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What is a family?

In human context, a family (from Latin: familiare) is a group of people affiliated

by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution
for the socialization of children. Extended from the human "family unit" by affinity,
economy, culture, tradition, honor, and friendship are concepts of family that are
metaphorical, or that grow increasingly inclusive extending to nationhood and humanism.
A family group consisting of a father, mother and their children is called a nuclear
family. This term can be contrasted with an extended family.

There are also concepts of family that break with tradition within particular societies, or
those that are transplanted via migration to flourish or else cease within their new
societies. As a unit of socialisation and a basic institution key to the structure of society,
the family is the object of analysis for sociologists of the family. Genealogy is a field
which aims to trace family lineages through history. In science, the term "family" has
come to be used as a means to classify groups of objects as being closely and exclusively
related. In the study of animals it has been found that many species form groups that have
similarities to human "family"—often called "packs."

One of the primary functions of the family is to produce and reproduce persons,
biologically and socially. Thus, one's experience of one's family shifts over time. From
the perspective of children, the family is a family of orientation: the family serves to
locate children socially and plays a major role in their enculturation and socialization.
From the point of view of the parent(s), the family is a family of procreation, the goal of
which is to produce and enculturate and socialize children. However, producing children
is not the only function of the family; in societies with a sexual division of labor,
marriage, and the resulting relationship between two people, it is necessary for the
formation of an economically productive household. A conjugal family includes only the
husband, the wife, and unmarried children who are not of age. The most common form of
this family is regularly referred to in sociology as a nuclear family. A consanguineal
family consists of a parent and his or her children, and other people. Although the
concept of consanguinity originally referred to relations by "blood", Cultural
anthropologists have argued that one must understand the idea of "blood" metaphorically
and that many societies understand family through other concepts rather than through
genetic distance. A matrilocal family consists of a mother and her children. Generally,
these children are her biological offspring, although adoption of children is a practice in
nearly every society. This kind of family is common where women have the resources to
rear their children by themselves, or where men are more mobile than women.
Family is very important part of our everyday life. It helps us in improving our
personality. It also helps us in shaping our life. It teaches us the value of love, affection,
care, truthfulness and self-confidence and provides us tools and suggestions which are
necessary to get success in life.

Family is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place where you are accepted for what
you are. This is where you are completely tension free and everyone is there to help you.
Family encourages you when you are surrounded by problems. It helps you survive
through tough times and bring joy and happiness into life.

Decency is very important in the communication of daily life. It helps us make strong
relationship with others and make us come across as a very gentle, intelligent and likable
person. Everyone loves to be in a company of such person. Family helps bring decency
into our life which is necessary to lead a happy life.

One of the most important aims of our life is to build a successful and highly rewarding
career. Our families help us in creating a strong future. It gives us valuable suggestion
about different career prospective. It not only guides us in choosing the best but also
financially helps us to cover the expenses of education. Thus it helps us in making a good

The importance of family is probably realized when one went to holiday or celebrate an
occasion without family members. It was very hard to celebrate an occasion or went to
holiday without being surrounded by family members. At that time probably we realize
that how important they are to us. At that time, we came to know about the importance of
our families.

Today, most people don't realize the importance of family. They prefer to spend most of
their time with their friends. But when they are surrounded by problems, it was their
family that helped them get rid of problems. At the time, when even our best friends
refuse to help us, it was our family that came to help us. So it is very important for each
and every individual to give importance to their families above anything else and enjoy
spending time with family members.

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