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Cognitive Neuropsychology
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Bilateral parietal cortex damage does not impair associative memory for
paired stimuli
Marian E. Berryhillab; David B. Drowosa; Ingrid R. Olsona
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA b Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

First published on: 25 January 2010

To cite this Article Berryhill, Marian E. , Drowos, David B. and Olson, Ingrid R.(2009) 'Bilateral parietal cortex damage
does not impair associative memory for paired stimuli', Cognitive Neuropsychology, 26: 7, 606 — 619, First published on:
25 January 2010 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/02643290903534150


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COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, 2009, 26 (7), 606 – 619

Bilateral parietal cortex damage does not impair

associative memory for paired stimuli

Marian E. Berryhill
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, and Center for Cognitive Neuroscience,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

David B. Drowos and Ingrid R. Olson

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

Recent neuroimaging and neuropsychological findings indicate that the posterior parietal cortex
(PPC) plays an important, albeit undefined, role in episodic memory. Here we ask whether this
region is specifically involved in associative aspects of episodic memory. Experiment 1 tested
whether PPC damage affects the ability to learn and retrieve novel word pair associations.
Experiment 2 tested whether PPC damage affects the retrieval of object– location associations, in a
spatial fan task. In both experiments, patients showed normal levels of associative memory. These
findings demonstrated that PPC damage did not prevent association memory for verbal items.
Finally Experiment 3 tested whether PPC damage affects memory for nonverbal audio-visual pairs.
The patients performed with normal accuracy, but with significantly reduced confidence. These find-
ings indicate that the PPC does not have a central role in association formation per se and, instead,
indicate that the PPC is involved in other aspects of episodic memory.

Keywords: Associational memory; Relational memory; Neuropsychology; Balint’s patient; Confidence


Associative memory refers to our ability to build advisor. Thus, associative memory creates the
and retrieve mnemonic relationships between dis- links that form an episodic memory. Research on
parate pieces of information. These associations associative memory has focused primarily on
permit us to recognize a new colleague’s face, medial temporal lobe structures such as the hippo-
quickly access her name, and retrieve relevant campus (for a recent review see Suzuki, 2008).
information such as the name of her postdoctoral There is considerable evidence indicating that

Correspondence should be addressed to Marian E. Berryhill, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania,
3720 Walnut Street, B-51, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA (E-mail:
We would like to thank the patients for their ongoing cooperation. We also thank Marianna Stark and Anjan Chatterjee for
scheduling patients through the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania patient database. We thank Kelly Giovanello for provid-
ing the stimuli used in Experiment 1. We thank Roberto Cabeza for suggesting Experiment 2 and Gabriel Radvansky for providing
the stimuli used in Experiment 2. We also thank Jared Danker for additional stimuli. This research was supported by NRSA
NS059093 to M.E.B. and ROI MH071615 to I.R.O.

606 # 2010 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business DOI:10.1080/02643290903534150

the hippocampus plays a central role in relating (Simons, Peers, Mazuz, Berryhill, & Olson, in
two previously unlinked items (reviewed in press). Other groups have reported diminished
Cohen et al., 1999). levels of memory confidence after unilateral PPC
The medial temporal lobe, however, does not damage as well (Ally, Simons, McKeever, Peers,
work alone. Neuroimaging findings have consist- & Budson, 2008; Davidson et al., 2008). This
ently indicated that the posterior parietal cortex finding indicates that portions of the parietal
(PPC) may also play some role in episodic cortex may play a role in evoking vivid memories
memory (reviewed in Cabeza, 2008; Cabeza, or strong feelings of recollection.
Ciaramelli, Olson, & Moscovitch, 2008; Olson These data support the view that portions of
& Berryhill, 2009; Vilberg & Rugg, 2008; the parietal cortex are functionally involved in
Wagner, Shannon, Kahn, & Buckner, 2005). To some aspect of memory retrieval. The extent of
demonstrate a causal relationship between parietal this involvement, and its particular role, remains
activations and episodic memory, several groups poorly understood. One plausible explanation is
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

have investigated whether patients with parietal that the PPC may have a role in forming or
lobe damage have memory deficits (Davidson retrieving associations. The location of the parie-
et al., 2008). These studies have shown that PPC tal cortex, at the confluence of sensory (visual and
damage can cause episodic memory retrieval defi- auditory), motor, and higher level cognitive
cits, but that the deficits are nuanced (reviewed structures, indicates that the parietal cortex is
in Olson & Berryhill, 2009). For instance, we well positioned for such a role. Indeed, apart
found that when patients with bilateral PPC from primary somatosensory cortex, the parietal
damage freely recall autobiographical events, the cortex is commonly referred to in introductory
memories are impoverished, lacking detail. Not textbooks as “association cortex”. It has been pro-
only are spatial details missing, but sensory and posed that parietal cortex is the site where per-
emotional descriptions are also reduced. ceptual features are bound together to form a
However, when specific probe questions are unified object (Treisman, 1996, 1998, 1999)
directly posed to these patients, the patients can based on the finding that patients with simulta-
supply missing details as readily as control nagnosia due to bilateral occipito-parietal
participants (Berryhill, Phuong, Picasso, Cabeza, damage cannot easily bind together primitive
& Olson, 2007). These findings pointed towards visual features such as colour and shape
a specific type of retrieval deficit since the patients (Friedman-Hill, Robertson, & Treisman, 1995).
were tested on information that they had encoded A striking example comes from a recent case
before their neurological injury but, importantly, study in which a bilateral parietal patient was
because their performance was impaired only unable to attend to more than a single stimulus
under certain retrieval conditions. feature at a time; in other words, the patient
Interestingly, these same patients perform nor- could accurately report either the shape or the
mally on some other episodic memory tasks. For shading, but not the conjunction of features
instance, in three experiments we investigated (Coslett & Lie, 2008). There is also neuroima-
the effects of PPC damage on source, or context- ging evidence indicating that the PPC’s role in
dependent, memory. In source memory tasks, par- feature binding extends beyond perception into
ticipants are asked to retrieve an incidental aspect memory. For example, greater PPC activations
of the encoding experience such as whether a sen- occur during working memory tasks testing
tence was spoken by a male or female voice. We memory for visuospatial conjunctions than for
found that the patients, along with a group of object identity alone (Shafritz, Gore, & Marois,
patients with unilateral parietal lobe damage, had 2002). In addition, a study directly contrasting
normal levels of source memory, whether tested item and associative recognition memory using
with visual or auditory information. In contrast, pairs of images as stimuli reported greater acti-
they had diminished levels of memory confidence vations in lateral and superior portions of the



PPC during encoding and retrieval of associ- monitor and heard the word pair used in a sen-
ations (Achim & Lepage, 2005). tence. To promote encoding, participants were
Here, we tested the hypothesis that bilateral required to judge the likelihood of the event
PPC lesions impair associative memory. In three described in the sentence. Retrieval was tested
experiments we examined associative memory using old/new recognition. On trials in which an
with stimuli reflecting commonly encountered “old” response was given, participants were
demands on associative memory: word pairs, required to provide a remember/know response.
object – place word pairs, and audio-visual pairs.
MEMORY FOR WORD PAIRS Two patients, EE555 and TQ591, with bilateral
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parietal lobe damage were tested in this study;

In Experiment 1 we tested whether associative see Figure 1 for lesion tracings. These patients
memory for word pairs was impaired following have previously been reported in several studies
bilateral parietal damage, much like it is following (Berryhill, Fendrich, & Olson, 2009a; Berryhill
medial temporal lobe damage. A previous obser- & Olson, 2008; Berryhill et al., 2007; Drowos,
vation suggested they might not be as impaired Berryhill, Andre, & Olson, in press; Simons
as patients with medial temporal lobe damage. In et al., in press).
the verbal paired associates subtest of the
Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), the parietal Patient EE555. EE555 is a 40-year-old former
patients retained 4 –6 word pairs following a teacher with 16 years of education. In 2004, she
delay rather than 0 –2 retained by medial temporal suffered three infarcts in the watershed between
lobe patients. Here, we used a more elaborate task the posterior and middle cerebral arteries.
developed for use in patients with amnesia follow- Temporary symptoms included headaches and
ing medial temporal lobe damage (Giovanello, blindness. Following her third stroke, she was
Keane, & Verfaellie, 2006). During encoding, admitted to the Hospital of the University of
participants viewed word pairs presented on a Pennsylvania where she was treated for

Figure 1. Lesion tracings for the bilateral parietal patients EE555 (top) and TQ591 (bottom).



hypertension, and anatomical magnetic resonance parietal white matter. Lateral (BA 40) and
imaging (MRI) scans were performed. The medial regions (e.g., precuneus) were spared.
initial neurological evaluation revealed canonical TQ591’s primary deficit is simultanagnosia.
symptoms of simultanagnosia. EE555’s physical TQ591 has difficulty describing scenes and com-
and perceptual symptoms are currently stable. plains that parts of scenes “disappear” when she
EE555’s MRI revealed symmetrical lesions in looks away or blinks, and she cannot relocate
lateral aspects of the inferior parietal lobe imping- them. In line cancellation tasks, she identifies a
ing on the superior occipital lobe and extending small cluster of lines. She suffers from mild optic
through the angular gyrus (Brodmann area, BA, ataxia and optic apraxia. Language comprehension
39) in and around inferior and middle portions and speech fluency were unimpaired as assessed by
of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS). Superior, more her conversational skills and ceiling performance
lateral (BA 40) and medial parietal structures on the auditory tests of the Western Aphasia
(e.g., precuneus) were spared. Battery. Reading and writing were somewhat
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Patient EE555’s primary deficit is simultanag- impaired due to her simultanagnosia and spatial
nosia. She cannot describe the global meaning in disorientation (she loses her place on a page).
a picture of a scene; instead describes isolated Her vision is corrected to normal.
details (i.e., “There is a necklace”). In line cancel-
lation tasks, she ignores peripheral lines and claims Control participants
she is completed when the centre items have been A total of 10 healthy adults (46.4 years of age, 14.3
cancelled. EE555 has moderate optic ataxia, years of education, 4 male) participated. There
misreaching and mispointing to foveated and per- were no significant differences between the
ipheral objects. She does not have optic apraxia patient and control groups in terms of age, t(10)
(inability to change location of fixation). ¼ 0.16, p ¼ .88, or education, t(10) ¼ 1.13, p ¼
Language comprehension and speech fluency .29. All protocols were approved by the Internal
were unimpaired as assessed by her conversational Review Board of the University of Pennsylvania.
skills and by ceiling performance on the auditory Participants in all experiments were reimbursed
tests of the Western Aphasia Battery. Reading $15.00/hour for their time.
and writing are impaired due to her simultanagno-
sia. Her eyesight is normal. Materials
We used the stimuli and methodology described in
Giovanello et al. (2006) and summarized here.
Patient TQ591. TQ591 is a 51-year-old former There were two stimulus categories: compound
preschool assistant teacher with 15 years of edu- words and unrelated word pairs. For each stimulus
cation. In 2006, she suffered bilateral parieto-occi- category, there were two word lists (A, B) of 12
pital damage due to central nervous system (CNS) word triplets each, for a total of 36 elements per
cerebral vasculitis and was treated at the Hospital list. For the compound word triplets, the first two
of the University of Pennsylvania. elements were compound words, such as “door-
TQ591’s MRI revealed signs of previous suba- knob” and “dumbbell”. The third word was made
cute posterior cerebral artery infarctions. The by recombining the first two words to make a
primary lesions are in bilateral parietal regions. third compound word. For example, “door” from
The left parietal lesion affects the IPS (BA 39) “doorknob” plus “bell” from “dumbbell” recom-
and precuneus (BA 7). There are two lesions in bined to form “doorbell”. The word triplet thus
the right hemisphere: an inferior lesion in the consisted of: doorknob, dumbbell, doorbell. The
superior occipital lobe (BA 18 and 19) and a unrelated word list was similar, except that none
superior lesion in the superior parietal lobe (BA of the triplet elements had familiar pairings. An
7). In both hemispheres, the lesions extend slightly example of an unrelated word triplet is the
into temporo-occipital (BA 19) regions and following: drug –oil, bottle –clay, drug – clay.



Procedure nonparametric permutation tests (Good, 1994),

We tested participants in the unrelated and com- which have been used in other neuropsychological
pound conditions in separate blocks during the studies (Berryhill & Olson, 2008; Olson, Moore,
same testing session, with a 30-min interval Stark, & Chatterjee, 2006). For the repeated
between blocks. Each condition began with an measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests, a
encoding phase. Encoding trials began with one permutation test was used in which we first com-
word pair appearing on a computer monitor. puted the F statistic under the standard mixed
Participants then heard the word pair used in a sen- two-factor ANOVA model. Then the observed
tence (“When she entered the room the doorknob values were randomly permuted across the patient
fell off ”, “The main ingredient in the drug was and control participants. The F statistics were
oil ”). The encoding task was to rate the likelihood recomputed for the permuted data set, and a one-
(1 – 5) of the event described in the sentence. There tailed count over 1,000 replicates was used to
were a total of 36 encoding trials; from Word List compute the significance values. We followed the
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A, participants heard the first two elements of each precedent of Giovanello et al. (2006) and used
triplet (24 trials), and from Word List B, they only the independent remember – know procedure:
heard the recombined word (12 trials). Following a know/1-remember (Yonelinas, Kroll, Dobbins,
5 –10-minute delay the test phase began. Test trials Lazzara, & Knight, 1998). This measure is based
began with the appearance of one word pair on the on an assumption of independence between
computer monitor. Participants made an old/new remember and know responses. We also calculated
recognition judgement. If the response was “old” the discriminability measure d 0 by subtracting
participants then provided a remember/know normalized false-alarm rates from normalized hit
response indicating whether they had a clear recol- rates to explore the effect of the compound and
lection of the word pair (remember) or whether the unrelated stimulus categories. These analyses
word pair seemed familiar (know). There were 24 followed the precedent of Giovanello et al. (2006).
test trials: 12 “old” word pairs and 12 “new” word
pairs. The “new” word pairs were the recombined
words from Word List A. Lists and condition Results and discussion
orders were counterbalanced across participants.
The analysis of hit rate found no main effect of
group or stimulus type and no interaction of
Data analysis. Patient and control performance was Group  Stimulus Type (all Fs , 1, ns); see
compared on the following measures: hit rates, Figure 2. The analysis of false-alarm rate found
false-alarm rates, and corrected recognition. In all no main effect of group, F(1, 10) ¼ 95.09, p ¼
studies, the small number of patients led us to use .16, or stimulus type, F(1, 10) , 1, ns, but the

Figure 2. Data from Experiment 1: (A) Proportion of “old” responses in the compound word pairs; (B) Proportion of “old” responses in the
unrelated word pairs. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.



interaction of Group  Stimulus Type did reach required in the remember/know paradigm is too
significance, F(1, 10) ¼ 6.68, p ¼ .03. The inter- narrow to reveal lower response confidence.
action captured the finding that the patients Closer examination of the remember/know
demonstrated a greater difference in false-alarm responses supports this view as patients had
rates between conditions (compound – unrelated numerically lower proportions of remember
false alarms: M patient ¼ .21 – .14 ¼ .06; M responses. Last, unlike the patients with medial
control ¼ .24 – .20 ¼ .04). Follow-up permu- temporal lobe damage tested previously in this
tation tests individually comparing patient and task (Giovanello et al., 2006), PPC patients do
control false-alarm rates for compound and unre- not appear to rely disproportionately on familiarity
lated word pairs showed no significant differences to perform this type of associative memory task.
(both ps . .34). The analysis of d 0 found no main
effect of group, F(1, 10) ¼ 5.28, p ¼ .42, or stimu-
lus type, F(1, 10) ¼ 1.09, p ¼ .32, and no inter- EXPERIMENT 2: ASSOCIATIVE
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

action of Group  Stimulus Type (all Fs , 1, ns). MEMORY FOR OBJECT– PLACE
The remember/know data were subjected to WORD PAIRS
permutation tests. First, the proportion of
remember responses for the items correctly Language makes near-constant spatial references:
endorsed as old was compared for each group the chair next to the door, the house on the
(patient, control) and each condition (compound, corner, go to the door behind the counter. It is
unrelated). There were no statistically significant important to know where things are, in relation-
differences between groups, F(1, 10) ¼ 8.52, p ¼ ship to other things. Here, we examined associative
.66, or conditions, F(1, 10) ¼ 2.68, p ¼ .14, and memory using object–location pairs in a paradigm
the interaction of Group  Condition did not known as the fan task (Anderson, 1974; Radvansky,
reach significance (F , 1, p ¼ ns). The same analy- 2005; reviewed in Radvansky, 1999). In this task,
sis examining the familiar responses (independent the ability to encode and retrieve object–place
remember/know, IRK corrected) for the items word pairs is tested by associating described
correctly endorsed as old found the same pattern objects with described places—for example, “there
of results: no differences between groups, F(1, 10) is a potted palm in the laundromat”. The task para-
¼ 4.68, p ¼ .63, or conditions, F(1, 10) , 1, p ¼ metrically manipulates the number of items associ-
ns), and no significant interaction of Group  ated with each location. Likewise, items can be
Condition, F(1, 10) , 1, p ¼ ns. associated with several locations. In other words,
There were very few trials in which a new item there may be a second potted palm in the lounge,
was incorrectly endorsed as old. Thus, although and there may be a second object, such as a waste-
there were no significant findings (all ps . .15), basket, in the laundromat.
the small number of trials must be interpreted Previous neuroimaging work using the fan task
with some caution. has proposed that the PPC, specifically in inferior
In summary, the results of Experiment 1 show parietal regions (junction of BA 7, 39, 40) is
that bilateral PPC damage does not affect the involved in encoding and updating stimulus rep-
ability to remember associations between words. resentations (Sohn, Goode, Stenger, Carter, &
Also, the patients did not differ from controls Anderson, 2003). Anderson and colleagues
with regard to their dependence on recollection describe these functions as serving as an “imaginal
or familiarity for their recognition judgements. buffer” (Anderson, Qin, Sohn, Stenger, & Carter,
Previously we found that PPC patients performed 2003; Sohn et al., 2003; Sohn et al., 2005).
visual and verbal source memory tasks with normal According to this perspective, parietal damage
accuracy but impaired confidence (Simons et al., in should impair patients’ performance on the fan
press). One possible explanation for this difference task. It is possible that the PPC’s role in spatial
is that the binary memory confidence decision perception and memory (Olson & Berryhill,



2009) might make the use of a spatial fan task where an object was located (“Where is the bulletin
more sensitive to associative memory deficits board?”); and (b) what objects were found in a
than the word pair task used in Experiment 1. particular location (“What is in the high school?”).
Participants had to provide all associations to get
credit for a correct response. Participants were
not tested until they provided all associations accu-
Participants rately three times without any interleaved error
The 2 patients tested in Experiment 1 and 10 new trials. Finally, the recognition test investigated
control participants (age 45.9 years, 13.8 years of retrieval using sentence probes. Sentence probes
education, 6 male) participated. There were no were previously shown to be most effective at
differences between the patients and controls in eliciting a differential fan effect for objects and
terms of age, t(10) , 1, p ¼ .98, or education, locations (Radvansky, 2001). At test, participants
t(10) ¼ 1.05, p ¼ .32. heard a recorded sentence and made an old/new
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recognition judgement whether the sentence

Materials matched what they had learned during training.
We followed the protocol described by Radvansky One half of the object –location sentences were
(2005). A total of 18 sentences were recorded by a recombined to make false statements (chance ¼
female speaker with GarageBand Software (Apple, 50%). There were 288 test trials. Patients’
Inc, Cupertino, CA). Each sentence described the responses were registered by the experimenter,
location of an object, such as “The fire extinguisher thereby prohibiting reaction times analyses.
is in the movie theatre”. Each of the 12 locations
was associated with 1, 2, or 3 different objects. In Data analysis. Patient and control performance was
the following example, 1 location, the barbershop, compared on the following measures: hit rates,
is associated with 2 objects, a payphone and a false-alarm rates, and corrected recognition. Due
welcome mat: “The payphone is in the to the small number of patients, nonparametric per-
barbershop”, and “The welcome mat is in the barber- mutation tests were used (Good, 1994). We used
shop”. Likewise, each of the 12 objects could be the permutation test analogous to a repeated
found in 1, 2, or 3 locations. In the following measures ANOVA as in Experiment 1, and we
sentences, ceiling fan is associated with three also used a permutation test analogous to an inde-
difference locations: “The ceiling fan is in the city pendent-groups t test. For the t test version, no
hall”, “The ceiling fan is in the car dealership”, and t-value is calculated. In the first stage of analysis,
“The ceiling fan is in the office building”. A total the null hypothesis (that there is no difference
of 8 objects were associated with 1 location, 2 between the patient and control groups) was
objects were associated with 2 locations, and 3 tested using a t test. During the second stage, two
objects were associated with 2 locations. Similarly, groups were randomly defined and were subjected
8 locations contained a single object, 2 locations con- to the same comparison. This continued until
tained 2 objects, and 2 locations contained 3 objects. 1,000 random samples were taken. The reported
p-values refer to the proportion of scores below
Procedure the observed experimental value. Statistical
The experiment consisted of three phases: auditory analyses were conducted using Matlab (The
training, verbal training, and a recognition MathWorks, Natick, MA).
memory test. In the auditory training phase,
participants passively listened to all 18 object –
Results and discussion
location sentences as many times as they wished,
until they felt they could remember all of the The first analysis investigated the number of verbal
sentences. During the verbal training phase, the training repetitions to achieve criterion. This
experimenter asked two types of question: (a) analysis showed that the groups had a similar



learning rate (M patients ¼ 5.5; M controls ¼ 4.8, 10) ¼ 2.67, p ¼ .09, and no significant interaction
p ¼ .84). The second analysis examined whether between these factors, F(1, 10) ¼ 1.87, p ¼ .18.
the groups differed on recognition memory. This Both groups demonstrated ceiling performance
analysis showed that the groups had similar for each number of object associations (M
levels of recognition accuracy (M patients ¼ .97; patient ¼ .96, 1, .94; M controls ¼ .96, .95, .91).
M controls ¼ .91, p ¼ .97). The location fan effect (e.g., one location with
A third set of analyses examined whether the many objects) was examined. There was no main
size of the fan was affected by group membership effect of group, F(1, 10) ¼ 3.63, p ¼ .63, but the
in a 2 (control, patient)  3 (number of associ- main effect of the number of associations
ations per object or location: 1, 2, 3) permu- approached significance, F(1, 10) ¼ 3.13, p ¼
tation-version ANOVA; see Figure 3. There .06, due to poorer performance when there were
were no main effects of group, F(1, 10) ¼ 29.56, more associations. There was no significant inter-
p ¼ .37, or number of object associations, F(1, action, F(1, 10) , 1, p ¼ ns. Again, the perform-
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

ance for both groups was very high, and patients

performed with numerically higher accuracy than
did control participants (M patient ¼ .96, .94,
.98; M control ¼ .90, .93, .87).
These findings indicate that encoding and
retrieving verbal object – location word pairs is
unimpaired following bilateral parietal lobe
damage. A more robust fan effect may have been
missed because we examined accuracy data,
which produce a less robust fan effect than do reac-
tion time data. No difference in performance accu-
racy between groups was found even when the
associations involved spatial information. These
null findings do not bear out the predictions of
the view of the parietal lobe as the “imaginal
buffer” (Anderson et al., 2003; Sohn et al., 2003;
Sohn et al., 2005). It is possible that the location
of the proposed imaginal buffer may be more
lateral, in supramarginal gyrus, which is intact in
our patients. Alternatively, the extensive training
paradigm may have rendered the stimuli over-
learned, such that memory retrieval was nearly
automatic, making it difficult to observe differen-
tial effects of PPC damage.

Figure 3. Data from Experiment 2: (A) Proportion of correct PAIRS
responses for the spatial fan task. Hit rates for the (B) object and
(C) location fan items. For the object fan task, a single verbally
In Experiment 3, we tested the impact of bilateral
described item was associated with 1, 2, or 3 verbally described
locations. For the location fan task, a single verbally described PPC damage on a third commonly encountered
location was associated with 1, 2, or 3 verbally described objects. type of associative memory: multimodal associ-
Error bars represent the standard error of the mean. ations. In this task, participants learned the



association between sounds and images and later They were instructed to remember the audio-
performed an old/new recognition memory test. visual pairings for later testing. The audio and
If bilateral PPC damage does not cause impaired visual components were presented simultaneously
task performance it would suggest that the and lasted the same duration (1 s). Participants
lesioned regions do not subserve multimodal pressed the space bar when they were prepared
associative memory. for the next pair. Immediately following encoding,
participants performed an old/new recognition
memory test. At test, the audio-visual items
remained in their original pairing (50%) or were
Participants recombined (50%). For each stimulus pair, partici-
Both patients and 14 control participants (age 47.8 pants provided an old/new recognition judgement
years, 13.8 years of education, 12 male) partici- and then provided a confidence rating of 1 –6 (sure
new – sure old). Audio-visual pairs were random-
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pated. A total of 2 control participants who

participated in Experiment 1 and 2 control partici- ized across participants.
pants who participated in Experiment 2 were
tested. There were no significant differences in
Results and discussion
age between the patients and the control group
(both ps , .26). A permutation test compared corrected recognition
scores (hits – correct rejections) for each group
Materials (patient, control). The patients were numerically
Audio stimuli were 20 sound effects consisting worse than controls but the main effect of group did
of animal, transportation, and environmental not reach statistical significance (M patient ¼ .2;
sounds. Visual stimuli were 20 colorized M control ¼ .28, p ¼ .36); see Figure 4.
Snodgrass drawings of everyday objects (e.g., a Additional analyses examined the confidence
swing, a star, a toaster; Rossion & Pourtois, ratings for correct and incorrect responses. For
2004). There was no semantic congruency correct responses, the patients demonstrated lower
between the sounds and the images. confidence for correct answers (patients M ¼ 3.5;
controls M ¼ 5.0, p ¼ .05). The patients’ confi-
Procedure dence ratings for incorrect responses were lower
During the encoding phase participants passively across sessions (M ¼ 2.3) than that of the controls
watched and listened to 20 audio-visual pairs. (M ¼ 4.2, p ¼ .03).

Figure 4. Experiment 3: (A) Corrected recognition scores for the audio-visual pairs. (B) Confidence ratings for correct and incorrect responses.
Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.



These data demonstrate that bilateral parietal evidence for this view from neuropsychology. We
damage does not affect the process of encoding close by examining associative memory perform-
new audio-visual associations or retrieving them. ance differences in patients with medial temporal
However, despite normal accuracy, patients were lobe or parietal damage.
significantly less confident in their memory judge-
ments. These results also allay concerns from
The episodic buffer hypothesis
Experiment 2 that group differences might have
been obscured by ceiling performances. The influential multicomponent model of working
memory proposed by Baddeley and colleagues
(Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; Baddeley & Logie,
GENERAL DISCUSSION 1999) was later expanded to include a module
termed the episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2000). The epi-
In three experiments we tested the hypothesis that sodic buffer was developed to account for findings in
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

the parietal lobe is involved in encoding or retriev- normal and patient populations including resistance
ing items from associative memory. We compared to verbal suppression in digit span tasks and super-
the performance of two patients with bilateral span performance when performing prose recall
PPC damage to healthy age- and education- tasks such as sentence repetition (Baddeley, 2000).
matched control participants. In Experiment 1, a The episodic buffer was proposed as the site
verbal paired associates task was used that pre- where multisensory information is integrated into
viously showed sensitivity to hippocampal pathol- a single representation. Recently, these functions
ogy (Giovanello et al., 2006). The parietal patients were transposed to the episodic memory domain.
performed no differently from control participants. The output, or episodic, buffer hypothesis proposes
In Experiment 2, participants were tested on a that the inferior parietal cortex is the site of an epi-
spatial language fan task that required them to sodic-buffer-like structure functioning within the
encode and later retrieve verbally described realm of long-term memory retrieval (Vilberg &
objects in different locations. There were no differ- Rugg, 2008; Wagner et al., 2005). The episodic
ences in encoding rates between groups. Again, buffer hypothesis predicts that damage to the
the patients showed no impairment when retriev- inferior parietal cortex should impair the ability to
ing object –location associations. In Experiment 3, maintain representations of audio-visual pairs.
participants were tested in a multimodal associat- This pattern was not observed in Experiment
ive memory task. Participants were required to 3. Here, the patients performed with normal
encode and retrieve audio-visual associations. accuracy. Additional findings, addressing other
The patients performed with normal accuracy; predictions of the episodic buffer hypothesis, have
however, they had significantly lower confidence also been disappointing. For example, it has been
ratings. specifically stated that the putative episodic buffer
In sum, these studies show that bilateral PPC is critical for storytelling, or retelling of narratives
lesions do not lead to global deficits in encoding (Baddeley, 2000). Both bilateral patients are able
new associations or retrieving items from associat- to recount well-known stories with appropriate
ive memory. In the following discussion, we focus narrative structure (Berryhill, Picasso, Arnold,
on mechanisms related to memory retrieval Drowos, & Olson, 2009b). These findings appear
because no encoding-related differences were to be inconsistent with the predictions of the
observed in reaching criterion performance in episodic buffer hypothesis.
Experiment 2. Note that there is functional mag-
netic resonance (fMRI) evidence supporting the
The subjective memory hypothesis
view that the PPC plays a role in memory encod-
ing (for a recent review, see Uncapher & Wagner, The subjective memory hypothesis holds that the
2009); however, there is currently no converging PPC provides a signal measuring how vividly a



memory is reexperienced (Ally, et al., 2008). 2008; Olson & Berryhill, 2009) may provide a
Presumably this signal indicates that an episodic more comprehensive account. Briefly, the AtoM
event was personally relevant and distinguishable model distinguishes between bottom-up and top-
from impersonal semantic knowledge. This down memory retrieval and their respective
hypothesis evolved from anecdotal reports that neural correlates. AtoM associates inferior parietal
some patients with inferior parietal lobe damage lobe activity with bottom-up, spontaneous retrie-
were not be able to vividly evoke the emotional val and the superior parietal lobe with top-down,
and perceptual experiences associated with a par- effortful retrieval. We note that in previous work
ticular memory and continually verbalized uncer- with parietal patients, impaired retrieval was
tainty about their memories (Ally et al., 2008; found when there was weak retrieval support,
Davidson et al., 2008; Hunkin et al., 1995; such as in a free-recall paradigm. The failure of
Simons et al., in press). Evidence for this hypoth- bottom-up attention to spontaneously retrieve a
esis is steadily accruing. Previously, we found that memory may contribute to the lack of a vivid sub-
Downloaded By: [State University of New York at Albany] At: 17:05 18 January 2011

in spite of unimpaired performance on a series of jective experience and consequently for patients to
source memory tasks, both patients had dimin- register lower confidence ratings. When stronger
ished memory confidence (Simons et al., in retrieval support was present, as in the case of
press). They also exhibited diminished subjective cued retrieval, patients performed normally. We
memory on two false-memory tasks (Drowos, in propose that the patients performed as well as
press), and in Experiment 3 both patients exhib- control participants on the associative memory
ited normal memory of audio-visual associations, tasks because the retrieval cues provided sufficient
but showed significantly reduced memory confi- support.
dence. However, it is important to note that The null findings reported in Experiments 1– 3
these bilateral PPC patients were not globally cannot provide support for or against the AtoM
impaired when making confidence judgements. model. However our findings do counter the
The patients’ confidence ratings were normal hypothesis that parietal lobe mnemonic functions
when judging whether a trivia statement or are based on association formation or retrieval.
visual stimulus had been presented previously
(Simons et al., in press).
Medial temporal lobe and parietal
There is also neuroimaging evidence in support
involvement in episodic memory
of the subjective memory view. For example, in
one recent fMRI study, participants were Medial temporal lobe damage, particularly to the
scanned as they performed recognition and hippocampus, leads to profound deficits in
memory confidence assessments for face/name diverse forms of associative, or relational memory
pairs (Chua, Schacter, Rand-Giovannetti, & (e.g., Todorov & Olson, 2008; reviewed in
Sperling, 2006). The inferior parietal lobe and pre- Cohen, et al., 1999; Ryan, Althoff, Whitlow, &
cuneus were significantly more active when Cohen, 2000). In Experiment 1 we borrowed an
making confidence assessments. The authors associative memory task developed for use in
suggested that these parietal regions are involved medial temporal lobe amnesics (Giovanello et al.,
in monitoring retrieved memories. These findings 2006). When compared to control participants,
are consistent with the subjective memory medial temporal lobe patients were significantly
hypothesis. less accurate, made more false alarms, and per-
However, this hypothesis does not fully explain formed more accurately on compound stimuli
why some tasks result in successful retrieval, and than for the novel word pairs; none of these deficits
others fail. We speculate that combining the were observed in the parietal patients.
subjective experience hypothesis with a third At this juncture, it seems reasonable to suggest
viewpoint, the attention to internal memory that the hippocampus and the parietal lobe
(AtoM; Berryhill et al., 2007; Cabeza, et al., structures have complementary functions in



associative memory retrieval. The hippocampus Manuscript received 31 July 2009

forms and retrieves associations. The parietal Revised manuscript received 13 October 2009
Revised manuscript accepted 25 November 2009
lobe may shift attention to recently retrieved First published online 25 January 2010
associations and then signal whether the associ-
ation has personal relevance. Without this signal,
memory confidence may be impaired. Following
inferior parietal damage, shifting attention may
become more difficult and reliant on retrieval
Achim, A. M., & Lepage, M. (2005). Neural correlates
of memory for items and for associations: An event-
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