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Architecture as Riddles in Stone Part 4

We are in 2 decade of the 21 century. The future is now. This generation is witnessing revolutionary changes from Tunisia to Egypt. Certainly I like to thank all of the real people in the world that love truth seeking and researching the Mysteries of Life. Our ancestors back then and today always subscribed to the authentic principles of individual liberty, justice, being against tyranny, and having sense of moral aptitude in order to have the improvement of the whole human race. I still respect national sovereignty too. The Spirit of God is always strong and
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compassionate, but we have to have a sense of direction to fulfill real destinies and real opportunities in our lives. We do believe in love, but we cant believe in moral relativism. Moral absolutes are real and we have to do the right thing. If we slip up in life, we always have a chance to rectify our errors and move forward. We have every right to rebel against evil & injustice. Despite our human imperfections, the care of the poor, the respect given to our neighbor and the understanding of our fellow men are beginning stages of that growth of spiritual enlightenment. We have to follow Gods will in our lives. If our ancestors can enact radical changes in their age, we can have the precise passion and dedication to create hope and radical changes in our time. Having a degree or having cash dont mean a thing if youre not helping out your
people, caring about people, & defending your family. You dont let anyone (whether they are a male or a female) intimidate you at all. You stand firm and stand upright. A person has to be strong in these times. Real men and real women dont grovel for equality; you stand up and get it by your own 2 feet (some people of color especially need to own and control advanced businesses, develop sciences, develop plus own technologies, and have real infrastructure to assist their own peoples. Thats real since look around you. The establishment overtly says in open lights that: I dont care about you. So, we should care about ourselves. We should have assets and investments). In the future, we have to own more land, houses, companies,

businesses, bonds, etc. Being a smart man, Ive learned that the enemy sub consciously
respects his adversary if he or she chooses to fight back instead of a bootlicker. One key component of art & human behavior is architecture. Architecture is mingled in human history since early human beings envisioned the construction of buildings. Structures, buildings, and other enclosed environments were utilized in multiple functions from shelter to protection. These buildings are in typical geometric or unique patterns. In the ancient world and presently in 2011, architecture has occult/pagan imagery. This work will not only show historical and esoteric information as it pertains to various architectural images. This work will manifest time frames, politics, and the motivations of why these structures existed in the first place. You need to realize the need to comprehend the essence of a topic to really internalize architecture that spans the eons of time. Then and now, there is a colossus of architecture worldwide. Mysteries accumulate in some of their designs and origin. That is why architecture sometimes transpires as riddles in stone. People have the right to know about these issues. Not only in America, but throughout the world, people have had a love affair with discovering secrets in life. People want the vintage me back. Well, Ive always been back, but I had to go and explore many issues. Its a new year and a new decade, so I will still come with great information in a new & vintage fashion. People desire love and there is nothing wrong with that. I am thankful to put the time and effort to show credible, accurate information as it pertains to the Mysteries of Life. Im holding nothing back in expressing my intent or views. I love to learn new information. I love to experience life. The author James Wasserman wrote that:

"...The Basis of the Mystery Traditions is correspondence. The theory of correspondences recognizes an implicit interdependence of all things that with all other things...The Theory of correspondence is the rationale behind the esoteric teaching that the position of the stars will influence thoughts, mood, perception, and gestalt..." He also mentioned that:
"...Symbol and image are the alphabet of correspondence. Man is the image Maker. That is., the primary characteristic that relates us to Higher Consciousness. Image making is our link, by the theory of correspondence, to divinity...communication with Higher Minds..."

In other words, those in the Mystery School use images to in their minds to raise their consciousnesses to another level. Also, these people believe in the independence of all life in the Universe. Thats shorthand for the embrace of pantheism. Pantheism is the doctrine that God is a

being that can manifest in the Universe among planets, worms, water, rocks, etc. In other words, all things to the pantheist are God or God exists among all things (as the essence of being since God is the Ultimate Creator of the Universe). Similar views are found by the philosopher Baruch Spinoza, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato. Pantheism is found in New Age and even some Masonic thought. For example, the famous Freemason Johannes von Goethe said that, As a poet, I am a Pagan; as a Scientist, I am a Pantheist He wrote about the Pentagram and is said to have tried to go on a Hermetic quest to find the meaning of human existence. Goethe was a member of the Rite of Strict Observance and he became a Master Mason in the Amaila Lodge at Weimar on June 24, 1780. The Kabbalah itself is a form of pantheism. Some Masons with pantheistic leanings include the magician Cagliostro, Mozart, Diderot, J. D. Buck, Manly P. Hall, and of course Albert Pike. This isnt me typing these words either. In Wagner,

Freemasonry: an Interpretation, on pgs. 286, 309, 310, it says that: "In its doctrines concerning the divine eminence Freemasonry is dedicated pantheistic, partaking of the various shades of that view of the divine God 'The Great Architect Of The Universe ' is the great soul of the universe and the universe is the garment in which he is clothed. The Masonic view of the revelation of God, in the lower degrees is deistic, but in the higher degrees it becomes pantheistic. The writings of Garrison, Buck Pike, and other eminent Masons show this unmistakably. It is this particular pantheistic conception of deity, which has passed from India through the secret doctrines of the Cabala into modern speculative Freemasonry. In Masonry, a god distinct from the life of nature has no existence."

The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is called that in the West. Yet, these 7 places aren't the only places where there were advanced architecture and unique dispositions of creativity. Yet, these places are where many architects of the West model their malls, buildings, parks, and other infrastructure after. Its also important to realize that the Western model isnt superior to other modes of thinking. Great thinkers and great people exist in Asia, Australia, and of course in Africa. These images are from the classical antiquity. The seven wonders list was created by Antipater. He was from Sidon in ca. 140 B.C. He praised the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus mostly. Antipater wrote on the structures in the following statement:
"I have gazed on the walls of impregnable Babylon along which chariots may race, and on the Zeus by the banks of the Alpheus, I have seen the hanging gardens, and the Colossus of the Helios, the great man-made mountains of the lofty pyramids, and the gigantic tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the sacred house of Artemis that towers to the clouds, the others were placed in the shade, for the sun himself has never looked upon its equal outside Olympus..." Antipater, Greek Anthology IX.5

*The Great Pyramid of Giza is controversy since some people believe that it was created before ca. 2584 B.C. Some believe it housed the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It is the oldest and largest of the 3 major pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. Strabo lived in the time of Jesus Christ as he lived from ca. 63 B.C. to 24 A.D. He said that the Great Pyramid existed like a: building let down from heaven, untouched by human hands The Pyramids match up with the constellations in the Universe. The Pyramid to the ancients had many meanings like from a place of wisdom to the structure of power lasting the eons of time. Jehovah Witness founder Charles Taze Russell believed that the Great Pyramid was pro-Christian and acted as some prophetic timeline. A Pyramid monument is near Russells gravestone as the Russell family has been involved in the Skulls and Bones, the JWs, Theosophists, plus other elite circles (as documented by the author Fritz Springmeier). The current Jehovah Witness religion teaches that Jesus Christ isnt God (as their own Bible denies John 1:1), they deny the existence of a literal Hell, they deny that the blood of Jesus Christ can forgive sins, and that traditional Christianity is pretty much of Satan. The heresy of the Jehovah Witness is popular today, but honest truth is always superior to so-called popularity. The Pyramid of the Lourve in Paris, France had I. M. Pei as its architect. There are over 600 panels in the crystal pyramid in Paris. The Great Pyramid was once the tallest man made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Zahi Hawass is the Arabic Egyptologist who believes that a secret tomb of Osiris exists in the Great Pyramid. In other words, Zahi believes that Osiris was a historical figure and his mummified body could be in existence in the Giza complex. In ancient Egyptian myth, Osiris civilized the Egyptians. He gave them teachings on agriculture, writing, and a code of

law. Later, his jealous brother Set wanted to kill him and take his throne. Osiris' wife and sister was Isis. Set killed Osiris. Isis found his body parts except the phallus. Isis used a fake phallus and created Horus or the son of Osiris. Horus defeated Set militarily and Osiris in the afterlife became a god of the dead and the ruler of the Underworld. Pharaohs of ancient Egypt were called a descendant of both Horus and Osiris. The god Ra or Re is the highest god in the Ancient Egyptian pantheon in power. Osiris is pictured in ancient Egyptian art as being in white linen. His arms or hands are unbound. He wears a white crown or hedjet. The white crown refers to Upper Egypt or southern Egyptian (while the red crown relates to Lower Egypt. A double crown symbolized the wearer having authority of both Upper and Lower Egypt). Horus is depicted wearing the double crown. Freemasonry praises Osiris. Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma book wrote that:
Everything good in nature comes from Osiris order, harmony, and the favorable temperature of the seasons and celestial periods. (page 476) Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the selfrenewing vitality and fertility of nature. The All Seeing Eye is a Masonic representation of Osiris. Interesting enough, Robert Bauval wrote a book called "The Orion Mystery" in 1995. The coauthor is named Adrian Gilbert. The volume made the hypothesis (that is popular now) that the 3 pyramids of Giza were created as a representing the 3 stars of Orion on Earth. He views the pyramids as a picture of the heavens on Earth (or the as above, so below hermetic philosophy). Bauval explains, "Giza, the earthly Rostau, is located on the west bank of the River Nile. Thus by transposition, we can deduce that the celestial Rostau is a region of the starry sky on the west 'bank' of the Milky Way. Furthermore Giza... is a counterpart of a portion of the sky near the Milky Way which contains Orion, Sirius and the constellation of Taurus and Leo. Everything thus strongly points to the idea that we are invited to consider this celestial region as a sort of 'guide map' one, perhaps, that may lead us to the 'tomb' or 'burial place' of Osiris."

Some still related the Great Pyramid to the story of Osiris. Sirius is the star of the Egyptian goddess Isis and the sun god Osiris. Sirius has been called the Eastern Star. Sirius has been related to the dog god Anubis (where the Dog Star comes from. The Romans knew Sirius as well). The 5 Pointed Star has been related to the Five Pointed Star too. To the Egyptians, the Sirius rising in the East preceded the flooding of the Nile River. It was to then Isis gave birth to Horus (or the child in the Egyptian Trinity). The Hieroglyph to denote Sirius is made up of 3 items (the half circle, the 5 pointed star, and the triangular obelisk image). The ben ben or the half circle is used to denote the capstone on top of the Pyramid. It is said that the light illuminates the eye from the One Dollar Bill is the Dog Star Sirius not from the sun. Albert Pike wrote about Sirius as

wrote in his Morals and Dogma book from pgs. 13-14 that: The Sun and Moonrepresent the 2 grand principlesthe male and the femaleboth shed their light upon their offspring, the Blazing Star, or Horus Isis was a goddess of
well. He harmony and light, but also queen of darkness and death. Osiris likewise was the risen of Ra, the god retrieved from Hell by Isis. The capstone of the Great Pyramid has been mysteriously missing too. The Pyramid has been made into the consciousness of humanity among of the thousands of years of human history. Arabic people in 1356 used some of the Pyramids stones

in order for create temples and mosques in Cairo, Egypt. Cairo was partly destroyed by an earthquake in the year of 1301. Sunlight commonly shine in the top of the Great Pyramid. The ancient Egyptians called the Great Pyramid as Chris Pintos Eye of the Phoenix documentary believes that in occult circles, the Great Initiate in the future will be on top of the capstone of the Great Pyramid. The capstone is also classified as the ben ben. The author Peter Lemesurier

wrote that: There is some evidence in the ancient texts that the eventual addition of the capstone (and thus the completion of the pyramid to its full design) was seen by the initiates as symbolising the return of the Light to the world in the Messianic person of the resurrected Osiris. This false Messiah archetype is very similar to the predicted future Antichrist of the New Testament.
Freemason Vice President Henry A. Wallace (1888-1965) said that: It will take a more

definite recognition of the Grand Architect of the Universe before the apex stone is finally fitted into place Ironically, Wallace supported the eye of the capstone in the U.S. Dollar bill. To the Occultists, the pyramid was a place where folks go through the times of initiation in order to acquire illumination as written by high level Freemason Albert Pike:

The more the great Hierophants were at pains to conceal their absolute Science, the more they sought to add grandeur to and multiply its symbols. The huge pyramids, with their triangular sides of elevation and square bases, represented their Metaphysics, founded upon the knowledge of Nature - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

*The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is an important structure to the ancients. It is said to be built by Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife Amytis of Media. Diodorus Siculus called it as having multi-leveled gardens reaching 75 feet high, complete with machinery for circulating water. Large trees grew on the roof. It had machinery to deal with circulating water. Large trees were on the roof. It came about in about 600 B.C. It was destroyed by an earthquake and its location is found in Al Hillah Babil Province Iraq. These gardens have been in reference to Semiramis (or the legendary Queen Semiramis). Greek historians documented these Hanging Gardens extensively by the names of Strabo and Diodorus Siculus. Some scholars believe that the gardens were created under the order of Sennacherib.

*The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (or in Turkey) came about in ca. 550 B.C. The Lydians, Persians, and Greeks built it. It was dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis. About 120 years is the time for create the structure. Herostratus burned it down to achieve lasting fame. Alexander the Great rebuilt it, but it was destroyed again by the Goths. This Temple has been called the Temple of Diana. It was a Greek temple that was dedicated to the goddess Artemis. The construction of the Temple took about 120 years. It was at first designed and built by the Cretan architect named Chersiphron and his son Metagenes at the expense of Croessus of Lydia. Lydia is in Northwest Turkey near Greece. Artemis was a Greek goddess that was a virginal huntress and the twin of Apollo. Athena was more famous than Artemis. She is depicted as multi-breasted.

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was destroyed on July 21, 356 BC in an act of arson committed by Herostratus. According to the story, his motivation was fame at any cost, thus the term herostratic fame. It was rebuilt again in 323 B.C. after Alexander the Great died. The Goths destroyed it again in 268 A.D. The Goths was an East Germanic tribe. The Ephesians rebuilt the temple again and the New Testament wrote about Christians causing local Ephesians to have fear.

*The Statue of Zeus at Olympia came about in ca. 432 B.C. The Greeks created it. The statue was about 43 feet fall. A fire destroyed the building. Who is Zeus? Zeus is the mythological male deity in the ancient Greek world. In Greek mythology, he was the son of Chronos (or Saturn) and Rhea. Zeus was worshipped in Crete, Aracadia, and Dodona. Saturn is a known code name for Satan in esoteric circles. Zeus was shown with a scepter in one hand and a thunderbolt. The thunderbolt is his image (and of the Indo-European culture so to speak). Zeus was Jupiter to the Romans and Amon of the Libyans. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor Phidias. The statue was made of ivory and gold plated bronze. An eagle is near Zeus too and there was a small statue of the crowned Nike (or the goddess of victory). According to a legend, when Phidias was asked what inspired himwhether he climbed Mount Olympus to see Zeus, or whether Zeus came down from Olympus so that Pheidias could see himthe artist answered that he portrayed Zeus according to Book One, verses 528 530 of Homer's Iliad:

' ' ' ' . He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken
In America, the image of Zeus is found in Washington, D.C. The image of Zeus (or Destiny in the above image) is shown as an authority figure to bring "order" within the U.S. landscape. FDR mentioned that America have a rendezvous with destiny) is found in the National Archives Building in the Masonic city of Washington, D.C. 6 stars are above this image of Zeus. The figure of Destiny is flanked by 2 figures representing the Arts of War and the Arts of Peace. The fasces are in the throne of Zeus in the National Archives Building. America is like a place with tons of occult/classical symbolism indeed. The fasces back in the day in the age of the Roman Empire identified with unified power in centralized authority (fascists used and America used it in the buildings of Congress). There are 2 serpents near a ball in the bottom of the throne of Destiny as well. The design of Washington D.C. was influenced by George Washington, Major Andrew

Ellicott, freeborn African American & astronomer Benjamin Banneker, Pierre Charles L'Enfant, Thomas Jefferson, and others. Scholars believe that a secret Square and Compass pattern exists in D.C. Of course, mainstream Masons deny this.

*The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was formed in 351 B.C. It was formed by the Carians, Persians, and the Greek. It stood about 150 feet tall. Each of the four sides had sculptural reliefs. Mausoleum is named after the satrap Mausolus in the Persian Empire. A satrap is like a governor in the Persian Empire. They act as agents of the Empire. The structure was destroyed by 1494. The original structure was destroyed by a flood. It was damaged by an Earthquake and eventually disassembled by European Crusaders. Its location is found in Bodrum, Turkey. The 3 sides have sculptural reliefs were created by each one of four Greek sculptors by the names of Leochares, Bryaxis, Copas of Paros, and Timotheus. Halicarnassus was the ancient capital of a small regional kingdom in the coast of Turkey (or Asia Minor back then). Mausolus was the son of the ruler Hecatonmnus of Milas. Hecatomnus was a local satrap of the Persians. Mausolus extended its territory as far as the southwest coast of Anatolia (which is another name for the Turkey peninsula). Mausolus was a local person. Yet, he spoke Greek, and loved the Greek way of life and government. This is why he created many cities in the orientation of Grecian society and he promoted Greek democratic traditions. Mausolus wanted Halicarnassus to be his new capital. Mausolus died in 353 B.C. His wife Artemisia was heartbroken, so she supported the construction of the mausoleum in his honor.

It isnt a secret that the Masonic House of the Temple for the Scottish Rite was based on the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. This building is found in Washington, D.C. The architecture of this building looks strikingly similar to the Mausoleum of yesteryear. The architect of the House of the Temple was a man named John Russell Pope.

There are 2 large sphinxes in from the House of the Temple. In occult symbolism, sphinxes are the guardians of the Mysteries, protecting esoteric secrets from the eyes of the profane. The official website of the Library of Los Angeles describes its own sphinxes in the following terms: In black unveined Belgian marble with bronze headdresses, the sphinxes symbolize the hidden mysteries of knowledge and guard the approach to the Statue of Civilization. - Source The Sphinx in the left represents power and the sphinx to the right represents wisdom. I made the Architecture as Riddles in Stone Part 2 as exposing many of symbolism in the House of Temple in a complete fashion. In Jim Shaw's book, The Deadly Deception (1988), we are told that (about the House of the Temple): "Flanking the entrance are two Sphinx-like granite lions with women's heads, the neck of one entwined by a cobra and decorated with the "ankh" (the Egyptian symbol of life and deity). Adorning the neck and breast of the other is an image of a women, symbolic of fertility and procreation." " . . . High above the entrance, partially concealed by stone columns, is an elaborate image of the Egyptian sun god, backed with radiating sun and flanked by six large, golden snakes." Snakes are praised in Freemasonry. The Lion

image can refer to the Egyptian goddess Sekmet or Hathor. Shekhmet has been called the Eye of Ra as well. The goddess of Kali/Durga is known to raise the Kundalini of sepertn power.

*The Colossus of Rhodes was developed from 292 to 280 B.C. It was formed by the greats. The statue is in the form of a giant statue of the Greek god Helios or the god of the sun. It's about 110 ft. tall. It was destroyed by 226 B.C. via an Earthquake. The image shows Helios holding up a torch high in one hand and it stood in the Island of Rhodes. Manly P. Hall wrote of the colossus in these terms: .This gigantic gilded figure, with its crown of solar rays and its upraised torch,

signified occultly the glorious Sun Man of the Mysteries, the Universal Savior. (Hall, Manly P. The Secret Teachings of All Ages p. 189). The colossus of Rhodes was used as one inspirational figure for the construction of the Statue of Liberty (along with the Goddess archetype from Isis to Juno). The idea for creating a statue of liberty and freedom was first proposed by another Frenchman by the name of Edward Laboulaye. It was Laboulaye's idea and determination during the American Civil War that carried the idea from a simple notion to an actual project. Laboulaye, a French Freemason proposed the idea of a giant statue replicating a goddess that the Masonic movement idolized. Laboulaye proceeded to raise the financial support and commission Bartholdi to provide the sculpture of this goddess of illumination from ancient times. What deity was this? It was the goddess known by various names. Laboulaye and his fellow Freemason, sculptor Bartholdi referred to her as "Libertas" but she was also an early adoption by Romans of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Masons use Anno Lucis in order define time too. The torch from the Colossus of Rhodes relates to the concept of wisdom or enlightenment. There is the myth of Prometheus, who in Greek religious thought (of Prometheus stealing fire from the gods for mankind).
*The Lighthouse of Alexandria came about in ca. 280 B.C. It's found to be created by the workers in Hellenistic, Egypt. It stood about 380 to 440 feet high. It was one of the tallest structures in the Earth for many centuries. Its name of the island that it's build on is called Pharos. The Latin word for lighthouse is pharos. It was destroyed from 1303 to 1480 A.D. by an Earthquake.

This is the statue of King Louis IX of France, which is found in St. Louis, Missouri today.

Apotheosis Images
The Apotheosis imagery is found in paintings in Washington, D.C. and other locations worldwide. The Apotheosis of Homer was created by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1827. First, the concept of the apotheosis must be defined first. The apotheosis is about a pagan view. This belief is that a person does good deeds and is crowned in the stage of godhood in the aftermath of a persons death. Homer in the painting is crown as a god by the winged figure. This concept is exemplified in the paintings of Washington, D.C. in the Capitol Building and a painting of the Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola in Europe. This image was exhibited at the Louvre. The painting showed Homer being crowned by an angelic fixture. Homer received praise from the well known people of Greece, Rome, and the modern times. Herodotus burns incense in the painting while the Iliad and Odyssey sit at his feet. Dante is shown being led by Virgil. Moliere is pictured as the personification of the Odyssey. Figures like Mozart, Sappho, Apelles, Lycurgus, Euripides, and others are found in the painting as well. The apotheosis statue of King Louis IX of France is found in St. Louis, Missouri today. This statue is found in the front of the Saint Louis Art Museum in Forest Park. Even before the Gateway Arch was a symbol for St. Louis, the Apotheosis of St. Louis still stood up. The statue is bronze and was donated to Forest Park by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company following the 1904 World's Fair. The original artist of it was Charles Henry Niehaus. It was unveiled on October 4, 1906. The pedestal has the inscription of: "...Presented to the City of St. Louis by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in commemoration of the Universal Exposition of 1904 held on this site." On either side is, "Saint Louis." The Gateway Arch was created in the 1960's. The statue was restored in 1999 by Russell-Marti Conservation Services for $23,000.

Architecture in Virginia
There are tons of architectural images in Richmond, Virginia. I've been to Richmond a few times. Richmond is the capital of Virginia right on the shores of the James River. The James River flows or transverses all over the region of the Peninsula. Richmond is on the development type of mode now. Its Downtown is growing and its population has increased in the past 10 years. Its like a next door neighborhood for us living in Hampton Roads, Virginia. Richmond has a long controversial history filled with mistakes and contributions to the fabric of American culture. The image above is the reconciliation triangle. This triangle signifies the apology that Virginia made to people that are of my heritage for the evil, unjustifiable crime of the international slave trade. There is a plague that gives a short description of the slave trade. The slave trade involved men, women, and children being captured from West & Central Africa mostly to be sent into America by

Europeans. Some were imported and exported in Richmond, VA. The forced labor involved in this act was immoral and wrong of course. The plague mentions the Benin region of West Africa and triple apologies for slavery. It was created by Stephen Broadbent near a former slave market in Shockoe Bottom. The past is something that motivates me to have a better future. Nothing is changing that. The past can never cripple me. The past is a reminder and it cant be forgotten, but the past is never an excuse to give up. The past is all of the excuse to move forward, to move strongly, and to move aptly into the sunlight of real freedom.

This statue is in the Virginia State Capitol. Jefferson wanted the Capitol to be built in the neoclassical fashion. The French draftsman, antiquary, and decorator Charles-Louis Clrisseau

was involved in the construction of the statue. Richmond was the capitol of the Commonwealth of Virginia back in 1779. The Virginia State Capitol was designed by Thomas Jefferson. By 1788, the Capitol was completed in 1788 in the orientation of the neoclassical style. The neoclassical style is a common motiff of architecture among Capitol buildings nationwide. There were wings added to the original structure. In Jefferson's "Account of the Capitol in Virginia," he explains that the temple form derives from "the Temples of Erectheus at Athens, of Balbec, and of the Maison quarre....All of which are nearly of the same form and proportions, and are considered as the most perfect examples of cubic architecture, and the Pantheon of Rome is of the spherical" (quoted in Brownell et al 214). The whole image above is the equestrian statue of George Washington. Thomas Crawford was the designer of the complex. He was the sculptor of the figures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and George Mason. After Crawford died, Randolph Rogers made the statues of Marshall, Thomas Nelson, Andrew Lewis, and other allegorical figures. Thomas Jefferson is called Independence, George Mason is allied with the Bill of Rights, Patrick Henry is assigned with Revolution, John Marshall is equated of course with Justice, Andrew Lewis is allied with colonial times, and Thomas Nelson is equated to finance. George Washington is on the horse. To this day, there are debates on whether Washington was a Deist or a real authentic Christian. He criticized the Illuminati in correspondence with people, but he participated in a corn, wine, and oil Masonic ceremony for the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. during the late 1700's. The proponents of George Washington believe that he was baptized by the Baptist preacher Gano.

The image above is the Virginia State Capitol Building that is found in Richmond. It has the oldest legislative body in the United States or the Virginia General Assembly. It was finished in 1788, but the present on is the eighth built to serve as Virginias state house. It doesnt have an external dome. Once the capital of the commonwealth existed in Jamestown, then Williamsburg, and finally in Richmond. The Capitol in Richmond was on Shockoe Hill, which was a major hilltop overlooking the falls of the James River. Thomas Jefferson is credited with the design of the new Capitol. The building received its model from the Maison Carree at Nimes in southern France. The Maison Carree was an ancient Roman Temple. The Maison Carre is one of the best

preserved temples found in any place in the territory of the former Roman Empire. It was built in ca. 16 B.C. The Maison Carre is Virtruvian architecture in its cosmology. Virtruvian structures focus on geometry and symmetry to develop advanced art or architecture. In

Jefferson's "Account of the Capitol in Virginia," he explains that the temple form derives from

"the Temples of Erectheus at Athens, of Balbec, and of the Maison quarre....All of which are nearly of the same form and proportions, and are considered as the most perfect examples of cubic architecture, ad the Pantheon of Rome is of the spherical" (quoted in Brownell et al 214). Jefferson had the architect, Charles-Louis Clrisseau, substitute the
Roman Ionic order over the more ornate Corinthian column designs of the prototype in France. The cornerstone was laid on August 18, 1785, with Governor Patrick Henry in attendance. It was sufficiently completed for the General Assembly to meet there in October 1792. It has rebuilt all of the time. The building blatantly existed in a neo-classical fashion. The columns of the building had Ionic capitals and unfluted columns.

This room is near the Old House Chamber. The image above is a statue of President George Washington. Notice that the floor has the Masonic checkered board pattern as many early Founding Fathers (including Washington) were Freemasons. The Hall of Presidents show busts of The busts depict Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor and Woodrow Wilson.

The Indianapolis Scottish Rite Temple Cathedral

The Indianapolis Scottish Rite Temple Cathedral is filled with symbolism and various forms of unique architecture. Like in Masonry, they promote that charity and so-called "good works" to have in their organization. Masonry teaches that good works can merit salvation for the Father God. Yet, in real life, we do need to have good works in our life. Yet, our works alone don't save a soul. What saves us is the grace of God through faith not works alone. We do our works after salvation to show and prove our testimony and witness about our spiritual relationship with God (also, we do works to fulfill the commandments of God like loving our neighbor like ourselves and to preach the Gospel to all Creation). The Cathedral has the 4 major areas of Tiler's Room, the Ballroom, the Lounge, and the Auditorium. The Tiler's room was created as the main entrance of the Cathedral. It's a perfect cube of 33 feet, which alludes to the time of Jesus Christ lived on Earth. 33 is the highest degree of Freemasonry when Jesus Christ disagrees with swearing oaths from the New Testament. Masons are something else. The ceiling is hand painted plaster. The walls are Italian travertine marble. The marble and woodwork are carved. The floor is a

reproduction of the floor in the Inner Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. Freemasons obsess with King Solomon's Temple as some Masons covertly want a rebirth of Solomon's Temple (and the story of Solomon is found in Masonic initiation rituals in the Blue Lodge). In the near future, I will show information about Solomon in an intricate level. The floor shows the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 4 bodies of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The theater is a large portion of the cathedral. Masons claim that the Zodiac has nothing to do with Freemasonry, but such a Zodiac pattern exists in the House of the Temple in D.C. It's the center of the Scottish Rite ritual work, stage plays, and other entertainment. There is the Ballroom in the Temple. The Ballroom is 99 feet square and 45 feet high. Its balcony or mezzanine is 16.5 feet wide on all 4 sides of the story. Its supported by 15 fluted oak columns that is 16.5 feet on center. The dancing area set off by the pillars is 66 feet square. These dimensions are multiples of 11 and 33. 11 and 33 is number special to the esoteric and those that love the occult. Listen to the explanation of one of history's greatest Satanists, W. Wynn Wescott, who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century. He wrote that: "The followers of Pythagoras ... referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. 'The numerals of Pythagoras', says Porphyry, who lived about 300 A.D., 'were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he explained all ideas concerning the nature of things', and the same [numeric] method of explaining the secrets of nature is once again being insisted upon in the new revelation of the 'Secret Doctrine', by H.P. Blavatsky. 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero -symbol of the infinite and boundless universe'." ["The Occult Power of Numbers", W. Wynn Westcott, p. 15.] Golden Dawn member W. Wynn Wescott wrote about the number Eleven in these terms: THIS seems to have been the type of a number with an evil reputation among all peoples. The Kabalists contrasted it with the perfection of the Decad, and just as the Sephirotic number is the form of all good things, so eleven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect; with the Ten Sephiroth they contrasted the Eleven Averse Sephiroth, symbols of destruction, violence, defeat and death (Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues from 1911). Further, the number 11 is important because: "The number 11 is the Aquarian number since Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac." [Pastor David Meyers, Last Trumpet Ministries; July, 2001]
E.W. Bullinger writes on the number 13 in the following terms: "As to the significance of

thirteen, all are aware that it has come down to us as a number of ill omen. Many superstitions cluster around it, and various explanations are current concerning them. Unfortunately, those who go backwards to find a reason seldom go back far enough. The popular explanations do not, so far as we are aware go further back than the Apostles. But we must go back to the first occurrence of the number thirteen in order to discover the key to its significance. It occurs first in Gen. xiv. 4, where we read' Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED. Hence every

occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, & revolution, or some kindred idea." (Bullinger, E.W. Number in Scripture, Kregel Publications, (c)1967, p. 205).

*In Freemasonry, lower levels Masons are given false interpretations about what Masonry is truly all about. Most of them have a limited knowledge of Freemasonry. The higher level Masons know exactly what the deal is. They took the death oaths (proving that Freemasonry is not God and is evil), they pay sometimes a high amount of money in dues, and even memorize Biblical & Masonic passages in order to go into a higher degree. The revival of the old Mysteries in the modern world has been one goal of the elite. Manly P. Hall (a 33rd Degree Freemason) wrote that:

Under new names and, to a measure, with new interpretation, the old wisdom which guided the destinies of ancient peoples is being reconsidered and restored. It becomes increasingly more evident that wisdom and understanding alone can bestow the security and happiness which all men still seek as the foundation of a useful life. The shadowly forms of the venerated sages and prophets of the Golden Age rise again, inviting our appreciation. Though long exiled from the sphere of mortal purposes, these noblest of men are being re-established as the great teachers of the human race. The mystery religion of antiquity, which flourished long before the rise of the modern way of life, have been brought into clear focus by progressive leaders in the fields of psychology and comparative religion. (Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Quabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. Los Angeles, CA: The Philosophical Research Society, 1971, preface).
The architecture in the Ballroom is of the Elizabethan Period. This period had people like Dr. John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon that influence Masonic thought today and the globalization movement in the West (beyond just the London area). Dee followed spirit communication and Bacon was a Kabbalist & Utopian that wanted the Six Days Work to create the new world system. Dee in fact modernized the British Israelite heresy, the British Empire, and he was a famous mathematician. The large chandelier above the ballroom floor is of gilded bronze with crystal beads and pendants. The theater has the size is 99 feet square, 45 feet high, and 175 feet from the rear of the stage to the back of the fourth floor balcony. The arena is 33 feet square and 15 inches below the stage area. The stage is 33 feet deep and 84 feet wide. It has the back drops to handle the scenes of the 29 Scottish Rite degrees stored in the ceiling. They are operated by 12 miles of rope. The architecture of the theater is based in Medieval Gothic or Cathedral Gothic. The carvings on the trusses and woodwork were created by the sons of Anton Lang. Lang was famous for playing the part of Christ in the passion play at Oberammergau, Germany. The four robust cherubs on each side of the theater and the two on either side of the stage holding plaques to their breasts are symbolic reference to the Ten Commandants. About 1,100 persons can be seated in the theater and another 200 on chairs in the arena.

The Indianapolis State Capitol Building

Many people have found images in the Indianapolis State Capitol building. It housed the General Assembly, the Governor of Indiana, the Supreme Court of Indiana, and other state officials. The building was built in 1888. It was the fifth building to house the state government. The third building was a structure inspired by the Parthenon, but was
condemned in 1877 because of structural defects and razed so the current statehouse could be built on its location. The Indiana State Capitol has occult paintings in it as well. This has been exposed by with the YouTube name of protestantsep (or Protestant separatist). He tried to get close up pictures of the mural. The Indiana House Chambers has these murals. The murals have people sitting down. There is an image of a man and a Goddess-like figure. The mural is called The Spirit of Indiana. Yet, the real title of the mural according to the contract is called, The Apotheosis of Indiana. Eugene Savage made the contract back in 1961. The contract is a legal and binding document. The apotheosis is once again, an old pagan concept that believes that man can achieve godhood. Its not a secret that State capitols nationwide have Masonic/occult influence and some of their cosmology related from the pagan Temples of old. The House prayers in the state capitol of Indiana cant invoke Jesus Christs name. Even the Indiana state poem reads that: For a Pagan voice within me seems to answer to it all. This is paganism promoted since the early days of America. The name of the mural was changed from the Apotheosis of Indiana to the Spirit of Indiana

to cover up the lawless ones (or the covert occult elite governing many affairs in our world today including American affairs). There are gods and goddesses in the painting. These characters are mythical characters. The state is depicted as a Goddess. In our time, the truth is coming out in great measure. References that deal with Christianity are banned from this Chamber, but not pagan images on the mural. Some Ten Commandments plagues are promoted by the Masonic Fraternal Order of the Eagles. Brother Nicholas Rivera years ago wrote about it. The man with the hat in the painting is named William H. Harrison (or once the Masonic Governor). The apotheosis deals with trying to deify the personification of Indiana. In real life, the rulers of this land use the Mysteries not to enlighten folks, but to control the common people (while keeping real wisdom withheld from human beings).

The European Unions Headquarters The European Parliament Building is one headquarter of the whole European Union. The image to the left shows this building. Its also classified as the Tower Building. The EU regularly violate the sovereignty of European nations all of the time. 2 examples are the EUs corpus juris and the evil Lisbon Treaty that even had heavy resistance from the Patriots from Ireland. The European Union has been a brainchild of the Black Nobility bloodlines and the Vatican for centuries. One father of this movement was of course the famous man by the name of Count Richard Coundenhove-Kalergi. He was pro-Vatican and proRothschild (as he was financed by the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and even by Freemason Bernard Baruch. It would be that same power structure that used money to fund the Israeli Supreme Court building that has

occult/Masonic symbolism in it). Israeli leaders like Shimon Peres are also allies of the Vatican. Peres was trained by Jesuits in Poland according to Barry Chamish. Today, Peres wants the Vatican to control Christian sites in Israel plus the West Bank. The count started the Pan-Europa Union in order to promote a Pan-European federation & a new world order system. Ironically, von Hayek wanted a globalist system too since he loved pan-European federalism. The aristocrats funded the Mont Pelerin Society like usual:
With his utopian vision, Hayek built up the Mont Pelerin Society with the encouragement and support of a super elite comprised of the top financial aristocracy of Europe. The goal was to promote unlimited freedom for their own special interests: the freedom to grab and loot any or all of the worlds resources. This is what the financial journalists are touting today as a full globalization of the world markets. The enforcement arms are agencies like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the United Nations...The Mont Pelerin Society was originally financed by aristocratic families who are and remain a whos who of the top European nobility. Among these were the Thurn und Taxis, Wittelsbachs, Hapsburgs and Kalergi families. The same families provided financial support for and promoted the Pan European Union, yet another world federalist scheme which envisioned a One Europe Federation. Pan Europa and Mont Pelerin are closely linked by philosophy and personnel. Otto von Hapsburg, the heir to the defunct Austro-Hungarian throne, was a top leader of both organizations. (Revoking the Moral Order: The Ideology of Positivism and the Vienna Circle, David J. Peterson, 1999, p. 122)

The European Union was spearheaded by Otto von Hapsburg, so the same elite families wanted this EU system. Its here now. The European Parliaments architecture is made up of arches and tons of glass to cast its effect of imagery. The image on the right has an interesting metal sculpture. The sculpture has a woman riding a beast near the stars of the logo of the EU. The statue is about the goddess Europa riding a bull. In ancient mythology, the bull is Zeus who carried Europa through the Mediterranean Sea to the island of Crete where he raped her. Europa in Greek mythology was a Phoenician woman of high lineage. So, one image of the EU is basically showing a woman being a victim of rape. Religious Christians cite prophecy about the woman riding the beast too. The prophecy reads that: "...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." Revelation 17:3. The woman is the whore worldly system and the Beast is code for the Antichrist. The book of Revelation used these code words since the author of it (or the Apostle John) was under house arrest during the persecutions under the Roman Empire.

Inside of the European Parliament looks very Space Age. It has advanced designed seats. It looks like a legislative amphitheater. It has a big hemicircle with about 679 seats. The European Union Parliament is made up of 785 members in Brussels, Belgium. The Stewart bloodline has had an influence in the EU as well. Back in June of 1992, HRH Prince Michael Stewart, 7th Count of Albany (Scotland) was elected President of the European Council of Princes -- a constitutional advisory body within the European Union. In this regard, he succeeded the Imperial and Royal House of Habsburg Austria, who had retained the office from 1946. The new appointment held significant political implications for Scotland because, in unanimously electing Michael of Albany, some 32 sovereign houses openly proclaimed the continuing de jure Scots monarchy to an international audience a royal dynasty which, according to British academic historians, had long been extinct. Jacques Stewart was the President of the Ecumenical Commission on Church and Society. The EECCS have offices in Strasbourg and in Brussels, where the main EU headquarters are located in. Even Gary Stewart was the former Imperator of the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. This group is famously known as AMORC. They are a Rosicrucian organization that deals with literature about the occult.

Macon, Georgia I didnt know that Macon, Georgia was such a Masonic city until recently. Its a very Masonic city. Many Masonic Lodges are throughout the city. Also, the Grand Lodge of Georgia is found in Macon. Macon, Georgia is where the Scottish Rite Temple is found on Vineville Avenue. Even Macon was established in 1823 by men who were members of Freemasonry. The Chamber of Commerce in Macon admitted that the city of Macon had planners that created the city from the influence of the city of Babylon. Freemasonry admittedly has doctrinal influence from ancient Babylon. Ancient Babylon was the home of astronomy and the occult-inspired art of astrology. The ancient gods and goddesses of the Near East in a way are very akin to the pagan deities worshipped in Syria, Greece, Rome, India, China, and the ancient Americas. Freemasonry tries to talk a good game, but Freemasonry has death oaths and promotes the magical Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is one tool the occult crowd use in promoting their ideologies. The pictures of the Cabalic tree of life so the serpent circling itself around the tree. We know what the Serpent represents completely. The Serpent is the father of life in promoting human godhood.

Many scholars believe that the tradition of the Kabbalah is much older (than apostate rabbis); that it traces back to the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. Yet, most research shows that the modern Kabbalah came about during the Middle Ages. The Kabbalah teaches that building bridges in gradual ceremonies that cause a human being to have enlightenment. Like Gnostics,

the Kabbalah denies that God directly created the Universe, but used his emanations to do it. These beings are the 10 Sephiroth. The Kabbalah deals with cryptic, mystic, and secret occult information when real spirituality deals with transparency, openness, and allowing all people the opportunity to be saved from nefarious evils.
According to the Cabala, God is the eternal and boundless principle of all, and is therefore called The Infinite. Yet to Kabbalists, the Infinite cant be known. The Book of the Zohar teaches the views of the Kabbalah. In Kabbalh, Hebrew letters are considered hidden codes with angelic power sources. Albert Pike, who was the pre-eminent occult philosopher of Freemasonry, said that Gnosticism was an offshoot of Kabalism, as one may see on page 626 of Pikes Morals and Dogma. There Pike says the Cabala is the key of the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists. The Kabbalah teaches that God has a 72 letter Divine Name of the Shem ha-Mephorash. It is said that even Nostradamus has been linked to the Kabbalah. Macon is located in the central part of Georgia as its 6th largest city in Georgia in terms of population. Yet, tons of real people live in Macon, Georgia, so I want to make that clear. Masonry is something that was used by the establishment to strife real spiritual growth in God (and used to control much of the common people via paying high dues sometimes, distorting what the Scriptures mention, and using status as a mean to promote a false sense of esteem). Real self esteem is for all peoples to realize that they have equal value since conception, to realize that almsgiving is fine, the elimination of secrecy, and to treat your neighbor as yourself (as told by the great prophet & Messiah Yeshua Ha Mashiach).

The image above is the Masonic marker of Macon, Georgia. It reads that: FREEMASONRY IN MACON


above the title of Macon, Georgia is interesting. What is this about? The image above is the Rose Hill Cemetery off of Riverside Drive. 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike visited Macon in the 1800s too. This old cemetery has Masonic imagery galore. There are the 2 pillars. These 2 pillars are Jachin and Boaz. These 2 pillars in Masonic literature guarded the location of Solomons Temple. The reestablishment of Solomons Temple is a covert goal among some Freemasons. Jachin means establishment and Boaz means strength. 2 globes are on top of Jachin and Boaz in Masonic symbolism. There is an altar with a Bible resting upon it. On top of it is the symbol of the square and compass. This monument was erected for William A. Wolihin. He was the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Georgia who lived between 1862 and 1916. The Hexagram is found in Masonry imagery as well like in the picture above. The Rose Hill Cemetery was created in 1840 by the Simri Rose (or the city councilman and newspaper editor). He was a landscape designer. There are many creepy Masonic markers in the location. Obelisks surround the place. The word obelisk comes from the Greek obelischos or pointed pillar. The obelisk of course represents the male phallic image of the false sun god (according to Charles G. Bergers 1966 book entitled, Our Phallic Heritage). Closet sun worship has been part and parcel of occult Illuminists for eons. The phallic motif represents the male portion of reproduction and the vulva represents the female organ of human reproduction. The Israelites in the OT were told by Yahveh to destroy them since they represented the worship of pagan gods. Mackeys Encyclopedia of Masonry shows that wherever the fire god Baal was worshipped (in Assyria, Tyre, Canaan, etc.), obelisks were erected. Masons use the obelisk while claiming to worship the One True God, which is silly.

The Baslica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Famlia

The the Sagrada Famlia church in Barcelona was designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. Antoni Gaudi was a devout Catholic. He lived in Spain and constructed many items like lampposts for the Placa Reial in Barcelona, the Episcopal Palace at Astoga, and the Casa de los Botines in Leon. Gaudi is known for promoting Gothic architecture and traditional Catalan architectural modes. Gaudi was influenced by the French architect Eugene Violletle-Duc. Sculptor Josep Subirachs made a special portion of the building too. This religious place has strange architecture and some symbolism for that matter. The basilica is found in Barcelona, Spain. The English translation of the place is the Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family. The church is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The UNESCO has a controversial history in it of itself since it promotes globalism. Now, much of the building has the Gothic, curvilinear, and Art Nouveau forms. The construction of the church started in 1882. Construction was delayed during the Spanish Civil war in 1936. The project is expected to be totally completed by 2017 or 2026 (the centennial of Gaudis death). The Church will have three grand faades: the Nativity faade to the East, the Passion faade to the West, and the Glory faade to the South (yet to be completed). The Nativity Faade was built before work was interrupted in 1935 and bears the most direct Gaud influence. The Passion faade is especially striking for its spare, gaunt, tormented characters, including emaciated figures of Christ being scourged at the pillar; and Christ on the Cross. These controversial designs are the work of Josep Maria Subirachs. The Glory faade, on which construction began in 2002, will be the largest and most monumental of the three and will represent one's ascension to God. The Glory faade deals with the scenes of Hell, purgatory, and other elements like the Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. This building is pro-Catholic of course, so Catholic elements will be in it.

The above image is very strange. This image is from the Passion faade of the church. The image to the right is Judas betraying Jesus Christ with a kiss. The numbers in the center of the image is the magic square. The magic square in the occult world relates to sun worship, mysticism, and numerology. The numbers here equate to 33, which is the common age assigned to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The magic square isnt related to Christianity, but its found in Freemasonry though. Freemasonry Benjamin Franklin tried to create his magic square back in the 18th century.

The New York Public Library

Library places exist worldwide. Many people have gone to them for instruction, study, buying items from books to videos, and other purposes. The reason why Im showing these riddles in architecture is that the architecture of the New York Public Library intrigued me. I wanted to describe this place in concrete, yet accurate terms for a long time. Now, its time to do so in 2011. It is the largest public library in North America. It has ton of research material. Its privately managed with a public mission. Its funded around the parameters of public and private financing. Even the historian David McCullough outlined the New York Public Library as one of the 5 most important libraries in America (that other are in Harvard, in Yale, the Library of Congress, and the Boston Public Library). Its branches are in the boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten th Island. These branches make up the 26 largest library in America. The New York Public Library is made up of 87 libraries, 4 non-lending research libraries, 4 main lending libraries, a library for the blind & physically challenged, and 77 neighborhood branch libraries in the 3 boroughs served. Before this library was created, there was the Astor Library (that relates to the Astor bloodline) and the Lenox Library. The New York Public Library was created in 1895.

The Main Branch is found in 5 Avenue and 42 Street. Its been called the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. Marble is found in the building. There is a bronze bust of John Merwen Carrere. He was one of the architects of the New York Public Library. Its exterior is made up of 20,000 blocks of stone. Outside of the build has 2 lions nicknamed Patience and Fortitude by the then Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. La Guardia has been one of the most famous mayors in American History. He was a Republican, but he supported FDRs New Deal program. That is why nd the 32 Degree Freemason Franklin Roosevelt heavily funded NYC and cut off patronage from



LaGuardias foes. He was an Episcopalian and died in Bronx, New York. He built up NYCs infrastructure like its transit systems, parks, low cost public housing, gave merit employment in place of patronage jobs, and defeated the powerful Tammany Hall political machine. His actions would make him a favor of the Tea Party Movement. Now, the Patience lion statue is in the left as one faces the main entrance while Fortitude is on the north. The flagpoles had sculpted bronze bases being designed by Thomas Hastings in 1912. It was realized by the sculptor Raffaele Meconi. This image was influence by the architects from the Beaux Arts generation. The McGraw Rotunda ceiling shows the mythological story of Promoetheus stealing fire from the gods. This is a part of 4 large arches panels made by Edward Lanings (in his work called The Story of the Recorded Word).

This pediment is found in the New York Public Library. The figures represent various fields of Knowledge. History is found in the left. The image of Romance holds bouquet of flowers and Religion stands with her hands clasped across her chest. This stance represents faith and obedience. Paul Wayland Bartlett made this structure in ca. 1914. Each of the 3 figures are dressed in classical garb. Barlett studied the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and he worked with Rodin.

The statue above is of course the bronze bust of course Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The sculptor of the bust is the German named Karl Fischer. It was created in 1832 in the year of Goethes death. The Goethe Club of New York purchased the bust in 1876. It was donated to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The museum later donated to Bryant Park in 1932 or in the centenary of the writers death. Goethes history is important to mention here since he had an esoteric character in great terms. In his day, the Pentagram image had many meanings from good luck to evil. People who used magic in the Middle Ages and to the present, they used a Pentagram (around a circle) in trying to summon the spirits. The inverted Pentagram was popularized by Eliphas Levi to represent evil intent. Levi was influenced by Cornelius th Agrippa. Agrippa was a 15 century German alchemist that influenced modern Western occult though. Agrippa wrote a book in 1509 that described the Pentagram of Pythagoras (Pythagoras said that the inverted Pentagram represents the 5 chamber of Tartaros or Hell). The German-based Illuminati had the Pythagorean passion in promoting their Utopian ideology. Goethe published the first edition of Faust in 1790 that describes a partial Pentagram (that is a part of the Washington, D.C. design that has a Pentagram in its street design with one side missing. David Ovason has called D.C. as a city of the stars. The 8 year cycle of Venus around the solar system looks like a Pentagram). Goethe was not only a Master Mason, but a famous member of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Builder Magazine from September 1923 mentions that: He completed nothing which did not lead back to a Masonic origin Goethe is said to believe in Hermeticism to act in a Hermetic quest. Hermetic thought existed for centuries. The alleged writings of Hermes Trismegistus talks about the as above, so below belief system. Magicians such as Giordano Bruno, Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, Tommaso Campanella, Paracelsus, Nostradamus, and many others lived and worked in an underground occult network (that followed the occult, the Kabbalah, or Hermetic thoughts).

The library finished a 3 year innovation by the time of February 2, 2011 in its refurbished faade. The restoration design was overseen by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (It has done a previous project of the Metropolitan Museum of Arts limestone faces and the granite made American Museum of Natural History). As similar to the U.S. Supreme Court

building, the New York Public Library has many Pediments with interesting symbolism among its parts. The South Pediment Sculpture is called Arts. 2 figures
recline in the pediment flanking a globe. The female figure represents Literature that balances a book in her lap with her male counterpart. This male person is called Sculpture that holds or wields a hammer and chisel. The group was sculptured by George Grey Barnard. Barnard has created Michaelangeosque figures in 1913. Some want that sculpture to have conservation since the sculpture in poor condition.

One of the most famous images is the Beauty Fountain in the New York Public Library. It was created by Frederick William MacMonnies. Beauty is found in the south fountain. It includes a nude female figure seated on a Pegasus. Pegasus in Greek mythology was the winged horse whose hoof touched the Earth and created the sacred wellspring (or Hippocrene or the source of poetic inspiration). Beauty in this instance outlines a representation that beauty is a source of inspiration. Frederick William MacMonnies sculpted it from 1914-1920. The fountain isnt operational today. The image above in the left is found on top of the Beauty Fountain. The truth Fountain shows a male sculpture that prevents the common masculine/feminine archetype that is common in architecture plus the occult world. The image to the right is Moses holding up the 10 Commandments in the form of a mural. This mural and other mural describe historical events pertaining to literature or various outlines of writing that have existed throughout the ages. These murals are located in the McGraw Rotunda. The esoteric and Masons have claimed Moses as supportive of their agenda or one of their own. Just because Moses knew about the Mystery tradition doesnt mean he supported the worship of Nature or

false gods. Moses rejected the worship of Nature of creations as God. God is the Creator not a creation. Thats a reasonable distinction that ought to be made manifest.

Appendix A: More Architecture Worldwide

Architecture exists worldwide as numerous folks realize. The image above represents the doors to the Bank of England. The Bank of England is heavily influenced by the elite, the Pilgrim Society, and other high level bloodlines with inordinate influence in the world stage. Thats a reality. When you go back, you will find that the Knights Templars were the first modern international bankers in Europe. The Black Nobility lines have huge power too like the De Medici, Guelph (that caused the German Saxe Coburg Gothas to exist. This line created the English Windsors), the Aldobrandini, the Pallavicini, the Orsini, and Hapsburg families. The symbolism on the front door is self explanatory. For eons, the elite used the UK as a means to form the scientific dictatorship. This is in spite of the fact that tons of real patriots and real lovers of the truth are from England then and now. It was the person by the name of William Tyndale that changed the truth by promoting religious freedom and the right of religious books to be written in the tongue of its inhabitants. Tyndale was set up by the Papal agents. The enemies by the name of the Jesuits to this day hate the concept of the freedom of conscience thats God given. It was the Black man by the name of David Pitt that desired equality for all peoples in Britain and throughout the world. So, opposition to injustice and tyranny is a great blessing that exist in the spirit and heart of mankind. This spirit will never die for the truth will never die. There is no vice in us having strength and real power to inspire people and be a model for world improvement. Now, we are in uncertain economic straits with the existence of evil austerity, fiat currency, the FED, and other issues spiraling in the minds of human beings. Now, the door has the caduceus symbol (or a curved snake on a staff). The caduceus is a known signal representing Hermes. Hermes is the mythological god of protector, merchant, gamblers, knowledge, etc. The ancient Egyptian equivalent of Hermes is the god Thoth and the Book of Thoth is a book said of his wisdom.

To Alchemists, Hermes gave the Emerald Tablet to human beings. Many pharmaceutical companies and health care providers use the caduceus symbol constantly. The caduceus looks very similar to the Kundalini image (It is made up of chakra or power points in the power that lead up to the top of the human head). The elite use commerce all of the time. There are 2 lions head on the door. There are 2 headed beasts on the door too (like a Phoenix). There are a ship, 5 pointed stars, and a hand grabbing an object too).

The image above show Berninis sculpture called Habakkuk and the Angel and the Pyramid Tomb of the Vatican banker Agustino Chigi. The Jesuits and other Illuminists still have huge international and are in the apex of world geo-political and religious power.

The bottom image is form the Chigi Chapel in Italy. Its one of the 6 chapels in the Church of Santa Maria del Popola, Piazza del Popolo, Rome. The image of below the Bank of England door has tons of symbolism. There is an apple, an All Seeing Eye in an equilateral triangle, a Knights Templar cross, and other symbols. The nave in its left hand side was designed by Raphael as a private chapel for his friend and patron Sienese banker Agostino Chigi. It was completed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini more than a century after Raphaels death in 1520. I heard of Bernini back in high school. Berninis patron was Fabio Chigi became Pope Alexander VII in 1655. Raphael made the chapel to have a centralized octagonal plan under a done with mosaics to his 1516 creation (that supposed to outline the Creation of the World). It has the sun, planets, and the zodiac moved by an angel (this is related to a High Renaissance design).

This image is next to the Baltimore War Memorial. The building is found in 101 North Gay Street. It was formed in 1925 to honor the Maryland Veterans of World War one. Laurence Hall Fowler won a 1921 memorial competition with 24 local architects with the modified

Greek Revival Temple. By 1977, the memorial was rededicated to honor all Marylanders who lost their lives in WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The large auditorium in the marble walls has the names of the 1752 Marylanders killed in WWI. At the west end of the auditorium is an allegorical mural depicting "A Sacrifice to Patriotism" by Baltimore artist R. McGill Mackall. The two stone horses, sculpted by Edmond R. Amateis, flanking the front terrace represent the "Might of America crossing the seas to aid our Allies. The image above is the Battle Monument as found in Maryland. It has an unique architecture structure and distinct symbolism. Its found in Calvert Street between Fayette and Lexington Streets. It honors the people who died during the Battle of Baltimore (during the time of September 1814 of the War of 1812. The War of 1812 was when Great Britain tried to re-conquer American territories which they failed in accomplishing). The monument is situated in the middle of the street and is between the 2 Baltimore City Circuit Courthouses (that are located on the opposite sides of Calvert Street). The Baltimore monument was designed by the Baltimore architect by the name of Maximilian Godefroy. Maximilian Godefroy was born in 1170. He was on the Royalist side during the French Revolution. That is why he was imprisoned in the fortress of Bellegarde. He was released in 1805 and allowed to come into America. He was an instructor in art and architecture at St. Marys College, the Sulpician Seminary. The Sulpicians are pro-Jesuits. Godefroy was acquainted with Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Latrobe was one major overseer of the construction of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Latrobe supported the neoclassical imagery in architectural structures. Yes, Benjamin Latrobe was a Freemason, so Freemasons had a huge sway in many images found in early America. Regarding Brother Latrobe's Masonic membership, he was initiated in the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London, 1788, and served as Junior Warden 178990. When he came to the United States, he affiliated with Lodge No. 54, Richmond, Virginia.

It is between 39 feet tall. The bottom portion of the monument looks like a tomb in the Egyptian Revival cenotaph. There are 2 griffins at each corner of the based. The column is based in the image of the Roman fasces with cords listing the names of soldiers that died during the battle of the War of 1812. The top Goddess statue is called Baltimore. This image is a marble statue that was created by Antonio Capellano. The 18 layers of the marble base represent the eighteen states that made up America in the time of war. The monument is depicted on the seal of the City of Baltimore that was adopted in 1827 and the citys flag was adopted in the early 20th century. I have some relatives leaving in Baltimore, so this information is very interesting to me.

Appendix B: The Port Adelaide Masonic Centre

One of the places in the world with blatantly esoteric architecture is found in the Port Adelaide Masonic Centre. Its based in Australia. Its located in Port Adelaide, South Australia. Ive heard of this place and its symbolism for years, but I didnt feel it was time to comment on it back in 2005. Now, its 2011 and its the sufficient time to show in a concrete way the outlines and structures that composite this Masonic center. One of the most famous people who left Freemason was Harmon R. Taylor. He was a former Grand Chaplain of the Lodge and he became a Reverend. He lived in New York. Harmon R. Taylor quoted Albert Mackey (from his Lexicon of Freemasonry on pg. 402) that said that: The religion, then, masonry is pure theism S.M. Ward, a Masonic authority who has written several important

books on masonry, wrote in his book FREEMASONRY: ITS AIMS & IDEALS (Pg.185): "I consider freemasonry is a significantly organized school of mysticism to be entitled to be called a religion." Ward continues on page 187, "Freemasonry... taught that each man can, by himself, work out his own conception of god and thereby achieve salvation." These sources prove that

Freemasonry is a slick, religious institution. Even high level Freemason Frank C. Higgins admitted that Freemasonry is the parent of all religion. This refutes the common Masonic myth that Freemasonry isnt a religion or isnt religious at all. Now, Freemasonry is about the usage of Theism as an excuse to promote the Mysteries in a modern fashion. Some Masons advocate human godhood overtly. For example, J.D. Buck,
M.D., another Masonic writer of importance, in his book Symbolism of Mystic Masonry wrote (from Pg.57) that: "In the early Church as in the secret doctrine, there was not one Christ for the world but a potential Christ in every man. Theologians first made a fetish of the impersonal, Omnipresent divinity; and then tore the Christos from the hearts of all humanity in order to Deify Jesus; that they might have a God-Man particularly their own." Its a reality that humans
cant be God since God is the origin of the Universe and is the Creator. We humans didnt create all of the laws, substances, atoms, and other entities in the Universe at all. There is a huge difference between human capacity and the omnipotent presence of God.

Freemasonry in that part of the world is heavily influenced by the Grand Lodge of England. Freemasonry spread in Southern Australia in 1834 to 1844. Its meetings were held in Black Ports Street in August 11, 1938. The first Scottish Constitution Lodge or Adelaide No. 341

first met early in 1844. What is interesting about this Hall is that it has tons of occult and ancient Egyptian symbolism. This piece of evidence out of many facts conclusively proves that Freemasonry copies much of the symbolism in its Lodges from ancient Egypt. The whole area is built in the form of an Egyptian Temple. The hieroglyph for Temple looks similar to the outline of the Center itself. This tau hieroglyph represents Dawn too. There is the Egyptian hieroglyph for Heaven found in the side of the Temple. There are also the emblems for the Level, the Square, and the Compass. The inscription in one side of the Center reads Masonic Building in English. So, the architect has a sense of humor or a creative streak. The

Port Adelaide Masonic Centre has the 4 world pillars. In ancient Egyptian mythology, these 4 world pillars help up the heavens and represented the 4 cardinal points (of north, south, east, and west). The Fifth pillar is found in each tower (or one on each side of the main
window). The pillar is in the form of a hieroglyph of the sacred lotus lilies meaning Tree of Life. The lotus flower means life and resurrection. The tree of life existed in ancient Egyptian traditions long before the Kabbalah came about.

This image alone show complex architecture and a cornucopia of occult symbolism. All of the images above describe the entrance to the Masonic building. Some of the designs in the top of the building is called the sacred of Nun. Nun refers to flood and water. One of the well known images in this entrance is the outline of the Square and Compass. The Square and Compass is one of the most famous if not the most famous symbol of the Order of Freemasonry. The lower image on the bottom is the image of the famous winged disk icon that is above the entrance to the Masonic Temple. This image existed below the 2 central pillars on the front of the Temple. The winged disk goes back of course to the times of ancient Egypt. Its an emblem of the sun with a doubled headed cobra and eagle or vulture wings. The cobra and vulture according to some represents the Upper and Lower Egypt (as in the celestial Egypt and a terrestrial Egypt. The concept of the 2 types of Egypt is interesting. The as above so below concept is similar to the 2 types of Egypt motif). This image appears in Anatolia, Persia, Mesopotamia, and other places. It

is associated with divinity, royalty, and power. The orb in the image definitely refers to the sun or the next age of the Zodiac. The winged sun disk is found in early JW literature, Rosicrucians (in other words, the AMORC group uses the logo. AMORC stands for the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. To Rosicrucians, the winged globe represents the perfected soul making its flight back to the source of its creation in the Elysian fields beyond), and Freemasonry. Russell and Rutherford both believed that when they died, they would be taken to the Pleiades constellation, which they claimed was the dwelling place of God. This is similar to the Mormon doctrine that on their resurrection that they would become gods on various planets, which is unscriptural and blasphemous at the same time. Charles Taze Russell followed astrology not just Egyptology. A Masonic reference work describes the winged sun disk it this way: "... the Winged-Disk, with the Uraei of Egypt, the original of which we find in the text summarized by Naville in the "Myths of Horus," pII. xii. ff; "horus commanded Thoth that the Winged-Sun-Disk, with Uraei, should be brought into every sanctuary wherein he dwelt, and into every sanctuary of all the gods of the lands of the South and the North, and in Amentet, in order that they might drive away evil from therein...." This is what is meant by the Winged-Disks, with the Uraei, which are seen over the entrances of the courts of the temples of all the gods and goddesses of Egypt." (Churchwald, Albert, The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man(London: George Allen & Co., Ltd.) 1913 p. 344) In the center of the winged disk in the Masonic Temple, there is the Tau image inside of a Triangle. There is even a Tau hieroglyph in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead according to some. There are the Double and Triple Tau images. The Triple Tau according to researchers means the Temple of Jerusalem. Another name for the Temple of Jerusalem is Templum Hieroslma or the Temple on a Sacred Mond. There are the 2 globe that mean the celestrial world and terrestrial world (or Jachin and Boaz). The celestial globe is covered with five pointed starts and a crescent moon. Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer typifies Masonic symbolism of the

Tau when he states, "The Phallus, or Lingam, and the Yoni, the male and female emblems of generation, are found in the triangle and the tau." [Clymer, The Mysteries of Osiris or Ancient Egyptian Initiation, Quakertown, PA, The Philosophical Publishing Company, 1951, p. 131].

This 17th century Masonic headstone is similar to the Port Adelaide Masonic Center. The headstone has many symbols of Procession. It has 3 Sacred Gateways of the Sun, 2 winged disks, 2 pillars, the double tau (or the pi symbol), 2 Temples, and 2 symbols of Procession.
This building is the precise and quintessential location filled with occult and Masonic imagery at its core. It has been called until recently a Temple. The placed has numerous Egyptian hieroglyphs there as Freemasonry copies the knowledge and culture from the ancient Egyptians readily.

Appendix C: Royal Albert Hall

Royal Albert Hall is a concert hall. Its found in the South Kensington area of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London England. It holds annual summer Proms concerts since 1941. Its architecture is famous in the world. It was opened by Queen Victoria in 1871. Some of the leading artists worldwide perform in the hall. It hosts more than 350 performances. They include classical concerts, rock, pop, ballet, opera, tennis, award ceremonies, school events, community events, lavish banquets, and charity performances. The hall was originally supposed to have been called The Central Hall of Arts and Sciences, but the name was changed by Queen Victoria to Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences. The foundation stone was dedicated to Queen Victorias deceased husband and consort Prince Albert. Civil engineers Captain Francis Fowke and Major-general Henry Y.D. Scott of the Royal Engineers. It was built by the Lucas Brothers. Ancient amphitheatres influenced the design of the Hall too. Between 1996 and 2004 the Royal Albert Hall underwent a programme of renovation and development supported by a 20 million (roughly $32 million US) grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to enable it to meet the demands of the next century of events and performances. There is an ellipse pattern in the build. The great class and the iron dome roofing the hall is 135 feet high. The hall is found in Prince Consort Road. History has an important place in this location. For example, the Duke of Kent was elected at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge held June 14, 1967 and Installed as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England at the June 27th meeting held in the Royal Albert Hall.

The whole building was originally created to handle a capacity of 8,000 people. It can accommodate as high as 9,000 people. Modern safety restrictions today mean that the maximum permitted capacity is now 5,544 including standing in the Gallery. A wide spectrum of events is held in the huge stadium from UFC fights to ballet. The Proms are held there. The BBC Preomenade Concerts (or the Proms) is a popular annual eight week summer season of daily classical music concerts and other events held at the Royal Albert hall. The Royal Albert hall has been chosen as the new venue for the proms after the 1942 destruction of the Queens Hall in an air raid. By 1944, there was an increased danger to hall. So, parts of the Proms were held in Bedford Corn Exchange. After World War II, the proms continued in the Royal Albert Hall and have been done so since annual during the summer. There are over 70 concerts in the period. 100 came about for the first time by the year 2009. Jiri Belohlavek called the Proms as the worlds largest and most democratic musical festival of all such events in the world of classical music festival. Proms stands for promenade concerts. This word came from the original practice of audience members promenading or strolling in some places of the concert hall during the concert. Prommers and Promenaders are common terms to describe concert goers.
By Timothy

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