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PERGAMON Neuropsychologia 26 "0888# 014Ð024

A primer of magnetic stimulation as a tool for neuropsychology

Vincent Walsh\ Matthew Rushworth0
Department of Experimental Psychology\ University of Oxford\ South Parks Rd\ Oxford OX0 2UD\ UK

Received 29 June 0887^ accepted 09 July 0887


Transcranial magnetic stimulation "TMS# o}ers the neuropsychologist a {virtual lesion| method of investigating the e}ects of
cortical dysfunction[ Classical neuropsychology relies on patients with irreversible\ and often di}use brain lesions and these factors
place limitations on the inferences that can be drawn about normal brain function[ Thus the neuropsychologist is constrained by the
extent to which the damaged brain undergoes reorganisation and by the inability to address questions regarding the timing of
cognitive functions[ TMS can disrupt cognitive functions for a few tens of milliseconds "although some e}ects of TMS can be seen
for longer#\ with spatial resolution in the order of a centimetre and therefore allows one to study the role of brain areas without the
masking e}ects of cortical reorganisation[ The spatial and temporal resolutions are not unique to TMS but because TMS can be
used as a temporary interference technique\ it has a functional resolution with which one can address questions beyond the range of
other neuroimaging and patient studies[ Here we outline how TMS produces transitory {lesion| e}ects\ examine how the e}ects of
stimulation spread in depth and breadth across the cortex and discuss the principles of the use of TMS in neuropsychology[ Finally\
we also itemise some issues of safety[ Þ 0888 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[

0[ Introduction structure of the system*say that it is broadly modular

in Marr|s sense[ One then asks what neuropsychological
If one were to provide a crude list of the goals of _ndings tell us about its detailed functional architecture!
cognitive neuropsychology it would probably read some! [ [ [ The second approach ðasksŁ whether neu!
thing like {where< what< and when<|[ Neuropsychology\ ropsychological _ndings tell us anything about the types
and especially so with the use of PET and fMRI\ has of basic elements out of which cognition might be con!
been very successful at proposing candidate answers for structed| ðRef[ 15\ p[ 10Ł[ Modern experimental psycho!
the {where<| question] one can localise some visual func! logical theory does not just consider the basic
tions to regions of the extrastriate cortex ð74Ł\ language organisation of a system\ i[e[\ its modularity^ it also con!
functions to regions of the temporal and frontal cortices siders the ordering\ interaction and evolution through
ð53Ł and memory and decision making functions to pre! time of the system|s basic elements[ Because of its time
frontal regions ð18\ 47Ł*the list could go on[ But local! limited\ reversible\ and repeatable nature TMS allows
isation of function is not the main or even a principal neuropsychologists to frame questions about these
concern of many neuropsychologists and functional dis! important issues] the ordering of component processes
sociations can occur without an appreciable di}erence ð04\ 60Ł\ their interaction ð71Ł\ and their evolution through
between lesions[ The {what<| question is more central to time\ particularly as a result of learning ð20\ 70Ł[
neuropsychology] i[e[\ what are the components of the Discussion of the technology of modern cognitive neu!
task being analysed< roscience often centres on questions of spatial and tem!
To answer this question\ neuropsychologists have the poral resolution[ It can be argued\ however\ that TMS has
problem of making statements about function in the a co`nitive resolution that distinguishes it as an essential
intact brain\ inferred from studies of injured brains[ Shal! weapon in the neuropsychologist|s contemporary
lice discusses two possible approaches to this question] armoury[ It is becoming increasingly clear that it is
{The _rst is to make an assumption about the overall necessary also to consider the functional inte`ration of
di}erent brain areas in order to understand how even
simple cognitive tasks are performed[ It is possible that
 Corresponding author[ Tel[] 90754 160215^ fax] 90754 209336^
e!mail] vincent[walshÝpsy[ox[ac[uk[ it is only from the perspective of functional integration
Correspondence can be addressed to Mr M[ Rushworth[ E!mail] that we can understand the role of cortical areas\ such
matthew[rushworthÝpsy[ox[ac[uk[ as the prefrontal cortex\ that lie at some distance from

9917Ð2821:87:, ! see front matter Þ 0888 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[
PII] S 9 9 1 7 Ð 2 8 2 1 " 8 7 # 9 9 9 7 6 Ð 5
015 V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024

primary sensory or motor areas[ The temporal resolution activity[ Figure 0 shows the cycle of events in a single
and reversibility of TMS mean that it is well suited for pulse stimulation[ The important points here are that a
investigating functional interactions and changes in func! large current "7 kA in the example shown# is required to
tional interaction during the course of learning[ Other generate a magnetic _eld of su.cient intensity to stimu!
brain mapping techniques record brain activity which is late the cortex and that the electric _eld induced in the
correlated with some behavioural event[ But the cor! cortex is dependent upon the rate of change as well as
relations do not show that an area is necessary for a the intensity of the magnetic _eld[ To achieve this latter
particular function[ TMS\ on the other hand\ because it requirement the current is delivered to the coil with a
is an interference technique\ can be used to establish the very short rise time "approx[ 199 us# and the pulse has an
necessity of a brain region for cognitive processes[ overall duration of approximately one millisecond[ The
There are some practical limitations to working with induced _eld has two sources ð57Ł[ One is the induction
patients that preclude the use of experimental techniques e}ect from the current in the coil "and this is what is
that have been fruitful in other ares of psychology^ as we usually meant when discussing TMS#^ the other is an
shall see\ TMS does not su}er from the same limitations[ accumulation of charge on the scalp or between the scalp
Many psychological studies use reaction time "RT# as the and the skull[
dependent variable and from this inferences can be drawn Magnetic stimulation can be applied either in single
about the order in which certain functions occur ð52\ pulse or repetitive pulse mode "rTMS#[ In single pulse
67Ł\ the resources required for each additional processing mode the stimulation is delivered at a precise point in
component added to a task "e[g[\ the e}ect of adding time during a task[ In multi pulse mode a repeated train
more items to a visual search display*ðRef[ 79Ł\ the cost of pulses can be applied at rates of up to 49 Hz and for
of switching from one type of stimulus or task to ano! durations of tens\ hundreds or thousands of ms[ Exper!
ther*ðRef[ 0Ł# or interactions between di}erent elements imentally they di}er in that rTMS is useful for localising
of processing "e[g[\ the reversal of performance in visual brain regions but does not possess the temporal res!
search*ðRef[ 12Ł#[ In many patients\ brain damage is olution of single pulse TMS[ There is also some indication
widespread and may not just a}ect the cognitive tasks of that whereas single pulse TMS can cause subjects to
interest but it may also a}ect basic processes involved in produce errors on sensory detection tasks it is far less
response production[ In such cases it is di.cult to obtain successful at doing so in more cognitive tasks[ For this
reliable and consistent baseline and task!related measures reason the study of language ð01Ł and memory ð29Ł is
of RT[ In cognitive tasks\ the limited interference caused usually carried out with rTMS[ However\ as we discuss
by single pulse TMS may be insu.cient to cause subjects below\ there is a role for single pulse TMS in the study
to make errors but it is compatible with RT paradigms of cognition when dependent variables other than error
ð04\ 41\ 56Ł[ rates are measured[
Practical considerations can also make it di.cult to Many TMS studies have explored the e}ect that TMS
carry out psychophysical experiments with neu! has on peripheral measures such as EMG recordings
ropsychological patients^ again the designs can be too taken from various muscles ð40\ 57Ł[ It soon became clear\
subtle and too demanding to be pro_tably used with a however\ that such peripheral EMG phenomena are the
patient who has su}ered brain damage[ Nevertheless\ if consequence of an interaction with central\ cortical pro!
one wishes to make statements about the fundamental cessing ð06\ 22\ 23Ł[ This was graphically illustrated in an
elements of processing it is often necessary to do so by experiment reported by Lemon et al[ ð36Ł in which TMS
probing only the most sensitive of mechanisms\ i[e[\ those pulses directed at the motor cortex were delivered at
working at the limits of detection\ discrimination or di}erent stages of reaching movements[ The TMS e}ect
decision making[ It is already clear that TMS can be success! on EMG depended on the time of the pulse|s delivery[
fully combined with psychophysical methods ð32\ 49Ł[ The most critical times\ however\ did not correspond
to the times of greatest background muscular activity[
Similar task related changes in vulnerability to motor
1[ How does TMS work< cortical TMS have been recorded directly in the med!
ullary pyramid of the macaque\ upstream of the spinal
During transcranial magnetic stimulation a brief mag! cord and muscles ð5Ł[ It seems likely\ then\ that TMS is
netic pulse is applied over the scalp of a subject\ at a most e}ective when it coincides with a critical epoch
point which overlies a speci_c cortical area[ The pulse is of cortical processing[ In the macaque\ the latencies of
generated from a number of capacitors which discharge lumbosacral axonal responses to scalp TMS are con!
a large brief current into a coil held above the subject|s sistent with a cortical site of action ð13Ł[ In human
head[ The current generates a magnetic _eld below the subjects\ PET has been used to demonstrate an increase in
coil and this _eld passes\ unattenuated by the skin and cortical synaptic activity\ as indexed by increased regional
scalp\ into the cortex[ The e}ect of the magnetic _eld at cerebral blood ~ow "rCBF#\ in the cortex below the point
the cortex is to induce a current which results in neural of stimulation ð50\ 51Ł[ Many of the e}ects of TMS are
V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024 016

also consistent with interpretations and explanations

based on what is known about cortical functions[
The e}ects of TMS are not necessarily excitatory[ For
example\ subthreshold stimulation\ which does not a}ect
EMG\ can inhibit the e}ect of subsequent suprathreshold
stimulation ð35Ł[ Again the inhibitory e}ect of TMS
appears to have a cortical origin^ it has no measurable
e}ect in the cervical cord ð19Ł\ it has no e}ect on spinal
H re~exes ð35Ł\ but it is a}ected by cortical myoclonus
ð54Ł[ Such inhibitory subthreshold stimuli are associated
with a decrease in cortical synaptic activity\ as indexed
by rCBF decreases ð59\ 51Ł[
TMS applied to a single area can have either a positive
or a negative e}ect depending on the rate of stimulation[
Tarazona et al[ ð68Ł applied rTMS to the motor cortex at
either 0 or 09 Hz while subjects were learning a motor
sequence reaction time task[ Remarkably\ the 0 Hz stimu!
lation\ which also decreased cortical activity\ was cor!
related with a slight decrease in implicit learning\ but the
09 Hz stimulation\ which increased cortical excitability\
was correlated with an increase in implicit learning[
Few cognitive studies have exploited the distinct fac!
ilitatory and inhibitory e}ects of TMS[ Facilitatory
e}ects have mainly been limited to the production of
phosphenes or speci_c muscle contractions but it is of
more psychological interest\ for the present\ that TMS
disrupts the normal pattern of cortical processing[ The
pulse is applied to the cortex during performance of a
task and the intention is not to produce a particular
movement or perception\ but to delay or worsen per!
formance of the task at hand[ In the context of a task the
induced current operates as {neural noise|\ that is\ the
pulse adds random activity in the midst of organised
activity in the cortical region[ This neural noise serves to
delay or disrupt performance and it is in this sense that
TMS operates as a lesion[ There is of course no damage
to the cortex and no long term e}ect of the pulse "see
Safety\ below#[ There are other uses too of TMS and\ for
the sake of completeness\ Table 0 shows the variety of
Fig[ 0[ Sequence of events in TMS] delivery of a single pulse[ An
electrical current of up to 7 kA is generated by a capacitor and dis! dependent variables which can be used in TMS\ but for
charged "top panel# into a circular\ or _gure!of!eight shaped\ coil which the rest of this article\ when we refer to TMS\ unless
in turn produces a magnetic pulse of up to 1 Tesla[ The pulse has a rise quali_ed\ we mean TMS in its disruptive\ or lesion mode[
time of approximately 199 us and a duration of 0 ms "1nd panel# and
due to its intensity and brevity changes at a rapid rate "panel 2#[ The
changing magnetic _eld generates an electric _eld "panel 3#\ resulting in
neural activity "panel 4#[ The net change in charge density in the cortex 2[ Spatial and temporal resolution
is zero "panel 5#[ In addition to single pulse stimulation some simulators
can deliver trains of pulses up to a rate of 49 Hz[ Rapid rate stimulation The spatial resolution of TMS is\ perhaps\ not estab!
can induce seizures so there is a trade!o} between stimulus intensity lished as _rmly as that in imaging techniques such as PET
and the rate of repetition[ The exact area stimulated by the pulse and
and fMRI[ Often\ of course\ analysis methods and the
the depth of stimulation depend on several factors including coil shape
and whether the pulse is monophasic or biphasic[ The details of the averaging of several subjects| data mean that imaging
electric current in the stimulating coil and the subsequent e}ects on experiments do not\ in practice\ yield results at the limits
neural tissue are taken from Ref[ ð39Ł "with permission of The MagStim of the possible spatial resolution[ A full understanding of
Company# and are calculated for the MagStim 199 with a 69 mm the relationship between the extent of induced current
circular coil[
and the anatomical speci_city of e}ects awaits clari!
_cation[ However\ studies now routinely report the
ability of TMS to distinguish the e}ects of stimulating
017 V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024

Table 0
An outline and examples of the kinds of experimental questions that can be asked with TMS

Dependent variable Example References

Muscle activity "0# In both young monkeys and humans there is a drop in the threshold e}ect ð16Ł
of TMS over motor cortex that is correlated with the development of _ne
_nger movements
"1# Changes in size:threshold of the motor cortical representations of muscles ð20Ł
during motor skill acquisition
"2# The electromyographic e}ect of TMS over the motor cortex is modulated ð15Ł
by motor imagery
Subjective self report "0# Facilitatory] phosphemes ð1Ł
"1# Disruptive] reports of perceptual e}ects during task performance ð24\ 25Ł
Assessed self report Depression studies ð17Ł
Behavioural measures "0# Facilitatory] 09 Hz stimulation of motor cortex enhances implicit learning ð68Ł
of a motor sequence
"1# Interhemispheric facilitation] parietal stimulation increases ipsilateral tac! ð64Ł
tile sensitivity
"2# Disruptive] reaction time or error increases during task performance ð6\ 20\ 27\ 41Ł
Blood ~ow and brain activity Correlations between brain activity and TMS ð26\ 59\ 50Ł

scalp sites 0[4 cm ð60Ł or 0 cm apart ð8Ł[ In a study of bution of the e}ects of TMS applied to the frontal eye
the latency and variability of motor evoked potentials _elds[ The result was not only an increase in rCBF at
"MEPs# recorded in four di}erent muscles\ Brasil!Neto the stimulated site\ but also at several sites anatomically
et al[ ð8Ł were able to distinguish between the e}ects of connected to the frontal eye _elds[ The message here is
TMS on scalp positions 9[4Ð0 cm apart[ These levels of clear[ TMS does stimulate cortical areas but the e}ect is
resolution are of course much _ner than one could hope not limited to the site at which the pulse is directed[ This
to obtain in neuropsychological studies[ has implications for the choice of control conditions\
The current induced by TMS spreads beyond the discussed below[
intended cortical target area[ With transcranial electrical It is di.cult to estimate the length of time for which
stimulation "TES# of su.cient intensity it is possible to a single TMS pulse interferes with cortical processing[
directly stimulate axons at a depth of several tens of ms Suprathreshold TMS can delay movements for up to 049
below the motor cortex ð13Ł[ Such direct or D responses ms ð07Ł\ but not all of the delay is due to the pulse|s e}ect
are also produced with TMS ð3\ 13\ 48Ł[ At the threshold on the cortex[ The inhibitory or conditioning e}ect of
for their production\ however\ TMS direct responses subthreshold TMS pulses on subsequent suprathreshold
appear to be generated near to the cell soma\ at the axonal TMS pulses is maximal when the inter!pulse interval is
hillock[ At such threshold levels intracortically mediated\ less than just 5 ms ð35Ł[ Pulses between 0[2Ð0[8 Tesla
indirect or I responses predominate ð3\ 13\ 22\ 48Ł[ At intensity have an e}ect on scalp EEG at any given pos!
high levels of stimulation\ it is possible that the e}ect of ition for a time period somewhere between 19Ð29 ms ð26Ł[
TMS is partly due to the direct stimulation of axons Schluter et al[ ð60Ł compared the e}ect of TMS over three
rather than overlying cortex "e[g[\ ðRef[ 60Ł#[ di}erent sites in the region of the motor and the dorsal
To enhance the spatial speci_city of TMS\ _gure!of! premotor "PMd# cortices[ TMS over the most anterior
eight coils are available^ but even with these coils the site disrupted performance when it was delivered 039 ms
changes in activity in the underlying cortex can spread after the presentation of the cue for movement[ TMS at
across several centimetres ð37Ł[ Ilmoniemi et al[ ð26Ł mea! an adjacent site 0[4 cm away was most e}ective when it
sured EEG responses after applying TMS to the visual was delivered 39 ms later[
or motor cortex and found that the resulting changes in The critical time for TMS delivery to a human brain
activity were maximal close to the point of stimulation area appears to coincide with the time at which single
but also that the e}ect spread to adjacent areas within 4Ð unit responses can _rst be recorded from the homologous
09 ms[ It is also clear that TMS can elicit activity in area of the macaque brain[ For example\ the critical per!
distant areas that are anatomically interconnected with iod for human PMd TMS\ at 039 ms ð60Ł\ corresponds to
the target region ð05Ł[ Ilmoniemi et al[ ð26Ł found that a time when more than 19) of macaque PMd neurons
within about 19 ms of stimulation\ EEG e}ects had have begun to respond in a movement selection task ð10Ł[
spread across the callosum to the homotopic regions of The critical time periods for TMS applied to V0 ð04Ł are
cortex in the contralateral hemisphere "Fig[ 1#[ Paus et also comparable with macaque single unit data[
al[ ð50\ 51Ł used PET to analyse the anatomical distri! Some aspects of the critical time periods for TMS
V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024 018

Fig[ 1[ The e}ects of TMS are not restricted to the site of stimulation but can be seen in anatomically connected regions as early as 19Ð29 ms after
stimulation when subjects are not performing any task[ Ilmoniemi et al[ ð26Ł\ recorded from visual and motor cortex after application of TMS at the
sites marked X[ The activity is greatest around the site of stimulation for the _rst few ms\ but in both cases the e}ects of TMS have been translated
to the homotopic regions of cortex in the hemisphere contralateral to stimulation[ Reproduced with the permission of the authors and Oxford
University Press[

appear anomalous[ In some cases the critical periods are cortical area is only vulnerable to TMS during the time
earlier than would be expected on the basis of human period that the area uniquely codes for a certain aspect
scalp recorded event related potentials "ERPs#[ This may of task performance ð04Ł[
be because ERPs only become recordable when large
populations of neurons are synchronously active and
ERP data usually refer to the point at which maximum 3[ Necessary and suf_cient control conditions
task!related activity is recorded[ Whether TMS yields a
more accurate estimation of the time course of events Clearly\ it is not enough to stimulate a region and
remains to be explored but the indications to date are observe an e}ect^ one has to be sure that the e}ects are
that TMS timing data are closer to estimates based on either speci_c in time or in space or to the particular task
studies of single unit recordings ð4\ 04\ 10Ł[ used[ In neuropsychological or primate lesion studies the
The brevity of the critical period of TMS also needs to speci_city of the de_cits reported are ensured by control
be explained[ For example\ the distinct 39 ms period tasks\ in which a lesion a}ects task A but not task B\ or
during which human PMd\ but not primary motor cortex\ by lesion controls\ in which lesion X a}ects task A but
is vulnerable to TMS is di.cult to reconcile with the data lesion Y does not\ or both*lesion X a}ects task A but
from the macaque that suggest that many cells in both not B and lesion Y a}ects task B but not A[ All these
areas are concurrently active for a longer period of time approaches are valid in TMS experiments[ The choice of
ð30\ 31\ 62\ 63Ł[ The same single unit studies suggest that control site can be determined in one of three ways that
there is a limited period when just the PMd cells may be we shall call dissociation\ proximity\ and time[ The dis!
encoding a task parameter[ It may be the case that a sociation method is of course already familiar to neu!

CMYK Page 018 )

029 V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024

ropsychology*one simply selects two areas posited to when recorded from stimulation of the representation of
have di}erent functions and applies TMS to the two using the Braille _ngers than the non!Braille _ngers and the
exactly the same logic as one would in a lesion study using representation of the Braille _ngers was also shown to be
non!human primates "see ðRef[ 42Ł#[ For an example of expanded by 1Ð2 times in area[
proximity\ suppose one wished to examine the e}ects of The peripheral e}ects of TMS also need to be
parietal cortex stimulation on an eye movement task[ It considered[ The delivery of a magnetic pulse produces a
would be reasonable to stimulate a grid of points during sharp audible crack and it is important to be sure that
the task centred on\ say\ the P3 electrode site and compare this is not a distracting stimulus which could impair per!
the site at which an e}ect was obtained with those sur! formance[ TMS applied to the scalp is also likely to
rounding points at which TMS had no e}ect "see e[g[\ stimulate facial muscles and so produce face twitches or
ðRef[ 43Ł#[ The proximity method results in a statement eye blinks[ A simple control for eye blink artefacts is to
to the e}ect that {area X is important for task A but run trials in which eye blinks are caused by stimulation
neighbouring sites are not|[ The proximity method is of the seventh cranial nerve[ Face twitches are likely to
particularly important where structural MRI scans of be produced by stimulation at some of the control sites
individual subjects are not available to help localise areas mentioned above[
of cortex and it is also useful in pilot experiments[ It
may also appeal to those for whom the anatomy is of 4[ Paradoxical lesions
secondary importance to the business of obtaining
informative functional dissociations[ The early work of Brain lesions can sometimes produce improvements
Amassian for example is uninformative with respect to in some kinds of performance[ These e}ects are not as
the localisation of TMS e}ects\ but the stimulus and common as the deleterious consequences but they can be
task speci_city of the e}ects of TMS helped to lay the equally informative[ Sprague ð66Ł\ for example\ excised
foundations for current experiments on visual perception the entire visual cortex from one hemisphere of the cat
ð2Ł[ and observed\ as one would expect\ a contralateral hemia!
Among interference techniques\ dissociations in time nopia[ However\ removal of the superior colliculus con!
are unique to TMS[ A number of studies have contrasted tralateral to the cortical lesion could restore some visual
the time at which TMS has an e}ect at two brain areas orienting abilities[ Another example of paradoxical facili!
ð7\ 04\ 60Ł[ TMS can of course be used to assess the role tation is the improvement in tactile sensitivity in the hand
of functional areas at much longer time scales[ A recent ipsilateral to a parietal lobe lesion "ð64Ł^ see Kapur ð33Ł
TMS study has exploited this aspect of TMS to inves! for review#[ One reason for the di.culty in investigating
tigate functional plasticity over periods of several improvements in neuropsychological patients may be
minutes[ Classen et al[ ð00Ł measured TMS!evoked that as the patient learns to use a damaged brain system
responses to stimulation of the cortical representation of to deal with the world\ reorganisation and new strategies
the thumb[ The direction of the elicited thumb movement cause any bene_ts of the damage to be masked[ The
was consistent as shown in Fig[ 2[ Subjects were then disorganisation caused by TMS\ however\ is likely to
given a simple motor skill learning task "directed thumb be too short for the brain to begin to reorganise and
movements in a direction opposite to the direction of behavioural facilitations are something which can be
TMS!evoked thumb movements#[ TMS was used after studied intentionally rather than serendipitously[
training\ again to evoke directionally selective thumb Perhaps {paradoxical| is no longer the correct term for
movements[ As a result of training\ cortical stimulation these kinds of _ndings and it may be better to consider
now elicited thumb movements in the trained direction\ them as revealing competing and mutually inhibitory sys!
indicating that the organisation of thumb representation tems in the brain[ In the visual system\ for example\ TMS
underwent learning!related changes[ To produce this over area V4 impairs performance on a visual search
e}ect training took place over periods between 4Ð29 min[ task which requires attention to motion but speeds up
The direction of thumb movements elicited by TMS after performance on a search task that requires attention to
training was monitored to assess the time required for form and colour ð71Ł[ A reasonable hypothesis to generate
the thumb representation to return to normal[ As Fig[ 2 from this _nding is that areas necessary for colour and
shows\ 19 min after training the TMS!evoked movements motion perception compete for processing resources in
were predominantly in the trained direction[ much the same way as stimuli are considered to compete
Other studies of plasticity have demonstrated cortical in some models of visual attention ð08Ł[
changes occurring over minutes ð75Ł\ hours\ months and
years ð02\ 03\ 21\ 34\ 45\ 70Ł[ For example\ Pascual!Leone 5[ Safety {beware of an optimist wielding a stimulating
and Torres measured the extent to which the cortical coil| ðRef[ 39Ł
representation of the Braille reading _ngers were
expanded relative to non!Braille reading _ngers[ Som! The use of TMS is rightly subject to approval by local
atosensory evoked potentials were signi_cantly larger ethical committees and there are some precautions which
V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024 020

Fig[ 2[ The e}ects of training on cortical representation from Classen et al[\ ð00Ł[ TMS was used to evoke thumb movements "A# before training[
Subjects were then given a training task in which movements were made in the direction opposite to that evoked by TMS[ After a few minutes
training\ TMS applied to the same scalp location as before training\ elicited thumb movements in the trained rather than the pretrained direction[
The bottom trace shows that after training was completed there was a gradual return to the pretraining response to stimulation of motor cortex[
Reproduced with the permission of the authors and the American Physiological Society[

must be taken in all studies using the technique[ The is only one guide and it is not exhaustive[ Further\ the
safety of single pulse stimulation is well established but study deals only with three sites of stimulation and
further precautions should be taken when using repetitive! expresses pulse intensity as a percentage of motor thres!
pulse TMS[ Repetitive!pulse TMS can cause seizures[ hold[ Studies which apply rTMS to the prefrontal or
The magnetic _eld produced by stimulating coils can occipital visual areas cannot merely lift criteria from this
cause a loud nose and temporary elevations in auditory paper and assume they transfer to other conditions[ We
thresholds have been reported ð46Ł[ The use of ear plugs also recommend that anyone wishing to use rTMS visit
is recommended in all experiments[ Some subjects may the TMS website "http]::pni[unibe[ch:maillist[htm#[ The
experience headaches or nausea or may simply _nd the TMS community is constantly reviewing safety pro!
face twitches and other peripheral e}ects of TMS too cedures and this website is a starting point for access to
uncomfortable[ Such subjects obviously should be sound information[
released from any obligation to continue the experiments[ A more recent paper ð72Ł summarizes the consensus
More serious are the concerns that TMS may induce an that exists within the community[ The adverse e}ects
epileptic seizure[ There are a number of cases of epileptic recorded include seizures "though these are rare#\ some
_ts induced by repetitive pulse TMS and caution is necess! enhancement e}ects on motor reaction time and verbal
ary[ As a guide\ any subject with any personal or family recall\ and e}ects on a}ect "some subjects have been
history of epilepsy or other neurological condition should reported to cry following left prefrontal rTMS\ and
be precluded from partaking in an experiment which others to laugh#[ There is little information about poten!
does not involve investigation of that condition[ Pascual! tial longer term problems with rTMS but the issue cannot
Leone et al[ ð46Ł assessed the safety of rTMS and noted be ducked[ If\ on the one hand rTMS is potentially useful
that seizures could be induced in subjects who were not in the alleviation of depression ð17Ł it must be conceded
associated with any risk factors[ The paper presents some that rTMS can have longer term e}ects[ It would be
guidelines for the use of rTMS and familiarity with this disingenuous to suggest that all long term e}ects are
paper should be a prerequisite of using rTMS[ The paper likely to bene_cial rather than deleterious[ It should be
021 V[ Walsh\ M[ Rushworth : Neuropsycholo`ia 26 "0888# 014Ð024

Fig[ 3[ Applying TMS to a region of cortex can enhance or inhibit performance on di}erent tasks[ The top _gure shows six visual search tasks in
which subjects were required to detect the presence absence of a target[ The _gure below shows the e}ects of applying TMS to area V4[ In two tasks
"tasks a and b# there is little or no e}ect of TMS[ When TMS is applied to V4 during a search requiring attention to motion "tasks e and f# performance
is signi_cantly slower with TMS[ Tasks on which attention to attributes other than motion is required\ are facilitated by TMS over V4[ The dotted
line at 0 represents reaction times without TMS[ Solid lines show reaction times with TMS relative to without[ From ðRef[ 71Ł[

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