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Lesson Plan

Science: Form 1
Chapter 1: Introducing Science

1.1.Understanding Science.
- Activity: Discovering Natural Phenomenon
o Students are brought around Sentulraya and asked a few questions regarding
natural phenomenon and they are given the chance to answer based on what they
 Why is the sky blue?
 Sunrise and sunset, ever wondered how it happens?
 When leaves wither, they fall to the ground. Why does it fall?
 The wind feels nice? Why does the wind blow? Did God turn on his ceiling
o Students are brought back to the classroom. Show them the picture “Growth”.
o Ask them, what do they observe in the picture?
o They are asked, “What is natural phenomenon?”
o Phenomenon: a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable
o They are asked, “Why is science important?”
o They are asked, “What are the careers in science?”
o Discuss with them the answers to the questions above.

- Activity: Science-worthy News

- Materials: Newspaper for each group, scissors.
o Students are broken up into 4 groups. They are asked to look into the newspaper
provided for a piece of news that is related to science.
o Each group are to gather 2 or more news articles to present to the classroom why
they think the news article is related to science.
1.2 Science Laboratory

- Activity: Danger sign Matching

- Materials: Hazard warning symbols printed out in A5, names of the hazard warning symbol
in half-A5.
o They are asked to look at the pictures and match the names together.
o *Pin the symbols and their names to their notice board until next class

- Activity: Identifying Laboratory Apparatus

- Materials: Test tube, beaker, conical flask, measuring cylinder, burette, pipette, filter
funnel, retort stand and clamp, Bunsen burner, flat-bottomed flask, round bottomed flask,
cork, tripod stand, evaporating dish, wire gauze, gas jar, test-tube rack, glass tube, fireclay
triangle, filter paper; “Laboratory Apparatus” worksheet.
o All the apparatus are laid out on a table carefully.
o Students are each given “Laboratory Apparatus” worksheet.
o They are to write the name of the apparatus when explained by the teacher.
- Homework for students:
o Art – (1) Students are required to draw a rocket using only the shapes of the
laboratory apparatus that they have just learned about. (2) In groups of not more
than 5, students are required to act out a short experiment while clearly saying the
names of the laboratory apparatus.
o Maths – Students are given “Measurements” worksheet.
1.3 Steps in a Scientific Investigation

- Activity: Pendulum Swing

- Materials: 2 Pendulums, 2 one metre string, retort stand with clamp, stopwatch.
o Students are separated in to groups and guided through the experiment while the
teacher explains the different steps in a scientific investigation in the order of:
 Determining “what I want to find out?” – Identifying a problem
 Using the retort stand, tie two pendulums of differing lengths to the
clamp and swing them at the same time from the same angle.
 Allow the students to observe the difference.
 Ask them what they want to find out.
 Making a smart guess – Forming a hypothesis
 Guide the students to form a hypothesis and write it down in their
 Planning how to test the hypothesis – Planning the experiment
 Do a mock planning with them, guide them as much as you can but
let them explore the idea themselves.
 Changing the conditions for an experiment – Controlling variables
 Ask them what the controlled variable is. The weight, the length of
string, or the angle?
 The responding variable?
 The fixed variable?
 Carrying out the investigation
 Reporting
 Guide them through the format of reporting.
o *Teachers please refer notes provided in text book to aid your explanation.
Emphasise on hands-on activity with the students.

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