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RTD Group

General and
Technical data
on the
Rotoscan system
General and technical data on the Rotoscan system

1 Introduction
RTD provides a field-proven mechanized ultrasonic inspection system, the Rotoscan. The system
was developed for the inspection of girth welds during construction of long-distance pipelines,
both on- and offshore. High inspection speed and instantaneous recording of results characterize
Rotoscan. Unlike radiography, it provides immediate weld quality feedback.

The inclusion of a mapping feature enables the system to visualize the presence of the
geometrical welding features such as the position of the weld cap and root penetration, which
minimizes the possibility of the system generating false calls. Furthermore this feature enables
the system to comply with most existing UT procedures and acceptance criteria, because of its
capability to detect and quantify volumetric defects.

Moreover, the integrated simultaneous TOFD option within the Rotoscan system provides
additional information to assist in the evaluation of discontinuities. In addition this technique
offers the ability to determine and assess the through-thickness dimension of indications. The
present Rotoscan is capable of achieving a low False Call Rate (FCR) coupled with flaw sizing
capabilities and user-friendly presentation and storage of results.

The above technical improvements in flaw sizing and recording have allowed the practical
application of rejection/acceptance criteria of weld defects that are based upon fracture mechanics
(Engineering Critical Assessment) as well as workmanship standards. The development and
actual use of such modern acceptance criteria supported the introduction of Rotoscan. Worldwide
commercial application has proved that, contrary to the expectations of many people, ultrasonic
inspection does not lead to higher weld repair rates than radiography does. Since its commercial
introduction in early 1989, over 5,000km of pipeline (some 400,000 welds) have been inspected
by RTD. The Rotoscan system has been qualified in numerous countries by a variety of
customers and regulators for different welding processes, pipe diameters and wall thicknesses.

The system’s many beneficial features include:

q no radiation hazards or harmful chemical waste – environmentally friendly

q on-line presentation of results
q immediate weld quality feed back to reduce repair rates
q allows use of ECA (engineering critical assessment) and post project engineering
q substantial Time of Inspection reduction
q no equipment present inside the pipe (no crawler cut-outs)
q able to work in areas of strong electromagnetic interference
q capable of inspecting welds at elevated temperatures
q acceptance criteria can be adjusted to suit client requirements
q can accommodate any weld bevel or welding process SMAW or GMAW

The Rotoscan has demonstrated its capabilities for use on laybarges as an alternative to high-
speed radiography. During a recent laybarge project, a consistent inspection rate of over 350
welds per day was achieved giving an effective cycle time of four minutes.
2.0 Description of the Rotoscan and its Operating
2.1 Inspection Principle
Full weld inspection coverage is achieved by placing an ultrasonic probe set on both sides of the
weld; each probe within the set examines a depth zone within the weld. This eliminates the need
to move the probes to and from the weld, as in the conventional practice in time consuming
manual ultrasonic inspection and most mechanized UT systems.

Figure 1 shows a cross section of a typical mechanized weld divided into a number of weld passes.

Figure 2 shows a typical mechanized welding plan view of this arrangement utilizing probes with focused or natural
focussed beams.

Figure 3 shows a cross section and plan view of a typical SMAW weld.

Top view of transducer lay out

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3

70° 60° 60° 60° 60° 55°






60° 60°
70° 55°

60° 60° F2 RT


2.2 Rotoscan Main Components

Rotoscan consists of the following main components:

2.2.1 Scanners

The Rotoscan can be equipped with 3 different types of scanners to cover a wide range of pipe
diameters starting from 2" up to 56" diameter. All scanners are provided with a high precision

* Micro scanner Range: 2" to 6"

* Midi scanner Range: 6" to 12"
* Standard scanner Range: 12" to 56"

All scanners are designed to be handled by one operator.

For the standard scanner, a second operator is needed to
handle the guiding band.
An electric drive motor provides the scanning motion.
Positions around the circumference are measured with
an encoder.
The large diameter scanners (12" and up) are mounted on
a track, which is preferable the same as used for
automated welding.


Scanners for pipeline OD ranges of 2" to 56" can quickly be attached and removed.
The micro and midi scanners are of a horseshoe shaped, clamped-on type. The larger diameter
scanners are guided along on a guiding band, which needs to be mounted before the inspection
2.2.2 Umbilical

The umbilical cable is required for connection between the scanner and the electronics, which are
housed inside an all-terrain vehicle or an instrumentation cabin. Operating lengths are between 50
and 150 feet.

2.2.3 Control panel

Control panel with joystick for online scanner operation in CW and CCW direction.

2.2.4 Ultrasonic Instrument

Computerized Multi-Channel Ultrasonic Instrument, up to 64 sequences (channels),with

programmable setting for:

• Transmitter and receiver channels 1- 32

• Programmable Gain 0-80 dB (1 dB increments)
• Gate start and length. (min. increment 0.1mm)
• Delay (mm)
• Threshold level 5% - 100% Full Screen Height (FSH)
• Recordable output selection between; Amplitude and/or Transit Distance, Mapping,
TOFD and Coupling.
• Selection between First / Highest amplitude detection within the gated section.

2.2.5 Computer

Computerized data storage with dedicated software, offering color-enhanced user-friendly and
coherent presentation enabling quick and unambiguous interpretation of inspection results.

2.2.6 Printer

Printer to produce instant field inspection records.

2.2.7 Calibration set-up

A calibration plate, made of an original piece of the pipeline material to be inspected, is prepared
with artificial defects such as flat bottom holes and/or notches, which represent actual flaws.
Artificial defects are present in each weld pass.
2.2.8 Coupling system

Coupling medium supply system for the acoustic contact between ultrasonic probes and pipe
surface. Water is used to cool down the outer pipe surface to a temperature just below 212°F.

2.2.9 Probes

Ultrasonic probes which are designed and manufactured by RTD to the specific weld
configuration and material (angle, frequency and focus) to be inspected. Probes are designed to
withstand use on hot pipe surface.

2.3 Data presentation and storage

2.3.1 Data presentation

The Rotoscan system incorporates computerized data presentation and storage. The use of a
computer enables digitizing of ultrasonic signals, essential for coherent C-scan mapping and the
use of Time Of Flight Diffraction technique (TOFD) within the system.

In addition, the software allows for automatic judgement of indications and defect tally list
generation. The system also provides weld cross sections showing the position of indications
within the weld.

As an example, a typical weld defect indication as produced by Rotoscan is shown alongside a

photograph of the sectioned weld showing the defect. The example is derived from the RTD
Rotoscan Image Reference Collection used for training purposes.
Circumferential position 2434 mm

Weld data: ROTOSCAN inspection data:

Weld type: circumferential Function: Z3 US/DS

Wall thickness: 25.7 mm Calibration: FBH 3 mm 80% FSH
Material: carbon steel Reflection: 166%
Weld procedure: SAW Comment: Also visible in mapping and TOFD,
TOFD Depth 11.3 – 15.5 mm

Sheet no: RTD10088

Below, some typical features of a Rotoscan printout are shown.

Header information

The header information section is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
The information section contains the RTD logo, the selected filename, present date and user
comments if any.


The X-section of the weld is displayed in the middle of the header. When a cursor is moved over
the Rotoscan data the corresponding position within the welds is displayed as a black bar. A
green bar is displayed if the cursor passes an acceptable defect indication.
A red bar is displayed if the cursor passes a non-acceptable defect indication.
Defect list section

The defect list section is displayed on the top left-hand side of the screen. It contains the number
of defects, defect code, beginning, end and location of each defect.

Coupling monitors

The coupling monitor channels display a red color where the amplitude drops below the threshold
level or a green color otherwise. The total number of coupling monitoring channels matches the
number of inspection channels.
Amplitude and Transit Distance data presentation

(up-stream side only)

The pulse-echo channels show both the Amplitude (Ampl) and the Range or Transit Distance
(TD) of the signal in the gate.
Each channel represents an inspection zone. The total number of channels displayed is related to
the number of zones and wall thickness of the weld.
The layout is symmetrically build-up whereby the channels on the left-hand side are used for
probe functions at the up-stream side of the weld centerline. The right hand side displays the
channels at the down-stream side of the weld.
Each channel represents a depth zone within the wall thickness of the weld counting from the
weld Cap to Root. The Transit Distance Amplitude channels show the registration of analogue
amplitude together with the transit distance of each individual probe in use. The amplitude line is
drawn in a black line 0 to 100%. The transit distance is presented in a solid grey bar. The width
of the grey bar is related to the measured transit distance.
The transit distance ‘TD’ can be used to determine the flaw's position in the weld.

The rejection threshold is also represented on each channel by a series of dots. The usual
rejection threshold is 40% and the computer automatically indicates any signal exceeding this
Mapping image data presentation

The gate-and-threshold based pulse-echo Rotoscan concept is expanded by a mapping-based

presentation. Instead of recording only the maximum amplitude and range of the signal detected
within a gate, the A-scan within the gate is digitized and recorded, and displayed as a single line.
The amplitude of the signal at each point along its length is color coded, and these lines are
stacked together to produce an image. This gives a graphical ‘map’ of the root and cap areas, and
it is easier to monitor changes.
The zones usually selected for mapping are:
- those looking at the body of the weld to look for internal flaws such as porosity
- the root, which aids interpretation of the root signals by identifying the presence and location
of the root penetration.

All mapping channels are displayed in the middle of the Rotoscan screen.
2.3.2 Added value of mapping

The mapping facility offers the possibility of pattern recognition, which appeared to be the key
feature for reliable inspection of welds with narrow roots (manual stick, narrow gap) as well as
recognition and quantification of volumetric defects such as porosity. This has been made
possible by the fact that the improved technology enables unambiguous signal interpretation such
as root penetration and cap position.
2.3.3 Added value of TOFD

TOFD (Time of Flight Diffraction) in combination with standard pulse-echo techniques as used
in Rotoscan can offer unique advantages over the application of pulse-echo techniques alone,
especially since modern high-speed signal processing enables the application of this technique at
the normal Rotoscan inspection speed (typically 2 – 4 inch/sec). Principle showed below.

TOFD - sound paths

3.0 Inspection Procedure

For application of the Rotoscan system, it is standard practice to operate strictly according to a
mutually agreed inspection procedure. To judge the results, the procedure always contains clear
acceptance/rejection criteria. These criteria may be based on an Engineering Critical Assessment
or other conventional workmanship standards.

4.0 General technical reservations

4.1 The Rotoscan inspection sensitivity is based upon the detection of an (size previously
agreed upon) artificial calibration reflector. All weld defect indications detected during
the actual inspection scan are compared with sensitivity setting, and judged upon
acceptance. In addition the mapping facility in the root offers pattern recognition, where
the root penetration made visible.

4.2 Inspection time

A typical total inspection time for a circumferential weld is as follows:

* Attach the band on the pipe : 60 sec

* Check position related to weld center : 30 sec
* Install the scanner on guiding band : 30 sec
* Inspection of 10" pipe at 2inch/sec : 20 sec
* Evaluation of result : 0 sec (if defect free)
30 sec (if defect found)
* Remove band from pipe : 10 sec

Total cycle time: 150 sec to 210 sec*

4.2.1 General Rotoscan notes

The client is to supply suitable pipe material to manufacture calibration plates, as

required. Generally for each pipe diameter, wall thickness, material, manufacturer and
inspection location, a calibration plate is required. There are exceptions to this based on
material similarities.

The following material is to be supplied for manufacture calibration plates:

- Diameter 2" to 24": A pipe section of length 12 inch (measure in axial direction)
- Diameter 24" to 60": A section of pipe material with the following dimensions
24 inch (measured in the circumferential direction)
12 inch (measured in the axial direction)

No welds should be present in calibration material supplied.

4.3 Operational requirements for the Rotoscan system

- Concrete cutback to be a minimum of 15.75inch, scanner arrangement to be discussed.

- Longitudinal or spiral welds ground flush to at least 6inch from circumferential

weld (exact length to be defined).

- Neither coating nor weld spatter present up to (min) 6inch on either side of
circumferential weld for the scanning area (exact length to be defined).

- One calibration plate is required for each operational system.

- Rotoscanrequires a suitable supply of clean fresh potable water for coupling

purposes, approximately two (2) liters per weld at a pressure of 3 Bar.

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