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I’ll be the first to say that we’re not that we stay on the platform longer
a newspaper. We’re not. We’re a and longer. And yes, that includes
magazine, an editorial publica- news. So, your newsfeed could
tion with opinion pieces and look entirely different from
articles discussing an array of mine, with a constant bar-
topics related to the Central rage of opposing viewpoints
Valley. And if you ever catch from not so credible sources
us referring to the Flyer as a that would ultimately put
“paper,” it means we’re merely us at odds. And passionately,
referencing the physical ma- I might add. It’s become the
terial the words are printed on, basis for so many arguments that
nothing more. We do have deep aspi- almost never find common ground.
rations to include in-depth journalism on our The root cause of a deep divide between our
pages one day, but we’re not there yet. neighbors and us.
The reason I bring it up is that I find You ever heard the saying, “there are
that people have a hard time telling the differ- three sides to every story, your side, my side,
ence between news and anything that isn’t. It and the truth”? It’s probably the best advice
means that we’re losing touch with our ability I’ve ever been given about analyzing and di-
to critically think and evaluate what’s in front gesting information that’s been given to me.
of us as a society. Let’s face it, how many times It’s amazingly easy to do with media outlets
have you reacted to a headline before reading I don’t agree with, but it’s an uphill battle
or watching the entire story? Or didn’t dou- to practice with those that I do. However, I
ble-check the site that headline was coming make it a point to work through it by asking
from? Here’s the harder question: How often myself a couple of fundamental questions.
do you look at news outside of social media? What could they have left out? Who created
Because that’s the real kicker, many of us don’t the story, and what is the purpose? What val-
go out of our way to get information from a ues does it depict, and how would different
variety of sources, making things worse. people interpret this?
When we agree with a point of Processing information through a
view, we’re less likely to question or criticize critical lens ensures that the conclusions we
its legitimacy. We don’t wonder if it’s 100% draw are our own. It makes us aware of any
accurate or if there’s some ulterior motive. motive for division and helps give us an open-
Call it human nature, but if it sides with our ness that allows for common ground. It gives
beliefs, we absorb it as truth. And that’s ex- us a better chance at unity – something I’m
actly how social media works – it is designed sure we all feel we could use more of these
to feed us more and more of what we like so days.
The Fresno Rainbow Pride Parade 30th anniversary
celebration is on hold, for now.
By Lisa Talley |

t’s a gut punch,” reflects Jefferey Rob- who then travel to San Francisco, Los An- their events in the later months. Attempt- shals, and local politicians will also say a few
inson, Co-Chair, and CEO of Fresno geles, Sacramento, or San Diego, for exam- ing to reschedule a massive celebration such words. These and archival footage from past
Rainbow Pride’s parent organization, ple. But with a pandemic in full swing and as Fresno’s Rainbow Pride Parade outside parades will grace the stream in a montage
Community Link. an unpredictable timeline for a resolution, of their usual time-frame would not only of Pride celebration.
The COVID-19 pandemic has losing the Fresno Pride celebration means likely interfere on an already cramped cal- Shortly after, within a couple of
undeniably changed 2020, and with it, the a halt to the entire season that was to fol- endar, but would also create competition for weeks, Fresno Rainbow Pride will host
cancellation of all the large events and cele- low. A hard-hitting reality for the LGBTQ resources that would limit everyone’s ability ‘Pride at Home.’ The theme is virtual and
brations slated for the entire year, including community. Acknowledging this, many or- to acquire what they need. Something the encourages people to put together their best
Fresno’s Pride parade. While recognizing ganizations have found a way to continue organization sees as ‘stepping on the toes’ of Pride outfits and strut their stuff at home.
and respecting the need to ensure the pub- honoring Pride, Fresno among them. many of their neighbors. Again, the submissions will stream on the
lic’s safety, Robinson explains that it still “We are on pause, and during that “We are going to have the 30th organization’s social media platforms.
doesn’t make losing the beloved event any pause or intermission, we’re going to have annual Pride parade when it is appropriate “Many people spend a lot of time
less painful for the community. the ‘Quarantine Edi- when it is safe to do putting together their Pride outfit. Even if
“[Pride is] almost like a rite of pas- tion’ as a placeholder, so. And if that means you’re a casual guy or gal, you’ve got it kind
sage. It’s a place where we can be rejuvenated something for us to it happens in 2021, of planned out with a Pride shirt, beads,
… [when] we feel oppressed or under the connect and celebrate that’s when the ac- a hat, a bow, or something you’ve bought
microscope or judged, we don’t have the with our community, tual 30th parade will [specifically] for coming out to the Pride pa-
ability to always be as out as we want to allies, and friends happen,” Robinson rade,” elaborates Robinson.
be. For many people, they need this event, about Pride in gener- explains. To culminate the month-long cel-
and others like it to refresh their souls and al,” Robinson shares. In the mean- ebration, the organization plans to put to-
gather new strength to carry on and move Fr e s n o time, Fresno Rain- gether a car parade of sorts. Like the drive-by
forward.” Rainbow Pride’s orig- bow Pride has come congratulations of birthdays and gradua-
Fresno’s Pride parade and cele- inal theme was ’30 up with multiple tions seen throughout the pandemic – a way
bration have, for what would have been 30 years of Pride,’ a di- virtual events to help to unite in the festivities while honoring the
years, this year, also served as the kickoff rect reference to their ease the sense of loss social distancing guidelines – Fresno Rain-
event for ‘Pride season.’ While June is offi- 30 years of work within the community and felt by the community in the canceled pa- bow Pride will create a similar moment for
cially dubbed ‘Pride Month’ (in commem- ongoing organizing of the event. While this rade. the occasion. Participants are encouraged
oration of the Stonewall Riots that sparked ‘Quarantine Edition’ is a modification of On Saturday, June 6, the organi- to decorate their cars as wildly and, as Rob-
the gay liberation movement), parades and the celebration, it won’t carry over the initial zation will host its ‘Quarantine Edition,’ inson says, “as fabulously,” as possible. The
celebrations continue well into the fall— theme. The organization also determined live-streamed to their social media accounts. organization will film the event for release
ending in November with Palm Springs’ that the parade would not be rescheduled The stream includes a schedule of live per- on their social media accounts. Details on
marking of the occasion. In fact, many Cal- into the fall when it is likely that large gath- formances from Drag Queens and Kings, when and where it all takes place are to be
ifornia cities don’t overlap dates, making it erings and events would see an authoriza- musical sets put together by local DJs, determined. Interested parties can follow
easy for people to attend multiple events tion to start up again from health officials. pre-recorded videos of community mem- Fresno Rainbow Pride online for updates as
across the state without conflict. Fresno According to Robinson, the decision is root- bers expressing what Pride means to them,
Pride creates a springboard into the exciting ed purely in logistics and an appreciation and sponsors sharing their work on behalf Continues on pg 4...
months ahead for many in the community for the other organizers who typically host of the community. Leaders, Grand Mar-
...‘Pride’ cont’d from pg 3
things progress.
For those looking to fill their sea-
son with even more Pride, Robinson also
hosts a monthly radio show. ‘It’s a Queer
Thang’ airs every third Friday from 5 pm
- 6 pm on 88.1FM (also available to live

stream on This month’s
show is dedicated to Pride and will not only
cover the work Fresno Rainbow Pride has
been doing in Fresno but others around
the globe. A notable mention is the Global

Pride virtual event taking place on Saturday,
June 27.
“Pride organisations from across
the world will celebrate Global Pride 2020.
With musical and artistic performances,
By Nadine Pourier Blumenshine speeches from activists and campaigners, and addresses by public figures, we will
stream 24 hours of content that reflects and
celebrates the beautiful diversity of LGBTI+ Jeffery Robinson and his husband Juan Bustamante with
Renee Potik and her wife Kay Taus

people everywhere.” (Quoted from their
K, so the shelter-in-place website, those from the elderly about their lives as a And Fresno Rainbow Pride is still
guidelines are changing. The June episode of ‘It’s a Queer queer person in the Central Valley through- looking for contributions from the public.
You’ve likely tried to step Thang,’ unlike the Fresno Rainbow Pride out the decades. Currently, concerning safe practices during
up your exercise/eating/health game virtual events, is only available live when it Just before the stay-at-home or- the pandemic, recordings of personal testi-
during this past couple of months or airs. Due to copyright licenses for the music ders swept through the state, Fresno Rain- mony are on pause. However, Qistory also
let that all slide as you did your best played during the show, the episode will not bow Pride partnered with StoryCorps, a seeks to preserve items that speak to the
to make it through these times. Or... see a repeat broadcast. Listeners will have to non-profit organization whose mission is culture of the LGBTQ community. Things
maybe both situations have popped up tune-in at the exact time to catch the show “to preserve and share humanity’s stories in such as business cards from a gay business,
during your quarantine time. Regard- or risk missing the experience altogether. order to build connections between people ashtrays, matchbooks, or shot glasses bear-
less of what you’ve done, you might However, the radio show does run all year and create a more just and compassionate ing a gay bar or club’s logo on it, political
be looking for something simple that round and continues to discuss a variety of world,” to record numerous testimonies. buttons, fliers, posters, ads, love letters be-
helps your body and mind feel like topics related to the LGBTQ community. Residents may remember a stylish airstream tween couples in a long-lasting relationship
you’re taking care of yourself as you Recent episodes have mainly geared towards trailer parked outside of CMAC’s building – “literally anything” as Robinson says. The
head into a ‘normal’ life. the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions in- in downtown Fresno earlier this year – that organization wishes to add these materials
Here are five simple habits clude organizations that have shifted their was StoryCorps’ traveling recording studio. to its archives for future display. Anyone un-
you can put into place that are easy to service delivery, highlights of virtual support Robinson and other organizers worked with sure that an item qualifies or has questions
repeat and don’t require a lot of effort. groups, and how people can stay connected the non-profit to coordinate and record sev- about how to submit an object, email clink-
They’re tiny, health-centered, and man- during this time. But the general conversa- eral stories from members of the LGBTQ for more information.
ageable. The one I started with several tion remains around a constant theme. community, growing the Oral History li- While the traditional celebration
years ago when I began to focus on get- “We like to say, it’s always good brary. of Pride may not be available this year, or-
ting healthier was short morning walks. queer talk, music, news, and events,” shares “StoryCorps said they had not ganizations across cities, states, and even the
Over time, those walks have become a Robinson. [seen] that large of a response in their trav- world are finding ways to continue honor-
routine that I use nearly every morn- Fresno Rainbow Pride also has els and were really impressed at the turnout. ing it – both during the season and all year
ing. projects in the works that continue through- We pushed hard to the community [that long. Pride may be in an intermission, but it
Start with one or two that you out the year, beyond the annual Pride cel- they] needed to take part in this,” Robinson is certainly not forgotten.
think you can fit into your life. Recruit ebration, such as the Oral History project furthers. Follow Fresno Rainbow Pride on
loved ones to join you. under the larger Qistory umbrella. ‘Qistory’ Those recordings will live in not social media for more information and to
(queer history) seeks to document, record, only the Qistory archives, but also the Li- stay updated on everything they’re working
l Move for at least 10 minutes every store, and preserve the LGBTQ history in brary of Congress, where StoryCorps col- on: @pride_fresno on Twitter, @fresno_
day. Choose something you like to do Fresno and the Central Valley. The Oral lections will become a permanent part of rainbow_pride on Instagram, and Fresno
and is simple for you to accomplish. History project revolves around recording American history. Stories are also available Rainbow Pride Parade and Festival on Face-
You’ll have greater success if you like it, individual testimonies on personal expe- on their website, book.
and it’s simple. A bonus to aiming for riences in the community. Stories such as
only a few minutes is that it will go by
so quickly you’ll decide you want to do

l Always have a filled water bottle

handy, and keep it with you through-
out the day.

l Drinking water rather than sweet-

ened beverages have so many benefits
for your body. If you always have the
water bottle with you, it will be easier
to avoid the other drinks.

Continues on pg 11...
Answers to last issue’s puzzles

Fun Facts
In Celebration of Pride Month 6. For the 25th anniversary of the
Stonewall Riots in 1994, Gilbert
1. The “Mother of Pride” was a Baker was commissioned to make
bisexual woman. Brenda Howard, the world’s  largest rainbow flag.
a bisexual woman and lifelong The flag used the six-stripe design
militant activist, was known as the that’s popular today, and measured
“Mother of Pride” for her work in thirty feet wide. The Guinness
organizing the Christopher Street Book of World Records confirmed The brave activism displayed in the
Liberation Day March. Howard it as the largest flag in the world, incident is considered the start of
was also credited with laying the but it has since lost the title. Baker the gay liberation movement.
foundation for the week-long cel- made another giant rainbow flag
ebrations of Pride leading up the in 2003 that stretched a mile and 10.   While the first U.S. Pride
modern day Pride parades. She a quarter across Key West, Florida. event can be traced back to 1970,
also co-founded the New York Bi- the first Dyke March didn’t happen
sexual Network in 1988.  7. Harvey Milk was an American for 23 more years. Dyke Marches,
politician who became the first which usually happen on the eve of
Pride parades, were first organized
2. Europe has a Pan-European openly gay person to be elected to
by the radical activist group, The
International Pride Event, called, public office in California. The crit-
ically-acclaimed 2008 film  Milk, Lesbian Avengers.
appropriately, Europride.
starring Sean Penn,  was based on
11. The Pentagon has an LGBT
3. Amsterdam is the only city his life. 
Pride event. The Pentagon’s first
whose Pride celebration literally
Pride event was held in 2012. Gay
floats on a river. The parade in- 8. Pride parades weren’t always
members of the military talked
volves 100 decorated boats that called Pride parades. When ear-
about the repeal of “don’t ask,
sail through the city on the Prin- ly Pride events started, they were
more militant, and were more often don’t tell,” and the importance of
sengracht River.
referred to as marches. “Gay Liber- being able to discuss their families
and loved ones with fellow
4. The oldest still-existing LGBT ation” or “Gay Freedom” were more servicemen and women.
organisation in the world is Neth- common names for those marches.
erland’s Center for Culture and As militancy slowly decreased in 12. Records of same-sex
Leisure (COC). Founded in 1946, the 1980s and 1990s, events moved relationships have been found in
it adopted a vague name to mask toward a parade-structure and the nearly every culture throughout
its taboo purpose. “Pride” language.
history with varying degrees of
5. The longest pride celebration 9. June  was chosen to be the
lasts three to four weeks in Sydney, LGBT Pride Month to commem- 13. The number of gays and
Australia each February, ending orate the Stonewall riots, which lesbians in the U.S. is estimated
with Mardi Gras. took place in New York in June
1969, when gay bars were illegal. to be approximately 8.8 million.


By I. smiley G. Calderón |

ou can’t go anywhere nowadays with- and contagious until they infect In a video shared on social media, Dr. Fauci made it crystal clear in
out seeing a multitude of half-cov- others who show symptoms. And Dr. Robert Redfield, director his interview about wearing masks in pub-
ered concerned faces with their big by then, it’s already too late. We of the CDC, tells viewers that lic: “It’s sort of  respect  for another person
sweaty brows and squinty little eyes moving have no known effective cure “wearing a cloth-based covering and have that other person respect you.
to and fro. It’s today’s mask culture, and for COVID-19; we don’t have a while in public is an important You wear a mask, and they wear a mask -
some say it’s here to stay for good.   vaccine yet either. If you’re one practice to slow the spread of the you  protect  each other.” Simple neighborly
Aargh. Really? of the unlucky ones who develop coronavirus.” He says it simply: respect. Why is that so hard for Americans?
Yes, really. And it’s all because of COVID-19 symptoms, your “Me wearing a cloth-based covering Mask-it or casket  is what I always
that horrible ubiquitously pernicious novel nightmare ensues. protects you, and you wearing a cloth- say. But, anti-maskers have a million excuses.
SARS-CoV-2 virus. This disease has already Experts from the WHO (World based covering protects me.” It’s unhealthy, they say. Well, so is getting
swiftly killed over 100,000 Americans these Health Organization) and CDC (Centers America’s top immunologist, Dr. infected by a voracious novel coronavirus.
past few months. Ordinary daily life, with all for Disease Control and Prevention) recom- Anthony Fauci, a prominent member of the They think this whole pandemic is just hype
of its mundane activities and simple public mend the public use of masks and face cov- White House Coronavirus Taskforce and - and they’re not buying it. After all, here
pleasantries, has become very complicated erings in a risk-based approach to contain director of the National Institute of Aller- in Fresno County, we’ve ‘only’ had some 35
very quickly. and prevent coronavirus spreading. Cities, gy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), also documented COVID-19 deaths out of a
Now when you’re out in public counties, and even some states across the emphasized the importance of wearing face population of 1 million. That’s a mortality
and hear the guy right behind you cough U.S. have made wearing masks in a live TV  in- rate of a mere 0.0035%, right? 
or sneeze, your fight or flight adrenaline re- masks in public man- terview: “I wear it for So, why is everyone taking this
sponse kicks in. You wonder if he’s spewing
coronavirus or not. And immediately, before
datory (although many
have rescinded such or-
“But some people just the reason that I believe
it is effective…I do it
‘virus hoax’ so seriously? Pastor Mark Wal-
lace, who spent a month hospitalized with
you even turn around - you’re hoping he’s ders due to public and aren’t having it. They’d when I’m in public for coronavirus at Fresno’s Kaiser Permanen-
wearing a mask. political pressure)  be- the reasons: A) I want te, had this to say to these naysayers when
Why? cause  it is  proven  to
rather die than wear a to protect myself and finally leaving the hospital in a wheelchair:
Because despite how stupid that hinder the spread of mask. Literally.” protect others, and also “Everyone has to just take a deep breath
mask makes  you  feel or look, deep down COVID-19. And where because [B] I want to and realize that …it’s not the government
inside, you know that it is the only effective laws fail to enforce and make it be a symbol for taking our freedom…if they see this side of
protective measure against this horrific protect public health people to see that that’s it, what I went through. They’re just trying
respiratory contagion when you’re out and the safety of its citizens, responsible the kind of thing you should be doing.” to  protect  as many thousands of people as
in public around others. It is. And that’s private companies like Costco Wholesale So, if you care about your neigh- they can from having to go through the
because we know this coronavirus is actively have made wearing masks obligatory - bor and your country, wear a mask. If you same thing - I wouldn’t wish what I went
spread as an aerosol in the air as microscopic whether you like it or not. care about your family and yourself, wear a through on my very worst enemy in the
droplets that come out of an infected person But some people just aren’t having mask. It’s as simple as that. At this point, if world.”
when coughing, sneezing, huffing, and it. They’d rather die than wear a mask. Lit- you don’t wear one while you’re out in pub- Tammy Wallace, his wife, who
puffing - or even just talking. erally. lic, you just don’t care. contracted coronavirus but only experienced
And that’s a fact. That same ‘patriot’ who vows he And stop with all of the stupid ex- a fever and then fully recovered without any
And here’s another disturbing would do ‘anything’ to protect his coun- cuses about personal freedoms, too - your hospitalization, couldn’t agree more: “When
fact: this virus is highly infectious -  super try is also the first guy you’ll see refusing personal freedoms end when they endanger it touches someone in your family like the
contagious  - much more contagious than to wear a mask. Because ‘it’s a free country’ others. With this novel coronavirus, you way it touches ours, you can’t wear a mask
the flu. It spreads like a damn wildfire on or because it ‘infringes upon his rights,’ or can be infected and contagious at any time long enough…”
a hot scorching summer’s day. But the real some other bogus excuse. It’s not about his without even knowing it. That makes every-
tricky deadly part is that some infected freedoms or rights - It’s about everyone else’s one a potential threat - including you - de- Continues on pg 9...
people don’t even know they are infected right to stay healthy and alive. spite how healthy you promise you are.
By Dave Fountinelle |

n the roughly four and half years since honor Pride and celebrate in the time test organizers. Individually, I know our LGBTQ community is disproportion-
forming, The Source has provided spaces of social distancing? we are all donating to organiza- ally affected by a lack of access to health care
and resources for the LGBT+ communi-   tions on the frontlines of this and other resources. The Source has been
ty in Kings and Tulare counties from their Pride Inside was our idea to have movement and supporting in able to distribute $40,000 in direct aid to
Visalia location. Their mission has been to a community event on the day more direct ways. Pride month our folks who needed help with food, utili-
encourage learning and growth, provide a we had initially scheduled Pride should be a potent reminder ties, rent, hygiene items, mental health, and
place of belonging, and support the com- Visalia, May 23, 2020. It included to the LGBTQ community that other basics because of COVID-19. I’d like
munity through education, information, many of the aspects of an in-person resistance is powerful. We need to to see The Source continue to be supported
referrals, counseling, and any assistance they Pride such as entertainment, education, stand with our Black siblings and do our by foundations and the community so that
can offer. Through advocacy, partnerships, and drag shows. We even had three celebrity part to dismantle systems of oppression.  we can continue to provide meaningful aid
and fundraising, they seek to unite and ad- appearances by Gus Kenworthy, Latrice at the moment. I want the community to
vance the LGBT+ community. Nick Vargas Royal, and Lance Bass, who wished The DF: For those in the hetero community who know that we still need strong LGBTQ cen-
is the Director of Development and Strategy Source and our community “Happy Pride.” want to be allies and support the LGBTQ ters. When our folks feel safe and included
for The Source. He took some time to talk People loved it. It’s still on social media for movement in the fight for equality and in their communities, they build lives that
with Fresno Flyer about himself, his orga- people to view.   acceptance? benefit those communities.  
nization, and how the current events have  
impacted Pride. DF: Can you give a personal message for
  anyone who may need the services provided by
DF: What inspires you and gives you hope for The Source who might not even be aware of
the equality movement here in the valley? your organization? 
NV: What motivates/inspires me: The fact NV: I’d invite them to reach out to us di-
that we have an LGBT+ Center on Main rectly on social media, email, phone, text,
Street in Visalia is a big deal to me. When or any way they are comfortable. You don’t
I was in high school, that would have been have to be out to come in. People can help
impossible. Not only do we have a center, the most right now by texting “Pride Inside”
but it’s also been relatively well-received to 44-321, watching “Our Story” and do-
by the community. When we opened, we nating. If they can’t right now, I totally un-
weren’t sure what the reception would be. derstand. Please share the information and
Many of the folks involved with LGBTQ the video “Our Story” with others.            
issues and organizations before The Source Lastly, I’m happy to say that we
had lived through Prop 8 and warned us it have rescheduled Pride Visalia for October
might not be easy. And it hasn’t been easy, 10, 2020, from 11 am to 4 pm at the Old
but we’ve become a respected part of the Lumberyard in Downtown Visalia. It might
local nonprofit community and been able look a little different this year, depending
to affect systems change in Tulare/Kings on what the guidelines for safety include.
Counties. Our Pride Visalia event has drawn Still, we feel it’s important to have it if we
about 3,000 attendees for the last two years, are at all able to. Please plan to attend, be a
including many straight allies. I’m thrilled DF: The killing of George Floyd has sparked NV: It depends on the person. There are vendor, sponsor, or maybe even a volunteer. 
that our events do very well. Drag Queen national outrage. And with protests igniting as a lot of ways to be an ally. Here are some This month is Give Out Day.
Bingo, Visalia Over the Edge, and others we enter June and Pride month, it’s impossible of my ideas on how allies can support: 1. All month LGBTQ organizations are
have been sold out and become popular. not to remember the Stonewall riots and their Donate to LGBT+ causes and centers. competing for donations and leaderboard
This is in part to the uniqueness of the impact on the gay rights movement. Do that Pick a cause on Facebook and donate your prizes. The organization with the most
events, and that our community really sees history and your own personal experiences birthday to it. It’s a great way to raise funds $10 contributions will win $10,000. We’ve
the need for what we do. And our events affect your perspective on the protests?  and visibility. 2. When you see, read, or hear won the last two years in a row. Because of
are FUN.   incentive or derogatory comments, speak COVID-19 canceling our fundraisers and
           There’s still a lot of room to grow. NV: I’m outraged at his killing and the up. 3. Bring LGBTQ people to the table the sharp decrease in donations, we need
HIV primary care is nonexistent in our area, murders of other Black people. We can’t in your organizations, your businesses, and your support to keep going. If we win the
PrEP access is scarce, and the same can be compare the systemic oppression and racist your network. 4. Attend LGBTQ events.  leaderboard prize, we will use half of it for
said for Trans healthcare and HRT. Also, we history that Black people have had to en- our COVID-19 Relief Fund, and the other
still have a lot of room for progress on inclu- dure with Stonewall. They aren’t the same. DF: Where and how would you like to see The half to sustain our primary operations. Plus,
sivity and equality in general. We hear from However, we do understand what it means Source continue to grow in the future?  we have a donor who is matching the first
people who still struggle to come out and to push back and stand up to a culture and 1,000 $10 donations, so your donation will
are sometimes rejected by family or friends system that tells us that we are less than and NV: I’d like to see us expand from our have a double impact, and a triple impact
when they do. Social media comments and that our lives don’t matter. We recognize the current location in the basement of if we win the leaderboard prize. For more
letters to the editor in opposition to the intersectionality of our mission with Black Montgomery Square; for us to have a information, you can visit  www.giveoutday.
LGBTQ community are still common. Lives Matter. Our trans people of color are building and a bigger space for groups. I’d org/thesourcelgbt.
  murdered on a regular basis. Words can’t like us to continue to build out our HIV,            If you would like to donate time,
DF: The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear describe how I feel. As an organization, we Trans, Youth, and mental health programs. money, supplies, or other resources to The
months ago that Pride as many of us know it are meeting the moment by using our social We have only part-time people but need Source, and to get more information on
wasn’t going to be happening this month. Can media to bring awareness, our networks to full-time work on those programs. When how you can help make a difference for the
you talk a little bit about what Pride Inside is spread information, and our youth to deliv- there are health care crises and economic LGBTQ community in your area, please
and how the community is adjusting to still er water, snacks, and other supplies to pro- downturns like we see with COVID-19, visit
The World I Leave You:
Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit
By Will Freeney |

resno’s inaugural poet laureate and evocatively. Take, as the final The third section, “Who Father, Forgive Me For I Have Seen: On
Fresno City College English profes- example from this section, the Will Pray for Me When You Doubt and Questions of Faith,” opens with
sor, Lee Herrick, and Leah Silvieus, words of Fresno’s own Brynn Are Gone?: Relationships with the power of Ocean Vuong’s “Prayer for the
his co-editor, have wrought a thing of won- Saito (poet and MFA Creative Cultural History and Ancestors”, Newly Damned,” which posits the eviscer-
der. The wonder is in the reading – won- Writing faculty member at Fresno is – like each of its predecessors ating question, “what becomes of the shep-
der both in the sense of magic and in the State): “Slow-moving creatures with – fairly thematically self-explanato- herd / when the sheep are cannibals?” That
spirit of awed contemplation. That is as it full bones and focus/lunge through the ry in its title. Patriarchal misogyny – no is followed up with Matthew Olzmann’s
should be, for this collection of poems from understory – / what do they know about unique phenomenon to Asian cultures – is “Nate Brown is Looking for a Moose,” a
a wide array of Asian American poets is, as flower-walking, flight moons.” (“Reincarna- addressed by several poems in this section. poem with a far more whimsical voice but
the subtitle indicates, a consideration of the tion”) From the opening “How to Eat Your Love” no less serious a contemplation: “When I
confluence, the intersection, of body and Brynn also leads off the second by Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, which concludes was a teenager, several of my friends / sud-
spirit, world and beyond. The insights are section (“Waiting to Get Clear on her “You discard the extraneous girl / hide and denly found God. / I tried but found only
as varied as the authors and their voices, God-Thinking, She Went Out Into That scoop up the boy” to “Televangelism” by found pocket lint and angst ... What we’re
but they have been gathered in thematically Meadow Again: Locating the Divine in K-Ming Chang, which clarifies that “[w] looking for are miracles.”
imagined sections. the Natural hat a daughter In the final section, “I Will Unlock
The opening section (“When the World”) with costs / a moth- the Latch of These Lips and Praise: Poems
Sky Unhinges, How Will We Survive: Po- “How to Pre- er must pay / About Prayer and Ritual,” various poets’
etry as Spiritual Witness”) seems uncannily pare the Mind out of body: perspectives on the practice(s) of spiritu-
apropos to this time of publication (coro- for Lightning,” she reaches / ality are presented. From Oliver de la Paz’
navirus et al.), although the book project which finds a into her blood sardonic condemnation of the Holy Roman
took years to come to fruition. Li-Young more whimsi- / like a wallet Catholic church in “Dear Empire” (“Bless-
Lee’s poem, “The City in Which I Love cal voice for a ... one man’s ed be those who are smote by the light of
You,” opens the section, with a statement no-less-serious daughter / is its countenance. Blessed be them. As God
that could be a description of our pandemic contemplation, another god’s speaks, the terrible imposition of his glare
plight: “But in the city / in which I love you beginning with revenge.” shuts the eyes of the believers settled in the
/ no one comes, no one / meets me in the “In the recesses T h e pews”) to the direct simplicity of Rachelle
brick clefts, / in the wedged dark.” Ocean of the woman’s fourth section, Cruz’ opening line (“God loves you on your
Vuong’s poem, “Notebook Fragments,” mind, / there “We Were knees.”) to “How to Pray.” There are also
carries forward the contemplation of prob- is a warehouse. Brown and less condemnatory, more hopeful expres-
lematized life with a series of etymological The warehouse Immigrant: sions of faith, like Mia Ayumi Malhotra’s
considerations, personal historical realities, / is covered in Spiritual Prac- “Psalm” which lends its opening lines to the
and epiphanies sublimated in “Yikes.” There wisteria. The tice as a Form title of the section: “I will unlatch the lock /
is prayer there, though, and it is “Dear God wisteria won- of Political of these lips and praise, / press them to the
if you are a season, let it be the one I passed ders / what R e s i s t a n c e ,” crack / of light as it widens / in the jamb.”
through to get here.” The first line of Euge- it is doing in deals exten- This limited selection of excerpts
nia Leigh’s “Selah” provides the title for this the mind of sively in elegies does not suffice, but it does offer an in-
section (“When the sky unhinges, how will the woman. and dirges – an troduction to the broad expanse of Asian
we survive?”) and carries forward the con- The woman unfortunate American poetry dealing with – as the col-
templation of spirit in these times, declar- wonders too” and seemingly lection’s title states – spirituality and faith.
ing that “to worship is to survive is to be / and ending ceaseless ne- These are honest and evocative poems by
wholly human, wholly / gripping the other with “When cessity in these admirable poets. That honesty requires that
hand.” The second poem in this section by she bleeds the times, but they not always be upbeat or easy. But they
Li-Young Lee (“Arise, Go Down”) inspires wisteria, the definitely a ful- are necessary and appreciated. As Lee and
the book’s title (“I didn’t make the world I warehouse / in her mind is free and empty fillment of that subtitle. That spirit is cap- Leah wrote in the book’s introduction, “It is
leave you with”). and the source / of all emptiness. It is free to tured (at least in one of its manifestations) always the right time for faith and the spirit.
What is the nature of this world? It house the night sky. It is free to hold noth- in the final stanzas of Shin Yu Pai’s “Burning It is always the right time for poetry ... Po-
is “only this world, in which there is always / ing / but the boundless, empty, unimag- Monk”: “arhat folded in / the stillness / of etry endures. Our faiths and spirits endure
a family waiting in terror.” There is a strong inable dark.” This contemplation of nature full lotus / his body withering / his crown too. [We hope] that you receive these poems
temptation to include an excerpt from every takes on a slightly more serious tone and di- blackening / his flesh charring / his corpse as artifacts to be explored, contemplated,
poem/poet – in this section and throughout rect conceit when Li-Young Lee’s speaker in collapsing / his heart refusing to burn / his and savored as gifts.” Make it so.
the book – for each of their unique expres- “Have You Prayed” finds himself “remind- heart refusing to burn / his heart refusing to
sions of their reality, sometimes expressed ing myself / a flower is one station between burn.” The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets
literally, sometimes metaphorically, always / earth’s wish and earth’s rapture.” The penultimate section, “Dearest on Faith and Spirit, Orison Books 2020. or-
is artificially inflated! Well, tell that to those
...‘Masks’ cont’d from pg 6 grieving who suddenly saw their seemingly
At the beginning of June, Fresno healthy loved ones become deathly ill and die
County had 35 deaths. And, Fresno County within just a few days or weeks!)  
has 1 million residents. COVID-19 doesn’t Dr. Duc C. Vong, a passionate
sound too bad when you think of it that way, and popular medical educator who teach-
eh, math major? 0.0035% mortality rate. es COVID-19 science in a YouTube series,
But, the problem is that that’s the wrong way doesn’t sugarcoat it: “You have to know the
to look at it.  outcomes to understand the death rate…The
Here’s a better way: take the total correct death rate - the actual death rate if
deaths (35) and divide it by the total num- you come down with COVID-19 - the actual
ber of documented, confirmed COVID-19 death rate is between 18-24%.” 
cases in Fresno County, which happens to Vong started his YouTube talks for
be  1,743  (by the time you read this, this his patients with multiple comorbidities,
number is likely to have already gone up). which would lead to adverse COVID-19
So, then, the death rate is 2%, right? Still, outcomes, aka death. In no time, Dr. Vong’s
that’s not too horrific, I suppose. But we are ‘classroom’ and his unique style has become a
missing something here. Of the 1,743 total YouTube favorite.
confirmed cases, we know that 542 fully Forget about a ‘Fake Plandemic’
recovered, a 31% recovery rate.  conspiracy - the numbers are serious.  
But what about the other 1,166?  So, the first lesson in Masks for
These are the cases that are ‘still ac- Dummies: make sure that whatever kind
tive’ with no confirmed outcomes yet (they of mask you have, that it covers up 1) your
haven’t recovered, and they haven’t died to nose and 2) your mouth, pressed against your
date). In a worst-case scenario, all of these face so that there are no air gaps around your
confirmed 1,166 succumb to COVID-19. cheeks.  
That would be a total death count of 1,201 The idea is for every breath to come
(assuming no more confirmed cases or addi- in and out of your mask - NOT through
tional deaths).  your nose sticking out  above  your mask or
This would put the death rate at by your mouth scooping up air from the
69% - the worst-case scenario. Now, of opening below your mask. Find a mask that
course, this is unlikely, thank God - and feels comfortable, breathable, and that does
hopefully, all of the current 1,166 active cas- these two things above. 
es recover soon. This would be our best-case Anything is better than nothing. 
scenario, 2%. Let’s take bandanas as an exam-
But, just as it is unlikely for all ple - if worn tightly, the nose and mouth
1,166 to die by COVID-19, it is also unlike- are covered well, which is good. But, unless
ly they will all recover - right? Looking at past the bottom portion of the bandana is tied
European data, which are weeks ahead of us against your face or somehow tucked into
in terms of infection onset, we see in France your shirt, there will be a huge air gap below
a death rate between 15-20% (depending on the chin. The gap means your bandana-mask
the data source). And so let’s estimate that won’t capture all of your inhaling and exhal-
20% of Fresno’s active 1,166 unfortunately ing. Your breaths will come from below and
die. That would be 234 more deceased, for from the sides instead of through your mask
a total of 269 dead. And that would then - which is supposed to act as your air filter
put the death rate at 15% (assuming no against breathing coronavirus in and out. The
more confirmed cases or additional deaths) trick might be first to put on any mediocre
in Fresno County. So, forget about a 2% face mask that at least covers your mouth and
COVID-19 death rate - the exact number your chin and then cover that with the ban-
will be much higher when the dust settles, dana. Doing this will give you better cover-
sadly.   age for both your nose and mouth. Thinking
Now, do you see why it’s crucial for outside the box like this and using whatever
you to wear a face mask? you have to protect yourself, your family, and
At the beginning of June across the your community is critical during this pan-
U.S., we’ve had 104,383 COVID-19 deaths. demic.  
And, according to some sources, we have To slow the spread of COVID-19
had about  600,000  recovered COVID-19 - and to protect yourself - you need to wear
survivors. We have 1,790,191 in total cases. a mask that fully covers your nostrils and
This means we have about 1,085,808 active, mouth. It’s important because if you don’t
open cases with no outcomes yet. And if we wear it right - like an unclipped seatbelt,
estimate a 15% mortality (again, since we’ve what’s the point of even wearing it at all? If
seen this average death rate in other countries your nose and mouth aren’t covered, you’re
that had their onset of infection weeks doing it wrong. Simple as that.  
ahead of us) of these inconclusive cases, that Masks for Dummies can be a little
would be about 162,872 additional deaths hard, but with a bit of practice, you’ll get
(assuming no more confirmed cases or it - guaranteed. Tune in next month when
additional deaths) - a total of 267,255 deaths I’ll talk about the best kinds of masks, what
- again, about a 15% mortality rate - not the they’re made of and how you can make your
low 5.8% figure that anti-maskers like to own.  
point to (and they even say that that number Stay safe out there...


What the World Needs Now is

By Dave Fountinelle |

y first real-life Pride celebration unarmed black man by the police. There is so much understandable stage and marking a significant positive
experience took place 12 years Minneapolis PD met them in full anger, so much frustration, pain, change in public opinion. They are also
ago. It was 2008 and my ex and riot gear. Without provocation, and sadness. Many people are a solemn reminder that equality is rarely
I planned a weekend trip to see the famous the police began throwing tear wondering how this can still gained without a fight.
parade and celebration for ourselves. I have gas and flash-bang grenades into be happening in our society,            Yet, when I think of Pride today, I
so many random, incredible memories from the crowd and opening fire with 60 years after the Civil Rights think of how included and accepted, I have
that weekend. I’m not sure what exactly I rubber bullets and pepper spray. movement began. always felt as a hetero man. I think about the
was expecting, but it exceeded all of it. The The city erupted in chaos, violence,             The protest movement energy and the positivity and the freedom to
people, the energy, the colors, the freedom. and destruction. In the following days, is growing just as we enter June, and be who you are. I admire those who fought
What I felt the most the entire time was protests have sprung up all across the Pride begins. Images of the demonstrations and endured the hate and the discrimination
that everyone there was being exactly who country and throughout the world. Most are reminiscent of the 1960s Civil Rights and the progress they’ve made. I empathize
they wanted to be. There were no labels at of the demonstrations have been peaceful, protests, and a timely reminder of the June with those who are still fighting just to
all. Sexuality, gender, race, age... the only but riots and looting have been a problem 28th, 1969 protests - the revolution Pride have equality. Just as I honor and respect
thing that mattered was being there POC who have fought and are still
and being yourself. Freedom is such struggling to end systemic racism
a powerful, beautiful, essential thing. 52 years after the assassination of
           That weekend, and what I Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. History
took from it, has been on my mind shows us that the fight for equality
often over the past few months. in this country is both difficult and
When the COVID-19 pandemic costly. It costs us our peace, it costs
began escalating in February, it us our morality, and it costs lives.
quickly became apparent that Pride But Pride has always shown me that
was going to be very different this it’s a fight that the good guys are still
year. With the restrictions on social winning. That every victory is a win
gatherings and closure of bars, for all of us, who believe we can be
clubs, and venues - what was Pride better, and that the party is so much
without the celebration? Without more fun when everyone’s invited.
the parades, the dancing, the outfits, When I think of Pride, I think of the
the people? I couldn›t imagine trying LGBTQ movement at its absolute
to capture the energy, the freedom, of strongest. Because, to me, nothing
an all-night, off the hook street disco tells your adversaries they failed like
in a Zoom meeting. throwing a month-long party right
           And then George Floyd was in their faces and having the absolute
killed by Derek Chauvin and two time of your life.
other Minneapolis police officers.            We need that right now. We
At the same time, a 4th officer stood need it badly. History has taught
guard next to them, preventing us that – unfortunately – things
anyone from interfering and doing are probably going to get worse in
nothing to stop the brutality. This the days and weeks ahead. It also,
tragedy came on the heels of both the unfortunately, tells us that what little
video recorded stalking and killing meaningful progress comes from all
of Ahmaud Arbery and the wrong this will come at a terrible cost. But
address, no-knock warrant raid by if we can still find our shine when
Louisville police resulting in Breonna Tay- in many places. Simultaneously, the police continues to honor. The Stonewall Riots the dust settles, and if we can emerge from
lor’s death. Taylor was shot eight times in response in many cities has been brutally began with a police raid on the Stonewall this dark chapter and throw a huge, over the
her bed, and her boyfriend was arrested and excessive and seems almost exclusively Inn, a gay bar in New York›s Greenwich top party right in the faces of everyone who
charged for using a lawful firearm to defend directed towards peaceful protests rather Village. The attack sparked a riot between stands on the side of hate, ignorance, and
themselves. An already weary country has than those destroying property and breaking the police, bar patrons, and residents. What living in the past. If we can come together
had enough.  the law.  followed was six days of protests and violent stronger and more united against the forces
Outraged citizens took to the The unfolding events have had a clashes with police. The demonstrations of division, it’ll be worth it. And that’s the
streets to protest yet another killing of an polarizing effect on the country, reflected were the spark that ignited the gay rights party I can’t wait to attend. 
nowhere more clearly than on social media. movement, propelling it onto the national

...‘Five Efforts’ cont’d from pg 4

Rocket Dog Subbies Subs & More 2

Fresno and Clovis Locations. Fresno, 558-283-8096. 150 Minnewawa Ave ste D, Clovis, 93612. Take-out
Clovis, 559-321-8754. Curb side and and delivery by Grub Hub available, Monday-Satur-
DoorDash delivery. day 10 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. 559-478-4627

Sam’s Italian Deli & Market Mah’s Teriyaki Express

CTA CONSULTING 2415 N First St. Fresno, 93703. They are open Tues- 605 Herndon Ave #400, Clovis, 93612. Mon-
Substance/Addiction Tele-Counseling Services day through Saturday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. with day-Thursday 11 a.m. - 8.30 p.m., Friday and Satur- l When choosing snacks for at home
Enjoy the convinience of Cellphone, FaceTime, take-out and delivery. 559-229-9346 day 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Take-out only, calling ahead is or on the go, select only whole foods.
Skype, or Zoom Counseling. 8am-6pm (209)252- highly recommended. 559-297-8831
This means nuts, seeds, vegetables,
6970 Teriyaki Don The Craft House
6731 N Cedar Ave, Fresno, 93710. Takeout available, 760 Pollasky Ave Clovis, 93612. Please call for take fruits, eggs, yogurt, anything in its nat-
Wonderland Comics as well as delivery through DoorDash and Teriyaki out and curbside pick up 559-472-3398. ural state, and hasn’t had any processing.
1409 N Van Ness Ave. We have the largest selection Don app orders. 559-439-6759 Take a few minutes to put nuts or celery
of back issue comics; action figures. Unfortunate- Toledo’s Mexican Restaurant sticks or bell pepper wedges into a small
ly, we are shut down until the lockdown is lifted. If 1125 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Clovis location open resealable bag, so you have something
you have a specific item or book you are looking for, for take-out and delivery. easy to grab and go.
we can make arrangements to set an appointment.
Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Craft House l Stop buying foods that aren’t healthy
559-268-3950 760 Pollasky Ave Clovis, 93612. Please call for take
Pool Tables R US choices. If you have foods that you can’t
out and curbside pick up 559-472-3398.
Floor Model Sale - Call for appointment or info stop eating once you start(and we all
Al’s Café
14445 Shaw Ave. Suite 130 do), don’t buy them anymore! What’s
1823 W Olive Ave Fresno, 93728
559-495-1041 Toledo’s Mexican Restaurant
Open for take-out orders. 559-233-9226 1125 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Clovis location open your temptation? Spicy tortilla chips,
BC’s Pizza & Beer for take-out and delivery. donuts, salty pretzels, ice cream? What-
Casa Corona 1315 Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Pick up and delivery ever it is, do yourself a favor and take it
1724 W Bullard Ave Fresno, 93711 Call 559-283- only. 559-297-7800 Jus Jo’s off of your shopping list.
8605. Second location: 7044 N Cedar Ave Fresno, 701 W Shaw Ave Clovis, 93612. Takeout and curb-
93720 Call 559-323-7409. Pick-up orders available. Triangle Burger side available. 559-322-1788 l Get rid of phrases such as ‘not now,’
Free Uber Eats delivery. Dine In or Patio ‘I have too much to do,’ ‘I’m tired,’ ‘this
240 W. Shaw Ave 559-297-7800 Los Rancheros Mexican Restaurant
2141 Shaw Ave Ste 101, Clovis, 93611. Take-out is hard,’ and ‘I can’t’ when you’re focus-
CASA de TAMALES ing on a healthy habit. Give yourself
Tappan Bowl available; Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
609 E Olive Ave, Ste C Fresno, 93728 Take-out orders the opposite message: ‘now is good,’ ‘I
New Opening Take Out Call 559-326-0524
available. Call 559-541-4656 can take time for this,’ ‘this will give me
50 W. Bullard Ave Suite 111 559-207-3738
Luna Italian Restaurant energy,’ ‘I can handle this,’ ‘I can.’ Add
India’s Oven and Pizzeria in, ‘this is for me, and I’m worth it.’
Pure Water & Ice Cream
3035 W. Ashlan Ave, Fresno, 93722. Open for take- 349 Pollasky Ave, Clovis, 93612. Alley pick-up, open
1835 Ashlan Ave #103A, Clovis, 93611
out, curbside delivery as well as free delivery within for drive through, call and let them know you have
We offer water fill up, boba drinks, ice cream, sprin- Realize and acknowledge that you are
5 miles on orders $50+; delivery also available via arrived. Pick-up in front as well. 559-299-4141
grolls, bahn mi sandwich, and papaya salad. Open creating healthy success for yourself
DoorDash and Grubhub. 559-229-1313
Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. pickup through these tiny habits. Changes
only. 559-346-1399 Michelangelo’s Pizzeria
619 Woodworth Ave, Clovis, 93612. Pick-up only are happening even if you can’t always
Irene’s Café 747
E Olive Ave, Fresno, 93728. Pickup only, closes at Monday through Saturday from 4 - 9 p.m. You must see or feel them. Don’t let your doubts
8 p.m. 559-237-9919 call in to order, first. 559-322-1666 about what you’re accomplishing get in
the way of continuing with the habits.
You gain success every single time you
choose water instead of a frappuccino or
walk for 10 minutes.
Over time these simple actions
will become your actual habits and won’t
take a lot of effort to maintain. They’ll
just become a part of your everyday life.

Nadine is a Wellness Coach for women

who want to break long-standing eating
and inactive habits. She guides you to-
ward confidently building an achievable
healthier lifestyle for yourself and your
family. Nadine can be reached at npb-, and is on Ins-
tagram @npbwellnesscoach.

Lamp, the Juice Sucker; and Ovitz’s Library Georgia O’Keeffe Museum. https:// Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York.
Museum (virtual) Tours by Jonas Wood. On top of that, you can also
simply gaze upon the building’s remarkable gia-o-keeffe-museum?hl=en Six virtual ex- sophie-taeuber-arp/swKioHNhYqZoLw?hl=en
Le Musee de Louvre, Paris. architecture. hibits are available online from this museum New York’s MoMA has it’s extensive collection
visites-en-ligne The Louvre, the world’s larg- named for the “Mother of American modern- available online.
est art and antiques museum, was forced to Uffizi Gallery, Florence. artsandculture. ism.”
close its doors as Paris went into lockdown.
While you can no longer waltz into its famous This gal- The National Museum of Computing, Milton
glass exterior, you can learn something of lery houses the art collection of the Medicis National Museum of Anthropology, Mexi- Keynes, UK.
the phenomenal collection via a number of inside a 16th-century building. Online, there co City. leases/2017/6/6/3d-virtual-tour-now-on-
virtual tours, charting everything from Egyp- are four exhibitions that take viewers through asset/the-national-museum-of-anthropolo- line?rq=virtual The National Museum of Com-
tian antiquities to the Galerie d’Apollon. various works, explaining their significance gy-mexico-city-ziko-van-dijk-wikimedia-com- puting contains the world’s largest collection
and showing close-ups of important details mons/bAGSHRdlzSRcdQ?hl=en Dive into the of working historic computers. The museum
The British Museum, London. britishmuse- within the paintings. See such works as Piero pre-Hispanic history of Mexico with 23 exhibit features a fantastic, intuitive, virtual 3D tour. The UK capital’s famed di Cosimo’s Perseus Free- rooms full of Mayan artifacts. You can zoom in on each exhibit’s details, and
museum has hooked up with Google Arts & i n g Androm- find out more about every aspect of comput-
Culture, along with more than 2,000 other eda NASA. Both Virginia’s Langley Research ing history, such as the world’s oldest working
leading institutions, to offer an interactive Center - - and digital computer.
tour. Wander through time and click on Ohio’s Glenn Research Center - https://
different artefacts to see them up - offer
close, read up on their history, and online tours for free. Also, you can try Ivy League Classes
hear more information with an au- some “augmented reality experiences”
dio guide. via The Space Center Houston’s app. Free Online Ivy League College Courses.
ivy-league-moocs Class Central offers free,
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. National Women’s History Muse- online instruction courses from Brown, Co- um, Virginia. https://www.wom- lumbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn,
partner/rijksmuseum Stuffed Princeton, and Yale. Many of the classes
with masterpieces from the online-exhibits Have a late Inter- are self-paced, and they offer personalized
Dutch Golden Age, the Rijksmu- national Women’s Day celebration course recommendation and course/subject
seum is one of Amsterdam’s with online exhibits and oral histo- tracking with reminders.
most popular attractions. It’s ries from the Virginia museum.
closed until 1 June, but has just
launched a new interactive expe- Metropolitan Museum of Art. Self-Improvement
rience, Rijksmuseum From Home,
that allows you to virtually visit the streetview/metropolitan-museum-of-art Live guitar lessons with Benjamin Napoles.
home of Rembrandt’s The Nightwatch Though the Met Gala was cancelled this
and Vermeer’s The Milkmaid. In a collab- year, you can still have a peak at the The Cos- poles Benjamin is offering ONLINE GUITAR
oration with Google, there’s also the chance tume Institute Conversation Lab, which is one LESSONS!! Please Share. You can take ad-
to explore 11 “exhibits”, where you’re able to like of the institution’s 26 online exhibits. vantage of being home and learn how to jam!
interact with various works from the museum, never We will learn songs for you to sing and/or play
read about their history and see close-ups of before. High Museum of Art, Atlanta. https:// with friends. You will learn chords/ scales/
the pieces. ar theory and have fun improvising over your fa-
The Smithsonian National Museum of Natu- il-rights-photography/9wISPkiyouv-Lw?hl=en vorite songs! Lets make the best out of this
Musee d’Orsay, Paris. ral History, Washington DC. https://naturalhis- This museum’s popular online exhibits in- time. FIRST LESSON FREE!!! 20$ a half a hour Housed Move at your own clude “Civil Rights Photography” — photos first lesson free. Available w/ ZOOM, Skype,
in the fabulous former Orsay railway station, pace through the 360-degree room-by-room that capture moments of social protest like Messenger, and FaceTime.
the Musee d’Orsay displays art dating from tour of every exhibit in the museum. the Freedom Rides and Rosa Park’s arrest.
1848 to 1914. An online tour goes through The Kitchn’s Cooking School. www.thek-
the history of the building, first constructed The Getty Museum, Los Angeles. https:// Detroit Institute of Arts. https://artsand-
for the Universal Exhibition of 1900. Viewers The Kitchn’s Cooking School is a 20-day,
can also explore some of the most famous paul-getty-museum?hl=en Los Angeles’s tute-of-arts?hl=en Mexican art icon Frida 20-lesson program where students tackle an
pieces in the collection, including one of Van premiere gallery has two virtual tours, in- Kahlo is the focal point of two of the four avail- essential cooking topic each day. You’ll even
Gogh’s self-portraits, and take a virtual wan- cluding “Eat, Drink, and Be Merry,” which is able online exhibits. have homework! Free to join at their web-
der through the galleries. a closer look at food in the Middle Ages and site.
Renaissance. National Museum of the United States Air
Guggenheim, New York. artsandculture. Force. Delia Online Cookery School. www.deliaon- Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. Visit/Virtual-Tour/ You can’t take a ride in Delia Online features a
heim-museum-interior-streetview New York Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidential airplane, host of cooking technique articles of varying
City’s iconic gallery has a Google Street View multimedia Madrid’s must-see art museum but you can check it out, in addition to other levels of difficulty. Each lesson has step-by-
tour where you can “amble” along its winding has the works of some of the continent’s most military weapons and aircraft, online in the Air step instructions with photos.
corridor and view works up close, such as celebrated artists like Rembrandt and Dali Force’s official museum.
Catherine Opie’s daring Self Portrait/Pervert available online. Free Online Drawing Lessons from Kline
triptych; Ivan Navarro’s installation Homeless Creative.

online-art-lessons.htm The free online draw- simultaneously across the Record Store Day through tropical waters to the icy tundra in
ing lessons at Kline Creative website are de- UK, Official Charts and National Album Day this floor-by-floor tour of the famous, Balti-
signed for beginners of any age, from young Facebook feeds, the idea is to order more-based aquarium.
children to adults. The site offers instructional each Record Club album ahead of
videos on a range of drawing subjects. The the broadcast, listen to the album Seaworld Orlando. https://www.
videos are designed to give the beginner core in full, and then come to the live
skills to enhance any art medium you choose feed armed with questions. virtual-tours/seaworld-orlando The
to use. virtual tour of Seaworld includes
Royal Albert Home. The a tour of Discovery Cove and the
How to Draw Cartoons! https://how-to- Royal Albert Hall – yes, option to”ride” the steel roller If drawing car- THE Royal Albert Hall coaster Mako.
toons is your thing, this site offers plenty of – is hosting a series
free instruction on the topic. The site covers of Royal Albert Home Riverbanks Zoo and Gar-
categories like ‘80s style cartoons, video performances over the den. https://www.facebook.
game characters like Pacman, and Mr. Spock coming days and weeks, com/riverbankszoo/ River-
and Darth Vader. which will see “artists banks Zoo, in Columbia, SC,
sharing their work from is streaming Z-Learning live
their homes to yours”. on their Facebook page ev-
Live Concert Streams The free streaming pro- ery weekday at 10 a.m. Meet
gramme already includes and learn about animals! The
Travis Brooks Quarantine Concerts. https:// Rufus Wainwright, Peter videos will also be on River- Travis is a Gregson, Brassed Off and banks’ website by 2 p.m. each
local artist who performs weekly livestream many more. You can also do- day.
concerts that are available on his facebook nate to the Hall to show your
page. He continues to create fresh new support. We have Imogen Heap,
content for his fans and supporters every Kaiser Chiefs and Tim Burgess to Wildlife Camera Streams
week. look forward to.
Nature Conservancy of Oklaho-
Miley Cyrus: Bright Minded. https://www.ins- Radiohead. Yes, Radiohead. The band will be ma. While it’s not posting weekly classic concert videos to their tour/?site=42&scenename=815&mod=arti-
quite a concert, Cyrus has been livestreaming YouTube channel on Thursdays at 10pm BST cle_inline Escape the confines of your home
with a slew of guests at 2:30 p.m. Monday (5pm ET). And you can watch them back at and take a virtual field trip through Oklaho-
through Friday on her Instagram. Come for the your leisure. Zoo Tours ma’s vast wilderness by clicking through sev-
revelation that her and Demi Lovato probably eral 360-degree views of the Conservancy’s
hooked up during their Disney days, stay for Josh Groban. Josh Groban will relive his hits The Cincinnati Zoo. https://www.facebook. various preserves. You can also click on fea-
the Cyrus family reunion. Her show’s guests in an intimate career-spanning livestream com/cincinnatizoo/ The Cincinatti Zoo hosts tures of the landscapes to learn more about
so far have included everyone from Reese concert, starting at 4 p.m. ET on June 27th. a daily home safari at 3pm on its Facebook the unique prairie ecosystem.
Witherspoon to Hilary Duff to a Hannah Mon- Tickets for the virtual event will first go on sale page.
tana reunion with Emily Osment. June 1 at 4 p.m. ET exclusively for the Friends Virtual Dives. https://sanctuaries.noaa.
Of Josh Groban, while the general on-sale be- Atlanta Zoo. gov/vr/?mod=article_inline You won’t need
Metallica. gins June 3 at 4 p.m. ET on da-cam/ The Georgia zoo keeps a “Panda scuba gear to feel like you’re underwater with
MetallicaTV/videos Rock Gods Metallica Ticketholders will receive an access code to Cam” livestream on its website. these stunning high-res 360-degree views of
have launched a new concert series, #Me- the live stream that’s good for 48 hours at the national marine sanctuaries like the Florida
tallicaMondays, which will see the band start of the concert. They can also purchase Georgia Aquarium. https://www.geor- Keys, Monterey Bay and the Olympic Coast.
stream a complete Metallica live show on limited VIP bundles with special merch, in- You can even pair your device with a virtual
the group’s YouTube channel and on Face- cluding an official event tee with $5 of each cam/ Sea-dwellers like African penguins and reality headset for the ultimate immersive ex-
book every week. They start at 8pm (EDT) ev- sale benefiting Josh’s Find Your Light Founda- Beluga Whales are the stars of this aquari- perience.
ery Friday. tion. um’s live cam.
International Wolf Center. http://www.wolf.
Neil Young. Pearl Jam, Ben Gibbard, Sir Mix-a-Lot, The Houston Zoo. https://www.houston- org/wolves/experience/webcam.asp Highly
news/4/article?id=Subscriber-Fireside-Ses- Macklemore, Dave Matthews and more Se- There are plenty recommended: the wolf den cam. This morn-
sions-to-stream-from-NYA Neil Young is keep- attle musicians are participating in the All of different animals you can check in on with ing, it showed a gorgeous white wolf and two
ing it in the family with his Fireside Sessions in WA streaming concert to raise money for this zoo’s live cam, but we highly recommend others moving around the den. As the site ex-
- his wife will be filming while he gives a live COVID-19 relief efforts across Washington watching the playful elephants. plains, the den is the primary resting spot for
concert from his living room, presumably by state. The concert, which will air on the local wolves during the winter months, where they
the fire. It looks like his dogs could feature NBC affiliates on June 10th, can be streamed The Shedd Aquarium. https://www.face- lie on beds of straw for added warmth. During
heavily, too. Young is promising a “down-home on Amazon’s Twitch channel, and will be avail- This Chicago the summer, they’re more likely to be inside,
production, a few songs, a little time togeth- able on Amazon Prime after it airs. aquarium shares some pretty adorable be- escaping the heat.
er”, which sounds good to us. Find out more hind-the-scenes footage of their residents on
via the Neil Young website, see link below. MTV Unplugged at home. The first install- Facebook. Farallon National Wildlife Refuge, San Fran-
ment of this new MTV Youtube series starts cisco.
Yo-Yo Ma’s “Songs of Comfort”, Instagram. that will take place every Friday started with The San Diego Zoo. https://kids.sandiego- farallones/ This live streaming web cam lets
On a semi-regular basis, Yo-Yo Ma will perform Wiclef Jean. Link: MTV Youtube With what may be the most you observe a slice of the coast in Farallon
live on Instagram. “In these days of anxiety, live cam options, this zoo lets you switch be- National Wildlife Refuge, home to 13 species
I wanted to find a way to continue to share Songkick Live Stream Concerts. Songkick, tween koalas, polar bears, and tigers in one of seabirds, five species of seals and sea li-
some of the music that gives me comfort,” he the concert connection site, hosts live stream sitting. ons, and land birds. Great white sharks and
says. concerts and in-home performances from na- gray, blue, and humpback whales inhabit the
tional and local artists all over the world. New Monterey Bay Aquarium. https://www. surrounding waters.
The Record Club. Record Store Day UK, events are added daily.
Official Charts and National Album Day have cams It can be Shark Week every week
come together to launch The Record Club, a thanks to live online footage of Monterey wildlife/ offers several options
bi-monthly Facebook Live virtual club, taking Bay’s Habitat exhibit. to choose from (look to the column on the
place on every other Wednesday at 6.30pm left of the homepage): Cams in South Afri-
(BST). Hosted by Jess Iszatt (BBC Music Intro- National Aquarium. ca, Tanzania, Egypt, and North America. Un-
ducing/BBC Radio London) and live streamed dia/virtualtours/baltimore/index.html Walk der ‘Streaming Cams,’ clicking ‘Flamingos’

takes you to Kamfers Dam, where hundreds ClassPass. Virtual Farm Tour.
of the birds are milling about. live-workouts ClassPass, a subscription ser- Explore 11
vice that ordinarily enables users to visit a different Canadian farms and food processing
Wildlife Focus: Brazil & Ecuador. variety of boutique fitness studios, also facilities. Learn how to milk a cow, go behind hosts a library of virtual workouts. the scenes at a sheep farm and meet some of
cam/brazil-cam.shtml (Southern Right now, those 2,000+ audio the livestock guardian dogs, or visit an apple
Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil) http:// and video workouts are free for orchard. everyone, no subscription re-
(Buenaventura Reserve, Ec- quired. Draw with Ed Vere.
uador) Wildlife Focus has two Every Wednesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (he’s
high-quality, live-streaming Corepower Yoga. https:// posting from the UK) illustrator Ed Vere will
webcams. One at the South- www.corepoweryogaonde- share a new “how to draw” lesson via video on
ern Atlantic Rainforest in his website. So far he’s taught how to draw a
Brazil’s Parana State, and practice The yoga franchise lion, a monster and more. The videos remain
the site says you might espy — which has 18 studios in available on his website after they’re shared,
the Swallow-tailed Hum- Colorado, most in the Den- so don’t feel like you have to be up at 6 a.m.
mingbird, Black Jacobin, ver area — is offering free
Blue-winged Parrotlet and access to a “special weekly Lincoln Center Pop Up Classroom. https://
the Plain Parakeet. The sec- collection” of online classes. Ev-
ond web cam is located in the “Please share this with friends, ery weekday morning at 10 a.m., Lincoln
remote tropical forest of Fun- family and anyone who could Center Pop-Up Classroom brings you a daily
dación Jocotoco’s Buenaventura use a little yoga in their life right dose of creative art-making. A Lincoln Center
Reserve, Ecuador. now,” Corepower Yoga said on its Teaching Artist will lead families and kids in a
website. workshop that uses simple materials found at
National Wildlife Federation’s Bald home. Conducted on Facebook Live.
Eagle Cam. Movement Climbing + Fitness. https://
cam/webcam.cfm This camera gets you w w w. fa c e b o o k . c o m / m ove m e n t d e n - Weekday Live Streams with Mr. Jon
right up near the nest, about 30 feet off Hog ver/?ref=br_rs All of Movement’s gyms and & Friends.
the ground. I s - l a n d climbing walls may be closed, but head to the events/1074677622899381/ Mr. Jon &
sanctuary off the coast of company’s Facebook page, where trainers Friends is a group that writes and performs
Polar Bears in Wapusk National Park, Can- Maine. While the couple separates for the win- from Movement locations around the city are music just for kids! With schools are closed,
ada. ter, thousands tune in for their reunification posting live, free daily workouts recorded in they will be hosting weekday live streams and
lar-bear-cape-churchill-cam-2 every spring. This live wildlife cam shows an their own homes. fun videos at 10:30 a.m. each day. These
intimate look at these raptor-like birds as they virtual events are all about fun, music, and
Channel Islands National Park Live Ocean fish, soar, and hatch eggs annually. laughter. Watch live, and then come back
Webcam. Kids Stuff to re-watch alter as often as you’d like. You
cal/camp-californias-channel-islands-nation- can find all the info on the Facebook event
al-park/ Home to one of the richest marine Workout Classes LEGOLAND Florida Resort. https://www. page.
environments in the world, Channel Islands
National Park offers an underwater glimpse of Planet Fitness. https://www.planetfitness. land/virtual-tour/ The Great Lego Race and
marine life as it is rarely seen. The cam records com/ One of the country’s largest gym chains
is offering free home “work-ins” on Facebook
Miniland USA are just two of the attractions Virtual Destinations
life in a “majestic, amber-colored kelp forest” you can check out in a virtual tour of the
where nearly 1,000 marine species live or Live daily at 5 p.m. MDT. Previously streamed park. Icehotel, Swedish Lapland. https://www.
regularly pass through. The park’s live wildlife workouts are available on the Facebook page.
cam is located in the ocean landing cove on Workouts are open to anyone, including those Go to Mars! https://accessmars.withgoogle. hELh83fcCg Aurora photography company
Anacapa Island, off the coast of California be- who aren’t Planet Fitness members, and typi- com/?mod=article_inline Explore the surface Lights over Lapland has created experienc-
tween Ventura and Los Angeles. When tuning cally last around half an hour. of Mars in the ultimate form of social es for those suffering wanderlust to
in, prepare to be mesmerized as colorful fish distancing. While the team at virtually travel to the Icehotel
dart back and forth across the camera lens as Orangetheory. https://www.orangetheory. NASA is currently updating in Swedish Lapland. The
the kelp sways peacefully with the push and com/en-au/member-communication-regard- the site, you can still 360-degree videos al-
pull of the ocean currents. ing-coronavirus/ Two days after closing lo- take a peek at 360- low viewers to visit
cations nationwide last week, Orangetheory mode and get a the local Arctic wil-
Manatee Webcams, Blue Spring State Park, began posting daily workouts on its website. feel for what the derness, meet
Florida. According to the website, Orangetheory will Curiosity rover local huskies
da/blue-spring-state-park Florida manatees share daily 30-minute workouts featuring top sees every day. and reindeer,
live in slow moving, shallow water such as bays coaches from around the world. You won’t go dogsled-
and rivers. These large marine mammals are need special equipment, but you might be Tour the In- ding and rein-
a treat to spot in their natural environment, asked to scrounge up some household ob- ternational deer sledding
but they can be elusive. If you don’t have the jects to use in your workout. Thursday’s video Space Station and even join
opportunity to search for the creatures in the included five blocks including warm-up, some (ISS). https:// a Northern
wild, try the manatee webcams at Blue Spring cardio and flexibility focusing on legs. Lights hunt.
State Park instead. While the underwater and mission_pages/
above-water webcams are no longer live, tune Camp Gladiator. https://www.facebook. station/main/ J e r u s a l e m ,
in to see highlights from the most current com/CampGladiator/ Camp Gladiator is a s u n i _ i s s _ t o u r. Israel. sam-
manatee season, including special shots of a four-week outdoor group fitness program for html?mod=arti-
manatee with her calf and one of an adorable all levels led by certified personal trainers cle_inline Expedition Wv_0tcndBOG Israel
manatee named Alice inspecting the camera. with more than 4,000 locations nationwide. 33 Commander Suni is promoting a whole se-
This fee-based program has launched free Williams floats through the ries of virtual tours for arm-
Audobon Osprey Nest Cam, Hog Island, ME. live at-home workouts on its Facebook page, International Space Station and chair travellers, including one that three times a day on weekdays and once on gives those of us stuck on Earth a tour of takes you around Jerusalem’s most famous
prey-nest Getting up close and personal with Saturdays. Previous workouts are available the laboratories, observation deck, the crew’s sights. Videos have a voiceover tour guide
a bird of prey’s nest has never been easier. on the Facebook page as well. You can also sleep quarters and more. It’s fascinating to giving more information on the city’s holiest
This live wildlife cam captures the nest area download printable 30-minute workouts from see our planet down below from the observa- places, while 360-degree functionailty makes
of two western ospreys—Rachel and Steve— its website. tion deck and to find out what life is really like it feel more like you’re exploring.
perched 30 feet above the Audubon Society’s on the station.

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. tour-virtuale.html The national lockdown in It- The Vatican, Rome. http://www.museivat-
virtual-visit-tour Fancy watching the sun set One of the best things about aly has forced the country to a near-standstill,
over these picturesque peaks? You can take being in the great outdoors is the way you ex- shuttering public events, soccer stadiums and oni/musei/tour-virtuali-elenco.html Filled
a virtual tour of the famous Irish geological perience it with all your senses. Rocky Moun- even the Vatican. Now, visitors can tour the with spectacular architecture and historic
landmark, which captures 360-degree views tain National Park has allowed virtual visitors interior artworks of the chapel, including its monuments, The Vatican is within your virtu-
and even has virtual reality headset capability to use their ears rather than their eyes, with an renowned ceiling and The Last Judgment, by al reach, with a host of museums providing
for a fully immersive experience. online “sound library” that features an array Renaissance painter Michelangelo. online tours. Step into the Sistine Chapel and
of birds and wildlife found in the park. Raphael’s Rooms, which are adorned with
Central Park, New York. The Great Wall of China, China. https:// simply sensational artwork. The tour is com-
centralpark NYC’s green centrepiece is avail- Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. nps. patible with WebVR, so you can pop on a VR
able to tour online. Not only does it show gov/grte Fancy climbing a mountain? You can wall-of-china China’s most famous attraction headset to get an even closer look at some
you the sites, it also comes with a guide who try out an e-climb offers virtual tours of some of the most visit- of mankind’s most memorable creations. It’s
talks you through significant events in Central with ed sections of the wall, 3000 miles of which truly breathtaking, even when viewed through
Park’s history as you “travel” from the West are walkable. With much of the country under a screen.
72nd entrance. quarantine measures, the virtual tour offers
a reprieve from the crowds who nor- Athens Acropolis, Greece. https://www.
Ibiza, Spain. mally come from all over the world to A
uaiaibiza Ushuaïa Ibiza, an open- see the 2000-year-old marvel. must-visit destination for history buffs, the
air club on the hard-partying Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous
Balearic Island, has launched Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tour-
#StayAtHomeSessions – a re- Walt Disney World. https:// ists. Choose between popular sites such as
stream of some of 2019’s the Theatre of Dionysus and enjoy in-depth
best DJ sets from Hï Ibiza blog/2018/03/disney-parks- videos that provide a fascinating and educa-
and Ushuaïa Ibiza, to bring launches-first-ever-360-de- tional insight into ancient Greece.
the party atmosphere to gree-panoramas-on-google-
the homes of ravers around street-view/ Set aside some
the world. The first session time, because there’s plenty
was launched on 21 March, to see here. Virtual tours
featuring Solardo, Davide you can take include Magic
Squillace, Camelphat, Nic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom,
Fanciulli and Andrea Oliva. and Epcot, just to name a
The streaming sessions allow few. There are also unofficial
users to invite friends to join YouTube videos that feel just
them online. More virtual events like you’re on famous rides like
are also in the works. the Frozen Ever After ride, It’s a
Small World, Monsters, Inc. Mike &
Grand Canyon, Arizona. Sulley to the Rescue!, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
There are plenty of pictures of the famed
canyon online, but get a little deeper with a VR Machu Pichu, Andes Mountains, Peru.
archaeological tour. This allows armchair trav- Grand
ellers to explore and learn more about the his- Teton Na- tional Park, A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage
tory behind the canyon’s formation by clicking navigating your way to the 13,770-ft summit site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that
on different geological features. (minus the effort). Viewers can also discover just has to be seen. You no longer need to
the geology and history of the Grand Teton fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glo-
Yosemite National Park, California. nps. massif along the way, and learn more about ry, however, as the virtual tour is comprehen-
gov/yose Experience this natural wonder in the native plants and wildlife. sive, immersive, and filled with fascinating in-
real time by clicking through to its webcams. sights. With 360-degree views of the ruins of
The views include Yosemite Falls, the view of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes,
the Half Dome from the floor of Yosemite Val- The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. http:// you can visit every popular vantage point and
ley, and vistas from the High Sierra captured learn more about the history of the famous
at 8,000 feet. cani/en/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/ site thanks to a helpful voice narrator.

PINK STAND up la- DREXEL Heritage HP M3-U001DX i3 12 INCH massive
PERSONALS dies hair dryer Text Woodbriar Collection 6GB RAM 500GB speakers $12 573-2883 SPORTING
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GOOD LOOKIN, 1340 King Headboard. Very cleaned out of all old TV SALE! Sale go- LIKE NEW Outdoor
tall, slim, white male, well made vintage fur- data. No passwords ing on right now on all Tuff Stinger 3 OTF-
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Need someone to Pop the cork, it’s time western swing danc- Please call Matt @ 377-0725 Windows 10 as well. 24”. the 24”, and two Paddle, 275-Pound
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tate sales, fishing, and in Fresno cleaning out ANTIQUE OAK tiger ing screen. I will pro- and the other 50” is an ry bag. $175 559-214-
BUFFY (A44215636) tle CHAMPAGNE
has you covered! Call (A44120276)!Call camping. Call 559- house wood closet or storage vide more information Insignia. They all have 9835
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to set up a meet n to set up a meet n
greet. 559-233-7722 greet. 559-233-7722 a message if no an- COKE SIGN $500 of furniture. Mirror is for those who are in- work properly. The GREAT LONG-
swer. Apx 4.5x3 text or leave beveled. Call or text terested. The Fresno Fresno Hock Shoppe BOARD, never used.
message (559)779- for more information. Hock Shoppe 559-264- questions at 559-264- Measures 9.5” wide
8999 $200 (805) 503-9694 5856 5856 by 43” long. $50 Price
MISCELLANEOUS is firm. Thanks! 470-
2004 Wildwood 5th trunk with drawers apx seating bench/ottoman. well record player with E7470 Laptop - $199
wheel 30ft, 3 slide 5ftx2ft $100 text for Also great as a sitting plug in cord portable with charger. It is run- LARGE VARIETY
outs, excellent condi- pictures 559-304-1831 bench for walk in clos- very good condition ning Windows 10, has of different name
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TYPE WRITER $150 sions: 36” diameter spins only needs nee- i5 and a 500GB HD. irons, putters, hybrid,
Hey there DELILAH Let’s say MER- OBO (559) 673-7185
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for more info 559-304- 8655 chased online for un- very light wear and sets. The Fresno hock
it like being so pretty? this momma for giv-
1831 der $15 I am selling for tear from use nothing shoppe has a full line
Give us a call to set up ing us sweet HANA FOOD Concession
Trailer 16 Foot Equip- $75 or best offer call or major. It is missing the of different golf clubs
a meet n greet. CCSP- (A44077099)!Call BUD SIGN $300 obo text 559-709-3250 piece between the G H
to set up a meet n ment Included $18,00 ELECTRONICS starting at $1. Start-
CA 559-233-7722 ext. works needs cleaning and B keys for scroll-
OBO (559) 291-9864 er sets $10. Full sets
116 greet. 559-233-7722 5ft x 1 1/2 text or leave IPHONE & PC Re- XBOX ONE and one ing. Come check this
or (559) 298-4725 around $40. Come
message (559)779- pairs. We repair bro- S $160 Up for sale is a out and other electron- see these clubs, wake-
2008 KAWASAKI 8999 ken glass and LCD, gamestop refurbished ics at The Fresno Hock boards bicycles and
vulcan classic 8,900 battery replacement, original xbox one with Shoppe Mon-Fri from more at The Fresno
miles $5,000 or trade COKE CRATE $35 tablets, computers and controller for $120 and 10am to 530pm and Hock Shoppe Monday
for registered tagged ea text for pictures water damage. Vis- a xbox one s with con- Saturdays from 10am Through Friday 10am
small truck or SUV 559-304-1831 it 49 W. Alluvial Ave troller for $160. Both to 2pm or call us with to 530pm and Satur-
with trailor hitch. Ga- (559) 417-5319 or 230 these consoles have any questions at 559- days 10am to 2pm.
raged 95% of life. JUKEBOX Miss- W.Fallbrook Ave #101 been cleaned out and 264-5856 Located at 3235 E Bel-
ing side glass, needs (559) 474-1825 work. They can be test- mont Fresno Ca 93702
You can’t have a Sun- Who is black, (559) 903-8283
good cleaning, has ed at the fresno hock BEATS SOLO wire- (559) 264-5856
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233-7722 233-7722
Commercial Interior 1831 work twice, no scratch- to 530pm and Satur- problem practically obo text for more info
& Exterior, Repaints / es or damage and come days 10am to 2pm, you new only used a few 559-304-1831
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mercial Power Wash- FURNITURE thing. Call or text 559- phone at 559-264-5856 warranty plz only 559- SUPPORT LOCAL
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(661) 492-2310 (Fres- without $1000 each
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He may not be pink Don’t blink or you $800 text or leave mes-
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O’BRIEN kneeboard YAMAHA MG06X VASE CLEAR 3ft $40 I SELL dog houses
for sale that is good Mixing Console $109 text for pictures 559- to be ready for win-
condition. Great for original box and pow- 304-1831 ter time. X-small
beginner to intermedi- er adapter. In great -12x12x16-$10/$30
ate boarders that prefer working and cosmetic ROOM divider $75 with paint roof Small-
something easier than shape. I will provide text for picture 559- 1 8 x 1 8 x 2 4 - $ 2 0 / $ 5 0
surfing or wakeboard- more information on 304-1831 with paint roof Medi-
ing or just want some- this unit below for um-24x24x32-$30/$70
thing a little different. those who are interest- KENMORE dryer have two different
My boys are older and ed. And if you are in- working $350 obo text size door with paint
don’t use this any lon- terested come on down 559-304-1831 roof carpet Large-
ger. Great package deal to at The Fresno Hock 36x36x48-$100/$150
for the board and bag. Shoppe Mon-Fri 10am I WILL pick up your with paint and X-large-
Call or text Scott if in- to 5:30pm and Sat- stainless steel refrig- 42x42x60-$150/$200
terested at (559) 999 urdays from 10am to erators. All washers with paint Huge-
- 4439 2pm or call 559-264- and dryers and stoves! 48x48x72-$200/$250
5856 please be under 10 with paint and roof I
NEW PROJEKT years old or decent have 12 different col-
Karson Pack Back- THE FRESNO Hock condition for free re- ors. Questions please
pack $25 Brand new Shoppe is having a sale moval... no rats, etc. text 559-475-2803
with tag. Price is firm. on all our clarinets! please text me a picture
Thanks! 470-8091 text 6 total ranging from if not sure.... all others ARE YOU SELLING
please $60 and up. Different that are considered something? List it here
brands but all great trash will need a small Call 559-472-7182
beginner woodwinds. disposal fee (trash is
MUSIC All ready to play. Find trash.. all trash appli- 2017 CRAFTSMAN
a new hobby or add to ances taken directly to riding mower $800
HARBINGER APS15 your collection. Evette the dump this includes new starter, it runs
Powered Speaker (Sin- Schaeffer With Hard rat and roach fill appli- good but sometimes
gle) $109 Pre-owned Case $110 Bundy Clar- ances) 559-394-3369 it doesn’t start. Not
Harbinger in good inet With Hard Case sure feels like battery
shape. Works great no $60 Yamaha YCL-24 doesn’t have enough
issues. Powered speak- With Soft Case $130 FARM & juice to turn over
er. Shows some normal Actley 175 Clarinet GARDEN sometimes 708-2064
wear from use. Come With Soft Case $80
check it out and other Selmer Clarinet $80 HONDA/Craftsman LAWN EDGER,
PA speakers at 3235 Celclio Clarinet $70 mower CCV 160. - low Briggs and Stratton en-
E Belmont Ave Fres- If you would like to hours runs great- $125. gine $40 call 645-7642
no CA 93702 at The check out these clari- Edger. Yardman Briggs
Fresno Hock Shoppe nets and our wide se- and Stratton 158 $100. ALOE VERA plants
Mon-Fri from 10am to lection of other items Both excellent running - $5 Aloe plants me-
530pm and Sat from please visit The Fresno condition. Reason- dium, large and extra
10am to 2pm or call us Hock Shoppe Monday able offers considered. large plants in 1 gal.
with any questions at through Friday 10am 8000 pound 12 volt pots. They are $5, $10,
559-264-5856. to 530pm or Saturdays winch attached to old $15. $20 Landscap-
10am to 2pm. Locat- train station baggage ing Plants, tropical’s,
ARE YOU SELLING ed at 3235 E Belmont cart - $100. Runs off shrubs, flowers, fruit,
something? List it here Fresno Ca 93702 12 volt car battery. herbs and succulent
Call 559-472-7182 Very large road closed plants (559) 307-9366
ahead sign $75. Please
IBANEZ GIO GS- APPLIANCES text only for appt. to AVAILABLE are 10
R105EX 5-String Bass see. Ken 559-593-1059 units of heavy duty
In great shape, plays WASHER and dryer/ shelving, 24x36x84,
great as well. No issueselectric - $260 559- CHEAP COOPS boltless, 5 shelves in
with this bass. Comes 394-3369 ..light weight and earth good condition. Pho-
as shown does include friendly..made from to is of a 48” shelving
a soft case which is KEGERATOR in untreat fence pickets unit, 36” unit is iden-
not pictured. 5 string. great condition, used use/new ...smaller coop tical except the width.
Come check it out less than 6 months. /cages is $30 ..great Price is $100. for each
and many other mu- Comes w tools to dis- for small birds/Quils / unit. Call 559 259
sical instruments and assemble and clean, chickens/chicks .l arge 9740.
equipment The Fresno cleaning solution, and ones are $50 to $60
Hock Shoppe Mon-Fri pump to clean system. .size 5x4x5 will BRAND NEW Harbor
from 10am to 530pm Includes a 5 lb CO2 need a pick up truck Freight hydraulic push
and Sat from 10am to tank Keg not included, or I can drop them off --pull ram set never
2pm or call us with any I also have a new 20lb for $10 gas fee within used. $160 Call 559
questions at 559-264- CO2 tank, never used, 20 miles in Fresno call 360 2977.
5856 $120 if interested. It 643-7156
cost a few more dollars CRAFTSMAN 3000-
NICE CONDITION to fill the 20lbs than Watt Gasoline Portable
Squier strat. Priced to the 5 lb, so it will pay ARE YOU SELLING inverter Generator -
sell $75.00 w/padded for itself quickly. Txt something? List it here $650 Brand new with
gig bag Ibanez Electric (559) 408- 8881 Call 559-472-7182 receipt, never used in
$60.00 559-246-4922 the box Firm price

UNIVEGA GRAN HONDA EX-400 2007 ZX-10R $5300
YARD WORK Premio vintage road quad. Very good condi- (559) 473-9302 IC LX, runs and drive
bike $220 Vibrage tion. Low hours. Well like new,clean title and
JW CLEAN-UP SER- Steel Road bike in maintained with oil smoged, good tires,
VICES. Estate Sale great condtion. 700c changes regularly. Has BOATS paint in good shape, 4
Cleanups. Yard, Trash, wheels Inex Shifters a crack on the right and cylinders, clothes inte-
Construction cleanup, Ready to ride. call or side front plastics. Also
HUNTER 170 Sail- riors like new, power
rubbish, trees & demo, text 559-545-9050 has a set of sand pad-
boat $4995 (559) 299- windows and doors
rentals, lots, apart- dles included for full
3422 lock, info call# 559
ments & foreclosures. VINTAGE Bian- price. Txt. 549-349- 451 7959
We do it all Just Call! chi Bike 1986-1987 1804. $299 12 FOOT Valco alu-
(559)307-4304 ask for Womens Red Frame. minum boat with trail- 2 0 1 1 C H R Y S L E R
James Has not been in stor- 03 SUZUKI ltz 400 er Asking $800 for the 200 runs great nothing
age and not used for (559) 289-3859 boat only or $1000 wrong with it 154198
TREE SERVICE. many years. Needs with trailer 559-658- miles cold a/c heater
Reasonable Prices , Se- new brakes and lines HONDA TRX250 - 149two text is best as works perfect good
nior Discounts & Free they are frayed and $2500 Great condition I work tires all around current
COKE PICTURE approximately 4 BRASS FIRE EXTINGUISHER tires. Frame is in great quad 250cc Very low registration and clean
Estimates. We can do
1/2ft by 3ft $500 leave message or $400 obo leave message or text 559- condition. Comes with hours Still has the tire
it all! Palm Trees, Tree MARLIN Bayliner title in hand 559-722-
text 559-779-8999 779-8999 original owners manu- line from factory! Just
Stumps, MistleToe, Ski Boat $8500 (Sel- 9405
Removal and More. al. Call 559-474-1895. serviced with fresh flu-
ma) 708-6996
Licensed and Insured No texts. $100 ids and spark plugs! 2016 NISSAN Maxi-
(559)421-8555 This would be a great ma: Only 48,xxx miles
quad for the wife or RVS Very clean interior
ATVS kids! 5593668764 Asking only $10,500
HAULING 97 AIRBUS Motor- Please call if you
1985 KAWASAKI 2008 Polaris Ranger home 32 foot $12,000 would like to come
JW CLEAN-UP SER- KTX 250 Tecate - 700 XP 4X4 Seats 6 OBO (559) 291-9864 have a look. 709- 6918
VICES. Estate Sale $10000 (Coarsegold) Low miles Second or (559) 298-4725
Cleanups. Yard, Trash, 559-333-2629 owner, always adult 1997 CADILLAC
Construction cleanup, owned Well main- 2004 WILDWOOD Deville excellent con-
rubbish, trees & demo, HONDA ATC250ES tained Great for trail 5th wheel 30ft, 3 slide dition low miles clean
rentals, lots, apart- restored. It’s in great rides and around the outs, excellent condi- leather interior no tears
ments & foreclosures. condition and rides yard Includes rear stor- tion. Asking $10,000 good paint no scratch-
We do it all Just Call! like new. Don’t ride age rack $6000 (559) OBO (559) 673-7185 es $4000 obo cash call
(559)307-4304 it as much as I like to 287-0719 or (559) 975-9835 or text 559-519-0365
and would like to sell
it. $3500 OBO. Text or FOOD Concession VOLKSWAGEN Jet-
BIKES call 559.410.1622. MOTORCYCLES Trailer 16 Foot Equip- ta 2009 2.5L in perfect
ment Included $18,00 conditions. It only has
2013 POLARIS Razor 2002 HARLEY Road OBO (559) 291-9864 67k miles, tires in good
SEEBURG JUKEBOX Needs cleaning. Working, great speakers, Manual 21SP mountain bike condition $4690 559-
for only $150.00 in 900 Xp EPS - $12850 King Classic $8000 or (559) 298-4725
1952 $4000 obo leave message or text 559-779-8999 612-5828
great condition with 559-631-7019 Great bike it has
bell and tassels! Call 21,084 miles please TRAVEL Trailer 2008
Darryl anytime at 559- 2003 Bombardier Ds text 5594694060 26ft long $11800 (559) 1981 CORVETTE
444-3283 650 Atv $3800 Txt me 412-0629 I’m asking 13,000 or
at 559-513-1201 2002 HARLEY Road best offer. Please only
2 FOLDING bicycles. King Classic $8000 HUNTERS Spe- serious Offers only.
Good condition. Great HONDA ATC250ES Great bike it has cial-1995 Salem Trav- (559) 906-4195
for RVing. $150 each. restored. It’s in great 21,084 miles please el Trailer, 17 ft Long,
OBO. Call no text condition and rides text 5594694060 extra clean, everything
BUDWEISER SIGN Works, needs cleaning.5ft by 1 1/2ft $300 obo like new. Don’t ride
Chuck 299-3730. works, $4,800. 559- TRUCKS
leave message or text 559-779-8999 it as much as I like to 2005 YAMAHA FZ-6 412-0629
and would like to sell $2800 2800 OBO, Text 1996 SILVERADO
it. $3500 OBO. Text or Hunter at 559-645- z71 4wd $6300 (Ker-
call 559.410.1622. 2809 for details. CARS man) (559) 728-6262

2005 HONDA trx 2018 HONDA 2007 FORD FUSION 1989 JEEP Wrangler
450 Good condition CRF125F $2800 (559) SE in excellent condi- lifted, gears, lock-
Brand new wheels 994-1970 tion, runs pretty good, ers,winch,fuel injec-
and tires SS brand Ex- 4 cylinders, clean title, tion! $7000 (Visalia)
haust Upgrade 3500$ 2000 FATBOY Soft smog ready to go, good (559) 300-7700
5593668764 Tail LOW miles Per- tires, alloy wheels,
fect condition $8700 paint in good shape, 2004 TOYOTA Ta-
05 YAMAHA rap- Serious buyers contact clothes interiors like coma double cab.
tor350 runs good elec- Doug: 559-289-9174 new, AC cold. Call or Runs great, automatic
tric start clutch 6 gears text #(559)451-7959 transmission, air con-
light and brake lights 2017 HONDA ditioner is cold, has
works reverse on it CB500F | $5400 obo 2014 KIA Optima - new tires. V6 motor,
tags up to date until | Low Mileage, Great $8800 (559) 999-2480 it’s not a 4x4. In Span-
2021 pink slip in hand Condition $5400 (559) ish call 559-346-9194
(559) 598-3800 978-2354 for English 346-9195

Walker’s Tree Service
Serving all your tree care needs
We can do it all! Palm Trees, Tree
Stumps, MistleToe, Remova,
Trimming, Topping. Serving
Fresno & Madera
(559) 421-8555 Lic#93739750

Marijuana Recommendations
Lowest Price Guaranteed
$55 Card & Rec at Green Doctor
Evaluations 295 W. Cromwell
Ave. 101 (559) 440-0420 or online

Help with your housing needs. Please
contact Destinee or visit website to
help find the right apartment home
for you. Call 559-255-8370 or visit
our website www.ApartmentRen-

Automotive, Boats, RVs, Custom
Furniture, Motorcycles,
Convertibles, Complete
Restoration & Mobile Service
Mention this ad for specials
Colin’s Upholstery
(559) 445-0019

Call The Fresno Hock Shoppe
(559) 264-5856 or come in. 3235
E. Belmont Ave. Fresno. We have
electronics, jewelry, and more! You
can also check us out online

Services. Estate sale cleanups.
Yard, trash, construction cleanup,
rubbish, trees & demo, rentals,
lots, apartments and foreclosures.
Pool Tables R Us Coin Operated Pool Tables We it all, just call! (559) 307-4304
Custom Pool Tables for Home ask for James
1445 Shaw Ave. Suite 130, Clovis
Touch Tunes Internet Juke Boxes
(559)495-1042 NEED ADVERTISING?
Fresno Flyer puts your message
Quality Service in front of thousands of local
$200 OFF Cloth Repairs
residents every month. We can help
your business, event or organiza-

HEATING & AIR Preseason Checkup
Mention this ad for 10% off
CA lic. #479374 Call David with
Specialized Air Conditioning
(559) 226-6102

ONE MAN BAND Sandra Peraza invites you to bring
in your Rx. Located in the Shaw
Singer - Guitarist
Mariachi Soloist - Roberto Lopez Village Shopping Center at Shaw
(559)281-7709 & Peach. Call Unique Optique


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