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VOL. AP-28, NO. 4,JULY 1980 481

Theory of Dielectric-Filled Edge-Slot Antennas


Abstract-A theory has been developed for dielectric-filled edge-slot

(DFES) antennas which belong to a class of circumferential slot
antennas that are suitablefor conformal mounting on conducting
bodies of revolution. The specific antenna considered consists of a disk
of dielectric substrate mounted between the two halves of a conducting
cylinder and is excited at its center by a coaxial stub. It can be tuned
for a desired operatingfrequency with the help of a nnmberof axially
oriented passive metallic posts located inside the dielectric region. For
analysis, the antenna is modeled as a symmetrically excited E-type
radial waveguide loaded with the metallic posts and terminated by an
equivalent admittance appropriate for the radiating aperture. Circuit
parameters forthe metallic posts in the radial waveguide are obtained
by detailed field analysis using mode matchng techniques. These are
then wed, along with the equivalent transmission line circuit for the
antenna, to obtain the input reflection coefficient as a function of
frequency for various DFES antennas. The results of computations
based on the theory developed are compared with available measured Fig. I . DFES antenna mounted on a conducting cylinder. Basic
values. parameters are 60. 6 , . d , I,, (I,and E , .

passive tuning posts, in addition to supplying mechanical strength,
D IELECTRIC-fillededge-slot(DFES)
antennas, experimen-
HarryDiamondLaboratories (HDL)
[ 11, [2], belong to a class of circumferential slot antennas that are
provide the desired operating frequency and maintain the proper
match without the use of extra matching network. The small size,
ideally suited for conformal mountingonconductingbodies of light weight, and inexpensive fabrication procedure [l], [2] make
revolution. The simplest form of-the antenna, shownin Fig. 1, the DFES antennas attractive for many applications.
consists of a disk of dielectric substrate (usually Teflon fiberglass) A variety of DFES antennas havebeen constructed and tested at
that is copper-plated on both sides and mounted between the two HDL. Theaxiallyoriented passivetuningposts are typically
halves of a conducting cylinder so that the radiating aperture (or distributed among several elements, each of which consists of a
the edge slot) coincideswith the surface. It is excited at the center radial section of uniformly distributed posts of equal radii. The
by a coaxial line whose outer conductor is connected to the lower input region of a typical four-element DFES antenna is shown in
conductingsurface of thesubstrate, andtheinnerconductoris Fig. 2 wherethediametrically opposedrows or elements of
extended through thedielectric and finallyconnected tothe metallic posts may be identified. Antennas may contain two, four,
conducting surface at the upper end of the substrate. The input six,eight, or a largernumer of suchelements, the maximum
reflectioncoefficients of the antenna are found to assume number of
elementsand posts along each
element being
minimum values at some discrete frequencies, called the operating determined by thedesired operating.frequency and theinput
frequencies, where the antenna also radiates most efficiently. It VSWR. Usually, the several elements of an antennaare equispaced
can be tuned for a desired operating frequency by using a number angularly so that the arrangement of posts may also be considered
of axially oriented passive metallic posts, as shown in Fig. I . The as a radial region containing a number of equispaced rings around
antenna shown in Fig. 1 without the tuning posts willbe referred to the exciting post, eachring containing equal numbers of uniformly
as the basic DFES antenna which generally provides the highest distributed posts. For example,Fig. 2 shows an antenna of N rings,
operating frequency for a given radius of the cylinder. each ring containing four posts.
Although the basic D E S antenna appears to be similar to the Presently,thedesign ofDFES antennas iscarried out by
cavity-backedcylindricalgap antennadiscussed in [3], it is empirical means based on elaborate experimental work [ I ] , [2].
fundamentallydifferentfrom the latterdueto its perfectly Preliminary results of theoretical analyses of these antennas have
symmetrical excitation. Passive metallic posts arranged along the been reported in [5] and [6]. The present paper develops a theory
plane of an azimuthal slot on a conducting sphere have been used for the input behavior of DFES antennas so that their performance
for mechanical purposes in [4] where the tuning capability of the may be better understoodand their design be camed out more
posts was not utilized for the electrical design of the antenna. The efficiently.
nature of excitation used in D E S antennas makes their radiation
patterns display a high degree of azimuthal symmetry,. and the 11. BASIC DFES ANTENNA
Knowledge of the theory of basicDFESantennas is of
Manuscriptreceived October 5, 1979; revised February 12, 1980. fundamental importancein understanding the performance of more
This workwas supported by the U.S. ArmyResearch Office under complicatedDFESantennas usingtuningposts. For theoretical
Grant DAAG 29-77-G-0152.
Theauthors arewith the Radiation Laboratory, Department of analysis, the basic DFES antenna is assumed consist
to of acircular
Electricaland Computer Engineering,University of Michigan,Ann dielectric substrate located between two semi-infinite conducting
Arbor, MI 48109. cylinders and symmetricallyexcited at the center with the help of a

0 1980 IEEE
00 18-926X/80/0700-0481%00.75

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V ( p ) , I ( p ) dominant mode voltage and current, respectively, at

radius p .
V ( p ) and I ( p ) satisfy the following nonuniform transmission line
equations [7]:

-= -jkZoI
-= -jkYOV (3)

1 d
Fig. 2. Schematic
diagram of input region of a M(=4)-element N-ring zo=-= V -, (4)
D E Sarrangement
antenna of posts. yo 2np
k =o 6 propagationconstantinthedielectric medium, o
being the angular frequency;

+ P4
9 = aintrinsic
the of dielectric medium;
ej-r assumed time dependence and is suppressed.
d Note
conventions used to represent V and I are such
7 that for positive V the upper
surface of the waveguide
in Fig. 3 is positive and the lower conducting surface is negative;
the radial current I is positive when flowing outward in the upper
As thewaveguide willsupportbothoutgoing and reflected
waves, V ( p ) and I ( p ) in (3) willhavethefollowinggeneral
Fig. 3. Theoretical model of basic DFES antenna showingcoordinate expressions:
system used.

coaxial stub. The geometry and excitation of the antenna indicate

~ ~ p ~ = ~ . r r p c ~ 0 ~ , " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ + ~ 0 ~ , '
that its input region may be assumed to behave like a section of a
properly terminated radialwaveguide excited symmetricallyatits where
center by a line current. An appropriate theoretical model of the
basic D E S antenna is as shown in Fig. 3 where it is assumed that Ho' '
HoC2' usual notations for the zeroth-order Hankel functions

waveguideis terminated by equivalent
an total of the
and second kind, respectively;
admittance Y, distributed uniformlyaroundthe edge slot. This HI"', HI"' notations Of the first-orderHankelfunctions Of the
be accounts for the load presented
discussed later, first and second
kind, respectively;
by theoutside regionat the output end of theradialwaveguide. Ao9 Bo twoarbitraryconstants.

Y .

Thenature of excitation andthe symmetry of the antenna

indicate that only E-type radial modes [7] may exist in the radial
waveguideshown inFig. 3; as d is much smaller than the
wavelength of interest, only the dominant or the lowest order E
mode will have unattenuated propagation
dominant E-type mode field components in the waveguide region
me [71
where I , denotes the current carried by the exciting post.
Defining the outward looking radial impedance (or admittance)
at radius p as Z ( p ) = ( I / Y ( p ) )= ( V ( p ) / Z ( p ) ) it
, can be shown that
the radial impedances at any two radii p I , p 2 are related by

jVd ~ 0 ' 1 ' ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ + ~ 0 '

where 2 X P I ~ l " ' ( k ~ , ) ~ 2 ( P 2 ) + ~ 1 ' ~ ' ( k p , ) U , ( p ', )(*)

i, 4 unit vectors in the z and 4 directions, respectively;
E,, H + z and 4 components electric
of the and magnetic ~,(p,)=~,(1)(&p2)-- (9)
fields, respectively;

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Yo = I / q d the characteristic admittance of the guide,
E, the
dielectric constant of
themedium in the guide,
B . Input impedance and Refection Coefficient ?. the wavelength in the guide,
The radial impedance at p = 6, may be obtained from (8) by e 2.71828.
assuming that p , = 6,, p z = a, and Y ( p , = a ) = Y,. Under the The desired terminatingadmittance Y , of the edgeslot of the DFES
assumptionthat kd0 << 1, itcan be shown that theradial antenna is now obtained as the admittanceofastraightslotof
impedance at the input end is approximately given by length 27ra multiplied by anormalization factor ~ ( k a which )
tld accountsforthecylindrical natureof the waves in the radial
- Y,N,(ka)
qkd 2na
jNl(ka) waveguide. Thus we obtain
4 ?d
J l ( k a ) - j - Y,J,(ka)
From a study of the outward looking wave admittance associated
+j )'(
1n with the outgoing traveling waves in (5) and (6) it can be shown
that the appropriate value for X(ka) in the present problem is

where y = 1.78107, and J,, J , and N o , N ,are the notations for the Hl(2)(ka)
k ~ s e and
l Neumann functions of orders zero and one, respectively.
~ ( k a ) =- j
H,'2)(ka) '

The radial impedance at the input end given by ( 1 1) is now

assumed to be theload presented by the DFES antenna tothe input Note that for ka >> 1, ~ ( k u = ) 1. An important characteristic of
coaxial line, from whichtheinputreflectioncoefficientcan be the expression for Y , in (14) is that its imaginary part is positive at
obtained as a function offrequency by using the well-known allfrequencies of interest, indicatingthereby that theterminal
expression admittance is capacitive.The inputreflectioncoefficient as a
function of frequency for thebasic DFES antenna can now be
obtained numerically by using (12), (1 l), (14), and (15).

D . Results and Discussion

where Z, = (41/27r) In (b/6,) is the characteristic impedance of the Theoretical and measured values of the amplitude and phase of
input coaxial line. It must be noted here that the effects of the the input reflection coefficient of the basic DFES antenna, as a
junction between the coaxial line and the radial waveguide can be function of frequency, are shown in Fig. 4. The general agreement
represented by an effective junction capacitance in parallel with between theory and experiment in Fig. 4 may be considered to be
Z(6,); it turns out, however, that this capacitance is exceedingly satisfactory. In particular,the frequencies for the minimum re-
smallinthe present caseand leaves our resultsvirtually un- flectioncoefficient are predicted very well by the theory.The
changed. Consequently we have neglected the junction capacitance results indicate that, for a given antenna, the minimum reflection
in all our calculations. The only parameter which is still unknown coefficient may occur at more than one frequency; for the range of
istheterminatingadmittance Y , which is discussed in the next frequencies considered in Fig. 4 there are two such frequencies.
section. These frequencies are not harmonically related. The input region
of the antenna being lossless, it may b e assumed that the antenna
C . The Terminating Admittance radiates most efficiently at the frequencies corresponding to the
Evidently, Y , will depend on the shape and size of the body of minimum reflection coefficients. For thisreason these frequencies
revolution on which the DFES antenna is mounted, and its exact are called the operating frequenciesof the antenna. As can be seen
calculation maygenerallypresentconsiderableanalyticaldiffi- from Fig. 4, the amplitudes of the reflection coefficient quickly
culties. In the present case a rigorous integral expressionfor Y , can assumelargevalues away from theoperatingfrequencies and,
be derived by usingtheknown field expressions for acircum- hence, the antenna is a narrow-band device.
ferential slot on an infinite conducting cylinder [8]. The task will Detailednumericalcomputations indicatethattheoperating
then be to compute various integrals numerically; this turns out to frequencies are approximately insensitive to small variations in 6,
be quite costly and inefficient for the present problem due to the and d , but the amplitudes of the minimum reflection Coefficient
requirement of repeated numerical integrations at each frequency. depend appreciably on these parameters. For example, when 6, is
A more convenient approximate expression for the terminating doubled, the first operating frequency c f , ) decreases by about 0.4
admittance has been developed by using the known results [9] for percent and I rinI at f, increases by about 26 percent; when d is
theapertureadmittance ofaflangedparallel-platewaveguide doubled, f , is increased by about three percent and I rinI at f ,
radiating into a half-space. Let a dielectric-filled flanged parallel- decreases by about 36 percent.
plate waveguide of height d radiate into a free half-space. Using Fig. 5 showsthetheoretical variations of theoperatingfre-
the results of [9] it can be shown that the normalized conductance quencies as functions of the radius a of the antenna. In general, it is
and susceptance of the straight slot at the aperture terminal are found that the operating frequency decreases with increase of a.
It is of considerablepractical interest to determine theoperating
G nd frequency ofthe antenna without elaborate numerical computation.
per unit length This can be obtained approximately by studying thebehavior of the
Yo- I
input impedanceof the antenna as a function ofk u . Considering the
radial waveguide asan impedance transformer,it can be seen from
unit (13) (1 1) that the input impedance consists of twoimpedances in series:
the first one is the aperture impedance transformed to theinput side

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where Y,' is given by (14) with x ( k a ) = I . Thus underthe
condition (16), (17) indicates that the capacitive reactance of the
transformed aperture impedancecancels part or all of the inductive
reactance of the exciting post. From this consideratior is argued
that ( I 6) yieldsthe operating frequencies which may be repre-
sented as

L=- tils s = 1, 2, ... ( 1 8)

2xaJE, '

where c is the velocity of light, andj,, arethe roots of the equation

J , ( x ) = 0. The first few values o f j , , are [ I l ] j l l = 3.8317,jt2 =
7.0156, j , , = 10.1735,and j , , = 13.3237.Observe that as-
I I I I I I I ymptotically [ 1 I ]
O'O 15 3 4 5 6
jls=(i+sn), s = l , 2, *.. ka >> 1. (19)

Using (19) it can be shown that theradius of the basic DFES

antenna is related to the operating wavelength I , in the dielectric
substrate by

a ~ ( 1 / 8s += sl ,/ 2 ) ) . , , 2, -. (20)

% -60-
Thus at the first operating frequency u 2: ( 5 / 8 ) I.,, The first few
a operating frequencies, as obtained from ( 1 8 ) , are also shown in
Fig. 5 which indicates that the approximate expression (18) can be
-120- used with sufficient accuracy to obtain the operating frequency of
the antenna.
Fig. 4. rinas a functionoffrequency for a basic D E S antenna. E , = As mentioned earlier, atuned DFES antennaisobtained by
2.6, L = (I = 3.81 cm, d = 0.13175 cm. h0 = 0.064 cm. (a) Amplitude adding an appropriate number of passive metallic poststo the basic
of i-in. (b) Phase of rin. DFES antenna. In most cases of interestthese posts occur in
diametrically opposite pairs and are disposed in an even number of
elements (Fig. 2). The antenna with a single passive post is the
only other case of interest in that it is analytically more tractable,
and its solution provides considerable insight for the performance
of more useful antennas using multiple posts.
Generally,tuned DFES antennas are symmetricalstructures
where all the elements are equal and are equally separated in the
angularcoordinate;eachelementcontainsthesame numberof
similar posts uniformly distributed in the radial direction (Fig. 2).
In the most general case, we shall consider an M-element D E S
antenna, each element containing N posts, i.e., there will be N
circumferential arrangementsof M equispaced posts, or rings, each
ring being located at a radial distance p = li, i = 1, 2, ...N,where
a (an1 wechoose a > I , > l 2 I , > 0.
0 I I I I I I I I I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1
A . Method of Calculation of the Input Refection Coeficient
Fig. 5 . Theoreticalvariations of operatingfrequencies as functions of
radius a for a basic DFES antenna. d = 0.3175 cm. bo = 0.064 cm. To obtainthe inputreflectioncoefficientofatuned DFES
antenna,theequivalent transmission line circuit of thecorre-
by the radial waveguide, and the second is the inductive reactance sponding basic DFES antenna needs to be modified to account for
of the exciting post [lo]. Usingthe large argumentasymptotic the existence of thetuning posts. This is done as follows. As shown
expressions forthe Bessel and Neumann functions in ( 1 1). it can be in the Appendix, each ring of posts would produce a discontinuity
shown that at the frequencies such that in the equivalent transmission line at the position corresponding to
the location of the ring. The main task, therefore, consisted of the
Jl(ka)=O, determination of the equivalent impedance produced by each ring
of posts in the radial waveguide. It is shown in the Appendix that,
the input impedance given by (1 1) reduces to under the zeroth-orderapproximation of the dominant E-type mode
field solutions in the waveguide, eachring of posts produces a pure
nka 1 qkd
Z(6,)=- - , ka >> 1 (17) shunt type of discontinuity in theequivalenttransmission line.
Thus the modified equivalent circuit of a tuned DFES antenna

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1.0 -

0.8 -
0 -__
w 0.6-
Fig. 6. Modifiedequivalenttransmissionlinecircuitfor an M-element MEASUROD
N-ring DFES antenna. 9
having M elements and N rings may be represented as in Fig. 6 I
0.2 -

0.0, I 2 3 4

represents the effective shuntadmittance of the nth ring of M posts

located at p = I , .
Detailed field solutions, discussed in the Appendix, show that
the equivalent shunt impedance(or admittance) of a single post of
radius a,, located at p = I I, is given by

Observe that the post impedance is inductive and its value depends
on its distancefromthe excitingpost. The realpart of (21)
accounts forthe power lost into the higher order modes excited by
the post and the imaginary part represents the external inductance 0)
of the post [IO]. Fig. 7. I-," as afunctionoffrequencyfor a D E S antennawithone
Theequivalent shuntimpedance of M posts uniformlydis- tuning post. E , = 2.6, L = a = 3.81 cm, d = 0.3175 cm, h0 = 0.064
tributed on a ring at p = 1 , , i.e., for an antenna with M elements cm, I , = 3.31 cm. (a) Amplitude of rin.(b) Phase of Ti,,.
and one ring, can be shown to be given by (see Appendix)
and D, is obtained by replacing the nth column of D by


where it has been assumed that M is aneven number, and for

M / 2 = 1 the summation on theright side of (22) is equal to zero. Usingtheresultsdiscussedin the Appendix, 'theappropriate
For a two-element DFES antenna, each element containing N equivalentimpedancesforthe general case ofanM-element
posts, the equivalent impedanceat the locationof the nth ring (Le., antenna having N ringsofposts may be obtained in a similar
at p = 1,) is given by (see Appendix) manner.
The inputreflection coefficient of the antenna can now be
determinedfrom (12) after obtainingtheappropriateinput im-
pedance by thesuccessive application of (8) to theequivalent
circuit shown in Fig. 6 and in conjunction with the appropriate post
impedance relations (2 1 H 2 3 ) .

B . Discussion of Results
Theoretical and available measured values of the amplitude and
phase of Tin versus frequency for a tuned DFES antenna using a
single metallic post are shown in Fig. 7. Observe from Fig. 7(a)
thatthetheoretical valuesof the first and second operating
frequencies of the antenna are approximately 0.53 and 2.98 GHz,
respectively; the corresponding frequencies for the same antenna
without a tuning post(Fig. 4(a)) are 2.98 and5.45GHz, re-

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490 r 1O6
1.0 - 470 -

0.8 - 450

w 0.6 - 430
2 0.4-

0.2 - 390
370 I I I I I I I I 0.0
0.0, I I 1 1 I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 1

I 2 3 4
Fig. 9. First operating frequencycfi)and I ri,l as functions of post positlon for
a twoelement single-ring DFES antenna for two values of 6 , .

120 - 700 -
E 60-
d oo
% -60- I
4a I

-120 -


480 -
Fig. 10. First operating frequency Cf,)and I rinlas functions of number
(b) of post pairs (or rings) for a two-element DFES antenna. E , = 2.6, L =
Fig. 8. rin as a function of frequency for a two-elementsingle-ring cm.
DFES antenna. E , = 2.6, L = a = 3.81 cm, d = 0.3175cm. a0 = 0.064
cm. a1 = 0.14 cm. I , = 3.31 cm. (a) Amplitude of rin.(b) Phase of
rin, The amplitude and phaseof rinas functions of frequency for a
DFES antenna having a single ring of four symmetrically located
tuning posts are shown in Fig.11. Similar results are shown in Fig.
spectively. A single post located at I, = 3.31 cm has lowered the
12 for a two-element DFES antenna with each element having two
first operatingfrequency c f , ) of the antennaby a factor of about 6.
tuning posts.
Similar results are shown in Fig. 8 for atwo-element DFES
In general, it has been found that the present theory can be used
antenna using one pair of posts. It is believed that the region near
to analyze the input performance of two-element and single-ring
the second operating frequencyof the measured curve in Fig. 8(a)
D E S antennas using an arbitrary number of tuning posts. It has
is in error. Observe that the operating frequencies in Fig. 8(a) are
also been found to provide good results for the more general cases
larger than those in Fig. 7(a); as we shall see later, this is a general
for a DFESantenna (of radius n = 10.15cm) havingseveral
trend in that the operating frequency of a given antenna increases
elements and rings, and using up to a total number of 32 tuning
with increase of the number of tuning posts. For the same two-
elementDFESantenna havinga pair ofposts,thetheoretical
variations offl and I rinlas functions of the post locations, for two IV. CONCLUSION
values of the post radius,are showninFig. 9 where the
conventions foridentifying the post locations are alsoshown in the A theory has been developed for theinput performance of D E S
inset; available measured values for the case 6, = 0.135 cm are antennas mounted on a conducting cylinder, and results based on it
also shown in Fig. 9 for comparison. The results indicate that the were compared with the experimental results obtained at HDL for
post radius 6, can be used as a significant parameter to obtain a basic, two-element, and single-ring D E S antennas containing an
desiredf, from the antenna.f, and I Tin I as functions of the number arbitrary numberof tuning posts. For D E S antennas having more
of post pairs used in a two-elment D E S antenna are shown in Fig. than two elements and/or one ring, the theory needs improvement
10, where referenceshould be made to Fig. 9 for the convention of when the total number of tuning posts used exceeds a certain value
numbering post pairs. Measured values of I Tin I are not available dependent on the radius of the antenna andwhen the innermost ring
for comparison with those shown in Fig. 10; however, the results of posts is placed too close to the exciting post. For such cases
indicate that within the m g e of the number of post pairs used I rin
I5 morerigorousanalysis isneededinvolving higherorder mode
0.23, i.e., the input voltage standing-wave ratio (VSWR) 5 1.6, fields and terms which have been neglected in the present zeroth-
which is in agreement with the general results quoted in [ I ] . order dominant mode theory.

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1.0 -

0.8 -
w 0.6
3 I
$ 0.4-
0.2- b
0.2- V
I I o.oo I
o.oo I 2 3 4 I 2 3 4

(a) (a)

- t -120

-180 1

A . Metallic Posts in a Radial Waveguide
Thecalculation of the equivalentimpedances of the tuning I
! k
posts, employed to obtain the input reflection coefficient of DFES
I P= 4
antennas, requires the determination of the equivalent circuits for P.8,
the metallic posts in a radial waveguide. The present Appendix at Fig. 13. Equivalent transmission line representation of an infinite radial
firstdeterminesthe equivalentcircuitparameters for the dis- waveguide containing a single metallic post.
continuity due to an axially oriented metallic post in an infinite
radial waveguide whichsustains only E-type radialmodes.The
resultsare than generalized to an arbitrarynumber of posts dominantor thelowest order modepropagationeverywhere
distributed in amannersuitable for use in D E S antennas. without attenuation [7]. Generally, the effect of the post dis-
Althoughthe postdiscontinuityproblemissolvedhere with continuity may be represented by aT-networkinserted in the
specific applications to DFES antennas in mind, the method used dominant mode equivalent transmissionline of thewaveguide
and the results obtained may haveapplications to other devices between p = I , - 0 and I , + 0, as shown in Fig. 13 whereZ,+(l,)
having similar types of discontinuities. is defined as the impedance at I , associated with waves traveling
onaninfiniteE-type radialwaveguide in thedirection of in-
B . Single Post creasing radius, and represents the effects of the waveguide from
p = I , to p = m . It is given by [7]
Let us consider a passive metallic post of radius b , located at
p = 1 I in a radial waveguide similar to the one shown in Fig. 3 but
extendingfrom p = a0 to p = m. Asshown in Fig. 3 , the
waveguide is excited symmetrically at its center by a coaxial stub
of radius p = a,,,
and its dimensions and symmetry of excitation where Y o ( [ , ) is thecharacteristicadmittance of the transmission
are such h a t it can supportonly E-type radial modes with the line at p = I , and is given by (4). The various voltages and currents

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in Fig. 13 satisfy the following two circuit relations: with the induced currents given by

z,(91-g,)+z,g,=v,, (A21 H,'2'(k11)Jn(kd1)

In= -Ic
H,'2)(k61) .
z,(g,-g,)-Z,9,= v,. (A3)
The corresponding magnetic fields can be obtained from (A9) and
Solutions of (A2) and (A3) yield the desired circuit parameters as
(A 10) by using the relation

Equations (A9) and (A10) indicate that the metallic post introduces
higher order modes (rn # 0) within the waveguide, and that the
total dominant mode fields are affectedby the higher order modes.
The voltages and currents in (A2HA.5) are related by ( I ) and
Thedesireddominant mode fieldscan be obtainedfrom (A9)-
(2)tothedominant mode electric andmagnetic fields at the
(A121 with rn = 0 and are given by
corresponding points in the waveguide, the circuit parameters can
beobtainedfrom(A4)and(A5) only after determiningthe
appropriatefield quantities in thepresenceof the post in the 4
qkl H 2,) (k p ) + J o ( k p )
E,'= -2
1 -m Ic
- H,")(kl,) 1
waveguide. In the present case of an infinite waveguide with a post
at p = I,, there will exist incident and reflected fields in region I,
defined as p 5 1 , , and only outgoing waves in region 11, defined as
H i = +J 4 [H,'2'(kp)+Jl(kp) 1
n= - m I-1,
.! H,'21(kll)] (A13)
p 2 I,. Using the definitions (1) and (2) of the voltage and current
in terms of the field quantities, we define the following relations: 4 H,',)(kp) + H,',)(kp) 1 -
I n Jn(kll)]
n= -m Ic

klC I n

H;'=TJ [H,li)(kp)+H,(2'(kp) n = -0o Ic J.(kl,)].

- (A14)
Note that if only n = 0 terms are retained in (A13) and (A14), it is
where ( E : 1 ,H4[) and (E,", H4") arethe total dominantmode
found that the dominant mode electric field (hence the voltage) is
electric and magnetic fields in regions I and 11, respectively.
continuous at p = I , , but the corresponding magnetic field (hence
Assuming that theexcitingstubcarriesaconstantamplitude
the current) is discontinuous at p = I, .
current of the form Z,ejwr,.the incident electric and magnetic fields
The appropriate voltage and current relations for obtaining the
are given by
circuit parameters may be obtained by using (A13), (A14), (A6),
and (A7), and are given by

V , - V,
tlM I c [ J ~ ( k l l ) S-l H,'2'(k11)S,]
=- (A151
kl 2
H6'=$ H,'2'(kp).

The fields everywherewill consist of the incident fields (A8) plus

the scattered fields produced by the induced current in the passive
post. The latteris obtained by applying the boundary condition that
the totaltangential electricfield on the surface of the post
vanishes. The scattered fields are first obtained by using a local
cylindrical coordinate systemcenteredat the post and then ex-
pressed in terms of the originalcylindricalcoordinate system
centered at the exciting stub, as in Fig. 3, by applying the addition
theorem for cylindrical functions [12]. It can be shown that the
total electric fields in regions I and I1 are

E,= -a 4 [H0(')(kp)+ 1


S, = 1; I n
n=l 1c

E,= - [H,"'(kp)+
42 " I
2 m r
n= -m Ic

and the coefficients I, are given by (A1 I ) . In particular, we make

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the following approximation for I,:

for p I,
Explicit expressions for 2 , and Z 1 can now be obtained by using
( A 4 ) , ( A 3 , and (A15)-(A21).Theresultantexpressions can be
simplifiedunder thefollowingapproximateconsiderations. As-
suming that &dl << 1 and 6, << / we can use thelargeindex
approximations for the Bessel and Hankel functions involved in
(A19), (A20), and (AI 1) and obtain approximately for p 2 li. ('429)

The incident fields produced by the exciting stub are as given by

Suppose now that we have an arbitrary distribution of passive
posts of which M are disposed in a ring at p = 1,. The equivalent
dominant mode voltage V(/,) at p = 1, will be thesum of the
voltage contributions due tothe current in the exciting stub and the
zeroth-order induced current in eachone ofthepassiveposts.
where p is a positive integer which must be chosen large enough so Using the definition of voltage given earlier, and noting that the
that the addition of new terms does not alter the values of SI and S? voltage is continuous at p = I , , we obtain
appreciably.Computations with typicalvalues /,, 6 , , and k
showed that it is sufficient to take p ^C 4, and also that
4 I$,'2'(kIn)+Jo(kln) all i IoiHo(kIJ

which is the generalization of (A26).

so that it is permissible to make the final approximation
To generalize (A27) we observe that the only discontinuities of
the magnetic fieldsat p = I , arise from the contributions due tothe
s, 6425)
posts located at p = I,. Thus, using the appropriate equations of
(A28) and (A29), and the well-known Wronskian relations for the
in (A15HA18).
Bessel and Hankel functions, we obtain
Under the approximation (A25) it can be seen from (A15) and
(A17)that thevoltageiscontinuous but thecurrent is discon-
tinuous at p = 1, and we obtain all i
with l i = l , ,

The general expression for the equivalent shunt impedance at p =

1,. corresponding to the posts on the ring at p = l , , is

Equation (A27) indicatesthat the discontinuity in thecurrent is

precisely the zeroth-order induced current in the post. Under these
where V(2,) and As(/,) are given by (A30) and (A31).
conditions,(A4)and (A5) imply that Zz = 0 and that the post
Generally, atuned DFES antenna contains M equalelements
discontinuity can be represented by a pure shunt impedance Z , . Using
each containingN posts which implies that there areN rings with M
(A5). (A26).(A27). (A2I). and the approximation Ho'?)(Ul)1
posts per ring. In each element and ring the distributions of posts
1 + j(2/7r) In (2/;46,) we finally obtain (21), given earlier, for the
are uniform, although they are different from each other. Thus by
equivalent shunt impedance & (=Z, ) of the metallic post placed in
symmetry it can be seenthat each post in aparticular ring will
the radial waveguide at p = 1, .
carry the same current.Let I,, be the current in each of the posts in
C . Multiple Posts the nth ring. Then it follows from (A30t(A32)
The present section generalizes the results of a single post to the
case of multiple posts placed in a radial waveguide. The analysis is
carriedout underthe dominant modeapproximation using the n-1 1
zeroth-order induced currents in the posts, under which conditions
the discontinuity dueto each post may be replaced by an equivalent
shunt impedance.
Consider ametallic post of radius 6, placedat p = I , and
carrying a zeroth-order induced current f",. The dominant mode

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AND VOL. AP-28, NO. 4, JULY 1980

where it is understood that when n = 1 , the first summation on the characteristics of a cavity-backed cylindrical gap antenna,” IEEE
right side of (A33) becomes zero. Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-17, pp. 467-477, July 1969.
It is apparent that the only task left is to find the induced current [41 W . F. Croswell, and C. R. Cockrell, “An omnidirectional
microwave antenna for use of spacecraft,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
I,;, in each of the posts, in terms of the exciting current I,. They Propagat., vol. AP-17, pp. 45-66, July 1969.
are obtained by applying the boundary condition that the tangential (51 D.L.Sengupta.L. F. Martins-Camelo,H. S . Jones,andD. H.
component of the total electric field is zero at the surface of each Schaubert, “Input reflection coefficient of a basic dielectric filled
post. It can be shown that the induced current in the nth post is edge-slotantenna,”in Symp.Digesr.1979 IEEE Int.Antennas
Propagation Symp.. May 1978, pp. 2 7 6 2 7 9 .
determined by -“Theory ofinputbehaviorofadielectric-fillededge-slot
antenna.” in Symp. Digesr. 1979 IEEE In?. Antennas Propagation
1cHo(2’(kf,,) + +
loiHo(2)(kfi,,) Zo,Ho‘2’(k6 =0, (A34) Symp., June 1979, vol. I , pp. 138-141.
i f n
[71 C. G. Montgomery, R. H. Dicke, and E. M. Purcell, Principles of
MicrowaveCircuits. New York: McGraw-Hill.1948.pp. 135-
where li, is thedistance between the ith and the nth posts. 138.
R.E.Collin,and F. J.Zucker, Anrenna Theory. Part 1 . New
Applying(A34)to allpassiveposts, one obtainsa set of Q York: McGraw-Hill, 1969, pp. 567-581.
equations containing Q unknown currents Ioi, where Q is the total N.Marcuvitz, WaveguideHandbook. New York:McGraw-Hill,
number of passive posts. 1951.pp.183-184.
Letusspecialize(A34)tosomecases of practicalinterest. S. A.Schelkunoff, Ekcrromagnetic Waves. New York: Van
Consider a tuned DFES antenna consisting of a single ring ( N = l ) , Nostrand, 1951, pp. 260-266.
M.Abramowitzand I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Marhematical
at p = [ I . containing M posts distributed uniformly in angle. It is clear Functions. Nat. Bur.
Series 55,
that in the present case each of the posts will carry the same current SuperintendentDocuments,
of U.S.
101.Applying symmetry conditions to (A34) it can be shown that I,, Washington.DC,1964,pp.358-433.
may be obtained from J . A. Stratton, Ekcrromagnetic Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill
1941. pp. 372-374.

Dipak L. Sengupta (S’55-M’59-SM’69) re-

ceived the B.Sc. degree in physics and the M.Sc.
degree in radio physics from Calcutta University,
i= 1 Calcutta, India, in 1950 and 1952, res@ectively.
degree in electrical
where it isassumedthat M is an even numberand that the engineeringfromtheUniversityofToronto,
summation becomeszero forM/2 = I . Substituting (A35) into Toronto. ON, Canada.
(A33)we now obtainthe ZJf,) = Z,,” given by (22) for the From 1952 to 1953 he was a Senior Research
equivalent shunt impedance of a single ring of M posts located at ScholaratCalcuttaUniversity.From1955 to
p = I,. 1958 he was a part-time Research and Teaching
Assistant in the Department Electrical
Let us consider a two-element D E S antenna with each element Engineering, Universic:y of Toronto. In 1959 he was a research Fellow in
containing N posts. Applying symmetry conditions to (A34) it can Electronics at Harvard Universitv. Cambridrze. ” , MA. From 1959 to 1963
be seen that therewill be N equations for N unknown currents. and he was with
Department of
they are determined by Engineering. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor. During the academic
year 1963-1964 he was anAssistantProfessor in theDepartment of
Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto. From 1964 to 1965 he was
(A361 AssistantDirector for theCentralElectronicsEngineeringResearch
Institute in India. In 1965 he rejoined the Radiation Laboratory as a
where D,, D are as given before by (24). After substituting (A36) Research Scientist. In 1970 he began teaching in the Electrical Engineering
into (A33)we obtain the expression Z,(p,) = Zpn2,given earlier by Division. University of Michigan. while continuing his research work in the
(23), for the equivalent
shunt impedance of thenth ring of posts in a RadiationLaboratory in the areas of antennas.electromagnetics. and
two-element DFES antenna. Equivalentimpedancesof rings of Dr. Sengupta is a member of the International Scientific Radio Union
posts in a DFES antenna containingan arbitrary number of elements (URSI) and S i p a Xi. Heis listed in American Men and Women in Sci-
and ringscan be obtained in a similar manner. ence. From 19761978 he served first asVice Chairman, and then a i
Chairman,oftheS.E.MichiganSection of theIEEEAntennasand
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Propagation. IMicrowave Theory and Techniques, and Electron Devices
Thesubjectantenna wasoriginallydevelopedunder the di- Societies.
rection of Dr. H. S . Jones, Jr., of HDL. All the measured results
discussed in the paper have been obtained from HDL-for which
theauthorsaregrateful.Mr. Sengupta is grateful to Dr. H . S . Luis F. Martins-Camelo (S’78)wasborn in
Jones, Jr., andDr. D. H. Schaubert for many technical discussions Lisbon, Portugal. on November 8, 1952. He did
clarifying the various aspects of D E S antennas. Discussions with undergraduate
his studies in electrical
engineering at the University of Luanda. Angola.
Professor T. B . A. Senior are gratefully acknowledged. and at the Military Academy in Lisbon, where he
receivedthebachelor’sdegree in 1975. He re-
REFERENCES in 1977fromthe
(I] D.
Schaubert, H. S. Jones, and F. Reggia.
“Conformal University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. where he is
dielectric-filled edge-slot antennas for bodies of revolution.” Harry in
Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi. MD 20783. Tech. Rep. HDG-TR- electrical engineering.
1837.Sept.1977. Since September 1976 he has been associated
[21 -, “Conformaldielectric-filled
with with
inductive-post tuning.” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagar.. vol. AP- Engineering Department of the University of Michigan, where his reseach
27. pp. 713-716. Sept. 1979. interests have been in electromagnetic scattering and radiation.
[3] C . T.
Campbell, and
“Radiation Mr. Martins-Camelo is a member is Sigma Xi.

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