriate their child, and the perspectives and information
decision-making capacity, the decision maker needs provided by the family are important to clinical
information about patient’s condition, prognosis, and decision-making. This concept is demanding since it
alternative treatments. Ethical and legal considerations imposes to recognize the family as a constant in the
require that the information is understandable. The child’s life, to facilitate parents-professionals collab-
information must allow the decision-maker to weigh oration, to share complete and unbiased informa-
the pros and cons of the therapeutic alternative. One tion with families, and to satisfy child and family
can easily imagine situations in which understanding needs. There is a range of potential benefits and
does not occur despite a competent decision maker and difficulties associated with the provision of family
full information. centered care [3].
55  Discontinuation of Life: Ethical and Legal Issues 647

55.3.3  Shared-Decision Making in rounds when given the option. Similarly, parental
presence on rounds does not seem to interfere with the
communication process within the staff [5].
A significant controversy persists regarding the role of
parents relative to physicians in decision-making.
Schematically, two scenarios are opposed. The first
emphasizes that parents are the surrogate of their child 55.3.6  P
 resence of Family Members
and should be the main decision-makers. The second During Cardiopulmonary
scenario argues that parents may not have their
Resuscitation (CPR)
whole decision-making capacities because they are
too stressed for instance. In this case the physicians
bear the sole responsibility of the final decision. The presence of family members during CPR is a
Between these extremes many countries have adopted controversial issue. Concerns in the literature are cen-
the concept of shared-decision. The purpose is to reach tered on three points. The first is the potential for family
consensus on a process that is in accordance with members’ presence to affect the performance of resus-
family’s values and to build a collaborative relationship citation staff. The second is that witnessing a traumatic
with the family. The shared decision paradigm allows event, relatives may experience negative emotional and
for variations in family wishes regarding participation psychological consequences. Third, many studies have
in the decision making process. In any cases, decisions identified that members of the public would like to be
should be well documented in the patient’s chart. given the choice whether or not to be present. These con-
cerns are not supported by the literature, even if research
on this topic is particularly scarce. Nevertheless, the gen-
eral tendency is that all patients have the right to have
55.3.4  Participation in Care family members present during CPR, and the patients’
family members should be offered the opportunity to be
Parents better take part in care when their role as present during CPR of a relative.
caregiver is maintained. Providing care can be alienating
for some parents because they feel incompetent or too
stressed. Staff, especially nurses, can help delineate
the kind of care the parents can provide. Parents may feel 55.4  E
 ssential Elements of End
frightened by their child’s appearance or overwhelmed of Life Care
by the technology. Parents’ participation may be as
simple as holding the child’s hand. They can participate
more actively as well, such as assisting with tracheal Pediatric intensivists and PICU personnel play a crucial
suctioning, bathing, positioning, or massage. role in EOL care [6].

55.3.5  Presence of Parents in Rounds 55.4.1  O

 ptimal Care for Children Dying
in the PICU
The presence of parents in physician rounds is encouraged
in some institutions. However, the drawbacks would
The goal is the achievement of the best possible quality
be to increase the time spent rounding and the presence
of life for patients and their families. Palliative care
of parents might inhibit open discussion among staff.
must begin from the moment the child enters the unit.
Moreover, rounds may not be the best place to convey
The objectives of palliative are:
information and solicit family input in decision-making.
Families may be too intimidated by the medical • To provide relief from pain and other distressing
staff or their own lack of medical training, to actively symptoms
participate [4]. Despite these drawbacks, it has been • To intend neither to hasten nor to postpone death
shown that nearly 85% of families request involvement • To affirm life and regard dying as a normal process
648 D. Devictor and P. Tissières

• To integrate the psychological and spiritual aspects information, to have ready access to staff, to have
of patient care and his or her family better communication, to maintain parents child rela-
• To offer support system to help patients live as tionship, and to respect faith and cultural background.
actively as possible until death The needs of the clinical team are also crucial and
• To offer support system to help family cope during excellent care at the EOL should be recognized as an
the patient’s illness an in their bereavement institutional priorities. Clinical teams need to have the
opportunities for bereavement and debriefing.
These issues have the most relevance for those patients
whose goals of care have been redirected from life-
sustaining curative goals to palliative goals. These are  Providing Palliative Care
usually children with terminal illnesses or other condi-
tions for which the benefits of further life sustaining
In the curative model, the criteria are related to the
therapy are in question. Implicit in the phrase “redirecting
degree to which the procedure will contribute to
the goals of care” is that care is never withdrawn from
the patient’s recovery from illness. In the palliative
a patient, only life-sustaining treatment. Indeed, the
model, the criteria are related to whether the interven-
withdrawal of care is one of the greatest fears of
tion will improve symptom relief, improve functional
patients and families in these situations.
status, or ameliorate emotional, psychological, or
spiritual concerns [6]. Palliative care gives pain relief a
high priority. The increased use of pain scales has
55.4.2  F
 orgoing Life-Sustaining provided for better quantification even in neonates and
Treatments small infants. Patients’ comfort can be improved with
non pharmacologic or pharmacologic approaches.
One crucial issue is the question of double effect.
Physicians who care for patients in a PICU will be When an action has two effects, one of which is inherently
called upon to discontinue life support from dying good and the other of which is inherently bad, it can be
children. In these often tragic circumstances, the ques- justified if certain conditions are met. For example, the
tion then becomes how best to manage the child during administration of morphine to a dying child has both a
the dying process. The management of children at good effect (relief of pain and suffering) and the poten-
the end of life can be divided into two phases. The first tial for a bad effect (hastening the child’s death through
concerns the shared decision making process as respiratory depression). The key difference lies in the
described above. The second concerns the actions that intention of the physician. As long as the physician’s
are taken once decision has been made to forgo life- intention is treatment of the child’s pain and suffering,
sustaining treatments. Recommendations have been the administration of analgesics and sedatives is non-
published to provide advice for clinicians who deliver controversial. When the physician’s intention is to kill
EOL care in ICUs and PICUs. They give information the child, then the red line between accepted practice
on the successive interventions of EOL care. and euthanasia has been crossed.  P
 reparation of the Child, His or Her  W
 ithholding and Withdrawing Life
Family, and the Clinical Team Support

This preparation is based on the knowledge of child Physicians are much more comfortable in withholding
and family’s needs. The needs of the child must be the treatments than in withdrawing them. In other words,
primary focus of caregivers. They could be summed up they believe there is a difference between deciding not
in a few assertions such as to be with his or her parents to intubate a patient because they do not think that
and family, to have no pain, to have tender loving care, he or she will recover, and extubating a patient who
to respect his or her body, to respect hisor her parents’ has failed to recover despite a period of ventilation.
wishes. Family needs could be summarized in a couple In practice each therapy may be continued or discon-
of priorities such as to obtain honest and complete tinued, depending on the clinical characteristics of the
55  Discontinuation of Life: Ethical and Legal Issues 649

patient and the type of life support that is being patients, independent of parental viewpoints about
withdrawn or withhold. It has been shown that parents life-sustaining treatments.
who were with their child at the time of death, did not
regret having been present, whereas parents who were
not present later wished they had been.
55.5  Conclusion  Communication Advances in pediatric intensive and critical care have

led to ethical and legal issues of profound concern to
The quality of communication consistently emerges as all critical care providers. One of the most striking
an important, and indeed perhaps the most critical changes is that the majority of deaths in the PICUs
determinant of the satisfaction of parents with the care occur following the decision to withdraw or withhold
of their dying children. In some studies, parents rated life-sustaining treatments. This fact heightens the
parents-doctors communication as the principal deter- importance of competence in EOL decision-making
minant of high-quality physician care. Problems in and palliative management by all practitioners working
communication lie at the heart of many conflicts that in PICUs and PCICUs.
occur between families and clinicians in the PICU.
Families often experience physicians not being
sufficiently available. Parents always welcome the
opportunity for scheduled meetings with clinicians. References
Some parents want to reduce the potential for contra-
dictory information by having a single point person to 1. Beauchamp TL, Childress JF. Principles of Biomedical Ethics.
4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 1994:44–119.
communicate with. Other, actually prefer to hear from 2. Riling DA, Hofmann KH, Deshler J. Family-centered care in
multiple perspectives. the pediatric intensive care unit. In: Fuhrman BP, Zimmerman
J, eds. Pediatric Critical Care. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA:
Mosby Elsevier; 2006:106–116.
3. Shields L, Pratt J, Davis LM, Hunter J. Family-centred care
55.4.3  Legal Issues for children in hospital. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2007;Issue 1 (Art.No.:CD004811.DOI)
4. Muething SE, Kotagal UR, Schoettker PJ, Gonzalez Del
The legal issues involved in discontinuation of life Rey J, DeWitt TG. Family-centred bedside rounds: a new
approach to patient care and teaching. Paediatrics. 2007;119:
sustaining treatment are highly dependant upon the 829–832.
legislation of the country. In many Western countries 5. Phipps LM, Bartke CN, Spear DA, et  al. Assessment of
there is consensus in the law that parents have the parental presence during bedside pediatric intensive care unit
authority to determine the best interest of their children rounds: effect on duration, teaching, and privacy. Pediatr
Crit Care Med. 2007;8:220–224.
and to make decisions in accord with their own values. 6. Truog RD, Meyer EC, Burns JP. Towards interventions to
However, pediatric intensivists must be thoroughly improve end-of-life care in the pediatric intensive care unit.
familiar with their legal duties to their pediatric Crit Care Med. 2006;34:S373–S377.
Part IV
The Challenge of Extra-Cardiac Complications
Chapter 56
Respiratory Complications: Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndrome, Chylothorax, Diaphragmatic Palsy,
and Functional and Respiratory Physiotherapy

Jennifer Exo and Ricardo Muñoz

56.1  A
 cute Respiratory Distress an acute onset of respiratory distress and hypoxemia
Syndrome (ARDS) (defined as a PaO2/FiO2 ratio £300), bilateral infiltrates
on chest X-ray, pulmonary wedge pressure £18 mmHg,
or absence of clinical evidence for left atrial hyperten-
56.1.1  Introduction sion. ARDS is characterized by the same chest X-ray
and pulmonary wedge pressure findings, but with more
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), also severe hypoxemia (defined as a PaO2/FiO2 ratio £200).
called noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, is an uncom- The diagnosis of ALI and ARDS remains clinical,
mon postoperative complication after pediatric cardiac but the adoption of a consensus definition has helped
surgery, heart transplantation, and cardiopulmonary standardize research studies and facilitated earlier
bypass. Several large prospective trials studying ARDS recognition of these diseases.
in medical and surgical patients have been completed,
but postoperative cardiac patients were not specifically
studied. Despite this, it is necessary for those caring
56.1.3  Pathophysiology
for critically ill children with heart disease to understand
the pathophysiology, clinical course, and therapies
used to treat ARDS. The pathophysiology of ARDS is not completely
understood, but several contributing mechanisms
have been identified (Fig. 56.1). Neutrophils migrate
into the alveolar compartment, and produce several
56.1.2  Definition proinflammatory substances, including leukotrienes,
proteases, reactive oxygen, and nitrogen species that
The definition of ARDS has evolved with the serve to propagate lung damage. Changes in capillary
understanding of the disease. Originally called “adult endothelial integrity allow protein-rich fluid to leak
respiratory distress syndrome,” the title was changed from the plasma into the lung interstitium and airspaces.
to “acute respiratory distress syndrome” after being Similarly, alveolar epithelial injury causes necrosis
recognized in newborns and children, though contro- and sloughing of Type I alveolar cells.
versy over the incidence and pathology made ARDS Next, protein influx and damage to Type II alveolar
difficult to define. In 1994, the American-European epithelial cells alters the production and function of
Consensus Conference Committee developed the surfactant, which in turn alters alveolar function.
widely accepted definition for ARDS and acute lung Neutrophils also release the platelet-activating factor
injury (ALI) [1]. As such, ALI is currently defined as (PAF) along with other pro-coagulant inflammatory
factors. The balance of coagulation and fibrinolysis is
altered, resulting in the development of systemic micro-
J. Exo (*)
thrombi. In particular, occlusions of small pulmonary
Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA vessels by thrombi contribute to vascular remodeling
e-mail: and the development of pulmonary hypertension.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 653
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_56, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
654 J. Exo and R. Muñoz

Normal Alveolus Injured Alveolus during the Acute Phase

Alveolar air space Protein-rich edema fluid

Sloughing of bronchial epithelium

Necrotic or apoptotic type I cell

Type I cell

Inactivated surfactant
basement Activated Red cell
membrane neutrophil
Interstitium Type II cell Oxidants Intact type II cell
Alveolar PAF
macrophage Proteases
Cellular Denuded
debris basement membrane
IL-1 Hyaline membrane
Alveolar Migrating neutrophil
macrophage Fibrin
IL-6, Proteases
IL-10 edematous
Surfactant layer
MIF interstitium

Endothelial Procollagen
Endothelial formation IL-8
basement IL-8 Platelets
Red cell Swollen, injured
endothelial cells
Fibroblast Fibroblast

Fig. 56.1  The normal alveolus (left side) and injured alveolus from alveolar macrophages activate and induce migration of
in the acute phase of Acute Lung Injury and the Acute Respiratory neutrophils to the lung. Neutrophils adhere to the damaged
Distress Syndrome (Right side). The damaged alveolar epithe- capillary endothelium and move into the alveolus, which is filled
lium and capillary endothelium allows leakage of inflammatory with proteins and fluid. Upon their arrival, they secrete pro-
substances and cells into the airspace. The collection of fluid inflammatory substances, including reactive oxygen species,
and protein in the alveolus inactivates surfactant. Release of leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor (PAF) (By permis-
cytokines, interleukins, and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a) sion from Ref. [23])

Finally, mechanical ventilation itself can contribute 56.1.4  Clinical Course

to lung damage. Besides the toxic effects of prolonged
ventilation with high fractions of inspired oxygen, The onset of ARDS is characterized by rapid development
mechanical stress is applied to susceptible alveoli of respiratory distress, hypoxemia that responds poorly
amplifies inflammation. Since the amount of lung to oxygen, bilateral infiltrates on chest X-ray (Fig. 56.2),
available for oxygenation and ventilation is greatly and pleural effusions. Alveolar and interstitial edema
reduced, the volume and pressure applied by mechani- can worsen the work of breathing by increasing resis-
cal ventilation causes overdistension of uninjured tance to airflow and decreasing lung compliance. When
alveoli. Repeated collapsing and reopening of alveoli combined with respiratory muscle fatigue, intubation,
also stimulates the release of inflammatory cytokines. and mechanical ventilation are often necessary.
Together, these changes cause the impaired gas Computed tomography of the chest of an ARDS patient
exchange and altered lung mechanics that characterize often reveals areas of normal lung interspersed with
the acute phase of ARDS. areas of consolidation and collapse (Fig.  56.3). The
56  Respiratory Complications 655

application of PEEP can recruit a portion of these

collapsed areas.
Persistent pulmonary endothelial dysfunction,
progressive fibrosis, and hypoxic vasoconstriction
can increase pulmonary vascular resistance. Elevated
pulmonary capillary and arterial pressures contribute
to the development of pulmonary hypertension, which
can cause shunting of blood from the right to the left
side of the heart if a direct connection is present, or
compromise cardiac output if no such connection exists.
Prolonged pulmonary hypertension also contributes
to the development of right ventricular dysfunction
and failure.
Timely resolution of these pathologic processes is
required for recovery. Excess neutrophils undergo
apoptosis and phagocytosis by lung macrophages.
Active transport of sodium and chloride from the
alveoli into the interstitium facilitates resolution of
alveolar edema. Water passively follows these ions
Fig.  56.2  Radiographic findings in the acute phase of Acute through aquaporins, located primarily on Type I alveo-
Lung Injury and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. This lar cells. Insoluble proteins are then removed by
figure shows an anterior-posterior chest radiograph of an 18 local cell endocytosis and phagocytosis, making it
month-old child with acute respiratory failure. The diffuse bilateral
opacities are consistent with the diagnosis of acute respiratory
possible to rebuild the alveolar hyaline membrane
distress syndrome (Courtesy of Dr. Rajesh Aneja) framework. Type II alveolar cells multiply on the dam-
aged framework, and then differentiate into type I cells.
The type I cells restore alveolar structure and the
alveolar-capillary barrier, new blood vessels form, and
normal gas exchange and lung mechanics are restored.
Many patients experience substantial improvement
within the first week of ARDS, while others develop
fibrosing alveolitis. Progression to fibrotic lung disease
usually occurs 5–10 days after disease onset; excessive
fibrosis is associated with increased mortality. In the
fibrotic phase, alveolar edema and inflammation
become less prominent. Instead, granulation tissue,
rich in collagen and fibrin, is deposited. This tissue,
along with fibroblasts and procollagen III peptide, fill
the alveolar spaces, making the lungs less compliant
Fig. 56.3  Computed Tomographic (CT) Findings in the acute and susceptible to further injury. The fibrotic phase is
phase of Acute Lung Injury and the Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome. This figure shows a CT image of an 18 month-old usually prolonged, increasing the risk of developing
child with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Bilateral pleural nosocomial infections, organ failure, and respiratory
effusions and alveolar opacities are present in the dependent muscle deconditioning. The progressive fibrosis further
areas of the lungs (Courtesy of Dr. Rajesh Aneja) reduces lung compliance, rendering PEEP less effec-
tive for recruitment of collapsed areas and contributing
areas of lung with normal compliance can become to carbon dioxide retention. Patients in this stage often
overdistended as more of each breath is delivered require weeks of mechanical ventilation, and after
preferentially to them instead of their stiff, damaged recovery, are at risk of increased bronchoreactivity and
counterparts. This reduces lung functional residual extrapulmonary complications (muscle wasting and
capacity and increases intrapulmonary shunting. The weakness). Most patients who survive ALI and ARDS
656 J. Exo and R. Muñoz

do not have long term lifestyle limitations or severe, PaCO2 levels of 65–85 mmHg are considered accept-
chronic pulmonary disease, but lung abnormalities, able, and bicarbonate is used to maintain a desirable
particularly involving gas exchange, may persist for an pH. Increasing amounts of sedation may be required to
extended period of time. reduce patient dyspnea and air hunger that result from
rising levels of carbon dioxide. Hypercapnia can
increase pulmonary vascular resistance and mean
pulmonary arterial pressure, which is an important
56.1.5  Treatment consideration in patients with heart disease.
Manipulation of positive end-expiratory pressure  V
 entilation and Oxygenation (PEEP) has been shown to improve outcome in ARDS
Strategies [3]. Application of PEEP minimizes oxygen toxicity by
maximizing alveolar recruitment and decreasing the
Survival of ARDS often requires intubation and need for high fractions of inspired oxygen. However,
mechanical ventilation. Experimental and human excessive levels of PEEP can overdistend areas of
research suggests using specific oxygenation and normal lung and negatively impact hemodynamic
ventilation strategies. Traditionally, mechanical venti- function. This has led researchers to seek the “ideal”
lation is titrated to achieve normal arterial blood gases; PEEP, in which compliance and oxygenation are
this is often accomplished by using tidal volumes maximized, while overdistension and undesirable
measuring 10–15  ml/kg of predicted body weight. hemodynamic effects are minimized.
Numerous studies have shown excessive tidal volumes Prone positioning can also be used to recruit
damage consolidated (low volume) lungs. Trials using collapsed alveoli. This position is also thought to
lower ventilator settings at the expense of gas exchange improve ventilation–perfusion matching, increase
were undertaken, and a landmark ARDS network study end-expiratory lung volume, create positive changes
demonstrated low tidal volume, lung protection strate- in chest-wall mechanics, and enhance oxygenation.
gies improved outcome [2]. To summarize this study, Despite these positive effects, it has not been shown to
the NIH ARDS network lower tidal volume strategy improve survival [4].
compared ventilation with tidal volumes of 4–6 ml/kg High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) can
and positive plateau pressure less than 30  cm H2O be used to minimize hypercapnia and maximize lung
(lung protective arm) with tidal volumes of 11–12 ml/ inflation and oxygenation. By adjusting the amplitude
kg and positive plateau pressure less than 50 cm H2O of the oscillation, lung ventilation is improved and
(control arm). Oxygen saturation was maintained hypercapnia is reduced. The mean airway pressure can
between 88 and 95% by adjusting PEEP to maintain be adjusted to maximize oxygenation and minimize
minimal FiO2. Levels of arterial carbon dioxide were the inspired fraction of oxygen. By using smaller tidal
allowed to rise, as long as arterial pH remained higher volumes and maintaining alveolar volumes, HFOV
than 7.15 (permissive hypercapnia). The pH was main- has been shown to improve survival and decrease the
tained by increasing ventilator respiratory rate and incidence of persistent lung disease after ALI [5].
titration of a sodium bicarbonate infusion. The patients
ventilated with the lower tidal volume strategy had
significantly reduced mortality, increased ventilator-  Other Therapies
free days, and reduced incidence of extrapulmonary
organ failure in the first 28 days of their hospital Several other therapies are useful in the treatment of
stay when compared with the traditional ventilation ARDS. Because patients with bronchiolitis, pneumo-
group (control arm). This study was criticized for using nia, and sepsis are more likely to develop ARDS,
supranormal tidal volumes in the control arm, since, all prompt initiation of antibiotic therapy is important.
but one other study showed no significant difference in Nitric oxide, a known pulmonary vasodilator, is also
mortality when lower tidal volumes were compared used in the treatment of ARDS. Inhaled nitric oxide
with tidal volumes of 10 ml/kg. increases pulmonary blood flow to normal lung tissue,
An important consequence of using lung protective and therefore improves ventilation–perfusion matching.
strategies is the development of hypercapnia. Ideally, Nitric oxide can be used to reduce pulmonary artery
the PaCO2 is allowed to raise no more than 5 mmHg/h. pressures and improve the oxygenation index (OI) in
56  Respiratory Complications 657

ARDS patients, but has not been shown to improve effusion can result in compromised pulmonary function,
mortality rates [6]. Assessment and management of significant loss of immunoglobulins, T-lymphocytes,
fluid status is also important in the treatment of ARDS. albumin, and important electrolytes. Chest tube drain-
Aggressive volume resuscitation is often necessary in age may be persistent and creamy in appearance if the
the treatment of concomitant septic shock, and the patient is receiving enteral nutrition with long-chain
development of capillary leak can increase extra- fatty acids. Fluid triglyceride levels >1.2 mmol/L and
vascular lung water. total fluid cell count >1000  cells/µL (predominantly
Diuresis is useful for treating persistent pulmonary lymphocytes) confirm the diagnosis of chylothorax. In
edema, although this must be done carefully, since fasting patients, drainage may appear serosanguineous
rapid diuresis can compromise cardiac output and with a normal triglyceride level.
tissue perfusion. Treatment includes:
Because levels of surfactant are reduced, and the
a ) Decreasing chyle production
surfactant produced is functionally abnormal, adminis-
b) Draining pleural fluid
tration of exogenous surfactant may improve lung
c) Providing appropriate nutrition and fluid replacement.
compliance and allow recruitment of collapsed alveoli.
A multicenter, prospective, randomized study demon- Placement of a thoracostomy tube allows continuous
strated that patients with ALI or ARDS treated with evacuation of chyle from the pleural space, while
surfactant had improved oxygenation and decreased changing to a total parenteral or fat-restricted oral
mortality when compared with the control group [7]. diet with medium chain fatty acid supplementation
Steroids are also used to treat the inflammation decreases chyle production. Somatostatin and its
associated with ARDS, although the benefit of steroid synthetic counterpart octreotide, have also been used
administration in ARDS remains controversial. High- successfully to treat chylothorax [13]. By acting on
dose, short-course corticosteroids given in early ARDS splanchnic vascular receptors, octreotide decreases
failed to improve survival in several research trials chylomicron synthesis and transfer into the lymphatic
[8–11]. Two trials showed moderate-dose steroids duct, decreasing chyle leak into the pleural space.
improved lung function and survival in persistent A chylothorax resistant to dietary and medical man-
ARDS [12, 13]; while the ARDS network late steroid agement may require surgical intervention [16, 17].
rescue study showed late administration of steroids did Ligation of the thoracic duct, placement of a pleuro-
not improve survival [14]. peritoneal shunt, and pleurodesis with talc or fibrin are
among several surgical techniques.

56.1.6  Conclusion
56.3  Diaphragmatic Palsy and Paralysis
Although relatively uncommon, it is necessary to
understand the physiology and treatment of pediatric Injury to the phrenic nerve (usually left) can occur dur-
patients with ARDS. For patients with concomitant ing surgeries involving dissection of the branch pul-
heart disease, gentle ventilation strategies and adjunc- monary arteries and manipulation of the aortic arch
tive therapies can be applied with special consideration and superior vena cava. Reoperations in the presence
of their cardiovascular effects, thereby hastening of adhesions and scarring, which obscure landmarks,
recovery from ALI and ARDS. can also make inadvertent injury to the phrenic nerve
more likely. Phrenic nerve injury resulting in diaphrag-
matic palsy (reduced motion) and paralysis is a cause
of respiratory failure in the postoperative period.
56.2  Chylothorax Neonates and young infants are particularly at risk for
respiratory failure from diaphragm palsy and paraly-
Development of a chylothorax is a potential complication sis. This population relies heavily on the diaphragm to
following surgery to correct heart disease [15]. A tear breathe, whereas older counterparts use intercostal and
in the thoracic duct allows the leak of chylous fluid accessory muscles to assist in the work of breathing.
into the hemithorax. The development of a large chylous Injury to the phrenic nerve is part of the differential
658 J. Exo and R. Muñoz

diagnosis of a postoperative patient struggling to wean References

from positive pressure ventilation. Symptoms include
increased work of breathing on low ventilator settings 1. Bernard GR, Artigas A, Brigham KL, et al. The American-
and persistent atelectasis and oxygen requirement. European Consensus conference on ARDS: definitions,
An elevated hemi-diaphragm may be visible on chest mechanisms, relevant outcomes, and clinical trial coordina-
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X-ray, although a film taking during peak positive
2. Brower RG, Matthay MA, Morris A, et al. National Heart,
ventilation may obscure this finding. Ultrasonography Lung and Blood Institute Acute Respiratory Distress
or fluoroscopy can be used to identify evidence of Syndrome (ARDS) Clinical Trials Network. Ventilation
reduced or paradoxical diaphragm movement. Evoked with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal
volumes for acute lung inury and the acute respiratory
responses and diaphragmatic electromiography may
distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2000;342:1301–1308.
also provide useful diagnostic information. It is impor- 3. Amato MBP, Barbas CSV, Medeiros DM, et  al. Effect of
tant that these tests are performed in the absence of protective-ventilation strategy on mortality in the acute
positive pressure ventilation, as this can cause a false respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med. 1998;338:
negative test result. Recovery from phrenic injury often
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occurs spontaneously, but surgical plication may be positioning on clinical outcomes in children with acute lung
necessary when repeated extubation failures occur in injury. JAMA. 2005;294:229–237.
patients with optimized cardiovascular function, par- 5. Arnold JH, Hanson JH, Toro-Figuero LO, et al. Prospective,
randomized comparison of high-frequency oscillatory venti-
ticularly in patients with confirmed paralysis [18, 19].
lation and conventional mechanical ventilation in pediatric
Diaphragmatic palsy or paresis may also benefit of respiratory falure. Crit Care Med. 1994;22:1530–1539.
medical treatment including respiratory physiotherapy, 6. Dellinger RP, Zimmerman JL, Taylor RW, et al. Effects on
CPAP, and the use of oral xanthines. inhaled nitric oxide in patients with acute respiratory
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56.4  Respiratory Physiotherapy enous surfactant (calfactant) in pediatric acute lung injury: a
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ing are often initiated for patients who are intubated or lung injury and improving mortality in patients with septic
shock. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1988;138:62–68.
are unable to cough effectively. Tracheal suctioning
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lator (IPV), intermittent positive pressure breathing (ARDS) Clinical Trials Network. Efficacy and safety of cor-
(IPPB), and a mechanical insufflator–exsufflator ticosteroids for persistent acute respiratory distress syn-
(CoughAssist) [20–22]. These devices, in conjunction drome. N Engl J Med. 2006;354:1671–1684.
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17. Marts BC, Naunheim KS, Fiore AC, Pennington DG. fibrosis and severe airway obstruction. Respir Care. 2006;51:
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Chapter 57
Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis,
Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy

Joanne K. Snyder, Katherine Barsness, and Ricardo Muñoz

57.1  Necrotizing Enterocolitis any form of CHD may be a predisposing factor for
NEC. Intestinal mucosal ischemia, although frequently
transient, can occur in infants during and after cardio-
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an acute inflammatory
pulmonary bypass [4]. In contrast, patients with coarc-
disease with a multifactorial and controversial pathogen-
tation of the aorta may have reperfusion intestinal
esis. NEC is a disease of newborns that is characterized
injury after the surgical repair, a defined component of
by variable damage to the intestinal tract ranging from
postcoarctectomy syndrome [5].
mucosal injury to full-thickness necrosis and perfora-
The presence of PDA is also a risk factor for the
tion. The terminal ileum and proximal ascending colon
development of NEC. Indomethacin is the pharmaco-
are the most common sites of NEC. The disease may
logical agent most frequently used for non surgical
involve a single isolated lesion, multiple discontinuous
closure of PDA in premature infants. Indomethacin
areas or in rare instances pan-necrosis.
induces a reduction in mesenteric blood flow, which
The pathogenesis of NEC is still incompletely
further compromises bowel perfusion in the presence
understood. Several factors are involved in the patho­
of a hemodynamically significant ductus [6].
physiology of NEC, including: immaturity of the neonatal
gut mucosa, mesenteric ischemia, tissue hypoxia, enteral
alimentation, and presence of infectious or toxic
agents [1]. 57.1.1  Clinical Presentation
The incidence of NEC is 1–3 cases per 1,000 live
births. Male and female infants are equally affected.
The clinical presentation of NEC includes nonspecific
The disease is more prevalent among very low birth
findings, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and feeding intol-
weight infants. NEC is also reported among term
erance. More specific symptoms include abdominal
infants who have an additional risk factor that predis-
distension and frank or occult blood in the stools. With
poses them to bowel ischemia, such as perinatal
disease progression, abdominal tenderness, abdominal
asphyxia, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), or
wall edema and erythema, or palpable bowel loops
congenital heart disease (CHD) [2]. The most com-
may become apparent. Apnea, bradycardia, lethargy,
monly associated congenital heart defects are hyp-
labile body temperature, hypoglycemia and shock are
oplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), truncus
signs of advanced disease.
arteriosus, and aortic arch anomalies [3].
A high index of suspicion for NEC is critical in
infants with CHD, ranging from patent ductus arterio-
sus (PDA) to HLHS. Surgical intervention to correct 57.1.2  Diagnosis  Laboratory Test

J.K. Snyder (*)
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA In any infant with a suspicion for NEC, initial labora-
e-mail: tory tests should include a complete blood count

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 661
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_57, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
662 J.K. Snyder et al.

(CBC), basic metabolic panel (BMP), and blood cul- Although nonspecific, distended loops of small
tures. A CBC may demonstrate elevated, normal, or bowel are one of the most common radiographic find-
low white blood cell (WBC) counts. An elevated ings in NEC. Air-fluid levels and bowel wall edema
hemoglobin level and hematocrit may mark hemocon- may also develop. Serial radiographic studies are
centration due to notable accumulation of extravascu- important to monitor the degree of distension and to
lar fluid. However, the infant may be anemic if observe for any fixed or dilated loops of bowel.
clinically significant gastrointestinal (GI) blood loss Ascites can occur in advanced cases of NEC. The
has occurred secondary to hematochezia. ascites is often purulent and may contain sucous.
Thrombocytopenia is the most frequent hematologic Ascites is suggested by a generalized opacification of
abnormality; more than 80% of patients have platelet the abdomen with medial displacement of bowel loops.
counts of less than 150,000/mL. Thrombocytopenia A paracentesis with a positive gram stain for gram
appears to be a reaction to gram negative bacterial negative bacteria is an operative indication for NEC.
endotoxin. Patients with platelet counts less than Contrast-enhanced radiographic studies are not usu-
50,000 warrant a platelet transfusion. ally performed in infants with suspected NEC. However,
Obtaining a blood culture is recommended before an upper GI tract study can be useful for the infant with
beginning antibiotics in any patient presenting with an equivocal presentation. Water-soluble contrast
signs or symptoms of sepsis or NEC. Although blood should be used to avoid the risk of barium extravasation
cultures rarely grow positive in NEC, sepsis is one of through a perforated viscus. Signs of NEC include
the major conditions that mimics NEC and should be irregular or ulcerated mucosa, separated bowel wall
considered in the differential diagnosis. loops, pneumatosis, and bowel wall spiculation.
A blood metabolic profile may show electrolyte Abdominal ultrasonography (US) is useful for iden-
abnormalities consistent with metabolic acidosis. This tifying gas in the portal venous system as well as pneu-
is common and may represent intestinal ischemia, matosis intestinalis and has been reported as more
hypoperfusion, and hypovolemia. sensitive than plain radiography for the detection of
these findings [7]. Ultrasonography appears to be most
useful in neonates with an equivocal clinical picture  Radiography for NEC and normal or nonspecific plain radiographic
findings. In addition, ultrasonography can assist in the
Plain abdominal radiographs are the mainstay in con- identification of ascites or abscess. Ultrasonography
firming the diagnosis of necrotizing entercolitis. can also facilitate localization for paracentesis and per-
Pneumatosis intestinalis with an appropriate clinical cutaneous abscess drainage [7].
presentation is diagnostic of NEC. Pneumatosis is
present in over 50% of patients with NEC [7].
Pneumatosis may occur as a cystic form, which has a
foamy appearance, or as the linear form, in which the 57.1.3  Treatment
gas accumulates in the sub-serosal layer. The gas is
principally hydrogen, secondary to bacterial metabo-  Nonoperative Management
lism in the bowel wall.
Pneumoperitoneum is pathopneumonic for intesti- The mainstay of treatment for patients with early stage
nal perforation and is best seen on an abdominal film NEC is medical management. The typical course of
performed in the left lateral decubitus position [7]. Free treatment consists of cessation of enteral feeds, naso-
air may also be identified as the “football sign” on gastric decompression, and broad spectrum antibiot-
supine views, as free air outlines the falciform ics. Historically, antibiotic coverage has consisted of
ligament. ampicillin, gentamicin, and either clindamycin or met-
Portal-vein gas is seen as linear branching streaks ronidazole, although the specific regimen used should
overlying the liver. It is caused by gas produced by be tailored to the most common nosocomial organisms
bacteria in the portal veins or by the transmigration of found in the particular Neonatal or Cardiac Intensive
gas from the bowel wall, through mesenteric veins and Care Unit. In addition, a strong index of suspicion for
into the portal vein [7]. fungal septicemia must be maintained, especially in
57  Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy 663

the infant with a deteriorating condition and negative The bowel is eviscerated from the peritoneal cavity
bacterial cultures. and inspected for necrosis and perforation. Although
Infants with early stage disease, improved abdomi- the terminal ileum is the most common site of necrosis
nal symptoms and a negative sepsis workup will and perforation, the entire length of bowel must be
resume feedings in 7–10 days. The infant should be evaluated due to a high incidence of discontinuous
fed slowly with careful monitoring for distension, necrosis. The surgical goal is resection of all nonviable
emesis, and other signs of intolerance or recurrent intestine with preservation of overall intestinal length.
NEC. Large-volume feedings and highly concentrated Bowel with liquifactive necrosis and/or frank perfora-
formulas should be avoided when feeds are initiated. tion must be resected. Questionably viable bowel is
Patients with more extensive NEC and those who often left in situ for second-look evaluation within
do not demonstrate clinical improvement may need 24–48  h of the original laparotomy. A proximal
intense supportive care, including ventilatory support enterostomy is created at the most proximal site of
and aggressive resuscitation. These patients require intestinal resection. Distal discontinuous segments can
urgent surgical evaluation and management. be left in situ or re-anastomosed.
Primary anastomosis is advocated in select cases of
isolated intestinal perforation. In these infants, there is  Surgical Management minimal peritoneal contamination and overall excel-
lent bowel viability.
Surgery is indicated in the medically treated patient Enterostomy closure to restore intestinal continuity is
whose clinical condition deteriorates. The signs of usually performed 6–8 weeks after the initial surgical
deterioration include frank peritonitis, worsening intervention. All bowel distal to the stoma must be
abdominal cellulitis, progressive and intractable acido- imaged with a contrast enema before closure of the stoma
sis, persistent thrombocytopenia, rising leukocytosis or to ensure no distal strictures of the remaining bowel.
worsening leukopenia, and hemodynamic instability. Abnormally high ostomy output may indicate a
Surgical options for advanced NEC include perito- need for early ostomy closure. A patient with a high
neal drainage and formal abdominal exploration. jejunostomy may have substantial loss of fluid and
Peritoneal drainage is often selected for the very low electrolytes, with consequences such as failure to
birth weight infants (<1,000 g) or those infants too ill thrive and peristomal skin injury. These patients may
to tolerate a formal laparotomy [8]. For infants with benefit from early ostomy closure with attendant
multi-segmental disease and pan necrosis, peritoneal colonic water absorption. However, infants with a high
drainage is often inadequate and these infants will ostomy and extensive ileal resection, particularly the
require subsequent abdominal exploration. ileocecal valve, who undergo ostomy closure may have
Peritoneal drainage is performed at the bedside with considerable secretory diarrhea. Regardless, patients
systemic narcotics and local anesthesia. The site of must be monitored after ostomy closure for stool out-
drainage is usually in one or both lower quadrants. put and electrolyte abnormalities. All patients with
A Penrose® drain is passed from the right to the left remaining large intestine after an initial operation for
lower quadrant and secured in place. Upon entering NEC must be examined with contrast-enhanced enema
the peritoneum, there is often a rush of air and/or of the colon to identify any areas of stricture before
sucous. The drain will remain in place until drainage ostomy closure. If any strictured areas are present, they
ceases. It is not unusual for a drain site to mature into will need to be resected when the re-anastomosis is
an enterocutaneous fistula that will require subsequent performed.
surgical resection to restore intestinal continuity.
Abdominal exploration is performed through an upper
quadrant transverse laparotomy incision. Upon entry into  Postoperative Management
the peritoneal cavity, the liver is quickly identified and
gently retracted out of the field of view. A sub-capsular The most common complication after NEC is intestinal
liver hematoma can be a fatal complication of abdominal stricture. It occurs when an area of intestinal ischemia
exploration in an infant. Therefore, it is imperative that heals with resultant fibrosis and scar formation that
there is a minimal manipulation of the liver. impinges on the diameter of the lumen. The most common
664 J.K. Snyder et al.

site of stricture is the left colon, followed by the terminal to consider the event as a continuum rather than occurring
ileum. Intestinal stricture is most common in infants in distinct phases. Most simply, the embryonic gut
treated nonoperatively. It should be suspected in any begins as a short, straight continuous tube. The entire
infant who receives nonoperative treatment for NEC intestine must rotate counterclockwise for a total of
and who fails to tolerate enteral feeds and/or has 270° around the axis of the superior mesenteric artery
recurrent bloody stools or bowel obstruction after (SMA). The duodeno-jejunal loop originates anterior
resumption of feeds. to the SMA. It initially rotates to the right of the artery,
Intestinal malabsorption is caused by loss of bowel then under and finally across the spine and upward, so
length with decreased absorptive surface area, vitamin that the duodeno-jejunal junction lies to the left of
B-12 deficiency, bile salt deficiency, bacterial over- the SMA and spine. The ceco-colic loop originates
growth, and intestinal hypermotility. Short gut syn- beneath the SMA and also must rotate counterclock-
drome is the most serious postoperative complication, wise. It must initially rotate to the left of the SMA
occurring in as many as 27% of patients after intestinal then above it and finally to the right and downward, to
resection [9]. Cholestatic liver disease is a multifacto- create the typical configuration of the colon. After normal
rial condition caused by prolonged fasting and total development, the mesenteric root extends along the
parenteral nutrition. It is characterized by hepatomeg- retroperitoneum from the Ligament of Trietz (LT) to
aly and elevated aminotransferase and direct bilirubin the cecum [12]. Incomplete rotation results in a shortened
levels. The treatment is initiating enteral feedings as distance between the LT and cecum, and therefore a
early as possible to stimulate bile flow. Patients with narrowed mesenteric root. Fixation is initiated during
intestinal failure requiring chronic parental nutrition rotation but continues even after rotation is complete.
should be managed closely by a multidisciplinary team Fixation ensures the secure anchoring of the intestine
consisting of a nutritionist, gastroenterologist and to the posterior abdominal wall. Arrest of development
pediatric surgeon. anywhere along this continuum will result in incomplete
rotation with varying degrees of intestinal fixation,
termed “malrotation” [13].

57.1.4  Long-Term Outlook

Infants who survive NEC are at increased risk for

57.2.1  Clinical Presentation
developmental delay. According to one study infants
with NEC were significantly more likely than infants The diagnosis of malrotation is usually made in the
of similar age and gestation who did not develop NEC neonate or young infant, with up to 50% of symptom-
to be neuro-developmentally impaired including a atic patients being neonates, and up to 75% being less
higher risk of cerebral palsy, visual, cognitive and psy- than 1 year old [14]. Bilious emesis with or without
chomotor impairment [10]. NEC is associated with abdominal distention is the classic clinical manifesta-
significantly worse neurodevelopmental outcome than tion of malrotation in newborns. If acute midgut vol-
prematurity alone. vulus develops, hematemesis, hematochezia, and
abdominal guarding may occur in addition to the bil-
ious emesis and abdominal distention. Patients with
persistent symptoms of malrotation with volvulus may
57.2  Malrotation develop signs of peritonitis and shock. Intestinal mal-
rotation can result in midgut volvulus, a condition that
Malrotation is an anatomical defect during embryonic is usually fatal if not surgically corrected within sev-
development of intestinal rotation and fixation within eral hours.
the abdomen. Intestinal rotation and fixation begins in Malrotation is frequently observed in patients with
the fifth gestational week, with completion by the tenth situs inversus or heterotaxia, a syndrome associated
gestational week [11]. with complex congenital cardiovascular defects.
There have been several different categorizations of Intestinal malrotation has been observed most frequently
the exact steps involved in this process, but it is logical in patients with single ventricle physiology [15].
57  Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy 665

57.2.2  Diagnosis root. If volvulus is identified, this can be corrected

with counterclockwise rotation of the bowel at the
mesenteric root. Once the bowel has been devolvu-
Early diagnosis is of the utmost importance, to avoid
lized, it is further inspected for viability. When there
bowel necrosis associated with volvulus. The first pri-
are no concerns for intestinal ischemia and necrosis,
ority for the clinician is to recognize the child who is at
the operation proceeds with division of the adhesive
risk for malrotation, based on the history and physical
bands (“Ladd’s bands”) that originate from the cecum,
findings. Abdominal radiographs may reveal a gasless
cross over the duodenum and ultimately adhere to the
abdomen or dilated intestinal loops, indicating only
right lateral abdominal wall. These bands are a source
some form of obstruction.
of duodenal obstruction if not properly divided. The
The upper gastrointestinal (GI) series is the gold
mesenteric root is then widened at the root of the mes-
standard for radiographic diagnosis of malrotation
entery, allowing for a broader root and thereby decreas-
and volvulus [16]. Normal rotation is present if the
ing the risk of subsequent volvulus. Finally, an
duodenal C-loop crosses the midline and places the
appendectomy is performed.
duodeno-jejunal junction to the left of the spine at a
If bowel viability is a concern in the setting of vol-
level greater than or equal to the pylorus. If contrast
vulus, a temporary silo may be placed with a planned
ends abruptly or tapers in a corkscrew pattern, the dif-
second look operation the following day. Questionably
ferential diagnosis should include midgut volvulus.
viable bowel may recover within the first 24  h. All
Some authors have recently described abnormalities
obviously necrotic bowel must be resected. If the
in the orientation of the SMA and superior mesenteric
entire midgut (Ligament of Treitz to the transverse
vein (SMV) on ultrasonography (US) in patients with
colon) is necrotic, the only sustainable option for sub-
malrotation and have suggested that this may be an
sequent nutrition and intestinal rehabilitation will
alternative way to establish this diagnosis [17]. The
often be parenteral nutrition bridging into intestinal
highest sensitivity for accurate diagnosis with ultra-
sound is achieved when inversion of the SMA and
In recent years a laparoscopic approach to the
SMV can be visualized.
Ladd’s procedure has been shown to be a safe and
effective technique in patients with malrotation with-
out volvulus. It can be performed with operative times
equivalent to standard open techniques, and may
57.2.3  Treatment
allow for earlier return to feeds and decreased hospi-
tal stays [19].  Preoperative Management

Malrotation is a surgical emergency is all cases. The  Post-Op Management

risk of midgut volvulus with attendant intestinal necro-
sis mandates immediate pediatric surgery consultation There are several complications of malrotation, espe-
and treatment. A nasogastric tube should be placed to cially if midgut volvulus occurs. Patients suffering
decompress the stomach. Volume resuscitation should from midgut volvulus with intestinal loss often have a
also be initiated in preparation for operative delay in recovery of bowel motility and function.
intervention. Postoperatively, patients require bowel rest and naso-
gastric decompression until the return of bowel func-
tion. It is recommended to obtain central venous access  Surgical Management and provide parenteral nutrition in the patients with
volvulus and expected delay of bowel function [20].
The Ladd’s procedure remains the cornerstone of sur- If a significant portion of ischemic bowel is excised,
gical treatment for malrotation [18]. The abdomen is they are at high risk for malabsorption and can require
opened with a transverse upper abdominal incision. long-term parenteral nutrition. Patients with short gut
All bowel is eviscerated from the abdomen and syndrome are at risk for central line complications,
inspected for ischemia and volvulus of the mesenteric including sepsis, liver failure, and death.
666 J.K. Snyder et al.

57.3  Protein Losing Enteropathy ­ esenteric hypoperfusion and, the subsequent break in
intestinal mucosa integrity (a predisposing factor for
PLE) [22].
Protein losing enteropathy (PLE) is a disease of
unknown etiology, which has been associated with
numerous cardiac and extracardiac disease states
(Table 57.1). Conditions such as constrictive pericardi- 57.3.1  Clinical Presentation
tis, congestive heart failure, and cardiomyopathy, as
well as post-Fontan, have been associated with PLE,
There is a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms
with clinical signs surfacing months to years after the
that vary in degree from mild to severe. Common
Fontan procedure. An abnormal leak of serum proteins
symptoms of the disease include low grade fever,
into the intestinal lumen leads to the physical abnor-
diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort, protuberant
malities and serologic/hemodynamic derangements.
abdomen, and poor enteral tolerance. Hypoproteinemia,
Multiple factors have been associated with PLE includ-
due to the enteric loss of protein that exceeds the nor-
ing a low cardiac output state, venous hypertension, an
mal rate of 1–2% of the plasma pool, leads to periph-
abnormal response to proinflammatory mediators, and
eral edema and to ascites. Conditions, which lend
severe infection or sepsis. The hallmark of PLE is a
themselves to lymphatic obstruction, such as con-
failure to maintain intact intestinal epithelium. Recent
strictive pericarditis and post-Fontan states, have
published data suggest that there is a specific loss of
been shown to be associated with lymphopenia and
heparin sulfate proteoglycans from the basolateral sur-
loss of immunoglobulins, while inflammatory states
face of intestinal epithelial cells during episodes of
do not have this as a feature. The lymphopenia, which
PLE. Elevated venous pressures and inflammatory
develops in response to lymphatic obstruction and as
mediators such as interferon-gamma and tumor necro-
a consequence of the “leaky” intestinal epithelium,
sis factor-alpha predispose the intestinal epithelial
lends itself to potential dysfunction of the immune
cells to leak proteins into the lumen [21].
system. Patients with PLE also have an abnormal
Patients who have undergone a Fontan procedure are
coagulation profile making them more susceptible to
susceptible to a chronic low cardiac output state. This
thrombotic phenomena. The procoagulant state is
condition is believed to activate the inflammatory cas-
probably secondary to deficiencies of protein C, pro-
cade, neurohormonal mediators, and the sympathetic
tein S, factor V, and factor VII. Fat malabsorption can
nervous system. In addition, there is an increase in
also occur due to dilation and rupture of intestinal
endoelin and angiotensin II levels. One of the most rele-
lacteals, leading to deficiencies of vitamin A, D, E,
vant consequences of the mentioned “stress response” is
and K, and presents clinically as noninfectious diar-
an increase in mesenteric vascular resistance with
rhea [23].

Table 57.1  Diseases associated with excessive enteric protein

Loss from intestinal 57.3.2  Diagnosis
lymphatics Loss from an abnormal mucosa
Cardiac disease Infection
– Congestive heart failure – Invasive bacterial infection The diagnosis of PLE is made by clinical history of a
– Constrictive pericarditis – Parasitic infection Fontan operation or other predisposing conditions and
– Post-Fontan procedure Inflammatory conditions noting the signs and symptoms mentioned above. It is
– Cardiomyopathy – Gluten sensitivity further aided by measuring the alpha-1-antitrypsin
Obstructed lymphatics – Graft-versus-host-disease (A1-AT) concentration in the stool and performing an
– Malrotation – Crohn disease
A1-AT clearance on a 24 h stool collection. A1-AT is
– Lymphoma – Necrotizing enterocolitis
– Malignancy Vasculitic disorders
an endogenous protein not present in the diet, and has
– Tuberculosis – Systemic lupus a molecular weight similar to albumin. It is neither
erythromatosis actively secreted, absorbed, nor digested, properties
– Henoch–Schőnlein that make it an ideal marker for evaluating protein loss.
purpura In addition, liver function tests, including total serum
57  Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy 667

protein and albumin concentration, are informative develop third space syndrome associated with their pre-
and must be obtained [23]. vious hypoproteinemia.

57.3.5  Sepsis/Fluids and Electrolytes

57.3.3  Treatment
Patients with PLE have lymphopenia and hypo-gam-
Patients with PLE may be admitted to the intensive care maglobulinemia which increase the risk for bacterial,
unit due to low cardiac output state, arrhythmias, over- fungal, and viral infections. Despite a lack of data link-
whelming sepsis and/or edema secondary to low oncotic ing PLE to new onset opportunistic infections, appro-
pressure and severe hydro-electrolyte imbalances. The priate fluid resuscitation and broad spectrum antibiotics
ICU management should be tailored to manage the car- to cover bacterial and fungal infections should be initi-
diac complications, with careful consideration for the ated in the setting of suspected infection [25]. These
extracardiac manifestations of disease, such as sepsis, patients may require more fluids and colloids due to
water and electrolytes abnormalities, hypoproteinemia loss of oncotic pressure than those patients with sepsis
and thrombosis. without PLE. A central venous catheter should be
placed to monitor central venous pressure, to facilitate
fluid replacement, and to monitor fluid administration.
Diuretics should be carefully administered once the
57.3.4  Cardiac Complications septic syndrome improves. Hyponatremia, hypokalemia,
and hypomagnesaemia may not be of rare occurrence.
All patients who are admitted to the intensive care unit
with PLE must have an exhaustive investigation of the
Fontan status. An echocardiogram and cardiac cathe- 57.3.6  Hypoproteinemia
terization must be performed to assess ventricular func-
tion, cardiac output, atrioventricular or semilunar valve Nutritional management is a mainstay of therapy in
regurgitation, Fontan baffle or conduit, pulmonary patients suffering from PLE. While enteral therapy is
arteries, patency of the fenestration and aortopulmo- recommended, the severity of the underlying disease
nary or venous collaterals. Arrhythmias must be treated may preclude that route. The diet should be rich in pro-
aggressively; some patients may need atrial pacing to teins and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs,
improve the efficiency of the Fontan circulation. If the while not shown to decrease inflammation, are favor-
fenestration is closed, some patients may benefit from able because they are not absorbed via the lymphatic
re-opening it in a cardiac catheterization laboratory or system, and thus do not put extra pressure on the lacte-
in the operating room. Distortion of the pulmonary als. Intravenous protein supplementation can be
arteries must be treated by interventional catheteriza- accomplished with albumin 25% and/or parenteral
tion or surgery. A golden rule is that the caregiver must nutrition, with the understanding that there is ongoing
eliminate any anatomic, hemodynamic, and electro- intestinal protein loss which can complicate and
physiological abnormality in the Fontan circuit [23, 24]. lengthen the time until correction.
Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to mention that even an
optimal surgically created Fontan may develop PLE.
From the hemodynamic point of view, the perfect
Fontan never exists, because the baffle pressure is 57.3.7  Protein Loss
always above the physiologic value. Heart transplantation
is the final option for a failing Fontan, nevertheless, Loss of heparan sulfate and syndecan-1 (the predominant
PLE has not consistently improved after heart trans- heparan proteoglycan) from the basolateral surface of
plantation. In addition, the immediate postoperative intestinal epithelial in combination with elevated inflam-
care of patients after heart transplantation and PLE is matory mediators and high venous pressure, are the main
challenging. These patients are malnourished and may triggering factors for developing PLE [21, 22, 24].
668 J.K. Snyder et al.

Currently, there are two main therapeutic strategies linkage is most likely. These factors include a
to stabilize intestinal cell membranes: steroids and combination of a low cardiac output state, high venous
heparin [23, 26]. pressure, increased mesenteric vascular resistance, and
Steroids stabilize the intestinal capillary and lym- an abnormal response of the intestinal epithelial cells
phatic cell membranes, treating the possible inflamma- to inflammatory cytokines. The resultant abnormal
tory component of PLE. There have been several reports protein loss appears to be facilitated by the loss of hep-
of using steroids for treatment of PLE after a Fontan arin sulfate and syndecan-1 on the intestinal epithelial
operation in adults and children. The studies have cell. Clinical symptoms of edema and ascites result
shown differing degrees of success with steroid therapy from a proinflammatory state in conjunction with
in patients with PLE. The response ranges from no hypoproteinemia. Therapeutic strategies related to a
response, to an almost complete disappearance of all pre-existing cardiac condition include investigation
symptoms of PLE, to frequent episodes of relapse. Side and treatment of abnormalities in the Fontan circuit
effects of steroids that include Cushing’s syndrome, (interventional cardiac catheterization and atrial pac-
hypertension, and immunosuppression, are significant ing), high protein diet, high MCT diet, and intravenous
limiting factors for the long-term use of the drug. protein supplementation with albumin 25% or paren-
It has been hypothesized that unfractionated hepa- teral nutrition. Corticosteroids and heparin remain
rin works because it is lipophilic and has a strong neg- valuable therapeutic modalities, however results are
ative ionic charge. [26, 27]. Both of these properties not consistently favorable. Finally, heart transplanta-
are important in maintaining intestinal mucosal integ- tion has been shown to reverse the effects of PLE in
rity. The negative ionic charge is of paramount impor- pediatric patients [28].
tance in avoiding loss of proteins across the intestinal
barrier. It appears that high molecular weight heparin
reduces the effect of inflammatory cytokines (inter-
feron-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) in References
inducing protein leak from the intestinal epithelial cell.
Inhibition or reduction of this effect depends on the 1. Stapleton GE, Eble BK, Dickerson HA, et  al. Mesenteric
oxygen desaturation in an infant with congenital heart dis-
molecular size of the heparin. Recent research data ease and necrotizing enterocolitis. Tex Heart Inst J.
suggest that low molecular weight heparin is less effec- 2007;34:442-444.
tive in preventing protein leak by the enterocyte when 2. Ostlie DJ, Spilde TL, St Peter SD, et al. Necrotizing entero-
compared to high molecular weight heparin. Another colitis in full-term infants. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38:1039-
mechanism to explain the potential benefit of heparin 3. McElhinney DB, Hedrick HL, Bush DM, et al. Necrotizing
in PLE is that heparin might decrease chronic micro- enterocolitis in neonates with congenital heart disease: risk
emboli in the mesenteric circulation, in the setting of factors and outcomes. Pediatrics. 2000;106:1080-1087.
higher vascular resistance and increased pressures. 4. Booker PD, Romer H, Franks R. Gut mucosal perfusion in
neonates undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. Br J Anaesth.
Clinical data have shown that unfractionated-high 1996;77:597-602.
molecular or low molecular weight heparin may have 5. Lerberg DB, Hardesty PL, Siewers RD, et al. Coarctation of
some beneficial effects in patients with PLE after the aorta in infants and children: 25 years of experience. Ann
Fontan operations [22]. Similar to steroids, heparin has Thorac Surg. 1982;33:159-170.
6. O’Donovan DJ, Baetiong A, Adams K, et  al. Necrotizing
significant side effects such as undesirable anticoagu- enterocolitis and gastrointestinal complications after indo-
lation, heparin induced thrombocytopenia with throm- methacin therapy and surgical ligation in premature infants
bosis, and decrease bone mineral density, seen with with patent ductus arteriosus. J Perinatol. 2003;23:286-290.
chronic exposure. The side effects appear to be 7. Epelman M, Daneman A, Navarro OM, et  al. Necrotizing
enterocolitis: review of state of the art imaging findings with
decreased with the low molecular weight heparin, but pathologic correlation. Radiographics. 2007;27:285-305.
this however should be weighed in combination with 8. Gollin G, Abarbenell A, Baerg JE, et al. Peritoneal drainage
the potentially reduced efficacy. as definitive management of intestinal perforation in
In summary, PLE occurs in a variety of clinical settings extremely low-birth-weight infants. J Pediatr Surg.
and is commonly seen in patients after a Fontan proce- 9. Goulet O, Sauvat F. Shourt bowel syndrome and intestinal
dure, with a frequency of approximately 3–15%. While transplantation in children. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
the exact etiology remains unknown, a multifactorial Care. 2006;9:304-313.
57  Gastrointestinal Complications: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Malrotation, and Protein Losing Enteropathy 669

10. Rees CM, Pierro A, Eaton S. Neurodevelopmental outcomes 20. Feitz R, Vos A. Malrotation: the post-operative period.
of neonates with medically and surgically treated necrotiz- J Pediatr Surg. 1997;32:1322-1324.
ing enterocolitis. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 21. Bode L, Salvestrini C, Park PW, et al. Heparan sulfate and
2007;92:F193-F198. syndecan-1 are essential in maintaining murine and human
11. Dott NM. Anomalies of intestinal rotation: their embryology intestinal epithelial barrier function. J Clin Invest.
and surgical aspects – with report of five cases. Br J Surg. 2008;118:229-238.
1923;11:251-286. 22. Ostrow AM, Freeze H, Rychik J. Protein-losing enteropathy
12. Mall FP. Development of the human intestine and its posi- after fontan operation: investigations into possible pathophys-
tion in the adult. J Morphol. 1988;14:197-208. iologic mechanisms. Ann Thorac Surg. 2006;82:695-700.
13. Torres AM, Ziegler MM. Malrotation of the intestine. World 23. Gaynor W. The Fontan operation and modifications. In:
J Surg. 1993;17:326-331. Rychik J, Wernovsky G, eds. Hypoplastic Left Heart
14. Strouse PJ. Disorders of intestinal rotation and fixation Syndrome. Norwell: Kluwer; 2003:149-165.
(“malrotation”). Pediatr Radiol. 2004;34:837-851. 24. Khairy P, Fernandes SM, Mayer JE, et  al. Long-term sur-
15. Kouwenberg M, Severijnen R, Kapusta L. Congenital car- vival, modes of death, and predictors of mortality in patients
diovascular defects in children with intestinal Malrotation. with Fontan surgery. Circulation. 2008;117:85-92.
Pediatr Surg Int. 2008;24:257-263. 25. Lenz D, Hambsch J, Schneider P, et  al. Protein losing
16. Applegate KE, Anderson JM, Klatte EC. Intestinal malro- enteropathy in patients with Fontan circulation: is it trig-
tation in children: a problem-solving approach to the gered by infection. Crit Care. 2003;7:185-190.
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1998;33:279-281. 2006;1:54-62.
Chapter 58
Malnutrition and Feeding Difficulties: Guidelines for Enteral
and Parenteral Nutrition

Michael K. Shoykhet, Kristyn S. Lowery, and Carol G. Vetterly

Nutrition is an important factor in critically ill pediatric disease process, which necessitate the commencement
cardiac patients, which has been shown to affect mor- of PN. If a patient demonstrates an inability to maintain
bidity, wound healing, infection, and length of hospital- normal weight gain, weight loss of more than 10%, a
ization [1, 2]. Pediatric patients hospitalized with body weight that is less than 70% of ideal weight, the
congenital heart disease are at increased risk of becom- inability to take enteral feeds for more than 5 days, and/
ing malnourished for a number of reasons. These or a serum albumin less than 3.5 g/dl, PN may be indi-
patients often have poor enteral intake originating from cated. Certain patients may have special situations that
fatigue and dyspnea. Anorexia is also common in warrant therapy with parenteral formulations specially
patients with congenital heart disease, and it is greatest designed for trauma, hepatic failure, or renal failure [6].
in infants with cyanotic cardiac defects [3]. Many of these PN is an important factor in ensuring that patients
children experience malabsorption due to decreased car- maintain appropriate nutritional requirements. PN should
diac output, hypoxia, elevated right-sided cardiac pres- be used in a structured manner with an awareness of
sure, and gastrointestinal dysfunction. These feeding the risks and potential complications. It is imperative
limitations are often compounded by increased energy to be able to estimate the total energy expenditure to
expenditure often associated with tachycardia and tac- accurately calculate the patient’s caloric need prior
hypnea [3, 4]. Infants and children undergoing cardiac to prescribing PN. This allows the patient’s baseline to
surgery may be especially at risk of malnutrition due to be established, nutritional goals to be set, nutritional
fluid restrictions as part of their preoperative and post- deficiencies to be noted, and changes in the patient’s
operative management [5]. Previous studies have shown status to be monitored. Components of a nutritional
that protein malnutrition alone can result in poor out- assessment should include: clinical evaluation, anthro-
comes in patients with cardiovascular disease [4]. pometric evaluation for age (weight, height, triceps
The preferred method of nutritional supplementation skin fold thickness, mid-arm circumference, midarm
is the enteral route; however, there are specific indica- muscle area, and body composition), and laboratory
tions when enteral feeding is not appropriate and paren- studies. Serum albumin is measured to assess visceral
teral nutrition (PN) must be considered. Patient specific protein status. Triglycerides and essential fatty acids
conditions that necessitate PN include chronic diarrhea, are measured to assess lipid metabolism.
inflammatory bowel disease, short gut syndrome, intesti-
nal failure, pancreatitis, neonatal necrotizing enterocoli-
tis, chylothorax, persistent vomiting, surgical
gastrointestinal conditions that have a prolonged postop- 58.1  Elements of Parenteral Nutrition
erative recovery, and malabsorption syndromes. There
are also signs of malnutrition that are independent of a The components of PN that comprise adequate
nutrition include protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins,
and minerals. The goal is to provide adequate calo-
M.K. Shoykhet (*)
ries, while providing a balance in electrolytes, vita-
Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA mins, and minerals to fulfill the patient’s daily
e-mail: shoykhetm@UPMC.EDU requirements. The caloric requirement for premature

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 671
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_58, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
672 M.K. Shoykhet et al.

infants is approximately 100–120 cal/kg/day. This need The maximum concentration of dextrose that may
is often elevated in patients in the cardiac intensive be infused through a peripheral line is 12.5%. Solutions
care unit due to increased metabolic demand; for example, with osmolarities greater than 900 mOsm/L may cause
a pre-term infant following cardiac surgery may require inflammation and sclerosis of peripheral veins. If infused
120–140 kcal/kg/day to demonstrate adequate weight peripherally, these solutions with dextrose concentra-
gain and healing. tions greater than 12.5% are very irritating and will
Protein provides the patient both essential and cause tissue damage, if extravasation occurs. Central
nonessential amino acids. The essential amino acids venous catheters are typically used for administration
include leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, lysine, due to this limitation of dextrose infusion concentrations
phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, and histadine. in peripheral venous lines. These catheters may be
Tyrosine, cysteine, taurine, and glycine are considered temporary internal jugular, subclavian, right atrial or
essential for premature and newborn infants. There are femoral vein catheters, tunneled Broviac or Hickman
special formulations, such as Trophamine®, available catheters, implantable ports, or peripherally inserted
for this patient population. Calories derived from central catheters (PICC).
protein are usually not included in PN calculations Fat is also a crucial element to nutritional support
because in children, the amino acids should be utilized of the critically ill patient. Lipid emulsions provide
for growth. Protein has a caloric density of 4 kcal/g. additional calories and prevent essential fatty acid
One gram of protein is equivalent to 0.16 g of nitrogen deficiency by providing fundamental fatty acids such
or 6.25 g of protein is equal to 1 g of nitrogen. To ensure as linoleic and linolenic acids [6]. Approximately
the maximum energy utilization of nonprotein calories 25–40% of calories are delivered as fat. Infants are
is supplied, the calorie-to-nitrogen ratio should be at started on with 0.5–1 g/kg/day of lipids and advanced
least 150 nonprotein calories per gram of nitrogen. The to a maximum of 3 g/kg/day. A 20% lipid emulsion is
daily recommended amino acid intake for children in typically utilized, as opposed to a 10% emulsion, due
PN varies depending on the age of the patient. to its lower phospholipid to triglyceride ratio, which
Premature infants require 3 g/kg/day of amino acids. provides improved fat clearance [9]. These lipid emul-
Term infants need 2.5–3  g/kg/day, and children of sions are soy-based with egg yolk phospholipids [6].
1–12 years need 1.5–2 g/kg/day. Protein requirements Currently, new sources of intravenous fat are being
for children of more than 12 years range from 0.75 to investigated in the United States, such as an omega-3
1.5 g/kg/day [7, 8]. based solution, which in preliminary studies has shown
Carbohydrates compose approximately 45–55% of to decrease cholestasis in patients on chronic PN.
the total caloric intake in a normal diet. Dextrose is the
component that provides approximately 60–75% of the
nonprotein calories in PN solutions. Dextrose monohy-
drate, as used in PN solutions, has a caloric density of 58.2  Risks and Complications
3.4 kcal/g. While providing additional calories through
elevated dextrose content, close monitoring of glucose For many patients, PN is necessary for growth and
infusion rates (mg/kg/min) is important to prevent healing. Clinicians must remember that there are risks
hyperglycemia. Usually the rate may begin at 5–6 mg/ associated with this method of nutritional support.
kg/min with gradual increases by 2 mg/kg/min/day to Several risks exist with the placement of central venous
reduce the risk of hyperglycemia. The maximum catheters for PN infusions: the patient receives
glucose infusion rate varies by age. Pre-term infants anesthesia for the line placement, and during place-
may tolerate an infusion rate up to 18 mg/kg/min, while ment of these catheters, subclavian artery or carotid
a toddler should be limited to an infusion rate below artery puncture, hemothorax, pneumothorax, brachial
14 mg/kg/min. The glucose infusion rate in mg/kg/min plexus injury, or cardiac tamponade may occur [10,
may be calculated using the formula below: 11]. Subclavian vein thrombosis may occur at the tip
of the catheter, the tip of the catheter may break, or the
[Total volume of dextrose infusion × 0.01] × dextrose line may puncture through the lumen of the vessel,
concentration × 1000 causing the contents to infuse into the pleural space or
Child's weight (kg) × 1440 minutes mediastinum. Despite sterile technique employed in
58  Malnutrition and Feeding Difficulties: Guidelines for Enternal and Parenteral Nutrition 673

the insertion, catheter-related sepsis is also a risk. levels should be obtained. Essential fatty acid panels
The most common pathogens are Staphylococcus and triene and tetraene ratios may also be drawn to
epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. detect essential fatty acid deficiency and ensure an
One of the major complications is parenteral adequate balance of nonprotein calories to fat.
nutrition-associated liver disease (PNALD). This broad
term can be divided into cholestasis, steatosis, and
gallbladder sludge or cholelithiasis. Cholestasis
and gallbladder sludge are most common in infants and 58.2.1  Initiation of Enteral Feeds
children. Premature infants may have an even worse
outcome due to their still immature liver. Gallbladder Initiation of enteral feeds is related to the overall
sludge may be a result of decreased cholecystokinin condition of the patient. Patients should preferably be
(CCK) production from lack of enteral stimulation. off epinephrine and/or norepinephrine as these agents
Steatosis, due to increased fat synthesis, may be seen notably constrict splanchnic blood flow. Dopamine in
in pathologic examination of the liver. This is con- doses less than 5 mg/kg/min does not affect blood flow
sidered to be the result of the infusion of excessive to the GI tract, and thus feedings can be initiated while
carbohydrate calories, which exceed the patient’s energy the patient is weaning off dopamine. On otherwise
demand or expenditure [12]. Due to these potential stable patients, enteral feeds can be initiated within
complications, close monitoring of liver function tests 24–48 h of admission to the cardiac ICU. Enteral feeds
are required. can be provided via oral or nasoduodenal route or via
Other possible complications are nutritional an endoscopically/surgically placed gastrostomy tube.
deficiencies such as electrolyte imbalances, hypogly- Most awake patients will tolerate oral feeds. A notable
cemia, hyperglycemia, essential fatty acid deficiency, exception is infants with congenital heart lesions prior
or vitamin and/or trace mineral deficiencies. Recent to surgical correction in which the work of sucking and
studies have demonstrated that excessive glucose swallowing may exceed their respiratory and cardiac
infusions have been noted to increase carbon dioxide reserves. In infants incapable of tolerating oral feeds
(CO2) and therefore require increased ventilatory and older patients in whom oral feeds are undesirable
support [13, 14]. It is imperative to maintain a balance (see below), a nasoduodenal tube is easily placed
of dextrose and fat of approximately 60–75% of calories blindly at the bedside or under fluoroscopic guidance.
from carbohydrates and 25–40% of calories from fat. Few evidence-based guidelines exist on how fast to
This is used to promote growth while preventing essential escalate oral or nasoduodenal tube feedings; conse-
fatty acid deficiency. quently, the process is largely empiric at this time.
The risk of these complications may be minimized When initiating oral feeds, we usually start at 2–5 cc
with attention to the individual patient and their needs every 3  h and escalate to goal feeds (see below for
along with close monitoring. Due to the dynamic status caloric requirements) by 2–5 cc every second or third
of an intensive care patient, the estimated total energy feeding. Total fluid requirements and restrictions for
expenditure and required caloric demand must be reas- each patient should be kept in mind while escalating
sessed daily. A daily nutritional assessment as described feeds, and increase in the caloric content of the formula
above, including clinical evaluation, anthropometric may be required if sufficient energy is to be provided
evaluation, and laboratory evaluation, must also be within the allowed total volume. Signs of feeding
constantly reevaluated. Electrolytes should be monitored intolerance include significant residual volume in the
daily and as needed until stable. Liver functions tests stomach (greater than 30–50% of the feeding volume),
such as aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma abdominal distention, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
glutamyl transpeptidase (gGTP), and conjugated and In one study evaluating transpyloric feedings in children
unconjugated serum bilirubin levels should be followed. after cardiac surgery, abdominal distention and excessive
Gallbladder sludge and cholelithiasis may be visible residues were noted in 9–10% of patients and diarrhea
on ultrasound. If a patient is receiving PN for an in 7–8% [15]. Of note, necrotizing enterocolitis was also
extended period of time (typically defined as greater observed in two patients, associated with concomitant
than 2–3 weeks) vitamin and trace mineral levels, such presence of both cardiogenic and septic shock. If a
as selenium, carnitine, manganese, zinc, and copper patient develops signs of feeding intolerance, reduction
674 M.K. Shoykhet et al.

in the volume or caloric content of feedings may be Table  58.1  World Health Organization: Equations to predict
required. Occasionally, patients cannot tolerate enteral energy expenditure
nutrition at full volumes. In these cases, an attempt Infants Birth–12 months
TEE (kcal/kg/d) = (-99.4 + 88.6 x W)/W
should be made to provide so-called “trophic” feeds at
Children and adolescents
2 ml/h or less; the provision of minimal enteral feeds is Boys: TEE (kcal/kg/d) = (310.2 + 63.3 x W – 0.263 x W2)/W
thought to prevent the breakdown of intestinal mucosa Girls: TEE (kcal/kg/d) = (263.4 + 65.3 x W – 0.454 x W2)/W
and bacterial translocation, despite being inadequate W weight in kilograms
for full nutritional support [16]. Adapted from WHO, 2004

the predicted resting energy expenditure in children

58.2.2  Estimation of Caloric Needs [18, 24], although metabolism shifts towards fat oxida-
tion and gluconeogenesis [24]. Caloric requirements
and energy source utilization return to baseline within
Nutritional support for critically ill children ultimately
several days of corrective surgery [18].
aims to provide sufficient energy, and substrates to
In mechanically-ventilated children hospitalized in
support healing and growth. To that end, energy
an ICU, an equation developed by White et al. in 2000
requirements of children with congenital heart disease
[25] appears to correlate closely with energy expendi-
have been explored in multiple studies. However, a
ture measured by indirect calorimetry:
cohesive picture of caloric requirements before correc-
tive surgery, during the immediate postoperative period EE (kcal/day) = [(17 x age in months) +
and during long-term recovery has yet to emerge, as (48 x weight in kg) + (292 x body temperature in C°)
most studies involve a small number of patients with a – 9677] / 4.184
variety of cardiac lesions and preexisting conditions.
Once mechanical ventilation is discontinued, accurate
A recent meta-analysis by Nydegger and Bines (2006)
prediction of caloric needs becomes less feasible, since
suggests that total energy expenditure in infants with
muscle activity and work of breathing increase with
congenital heart disease (2 weeks–3 month of age) is
spontaneous breathing. A realistic goal is to target
approximately 100–115  kcal/kg/day prior to surgical
caloric intake towards the predicted basal metabolic
correction [17]. This energy requirement is similar to
rate. The most recent population-based update to the
that of healthy infants. However, many patients with
estimation of energy expenditure in infants, children,
congenital heart disease are malnourished or suffer
and adolescents has been produced by the World
from significant growth retardation [18], and thus
Health Organization (Table 58.1)
catch-up nutrition may be beneficial preoperatively.
Caloric intake of 135–150 kcal/kg/day, albeit delivered
continuously over 24  h, has been associated with
weight gain and increase in growth parameters in
58.2.3  F
 actors Complicating Enteral
children with heart disease [19, 20].
A number of equations aimed at predicting
Feedings in Cardiac Patients
energy expenditure in critically ill children have been
developed, with varying degree of success. Traditional  G
 astroesophageal Reflux Disease
process recommends increasing the predicted basal (GERD)
metabolic rate (Table  58.1; WHO 2004) by a stress
correction factor of 10–30% [21]. However, several GERD is quite common in cardiac ICU patients and
studies have demonstrated that in critically ill, may present a significant obstacle to initiation of
mechanically-ventilated children, the actual energy enteral feeds. Although, all infants have gastroesopha-
expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry is lower geal reflux (GER) to some extent, a number of clinical
than that predicted by stress-related correction of the signs manifest the pathological nature of GERD in
resting energy expenditure [22, 23]. Furthermore, cardiac patients. Vomiting of oral or nasogastric (NG)
immediately after surgical correction of a congenital feeds, occasionally associated with transient hypoxemia
heart lesion, the energy requirements are at or below noted on pulse oximetry, represents a warning sign that
58  Malnutrition and Feeding Difficulties: Guidelines for Enternal and Parenteral Nutrition 675

reflux is significant enough to result in aspiration. body passing through the lower esophageal sphincter.
Back or neck arching associated with feeds is another Additionally, since the images are obtained at a much
strong indicator of clinically significant GER. Arching lower frequency during an upper GI series than during
is often severe enough to resemble opisthotonic-like the milk scan, the ability to detect infrequent reflux
posture. Less frequently, stridor and/or mild respiratory events and to assess their severity is quite limited.
distress with retractions are observed when reflux Treatment of GERD relies primarily on inhibition of
occurs frequently enough to irritate the posterior pharynx acid production in the stomach with an occasional added
and the upper airway. emphasis on enhancing gastric motility. Histamine
Evaluation of GERD consists of a multi-step receptor type-2 antagonists such as ranitidine orally or
approach and varies by institution. The simplest famotidine intravenously are inexpensive and readily
method relies on the therapeutic trial of anti-reflux available. Ranitidine can be used at doses as high as
medications described below. Resolution of symptoms 3 mg/kg/dose orally 3 times daily whereas famotidine is
within days to weeks justifies continued use of phar- usually dosed at 0.5  mg/kg/dose intravenously every
macotherapy. The gold standard for diagnosis of 12 hours. Famotidine dosing requires adjustment when
GERD relies on continuous measurement of esopha- renal impairment is present. Profound acid inhibition
geal pH using a probe. Detection of acidic pH above is provided by the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) class of
the lower esophageal sphincter provides the diagnosis. pharmacologic agents, such as pantoprazole, lanso-
This technique is rarely used since patients in the car- prazole, or omeprazole. Pantoprazole is given intrave-
diac ICU often have indwelling esophageal atrial leads nously at a dose of 0.5–1 mg/kg as a single daily dose.
or NG/nasoduodenal (ND) tubes. Lansoprazole is given orally at doses of 7.5, 15, and
Radiologically, definitive diagnosis is made preferably 30 mg for children weighing less than 10 kg, 10–30, and
with a nuclear medicine “milk” gastric scan using greater than 30 kg, respectively. Lansoprazole possesses
Technecium-99 labeled sulfur colloid added to regular an additional advantage for the pediatric population in
milk-based formula. During the milk scan, radioactive that it is available as an orally disintegrating, pleasant-
contrast is instilled into the stomach via an NG tube, the tasting tablet that may also be dissolved in water and
tube is withdrawn, eliminating a potential artifact of administered through a feeding tube. Omeprazole is
a foreign body impairing the function of the lower also available as an oral formulation; the dose is 10 mg
esophageal sphincter, and the contrast is then imaged in daily for children weighing less than 20 kg, and 20 mg
cinematographic fashion over the course of 1–2 h. Data daily for children greater than 20 kg in weight.
provided by the scan are frequency of regurgitation into Pro-motility agents such as metoclopramide and
the esophagus and the esophageal level reached by the erythromycin ethylsuccinate have become second-line
regurgitated material. Additionally, the time constant agents in the treatment of GERD. Metoclopramide is
for elimination of contrast from the stomach into the given intravenously or orally at a dose of 0.1–0.2 mg/
duodenum is obtained, which allows for independent kg/dose every 6  hours. It is also occasionally used
evaluation of gastric motility. Normal motility results in for several days to facilitate progress of a feeding tube
elimination of approximately 50–60% of the contrast from the stomach through the pylorus into the duode-
from the stomach within 1 h. Reduced motility has been num. Rarely, extrapyramidal side effects can occur
associated with increased frequency and severity of within 24–48 h of administration of metoclopramide;
GER in the pediatric population. unwanted cardiac complications include blood
An upper GI series is another radiologic tool for pressure instability, supraventricular tachycardia, and
evaluation of GER. During this study, a radio-opaque A-V dissociation. Neurologic side effects of metoclo-
contrast is instilled into the stomach via an NG tube, pramide have been well characterized. It should also
the tube remains in place, and the contrast is then be noted that metoclopramide has been implicated in
imaged using static radiographic images at 10–15 min bone marrow suppression which is important is the
intervals. Although often used to diagnose GERD, an setting of transplantation.
upper GI series tends to be inferior to the milk scan in Erythromycin ethylsuccinate is effective at improving
sensitivity and specificity. Available data suggest that gastric motility in doses of 10 mg/kg/dose every 8 h.
almost everyone has some degree of reflux observed Oral administration route is strongly preferred as
on upper GI, partly related to the presence of a foreign intravenous administration of erythromycin has been
676 M.K. Shoykhet et al.

associated with fatal cardiac complications. Additionally, a significant obstacle to successful oral feeds and
administration of erythromycin to neonates 0–2 weeks timely discharge from the hospital. Incidence of
of age for greater than 14 days in duration increases swallowing dysfunction after cardiac surgery in
the risk of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 10-fold. Thus, children has been reported at about 4% [32]. However,
H2-receptor antagonists and PPI agents remain the the nature of the procedure significantly impacts the
mainstay of GERD treatment in children. probability of postoperative swallowing dysfunction.
For instance, incidence of laryngopharyngeal dysfunc-
tion after Norwood procedure can reach almost 50%  Chylothorax [33]. Diagnosis of laryngopharyngeal dysfunction is
made with a modified barium swallow or a salivogram,
Postoperative chylothorax occurs in approximately which shows abnormal passage of the food bolus
0.5–5% of children after open heart surgery [26, 27] through the oropharynx or frank aspiration of the
and is associated with prolonged ICU stay [28]. The material past the vocal cords. Bedside consultation by
majority of cases are related to surgical manipulation a trained speech pathologist is essential to evaluating
of the thoracic duct or intraoperative traumatic injury. the respiratory effort during feeding and oral-motor
Rarely, superior vena caval thrombosis or elevated mechanics. Clinically significant difficulty is evident
SVC pressures underlie the etiology of chylous effusion. when stridor, choking, coughing, and/or oxygen desat-
Symptomatically, patients are likely to become tachyp- uration develop during oral feeding. Interventions may
neic and tachycardic with a corresponding free-flowing include positional change during feedings, modifica-
effusion on chest radiography or ultrasonography. If the tions of the nipple/bottle, and limiting food textures to
child has been fed a diet containing long-chain fatty those that demonstrated no evidence of aspiration
acids, the effusion will likely contain elevated triglyc- on the modified barium swallow [34]; In the most
eride levels (>1.2 mMol/L). In children who have been refractory cases, a gastrostomy tube may be required
fasting, the fluid may appear serosanguinous – the to provide adequate enteral nutrition.
diagnosis is then made when feedings are initiated. The incidence of airway abnormalities in children
Conservative treatment requires switching to enteral with congenital heart disease is also approximately
nutrition based on a formula enriched with medium-chain- 3%, with laryngeal paralysis and subglottic stenosis
triglyceride oils (e.g., Portagen®) [29]. Alternatively, a comprising the majority of diagnoses [35]. Diagnosis
low-fat diet may be used if patient is taking food by requires direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy by
mouth. An effusion occupying greater than 20–30% of an otolaryngologist familiar with pediatric airway
the hemithorax requires chest tube-mediated drainage. problems. Most common presentation is intolerance of
If chylothorax persists despite these measures for lon- feeds or failure of extubation [36]. Surgical interven-
ger than 7–10 days, the treatment progresses to enteral tion may be required in up to 40% of children with a
rest and PN. These measures will lead to resolution of defined airway abnormality [35].
the chylous effusion in 80–90% of the cases [29]. The
remaining 10–20% of patients with a chylothorax may
require treatment with octreotide starting at 10 mg/kg/ References
day as a continuous infusion or in divided doses and
titrating up to 40  mg/kg/day [30, 31]. In remarkably 1. Heyland D, MacDonald S, Keefe L, et al. Total parenteral
recalcitrant cases, surgical interventions such as thoracic nutrition in the critically ill patient. JAMA. 1998;280:
duct repair or ligation, pleurodesis, or pleuroperitoneal 2013–2019.
shunting may be necessary. 2. Heyland D. Parenteral nutrition in the critically-ill patient:
more harm than good? Proc Nutr Soc. 2000;59:457–466.
3. Varan B, Tokel K, Yilmaz G. Malnutrition and growth
failure in cyanotic and acyanotic congenital heart disease  L
 aryngopharyngeal Dysfunction with and without pulmonary hypertension. Arch Dis Child.
and Aspiration 1998;81:49–52.
4. Kelleher D, Laussen P, Teixeira-Pinto A, et al. Growth and
correlates of nutritional status among infants with hypoplastic
Swallowing difficulties and airway abnormalities are left heart syndrome (HLHS) after stage 1 Norwood procedure.
quite common in children with heart disease and present Nutrition. 2006;22:237–244.
58  Malnutrition and Feeding Difficulties: Guidelines for Enternal and Parenteral Nutrition 677

5. Rogers EJ, Gilbertson HR, Heine RG, et al. Barrier to adequate 22. Brassioulius G, Venkataraman S, Thompson AE. Energy
nutrition in critically ill children. Nutrition. 2003;19:865–868. expenditure in critically ill children. Crit Care Med. 2000;28:
6. Barksdale E, Nucci A. TPN Manuel. Children’s Hosptial of 1166–1172.
Pittsburgh 2003. 23. Vazquez Martinez JL, Martinez-Romillo PD, Diez SJ.
7. Hanning RM, Zlotkin SH. Amino acid and protein needs of Predicted versus measured energy expenditure by continu-
the neonate: effects of excess and deficiency. Semin Perinatol. ous, online indirect calorimetry in ventilated, critically ill
1989;13:131–134. children during the early postinjury period. Ped Crit Care
8. National advisory group on standards and practice guide- Med. 2004;5:19–27.
lines for PN. Safe practices for PN formulation. J Paren Ent 24. Gebara BM, Gelmini M, Sarnaik A. Oxygen consumption,
Nutr. 1998;22:49–66. energy expenditure, and substrate utilization after cardiac
9. Parenteral Nutrition. Kleinman R, In: Pediatric Nutrition surgery in children. Crit Care Med. 1992;20:1550–1554.
Handbook, 5th edition. Elk Grove Village, IL: American 25. White MS, Shepherd RW, McEniery JA. Energy expenditure
Academy of Pediatrics; 2004:369–389. in 100 ventilated, critically ill children: improving the
10. Traen M, Schepens E, Laroche S, et al. Cardiac tamponade accuracy of predictive equations. Crit Care Med. 2000;28:
and pericardial effusion due to venous umbilical catheteriza- 2307–2312.
tion. Acta Paediat. 2005;94:626–628. 26. Nguyen DM, Shum-Tim D, Dobell AR, Tchervenkov CI.
11. McGee WT, Ackerman BL, Rouben HR, et  al. Accurate The management of chylothorax/chylopericardium follow-
placement of central venous catheters: a prospective, ing pediatric cardiac surgery: a 10-year experience. J Card
randomized, multicenter trial. Crit Care Med.. 1993;21: Surg. 1995;10:302–308.
1118–1123. 27. Wu JM, Yao CT, Kan CD, et al. Postoperative chylothorax:
12. Kelly DA. Intestinal failure-associated liver disease: what differences between patients who received median sterno-
do we know today? Gastroenterology. 2006;130:S70–7. tomy or lateral thoracotomy for congenital heart disease.
13. Tappy L, Schwartz J, Schneiter P, et al. Effects of isoenergetic J. Card Surg. 2006;21:249–253.
glucose-based or lipid-based parenteral nutrition on glucose 28. Brown KL, Ridout DA, Goldman AP, Hoskote A, Penny DJ.
metabolism, de novo lipogenesis, and respiratory gas exchanges Risk factors for long intensive care unit stay after cardiopul-
in critically ill patients. Crit Care Med. 1998;26:860–867. monary bypass in children. Crit Care Med. 2003;31:28–33.
14. Garza J, Shew S, Keshen T, et al. Energy expenditure in ill 29. Beghetti M, La Scala G, Belli D, Bugmann P, Kalangos A,
premature neonates. J Pediatr Surg. 2002;37:289–293. Le Coultre C. Etiology and management of pediatric chy-
15. Sanchez C, Lopez-Herce J, Carillo A, Bustinza A, Sancho L, lothorax. J Pediatr. 2000;136:653–658.
Vigil D. Transpyloric enteral feeding in the postoperative 30. Pratap U, Slavik Z, Ofoe VD, Onuzo O, Franklin RCG.
of cardiac surgery in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2006;41: Octreotide to treat postoperative chylothorax after cardiac
1096–1102. operations in children. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001;72:1740–1742.
1 6. Marik PE, Zaloga GP. Early enteral nutrition in acutely 31. Cheung Y, Leung MP, Yip M. Octreotide for treatment of
ill patients: a systematic review. Crit Care Med. 2001;29: postoperative chylothorax. J Pediatr. 2000;139:157–159.
2264–2270. 32. Hogue CW Jr, Lappas GD, Creswell LL, et al. Swallowing
17. Nydegger A, Bines JE. Energy metabolism in infants with dysfunction after cardiac operations. J Thorac Cardiovasc
congenital heart disease. Nutrition. 2006;22:697–704. Surg. 1995;110:517–522.
18. Mitchell IM, Logan RW, Pollock JCS, Jamieson MPG. 33. Skinner ML, Halstead LA, Rubinstein CS, Atz AM,
Nutritional status of children with congenital heart disease. Andrews D, Bradley SM. Laryngopharyngeal dysfunction
Br Heart J. 1995;73:277–283. after the norwood procedure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.
19. Scwarz SM, Gewitz MH, See CC, et al. Enteral nutrition in 2005;130:1293–1301.
infants with congenital heart disease and growth failure. 34. Miller CK, Willging JP. The implications of upper-airway
Pediatrics. 1990;86:368–373. obstruction on successful infant feeding. Semin Speech
20. Schwarz SM, Corredor J, Fisher-Medina J, Cohen J, Lang. 2007;28:190–203.
Rabinowitz S. Diagnosis and treatment of feeding disorders 35. Guillemand JP, El-Hakim H, Richards S, Chauhan N. Airway
in children with developmental disabilities. Pediatrics. pathologic abnormalities in symptomatic children with con-
2001;108:671–676. genital cardiac and vascular disease. Arch Otolaryngol Head
21. World Health Organization. (2004). Human Energy Neck Surg. 2007;133:672–676.
Requirements: Report of a Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert 36. Harrison AM, Cox AC, Davis S, Piedmonte M, Drummond-
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Series 1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United in young children: prevalence, pathogenesis, and risk factor.
Nations, Rome, Italy Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2002;3:148–152.
Chapter 59
Hematological Aspects: Anticoagulation, Heparin-Induced
Thrombocytopenia, Plasma Exchange

Peter H. Shaw

59.1  Anticoagulation clots while allowing the body’s own clot lysis
mechanisms to work. It is administered subcutane-
ously (SQ) or intravenously (IV). It has a biologic
Cardiac ICU patients are at risk for thromboses due
half-life (T½) of approximately 1 h.
to their cardiac anatomy or because of iatrogenic
Heparin effect is monitored by the partial thrombo-
procedures (e.g., cardiac bypass; catheterization).
plastin time (PTT).
There are several anticoagulants used in the care of
If long-term anticoagulation is required, particularly
pediatric cardiac patients, each with unique mechanisms
in the outpatient setting, heparin is often used to
of action, methods of monitoring, and most have
commence anticoagulation therapy until the oral
antidotes for rapid correction of anticoagulation.
anticoagulant coumadin is therapeutic. An alternative
to coumadin for long-term outpatient anticoagulation
is low molecular weight heparin (LMWH).
59.1.1  Indications
Dosing and Monitoring
All of the indications for anticoagulation are too
extensive to include in this chapter. The most compre-
At the start of anticoagulation with heparin, the patient
hensive evidence-based overview is in “Antithromb-
should be bolused with a dose of 75 units/kg IV over
otic Therapy in Children” from the eighth ACCP
10 min and then started on a continuous infusion at the
conference on antithrombotic and thrombolytic
following doses:
therapy from 2008 [1].
Age £1 year: 28 units/kg/h
Age >1 year: 20 units/kg/h
Four hours after initiating heparin, check the first
PTT. The goal is 60–85  s and should be adjusted as
59.1.2  Medications and Monitoring
follows:  Heparin
Bolus Hold Rate change Repeat
Heparin is an anticoagulant, which works by binding PTT (s) (units/kg) (minutes) (units/kg/h) PTT (h)
to antithrombin III, amplifying 1,000-fold its ability to
<50 50 0 Increase 20% 4
inactivate clotting factors II, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII. 50–59 0 0 Increase 10% 4
It prevents new clots and the extension of existing 60–85 0 0 No change 24
86–95 0 0 Decrease 10% 4
96–120 0 30 Decrease 10% 4
P.H. Shaw (*)
Hematology/Oncology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh >120 0 60 Decrease 15% 4
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Adapted from Monagle et al [4]
e-mail: Once PTT is therapeutic, check a CBC, PT, and PTT daily

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 679
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_59, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
680 P.H. Shaw

Correction of Anticoagulation Target anti-Xa levels:

Treatment: 0.5–1 units/ml
If a patient is bleeding while on heparin and the PTT Prophylactic: 0.1–0.3 units/ml
is supratherapeutic the heparin should be stopped Adjust the dose of LMWH as follows:
and protamine sulfate should be given immediately.
Protamine neutralizes heparin within 5  min, but can
cause hypotension, bronchoconstriction, and pulmonary Anti-Xa Hold (minutes) Dose change Repeat
level anti-Xa
hypertension from histamine release. To minimize (Units/ml) level
these side effects it should be given very slowly, IV in
<0.35 0 Increase 25% 4 h after next dose
doses not to exceed 50 mg in any 10-min period. The dose
is based on the amount of heparin administered within 0.35–0.49 0 Increase 10% 4 h after next dose
2 h as follows: 0.5–1 0 No change Once in a week,
4 h after dose
1.1–1.5 0 Decrease 20% 4 h after next dose
Time since last heparin dose Protamine dose per 100 units 1.6–2 0 Decrease 30% 4 h after next dose
(minutes) heparin received (mg) >2 Until level Decrease 45% 4 h after next
<30 1 anti-Xa dose
30–60 0.5–0.75 <0.5, check
60–120 0.375–0.5 q12 h
>120 0.25–0.375 Adapted from Monagle et al [4]
Adapted from Monagle et al [4]
Obtain a PTT 15 min after protamine sulfate dose given
Correction of Anticoagulation

Side Effects If a patient has bleeding complications while on

LMWH, the drug should be promptly stopped. Protamine
Short-term side effects of heparin include bleeding and sulfate has not been shown to completely correct the
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). HIT will be anticoagulant effects of LMWH.
discussed more extensively in the following section. If protamine sulfate is given within 3–4 h of the last
Long-term side effects include alopecia and osteoporosis. dose of LMWH, a maximum of 1 mg of protamine per
100 units (1  mg) of LMWH should be infused over
10 min.  Low Molecular Weight Heparin

The pharmacokinetics of LMWH is more predictable

Side Effect
than unfractionated heparin. LMWH targets anti-factor
Xa activity rather than anti thrombin (IIa) activity, so
Short-term side effects include bleeding and HIT,
the anti-Xa level is monitored instead of the PTT.
although the rate of HIT is lower than with unfraction-
ated heparin [2,3]. HIT will be discussed more in the
Dosing and Monitoring following section. Other side effects include mild local
reactions, pain, and bruising at the injection site. Late
LMWH is given SQ at the following doses: side effects include alopecia and osteoporosis.
Age £2 months:
Treatment dose: 1.5 mg/kg/dose every 12 h
Prophylactic dose: 0.75 mg/kg/dose every 12 h  V
 itamin K Antagonists
Age 2 months to 21 years: (Coumadin, Warfarin)
Treatment dose: 1 mg/kg/dose every 12 h
Prophylactic dose: 0.5 mg/kg/dose every 12 h Coumadin inhibits the synthesis of active forms of the
Four to six hours after at least the second dose, draw vitamin K-dependent clotting factors: II, VII, IX, and
an anti-Xa level. X, as well as regulatory factors proteins C, S, and Z.
59  Hematological Aspects: Anticoagulation, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, Plasma Exchange 681

Dosing and Monitoring Elective Reversal of Coumadin

If the INR is less than 1.5, no reversal is needed for
Coumadin loading dose on the first day of therapy –
most surgery. For neurosurgery, it is ideal for the INR
0.2  mg/kg PO as a single dose. If the patient has
to be 1.
liver dysfunction, dosing would start at 0.1  mg/kg.
When there is a HIGH risk of thrombosis:
Maximum dose can be 10 mg (5 mg for patients with
liver disease). • Hold coumadin 3 days before surgery.
Coumadin is monitored by the INR (International • Twenty-four hours before surgery, initiate heparin
Normalizing Ratio). The goal in most instances is 2–3, therapy as an infusion without a bolus.
but for patients with mechanical valves the goal INR is • Stop IV heparin 6 h before surgery and check PTT
2.5–3.5. 3 h before surgery – it should be normal.
Loading doses on days two to four – Daily dose • If INR remains >1.5 twelve hours before surgery,
based on day daily INR as per following chart: give 0.5 mg of phytonadione (vitamin K1) SQ and
recheck INR 6 h later.
• Once cleared by surgeons, heparin IV is restarted at
INR Coumadin Adjustment the earliest of 8 h postoperatively at the previous rate.
1.1–1.3 Repeat initial loading dose Once therapeutic for 24  h, restart oral coumadin.
1.4–1.9 50% of initial loading dose Once INR is therapeutic stop heparin.
2–3 50% of initial loading dose
3.1–3.5 25% of initial loading dose When there is a LOW risk of thrombosis:
>3.5 Hold until INR <3.5 then restart at 50% less than the
previous dose • Hold coumadin 3 days before surgery.
Adapted from Monagle et al [4] • Check INR the day before surgery. If INR is >1.5,
give 0.5 mg of phytonadione (vitamin K1) SQ and
recheck INR 6 h later.
Correction of Anticoagulation • Once cleared by surgeons, restart oral coumadin if
patient can take PO medications on post-op day one.
The main antidote for Coumadin is vitamin K, but Guidelines adapted from Monagle et al. [4].
fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is also used. Here are
Side Effects

Patient is Not Bleeding Short-term side effects of coumadin include bleeding

If the patient will be restarted on Coumadin in the and necrosis. Bleeding can manifest as hemoptysis,
near-future: Treat with phytonadione (vitamin K1) excessive bruising, bleeding from mucosal surfaces, or
at a dose of 0.5–2 mg IV or SQ. If the patient will hematuria or hematochezia. The risk of bleeding is
NOT be restarted on Coumadin in the near-future: greater if the INR is supratherapeutic.
Treat with phytonadione (vitamin K1) at a dose of A rare complication of coumadin is necrosis,
2–5 mg IV or SQ. which can occur shortly after starting therapy in
patients with protein C deficiency and is clinically
identical to purpura fulminans. This risk is decreased if
Patient Has Bleeding That is Not Life-Threatening the patient is therapeutic on heparin. Osteoporosis is a
risk of long-term coumadin use.
Treat with phytonadione (vitamin K1) at a dose of
0.5–2 mg SQ or IV and give FFP at 20 ml/kg IV.
Drug Interactions
Patient Has Bleeding That Is Life-Threatening
In addition to oral vitamin K intake, there are many
Treat with phytonadione (vitamin K1) at a dose of drugs that affect the metabolism of coumadin and
5 mg IV over 10–20 min and give FFP at 50 ml/kg IV. can adversely affect the INR (please consult your
682 P.H. Shaw

hospital’s formulary or pediatric dosing references). Correction of Anticoagulation

It is important to review all medications a patient is
There is no antidote or reversal agent for Argatroban or
taking concurrently with coumadin, as stopping or
Lepirudin. Half-life of Argatrobanis short at 39–51 min
starting medications can affect the INR.
And that of Lepirudin is slightly longer at 1.3 h.

Direct Thrombin Inhibitors

Side Effects
The use of direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs) are now The most common side effect of both DTIs is bleeding.
used almost exclusively in the management of HIT in
The most commonly used DTIs are Lepirudin and
59.2  H
Dosing and Monitoring
If a patient is treated for HIT or presumed HIT, heparin 59.2.1  Description and Pathophysiology
should be stopped first.
In patients with normal renal function:
Heparin-induced thromocytopenia (HIT) occurs
Lepirudin – To avoid initial overdosing, do not
when autoantibodies form against platelet factor 4
start Lepirudin if PTT is above therapeutic range
(PF4), neutrophil-activating peptide 2 (NAP-2), and
(60–85 s).
interleukin 8 (IL-8). This causes platelet aggregation
Initial dose: IV bolus: 0.4  mg/kg and then start
and consumption of coagulation factors which can
continuous IV infusion at 0.15 mg/kg/h.
lead to both thrombosis and bleeding.
Check PTT 4 h after starting infusion. The target is
HIT can occur shortly after heparin is given (even
60–85 s. Adjust dose as per heparin chart above.
in IV fluids) but usually occurs 5–15 days after the
In patients with abnormal renal function:
initiation of heparin. It is important to substitute for
Argatroban – To avoid initial overdosing, do not
heparin when HIT is suspected or confirmed. Even
start Argatroban if PTT is above therapeutic range
when HIT’s only manifestation is thrombocytopenia
(60–85 s).
and heparin is stopped, risk of thrombosis in subsequent
Initial IV infusion rate: start at a dose of 0.75 mg/
30 days approaches 50% unless alternative anticoagulant
is used.
Check PTT 2 h after starting infusion. The target is
60–85 s. Adjust dose as per heparin chart above. Once
a stable dose is achieved draw PTT every 24 h. INR
and PT may be elevated, but should not be used for
monitoring. 59.2.2  Diagnosis
Administer via a dedicated line because Argatroban
is not compatible with other drugs. HIT can be diagnosed by the detection of the PF4 anti-
platelet antibody in the patient’s blood by one of two
assays: washed platelet activation assays and commer-
Conversion to an Oral Anticoagulant
cial enzyme immunoassays (EIAs).
Coumadin (Warfarin) may be introduced when A negative test generally rules out HIT. However,
platelet count starts to increase, but DTI should because weak antibodies can also be detected (especially
be continued until platelet count normalizes. After by EIA), a positive test does not necessarily confirm
4–5 days of coumadin, if platelet count is normal HIT. There may be false positive results and low
and PT is therapeutic, stop DTI for a few hours and diagnostic specificity, because HIT antibodies can be
recheck INR. If it is between 2 and 3, it is safe to detected by EIA in about 50% of patients 1 week after
discontinue DTI. cardiac surgery.
59  Hematological Aspects: Anticoagulation, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, Plasma Exchange 683

59.2.3  Management and liver transplantation. It is also widely used

throughout the world for post-CPBP patients, particu-
larly in the case of reoperation and in neonates and in
If there is no risk for thrombosis, discontinue heparin
those with preexisting coagulopathies. In the USA, it
and the platelet count is normalized. If there is risk for
has recently been removed from the market based on a
thrombosis or a thrombosis is being treated, follow
number of reports regarding adverse effects in the adult
guidelines above for the using DTI’s.

59.3  Antifibrinolysis  Dosing and Monitoring

59.3.1  Aminocaproic Acid • Infants and children: Test dose of 0.1  mg/kg IV
(maximum 1.4 mg); body surface less than 1.16 m2:
loading dose of 240  mg/m2 IV, 240  mg/m2 into
Its use is indicated in the case of excessive bleeding the pump priming, then 50 mg/m2/h as a continuous
caused by fibrinolysis and as prophylaxis in patients infusion IV during the surgery; body surface greater
on ECMO or after cardiopulmonary bypass. than 1.16  m2: loading dose of 280  mg/m2 IV,
280 mg/m2 into the pump priming, then 70 mg/m2/h
as a continuous infusion IV during the surgery.  Dosing and Monitoring • Adults: Test dose of 1 ml (1.4 mg) IV, followed by a
loading dose of 2 million KIU (280 mg) IV, 2 million
• Children: loading dose of 100–200  mg/kg IV, KIU (280 mg) into the pump priming and 2,50,000
followed by 100  mg/kg/dose every 6  h or by a KIU/h (35 mg/h) continuous infusion IV during the
continuous infusion of 30  mg/kg/h (maximum surgery.
30 g/day)
• Adults: 4–5 g IV over the first hour followed by a In Europe and in Australia, Aprotinin is also used in
continuous infusion of 1–1.25 g/h for 8 h or until the postoperative period at 1,000–4,000 KIU/kg/h IV.
bleeding ceases.
Dose should be reduced to 25% in case of renal  Side Effects
Anaphylaxis, arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial
infarct, cerebrovascular events, chest pain, hypotension,  Side Effects
pericardial effusion, pulmonary hypertension,
fever, seizures, dizziness, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia,
Hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia, headache, seizures,
acidosis, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea,
rash, hyperkalemia, nausea, vomiting, decreased plate-
gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hemolysis, anemia, throm-
let function, agranulocytosis, leucopenia, myopathy,
bosis, liver insult, phlebitis, arthralgia, renal failure,
acute rhabdomyolysis, glaucoma, deafness, renal failure,
bronchoconstriction, pulmonary edema, and apnea.
dyspnea, and pulmonary embolism. Contraindicated
Contraindicated in: hypersensitivity to the drug,
in hypersensitivity to the drug, disseminated intravas-
previous exposure within a 12-month period.
cular coagulation, and ongoing intravascular clotting

59.3.3  Tranexamic Acid

59.3.2  Aprotinin
This drug is used off-label after CPBP as a prophy-
This drug is used in the adult population to prevent laxis against hemorrhage and to reduce postoperative
hemorrhage after cardiopulmonary bypass interventions bleeding.
684 P.H. Shaw  Dosing and Monitoring  Side Effects

Loading dose of 100 mg/kg diluted in 20 ml of 0.9% Gastrointestinal or genitourinary hemorrhage,

NaCl over 15 min, followed by a continuous infusion ecchymosis, nausea, vomiting, fever, retroperitoneal
of 10 mg/kg/h IV. hemorrhage, gingival hemorrhage, epistaxis, intracra-
nial hemorrhage, hemopericardium, and arrhythmias
(reperfusion). Contraindicated in: hypersensitivity to
the drug, active internal bleeding, cerebrovascular  Side Effects
hemorrhagic event, intracranial neoplasm, aortic dissec-
tion, arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm, bleeding
Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, hypotension, and throm-
diathesis, severe hepatic or renal disease, hemostatic
bosis. Contraindicated in: hypersensitivity to the drug,
defects, and severe uncontrolled hypertension.
subarachnoid hemorrhage or active intravascular
clotting process.

59.5  Plasma Exchange

59.4  Fibrinolytics Plasma exchange (also known as plasmapheresis) is

the removal, treatment, and return of plasma into a
59.4.1  r-TPA patient’s circulation. During plasmapheresis, blood is
taken out of the body through a needle or catheter. The
plasma is then removed from the blood by a cell sepa-
r-TPA (Alteplase®) may be used in case of acute
rator. This can be accomplished in any one of three
ischemic stroke, pulmonary embolism, acute myocar-
ways following:
dial ischemia or infarct, and systemic thrombosis, also
to treat occluded central venous or arterial indwelling • Discontinuous flow centrifugation – One venous
catheters. catheter line is required. Typically, a 300-ml aliquot
of blood is removed at a time and centrifuged to
separate plasma from blood cells. The blood cells
are returned to patient while the plasma is treated.  Dosing and Monitoring
• Continuous flow centrifugation – Two venous lines
are used. This method requires less blood volume to
• Systemic thrombosis: 0.1 mg/kg/h IV for 6 h; monitor
be out of the body at any one time as it is able to
bleeding and fibrinogen levels (keep above 100 mg/dl).
continuously spin out plasma.
If persistent thrombosis, increase dose by 0.1 mg/
• Plasma filtration – Two venous lines are used.
kg/h every 6 h to a maximum of 0.5 mg/kg/h.
The plasma is filtered using a standard hemodialysis
• Venous thrombosis: 0.06 mg/kg/h in neonates, and
equipment. This continuous process requires less than
0.03 mg/kg/h in older children, IV.
100 ml of blood to be outside the body at one time.
• Arterial spasm: 0.1 mg/kg IV, then 0.5 mg/kg/h for 2 h.
• Central venous catheters: instill 110% of the inter- In plasma exchange, the removed plasma is discarded
nal lumen volume into the occluded catheter and let and the patient receives replaced donor plasma.
it dwell for 30 min. Recommended concentration is Heparin is used to prevent the line and circuit from
1 mg/ml, maximum 2 mg in 2 ml in patients between thrombosing.
10 and 30 kg, and 2 mg in 2 ml in patients above
30 kg. If the catheter is functional aspirate 5 ml of
blood out to remove the residual drug and clot, and
then flush with normal saline. If the catheter remains 59.5.1  Indications
occluded, let it dwell for a total of 2 h and repeat the
above. If it remains occluded, a second dose can be Plasma exchange may be used in the cardiac ICU
administered. setting if the patient develops a coagulopathy,
59  Hematological Aspects: Anticoagulation, Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, Plasma Exchange 685

such as DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) risk of bleeding. Cryoprecipitate (1 bag per 10 kg of
or autoimmune hemolytic anemia (either IgM or body weight) can be used to replace fibrinogen.
IgG-mediated). In ABO-incompatible solid organ
transplantation, the recipient may develop IgM  Side Effects
antibodies against the donor ABO blood type.
Plasma exchange can be used to remove these
While the patient is undergoing plasma exchange,
there is the risk of both bleeding and clotting. Careful
monitoring as stated above can minimize these risks.
There may also be hypotension from fluid shifts, so the
59.5.2  Utilization and Monitoring rate of fluid exchange has to be monitored closely.

Plasma exchange works by both removing pro-coagulant

and hemorrhagic factors as well as antibodies from the References
blood and replacing the patient’s clotting factors with
FFP. This blood product contains clotting factors II, V, 1. Monagle P, Chalmers E, Chan A, DeVeber G, Kirkham F,
VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XIII. It also contains fibrinogen Massicotte P, Michelson Ad; American College of Chest
and von Willebrand factor. Cryoprecipitate contains Physicians. Antithrombotic therapy in neonates and children:
American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based
higher concentrations of the latter two factors and may Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th Edition). Chest.
be used to supplement FFP. 2008;133(6):887S–968S.
2. Martel N, Lee J, Wells PS. Risk for heparin-induced throm-
bocytopenia with unfractionated and low-molecular-weight
heparin thromboprophylaxis: a meta-analysis. Blood. 2005;  Monitoring
3. Warkentin TE, Levine MN, Hirsch J, et al. Heparin-induced
The PTT as well as fibrinogen need to be monitored at thrombocytopenia in patients treated with low-molecular-weight
least twice per day while the patient is undergoing heparin or unfractionated heparin. N Engl J Med. 1995;332:
plasma exchange. The heparin should be adjusted to
4. Monagle P, Chan AKC, de Veber G, Massicotte MP. Andrew’s
keep the PTT between 60 and 85  s. The fibrinogen Pediatric Thromboembolism and Stroke. 3rd ed. Hamilton,
level should ideally be kept above 150 to minimize the ON: BC Decker Inc.; 2006.
Chapter 60
Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy

Richard A. Orr, Rhonda Gengler, and Michael Moritz

Acute renal failure (ARF) is a common postoperative 60.1  C

 ontinuous Renal Replacement
complication. General medical measures to treat this Therapy
condition should include:
a. Maintenance of an adequate renal preload (optimal 60.1.1  Background
circulating volume and cardiac output)
b. Use of rapid onset diuretics
c. Optimization of renal afterload (i.e., avoid high ARF that requires renal replacement therapy is a rela-
central venous pressures) tively common condition, with an annual incidence
d. Management of acute consequences of renal failure of approximately 30 cases per 1 million of population
including systemic hypertension and hyperkalemia [1]. Severe ARF is a major complication of cardiac
surgery and is associated with a very high mortality
Prevention of renal failure is crucial. This goal may be (60–100%) when treated with standard intermittent
achieved by applying the above described principles hemodialysis [2, 3]. More recently, continuous renal
and also by controlling any potential insult to the kidney. replacement techniques have been introduced, which
These concerns, among other measures require, the circumvent the hemodynamic instability associated
cautious use of nephrotoxic drugs and the aggressive with intermittent hemodialysis and its limited ability
management of rhabdomyolysis. to control the intravascular volume. Continuous veno-
Many algorithms may be followed concerning the venous hemofiltration (CVVH) is one form of continu-
use of diuretics. Traditionally, furosemide is the first ous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). When used
choice of administration as boluses or ideally as a con- early and intensively in the course of renal failure, it
tinuous infusion. Alternatively, bumetamide may also be has the potential to substantially aid in the care of
used. In case of unresponsiveness, a dose of mannitol patients with severe ARF.
is indicated. Other strategies include the use of other Hemofiltration was first described in the late 1970s
diuretics that may exert a synergistic effect: hydrochlo- as a means of removing extracellular fluid from patients
rothiazide, metolazone, and ethacrynic acid. Xanthines with edema refractory to diuretics [4]. Continuous
may also be used. Nesiritide and Fenoldapan are also hemofiltration, combined with the administration of an
alternatives but the pediatric experience is still scarce appropriate fluid, is now recognized as a form of renal
and further studies will be required before concluding replacement therapy in ARF.
their usefulness in the pediatric population. The use of
dopamine remains controversial.
Refractory renal failure should motivate caregivers
to rapidly progress towards renal replacement therapy. 60.1.2  Basic Principles of CRRT

Hemofiltration and hemodialysis are similar in a few

R.A. Orr (*)
Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh,
aspects. Both techniques require access to the circula-
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA tion so that blood can pass through an extracorporeal
e–mail: circuit that includes either a dialyzer or a hemofilter.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 687
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_60, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
688 R.A. Orr et al.

The mechanism by which the composition of the blood of solute across a membrane along with water). This is
is modified differs between the two. what occurs in glomerular filtration. In contrast to
During dialysis, blood flows along one side of a hemodialysis, hemofiltration allows large molecules
semipermeable membrane as a crystalloid solution is such as urea, creatinine, and phosphate to clear at simi-
pumped along the other side of the membrane counter- lar rates. Profound hypophosphatemia can easily
current to the blood flow. Through the process of diffu- develop unless the patient’s phosphate intake is sup-
sion, molecules cross the membrane where the dialysis plemented or replaced via IV fluids. Larger molecules
fluid is designed to produce as near normalization of such as heparin, insulin, myoglobin, and vancomycin,
the plasma as possible. This is affected by having the cleared in only negligible amounts during dialysis, are
sodium concentration of the dialysis fluid physiologic, cleared more efficiently by hemofiltration. (Fig. 60.2)
whereas the potassium concentration is lower than that Current technology cannot reproduce the complex
of normal plasma to establish a gradient from the function of the kidney where glomerular filtration is
plasma to the fluid that promotes the removal of potas- selectively reabsorbed by the renal tubules. During hemo-
sium ions from the patient’s blood. Urea, creatinine, filtration, the filtrate is discarded and the patient receives
and phosphate substances that are to be removed com- replacement fluid. This replacement fluid is a solution
pletely are not found in the dialysis fluid. The removal where the major crystalloid components of the plasma are
of salt and water is accomplished by the creation of a at physiologic levels. Fluid balance for the patient is
transmembrane pressure gradient; the pressure being determined by adjusting the rates of hemofiltration pro-
lower in the dialysis fluid compartment. In accordance duction and the replacement fluid. For example, if there is
with the laws of diffusion, the larger the molecule the no need for the removal of fluid from the patient, the rate
slower is its rate of movement across the membrane. at which the replacement fluid is given is matched exactly
Urea, a small molecule, is cleared efficiently, whereas with the rate of production of hemofiltrate. Generally,
creatinine, a larger molecule, is cleared less well. fluid removal is desired as patients with renal failure have
Phosphate ions have very low rates of clearance across total body fluid overload or the clinical need to administer
the membrane so that patients on intermittent dialysis fluids to a patient with oliguria. This is accomplished by
have problems with hyperphosphatemia. (Fig. 60.1) replacing less fluid through the infusion of replacement
In contrast to dialysis, hemofiltration works by hav- fluid than is removed by hemofiltration.
ing blood under pressure pass down one side of a Hemofiltration leads to an increase in the concen-
highly permeable membrane, which allows both water tration of red cells and plasma protein in the blood.
and substances of high molecular weight to pass across This increases the viscosity of the blood and induces a
the membrane by convective flow (passive movement high colloid oncotic pressure at the distal end of the

Fig. 60.1  Hemodialysis. The arrows that cross the membrane indicate the direction of movement of each solute through the membrane.
The relative size of the arrows indicates the net amounts of the solute transferred. Other arrows indicate the direction of flow
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 689

Fig. 60.2  Hemofiltration. The arrows that cross the membrane indicate the direction of movement of each solute through the membrane.
The relative size of the arrows indicates the net amounts of the solute transferred. Other arrows indicate the direction of flow

hemofilter. Therefore, the filtration rate should be no fluid restriction is necessary in the treatment of respira-
more than 30% of the blood flow rate. tory distress syndrome and renal failure. CRRT allows
The continuous nature of hemofiltration is the most for both appropriate fluid removal and supplying the
important contribution to the treatment of patients with much needed nutrition.
ARF in intensive care units, where most have multisys-
tem organ dysfunction. The majority of these patients
has a negative nitrogen balance and are in dire need of
appropriate nutrition. This task becomes difficult when 60.1.3  Terms and Definitions

Dialysis The separation of electrolytes and low molecular weight solutes from the blood across a
semipermeable membrane.
Clearance The ability of a filter to remove metabolic waste products from the blood. Occurs by
diffusion, filtration, and convection.
Diffusion Passive movement of solutes through a semipermeable membrane from an area of
higher to lower concentration.
Ultrafiltration The movement of water along with small solute across a semipermeable membrane.
Osmotic Passive movement of water from an area of lower concentration (blood) to an area of
ultrafiltration higher concentration (dialysate fluid). The common osmotic agent used is dextrose.
The greater the difference in concentration between the two “compartments” the
greater the fluid removal. Plasma proteins increase the plasma oncotic pressure and
oppose fluid removal from osmotic ultrafiltration.
Hydrostatic The movement of water along with small solutes from the blood to the dialysate, via a
ultrafiltration hydrostatic pressure gradient between the two compartments.
Hemofiltration fluid Sometimes referred to as “dialysate” or “bath.”
Effluent Fluid collected from the hemofilter that includes dialysate and fluid removed from the patient.
Predilution fluid Replacement fluid that enters the circuit before the filter.
Postdilution fluid Replacement fluid that enters the circuit after the filter.
Countercurrent flow Hemofiltration fluid flows through the filter in the opposite direction as the blood.
This provides increased clearance.
690 R.A. Orr et al.

60.1.4  Variations on CRRT (Fig. 60.3) patient’s mean arterial pressure and the venous pressure,
a problem in patients who are hypotensive and/or with a  Arteriovenous high central venous pressure.

Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration (CAVH)

CAVH is the original and simplest form of the technique.  ontinuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration with
An artery and vein are cannulated and the blood passes Dialysis (CAVHD)
through the hemofilter under the influence of arterial
pressure alone. No blood pump is used. The efficiency of This configuration adds dialysis fluid to the CAVH
hemofiltration depends on the difference between the system. This system adds diffusion as a mode of

Fig. 60.3  Mechanisms of hemofiltration and hemodialysis with filtration

60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 691

removing smaller molecules across the hemofilter. 60.1.5  Indications for CRRT
This configuration can also be referred to as continuous
arteriovenous hemodialysis with filtration.
The definition of ARF is not mutually agreed upon
with the definition ranging from a change from base-
line of >50% of serum creatinine, or a blood urea
nitrogen >40 mg/dl, or not having enough urine output  Veno–venous
to match intake for medications, vasopressor agents, or
“adequate” nutrition. Because these definitions vary
Continuous Venovenous Hemofiltration (CVVH)
considerably between programs or between clinicians,
the decision or need for renal replacement therapy as
This configuration uses a double lumen catheter that
well as the overall care of the child varies consider-
is placed in a central vein (femoral, subclavian, or
ably. According to the author, the type of population
internal jugular), or alternatively, a single lumen cath-
the hospital serves, the presence or absence of a car-
eter in each of the two central venous sites. An occlu-
diac surgery program, ECMO program, bone marrow
sive pump is placed into the filtration circuit that
transplant, or solid organ transplant program influ-
allows for control of the blood flow and the filtration
ences the type of population that has ARF. It is not
rate, without the limitations imposed by relying on the
unusual that many children with ARF have been ill for
arterial pressure to move the blood. Replacement fluid
a period of time before its diagnosis and are often mal-
is used, often at high rates, to improve clearance.
nourished, potentially effecting their treatment and
Water and small solutes are removed by filtration and
outcome [5–9].

60.1.6  Indications
 ontinuous Venovenous Hemofiltration with
Dialysis (CVVHD)
1. Patients who meet the criteria for hemodialysis or
This configuration adds dialysis to the CVVH system. peritoneal dialysis, are hemodynamically deranged
Higher clearance rates of small solutes are achieved at or have experienced abdominal trauma or surgery.
any given blood flow by this modification. The majority 2. Symptoms of fluid overload in a hemodynamically
of the required clearance needed can be achieved with deranged patient will not tolerate hemodialysis or
CVVH alone, so the addition of dialysis is rarely CAVH due to a low blood pressure.
needed in the authors’ opinion. Acute hyperkalemia 3. Patients with oliguric or anuric renal failure, fre-
or hyperammonemia is one important indication for quently require administration of intravascular volume
this configuration where additional clearance might expanders such as salt poor albumin, packed red
be needed immediately at the inception of CRRT. This blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and medications.
configuration can also be referred to as continuous 4. Patients with oliguric or anuric renal failure can be
venovenous hemodialysis with filtration. improved of their nutritional status by increasing fluid
administration of TPN, intralipids, or NG feedings.
5. Patients with oliguric or anuric renal failure also
have hepatic failure. CVVH may remove various
Slow Continuous Ultrafiltration (SCUF) toxins and small molecules. It has been well–docu-
mented that CVVH may improve overall survival of
This configuration is similar to CVVH except that these patients.
there is no use of hemofiltration replacement fluid. 6. Metabolic derangements where the production of
Fluid removal is by hydrostatic ultrafiltration. The fluid noxious metabolic products is continuous.
removal rate should not exceed 30% of the blood flow Hemodialysis is frequently insufficient in such cases
rate. This configuration is selected when the only goal because of its intermittent nature. For example,
is to remove excess body fluid. hyperammonemia and hyperkalemia
692 R.A. Orr et al.

7. In certain cases of drug intoxication, the filters used pharmacy, hypophosphatemia will occur, requiring
for CVVH have larger pores than conventional that additional phosphorus be added to TPN. There is
hemodialysis filters, thus drug removal may be also loss of glutamine, an amino acid needed for pro-
enhanced. The continuous nature of CVVH and the tein production, regulation of signaling, trafficking of
high rate of daily Ultrafiltration that is obtained make proteins, and sustaining immune function. It is essential
this therapy very useful. to provide glutamine supplementation to all critically
8. Removal of fluid in volume overloaded patients ill patients, and in particular, those who sustain losses
who are resistant to diuretic therapy or with ARF. through hemofiltration [10].
As mentioned earlier, the use of CRRT adds the
benefit of optimizing nutrition during critical illness,
since one has to be less concerned with restricting fluid
60.1.7  Contraindications intake. Fluid balance is now more easily controlled.

There are no absolute contraindications for the use of

CVVH except life–threatening bleeding, if one only
uses systemic heparinization in the management of 60.1.9  Vascular Access for CRRT
CVVH. The use of the citrate anticoagulation protocol
is considered in this situation. In addition, one should Vascular access for CRRT is decided upon by the size
not initiate renal replacement therapy while the patient of the patient, the decision for what blood flows are
is hypotensive. This can be ameliorated by ensuring needed, and the type of anticoagulation. Blood flow
adequate intravascular volume, a normal ionized serum rates (BFR) through the hemofilter need to be main-
calcium level, and the use of vasopressor agents. tained in the range of 3–5 mL/kg/min. This will trans-
late into blood flows of 10–70  mL/min in patients
<15  kg, 50–100  mL/min in patients 15–30  kg, and
100–250  mL/min in patients >30  kg. Dialysate or
60.1.8  Nutrition and CRRT replacement fluid becomes saturated with solute at the
prescribed rate of 2  L/h/1.73m2. Therefore, higher
Hemofiltration prescriptions will result in significant BFRs have little effect upon solute clearance, and
amino acid depletion across the hemofilter membrane. efforts to increase BFR increases the resistance in the
In the non–dialytic setting of ARF, the standard rec- circuit. Triple lumen access is helpful in patients where
ommendation for protein requirements is in the range sites are limited and in those were citrate anticoagula-
of 1.5 g/kg/day. In patients on hemofiltration, protein tion is being used, since a calcium infusion is needed
administration may be in the range of 3–4 g/kg/day to to prevent hypocalcemia as a result of the chelating
maintain positive nitrogen balance. Since dialysate properties from citrate. Table 60.1 gives the suggested
solutions are deficient in phosphorus unless added by catheter sizes and sites of insertion for patient weight.

Table 60.1  Suggested catheter type and size for hemofiltration

Patient size Catheter size (Product name) Insertion site
Neonate Single lumen 5.0 Fr (COOK) (need two catheters) Femoral artery or vein
Dual lumen 7.0 Fr (COOK, MEDCOMP)
Check flow introducer sheath 4.0 Fr (COOK) Internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein
3–6 kg Dual lumen 7.0 Fr (COOK, MEDCOMP)
Triple lumen 7.0 Fr (MEDCOMP, ARROW) Internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein
6–15 kg Dual lumen 7Fr, 8.0 Fr (KENDALL, ARROW, VAS–CATH) Internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein
15–30 kg Dual lumen 8.0Fr, 9.0 Fr (MEDCOMP, VAS–CATH) Internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein
>30 kg Dual lumen 10.0, 11.5 Fr, 12 Fr (ARROW, KENDALL, VAS–CATH) Internal jugular, subclavian, or femoral vein
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 693

60.1.10  Machinery for CRRT Table 60.2  Choices for pediatric hemofilters and their properties
Hemofilter Properties/surface Priming
(Manufacturer) area volume
Industry sponsored machinery (Aquarius, Edwards AMICON(Baxter) Polysulfone 15 mL
Lifesciences, Mississauga, ON; PRISMA, Gambro, Minifilter Plus 0.07 m2
Lakewood, CO; BM–25, Baxter, Deerfield, IL; Diapact™, RENAFLO II (Minntech) Polysulfone 28 mL
B. Braun Medical Inc, Bethlehem, PA; 2008 Hemodialysis HF 400 0.3 m2 53 mL
and CRRT machine, Fresenius, NA) offer a variety of HF 700 0.7 m2 83 mL
HF 1200 1.25 m2
BFRs, warming systems, accurate ultrafiltration control-
Miniflow/Hospal AN–69 3.5
lers, venous and arterial pressure monitor, and blood leak
Miniflow 10 0.04 m2 44 mL
detectors. These systems allow for local prescriptions of Multiflow 60 0.6 m2
hemofiltration including CVVH and CVVHD. PAN (Asahi) Polyacrylonitrile 33 mL
One could use adaptive machinery that includes a 0.3 0.3 m2 63 mL
blood pump segment with an air leak detector. 0.6 0.6 m2 70 mL
Unfortunately, adaptive machinery does not include the 1.0 1.0 m2
ability to regulate ultrafiltration and thermic controls, PRISMA (Gambro) AN–69 50 mL
M10 0.04 84
and increases nursing time and overall expense of per-
M60 0.6
forming CRRT.

60.1.12  Solutions
60.1.11  Membranes
A variety of solutions can be used for CRRT. Some
The choice of a hemofilter membrane for CRRT programs use saline or Ringers Lactate as an inexpensive
depends on the machine, the need for convective or form of replacement fluid while others use commer-
diffusive clearance, and the size of the patient. The cially available solutions for dialysis or pharmacy–made
Baxter, Braun, and the Fresenius machines allow for solutions. The decision to use replacement fluid is
individual choice of the hemofilter membrane, while based on the overall solute and ultrafiltration clearance
the PRISMA uses a single membrane (AN–69) that requirements of the patient as well as the local stan-
has been found to improve survival rate in adult ARF dard of care. The generally accepted rate of replace-
[11]. This membrane has shown to be very biocompat- ment and dialysate solutions for CRRT is 2 L/1.73 m2/h,
ible and can be used for either convective or diffusive though adequate metabolic control, and clearance can
clearance. The AN–69 hemofilter might be a better be achieved with lower rates. There are data to suggest
choice than polysulfone membranes for patients with that high clearance rates have a positive impact on
sepsis. However, one problem that occurs with the mortality in adults [13]. Studies have shown that both
AN–69 membrane is a bradykinin reaction when it lactate and bicarbonate–based solutions result in the
interacts with acidotic plasma [12]. This problem can same degree of clearance, but plasma lactate levels can
be avoided by using a priming solution of PLASMA– be higher in patients on lactate–based solutions. This,
LYTE A (pH 7.4) with the addition of 20  mEq/L obviously, raises the question in a critically ill patient
Sodium Bicarbonate and by ensuring a normal serum as to whether the lactate is from the solution or from
ionized calcium level before placing the patient on the end organ malperfusion. In addition, patients with
circuit. Table  60.2 gives a summary of the available hepatic failure may not be able to metabolize lactate
pediatric hemofilters and their properties. For veno- into CO2 and hence, bicarbonate, exacerbating the lac-
venous hemofiltration, a larger circuit volume may be tic acidosis. Therefore, many programs have transi-
required depending on the volume of the blood lines. tioned to using bicarbonate–based solutions. The first
For the nonadapted systems (PRSIMA), the filter is the FDA approved bicarbonate–based solution for CRRT
Multiflow 60 and the circuit volume is fixed at 90 mL. became available in 2000 (Normocarb®, Dialysis
The Multiflow 10 has a circuit volume of 45 mL. Solution Incorporated, Richmond Hills, ON, Canada).
694 R.A. Orr et al.

This permitted programs to maintain a bicarbonate–based (ACD–A solution) but before the hemofilter, to bind
dialysis solution with less expense and risk of phar- the calcium that is in the hemofiltration circuit. When
macy error. Normocarb® and Accusol 30 2K 0Ca are calcium is bound with citrate, the blood loses its ability
also calcium–free, allowing the use of citrate antico- to coagulate and keeps the circuit patent. The result is
agulation instead of heparin. A list of commercially an ionized calcium of 0.35–0.45 mmol/L within the cir-
available solutions used for CRRT is given in cuit. In order to prevent citrate toxicity in the patient,
Table 60.3. These solutions can be used in a diffusive calcium then is infused independent of the circuit and
or a convective mode. back to the patient to maintain a physiologic ionized
calcium level of 1.1–1.3 mmol/L. The overall result is
hemofiltration system anticoagulation without patient
60.1.13  Anticoagulation anticoagulation. Citrate anticoagulation requires a cal-
cium–free dialysis bath to prevent any potential binding
of calcium and any potential risk of coagulation in the
Anticoagulation is needed to maintain the patency of
hemofiltration system. Two primary side effects with the
an extracorporeal circuit. Before making the decision
use of citrate are metabolic alkalosis and “citrate loc.”
to provide systemic anticoagulation for CRRT, one
Since citrate is metabolized through the Krebs cycle,
should determine whether the patient needs it. Many
1 mmol of citrate produces 3 mmols serum bicarbonate
patients with multisystem organ dysfunction have an
from the production of CO2 from cellular respiration.
underlying disease that results in systemic anticoagu-
This can be remedied by reducing the amount of bicar-
lation (e.g., septic shock with DIC).
bonate in the replacement fluid and adding the differ-
One should consider not using anticoagulation if a
ence with normal saline. The pH of normal saline is
patient has any one of the following:
5–5.4 and this offsets the development of metabolic
a . PT–INR more than 2.5, APTT more than 60 s alkalosis. “Citrate loc” is when citrate delivery exceeds
b. Platelet count less than 60,000 citrate clearance. Citrate is metabolized and cleared in
c. Active bleeding the liver and the hemofilter membrane. “Citrate loc” is
d. Patient is in the first 24 h postoperative seen clinically as rising total serum calcium and drop-
ping serum ionized calcium. This gap is due to citrate
In these patients, vascular access with a large catheter
being bound to the calcium. This can be remedied by
and using a high blood flow rate through the circuit
holding the citrate dose for a period of time (usually
could be sufficient to maintain hemofiltration without
30 min) and then resuming at a lower infusion rate.
systemic anticoagulation.
Traditionally, heparin has been the mainstay of anti-
coagulation for CRRT. The use of heparin loading
between 10 and 30  units/kg as a bolus, and then 60.1.14  Writing the Prescription for CRRT
10–20 units/kg/h to maintain an ACT of 180–240 s or a
PTT of 60–80 s is usually adequate for most patients.  Physician Worksheet (Table 60.4)
Bleeding is the obvious risk of systemic heparinization.
Citrate anticoagulation can be used as an alternative The intensivist should be the physician in charge of
to heparinization [14]. Citrate is infused post–patient CRRT because it is a dynamic process. Nevertheless, in

Table 60.3  Commercially available solutions for CRRT

Electrolytes mEq/L Ringer’s lactate 1.5% PD fluid Normocarb Prismasate Accusol Nxstage
Na 130 132 140 140 140 140
K 4 0 0 0, 2 or 4 0, 2 or 4 0, 2 or 4
Cl 109 96–102 105 108–120.5 109.5–116.3 109–113
HCO3 0 0 35 22 or 32 30 or 35 35
Lactate 28 40 0 3 0 0
Ca 3 3.5 0 0, 2.5 or 3.5 2.8 or3.5 3.0
Mg 0 0.5–1.5 1.5 1.0 or 1.5 1 or 1.5 1.0
Dextrose g/L 0 15 0 0 or 0.11 0 or 0.11 0.1
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 695

Table 60.4  CRRT calculation sheet

1. Determine the patient’s body surface area (BSA) using a nomogram or calculate using the Mosteller formula:
BSA (m2) = ([Height (cm) × Weight (kg)]/3600)1/2
Answer: _____ m2
2. Calculate patient insensible fluid losses.
For patients who are breathing humidified gas or who are being mechanically ventilated:
Insensible loss per hour (mL) = (300 mL/m2/24 h × BSA)/24 h
For patients who are breathing room air:
Insensible loss per hour (mL) = (400 mL/m2/24 h × BSA)/24 h
Answer: _____ mL/h
3. Calculate blood flow rate through hemofilter (start at 3–5 mL/kg/min)
Blood flow rate (mL/min) = Patient weight (kg) × __ mL/kg/min
Answer: ____ mL/min (minimum 30 mL/min)
4. Calculate counter current flow dialysate rate – only if dialysis is used
Counter current flow dialysate rate (mL/h) = 2000 mL/1.73 m2/h
Counter current flow dialysate rate (mL/h) = (2000 mL × BSA)/1.73 m2
Answer: ____ mL/h counter current dialysate
5. Calculate filter replacement fluid
Filter replacement fluid rate (mL/h) = 2000 mL/1.73 m2/h
Filter replacement fluid rate (mL/h) = (2000 mL × BSA)/1.73 m2
Answer: _____ mL/h (minimum 100 mL/h) filter replacement fluid
6. Calculation of electrolyte losses
• Calculate clearance in liters/24 h using filter replacement.
Clearance (L/24 h) = [filter replacement fluid (mL/h) × 24 h]/1000 mL/L
Answer: _____ Liters clearance/24 h
• Potassium loss (mEq)
Potassium loss (mEq) = liters clearance/24 h × [Serum K+ (mEq/L) – replacement fluid K+ concentration (mEq/L)]
Answer: ____ mEq potassium loss/24 h
• Phosphorus loss (mmol)
There is no accurate formula for calculating 24–h phosphate losses through CRRT. However, when one assumes a clearance of
2 L/1.73 m2/h, an acceptable guideline for initiation of sodium phosphate replacement would be 1 mmol/kg/day.
Answer: ____ mmol phosphorus loss/24 h
• The daily losses for potassium (mEq) and phosphorus (mol) must be added to the 24 h maintenance prescription for
these two elements (in either parenteral nutrition or maintenance fluids) to avoid hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia.
7. CRRT anticoagulation
• For CRRT using heparin anticoagulation
If ACT is <165 s, give heparin IV bolus (15–20 Units/kg)
Answer: ____ Units heparin load
Begin heparin continuous infusion 5–15 Units/kg/h to maintain ACT range 165–215 s
Answer: ____ Units/h
• For CRRT using citrate anticoagulation
ACD–A infusion rate (mL/h) = blood flow rate through hemofilter × 1.5
Answer: ____ mL/h ACD–A (Initial rate)
Calcium chloride infusion (10 mg/mL in 0.9% NaCl) = ACD–A rate × 0.3
Answer: ____ mL/h (Initial rate)
Important: Use the ACD–A and Calcium Chloride titration scales on the order sheet to guide your therapy during the course of
CRRT when using citrate anticoagulation.

many programs CRRT is ensured by a multidisciplinary venous pressures. The physician in charge of CRRT must
team including intensivists and nephrologists. CRRT perform a series of calculations before writing the pre-
can potentially affect all organ systems, so it is impor- scription and implementing CRRT. These calculations are
tant to provide the patient with continuous monitoring. found in Table 60.4 and will oblige the physician to care-
Ideally, this should include continuous monitoring fully manage the patient’s fluid balance, electrolytes,
of at least ECG, pulse oximetry, arterial, and central and nutrition.
696 R.A. Orr et al.  C
 RRT Physician Order Sets 60.2  P
 eritoneal Dialysis in Cardiac
(Fig. 60.4 and 60.5) Disease
Order sets for both heparin and citrate anticoagulation are
found in Fig. 60.4 and 60.5. Again, these should not be 60.2.1  Background
written until all of the calculations from the physician’s
worksheet have been completed. Net hourly balance Peritoneal dialysis has been a main stay of renal
reflects the difference between the total hourly fluid intake replacement therapy for infants and children with renal
(all IV fluids, additional volume expanders and transfu- failure for over 50 years. While hemofiltration and
sions, calculated insensible loss, and filter replacement hemodialysis have largely supplanted peritoneal dial-
fluid), and total hourly fluid output (ultrafiltration, drains ysis for the management of ARF and the treatment
(pleural, mediastinal, gastric, peritoneal, CSF), and urine) fluid overload, it continues to play an important role
from the perspective of the patient and not the circuit! and has certain advantages to therapies which require
This is accomplished through strict adherence to the vascular access.
CRRT flow sheet (Fig. 60.6). In the authors’ experience,
net hourly balance should be kept at zero for at least the
first 2 h as the patient is adjusting to CRRT. Ideally, orders
should be rewritten every 8  h for the first 24  h as the 60.2.2  Advantages
patient is adjusting to fluid and electrolyte shifts.
Peritoneal dialysis has distinct advantages over other
renal replacement therapies. Peritoneal dialysis cathe-  CRRT Flowsheet ters are relatively easy to insert and can be placed in
virtually any sized child. It is a widely available ther-
The CRRT flowsheet (Fig. 60.6) is a necessary part of apy that is inexpensive and does not require specially
successful renal replacement therapy and becomes a trained personal or sophisticated dialysis equipment.
part of the patient record. The flow sheet is designed to Unlike other therapies, peritoneal dialysis does not
promote accurate hourly fluid and electrolyte balance require anticoagulation or anticoagulation monitoring.
through a simple and logical linear process that is clearly Peritoneal dialysis can be used as both a continuous
defined for the caregiver and operator of the circuit. and intermittent therapy, large amounts of volume can
CRRT flow sheets are renewed every 24 h. Fluid bal- be removed without inducing hemodynamic instability
ance calculations for the previous 24 h can also be trans- and it can provide superior clearance to intermittent
ferred to the patient’s ICU flow sheet for completeness. hemodialysis. Additives such as antibiotics, insulin,
and potassium can also be administered in the perito-
neal fluid and therapeutic blood levels can be obtained.  Nursing Considerations Peritoneal dialysis also provides nutrition to the
patients as the dextrose in the dialysate solution is
A team approach is germane to the success of a CRRT absorbed across the peritoneum.
program. Caregivers involved in the team should receive
special training in the pathophysiology of renal failure,
fluid and electrolyte balance, extracorporeal circuits, anti-
coagulation, aseptic technique and infection control, 60.2.3  Disadvantages
modes of CRRT and their indications, and setting up/
troubleshooting the circuit. It is imperative that physi- The primary disadvantage of peritoneal dialysis is its
cians, nurses, and technicians who are involved in the lesser efficiency than vascular therapies and unpredict-
CRRT team be educated together through a training mod- ability of the amount of clearance and fluid removal.
ule that includes company product in–services, patient The volume of fluid that can be removed is not compa-
scenarios, and setting up the equipment for CRRT. The rable to that of hemodialysis or hemofiltration and pre-
authors suggest the CRRT team successfully complete cise quantity of fluid removal cannot be achieved.
the educational module through testing and complete Another disadvantage is that commercial peritoneal
competency checks on a regular basis to stay current. dialysate solutions are lactate based. Peritoneal dialysis
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 697

Fig. 60.4  Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) orders with heparin anticoagulation
698 R.A. Orr et al.

Fig. 60.5  (a) and (b) CRRT orders with citrate anticoagulation

60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 699

Fig. 60.5­  (continued)

Fig. 60.6  CRRT nursing flow sheet. This flow sheet may be used for either CRRT with heparin or citrate anticoagulation
R.A. Orr et al.
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 701

removes bicarbonate from the patient and exchanges it for over a concentration gradient which results in osmotic
lactate. Peritoneal dialysis can worsen lactic acidosis ultrafiltration. Unlike hemofiltration, osmotic ultrafil-
in the critically ill patient who cannot convert lactate trate is slightly hypotonic in relationship to the plasma and
to CO2 and bicarbonate. hypernatremia can develop with rapid fluid removal.

60.2.5  Indications
60.2.4  Principles of Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is, a useful modality in infants fol-
Peritoneal dialysis is performed via a single lumen
lowing surgical repair of congenital heart disease. A
catheter that is placed in the peritoneal membrane
peritoneal dialysis catheter is placed at the time of sur-
(Fig.  60.7). A dialysate solution is then instilled into
gery and peritoneal dialysis is instituted if oliguria,
the peritoneum. Solute and fluid removal primarily
fluid overload, or electrolyte disorders develop.
occurs via diffusion. The peritoneum is a semiperme-
Dialysis can be initiated immediately postoperative, if
able membrane to both large and small molecules.
needed. Peritoneal dialysis is also a good choice for
Uremic toxins, potassium, phosphorous, and proteins
cardiac patients where:
move across the peritoneal membrane over a concen-
tration gradient into the peritoneal fluids. The greater a . CRRT is not available
the volume infused into the peritoneum and the more b. Vascular access is limited
frequent the fluid is exchanged the greater the clear- c. Anticoagulation is contraindicated
ance. Dialysate solutions contain varying degree of d. Prolonged dialysis may be required due to acute
dextrose which makes it hyperosmolar in relationship tubular necrosis or diuretic resistant edema due to
to the plasma. Water diffuses across the peritoneum severe heart failure

Fig. 60.7  Manual peritoneal dialysis using a Y set

702 R.A. Orr et al.

60.2.6  Contraindications continuous cycled peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). Some

cyclers can be used in infants because they can deliver
a dwell volume as low as 60 mL.
The primary contraindication to peritoneal dialysis is
recent abdominal surgery, abdominal drains, or
abdominal wall defects. Peritoneal dialysis is also con-
traindicated if there is a communication between the 60.2.9  Dialysis Prescription
abdominal cavity and the thorax. Peritoneal dialysis will
not be successful if there are extensive abdominal adhe-
There are various components for writing a peritoneal
sions or peritoneal membrane failure. Peritoneal dialysis
dialysis prescription: (a) dialysate +/− additives, (b)
can be instituted safely within 2 weeks following most
dialysate dwell volume, (c) dwell time and number of
major abdominal surgeries. Gastrostomy tubes, ileosto-
mies, colostomies, and vesicostomies are not contraindi-
cations to peritoneal dialysis. A ventriculo–peritoneal
shunt is a relative contraindication to peritoneal dialysis.

60.2.10  Dialysate

60.2.7  Access Dialysate solutions have the same electrolyte composi-

tion (Table 60.5), but vary in the dextrose concentra-
Peritoneal dialysis catheters come in three sizes. An tion. The dialysate type is referred to by the dextrose
infant catheter is used in patients <3  kg, a pediatric concentration as 1.5, 2.5, or 4.25%. These concentra-
catheter in children up to 5 years of age, and an adult tions may slightly vary within countries. The standard
catheter in children >5 years of age. Pediatric and adult dialysate used to initiate acute peritoneal dialysis is
catheters have the same internal diameter but differ in 1.5%. Dialysate concentrations can be increased if
the length of the catheter. fluid removal is not adequate with a 1.5% dialysate.
Dialysis catheters can be cuffed or uncuffed, straight When initiating acute peritoneal dialysis 200 units/l
or coiled. An uncuffed acute peritoneal dialysis should of heparin is usually added to the dialysate to prevent
not be placed for more than 72 h. A Tenckhoff single– the development of fibrin. Heparin does not result
cuffed acute dialysis catheter is most often used in in systemic anticoagulation as it does not cross the
children. If chronic dialysis is a possibility, a double– peritoneum. If hypokalemia develops, 2–4  mEq/L of
cuffed catheter should be placed. potassium chloride can be added to the dialysate.

60.2.8  Apparatuses for Dialysis 60.2.11  Dwell Volume

Acute peritoneal dialysis is easy to initiate and can be Acute peritoneal dialysis is usually initiated at a low
done manually. All that is needed is a “Y set” that con- dwell volume of 10 mL/kg. A low volume is used to
nects to the peritoneal dialysis tubing (Fig. 60.7). One prevent leakage of fluid around the catheter from
end of the Y connects to the dialysate solution and the
other end to a drain bag. Manual peritoneal dialysis
can be initiated with this set up. For infants, a special Table 60.5  Peritoneal dialysis solution composition
manual dialysate set called “Dialy–Nate®” is available. Dextrose 1.5, 2.5, and 4.25%
This is a closed system with a burretrol to administer Sodium 132 mEq/L
small volumes of dialysis and multiple connectors for Chloride 98 mEq/L
dialysate bags. Many centers will use an automated Calcium 3.5 mEq/L
peritoneal dialysis machine called a “cycler” for acute Magnesium 0.5 mEq/L
peritoneal dialysis in children. This machine performs Lactate 40 mEq/L
60  Renal Failure and Replacement Therapy 703

increased intraperitoneal pressure. The dwell volume is Experience dialysis personal should be consulted if
then progressively increased to as much as 40–50 mL/kg. any complications arise.
A dwell volume of 30–40 mL/kg can safely be reached
within 10–14 days of catheter insertion.

60.3  Conclusion
60.2.12  Dwell Time
ARF continues to be a significant factor contributing to
the morbidity and mortality of critically ill infants and
A standard dwell time for acute peritoneal dialysis is children. Although there is no true consensus regard-
every hour. If dialysis is initiated within 24 h of cath- ing an absolute definition for ARF, it is generally
eter insertion, the dwell time can be decreased to accepted that ARF is characterized by an abrupt decline
20–30 min to prevent leakage from around the cathe- in glomerular filtration rate and an inability of the kid-
ter. More rapid dwell times are also useful for aggres- neys to appropriately regulate fluid, electrolytes, and
sive fluid removal or in the case of hyperkalemia. acid–base homeostasis. Unfortunately, multicenter
Continuous dialysis is used for optimal fluid removal. prospective outcome studies for critically ill children
Intermittent dialysis with hourly exchanges for 8–10 h/ with ARF are largely deficient. The pediatric ARF out-
day is usually sufficient when a dwell volume of come literature has been beset with retrospective data
40–50 mL/kg is achieved. from single center, anecdotal experiences, without
stringent stratification of various CRRT modalities.
Because of these issues, the Prospective Pediatric
CRRT Registry Group has been established to accumu-
60.2.13  Complications
late data from numerous pediatric centers across the
United States to evaluate the impact of various CRRT
There are a variety of complications that can occur prescriptions/modalities on circuit life and function,
with acute peritoneal dialysis. The most common com- and to assess the effect of clinical variables on overall
plications of acute peritoneal dialysis are a dialysate patient outcome [15]. The reader is encouraged to
leaking around the catheter exit site and infections. review the current literature on the topic ARF in infants
A dialysate leak can be best avoided by: and children and CRRT [16, 17].
a. Waiting 1 or 2 days after catheter placement to initiate
b. Using a cuffed dialysis catheter References
c. Using a low dwell volume of 10 mL/kg with rapid
exchanges. 1. Wing AJ, Broyer M, Brunner FP. Combined report on regular
dialysis and transplantation in Europe, XIII, 1982. Proc Eur
Peritoneal dialysis should be temporarily interrupted Dial Transplant Assoc. 1983;20:55–56.
and the dwell volume decreased if a dialysate leak 2. Gailiunas P, Chawala R, Lazarus JM, Cohn L, Sanders J,
develops. Fibrin glue can be placed to the exit site. Merrill JP. Acute renal failure following cardiac operations.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1980;79:241–243.
Peritonitis and a peritoneal catheter exit site infec-
3. Lange HW, Aeppli DM, Brown DC, et  al. Survival of
tion are the other common complications. The diag- patients with acute renal failure requiring dialysis after
nostic criteria for peritonitis are a cloudy dialysate open–heart surgery: early prognostic indicators. Am Heart J.
with a white blood cell count >100/mL and >50% 1 9 8 7 ; 1 1 3 :
neutrophils. Peritonitis is not a reason to discontinue
4. Kramer P, Wigger W, Rieger J, et al. Arteriovenous haemo-
dialysis and can be treated by adding antibiotics to filtration: a new and simple method for treatment of over–
the dialysate. hydrated patients resistant to diuretics. Klin Wochenschr.
Problems with filling and draining can occur with 1977;55:1121–1122.
5. Lowrie L. Renal replacement therapies in pediatric multior-
dialysis. This can be either due to poor positioning of
gan dysfunction syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol. 2000;14:6–12.
the catheter, fibrin obstruction of the catheter, consti-
pation, or omentum wrapped around the catheter.
704 R.A. Orr et al.

6. Bunchman T, McBryde K, Mottes T, et  al. Pediatric acute 12. Brophy PD, Mottes TA, Kudelka TL, et  al. AN–69 mem-
renal failure: outcome by modality and disease. Pediatr brane reactions are pH–dependent and preventable. Am J
Nephrol. 2001;16:1067–1071. Kidney Dis. 2001;38:173–178.
7. Goldstein S, Currier H, Graf J, et  al. Outcome in children 13. Ronco C, Brendolan A, Lonnemann G, et al. A pilot study of
receiving continuous venovenous hemofiltration. Pediatrics. coupled plasma filtration and absorption in septic shock.
2001;107:1309–1312. Crit Care Med. 2002;30:1250–1255.
8. Wong W, McCall E, Anderson B, et al. Acute renal failure in 14. Mehta RL, McDonald BR, Aguilar MM, et al. Regional cit-
the pediatric intensive care unit. N Z Med J. 1996;109:450–461. rate anticoagulation for continuous arteriovenous hemodi-
9. Mogal NE, Brocklebank JT, Meadow SR. A review of acute alysis in critically ill patients. Kidney Int. 1990;38:
renal failure in children: incidence, etiology and outcome. 976–981.
Clin Nephrol. 1998;49:91–95. 15. Goldstein SL, Somers MJG, Brophy PD, et  al. The
10. Payne–Jams JJ, Grimble GK. Present status of glutamine. Prospective Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement
Curr Opin Gastroenter. 1995;11:161–167. Therapy (ppCRRT) Registry: design, development and data
11. Hakim RM, Wingard RL, Parker RA. Effect of the dialysis assessed. Int J Artif Organs. 2004;27:9–14.
membrane in the treatment of patients with acute renal failure. 16. Bunchman TE, Maxvold NJ, Kershaw DB, et al. Continuous
N Engl J Med. 1994;331:1338–1342. venovenous hemodiafiltration in infants and children. Am J
Kidney Dis. 1995;25:17–21.
Chapter 61
Neurogical Complications: Intracranial Bleeding,
Stroke and Seizures

Robyn A. Filipink and Michael J. Painter

Within the first 12 months of life, approximately one- and malformations. Infants with CHD have a higher
third to one-half of the 30,000–40,000 infants born in incidence of cranial ultrasound abnormalities [3].
the United States each year with congenital heart dis- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a common
ease (CHD) will undergo cardiac surgery [1, 2]. This heart defect, and a retrospective investigation of this
large infant group is an accessible population for population found that 29% had minor or major CNS
detailed assessment of medical and surgical techniques anomalies [4]. These included microcephaly, imma-
as well as outcome measurements. Over 50 years ago, ture cortical mantle formations, holoprosencephaly,
before the advent of cardiopulmonary bypass, which and agenesis of the corpus callosum [4]. Other com-
allowed for open heart surgery, survival was the goal mon CHD, carry neurologic abnormalities in varying
not often realized for these patients. Each decade has ranges: Tetralogy of Fallot 5–10%, truncus arterio-
heralded surgical and medical advances that have sus 4–10%, and coarctation of the aorta 4–9% [4]. The
decreased mortality. Intraoperative strategies now favor combination of coarctation of the aorta and ventricular
low-flow bypass over deep hypothermic circulatory septal defect has a 70% incidence of brain lesions
arrest, and acid–base management prefers the acidotic among full-term infants [3]. These CNS anomalies
pH-stat approach to the alkalotic alpha-stat strategy. In may cause seizures and abnormal cerebral blood flow
recent years, there has been a shift in emphasis to neu- leading to intracranial hemorrhage and vaso-occlusive
rological morbidity. As neurological outcomes have insults. The specific cardiac defect may also predispose
become more important, cardiac intensive care unit the patient to hemodynamic shock, hypoxemia, and
(CICU) care is increasingly including the neurologist to acidosis in the newborn period. If the cardiac disease is
help detect, manage, and offer prognosis for neurological serious, the patient may suffer cardiac arrest, further
complications. A full appreciation of the unique contributing to hypoxic-ischemic injury.
vulnerability of the cerebral vasculature and brain anat- The perioperative time continues to carry risk of cardiac
omy, along with understanding the major neurological and systemic collapse. Chronic hypoxia has become
complications of CHD, will guide comprehensive care less of a concern as early cardiac repair decreases this
for this special pediatric population. exposure. However, the immature cerebral vasculature
A useful division to understand risk and neurologi- and parenchyma are vulnerable to injury from surgical
cal complications is the partition of the medical course intervention. Fragile vasculature has difficulty in
into the preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative compensating for the metabolic and circulatory changes
periods. Before entering the operating room, the CHD which occur during cardiac bypass. Low or absent
patient has accumulated risk starting from the prenatal cerebral blood flow during bypass leads to global
period. Their genetic predisposition to central nervous hypoperfusion, which is likely the main cause of
system (CNS) problems may include brain dysgenesis hypoxic-ischemic and reperfusion injury. Risk is also
present during the core cooling and rewarming phases
of deep hypothermic cardiac surgery. Complications
R.A. Filipink (*)
include focal ischemia from embolic and thrombotic
Neurology, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC,
University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA insults and hemorrhage from bypass-induced coagula-
e-mail: tion disturbances.

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 705
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_61, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
706 R.A. Filipink and M. J. Painter

In the postoperative period, the CHD patient faces Symptoms of hemorrhage are wide ranging, depending
cardiopulmonary dysfunction, hemodynamic instability, on the mental status of the cardiac patient as sedation
and continued cerebral vaso-dysregulation. Effects from and paralytics needed for stabilization can mask
surgery may become apparent as they were masked by neurological deficits. Physical signs include weakness,
paralytics and sedation. Cerebral insults occurring in pupillary changes with increased intracranial pres-
the pre- and perioperative periods may lead to seizures sure, acute vital sign changes, and clinical seizures. In
during the recovery time. Hemorrhage and vaso-occlusive contrast, some hemorrhages can remain clinically
insults continue to be complications. silent. An MRI study comparing pre- and postopera-
The major neurological sequelae present throughout the tive asymptomatic intracranial hemorrhages in full
three important risk time periods are stroke, hemorrhage, term CHD neonates revealed that 43% had extension
and seizure. It is important to recognize these acute neuro- of hemorrhage, 26% had decreased hemorrhage, and
logical issues and, when possible, exercise primary and sec- 30% remained unchanged [10]. Sites of hemorrhage
ondary prevention to avoid long-term complications. This were the choroid plexus, subdural space, intraparen-
chapter reviews these three neurological manifestations of chymal, and occipital horn [10].
neurological injury facing pediatric cardiac patients and dis- Caregivers should have a low threshold to evaluate
cusses prevalence, physical signs and symptoms, and work- for intracranial hemorrhage. The most widely used
up strategies and treatment (see Figures 61.1-61.3). modality is cranial ultrasound (US). Portability with
availability at the bedside makes this modality most use-
ful in patients who are unstable and unable to be moved
from the intensive care unit. Computerized tomography
61.1  Hemorrhage (CT) is the next technique employed for patients who
may be transported, as it gives better spatial resolution
The intrinsic circulatory disturbances associated with and requires short scanning time. MRI is the best modal-
congenital cardiac disease can predispose the brain to ity for dating hemorrhage and differentiating primary
hemorrhage. This injury can occur anytime during the hemorrhage from transformed hemorrhagic infarct.
continuum of care, but age is a major risk factor. Sites of Limitations on MRI include contraindication for ferro-
hemorrhage vary as full-term infants are more likely to magnetic devices (e.g., pacemakers and valves) and
have intraparenchymal and subdural hemorrhage, while patient transport issues [11]. Other criteria for perform-
premature neonates more commonly have intraventricu- ing preoperative cranial US include birth weight less
lar, intracerebellar, and subarachnoid hemorrhages [5]. than 1500  g, hemodynamic compromise sufficient to
The immature germinal matrix is especially predisposed cause metabolic acidosis, coagulation disturbance, and
to injury because of its structural and physiologic vul- certain cardiac lesions such as hypoplastic left-heart
nerability. In the general newborn population, 90% of syndrome and coarctation of the aorta [1].
intraventricular and periventricular hemorrhage occurs Complications from hemorrhage include seizure, as
during the first 36 h of life [5]. CHD neonates are sus- blood itself represents an irritant, stroke involving
ceptible to hemodynamic instability, and up to 24% may stasis of blood flow, and long-term neurological dis-
develop hemorrhage [6]. Surgery compounds risk as ability. Recently, the postmortem neuropathology of
patients are exposed to changes in blood pressure, 405 pediatric cardiac patients who underwent trans-
cerebral blood flow, and anticoagulation. One-third of plantation revealed extraparencymal hemorrhage in
neonates who underwent surgery with varying cardiac 31% with obstructive cardiac lesions and 16% of the
disease had new parenchymal hemorrhage diagnosed total population with varied cardiac defects [12].
by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [7]. Management of hemorrhage employs serial imag-
Additional risk factors include delivery complications, ing to survey extension. In the acute setting, transfu-
maternal coagulopathy, evolution of ischemic lesions, sion and fresh frozen plasma may be used, if not
and infection. Identifying specific cardiac patients who contraindicated by cardiac vulnerability. Some patients
carry a greater risk for hemorrhage is an important tool. may be on aspirin therapy, which increases the risk of
These populations are HLHS [8] and coarctation of the bleeding and must be taken into account. The coagu-
aorta, the latter of which has an associated increase in lable state of the patient can be precarious when
intracranial aneurysms and hypertension [5, 9]. balancing cardiac disease and risk of bleeding with
61  Neurogical Complications: Intracranial Bleeding, Stroke and Seizures 707

possible serious neurological sequelae. An important Embolic sources require cardiac anatomy that allows
issue that arises once a patient is found to have an for passage into the cerebral circulation. Endogenous
intraventricular–periventricular hemorrhage preopera- sources include intracardiac and systemic emboli, such
tively is the timing of surgery. The main concern is to as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Emboli
avoid extension of injury. Small subependymal hemor- may be induced by stasis, altered vascular pressure,
rhages should not delay surgery [1]. Intraventricular or surface interactions and circulation induced by cardio-
intraparenchymal hemorrhages may call for waiting at pulmonary bypass, deep hypothermic circulatory arrest,
least a week before cardiopulmonary bypass can be and immobilization. Septic emboli can occur in up to
performed, however [11]. 50% of patients with infective endocarditis [21–23] and
show a predilection for the middle cerebral artery terri-
tory [24]. Exogenous emboli are related to surgery and
include synthetic debris, air, platelet, and fat. Thrombotic
61.2  Stroke insults can involve both the arterial and venous systems
and are related to possible systemic inflammatory vas-
Congenital heart disease is the leading known risk factor cular changes and increased central venous syndrome,
for childhood stroke. Estimates of the incidence of respectively [1]. The role of prosthetic materials in
stroke per 100,000 children range from 2.5 [13] to 13 altering blood flow pathways is another contributor to
[14], including both ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. embolus and thrombosis formation. Hypercoagulable
From 25 to 30% are associated with CHD [13, 15, 16]. states secondary to cardiac disease [25–27] and addi-
Realizing the high incidence of stroke allows for risk tional coagulation pathway abnormalities contribute to
stratification based on age, specific cardiac disease, stroke. Lutterman et  al highlighted the association
presence of thrombotic or embolic sources, inherent or between Moyamoya syndrome, a chronic cerebrovas-
acquired hypercoagulable states, and vascular anatomy. cular disease of progressive stenosis and eventual
An ischemic event specific to neonates is periven- occlusion of the internal carotid arteries, and congenital
tricular leukomalacia (PVL). This manifests as necrosis heart disease [28]. Additional risks for stroke include
in the white matter surrounding the lateral ventricles venous thrombosis [29], intracranial aneurysms, and
and involves injury to immature oligodendrocytes. large vessel dissection [30].
Vascular immaturity combined with hemodynamic The signs and symptoms of stroke are similar to
instability from cardiac defects and surgery plays an those of hemorrhage. Focal signs are related to the
important role. In general, preterm infants are at greater anatomy in the infarct area and can include motor and
risk for PVL. The association between cerebral blood sensory deficits, alterations in consciousness, acute
flow and the occurrence of PVL was examined preop- changes in vital signs, language disturbance, or visual
eratively in 25 term infants with a variety of congenital field defects. Seizures can also be a cardinal sign of
heart defects. Decreased baseline cerebral blood flow cerebral dysfunction. Age is a factor that can help guide
was associated with PVL, which was present in 28% of the evaluation of a patient with suspected stroke. Infants
this cohort [2]. In a study of full-term CHD infants, MRI often present with focal seizures [15, 31, 32], whereas
uncovered 16% with PVL before surgery and 48% with older children more readily show language, motor, and
new PVL in the postoperative period [7]. Another recent visual deficits. As mentioned earlier, physical signs can
study found PVL through MRI in more than 50% of easily be disguised by medication and recovery state.
neonates after cardiac surgery [17]. These studies under- Brain imaging reveals the presence of infarct, areas
score the susceptible time periods for CHD patients. and extent of involvement, and hemorrhagic compo-
HLHS patients are a particularly vulnerable group. An nents. Cranial US is limited by low spatial resolution
association of up to 25% has been reported between and the inability to detect acute and evolving ischemic
HLHS patients and the occurrence of PVL [8]. Among areas, but may be the only modality available for an
those who undergo Fontan operations, there is a 2.6 [18] patient in critical condition. CT detects the presence of
to 8.8% [19] prevalence of stroke, and the risk may extend blood, but subtle findings in acute stroke such as loss of
up to 15 years [20] Additionally, postmortem evaluation gray-white matter differentiation may not be detected
after cardiac transplantation revealed that infarct was until 6 h after infarction has occurred [33]. MRI using
the primary CNS pathology in HLHS patients [12]. diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is a superior in
708 R.A. Filipink and M. J. Painter

detecting cerebral ischemia [34] within 30 min from onset These include xenon-enhanced CT, CT perfusion, MR
[33]. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) visualizes perfusion, and diffusion imaging. Each has its own advan-
intra and extracranial vasculature to detect occlusion, tages and disadvantages, but tolerability of scanning time
dissection, and vascular anomalies. Alternatively, is the main limiting factor for patients in the CICU.
computed tomography angiography (CTA) and con- Stroke complications include seizure, progression to
ventional angiography may give better visualization of hemorrhage, and apparent and subtle long-term neuro-
vascular anatomy, but have the added risk of radiation logical deficits. The interplay between these major
exposure. Conventional angiography allows for vascu- complications is exemplified by the relationship of some
lar intervention, but is also limited by the stability of antiepileptic medications and anticoagulants used to
the patient to undergo anesthesia and the procedure. prevent primary or further strokes. For example, warfarin’s
Newer techniques to assess perfusion aim to determine if effectiveness can be decreased by phenobarbital, a
there is reversible ischemia and salvageable brain tissue. widely used anti-seizure medication.

Hemorrhage evaluation in CHD infants

Clinical Signs
Change in mental status, Change in vital signs,
Deviated gaze, visual defect, Unilateral weakness,
Change in speech, Seizure

Brain Imaging
US - if unstable
CT - if stable for short scan time
MRI (DWI, Perfusion) - ideal

Hemorrhage No Hemorrhage

Persistent clinical signs

Surveillance US every 24 hours
Consider seizure evaluation

Consider fresh frozen plasma
Fig. 61.1  Hemorrhage evaluation
in CHD infants
61  Neurogical Complications: Intracranial Bleeding, Stroke and Seizures 709

Stroke evaluation in CHD infants

Clinical Signs
Change in mental status, Change in vital signs,
Deviated gaze, visual defect, Unilateral weakness,
Change in speech, Seizure

Brain Imaging
US - if unstable
CT - if stable for short scan time
MRI (DWI, Perfusion) - ideal

Stroke NO Stroke

Hemorrhagic Non-Hemorrhagic Persistent clinical signs

embolic +/− thrombotic Consider seizure evaluation

Conventional angiography
Surveillance US every 24 hours CTA

Treatment Treatment
Consider fresh frozen plasma Consider aspirin, heparin,
low-molecular-weight heparin,

Fig. 61.2  Stroke evaluation in CHD infants

Unfortunately, in contrast to adults, there is minimal rarely, if ever, given to this high risk population. This
epidemiological evidence and no acute intervention highlights the need for further investigation into acute
studies on children to guide treatment. Acute therapy for stroke interventions for pediatric CHD patients.
adults ranges from revascularizing ischemic areas with Primary preventative care aims to provide prophylac-
thrombolytics either remotely by intravenous adminis- tic treatment, while secondary prevention aims to stop
tration or directly by intra-arterial administration or hemorrhagic conversion of the infarcted area or avoid
invasive neurosurgical intervention such as vascular future strokes. Indications for primary prophylaxis
stents or angioplasty. The first national estimate of the include prosthetic heart valves, dilated cardiomyopathy,
use thrombolytic therapy for ischemic stroke in children intracardiac thrombus, and prolonged immobility.
reported that less than 2% of children received this treat- Therapies include anti-platelet medications such as
ment [35]. None of the patients receiving thrombolytics aspirin and plavix, and anticoagulation medications
had CHD, and as a matter of practice, thrombolytics are such as warfarin and low-molecular-weight heparin.
710 R.A. Filipink and M. J. Painter

Seizure evaluation in CHD infants

Clinical Signs
Change in mental status, Change in vital signs,
Myoclonic, tonic or clonic motor activity
+/− Stereotyped sucking or swallowing
+/− Abnormal eye movements

Bedside EEG
+/− Video

Seizure No Seizure

EEG monitoring
Persistent clinical signs
Consider stroke or hemorrhage
+/− Video

Lorazepam (0.05-0.10 mg/kg IV)
[may repeat dose]

seizures continue

Load 20 mg/kg IV
[dose as needed to reach goal]
Bolus 0.15 mg/kg IV and start
seizures continue infusion 1.0 µg/kg/min
Seizure Continues:
seizures continue 1. Increase 0.5-1.0 µg/kg/min q 2 min
up to max of 18 µg/kg/min
Load 20 mg/kg IV
[dose as needed to reach goal 2. Additional bolus: 0.1-0.15 mg/kg
15-30 min after initial bolus [58]

Fig. 61.3  Seizure evaluation in CHD infants

Hemorrhage is the primary side effect. Decisions require studies again serve as guides and offer information
careful assessment of risk and benefit. Although the on surgical timing. Large infarcts in adults, involving
precise risk for children with CHD is unknown, adult a cerebral lobe or more than 30% of a hemisphere, have
61  Neurogical Complications: Intracranial Bleeding, Stroke and Seizures 711

greater risk for hemorrhage [36–38]. Within the first helps determine if clinically suspicious movements,
48  h, 70% of adult strokes evolve to hemorrhagic behaviors or autonomic changes are a sign of seizure
transformation [37]. This data helps formulate a logical activity. Abnormal EEG background is a strong
stepwise approach to stroke in the CICU. predictor for concomitant and subsequent seizures in
the following 24  h [48]. Burst suppression patterns,
which are a markedly abnormal background, are highly
indicative of chronic static encephalopathy [49].
61.3  Seizures Epileptogenic discharges, such as excessive sharp
waves, can indicate a lowered seizure threshold.
Seizures are common manifestations of neurological Therefore, the EEG is a valuable tool to identify seizures
dysfunction in CHD patients. The neonatal period is and help predict future seizure risk, as well as, to some
the time of highest seizure incidence [39–41]. Even extent, neurological outcome.
before cardiac surgery, patients may have seizures that The underlying cause for seizures determines
reflect their underlying brain dysgenesis. Seizures are prognosis. Infants with brain dysgenesis have a high
also a common complication after surgery. Incidence chance of developing epilepsy, but there are other
varies depending on the mode of seizures identifica- associated risk factors. A retrospective review of child-
tion. Electrographic seizures, detected by video-EEG hood stroke reported that 49.3% of patients developed
monitoring for 48 h postoperatively, occurred in 11.5% at least one seizure and 28.8% developed recurrent
of CHD infants, and none had clinically visible sei- seizures [31]. Stroke occurring in the newborn period
zures [42]. In contrast, another study noted a seizure carries the lowest risk for epilepsy [50]. Additional
incidence of 1.2% for CHD infants after surgery, and information has emerged from studies following
these seizures were diagnosed clinically [43]. congenital cardiac patients. West syndrome, defined
A risk factor for increased seizures in infants is the by the combination of infantile spasms, hypsarrhythmia,
duration of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest and developmental delay, has been reported in a small
(DHCA). DHCA duration of more than 40 min signifi- group of CHD after surgery [51].
cantly increases incidence of electrographic seizures The importance of this manifestation of cerebral
[44]. Hemorrhage and stroke predispose a patient to disturbance is underscored by a study, which associated
seizure. Cyclosporine toxicity is another etiology, poorer cognitive outcome with seizures. It revealed that
which is particular to CHD patients on immunosup- preoperative seizures in a group of children with HLHS
pressants [43]. As discussed earlier, Moyamoya syn- predicted lower full-scale IQ [52]. In survivors of
drome should be considered when the presentation corrective surgery for D-transposition of the great
includes both stroke and seizure [28]. arteries, perioperative seizures were associated with
Identification of seizures in the newborn period can poor neurodevelopmental outcome at 1 [53] and 4 [54]
be very difficult to detect clinically. Physical signs can years after surgery. Conversely, recent outcome data on
include behaviors and movements that are very different a group of 178 neonates and infants after cardiac surgery
from the typical tonic–clonic epileptic movements of showed that the occurrence of seizures was not predic-
older children. Episodic autonomic changes may be tive of worse development at one year of age [55].
the only sign of a seizure [45–47]. Clinical signs of Acute treatment for seizures is related to the under-
focal seizure can vary from rhythmic shaking of an lying cause. Correcting electrolyte abnormalities and
extremity, twitching of one side of the face or eye devi- identifying toxic medication levels are important steps
ation, to subtle change in mental status. Generalized in the approach to the seizing child. The commonly
seizures may present as whole body rhythmic shaking used medication algorithm outlined by du Plessis [11]
with loss of consciousness. Electrographic seizures first employs lorazepam at an infusion dose of 0.05–
may not have a clinical correlate, however, as men- 0.1 mg/kg and the dose may be repeated twice if needed.
tioned earlier. Therefore, a low threshold of clinical If seizures continue, phenobarbital is loaded at a dose
suspicion is needed for evaluation of seizures. of 20 mg/kg to a maximum of 40 mg/kg. Higher doses
EEG is the definitive test to detect seizures and may be required, but blood levels will help determine
quantify their frequency. EEG is performed at the bedside appropriate dosing (goal level 40 mg/L). Administration
where a trained technician can apply electrodes and of phenobarbital leads to a 50% or more reduction in
run a recording even on unstable patients. Video-EEG less than half of infants experiencing seizures [42].
712 R.A. Filipink and M. J. Painter

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Chapter 62
Infections in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

Glenda V. Wright and Marian G. Michaels

Children in the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) are Some congenital cardiac defects are associated with
at a high risk for infections. This may be due to under- immunodeficiencies such as asplenia or syndromes
lying immunodeficiency, iatrogenic alterations in the such as Di George syndrome involving full or partial
immune system or due to invasive procedures. Some deletions of chromosome 22q11−. Thymic develop-
patients are admitted to the CICU primarily due to an ment is abnormal in Di George syndrome affecting the
infection, while others develop secondary infections T-cell arm of the immune system leaving children at
once they are in the CICU setting. This chapter reviews severe risk for opportunistic infections such as transfu-
the types of infections that can occur in the pediatric sion or breast milk associated cytomegalovirus (CMV),
CICU to give an understanding of predisposing and Pneumocystis jiroveci. Blood products should be
factors, primary and secondary infections. CMV negative or leukocyte depleted to decrease this
risk. In addition, after 4 weeks of age prophylaxis
against P. jiroveci pneumonia (PCP) should be given in
the form of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxasole. These
62.1  Predisposing Factors infants are also at risk for partial engraftment of leuko-
cytes that contaminate blood cell transfusions leading
The child’s immune status is a critical factor influenc- to graft versus host disease with its immunosuppres-
ing the risk for infection while in the CICU setting. sive affects. For this reason, irradiated blood products
Age itself affects the child’s immune capacity. Infants should be administered to all infants in whom the diag-
with congenital heart defects (CHD) are often admit- nosis of Di George syndrome is considered [1]. In our
ted to the CICU shortly after birth. Their immature institution, all neonates receive CMV safe (filtered)
immune system coupled with the absence of immuni- and irradiated blood products.
zations puts them at risk for infections with conse- Poor nutritional status is another risk factor for
quential morbidity and mortality. infections that can affect patients in the CICU. Children
Routine vaccinations should be given to the infants with uncontrolled heart failure or other defects, which
as soon as possible. This is particularly important for result in impaired feeding or increased caloric needs,
heart transplant candidates, as they may not respond may be malnourished with increased susceptibility to
adequately to vaccines after they receive anti-rejection infections [2]. In addition, the nutritional impairment
immunosuppressive agents. Hepatitis B vaccine can be contributes to poor wound healing, increasing the like-
given at birth followed by second and third doses at lihood of surgical-site infection.
one and 6 months of age. Other vaccines can be started Nosocomial infections are a significant concern for
at 6 weeks of age. children in a CICU setting. Infants and children in
the CICU often have surgical wounds, and invasive
catheters that interrupt the normal protective barriers
of the body. The presence of sternal wounds, central
G.V. Wright (*)
line catheters, chest drains, and pacing wires put these
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA patients at risk for nosocomial bacterial and yeast
e-mail: infections [3]. Intubation of the trachea and ventilatory

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 715
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_62, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
716 G.V. Wright and M.G. Michaels

support put the patient at risk for tracheitis and ventilation and a few hours after closing the incision. Prolonged use
associated pneumonia. Use of bladder catheters, often of antibiotics is not required. Use of vancomycin as pro-
necessary for accurate measurement of urine output, is phylaxis is discouraged unless the patient is known to be
also a risk for urinary tract infections. colonized with methicillin resistant Staphylococcus
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is aureus. Despite these measures, infections can occur at
required at times to provide cardiovascular support in the wound site that may be superficial, involving the skin
patients undergoing cardiac surgery or as a bridge to or subcutaneous tissue, deep, involving deep soft tissues
cardiac transplant. A retrospective review of nosoco- or organ space or the most severe form – mediastinitis.
mial infections associated with ECMO over a 4-year This latter infection involves the sternum and the organ
period found increased infections in children with tissues outside of the incision. Mediastinitis can occur
CHD (29/75) compared to other underlying diseases despite preoperative prophylatic strategies [10]. The
(8/66) [4]. The authors postulated that this increased highest risks groups are those with delayed sternal closure
risk for nosocomial infection may partly be due to longer following repair and those requiring re-exploration
cannulation times as well as increased likelihood surgeries for bleeding [10, 11]. Surgical debridement is
of undergoing major procedures or having an open often necessary along with specific antimicrobial
sternum. Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have treatment aimed against the infecting organisms. Gram-
only recently been used in children but represent an positive organisms, particularly S. aureus and coagulase
important bridge to heart transplantation in patients negative staphylococci are prominent. Pseudomonas
with end-stage heart failure [5]. Infection is a common aeruginosa is the most frequently implicated
complication of LVAD’s in adults and likely affect Gram-negative organism [11, 12].
children as well [6].
Finally, circulating nosocomial infections that are
particular to a time of year such as respiratory syncytial
virus, or in a specific institution, such as vancomycin 62.2.2  Catheter-associated Infections
resistant enterococci, may be additional risk factors
for children requiring CICU care. While every hospital Line-associated bacteremias are frequent complications
should employ good hospital infection control poli- with the use of long-term vascular catheters. Infection
cies, it is clear that nosocomial infections can occur. may occur locally at the site of catheter insertion or in
Accordingly, it is important to know the epidemiologic the blood stream. Clinical findings may be minimal as
risks for individual institutions. they may manifest only as fever [13]. Most patients in
the CICU regardless of their underlying condition will
have a central intravascular catheter placed. Data are
62.2  Types of Infections limited regarding the management of catheter-related
infections in children [14]. Accordingly, guidelines are
derived from adult data. Measures to reduce catheter-
62.2.1  Surgical Site Infections associated infections include strict adherence to sterile
techniques during catheter placement, including gowning,
Surgical site infections (SSI) may occur following any gloves, and sterile drapes. Chlorhexidine/isopropyl
surgical procedure including cardiac surgery. There is alcohol solutions to prepare the skin before placement
considerable variation in regimes for prophylactic anti- also assist in prevention of infection [15]. Finally, reas-
biotics, in terms of antibiotic choice and duration [7]. sessment of their need and prompt removal of catheters
To decrease SSI, protocols for administration of antibiotics after they are no longer required, helps to minimize the
just prior to surgery and for 24 h afterwards have been rate of infections [14]. Antibiotic locks to prevent infec-
employed [8]. Guidelines for prevention of SSI include tion have been evaluated in critically ill neonates.
preoperative bathing with chlorhexidine gluconate, Garland showed that prophylactic use of a heparin-
to reduce the cutaneous bacterial colony count [9]. vancomycin lock solution for 20 or 60 min twice daily,
Likewise, it is recommended to use appropriate antimi- significantly reduced the incidence of catheter-related
crobial agents that will maintain therapeutic levels blood stream infection in this population. Unfortunately,
within the serum and tissues throughout the operation the utility of antibiotics locks is often hampered
62  Infections in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit 717

in the critical care setting where central lines are often Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
required for continuous infusion of medications or and hepatitis C virus (HCV) decreased substantially
parenteral nutrition. In Garland’s study, interruption of particularly with the introduction of polymerase chain
continuous infusion of total parenteral nutrition resulted reaction (PCR) based assays [18]. The American Red
in hypoglycemia in some infants [16]. Cross voluntary blood supply estimates HIV and HCV
Indwelling urinary catheters are associated with transmission risks of 1:1,525,000 and 1:1,390,000
nosocomial urinary tract infections (UTI). Interestingly, respectively. The risk of transmission of hepatitis B is
Levy et al. [3] reported this in <1% of pediatric CICU higher at 1:144,000, but is anticipated to decrease fur-
patients. However, this low incidence may be explained by ther as rates of universal immunization increase in the
their study being limited to patients after cardiac surgery United States [19]. Leukoreduction techniques for
with relatively short-term use of urinary catheters. packed RBC have decreased transmission of viruses
such as CMV and EBV [20]. Still of concern is trans-
mission of infections with a long incubation periods
such as human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) and
62.2.3  Respiratory Tract Infections Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. Emerging infections such
as West Nile virus also can be transmitted with transfu-
Tan et al. [17] found nosocomial pneumonia in infants sions. Bacterial contamination of platelets is currently
after cardiac surgery to occur more frequently in chil- the most frequent transfusion associated infection.
dren with underlying complex congenital heart disease Prevention of transfusion-associated infections relies
(CHD) compared to children with simple CHD. The on appropriate screening of blood donors and proper
authors suggest that this may be due to previous recur- techniques for collecting and storing blood products.
rent pneumonia, longer surgical procedures, and pro- The use of a designated donor unit can reduce some risk
longed postoperative mechanical ventilation [17]. As for infants who require repeated transfusions by avoiding
noted previously, all children requiring mechanical exposure to multiple donors. Judicious administration
ventilation are at increased risk for tracheitis and for of blood products may also decrease infection risk.
lower respiratory tract infection. While endotracheal
colonization increases with prolonged intubation, it
does not require antibiotic treatment. To distinguish
colonization from true infection, three elements should 62.2.5  Myocarditis
be evaluated:
Myocarditis is an important cause of morbidity and
1. Clinical signs and symptoms such as a change in
mortality in children (see specific chapter in this book).
the respiratory status and change in the color, con-
Affected children are often managed in the CICU.
sistency, and volume of tracheal secretions
Enteroviruses, in particular Coxsackie B virus, have
2. The Gram stain of the secretions which should show
long been recognized as important causes of myocarditis
neutrophils, as well as moderate to heavy staining
in children. Adenovirus has been found frequently in
of a single type of bacterium
more recent studies [21, 22]. Parvovirus B19, Influenza,
3. Growth of moderate to heavy amount of bacteria.
and CMV have also been implicated [23–25].
To ascertain the cause of pneumonia deep suctioning or a The clinical features of viral myocarditis may range
bronchoalveolar lavage may be required. from self-limited illness with subclinical myocardial
dysfunction to severe cardiac failure or even sudden
death [26]. The diagnosis is often based on clinical
findings, with evidence of ventricular dysfunction on
62.2.4  T
echocardiogram and viral culture or serology [27].
Infections Endomyocardial biopsy is the gold standard, providing
histology, culture, and PCR material but has signifi-
Patients in the CICU often receive multiple transfu- cant risk and is not performed at all centers. Treatment
sions of blood products. Blood product safety has involves supportive measures, which may include
improved significantly over the past several decades. inotropic agents, mechanical ventilation, and in severe
718 G.V. Wright and M.G. Michaels

cases mechanical devices such as ECMO or ventricular  Cytomegalovirus

assist devices. While many centers use intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy for myocarditis in CMV is less of a risk for CICU patients since the institu-
children, controlled pediatric trials are lacking [28]. tion of leukoreduction of RBC transfusions, but it still
Drucker et  al. [29] reported a non-controlled case causes infection in 25–50% of heart transplant recipi-
series of pediatric myocarditis where 1-year survival ents. The highest risk occurs in patients who are CMV
and ventricular function in IVIG treated children was seronegative at the time of transplant and receive organs
superior (N=21). However, a large controlled study from CMV seropositive donors. Infection usually occurs
done in adults by McNamara failed to show benefit 1–6 months after transplantation, although it may occur
[30]. Pleconaril an antiviral agent with activity against later if patients receive prophylaxis. The use of ganci-
enteroviruses appeared to have favorable response clovir, as well as monitoring protocols have decreased
when used under compassionate use protocols in the incidence of CMV disease following transplantation
patients with life-threatening enterovirus infection [35]. Pharmacokinetic studies are in progress for the use
[31]; however, this medication is not currently avail- of oral valganciclovir in pediatric recipients.
able. A multicenter study supported by the National
Institutes of Allergy Immunology and Infectious
Diseases, (NIAID) Collaborative Antiviral Study  Epstein-Barr Virus
Group (CASG) using pleconaril versus placebo for
infants with myocarditis or disseminated enterovirus Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD)
disease is ongoing. is a potentially fatal condition after transplantation
usually associated with EBV infection. The term PTLD
encompasses a wide range of clinical syndromes –
from non-specific viral illness to malignant monoclo-
62.3  Specific Infections nal non-Hodgkins lymphoma [36, 37]. Seronegative
EBV status prior to transplantation is a major risk factor
for PTLD [38]. Young children and infants, therefore,
62.3.1  Viral Infections
are particularly vulnerable as most are EBV naive prior
to transplantation. The degree of immunosuppression
Patients in the CICU setting are at increased risk for also influences the development of PTLD [39]. The
disease from viruses due to their underlying condition; risk of developing PTLD is highest during the first
however, several viruses deserve particular mention. year following transplantation often associated with
donor transmission. Numerous treatment strategies have
been employed but reduction of immunosuppression is  Respiratory Syncytial Virus a critical component [36, 40, 41].

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is a signifi-

cant problem in patients with CHD [32]. In particular,  Influenza Virus
acquisition of RSV just prior to being admitted for car-
diac surgery is associated with an increased rate of lower Children undergoing cardiac surgery during influenza
respiratory tract disease in the postoperative period season are at risk for community-associated infection
with increased morbidity. Advances in medical care have prior to hospitalization or nosocomial acquisition [42].
resulted in significant reduction in mortality in this group In addition, influenza A infection of children with
of patients, but morbidity remains a serious concern [33]. underlying CHD frequently leads to hospitalization.
Unlike healthy infants where RSV is rarely severe after Depending on the severity of illness, these children
the first 6 months of life, children through 2 years of age may be managed in the CICU [43]. Children with heart
with CHD continue to develop serious disease due to disease should receive annual influenza vaccination.
RSV [33]. Transplant recipients are at increased risk for Likewise, family members and all health care workers
serious RSV disease if they are under 1 year of age or should be vaccinated against influenza [44]. While vac-
within the first post transplant month [34]. cination is critical before and after heart transplantation,
62  Infections in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit 719

recipients have a lower response rate compared to can cause disease after heart transplantation particularly
immunocompetent individuals [45]. Studies are under- in a child who is seronegative prior to transplantation and
way to investigate the use of oseltamivir as prophylaxis receives an organ from a seropositive donor. The use of
for these individuals during the influenza season. immunosuppressants to prevent graft rejection and the
propensity of the organism to infect cardiac muscle con-
fer a unique risk of infection in these patients [50]. Cases
of fulminant infection have been well described well in
62.3.2  Bacterial Infections [51, 52]. Pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine in combination
are well established as effective treatment for toxoplas-
Bacteria remain a problem in the CICU due to nosoco- mosis [53]. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is also effec-
mial wound and catheter associated infections. Attention tive prophylaxis against toxoplasmosis [54].
to hand washing, strict sterile technique for central line
insertion, and removal of all catheters as soon as they are
not medically needed are all measures which help to
decrease this risk. It is important to have knowledge about 62.4  Prevention of Infections
the local epidemiology of resistant organisms in each
CICU to know the risk of vancomycin resistant entero- Mortality and morbidity in the CICU can be impacted
cocci or MRSA. Clostridium difficile is a potential patho- by reduction of infections using preventive strategies.
gen in the CICU setting as patients are often exposed to Infection control measures for prevention of nosoco-
multiple antibiotics and nosocomial spread can occur. mial spread of infections should be a priority. Intense
monitoring of hand-washing, sterile barriers as well as
glove and gowning for procedures where soiling can
occur should be done routinely. One study on a Serratia
62.3.3  Fungal Infections marcescens outbreak in a pediatric CICU found that
the nosocomial infection rate most strongly correlated
Fungal infections, particularly Candida species compli- with patient census, and the nursing hours to patient
cate the care of children in the CICU. Risk factors day ratio. The authors postulated that this increased
for candidemia include the use of total parenteral CICU activity reflected a greater risk for breaks in
nutrition and prolonged antibiotic therapy [46]. aseptic techniques [55]. Accordingly, attention to hos-
Immunosuppression also increases the risk for dis- pital staffing can be important for infection control.
seminated candidiasis [47, 48]. Removal of intrave- Optimizing the infant’s immune system with rou-
nous catheters is often required for clearance of tine immunizations can decrease the risk of infection
candidemia, although newer studies are evaluating the for infants with underlying cardiac disease. Infants
use of amphotericin or ethanol based lock therapy. with associated asplenia or immune defects will par-
Fluconazole is often used as empiric therapy. Newer ticularly benefit from immunization against S. pneu-
classes of antifungal agents such as echinocandins moniae and H influenza. Palivizumab given monthly
have excellent activity against yeast and fungi and are during the RSV season can decrease the risk of severe
being increasingly studied in pediatric populations. RSV disease in infants with hemodynamically signifi-
Lipid-based amphotericin B products, however, are cant CHD [55–57].
still often required for unstable patients or resistant
isolates. Children undergoing heart lung transplanta-
tion may also be at risk for aspergillus infections [49]. References

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Chapter 63
Skin Protection

Rose Marie Faber and Erin L. Colvin

The skin has been established as one of the largest that is comprised of five different cell layers each with
organs of the human body as the skin provides a multi- a separate function. “The inner basal cell layer of the
tude of protective functions. Because the skin is easily epidermis is nourished by the blood supply of the dermis
accessible, assessing the integumentary system can and is responsible for epithelial cell division. As basal
provide a wealth of information. Illness and internal cells multiply, they are pushed up by the remaining
organ dysfunction are apparent by assessing the layers of the epidermis and are gradually filled with
appearance of the skin. Critically ill children with car- keratin, a waterproofing protein” ([1]; sic 512).
diac disease processes are at risk for skin breakdown Keratinization results in creating the outermost layer
because of significant risk factors such as hypotension, of the epidermis. Keratinization helps to facilitate the
hypoperfusion, and poor nutrition that place them at shedding and rejuvenation of keratinocytes, which
risk for developing wounds that cannot heal without help to prevent colonization on the epidermis. Included
expertise. Disruptions in skin care integrity places a in the epidermis are specialized epidermal cells such
compromised child at further risk for developing sig- as melanocytes which produces melanin, Langerhans’
nificant complications including infection. To aid in cells which is the primary defense of the immune system,
skin protection that will improve patient outcomes, and Merkel’s cells in which the function is unclear.
several steps can be taken to ensure that the integrity is In newborns and infants, the epidermal layer is much
not further compromised including: (1) practicing rou- thinner than that of an adult, which facilitates increased
tine skin care; (2) optimizing wound healing; and (3) water loss. In addition, since the skin surface area
managing surgical wounds proficiently. is disproportionately greater than body weight, there is
an increased risk for dehydration and systemic toxicity
related to increased absorption rate of transcutaneous
chemicals. Damages to the epidermis can be a result of
63.1  I ntegumentary Structure mechanical trauma or adhesives.
and Function The highly vascular layer of the skin that lies
beneath the epidermis is the dermis. The dermis varies in
Understanding functioning of the skin as a protective thickness depending on the location and is comprised
barrier, thermal regulator, and immune defense media- of three types of tissue that are present throughout the
tor begins with understanding the three layers of the body. Tissue types include:
skin – the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. 1 . Collagen
The avascular epidermis is the outer layer of the skin 2. Elastic tissue
3. Reticular fibers
Fibroblasts and macrophages create collagen which
R.M. Faber (*)
Training and Education, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh provides the skin with mechanical strength and elas-
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, USA ticity. The vasculature of the dermis supports both the
e-mail: dermal and epidermal cells not only by aiding in

R. Muñoz et al. (eds.), Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts, 723
DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-262-7_63, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2010
724 R.M. Faber and E.L. Colvin

thermal regulation but also by using sebaceous glands blood flow to the injured blood vessels and aids in
to secrete sebum which helps to keep the skin hydrated. hemostasis [1].
Infants and children generate less sebum and the dermis • Vasodilation succeeds vasoconstriction, promoting
is thinner. “Dermal thickness increases slowly after 1 bradykinin and histamine release and increasing
year of age and doubles between the ages of 3 and 7. vascular permeability. “Fluid, protein, and enzymes
Sebaceous glands are functional at birth, but sebum normally found in the intravascular compartment
production remains low until 8–10 years of age, pro- leak through the vessel walls into the extracellular
viding less protection against evaporation and drying” space, causing edema and erythema” ([1]; sic 513).
([1]; sic 512). • “Macrophages orchestrate the healing process
Subcutaneous tissue serves as the supporting layer through ingestion of debris, angiogenesis, and the
of the skin in that this layer is comprised of the same release of a protein that stimulates the formation of
structures found in the dermis plus the sweat glands. fibroblasts necessary for the next phase of wound
Subcutaneous tissue provides cushion to skin trauma, healing” ([1]; sic 513).
regulates the temperature, and metabolizes energy. • A persistent decrease in cardiac output can delay
Infants and children are at risk for thermal instability the onset of the inflammatory phase which generally
because they have less subcutaneous tissue. Located lasts 4–6 days.
within the subcutaneous tissue are sweat glands. Not
Epithelization, angiogenesis, and granulation tissue
only is thermoregulation through sweat production
are the primary components in the next phase of wound
essential for life but also sweat removes acids and toxins
healing which is the proliferative phase. First, epithe-
from the body.
lial cells move in a pattern to restore the normal layers
of the epidermis. Angiogenesis allows for cell migra-
tion and capillary formation. The granulation phase
63.2  Phases of Wound Healing and tissue deposition require nutrients supplied by the
capillaries, and its failure to occur results in a chroni-
cally unhealed wound. The granulation tissue forma-
Most critically ill children not only experience wounds
tion is the last step in the proliferative phase.
from surgery or invasive procedures but also from
The most important cellular process is the matura-
intravascular access. Wound healing, although diffi-
tion or remodeling phase, because collagen synthesis
cult at times, is defined as “the process in which
occurs in this phase. Diet and impaired cardiac func-
injured tissue is replaced through regeneration or repair”
tioning can impede collagen synthesis. Collagen that
([1]; sic 512). To have regeneration occur, tissue is
forms in injured skin is thinner, has a decreased tensile
replaced with similar tissue except in some tissues,
strength, and will never become as organized as
such as subcutaneous and muscle; these must heal by
undamaged skin [2].
forming new connective tissue or scar tissue to fill in
the wound bed.
The three phases of the cellular process involved in
wound healing are as follows: 63.3  Factors in Wound Healing
1 . Inflammatory phase
2. Proliferative phase In the cardiac population, disturbances in tissue per-
3. Maturation phase fusion and nutrition can add to the complexity of
wound healing. Tissue perfusion disturbances can be
The defensive or inflammatory phase function is to
categorized as local (small vessel occlusion-emboli
debride dead cells and bacteria from the wound bed
or external compression). Cardiac insufficiency, ino-
and to initiate the healing process. Cellular activities
tropic infusions, large vessel disruptions, inadequate
occurring during the inflammatory phase include:
tissue perfusion, and decreased circulatory volumes
• Vasoconstriction that causes platelets to aggregate are classified as general tissue perfusion distur-
next to the injured blood vessels which results in bances. Inadequate tissue perfusion leads to tissue
fibrin clot formation. Vasoconstriction decreases hypoxia [2].
63  Skin Protection 725

63.4  P
 romoting Skin Integrity Any score obtained on a patient that is 16 or less for
and the Braden Q three consecutive days, places that patient at a greater
risk for developing pressure ulcers. Therefore, preven-
tive skin care measures that were previously discussed
Because critically ill children have an increased risk of must be instituted to optimize patient outcomes.
skin impairments, the key to healthy, intact skin is
knowledgeable healthcare providers. Promoting skin
integrity by using established skin care guidelines can
maximize patient outcomes. Diligent assessments of
63.5  S
 pecial Populations at Risk
all skin areas confirm the need for individualized plans
of care. Patients should be bathed with a pH-balanced
– Ventricular Assist Devices
cleanser. Water, not creams and lotions, lubricate the
skin. Creams and lotions should be applied only after Ventricular assist devices (VADs) are used in patients
hydrating the skin with water, as creams and lotions with severe end-stage heart failure as a bridge to trans-
seal moisture in the skin. Bath oil should not be added plant or recovery. The incidence of infection has been
until the end of the bath to enable hydration of the skin shown to be around 35% in the pediatric population.
to occur first, and then, the hydration can be sealed into The incidence of infection across pediatric and adult
the skin with the bath oil. population of those requiring VADs has been shown
To promote skin integrity in the cardiac intensive to be anywhere from 19–60%. Infection decreases the
care unit, nurses should minimize the impact of medi- overall chance for patient survival. If a patient has an
cal devices in such a way that the nurse alters pressure overt clinical infection, transplant is not possible until
points regularly, pads persistent pressure areas, and fre- the infection is clear. These infections include but are
quently assesses the affected areas. Early initiation of not limited to blood, urine, and VAD drive line infec-
nutritional support via enteral or parental feedings will tions. In order to decrease VAD infections close atten-
maximize nutritional status and promote wound heal- tion to infection control and meticulous surgical site
ing. “Capillary leak and hypoalbuminemia contribute care is imperative [4].
to interstitial edema, which impedes the skin’s fragility Initially, VAD drive line site dressings are changed
by stretching collagen fibers” [1]. Protein, caloric, and every 24 h. Once the drainage decreases from the sites,
vitamin deficiencies have an adverse effect on wound then the dressing change frequency is decreased. The
healing. Adequate pressure reduction enhances capil- goal is to change the dressing once a week. The dress-
lary blood flow to the skin and underlying soft tissues. ing is also changed when its integrity is compromised.
Routine assessment for pressure ulcer risk in pediatric This is indicated if more than a quarter size of drainage
patients is necessary to track at risk patients and initiate is noted on the dressing. Also, if the patient develops
skin care prevention measures. fever, the dressing must be changed to assess the site.
A method to assess pressure ulcer risk in pediatric If purulent drainage is noted then a surface culture of
patients is by using Quigley and Curley’s Modified the drainage is sent.
Braden Q Scale. “The Modified Braden Q scale dem- A non-adherent type occlusive dressing is applied
onstrates the unique developmental needs of the pedi- using sterile technique. The person performing the
atric patient, the prevalence of gastric/transpyloric tube procedure must wear a sterile gown, gloves as well as
feedings, and the availability of blood studies and non- mask, and a surgical cap. Any person present in the
invasive technology in pediatric settings” ([3]; sic 23). room during a dressing change should wear a surgical
Nurses must acquire adequate knowledge to use the cap and mask. The old dressing is removed using ster-
Modified Braden Q scale accurately. The Braden Q has ile gloves and a new pair of gloves should be worn to
seven subscales which include: mobility, activity, sen- finish the dressing (see Fig.  63.1 for exposed drive
sory perception, friction and shear, and tissue perfu- line sites for cleaning). The driveline sites are cleansed
sion/oxygenation. Each of the Braden Q’s subscales with a 1/2 saline and 1% chlorhexidine solution (see
are score from 1 (more risk) to 4 (less risk). Therefore, Fig. 63.2 for cleansing of drivelines). They are rinsed
the minimal pressure ulcer risk assessment score that a with saline solution and thoroughly dried with sterile
patient can receive is 7 and the maximum score is 28. gauze prior to applying the dressing insuring that all
726 R.M. Faber and E.L. Colvin

Fig. 63.1  Exposed drive lines for cleaning

Fig. 63.4  Applying a sterile telfa island dressing under the

Fig. 63.2  Cleansing of drive lines Fig. 63.5  Applying a sterile telfa island dressing on top of

Fig. 63.3  Drying the drive lines

63  Skin Protection 727

residuae is removed (see Fig.  63.3 for drying drive References

lines). If purulent drainage is present, a calcium/
sodium alginate dressing is wrapped around the driv- 1. Curley MAQ. Critical care nursing of infants and children.
eline site prior to applying the above noted dressing 2nd ed. Philadephia, PA: Saunders; 2001.
(see Fig.  63.4 and 63.5 for applying a sterile telfa 2. Broughton G, Janis JE, Attinger CE. Wound healing: an
overview. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006;117:1-32.
island dressing under and on top of the driveline to
3. Curley MAQ, Razmus IS, Roberts KE, Wypij D. Predicting
create an occlusive dressing). An immobilization pressure ulcer risk in pediatric patients: the Braden Q scale.
binder should be applied over the dressing. This Nurs Res. 2003;52:22-33.
should be worn at all times to help ensure maturation 4. Blume ED, Naflel DC, Bastardi HS, et  al. Outcomes of
children bridged to heart transplantation with ventricular
of the exit sites.
assist devices: a multi-institutional study. Circulation.
Strict adherence to sterile technique and monitor- 2006;113:2313-2319.
ing for infectious complications will decrease the 5. Chinn R, Dembitsky W, Eaton L, et al. Multicenter experi-
mortality and morbidity of children and adults with ence: prevention and management of left ventricular assist
device infections. ASAIO J. 2005;51:461-470 (Review).
VADs [5].

A anti-arrhythmic drugs administration, 427

Absorption, drug, 83–84 Bland–White–Garland syndrome, 423
Acute renal failure (ARF), 687 cardiac failure, 563
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 2D echocardiography, 426
clinical course pathophysiology, 424
computed tomography (CT), 654, 655 Anomalous pulmonary venous return (APRV)
fibrosing alveolitis, 655–656 cardiac transplantation, 609
lung functional residual capacity, 654–655 double outlet right ventricle, 404
pulmonary hypertension, 655 pulmonary blood flow defects, 16
definition, 653 Anticoagulation
pathophysiology indications, 679
alveolus, 654 medications and monitoring
mechanical ventilation, 654 heparin, 679–680
neutrophils, 653 low molecular weight heparin, 680
type II alveolar epithelial cells, 653 vitamin K antagonists, 680–682
treatment Antifibrinolysis
diuresis, 657 aminocaproic acid, 683
hypercapnia, 656 aprotinin, 683
mechanical ventilation, 656 tranexamic acid, 683–684
nitric oxide, 656–657 AoD. See Aortic dissection
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 656 Aorta coarctation. See Coarctation of the
steroids, 657 aorta (CoA)
Adenosine Aortic dissection (AoD)
atrial muscle re-entry, 626, 627 anatomy, 449
diagnostic use, 621, 623 clinical presentation, 450–451
dosages, 635 long-term outcomes, 454
ALCAPA. See Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the management
pulmonary artery cardiovascular, 453
Anastomosis, end-to-end, 458 postoperative, 453
Anesthesia preoperative, 451–452
inhalational agents, nitrous oxide (NO), 80 respiratory, 453
intravenous surgical, 452–453
etomidate, 79 monitoring, 453
ketamine, 79 pathophysiology, 449–450
propofol, 78 sedation and pain control, 453
midazolam Aortic stenosis (AS), 17
mechanism of action, 77 Aortic valve regurgitation
pharmacodynamics, 77–78 pathophysiology, 435
pharmacokinetics, 77 physical examination, 435
NPO guidelines, 77 postoperative care, 436, 438
premedication, 77 preoperative management, 435–436
volatile agents surgical management
mechanism of action, 80 aortic leaflet plication, 437
pharmacodynamics, 81 partial aortic leaflet resection, 437
Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary pericardial leaflet extension
artery (ALCAPA) technique, 436

730 Index

Aortic valve replacement (AVR) diagnosis

complications cardiac catheterization, 162–163
bleeding, 320–321 clinical, 161
thromboembolism, 320 ECG and chest X-ray, 161
thrombosis, 320 echocardiography, 161–162
homograft, bioprosthetic, 319 embryology, 159–160
mechanical, 318–319 indications, 163
Ross procedure, 318 pathophysiology, 161
xenograft, bioprosthetic, 319 percutaneous closure, 164
Aortopulmonary (AP) window postoperative care, 166
anatomy, 191–192 surgical management
cardiac catheterization, 193 pericardial patch closure, 164–165
chest radiography, 193 surface hypothermia and inflow occlusion, 164
clinical presentation, 192–193 Warden procedure, 165–166
CT and MRI, 193 Atrial septoplasty, 49
definition, 191 Atrial septostomy, 499
ECG and echocardiography, 193 Atrioventricular block (AVB)
long-term outcomes, 196–197 AV dissociation, 634–635
postoperative management, 194–195 congenital block, 633
preoperative management, 193–194 first degree block, 633
respiratory management, 195–196 Mobitz I and II, 633
surgical management, 194 treatment, 634
Aprotinin, 683 AVB. See Atrioventricular block
ARDS. See Acute respiratory distress syndrome AVR. See Aortic valve replacement
Aristotle Basic Complexity (ABC) score, 130–132
Aristotle Comprehensive Complexity (ACC) score, 133–136
Arrhythmias B
antiarrhythmic medications and dosages, 635 Balloon atrial septostomy (BAS)
atrial electrograms, 621–622 catheterization, 49
bradycardia, 20–21 echocardiography, 71, 74
characteristics, 624 Balloon pulmonary arterioplasty (BPA), 235–237
classification and management Blade septostomy, 49
bradyarrhythmias, 633–635 Bradyarrhythmias
tachyarrhythmias, 624–633 atrioventricular block
complete atrioventricular septal defect, 187–188 AV dissociation, 634–635
electrocardiogram congenital block, 633
P waves, 619 first degree block, 633
QRS morphology, 620–621 Mobitz I and II, 633
Q waves, 619 treatment, 634
ST-T waves, 621 sinus node dysfunction, 633
mechanism, 622–624 Bradycardia, 20–21. See also Bradyarrhythmias
pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum Brain natiuretic peptide (BNP), 531, 558, 561
(PAIVS), 228
rhythm strip, 621
tachyarrhythmias, 19–20 C
tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 204–205 Cannulation
Arteriovenous, CRRT, 690–691 CPBP surgery, 111
Atrial ectopic tachycardia (AET), 624 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
Atrial electrograms induction, 593
esophagus sits, 621 Cardiac catheterization
rhythm strip leads, 621–622 aortopulmonary window, 193
unipolar and dipolar ECG, 623 atrial septal defects, 162–163
Atrial myocardium complete atrioventricular septal defect, 180–181
classic atrial flutter, 624–626 complications
fibrillation, 626 arrhythmias and pulmonary edema, 53
IART, 626–627 arterial pulse loss, 52–53
Atrial natiuretic peptide (ANP), 558 hemorrhage/vessel trauma, 53
Atrial septal defects (ASDs) coronary arteries anomalies, 425, 426
anatomy, 159–161 diagnostic purpose
cardiac catheterization, 49–50 access, hemodynamic evaluation, 38–40
complications, 167 complications, 42
Index 731

hemodynamic response tests, 40–42 dilated

indications, 37–38 anatomy, 507–508
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), 52 clinical presentation, 509–510
heart failure, 563–564 etiology and pathophysiology, 508–509
interventional purpose long-term outcomes, 512
atrial septal defects (ASD), 49–50 management, 510–512
atrial septoplasty/blade septostomy, 49 hypertrophic
balloon atrial septostomy (BAS), 49 anatomy, 512
collaterals, closure, 51 clinical presentation, 513
ductal patency, 51 etiology and pathophysiology, 512–513
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 50–51 long-term outcomes, 514
prenatal defects, 51–52 management, 513–514
transcatheter thrombolysis, 51 noncompaction
valvular obstruction, 42–45 anatomy, 515–516
vascular stenosis, 44–49 clinical presentation, 516
ventricular septal defects (VSD), 50 etiology and pathophysiology, 516
patent ductus arteriosus, 153 long-term outcomes, 517
tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 208 management, 516–517
Cardiac database and risk factor assessment restrictive
complexity stratification, 129–136 anatomy, 514
database standards, 128–129 clinical presentation, 515
data verification, 136–137 etiology and pathophysiology, 514
long-term followup, 138 long-term outcomes, 515
medical and surgical subspecialties, 137–138 management, 515
nomenclature, 127–128 triage and transport, 18–19
Cardiac failure. See Heart failure Cardioplegia delivery system, 113–114
Cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) infections Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPBP) surgery effects
predisposing factors cannulation, 111
ECMO, 716 circuit, 112
immunodeficiency, 715 coagulation system, 105
nutritional status, 715 components
vaccination, 715 cardioplegia delivery system, 113–114
wound, 715–716 hemoconcentrators and ultrafiltration, 114–116
prevention, 719 oxygenators, 112–113
types pumps, 111–112
bacteria, 719 tubing, 111–112
blood transfusion, 717 venous reservoir, 113
catheter, 716–717 conduct and medications
fungus, 719 anticoagulation, 117
myocarditis, 717–718 monitoring devices, 118
parasite, 719 pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, 116–117
respiratory tract, 717 priming the pump, 116
surgical site infection (SSI), 716 pump flow, 117
virus, 718 inflammatory response
Cardiac loop, neonatal circulation, 6–8 causes, 105
Cardiac output (CO) complement system activation, 104–105
contractility, 574 corticosteroids, 118
heart rate (HR), 574 polymorphonuclear cell activation, 103–104
influencing factor, 574 myocardial ischemia/reperfusion and surgical protection
monitoring methods cardioplegia, 106–107
invasive and noninvasive methods, 101 pediatric myocardium, 106
tissue oxygen delivery (DO2 ), 100–101 neurologic system
preload, 573–574 abnormalities and central nervous system (CNS)
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), 640–641 injury, 107
Cardiogenic shock protection and selective perfusion, 107–111
cause, 575 physiologic differences, 103
clinical history, 577 pulmonary hypertension, 472–473
echocardiography, 578 pulmonary system, 105–106
therapeutic algorithm for patients, 583 Cardiovascular management
Cardiomyopathy anomalous pulmonary veins, 354
definition, 507 aortic dissection, 453
732 Index

aortopulmonary window, 194–195 definition, 177

coarctation, aorta, 264 echocardiography, 180
dextro-transposition of, 368–370 epidemiology, 177
hypoplastic left heart syndrome, 328–329 long term outcomes, 188
interrupted aortic arch, 270 pathophysiology, 179
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, 248 postoperative complications
tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia, 217 arrhythmias, 187–188
truncus arteriosus elevated pulmonary artery pressure, 186–187
postoperative, 394–395 low cardiac output syndrome, 188
preoperative, 389 valvar regurgitation and stenosis, 185–186
ventricular septal defects, 174–175 postoperative management
Carpentier’s classification, Ebstein’s disease, 413 fluid management, 184
Catheter-associated infection, 716–717 inotropic and vasoactive support, 185
Catheterization. See Cardiac catheterization mechanical ventilation, 184
Cavo-pulmonary connections monitoring parameters, 182–184
acute effusions, 346 sedation and analgesia, 184–185
arrhythmias, 346 preoperative ICU management, 181
cardiac catheterization, 340 radiology, 180
cavo-pulmonary circuit pressure, 345–346 surgical management
Fontan and modified Fontan procedures, 343–344 Australian technique, 183
Glenn procedure, 340–341 hypoplasia, 181
Hemi-Fontan procedure, 341 one patch technique, 182
hypoxemia, 346 two patch technique, 183
low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS), 346 Congenital absence
postoperative management clinical presentation, 526
anticoagulation, 345 epidemiology and etiology, 525
complications, 342–343, 345 preoperative management, 534–535
inotropic and vasodilator therapy, 341–342, 344 surgical management, 537–538
monitoring, 341, 344 Congenital heart disease (CHD)
respiration, 342, 344–345 databases, risk factor assessment
sedation and analgesia, 342, 345 complexity stratification, 129–136
subsequent assessment and management, 339–340 database standards, 128–129
Central venous pressure, nursing care, 121–123 data verification, 136–137
CHF. See Congestive heart failure long-term followup, 138
Chylothorax, 657, 676 medical and surgical subspecialties, 137–138
CICU. See Cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) infections nomenclature, 127–128
Classic atrial flutter, 624–626 hemorrhage evaluation, 708
Clostridium difficile, CICU, 719 seizure evaluation, 710
CoA. See Coarctation of the aorta stroke evaluation, 709
Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA)
anatomy, 257–258 cardiac catheterization, 377
complications chest X-ray, 376
bleeding, 265 clinical presentation, 376
paraplegia, 264 ECG, 376
partial airway obstruction, 265 echocardiography, 376–377
pathophysiology, 258 embryology, 376
postoperative management, 264 postoperative management
preoperative management and indications, 258–259 atrial switch complications, 380–381
surgical interventions double switch operation (atrial and arterial switch), 380
prosthetic patch aortoplasty, 260, 261 preoperative management, 377
resection and end-to-end anastomosis, 260, 261 surgery, timing of, 377
subclavian flap aortoplasty, 262 surgical techniques
surgery, timing of, 259 double switch procedure, 377–379
surgical technique, 260 single ventricle repair, 378
transcatheter interventions, 262–263 VSD closure, 378, 380
Complete atrioventricular septal defect (CAVSD) Congenital mitral stenosis. See also Mitral stenosis
anatomy acquired mitral stenosis, 302–303
cardiac and extra-cardiac malformatives, 178 double orifice mitral valve, 302
components and Rastelli’s classification, 177–178 mitral arcade (hammock mitral valve), 302
cardiac catheterization, 180–181 parachute mitral valve, 301–302
clinical presentation, 179–180 typical symmetric mitral stenosis, 301
Index 733

Congestive heart failure (CHF) Kawasaki disease, 428

infective endocarditis, 555 surgical management, 429, 430
medical management, 289 Corticosteroids, 118
Constrictive pericarditis Coumadin
clinical presentation, 526 anticoagulation correction, 681
epidemiology and etiology, 525 dosing and monitoring, 680–681
medical management, 535 drug interactions, 681
preoperative management, 531–534 side effects, 681
surgical management, 537 Cyanosis management, newborns and infants with, 201
Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration with dialysis Cyst, pericardial
(CAVHD), 690–691 clinical presentation, 526
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) epidemiology and etiology, 525
definition, 25 preoperative management, 534
dual control modes, 26–27 surgical management, 538
parameters selection, mandatory breaths, 26
pressure-support ventilation (PSV), 26
Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) D
anticoagulation, 694 Databases. See Cardiac database and risk factor assessment
calculation sheet, 695 DeBakey’s classification, AoD, 449–450
contraindications, 692 Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), 711
definitions, 689 Dermis, 723–724
hemofiltration, 687 Dexmedetomidine, sedative analgesic
indications, 691–692 dose ranges, 90
machinery for, 693 pharmacodynamics, 90
membranes, 693 pharmacokinetics, 89
nursing flow sheet, 696, 700 receptors and agonists, 89
nutrition, 692 Diaphragmatic palsy, 657–658
order sets, 696–699 Dilated cardiomyopathy
physician worksheet, 694–695 anatomy, 507–508
principle, 687–689 clinical presentation, 509–510
solutions, 693–694 etiology and pathophysiology, 508–509
variations long-term outcomes, 512
arteriovenous, 690–691 management, 510–512
veno–venous, 691 Direct thrombin inhibitors (DTIs), 682
vascular access, 692 Distributive/vasoplegic shock, 577
Continuous venovenous hemofiltration with dialysis (CVVHD), 691 Diuresis, 657
Contractility, neonatal, 4 DORV. See Double outlet right ventricle
Coronary arteries anomalies Double outlet right ventricle (DORV)
classification anatomical definition, 399–400
ALCAPA, congenital, 423, 424 cardiac catheterization, 402
Kawasaki’s disease, 424 chest X-ray, 402
diagnosis clinical presentation, 402
cardiac catheterization, 425, 426 echocardiography, 402, 403
chest x-ray, 425 functional classification
clinical symptoms, 424–425 Fallot-type, 400–401
ECG, 425 non-committed VSD, 402
pathophysiology, 424 TGA/VSD-type, 401–402
postoperative management VSD-type, 400
anticoagulation, 432 medical interventions, 404–405
arrhythmia, 432 pathophysiology, 400
complications, 430–431 postoperative management
fluid management, 431 fluid management, 407
inotropic and vasodilator drugs, 431 hemodynamic management, 408
monitoring, 431 monitoring, 407
respiration, 432 morbidity and mortality, 408
sedation and analgesia, 431 respiration, 407
preoperative management sedation, 407
ALCAPA, 427–428 preoperative management, 403–404
arterial catheter, 426 surgical management
coronary fistula, 428 biventricular repair, 405–406
homozygote familiar hypercholesterolemia, 429 univentricular repair, 406–407
734 Index

Double switch procedure, ccTGA transthoracic and transesophageal (TTE) image, 534, 545
Mustard procedure, 378 ventricular function analysis
Senning procedure, 379 diastolic function, 70
Duke criteria, infective endocarditis, 555 systolic function, 65, 69–70
ECMO. See Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Eisenmenger syndrome, 492–493
E Electrocardiography (ECG)
Ebstein’s disease aortopulmonary window, 193
anatomy, 411–413 atrial septal defects, 161
diagnosis in cardiac patient, 97–98
cardiac catheterization, 416 chronic pulmonary hypertension, 488
chest x-ray, 414–415 congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, 376
clinical presentation, 413–414 coronary arteries anomalies, 425
clinical signs description, 414 Ebstein disease, 414
color Doppler, echocardiography, 415–416 heart failure, 562
ECG, 414 hypoplastic left heart syndrome, 325
symptoms, 412–413 Marfan syndrome, 277
pathophysiology, 412 patent ductus arteriosus, 151–152
postoperative management, 420 pulmonic stenosis, 233
preoperative medical management P waves, 619
conservative surgery, 418 QRS morphology, 620–621
infants, children and grown-up patients, 417 Q waves, 619
Mayo clinic technique, 419 rheumatic fever, 280
neonatal period, 417 ST-T waves, 621
orthotopic cardiac transplantation, 420 subaortic stenosis, 249–250
Starnes technique, 418 supraaortic stenosis, 252
prognosis, 420–421 tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), pulmonary atresia (PA), 214
Echocardiography truncus arteriosus, 386–387
absent pulmonary valve (APV), 208 valvar aortic stenosis, 243
acute pulmonary hypertension, 473–475 Elevated pulmonary artery pressure, 186–187
anatomical examination, 58–66 End of life (EOL) care, essential elements
apical window, 60, 63–66 children optimal care, pediatric cardiac intensive care units
parasternal window, 58–63 (PCICU), 647–648
pulmonary atresia/VSD, 65 forgoing life-sustaining treatments
subcostal window, 61–62, 66 child, family, and the clinical team preparation, 648
suprasternal window, 63–64, 67 communication, 649
thrombus, 66 providing palliative care, 648
tricuspid regurgitation, 65 withholding and withdrawing life support, 648–649
anatomic lesions pre and post intervention, 68–69 Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), 498
aortopulmonary window, 193 Endothelin (ET), 497–498
atrial septal defects, 161–162 Endtidal CO2 (ETCO2) monitoring, 98
balloon atrial septostomy (BAS), 71, 74 Enteral and parenteral nutrition
chronic pulmonary hypertension, 488–489 carbohydrates, 672
clinical applications, 68 factors, 671
complete atrioventricular septal defect, 180 fat, 672
constrictive pericarditis, 532–533 goal, 671–672
3D echocardiography, 73–74 protein, 672
Doppler evaluation risks and complications
color flow Doppler, 68 calorie estimation, 674
principle, 67 central venous catheters, 672–673
guided pericardiocentesis, 536 chylothorax, 676
heart failure, 562–563 GERD, 674–676
infective endocarditis (IE), 549–550 initiation, 673–674
intracardiac masses and extracardiac effusions, 70–73 laryngopharyngeal dysfunction, 676
M-mode imaging, 64, 67, 528 monitoring, 673
myocardial mechanics, 73 nutritional deficiencies, 673
parasternal 2D short-axis, 527 parenteral nutrition-associated liver disease
patent ductus arteriosus, 151–153 (PNALD), 673
pericardial cyst, 534 EPCs. See Endothelial progenitor cells
pericardiocentesis, 71, 73 Epidermis, 723
principles, 57 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 614–615, 718
Index 735

Erythromycin ethylsuccinate, 675–676 F

Ethical and legal issues Feeding difficulties. See Enteral and parenteral nutrition
end of life (EOL) care, essential elements Fentanyl, synthetic opioid, 92
children optimal care, pediatric cardiac intensive care Fibrinolytics, 684
units (PCICU), 647–648 Fluid management
forgoing life-sustaining treatments, 648–649 anomalous coronary arteries, 431
legal issues, 649 anomalous pulmonary veins, 357
medical decision making, essential elements, 645–646 aortopulmonary window, 196
pediatric intensive care issues atrial septal defects, 166
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), family members coarctation of the aorta, 264
presence, 647 complete atrioventricular septal defect, 184
family access to their child, 646 double outlet right ventricle, 407
family-centered care, 646 Ebstein’s disease, 420
parents presence, in physician discussion, 647 patent ductus arteriosus closure, 155
participation, 647 pericardial diseases, 538
shared-decision making, 647 truncus arteriosus, 394
principle, 645 ventricular septal defects, 175
Etomidate, 79 Fontan procedures
European Association for Cardio–Thoracic Surgery cavo-pulmonary connections, 343–344
(EACTS). See Cardiac database and risk factor enteropathy, 666
assessment Frank–Starling mechanism
Extracorporeal life support (ECLS). See Extracorporeal cardiac failure, 557
membrane oxygenation fetal pressure/volume curve, 4
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) Fungal endocarditis, 554
cannulation, 593
cardiac catheterization, 52
circuits and equipment G
cannulae, 590–591 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
heater exchanger, 590 diagnosis, 675
oxygenator, 589–590 pro-motility agent, 675–676
pump, 588 signs and symptoms, 674–675
complications, 597–598 treatment, 675
development, 587 Gastrointestinal complication
evaluation, 592 heart transplantation, 611
indications malrotation
acute heart failure (AHF), 592 categorization, 664
criteria, 591–592 clinical presentation, 664
management diagnosis, 665
anticoagulation, 595 ligament of Trietz (LT), 664
fluids and electrolytes, 595–596 superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 664
hemofiltration, 596 treatment, 665
medications and blood products, 596 necrotizing enterocolitis
monitoring, 594 clinical presentation, 661
nutrition, 596 diagnosis, 661–662
pO2 and pCO2 regulation, 594–595 intestinal mucosal ischemia, 661
pulmonary function, 596 long-term outlook, 664
shunt, 596 patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 661
nosocomial infections, 716 pathophysiology, 661
organization, 587 treatment, 662–664
pediatric ventricular assist devices protein losing enteropathy
advantage, 599 cardiac complications, 667
anticoagulation, 600 clinical presentation, 666
continuous axial/centrifugal flow, 600 diagnosis, 666–667
platelet inhibition therapy, 600 Fontan procedure, 666
pneumatic pulsatile, 599–600 hypoproteinemia, 667
unfractionated heparin therapy (IV), 600 protein loss, 667–668
risk factors, 598–599 sepsis/fluids and electrolytes, 667
systemic response, 596–597 serum proteins leak, 666
system’s operation, 593–594 treatment, 667
timing, 592–593 GERD. See Gastroesophageal reflux disease
weaning, 597 Glenn procedure, cavo-pulmonary connections, 340–341
736 Index

Gorlin formula, mitral stenosis, 303 cardiac rate and rhythm, 610
Gram-negative bacterial endocarditis, 553–554 gastrointestinal complication, 611
immunosuppression and early acute rejection,
H infections, 611
Half-life, drug, 87 inotropic agents, 609
Heart failure primary graft failure, 610
acute, 558 pulmonary vascular resistance, 609–610
catheterization, 563–564 renal function, 610–611
chest radiography, 562 respiratory support, 610
chronic, 559 systemic hypertension, 609
clinical features, 560 surgical consideration
definition, 557 anomalous pulmonary venous return, 609
diastolic, 559 anomalous systemic venous return, 607
echocardiography, 562–563 biatrial technique, 608
electrocardiogram (ECG), 562 bicaval technique, 608
Frank–Starling mechanism, 557 hypoplastic left heart syndrome, 609
laboratory studies, 560–562 recipient cardiectomy, 607
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 564 survival, pre and post transplantation, 615–616
mechanical ventilation, 27 Hematological aspects
medical therapy anticoagulation
anticoagulation, 569 indications, 679
diuretics, 566 medications and monitoring, 679–682
goals of, 565–566 antifibrinolysis
intravenous inotropes, 567–568 aminocaproic acid, 683
nutrition, 569 aprotinin, 683
oral heart failure agents, 568–569 tranexamic acid, 683–684
phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDEIs), 568 fibrinolytics, 684
vasodilators, 566–567 heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
monitoring, 564–565 diagnosis, 682
myocardial remodeling, 558 management, 683
natriuretic peptides, 558 pathophysiology, 682
outcome of, 569 plasma exchange
in pediatrics, 558–559 indications, 684–685
renin–angiotensin system, 558 utilization and monitoring, 685
staging, 559–560 Hemi-Fontan procedure, cavo-pulmonary connections, 341
sympathetic nervous system, 557–558 Hemoconcentrators, CPBP surgery, 114–116
systolic, 559 Hemodialysis, 688–689
vasopressin, 558 Hemodynamic response tests, 40–42
Heart–lung interactions Hemofiltration, 687–688
heart rate changes Hemoglobin dissociation curve, 575
left ventricular (LV) preload and afterload, 34–35 Hemoglobinopathies, 493
right ventricular (RV) preload and afterload, 34 Hemorrhage
hemodynamic effects, ventilation, 33 causes, 706
practical applications complications, 706
functional interactions, 35 delivery risk factors, 706
mechanical ventilation effects, 35–36 evaluation, CHD infants, 708
preload responsiveness prediction, 35 management, 706–707
Heart transplantation Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
donor evaluation, 606–607 diagnosis, 682
evaluation management, 683
anatomic and hemodynamic consideration, 604–605 pathophysiology, 682
consultations, 605–606 Hepatitis C virus (HCV), 717
laboratory investigations, 605 High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), 656
indications, 603–604 HLHS. See Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
medium-term and late complications Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 717
acute rejection, 612–613 Hypercapnia, 656
chronic rejection, 613–614 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
infections, 614–615 anatomy, 512
non-immune toxicities, 615 clinical presentation, 513
postoperative management and early complications etiology and pathophysiology, 512–513
Index 737

long-term outcomes, 514 classification of, 268

management, 513–514 clinical presentation, 268
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and CoA, 257
anatomy, 323 pathophysiology, 267–268
clinical presentation postoperative management
chest radiography, 324 cardiovascular, 270
ECG, 325 metabolism, 270
echocardiography, 325 respiratory, 270
hybrid procedure, 326 with VSD and LVOTO, 270–271
Norwood procedure (stage I), 326–328 with VSD and TA, 271
pathophysiology, 323–324 with VSD and TGA, 271
postoperative management preoperative management
cardiovascular, 328–329 prostaglandin E1 (PGE 1), 269
monitoring, 327–328 surgical repair, 269–270
respiration, 328 Intestinal mucosal ischemia, 661
preoperative management Intra-atrial re-entry tachycardia (IART)
cardiac catheterization, 326 rhythm disorder, 626–627
medical care, 325 treatment, 627
peripherally-inserted central catheter (PICC), 325 Intravenous inotropes, 567–568
transplantation, 609 IPAH. See Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
Hypoplastic left-sided heart syndrome (HLHS), 17 Ischemia-reperfusion injury, 472–473
Hypoproteinemia, 667
Hypovolemic shock, 575
Junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET), 187–188, 205, 629
IAA. See Interrupted aortic arch
IART. See Intra-atrial re-entry tachycardia K
Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), 490 Kawasaki disease, 428
IE. See Infective endocarditis Keratin, 723
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), 640 Ketamine, 79
Infective endocarditis (IE)
clinical findings, 547–548
complications, 550–552 L
culture negative endocarditis, 554 Laryngopharyngeal dysfunction, 676
diagnosis, 544–547 Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO)
Duke criteria, 555 with IAA, 270–271
echocardiography, 549–550 subaortic stenosis, 249–251
epidemiology, 543 supraaortic stenosis, 251–255
fungal endocarditis, 554 valvar aortic stenosis, 241–249
gram-negative bacterial endocarditis, 553–554 Levo-transposition of the great arteries (l-TGA). See
laboratory assessment, 548–549 Congenitally corrected transposition of the great
pathogenesis, 544 arteries (ccTGA)
post therapy management, 555–556 Ligament of Trietz (LT), 664
prosthetic valve endocarditis, 554–555 Low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS)
staphylococcal endocarditis, 553 cavo-pulmonary connections, 343
streptococcal endocarditis, 553 complete atrioventricular septal defect, 188
surgical indications, 555 HLHS, 328
treatment, 552–553 pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
Influenza virus, 718–719 (PAIVS), 228
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), 478 tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 204
Intensive care issues, pediatric LVOTO. See Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), family members
presence, 647
family access to their child, 646 M
family-centered care, 646 Macrophages, 724
parents presence, in physician discussion, 647 Malnutrition. See Enteral and parenteral nutrition
participation, 647 Malrotation
shared-decision making, 647 categorization, 664
Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) clinical presentation, 664
anatomy, 267 diagnosis, 665
738 Index

Malrotation (Cont.) Metoclopramide, 675

ligament of Trietz (LT), 664 MFS. See Marfan syndrome
superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 664 Midazolam, anesthetics
treatment, 665 mechanism of action, 77
Marfan syndrome (MFS) pharmacodynamics, 77–78
abdominal, 294 pharmacokinetics, 77
arrhythmias, 275–276 Mitral regurgitation (MR)
atypically severe, 276 congenital, 282
classic MFS, 276 mitral valve prolapse, 285
ECG, 277 pathophysiology, 283–284
Ghent diagnostic criteria, 274 Mitral stenosis
imaging, 277 anatomy
medical management of, 287 congenital mitral stenosis, 301–303
mitral valve pathophysiology, 303
complications, 276–277 clinical presentation
echocardiographic measurements, 275 chest x-ray, 304
fibrillin density, 275 ECG, 304
myocardial dysfunction, 276 echocardiography, 304–306
neonatal Marfan, 276 physical findings, 304
orthopedic, 294 postoperative management, 309–310
prognosis, 294 preoperative management, 306–307
respiratory, 293–294 surgical management
sudden death, 294 interchordal spaces, fenestration, 309
Mechanical circulatory support. See Extracorporeal membrane mitral valve commissurotomy, 308
oxygenation mitral valve replacement, 310
Mechanical valves single papillary muscle splitting, 309
allograft valves, 316 supravalvar mitral ring repair, 307, 308
bioprosthetic valves, 315 Mitral valve anomalies
caged ball design, 313, 314 anatomy and physiology, 273
tilting disk prosthesis, 313–314 annular valve hypoplasia, 281–282
xenograft conduits, 315 arrhythmias, 275–276
Mechanical ventilation clinical presentation, 278–279
aortopulmonary window, 196–197 complications, 276–277
complete atrioventricular septal defect, 184 congenital mitral stenosis, 282
CPAP/PEEP, airway pressures congenital MR, 282
dual control modes, 26–27 diagnosis, 276
parameters selection, mandatory breaths, 26 double orifice mitral valve, 282–283
pressure-support ventilation (PSV), 26 ECG, 277
heart–lung interactions, 35–36 imaging, 277
physiology interventional catheterization
indications, 23–24 percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty, 289–290
intermittent mandatory ventilation, 25 percutaneous mitral valve repair, 290
modes, 24 Jones criteria, 279
pressure-regulated mandatory breaths, 25 medical management
volume-regulated mandatory breaths, 24–25 of CHF, 289
principles of Marfan syndrome, 287
abdominal distention diseases, 28 of rheumatic fever, 287–289
alveolar recruitment and derecruitment, 27 MFS, 273–275
heart failure, 27 mitral cleft isolation, 282
high frequency ventilation (HFV), 29 mitral valve prolapse, 283
inhaled nitric oxide, 28 MR, physical examination, 285–286
inspired oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration myocardial dysfunction, 276
alteration, 28 pathophysiology, MR, 283–284
negative pressure ventilation in, 28–29 postoperative management
postoperative management, congenital heart complications, 292–293
disease, 27–28 monitoring, 291–292
pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum preoperative management
(PAIVS), 227–228 clinical monitoring, 287
respiratory care monitoring, 287
pulmonary hygiene, 29 rheumatic fever, 278, 280–281
weaning, 29–30 surgical management, mitral valve diseases
tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 204 minimal invasive surgery, 291
Index 739

mitral valve repair, 290–291 pulmonary arterial hypertension, 11

surgical considerations, 290 vs. fetus
Mitral valve replacement (MVR) contractility, 8
prognosis, 295 ductus arteriosus (DA) reactivity, 8–10
prosthetic leaflet entrapment, 316 oxygenation and vasoconstriction, 8
Ross II technique, 317 Neuroaxial drugs
surgical management, 291 administration techniques, 93–94
Monitoring devices/methods adverse effects, 93
blood pressure, 99 side effects, 94
cardiac output stress response inhibition, 92
invasive and noninvasive methods, 101 treatment strategies, 94
tissue oxygen delivery (DO2 ), 100–101 Neurogical complications
central venous access, 99 central nervous system (CNS), 705
electrocardiography (ECG), 97–98 hemorrhage
endtidal CO2 (ETCO2) monitoring, 98 causes, 706
left atrial pressure monitoring, 99–100 complications, 706
near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), 101–102 delivery risk factors, 706
pulmonary artery pressure monitoring, 100 evaluation, CHD infants, 708
pulse oximetry, 97–98 management, 706–707
transcutaneous oxygenation (PaO2 ) and carbon dioxide hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), 705
(PaCO2 ) monitoring, 98 perioperative period, 705
Morphine, 91–92 postoperative period, 705
MVR. See Mitral valve replacement seizures
Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), 446 cause, 711
Myocardial remodeling, 558 deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), 711
Myocarditis, 717–718. See also Cardiomyopathy EEG, 711
anatomy, 507–508 evaluation, 710
clinical presentation, 509–510 prolonged activity, 712
etiology and pathophysiology, 508–509 treatment, 711
long-term outcomes, 512 stroke
management, 510–512 brain imaging, 707–708
viral etiologies, 561 complications, 708
embolic sources, 707
evaluation, 709
N hemorrhage, 710–711
Naloxone, opioid antagonist, 91 periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), 707
Natriuretic peptides, 558 signs and symptoms, 707
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), 101–102 treatment, 709
NEC. See Necrotizing enterocolitis Neurologic system, CPBP surgery effects
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) abnormalities and CNS injury, 107
clinical presentation, 661 protection and selective perfusion, 107–111
CoA, 259 Nikaidoh procedure, d-TGA, 367, 369, 371
diagnosis Nitric oxide inhalation
laboratory test, 661–662 ARDS treatment, 656–657
radiography, 662 mechanical ventilation, 28
intestinal mucosal ischemia, 661 Nitrous oxide (NO), inhalational anesthetics, 80
long-term outlook, 664 Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. See Acute respiratory
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 661 distress syndrome
pathophysiology, 661 Noncompaction cardiomyopathy
treatment anatomy, 515–516
nonoperative management, 662–663 clinical presentation, 516
postoperative management, 663–664 etiology and pathophysiology, 516
surgery, 663 long-term outcomes, 517
Neonatal circulation, fetal transition management, 516–517
cardiac loop, 6–8 Norwood procedure (stage I), HLHS
clinical consequences of, 10–11 Blalock–Taussig /Sano shunt, 326, 327
loading conditions, 3 interatrial septum visualization, 328
pressure/volume curve Nursing care
compliance, 4–6 arterial blood pressure monitoring, 123
contractility, 4 cardiac assessment, 121–123
Frank-Starling mechanism, 4 central venous pressure monitoring, 121–123
regulation, 3–4 developmental needs and family-centered care, 124–125
740 Index

Nursing care (Cont.) anticoagulation, 600

hemodynamic monitoring, 121 continuous axial/centrifugal flow, 600
left atrial pressure monitoring, 123 platelet inhibition therapy, 600
postoperative care, ICU preparation, 124 pneumatic pulsatile, 599–600
preoperative assessment and diagnosis, 123–124 unfractionated heparin therapy (IV), 600
pulmonary artery (PA) pressure monitoring, 123 Pericardial cyst
Nutrition. See Enteral and parenteral nutrition clinical presentation, 526
epidemiology and etiology, 525
preoperative management, 534
O surgical management, 538
Obstructive (extracardiac) shock, 575–577 Pericardial diseases
Opioids, 90–92 acute pericarditis, 526, 530–531
anatomy, 521
clinical presentation, 525–526
P congenital absence, 526, 534–535
Pacemaker constrictive pericarditis, 526, 531–534
basic generic code, 637, 638 definition, 521
electrical energy, 637 effusion and tamponade
heart rate, 642 chest X-ray, 526–527
magnet application, 637–638 2D-echocardiography, 528–530
noncapture, 641 electrocardiogram, 527
oversensing, 642 laboratory, 523, 526
parameters, 637 M-mode echocardiography, 528
permanent pacing, 639–640 parasternal 2D short-axis echocardiography, 527
temporary pacing epidemiology and etiology, 524–525
epicardial, 639 long-term outcomes, 538–539
indications, 638 medical management, 535–536
postoperative setting, 639 pericardial cyst, 526, 534
transcutaneous, 638 physiology and pathophysiology
transvenous, 638–639 atrial wave form, 523
unipolar/bipolar pacing, 637 functions, 521
Wenckebach, 642 pericardial pressure-volume curve, 522
PAIVS. See Pulmonary atresia pulsus paradoxus mechanism, 522, 523
Paralysis, 657–658 postoperative management, 538
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) post-pericardiotomy syndrome, 526, 530
AV re-entry, 627–628 procedures, 536–537
pathway, 628 surgical management, 537–538
treatment, 628 Pericardiectomy. See Constrictive pericarditis
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (PAPVR). See Pericardioplasty, 537–538
Pulmonary vein anomalies Peritoneal dialysis
Patch tracheoplasty, 460 advantage and disadvantage, 696–701
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) apparatus, 702
cardiac catheterization, 50–51 catheter, 702
diagnosis complications, 703
cardiac catheterization, 153 contraindications, 702
chest X-ray, 151 dwell volume and time, 702–703
clinical, 151–152 indication, 701
echocardiography, 152–153 prescription for, 702
electrocardiogram (ECG), 151–152 principle, 701
fetal circulation, reactivity, 8–10 solutions, 702
interventional management, 154 PGE1. See Prostaglandin E1
medical management Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic, drug
preterm and term neonates, 153–154 absorption, 83–84
toddler and children, 154 definitions, 83
natural history, 145–146 distribution, 84
pathophysiology, 146–150 excretion, 85
postoperative management, 154–156 half-life, 87
PDA. See Patent ductus arteriosus metabolism, 84–85
PDEIs. See Phosphodiesterase inhibitors pharmacokinetic models, 85–86
Pediatric ventricular assist devices Phenytoin, 712
advantage, 599 Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDEIs), 498, 568
Index 741

Plasma exchange clinical presentation, 666

continuous and discontinuous flow centrifugation, 685 diagnosis, 666–667
filtration, 685 Fontan procedure, 666
indications, 684–685 hypoproteinemia, 667
utilization and monitoring, 685 protein loss, 667–668
Plasmapheresis. See Plasma exchange sepsis/fluids and electrolytes, 667
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), 498 serum proteins leak, 666
PLE. See Protein losing enteropathy treatment, 667
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 656 Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). See Pulmonary
definition, 25 hypertension
dual control modes, 26–27 Pulmonary atresia (PA)
parameters selection, mandatory breaths, 26 with intact ventricular septum (PAIVS)
pressure-support ventilation (PSV), 26 anatomy, 221–222
pulmonary vein anomalous, 354 arrhythmias, 228
Postpericardiotomy syndrome (PPS) clinical presentation, 222
atrial septal defects, 167 long-term outlook, 228
clinical presentation, 526 low cardiac output syndrome, 228
epidemiology and etiology, 525 management, 224–225
medical management, 535 mechanical ventilation, 227–228
preoperative management, 530 monitoring and laboratory work up, 227
Premature atrial complexes, 624 pathophysiology, 221–222
Pressure-regulated mandatory breaths, ventilation, 25 postoperative management, 226–227
Pressure–volume curve, neonatal vs. fetus, 4–6 preoperative assessment and management, 222–224
Propofol, 78 surgical management, 226
Prostacyclins transcatheter interventional management, 225–226
acute pulmonary hypertension, 478 TOF
chronic pulmonary hypertension, 496–497 anatomy, 213–214
Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) chest radiography, 214
coarctation, aorta, 258–259 clinical presentation, 213–214
cyanosis management, 201 complications, 217–218
double outlet right ventricle, 404 ECG, 214
ductus arteriosus reactivity, 9–10 long-term outlook, 219
heart transplantation, 609, 611 pathophysiology, 213
infusion, CoA, 258 postoperative management, 217
left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, 244 preoperative management, 214–215
pulmonary atresia with intact interventricular septum, 224 surgical management, 215–217
shock, cardiac patient, 581 Pulmonary blood flow defects
shock management, 581 decreased blood flow, 17–18
valvular obstruction, catheterization, 43–44 increased blood flow, 15–16
Prosthetic valves Pulmonary hypertension
anticoagulation management, 321 acute
aortic valve replacement anatomic considerations, 477
bioprosthetic, 319 cardiopulmonary bypass and ischemia-reperfusion
mechanical, 318–319 injury, 472–473
endocarditis, 554–555 chest X-rays, 473
mechanical valves clinical diagnosis, 473
allograft valves, 316 ECG, 473
bioprosthetic valves, 315 echocardiography, 473–475
caged ball design, 313, 314 Heath and Edwards classification, 471
tilting disk prosthesis, 313–314 inotropic and vasoactive drugs, 478–479
xenograft conduits, 315 management of, 475
mitral valve replacement, 316–317 oxygenation, 477
pulmonary valve replacement, 317–318 pathophysiology, 469–471
tricuspid valve replacement, 316 preventive measures, 475–476
valve replacement complications sedation and analgesia, 477
bleeding, 320–321 vasodilator drugs, 477–478
mechanical failure, 321 ventilation and pH, 477
thromboembolism, 320 chronic
thrombosis, 320 anatomy, 483
Protein losing enteropathy (PLE) anticoagulation, 499
cardiac complications, 667 atrial septostomy, 499
742 Index

Pulmonary hypertension (Cont.) pathophysiology, 232

calcium channel blockers, 496 post-operative management, 239
chest radiography, 487–488 surgical management, 238–239
clinical evaluation, 485–487 Pulseless disease. See Takayasu arteritis (TakA)
congenital heart disease, 492 Pulse oximetry, 97–98
definition, 483 PVR. See Pulmonary valve replacement
echocardiography, 488–489 P waves, 619
Eisenmenger syndrome, 492–493
electrocardiography (ECG), 488
endothelin (ET), 497–498 Q
evaluation modalities, 489–490 QRS morphology
familial pulmonary artery hypertension, 491–492 aberrant conduction, 620
hemoglobinopathies, 493 right and left bundle branch block, 620–621
idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH), 490 Q waves, 619
long-term outcomes, 500
nitric oxide, 495–496
novel therapies, 498 R
pathophysiology, 483–485 Rastelli repair, d-TGA, 366, 367, 371
phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, 498 Rastelli’s classification, CAVSD, 177–178
preoperative management, 490–491 Recipient cardiectomy, 607, 608
prostacyclins, 496–497 Remifentanil, synthetic opioid, 92
respiratory disease, 493–494 Renal function
thromboembolic disease, 494–495 heart transplantation, 610–611
transplantation, 499–500 truncus arteriosus management, 396
Pulmonary valve replacement (PVR) Renin–angiotensin system, 558
Ebstein’s disease, 417 Respiratory care, mechanical ventilation
prosthetic valves, 317–318 pulmonary hygiene, 29
Pulmonary vascular resistances weaning, 29–30
acute pulmonary hypertension, 472 Respiratory complication
after birth, 8–9 acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
atrial septal defects, 161 clinical course, 654–656
complete atrioventricular septal defects, 179 definition, 653
cyanosis, 412 pathophysiology, 653–654
inotropic agents, 609–610 treatment, 656–657
mechanical ventilation, 184 chylothorax, 657
tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary valve absence, 207 diaphragmatic palsy and paralysis, 657–658
ventricular septal defects, 170 physiotherapy, 658
Pulmonary vein anomalies Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 718
anatomy and embryology, 349–352 Restrictive cardiomyopathy
pathophysiology, 352 anatomy, 514
postoperative management clinical presentation, 515
PAPVR, 357 etiology and pathophysiology, 514
TAPVR, 355–357 long-term outcomes, 515
preoperative assessment and management, 352–353 management, 515
preoperative management Rheumatic fever
cardiovascular, 354 chest radiography, 280
respiratory, 353–354 clinical presentation, 278–279
stabilization, 353 complications, 280–281
surgical management, 354–355 ECG, 280
Pulmonic stenosis (PS) echocardiography, 280
anatomy group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS), 278
pulmonary artery stenosis, 231–232 Jones criteria, 279
valvular and subvalvular, 231 laboratory, 280
clinical findings, 232–233 medical management
ECG, 233 anti-inflammatory treatment, 288
long-term outlook, 239 GABHS eradication, 288
management prophylaxis, 288–289
balloon pulmonary arterioplasty (BPA), 235–237 prognosis, 294
intervention, 234–235 Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery-1 (RACHS-1)
post-intervention, 237–238 system, 129
pre-intervention, 233–234 RSV. See Respiratory syncytial virus
Index 743

S prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), 581

Sedative analgesics sodium bicarbonate, 580
alpha-2 adrenergic agonists oxygen transport, 575
dose ranges, 90 pathophysiological summary, 573
pharmacodynamics, 90 therapeutic algorithm
pharmacokinetics, 89 cardiogenic shock I and II, 583
receptors and agonists, 89 distributive shock, 582
cavo-pulmonary connections, 342, 345 hypovolemic shock, 582
complete atrioventricular septal defect, 184–185 therapies, 581
coronary arteries anomalies, 431 Sick sinus syndrome. See Sinus node dysfunction
neuroaxial drugs Single ventricle
administration techniques, 93–94 aortic/pulmonary obstruction
adverse effects, 93 aortic arch obstruction, 334
side effects, 94 with HLHS, 334–335
stress response inhibition, 92 hypoplastic right heart syndrome, 336
treatment strategies, 94 subvalvular/valvular pulmonary obstruction, 334
opioids cardiac catheterization, 332–333
dose ranges, 91 cavo-pulmonary connections
fentanyl, 92 cardiac catheterization, 340
mechanism of action, 90 Fontan procedures, 343–344
morphine, 91–92 Glenn procedure, 340–341
pharmacodynamics, 91 Hemi-Fontan procedure, 341
pharmacokinetics, 90–91 postoperative management, 341–346
remifentanil, 92 subsequent assessment and management, 339–340
reversal, 91 chest x-ray, 332
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), 155 clinical aspects, 332
tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), 205 complex variants with heterotaxia, 336
total anomalous pulmonary venous return definition, 331
(TAPVR), 356 echocardiography, 332
ventricular septal defects, 175 neonatal palliative interventions, postoperative
Seizures management
cause, 711 anticoagulation, 338
deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), 711 inotropic and vasodilator drugs, 338
EEG, 711 monitoring, 337–338
evaluation, 710 pharmacological banding, 337
prolonged activity, 712 respiratory management, 338
treatment, 711 tricuspid atresia, 333, 334
Senning and Mustard procedure, d-TGA, 371–372 variants without pulmonary protection, 336
Shock Sinus node dysfunction, 633
cardiac output (CO), 573–574 Skin protection
definition, 573 integrity and Braden Q, 725
diagnosis integumentary structure and function
cardiogenic shock, 575 dermis, 723–724
clinical examination, 577 epidermis, 723
complementary tests, 577–579 subcutaneous tissue, 724
dissociative shock, 577 VADs
distributivevasoplegic shock, 577 infection, 725
history, 577 site dressings, 725–727
hypovolemic shock, 575 wound healing, 724
multiorgan assessment, 579 Slow continuous ultrafiltration (SCUF), 691
obstructive (extracardiac) shock, 575–577 Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS). See Cardiac database
pathophysiology, 576 and risk factor assessment
types, 576 Stanford classifcation, AoD, 449–450
influencing factor, 574 Staphylococcal endocarditis, 553
management Stenosis
airway patency, 579 aortic stenosis (AS) in, 17
antibiotics and steroids, 580 medium and long length, 459–460
dobutamine, 580 mitral
dopamine, 579–580 anatomy, 301–303
epinephrine, 580 clinical presentation, 304–306
inotropic and vasoconstrictor agent, 579 postoperative management, 309–310
744 Index

Stenosis (Cont.) anatomy, 207–208

preoperative management, 306–307 clinical presentation, 207–208
surgical management, 307–310 computerized tomography (CT), 208
short segment, 458 long-term outlook, 210
subaortic stenosis, 249–251 natural history, 209
supraaortic stenosis, 251–255 pathophysiology, 207
valvar aortic stenosis, 241–249 postoperative management, 209–210
Streptococcal endocarditis, 553 preoperative assessment and management, 208
Streptococcus pneumoniae, 614 surgical management, 209
Stroke anatomy, 199–200
brain imaging, 707–708 clinical presentation, 199–200
complications, 708 cyanosis management, newborns and infants, 201
embolic sources, 707 hypercyanotic spells, 200
evaluation, 709 long-term outlook, 205
hemorrhage, 710–711 pathophysiology, 199
periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), 707 postoperative management
signs and symptoms, 707 arrhythmias, 204–205
treatment, 709 low cardiac output syndrome, 204
ST-T waves, 621 mechanical ventilation, 204
Subaortic stenosis monitoring and laboratory work, 204
anatomy, 249 sedation and analgesia, 205
chest radiography and ECG, 249–250 preoperative assessment and management, 200–201
clinical presentation, 249 pulmonary atresia (PA)
complications, 251 anatomy, 213–214
pathophysiology, 249 chest radiography, 214
postoperative management, 251 clinical presentation, 213–214
preoperative management and indications, 250 complications, 217–218
surgical repair, 250–251 ECG, 214
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 664 long-term outlook, 219
Supraaortic stenosis pathophysiology, 213
anatomy, 251 postoperative management, 217
chest radiography and ECG, 252 preoperative management, 214–215
clinical presentation, 251–252 surgical management, 215–217
complications, 254–255 surgical management
echocardiography, 252 timing of surgery, 201–202
pathophysiology, 251 transatrial–transpulmonary repair, 202
postoperative management, 254–255 two patch technique and trans-annular repair, 203
preoperative management and indications, 252 Tet-spells management, 201
surgical management, 252–254 Thromboembolic disease, 494–495
Surgical site infections (SSI), 716 Thrombolysis, catheterization, 51
Systemic hypertension, 609 Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR)
anatomic subtypes of, 350
cardiovascular management, 356–357
T fluid management, 357
Tachyarrhythmias, 19–20 monitoring, 355–356
supraventricular arrhythmias respiratory management, 356
atrial, 624–627 sedation and analgesia, 356
junctional, 627–630 supracardiac and infracardiac, 355
ventricular arrhythmias Toxoplasma gondii, 719
ectopics, 630 Tracheal reconstruction
flutter and fibrillation, 632–633 clinical presentation, 456–457
tachycardia, 630–632 development and anatomy, 455
Tachycardia, 577. See also Arrhythmias initial management, 457
Takayasu arteritis (TakA) investigation, 457–458
clinical presentation and diagnostic tools, 445–446 long-term outcomes, 463
ICU, management, 447 medium and long length stenosis, 459–460
pathophysiology, 445 morphology and associated lesions, 455–456
surgical management, 447 patch tracheoplasty, 460
treatment, 446 postoperation
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) management, 461
absent pulmonary valve (APV) problems, 461–462
Index 745

short segment stenosis, 458 monitoring, 393

surgical management, 458 neurologic management, 396
treatment algorithm, 463 renal function, 396
Tracheal stenosis. See Tracheal reconstruction respiration, 394
Transcatheter thrombolysis, 51 sedation and pain control, 394
Transcutaneous oxygenation (PaO2 ) and carbon dioxide preoperative medical management
(PaCO2 ) monitoring, 98 cardiovascular, 389
Transcutaneous pacemaker, 638 nutritional management, 390
Transplantation. See Heart transplantation respiration, 389–390
Dextro-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) pulmonary blood flow defects, 16
anatomy, 359–360 surgical management
diagnosis, 362–363 aortic interruption, 393
fetal physiology, 360–361 truncal valve repair, 392
intact ventricular septum type I repair, 390, 391
cardiovascular, 368–370 with VSD, IAA, 271
fluid, electrolytes and nutritional management, 370 TVR. See Tricuspid valve replacement
gastrointestinal, 370
hematologic management, 370
infectious disease management, 371 U
neurologic management, 371 Ultrafiltration, CPBP surgery, 114–116
renal management, 370–371
respiratory, 370
ventricular septal defect, 371 V
postnatal physiology, 361–362 VADs. See Ventricular assist devices
preoperative management Valvar aortic stenosis
arterial switch operation (ASO), 365, 366 anatomy, 241
ballon atrial septostomy (BAS), 363, 364 cardiac catheterization, 243
coronary artery, aortography, 364, 365 chest radiography, 243
Nikaidoh procedure, 367, 369 clinical presentation, 242–243
Rastelli repair, 366, 367 ECG and echocardiography, 243
Réparation a l’Etage Ventriculaire (R.E.V.) procedure, pathophysiology, 241–242
367, 368 postoperative management, 247–249
with VSD, IAA, 271 preoperative management and indications, 244
Transvenous pacemaker, 638–639 surgical management, 244–247
Triage and transport, infants and children Valve replacement complications
initial call triage, 13–14 bleeding, 320–321
physical assessment, 14–15 mechanical failure, 321
presentation and stabilization thromboembolism, 320
arrhythmias, 19–21 thrombosis, 320
cardiomyopathy, 18–19 Valvular obstruction, catheterization
left heart outflow tract obstruction, 16–17 aortic and mitral valve stenosis, 44
pulmonary blood flow defects, 15–18 pulmonary valve stenosis/atresia, 42–44
principles and practice, 13 Valvulopasty, 237–238
Tricuspid valve replacement (TVR), 316 Van Praagh classification, 169, 384, 386
Truncus arteriosus (TA) Vascular rings and pulmonary sling
anatomy, 383–384 artery tracheal compression, 439, 441
classifications, 384–386 diagnostic studies, 441
diagnosis double aortic arch, 439, 440
cardiac catheterization, 389 left aortic arch (LAA), 439, 440
chest x-ray, 387 pathophysiology and clinical presentation, 439–441
clinical presentation, 385–386 postoperative management, 442–443
CT scans, 389 pulmonary artery sling, 439, 440
ECG, 386–387 right aortic arch (RAA), 439, 440
echocardiography, 387–389 surgical management
pathophysiology, 384–385 aortopexy, 442
postoperative management repaired double aortic arch, 442
cardiovascular, 394–395 repaired pulmonary artery sling, 443
electrolytic and acid–base status, 395–396 Vascular stenosis, catheterization
fluid management, 394 aortic coarctation, 46–48
gastrointestinal issues, 396 pulmonary artery stenosis, 44–46
infectious issues, 396 systemic or pulmonary vein stenosis, 47–49
746 Index

Vasoconstriction, 724 respiratory management, 175

Vasodilators, 566–567 sedation and analgesia, 175
Veno–venous, CRRT, 691 preoperative management, 172–173
Ventilation. See Mechanical ventilation surgical management
Ventricular assist devices (VADs) indications, 173
infection, 725 technique, 173–174
site dressings, 725–727 Ventricular tachycardia (VT)
Ventricular ectopics, 630 characteristics, 631
Ventricular noncapture, 642 definition, 630
Ventricular septal defects (VSDs) diagnosis, 630–631
anatomy treatment, 631–632
characterization, location based, 169–171 Viral infection
Van Praagh’s classification, 169 Epstein-Barr virus, 718
catheterization, 50 influenza, 718–719
clinical presentation, 172 RSV, 718
definition, 169 Volume-regulated mandatory breaths, ventilation, 24–25
with IAA, 270–271 VSD. See Ventricular septal defect
long-term outcomes, 175
pathophysiology, 170
postoperative complications, 175 W
postoperative management Warden procedure, atrial septal defects, 165–166
cardiovascular management, 174–175 Warfarin. See Coumadin
fluid management, 175 Weaning, mechanical ventilation, 29–30
monitoring, ICU, 174 Wound healing, 724

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