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(Please pay attention to details)^-^

Lecturer: Nora Fudhla, S.Pd., M.Pd

Course: Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hi everyone!

Nice to meet you all. I’d firstly like to say welcome to you as the new students in Universitas Negeri
padang. How is it going? I hope that this new journey of yours would be very delightful although there
might be numerous struggles and obstacles to be dealt with.

I’m quite sure that you have already known what subject you are going to learn with me; that is Bahasa
Inggris Subject. During this semester, we would likely have reading activities, writing activities, and
speaking activities with a little bit of grammatical theory. Every week will have different activities and
theme. So make sure that you do and complete every activities and task you are given. Will you?

So here, I’d like to tell you all about several classroom regulations you need to obey in order to run this
course smoothly and to gain the achievement we want:

1. We would likely to have 16 meetings which will be conducted fully online. During this semester,
you are allowed to skip the class only for 3 (three) times. So you have to, at least, attend my
class for 13 meetings. The reasons why you skip my class also should be rational and logical
(forget the schedule, oversleep, out of battery, etc are considered irrational). So please, be
prepared. Make sure you have good network and fully charged gadgets to support your
learning. If you have serious issues that make you cannot attend my class, please CONTACT ME
BEFORE THE CLASS IS STARTED, not after the class is dismissed, even, after the semester has
ended. No excuses for those who report lately.

2. Make sure to record your attendance. You have only 15 (fifteen) minutes to record it once the
class has started. Unless, you are considered absent. I may check your attendance again at the
end of the meeting.

3. Make sure to open e-learning platform in every meeting to see what topic to discuss and what
assignment and activities to do.

4. I will provide the link to join Whatssapp group to communicate (please check on activity to see
the link). I will also provide forum session in our e-elarning platform so we may discuss there.
5. Please, DO NOT CALL ME if you need to ask me something or to ask for my permission. You can
chat me via Whatsapp group or DM me via WA (082169768087). Don’t forget to mention your
name, your class, and the subject/course you are taking with me. Use the most soothing and
polite language, cause I love polite students (some students might be very smart, but lack of

6. The final score would be depended on several considerations; students’ attendance (10%),
weekly assignment (20%), students’ activeness and participation during learning process (15%),
Mid-test (25%), and Final Test (30%).

7. The Mid-Test will be in the form of Reading Comprehension test and the Final-Test will be in the
form of Final Project, in which you will have an English spoken video uploaded in Youtube which
topics will be described later.

8. I try my best to provide learning materials to assist you during learning. In this class, you are
required to read, write and speak more in English. Thus, I will avoid using Zoom meeting which
will spend more network quota. Besides, I also give a lot range of time to complete the task and
to collect it. So, please, make sure you do all the assignment you are required to.

9. Since this is the first time we conduct fully online learning, the facilities and platforms used to
assist our learning might be changed or updated depend on the needs. I may fully use or may be used another learning platforms such as google classroom,
google form, quizzes, etc. So, keep your eyes on.

10. You are allowed to add more sources other than what I give you as the additional learning
sources. You may use any books, or internet to find it.

Well, those are the regulations I demand you to take care of. Read it carefully, and let’s get through this
semester together. I hope I can see you very soon. ^_^


Yours truly,

Nora Fudhla, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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