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AA JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES Theoretical Training Manuals Revised Edition AIRCRAFT GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 4 INSTRUMENTATION FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS This learning material has been approved as JAA @ compliant by the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority OXFORD Aviation Waining _ INSTRUMENTS PRESSURE HEADS . PRESSURE HEADS A pitot head is used to measure: a) dynamic minus static pressure. b) static plus dynamic pressure. ©) static pressure. 4) dynamic pressure. A static vent is used to measure: dynamic pressure minus pitot excess. dynamic pressure plus pitot excess. atmospheric pressure. pitot excess pressure. A pressure head is subject to the following errors: a) b) °) a) position, manoeuvre induced, temperature. position, manoeuvre induced. position, manoeuvre induced, density. position, manoeuvre induced, instrument. Turbulent flow around a pressure head will cause: density error. 95% increase in manoeuvre induced error. an increase in the dynamic pressure, 95% of pressure error. Manoeuvre induced error: ) is caused by transient pressure changes at static vents, b) __ is likely to be greatest when yawing after engine failure. ©) is combined with instrument and position error on a correction card. 4) lasts for only a short time at high altitude. Position error: a) may be reduced by the fitting of static vents. b) will usually decrease with an increase in altitude. ©) will depend solely on the attitude of the aircraft. 4) _willlusually decrease as the aircraft approaches the speed of sound, 2-7 ‘© Oxford Aviation Services Limited

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