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NPM : 203110739 .

Road Infrastructure Development

The development of adequate road infrastructure is important because it can improve the
welfare of the community. If an area has good road infrastructure, its economy can experience an
increase, on the other hand, an area whose road infrastructure needs are not good / not fulfilled will
cause the regional economy to decline. Increasing the economy of a region will create social welfare
so that road infrastructure development is very important. Roads and bridges are vital components
in order to streamline the distribution of goods or services and open up potential and remote areas,
this is an indicator of the movement of the economic wheel which is the chain of development
public welfare.
There are three main reasons that can be stated about its importance
infrastructure development.
1. Infrastructure development is able to provide employment. This is one of the important
values and steps towards the creation of a just and prosperous people and state.
2. Development of basic infrastructure, technological infrastructure, and scientific
infrastructure will directly affect the investment climate. Capital growth and investment
flows are strongly influenced by the availability of supporting infrastructure both in the
kapet zone,
industrial areas, ports, markets, and universities can encourage new discoveries in the field
of science and can be applied by industry and market players.
3. Infrastructure will be very influencing and even decisive socio-economic integration of the
people from one area to another.
4. Infrastructure development will open physical and non-physical isolation in some regions.
Road infrastructure is a locomotive to move economic development not only in urban areas
but also in rural or remote areas. Through projects, the infrastructure sector can create jobs that
absorb a lot of workforce. In addition, infrastructure is a pillar determining the smooth flow of
goods, services, people, money and information from one market zone to another. This condition
will allow the prices of goods and services to be cheaper so that the majority of Indonesians whose
income is still low can be purchased. Thus, the circulation of goods, services, people, money and
information also determines price movements in markets, in other words, that road infrastructure
neutralizes the prices of goods and services between regions (between cities and villages). Road
infrastructure has economic and social benefits.In Ikhsantono (2009) Economic activity aims to meet
human needs. Transportation is one type of activity that involves increasing human needs by
changing the geographic location of goods and people, causing transactions.

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