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Review “The Silent Child” by Muhamad Nur Yasin Amadudin

Director: Chris Overton

Producer: Rachel Shenton, Chris Overton, Rebecca Harris, Julie Foy
Artist/Actors: Maisie Sly, Rachel Shenton, Rachel Fielding, Philip York
Studio: Slick Films, Slick Showreels.
Release date: August 8, 2017
Duration: 20 minutes
Country: UK


Rachel Joy Shenton is a British actress and writer born in the


She was the writer of a film called “The Silent Child”. The film was
adapted from her initiative to make all of school in the UK or around
the world has sign language applied in.

This film visualizes how a child with deaf disability struggled to

understand what people saying, until she got a perfect way to
communicate used sign language teached by a caring social worker.

“A deaf 6-year-old girl named Libby lives in a world of silence until a

caring social worker gives her the gift of communication,” that is a
punch line of this little story but filmed with box office-level


The child represent how vacuous feeling of deaf disability suffer,

trying to understand peoples nearby.
It start from a family with parent’s child also other older sister and
older brother, Libby actored by Maisie Sly as the child, the only one
has deaf disability. She usually lead any day with commonly activity
but showing sad faces.

In the next scene a caring social worker come to Libby’s home and
start teaches her the sign languages, but in the first it’s not well
enough to teach her, the caring social worker actored by Rachel
Shenton as Joanne trying approaching her for more good

Until a few day the child and her teacher come close enough and
start practicing the sign language, Libby begin liking the language,
she understand what the Joanne say with the sign language.

But her mother thought that Libby will not gonna study sign
language anymore for some reason, her mother want Libby can read
lips movement but she can’t do that, it’s so hard. Her mother decide
send Libby to the school that study lips movement.

In the end, Joanne has an emotional feeling to Libby that Libby can
only use sign language but her mother doesn’t. Libby say “I Love You”
with sign letter and Joanne reply “I love you too” with sign letter.


The acting of a Maisie Sly who played the role of Libby in this film is
great. She is able to play his role as Libby very well. However, this
film will be even better and more sink in if the duration is longer


I thought this is a box office film-level cinematography and a very

inspiring film, makes realizing how vacuouses being a deaf disability,
a film that can realize people that deaf disability and another
disability must be caring more to be facilitated. For example, every
school need to be a sign languages facilitated.

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