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1F 2E 3A 4D 5I 6B 7H 8C 9C 10 E

11 Not Given 12 Not Given 13 True 14 False 15 True

16 correspondence courses 17 price tag 18 suit 19 regret 20 characteristics

21 encouragement 22 (the) freedom 23 reading/comprehension skills 24 progress

25 classroom discussion 26 options Mark 27 delivered 28 particular 29 pushing

30 freedom 31 going barefoot 32 (child’s) walking development 33 look down

34 footwear-related damage 35 develop naturally 36 bones 37 (the) late

38 (their) attractiveness 39 reading and writing 40 (shoe) manufacturers parents

41 A 42 C 43 C 44 B 45 A 46 A/B/D/F/H

Part 6 is marked out of 20, using the grid on the following page. Indicative content Give two

reasons why you should drink tap water

• cost/availability/purity/healthy

State two problems created by bottled water industry

• cultural/environmental problems

• local people – access to water

• chemicals in the plastic

• recycling and disposal issues Say

what universities can offer instead of bottled water

• accessible water coolers • choice of re-usable water bottles

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