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c The novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles is a story full of deep symbolic
referance. It is set in the American North east at The Devon boys' school during World
War two. The two major chracters in the novel are Gene and Phineas, two roomates at
The Devon schoo who develope a very interesting friendship. During the novel the
author makes constant referance to two reacurring themes. One of which are the sports
played by the boys at Devon and how they stand for the friendship between Gene and
Phineas as well as between Phineas and the world around him. The other is the Tree
and how it also stands as a symbol of safety, friendship, and the war, as an escape
from it. Finally, the tree is also a symbol of Phineas himself, as seen through the eyes of

Sports are a constant theme throughout this novel. As you read further it
becomes rather obvious that Phineas, is the Athlete while Gene is much better at
studying than sports. Sports are the end all and be all for Phineas. This begins to take
its toll on Gene as all Phineas wants to do is play sports forcing Gene along. Gene
simply tries to keep up with Phineas and begins to despise him for it due to his inability
to compete and the fact that Gene believes that Phineas may be out to destroy him,
"Finny had deliberately set out to wreck my studies. That explained blitzball...". It is
therfore obvious that from the point of view of Gene sports are everything that Gene
hates about Phineas.

On the other hand Phineas sees playing sports as a bond, simple fun, and the
best way live his adolescence. Gene, being his best friend at Devon, must always be
included because why would he leave his best friend out of the most exciting parts of
his day? Phineas is constantly trying to include Gene in all his sports because in his
eyes sports stand for himself, his only real contribution to everyone around him.
Phineas shows that sports are a symbol of unity between him and his peers, "Listen,
pal, if I can¶t play sports, u going to play them for me,¶ and I lost part of myself to
him then, and a soaring sense of freedom revealed that this must have been my
purpose from the first: to become part of Phineas´

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