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sms Pharmaceuticals Limited

Registered & Corporate Office:
Plot No. 72, H. No. 8-2-334/3 & 4, Road No.5,
nd Opp. SBI Executive Enclave, Baniara Hills,
Date : 22 Jun e, 2020
Hyderabad - 500 034, Telangana, INDIA.
Tel: +91-40-25259999, Fax: +91-40-25259889
To, CIN: L24239TG1987PLC008066

The Manager, The Manager,

Corporate Filings Department, Li sting Compliance Department,
BSE Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
Ph iroze Jeejee bhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Plot no. C/l, G Block,
Dalal Street, Bandra-Kurla Comp lex, Bandra (El,
Mumbai- 400 001 Mumbai - 400 051.

Security Code: 532815 Symbol: SMSPHARMA

Dear Sir/M adam,

Sub: Intimation received for the proposed acquisition under Regulation 10(5) of the SEBI (SAS1)
Regulation, 2011.

We have rece ived the intimation under Regu lation 10(5) of SEBI (Substanti al Acquisition Shares
Takeove rs) Regulations, 2011 for the proposed acquisition of 54,67,000 (Fifty four lakhs sixty seven
thousand)Equity shares (6.46%) of the Company from the acqu irer namely, Mr. Vamsi Kris hn a potluri
to acquire the shares from Mr. Vee ravenkata Satyanarayana Murthy Talluri, as inter-se transfer of
equity shares between the promoters and promoters group.

This information is submitted to the Stock Exchanges pursuant to the Regulation 3(ii) of SEBI
(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regu lations, 2015 as Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI).

A copy of the intimation letter dated 22 June, 2020 received from the acquirer is attached.

Thi s is for your information and records.

Thanking you,

Yo ~
Company Secreta ry
Encl: a/a
Date: 2Z'()6,2020

Vamsi Kdshna Potlud
Plot No: 265Q, Road No:10
Jubilee Hill,
nydctilbad - 500 033,


Listing Centre/Corporate Relation Department Asst. Vice President

B ,g ELirnited Natio.nalStockExchange ofIndia Limited
p J To\vcts, Dalal Street "Excha~e Plaza", Bandra-Kutla Complex
Mumbai : 400001 Bandt. East, Mumhai : 400051

Scrip .code : 532815 TradillgSymbol: SMSPHARMA

Email: co.t;; Email :. takeover@llseiodia.wm

The Company Secretary

SMS l:'harmaceuticals Limited
PlorNo. 72, H.No:8'2_334/3 & 4, Road No.5
Opp. sm Executiv.e.Enclave, Banjara Hills
I{y(\erabad 500034.

Dcar Sirs,

Sub.:lntimatlou under RCh>lilation 10(5) of thcSEI3I (SAST) Regtllatlon,20.11.

Ref: Name of ti,e Target Company: SMS Pharmaceuticals .Limited • ISIN: INE812GOI025

IljliAn"tionlshereby giYPIl,pUrS.uant to RegtilationlO.(5) .of \SEIH (SubstalltlaIAcq!lisitlon of Share.s .Ild

Takeovers) Regtllation, 2011,Mamended,(hereinafteneferred to"R~g1.dations9thatJintend to acquire S4,(l7,OOO
(fifty"follf lakhs sixty"seven thousand) equity. sharc,s {o,46'Y.)?f S10:$Ph.rll1l)ceutlcalsLil~iitedeiTa~get
.COln,pally") Oil or aftet Eriday, 26.06.2020 from Mr. V cctavcn'kafaSatyanarana Murthy Ta11ll1:1. TI,esaid
transactiollis anilltcr-setrallsfer between members of Promoters/Promoters , Group I Persons acting ill cOlleert:

Alladv'.nceintlmation il~ tllcprcsctibed fornl as requircq,mder aforesai4teglllatiollis cnclosed Iwrewtth for your
illfot:mation and records.


. ~hna Potlnri

,End ,as ·above

Disclosures under Regulation IO(S) - Intimation to Stock Exchanges in te.spect of acquisitioll under
Regulation 10(1)(a) ofSEBl (Substantial Acquisition o[Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011

1. Name of the Target Company (1'C) SMS Pharmaceuticals Limiwd ("Target Company")
ClN : L242~9TG1987J'LCOO8066
2. Name oftheacquirer(s) Vams; Krishna Potluri

Whether the acquirer(s) isl nrc

promoters of the TC .prior to the Promote!' Group & Persons-acting in conCt~rl:
transaction. If not, natl1r~ of
relationship oraG,oeiotion with dle
TC odt. promoters
4. Details ot the proPDsedacqu;sitiol1
a Name ofthepersoo(s) from Veetavenkata Satyanatana Murthy TaUuri
.whom shares are to he acquired
b Proposed date of acquisition Any time after 4 (fom] worldng daysfronlthedatc of this intimation,
i.e. on or after Friday, JUlle 26, 2020

c Number ohh~res to b~ 5467000 Equity Shares

acquired fromeachpersoll
mClltionedin 'Ita) above
d Toti\l. shares tobcacquired 6.46%
as % of share capll?! ofTC

e Price atwhich.shates arc Rs. 43.05 per share

proposed to be acquired
f Rationale, if anY; for the Inter-setransferof equity shares ofSMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd between
proposed transfer members ofl'romoteJ:and PromO.ter Group Persolls acling ill concert

5. Rc1evalltsub,clause ofregulation Regulation lOel)(a)(Il) ofSElll (Substantial Acquisition ofShares .and

under.Whichtheilcquirer Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 as atnend;,d ('rltkeover Regulations,
is e)<cmptcd from making open 2011")
6. If, £requentlylJ;aded.i volulUe
weightedayetage mO\l:kct.ptic!' J()f RsA3.05per s!lare (NSE)
a pcriodof60trawng -aays
preceditJg thedatc. Of'SStl.!).Ce ·of
this no.ticc,aslraded em· tIle stock
exchange W!lcteth¢ m~xitnum
volume. pC ttaclli)gin .tllC $ll~tcs of
the TC arc recorded during such

Q- ,
.. 2..

7. If in-frequently traded, tllC price ".s Not applicable
determined in .terms of (0) of
sub-regulation (2) of rCf,'lllation 8.
8. Declaration by the acquire,. that the We hereby declare tl,at the acquisition plicc is-,~oi higher by more
acquisition 'Price would not be higher than 25% of rile price computed in Point: 6.
by more thao 25% of the price
computed in poin! 6 or poio! 7 as
9. Declaration by the aequirer, that the 'Xle hereby declare drat the ttansferor and transferee have
transfc.rpr and transferee have complied /willcomply with applicable disclosure requirements in
complied / will comply with Cll"plerV or the Takeover Regulations, 2011.
applicable dlsdosure requirements .in
Chapter V of the Takeover
Rcg\uations, 2011 (corresponding
provisions oftl,e tepealed Takeover
Re.ulations 1997)
10. Dedatation bythe aequirer drat.nthe We .hetebydedarc that all the conditions specified under
conrutionsspccificdunder reh'lllatioll RegulatiOtl 10(1)(a) of d,e takeover Regulations, \vitl,respee! to
10(1)(~) With tespeeno eX"lllptions exelllPtiOnS have been duly complied widl, to the ext¢nt
has bectl dulyeolllplied with. ~pplieable.

11. Shareholilillgdetails Before.dleptoposed After the proposed transaction

tra'n,saction .
No. of %w.t.!. No. of %~ \V.r.t
shares/Votillg total share shares/Voting total. share
rights capital of rights capital of
a. Acquit"':(s) and PACs (other than 4)106330 48.56% 46573330 55;02
selletl!lr*l .

b. Sellerfs) 15859020 18.73% 10392020 12.28

Vamsl Krish.!. Fodurl
l'rqnlotcr Group & Persons .ctingin eonccrro(Targct Company

Date: 22.06.2020
Place: Hydcrabad

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