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LTO FINES AND PENALTIES (Joint Administrative Order No.

(Updated as of September 07, 2020)

Driver’s MV Owner VIOLATIONS
- Disqualification from
Driving without valid driver's granting of
license / driver's license and
conductor's permit driving a
Motor Vehicle for a period
3,000.00 NONE NONE NONE of
one (1) year
Allowing unauthorized driver to
drive PUV or - Disqualification from
allowing a driver to drive PUV granting of
1a 4-8
without driver's license and
bringing his/her driver's license NONE NONE 3,000.00 5,000.00 driving a
1st Offense NONE NONE 3,000.00 10,000.00 Motor Vehicle for a period
2nd Offense NONE NONE 3,000.00 15,000.00 of
3rd Offense and sub-sequent 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE one (1) year.
Offense - Impoundment of unit for
Includes the following: thirty (30)
- Driving with delinquent or expired days
license - Cancellation of CPC
- Driving with suspended or
1a revoked or improper 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE - Disqualification from granting of
license driver's license and driving
a Motor Vehicle for a period of
- Inappropriate driver's license one (1) year.
1a 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE
restriction code
- Inappropriate driver's license
1a 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE
- Possession and use of
1a fake/spurious driver's 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE
- Tourist driving a Motor Vehicle
with a valid
1a foreign driver's license beyond the 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE
maximum allowable period
- Student driver driving without
1a being accompanied 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE
by a duly license driver.
Driving a Motor Vehicle used in the - Confiscation and revocation of
commision of a driver's license upon conviction
1b crime upon conviction by a regular 10,000.00 NONE 10,000.00 NONE and disqualification from
court of competent granting of driver's license and
jurisdiction. driving
a Motor Vehicle.
Commission of a crime in the
course of Apprehension - Impoundment of Motor Vehicle
1c upon conviction by a regular court 10,000.00 NONE 10,000.00 NONE until ordered to be released by
of competent a regular court of competent
jurisdiction. jurisdiction.
For Non-Professional DL
First Conviction - confiscation
and suspension of driver's
Refer to Refer to
Driving while under the influence of license
Sec. 12, Sec. 12,
1d alcohol and / or NONE NONE for twelve (12) months.
RA No. RA No.
prohibited drugs Second Conviction - revocation
10586 10586
of driver's license.

For Professional DL
First Conviction - confiscation
and perpetual revocation
Reckless Driving
- Suspension of driver's license
1st Offense
2,000.00 NONE 2,000.00 NONE for three (3) months
1e 2nd Offense
3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE - Suspension of driver's license
for six (6) months and revocation
3rd Offense and subsequent
10,000.00 NONE 10,000.00 NONE on the succeeding offense.

Employing reckless, insolent,

discorteous or
arrogant driver
4-7 1st Offense
- Impoundment of Unit for thirty
NONE NONE NONE 10,000.00 (30) days
2nd Offense
NONE NONE NONE 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
3rd Offense
unit is authorized
- Drive's license shall be put on
Submission of fake documents in alarm, revocation and
driver's license NONE NONE disqualification of granting
application (new/renewal) license and driving for a period
1f of one (1) year.
- Driver's license shall be
revoked and the applicant shall a. Prior to R.A. 10930 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 NONE be
10930 prohibited from applying for a
Sec. 4b period of two (2) years.
- The repetition of such offense
b. Upon the effectivity of Republic
shall warrant the perpetual
Act 10930 on 20,000.00 NONE 20,000.00 NONE
disqualification from being
July 20, 2019
granted driver's license in
to the fine.
Failure to wear the prescribed
This includes allowing a 6 years
seatbelt device and/or
old and below to be seated in
1g1 failure to require the front seat
front passenger seat.
passenger to wear
1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
R.A. 1st Offense
2,000.00 NONE 2,000.00 NONE
Sec. 12- 2nd Offense
- Suspension of driver's license
5,000.00 NONE 5,000.00 NONE for one (1) week for the third and
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
each succeeding offense.
Failure to require his/her
- For PUV's both the operator
1g2 passenger/s to wear the
and the driver are liable to pay
prescribed seatbelt / post NONE NONE 3,000.00 3,000.00
R.A. 8750 appropriate seatbelt signage
said fine for every violation.
(for PUV)
Failure to wear the standard
protective Motorcycle
helmet or failure to require the back
rider to wear
standard protective Motorcycle
helmet (R.A 10054)
1h 1,500.00 NONE NONE NONE
1st Offense
R.A 10054 3,000.00 NONE NONE NONE
2nd Offense
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
10,000.00 NONE NONE NONE
4th Offense and succeeding
Wearing substandard helmet or
without ICC sticker
R.A 10054 3,000.00 NONE NONE NONE
1st Offense
2nd Offense
Failure to carry Driver's License,
Certificate of Registration
1i 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
or Official Receipt (OR/CR) while
All other violations of traffic rules
and regulations:

1j1 Illegal Parking

1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j2 Disregarding Traffic Signs
1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j3 Allowing passengers on top or
1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
cover of a motor vehicle
except in a truck helper
Failure to provide canvass cover to
1j4 cargos or freight of 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
trucks requiring the same
Permitting passenger to ride on
1j5 running board, step-board 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
or mudguard of Motor Vehicle
Failure to dim headlights when
1j6 approaching another 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Driving in a place not intended for
1j7 traffice or into place not 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
allowed for parking
Hitching or permitting a person or a
1j8 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
bicycle, motorcycle,
tricycle or skate roller to hitch to a
Motor Vehicle
1j9 Driving against traffic rules 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j10 Illegal turn 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j11 Illegal overtaking 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j12 Overtaking at unsafe distance 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j13 Cutting an overtaken vehicle 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Failure to give way to an overtaking
1j14 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Increasing speed when being
1j15 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Overtaking when left side is not
1j16 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
visible or clear
1j17 Overtaking upon a crest of a grade 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j18 Overtaking upon a curve 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Overtaking at any railway grade
1j19 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j20 Overtaking at an intersection 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Overtaking on "men working" or
1j21 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
"caution" signs
1j22 Overtaking at no overtaking zone 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Failure to yield the right of way –
1j23 failure of the vehicle on 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
the left to yield the right of way
Failure to yield the right of way –
1j24 failure of the vehicle on 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
the left to yield the right of way NONE
Failure to yield the right of way –
failure of the driver of any
1j25 vehicle upon the highway within a 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
business or residential
district to yield the right of way
Failure to stop before traversing a
1j26 "through highway" or 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
railroad crossing
Failure to yield the right of way –
failure of a vehicle entering
1j27 a highway from a private road or 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
driver upon a highway to
yield the right of way
Failure to yield the right of way to
1j28 ambulance, police or fire 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
department vehicles
Failure to yield the right of way at a
1j29 "through highway" or a 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
"stop intersection"
1j30 Failure to give a proper signal 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
Illegal turn – failure of the driver of
1j31 Motor Vehicle intending 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
to run to the right at an intersection
Illegal turn – failure of the driver of
1j32 a vehicle intending to 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
turn to the left
Failure to stop motor and notch
1j33 handbrake of Motor Vehicle 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
when unattended
1j34 Unsafe towing 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
1j35 Obstruction 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
MC carrying more passengers
other than the back rider or
1j36 1,000.00 NONE NONE NONE
cargo other than the saddle bags
and luggage carriers
Refusal to render service to the
1j37 4-2 public or convey passenger
to destination *
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1st Offense NONE
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
2nd Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 (30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Overcharging / Undercharging of
fare *
1st Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j38 4-3
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
- Cancellation of CPC
No franchise / CPC or evidence
of franchise presented
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1st Offense
1j39 4-5
- Impoundement of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
2nd Offense (30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
3rd Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Fraud and falsities of fake and
- Revocation / Cancellation of
1j40 4-6 spurious CPC, OR/CR, plates, NONE NONE 1,000.00 NONE
the franchise / CPC
stickers and tags *
Operating the unit/s with (2d)
defective parts and accessories *
NONE 5,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j41 4-9 1st Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense
(30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Failure to provide fare discount *

1st Offense NONE

NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j42 4-10
2nd Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Fast, tampered, defective
taximeter or operating without or
an old seal taximeter *
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j43 4-13 1st Offense
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
2nd Offense (30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
3rd Offense and sub-sequent - Cancellation of CPC
Tampered, broken, joined,
reconnected, fake or altered
wire *
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j44 4-14 1st Offense
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
2nd Offense (30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
3rd Offense and sub-sequent - Cancellation of CPC
No sign board *

1st Offense NONE

NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j45 4-18
2nd Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Pick and drop of passengers
outside terminal *
1st Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j46 4-19
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
- Cancellation of CPC
Carrying of illegal and/or
prohibited cargoes *
1st Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j47 4-20
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
- Cancellation of CPC
Failure to provide fire
extinguisher and required STOP
and GO
signage * NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j48 4-21 NONE
1st Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
(30) days
2nd Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
3rd Offense and sub-sequent - Cancellation of CPC
Trip cutting *

1st Offense NONE

NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j49 4-22
2nd Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Failure to display fare matrix *

1st Offense NONE

NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1j50 4-23
2nd Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
Offense - Cancellation of CPC
Breach of franchise conditions
under LTFRB MC No. 2011-004
(Revised Terms and Conditions
of CPC not otherwise herein NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
(30) days
1st Offense
1j51 4-25
2nd Offense

3rd Offense and sub-sequent

Offense NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
- Cancellation of CPC
Such as but not limited to the
1. Wearing of Slippers
2. Non-Wearing of Uniform
3. No Smoking sign not displayed
4. Overloading
5. Failure to grant fare discounts as
prescribed by law
Distracted Driving
1st Offense 5,000.00 NONE 5,000.00 NONE
RA 10913 2nd Offense 10,000.00 NONE 10,000.00 NONE
- Suspension of driver's license
3rd Offense 15,000.00 NONE 15,000.00 NONE
for three (3) months
Sub-sequent Offense 20,000.00 NONE 20,000.00 NONE
- Revocation of driver's license

MC Driving with child

1st Offense
RA 10666 NONE
2nd Offense
- Suspension of driver's license
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
10,000.00 NONE NONE NONE for one (1) month and revocation
of driver's license for the
succeeding offense.
Unregistered Motor Vehicle - Impoundment of Motor Vehicle,
in case of non-registration and
the violation has exceeded one
1e 2a 2,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00
(to include reckless driving) (1) month, and shall be released
upon valid registration and
payment of fine.
- Impoundment of Motor Vehicle
for one (1) year, in case
undocumented engines,
undocumented engines shall be
- Impoundment of motor vehicle
Unauthorized Motor Vehicle
2b NONE 5,000.00 NONE 5,000.00 upon inspection, correction of
defect and payment of fine
- Impoundment of motor vehicle
Operating a right-hand driver Motor until defect is corrected and
2c NONE 50,000.00 NONE 50,000.00
Vehicle deemed road worthy upon
inspection and payment of fine.
- Impoundment of motor vehicle
until accessory device,
Motor Vehicle operating with
or part is properly installed,
1j41 2d NONE 5,000.00 NONE 5,000.00 corrected or removed as the
accessories, devices, equipment
and parts
may and payment of fine.
- confiscationg of unauthorized
plate, accessory and/or device.
Failure to attach or improper - Removal and confiscation of
attachment/tampering of Motor unauthorized plate, accessory
2e NONE 5,000.00 NONE 5,000.00
Vehicle license plates and/or third and or device in favor of
plate sticker. government.
Smoke Belching

1st Offense NONE

NONE 2,000.00 NONE 2,000.00
RA 8749 2f
2nd Offense NONE
NONE 4,000.00 NONE 4,000.00
3rd Offense and sub-sequent - Suspension of MV Registration
NONE 6,000.00 NONE 6,000.00
Offense for one (1) year.
- Impoundment and barred of
2g Fraud in MV Registration/Renewal NONE 3,000.00 NONE 3,000.00 MV from registration for one (1)
All other violations in connection
2h with Motor Vehicle Registration / NONE 2,000.00 NONE 2,000.00 NONE
Renewal / Operation
- Fines shall be imposed upon
the driver of the Motor Vehicle
Load extending beyond projected operating a Motor Vehicle with
3a 1,000.00 NONE 1,000.00 NONE
width without permit any part of the load extending
beyond the projected width of
the vehicle without special
- An amount equivalent to 25%
of Motor Vehicle User's Charge
the time of infringement on
owner/operator or driver of
and trailers for loading beyond
their registered gross weight,
3b An amount vehicle weight.
equivalent - The penalty shall be waived for
Axle Overloading NONE equivalent NONE
RA 8794 to 25% of loads exceeding the registered
to 25% of
Sec. 6 MVUC Gross Vehicle Weight by a
tolerance of less than 5%.

No Motor Vehicle shall be

allowed to proceed on the
roadway if
either a dual-wheel axle load
shall exceed of the maximum
allowable gross weight.
- Fine shall be imposed upon the
Operating a passenger bus / truck driver and conductor of the
3c NONE NONE 1,000.00 NONE
with cargo exceeding 160kg. motor
Colorum Violation: A PUV

a. without proper authority from

b. outside its approved route;
c. differently from its authorized
d. with expired CPC and without
application for extension of validity

- Impoundment for three (3)

1st Offense:
Bus NONE NONE NONE 1,000,000.00
- Revocation of the ENTIRE
Trucks NONE NONE NONE 200,000.00
CPC where the apprehended
belongs (except when
Jeepney NONE NONE NONE 50,000.00
apprehended vehicle is with
Vans NONE NONE NONE 200,000.00
Sedan NONE NONE NONE 120,000.00
- Blacklisting of the apprehended
vehicle and all other authorized
units included in the CPC from
being used as PUV

- Revocation of the registration

of the apprehended vehicle and
other authorized units included
in the franchise.
- Revocation of ALL CPCs
(entire fleet) of the operator
- Disqualification of the operator.

- Blacklisting of ALL authorized

units (entire fleet) of the operator
from being used as PUV.

- Revocation of the registration

of ALL authorized units (entire
of the operator.
Failure to provide proper body
1st Offense NONE NONE NONE 5,000.00
4-4 - Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense NONE NONE NONE 10,000.00 (30) days

3rd Offense ans sub-sequent NONE NONE NONE 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
Offense unit is authorized
Allowing unauthorized driver to
drive PUV or allowing driver to
PUV without bringing his/her NONE NONE NONE 5,000.00 NONE
driver's license.
NONE NONE NONE 10,000.00 - Impoundment of unit for thirty
1st Offense (30) days
NONE NONE NONE 15,000.00
2nd Offense - Cancellation of CPC where the
unit is authorized
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
Failure to provide the Board with
complete, correct, and updated
operator's information and other
forms of misrepresentation
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
4-11 1st Offense
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00 (30) days
2nd Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
unit is authorized
Failure to display "No Smoking"
signage and/or allowing
personnel or
passenger to smoke inside the
vehicle. NONE
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1st Offense - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00 (30) days
2nd Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
3rd Offense and sub-sequent unit is authorized
Violation of color scheme or
design / Adoption or new color
design without
authority from the Board (PUB NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
4-15 NONE
and TX only)
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00
- Impoundment of unit for thirty
1st Offense
(30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00
2nd Offense
- Cancellation of CPC where the
3rd Offense and sub-sequent unit is authorized
Unregistered or unauthorized
trade/business name (PUB and
TX only)
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
1st Offense
4-16 - Impoundment of unit for thirty
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00 (30) days
2nd Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
unit is authorized
No panel route (PUJ, PUB, UV)
1st Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
4-17 - Impoundment of unit for thirty
2nd Offense
NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00 (30) days
3rd Offense and sub-sequent
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
unit is authorized
Failure to display the
International Symbol of
Accessibility inside the units
and/or failure to designate seats
specifically for the use of NONE
4-24 Persons with NONE NONE 1,000.00 5,000.00
Disability or Failure or refusal to - Impoundment of unit for thirty
transport PWDs (PUJ, PUB, TTS, NONE NONE 1,000.00 10,000.00 (30) days
NONE NONE 1,000.00 15,000.00 - Cancellation of CPC where the
1st Offense unit is authorized
2nd Offense

3rd Offense and sub-sequent


A Temporary Operator's Permit (TOP) shall authorize a driver to operate a motor vehicle for a period of seventy-two (72) hours
only. Further, all apprehensions are deemed admitted unless contested by filing a written contest within five (5) days from date of
apprehension. However, failure of the driver to pay the corresponding penalty within fifteen (15) days shall cause the automatic
suspension of his driver's license for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of apprehension in addition to the fines and penalties
prescribed hereunder. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) shall resolve a contested case within five (5) days from receipt of said
written contest.


Fines and penalties of all violations prior to implementation of Joint Administrative Order No. 2014 (JAO) dated 02 June 2014 shall
be based on Department Order No. 2008-39 dated 26 August 2008.

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