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1. What is the significance of the story?

 The significance of the story is the youth and love. The youth that should
be enjoyed and experienced by each and everyone but because of this
untimely love, the youth is spared, and it is hard to go back when a wrong
decision has made. Love will never be wrong only the people are making
it complicated because of too much affection, wrong timing and impulsive
2. What time of the day is indicated at the beginning of the story?’
 The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. It was an implied comparison
to Dodong being in love. It was patterned after the color of a salmon that
is pinkish orange to light pink. Being in love gives a connotation that
everything around that person glows, everything is good and beautiful. On
the other hand, hazy means unclear gives a hint on the feeling of Dodong
a bout his anxieties whether his father will allow him to mar his girlfriend.
3. What was the name Dodong suggest?
 The name Dodong suggest a simple youth that is growing up and
experiencing that a youth should experience, for example is having a
masculine figure, growing mustache, having pimples and especially the
experience of having a girlfriend. The name indicates a youth now adays
that are having the same experienced as what is describe to Dodong in
the story.
4. Who is like the colorless worm in the story?
 blind marching colorless worm-this refers to Dodong and his choices. The
appearance of the worms and occurrence of one worm crawling over
Dodong`s foot is a great importance to the story, as it serves as a
revealing of what will happened to Dodong in the future.
5. What are the three reasons why Dodong believed he was ready to
 Dodong believed he was ready to marry because He was seventeen, he
had pimples on his face, the down on his upper lip already was dark—that
meant he was no longer a boy.
6. Nine months after he married, what did Dodong realized?
 Dodong regret the decision he made nine months ago, he felt queer,
troubled, uncomfortable and he was ashamed to his mother of his
youthful paternity. It made him feel guilty, as if he had taken something
not properly his
7. What were the changes in Dodong and Teang?
 Dodong through the years he changed into a man that full a regret.
Seeking for a wisdom and answer to his question that why life did not
fulfill all of the youth’ dreams.
 Teang changed into a shapeless and thin woman even if she was young.
8. How many children they have?
 Dodong and Teang have 7 children, the eldest is Blas and for the six
consecutive years, a new child came along.
9. Why was Dodong was sad for Blas?
 Dodong was sad for Blas, because he want also to get married at the
young age, he very sad and sorry for his son because what he
experienced at that moment, all the regrets and hardships that he
experience, will also the same path that his son want to take.
10. What are some of the lessons you have gained from this story?
 Marriage is not a joke, once people is already committed it is hard to
escaped in that situation. Marriage is for the people who can sustain their
married life and are ready to take all the responsibilities as a married
couple. Don’t marry a person just because of love, don’t rush it because
everything has its own perfect timing. I have so much realization in this
story, first is to value my life as a youth, because not everyone is enjoying
their youth because they have much things to do and obligation to
perform. Youth is a very important part of ones life, if it is skipped by,
there are no chance of turning it back, so as a youth I have to be
responsible of what decision I make and what actions I do because in it
were my future depends. Another realization is about Love, another
people say that love is in the air, it is everywhere, yes indeed it is true. I
can`t deny the fact that as a youth I already feel this love, but I want to
focus on my priorities and that is to finish my study, find a decent job, to
be stable and after all of that I want to find love, the love that in the right
time, where everything are ready and stable. The story is good it tells the
reality, on what is really happening to the youth today it is an eye opener
to the youth to be responsible of all the decision they make.

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