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Radiophll,ie# and Quantum Electronic,, Vol. 39, No.

2, 1996



T. M. Zaboronkova, I. G. K o n d r a t ' e v ,
a n d A. V . K u d r i n UDC 533.951

We study a VLF plasma-waveguide antenna system having the form o] a field-aligned quasicylin-
drical enchancement of plasma density, which relaxes gradually to the background magnetoplasma
with distance from the given source. A model enabling one to calculate both the total radiated
power and the power distribution over the spatial spectrum of radiated waves is proposed. It is
shown that this plasma antenna is useful for increasing the power going to the long-wave part
of the spatial spectrum of whistler waves ezcited in the ambient plasma. Concrete estimates for
terrestrial ionospheric conditions are given.


In this paper, we continue the investigations performed in [1-4] and consider the excitation of VLF
waves by artificial plasma-waveguide radiating systems in the ionosphere. Such systems, which are formed
in a self-consistent way in the magnetoplasma near the radiators [5-8], seem to be promising for efficient
control of VLF wave characteristics. We restrict ourselves to considering only the frequencies
WLH < w << wH << wp (i)
(WLH is the lower-hybrid frequency, and wg and wb are the cylotron and plasma frequencies of electrons,
respectively) in the VLF range. These frequencies correspond to whistler waves, the methods of effective
excitation of which have recently been discussed widely in the literature.
It is well known that only one of the two normal modes of cold magnetoplasma propagates in the
frequency region (1). The surface of the refractive index of this mode is shown in Fig. 1 in the form of the
dependence p = p(q), where p and q are the longitudinal and transverse components of the wave vector,
respectively, which are normalized to the wavenumber k0 = w/c in free space. Efficiency enchancement in the
excitation of the long-wave part of the spatial spectrum of radiated whistlers is of particular interest for many
applications (see [9]). Conventionally, this long-wave part of the spectrum can be specified as 0 <_ q < q,,
where q, is the value corresponding to the Story cone, p"(q,) = 0). On the one hand, the increase of
interest in this problem is explained by the fact that only in this section of the spatial spectrum can the
waves be emitted to the Earth-ionospheric waveguide and reach the Earth's surface when the radiator is
located in the midlatitude or polar ionosphere [10]. On the other hand, the waves of this section undergo
a considerably weaker collisional damping in the ionosphere than the waves belonging to the intermediate
interval q, <_ q < qc, and than the small-scale quasielectrostatic waves belonging to the region q > qc
in particular (qc is the transverse wavenumber corresponding to conic refraction, P'(qc) = 0). Hence, the
excitation of long-wave whistlers is of interest for long-distance transportation of VLF emissions in the near
Earth space.
Obviously, the total radiated power and its relative portion going to the long-wave part of the spatial
spectrum can be increased either by increasing the dimensions of the radiator itself [1] or by increasing the
plasma density in the vicinity of the radiator [2]. In particular, experimental and theoretical studies [2, 11]

Radiophysical Research Institute and Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod. Translated from
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii, Radiofizika, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 210-225, February, 1996. Original
article submitted December 12, 1995.

0033-8443/96/3902-0145515.00 @1996 Plenum Publishing Corporation 145


o qs qc q
Fig. 1. Refractive index surface in the whistler frequency range (1).

show that the formation of a plasma duct with increased density near the radiator leads to a noticeable
increase in the total radiated power in the region (1). W h e n a loop antenna with ring electricalcurrent is
used as the radiator, the major portion of this power is spent for the waveguided quasilocalized (improper)
modes, which are then re-emitted from the waveguide ends to the ambient plasma m e d i u m [2, 3]. Of
course, the structure of the radiated field in the plasma environment is strongly dependent on the mode
composition as well as on the amplitude and phase relationships between the modes at the waveguide
output [4]. Obviously, these factors are determined, in turn, by the conditions of mode excitation and the
character of mode transportation in the duct. The study of the influence of these basic factors on the
radiated power distribution over the spatial spectrum of waves excited by a plasma-wavegnide antenna
system in the ionospheric plasma is the main goal of this paper.

2. B A S I C E Q U A T I O N S

Consider an emitting system which consists of a cyhndrical plasma waveguide aligned with an external
magnetic field]~0 -- H0 7-oand an electromagnetic source inside of it with a given time-harmonic (,~exp(itot) )
ring electricalcurrent,
Yff) = r X0 5(p - b) 6(z). (2)
Here p, ~, and z are the cylindricalcoordinates and 5({) is the Dirac delta fuction. It is assumed that the
plasma density N(p, z) in the duct relaxes gradually to the background value N with distance from the
source (see Fig. 2). Since our further analysis is based on the results reported in our previous papers [2--41,
we shall recall some of the necessary data given there.
First of all, we recall that for description of the field in the plasma duct we can make use of the
well-known method of cross-sections developed for shielded and open isotropic dielectric waveguides [12,
13]. This method is generalized to the case of open guiding systems with gyrotropic fillingin [3]. According
to [3],complex field amphtudes ~(p,z),
/~(p,z) in a duct with increased plasma density (N > N), where
the existence of only quasilocalizedmodes [14] in the range (I) is allowed, can be represented in the form*

~(p,z) = ~ dr(z)E~.+ ~ f d...(z,q) E.,,.(q)dq,

~(p,z) = E d.,(z)H~ + E f d.,~(z,q) Ho,a(q)dq. (3)

~v s,ct r.,t

*Hereinafter we give expressions related to the half-space z > 0, since the field excited by the current (2) is symmetric with
respect to the source plane (z = 0).

Fig. 2. Structure of the plasma density isolines: Nz > N2 > N3.

The quantities ]~,,~and/~,,., and ]~ and/I~ given in (3) describe transverse distributionsof the fields
of continuous waves, which initiallyare not confined by the duct, and of the fieldsof quasilocMized modes
confined by the duct, respectively,as applied to a comparison waveguide corresponding to the cross section
z = const. Since the latter modes are leaky, their propagation constants p = p,, (p_,, = -pv) are complex
9 II
even in the absence of losses in the medium: pv = p~ - tp~. The symbols ~ and ~ have the meaning
arV IiGt

-~ t~ (+)

E ( . . . I + Et , =(l . . . I ,
Es , a( . . . ) = s = ( - ) ct o

Here, M is the total number of modes and the plus and minus signs indicate the propagation directions
relative to the O Z axis, which can be either positive (v > 0, s = ( + ) ) or negative (v < 0, s = ( - ) ) . The
indices ct denote the "ordinary" (ct = o) or "extraordinary" (ct = e) wave. It is well known [15] that in the
homogeneous background plasma described by a dielectric tensor of the general form

~ -{9 0 )
0 0 ,7

the relationship between the longitudinal and transverse components of the wave vector of these waves is
given by

1 ~ q2 R(q) ,

, ]1/2

where Xe = -Xo = 1, p~. = p+,~ = - p - , a , I m p a < 0, Re ]~ > 0. t The path of integration L t in expres-
sions (3) goes in the complex plane q from point q = 0 to infinity along the line defined by the relation
I m q = - R e q t a n 7. The angle 7 must satisfy the conditions [2, 3]

m abs x { a r c t a n ( p ~"/ p ~')} < 7 < (0)

A procedure for seeking fields on the right-hand sides of expressions (3), as applied to the case of
arbitrary distribution of plasma over the cross section, is presented in [3]. The representation of these
fields in analytical form is possible only for a homogeneous distribution of plasma in the duct. Expressions
appropriate to this case can be taken from [2].

tNote that in accordance with the terms adopted here, the refractive index surface shown in Fig. 1 corresponds to the
"extraordinary" wave.

Note that since the leakage of energy through the side walls of the duct is small over the frequency
range (1), p: ~ p~ [14, 16], the following condition is met for actual ionospheric waveguides (see [8]):

k o r .I! L << 1 (7)

(L is the characteristiclength of the waveguide). This condition enables one to consider only the emission
from the end of the waveguide.
The coefficientsd~v and d,,ain (3) are solutionsof the system of singular integro-differentialequations
which were obtained and analyzed in [3]. For a duct the parameters of which change in the longitudinal
direction slowly enough, these equations can be solved by the perturbation method. W h e n the conditions
kov' L >> -
kov' L > [v lCv' -
f ~ 't

are satisfied, where 79 = m a x i X / e + v < r,i < . . . < v" < . . . < v~ < 4e + I#I, w e c o n f i . n e
Igl, 2 e * / ~ ,
ourselves to the zero order of the perturbation theory, which corresponds to using the adiabatic (WKB)
approximation [3],

d~,(z) = dv(zo) \ N,,(z)] exp -iko p,,(r de ,


d.,~(z,q) = d.,~(zo, q)exp [ - ikop.,~(q)(z- Zo)].

Here, the tensor components g, ~ and ~, g correspofid to the plasma densities N(0, z) and N, respectively,
and Nv is the norm of the vth quasilocalizedmode
c g~,gc~) rgcr) (10)
L ~V '

The index (T) of this mode indicates that the corresponding value relates to the so-called "transposed"
medium, i.e., the medium with a transposed permittivity tensor ~(T) (the transition in such a medium is
reached by the substitution/fro --~ -1~o); the path of integration L-~ goes at first along the real axis p = Re p
for 0 _< p _< P0 = max{a, b} and then goes to infinity(p : oo) along the line p : Re p + i(Re p - p0) tan7 in
the complex plane p (a is the local radius of the waveguide).
With distance from the source, the adiabatic approximation (9) ceases to be satisfied,beginning from
a certain cross-section z = Zcr < L. If the plasma density in the duct in the vicinity of the cross-section
z = zcr is close enough to the background value, then the amplitudes of reflected waves are obviously small,
so that they can be neglected in a firstapproximation, i.e., approximately we can put d_~ ~ 0 and d_ ,, ~ 0
in (3). Bearing in mind that under the usual condition N(0,0) >> N [7, 8] the major part of the energy
emitted by the current (1) goes to the waveguided modes, we finally arrive at

~(p,z),.~ ~ d~(O) /~exp -iko p~,(r162

\N~(~)) 0


~(p,z) ~.. ~ dr(O) \Nv(z)] H,, exp -iko p~(r162 ,

v=l 0
where the coefficientsdr(0) can befound by a method based o. the Lorentz lemma. According to [2, 3],
they are given by
dr(O)= IVy(z)2~b E _~,~,_,
(r) (h z)[~=o. (12)

To simplify description of the field ~(p, z), /~(p,z) (without loss of the physical meaning), it is
convenient to approximate the plasma density profile in each cross section z = const by the model law

.~(p,z) : N + (.~ - N)[I - U(p- a)] (13)

with the corresponding local parameters N = N(z) and a = a(z) (U(~) is a Heaviside function). As
mentioned above, this approximation permits analytical representation of the quantities E~, and/t~, in (11).
For calculations in the domain p < a, it seems reasonable to use the following rigorous expressions:






and in the domain p > a, the approximate expressions

Ev,p ~ pnl + C(~,)KI (s p) ,

E~,,~ ~ iC(~) KI (s P) ,

Hv,p .~. -ipC(~') Kl (s P) ,

H~,~'~ -nl C(~')KI ( s P ) ,

n. = ~(p, ~), ~ = ~(p, N), (16)

nm(p,N)--~ p'+q~(p,N)+---~ /pg,

J.(e) and K.(e) are Bessd and Macdonald hmctions, respectively (for more details, see [4]). The relations
for q,~(p, N) are obtained from (5) if q is expressed through p:

q ~ ( p , N ) = [~" - g' + ~,7 - (,7 + ~)p' + ( - 1 ) "~ O(p,N)]/2~,

T h e formulas for nm(p, N) and q,n(p, N) are found from expressions (16) and (17) by replacement o f t , g, and
by the quantities g, ~, and f/corresponding to a homogeneous plasma with density N. Note that we give
only the expressions for transverse field components, since it is exactly these expressions that are required
for further calculations. We emphasize that these components axe taken for p = Pv, and the propagation
constants p~, themselves are found by solving the approximate dispersion equation which is valid in the
frequency range (1)
[J(Q,) + :
~,l - n l
n2 fil
K(S) J(Q1) -
~2 - fit
J(Q,) K(S), (18)

Jl(Qm) KI(s)
J(Q,n) = K(S)- S Ko(S)
(see [4, 16]). Within the framework of the approximations which we use here, the coefficientsB ~ ) and C (v)
are given by

B~ ~') = (fi2 - nl) JI(Q~) KI( S) p=p ,

B~") = (n, - fil ) Jl ( Qi ) K, ( S) ip=p. , (19)

C (') : (~2 - fi,) Jl(Q1) JI(Q2) p=p.

The above formulas for the field in the duct permit one to calculate the param-ters of the radiation
from the duct end to the environment. They will be discussed in what follows.


The total (integral) radiated power P~ of the ring current (2) in the presence of the above plasma-
waveguide duct can be calculated using the general formulas [2, 3] for the case of an infinite plasma column.
One has only to substitute the plasma waveguide parameters that correspond to the immediate vicinity of
the radiator in the appropriate formulas. Obviously, seeking the differential radiative characteristics of such
systems, and the distribution of radiated power over the spatial spectrum of waves excited in the plasma
environment in particular, requires considering a separate problem of mode re-emission from the ends of the
plasma duct.
For this purpose, we make use of the Huygens electrodynamic principle and assign, in the cross-section
z -- z, < Z~r, where the representation of the field E , / ~ in the form (11) is still valid, the fictitious electric
and magnetic currents

7. = 4-; to, 6(~ - ~.), 3-7 = 4~ to, 6(z - ~.). (20)

Next, using the general equations given in Cll, we arrive at the expression for the radiated power of assigned
currents in a homogeneous plasma with density N

P- 4,,~,7f [ ,I. ~ _ ,.g~ .. ~1~i ~ de, (21)

[ [ rlqsl igqz ~qz + q2 _

f ~,m(:.) exp(ik6 ~e ~') d~',

= zoq= -4- ~oqu + Zope(q), q = (q2z 4- q~)1/2, de = dq. dqu. (22)

Expression (21), which is a spectral representation of the power P radiated from the duct end, is convenient
for further calculations. By virtue of the symmetry of the problem in question, the total radiated power P~
is equal to double the power P corresponding to the currents given by (20).
For numerical calculations, beforehand we must find, using the equations given in the previous section
of this paper, the functions (22) in the integrand of (21), and only then can we perform the integration
itself. It is easily seen that the integral of (21) is convergent. Following [1], we divide the entire domain of
integration into three parts defined by the inequalities

~. qs<_q<qc, (23)

II__!I. q~ ~_ q < oo.

By calculation of separate integrals in the above limits, we find the partial radiated powers Pw, PI, and
PQ, which go to the long-wave part (I_-),intermediate part (~), and short-wave part (III) corresponding
to electrostaticwaves, respecuvely, in the spatial spectrum. Along with the partial powers Pw, PI, and
PQ, we also use the normalized quantities ~w = Pw/P, ~z = Pz/P, and ~Q = PQ/P. It is apparent that
~w + ~z + ~Q = I. Although the partitioning (23) is pure conventional, this procedure is physically relevant
to the problem in question.
In what follows we give selected results of the numerical calculations. They show the influence of
the plasma duct on the distribution of radiated power over the spatial spectrum. The calculations were
performed for the model distribution of plasma in the duct (Fig.3) and the following given parameters of
the plasma environment under terrestrialionospheric conditions: N = 106cm -3 (wp = 5.64. 107sec-1),
H0 = 0.50e (WH = 8.78.106 sec-1); the chosen radius of the radiator and frequency of the radiated signal
were b = 2.5m and w = 1.88 9 10 s sec-1. To make the calculations easier, we used an approximation of
the form of (13) for the plasma density in the duct, N(p, z). First, we determined the local values of a(z)
and N(z) for a few specially selected cross sections z = zl (see (13)) to make the simplified distribution of
plasma in the duct (13) close to the actual fielddistribution N(p, z) shown in Fig. 3. Next, using the values
of a(zl) and -~(zi) thus obtained, we constructed an approximation of the functions a(z) and N(z) for all
points z in the interval [0,z,].
Primary attention is given to the analysis of the behavior of ~w, ~r, and ~Q under the conditions
of sequential relaxation, or, longitudinal stretching of the distribution IV(p,z) shown in Fig. 3. In the
calculations, this effect is manifested by a change in z, within the limits of 3.5 k m < z, < 6 km. It appears
that within the framework of this model, for the chosen parameters, the total radiated power Pr. depends
only slightly on the length of the plasma duct. The total radiation resistance Rr. = = 2Pr./IIo[~ for the
plasma density at the duct center At(0,0) = 5 9 107 c m -3 (see Fig. 3) amounts to Rs = 0.12 f~. The main
part of the total radiated power goes to the firstsix (u = 1,... ,6) quasipolarized wavegnided modes, and
the radiation resistance in these modes RI-e = 0.10 f/. Hence, we confine ourselves to taking only these
six modes into account and assume that //s ~ RI-6. Note that Rs exceeds considerably the radiation
resistance Rs,# of the same current (2) located in the background medium: Rs,# = 3.53 9 10 -3 fl . The
dependences of ~w, ~z, and ~Q on the length of the plasma duct are distinctlyoscillatoryin nature, and the
quantities ~W and ~x simultaneously take the m a x i m u m values ~w = 7.63- 10 -3 and ~(m~x) = 5.14.10 -I
over the above range of z,; the quantity ~Q is equal to 4.78.10 -I. Multiplying these values by the total

1t10 7 cn(3


Fig. 3. Plasma density distribution in the duct.

radiation resistance, we find the partial radiation resistances ""w = 7.63.10 - 4 ~ , R (max) = 5.14.10 -2 f/,
and RQ = 4.78.10 -2 f/ , which correspond to the above-specified (see (23)) characteristic sections of the
spatial spectrum. For comparison, we give the partial radiation resistances Rw,~, RI,~, and RQ,~ when
the current (2) is located in the background medium: Rw,~ = 1.80.10 -5 f/ , Rx,~ = 7.91 9 10 -4 f/, and
RQ,~ = 2.72 910 -3 fL As an example, Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the partial radiation resistance Rw
normalized to Rw,~ on the length of the plasma duct (z,). The related dependence for the ratio RI/RI,~
is similar and is therefore omitted here. At points where Rw takes the minimum values, virtually the
entire power re-emitted from the waveguide ends goes to quasielectrostatic waves; thus, ~(n~x) ~ 1 and
R(0m~) ~ R~.
Analysis of the intermediate numerical calculations gives a physical interpretation of the results which
we obtained (Fig. 4). It appears that under these conditions the wavegulded quasilocalized modes, which
give the main contribution to the total field at the waveguide end, have similar amplitudes and transverse

wavenumbers QI(p~) for the large-scale part of the field described by the functions J,~ (Q1 P )

(see Eq. (14) and Ref. [4]): QI(p~)- QI(p~+I)<< ~r, ([QI[ << [Q2[ ). At the same time, the transverse
wavenumbers Q2(p~,) of different modes, which correspond to the small-scale part of the field described by

Rw/RW, f~



0 4 5 6 zs, km
Fig. 4. Dependence of the partial radiation resistance Rw on duct length.

thefunctions Jm (Q2ap-) , arestronglydifferentfromeachother: Q2(p~,+I)-

t - Q 2 ( p ~ ) "~ 7r. Therefore, if the
modes are in phase for some z,, then the large-scale components of their fields are simply summed up at the
waveguide end. This is exactly why the radiated power is redistributed to the long-wave part of the spatial
spectr~lm. As a result, the maYiraa of R w and R I are observed. Also, it is clear from the above that the
form of the dependence presented in Fig. 4 must be described approximately by the function

/=~ ~e~ -iko p'(~)dr , (24)

= 0

where .~/ is the number of modes which are taken into account (we recall that A;/ = 6). Moreover, the
calculations show that the dependences p~(z) allow the following approximation to be used: p~(z) "" "~
(1 + vA) 7~(z), where A is a constant. Bearing this fact in mind, we find, from (24),

/ ~ t (25)
.~ sin~ ( ~ _ ~ ) '

where ~$

= / ~(~) d(.
It is readily seen that expression (25) indeed describes qualitatively the dependence of R w on the duct
length (cf. Fig. 4).
It is seen from the data presented here that the partial radiation resistance R w of this plasma-
waveguide antenna system can, at times, exceed considerably the quantity R w , ~ , which corresponds to the
background plasma tD(max)/D
~.,LW /~w,~ = 42), although the relative contribution of the long-wave part of the

spatial spectrum to the total radiated power is, as previously, negligible, (~,~x) <(I). A rise in ~w can, in
principle, be achieved by increasing the duct radius in the vicinity of the duct end z ~_ z,. Specifically,ff
the duct radius is large enough,
a(z.) > (e + Igl
the contribution of this section will exceed the contribution of the intermediate part of the spatial spectrum,
W > ~.I

4. C O N C L U S I O N

It follows from this analysis that this plasma-wavegnide VLF antenna system indeed can be used to
increase both the total radiated power and the power going to the long-wave part of the spatial spectrum of
whistler waves excited in the ambient plasma. In the case of a long plasma body, the total radiated power
is determined by the local plasma parameters in the immediate vicinity of the source. The resultant power
distribution over the spatial spectrum is greatly dependent on the integrating properties of the plasma body
as a whole. We also note that in the case of an artificial plasma, the structure of the total radiated signal is
determined by the formation and subsequent relaxation of the related plasma body. All this opens up new
opportunities for the effective control of radiation characteristics.
It is apparent that although all the particular results relate to artificial plasmas, the approach itself
and the general expressions are applicable to plasma-waveguide ducts existing under the natural conditions
of terrestrial space, such as the magnetospheric ducts of plasma density, for example.

The work of the first two authors was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental
Research (Project codes No. 95-02-05001 and No. 94-02-05447-a, respectively). The work of the third
author (A. V. Kudrin) was supported by the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research under Grant
No. 96-02-18666.


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