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Michael J Bangs 1, Ria P Larasati 1, Andrew L Corwin 1 and Suharyono Wuryadi 2

US Naval Medical Research Unit No 2, Jakarta, Indonesia; 2Virology Department, National
Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. An extensive outbreak of dengue fever and dengue hemorhagic fever occurred in the
city of Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia from late 1997 through March/April 1998. All
surveyed administrative areas (kelurahan) in Palembang were found to be ‘permissive’ for den-
gue virus transmission; and all areas that had Aedes (subgenus Stegomyia) larval mosquitoes
in abundance experienced increased cases of DHF during the epidemic. The Aedes House
Index (HI) for combined Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus was recorded every 3 months
before, during, and after the epidemic. Ten surveyed sentinel sites (October-December 1997)
immediately preceding the epidemic peak had a combined HI of 25% (range 10-50.8%). Ento-
mological surveys during the peak epidemic period (January-April) showed a combined HI of
23.7% (range: 7.6-43.8%). Kelurahans with the highest numbers of reported dengue cases
had an HI exceeding 25%; however, there was no discernable relationship between elevated
HI and increased risk of DHF incidence. Despite the unusual climatic conditions during late
1997 created throughout the region by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the house
indices during both wet and dry months remained above 23% for the 4 quarterly (3-month)
periods surveyed in the second half of 1997 and first half of 1998. Rainfall returned to near
normal monthly levels shortly before the reported increase in human cases. However, mean
ambient air temperatures continued above normal (+0.6 to 1.2oC) and were sustained over the
months leading up to and during the epidemic. Evidence suggests that an ENSO-driven in-
crease in ambient temperature had a marked influence on increased virus transmission by the
vector population. We explore the apparent associations of entomological and climatic effects
that precipitated the epidemic before the influx of reported human cases.

INTRODUCTION cent decades (Gubler, 1998; Clark, 2002) and

are responsible for the most significant mos-
The incidence and distribution of dengue- quito-borne viral disease syndromes globally.
related illness have grown dramatically in re- An estimated 2.5 billion people are at risk of
contracting dengue fever (DF) and dengue
Correspondence: Michael J Bangs, Navy Disease
hemorrhagic fever (DHF), many of whom live
Vector Ecology and Control Center, 2850 Thresher
in the Southeast Asian region (WHO, 2002).
Avenue, Silverdale, WA 98315-0304, USA.
In Southeast Asia, DHF cases have been in-
Reprints: Publications Office, NAMRU-TWO, FPO creasing from an annual rate of <10,000 in the
AP 96520-8132, USA. 1960s to >200,000 in the 1990s (Gibbons and
Fax: (62-21) 424-4507 Vaughn, 2002). Dengue fever and DHF remain
E-mail: serious health risks in urban and rural popu-

Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006 1103


lations of Indonesia, and are leading causes
of excess mortality and hospitalization among
children in the country. In 1998, Indonesia wit-
nessed the largest epidemic on record, with 2,500
72,133 reported cases (IR 34.2/100,000) of

Number of cases
DF/DHF and 1,414 dengue-attributable deaths 2,000
(Suroso, 2001; WHO, 2004). By comparison,
the disease incidence during recent preced- 1,500
ing inter-epidemic years fluctuated between
10,000 and 25,000 cases countrywide (De- 1,000

partment of Health, Indonesia, unpublished).

Beginning in early 1998, the city of Palembang, 500

a large, congested urban center in southern

Sumatra, experienced a dramatic outbreak of 0
r g c r g c r g c r g c r g c pr g c pr g
Ap u e Ap u e Ap u e Ap u e Ap Au De A Au De A Au
n- y-A p-D n- y-A p-D n- y-A p-D n- y-A p-D n- y- p- n- y- p- n- y-
DF/DHF resulting in large numbers of acute Ja Ma Se Ja Ma Se Ja Ma Se Ja Ma Se Ja Ma Se Ja Ma Se Ja Ma
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
care hospitalizations (Corwin et al, 2001). Simi-
lar high levels of DF/DHF cases were reported Fig 1–Epidemic curve of clinically diagnosed cases
elsewhere in Indonesia and throughout many of DF/DHF/DSS from Charitas and M Hoesin
countries and urban centers in Southeast Asia Hospitals in Palembang, Sumatra, January
1992-August 1998.
during the same 1997-1998 time period com-
pared to previous decade (unpublished pro-
ceedings of International Conference on Den-
gue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, Chiang
Mai, Thailand, 20-24 November 2000; Do et
al, 2000; WHO, 2002; Nagao et al, 2003).
The majority of the outbreak investigation
activities in Palembang took place after the
epidemic began to wane in April 1998 (Corwin
et al, 2001). Multi-year trend analysis of hos-
pital admissions for dengue-associated illness
and a community-based, cross sectional study No cases
identified a steep rise in dengue cases begin- 151-300
ning January 1997 and ending in April 1998 451-600
(Fig 1). The distribution (attack rates) of re- >600

ported cases indicated clustering patterns of

Based on hospital (clinically) recognized cases match with
disease in the city, but was complicated by
February 1998 census data by Kelurahan
possible case collection bias from the 2 pri-
mary referral hospitals that may have substan- Fig 2–Attack rates of dengue cases per 100,000 popu-
tially underestimated or misclassified the true lation in 74 kelurahans in Palembang, Sumatra
disease burden and distribution in the popu- from January-April 1998.
lation (Fig 2). As is often the case, most ento-
mological parameters were poorly docu- precipitating events that may have contributed
mented before, during and after the epidemic, to increased virus transmission. However, pre-
resulting in a substantial investigative defi- vailing climatic conditions before and during
ciency linking concurrent vector dynamics and the outbreak showed profound anomalous

1104 Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006


rainfall patterns and significantly heightened 1997-1998 quarterly survey cycles.

ambient temperatures compared to normal Entomological information was restricted
monthly means. These conditions were attri- to the Aedes (Stegomyia) House Index (HI), a
buted to a severe El Niño Southern Oscilla- summarized measure of the percentage of in-
tion (ENSO), which occurred in the region dur- spected houses found infested with Aedes
ing the same time period (Glantz, 2001; mosquito larvae, ie, Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti
Kishore et al, 2001). We reviewed the climatic (L.), Aedes albopictus (Skuse). Containers
and entomological data that was available sur- were only recorded for presence of Aedes lar-
rounding the epidemic period and investigated vae and were rarely sampled for species iden-
the possible epidemiological influence of these tification on the assumption that most infes-
temporary, yet dramatic, climatic events had tations were Ae. aegypti. Other standard sur-
on dengue transmission in Palembang during veillance measures (Chan, 1985a), including
late 1997 and early 1998. the Container Index (percentage of sampled
water-holding containers infested with Aedes
MATERIALS AND METHODS larvae) and the Breteau Index (number of posi-
tive containers per 100 houses inspected)
Palembang is a large urban and commer- were not routinely recorded. Indoor resting and
cial center located in the Province of South adult mosquito human-landing collections
Sumatra (3º 59´ S, 104º 45´ E), the western- were not performed during these periods.
most major island in Indonesia. With an esti-
Monthly weather data (based on maxi-
mated population exceeding 1.5 million
mum, minimum, and average daily tempera-
people, the city sits in a lowland area (0-25 m
tures, relative humidity, and precipitation) were
above sea level), surrounded primarily by ex-
compiled from government statistics for the
pansive freshwater marshlands. Most areas
months immediately before, during and after
within the city are densely populated, consist-
the dengue epidemic and compared to previ-
ing of congested middle to lower income hous-
ous years’ records (1984-1996 for tempera-
ing and commercial areas.
ture and 1952-1996 for rainfall).
Aedes vector surveillance data were pro-
vided by the local Palembang Department of RESULTS
Health (DoH) from summarized periodic mos-
quito vector surveys, premise inspections and Quarterly Aedes mosquito surveillance
vector control activities (DoH 1997-1998, un- and control activities between April 1997 and
published). Before and during the epidemic September 1998, found variable combined HI
period, inspections in and immediately around measures ranging from 58% (April-June 1997)
homes for Aedes larvae were conducted ap- to 12.9% (July-September 1998) (Fig 3). Gen-
proximately once every 3 months in 10 senti- erally, less than 50% of houses in any particu-
nel sites within designated kelurahans (admin- lar survey area were inspected during each
istrative units), each representing between quarter. An accurate comparison of house in-
5,000-6,000 houses. The 10 monitored sites dices between all quarterly surveys was not
represented approximately 10% of available possible as the number of kelurahans in-
kelurahans within the administrative authority spected differed between I-IV quarters, April
of Palembang. Shortly after the dengue epi- 1997-May 1998 and I-II quarters, April-Sep-
demic began, the number of sentinel areas tember 1998. Subsequently, the number of
was reduced to 5 kelurahans, with only 2 of houses surveyed each quarter also varied from
the 10 original sites retained from the previous 19,071 to 9,535. Peak survey activities oc-

Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006 1105


curred during the height of the reported den- in April-June 1997 to 23.7% in January-April
gue case period (January-March 1998), result- 1998; however, there was no strong associa-
ing in a combined 10-locality HI of 23.7% (7.6- tion between the HI and rainfall patterns, likely
43.8%). Kelurahans with the highest number reflecting regular water storage practices in
of reported dengue cases had an HI > 25%. households or insensitive surveillance activi-
The October-December 1997 quarter imme- ties. Despite unusually prolonged drying ef-
diately preceding the epidemic peak had a fects caused by the 1997-1998 ENSO, the
combined mean HI of 25% (10-50.8%). quarterly composite house index for wet and
Vector control activities during the pre- dry months remained above 23% for all 4 epi-
ceding inter-epidemic period in Palembang demic quarter periods. The average ambient
were limited to outdoor ground dispersed ul- temperatures were above normal (+0.6-0.9ºC)
tra-low-volume (ULV) insecticide spraying for the pre-epidemic months of August to
using malathion, or occasionally cyfluthrin, at November 1997, and remained above normal
approximately 6-month intervals. All school (+0.7-1.2ºC) from December 1997 to April
grounds were space sprayed once every 6 1998, compared to the previous 13 years of
months and general communities were tar- mean monthly temperatures (Fig 4).
geted for ULV applications several months
(August-October) before periods of expected DISCUSSION
increases of dengue cases (October-April). As An often confounding facet of the dynam-
standard procedure, thermal fogging applica- ics of dengue epidemics is the mosquito vec-
tions of insecticides occurred within a 200 m tor, its mere presence being simply assumed
radius of all reported DHF index cases (Husni, but infrequently investigated in great detail.
1998). Routine larval monitoring activities also Aedes aegypti is the primary vector of epi-
included application of temephos (Abate® 1% demic DF/DHF worldwide, driven by its strong
treated sand granules) or methoprene blood feeding preference and close associa-
(Altosid® insect growth regulator) to all larva- tion with humans (Gubler, 1988). In Indone-
positive containers. Temephos was also dis- sia, Ae. aegypti has long been implicated in
tributed to households in dengue endemic epidemic and inter-epidemic transmission
areas by health department staff or commu- (Nelson et al, 1976; Jumali et al, 1979;
nity volunteers with instructions for owners to Sumarmo, 1987). Based on vector surveillance
apply measured amounts to all water storage data, all surveyed kelurahans in Palembang
containers approximately every 3 months. In were found to be highly ‘permissive’ or recep-
response to rising cases and public expecta- tive areas for dengue transmission. Almost
tions, the frequency and area coverage by ULV without exception, Aedes infested areas had
and thermal fogging spraying activities in- increased DHF activity during the epidemic
creased approximately two-fold (>2 rounds/ period. The clustering patterns of DF/DHF
month) during the epidemic, especially in those cases seen in Palembang was consistent with
areas reporting high numbers of DHF cases. other findings in Asia and the Americas
A distinct period of diminished rainfall was (Halstead et al, 1969; Waterman et al, 1985;
noted from June - November 1997, compared Gubler, 1988; Getis et al, 2003; Tran et al,
to mean monthly rainfall for the same periods 2004) wherein a normally limited flight range
from 1952 through 1996. Above average rain- and frequent human blood-feeding behavior
fall occurred in December 1997 through May of mosquito vectors are often conducive for
1998, compared to the same periods the pre- promoting spatially concentrated virus trans-
vious years (Fig 3). The HI dropped from 58% mission activity (Scott et al, 2000; Van

1106 Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006


500 70
kelurahans in central Palembang, whereas
60 only 4.2% of all localities reporting clinical
cases were focally treated with insecticide
HI (%) 50
(Husni, 1998). Previous vector control efforts

House index (%)

40 using ULV ground dispersed insecticides and
Rainfall (mm)

250 mass larviciding efforts have been cited as

200 effective in dramatically reducing adult mos-
150 20 quito densities and abating DHF epidemics in
100 Indonesia (Suroso, 1984). A similar strategy
50 was followed in the 1980 DHF epidemic in
0 0 Palembang, which reportedly reduced vector










densities and the number of dengue cases
(Suroso, 1981). What contribution, if any, in-
Fig 3- Monthly mean rainfall (mm) from 1952-1997 secticide spraying reduced vector mosquito
compared to rainfall for individual months in populations and disease incidence during the
1997 and 1998 in relation to Stegomyia House
1997-1998 epidemic is not known, but was
Index (% houses infested with Aedes larvae) in
likely very minimal given the relatively poor and
Palembang, Indonesia.
sporadic coverage reported.
Insufficient empirical evidence exists that
establish entomological thresholds predicting
28 levels of dengue transmission risk, but by all
estimates such parametric thresholds are con-
sidered to be very low (Focks et al, 1993,
2000; Rieter and Gubler, 1997). Although dif-
Mean temperature ºC

ferent container indices exist for the purposes
of monitoring vector density in relation to den-
gue risk, only the Aedes HI is routinely reported

26 0.25
0 for mosquito surveillance in Palembang. The








HI is considered a crude correlate of dengue

transmission risk, providing an estimate of the
















Month percentage of houses positive for potential

Fig 4- Monthly mean average 24-hour ambient air tem- vectors, and thus, a relative percentage of the
peratures from 1984-1996 compared to tem- human population at risk for infection (Tun-Lin
peratures for individual months in 1997 and et al, 1996; Heng et al, 1998; Morrison et al,
1998. Insert figure: above normal average tem- 2004). Its primary limitation is that producti-
peratures by month for 1997-1998 compared to vity, the number of adult mosquitoes produced
13-year average in Palembang, Indonesia.
over time, is not addressed. The relationship
between larval container indices and adult
Benthem et al, 2005; Harrington et al, 2005; vector density is highly variable, being depen-
Russell et al, 2005). dent on particular stressors like container size,
Increased insecticide spraying activities degree of larval crowding, and availability of
occurred after the apparent peak of dengue nutrients. However, by many accounts, only
transmission in Palembang. In March 1998, when mosquito vector densities appear ex-
ULV ground spraying occurred at 377 schools ceptionally low (eg, HI < 5%) does entomologic
located in 3 of the most heavily affected surveillance appear to provide any predictive

Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006 1107


value for the potential risk of virus transmis- rotypes, host age, degree of population ‘herd’
sion (Chan, 1985a; Gubler, 1989). immunity, and human activities and movement
The relationship between container indi- (Gubler, 1988; Kongsomboon et al, 2004; Van
ces alone and measures of epidemic risk re- Benthem et al, 2005).
mains difficult to define. No meaningful corre- Mathematical modeling of variations in
lation could be derived between the HI and dengue incidence suggests that climate
increased incidence of DF/DHF in Palembang, changes can induce large variations in vector
as all areas surveyed had indices at or above populations, and thus influence dengue trans-
23%. Only a few investigations attempting to mission (Patz et al, 1998; Hopp and Foley,
correlate Aedes vectors with dengue virus 2001; Jettsen and Focks, 2001). During typi-
transmission in Indonesia have been published cal years, Indonesia experiences two distinct
(Van Peenan et al, 1972; Nelson et al, 1976; seasonal periods: the drier months of April-
Nalim et al, 1978; Jumali et al, 1979; Oda et September and the wet season from October
al, 1983). The increase of DHF cases in Indo- through March. Periodically, prolonged
nesia is usually greatest during or shortly fol- droughts occur in Indonesia, at times affect-
lowing the wet season, when Aedes popula- ing the entire archipelago. From 1877 to 1998,
tions are believed to increase significantly 93% of recorded droughts have been linked
(Sumarmo, 1987). In line with most investiga- to contemporaneous ENSO events wherein
tions, the Palembang outbreak showed no the onset of the monsoon rains was signifi-
striking correlation between climatic para- cantly delayed (Kishore et al, 2001). In mid-
meters (ie, rainfall, temperature) and size of 1997, an El Niño developed rapidly and per-
vector population when based solely on larval sisted until April 1998. An El Niño develops
indices (Sheppard et al, 1969; Ho et al, 1971; as sea surface temperatures (SST) across the
Moore, 1985). Likewise, in Jakarta, no evi- central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
dence of seasonal fluctuation of adult vector rapidly become much warmer than normal. As
populations has been clearly documented, the SST increases, rain-producing cloud
despite the marked annual wet season that mechanisms shift eastward away from the
occurs in western Java from October to March relatively cooler SST prevailing over the west-
(Van Peenan et al, 1972; Nelson et al, 1976). ern Pacific and Southeast Asia resulting in
The common use of permanent indoor greatly diminished rainfall throughout much of
cisterns for domestic needs is considered one the region. The western regions of Indonesia
of the most important sources of Ae. aegypti (including southern Sumatra) have historically
breeding in Palembang (M Adjad, personel been particularly susceptible to the influence
communication). Indoor larval habitats are of recurring ENSO cycles and generally more
generally less affected by fluctuations in rain- sensitive to such climatic extremes, where the
fall compared to outside habitats. Indoor do- dry season is prolonged before the wet mon-
mestic use of water is often derived from per- soon period resumes. The severe drought
manent sources (eg, wells). Despite advances reached its peak during the period of Septem-
in understanding, there remains no simple re- ber-November 1997, with nearly all areas of the
lationship (eg, critical threshold) that consis- country experiencing rainfall levels far below
tently links mosquito density (larval and/or adult) expectation. After nearly 2 months delay, rain-
with dengue incidence (Chan, 1985a; Focks et fall returned to near normal levels in Palembang,
al, 1995; Tun-Lin et al, 1996). Confounding fac- beginning in December 1997. However, ambi-
tors can include climate, seasonal patterns of ent temperatures from May 1997 to July 1998,
vector activity and behavior, circulating virus se- remained consistently above normal despite the

1108 Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006


return of precipitation. gue epidemic is the second recorded account

The 1997-1998 ENSO had dramatic of a large vector-borne disease outbreak in
health and economic consequences through- Indonesia associated with the 1997-1998
out most of Indonesia (Kishore et al, 2001). ENSO (Bangs and Subianto, 2000). There has
Before the Southeast Asian-wide 1997-1998 been an urgent and fundamental need for bet-
DF/DHF outbreak, a series of health warnings ter understanding of climatic phenomena and
mounted concerning the potential impact of anomalies that can impact economic and de-
global warming and periodic ENSO events on mographic sectors including agriculture, for-
vector-borne diseases (Nicholls, 1993; Reeves estry and health. However, without meaning-
et al, 1994; Bouma and Van der Kaay, 1996; ful disease and vector surveillance programs
Patz et al, 1996; Martens et al, 1997; WHO, in place to provide information, debate will
1999b; Hunter, 2003). Among the viral agents continue on the degree of influence ENSO
considered most susceptible to climatic ex- events have on the transmission of dengue
tremes associated with ENSO is dengue and other vector-borne diseases. A better
(Hales et al, 1996, 1999; Sehgel, 1997; Hopp understanding of the relationship between
and Foley, 2001, 2003). Certainly, not all den- ENSO and disease transmission will provide
gue epidemics are attributed to such dramatic insights of what future ENSO events may sup-
changes in weather patterns. Although tem- port.
poral coincidence or biologically relevant fac- From August through October 1997 there
tors cannot be entirely ruled out, the appar- was a dramatic departure from normal rainfall
ent overlap between aberrant climate and the and ambient air temperatures in the region.
record-breaking increase in dengue incidence Although precise influence of the unusually
seen in Palembang and much of the South- hot-dry period on dengue transmission re-
east Asian region is supported by a near si- mains poorly understood, especially during the
multaneous and sudden drop in cases in al- months immediately preceding the dengue
most all affected countries shortly after the epidemic, we believe the association is be-
cessation of ENSO. yond mere coincidence. Onset of the
The 1997-1998 ENSO was possibly the Palembang epidemic occurred shortly after the
most significant worldwide climatic event of rainy season began in December; however,
the last century (Glantz, 2001; NRC, 2001). It actual increased levels of transmission likely
brought tremendous economic loss to the occurred many weeks or even months earlier
Southeast Asian region, with profound impact (Corwin et al, 2001). Although circumstantial,
on sensitive ecosystems and the welfare of there is compelling evidence to suggest that
vulnerable human populations. Health-related increased temperature helped precipitate and
factors, including extreme shortages in food prolong the epidemic event. Previous dengue
production and potable water supplies, were epidemics associated with temperature in-
exacerbated by a dramatic economic crisis in creases have been described in Mexico, Hon-
the Asian region during the same period. Far duras and Singapore (Figueroa et al, 1982;
less understood have been the past linkages Koopman et al, 1991; Herrera-Basto et al,
between ENSO climate fluctuation and the risk 1992; Heng et al, 1998).
of vector-borne diseases such as malaria and More often, fluctuations in vector life ex-
dengue (Nicholls, 1993; Hales et al, 1996, pectancy and population size do not directly
1999; Bouma and Dye, 1997; Gagnon et al, correlate with changes in the incidence of
2001; Patz and Kovats, 2002; Hunter, 2003; dengue infections. Arguably, the same hot-dry
Hopp and Foley, 2003). The Palembang den- conditions before December 1997 could have

Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006 1109


had detrimental effects on vector survival, dence of DHF (Scott et al. 2000).
behavior and overall mosquito densities at- The Sriwijaya campus, located in an area
tacking humans, yet Sheppard et al (1969) with historically high endemicity of DHF (Vec-
found increased vector longevity was nega- tor Control Section, 1988) was among the
tively correlated with the increased incidence worst affected kelurahans during the 1997-
of DHF in Bangkok, Thailand. Furthermore, 1998 epidemic. Aedes aegypti is presumed to
others have shown a relationship between in- account for the vast majority of peridomestic
creased frequency of vector feeding during Aedes species in the city of Palembang; how-
hot-dry and rainy periods and epidemics of ever, large biting populations of Aedes
DHF (Yasuno and Tonn, 1970; Pant and albopictus have been reported in areas sur-
Yasuno, 1973). rounding the Sriwijaya University campus in the
Temperature directly affects the rate of city center (DoH, unpublished report). The gen-
development of different mosquito life stages, eral campus area supports an extensive park-
as well as dengue viral replication. Higher like setting containing numerous trees and
ambient temperatures enhance virus replica- natural vegetative cover. Aedes albopictus has
tion and shorten the extrinsic incubation pe- easily adapted to exploiting human-modified
riod (EIP) in the vector (Watts et al, 1987; environments, without having acquired the
Reiter, 1988), thereby increasing vectorial ef- same degree of ‘domestication’ as Ae. aegypti
ficiency. Mosquito survival is also temperature (Hawley, 1988). Anwar et al (1995) detected
dependent, which has an influence on the per- greater indoor vs outdoor biting activity for Ae.
sistence of free water and relative humidity aegypti (ratio 5:1) compared to greater out-
(Christophers, 1960; Rueda et al, 1990; Tun- door feeding activity by Ae. albopictus (ratio
Lin et al, 2000; Hopp and Foley, 2001). Aedes 13:1). The extradomiciliary and exophilic be-
aegypti is a resilient mosquito, and because havior of Ae. albopictus populations also dem-
of its close adaptation to human households, onstrate greater seasonal fluctuation, with
is more likely to escape hostile environmental population numbers being more dependent on
extremes detrimental to other, more exophilic rainfall compared to Ae. aegypti (Gould et al,
species (Macdonald, 1956). Larger body size 1970; Ho et al, 1971; Almeida et al, 2005). In
of female mosquitoes may be considered bet- the rainy season, a greater number of poten-
ter physiologically for vectors to acquire viral tial Ae. albopictus natural larval habitats be-
infections, while also having increased fecun- come productive, increasing the population
dity and greater persistence in blood feeding density and range of this species (Pant et al,
behavior (Van den Heuvel, 1963; Nasci, 1991; 1973; Chan, 1985b; Heng et al, 1998). Fur-
Sumanochitrapon et al, 1998). Yet some work- thermore, higher temperatures decrease the
ers have observed that as a result of higher pre-imago development time to adulthood
average temperatures, the shortened (Alto and Juliano, 2001), periods often coin-
gonotrophic cycle and a greater frequency of ciding with the onset of dengue epidemics.
blood meals in vectors, together with a re- Peri-domestic Ae. albopictus will feed readily
duced EIP of the virus, are of greater impor- on both humans and other animals, and are
tance than mosquito size for enhanced den- more likely to feed out-of-doors compared to
gue virus transmission (Rodhain and Rosen, Ae. aegypti (Pant et al, 1973). Nonetheless,
1997). The evidence supports that tempera- because this species can readily exploit a
ture-induced variations in vector efficiency in greater variety of both artificial and natural
Aedes aegypti are among the most important containers, it can also be found in higher adult
determinants of temporal variation and inci- biting densities, especially during the wet sea-

1110 Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006


son. Increased population density can also frequent intervals (Getis et al, 2003; Morrison
help compensate for generally lower vector et al, 2004). Although more accurate, it is
capacity compared to Ae. aegypti. viewed as not a viable surveillance strategy
As the January-March epidemic peaked for many resource-deprived health agencies
during a period of increased precipitation, the in dengue endemic countries. A more practi-
possible involvement of Ae. albopictus in the cal approach to vector control would be to
epidemic spread of dengue remains a real target the immature stages by eliminating only
possibility (Jumali et al, 1979). Although ap- those larval habitats that are the most pro-
parent clustering of dengue cases was seen ductive in terms of Aedes adult output (Focks
in Palembang, the evidence was somewhat et al, 2000; Strickman and Kittayapong, 2003).
weakened given the poor detail in data col- Control measures focusing on only select
lection. Those areas that showed less evi- breeding sites of prime importance would be
dence of clustering may have indicated a far less labor intensive and more manageable
larger vectorial role by Ae. albopictus in epi- for routine application, including source reduc-
demic transmission (Heng et al, 1998). As Ae. tion (elimination) and the appropriate use of
albopictus has been found to be a competent larvicides or biocontrol agents (eg, predacious
laboratory host for dengue viruses (Gubler and copepods). Unfortunately, budgetary con-
Rosen, 1976; Mitchell, 1995) and has been straints in Indonesia have greatly limited the
incriminated as a vector in dengue epidemics extent and coverage of a national campaign
in Asia (Russell et al, 1969; Chan et al, 1971; to promote community-level source reduction
Jumali et al, 1979; Ali et al, 2003; Almeida et against household Aedes larval habitats. Ulti-
al, 2005); more field studies are needed to mately, sustainable vector control through
clarify the involvement of Ae. albopictus in the community-based integrated programs (Chan
transmission dynamics of dengue in urban et al, 1989; Hoedojo and Suroso, 1990; Gubler
areas during both inter-epidemic and epidemic and Clark, 1994; WHO 1999a; Nalim et al,
periods (Gratz, 2004). Aedes albopictus de- 2002) including organized source reduction
serves serious attention in larger urban areas, campaigns, routine application of larvicidal
wherein significant vector populations can agents, and use of mosquito-proof covers
exist in more affluent housing communities and placed over containers remains the most prac-
park areas that help promote transmission. tical means available to curtail transmission
Gradual changing climate patterns and and prevent explosive epidemics in Indone-
short-term climatic anomalies aside, one of the sia.
principal factors responsible for the global re- We conclude that the combined high
surgence of dengue has been the breakdown Aedes indices and elevated temperatures con-
of effective Aedes mosquito surveillance and tributed to the 1997-1998 Palembang epi-
control in many dengue-endemic countries demic. We infer from this investigation that
(Gubler, 1997). Moreover, the emphasis on use ENSO-induced temporary climate change
of ULV perimeter sprays has been viewed as played a significant role in precipitating the
an ineffective means to prevent or control adult epidemic, based on interpretation of retro-
mosquitoes and virus transmission (Newton spective information from Palembang and the
and Reiter, 1992; Reiter and Gubler, 1997). region, and review of research and epidemio-
Recent findings have stressed the preference logical observations on the natural history of
of assessing vector densities at the household dengue viruses and mosquito vectors. Despite
level, involving inspection of all types of wa- the prolonged drought, larval surveys con-
ter-holding containers and life stages at more ducted before and during the outbreak found

Vol 37 No. 6 November 2006 1111


the average HI remained above 25%, a level Andrew Whitehurst for his valuable review of
considered highly receptive for dengue trans- this manuscript; and both the US Naval Medi-
mission. With other possible contributing fac- cal Research Center, Bethesda, Maryland, and
tors remaining equal, the most striking obser- the US Department of Defense Global Emerg-
vation was the persistent elevated average ing Infections System for supporting this study.
daily ambient temperature, which remained The opinions and assertions of the authors do
above normal despite the return of rainfall not purport to reflect the positions of the US
beginning in late December 1997. With sus- Navy, US Department of Defense or the Indo-
tained increased temperatures resulting in nesian Ministry of Health. Use of trade names
accelerated viral replication in mosquitoes, does not imply official endorsement or ap-
together with sufficient adult vector popula- proval of those products.
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