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_ SL-IV MC234/I

Time: I0:52 CST, 08:16:52 GMT

_ 11/23/73

CC Skylab, this is Houston. i minute to

LOS. Next station contact is Canary Islands in 2 minutes at
16:59. Out.
CC Skylah, this is Houston through Canary
and Ascension Islands for 16 minutes. Out.
SPT Houston, SPT. Over.
CC Go ahead, SPT.
SPT We've got the Nikon 05 on to continue on
with the stereo photography - the IR photography and found
we can't advance it now we're up to a reading of 45 and it's be-
having as though that's all there is on the film.
CC Okay. Is that on the countup or the count-
down cou _er?
SPT That's the countup. We've got a manual
and there's no countdown on it.
CC Okay and that's NK05?
SPT Affirmative.
CC Okay. Just go ahead and press on with
NK04 and CX55.
SPT We got pictures of the CDR with NK4 and
it's depleted.
CC Understand the NK04 is depleted. Okay.
Stand by.
CC Skylab, this is Houston. Over.
-- SPT Go ahead.
CC Roger. Reload NK04 with CXI9 out of F510H
series, Over.
CDR Okay. Wait I0 seconds and say again.
CC Okay Skylab, this is Houston. Reload NK04
with cassette CXI9 out of H30 in the film vault of F510. Over.
SPT Roger. It'll work.
CDR Bruce, is the tape recorder being dumped?
CC Negative, Jet.
CDR Okay, thanks.
CC Skylah, this is Houston. Over.
CDR Go ahead.
CC Roger. We're going to command CBRM 9 re-
gulator off for this nighttime pass and give you a little back-
ground on why we're doing this right now. We've noted a phe-
nomenon on CBRM 9 which is associated with the behavior of the
third electrode of the battery and basically what it's done is
extended the charge/dlscharge cycle of this battery and CBRM
__ to 2 orbits instead of the normal one. So that right now, what
you're doing is getting a normal charge on every other daylight
pass and then not charging on the ones in between. This is
an anomally that's been seen in ground tests and are planned
- to fix it involved taking it off of the load during this night
• Dump Tape 326-06 - _H _
_- Time: 326:06:55 to 326:20:36 GMT
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326 16 55 35 SPT ... zero ... degrees

CDR Is _y breath cutting the VOX in and out?

SC Yes.

CDR All right. Let me cut it down a little

more. We ought to be able to breathe
without activating the VOX system. Do
you hear any_;hing now?

SPT Yes. The trouble is that when we talk

continuously ...

326 16 55 57 CDR That's not the !_oint Ed I want to know

that I'm not triggering when I breathe.
So I want to know if you can hear me

SPT All right; go ahead.

CDR (Hea_-ybreathing)

SPT No action, negative.

CDR Okay, good. Then I have the sentivity

set right.

PLT Jet.

CDR Yes.

PLT No, I don't - you're going to have to

change it a little bit more.

SPT I have some ...

CDR Okay, I'll step it up Just a tad.

PLT You are not on VOX here, are you?

326 16 56 30 CDR Well, if you can hear me talking I am.

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PLT Yes, I think you're ... hot im[ke.

CDR That's right, I'm on the - I'm

on the com but.

PLT ... the VOX ...

CDR All right. How is it now?

PLT ... I'm still ... sensitive so

make it a little bit more -

CDR All right, coming. How's that?

SPT ... any more, Jer, ... to me.

326 16 56 59 CDR How about that?

SPT ... good ... Sounds great.

PLT That 's about right.

CDR Okay, good.

326 16 57 02 CC PLT, this is Houston. We're reading you

and SPT loud and clear. How are you
reading us?

PLT ... 5 square.

SPT That's right, loud and clear.

CC Okay. CDR, Houston. How aye you

reading me? I'm reading PLT and SPT

CDR I'm reading you loud and clear. How

me ?

CDR l'z_ reading you loud and clear,


CC Which is mighty fine. We've got

a LOS. Next station contact in
lh minutes at Hawaii at 17:O1.
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SPT Main CSM control there. That' s

right here. That won't help you

CDR Are all your other circuit breakers

in and all your switches that - -

PLT Yes.

CDR - - left-hand panel except for


PLT They sure are.

CDR Status backup?

PLT Tha_ 's right.

326 16 58 02 PLT ... circuit breakers


326 19 08 30 CDR What are you showing for a position

of the door now?

PLT The door is open.

SPT ...

PLT That is correct.

CC CDR, this is Houston.

CDR Go ahead, Houston.

CC That panel 202, we'd like you to

check circuit breaker SUIT UMBILICAL

CDR Okay, Bruce, SPT. I'm getting good

flow out here. I Just went to MAX to
the verify it, and I'm getting good
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PLT EV-1. Those breakers are all up in

good shape, and we still feel good

326 19 09 03 CC Ok, Jer. We can Just hear you in the

background. Understand you' re saying
that you believe you have good flow
on board.

CDR ... It feels okay and we haven't felt

any change in it. And the SUS 1 -
Yes, all of the SUS 1 and SUS 2 circuit
breakers are CLOSED D.

CC Ok, thank you. It's probably a

transducer problem.

CDR Okay.

PLT Ed, look down. We're right over

Lake Michigan.

CDR i'd like to check and see if I can

circuit breaker ... ready light to get
on with this evaluation.

SPT Number 1 I believe is all you need,


326 19 l0 23 CC CDE, Houston. On the left hand side

of the C&D panel, would you check
make sure it's in the VARIABLE position.
Ore r.

CDR Okay, it is now.

CC Did that solve your problem?

CDR Sure did ....

CDR Okay. READY light is on; MODE switch

to TIME; START/STOP to START and then
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CDR We got a decrement in the goodie.

We got a - Ready light's good; POWER/DOORS,
our t_kback is white. We're in good
shape. Let's check the XUV SLIT now.

SPT ... we're coming up on a good front.

Getting a good line of thunder bumpers.

PLT Yes. Right - right across Cape Hatteras.

CDR Okay.

326 19 ll 35 CDR Be through here in Just a minute you


SPT You know we been working - -

PLT We're - we're rubber-necking.

SPT That's right. We've been working so

hard inside that - inside the spacecraft,
we never really had time to look out
and see all this.

CDR Okay, the 82B door should be open now,

Ed, _d I got a READY light.

SPT I g_ess B door is open and A door's


CDR Okay. I'm going to TIM. Went to pickle

off one frame. Looks good; we have
a READY light.

JDR PO_,_R/D00RS switch is OFF.

326 19 13 i0 SPT 82A door, closing now.

CDR Okay.

SPT The thermal curtain now which SI-3

put up is also turning brown; all
except for a few folds where it
doesn't receive stmlight.

CC Roger, Ed, we're copying you, and we're

with you here for about 7 minutes
through Merritt Island.

!_PT Roger.
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SPT Oh boy, there's the _hole state of

Florida. I'll tell you, in this
position is kind of hard to see. There
it is.

SPT We can see all the way down the eastern


PLT Yes.

SPT Like they must have an awfully good

day up there in the northeast; close
to the coastline, clear.

326 19 15 06 CDR Okay, Ed, can you see 82A, 82B, and
XUV MON doors are all closed?

SPT That's verified; all three are closed.

CDR Okay. Now going to roll the canister

which will allow you access to the
H-alpha 2 operture.

SPT I tell you what, it 's setting right

in front of me. What roll do they

CDR Well, they're command 4200 and right

now we are looking at 6990 - 91.

SPT l'ii tell you what; ... right between

the handrails which we needed to hold
on here. It's right here in front of
me. Let me take the - Way don't you
read the procedures on, and if I have
trouble, well we'll roll it.

CDR Okay. Retract the manual operature

release pin from H-alpha 2 door,
turning counterclockwise until free,
and then pull.

326 19 15 57 SPT Counterclockwise; in works. Okay.

Now we'll see if the ... bindsup in
it a little bit.

CDR Okay, Manually move the failed door

clear of theaperture, and then lift
the latch to hold the door open.
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CDH Okay, been out an hour and a half you


PLT 3.65 and no light.

SPT Stand by on mine.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay. That latch is lifted.

CDH Okay. All right, Ed, stand clear,

I'm going to - I'm going to roll the

SPT Wait a minute; wait a minute. Hold

the phone.

SPT Okay, go ahead.

CDR Okay, I don't have to move it very far.

SPT Boy, that;s a real sight. I'm looking

into the H-alpha filter which is
reflecting my image off of - the image
off of m_ visor of the whole ATM.

CDR Canister' s rolling, Ed.

326 19 17 44 SPT Sounds beautiful. ***a camera for this

one .... overlapping - I see three
overlapping four to the ***sing images
because of the curvatuse of my visor.
You didn't go very far, did you, Jer?

CDR No, I didn't have to go far at all.

SPT Okay.

CDR I'm still twitching it.

SPT That H-alpha filter, when I move off

of the side, I can see Just a little
bit of dust on it. You know, a little
bit of reflection of small particles
on the surface of it. But I would say
it's - clean. But I can see that
small dust reflection. It looks as
though there's several different sizes
of particles too. Some ... large which
_- Du.w.pTape 326-06
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I can see and then a relatively

uniform smattering of smaller ones.

326 19 18 h2 CDB Okay Bill, turn on the DAC, and Ed,

head for the VT foot restraints.

SPT Okay. In works.

SPT Hey, if any of the guys in the

backroom want any descriptions out
here, I'll be glad to give it to them.

CC Okay. I'm sure they're all ears back

the re.

SPT Better ask the questions.

CC Seem to be answering them all so far.

SPT Ain't easy when you invent them.

SPT Okay. I'm in ready on the VTs.

CDR Okay. Give me a status check.

PLT Okay. Ev-l, no lights and 3.65.

SPT ***.65, no lights for EV-2.


and, Ed, get the BS tree ready to put
on it.

SPT Okay .... Done.

CDR When the boom gets there, Ed, you want

to attach the BS tree such that the
shoe is toward the AM.

CREW ...

326 19 20 07 CC Skylah, Houston; 1 minute to LOS,

Bermuda. Next station contact in i0 minutes
through Asscension at 19:30. And just
for your information, we're back within a
couple of percent of nominal on Y-axis
momentum and only about 30 percent off
that axis.
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PLT Okay, it's right under your left elbow

there, Ed.

SPT Just a minute. Hold it - hold it

up a little.

CDR How's -how's your coolant going,

guys ?

SPT Mine's beginning to warm up.

RLT Mine 's okay. It 's on half.

SPT Hold on, Just a minute here.

326 19 20 53 PLT Okay, I'll get that back out of your

way, Ed.

SPT No, you're okay. Just leave it where

it is. Leave it where it is.

PLT ... a little bit.

SPT Okay, now. Bring it toward me. Okay,

that's good. Now, keep that shoe toward
the AM.

PLT Right.

SPT You mean toward my face. Is that

affirm? Is that the way you would -

PLT The DAC is really shaking its little

heart out. I didn't realize it
vibrated that much.

SPT DAC - or shoe toward the A -

PLT That's got to be right, Ed. Don't -

don't worry, I mean, I can - I can take
it here. I don't think it's really
too important.

SPT Okay. No, I think I got it right.

PLT Okay.
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CDR Go ahead.

SPT Ready?

CDR Pull it in, Ed; verify and lock.

PLT Let's go.

CDR Go ahead.

$PT Okay, Ipm going to pull it in

most of the way and then stop and
get the DAC out of the way. Because
I got the DAC here so I can get good
shots of it - Okay, now I'll - Watch
your umbilical here -

PLT Yeah, I'll watch it. Yeah, that's

gonna clear.

CDR Okay, Bill, when you get that in, you

want to put that tree away in the
receptical and then put F - S149 on.

PLT Okay.

326 19 23 05 PLT I can see where SlY9 has fit before.

SPT Picture of the 149 going out?

SPT Okay, tell you what. Before I get too

much further, why don't you pull my
umbilical down to the other side?

PLT Yeah.

SPT There you go. That's good.

SPT Okay, I'm getting shots of this too.

CDR Okay, they don't have us turning off

the DAC - -

SPT I - -

CDR - - for a long time now.

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SPT I have to keep moving to get out of

the way, Jer, here because it's a good
location here, but it's right in the
way of the transfer.

CDR Okay, you got a lot of DAC to go

though, so don't - don't sweat it.
You got - -

SPT I got - no, keep it coming. Keep

it coming.

PLT Okay. I wasn't sure you saw it yet.

SPT No, I got it.

PLT Say when.

SPT When.

SPT Okay....

CDB Okay, you want to clamp it on the solar

shield there, Ed.

SPT Okay, retract, Bill.

PLT Okay, retract.

326 19 25 44 CDR And you want to fold the hook when you
get it, Bill. Retract fully and fold.

PLT Rog.

CDR Okay, check and deploy enabled. It's

all the way clockwise. 7 seconds
per rev, Ed.

SPT Yep.

PLT Why don't you come on over here? We

can do this one.

SPT Okay, I'm going to have to open this

thing up a little bit before I can get
it on
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PLT That's it. The hook's folded.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay, I'm putting it right in the

exact position it was previously.

CDR Okay. Good.

SPT Which is very easy to see.

SPT Tighten this down here. Okay, that's ...

tight .... my tether off.

SPT I'm gonna have to come out of this

one foot restraint here. Okay. Lead
on, Sir.

CDR Okay, it says, "Rotate the crack slowly

counterclockwise to open the arm,
7 seconds per rev."

SPT Okay.

SPT You know, that's not such a bad thing

now that - now that I'm actually out
here doing it because you can feel Just
a little bit of resistance which is
all the - you're working against all
that mechanical advantage they built
into this thing. You got -

326 19 28 42 SPT I think most of these first few

revs are involved in unlocking this.

326 19 29 16 SPT Got a fair amount of inertia to it.

Get it going a little bit fast that
thing will slow down to where it will
hold that speed for you for the ***

CDR Okay, Ed, when you get finished, there's

a restraint there that you want to
fasten to the handle.

SPT Roger. I understand.

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SPT It looks llke sometD-ing's starting

to happen.

PLT Yep.

SPT Most of that first few revs there -

}_LT Dang it.

SPT You got a lot of mechanical advantage

in the lock.

CDR How's your coolant feel, gang?

SPT Mine 's okay.

PLT EV-I's okay.

CDR Good show.

SPT 0kay.

CDR Okay, Houston. We're Just getting the

S149 panels deployed.

CC Okay, very good. We're talking to you

through Ascension. We've got about
4-1/2 minutes to LOS.

CDR Roger; and our coolant flow is - all

pretty good, too.

CC Okay, we've about concluded that It'_

a turbine-type flow transducer which
is similar to the ones in the PCV A, and B
lines that we've had trouble _th
be fore.

CDR Okay.

PLT Let me stop here to get my wrist tether

pin down here so I don't happen to hit
anything with it.

326 19 31 25 PLT Sure have composites of many different

samples. Lool at them all.

CC CDR, this is Houston.

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CDR Go ahead, Houston.

CC Roger. We've been tracking your

progress through the EVA here, and we
seem to us to be quite aways ahead
of the time line. And we think every-
thing's going along beautifully.
Consequently, we see no reason for you
not to go ahead with S193 operations
when you come to it. If you concur
and we 'we got about a half-an-hour LOS
coming up here before Carnarvon, so
we're going to go ahead and give you
a go for 193 at the present time. Over.

CDR Okay, Bruce; thank you.

SPT Those are the words that he wanted

to hear, Bruce. Thank you.

CDR Thank you.

CC You're welcome, welcome, welcome.

CDR D-day.

PLT Get to work on the shady side for a


CC Incidentally, the wives called in

earlier this morning and wanted me
to pass up Thanksgiving greetings to
you all. I told them I'd work it in
at a convenient place so I guess this
is it.

CDR Very good. Pass it back to them.

SPT Thank you, Bruce. Sorry to miss

Thanksgiving with the folks, but
we'll make up for it Christmas.

CC (Laughter)

CDR Tell them to have a little oyster

f gravy for us, or oysterdressing
for us.

CC Will do, Jer.

,/_ Dump Tape 326-06
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326 19 32 43 SFT Hey, one thing I'm thankful for is

we've got a bunch of people in this
country who are enthused enough about
this, got enough people going to put
it all together and make it work. It's
a good thing. I think we all ought
to be proud of it.

CC Yes, indeed. You said a mouthful there,


326 19 33 02 SPT Okay, SIh9 is deployed.

CDR Okay, Ed.

SPT Hold on. Let me put the locks.

CDR Right. Fasten your restraints.

SPT Okay. That 's that.

CDR Okay. Egress the VT foot restraints

and proceed to FAS area. Bill, you
want to manage his LSU. He's coming

PLT Stand by. Let me get up to a

position where I can get my left foot

SPT Okay. Is the friendly DAC behind us?

PLT It is. And watch your head. You're

on one of the 149 panels. That's it.

SPT Yeah, I know.

PLT Got to move down. I'll start cinching

you up this ...

326 19 34 12 CC Skylab, this is Houston. 1 minute to

LOS. Next station contact at 26 minutes
through Carnarvon at 20:00 even. And
we'll be dumping the data voice tape
recorder there. Out.

PLT Okay, Jer.

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CDR Say again, Bill?

PLT What do we have coming up next?

CDR Coming up is D024.

PLT Ah, yes.

326 19 ]h 51 CDR D02h. It says here, when you get

there, you're going to remove two
pieces of tape from the D024 container
holding the twin-fold sail samples.

SPT Okay, how's my umbilical look?

PLT It looks okay. Do you want more


SPT No, I feel okay. That D - that's

not the D02_ down there, is it?

PLT Stand by - stand by.

CDR Should be down at Bill's feel.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Stand by.

PLT Oha, Ed's Just looking down there

at something; I see.

CDR Turn around and wave at the folks ;


SPT Oh, I was looking down to see where

my umbilical is.

CDR Oh, okay.

SPT Boy, that's a nuisance.

PLT Okay, we'll press on - -

SPT That thing is completely -

completely out of my field of view.

326 19 36 12 PLT Oh, okay. It's pretty interesi -

you know, on that 228 ... puffing out.
It must be outgossing inside.
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SPT I didn't hear what you said, Bill.

PLT The foil on the 228.

SPT Yeah?

PLT It's already puffed up. One side that

I can see is inflated. Appears to
be inflated.

CDR Hello, Big Ed.

SPT Now, Jer, now hold on; let me take a

look at our 228. Yes/l, you're right.
That is inflated .... What it's out-
gossing from. There's one thing I wanted
to do while I was here. And that's
fix this thing so that it is perfectly
normal to the Sum .... parallel to
the rays. Okay, watch the DAC. Shit,
I'm going to have to go down there and
make an adjustment in the - there,
that's perfect. We can actually see
now, the shadowing there. Hello, J. Carr.

326 19 37 21 CDR Hello, there.

SPT Actually have - in the shadowing

there - the bolts on the 228.

PLT ...

SPT Okay, I've got that thing perfectly

normal - perfectly parallel to the
Sun's rays.

CDR Good show.

SPT Okay. Now DO2h. Let me get organized

he re.

CDR Go down and get yourself in position.

Assume the V po-si-si-on, monsieur.
Okay, now there's a cuff set around
that thing, isn't there?

SPT Go put that on my D-ring please.

PLT ... off, is it?

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326 19 38 07 SPT Not all the way. But I know you

can - I know from experience that you
can't open that.

PLT ...

SPT I'll watch it. That's on .... Okay,

Jer. Go ahead and read.

CDR Okay, there's a couple of pieces of

tape on that container that you're
supposed to take off.

SPT Okay. Where 's the - where 's that ...

foot ?

CDR It doesn't say where to put them,

you know that? It Just says,
just remove the tape.

SPT Well, no. That's all right. I can

remove the tape, but where do I put
the other peices, though? There's a
couple of pieces of gray tape on here
holding the whole thing on.

DR Yeah, it says here - Let me read it

to you.

_PT Okay.

326 19 39 01 CDR It says, remove two peices of tape

from D024 container holding twin-fold
sail samples." And that 's it. It
says, "Samples will be held to the D024
lid with tape."

SPT Yeah, hold on.

CDR In parentheses.

SPT I think I've got it. Let me - let me

work it here. I tell you what, Bill,
if you could hold my geet, I would not
have to worry about stabil - about
positioning myself and - -

PLT Let me turn the DAC off.

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PLT Fold it out of the way so I don't

worry about it.

SPT Okay, now, if you'll just hold onto

my feet.

PLT Okay.

SPT Just a second now hold on to the -

I won't be putting any forces on it
so it shouldn't be - no, wait a minute.
No, you don't have to come out; get
back in the shoes.

PLT Well, I got one shoe in.

SPT Oh, okay. Okay.

CDR Okay, now, Ed. I'll read you the

procedure here. It says, "Pull the
twin-fold sail samples, two of the_,
from the clear plastic and install them
on the A side of D024 panel." The !
panel toward the Sun.

326 19 40 02 SPT Well, with great skill and cunning,

they left that gray tape on this -
on this thing.

SPT Okay, now put me back down over there.

SPT A side towards the Sun?

CDR Right.

326 19 40 44 _!PT Now that's not gonna be normal to

the Sun. Let's see, we're going to
make all our installations on the
beam. Would you verify that?

CDR Yes, that' s right.

SPT ***path to the world .... of them


SPT This is like handling flypaper.

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CDR (Laughter)

SPT Okay. Now let me torque myself up this

way, Bill, because I can't move my hands
anymore. Feet up toward the top ....
that door open.

FLT Let me get back in my restraint.

SPT Okay. They're on there. It's not -

I just got a slight overlap on the two
of them, maybe about an eighth of an inch
leading up to zero. I'd say that maybe
1 percent overlap or so at the most
between the two of them. Now let me
take my pin here which I had to pull
out. Let's try to get that out of the

PLT All right.

SPT Now what am I supposed to do with

the extra pieces that I've got here?

CDR Well, it doesn't say. Now that -

the extra pieces of gray tape, right?

SPT G_a'_
_ tape and -

326 19 42 43 SPT Gray tape and the pieces of plastic

which have cc_e off to expose the
sticky surface.

CDR They really adroitly avoided that

question. I'd suggest - if you can,
nand them to Bill and maybe he can
hang onto them until one of you could
_et to a pocket, tuck them in a pocket.
Te_l you what - toss them back in the
airlock if you can, Bill.

_- Okay.

SPT Okay. Now let me go back out here and

try to get this - that's one I don't
need out of the way. Okay. I'm - I'm

CDR Okay. Now. D024. I tell you what,

Bill. No, go ahead and do what you're
going to do.
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PLT I know what I'Ii do. I'ii put

them on the VS. That'll get rid
of them.

SPT Okay, now there's also a little

piece of tape here.

PLT Now just wait a minute.

SPT Take it off.

PLT Where?

SPT See right there? There;s a tab

there. There you go. Okay, Jer,
read on for D024 ops.

326 19 43 56 CDR Okay. It says, "In - insert container

into panel B and remove tether and
install pip-pin."

SPT Okay. In work.

SPT It's old little - finger exercises.

CDR Yep. Bill gets to do it on 193.

CDR You guys realize this is the first

time we've seen ahead of the ha -
time line since we've got up here?

$PT I'ii tell you one reason is we're doing

something we were trained to do.

CDR (Laughter) I'll tell you, all that

stowage Mickey Mouse was really

PLT i've run into more things I've never

seen before.

PLT Pretty disgusting about that - I have

to see something like that not work
out, though. It's an interface
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326 19 h6 00 PLT I might as well get a few shots of you

slaving away there on the D02***

SPT Bill, you're beginning to cut in and

out again.

PLT Okay.

SPT I'll tell you, putting that pipe-pin

ain't no easy Job. There we go. Got

CDR Okay. Now. Lift latch handles two

on the container, rotate counterclockwise,
and lift the cover.

326 19 46 27 8PT Okay. Let me - What I think I'm going

to do now is tether myself to this
thing. I was noticing there ought to
be some- that'sreallygood - a good
handrail up here to put my feet around.
Okay. And let me tether this thing.

PLT What are the settings on the DAC again,

Jer? I think they may have changed.

CDR You mean the,-

PLT Oh, f/ll. Uh - oh.

CDR Yeah, you didn't get a chance to check

them, did you, Bill?

PLT f/ll is 500.

CDR And 6 frames per second.

PLT That's about the same number.

PLT Okay. They're open.

PLT Go ahead. !

CDR Okay. Placeiwrist tether on strip

panel handle_large hole and remove
from the containers.
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PLT Okay. That's in work.

CDR Bill, that's f/ll, 500. Did i give

you a - a focus distance? Infinety.

PLT Infinity.

CDR If you're going to work close here,

you can change it.

PLT I think with the wide angle lens like

that's the reason I didn't.

PLT Okay, Jer, l'm extracting and l've

got the wrist tether on and locked and
l'm extracting.

CDR All right.

PLT Where do I put it?

326 19 47 57 CDR All righty. It say here; Snap the strip

panel to the B side nearest the container;
handle toward the SAS station and remove
the wrist tether.

PLT Okay, and I know they don't want my

little fingerprints -

CDR We're coming up on sunset.

SPT ... it's the same old problem -

stabilizing your feet - stabilizing
your body while you're trying to do
a two-handed task - in restraints.

SPT Tell you what, Bill, can you pull -

lean forward and stabilize my feet

PLT Okay. I'll turn the DAC off here.

Just a second.

SPT Got them?

326 19 49 24 SPT Okay, l'm drifting away from that

thing now. There you go.
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SPT I need to get up further on iu.

PLT Higher?

SPT Yeah.

PLT Okay.

326 19 50 03 SPT Okay. Now the foot restraints.

What I'm going to do, I'm going to
eventually put a pip-pin in this
thing, am I not, Jer?

CDR Uh, let's see here.

SPT How's this?

CDR Yes, that' s right.

SPT Right. Okay, what I'm going to do is

take the pip-pin and put it through -
that first.

PLT Is this all right, Ed?

SPT Yes_h, that's good.

326 19 50 38 CDR Got 2 hours now, guys, 2 hours and

5 minutes.

SPT Okay, let me bend down here a little

bit so I can see what - -

PLT I'm having to keep my eyes closed cause

I'm facing the Sun. Tell me which way
you _¢snt me to move.

SPT Okay. Now. Now I'm in business, I

think. I did it. I was putting the
pip-pin in first. There we go!

CDR Got it in?

SPT Yeah. I thought that might work, and

it did. Okay, I got it in there.

326 19 51 0]* CD_ All right. Now it says put yotm_ _e_her
on the disc panel and remove it from
the container.
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SI_T Okay, this is the same exercise all

over again.

CDR Right.

SPT You'll remind me before I leave here,

I want to straighten these extra pip-pin
out for the other side so they're not
shading that panel.

SPT Up at this angle, Bill?

PLT Say again.

SPT I'm okay. Let me use mine.

PLT That Sun really heats up the - the ...

SPT Yeah, I can feel things all the way to

the glove as I've been handling them.

326 19 52 l0 SPT Okay .... your work. Okay, Jer, I'm

pulling out the disc panels now.

CDR Okay.

PLT Go now, Ed.

SFT Can you hold m_f feet so I'm stable?

PLT I can hold one foot - -

SPT Yeah - -

PLT - - I will not he putting any forces

on this.

SPI' Whoops l I Just - snapped free. Give

me a second to restabilize myself.

326 19 53 18 SPT Okay now, Bill, I wanna move down eye

level with the panel here - reference
to your body.

SPT Can you hold me now.

PLT I thought I was.

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SPT Time line for this one.

326 19 54 44 PLT How are you reading me on V0X

now, Jer?

CDR Oh, you're still breaking up a bit.

PLT Okay.

SPT Can't say I didn't predict it.

You wait to push you out a little

SPT No, no.

PLT Got a line to you - ...

326 19 55 4_ PLT Sure does take a lit of time for such

a little bitty old experiment, doesn't

SPT ... it. I had that pin in there and I -

SPT Front of me - -

PLT Can I help you any way?

SPT No. Just hold on to me. I'm getting

it lines up now. You Just hold on to
me, Bill. You keep me stable, and I
can do it.

PLT Okay, I'm holding hard.

SPT Other way. Tell you what. I'm going

to change my _rist - my saist or my
chest tether here to pull down to that
thing. Cause there's no way. Get
out in front of me.

326 19 58 16 SPT Okay. Now I think I stand a chance.

You just stablize -

SPT Tell you what, I'm gonna tighten up

on that tether a little bit more
- and then startpounding.
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326 20 00 02 CC CDR, this is Houston through Carnarvon

for l0 minutes and when you have a moment
we would like to get the MPC ROLL SWITCH
to INHIBIT. We'll be dumping the data
voice here. Over.

CDR Okay, Houston. Right now, we're -

_-r're still working ZL-24. It's kinda
slow work.

CC Roger. We copy.

CDR Frustrating work.

SPT ...

CC Roger; out.

CDR Sorry, Bruce. I's ts/king to Ed.

I'm watching him kinda - On a simple one-g
task, it's infinitely difficult in zero g
here. Kinda llke - -

CC We were Just - -

CDR - - kinda like ... - -

CC - - we were Just - -

CDB - - with a holding glove - -

CC We were Just sympathizing with your


326 20 02 49 PLT You're trying to engage snaps? Is

that what it is?

SPT Yeah. See you're trying to engage snaps

and I get this thing - thing completely
lined up and - -

PLT ... know why anyone'd design anything

like that?

SPT Well, see the thing was, this was made

not for - -

PLT I think it was made strictly for

Dump Tape 326-06
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SPT Yeah.

SPT ...

PLT ...

SPT Look, I'm going to give it one more

go and then what we're gonna do is go
on inside and get that little extra
piece of gray tape that we've got and
we're gonna tape the mother on here.

CDR Can you Just pip pin it without

snapping it?

SPT I tried that, Jer., and the pip pin

won't hold ...

CDR Doggone it. That's too bad.

SPT Hey, now wait a minute. Hey, all

it needed was a little body inertia
against it.

CDR You got it?

$PT Hold on. In - hold on.

SPT Ah! I had it too.

326 20 BO 50 PLT Okay, let me hold your leg.

SPT Okay. Press.

PLT Try not to kick me in the visor. That's

okay. Your foot's clear now.

326 20 B0 57 CC CDR, this is Houston. All systems

are looking good on board and we show
you about am hour ahead of your
anticipated position in the EVA comm link.

CDR Roger. Thank you.

_ CDR We are trying to catch up though,

aren't we gang?
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SPT I tell you these little snap holes don't

look as though they're *** to take these
size snaps. I give them a go and then
we're gonna try and tape it on here.

SPT Tell you what; we got that F -1 - We

got a whole roll of that tape in there
in F-149, don't we?

PLT ***93 you mean?

SPT That's right. 193. That's right.

PLT Yeah. You want me to get you a piece

of tape?

SPT Go ... - -

PLT I have to unroll that dang thing


SPT ...

PLT ... tool pouches.

CDR Yeah. Yeah, I know. How about a piece

of that silver tape? Can you spare
one of those?

PLT Yes, but I still have to unroll it.

If he doesn't get it this time, we'll
do that.

326 20 04 50 SPT Time on this. This is a real killer.

Another hour on that thing.

CC Bill, we're go for taping it from

down here and there is tape in the pouch
in the airlock with the scissors, next
to 316. You don't have to unroll the
S193 bag there.

PLT Okay. That's right. I took that out.

I stowed that myself.

CC The small roll of tape.

CDR Okay. Now Just hold on there, guys.

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PLT Okay. I'll hold you once more here.

CDR Oh, you know what though? I don't

think that small roll of tape - I
think we pulled it out for something.
Didn't we? Ed, you remember when you
said yesterday, "Well, Just put the
small roll of tape in there, we never
use it anyway." And I said, "Yes, Ed
you are right_ We will never use that

326 20 06 49 SPT Now don't m_ke a move, anybody.

Don't breath. Ah, (laughter) Oh. Hey,
you know what I've - I think I've been
snapping it all right the way they act.
But they pip pin for some reason
doesn't want to stay in there.

PLT Well, why don't you go ahead and get

the tape and give it a whirl.

CDR Stand by, Ed. We have blown about

25 minutes on this thing now already.

SPT Yeah. - -

CDR ...

SPT - - ... at least four times. It's Just

not designed - Hey, T'll try that pouch.

CDR It is 316, isn't it Bill. It's right

next to panel 316. That's the one.

326 20 07 50 SPT Okay. I'll tell you, Bruce, I was

able to get the stripped ones on real
well. But the disc ones, for some
reason, I get It all lined up, push
down and I feel it snap in there and
then as soon @s I get lightly touch
the safety re%her that's on it and try to
remove my tether from it, it just falls
right off again. I'm not sure whether the
we got an interface problem. Yt sure
appeared that way to me. What would have
been helpful is to have a - the pip pin which
_e put through the reenter so that it would
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snap without ever having to have the

other snaps in there, so that we could
Just put the pip pin through and doesn't
matter whether this thing floats a quarter
of an inch off the plate at all. It's still
going to be at the right angles. I'm
afraid in this process, there's a couple
of these things we should't of touched.

CDR That EVA - Does that silver tape not have

a _ n

SPT Make sure of it - -

CDR - - not have a - a tab on it?

326 20 08 46 CC ... you verify that the assembly is

cocked properly and the words were getting
down, you should be able to put the
pip pin all the way through and hold
it in place with Just the pip pin, if you
push hard enough on it. Over.

SPT Well, okay. Let me - I got a good chest

thther up here, Bruce, which is right
next to the wQrk and ...

326 20 09 09 SPT Now would either of you guys answer

something for me? On that pip pin, which
I push in the center there, and release
right in the center release, balls at the
end, now if I - -

CDR Pull it easy, Bill.

SPT - - I push down on that and let up real

quick, will I expect to see that pip pin
come roaring out back at me or should I
try and push on the - the rider part
around the - _ider part around - -

CC ...

SPT - - the vent release.

CC You should try pushing on the

wider part as iyou release the - the
release plung_r_
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SPT Okay, i'ii try that, Bruce. It may

work - -

326 20 09 45 CC And we got about 30 seconds to LOS,

here. Next station contact in
4 minutes is Guam at 20:i_.

SPT Bill, look in that pouch; you might

see and if you might see some gray
tape in there.

CC And if you continue having troubles,

with it, why _ust go ahead 8.nd tape
the thing andlet's press on to other

SPT I'm with you.

CDR Has that got a tab on it, Bill?

PLT ***a second. (Laughter) I can't even

see the end of the tape.

CDR You know we were in such a hurry after

putting on all those things on 193,
I think it Just got thrown in there
without having a tab put on it.
Try the gray tape.

326 20 ii 32 SPT Okay, guys. It's there.

PLT Hey,that's great. (Laughter)

SPT But - let me tell you something.

Got some finger marks. The only way I
could do it. I tried pushing on
the outside of that pip pin, the center,
the parts marked for thumb, Yeah, mud
several of 'era and I couldn't - couldn't
line it up. So I Just had to take
the bull by the horns, lined it all
up square and put my thumb right on the
center of those things. Right in the
center, there's four of em right in the

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SPT Sorry about that, but that's the only one we

could do it.

CDR Okay. Soon as Ed can get that stuff or Bill

gets that stuff put away, he'll be right out
after it.

SPT I hipe that ... will be usefu] to em.

PLT Now we ought - another thing we need to do

is put a tab on this zipper pull.

326 20 12 i0 CDR That's rgght. It's a good point.

SPT Okay, Bill; coming back your way.

CDR Your next exercise, Ed, is to put the 230 -

$230 collector and - and install it.

/_ SPT 0h, yeah. Okay.

SPT Let's see - -

PLT That is the EVA pouch.

SPT Get my bearings here.

326 20 13 03 CDR Bill's coming out now, Ed.

SPT Okay.

PLT Well, let's see now. We're getting all twisted up.

sPT Let me back Up a little bit here so you can see.

SPT Right where you are. Hold on, hold on. NOw
Just stay where you are. Now I'll get my
umbilical over your feet.

PLT Ah, now you've gotten - -

SPT Okay, now Just stay where you are, Bill, Okay?
Stay where you are and let me unonake you.
Okay, now that - my umbilical which you have
rammed back in there - now come here. Bring
your left - left leg over towardme. Left let.
Other left l_g.
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326 20 14 07 CC Skylab, this is Houston. This is Guam for 9

minutes. Out.

CDR Okay, Bruce, D024's installed and the explanation

of how he did it is on the tape recorder.

CC Beautiful, Baby.

SPT Okay, let me - heartme - ... No that's not


CDR Bill, you've got to come out of there for a

moment. Okay, Bill mud Ed, I don't think we're
gcnna have to take the Nikon out at all because
it calls for the - in the checklist here for
Bill to take ihandheld pictures of you doing
the 230 work, Ed. He can just hand you the
camera and you can take a - DAC short of what
you did. Show where the clips are.
SPT All right, fellows. Let's take a look at that
idea. How, Bill, how does that umbilical look?

SPT Well, now, hold on; you're okay. You Just hop
in the shoes because all the umbilical's in
front of you. Tell me when you're in there.

PLT Okay.

SFr Okay, now. _et's figure this out. Let me

just move out here slowly until we can see
what the geometry of it is.
326 20 15 33 SPT Okay, where _ oh, it don't look too bad.

PLT Okay, I've got this one going around me.

There, that's free. Now. Tell you what
you do. The only - the only enta_glement
you got now is the one where my umbilical is
hooked into _he clamp there. Just
unclamp it.
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SPT Wait a minute. That 's mine.

PLT ...

SPT Here 's your umbilical.

PLT Hold on. Now wait a minute. Wait a

minute. Just stay where you are.

PLT Yeah.

SPT Come out and let's see how they do it.

If you won't move any, I think I can get
free. (Laughter)

PLT I've heard of a bucket of wo -

326 20 17 12 SPT Okay, Bill. Yeh! How does that look?

PLT Looks clean. Let me - -

SPT Okay, now get back in the shoes. Get

yourself - get yourself back in the shoes.
Now get my umbilical straightened out
and take the end which is clamped, and
start feeding it into the aft end of
the airlock.

PLT Okay, Just stand by 1.

326 20 18 O1 SPT Are you free of it? Are you?


SPT Okay now, I'll start coming back up

your way. Ah, the 230 collector, can you
get that out of there?

PLT It's in work.

SPT Okay. And I'll go under - underneath

D-4 here.

CDR Do you need amy words from me on that 230?

SPT Yes, I could use some.

C_DR All right. You at the area with it now?

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SPT Negative.

CDR Okay.

SPT ...

SPT Okay, now. l've got to get back up here

and keep my umbilical free of 228.

SPT ...

SPT That's both of them.

SPT Okay. Now let go.


SPT Okay, Jer; go!ahead.

326 20 20 25 CDR All right. It says remove the wrist

tether from the double handle and place
it on the protective cover handle. And
then remove the protective covers.

SPT Jet, let's hear that once again, please.

CDR It says remove the wrist tether from

the double handle and place it on the
protective cover handle .... it's not
on the double handle.

326 20 21 07 SPT I know how Don wants it.

CDR Okay, Just do it that way then.

SPT If I could turn loose of that thing ...

CC Roger. We're reading you loud and clear,


CDR You got two clips to remove. You place

one of them on the D-2 handrail and - -

SPT Stop. Hold on.

CDR Okay.

SPT That's a little - little ways downstream

he re.
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CC Skylab, this is Houston. One minute

til LOS. Next station contact in 16-1/2 min-
utes through $oldstone at 20:38. Out.

326 20 22 30 SPT Looks like it!s on. Now I believe I

can take that protective cover off.

SFT Okay .... on. And I did not touch a fragile

little bit of it.

CDR Very good.

SPT It looks good. I can see ...

CDR Roger ....

CDR Now, if you'll hand those - that cover

to Bill, and I'll tell you where to put
the clips and thlngs.

SPT Okay, Bill.

PLT Just a minute

SPT If you'll Just hold onto that and I'll

give you a ...

SPT Okay, why don't you tether that down

there then.

326 20 24 l0 SPT Okay, Jerry, read on.

CDR Okay, it says _remove two clips installed

on the old co_lector. You place one on the
D-2 handrail - and then I'll tell you where
to place the other one.

SPT ... on the D-2 handrail.

CDR Right.

SPT Seven - two. Lend me D-2. Got to remem-

ber that one.

CDR Try to be careful not to scratch that

visor anymore.
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CDR Looks like your umbilieal's gonna

hanging you u_, Ed.

326 20 25 l0 SPT No, I'm Just gleaning around here trying

to find D-2.

CDR Is D-2 over there on the other side? The

other side ofi- from your left hand? Is
that it?

SPT Here?

CDR Yes.

CDR Okay, watch o}_t for your tether. It's

going to dragl over 230. Hey, you're up to
your elbows in tethers aren't you?
SPT Yes. i

CDE I would take £hat waist tether that's

flying free, _f you can, and hook it onto
something els_ there that - maybe the
other part of|the other tether or something.

SPT Yes, I think What I'm going to have to do

is that, Jer,iI'm going to have to - if I
don't take th#se tethers off, I stand a
chance of dragging them across ...

CDR That's right.! Specially that _ist tether.

That 's a reall bother.

326 20 26 05 SPT We'll need that later, but not right now.

Okay, Bill, Iineed a little assistance.

PLT Okay, let me _ut the DAC up here.
SPT What I'm goin_ to do is to take off
these wrist t@thers. How much film does
it look like Ks left on there, Bill?
Do you get tollook
at it?

326 20 26 52 SPT Okay, that on_ is on there.

SPT That one's onlthere. Now take my wrist -

take my ... o_f, if you can, and cut it up
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PLT Okay. Just a_ sec.

326 20 27 13 SPT Okay. It's d_ne, Jerry.

CDR Okay, looked like you had the right

idea out there on the other side.

SPT Okay. Just read on, through I'm not

too sure exactly what we're do ws.nt
with them. i

CDR All right. N_w - Just take one clip

and get it ou_ of the way is all you're
doing. Clip _t on the handrail
somewhere, i

326 20 27 40 SPT Okay, we've d_ne that.

CDR Okay, now theiother clip, here's where

it goes. Pla_e the other clip on the new
collector nex_ to the spool with the
orange bracke_ away from the MDA. Out-
board. l

SPt Some other words after that too, isn't


CDR No, that 's it _.

SPT Minus - antis_lar directions?

CDR Minus-Z. i

SPT All right. _at 's antisolar. Away

from the MDA. i
SPT Okay, now let!s the others - the
beginning wor_s.

CDR All right, he_'e we go. Place the other

clip on the new collector next to the
spool Joint b;acket minus Z away from the
MDA outboard, i

326 20 28 29 Spt I assume that means .... Close to ...

all right. L_t me see.
_PT _ %hm_ _ _-sm_li_e -all- the w_y
down does it?

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That's as farldown as it goes. It chains [?]

but it doesn'_ touch.

CDB Is the sun behind you now?

SPT Yes. '

CDR Okay.

SPT But now wait a minute. You wanted it on


326 20 28 56 PLT You better put it on the small one there,


SPT That 's right. That 's right.

CDR Watch your heels, Ed. You're right next

to the window_

SPT Okay. That is minus Z if I've ever seen

minus Z and that, I think, will do it.

SPT Okay. It's ._. .

CDR Okay, translate to the VF and ingress.

CDR While you're _here, Ed, if you can
somehow get yourself into position,
have Bill han_ you the DAC and you can
take the pictures of it.

326 20 29 29 PLT I've already _one that.

SPT Well, I know _hat, but we need the

pictures froml over here.

CDR They got to b_ normal to it so he can

locate it within a millimeter, Bill.

CDR Can Bill holdiyour feet? ... out there,

and let you t_ke a picture of it.

SPT I tell you wh_t. We're looking into

the sun. That's the problem with this

CDR Y.tea. -..... .................

Dump Tape 326-06
Pa_ _i of _

326 20 29 51 CDR Well, thats strabge. I though this was

supposed to be on the sun side.
SPT No, it's anti_sun. I talked to
Don about that one.

CDR Oh, Okay.

SPT I'm sure.

CDR I'ii tell you!what. Let's see how

far it till sunset. Maybe we can set
the DAC for night. I've got some
night settings in here, but - you
could take the picture after sunset.

SPT I'll tell you what. You don't - It

doesn't take much of anything to click off
a few frames _.. . It's bound to
get one. What to do is tether it,
though, to my iright hand.

CDR Okay. !

SPT ...

326 20 B0 h6 SPT Okay, now co_d you make sure my

feet don't dr.ft away ...

SC Roger.

SPT Oh, I see; I _ee what you've done.

You've done _ work.

PLT Ed, do you re_d me?

SPT Yes, I got yo_.


PLT 0kay.

SPT Okay. Now i

PLT All right now iI've got it set

up on - 7/8 (_) ...
SPT Okay. i

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Page _2of44

326 20 31 38 PLT I have it set[up-on-F i .......

SPT ... would youl please?

PLT What?

SPT ... just a moment while I look this

thing over. Okay, you got it set
for 2 feet. _hat's good.

CDR Yes, all it needs is one good frame

and he's in business.

PLT ... when you push the button ...

SPT I understand that.

326 20 32 05 SC ... very careful. I've had to

continually thing .... for camera.

SPT For two frame s per second. And what's

the time here you got?
SPT Okay I think we'll probable go 250th.

PLT I'll put your feet into position, I

think - right position for taking
the photograph.

PLT Hey, there you go.

SPT ... we're in.

SPT Okay....

CDR He doesn't need a _rfect ending.

All he needs .s something he can ...
geometry wit h'_

SPT Roger. Okay now let me Just change the

F - stop a little bit.

326 20 33 35 SPT 5.6, we'll giye them a little bit.

SPT Oka,j, let's get on with it now.

Let's don't g_t behind.

_?_ We've get it_all-set up, Jerry and we're -
Tape 326-06
Pag3 _3 of _

SPT It won 't take long.

SPT The good thing is that you can

feel this DAC operating between -

PLT Yeah. Yeah, that's good.


SPT Okay, let's get back to the FAS,

area. We got to hand the trees in,
get the DACs stowed, and ... start 193.

PLT Okay, Just a second.

326 20 3_ hl SPT Okay.

SPT I think it's off.

PLT Let me take a look at that green


SPT Okay. Let me have it.

PLT Okay, get thig thing in toward you

and I'll hand it to you.

CDR AI right, Ed, lyou go on into the - into
the AM now an_[ Bill will hand you the

tree and stuff,.

SPT Okay. As a _tter of fact, I'ii Just
take this right in with me.
PLT Why not?

SPT All of my stuff is pushed in the back

there, huh? i

CDR Bill, I'm going to go back in the

command modul$ and run up the V0X
sensitivity a_little more.

PLT Okay.

CDR You're startiSg to cut in and out

again, i

326 20 35 36 SPT Okay, let me _tow this fellow.

_-- Dump Tape B26-06
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326 20 36 17 CDR Okay, Bill, gSve me a short count,

rather quiet.

CDR Make it a little louder; I didn't hear

a thing. I
SPT Bill, are you Icutting - Are you reading
me? i

PLT Yes, I'm reading you fine, Ed.

326 20 36 37 SOT Okay, dod youiask Jer - did you hear
Jere asking y_u for a cuff count?

PLT Yes, I was co_tlng.


CDR All right, gi_e me another one, Bill

326 20 36 42 PLT l, 2, 3, 4, 5.

CDR Okay, start oTer again, low.

CDR All right nowl do it a little louder.

326 20 36 57 PLT l, 2, 3, 4, 5 i,4, 3, 2, i.

CDR Is that a con$ortabke voice level?

PLT Yes, I can t_ _ that loud without

any trouble. How's that one?

_DR It looks -


D%_p T_pe 326-13 f , i,

Time: 326:223hto 327_0_0 i -_

to virbatlm within Dump Tape

326 22 42 41 SPT Okay. While _ou're doing that I'm going

_ to give them ia few more shots with the dixie.
Bill, what m_h% also help is to pull up on
this thing a_d we, pushing down on the screw-
driver. We _t try that a few times.

_ CDR That, - That _ll help help hold the nut plate,
_ if that's wh_ i% is.

_:i_ SPT Ed, you know!thatthing is torque. It's cocked

off to the s_e there, enough that I would

PLT Hey! There _ou _o.

1 SPT Yea! There we go_ Ok_, we got them out.

CDR Okay- -

• CC Mighty fine.

CDR Now install %he J,_r _ox. Secure _ith the

knurled lock_ng se_q_s _ : "

SPT Okay. You w_nt tO pick _ up William?

PLT Okay. .

_I 826 22 _3 30 SPT Let's hope w4 can get that mother back on a

little easie_ than we got - the other one came
, off. Okay. "_,_
.... _ -'

} PLT Okay.

SPT Okay. You w_nt to get the Jumper box on the

_: tether. :
:_j CDR Okay, you go_ about _3 _ore minutes of daylight,

SPT Okay. We're hustling.

• _ f-- !
/ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 2 of 47

CDR Don't huBtleTJ_t take it easy.

SPT Okay, now le_'s see. Okay, tether it and

I'll take th_ - Okay, lock it. Okay, you got

_} it I did get l_o_her.,, l_ock.

_ PLT Wait- -

_ SPT You want me o hold some of the - -

_ PLT Wait. I dldnlt get the tether locked.

._; SPT Ok_. I can islw_s ge_ _ou. Don't worry

t t.
CREW (Lau_ter)
326 22 44 37 SPT Here you go.

PLT Okay. i

_ _, CDR Watch the ou_ for, the _eet horn.

SPT Watch the horn. Watch_the horn.

PLT I got it.

_|:I SPT Okay.

Come on Now y_u wanttowards
backlover to come
me onand
I'ii hold "

W._' _ your feet. _,--la_it-_ .'Wsc[%,Walt, Wait, ;,_


_-, ODR Don't honk u ,:1_e_horn._ C

PLT You have tbi_ ::_ _ilical.

SPT Yes; here yo1<p,. Yes, it is over the head.

Okay. Let _stJ turn around this way, Bill.

CDR Watch out. ( _ that SOP was heading

for the ]_o0m_iP_T:.{

SPT Okay get her _ there.

. PLT I need
_ - totobett_
t,,_ _aro_md @ little
_i_. and-.-bit more on

L . • l| " e ,
D_np Tape 326-13
, Page 3 of _7

! PLT .......
- - rotate--

SPT Clockwise or counterclockwise?

PLT Well, which looking which direction?

326 22 45 50 SPT As you see i

PLT Okay. Count_ trclockwise.

SPT Okay.

SPT Okay, I got l_od purchase on you. Houston,

You still thq _e?

326 22 46 16 CC Yes, Sir. W_'re right here.

SPT Okay. You kn_w how we had to get those things

going? We h__I to get _he smaller screwdriver
Just to loosq _n up the o_es on J-11 and I believe
/ it J - What'1 the last two up there, Bill.

PLT I don't know

SPT Well, they're listed right there in the corner.

326 22 46 32 SPT Two that are !minus-X. This Dixie screwdriver

Just wouldu'_ get_ in there.

CC Roger. We'w been - -

SPT We Just got loosened, come down in front

of you.

PLT Ed, I need _ feet to come donw in front of you.

SPT In frontof _e, all right. I - Wait Just a minute.

PLT No ; to your _ight now.
SPT Okay. ! t

PLT Now I need tQ move m_ feet to your right.


SPY Yes, okay.

" '326 22 46 59 PLT There we go. It's too far up. There we go.

Dump Tape 326-13
Page 4 of h7

PLT See _ feet that I can ruin?

_ CDR No. You're_kay.

PLT I told you t$ go further toward my feet.

;_ PST Yes, Okay.
PLT Just stay wi_h me, now, right in there.

_! SPY Okay. Don't_liftyour feet up, you'll get

on the EBEP _ndow. You're okay right where
you sre. '.

PLT Okay. MY he@d need to go down.

SPT Okay.

PLT Now I want t_ get my feet down on the MDA.

Just let go _or a minute.
Y i

326 22 47 45 SPT Okay. I'ii _ive some _ressure to keep you on

_.i there, at th_ shaulders._

_ How's that?
326 22 h7 52 PLT Okay. I

_,ii_ 326 22 h7 56 CC Skylab, this is Houston. One minute to LOS.

Next station contact im 16-1/2 minutes through

SPT Bye, Houston Get $hat, there. Hey, you

think I can Set it better?

PLT You may be a_le to. Have you ever - -

SPT Tell you what, since you take so much time

stabilizing _,ourself, Just hold on - Just - Just
move back an, we'll switch tethers here. Let
me get the sq_rewdrivers off first. Okay, let
me put those things away. You Just hang loose
_i_ there.

326 22 49 II SPY I guess we'r, going to need that screwdriver

i s_ain; are w_ not:?

No, I don't _hlnk so. Those are thumb tacks.

SPT Oh _ okay. !_ll take _ack that ....

<_ -" _,mp Tape 326-13 I : *i
Pa_ 5 of 4? .... _,

SPT ... I'll put it In here-where we have the

...._ spatula O

SPT Okay, now .... and let me get my cutter on it.

SPT It's locked .... Off .... If you could move those
connectors out of the way.

PLT ... looks lille you've got a problem.

SPr ... installa_ion is a pain.

PLT Here let me % be easier to hold that


SPT ...

SPT ... ?

_:;_ PLT Yeah. There you go, Ed.

'__ SPT ... Let me g_t my right foot out of the ...
and get a be_ter look at it.

PLT It goes aro_d the other way, Ed.

SPT ... !

PLT ... t

SPT Is that it? I

PLT That's it. _ell me when my - when you want ...

I'll release my hand.

326 22 50 28 SPT Now .... Is there any kind of a - -

_i PLT Just push it in there and - -

PLT I got it. N¢w push down on it.

SPT ... how to l_me this t_ing up.

PLT Yeah, it is....J:so when you get it in the - -

SPT Get- -

Dump Tape 326-13
Page 6 of h7

PLT Get into the _ecess, then you Just - -

326 22 52 29 SPT That felt li_e it.

PLT That 's good.

. .o ,

i SPT Oh, darn it! Let me put a - tether.


PLT Did it come _ut again?


SPT Yeah. With my tether. I backed away.

PLT - - ... I go_ the ... mme of the connectors.

SPT Okay, that's on there now. Can you - Okay,

• can you screW one of those things in, and I'll
_ hold pressur_ down.

PLT Okay. ':


SPT Getting it? !Going clockwise?

PLT Yeah.

SPT Are they scr_wlng in?

PLT I don't knowj

! { _,
MS ...

i PLT On the top ._. If I can get my right hand in

• there.

SPT ... j
326 22 54 21 PLT You got one$_
SPT ... Let me_@t mV tether out of the way, now,
here• i

PLT You got one _i_ht, you say?

SPT Yeah.

PLT Good.

Dump Tape 326-13

Get this tetler_out of the way.

SPT Gol dang it. ..

326 22 5h 45 PLT Let me get m f'in_r in _here and unlock it.

SPY Okay, if youlcould do that.

SPT The only oth+r alternative is to leave the thing

here, but - +

PLT Take - take _t off Tour _wrist. Slip it through ....

SPT ... Had I realized which way that was going to go

on, I would _ put it on the other - -
PLT Yeah.

SPT - - on the a;her one.


PLT Can you hold it on the other side? ... out of

the way, I ti_ I can_hit the button, or can you
_- hitit?

; PLT Reset.

SPT Here, Just a_ seeomd_

, !
:_ . SPT Oh, I see. I _

PLT There you' &"O_

St:_ I got it. N .can you - -

_':_ PLT No. If you'll hold it tight and get your

_ right hand Just a littl e bit out of the way,
_'_,_ I think l'lllbe able to push the button for you.

SPT Okay.

PLT NOW, push on! it.

SPT Push?

PLT It's hook - _t's unhooked. You're blocking my

view with yo_ right arm.

'i I
_. Dump Tape 326-13
Page 8 of 47

_ SPT Oh. I sorry.--......

:_ ........

32622 56 06 SPT Gotit?

'_ PLT ... I got it_g_l. _ Now I gotta- -

• . SPT Tell you i_a_ - Just a minute.

PLT Just a sec --

SPT I think I se_ hgrg to do it .... get my -

get that thing out of the way and get my foot
out of the -Il

PLT There's the h=m_er.

-_. SPY Oh, boy! Pu_ that through the loop if you could.
That - yeah,i the -

_ CDR Okay, group,!you've been out 5 hours and about

15 minutes, i

.J SPT Okay. Put t_t in th_reo

SPT Okay, now. _et me come on over this way. Matter

of fact, I J_st about ... all the ... that we ...

PLT ...

SPT I Just want _o get this ... and tether out of here.

PLT There goes _our light.

1 SPT Which
what ; way.
we mi__ _e
_t tether oughtof to
Just think go.
leaving Tell
that you
there. It'1 not gQing to hurt anything.

PLT 0kay.

SPT Now, let melget back down there, and we'll get
you the flashlight out and I'll try to tighten
that thing _I0. beeause the rest, I think, is
_ switch thrown, isn't it?

PLT No. We got ito push those connectors in.


SPT Oh, yeah. _ose don't have to be screwedin,

I>,-T_Tape 326-13
Page 9 of h7

PLT No, they clip im; if you can Just get - -

CDR Did you get _he other knurled nut screwed in?

SPT No. We're J_st going to do that. Just a


rI CDR Okay.

SPT Let me get m_self back in these foot restraints.

_._ Hold on, here.... kinda dark, ... help.

SPT Okay. Penlight again .... a minute .... Just

don't feel t_at ... - that knob ... hold up for
that right new. I'm screwing it down.

_ PLT Let's see,

harness aug nOw. I can
_hat one on get
Ztheat thatside.
left - that

SPT ... !'m getting it. Matter of fact, ... I got it.
SPT Okay, Jer. _oth ... down.
CDR Great. Now. All you got to do now is snap
those three connectors on.

326 23 00 06 SPT Easier said than done.

CDR Yeah. i

_ PLT Okay. If you can hold the flashlight - -

•_ SPT Okay.

_ PLT - - Ed, I should be in a fair position for that.

_ SPT I Just got t_ find the flashlight now. Think we

have three o_ them around here.

SPT Here it is, Clown here. It's good we got three

of them, Bru_e. - Bruce. Thinking of Bruce
coming up here. I'm Just going to hold this
one. Okay, here we go.

SPT No, no, no, _o, no. Not aligned. There, you
want to hold_ the light? I th_nk I might be
_ able to get _ better l_urchase. I got a good
i angle _o s_e[ it, here
Dump Tape 326-13
Page I0 of 47

PLT Okay . ...._'---,

r -

SPT ... Let me _et my right .... Okay.

CDR And push them in till it goes past the little

plastic clip.

SPT Okay, there _s one on .... two.

PLT That's perfect for that Job. There's three.

SPT That's three. Okay, what do you want - oh,

gee, look at this tape on here.

PLT All right, I_got a ... - -

SPT Wait a minut@, wait a minute. Hold the phone.

CDR What'sthem_tter7

PLT There's tape on this - -

SPT Tape on thes# ... switches. Yes/u, I'ii tell

you what; ge$ the scissors. We'll Just ...
whack - cut _he things.

326 23 02 02 CDR I got switches to throw while you guys are

doing that. i

Well, you _ have - don't power anything up,
Jet. _

CDR I 'm not.

PLT ... use the @crewdriver like a knife.

SPT That's an idea, too.

< PLT Those scissors are hard to use.

CDR When you finallydo get the tape off, you want
to put bothswitches to ON (push).

326 23 02 44 SPT ... right now thay've.

• got them both to OFF,
taped. That,s on over ...
Dump Tape B26-1B
Page II of _7

B26 2B 02 50 CDR (Laughs.) iiguess we should've taken that

tape off when+ the - in the prep.

PLT Yeah, it was isupposed to have been done.

CREW Oh, well.

SPT .. part of i_.


PLT ... I got the - my hand right in the light.

SPT I'ii tell you what, Jerry; we can still move

those switches around. No, I can't. I can't
get the one on the left. Let me - the ROLL one.

i CDR Okay. Just tell me when you are ready. I'ii

go on down and wait.

SPT What I'm going to do is Just punch it through.

! _ PLT ...position.

SPT Okay. i

326 23 04 14 CDR Tell me when +_youget them both to the ON position.

PLT It 's down ....

PLT Okay - -

$PT I th_ they're there ... - -

PLT - - ... the _ position, Jer.

SPT Let me Just _onfirmit. Confirmit.

SPT Okay. They'_e as on as they're ever going to

+i_ be.

_i PLT ... way of the antenna,Jer, so don't - -

CDR Okay, get away

from the antenna - -

SPT Hold on there, don't do anything ... - -

CDR I'm not going to.

i !
/_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 12 of 47

SPT Let us get sguared away.

SPT It's Just that if you turn the thing on at the

wrong time, Jer, we're going to be in a 5-mile
delt a-8.

CDR ! realize that Ed. Just tell me when you're

clear of the antenna.

326 23 03 08 CREW Go ahead.

CDR Are you clear of the antenna?

SPT Clear.

CDR Okay. BUS 1 coming on. BUS 2 coming on. PAN

POWER displa_ earning on.

SPT Right to where it was.

CDR All right,

nOw.- -

81/2 minutes
ii! 326 23 05 46 CC This is Houston through Tananarive for
_ CDR Are you gtkvs well clear of the antenna?
MS ...

CDR l'm going to !throw

the switch now.

SPY Right back tq Where it was. Now we got both

of them on.

_ CDR All right, so now we got to - we got to verify

i the two separate axes.

326 23 06 07 SPT Okay, which one do you want first?

326 23 06 09 CDR All right. Let's see. Okay, Bruce, I guess

you can follow where we are right now.

CC Roger. You're coming our of box ... into 16.

CDR That's rig_ht_ Roll axis pot check is next.

Dump Tape 326-13
Page 13 of 47

SPT Okay. Wh&_6 _b-_ou want, Jer?

CDR All right. _ a minute until I get the power


326 23 06 43 CDR All right, the RAD POWER is OFF. All right,
now what we Want you to do is, at the Jumper
"_ box, we want ipitch,off, pull and roll, on,
'I_ push. Pitch_ off_

J SPT Okay. -

PLT Just a second.

SPT Bill, can yom work your way over there?

PLT Yeah.

SPY Just rush th# antenna out of the way again.

PLT Man, I float_ way off.

SPT ... M509.

CDR Shall we io_ you isome night-flying - -

CREW ... get a i le ... , please, Ed.

CDR Shallwe Io_ _ some nlght-flyingtime, Bill?


PLT Yes, l've b@en;lS_ingthighttime. • .....

CDR Okay. ,

_IS SPT Okay. NOW. B@_. a4_in, pitch -

CDR Pitch, on, _._; roll, off - correction, correc-
tion. Pitch, Off, pull, roll, on, push.
... checkim4_;_ the roll axis.

i 326 23 07 49 SPT Give me the light again, over Bill. Because

I think the tape whick _e've got has got the
two switche_ _ing at ,the same time.

PLT Yes/%.
Dump Tape 326-13
Page14 of 47 t .....

SPT Can you come on over here, Bill, and _- -

PLT Yeah. I - II-

SPT - - we'll ..

CDR All right, lim going to panel - powerdown the

i rest of thisipanel , JuSt to make sure that
antenna' s de_.

i Allght. idea.
i 326 23 08 03 CDR It's dead.
CREW 0kay.

CREW Now I'll get out of here.

SPT Getthattapeout of

326 23 08 23 CC Skylab, this is Houston. The gray tape over

the guards on the switch - on the Jumper - on
the switches on t_ae Jumper box were for launch

protection o_ly and_ maybe removed. Over.

SPT Rog. That's]what we're doing, Bruce. We got
them _almost off. _

CDR We on 'Y ha_l_e

: , it before they went EVA

PLT Yeah, that_j_in the checklist.

CREW Okay. 1
CREW All right. I

CDR All right, ybu want to pull or lift the pitch,

J_ and push or _%urn the rpll on.

_ SPT Okay, that'sl the way they are.

_ CDR Okay.

_ SPT ...let's b_ck _way.

i • v


Dump Tape 326-13

Page 15 of 47

_ CDR And tell me Mnow when you're clear of the antenna.

_I PLT Just wait a minute. Now I'm Just floating
out here.

SPT Okay ...

CREW Okay, you ... you ...

PLT ... just a m_mute.

CDR Now _t we're going to watch for, guys, is to

see if it goes to zero roll. We don't - don't
.._,_ care abo_t _tcb.

SPT Okay ... - -

PLT Okay. Just _a_}. I'm -

SPY Just wait.

CREW Let'ssee ...

_ SPT Just to bring your feet down. Here, I'll - I'll

move the
vent yourhes_lup....
same way get over
- sitting ... -therebn that
as you did

326 23 09 _7 CDR About 7 minu_es till daylight.

MS ...

SPY ... , Bill.

_ PLT Well,I -

SPT There you go, Here, I'll take that flashlight.

PLT Okay.

sPT Let go.

_ PLT Just a mlnutei" Jet.

I i
• Dump Tape 326-13

Page •16 of _7 _ -

CDR Okay. I'm not going to make a move until you

:_ guys tell me you are clear.

SPT Okay. You want to sh_mny up that pole?

326 23 i0 ii PLT Well, I can't - I don't think ... that

Oh, yesh, I guess it does - coming up, tho_h,
you see.

326 23 i0 39 CC Skylab, this is Houston. One minute to LOS.

Next station contact through Hawaii in
39 minutes.

SPT Okay, Just move on up there.

SPT Okay, are you sure you're clear, Bill?

PLT Just a minute.

CDH Okay.

CREW ...

CDR Okay. Here we go ag_n.

326 23 i0 53 CDR POWER is goiz_ to STANDBY now.

CDR Where did the antenna roll to?

PLT ... Just abo_t ... and PITCH to ...

CDR I can't hear _oIA, Bill.


PLT ROLL, zero.

4, SPT ROLL, zero. iAnd, PITCH-what the heck would

_ youcalltha_?

_-_ PLT Oh, about 30 !degrees, or something like that,

I guess, i

SPT 30? Is that _irelative to the - -

PLT Relative to _he bottom of that box, there -

bottom of th 4 -.-
/" Dump Tape 326-13
Page 17 of _7

SPT Oh, I see.

PLT - - bottc_ o9 the MDA.

SPT Oh, okay.

CDR What this sa_s, is the pitch pot is shorted, is

our anger.

SPY Now wait s minute• It's not in the position it

was before, def.

326 23 ll 41 PLT Well. what's the criteria? Our problem, Jer,

is that we don't know exactly what the - -

CDR Okay, look. I'm - did you see the antenna

move quickly to the zero position?

MS Yes.

s 326 23 12 01 CDR Okay. All that tells us is that the pitch pot
is the one that's shorted.

SPT Okay.

326 23 12 06 CDR All right, naw, do you want to check it out

by doing a pitch pot check? No big thing.

SPT What 's that _nvolve?

CDR All right, wq Jt_st go down there and change

position of _home switches•

SPY Okay....

CDR Wait a minute u_til I get the power off the

antenna. All right the power is off; it's safe
to go in. Now what you want to do is to push
PITCH ON andlROLL OFF. Yeah, we'll give that
a whirl and see _lat _pens.

CREW that's hard _o get _o.

CREW Yeah, you're iri_ht.

Dump Tape 326-13
Page 18 of 47

CC CDR, this _Is _6_s-ton. If the roll axis went

back to zero _em you did it, proceed on to
box 12.

CDR Okay. Don't yon want us to check out pitch?

SPT We're already - got it configured that way.

So let's Just give it a go. Make sure we really
understand _'s happening here.

CREW ...

CDR We're going t_ check out the pitch pot, Houston.

Okay - -

SPT I'm clear. Bill's clear.

CDR You're clear .... - -

326 23 13 13 CDR Here comes the -to STANDBY.

SPT Okay, there i_ is ....

CREW ... goes over and wanders.

SPT Yeah, well it Iranders in ROLL, but in pitch it's

full - it's hard over.

CREW Right.

SPT Okay, so that is our problem. Let me turn off

the switches

CREW Okay. The antenna - ... the antenna's clean.

Okay ....

CDR Now we're go_ng to go to - let's see - box

niTmher 17, which is pin the pitch gimbal.

326 23 18 h2 SPT Okay. Do we want to take and reverse the

switches we h_ve now?
: i!
326 23 13 h6 CDR Yes. !
Dump Tape 326-13
[_ Page 19 of h7

i<4 SPT Okay, I will do that first....

CREW ...

CDR You better do that, and we better check it

out, make sure we haven't screwed things up.

SPT ... So, what lwe ]_ave here is PITCH, OFF, pull,
and ROLL, ON i push.

SPT Okay, that's _the way it is, and let me - let

_ met getback_here
a minute.
% CDR Okay. Whenyou'reclear.

SPT Okay, Bill iS clear and I am clear. Go ahead.

CDR Here we go. Go to STANDBY now.

SPT ... goes to zero, and

PLT It Just flop_ smound in PITCH.

SPT Just flips - flops around in PITCH, but it goes

to zero in ROLL.

CDR Okay. Your antenna is now safe. Pin the - -

CREW ...

CDR Pin the pitch gimbal.


CDR And you ought to be getting some snnlight here

any minute now.

. oj

SPT Let me understand how far we go here. We pin

_ the pitch gimbsl and then - then what, Jer?

326 23 14 49 CDR Well, let's see; that's all, I think.

PLT That 's it.


/_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 20 of 47

SPT Okay.
CDR Then we ... mut.

326 23 lh 53 PLT Thank goodness we didn't have to - -

!_ CDR Oh, you got _o _n6ta_ a disabling plug too.

_ CDR Don't for_'._

"' SPT Oh,

PLT Okay, start working my way back



_ SPT OKay. '_

326 23 15 17 PLT This is ... I_ll use that ratchet that we
fixed up Iri%2__ ball on it.

SPT I tell you what, lets get over here and get
squared away _so we can tether things again .
_ You got the only tether. So I'm Just going
to have to handhold ,mY flashlight here. Catch
lock, here i_ is. Put a tether right on there.

1 326 23 15 h7 PLT Also, we've got to put the thermal cover on.

CDR Yes_h, that's :right. You got to put a thermal

cover on the l_umpe9 1_ox too.

_s SPT I tell you w_at, le_'s - well we can clean

,_ that one up _asily _ough. So - we might
knock it off[- also why we're - -

_ PLT Well I tell you, you could do that while I am

_. taking this taPe .. _,out.
_,_ SPT Okay.

PLT And - - :

_, 326 23 16 02 CDR Okay, sun - sun'a cc_in_ up, gang.

Dump Tape 326-13 '
Page20 of h7

SPY Okay. -" ........

CDR Then we ... out.

326 23 14 53 PLT Thank goodness we didn't have to - -

CDR Oh, you got to install a disabling plug too.

PLT Hey - -

CDR Don't forget Ithat.

SPT Oh, yeah.

PLT Okay, I'm go_mg to start working m_f way back

over ther, E 4.

SPT 0Kay. :

326 23 15 17 PLT This is ... We'll use that ratchet that we

/ fixed up with /the ball on it.

SPT I tell you what, lets get over here and get
squared away !so we can tether things again .
You got the only tether. So I'm Just going
to have to handhold mY flashlight here. Catch
lock, here it is. : Put a tether right on there.

326 23 15 47 PLT Also, we've got to put the thermal cover on.

:_ CDR Yeah, that's iright. You got to put a thermal

cover on the i_umper box too.

SPT I tell you _&t, let's- well we can clean

that one Up @rosily e_ough. So - we might
! knockit offi-alsowhy we're- -

PLT Well I tell you, you could do that while I am

taking this _ape ... out.

SPT Okay. !
PLT And - -

326 23 16 02 CDE Okay, sun - sun's coming up, gang.

/ _ Dump Tape 326-13
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326 23 16 43 SPT Thing's working Well even if ...

326 23 17 Oh SPT Okay.

SPT Let there he light, yes indeed.

SPT (Laughter) _at's tight, isn't it?

PLT Man, that's reAl!y in there.

SPT Can you pullithat a little? Give it a ...

PLT Just a second.

SPT ...

PLT Man, that thing is- Is that it?

SPT Okay.

326 23 18 13 PLT You understand how it goes on, don't you, Ed?
SPT Ah_ take _& look at it here.

PLT Yeah.

SPT .... so I ws_t to make sure I do it right.

326 23 18 23 CDR Ed, I wish - -

SPT Look through and see what's going on.

CDR - - you could see back behind you and see all
the flashing_lights, caused by all the little - -

SPT Hey, I know. i That's what I was remarking about

before, when they first started.

CDR Boy, they look like strobe lights they're so


SPT ... - -

PLT See that pad iof Velcro there?

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SPT Yeah.

PLT You take this emd and go that way. That's it.
You got it.

SIT No, I - - i

326 23 18 46 PLT No, it goes in the other way.

326 23 18 55 SPT ... - -

PLT Slip it over the top.

SPT ... it out here a minute.

PLT ... it around the sides.

326 23 17 12 SPT Looks like there's only about two pieces of

that silver tape left underneath there.

PLT ... clean up the ... As long as that Velcro

J ... thatwe did, so let'sgo ahead.
CDR Did you get the ... pin in, Bill?

PLT No, I haven't started on that yet, Jerry.

CDR Oh, okay.

326 23 20 13 SPT A big hunk of gray tape would do it.

PLT Okay, if you'll - -

SPT Where is that tape now? Here it is. Just get

it started.

PLT We had some tape. See on the - -

SPT Oh, on the other side.

PLT We might have - -

SPL Yes.

PLT ...
Dump Tape 326-13
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SPT ...- -

PLT ... round tape.

SP Get a piece of that off. That'll make life a

little easier ....

326 23 20 45 SPY Just let me straighten you out here.

PLT Okay.

SPY Have you ever tried to take off fly pape?

PLT (Laughter)

326 23 21 05 CDR Some of those bits of foil are actually reflecting

enough light back to - so that I can see flashes
against the hack of you guys.

PLT Yeah, I've noticed that.

_PT l've noticed that.

CDR My Gosh '

326 23 21 13 PLT I'll tell you, that sunlight - Oh, boy, that
tape just doesn't want to stick, does it?

326 23 21 19 SPY No, it's not very good tape at all.

PLT Anyway ... - -

SPT That 's all r_ght.

PLT Give me one more, and we can get it up here on

the stretcher here. Okay.

SPT One more is all you got.

PLT I won't ask for more then. Here.

326 23 21 hi SPT It sticks nicely to itself, though.

PLT I tell you, I think that this stuff is a little

i bit cool. That's probably why.
/-_ Dump Tape 326-13
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SPT Got one tape

PLT Don't put - don't put the tape at - at the

thermal control, Ed. That white square.

SPT Okay. Well let's see here.

PLT You - if you - that -_ if you could feel that one.

SPT I'll feel that one back. Both of them, completely


PLT That's good. That'll keep the ...

326 23 22 34 SPT Ah, that - that's not going to stick. Hey,

I'll tell you what though.

PLT What did you do?

SPT The tape is so darn cold that it's Just -

SPT Okay, we got the Velcro on, and we've got it

around the side there. As long as We don't
disturb it while we're here, nothing else is
ever going to happen to it.

326 23 23 15 CDR You started to peel back the insulation, Bill?

326 23 23 19 PLT Yeah.

CDR Okay, we got two allen-head cap screws to get

out. And those screws are not capped ...

SPT We don't need them though, huh?


PLT Could - do you - could you hold on to me?

326 23 23 34 SPT Yeah.

PLT Put tension on me to stop - I push myself from


SPT No, let's see. See, I'd have to - I can't - -

/_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page24 of 47 ......

SPT Got one tape_

PLT Don't pu_.- _on't ima_'t_e tape at - at the

thermal c_%_I, Ed. That white square.

SPT Okay. Well let'8 see here.

PLT You - if you :- that - if you could feel that one.

i SPT I'Ii fee_ that one back. Both of them, completel

free ° :

PLT That's good. _at'll keep the ...

326 23 22 34 SPT Ah, that - that's not going to stick. Hey,

I'ii tell you what tho1,gh.

PLT What did you :_o_

! SPT The tape is se darn cold that it's Just -

SPY Okay, we got i%_e Velcro on, and! we've got it

• around the s_e there. As long as we don't
disturb it w_e we're here, no_hing else is
! ever going ta hapDe_ to it.

i 326 23 23 15 CDR You started _o 9eel back the insulation, Bill?

326 23 23 19 PLT Yeah.

CDR Okay, we got :_wo allen-head cap screws to get

out. And those.screws are not capped ...

SPT We don'tl need them though, huh?


_' PLT Could - do yOu _- could you hold on to me?

326 23 23 34 SPT Yeah.

PLT Put tension _ me to stop - I push myself from


SPT No, let's se_. See, I'd have to - I can't - -

_-_ DumpTape 326-13 _ "
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PLT Okay, that's i_1! -right.

SPT I can't do eVel-ything for you because you're
working normal to the forces I could put on you.

326 23 23 _4 PLT Yeah.

SPT Yeah, that's it; put it down that way.

326 23 24 06 CDR How you guys feeling?

PLT Great.

SPT Feeling fine; feel good.

PLT Been ... since I been here.

SPT Yeah. (Laughter)

PLT ...

326 23 24 32 CDR You got 5 hours _d 40 minutes.

_ SPT Well, let's see now, Lroll is the one that had
some cross t_ack,,isn't it?

CDR Yeah.

SPT Hell, that's good because -heck, they can always

- it might not give them a forward or backward
scattering with tBe _iteh, but beck, they can ...
with roll.

CDR Boy, you sure can.

326 23 25 13 CDR Okay, I'm go_mg to ma_k it.

326 23 25 16 PLT Ed. i

SPT _ What are you doi ng_ B_117

,_ SPT Going to get ilt?

• PLT I'm getting *faere. I'm Just pushing my -

• _ Dump Tape 326-13
!4 Page 26 of h7

:_: SPT Don ;t have any place to work there, do you?

PLT No,it's-

326 23 26 30 CDR Where do you stand, Bill?

PLT I'm working on the second screw, and I'm have

a little -

CDR Okay.

SPT Got the f_rst one?

PLT Yeah, the first one's out.

SPT Good.

326 23 26 47 PLT Keep pushing myself back when I -

CDR OkaySPT Get yourself all lined up. Okay, you want me
to hold the antenna, would that help?

} PLT Yeah, that ought to help ...

SPT Get yourself ali lined up, and then use inertia
once. And aicouple - a couple trips like that
ought to do it.

326 23 27 04 PLT Come down towsrds you.

SPT Okay.

326 23 27 12 PLT Oops, no, it's not going to work. If you can
hold that antenna right there.

326 23 27 _4 SPT You want me to pull your foot down a little?

PLT Yes, sir.

i SPT Okay.

326 23 28 05 PLT Got it.

i SPT That a boy. Okay.

./_ Dump Tape 326-13
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CDR Okay, remove _ launch lock.

PLT Ok_, stand b ' i. I got _o - will you pll]1

feet down, Ed.

SPT Yeah.

326 23 28 16 PLT Now, nk=y; st md by.

PLT Okay. Ss_ a_ Lin, Jerry.

CDR Okay, go ahel and pull the launch lock out.

Is it out?

PLT Come out.

CDR Beg your par, n.

PLT It doesn't w_t to come out. Stand by 1.

326 23 28 39 CDR Well then, yot might have to wrap it with a

b Aw--_.r.

...... PLT Why I was su_ I had both of them.


i CDR T screws are not captive, Bill. -

_ _ PLT I know, and riley both - I thought - I was _'

_ ' sure I ssx th_ both go" _._

PLT Out.


326 23 29 06 PLT Both the scr B are out.

326 23 29 08 CDR Okay. ProbabLy, it's - you know, it's pro-

bably a snug _it. If Ed could hand you the
h--_er, I wou Ld tap that thing a little bit
i arom_d the edges and see if you can't work
I it out.

PLT Okay.

': i SPT O_ay, stsn_ b_ before you do that


{ _ Dump Tape 326-13

28 ofh7
[......... PLT Okay - -

SPT I'll hand yo_ the Pete Conrad s_m_ther [sic].

B26 2B 29 33 PLT Okay, I'll t_e it.

SPT If you for - _ow about a tether? You don't

need that for i a screwdriver anymore, do you?


SPT Okay, take th Lt off. I'ii put it away. Come

out of? I g_ :Ss, over here. Okay.

326 23 30 05 PLT If it doesn't work, get a bigger hA-m_r.

_ SPT All right.

PLT Okay - -

SPT Give me your ;ether.

"_ !'. 326 23 30 19 PLT Guaranteed to fix by Pete Conrad.

__ SPT ... can fix _,at.

! - PLT Somthing ther )eutic -

PLT Let me get ha • over where I was.

_ SPT ... Just a mi Ate.

_ PLT you're turmin -

_ _ SPT Whichway do _uwant to go?

'_! 326 23 30 h9 PLT ... go like t at.

_ _<. SPT Oh, _11 right well - -

i_ PLT Don't kick yo heels; don't kick your heels.

326 23 30 58 SPT Gonna have a ,ace full of vacum ....

_ I i̧ _

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326 23 31" 13 SPT Okay, be'-c_--_ of the Way there.

CDR Are you doing

l]as_ good, Bill.

CDR You'll probab_ have to tap it three or four

:_ different dirq,etions an_ then t_y pulling on
it some more. Possibly, you'll have to pull
on it while y,_n" tapping it. Don't club it,
Just tap it.

326 23 31 4_ SPT Not any way o: getting a hold on that thing.

PLT ...

CDR Well, pull - _se, the wires to pull it. And

then Just tapiit with the bAw,,er as you're
l_,11_ug it o_. Hopelb_ly. that'll work.
326 23 32 06 CDR I r_member th@ - the backup unit was kind of
a pressed fit. It kin, [ of popped when it
finally came

SPT Now let's see' what have we got that you can
get a hold on that thing with?

CDR You got the %'.se grips in there.

SPT That 's true.

326 23 32 24 CDR Still no luck Bill?

PLT This thing is really on there. I'm afraid

they hit it -

SPT I thought I s_,w you budge it there.

PLT Yeah, I think it broke a little bit then.

' 326 23 32 38 SPT There you go; that's the right direction.
Now hit it th_ other way; knock it back.
There you go; that - that's working it. At
!|,_ least we know which direction to work it.
!i_ _ Just keep you_' hand on there. Now wiggle it
up and down _ _4 pull on it at the same time
in that direc_ _oa.

Dump Tape 326-13 I
/_ Page 30 _7

326 23 33 -8 PLT Ah. •.....

I ........

SPT Boy, that was I really a mean one.


PLT That 's llke ira,!
Iing teeth ...

ili SPT/PLT (La"_t er)

CDR You got it?

SPT Yes.h.

PLT We got it out

i 326 23 33 18 CDR All right, nc_ get the manual gimble lock and
verify that the handle is fully counterclockwise.

SPT T_ll you what, let's bring this up. Give me

the hammer, a_d I'ii put it s_ay and - Hey -
' oh, wait a mi_Ixte - oh, careful. Hey, hey,
your h--,,er i_ihere is loose there - yes.
There was on]_ I_2_rO down there. Let me put
this_way. !

326 23 33 57 SPT ... to get yo_ fixed for the ... , but so be it.
Okay, come onlover here. and - There's the
" pitch lock. !"

326 23 3_ 05 CD Okay, ,_ke sure the handle's fully counter-


SPT Bill, first ,oF all we want to get it tethered.

Watch it. i

CDR Heels, Bill_ _ou're that the window again.

SPT Stop it for y_u.


326 23 3h 51 SPT Don't throw i_; let's ... it around. Tell you
what. let me _ry it the other way.
PLT ... not takln_ it out.
_ f--" D_mp Tape 326-13
Page 31 of 47

326 23 35 12 SPT Watchout-fo-_--the ratchet; there goes the

:_i_ ratchet.

PLT Oooh .'

326 23 35 21 SPT ... here. H_d on let's - let's Just regrpup

here. I tel_ you what, this blame ratchet's
going to hel_ us out. We're gpomg tp put
them ... Ok_ - -
PLT ...
SPT - - now, yOU got that, and I'll put the ratchet

326 23 35 h4 PLT Okay.

PLT Okay, Jerry, '_yousay make sure that this thing

is-- i

"_ 326 23 35 51 CDR Fully counte_loekvlse, Bill.

SPT (lau ter) _e ties it around each others legs.


SPT/PLT qlaughter )

PLT It's a good _ng we're ... - -

_ SPT - - ... Just ilikeLaurel and Hardy, I'ii tell

:! you. i

SPT/PLT (laughter) i

PLT I wish we were _hen we - -

SPT/PLT (laughter)

SPT See, we look _ike - -

PLT ...

SPT It - it's lik_ over there in the - in the

locker ro:,,. No matter - two gt_,s could he in
there; they'_ _lways in the same locker, right

• I
f _ Dump Tape 326-13 1
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next _each--b--t_er. Here we are, we got this

frapping [sic_ in back of us, and we're both
crowdl-g in o_ the same spot.

PLT (laughte ) I

326 23 36 49 SPT All right, p_ it in.

PLT I can't - Jus_ a second, I'm floating sway again.

SPT (_l'.
326 23 36 57 PLT ... working o_t here with no restraints.

SPT Okay, you're .. - -

PLT Right there, Ed. You see the - you got the

SPT Yeah.
CDR Okay - -

PLT I got a bunch of ,.. - -


- 326 23 37 08 CDR Place the ....- place the gimbal lock in the
:_ monuting hole Ialigning the dowel pins with
the threaded _oles. Verify that when the
.- enga - when t_e latch is engage_.

326 23 37 26 PLT Oh, darn it.

SPT ...

PLT Okay.

SPT You got it?

PLT I think so.

SPT Got it latche_?


_ ........................ f ..........

_ Dt_p Tape 326-13

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SPT ... Do you _ee the hole?

326 23 37 48 PLT Yeah.


! SPT Okay, is it _mished?

PLT Nope ....

SPT ... to move _t for you. Right?

PLT Nope, keep m_vlng up a little bit. Right there.

i |

SPT Okay, I'll t_ y to hold it right there. I

got- I

326 23 38 03 PLT Oaky, now, l'_e got to hold the insulation back
while I put _hls thing on. This is what's
causing me t'_''

326 23 39 ii SPT Is there so_ _wly we could hold this - -

i _ PLT Okay,
I got_t.

SPT You got it? |

_ " CDR Is it latched_

PLT Yep. I

_ SPT Let's

_ i _ Ok_, cheek _, See if by wiggling the antenna,

if it's ... 4

PLT Okay. i

SPT Okay. Just _ second, we have a problem, here.

326 23 39 24 CDR Don't turn iti_Just rotate it in pitch. That's

not pitch, is it?

326 23 39 32 PLT Yeah.

SPT Yeah, that's _itch.

Dump Tape 326-13
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CDR Okay. _All right, if you got in the hole, then

start turn _he lock handle down eight turns.

SPT l_W, how do we know that we really got that

hole aligned?j Al%ho_,_ it looks pretty mcuh
the same way [ou ... - -

326 23 39 50 CDR Okay, wrl - _g@le it.

PLT Okay, it's loeklng down, it looks llke.

SPT Okay, it's i¢_k_ng down. Just keep screwing it

in, Bill.

326 23 39 59 PLT What have we _ot after this, Jer?

CDR What?

PLT What have we got afte: this?


CDR Then we got _ ) make an electrical check

of it and see if it will roll.

PLT ;ip.

CDR See if it'll _ through it's routine.

326 23 40 09 PLT Don't have _hing else to install ?
SPT Yeah. _

CDR Yeah, you go_ a -

SPT The hardest _e.

CDR You've got that - disable plug to put in.

SPT I remember that from training; that is really


PLT Hey, man, it'p fixed now.

SPT Okay, let's m_ve hack here.

326 23 h0 29 PLT Okay. i

/_\ Dump Tape 326-13
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326 23 40 29 CDR All right, able plug's got to go in


SPT Is that right? Okay, yeah.

, CDR Okay, let's See, Where ... - -

SPT Okay ...

CDR - - some words on that?

PLT Right here. I


326 23 40 38 CDR You want toglve it a shot first? Peel back.

the insulati_u groin the forward face of the
structure to _expose the protectlve connector
cap. And r_ove the cap using the connector

pliers. !
326 23 41 07 SPT Okay, you go_ a good look at it?

PLT See it?

SPT Say again, BAll.


PLT Oh, I though_ - no, you can't see it, I guess.

SPT No,I can't."

; 326 23 41 28 SPT Here, let me hold you.

PLT Now then, Just - if you can - if you could

hold that im_ ition, I would ...

PLT Okay, I got visibility on the front•

SPT Okay, why do 't you try removing it by hand

before we tr_ the real hard one.

326 23 42 08 PLT ... I got it.!

SPT Okay.

CDR Okay. !

i F
Dump Tape 326-13
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SPT Now, c-_ _-ver-here, and I give you the -

the .... i

326 23 42 27 PLT All right, go_ it.

326 23 42 30 SPT 0k_, now youlgot

to look at this _qter key.

PLT """ - - i
SPT The master ke_ is right at the top here.

_ CDR It Se_s, alig_ the -_tch -_ks on teh disable

'_ plug and thenlinstall the plug and rotate
barrel elockwSse to lock.

SPT Okay, you m_ want to look it over, Bill; but

the w_ I worked those things is those
•.. those t marks Just won't do it for

you. YOU Jus_ " "gn the master key ... up.
326 23 h3 26 SPT Your turn to _e frustrated, Bill.

PLT I know: this .e going to be -

SPT ... s,-_ of t!_t insulation out of the way'

326 23 43 h9 PLT That cap gets in your way. The cap's in

the w_.

• SPT I tell you wh t, let me give you a piece of

• ! tape and you ust tape it out of the w_y.

_, 326 23 43 57 PLT Great. !

SPT We'll try som_ gray tape. See if that works

any better. _ill, l'm afraid our friendly
gray tape is _rozen solid. (laughter)

326 23 44 07 PLT Ah, gee....

SPT Can you give m the screwdriver Just a minute?

PLT Ah, yeah.

' I
'r4 Page
37of47 .............
ii i
SPT --I _on it- th-i_-n_=_-e_te_er'_ck_e I'il -
] _ j_tt_on_ek_i
work - z_t_t_..,t

_! 326 23 4h 23 PLT Got it?

_ s_ Got
PLT Okay.

326 23 _4 40 SPT Yeah, it's no_ 8oing to work. Bill, let's

see. Can yo_ s'_ill work it on there with
that thing in there, do you think?

_ PLT Oh, yesh, I c_n s%-lll do it.

SPT Okay.

• PLT Tell you what, if - well- -

i .... SPT Let me put thLs screwdriver back in here.

Hope I 'm not Losing it.

C-- - - PLT Now - -

=i = _ 3z6 z3 45 z_ CD_ Watchthat m ,l.m11.

PLT Okay.
:_ :" SPT Okay, now--I

i PLT What I want _ do is raise m_ foot up and

:t putitonthe
SPT Just a mlnu_ , J_t a minute. Don't duck
__ your head. _ re're getf-_ng in the - in the
tool - gettiz _ in the tools. I'll gladly -
Okay, now, e: _nd it forward a little bit
i where I can _ a hold Of it. No, not that
far forward. OkaY, now. Okay, there you
go. Okay.

326 23 45 49 PLT Now - Okay. _ow, I need to go further than

that beam the _.
[ ,

_ Dump Tape 326-13

Page 38 o_ 47

SPT Which ----_own _hlch way?

PLT Toward the .i" ; toward the ....

326 23 46 01 SPT Let's see, y_u got your PCU in there. Watch
it. i

326 23 46 04 PLT Okay. I'm going to try to ease my foot over

there in the ISOP against the - darn now I
moved exay f_om the tool sieve vents.

SPT Hold you ove_ there.

PLT Ah, I need t_
! come down too.

326 23 46 38 SPT Well, you're !going to have to be on the other -

,II on the o_her side then, Bill.

PLT _kay. _ Okay_ It was an idea.

SPT You think yoU could get at it the other way,

with your fe_t up in the other - completely
up in the otl_er direction, m_ybe with your
legs around _hat tool sieve vent or your feet

straddling _erneat it.

SPT I'm thinking _ou can get your legs under there
someho_. I

_,_ CDR Easy on your Isuit there.

_ 326 23 _7 43 aPT Well, there's little piece s of stuff Just go ...

PLT Okay, that's Igood,


SPT Okay. The . _. is _he_de_l down in your direction.

',!::_ There you go_

SPT This thing e_ Be out of this shoe here a Little

bit ... your _ead.

SPT ... 8lin_t _us0rkthere. On the structure?

PLT Oh, no

/_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 39 of 47

SPT ... Oh,{ha£ "white is Just to make

PLT ...

SPT Yeah.

SPT ...

PLT ...

PLT Okay.

SPT That it?

PLT No, no, no.

_ SPT Yeah, your fep% shii_ed. Get your left leg

yp around the iheel.
PLT Yeah. !

326 23 49 3h SPT Move your hee_ around there. There you go.

326 23 49 39 SPT Now, hola yo_ he_d again.

SPT Take your ti_, Bill, because all that requires

is Just a pre#Ise alinement.

PLT Yeah, and mow! I - I tore all the insulation

off to give m_ visibility from the other
side. Now I'_ over here.
326 23 50 08 CC Skylab, this _s Houston through Hawaii for
3 minutes. 01rer.

_ii CDR Roger. Bruce. I We pinned the PITCH AXIS and

_ they'reat th_ m_ent tryingto get the

CC That sounds bSantiful, thank you.


SPT Is the insulation strsight there?

PLT Yeah, I got _ insulation s_raight.

/-_ Dump Tape 326-13 I
Page 40 of 47

SPT Okay. [

PLT I got the tear on mM right arm. So I got

to - 1
SPT Well, look, _e can switch that. Let's do that.
If you don't Iget lined up properly, you'll
never get itlin there.
SPT .... Hold _,

326 23 50 48 SPT Let me hold @nto that thing.

_ PLT Okay.

!: SPT Goodon there.

PLT Okay.

SPT Okay. Now, _ou want to get your

left shield u_ around the tool sieve
vent, ... be_dlmg your head.

PLT Okay. !

_ PLT Hey,heauti

_ PLT Hey, hey that_ fits real good, Ed.

_ SPT Okay. '

_ PLT Now. I think _I!can--

_ That 's all iI_ takes.

ii_ 326 23 51 35 SPT Just take your time and aline it precisely

326 23 51 47 SPY Now, you got It cocked towards me

: too much. To rards me.

PLT Wait a minute wait a minute.

SPT It's not hook._d. It's not hooked,


_ PLT Okay.
P_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 42 of 47

PLT Okay, I'll t_--i% again ....

326 23 53 54 PLT ... it hurt 1_nglng it under.

326 23 54 02 SPT ... reset towards - _Imost towards

cocked ready _o go in?

PLT Yeah.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay. I got it, now, if you hold me _


SPT Okay, I'm trying.

PLT No - ...

SPT No. It happ_s, Just happens. Back

it off slow,_w try it again. Back
it off a lit_ebit more. Counterclockwise.
PLT It is. !
_ _ SPT Okay, now tr_ it again then.

326 23 54 40 SPT Hey, hey! I think you done it. _

_ PLT Good!

! SPT ... t
CDR Okay, very g_Dd. Here we go, now.

SPT Is that gl] I le ws_ down now?

PLT Yeah, it's =I the way on.

SPT Okay, take yo'_" wrist tether off.

We'll back oU_ of the way and see
whether this rhole bail game works.


,/_-_ Dump Tape 326-13
Page 43 of 47

326 23 54 57 CDR All ri_t__ If - We want you to
take the - _t switch and put it
in the pitch _ff position. That 's

sway from _ MDA.

PLT Away from %h_ MDA.

CDR Yeah, verify _y reading it. That is

:_ says, 'PITCH OFF."

_ CC ... you're cq_flgured as pITCH, OFF, on

_ : the disable ____nt. .-

:_ B26 23 55 13 CDR It is not - tmat's what we're doing '_'

; right new, B_ t,ce.

326 23 55 16 PLT PITCH, OFF is verified.

"i I_ |

CDR Okay.

PLT Let me get ba-.k up here out of the


CDR All right.

Okay, before _ leave, I'm going to
try to put a _ot of that insulation

back around t_re.

CDR Okay, you tel_ me when you're clear
_ ! of the antenna, and I'll .start things

_: CDR Okay. ._

SPT Okay, Justarea _nt
Okay, we here.
_oth clear. Go ahead. _

CDR All right. Lit I get there.

PLT It 's all thro _h?

326 23 56 57 CDR Okay. Here _ go.

._ _o_ ! CDR RAD power' s @ ,ing to STANDBY, now.

_f-- Dump Tape 326-1B
Page 44 of 47

SPT 0kay. It's - -

CDR Is it - is it well off-center in roll?

PLT No, it's cent _eg in roll.

CDR Well, move it off a little bit.

Let's _-_e su_ it's - -

PLT Oh, it was of and it's- -

SPT Okay, it's of now.


CDR All right, H_re it comes Stand

clear. I
PLT That 's cent_in
CDR Okay. Now we re going to make roll
axis test. S m_ke sure you're well
: clear.

SPT That we are.

PLT Clear.

i 326 23 56 26 CDR Okay. Here _ go. We're going to


.,. CDR RAD _ng on. Nov. RAD ,_

. POWER'slight
READY comln_°on_
' Here
- now.
it comes.
i got a

SPT Go ahead.

326 23 56 59 CDR EREP SYSTEM _%_. You should be

doing & five _ antenna-roll motion.

PLT It 's not doi_ s_hing.

:! SPT No kidding. !

PLT Wait a minute i

.-i SPT Okay. Now it,s f_11 - full roll -

;.V_-_'- PLT Hey l

i I
! !
45o__7 i i

SPT Heyl There t goes.

Yeah, it's doing it.

,_ SPT It'ssteppi_
CDR Wait a minut_ I got to see it.

_ SPT Beautifull

_ B26 23 57 23 CDR Wait for-_, mtenna! ._

SPT See, now it _oes over the other full

*." ;_: SCale. |
it I

SPT Hey, you kno_ what we ought to do is

_ _' clip that she _in8 plug off - or that - "
:: well- -

_C , PLT Yesh, that 's _ght. We' Ii get to -*

that in a miz xCe.

SPT That's not fS %_Tping around on there

all the time,

PLT It's _i_g_ _ proper protocol.

CDR Very _Cl. _ /i

i SPT See, it goes, _ scale _and then it

-_, works ;_ts _ :_ %0 zero and then

'+_ _ PLT Hotd_nI i ;

i_! _ c_ _i_r_ght,
i,% _a_ anaturn
' . it off.

. : tl

/_ Dump_T_&te326-13
Page _6 of k7

PLT Hey, b_yl ] _u%iful! ................

" SPT Okay, Jer.

126 23 58 01 CDR (_7, Just a ,eeont i _ it turned

6 Off. _

8O SPT Okay. "_

_.;;-._ 10 CDR Did it go to zero?

:-_:." !2 PLT Yeah.

• :_ SPT It did. m

_ 326 23 58 i0 CDR All right. S _d by. Okay, now, let _

i _ '/ me get this t_i_ turned off. Now, --
what _ meed _ do is get back over
;: there and cu_ off that pyro line.
.. 20 Let me get m_ l_cedures, here, before :
--7 21 'we do :a_t_a_. !_! re,
o o
t'4 ":"_ SPT (]Ir.e,T. _ "rl

O 2_ SPT me. self _ there, Bill, and I'll -_

-_ 0 =y FAT _. " - ._

__ - 30 SPT ' Aud a little.: _.
_I_...of f'qrq

_' _-! the ee_le l_i:_nd inspect the!launch O

_' c 126 23 59 05 SPT Okay. : tether, Bill.

:- :_" Watch '_U_S_!

3_,_ SPT No, dOn't _p it, dom't unclip
4u it. Just . J_t b_i_ _gur tether

42_1 o_er here an__ it oa :here.

Well, I was @in_ '.to.
eh_e arms, but

4_44 I-thixlk prob_ - i' i i


46 SFT Hold on. Holloa.. _'l_:get itifor you, I

Dump Tape 326-14
Page 2 of ii

PLT Okay, i need to be getting a foot -

I don't want to get in the foot restriant
until you're through, I guess.

SPT Okay, give me the position. Let

me get this all cleaned up, and
then I'Ii let you get at that foot

B27 O0 03 08 SPT Okay, back away a little bit and I'ii

try and get the scossors back in here.

B27 00 03 23 SPT Okay. I have everything secured

here pretty much, Bill. Okay, Bill,
if you would - ... Go t to find
the ends of these Velcro straps.
I tell you that's good Velcro.
Stuff really holds.

CDR Bill?

PLT Yeah.

SPT Hold on.

CDR There's a staff right near your head

you need to pull loose for him.

PLT Oh, I'm sorry; I - Okay, which one?

CDB Right there, right by your - your

hand. See it?

PLT Yesh, I see.

CDN There you go.

SPT Okay, Bill, now tell you what,

le me roll it up first .... film
loose from rolling it up. Then I'll
try to the other one off. Tell
you what I'd do. Let me roll down
here first and get it 8_11 roolled up
before we start trying to take it
home. Let'ssee,I can't- -

327 00 05 01 PLT Let me - I'll try to roll up _his end.

Dump Tape 326-14
Page 3 of Ii

SPT All right, Just hold that. _ don't

want to lose any of those tools cause
l'm flapping around here.

CDR Yeah, watch out.

PLT Can I help you in any way?

SPT Yeah, you can take -

CDR Take the pouch and pull it towerds

you a little bit, Bill, gently.

PLT Okay.

CDR There you go.

SPT Now Just a minute. Okay, let

- go, Bill.

PLY Okay.

CDR Don't yank it Bill.

SPT Now - all we got to do is wrap these

Velcro things around here in some way.
Enough to hold it. Man!

327 O0 06 56 SPT I think that what I'm trying le do -

Gosh darn it! l've lost a VeJcro
steap. Okay, search here.

PLT Take it slow.

SPT One one more.

PLT I need to check this switch; I had

my hand on his hand ...

327 O0 07 02 SPT Okay, there's one Velero strap that

looks good. Let's get another one.

CDR Okay, Ed, when you get it wound up,

Just head back to the FAS.

SPT Okay, Bill. Bill will follow, huh?

CDR Yeah, Bill will be along wi tn !oot

Dump Tape 326-14
Page 4 of ii

SPT All right.

CDR Oh, how neat and tidy you are.

Dump Tape 326-14

Time: 326:23:07 to 326:00:24 GMT
Page 1 of ii

326 23 07 23 This time segment is duplicated

to verbatim within Dump Tape 326-13.
327 00 00 17

327 00 00 18 SPT Okay. Have at it, William. Get a

cut at the action, Bill. Oh, boy.

I'_ SPT Let's see. Hey, hey! Don't it;

we'd like to bring that thing back if
we can. Hey, here, I tell you what.
Can you move it over so I can hold
onto it?

PLT You can put it in that debries pocket

if it'll fit.

SPT I think I've got it. Got it anyway.

CDR Okay, clean up the area essentially

Bill. All the insilation. Try to
pat it back in place as well as you can.

PLT Hey, I got it all except one spot.

CDR All right make sure those two white

radiator areas are clean. And, Ed,
in the meantime you're securing the
tools and are gonna fold up the
pouch and get it back on your wrist

PLT That radiator area is good.

327 O0 02 32 PLT You reading me, Ed?

SPT No, I'm not.

PLT Okay. I have the scissors.

SPT Okay, just a minute. I want to

Dump Tape _6-14
Page 5 of ll

SPT But out, huh?

CDR Right.

327 O0 09 01 SPT Okay, Bill, I'm heading up over

the top of you.

CDR Just follow your umbilical ; it'll take

you home. Don't mess up the feet
horn [?] after all that work.

SPT Boy, I'll say. That would really rip


CDR Okay, Bill, you ought to probably tether

that thing to your left wrist before
you take that out.

PLT I agree, whole heartely.

SPT During placement is any insullation

missing on the side that's facing
the spacecraft.

PLT Yeah.

327 00 I0 19 SPT Let me take a look at this umbilical

mess over hre. Tell you what. We
also want to bring in some wrist
tethers which we left up here. I -
Oh, boy.

CDR That foot restraint sure worked out

well didn't it, Bill.

PLT Sure did. Beautiful. If Just tha -0

if that pin had only had a better
ball peen [?] on it.

CDR It looks like you're pulling it towards

you while you're trying to pull it out,
and that's what's doing it to you.
Attaway. There you go. Feet on
the other side, Bill.

PLT Okay.
Dump Tape 326-14
Page 6 of Ii

SPT I'ii try to get these umbilca!s

squared away in here, Bill.

PLT Oh, okay; that's all the work I'm going

to be doing.

SPT Get this -

CDR Watch out for the feet horn [?].

S_ There's T025; that darn thing.

PLT Doggone, that's a sham that didn't work.

S_ Sur_ is.

327 O0 12 38 CDR Okay, Bill, as ou go by and get

ready t o ingress, take a look at 228
and make sure it is still perpendicular
to the clipboard.

SPT Yeah. I've checked it, but it wouldn't

hurt to check it again because those
umhilcals can sure do it to you.

CDB You get 811 those wrist tethers you

wanted in, Ed?

SPT Yeah, I believe so.

CDR Okay.

327 00 13 37 SPt There he is. How long was it, Jet?

CDR Well, let's see. You're looking at -

6-1/2 hours.

SPT Okay.

CDR Bight now. You still got a few more

things to do.

SPT Okay, want have we got to do?

CDR Okay. Is Bill in now?

Dump Tape 326-14
Page 7 of II

327 00 14 01 PLT No, no quite; I was going to check 228.

CDR Okay, take a look at Ed.

PLT Okay.

CDR All right, now before you get in, Bill,

take a good look at the EVA hatch -
seal and see what condition they're
in. And look at the hatch dogs and
make sure they're retracted.

PLT Okay. It has one little particale

on it which I'm gonna brush off. Looks
like just the ordinary, garden-variety
crud. I can lieve with this seal.

CDR All right, take a look around the

area and make sure that everything's
/-_ in that ought to be in. All the trees ;
I see all you've got is VC tree, right?

SPT Yeah, the VS and VC are in here.

CDR All right, very good.

PLT Poce the area, sergeant. There you are.

327 00 15 ii SPT Okay, let me get around so we can see

the first .. down there towards the
- the other end.

PLT Good work, Ed. I'd say it was a good

day's work. I bet that we both start
off with M092/171 tomorrow.

CDR Okay .... hatch.

SPT ... the day off tomorrow.

CDR Okay, EVA hatch closure. Panel 319

disengage the hold-open rod.

PLT Stand by 1. It's not quite complete.

Dump Tape 326-14
Page 8 of ii

CDR Okay.

327 00 16 O0 PLT Okay, it's compelte.

CDR Close the hatch until the retainer

is engaged.

327 00 16 07 PLT Retainer is engaged.

CDR Place the hold open rod in the spring

clip and strap•

PLT Stand by. Okay, the strap doesn't work.

CDR Okay, Ed. Ed, on panel 3]8, the lock corn -

compartment depress valve; make sure
it's closed.

327 00 16 38 SPT Locked. 318, lock department depress

valve - Hold on a minute - oh yeah,
that's 318.

CDR Okya. Got the hatch handle closed yet?

SPT Hold on. Hold on.

CDR l'm talking to Bill now. Bill, have you got

the hatch handle closed yet?

PLT No, I haven't got it closed; I've got

it to first - -

CDR Okay. Close it and make sure the

lock's engaged.

PLT I had that old pin flipped in the way.

SPT Yeah, I don't think you got the handle

all the way down there.

PLT Stand by.

CDR 0o. Okay, you got it?

327 00 17 18 CIR Okay, the EVA elapsed time, w_s _ hour_

and 3_ minutes even.

S_'T Okay.
D'mmp Tape 326-14
Page 9 of ql

PLT Starting to creep up very very slowly.

327 O0 17 49 CC Skylab, this Houston through V_iguard.

We will be dumping the data voice tape
recorder here. We'll be with you
for 9-I/2 minutes.

CDR Okay. Bruce we're all finished. They're

in and we've started to pressurize.

CC Mighty fine, that's very good news to

hear. We infer - fer from that the
roll checks out good on 193.
That's affirmative. You got a gcod
rool axis and this pitch is hitting zero.

CC Beautiful, babe.

SPT Okay, what's you tolerance here, Jer?

It's coming slowly because we're here.

CDR All right. It says after 2 minutes your

press lock indieater should reach
about 0.2

SPT Yeah, that's about it' we;ve been in

here -well, since you started timing,
add 30 seconds to that.

CDR Okay.

SPT And it's .25 now, so it's GO.

CDR All right ; good show•

327 00 18 45 CDR All right, l'm gonna start opening

the pressure equalization valve. Okay.
Here it comes.

(Alarm sound)

SPT Sounds like you've got problems, Jerry.

327 O0 19 08 CDR Sure does get noisy in here.


Dump Tape 326-14
Page i0 of Ii

CDR Yeah.

SPT Anything else?

CDR Everything else seems to be all right.

I'm gonna get it again here.

SPT What's the altimeter reading? Bet

it climbed.

PLT I can't watch it and do this, too.

CD_ Sure was noisy.

327 00 21 21 SPT Up to _.5 here.

CDR Okay. W'ere Just about equalized.

SFT What's the step after you get equalized?

CDR All right. Just a minute; I've still

got a thing to check here. All right.
I guess I can open the hatch.

327 OO 22 16 SPT Think 4.5, Jer.

CDR Okay.

SPT That's the - the VC tree you'i'e ha_]gi_g

up on.

CDR Okay. Bill, you'll have to remove that.

PLT Okay, I'll move it.

SPT Okay, go ahead. Watch out for the

VS. Here ... back.

CDR There we go.

SPT We're done. We don't have muc moist1_re

in here but every - every littl
bit of it is finding it's way onto
those foot restriant. Look at that

327 00 23 20 CDR Icing up, is it?


Dump Tape 326-14

Page ii of 11

SPT Yes/q, look at it; it's getting all


PLT I can't see it.

CDE Okay, you guys can go to the post EV-]

and 2 cue cards.

SPT They are in the OWS.

PLT Right, then you may open the OWS hatch

it appears.

SPT Well, we've got to equalize here first.

CDR Let's see what the workshop pressure - -

SPT Wait, wait a minute. Hold on. Watch -

watch TO25; I forgot that Nikon on
the back of it.

SPT Just a mlnute; let me get - let me pull

it up here.

PLT Now you're gonna have to equalize zero - -

327 00 23 48 CC PLT, this is Houston; over.

SPT Go ahead; he's listening.

CC Roger, Bill; on the T025 appartus,

for the time being we would like you not
to disassemble it ; there will be more
word for you later on this evening.
We'll probably try and keep it on one
piece until tomorrow morning and
then work on it.

327 00 24 08 PLT Okay, Bruce.

CDR Say again the delta ..., Ed?

327 00 24 20 SPT Yeah, they're okay, yeah -

/-_- Dump
Time: Tape 326-14
326:23:07 to 326:00:24 GMT
Page 1 of ii

326 23 07 23 This time segment is duplicated

to verbatim within Dump Tape 326-13.
327 00 00 17

327 00 00 18 SPT Okay. Have at it, William. Get a

cut at the action, Bill. Oh, boy.

SPT Let's see. Hey, hey! Don't it;

we'd like to bring that thing back if
we can. Hey, here, I tell you what.
Can you move it over so I can hold
onto it?

PLT You can put it in that debries pocket

if it'll fit.

SPT I think I've got it. Got it anyway.

CDR Okay, clean up the area essentially

Bill. All the insilation.Try to
pat it back in place as well as you can.

PLT Hey, I got it all except one spot.

CDR All right make sure those two white

radiator areas are clean. And, Ed,
in the meantime you're securing the
tools and are gonna fold up the
pouch and get it back on your wrist

PLT That radiator area is good.

327 00 02 32 PLT You reading me, Ed?

SPT No, I'm not.

PLT Okay. I have the scissors.

SPT Okay, Just a minute. I want to

put this thing back in the debris
pouch. That's what I'm doing right
Dump Tape 326-15
Time: 326:22:29 to 327:0].:36 GMT
_ 11/23/73
Page i of i

This tape i_ duplicated entirely within

taoe 326-12.i
Dump Tape 326-16
Time: 326:22:h9 to 327:00:56
Page 1 of 1

This tape is duplicated entirely with

tapes 326-13 and 327-01.
/'-_ Time: 327:00:00to 327:01:05GMT
Dump Tape 327-01
11/23/73 _ 0
Page 1 of 3

327 00 00 03 This segment is duplicated

to verbatim within dump tape
327 00 24 01 326-14.

PLT Okay.

327 00 24 01 Sl_r If you can get to it.

327 O0 24 41 SPT Thank you, Bill.

_ , . ._T _ I _t_in!%
_he - that'S,the only way.

CDH Okay, EV-2, are you - at the OWS hatch


SPT Bill was up there now - -

PLT I am in the - I've got the release handle


327 00 25 06 CDR Okay. Start equalizing your _ressure.

327 00 25 09 PLT Okay. We're equalizing.

SPT Yeah, we're coming up slow, Bill. We're

at 47 now.

PLT Okay.

327 00 26 18 PLT Man, is that ever frosty. That foot restraint

is really cold.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. i m/nute to LOS.

Next station contact in 15 minutes through
Tananarive. At 00:41 fairly good on both
ends. Station afterwards is Hawaii in
59 minutes at 01:26. Out.

327 00 26 47 CDR Roger, Bruce.

CC And for the CDR we've used 75 mibs for

h05 pound seconds, so far, and we think
that's really great. We still have the
du_rp maneuver inhibited for this night
._- pass. We'll enable dump again over Hawaii
and start the procedure of getting back
to the normal momentum state. Probably
take several orbits.
Dump Tape 327-01
Page 2 of 3

CDF Okay; fine.

327 O0 27 17 SPT Okay we're up to 5 .... in the lock

aft and put the filter on 5 ...

MS Everything looks pretty - -

CDR What are you reading next?

PLT ... 5.

CDR Yeah, they're all 5 across. Just open

her wide, Bill.

CDR Why don't you open her up, Bi]_?

SP'? That's the smallest ...

327 O0 27 L: ,_-_ '?k_,,_:,i then just L_ve _n , ', _ ....

s_a[ion and pick up on you; :_ "'

SPT Later, Bill.

327 00 28 00 SPT Okay, now watch yourself as y<:_ cilmb <u_

of there, Bill.

PLT Okay.

SPT Movimg on to the do_ing s_a_ i ._ i_._',

going to he quite as easy - g _]_=j _<
to- ... umbilical.

_ i 7 k: ch isn't lat k_ . b ,: _"

it's going anywhere. Later -

SPT Now, you may have to make a ... with me

to get yourself free. It's g t <_ li_t_
mind in there too.

327 00 29 37 PLT It really blows you out, doesn't ]t'i

SPT Boy, I'll say.

PIT I c_n_ tn't figure out wh_:_ _ .- - _r- cn

_ there"ora minute.

_-T It hit you a little bit _f ,_'_e


PLT ... 509.

Dump Tape 327-01
Page 3 of 3

327 00 29 59 CDR Okay. Pick up on your EV-I and 2 cue cards

and - l'm standing by here to cut off

PLT ... I and 2.

CDR Okay, put the DAC on there. Give old

Verdi a little good data.

SPT Okay.

PLT ...

SPT ..., okay.

327 O0 30 25 CDR Clear for lift-off. Doff one glove.

SPT Okay, put the helmet - put the helmet

bag -

327 00 32 53 CDR You guys about ready yet? Well, you're

supposed to tell me when it's time to
deactivate these panels. You got anything - -

SPT Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead.

327 00 33 08 CDR Okay. LSU POWER is coming OFF.

SPT Not easy, is it?

327 00 3h O1 CDR Okay. The deactivation's complete.

327 00 3h 08 CDR Okay, the panels are closed out.


327 00 54 42 PLT PLT PRD 38062 - make that 38063.

Put a PLT PRD.

327 00 56 26 SPT 23058 is the PRD reading on the SPT -23058.


Dump Tape 32.7-02

Time: 327:0h:22 to 327:05:22 GMT
Page 1 of 2

327 02 24 33 PLT PLT reporting or,SOP 60 ...

CDR Got channel B, Bill.

PLT For the CDR had PCU 015, SOP - have to get
that one later, the PLT had PCU 013, SOP,

327 0h 25 12 CDR Bill, you're on channel B.

PLT No, I'm not on channel B. I've got A

select - It says, "A, ON," and I assume
that that's A selected.

SPT Sorry, Bill; they're still tied together.

PLT I'll probably get to that'n Just a

minute in the checklist, Jer.

PLT Okay. PCU, 013; SOP, 13, for PLT. The

end pressure on number - SOP 13 was 6900 psi.
For the SPT, PCU number O10 and SOP 06; end
pressure on SOP 06, 6000 psi.


327 04 52 50 CDR Tape recorder, this is the CDR at - this

is the CDR aS 0h:55 Zulu. Gibson's suit
began drying cycle at this time.

327 02 53 Oh CDR End of message.

327 05 08 58 CDR Tape recorder, this is the CDR at 05:10 Zulu.

PCU number l0 was used by the PLT on the EVA
and is being stowed at this time. PCU number
013 was usedlby the PLT and is being stowed.

327 05 09 19 CDR This is a repeat of an earlier message

done by the _LT, I understand.

Dump Tape 327-02
Page 2 of 2

327 05 21 18 CDR Tape recorder, this is the CDR. We

Just ran across another SOP. It's
number 12; it has 2000 pounds in it,
and I'm going to stow it in F-557
along with nt_mber i0 which has zero

/_ Time: 327:15:38 to 327:I6:41GMT
Page i of 4

327 15 42 15 SPT This is the SPT at 15:38. Subject:

MOT1. On day 326, the PLT had one
extra calcium supplement by mistake,
given to him by the SPT. SPT out.

397 15 54 57 PLT This is the PLT to document some

miscellaneous photographs taken with
residual film on transporter 06.
And the takeup is CI21 and Charlie India 21;
the supply was Charlie India 124 and that
was taken with DAC 01 transporter 6 as I
said and the film indicator indicates zero percent
remaining. I attempted to take some
earth-orbital photographs. We have some
taken on day 32 - 327 about 05:00 Zulu of
Mongolia and coming up on China, Peking,
and photographs of the Islands of Japan.
Also, some photographs taken of the U.S.
pass on day 327, GMT approximately 14: -
13:00 to 14:00 and one sequence of photographs
of clouds - standby on the time - and
that was day 927, 15:43 to 15:44 (_T.

327 15 57 32 PLT PLT. Also on that same roll of DAC film

previously referred to, I got pictures of
weather over the coast of Africa going down
over Tangania and Madagascar Island down.
Again, took pictures primarily because
of the cloud formation.

327 16 04 57 SPT SPT at 16:04. PRD readings as follows.

CDR: push down a plus Z SAL, 42.134;
PLT, which is in the center sleep compartment,
38066; SPT's by the shower, 23060. And
from here on these locations will remain
unchanged util we have another EVA or a
Flight Plan update. So I'll Just be giving
you the numbers from here on out. SPT out.

397 16 20 23 SPT This is the SPT at 16:22. Subject:

133 electrolyte. Onboard we have the two
vials of electrolyte we brought up plus
a part of a vial which was left here
from SL-3. When I arrived, there was about
1/3 of a vial left. After using it for the
first three sessions, I have had one quarter
/_-_ Dump Tape 327-03
Page 2 of 4

of a vial left. I'm not sure what the

breakdown is in usage between the initial
filling and the new subsequent one. I'll
try and keep a closer eye on that. I
think we can probably milk it along though,
to get out what you need. I'll try and
make a more precise measurement of the
exact length of travel with the plunger
and refillings which connects the subsequent
hand . .. so I'll try to stick with one
hand as far as I can and then we fill another
until as rummy reqtL_red. SPT out.

327 16 29 i0 CDR This is the CDR at 16:30 Zulu. Day 327,

limb volume - limb volume measurement log
sheet. First subject was CDR: left arm,
16.h, 16.1, 16.6, 18.7, 18.9, 22.2, 25.1,
25.1, 26.6, 25.8, 25.7, 24.5, 23.9, 24.6,
25.6, 26.1, 26.5, 27.0, 28.3, 29.5. That's
the left arm. Provisions 1 through 20.
Next is the right arm. Position l, 16.5,
16.h, 17.8, 19.5, 21.5, 23.7, - -

327 16 29 12 CDR This is the CDR at 16:30 Zulu. Day 327,

limb volume - limb volume measurement log
sheet. First subject was CDR. Left arm,
16.4, 16.1, 16.6, 18.7, 19.9, 22.2, 24.1,
25.1, 26.6, 25.8, 25.7, 2h.5, 23.9, 24.6,
25.6, 26.1, 26.5, 27.0, 28.3, and 29.5.
That's the left arm. Positions 1 through
20. Next is the right arm. Position l:
16.5, 16.4, 17.8, 19.5, 21.5, 23.6, 25.2,
26.2, 27.1, 27.8, 26.4, 25.3, 25.1, 26.2,
26.6, 26.9, 27.5, 28.4, 29.5, 32.3. That
was the right arm, positions i through 20.
Left leg: the distance between where
nigher i was and the activation checklist
was - is at the ankle bone up to the points
where the tlbial tuber is located between
the tibial tuber and the knee cap with
42.1 cm. Left leg is 20.1, 20.9, 22.1.
I repeat that number 3, 22.1, 24.1, 26.5,
29.3, B2.0, 33.0, 32.5. Number i0 is
30.3, 30.5, 30.7, 33.0, 34.7, 34.2, 34.9,
36.7, 39.2, 42.6. Number 20 is 45.2,
48.8, 49.1, 51.4, 52.0, 52.0. That was
the left leg, measurements 1 thru 25.
All right now ec_es the right leg for the
Dump Tape 327-03
Page 3 of 4

CDR. The distance between the

ankle bone and the point between the
tibial tuber and the kneecap is 41.2 centi-
meters. The right leg, number l: 206,
20.6, I should say; number 2 is 20.2, 21.3,
22.9, 24.9, 26.7, 30.3, 32.4, 33.0, and
number i0 is 31.9, 30.6, 31.1, 32.3,
35.0, 34.8, 34.3, 35.2, 38.2, 41.0;
number 20 is 44.5, 46.7, 47.9, 50.1,
51.9, 52.1. That was measurements 1 through
25 on the right leg. Neck size: 38.9, -
correction, 38.1; chest, inspired, 98.5;
expired, 92.5; waist, 78.0; hips, 87.0.
All measurements given were in centimeters.
Next subject is the SPT. The left arm:
position i, 17.0, 16.6, 17.5, 18.9, 21.1,
23.0, 25.1, 26.6, 27.2; number i0, 27.3,
27.3, 26.2, 26.5, 28.0, 28.6, 29.1, 29.5,
30.0, 31.0, 33.0 - correction, 33.3 on
number 20. Thatwas the left arm from
position i through 20. On the right arm
for the SPT, 17.0, 17.5, 19.0, 20.5, 23.0,
25.1, 26.1, 27.5, 28.0; number i0 is 27.5,
27.0, 27.4, 27.9, 28.5, 29.2, 29.6, 30.5,
31.5, 32.5. That was the right arm,
measurements from position 1 to position 19.
The left leg: the distance between the
ankle bone and the point between tlbial
tuber and the kneecap was 37.0 centimeters.
The left leg: 20.5, 19.3, 19.4, 22.0,
24.0, 26.6, 29.h, 33.5, 35.6; number I0
is 35.0, 34.2, 32.2, 32.8, 34.6, 36.2,
35.5, 36.0, 38.5, 40.9, 43.5 for number 20.
Number 20 I say again was 43.5, 45.8,
49.0, 51.0, 51.5, 52.4; the right leg,
the distance between the ankle bone and
the area between the tihial tuber and the
kneecap is 37.0 centimeters. Right leg
position i, 20.8, 19.5, 20.8 - correction
20.8 - 22.8, 25.8, 28.2, 32.5, 34.0, 35.0,
n_,mher i0 is 33.8, 32.1, 32.1, 33.9, 35.6,
36.7, 35.9, 36.8, 38.9, 42.0, 45.1 is
number 20. I repeat number 20 was 45.1,
48.5, 52.0, 51.3, 52.5, 52.9. That was
the right leg positions 1 through 25.
_-_ Neck size: 38.1, chest inpired, 96.2;
expired 88.0, waist, 77,7; hips, 89.3.

Dump Tape 327-03 I

Page 4 ofh

327 16 36 20 SPT The I_SS_DI_ subject was the

PLT. Left arn: 16.9, 16.1, 17.2,
18.7, 21.1, 2B.O, 25.1, 25.5, 26.0;
number i0, 25.8, 25.2, 24.1, 24.8,
25.5, 25.7, 2_.5, 27.4, 27.6, 28.3
was number 19. That's left arm,
positions 1 t_rough 19. Right arm:
17.4, 17.0, IT.6, 19.5, 21.3, 22.8,
26.5, 27.3, 2r.7; number I0 is 27.6,
26.9, 26.2, 2_.4, 26.7, 26.9, 28.6,
27.6, 27.6, 23.8 and god, this is boring.
Right arm: p_ition i through 19.
All right, nc_ comes the left leg: the
distance bet_en the left ankle bone and
the area between the tibial tuber and
the kneecap, _7.5 centimeters. Left leg,
positionI:_0.9, 20.5, 21.6, 23.6,
25.6, 28.0, 3).0, 33.5, 35.0; number I0
is 33.7, 32.3, 31.9, 33.8, 34.9, 34.5,
f 34.5, 36.3, 33.5, 33.5; number20 is
45.3, 46.6, h T.9, 48.4, 49.2, 49.6.
That was the left leg, positions 1 through
25. Now the _ight leg: the distance
...... _: between the a _kle bone and the area between
the tibial tu)er and the kneecap is
38.5 centimet._rs. Positioni, 21.6,21.6,
, 21.3, 23.0, 2_.6, 27.4, 29.2, 31.2, 34.5;
.q number i0 is 33.4, 32.0, 31.5, 32.7, 34.4,
34.5, 33.5, _.2, 36.3, 40.6; number 20 is
42.8, 46.8, 4_.9, h8.9, _9.6, 49.8;
neck was 34.6 chest inspired, 98.0;
chest expired 89.1. I repeat: chest expired
89.1; waist, '1.3; hips, 89.4. That's
the end of th ,=limb voltm_ measuring log _'
sheet. The tLme required to m-_e these
measurements mp here is a minimum of
30 minutes per man. Or a total of i man-hour
per person. ["ear's using a half hour for
the guy bein8 measured and a half hour of
the guy's ti_e that's doing the measuring.
The IR photo_, are being set up right now;
I imagine the_c it's going to take 15 to
20 minutes t_al elapsed time to get all
• the IR photo_. This is the CDR. That's
327 16 39 53 the end of th_ message.



Time: 327:17:05 to 327:17:18

Page i of I

327 17 09 35 CDR Tape recorder, this is the CDR at 17:10 Zulu

with the rate gyro liquid temperature
readings. The rate gyro temps are as follows:
rate gyro Zulu 6 is 95 degrees; Zulu 5,
95 degrees; X-ray 6, 95 degrees; X-ray 5,
100 degrees; X - Yankee 6, 93 degrees;
Yankee 5, 95 degrees.

327 17 l0 17 CDR Message complete.

327 17 16 18 SPT SPT at 17:16. Message for the food folks.

The salt dispensers are not working out
too well. The nozzles for - the valves
at the top of them seem to plug up with
dried salt, and in order to make them
work, we have to squeeze the bag. Unfortunately
we squeezed one bag too hard and we have
been picking salt off the walls of the
wardroomfor 2 days. I thinkwe need a
better method.

327 17 16 55 SPY SPT out.


Time: 1905-1953
Dump Tape B2T--05 _ _
/_ 11/23/73
Page i of 3

327 19 05 20 CDR This is the CDR at 19:05 Zulu. At this time

I have completed the housekeeping, for a 7 day
CO-,,and module housekeeping check and I have
the following data to read: the service
module source amperage nt_mber 1 was 16.0,
2 was 0, and nt_mber 3 was 16.0. Systems test
meter 9 Bravo read 1.35 rather than 1.4 and I
found about a 4 inch patch of moisture on
window niTmber 5 which I dryed. That's end of

327 19 26 ii CDR Tape recorder this is the CDR at 19:25 Zulu.

The question was asked of me late the ds¥ before
yesterday for the data on cap measurement of
blood pressure measurement done on mission day 3.
I've done as _/ch research as I can through the
activation checklist and through our C_.mAnd
module system checklist, and as best I can tell
that data was recorded down on all three crewman
at 02:30 Zulu on that da_. I checked in the
f recordsthat ve have up here and I have full data
on myself and blood pressure data on the SPT,
and I'll - that will follow.

327 19 27 08 CDR Okay for mission day 3, I have no data for the
PLT. For the CDR left arm blood pressure 120
over 64, left leg blood pressure 150 over 88.
Left calf with 13-I/8, right calf with 14-1/4.
For the SPT left arm blood pressure was 140 over
78, left leg blood pressure 170 over 92, and no
data on third measurement. As I remember that
particular day was a very confused day. We were
very, very far behind the time line and I have
a hunch that this is the only data that was even
gathered. Message complete.

327 19 48 17 PLT This is the PLT, in reference to questions on the

T0-25 problem. I will take the questions in
turn. The following questions are asked in
reference to Nikon 0-1 with the T0-25 - -view-
finder. 1. Is the view finder head loose with
a gap between the head and camera body greater
than about a checklist page thickness? The
answer is yes, on facing the back of the camera,
and looking into the viswfinder ... standard of
things you body of .... on activation Checklist

Dump Tape 327-05

Page 2 of 3

.............................. When 2
originally installed the viewfinder on the
camera, it was difficult to engage and yet when
it was - when it finally clicked. It didn't
really give a satisfying positive sound of
engagement, action after that, it wiggled a
lot. It was loose. Question No. 2. Does the
shuttle speed knob extend uniormly into the cap
on the extension approximately 1/8 of an inch?
No. By measurement using the tape measurement
we used for the anthropomorphic measurement,
it extended in approximately 1-3/4 millimeters,
327 19 49 46 if you want a better gauge, if you will look at
most Nikons, that shutter speed knob has a ribbed
section or part of it and the ribbed section
or the little ... part which gives you the finger
grip control is additionally more or less scored
327 19 50 04 about halfway in between the length of the rib,
which is about a little less than 2 millimeters.
z- It expanded into the tube Just about that distance,
Just about half of that little ribbed distance.
Question No. B. With the view finder off does the
327 19 50 25 camera shutter speed adjust knob free wheel?
Answer, no. Additionally, after we got the camera
back in it, I was going to show the CDR last night
what the problem was, the thing worked Just fine.
which indicated to us a thermal problem, cause
it was actually spinning free. I would Just slip
327 19 50 46 it on my finger and it would Just spin free while
we were EVA. Question No. 4. Is the spring clip
inside the shutter speed extension knob cap
bent near the retaining screw so that the grooved
end is about half way between the top and bottom
of the cap? The answer Is, yes. It appears to
327 19 51 02 be properly configured. Question No. 5. Is the
viewfinder screen all the way in the camera,
below the level of the two holding latches? The
answer is, most probably, yes. The problem in
answering that question is, this particular -
and I think - I think it was well seated, also
it was level enough so that when I put the
viewfinder head on, it would have put it in
position because I held the knob down, the
installation knob, release knob down, while I
was trying to wiggle the viewfinder in position,
so I am confident in giving a guess to that,
327 19 51 38 although there is a remote possibility that there
is some ... however I was thinking repeated
Dump Tape 327-05
Page 3 of 3

installations which I have performed that I would

have gotten the screen to actually ... 2 little
catches. So I believe the answer to number 5
is, yes. PLT that's the end of the cnmments on
327 19 52 08 the T0-25.

._r_ __

Dtm_ Tape 327-06

Time: 327:20:39 to 327:21:17 //_4_--
_i1-_23/73 _

; [327 20 38 22 SPT SI_f at 21:38, subject: MI31."

5 I SPT 0GI, subject was the CDR. Observer,

4 _ SPT. A few of the entrieswere not
i made. So I'll go ahead and give
you a ... record. What the CDR


< U


-- 2_ I --
_-32720 39 51 TIMESKIP &o

y:? --
O aC 8PT Additional observations the CDR
_- _1 ontheM1310GItest, _

33 C
3z ----

_ 327 20 41 45 TIME SKIP



Dump Tape 327-06 ....

/_ Page 2 of 2 ......

327 20 hl 45 CDR Tape recorder this is the CDR" at

21:15 Zulu. The subject is
M131-IMS. Sinse this was
mock rotation, I've also have
no indicated I have no symptoms.
And so I don't have any comments for
the time that it required for
the symptoms to disapper.
End of message.


f •
Dump Tape 327-07
Time: 2200:2251
Page 1 of 1

327 22 01 00 SPT SPT at 22 hours even. Subject, MI31 0GI. I

have set the rotation at the higher - at the last
level of rotation, although no where near as
much as I have experienced on the ground in
slm_lar eirc1_,_tances .... other than expected
and your data ... on the influence of getting
extremely tired while taking the rest.

SPT SPT out.

327 22 50 27 PLT PLT commenting on theMl31 run. I did have a

sense of rotation but only during the higher
speeds. The llne did not move in any other
direction other than left/right, and other than
that, the experiment was Just about as we
performed it on the ground.

Dump Tape 327-08 /_
Time : 2035-0041 GMT
Page 1 of i

327 20 38 23 S_r


_ 327 20 41 21 SPT Additional observation by the CDR on

the MI31. 0GI test. He did have a sense of
rotation especially at a highter settings,
but not at the lower. The line never moved
in a direction other than expected. And the
N2 pressure is 1250. SPT out.


327 22 01 0! SPT SPT at 22 hours even. Subject, _I131 0GI.

I had a sense of rotation at the higher -
at the last level of rotation, although
nowhere near as myeh as I have expenienced
on the ground under similar circumstances.
The line never moved in a direction other
than expected. And your data probably is
going to be influenced because I'm extremely
tired while taking the test. SPT out.


327 22 50 29 SPT PLT co_nenting on the MI31 run. I did

--_ have a sense of rotation but only during
the higher speeds. The line did not move
in any other direction other than left/

Dump Tape 328-01
Time: 0249-0219 GMT
Page 1 of i

CDR This is the CDR at Q2;15, the

subject is suit drying. Apparently
last night about an hour after I
started the suit drying. I had to come
back and put a take a urge valve off and
put a cap on it. I finally neglected
to turn the suit dryer hack on again. So
about an hour - about an hour ago I
started drying the suit again, the Gib-
son suit, and means I won't be able to
start drying the second suit until tomor-
row morning. End of message.

Dump Tape 328-02
• Time: 328:05:17 to 328:05:18 GMT
Page 1 of 1

328 05 17 12 CDR This is the CDR at 05:17. In the

general message that was received
this morning a question was asked
whether or not we had as yet dis-
carded any of our brown garnets,
and the answer is "negative; we
have not yet discarded any."

328 05 17 29 CDR End of message.

Dump Tape 328-03
Time: 328:15:04 tO 328:15:14 GMT
Page i of 2

328 15 04 37 SPT SPT at 15:04 PRD reading as follows:

CDR, 42144; SPT, 32067; PLT, 38074.
SPT out.


328 15 !0 30 PLT PLT reporting on ... photographs

taken with end footage on a DAC ...
- I will report the area I think it
was over and then I will give the
exact G_T. Norhtwest, you have a
question about GMT day 327 20:00,
or snow-covered mountains. Okay DAC
over about now the Carribean islands,
_,_ data 327, time 20:08. Cloud line
at - day 327:00 - correction, make
that 328 at 00:40 GMT. Snow-covered
mountains - I think - it was -
I don't know where it was ..., day 328:02:03.
r_ Some good BenardCellson day 328 at
02:30. And at 03:40 I think it was
either shouthern Russia or Nomgoiia and a there
were good snqw patterns on the Earth,
so I got qui_e a bit of footage of
that. And a ilittle bit later than
that, while _assing out over the
Pacific it w_s for about 03:50 to
04:00 (sic) _'ve got some more pictures
of the clouds which I took on a
previous pass and that was at 02:30.
In the same - _]most the same area in
the Pacific and there were quite a few
thunder bumpers poking up through and also
a lot of Benard Cells and what looked
like gravity wave - line of small,
puffy cums spreading down from
the larger cumulus. John Kaltenback,
Earth Resources, may be interested in
filing on th_s - I will give you the -
this is the same film magazine that was
used on EVA smd all I'm doing is clicking
Dump Tape 328-03
Page 2 of 2

off about i0 or 15 frames of it.

Although the thing is in - indicating
empty on the indicator, the
end-of-film light isn't on so I'm
cranking off a few-grabbing it out of the
film vault and craking off a few ... frames
so that I see something which may
be of interest.

328 35 1_ 57 PLT I'm taking pictures of gross _'eas

which would give somebody - a picture
of a large area where fine detail isn't


Dump Tape 328-04

to 328:17:30
Page 1 of 1

.._ ~-

328 17 32 55 PLT PLT, reportin_ the es/n.erastatus -

camera equipment status ... 106; end
of film ligh_ did not illuminate.
Also a note of information: I've
been reportir_g usage of the indivi-
dual film on _chese end - transporter
06, periodically. And I would see
something of interest. I reported a
lot of subjects at this time and so
forth. I'm not sure that I got any
of those pictures 'cause the end of
film light was not working. It may
have been that I exhausted the film
while we were at EVA and something
in the film light was off and I was
trying to sort of squ..eze in a few
extra frames of interesting features.

328 17 29 43 PLT I thought I might even do it - do

it, but it looks like now that this
. . end of film light is working I don't
know whether iI can get any of those
pictures I've i been reporting or not.


Dump Tape 328-05
Time: 328:17:51 to 328:17:53
Page 1 of 1

328 17 52 28 CDR This is the CDR at 17:52 Zulu.

Subject is suit drying. The Gibson
suit sdryingis complete and began
the Pogue suit drying.


Tape 328-06 Mt_'
Time: 328:19:53 to 328:20:02 C_4T
11/24/73 ......
Page 1 of 3

328 19 53 43 PLT PLT reportin_-a-J_ed-_-transporter ....... :

number 6. I had to take the transporter
apart and build it again inside the
transportor. IAlso I'd like to comment
on the efficacy of the film vault in so
far as restraining or retaining or holding
the items th_ are placed into them.
There are a c_uple of - I can pick out
three what I _onsider to be major design
error on the _esiEn of the fiLm vault.
One is the to_tal lack of engineering mass
harmony between the bulky, heavy, massive
doors and thel tiny useless dlal latch
that's used t5 hold them closed. The
dial latch is_continually coming loose;
you can slam _he left side of the film
vault and the iright side will come open,
which is a haZard to the film. So the two
dial latches _ere very, very poor choice
in so far as ,_he latch to hold the doors
closed and JeOpardized the storage of the
film. One oil,
them is broken_ the one on
the right sid_ is broken and it's been
taped in repair. And this is the one that
continually f_les open when you close the
left side. U_less you notice it, you can
walk off and _eave the right film door
ajar. It has Ibeen seen to swing open as
far as a foot I and a half.

CREW ...

328 19 55 08 PLT By the way, d_/ring activation that door :

was found ope_, so the film that was in
drawers B through L may have been exposed
to considerable radiation, and as I say,
this is due t_ a - what I consider to be
an inexcusabl_design error in using the
:: dlal latch to_hold those doors closed.
Also, there ip no - nothing between the
drawers. There's no protection between
the drawers a_d items - the drawers are
very, very poorly designed in holding items
that are - that tend to be placed in it.
The teflen isluseless ; it slides out of
Dump Tape 328-06
Page 2 of 3

position, it does not hold a

position. The teflon holders for the
film hold the film in, but they don't
stay in the drawers. They float free.
They're conti_1,ally getting away and
items that fYoat free from one drawer
will float u_ when you open the drawer
above it. T_ey'll float up inside in
space and when you get ready to close
the drawer, Mou'll slam it into thyitem
that has flo_ted in behind. I have JAmmed -
hit the SO19 !film canisters twice during
this, because they have floated out of
position. And the re - retainer for one,
and the one I brought up there was no
retainer for it. And it's floated up and
out of position and I'm going to try to
Jury-rig something to restrain that.
So the drawe_s themselves have - the
restraining _pability is almost
nonexistent. I The - all of the cameras
are loose, f_bating around - Jiggling
all around. _nd the velcro straps are
useless because there is - a single velcro
strap is ver_, minimal in so far as its
ability to re_ain the - a single camera
that has a lens attached. There was
Just very, ve_ little thought given to
design use fo_ camera equipment. That
together wit_ the fact that there's no
space in between the drawers. It makes
the film vaul_c a very difficult item to
use and it's _ust caused a continual waste
of time in re, towing items and reeanning
items, and also you really bit me on the
stowage of the one drawer where I - where
we brought up; - it's called the film -
the drawer - Zhe polariod camera. That
drawer is Jam-packed and there's nothing
to restrain any of the items and every time
that drawer is opened, about 50 Jillion
items come floating out of there. And
to end, there)s Just - the items in the
film vault in Ione g may have worked, but
if there was Very little design ...,
at least incoi"porated into the design
of the zero-g ifilm vault.
f Dump Tape 328-06
Page 3 of 3

328 19 57 51 PLT Comment -on £i_e h_[nets in which our

tools are kept. The same criticism
applies to th_ tool drawers. There's
no space in _etween the tool drawers.
And tools, o_ course, with Mosite cutouts
again had ver_ little ... here in
designing them. The very small items
which requir_a large percentage of
the total surface - the item's in friction
with the Mosi_e continually. Because the
cutouts have _ittle surface contact with
the Mosite, _ ,ey tend to float out of
position. C¢ iversely, large items, like
a ... have AI _ost a I00 percent on the
outside perim _ter area in contact with
the Mosite AT | they're too hard to pull
out. So - bu; anyway, the same problem
exists in the film drawer in that small
items tend to float free, and get in the
way of drawe_ above, and when a drawer
is pulled out! and then when you get ready
to close it, _t won't close• So I need
to be - there|needs to be spaces between _i
the drawers i_
stowage areas.

328 19 58 59 PLT One other thing I thought about on the •

film vault an_ that is a high degree of _
tatter [?] f_ction, I would call it, in _
closing the d_awers. The drawers are very I
difficult to _ove and this causes a tatering
as you close_d open the drawers, {
mainly on eldsing. But this tends to upset
and Jiggle aE_ rough up the items that are
contained in _hat drawer. And it's very
irritating a_ time consuming Just to open
a drawer in the film vault in order to not
only damage t he contents but to avoid
B28 19 59 33 spilling them out into zero g.

_ _D _ TAPE

Dump Tape 328-07
Time: 328:21:42 to 328:21:48 (_[T
Page i of I

328 21 43 35 PLT PLT. The prtable Water tank drying is

starting at 21:41 Zulu. And for the
procedure here, it takes a
period of 18 hours.

328 21 46 40 PLT This is the I_T. Request

the entry in PLT details for day 329
activities, 15:41, to terminate
that portable water tank drying.

Time: 328:23:30 to 328:23:32 (_4T
Page 1 of 1

328 23 30 39 CDR This is the CDR at 23:30 Zulu. The

subject is $230 - $233. The first
exposure was taken on time and
correctly. The second exposure was
taken on time and correctly. The
third exposure was taken on top of
the second; I did not advance the
film. So- r

328 23 31 12 CDR At 23:15, I took the third exposure,

which was 60 seconds at 15-foot focus,
nad then I took a fourth exposure
at 23:18 of i20 seconds with a focus
at infinity.

328 23 31 33 CDR End of message.

Dump Tape 329-01
Time: 329:02:20 to 329:02:26 GMT _/_/_
Page I of 2 g
329 02 22 19 CDE Decimal point's right there.
Zero point zero, zero. No, I
said it's right here. Okay, it's
Doing. 0.0017_ Four decima!
places. Let's see, this is - must
be midnight. Yeah.

CDR ...

CDR I think so.

329 02 23 30 CDR One minute to go. Trans control

poser is on UP. Hand controllers

329 02 24 02 CDR EMS !,©DE to NORMAL.

CDR ***

CDR/SPT Okay. i0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, h, 3, 2, !.

329 02 24 30 CDR/SPT MARK.

CDR Plus X. Gonna hold it for 88 seconds.

SPT ... in X.

329 02 2h 39 CC We're seeing it down here and

it's looking good. Got you for
... minutes and h0 seconds.

SFU Okay. Hold on to something tight,


PLT All this stuff is raising off the

floor down here.

SPT Sounds like we're making popcorn.

CDR And doing jlittle belching, too.

SPT I'ii be damned ... Jer.

Dump Tape 329-01
Page 2 of 2

329 02 25 20 SPT 50 seconds gone. 60 seconds.

70 seconds. 80. I, 2, 3, _, %_

329 02 25 58 SPT 8. Delta V thrust is OFF. Okay.

w . Let me JusL see how far
oSf we are solar inertial.

fU_ Okay, the rate's real low.

it's 0.01 right now. Let's just
see we can get them down -

329 02 26 lh CC - - looks good down here.

... now we'd like you to slide
the ... attitude hack to - -

- Dump Tape 328-04
Time: 328:17:28 to 328:17:30 GMT
Page i of i

328 17 32 55 PLT PLT, reporting the camera status -

camera equipment status ... 106; end
of film ligh_ did not illuminate.
Also a note _f information: I've
been reporting usage of the indivi-
dual film on _hese end - transporter
06, periodie_lly. And I would see
something of _nterest. I reported a
lot of subJe_s at this time and so
forth. I'm not sure that I got any
of those pictures 'cause the end of
film light was not working. It may
have been that I exhausted the film
while we were at EVA and something
in the film l%ght was off and I was
t_ing to solar of squeeze in a few
extra frames of interesting features.

328 17 29 h3 PLT I thought I might even do it - do

_. it, but it lookslike now that this
end of film 3jight is working I don't
know whether _ can get any of those
pictures I'v_been reporting or not.

Dump Tape 329-01
_ Time: 329:02:20 to 329:02:26 GMT
Page I of 2

329 02 22 19 CDR Decimal point's right there.

Zero point zero, zero. No, I
said it's right here. Okay, it's
point. 0.0017_ Four decimal
places. Let's see, this is - must
be midnight. Yeah.

CDR ...

CDR I think so.

329 02 23 30 CDR One minute to go. Trans control

poser is on UP. Hand controllers

329 02 24 02 CDR EMS _,_0DE


CDR ***

CDR/SPT Okay. i0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I.

329 02 24 30 CDR/SPT _ARK.

CDR Plus X. Gonna hold it for 88 seconds.

SF_ ... in X.

329 02 24 39 CC We're seeing it down here and

it's looking good. Got you for
... minutes and hO seconds.

SPT Okay. Hold on to something tight,


PLT All this stuff is raising off the

floor down here.

SPT Sounds like we're m_ing popcorn.

CDR And doing Jlittle belching, too.

SPT I'll be damned ... Jer.

/_" Dump Tape 329-01
Page 2 of 2

329 02 25 20 SPT_ 50 seconds gone. 60 seconds.

70 seconds. 80. i, 2, 3, h, 5,

329 02 25 58 SPT 8. Delta V thrust is OFF. Okay.

_ow ... Let me Just see how far
off we are solar inertial.

_[_- Okay, the fate's real low.

it's 0.01 right now. Let's just
see we can get them down -

329 02 26 14 CC - - looks good down here.

... now we'd like you to slide
the ... attitude back to - -

e. j

D_np Tape 329-02

Time: 329:02:23 to 329:02:39 GMT
--" 11/25/73
Page 1 of h


SPT 20 seconds.

CDR Okay.

CDR/SPT i0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, h, 3, 2, i.


CDR Plus X. Gonna hold it for

88 seconds.

SPT Got some good high rates. In X.

CC We're seeing it down here. It's

looking good. And got you for
2 minutes and hO secondS.

SPT Okay. Hold onto something tight,

--- Bill.

PLT All this stuff is raising off the

floor down here.

SPT Sounds like we're making popcorn.

CDR And doing a little belching too.

SPT I'ii be dammed everything is

moving, Jer.

CDR Fifty seconds gone.

CDR Sixty seconds.

CDB Seventy seconds.

CDR Eighty, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

CDR 8. Delta V thrust is OFF.

Dump Tape 329-02
Page 2 of 4

SPT Okay, now if you Just cut those

rates way down. Let me Just see
how far off we are solar inertial.

CDR Okay, the rates are real low.

It's 0.01 right now. Let's just
see if we can get them down.

CC Okay, it looks good down here.

After you get done, we'd like you
to fly the CLUSTER ATTITUDE back
to all zips on the ... and save
us a little TACs ... gets back.

CDR Okay, Story.

SPT We show it's off minus 2.702.

That's the largest - nothing in X
and 1.3 in Y.

329 02 24 47 CC Copy, Ed.

329 02 25 06 CC And we're about 20 seconds from LOS

here. The next station %rill be
the Vanguard with a medical conference
in an hour and 18 minutes at 13:42.

CDR Roger, see you then.

SPT Okay, Story, and the DAS entries

for the enable my ... will all
he equal to h in those blanks.

CDR How's it look?

329 02 25 31 CC Say again, Ed.

SPT Page 2-22, the blank which are

left open, where it says enavle
per STDN, fours will be used
there, as I understand it.

329 02 25 53 CDR Okay, Ed, how do your errors look


/_. Dump Tape 329-02

Page 3 of 4

329 02 25 55 CC And, Jer, before leaving the

command module, if you'd systems
pulse meter 82 on your way out,
you can get that for me and it'll
save you a trip back there.

SPT We show it a Z, Jet, that you're

2-1/2 degrees off - minus 2 and a
half degrees. In orbital ... Z.

CDR Okay, see if this gets it.

329 02 26 23 CDR That taking any of it out?

CDR I don't think I have any Z trans-

lation. Yeah, I do. Is it getting
any - is it getting any smaller, Ed?

SPT No, at Z you're - you're Just

sitting there, not doing much of
-- anything. If anything, you're
going a little more negative - there -
no, you went positive again.
Very slow now.

CDR Say again.

SPT No, you're doing - you got zero

essentially at Z, your rates.

CDR What about - are there - am I

reducing the error thot_h?


CDR Okay. Is this the right direction?

329 02 27 13 CDR Is this the right direction?

SPT No, Jet, I don't see anything

coming in at Z and let me look
at the others. Now your putting
in a little Y and X.

CDR What are we doing now?


Dump Tape 329-02

Page 3 of 4

SPT You got some good plus Z in

there, but you also got plus X,
and plus Y.

329 02 27 47 CDR Okay.

CDR What I am trying to do, is fly

it hack to where it wss on the

SPT Yeah, well you may - you picked

up a tenth of a degree in your
error in Z.

329 02 28 17 CDR Well, I don't see much happening.

I don't see much happening here
at all.

SPT Yeah, your doing all right in Z

now, your Just slowly going back,
you got point zero zero. Oh, no,
it droped down again. 0.004 is the
rat e.

CDR Okay. How's the error?

329 02 28 33 SPT The error is slowly coming out.

I think if you Just leave it alone.
However, in X - let me take a look.
You got some X and Y rates.

SPT Yes_h, you're going - you're 0.2

off in X now.

CDR Okay. If I get them all within

a degree, we'll be alright. I
think I - you can hand them back
to the CMGs with that can't we?

329 02 28 56 CDR How's the Z now?

Dt_np Tape 329-03
Time: 329:02:29 to _99:02:36 GMT _g4]_
Page i of

329 02 28 17 CDR Well I don't see much happening. I

don't see much happening here at all.

SPT Yeah, you're doing all right in Z now.

You're Just slowly going back. You
got point zero zero - oh, no, it's
dropped down again. 0.00h is the rate.

CDR Hows the error?

SPT The error is slowly coming out. i think

if you Just leave it alone. However,
in X next, let me take a look. You
got some X and Y rates. Yeah, your
going - your 0.2 off the X now.

CDR Okay, if I get them all within a drgree

we'll be all right. I think I - you
can hand them back to the CMGs with that,
can't you?

s-_ CDR Hows the Z now? Z error?

SPT Z is 2.2, started out with 2.5.

CDR Man, this is a long haul.

CDR Can you hear me now?

SPT Yeah.

CDR Okay, I didn't realize whether or

not we were hot mike.

SPT Ye_, I got you over the - the speaker

box, and I _ talking on head set.

CDR Okay. It seems to me that I've got about

a degree and a half to go on the balls.

SPT It looks likes 2.1 degrees in here.

That is what the spacecraft - that's
what the - this is ... fly it out.

CDR ...
Dump Tape 329-03
Page 2 of 4

329 02 30 04 CDR Are you seeing anything?

SPT Yeah, you're getting there in - in

Z, if you Just, you know, we're
going to be all right. We're 1.9
down now. And let me see the other
axes .

SPT X you're point 0 - 0.3 off. Negative.

And in Y, plus 1 degree. If you get
a little negative Y and a little
positive X in there, that would help.
Small amount.

CDR Yeah, I don't know how to do that, Ed.

Because you remember I've rolled 35 degrees,
what I do with my hand controller
doesn't seem to be what's happened
outside. Because we're the ...

CDR Okay, what's Z now?

SPT 1.6. I'm going to have to put in a nominal

H-CAGE here, Jer, while you're still
in control.

B29 02 32 41 CDR Okay. Wait till we get within a

degree of Z and then we can do it.

CDR I'Ii feel good if we get to within a


CDR Still getting there?

SPT Jet, you a]] of a sudden put in some

minus Z now. Did you change anything?

329 02 33 20 CDR No.

SPT Ye_h, we got some minus Z's over

here and wetre going back down again.
I'll give you off th@ rates we got.

CDR How we doing now?

SPT That's a little better. You just - no,

minus 0.002 we show in Z.

CDR I don't think I _m putting anything

in here frankly.
Dump Tape 329-03
Psge 3 of 4

SPT Well, we might have a little noise

in the rate gyros, but the average
value has dropped considerably to
the negative. We were positive before.
That correct _

CDR I just heard a bunch of firings.

How are we doing now?

SPT Still essentially close to zero, in

other -gords, slightly negative in Z.

CDR Shoot.

329 02 34 18 CDR Okay. What is it now? Still about

one point -

S}_T Yes-u 1.8. 1.8 is where you are in Z now.

It's gone up a little.

CDR We]l, I don't think there's much I

can do here frankly.

SPT Well okay, hold on. Let me give it a

... CAGE.

CDR Okay,'.

329 02 34 32 S_T Guard it no_.

CDR All right.

CDR Let me know when your ready to take over.

CDR I think I've got so many Auto RCS

thrusters inhibited here that I think
it's kinda messing up our ability to do
that kind of 8mneuver. In the - in the
emergency case, where you're trying to
arrest the rate, you throw everything
on it and to hell with contamination,
and then these controls work fine. I
want to check the dock adapters here
when we get finished and see what it says.

329 02 35 20 CDR You ready_

$PT What are you going to do now?

Dump Tape 329-03
Page k of 4

CDR You've done a nominal H-CAGE, right?

SPT Yeah, unfortunately, I don't see any -

every ... cage is a little different,
but I don't see it going down to zero
and then back out again. It never did.

SPT Let me give it a - let it to it again

to make sure it got in hold on.

329 02 35 40 CDR Okay.

Tape 329-04
Time: 329-0448 to 329-0518 GMT "*_4_
11/25/73 l
Page i of 4

329 04 46 53 SPT This is the SPT, at 04:46, and I'd like

to ask a question of the floks who sent up the
medical status on the teleprinter. There's
a line which follows the supplement, which
we should take each day, before lying down,
in the med status which was sent to the
SPT. And I cannot understand what those
numbers are. For example, on day 324, we
had something sent up for the corresdent
day of the year 321, which was 2607 for
the CDR; 4500 for the SPT, and 3393 for the
PLT. I was plotting up the othere data, which
has been sent up, which is very useful, but
! cannot understand what these values are and
!'d Like to have that clarified.

329 04 47 46 SP__ Thank you.

329 04 47 48 SPT SPT out.

329 04 49 16 CDR This is the CDR, at 04:49 Zulu. The subject,

time utilization. The mA_n addressees for
this w_ll be the FAOs. I think, looking back
over the week that's been behind us, the best
word I can think for - to describe it, is
frantic. I think it's too bad that we
have to put ourselves in this kind of a
position, where we're Just breaking our necks
trying to get a lot of stuff done. It
would have a whole lot better, I think,
at least, for our morale, if for nothing
else, if what took us a week could have
been spread into two weeks. Because the
biggest time consumers we had were finding
things because we were not really familiar
with - with locating everything.

329 04 50 16 CDR A_d I think body positioning was also a

time consumer. Getting to where you wanted
to go and then, anchoring yourself, and
then getting what you needed. And learning
to cope with your new environment Just
takes a great deal of time. I think you
could probably tell from our voices that
we were very, very frustrated, and becoming
Dump Tape 329-04
Page 2 of 4

very irritated, out about day 5 or so, because

we Just for - no matter how hard we tried, and
how tired we got, we Just couldn't catch
up with the Flight Plan and it was a very,
very demoralizing thing to have happen to us.

329 04 50 5k CDR Now as it stands right now, we've finished

day 9, we've got our household pretty well
set up, and I think we're pretty well organized
now. But I think we still have a good
possibility of getting behind again. I'd
like the GAOs to keep this in keep this in
mind if they wou *** during all of thier
flight planning, because I think it's
paramount that _ be able to stay up with
the schedule, get our work done, and have
a little bit of time to spare. Because I
think if we have that kind of timeline, that
we'll be able to get our work done without

329 04 51 34 CD._ I think it would - as I look back over the

last weekm there were very, very many mistakes
made by us. There were very many dumb
questions asked. And it was because we were
in a hurry, and we didn't have time to
properly research anything. We take a couple
of wild stabs at trying to find something,
or do something, and then because of the
lack of time, we Just had to flat give up,
and ask for help.

329 04 52 O0 CDR And, as I said before, this is very demoralizing

for the crew.

329 04 52 04 CDR And I'm sure the ground didn't wasn't too
much impressed with our performance, as
far as activation was concerned.

329 05 09 23 SPT SPT at 17:09. Subject of general interest

to the M131 folks. The feeling of
orientation, persists, which I mentioned once
before, and that is, if you're in the 1-g
orientation in any of the structures we were
working into especially in the OWS, and in
the co_msnd module, everything seems pretty
Dump Tape 329-0h
Page 3 of h

familiar, and you can ... yourself that

you're in the Skylab itself as opposed to the
trainer. However, if you spend any deal of time
at all in a different body orientation -
sideways, upsidedwon - especially in one
of the rooms in the experiment compartment
or in the wardroom, you find that it is not
as familiar to you as - as it is in the other.

329 05 i0 22 SPT It's quite a noticeable difference. And then

when you start rotating back to the 1-g attitude,
Just all of a sudden the location of
around oh, 50 to 30 degrees or so, your mind
all of a sudden says "Yea_h, that's familiar
I've seen that before." And Just sort of
clicks. There's nothing in any way disturbing
about it. It's Just kind of an interesting
phenomenon. I Just notice that there is a
sharp transition in my mind when I grow close
to 1-g orientation after being some other
orientation for a good period of time, maybe
up to a minuteor so.

329 05 ll 02 SPT SPT out.

329 05 13 04 CDR This is the CDR, at 05:14. And I completed

the drying cycle on the Pogue suit and
commenced the drying cycle on the Carr suit
at this time.

329 05 13 14 CDR End of message.

329 05 16 58 PLT PLT reporting on configuration of the film

vault and installation of batteries in the
cameras. Thus far, I've installed two fresh
motor drives batteries in the Hasselblad on
day 254. I put a motor drive battery - new
one in - on Nikon 01 on day 254. Installed
a battery in the Photonic head flash ...
the flash used on day 254. Today, I installed
a battery in the S063 site. Put the PTL
batteries in the head, presently installed
on Nikon 3, and Nikon 5- Presently, there
is a cap missing off of the - I didn't install
any - any batteries on Nikon because that's
a new - new unit. And, I'm - I lost the
smallscrewingcap on or at least it - It
suddenly appeared today, off of a spare

Dump Tape 329-0h

Page h of h

head that was in drawer G. And I stowed

it but then it drifted away. I'll find it,
probably tomorrow, and put fresh batteries in
that head. Now that should have - complete
the installation of batteries for now, except
for the spot meter which I have not replaced
the batteries in yet.

329 05 17 44 PLT Also, I have taken the batteries that I have

taken the batteries - all the batteries that I
have, and put them - put them in a single bag,
and put them in the S063 compartment. Battery -
drawer, rather G now has been modified to
hold Nikon cameras, and I intend to put all
Nikon cameras in that drawer unless you
feel that there's too much radiation in there.
And I can't see why the fact that it was
cycling to the film. But by taking the batteries
out of there, I got enough room in Drawer G,
so that I can put the Nikon there, and have
f a single drawer. I have modified it so that
it does not knock the cameras about like
back there in the drawer.

329 05 18 27 PLT I have a method of restraining the cameras

and the lenses.



Dump Tape 329-05

Time: 329:02:36 to 329:02:39 _4T
Page 1 of 2

329 02 XX XX CREW (Inaudible)

SPT Not yet I can only get the - I can

only get the right ... configuration.
And now I want to check the rates.

CDR Okay.

SPT Yes, that the way - It must have

got in that itime because i got a
whole bunch of fire in here. Okay.
we got 4o get those rates down,
CDR Okay. Let's see. I got 0.02 in one
_xls and 0.01 in another.

SPT I've killed those rates down as far

as possible I'm afraid. I wonder -
what do you think we should do?
Before you head down there - yeah I
know the da,rp'S doing a beautiful
Job. l'm not doing that at all.
Let's Just give it a chance to damp
things up. Here we go; we can
Just run it through there. You ready
to take it now? The rates are Just
real low. Are you ready?

SPT I - I still got some - got my ...

here .... I got. All right. Mine 's
building up now. Oh I see. Hold
on ... that's the problem.

CDR Okay. Yeah this old buggy does a _.

bunch of firing and the rated drop
right to zero then they start building
again. I can -

326 02 38 42 CDR Okay. There you go; rates are

ccalng down. Hold on.
Dump Tape 329-05
Page 2 of 2

SPT I'ii take it any second here.

CDR Let me know before you take it so

I can switch to FREE.

SPT Okay. On my m_rk. 2, 3, 3, 2,

i interval.


SPT I thought ysu'd like that.

CDR (Laughter) That was neat, Ed.


CDR/SPT (Laughter)

329 02 39 XX CDR Okay, let's get off the headsets,

he re.


DumpTa_e 329-O6 _4_ _A'

Time: 329:12:07 to 329:12:53 GMT
Page 1 of 1

329 12 07 32 SPT SPT at 12:05. PRD readings:

_2153, 23072, 38081.


329 12 51 26 PLT PLT, co_aent on filtvating pad. The

instructions at the bottom of the
filterating pad required the stowage,
which was confusing in itself, of an
IR cassett with the electric Hasselblad
cortridge and the electric Nikon,/NK2,
and the installation of hotomic head and
visible lens frQm Nikon i to Nikon 2,
although the configuration of Nikon 1 was
with a UV lens and not with the _ot-m_ c
head but with a extermal viewing head
that was used for T025. I was told to
leave the configuration of that camera
_- as it was while troubleshooting T05. [sic]
So we're gonna have to get the configuration
straight. The - there was no subsequent
instruction after T025 regarding NK01.
The configuration was with the UV lens and
the T025 adapter and with the external
viewing head, or whatever you want to
call that thing.

329 12 52 3h PLT And it's very confusing to receive

instructions to transfer pieces of
equipment that aren't there.

Dump Tape 329-07 _¢_I_/_
Time: 329:14:43 to 329-:14:45 GMT
11/25173 ......
Page I of i

329 14 43 50 PLT PLT at _:45, I Just stowed the

right angle connector pliers in
D-446 in a - that white bag.



Time: 329:15:18:54 - 329:15:19:03 GMT
Page 1 of 1

329 15 18 54 PLT PLT reporting - terminate CDR suit drying

at - 15:20 Zulu.

Dt_np Tape 329-09 o_j
Time: 329:1_:12 to 329:18:31 GMT II'$_

329 17 12 45 SPT SPT at 17:10 iwith the ECS check. 02

bottles coming up. Bottle i. 15 ...
00 psi, minus l0 °. Bottle 2, 1500
psi, a minus 20 ° . Bottle 3, 1500 psi,
minus 20 ° . Bottle _, 1500 psi, off -
scale low at less than minus 25 ° .

329 17 14 l0 SPT Bottle 5, 1450 psi, plus ll0 ° - ll0 °.

Bottle 6, 1400 psi, and off - scale
high that's _reater than 125 °.
N2bottle che_k.

329 17 15 30 SPT Bottle 1 is _.. 2500 psi and plus 4.5 °.

329 17 16 03 PLT PL ... PLT. iCharlie 70 ... 40 percent.

SPT SPT continuing on with the N2 bottle

• check. Bottle 2 - ... 650 and 118.
Bottle 3 750 !and 68. Bottle 3 750, 75.

_ 329 17 17 46 SPT Bottle 4, 750 and plus 33. Bottle 6,

.-. 750 and plus i37.

329 17 19 00 SPT SPT again, with the regulator 02

pressure: 125) psi. N2 pressure is
155 psi.

SPT PP02 is 3.6.

329 17 20 37 SPT The PP02 on monitor i is 3.65. The

previous rea_ing of 3.6 was given
for - -

329 17 21 36 S?T Okay, correct me on those values.

Both of the indicators, that's
number 1 and inumher 3, are reading
3.65, PP02. !0WS pressure, reading
5.0. Forward pressure reading 5.1.
Lock pressure, reading 5.1. Aft
pressure, reading 5.2.

S_9 17 2_ h9 SPT SPT again, a_ 17:2_, picking up

again on the _CS check. We have a
! problem with _he - Making the
headset work on channel A intercom

D_np Tape 329-09

Page 2 of 4

and that's w_y these readings are

coming prett F slow. I have to bob
back and forth between the panel
and the speaker.

B29 17 27 25 SPT Okay, the readings for the tool

sieve check - that's step 4 on
page 9-22 of the Systems Check-
list. Mol sieve A in order of -
specified in the checklist : 5.8,
2.1, 7.0, 45, and 52. Sieve B:
5.0,0.5,7o, 47 and 53.
329 17 28 06 SPT That ends the ECS check. SPT out.


329 17 52 ll CDR This is the CDR, at 17:51 Zulu,

reporting ra_e gyro temperatures,
which were t_ken at 17:05 Zulu.
For rate gyr* Zulu 6, Rate gyro
Yankee lOl04 idegrees. Rate gyro
X-ray 6, 94 degrees. 6, 94 degrees.
Rate gyro Zulu 5, 96 degrees.
Rate gyro X-ray 5, 105 degrees.
Rate g_/'royankee 5, 95 degrees.

329 17 52 56 CDR Next subject is the subject of the

AMS mirror, SO19. During the re-
placement of the mirror, I am asked
to make some co-,_ents concerning
the reflective surfaces, comparing
the new one with the old one. As
well as I could see with my - with
the naked eye, the apparent reflec-
tivity of the new mirror was not
any differen_ than that of the old
mirror. In _he area of deposits
and scratches, it appeared to me
that the new mirror had more dust
on it than the old mirror. The
new mirror a_so had no scratches,
but it had three faint white
streaks, ver_, narrow streaks -
Dump Tape 329-09
ps_e 3 of h

almost look like - of white -

very, very thin white ink or
something like that. These
scratches were near the edge -
correction, not scratches, but
white streak_ - were near the
edge. And I_added one smudge,
myself, while taking it out of
its container. Whoever packed
the container put the gloves on
the bottom instead of on the top.
And while st%n_ggling to get the
mirror out w_/th m_ bare hands,
the mirror s_ddenly popped out,
! I . o
and Ive Jus_touched xt rlght
at the edge With the palm - or
the heel of _y hand. The smudge
is about 3/4 !of an inch long and
extends in f_am the edge about
3/16 of an i_ch. And after I got
the mirror out of the container,
then I found !the gloves underneath.
I saw no colorable - color or
visible patterns in either the new
or the old mirror, but as I said
before, the new mirror appeared to
have more dust than the old mirror.

329 17 54 45 CDR End of mess_e.

329 17 56 22 SPT SPT at 17:56 with housekeeping 70A,

EPS status check. Okay, I'll give
you array 8mlps, first of the day,
one through eight. 5, 5, 6, 3,
5, 5, 5, 5. !At night: all, one
through eight, were zero. Battery
asps. Day: 44, 44, 45, 45, 44,
45, 46, 46. At night : 42, 41.5,
42, 42, 42, 42, 42.5, 42.5. The
battery _ps _ during the day all
eight were zgro. At night, i0,
10, 10, 10, 7, 8, 9, 8. PCG total:
day, 41 and _l. PGG total at night,
39 and 39. q_S maps: during the
day, 20 and 4" At night, 20 and 8.
Dump Tape 329-09
Pa_ 4 of 4

In the CSM, O0 during the day and

O0 at night. ATM to the transfer:
5 and 3 during the day, and at
night i0 and 6.

329 17 58 48 SPT Okay, reg volts. During the day,

8.9, 28.9; aS night, 28.9, 28.9.
And ss for bus volts, during the
day, 28.9 and 28.9. At night,
28.9 and 28.9. Okay, at the end
of the day cycle, for the state
of charge - that involves eight
batteries - Was 100 percent.

B29 18 O0 00 SPT The state of charge on the battery,

towards the end of the night cycle, at
18:00hours: 94, 94, 94, 94, 95,
' 95, 95, 95. OWS volts, 29.0 and
29.0; stops, 20 end i0.

B29 18 00 34 SPT SFT out.

PLT PLT, on page i-7 of the EREP check.

Monitor B-7 ... 30. Bravo-8,
approximately i; Charlie-7, 55;
Charlie-8, 55 ; Delta-7, 10. Cor-
rection: Charlie-8 was reading
i00. J

329 18 01 24 PLT And on page 1-8, step ii0 - decal

ii0, Alfa-7 WaS reading 8.0 percent;
Alfa-8, reexling 85 percent.


329 18 08 36 PLT PLT. Page 10-2 in the EREP check.

Left equals 77; right equals 62.


329 18 41 29 PLT PLT. During the visible alignment,

page 10-5, I got 85_ 72.

_, _ Tape 329-10 %,_4"
Time: 329:19:17 to 329:20:29 GMT
Page 1 of 3

329 19 17 35 CDR This is the CDR for S019 operations

at 17 at the moment, aud so far I
do not yet see the stars.

329 19 23 05 CDR This is the CDR and at the S019

operates h_ve been unable as yet to
see any stars. It looks like we've
pretty wel ! blown this night pass
as far as _etting any of the S019
pictures, _ut I hope I can profitabley
spend this!time to trying to get it
focused an4 try to find the starfield.

329 19 28 47 PLT Okay, PLT _ere co_nenting on the tape -

the alignment of the thermal detector,
S192. C_nt on the procedure on
page 10-13. First, after having ...
as the focus adjust fully toward the
micrometer s and then turning it away
from the micrometers, I was able to
F get a peak iof about 41 percent. I
haven't re_d the mies yet, but I don't
think - it!s pretty material - I don't
think it'll help any. The peculiararity
here is thst when I reverse the direction -
even afterlgoing all the way to stop,
the other _sy, that is fully away from
the micrometers, I can never get a peak
going back toward
1 the micrometers. I
could onlylget a peak going away from the
micrumeter8. I could get a peak, but
it's well, well below the peak I would
get by adjusting the focus know in a
direction away from the micrometers, so
it's not w_rking as advertised, as none
of the 192 !equipment that rarely does.
I wasted a_ awful lot of time on a p_ece
of equipment which has caused us nothing
but trouble and unless we have some more
advice, will leave it on hl percent.

329 19 32 19 PLT This is the PLT reporting the micrometer

readings that they are as advertised:
546 and hg_, but the meter's only

_._ Ta_ S29-io

Pag_ 2 of 3

........ reading 41 percent.

329 19 39 19 PLT _my, _this is the PLT recording on

page 1-9 of the EREP se- section.
Alfa 5 is reading 66, Bravo 2
reading 61; Bravo 3 is reading 76;
Charlie 5 is reading 83; Charlie 6,
48; Delta 5, 14; Delta 6, 56.

329 19 48 57 CDR This is the CDR at 19:48 Zulu. The

subject is time allocation and this
will be for the FAOs. I think the
exercise that I Just completed with the
SO19 is a classic example of not
enough time allowed before the experiment
is to be done to allow a good familiarization
with what it is you're going to do.
I picked up S019 from the PLT because
he was running behind, and I think it
would have been a lot better had - it
would have been alot less rushed had
we allowed a little bit more time at
the beginning in order to set things
up. I would suggest at least on
the first running of each of these
exercises - each of the experiments,
for instance, S18B, SO19 ; for each
man that you ol,ght to allow at least
asouther 15 minutes on ahead of
the first operator exercising the
experiment in order to give the
operator a chance to really think
out what he's going to do, and get
a little bit more familiar with the
equipment. 1

CDR End of message.


329 20 09 22 StT SPT, subJect,iM151: beginning the

M092 run N. _t 20:09, SPT out.

Dump Tape 329-10
Pa_ 3 of 3

329 20 20 27 CDR

329 20 23 35 CDR


Ik_mp Tape 329-11
Time: 329:20:50: to 329:21:20 GMT
Page 1 of 2

329 20 52 29 CDR


329 20 51 05 CDR

329 20 51 2O CDR


329 21 07 15 SPT

329 21 08 25 SPT

Dump Tape 329-11
Page 2 of 2

329 21 ii 15 SPT SPT at 21:11, subject MI31. I was

_sked the point on teleprinter pad to
supply the vslues for the M130 run -
M131 run the other day on the CDR and
the PLT. Unfortunately, both num-
bers are no longer available; they
were copied down and when they were
not asked for, for a couple of days,
we ass_ed they were not wanted, and
they have been erased.

329 21 ll 52 SPT So from this time forward we will

not erase then tmtil we give them for
the next time around. The values
which I thought perhaps they had not
entered, were put on a tape. That
was for the, I think level h, for
the CDR. We're going to do better
data in the future. SPT out.

329 21 19 16 CDR

329 02 19 23 CDR


Dump Tape 329-12
Time: 329:20:51 to 329:20:55 GMT
Page 1 of 1

329 20 50 37 CDR

329 20 51 06 CDR

329 20 51 h9

Dump Tape 329-13
Time : 2223-2303 GMT
Pagei of 4

329 22 24 35 PLT Okay, stand by on my mark -

329 22 2h 53 PLT MARK. Starting 270 seconds.

PLT Okay, we'll repeat that one.

I didn't have the slide retracted.

PLT Okay, stand by -

329 22 25 40 PLT MARK. Going to SHUTTER OPENED.

PLT Well, let's see, the frame number

indication is at 003, rotation is
080.h, tilt is 016.3, and at field
122, we're in a 277 - 270-second

PLT Stand by -

329 22 30 05 PLT MARK. Termination of exposure.

SPT Hey, Bill, will you be doing much


SPT Okay, why don't you Just break in when

you have to, and I'ii try to run the
EDS check here also. Anytime you - anytime
you want to give something, Just
burst in.

PLT And also, on that one, I terminated

that mark at a ii0 percent, instead
of at 100 percent.

329 22 30 51 SPT Okay, this is the SPT at 22:31 performing

housekeeping 7-E Victor. Step l:
OWS temperature, 7h; pressure, 52;
duct flows --

CC Skylab, AOS Tananarive for 8 minutes.

PLT Stand by on my mark -

329 22 31 23 PLT MARK.

Dump Tape 329-13
F-_ Page 2 of 4

SPT SPT again. 510. Duct 2, h95.

Due 3--

PLT Ed, i need to break in.

PLT Stand by on my mark -

329 22 31 48 PLT MARK. Beginning [?] of exposure

number 2, ... at 22:31, ...
rotation ... 0.4, 016,3 the tilt ...

CC ...

SPT SPT again with duct 3 is a 530.

I will not perform step 2, as I have
not been directed. Okay, step 3.

PLT Okay, l0 seconds to go. Stand by -

329 22 33 06 PLT MARK. Termination of exposure number 2.

SPT ...

CC SPT, is there any - is there any of those

ta_e recorders ...

; SPT Okay, step 3 verified.

CC ...

PLT Stand by on my mark -

329 22 34 05 PLT MARK .... number 3 ... i01,

starting at 22:34, rotation is 066.8;
tilt, 30.5; field 101. We're doing a
270-s econd exposure.

CC ...

CDR ...

SPT Okay, this is the SPT picking up with

housekeeping 70W, RCS [sic] check.
mfnus 13; WARDROOM FREEZER i, minus 8;
FREEZ_ 3, minus 6. Okay, going over
to the SECONDselect,goingto CHILLER
Dump Tape 329-13
Page 3 of 4


CHILLERs, 43 for i; h5 for 2;
h3 for 3. Okay, that completes
housekeeping 70W. BPT out.

PLT Stand by for mark -

329 22 37 h7 PLT MARK.

PLT Stand by for mark -

PLT And that was for field i01. Rotation

is 066.8, ... 0.5, 9-second exposure.
And the word mark which you heard was

PLT Stan3 by for mark -

329 22 39 35 ELT MA_K.

PLT ...

SET Yeah, I'll do that, Jet ....

PLT Stand by for mark ... on the ...

Stand by -

329 22 40 55 PLT MARK. :tnd this will be approximately

600-second exposure, since I will have
to close the film hatch at 22:51. I'll
terminate the Kohautek exposure at ...

SPT Would you hit those fellows over there

Just to make sure that theytre on?

329 22 hl 30 CDR Yeah, they' re on. The light -

329 22 50 05 CDR MARK. That was 30 - 41 seconds on the

third run. CDR out.

SPT You ready?

PLT Okay, stand by for mark, termination of

Koh outek exposure.
._ '7

Dump Tape 329-13

Page h of h

329 22 50 59 PLT MARK.

SPT We're on our way to solar inertia.

PLT Okay, i think I put the thing to - all

the way to SLIDE RETRACTED when ! went
to CARRIAGE RETRACTED when I wanted to
terminate the exposure so I picked up
another slide, I suppose. Csr_'t close
the film hatch.

PLT Go shead and retract the mirror.

PLT Also, Carl, when I was extending its

I kept rotation and tilt zero, and I
still got a clunk as I was going out.
Now I think it's sll the way in this time.

329 22 58 55 PLT Okay, our - oh, good, our RECORD light's

going off here. I don't know what's happening;
I think we have some funnies, in the comm,
so if you don't get good data, it's because
of a problem with the comm. Okay, stand by
on my mark, and I will give a mark -

329 22 59 15 PLT MARK. (banging)

329 2] 00 16 PLT MARK s that was exactly 61 seconds. Okay.

stand by for mark -

329 23 00 32 PLT MARK.

329 23 01 38 PLT MARK. Okay, that was minute and 9 seconds.

PLT out.

D1_mp Tape 329-14
Time: 329:22:12 to 329:00:_6 GMT

Page I of i

This tape is duplicated verbatim within

Dump Tapes 329-,3 and 329-15
Dump Tape 329-15 \
Time: 329:23:36 to 329:00:41 GMT tl.8_*_

Page i of 2

329 23 36 50 CDR

329 23 39 42 CDR


CDR This is the CDR; M092, subject wan the PLT.

We ha_ an early termination at 06:05 minutes

CDR This is the CDR on M092, subject SP -

correction - PLT. I did not get the
r-- facial photos the last couple of minutes
of the run.

329 00 26 36 CDR

SPT SPT at 00:27 reporting on the results of

M092 :-,an of the day. These should go to
JerloT Hordinsky and the M092 PIs. I think
I'll be able to tolerate this run much
better today than I did the previous run,
primarily for the fact that this morning
I had much more - much more rest before
run, Extremely tired in the first run;
this run I felt reasonable. And secondly
I tried to keep the fluid level up very
high for this run. I had my full work
load for then for the which is

_y made a significant
difference. I'll be trying to help the
future up ... of fluid before the run will
Dump Tape 329-15
F Page 2 of 2

help. And though, ti looks like we might

have at least a way of helping them for
the reentry and ... before the return.
SPT out.

329 00 29 31 CDR This is the CDR at about 07:35; the count-

aowu I did an inadvertant CALIBRATE HIGH for
20 seconds.


Dump Tape 330-01
Time: 330:0211 to 0302 G_T
Page 1 of 1

330 02 13 04 SPT SPT at 02:13. Subject handheld photo

CX-19, Number 14. All taken at 02:12.
Subject is snow covered moutain,
which I believe are either in in
Mongolia or Siberia. The snow
cover well-defined the contours of
the mountain and I think you can
get both good tech data on moun-
tains and snowcovered.

330 02 24 54 SPY SPT at 02:25 observing moth eggs.

So far moth eggs have not changed.,
since we've seen them back at the
Cape before lunch. We have observed
them twice a ds4f since we've been
up here. And, so far, no visible change.
SPT out.

330 02 34 24 SPT SPT at 02:34:30. Subject handheld

photo. Using cxIg, photo 16. The
subject was the cloud linear feature.
It was a linear feature which looked
to he about 60 or 70 miles long.
One half of it was a very well-
defined cloud and the second half-
it was a very wispy defined feature,
however, what was interesting about
it was that it was perfectly linear,
but it was composed of different
types of clouds. The feature went
from the long axis of the frame
right across the center. SPT out.

330 02 37 18 CDR This is the CDR at 02:36. Earlier

today I finished the F183 optics
replacement and I inspected the
old optics system - the back
optic system and I noted no con-
t_natlon in the back optic
system that came off the F183

330 02 39 0O SPT at 02:39. Handheld photo,

CX 19, photo 16. Subject: Open
Benard Cells over ocean water.
SPT out.

_ Dump Tape 330-02
Time: 330:03:11 to 330:04:22 GMT
Pagei of 4

330 03 ii 22 PLT And in looking through the malfunction

procedures, _t leads me to a bax '4 at
EREP MALF 1., which is intervelometer
fails. Now earlier today when Y ran
into this - all the difficulty with the
S190 film, I stopped S190 becasue I
thought there would be no purpose in
have - putting that film load in the
middle of a ehec checkout unless there was
film to be u_ed in the checkout. So
I stopped 19Q operations and +hen when
I got to loo_ing back at it I saw that
someone had _lipped a ringer and put a
film load right in the middle of the
checkout, which I thought was a pretty
stupid thing ito do. But at - any way
this is why _ didn't go ahead and pair
the 190 electronics checkout earlier
today with the EREP check.

_30 03 12 PLT Now all the film is loaded and eve_rthing

f is checkedo_t except the 190 panel here
ii0, after the in the condition - or the
operational qondition that I'w, described

330 04 xxx xx CDR This is the CDR at 04:00 Zulu the subject
is handhelp _hotography. At 03:56, I
t_ook at Nikon picture from the wardroom
window on magazine number Cxl9, on day 330.
The first frame, which Is number 17, was
Nagoya Harbor. And that more of a gll-shiz
picture than anything else. I was interested
in the harbor, a Japanese harbor, and the
fact that it was so clear this day. I thought
that there might be an interesting bit of
just gee whi_ information of this picture.

330 04 02 08 CDR The next frame was taken 03:58. It was

frame number 18. The subject was a large
band of clouds. It was it was rather m - much
of a swirl t_at ended up right over Toyo
harbor and e_tended southwest - southeasterly
out into the isea for probabably 150 miles or


Dumpt Tape 330-02

/_ Page 2 of h

330 04 02 35 CDR It was a great wi-de band with an eddy at the

end of it and the eddy was right over Tokyo

330 04 xx xx PLT This is PLT _ecording the questions on 193.

What is the condition of S193 insulation in
general, and!specifically in the areas around
the gimbal aud on the back of the antenna.
Specifically in the areas around the gimbal
and on the back of the antenna, the insulation
is virtually intact. Possibly a few small
pieces of insulation flew off, but there were -
small stripped spaces here and there. Hut
there - there are no gaps or holes in the
insulation on the back of the antenna. The
antenna is in very good shape.

330 04 xx xx PLT The back of it. And the gimbals, although

I pulled the insulation away - sprang it
away to look ifor contamination, the material
sprung back _nd there was no insulation
stripped away from the gimbal, except the
odd sort of stip or piece that happened to have
been !osted 9n that flew off. And in othere
words, it is fully covered. The worst part
of the ripping away of the insulation occured
where the Jumper box was installed it was -
bit it was sdbsequently covered with a small
_lanket. The other area was where the shorting
]_lug was installed and this is the only area
that is still naked where it was originally
covered with insulation.

330 04 _X _ PLT And there's an area about 6 inch square

around the shorting plug itself which is
not covered By insulation. And that is on
the flat surface, which contains the Jumper -
excuse me - the shorting plug connector.
Described the deb-de-debris reported floating
the area S193 (color and size of pieces).
Do you think it came from the S193 thermal
blanket or from another source? Was an
additional quantity noted after operations
were completed? First question: The debris
was the smal_ pieces of aluminum coated Mylar
or whatever _hat insulation is.

.-- 330 04 XX XX I'LT And there prgbably- were on the order of

25 to 50 pieces of that floating around at
Dump Tape 330-02

/_ Page 3 of 4

oue time and _aybe more. But _t very

quickly dispersed the area due co the
output of the gas in the PCUs. And I
do think it Came from the thermal blanket.
That's affirmative on that. And, let's see,
at the was an additional quantity noted after
operations were completed? The answer to that
is, no new pieces, if that's what you mean.
Now we looked around after we got - were coming
back. We could see the sparklies and later
on that evening looking out the wardroom
window, we could see those small pieces reflecting
light for quite a period of time. It looked
like we had Our own sort of star field.
Describe the location of the debris seen in
the pitch pot. Was it near the minus i0 end?

330 04 lh O0 PLT Was it visible between the fiberglass pot

cover in the pot structure? Okay, the way I
described it before your head is in a position
which we use in training, the people who
watched us train for this will know what I
mean, you - you have the - your looking facing
the back of _he antenna with the pitch pot
gimbal wiper 'arm on the left. Then you
reach up with your left hand and peel the
insulation o_f to the left or move the
fiberglass cover up slightly to the left and
you can put Tour head to the right and peek
in and you c_n and you can see along the path
of the woper iarm. The debris was noted at
the far end as if - if- if you look at this
from the per_4pective I'm describing.

330 04 XX XX PLT And there was J_mmed up in the upper end of

it - there was a small piece of insulation.
It looked like insulation. It may have been
nothing. It may have - it may have been a
part of thw wiper arm ... But it was a shiney
piece, which I was able to see with the
flashlight dt_ring the nightside of the pass,
2 to 3 centimeters square, and it was
packed towar_ the end of that wiper arm.

330 04 XX k-X PLT And I had no _ool available, which was

suitable for !getting that out without a lot
of structual '_dRmAge. A tool which I thought
F would be satisfactorywould be somethingabout
Dump Tape 330-02
_-_ Page h of 4

the half the Is_ze-of the spatula with

an icepick t_pe point on it. In other
words, a nar%ow point which I could reach
in and stab _nd pluk out the piece as you
would pluck out a splinter out of your
skin. I don't think tweezers are a
satisfactory tool to use EVA because of
the lack of dexterity with EVA gloves.
And I think _he - a screwdriver is a too
crude of an _nstrument to use in there
around that - that pot wiper arm. And
the only too_ I think is satisfactory is one
l've described as something that's fairly
pointed, nar_'ow, flexible and one that
you could us@ to get in there and sort of
stick the ... and pluck it out.

330 04 XX XX PLT Okay, that ends co_nents on the 193



D_p Tape 330-03 _
•Time: 330:05:10 to 330:25:25 GMT 6"
- 11/26/73 ....
Page 1 of 1

330 05 l0 h7 CDR This is the CDR at 05:10. Squeezer bag

d_np to commence.

330 05 16 O1 CDR This is the CDR at 05:15, the squeezer

bag - squeezer bag dump was terminated.

330 05 23 56 SPT SPT at 05:2h_ The subject, on - M133.

Encouraged to sleep capped tonight with
the electrolyte. I had him measure ***
I had him measure travel of the blue
cylinder - the blue plugs ... Cylinder
of exactly 1/4 inch. That's a measured
travel of the blue portlon of the cylinder
of exactly 1/4 inches.

330 05 23 32 SPT SPT out.

-- _ Tape 33o-o_ #/ --_
• " ]4

IPa_e 1 of1
330.12.0 _ 330:12:20
to C_ ;, yy__ '

I SS_-_2_-0_-_2 SPT SPT, 12:05; .. subject, M133. Went to -

2 sleep at - 05:30 and arise [sic] at -
3 12:00 - for 6 and a h_Tf hours of sleep.
4 Seems like it was very sorted. And -
5 I had all green - lights - before going
6 to bed and - all green when getting up.
7 So the electrodes worked pretty well.

9 330 12 05 35 SPT SPT out.


_ 330 12 18 05 SPT SPT at 12:17. Okay, on M133 report.

_2 _ Day 330, length 6.5_ quality is good, and _

_4 1330 12 18 18 SPT remark, h. SPT out.

{ .-.t
_ 7330 12 18 58 SPT SPT-SPT at 12:19 PRD reading. CDR, _--
_7 I12_163;SPT, 23080; PLT, Y3090. SPT out.
_<_ IS J r_

-_ 20 EsD OF TAPE Cl

_- 7.9
- 0

© 25
-- 26
u. 27
0 28 m
_u IT
31 -,4
- 0
33 Z
3_ F
35 -<

.44 z
Dump Tape 330-05
Time: 330:13:24 to 330:14:41 GMT
Page 1 of 2


330 13 25 XX CDR This is the CDR at 13:25 Zulu. The

subject is handheld photography. At about
13:15 we began the run over northern Africa.
The targets that were assigned is optional
to us. We're handheld target 119, 08h,
093, and 101,16. 119, the Atlas Mountains,
we got one Nikon picture. It's on good old
Charlie X-ray 19 and it's frame number 19
taken at F/8 1/250th. I did not have time
to do much more then to take the picture.
We'll try to get some observations and some
eolmnent data on a subsequent pass. Simultaneous
to the Nikon picture, we had a 16-millimeter
DAC going at the same time. We had a few
feet left over from yesterday's exercise so
we burnt it up this morning. The magazine
that was used was / - that the film / is on -
is Charlie I_dia 6h. The settings were
a 10-millimeter lens, f/ll Y50Oth and
12 frsmes per second. And Bill - once we
crossed the north African coast - Bill
started the DAC going and kept it running and
i thin}[ we got well down into the southern
part of the Sahara Desert before he ran
out of film.

330 13 27 ]CX CDR This is the CDR again at 13:26 with an

aide _d_n to my last handheld cram.era message,
an addendum indicating that the Nikon camera -
we're using the rotten filter on it at
the moment. We have not yet located
our Ace filters and we're going to be
interested to see how the Rotten filter
has affected our pictures.

330 13 3Y _ CDR This is the CDR at 13:30 with another

addendum to the hendheld message I _ant
down at about 20. I should h_ve noted that
the Atlas Mountains have a light sprinkling
of snow on them and h pretty well accentuates
the mountain structure.

Dump Tape _0-05
Page 2 of 2

330 14 13 2_ SPT SPT at 14:13; subject handheld photos using

Nikozl 4, CS-19, frames 19 and 20 -
that's frames 20 and 21. Subject is the
particles of dl]mlnized mylar which are
following the spacecraft and show up as a
swarm of red lights in the sunset out the
command module window. Two frames were
taken of F stop 1.2, _hutter speeds of
1/15th and i/B0th of a second.

330 lh 14 2] SPII SPT cut.

330 14 32 l] SPT --- _l ]}II3N .... 7_. .-tJ........ _ _,, L_

330 14 32 26 SPT SPT out.

330 lh Bh XX PLT PLT reporting results of Housekeeping 60

Victor page 9-24 step 2. PP0 o MONITOR
number 2 at 4.6; PP02 MONITOR=number 3 at
h.7 and PP0_ MONITOR number I at 4.8. They
are suppose_to read 4.8 to 5.2. Number2
and n_Lber 3 reading just a little bit low.

330 14 3X )[X PLT PLT out.

330 14 37 00 SFT ...... _.Jl ..... _= .... J=_ ...., .....

I. -_ ^ • -,&, _._ in I

330 IL 37 12 SPT SPT Dut.

330 i!_ 4X XX SF = _T__ _' '_. _ ....... _ ..... ,


330 14 _ XX S_ S_ out.


Dump Tape 330-06
F Time: 330:15:19 to 330:16:08 GMT
11/26/73 ....

I _330--i5 19 13 CDR 00.45 minutes for the complete

i MO7h task. The task itself takes on
i the order of 30 minutes and in order
to get from where you were back to
where you're going, you need a little
bit of pad in that. I think later on
we may be able to cut that down but
right now, I think intelligent flight
planning should permit 45 minutes
on M07h.

330 15 30 09 PLT It's PLT. The start of exposure on

star field are field number 265, 270,
widened, and I -

330 15 32 07 PLT MARK.

330 15 32 22 PLT Comment. I was unable to get a reticle.

I did see a star at 329 and .7 and 03.1,
but I didn't have a reticle to center
across there, however, it's fairly
" close to the center of the field of
view, so I did not change anything.
I was unable to give you reading,
howerever, on Diphda and Regor,
becauseI couldn'tget a reticleto

PLT Stand by,

330 15 33 24 PLT MARK. That was exposure number ll

down to, up 4, my 90-second one.
Correction: that was a 90-second; I'm
going to give you a 270 now. Stand by.
I'm Just going to give a mark.
Stand by. This'll be 270 seconds.
Stand by.

330 15 34 Oh PLT MARK. And that was frame number 12,

field 265. This'll be the 270-second
widened exposure. 329.5 rotation,
zero, zero, zero tilt.

303 15 3h 26 CDR This is the CDR at 15:34. M093,

subject is CDR. Total work 1 minute

Dt_np Tape 330-06

was 300. Subject started pedaling at

ll minutes to go. Terminated pedaling
at 9 minutes to go and will give a full
i0 minute rest period. CDR out.

330 15 35 49 PLT Okay, I Just noticed I set the wrong

rotation in. It should have been
229.5, I put 329.5.

330 15 36 08 SPT SPT at 14:26. Make that 15:26.

PLT Okay, I'm going to go ahead and ter-

minate this exposure and I'll give you a
270-second unwldened on the field.

PLT Okay, stand by for a mark.

330 15 36 51 PLT MARK. That'll be the a start of the

unwidened 270, 229.5 degrees of rota-
tion, zero, zero, zero tilt. Field
number, 265, 270-second unwidened and
that - it will be frame number 13.

330 15 39 34 FLT And, this is Just a comment from the

crewmen. For experiments like S019
and 183, we ought to have a minimum
of a half hour to get ready for these
first few times. We had - I had
housekeeping tasks, scheduled right
up to, oh, about 5 or i0 minutes
before - 15 minutes, I guess, actually,
looking at the pad - 15 minutes before.
But, the other task - excuse - mY time
on the other task. So this put me
right up to the pad on ... 19 and I
was reshed. I had very little time to
digest it, and - this is I think how
you're getting bad data. I reapol-
igize for it, but I don't - I don't
feel it was my fault. I think it was
probably flight planning. I've completely
fouled up your observations on refer-
ence - correction - field number 265.
I'll try to give you a good one 249,271.
I takes a good quarter hour Just to get
mentally prel0ared to do these exper-
iments, and in - to give you the time
to came right str-_ ght to the experiments,
_Dump Ta_e 330-06
Page 3 of 3


even though {_6Ts-_et up. You need, to

have you co_e right to the experiment
at the time ilt's called out on the pad.
Although th@re was a period of time
here prior observations, there was
i_mnediate activity in doing the refer-
ence guide. So, there was really no
S time for mental reflection and trying
• to look and see what it was you were
trying to do. The answer to that of
course, is to study it the night
before, but iwe don't have these the
night befog. We have them in the
morning. A_d what with filling and
draining urine bags and all the other
,i various and Isundry exotic things,
t there's Jus_ not enough time. Stand by
_ formark.

._ 330 15 hi 23 PLT MARK. Okay, we're setting up now. That

was the comgletion of plate number 13.
C> Next one at !15:42. This will be field
_ n_ber 249, :21_.8.

PLT Okay, stand _oy for a mark.

: _ _330 15 42 32 PLT MARK. Okay i this is the start of a

270-second _nwidened exposure on
field 2h9. !

330 15 44 ll CDR This is the CDR at 15:43. M093 ter-

mination. The following information
now is for _he Ml51 folks. We began

i .... the
and M092 fl_sh 93 sequence,
we _._a$_e_/_._t this at 14:15

Dump Tape 330-07 J/
Time: 330:15:20 ',s 330;17;03
Page 1 of 4

330 15 21 15 PLT PLT. Co_nent on MO74 cal for f_ight

planners, Permit 0:45 minutes
for the complete MO74 tasks - if
the %ask itself takes on the order
of 30 minutes and in order to get
from where you were back to where
you're going, you need a little bit
of pad in that. I think later on
we may he able to cut that down
but right now I think intelligent
flight planning should permit 45
minutes for MO74.

330 15 31 49 PLT PLT at start of - exposure on

starfield are field number 265,
270, lightened and I

330 15 32 09 PLT MARK. Comment: I was unable ot

get a reticule; I did see a star
/ at 329 and .7, jnd 03.1, but I didn't
have a reticule to center a
cross hair ... it's fairly close
to the center of the field of view
so I did not change anything, i was
unable to give you a readings however
on Diphda and Regor, because I
couldn't get a reticule to appear.

PLT Stand by.

330 i_ 33 27 PLT MARK. That was exposure number ii,

now I'm coming up for my 90 second
one. Correction that was a 90 second,
I'm going to give you a 270 now.
Standby, I'm Just going to give a
_[ARK; stand by. Should be 270 seconds;
stand by.

330 15 34 07 _IiRK. And that was frame number 12,

PO265, it could be 270 second widened
exposure. 329.5 rotation, 0002.


Du_p Tape _-0

Page 2 of

PLT Okay, I noticed I put the wrong

rotation in; it should of been
229.5, I put 329.5-

SPT SPT a_ 14:26. Check, that's

15 :26.

PLT Okay, I'm going to go ahead and

terminate this exposure, mud I'll
give a 270 second unwidened one of

330 15 36 h6 PLT Okay, stand by for a MARK.

330 15 36 54 PLT MARK. That will be a start of

the ,_uwidened 270; 229.5 degrees
of rotation 000 tilt filled number
265, 270 seconds unwidened and this
will frame number 13.

PLT And this is Just a co_nent from the

crewmen: experiments like 5019,
and 1893, we ought to have minimum
of half hour to get for these the first
few times. We had, I had housekeeping
tasks scheduled right up to, oh,
about 5 or i0 minutes before, 15
minutes I guess actually looking at
the pad, 15 minutes before. But these
other tasks, I exceeded my time on
the other tasks, so this put me right
up to the pad time on 1019, and I was
right, I had very little time to digest
it and this is, I think how you're
getting bad data; I really apologize
for hut I don't - I don't feel it was
my fault ; I think it's a problem in
flight planning.

330 15 40 30 F_l' I've completely fauled up your ob-

servations on reference - correction,
fild number 265; I'll try to get you
a good one 249-271. It takes a good
quarter hour to get mentally prepared
to do these experiments• And it is
to give you the time to come right
straight to these experiments, even
though its setup, you need to have
F _

Dump Tape 330-07

Page 3 of 4

you come right to the experimen_

at that time called out on the pad.
Although there was a period of time
here prior to observations here with
in_nediate activity in doing the
reference stars. So - there was
really no time for mental reflection
and trying to look and see what it was
you're trying to do.

330 15 41 14 PLT The answer to that of course, is

to study it the night before, but
we don't have these the night before
we have them in the mornings• And
what with filling draining urine
bags, and all the other various and
sundry there's Just not enough time -
stand-by for MARK.

330 15 41 27 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay, we're setting up now; that was

the completion of plate number 13.
Next one at 15:42; this will be field
number 249, 214.8.

330 15 42 39 PLT Okay stand by for MARK.

3BO 15 42 39 MARK. Okay is a start of a 270

second unwidened exposure on
field 249.

330 15 44 18 CDR This is the CDR at 15:43. M093

•.. termination. The following
information now is for the Ml51 folks.
We begain the M092 flash 93 sequence
at 14:15 and we terminated it at
this time.

PLT Stand by for MARK.

330 15 46 58 PLT MARK. Terminate in Just a second.

This is the termination of frame 14,
rotation 2148, tilt 1.4, field number

PLT Stand by for MARK.

• .L

Dump Tape 330-07

Page 4 of 4

330 15 55 22 PLT Mark.

SPT That was number 3 - smells slightly, and

appears to be okay. Number 3, the plant
would he the vial with the smallest amount of
plant in it, smells good, looks good, and from
all general appearances is living and viable.
This is the one which I'll - for all three have
been treated indentieallym in _he terms of their
light exposure, I suspect it would be the initial
condition for the plant or the amount of plan_
which we have in the agsr. SPT out.

330 15 56 07 PLT That was the completion of 90 second widened

exposure on field number 271. I'm getting
ready for the sunrise prep. And, PLT, that
was plate number 16 for the last one. Correc-
tion 17.

SPT Fire which are following the spacecraft and

show up as a swarm of red -

330 16 49 46 SPT This is the SPT at 16:49. l'm going into a

head with taking picture on ED63, I'm using
tree leaves from vial number 3 - that's the
one with the smallest amount of plant_ the one
that looks the healthiest. I have put fresh leaves
in there from vial 3, after - because I had a
long time, about an half an hour. Then your
trying to get the microscope to function properly.
Or the adapter for it to funtion properly. So
I've got three fresh ones and I'll get them lined
up using the experience of the microscope to
make sure the microscope is focused properly.
And then I'll get the DAC pictures by mounting
the adapter on. SPT out.

330 17 12 30 SC SPT _t 17:03. At 16:55 the specimen from vial

number 3 was held up to the light for 2 minutes
It was then put under the microscope and focused
using the experience of the microscope.

330 17 02 55 The adapter for the DAC as then put on, and
data was - commenced at 17:02 a_Ld I'ii give
you 5 and I half minutes. SPT out.

D1_np Tape 330-08
Time: 330:17:1h to 330:18:18 GMT 11.7_" )2

11/26/73 _'_
Page 1 of h

330 17 15 i_ SPT SPT at 17:15. ED63, recapping the two

data taking periods. First one was _or
2-1/4 minutes starting at 17:02 to 17:0h
and 15 seconds. The second was taken at
17:09, 30 seconds to 17:12, 30 seconds,
a three minute take period. The second
one was preceded by removing the slide
from the the microscope _nd exposing it
to light for another 2 minutes to stim-
ulate more stre-mlng.

330 17 15 56 SPT SPT out.

330 17 16 41 SPT Mi31, oculogyral illusion mode and subject

is the CDR. Nitrogen pressure termination's
what it has been, 1150/1200 p_'_i.

330 17 17 36 CDR This is the CDR at 17:17 Zulu. I've beer:

the subject of the M131 OGI. _md I did
not notice any rotations - any motion until
we got to the highest rotation speed, and
then I did notice - I did notice motion.
I did not notice any visual cues tha_ were
were opposite to what I expected.

330 17 ig_ 06 CDR Out.

330 17 32 36 SPT SPT at 17:33. Note to FAO flight planners.

I've noticed for several consecutive days
here I've had my PT mud PH broken _ into
two different blocks. I'd like to see that
PT is - be lint all into one block. There's
no way in which I'm gonna - I can sweat it
up twice in one d_-. I Just don't have the
time for it. It's pretty inefficient to -
to break it up into two groups. So from
here on I'd like to see that in one group.

330 17 33 13 SPT SPT out.

330 17 45 15 PLT *** the PLT.

330 17 45 24 PLT The time is 17:45, completion of the CDR

MI31 M_ run.
Dump Tape 330-08
Page 2 of k

PLT The run was interrupted at 65 head move-

ment because of the subject's/foot sliding
off the foot rest. I reinitited and had
nD" manual tally running so we went ahead
and did 100 head movements. But that's
why the run will be terminated in the -
in the log ...

330 17 46 OC PLT No - subject had no symptoms other than the

L_n No, simple but the action to +.he rotation
more or less reaction to the :'otation, the
feeling around in the kne_land nothing were
normal we - he was sort of being slung -
slung around by the heels.

330 17 46 16 PLT Run was normal other thml th&t.

330 17 46 59 _DR This is *_*

330 17 h7 09 CDR This is the CDR. MI31 -I, motion sensi-

tivity. I was the subject, i noticed much
more accentuated sensations, or cues - sen-
sory cues during the head movements them-
selves. As I progressed, I got up to around
80 to lO0 head movements. T began to get the
feeling while sitting in the motionless
state, between head n_ovements, that I was
on a _ a swash plate or a tilt plate.
And that is I was rotating around the ver-
tical axis, but bobbing in pitch and yaw
y_,_d at the same time, sort of in a wobble
mode, much like the wobble mode when you
spin a milk bottle or something like that.
However, the long axis was _. The reason
why the system stopped at 65 ahead movements
is that my foot slipped off of the - of the
foot restraint. And when - as I was bringing
it back on, I hit the end of the foot re--
straint in a tangential 6irection and ap-
parently the system is designed to shut down
if any force is felt in +.hat direction, in-
dicating that it's hit something.

330 17 48 28 CDR So that's why it shut down. After - the

the rotation had stopped and I was Just
quietlyin the chairI had a very definite
sensation of 90 ° pitch down disorientation.
Dump Tape 330-0_
Page 3 of !_

I felt very much the same :s • have on a

steep (irive angle and diving toward the
ground. And when I took off the - the
goggles is when I got an immediate re-
orientation of the right a_titude. I'll
tell you, 30 rpm in zero-g is the kind of
a ride you ought to sell tic_kets for.

330 17 49 20 CDR Out.

330 17 56 14 CC OK. We're through with th_ handover and we

copied those c_,_ents s_qd we'll try to get
them fed in - in the ._uture. One item we
noticed on - from when Bill d_d the house-
keeping 60 Victor this morning, we had on
one of his details about reconfiguring for
the sensors there and _e wanted sensor 1 in
control, which I believe he had and - but we
wanted sensore 3 in monitor and i don't
believe we've got that configured yet.
H .

330 17 56 43 CDR OK, we'll go a_d set that up.

330 17 57 44 .<_PT This is the SPT at 1.:58. Took a hand-

held photo CXI9, exposure number 22 of
cloud streets (_er the eautern eosast.
The frame which I took showed only from
Florida, northward. However, in subse-
quent looking, I see that the cloud streets
extend a_l the way down across Florida
and off the coastline. They're very lineal-
Just a very slight arc to them, and, extend
primarily north/sou_h. Exceptionally well
defined and well formed and cover over the
whole state of Florida and about a equal
distance u-p north of Florida.

33_ 17 58 35 SPT SPT out.

330 i8 05 54 CDI_ This is the CDR at 18:05 Zulu. The subject

is food reconstitution and water usage. This
is for the food people. I'd like to assure
the food people that we are not trying to give
_hem snow Job on the food situation. We are
merely try to avoid a lot of z_it-picky little
logging exercises on half ounces of water and
one ounces of water a_ a time. And by making
a general statement we are - we have got
what we think is a pretty honest assessment of

Dump Tape 330-08

Page 4 of

the water being used to reb6rLrate our

food. Now when we have the :_ater problem
early in the mission, we male the remark
_hat we were getting as much as one ounce
of - of air into the drink bags and about
half ounce into the food. But we were
logging that and compen_ating for that in
our log. A couple of days later the water
bubble situation improved to the point where
we :_aid the average daily :'econstitution
problem was about one half ounce of water
per dri_uk. A_id I said that from that time
on we would say no rehydratable water problems
and the ground would assume that there was
a loss or a minus of one half ounce of water
per drink. Now, since we have s_rltched to
the new tankg that situation stayed with us
for awhile. And last night _e felt that we
were finally in a position ',owhere we could
honestly say that there is no need, a[__ further.,
That is as of last night. Now,we will con-
tinue to go in this mode and we will keep
the ground honestly appraised as to what the
rehydratable a lot of little niggeling leg-
ging problems.

330 18 07 h0 CDR CDR out.

330 18 ll h4 SPT SPT at 18:12. Subject handheld photograph,

CX19, photograph number 23. The subject was
the - phtograph was taken at 18:09:30. And
the subject _'as the silt being moved by the
river in South Americs_1 called _io Sao Francis -
Francisco. And the movement of that silt out
into the oce_m. _md interesting pattern whmch
showned a certain amount of silt being cse-ried
in. I think - believe showed the ocean cur-

330 18 12 46 SPT Out.

Dm.p Tape 330-09
Time: 320:19:08 to 330:19:h7 GMT

I 330-19--095U SFT S1"±'-at19:-09-:5U. H-Al--ph-K--f_ames
2 remaining 15990. SPT out.
3 J .'.
4 330 19 15 00 SPT SPT at 19:15. Frames remaining on
5 WLC 08025. SPT out.
6 I
7 330 19 19 39 SPT S-SPT at 19:19. WLC front center
8 position corresponds to ... the
9 readouts of updown minus 0040, left
10 leg minus 0035. SPT out.
11 !
12 330 19 k5 32 SPT This is the SPT at 30:k6. Information
13 c_ the WLCPES/FSS calibration. The FSS t_
14 updown and left leg. readouts for each ,"I
15 of four positions, five positions, are
16 as follows: • '' WLC a line of left 28, -4
17 Up 28, we had an up of minus 2, left --
18 leg plus 90 degrees

SC """
19 I O
25 -4

28 ../
29 "-r
3o m
31 Pl
33 0
34 Z
35 .<

JSC Ycr: _6 /--_

LL:_ C::."

Dump Tape 330-10

Time: 1952-2120 GMT
Page 1 of 4

330 19 56 01 SPT WLC ALIGN.


330 19 52 33 SPT Point 2: go right 28, up 28, minus 4,

minus 29. Point 3: go right 28, down 28,
plus 58, minus 27. Point 4: left 28,
down is 28, plus 61, plus 35. Point 5:
zero, 2, plus 28, and plus 2. All of
those WLC ALIGN indication readouts, I
obtained as written in the checklist.
A plus or minus zero .... , in order to
center the scattered light ring around
the occulting disk, as seen on the WLC
20, a right - an off-scale right. FINE
SUN SENSOR readouts of UP/down, plus 3,
and LEFT/RIGHT of minus 42.

330 19 54 20 SPT SPT out.

330 20 07 08 SET SPT at 20:07. Subject, WLC checkout.

A STANDARD MODE sequence was to be viewed
Just before you went into darkness - at
least before we were going into night -
which was hulled by momentum dump
active. The number of frames used was 12;
however, when it stepped down to 0813 -
it started at 0825 - when it got down
to 13, I did not get a OPERATE light out.
The OPERATE light stayed on. I hit STOP,
and the OPERATE light went out, and
FRAMES REMAINING stayed at 081 - 08013.

330 20 08 lh SPT SPT out.

330 20 16 31 SPT SPT at 20:16. Subject is the S056 checkout,

and the berylli_n count. The BERYLLIUM
COUI_T came up reading at 0040, and that
changed to 0000 during checkout. It then
went back to 0040 when I looked at it about
5 minutes later.

Dump Tape 330-10
Page 2 of 4

330 20 17 04 SPT I _,_e_tto LAMP TEST ... and g_t a BERYLLI_D ,_

OUNT that remained at 0040. _ cycled
COUNTER 2 to other positions, _,_hieh all read
four 8's. That's 8888. I then went back
to BERYLLIUM COUNT, and it alsr read 8888.
remained reading 8888. Then I got ... the
BERYLLIUM COUNT switch out - or the
position, 8Aq_ it read nominally on the
other display. Coming back tc _ERYLLIU_:
COUNT, I read plus 00hO. If I cycle it to
CY, which is now reading 357.7, and then
back to BERILLIUM COUNT, it will also stay
at 357.7. The BERYLLIUM COUNT seems to pick
up the last value on that display. In other
words, if I switch to CY and back I read

_30 20 18 2V SPT I have a DAS readout of minus O001_ I'll

_ switch quickly back to BERYLLIUM, and I
get a plus 0001. It changed signs. If I
look at the STAR TRACKER OUTER GIMBAL, which
is now reading plus 1639, and and rapidly
switch back to BERYLLI[/M COUNT, the count
remains at plus 1639. If I switch
C.X - it's now reading minus - _ill it's
oscillating around. When I switch it's
rea_ing minus i0; I get the BERYLLIUM COUNT,
_nd _+ reads plus i0. Tt ehan3ed signs.
STAR TRACK INNER GIMBAL is reading plus 0642;
rapidly switch over to BERYLLIUM COUNT and
it remains a plus 0642. The FINE SUN SENSOR
CAL position, which is minus O0hO in
D-7/D_P.qN; I now switch rapidly _o BERYLLIUM
CCUNT, and it switches to plus 0040. FINE
minus 0035. Switch rapidly to BERYILLIUM
reading plus 1211. Switch rapidly to
BERYLLIUM COUNT, and it reads plus 1211.

330 20 20 23 S?I SCAN SPECT MIRROR position is reading no

sign and 0030. Switch rapidly to BERYLLIb]_I
COUNT, and it reads a plus 0030.
Dump Tape 330-10
Page 3 of 4

330 20 20 42 SPT Apparently have a funny in the readout

logic on the counter. I'd appreciate any
word from the ground as to how I could
store that count on board. We can use it -
plan to use it an awful lot for flare
detection, and I think it's a very important
display. We ought to see what we can do
in order to get it back.

320 20 21 01 SPT SPT cut.


330 20 h9 26 PLT Ed, how do you read?

330 20 49 h9 SPT SPT at 20:50. The subject is the checkout

of the XUV SLIT. And, looking at the white
light display, it appears as though there
is awf'al lot of Just plain electricalnoise
in the signal going to the display. However,
MONITOR i, which has been replaced, appears
to give a better image than MONITOR 2.
Perhaps it's Just because the white is whiter
is darker, so I get a greater contrast. I
can see no solar features whatsoever in
the position I am right now, which Sun
center - particularly a white display with
the fiducial marks. Fiducial marks appear
reasonably well defined, if you believe that
the ends of these fiducial marks are all
rounded, rather than square. ?his was what
was led to believe before we lifted off.

330 20 51 07 _PT If I move the - the canister a little bit

about Sun n_nerous small specks which are
in the field of view did not move, indicating
that they are somehow either in the optics
or in the c_gnera system. I'm right now
shooting at a relatively low CONTRAST of
2 1/2 and a BRIGHTNESS of 7 on MONITOR i,
a CONTRAST of 4 on MONITR0 2 with a BRIGHT-
NESS of 8 1/2. I'll - okay, got a BRIGHT-
NESS of 8. Thes appear to be fairly close
to optimal for the displays.
Dump Tape ? ....
Page 4 of 4

330 20 51 _2 %F _ SFT :at.

330 20 53 40 SPT SPT at 20:48. Subject XUV SLIT checkout.

FRA}._S REMAINING, 01607. And on the XUV
SPECT, it's 00200.

330 20 54 Ol SPT SPT out.


330 21 17 12 SPT SPT at 21:17. ATM checkout. S054,


330 21 17 26 SPT SPT out.

Dump Tape 330-11/D-llh il'J')°'J21
T_me: 2156 - 2228 GMT
Pa_,e I of 3

330 21 56 h0 PLT PLT starting the EREP SI90A auto

sequence check, voice recording each step.
Panel 106, remove front shield and stow or
M-124 ; that' s complete.

PLT PLT, reporting step: rotate camera to

intermediate position; that's complete.
Remove rear shield and stow on M-152;
that 's complete.


check. Verify. SHUTTER CONTROL, OFF;
verify. Nine circuit breakers CLOSED
on panel 106; verify.

330 22 00 01 PLT PLT, panel ll0. EREp POWER, BUS, going

on now. BUS 2 on now. PANEL POWER
I'm checking all the lights. All ... and
all lights illaminated, except for
the one covered by tape. EREP to
f STOP; verify. S190 POWER going on now.
SPEED is going to SLOW now; correction,
it's in SLOW; verified. FRAMES PER
SEQUENCE selected to 12. FRAMEs selected
at 12, FRAME INTEVAL going to h now.

330 22 Ol 15 now. The S190 READY light is not on. I

do not have any MALFUNCTION light. To
say again, the S190 READY light is not
on. Okay, if the S190 READY light does
not come on, cycle the MODE switch
several times, then leave it in AUTO
SEQUENCE and proceed. Okay, I'm cycling
the MODE switch several times.

330 22 02 05 PLT Okay, this is the PLT. I inadvertently

went to SINGLE; got an OPERATE light and
six _&ALF lights.

PLT Okay, I now have a READY light in AUTO

SEQUENCE. What I did there, I inadvertently
went to SINGLE. i was cycling between
to SINGLE a couple of times, I think in
fact, and I got a READY light, i heard the
Dump Tape 330-II/D-I14
Page 2 of 3

cameras actuate and got the MALF lights

after the first cycle on single frame.

330 22 03 13 PLT ... The situation id now I have six MALF

lights and I have a READY light in AUTO
- MODE AUTO SEQUENCE. l'm pressing on
with the present configuration.

330 22 03 40 PLT Okay, I'm going to EREP SYSTEM, START now.

PLT Okay, the thing worked Just fine.

It clicked off 12 frames. The - I
looked at all the magazine drive cams
and gears and they were all ready and
I'm getting ready to EREP, STOP now.

330 22 0h 49 PLT Okay, EREP to STOP. READY light is

back on. S190 going to STANDBY now.
The READY is out. The POWER is going OFF
now. All right, because of the failure
to get the MALF lights in the sequence
_- that you have writtenhere, I don't
think it is really important. I got
those MALF lights went I went to SINGLE;
of xourse they stay on unless you cycle
the POWER switch to OFF. I would like to
pick up now and go through one more
quick sequence by going to P0%_R, ON
AUTO SEQUENCE, reinitiating it with the
MALF lights on and see that, sure enough,
they do come on in AUTO SEQUENCE.


330 22 06 32 PLT Okay, we're Just fine. The MALF lights

came on after the first camera actuation,
clicked off 12 frames per setting, the READY
light went off at the nd of the 12 frames,
and l'm going to power down as per your
checklist here.

330 22 07 47 PLT EREP going to STOP now. READY light came

back on. S190 MODE, STANDBY light - READY
light out. POWER going to OFF. PANEL
BUS 2 OFF. And l'm reeofiguring the ...
Looks good.

330 22 26 15 SPT Sl_f at the 22:26, ATM checkout. XUV MON.

the GAIN positions at which _he four dots
can be seen with the door closed. At 3
Dtnnp Tape 330-II/D-I14
Page 3 of 3

where they can be definitely discerned.

2 is the GAIN position they can be seen
at, knowing where they are, that is switching
from 3 back to 2. They were visible at 2
but you couldn't say for sure that they
were there until 3- Once the door is open
the GAIN position at which the active
regions could be discerned was 5, although
7, of course, was better and we would
prefer to have even higher than that, if
possible. At 5 was where the active
regions could at least show up as some-
thing above the ... of the 2.

330 22 27 29 SPT SPT out.


D_mp Tape 330-12
Time: 330:22:37 to 330:23:48 GMT
Page 1 of 5

330 22 37 CDR Ed, you ready?

SPT Go ahead.

CDR On your page 1-20, the 55-A checkout, we've

got a place that'll he ... for the pointing
on that checkout.

SPT All right Just a minute, that's activa-

tion 87?

CDR Yeah, this'll be activation 87 ...

SPT Okay, that's where I am right now,

right this minute.

CDR This is the CDR at 22:37 Zulu reporting

S009 at 22:35 6. Out.

SPT SPT, this is 22:51. Subject is the - ...

subject ATM checkout and the XUV MONITOR.
Is the correction, the subject is the
CONTRAST down to about 2 and turning the
INTENSITY down for the BRIGHTNESS, able to
pick-up the n11mber of Sun spots quite well.
I think it is better than what we have
been demonstrated that it would be in the
simulator, and I think with a little work
and with the CONTRAST and BRIGHTNESS we will
be able to quite well on some WHITE light
object. Sranulation, of course, is out
of the picture but the activity we thought
they would well on. SPT out.

330 23 lh 29 PLT Okay this is PLT standing by, starting

first with $201 sequence at 23:15 on
the RESET Switch when to START.

POWER switch will be coming on at

23:15:01. Stand by. MARK l've got a
momentary ... I thought I heard something.
I did. I am hearing some noises in there
and the WHITE LIGHT flashed on twice.

Dump Tape 330-]9

Page 2 of 5

Again at about 20 seconds after the

start of the run. I do not and _he "WHITE
LIGHT is flashing momentarily. It's
flashed about four times total. I do not
have the green light. The green light is
not on. I hear - now I hear another mechanical
noise this is at 15:h8; 1:15:55 WHITE
LITGHT flashed again. I do nto get a green
light at all. The WHITE LIGHT does not
come on steady; it flashes sporadically.
Flash. Okay, 23:18:26 is what we're coming
up on. I'll turn the recorder OFF momentarily.

PLT Okay, the recorder is back on now, stand by

for mark, 23:18 even. At 23:18:26 switch
POWER is going OFF. Stand by for my mark.

330 23 18 26 MARK 23:18:26. Nothing's happening. Okay,

I am going to press on as though the thing
is working right. Okay, location 59.5.

SPT ...

330 23 19 i0 PLT Yeah it doesn't want to start 59.5 until

22.6. And I want to START at 23:19:30.
Okay, 23:19 MARK 10, and I'm getting ready
to 23:19:30 POWER switch on and RESET
switch to START. 23:19:30 stand by for my
launch. I will give a mark at 30 -
that's 31. POWER switch going on now. MARK.
That's good. I got amomentary WHTIE
LIGHT flash, but nothing happening. Now I
hear noise, like a motor. I don't have
any green light. I have no flashes of
WHITE LIGHT , 2 flashes, another flash.

PLT Flash with WHITE LIGHT again. Sounds like

somemore mechanical noise. Okay, that WHITE
LIGHT flash at the end of the mechanical
nosie and the motor drive noise. Waiting
for 23:27 and we'll turn the record off.
It's about a five minutes break here.

330 23 27 h8 PLT Okay, PLT coming up on - 50 - 6 - 56, and

57. Stand by for a mark. MARK. POWER
OFF. Okay goood.

Dump Tape 330-12

,_ Page 3 of 5

330 23 27 56 Okay, I want 206.7. Yeah, 206.7 and 24.1.

And at 23:29 POWER switch is ON. 23:29:00
POWER switch ON and START. Okay, if you
will do this for me, if you'll check the
lights for me.

SPT Yeah.

CDR Tell him I'll he right with him, Ed.

PLT 23:28:57. POWER switch on. RESET switch


SPT It doesn't look bad. The ... light is


PLT Okay, it sure is it's ON. It Just

didn't look like it was ON.

PLT Looks like we are in good shape then.

CC ...

330 23 29 57 PLT Okay, ... advance light comes on at the !

end the ... but it flashes and it's sort
' oc confusing. YOu think what's light is
on hut doesn't look like it's on because
its so dim. So I suppose that it's working
all right. Looks like we are in business.
It isn't green though, it's brownish-red.

CC ...

PLT Okay, PLT. The SEQUENCE light is now OFF. _

I didn't notice when it went OFF. I'll _i
watch kind of, next sequence, to try to
find out when it goes OFF, comes ON, etc.

330 23 35 45 Coming up on 36 minutes. Turn the recorder

OFF. Come hack on at 37.

330 23 37 00 PLT Okay, coming up on 23:37. MARK. Okay,

23:37:26 RESET switch to START. POWER
switch OFF. 23:37:26 RESET switch will
go to START. POWER switch will go OFF.
Dump Tape 330-12
Page h of 5

330 29 27 26 _RK. RESET. Okay, RESETTING rotation

s_d tilt. Okay, it's 176.3. LOCK it.
0kay% now I want ... 26.7. LOCK it. And
waiting for 23:38:30.

Okay, we're coming up. 23:38:30 POWER

switch ON and at 31 RESET switch to START.
I'll give mark on the START. 25, 26, 27,
28, 29. POWER. RESET. Ok_, both lights
came ON and blinked. The green light
steady, the white light blinked and I hear
motor drive noises. Green light's still ON,
and I noticed flashes of white light - a
couple flashes of light at the end of the
motor drive - There's another one. Three
flashes at the end of hte motor drive
sequence. Nothing bad. And then another
one. So that's four flashes total and the
green light and the white light did come
on at the actuation of three sets which was
dark. The green light is still on now.
What is supposed to he - apparently sup-
posed to be the green light ; is actually
a sort of brownish-red light. Yeah, .. .,
I'll cut through the motor drive noise.
There's another flash of the white light.
Another one. I only got two flashes
another one, third flash. With the green
light, the SEQUENCE ON light, it's not
green, is virtually useless as an indicator
because it's so dim. However, for your
purposes I'm reporting the lights green
because you want to know whether the equip-
ment is working or not and apparently it is.
The only thing is the green light as and
indication is useless, particularly for EVA.

PLT Coming up on the 23.41 and 23:41:56 POWER

switch will go OFF.

330 23 41 26 PLT Okay, coming up on the 21 [sic] at 41:30

MARK. Stand by for mark on POWER switch
OFF. Stand by. MARK.
Dump Tape 330-12
Page 5 of 5

330 23 41 56 Dang it, I did get a blasted white light

there. Okay, that's RESET rotation
55.7. Okay, I want 16.0. Oks,v, and
I started at 23:h3 POWER switch ON.
23:42:45. Okay. Stand by. 50, 55,
START. Okay, the green light on, and the
white light flashed. I don't hear anything.
I hear the noises - Just about 7 seconds,
of motor drive noises at 43:07, at the _
MARK. At 43:16 of the motor drive noise
stopped. A white flash.

330 23 43 22 MARK, another white flash.

330 23 43 28 MARK, another flash of white lights.

SEQUENCE ON light is okay. Motor drive -
at 46 I got another motor drive noise.

330 23 43 40 MARK at the 43:55 end of the motor drive

noise. And I got another couple of flashes
of white light.

330 23 43 55 MARK another flash of white light. Okay,

at 44.41, - 44.41_ it's 44.20 now, at
44.41 1 want POWER switch to OFF. Stand
by i0 seconds.

330 23 44 08 MARK. POWER switch OFF and the SEQUENCE

ON light went out. Terminates the operation
$201, and I think I have repeated enough
information to let you know whether your
criminor is working properly or not.

330 23 44 41 PLT is out.


: %

Dump Tape 331-01

Time: 331-0315 to 331-0409 9_
Page i of i

331 03 15 55 PLT This is the PLT reporting the acti-

vation of the atmospheric vehicle
...... concentrated at 15:15 Zulu.

PLT And the serial number is 1004.

331 03 37 45 CDR

331 03 54 40 SPT SPT at 04:06. Give you the results of

the ATM checkout on canister alignment
calibration. The readings were vague, and
_,_ should
be 2-16- -

- - on the ATM System Checklist and Data book.

Item 2, flying power: PRIMARY, 1030;
SECONDARY, 411. Item 4, PRIMARY, 829;
SECONDARY, 219. Item 6, PRI_O_RY, 705;
SECONDARY, 043. Last item is not num-
bered for the space reading. At the
completion, do, did it, and ... seconds.

331 04 OY 06 SPT SPT, out.

Dump Tape 331-03
Time: 331:12:1h to 331:12:16 GMT
Page 1 of 1

331 12 lh 52 CREW ...

SPT SPT at 12:15. PRD readings: 42114,

h3087 and 38099. The order of the

331 12 15 20 SPT SPT OUT.


D_np Tape 331-04

Time: 331:14:22 to 331:15:05

Ps_e 1 of 2

331 14 22 25 CDR This is the CDR on the ATM panel at

14:23. ATM operation started on time.
The S054 malfunction procedure was
unsuccessful; we still have the solar
sunken barber pole. And on JOB 6, step
m,mher l, on the S082A exposure I exposed
the first one in 1 minute and 15 seconds
rather than 1 minute.

331 14 22 55 CDR Out.

331 14 3h 51 CDR This is the CDR at 14:34 Zulu. VTR operations

terminated on ATM MONITOR number i.


331 15 Ol 28 SPT This is the SPT at 15:01. Giving the results

of the ATM four limb co - clignment. I'll
_ be readingfrom page i-i of the ATM Log.
Day is 331. Time 02:58. Upper limb,
H-alfa 1 pl - plus 1028. 82B with plus 1037.
55 was plus 1031. The lower limb, 82B was
minus 919. 55 was minus 918. The left
limb, H-alfa 1 minus i000. 82B 998. 55
minus 999. The right limb 82B was plus 961.
55 plus 965. The 55 mirror position was 1032.
When I gave H-alfa i mamlal exposure at
each of the four limbs, about the first
one I took two exposures, the second one ...
correct. The first alignment on the upper
limb had me coming out a little bit too far
inside when I went to the lower limb. So
I went back at - to the upper limb and changed
the H-alfa reticle so that I would be
equidistant from what I took as to be the
llmb but which was actually a little outside
of the limb.

331 15 03 27 SPT So use the second one for the upper limb and
the remaining three are good for the other limb.
_ Dump Tape 331-04
Page 2 of 2

331 15 03 34 SPT I think I've got a good handle on where

the H-alfa limb is now and they should
not have any problem with ...

331 15 03 40 SPT SPT out.

331 15 03 54 SPT On addendum to the previous four limb

co-alignment I also carried out the
55 offset. And in moving the H-alfa 2
reticle, I found that the moment we
cornered the exceptionally small, something
on the order of an arc second perhaps, was
Just a very small milli - t weak [?]
Apparently it's not very stable.

331 05 04 17 SPT SPT out.


Dump Tape 331-05
Time: 331:15:50 to 331:16:58
Pagei of 4

331 15 50 3h CDR Hey, Bill.

PLT ...

CDR Let me know when it's on.

PLT It's on, Jer.

CDR Okay, thanks.

CDR This is your friendly Skylab 4 V -

CDR pumping his heart out on the
ergometer, trying to pump a few ...
back into it. Right behind me you
will notice that there's a white blob
laying on the floor and that's our
friendly po7r mRn's treadmill, otherwise
know as Thornton'sDelight. Now our
normal protoeal for exercise is after
the ergameter, we - get off your
ergometer and move back to the treadmill
- and removeour shoes. We keep the
treadmill in this position at all times,
because we have it strapped down with
a - with a long ......... Seems to keep
i$ pretty well out of the way. Now
it's time to saddle up.

331 15 52 34 CREW ...

331 15 52 h7 CDR However one want to be careful _lot

to put it on upside down.

331 15 52 50 CREW ...

CDR The secret we found to this is to

put the treadmill harness on in such
a way that the strap is crossed in
the front.

331 15 52 23 CREW ...

331 15 53 40 CDR Okay, now come's the hard part. We

found out that we can handle Just about
i 5 minutesof this and it reallygives
_ Dump Tape 331-05
Page 2 of 4

the - the tendons and everything

and the tops of your feet and your
calf muscles a real work out.

CDR Bill, you got to close that wardroom


331 15 54 h0 CDR You want to come and zoom in on my

feet, Bill?

CDR You'll probably have to move the camera

down some and zoom it right in.

CDR Okay, while I'm pumping along here,

Bill's going to go over and zoom in and
give you a close-up of my feet. I have
personally found that the best socks to
wear for this treadmill are the feet cut
out of a pair of - of half union suit
because the cotton is a little more
slippery;has less nylon in it. Also
it's quite a bit more absorbent. As
your feet get hot and sweaty, they are
inclined to stick a little bit, I think,
on the Teflon. And if you wear the more
absorbent socks, they stay drier.

331 15 56 04 CDR As yet nobody has tried running on the

treadmill. I think we have our hands full
right now Just walking. Ed says he tried.

CRR_ ...

CDB Yes.

CDR Well no Just let him have some time on

the zoo.

CDR I'm going to run.

CDR Oh, that hurt '

CREW (Laughter).

CDR I think the biggest single hazard on the

treadmill is the worry about banging
- your toes on the astropin. Ed's got a
few bruises he can attest to the problem
Dump Tape 331-05
Page3 of 4

331 15 57 33 CDR Okay, ... we're back out now.

PLT Getting a little hea_y breathing,


CREW ...

CDR ... I don't think you can.

SPT ...

CDR You can't get back far enough.

SPT ...

PLT ...

CDR Okay, you might Just sweep the pan

uP, and down again, very slowly.

331 15 58 54 CDR I might also mention also that this puts

was quite a bit of work on your shoulders
and your upperarm's, holding yourself in
position. I'm feelingquitea bit of
strain up over the top of my shoulders
and down through my biceps. Now, of
course, if you like to do this the
lounger way, you can reach well forward,
rest your stc_nach on the seat post and
Just use your hips to hold yourself down.
It doesn't ma_e it any easier on the calves
but it does on the arms. Okay, Houston;
I think that's about enough of this
torcher chamber. Tune in our - stay tuned
for our next television pic - picture,
which will come in the near future.

331 16 47 26 SPT SPT at 16:47. Subject is the ETC clock

which has Just been installed. I'll give
you a time ... and a mark when the
ETC clock is reading lh - I'm sorry -
is reading 16.5. It's running a little
bit slow. 16:45; stand by. 2, i.

331 16 48 02 SPT MARK. I show that I had that mark at

16:48:01, so the clock in the ETC is
r_nuing by my watch 3 minutes and 1 second
Dump Tape 331-05
Page_ of

slow. Okay, a subsequent check confirms

that 3 minutes and i second slow is what
the ETC clock Just installed is running,
and it is now reading day 27,

CREW ...

331 16 57 08 SPT This is the SPT at 16:53; check, make

that 16:57. The ETC has been put away -
this is for the M151 folks. The first
half of the ETC erep was put on film and
then I moved off to the A[_I. At that
time, we found out we were not going to
do the ERE pass today, so the ETC has
been stowed and put away. SPT out.

Dump Tape 331-06
Time: 331:18:47 to 331:18:50 GMT
Page 1 of 1

331 18 37 29 SPT SPT at 18:38. (Music) With weight before

and after my exercise protocol.
These should go to Dr. Jerry Hordinsky
and Dr. Mark-Mark- Mike Whittle over
in the medical directorate. Before
exercise 6.354, 6.361, 6.366, ...
[CDR conversation in background]
.668,3.6 ... 6.360. After exercise
6.334, 6.330, and 6.330. Looks like
I lost roughly about 2 1/2 pounds or
so during the exercise, all sweat. And
there's protocol 7,337 watt- minutes
on the bike. 40 repetitions of Foxtrot
on the m-mark 1 and 5 minutes of pulling
the point as well.

331 18 38 38 SPY SPT out.

Dump Tape 331-07/D-122
Time: 1925 - 20:37 GMT
Page 1 of 4

331 19 25 ii CDR This is the CDR at - 10:20 Zulu,

the termination of sunside pass ATM.
Building block 2h was executed right
after a quickie building block 32.
Active region 87, I noticed, was
beginning to build up in intensity.
There were two little knowts of
red or bright plage beginning to
bllild about 40 are seconds south of
the eastern sunspot, the eastern large
sunspot in active region 87. I noticed
a build ... that was northeast about
50 arc seconds from this eastern-most
sunspot. This little piece fo plage
cloud - brightened and then faded and
then is when the one south - the two
south began to brighten. And we went
over the hill without seeing any
signifacant increase at all in the XUV

331 19 28 08 CDR This is CDR at 19:37 Zulu; completion of

the last ATM day pass. I Just gave a
report on the tape recorder, and I think
that it probably wasn't getting through
because channel A headset was hooked up.
I'll repeat the report in the event you
didn't get it. That is that I completed
building block 32 as scheduled in J0P 6
then went on, set up building block 24
at J0P 3 Bravo. I notived two areas
in active region 87 brightened relative
to the two sunspots about 50 arc seconds
northeast of the left or wester -
eastern-most sunspot of the two large
sunspots. I notived a brightnening of
the plage and then it faded and about
1 minute later two knowts along the
neutral line which runs south of these
sunspots, or between them wouth and
between them. This piece of plage
began to brighten very noticeabley and
about that time the gournd passed up
the word that NOAA had reported bright-
ening in active region 87. These -
this - these two knots of brightening
D,_mn Tape 331-07/D-122
Page 2 of 4

were about 40 are sec - seconds south

of the two sunspots - south of the
eastern sunspots. I did not see any
noticeable brightening in XUV; I was
watching very closely for any bright
spots to start and the beryllium
aperture hung in at 4 and didn't move.
With about 16 minutes to go, we went into
the South Atlantic anomely and I had
to kill the master doe light switch.
End of message.

331 19 40 20 SPT SPT at 19:41, giving the results of

the cal on the S_94D.

SF'T Listed on the Flight Plan is M072-W.

And I'm on page 5-X on the evening
status report. First sequence was
run with zero mass. I'll read the
total number first, and then the -
there'll be 5 or 9 numbers after that,
each one of which is the lastthree
digits of the number. The first three
digits do not change. Okay, first
sequence at zero mass: 1.95538, 554, 563,
555, 58o, 558, 576, 559, 549, 544.
Sequence 250 - at 50 grama: 2.03198,
171, 207, 199, 166, 202, 198, 198,
196, 200. Sequence 3, run with 150 gram:
3.176h2, and now I'll Just give the last
two digits from the subsequent nine
numbers: 79, 32, 57, 46, 49, 84, 63,
87, 72. Sequence 4, run with 250 gram:
2.31195, 228, 201, 198, 196, 218, 190
220, 198, 216. Sequence 5, run with
250 grams: 2.43968. Now I'll give the
four last digits of the subsequent nine
numbers: 4011, 4068, 4019, 3994,
4017, 3994, 4018, 4020, 4018. Sequence 6,
run with 500 grams: 2.62059, 055, 073,
057, 034, 060, 066, 059, 085, 086.
Sequence 7, r7n with 750 grams: 2.89658.
Now I'll just give the last two digits
of the subsequent nine numbers: 39, 38,
38, 46, 27, 75, 38, 33, 48. Sequence
8, 900 grams: 3.05O56, 180, 149,
151, 083, 122, 070, 137, 131, 154.
Sequence9, run with zeromass units:
1-- D:m:: Tape 331-07/D-! 9o
Pai?- 3 of h

I.<_5509, 48. Let me go back_ I'll

just give these last two dig:-s ag:!in.
For the second number it's 48, the 17, 31,
46, 25, 48, 59, 28, 42. Start time was
18:50. Stop time, 1940. Tempreature 73
at the start, 76 at the conclusion. Day
of the year is 321. SPT out.

331 19 45 28 SFT SPT at 17:h5 [sic]. Not to FA0: the

M074 eal in wardroom is taking
55 minutes, not the 1/2 hour which was
scheduled. Change that to 55 minutes or
i hour in the future. SPT out.


331 20 27 36 SPT This is SPT at 20:27 with a sequence of

handheld photos CX-19 and photo number -
Sequence number - photo number 33 through
.- 83. The first one was over Los Angeles
beautiful clear weather, and i took the -
we ought to see some of the fault zones
in that area in the mountains surround-
ing Los Angeles. The Sun angle, however,
was not low; it was nearly overhead.
However, there was still some shadowing
in the mountains from the appearances.
And ... could dig something out of %hat.
The second one was taken a short way
down the coastline over San Diego.
And again we're looking for a fault
zones. By the way, all these things
were taken with a - 55-millimeter lens
on the Nikon. The - that accounts for -
that accounts for 33 and 34, 35.

SPT 35 was - 35 was taken over BaJa California,

36 was slightly north of Guadal_ara.
37 was over Acapulco, and all these _hotos
should show the mountain area. 37 -
correction, that's 38 - was taken
of a jet stream _hieh slightly south of
thyborder and I believe showed up
quite well, running west to east and
sloping upward slightly towards north
Dump Tape 331-07/D-122
Page h of h

as _t went to the east. It wa[

a relatively clear day except for the
clouds which delineated the jet stream.
SPT out.

331 20 3h 15 CDR This is the CDR at 20:33 Zulu. The

subject is handheld photography. At
about 20:10 I took a 55-millimeter
lens on thy Nikon camera Charlie X-ray 19,
frame number 32. The picture was a
mountain wake. The spacecraft was located
up over the North Pacific. We were
looking to the northeast where we could
see the Canadian Rockies. We can see
a great masses of stratus clouds stacked
up behind the mountains and causing the
mountains were sticking up through the
clouds and causing great wakes in the
clouds along a very wide front from
what looked like Alaska all the way down
to almost Washington State. I took the
picture mainly as a point of interest for
people in meterology. OUt.

331 20 36 07 CDR This is the CDR again; the time is now

20:35, 20:35. And the subject is ATM.
I'm presently operating the ATM at this
time during a daylight pass. During
JOP 2A and step i. In substeps i Bravo
and 1 Charlie, POINTING request that we
ROLL so that the 82B SLIT is - in -
located for uniform emission. The
active region , at this time, does not
have any spots that are long enough to
give us a good uniform emmission
thoughout the SLIT. There's several
very bright knowts in the active region
and I'm POINTING H-ALPHA-1 at these
bright knowts so we're not getting the
uniform emission requested for 82B
SLIT. Out.

331 20 37 53 CDR This is the CDR again at the ATM, mY - my

last report on the tape recorder at
the 20:35. I want to add that - the
82B SLIT is - paralleled right next to
the neutral line, but is not in uniform
_T._ss ion.

D_np Tape 331-I0/D-125
- F
Time: 331:22:24 •
to 331.23. 'l 9 GMT
"-_ 11/27/73
Page 1 of 2

331 22 24 Z7 CDR This is the CDR at 22:24, s_bject

is handhold photography. Magazine
Nikon, magazine Charlie X-ray 19,
at the time 22:16 Zulu, we were pass-
ing over the southern coast of Chili,
the Ardes side of the coast, the west
coast was cloud free, so I took one
frame of the south coast of Chili,
which partially goes toward satisfying
handheld HHII8, objective of getting
photography of the south coast of
Chili end I'd like to repeat it,
south of latitude 40. Out.

331 22 27 30 CDR Seems to he working okay.

CDR Okay, I did it before and it was

seem to working.

CDR Okay. Thank you.

331 22 27 46 SPT SPT at 22:28, I'ii try again, the

tape recorder was turned off on me
there• I gave S066, a 9 minute
exposure, approximately 9 minutes,
a filter 5. And I'm trying to
complete a building block or shopping
list item Bravo - 26 Bravo, I was
only able to get in one grating auto
scan for 55 8rid one mirror auto raster
at line 47 and the mirror auto raster's
only one below 400 K. At 1 minute
and 36 seconds remaining we'll start
a mirror line scan 455. Looking at
the following: ... break, optimize
in activated 92. That's debriefing ...
We still have line 25. SPT out.

CDR This is the CDR at 23:16 Zulu. Picking

up a day side pass at 23:11 Zulu;
J0P 2A, step 4-Alfa, building block,
correction, step 1 building block 4 Alfa.
I pointed the H-Alph i at the target
of interest rather than H-Alpha 2,
started step 4 Alfa, I used two frames
of S056 and then terminated, went back
• . k

F- Dump Tape 331-I0/D-125

Page 2 of 2

and reppointed H-AIph 2 at the target

of interest, and re-initiated S055A.

331 23 18 29 CDR Out.

Dump Tape331-ii 9_
Time: 331:22:08
to 331:22:16
GMT #__,
Page I of 2

331 22 09 24 SPT SPT at 22:08. Completion of S05h,

S056, long exposure at 22:40. Day
filter 4, effective accelerated
exposure of 8 minutes and 20 seconds.
SPT out.

SPT SPT at 22:11. And we're getting S056

patrol short. We'll have to fill in
the shopping list 26, in the mean
time while ... signing out. SPT out.

331 22 12 19 SPT SPT at 22:12. Looking at active

region 87 and noticing that the
general cycle structure around it seems
to have a counterclockwise swirl to
it, as has been noticed in many other
active regions, especially pronounced
dowin in the south - southwestern
portions. There appears to be some
relatively large clumps ... north
of the activity, which are enlarged
to be ... structures and I'll keep
an eye on them for a change. SPT out.

" 331 22 13 37 SPT At the completion of S055, mirror

auto raster, the DETECTOR 3 reading
was approximately 900 at JOP, from
1200 at the beginning of building block,
or of shopping list 26B. I think
we'll move over now and try the SAL,
on the following portion of active
region 92.

331 22 16 i0 SPT SPT at 22:16. I moved over to the -

on the ATM, moved over to the following
portion of 92, and got a relatively
high reading on the DETECTOR 3,
OXYGEN 6 of 3000.

331 22 16 3[; SPT It was only 800 or so before. We're

doing a building block 26 Bravo, at
r D_nnpTape BBI-II
Page 2 of 2

this point of completion, an :_u'e

spot appears to be subject in the
following ... fo the following
regions: (recorder malfunction) ...


Dump Tape 331-08/D-123

T_me: 331:20:22 to 331:21:02 _,_
Page 1 of2 ....

331 20 22 57 SPT ... 55 and specimen from vial number 3

Was ...


331 20 34 15 CREW CDR

CDR This is the CDR at 20:33 Zulu. The

subject is handheld photography. At
about 20 :i0 I took a 55-millimeter lens
on the Nikon camera, Charlie X-ray 19,
frame nnmher 32. The - picture was of
mountain ... A spacecraft was located
up over the North Pacific. We were
looking to the northeast, where we
could see the Canadian Rockies. We
could see great masses of stratus
clouds stacked up behind the mountain,
and causing - the mountains were
sticking up through the cloud and
causinggreatweight in the cloud_
along a very wide front from what looked
• like Alaska all thy way down to almost
Washington State. I took the picture
mainly as a point of interest for
people at meterology.

331 20 35 20 CDR 0ut.

331 20 36 07 CDR This is CDR again. The time is now

20:35, 20:35, and the subject is the
ATM. I am presently operating the
ATM at ... during a d_kTlight pass,
doing JOP 2A, and step 1. In substeps 1
Bravo and 1 Charlie, _:ointing requests
that we roll so that eh 82B SLIT is in -
located for uniform e_ission. The active
region at this time dces not the have
any spots that are lorg enough to give
us good, uniform emission throughout
the slit. There are several very
bright knots in the active region,
and I am pointing H-ALPHA-1 at these
Tape 33!-08/D-123
2 0f2 ....

• - bright knots, so we're not getting -

the uniform emission requested for

331 20 37 08 CDR Out.

331 20 37 54 CDR This is the CDR again at the ATM .... my

last report on the tape recorder at
20:35. I want to add that the 82B
SLIT is paralleled and right next to the
neutral line but is not in uniform

331 20 46 46 SPT SPT at 20:46. Just finished the run

of the subject on M131 0GI. In general,
I think that the - everything I could
perceive - that I did perceive very
clear to me, even down at the level 4.
I would suggest that in the future that
I be allowed to go to a lower level.
The ones at the higher level were Just
so obvious to the - that in my mind,
we are not _kingmuch progressby having
me do it. I certainly think it would be
much more useful for me to work at th
lower level. I had a sense of rotation
especially at the last two levels. And
the targets never moved in direction
other than expected. And, again, my
additional comments are: I think I
ought to be going to a lower level. I
did not feel anywhere near as tired
today as I did when running the previous
ones and that probably accounts for the

331 20 h7 58 CP_W GN 2 pressure is reading arot_nd 1200.


331 20 53 55 331-09/D-124.

Dump Tape 331-09/D-124
Time: 331:20:47 to 231:2L:36
C_T ?_

Page i of 3

SPT I had a ... rotation on -

331 20 47 3L SPT ... on, I think I ought to be going

to a lower lever, do not feel
anywhere near as tired today as
I did when running the previous ones,
and that probably accounts for the

CDR ... 2 pressure is reading around


331 20 53 55 CDR This is the CDR at the ATM panel.

The time is 23:53 Zulu, and I
have finished this period; I Just
finished up building block 2,
and looking at the WHITE LIGHT
CORONOGRAOH on television. The
roll at the moment is minus 5400.
And as I stand looking at
the television pictures, I see a
rather strong ray, coronal ray,
emenating out from about the 7 o'clock
position on the WHITE LIGHT
CORONOGRAPH. This ray is stronger
than it was this morning when l
took the picture. The picture was
taken at about 14:45 Zulu. As I look
in H-Alpha 2, I don't see any
feature down there that could
be causing that, although it could
be active region 90 or active
region 84, because that's Jusl
about the location of active
regions. I have not been able
to see active region 90, which
is called out on the SAP as being
on the limb. Hut that strong ray
is right about where I would guess
that active region 90 is located.

331 20 55 27 CDR The ATM schedule, I completed. I

started a little bit late; got all
of JOP 2A steps, h Alfa through
h Delta, completed; went into J0P
6, step number 2, and oompl_.d
all of steps in there, truncatin6
6. The MIRROR AUTO RASTER is still
I-- going now, and has a minute o_ to
Dump Tape 331-09/D-124
Page2 of 3

go before we lose our daylight.

I was looking at the WHITE LIGHT
CORONOGRAPH, so I missed when S056
went off, but it was very, very
close to ESS. I think, if anything,
I probably went a little bit below
ho0 E before that Patrol, short was
com_leted on S056.

331 20 56 16 CDR CDR out.

331 20 57 31 CDR This is the CDR at 20:56. The

next Aq/M day pass will be conducted
by our eminent solar physicist, Dr.
Edward Gibson. I have decided to
relinquish that day pass to him,
because he keeps coming up here and
salivating all over the ATM panel,
and I decided the best way to get
rid of him was Just to let him
do it. And I'll leave the area. Out.

331 21 ii 36 SPT SPT, at 21:12. Just completed a

RPM, CLOCKWISE, and experienced no
symptoms. I did not experience
anything all the way through run.
And the only thing I experienced was
a very slight amount of dizziness
after the run was over, as the chair
was slowed down, and it disappeared
in around 30 seconds. I don't feel
anywhere near the reactions which I
did on the ground, even the last run
which I had at 30 rpm on the ground.
The run which I did have on the
ground at 30 rpm, I did have some
stomach awareness, as I recalled, on
that one, some vagal response. And
in this particular tim - run !
experiened nothing. I did not e_perience
the dizziness or the gyrate tumbling
which the CDR did yesterday. I was
just - all I felt was the mechanics of
the motion and ... forces involved in
making the motion, and that was it.

331 21 12 k8 SPT SPT out.
Page 3 <f 3

{ " o, "_ [ '_ U Ls is the CDR, at 21:22 "u .

:e sLWject is food. We h_ve tee,:
,m_able to locate the eggs, scrmlbled
eggs in overage, and the Rice
Krisries in overage, that Ed Gibson
needs in order to - to get his :'cod
filled out for the high-density days.
He's been using - I think last time he
used eggs from another meal, and - that's
down the line. And we're still
looking to see if we can find a package
of eggs, somewhere, that we brought
up. But so far, we have not been able
to find the eggs nor have we been able
to find any Rice Krispies in overage.

331 21 23 :)7 CDR Message complete.

Dump Tape 3_I-12/9-]27
Time: _31:93:h7 %4 332:01:_ GPIT
p_!? 7 ,;" '

33] 23 47 5 <! This is the CDR at 2::L7. J :_ b_ut

_in[.-'_-_with the ATe! dayli-'_: f"_-s.
AIi the JOPs - building blocks _,ut
nomJ hal!y, except for th_ one.
exception. I -we reported i _ little
bit earlier at about 23:16. -"
reported having m/s - mispcint_d and
haveing termiated and restarted. About
the only thing that's worth s< "_! o:
this is that the active re_.ion _z preity
well died down in intensity e_d particu]'_!y
the southern part of the region. I noticed
now near the end of the pass, tbar _he
northern part of the region is h, glnnin:
to pick up and it's _.etting a ._i_:+le_'i"
brighter or we're getting some - coupl_
of knots about hO or 50 arc secnds -
correction, it's not north, it's east.
Just slightly north of east about 40 or
50 arc seconds at a couple of knots that
are beginning to intensify right now.
We're getting awful close to the South
Atlanta anomaly. I'm going to have to
turn off the TONE LIGHT ENABLE here in a

331 23 49 14 CDR End of message.

331 23 59 38 SPT SPT at 23:59. The observer for the PLT

on MI31, 0GI. He experienced a sense of
rotation at the upper two levels of
rotation, 14 and 18. The lh and 18 align
occasionally moved to invlove the vertically
upward. And from the ._bserver's stand-
point, it appears as though he was much
more definite about the first few that
he made, the first ones at level four,
than he was at eight and ten. I have -
believe the results will bear that out.
Perhaps it's more fatigue than it is
ability to per - pereieve.

332 00 00 '_< SPT SPT out.

Dump Tape 331-12/D-127

3:_2,DO08 26 CD:_ This is CDR at 00:05 £ulu. _ ...." _

of the 23:11 Zulu ATM day pass. I've
already debriefed the experiment mode.
The configuration for _na!tended ops
is comrlete at this time.

332 OO 08 47 CDR Out.

332 00 21 21 PLT PLT, completion of }4131, motiol:

sensitivity. 150 head movements,
30 rpm, negative symptoms, thoughout,

332 00 28 21 PLT PLT reporting on day 330 S_qP CAIJ

Sequence I, the first three numbers
are 1.96. I will read the last 3_
starting with the first: 602, 596, 637,
595, 639, 632, 654, 656, 624, 644.
Sequence 2_ the first four numbers are
2.041; 37, 55, 43, 38, 21, 28, 34,
43, 24, 56. Sequence3, the first
four numbers, 2.113; 78, 64, 63, 48_
79, 88 94, 60, 71, 60. Sequence 4,
first three numbers are 2.18; ... 31, 372,
377, 393, 368, 348, 401, 399, 391, 370.
Sequence 5, first 4 munbers are 2.317; 57,
7C, 22, 32, 04, 39, 62, 54, 13, 19.
Sequence 6, the first 3 numbers are 2.44;
hOT, 389, 422, 373, _97, 401, _95, 400,
392, 399. Sequence 7_ first 3 numbers
are -.62; 239, 225, 192, 208, 200, 06 -
that is 206, 230, 228_ 234, 248.
Sequence 8, the first 3 numbers are 2.89;
443, 501, 511, 494, 525, 508, 526, 478,
464, 496. Sequence 9, tile first 3 numbers
are 3.04; 641, 713, 690_ 734, 735, 708,
714, 680, 684, 692. Sequence !0, the
first three numbers are 1.96; 590, 603,
649 576, 638, 607, 569 5_, 625 604.
And those are - that's the end of the
CAL on the S_Z_D in the head. %_e start
time was - this is the - this was on the
day of year 330. Start :_ms 14:50, and
the quit time was 15 %_

_..2 OO 32 25 PLT Temperature was 76 dej'_ s.
7mg_ 3 _± 3

332 00 32 52 PIT PLT, reporting on nhe BM_ CA£ ' 04

_ar 330. Start time was i8:_), g<_p
was 19:45, although I - sequence eight
I had _o wait for a momentum dump, and
that started at 20:h0, and finished at
20:50. That was when I finished
sequence eight. Started 18:29, the
temperature was 76 degrees, and at 20:50
it was 78 degrees, a rise of 2 degrees
durimg that about 2 hour peri<i, there.
Okay, CA_ set number-sequence _m_bel"
1.270027, 2.70062, 2.70065, 2.<0019,
2.70096, 2.70184, 2.70034, 2._993S,
2.69934, 2.70214.

332 00 33 57 P_? Sequence 2, 3.7482., 3.75017, 3.71_902,

3.75255, 3.75254, 3.75149, 3.75032,
3.75015, 3.75137, 3.75315. Sequence 3,
4.33087, 4.33081, 4.33139, 4.32899,
4.33126, _.33099, 4.33058, 4.33195,
4.33142, 4.33225. Sequence 4, firsl
3 numbers are 4.84. I'll read the last
three, starting with the first; 4.29,
364, 390, 377, 577, 475, 662, 299, 362,
341. Sequence 5, 5.36219, 5.36284,
5.36508, 5.36097, 5.36411, 6.36968.
5.36939, 5.36132, 5.36147, 5.36341.
Sequemce 6, 5.83190, 5.82923, 5._3347,
5.83438, 5.83601, 5.83442, 5.8335.,
5.83283, 5.83320, 5.33374. Sequence 7,
6.26560, 6.26538, 6.26531, 6.259_3,
6.26571, 6.26573, 6.26592, 6.26L -
6.2470 is that one. 6.26555, 6.26570.
Sequence 8, 2.69975, 2.00725, 2.70100,
2.69993, 2.70021, 2.70028, 2.70025,
2.70021, 2.70031, 2.70009 ...

332 00 36 22 PLT End of readout for the _94D CAL.

Time segment 332:01:03:40 to 332:01:04:13

is d:_!icated verbatim of Dump Tape 332-0].

Dump Taoe 332-01
Time: 332:01:i0 tc 332:02:13 _T

_,_ 11/28/73
Page 1 of2 -

332 01 lO 52 SPT This is the SPT at 01:I0 reporting

•.. about three handheld photos, CX 19,
frames 40, 4!, and 42. They were
taken on a large low close to Hawaii,
the circulation pattern was very
evident. The one feature different
that anyone we've seen before was the
exceptionally extensive and thick
cloud blanket associated with one
front. Appeared to branch-out to
be at least a thousand miles - thick-
ness, and perhaps a little bit - a
thousand miles long and maybe four or
five hundred miles in width. The
second arm of it was also well-defined,
although it was not anywhere near as
think or dense.

332 01 O0 46 SPT For such a large system, the amount

of thunderstorm activity coming up
through the tops of the cirrus did not
look any larger than any I have seen
overshooting cloud tops• Also the very
center of the storm was relatively
cloud free• There was enough clouds in
there to find the circulation pattern,
however, there didn't appear to be any
really significant weather associated
with the very center. This is in
contrast to the lows which I have
encountered up in North America. SPT

332 02 ii 34 _PT SPT at 02:11. Nu Z update completed

prior to ATM opes. S}T out.

332 02 12 13 CREW ... that means we have to record it.

SPT Oh, shit.

(REW ... the EPC loaded.

SPT I ... put it in the EPC and it's still

loaded in here.

CREW The film's not in it ....


Dump_ Tape 332-01

Page 2 of2

SPT The film's still stowed. -

CREW . .o

D_np Tape 331-02
Time: 331:Oh:h2 to 331:0h:53 GMT
_" 11127173
Page 1 of 1

331 Oh h8 05 SPT SI_ at 0h:hT. Handheld photo, CXIg, photo

number 30. Photo over China. Location
is the - where the Yangtze river flows
into the East China Sea. And in particular
noted the large amount of sediment and
other debris carried in from the river.
The sediment, which is evident all
throughout the area along the shoreline.

331 0h h8 55 SPT SPT out.

L_m_-pTace 332-?2
TM._e: 332:02:<i 3 i.L-:-L
f- 11/28/73
Page I of 3

332 02 iO 39 =r- T-'ms is %he S___ :: .... _ A--L:oDs._ 5_

e,,_:_os-lre,i -_'_---=end h over

wha_ -,:_scalled for _-: -- sigr_-=i

332 02 55 h4 _"{= is +_- _ at 02:56 ""_"c=s

Looking a_ the call fror_ zhe grounl
! moved over to activate the 90 amd
take a look at it, and found a very
bright a ... bright point, end I
" focused in on that point with the 55
detecter an light 25. Looking at
oxygen 6 on detector 3 I got a ...
of rev 7000. Iam now in the middle
of a GRATING AUTO SCAN, and I 'm getting
a zero AUTO RASTER. The S056 is a
patrol short going at this time.
SPT out.

332 02 5_ 3-1 SPT SPT at 02:58. Looking at the XUV monitor

picture. I don' see any ... except
the one at the north. However, I did
see a very narrow and _rinding ...
channel ... starts about 30 degrees
latitude winds its wsy up and towards
the northwest. For the last time,
I'd like to try and _.nd ... ch_el
and magnesium ch-_nel.

332 03 09 50 _2 SPT at 03:09 I'm looking at tmattended

ops pointing at active region an UP,
DOWN, UP, plus 000 anl plus ... minus
0195. The only active region delta 187.
Detector 3 oxygen .. 6, getting around

332 03 ll 18 SPT SPT looking at active region 87 ....

activate at 90. Our ... are 55A AUTO
SCAN flollowed by .MIRROR AUTO RAST_,
but I only took it d_ to line approximately
line 38. Nanced to g_t the and WLC before
it got below h00. So its been a good
day an ATM ops. Ops. Looks like a
lot of interesting things to do not
f- D_p Tape 332-02
Page 2 of 3

workinx._ fire hope_ I _--_-o_

come up
-_ith a 6. iJil! r_eve on to 3 see if
we ... to hel; you.

332 03 13 26 S_m e_" at 03-_ _- frames

r_-nin_ H-alrha !,1_415; v_o.__--_-.- 05503
SPECT, 00196 ; ..t_;m___,
"_ _'"T_ 0__5o.).-
_,_C, 0787-_; _C....P__, none ..uJ.... T

332 03 18 09 CDR Regarding the frequency - I -_'ouldsay

the oscillation frequency was around
"_ 2 to 3 cycles a second, m_/be even
four. It was dark, I was dark adapted
but I was also working with the flashligh
t tryingto keep up with the pad, so I
was having a little bit of trouble seeing.
Howeverthat's - my best estimate is,
it was 20 to 4 cycles a second oscillation.
The ampletude was probable 3 to 5
m_]l_meters damping fairly quickly
to about damping 1 or 2. Excuse me Ed.
Millimeters I 'm tacking about 3 to 5
millimeters, down to about may 1-112
to 2 millimeters, but persistent..
Thats what bothered me. That's why
I kept it, I got off my time because I
w_s trying damp the oscillation with a
light figer touch exposures. But
the thing was so resp¢,sive to imput
that the handligh the remote cable ...
cable causing it to w_ggle slightly.

_1_f Okay, I think that au,cwers the question.

I was personally disappointed with
_5" performance. I did not make the time.
" I have great difficulty in pointing the
camera in the right place using the
universal mount because the lack of
lexibility pevoting t_e right way. I'm
not I'm fairly positive I had the could
in the field of view; it may not be
centered. However one other thing
entered into the picture that I vas
became aware of afterwards. The barium,
cra_ked - barium cloud. I inadertembly not
_ I didn't inadvertently - sutomatically -
I circled the ice in the center of the
f" Dump Tape 332-02
Page 3 of 3

wardroom-.-indo';, i zhir/< it's going

to be in --he fiel5 of -,_ie'_
of s--ver__i
of Zhe exposures. Also ne__r <he Last
i p_sed for abouL 45 seccnds cnce
because I had quite a bit of gio': on
the wardroo-_ windo'.,, and I thou_zht it
would over - over saturaLe the camera.
•.. exposures gonna take yet ground
told me to continue -#nic/uI _iZ. So
there will be a hiatus of abou_ 45
seconds one point there, Those are zD"
" correct collection about barium by the
way, the cloud itself was Just _l_ost
dead top center in the wardroom window
as you said it would be. It was about I
would say ii o'clock re_lly, in the
•rradroom window. It appeared quite ,_
prcmlinently and persistent and the
photographs were taken. They were not
s_aced evenly chronological ly.

332 Oh 06 l0 SPT SPT at 0h:05 handheld photo PxI9 showing

_1l of Korea and the coastline up_
northward. An exceptionally clear
day. We see a lot of sea_ment around
the coastline of Korea. And perhaps
we can tell something about the major
w_7 the growth geology" of Korea because
of the partial world view we're getting
here _rlth delta ... _.volution.

Dump Tape 332-03/D-130
Time: 332:04:37 to 332:04:40 GMT
Page _ of 7

332 0h 37 22 CD_< This is the CDR at 04:36 Zulu. !{ouse-

keeping CM number 4 is complete.
found a minimal amount of moisture in
the command module so far during the
mission. Down around, as you fact it
panel 377, at the lower left-hand side
of the panel, there's about - every four
days I find about - two tablespoonsful
of water spread out over the panel, and
a patch of ice abut as big as a - oh, a
silver dollar, about an inch and a half -
two inches - in dismeter. I find usually
an equal amount of water condensed on
window number 5, on the inside behind
the condensation blanket. That's the
extent of the moisture that I found so
far in the command module.

332 04 38 12 CDR Out.


F_ Dump Tape 332-05

Page 2 of 2

332 lh 36 30 PLT PLT, M092/171-2. The subject is the CDR.

Calf measurement: left, 13 and l/h,
ri@ht teen [sic] - right is 13 even.

332 lh 36 h6 PLT PLT out.

i 332 lh 43 29 PLT PLT reporting on M092/171-2. The

subject is the CDR. Leg bands are
Charlie J11]]iet 3.5 and Alfa Quebec 3.2.


332 14 54 05 PLT PLT, M092/171-2. During the cals, I got

a slow drift downward on the right leg
volume, so I'm going to - I've readjusted
the fixed cal legband from 14 down to
13, to get better tongue and groove
contact, and I will do the cals over
Just this way and you'll see several
/_ cals in this run.

Dump Tape 332-0h
Time: 332:12:17 to 332:12:18 Q4T
Page 1 of i

332 12 16 52 SPT SPT at 12:17. PRD reading:

h!Sh, 23093, 38108.

332 12 17 l0 S_ S?T out.

Dm_p Tape 332-05 /= /2_
Time: 332:13:31 to 332:1_:55 GMY I't_
I-_ Page 1 of2

332 13 31 36 CDR This is the CDR at 13:30 Zulu. The

subject is hs_ndlqeld photography. The
target is HE-90. We took the three frames
of Hasselblad film with 100-millimeter
lens. The first two frames were taken
in the window mount, the third frame
was taken at a more ablique pointing
back toward the north. It was hamdheld,
and I think that we're going to find
that the h_udheld photos are better than
the window-mounted photos are better than
the window-mounted photos because the
_rlndow mount does vibrate. The weather
over the target area was extremely clear.
The lakes were quite clear, and I did
not have time to really look at the
difference in color between the different
lakes, but my general impression was
that the the lakes were all about the
same color. The old done area was
quite visible. Just to the - Just to the
west and slightly south of the dune area
is a very large green area, very well
f- _pparently very _ell vegetated and
considerabley more green in color than
the surrounding area.

332 13 32 57 CDR Out.

332 13 36 52 SPT SPT at 13:37. Handhell photos. The Nikon,

CXI9, photo nu_nber h7 "_as taken _long the
Niger River, showing a enlargement of the
river and the associatgd sediment in the
enlargement. And alsc, ad._acent to it
8rod quite extensive, a large number of
fires and the resulting plumes of smoke
running from those fires. There was a
large number of them, _nd th_ wind
pattern carrying these plumes a very
extensive distance. Both were visible
in this photo.

332 13 37 36 SPT SPT out.


Dump Tape 332-06 _
Time: 332:15:19 to 332:17:11 GMT
Page 1 of 4

332 15 20 h2 SPT SPT at 15:20. This is ATS SP-20;

ATM operations. Just concluded a
VTB recording of - XUV monitor
and white light coronograph. And at
_ the conclusion I gave a short
amount of XUV SLIT white light
display on active region 87, and also
H-alpha 1 on active region 87.

332 15 21 21 SPT The time was approximately 15:18,

day 332. SPT out.

332 15 23 20 SPY SPT at 15:23. Just looking over

active region 87 and looking at the
intensities of oxygen VI in the
bright spot in the north DOR of the
two sunspots. Been getting intensities
of around 2000. And Just moving on
down to the northeast, I got some
intensities there of around 6000.
This is almost directly east of
the upper of the two sunspots.

332 15 2h 13 SPT There's 16000 right there. There's

22000. That's at a position of
UP/D0_, minus 0170; LEFT/RIGHT,
0184; that's positive, amd a roll
of minus 0352.

332 15 28 19 SPT SPT at 15:28. Just giving ...

of extra items taken on this orbSt
region 87 and an accompanying

332 15 28 40 SPT SPT out.

332 15 30 42 SPT SPT at 15:30. Looking at the XUV

MONITOR pictures from yesterday, and
- that'slast night and this morning.
Some bright points have appeared
at the west limb at around 270.5,
and three of them - or I should say
two of them Just slightly northeast
Dump Tape 332-06
Page 2 of 4

of active region 87. And, then, i

believe its active region 92, or
pass - correlation is difficult to
make - which also shows up much
more prominently than it did last

332 15 31 27 SPT The filament channel is still

well difined up there in the
northwest, and a corona hole appears
to be coming around on the west limb.
Correction - the east limb. The
integrations, I've found, are best
done for about a 3-second duration when
taking these pictures. That seems to
bring out the - the bright points as
well as enough of the background XUV
st_acture that coronal holes and filament
channels can be picked out.

332 15 32 05 SPT SPT, out.

332 15 36 00 SPT SPT at 15:36. Gave 56 a short MIRROR

LINE SCAN on active region 87 as we went
into the - sunset. I did not have
it on a really ... bright point while
crossing some of the brighter areas.
i was trying to get a H-ALPHA 1
picture onboard of active region 87 with
the camera.

332 15 36 30 SPT SPT out.


332 15 50 43 PLT

332 15 53 19 PLT

332 15 54 20 PLT
Dump Tape 332-06
'f-_" Page 3 of 4'


332 16 Ol 36 PLT

332 16 06 43 PLT

332 16 08 27 PLT



332 16 19 44 PL_


332 16 21 3T PLT


332 16 25 13 PLT

332 16 25 27 PLT


332 16 53 3_ PLT

Dump Tape 332-06

,_ Fage 4 of 4


322 16 54 I_ PLT

332 16 56 3i 2LJ

._ 17 O0 _'_'

_o !7 02 32 PLT

332 17 09 29 PLT



Dump Tape 332-08/D-135

- Time: 332:1725 to 332:1919GM_
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332 17 25 35 PLT PLT at 17:25, completion of

Mh87-2 Alfa. Question i:
k_at; particular asr_cts of
the orbital assembly see::md
well <_esigned and arranged
for ]!ring and working in
zer g? What aspects _'_
d_!'i_icnt and how? 7 thin_
possibly the best aspect ih
the %rrangemnt is the OWS
arc compartment. The height
is porper, it eanables you tc
move about with some - at
least a dgree of assurance
of control; there's a lot
of grid floor space
available for foot restraints,
although the work around the
wardroom table is difficult.
l_'d been better off, I think,
__ if they'dhave leftoff the -
the brown sort of pedestal or
on_-inch-thick border around
the food preparation table -
would have been better leI_
off because it robs us of a
lot of foot restraint and the
strap restraints aren't any
good anyway. So I think that
probably the aft compartment
is pretty good. The rest of
the spacecraft is very poor
for wroking becuase of eight
volume of arrangment or lack
of foot restraints. The one
thing that is lacking
throughout the spacecraft is
the provision of temporary
stowage restraint of
equipment. You find yourself
trying to manage a half dozeo
pieces of equipment and at a
given location or work
!c,ra_ [on, say at the - MainZy,
l'm concerned about right n_w
about the film vault, but it
r "_ •

equally applies when you're

selting up say, a 183 S019
eartk terrain es_r_era, or
anything in one of the SALS.
You Find yourself with pieces
of Faper, hardware, tr_,ing
_" r. ai checklists and hav[n_ _
to - or cue cards. Yes, you
can clip them, but there are
_- _-:ns" it all has to be
msz_ually done. The velcro is
unsu_itable in many case
te_e it's not in th___rich _
places and it isn't easily

332 17 27 _8 Y7 7 An)_ay, temporary restraints

an_ _<ttachments at all work
__ =__ ).msseems to _e tc _e
highly ties!table and what i'-_
talking about is just a sort
-- of flexiableversatile
volume to contain things,
like, for instance, something
the size of a temporary
stowage bag with a overlapping
flap, transparent flap on the
front in which you can just
pn_ things temporarily while
your're working with
.:_,_n_. Into - When y.,_
+__ ,"_ equipment, you have
t<; _i_ _er install it or you
ha.;. t _"take time out ; and
whex I say time, I mean like
cr the order of 2 to 5 minut_'=_
- j lst to ... the equipment
when assecbling and
disassembling pieces of
hardware. It's very time -
a lot of the time is consumed
in hunting up and getting
checklists, in holding onto
checklists or cue cards,
putting them in the right
position, and then going and
__ findingthem after they get

[ mm[ /ape _ "-

age 3 of J[:

loose _nd float free. We

flind ourselves wasting an
_wfu_ ]_t of time finding
_his equip - hunting, mld
humtlng for pieces of
equipment that have floated
free; anything from hardware
to precedures books. Now
that's one of the problems.

332 17 29 01 ?LT Another one of the problem

areas in the wrokshcp is
the '_ominably poor dea_:i_
of drawers end doors. I
just can't believe how lousy
the _rawers rungs are. Ne
- we get an awful lot of
chatter - friction chatter
in the film vault end it's
just inexcusable, I would
imagine; expecially you'd
-- think in zero g it'd be
better. But we trash end
bounce and thunp about our
expensive camera because the
door, the drawer rather,
won't close properly. And
then the foor on the film
vault is just - ti seems to
me tc be inexcusable that
we wJ_!d spend money buildin_
something like the film vault
an<] then put a dime store latch
on _he two film vault doors _d
then "_hen we're activating [he
workshop, find one of the
doors hangin_ open.

332 17 29 k_< }IT Now I don't know if we Jarred

the door open and - or it had
been open ever since a
vibration or something shook
it loose after deactivation
from the previous mission, but
anyway - okay, that's enough
on drawers and doors on the
film vault. Also the film
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vault itself is very, very

poorly designed for eontainin_
items. The - they're either
too loose, too tight, can't get
them out, breaking your
fingernails off trying to get
a magazine out; or there's no
provision at all for holdin_<
things. Cameras, there
seems to me to be a need for
some way of putting - devishug
slots of movable partitions
_n a drawer to allow for
7a_'_'.!g vol_es_ b_'oau_e we

ha7: ro way - I'd have _s

t_k_ _ urine bag c_mtr'd_-r,
take the cardboard from _t,
mud _ut it up to make
p_'_ions for our film h'a_ -.
The straps are dull - no you
can use velcro straps and they
_- were in there,but therewere
not enough to handle all the
equipment we have now. But
a simple think like drawers
and doors has really impressec_
me as beeing very po,rly

332 17 30 50 PiT Now without going into detail,

the - another area where the
drawers are poorly designed is
the tocl boxes and the tool
box compartment. And this
applies back to the film vau! _ .
There are no partitions top
and bottom between drawers ;
the be!tom of the drawer above
serves as a partition, and
when it's pulled out, the
item in the bottom - in the
drawer below drifts free.
It can get in the way of
the drawer above, and wehn you
get ready to close it - of
course, you don't know this -
but when you get ready to

D'_mpTape _2-_

close it, then you close it

on the item. Now if it's
a nonfragile item, you
have not lost anything. But
it has caused you difficulty
in that your going to pull
the drawer out, restowe the
item in a drawer below, which
is then ... which testifies
to the fact that we have poor
- poor restraint capability.
And the Mosite is not the
greatest thing, since peanut
butter as far as stowing
loose items.

332 17 31 4_ F_'U Large _tems have a ... like

95, 98 percent of friction
surface holding them and then
it takes about a I00 po_Ids
of pressure to pull them out.
_- Small itemshave about,oh, !0
percent of a surface with
friction contact with the
Mosite and they drift free.
Then we've got a complete
spectrum of more or less
resistance to pulling or
drifting free of items that
are stowed in cutouts. We -
we've got a long way to go for
making Just simple cutouts
for an individual piece of

332 17 32 15 FLT Back to the tool drawers.

They slide freely but they
also slide out, and l've pulled
them oi_ a couple of time. We
talked about this before
even when we're talking about
M487. I don't like the idea
of a drawer pulling free
without having to take some
action on _v part. Also, it'd
be nice if the drawer pulled
completely out if you do have
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the restraint device as _he

drawers in the film vault do.
They pull out; you can pull
them all the way out of the
container. Back to the film
vault for a minuS_e, something
else just - I Just recalled.
The film vault doors open
against each other in such
a manner you can only open
one at a time. Also, the
thing has to be opened a full
180 degrees before you can
pull the drawers free, I
think that's a poor design.
I know it probably was meant
that way to save sapce between
the ÷wo columns of drawers.
in o[ner words, you don't have
to - they did not want to
wa. < that volume in there.
-- But in any event it does
restrict your operation lead;
you have to close one door and
then the other. A lot of
times you're transferring
th_ngs from one side of the
film vault - film stowage
vault to the other, and
this causes difficulty.

332 17 3_ f:_ F_- Back +c the film vault, and

th_ -_r_uble it's cause_
wi_h items drifting free.
_ jammed drawers int__
th. _CLO optical - ! guess
'_• ::)ntainer couple c _, +_. e._,
an! [* was completely
inadvertent, and it was just
I had no idea that the thing
had drifted free, but cue
of those S019 m_kgazines is
not restrainted. Anyway,
I just can't over emphasize
the fact that that film vault
is Ju--t very, very poorly
F- designed for restrainingvery
Dur_p Tape :4 _ "
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ver_, delicate pieces of

e qui pment.

332 17 3h 0: _21 Now the closing of the

doors on our lockers in the
wardroom the wardroom and
the sleep compartment type
and the tool container type
drawers. Now these are the
ffockers that have the 700
numbers on them and the
600 numbers on them and the
900 numbers. Those things
are very, very poorly designed
in that they - you don't get
Fositive latch, and sometimes
they stick and sometimes they -
_v,_r the slightest thing Js_e.l
_ the side of them. of course,
h . .e difficult. I think
the thing is Just a little -
_ the latchis Just too delicately
designed. They also fail; we've
had several that - I have one
in my lock compartment that I
can't use.

332 17 3h L2 PLT Now let's go to the - the MDA,

I want to make this comment
before I forget it. I think
the layout of the MDA, the
numbering of the lockers and
stowage locations is very
confusing, and also the
locatability of items,
]¢cker and stowage locations
Jn _h_ MDA is very bad. _,Te've
got to come up with a better
system than in locating
the lockers; it's hard to
move around the MDA, it's
harff %o work in the MDA, hard
te find things. There are
very, very few restraints,
there are no - no foot
restraints other than the one
trader the ATM and the one that's
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_,ov_ _ for EREP and for

the ... precessing facility.

332 17 35 21 PLI However, not only does it

make it difficult to do jobs
in the MDA, but it is also
causing us a lot of problems
in that the rate gyro package
which, to be sure was an add-on
item and a contingency contains
the installation, but never
the less becuase of our
inflexibil - our lack of
positive positioning in the
_A, we've kicked the rate
gyros a couple of times and
cause_ the things to go into
coarse gain which can cause
control problems. All I'm
_:_yln_ is not only is it an
convenient device, but it can
F '_iso causeyou operational
problems, so it's not just a
pitch for greater maneuverability
and greater ease in operating
in it, but it can also lead
directly to very serious
operational problems.

332 17 36 20 PLT And one of the other things

that impressed me as a continual
problem is the need for small
slip clips, that is permanently
mounted clips that are springed
against the surface under
which you could, say, slide a
card or piece of paFer. I've
noticed expremely - an extreme
smour_t of difficulty in handling
Faper. I wanted to sift
through my daily pads to check
on something on a film loading
pad one time; I had made
a mistake in locating one of
r_f - stowing one of my
magazines. And in doing so,
I find it extremely difficult
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te file - to sort through

loose rapers. It would have
been awlfully nice to have
these located around so you
could sit there and you could,
say, if you had a stack of
sheets_ small sheets in your
hand, you could go from your
left h_nd and handle it with
your right hand. You could
take them with your right
h_d or your left and and slip
them under the spring clip
one at a time and then - in
that manner sort of leaf
through a stack of paper.
But it is a problem, and I
think they drift freely

332 17 37 21+ _]T And future spacecraft, it

-- seeps to me has got to have
lots of these things located
around any kind of a work
stations. For instance,
around the wardroom window
there ought to be at least a
half a dozen of those -
something that would serve the
purpose. I'm not trying to
design for the disigners, hut
a spring clip - and what
I'm talking about is a ... spring
we can just press against a
permanent surface, and Just
sort of mount it there and flat
sort of out of the way,
probably not raised over quarter,
a half inch. But it's Just there
and you can slip a card under it.
And I would say that there is
a _remendous need for locatin_
a lot of these all over the
spacecraft, everywhere you
could put them in without
causing any problems.
• "k

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332 17 38 04 ?LU It seems to me there would be

no impact on structure, and
there might - might even be
an argument for locating
something on the order of a
slipping e_nera rack or
something, maybe not _nlite
that sophisticated. But what
we _.eed are snap points or some
snap pattern around or hole
pattern into which you eou/d
insert these things and have
the pattern like it's on our
grid, floor frid, ceiling
grid, have this pattern
located at - copiously,
obviously all around the
spacecraft, so that you could
put these, put a spring clip
in, put a velcro pad on that's
got a metal back on it or
something likethat,so you
could Just throw these all
around and adapt yourself
to the task in hand.

332 17 38 h8 lCLT Now I'm sure the tasks have

varied Skylab -,2, and 3,
and l'm sure each one of the
crews and individuals in the
crew would differ on where to
locate the things and what to
locate. One man might want a
spring clip, another want a
velcro patch. But anyway,
if you had a hole patter, like
it's - or a snap pattern so
that you could locate these
things and have flexibility
of putting them all over
the place, it would certainly
simplify operations. What my
biggest problem, since I've
been up here, is Just managing
mobile things, and when I'm
moving around, Just managing
things. Onceyou get your feet
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in %he grid, you start this

- start operating, it's just
like operating in one g; no
problems. But because we
don't have these provisions
all over the spacecraft - at
co_mon work locations ; now
minus -Z _nd plus -Z SALS
should have had lots of
clips and lots of these places
where you could stow things
and maneuver things and
temporarily restrain
items for conducting - what
most of our SAL experiments are,
are - it involves are
manipulations and operations
with a multiplicity of items,
including paper work and small
pieces of hardware cables,
et cetera. Finis.

332 17 40 13 PLT Okay, ! can't say enough good

things about the sleep compartment
as far. As the sleeping bag
itself is concerned, I can't
see that anything can be
improved on that, other than
maybe giving it flexibility
or maybe change the contours
or something. But I find that
highly effective; I have no
comment other than, Just to
say that I think it's excellent
as far as I'm concerned.

332 17 h0 3h PLT One thing that we've noticed

is that we may be running out
of tissues and, because of the
combination of 5 psi
environment ... and zero
gravity, we have - I have a
continual problem with nasal
congestion and it may be
something that is - before I
forget it, it would be nice
to include in 8/1 future
r _L

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stowage areas, put in tissues.

I think we're probably okay,
but we're gonna run pretty

332 17 hi 15 PLT Okay, on the triangle shoes -

I've not been able to use the
mushroom shoes; l'm not reporting
on them. The triangle
shoes really take a beating.
This has been reported by all
crews, and I think it's of
course, that we've u - when
you move around, you tend
to sort of move with your hands
and try to stabilize and stop
your thrashing about with your
feet. The shoes really take
a beating, the backs mud the
toes. The firemanls pole's
excellent. I - I use that all
f thetime.

332 17 42 46 PDT Okay, I think I've already

dovered item number 2 in my
discussion of temporary stowage
provision and small restraints.
As far as body restraint,
triangle shoes are excellent.
I have found myself at times
when there's no frid pattern
at . .. the Collanol servicing
maintenance task, I actually
took tethers, tethered my
ankles to handholds on
the molsieve because as you
maneuver with let your hands,
the rest of your body torques
about and you're got to have
some - some way of restraining
your fee, because this is the
one part of your body that -
over which you don't have as
much control as, of course,
the arms and upper body.
As far as reconm_endation -
_ as faras recommendations
_- Dump Tape 332-08
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for improvement, i would

s_y that the triar_gle shoes
are very good, a little bit
difficult to get in. If
it could be made easier, that
would be an improvement. The
only way I can think of improving
it is when you don't have the
permanently installed grid,
that you should have someway
of attaching, say, something
like a fishnet webbing or
something into which you
could put your feet to restrict -
restrain the lower part of
the body while you torque about
with the - with the upper
body and the arms. If you had
something like a fishnet that
you could stretch around, and
I'm talking about one you
can Just poke your feet
_ through and mybe ents_ngle
them in a couple of - of
the lines, so that you Just have
something to hold your
body - lower body while
you're - while you're working,
it would hlep an awful lot.

332 17 44 46 PLT I've already mentioned the wa_v

I tied my legs down to do the
Coolanol servicing.

332 17 h50l PLT Non-equipment - okay, item

number 3: How effective is
non-equipment - assissted
verbal eomnunication. I'd say -
say when you're on the same
level, you have no diffieulty
co_zmlmieating, end this is
because of the noise level in
the way it increases as you go
up and down the X-axis of the
workshop. So when you're
trying to shout to somebody
who is separated from you by
more than l0 or 15 feet along
" ".

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the X-axis, you find it

extremely difficult to
communicate. When you are
eo_nunicating on the same level,
say in the Zplane, you have no
difficulty. Of course, that
restricts you to a limited
distance of probably no more
than 20 feet anyway. Also,
I think probably the sshpe of the
workshop, the fact that it's
round hleps a little bit to
focus sound, and expecially when
you're communicating on the
s_.- level. I would say - i
think I've already given the
distance - I'd say, oh, 15 to 20
feet, when you're separated by
more tahn 15 or 20 or 20 feet along
the X-axis, you actually have to

332 17 46 12 PDT Okay, item number 4: How

satisfactory are the food
management and dinging
accommodations? I would say
they were satisfactory. I
think that's what I would
give them. I like the water
guns, they're real good. The
dispensing system is good. _ne
of the things the foot
restraints - they have already
been picked to pieces; I don't
want to cover them, I don't ]'ke
them too well - they clock your
triangles but they don't unclock
them, so when you get out of
the foot restraints on the -
on the wardroom table, you got
to reach down and exert quite
a bit of force with your fingers
to muclock the triangles so that
you can use them in the frid.
And this means that - it's a
little bit unpleasant and
you sort of tend not
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to _se the tris-ugles the pedestal

around the food preparation table.
Foot restraint is essential when
you' re around the wardroom taole,
thoug._, and that's where I usually
step back and Just use the grid
because l'm a little bit lazy,
and I don't like to reclock the
t rianb les.

332 17 47 17 FLT The - how well does the food

adhere to the utensils when eating?
It is quite well, however you still
get the splssh and spatter problem,
and in fact, getting all of the
food out of the plastic hags and -
Once you get it on the utensil,
out of the bag, then it's no problem.
One of the things that I would like
to - that I find it difficult is
fixing - is mixing the condimention
and I find that I spray - I try to
reallysprayit aroundand mix -
cut a big trinagle out of the
plastic container, hold it over
the food, and spray the condiment
in there, whether it's pepper or
tobasco sauce, which are the
main condiments I use.

332 17 48 02 PLT Would a closer tray - to - mouth

proximity have improved eating
ease? For me at least, affirmative,
it would, and I find _self eating
Japanese style quite often, getting
my mouth down very close and this
Just - it Just minimizes the proba-
bility of getting - getting a food
locse, because you're - you got
year mouth open right down next
to the food, and you can sort of
shovel it in.

332 17 L8 29 _LT What unanticipated problems have

occurred in performing various
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exTeriment aciti,_ties to date?
Well, I guess they weren't really
acticipated, hut movement around
and restrainging nivself has
caused me a little bit more of
a problem than I thought. I've
alrealy mentioned the problem of
s_owage and temporary restraing,
stowing of loose items, particularly
when assembling equipment that
has multi - a multiplicity of
pieces. One of the things that
has really caused me more trouble
than anything else is the book -
and accounting on the film. One
of the worst tasks I've ever
performed is in the film transfer.
I don't think it was too well - as
far as the bookkeeping part of
it, it was excellent, I mean there
-were no errors. There were no
errors and it was correct. However,
as far as being well designed for
the human factors and so forth and
having some erative planning going
into it, the film transfer represents
a good example of how not to do it.

332 17 49 35 PLT Arid there was Just no help given

the operator other than the fact
that the numbers of the cassettes
in the hags were written on the
outside, and that was only after
I insisted that it be done. There
was about 90 percent lost time in
the film transfer Just looking and
making sure you had the right
magazine, and l'm not addressing
myself to the point that they
were stowed in all different locations
in the comnand module. That was
unaviodable because of launch problems
and weight, l'm talking about
after I got the stuff together with
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no help on the itemsthemselves.

And other than the fact that the
cassette numbers had been printed
on there for me, so I didn't have
to open the compartment of each
bag and look and see what ...
cassette number BR03 or whatever.
And if I had not had that done, it
would have taken me I0 hours to
do that film transfer. I think
that probebly impresses me as
being the lousiest planned operation
I've ever seen.

332 i0 50 53 PLT Okay, another unanticipated problem

in performing various activation,
housekeeping, or experiment activities
to date, was the fact that we were -
we had added on to our Flight Plan
not Just one or two, but at least
two dozen brand new tasks which
we had never done, or had just
been talked through or had done
maybe one. To give an example of
a fairly complex experiment which
we had not trained for, that's
the S183. Originally we were
not planned - it was not planned
for us to do that. I only installed
and assembled the S183 one time
in a mini sim, and operated -
operated it a safety operation
one time in a mini sim.

332 17 51 39 PLT And that's not enough for a

complex piece of equipment that has
pieces stowed here - hither and
yon and is a fairly complex piece
of equipment. You have to get
film out of the film drawer and
the cassette itself requires tender
loving care. Power cables came
out of a dome locker, the equip -
the assembly itself comes out of
a fairly com - not comples tc
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operate, but it - it - if you're

unfa_-iliar with it, it's confusing
a stowage. You have to use a
piece of S019, another experiment
for part of it, and you have to
hook it up to thirty things; you
got to get a DAC camera out in
adaition to the flight magazine
and carrousel, and all in all,
I Just use it as a typical example
of, for what I con -what I consider
to be, although not an extremely
difficult, one which is a complex
task of management of small pieces
of equipment and hardware• Now
when you've got to do that - I got
to do it one time and yet when we
got ready to do that experiment,
we were scheduled a time line Just
as though we were completely per
station and had done it hundreds of
times. I'm not - I think we've
said enough, I think the flight
planners had a lot of stuff
Jammed down their throats, the
FAD people. I don't want to be
critical of them, but I do want
to point out the problem. The
question was asked and I'm answering
it. And I was extremely irritated
with the time that we were g_ven
to perform these tasks the
first time• And I can see what
happened on the ground; I know
that there are a lot of people
involved. When you do that there
are a lot of people involved.
When you do that, there's no
single individual who's at fault;
it's Just sort of you get caught
in the system and so I want to
make it very clear it's nothing
personal, hut the question has been
asked and I did want to emphazize
my - my feelings about it.
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332 17 53 2_ PLT Now tilerewere a lot of hous-

keeping tasks that I had never
done before, and again the first
time zhrough required more time
than was allotted. Some of the
medical stuff that we got, the
stereo photos we had never -
that's right, the stereo photos we
had never done, some of the iR
photos, we had never done and
yet we were given, you know,
like, just added on a couple of
minutes here and there to do this
sort of thing; it's extremely
difficult. What - I would like
to give an example of what happens
when you add on a task like the
IR photos, and this is a case where
we were given the task of taking
IR photos of each other, and the
instructions, although it sounded
ratherglib,were prettydifficult
to follow. Man lay down on the
grid floor in front of the film
locker, another man is supposed to
float up around the fireman's
pole, and of course that's ridiculous;
you don't float when you're taking
photographs. So what I - what I
ended up doing was goind up by
putting one triangle in by waLer
tank 3 and sticking one leg bask
in between the water tanks. And
what I did, I had activated water
tand 3 and pressurized it, and I
had - then I kicked the valve off.
New i didn't know this until last
night; we has some trouble with -
started having trouble with the
water tank. I still have not re-
ported this to ground. But I would
Just like to give this as a good
example of what happens when you
throw stuff on the last minute with-
out having proper training on it.
Dumpt Tape 332-08
Page 20 of 25

332 17 54 53 PLT And what I did - I actually _')uld have

damaged the pressurization v_ive to
water tank 3. There I was, f:_t d'_b
s_nd happy, one foot restraint 9rid the
other foot sticking back between a
water tanks, and I kicked the valve
off - PRESSUEIZATION valve OFF which
started the water pressure, and I
didn't - I wasn't smart enough to figure
_his out till last night after we'd
a_ - after Hosuton had already solved
the problem. The question you asked
here in the book, is what unanticipated
problems have oecured in performing vaious
activation ... you know experiment
activity to date, ... and that's the
answer. That is - that is a kind of thing
that happens when you start throwing things
on at the last minute. And we're very -
we're quite happy to do this, but we've
got to have the time, the first time
period to get familiar with it, and a/so
you can expect glitches like me kicking
of that PRESSURIZATION valve on water
tank 3. Now I consider that to be my
fault ; I should have know better than
that, because exactly what happens -
This is - a very good question you've
asked, and I was Just giving that as
a good example of how not to fly a
spacecraft and how not to schedu!e
operations. Somebody thinks something
up in an office, it sounds good, and then
all of a sudden you find yourse3f trying
t__ do it the first time, never having
2_ne it before, it's - it's gonna take
probably 4 or 5 times as much time to
do the task. _q_an the man who is
needling the FAO types. Have 'em do
n__ experiment, it only takes 5 minutes,
and you end up taking an hour to do it.
Dump Tape 332-08
Page 21 of 2_

332 17 56 32 _m'r Okay, a_idthe rest of number _ is what -

Are there any conmnon difficulties that
car. be traced to inadequacies of design,
onboard provisions or preflight prepara-
tion - I Just got through telling what
can happen when you don't have good
preflight preparation• The - Using the
example the MDA layout, the poor layout,
_id locatability of lockers, and the
lack of foot restraints, has been a major
shortcoming operating in the _DA,
_d the the drawers of the doors operation,
eLc. For ... spacecraft.

332 17 57 16 SC Okay, question 6. What signifi_ant

improvisations cedural equipment arrange-
ments or modifications etc. Have
you accomplished as a result of adapting
no living and in working in zero-g? I
get these straps around the ankles to
hold my feet down. I made cordboard
partitions for the es_nera drawer number G
in filmvault,and I hope to get around
of making holders of tops for the drawers
_r at least some of kind previsions
for keeping the equipment from flying
about when moving the film drawer to
keep it from drifting out of the
stowage location. The ... camera
magazines also float out of their
restraints in the film vault. It is
just that whole film vault impresses me
as being a pretty ineffective design•
It - Some of them are the t_pe you can't
get _hem out, and the others are loose,
and you put them in their design restraints
like _he EC magazines; they just filoat
_ight out. How satisfactory have the
various environmental elements of
habitability been in providing a suitable
habital? Lighting, noise temperature,
h_nnidity, air flow? Generally, satis-
factory. We've commented on the low hb_nidity;
however the temperature is coming down now.
Dump Tape _32-0_
Page 22 of 25

_hink we're a little bit harpier.

/i _=
_ w is great. I h_ve no no complaints
a_ ai[ on the airflow. One of the things
that's causing ... more unpleasent than
any thing else is the flatus - the farts
that we had - generate here in this low
psi. This 5 psi atmosphere's extremely
urlpleasant. I think it's because of
a lot of gas that we ingest while we're
eating our food• The the airflow is
really essential for getting that stuff
stirred up and taken out of
the air. Temperatures got - started
getting a little - actually a little
cool last night. We've actually turned
the thermostat up. Noise, you always
have noise. I - I'm used to noise.
So it'd be nice if there weren't any.
It's sort of - I guess you - It's good
to have a little background noise.
Lighting is adequate. Were - there were
two noises that we noticed in the space-
craf-_ which we've gotten used to now,
but sort of interesting on of it them's
a TACS fine, fbut sounds like somebody
thumping on a 50-gallon or maybe 150-gallon
drum. There's a fairly sharp report.
And then some kind of thermal oil canning
that occurs at daylight and darkness
Just at Sunrise. It gives you a nice
little sound. Other than that, I'd say
that in those categories, everything is
entirely acceptable.

332 17 59 43 CC Okay, this is ... PLT comments on page 2-2.

That's question 7.


332 18 45 23 CDR _uis is the CDR at 18:_5 Zulu in the

completion of ATM ds_v pass.

CDR The JOP assigned for this pa1_ticular day

pass was JOP Ii, chromospheric
oscillations. The steps tha t i did were
• f .

Dump Tape 332-08

Page 23 of 25

2, 3, and h. I had no problems at

all with 2. I found a good s'&nspot
•_nlora right near the large - largest sunspot
of acuive region 89. Had no problem at
sport !ng the umbra and getting it pointed
up well. We had the roll of 10,800,
anJ c)mpleted building block i0 and went
on, arid did building block 18. On S056,
I went ahead and activated, and then I
began to have second thoughts about the
pointing, and I terminated it, and looked
over the pointing to make sure I was
right, and then activated again. So I
probably messed up your first - wasted
one frame. The rest of the building block 18
went pretty much as planned. ! got the
82A exposures, and - well - well phased,
and spread out from a time of about 43,
down to the time of 17. S052 was omitted
because we weren't Sun centered. And 55

332 18 47 02 -_ didn't notice any particularly out-

standing activity around active region 87.
When I came on console, it was nice and
briglnt, and it stayed that way, getting
neither brighter or di_er throughout
the day pass. The - I did notice upon
taking a look at XUV, that Just above
the area where Ed Gibson reported the
coronal hole - I did notice a bright
area; looked like it was coming around
over the limb Just north of the east -
east side of the limb. I should say,
just north of zero latitude. Other than
that, there was moth -nothing further
to report on this day pass. Out.

332 19 06 30 FLT Welcome aboard Skylab. Today, we're

gonna ... a little TV on film threading.
_n_at we're doing here, is trying to put
film into a camera which we brought up
for the solar telescope. The objective
e "_+_his is - whole exercise, rather than
doing it on the gro_Ig, you could try to
save a little weight on the material which

Dump Tape 33_-08
Page 24 of 25

we brought up. As you know, Dn Skylab 3

we were pretty weight critical at launch.
We uried to bring up as much useful
material as we could. So we had to cut
,down whereever we - wherever was possible.
Wha_ we did, was essentially, bring up
few film cassettes. This whi_e one, and
t_e black one.

332 19 07 27 One containing the film which we are about

to install in the camera, and the second
one, the take-up reel for the cs.mera.
Now the other alternative, was to bring
up this total film packaging like so, which
is quite large and quite heavy. Rather than
do that, we convinced the folks that we're
backing American science and engineering.
TT._atwe were capable of bringing the film
up, and threading it through the camera -
checking it out, and making it ali work.
P _c! that's the task l'm in r_t now.

"LT The tools ... that I have - that i'm using

is pre¢ty much what you find at home. A
screwdriver, paper clip, roll of tape.
The tape is the zero g man's right arm.
fund a few other small devices, pens, pencils,
and a wrench. Now what l've done so far,
is to install both the take-up cassette,
and the supply cassette. This is where
the film is, and this is where it's gonna
go. As you can see, this is not quite an
Instamatic, so, there's a little bit more
tha_u snapping it in. And it's a kind of
interesting and challenging Job. This
cmmera here, was left up from one of the
previous missions, and the picture of this
one is from the second one, $L - Skylab 3.
And Owen Garriott took the film out of this
one and run it back, and they developed,
_ud got. some pretty good pict_res, from which
i t!ink we've learned a lot about ....
_a _ _'m in the process of doing right now,
is _utting the film through the various gears
er!! trains which it must go in order that
it'll properly draw across the front place
here where it will be exposed, once it gets
into the telescopes outside.

Dump Tape 332-0S

Page 25 of 25

332 19 09 33 YLT This kind of task is a - a very useful

one, I think for a man in space. There's
nothing that l've done here that I haven't
done on the ground. And I think I can -
Whazever I have done on the ground - did
any repair work I can certainly do up
here, Just as easily. Amd in some cases,
you can do it more easily. '_en you're
working on something - if you're - if
ye'_'re would like to Just let something
float while you - you need your hands to
do _omething else, you can do it. Things
don't lay down for you, but they do - well,
stay relatively close to you while you're
working. The film here is thrashing around
_ecause we a lot of air current in the
multiple docking adapter, in which I am
located. So, Y'II just press on with my Job.
Hope to see you again.

332 19 17 4L PLT We've gotten it up to the point, now, where

all we have to do is to attach these two
pieces of film together, usdng the tape which
has already been brought up here and provided
for us. Then, we check out the camera, which
we can do by putting electrical impulses
int the drive mechanism Just to make sure
it _i funcitons properly. Then, we'll be
all set to go. One more EVA, we'll be ...,
s_d, hopefully, when we come back here, we'll
have lets of good data. We have our previous
mission, that we hope that we'll bring
back improved, based on experience which
was gained from them.

D_n_ Tape 3 12-09 D-136
f_ Time: 332:19:39 to 332:2_: _7 ]_
Page i of 4

332 19 39 '_<_.._=_ ... ___,t_u__ions .. to take

DO. _t_re _ ass,_med _s w_th one
of ::y triangle shots i." the blue restraint
_e! Lhat is "_n£er - below the water
tai_ks. _J_d what I did - I pu-- _Kv
left f]ot in one of the triangles
ana m$_ right foot I stepped b.'_ck
between The water tanks, _]d maneuvered
it aro_mnd to hold my position.

332 19 .39 L< I'm fairly confindent that wh;:t

happened was that I moved taht with
my foot. And I _aess this just
points out once more the lack of
wisdom in doing things in flight
that you never trained before - we had
never trained for that all we did was -
we read - we read the procedures
first time, we got ready to take
those IR photographs and we're
going _hrough a learning ... probably
was<,ed s lot of film, frames of
fi ira.

332 19 h0 ......
_._ _ .. And it was improper_ procedu_'e
smmp±a because was completely
strair..ea to try %o stabilize ourselves.
But -'_=_._,_
main point l'm trying to amke is
_ha_ - _m reasonably certain that I
kicked the pressurization value off
on *_ tank 3 while I was maneuvering
there taking these IR, shots.

332 20 ]e .7 k?: This _s the _DR at 20:02 Zu/u,

"_ _ _.{u:"_ .
on handhold photo_raohy._ The
si_'h_ _ssigned for 19:56:31 was
=-_, a wheatfield in -arcunc
As__usi_n, Argentinia. _.._"the"
• "__ .;:_. *_ that particular sight
D,m_p Tape 3_2-0_
_'_ge '2 of

son_'tnern Peru. Did noZ get %o

ao < _- poll zones which are called
cut in HHI01-6, and HH106.
However, in northern Chile we
di_ notice great huge dry lake beds,
and we photographed one in particular
that had a lot of very dark brown
water in it. We are ruing that that's
caused by mining - probably a mine pond.
The location of the photograph is near
Ca_lama, Chile; the picture was a
55 r_]iimeter Nikon picture; the setting
was probably not correct - it was f-8,
I think it should have been ar_ f-ll. But,
we had the camera set up for the wheat-
fields, just quickly snapped this one off
on _he spur of the moment. The following -
tha_ was frame number 48. Frame namber 49
and frame 50, with a 55 millimeter lens.
_he h_d held Nikon was of HHI40-4, the
_ wheatfield near Asuncion. I doubt if the
picnures will be very good because there
was a very good deal of smoke in the area.
%_nere were many, many, fires burning,
particularly north and northwest - correction
northeast of the agricultural area that
was very square and plainly laid out. The
colors of the fields in the agricultural
area veried from light tan to a very dark
_reen, and the agricultural pattern was
.;cry regular, indicating that they had
very modern methods of wheat growing there,
wheat farrowing. As I said before the fires
a_o_u the north and northeast edge of the
agricuAtural area - the wind appeared to be
blowing from the northeast . .. and was
blowing the smoke right over the wheat field.
This is the CDR out.

_= This is the CDR at 20:21 Zutlu _
o subject
is the _±_±,r
"_ both calves measure _3-3_ '8.

CIP This is the CDR at 20:26 Zulu; the subject

is M092/17i-3; the subject is the PLT, the
left leg band Charley Juliet, and the right
le_ band is Alfa Quebec.

Dump Tape 332-09

Page 3 of 4

332 20 26 36 C_R Du_.

332 20 38 02 ....
_ This is the _
_m at 20:48 Z_iu. Comment on
scheduling. Been looking over the schedule
and discussing it with Bill Pogue_ and we
both feel that the scheduling of exercise
righ_ ifter the M092-171 series is a very
good way to go, and we would recommend that
where ever possible. One of the nice benefits
of this is that we're instrumented we
ca_ _ re the doctors in._r_u_e._.e_ exercise
if _hey're interested in getting. It does
save a lot of dressing and undressing and
all that sort of thing and we' re very much
in !'avor of f_i_Wl_ _._ bicycle medica_
exercise with regular daily exercise.

332 20 48 _'': ,._"--- Out.

<:_ This is the CDR at _0.51 Zulu. The subjecl

is MO9,I 171-3, the subject is zhe PLT. The
_,_'3/,_got acorn to 5; we dtunpted the
L3N£. _e subject is blood F:'essure was
in real good shape and his heart rate. We got -
i _";t in a hurry and started a high cal toe
too scan while we were still in the
5 rinune rest period and I messed up about
a z.£nu_e of your data there.

332 21 03 _'_ 2-• SFT at ;21:04, and looking at ATY. operations.

In looking at H-alpha 2 1 notice a - what
appears to be a large s_rge of material
which is appearing at - about 060 at radius
of 9. I see nothing in the Corona which ...
reflecn andy .... I'ii go on over and take a
look at it, H-alpha before moring into
active region 87.

332 21 03 _5 _'-_ c....

CI? This is the cSR at 21:27 __a_u,

_ _" " _
.,09_,,1 __-_.
tI%.e cabin air pressure is 4.95_. Out.

_ ..... it the . - --._ _ A_IH ops. In

carrying out building b±_<k _0_. I got us
locate] on a pointless sca_n of oxygen VI

Dump Tape 332-09

Page L of k

intensity on detector 3 of around 12,000.

At one point in searching around I was able
to get to 6 - to 15,000, but ! was not
able to relocate that point. SPT out.

332 21 28 5_ CD_ This is the CDR at 21:29 Zuiu. Cabin air

percent 02 72.39, percent water 03.17,

percent 002, 01.92.

332 21 29 65 CDR Out.

_{D DF TA_/
Dump Tape 332-10
Time: 332:21:43 _o 332:23:07 GMT
Ps_e 1 of 5

332 21 43 04 CDE This is the CDH at 21:43 Zulu,

M092/171-3. N_her i let me give
you the vital capacity measure-
ments. The first one was 4.659;
the second on was 4.653; the third
one was 4.611. The subject is
the PLT. Another problem, CAP C0_94
just called us and said they were
not getting the data, except in
one channel, and for us to check
our tape recorder. I went over and
checked them, and sure enough, for
the M092 we had had the TAPE RECORDER
and Hotel respectively. Now here's
the problem. On the back of
the cue card at the end of 171 run
it says to turn OFF the EXPERIMENT
RECORDER 1 and 2 and then set them
at - at Echo and Hotel. I think
that's a mistake. It's a trap. What
we've done is - we've deleted it from
our cue card. Because this morning
we did an M092, a 171. I knew it had
been done and so I Just assumed that
the two recorders were still on B and B
and I didn't even look at them. So
that's a - a faux pas on my part, but
on the other - on the other hand, this
is a trap. So we're gonna delete this,
and for the most part, keep our
experiment recorders on Echo and Hotel,
unless there needed for another experiment.

332 21 44 34 CDR CDE out.

332 21 45 00 SPT - on a roll of minus 5400. And the

Sun appears pretty much as it has most
of today. And the corona, it's got
the two bright streamers at two and
at four, relative to solar north, and
then some more diffused streamers,
D_p Tape 332-10
Page2 of 5

so it looks like the one at o _ or

8:30 could be a helmet streamer. I
see it branching out as it leads into
the occulting disk.

SPT Point ot see streamers over there on

the ninth - 8 - 9 o'clock region.
Okay I'm standing by with a hand on
the _T_C POWER switch. We're ,now I mlnu_"
a_ui _5 seconds - I'ii give you mark
here at 1 minute and 15 seconds remaining.
St _i _ by.

332 21 h7 35 2_2 _$iR_.

$_T hothing evident as yet. 45 seconds,

and nothing evident. Okay, no_hing
evident as yet. I do know - notice
another streamer and the one at 2 o'clock
appears to be moved up a little bit,
closer to 1:30, in that radial. Nothing
as yet and 20 seconds. There's nothing
evident as yet. 5, h, 3, 2, 1.

332 21 h8 50 SPT Mark. Okay, at zero I closed the door,

and up to zero, I did not detect
anything. I'll give it a go again on
the following orbit, however there
was nothing evident that I could see either
of the overall gross change of the
picture as you're looking through the
atmosphere, or a - a change of any
small detail or anything coming in
from the side. I suspect one of the
reasons is that we are limited now by
a dump time that's a ... degrees, rather
than by the actual 400 ... tape
time. So always watch for more in
the future as out Beta angle decreases.

332 21 h9 41 SPT SPT out.

332 21 51 46 SPT SPT at 21:52. ATM ops, talking about

the time scheduling and the amount of
operations packed into one orbit. I
think this is a rel - a fairly comfortable
one, although I had to use some of my
obser%_ing time in crder to exc _ce the
Dump Tape 332-10
Page 3 of 5

building blocks. One thing that does

t_ke a little more time, and I'll probably
have to get more proficient cn and
learn how to work a little bit better and
a little faster, is using the 55 grating
and - excuse me - 55 intensity data as
a way of locating hot spots within
act ire regions, or locating other features
on the Sun. It takes a long while to
hunt around and to locate what you're
after when so you only have a
display - a dimerical display and
you have no tow dimensional
feel for what you're looking at in
comparison to dimerical readouts.
It takes a little while to develop
that feel. And in exploring active
region 87 today, I found it took an
awful lot of time even to find what I
thought was an adequate hot spot to
explore. I feel I'll get better in
the f_ature at this, but it will take
a fair amount of time in order to get
perhaps the - the quality da_a we're
aft er.

332 21 53 iI 3FT SPT out.

332 22 09 07 CDR This is the CDR at 22:09. The M131/71-3

[sic], with the subject being the PLT
has been completed. We've left the
metabolic analyzer completely activated.
We did a high cal, a low cal, and ECG cal,
and took a look at the VCG's. Everything
is in good shape. The PLT is now donning
the treadmill and he's - I'll give you
a mark when he starts the treadmill.
He'll be doing it with full VCG's and
blo - blood pressure and metabolic
analyzer and I'ii give you a mark and
a deseribtion when he completes.

332 22 09 51 CDR Out.

332 22 ii 30 CDR Thi_ is the CDR at 22:12. '-'he subject

beg_ his ergometer - his treadmill
exercisewith a time countof i0. We're
getting blood pressure and metabolic
analyzer data.
Dump Tape 332-10
Page h of 4


332 23 03 16 CDR *w* terminated and we'll give you

] minute of at - rest data [ _fore we
shut down the equipmern.

332 22 18 26 CDR This is the CDR at 22:19 Zulu. The

SPT terminated - started his tres_m_ ii
at event time of i0. And at a time
count of 3 he terminated and we'll
give you 1 minute of at - rest data
before we shu_ down the equipment.

CDR Okay, we're going to give you the at - rest

time for 1 minute and then the subject,
PLT, is going to get on the bicycle
again while he's instrumented and continue
his padaling and get his full pedaling
exercise in for the day.

332 22 19 19 CDR CDR out.

332 22 20 2 )' CDR This is the CDR at 22:20. Change again.

The PLT has elected to not use the
metabolic analyzer for his bicycle
exercise. We've decidedthat that kind
of data you already have pleanty of.
He's going to leave his VOG harness on
Just so he can monitor his heart rate
and he'll - now this concludes the
M092, 171-3 and tresam_ll exercise period.

BB2 22 20 51 CDR Out.

332 22 23 21 CDR This is the CDR at 22:24 Zulu. M092,

MI71-_, cabin air values: PERCENT
FERCENT C02, 1.97.

332 22 23 43 JDR Out.

Dump Tape 332-10
Page 5 of 5


332 23 00 00 SPT SPT at 23:00. ATM operations. S056

is getting, for our 10-minute exposures,
something a little over i0 minutes.
I lost the initial count on it but
I'm sure that it'll be somewhere between
i0 and ii minutes. The other two timings
were pretty much on the money.

332 23 O0 27 SPT SPT out.

3B2 23 00 32 SPT Oh, one question for 56. You know

when I turn on these long exposures,
or turn the camera power off, when
is the exposure coneuded? When I turn
the camera poser off, or when I see
the frames remaining ...? There was
a period of quite a few seconds difference

332 23 00 54 SPT SPT out.

Time: 332:23:41 to 332:00:k2
Page 1 of 9

332 23 h2 30 SPT SPT at 23:h2.

SC Subject is M487-2A. And I'll be giving

my eo_nents now, the CDR will he coming
in a little later tonight. First question:
What particular aspect, of the O/A
seem well designed and arranged for living
and working in zero g? I'd say probably
the best part is the MDA. That's because
we've made - well - good use of the wall.
I think the lower compartments that is
the experiment compartment, and the
other quarters in the lower floor of the
OWS are okay, however, the upper compartment
could certainly be much better in that -
the walls are not utilized for anything,
strictly a one g design. The bottom
experiment compartment is also a one g
design, but because of the height, you
probably gain more by working on the floor
than you do on the walls. I thinkthe
whole OWS has been a one g design. It's
been that because of well - for many reasons,
mostly engineering. In terms of optimum
work, I think something like the MDA is
best for working at a given location in
modules and so forth. If you need the free,
open space for experiments, then the
upper part of the OWS is fine.

332 23 h_ 30 SPT What restraint devices off the most

assistance performing tasks, and which
the least? I think the best that we
have are good, old triangle shoes. They
seem to work real well. The ones that
worked the least probably are the
restraints that we have or the lack of
restraints that we have in the head and
also the foot restraints in the wardroom.
The foot restraints there always tend
to unlock your triangle so that you end
Dump Tape 332-11
Page 2 of 9

up with the inner part locked and the

foot coming out, which means it only
takes a good 15-20 seconds of pushing
and pulling in order to get your triangle
shoe back in shape for the net result,
you never end up using your triangle shoes.
I'm the head, we Just don't have any.
There are some little ones, on the floor which
are all right if you're in your hare feet,
hut they don't help at all if you're
in triangle shoes. I w_uld suggest that
ve make a _11s, eeillm_ and as much as
possible ou% of something which you could
hook your shoes on to whether it wouJd
turn out to be triangles in the future or
squares or balls or whatever it needs.
I think that much of the environment
should be made of that particular

332 23 45 59 SPT How effective is non-equipment assisted

verbal communication throughout the 0/A?
Its okay _f you are in the same compartment
that is, if you're, say, in the lower
storage well of the OWS or the upper
compartment or in the MDA or in the command
module, but if you're trying to go from
any one of those four compartments, it
is awfully hard; you can't do it because
there is usually too much noise or absorption
of sound. If you happen to be in the
experiment compartment then you can
call up to someone above you, but it does
take a fair smount of volume.

332 23 46 36 SPT How satisfactory have the intercom boxes

been for IVA communication? I f_nd that
when they are not squealing you're okay,
however, the problem with the squees
Just makes these things almost obnoxious
at times. I think that it's ashame and
I think that they could have been designed
better. I don't think there's any reason
for - with the technology that we have
at our disposal - that we end up with comm
_ Dump Tape 332-11
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boxes that have squeels .... We

have come up with an alleged fix ...,
however, when we put the fix in, we
find that they still squees, maybe
not quite as bad as the other guys,
have had it, but they're still squealing
everytime you press those buttons
they squeal and then you're run around
for a good I0 - 15 seconds trying to
find out which box it is, and then
c_]m it down. Air-to-ground also works
the same way. I find it's not such an
inconvenience, but a real time waster.
I think whoever designed that thing just
incorporated an awful lot of wasted
crew time and he created a lot of non-
productivity into the whole mission.
Locations are not too had.

332 23 47 h9 SPT How satisfactory are the food manage-

ment and dining accomodations?
They're not too bad. I could find -
I could think they could be a little more
... in the wardroom. They're -
functionally, they seem to work reason-
ably well. I don't have any real
major complaints right now. How well
does the food adhere to utensils
when eating? I don't find that is any
problem as long as you're constitute it
well enough. There are a few things
such as sau - sage which gets a little
out of hand and tends to bresk-up
and move away. Would a closer tray-to-mouth
proxindty have improved eating east?
No, I don't think so. Not at all.
You're - if you have a problem it's
going to be with you regard/ess of
what you do there. You just can't
put it up next to your mouth and flop
it in.

332 23 48 38 $PT What _anticipated problems have

occurred in performing various acti-
vations in houstkeeping, or experiment
activities to date? I think the
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unanticipated problems ... were that we

did not anticipate we'd be running so
darn many medical experiments which we
had never seen before. There are some
good ideas behind these medical experi-
ments and the objectives are worthwhile.
However, I think the people who are
behind them, were eompletely wrong in
not exposing these some training on them.
It took us as a rough generalization,
a factor of two longer than what was
planned in the flight plan to carry out
every one of these. By that I mean the -
the stero photos, IR photos, the volume
measurements, the blood pressure -
rate blood pressure measurement, and
one or two others which don't come to
mind right now. They were scheduled an
awful lot in those first few days, and
it took up a major portion of out time
Just trying to get those darn things
done, and we found that we were usually
running for behind the timeline and
unable to get most of the housekeeping
and transfers and other things set up
in order to get this place sequared
away. The net result is that our first
seven or eight days up here were not
something I'd want to go through again.
We were hustling around behind the
timeline tired and irrated for those -
for those - for that whole first week,
and I think it all boils down to the
fact that we throw a lot of experiments
on board at the last minute dumped them
all in at the very beginning of the
mission, at a very critical time period,
and expected it mll work and, of course,
it didn't.

332 23 50 40 SPT Are there any common difficulties that

can be traced to inadequacies of design,
on board provisions or preflight
preparations? Well, I gave the answer
to one of them preflight preparation.
__ On board provisions? So far, nothing I
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can even think of in a small way. I'm

sure a few things can come to mind
from time to time but nothing sticks
in my mind right now. And inadequacies
in the design? ... common difficulties,
just a lot of small points - other than
the fact that I think we can use some
more footholes in various locations
which I've _Iready mentioned.

332 23 51 35 SPT What significant improvisations

procedural, equipemnt arrangements are
modifications, etc. have you accomplished
as a result of adapting to living and
working in zero g? Well, for one thing
I found that it's - it was initially
hard to get used to the idea that you
can drop something and it would stay
right where it was. However, I find now
_ that it is my normalway of working. I
can have two or three things up in the
air whether I'm eating or working with
tools. And leave them there for i0, 20,
or 30 seconds - and go about my business
with my hands in another location,
come back and work with whatever I have
there. I found that I've used an awful
lot of green tape. Just for securing
things, permanentaly or temporarily.
I find the springs that we have which
we use to hold checklists down are
very useful. I've also explored a
little bit using the vent on the large
screens up at the dome in the OWS as a
work table, and I think that works pretty
well, the gerodynamic work table was
not a bad concept. I'm sorry the
electrical one had to go along with it
and can the whole thing. I may be
working on that one a little bit more
and trying to give you something later
on on it. I think also Just plain
old sticky back - I'd many times
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take tape and put it down so that the

sticky side is up and use that as a way
of holding nuts and bolts and any small

332 23 53 00 SPT How satisfactoryly have the various

environmental elements of habitation
been in providing a suitable hobitat
(lighting, noise, temperature, hnm_ dity,
air flow)? Air flow is great. Humidity -
relative humidity - has been very low
here at the high Beta angle and I -
that we've dried-out quite a bit. I've
got dry skin, cracked lips and
so farth, so I hope that ... gets to a
lower Beta angle ... Temperature a little
warm the first few days, again at the
high Beta angle. Noise? I think there's
-- Just a littletoo much noise to get
sound sleep. It's a consistent noise;
it doesn't change, but I'm a relatively
light sleeper and sleep more than I'd
like to have it. Lighting? No problem.
I think we have all the lights we need.
SPT out.

332 00 01 31 SPT SPT at 00:01. Subject is cue card

changs and in particular should be
addressed to Bruce McCandless and -
perhaps the flight director on his shift.
Tonight when I requested or notified
that I would change the cue card to
eliminate nuZ update some of you just
caused a fair amount of problems down
on the ground I could tell by the
reaction of the CAPP COMM. My understanding
is that we ought to follow these cue
cards precisely by the letter. If we
are to do that, then they ought to be
correct. Now for them to be correct
either someone keeps control of them on
the ground or we make some of the changes
up here and tell you what we're doing
and you agree or don't agree to them.
f I don'tthinkthe latteris the way to

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go. If you folks want to control the

content of those cue cards, then
we're all for it and we'll accept the
changes that you sent up, however, I
would like to make sure that you
understand that we plan to follow those
things precisely and as written and
_f changes don' come up, we'll
assume that the cue card is eorrec as
written. We cannot have these
unwritten assumptions going into the
various items in the cue cards. It's
just no way to run a flight and it
won't work. I'd appreciate any comment
you have ... Maybe I misundrstand
what happened. SPT out.

333 00 23 09 CDR Say something intelligent, Ed.

-_ SPT ...?

CDR Yeah I did.

SPT Thank you.

SPT Welcome to Skylab III. You've stepped

in on us here as we're preparing our
dinner. The PLT Just stepped out after
preparing his dinner, and the CD_ has
moved in to eat it. We're going to
watch the CDR tonight, the commander,
as he tries to eat some of the food
while straining it through his newly -
grown, but good-locking beard. We
spent the first ten days of our flight
getting our house squared away and
learning how to live. I think we've got
ten things pretty well in hand by now.
The three major parts of the Skylab
objective, first of all the Earth
resources, I think are looking good.
We have - on the first EVA - fixed one
of the antennds which we use for Earth
resources and it ought to give us quite
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a bit more significant information

than we would have had otherwise.
We hope to be making some earth resources
passes pretty soon.

333 O0 35 32 SPT The second part of the mission, the

medical, has been coming along at a
pretty fast clip. The first week
or so we spent doing a - the major
part of our time - doing medical
experiments. A lot of emphasis
has been placed on that because
that's where the - a large number
of the significant changes start
to occur, and when the changes
have not been observed before. The
third part, solar observations,
we've started off the past two to
three days; we've gotten it rolling
off at a pretty fast clip. We've
completed all of the film loading
outside during the EVA, for all of
the new equipment and we have also
Just loaded more film into a camera
this afternoon, which was I think a
pretty useful and challenging Job for
a man to do up in zero g. It used
to be that something like that was
never even thought of. It's a relatively
task since it really wasn't an insta-
matic type loading. But since we're
tight on launch weight and volume, we
had to just bring the film and not an
extra camera. So, all and all, we're
pretty happy with the way things have
come here and we feel that the next
70 days or so in space will be quite,
both enjoyable for us and rewarding
and we mean rewarding for the total
Skylab program and the country. Thanks
for being with us.

CREW In audible background conversation.

- \

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CREW (Laughter)

333 00 38 35 SPT You will see Dr. Pogue here extracting

some salt water - trying to extract
some salt water-using the syringe
with a bag in which we have brought
up salt and mlxed with water once we
got on board. Apparently he's done
pretty well on this. Many times the
salt cakes up, not because it gets too -
too wet as it goes on the ground,
but because it gets too dry up here
and it Just dries inside the place
where we put the syringe. Dr Pogue
now injecting salt into his filet. All
the techniques of a good surgeon.

CREW (Laughter)

CREW (Inaudible background conversation.)


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Time: 333:02:09 to 333:02: !_L GNrr
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333 02 i0 49 _F'r SPT at 02:10, ATM operations. _le first

part of ... count to 6 pick-ui_ i,
building block i. The second part, 12C,
I just completed the choice of coordinates.
For a quiet range they were very good.
That whole area, anyYa_, there - plus
or minus 4 or 5 arc minutes almost any
direction - was all fsirly quiet except
maybe toward the center of the Sun. I chose
to go straight with the coordinates that were

333 02 ii 30 SPT I worked at IN UP/DOWN at 0549, and I went

LEFT/RIGHT between plus 0Z20 and OZ80. I

think I cut them pretty accurately in both
bounds. I used the model which crossed the
mechanical CROSS HAIR in H-ALFHA 2, and then
moved that - put that model - carried the
model one I was POINTING at C-20, which was
_-_ ... here and that moved that model out
60 arc seconds and put the electronic CROSS
HAIRS on that same model. So it was a rela-
tively easy Job - Job to Just move that
model back and forth between the two CR_S
HAILS. If anything, I'm sure you got some
very uniform coverage of that one arc minute
square region of the first exposure I went
back and forth once and I think quite uni-
formly so you're i0 second exposure was good.
The other ones, I don't think, were any
problem either.

333 02 12 hi I_}'T If aro_hing now - if anything tended to be

nonuniformed in coverage, it was at the very
end, where I had to turn it around and
start coming back again. So, you might,
if anything put a little more weight on the
regions at the very end, that's 320 and 380,
so that they can be turned around and, I think,
move uniformly. It's going to be quite a ...
reflection as they went from one to the other.
But I think it worked out real well.

333 02 14 50 _PT SPT out.

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333 02 23 55 SPT SPT at 02:24, ATM operations. Bu/iding

block i0, 82-B SLIT is along a relatively
bright linear feature in active region 87,
a bright plage. The - if you interpret it
at H-ALPHA - it's of fairly uniform bright-
ness, however, in terms of the XUV it
frankly is not. I found that in searching
around with the 55 instrument, that the
|" brightestpart seen in H-ALPHAmany times
don't correspond at all to the bright parts
seen in or located with the 55. In many
cases, its three or four arc seconds -

333 02 24 55 SFT Maybe i0 arc seconds difference.

333 02 25 45 SRT The i0 and 40 second exposures were done

by using the auxi]iary timer and Just
watching the operate READY light. And when
I got to the end of the second exposure,
in the NORMAL mode, I hit the STOP switch
on the auxiliary timer and that seems to
work out real well. It's a ... way to do

333 02 26 13 SPT SPT out.

333 02 40 15 SPT SPT at 02:40, ATM ops. They preceed the last
orbit which began at 0136. First, let me
tell you at the very conclusion of the
orbit, I noted that the 55 MIRROR POSITION
was at a RIGHT of 25, that is it stayed in
POSITION 25 from the - Stand by Houston's

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Time: 330:02:49 to 330:03:hh GMT
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333 02 50 13 SPT SPT at 02:50. I think we've seen

the last ATM pass. I'm not sure how
far I - I got before I got ...
Houston. Some of the specs I've not
been getting again. I noticed at the
end of this pass that 55 mirror
position was in a right of 25, that's
25. I suspect it has the remained
there from the pass exactly two cycles
ago. The pass which started at 22:30,
where we did work on the limb with
JOP 5, step 4. Since that time in
the work I have done I don't think
that has trapped us in any way.
We did a building block 1 where
we had a grating auto scan followed
by a mirror auto raster. But
still we were pretty close to the -
the center there. And we did not
try to correlate with any of the -
any other experiment. And I did
not there do any pointing associated
with, or using the readouts of the
intensity data. So I don't think
there was ever any problem there.
The other building blocks in this
orbit ere there also unaffected
by that. But it is something we ought
to - that we ought to note. And
I'll try to ma_e sure whenever we
use that right position, left/right
position of the mirror, that we
get it back to 32 where it belongs.

333 02 52 02 SPT It's s_mething I don't usually keep

am eye, so that's why it was over-

333 02 53 13 SPT Let me continue by Just giving some

questions which have come up and
maybe I'ii discuss them also tomorrow
morning with Bill Lenoir. On the long
• L

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exposures for S056 on Skylab 3,

how have they come out, now that
you've had a little bit more time to
develop them? What is the optimum
length for each filter? You've
given me some minimum lengths. There
are occasions where we oould go
significantly longer than that and
we'd like to know what is - what do
you consider optimum for the various
things that your looking for? The
second one which I think I voiced
earlier today is when does the the
shutter actually close on the long
exposure? When you turn the power
out or when you see the frames
decrement? For the S082, with the
SUV monitor I'm getting some very
short time integrations, as short
as I can practically get off the
switch. And I want to know whether
those are useful to you at all.
I know Nell Feiliot [?] once talked
to me about getting the shortest
possible ones. And I'm wondering if
they have turned out to be useful,
and if so I'll certainly continue
giving them. I have to admit it
didn't show up the hotspots and
to me ain't that much better than
the - either the ones which are
1/2 and 1 second. I believe these
are shorter than that•

333 02 54 40 SPT I think the way you scheduled things,

that they have gone fairly well.
This last orbit I had Just concluded
the experiment ops Just in time.
Actually I was below 400K while I was
finishing up that last mirror auto
raster. So perhaps I really should
have out it off at 321. I think
you can correlate that lrith the time.
So that last one was packed pretty
full. I - oh, ye_h, I would not want
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to see it packed any fuller than

that. I did not have any real
observing time on that orbit. I
Just started right on the beginning
and tread my way through it. There
was a lot of interesting things to
do but I still ended up Just finishing
up a little bit under hOOK. But I
think - I appreciate the free time
which I have been given. I plan
to use that for many things one of
which is to try to explore the use
of S055 intensity data readouts
for various features. I think that's
a real powerful tool for finding ...
specific objects such as coronal
holes, solar channels, bright spots,
and bright plage, and get spectra
from those locations.

333 02 56 01 SPT And I'd like to learn an awful lot

about how to do that and that's gonna
Just take a little time, probably
on the working with it .... hope it
gets good data.

333 02 56 13 SPT SPT out.

333 03 03 55 PLT PLT, in reference to 5233 and 232.

First $233, photographing comet.
I saw - - I could not see the comet
with naked eye. I did see it -
through the binoculars. The coma
looked a little bit larger and more
well defined tonight than it did
last night. In reference to $232,
Jerry's already answered a couple of
questions and all I can add is that
I think I could have seen that barium
cloud injection against any dark
baskground, whether it be earth -
tun- unilluminated earth or space
background, stars. And possibly after
it hit the disk cone and sort of
bleeped out the wardroom window -
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I probably - if it hadn't been for that,

I probably could have seen it for
a another minute and 1/2, maybe
2-1/2 minutes at the most. And
I did see the barit_m cloud there as
soon as it was injected.

333 03 05 06 PLT PLT, end of comments.

SPT You are on channel B, Bill.

CDR Hey Bill.

SPT You're on channel B, Bill.

PLT Okay, PLT, with remarks on $23B

operations and the remarks sections
of the day 332 pad says take all
three exposures at the same position.
" This is viertuallyimpossible
because you have to destroy your
camera stables each time you change
the focal distance and it's very
difficult to get it hack in the same
position although we tried to do
that. As far as locating the comet,
the instructions read to start
the ... on teleprinter ... and I've
already commented on the ... the coma
of the comet between last night and

33 03 07 05 CDR This is the CDR at 03:08 Zulu. With

an Mh87-2 Alfa debriefing. Question
number I: What particular aspects
of the run were designed and arranged
for living and working in zero-g?

BB3 03 08 12 CDR I would say that the - the forward

compartment and the experiment
compartment, the wardroom, the
sleep compartemnts are all well
designed and well arranged for working
in zero-g. I think that probably the
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most important aspect - the design

aspect - that makes it so well
designed is the fact that we have
the grid and that we wear the triangle
shoes and that there are multiple
places to anchor yourself in order
to do the work that you need to do.
I've given a little thought to the
dome area and whether or not we
need some more handholds. I'm not
really convinced that we need anymore
handholds than we have because we
don't do much up in the upper dome
area. There's a lot of blue handles
up there that we don't even use.
Around the ... lockers I think it
was a very good design to put the
ring of triangles - the blue ring -
with triagle holds in it. There is
no ring lockersthat you couldget
to - without - that does not have
some sort of a foot restraint
available on the blue shelf. And
I thin'_ that's a very good design.
The ring lockers are very hand,
they're nice and large. I think
samsonite luggage ... are really
very good. The experiment compartment
is well layed out. It's a bit
crowed but it's an experiment compart-
ment and I think functionally it
fits pretty well.

333 03 09 59 CDR For the wardroom - the only bone I

m_ght have to pick with the wardroom
would be the foot restraints in the
wardroom. The triangle foot restraints -
restraints - at the floor of the table
I'm sure you've already been told are
not exactly the same as the rest of
the grid. And when you lock yourself
in with your triangle shoes that's
all fine, but when you get ready to
unlock yourself it releases you before
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you get your triangle fully Imlocked.

And then you find y6urself skipping
along _ne one foot ricocheting off the
walls of the overhead, trying to reach
down and get your triangle popped back
into the neutral position so that you
can stick it into the grating scme-
where else. So that's a very definite
design deficiency with the wardroom.
Around the table I think probably
the best thing to have been - to have
done there would have been to just
leave the whole floor area out, and
just make it all the mesh - the grid
work under the table and maybe only
have one or two triangles filled in
on each side for the loop for a
barrel or booted foot, so there's
somebody who wants to eat barefooted
or with a booted foot. I think
you've probably got 20 times too
much brown area down on the floor -
completely unnecessary and it would
have been I think a lot better off
with Just more open grid.

333 03 ii 32 CDR The sleep compartment - I think for

the room that is available for those
I think the sleep compartments are
well layed out as you lay in your
bunks. Everything is within rea_ -
the radio, the lights, your locker
and I think that - now I Just can't
think of anything else to say there.
I think maybe a little more work
could have been done in the locker
to personalize them a little bit
more. The lockers are really just the
plain old sterile locker that are
available in all the rest of the
area - your open areas - or with
straps in them for retaining bundles.
I think one locker probably should
have been - maybe the second or the
third from the top - probably the
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second from the top - should have

been designed to open out only horizontal
and provide a writing surface_ sort
of a little desk, much like you find
in the stateroom aboard a naVy vessel
in the officer's stateroom. I think -
you know a Ben Franklin desk sort of
thing where you can pull down the door
and it would stay horizontal, you
could lay in your bed and write and
in the locker itself it would have
been - I think it would have been
good to have a bunch of little
pigeon holes and verious little ways
of ... pieces of personal equipment
and things like that. Last but not
least on the lower deck is the waste
management compartment. I think the
equipment in there is very good. The
pot and the urine collection devices
/-- I think are surprisingly easy to use
and they're very effective.

333 03 13 31 CDR I don't know how much better you can

get on those. Of course, I must
adadt that when I - before I got here -
I had very grave reservations for the
ability of these systems to work well
and I must say I was very pleasently
surprised ... the first time in using
both systems I found that that they
worked as well as advertised. The
big problem I would say in the waste
management compartment is lack of
proper foot restraints. We kind of
boxed ourselves in, literally speaking,
when we put the sheath over the floor
and thereby dealing ourselves out of
the grid work available for locking
your seat down. And unfortunately
we didn't do much to remedy the situation
once it was done. The designed
foot restraints that are in front of
the urinal and the pot interfered
with the drawers and so we had a lot
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of design modifications and a lot

of fiddling around. And the final
upshot of that is that we've ended up
with nothing. And changing out a
urine drawer in the morning is pure
hell because you've got no w_, tc
lock yourself down to do the wcrk
that you need to do. And you're
forever trying to J_m yourself uo
against the wall or to lock your
feet here or there and get yourself
into position so that you can do
the urine sampling and the urine
bag change op. The same goes
for when you're finished using the
comaande - the fecal collector -
you find yourself in a tough
situation with a tough cleanup ,job
left to do and no way to lock
yourself down so that you can
/-- stabilize yourself and do the cleanup
you need to do.

333 03 15 19 CDR You've also got to weight the CC's

put in a new bag, mark the CC's label,
get it into the oven and so during
the whole period of time you're Just
ricocheting around in there with
really not much of anything to lock
into - nothing but a couple of handholds.
That's the most serious problem in
there. The - the mirrors, I think -
we could have done a better Job
on the mirrors. I think there
are better metal mirrors available
than what we've got. THose are Just
too dull, too difficult to see
yourself in. I think the water
dispenser and the - the squeeze bag
are very good pieces of equipment.
Right off hand I can't think of a
better way to go about doing that.
I think for those of us who shave
with a razor - a blade razor - you
need some way to clean it out. And
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I think that would be something that

can very definitely be designed
for future spacecraft. Some sort of
a little see-through compartment
with a jet -water Jet nozzel inside
of it that you can stick your
razor in and seal it and then turn on
the little sprayer and rotate your
razor or squirt it and knock all the
lather and all the hair out of the
razor so that it can be used again
without wiping the blade. I think
that - that all of the - the items
that are in the hygiene kit I think
we'll probably get a chance to hit
later, so I'll drop that for now and
hope that I'll get a chance to brief -
debrief on that at some later time.

333 03 17 04 CDR Getting back to restraint devices

.... and handholdsand the like are pretty
hard to give them a good bill of
health to the workshop section. Moving
on up into the airlock module of the
STS and the _4DA. We begin to find
that the handles become few and far
between, or leg correction - foot
restraints become very few and far
between. There really isn't much
requirement in the airlock module
for foot restraints during the non-EVA
situation. But it would give a
thrashing around there in an EVA
situation. It certainly would be
helpful if you could lock yourself
into some sort of a position. I
suspect that some sort of a bracket
that would have held the universal
foot restraints might have been a
very valuable thing in there. So that
the - each man could lock them into
the airlock module much the same as
we lock VS and VC3 and then the crew-
men can go in there and lock his
feet in and be stable and be much
more efficient in the way he works
in the airlock module. In the MDA I
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think the EREP foot restraints

and the ATM foot restraints are very
good. Unfortunately I think we need
a few more. I think we could use a
few more handholds in there too. It
would seem to me that the handholds
could _e placed kind of randomly in
there, but no handholds more th_
L feet from another handhold.

333 03 18 _0 CDR And a handhold could he designed

in such a manner that a leg can be -
or a knee - the hack of a knee or
something like that - could be hooked
into it. And that way the hold - the
restraint - could he both a foot
restraint or a leg restraint and a
hand restraint. Okay, I guess I've
indicated all of the deficiencies
and what I consider to he the ...
Dump Tape 333-02
Page ii of 17

333 03 19 12 CDR How effective is the nonequipm_'_:<-assisted

verbal communication throughout the
0/A? the intercom baoces have been
quite satisfactory with the exception
of the sequeal problem. You've probably
heard sometime during the activation
phase that we were having fits with the
squeal problem. Once we put in the
antisqueal device in the command
module, the - the squeal problem
on the air-to-ground loop is pretty
much solved. The squeal problem
does however still exist on occasions
for using the intercome boxes for
intercom; that is, for IVA communications.
I think the intercom boxes are generally
pretty _ii located. I can't think of
any other places that we could locate
the them other than where they are, right
off hand. If I think of anything specific,
- I'll put that on the chart - on the tape,
channel 18. Nonequipment-assisted verbal
co_mmunieations throughout the workshop is
possible. It's - In the workshope area,
its quite easy to communicate with anyboby
in the experiment compartment wardroom,
the waste management compartment, or the
sleep compartments without any great problems
at all. The waste management compartment,
of course, does become a little bit
difficult once you close the door and
turn on the fan.

333 03 20 45 CDR The food management and dining accommodations,

I think, are pretty well laid cut. We have
a rather unique problem in that we are staying
much longer than was originally planned.
So the food is not packed for us in the manner
that makes it easy for us to get to it in the
proper days. We finally had to spend quite a
few man-hours, I think about 5 to 6 man-hours,
in rearranging all the overage food in a pantry
fashion so that it could be easily obtained when
we need to come up and fill up a food bag for
a high-density day. I would suggest in the
future for food bags that we consider going
.... pantry style. I think the pantry style is

Dump Tape 333-02

Page 12 of 17

a - is a way to go. Design some _ittle

hand food bags that you can carry with you
and go up and Just pick your menu out of a
pantry, out of cans that are marked and each
can holding only one kind of food, with that
marked on the front. Possibly you could put
some X's or some O's or something on the front
of the can - on the top of the can so that
when you remove an item, you merely draw an
X or write a - put a line in one of the circles
indicating that one's missing. And that way,
the number of open X's or open circles or
squares would indicate how many are inside.
I would suspect that it would be a good idea
to have the food located in such a manner so
that it's much like a razor blade dispenser.
"_nen you pull one - one can of food out, the
next one moves into its place behind it. And
that you don't have two layers deep, that
there'd Just be one layer all the way to
_he back.

333 03 22 49 CDR That means food cans about 4 feet long instead
of 2 feet long, about 36 inches long rather
than 18 inches long. The food adheres to the
utensils quite well when you - surprisingly
so. I think the fo - most of the food is
sticky enough so that it's no problem at all
to eat. I don't think it would be good to
have a closer tray-to-mouth proximity because
the food tables are used for - as a working
table, as a desk, and I think you need to
have it where it is.

33 03 23 29 CDR What unanticipated problems have occurred in

performing various activations, housekeeping,
or experiment activities to date? Well, I
guess the most - the most prevalent unantici-
pated problem that we have experienced during
activation and housekeeping was : number l,
as much as time as we spent in the workshop
trainer at Houston doing minisims and finding
our way around, we still came up here and we
were like one-arm paperhangers and bulls in
a china shop trying to find our way around.

• ' 333 03 24 ii CDR l'm going to break this off for a moment for
medical conference. I'll be back in about
i0 minutes.

f-_ Dump Tape 333-02
Page 13 of 17

333 03 3h 31 CDR Yeah. This is the CDR back on the recorder

again with MO - M487-2 proceeding on - Let's
see, we were talding about _manticipated
problems, and I was making a point that in
spite of all the training we've had, we were
still surprised when we got here. There
were quite a few reasons. Most of them were
not equipment problems. There were some
stowage problems. Things were not stowed
where they were supposed to be stowed. We
got ourselves into a mode of having to ask
the ground where everything was. In some
cases, the ground pointed ou places - proper
places where they wer stowed and in other cases
we Just had to look for the things til we
found them. One of the most serious problems
in activation was learning how to restrain
ourselves, how to hold ourselves down in order
to do a task. That's something that you could
only learn apparently by experience. You
_-" could think about it and anticipate it all
you w_nt, but when you get up here in zero g,
it's a whole new world and you Just got to
learn to get use to it; and it takes time.
So everything we did took two to three times
as much time as we thought it would take. We
fooled ourselves. We told the people on the
ground before we left that we were going to
take it slow and easy on activation, that we
weren't going to pay any time - any attention
to the time line, that we were going - not
going to allow ourselves to be rushed. We
got up here and we let ourselves just get
driven right into the ground. We - we hollered
a lot about we were being rushed too much,
but we did not, ourselves, slow down and say
to hell to with everything else and do things
Just one after the other like we said we were
going to do.

333 03 36 28 CDR I guess that's a psycological fact that I

Just didn't face up to on the ground when
I felt that we could do it. Because we -
we worked hard, we tried real hard to get
things done, we made a lot of mistakes, and
it was because we were rushing around and we
were having difficulty getting ourselves
properl} _ anchored down to do the Jobs we were
doing. We - Also I think another thing that
_ Dump Tape 333-02
Page 14 of 17

caused a lot of the delays in activation was

the fact that we were being - t_ing to be
extra careful with a lot of things. And that
took a beck of a lot of time. Okay, that wan
kind of a dichotomy really from what I was
saying _efore, we were rushing around. A
lot of the minor nitpicking stuff we were
rushing around - A lot of the more important
things, we were taking a whole lot more time
on, being very, very careful.

333 03 37 27 CDR Are there any eon_non difficulties that can

be traced to the inadequacies of design,
onboard provisions of preflight preparations?
Well, I think most of our problems were called
out on the tape. At the moment, I can't think
of any specifics, but there are a lot of design
problems that causes a lot of problems. I
think the handle thing was one of them - in
the MDA. It was very difficult to get around
._ in the MDA due to the lack of handholds. I
think up here in the - I'm sitting in the
fo_r_ard compartment of the workshop at the
moment, and I'm looking at the safe - the
film vault. Now that thing has got deep
drawers and deep doors and a neat restraining
system outside. But I wouldn't give you
2 cents for the latches that hold the doors,
and I would give you less for the restraint
provisions inside the drawers where you got
to put cameras and odd-size film magazines.
Now the restraint provisions for 35-millimeter,
and 16-millimeter, and 70-millimeter casettes
is neat. They're all very nice and neat and
orderly and things slip in and slip out and
are nicely labeled, and everything is in good
shape. But we got a few drawers in there in
which we have to keep Nikons end things llke
that. And there wan Just no restraint flexi-
bility designed into these drawers. And you
end up just putting things in the drawer,
letting them float around and bump into each
other, and every time you open the drawer,
watch the goodies fly out in your face.
Bill Pogue has spent many, many man-hours
• up here slavingover this vault,with card-
board, and knife, and scissors, and tape,
and he is busy - has done a real fine Job of
Dump Tape 333-02
Page 15 of 17

fashioning the partitions in some of the

drawers in order to hold down some of the
Nikons and some of the other pieces of

333 03 39 35 CDR I think that in future design of film

vaults and camera-retentions facilities, that
we should really give a lot of attention to
flexibility of hold-down capability. Maybe
what we need is some hold downs like the ones
we're used - using the SMMD; that is, flexible
rubber of Teflon curtains that latch down and
you could put a camera under the curtain and
just bring the top over and latch it down
and you've got a restraint. That might be
Just the thing you need in a drawer for
odd-shaped Nikon cameras with flash attachments
and all sorts of funny lenses on them. Stowage
in the spacecraft, although there's lots
of ]_ckers, ring lockers, dome lockers, ward-
room lockers all over the place, those facili-
ties are very nice. The problem we have is
the man. And that is learning to put things
back were we got them and the other man prob-
lem is to keep track of these things on the
ground so that when one crew comes up, you
can generate a storage list that's readable
and understandable. The stowage list this
time I Just don't think was quite adequate.
We have made a few inputs on how it ought to
be formated and the folks down there did the
best they could, I think. Maybe they could
have done more in giving us a better stowage
book, but on more than one occasion, we have
looked up an item - for instance, disposal
bags, or urine disposal bags, and found out,
oh gee whiz, there's 56 of those rascals

333 03 41 26 CDR Well, I don't give a damm how many are

down in the trash alrlock that the crew's
ahead of us threw down the crash - trash
airlock. What I want to know is, where are
the ones that are assigned for my mission.
And I find it very, very difficult to sort
the wheat from the chafe when these stowage
books slavishly keeps track of everything
that's down in the trash airlock. That is
of no interest whatsover to the crew that's
Dump Tape 333-02
Page 16 of 17

onboard and should never have been put in

the stowage - stowage book.

333 03 42 06 CDR What significant imrpovisations have been

accomplished as a result of living up here?
Well, I think I've already given you the two
most outstanding ones. That is Bill's work
in the film vault and I think my work in the -
in the organizing of a pantry are the two
biggest improvisation Jobs that we've done
so far. I can't think of any other that
are - any major consequences. We have done a
lot of minor improvisations. We find that
the food bags that our overage food came up
in for the extra 30-something days with our
straps and buckles have become very, very
handy as little utility stowage bags. They're
very handy and we've used two or three of them
already. That's about it as far as improvisa-
tions are concerned.

333 03 43 13 CDR The environmental elements of habitability

such as lighting, noise, temperature, humidity,
air flow and all that, I think have been
surprisingly good. The temperature has been
quite comfortable and quite level. Only during
the very high Beta angle have we found certain
parts of the workshop walls to be quite hot
and to radiate quite a bit of heat. But
there seems to be enough air flow to keep -
to keep things reasonably well under control
for a normal Beta _ugle ranges. The noise -
I'm surprised at how little noise there is
in this spacecraft. The only noise - noisy
place really is up in the MDA. There's quite
a bit of noise up there. But in the orbital
workshop area, it's extremely quiet, and very
comfortable place to be. I'ts Just all the
different pumps and everything up in the MDA
that make all the noise. And it's Just about
the same noisw level or possibly slightly
higher than the noise level in the con_nand

333 03 44 24 CDR Well, that's about all by cormments for now.

As I think of other commentsalongthis area,
I will _ape those con_nents on tape and I will
try to remember to call M487 as a reference
Dttmp Tape 333-02
_-_ Page 17 of 17

on this so that you can add that data onto

this data.

333 03 h5 44 CDR This is CDR with end of report.

Time: 333:12:23 to 333:12:27 [94T
Page 1 of 1

333 12 25 42 SPT SPT

Dtm_ Tape 333-04
Time: 333:12:54 to 333:13:31
Page i of i

333 12 56 44 CDR This is the CDR at 12:57 Zulu. URine dump

initiated at this time on the CDR's urine bag.

333 13 29 32 CDR This is the CDR at 13:30 Zulu. The subject is

flight - time scheduling. This is for the
FAO. For the days when we have to dump our
urine bags and reuse them, I think we better
add about, at least, 15 to 30 minutes extra
time on the fourth sweep to allow time to get
this done. I takes time to dump these bags.


Dump Tape 333-05
Time: 333:14:32 to 333:16:28 GMT
/'"_ Page I of 9

333 lh 32 24 SPT ... you can ...

333 14 32 39 _?T If [ have 171 run, I'd want the

I_ after that. And that way, i
can set there on the bike. I
can go an extra 15 or 20 minutes
and _'ve got it all done, rather
than taking out another h 5 minutes
to _l hour in order to get the
equivalent amount of exercise in.
I think in the long run, it's
going to save everybody a lot more
time and we'll have more time
available for other activities.
And then if you go on down the line,
you'll find these that time will
become available. The way it's
scheduled right now, it's a thoroughly
inefficient use of our time.

333 14 33 16 SPT SPT out.


333 14 46 56 PiT This is the PLT, GMT of 14:47.

Just completed the TV down-link VTR -
mission day 333.

333 14 55 h0 PLT Ckay, this the PLT, GMT of 14:56,

debriefing the ATM pass starting
at 14:01 and ending Just a moment
ago at 14:55, approximately. A
very relaxed pass. I appreciate
very much you giving me one like
this to start out with. I think
everything was nominal. I didn't
notice any errors and I gave
TV down-link as per cue card with
a couple of little extras thrown
in. I tried a 3-second integrate.
This is a constrast to the
difference between the 2-seconds and
a 4-second integrations was
considerable. I threw in a couple
Dump Tape 333-05
Page2 of 9

of 3-second integrations right

there at the end. Everything
else was - The - the only thing
that was not nominal, I didn't
quite understand how to terminate
a CONTINUOUS 52 MODE and Ed Gibson
explained that to me. However,
I think I got one frame on the
52 - Toward the end, I had it
figured out _ I wanted to end up
with 7526, but I didn't know what
at what indication of FRAMES
REMAINING to hit the STOP switch.
So you ma_v have one bad exposure
on S052 there. The FRAMES REMAIN
is indicating 7525, but I don't
know exactlywhere it is in the

_ 333 lh 57 26 PLT Other than that, the pass was

excutedas per theJOP and I
didn't - I'm not conscious of
any errors that were made. There
o didn'tseemto be anythinggoing
on. The PMEC right now is -
of course, we're on the dark
side. It was - went through the
South Atlantic anomaly once and
got a false flare. I'm not
aware of anything else that was
contrary to procedures.

333 lh 57 50 PLT PLT out.


333 15 24 07 CDR This is the CDR. Urine squeezer

dump co_nenced at 15:2h Zulu.


333 15 33 20 SPT SPT at 15:32. We started the

SO56 exp_rimeat at PATROL, NORMAL.
Dump Tape 333-05
Page 3 of 9

But before we got to h00 K,

and had it running for around
30 seconds, then cut if off
and then while waiting for
hO0 K. The same holds for
55. 52 also was started, but
that's a white light instrument
and it should be no problem.

_'_ So i let that one run.

333 15 33 50 _PT SPT out.


333 15 50 02 CDR This is the CDR at 15:50 Zulu.

The subject is handheld
photography. The clouds over
Lake Ontario and Lake Erie were
so extensive that it was very
difficult to figure out Just
where the lake was. I shot
some pictures over Lake Erie,
I think, mainly on time. Hold
off for a minute. Let me sort
all the exposure numbers and
I'll be back _ith you in a minute.


333 15 56 00 CDR Okay, this is the CDR again.

At 50:56 Zulu on handheld
photography. As I mentioned
a moment ago, as I went over
to - Stand by. As I went over
Lake Erie and Lake Ontario,
it was very difficult to tell
what lake it _vas because of cloud
cover. However, I could see
that there was water coming up
underneath me. So based on time,
I took two setsof stereoph,_tos
with the 55-millimeter lens on
Dump Tape 333-05
Page4 of 9

the Nikon. The f-stop was 8,

the shutter speed was 1/250.
The first pair were taken at
about 15:20 and the next pair
were taken at about 15:42. And
I tried space each of them abcut
45 seconds to a minute apart. I
guess it was more like 45 seconds
apart. The frame numbers were
51 and 52, 53 and 52. At 15:_5,
I began looking for the laser,
which was handheld target
number 170-2. I never did see
the laser. So finally at about
15:46, I took two desperation
shots of the general area with
that 300-millimeter lens, with
Nikon - with the CXl9 film. The
f-stop was 8, 300-millimeter lens,
1/250 and the frame numbers were
55 and 56, and againI gotno
sighting. At 15:27, I swapped
lense_ back to the 55-millimeter lens
and I was already getting too far
ob!ique from the cold-air convectic_
clouds _ver the Gulf Stream. ] l_y
were very, very apparent. So wh,_,
! did is, I started at the n_:'une_'nmcst
end a_a I took three photos, one
right after another, moving from north
down _o south. Those were
frames number 57, 58, and 59.

333 15 58 17 CDR Out.

333 15 59 02 SPT SPT s+. 15:58 ATM operations,

building block 24 initiation, it
took a little while to get set
up for it. First of all, I got
the - both the grating off to
1921 to look at magnesium i0 o:
detec%or 3. And I got a hot
spot of around - up to 12, up
to 1200.

333 15 59 33 SPq This was right next to the neutral

line, between a neutral ]ine an_
"_ _-.,_spots,and I thinkit was

Dump Tape _33-05

Page 5 of 9

precisely what was called out

for. I - if - a flare goes in
tha_ region I will still be on
top of a good part of it.

333 15 59 56 SPT I also had the slit parallel to

the neutral line and it's - it
covers a fair amount of the plage,
as much of the linear portion of
the plage as possible. I'd say,
maybe, about a half of the slit
or so is covered with plage.
$056, I'm starting in the ACTi4E
LONG, I'm sorry, the AUTO LONG,
and I can chs_ge that to AUTO SHORT
if we get a flair. S05h, I've
given them a 256 exposure, as we
negelected to do so on the las_ _ne.

333 16 00 40 SP_ And now I'ii be standing by for

future activity on that ....

333 16 00 _0 S_I _he question which enters my mi_!

right now is that this morning I
was told that because of you -
in constructing filter 5, that we
required a 256 exposure except for
flairs. And although I think it's
probably fairly clear, is there any
reason to want to leave the exposure
aimed at 256 as opposed to goin_
over to 64? I'll probably ask that
Air-To-Ground right now.

333 16 0! 26 _U i'll _e a look at the )TJA"_cult_r

and get back to get back those
results. SPT out.

S_'T SPT at lh:06, ATM operations,

building block 24, flair wait,
used those pictures to give me
scope. Right now, I'm - got the
image scope on monitor i, light
contrast maximum brightness of .i.

333 16 07 07 SPT This allows _ _o see the K,

perhaps 5, bright points in the
area around 87 - 87, 89, 9_ _A
that emerging flux region.
DumpTape 333-05
Page 6 of 9

333 16 07 24 SPT They all appear pretty much on a

uniform level. That is as I
change _he brightness on the scope
or integrate, with the XUV MON

333 16 07 41 SPT They all show up pretty much at

the same level. I think if any
one of them breaks significantly
that would show up. It is going
to require, however, a fair
amount of time with your eye
glued to the to the intensity
image scope in order to nick it
off. The scope itself however
has got already three - three locations
which appear slightly burned in.
They're easy to distinguish them.

333 16 08 07 SPT Some other spots, however, they're

Just a slight increasing intensity
above the normal background levels.
I suspect it's probably some inactive
region that we worked with yesterday.

333 16 0_ _h SFf Apparently this scope is very

sensitive to that kind of thing,
an_ _d_l try not to - try and
keep the intensity down at all
times. That's no problem in the
building block 2h because that's
the way we will be operating.

333 16 08 58 SPT When I se_ up for this JOP, it

took a little bit longer than
I had anticipated. One I went
to 1941. I got a grating position
of 200, and I had to get back to
zero so I went around to 1941,
aimed detector 3 to find the
brightest point that I could in
the active region 87 and came
up with intensity between I0 _.d
12 hundred. It was right next
to _he neutralline;I was abl_to
roll the slit parallel to the
neutral line. And i would say

Dump Tape 333-05

Page 7 of 9

50 percent or so of the slit is

covered with bright plages. In
those 55 operations of course they
only took split center aligned ...
pocked _p 32. SPT out.

333 16 i0 31 SPT SPT again at 16:10. One thing which

would be useful here is to have
a n_nzerical readout, which I could
depend upon, in order tc help
trigger us to taking a little closer
assessment on the image scope.
It's impossible to watch this thimg
for 30 minutes straight; I think
eye fatigue will get to you _d you'll
end looking at it about every
15 seconds out of every 30. If we
had a number, an aluminum count,
which we could consider as background
and then start to watch that, I
think that would be another clue.
We're watching beryllium aperture
position, that helps; but a n_erical
read,out will probably give you a rise
a ]itt!e bit easlier, it can detect it.

333 ]6 ii 22 [_'_ Right now my aluminum count is _ing

from _.6 no 3.h and I'll be
watching thas. Thir_ it wou_d be
use:_l for the ground - ought [_ -
to give it some words on how useful
that type of display would he,
even though it is in the south
directory. SPT out.

333 16 20 55 SPT SPT at 16:17, building block 2L.

The use of the image scope I think
is going to be a valuable tool.
I c_ look at the ... migration
times now. I looked at the
intensity leading, I should say
intensity, wheels, as you will,
leading out from active region 87,
and i &on't want to imply I'm
_ real_y seeinginterconnections but
if t_._se wheels are any indica__om
of it then perhaps I am. I cm<
Dump Tape 333-05
Page 8 of 9

see one going from 87 or towards

what apparently is about half way
between 87 and the limb. l'm not
sure whether that's 91 and 84 are
both supposed to be right on the
limb. But if one was supposed to
show up on H-alpha, also. Yeah,
that one is probably active region 91.

333 16 17 40 SPT SPT at 16:17. Building block 24.

The use of the image scope, I
think is gonna be a valuable tool.
I can look at the ... migration
times now. I looked at the
intensity leading - I should say
intensity weals, as you will,
leading out from active region 87.
And I don't want to imply I really
see inner connections, but if these
weals are the indication of it then
perhaps I am. I can see one going
from 87 or towards what apparently
is - well, it's one-half way between
87 and the limb. And I'm not sure
whether that's - well 91 and 87 are
both supposed to be right on the
limb. But if one was supposed to
show up on H-alpha, also. Yeah, that
one is probably active region 91.

333 16 23 09 SI_T SPT at 20 at 16:23. And looking

at the streamers, if you will, or
weals of intensity coming out of
active region 87 on the ... image
scope, with about 1 - second duration
integration, I believe I can see
what might signify connections
between 87, 92, and even one leading
off the duration towards 91,
perhaps even a little higher than 91.
There's a fairly diffuse area of
brightness which is slightly northeast
of 91, which - it appears to be
leading off towards - I do think I
can get a prettygoodhandleon
the intensity connection XUV between
the 87 and 92. And if I could get some
coalignment between the XUV MON which
I could do with the crosshairs _d

Dump Tape 333-05

Page 9 of 9

H-alpha i. I think I have a

pretty good tool here for looking
at connections between active regions.
SPT out.

333 16 27 18 SPT SPT at 16:27. Looking at the

XUV MONITER and the integration, I
can certainly see the effects of
atmospheric absonption. Once we
got around the ... 2 minutes
remaining, even with excessively
long integrations, I could not
get any intensity. And as for any
significant intensity after
1 minute remaining, I could not
get any intensity at all. SPT out.

Dump Tape 333-06
Time: 1711 - 1826 6_Ff

SC ,..

333 17 12 20 SET SPC at 17:12. Operation of buiiCi:_g

block 32, a quickie. S025 was started
at STANDARD MODE in error terminated
after it had cycled through two frames;
approximately i minute for two or
three few frames. It was hit right at -
hit the stop as soon as the FF_/<E COUNT
for 1-minute duration was then run.
SPT out.

333 17 19 22 PLT PLT, 333. Subject is handheld photographs.

Frames number 60 and 61 out of cassette
number CX19. Covering the snow cover
over U.S. central plains, frames 60 and
61. And I did see melting patterns that
appeared to be more or less grossly
associated with" areas. There was one
• near what appeared to be a town, an area
tha_ _ppeared to be melted better" or
more than in other areas. I wasn't able
to associate, however, with any particular
' geographic feature.

333 17 31 14 SPT SPT is 17:31, ATM Operation. We're in

building block 4-A correction, that was
4-B and the pointing was chosen for a
m_xim_rm of _gnesium_ X at 3364 looking
a_ _-ETECTOR i. And i got a Im_xir;czn intensity
of argund 600. I found that scanning
across the bright points of active region
87 and did not find any real pronounced
peaks as I have previously. I'll take
a look at it ags_in in ox_Jgen VI when I
get the pointing uh 4-B and 4-C. I suspect
a few more pronounced peaks there. The
82B SLIT isparallel to the neutral line
and I would Say about 1/3 of it is or
so covered _rith bright plage in H-alpha.
SPT out.
Dump Tape 333-06
Page2 of 5

333 17 39 40 SFf _PT aL 17:39, ATM operations, building

block h-C. That pointing here was obtained
by using oxygen Vl on Dh_f_CTOR 3, and
I used a very localized peak of about 3000 th.
It appears that a region which is of bright
plage which is substantially remote from
the neutral line, although my pointing
is still parallel to it. I would say
I'm probably about i arc-minute away
from the neutral line. And because of
the very localized peak I received in
oxygen VI, I thought it was worthwhile
at least to roll where I was and not
try to get a uniform emission along the
slit in H-alpha, even though I feel that
about a third is crossed by a plage. Just
so that I get a view of the bright points
in the plage, a localized bright point
should dominate the spectrum. If you
don't feel this will be the case on 82B,
please let me know and I'll change that
pointing technique. I did not get to
change the roll because I felt that I
could - possibly not get back to the same
point, as it did take a little bit of
thinking to find it. SPT out.

333 17 41 h3 CDR This is the CDR at 17:h2 Zulu, the S192

MODE SWITCH is in CHECK, and Delta 7,
correction, Delta 6 is reading 57 percent.
CDR out.

333 17 43 38 SPT SPT at 17:43, ATM operation is conclusion

of building block _-C, that's h Charlie.
I started the run with an incensity data
readout for oxygen VI of Just 20000 and
at the conclusion of the run s_d going
back s/_d looking at it while _qls_ging the
20 we're up to - change that previous
number to 2000, we're now up to 2600, a
change of 600 over the duration of the
F Tape333 6

333 17 5h 0i SPT SPT at 17:5h. The point selected for

building block 4-D for Delta, there's
one ... of intensity that's been changing
quite rapidly. The - at H-alpha, it now
appears to be brightest point on the
scope, although it was not at the beginning.
In oxygen IV, DETECTOR 3, it started out
at close to 20000 and I saw up to 50000 on
it at one time and then it came back down
again to below 1000. It still is the
brightest point on the scope. I delayed
in starting the GRATING AUTO SCAN until
I eoui.1 Just squeeze it in before hitting
the ESS or shooting 400 ... at the conclusion.
That's so I could get some good . .. history
on the changes in that region. Unfortunately,
I only had D_f_.'CTORS i, 2, and 3 on; I was
in a STOP mode. I should have enabled
DETECTORS 4, 6, and 7 and gone into a
MIRROR LINE SCAN. However, I was performing
a nu Z update at the same time. I did not
notice any significant decreases in the
aluminum count, the change in the beryllium
aperture position, although the PMEC count
did fluctuate quite. It's now around 400
or so. Again, it's hard to tell whether we
have within the an_naly or one of the horns.
... find out our spacecraft position which
i'm _t sure at presen%. I thi_uk a number
associated with the aluminum cr any other
digital readout which would be reliable
outside - or inside of the anomaly would
certainly be useful in inst&u_es like this.
SPT out.

333 17 56 SPT SPT again at 17:56, 199king a_ the point

or the XUV MONITOR. I cannot say that it
is exceptionally brighter than the other
surrounding active regions. The pointing in
87 isn't any brighter than the other plage,
the XUV MON, 87, or in the three other ...
active regions. SPT out.

333 18 Oh ii PLT This is the PLT with a note for M487.

I was just trying to arrange my EREP site
book for the first EREP pass, and I had brou_t
to - home to me once more Just how bad
the rings are we on all of our checklists.
Dtm_ Ta_e 333-06
Pageh of 5

All three rings in this EREP site book

came loose of their own accord. And all
the pages came loose and free. Now I
understand that there was a big full month
NASA study to try to find a new kind of
ring for our checklists. Now it seems to
me that a sidle thing like that ought
to he - able to be solved. But these
things - the big log on them, the big
hedge point is that it's use them. Because
it very easily works itself _ ) the inside
of the book but it's very har_ to get out.
I - just like %_ were talking about foot
restraints and mobility restraints and
everything and this is a problem akin to
it. I would like not to see this problem
hedged because it's a continual irritation
in managing paper work and could cause you
to ocse an EREP site. I'm - right here
no_" holding an entire EREP voluz_e 2 site
book that must have - it's about 2-_/2 inches
tbick and all the pages are loose simply
because those aAmn rings keep coming loose
all the time. If you put shril_ tubing around
Someone has removed the shrink tubing. And
the rings Just come loose on their o_m. I
want to emphasize the fact that the present
rings that we're using are unsuitable,
unsatisfactory, and down right as for as
far as the crewman is concerned.

333 18 08 06 SPT SPT 18:07 debriefing that last pass on ATM.

I think most of it's been covered real fine
d1_ing the pass; howeVer, one thing which
I did exclude was that while I was watching
the point brightening on H-alpha and
oxygen VI, I had not set up the XLrV MONITER
to follow it. Because I was busy with one
or two other things at same time. What I
did with the XUV MONITEH was after the peak
in oxygen VI was down to almost the normal
plage level so that we should not conclude
that I could not see that type of point
brightening in the _ MONITER. I was Just
not on - looming at it at the right time on
this pass. SPT out.
Dump Tape 333-06
Page5 of 5

333 18 12 51 SPT SPT at 18:12 for the FAOs. I think in the

future for planning Earth terrain camera
ops, we ought to put the changing of
filters in the prep or in the earlier
mag change. Because when you come whistling
on down here and expect to do Earth
terrain came=a ops and then have to remove
the whole camera from the airlock and change
filters ; tha_' s a pretty time consuming
operation. What we ought to doing when
we come down here is getting set to run of
pass and not changing the gear around. So
the future I wish filter changes would
be put well preceding the actual operation.
This particular case I happened to work
out because I had got the housekeeping
done early and came over here and Just
happened to look at it. In the future
that might not be the case. SPT out.

333 18 16 2_ CDR This is the CDR at uh 00:16 Zulu reporting

THEI_L ALIGNMENT status, S192. I found
that I could not improve on the readings
gotten by the PLT several days ago. When
I started the procedure, the focus was at
the zero position on the gray tape that's
been put on the focus handle. The right meter
was reading41 percent,X was reading . 546,
and Z was reading .491. I then moved the
focus to 270. The - I adjusted as well
as I could and the - I ended up putting
the X and Ys back exactly where they were
at 546491, and the right meter was reading 14
percent. I then backed off the focus back
through zero back over to 90 - 90 degrees,
and I picked it up using the X's and Z's
knobs. I got a peak of 37 percent with
an X of -539 and a Y of .493. I then
rotated the focus back to the zero
position again, got a meter reading of
41 percent an X knob reading of .5_8, and
Y knob reading of .493 and thought I'd
better quite while I was ahead. Out.

333 18 26 09 SPT I did not have a READY light on the scattero-

meter coming up on 55 even 54 ...

Tape333-07 ##
Time: 333:18:33 to 333:19:38 GMT
Page 1 of 19

333 18 33 17 SPT Bravo 7 -

PLT Ed, you're on chAn_el B.

SPT Bravo 7 is 32. Bravo 8 is i. Bravo 9 is 58

PLT ... on Channel B.

SPT I'm on channel A, Ed .... they're

tying together.

CDR We're tying together now. You can't

record unless you want to Nw* If we're
over a ground station, of course, you'll
be tranmnitting.

PLT Okay, thanks for telling me.

PLT Well, we're recording. Everything is

being recorded.

CDR Yeah, that's right.

PLT That's right, okay. Charlie 2 is 4h;

Charlie 3 is 87; Charlie 4, 71; Charlie 5, 82;
Charlie 6, 46; Charlie 7, 56; Charlie 8,
i00 percent; Delta 2, 86; Delta 3, 85;
Delta4, 72; Delta5, 14; Delta6, 57;
Delta 7, i0.

333 18 35 53 CDR This is the CDR again. The preoperation

configuration. TAPE RECORDER is ON. The
READY light is ON. 90 - 92. Okay, I'm
gonna do my T minus 5 now. No, I'll hold
up on that, it's too early.

333 18 36 24 SPT SPT with an ETC clock cal. On my mark the

Erc clock will be reading !8:33;h0. Stand

333 18 36 4L SFf _JkRK. It appears as thou_ the LITC clock

now running 3 minutes and 5 seconds slow.
I'll give you another _k here at 35, T3h.

Dump Tape 333-07
/- Page 2 of 19

333 18 37 Oh SPT MARK. Is your door open, Bill?

PLT Well, it's supposed ***

SPT *** open. Okay?

333 18 38 54 PLT Hold the phone!

333 18 39 i0 CDR *** two in m_ hand. *** All three rings

came out of it. And I was Just
sitting there with the thing expanding
like an accordlan. It Just Just slipped
some of the ... to the hack over ***

333 18 39 24 PLT I guess we ought to gray tape that book.

SPT We got more rings ***

SPT Yeah. Just as bad. Day light

here pretty soon.

333 18 h0 00 CDR This is the CDR. Just making a voice

/ check.

SC (inaudible)

SPT I wonder why I don't ...

333 18 41 0h PLT Door switch still OPENY

SPT Yeah.

PLT Okay. We taped that open, didn't we?

SPT Yeah.

PLT Okay.

sPT l'm gonna ...

CDR Bill, you better stuff that mike right

in your mouth. We can't hear you. Jack
it down - the whole thing down tight.
Get the mike in your mouth.

PLT Okay, how's that_

/- Dump Tape 333-07
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CDR That 's much better.

333 18 _i 51 PLT Okay. Okay, I see some blue.

333 18 hl 51 CDR Tape recorder, this is CDR. For the

record, Bravo 9 is reading 58. It says
here in my checklist at Tminus i0 that
Bravo 9 should be reading 0 to 5.
Charlie 7 is reading 56; it's okay.

CDR The cue card that says V9 should read

hut 0 to 5 the decal says the V9 should
be reading hO to 68. It's within spce
on the decal.

333 18 h2 50 CDR This is the CDR. I'm gonna start the

T minus 5 a couple minutes early. 192 MODE
to READY. Door OPEN. Door light is OUT,

CDR 192 READY light is ON. The MODE gone

59 CHECK now. S190 HEATER switch Panel ll7,

333 18 h5 06 CDR Okay, coming u!oon T minus 3, I'm gonna do

the preoperation configuring. Tape recorder
ON, verified, READY light ON, verified. SLgO
S192 switch is ON. READY, OUT. Check.
Door is OPEN. S191, POWER is ON; READY
LIGHT ON. COOLER is ON, and the door is
OPEN and stuck there. S190, ON, READY, OUT.
STAND BY. The door is OPEN. Verified,
I opened it myself. At 93 Romeo. STAND BY,
93 Alpha, OFF. READY, OUT. 9_, ON. READY
ON. TV input station 133 POWER is ON. VIDEO
Sk_,_CTOR is TV. Stnading by in 2 minutes
to 193S STAND BY.

333 18 56 39 CDR Want that light out p Bill?

PLT Doesn't bother me a bit, Jer.

CDR Okay. EREP starts in 3 minutes.

PLT It looks llke we're still out over

the water.
Dump Tape 333-07
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CDR Okay.

PLT San Francisco.

333 18 47 21 CC Skylab, Houston. We read you now,

through stateside for about 15 minutes.

CDR Okay, Hank. Read you loud and clear.

333 18 47 35 CC Skylab, for the SPT. They had a

similar problem with the _-TC on SL-3. And
there was a little buzzing noise, and I'm
sure that's what they have there. We would
like to have the vaccum hose hooked up for
proper operation.

CDR EREP starts in 2 minutes.

SPT Okay, Hank. It's hooked up now.

f 333 18 47 57 CDR On my mark it'll be 18:48 even.

CDR MARK. 193 Ester. Stand by. Diagriustic

downlink unit going to position 5.

CDR TV okay, Hank?

_IT Hey, Jack. [sic]. We haven't even closed

it in yet.

CDR We got to do a nadir align, Bill. We got

to do that over the water I guess.

PLT Yeah. That's right. Do we even get

nadir align out of this thing?

333 18 48 49 CDR I got 19BA in a NADIR ALIGN MODE.

PLT Okay. I would think with this attitude

you would have all - -

CDR EREP starts in 1 minute.

PLT There's a good view out here.

CDR Okay, i0 seconds after I start EREP, Bill

you wantyourVTS to AUT 0 CAL.
Dump Tape 333-07
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PLT Okay, Just say when.

CDR I 'ii tell you when. I go EREP START at

49:50, and at 50 even we'll go AUTO CAL.

PLT Okay. Aah, there's the coast .... I'm

picking up a lot of clouds, though.

333 18 49 h0 CDR Ten seconds to EREP START.

333 18 49 50 CDR Mark EREP start at 49:50. Stand by for

AUTO CAL 5, 4, 3, 2, i.

333 18 50 O0 PLT MARK.

333 18 50 01 PLT Mark.

CDR S194 MODE to _-nual, S192 MODE to STAND BY.

M_ next mark will be at 51:20. Houston,
Skylab you still reading us?

CC ...

CDR Oka_v.

333 18 50 42 CC Are you ...

PLT Okay. I wasn't sure if I had this all set

up right or not.

BB3 18 50 51 CC One question when you get a chance to answer

it. Did you get all the doors closed, and
are you in full inertia?

CDR I hope they're all open. You mean the ATM


PLT Which doors you talking about, Hank?

CDR At my mark 51 :20.

333 18 51 20 CDR MARK. S193s ON S193R ON. Coming up on


333 18 51 h0 CDR MARK. 51:40. Alpha 9 is reading 2.

Bravo 9 is reading 4 - 59. Charlie 9 is
Jumping between 45 and 93.
Dump Tape 333-07
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333 18 51 55 PLT WheL am I supposed to get a READY light on


333 18 51 59 CDR You should get it at 52:40.

PLT Okay.

CDR hO seconds.

333 18 52 03 CC ... we're commanding SI.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, clouds are starting to break up.

Not much time either.

CDR 53 :09.

PLT It 's close.

CDR Stand by for 52:40. lO seconds. READY, ON

52:40. Revs gone to six.

PLT Colorado river.

CDR Delta 9 is 86. That was the maximum Delta 9.

86 percent. The minimt_n Delta 9 is ii.

333 18 53 17 CDR From my mark, it'll be 53:30. Stand by for


333 18 53 30 CDR MARK. SCATTERO_I'_ to STANDBY, RADIO_"±'_

to STAND BY. MODE going to XTC, ... to 1.

PLT Allright.

333 18 53 45 CDR 8193S ON, now. MI93R ON, now. Those were

333 18 53 57 PLT Those were 53:50.

333 18 54 03 CDR MARK at 53:04. S190 MODE to AUTO.

333 18 5h i0 CDR MARK. 5h:10 ATV should go to AUTO, ED.

PLT Got it.

Dump Tape 333-07
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333 18 5h 21 CDR MARK at 21 POLARIZATION on S1903 to h,

Delta 9 maximum was 16, minimum was hO.
I do not here a READY light on the
SCATTEROMETER. Coming up on 55 even. 55:00.



55:10, Ed. We're going ATV to STAND BY.

333 18 55 i0 CDR Mark.

PLT Got it. 5:10.

CDR Next mark will be at 55:16.

333 18 55 16 CDR MARK. INT_VAL on S190 going to 20.

PLT 25.

CDR S193 MODE going to X-T, NC, /R. 55:30 VTC

to the AUTO, Ed.

SPT Got it.



333 18 55 37 CDR MARK. Radiometer on.

333 18 55 39 CDR MARK. Delta 9, intervals 50, maximum 86.

PLT Okay HOUSTON. While you got a moment here,

could you verify the TDM ... station 133
is on, We're not getting any downlink from

! 333 18 55 54 CC That's verified. It's on_ I checked it,

and we've got the rotary switch's TV.
Dow_llnk uait is in 5.

333 18 56 4i CC I Jsut went back and reveried that, Ed.

133 is on.

PLT Thank you.

333 18 56 57 CDR Deit_ 9 to minimuF_. Maximum is 86. 57:10.

On m_" mark.
Dump Tape 333-07
Page 8 of 19

333 18 56 57 CDR MARK. S190 s'i'_BVALgoing to ten.

Waiting for sm S190 READY OUT. Got a
good READY light on the SCA'I_I'_OM_'f_ now.
No MALFUNCTION lights. 89 going for 50 86.

333 18 57 56 CDR MARK. The READY light went out at 56.

Stand by, Ed.

333 18 58 02 CDR MARK .... going to stand by now.

333 18 58 33 CDR Hello, Bill.

PLT I got'em all except one there in the

valley. I got Fannington in the four
quarters area. And I also got White Sands.

CDR Good show.

PLT And I was going to the volca - I got

screwed up on my crosstracking I didn't
/_ get that last sight in the valley. Okay,
45:10 left.

PLT Okay, I guess then I got the front site as

advertised 268, and I also sqeezed in 320.
I got plenty of tract of 268, playing tract
on 320, I got two sites of the White Sand
35 I got - 38 385. I didn't get the last
one. I got all screwed up on my
orientation. I'm going for the volcano
now. Also I forgot to turn the DAC on on he
valley site, so you won't have documentation
on that. But I did real good tracking on
Delta Lake. And that little ... close by.
I mean ... 45 2 - that's 0.2.

CDR One minute until my next mark. BAD/SCAT

GIMBAL MALFUNCTION light is blinking as
expected. All the other systems have their
READY lights ON, with the exception of 192
and 190. Delta 9 is moving between 50 and
86 percent, 50 and 86 percent. On my m_k
it'll he 19:01:30. Stand by.

333 19 l0 30 CDR MARK. At 190 MODE to SINGLE.

Dump Tape 333-07
Page 9 of 19

CC Skylab, we're about h_ seconds from L0_.

We'll be coming up om Vanguard at 12. And
if you get a chance, you might check the
circuit breaker on TV television R circuit
breaker on 202. That's the only thing we
can come up with.

333 19 01 50 C-_R Okay'. We sure will, Hank. On my mark, it'll

be 02:15, 02:15. Stand by.

333 19 02 14 CDR MARK, S190, MODE SINGLE. On my mark it'll

he 03:00.

333 19 03 00 CDR MARK, DOWNLINK UNIT switch going to OFF.

FLT ... I check _he breakers ... power is on...

CDR Yeah. That's what they want. Everything is

copacetic. I don't know why we're not
getting. I checked the connections on the
downlink unit and they're all connected
f up,blueto _lue.

CDR Coming up on 04.

333 19 04 01 CDR MARK, S190, MODE SINGLE now. Frame interval

going to - correction, FR FRAME RATE
going to 19. The next m_k will be at i0.

PLT We got all of our ]_REP sites except 390.

There were three in the box there. I got
two out of the three.

CDR Did you get _he volcano's okay?

PLT Yeah, the volcano was a piece of cake.

CDR How' s the weather?

PLT It was cloudy right over the volcano

so I got - they'll see it in the DAC. I
• forgot to turn the _g DAC on when we
went over the McAllen area.
Dump Tape 330-07
Page i0 of 19

CDR Oh, too bad.

PIJT But -

CDR Got 5 minutes till my next mark. This

downlink box is hooked up properly, as
best I cau tell.

PLT What, they weren't getting it?

CDR No, they said they weren't getting any

TV downlink at all.

PLT ... That's right that goes through the

television circuit.

333 19 05 42 CDR Yeah.

CDR And the TV INPUT station is ON. The

rotary switch is in TELEVISION. CIRCUIT
is IN. I hope there'sno way you can
hook this *Oltbackwards.

PLT I don't think so; that's what I was

talking about.

PLT You see when I put it -

CDR Well, we're not television now. I'm

gonna look at it.

PLT I didn't change those connectors. All

I changed were the *W'the one that goes
to RECORDER 2, I Just moved that to
RECORDER l, and that other - all the rest
that' s gotta be right.

333 19 06 16 CDR Yeah, it's connected up to J-4. Okay.

I think we're clean on this one.

PLT That gripes me about that DAC, cause I

don't think they had any data on those ***

CDR Was McAllen area cloudy?

F PLT No. Hazy.

Dump Tape 330-07
Page ii of 19

CDR That can hurt.

PLT Fortunately I've run so many pass - passes

on the - I flew over it. And I'd run so
many on the simulator, it Just pops right
into view. The clouds broke about
30 seconds before we hit that Four
coners area.

333 19 07 32 CDR Is that right?

PLT I p_cked up Ship Rock right away•

I've driven past that thing so many times
I know what that area looks like. And
when I saw Ship Rock, man, I knew I
was home free on that one. (laughter)

CDR Where are we now?

PLT We're over the water.

CDR along here, taking 193 data.

Taking 19h data and 191 data - ... it's
going to be a minute and a half till my
next _A_k.

PLT ... out of here.

CDR ... let me look at it. Now I don't

have time. I only got a minute until
my next mark.

PLT I ought to have Ed come up here. I see

some ... pops.

CDR Ed, come quick. Bill ... pops.

SPT I'm down here looking out the wardroom

window and I see them.

333 19 09 20 CDR _0 seconds til my next mark. Let's see

the ETC is ... at 19:ll.
Dump Tape 330-07
Page 12 of 19

PLT Also, for the record, on the Four

Corners site when I went to my
40 miles, there's quite a lot of clouds,
•.. cloud cover, so I picked out two
different sites• One of them looked
like it was about 25 or 30 miles
the other one was about 40, 45 miles•

CDR On my mark it'll be 19:10. Sta/_d by.

333 19 i0 00 CDR MARK, S191 to - to R_m_ENCE 2.

CDR Let me take a peek out that rascal.

PLT Try the zoom a couple of times.

It's a real kick .... if you got
any peaches.

CDR But the doggone thing still won't

focus for me. I still don't have
focuson that.

SPT Man that world really goes by,

doesn't it?

PLT Boy it sure does. It's like looking

out of an automobile with a doggone

CDR Yeah. Okay coming up on 19:ll, Ed.

Okay ?

PLT Ed, we're right over the rain

Jungle or -

CDR Stand by.

333 19 ll 01 CDR MARK, ETC POWER ON. Got it?

CDR My next mark will be at 11:23, 11:23.

333 19 ll 23 CDR MARK S190 MODE to AUTO.

CDR Okay, Ed• Stand by.

333 19 ii 30 CDR _[ARX ETC to AUTO.

Dump Tape 330-07
Page 13 of 19


CDR Next mark is at ll:h0 VTS to auto

cal, Bill.

PLT VTS to auto cal -

CDR Stand by.

333 19 ii h0 CDE/PLT MARK.


PLT Rog. Got it.

CDR Taking 19 - 190 data here.

CDR ... must be out over Brazil somewhere?

PLT Yes/u, we're right over the Jungle.

CDR Rivers.

FLT ... down there ...

CC Skylab, we are monitorubg you again

through Vanguard for about i0 minutes.

CDR There's a big one.

PLT Rog, Hank.

PLT Boy, the VTS is really a nice view.

CDR Ed, you got a river going along in a

and it corsses some sort of a linear geolog-
ical feature that Just - it's awfully
fuzzy, but it sure looked like it could
have been a fault.

PLT Probably was. Got all fuzzy all of a

sudden. What did you do, Jet?

CDR I don't know.

PLT (laughter)

r- Dump Tape 330-07

Page 14 of 19

CDR I guess it's hazy out there.

PLT Sure is. Must be out over water

now. Is 190 - 190 still clicking

CDR Yeah. It's still grinding.

PLT Go]l-by.

CDR *** finished in another minute and 15 -

333 19 13 19 PLT Yeah, we're - we're way the hock

and gone out over the water now.


PLT Naw, I take that back. That's not right

we are over land, It was Just a real
thick haze layer.

f_ 333 19 13 30 CDR It's 13:30 now. 19:13:30.

PLT Now your're picking up some good stuff.

CDR Okay, at 14:20 the %_TS auto cal should

be complete. I shouJd _._eta ready light.

PLT You're getting some real good stuff now,

Jerry. This i_ wide open down here.

CDR Is it Jungle?

PLT Yeah, ... I don't know whether it's

Jungle or not. No I see some rectangular
patterns. We must be coming over some
agricultural area.

CDR Okay. Stand by, coming up on 20.

333 19 14 21 CDR MARK, at 20 the ready light for S191

c8_e on.

SPT Hey, what the devil is that?

Dump Tape 330-07
Page 15 of 19

333 19 14 29 CDR Mark the ready light for S190 went

out at 29. _TC to STANDBY, Ed.

SPT Got it.

CDR S190 MODE going to STANDBY - 194 MODE

going to MANUAL. Waiting for 15:30.

PLT This is real neat. You can just paint the

coastline with this thing.

CDR Let's look at your EREP slider and

see where it is we came out over the

PLT You ought to take a look in here if you get

a chance, Jet.

CDR Okay. No, I don't have time. Yes I do.

F-_ PLT I got a littlebay there sort of

centered. Just paint it up and down the
coastline. It's real nice.

CDR Oh, yeah. Okay, in l0 seconds there'll

be a mark. Stand by.

333 19 15 30 CDR MARK, SCATT_OM_"I'_R to STANDBY.

333 19 15 32 CDE MARK, RADIOM_i'_ to STANDBY. EREP


333 19 15 35 CDE MARK, at 15:35. 19:15:35.

CDB Okay, let's start coasting this rascal.

PLT Yeah, but let me check one thing real

quick. I Just thought I'd see where
it is we are coasting out .... That's

333 19 16 09 CC Skylab, Houston. Did you ever get a

chance to check out that television
power circuit breaker?
D_m9 Tape 330-07
Page 16 az 19

CDR Yes/n, we sure did, Hank. It's in.

Everything looks good up here.

CC Copy.

PLT Nice sandy beache down there.

CDR Figure out where we were?

PLT I thought it was Porto Alegro [sic], but

I'm not sure.

CDR Uh huh. Looked to me like we were

kind of going along the coast instead
perpendicular to it.

PLT Yeah, is it - it was ~ it - we're -

we're turned up at an odd angle, you

CDR I see.

PLT Cause we're doing this solar inertial. I

don't kuo; I wouldn't put any money on

CDR Is this our pass here?

PLT Yeah, well it's close. It's been shifted.

CDR Yeah....

333 19 17 II CDR Well, that - that rectangular pattern

you saw must have been the wheat fields
w_ were looking at yesterday, right here
at Asuneion.

PLT Could have been.

CDR Asuneion.

CDE So we got s_me of the 190 data on that

same stuff we took handheld photos of
Dump Tape 330-07
. Page17 of 19

PLT Yes, of the 190.

SPT Very likely.

CDR Okay.

CDR Hank, will you make a note of that?

333 19 17 36 CC ... again.

CDR If our ground track is correct, part of our

S190 data was the Argentenian wheat fields
as part of the wheat study. And I think the
PI for the wheat handheld photos Earth
observations will be interested in the

333 19 17 59 CC *** we copy.

PLT Okay, *** into our posts .... EREP ...

okay, we don't have *** if I'd know I was
gonna have to run this camera I'd have
taken some pictures. I'll know next
time. That was real interesting. It's
amazing how good that simulator has

CDR Yes.

PLT *** give them enough on that. Boy,

they did a good Job.

CDR Sure did. That's a good piece N** training.

333 19 19 31 PLT Okay, I'm gonna wait on that S009 cause

l'd get right in your way, but will you
help me rem°°?

CDR Yes.

PLT Okay.

33 19 20 05 CDR Houston, Skylab.

Dump Tape 330-07
Page 18 of 19

CC Go ahead.

CDR Okay, Hank, when I was doing a thermal align

son S192, I wasn't able to improve very
much on what Bill had, in fact, I wasn't
able to improve on it at all. Are the
people down there concerned that - that
S190 could be better aligned, Thermally_

CDR If they are, I would request that they

give us an hour some day and I'd be happy
to go back and twittle with it some more
and see if I can't get it better than 41 per
cent. But it 's gonna take time. I
spent about 30 minutes at it during the prep
for this _qEP pass. And I almost - it
a]most scared myself really because I was
getting so - getting behind and I was
afraid I wasn't gonna get things aligned
back up where they were in time for the
F run. I'd like- I'd like a goodhour
sometime to sit down and fool with that
thing if they think we can improve the
ali_ment any more.

33 19 21 06 SC Okay, we'll put that in the mill. And

do you have your visiual readings?

CDR Yes/l, I sure do. Hang on let me - let me

get them out here. Did I give you the
therm_] readings?

CC You said 41 percent.

CDR Okay. Okay, the visual readings are

86 percent and 64 percent. 86 on the left;
40 - correction, 6h on the right.

33 19 21 43 CC Roger. We copy. And we're about

40 seconds from LOS. We've got a long
LOS here, 105 minutes and we'll be at
Goldstone at 27, 20:27. And while
your sitting down there, if you get a
break, the only thing we could figure
now is to reverify the connections
on that downlink box.
Dump Tape 330-07
Page 19 of 19

CDR Okay, we'll sure do it. We'll check all

the way eround.

i SC One more item. During the night saide pass,

we would like for someone to select
EXPERIMENT POINTING. If you don't get it
during the nightside, the H-alpha operation
won't do - be ... automatic and you'll
have to start it _ourself during ops.

CDR Okay.

SC ...

CDR Okay.

33 19 25 55 CDE This is the CDR at 19:26 Zulu. Bravo -

Bravo 7 is reading 32, 32.

33 19 34 06 CDR This is the CDR at 13:34 [sic] Zulu. The

tape recorder measurement is 7.2 centi-
meters. This is for the _ tape
recorder. The radial dist_a%ce from the
tape to the edge of the reel, :
7.2 centimeters.

33 19 3h 25 CDR Out.

Dump Tape 333-08
Time: 21:00 to 22:00
/-_ Page i of i

333 21 31 56 PLT PLT M092171-i, subject will be the

SPT with blood flow and, let's see,
time is 21:32.

FLT M092!7], subject is the SPT calf

measurements. (Music). Left calf,
13-7'°_ right calf, 13-5/8.

333 21 58 07 PLT (Music). This is the PLT, the leg band

indentifications are Charlie Ju!iett and
Alfa Quebec, left and right respectively.


Dump Tape 333-O9
Time: 333:22:54 to 333:23:56 C4gT
P_e 1 of 8

33B 22 54 21 PLT PLT recording the CAL ... CO< Pressure.

181-1 run on the SPT. 1250 is the
CAL into the CO 2.

333 22 57 00 CDR This is the CDR at 22:57 Zulu. Subject

is S183 operations. The SAL plate
number being used is 01. The tilt is
185.5 - correction of plus 0.9. The
tilt is O0.1. The exposure was acti-
vated at 22:5h at 30 seconds. Out.

333 22 59 41 PLT This 171-1, subject SPT. CAL N2H20


333 22 02 52 CDR This is CDR at 23:03 Zulu, subject

is S183. The first set of exposures
was 000000 at 1260. The way I see
f- it that looks like about 20 minutes
of exposure on this first field -
field no. 129. Since I was unable
to get the sequence started until
222:52:30. It appears to me that we
will not have an opportunity to get
field no. IS0 done on S183. I think
the biggest thing here is it was a
planning problem again. I was up on
the ATM till sunset and then to
whistle down here, and I don't think
you had enough darkness allowed or
available for both passes. Your first
exposure probably should have been
less than 1260. I'm Just standing
around now waiting for the exposure
light on the S183 instrument panel to
go out, 8rod I am prepared to terminate
the exposure early if necessary when
sunset is at - correction - when we
have sunrise at 22:14. It looks like
it's going to be nip and tuck even on
1 the first exposure. CDR out.

Dump Tape 333-09

Page 2 of 8

333 23 04 58 CDR This is the CDR agaon on the

tape recorder at 23:05. I am a
bit confused by what I see on the
S183 instrument panel right now.
The 1260 second exposure no. 3 is
still going on, but I see the plate
has now automatically advanced to
plate no. 2 and plate no. 2 was the
plate to be used for the sequence.
I'm a bit confused by what 183 is
doing right now, however, I'm Just
going to play it straight and when
sunrise comes I'm going to terminate
whatever exposure is going on. CDR

333 93 05 51 PLT PLT recording. Cabin air pressure


333 23 06 31 PLT PLT recording .... , H20 and CO2.

171.1, -

333 23 07 54 CDR This is the CDR again on S183.

The time is now 23:08 Zulu. You
might be wondering what the time
situation was here, and why I was so
late getting started. The ATM pass
terminated at about 22:39. I had
a NuZ correction calculated when

I came down to S183. I began right

on the cue card for S183 ops. I
had no problem at all, until I got
to the point where it said: "advance
she film carousel to the desired film
plate." When I configured the FA
control panel, the plate c_me up 04
and so I put it in RESET and I didn't
time it, but I think it took on the
order of I0 to 12 minutes for it finally
to get started and start cycling
through its plates and finally get us
back to plate no. i. That took a
greatdeal of time. Then I openedthe
SAL door, verified - extended the mirror,
set in the tilt rotation per the pad,

Dump Tape 333-09

Page 3 of 8

set up the recorders, and got

things started and that's Just about
how long it took. We got it off
at about ... - as I said before,
222:54 :30.

333 23 13 32 PLT Vital capacity on the SPT first

one was 5589.

333 23 14 07 }'LT Second vital capacity 5701.

333 23 15 15 :_LT Third vital capacity 5360.

333 23 22 13 CDR This si the CDR at 23:22 Zulu with

a debriefing from the last ATM pass.
That last ATM pass being the one
that started at 21:48 with a JOP 6,
step 2, building block 32. The
building block was carried out normally.
Then we switched over to observing
and then back into building block 4
Brave, step 2, at 44 minutes to go.
The - I trie_ to head-up m_ pointing
in such a manner that I would not
have to change in building block 36
going from step A to B and it worked
out pretty well. From 36A I did -
T pointed at the - the limb-most end
of the filament and I had the SLIT
fairly well lined-up along the filament
although we did not use the SLIT
durir_g the building block so that for
part B or step - building block 36,
step B, I had the H-Alpha i also pointed
at a dark area of the filament,
which is about hal_ay down the
filament from the limb end of it.
There were no special comments on
the building block 36 ; it all went
reasonably normal. During the observing
time, I noticed in XUV that a bright
spot was on the build - it was - I
noticed from the Polaroid pictures
taken this morning by Ed Gibson and
m _ •

Dump Tape 333-09

Page 4 of 8

Just looking at the XUV at the

beginning of the - of this period -
the first observation period - I
noticed this bright area was beginning
to get brighter. And it's located
at approximately 320 ° at 0.3 radius.
It's pretty much near the northern
end of the filament no. 40, as best I
can tell. The spot is ASmost as bright
as the three spots out on the eastern
side of the - correction - the western
side on the Sun, that is active region
87 aud 92. It's not as bright as the
XUV spot which corresponds to active
region no. 91. This particular bright
area in XUV was much smaller that the
active region spots 87, 91 and 92.
H-Alpha I noticed that - active region
92 now seemsto be the brightestpiece
of active region - the brightest active
region in the entire Sun. I took a look
at all three active regions, 87, 91,
and 92 with detector three of S055A
and for 92 1 got a count of 2,000 for
87 and 91, the count was down around
1,200 to a 1,000. That's on detector 3.
The white light coronagraph, in accord-
ance with your comments in the SAP,
you said you were expecting big things
to happen or at least the possibility of
an eruption with the resultant coronal
transient, l've been really watching
the white light coronagraph very carefully.
There is one rather noticable linear
streamer going out from the solar
disc at about the location of that -
of that - filament, and it's quite plain
in the photograph that was taken this
morning by Ed Gibson. l'm sure he's
already mentioned that particular streamer
as being straight, narrow and - and
reasonable prominent, but as yet there
has been no indication of any kind of
an eruption or - coronal transient of
any kind. That prettywell coversit.

Dump Tape 333-09

Page 5 of 8

I'm now in the observing time

in the nextATM pass. I'm due
to pick up on building block -
correction -JOP 2A, building
block 36 in Just about ten minutes.
And in the meantime, I am looking
again at the white light coronagraph.
I see the same friendly straight
streamer radiating outward from
about where filament 37 is located.
I see down where active region 84
is located there's a brighter streamer
and there's another streamer that
almost bisects the two which, my
guess, probably comes from - I guess
probably prominence 31 or filament 35.
Again, there doesn't seem to be any
significant change in the white light
F coronagraph sincethe last pass.
Dialing up the SUV again and looking
at it with I_TEGRATION, the bright
area that I've been talking about at
320.3 is not yet bright enough to
manifest itself in the AMBIF_NT, that
is, without INTEGRATION. As I look
at - the XUV MONITOR now, I can see
active region 87, 91, 92, and 82
without any problem at all. The bright
spot over there that I was talking
about is not really discernable until
you hit the INTEGRATE switch. At that
time, you plck-up that bright spot
plus - another bright spot on the
limb which, according to the SAP, I
believe, is called active region 76
coming back over the limb. And - that's
about it. As I trun down the brightness
on the H-Alpha, I can see that the
active regiom 91 is still - correction,
92 is still the hottest one of the
bunch. However, 91 is now giving it a
good run for its money. 91 has one
rather bright little area in it and
active region 87 seems to be picking
up some too. They're getting much more
Dump Tape 333-09
Page 6 of 8

closely to the same intensity

at this time. That's about it for

333 23 29 30 CDB CDE out.

333 23 44 38 PLT (Music) PLT on the MI71-1; the

subject is the SPT. For 02 71 ....

For ... 4.06, CO2 2.04.

333 23 51 41 PLT (Music) PLT with an Mh7 update

for people ... Time is coming-up
23:55 Zulu. I Just thought of a
couple of items that may be of
interest. One is trlang]e shoes.
A/though they are very useful, this
doesn't mean they cs/:not be improved,
and one of tl_e problems that we
have with them is gettingthem off -
it takes an awful long time to
get them off and get them on - it's
awkward. I don't think the lacings
that we have on these shoes is the
answer. It's awfully time consuming
taking them off, and putting them
back on, and we have to do this
several times a day because of
medical experiments, or one thing
or the other. Working out, when you
clean-up, at random, probably putting
those shoes on and taking them
off probably four to five times a
day. And the lacing gets to be
an irritation. And, it's time
consuming. Another point on trinagle
shoe, of course, is the wear, that
you've already heard about. The
toe caps have been installed on
the CDR 's and PLT 's. They seem to
be working okay, but we're also
chafing the heels of these things,
and I don't know why, but the back-up
the back of the shoe. Third plint
/_ is that the trianble slips along
the groove, and I think - any - if
we go this w_y in the future, one of

Dump Tape 333-09

Page 7 of 8

the +hings that would be very

useful would be to have some
kind of toothed - or - toothed
track which would hold - tend to
hold the thing firmly to keep it from
sliding for and aft, and then
the - the little wing nut that we
use would not have to bear the
full blunt of the stress that's
given to the - the triangle cleet
part when you move around. You
can tighten it as tight as you
can with the channellock pliers,
and in about a day, they're
loose again. So, there needs to
be a - a better method keeping the
triangle from moving. Second,
unrelated point, but still I -
in the way of restraints, is
that - again the drawers and the
poor design of the drawers that
we have. In the food compartment,
the pudding drawer is completely
inadequate. The pud dings are always
floating out of their restraints.
And getting upended when you pull
the tray out to put on top of
the food preparation tables or
one of the trays - to eat the
food. The puddings all come
floating out. The tray is
required to restrain the puddings
in the tray there, that are
reserved for pudding. Another point
is I mentioned yesterday at
the M47, is about the difficulty
in restraining the pieces
paper - maning the pieces of
paper. One of the things that
we found that - of course, clips
are very nice, and one often
encounters bungees that are very
useful. However, when you're
using the bungee, you almost have
/-- to have a convex curved surface,
D_ _e 333-09
Pete 8 of 8

so that the ]_ungee or rubber band

or whatever it is Isstretched
across a sli_tl_ c,rvmd surface.
Or else the Eriction is lost. and
we've lost al lot of pads this way,
by putting the paper u_dmr the
sprin_, and the paper will float
free. Spr1_ stretched across
a flat sul-face tends to not hold
the p_per ms well as it would
stretched across a _ surface
is something you sh_d bear in
mind whenever you're __signing '-
a su_fmce for a F_t81_t;. PLT. out.



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