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?   ?  

I. Demographic data: -Substance abuse -after nursing -assess current level of
related to social outlet intervention the patient functioning of family
NAME: all revolve around will demonstrate plan for members.
M AV alcohol as manifested necessary lifestyle
AGE: by patient observed to changes. -review family history;
25 years old verbalized inability to explore roles of family
ADDRESS: cope, meet role -after nursing members and
151 Gen. Mascardo St. expectation. intervention the patient circumstances involving
RELIGIOUS will take action to substance use.
AFFLIATION: change self- destructive
Catholic behaviors that -encourage family to
MARITAL STATUS: contribute to client¶s deal with anger to
Married drinking. prevent escalation to
OCCUPATION: violence.
OBSTRETIC HISTORY: -remain nonjudgmental
G3P2(2002) in approach to family
 members and to
 members who uses


 -identify use of

 manipulative behaviors

 and discuss ways to a

 avoid these situation.



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looks haggard and
- improper grooming

 c  c
 c   c 

?   ?  

I.Demographic data: -Altered nutrition less -after nursing -assess and document
than body requirements intervention the patient patient¶s dietary history,
NAME: related to inability to will experience patters of ingestion,
MAV obtain food as adequate nutrition intolerance to foods.
AGE: evidenced by muscle through oral intake.
25 years old weakness and -assess patient likes and
ADDRESS: tenderness. -after nursing dislikes. Inform dietary.
151 Gen. Mascardo St. intervention the patient
RELIGIOUS will experience an -teach techniques to
AFFLIATION: increase in the amount maintain adequate
Catholic or type of nutrients nutritional intake and
MARITAL STATUS: ingested. stimulate appetite:
OCCUPATION: ¦ Maintain
Housewife pleasant
G3P2(2002) ¦ Determine
 proper denture
 fit and profice

  adhesive as



 -establish environmental

 support to improve intake.





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thin with normal body
mass index.


?   ?  

I.Demographic data: -pain related to -after nursing - determine and
physiologic changes in intervention the patient document presence of
NAME: pregnancy pain will be lessened. possible physiological
MAV causes of pain.
AGE: -after nursing
25 years old intervention the patient -obtain client¶s
ADDRESS: will establish comfort. assessment of pain to
151 Gen. Mascardo St. include location,
RELIGIOUS characteristics, duration,
AFFLIATION: frequency, intensity, and
Catholic precipitating factors.
Married -accept client¶s
OCCUPATION: perception of pain.
OBSTRETIC HISTORY: -provide comfort
G3P2(2002) measures, quet
 environment, and calm
 activities to promote

 pain management.


 -encourage use of

 relaxation techniques,

  such as focused


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cannot perform her
daily routine.
-looks haggard.

c c

?   ?  

I.Demographic data: -urinary elimination -after nursing -identify physical
related to increase intervention the patient conditions that can
NAME: pressure in the uterus. will verbalized impact client¶s
M AV understanding of the elimination patterns.
AGE: condition.
25 years old -ascertain methods of
ADDRESS: -after nursing self- management to
151 Gen. Mascardo St. intervention the patient identify strengths of
RELIGIOUS will achieve normal concern in elimination
AFFLIATION: elimination pattern or management.
Catholic participate in measures
MARITAL STATUS: to compensate for -determine client¶s
Married defects. usual daily fluids intake.
Housewife -refer to appropriate
OBSTRETIC HISTORY: resurces for assistance,
G3P2(2002) as needed to promote








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she urinate at least
six times.

?   ?  

I.Demographic data: -activity intolerance -after nursing - identify negative
related to insufficient intervention the patient factors affecting activity
NAME: sleep period and pain pain will be lessened. intolerance and
MAV as manifested by verbal elimination reduce their
AGE: report of weakness and -after nursing effects when possible.
25 years old fatigue. intervention the patient
ADDRESS: will establish comfort. -assess
151 Gen. Mascardo St. cardiopulmonary
RELIGIOUS response to physical
AFFLIATION: activity, including vital
Catholic sign.
Married - ascertain ability to
OCCUPATION: stand and move degree
Housewife of assistance use of
OBSTRETIC HISTORY: equipment to determine
G3P2(2002) current status and
 needs associated with
 participation in needed

  activities. Encourage

 client to maintain

  positive attitude.





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she looks haggard and

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