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Unit 1


A far-off look → mirada ausente

Move your feet on the spot
Coming to terms with: accept the way thing are
To be in bad/good terms with sb. → tener una buena o una mala relación con alguien.
Come from within → venir de dentro
Take hurt → feeling more positive
Brain drain: daño cerebral
Physically and mentally devoid: destrozad/ completely lacking in smt.
Emotionally and phisically well-being: a feeling of being healthy in both your mind and your body.
Sparkle in the eyes
To do wonders for the back
A new broom: a new person in charge who makes chages.
A new blanket: someone who doesn't want to join in an that spoils the fun for everybody else.
A stuffed shirt: a pompous (pedante), self-opinionated (terco) person.
An armchair critic: someone who express opinions about things they know very little about.
A fair weather friend: someone who stands by you only when things are going well.
A nosy parker: a gossip.
A rolling stone: someone who doesn't like to stay in one place.
To stand by one: to support someone in a difficult situation.
Writer's cramp: painful contractions of the muscles of the thumb.
A sprained ankle: esguince.
Tennis elbow: a painful inflammation of the elbow.
Eyestrain: a sensation of discomfort produced in the eyes by their excessive or improper use. Vista
A torn ligament: rasgado
A splitting headache: dolor de cabeza espantoso.
A slipped disc: a herniated intervertebral disc, often resulting in pain because of pressure on the
spinal nerves. Hernia discal.
To fall on deaf ears.
On horseback: a caballo
***Owing to: debido a
There's something amiss: algo pasa
A tinkle in the eye: implica placer o reirse de alguien

Phrasal Verbs

To set down: to consider/ to estimate/ to land an airplane/ to humiliate/ to write to copy or to record
in writing or printing.
To put off: to postpone.
To clear out: to remove.
To bring someone's round: to convince/ to persuade
To bring up: educar.
To count myself in: tenerme en cuenta.
To cut down: reduce
To stop off: Interrupt a journey for a short stay somewhere .
To dig up: desenterrar
To delve into: indagar (información).
To hollow out: vaciar/ scoop out.
To burrow down: escabar (animales).
To hand over: to pass responsibility for smt.
To come in for smt: be exposed to something unplesant.
To come down on smb: to criticise or punish harshly (con severidad).
To come out with smt: to say smt surprising.
To cope up with something: produce an idea.
To come to the point: avoid details.
To come round: regain consciousness. (recobrar el conocimiento)
To come round to smt: change opinion.
To came down with smt: catch an illness
To be keen on: entusiasta
To take up: empezar a hacer.
To clum up: callarse.
To do away with: to get rid of

Drill: taladro.
Rub-down: masaje
Exhilaration: that produces excitement.
Whether: ya sea porque... (palabra filling gaps).
Ward: sala de espera
Bleeper/ bleep: busca
The self: el yo
Toil: trabajo duro
Exertion: esfuerzo
Empowerment: que tiene el poder o la autoridad de hacer algo.

Bygone (events, dreams, days): de otro tiempo
Depated (cosas, edificios...): de otro tiempo
Former: antiguo, refiriendose a anteriores: my former wife.
Still: quieto.
To be soothed: calamada/ mitiga el dolor.
Shallow: superficial/ poco profundo.

Pleaded to + verb: atraer/ empujar a
Influenced me, Urged me.: atraer/ empujar a
Recommend + that or verb-ing
To soar: to rise quickly and smoothy.
To bolster: reafirmar
To dash: correr.
To veil: disimular
To shuttle: desplazarse.
To depict: representar.
To soak: poner a remojo.
To hinder: dificultar.
To liken: comparar
To intrude: molestar, importunar. Sust: intrusion.
To relent: ceder
To foretell: predecir
To appease: apaciguar (enfado).
To display: to put smt in a place so people can see it.
To empower smb: give smb the means to do smt.

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