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A newborn requires skin care that includes bathing. Besides hygiene, what is another
reason for bathing the newborn?

  Bathing is a time for bonding with the parents.

What mineral is an important factor in tooth development?

  Fluoride


Two parents who have financial issues ask the nurse if a borrowed crib would be okay
to use for their new twin boys. Which response should the nurse use in educating the

  “You can use the crib, but there are guidelines to follow.”

A parent takes the 4-month-old infant to the health care provider. The parent asks what
type of baby cereal to provide now that the infant is starting solid foods. How should the
nurse respond?

  “You should buy rice cereal.”

A 12-month-old seen at a walk-in clinic weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces (3750 g) at birth.

Weight now is 20 pounds 8 ounces (9300 g). The nurse determines:

  the child weighs less than expected for age.


A mother is concerned about her infant's spitting up. Which suggestion would
be most appropriate?

  “Keep the baby sitting up for about 30 minutes afterward.”

A new mother asks for advice from the nurse about bathing her infant. Which of the
following should the nurse tell her?

  Be sure to wash the infant's face, hands, and diaper area daily


If the infant is following a normal pattern of dentition, the child would most likely have
how many teeth by the age of 14 months?

  Six to 12 teeth

A home visit nurse is providing health promotion on safety to a family of a 1-week-old

infant. Which of the following statements by the parents indicates the need for further

  “We will position our infant on his side for sleeping.”

The nurse is assessing an 6-month-old infant at a well-baby visit and is answering

questions from the new mother. Which response should the nurse prioritize when
addressing the mother's question concerning what the infant should be learning at this
point in life?

  Trust


The mother of an 8-month-old infant appears frustrated and shares with the nurse she
can't leave the room without her baby crying. Which is the best response from the nurse
to help this mother?

  "If he cannot see you he thinks you are gone and that is frightening."

The pediatric nurse is careful to monitor and assess the growth and development of all
clients. Which characteristic should the nurse prepare to assess in the infants?

  Grows and develops skills more rapidly than at any other time in their life.


A mother asks the nurse where the microwave is so that she can warm up breast milk to
feed her baby. What is the best response by the nurse?

  “You should warm the milk under warm water instead.”

A mother of a 9-month-old 18-pound (8.2 kg) infant asks the nurse about choosing the
best car seat. What should the nurse recommend?

  a rear-facing 5-point harness restraint


Which measures should receive priority in the care plan for an infant client who has
sensitive skin?

  Change diapers frequently

The nurse is conducting an educational session at a local community health fair
illustrating the various reflexes which are normal in a newborn and how it changes as
the infant grows and matures. The nurse determines more education is necessary after
a member of the audience points out which finding as an expected occurrence?

  An extrusion reflux at 9 months of age

The nurse is assessing the newborn. Which would the nurse assess to be an abnormal

  Natal teeth noted in the mouth that are loose

The nurse is educating a new parent regarding nutritional needs for the newborn. Which
statement is accurate and should be taught regarding the nutritional needs of a

  Formula is designed to provide similar amounts of calories as breast milk would



The English-speaking nurse is assessing a 12-month-old child with an English-speaking

father and a Spanish-speaking mother. The child does not use words like "drink" "dog"
or "ball." What is the nurse's priority intervention?

  Asking the mother if the child uses Spanish words for those items

A parent asks the nurse if the 2-month-old infant can have bananas yet. The nurse
would respond and educate the parent on the nutrition stages of infants by which

  “You can try bananas 2 or 3 months from now.”

A newborn requires skin care that includes bathing. Besides hygiene, what is another
reason for bathing the newborn?

  Bathing is a time for bonding with the parents.

What mineral is an important factor in tooth development?

  Fluoride

Two parents who have financial issues ask the nurse if a borrowed crib would be okay
to use for their new twin boys. Which response should the nurse use in educating the

  “You can use the crib, but there are guidelines to follow.”


When the nurse discharges a new mom and infant, the nurses notices that the car seat
is in the front seat of the car. What is the appropriate response for the nurse to make
regarding the car seat?

  “Let me go over car seat safety with you, so you can install your car seat


The infant weighs 7 lb 4 oz (3,300 g) at birth. If the infant is following a normal pattern of
growth, what would be the expected weight for this child at the age of 12 months?

  21 lb 12 oz (9.9 kg)

A staff nurse is talking about Piaget's theory with a nursing student. Infants are in the
sensorimotor stage of cognitive development during which object permanence is
mastered. An example of an infant displaying this ability is:

  looking for a toy in her crib at the last place she saw it.

The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to a mother of a 5-month-old boy about

introducing solid foods. Which statement by the mother indicates that effective teaching
has occurred?

  “The cereal should be a fairly thin consistency at first.”


A new mother asks for advice from the nurse about bathing her infant. Which of the
following should the nurse tell her?

  Be sure to wash the infant's face, hands, and diaper area daily

A nurse is providing health promotion education to a family of an 11-month-old infant

who is eating “finger foods.” The nurse knows the parents understand the risk of infant
choking when they state which response below?

  “I can feed our baby Cheerios.”


A breast-feeding mother asks the nurse about when she can begin feeding her 5-
month-old infant some solids and vitamins. Which information provided by the nurse
would most accurately address this mother’s concerns?

  The first food offered to an infant is iron-enriched rice cereal and can be started
now. Additionally, the infant needs to receive Vitamin D and iron.


The nurse is assessing a 1-year-old at the well-child annual visit and notes the child is
meeting the growth parameters. After noting the birth weight was 8 pounds (3.6 kg) and
length was 20 inches (50.8 cm) long, which measurements reflecting height/weight
would the nurse expect to document for this visit?

  24 pounds (10.8 kg) and 30 inches (75 cm)


The nurse is preparing to teach a class to a group of young parents with infants the
basics of introducing solid foods into the diet. Which factor about the food should the
nurse point out the infants respond to best when introducing solid foods into the diet?

  Bland


The mother of an infant is confused after being told by her dentist not to let her baby go
to bed with a bottle of milk. She does not agree with that suggestion. Which response
should the nurse prioritize when addressing this situation with the mother?

  "Bottles given at bedtime can cause erosion of the enamel on the teeth."


The pediatric nurse is careful to monitor and assess the growth and development of all
clients. Which characteristic should the nurse prepare to assess in the infants?

  Grows and develops skills more rapidly than at any other time in their life.

The nurse is assessing the motor skills of an infant who is 9 months old. Which motor
skills should the nurse prepare to assess in an infant achieving normal growth and
development milestones?

  Is eating cereal using the thumb and index finger

The nurse is assessing the newborn. Which would the nurse assess to be an abnormal
The nurse is educating a new parent regarding nutritional needs for the newborn. Which
statement is accurate and should be taught regarding the nutritional needs of a

  Formula is designed to provide similar amounts of calories as breast milk would



A parent asks the nurse if the 2-month-old infant can have bananas yet. The nurse
would respond and educate the parent on the nutrition stages of infants by which

  “You can try bananas 2 or 3 months from now.”

The nurse is preparing a presentation for a health fair illustrating the major milestones of
infants as they grow and develop. Which fact should the nurse point out when
illustrating an infant's teeth?

  The first tooth usually erupts by 6 months.


A parent calls the clinic nurse asking for recommendations on comfort measures for the
infant who is teething. What recommendation(s) will the nurse make? Select all that

  teething rings
  topical oral anesthetic

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