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Vol. 128 No.

45 Friday, January 21, 2011 Minnedosa, Manitoba Canada R0J 1E0 90 cents + tax

Spring flooding a concern

By DARRYL HOLYK mal ground saturation and for the worst case scenario
moisture levels along with a and hope for the best.”

T here is great concern

in many areas of the
province over the potential
high accumulation of snow
this winter are concerns.
Some rivers in the prov-
If and when flooding
problems begin to arise,
Minnedosa will be ready to
of a serious spring flooding ince, including the Little fight the water with sand-
problem. Across the prov- Saskatchewan are already bags and pumps. Volun-
ince, discussions are taking experiencing higher than teers will be called on if
place on proper flooding usual water levels and the required and hopefully an
preparedness, including spring thaw hasn’t even be- emergency flooding situa-
here in Minnedosa. Lo- gun. Minnedosa, like many tion can be averted.
cal Emergency Measures other communities in the Next month, Ron will
Organization Coordina- province is expected to ex- attend a Manitoba Water
tor, Ron Ludwig, met with perience some flooding Stewardship conference in
Town Council last Tuesday come spring. The severity Brandon which will focus
evening. of the flooding is depen- on the potential flooding
“It’s inevitable Mani- dent on the rate of thaw, situation in the province.
toba is going to get some temperatures and whether For local flooding
flooding. Westman hope- or not we receive more pre- preparedness, a mock
fully not as bad as some cipitation before and dur- emergency flood exercise
areas, but it depends on ing the spring thaw. has been suggested as a
spring conditions,” ex- “How we are going practice run prior to a real
plained Ron. to be affected along the flooding emergency. Ron
File photo There are a number of Little Saskatchewan, only will try to organize such a
factors which are already time will tell,” explained mock scenario for Febru-
The spring of 2001 saw excessive flooding of the Little Saskatchewan River.
contributing to potential Ron. “But we have to be ary or early March at the
Planning is underway for a potential flood again this spring. flooding; higher than nor- prepared. We have to plan latest.

Touch quilts for Alzheimer’s
T he Alzheimer Society
of Manitoba is looking
for volunteer quilters to
help make around 10,000
touch quilts this year. Af-
ter learning this, a group
of local ladies got together
to make some wonderful,
eye-catching quilts for the
On Friday, January
14th and Saturday, January
15th, the ladies gathered at
the 50+ Centre armed with
their sewing machines,
irons, material and lots of
needles. There was a hive
of activity as some of the
ladies were sewing, and
another lady was ironing.
Everyone was very excited
and happy to be working
on their quilts.
Continued on Page 6
Photo by Kathleen Ledwith

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